RM Maid 115

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Chapter 115 | Linjia [3] Daguai Jiangzhusheng (19)

       Looking forward and forward, in the end, Lin Lao Fu-ren was not only disappointed but also shocked.

       Tian Mama sees Lin Lao Fu-ren being shocked, worrying that Lin Lao Fu-ren was overwhelmed by the shock, and suddenly remembering what happened before and Lin Lao Fu-ren said:

       "Lao Fu-ren, you forgot that there is Little Shaoye born by Xuehe Miss. With Little Shaoye there, the incense of the Lin family will not be broken."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren immediately remembered it.

       "Yes, you have to say. Dong Lan, let people continue to look for me if you tell me, you must find Little Shaoye."

        "After giving birth to her daughter, she fell asleep for a day. Jia Min heard her Wet-nurse Zhou Mama anxious voice before she even awake."

       "Fu-ren, are you awake?"

       "Even though he was weak, Jia Min kept his eyes open."

       "Fu-ren, you woke up. You slept all day and night, but you terrified the old slave."

       "Wet-nurse, you help me up."

       Zhou Mama quickly helped Jia Min to sit up.

       "What about the child, where is the child? How is the child?"

       "Fu-ren, don't worry, Xiaojie has Wet-nurse to take care of her, she is fine. old slave just went to see, Xiaojie just ate milk and fell asleep..."

       "Fu-ren, there is an urgent matter."

       Zhou Mama carefully reported Lin Daiyu's affairs, and then anxiously said what he wanted to say.

       "Fu-ren, after you gave birth to Xiaojie yesterday, there was movement again in Lao Fu-ren."

       Jia Min's face immediately sank when he heard it.

       "Lao Fu-ren sent someone to find someone again?"

       "Exactly. This man left the house yesterday."

       "Fu-ren, how can this be good? If Lao Fu-ren find people and bring them to the mansion, then you and Xiaojie.. Lao Fu-ren are too ruthless, and you are born Down Xiaojie..."

       "Jia Min is very angry, she said harshly."

       "Wet-nurse, never let other women enter the Lin Mansion, I will never allow it."

       "Wet-nurse, you let Zhou Ming stare at the people sent by Lao-Fu-ren. If you find them, get rid of them immediately. Never let them enter Yangzhou City."

       "She will never allow anyone to destroy her family, not even Lao Fu-ren."

       The hatred on Jia Min's face surged out.

       Originally Jia Min was weak, otherwise he would not faint directly after giving birth. Now her body became weaker after giving birth. With this anger, Jia Min fainted again in front of Zhou Mama's eyes.


       "Fu-ren, what's the matter with you?"

       "Come on, come on. Go and call the doctor, the doctor..."

       The courtyard was chaotic for a while, Lin Ruhai went to the Yamen to do the errand and was not in the house. servant reported Lin Lao Fu-ren, and Lin Lao Fu-ren came to see Jia Min in person. Although Lin Lao Fu-ren and Jia Min's motherzi and daughterzi are already at odds with each other, they are both face-conscious people and will never do shameful things outside even in front of their servants.

       In short, in the eyes of the Lin family, Lin Lao Fu-ren is still the kind and kind Lao Fu-ren, and Jia Min is still the decent and kind mistress.

       The courtyard was in chaos, and it was not until Lin Lao Fu-ren personally came over and arranged for the people to panic again.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was originally because after Jia Min entered the door, Jia Min's master servant was born in Rongguo Mansion and looked down on the Lin family and disliked Jia Min; later, because Jia Min was sterile for many years and blowing pillow wind, Lin Ruhai and Lin Lao Fu-ren distracted and disgusted Jia Min even more; now I hope that Jia Min has not given birth to her grandson, Lin Lao Fu-ren can be said to be extremely disgusted with Jia Min .

       Rao is so Lin Lao Fu-ren still came to sit down, but Jia Min, who fainted in the room again, was not in a good condition.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren sitting in the main hall couldn't help worrying when he heard the panic in the room.

       Could it be that Jia-Shi is in a bad situation?

       Lin Lao Fu-ren doesn't like Jia Min, but Jia Min just gave birth to his granddaughter, and his son has a deep affection for Jia Min. She hasn't thought of causing Jia Min to have an accident.

       "Dong Lan, go in and take a look, what happened to Jia-Shi?"

       "Yes, Lao Fu-ren."

       Tian Mama hurried in, the room was in a panic.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren waited for a long time in the main hall, the doctor came out of the bedroom, and saw the solemn expression on the doctor's face coming out of the room, Lin Lao Fu-ren felt a little bit of heart, she pressed I asked immediately.

       "Doctor, I, Erxi, how is she? It doesn't matter what she is."

       The doctor hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say, but Lin Lao Fu-ren stared too closely, and the doctor finally said it.

       "Back to Lao Fu-ren, Fu-ren's situation is really not very good. Fu-ren was so angry that he passed out this time. Fu-ren was originally weak and weaker after giving birth, so he was sitting down A good confinement treatment may be able to recover. But Fu-ren was very angry after giving birth, and hurt his body again, I am afraid it is difficult to recover. More serious things, Fu-ren's anger has become red this time, I am afraid that in the future Will affect the offspring."

       If in the past Jia Min and Wet-nurse Zhou Mama would tell the doctor not to tell Lin Lao Fu-ren this, but this would cause Jia Min to faint, Zhou Mama panicked, and Tian Mama is also in the room, so I forgot to tell the doctor not to say it.

       The doctor will tell Lin Lao Fu-ren the true condition of Jia Min's body. Lin Lao Fu-ren will affect the children and lose all energy.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren Although she doesn't like Jia Min, she is really upset to know that Jia Min gave birth to a daughter or not a son; although she asked people to find Jiang Wanyin and her son, she still has hope for Jia Min Lin Lao Fu-ren thought that Jia Min was already pregnant, and he specified that he could be pregnant with another one.

       With a grandson, if Jia Min is able to regenerate, it doesn't matter whether he is a male or a female, whether he is the heir of the Lin family.

       But now even the last hope is gone.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren's complexion was very ugly, and the doctor didn't leave much and left quickly.

       Lin Lao Fu-ren waited for Tian Mama to come out, the master and servant left immediately, leaving Jia Min’s Wet-nurse Zhou Mama to watch Lin Lao Fu-ren, the master and servant leave , Cursed in my heart.

       Zhou Mama even went back to the room to see Jia Min was still asleep and his face was pale. Zhou Mama went to the bed and sits down, watching Jia Min couldn't help crying.

       "Miss, my poor Miss, what can I do from now on?"

       The doctor talked to Lin Lao Fu-ren and didn't avoid the crowd. After a while, news that Jia Min could not be reborn spread in the Lin Mansion. Lin Ruhai, who was in a happy mood after receiving Di-Daughter, returned to the house in the afternoon to find out the news, and there was no moment of joy left. whole person seemed to lose energy in an instant. However, Lin Ruhai is a lover, and his relationship with Jia Min is not fake.

       Although disappointed, Lin Ruhai went to see Jia Min and his daughter in person, and ordered his servants to take care of his wife and daughter.

       It is normal for this mansion door to hold high and step on the bottom. It is precisely because Lin Ruhai personally cares about Jia Min's daughter that he avoids being a lowly master.

       Originally, Jia Min gave birth to a daughter, but it was said that Jia Min would not be able to give birth. Some people in the forest mansion felt that Jia Min was going to fall out of favor. Some ambitious beauty Maid is already ready to move. Now Lin Ruhai personally cares about his wife and daughter, but disappoints those Maids who are expecting Jia Min to fall out of favor.

       It was already the next day when Jia Min woke up again, that is, the day when Lord Lin Dai washed three times.

       Although she is a daughter, she is the first child of the Lin family, and she is also Di-Daughter. Lin Daiyu's cleansing of the Three Lin Mansions still held a big deal to show that she attached great importance to Lin Daiyu.

       On the day of washing the third day, the guests of the Lin family were greeted. Almost all the big officials in Yangzhou City came. couple Zhen Lao-Ye also took their children to the Lin family.

       Although Lin Lao Fu-ren and Lin Ruhai instructed to do the washing three, this did not make Jia Min happy.

       Jia Min woke up and learned from Maid that he was injured and couldn't regenerate, and he lost his anger.

       Not only that, Jia Min even complained about his daughter. Jia Min felt that if she hadn't given birth to a daughter, she wouldn't be what she is now. Jia Min didn't mention seeing her daughter since she woke up again, and she felt very resentful.

       Because she blamed her daughter, her daughter's baptism ceremony did not make her happy.

       However, even if she was educated in Duke's Qianjin, no matter how resentful she was in her heart, she wouldn't be unhappy in front of outsiders. Jia Min faced the female relatives of the guests who came to the ceremony, still holding her Duke Mansion Qianjin and the mistress of the Lin family in a generous and decent manner.

       It's just that many of the female relatives who came today, many of them were female relatives from official households who had a different standpoint from Lin Ruhai. They came to the Lin's house to see them more often to see Jia Min's jokes.

       Since Jia Min brought Jia’s descendants to the Lin family, this Lin’s family has not been the Lin’s house more than ten years ago. Jia’s descendants still did not control their mouths when they arrived in the Lin family; and because Lin Ruhai was not in the house at the time. Ordering a ban, Lin Lao Fu-ren may have forgotten to order because he was angry and disappointed; therefore, the news that Jia Min was injured and unable to regenerate after giving birth had long been spread. What Yangzhou City should know, and those who don't know, already know this.

       This will see the female relatives come to see Jia Min joke, run Jia Min over and secretly.

       Fu-ren, who looked more than 30 years old, looked at Jia Min and said with sympathy:

       "Oh, look at Lin Fu-ren, your complexion is not good, you can see that you have suffered a serious crime."

       A young woman in her early twenties took the conversation and smiled:

       "No, let's be a woman. Whoever gave birth was not at the gate of a ghost. Lin Fu-ren It took so many years to have this first child, so naturally I have to suffer a little bit. It is much easier to wait for the second child. , I didn’t feel hard when I gave birth to my brother Yue."

       Just after the words fell, another Fu-ren took the words and said:

       "Let me say that if this woman wants to have a child, she has to give birth while she is young. When she was young, this woman was in good health, and she suffered less crime when she gave birth, and she recovered quickly after giving birth. If she is older, then It’s better than being young. When this woman gets older, her child will be easily hurt and difficult to raise."

       "Liu Fu-ren is right. We can all come here. Only people who come here will know about this. Lin Fu-ren, you have no experience. But after giving birth, you will also There will be experience."

       Other Fu-ren should also talk to that Fu-ren. Several Fu-ren ridiculed Jia Min by running one sentence and one sentence.

       These female relatives are a little jealous of Jia Min besides the female relatives of officials who are opposed to Lin Ruhai. Who made Jia Min always show her deep affection with Lin Ruhai? Which of these officials in the backyard is not a group of beautiful Qie, but the Lin family is clean, but it's just to be jealous.

       Jia Min didn't have much energy at first, so she only entertained the female relatives when she got up. Now she was run on and almost mad at her.

       This person tends to lose his sense when he gets angry.

       "It's my Fubo that makes me Lao-Ye. I and Lao-Ye both envy you, like Chen Fu-ren, your sons and daughters are full of descendants, and your house is Big-gongzi with extraordinary civil and martial arts; like Liu Fu ren brothers in the mansion and the concubines have a blind date; like Meng Fu-ren in the mansion, I heard that several Xiaojie in the Meng mansion are both talented and beautiful; I heard that Qian Fu-ren added a new man to the mansion, Qian Fu ren You have one more young son. Gongxi Qian Fu-ren, when will your mansion hold the full moon wine, I will come to congratulate myself..."

       Jia Min stopped back with a smile one by one.

       The first sympathy for Jia Min was Chen Fu-ren. Chen Fu-ren only gave birth to two daughters. son was born by adopting Qie. males in Chen Daren's house were all Shu born. Liu Fu-ren's birth mother Liu Daren is Bias, and the Liu-Shi brothers and their wives are fighting with each other all day long. several beautiful Xiaojie in Meng Fu-ren's mansion were born in the brothel of Meng Daren. Qian-Daren took the teenage Junior Concubine and gave birth to Qian-Fu-ren, who was almost a great-grandson, a young son.

       They all say that they don't hit people in the face. Jia Min just hit people in the face in a daze. After a few Fu-ren were hit in the face, he immediately became so angry that he couldn't hold back the Guan-Fu-ren posture.

       "Alright, alright, let's go with it soon, I look at Lin Fu-ren and I'm afraid I'm tired, let's not disturb Lin Fu-ren to rest."

       Zhen Fu-ren, who had not spoken all the time, saw that the situation was wrong, and quickly spoke to each other. It was Guan Fu-ren, not a shrew. Although he was beaten in the face, he didn't do anything ill-mannered.

       The female families got up and went out one after another, and Zhen Fu-ren was with them.

       When the female relatives had gone out, Zhou Mama hesitated for a while before saying.

       "Fu-ren, you really shouldn't have it. Wouldn't it make Lao-Ye embarrassed..." In Zhou Mama's view, Lin Ruhai is a rare treat for Jia Min.

       "Why shouldn't I, just let them bully me. If Lin Ruhai is strange, then let him blame me, the big deal is to tell him to divorce me."

       Jia Min was very angry and talked.

       "Fu-ren." Zhou Mama yelled heavily, and Jia Min suddenly turned discouraged and lay on the bed and started crying.

       "Wet-nurse, what do you think I should do in the days to come."

        "Lin Daiyu's baptism is not over yet, Jia Min at the main courtyard has passed out again."

       "Fortunately, Zhou Mama is taking care of her. Gu Ji Lin Daiyu washes 3-Zhou Mama can only quietly call the doctor. Knowing that Jia Min fainted only because of his original health, he was not very sick, Zhou Mama only breathed a sigh of relief."

       "Fu-ren want to rest, you all go out, I just need to guard this."

       "All the Maids are sent out, and only Zhou Mama and Jia Min are left in the bedroom. At this time, Zhou Mama's faces have long lost the sadness and worries they had before, and they are ashamed."

       "4-Miss, don't blame Wet-nurse. If you want to blame you, blame Matron and 2-Madam. Wet-nurse are also forced."

       Zhou Mama tucked Jia Min's quilt as he spoke, and the guilt on his face disappeared after finishing talking.

       Jia Min, who was asleep, didn't know all this.

       After sending off the guests and leaving, Lin Ruhai mother and son learned from the people that Jia Min had fainted again. This made Lin Ruhai more worried about his wife and made Lin Lao Fu-ren even more concealed from Jia Min.

       "Jia-Shi, what the hell is going on? Doesn't she know that it is Yuer's baptism today? She has become a mother and she is still so tossing about it, is she honest?"

       "When only mother and son and their confidants were left, Lin Lao Fu-ren was furious."

       "Since she came in for more than ten years, what she has done is like an Erxi, a wife, a mother?"

       "In the past, you didn't listen to the mother's words, so it's all about protecting Jia-Shi. Now she doesn't know how to behave like this. Will you still protect her?"

       "You know, Yu Er has been born for three days, and the mother Jia-Shi has never even looked at the child. That's her own flesh and blood. Did you say she was such a mother?"

       "If it weren't for Yangzhou to be too far from the capital, I would go to Rongguo Mansion and ask my mother, how did she teach her daughter?"

       Although Jia Min gave birth to a granddaughter and not a grandson, Lin Lao Fu-ren was very disappointed, but after getting over, Lin Lao Fu-ren thought that this was Lin Ruhai Di-Eldest-daughter, It's her first grandson right now, she really likes it.

       Now that Jia Min, this biological mother hates her daughter and her granddaughter, Lin Lao Fu-ren is not just angry.

       Seeing that Lin Lao Fu-ren was born, the more he spoke, the heavier and heavier Lin Ruhai didn't care about his wife to reassure his mother.

       "Mother, don't be angry, don't you want your son to feel bad if you hurt your body."

       "You don't give me soup. I tell you, this time you must not be used to Jia-Shi anymore. This is the Lin family, not her Rongguo Mansion."

       "The son knows that the son listens to the mother. When you turn around, the son says Jia-Shi, mother, don't be angry, don't get angry."

       "You really listen to me?"

       Lin Lao Fu-ren stared at Lin Ruhai and asked. It is said that Zhizi is more than mother, and the same is that Zhimu is more than mother; Lin Ruhai knows what Lin-Lao-Fu-ren is going to say when he hears Lin Lao Fu-ren, and his head suddenly gets bigger.

       "Mother, Yuer was born before the full moon."

       Lin Ruhai tactful refusal made Lin Lao Fu-ren disappointed.

       "No matter what you do, I can't control you anymore. I am old and I can live for a few years. When I go, I will go to Lao-Ye and the Lin family's ancestors to plead. It was my fault that caused the Lin family to cut off the incense. It was all my fault..."

       Lin Ruhai saw that Lin Ruhai was still partial to Jia Min, and instantly became discouraged.


       Lin Ruhai wanted to say something, but Lao Fu-ren had already reached out to let Tian Mama help her up. master and servant slowly left the house, leaving Lin Ruhai standing in the room with a look of regret and guilt.

       Lin Ruhai didn't want to agree to Lin Lao Fu-ren's request at this time, so that his wife would be sad; but it was filial piety to violate his mother's will, and Lin Ruhai himself felt sad. Thinking about going but there is no way to do both, Lin Ruhai felt uncomfortable, thinking of her newly-born daughter, but before going to the main courtyard to see Jia Min, she turned to see her daughter.

       I didn't want Lin Ruhai to enter the room but saw Lin Daiyu lying on her cot alone. There was not even a caregiver in the room, and the Wet-nurse Maid did not see any of them.

       Lin Ruhai was furious at the moment. He picked up Lin Daiyu and went out to see Wet-nurse Maid Pozi approaching the door. He saw Lin Ruhai thumped and knelt on the ground holding Lin Daiyu.

       "Lao-Ye .."

       Lin Ruhai didn't even take a look at Nucai. He hugged Lin Daiyu and left, and took him directly to the Lin Lao Fu-ren courtyard.

       I don't know how Lin Ruhai told Lin Lao Fu-ren, but Lin Daiyu was temporarily raised in the Lin Lao Fu-ren courtyard. Even if Jia Min woke up later, no one took Lin Daiyu back. But the next day, the Lin Mansion drove many of his servants to Zhuangzi. These were the servants that Jia Min had carefully selected to serve the little master, and most of them were the offspring of her married servants and the children of the Lin family.

       Jiang Wanyin knew that Zhen Lao-Ye's family had returned from Lin's house, so he went to Zhen's house to talk to Zhen Fu-ren.

       "I had been to Capital City in the early years, and I heard people say that Lin Fu-ren, who was not married back then, was a full-fledged Miss, but Sao saw Lin Fu-ren? Is it really as rumored? So beautiful and unparalleled?"

       Leaving Rongguo Mansion and not being trapped in the palace, Jiang Wanyin knew that before Jia Min got married, Jia History did not do much for Jia Min and promoted Jia Min's talents. Jia Min can also be said to be well-known in the capital.

       What is the meaning of Jia History is known to passers-by. It's a pity that Jia Daishan asked for a decree, and a decree gave Jia Min to Lin Ruhai. Jia Min didn't enter the palace and became Huang fei and Wangfei must be called Jia History, disappointed.

       Jiang Wanyin in that life met Jia Min in the Rongguo Mansion, and that life did not lose the name of her alluring beauty; Jiang Wanyin was wondering if Jia Min was also as beautiful as the rumored in Capital City.

       "Lin Fu-ren suffered a serious crime this time in production. whole person is very haggard, and the body is also very weak. I haven't seen whether it is beautiful or not. But it is arrogant and clever; it is not as kind as the rumors. ."

       Zhen Fu-ren had no more news, but Jiang Wanyin was disappointed.

       After that, the Lin family fell silent, until Lin Daiyu had another banquet on the full moon and the Hundred Days Banquet, after which there was no news. However, after two banquets, news came from the Lin family that Lin Fu-ren Jia Min was not in good health.

       Jiang Wanyin asked her servants to inquire about it secretly, and after knowing that Jia Min was really in poor health, she didn't care anymore.

       Anyway, she knew that Jia Min would not die according to her memory.

       She was thinking about the task, but now she and Jia Min have no grudges or hatreds, and she can't expect Jia Min to die.

       In addition to paying attention to the news of the Lin family from time to time, in order to pass the time, Jiang Wanyin decided to start learning again, upholding the spirit of living and learning. She invited Xiu Niang and female Professor to teach her embroidery, chess and :Qin calligraphy and calligraphy, and also invited Lao-Da husband to teach her medicine.

       Before Lin Yu was by her side, her focus was on the child. Now the child has gone to the academy and has free time to learn something.

       In previous lifetimes, she could not or did not have the opportunity. Even when she was Empress Dowager, she could not do what she wanted; now she has the opportunity to learn more naturally.

       Knowing that she might not have the next life and the next life, Jiang Wanyin felt she had to learn more to prepare for the next life.

       The so-called preparedness is not.

       It was the day of Mu Xiu again. Unfortunately, it was raining on this day. Jiang Wanyin was worried that his son went to the :Academy to pick up Lin Yu.

       Outside the gate of the academy, there are few carriages and ox carts, as well as those with umbrellas and hats, all waiting for the children.

       Jiang Wanyin sits in the carriage and waited, and from time to time he raised the curtain to look at the gate of the academy, but there were too many people crowded, but Lin Yu was not seen.

       Seeing the crowd at the entrance of the academy, a sudden emergence from the depths of my mind suddenly appeared.

       Jiang Wanyin suddenly thought of the situation when her parents sent her to the :Academy entrance examination in her first life, the worried and worried expressions of her parents, the joyful expressions of her parents after receiving the scores in the :Academy entrance examination, the joy of the family traveling, and the last scene when her parents died. .. Thinking back to everything, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help crying.

       The faces of his parents appeared in his mind, and Jiang Wanyin strengthened his thoughts.

       "Shaoye. Shaoye, here it is."

       The call of Tang Shu outside the car interrupted Jiang Wanyin's memory, thinking that his son would come to Jiang Wanyin immediately to wipe away the tears. Can't let my son see it out and make him worry.

       Although she is nostalgic for her parents in the previous life, she treats her relatives in every life sincerely, let alone her blood.

       Jiang Wanyin raised the curtain and saw Lin Yu coming over in the rain with an umbrella.

       "Mother, why are you here?"

       When I walked to the car, I was surprised to see Jiang Wanyin and Lin Yu.

       "Quickly, get in the car, don't get wet."

       Jiang Wanyin reached out and pulled Lin Yu into the car, and Lin Yu took his trunk from Tang Jin.

       The mother and son got in the car, and the rest was left to Tang Shu and Sun.

       He wiped the rain with a cloth towel for Lin Yu, and poured ginger tea for Lin Yu.

       "Come on, have a cup of ginger tea. Don't catch a cold when it rains."

       Lin Yu didn't like the smell of ginger, but under Jiang Wanyin's solemn gaze, he still took a mouthful of ginger tea.

       "Be hungry, mother brought a snack, you should eat something to cushion your stomach first."

       Lin Yu took the dim sum and asked Jiang Wanyin:

       "Mother, why are you here? Didn't I tell you not to come to pick me up? Tang Yeye is coming to pick me up, what can you worry about?"

       "Isn't it raining heavily? If I don't come, I won't be at ease at home. If I see you earlier, my mother can feel relieved earlier."

       "You, just love to worry about it."

       "Boy, I am worried that you are my son. I would not bother to worry if it was someone else."

       "Yes Yes Yes.."

       The mother and son were talking and laughing in the car, while Tang Shu and Sun sits in front of the car. rain is not light, and there are few pedestrians in the rain. In order to avoid the crowds of other vehicles serving the students, Tang-Shu detoured for a while, not wanting to take the road from the laneway, when Jiang Wanyin suddenly heard the sound of weapons striking in the rain.

       "Tang Shu, stop!"

       Jiang Wanyin stopped immediately, and Tang Shu hurriedly stopped.

       "Mother, what's the matter?"

       "Fu-ren, what's the matter?"

       Lin Yu asked, and Tang Shu outside the car also asked.

       "No, something happened earlier. I heard the sound of weapons fighting. I'm afraid someone is fighting. Let's not go there to avoid being caught."

       "But Fu-ren, we can only go this way when we return to the house. If we don't go forward, we can only turn around and go back."

       "Tang Shu, don't worry. Let's wait and see the situation."

       Jiang Wanyin stopped in the rain, but the group of people who didn't want to fight actually came here. Suddenly, Jiang Wanyin lifted the curtain and saw a man holding an injured man staggering towards them. , injured man was still wearing an official uniform.

       An official!

       Jiang Wanyin was thinking, suddenly the injured official looked up and saw his face clearly Jiang Wanyin was shocked.

       It's him!

       At this moment, seeing the man in black rushing over with a knife in the rain, Jiang Wanyin stood up before he thought about it.

       "Mother, what are you going to do?"

       "Yu Er, stay in the car, mother go down to save people."

       "Yu Er, stay in the car well, mother go down to save people. Tang Shu is optimistic about Yu Er."

       Because Crown Prince confided his son Jiang Wanyin and said that Jiang Wanyin jumped out of the carriage and rushed over.


       "Mother, I'll help you."

       Jiang Wanyin suddenly jumped out of the car and rushed over but frightened Lin Yu, Tang Shu and others.

       "Lin Yu also got out of the car and jumped down, Tang Shu quickly stopped Lin Yu."

       "Little Shaoye, don't be careful to hurt the sword without eyes, Fu-ren said you won't let you pass."

       Jiang Wanyin heard her son's call but did not stop. When passing by the injured two, Jiang Wanyin quickly grabbed the long knife from the guarding man and said to them:

       "Hurry up and help him to the carriage and leave the rest to me."

       "When Jiang Wanyin spoke without stopping, she rushed forward. guard who had been taken the knife was stunned. When she looked up, she saw that Jiang Wanyin had stopped the assassin who had come to the slaughter. guard picked up the injured official and hurried towards Go in the direction of the carriage."

       "Jiang Wanyin has already fought with the killer who stopped him. Seeing that the killer in black was smashed to the ground in the rainstorm, Lin Yu didn't have much worry on his face."

       "Lin, Lin Daren?"

       The two approached Lin Yu, who was stopped by Tang Shu in the carriage, exclaiming. He recognized that the injured official supported by the guard was Lin Ruhai.

       Lin Yu recognized Lin Ruhai, and when he saw Lin Ruhai wet clothes stained red with blood, he was immediately worried.

       "Quickly, Tang Shu will help Lin Daren up."

       "Several people hurriedly helped the injured Lin Ruhai onto the carriage and leaned against the wall of the carriage. Lin Ruhai looked at the young man in front of him and felt that his face was very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere."

       "Not only Lin Ruhai looked at Lin Yu, the guard was also stunned when he saw Lin Yu."

       "However, Lin Yu didn't notice the two people's eyes looking at him. He found that the wound on Lin Ruhai body was overflowing with blood."

       "Lin Daren, you are injured."

       "Don't move Daren, I have medicine in this car, I will give you medicine."

       Lin Yu said in a panic and pulled out a small drawer from the side of the car. He took out medicine and gauze from the drawer and gave Lin Ru a sea medicine dressing.

       Jiang Wanyin's carriage was designed and customized by her herself, and the carriage is equipped with a hidden upper drawer for storing things. In addition to medicine, there are snacks and tea in the carriage.

       "Lin Yu can bandage wounds, Jiang Wanyin taught him. Lin Yu expertly bandages the wounds for Lin Ru Haiyan, and the guard has withdrawn from the car to protect it."

       Lin Ruhai kept staring at Lin Yu.

       "Do you know the officer?"

       Hearing Lin Ruhai question, Lin Yu was taken aback for a while, thinking: "Why don't I recognize you, you are my biological father." However, his face said indifferently:

       "Student Lin Yu has seen Lin-Daren. Students often hear your foster father mention you, and your foster father admires your talents and literary talent very much."

       "Your foster father is?"

       "The student's foster father's name is a hermit named Zhen Fei."

       Lin Yu knew that Lin Ruhai was his biological father, and knew that Zhen Lao-Ye and Lin Ruhai were close friends, so he did not hide it.

       Since knowing that Lin Ruhai is his biological father, Lin Yu has quietly seen Lin Ruhai many times in the places where Lin Ruhai passed; but also because of Jiang Wanyin's words, in order to reassure Jiang Wanyin, Lin Yu has not met with the Lin family including Lin Ruhai.

       But the child has a natural blood kinship for his father. Since he knows that Lin Ruhai is his biological father, he cannot be without Lin Ruhai.

       "So you are the son of Brother Zhen."

       "It's a student. foster father has mentioned you Daren to the students many times and admires you very much."

       "Since you are the son of Brother Zhen, you are the junior of the official. You don't need to call this Guan Daren, just call this Guan Shu."

       Lin Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would call his biological father Shu. Lin Yu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he still called Shu according to his words.

       "Yes, Lin Shu."

       "Your foster father often mentions you to me, but he doesn't praise you too much..."

       Lin Ruhai looked at Lin Yu. young man looks handsome, has a decent appearance, and has a degree of advancing and retreating. Lin Ruhai admires it very much. He does not realize that he looks at the younger generation with his elders, and likes Lin Yu as much as the younger ones.

       When Lin Yu bandaged Lin Ruhai wound, the two talked, and Lin Ruhai made a lot of words from Lin Yu's mouth. Lin Ruhai is an old fox who has been in the officialdom for many years. Although Lin Yu is smart, he is not as old as Lin Ruhai in his youth, scheming, city government, and mental maturity.

       Perhaps it’s because Zhen Lao-Ye knows Lin Ruhai and admires Lin Ruhai many times in front of Lin Yu; more perhaps it is because Lin Ruhai is his biological father, which made Lin Yu less wary and defensive with Lin Ruhai, so he was unconsciously Lin Ruhai made a conversation without knowing it.

       However, at this moment, Lin Ruhai already knew Lin Yu’s age, ancestral home, and academy where he studied, and also knew Lin Yu was a posthumous child, knew his family situation, and knew Lin Yu’s biological mother was Lin Jiang-Shi was not Zhen Lao-Ye’s relative Mei Mei is Yimei and so on.

       "The one who just begged me is..."

       "It's mother."

       Mentioned that the birth mother Lin Yu looked proud and proud.

       Lin Ruhai was surprised to hear that the person who saved him turned out to be Lin Yu's mother. But he was deep in the city, and his surprise was only a flash.

       "It turned out to be Ling Ci."

       "This time, thanks to meeting Ling Ci and his nephew, otherwise Guan-Temper's fate will be explained here."

       "Shu is polite. My mother is the most charitable, but she will not stand by when she meets someone else, let alone Lin Shu, you and your foster father are even close friends. My mother has also heard about her foster father. Lin Shu knows you too."

       "Shu, don't worry, the mother's martial arts is good, and he will be able to deal with it. Daren will be safe."

       Before, he might not have realized why his mother had to be nosy. It was obvious that he already knew about Lin Ruhai.

       "Lingci martial arts are good, I don't know which famous teacher Lingci studied from..."

       At this time, Jiang Wanyin outside the car had already solved the killer who was chasing Lin Ruhai. Of course Jiang Wanyin didn't kill people directly, but those killers were alive but not much better. Almost either his hands or feet were chopped off, and they were all knocked unconscious and lying in the rainstorm.

       There were a lot of killers chasing Lin Ruhai this time. Just as Jiang Wanyin dealt with the killer on this side, the killer on the other side suddenly appeared and immediately besieged the people on the carriage.

       Jiang Wanyin had just solved the assassin here, and when she turned around, she saw another assassin besieging the carriage. She immediately went back and slashed back, holding a sharp knife in each hand to block and kill. Just when Jiang Wanyin and the guards tried to prevent the killer from encircling them, suddenly a killer broke through the guard's block and pierced the carriage wall with a sword, and Jiang Wanyin was furious.

       The knife in her right hand was directly cut out, and the killer who had no time to escape was cut in the head and body and separated instantly.

       "Yu Er, are you okay?"

       Jiang Wanyin asked his son in the carriage while killing the enemy.

       As the killer's knife stabbed in the carriage, Lin Yu quickly responded and pulled Lin Ruhai away from the wall of the carriage and fell together.

       Hearing Jiang Wanyin's voice, Lin Yu was supporting Lin Ruhai to sit up, and he answered Jiang Wanyin.

       "Mother, we are all right."

       It's fine.

       Although the son was okay, Jiang Wanyin was furious at the assassin's almost hurting his son, and a murderous spirit burst into his heart.

       In this life, Jiang Wanyin was no longer merciful. Unlike before, she just wounded and knocked people out. In this case, she would directly commit the killing, and all the surrounding killers died under her sword.

       Jiang Wanyin in this life is not like the only one in the previous life, she has the opportunity to learn martial arts in this life.

       As Empress Dowager in her previous life, she collected many martial arts secrets through her identity and power, and the filial piety of the emperor's son. She couldn't practice because of her status and age in the previous life, so she had a chance to start again in this life.

       She has been practicing martial arts since leaving the Lin family to give birth to her son, and she has finally achieved success in martial arts over the past ten years. Coupled with the magical powers and divine powers of the wood element, although her martial arts is not superb, it is by no means a rabid.

       Perhaps because Lin Ruhai was a civilian without the power to bind chickens, none of the hand killers sent this time were top killers, and Jiang Wanyin was able to deal with it freely.

       He hacked and killed the last killer because he was worried that his son Jiang Wanyin would throw the knife and jumped onto the carriage.

       "Yu Er?"


       Only after seeing his son Jiang Wanyin do well was relieved. But when Lin Yu saw that Jiang Wanyin was soaked and his clothes were stained with blood, he was worried.

       "Mother, why is there so much blood on your body, are you injured?"

       Lin Yu is busy and has to check Jiang Wanyin.

       "Don't worry, mother is not injured, this is not mother's blood."

       Jiang Wanyin calmed his son before thinking of Lin Ruhai. At this time, Lin Ruhai kept staring at Jiang Wanyin.

       "How is Lin Daren?"

       Jiang Wanyin raised his head to look at Lin Ruhai, just in time for Lin Ruhai sight.

       It turned out that the veil that Jiang Wanyin wore when she got out of the car had fallen off due to heavy rain and fighting. At this time, her face was exposed to Lin Ruhai unobstructed.

       Jiang Wanyin served as Maid and served Lin Ruhai for more than ten years, and also served as Lin Ruhai Tongfang. Lin Ruhai naturally had an impression of Jiang Wanyin's appearance; the most important thing was that Jiang Wanyin hadn't changed much in the past ten years. .

       Seeing the shock in Lin Ruhai eyes, Jiang Wanyin subconsciously raised her hand and instantly understood.

       Although he hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, and although he had been avoiding each other, Jiang Wanyin suddenly felt calm after the meeting.

       Jiang Wanyin smiled calmly at Lin Ruhai:

       "I haven't seen him for many years, Daren is fine."

       "You are, you are Xuehe."

       Lin Ruhai said with doubt and certainty.

       "After leaving the Lin family, the women have restored their original names."

       Although Jiang Wanyin didn't directly admit that she was Snow Crane, she undoubtedly admitted that she used to be Snow Crane. Jiang Wanyin only said that she had restored her original name but did not tell Lin Ruhai her real name.

       But at this time, Lin Ruguan didn't care what Jiang Wanyin originally called, his eyes fell on Lin Yu's face.

       "This kid is..."

       Lin Ruhai hesitated before asking, but was interrupted by Jiang Wanyin at the beginning. Jiang Wanyin didn't want to talk to Lin Ruhai about her son.


        "Daren, you are injured. Healing the injury is important. Let's send you to heal the wound first."

       "Jiang Wanyin looked like he didn't want to talk to him about other things. Lin Ruhai also worried about the situation this time and Lin Yu, so he didn't ask more."

       "Then it will work."

       "After Lin Ruhai confessed his guards and entourage to leave the aftermath, he took a few guards and left in Jiang Wanyin's carriage. heavy rain hadn't stopped, it was obviously unrealistic to go back in the official sedan. Moreover, Lin Ruhai official sedan had long been cut by the killer. "

       "Because of Lin Ruhai injury, and because Jiang Wanyin didn't want to go to the Lin family, and of course he was worried about being assassinated on the way to the Lin family, Jiang Wanyin did not send Lin Ruhai back to the Lin family directly."

       Thinking that Lin Ruhai and Zhen Lao-Ye are close friends, Jiang Wanyin suggested sending Lin Ruhai to Zhen's house to treat the wound.

       The rain was getting weaker when she arrived outside Zhen's house. Jiang Wanyin asked Lin Yu to take Tang Jin to send Lin Ruhai to Zhen's house. She herself went home to freshen up.

       She was drenched, and she was not suitable to go to Zhen's house with blood stains, and Jiang Wanyin was also uncomfortable.

       After going home to freshen up, I drank Tang-Shumu's ginger soup.

       "Jiang Wanyin did not go to Zhen's house. She has not planned to meet Lin Ruhai again."

       "Lin Yu didn't return immediately, Jiang Wanyin was uneasy."

       "I waited until it was dark before Lin Yu came back. When he came back, he had already changed into a new suit. Lin Yu sometimes stayed at Zhen's house for the night, and Zhen's house also has his clothes. These years, Zhen Fu-ren has not given Lin Yu less. make clothes."

       "Mother, why haven't you rested yet?"

       When Lin Yu came back, he learned that Jiang Wanyin was waiting for him before he rested, so he came to Jiang Wanyin's courtyard.

       "You haven't come back, Niang how can you rest assured."

       She was not worried about her son's safety, she was worried that her son could not help telling Lin Ruhai and Lin Ruhai who he was.

       It's just that when I met my son Jiang Wanyin, I didn't know how to ask.

       When the words came to my lips, they didn't say anything, and they said something else.

       "Why the delay is so long? It's useful to have a meal? kitchen is still warm, and Mother asks you to bring it."

       "No mother, my son has already eaten at the foster father. Lin-Daren is not at ease at home, fearing that Lin-Lao-Fu-ren is worried about going back. Lin-Daren is hurt by his foster father. Don't worry, so the son and foster father sent Lin-Daren back to the mansion."

       Originally Jiang Wanyin was relieved when he heard Lin Yu call Lin Ruhai Lin-Daren, and knew that Lin Yu did not recognize Lin Ruhai. However, Lin Yu's next words raised her heart again.

       "Did you go to the Lin's house?"

       Jiang Wanyin immediately stood up and looked at Lin Yu and asked, worried and a little uneasy.

       Zhimu Mo Ruozi, the mother and son have lived together for many years, and Lin Yu knows what Jiang Wanyin looks like.

       Lin Yu got up and helped Jiang Wanyin to sit down and said:

       "Mother, don't worry, the son has a sense of measure. son does not have a foster father and Lin Daren enters the door, and the son stays in the carriage."

       "The son promised Mother that he would not act impulsively. son has grown up and knows what to do, mother, you should believe that the son is."

       Lin Yu squatted in front of Jiang Wanyin, holding Jiang Wanyin's hand and said, begging his mother for her trust.

       Jiang Wanyin stretched out her hand to touch her son's head, looked at his son who was already a young man, and watched the childishness on his face gradually disappeared. At this moment, she clearly saw that her son had grown up.

       "My mother thinks too much. My mother's Yu Er has grown up and is Daren. You are right, Weiniang should believe you."

       The son has grown up, she should try to believe his son; the child has grown up, she should learn to let go, let the chicks learn to fly, only these chicks can grow into eagles.

       After the mother and son talked, the gap between them just disappeared.

       The mother and son discussed about Lin Ruhai and the Lin family again, and finally Jiang Wanyin did not forget to exhort her.

       "Son, my mother knows what you are thinking, but the Lin family's affairs are in a hurry. You wait, my mother wants you to recognize your ancestors."

       Calculating the time is almost the same.

       "The son knows, the son remembers."

       "It's getting late, and you're tired if something happened today. Don't read a book tonight. Rest early."

       "Mother, you should rest earlier."

       Here, Jiang Wanyin's mother and son are relieved to rest early, but the masters of the Lin family are panicked and uneasy.

       Lin Ruhai was assassinated and injured on the road, but he frightened Lin Lao Fu-ren and Jia Min. Even if Lin Ruhai was sent back to the Lin Mansion, he was diagnosed and treated by the Lin Family Mansion doctor and said that it was just a skin injury that was harmless. Lao Fu-ren and Jia Min rest assured.

       Lin Ruhai said something badly, and then talked to her daughter Daiyu to persuade Lin Lao Fu-ren to take a rest.

       It's just that Jia Min is stubborn. No matter how Lin Ruhai persuaded her, she would not go back to the main courtyard to rest, saying that she wanted to stay and take care of Lin Ruhai.

       Although Lin Ruhai was injured, he should have taken a good rest, but there were still many things waiting for him to deal with, and he could not rest immediately. It's like government affairs, such as assassination, Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, and so on, all need him to arrange, how can he rest at ease? And some of these things cannot be let Jia Min know, and some are Lin Ruhai reluctance to let Jia Min know.

       Seeing that Jia Min couldn't be persuaded, Lin Ruhai finally got angry and sent Jia Min to rest with a very tough attitude.

       "Min Er, it's getting late, Min Er, you're weak, go back and rest first."

       "Lao-Ye dislikes Qie.."

       Hearing Lin Ruhai said that she was weak, the expression on Jia Min's face instantly became sad. Lin Ruhai has something in his mind, and his patience has been worn out for so long. It's just that Lin Ruhai was not a violent person. Although he was annoyed in his heart, he did not lose his temper at Jia Min. Instead, he tried to slow down and relax his tone as much as possible.

       "Nothing. I'm just worried about your body. If you are exhausted, who won't take care of me and take care of the house. Be obedient, go and rest."

       Although Lin Ruhai has tried his best to speak softly, Jia Min is an extremely sensitive person, especially after Lin Daiyu's body was injured and unable to regenerate, Jia Min Temper became more sensitive. It was also because Lin Lao Fu-ren asked Lin Ruhai to take concubine because of her inability to regenerate, which made Jia Min's nerves strained all the time, and a little bit of trouble, she was completely dead. Although Lin Ruhai still didn't mean to take concubine in the past two years, Jia Min was still uneasy.

       "I just know Lao-Ye you just hate me..."

       "I've said it, no such thing. Okay, it's getting late, I'll send you back to rest."

       "Lin Mama, send Fu-ren back to rest."

       Lin Mama is the Wet-nurse of Lin Ruhai, and he is in charge of the yard where Lin Ruhai front yard study is located.

       Although Lin Ruhai and Jia Min have a deep affection, Lin Ruhai rarely talks to Jia Min about officialdom and government affairs. In the study in the front yard, even Jia Min could not enter the study without Lin Ruhai permission.


       Lin Ruhai attitude was so tough that he felt humiliated and aggrieved by Lin Ruhai.

       "Lin Mama, send Fu-ren back."

       Lin Ruhai called again, Lin Mama did not hesitate to ask Jia Min this time.

       "Lao-Ye is going to rest, Fu-ren, please."

       After Jia Min left, Lin Ruhai entourage came in and waited, and it was Lin Xiang who followed Lin Ruhai out today.

       "I don't need you to serve tonight, let Lin He stay, you can go back."

       Thinking of today's assassination, Lin Ruhai sent Lin Xiang back to rest. This can be regarded as Lin Ruhai sympathy for his servants, of course, because Lin Ruhai defends Lin Xiang; this is because Lin Ruhai mother was one of Jia Min's original dowry Maid; Lin Ruhai also thought of this before sending Lin Xiang back.

       After Lin Xiang left, Lin Ruhai told Lin He about the things he had planned.

       "Lao-Ye, but because of Lin Yu Shaoye?"

       Lin He is the son of Lin Ruhai Wet-nurse Lin Mama. Billin Ruhai is six months old. He is Lin Ruhai nanny brother and he is trusted by Lin Ruhai. It was precisely because of this relationship that Lin He dared to ask Lin Ruhai this.

       "You saw the child today, but what did you find?"

       Lin Ruhai had speculation in his mind but was not sure.

       Lin He also hesitated whether or not to say. Seeing Lin Ruhai staring at him, he finally spoke.

       "Lao-Ye, I found that Lin Yu Shaoye looks very similar to you."

       "You mean Lin Yu's child looks like me."

       It's almost certain tone already.

       "Sixty points."

       "Sure enough." Lin Ruhai confirmed his guess in his heart.

       Six points show him, the remaining three points look like Lin Jiang-Shi, and one point looks like his mother Lin Lao Fu-ren.

       In ancient times, because glass mirrors or diorama were not popular, many people used bronze mirrors that were vague, and some people didn't know what they looked like for a lifetime.

       Although the Lin family is rich, but this diorama is not available at will.

       Naturally, Lin Ruhai hadn't seen his looks clearly.

       "Lin and you arrange for someone to check the Lin-Jiang-Shi mother and son, and check it quietly first, don't alarm Lao-Fu-ren and Fu-ren, and don't alarm Lin-Jiang-Shi mother and son."

       "It's Lao-Ye."

       Lin He took the order.

       "Go out and call Lin Tong."

       Lin Tong is Lin Ruhai guard, and also the guard who protects Ruhai today. Lin Ruhai is naturally looking for him for today's assassination.

       Lin Ruhai asked people to investigate Jiang Wanyin's mother and son quietly, but he didn't know that Lin Lao Fu-ren had been looking for Jiang Wanyin's mother and her son for many years but had not found them. Of course Lin Lao Fu-ren didn't know that the people she sent out never found Jiang Wanyin's mother and son because Jia Min sent someone to obstruct her secretly. And Lin Ruhai didn't know the contest between his wife and his mother.

       This mother and son, husband and wife, motherzi and daughterzi conceal each other, making the originally simple things complicated.

       What Lin Ruhai didn't even know was that he prevented Lin Xiang from sending Lin Xiang to leave. After Lin Xiang returned, he told his mother about Lin Yu, who had a similar appearance to Lin Ruhai, especially the mention that Jiang Wanyin was Lin Ruhai Tongfang Maid.

       Lin Xiang, Lin He, and Lin Mu, the son of Steward Lin, both served Lin Ruhai since childhood, and they naturally knew that they had seen Snow Cranes back then.

       After Lin Xiang's mother learned about it from Lin Xiang, she went to see Jia Min the next morning and reported the matter to Jia Min.

       Jia Min was very angry when he learned about it.

       "It turns out that both his mother and son knew it, but I was the only one being kept in the dark."

       "I said, why didn't he agree to take concubine? I thought he was for me, but now I know that it's just my own love. It turns out that he has had a wicked relationship with that bastard-handmaid..."

       "It turns out that the old immortal is deliberately misleading and deceiving me, saying that he is looking for the daughter of the handkerchief, but in fact he is looking for the bastard and wild species..."

       "Lin Ruhai, Lin Family, you are really deceiving people too much."

       "I want to find that wild species back, don't think about it, everything in the Lin family belongs to my son..."

       Jia Min's eyes were blushing.

       I will never let those who fight wild..

        "Lin Ruhai knows that Jiang Wanyin's mother and son are in Yangzhou City, and that they are related to the Zhen Lao-Ye family, so it is not difficult to check Jiang Wanyin's mother and son."

       "Similarly, Jia Min has already learned something from Maid's dowry. Since she has been in charge of the Lin family for many years, it is not difficult to inquire about Jiang Wanyin and her son."

       "Lin Ruhai wanted to follow the vine to find out about Jiang Wanyin's mother and son for more than ten years, and wanted to confirm whether Lin Yu is his son, so this check took more time. But Jia Min just wanted to cut the weeds, so he checked. When Jiang Wanyin's mother and son were in Yangzhou City, and Lin Yu was found in Ganquan Academy, Jia Min acted."

       "Then these Jiang Wanyin didn't know. Although they met Lin Ruhai by chance, Lin Ruhai remained silent for a few months. Jiang Wanyin only regarded it as Lin Ruhai Noble. How early did they forget their mother and son. After all, Lin Ruhai said that between them There is no direct relationship."

       Of course, this is just Jiang Wanyin's own thoughts.

       After feeling uneasy for a few days, seeing that Lin Ruhai and the Lin family did not move, Jiang Wanyin's heart also relaxed a little. After another two months, Lin Ruhai and the Lin family remained silent, and Jiang Wanyin didn't want to worry any more.

       "It's just that Jiang Wanyin just let go of his defense, and something went wrong."

       "Lin Yu said he would go out to visit friends and be a guest at his classmate's house. Before going out, Lin Yu had agreed on the time to come back, but seeing that it was already the time Lin Yu said that Lin Yu had not returned yet, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but worry."

       "When will it be, go out and see if Shaoye is back?"

       "My son didn't come back on time, Jiang Wanyin just let go of it and raised his heart again."

       If Jiang Wanyin would not have been so worried before meeting Lin Ruhai, since meeting Lin Ruhai, Jiang Wanyin's uneasy heart has been there forever.

       "Jiang Wanyin sent Maid out to see if his son is back. Maid went out and came back soon, saying that his son has not returned yet."

       Jiang Wanyin was uneasy, she stomped back and forth in the room uneasy, waiting for another half an hour, Jiang Wanyin finally couldn't wait any longer.

       "Come on, get a carriage immediately, I'm going out."

       Jiang Wanyin hurried out to pick up her son. Several of Lin Yu's good friends, Jiang Wanyin, also knew. Lin Yu has been studying at Ganquan Academy for several years, and he has made some friends who can talk to each other, and he has also been a guest at home.

       When Jiang Wanyin went out, the sky was already dim and dark, Jiang Wanyin was anxious.

       After going out, Jiang Wanyin ordered the coachman to go directly to Lin Yu's friend's house.

       When he was nervous and panicked, Jiang Wanyin suddenly remembered Ai-Miao, who had disappeared and was troubled. In recent years, Ai-Miao hardly appeared except for reminding her to do tasks and asking her for candy from time to time, because Jiang Wanyin had few opportunities to get Ai-Miao. And Jiang Wanyin has been learning, hoping that she can learn more knowing skills and be able to be independent on her own, and she doesn't want to rely too much on Ai-Miao.

       She did not rely on Ai-Miao in recent years.

       But now things are urgent, she has to ask Ai-Miao for help.

       "Ai-Miao .."

       "Come on."

       Ai-Miao flashed before Jiang Wanyin's eyes.

       "Oh, it's been so many years, fat girl, you finally think of me."

       Ai-Miao has an ironic and teasing tone.

       Jiang Wanyin had no intention of joking with it because he was worried that his son Jiang Wanyin's voice might even tremble.

       "Ai-Miao, there may be something wrong with Yuer, you can help me find Yuer."

       "All right, I will help you find it, don't worry."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin, I was really anxious. Ai-Miao stopped joking with Jiang Wanyin and immediately helped Jiang Wanyin find his son.

       With Ai-Miao's help, Lin Yu was quickly found.

       "Fat girl, it's okay, someone is going to kill your son, your son seems to be injured..."


       Jiang Wanyin was shocked.

       "Ai-Miao, where is Yu Er, you take me there quickly."

       "Okay, I will show you the way."

       With Ai-Miao giving directions, Jiang Wanyin quickly found Lin Yu.

       When Lin Yu was found, Lin Yu was fighting hard against the enemy, Tang Shu supported Tang Jin, who was already injured. Jiang Wanyin did not hesitate for a second, she jumped out of the carriage and rushed up.

       "Give me the knife."

       Jiang Wanyin said to Tang Shu, Tang Shu Suns saw Jiang Wanyin, their eyes widened in surprise.

       "Fu-ren. Fu-ren came to save us."

       Jiang Wanyin took the knife in Tang Jin's hand and rushed forward.

       Lin Yu was exhausted against the enemy alone, and her body was already wounded. Jiang Wanyin rushed forward and slashed at Lin Yu with the knife, and she protected Lin Yu behind her back.

       "Yu Er, take a break, and let the rest come."

       Seeing Lin Yu's wounds and blood, Jiang Wanyin's anger and killing intent was more victorious than Lin Ruhai assassination day. These people obviously wanted her son's life. Fortunately, she let her son practice martial arts since she was a child in order to have a good health. If her son does not know martial arts, wouldn't he be killed by these people today?

       Who on earth wanted to kill her son? She asked herself if she had not offended anyone but the monk in the past ten years.

       Suddenly, a person broke into Jiang Wanyin's mind.

       It's Jia Min!

       Thinking of the cold-hearted Jia History, Jia Min is the daughter of Jia History, and what Jia Min has done over the years is definitely the true biography of Jia History.

       Lin Ruhai already knew their mother and son, it is hard to guarantee that Jia Min would not know.

       Jiang Wanyin was almost the first to suspect Jia Min, and he was almost certain that it was Jia Min.

       She hasn't offended anyone except a monk in recent years, but she hasn't met a monk together, maybe that monk doesn't know that she exists.

       The existence of his mother and son did not hinder the interests of other people, except Jia Min.

       Thinking about it, the only possibility is Jia Min.

       Jiang Wanyin wanted to wave the ground knife in her hand and didn't stop. She vented the anger and killing intent in her heart to those who wanted to kill her son.

       Not many people robbed and killed her son, but five or six.

       Jiang Wanyin had already killed two people at the beginning. After guessing that Jia Min sent someone to kill Lin Yu, Jiang Wanyin killed another person. other two turned around and wanted to escape when they saw that the situation was wrong, but they were no faster than Jiang Wanyin. His leg was kicked and broken by Jiang Wanyin, and the other was stunned by Jiang Wanyin with a knife.

       Jiang Wanyin didn't kill the remaining three people. She planned to keep her alive for interrogation. If it was the person sent by Jia Min, she would definitely go to the Lin family to ask.

       Three people alive were tied up, and the three and two corpses were carried and thrown onto the carriage before Jiang Wanyin got into the car to treat the wounds to Lin Yu.

       Lin Yu was chopped twice, one on his arm and one on his back. Fortunately, the wound was not deep, but a lot of blood was still bleeding.

       Jiang Wanyin picked out the medicine from the drawer of the carriage and applied it to Lin Yu, and then carefully wrapped it up.

       The medicine on the carriage was made by Jiang Wanyin himself, and the wound medicine was also an excellent medicine for wounds.

       He bandaged Lin Yu's wound, and told the coachman to drive home. Jiang Wanyin asked Lin Yu.

       "Yu Er, what is going on? Why are these people killing you? Did you offend someone?"

       Although Jiang Wanyin suspects Jia Min, there is no evidence yet, and the three of them are not sure that it is Jia Min yet. Jiang Wanyin did not directly say.

       She had no grudges with the others except the Lin Family and Jia Min, so Jiang Wanyin asked Lin Yu if he had offended anyone. This person's heart is sinister, and Jiang Wanyin never underestimates the malicious heart.

       "Mother, don't you know what kind of person your son is? He has always respected his teacher and kind classmates in the academy. He has never had such a deep hatred with others that he would kill him."

       Among the various students in the academy, there are too many people to avoid conflicts, but they are all small frictions and they will not be hated to the point of sending people to kill him.

       Lin Yu thought about it carefully, but he didn't expect such a person.

       "Then any of your classmates are jealous of you?"

       "Or is he jealous of you, but you don't know? Think about it carefully."

       After several lifetimes, she knew that just jealousy would kill people. Both men and women are jealous. In previous lives, she has seen many people who have harmed others because of jealousy and ultimately harmed herself.

       Her son is smart and she knows how to be a mother. If she is not smart, she won't be able to pass the County-Graduate fame in his early ten.

       Although the Jiangnan culture is flourishing, the 10-year-old County-Graduate is also considered a genius.

       Jiang Wanyin's worry is not unreasonable.

       Lin Yu listened to Jiang Wanyin's words and looked at Jiang Wanyin's worried expression a little helpless.

       "Mother, don’t guess, it’s impossible. Who would be jealous of his son. Those who can enter Ganquan Academy are all outstanding students from all over the south of the Yangtze River. Only the son is in the Class B class only out of twenty. There are more than ten people who are the case leaders, but they are much better than their sons, so how can they be jealous of their sons."

       "Mother, these assassins will never be related to their son's classmates. As for who they are, you will know if you interrogate them later, mother."

       "If it wasn't your classmate, then the mother probably knew who sent them?"

       "who is it?"

       Lin Yu stared at Jiang Wanyin and asked.

       Jiang Wanyin looked at Lin Yu and hesitated...

       Since these people who want to kill their sons are not because of the grievances and hatred between their sons and other people, it is only because of their son's life experience.

       "Jia Min."

       Jiang Wanyin said Jia Min's name.

       "We have never had any enmity with others in Duocheng, Yangzhou, and you have never had enmity with others in the academy, so if everyone else is excluded, only Jia Min is left."

       "Yu Er, I'm afraid that we met Lin-Daren that day called Jia Min, and Wei Niang and you are also called Jia Min."

       "Mother, you mean Lin Fu-ren? Why? We didn't return to Lin's house, and it didn't interfere with her. Why did she want to kill her son."

       Lin Yu was shocked.

       Lin Yu was young and had little experience. He had never seen the cruelty of human nature and the cruelty of reality.

       "Didn’t the early mother tell you. That Jia Min was born in Rongguo Mansion, is the biological daughter of Jia Taijun Jia History, who was brought up by Jia History himself. Jia History can strangle Erxi who has been with him for more than ten years, you treat her as her What kind of person. What kind of person the daughter she raised up will be."

       "I saw in Jia Min that the existence of our mother and son has hindered her, even if we didn't return to Lin Mansion." They haven't returned to Lin's house now, but Lin Ruhai already knows of Yu Er's existence, and Lin Ruhai has no son, in order to inherit Incense Lin Ruhai will let Yu Er return to Lin's house sooner or later.

       Jia Min, who has not given birth to a son after marrying into the Lin family for so many years, can naturally guess such a result, and her knowledge of Jia History and Jia Min in previous lives shows that Jia Min is definitely the one who can do such things.

       "If you don't believe it, you will know whether it is true or not after interrogating the three."

Chapter 95  |   Volume 3: Lin Family's Maid
Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135
Chapter 140
Chapter 145
Chapter 150
Chapter 155

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