Sister Credit 40

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       Muzi Shuyuan
       It is really deserted here. Compared to the vast bookstores in the fire opposite, even if the family is unwilling to admit Mencolo bird, there are indeed two or three kittens in the book garden.
       The few remaining guests, after finding that they couldn't find the book they wanted, left the Muzi Book Garden one after another.
       After the second person from Shuyuan sent the person out, he went back to the counter and looked down at the shopkeeper's plan.
       "Li Treasurer, why do you plan to fight so hard? We haven't sold a few books a day in Muzi Shuyuan. What accountability is there?"
       Li Treasurer did not lift his head, "Even if only one copy is sold a day, this account must be clarified."
       "Treasurer Li, you say that if we continue this way, will our Shuyuan be closed?"
       The treasurer frowned, "Don't talk nonsense." This shop is owned by the Li family. It will not close the door, just make less.
       This is the scene that Zhou-Zhen saw when he stepped into the door.
       Muzi Shuyuan is one of her mother's private properties. Before she was impatient to manage, Zhou Xian was young, and these years have been taken care of by her grandparents.
       Li Treasurer had been taking care of Shuyuan before, and naturally recognized Zhou-Zhen.
       Seeing her at this moment, he immediately dropped the ledger and greeted him, "6-Miss ,! Why are you here?"
       "I'll come and see." Zhou-Zhen looked around, "has Shuyuan's business been so deserted?"
       Yunfei also said, "Yes, Li Treasurer, why are our guests so far away from the bookstore and the vast bookstore opposite?"
       Zhou-Zhen looked at the past along Yunfei point of view, and thoughtfully, the vast bookstore seemed to be run by the Shen-shi clan.
       The treasurer Li smiled bitterly, "Isn't it almost the end of the autumn? The vast book doesn't know where to get a set of questions. The first half of it contains the questions selected over the years, and the second half is about this year's exam It is estimated that many candidates have crowded out the vast bookstores. But 6-Miss, don't worry, this situation will be fine for a while.
       Zhou-Zhen was surprised at the same time. Sure enough, we cannot underestimate the heroes of the world.
       This is no wonder, at this time the people wisdom is not open, and most of those who can read and afford books are in the upper middle class. As the saying goes, learning literary and martial arts, goods and emperor Wang- House, learning and excellent, official, countless readers sharpen their heads and want to pass the official account, the practice of the vast bookstore is equivalent to pressing questions, it is a good grasp of the readers Itchy.
       Zhou-Zhen asked, "Li Bo, which masters did that set of questions come from? Otherwise, a set of unknown names should not have been so popular."
       "6-Miss, wise." Li Treasurer thought, I haven't seen 6-Miss for a long time. It seems that when he grows up, his thinking becomes agile. The whole person looks smart, unlike the previous one. It's childish, just a little domineering Miss.
       Li Treasurer was very active in his heart, but he did not prevent him from explaining. Choose 30% of the profits to give them refinancing fees. "
       "Bo Li, what do you think is special about these three, why do so many scholars buy it?"
       "These three have been trying to press questions, especially the Jingshui Teacher, but before they were small and infamous, they are not well-known. But in this year's county and government examinations, many of the questions were consecutively won. That's why it's hot. That's why their test questions will be so popular. "
       Zhou-Zhen heard the words and smiled. This may not be accurate, right? The county and government exams are made by local officials such as county magistrates and eunuchs. They are all local officials. After a long time in the local area, it is not uncommon for those who wonder about them to guess a few points day and night. Those three famous teachers should come from Anqing or nearby people. However, in the examination, the examiner who asked the question rarely said that he was also a bachelor's degree in Capital City, and each examiner was as different as possible from the previous one. How did the Jingshui Teacher-3 people start?
       Zhou-Zhen thought about it and asked, "How long has this been happening?"
       "6-Miss,, I know this." Li Treasurer did not speak, and the small second probe on the side said, "Before Jingshui Teacher, they have been spreading the issue in small areas, not many people know. Yes After a large number of books were published in this expanse of books, the three of them became popular with their titles. "
       Sao operation. Zhou-Zhen's operation on the Shen family had to be convinced.
       At this time, the political environment is not as relaxed as future generations. How many reference books there are for future generations and how to guess and press questions are all right, but not at this time.
       Here, reading imperial examinations is the fastest way to change one own class, so guessing and pressing questions is important.
       The superiors are most taboo about others guessing their own minds. If they can't guess, it's fine. The examiners usually laugh at it; if they guess, they will inevitably be associated with the problem. Even if the examiners are ashamed, what about their political opponents?
       So, isn't anyone guessing the problem? Yes, we can even say a lot, but they are private. They only serve their own family or their immediate family members. They will never make such a big profit for profit.
       "Otherwise, 6-Miss, let's also invite some famous teachers like Jingshui Teacher to follow suit to come up with a set of questions?" Xiao Er suggested with a smile.
       Li Treasurer scolded, "Zhang Da, what nonsense you!"
       Zhou-Zhen looked at him, "You're quite motivated." The Chinese people cottage thought is really endless.
       HeiXiao laughed straight.
       Zhou-Zhen said to him, "Go back to the vast bookstore and buy a question."
       "Good grin." Xiao Erxing hurried out.
       Zhou-Zhen directed people out.
       "6-Miss, what are you?" Li Treasurer thought she was really moved by the second younger Zhang Da and was a little anxious.
       Zhou-Zhen raised his hand to hold him, "Don't worry, I know that the Shen family's move is tantamount to playing with fire, and the disaster is not far off." This year's county and government exams, the examiners don't know how to feel uncomfortable. Well, they are still so high-profile, she can only say one thing about it, bold.
       She bought this set of questions, but she was thinking of knowing herself and knowing others, and acknowledging the excellence of others. This is the beginning of her own excellence  :   remembering the stupidity of others is a good medicine to prevent herself from being stupid.
       Listening to her say, Li Treasurer was only relieved. He didn't know that Haohanshu move was not a fire, but intuitively, it was not appropriate.
       Zhou-Zhen also did not expect that the reference books for various simulated test questions that would become popular in the future generations would not work here. Sure enough, the national conditions are different, and many things cannot be copied.
       "6-Miss, come to Shuyuan. Do you want to get any books? If yes, you will tell the old name to the old one, and the old one will fetch it for you."
       "No, Li Bo, I came up with a book this time." That's one of the reasons why Zhou-Zhen took out the second branch of the shop.
       Li Treasurer did not expect Zhou-Zhen to make such a request, "6-Miss, can you let the old look at what kind of book?"
       Zhou-Zhen motioned Yunfei to show her manuscript to Li Treasurer. This is a manuscript, not a manuscript. She has made two guards against this child prodigy to prevent anyone from wanting to own it.
       The story of the child prodigy is not long, and it didn't take long for Li Treasurer to finish it.
       After reading it, he hesitantly said, "6-Miss, there is no such story in the market, and old age cannot estimate its future. And old age thinks that the last paragraph of the story seems to be incompatible with the previous story Jiji , But without hiding its essence ... "
       Li Treasurer can be the Treasurer of Muzi Shuyuan. Naturally, he is not ignorant. On the contrary, he has a higher literary literacy than the general Treasurer.
       The four sentences are,’Set your heart for the heavens and the earth, and make your life for the people.’Li Treasurer chewed these words three times, so that he could resist the impulse to ask the next two sentences. He also guessed that the last two sentences were deliberately not written by the author. of.
       He couldn't help thinking about the next two sentences, how magnificent he should be. He even tried to pick it up, but the dog tail continued to be unsatisfactory.
       He wanted to get rid of this paragraph and preserve the integrity of the whole story, but he couldn't bear it. In general, the previous story is a bit too idealistic. It is because of this ending, which is full of ambivalence and realism, which is really embarrassing.
       Zhou-Zhen is not difficult to see Li appreciation of the ending paragraph. For the prospect in his mouth, she is too lazy to predict that the book of prodigies is a new genre for the literary world. What will be the result after the book is completed. She couldn't predict either.
       "Others are not considered for the time being, so print a thousand copies first."
       At this moment, the treasurer suddenly turned to the foreword  :   To my loved ones ...
       It is not difficult to see that the main idea of this preface is the main purpose of the author Qianxing to write the prodigy, and the beautiful vision in his heart. It can be seen from this preface that the author wrote to a younger relative, hoping that his younger relative can become a child like a child prodigy. He has a sense of heart, is not afraid of hardships and hardships, and moves forward to become a great tool.
       How can this expectation be similar to the situation of 6-Miss, 9-Shaoye? However, he immediately denied his whimsical idea. 6-Miss, how could it be the author Qianxing, and the author's expectations apply not only to 6-Miss, and 9-Shaoye, but also to many people.
       "6-Miss, do you know the author Qianxing?" Li Treasurer asked casually.
       "Li Treasurer, this book is 6-Miss, it was written." Yunfei mouth was quick, and the matter was immediately given to the vulture.
       Zhou-Zhen was less able to stop, and never thought to stop, at least in her opinion, Li Treasurer could be an insider.
       Li Treasurer was surprised, and he was overjoyed, "Is this true?" I didn't expect that the author of this book was really 6-Miss, which was very surprising. In any case, the stronger the master is, the more hopeful they will be as subordinates.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded. "Like a fake replacement."
       Immediately afterwards, she cried, "This matter is kept secret for a while, and whoever asks you, don't disclose it."
       The treasurer responded cautiously.
       After the initial shock, their topic turned to the business again, "This story is not many words, and it is too thin to print into a volume. If two such stories are combined, it would be just fine."
       Zhou-Zhen is silent, she knows this.
       "Otherwise ..."
       Zhou-Zhen suggested that Li Treasurer print the child prodigy in a later version of the Taijiese dialect that is bigger than the pocket book, but after the two combined, they found that it was not enough. Of course, they can also make the font bigger, but this suggestion was given by Zhou-Zhen himself.
       She thought about it and decided to add a comic character, so that it would be enough to support a book.
       She remembered that her 7-brother fine brushwork was very good, so it was him.
       After this decision was made, Zhou-Zhen decided to go back and catch Ding, and then made an appointment with Li Treasurer two days later.
       As soon as they had completed their discussions, the second year student returned with a set of examination questions.
       After Zhou-Zhen took it, Yunfei was rewarded by him and walked out of Muzi Shuyuan with his longing eyes.
       At this moment, the opposite Wendeng restaurant sounded an excited voice  :   "gongzi, it is Zhou 6-Miss, she is downstairs!"
       Ayu really feels that since gongzi and Zhou 6-Miss, it's a fate, and they can come across them whenever they go out.
       After a while, Ayu realized afterwards that Gongzi didn't look at Zhou-Zhen in the direction he pointed, but looked at himself coldly, "Who is you? When you see her, you need to be enthusiastic. Excited? If you want to recognize her as the master, I will send you to her immediately. "
       Ayu shrunk her neck, gongzi is so angry, from yesterday to now, it's all like this ghost, even the annual Mid-Autumn Festival night has not been well.
       Zhou-Zhen seemed to hear someone calling her, her cheeks slightly raised, and she saw Yuan-Suming standing high, looking at her blankly.
       Cold and biting, he seemed to wrap himself in a thick layer of ice, which was quite different from the briskness of the two when they got along. She breathed slightly, and then hurriedly retracted her eyes.
       She flinched, Yuan-Suming flicked.
       Zhou-Zhen turned around and left in a hurry, telling himself that it was okay, this was exactly what he wanted. But thinking of that dream, she felt stuffy in her chest. She had received too little goodwill in her previous life. He could give her son a way to live after her death, and even fulfilled her inexhaustible responsibility as a mother. That's why she thanked him, really. Maybe he didn't do it because of her, but it didn't matter.
       Based on this, she didn't want to hurt him. Not to mention this life, so far, he has not hurt her, but helped her a lot. It's her bad, I hope he can come out as soon as possible.
       Ayu watched Zhou-Zhen and her Maid walk away, sitting face down from gongzi, exuding a breath of strangeness all around.
       Ayu can only hide at the door and see if the guests are here. Don't break out in sultry, but pervert in sultry. Let you treat others with a frosty attitude. If they don't leave, will you stay and continue to feel your sight of death?
       But looking at his back sitting upright, Ayu felt sad again.
       Hey, he good at everything. He just doesn’t know anything about men and women. He is facing his disappointment. He takes a closer look at what the problem is and can’t he solve it?
       For a long time, a dull voice came out, "Let's pay attention to the recent developments in Muzi Shuyuan."
       Ayu grinned. "Oh, sure, no problem."
       No accident, Zhou-Chen was arrested and he returned from the county school every day to help Zhou-Zhen draw portraits of prodigies. It took a few days for him to draw the portraits and other scene images Zhou-Zhen had requested.
       Zhou-Chen dropped the last stroke, the last portrait of the character was completed, and handed it over to Zhou-Zhen, and after she nodded her affirmation, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then the whole person lay back, and was almost flat. It's on the puppet.
       Zhou-Zhen was sorting out all the manuscripts, and watching him couldn't help laughing, "Are you so tired?"
       Zhou-Chen lying down, I don't want to move, I can't help but retort when I hear the words, "Nonsense, you are the strong man. I have to come to help you with my strokes every day after finishing my homework. I am bald. "
       Zhou-Zhen gave him a glance. If you didn't say it with a smile, I would believe it.
       Zhou-Zhen glanced at his thick hair and didn't see where the baldness was. "Someday I'll get you a hair shampoo?"
       Zhou-Chen stroked his head and stopped, "I'll talk about this later." In fact, he was so beautiful in his heart that although he had been enslaved for a few days, he had made considerable progress in his brushwork, and felt that the original bottleneck was loose. And the limitations disappeared all of a sudden.
       When Zhou-Zhen was finishing the drafts, Zhou-Chen picked up the script of the prodigy and read it with interest.
       "I said 7-brother, can you read this book?" Is it already two or three? She thinks, is her 7-brother 15 or 16 this year? 15 or 16 years old or a young man, it is quite normal to read fairy tales ... right?
       Zhou-Chen Zhenzhen has a word,
       "Why not? Compared to the present words, they are all gifted and beautiful. Although your child prodigy is a little childish and idealized, you will feel very happy after reading it.
       Wen Yan said, Zhou-Zhen rolled his eyes, "This was originally written for children, and of course, something positive should be taught."
       Zhou-Chen is very accustomed to his cousin popping up some words that he hasn't heard from time to time, but if you chew one or two, you can still understand what they mean.
       "Strange." Zhou-Chen flipped the prodigy quickly. "Although your book is a short one, I don't know why, it just makes people unable to stop and read it unknowingly. It's over. "
       Nonsense, her article is modeled after Gray Miss, which is a story that can last forever. It has its own magic, especially the rhythm.
       Gray Miss, using the way of cool text, interspersed and adjusted between small depression, small ease, depression, and large counterattack. The pleasure is gradually increased layer by layer, which makes people worry and not give up too much depression. .
       "When your book comes out, get me ten sets, and I'll give them away." Zhou-Chen politely robbed.
       "Do you want to send your friend?" Zhou-Zhen blinked. Did her 7-brother's friends be older children like him?
       Zhou-Chen couldn't help but flick her head. "What's wrong, my friend has a younger sister, Sao, and this book is just for them to read."
       Okay, it's her turn.
       Zhou-Chen closed the manuscript and finally asked, "Is there anything left to amend?"
       Zhou-Zhen shook his head. "I checked, it's perfect, no need to modify it."
       "That's good, I'll go back and make up for sleep." Then, he stretched a lazy waist, then got down and walked out with his feet raised.
       Zhou-Zhen remembered that he had really worked hard during this time, and quickly followed him out, "7-brother, go well, watch out for the steps."
       The look of that dog leg made Zhou-Chen laugh, "Come on, you go back."
       "By the way, don't forget to visit the lake tomorrow." Zhou-Chen reminded her.
       "Relax, you can't forget."
       Zhou-Zhen lets people send the prodigy's manuscript and the drawing together to Muzi Shuyuan, and this matter has come to an end.
       For a while, she remembered that her brother Zhou Xian hadn't come to give her homework for a long time. When she asked, she knew that Zhou Xian had made great progress in backgammon and chess, and she had not come to her to look for abuse. Instead, I brought backgammon into the ethnology. Now, while abusing my classmates and enjoying the thrill of winning chess, I don't have to write big letters on my back, so I don't want to live too much.
       As Gomoku flourished in Zhoujiafang, it gradually spread out.
       These years, there are very few entertainment items for children. In addition, backgammon is easier than Go, and it also trains the mind. Therefore, parents have no objection when they learn that their children have this hobby.
       Zhou Xian's broken child was only half a bucket of water, and she wanted to escape her palm? no way.
       Xiao Sao Nian, lack of frustration education!
       Zhou-Zhen thought about it and wrote a strategy of backgammon and some classic layouts of offense and defense, etc., ready to be printed by Li Treasurer, follow this trend to earn a fortune, and save the business of Muzi Book Garden amount.
       On August 18th, the autumn was high and airy, and Zhou-Zhen followed Zhou-Chen and came to Chaohu by appointment.
       They had already ordered a large beautiful painting, and everyone boarded the paintings one by one without having to wait elsewhere.
       Zhou-Zhen went in with Zhou-Chen and found that many people came this time unexpectedly. There are people from the seven major families in Lujiang, brothers and sisters Gu Huai, Pei Chen, Sheng Sheng, and Shen Ying. Shen Junyu is also followed by Landing Jin Yan, and Xu-si and Chen-Yi are also there. gongzi is here too. Big-gongzi Huo Dong came to accompany Yuan-Suming Not far away, the small Huo Xiqian was very close to Zhou-Yinger. There are also some familiar but not well-known young men and Miss, family members.
       Well, as soon as these people appeared, all the pride of the seven major tribes of Lujiang were reduced to the foil.
       What surprised Zhou-Zhen was that Yuan-Suming was also here. Originally, he used a pseudonym, and few people knew his identity. But after Lu Jiagong's tea eligibility was cancelled, who was present did not know who had a strong background. Huo Big-gongzi was not seen as a guest at this time.
       "Qilang and Ji Mei-mei are here." No one in the crowd ‘called such a sentence.
       Zhou-Zhen  :   ... Who calls her that? She didn't remember who had such a close relationship with them.
       After hearing this title, everyone looked at it.
       Yuan-Suming pursed his lips.
       Ayu secretly ‘called aside, why are these people ‘calling, Mei-mei did they ‘call?
       Pei Chen ‘Called badly. He called out in private before, but he ‘called out in the lobby, a little too close.
       Zhou-Chen had a headache, and he bowed his head to explain Zhou-Zhen, "Don't mind, this is their private title."
       Sheng Chao ‘called round the field. "Yeah, I used to follow Qilang in private, but I didn't change it for a while."
       At this time, Zhou-Yinger greeted him, "Is Chen-7 and my six cousins also visiting the lake? I knew I would wait for you to go out together."
       Zhou-Zhen laughed. "It doesn't matter if you wait."
       Zhou-Chen gave Pei Chen a look.
       The two walked to the side, "Don't you just say that we are together? How did they become so many people?" Some people are not familiar with them at all.
       Pei Chen smiled bitterly. "No way, those people know that we come to swim in the lake. This one with one is a master who can't refuse. What can I do?" He was also annoyed that so many people were here and wanted to meet Zhou-Zhen couldn't talk about Bezoar Pill about An Gong.
       After being together, a variety of food and wine are being served.
       Zhou-Zhen noticed that the large painting boat they were riding was followed by a small painting boat. This small painting boat served the large painting boat. It provided drinks and food. Make sure that the large painting boat did not get a touch of fireworks, even the men and women on the small painting boat. They are all water-soluble, that is, the gongzi ladies who prevent large paintings from accidentally falling into the water can emergency rescue. A variety of services do the best.
       There were so many people, so some people suggested that everyone should come to the show to show their talents.
       This proposal is highly endorsed by everyone.
       Zhou-Zhen laughed, and there was a group of young Miss Lang who knew Mu Shao, who was very expressive.
       In the end, everyone decided that the talent display was divided into three items  :   rhythm as one item, calligraphy and painting as one item, and chess as one item. Each item was judged by the one with the most skill.
       Pei Chen proposed  :   "It is not decent without a colored head, so let's just present an item to the people present and share it among the three judged by then. How about that?"
       This proposal was endorsed by most people.
       At his sign, the maid brought a large porcelain plate.
       Everyone was fooling.
       When these gongzi ladies go out, they will bring some small or valuable objects with them, in case they are needed. At this moment, small bracelets, or small and cute gold beads and silver collars fell into the plate one after another, and bolder Miss, took the mule on his head and put it on, and then glanced at the direction of the crowd.
       When it was Yuan-Suming's turn, Ayu stepped forward and put a plate finger on the plate.
       Everyone else is doing their best, and Zhou-Zhen is no exception. But when she reached out to Yunfei to add color, she was interrupted by a voice.
       "Slowly and slowly-" Pei Chen squeezed forward. "About Mei-mei Tim Cai, can we specify?"
       Someone who guessed his mind quickly applauded.
       Zhou-Zhen's motion stopped, and oddly, "Why is this?"
       Zhou-Chen quickly stepped forward to protect Mei-mei, "I said, Pei Chen, you're almost there, don't make these messy."
       "I said Zhou-Qilang, don't rush to protect the calves. It's not difficult. Let's ask Mei-mei what it means. If she doesn't think it works, then why not?"
       Zhou-Chen and Zhou-Zhen glanced at each other, and they both vaguely guessed.
       "Then you talk about it." Zhou-Chen's chest is ringing.
       Pei Chen asked with a smile, "Hey Mei-mei, we hope you can come up with two or three Azonomiya Bezoar Pills to make colorful heads."
       Zhou-Zhen hasn't said anything yet, Zhou-Chen was the first to protest, "Pei Chen, you're too much. Others make a lot of money, but you want Zhen to make two or three?" One capsule It's all counted for his face, two or three capsules, the beauty will not die him.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't speak, and Zhou-Chen took the lead on her behalf.
       Pei Chen said authentically, "This is not the case that all three projects will be judged by one person. If there is only one Bezoar Pill of An Gong, it is not easy to divide."
       Zhou-Zhen yanked Zhou-Chen's sleeve, and then gestured to Pei Chen, and the two went aside to exchange opinions.
       She stated to Zhou-Chen, "It is not impossible for Caitou to designate An Huang."
       "Well, I guess you would be willing to do that. But you have to listen to me. Bezoar Pill, Anomiya, just take one out." If you take too much, you won't be able to receive the favor, so why bother.
       Zhou-Zhen nodded lightly.
       Zhou-Chen went back to Pei Chen and said, "Zhen makes a capsule of Anzo Bezoar Pill."
       Zhou-Zhen took a capsule of Bezoar Pill and put it on the plate.
       Pei Chen knew at a glance that Zhou-Chen was a bad thing. He said, "Mei-mei has a Bezoar Pill from An Gong, so what are you doing?"
       Uh-Zhou-Chen, dumbfounded, he came out today without a long object, and only brought a purse of silver. He asked Pei Chen with a negotiated tone, "Otherwise I donate a pack of silver?"
       "Who is scarce of your silver. If you can't, just take the jade on your head, or your purple gold belt. I don't want to give up." Pei Chen made him difficult. Either shed the hair, or take the belt off, choose one.
       Zhou-Chen instantly petrified.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled, “Pei San Shao, I'll make one for 7-brother.” Then, she gave out the color head she had planned to give-a delicate little bell.
       Yuan-Suming's careless eyes stared at the small bell instantly.
       "Hey, Mei-mei is not an example." Pei Chen still gave Zhou-Zhen face, and turned to Zhou-Chen when he turned, "It's cheaper for you."
       It didn't take long for the color heads to be collected. And according to the value, try to divide it into three parts as much as possible. The Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill given by Zhou-Zhen is placed in the middle part.
       So the talent contest started.
       Three-phase talent, everyone has an opportunity for each item.
       Zhou-Zhen is actually lacking in the show of talent. She has passed the age of enjoying the admiration and admiration of everyone, but she does not want to be too maverick, so she chooses the chess one at random and is ready to go up and down. Take.
       The person who played against her was Gu Huai, who has been sitting there since the beginning. She has won several games in a row and is a well-deserved master. If nothing else, he should want to win.
       As soon as Zhou-Zhen sits down, it was a coincidence that Yuan-Suming and Huo Dong came and walked not far away from them and left.
       Zhou-Zhen moved his body unnaturally. Hey, how so coincident.
       As soon as she sits down, Gu Huai said apologetically, " Mei-mei, the Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill is very important to me. I won't let it go, sorry."
       Zhou-Zhen  :   ...
       "Just do what you want."
       Gu Huai nodded.
       The two started to play against each other. Zhou-Zhen didn't bother to play, and they were quickly eliminated.
       "I lost." Zhou-Zhen stood up with a smile.
       Gu Huai was embarrassed to say, "Mei-mei, let it go."
       Zhou-Zhen nodded and walked out of the cabin.
       Chaohu deserves to be one of the five largest freshwater lakes that will be famous throughout the country. The scenery is really beautiful, the view is wide, and the lake is sparkling. Looking out from the lake, Zhou-Zhen can even imagine the lake view in the evening, which should be worthy of the description of the phrase “the sunset and the solitary fly together, and the autumn is the same color”.
       "You played chess just now, and you let it go."
       A very straightforward sentence, but let people hear the dryness in the words, with a trace of resolute and he did not notice the question.
       The familiar voice made Zhou-Zhen look back, and she saw Yuan-Suming standing not far behind her.
       The juvenile long body stood there steadily, staring stubbornly at her, and the whole man was with a trace of grievances imperceptible to outsiders.
       Zhou-Zhen looked at him, and sighed softly, the person in front of him was still a young man, and he had not yet grown into the later decisive delinquent.
       Yuan-Suming's dark eyes gazed at her, seemingly stubbornly waiting for her answer.
       Just now inside, he really looked more and more angry, she rejected him, and cut the line with him, so she picked such a person, right? She knew his identity, but chose a person who was not as good as him, Gu Huai, haha ...
       So after she came out of the cabin, he could not help but send Huo Dong and followed him.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't know that the two came out one after the other, which also caused the insiders to speculate if they were not. And Yuan-Suming even knows, but what about it?
       When she played chess and water, Zhou-Zhen was not surprised that Yuan-Suming could see it.
       "Gu Huai chess skills are still very good." Really down to the end, she may not win.
       Yuan-Suming's lips froze slightly. He lowered his eyes slightly, and the hands under his cuffs tightened unconsciously. Was she praising Gu Huai? Did she know that compared to him, Gu Huai was not as shy as he was!
       Zhou-Zhen said softly, "In fact, no matter who it is against, the result is the same." She did not have the desire to win.
       The following words miraculously appeased him, Yuan-Suming soothed his eyes, she was explaining, she was not special to Gu Huai, but just did not want to waste time on it?
       Just, "You don't want to win?"
       Yuan-Suming keenly captured this. She didn't want to win because she didn't have what she wanted. Of course, it also includes the green board finger that he deliberately let Ayu put down ...
       Zhou-Zhen didn't answer directly, but leaned on the boat pole and looked at the lake without seeing the margins. "I want to see this lake and mountains during this trip." So I was not interested in the various tests inside.
       Yuan-Suming stepped forward slowly, holding his hand on the boat pole, and watching the lake and mountains with her, it seems that the scenery of this Chaohu Lake is flat and beautiful.
       Zhou-Zhen was standing next to him, and he could feel his joy. If you use a word from later generations, it is like a seaweed, seagrass, dancing in the waves ...
       "Do you want your brother to worship Master?"
       His words stopped all of Zhou-Zhen's imaginations, and she turned her head, "How did you know?"
       Yuan-Suming is silent.
       Not far away, Ayu heard 6-Miss, questioning, and sweated for Gongzi. Why did gongzi tell the story? Is it true that Seol is faint?
       When Yuan-Suming was silent, Zhou-Zhen was full of thoughts, and soon he knew what was most likely to go wrong. After all, she knew from the beginning that once the child prodigy's book came out, she couldn't hide his mind.
       "I don't know if you say it, it's because of the prodigy book." Zhou-Zhen said with certainty.
       Yuan-Suming did not deny her words.
       Knowing the content of the book, reading the preface and the end of the story, it is not surprising that he can guess her purpose.
       Especially in the last paragraph, her Xiangzhuang Wujian is intended for Peigong, and the traces are too obvious. Of course, it can also be called two birds with one stone, or you can also call Jiang Taigong for fishing.
       For a quasi-great confucian like Zhu Liang, the’Four Sentences’must have affected him greatly. As long as she could touch him, her plan to worship him as a teacher for Zhou Xian was half successful.
       But Yuan Gongzi was a bit too clever. The manuscript she just sent last night, and the book that Muzi Shuyuan was still publishing, all the people knew immediately.
       So she said that sometimes smart people are too annoying. She even gave birth to a feeling of "Week" and He Sheng "Yuan".
       "That book was well written, but it was a little too ideal and naive." This is what Yuan-Suming said of her God Fairy Book.
       Ayu not far away can't help but forehead, my gongzi, can't you boast 6-Miss? If you have to open your mouth to criticize the negative words? Who is willing to listen to this?
       If Ayu knew the word Zhu Gusheng, he felt that his own son was Zhu Gusheng's life.
       Zhou-Zhen did not deny this, and her positioning is like this.
       "You want your brother Zhou Xian to target a child prodigy, but have you ever wondered how much it would hurt him if he couldn't do the same as a child prodigy?" Yuan-Suming asked her.
       Zhou-Zhen doesn't worry about this. Memory has characteristics. Although she doesn't remember how to cultivate a person's memory, but since there is a way to follow, it is not impossible.
       Moreover, according to her observations on Zhou Xian's recitation of articles during this time, his memory is very good, and it is not impossible to remember it.
       This is the advantage she tailored for him. The growth of a child requires affirmation and praise. Nothing is easier to get approval and praise from others than having some special features or advantages. Such children will grow up more confident and more active in life.
       Zhou-Zhen said, "Try it first, since you can have Prodigy One, can't you have Prodigy Two?"
       If you can’t, you will continue to adjust your uncle. In fact, she took Zhou Xian as a child to teach. She didn’t know how to educate her children. She could only explore it, otherwise she could not understand, and she didn’t care.
       Yuan-Suming turned, "In fact, the last paragraph of your sentence is well written."
       What is he talking about? Zhou-Zhen secretly.
       He looked at her indefinitely. "These words are loud and silent, and these two sentences read a sense of shock. The world often says that dogtail mink continues, and your words are exactly the opposite."
       That’s necessary. Zhang Zai is a famous Confucianist. His four-way sentence is really shocking, especially when she saw it for the first time.
       "In fact, the" four sentences "is not my original."
       "Who created it?"
       Yuan-Suming suddenly, he did not expect that he would hear such an answer.
       Although the "Four Sentences" only listened to the first two sentences, he could imagine how airy the last two sentences are. If the "Four Sentences" came from someone else mouth, he would never remain unknown in the world. He It can't be heard.
       He looked at Zhou-Zhen. Did she know how much honor she would lose if she denied this sentence?
       "The person created was Zhang Zai."
       Yuan-Suming laughed, Zhang Zai, wasn't she the protagonist of her prodigy? He just treated her as naughty again.
       Zhou-Zhen smiled when he saw him unbelieving, he couldn't help but glance at him, hey, these days, no one believes the truth.
       "Do you say it is possible for Master Zhu Liang to accept Zhou Xian as an apprentice?" The topic has come back again, Zhou-Zhen thinks that anyway, Yuan-Suming guessed, she doesn't have to hide it, just because she has no heart Just ask him.
       "In fact, it's almost a little bit." Alas, almost a kick.
       "How to say?"
       "It's up to you, I'll help you," Yuan-Suming said firmly.
       Not far away, Ayu almost didn't jump up when he heard these words, and he was so excited, gongzi, that's right. Since you like 6-Miss, don’t be angry with others. What about being rejected once by Miss? It’s thicker and more affectionate. The other party's heart is softened. It’s useless to compete with Miss, home.
       "Just this-" No need, Zhou-Zhen just wanted to refuse.
       Ayu rushed over there and interrupted her, "gongzi, the talent in it is over sooner than the test, you go in quickly."
       Yuan-Suming knows that Ayu stepped forward to remind him according to his previous orders, but Ayu interrupted her. Good, he really didn't want to hear her rejection, he didn't want to-she was born with him like this Minute.
       Zhou-Zhen looked at them in confusion, what was the matter with him in the trial?
       Yuan-Suming stood up.
       Zhou-Zhen is inexplicable.
       Yuan-Suming asked her, "Do you want to go in together?"
       She shook her head, she had to avoid suspicion, how could she go in with him.
       Yuan-Suming nodded and ignored her refusal.
       Rare to talk.
       Looking at the back of them, she sighed in her heart, knowing that after this time, the last time she spoke in vain, she frowned anxiously.
       But as his son's life-saving benefactor, he has helped her a lot since he knew her, and let her harden her heart to hurt him with cold words, which she couldn't do, after all, he didn't do anything wrong.
       Because the color heads were donated by each of gongzi and Miss, the three contests involved people who worked hard.
       When Yuan-Suming entered, there were already two results of the three talent contests, and no one dared to come forward and compete with one.
       Only Gu Huai was slowly picking up the chess match  :   Zhou-Yinger came out on top of the rhythm, and she was worshipping Yinger at the moment, admitting confessing  :   Shen Junyu was painting the painting and painting side, causing a wave The sound of admiration, a lot of people said that what she meant was to wait for her writing. Her work is the title of this painting and calligraphy competition. Many people stretched their necks not far away and wanted to see it first. .
       Yuan-Suming went straight to the test area of calligraphy and painting, spread rice paper, took a lake pen, dipped it in ink, and started waving.
       His actions surprised many people present, who thought he was disdainful to show his talent on such a small occasion.
       Huo Donglai, Xu-si, Shen Ying and others came to watch next to him.
       When Shen Junyu settled the last stroke, when he looked up, he saw that Yuan-Suming was concentrating on walking the dragon.
       Her face was white, and only one person could be determined for each item. When he was gone, she was about to be eliminated ...
       Originally, she wanted to win this game and got his board finger. Zhou-Yinger must have the same thought.
       Is there anything he wants to end this time? Considering the rumors that he had entangled with Zhou-Zhen, and the two of them went out of the cabin one after the other, Shen Junyu only felt bitter at the moment.
       Does he even deprive her of the opportunity to reveal her mind in a vague manner? Why didn't he eliminate Zhou-Yinger first? Is he Aiwu and Wuwu?
       In fact, it was reasonable for Yuan-Suming to take her to the surgery, which can be seen from what happened next.
       Imagine that Yuan-Suming could of course pick Gu Huai first, but then? Among the three men who took the top spot in the three competitions, how did he pick a man and two women about Caitou? Could he domineeringly say that he would choose first? It's too ugly to eat.
       Therefore, Gu Huai still has to keep it, and can't remove it for the time being. Then he can only start with Zhou-Yinger and Shen Junyu. The rhythm and calligraphy and painting, as a man, he must first pick painting and calligraphy. Blame her for not being the first name for Rhyme talent.
       Not long after, Ayu sneaked out and came to Zhou-Zhen. "6-Miss, there a good show going on inside, go and see?"
       Good show? Zhou-Zhen puzzled.
       "6-Miss, go in and have a look. You'll go in, and you won't regret it." Ayu tongue is bright, and she tries her best to encourage.
       "Then go in and see."
       Zhou-Zhen agreed, and Ayu almost jumped up with joy.
       He gongzi was tearing inside for 6-Miss, 6-Miss, how could he know nothing about it? He gongzi was probably shy and didn't want her to see that side. But Ayu thought, maybe 6-Miss, when he saw him gongzi so hard to shine light on her, did she touch her with a touch?
       He is ‘Calling crazy for his wit. He is the best assist. Where can he find such a caring servant on gongzi?
       When Zhou-Zhen entered, the crowd was scoring his words around Yuan-Suming.
       His words are written in cursive script, which has a small climate, cursive writing in one hand, and strokes of a dragon, giving a sense of sharpness and perseverance to Changhong.
       As soon as the connoisseurs took the shot, they knew whether it was secretly in the hearts of everyone, and it was indeed gongzi from everyone. Compared to their previous paintings and calligraphy, they were empty and rhyme-free, which was better than graffiti for young children.
       There is no doubt that in the painting and calligraphy competition, Yuan-Suming is a well-deserved number one.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't understand the reason for Yuan-Suming's ending for a while. He didn't look like someone who needed them to be worshipped.
       At this point, the first names of all three talent contests came out. Yuan-Suming, Gu Huai, Zhou-Yinger will each receive a prize.
       Zhou-Yinger is standing between Yuan-Suming and Gu Huai, like the moon and the moon, Gu Pansheng.
       At this time, Pei Chen stood up.
       This talent contest can be said to be organized by Pei Chen. At this time, he was a guest of honor.
       Pei Chen said in a loud voice, "The results of the three talent tests have come out. Shouldn't everyone disagree?"
       Everyone shook their heads, saying no objections.
       "It's unexpected." Pei Chen sighed long.
       Everyone thought, wasn't it? They did not expect that Yuan Gongzi from the Capital City Grand Family would end in person.
       With so many plays, Yuan-Suming frowned slightly at Pei Chen's nagging.
       Pei Chen stood at the forefront, and immediately noticed his impatient expression, and said immediately, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, have we asked Huo Big-gongzi to give them a lottery?"
       Pei Chen is still very thoughtful. He divided all the color heads into three parts, including the green board fingers of Zhou-Zhen's Angong Bezoar Pill and Yuan-Suming, and the color heads of Zhou-Yinger and Shen Junyu. It was divided into three portions.
       "Is this color head issued randomly?" Yuan-Suming's deep voice sounded.
       Gu Huai was a little anxious, but when he saw him, he didn't say anything.
       if not? Everyone looked at each other, wondering what he wanted to do.
       Huo Dong laughed, "Is there anything you want to say about Yuan gongzi?"
       "You should have what you want for the three colorful headers above?" Yuan-Suming turned to ask Gu Huai and Zhou-Yinger.
       Gu Huai nodded without hesitation, he was fighting for Bezoar Pill of An Gong.
       Looking at him, Zhou-Yinger nodded hesitantly, and she had something she wanted.
       Now everyone understands.
       In this case, all three have what they want, and it is not known whether the things they want will be divided into a lottery.
       Yuan-Suming is so positive, does he have what he wants? Huo Donglai turned his thoughts and looked at them. "Otherwise, you all talk about which one you want. If there is no overlap, you will all be happy. You three will get what you want."
       Yuan-Suming, Gu Huai, Zhou-Yinger did not speak.
       Someone pointed out, "What if they all want the left one?"
       In this way, it becomes a question for whom this color head is.
       Yuan-Suming said, "I want the middle one."
       Gu Huai said for a moment, "I want the middle one too."
       Zhou-Yinger was summoning the courage to say what he wanted, and he was overwhelmed by the voice of the people.
       "Or throw dice? Whoever comes first depends on your luck." Someone suggested with a smile.
       "That's a good idea,"
       Chinese gambling is strong, and everyone is interested in proposals with some gambling luck.
       Yuan-Suming frowned slightly, obviously did not like such a proposal, and the result was too uncontrollable.
       "I have a suggestion. Let's win by strength." Yuan-Suming said to the other two, "The three of us, based on these three talents, will decide one or two or three."
       "Okay! That's a good idea." Someone applauded when it was lively.
       "Yes." Gu Huai agreed. Although the confidence is not enough, this proposal is the most fair. The winner is Wang-the loser, but there is nothing to say.
       At this meeting, Zhou-Yinger had nodded in agreement.
       Yuan-Suming first challenged Gu Huai chess skills.
       When the two contested, almost everyone was watching.
       On the chessboard, the chess styles of the two are different. Gu Huai is serious and restrained, good at layout and thoughtful. And Yuan-Suming broke the game with all their strengths. The way of chess was wide open and closed. It seemed to fight desperately, like a lone sword, but it could be balanced.
       A game of chess was played by them treacherously, and various dangers arose, and the viewers sweated for them. In the end, Yuan-Suming was even better.
       "Accepted." Looking at him, Yuan-Suming said lightly. As he said, he is worse than himself.
       Gu Huai looked at the chessboard with a loss of mind, and had not recovered from that game yet.
       Seeing him like this, everyone can understand that everyone knows that he played chess at a young age. His chess skills are very good, and there are already few rivals in Lujiang. Now I met a Yuan-Suming and I lost.
       Yuan-Suming looks at Zhou-Yinger.
       Zhou-Yinger smiled bitterly, "No need to compare, I admit defeat, Caitou Yuan gongzi pick it first."
       She knows the current affairs, even if she wins Yuan-Suming in rhythm, after winning, she still has to compete again. In terms of calligraphy and painting, she can't win, it's better to be a little bit refreshed.
       Everyone understands her condemnation and is not blame. Many people even think she is so knowledgeable about current affairs and general.
       Yuan-Suming didn't say much, and picked the middle-most Caitou.
       Someone from the unknown speculates that he is also for the Anzo Palace Bezoar Pill?
       But some individuals noticed that in the pile of colorful heads, Zhou-Zhen's colorful heads for Zhou-Chen-a series of delicate bells lay quietly.
       For a while, looking at Zhou-Zhen's eyes were a little mixed, but no one dared to say anything about it.
       Yuan-Suming took the colorful head, was thinking of coming out of the cabin, and ran into Zhou-Zhen standing at the door.
       He didn't know yet that his entire performance fell into the eyes of Zhou Yantu because of the betrayal of his loyal servants.
       The two looked at each other, Yuan-Suming didn't move, and Zhou-Zhen didn't move. Looking at him, she seemed to know that he turned his head and crushed the purpose of the audience with overbearing strength.
       Looking at it with a few eyes, Rao is Zhou-Zhen's cheek is thick, and he feels his face faintly hot.
       Bezoar Pill, An Gong, was taken away, and Gu Huai was frustrated.
       Ayu stayed, and saw that there were two color heads left unpicked. He smiled and asked Gu Huai, "The next turn is Gu 4-gongzi or Zhou 7-Miss. Choose the color head first? Just now I gongzi let When the slave gave a lottery, the slave accidentally put in the green board finger that gongzi often wears. So, Gu 4-gongzi, how about a deal? You try to get the lottery on the far left, the little Naan Gong Bezoar Pill and you change my green board for gongzi. "
       Upon hearing that, Gu Huai eyes brightened, and he looked at Zhou-Yinger.
       Zhou-Yinger can probably guess Gu Huai thoughts, in fact, she also wants the color head on the far left. She was very upset at this moment. She didn't say her thoughts aloud. Otherwise, she should be able to get the lottery on the left first. They shouldn't mind her taking it first, and then the two men were fighting for the middle part. Losing The only one you can take is the one on the right. In this way, she can also get what she wants, instead of competing with Gu Huai as now. Gu Huai chess skills, she can't win him, she is not as good as him if he is better than painting and calligraphy. Instead, take a step back and let him choose first.
       So Gu Huai picked the left-most color head, and exchanged the green board finger and Ayu for Anzo Gong Bezoar Pill.
       In the end, Zhou-Yinger could only get back the lottery that he added, not right, and also earned Shen Junyu lottery.
       Seeing the final result is like this, some people were relieved at the scene, but some people secretly said that it was a pity that Lu Jiang Shuangshu gave the colorful head, no matter which young man was present, it was a piece of cake.

       Chapter 43  :   Dead sister.    

       At the corner of the painting, Xu-si stood beside Chen-Yi, watching him together with him silently and vocally.
       "I said before that Zhou-Zhen is a bee-seeker, you see she seduce Yuan-Suming to seduce the mind, so she ended up in order to win the broken medicine ball she gave. The depth of the means ... "
       Xu-si suppressed his voice and tried his best to degrade.
       Chen-Yi didn't say anything, he could see clearly, from beginning to end Zhou-Zhen did nothing. What does other people do with her?
       However, I don't know why Xu-si, always speaking against Zhou-Zhen.
       At this moment, Ayu made a request to use Azonomiya Bezoar Pill and Gu Huai to exchange jade fingers. Ayu behavior was thrown on his face like a slap, and Xu-si voice came to a halt, his face swelled. Flushed.
       Xu-si This would be forgetting Zhou-Zhen's color head for Zhou-Chen-a string of delicate bells, if he remembers, he doesn't know what direction he will be thinking about.
       "Brother Xu, let's go out," Chen-Yi suggested.
       "Oh, okay, okay." Xu-si just lost face, Zhengba had to watch this awkward scene again.
       After leaving the cabin, Xu-si was finally at ease, he asked Chen-Yi, "Zi Wen, why don't you end? Your calligraphy skills are not worse than Yuan-Suming. For the first name, still There is competition. "
       Those color heads are still quite valuable, and he thought that Chen-Yi would be a little bit moving.
       Chen-Yi explained, "When I gave Caitou just now, I only gave a fan, and that fan was my own, and it was not valuable."
       "Oh, you are just being upright. Everyone can take part in the test. In the end, you win by your ability. The prize is only a reward. Who dares to say half a minute?" Xu-si hurriedly regretted him.
       The Xu family discovered that Chen-Yi identity was not ordinary a few days ago, not just as a farmer who could read books. He Father quietly told him that Chen-Yi should be the blood of the Jing He family.
       The people from his hometown in Capital City also passed a word and asked them to take a look at Chen-Yi. But Chen-Yi temper is very twisted, and it is not possible to send money directly. Today, he had a chance to improve his life, but he also clarified the principles of high fairness and was unwilling to fight for it.
       Chen-Yi didn't speak. He knew that Xu-si was kind, but he had his own persistence and principles.
       After the talent competition was over, the men and women dispersed, and people who were familiar with each other made up a bunch of fun. There are people playing the leaf card, people making tea and wine, people fishing and grilling fish, there are all kinds of entertainments.
       Zhou-Chen found a fishing rod and fished slowly.
       Zhou-Zhen also learned from him, took a fishing rod, and fished fish in the same manner. To protect herself from the sun, she also put on a drape.
       Zhou-Chen just laughed at her, "Strange, what is this?"
       "You don't understand. I don't want to be tanned." The sun in all time and space is the same. The ultraviolet rays are very strong. In this era without sunscreen, she can only strengthen physical sun protection.
       Zhou-Chen didn't understand her. "I'm afraid I'll be drying you back in the cabin. I can catch enough fish for us to cook."
       Zhou-Zhen gave him a white look and didn't speak. Isn't the pleasure of fishing only to eat fish? And that person was in the cabin, so she didn't go back.
       "7-brother, you didn't try the talent contest just now?" She also wanted to see who was most likely her 7-brother and asked her for Bezoar Pill's friend for him / her.
       Zhou-Chen said slowly and slowly, "Go, and Gu Huai will not be able to walk long before he is eliminated."
       Zhou-Zhen, "Gu Huai chess skills are really good. If you can't do anything with him, you can show your strengths in terms of music, calligraphy and painting."
       "What's the director of the exhibition? You look too high at you 7-brother me. You haven't seen the final result. These people are very good one by one. And me, you know me, in these aspects A bucket full of water and half a bucket of water are sloshing, and it is estimated that the hard work will not come to the end, so why bother with that effort. "
       He was right, even if he could go to the end, he could not survive by a big move by Yuan-Suming. Zhou-Zhen shook his head, why did he go around him again?
       Thinking of the final test results, Zhou-Chen inevitably thought of Yuan-Suming, and his expression was called a whisper and a halt for a while.
       "Really, you and Yuan gongzi-"
       At this point Zhou-Zhen just caught a big slap fish, and happily put it in the bucket next to it. At this point he heard his questioning without raising his head. "Don't ask. Asking is just an ordinary friend. It's not a deep friendship."
       "Yuan, Yuan gongzi ..."
       In her ear, 7-brother's babbling voice came, Zhou-Zhen Xiao di stunned, she hadn't straightened her waist at this moment, and glanced out to see four or five feet appearing in her sight range. Inside.
       At this time, Zhou-Zhen's black line was speechless to Zhou-Chen who had pitted her. This unlucky child, who can’t open a pot, which is a dead girl.
       Yuan-Suming looked at the Miss who was unwilling to stand up to face the reality, but he was helpless and funny, and that little bit of anger just disappeared without notice.
       Looking at Zhou-Zhen, who was still bending down, Huo Donglai also sympathized and wanted to laugh, "You can use this technology, and you will not gain much."
       Zhou-Zhen slowly straightened up and greeted them casually, "Huo Big-gongzi. Yuan gongzi."
       Seeing more than a dozen live fish in the barrel, Huo Donglai was eager to try, "Can this fishing rod allow us both to try?"
       Zhou-Zhen stepped aside, giving up the position, "You guys please." They also played for a while, and the interest was gone, so it didn't matter to them.
       Zhou-Chen nodded.
       Huo Dong came to take Zhou-Chen's fishing rod, and Yuan-Suming took Zhou-Zhen's fishing rod.
       When exchanging fishing rods, their hands accidentally touched each other. Yuan-Suming looked at her, and Zhou-Zhen took them away casually.
       Huo Dong came to discuss the topic while fishing, and Zhou-Zhen looked around for a while, and returned to him with a few words, then ran away with an excuse.
       So after that one met, until the lake tour broke up, the two of them never communicated again.
       When they went back, Zhou-Yinger followed them.
       Zhou-Zhen did not use the carriage of the 4th House this time, but came with Zhou-Chen in a carriage in the family house.
       When going back, Zhou-Yinger wanted to swap with Zhou-Chen, and then sits with Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhou-Zhen felt tired and didn't want to be in the same room with her, so she winked at Zhou-Chen.
       So Zhou-Chen came forward and rejected her proposal, "Sorry Yinger, my cousin hasn't got a good waist recently, I'm afraid I can't get in your carriage." In fact, he was not willing to ride in the carriage, the carriage was It’s less bumpy, it’s less painful, it’s more comfortable, who would choose to suffer, right?
       Zhou-Zhen gave him a white look, and made excuses bad, but he used this. He was not good at a young age. Which elder was willing to marry a girl to you?
       She could see that both were unwilling to change, and Zhou-Yinger had no choice but to return to her own carriage.
       In the carriage of the Shen family, brothers and sisters Shen Ying and Shen Junyu also had a dialogue.
       "Brother, Yuan-Suming despise me. You arrange people according to Father's idea. Our Miss, Xiao Lu, and Xiao Wen are all very good." Shen Junyu admitted his failure for the first time.
       Shen Ying comforted her, "Don't be sad, you are so good, the men who look down on you are blind."
       Shen Junyu smiled reluctantly, "Brother, Zhou-Zhen, you must beware of it. I intuitively think that the dispute between them should not be simple."
       Shen Ying, the elder brother, is so distressed that he doesn't blame Yuan-Suming, but complains about Zhou-Zhen, who is entangled with it.
       "You also have to work up, He Jiahui will come some time later. Let's fight for it when we get there."
       The Capital City He family, also a famous big family in Capital City, is only slightly inferior to the existence of the Yuan family in Capital City.
       To comfort Mei-mei, Shen Ying took out the most confidential news received by the Shen family.
       "As for Zhou-Zhen, she won't be proud."
       "Um." Shen Junyu nodded heavily.
       The following days, Zhou-Zhen arranged things in an orderly manner.
       During this time, ‘Nu Qingquan, who was good at bones, finally returned. Yunsi wept with joy when he heard the news.
       Her elder brother's legs have been delayed for too long, and he has been stunned. The situation has not been dealt with originally, and such a situation is expected. Moreover, Yunsi Father, Niang, according to Zhou-Zhen, bought Song Fu some pig bones from time to time to nourish him, but brought Song Fu body back.
       Zhou-Zhen went to Da Songzhuang in person, and she also asked ‘Nu Qingquan.
        ‘Nu Qingquan touched Song Fu leg, then shook his head and said that he could not cure it.
       As soon as this word came out, the people of the Song family were so anxious that they almost cried.
       Zhou-Zhen and he discussed the feasibility of breaking Song Fu leg and rejoining the bone. He was eager to hear this suggestion.
       Yunsi Father, Niang listened terribly.
       Song Fu himself gritted his teeth, and compared to crippled his feet and stomped his whole life, he was willing to give it a try, and he would be guilty of another crime, and the result would not be worse than it is now.
       After Song Fu agreed, Zhou-Zhen took out a stack of information and discussed it with ‘Nu Qingquan.
       Zhou-Zhen, because she has experienced later generations, she majored in pharmacy and had a certain understanding of orthopedics. After all, she learned everything about the structure of the human body when she was a freshman and sophomore, and her mentor later liked As she walked around her major laboratories, she gradually understood more.
        ‘Nu Qingquan He is an ancestral osteosynthesis technique. He has too many patients in his early forties and has rich clinical experience. In terms of osteosynthesis, it is also a top expert.
       After the initial shock, ‘Nu Qingquan quickly accepted the fact that Zhou-Zhen, a little Miss, was good at bone-setting.
       The two talked more and more speculatively, and people continued to discuss Song Fu treatment plan, and continued to modify it until it was finalized.
       She and ‘Nu Qingquan agreed that Song Fu legs may not achieve perfect results at one time and must be treated two or three times.
       Because some of the fractures are too close, if you want to be once and for all, it is impossible, and the bones that are too close are broken again, and it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.
       Of course, Song Fu legs need to be treated, and it will take some time.
       Before it is determined that the scheme is feasible, they need to do some experiments. It is impossible to directly use Song Fulai as the experimental product. So they went back to buy a few goats with broken legs and planned to conduct experiments according to the plan.
       Later, Zhou-Zhen entrusted Song Fu treatment to ‘Nu Qingquan. Before leaving, Zhou-Zhen also left ‘Nu Qingquan with two cans of bone paste.
        ‘Nu Qingquan patted his chest to assure Zhou-Zhen that he would do his best to heal Song Fu legs.
       This time, through the exchange with Zhou-Zhen, he benefited a lot and learned a lot of bone-building knowledge. He wanted to repay Zhou-Zhen one or two. Compared to what he received today, Lao-Da, if he only tried to rescue Song Fu with all his heart, what he paid was really insignificant.
       Because of the knowledge gained from Zhou-Zhen today, he can be combined with ancestral bone-setting techniques, combined with his many years of experience in diagnosis and treatment, and passed down from generation to generation. This is all precious wealth.
       During this time, there was no major incident in Lujiang.
       But Zhou-Zhen had been looking forward to it, and her grandfather Li family finally came.
       To her surprise, this time the team leader was Huang Wen, her second ancestor. Her Mu-Grandfather Mu-Uncle Mu-Niang did not come. This happened in the last life, she just can't remember if it happened this year.
       The Li family has a three-in house in Lujiang. These days, she has arranged for people to clean up. People from the Li family came here, and I heard that many people brought this time. Zhou-Zhen arranged for them to live in directly, but did not come to the Zhou-4th House.
       Just after being settled there, Huang Wen took people to the Zhou-4th House. Accompanied by Zhou-Zhen, he visited He Lao-Anren and his aunt Zhou-Xian as his relatives, and took the Li family as Sincerely yours.
       He Lao-Anren routinely inquired about the situation of the Li family, and learned that everything was OK, and it didn't take long for him to pass away on the ground that his body was lacking.
       After they left, He Lao-Anren let her show the gift list sent by the Li family this time. She read the gift list and estimated that it was two points thicker than in previous years.
       As the saying goes, many people don’t blame her. For the past, she would disapprove of the generous gifts given by the Li family every year, but because of her granddaughter Zhou-Zhen, a golden Buddha made her think a lot, and think back to these years, It seems that the Li family has always been like this. The gifts sent have never been cut corners because of Li-shi death. Instead, it was Big-Erxi maiden family, who sent some good-looking but flashy objects.
       Coincidentally, some people from Xi family came here a while back. They also came with gifts, but compared with what the Li family gave, it was much worse. As a result, He Lao-Anren more and more felt that granddaughter Zhen and Li Jiachicheng, Big-Erxi and maiden Xi-shi treacherous.
       Huang Wen left He Lao-Anren's Xuan Beitang with her aunt and Miss, and when they reached the first fork, Zhou-Xian stopped.
       "Okay, let's just be separated here. You go back to the yard and talk well." After talking about him for a while, he said to Zhou-Zhen, "If there is anything that can't be resolved, you can come back as a father."
       Zhou-Zhen nodded.
       Huang Wen followed Zhou-Zhen in the direction of the pavilion. He looked at the watch Young-Lady in front of him. He turned his mind. He disappeared in one year. The watch Young-Lady changed a lot, and his temperament was calm.
       Also, this time, he could feel that Maiden Lao-Anren was kind to their Li family. In the past, when the master came, He Lao-Anren was treated as he is today. This time the Li family has no master, he is even prepared for Lao-Anren refuses to see him.
       This situation was completely unexpected, and my aunt, there have been some changes since I saw him last time, and I am also here to accompany guests, which is really unthinkable.
       After so much effort, he can see that the table Young-Lady and table Shaoye should be improved in Zhoujia.
       Going back to LaoTai-Ye about this incident, he must be happy, knowing that he is most concerned about the three grandchildren and granddaughters far away in Lujiang on most days.
       After returning to the pavilion and sitting down, Zhou-Zhen kept asking, "Master Huang, why did you bring the team? Is something wrong with your grandparents’house?" During the meeting, he said all the good things about the Li family.
       Huang Wen laughed, "The family is too busy, Lao-ye is old, can’t stand the toil. The two Lao-ye and Fu-ren are busy scoring and lacking skills. I'll send it. Miss, don't think too much. "
       Zhou-Zhen looked at Huang Wen without speaking.
       In the past, every time she came to make a profit, her grandmother's family must have a relative. Because it's not just as simple as sending profits, they also come to see their sisters and brothers to show their importance.
       She came from Mu-Grandfather. The year after her death was from him. Later, she was really old, and she couldn’t afford to run back and forth, so it was her two Mu-Uncle who came, and then The bad is also led by Big-Mu-Niang and 2-Mu-Niang. But this year, it is rare that they didn't come, only Huang Wen came.
       There must be something wrong with the Li family.
       "Master Huang, how are my Mu-Grandfather's health, and Mu-Uncle Mu-Niang, cousin Sao are all OK?’‘Zhou-Zhen confirmed again.
       "Miss, don't worry, they're all fine."
       Zhou-Zhen's eyes stared at Huang Wen momentarily. She could see that his expression was unnatural for a moment, and her smile converged a little.
       She asked some more questions about the Li family, but Huang Wen always said that it was good.
       Zhou-Zhen probably understood that something must have happened to the Li family, otherwise this time it would be impossible for a single Li family to be able to extract it. But things should be within controllable limits and can be resolved.
       How ardent she should have been in her previous life, she can ignore the past with such obvious loopholes. No wonder, at this time in the previous life, when she was thinking about Chen-Yi, she rushed to him with a heart in her heart, and she didn't care about the rest.
       She didn't know. In the previous life, she learned that her heartless and heartless behavior, Mu-Grandfather, would he be disappointed.
       Huang Wen took out two small boxes from the suitcase, "Miss, this is the income and account book of the industry under the name of 2-Young-Lady, please look at it."
       Zhou-Zhen took the account book and looked at it. The Li family is a big merchant and has a set of accounting methods of her own. The account book that has been given to her is completed, so after half an hour, she finished reading it.
       "This income is not the same as that on the account book. Why is this silver ticket more than ten thousand more than the actual income on the account book?" Zhou-Zhen looked at him with certainty.
       Huang Wen  :   ... the table Young-Lady did not look at the books before. Even if I read it, I turned it over. Huang Wen did not expect that the table Young-Lady could understand, so she was a bit surprised by her question.
       Huang Wen said truthfully, "This money is LaoTai-Ye is worried that your money is not enough, and it is for you."
       "Is this the same in the past?" Zhou-Zhen only thought that he was really stupid before, but he didn't realize that his grandparents’family had been subsidizing their siblings.
       Huang Wen nodded, "Yes." It was just that the amount given was not that great.
       Zhou-Zhen recalled the amount of profit received in the past, and the amount of each time was not much different. The annual profits of the industries under her mother's name should be very stable, and they will fluctuate up and down within a certain range. Even if her grandparents subsidize each time, they should all be in a small amount.
       But this time, her grandparent's family apparently subsidized more than ever. This is beyond Zhou-Zhen's thoughts. The behavior of the grandfather's family is much like the practice of moving wealth away. Was her guess wrong just now, and was the Li family more troublesome than she expected?
       It is a sudden death, and I do not know who gave Huang Wen the password! Zhou-Zhen, who can’t know the inside story, is very anxious, especially thinking about the last life, after two or three years of the Li family’s hardships, she couldn’t protect herself, and her heart sank to the bottom.
       This time Zhou-Zhen made up her mind and waited for the matter at hand to come to an end. She had to go to the Li family to see for herself to feel relieved.
       Huang Wen sighed in his heart. Before he set off, LaoTai-Ye and the two Lao-ye gave him a password, and he was strictly forbidden from telling Young-Lady and Shaoye what happened to the Li family.
       These few grandfathers have many actions, such as the 10 thousand yuan subsidy. In the past, it was LaoTai-Ye private pockets to subsidize two or three thousand yuan. This time, Xu was because the masters of the Li family were separated and physically incapable of visiting Sister Zhou-shi. Several Big-Lao-ye people took out their pockets and LaoTai-Ye gave them. Five thousand, Big-Lao-ye gave three thousand, 2-Lao-ye gave two thousand.
       Table Young-Lady is not as confused and heartless as he used to be. He just didn't know how much Table Young-Lady believed, and it was really hard for him to die.
       Huang Wen quickly shifted the topic, "By the way Young-Lady, LaoTai-Ye let me bring a group of people over for you to send."
       Zhou-Zhen was overjoyed when she heard that she was really short of staff. People are used in various places, but there are not many people available in her hands, and even the people who use it to open a drug store are not available. Cultivating talents is a long-term process, and even if she wants to cultivate it, it will be difficult to achieve success in a short time. She Mu-Grandfather really did what she wanted.
       "The two most prestigious of these people are waiting outside, Miss. Would you like to meet?"
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, she would definitely see each other, after all, she would do things under her hands.
       It didn't take long for two middle-aged men over forty to come in.
       After the two came in, they made a big gift, and looked at Zhou-Zhen to the end, "Jiang Qing Luocheng has seen the new owner."
       "No courtesy, you get up. By the way, just follow them and call me 6-Miss."
       "Yes, 6-Miss," the two stood up behind them, standing aside.
       "Have we met?" Zhou-Zhen always felt that the two were a bit familiar, and the names were familiar, as if they had been heard before.
       The older Jiang Qing replied, "6-Miss, our last owner was Zheng Dong’s person, Zhou Hong, the head of Zhou-shi 6th House."
       Zhou-shi 6th House Chief’s person Zhou Hong, that's not Hong-Big-Aunt Zheng-shi! Hearing this answer, Zhou-Zhen was startled and could not help looking at Huang Wen.
       Huang Wen nodded gently, confirming that the two were right.
       Zhou-Zhen returned to God, “Is Mu-Grandfather the same group of people as they are?” Are they the management under the former Zheng-shi industry?
       At that time, Zheng-shi industry was smuggled. After the delivery of the industry, the original middle and upper management either left the buyer alone or they resigned. These people left Lujiang one after another, and she still regretted it for a long time.
       Huang Wen briefly explained the situation at the time, "I don’t know about Young-Lady, there are a lot of industries under the name Zheng-shi, and I have also dealt with the Li family. Let’s say that a month ago, Jiang Qing and Luo Cheng came to Li house and passed a letter to LaoTai-Ye. That letter was written by Zheng-shi to LaoTai-Ye, and she wanted to pass us Li Home, entrust these people to you Young-Lady. "
       "After reading the letter, LaoTai-Ye agreed. So there was such a thing." At the time, LaoTai-Ye decision made Huang Wen feel ridiculous, because in his view, the table Young-Lady is like A child who hasn't grown up, she has no use for this group of people, right? It may not even be used. But when he saw the table Young-Lady again, he knew that perhaps Zheng-shi had expected that the table Young-Lady did need such a lot of manpower.
       In this case, he naturally had to help the table Young-Lady, so Huang Wenfeng turned around, "But LaoTai-Ye said, if you table Young-Lady you don't want to take over these people, let me take it back "
       Jiang Qing and Luo Cheng suddenly became nervous, and their mouths were full of bitterness. Zhou-Zhen is the new master chosen by the Zheng Dong family for them, and they are naturally willing to follow her to serve her. But if Zhou-Zhen didn't accept them, would they really follow Huang Wen back to the Li family?
       Zhou-Zhen understands that Huang Wen should be aware of the dilemma of her eagerness for manpower, and she is setting up a stage to sing Ma Wei for her. Naturally, she can't break the stage, so she groaned.
       The two looked at each other, Jiang Qing stepped forward a little, and said, "6-Miss, Zheng Dong's family asked us to bring you something."
       "What is it?" Zhou-Zhen froze, wondering what Zheng-shi asked them to bring to her.
       They shook their heads. "Things are small sealed boxes. We don't know what they are."
       They pleaded guilty for a moment, and soon they picked up a small, compact box with some sealed notes printed with Zheng-shi private seal on them. The notes were intact to show that the box had not been opened.
       Jiang Qing gave the key, and Zhou-Zhen did not open it immediately after receiving it. From Zheng-shi solemn treatment of the objects in the box, Zhou-Zhen knew that the contents inside could not be easily shown. Besides, she has already made a general guess about the contents of the box. Although it is unlikely, she thinks that Zheng-shi should not trust her so much.
       Zhou-Zhen asks them, "Who knows what Big-Aunt has entrusted to me, except the two of you?" If the content inside is really the one she guessed, then the less people know the more OK, she doesn't want to cause trouble.
       The two replied, "6-Miss, rest assured that this matter is entirely up to me and no third person knows, not even the mother-zi and children in the family."
       Looking at them, Zhou-Zhen nodded, whether it was loyal enough or sober, it was enough to be a subordinate.
       She thought about it, and said to Jiang Qing and Luo Cheng, "Your stay, let me think."
       The two knew that it was impossible for her to make a decision at once, so they retreated.
       When they went down, Huang Wencai said to Zhou-Zhen, "LaoTai-Ye said that you can use these people with confidence and boldness. Zheng-shi has dealt with all the problems, those who have other ideas in their hearts Removed. The rest of them know that they will do things under your hands for your dispatch, and they do not resist this. "
       With such a foundation, the human heart has already subdued half of the people, whether it is Zheng-shi or her Mu-Grandfather, this is already the ultimate, and the rest can only be done by her. Zhou-Zhen knows that there is still a break-in between superiors and subordinates. Whether they can subdue these people willingly for her use depends on herself.
       Huang Wen reminded her, "Say Young-Lady, these people, you can take a day or two, and go to conquer." It is not too late, it is early, the power of dismounting is not enough, and it is easy to complain.
       Zhou-Zhen planned the same way, so he nodded.
       Huang Wen sits down for a while and then left. He will stay in Lujiang for about three days. He will also see Zhou Xianbiao Shaoye. Today he is studying ethnology, but he has not seen anyone. He always has to stay for a few days to understand what kind of days he has lived in this year, Shaoye and Miss. By the way, look at the table Shaoye and the table Miss. If there is anything that can't be solved, he helps to solve it. Only then can I make a difference.
       After Huang Wen left, Zhou-Zhen returned to the bedroom, holding the box, and turned away the idle man and waited before opening it. The contents inside did, as she thought, a silver ticket-a silver ticket worth fifty thousand two thousand.
       Until then, Zhou-Zhen did not know that Zheng-shi not only entrusted her with 50 thousand Silver Taels, but also entrusted her those industry-friendly management to her.
       It's different, it's different from previous lives. In the previous life, more than 100 thousand Silver Taels from the sale of the industry by Zheng-shi settled in the hands of Zhou-Yinger. In this life, she did not know how much silver Zheng-shi entrusted to Zhou-Yinger, but she dared To be sure, she doesn't trust Zhou-Yinger as much as in the previous life. Under this premise, Zheng-shi should still have a second hand to prevent them from guarding theft.
       However, Zhou-Zhen doesn't matter, and she doesn't lack silver flowers, that is, Zhou-Yinger will be miserable. After all, she and her Dabo are both big spenders and swallow gold beasts.


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