Ill-Fated Consort 220

            Chapter 220  :   Ups and Downs    

            On the face of it, it looked like nothing was going on, and Jiang Quan's verdict came to an end. In fact, there are a lot of things in the big family’s family. If you cover up a little, that is, the end of the reputation of the official hat, this loss of life is a bit heavy, but everyone thinks about who the victim was. Then they knew it again. It’s not good for anyone, and it’s Xiaojie who is going to harm the general’s house. Zhao Guang exerted pressure on the court in this case. In the end, the end of the case was also watched by the emperor himself. The tree fell down, and the people who had previously sang Jiang Quan had long wished to be separated from him, and no one would come to speak for Jiang Quan.
            On the day when Jiang Quan was beheaded, Jiang Ruan didn't go. Lian-Qiao didn't dare to ask more, thinking that after all, he was the biological father of Jiang Ruan. His father sent the guillotine to another scene, and it was sad to want to come to Jiang Ruan. Looking at the careful appearance of Lian-Qiao, Jiang Ruan is a little funny. She and Jiang Quan were endless enemies. This life has not changed because of this. One of them will always die in the other. As for blood relatives in his hand, as Jiang Xinzhi said to her that day, this life has no relationship with the Jiang family.
            Speaking of this, Lian-Qiao remembered something, saying  :   "Young Furen, 1st Shaoye also said to the General's Mansion, Fu-ren's tablet will be sent to the General's Ancestral Hall next day, with Jiang shi genealogy is not only the name, but in the Chiang family, don’t even think about it. ”
            Jiang Ruan sent his biological father to the guillotine. It was supposed to set off a storm in Capital City. It’s the same in people minds. Whenever there is anything good to talk about, you should always treat yourself as a wise man pointing at Jiangshan, until Jiang Quan beheaded for a few days without seeing a bit of talk about Jiang Ruan's filial piety in the streets and lanes. This is how Xiao Shao used special means to block the crowds. As for that means, iron, blood, gold, silver, etc. In the final analysis, it means to take care of it slowly. A bad word is not willing to let everyone mention Jiang Ruan.
            "That's all right," Jiang Ruan put down his pen  :   "I will return to General's Mansion on another day, and opening a shrine is also a big event." Zhao Mei spirit card was still in Jiangfu shrine. When she went to Zhuangzi, It has been several years since returning, and among them, Zhao Mei spirit card is also not enshrined, and the dust is deep. If she hadn't wiped it herself, she would have been in the shrine. Now that their mother and son are no longer the Jiang family, this spirit card should return to the General House. Jiang Ruan said, then looked outside and asked, "Why don't you see Luzhu?"
            In the past few days, she mentioned Luzhu personal affairs. For her, Luzhu is a trustworthy person since her rebirth. Instead of being Maid, she has been a supportive partner. Luzhu has no father or mother here, but he can't take care of family affairs, the province will always feel dwarfed in the future. Although it can't do anything big, it must be done in accordance with serious Xiaojie.
            "Approximately dowry in the house," Lian-Qiao laughed. "Young Furen is very kind to Luzhu, and the nubi are a little jealous."
            The close personal Maid of someone else family got married decently, and it was nothing more than silver. It is rare to have such personal care and dedication. In addition, Luzhu got married well. Although Jin Er is a bit bad, his heart is not bad. What is more rare is that the two love each other. This is almost impossible for a subordinate to marry his beloved. thing. But now it is done. Lian-Qiao thinks that a few people were struggling in Zhuangzi at that time, thinking that living a smooth life is an extravagant hope. Looking at today's good days, I just feel sighed.
            "In the future, if you marry Ye-Feng, I will do it with you." Jiang Ruan smiled.
            Lian-Qiao stomped and said, "Young Furen made fun of nubi again." She was ashamed, watching Jiang Ruan laughed but followed. I don't know why, she always feels that Jiang Ruan has changed a lot now, and she can't tell what has changed, but she feels that she seems softer when she looks at people, not like it looks like a cloud and fog. People, teaching some people feel guilty for no reason. This is all thanks to Xiao Shao, Lian-Qiao thought, and Xiao Shao was also grateful in his heart.
            "Go inside and see if Luzhu is there," Jiang Ruan said. "If you bring her here, this gift list always wants her to go too far."
            Lian-Qiao ran out at the sound of a voice. Luzhu was really in the house, but it wasn't embroidering the dowry, but embroidering the screen for Lin Shishi-Fu-ren. Lin-Fu-ren arrived in Shouchen within a few days Jiang Ruan made good friends with Lin Zixiang, so he also had to give some gifts. Lin Changshi is an elegant person. It is better to send a pair of pine crane screens, but this screen looks simple, but it is a bit complicated to embroider. The double-sided needle happened to be Luzhu skill, and it was embroidered in the room, but forgot the time to go out.
            Lian-Qiao pushed in the door and came in and said, "Why are you still thinking about it, Young Furen asked you to look over the gift list."
            "Hey, I want to embroider this pickaxe earlier. It doesn't have many days. If there are any disadvantages, I can change it." Luzhu laughed. "What's in the gift list? What's Young Furen's vision? It’s going to be bad, and I feel at ease. "
            Lian-Qiao laughed and cursed  :   "No bullshit, if you can't do it yet, it won't make you the master? Hurry up and don't know how you expect a bride to do it. You don't need to dowry. It's really getting tired."
            Luzhu knew that he was in a bad position, so he picked up the embroidery stitches, got up, shook his skirt, and followed Lian-Qiao. Jiang Ruan was adding a few things, and when she came, she passed the list  :   "Look what's missing?"
            Luzhu took it with a smile and took a quick look at it. His expression was smiling at first, but then it was a little stunned. In the end, it was a little shocked. "Young Furen, this, this is too expensive."
            "Afraid of anything," Jiang Ruan smiled. "It's all from the palace, and Wangye has money."
            Lian-Qiao chuckled a laugh, how can it be said that Xiao Shao is an outbreak Lao-ye. Luzhu eyes rolled, and although the face eased a bit, he was still a little uneasy  :   "But ..." The gift list here is too valuable for a sister-zi, the ones who follow the most expensive room Long-term Big-Maid may not have this decent. However, what touched her most was that there was more than gold and silver in it, and the trivial things of the dowry jewelry were also thoughtfully arranged. This is to be careful.
            "It's nothing," Jiang Ruan interrupted. "You deserve it."
            Luzhu stopped talking, only biting his lip and kneeling slowly, Lian-Qiao and Jiang Ruan froze, Luzhu solemnly gave Jiang Ruan three heads, saying  :   "Miss, When Luzhu is as gracious as mountains, Luzhu has no relatives, Miss, and Miss are the relatives in Luzhu heart. Luzhu will definitely serve Miss in this life and always follow Miss.
            Jiang Ruan smiled and said, "Get up, don't kneel at all, say that there is nothing like graciousness, you and I came together from the most difficult time. At that time you got through, now is your time to enjoy your blessing. Moreover, it is not a big deal, in the future, you still have to live a good life. "
            In this remark, Jin Er, Luzhu seemed to think something, and laughed shyly.
            At the same time, Jin Er, talking about Jiang Ruan and Luzhu, was standing in front of a house in an alley in Dongcheng. He stepped forward and knocked a few doors. Soon, a manservant came out and opened the door. After saying a few words with Jin Er, he went in and saw, Fang walked into the yard, and saw that the door was opened, and came out a chubby middle-aged woman. The woman saw Jin Er, and she was surprised at first. The call  :   "2-Shaoye."
            Jin Er also smiled  :   "Zhou-Mama, why did you suddenly come to Capital City?"
            "Old slave was called by Fu-ren to meet you," Zhou-Mama smiled. There was another person behind the door. This was a young woman. She was born with a beautiful look and looks. She wore a style of clothes a few years ago and the color was a little white. Even so, she still looked very educated. Jinji smiled slightly  :   "2-Shaoye."
            The wind soon rose in the night, and the cold wind outside blew the window, but there was silence in Jingyang Palace. Occasionally, there were several rapid coughing sounds, faint and unreal. Li-Gonggong handed Bai Juan a party, worried  :   "It's cool and dew, your majesty, let's rest earlier."
            "There are still many memorials." The emperor waved his hand  :   "Go on like this, maybe it won't be finished ..."
            "Can't say that." Li-Gonggong immediately fell to his knees  :   "Your Majesty."
            "Okay," the emperor laughed first. "I haven't said anything yet, how keen you are." Xu Shi illness made him look a lot, and his original expression of anger and self-relaxation eased, as before Domineering faded a lot overnight, showing a little old-fashioned. Li-Gonggong was shocked at first, only that the emperor looked very similar to the time when the emperor was seriously ill. At that time, he was still a little eunuch, and his righteous father accompanied the emperor to return. Now the emperor looks like this, isn't it ... Li-Gonggong fought a cold war and was afraid to go down.
            "Come on, just wait for a while," the emperor said suddenly.
            Li-Gonggong rushed on.
            In the empty hall, there was only a bright yellow figure sitting alone on the soft seat in the center. The emperor's hand rested on the armrest. The armrest was carved into a roaring dragon, the dragon opened its teeth and danced claws. Against the scales, those who touch them die. He smiled suddenly, and then took a piece of bright yellow silk from the desk case, which was a decree.
            He thought about it and wrote it with a pen. The emperor's writing was slow, as if writing every stroke was very difficult, but there was no pause in it. Obviously, the content of this imperial edict had been considered in the heart infinitely, and it was so stable. He thought for a while, and picked up another piece of silk, which was bright yellow again. This was another imperial edict. He slowed down and wrote down slowly with a pen.
            The candlelight leaped on the emperor's face, and the face that was a little gray because of the disease was now very brightly illuminated by the lights, as if the light of a dying person was reflected back, and his spirit was set off for a time. Back in my youth, finally, this decree has also been written. He slowly raised his hand, picked up the Imperial Seal on one side, first pressed on a decree, and then lifted up, as if to breathe, his fingers unconsciously rubbing the dragon's head on the Imperial Seal, his eyes were It became a little hazy for a moment, and a little country song was humming in my mouth.
            "Lilang spring in February, my brother went to Shuiwan City, whoops, who Niangzi called Qiusheng, and wandered back and forth and wanted to enter the house ..." There are some dramas in the countryside that slammed so loudly in the countryside. Suddenly, the emperor's expression gradually relaxed, he slowly sang, looking at the empty hall in front of him, as if seeing through the void the charming girl who came from the country road with the medicine box that year, he Singing and singing, suddenly coughing heavily. The singing stopped abruptly, and he looked at the blood on Bai Juan's blood.
            After a moment, the emperor slowly closed his eyes and dropped the royal seal on another imperial edict  :   ——
            When Jin Er returned to the house, it was already dark, and Fang walked into the yard and saw a man standing under the tree. The man saw him and jumped over. It was Luzhu. Luzhu saw him and said, "I will be looking for you at noon. Will I be on a mission?"
            Jin Eryi stunned, then nodded subconsciously, and said, "Well."
            "I won't go to Qinglou to find the top sister over there?" Luzhu asked deliberately.
            Jin Er was unpredictably asked by Luzhu, looking a little embarrassed, and said, "No ..."
            "Just laugh," Luzhu waved. "Why so nervous, I'm not a tigress."
            This self-comparing tigress made Jin Er can't help laughing, and patted her head, saying  :   "It is indeed a tigress." He paused and asked, "What are you doing here waiting for me?" "
            Luzhu saw him smile, but he did not quarrel with him as usual, only said  :   "You look a little different today, about tired, go back to freshen up. I'm fine, just come to see you." Think You were swallowed by Luzhu in your mouth and listened to Lian-Qiao and Jin San saying that women should hold back some. If the whole ministry has expressed their minds, they will be eaten by men in the future. Now that she and Jin Er haven't become married yet, they can't be beautiful.
            Jin Er smiled, but didn't make a few jokes like usual, just talked to Luzhu and took a good rest before leaving. As soon as Jin Er walked away, the smile on Luzhu face was removed and replaced with a look of confusion. Luzhu stood in place and said to himself  :   "Looking at it looks like a low-spirited mood, isn't it ... Did you think about it without thinking about it, and then turned back to the house.
            Jiang Ruan put down his book and put his hand in Xiao Shao chest. This man is not colder than the outside, it is really a big heater. Her hands were very warm. Xiao Shao was attacked by her cold hands uncontrollably, but for a while she could not laugh or cry. But could not bear to teach her to take it out, and said, "Why is it so cold."
            "Help Luzhu to draw up a list of relatives." Jiang Ruan posted a post on him again  :   "It was so complicated to get married. At first, the relationship between you and me depended on Lin butler. It was really hard for him." Luzhu simply The family affairs were so complicated. At first, she and Xiao Shao made a lot of people. The tricks were dazzling and they didn't feel anything, but it was very difficult to sit up by themselves.
            Xiao Shao looked at her, looked at it for a while, and suddenly said, "I have asked."
            "What?" Jiang Ruan didn't understand what he said, but Xiao Shao said lightly  :   "Nothing." His expression was a bit unnatural, Jiang Ruan thought about it, and guessed a bit, saying  :   " Don't tell me what you think about it. "
            Xiao Shao didn't answer, it was the default. Jiang Ruan  :   Suddenly, this person himself didn't seem to care about his relatives. Why, he even inquired about these trivial matters in private. She naturally didn't know that the general affairs of the original relationship were indeed handled by Lin butler, but those terms and conditions were personally given to Xiao Shao for the purpose. Xiao Shao was still more expensive than the emperor's life. Wedding, or if the housekeeper Lin alone, how could he not throw the silver into it without saying a word.
            Jiang Ruan laughed, Xiao Shao was annoyed, looked at her, and said, "You are as serious as marrying a daughter."
            Since rebirth, apart from revenge, Jiang Ruan has never done such a thing. For her first time, Xiao Shao words seemed a bit jealous. These days I have been busy inquiring about Lin Zhu butler, Luzhu. He really left him alone. Thinking about this, Jiang Ruan reached out and squeezed Xiao Shao cheek, and said, “If I have a daughter, I will It’s more serious than ever. You’re more nervous than me when you come. ”
            "Daughter?" Xiao Shao gave her a thoughtful look. His eyes were as deep as the stars. Jiang Ruan looked at his black eyes and suddenly felt tingling all over his body, saying  :   "Do what?"
            As soon as the words fell, I felt that the sky was turning, and Xiao Shao and she had become a posture of one on and one off. Xiao Shao looked at her and said lightly, "Yes, but first of all, I have to have a daughter."
            8-Prince Mansion, the staff looked at Xuan Li who was drinking and enjoying himself in front of him. For a while, he was a little confused. It seemed that Xuan Li had not been so happy for a long time. Although Xuan Li used to make a smiling gesture over the years, everyone knows that it is just an appearance, and the pride revealed from the bottom of his heart like this has indeed not been seen on their masters’faces for a long time.
            The aides asked carefully  :   "His Royal Highness is so open, but has a plan with Na Yuanchuan?"
            The envoy of the Tianjin Kingdom acted mysteriously and strangely. Although he was an envoy, he raised his hands and acted without any humility or even a natural outflow. The staff followed Xuan Li, and I saw a lot of people in my life. At a glance, it was clear that this Yuanchuan was not a good person to control. It was a very dangerous thing to associate with such people and even reach an alliance. Be careful and you will lose yourself. This Yuanchuan does not seek fame and fortune, it is even more alarming. The two are undoubtedly using each other. Xuanli uses Yuanchuan to win the great cause. What is Yuanchuan using Xuanli to seek?
            The aides could not see through, but had to dispel confusion to Xuan Li.
            "No, you don't have to make any big plans." Xuan Li slowly raised the wine bottle on the table and sipped, and smiled, "There is no ally, but only a knife that can be used by me. And, a good knife. "
            "This ..." The aide thought for a moment and was surprised  :   "How does His Highness make this knife?"
            "The man who made the sword is not you or me." Xuan Li said  :   "But the tree cut by this sword also hinders my way."
            This is to take advantage of the fisherman, although the staff is still a little confused, but the appearance of Xuan Li does not seem to tell him. Although 8-Prince has countless guest aides, he has his own unique ideas on many things, and he doesn't even trust them at all. There is always a bit of room for such people. In fact, such people are rare in the world. They can always keep a vigilant heart from being shaken by any foreign object. This is the quality of the emperor.
            "His Royal Highness thinks it can be done this time?" The aide asked  :   "Yuanchuan, it seems that he hasn't done anything from beginning to end. How does His Highness judge with only one mouth?"
            "I said, the knife is a good knife." Xuan Lihan smiled and drank the wine in his hand, "I hope it can make the most of it."
            As he was speaking, a guard dressed up hurriedly from the outside and pulled out a letter from his hand to present  :   "His Royal Highness, the secret letter in the palace."
            Xuan Li took a careless look at it, and there were only two simple words on it  :   success.
            Xuan Li smiled again, and that smile fell into the staff's eyes and meant something different. The look quickly disappeared, as if there had never been Xuanli face. He sighed and said lowly, "Your Majesty, you are seriously ill."
            This night, a young woman stood under a tree in a house in the capital with a sad look. The chubby woman on one side advised  :   "Miss, let's take a rest earlier, the wind is strong here. Miss, you're not good, you have to raise your body here."
            The woman smiled bitterly, and Xiao Suo was in her voice  :   "Mama, I feel bad."
            "Miss, don't think too much," the woman also said, "2-Shaoye will definitely want to understand that you are serious, 2-Shaoye, the child grew up watching the old slave, and his heart, Since today, I won’t shy away. 2-Shaoye to Miss, please doctor, it’s natural to see Miss’s heart for a long time. Miss, and be at ease, and Fu-ren and Lao-ye, will definitely give You decide. "
            "But he already said it." The woman shook her head again  :   "What is the difference between me and the wicked who broke up?"
            "How can it be a wicked person?" Zhou-Mama comforted  :   "Miss, is a serious Miss, and it is old knowledge, it must not go wrong. If it does not work, how could Fu-ren and Lao-ye Promise to let you go to Capital City? Since Wangfei is an understanding person, he also knows things when he wants to come. He will never make things difficult for Miss ,. As for 2-Shaoye, the old slave said something beyond, Miss, people are good-hearted, but also Seriously, where is it better to go than a Maid, 2-Shaoye will definitely like it, man, how can I not like a well-educated girl? So Miss, you can put your heart in your stomach, and now you still have a good rest. Mo It will hurt you. "
            The woman listened to Zhou-Mama, and her expression eased, and she smiled, "I think so much. It's a matter of life. Since I'm here, I just ask him what he means. Since I've seen it, my body is not good, so I have to rest here first. When I'm fine, go back. "
            Zhou-Mama wanted to say more, and when she saw the expression of the woman, she stopped talking and nodded.

            Chapter 221  :      

            Chapter 221  :      

            Luzhu has been busy these days, and probably realized that it is not good for the old man to worry about the master. He started to embroider the dowry for himself. After all, he was a 17-year-old girl. look forward to. Only Jin Er is very busy, but he is not busy because of getting married. He doesn’t see anyone in the house all day. Luzhu has to ask Jin San, but Jin San also vaguely doesn’t know what Jin Er is busy. Luzhu returned to the task assigned by the master. However, in this way, more than ten times in a row, Luzhu saw Jin Er less and less.
            On this day, Luzhu also learned from Jinsan's mouth that Jiner was not in the house, and left disappointed. After Jin San saw Luzhu left, he jumped to the tree and sits talking to Jin Si, saying, "What's going on with Jin Er? Why is he always out of the house? The master doesn't seem to have any tasks with him. I didn't see him so busy, he didn't even care about Luzhu and Yatou. "
            Although Jin Er was also busy, he always stayed in the house. The favorite thing was to make Luzhu angry. Now the relationship between the two is easily settled. How can Jin Er, the master, still not see anyone?
            Jin Si shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I saw him in Huitong Qianzhuang a few days ago, as if I was cashing a silver ticket, and I didn't know what to do."
            "Is it against silver?" Jin San said strangely, "He doesn't lack any silver. What silver ??" Jin Yiwei broken silver is not much. At least it is enough to deal with the expenses on most days. Silver tickets are a bit strange. Jin San thought for a moment, and suddenly patted his thigh and said, "I know! Hey, the kid finally got the hang of it. About the last time he remembered that he was also going to marry his daughter-zi, and he always wanted to buy something with his wife-zi. "Although the gift was given by the government, Jin Er has spent a lot of money over the years, and it is the same for him to give the gift."
            Jin Si nodded  :   "It makes sense for you to say this. Jin Er has met some people in the world. He usually used to do things to please women. This will certainly take more thoughts for his wife-zi. No wonder These days he is always out of the house, and is about looking for a gift for Luzhu. "
            "But it's not good to leave others alone because of this," Jin San thought for a while, "this woman is always going to coax. He doesn't say what he busy with. If I were Luzhu, I would be angry."
            Jin Si still has to talk, and Jin Yi, who has been silent with his sword, suddenly said, "He is not buying gifts."
            "Ah?" Jin San looked over in surprise and said, "What is it not to buy a gift, Jin Yi, do you know anything?"
            Jin Yi shook her head and turned to leave. Jin San Jin Si was accustomed to Jin Yi mute silence and shrugged her shoulders when she didn't see it. When Jin Yi came to the corner, he saw Ye-Feng coming, and Ye Feng's expression was very subtle. He looked at Jin Yi and asked, "Do you know what Jin Er is looking for?"
            Jin Yi responded and hesitated  :   "I followed to watch, you ..."
            "I also watched it." Ye-Feng interrupted him, it seemed very difficult between the two, as if they encountered a very difficult problem, and they were silent for a while, Ye-Feng said  :   "This Don’t tell anyone in advance, I’ll ask after Jin Er returns to the house, if it hurts and it’s bad. ”
            Kam nodded and said yes.
            In a house in the east of the capital, a short woman stood at the door of the house and wiped her hands with an apron. It seemed extremely tense. After a while, an old man with white hair came out, and the old man was wearing medicine. box. After coming out, he arched his hand at the chubby woman, and came from the other side a young man. This man was also handsome, a clean dark green robe, and looked at which big family gongzi. The old man arched at the man again  :   "gongzi, Fu-ren's sick old man has prescribed medicine for recuperation, but this body is already weak and travels a long distance. Now it is best not to take action to avoid injury and improvement. After staying for a few more months, the old man prescribed some solid recipes and turned back to get the medicine to be fried and served to Fu-ren. Don't let her hurt, and raise her body, it will be fine. "
            The man heard a bit embarrassing  :   "She is not ..." Then he said, "Forget it, Doctor Many Thanks, I'm afraid this condition will be repeated, and I will have to bother the doctor a few times in the future." Silver was placed in the palm of the old man  :   "This is the cost of this consultation."
            This man's shot was considered generous. Naturally, the old man had no other words to say, so he made a puppet and left. After the old man left, the pudgy woman said, "2-Shaoye, according to the doctor, Liao Xiaojie had better stay in the capital for a longer period of time, ..."
            "Zhou-Mama," Jin Er smiled when he heard  :   "Don’t you think I would send Liao Xiaojie out? Nothing, just stay here for a while, and I will repair the book and send the letter, These days I have trouble Zhou-Mama to take care of Liao Xiaojie. "
            "2-Shaoye, what did you say?" Zhou-Mama horrified  :   "Old nubi must take good care of Liao Xiaojie."
            As I was talking, I heard a woman's cough coming from the room, and then a slightly weak female voice came  :   "2-Shaoye Please stay away, Liao Meng still has something to say to 2-Shaoye "
            Seeing this, Liao Mama said busyly  :   "Old slave to send the doctor, 2-Shaoye and go inside." After leaving the house, Jin Er hesitated. Although he lingered in Qinglou Flower Workshop, But they are all acting on the scene. When it is not true, no one will investigate the fame of these women afterwards. This serious Miss is different. After all, the room of the lonely man and the widow is a bit overwhelming. But thinking about Liao Meng as a patient and her mother who sent thousands of miles to Capital City, she also stopped. A robe corner came into the back room.
            The house was clean and tidy, and there was a faint scent of medicine. There was even a pot of orchids on the windowsill. Obviously, the owner was an elegant person. Even the sick bed was still very elegant. The woman leaned on the bed, her face was a little pale, but she looked more and more pitiful. She nodded solemnly to Jin Er  :   "2-Shaoye."
            Jin Er said  :   "No need to be polite, you are still weak, don't move easily."
            "2-Shaoye Bodhisattva heart." The woman smiled slightly  :   "Liao Meng knew that this body was not worth 2-Shaoye. At the beginning, the words of the two were also a joke. When the body is good, Liao Meng will return. Jiangnan, I won’t disturb 2-Shaoye. It’s just that there is so much harassment during this time, and I really feel sorry for it. I want to say thank you to 2-Shaoye.
            "You don't have to thank me, but I ..." Jin Er hesitated, and finally seemed to make a great determination, saying  :   "This matter is that our Shen family can't hold you back. I ..."
            "This 2-Shaoye is wrong," Liao Mengyan smiled. "What does this have to do with 2-Shaoye. When the two talked about things, you and I were just children. Today, today I Father, Niang is no longer there. The words were joke and joke, but it was not true. It was just Zhou-Mama that hurt me, but I wanted to talk about it, 2-Shaoye Do not blame her. Now 2-Shaoye Already have a sweetheart, why should I be that great snorer, so 2-Shaoye must not say anything wrong. "
            The remarks are quite reasonable. Even if the ordinary woman is not in trouble, there must be some emotion on the face, at least it will never be as good as the woman in front of her. Jin Er's eyes flashed a little admiration, and it seemed to contain some gratitude and apologies  :   "It's my heart to cross the gentleman's heart, but Liao Miss, the illness is not good, at least to give Liao the next opportunity Miss, doctor. "
            Liao Meng smiled again, and the two talked about other topics. Jin Er followed Xiao Shao insightful knowledge and quite how to please women, and Liao Meng's behavior was even more unexpected than him. There is no narrowness in the vision of women in ordinary times, and it is quite insightful, and The temperament is gentle and watery. The two talked very well, but they didn't realize it was late. It wasn't until the evening that Zhou-Mama had a meal. After eating together, Jin Er returned to his home.
            Fang returned to his house. Luzhu, who had done embroidery, went to the kitchen to find some food to fill his stomach. When he met Jin Er, he called out. Jin Er stopped, Luzhu walked over, picked out two pieces of peony cakes from the basket and handed them to him  :   "Today’s new pastry made in the small kitchen, Young Furen, specially reserved two pieces, let's eat."
            Luzhu has a heart full of laughter. Peony cake exudes a special aroma, but Jin Er has just eaten rice. Zhou-Mama has good craftsmanship, and he cooks Jiangnan dishes that he hasn’t eaten for a long time. He naturally ate a little more. Where can I eat pastry. He reached for it and laughed, "Okay, I'll go back to eat later."
            "But two cakes, what do you eat when you go back?" Luzhu said with a lip. "Don't tell me that you Jinyiwei rarely eats peony cakes. Just eat them here. If you are cold, eat them to worry about your stomach."
            Luzhu is also kind. In fact, she said so unintentionally, but this cake was left by Jin Er for her purpose, so she must be happy to watch Jin Er eat her belly. Jin Er frowned, begging for mercy  :   "Aunt Madam, we have eaten outside already. This will really not be able to eat, or I will eat after I return."
            Jin Er said so, and Luzhu couldn't force him to eat. It was just a look of depression, but it was fleeting, and said, "Where did you go today, Jin Yi and they are all in the house, and you ran out alone and had dinner with others. Wouldn't it be Qinglou?"
            She was joking, but Jin Er's face changed slightly, then she laughed  :   "Nonsense, anyway, I am also a person who wants to get married. Why would I go to Qing Lou? Even Miss, no matter how beautiful, still has to be ugly Niangzi Live. "
            Luzhu ‘Called at the words  :   "Who are you ugly?"
            The two laughed for a while, and Jin Er came back to the house. After Luzhu returned to the room, the smile slowly dissipated. Lian-Qiao also joked when he pretended  :   "I heard you talk with Jin Er far away. What's wrong with it, now it's inseparable? "
            Luzhu didn't speak, Lian-Qiao thought she was shy and didn't ask, but she didn't see Luzhu sitting alone in front of the bronze mirror, looking at her palms in a daze, whispering to herself  :   "How can there be orchids? taste?"
            The days are busier every day, and the smile on Luzhu seems to be slowly disappearing. When Jiang Ruan asked Lian-Qiao, Lian-Qiao also frowned, “I don’t know what happened recently. Anxious, but nothing really happened, probably the problem is related to Jin Er. "
            Tian Zhu also said  :   "Jin Er has had fewer days with her lately, and it is a bit unpleasant to come."
            All of her sister-zis agreed that Luzhu was worried about being together with Jin Er and being away from each other. Jiang Ruan did not agree with them. If she said that they would have the emotions before marriage, she did not. If she is too special, Luzhu carelessly caressing about temper, and she will never appear to be in a heavy heart because of this kind of thing.
            With Baizhi lessons learned, Jiang Ruan paid more attention to Xunzi emotions, but Luzhu followed her later and did nothing wrong. Ask her to talk, it seems that it is really because of Jin Er. The matter between the little men and women Jiang Ruan was also inconvenienced, so they had to go.
            If there is anything special, it is Governor Yao, somehow Governor Binhai, somehow, and the idea of climbing relatives to the Royal Palace of Jinying has arisen again. Before being warned by Xiao Shao before, Governor Yao also thought of it. Recently, he started activities frequently. He did not directly come to the post of Wang Jinying, but he also understood the principle of the curve to save the country. He actually posted the post to Guan Lianghan Mo Cong and others. Xiao Shao can reject Governor Yao invitation without hesitation, but Guan Lianghan and Mo Cong can’t. At first they were court colleagues, and second, Guan Lianghan and Governor Yao still had common topics in some matters. Approaching are all martial arts battles.
            The Yao family was eager to move, and Jiang Ruan didn't even look at it. After Luzhu business was busy, she was busy looking at the ministers of the Zhongxuan Pei school. Now, sooner or later, Xuan Li will point his finger at Xuan Pei. This battle between the mountains and rivers, whether Xuan Pei is willing or not, has been involved. Now she can only use Xuanpei memory to help Xuanpei to screen people to ensure Xuanpei temporary safety.
            Xiao Shao is even busier than her. I heard Jin Si said that the people of the southern Xinjiang have appeared in many places in the capital. It is unknown what the people of the southern Xinjiang who are lurking in the capital have to change their face. Court collusion. In fact, it is an indisputable fact that the people of Southern Xinjiang colluded with the people in the court. Jiang Ruan knows who that person is, but there is no evidence now, and it is not good to be scared. Only one step at a time, Now that the enemy is dark, I am bright, but there are many inconveniences,
            When the night was dark, Jin Er finally stepped back to the house on the light of the lantern. Luzhu sits in the room, Jin Er came in to see her, but saw that she had not turned on the light, and asked  :   "Why not turn on the light?" Find a fireman and light the lamp.
            "Jin Er," Luzhu interrupted him before he found a fireman, and said, "Don't you want to marry me?"
            "What are you thinking?" Jin Er was unbelievable, but he forgot to light it, and asked, "Why are you mad again?"
            "In these days, you leave early and return late, I always can’t see you, but when you come back, you talk to me very rarely, even worse than when I first arrived in the house. you……."
            "Aunt Madam, I said that the master of the day commanded me to have a task. I can't always be with you all the time. I'm already tired of the day, and I don't want to listen to such unreasonable nonsense." Jin Er frowned. I don't know if he is really tired, his eyebrows are tight and his tone is not as soft as just before.
            "I'm embarrassed? I'm embarrassed?" Luzhu voice was also raised, and then she seemed to realize this, and then she took a deep breath  :   "I don't want to tell you this, I'm not a fool. You're lying at all. Your aunt didn't give you any task. I asked Jin San. "She couldn't see her look in the dark, but Jin Er couldn't help but feel tight. Luzhu eyes were staring tightly for no reason. Himself, making him uncomfortable all over.
            "No, listen to me ..." What did Jin Er want to say? Luzhu interrupted him and asked, "Jin Er, are you out there?"
            Jin Eryi stunned and then said, "What are you talking nonsense?"
            "I don't know if you're bullshit." Luzhu voice rose involuntarily, and she said, "You deserve me!"
            "I said I didn't, you shouldn't play on the subject." Jin Er has always treated women as affable, and now it is the first time to talk to Luzhu seriously. The impatience in his tone almost made him feel like two people on most days.
            Luzhu didn't want to be outdone, he said angrily  :   "I play by topic? Jin Er, do you want to treat everyone as a fool, teasing me and you think it's fun? Although I was born of a bastard, I can't help but be ashamed. If you regret it, you can tell Wangye to cancel this family relationship. I will never say anything to Luzhu, and I'm not the kind of servant! "
            Jin Erteng stood up for a moment, in an irresistible anger in his tone, and said, "Cancel? You are so light, what do you think of me?"
            "Go!" Luzhu cursed and reached out to shove him. But there was no electric light in the room, and she almost didn't knock herself down with such a shoving. Then, Jin Er snorted, turned around, and closed the door fiercely.
            There was no sound in the room for a long time, and after a long time, the door was pushed open, and Lian-Qiao voice sounded  :   "No light is on, the black light is blind ..." She touched a fire flame to light the oil lamp, Then I saw a person sitting in the room, and ‘called, "You are in the room, why don't you light the lamp ... Ah," Lian-Qiao ‘Called, and then saw Luzhu, who wanted to be cheerful, sitting idly There was tears on his face, and his eyes were already crying.
            There seemed to be a personal shadow outside the window for a long time, hesitated, then walked away.
            In the house on the other side, Zhou-Mama looked at the women who looked better than before, and wondered  :   "Miss, can this really be achieved? That 2-Shaoye has never been soft-spoken. "
            "Relax," Liao Meng laughed. "Men are all the same. They used to not like women being noisy, but women are very sensitive. One or two times, two people will always have a suspicion."

            Chapter 222  :   Witness    

            The quarrel between Jin Er and Luzhu was known all over the palace the next day. The pair of children had always bumped into each other and rejoiced at their enemies. The quarrel was not a big deal, but this time it was quite different. Jin Er Luzhu was bullied and wept, and now Wangfu exploded. Jin Yiwei was standing side by side with Luzhu. Luzhu Miss, with a sweet mouth and a good heart, usually behaved very pleased. Jin Er was a man, and it would be wrong for him to bully a small Miss like Luzhu. The forest steward was naturally angry again, and said that Jin Eryi passed by for a while, and even Ye-Feng and Jin Yi also broke into a conversation with Jin Er for half an hour. Unfortunately, Jin Er was silent from beginning to end. Start.
            Everyone began to worry about Luzhu gradually, but Luzhu was doing things as usual, and he was laughing on his face, seemingly not affected by the incident. However, the more Luzhu was like this, the more everyone felt that her grievance was greater, and it was even more distressing.
            Although Jiang Ruan did not like Jin Er's statement, it is really not easy to get involved in the affairs of men and women under his own family, and Luzhu has repeatedly stated that he does not need to worry about this. Jiang Ruan is not good at all.
            At noon that day, Luzhu came to talk to Jiang Ruan, and Zhang Big-Aunt, who was buying Cai, had a pregnancy and moved his baby's gas, so he went home to take care of it. Luzhu wanted to go by himself. Lian-Qiao said, "Yes, yes, nubi also want to buy something, it is better to let nubi go with Luzhu, and when you look back, you can buy some Cui Yuzhai snacks for Young Furen."
            Tianzhu glanced at Luzhu and didn't speak, Jiang Ruan knew it, and wanted to let Luzhu and Lian-Qiao go out. Luzhu could relax and maybe feel better, and he should have responded. After Luzhu and Lian-Qiao left, Jiang Ruan looked at the account book in front of him and suddenly asked Tianzhu, who was on the side  :   "What happened to Jin Er?"
            Tian Zhu froze slightly, and then a little embarrassment appeared on his face  :   "I don't know."
            "Don't you know?" Jiang Ruan was a little surprised, then lowered his head and thoughtfully looked at the tea in front of him  :   "It's strange."
            The streets of Capital City are still very lively, and the celebrations brought by the New Year have not subsided, and the red lanterns in some shops have not been removed, probably for the sake of color. And the street vendors sell a lot of new gadgets in order to take advantage of this busy time. Lian-Qiao and Luzhu are the sister-zi of the palace. Jiang Ruan does not allow them to go out on most days, but there are many things on most days. Occasionally when they go out, they go into the palace or go to other residences. Most of them ride Carriage, a rare opportunity to walk on the street like this. What's more, today is the purchase on the surface, but everyone knows it well, this is a chance for Luzhu to deliberately relax. So Lian-Qiao was not in a hurry to buy the cloth, but instead pulled Luzhu to walk on the street in a hurry.
            Since Luzhu had a quarrel with Jin Er, Jin Er has not apologized to Luzhu, and the two have been fighting such a cold war. This is very unusual. Although Luzhu doesn't say it, everyone with a good eye knows that Luzhu heart must be very sad. Lian-Qiao pulled Luzhu along the way and said something new in Capital City recently, hoping to make her happy. Although Luzhu smiled, Lian-Qiao had been with her for so long, and at a glance, Luzhu smile was also Very reluctant, immediately a little overwhelmed.
            When the two walked like this, Luzhu was always uninterested, which is rare for her who is the most novel on most days. Lian-Qiao was sad to accompany her but couldn’t help. It was when I didn’t know what to do, but I accidentally saw a shop where a sugar buyer was in front of me. Then she pulled Luzhu with a smile and said, “Look, there are sales Sugarman, Our go and see. "
            Luzhu usually talks a lot, and likes these novelty gadgets the most. He used to be a jerk to the old man who bought sugar. When he saw the sugar man, he felt very kind, but he smiled unconsciously. Lian-Qiao saw her breath relieved, and pulled her forward. Sure enough, he saw the man standing in front of the stall in front of a pillar made of straw, with various large and small lifelike sugar people on it. The sugar man gave a sweet smell, and Luzhu laughed, and pulled out a few copper plates from his sleeve, and said Lao-tou, who is a sugar man, "Shifu, make me a Guan Gong."
            The sugar man Shifu laughed when he heard it, and said "Okay" and started to boil sugar again. When Lian-Qiao saw Luzhu at this moment, he seemed to have forgotten what happened to him, so he was a little bit happy, and said, "I want a Chang'e too."
            Shifu, the sugar man, started to work. Lian-Qiao looked bored and looked around. When he looked at a drug store, he suddenly stunned, and yelled out, "How—" The words just came out and I suddenly realized what was busy. Quiet, only Luzhu heard it, and asked in wonder  :   "What's wrong with you?" Looking at Lian-Qiao eyes, Lian-Qiao wanted to stop but was too late, and saw that Luzhu also followed him in the original For a moment, his complexion became very pale.
            I saw a chubby woman talking to her buddy in a drugstore in front of her. She was about to grab the medicine. The woman was followed by a young woman who was born in a white embroidered long orchid dress. Elegant and beautiful, at first glance, Xiaojie from a large family who knows a lot of good manners is talking to a young man on one side. The man is handsome, with a smile on his face, and turns slightly when he turns his face. Looking down, the relationship between the two is exactly intimate. That man Lian-Qiao and Luzhu is no stranger, it is Jin Er.
            The chubby woman caught the medicine and said something to Jin Er, and Jin Er also smiled, and the three of them went out of the drug store together. Lian-Qiao had a bad heart and was thinking about how to comfort Luzhu. When he saw Luzhu look changed, he rushed out.
            As soon as the young woman got out of the drugstore door with Jin Er, she was suddenly blocked by Luzhu. Luzhu frankness has never been a habitual forbearance. The woman was a little surprised at first, and then asked  :   "Miss, why is this in front of me?"
            Luzhu ignored the woman's words, but just looked at Jin Erke coldly, "Now you don't always say that I am foolish."
            Jin Er's shock passed away, and he said at first glance  :   "You misunderstood, I and her ..."
            "I care what you have to do with her!" Luzhu interrupted him aloud and took a deep breath  :   "Wangye is annoying, please tell me yourself. The relationship between you and me should be a joke, the previous authority When it never happened. "
            "How can you say that, I said it was a misunderstanding." Jin Er frowned. The woman on the side seemed to see something and quickly whispered  :   "This Miss, you misunderstood, 2-Shaoye is just ..."
            "What do you do with my two?" Luzhu cut off the woman's words as soon as she turned around. She grew up in the marketplace, and even ignored her when she was angry. The voice also grew louder. The woman seemed to be the first to meet such a fierce person, and she was startled. She suddenly coughed suddenly, and the chubby woman on the side quickly rushed to bring Luzhu together. Squeezing aside, he said in a hurry  :   "Miss, all right, hey Miss, I'm just getting better. I can go out today, but I have to cause old diseases again."
            When Jin Er saw this, he also helped the woman and asked, "Liao Miss, is it okay?"
            The woman shook her head and said, "It's okay, I'm not careful."
            When Jin Er turned his head again, he had some blunt attitude towards Luzhu  :   "Hurry to Liao Miss, and apologize."
            "Apologize?" Luzhu was so furious that she couldn't wait to hear Jin Er tearing up. The so-called Liao Miss was very beautiful and polite. She felt more and more embarrassed, but she also forced her tears Going back, she smirked and asked, "I don't know what I did wrong, and I apologize?"
            Jin Er angered  :   "You haven't reasoned yet, why did you speak to others?"
            "Then how do I talk!" Luzhu growled.
            "Forget it," the woman was busy persuading, "This Miss is careless, and I didn't hurt anything, 2-Shaoye doesn't have to do this for me."
            "You just suffered from such grievances. Besides, she was rude first." Jin Er helped the woman and said, "I'm sorry to surprise you."
            Luzhu smirked  :   "It's really strange, it's because I made her cough. I'm also blessed by such a sickness, but I don't know when I have this ability, and I'll be safe even for such a sin. On my body."
            When the voice didn't fall, I heard a "snap", and Lian-Qiao, who had just ran, was surprised when he saw the situation. He kept Luzhu behind him without saying a word, and said angrily, "Jinji, what do you want What are you doing? "
            Jin Er looked at his hand blankly, it seemed that he didn't believe that the slap was just waved out by himself. Luzhu was dragged behind by Lian-Qiao, and she was also unbelievable. She had just said what she said under anger, and she used to talk straightforwardly on most days. She was also hostile to this woman. After speaking, she felt in her heart. Then she regretted it, thinking about saying something wrong, but did not expect that Jin Er was for that woman ... Hit her.
            The woman's expression was a little bleak at first, but she was flustered when she saw it, saying, "Miss, 2-Shaoye, hey, you ..."
            Lian-Qiao was very regretful. Today, I was taking Luzhu to relax, but I didn't want to encounter this, but now Luzhu is really sad. She was naturally on Luzhu side, and she was enemies with Luzhu, looking at Jin Er's eyes a little badly. Just wanting to say a few words, but Luzhu stood up behind her.
            From the beginning to the present, Luzhu tried his best to control his emotions. He didn't shed a single tear, even with a slap of Jin Er. At this moment, she seemed to calm down from the unbelievable talent, and looked at Jin Er faintly and said, "Very well, you and I are no longer involved today." She turned around and left, and Lian-Qiao quickly followed. Luzhu walked very fast. She followed Jiang Ruan. The formal style in her most days was a bit like Jiang Ruan. The more she admired someone in her heart, the more she could not help learning her way. Jiang Ruan, if he encounters this, he will probably have to fight for it.
            After Luzhu and Lian-Qiao left, Jin Er was about to catch up, but the chubby woman on the side was ‘Calling  :   "Oh my Miss, why is her face so pale, if the old sickness is off, Miss, but I feel good. "
            Hearing this, Jin Er hesitated for a moment. The lifted foot finally let go, and walked to the woman and said, "It's really bad to look at you, so I'll ask the doctor to take a rest in the house first. Break, let the doctor take a look. "
            Luzhu returned to Jiangfu, but returned to his house without a word. Lian-Qiao comforted her a few words, thinking that this matter may not be known to others, after all, there may be some misunderstandings, but it should be said to Jiang Ruan, and went to the study.
            Jiang Ruan is telling Tianzhu to see Lian-Qiao coming back and saying, "Why did you come back so early?" Not only did they let the two go to distract, it was clear that there was no reason to return so soon. Lian-Qiao was both embarrassed and angry, and Luzhu was still not vindicated. He said, "Young Furen, the nubi failed to complete the purchasing task."
            Jiang Ruan looked at her  :   "What happened?"
            Lian-Qiao heart was full of fire, and she immediately explained the story. If I saw Luzhu and Jin Er in the Cold War before Lian-Qiao, I still think there must be some misunderstanding. Maybe it is Luzhu who blame Jin Er. Now that I have seen Jin Er's behavior, Luzhu can't stand anyway. On the side of Jin Er. After talking about the matter, he said, "No wonder Jin Er was not in the house before. It was clear that Wangye wanted him to do things. Luzhu said that when Jin Er was outside, the nubi didn't believe it. Now he understands it. Jin Er was already outside. Jinwu Zangjiao, alas, it's really a blind Miss like Luzhu. "
            Jiang Ruan was a bit surprised when he heard Lian-Qiao said the source of the matter, and frowned, "What is the origin of that Liao Miss?"
            Luzhu shook his head and said  :   "I can't see it. Looking at it, it seems that the scholar is like a Xiaojie raised by a big family parent, and I don't know why there is a face to do such a thing. It just seduce a man who has a love relationship for no reason. "It's been a long time since Jiang Ruan. Many people like Jiang Susu Jiang Dan, who are used to being gentle on the surface, have seen a lot. Lian-Qiao has prejudice against this type of women, plus such bullying. His sister, Lian-Qiao just wished she hadn't gone up to kick the woman's feet.
            "Jin Er is not such a person." Tian Zhu suddenly said. Seeing Lian-Qiao and Jiang Ruan came to see her, she said seriously  :   "Although Jin Er's temper is bad, he looks irregular on the surface, but he is not a messy person. Since he has a relationship with Luzhu, he won't provoke him. Others. "Tian Zhu usually has a cold temper, and for the first time speaks for Jin Er.
            Only Lian-Qiao couldn't listen, and said, "Tianzhu, you don't know. You are a woman after all, Jin Er is a man. Tomorrow is returning to the west, and the daylight heart is in love. Ordinary men are mean-minded. The heart, in the end, is different from the woman's idea. Moreover, you did not see the scene at the time today, Jin Er actually hit Luzhu for a woman. If it was a misunderstanding, how could he hit his own unspoken wife for another woman? This is to say that Qingqing has no special relationship, and I am afraid it is not believed. "
            Lian-Qiao is so understandable that Tianzhu has nothing to say. Jiang Ruan frowned. She didn’t lose a moment because of Lian-Qiao words. Although she was also displeased with Luzhu, she noticed the unusual places and said, “How can there be more for nothing? A woman, Tian Zhu, do you want to find out what the woman's origin is, and even so brazen that I came to grab someone from me, and I was too sleepy. "
            Tian Zhu went out at the right moment. After Tian Zhu left, Lian-Qiao, who was full of grievances, couldn't help but ask  :   "Miss, still believe that Jin Er is fine. Is Luzhu misunderstanding? But Nu Nu still thinks the woman is abominable. .Even ordinary women also know that they need to keep a distance from other men, not to mention that the person who looks at it is also a ladylike girl who understands rules. Why is it so casual? "
            "Since you can see that the woman has ulterior motives, how can I not see it?" Jiang Ruan stared grimly  :   "This method is actually used on my people. Good, I also want to know what it is People are making troubles. "She is too familiar with the means of this woman. She was born in the palace. There are many ways for women in the harem to fight for favor. In fact, this method is not so clever, but it is almost a victory because the man is instinctual. Once you see the weak side, you will definitely feel pity. Luzhu is straightforward, and confronting such a woman will definitely not be beneficial, it will only annoy Jin Er. However, Jin Er and Luzhu are from the Jinying Palace. Who has the courage to pick him? Jiang Ruan lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea.
            This night, Lian-Qiao, who was waiting for Xingshi guilt, guarded the door where Jin Er lived. Even Ye-Feng, who came to inquire, was scolded by her, making Ye-Feng confused, but It is a pity that Jin Er did not return home that night. Lian-Qiao was almost annoyed to lift Jin Er's house, and finally Ye-Feng talked about how to persuade Lian-Qiao to go back.
            The weather was fine the next day, and daylight shot into the house through the window. This is a neat and elegant cottage decorated, although not very gorgeous, but still quite spacious. There is a scent of orchids faintly floating in the air, and when you smell it, you will feel relieved. On the soft couch was a man lying on his back, already sleeping very sweetly. I don't know how long it took. About the day when Nikko crawled to his face, he woke up, and his clothes still had a faint scent of wine. The scent of wine immediately became a little strong after he moved.
            When Jin Er opened his eyes, he woke up instantly. He sits up sharply and saw a corner of the soft couch curled up with a woman in a disheveled clothes. The woman covered her mouth, but still couldn't stop whispering. Weeping came and hit Jin Er's heart like a thunder.
            At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and Zhou-Mama came in and said, "Miss, breakfast ..." The voice came to an abrupt halt, and she seemed to be shocked as if frightened, and immediately silent. Turned around and ran out, closing the door tightly. The woman seemed to finally sever the last string in her head, and the low weeping sobbed sharply and burst into tears.
            The foolish Jin Er came back to mind, only a few fragments of last night in his mind. He only remembered that after Luzhu left last night, he sent Liao Meng back to the house to find a doctor and look at her. Later, I was really in a bad mood, so I went to the tavern and drank. However, who knew that Liao Meng was pulled back halfway. Liao Meng first came to the capital and did not know where Jinying Wangfu was, so he had to take him back to himself temporarily. Living house. Then, he didn't remember what happened, but at the moment, Jin Er looked at the crumpled bed sheet, jumped in his heart, and saw the stain on the bed sheet, and had already guessed a few points in his heart.
            "Liao Miss, ......" he said hardly.
            "You .... You don't have to say anything. Today I will travel back to Jiangnan. This time, I haven't seen Our this time. It's as if this hasn't happened." Then tears could not stop flowing. This remark just ended, and before Jin Er answered, a figure outside rushed in, not someone else, it was Zhou-Mama. As soon as she entered, she knelt straight in front of Liao Meng, crying, "Miss, why is it so? If so, how would the old lady explain to the dead Lao-ye Fu-ren." She looked at Jin Er, Another breath gave Jin Er a few buzzers, and his head began to bleed. Zhou-Mama choked and said  :   "2-Shaoye, old slave, please, give us Miss, a way of life. This kind of thing happened, in the future Miss, how else to marry, that is, married, how can you live well in people home? Miss, temper, not to mention at this moment, I am afraid I will find short-term after returning home. Old slave I promised that Lao-ye Fu-ren would definitely bring Miss, take it big, and this kind of thing happened, and the old slave couldn’t blame it. It’s better to 2-Shaoye punish the old slave, the old slave is willing to use one of his own Life for Miss, a way of life! "
            "Zhou-Mama, what are you talking about?" Liao Meng followed, crying, and said, "How does this matter have anything to do with you? You don't have to say such words to hurt my heart. This matter is related to 2-Shaoye doesn't matter, it's a misunderstanding. "
            "My Miss, what is this misunderstanding." Zhou-Mama crying is even more sad than Liao Meng  :   "You are a child of my own breasts, how can the old nubi not know what Miss is?" 2 Shaoye, old slave is begging you, please give us Miss, a way of life. The old slave knows 2-Shaoye has a sweetheart, but that Miss, looks good and grows up with Wangfei, no more 2 Shaoye will surely marry a good family in the future, but Miss, how can you marry without you? She can't compare to Miss by Wangfei, ah. It's the slave fault, it's the slave poor care, 2-Shaoye You look at our Miss, she has a gentle temperament and is well-educated. 2-Shaoye will definitely like her. "
            The two servants both cried and said, trying to take responsibility for themselves. Jin Er looked at Zhou-Mama and Liao Meng in a sullen expression in front of him, his head was chaotic, his fingers suddenly hit his waist. He was gradually awake about the same thing. It was a small sachet that Luzhu had sewn with him, and two small goldfishes embroidered on it, very delicate and cute. He paused, slowly reached out to untie the sachet, looked at Liao Meng, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said  :   "This is all mine, not me ... responsible. I will Immediately explain to your mother and propose to the Liao family. "

            Chapter 223  :   Break    

            At noon on the second day, Jin Er came to the house under the watch of everyone, but the steward Lin saw it was a jumpy jump. Although he didn’t know what was going on, he could make Luzhu a little Miss who always smiled and stayed. There was a night of tears in the room, and Jin Er was too confusing this time. Lian-Qiao Although he didn't say anything, the palm print on Luzhu face is obvious to everyone, and people with good eyes can always guess a few points. Although it is unbelievable, they can't help but think about it. So when Jin Er came back, Lin's housekeeper immediately hid his head and covered his face when he had hidden all night.
            Jin Er's face looked even uglier than butler Lin, and seemed to be very tired. But Lin Lin blocked his spit and said for half an hour, but saw Jin Er's hazy eyes gradually woke up, what did he say? Didn't say, just glanced at the housekeeper and walked to the study. The steward Lin froze, and said, "The master hasn't returned yet, Young Furen is inside."
            Jin Er didn't stop and walked over there. The steward Lin was a bit strange at first, then immediately said, "You have to go to apologize, that’s good, Luzhu and Yatou are also the people around Young Furen. You bully people also beat Young Furen's face, and an apology should be, But Jinji, don't blame my Lao Lin for not telling you that women are very caring. You can't easily ask for forgiveness today. You just need to remember that no matter what they say, you will have to suffer. But I said you too, Miss, a good bully, what do you do ... "
            Jin Er's face was very ugly. When the housekeeper saw this, he thought he was regretful, but he didn't know what to say. Jin Er's footsteps were so fast that he left the forest steward behind, Jin San Jin surrounded him, and looked at Jin Er's expression very inexplicably. The steward Lin sighed  :   "What a fuss."
            "What's wrong with Jin Er?" Jin San Jin Si grew up with Jin Er. He already had brotherhood. Only this time Jin Er's work did not feel authentic to the two of them. If Jin Er hit Luzhu by hand, the two were also very unbelievable. After all, Jin Er has always been the most pitying master, but it hasn't happened overnight. On the second day of returning home, they said nothing, and they were a little uncertain.
            "He going to repay Young Furen and Luzhu? I'm afraid it won't be easy," Jin San murmured.
            "Hey, follow it up and persuade him to persuade him or her to leave. Jin Er's fainting for a moment, too." Lin steward sighed and followed.
            Jiang Ruan was writing a letter in the study, and he heard someone knock on the door, Tianzhu glanced, and whispered  :   "Young Furen, it's Jin Er."
            Jiang Ruan didn't let Luzhu wait in front of him today, a good little Miss, crying eyes are swollen like a peach, and it is just the same age as the flower, self-esteem is very heavy, and it is a matter of conscious shame Yes, where can I walk around in the house without incident. Therefore, only Tianzhu and Lian-Qiao were left in the room. After hearing that Jin Er came, Lian-Qiao rolled his eyes with disdain, but Jiang Ruan didn't hear the general Wuzi to write. It's about deliberately drying.
            But no one thought that Jin Er actually pushed the door open and walked in. He was so overwhelmed by such a big move on most days. Lian-Qiao hurriedly said, "You are so brave! Young Furen came in without you coming in. What a rule!"
            Jiang Ruan usually does not abide by any etiquette rules to his descendants, and Jin Er and Xiao Shao close friends need not be so particular. Lian-Qiao speaks like this today on the one hand is shocked that Jin Erlian's superficial rules never did, but on the other hand wants to breathe out for Luzhu. It was just that Jin Er didn't say anything after entering the door. The expression on one face was extremely embarrassing, and he still had a hint of wine.
            Jin Erhan kneeled down and lowered his head and said, "My subordinate is guilty. Please ask the master to punish him."
            Jiang Ruan still ignored him, writing in a stroke, the room was silent, no one spoke, and even the housekeeper Lin and Jin Sanjin who rushed to the outside did not dare to speak, everyone could see Jiang Ruan is deliberately airing Jin Er, and it is understandable to think about it. After all, Luzhu is a close-up Maid of Jiang Ruan, so being insulted is hitting her face, although Jiang Ruan usually looks at Cold, in fact, is the shortest person to protect, what is good about Jin Er.
            Jiang Ruan didn't speak, and Jin Er couldn't stand up until the small half-column incense in the room had burned out, and Jiang Ruan put the pen down, shook the letter paper, dried it, put it in an envelope, put it in To the side. Looking up at Jin Er said, "What is it?"
            With such a cold tone, Jin Er maintained a half-kneeling posture and whispered, "Young Furen, his subordinates came for Luzhu."
            "I don't know about Luzhu, only Lian-Qiao knows." Jiang Ruan said lightly.
            Lian-Qiao won Jiang Ruan's approval, and finally he was able to vent the bad breath in his heart since yesterday, and immediately poured beans like a bamboo tube  :   "What's the use of you to come to Luzhu now? Could it be that you think? A few good words will make Luzhu forgive you for not being successful? Don't treat everyone as a fool, thinking that every woman is dead to you. Although Luzhu is not a big family's Xiaojie, it is also clear and clear Miss, why can’t you toss this way? If you use Luzhu method against Lulou, I'm awful! ”When Lian-Qiao was excited, he would be in Zhuangzi in the early years with those evil nubi They also spoke out scolding words.
            The steward Lin and Jin Sanjin outside the door closed their eyes a bit, and said that Miss, Lian-Qiao, was very sharp-spoken. Don't provoke anyone to provoke her. But Lian-Qiao words seem to mean something different, Xiaojie from big family? Who is this ironic? Can Jin Er really have a good relationship outside?
            Jin Er kept silent without cursing at Luzhu. Lin's steward stroked his beard, and was rather relieved  :   "If you can't fight, you can't curse, but at least this attitude is also good. Women's families are always soft-hearted. Good words coax ... "
            "Young Furen, his subordinates can't marry Luzhu." Jin Er's voice rang in the room before the words of Lin butler had finished.
            Silence, including Tian Zhu, looked at Jin Er violently, but Lin's housekeeper opened his mouth, but for a moment it was just dumbfounded. Lian-Qiao supported her heart, took a deep breath, and said, "You don't have to say these words to scare you, you ..."
            "Young Furen, his subordinates can't marry Luzhu." Jin Er said it again, this time his voice was determined, ringing clearly in everyone ears.
            Jiang Ruan slowly took the tea and took a sip. Of all the people, only her look was the most peaceful. She looked at Jin Er coldly, and her eyes were similar to Xiao Shao. She said, "Why?"
            Jin Erchao Jiang Ruan nodded, his voice deep  :   "It's a subordinate who can't live with Luzhu, this family thing, just forget it."
            Lian-Qiao eye circles became red immediately. She and Baizhi Luzhu were supported from the hardest days. Luzhu was innocent by nature. She also regarded Luzhu as her own little Mei-mei. She was so happy to see Luzhu knowing the relationship, but now she said from the mouth of Jin Er to cancel the family relationship. She felt sad for Luzhu, and even wanted to go up and beat Jin Er. She said, "You are so unconscience ..."
            "You and Luzhu personal relationship is only possible if you and the two are in discussions. You do this, Luzhu knows, and she agrees?" Jiang Ruan's soft words, but his eyes were extremely good, Jin Er met her. Gaze, it was impossible to answer for a while. While he was silent, he could hear a clear voice behind him  :   "I know it."
            Tianzhu also looked towards the door, and saw Luzhu coming from the door. She changed into clean clothes. The bright pink color reflected her complexion a little. Her eyes were still red and swollen under the cover of fat powder. But the expression was extremely calm. She walked in and knelt beside Jin Er, nodded to Jiang Ruan, and said, "Slave begged Young Furen to cancel the relationship with Jin Er."
            She said so solemnly, Lian-Qiao wanted to stop her. After all, getting married was not a trivial matter, but I can think of it. Jin Er is so unconscience, how to persuade, return It's better not to speak.
            Jin San and Jin Si already frowned tightly, but they couldn't get in and rushed to speak, but Lin steward was so angry that he scolded Jin Ermu.
            Jiang Ruan quietly looked at Luzhu for a while, then said, "Luzhu, you don't have to coax me."
            "Slave didn't dare to deceive Young Furen." Luzhu said frankly, she was generous and clear-eyed, but it looked a bit like Jiang Ruan's incident, and she said  :   "This slave relationship before the slave was all done by Young Furen. However, now that the love has been exhausted, naturally it is time to get together and get together. Since Jin Er has offered to take the initiative, it is exactly what the nubi intended. This is the reason for getting together and going together, but only to ask Young Furen to complete it again. The slave had panicked in his heart. This matter had nothing to do with Jin Er, because the slave and him did not marry. "
            She said these words, though gentle but tough, but there was no room to turn around. Jiang Ruan looked down, and everyone couldn't see her eyes. She just slowly touched the white porcelain tea cup lid, and said, "You and the two have already negotiated. I naturally have no room to say anything else. Just Since the family relationship was cancelled, as Luzhu said, there is no fate anymore. In the past, everything was illusory. Since then, he has become a stranger, and he has become a family and a child. He remembered it in the years to come, but it was just a joke. One. "The indifference and cruelty that she said made the people in the room tremble when they listened. Yeah, there was a chance to be the closest person, but in the end it was just a big dream, each with their own marriage. On the surface, it doesn't matter, but when I think of it in the future, it is a pain, especially the two people, who can see that they are also asking each other.
            Jiang Ruan gently rested the tea cup on the table, in a silence, and the sound of her action hit the hearts of everyone like a thunder. Then heavier than that was her words, she asked, "Jin Er, can you think of it?"
            There was a warning tone in this remark, which meant that once Jin Er really decided to cancel his relationship with Luzhu today, Jiang Ruan would never let him have a chance to approach Luzhu again. Hearing this, Jin Er slowly lowered his head and found something out of his sleeve. His fists tightened before reaching out to Luzhu.
            Luzhu took it. It was a small sachet with the goldfish pattern embroidered on it. I wanted to take a good omen of the golden jade good fate, but now it is the original owner, so I took the last trace of the two. May be cut off. Luzhu eyes were still a little bright, but she smiled very quickly to conceal her morbidity, and smiled at Jiang Ruan  :   "Thank Young Furen for success."
            Lian-Qiao Don't go over your head, but tears can't help but finally fall, ordinary people look at it like this, you can imagine what Luzhu thought. Jiang Ruan said lightly  :   "Okay, as you wish." She looked at Jin Er again and said lightly, "I hope you don't regret it in the future."
            Jin Er's expression was gray, and he felt as if he had lost all his reliance for a moment. His eyes were even dull, and there was always a handsome appearance in ordinary times. The steward Lin sighed, said nothing, and turned away. Jin San and Jin Si were a little overwhelmed. I thought that Jin Er returned to the government today but came to admit his mistake. In the end, the two were reconciled. Who knows? How could this be the case. The look of the two also gradually condensed, and Jin Er suddenly proposed a divorce which was too unusual.
            After Jin Er and Luzhu left, Lian-Qiao finally wiped her tears. Luzhu was aggrieved, but she cried fiercely, saying  :   "This is too bullying, Young Furen ..."
            "Don't cry." Jiang Ruan's eyes were a bit cold, only to the side of Zhu Zhu  :   "The woman's origin, I have found out."
            "Back to Young Furen, I found it, but ..." She hesitated a little and then listened to Jiang Ruan. "Just say when you find it." Jiang Ruan Rarely has it been so cold, apparently Luzhu She was already very upset. Tian Zhu didn't dare to conceal it, and said it immediately.
            The woman who came to Capital City to find Jin Er was Liao Meng. When Jin Er hadn't followed Xiao Shao, it was 2-Shaoye from Huang Family in Jiangnan, Huang-Lao-ye. When they passed Dingxi, they went with Dingxi Liao family. There was a fate. At that time, Huang-Fu-ren had just given birth to Jin Er, and Liao Fu-ren also gave birth to Liao Meng. I felt that there was fate. That day happened to be Huang-Lao-ye and Liao Lao ye get drunk and get a baby kiss, even a kiss book. But Huang-Lao-ye returned to Jiangnan later, but he forgot about it. No one has been in contact for more than two decades, but who knows that Liao Meng suddenly came to the door.
            It was the Liao family that had a misfortune. Both Liao Lao-ye and Liao Fu-ren have died. Relatives of the Liao family ate the property of the Liao family. When Liao Fu-ren left, he took out the wedding book and asked Liao Mengqian Come to Huang Family. Huang-Lao-ye is a person who pays attention to letter promises, but Huang-Fu-ren is worried that his son will marry another Miss, which happens to be Liao Meng's body is not good. I want to come to Capital City to find a famous doctor to see The body, by the way, and Jin Er made the matter clear. If Jin Er didn't agree, the matter would go away. Then Zhou-Mama was Liao Meng's nanny, and she entered the capital as soon as she arrived.
            Tian Zhudao  :   "When Liao Xiaojie first came to Capital City, she met with Jin Er and Jin Er made it clear that she had already had a relationship with Luzhu. Liao Xiaojie is also very reasonable, only here The doctor said that it should not be done by boat, Liao Xiaojie said that he would return to Jiangnan when he was well. "
            "What she said is so good, but I went back wherever I was. It was clear that I was robbing Luzhu family. I don’t know how to be blind or blind, and I was blinded by this kind of person. Closed his eyes. "
            Tian Zhu still hesitated, Jin 2-temper, she is clear from the beginning, what the woman did so far did not see anything wrong, and even called it reasonable, how could this look like this? ?
            Tian Zhu couldn't see it, because what Jin Yiwei did was at least not related to the battle between the women in the house, but the woman's hypocritical man couldn't see it, only the woman could see it. Tian Zhu can't see the means, Jiang Ruan can see it, even Lian-Qiao who has been with her for a long time can see that it is wrong. This woman's deliberateness led Jin Er to this point step by step. It was clear that she had a premeditated plan, and in the end, she became Luzhu unreasonable trouble, and picked herself clean from it.
            "Why did you suddenly retire? It's not to marry another." Jiang Ruan whispered  :   "What happened last night, Tianzhu, you should check it."
            Lian-Qiao already hated that woman and gritted her teeth, and when she heard that, she asked with some pleasure  :   "But does Young Furen want to breathe for Luzhu?"
            "It's a bit arrogant indeed." Jiang Ruan looked at his sleeves indifferently, and suddenly smiled  :   "It's not afraid of death to use these methods on my people."
            In the house in the east of the city, the woman who was still crying in the morning and couldn’t help herself had changed into clean clothes at the moment. The light yellow embroidered orchid cotton-padded skirt was not too gorgeous, elegant and just right. Waist, if not the side of a fat woman worried look, all this can be regarded as beautiful.
            Zhou-Mama looked at Liao Meng, but she couldn't help but ask, "Miss, is it really good for us to do this?"
            "But Mama thinks there is something wrong?" Liao Meng smiled slightly. Compared to the morning turmoil, she seemed very calm at this moment. On closer inspection, she could even see a smile of joy from the corner of her eyebrows.
            "The old slave just felt that the reputation of Miss was too serious, and if Huang 2-Shaoye discovered this in the future, how would Miss, finish it, Miss, I must blame the old slave for thinking Too much, Miss, after all, the old slave was a big breast, and this kind of thing can't be ignored .... "
            Liao Meng laughed  :   "Mama is worried, then Huang 2-Shaoye is clever. How could it have been so easy if he had not earned his reputation. As for the relationship," she seemed a little shy  :   "I'm fine As a wife, 2-Shaoye is a good person, and will always live a good life with me. Naturally, these things will not be held accountable. Mama, but I think my means are more insidious? "Liao Meng bowed her head, voice Then it became a little sad again  :   "My father and mother are no longer there, and my relatives treat me so scornfully, and I and I have no choice. If someone like the Huang family misses it, Mu-Uncle will marry me. I made Qieshi for Mishang's son, Mama, I don't want to be Qieshi, that Maid, since she and she are people around Wangfei, I can always find a better one. "
            Zhou-Mama was also sad when she heard the words, and she said, "My Miss, it would be sad to say these words. If Lao-ye Fu-ren is still there, how can I let Miss use her reputation as an introduction? , Miss, is involuntarily, the old slave knows. Then Huang 2-Shaoye is also a man. After Miss, after getting married with 2-Shaoye, Miss, this temperament looks like there is no man who does not like it. It’s better for the old nubi to pass the days. Miss, no wonder. "
            Liao Meng laughed, and spoke a few more words with Zhou-Mama, and Zhou-Mama went into the house to boil the medicine again. After Zhou-Mama left, Liao Meng returned to the room. The pot of orchids in the middle of the house bloomed brilliantly. It is difficult to feed orchids in such weather. It is rare to open them. Liao Meng gently stroked the petals of the pot of orchids. The seductive fragrance seems to smell a lot, and some of them make the population dry.
            She slowly sits down in front of the dressing mirror. In the mirror, the woman Huarongyue looked, and at first glance she knew that she was the daughter of everyone. People do not die for their own sake. If her parents are still alive, she will not cling to Jin Er, but now that it is already the case, people like the Huang family have passed this village and have no shop, and Jin Er is also alive. She is even more determined to win.
            How can a rough girl beside Wangfei Yatou compare with the serious Xiaojie from a big family like her, such an opponent, she can win the judgment with only a few means. As early as Jin Er's mouth, I knew that this Luzhu was a person who could not tolerate people directly. The more reasonable she was, the more guilty Jin Er was, and sometimes he was provocative, and little by little, one day it would lead to The break between the two.
            But this guilt alone was not enough for the two to break completely. Liao Meng slowly smiled and touched the woman's face in the bronze mirror.
            The report of the personal relationship between Jin Er and Luzhu set off a small storm in the Royal Palace of Jin Ying. On that day, the entire Royal Palace was dead and seemed to be in trouble for this matter. Everyone did not expect that this was just the beginning. Since then, a series of ups and downs have surged in the Royal Palace of Jinying.
            On this day, Lian-Qiao is doing embroidery work in the yard with Luzhu. These days, it’s easy to say that Luzhu has finally restored its former appearance, at least on the surface, there is nothing sad, as long as you step out of the first step and say it later. Luzhu was talking to Lian-Qiao, and then saw a third-class escort Maid in the outer courtyard hurried in, yelling in his mouth, "It's not good, it's not good."
            "What's so startled?" Lian-Qiao stood up and asked.
            That Maid stopped suddenly, looked at Luzhu, and then shut up. Lian-Qiao was shocked in his heart, and walked unintentionally to pull up the little Maid and said, "I'll go out with you and take a look. Luzhu, first help me look at the embroidery. "
            Luzhu doubted him, nodded and said yes. After walking outside the yard, Lian-Qiao asked, "What happened?" She faintly guessed that this was related to Luzhu. The little Maid's mouth was flat, but she was about to cry  :   "Lian-Qiao Sister, something went wrong, and outsiders are rumored that Sister Luzhu is using Young Furen to seduce someone else fiance! "

            Chapter 224  :   Battle    

            The Jinying Palace is even more boring these days, almost more deserted than Jiang Ruan before the door. Whenever there is a bit of sorrow on the face, if you don't know what the reason is, you think that something serious happened in the Royal Palace of Jinying.
            However, in fact, something really happened at the Wangfu. Although Wang-Xiao Shao usually behaves low-key in the most days, he can't hold himself too high-profile and his life experience is quite swaggering. Can quickly spread throughout Capital City. What's more, this matter is not a trivial matter of catching cats and dogs. Once there is a relationship between men and women, people interest comes. If you add another bullying, oh, that's amazing, it is the first thing to talk about in a teahouse.
            Luzhu probably did not expect that in his lifetime, he could become a topic of discussion on the streets, but this thing is really not a good thing. The people in Capital City all said, that Jinying Wangfei Jiang Ruan is really not a soft persimmon. At first, from an unloved Di Daughter, she became a Hong-An County Owner recognized by Empress Dowager and married to Jin. In the Wang's Mansion, even his own father had to sue. This wrist was tough enough. I didn't expect that Maid around me wouldn't give up too much, but no, then Xiao Wangye has a powerful subordinate who already has a marriage contract with others in his hometown, but Maid next to Wangfei favored the guard again, and he made Wangfei the master Asked for a family thing. Now that the guard's fiancee is coming to the door, the guard is really a serious host, and he is unwilling to succumb to the pressure of Wangfei, and still cancels the marriage contract with the Maid, to fulfill his promise to marry Miss, .
            People always follow each other, especially everyone preaching. When it comes to preaching in the end, living off is a bully who sees good families and wants to buy and sell, but only between men and women. Passed to the end, Luzhu image in everyone mouth is a vulgar and ugly woman who is unreasonable, and Liao Xiaojie is gentle and considerate, beautiful and generous.
            When this word came to the Wangfu, everyone was angry. Luzhu treats everyone very well on most days, so they have been slandered for no reason, but now everyone in Manjing City is talking about it, it is clarification and no one can listen to it. If you want to protect the short Those who chewed their tongues gave a lesson, and it was really impossible to beat.
            When Jiang Ruan heard this, he didn't say anything, just let Tian Zhu continue to pay attention to the movement of that Xiaojie. As for Luzhu, he smiled after hearing these words. Maybe it hurt her more, it seemed to make her grow a lot overnight, and her behavior was a lot more stable, but the original grinning Miss, became like this, always uncomfortable in the eyes of everyone of. It was Jin Er, but Xu didn't feel that he had faced Luzhu any more, and he didn't like to stay in the palace anymore. On most days, he gradually became ‘mute and almost became the second Jinyi. It was only faintly heard from the steward of Lin that it seemed that he had written back to his hometown to discuss with his parents and Liao Xiaojie's family affairs, but I didn't know the specifics.
            Lian-Qiao had a grievance for Luzhu, but he had looked for Jin once, but only called him for having no conscience. Then Liao Xiaojie was not a good person, and he just let out such dirty water and poured it on Luzhu. In the end, Luzhu is still an unmarried woman. What happened to Jin Er was only known to herself in the Royal Palace of Jin Ying. Now that it has spread, it can be imagined how much it affects Luzhu reputation. In the future, Luzhu wants to find a good one. People are afraid it will be difficult.
            Jin Er only listened to Lian-Qiao scolding in silence, saying that the matter must not be Liao Meng's, and he would find out that the person behind him gave Luzhu an explanation, and the others would not say more. Lian-Qiao was anxious, so he said he was waiting for Jin Er to find out who was behind him.
            On this day, Jiangdong has a rare day, and it has a faint atmosphere of early spring. The teahouse in the teahouse served tea to all the guests before and after the run. In the afternoon, the tea-eating guests talked about the rumors in Capital City these days while holding the seeds.
            "I heard that Maid Luzhu next to Wangfei is also overbearing. I just heard that the guard hadn't discussed the relationship with the original fiancee in his hometown. Then Maid had a big fight with Wangfei. This thing is not over! "Said a thin man in a felt hat, mysteriously.
            The fat man who spoke to him on the other side said "Hi"  :   "You don’t understand. You still have to look at the owner of the dog. How bad is Maid? It is also Wangfei people, and Wangfei naturally wants to favor him. People. But to make such a good thing, I heard that Xiaojie is a big family and reasonable, so how can such a beautiful and gentle woman meet such a ridiculous subordinate? Hey, old I don’t have long eyes, and good people haven’t reported well these days. ”
            The two men said to themselves, but they did not notice that the pair of men and women sitting at a tea table beside them looked different. The man clenched his fists tightly and looked very gloomy. He seemed to be trying to suppress the anger. The woman hesitated and stood up. The man grabbed her by the arm and stopped her, whispering, "Liao Miss, what are you doing?"
            "Naturally, it was for Zhuzhu Miss. I clarified it." Liao Meng was slightly surprised, and then smiled  :   "It's hard to be 2-Shaoye will be watching Luzhu Miss with so much nonsense? You obviously know Luzhu Miss, it’s not like that. It’s not a gentleman to denigrate a woman’s reputation. ”
            Jin Eryi sighed and then said in a deep voice  :   "This matter has not yet come to the fore, but it is futile to explain it now, or forget it, and the truth of this matter is naturally revealed when I find out who is behind it."
            Liao Meng also hesitated for a moment, hesitated for a while, or sits down in the seat and looked at Jin Er said  :   "However, this matter is caused by me anyway, 2-Shaoye, things should not have developed so Situation. I, I think, I will visit the house another day, and personally explain to Luzhu Miss. I want to compensate her. You are in such a situation, it is because of me. "
            "This matter has nothing to do with you," Jin Er lowered his head, his voice was a little low  :   "I did not have a fate with her husband, she is tempered like this, you go to the palace, things are not resolved, but more serious. Is it me? If I live with her, I can’t help you. Even if I am going to atone for sin, it’s my responsibility. ”
            Liao Meng lowered his eyes, looking at Jin Er's fist resting at the table, and finally patted the back of his hand, saying, "Nothing, 2-Shaoye, everything will be fine."
            That night, after Xiao Shao bathed, he saw that Jiang Ruan did not read on the couch as usual, but stared at the screen in front of him, wondering what he was thinking. He went to the collapse and sits down, and whispered, "Why is he so ugly?"
            Jiang Ruan let go of his hand and said, "After you've been busy for a few days, you can't see people all day long, so you finally come back and take a look at the house?"
            The anger in this remark Xiao Shao also noticed that he looked at Jiang Ruan in a puzzling moment, and asked, "Is something wrong in the house?"
            "Not yet your good subordinate," Jiang Ruan sits upright, looking at him very displeased, and said, "I entrusted my Yatou to him, but he was such a unreliable person, and he was so embarrassed. I wouldn't spare him if he were still working under your hands. "
            Xiao Shao was even more confused. He frowned, "Who are you talking about?"
            Jiang Ruan gave him a glance, and informed Xiao Shao what had happened in the past few days. Xiao Shao, when he was busy, came out early and returned late. It was Jin Yiwei who reported things with him, and it was also related to the official affairs of the court. So I really don’t know about Jin Er and Luzhu. At the end, Jiang Ruan said, "What are you going to do now?"
            "How?" Xiao Shao eyebrows frowned even tighter. He really never intervened in the housework of his subordinates, so he looked at Jiang Ruan and said, "What do you want?"
            "Your own subordinates will naturally learn your own lessons." Jiang Ruan tried to beat him  :   "Anyway, he who bullies me is bullying me, and Liao Xiaojie is handing it to me, as for Jin Second, you'd better beat him up. It's never so cheap. "
            Xiao Shao touched her hair and snatched her into her arms  :   "Okay, I'll look for the opportunity to warn him. But Aruan, Jin Er has followed me for many years, and has a decent attitude, Liao Xiaojie you Don't take the hasty step first, it should be misunderstood. "
            Jin Er has been following Xiao Shao for many years. Xiao Shao is also a short guard. Jin Er, the short Xiao Shao, must be guarding. Jiang Ruan is too lazy to fight with him. Yue, said two more words with Xiao Shao before giving up.
            Only Xiao Shao said that he would warn Jin Er when he changed the day. Before that time, something happened again.
            On the second day, Luzhu was holding the kitchenette to order Jiang Ruan to add a medicated meal today, and carefully instructed to prepare to return to the courtyard. Lian-Qiao served Jiang Ruan in the study, and Luzhu only walked into the small yard, and then heard that the guy in the porter hurried to come and inform  :   "Sister Luzhu, there is Miss outside, come to you."
            "Miss ,?" Luzhu said suddenly, "What Miss?"
            The doorman scratched his head and said, "I don't know each other. I looked at my face very well, but Miss, who said that she was a friend of Sister Luzhu, didn't look like a bad person. Sister Luzhu, please take a look."
            Although Luzhu didn't know how to get to know this city, but thinking that if something urgent was delayed, it wasn't good, so he patted his skirt and said, "Okay, I'll check it out."
            When I arrived at the door of the house, I saw a blue woman standing at the door, and the one who was born was also weak Liu Fufeng, who was so elegant and clear, or was burnt into ashes. Luzhu also recognized that it was not someone else, it was Liao Xiaojie, Liao Meng .
            Although Luzhu looks calm on the surface these days, how can a big pot of sewage spill over her heart without being wronged, she was originally the most unbearable temperer. These days these people are afraid of everyone worries, but they will laugh and laugh. Now I see Liao Meng Suddenly, all the anger in my heart was hooked. Everyone said that the person behind the rumor had not been found out, maybe it was not this Liao Xiaojie. But in Luzhu view, even if it wasn't Liao Meng's disparaging words, the matter finally happened because of her. The smile on his face disappeared and he looked at Leng Meng coldly  :   "What are you doing?" "
            "I, I came to pay compensation to Luzhu Miss." Liao Meng didn't seem to expect that Luzhu face changed so quickly, and it was a little shy, but maybe it was the Miss from the big family, and soon calmed down. He gave a ritual to Luzhu and said, "I have heard rumors outside these days, and Liao Meng was deeply frightened. After all, it was all because of me. If it was not Liao Meng who did something wrong, Luzhu Miss, And 2-Shaoye are still a couple, Liao Meng ... both Liao Meng are not. "
            "Dare to be." Luzhu froze coldly.
            Liao dreamed for a moment, suddenly reached out to release the purse, and pulled out a thick stack of silver tickets from her purse. She looked at Luzhu and said, "I ruined your marriage. In this life and in this life, I don't want to forgive you. Ordering silver tickets is the only thing I can do for you, you, you take it. "
            The thick stack of silver tickets also had about the first two silvers. Luzhu was stunned and turned sharply after listening to her words. The expression on her face was already very angry, which was a naked shame to her. Although as a subordinate, it is fair to say that Jiang Ruan never treats her like other masters to treat her under ordinary circumstances, and Luzhu has always been very comfortable with Jiang Ruan. It has been the first time she has suffered such an insult since she followed Jiang Ruan. She took a deep breath and laughed without anger  :   "It's really Xiaojie from a big family. The rules of reparation are completely done, but it's too stingy to just show this sincerity. "
            Liao Meng froze, and then said  :   "Luzhu Miss, I'm coming to the capital now, this is my complete silver, Luzhu Miss, if I don't feel enough, then ..." Liao Meng froze, then kneeled slowly. Came down.
            A Xiaojie looking at the beautiful and generously gave a Maid dressed Miss on the street in front of the Wangfu, kneeling down, and everyone could not help thinking of the earlier rumors. Someone had been watching it a long time ago, although it was not clear what was said here, but it was the Xiaojie look wronged, Maid was aggressive, and someone immediately scolded  :   "Hey, this Xiaojie is really pitiful, this Maid is really bullying, how can there be such aggrieved people, Miss, well, kneeling down on the street. "
            "Yes, yes, I just saw the silver that Xiaojie gave her, and the thick silver ticket, but it was too cruel to receive someone else money and kneel." Celebrity humane.
            "I see that this is the Maid beside the Wang of Jinying Wangfei a few days ago, this kneeling Xiaojie wants to come to be the fiancee of the guard. It's not as good as it sounds. This Maid is just like what others say Irrational and arrogant, but Xiaojie is a pitiful, hey, what a mischievous poor girl, this is a mischief. "
            Standing dozens of meters away from the Fumen courtyard, Lian-Qiao and Jiang Ruan watched from a distance. In the past few days, Jiang Ruan instructed that if anyone came to Luzhu, he would immediately sue him. When he heard someone looking for Luzhu, Lian-Qiao and she came over to see it, and saw it as expected. Lian-Qiao was so angry that although she couldn't hear what the two said, she could tell what she was thinking by looking at the movements of the woman. Nowadays, people outside are pointing at Luzhu. Luzhu is not eating. It's ‘mute. With this in mind, Lian-Qiao looked at Jiang Ruan a little anxiously  :   "Young Furen, when do we have to wait until Luzhu can be bullied."
            Lian-Qiao didn't know why Jiang Ruan had already arrived, but he watched everything happening here without a word of silence, even before he came forward to support Luzhu. Just listen to Jiang Ruan said lightly  :   "Let her remember her for a long time. Luzhu is pure in nature. Since this matter is unavoidable, she must also look at some things through it. Some women in the world are brutal and vicious. Evil is superficial, and such a person is easy to solve. Some women are used to being gentle condoms. The more vicious means, the more pure the outside, the battle between women and women, Luzhu will inevitably meet in the future, she Always see, you won't be dazzled by this beautiful knife in the future. "
            After hearing this, Lian-Qiao stopped talking and stood silently.
            The first time Luzhu encountered such a scene, there was Jiang Ruan sitting in the town in the past, and for the first time, he met a man who used to play tricks like Liao Meng. The people around her clearly saw that she was looking at a wicked man. Luzhu heart was aggrieved. If she had always done this, she would have thought about the whole face of the palace and swallowed it. But looking at Liao Meng's face with sincere regret in front of her, she was still like a victim, and the anger in her heart came up again. If Jiang Ruan encountered this situation, she would not swallow it. Since she was said to be bullying, she couldn't bear the stigma for nothing.
            When everyone didn't respond, they saw Luzhu quickly walk up to kneeling Liao Meng and raise her hand, only to hear three crackling sounds, and Leng Meng's face suddenly showed a fingerprint.
            The family members who did not dare to go out after being instructed by Jiang Ruan were stunned when they saw Luzhu so violent. Lian-Qiao was also a little surprised. Luzhu had a strong mouth, but he was always a gentleman. Such a small and flirtatious Miss missed the three slaps without blinking, and looked at everyone.
            Jiang Ruan, however, couldn't help laughing, and he also took some praise in his eyes.
            Liao Meng also did not expect that Luzhu said to do it, and was stunned by Luzhu slaps. He actually forgot what to do next, but Luzhu looked at her with a smile and said, "I thought this was the case. Although it’s because of you, you may not be a bad person, but it’s a coincidence. Now I just saw your knees, and I realized that I really thought wrong. How could you be so rude? You are not the only one who wants to use this method to bully me. I also think that I am a big family, and I am really going to laugh at my big teeth. I’m hitting you today, and I will also be a bully for those years. Miss, be fair! "
            "Luzhu!" As soon as this was finished, he heard Jin Er's voice sounded. He Xu was also startled by the sight in front of him. He almost walked to Liao Meng without any hesitation and helped her up, angrily. "How can you hurt people in a random way, apologize!"
            "Tell a fart!" Luzhu scolded casually  :   "It's nothing but three, I told you a long time ago, don't treat everyone as a fool. When you slapped me, now I slapped her three times, but also No loss! "Luzhu really has the talent to be a playboy brother. In such a conversation, Jin Er was a little ‘mute, and the disdain expression on her face was even more surprising, almost as if they were two people on most days.
            Liao Meng pushed out Jin Er's hand and smiled at Luzhu. He said, "Luzhu Miss, I have grudges in my heart. It is what I deserve. This is what I deserve, even the slap."
            "What am I doing to you?" Luzhu was about to turn around and heard it, and then turned back and smirked  :   "Liao Miss, what I said forced you to kneel? I forced you to give me silver It’s Liao Miss, who said he wanted to repay me. It’s Liao Miss. It’s his own action. Is Liao Miss’s so-called compensatory gift? I saw it for the first time. "
            "Enough!" Jin Er interrupted Luzhu, his expression was already very angry, grabbed Luzhu hungry and said, "You are too much, if you have resentment., You can vent to me, why not take an irrelevant person?" Out of breath. Apologies! "
            This is the irony to ask Luzhu to apologize. After all, Jin Er is a martial arts practitioner. Such a force holding Luzhu hands is so hard. Luzhu almost wants to fall from the tears he pinches, but stares at her stubbornly. speak.
            "It's so lively outside, I don't know when, any cat or dog can make waves in front of my Jinying Palace." There was a sound of laughter in the door, but I didn't know why it was in the ears of people outside. Teach people hearts, including Liao Meng. She looked up and saw a beautiful woman in red coming out of the door of the house, followed by a group of family members. She still had a smile on her face, and her tone was very gentle, but her eyes were clear like autumn water At times, it seemed to be cold with a sharp blade.
            "Young Furen ..." Luzhu had some red eyes when he saw Jiang Ruan, and Jiang Ruan came out to support her at this time.
            Jin Er and Liao Meng had not spoken yet, Jiang Ruan watched the two of them speak before they said  :   "Jin Er, I don't know if you have any entanglement with this Miss, what kind of grudges and entanglements. But I did It seems that people around me say that my Maid used my momentum to bully others, but this Miss, but took the initiative to come to the door. I don’t care what the reason is, this Miss, teaches people to tell me Maid is talking about me, talking about me is talking about the face of the Royal Palace of Jinying. Do you want to discredit the face of the Royal Palace for your personal affairs? "
            This remark was soft and soft but irrefutable. It clearly meant that "what is right is short". Jin Er lowered his head and said Shen  :   "Jin Er dare not."
            "I know you know the rules. Without rules, you can't make a round," Jiang Ruan smiled. "Now, take this Miss who doesn't know where to come from, get out."
            Liao Meng trembled her hands and looked up at the woman. The corner of the woman's lips was still laughing, but her eyes were cold and cold.


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