RM Maid 105

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        "what happened?"

       "The carriage stopped suddenly, Jiang Wanyin hurriedly protected the son who was already asleep in his arms, for fear of frightening the child. child is the most shocked, especially when the child is sleeping, the child will have nightmares and may become sick. ."

       Because she was worried about her son, Jiang Wanyin felt unhappy.

       "Fu-ren, the road ahead is blocked, there seems to be an official car."

       Official sedan?

       Jiang Wanyin suddenly remembered.

       "Where did the sedan officer go?"

       "We are coming here, we should go to West Street. Look at that Guanyi should be a high official, there are three sedan chairs, and there are many carriages."

       "Got it. Let's go when they pass."

       To the west, there are mostly official mansions in Yangzhou City. If you go to the west, you must be an official. Blocked by the side, Jiang Wanyin raised a corner of the curtain and looked out. It happened to see the official sedan passing in front of her. people in the official sedan also just raised a half curtain and looked out. That familiar and unfamiliar face suddenly appeared. Before Jiang Wanyin's eyes.

       It's Lin Ruhai!

       Unexpectedly, it was Lin Ruhai.

       "Thinking of what Zhen Lao-Ye said before, I think Lin Ruhai should be the new salt inspector who came to take office."

       "I haven't seen it for many years, but Lin Ruhai has changed a lot. Not only does he look calmer, he also has more official power. It seems to be much stronger than a few years ago, thinner than a few years ago, and he has a beard. It's a lot older."

       With a beard at a young age, he looks like a man.

       Lin Ruhai official sedan chair passed, and then the two sedan chairs followed closely. You don't need to guess Jiang Wanyin also knew that it should be Lin Lao Fu-ren and Lin Ruhai Fu-ren Jia Min.

       "She had asked about Lin Ruhai news in Gusu before. two had been married for several years, but Jia Min has never been pregnant."

       But what does this have to do with her? This is Lin Ruhai and Jia Min's business. It has nothing to do with her, at least for the time being. She doesn't plan to do the task now.

       When the official sedan passed by, Jiang Wanyin lowered the curtains and the carriage moved slowly.

       Although there are many rich salt households in Yangzhou City, the city is still very stable, and because Zhen Lao-Ye has a reputation, most people will not be okay to find differences, so the two families have a stable life.

       However, after this new Xunyan Yushi came to Yangzhou, he added a lot of gossip topics to the people in Yangzhou City. These people are afraid of officials, but they also like to talk about the gossip of being an official.

       Or maybe it was Lin Ruhai airborne landing in Yangzhou City as the Xunyan Yushi who became the other person, and damaged certain interests. story of the new Xunyan Yushi and his family’s house in Yangzhou City was publicized and became a discussion among the people of Yangzhou after dinner. Talking about capital has been circulated for months.

       Even Jiang Wanyin and Zhen Fu-ren in the inner house listen to the news every day.

       Zhen Fu-ren, who was pregnant with a child after 20 years of marriage, could not help but sympathize with Jia Min after hearing that Jia Min had been married for several years without children.

       "This Lin Fu-ren is also a pitiful person, but he was said to be like this before he had been married for six or seven years. Compared with me, I have had this child. Fortunately, I already have this child."

       Zhen Fu-ren stroked her abdomen with emotion.

       "This worldly custom is too harsh for women, but as a woman, we cannot change this worldly custom."

       The dignity and inferiority of this world are determined by men, women are not allowed to serve as officials, and there is no way to change the status of women without power. Even in her previous life, even if she became Empress Dowager, she had no chance to change anything. Because the government has never been in her hands.

       "Yes. Our women were born to suffer in this world."

       Zhen Fu-ren sighed because of Jia Min.

       "Then Lin Fu-ren is the Qianjin of Duke's house. She has married to the Lin family, who has been a scholar of the lords for generations. Now there is a lady who is right 3-Grade, and she has a deep affection with Lin Daren. This can be considered a blessing, but it's hard to say it's here to suffer."

       "Furthermore, I also heard that the Lin family is a good family, not worse than you and brother righteous. Now Sao, you have children. If you want to come to the Lin family, you will be rewarded."

       "That's true. There will always be fate for this child, it's just a matter of time."

       "Okay Sao, let's not talk about outsiders. weather is good today, I will walk with you."

       "You are about to give birth. Walking more will help in future production. Before I was born 9-Lang, Maid helped me walk in the garden every day, and I didn't suffer much during production."

       "Okay, let's go for a walk and take a look at Lao-Ye and 9-Lang by the way."

       Zhen Fu-ren is a month old, and Jiang Wanyin comes to accompany her almost every day. With Jiang Wanyin, who was accompanied by a producer, Zhen Lao-Ye was relieved a lot.

       The two of them came to the study to find out that Zhen Lao-Ye had taken Lin Yu out to collect the style. Recently, Zhen Lao-Ye started teaching the Six Arts of Jun Zi Lin Yu.

       Although Zhen Lao-Ye is an Imperial-Graduate, he is not pedantic, but a very witty and easy person. Unlike those scholars who read dead books, like Jia Zheng of Rong Guofu, he is full of politeness, righteousness and shame all day long.

       Lin Yu did not lose his spirituality with him, but was more transparent and clever, which made Jiang Wanyin very satisfied; therefore, Jiang Wanyin also took care of Zhen Fu-ren attentively and repayed her.

       "It's no wonder that I was asked to prepare a book bag for him yesterday on 9-Lang. It turned out that I was going out with Brother Yi today. This stinky kid is really hiding it."

       "Your righteous brother didn't tell me, these two people are really true."

       Zhen Fu-ren thought and worried.

       "It's freezing so cold, don't be 9-lang."

       "Sao don't have to worry, today 9-Lang is dressed thickly, and besides the righteous brother is there, I am not worried."

       The two men who made Jiang Wanyin relieved didn't do anything to make Jiang Wanyin relieved.

       Since Lin Yu learned painting, Zhen Lao-Ye felt that Lin Yu was quite spiritual, and wanted to take him to watch some wild and lonely sceneries to cultivate Lin Yu's spirituality; and Lin Yu had no choice but to go out to play. Looking forward to it.

       Although this city of Yangzhou is stable, there are many kidnappers and traffickers. Every year, many children are lost in Yangzhou city. Jiang Wanyin can't worry about letting Lin Yu go out, even if the servants take it with them.

       Because she lives with Zhen Shi and his wife, Jiang Wanyin always remembers that Zhen Yinglian was taken out of the house by her subordinates, and she was abducted by the kidnappers because the subordinates were careless.

       Thinking of this, Jiang Wanyin was not relieved to let Lin Yu go out.

       Except for herself, only Zhen Lao-Ye took Lin Yu out to be assured.

       But Jiang Wanyin also feels distressed when he keeps the child at home. Fortunately, Lao-Ye has often taken Lin Yu out of the house in recent years.

       Zhen Lao-Ye took Lin Yu to the temple outside the city to observe the plum blossoms. two also agreed to keep the trip secret from Jiang Wanyin and Zhen Fu-ren.

       The two of them didn't return to the city until the afternoon, and Zhen Lao-Ye was entangled by Lin Yu to go to the restaurant. Zhen Lao-Ye always loved Lin Yu so much, so naturally there was no objection.

       After full tea and rice, Zhen Lao-Ye mentioned that it was time to return home, but Lin Yu was unwilling. little guy's eyes turned sharply.

       "Father, my mother said before that I wanted to eat Jiuweizhai preserved plums, let's sell some for my mother. If my mother receives a gift from your father, she will be very happy, and will not blame your father for taking me out of the city to play."

       "You kid."

       Hearing what Lin Yu meant, Zhen Lao-Ye stretched out her hand and rubbed the small bun on Lin Yu's head, messing up his hair.

       Lin Yu did not hide from the left and right, but the pair of chubby hands tried to protect his head but couldn't compete with Zhen Lao-Ye.

       When Zhen Lao-Ye let go, the little bun on Lin Yu's head was messed up.

       "Father, you bullied me. I want to go back and tell my mother that she will not give you alcohol. My former son heard that Tang Yeye, the wine that Mother brewed last year, has moved over."

       Speaking to Zhen Lao-Ye, she put on a proud look.

       "Last time, father, you were drunk and poured alcohol into the fish tank, causing the fish to die of drunkenness. My mother was sad for a long time. Is this because I kept my mother from you, if my mother knew..."

       "how do you know?"

       Zhen Lao-Ye was astonished, but he remembered that he had clearly ordered the servants who were waiting to silence it.

       "Of course I know, because I was there that day." He poured wine into the fish tank because he was also curious.

       "Yeah, you kid... wait, it's not you kid who poured the bar into the fish tank."

       Lin Yu didn't expect Zhen Lao-Ye to guess him. After a moment, she called Zhen Lao-Ye to see.

       "Sure enough, you kid..."

       "Not really. I was curious to pour the glass when I saw you pouring wine into the fish tank. I didn't expect the fish to be drunk."

       "You just poured a glass?" Zhen Lao-Ye didn't believe it.

       "Hey, I poured all the remaining wine in the pot."

       "I said why the pot of wine on the cupboard is gone. It turned out to be your little one. You stinky kid caused him to sleep in the library for his father for a month, and see if I don't clean up you."

       Zhen Lao-Ye rubbed Lin Yu's hair again, making Lin Yu giggled.

       It turns out that the two masters were drunk and killed the fish. Zhen Fu-ren was drunk and the fish raised by Zhen Fu-ren was so drunk that Zhen Lao-Ye was sent out of the study to sleep for a month.

       "Father, buy me sweet cakes, father..."

       When the threat didn't work, Lin Yu acted like a baby.

       "It's not impossible if you want to eat sweet cakes, but..."

       "Not enough."

       Lin Yu wailed when he heard it.

       "But what? Father, please tell me. Is it an endorsement or a poem or a pair? You can write the question."

       "Well, today we appreciate the plum, you can make a plum poem."

       The two of you are in the private room, you come and I am talking and laughing, the voice is not small, in the other private room separated from them by the wall, because the windows are close together, their voices are heard next door.

       And the next door is not someone else, it is the family of the new salt inspector Lin Ruhai who took office a few months ago. Could it be that Lin Ruhai Muxiu took Jia Min out for a walk.

       Lin Ruhai and Jia Min couldn't help but envy them when they heard the immature poems chanting next door.

       When Jia Min saw Lin Ruhai carefully listening to the poems of the young children, he couldn't help but feel sad and feel guilty.

       If she had given birth to a son early, it would be the age when she could chant poems right now.

       Lin Ruhai heard the concentration but didn't notice Jia Min's loss.

       The two neighbors have already got the result. Although Zhen Lao-Ye said that Lin Yu's poems were mediocre, but unable to withstand Lin Yu's acting like a baby, she finally agreed to take him to buy sweet cakes.

       "Alright, alright, I'll take you to buy sweet cakes. But you can only eat two yuan. If your mother finds you stealing sweet cakes and punish you, I don't care."

       Because Lin Yu was about to change his teeth, Jiang Wanyin was afraid that his teeth would be damaged by decayed teeth, so he did not let him eat too many sweet things. mansion did not make sweet cakes or let people buy them from outside. This made him a sweet tooth. Lin Yu was very upset, but didn't dare to resist his mother, so she could only act Spoiledly on Zhen Lao-Ye and Zhen Fu-ren for sweet cakes.

       It's just that although Zhen Lao-Ye and Zhen Fu-ren love Lin Yu, they dare not give him more food for Lin Yu's sake.

       Children have more appetites, which makes Lin Yu always want to find opportunities to eat some sweet cakes.

       "I see. Father, let's go."

       Zhen Lao-Ye came out holding Lin Yu, just as Lin Ruhai and his wife also came out of the private room and saw each other at the door.

       Zhen Lao-Ye is Imperial-Graduate Lao-Ye, Lin Ruhai is a Yangzhou official. Lin Ruhai does not recognize Zhen Lao-Ye, but Zhen Lao-Ye recognizes Lin Ruhai. Now that they met and knew each other, Zhen Lao-Ye had to come forward and salute.

       Zhen Lao-Ye put Lin Yu down, and the two of them stepped forward to salute.

       "Meet Daren."

        "Since Lin Ruhai family came to Yangzhou City, Jiang Wanyin seldom went out."

       "Lin Ruhai came to Yangzhou to take up his post. Not only Lin-Lao-Fu-ren and Jia Min, but also Lin's subordinates came to Yangzhou with him."

       "After a few years, perhaps Lin Ruhai and Lin Lao Fu-ren have forgotten her former Tongfang Yato, but Jiang Wanyin still can't guarantee that the people of the Lin family have forgotten her. Especially Yuqin and Bixiao. She has been with the two for many years."

       "So in order to avoid being recognized by the people of the Lin Mansion and knowing the existence of Lin Yu, Jiang Wanyin rarely goes out."

       In the first month, Zhen Fu-ren gave birth to a son safely, and Zhen Fu-ren also remembered going to a temple outside the city to pay his vows.

       "When I went to Yangzhou city early last year, Jiang Wanyin once accompanied Zhen Fu-ren to the temple outside the city to make a wish. Although Zhen Fu-ren believed that she was pregnant with the child as a blessing to Jiang Wanyin's mother and son, she just had to make a wish but had to pay it back."

       This ancient person is always more superstitious, even Jiang Wanyin's rebirth many times has forced her to believe this.

       On this day, Zhen Lao-Ye personally sent Jiang Wanyin and Zhen Fu-ren to the temple outside the city to pay his vows. It is hard to tell that Cheng Jiang Wanyin brought Lin Yu with him.

       Because the son is still at home, Zhen Fu-ren is worried about his son, so she only intends to pay the incense and pay it back and wish to add more sesame oil to return home.

       "I don't think that it rained heavily as soon as I arrived at the temple, and it didn't stop for a long time. Jiang Wanyin was anxious and worried. Especially Zhen Fu-ren, worried about the son of the family."

       "Mother, I'll go out and play for a while."

       "Stay in the room with Daren, Lin Yu felt bored and wanted to go out to play, Jiang Wanyin also restrained him."

       "It's raining outside, don't go out to get drenched in the rain. If you get sick from the rain, you will have to drink bitter medicine dregs."

       "Mother, I know. I won't go out. I will go to the main hall to see the Bodhisattva, and look in the corridor. I heard the master say that you can see the peach blossoms at the back of the temple in Xilang."

       "West Lang, you can go, but you can't disturb the guests over there."

       The little novice monk had just come to warn them, and the official family members came to Xilang, and told them not to disturb the official family members.

       Jiang Wanyin knew that the little novice was kind. This will hear my son go to West Lang, naturally I have to tell him again and again.

       "Mother, you can rest assured that I will not disturb others. Just let me go."

       "All right. But if you bring Tang Jin and Hua Hua, don't throw them away, otherwise you are not allowed to go anywhere."

       "I know, I know."

       "Mother, mother, son went out to play."

       Lin Yu happily went out and asked Tang Jin to leave with Duohua.

       "This kid just can't stay. Neither I nor his father are lively Temper, and he doesn't know who is going to follow him with this temper."

       Watching her son leave, Jiang Wanyin turned her head and said something like a grievance with Zhen Fu-ren, but the smile on his brows didn't look like resentment.

       "Children, you have to be active and active, so that your body is good. Now An Er is still young, when An Er grows up, I will let him follow 9-lang, and can learn 9-lang for one or two points. I'm satisfied with being smart."

       "Look at what Sao said. How can anyone say that about their children? Brothers righteous and Sao are both smart people, and your nephew is your own blood and flesh. That must be with you two. In the future, you will be designated to be able to be better than blue. "

       An Er is the nickname of Zhen Shi son, and the big name is Zhen Yingcheng.

       Only then did Jiang Wanyin know that Zhen Lao-Ye and Jinling Zhen’s family were of the same race, but Zhen Lao-Ye was a remote branch of Zhen Shi, and had no contact with Jinling Zhen’s family.

       Although An Er is young, she is of the same generation as Zhen Guifei brother Zhen Yingjia.

       When she heard Zhen Lao-Ye's name for An Er, Jiang Wanyin couldn't help but think of Zhen Yinglian, the only daughter of the two in the original book. English word in the middle of this name should be a homophone of the corresponding word. It can also be seen that the two people value and love the only daughter in the original work.

       "I don't know if An Er woke up and didn't see her mother crying? I don't know how about breastfeeding? Did you take a nap..."

       Speaking of her son, Zhen Fu-ren is so worried.

       "Sao, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Wu Mama's care." Wu Mama is Zhen Fu-ren's Wet-nurse, and Zhen Fu-ren's dowry.

       "I haven't seen the child for most of the day, and I'm always not at ease here."

       Zhen Fu-ren stretched her neck and looked out.

       "Mei-Mei, is it raining lighter for you?"

       Knowing that Zhen Fu-ren was worried, Jiang Wanyin also looked out.

       "Oh, it's really raining. See the sky outside is not so gloomy anymore, I think it's going to be raining to stop."

       Zhen Fu-ren got up anxiously to look at the door. rain that had been nearly half an hour seemed to stop, and the sky had begun to clear.

       "This rain is really going to stop."

       Zhen Fu-ren finally showed happiness on her face. two of them were busy calling for people to find Zhen Lao-Ye and Lin Yu back, ready to return to the city.

       The two of them are in the wing here, but they don't know that Lao-Ye Zhen met the deceased in Master Abbot's Zen room.

       "Brother Lin Xian is very good at chess, but Brother Yu is ashamed."

       In a game of chess, Zhen Lao-Ye lost to Lin Ruhai by half a goal.

       This fate is also a coincidence, and the two unexpectedly chose to go to the mountain Jingxiang in this heaven.

       Zhen Lao-Ye and the master abbot are old acquaintances. Although Lin Ruhai is an official, he is a man of literary talent, and he has the same taste as the abbot. Lin Ruhai and Zhen Lao-Ye met in the meditation room of Master Abbot.

       Because of the master abbot, two more games came down. two talked happily, and they became commensurate with brothers according to their age.

       "Brother Zhen is upset, not necessarily because his chess skills are inferior to Lin."

       It turned out that the servant came to remind her, Zhen Lao-Ye was worried that her son was distracted.

       "The youngest son is not yet one year old, and he is worried about being left at home. Brother Yu is also worried about him. It's rude today."

       It's really rude to invite someone to talk about yourself but get distracted. Zhen Lao-Ye is also a person who reads poems and knows how to know the etiquette, with a face of shame.

       "What is Brother Zhen doing? It's common sense for fathers to worry about women. It can be seen that Brother Zhen is a loving father. Brother Zhen has a pair of Liners in his family, which Lin is envious of."

       These words of envy are Lin Ruhai sincere words.

       "You don't have to envy the virtuous brother, the virtuous brother and his wife, the relationship between children is a matter of time."

       "It's rude today, let's have a better time for the virtuous brother, let's talk about it again."

       "A word is a deal."

       After the two agreed, they got up and said goodbye to Master Abbot.

       The two of them had to leave the abbot's meditation room separately, but they told Zhen Lao-Ye that they had to go to Xilang to find Lin Yu.

       "9-Shaoye said he was going to think about Xilang to enjoy the peach blossoms. Fu-ren told Nucai to meet Lao-Ye and let you and Nucai walk from the Xilang, and find 9-Shaoye to go back together."

       "Ling Lang is like Brother Zhen."

       "Brother Xian laughed. That kid was just looking for excuses to come out and play. How can he appreciate flowers in the rain."

       My student knows that a stinky kid is nothing more than happy beauty, so I really appreciate flowers.

       "Ling Lang is witty and lively, and ice and snow is smart. Brother Zhen has such a good son, and the future is promising..."

       Lin Ruhai tone was full of envy.

       I saw it once in a restaurant before. Lin Yu was clever and cute. Lin Ruhai liked it too.

       In order to protect Lin Yu, Zhen Lao-Ye did not tell anyone that Lin Yu was not himself when he took Lin Yu out. Lin Ruhai did not know that Lin Yu was also the child of Zhen Lao-Ye.

       "That kid is naughty, but he shouldn't be a virtuous brother.."

       The two Big-Lao-Ye walked all the way talking about Lin Yu.

       And Lin Yu, who went to the west porch to enjoy the peach blossoms in the rain, accidentally ran into the person Jiang Wanyin did not let him meet the most.

       This time, Lin Ruhai and Shan Jingxiang came to ask for a child. Not only Lin Ruhai and his wife but also Lin Lao Fu-ren came.

       Lin Yu went to enjoy the peach blossoms on the west porch, but unexpectedly ran into Lin Yu who was about to return to the wing.

       Lin Ruhai and Jia Min have been married for many years and have no children. Lin-Lao-Fu-ren hopes that his grandson will have green eyes.

       When I met the cute and clever Lin Yu, Lin Yu was white and fat and very cute, and the eyes on his fleshy face looked like Lin Ruhai. Fortunately, he was fat and not too conspicuous. Even so, let Lin Lao Fu-ren see and like it, and Lin Lao Fu-ren stepped forward to talk to Lin Yu at a moment's heartbeat.

       "Good boy, what are you doing?"

       "Madam, the kid is watching peach blossoms. Do you always come to enjoy peach blossoms?"

       Lin Yu pretended to be Daren and said solemnly, his manners were very polite, and he knew that he had a good background and education.

       It's just that he forgot what he looked like, his little fleshy face was full of childishness.

       "Yes, yes, Madam also come to enjoy the peach blossoms."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren followed Lin Yu's words to answer, and then asked: "My child, what about your parents? How do you let you come out to enjoy the flowers?"

       "Madam. You are mistaken, the kid is not alone, there are Tang Jin and Duo Er." Lin Yu pointed to Tang Jin and Duo Hua beside him.

       "Mother doesn't worry, she has to let the kid carry them."

       "Madam, it will rain and it will be heavy and humid, you should go back quickly, don't enjoy the flowers, it will be bad if you are in the cold."

       Lin Yu speaks like his mother usually talks about him, which is very interesting.

       "Good boy, Many Thanks, you care, Madam will go back now."

       "Madam. is too old to walk, can you send Madam back to the house? Madam has brought a lot of vegetarian cakes, you send Madam back, and Madam will eat them."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren abducted Lin Yu.

       Lin Yu glanced at Lin Lao Fu-ren suspiciously again, frowned and refused.

       "I can send you Madam back, but I can't accept Madam your pastries, and I have to let Tang Jin and Duoer follow."

       "Why? Madam's vegetable cakes are delicious. You don't want to try it, kid."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren asked curiously.

       "My mother said, you can't eat things given by strangers. Although you look like a good person, Madam., Mother tells the kid not to disobey."

       "Good boy, you are right. Your mother is right. Listen to your mother."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren Hearing Lin Yu's refusal, he was not angry.

       Lin Yu sent Lin Lao Fu-ren back to the room, and the sweet-mouthed Lin Yu coaxed Lin Lao Fu-ren to smile happily.

       When Zhen Lao-Ye and Lin Ruhai came over, the old man was chatting happily.

       Zhen Lao-Ye went with Lin Ruhai to meet Lin Lao Fu-ren, because she was anxious to go back, so she didn't say much.

       "Yu Er, we should go now."

       "I know my father."

       Lin Yu stepped forward and took Zhen Lao-Ye's hand, walked to the door and looked back to say goodbye to Lin Lao Fu-ren again and again.

       "This kid is really smart and cute, and it makes people like it. It's a pity, it's not my grandson."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren felt sad, Lin Ruhai felt guilty immediately after hearing this.

       "The son is not filial, and you are not allowed to play with the grandson. It is the son who is not filial."

       "You're not filial, you're caught by that Jia-Shi..." Lin Lao Fu-ren stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking, and after a pause, she said again: "Haier, our Lin family has a single pass from generation to generation, our Lin family's incense I can't stop at you."

       "You will be the first year to stand. If Jia-Shi can't give you a son and a half, you can't refuse the arrangement for a mother."

       According to the Lin family's house rules, a man can only take concubine in his 30s without children.

       However, Lin Ruhai and Jia Minbiao are deeply affectionate, but they have never moved the heart of Take concubine. It's just that childlessness over the years has left the couple with a knot and a gap.

       "Mother, the son is still a few years away..."

       Lin Ruhai didn't want to mention take concubine at this time. But Lin Lao Fu-ren felt unhappy and helpless when he heard it.

       "You... If your son inherits the incense of the Lin family, then I am the sinner of the Lin family. I gave birth to you, the son who caused the Lin family to cut off the incense..."


       The mother and son were talking, but they didn't know that Jia Min knew that Lin Ruhai came back and stood outside the door.

        "When the rain stopped, Jiang Wanyin and the others hurriedly packed up their things and prepared to go back to the city. Lin family also did the same. Seeing the rain stopped, they packed up and returned to the city."

       "It's a coincidence that the two families who are going to return to the city met at the gate of the temple."

       "When she saw Lin Ruhai family coming out, Jiang Wanyin was shocked. Her first reaction was to reach out and put down the curtain of the drapery on her head to cover her face."

       "She does not plan to meet with the Lin family yet. It is not the time to meet. Lin family must not be able to find her and her son, especially Jia Min."

       "Jiang Wanyin didn't even know that the Lin family also came to offer incense, if she knew she would definitely avoid it."

       Fortunately, Jiang Wanyin responded quickly, and everyone in the Lin family did not see her face clearly.

       But what made Jiang Wanyin even more unexpected was that Lin Yu would know the Lin family. Lin Yu, who was led by Jiang Wanyin, saw Lin Lao Fu-ren and called out to Lin Lao Fu with a smile.

       "Lin Madam."

       "Eh. 9-Lang..."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren was about to say something to Lin Yu, but was interrupted by Jiang Wanyin's behavior. Lin Yu's affectionate call immediately sounded the alarm to Jiang Wanyin.

       "9-Lang must not be rude."

       "The child ignores and offends Lao Fu-ren."

       "Jiang Wanyin's defensive behavior made Lin Lao Fu-ren boring, she said lightly that the child is very well-behaved, and Jiang Wanyin responded very politely. Waiting for Zhen Lao-Ye and Lin Ruhaidao After the farewell, the family left."

       "After watching Jiang Wanyin and the others leave, Lin Lao Fu-ren was a little unable to refresh."

       "Mother, are you okay?"

       "Lin Ruhai asked with anxiety when seeing Lin Lao Fu-ren not in good spirits, Lin Lao Fu-ren set aside."

       "It's okay. It's just a bit tired."

       "Mother, don't be angry. Just now, Brother Zhen told his son that his girl is young and widow, and that child is posthumous." No wonder the widow and orphan is very defensive. "

       "Before, Lin Ruhai always thought that Lin Yu was the son of Zhen Lao-Ye. After all, Lin Yu always called Zhen Lao-Ye's father. Only when Zhen Lao-Ye apologized for Jiang Wanyin did he tell Lin Ruhai that Lin Yu was only Zhen Lao Ye Yizi, Lin Yu is the only son of Zhen Lao-Ye Mei-Mei."

       "What's not angry? I'm a lot of old Pozi, and I can't care about her Little-Erxi. I just like Yuer's child very much, I always feel close, like our Lin family, even the name is like .Pity."

       Lin Lao Fu-ren with emotion.

       If Jiang Wanyin heard these words, he would be moved by the wonder of the blood relationship.

       "The son and Brother Zhen are good friends. If the mother likes the child, turn around and ask Brother Zhen to take the child to the house as a guest."

       Lin Ruhai proposed.

       Lin Ruhai is a big man who doesn't know what a woman thinks. Although Lin Lao Fu-ren is old, he came here when he was young. After hearing Lin Ruhai proposal, she refused.

       "No need. Lest the child's mother worry about it."

       The child's biological mother is obviously guarding them, so why bother to provoke others.

       The mother and the son didn’t speak loudly. Although Jia Min couldn’t hear what the mother and son were saying while standing not far away, she always felt that it must be Lin Lao Fu-ren and said she was not good, doubting Lin Lao Fu-ren said she did not give birth to anything.

       The slender jade hand was clenched into a fist, and the fingernails pierced the palm of the palm with blood stains.

       She felt guilty and resentful.

       Not to mention what happened to Lin Ruhai family. After Jiang Wanyin and others went home, Zhen Lao-Ye talked about it again, not accusing Jiang Wanyin of being rude, but just caring about whether there was something between Jiang Wanyin and the Lin family?

       "Brother don't worry, it's just an old thing. There is nothing to say about grudges. It's just that 9-Lang is still young. I don't want him to know some things too early. Brother and Lin-Daren have a good relationship with Lin-Daren. Little Mei and worry about something."

       "That's fine. If there is anything, Little-Mei, don't hide it. Although your brother is not capable, it is always enough to protect your mother and child."

       Zhen Lao-Ye is very sincere, and Jiang Wanyin was moved when she heard it.

       "I know. Brother."

       In the following days, Jiang Wanyin almost went out and walked around, deliberately avoiding meeting with the Lin family, but she also let people secretly inquire about the Lin family.

       I know that Jia Min finally went to the temple to ask for a child, that the Lin family gave porridge and donated good things, and that Lin Lao Fu-ren occasionally had troubles and so on.

       Zhen Lao-Ye and Lin Ruhai are still in contact with each other, but Zhen Lao-Ye never takes Lin Yu to visit the Lin Mansion.

       A few years later, Zhen Fu-ren gave birth to another daughter. girl really had a rouge mole on her forehead. Zhen Lao-Ye originally wanted to name her daughter Zhen Yinglian, but Jiang Wanyin said that it had a bad meaning, and it sounded like a pity. Zhen Fu-ren refused the name given by Zhen Lao-Ye when she heard it. Finally, Zhen Fu-ren named her daughter Zhen Xi, which sounded like cherishment and had good meaning. So the couple are satisfied.

       Ten years later, Lin Yu was already ten years old. Zhen Lao-Ye said that he was about to be hot, and asked him to take the county test.

       Jiang Wanyin did not make decisions for Lin Yu and let Lin Yu decide for himself.

       "Yu Er, do you really want to go?"

       This child grows up and doesn't like others calling him by his nickname.

       "Mother, my son wants to go."

       "You are too young to be so anxious. In Mother's heart, nothing can compare to you. Mother only needs you to be healthy and safe."

       Jiang Wanyin touched her son, who was already as tall as hers.

       Thanks to Zhen Lao-Ye's careful teaching over the years, her son has become a gentleman at a young age. Even the character is influenced by Zhen Lao-Ye, open-minded and free.

       "It's the son who wants to get fame early. son has grown up and can be the support of Mother in the future. Mother, let your son protect you in the future."

       Lin Yu said seriously, Jiang Wanyin was very moved. This child has grown up a lot in recent years, and even his character has gradually become more stable.

       "Okay, protect Mother from now on."

       Jiang Wanyin touched Lin Yu's immature face. Lin Yu's five senses, which had been ten years old, gradually developed, and his four or five points became more and more like Lin Ruhai. This made Jiang Wanyin very worried.

       Fortunately, because of Jiang Wanyin's words a few years ago, Zhen Lao-Ye never brought Lin Yu and Lin Ruhai to meet again.

       However, she saw Zhen Lao-Ye more than once when she looked at Lin Yu with doubts and doubts. Jiang Wanyin knew that Zhen Lao-Ye must have doubts in her heart, but Jiang Wanyin did not intend to say.

       Because his ancestral home was in Gusu, Lin Yu had to go back to Gusu to take the county test. Fortunately, Gusu City is also close to Yangzhou City, so you don't have to work hard.

       It happened that the two families had not returned to Gusu for many years. This time Zhen Lao-Ye wanted to go home to worship the ancestors, so they decided to return to Gusu together.

       It didn't take long for Zhen Lao-Ye's family to return to Yangzhou City first, because Zhen Xi, who was only one year old, fell ill after returning to Gusu. This made Zhen Shi and his wife anxious and worried. After learning that their daughter was not satisfied, they had to apologize to Jiang Wanyin and take their children back to Yangzhou City in advance.

       As soon as the Zhen family left, Jiang Wanyin and her son were left in Gusu City.

       Jiang Wanyin's mother and son stayed there for more than half a year, because Lin Yu passed the test all the way through the county examination and obtained the qualification for the entrance examination.

       Jiang Wanyin has been accompanying Lin Yu to finish the :Academy exam, and waited until the exam was released. Lin Yu got the fame of County-Graduate, and Jiang Wanyin cried with joy.

       Jiang Wanyin planned to return to Yangzhou for a banquet to celebrate. Before returning to Yangzhou, Lin Yu suddenly approached Jiang Wanyin to ask about his biological father.

       Jiang Wanyin was taken aback when he heard Lin Yu's question.

       Although she knew that the child would ask about this one day, she just didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

       Although Jiang Wanyin had been mentally prepared for a while, he was ready to tell the child about it when he grew up, but he didn't think about it at this time.

       "What's the matter with your child today? Why did you ask about it? Didn't Mother say..."

       "Mother, the son wants to know the truth. Mother, the son has grown up, the son is already a man, the son can protect Mother, Mother, don't be afraid."

       Does this child think she is afraid?

       Jiang Wanyin looked at her son's stubborn eyes and found that her son had really grown up.

       It's just how she should tell the child about this, Jiang Wanyin was silent again.

       "Mother, why don't you tell your son? My son knows..."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin's silence again, Lin Yu became a little anxious.

       "What do you know?"

       Upon hearing this, Jiang Wanyin suddenly raised her head to interrupt Lin Yu. Jiang Wanyin stared at Lin Yu, and Lin Yu lowered her head and said in a low voice:

       "The son accidentally heard the foster father and mother speak. They said that the son looks like Xunyan Yu History Lin Daren.."

       "So, what do you want to know?"

       Jiang Wanyin was a little bit dumbfounded. child was actually eavesdropping on what the righteous brother and Sao said. Jiang Wanyin really didn't know whether to be angry.

       It seemed that I couldn't keep it secret, and Jiang Wanyin was really worried about what the child would do.

       Brother Yi, you really dug a big hole for my sister.

       "Mother. Mother. If you don't want to say that, then forget it."

       "That's it. You're too old, since you want to know, Mother won't hide it from you."

       Lin Yu raised his head and stared at Jiang Wanyin with bright eyes.

       Jiang Wanyin pulled Lin Yu to sit next to her, touched Lin Yu's head and said:

       "Since you want to know your own life experience, Mother will tell you. But after you listen, Mother hopes that you will not resent anyone. Can you agree to Mother?"

       After listening to Jiang Wanyin's words, Lin Yu looked up at Jiang Wanyin. Hearing Jiang Wanyin's words, Lin Yu wondered whether it was a bad thing, and wondered whether to listen.

       In the end, I still want to know that the desire hope of life experience has overcome.

       "The son promises you. Mother, please tell your son."

       "Okay, Mother will tell you."

       Jiang Wanyin closed her eyes and opened it, gritted her teeth and said:

       "Yu Er, what you think is right, then Lin-Daren is indeed related to you, because he is your biological father."

       "Mother, what are you talking about? Lin Daren is my biological father! How is this possible? Mother, are you lying to me?"

       Lin Yushua stood up.

       He just guessed that he was close to Lin-Daren because of blood. His biological father might be Lin-Daren close to blood relatives or cousins, but he never thought that Lin-Daren was his biological father.

       How is this possible?

       If Lin Daren is his biological father, Lin Daren already has Fu-ren, then he is Mother, then he...

       Lin Yu's face suddenly turned pale. Jiang Wanyin was frightened when he saw him like this, knowing that he was thinking about something bad, fearing that he would sink into Jiang Wanyin and wake him up quickly.

       "Yu Er, you will wake up soon. What are you thinking about as a child? Mother hasn't finished speaking yet. You should listen to Mother first."

       "Mother, what is going on? You and Lin Daren?"

        "In order to prevent her son from thinking wildly, Jiang Wanyin didn't hide it at all, and told Lin Yu about her former Tongfang Maid of Lin Ruhai, and the design to leave the Lin family after she discovered that she was pregnant and what happened afterwards."

       "The rules of the Yilin family, Mother is Tongfang Maid before Lin-Daren's wedding, and should be released before Lin-Daren's wedding."

       "An Aristocratic family like the Lin family will never allow blood to escape, so the Tongfang Maid before the Lin family's wedding is not allowed to have a pregnancy. Even if he has one, he must be given a drug to abort the child before he can be released."

       "But Mother can't bear you. Your arrival was unexpected to Mother, but Mother was delighted. When Mother found you, Mother couldn't bear you anymore. Mother can't let you be drained by a bowl of medicine, Mother doesn't want you to be lost Chance of birth. Mother wants you to be born and see this world on earth."

       "You are reborn in Mother's womb. This is the fate between you and Mother. You are Mother's heart and everything to Mother. Although Mother is lowly in status, Mother still selfishly wants to keep you."

       "Don't blame Lin Daren and Lao Fu-ren, they don't know that Mother is pregnant with you."

       "The Lin family has a single pass from generation to generation. Lin-Daren and Lao-Fu-ren may let Mother keep you if they know that Mother is pregnant, but Mother dare not bet. I dare not take your Temper life."

       "Lin-Daren and Lin-Fu-ren were married by saints. Although the ancestors of the Lin family once attacked the princes, but Lin-Daren has no knighthood. Lin-Marquis died young, and there are only orphans left in the Lin family. Widowed mother, the Lin family is weak..."

       "Then Lin Fu-ren is Qianjin, the direct descendant of Duke Mansion. At that time, Rongguo Mansion was extremely powerful in Capital City."

       "So when Mother knew she was pregnant with you, Mother thought that she must leave the Lin family, she must keep you, and give birth to you safely. Fortunately, God took care of me and let me leave the Lin family smoothly and gave birth to you safely. Grow up safely to this day."

       "In order to prevent others from criticizing your identity, Mother can only claim to be a widow, you are a posthumous child. So it is Mother I am sorry Lin-Daren." Lin Ruhai was still alive, but she claimed that Lin Yu's father was dead.

       "It is Mother's fault to let you give birth without a father; it is also Mother's fault to let you suffer this suffering; if you resent or resent, then resent Mother and don't blame others."

       Jiang Wanyin didn't dare to look at Lin Yu after she finished speaking, because she was afraid of seeing the resentment in her son's eyes.


       Lin Yu lay on Jiang Wanyin's lap.

       "Mother, how can a son resent Mother? It's Mother. Your kind son has the chance to be born. son is only grateful to you. Mother, thank you for abandoning your son, thank you for allowing your son to be born into this world."

       Jiang Wanyin felt the tears soaking through the temperature of the skirt, her son was crying, and Jiang Wanyin couldn't help crying when he touched his head.

       "Child, it's Mother's fault. It was my mother who was humbled to have troubled my son. It was Mother who made you wronged."

       If it weren't for her weight in this world, the child wouldn't exist, and there would be no father who couldn't recognize him or his ancestor.

       The mother and son cried silently for a while, before Lin Yu raised his head, looking at Jiang Wanyin with red eyes.

       "Mother, the son is now County-Graduate, you said that the father knows, will he recognize the son?"

       Lin Yu looked at Jiang Wanyin expectantly.

       Although a foster father has taken care of him since he was a child, in the final analysis this child still longs for his own biological father.

       But Jiang Wanyin couldn't agree.

       "Yu Er, Mother knows what you are thinking. Do you want to recognize Lin-Daren?"

       Lin Yu nodded after being seen through by his mother.

       "The son always wanted to have his own father. Mother used to say that the father was dead, and the son..."

       Jiang Wanyin sighed, looked at Lin Yu seriously and said:

       "Yu Er, you want to get acquainted with Lin-Daren. Mother doesn't object, but it's not the time yet. Mother can't make you dangerous."

       "Why? Why is it not time? Mother."

       Lin Yu was puzzled.

       "Lin-Daren has no children until now. If he knew his son, he would not deny him."

       "Child, you are still young, and you still don't understand many things." How could things be so simple, and he was still a child.

       "Since the son is not the mother, tell your son."

       "Mother, tell your son."

       Lin Yu looked at Jiang Wanyin stubbornly, as if she had to know.

       After all, being with his own child is not enough to be a son.

       "No matter, I originally wanted to wait a few years before telling you about these things, so that you don't want to think about it. Listen to Mother. This thing is far less simple than you think."

       "Lin Lao Fu-ren is hoping to have a grandson, Lin-Daren is hoping to have a son, if they know you exist, Lin Lao Fu-ren will definitely want you to recognize your ancestors As for Lin-Daren, I am afraid he will hesitate."

       "Is it the father who doesn't want to recognize his son?" Lin Yu was sad.

       "Silly boy, you forgot, there is Lin Fu-ren."

       "Lin-Daren and Lin-Fu-ren have been married for many years and have a deep affection. It is impossible for Lin-Daren to recognize Lin-Fu-ren's mood with you."

       "Mother, you said it was Lin Fu-ren won't you let my father recognize me?"

       "Do you think Lin Fu-ren would be willing to let you recognize your ancestors?"

       "Why not? She has been married to the Lin family for more than ten years and has not had a child."

       When Jiang Wanyin heard his son's words, he knew that he was influenced by Zhen Lao-Ye, and he was used to thinking like a big man when things happened.

       "Stupid boy, didn't Mother just tell you? Then Lin Fu-ren was born in the Duke Mansion. Rongguo Mansion was so powerful that the Lin family and Jia were married not just to pass on the children."

       "Lin-Daren wants to take advantage of the power of the Rongguo Mansion to gain a foothold in the officialdom, and the Rongguo Mansion wants to use the Lin family's Yuwu to pass on the text. This is the reason why the Rongguo Mansion asks for the marriage. purpose of marriage can be achieved. Back then, Lin-Daren indeed gained a foothold in the officialdom through the power of the Rong Guo Mansion. Lin-Daren gained the favor of the Rong Guo Mansion. In this year, Lin-Daren and Lin-Fu-ren shared the joys and sorrows. , Lin-Daren cannot ignore Lin-Fu-ren."

       "Furthermore, based on Mother's understanding of Rongguo Mansion, this Lin Fu-ren from the Rongguo Mansion will never let you recognize your ancestors."

       Combining previous memories, Jiang Wanyin told Lin Yu about Jia's family and Jia History. Because of being in the Red Mansion and being inseparable from the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion, even Jiang Wanyin in Jiangnan quietly inquired about the Rongguo Mansion.

       Knowing that without her participation, the affairs of the characters in the Rongguo Mansion have been developed according to the original work. Jia Hu died early, the Zhang family was ransacked, Zhang-Shi was dead and the young Jia Lian was left..

       Because of Ai-Miao, Jiang Wanyin knew that Zhang-Shi in this life was strangled by Jia History and Wang Shi.

       "Then Jia History can even strangle Erxi, who has been with her for more than ten years and gave birth to her two grandchildren. This Lin Fu-ren is Rong Duchess Jia History's biological daughter, Lin Fu Ren is taught by Jia History himself, and Jia History is the most cruel person. Do you think Lin Fu-ren will allow you to recognize your ancestors? Will you become Lin's Big-Shaoye?"

       "Why do you think Mother took you to recognize your ancestors for so many years?"

       "When I learned that Lin-Daren was engaged to Qianjin in Rongguo Mansion, Mother knew that Lin-Lao Fu-ren and Lin-Daren knew that I was pregnant, for the Rongguo Mansion’s marriage, they wouldn’t be possible. Let Mother give birth to you."

       "Of course, even if Lin Lao Fu-ren and Lin Daren are willing to let Mother give birth to you because of the Lin family's blood, then Rongguo Mansion will not want it."

       "You have never grown up in a big Aristocratic family, and Mother has never mentioned it to you. There is another way for big families to deal with the offspring, which is to leave the mother and keep the children."

       "If Lin Lao Fu-ren and Lin Daren left Mother for their heirs back then, in order to explain to the Rongguo Mansion and waiting for Mother, then it is most likely to go to mother to keep her son. But Mother doesn't want to die."

       "As Mother, it was impossible for Mother to become Concubine even if she stayed in the Lin family at the time. Of course, Mother didn't want to be someone else's Concubine, and she had to become Tongfang Maid."

       "When I was not pregnant with you, Mother had already thought about leaving Lin's family after Lin-Daren booked a kiss. After being pregnant with you, Mother wanted to leave the Lin family even more. Because only by leaving the Lin family can Mother Temper's life be saved and you can be saved ."

       "No mistress of a large family can tolerate a Shu-Eldest-son. If there is no biological mother, a Shu-son wants to grow up in the deep house compound, it is very rare. mistress of the Lin family is Jia-Shi. This is very rare, very likely, never possible."

       "Mother is selfish, in order not to be a Concubine for others, in order to live, in order to be able to give birth to you, in order to raise you, Mother took you out of the Lin Mansion."

       "Lin Fu-ren has been married to the Lin family for more than ten years, and has been in charge of the Lin family for more than ten years. Lin family is under her control. Even if you recognize your ancestors and return to your clan, you can have the ability to protect yourself under Lin Jia-Shi Temper life?"

       "The viciousness and viciousness of this inner house's private means is absolutely unimaginable. Far from it, is it rare that the rich salt merchants in the city of Yangzhou tell their backs? Sect, are there fewer women and children who died in the backyard brought out every year? Your righteous brother often takes you around. You probably have heard about Yangzhou City."

       "The children of Qie and Shu born from the big family are worthless. You should have heard of the uproar in Yangzhou City a few months ago. son of Shu borned who was killed by the salt merchants was 12 years old. ."

       "If you recognize Lin-Daren, you have to separate from Mother. Mother doesn't want to go to Lin's family as a Qie."

       "When Mother was a child, her family suffered catastrophes and only Mother was left. In order to survive, she sold herself to the Lin Mansion as a slave; later she had to be her master Tongfang because she was a slave; now she finally got rid of her slave status and became a good citizen. slave."

       "You read a lot, you should know that Qie trades. If a woman becomes a human Qie, she can sell Concubine as a mistress."

       "Even if I am willing to re-enter the Lin Mansion as Qie for you, do you think Lin Jia-Shi can accommodate me, the Concubine who stole the Eldest-son of Lin Mansion? It would be fine if he died in Lin Mansion, if Lin Jia Shi found the wrong excuse to sell Mother, then you really want to be separated from Mother."

       "And if you go back to Lin's house, if Lin Jia-Shi refuses to put you in her name..."

       Lin Yu immediately reluctant to recognize someone else as a mother.

       "No. Mother, the son is just Mother's son. son doesn’t want to be remembered as someone else’s son under Lin Fu-ren. son doesn’t want to be separated from Mother. Mother, the son thinks about it. son doesn’t go back to Lin’s house, the son wants With Mother."

       He and Mother depended on each other for life, if he returned to Lin's house, he would have to be separated from Mother, but he was unwilling.

       "Stupid boy, Mother just said, Mother doesn't want to be separated from you."

       "Mother knows you want to recognize Lin-Daren. But now is not the time. Wait, wait a few years, Mother will let you recognize your ancestors. You trust Mother."

        Jiang Wanyin asked the driver to stop the car.

       "Mother, are you here?"

       Hearing Jiang Wanyin asked to stop Lin Yu and asked.

       "The front is right, it's too eye-catching to stop by the car, let's get off and walk over."

       "Then listen to Mother."

       "Lin Yu got out of the car first, and then helped Jiang Wanyin to get out of the car. Jiang Wanyin still put the hood on before getting off the car."

       "The appearance of Jiang Wanyin during the rebirth of several generations is very beautiful, and this life is no exception, otherwise Lin Ruhai would not have been selected as Tongfang Maid. Although her son is already a decade old in this life, although she is nearly young Thirty, but it's still well maintained. It looks as old as Little Erxi in her early twenties."

       "Without a powerful family background, the outstanding appearance can only be a disaster, so whenever he goes out, Jiang Wanyin will wear a drapery to cover his appearance. long veil not only hides his hair, but also hides his still slender figure."

       The coachman was instructed to wait on the spot, and Jiang Wanyin's mother and son walked slowly through the crowd to the Lin family's old house. Lin-Shi clan is also regarded as the Big-Shi clan in Gusu, but it is a pity that the Lin-Shi clan has withered, and in addition, there are few men and women, it is not as good as before.

       "The Lin-Shi clan occupies a very wide area of land. Jiang Wanyin and her mother didn't plan to go in and see, she just brought Lin Yu to recognize the way."

       "Mother, is this the Lin-Shi clan?"

       "Yes. Look at that, the house where you can see plum trees to the south is the ancestral courtyard of Lin-Daren's family."

       Jiang Wanyin pointed out that Lin Ruhai ancestral home was recognized by his son.

       "The Lin-Shi clan is a century-old scholarly Aristocratic family, but it’s a pity that the Lin-Shi clan has fallen, and it’s no longer the grand occasion."

       "There are five direct descendants of the Lin-Shi clan, but they have all been out of five services. Lin-Daren's family is the direct descendant of the capital. It is a pity that the descendants of the descendants of the descendant of the capital have fallen, and now only Lin-Daren is left. Oh, yes, if you recognize your ancestor and return to your ancestor, you will still be there."

       "Mother, don't say anything about acknowledging the ancestor and returning to the clan. My son will never leave Mother."

       "Good good, Mother will not say."

       Jiang Wanyin patted her son's hand.

       "Let's go, Mother will show you around and show you the glory of the Lin-Shi clan. Ten miles from this street, this piece is owned by the Lin-Shi clan, go ahead..."

       Jiang Wanyin walked slowly with her son, and the memories deep in her mind were gradually revealed.

       In her memory, she lived in the ancestral home of the Lin family for several years.

       The mother and son left for about an hour.

       "Mother, let's not go, there is nothing good here, let's go back."

       "Okay, you don't want to see it, let's go back."

       The mother and son turned back to the street, and a few people walked towards each other. Jiang Wanyin didn't look closely behind the curtain. When the few people approached, they heard a familiar voice before thinking that Jiang Wanyin came. No one else, Yuqin, who was once one of Lin Ruhai Big-Maid, now also combs a woman's bun, and wants to come early to match someone. It's just that I don't know why I'm not serving in the Lin Mansion but in the Lin Family Ancestral House.

       Although he was an old friend, Jiang Wanyin didn't want to recognize him.

       After seeing Yuqin, Jiang Wanyin didn't look at the others carefully, and took his son away in a hurry.

       The mother and son passed by Yuqin and others, but Yuqin hesitated.

       Perhaps it was Lin Yuna's four or five points similar to Lin Ruhai appearance that attracted attention. Yuqin stared at him for a long time, until Jiang Wanyin's mother and son walked away, and Yuqin still stopped there.

       "Why stop, let's go, the children are still waiting at home."

       The man walking with Yuqin urged her.

       "Master, wait."

       Yuqin stopped the man, who turned out to be her husband.

       "what's up?"

       "Master, do you see if that young man looks like Lao-Ye."

       "Is it? Where is it, I'll see."

       "There, the young man standing next to the carriage."

       Yuqin pointed at Lin Yu to show her husband, but Lin Yu seemed to feel that something was turning around, so that they could see clearly.

       "Like, really like."

       The two stared at Lin Yu, and even walked back towards Lin Yu.

       "We went to ask, maybe this young man really has something to do with Lao-Ye."

       "what's wrong?"

       Jiang Wanyin saw Lin Yu stop and looked back and asked him, unlike a wind-blown car curtain hitting the veil, she lifted her veil, and her face was suddenly covered.

       Jiang Wanyin followed Lin Yu's gaze just in time to see Yuqin walking over. Seeing Yuqin staring at her, she was stunned.

       Jiang Wanyin picked up the veil and urged Lin Yu to get into the car a little anxiously.

       "Yu Er, we should go now."

       "I see, Mother, let's go."

       Lin Yu helped Jiang Wanyin get into the carriage, and he got into the carriage himself, Jiang Wanyin urged the carriage to leave.

       "Wait, don't go, you wait..."

       Seeing Jiang Wanyin and Yuqin were all stunned. Seeing Jiang Wanyin's mother and her son got on the carriage, she ran and chased her, but because Luping's carriage ran so fast, Yuqin couldn't catch up.

       Seeing Yuqin suddenly ran chasing the carriage, her husband also chased him, but he didn't catch up, and could only watch the carriage go away.

       "What's wrong with you?"

       "The man in charge is Xuehe, and the woman is Xuehe."

       After more than ten years, except for the change in temperament, Jiang Wanyin's appearance has hardly changed. Yuqin recognized Jiang Wanyin at a glance.

       Over the years, Jiang Wanyin had avoided seeing the Lin family because she was worried about being recognized, but she didn't expect to accidentally run into someone she least wanted to see this time, and as she expected, she was recognized.

       Jiang Wanyin always thought that even if Yuqin and Bixiao were not Lin Ruhai Concubine, they should continue to work in the Lin Mansion, but he did not expect that Lin Ruhai and his family were not in the ancestral house, but she met Yuqin in Lin Ruhai ancestral house. .

       "Snow Crane?"

       Yuqin's husband didn't think of it for a while.

       "It's Xuehe. That's Tongfang Maid in the Lao-Ye room. Before, I, Bixiao, and Meiyu were Lao-Ye Big-Maid. Don't you remember?"

       "Back then, we came back with Lao-Ye to worship our ancestors. Before we returned to Capital City, Lao-Ye let Xuehe out of the house. Later, Meiyu died of illness on the road halfway through. It was that year, did you forget?"

       "Oh, I remembered. So it was her."

       Yuqin's husband finally remembered.

       "Of course, Lao-Ye asked my dad to give her the household registration before she left the house. She also asked my dad to buy a small yard in the city. At that time, my dad came back and talked to my mother about it. I was also listening. ."

       "Xuehe bought a house in the city. How come I haven't heard you mention it."

       "It's not that there are too many things later, I just forgot."

       "You forgot, Fu-ren reorganized the house after he entered the mansion. If Lao Fu-ren took care of my father's errand, we might have been slapped by Fu-ren a long time ago. In this way, you and I have not been sent back to the ancestral home by Fu-ren. At the beginning, my father deliberately trained me and asked me to take his errands."

       "I think I have followed Lao-Ye since I was a child and served Lao-Ye for so many years. Because I didn't want to marry Fu-ren's dowry Maid, I was picked up by Fu-ren. Lao-Ye didn't say anything at the time.."

       He couldn't help but feel chills thinking about it. What's even more hateful is that Jia-Shi relied on the Qianjin of the Duke Mansion to control the Lin Mansion by the power of the Jia family, and even Lao-Ye and Lao Fu-ren let her.

       "In those days of Jia-Shi dowry, none of them had eyes on the top of their heads, and you were not the only one who was wronged. It is not that Bi Xiao was ruined by her for disrespectful mistress. Poor Bi Xiao, I went there within two years after my legs were scrapped. Fortunately, I begged Lao Fu-ren to match you, otherwise I can't say I will be like Bi Xiao."

       When mentioning Jia Min and her dowry, the couple hated them in their hearts.

       Suddenly Yuqin's eyes lit up thinking of something.

       "Back then, maybe our chance to go back to the mansion as a errand came."

       "Do you have a way?"

       Shouzu’s house can only provide food and clothing, and there are no two rewards throughout the year. Naturally, the couple want to go back to the house as errands. Not only is this rewarding money, more importantly, it is for the children.

       "Do you know where the house Dad bought for Xuehe was?"

       "Could you be?"

       It's worthy of being a husband and wife, they both thought of going together.

       "That's right. kid, don't you doubt it?"

       "Of course, Jia-Shi has been married to the Lin family for more than ten years, and has not even conceived an egg. That Rong Duke has been dead for almost ten years, and Rong Guo Mansion now only has the plaque. She is not the same year. Now, besides, there is Lao Fu-ren. Lao Fu-ren, but I hope that my grandson has been looking forward to it for ten years. If Lao Fu-ren knows...we have done a great job..."

       Listening to Yuqin's words, her husband couldn't help but be moved.

       "Okay, then I will go to the city to find out."

       After returning, Jiang Wanyin regretted that he promised to take his son to see the Lin family's ancestral home. If she knew that she would meet Yuqin, she would never go to the Lin family's ancestral home.

       It's just too late to regret now.

       Although Jiang Wanyin was not sure whether she was recognized, she did not dare to take the risk. Just in case, the mother and son boarded the ship and left Gusu back to Yangzhou the next morning.

       The mother and son left early, which made the Yuqin couple who had come to find out about them early in the morning.

       After returning to the city of Yangzhou, I learned that Lin Yu was in County-Graduate and her husband and wife Zhen Shi were very happy. After discussing with Jiang Wanyin, they decided to host a few banquets to celebrate Lin Yu with friends and neighbors who had met in Yangzhou in recent years.

       Lin’s house and Zhen’s house were hosting banquets, but Jiang Wanyin didn’t know that soon after her mother and son returned to Yangzhou, the Yuqin and his wife also rushed to Yangzhou from Gusu.

       Now the couple met Lao Fu-ren in the courtyard of Lao Fu-ren.

       "Greetings to Lao Fu-ren."

       "It's Lin Gui, get up."

       Lin Gui is the son of Steward Lin, and Steward Lin’s mother is Lao Fu-ren’s dowry Maid. Lin Gui served Lin Ruhai since he was a child, and Lin Lao Fu-ren naturally recognized him. Lin Gui was originally trained as the next steward of the Lin family, but after Jia Min entered the mansion, in order to control the Lin Mansion, all the important errands that were originally performed by the Lin family's children were replaced by her companion room. Lin Ruhai head servant was also changed half of the time at the beginning; Lin Gui was one of the people who had been changed.

       Because of the power of the Rongguo Mansion at the time, neither mother nor son opposed Jia Min's actions.

       "Thanks Lao Fu-ren."

       "Your husband and wife came here in a hurry, but what happened to the ancestral house?"

       "Lao Fu-ren, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the ancestral house."

       "Then you two..."

       "Lao Fu-ren, Nubi is a big deal..."

       Yuqin looked at the Maid Pozis in the room uneasy. Lin Lao Fu-ren knew how to let the Maid Pozi in the room go out, leaving only Lin Lao Fu-ren's confidant Mama Tian Mama.

       "Let's talk about it, what's the big deal?" couple came in a hurry, and mysteriously, Lao Fu-ren was curious about what the couple said.

       "Gongxi, Lao Fu-ren, you have..."

Chapter 95  |   Volume 3: Lin Family's Maid
Chapter 100
Chapter 105
Chapter 110
Chapter 115
Chapter 120
Chapter 125
Chapter 130
Chapter 135
Chapter 140
Chapter 145
Chapter 150
Chapter 155

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