Sister Credit 35

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       Zhou-Chen comes over and informs her a message by the way.
       Because of this day and night of autumn rain, Chaohu Lake flooded, and the plan to swim the lake was rescheduled to four days later, that is, August 18th.
       Sending her aunt away, the rain was still raining, and everyone clothes were a bit wet because of the rain all the way down. Her Grandmother was in a bad mood and didn't want to say anything. She waved everyone away.
       During that time, she and Damu Xi-shi met each other, and she looked at her expression and stopped talking. She didn't speak, Zhou-Zhen just knew nothing.
       It can't go anywhere when it rains, Zhou-Zhen intends to nest at home and finish the story of the prodigy.
       She is not a lover of running outside. She has been detained in the backyard after marrying in the previous life. She is a technical house in modern times. Anyway, she is a very durable person.
       Zhou-Zhen was thinking about today's plan and felt that his sleeves had been ripped a bit.
       "Miss,, 9-Shaoye is watching you." Yunfei whispered to remind her.
       Ok? Zhou-Zhen looked at her along her line of sight, and sure enough she saw Zhou Xian looking at her in a blistering manner, with a face full of saying she was a big liar.
       She walked over, trying to reach out and scrape his nose, and he avoided him.
       She couldn't help wondering, "What's up? The bulging ones are almost frogs."
       Zhou Xian snorted, still ignored her, his face was even more ugly.
       Zhou-Zhen looked at Lin Daigong aside and asked silently, what happened to him?
       Seeing Miss from Lin, Gong Lin looked puzzled and quickly puzzled, "Miss, you promised to send him no pawns." The voice was still low.
       Is this what happened? Zhou-Zhen stroked his forehead, he was really dizzy, and forgot about the stubble. She scanned Zhou Xian as if listening to her answer with her ears raised, exaggerating, "Ah, I've been too busy lately, what should I do if I forget? Otherwise you two more days?"
       Madam. Lin looked anxiously at Zhou-Zhen, oh hello 6-Miss, did you say this to make the ancestor unhappy?
       After seeing Zhou Xian hearing this answer, his eyes quickly turned red. Zhou-Zhen stepped forward and embraced the young man's shoulder. "It's so big, I can't cry."
       Zhou-Zhen is worried. How can boys be so sensitive?
       "Who crying?" Zhou Xian retorted, still wanting to shake her hand on his shoulder, but unfortunately he couldn't shake it.
       Zhou-Zhen whispered, "Sister was joking just now, in fact, the chess sister was already prepared, let's go back to the hall directly? I will teach you how to play by the way."
       Zhou Xian lifted his eyes to prove "are you serious? Didn't you forget about this?"
       Zhou-Zhen nodded forcefully, "How can it be, forget everything else and forget our 9-Shaoye event."
       Zhou Xian broke his tears and laughed, "This is what you promised me."
       "Yes, yes. So 9-Shaoye, can we go now?"
       The water was big outside, Zhou-Zhen let Zhou Xian go inside.
       The sisters and brothers wore sullen clothes, and Zhou-Zhen also supported an umbrella on the heads of the two.
       Lin Daigong and Yunfei and others looked behind, and you can see that the umbrella was almost moved to 9-Shaoye head.
       Lin Nigong thought, 6-Miss, there is a way to coax 9-Shaoye.
       The two little masters in front talked as they walked, and their voices lingered to the back.
       "9-Shaoye, can I give you an opinion? If there is one, change it, or add or exempt it?"
       At first Zhou Xian looked at her with vigilance, but listening to her said it was fun, and she let go of her worries, "What about you?"
       "Let's have something to say well in the future? For example, if you are dissatisfied, just say it, don't get angry. If you don't say it, it's hard for others to guess what you're thinking, right?"
       Zhou-Zhen is worried about his awful temper, talk about something, and actively solve the problem. Does venting emotions help the situation? Out of society, no one is your Father Mom, and will not get used to your bad temper.
       "And being angry is punishing yourself for taking the mistakes of others. How stupid. Just like this time, you think your sister forgot to send you backgammon. Is it wrong with your sister? You are angry and you are angry, not for yourself Find yourself uncomfortable? "
       Zhou Xian thought for a while, and it seemed really stupid to do that himself.
       "So, let’s run into problems. Don't get angry first. Think about whether there is any other way to solve the problem. If you can't solve it yourself, can others? If others can solve it, can we please They came to help? Here comes the question of how to ask ... "Zhou-Zhen doesn't know how much he can listen to, but she always has to teach, better than let him grow up savagely?
       Many years later, whenever there was a problem, Zhou Xian would remember the scene where his sister taught him not to be sick in the rain with an umbrella, such as the old altar kiln, and it was getting old.
       Back in the pavilion, both sisters and brothers changed into dry clothes. Zhou Xian was new. Zhou-Zhen asked Mama in the yard to make a new dress for Zhou Xian. He wouldn't come, and she would give it to him. He came, his clothes were wet, and he simply changed.
       When Zhou Xian was still in his new clothes, Zhou-Zhen handed him a small wooden chess box, "Well, this is the Gomoku." This piece is made of emerald, and the pieces in it are each one. Grinded with beads and jade.
       "Open it and see, then I start teaching you."
       Zhou-Zhen first explained the rules to him, and after he wrote it down, he started playing.
       After three innings, it was no surprise that Zhou Xian lost everything. But he knew the rules well.
       "You have already learned the rules, but you are not skilled enough. Let's get here today and think about it ..." Zhou-Zhen started sending people away.
       "Sister, dear sister, you can play a game with me again." Zhou Xian got the five backgammon. After he mastered the rules, he was getting kicked off by Zhou-Zhen. One round.
       Zhou-Zhen rolled his eyes, going round after round, it must be endless. This is a problem for novices.
       She tossed the pawn and said, "It's boring to play like this."
       Zhou Xian hurriedly said, "What do you want to do with me, you say!"
       Zhou-Zhen smiled slightly. "Come on."
       Zhou Xian first hesitated, "What color head?" Then he figured out what he had on hand. Well, it seemed that he had a lot of valuable things in Bailuyuan? It doesn't matter if you lose, anyway, if you lose to his sister, it's from left to right.
       Zhou-Zhen used a negotiated tone, "How about writing five big characters if you lose a game?"
       Zhou Xian almost didn't lose the chess piece in his hand. He looked up at his sister in shock. I treat you as a good sister, but you count your brother like that?
       "Why are you looking at me so shocked?" This is Yang Mo, Yang Mo! The wisher hooked, "If you don't like it, you can play with Lin Daigong. He has been watching for so long, and he will probably remember the rules."
       On the one hand, Lin Daigong quickly stated that he had memorized the rules, but others were stupid and probably did not play well.
       Zhou Xian said disdainfully, "It doesn't make any sense to play with him. Who wants to play with him?" He wants to be a master, and he has to do tricks with masters like his sister.
       "You don't have the book I read here." Zhou Xian mumbled, still struggling.
       "Who said it? Look at it there." Zhou-Zhen pointed to the wall on the left. The Confucian classics and history books were divided into categories from easy to difficult, and they were clearly arranged.
       This week, Zhou Xian is even more certain that his sister had a premeditated plan, but unfortunately he is hooked on these five pieces of chess and is destined to make his sister succeed. He asked sadly, "
       There are too many five characters in a game. Can you be less? "
       "Yes, you are my brother. Then lose a game, three big characters or recite an article." She wants to be a good sister of a tolerant brother.
       Zhou Xian also wanted to bargain again, Zhou-Zhen quickly said, "We have already taken a step back, and you can stop bargaining. Your sister and I have very rich time, and the color is too small. "
       Zhou Xian could only nod his head in a difficult way. He could almost foresee his miserable future, but it was difficult for him to give up not playing this Gobang.
       "Let's get started!"
       When losing three games in a row, Zhou Xian still wanted to come back, Zhou-Zhen stopped him and let him fulfill his promise.
       The hard-pressed Zhou Xian can only write nine large characters, and this character has to pass the level of his sister, and cannot be careless.
       While he was writing big characters, Zhou-Zhen also began to write about her child prodigy.
       The prodigy in her story was originally born in an affluent family, but was unfortunate when she was four or five years old. Both parents died. The uncle family took over his property. They sold him and returned to the country with him. The uncle family It's bad for him.
       Only four or five-year-old children are arranged to do a lot of work every day. The heavy life in the countryside has not numbed the prodigy, and his small heart is extremely eager to read.
       The child prodigy is a kind child, and his kindness has won the friendship of the village head grandson. The village chief's grandson knew he was eager to read, and decided to secretly teach the prodigy what he learned every day. That year, both the prodigy and the grandson of the village chief were eight years old.
       But the child prodigy has to do a lot of work every day, and the village head grandson is not always free. What can we do? The child prodigy can only force himself to remember the knowledge taught by the village head grandson in a short and limited time every day. At first it took three or five times to remember, but later the village chief and grandson only remembered it once and twice. In the end, he practiced a skill that he would never forget.
       Later, he recognized a lot of words, so there was no need to dictate him word by word. The prodigy has limited time to access the books. He forced himself to remember the books he had read in the shortest time, so he gradually developed the ability to remember everything.
       In this way, the prodigy followed the grandson of the village head to learn, and one school was three or four years.
       Later, this incident was discovered by the uncle family. The uncle family feared that he would retaliate against them, and went to tell the village chief that his grandson could no longer teach the prodigy to read and read.
       Can't read and read, the prodigy is sad.
       At this time, the grandson of the village chief wanted to take the test of Tong Sheng. The prodigy knew that he was extremely envious.
       The grandson of the village chief went to apply for reference. On the day when the uncle family went to the relatives who were not at home, the prodigy boldly followed the village grandson and went to the county to study.
       But he is not the same as the grandson of the village chief. He cannot be reported without the recommendation of the master. He is extremely frustrated. The grandson of the village chief has always comforted him.
       Just as the county magistrate Daren passed by, I heard what they said, knowing that the prodigy had learned but was unable to apply for reference because he had not enrolled in school seriously. So he took a test of the prodigy on the spot. The prodigy was so impressed that the county magistrate Daren was very satisfied, so he gave him a reference place.
       Later, this place was known by the uncle family, and then undoubtedly robbed. The uncle son and his cousin were going to take the test of Tong Shengsheng on his behalf, and the prodigy was locked up.
       Thanks again to the help of the village head and grandson, he went to see the county magistrate Daren and get the matter up. After the magistrate Daren knew it, he was very annoyed and sent someone to reprimand his uncle family and order them to check the family. Return the property belonging to the parents of the child prodigy to the child prodigy. The second uncle family was not good at business, and his life was extravagant. The family belonging to the prodigy had been misappropriated a lot. Later, the uncle family was detained on charges of infringing on the property of others.
       The child prodigy sits in the examination room as expected.
       The child prodigy was so powerful that he passed the test of Tong Sheng's first name. Later, he went to the county to study with the help of county magistrate Daren.
       In the end, he was admitted to County-Graduate, Imperial-Graduate, and 1st-Imperial-Scholar. He finally married Qianren, the county magistrate, and made a good official to ask for the people.
       Waiting for the last word to be written, Zhou-Zhen put aside his pen.
       The full text of the prodigy is in plain vernacular, and she is quite satisfied when she is not as rhyme-spoken as those scholars wrote in carcass. Her words are mostly fairy tales, and the shadow of gray Miss is very heavy. It can even be said that her words are a fusion of several fable stories and are suitable for children's reading.
       She began to write a preface  :   To my beloved relatives ... The preface of this preface is her main purpose of writing a prodigy, hoping that her dearest younger brother can become a prodigy, with a sense of heart, not afraid of hardship, hardship Go forward, and finally become a big weapon.
       As long as he can follow the example of a child prodigy? Or how long this fairy tale can coax him, Zhou-Zhen doesn't predict, by then he has developed good study habits, and can get pleasure from it or even the affirmation and worship of others, even if he knows that the prodigy is only a fairy tale No problem, and who can be sure that fairy tales will not come true?
       Zhou-Zhen didn't know that just as she was struggling with her pen, two unexpected people came to the door.
       The night before, it rained all night, and Lu Yan also turned around all night. As soon as the day came to light, he casually used something, and brought the generous gift he had prepared last night—a piece of Chengni with a good quality, especially with the culprit, and boarded the carriage to Zhoujiafang.
       Zhou-Xian was also a bit puzzled about Lu Yan’s family leader Lu Yan bringing his granddaughter to the door on a rainy day, but he did not lose the courtesy, greeted people to the living room, and after the guest and the host sits down, they were served with tea.
       Lu Yan came to ask for help this time. He lowered his posture, entered Chunhuayuan, and complimented him from time to time when talking to Zhou-Xian.
       Zhou-Xian was confused by his actions and couldn't guess what he intended?
       After some shame, Lu Yan finally revealed his intentions. "Actually, I came here to ask for something."
       His words surprised Zhou-Xian. He didn't think he needed anything from the head of the Lushi family.
       "That's it. I was in Juxian Hall a few days ago ..." Lu Yan said the stupidity of her granddaughter, "Because of yesterday's offense, our qualification for selection of Gong tea was cancelled. When I learned of the context When he took the insidious obstacle and went to the door to pay his sins, the other side refused to see him. "
       It wasn't that he wanted to expose the wounds and sell them poorly. This was not a secret. People with a little ability knew it at a glance.
       "I came here today. One is to ask my daughter for compensation for this insidious obstacle. The other is to ask your noble daughter Zhen to introduce Yuan gongzi so that we can apologize face to face. If it does not work, or pass on the apology of our Lu family, we can "
       Zhou-Xian is surprised, when did my daughter know such a Noble with eyes and hands? And listening to the meaning of the patriarch Lu, it seems that the two are still very close to each other, but he felt vaguely inappropriate.
       "Master Lu, did you get it wrong? Zhen probably doesn't have this ability to make the other party change his mind."
       Lu Yan shook his head. "No misunderstanding, Brother Zhou, I can’t help coming to Zhoujia. Brother Zhou, you must help me, help us Lu family."
       In fact, he was very distressed. He was old and had to bow his head for the stupid things his granddaughter did. But there is no way. Now the Lu family is under the eaves and has to bow their heads.
       "This-" Zhou-Xian looked embarrassed.
       "If Brother Zhou would ask Qianjin to come out? This may be a matter of her word." Lu Yan suggested.
       Zhou-Xian can only ask Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhou-Zhen was invited to Chunhuayuan, and she was also very surprised. She didn't understand how Yuan-Suming did something to involve her? And who directed Lu Jiayan to come to Zhoujia to ask Lu Jinyan to repay her and ask her to intercede? Obviously Lu Jinyan probably didn't have this brain. Considering that Shen Ying and Xu-si pulled her out that day, and in view of Shen Lu two frustrations, Zhou-Zhen thought that either Xu-si was the one pointing out by the Shen family anyway.
       When Zhou-Zhen arrived, Lu Yan began to boast again. It's just that the praise is too exaggerated, the tone is not sincere, and it sounds a little false.
       If he can accept criticism, she can point to him in a sincere tone, and use words, don't be so extravagant and extravagant, she can listen to it.
       "... Brother Zhou, your daughter is amazing. She looks dignified and worthy, and Ikea and Ikea. I haven't seen any Miss in the whole Lujiang boundary, but my grandson is either married or engaged. Otherwise I'm really cheeky to fight for those kids in my family. "
       Well, in the title, she also took advantage of her Father. He called her Father as Zhou brother, and wanted to match her with his grandson. All of them were messed up. It can only be said that Lu Yan was not too stupid or did not pass her on. With her in her eyes, even compliments are so unhearted.
       Don't you see how embarrassing even an honest scholar like her Father is?
       "Lu Ye-Ye lifts me up too much."
       Zhou-Zhen stared at his gray beard and eyebrows. The name Lu Bo-bo was too offensive. She couldn't say it, and her conscience would hurt.
       "Master Lu, don't brag about her soon." Brother Lu, Zhou-Xian couldn't say the same.
       Sure enough, their father and daughter were still too sincere.
       " ‘Laughs’ ." The Zhoujia father and daughter are too thin-skinned, but thin-skinned is good, "What a boast, I'm telling the truth!"
       Zhou-Zhen rolled her eyes in my heart, I believe your evil, you are a bad Lao-tou.
       Lu Yan said, "Zhi-nu, this sin barrier of my family offended you yesterday, and I asked her to pay you a good penalty!"
       Under her’Grandfather's gesture, Lu Jinyan gritted her teeth and held her tea to bend her knees to pay Zhou-Zhen. "It was offensive yesterday, please forgive me!"
       Zhou-Zhen picked up her tea to give the Chief Lu a face. She didn't even say a word of caution. Anyway, Lu Jinyan had no relationship with her. She didn't remember this lesson. Anyway, if she continued to be arrogant, the society would teach her to be a man.
       "Hey, really Zhi-nu, I suppose you also know where I came from. Lu Ye-Ye is really no way, you help Lu Ye-Ye, right?" Then, Lu Yan followed Zhou-Zhen's name.
       Zhou-Zhen didn't answer him, "Lu Ye-Ye looks at me too high, and Yuan Gongzi and I are just a few sides."
       Lu Yan found that Zhou-Zhen was more interesting than her Father. He Father only called the patriarch Lu strangely. Zhou-Zhen actually followed him to call Lu Ye-Ye.
       "Lu Ye-Ye, why not ask the Shen family to help me? I have seen Shen Ying and Yuan Gongzi together more than once. Presumably they have a great friendship. It should be a hand to help you."
       Zhou-Zhen has no shortage of temptations.
       The chief of Shen-shi, Shen Lu, was suspicious. Lu Yan came to Zhoujia this time, but he did not mean to test it. Test how much Zhou-shi knows about what Shen-shi did.
       If she Zhou-Zhen is an ordinary woman, and she learns what Shen-shi did a while ago, she can’t wait to sternly refuse to help the Lu family, and then blast out Lu Yan’s grandchildren. So calmly mediate with Lu Yan.
       Shen-shi This is watching out for Zhou-shi. It's just that Zhou-Zhen didn't expect that he was lucky enough to be a member of the Shen family's guard list, and it was a great honor.
       Lu Yan secretly said, could he say that it was the Shen family's advice to come to her for help?
       Lu Yan's face was bitter. "Yuan gongzi closed his door and thanked the guests, and no one saw them. I said just now that women like Zhi-nu have nothing in Lujiang, and only Miss like you can get Capital City Noble. Pro. "
       Huyou, you hustle. To him, Zhou-Zhen didn't believe a word.
       "Zhi-nu, please help Lu Ye-Ye. You can meet Yuan Gongzi and introduce Lu Ye-Ye, so that we can apologize to him face-to-face, or convey a sincere letter on behalf of our Lu family. Sorry, either. "
       "But Lu Ye-Ye didn't mean Yuan gongzi thanked guests behind closed doors? He didn't necessarily meet me." Zhou-Zhen raised the tea and sipped gently. How can someone help me in my own words? Lu Yan is flickering. She doesn't understand and flickers. Father is a nerd scholar?
       "Young man, you are too pessimistic about this idea. Will you see it? You have to try it to find out, right?"
       "No need, he didn't even see Daren like Lu Ye-Ye. How could I be an exception?"
       "It's different. Lu Ye-Ye and he have never met. You and him have a relationship."
       "No, no, the same, what he has decided, others are afraid it will be difficult for him to change his mind."
       After some tai chi came down, Zhou-Zhen just didn't answer his words and didn't give him accurate words.
       Little Fox! Lu Yan gritted his teeth, took out a box with him, and pushed to Zhou-Zhen.
       Looking at this box, Zhou-Zhen said, yo, finally stop being stupid? "Lu Ye-Ye is this?"
       Lu Yan smiled and suggested, "Open it."
       When she opened it, she was a piece of Tian Huangshi with three fingers wide and one and a half fingers thick.
       Lu Jinyan's eyes were protruding. She had been begging Fang Yushi for a long time, but she never let loose, but now she giving it away. It's Zhou-Zhen she hates? She couldn't bear to speak out, but her’Grandfather glanced at her, warning.
       While she was in Duantian Huangshi, Lu Yan took the opportunity to say, "Really Zhi-nu is coming soon? Lu Ye-Ye has nothing to do with the gift. This Fangtian Huangshi will give it to you and change the day. Carve a private stamp of your own. "
       "This gift is too expensive. I can't accept it." Zhou-Zhen pushed the box back to him.
       "Zhi-nu what is this? Lu Ye-Ye gifts are not accepted? I think you and Grandfather were also close friends, so you despise Lu Ye-Ye gifts?" Lu Yan Zhuang is not happy.
       The two remained deadlocked for a while. Zhou-Zhen watched him persist, and then pretended to be defeated. "Well, I accept this gift. Yuan gongzi I'll go there, but I don't guarantee Whether he will meet with you or whether he will accept your apology to forgive you. "
       "You—" Lu Jinyan wanted to say that you had received such a valuable gift, but did not guarantee anything?
       "Yes, yes, really Zhi-nu can go this far, and Lao-tou can't be grateful." Lu Yan found out that Zhou-Zhen was thicker and darker than her Father's face.
       This messy generation! Zhou-Zhen laughed a bit, Lu Yan really showed her what it means to be’you follow your age, I have my own title'.
       Lu Jinyan was warned again, and she did not speak again in sullenness.
       Zhou-Zhen doesn't bother to care about Lu Jinyan, who I don't know, is this gift expensive? Valuable, not expensive.
       It stands to reason that Lu Yan came to ask them for help, and the benefits had to be paid, and they had to get a favor. However, the Lu family was based on the Shen family's horse head, and he could not even achieve a neutral stance, so his friendship was not valuable.
       It doesn't matter if Lu Jinyan doesn't understand it, but she also wants to know,’Is Grandfather a loser?
       Zhou-Xian watched her daughter coping with a look of awkward expression. He found that his daughter did not suffer from Lu Yan?
       Seeing Zhou-Xian's desire to stop talking, Lu Yan knew that he had something to say, and made an interesting request to dissolve his hands. He also gave his granddaughter a wink.
       "That's Zhi-nu, I'll leave it to you."
       She nodded. "Relax, I will take a trip as soon as possible."
       Zhou-Zhen has been pondering Yuan-Suming's intention of refusing to see Lu Yan.
       She and he knew very well that the Lu family was going to meet sooner or later, and Yuan-Suming was enough. It was impossible to offend the Lu family in one fell swoop. Revenge was one reason, and another reason was the people in Jingcheng. What do you think of him? Offended, small punishments and great commandments are fine, but a word of inconsistency cuts off the family's advancement path and ends in revenge, and it seems narrow-minded.
       The key now is, who is going to do this peace, Yuan-Suming is willing to give face to whom to sell.
       Zhou-Zhen can vaguely notice the intention of Yuan-Suming, presumably prestige for her? Or was he branded on her?
       She didn't want to think about it, but now that he had set up the stage, he sent her to the stage. As long as she tried it, she knew if it was what she thought. This is why she dared to accept this heavy gift. She couldn't keep Yuan-Suming from coming to Taiji, didn't she?
       When only their father and daughter were left in the hall, Zhou-Xian asked with concern, "You should do this, doesn't it matter?"
       "Father, it's okay. You heard it just now. I just took a trip and didn't take responsibility."
       "The Yuan gongzi ..."
       "As I said just now, I have only met a few times. Chen-7 also knows this person, and I don't know if I will see each other when I go to the door this time. Then, if you don’t agree, I’m afraid you will be hated by him. If you refuse, it won’t be heard well. ”
       "That's the reason."
       Shen Family Land
       Shen Lu finished her work and drank tea to moisten her throat. She also took time to care about the situation at Lu side.
       "Did Lu Yan go to Zhoujiafang?"
       After Shen Heng wrote the last word, he also dropped the pen. "Well, I went there early, brother, you asked him to test Zhou-Zhen too, did you lift her up too?"
       Shen Lu pointed at him and shook his head. "Yeah, everything is fine, but it is too self-righteous to look down on others. Since ancient times heroes have been young, don't underestimate them, these young men, Miss.
       Shen Heng still couldn't believe it. A group of big children who didn't grow their hair and the yellow hair Yatou had nothing to fear.
       "Don't believe it, Zhou-shi is still Zhou Yifu old guy in the palm of his hand. If he changed to Zhou Hai, it would be easier to deal with. Based on my knowledge of Zhou Yifu old guy, only the offspring will get it. He valued him, so he didn't care about the difference between men and women. And you see Zhou-Zhen took out the pill at a critical moment to save Mo Shi, and then somehow entered Yuan-Suming's eyes, and not long ago, I I also heard the wind. She was developed by Bezoar Pill, An Gong. This piece of nails hit our seven inches. Are these not enough to arouse your vigilance? " Shen Shen couldn't help but sigh, and Zhou-shi family had a presence that was not weaker than Shen Chunlin in the medical field. How could Zhou-shi luck be so prosperous?
       Shen Heng was lost in thought, yeah, at least Zhou-Zhen's existence prevented them from Shen-shi, and that alone was enough to arouse their attention, it was his intention.
       Now that I've talked about this, Shen Lu simply said, "And there Yuan-Suming, you have to hurry up."
       Shen Heng stunned, "but his attitude towards Jun Yu is just plain." I wanted Jun Yu to contact him to see if it might be possible to tie this over Jiang Long to their boat of the Shen-shi family.
       Shen Lu pointed him, "Since he doesn't like Junyu, let's change it. The idea should not be too rigid. We Shen-shi waits for the word Noble Misses. There are still many. Even if he doesn't like it, there is still Lu Is it from the Xiao family? Miss, from the three major families, there can always be the type he likes. In short, it is cheaper than Zhou-shi!
       Shen Heng suddenly realized, "Yes, I am narrow-minded."
       At this moment, the knock on the door sounded, Tuk Tuk—
       "Patriarch, Chunlin seeks out."
       "Let him in!"
       As soon as Shen Chunlin came in, Shen Lu cared, "Chunlin, what's wrong, can you make progress? Can you analyze what medicines are used in Bezoar Pill in Angan?"
       Shen Chunlin shook his head difficultly. "At the moment, it can only be confirmed that bezoar, musk, realgar, cinnabar and coptis are used."
       Bezoar was guessed from the point that this medicine can awaken Moshi. In addition, the flavor of several other medicines is very unique, and people who often deal with medicinal materials can perceive it.
       Shen Lu brow froze, is progress so slow?
       "This medicine is really a good medicine. The compatibility is very particular. It implies deep pharmacology. It seems that the treatment of medicinal materials is different from the current method when it is being made ..."
       What Shen Chunlin didn't say is that the more he researched, the more frustrated he became.
       "Patriarch, I feel that I am not as good as the other side in terms of pharmaceuticals."
       Shen Lu patted his shoulder. "Young man, don't be discouraged. Even if it is not good for a while, it doesn't mean anything. The days are still long. As long as you focus on it, you can one day surpass the other."
       Facing the eyes of the patriarch's encouragement, Shen Chunlin breathed a sigh of relief, yeah, where did this come from? A moment of inferiority does not mean that he was inferior throughout his life.
       "Then I'll go to the pharmacy." Shen Chunlin felt that he was full of energy, and he stood up and went out.
       "Right, isn't there much left at Bezoar Pill in An Gong?" Shen Lu asked suddenly.
       Shen Chunlin nodded, "It's not much." After all, they only got a pill at that time, and no matter how to save it, they would be consumed slowly.
       Shen Lu explained to him, "If you want to use it, you don't have to save too much. If it is not enough, I will send it to you in a few days."
       Shen Chunlin nodded and responded.
       After Shen Chunlin left, Shen Heng said immediately, "It's not good to ask Junyu to ask Zhoujia, the kid wants this medicine, isn't it? If you ask again, Zhoujia kid is still useful, don't be too small."
       Shen Lu laughed. "You, your brother and I acted. When did you make a mistake? I wouldn't let Junyu get medicine from that kid again. After a few days, Pei Chen Gu Huai juniors were not going to swim I'm afraid that the other old guys couldn't help asking Zhoujia for medicine, so we'll just pick up some cheap ones later. "
       As the saying goes, it's short to take people, but they're soft. Zhou-Zhen received the courtesy of others, and under Lu Yan's seemingly indifferent gaze, he had to rush this trip.
       This will clear up the rain and rain, the sky has cleared up, the sun has come out, exuding the power of autumn tigers, and knowing that they are ‘Calling at the branches, Zhou-Zhen and granddad Lu Yan come to Yuan-Suming The Shen family's house temporarily.
       Zhou-Zhen led someone to the door and knew the identity of the person. He said a few moments before he covered the door, instead of throwing the door directly in front of him like before.
       It didn't take long for Ayu to come out and welcome her and her people in. As for Lu Yan's grandchildren, he still cannot enter.
       Lu Jinyan murmured, Ying Ying was right, and she really wanted to ask her to show love.
       To this result, Lu Yan's face was unpredictable.
       For these frequent meetings, Zhou-Zhen is helpless. I'm afraid in the eyes of others, she really has a close relationship with him.
       Ayu led them through the rockery, past the pavilion, deep into the garden, and walked in.
       At the back, Ayu led the way, Zhou-Zhen followed.
       "6-Miss, are you tired? The study is in front of us, and we gongzi is there, not long. It's an abnormal day, why is it still so hot after a rain?"
       Zhou-Zhen took a look, and it wasn't far away. When I heard Ayu complaints about the weather, I didn't regret the dress I wore when I went out.
       The door of the study was not closed. Ayu walked in front and saw the scene in the room first.
       Ice bowls were placed in all four corners of the study. He was gongzi not heat-resistant, but when he was too cold, he was easily ill, so he didn't dare to give too much ice.
       He gongzi leaned against the window-shaped ridge, as he never let go.
       The window-backed pavilion is the most comfortable place in the entire study in summer. The study door is open and forms convection with the window one south and one north. He was blown by the wind, clinging to his long body from time to time.
       That's how he was when he went out, and when he came back.
       He knew he was going to pick up Zhou 6-Miss.
       Ayu looked subconsciously at Zhou-Zhen behind him, and found that it was too late, and she had already seen the scene in the room.
       Xu was thirsty. Xu Shi read the book and saw it came to an end. He finally put down the book in his hand, and poured a cup of tea on himself with the little boy on his back, and then drank it up. His placket was slightly loose, and a few drops of tea were naughty, slipping from the corner of his mouth, slicing across the slender neck, dripping his chest and finally disappearing into the plaque.
       "Have you seen enough?"
       Zhou-Zhen bows her head, looks like I'm wrong, but my heart is secretly defamatory. Do you have any reason to be dishonest?
       Hey, in the world, people hearts are not old. Why can't this person be more sincere and less routine? Obviously, his clothes were loose and his chest was bare, but in a word, they seemed to be stingy and miserable.
       Taking advantage of this moment, Yuan-Suming expressionlessly pulled over his clothes and fastened his buttons, covering his chest with a three-pointer than ordinary people.
       His precautionary moves made Zhou-Zhen's face dark, and his heart roared infinitely. What do you mean? Who are you preparing for? What do you think I would do to you?
       Yuan-Suming asked her, "Are you coming to me, is there something wrong?"
       Zhou-Zhen is speechless, didn't you let me come? You set up such a platform, and put on such a tough attitude of thanking guests behind closed doors, don't you want to come down, right?
       "Yuan gongzi, sometimes acting silly is not a good habit."
       "You're not stupid." He glanced at her and took another sip of tea.
       So she said that getting along with smart people is too tiring. Something is not directly said, there are always tentative or unintentional temptations, too tired.
       "What benefits did Lu Yan give you?"
       "One party Tian Huangshi." Zhou-Zhen motioned Yunfei to take out Tian Huangshi sent by Lu Yan and hand it to Yuan-Suming.
       Yuan-Suming Look at it, "Quality is acceptable, just play with it."
       Alright, your Yuan family has a great career. For them, Tian Huangshi, who has already reached a good quality, is only of acceptable quality in his eyes.
       In fact, both of them knew that from the time she accepted the gift, he let her in, and the Lu family's incident was uncovered.
       Ayu is seeing something. Why did he gongzi ever care about a Miss so much, and never thought about a Miss so much? The thought of his gongzi was about to marry, he secretly laughed.
       So I ordered people to make tea and snacks and prepare fruits and vegetables, and I was very busy.
       "Gongzi, 6-Miss, or else you move to Huxin Pavilion? Slaves already have tea dessert prepared there."
       "No, grandparents of the Lu clan are still waiting for me outside ..."
       From guessing to his heart, Zhou-Zhen made up his mind to minimize the contact between the two people. I came to see him today because his stage was already set up, and she didn't want to disappoint him. But it does not mean that she is willing to continue to develop with him.
       Yuan-Suming pretending to be casual, "Just tell someone to send someone off with a sentence."
       Zhou-Zhen is silent. She is not a good person. The purpose of his move is to help her make a face, and the second is incidental, or to imprint his brand?
       But Zhou-Zhen didn't like this. She didn't want to owe him. Other people respect and awe, she would fight for it by herself instead of taking advantage of him. If things are allowed to continue, even if there is nothing between them, this paragraph will also have an influence on her in the future.
       So she said rudely, "You don't have to do this."
       Zhou-Zhen thinks she pretty scum. Yuan-Suming just helped her, and her act is like crossing the river to tear down the bridge.
       But it must not be because he is better than himself, he must be flattered by his affection for her, right? She also has her own plans and demands for the future, and far marriage is not within her plan for the future.
       Ok? Yuan-Suming's gaze was fixed, was she rejecting his kindness?
       "You continue to say."
       Zhou-Zhen was a little scared in her heart. She felt that Yuan-Suming in front of her was dangerous, but there was something to say.
       Zhou-Zhen carefully considered the wording, "I have your kindness, but I don't have to do it for me in the future."
       Yuan-Suming understands, this is a rejection. She was keen, aware of her difference to her. But is she avoiding him like a viper now?
       "You say it again!" He allowed her to change her mouth.
       Zhou-Zhen bit her lip, and said it relentlessly, "I've got your kindness, but I don't have to do this for me in the future."
       Is this the line you can't wait to draw? Yuan-Suming smirked at the moment, "Do you think I'm for you? Your face is worthless. When you are dropped, you are dropped. My Yuan-Suming represents not only my own face, but also my Yuan's face. , Do not allow others to trample at will! "
       Zhou-Zhen is embarrassed, and it's almost like saying she apathetic.
       Looking at her, he was angry!
       "Ayu, drop off!"
       Without a break!
       Ayu sent Zhou-Zhen out the same way, and it was called a sigh and a sigh along the way, and it was a whisper. 6-Miss, why is it so embarrassing, he gongzi kindness, she just accepts it. And he gongzi, he knows that it is difficult to be disapproved because of his kindness, he is aggrieved, but he can’t be angry with 6-Miss.
       Unfortunately, Ayu didn't know that there was a sentence called "Wife Abuse for a while, chase his wife crematorium", otherwise he must burn incense for him in advance.
       Zhou-Zhen walked silently. She did not regret what she did today. People would choose a relatively easy path. Natural fear of the unknown and uncontrollable. She is an ordinary person and naturally unavoidable.
       Besides, she really didn't plan to marry far away. If he can't give what he wants, then don't give hope to the other party, even if the idea may be that she is passionate, it is better than continuing to develop.
       After passing a fork, Zhou-Zhen saw a familiar person go to the side.
       "Who is that?" She asked Ayu.
       "That's Shifu from gongzi." Ayu didn't say much, "6-Miss, let's go this way."
       Yunfei also saw the man and couldn't help but say, "Miss, wasn't that the guy who showed the stall to sell the beads? He advised Miss at the time not to buy the beads on the stall, which is not as good as yours. Of this string. "
       Zhou-Zhen didn't say a word, and of course she recognized him. Then she knew his surname Zhu. At that time, she thought that this surname was very rare. She even thought of Shifu Zhu Liang from Yuan-Suming. Unexpectedly, it was really him.
       Ayu wondered, "6-Miss, and I wish Teacher?"
       "Inadvertently had a side."
       Zhou-Zhen didn't want to say much. When she saw Zhu Liang, she inevitably thought of Zhou Xian. She really wanted to invite him to educate him for talent. Previously, Father had invited a master for her brother, but the other side smashed her leg in the middle and then went back to her home. I don't know if this is true or not, anyway, she was silent for a long time after seeing the other party's resignation letter.
       How can other Teachers be able to catch up with Zhu Liang? It's a pity she just fell out with Yuan-Suming, otherwise you can ask him to talk. Aware of this idea, Zhou-Zhen spurned herself a little. She was afraid of the dangerous path, but she never missed the good things at the top of the dangerous path. It was too bad.
       As soon as Zhou-Zhen appeared, Lu Yan brought Jin Yan to her landing and asked for the results. She told them that things were over, and then said nothing, she boarded the car and went home.
       Away from Zhou-Zhen Master, Ayu hastily returned to the study to serve.
       The study seems to be business as usual, but Ayu still feels that the air pressure from gongzi body is very low.
       For a long time, Yuan-Suming asked, "Sent her out?"
       "Yes, then Lu Yan is very grateful to Zhou 6-Miss, thanking her all the time."
       Ayu talked about this deliberately, thinking that he was happy when he heard it, but he didn't know he snorted.
       "By the way, gongzi, we met Zhu Teacher, 6-Miss when we went out, and asked him about it, only then did the slave know that 6-Miss, and Zhu Teacher had met before."
       After listening, Yuan-Suming contemplates.
       Ayu retreated quietly.
       Zhou-Zhen was blocked when he returned to the second door.
       The two carriages were jammed there, and people could enter, but she was also in a carriage, so it was not easy to get in.
       The old Mama in the courtyard of Xi-shi came up, "6-Miss, and wait, in front of our Big-Fu-ren guests, it takes a little time to get off and unload the carriage."
       Zhou-Zhen nodded. "Wait a minute."
       The carriage was too hot, Zhou-Zhen came out, leaning back and waiting for them to let the aisle out. When she was waiting, she was so bored that she couldn't help looking at the moving front.
       At this moment, Zhou-Zhen saw one person alighted from the opposite carriage, but was struck by lightning.
       Before being led to the courtyard of Xi-shi, the man glanced at Zhou-Zhen, and even slightly bowed her head.
       Zhou-Zhen's expression was awkward, she didn't realize how she returned to the yard.
       Her life after marrying in the previous life has been her inscrutable existence, and this experience is her most unwilling to mention, the dusty memory.
       At that time, she risked revealing Zhou-Yinger's life-saving credit and ruined her reputation. Then Grandmother pointed her to a relative at will. The other name was Mei, a county magistrate of Bianyu Xiao xian. She was over forty years old, and she filled the house. Her Grandmother wanted to use it to downplay her influence.
       She was ashamed at the time, and her grandfather's family was defeated. She couldn't support her and could only marry far away. What no one knows is that Meixian Ling is inhumane, but he has a special habit on the couch. In those years, she really had a bad life.
       Pigs and dogs are not as good as those days. If it weren't for her son, she really didn't want to survive. But who knows, her son is actually a child!
       Her son's father was Meixianling's brother, an older and more disgusting man!
       That's right, her husband's pervert developed to the end, and he even married his elder brother. She died in her thirties, and when she died she felt like a relief. As for her son, even if she had the heart, she couldn't care less.
       The person she bumped into today is also named Mei, who is Mei Huaihua, Mei Xianling's sister.
       She never knew that this county magistrate was attracted by her Damu Xi-shi. Until today, when she saw Mei Huaihua, she discovered that they had known each other for a long time. She has wondered countless times that Mei family and Zhou-shi have no relatives. How to get on the line, the original root is out here!
       Very good, really good. Xi-shi is really her good aunt. The old Master Zeng who taught her brother Zhou Xian to enlighten was Xi-shi arranged for Zhou Xian through the hands of others. Now she found out the truth that she would marry the scum in the past. Xi-shi this Damu 2nd House for them, it really broke the heart, one by one despicable and shameless personality defects were led to her.
       The unfortunate lives of the three of them, sisters and brothers, have their own reasons, but they can't resist the deliberate murder of others.
       It was about seeing that her mood was low, and the people at the pavilion were light-hearted.
       Zhou-Zhen was in a bad mood and felt tired at the same time, and fell asleep early. So I didn't notice that the jewels on her wrists seemed to have a glimmer of light, and there was a fragrant fragrance in the tent. Then she initiated a dream.
       The dream scene is the Mei family. After her death, her son, who was only seven years old, did not live well in Mei family because of her treacherous childhood. She even lived worse than some decent nubi Her clothes were always patched and she ate. After a hungry meal, don't count on hot meals and hot dishes. From time to time, he will be taken to a remote place by secret servants who look at him to steal lessons.
       But he was strong and stubborn, subject to these bullies and harsh treatments, and never wept before those who bullied him. On the contrary, Zhou-Zhen, the mother, saw that he took a half piece of bread and looked for a corner, and said, "Mother, eat bread", and then cherished it with a small mouthful, and couldn't help but feel distressed. tears.
       In the dream, she knew that he was living so strong, but she was worried that if he was gone, she would break her offering in the underground, be bullied by a ghost, or fail to give birth.
       This dream continued until he was hungry for three days in the dream, and finally couldn't help running away.
       A child over seven years old can actually get out of a dog hole. The clothes were worn on him, empty, Zhou-Zhen guessed, he might be like thirty pounds all over his body. For a child over seven years old, this weight is no different from skinny.
       He sneaked out of the house. He had no money. He didn't even have half a copper plate. He wanted to eat, but what else could he do besides steal?
       Zhou-Zhen was in a dream, watching him being beaten to the ground by a Bun, and the little man curled up like this, his slender claws clutching at the stolen Bun.
       Looking at this scene, Zhou-Zhen felt that his eyes were astringent, and his heart was uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.
       She clearly realized that she was in a dream. All this was what her son had experienced after her death. She did not expect her son to have such a difficult life. Even if he was a child child, he was also the flesh of the Mei family. Ah, why?
       Someone stopped this unilateral beating and saw the rescuer, Zhou-Zhen froze, Yuan-Suming, how could it be him?
       He was over forty years old. The love of time made him look not too old, and the iconic height made Zhou-Zhen recognize it at a glance.
       She saw that he begged her son, then took her son out of the Mei family squarely, regarded him as the righteous, changed his family name, and taught him to read and write ...
       As soon as the picture turns, her son has grown up and has become a daunting general on the battlefield. Under the control of the Mei family, the whole family was exiled to the south of Lingnan.
       Her son moved her grave out of Mei house, and found another blessed land to bury her in the mountain not far from Capital City.
       By the time she saw Yuan-Suming again, he had lost weight and was immature, with clothes on him, empty, and he often stood high and looked away, wondering what he was looking at.
       From this dream, she knew Yuan-Suming, for no reason, but never married ...
       When Zhou-Zhen woke up, he found himself in tears.
       Zhou-Zhen is the kind who quietly shed tears, not moving very much, so she didn't alarm the vigil's slave.
       What will happen to her son after her death is a question she never dared to think about. She kept telling herself that her son was the blood of Mei family. In any case, Mei family wouldn't treat him too much. In those years when she welcomed each other, she secretly gave the man a sterilization medicine, so that he would not have any children in the future. Her son is one of his few bloodlines. He should treat him kindly.
       Moreover, she felt that even if Mei family did not give him a share of the family property, she had only one child, and her dowry was enough to raise him to adulthood, and even the surplus could set up a family business. He can then marry a wife and have children, and spend a lifetime.
       But this infinitely close to the real dream has broken her illusion of self-deception.
       Zhou-Zhen was lying on the bed. She didn't expect her son to live like this after her death. If Yuan-Suming hadn't taken him away from Mei family, he might not have reached adulthood in his situation.
       Thinking of Yuan-Suming, her heart could not help but return to the dream that he never married.
       She doesn't think that Yuan-Suming of her last life would like her. People are yearning for beautiful things. For her last life, Rao is so thick-skinned that she is not good enough to deserve his favor. Moreover, she and Yuan-Suming have only one side. She was already ill at the time. She had no face or color. She didn't think that Yuan-Suming would like a sick child. The reason why he never married for life is open to question. And from the perspective of dreams, Yuan-Suming should be sick at the time. The skinny look is not like what a middle-aged person in his forties should have, but he doesn't know what it is?
       Suddenly, with the light of the candlelight outside the house, Zhou-Zhen's eyes fell on the beads. She inadvertently remembered what the master of innocence said when she gave the beads to her. Think well, take care of Cangsheng’.
       Thinking about the siege in the dream, despite the tens of thousands of people in the hands of the enemy, he still ordered the son of the siege order, as well as Yuan-Suming, Zhou-Zhen vaguely understood why Master Wuyou said to her that day Those eight words, is he or them?
       The next day, Zhou-Zhen woke up, and his eyes became swollen because of tears.
       Yunfei only used to be Miss, because he said that to Yuan gongzi yesterday, and came back to think of the discomfort at night. As a personal maid, she could perceive a little difference between two people and others. Unfortunately, the master has already made a decision.
       Yunsi fetched two eggs, and Zhou-Zhen finished washing her face, sitting in a chair with her eyes closed and letting the two maids roll the eggs with their eggs.
       After a quarter of an hour, Zhou-Zhen opened his eyes and let them back down.
       During breakfast, Zhou-Zhen instructed Yunfei to buy two more eyeliners in her mother's yard. She wondered what Mei Huaihua wanted to come to Zhoujia this time.
       She was determined that in this life, she would not have taken Zhou-Yinger's life-saving credit. Her reputation was not damaged, and Mei Huaihua did not dare to eliminate her as she did in the previous life, and told her to her brother Meixianling. But she also determined that Mei Huaihua was not good at coming.
       Rich money can make ghosts grind, Zhou-Zhen loose hands, Xi-shi and her Grandmother yards bought one or two eyeliners, she can easily get some non-confidential news. Now she is deeply aware of her special care for their small 2nd House, so she can't put more nails.
       Just then, Zhou Xianxing rushed to the museum to let her fulfill her promise. It turned out that not only did he lose the original gambling suit yesterday, he wrote nine large characters, but also wrote twenty-one extra, and memorized two short essays as a bargaining chip. Now he comes to her to cash in on the chess game.
       Zhou-Zhen took over his homework and found that the articles he wrote and the characters he wrote were the same.
       During Zhou-Zhen's inspection, Zhou Xian was still a little guilty, and felt that she was cheating a little, but soon he held up a small chest, and her sister did not say that the articles on childbirth were not the same as those copied.
       "This is enough for me to lose the 9th inning. When will you honor your promise, sister?"
       Zhou-Zhen thought of going out for a while, and wanted to say when she came back to cash.
       But he was robbed quickly by the kid. "Last time I lost three games, you let me cash it out. You are my sister and I believe you, but you see that I have accumulated so many games now, and I can’t let me continue. Keep going? "
       It makes sense that Zhou-Zhen was speechless.
       "Come, let's move to the study." Zhou-Zhen hum, boy, since you are looking for abuse, then come!
       Feeling murderous, Zhou Xian shrank his neck.
       "Actually, you can owe it to your sister. If you cash it in the afternoon, you will add two games, and in the evening, you will add three games. If you cash in tomorrow, how about five games?" He looked forward to Zhou-Zhen.
       Zhou-Zhen only returned him a sentence, "You are beautiful, and you think beautifully." 30% profit in one day, boy, is very talented in business.
       It only took two quarters of an hour, Zhou-Zhen fulfilled the promise of the ninth inning, she took up the tea with a little contentment and drank slowly.
       Zhou Xian was so miserably packed, she almost sits aside, and looked at her in a complaint, "You are my sister, why don't you let me let you?"
       God knows that in order to write these big characters and memorize those two articles, he spent an entire afternoon and evening in the evening. The fruits of victory only enjoyed two quarters, uncomfortable.
       Zhou-Zhen is funny, "You want to win, and you can play with Grandma Lin, Grandma Lin can let you win."
       Ye Lin heard Zhou-Zhen mention him, and quickly came over.
       Zhou Xian turned his head away in disgust. Playing chess with his sister, he can really learn something, because after each game, his sister will tell him what serious mistakes he made, and he is not unharmed. Playing chess with Grandma Lin can win every game, but what's the point?
       Zhou-Zhen took up the pieces on the board by himself, and the emerald-polished pieces had a clear and pleasant sound during the collision.
       Zhou Xian watched his sister put the cleaned chess pieces in his hands, and sternly yelled at him, "Go back and work hard to write the article back, and my sister waits for you to cash in the chess game. Hold on for a while and you will be able to go with your sister. The fanfare is quite good, my sister is optimistic about you. By the way, the big letters and articles you recite can not be repeated. "
       Zhou Xian reluctantly left.
       After Zhou Xian left, Zhou-Zhen took out the manuscript of the prodigy for final revision and finalization.
       Zhou-Zhen is hesitating. She wants to change her tail. This is the idea after seeing Zhu Liang. Anyway, she still wanted to fight for it and see if she could invite Zhu Liang to be her master.
       So she changed her pen.
       ... The prodigy has an unforgettable and unforgettable ability to browse through books and integrate the knowledge in the book, creating his own ideological system, and eventually becoming a great Confucian.
       In his ideological system, the most famous is the four sentences, which can be described as awesome feedback, of which the first two sentences areet the heart for the heavens and the earth, set the life for the people’... "
       The next two sentences, Zhou-Zhen did not write it intentionally, and because the tail was changed, the prodigy's name was changed to Zhang Zai.
       After finalizing the draft, Zhou-Zhen loaded the manuscript.
       As soon as she wanted to go out, Yunfei stopped her, "Miss, are you going to the bookstore?"
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, "Yes, you have to go out, and you can have someone prepare the car."
       "It's Mid-Autumn Festival, and the bookstore is only open for half a day. I'm afraid the shop door was closed when we arrived."
       Zhou-Zhen stroked her, she really forgot this stubble and can only change it.
       On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the big and small masters of 4th House are going to get together for a reunion dinner.
       Half an hour before the banquet, Zhou-Zhen went to Bailuyuan and took Zhou Xian to her Father's Chunhuayuan. It was about the same time, and the three of them went to the main hall together.
       While waiting, Zhou Xian took out his backgammon to show him to Father. Zhou-Zhen explained her rules to Father on the side. After speaking the rules, she didn't say a word, and the father and son played against each other.
       Although Zhou-Xian is a novice, he is also proficient in chess, he figured out the rules, and soon he played well.
       Zhou Xian found that he could not take any advantage, and he couldn't help but be frustrated. Then he grabbed the chess piece and stared hard at the chessboard.
       Not long after, the back door of the head of Zhoujiafang 4th House quietly opened, and a carriage drove into the house in a low-key manner, guided by Yunfei to Chunhuayuan.
       coming! Zhou-Zhen stood up as the car snored outside the yard.
       "Father, I have given Grandmother a statue of her Buddha, let's go out and see."
       The game between their father and son was about to win the game. Zhou Xian was unable to return to heaven. Hearing his sister's words, he immediately stood up and said, "What kind of Buddha?"
       For his son Lai Pi, Zhou-Xian smiled and shook his head.
       The father and son went out.
       From the order of this Buddha to the delivery of the sculpture, it took three or four days. Because Zhou-Zhen pays a lot of money, her requirements are also met as much as possible. Zhou-Zhen is very satisfied with their speed. She knows that there is no problem that money cannot solve. If there is, it is not enough money.
       The Buddha was covered with a white cloth vine. After carrying it into the room, Zhou-Zhen cleared the field directly, after which she pulled the cloth off.
       A majestic Buddha with a bronze pagoda appeared in front of their Ye.
       Zhou-Xian stepped forward and looked carefully, "This is for you Grandmother?"
       "Yes, isn't this Mid-Autumn Festival today? This is a Mid-Autumn gift to Grandmother."
       "Wait!" Zhou-Xian noticed that the gloss was wrong. He tentatively touched the Buddha gold body and looked up at his daughter, "This is made of gold?"
       Zhou-Zhen nodded.
       This surface is required by Zhou-Zhen. It is intentionally old and looks like brass, but who knows that this Buddha is indeed made of real gold.
       Zhou-Xian sighed coldly, then squatted down, holding the bottom of the lotus platform with both hands and slightly lifting, "Is it solid?"
       "Yes, it is."
       Zhou-Xian guessed that this Buddha could not come down without a hundred or two gold.
       Zhou-Xian asked her, "Don't you annoy your Grandmother bias?"
       Annoyed, how can I not be annoyed. The biasity of the previous life, as well as the words of Damu in the previous life, the owner married her to Mei, there are many things ... if her Grandmother is not so bias, take care of their little 2nd House, their three sisters Not to end up like that.
       But all these annoyances and grievances are useless. Counting one cry, two troubles, and three hangs to make the other person repent? difficult.
       Anything can be chosen, but the parents of the family will never have a way to choose. Born in this family is doomed, and it is also the responsibility to hit, she cannot escape.
       Maybe people really need to pay attention to fate, just like her Chen-7 brother, sisters of the same age, he didn't pay attention to anyone, but only approached her.
       You can't complain, you can't be annoyed, at least not on the bright side. Work hard to improve their relationship, at least on the bright side so that people can't make mistakes.
       But none of this can be said, so Zhou-Zhen didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "What about you, Father?" It wasn't just her who was treated by her Grandmother.
       Zhou-Xian for a moment.
       "Father, this Buddha will wait for the reunion dinner, and then you will quietly send it to Grandmother." Then, Zhou-Zhen found another clean cloth to cover the Buddha, and the place under his feet was still hit After two or three knots, the wind prevented the cloth from blowing away.
       Zhou-Xian watched her daughter busy, and then she was blessed to her heart. There was a moment of enlightenment. The quality of his daughter who does not blame or complain when confronted with difficulties is stronger than that of Lao Tzu.
       Recalling his daughter's recent performance, he first subtly changed the situation of the old man who didn't care enough about them in the past, and then worked hard to improve the relationship with the clan houses in the clan Lan? It can be seen that the relationship between them has eased. In the end, his mother was off, and the others didn’t say, and said that his mother was there, and most of the Buddha gave her a soft heart.
       He is usually not a transparent person, and he can think of it by accident. And he also figured out something that would allow his daughter to compromise and try to please the people who repair the relationship, such as his old Father, his mother, Grandmother, and the patriarch's side, which could not be offended by her, Hey, or what can do her Lord. As for those who cannot be her master, such as Zhou-Lan and Feng-Nurse, she has been cleaned up. Is this too slippery for my daughter?
       When Zhou-Zhen's father and daughter arrived at Xuan Beitang, they saw Damu Xi-shi helping her Grandmother out of the inner room. Seeing her, the two gave a slight meal.
       This subtle movement did not escape Zhou-Zhen's eyes, who had been paying attention to their movement. Zhou-Zhen looked behind the two, and nodded vaguely at the maid behind them.
       While preparing for the meeting, Zhou-Zhen nodded to Yunfei. Before long, he went to find an excuse to go out.
       When she returned, Zhou-Zhen and she looked for a corner not far away to talk.
       "Miss, according to the news from our eyeliner, Big-Fu-ren arrived at Xuanbeitang more than half an hour in advance today, and Lao-Anren wept about the difficulty of Big-Lao-ye in Capital City, Blame herself for being in bad health, unable to open branches and leaves for Zhou-4th House, and even the housekeeper can not help. Then Big-Fu-ren also vaguely mentioned 2-Lao-ye, saying that he admires him as his wife For so many years ... "
       Zhou-Zhen smirked, she said so much, didn't she just give her Grandmother eye drops?
       Xi-shi still has to point her face, without intervening in the uncle house affairs, but she reminds her both inside and outside of Grandmother that she wants Father to marry again, and also speaks with the son of 4th House ... Unfortunately, she The power is not enough, otherwise Dabo will have to give her a few Junior Concubine to take care of her!
       Zhou-Zhen also heard Xi-shi desire to go to Capital City.
       It's time for the seat, Zhou-Zhen sits down calmly.
       He Lao-Anren sits on the top, glances at it, the oldest son and her two grandchildren are in Capital City. Only Big-Erxi and young granddaughter Zhou-Yinger are at home  :   the small 2nd House, 2 One widower and a pair of children.
       It's a family member, and even a table is not full, the men in the family are still too thin, He Lao-Anren thought.
       Before the banquet, He Lao-Anren said something auspicious.
       Big families pay attention to eating without talking, and their 4th House is no exception. Everyone eats the Mid-Autumn Festival quietly.
       People are busy, a wave of people wait for the masters to rinse their mouths, and a wave of people remove the leftovers.
       Then, the family walked outside the house, where there were already refreshments of fruits and melons. They drank tea and watched the moon.
       Just then Xi-shi ordered someone to send him a brocade box.
       Everyone looked curiously, "What's inside?"
       Xi-shi opened the brocade box and ordered someone to take the knife and laughed, "This is a snowy moon cake, a courtesy sent by the Huo family. Well, many Noble in Central Capital City can’t buy it. Let’s try this new moon cake tonight. ”
       "Which Huo family?" Maiden Lao-Anren asked. She didn't remember the surname Huo among friends and family.
       The smile in Xi-shi eyes was even stronger, "Back to Lao-Anren, it's the Huo family of Huo Wenzhong, our eunuch in Lujiang County."
       "Is it really their family? I don't remember the Huo family's relationship with our family ..."
       "It's not Yinger. I accidentally helped Huo Xiao gongzi a favor. Then Huo Xiao gongzi was really kind. No, the Mid-Autumn Festival gave people a courtesy." Xi-shi said this, It's hard to hide between the brows.
       Zhou-Zhen glanced at Zhou-Yinger, it was her peach blossom again.
       Maiden Lao-Anren said authenticly, "Oh, let's take Yinger's blessing and taste what this snowy moon cake is."
       "Grandmother, you make fun of others!" Zhou-Yinger stomped his feet, full of coquettishness.
       There are only four snowy mooncakes, small in size, packed in small brocade boxes. Zhou-Zhen was fortunate to have a piece. She tasted it, probably because of the natural nature of the food, and it tasted better than the snowy moon cakes of later generations.
       Zhou-Yinger came together, "Cousin, how about this snowy moon cake?"
       Zhou-Zhen nodded, "OK."
       Zhou-Yinger fixedly looked at her. "Six cousins, you've changed a lot." Before she heard it, when she heard her, she would definitely leave her sleeves without even lifting the table.
       Zhou-Zhen wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, not paying much attention to the idiomatic way, "It is right for people to change if they are alive. If there is no change, it would be no different from the dead."
       Touching a soft nail, Zhou-Yinger retreated, not tangling with her too much.
       After eating moon cakes and fruits, He Lao-Anren called out, but left his second son Zhou-Xian.
       Zhou-Xian answered quickly, even if his mother didn’t leave him, he still wanted that excuse to stay, so that the pure golden Buddha that his daughter had given to her Grandmother would be delivered to his mother.
       Zhou-Xian felt happy when he thought of his mother's surprise when he saw the Buddha.
       Xi-shi picked up the wine in the cup and ate it, blocking the smile on his lips with his wide sleeves. She Popo left the uncle, and he was going to talk to him. She was ready for even the candidates. As long as her Popo insists, her little uncle can't stand it.
       Just wait for the newcomer to enter the door, nephrite Wenxiang is in the arms, and the man will become lingering.
       By then Zhou-Zhen wouldn't have that much energy to go outside and toss.
       Xi-shi was annoyed at the thought of Zhou-Zhen's tossing recently. She has always regarded Sister Zhou Xian as her spare small vault, but as soon as Zhou-Zhen tossed, there was nearly 10 thousand Silver Taels in the big house, and she dared not take it lightly anymore. The most important thing is that there will be a small 2nd House in Zongfang, and it will still help Zhou-Zhen. This is something that hasn't happened for many years. When she learned that, she was really shocked and angry. She didn't expect Zhou-Zhen to have such a skill, which could completely reverse the attitude of Zongfang. So she felt that she couldn't let go of the little 2nd House anymore. Since there was an accident in stocking, she found someone to stare at them.
       In Xuanbei Hall, the mother and child sits opposite each other.
       Zhou-Xian hasn't seen that his mother left him something to say, and he couldn't help but say, "Mother, Zhen has a gift for me to pass on to you."
       He Lao-Anren didn't even think about his words, "This is not busy. Let's talk about you first."
       Zhou-Xian wondered, "What am I doing?"
       Seeing that he was still ignorant and unconcerned, He Lao-Anren got angry, "Why are you okay? Are you only thirty-eight this year? Less than forty, you plan to be a lifetime widower?"
       "Mother, I haven't thought about remarrying." Actually, I thought about it, and it's also happened in recent years, but this idea has been completely dispelled by his daughter recently.
       "Remarry this matter sooner or later, Li-shi has also died for so many years, and you alone can be worthy of her for so many years, and you don't have to keep it for her. Enter the family again and know you will take care of you Considering you, I can be assured of being a mother. "
       Zhou-Xian has been listening carefully, and after his mother finished speaking, he said positively, "Mother, look at me and I'm not young anymore. I don't need to continue to play the strings. If you really distress your son, Then get another Qiesh to take care of your son's life. "
       Zhou-Xian rejected Mo Lao-Anren's offer to continue his string, stepped back, and only agreed to Take concubine.
       Maiden Lao-Anren frowned. "Isn't Zhen forbidden? How can a Miss get involved in her father's house?" With that said, Maiden Lao-Anren was already a little angry. In addition, Xi-shi provoked today that Zhou-Zhen donated eight thousand and two without saying a word, making He Lao-Anren very dissatisfied.
       Zhou-Xian couldn't help crying and crying, "Mother, where did you think about, Zhen is a savvy Miss, how can you do such a thing, this matter is completely the son's own thought."
       He Lao-Anren continued to persuade, "Your elder brother is in Capital City, and it may be released in the future. You 1st-Sao can’t stay in Lujiang all the time. Let your elder brother 1st-Sao keep separating.? Xuan, in the future, it will be justified to take charge of the inner house, otherwise let a Qiesh shi housekeeper say it is not good to go out. "
       Zhou-Xian thought about it, it was a problem, but it was not enough for him to change his mind, "let's talk about this later."
       Exactly, Zhou-Xian heard the voice of his followers clearing the field.
       "Mother, would you please have a Buddha carved for you, I'll have it brought in for you to see?"
       He Lao-Anren frowned slightly when she heard these words. She believed in the Buddha, knowing that the Buddha could not invite him casually, and she was afraid that it would be easy to ask God for help. But now that the Buddha has invited her home, she does not see her, and she is also disrespectful to the Buddha. So she nodded with heavy depression.
       But when Bu Man was lifted off, her attitude completely changed, and she only felt that the half-height Buddha was majestic, with kind eyes and kindness, and all sentient beings were right in her little Buddhist hall.
       Zhou-Xian was glad to see her affection overflowing with words.
       He Lao-Anren also deliberately cleaned his hands before touching the Buddha gold body with her fingers, but she felt wrong as soon as she started, and then carefully looked at the gloss of the Buddha gold body, and her hands shook unconsciously. She glanced around and found that the people on the field were almost clear, and the rest were her confidants, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
       She whispered to her son, "Isn't this Buddha made of bronze?"
       Zhou-Xian was happy, "Of course not, ma-Am, this Buddha uses real gold from top to bottom! But the appearance is old, and at first glance it looks like brass."
       Maiden Lao-Anren was silent, she almost looked away.
       "How much gold this Buddha used."
       "Listening to Zhen said it cost a thousand and two thousand and weighed about sixty-six pounds."
       Twelve thousand gold is ten thousand Silver Taels. This gift is a bit heavy. For a while, Lao-Anren suddenly felt that the taste was mixed.
       The daughter asked her to be the master, and promised to give her 12 thousand after the completion of the event  :   Today, the daughter-zi came to Xuan Beitang early and cried to her about her eldest son's hardship in Capital City, which means that she understands that she wants to bring her money to supplement her. The son's side.
       This person, there is no harm without comparison. Without contrast, there will be nothing and life will pass. Being constantly demanded and accustomed to it.
       But suddenly there was such a person who had never asked for anything from her before, but took the trouble to choose a gift to honor her, which was enough to impress her. Whether it is the value of the Buddha himself or the thoughts he spends, who dares to say that she is perfunctory?
       Maiden Lao-Anren opened his mouth, "This Buddha is too precious ..."
       Zhou-Xian comforted her, "This is your granddaughter's respect for you, you just suffer."
       He Lao-Anren was silent. Her granddaughter's actions reminded her of the past 2-Erxi was still giving her things from time to time, and Li-shi gifts were free of price. At that time, in Big-Erxi intentional or unintentional words, she always felt that she did not like those things that were full of copper smell, and even hated 2-Erxi. However, since Li-shi death, she has rarely received valuable gifts. The gifts from Big-Erxi are always good names, but they are not worth much.
       "Mother, let me take you to the little Buddha hall. Listen to Zhen said that this Buddha has been invited by a monk to be exposed and can be directly worshipped."
       This interrupted her thoughts, and Mo Lao-Anren followed, always telling them to be careful.
       Before Zhou-Xian went back, He Lao-Anren asked again, "Do you really decide not to continue?"
       "Yes, I'll keep their two children in the future. If you marry a big one, let's not think about tranquility. I'm almost forty and I can't help but toss. When Xianxian marries his wife and gives me a grandson, I will live the days of Han and my grandchildren, and this life will be complete. "Talking about the future life, Zhou-Xian looked relaxed,
       "Mother, this is good. Brother Xian also knows how to study hard in the near future. You will wait for happiness in the future. There is truth. Before, Zhen may not be sensible, but now his son looks coldly, no better than Yinger Zhi-nu difference."
       He Lao-Anren rarely refuted, but sighed in the heart, after all, there were too few males, and Lao-Er only had a son under his knees.
       Xi-shi waited anxiously for two days, but Xuan Beitang never moved.
       At the gesture of Zhou-Zhen, Xi-shi learned that Zhou-Zhen had ordered a pure gold Buddha in Pope Hall to give her Popo, and she smashed the cup in her hand.
       She has always regarded Zhou-Zhen's thirty-two thousand as something in her pocket, but in just a few days, she spent almost twenty-two thousand! She knew she couldn't get these two pieces of silver again. The other eight thousand two hundred, she is also difficult to get. Now that she has received Zhou-Zhen as a gift from Popo, how can she open her mouth to take silver from her?
       If you lose, all your abacus are lost.
       Even the continuation of her uncle sons is estimated to be difficult. After all, Zhou-Zhen had just spent eight thousand and two to build her reputation for Father, a few days ago, even if her uncle was willing to marry a newcomer in his heart, he wouldn't be here. As soon as her uncle refused, she didn't persecute Popo, and it was a strange thing.
       Sure enough, she received news that her uncle had rejected the offer to continue the string.
       Xi-shi slammed the table fiercely, "Only with money!" She hated it.
       She just felt uncomfortable lately, and thought of worshiping in the temple.
       After her mood had calmed down, her confidant Maid stepped forward to clean up the fragments of the tea cup.
       "Don't tell 7-Miss about these things!" Xi-shi whispered, her daughter only needs to live a curling moon, and she doesn't need to know these dark means and calculations.
       Because she had several eyeliners in the courtyard of Xi-shi, Zhou-Zhen soon learned that Xi-shi was so angry that she smashed the cup. At that time, she added half a bowl of rice to her appetite and knew I'm relieved that you are having a bad time. Gentleman revenge, from morning to night, every moment, Xi-shi, you are ready to take it.
       After dinner, Zhou-Zhen was ready to go out.


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