RM Maid 120

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       "Lin Ruhai family is having dinner in the Lin Lao Fu-ren courtyard. Lin Ruhai and Jia Min are sitting in Lin Lao Fu-ren separately. They can't eat and sleep, and the family of three eats silently. atmosphere has become depressing."

       "Mother, Minger Muxiu, you are going to the temple to offer incense tomorrow, and your son will take you there."

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren has a calm face without a smile on her face. Listening to Lin Ruhai, she put down the chopsticks in her hand and said indifferently:

       "No need. What kind of incense to burn? Even if it is to burn incense to worship the Bodhisattva, what is the use? No matter how compassion the Bodhisattva is, he cannot protect the seedlings from growing in this salty field. To burn incense to ask the Bodhisattva is disrespectful to the Bodhisattva."

       "You don't have to come to dine with my old Pozi from now on, I will pay it back myself."

       After Lin Lao Fu-ren reached out and asked Tian Mama to help her up and leave, only Lin Ruhai and Jiamin were left. Lin Ruhai looked helpless and frowned, showing that he was not in a happy mood. Jia Min looked embarrassed and aggrieved. Seeing Lin Ruhai hesitated to speak, the couple finally looked at each other speechlessly.

       "Since Lin Lao Fu-ren mentioned several times that Lin Ruhai was asked to take concubine and was rejected by both Lin Ruhai and Jia Min, Lin Lao Fu-ren did not wait to see the two, even Lin Ruhai biological son Don't wait to see you let alone Jia Min."

       "And between Lin Ruhai and Jia Min, since Lin Daiyu was born, Jia Min's actions caused her to be injured and unable to raise her own body. There was also a barrier between the intimate couple in the past."

       "Although Lin Ruhai cherishes his wife, he still complains in his heart for not knowing her importance."

       "And Jia Min originally felt guilty for Lin Ruhai because she couldn't bear it, but after knowing that Jiang Wanyin and her son existed, she hated Lin Ruhai and her son, thinking that Lin Ruhai and her son deceived her, especially Lin Ruhai."

       "So because of their own selfishness, the gap between the couple became deeper and deeper, and they became relatively speechless in the end."

       Jia Min looked wronged, but he hated Lin Lao Fu-ren in her heart. Lin Lao Fu-ren's words are comparing Xiantian to her, she is the Xiantian that does not grow seedlings, Jia Min feels humiliated.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren are all gone, so naturally the couple can't continue this dinner.

       Lin Ruhai got up and said to Jia Min:

       "I have something to do in my front yard, you should go back first."

       After Lin Ruhai turned and left, Jia Min immediately got up and called Lin Ruhai, who was already facing her back.


       Lin Ruhai heard Jia Min calling her, but he stopped but didn't look back. Jia Min looked at Lin Ruhai back with tears on his face.

       "Lao-Ye, do you also despise me and blame me for not being able to have children."

       Jia Min looked wronged, but there was hatred in his eyes. How much she loved Lin Ruhai before, and how much she hated Lin Ruhai after knowing that Jiang Wanyin and her son existed. Of course, Jia Min didn't know that she had misunderstood Lin Ruhai, and the existence of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son was simply an accident.

       And Lin Ruhai was also guilty of Jia Min because of the existence of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son. Although this was only an accident, because he had the intention of letting his son recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, Lin Ruhai felt more guilty towards Jia Min.

       Lin Ruhai looked back at Jia Min comforting her and said: "Nothing, don't guess. You're tired after being busy at home recently. You don't have to wait for me to go back earlier and rest. I'll go back after I deal with the matter."

       Lin Ruhai went out and left. This time Jia Min didn't stop him, but looked at Lin Ruhai background and his expression gradually became cold.

       Since Lin Ruhai ordered Lin-Mama to force Jia Min to leave the front yard a few months ago, the gap between the couple has grown, but Jia Min has been hiding well. Lin Ruhai didn't know that she already knew about the existence of Jiang Wanyin's mother and son.

       Lin Ruhai had just left the Lin-Lao-Fu-ren yard, and Lin He, who had been waiting outside the yard, approached immediately.

       "Lao-Ye, the person sent to check Lin Yu Shaoye has returned."

       "Go to the :Academy first."

       Lin Ruhai hurriedly took Lin He to the front yard, and Jia Min, who came out behind Lin Ruhai, happened to see the background of their departure. Jia Min was suspicious and ordered to follow Erxi who was serving.

       "Lin Xiang's, go, tell Lin Xiang to go to the front yard to serve Lao-Ye."

       Erxi, who is serving next to Jia Min, is at Lin Xiang's house. She is also Jia Min's dowry Maid.

       "Yes, Fu-ren."

       If Lin Xiang's family gets the order, he will immediately go to Lin Xiang. If Lin Xiang gets his Erxi, he will immediately go to the front yard.

       In the study, Lin Ruhai was listening to send someone to investigate Jiang Wanyin's mother and son's report. After learning about Jiang Wanyin's life in the past ten years after leaving the Lin Mansion, he also confirmed that Lin Yu was his son.

       Lin Ruhai has always been careful and cautious. Although he had been certain before, but not quite sure, he had been enduring the excitement in his heart and did not immediately go to Jiang Wanyin for confirmation.

       This will have a definite result, and the excitement in his heart finally can't be suppressed.

       "I have a son. I actually have a son, I..."

       Lin Ruhai was very excited when he thought that he actually had a son, and that his son was so good.

       If Lin Ruhai has other sons, knowing the existence of Lin Yu will only make Lin Ruhai happy for one more son; but now Lin Ruhai has no other children except for a Di-Daughter, especially no son who can inherit incense; so I know Lin Ruhai was so excited after Lin Yu was his son.

       "Lin He is going to prepare the car, I'm going to see Yuer."

       Lin Ruhai immediately told Lin He that he couldn't wait to see his son.

       "Lao-Ye, it's getting late now. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you to go now."

       Lin He glanced at the candle on the desk and said, after finishing talking, he opened the door of the study again to let Lin Ruhai see the sky outside. He didn't want to open the door but called Lin Xiang who was listening to the door and almost staggered. He fell into the book door.

       "Lin Xiang, what are you doing?"

       Seeing Lin Xiang so good, Lin He sternly scolded. In fact, when he saw Lin Xiang his eavesdropping posture, all three people in the study saw it. When Lin He scolded Lin Xiang, Lin Ruhai face changed.

       "Who asked you to come?"

       Lin Ruhai stared at Lin Xiang and asked. He didn't ask Lin Xiang what to do? He also didn't ask if Lin Xiang was eavesdropping, but he asked like this to confirm that Lin Xiang was eavesdropping.

       Lin Xiang's face paled when he was caught by Bao Bao on the spot, and his legs were so soft that he almost didn't kneel to the ground.

       But after all, after waiting with Lin Ruhai for decades and seeing a lot of big scenes, he finally stood up.

       "Old, Lao-Ye, Fu-ren will send someone to ask you when you will go back to rest."

       Lin Xiang was naturally clever to wait on Lin Ruhai side, so he quickly found an excuse.

       "Got it."

       Seeing the sky outside, Lin Ruhai had dispelled the idea of looking for his son immediately; however, he did not plan to go back to the backyard to rest.

       "Lin He, you have someone to send a message to Fu-ren, I will stay in the front yard tonight. Let Lin Xiang watch the night, you all go back to rest."

       Looking at Lin Xiang's expression, Lin Ruhai didn't let him spread the word, but instead left him behind.

       Lin Xiang immediately became anxious when he heard Lin Ruhai let him stay and let Lin He go to spread the message. Fu-ren is still waiting for him to reply. If he doesn't go back, how can he tell Fu-ren?

       "Lao-Ye, let Nucai go back and talk back, just as Nucai asked Nucai Erxi to get something."

       "What do you want to get Lin He to bring you, you come with me, I have something to ask you."

       Lin Ruhai left the study and went to the bedroom when he finished speaking. Lin Xiang had no choice but to keep up.

       Lin Xiang left behind Lin Ruhai but didn't see Lin He and the two people who were left with the look of contempt when they looked at him.

       Knowing that Lin Ruhai has a son and that the Lin family has a heir, Lin He is no less happy than Lin Ruhai. Lin He is a child of the Lin family and has served in the Lin family for several generations; as a Nucai family, they can live a stable life only when the master is well; only when the master’s family inherits, they can continue to serve in the Lin family; now the Lin family succeeds Someone, Lin He is naturally happy.

       Jia Min waited in the backyard for a long time without seeing Lin Xiang coming back. She also urged Lin Xiang's family to go out to see. She didn't want to wait until Lin Xiang came back, but instead waited until Lin He came to send a message.

       After listening to Lin Xiang's narration, Jia Min's face was gloomy and frightening. After sending Lin Xiang's family out, Jia Min asked her confidant Zhou Mama.

       "Wet-nurse, haven't some of them come back yet?"

       "Not yet, Fu-ren."

       "I haven't come back so late, maybe something has happened?" Jia Min was worried, afraid that it would not happen.

       Zhou Mama: "No way."

       "Why not? Don't forget that bastard can martial arts. That wild kind is the son of that bastard maid, maybe he can also martial arts." Jia Min gritted his teeth.

       "But isn't that kid a scholar?"

       "There are not no scholars who know martial arts."

       "If it is true, what should we do now? If they fail or get captured, then that would be a shame, Fu-ren.."

       Guessing the possibility in his heart, Jia Min worried that he couldn't sleep at all.

       Jiang Wanyin took Lin Yu home. Although there was a major incident, it was the private matter of the mother and son. Jiang Wanyin did not go to Zhen's house to ask for help.

       After returning home, Jiang Wanyin re-examined Lin Yu and bandaged the wound, and let Lin Yu take care of her injury before proceeding with the next thing.

       Lei Ting rigorously interrogated the three living bandits and got the answers they wanted; Jiang Wanyin asked his servants to give medicine to the three living bandits to ensure that they would not die. Jiang Wanyin was not so kind to treat them.

       Originally, ordinary people would have reported to officials for such a thing, but Jiang Wanyin did not.

       Knowing from the bandits who sent them, Jiang Wanyin had scruples in his heart and didn't report to the official because of his son Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang Wanyin was so angry that she couldn't wait to come to the door immediately to question, but it was getting late but it was not when she went out, she could only bear it down temporarily. Jiang Wanyin spent the whole night thinking about countermeasures.

       But I didn't want to. Before she came to ask questions, Lin Ruhai came to the door in person early the next morning.

       Lin Ruhai was excited because he had his son, and because he was worried about his son's desire to see his son, Lin Ruhai didn't sleep at all at night, and Lin Ruhai went out before the day was light. Lin Ruhai was with Lin He and another entourage when he went out; as for Lin Xiang, who had been following Lin Ruhai, was left in the house by Lin Ruhai.

       When Lin Ruhai arrived at Jiang Wanyin's house, the sky was still dark, and people could not be seen clearly when he was far away. reason why Lin Ruhai came so early was not only because he was worried about his son, but also because he was worried that Jiang Wanyin was now a widow.

       He, a court official, went to the widow door early in the morning, and it would always be bad for someone to see it. Not to mention that it will affect Jiang Wanyin's reputation, even Lin Ruhai reputation is not good.

       Lin Ruhai got off the horse and stood outside the gate. Looking at the plaque on the gate, Lin Ruhai felt quite complicated.

       Although Lin Ruhai felt uncomfortable when he learned that Jiang Wanyin claimed to be a widow when he died, but also thought that Jiang Wanyin not only gave him a son, but also let his son be named Lin instead of taking his son to remarry and let his son call someone else's last name. Being a father, Lin Ruhai was grateful to Jiang Wanyin.

       Of course, thinking that Jiang Wanyin used to be his Tongfang Maid, Lin Ruhai had narcissistically thought that Jiang Wanyin gave birth to his son and gave him his surname because he was unforgettable with his old love.

       After thinking about it, Lin Ruhai asked someone to knock on the door.

       The door of Lin Mansion opened soon.

       "Who, so early? Who are you, what are you doing this early?"

       Lin He hurried forward:

       "Lao tells you something, I, Lao-Ye, come to visit Lin Yu Shaoye."

       Lin Ruhai Gate (27)

       "Fu-ren, Xunyan Yu History Lin Daren is here."

       After getting up, Jiang Wanyin went to see Lin Yu in Lin Yu's house. Because Lin Yu was injured, Jiang Wanyin made him a bowl of tranquilizing soup last night, but Lin Yu hadn't woken up yet.

       As soon as Jiang Wanyin came out of Lin Yu's house, the servants hurriedly reported Lin Ruhai arrival.

       "It's fast, and it saves me coming to the door myself."

       Jiang Wanyin thought that Lin Ruhai came because of Lin Yu's assassination yesterday, and his expression was not good.

       "Go, please Lin-Daren to the main hall, and I'll pass afterwards."

       The subordinates were ordered to leave, and Maid beside her gave her a look at Jiang Wanyin's words, but Jiang Wanyin was thinking about it and didn't pay attention.

       It is said that Jiang Wanyin is now a widow, and it is really inappropriate to follow the opinions of foreign men.

       It's just that Jiang Wanyin's heart was full of wanting to seek justice for Hezi, and there was nothing to hide from her real relationship with Lin Ruhai, so Jiang Wanyin didn't think much.

       Jiang Wanyin hurried to the main hall, and just outside the main hall, he saw Lin Ruhai who was led by the subordinates. Jiang Wanyin forced a smirk on her face:

       "Lao Lin Daren is so expensive to be in my low-level shantytown, but it really makes the humble house flourish. Lin Daren, please come in."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't mean to let her servants watch the play, she said as she entered the room. Jiang Wanyin sent everyone out without even giving tea.

       "Snow Crane..."

       Lin Ruhai followed into the room and was mocked by Jiang Wanyin. Lin Ruhai couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She subconsciously called Jiang Wanyin's snow name when she was Maid. When Jiang Wanyin heard Lin Ruhai call her Snow Crane, her face suddenly changed and she looked blankly. With Lin Ruhai.

       "Who is Lin Daren called? There are no snow cranes here?"


       Lin Ruhai ended up being stunned by Jiang Wanyin, and he didn't know how to call Jiang Wanyin. Looking up, meeting Jiang Wanyin's cold eyes, Lin Ruhai didn't even know where to start. Lin-Tanhua Flower-Scholar, who has always been outstanding in literary talent, is also speechless.

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Ruhai with cold eyes, with irony on her face.

       "Lin-Daren is well-informed and comes quickly, so I don't want to come personally. I just don't know how Lin-Daren explained this?"

       Jiang Wanyin thought that Lin Ruhai came because he knew that Jia Min had sent someone to assassinate Lin Yu, but Lin Ruhai came to recognize his son. two thoughts were not the same thing at all, so Lin Ruhai heard what Jiang Wanyin said. , Unknown so.

       "I don't know what you are talking about? What do you want me to explain?"

       Although he was embarrassed again and again after seeing Jiang Wanyin, Lin Ruhai quickly calmed down with a calm expression.

       "What's the matter? Lin-Daren didn't think I didn't know it would be impossible?" Jiang Wanyin smirked again with complaints.

       Lin Ruhai frowned when he heard this, how could he not feel Jiang Wanyin's straightforward resentment, but he didn't understand.

       "I really don't know what you are talking about? I came to see Yuer, where's Yuer?"

       "Sure enough, you know."

       Jiang Wanyin knew what he said, and the anger in his heart was even stronger.

       "You come to see Yuer, you are here to determine if Yuer is dead!"

       Jiang Wanyin stared at Lin Ruhai, not because Lin Ruhai is now an official and afraid of him.

       "What do you mean by that? What's wrong with Yuer? Where is Yuer now, take me to see him."

       Lin Ruhai got up from the chair anxiously.

       Lin Ruhai wanted to see Lin Yu, but Jiang Wanyin would agree.

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Ruhai suspiciously. It's not like Lin Ruhai looks like a fake. Does he really know?

       Just thinking of her injured son, Jiang Wanyin's grievances can hardly disappear, and her speech naturally has no good tone.

       "What's wrong with Yu Er? Don't you know? If you really don't know what you are doing in my house?"

       "What the hell is going on? Tell me, don't go in circles with me, I really don't know what you said?"

       Lin Ruhai worried that his son was in a hurry.

       "You really don't know?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Ruhai suspiciously, and began to believe in Lin Ruhai. After all, she still knows Lin Ruhai personality, but she is also worried that people's hearts will change over the years.

       Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but sarcastically said:

       "Didn't your Fu-ren tell you what she did? Didn't you come to see the results for Jia-Shi?"

       "Hmph, I'm afraid I will disappoint you. My son was not killed as you wished. My son is still alive."

       "What are you talking about? Who is going to kill Yu Er? How is Yu Er? Is Yu Er injured?"

       Lin Ruhai was anxious and worried.

       "Who else is there besides your cruel Fu-ren, Qianjin Jia Min from Rongguo Mansion?"

       Lin Ruhai eyes widened in disbelief, but Jiang Wanyin ignored him and continued:

       "You must have known Yu Er's identity when you came today. Yes, you are Yu Er's father, but Yu Er is just my son. Go back and tell Jia Min that Yu Er and I have never thought about going back to Lin's house. I never thought about competing for the Lin family's property, our mother and son have nothing to do with your Lin family."

       "Others are afraid of you Lin Ruhailin Yushi and Jia Minrong’s Qianjin, this Mu-Lady is not afraid of you. big deal is death. If you dare to hurt my son, I will die with you. It was Jia Min who dared to send someone to assassinate my son yesterday. I will report it next day."

       A murderous intent appeared in Jiang Wanyin's eyes. In front of Lin Ruhai face, he made no secret of it. Lin Ruhai staggered in fright and fell back and sits on a chair.

       "How could it be? How could it be.."

       He just learned that he had a son before he was happy, but at this meeting he knew that his wife sent someone to assassinate his son.

       How did Jia Min know Yu Er and her son? Why did Jia Min do this?

       Listening to Lin Ruhainian's words, Jiang Wanyin said with a cold face:

       "What? Do you think I'm lying?"

       "I kept the killer sent by Jia Min alive. I personally interrogated them. If you don't believe me, I will take you to ask in person."

       Lin Ruhai couldn't believe Jia Min did such a thing. Hearing Jiang Wanyin's suggestion to interrogate the killer, Lin Ruhai also silently agreed.

       Jiang Wanyin took Lin Ruhai to see the three people and the two corpses; there was no need to interrogate him, but Lin Ruhai recognized the son of Jia Min's companion house. Gein Lin Ruhai has met once.

       Seeing the three of them, Lin Ruhai face became extremely ugly, when he turned around to see the irony on Jiang Wanyin's face. Lin Ruhai was ashamed and couldn't wait to find a hole to get in.

       "These bandits are all from your Lin family. They were all sent by Jia Min. Do you believe it now?"

       "Sorry, I don't know about this. I didn't expect her to do this."

       Lin Ruhai was able to stretch and flex, which would directly apologize to Jiang Wanyin.

       Jiang Wanyin took a cold look at the forest like a sea.

       "Since you admit it, I have nothing to say. These people are now in my house instead of in the official jail. This is because I look at Yu Er to give you the Lin family. You have to give me and Yu Er confessed that my son’s injuries can’t be taken in vain. If you can’t give our mother and son a satisfactory explanation, I don’t mind taking revenge on my son in person."

       Jiang Wanyin forced Lin Ruhai.

       If Jia Min dares to kill her son, she will let Jia Min lose everything.

       Wouldn't it be better if the husband and wife turned against each other?

       "Is Yu Er injured? Is it serious? No matter what, Yuer, can I see him?"

       Lin Ruhai didn't answer Jiang Wanyin directly, but turned the topic to Lin Yu.

       Although Jiang Wanyin gave birth to a son for Lin Ruhai, and even though Lin Yu is Lin Ruhai son, the relationship between Lin Ruhai and Jia Min for decades is not fake; therefore, it is obviously impossible for Lin Ruhai to make a choice.

       Jiang Wanyin is naturally not worth mentioning in Lin Ruhai heart, I am afraid that Lin Yu is not as important as Jia Min's in Lin Ruhai heart.

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Ruhai coldly.

       "Do you want to see Yuer?"

       "No way."

       "If you want to see Yu Er, wait until you handle this matter."

       Jiang Wanyin refused to let Lin Ruhai see Lin Yu.

       In addition to Jiang Wanyin's reluctance, it was also because Jiang Wanyin was worried about Lin Yu. Lin Yu was injured, and Jiang Wanyin was also afraid that he would see Lin Ruhai emotionally affect the wound healing. Of course, more importantly, Jiang Wanyin did not want Lin Ruhai to recognize Lin Yu, nor did he want Lin Yu to be recognized back to the Lin family as Shu-son.

       She will take Yu Er back to Lin's house upright in the future.

       "Lin-Daren hasn't come for a short time. My widow has a lot of troubles in front of her house, and it is not convenient to entertain Lin-Daren. Lin-Daren should take your Lin family's Nucai away."

       Lin Ruhai couldn't help but twist his face when he heard Jiang Wanyin call himself a widow.

       He is obviously still alive, but his son's biological mother claims to be a widow. Is this expecting him to die?

       Jiang Wanyin bluntly said to see off the guests, but Lin Ruhai hesitated.

       "Yu Er, do you know that I am his father?"

       "Didn't I tell you? I'm a widow, and Yu Er is a posthumous child. How can there be a living husband and father if you are a posthumous widow. Besides, you are not my husband."

       Jiang Wanyin lied without changing his face.

       "I told Yuer that his father died early after Yu Er got sensible; so you and Jia Min don't have to worry that our mother and son will pester your Lin family."

       Lin Ruhai looked ugly when he heard this, but Jiang Wanyin didn't give him half a look.

       "Okay, you can take someone with you. Don't come again in the future, and don't go to Yu Er. I don't want you to bring disaster to Yu Er again."

       Jiang Wanyin directly chased Lin Ruhai away, and Lin Ruhai was almost driven out of the house by Jiang Wanyin.

       There was bad news before he saw his son. Lin Ruhai, who was in a bad mood, glanced at the door plaque outside the gate of Lin Mansion, and left back home with a calm face and two dead bodies, three alive and five Nucai.

        "Lin Ruhai rushed home with anger. Originally, Lin Ruhai wanted to confront Jia Min and question Jia Min; however, he changed his mind when he returned to the house."

       "What about Fu-ren?"

       Stepping into the mansion gate, Lin Ruhai asked angrily.

       Butler Lin didn't know why Lin Ruhai was so angry and hurried to report the truth.

       "Back to Lao-Ye, today the shopkeepers have sent the bill, and Fu-ren is checking the accounts with the shopkeepers."

       Hearing Jia Min was busy, Lin Ruhai sanity returned from his anger, but he calmed down a lot.

       "Lin Ruhai thought for a while and wanted to tell Steward Lin: "Don't bother Fu-ren, and don't alarm Lao Fu-ren. "

       "This matter is about Fu-ren. His mother has been at odds with Fu-ren's motherzi and daughterzi. It is better not to let mother know about this matter."

       "After telling Steward Lin, Lin Ruhai turned around and said to Lin He: "Bring everyone to the front yard. "

       Lin Ruhai took people directly to the front yard.

       Although Lin Ruhai confessed that he didn't have to alarm Jia Min, Jia Min has been in charge of the Lin family's inner house for more than ten years since he married into the Lin family. Her eyes are everywhere in the mansion. It is impossible to hide things from Jia Min in the mansion.

       It took less than two quarters of an hour for Lin Ruhai to return home. Jia Min already knew the news of Lin Ruhai return and also knew that Lin Ruhai had brought back several injured people.

       "When Jia Min heard that Lin Ruhai had brought back with an injured person, she immediately thought of something, and her face changed immediately."

       "After hurriedly dismissing the reimbursement shopkeeper, Jia Min asked carefully."

       "You said Lao-Ye brought people back? Who did Lao-Ye bring back?"

       "Nucai was afraid that Lao-Ye and Steward Lin didn't dare to look closer. They were too far away and didn't see clearly. They only saw a few people being carried away, and they seemed to be unclear.."

       "Okay, I see, you can go down first."

       After sending a report to the subordinate, Jia Min hurried to find her Wet-nurse Zhou Mama.

       "Wet-nurse, Lao-Ye brought a few injured people back today, will they be the ones we sent out?"

       The person sent out has not returned yet, Jia Min is worried. When Lin Ruhai came back, Jia Min was very sensitive and immediately thought of the person he sent out.

       "Where did Lao-Ye go out this morning?"

       Zhou Mama didn't answer Jia Min's question and asked Jia Min instead.

       "Lao-Ye stayed in the front yard last night, how do I know where he went? I didn't even know when he left the house early in the morning."

       Jia Min said angrily, she felt bad when she mentioned it, and she felt resentful.

       In the past, if Lao-Ye went out, she would definitely call her ward, letting her know that he didn’t have to worry about going out; but now, when she goes out early in the morning, she hasn’t even sent a Nucai to the ward.

       Sure enough, confidantes are easy to grow old and people's hearts are changeable.

       Lin Ruhai heart has changed.

       "If it weren't for the best person we sent, if it's really the person sent by our family, I'm afraid Lao-Ye had gone to that cheap-people's house early. If Lao-Ye really went there, then Lao-Ye is afraid I already know it."

       "If this is the case, Fu-ren, you have to think of a countermeasure. If Lao-Ye is angry and offends you, if Lao Fu-ren, you know that the bastard-person is in Yangzhou City, I'm afraid..."

       Zhou Mama urges Jia Min to think about a countermeasure, but if it is really Lin Ruhai, it is already dirty, so how can Jia Min be able to quibble.

       Jia Min knew in her heart that she looked at Zhou Mama and cast her eyes down in thought.

       "Wet-nurse, you are right, if it is not the best, then I have to think about the countermeasures..." She must not admit it, and must not be her doing it.

       "Fu-ren, would you like to go to the front yard and check the news?"

       Zhou Mama suggested. Following Zhou Mama's suggestion, Jia Min suddenly gave Zhou Mama a suspicious look.

       She doesn't know who Lao-Ye brought back. It's not a good suggestion to go to the front yard rashly at this time. Doesn't it tell her not to confess.

       What's wrong with Wet-nurse today?

       Jia Min didn't listen to Zhou-Mama this time, she then ordered:

       "Lin Xiang's family, Wet-nurse, you asked Lin Xiang's family to come over."

       After Zhou Mama went out, Jia Min looked at Zhou Mama's background in deep thought, but she wrung her brows for some reason.

       Jia Min called Lin Xiang's family and ordered her to go to the front yard to find Lin Xiang for news.

       Lin Xiang's family immediately went to the front yard when he got the order, but he did not come back.

       Jia Min was uneasy in the backyard. Lin Ruhai in the front yard personally interrogated the three people again, and it was indeed confirmed from the three people that the five people were indeed sent by Jia Min to assassinate Lin Yu. Although Jiang Wanyin had heard Jiang Wanyin's talk at Jiang Wanyin's house, he has now personally confirmed that Lin Ruhai is still furious.

       Lin Ruhai was angry that Jia Min sent someone to kill an innocent person, and was even more angry that he had been married to Jia Min for nearly twenty years, and that he had been deceived by Jia Min for so many years. For so many years, in Lin Ruhai heart, Jia Min has always been a delicate, kind, beautiful, gentle, and versatile woman. He is the perfect wife in his mind; Jia Min is also dignified, graceful, elegant, intelligent and considerate, and is a qualified master mother.

       But since Jia Min gave birth to his daughter and injured her body and couldn't regenerate, he gradually discovered that Jia Min had changed. He had always been unbelieving and deceiving himself, convinced himself that Jia Min was not like that, and Jia Min had not changed.

       But now the reality slapped him in the face, and the realization of Chi Guoguo exposed Jia Min's true face.

       He always thought that a gentle and kind wife could send someone to brutally assassinate innocent people, especially after knowing that Lin Yu's child was his son, she actually wanted to kill Lin Yu. Obviously she can't regenerate, knowing that if there is no male in the Lin family, she would cut off the incense, but Jia Min completely ignored it; it can be seen that he did not take the Lin family to heart.

       Yes, her heart has always been in the Rongguo Mansion, and her heart has never been in the Lin family; so she despised the Lin family and his mother; so she gave the Lin family's wealth to the Jia family. Maybe she didn't want the Lin family to pass on it at all, maybe she hoped that the Lin family would cut off the incense so that the Lin family's wealth would be given to the Jia family.

       Lin Ruhai remembered what Lin Lao Fu-ren had chanted in his ear.

       Before Lin Lao Fu-ren said this when she was angry, Lin Ruhai did not believe it, and repeatedly persuaded Lin Lao Fu-ren that she thought too much.

       After learning about this, Lin Ruhai remembered Lin Lao Fu-ren, and then recalled the gifts and goods Jia Min sent to Jia’s family every year and the special products of the capital that Jia’s family gave every time.

       Isn't what Jia Min did is to send the Lin family's wealth to Jia's family?

       Lin Ruhai was immersed in the gentle township built by Jia Min before, and was blinded by a leaf. Now he jumped out of the gentle township built by Jia Min and saw Jia Min's face clearly before he fully awoke.

       At this time, Lin Ruhai didn’t know. If there was no Jiang Wanyin butterfly, he would really be as Lin Lao Fu-ren said, because Jiamin and Lin Ruhai not only sent Lin’s wealth to Jia’s family, but also his own daughter was sent to Jia's house and his life was lost to Jia's house.

       But in fact, Jia Min was not like this at the beginning. At the beginning, Jia Min was indeed the perfect wife Lin Ruhai thought of as Lin Ruhai expected. Although Jia Min has a deep affection for the Jia family, since she married Lin Ruhai, she has also been dedicated to the Lin family's plan, and also wants to raise children for Lin Ruhai and inherit the Lin family. She was infertile for more than ten years, and this psychology has slowly changed; especially when she finally got pregnant but gave birth to only a daughter, and after giving birth to a daughter, she injured her body and couldn't regenerate, and Jia Min's mind changed completely.

       In Jia Min’s heart, everything in the Lin family should be inherited by her Jia Min’s son. Now she can’t have children. Instead of letting other women’s children inherit the Lin family, they will not give it to her natal Jia’s family; therefore, since Lin Daiyu’s birth In the past two years, Jia Min moved more and more things to her mother's house, and became more and more presumptuous. It is precisely because of this that Lin Lao Fu-ren is more and more displeased with her, and even hates Jia Min.

       Now Lin Ruhai wakes up from the gentle township, recalling that he has repeatedly violated his biological mother for Jia Min over the years, it is really unfilial; thinking of Jia Min, Lin Ruhai is angry in his heart, with blue veins on his forehead raised.

       Lin and several people only thought that Lin Ruhai was angry because of the three people's words.

       "Lao-Ye, what should we do with these three?"

       Lin Ruhai thought of the three Wen Jun's faces with hostility.

       "Now they still have a breath. They are still alive. They have to be cleaned up and cleaned up. In addition, Lin and you will talk to Lin-Mama and find out all the relatives of these five people, called slavetrader. Come and take away. Nucai Lin family who dares to plot against the master, so unfaithful and unrighteous, dare not stay."

       Lin Ruhai did not hesitate to order the three who were still alive to assassinate Lin Yu and their families.

       When Lin He opened the door and was about to go out, he saw Lin Xiang being escorted by the guards arranged by Lin Ruhai outside.

       "what happened?"

       Lin Ruhai face turned black when he saw Lin Xiang held by the guard.

       "Back to Lao-Ye, Lin Xiang hid under the window to eavesdrop, and was found and taken down by his subordinate."

       "Lao-Ye be merciful, Lao-Ye be merciful..."

       This time he was caught, and Lin Xiang argued that he was indisputable. He threw himself on his knees and begged for mercy.

       It's just that Lin Xiang made mistakes time and time again and violated Lin Ruhai bottom line. How could Lin Ruhai tolerate him again.

       "I have given you the opportunity that day. I didn't expect you to repent without repenting and commit another offense. My Lin family cannot tolerate you."

       Lin Ruhai spoke blankly, Lin Xiang's face was pale.

       "Lin He, give Lin Xiang's family to Steward Lin to deal with. As for Lin Xiang's family, they are all cleared from the house and placed on Zhuangzi."

       As long as one family is unfaithful, Lin Ruhai will never allow their family members to work in the mansion again.

       Lin Mama and the steward Lin moved very quickly. All the relatives of the five people were found by Lin Mama, and the slavetrader was called to take the five family members and relatives to the slavetrader. Steward Lin also asked someone to take Lin Xiang's family to Zhuangzi.

       When Lin Xiang's family was taken, Lin Xiang's family ran to Jia Min for help. Jia Min learned that Lin Ruhai had ordered the cleanup of the servants in the house, and most of these people were her companion room and her companion's in-laws.

       "Fu-ren, help, Fu-ren. Nubi don't go to Zhuangzi, Fu-ren, help. Fu-ren, please."

       "what happened?"

       Lin Xiang’s family cried and begged, Jia Min still didn’t know what was going on, Lin Xiang’s family hadn’t answered yet, but at this time Lin Xiang’s family brought someone to ask for someone.

       "The old slave pleases Fu-ren."

       "Steward Lin, what are you doing?" Jia Min glared at Steward Lin when he saw the two Pozi brought by behind him.

       Husband and Wife's End (29)

       "Back to Fu-ren, Lao-Ye has an order to send Lin Xiang's family to Zhuangzi as an errand immediately. Please also Fu-ren not to embarrass the old slave."

       Steward Lin bowed back respectfully, without showing any disrespect to Jia Min.

       "Send it to Zhuangzi? Why? Why does this person want to send it to Zhuangzi?"

       Jia Min suddenly opened up, and Liu eyebrows stared at Butler Lin.

       "Lin Xiang has served Lao-Ye for decades. What did he make a mistake? Lao-Ye is so cruel to send him to Zhuangzi."

       "Furthermore, it's my dowry Maid from Lin Xiang's family. Lao-Ye must first ask me what I mean even if you want to deal with Lin Xiang's family.."

       Jia Min snapped furiously.

       In Jia Min’s opinion, Lin Ruhai dealt with the servants in the mansion without ventilating with her master mistress. This is disrespectful to her, this is interfering with her stewardship; and the treatment is still her dowry Maid, which is more serious. Up.

       Facing the furious Jia Minlin butler, he was not frightened. He still stood respectfully and waited for Jia Min to finish speaking before answering.

       "Lin Xiang violated Lao-Ye's order and made big mistakes. Lao-Ye personally ordered Lin Xiang and his family to be sent to Zhuangzi as an errand. As for Fu-ren, Lin Xiang's family was your dowry, but she is now It is Lin Xiang’s Erxi and Lin Xiang that are one body. Fu-ren You have been married to the Lin family, Lao-Ye is the head of the Lin family."

       Finally, Butler Lin reminded Jia Min.

       Steward Lin’s meaning is obvious. Since Jia Min has already married to the Lin family, her dowry Maid is also married to the Lin family’s Nucai. Then Lin Ruhai, the Lin family’s head, has the right to dispose of the Lin family’s Nucai.

       Jia Min was immediately blocked by Butler Lin's words, flushing with anger.

       But Steward Lin didn't care about Jia Min. He continued:

       "Fu-ren, the carriage to Zhuangzi is still waiting at the back door. Please also Fu-ren not to embarrass the old slave."

       Saying that Steward Lin waved:

       "Hurry up and take Lin Xiang's family out, lest she startle Fu-ren."

       "Fu-ren, please, Fu-ren..."

       Steward Lin ordered the two Pozis to come forward and arrest Lin Xiang's family, and Lin Xiang's family hid behind Jia Min and begged for mercy, but it was useless. Jia Min was silenced by the butler Lin to refute. Steward Lin was right, she was from the Lin family when she married.

       Jia Min could only watch Lin Xiang's house being taken away by Butler Lin.

       When Lin Xiang's family asked for help, Jia Min didn't save her and watched her being taken away. Lin Xiang's family resented Jia Min and cursed while being dragged away.

       "Fu-ren, you are so cruel, Nubi has served you for decades to do so many shameful things for you, you treat me like this, Jia Min, you are so cruel, Jia Min can't die. ."

       The more the curse of Lin Xiang's family became more and more fierce, the steward Lin directly blocked her mouth.

       The people in the main courtyard saw this scene, especially those of Jia Min's dowry. eyes of Jia Min who saw that Jia Min hadn't saved Lin Xiang's house changed.

       Jia Min trembled with anger and didn't notice the eyes of other people looking at her, and Zhou Mama beside her didn't remind her.

       Zhou Mama looked at Jia Min and said:

       "Fu-ren, that Lin Xiang’s family is your dowry, so it’s up to you, Lao-Ye..."

       Zhou Mama Jia Min is even more angry when he says that.

       "Help me to the front yard, I want to see Lao-Ye..."

       She wants to see Lin Ruhai, she wants to ask him what he wants?

       Lin Ruhai deceived so much!

       Jia Min rushed straight to the front yard. When Jia Min went to the front yard, he met Lin Lao Fu-ren in the courtyard. Soon Lin Lao Fu-ren also knew about Jia Min's qi. Rushing to the front yard; Lin Lao Fu-ren worried about what happened to Lin Ruhai and his wife, and hurried Tian Mama to help go to the front yard.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren Jia Min was already questioning Lin Ruhai when he arrived in the front yard.


       Lin Ruhai looked at Jia Min, who was flushed with anger.

       "Why Fu-ren, don't you know?"

       "Those Nucai ended up like this and they deserve it. As for what they did, Fu-ren, you know best if it is not. After all, you ordered them to do it..."

       "I always thought Fu-ren you are gentle and kind... I didn't expect my gentle and kind Fu-ren would send someone to assassinate an innocent child..."

       Jia Min pressed each other step by step, and Lin Ruhai was forced to expose what Jia Min had done.

       Although Jia Min had guesses, Lin Ruhai never asked her to tell her about this. She had a fluke; then Jia Lin Ruhai dealt with her dowry Maid, she was embarrassed, and Lin Ruhai would say this to her face, and Jia Min's face instantly paled.

       Jia Min was shocked when Lin Ruhai debunked Jia Min, but after listening to Lin Ruhai backyard, Jia Min was immediately furious, and it seemed that Lin Ruhai was suspicious.

       "Why did I send someone to assassinate innocent people? Who said that, there is nothing at all. How do I, a woman in the backyard of a deep house who is out of the gate and unable to walk, know what's outside."

       "I've never done anything like this, Lao-Ye, you can't put this charge on me and wrong me."

       Jia Min refused to admit it, and Lin Ruhai stared at her.

       "Not you? Who is that? Those five people are all your companions, and they have all explained that you ordered them to assassinate Lin Yu.."

       "No. I didn't. I didn't send anyone to kill anyone. I said that I didn't. I didn't do it. You can't wrong me."

       Jia Min interrupted Lin Ruhai.

       "It must be Zhou Mama, she must be the master without telling me, this matter has nothing to do with me..." Jia Min felt guilty.

       Jia Min pushed everything to Zhou Mama, but Lin Ruhai didn't believe it:

       "Zhou Mama is just a Nucai. Without your order, she would let someone assassinate Lin Yu."

       "There are only you and me in this room. Are you planning to deceive me with lies now?" Lin Ruhai stared at Jia Min's eyes and asked word by word.

       "That's just a ten-year-old kid. What's wrong with Fu-ren? You can't tolerate him. Why are you doing this?"

       Lin Ruhai was heartbroken.

       Jia Min couldn't see it but broke the jar.

       "That's right, that wild-kind of him is hindering me."

       "I am the Fu-ren of your Lin Ruhai, I am the mistress of the Lin family, but your mother has been unpleasant to me over the years, so she has chosen three or four. Obviously I am the wife of your Lin Ruhaiming media. Everything should belong to my child, but Lao Fu-ren wants to find that wild-species to inherit the Lin family..."

       "Lin Ruhai, your mother and your son deceived me too much! I gave birth to you, the Lin family, and I can’t regenerate after giving birth. It’s not my fault. It’s not my fault for not having a son, but your mother and son blame me. Despise me. Not only that, you also deceive me!"

       "You obviously have a wild-species out there. Your mother and son didn’t tell me, and you pretended to find the daughter of your old friend.. Your mother and son deceived me and wanted to retrieve the wild-species without telling me to inherit the Lin family.. Lin family Everything should belong to my child, and it should belong to Yu Er.. What qualifications does the wild-species have to inherit the Lin family? Why does he..."

       "So you gave the Lin family wealth to the Jia family?"

       Lin Ruhai interrupted Jia Min's questioning.

       "If Yuer can't get everything from the Lin family, I will never allow it to fall into the hands of the wild."

       "Lin Ruhai, don't forget, if it weren't for my father, how could Lin Ruhai have today. If it weren't for my father's support, Lin Ruhai would have today... You promised my father to treat me well, you Lin Ruhai treat me so well? My... Are you worthy of my father worthy of me?"

       Jia Min talked about the past and directly hit Lin Ruhai in the face. Lin Ruhai face is getting more and more ugly, but anyone with self-esteem will feel ashamed when he hears such words, and Lin Ruhai is the same.

       "Jia Min, you don't feel bad for saying this. When you married Lin-Mother, you immediately handed over the power to take charge of the inner house of the Lin family. Mother treated you very well; but how did you return my mother?"

       "You have been married to the Lin family for more than ten years and have not had a son and a half. In those ten years, I have treated you well.. You gave birth to a daughter completely regardless of your own confinement and injured your own body, which made you unable to regenerate. I may have blamed you.. But you, for ignoring the new-born daughter of a female child and bullying my daughter.. You have been ashamed for what you have done over the years..."

       "You sent someone to assassinate Yu Er. I've covered this matter and gave you enough face. Send someone to kill an innocent person, don't you feel any guilt in your heart?"

       Listening to Lin Ruhai questioning, Jia Min not only was not afraid, but was even more angry.

       "Guilty? Why should I be guilty? It is your mother and son who should be guilty."

       "You Lin Ruhai told me to raise Outside Mistress and gave birth to a wild-species, and you want that wild-species to inherit the Lin family; you Lin Ruhai deceived people too much, you Lin Ruhai is the one who feels most guilty of me..."

       "What nonsense are you talking about? How come I raise Outside Mistress outside, this is nothing at all."

       "If it weren't for you in the outside breeding room, where did the wild-species come from? Why did you raise Outside Mistress?

       "There is no Outside Mistress at all. Jiang-Shi used to be my Tongfang Maid. Yu Er was pregnant by Jiang-Shi at that time. I didn’t know about it before. Then Jiang-Shi was not raised by me either. Outside Mistress. And Lin Yu, he is not a wild-species, Yuer, he is my son of Lin Ruhai.."

       "Your son, haha.. Lin Ruhai, you dream. As long as Jia Min is alive for one day, you can't imagine bringing that wild-species, you can't imagine. I will never agree."

       "I can't help but you don't agree!"

       Just as Jia Min's words fell, the door was suddenly pushed open, Lin Lao Fu-ren came in and stared at Jia Min and said.

        "Mother, I heard someone say Lin Daren was here, right?"

       Lin Yu endured and endured and finally couldn't help but ask Jiang Wanyin.

       "Drink the medicine first."

       "Jiang Wanyin handed the medicine bowl to Lin Yu. These herbs are bitter. Jiang Wanyin doesn't feed his son spoonfuls of spoonfuls. He just waits for the medicine to warm and give it to Lin Yu to make him feel bored."

       Sure enough, just like when Jiang Wanyin was drinking the medicine, Lin Yu took the medicine and pinched his nose to pour it down, handed the bowl of medicine to Jiang Wanyin and took the water that Jiang Wanyin gave him to drink.

       "Mother, it's just a skin injury, and the injury is not serious. Can we not take this medicine without taking it." This medicine is bitter. "

       "You are not seriously injured after being chopped twice. Do you have to wait for those bandits to chop you into sludge before you are seriously injured?"

       Jiang Wanyin said badly.

       Lin Yu felt that his face couldn't hold back.

       "Mother, how is this possible. What kind of mud, it's almost the same if the son chopped them into mud."

       "Just blow it on you. If you don't practice if you don't practice it on most days, you will regret it if you have been hurt and painful this time. If you practice well on most days, how can the mobs of bandits hurt you this time."

       "This time I was so lucky that my mother arrived in time. What can you do if your mother is not by your side? You will have to practice well in the future, you know?"

       "The son knows his mother. Mother, don't tell me, and save your son a little face." Didn't the Maids laugh at him again? "

       "Okay, I will save you face, so you can continue to drink medicine obediently."

       "No, Niang. That medicine is too bitter, I think it's almost better, can I stop drinking this medicine."

       "No. Good medicine is good for the disease. Drink the medicine obediently, and stop the medicine when your injury is healed."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't care about her son being a baby, and her face was cold.


       Seeing that there was no room for negotiation, Lin Yu just had to admit it.

       "Okay, take a good rest and heal your injuries, mother will not disturb you."

       After Jiang Wanyin said that he would get up and leave after holding the medicine bowl tray, Lin Yu hurriedly stopped her.

       "Mother, you wait."

       "Mother, you haven't told me whether Lin Daren has been here."

       Jiang Wanyin thought his son had forgotten about Lin Ruhai, but he did not expect him to remember it.

       Jiang Wanyin handed the tray to Maid to send them out, and she sits back on the bed.

       "Lin-Daren has been here."

       Jiang Wanyin only said this. Lin Yu scratched his head in anxious heart when seeing Jiang Wanyin not continuing.

       "and then."

       "What then? Then Lin Daren took the five bandits away."

       Lin Yu was disappointed when he heard this, but he still didn't give up.

       "Mother, Lin Does Daren know me? Did he not say to see me?"

       Hearing this question from her son, Jiang Wanyin looked at her son with a complicated expression. Seeing the look of expectation on his son's face, Jiang Wanyin felt even more uneasy. In fact, she just wanted to test her son's thoughts on Lin Ruhai.

       Now it seems that Lin Yu is thinking of Lin Rufu's biological father in his heart.

       No matter what, this blood relationship is not so easy to cut off.

       "Lin Daren already knows that you are his son, he wants to see you, but his mother refused."

       "Why? Mother."

       Lin Yu was excited to sit up when he heard that, Jiang Wanyin quickly held him down.

       "Don't move, lie down, don't tear the wound."


       "Mother is afraid that you will get wounds if you know that he is excited when he comes."

       Jiang Wanyin pressed Lin Yu and sits beside him.

       "Yu Er, mother knows about your Temper. Mother told you that it is not the time yet. You want to see Lin Daren now. If you recognize him, how would you deal with yourself?"

       "Lin-Daren has his wife Di-Daughter, if you go back to Lin's house, Jia Min will not allow it. Even if Lin-Daren insists on letting you go back, Jia Min will not agree that you are recorded in her name. Then you can only go back as Shu-son."

       "You have been in contact with many of the children of the family in Ganquan Academy over the years, and you must know how difficult Shu-son's life is."

       "If you recognize Lin-Daren but don't want to return to Lin Mansion, then what are you?"

       "You are the son of Lin-Daren, but you are not born and raised in the Lin family. I am afraid that others will think you are Lin-Daren's Outside Mistress. Wouldn't such a mother be Lin-Daren's Outside Mistress. If this is spread, it will not only be a mother's Your reputation will be ruined, you will be implicated, be looked down upon by others, and despised by your classmates. It will also affect your career; even Lin-Daren's reputation will also be affected, and it will also affect Lin-Daren's career."

       "That's what you want?"

       "If it really affects the reputation of the Lin family and Lin-Daren's official career, I'm afraid Lin-Daren and Lin-Lao-Fu-ren will blame us mother and son. Is this what you want?"

       "Yu Er, my mother promised you that she will let you recognize Lin-Daren, will let you return to the Lin family to recognize your ancestors, and will let you return to the Lin family with integrity, so why should you rush for a while."

       "The mother who should have said this, Yuer, think about it for yourself."

       Listening to Jiang Wanyin's persuasion, Lin Yu fell silent and said nothing.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't urge him, let him slowly think about it.

       After a long time, Lin Yu raised his head and his eyes were red.

       "Mother, my son knows it. It's the son who was wrong, making you worry and embarrassment. son should not be wayward. son will listen to his mother in the future."

       "Silly boy."

       It is said that smart children love to drill the horns, but in this matter, her son is not the horns.

       Lin Yu was injured, Jiang Wanyin sent someone to the :Academy to ask for leave for Lin Yu and the master, and took Lin Yu's homework by the way. Although Lin Yu recovered from his injuries, but did not dare to leave, Jiang Wanyin also guarded his son to take care of his injured son.

       During the period, Jiang Wanyin made people pay attention to the movements of the Lin family. She wanted to know how Lin Ruhai handled this matter and how to deal with what Jia Min did.

       But apart from learning that the Lin family had sold some subordinates, there was no other news, especially the news about Jia Min.

       Jiang Wanyin smirked.

       She knew it would be the result.

       Lin Ruhai and Jia Min have been married for more than ten years. How could Lin Ruhai deal with Jia Min for Lin Yu's unrecognized son?

       Dare to hurt her son, she has always remembered this hatred. Since Lin Ruhai couldn't bear to punish Jia Min, she had no choice but to avenge her son.

       Just as Jiang Wanyin was thinking about Rubao's revenge for his son, the Lin family came again.

       Lin's sedan chair stopped outside Jiang Wanyin's house, and the servant knocked on the door of Jiang Wanyin's house.

       "My master is Lao Fu-ren in Lin Yushi Mansion."

       "I, Lao Fu-ren, want to see your master, please go report it."

       Jiang Wanyin never expected Lin Lao Fu-ren to come personally, and he came so quickly. Although surprised, Jiang Wanyin still ordered Lin Lao Fu-ren to come in.

       In the lobby, Lin Lao Fu-ren was already sitting on the main seat. Jiang Wanyin walked in and saw Lin Lao Fu-ren as the master.

       Seeing this, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but smirk.

       Look at the appearance of Lin Lao Fu-ren, and I am afraid that she will be regarded as the Maid of the Lin family, and she is still playing the main score in front of her.

       Jiang Wanyin went into the house and gave a salute to Lin-Lao-Fu-ren.

       "I have seen Lin Lao Fu-ren."

       Jiang Wanyin just bowed her knees and bowed, before Lin Lao Fu-ren cried, she got up and walked to the other main seat to sit down. Lin Lao Fu-ren frowned as soon as she saw Jiang Wanyin's behavior, but Jiang Wanyin didn't even give her a look.

       "I wonder why Lin Lao Fu-ren came to the door in person?"

       Jiang Wanyin didn't circumspect and asked directly, the evidence was respectful and polite but not Nubi humble; she just insisted on being a junior.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren Seeing Jiang Wanyin's frowning eyebrows tightened deeper.

       "Snow Crane..."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren called Jiang Wanyin as Maid's name when she opened her mouth, and was interrupted by Jiang Wanyin when she spoke.

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren, you are called wrong. You are too old to forget it. No one here is called Snow Crane, and there is no Snow Crane. Qie is Jiang-Shi, Lin Lao Fu ren You are the elder, you can call the younger Jiang-Shi."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't even tell Lin Lao Fu-ren by her name.

       Jiang Wanyin is reminding Lin Lao Fu-ren that she has nothing to do with the Lin family, and she is no longer the Lin family Maid.

       If Jiang Wanyin still had respect for Lin Lao Fu-ren before, then I can see that Lin Lao Fu-ren is still standing in front of her as the master, Jiang Wanyin treats Lin Lao Fu-ren goodwill and respect disappeared immediately.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was pissed off by Jiang Wanyin's discrimination.


       "Qie is Jiang-Shi, Lin Lao Fu-ren, you can call Qie Jiang-Shi."

       Jiang Wanyin reminded again.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was very angry. Fortunately, she was still thinking that her grandson swallowed the anger that came up.

       "Jiang-Shi, your son Lin Yu is the son of my son Ruhai. You gave birth to my son. I am very grateful to you..."

       "Wait a minute."

       Jiang Wanyin interrupted Lin Lao Fu-ren again.

       "Lao Fu-ren, what you said is bad. Lin Yu is my Jiang-Shi son. It is my mother's responsibility to bear and raise him. I don't need Lao Fu-ren for your gratitude."

       "Lao Fu-ren personally come to the door must have a purpose? I don't know why Lin Lao Fu-ren are you here? Let's just say it bluntly, I don't like to make rounds."

       At this time, Jiang Wanyin's impression of Lin's family is not good, and naturally speaking with Lin Lao Fu-ren is not very good.

       "Where's Yuer, I want to see my grandson Lin Yu. You called Yuer out, and I saw my grandson."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren really didn't mean anything, it was straightforward enough.

       "Lao Fu-ren, you laughed, Lin Yu is my Jiang-Shi son, how could your grandson be your grandson? Your grandson should be in the Imperial Palace, Lin Lao Fu-ren are you afraid It’s the wrong place."

       Jiang Wanyin did not admit it.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren glared at Jiang Wanyin and said domineeringly:

       "I know that Lin Yu is my grandson and the blood of my Lin family, don't deny it."

       "Lin Yu is of my Lin family's blood, so naturally I can't live outside. I have already negotiated with Ruhai, and I will pick up Yu Er back to the mansion to recognize the ancestor and return to the family."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren wanted to make a decision with a arrogant attitude. Lin Lao Fu-ren looked at Jiang Wanyin with a benevolent expression.

       "You are the biological mother of my Lin family's heirs. I think you are good at giving birth. Soon I will send a matchmaker to propose marriage and allow you to enter the Lin family as the side room of the 2nd House..."

       Anger and bluntly refused (31)

       When Lin Lao Fu-ren actually proposed to accept her as Qie, Jiang Wanyin laughed angrily.


       "This is really ridiculous. This is really the biggest joke I have heard this year."

       Jiang Wanyin laughed a few times and looked at Lin Lao Fu-ren with cold eyes.

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren, you can really joke."

       "Lao Fu-ren didn't you think this was the failure of your old veteran's arbitrarily Lin family, and wanted to determine the universe and the fate of others."

       Jiang Wanyin bluntly satirized Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren's posture of the master in front of her really disgusted Jiang Wanyin.

       It's no wonder that Jia Min and Lin Lao Fu-ren can't get along well. If it weren't for goodbye, she wouldn't know that the kind and kind Lin Lao Fu-ren in the past has such an unpleasant side.

       "No. Even if you are in the Lin family, you are not alone in the Lin family, right? Didn't you hand over power to Lin Fu-ren Jia Min more than ten years ago? I am afraid that this Lin family is not what you always said. Forget it."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren listened to Jiang Wanyin's sarcasm, and immediately became very angry, but Jiang Wanyin did not care whether she was angry or not.

       "I want Yuer to recognize my ancestor and return to Lin's family, and want to accept me as Qie. Have you always asked me what I mean?"

       "Don't bother Lin Lao Fu-ren. You ask, I'll tell now, I don't want to."

       "You!" Lin Lao Fu-ren pointed at Jiang Wanyin angrily, looking so angry that she couldn't breathe, Tian Mama hurriedly gave her the air. It took a long time for Lin Lao Fu-ren to relax.

       "Why are you?"

       "Let Yu Er recognize her ancestors and return to the Lin Mansion. This is all for the sake of Yu Er. If you, a mother, stop it, it will hurt Yu Er."

       "As you are, letting you enter the house as the side room of the 2nd House has already praised you. What are you not satisfied with?"

       Lin Lao Fu-ren pointed to Jiang Wanyin and said that Jiang Wanyin's identity was obviously to look down on Jiang Wanyin's origin, and look down on Jiang Wanyin who was once the Maid of the Lin family.

       Jiang Wanyin gave Lin Lao Fu-ren an ironic smile.

       "What's the matter with my identity? I'm an upright person. I have my own ability to raise my son. Without eating a grain of rice from your Lin family, what right do you have to look down on me, Lin Lao Fu-ren."

       "On the contrary, you are Lin Lao Fu-ren, raised by your parents before you marry, your husband after you marry, and your son after your husband dies. You are just like a rice worm, so what qualifications do you have? Look down on me for self-reliance."

       Jiang Wanyin was not afraid of Lin Lao Fu-ren at all, and smirked bluntly.

       She has been Maid for several lives. In the previous life, she was able to become the Empress in the world with the humble birth of Maid as Pet fei, and as the Empress Dowager as the most noble woman in the world. She did not think that Maid should be looked down upon because of her low birth. .

       In the previous life, she was able to struggle to climb to the supreme position. In this life, she also relied on her own efforts to raise her son and save her family business. She didn't feel that she was inferior or despised.

       Originally, because of the old master and Lin Lao Fu-ren, Jiang Wanyin respected Lin Lao Fu-ren. If Lin Lao Fu-ren talked to her well and discussed with her, she wouldn't be unable to talk well.

       But Lin Lao Fu-ren put on the master's score when she walked in, looked down on her, and acted as a charity to her, which completely angered Jiang Wanyin.

       The anger in Jiang Wanyin's heart had not disappeared because of Jia Min's matter before, and this would be angered again, but it was even more angry.

       "You, you are bold."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren, who was ridiculed by Jiang Wanyin's bluntly, almost stunned. However, this Matron body is quite good, and he has survived without pushing it.

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren, you can think clearly, I am not the Nucai of your Lin family, let alone yours, and you are not my master. You have to be my master. This, I’m the master. And you’re just a guest. Going to other people’s homes to be the master, Lin Lao Fu-ren doesn't you feel rude?"

       Jiang Wanyin directly exposed Lin Lao Fu-ren's desire to use the master's identity to suppress her mind.

       "I don't bother with you and long-winded, let me tell you. I won't agree to let Lin Yu admit his ancestor to the clan, and I won't let my son leave me. You will die."

       Jiang Wanyin clearly told Lin Lao Fu-ren what she meant.

       Listening to Jiang Wanyin's resolute refusal to let Lin Yu recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, Lin Lao Fu-ren felt anxious.

       "You can't do this. Yu Er is of my Lin family's blood, and Yu Er must recognize the ancestors.

       In fact, Lin Lao Fu-ren knows in his heart that if Jiang Wanyin disagrees, the Lin family cannot and cannot let Lin Yu recognize the ancestor and return to the clan. Of course, unless she killed Jiang Wanyin, no one would object. But if they killed Jiang Wanyin, how could Lin Yu, who was dependent on Jiang Wanyin, recognize the person who killed his biological mother as relative. In the end, I'm afraid it is not confession but enmity.

       Seeing Lin Lao Fu-ren, I was anxious, Jiang Wanyin was not anxious at all.

       "Why can't I? There is nothing necessary or not. I am Yu Er's biological mother, and I am the one who gave birth to him."

       "Furthermore, your Lin family is the tiger's den in Longtan. If my Yuer goes to your Lin family, wouldn't it be a tiger's den."

       "Before our mother and son had nothing to do with your Lin family, even our mother and son saved Lin-Daren, but how did you repay us? When we are kind to your Lin family, the head mother of your Lin family will be able to avenge revenge People intercepted and killed my son halfway. If you let Yu Er go to your Lin family, wouldn’t it be a matter of life worry and death at any time. Your Lin family’s motherzi is cruel and cruel, I can’t bear to let my son bear it. My son is only there. safest is by my side. You can't even kill my son."

       Jiang Wanyin deliberately mentioned Jia Min's matter. After all, the Lin family did the wrong thing first. Lin Lao Fu-ren sounded a guilty conscience.

       "Yu Er is my grandson and the only male heir of our Lin family. Ruhai and I will protect him from being hurt by others. Moreover, Jia-Shi has been banned. You don't have to worry about her harming Yu. child."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren can be seen after being angry a few times. Jiang Wanyin is a soft but not hard, so she slowed down and wanted to persuade Jiang Wanyin again.

       "Guard? You and Lin-Daren. It's not that I look down on you. It's hard for you to convince me of your mother and son. If you are really useful, the few pregnant Tongfang Maid of your Lin family will not have unexplained miscarriages. Even with one dead body and two lives, the Lin family will not be heirless. Do you dare to say that there is no Jia Min's handwriting? Your mother and son are not Jia Min's opponents, I don't worry."

       Jiang Wanyin was thinking about Lin Lao Fu-ren while talking.

       It turned out that Jia Min was banned. No wonder Lin Lao Fu-ren can come in person. If Jia Min hadn't been banned, I'm afraid Lin Lao Fu-ren would not dare to go.

       But it was not Jiang Wanyin who looked down on Lin-Mother. Lin's inner house has always been very simple, and there is almost no inner house fight. Unlike Rongguo Mansion, Jia History has killed a bunch of Concubine and became the winner of the inner house. Jia Min is the daughter of Jia History personally educated. Jia History originally sent Jia Min to the palace to be Huang fei. Jia History must have taught Jia Min with all his heart, and Jia Min must be the true biography of Jia History.

       So Lin Lao Fu-ren is Jia Min's opponent.

       Otherwise, the Lin family will not have an heir so far, and Lin Lao Fu-ren will not find Jiang Wanyin's mother and son for several years because of Jia Min's obstruction.

       It can be seen that Lin-Lao-Fu-ren's method is not as good as Jia Min's.

       When Jiang Wanyin said he was inferior to Jia Min, Lin Lao Fu-ren had an ugly face. But she still doesn't give up wanting her grandson to recognize her ancestors.

       "Jiang-Shi, you are Yu Er's biological mother, but you can't selfishly stop him from recognizing his ancestors and returning to the clan. My Lin family once attacked Liehou, and I belong to the scholarly Aristocratic family. Yu Er can only recognize the ancestor and return to the Lin family. That's the best choice for him. You can't hurt Yu Er too much."

       "I am selfish?"

       "If I am selfish, I had captured those Lin family members who intercepted Yu Er, I should send them to the government with great fanfare, and I should report to you Lin family; instead of looking at Yu Er's face, Lin Daren will take away the murderers of your Lin family."

       Being accused of being selfish, Jiang Wanyin became angry again, and brought up the matter of Jia Min sending someone to intercept Lin Yu, reminding Lin Lao Fu-ren that the Lin family had received her favor.

       "Your Lin family is a scholarly Aristocratic family, but your family is also Longtan Tiger's Den; your Lin family is rich and wealthy. Although my Jiang-Shi is no better than your Lin family's savings for a hundred years, my Jiang-Shi can already let my son eat with my own ability. No worries, let my son be upright and upright. Without your Lin family, his son can still study for fame."

       "Since it's the same whether I return to Lin's house or not, why should I let my son return to Lin's house to live a life of inferior Shu-son."

       She would never allow her son to return to Lin's house to suffer Jia Min's advice.

       "You are worried about this."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren felt that she seemed to understand why Jiang Wanyin could not let Lin Yu return to Lin's house. She hurriedly explained:

       "If it's this, you don't have to worry about it. Lin Yu is the only male heir of my Lin family and my only grandson. How could I let Yu Er be Shu-son? I promise you that I can..."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren said eagerly, but was interrupted again by Jiang Wanyin before he finished speaking.

       "You want to record my son as a Di-son under Jia Min's name? You want my son to recognize the thief as a mother? You want to take my son?"

       "Don't think about it. I never agree."

       "Jia Min sent someone to assassinate my son. Our mother and son don't share the same relationship with Jia Min. I must avenge this enmity. You want my son to recognize the thief as a mother. Don't think about it."

       "My son can only be my son, and no one should want to take my son away, otherwise, don't blame me for a dead fish."

       Jiang Wanyin said fiercely.

       "You don't want to let Yu Er recognize Jia Min's name, then why did you go back to Lin's house with Yuer." Lin Lao Fu-ren mentioned again.

       Hearing that Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Lao Fu-ren again with cold eyes.

       "Let me go to your Lin's house and be a Qie for Lin Ruhai. Stop dreaming."

       "Could it be that Lao Fu-ren thinks that our mother and child are indispensable to you in the Lin family, and you value yourself too much. Hmph, with my identity as the County-Graduate Mother, the sister of Imperial-Graduate Lao-Ye now, with my Jiang-Shi Beauty and the wealth that I have accumulated over the years, I just took my son to marry a wife and be the main house, and there are a lot of people who want to marry me. I don’t have to be Lin Ruhai."

       Jiang Wanyin made no secret of her ambitions. In this life, Jiang Wanyin only wants to marry and be his wife.

        "Sent away Lin Lao Fu-ren, who was frustrated and unwilling, Jiang Wanyin thought for a while and wanted to turn around and go to Lin Yu's yard."

       Lin-Lao-Fu-ren Jiang Wanyin told his servants not to let Lin Yu know about the visit.

       "Jiang Wanyin has a guess, Lin Lao Fu-ren must come to Lin Yu to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. Jiang Wanyin doesn't want to embarrass Lin Yu."

       "Mother, what's the matter with you, why are you looking at me like this."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin looking at him without speaking for a long time, Lin Yu asked.

       Jiang Wanyin tucked Lin Yu's thin quilt and said:

       "Just now Lin Lao Fu-ren is here."

       "Oh, by all accounts, she should be your Madam. However, people at this gate don't like to call this popular name. If you recognize her, you have to call her Grandmother or Lao Fu-ren."

       Lin Yu took a look at Jiang Wanyin when he heard the words, hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously:

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren, what is she here for?"

       "Naturally knowing that you are of the Lin family's blood, let you recognize your ancestor and return to your clan."

       "Jiang Wanyin said sarcastically that Lin Yu didn't dare to speak when she saw her. After mother and son have lived together for many years, Lin Yu also knows his mother very well."

       "Do you want to go back to Lin's house?"

       Jiang Wanyin looked up at Lin Yu and asked.

       "Mother, what did Lin Lao Fu-ren say? Didn't she make you angry?"

       "Lin Yu asked cautiously. In fact, Lin Yu himself knows that it must be his mother to be angry."

       "That self-righteous old Pozi, son, guess what she said."

       "Jiang Wanyin did not deliberately conceal her dislike for Lin Lao Fu-ren. It seems that a lot has changed in more than ten years, and Lin Lao Fu-ren has also changed a lot. It is no longer the kindness of the year. Moderate and expensive Fu-ren."

       Lin Yu didn't also ask and watch Jiang Wanyin wait for her to continue.

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren said two things as soon as I saw me, one is to let you recognize your ancestors, and the second is to let me enter the Lin Mansion as Concubine, but I refused. Son, don’t you blame your mother.”

       Jiang Wanyin stared at Lin Yu and asked.

       "In this life, Lin Yu is her only relative in this life, her own flesh and blood. Jiang Wanyin is also afraid that Lin Yu will blame her."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren is the Grandmother of Lin Yu's blood. Lin Lao Fu-ren looks down on her to belittle her in a posture of the master, Jiang Wanyin did not tell Lin Yu. Lin Lao Fu-ren is Lin Yu's Grandmother in the end, these words must not be said from Jiang Wanyin's mouth. Jiang Wanyin didn't want to personally separate Lin Lao Fu-ren and Lin Yu, perhaps because Lin Yu hated Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       "How could it be? Mother, you gave birth to a son, and we are dependent on each other, and no one can blame you if the son complains."

       "My son knows that you are kind, after all, Lin Lao Fu-ren makes you so angry because of bad words."

       Jiang Wanyin was very pleased to listen to her son. Her son was still on her side.

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren means, one is to let me take you back to the Lin's house, I am Qie and you are Shu-son; the other is that I still enter the Lin's house as Qie, and you remember you in Jia Min plays Di-son under the name of Min. My mother does not want to be a Qie, nor does she want you to be a Shu-son, and she does not want you to consider a thief as a mother..."

       Jiang Wanyin told Lin Yu what Lin Lao Fu-ren meant.

       "You prevent you from recognizing your ancestors, do you have a grudge?"

       "Mother, didn't you say it? Let the son be righteous and return to Lin's house in an open manner. How can the son blame his mother if he believes his mother."

       "You don't blame your mother, that's good."

       Seeing that his son's appearance was not moved by Lin Lao Fu-ren's words, Jiang Wanyin was very pleased.

       After thinking about it, I still feel hopeful for my son.

       "I didn't want to talk about these things, but now you can tell you when you are too big."

       "Then Jia Min won't live long."

       When Jiang Wanyin spoke, Lin Yu was shocked, even a little panicked. Lin Yu grabbed Jiang Wanyin's hand in a panic and asked, "Mother, what did you do?"

       He knew that his mother always had mysterious methods he didn't know.

       When I was in Gusu City and when I first came to Yangzhou City in the early years, because his mother was beautiful, people often harassed their home. But those who harassed his mother will soon have a bad end and dare not come again, he knows that his mother did it. If his mother really wants to do something to Jia Min, it's not difficult at all.

       Lin Yu was worried that his mother would do anything bad to return to Lin's house to get her name back.

       After listening to his son, Jiang Wanyin reached out and poked Lin Yu's head.

       "What are you thinking about? Your mother, am I such a person?"

       "Jia Min sent someone to hurt you, and my mother will avenge you. But my mother hasn't had time to do anything. Although my mother wants to take you back to the Lin's house in a fair manner, she never thought of killing Jia Min."

       "Jia Min has nothing to do with my mother, she is the one who committed the crime."

       Not only is Jia Min self-inflicted, it is also Jia Min's bad luck to share with those family members.

       "Mother, what is going on?"

       Listening to Jiang Wanyin's words aroused Lin Yu's gossip.

       Lin Yu is totally influenced by Zhen Fu-ren; but no matter whether it is a man or a woman, who doesn't have a heart of gossip and curiosity.

       Anyway, there was nothing to hide, Jiang Wanyin told Lin Yu about Jia Min's family Rongguo Mansion.

       "Jia Min is used to being held up by people in her natal family, and she doesn't like her 2-Sao Wang Shi from the Wang family, where she is born without talent and is a virtue, so she offends that Wang Shi. There is constant friction between the two aunt Sao. Then Wang Shi is not a broad-minded person, and Jia Min has offended her many times, so Wang Shi hates Jia Min."

       "Jia Min's marriage to Wang Shi not only moved his hands and feet on Jia Min's dowry, but also controlled Jia Min's dowry to Jia Min's next-medicine, making Jia Min married into the Lin family for decades without anything.."

       "Now it's not just Wang Shi idea of hitting the Lin family, but Jia Min's biological mother Jia Taijun is also hitting the idea of the Lin family. Although Jia's family has a plaque of the Rongguo Mansion, it is actually just an attack on a powerless vanity. Wait for the general. Rongguo Mansion likes luxury, and now that Rongguo Mansion has long been unable to make ends meet. It's not that Jia Taijun was on the Lin family's idea."

       "The Lin family has only been passed down from generation to generation. In the past five generations, only married into the Lin family, but the Lin family did not have any daughters. dowry of the five-generation mistress is a great wealth, not to mention the hundred-year wealth that the Lin family has accumulated. Didn't Jia Taijun catch the Lin family's idea."

       "If Jia Min and Lin Ruhai are gone, the Lin family and Lin-Shi clan members have already given out five clothes. If the Lin family only has a daughter of Lin Daiyu and no male heir to continue the family business, then the wealth of the Lin family will not be Lin Daiyu's. Lin Daiyu A young daughter has no clans to rely on, but she can only rely on outsiders. Then the wealth of the Lin family will not fall into the hands of the Jia family."

       "Then Wang Shi can give Jia Min in order to avenge her-drugs to prevent Jia Min from having children; now for the Lin family's large fortune, it is impossible to guarantee that she will not kill Jia Min..."

       In the Red Mansion, Wang Shi killed Lin Daiyu after he got Lin Daiyu's wealth, but Jia-Mother watched her granddaughter tears to death in Grand View Garden. It can be seen that the motherzi and daughterzi have done everything for the Lin family's wealth.

       After listening to Jiang Wanyin's explanation, Lin Yu was shocked and simply amazed.

       "But mother, how do you know this."

       "My mother has been a Maid in the Lin family for more than ten years. There are always a few friends in the Lin family. news about my mother comes from them."

       She would never tell her son that these were obtained from her previous lives, nor could she tell her son that she buried her eyeliner in the Lin family.

       "As far as my mother knows, Jia Min's body has broken after giving birth, not only can't regenerate, but also affects her lifespan. In short, Jia Min won't live long."

       "After Jia Min dies, my mother will find a chance to take you back to Lin's house."

       If it hadn't been known that Jia Min would die early, she would not have made such a decision.

       She never thought of killing Jia Min to replace Jia Min, if that were the case, she would not have to wait for more than ten years.

       She waited so many years to kill Jia Min and then return to Lin's house. She is not only keeping time, she keeps the bottom line in her heart.

       "Yu Er, now the Lin family already knows the identities of our mother and son, especially Lin Lao Fu-ren and Jia Min. I'm afraid that the next days will not be calm."

       Jiang Wanyin was a little worried, she hated those troubles.

       "Mother, let's avoid it."

       "Avoid it? Let me think about it."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was so angry and rejected by Jiang Wanyin. When she returned to the house, she was still angry and her face was very ugly.

       Lin Ruhai came back from a business trip that day and knew that Lin Lao Fu-ren had gone to Jiang Wanyin. When Lin Ruhai came back, he went straight to Lin Lao Fu-ren's yard without even having time to change his clothes.

       "Mother, did you go to Jiang-Shi today? Did you see Yu?"

       Lin Ruhai asked Lin Lao Fu-ren immediately.

       I have never seen my son again, and Lin Ruhai is very worried about knowing that his son was injured. But Jiang Wanyin's posture Lin Ruhai knew that Jiang Wanyin would not let him see Lin Yu, plus Jiang Wanyin's status as a widow and Lin Ruhai as an official, it was really inconvenient to come home; therefore, Lin Ruhai had not come back since that time.

       "See what you see. Then Jiang-Shi stopped me from seeing my grandson at all. I went here without even seeing my grandson."

       Lin Ruhai listened to Lin Lao Fu-ren, thinking that it was so.

       "I don't know what my grandson looks like?"

       See Lin Lao Fu-ren. Lin Ruhai soothes Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       "Mother, don't be angry. You will be bad if you get angry. You have met the mother of Yu Er."

       "I saw it? When did it happen? Why don't I remember that I met my grandson."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren asked Lin Ruhai excitedly.

       "Mother, do you remember that not long after we came to Yangzhou a few years ago, my son accompanied you to the temple outside the city to worship incense. There was heavy rain that time. You met the child who admired peach blossoms at the temple, and you took him to you. In the wing room, that child is Yu Er."

       "So that kid is my grandson."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren thinks of that clever and cute child. This will know that the child is his grandson, Lin Lao Fu-ren can't like it immediately.

       Only Lin Lao Fu-ren listening to Lin Ruhai words is not only unhappy, but rather lost.

       "It turns out that my grandson has always been in Yangzhou City. He has always lived in Yangzhou City with me, but I haven't found him for so many years." Her grandson is so close to her that she never knew. It has never been found. God is teasing their grandchildren.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't speak loudly, but Lin Ruhai could still hear clearly. Lin Ruhai was shocked because of hearing it clearly.

       "Mother, what are you talking about? After looking for something for so many years, don't you know about Yu Er?"


       "For a while, I lost my mouth and told the story about my son. Lin-Lao-Fu-ren was a little embarrassed to face his son."

       "See Lin Lao Fu-ren, Lin Ruhai has already determined in his heart that Lin Lao Fu-ren knows it."

       "Mother. When did you know? Why did you hide it from your son."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren Hearing what Lin Ruhai said, I knew Lin Ruhai had guessed it.

       "Hey, I didn't deliberately conceal this matter from you."

       "Then mother when did you know?"

       Even his mother knew of his son's existence but never told him, which made Lin Ruhai feel uncomfortable. It's just that it was his biological mother, and he could neither blame her nor blame her.

       "I only learned about this before Jia-Shi became pregnant."

       "It was Lin Cheng and his wife who rushed over from Gusu to report to me that they met Jiang-Shi mother and son in Gusu. Lin Cheng's family recognized Jiang-Shi, and because Yu Er looked like you, Lin Cheng couple suspect that Yuer is your child."

       "I just learned the news that I wanted to tell you, but at that time I thought about Xiuhe, who had suffered from a small birth and had a dead body not long ago, so I gave up on telling you."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren said, glaring at Lin Ruhai.

       "Xiu He is Lin Ruhai Tongfang Maid, and it was also given by Lin Lao Fu-ren. Because the previous example of Tongfang Maid is vivid, Xiu He secretly told Lin Lao without Jia Min after she became pregnant. Fu-ren ”

       ". Lin Lao Fu-ren took care of Xiuhe's miscarriage, but Jia Min knew what he thought. When Xiuhe was four months pregnant, she was pushed down in the yard by other Tongfang Maid and hit the rockery. corpse has two lives."

       "At that time, Lin Lao Fu-ren was pregnant by Jia Min, but Lin Ruhai was on Jia Min's side and prevented Lin Lao Fu-ren from tracking down. Lin Ruhai also said that he believed Jia Min wouldn't do anything like that."

       "Thinking of this old thing, suddenly Lin Lao Fu-ren thinks of Jiang Wanyin's words that their mother and son are not like Jia Min, and his face is not very good and his heart is not happy."

       "And when Lin Ruhai listened to Lin Lao Fu-ren's remarks, he thought of Jia Min sending someone to assassinate Lin Yu. He couldn't help but think that Xiuhe might really have been done by Jia Min back then, and previous two may also belong to Jia Min. If all three Tongfang Maid children were born, he would now have five children."

       But now it was too late to think about anything, Lin Ruhai wiped his face indecently, as if he wanted to erase the guilt in his heart.

       "Mother, keep talking."

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren saw the guilt flashing across Lin Ruhai face, and continued to say while guessing what he thought of Jia Min:"

       "When I learned the news from Lin Cheng and his wife, I immediately arranged for someone to investigate. It was just that Jiang-Shi moved with the child after so many years. It was not easy to track down until Jia-Shi became pregnant. No news about Jiang-Shi mother and son were found."

       "At the time Jia-Shi was pregnant, I also hoped that Jia-Shi could give birth to me a grandson. I was afraid that this would irritate Jia-Shi, so I ordered to stop the investigation, thinking about waiting until Jia-Shi gave birth to the child. child is found back, let him recognize the ancestor and return to the clan."

       "It doesn't matter if Jia-Shi is so unconvinced and gave birth to a Yato. It is the blood of the Lin family; but Jia Min himself ruined his body and cannot regenerate."

       "Jia-Shi can't be reborn, and you don't want to take concubine. I can't let the incense of the Lin family stop at you, so I secretly sent someone to start a new investigation and search for the child. I don't think Jia Min knows how to know me. Regarding finding someone, Jia Min has been sending people to secretly block me from finding Yu Er. Unexpectedly, the search will last for several years, and there has been no news."

       "If it weren't for what you said to Jia Min in the front yard that day, I didn't know that I was looking for Jiang-Shi mother and son, Jiang-Shi mother and son were in Yangzhou City. And my grandson a few years ago My son also had a fate with me."

       "Now I want to come. When we first arrived in Yangzhou City, Jiang-Shi knew about it. It must be that Jiang-Shi didn’t want Yu Er to recognize her ancestors, so she deliberately prevented us from seeing Yu Er and Yu Er. I recognize us."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren said this and couldn't help but resent Jiang Wanyin. He felt that Jiang Wanyin was selfish in preventing Lin Yu from recognizing his ancestors.

       Lin Ruhai also had an idea after hearing this.

       It must be true that Jiang-Shi prevented Yu Er from meeting him. Otherwise, he had met with Brother Zhen many times and had tea to enjoy the scenery and poems. Brother Zhen had repeatedly praised Yu Er, and he had asked Brother Zhen to take it many times. Yu was rejected; Jiang-Shi must have blocked it. I just don't know if Brother Zhen knows that Yu Er is his son.

       Thinking of what Jiang-Shi said to him that day, Jiang-Shi seemed to have known Jia Min’s personality, so he refused to let Yu Er recognize his ancestors. Maybe Jiang-Shi could not bear to leave Yuer.

       Seeing that Lin Ruhai didn't speak, Lin Lao Fu-ren couldn't hold back his anger, so he all told Jiang Wanyin's refusal to let Lin Yu admit his ancestor and refused to enter the Lin Mansion as Qie.

       "Mother, you want your son to accept Jiang-Shi as Qie, no, if Jiang-Shi enters the house as Qie?"

       Lin Ruhai felt anxious when he heard this.

       "I mean, what's the matter? She was a Maid, and she was unmarried and had a child. Letting her enter the house as a Concubine is already praise her. If it's not for the face of my grandson, she would never want to join me. Lin family."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren makes no secret of his contempt for Jiang Wanyin.

       After Lin Ruhai listened to Lin Lao Fu-ren, the only thought in his mind was that it was bad.

       Lin Ruhai knows Jiang Wanyin better than Lin Lao Fu-ren. When I didn't know that Jiang Wanyin was his Tongfang Maid, when he only knew that Jiang Wanyin was Zhen Lao-Ye's sister, Lin Ruhai once learned from Zhen Lao-Ye what kind of person Jiang Wanyin was in Zhen Lao-Ye's impression.

       In the mouth of Zhen Lao-Ye, Jiang Wanyin is a woman who is full of reading poems, capable of both civil and military skills, shrewd and capable, kind-hearted and intelligent, and a woman who is not shaven. A small woman earns a huge fortune on her own, even a man may not be able to do it.

       And Lin Ruhai also learned from Zhen Lao-Ye that many Jiang Wanyin people in these years, many of them were big family and family men, and there were also court officials; as Jiang Wanyin said, as long as she wants to marry her head someone here.

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin again after more than ten years, Lin Ruhai has clearly felt the change of Jiang Wanyin. Jiang Wanyin is no longer the Tongfang Maid of the Lin family. Jiang Wanyin now looks more like Big-Fu-ren, proud and expensive.

       His mother came to ask for Jiang-Shi to be his Qi, but Jiang-Shi would think that his mother was humiliating her. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for Yu Er to recognize her ancestor and return to her clan in the future.

       Lin Ruhai has no real idea about Jiang Wanyin at this time. After all, even if Jia Min is wrong, Jia Min is still his wife in Lin Ruhai heart at this time. Lin Ruhai has not thought about the future.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren Seeing Lin Ruhai without speaking, he poked Lin Ruhai with annoyance.

       "What are you staring at? What are you talking about? How do you solve this Jiang-Shi mother-child matter? I don't care about the others. I only want my grandson to recognize the ancestor as soon as possible. Haier, my mother only needs my grandson If you can call your mother a Grandmother, you will have no regrets even if your mother is dead."

       Speaking of this, Lin Ruhai complaint against Lin Lao Fu-ren instantly turned into guilt.

       "The son is not filial, and the son is ashamed of you."

       He is not filial.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren said that Jia Min was banned. In fact, it was Lin Lao Fu-ren who cleaned up most of the defiant companions brought by Jia Min, and then he would be loyal to the Lin family. Nucai, his family student, was rearranged to important positions and errands, cutting off most of Jia Min’s eyeliner. In addition to being unable to go out as guests, Jia Min was still able to move freely in the house, except that he did not control the house as much as before. In charge of stewardship, it's not a forbidden one.

       Occasionally, by the way, Lin Ruhai has been staying in the front yard lately, and Jia Min has been alone in the vacant room after not entering the backyard.

       Although Lin Ruhai and Lin Lao Fu-ren cleared most of Jia Min's companionship and eyeliner, there were always some fish that slipped through the net that Lin Ruhai and her mother did not know.

       It was precisely because of these fish that slipped through the net that Jia Min quickly learned that Lin Lao Fu-ren personally went to Jiang Wanyin's house. It was also because these slippery fishes eavesdropped on Lin Ruhai mother and son, Jia Min quickly learned that Lin Lao Fu-ren wanted Lin Yu to recognize his ancestor and return Jiang Wanyin to the house.

       Upon learning the news, Jia Min's whole heart was twisted because of jealousy and resentment.

       This will make Jia Min gloomy and terrifying like a devil.

       "This old immortal always goes with me. I always want to give Lao-Ye a woman.. This old immortal wants to take concubine to Lao-Ye, and also wants to take back the wild-species.. This old Immortal bullying too much.. Since you won't let me live, don't blame me for being cruel..."

       "Wet-nurse, you have come in, I have something to tell you."

       Jia Min called Zhou Mama into the house, and whispered a few words in Zhou Mama's ear. sulky look on Jia Min's face scared Zhou Mama.

       After Lin Ruhai knew that Lin Lao Fu-ren had been to Jiang Wanyin's house, Lin Ruhai wanted to go there to explain to Jiang Wanyin himself, but suddenly there was an urgent matter for him to deal with in government affairs. Lin Ruhai hurriedly left Yangzhou City.

       Although Jiang Wanyin has rejected Lin Lao Fu-ren, Lin Lao Fu-ren will not give up so easily in order to let his grandson recognize his ancestors.

       Next, Lin Lao Fu-ren went to Jiang Wanyin's house several times. What made Jiang Wanyin even more angry was that Lin Lao Fu-ren also invited a matchmaker to come to help Lin Ruhai with her, and wanted Na Jiang Wanyin to be Qie. .

       Jiang Wanyin was really overwhelmed, and finally decided to leave Yangzhou City temporarily to avoid trouble.

       With the excuse of accompanying Lin Yu on the study tour, Jiang Wanyin entrusted the family affairs to Zhen Shi and his wife. After everything was dealt with, the mother and son packed up overnight and planned to leave the city the next day.

       But before leaving Yangzhou City, Jiang Wanyin decided to go to something that he had endured not doing.

       After the night shift, the night was quiet, and the entire Yangzhou city was almost dark except for some red lanterns hanging at the door. Under the cover of the night, Jiang Wanyin walked through the city quickly, leaping over the high stone wall and landing on the high roof.

       Fly down quietly along the roof, rushed into the corridor on the upside-down beams, and gently opened the window to jump into the room.

       The incense in the room was elegant, but Jiang Wanyin smelled goodbye from the incense, and there was irony on her face in the dark night.

       Taking out a pill and projecting it into the incense burner, the person on the bed soon heard steady breathing, and fell asleep more deeply.

       Jiang Wanyin took out the dagger from the storage room and walked to the bed to lift the tent.

Chapter 95  |   Volume 3: Lin Family's Maid
Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135
Chapter 140
Chapter 145
Chapter 150
Chapter 155

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