Sister Credit 10

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       Zhou Xian has stayed here for a long time, which hasn't happened in the past two years, because he hasn't been able to stay in one place since he was eight or nine years old.

       Although Zhou Xian didn't promise to be obedient in the future today, in view of Zhou-Zhen's spitting for him and being coaxed by Zhou-Zhen, he half-push and half-place promised some minor conditions.

       After Zhou Xian left, Zhou-Zhen tinkered with the medicinal materials she bought from Huichuntang. She wanted to make two proprietary Chinese medicines, one of which was to be used immediately, and the other was to be used soon. To.

       Licorice is hard, has many wood fibers, and has a low powderiness.

       The texture of Magnolia is ordinary and fragile. To grind it into a fine powder, you have to extract the medicinal essence through the infiltration of fire wine. Difficult.

       Yunfei waited in the room, watching her owner's methodical treatment of various medicinal materials, and admired it a bit. She didn't know her Miss, she had such a skill.

       However, she didn't doubt anything. She didn't mention the strangeness and chaos, mainly because she didn't understand the experience of Miss, because almost every year, Miss, and 9-Shaoye would live in their grandparents’Li house for one or two. Month, maybe this hand pharmaceutical technique was learned at the Li family?

       In fact, Zhou-Zhen used this to dare to act so boldly. Even if she asked the Li family, she had a reason, but it was far-fetched, and it was not unreasonable. Moreover, she is her, not an alien soul, she is not afraid of anything.

       She was admitted to a first-class Academy of Chinese medicine when she was a Academy in the next generation, where famous teachers gathered.

       Because of her first marriage, she was not interested in watching movies and surfing the internet during Academy. Compared to those Academy students who have loosed their Academy education after three years of high school, Zhou-Zhen still maintains a tireless attitude towards knowledge.

       After finishing the basics in freshman and sophomore, she became an assistant to a professor and mentor in her junior year. The professor usually brought graduate students from his school, and rarely brought undergraduates. That year he happened to need adjustments. Zhou-Zhen they were lucky enough to meet him.

       It can be said that in the years of Academy, she really learned a lot of pharmacy and even medical knowledge. She also thanked her mentor very much for taking her all the way, not only professional pharmacy lessons, but also other medical knowledge did not teach her, and friends in her mentor circle also fed her knowledge from time to time.

       Zhou-Zhen has been in the afterlife for many years. She really feels that future generations are very happy. Both men and women have the right to equal education. Even after society, they can compete with men on the same stage. Yes, but you can’t even think about such freedom now?

       Whether it is a cultural class before Academy or a professional class after Academy, she finds thieves interesting.

       Her temper can slowly return from sensitive sharpness to peace and goodness, these Noble contributions.

       During her Academy years, her professional grades have always been among the best. As soon as she graduated from Academy, she obtained the qualification certificate of a Chinese medicine pharmacist. This certificate is difficult for the thief. At that time, they were less than ten people in the department.

       Her elder brother is also very business-minded. As soon as the certificate is available, he takes the relevant business license and registers a pharmacy next to the People Courtyard in the city center.

       Zhou-Zhen relying on the qualification certificate of a Chinese medicine pharmacist, I get a lot of dividends every year. Only two years ago, I bought a two-hundred-square-foot house in the city.

       Unfortunately, this is a thing of the past, and thinking of this, Zhou-Zhen is a bit lost. Fortunately, her family has three children, and her parents did not become elderly people who lost their independence. Moreover, the older brother and older sister are all married, and with the birth of the newborn, they will certainly be able to disperse the injuries caused by her loved ones due to her death.

       What she should worry about now is how to make her medicine clear. Meeting and being proficient are two different things. She knows how to make medicines and can use the far-fetched reasons, but if she is well-versed in medicines, the reasons are not enough. Zhou-Zhen thought about it for a while, and thought that it had probably fallen on her Mu-Grandfather.

       As soon as Zhou-Zhen picked up the buffalo horn, there was a call from Feng-Nurse outside the door.

       "6-Miss, ......"

       Zhou-Zhen showed her eyebrows and frowns. Looking at these half-processed medicinal herbs, she felt deeply disturbed by Feng-Nurse. In fact, she had previously given Feng-Nurse leave off. Check back from time to time.

       It seems to have to deal with it quickly, she calculated the schedule of her old Father, and soon, when she returns, she will solve the Feng-Nurse family together.

       Feng-Nurse is her Grandmother's. She is not good at working directly with her elders. Cheap Father could use it, but she wouldn't rush everything in front.

       Thinking like this, Zhou-Zhen stood up and winked at Yunfei, who was waiting beside him.

       Her hands and feet quickly brought cloth curtains to cover her processed semi-finished products and unprocessed medicinal materials, and then pulled the curtain up.

       Zhou-Zhen looked almost before opening the door. "What's the matter?"

       She was not impatient to see her, but she knew that the people in the hall could not restrain her, and for the time being she did not want to make such a big noise.

       Feng-Nurse brought a bowl of chicken soup to her. "6-Miss, you just got the rain. Come and drink some ginger soup. You are young and you don’t understand. This woman’s body must be taken care of, otherwise It’s been a crime. Yunfei these bitches are young and don’t know how powerful they are. You still need an elderly person or someone to take care of you. ”

       Zhou-Zhen motioned Yunfei to take over, "Okay, Jiang Tang, you have also been delivered, so go ahead and do whatever you need to do!"

       This way I was sent off ...

       Feng-Nurse didn't want to leave, her gaze could not help falling behind them, 6-Miss, what was the trouble in this empty room?

       When she noticed her snooping, Zhou-Zhen chuckled, "Yunfei, send me a Nurse."

       After speaking, after Yunfei left the door, Zhou-Zhen closed the door.

       Yunfei reached out and signaled that she could go. "Feng-Mama, please."

       "Okay, let's go for a while. Yunfei is really prosperous, getting more and more 6-Miss. I value it. Tell Mama, where did you go with Miss today?"

       Now the master and Feng-Nurse have a big gap. No one knows better than her. Yunfei dare to say, "Feng-Mama laughed ..."

       Nothing came out of Yunfei bastard Nizi, Feng-Nurse returned home with a gloomy face.

       Yunzhen quickly got off the couch and asked Feng-Nurse about the situation. After listening to her mother’s reply, she said, “Mother, you’re so good at 6-Miss, you won’t answer. I think she iron. Our heart wants to cure us. "Yunzhen couldn't hate it, 6-Miss, was a lunatic, acting without any sign, annoyed and annoyed when he was annoyed, without any discussion.

       Feng-Nurse nodded her forehead, "It's you, Yatou, why wouldn't you make her unhappy?"

       "Ma-Am, you have killed me unfairly. I told you everything that day. Can you tell us that our previous incident was exposed?" In the following sentence, Yunzhen asked very carefully.

       Feng-Nurse thought about it, shook his head, "I'll take care of this, you can leave it alone."

       Seeing her daughter's face worried, Feng-Nurse could not help but comfort her, "After all, the mother is Lao-Anren's person. At most this time, she ate a little complexion. She couldn't help sending her as a mother."

       When he said that, Feng-Nurse couldn't be prouder.

       "That's, 6-Miss, just a yellow-haired Yatou. I want to decide for myself, but I'm still far away." Now Lao-Anren is in the middle of the government, and there also Big-Fu-ren, 6-Miss, There are not many things that can be the master, at least her mother is not what she can send casually.

       Feng-Nurse glared at her, "You can say that too? You, it's in your mouth!"

       Yunzhen hurriedly silenced.

       "By the way, what about your brother? He won't go out and hang around again? Why do you say he so disappointed!"

       Just when Feng-Nurse and Yunzhen claimed to be Lao-Anren, Zhou-Zhen could not help but did not know that Zhou-Zhen had prepared for their family to take a bottom-up salary, and enjoyed the storm before Tranquility.

       After two days of work, Zhou-Zhen finally handled all the herbs according to their priorities.

       She asked Yunsi, and when she found her, she was busy with her hands and hid secretly.

       "Don't cry, I'll go and see your brother later."

       Yunsi looked up, "Miss,-" Her brother was discounted by a group of hooligans two days ago. She didn't tell Miss, she thought that Miss didn't know.

       Zhou-Zhen handed her a papa.

       Yunsi and her brother are both good, no matter how bad her past life is, they will not give up.

       She didn't expect her Nurses to be so distraught, and she only promoted Yunsi to the first-class Maid position, which prevented them.

       Yunsi brother had a leg slumped, but they didn't expect them to give him another discount.

       Don’t say anything coincident with her, her brother would smash into the hooligan, and so on, and it would only be an excuse to hide.

       Yunzhen's elder brother is a bastard in itself, such a trick is too normal.



       Yunsi real name is Song, and the Zhuangzi they live in is called Da Songzhuang.

       Da Songzhuang is about ten miles away from Zhoujia Square, which is not too far away. The carriage has been around for more than an hour.

       This is the first time since Zhou-Zhen returned, a journey of more than a hour. Zhou-Zhen was smashed by souls and souls, which made her miss the later generations of asphalt and asphalt roads and cement roads and various convenient transportation.

       The Yunsi family lived in a remote place, Zhou-Zhen, the carriage they drove slowly into the end of the village.

       Now that the robbers have just passed, the villagers have a rare sigh of relief, and their carriage has attracted a lot of attention since entering the village. Seeing Yunsi sitting side by side with the handlebar in front of the carriage, she was guessing what relationship she had with the owner of the carriage.

       "Xiangbo, my home is ahead." Yunzhen pointed out the road, and she turned to Zhou-Zhen in the carriage again, "Miss, we are here."

       As soon as the carriage stopped, Yunsi jumped out of the car and ‘called at the house, "Father, Niang, I'm back!"

       "It's 2-Yatou, 2-Yatou, you're back?" Yunsi mother hurried out of the kitchen, and Father Father heard Yunsi ‘call and returned to the front yard from behind the house.

       Yunsi house is in a bamboo forest. The front and back of the house are full of bamboo. Their house is poor and the yard is not surrounded. Their carriage is parked in the open space in front of the house.

       The carriage stopped completely, Zhou-Zhen got off the carriage with Maid's help.

       Yunsi four siblings, in addition to her Father, Niang, and a Grandmother, heard that she was walking out of her house with a cane, and when she saw Jiao Ke at home, she didn't know if she came forward or returned.

       Zhou-Zhen glanced at Yunsi, Yunsi had a joy on his face, and quickly stepped forward to help the old man sit down. At the signal of Zhou-Zhen, the second-class Maid's sleep gave the old man a red seal. This is their Lujiang Here are the rules.

       Today Zhou-Zhen did not take Yunfei out, leaving her to stay in the house to look after the house, mainly to take care of her previously processed herbs.

       The old man looked at Yunsi, Zhou-Zhen also looked at her, Yunsi nodded, "This is 6-Miss, reward, you go on."

       The old man was willing to accept the red seal.

       Zhou-Zhen kicked the carriage, and Yun Xueniang looked at her Yu Xue-like skin, and quickly asked Yunsi Father to hug dry artemisia leaves, and there were many mosquitoes in the place with many bamboos. Kaoru.

       Zhou-Zhen knew at a glance that, in fact, the material she wore was light and impervious, and she covered her whole body with skin. She was not afraid of mosquitoes, and she even wore her own mosquito repellent sachet, but this was from the Song family. Attentively, Zhou-Zhen didn't stop either.

       "Mother, it's 6-Miss, she came to show her brother ..." Yunsi whispered.

       "That's it?" Yunsi heard it and was touched, but she didn't have much hope. After all, she wasn't a doctor, and she didn't look very young. But Yunsi still led Zhou-Zhen to Yunsi brother and brother's room.

       Brother Yunsi is called Song Fu.

       Zhou-Zhen went in to see the person, and the other party was asleep but restless.

       Yunsi went to wake her up and was stopped by Zhou-Zhen. It can be seen that Song Fu legs have not been properly handled, and he can only drag this at home.

       It is not natural to rest well at night, so occasionally snoring during the day is too sleepy to ignore the pain to fall asleep, but also sleeps uneasily.

       Zhou-Zhen first gave him the pulse. In fact, she only knew the fur in this aspect and was not specialized. Obviously, she could feel the pulse, but she couldn’t do it with a little detail. This time, for example, she He only touched his veins.

       Then she checked him for a leg, and while she was checking, it probably involved his injury, and the pain woke him up.

       Yunsi and Song Fu quickly explained the situation. After Song Fu heard it, he only murmured a trouble 6-Miss.

       After checking his legs, Zhou-Zhen let him open his mouth again and looked at his tongue.

       After Yunsi asked what she wanted, Zhou-Zhen signaled to the outside.

       Zhou-Zhen asked outside, "Why not ask ‘Nu Qingquan to deal with his leg injury?" ‘Nu Qingquan is the most famous elder doctor on their side of Lujiang.

       Just one sentence, Yunsi eyes turned red.

       Zhou-Zhen glanced at the Song family and asked Yunsi, "But have trouble?" She knew that ‘Nu Qingquan was not cheap.

       She glanced at Chunmian, and Chunmian handed in a purse, and Yunsi refused to accept it.

       Yunsi Father's mouth moved, "Doctor ‘Nu went to Capital City." It was his Eldest-son who was injured. How could he save money for the injury, even if he smashed a pot and sold iron?

        ‘Nu Qingquan went to Capital City? Zhou-Zhen was a bit surprised. "Did he say when he will return?"

       Song Fu leg, if you drag it, the situation is not very good. He had been stumped for a while, but now the only remaining leg was broken and he could not get it in time.

       If you let it grow slowly, it will be difficult to maintain balance between walking on two legs, and the appearance of high and low legs is inevitable.

       The thought of this can be considered to be caused by her, Zhou-Zhen's heart is a little blocked, otherwise ...

       Yunsi Father said, "Doctor ‘Nu left a message and said that the medical museum opened after the Chinese New Year."

       Zhou-Zhen forget it, after the Chinese New Year, it’s July 16th, less than ten days from now. She also thought about going further afield to ask a good doctor on the bones. If ‘Nu Qingquan can return before July 16th, then it is not necessary, because less than ten days, people must not be invited.

       "You still accept these silvers." Although ‘Nu Qingquan was not in Lujiang, Song Fu legs could only be like this for the time being, but she just saw Wen Qie fourth consultation and found that Song Fu body was not optimistic. He should have blood in his body and his body was weak. There is also a chronic illness that has not been treated symptomatically ...

       "No, we can't accept it. You are the master of 2-to Yatou. You can come to see us and we are very grateful. How can you still accept your money for no reason?"

       "Take these silvers, and then ask the doctor who returned to Chuntang to show him, first raise your body and wait for ‘Nu Qingquan to come back. Rest assured, ‘Nu Qingquan has some skills, but at least he won’t. It’s worse than before the leg was broken. But before that, cure the illness and recuperate the body. Otherwise, if ‘Nu Qingquan returns, his body is still unsuitable for treatment, wouldn’t it delay? ”Zhou Zhen didn't give more, thirty-two in the pocket, in fact, as far as Song Fu current condition is concerned, after diagnosis and treatment, these thirty-two are very few.

       Zhou-Zhen had the idea to break Song Fu two legs and rejoin the bone.

       But in this era, bone-crushing requires a wealth of clinical experience, which Zhou-Zhen does not have. She only has theoretical experience.

       She intends to discuss with ‘Nu Qingquan when he comes back to see if they can cooperate. She has theoretical experience and he has done something to break Song Fu leg and break the bone.

       Zhou-Zhen said this, Yunsi Father, Niang really could not refuse.

       "Also, you can hold this box of plasters and apply them after wiping him every day. It can relieve his pain and nourish the leg meridians."

       Zhou-Zhen's name for the ointment was Xuangu Paste.

       It is a pity that the time for this ointment to come out is short, and the efficacy is not fully exerted. At most, it is only 30% to 40%. If it can wait for six or seven days after its fermentation and fusion, it will be 100% effective.

       Yunsi mother took this ointment, the whole person was so excited that she couldn't speak, 2-Yatou master was too kind to their family.

       The couple looked at each other and said nothing, and kneeled at Zhou-Zhen with the younger son, "Guier, Zhou 6-Miss, is the benefactor of our family. If you grow up and have the ability, Do you want to repay her? "

       Father, Niang both knelt, and Yunsi immediately knelt down.

       Even Song Big-Aunt, who had been sitting under the corridor just now, walked tremblingly with a cane, thank you.

       After going to the next generation, Zhou-Zhen couldn't bear it. "Yunsi, don't do this. You go and help your Grandmother first. The old man is old, don't let her kneel, then it will cost me my life."

       Yunsi hesitated, and wiped his eyes, holding on to her Grandmother.

       "Hurry up your Father, brother Niang, too. Let's wait for you in the front. After you and your family have finished talking, they will be up."

       Their carriage drove out, but they didn't go far, and it didn't take long for Yunsi to rush over.

       When people are together, they can naturally leave.

       Before the carriage drove out, Zhou-Zhen looked back at the Yunsi family.

       Although they were supporting each other, they watched their cars wave constantly.

       She looked a little embarrassed, and later generations were more educated and more restrained. Even with the great help from others, she rarely expressed her gratitude in such a straightforward manner. Of course, indifference is also part of the reason.

       Today's events are very touching to her. Although she studied medicine, she never thought of using them to benefit the people or anything.

       In later generations, studying medical medicine was only her interest at first, not because of great sentiment. If she didn't wear it back, she might be working in a Courtyard to save the life or be busy in a pharmaceutical preparation laboratory like her mentor. She wouldn’t have much contact with Song Fu who was waiting so hard The doctor treated the patient who was waiting for a good medicine.

       Today, she felt that she should think about it. In her plan, while pharmaceuticals could make her stand up and change the fate of her three siblings, could she also take care of those poor people?

       The carriage pulled out of Da Songzhuang, and Yunsi was the first to break the silence.

       Yunsi summoned the courage and said to Zhou-Zhen, "Master, that silver will be used as a slave to lend you, will you deduct it from my monthly routine?"

       Zhou-Zhen glanced at her, "Don't think about it that much, just do things well in the future." After that, Zhou-Zhen closed her eyes, apparently didn't want to dwell on the matter again.

       Yunsi shut his mouth, but made up his mind, and he must serve the master well.

       She remembered that when she went out just now, she clearly saw that Lizheng Niangzi was coming, and she was holding her mother's hand and talking, and her eyes swept to the master from time to time.

       The master is kind and does not know that her visit to Da Songzhuang can indirectly improve their status in Da Songzhuang. Of course, the benefits brought by them are invisible, but they can make the family feel more comfortable.

       When Zhou-Zhen returned to the hall, she learned that Zhou-Chen was waiting for her in the hall.

       Yunfei stepped forward and whispered to her what happened during her absence.

       Knowing that Feng-Nurse wanted to take a look at her while she wasn't in the pharmacy where she was a temporary pharmacy.

       "I'll talk about this later. I'll see Chen-7 first."

       When Zhou-Chen saw her, she told Feng-Nurse, "Your mother is so ridiculous!"

       Zhou-Chen speaks with rage.

       Zhou-Zhen smiled. She didn't expect that Feng-Nurse would hit her brother Chen-7 today.



       Zhou-Chen gave her a blank look, "You can still laugh because of it." Yatou, who was heartless and thoughtless, thought that he couldn't help but reached out and bounced her head.

       The fate of this person is so strange. In Zhoujiafang, for the two Miss, who are currently not married to the head of 4th House. People of the same age and even older generations like Zhou-Yinger a lot. Zhou-Zhen temper is much worse than Zhou-Yinger who laughs at everybody.

       Everyone says that Zhou-Yinger is good, but Zhou-Chen just feels that Zhou-Zhen is obedient to his eyes. No matter what others say about her, these years he is always protecting her.

       "Chen-7, it's not clear whether you came or not."

       Zhou-Chen nodded and glanced behind her.

       Zhou-Zhen understands his concerns, "Relax, it's all my people."

       Zhou-Chen was relieved. The situation was not as bad as he imagined. At least she wasn't overpowered by the old little slave.

       So Zhou-Chen handed over a few pieces of paper, "Compared to your mother's dowry list, the humble little objects that disappeared from the storeroom did appear in Hezhai pawnshop."

       Zhou-Zhen took it, and she knew that it was her brother Chen-7 that was allowed to go!

       When she saw it, it was recorded that the objects in her yard that had disappeared due to shattering, etc. were almost delivered to Hezhai Pawnshop by the same person at different times.

       Chen Yungui! Zhou-Zhen's hand was harder on these three words.

       Chen Yungui is Yunzhen's eldest brother. Yunzhen's real name is Yunzhen, and she will not be renamed when she enters the pavilion. She didn't change, and when she came in, she was led by the second-class Maid. For regularity, others had to move closer to her name, so she had Yunfei Yunsi and other names.

       "This family is really lying on your body to suck blood. Look, how many items they stole back and forth to sell! And a rough estimate with Zhai Pangpu, there are two or three thousand Silver Taels." Speaking of these, Zhou-Chen was still angry.

       This is still a cheap sale of those items, Zhou-Zhen's real loss is even greater than this number.

       Zhou-Chen glanced at her, because the Li family helped their sister and brother to run the property of the deceased mother, and then paid the money on time twice a year, so she only consciously noticed that the things in the hall were stolen really big.

       Zhou-Zhen put away the information, "Chen-7, don't be mad, with this, I will be able to clear the Feng-Nurse family smoothly, and copy their home by the way!" But Chen Yungui, the bastard As a gambler, she doesn't expect much money.

       "What are you going to do about this?"

       Zhou-Chen knows that Feng-Nurse is a Lao-Anren. It is not without complaints in her heart that she would be such a virtuous slave to her granddaughter as a nurse, and I really do not know what she thinks. It is said that the motherless child is like root grass, and the cousin is the same as him, but he still has’Grandfather's pain, but she is no one.

       "Otherwise I'll let my mother come forward," Zhou-Chen said in a hesitant heart, and he knew who to find the most useful thing. His mother-zi, Head-Fu-ren, talked to Maiden Lao-Anren, and letting her deal with slavery and bullying the master was not considered excessive.

       "7-brother, no need."

       Although her Chen-7 brother is a young son of Zong Fangyu, outsiders think he is more favored, but it is not true.

       The Zongfang clan Head-Fu-ren Shen-shi had difficulty giving birth when she gave birth to the younger son Zhou-Chen. At that time, one foot really stepped on the ghost door and closed, and she fought a life to give birth to the child. Will be raised for more than half a year before slowly recovering, but this also hurt his body and can not give birth. So for her Chen-7 brother, the family Head-Fu-ren doesn't see much.

       Over the years, Brother Chen-7 has been raised by the Patriarch Tai-Ye. The relationship between the mother and the child, how to say it, is certainly not good enough that she can open her mouth whatever Chen-7 wants.

       If she didn't know his situation, then how could she bother him if she knew that was the case? If it was his business, I guess he wouldn't be willing to open his mouth, either. Then naturally she can't let him bow his head for her sake.

       "I already have an idea in my heart, and you have helped me a lot." Said Zhou-Zhen Yang raised the information he brought in the hands of Yang, "don't care about the rest."

       "That line, if you need help, open your mouth again." Zhou-Chen nodded, seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, he just wanted to leave.

       Zhou-Zhen can see that his emotions have become a little low since he left. She vaguely guessed that the reason was probably that he thought of the relationship with his own mother. She didn't know how to persuade it, and could only silently. Send him out.

       Originally Zhou-Zhen wanted to ask him to go to see Big-Aunt tomorrow morning, but look at him now, I’m afraid that when he sees Hong-Big-Aunt, he won’t be assured of his child's death. Heart-breaking.

       His character is upright, and he seems to be open-minded. In fact, he has a very sensitive and pessimistic side. Otherwise, he would not have died suddenly for a very absurd reason after saving people. At that time he was not as good as the weak champion. No, I can't think about it anymore. Zhou-Zhen has never dared to think about it since she came back, because it is uncomfortable to think about it, and she will definitely not let it happen again in this life.

       At Ermen, Zhou-Chen wouldn't let her go any further.

       Watching his back going away, Zhou-Zhen said to himself silently, he must take good care of Brother Chen-7.

       When Zhou Xiuxiu was invited by her mother Zheng-shi to invite Zhou-Zhen to their home, Zhou-Zhen rejected it, but left a message saying that she would visit her with other sisters at another day of.

       Later, Zhou-Zhen was revealed to Zhou-Yinger, and Zhou-Yinger really took the matter and organized it.

       Everyone in Zhoujia Fang knew that Zheng-shi was seriously ill and died soon, and he was supportive of Zhou-Yinger's lead in organizing a girl to visit Zheng-shi. You don't have to go all the time, just one representative per household.

       Today, Zhoujia, the seven Miss Noble Misses, who are too empty, are gathered together and are going to visit Zheng-shi together.

       Zhou Dang and Zhou Xiuxiu personally came out to meet the door.

       When they arrived, they didn’t know where a priest came from, pointing at Zhou Dang and saying, "Woohoo! Poor Taoist view of this face, there is a looming appearance, two young men are counted, and there will be bereaved relatives in the house recently. And there is a villain who is embarrassed, and he has to go with his mother accidentally-"

       Miss, who was not present at all, was living in Zhoujiafang and was well protected by his family and people. He had never seen such things before, and was frightened.

       Even the party Zhou Dang was shocked, but in the end he was a man who quickly reacted and became accustomed. He always yelled and said, "Where is the lunatic? Get out for the young man!"

       "I don't respect ghosts and gods, I don't cultivate yin and ethics, it's because my ancestors benefited me. I'm afraid it won't end well." The mad Taoist said as he ran, and when he said that, he ran away.

       Zhou Dang was frustrated enough.

       Seeing this scene, the young Miss present had different thoughts.

       This scene was also reported to the masters of 6th House.

       Before Zhou—Zhou Zhou—Yinger came, Zheng—shi heard the near-predicted verdict of the mad Taoist, and almost could not bear it. The body leaning on the pillow could not help but shake.


       Zheng-shi took a sip of ginseng soup to relieve a little discomfort, remembering the words of the mad Taoist priest, but couldn't help crying.

       In an instant, Zhou-Zhen they went to Zheng-shi courtyard, and were then led to Nishijima. The table on Nishijima was filled with snacks and other food, and they wanted to entertain them.

       Nishijima was very close to Zheng-shi bedroom. She couldn't get up, so they went to see her first.

       This is naturally led by Zhou-Yinger.

       Zhou-Zhen watched silently among the crowd.

       Zheng-shi leaned on the head of the bed and talked to them. The whole person was very thin and sturdy. The body under the thin quilt must be extremely skinny, and there were many dark spots on his face.

       Zhou-Zhen is thinking about what she knows about Zheng-shi experience after she married Zhoujia. After a few days of comfort, her emotions have not been smoothed out, and how can the liver qi not be depressed.

       According to Zhou-Zhen observation, Zheng-shi should no longer be able to eat cereals.

       For her illness, Zhou-Zhen was powerless. She is good at pharmacy and not good at treating disease. Zheng-shi is already in a state of illness. After all, medicine is not a panacea.

       It can be seen that Zheng-shi is struggling to talk to them, and then when talking, his eyes fall into the crowd from time to time, as if searching for something.

       Zhou-Zhen had a hunch that she should be looking for her. Sure enough, when Zheng-shi found her in the crowd, she smiled at her.

       Zhou-Zhen  :   ... Hong Big-Aunt Isn't this dead?

       But she really didn't want to get involved in her plan. And Zhou-Zhen didn't know where she got in her eyes and convinced her that she had the ability to protect her children?

       The spirit raised by Shen Tangqiang is limited, and Zheng-shi loses his spirit after a while.

       Zhou Dang and Zhou Xiuxiu, with the help of Zheng-shi confidant Mama, greeted you, Miss, and went to Nishijima.

       All of them are Miss with a soft heart. After seeing Zheng-shi, where do they still have a mood to eat and drink? After sitting for a while, they leave.

       From beginning to end, Zhou-Zhen behaved quite well.

       Zhou-Yinger is doing his best to take care of the feelings of the young-Lady girls present.

       When they reached the gate, the people in Zheng-shi house chased them out, leaving Zhou-Zhen to stay.

       Everyone looked at Zhou-Zhen.

       Zhou-Yinger recognized the man as Gu-Mama, another confidant of Hong Big-Aunt, with a strangeness in his heart.

       Gu-Mama smiled and said, "I don't know who just dropped a bag in Nishiji, I missed it, and said it was like Miss, Miss, see if it was? Or another Miss , Also has the trick? "

       As soon as Zhou-Zhen touched her waist, she looked up at Gu-Mama, and it seemed that she had to go on this trip.

       Zhou-Zhen turned back to pick up the bag she had left. The rest came to the door, naturally she did not wait for her, and she was not a guest elsewhere in Zhoujiafang.

       Some people didn’t think much about Zhou-Zhen’s turning back. After all, if the bag really fell, Gu-Mama can take it to catch up with them and ask for a return. It's not too heavy, and the owner doesn't have to go back. Unless there is a reason to have the owner of the kit go back.



       Zhou-Zhen didn't expect Zheng-shi to see her so deep in obsession, but she should have reminded someone to remind her, for example, the words of the warning that the mad Taoist they saw today was secretly arranged by her of.

       Zheng-shi, a kind mother, is pitiful, and Zhou Xiuxiu, who is about to lose, is pitiful. But who lives in this world is not easy, and Zhou-Zhen doesn't want to blend in with her.

       But the other person is a mortal person, she wants to see, then see you.

       On the way to the inner courtyard, Gu-Mama kept saying some compliments to Zhou-Zhen. If it was her before, she would be overwhelmed. But Zhou Zhou was thinking more about seeing Zheng-shi for a while, so she didn't respond much to her compliment, but just responded a little bit to be polite.

       She responded by calling Gu-Mama secretly, sighing, disappeared for a while, Miss, really stable. Think again about her beating her brother and then "arguing" with Master Zeng in Wenhuilou. As Big-Madam said, the first thing was to help the brother and to eliminate Zhou Xian's collision with the master. The second bad thing is naturally to breathe for his brother and completely eliminate the flaws in Zhou Xian's character of respect for the teacher.

       Didn't you see that the reputation of Master Zeng has now fallen to the bottom? Even people dare not show up. Now Lu Jiang is rumored about his harsh students, and he has a sense of scrutiny. Now the wrong side has become the old Master Zeng. Zhou Xian's collision with the Master was considered a complete threat to him.

       It seems that 1st Madam still has a good vision. It is his blessing that Zhou Xian has such a sister. Thinking of the other two masters of 6th House, Gu-Mama sighed softly.

       After entering Zheng-shi courtyard, it was still in Nishijima. Zhou-Zhen retrieved the bag hanging on his waist.

       " 6-Miss, we 1st Madam want to see you."

       Sure enough, everything is just an excuse.

       There was a suppressed coughing sound next to him, and Zhou-Zhen nodded slowly.

       There was only Zhou Xiuxiu accompanying Zheng-shi in the room. Zhou Dang was afraid that he would be impatient to play.

       Seeing Zhou-Zhen, Zheng-shi laughed Yinger and said, "Aunt can count on you."

       Regarding the meaning in her words, Zhou-Zhen only knew that, "Aunt is better?"

       "That's it." Zheng-shi smiled a little bit more pain.

       "Sister Zhen, please sit down." Zhou Xiuxiu said to give way.

       Zhou-Zhen glanced at Zhou Xiuxiu, it was a careful Miss. If she had been standing, Zheng-shi sitting on the bedside would have to talk to her with her head up. Zhou Xiuxiu was distressed by her mother. .

       In fact, Zhou-Zhen didn't want to sit very much. That seat was just a stone throw away from Zheng-shi, it was too close. But, she all here. What's the difference between sitting and not sitting?

       "The doctor said, Aunt doesn't have many days."

       When Zheng-shi uttered this sentence with a smile, Zhou Xiuxiu next to her eyes turned red instantly, and then the whole person turned away.

       "This child, the sickness of being old, sick, and dying, everyone has to go this way." Zheng-shi tone was helpless.

       Zhou-Zhen can also say, "Aunt and relax the dim sum, everything will be fine."

       At this point, Zheng-shi breath became weaker.

       Zhou Xiuxiu quickly picked up Shen Tang and gave her a sip.

       After drinking, her face was a little better, "Aunt is no longer with you, you are a good boy. Aunt hopes that after Aunt goes, you can take more photos of it, can you?"

       Hearing that Zhou Xiuxiu face had changed.

       Zhou-Zhen's mind is full of weirdness, Hong-Big-Aunt, is it wrong? This should be said to Zhou-Yinger, right?

       Zhou-Zhen didn't answer her, but said, "Aunt, you have to take care, the motherless child is too hard."

       She is now the soul of a girl and an adult. She knows what it means to get down. It means responsibility. It should be easy to get down. It's hard to do. When she is capable, she will be fine with Zhou Xiuxiu, but she will not impulse to take over such a big responsibility for herself. Kindness and responsibility are two different things.

       "Aunt knows that your sisters are sympathetic to each other." Zheng-shi took her hands and overlapped them. "In the future, your sisters need to support each other."

       Zhou Xiuxiu was at a loss, not knowing why her own mother wanted her to be close to her cousin.

       Zheng-shi stared at Yinger.

       Zhou-Zhen sighed, and she knew that from her point of view that even Zhou-Yinger had entrusted her, her Big-Aunt would not put eggs in the same basket.

       However, how easy it is, the condition of their house is much worse than hers. At least in their house, because Dabo was so happy, she also had a face with Grandmother.

       Mo Lao-Anren and Zheng-shi mother-zi are not the same thing. The enemy is like that. Mo Lao-Anren is holding his son Zhou Hong and is still focusing on his mother's family.

       It can be said that Mo Lao-Anren caused the scourge of tribal invasions that followed.

       In the words of future generations, this is Mo Lao-Anren is a superb Popo. When Zheng-shi married, it was not easy for her widow to take her son to study in their room. Her mother's situation was not good and she couldn't give more help. It was through the help of the clan that they lived their lives.

       Later, Zhou Hongshu Shan Changbao media, Zheng-shi brought in a large amount of dowry industry, and their 6th House industry gradually became rich.

       At that time, Mo Lao-Anren wanted to take control of her property while Zheng-shi was pregnant.

       At that time, Erxi private property was almost not evacuated. At that time, Zheng Ye industry could not even pay the monthly salary of the hired buddies, and the folks gathered at 6th House for wages.

       At the time, the incident was so loud that it alarmed Tai-Ye, the patriarch who was still the patriarch. At check, good guys, those short-lived silvers didn't go into her pocket but into her brother's pocket.

       In this scandal, the patriarch Tai-Ye directly let Mo Lao-Anren enter the temple for half a year. Mo Lao-Anren naturally refused at the time. If the patriarch Tai-Ye threatened disobedience with the genealogy, she was directly removed from the family, which only subdued her.

       No wonder then that Zheng-shi will use most of the annual industrial profits to do good deeds, paving the way for poor man-made bridges. I have been married for almost a decade and haven't bought any more property. It can be said that I spend as much as I can. It is probably too clear to see.

       In these situations, Mo Lao-Anren was so angry that she scolded her prodigal mother in her heart, but she did not dare to touch her property any more, but constantly provoked her relationship with her husband. Nothing could be more fierce than giving Zhi-nu to his son as a Guiqie.

       Such a difficult Matron, and Uncle Zhou Hong of 6th House, are also inexplicable. Zhou-Zhen really didn't want to deal with these two bestsellers.

       When her mother died before, she left a large amount of dowry and private property, as well as their three siblings, like a three-year-old child holding a gold brick across the market, and everyone around them was staring.

       If it wasn't for her mother-zi, she Mu-Grandfather struggled to offend Zhoujia, and set up a document in front of the Zhoujia clan. Frankly, if his daughter Li-shi children are not blessed and cannot grow up, she will be Donate as much as possible to the property in the name, to benefit the neighbors ...

       Such a document, she Mu-Grandfather can be said to be based on the villain's heart to the gentleman's belly, without hesitation based on the greatest malicious speculation.

       At that time, it was equivalent to slap Zhoujia a big slap in the face, to calm down the patriarchs, this line should be the first to maliciously speculate her Grandmother Mo Lao-Anren and her Father Zhou-Xian and other elders will seek their grandchildren Only to question the justice of the patriarchs and elders.

       After this incident, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the three sisters Zhou-Zhen have their property preserved and their lives have been preserved  :   the disadvantage is that for their three sisters, the clan chiefs and elders are basically ignored.

       However, this method is not applicable to Zheng-shi, because there is no one in her family. If the same method is adopted, the effect is much worse, because there are no scrutiny and there are many sequelae. Besides, it can’t be killed, isn’t it easy to keep the waste?

       Pity her with a kind mother's heart, in order to place a pair of children, I tried everything.

       But, "Aunt, it really doesn't work."

       Can't hide, can only face it, but Zhou-Zhen is not a soft-hearted person.

       She had thought before that after she could stand up and change the fate of her three siblings, she would be able and able to take care of those poor people. But this will not be taken as their responsibility. Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world.

       Again, kindness and responsibility are two different things.

       Zhou-Zhen saw that she still refused to give up, and couldn't help but say, "Aunt, you know I can promise you right away, but you won't know if you can't do it in the future, don't you?"

       "My family, my sister and my brother, including myself, are not worrying. I have too many things to worry about, and I can't care about anything else." She is only fourteen years old, and she is still a child and cannot afford That heavy burden.

       "You can tell Aunt so well, Aunt is very happy, really." This shows that she has seriously considered the possibility of Zhao Xiuxiu.

       Zheng-shi took Zhou-Zhen's hand. "Aunt, please, do what you can to help her succeed, without compromising your own interests?"

       She is really optimistic about her future.

       Zhou-Zhen was hesitant, so it wouldn't be impossible. This is very close to her previous thoughts.

       And Zhou-Zhen was keenly aware that Zheng-shi was arranging Zhou Xiuxiu, and what about Zhou Dang? Does she feel that she is not enough to entrust two people, or does she have arrangements for Zhou Dang?

       It is probably a combination of both. If this is too good, then it means that Zheng-shi has listened to the madman's words.

       Zhou-Zhen's guess is correct. The crazy Taoist words Zheng-shi did listen to it. She believed in cause and effect to the good people. Now she only thinks that it is a warning to her from heaven.

       Zhou-Zhen spent about two and a half minutes in Zheng-shi courtyard and went back.

       After Zhou-Zhen had left, Zheng-shi said happily, "She agreed."

       Gu-Mama nodded, "Yes, she agreed."

       Although Gu-Mama didn't understand why Big-Madam believed so much about the two Miss of 4th House,.

       Regarding her confusion, Zheng-shi smiled mysteriously and didn't say much. Can she say that God's care will allow her to see some future scenes?

       "Before I told Zhong Bo their turn ..."

       "Big-Madam, rest assured. As soon as you said that, the order was passed down. It is estimated that they have reached the Li family by their steps."

       "That's good, that's good. In the future, let them be loyal to their new owners and new owners. Don't forget about the past. You should leave at about the same time ..." After that, Zheng-shi fell into a lethargy.

       Before Zhou-Yinger felt that Zhou-Zhen had fallen into a bag, he ordered people to pay attention to what happened.

       After listening to the servant's report afterwards, Zhou-Yinger was thoughtful.

       "She really stayed at Hong Big-Aunt for half an hour before she came out?"

       Zhou-Yinger didn't know what Hong-Big-Aunt was looking for her, and when Zhou-Zhen got into Hong-Big-Aunt's eyes. But she was still so anxious that she began to get busy with what she had in her hands and didn't ask anything.



       When Zhou-Zhen returned, Yunfei, who was staying at home, told her, "6-Miss,, 2-Lao-ye home is here."

       Zhou-Zhen hesitated, she Father back?

       "Yeah, go to Xuanbeitang as soon as you come back, Miss, you should hurry up."

       Yunfei This is to urge her to quickly brush up the favor of her Grandmother and her old Father, "No hurry, I'll change my clothes first." Zhou-Zhen thought for a while and said, "Forget it, don't change, this Just go. "This seemed to be the eagerness she wanted to see her Father.

       In Xuan Beitang, when Zhou-Zhen came in, He Lao-Anren and Zhou-Xian mother and son talked very well.

       The next aunt Zhou-Lan, cousin Cai Tong, Damu Xi-shi, Zhou-Yinger are all there, and the males in the family are studying except Zhou Xian.

       So Zhou Xian stayed here, uncomfortable. Before Zhou-Zhen came, he seemed to have needles under his buttocks, changing his position from time to time, and behaved like ADHD. When Zhou-Zhen came, his eyes brightened and he fell silent.

       "Granddaughter Zhen asks Grandmother."

       After asking Maiden Lao-Anren, Zhou-Zhen happily called a middle-aged man next to Father.

       Zhou-Xian watched with a smile for a long time without seeing her daughter who had grown a lot, "Where are you playing?"

       "Today's cousin Yinger organized the sisters to visit Hong Big-Aunt, and her daughter also went ..."

       Xi-shi heard the words and came over. Zhou-Zhen really became smarter, no, it became treacherous.

       Knowing that mentioning Zheng-shi would make He Lao-Anren not a problem, she mentioned it and brought Yinger a little bit. If in the past, she must have answered directly,’Just returned from Hong Big-Aunt', instead of dragging Yinger into the water.

       Zhou-Zhen ignored Xi-shi sight, and she naturally knew that her Grandmother would definitely be displeased when she returned from 6th House to Big-Aunt. Because all this is very similar to the scene when her mother died, it will stimulate her Grandmother's unpleasant memories. Of course, she will pull Zhou-Yinger as a shield. And she Zhou-Yinger is indeed the organizer. She can’t enjoy the benefits, but she doesn’t bear any harm.

       Sure enough, He Lao-Anren's smile gradually closed, and his heart held his breath, but he couldn't find the person to send it. In the end, she could only show her frustration and blast everyone away, so as not to be annoying in front of her. Anyway, before Zhou-Zhen returned, they had spoken for a long time.

       "Okay, Lao-Er. You just came back tired and tired. Go back and have a good rest. Let's have dinner together in the evening."

       In fact, it is not reunion, Zhou Rong is not there.

       Zhou-Xian laughed, "Listen to your mother."

       "Okay, it's all gone."

       A line rushed out.

       Before leaving, Zhou-Lan looked at Zhou-Zhen up and down. This was the first time they met after she met Cai Tong. Zhou-Zhen saw that they could be completely impassioned and better than before. .

       Think again that she might have known the agreement long ago, and has been waiting for them to fulfill the contract. Zhou-Lan became more and more determined that her former snoring appearance was pretending to be a pig and a tiger.

       Thinking of this, she snorted softly and took her daughter away.

       "Father, let's go back first." Zhou-Zhen smiled on his face, but was vomiting in his heart. What's wrong with her debt? How dare she hum her?

       Zhou-Yinger took a curious look at the two of them. There seems to be something going on inside?

       Before she could figure out something, she was taken away by her mother.

       Then Zhou-Zhen moved to the yard where he lived with their old Father.

       The three fathers and daughters were walking side by side, but Zhou-Zhen was thinking about his mind and gradually fell behind.

       She Father is a standard scholar of literati. She has some demeanor from Jin and Wei dynasties. She is not greedy for money, does not adore power, does not value material desires, and only immerses herself in the world of calligraphy.

       His calligraphy is very talented, and his accomplishments are quite profound.

       Except for his tough attitude in marrying her mother, many times, he would not disobey her Grandmother's words. Because he didn't care much about the outside world, he never made the conspiracy to actively fight for something.

       For his children, he also cares, but he is a man, not careful enough, and immersed in his own small world of calligraphy from time to time, he has never found anything missing in his children's education. When he recovered, the child personality was settled, and there was no way to change, which caused him pain. Later, at the request of her Grandmother and Damu, he continued the string, and had his own child, and gradually shifted his focus. Xu is because of the failure of the education of their three siblings. He deeply reflected on the education of the children afterwards. Her step-brothers and Mei-meis are indeed much better than them.

       But these are things that come later. Now Zhou-Zhen feels that no matter what, she has to embrace her old Father and let him participate in the education of their sister and brother, and he can no longer let him out.

       In this home, many things require a Daren to speak up. After all, she is not very supportive of morals on the elders in the family. If there is a Daren, it will be different.

       Zhou-Zhen thinking about her mind, unknowingly lags behind a long distance, but when she looked up, the two men in front of him were stopping to wait for her. Zhou-Zhen smiled with a raised lips, quickly followed, thinking, besides, he was their father Father, and he deserved to be with them to protect the interests of their little family, wasn't he?

       Zhou-Zhen asked, "Father, can you gain something from this visit?"

       Speaking of this line, Zhou-Xian is in a good mood, "The harvest is not small, right, can your sister and brother have trouble at home?"

       "It's never been a trouble, but Father, we had better give my brother a master."

       Zhou-Xian said for a moment, "What happened to Master Zeng?" Master Zeng's knowledge can teach a child to read Mongolian studies and still be competent.

       No need to say Zhou-Zhen this time, Zhou Xian immediately sued, "Father, I said before that Master Zeng is not good. What do you say is that you must be a master and be an apprentice, he will only fight against me and ridicule me. Those who have never punished people for being punished have no sense of concealment.

       "What's the matter?" Zhou-Xian asked Zhou-Zhen aside, and he found out that after a while, his daughter seemed to have grown up, and he was more stable than before.

       "Zhou Xian, say a few words!" Zhou-Zhen whispered Zhou Xian and whispered softly, "Father, Master Zeng is now infamous, and the students he taught now reflect one after another in his teaching. There are some problems that you can ask if you ask about it. He really can't be a teacher. "

       Zhou-Xian Shen, he did not expect that Master Zeng was such an unbearable person.

       Zhou-Zhen didn't expect him to make a decision immediately after listening to the two of them, and she must ask about it.

       Zhou-Zhen understands that this requires a process, but Zhou Xian ignores it. He bets, "Father, if you are not afraid that he has taught me badly, let him continue teaching!"

       Zhou-Xian looked at him and disagreed with the idiomatic way, "How anxious are you?"

       Zhou Xian stop humming twice.

       Zhou-Zhen, the younger brother and the younger brother of the shirt, didn't stay much.

       Shukan, Zhou-Zhen hasn't gone out for two days.

       When she is at home, she spends nearly two hours a day in her new humble pharmacy to make medicines. The pharmacy has successively added some tools for processing medicinal materials, such as cutting knives, tablet knives, mortars, and iron medicine mills. , Copper pestle, etc., all she bought were pocket versions, and some were even customized. After the tools and equipment were gradually complete, the types and quantities of medicinal materials moved into the museum were also increased. But these are still at the stage of being as confidential as possible. Except for Zhou-Zhen and confidant Yatou, the rest cannot easily approach, and it is even more impossible to enter.

       Zhou-Xian is back, Feng-Nurse has an inexplicable sense of crisis in her heart, and she is not curious about the pharmacy that made her curious but was not allowed to enter, and even chanted her daughter Yunzhen several times recently to be safe Divide some.

       She settled down, Zhou-Zhen smirked, now thinking of peace? late.

       Not long after, Zhou-Zhen used an excuse to direct people out of the house to pick up the material in Jinxiu Pavilion. Then she named Yunzhen, who is currently working in the kitchen, to cook a bowl of chicken congee. Then I was picky for various reasons. Either the rice in the porridge could not be cooked or it was overcooked, it was either salty or light, in short, it was redone.

       After three or four reworks, Yunzhen, who had been patient and suppressing his temper, broke out, and after many tossing, the kitchen man was gradually busy and went away, no one was there. At this point, Yunzhen couldn't help spit a spit into the pot, watching her drool gradually overwhelmed by the boiling porridge in the pot, she had an inexplicable pleasure.

       "what are you doing?"

       Yunzhen turned her head stiffly, and found that Yunfei did not know when she stood at the door. She prayed madly in her heart that Yunfei had not seen the scene just now.

       Yunfei witnessed the scene just now, and then he was stunned and then angry, "Yunzhen, you are so brave, how dare you spit into Miss's porridge!"

       Then there is no more.

       Zhou-Zhen called Ren Yazi to sell Yunzhen. After ordering it, she went to her Father's yard.

       As soon as Zhou-Zhen left, Pozi, who had made friends with Feng-Nurse, immediately sent someone out to notify Feng-Nurse.

       As soon as their front feet left, someone reported the situation to Zhou-Zhen on the hind feet. She didn't let anyone stop, let me know, come back, just let her panic.

       She Father was taking a break for the past two days, and sorted out the items brought back by the way.

       Zhou Xian was there when she arrived.

       Zhou-Xian met her, beckoned her, and called her to her side, "You came just right, put together a few things for your father that are suitable for you, and take them back when you return."

       "Thank you Father."

       Zhou-Xian is still finishing, and Zhou-Zhen deliberately walks around the case.

       Every day, her Father writes a few strokes.

       "Father's words have improved again."

       Her Father learnt Chinese characters from Zhao Mengfu in the early years, and later copied Wei Bay. He was gifted in this regard. Although he had not been carefully instructed by a famous teacher, he had developed his own style. Over time, Dacheng did not dare to say that Xiao cheng was Expected. Unfortunately, he continued to worry about his children's education and chores after he continued to play strings. He failed to make further progress in calligraphy.

       Zhou-Xian It's funny, his daughter's current knowledge is at the level of learning, so don't be a blind eye, now come to comment on his words.

       "Father, it's a good match. I remember there was a lotus leaf dripping platform there. I asked someone to get it for Father."

       Zhou-Xian Wen Yan's eyes brightened, and he was a little impressed by the square water drop. The ancient fluttering atmosphere contrasted with his new lake pen.

       This scene Zhou-Zhen just happened to see it, just a moment to understand it. She Father is a literati, and she really likes these stationery supplies, but these are all things of wife and daughter, he never hesitates. In the past, Zhou-Zhen had never thought about these, and those things in the study room were put in the room to be ashes. Now think about it, how good it is for her Father.

       Yunfei took her life back to the museum to get the lotus leaf dripping water platform, but when she returned, her hands were empty.



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