Ill-Fated Consort 200

            Chapter 200  :   Old Forest Of Dreams    

            Jiang Ruan, after taking the medicine, I wanted to rest on the couch earlier. Who knew that instead of falling asleep on the couch, I just felt irritable in my heart. It was a cold winter and I didn’t feel cold. There was a fine sweat on his forehead.
            She thought it was a problem of medicinal materials, but she didn't take it seriously, she just rolled over and pulled the quilt down. Who knew that for a while, it became hotter. Not only that, but an unfamiliar tide was flowing in her body, and she vaguely guessed something, but she felt incredible. I wanted to sit up, but I felt strangely soft.
            "Xiao Shao." Jiang Ruan couldn't help but yell, and that voice surprised her. The end is charming and gentle, soft and charming.
            Xiao Shao heard the words, looked up, and looked at Jiang Ruan's appearance is also a little surprised. I simply put down the book, walked to the bed and sits down. Although the face was still cold, I couldn't help but worry  :   "What's wrong?"
            Seeing Jiang Ruan's blush was so severe, he frowned, and reached out to Jiang Ruan's forehead. Xiao Shao hands were slender and cold, and he touched Jiang Ruan's head. Jiang Ruan could not help but sigh comfortably. She was taken aback, she just felt that she was a little shameless to face Xiao Shao. However, her body is more honest than reason. She is hot at the moment, and she really loves Xiao Shao cold body, and snuggles to Xiao Shao next to her.
            "You ..." Xiao Shao suddenly withdrew his hand and took hold of Jiang Ruan's wrist to take her pulse. Jiang Ruan fluttered, Xiao Shao acted a little, and suddenly he found something, and his dark eyes looked at Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan saw his expression and probably knew what had happened. Shy and embarrassed for a while, but could not restrain the urge to rub beside Xiao Shao, he had to grit his teeth and desperately hold back the anger in his heart.
            Xiao Shao retracted his hand, his voice was cold and cold  :   "I'll call Xia Qing." Nevertheless, there was a hint of anger in the words. Regardless of who wrote the matter today, it would make Jiang Ruan's body inappropriate, even if it was a prank.
            "Xiao Shao." Jiang Ruan grabbed him. She didn't actually use much strength. At this moment, all her thoughts were fighting the flames rising from her body. Where is the extra strength? Xiao Shao stepped back and looked back, saying  :   "It's okay, I just made a mistake."
            He was still about to be relieved, Jiang Ruan half-opened his eyes stupidly. At this moment, she seemed to be split into two people. One was surging in the strange feeling, and the other was sober. Looked at everything in front of me. The young man in front of him is always Heyi-this makes his inherently indifferent temperament more like a layer of frost, as if he has abandoned all desires. It is really hard to imagine that there would be such a cold man in the world. At this moment, Yan Junmei was beautiful, her thin lips clenched tightly, and her frowns looked slightly delicious.
            tasty? Jiang Ruan grabbed his corner of his clothes and spit out three words in a difficult way  :   "Don't go."
            "Don't worry." Xiao Shao didn't seem to understand what she meant. Seeing her insistence on the way she was afraid she might fall, she sits down on the couch and said, "I'll be back soon."
            Jiang Ruan was a little annoyed. She now understood what she said, Xiao Shao was still so ‘mute. At this moment, she was as hot as a soldering iron. As she approached Xiao Shao, the cold and clear breath of the man's body came, almost making her unable to restrain it. In fact, Jiang Ruan did post it. She looped around Xiao Shao neck, and embarrassed Xiao Shao.
            Xiao Shao A flush appeared on the fair-skinned Jun's face. He wanted to push Jiang Ruan away, and only said  :   "Obey, let go." The next moment, he felt that he was heavily hit. Unexpectedly, he was knocked down on the couch, and then a soft body fell on him.
            Jiang Ruan held up his body hard, staring at him fiercely, his face was already made red by that medicine effect, a pair of eyes were almost dripping water, and the voice became soft. The beach water, but also had to show full momentum, almost ‘called  :   "I told you not to go!"
            But no matter how loud it is now, hearing Xiao Shao ears is just like coquettish.
            Xiao Shao silently stared at Jiang Ruan, who was lying on his body, and said quietly, "Do you know what you are doing?"
            Jiang Ruan's eyes are as vicious as a hungry wolf, and he is worthy of a beautiful face that upsides all sentient beings. The eyes are soaked like a little fox in the forest. If it is not a saint, I am afraid he will be emotional. Xiao Shao body was really cold, so lying on his back like lying on an ice cube, Jiang Ruan sighed contentedly. She naturally knew what it meant to do so. The relationship with Xiao Shao has become somewhat unusual since it was detoxified, but she has always been a slow person. If she always follows her temper, I don't know what time to wait. She and Xiao Shao were originally husband and wife. What's more, she doesn't exclude being closer to Xiao Shao.
            Xiao Shao, this man is too gentle and gentleman. If she hadn't obtained her consent, she would not have requested to share the room. And with her temper, I wouldn't say it when I wanted to. Might as well take advantage of this time, as if to give herself a step down, missed this time, she did not know if she would have the courage to proactively show Xiao Shao attitude in the future.
            It is rare that her mind is so clear at this time, but when she confronts Xiao Shao dark eyes, she feels like being sucked in. Jiang Ruan's heart fluttered, and he suddenly raised his lips and smiled, “Do this.” He raised his hand and pulled the belt of Xiao Shao with all his strength.
            Xiao Shao was stiff, and the suspicious flushing in his face became clearer. I don't know why, the cold body under him doesn't seem to be colder than before either. Jiang Ruan sits on him and looked down at him  :   "You and I are husband and wife, and I am doing what my wife should do."
            Xiao Shao long eyelashes fluttered slightly, his eyes were sharp, but his tone was soft  :   "Aruan, don't you regret it?"
            Jiang Ruan didn't say a word, slowly leaned down, and plucked courage to take a sip around his neck. She has always been a person who understands restraint. This medicine is actually not as strong as imagined, at least not heavier than the previous one. But now she can be considered a fool to continue this opportunity. Fortunately, her face was red at the moment, but she could not see her special emotions.
            Xiao Shao squinted his eyes, his whole body seemed to be tight and tight, and Jiang Ruan looked like a cat around his neck. Jiang Ruan didn't have much experience. It was probably the Courtyard in the booklet that she had seen before entering the palace. She was kind of indifferent, and wanted to do what she wanted to do. Before she thought of it, she was caught in a cold hand. In my palm.
            Jiang Ruan slightly lifted her body, a little puzzled, but she didn't expect that when she was snow-skinned, she leaned her arms to look at Xiao Shao, and her long black hair dropped behind her, one of them Naughty in front of her, charming eyes, silky lips, delicious lips, as if falling into the essence of the world, every move is ecstatic.
            Jiang Ruan has always known the beauty of being born, and he is expected to be not bad at the moment. However, she didn't expect Xiao Shao action, Xiao Shao stared at her tightly, her eyes were deep, the affection contained in the dark eyes was almost going to swallow people, Jiang Ruan paused , Suddenly provoked Xiao Shao waist provocatively, and immediately felt Xiao Shao body tightened. She was just proud of herself, and the next moment she felt the sky spin, and she and Xiao Shao position fell down. height. Xiao Shao looked down at her, holding one hand against her pillow. His eyes were cold, his dark eyes resembling a deep lake. At this moment, the lake was tumbling, strange emotions were overwhelming, and his breath was burning, and a dangerous breath was blowing.
            Jiang Ruan was sensitively aware that something was wrong, and only felt that Xiao Shao is very different today than in the past. In such a direct glance, she felt a little guilty for a moment. She was struggling to get rid of Xiao Shao at the moment, but she had no energy at this moment, and she was sweating. The charmingness of the woman was revealed casually, and the style of her eyes was really heartbreaking. Xiao Shao voice was mute and mute, as if trying to restrain something, saying, "Don't move."
            Jiang Ruan reacted immediately, and he didn't dare to disturb now. Originally thinking of this matter being decided quickly, today it was so bold to take advantage of the courage to finally get enough. Who knows today it is difficult to ride a tiger. The tension in her heart had long drowned the original mood. However, the more we approached the moment, we started to wake up.
            Hesitating about what to do next, Xiao Shao suddenly turned over and sits up. He decided to stop there again, and Jiang Ruan's inexplicable heart was a little lost. But when Xiao Shao sits up, he did take off his boots and coat, turned his head, and faced Jiang Ruan's lost eyes, and he couldn't help laughing.
            Jiang Ruan was stunned, and then there was another kind of anger that was captured. Why did she lose this kind of thing? As if she was greedy for the beauty of Xiao Shao, she was looking for a reason, but she saw that Xiao Shao had leaned over, and she didn't dare to move all of a sudden, and then, her lips became soft. Blocked.
            Jiang Ruan can clearly hear the sound of his and Xiao Shao heartbeat. It's probably that he never did such an intimate thing with others in this life. This kiss was extremely long. When he let go, Jiang Ruan had only been breathing for a while, and her body was already soft.
            Jiang Ruan at this moment was kissed by Fangze, and her lips became more and more delicate, just like the red cherry blossoms of May. And she leaned her head back slightly, and her long black hair was winding on the big red pillow, her eyes were charming, her eyebrows were curved, her lips were red and white, and it was truly amazing.
            Jiang Ruan's face was getting hotter with his eyes, but he didn't want to be seen by Xiao Shao to see his guilty conscience. He just wanted to blow out the light, and didn't want to move it slightly. Xiao Shao went again. Bullying him, his expression was not as indifferent as usual.
            Although she has experienced all kinds of storms in this past life, this is the first time that the relationship between men and women has happened. It was strange and nervous. The bold provocations at the beginning had all disappeared, but there was no turning back to open the bow. At this moment, it was naturally impossible for Xiao Shao to stop.
            Can't stop here, Xiao Shao is really grind on her like this, Jiang Ruan gritted his teeth and said, "You ... hurry up."
            Xiao Shao was a little stunned again. At this moment, the light was still on. Xiao Shao face was really a curse to the country, and a pair of deep eyes seemed to sparkle with stars. He whispered, "Aruan."
            Jiang Ruan slammed his lean waist again, and looked at him with a bit of sorrow  :   "I ... I can, you can hurry up."
            Xiao Shao smiled slightly and said softly, "Aruan, you are too late to regret it now."
            As if it was a silent bloom of red plums in winter, beautiful and eye-catching, only the beauty of this plum blossom in the world smashed into the hearts of the plum-watching people. The petals were trembling and timid, and in the cold winter days, different beauty would bloom. Snowflakes are indifferent and crystal clear, and red plums are charming and warm. This is a beautiful combination of heaven and heaven, and anyone will lose sight of it. However, they bloomed quietly at night, and no one knew that it presented the beauty in front of the world in an intimate manner.
            The sound of gurgling in the night was almost far away, and even in the cold winter, the room seemed to be filled with enthusiasm. Life is one period and one meeting, and that's probably the most intimate communication that night. As if those disgruntled dissatisfaction disappeared, the two were united in the most frank manner ever since. The darkness and sorrow of the previous life, the endless pain hidden in my heart, and the secrets that cannot be called, all seem to have changed tonight. There is a person in this world who has stood side by side with you in the name of husband and wife. This is an unfamiliar period in Capital City, but it is also looking forward to.
            Xiao Shao turned over from Jiang Ruan. After a fierce spring festival, Fang was sweating all over. Jiang Ruan was lying on the couch. As long as he thought of Fang's own initiative, he thought Sleep directly in the pillow. Just thinking about being so proactive the first time, Xiao Shao will think of it in the future, and I'm afraid it will make me feel funny.
            Xiao Shao caressed her long hair and said gently  :   "I asked someone to come in."
            "No need," Jiang Ruan called in anxiety, and at first glance Xiao Shao eyes felt a little awkward. However, asking for water at this moment is undoubtedly an indication of what the whole palace has done today. She is also accustomed to presenting her like this to others, especially such private things. But looking at his sticky whole body at the moment, if he can't make a fool of water and can't justify it, he will be a little tangled.
            Xiao Shao gave her a thoughtful look and nodded  :   "I'm going to fight, are you still in pain?"
            He saw Jiang Ruan's concerns at a glance, and he was very considerate. Just talking about body pain immediately made Jiang Ruan treat each other before those intense pictures. "It doesn't hurt." Jiang Ruan replied quickly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a soreness coming down from his body, and he couldn't help complaining secretly. The bed seems to have become a personal person. He was really trained in martial arts, and his physical strength was surprisingly good. She has always been able to tolerate, but also felt a little overwhelmed. Piansheng's uncle was bad-minded, she had to ‘Call. She has never felt so embarrassed since this lifetime, Xiao Shao is really dark. Why didn't you see it on most days?
            Xiao Shao couldn't help pulling his lips, and slowly said, "Okay, I'm going to boil the medicine." The word boiled medicine meant something meaningful, as if it had an extremely timeless meaning and a look One indifferent.
            Jiang Ruan hesitated for a moment, thinking of the bowl of medicine before it, and it became a soup medicine and a soup medicine. It was originally thinking that the medicine can make today's things, and it is probably nothing. Who knows that after the efficacy of the medicine fades, it is so out of control. Thinking about it now is really shameful. The Jinyi guards in this palace have always had good ears, and maybe even heard the movements in their room in their ears. The thought of Jiang Ruan looked a little bit indignant at the thought.

            Chapter 201  :   To the Thin Hall    

            Xiao Shao really got over the water soon, as if he had said a few words outside, if he wanted to come, it would be Lian-Qiao and Jin-Ruan. When Xiao Shao reached the collapse, Shu-mu Mu would bend over and hug her, Jiang Ruan said, "What do you do?"
            "You don't let Maid come to serve, I'll hold you over to freshen up." Xiao Shao answered with a temper.
            "No need." Jiang Ruan lifted the quilt and jumped down  :   "I'll wash it myself." If she wanted to wash herself with Xiao Shao like this, she would pretend to be calm and afraid she would not be calm No sooner did he feel that he felt sore and weak, and immediately stopped.
            Xiao Shao looked at her with a lot of time, and suddenly smiled, "I won't do anything."
            Jiang Ruan thought at the moment that I was afraid that it was really difficult for me to cleanse, and then it turned out to be arrogant. He nodded, and Xiao Shao bent over and hugged her towards the wooden barrel behind the screen. The two of them had some trouble, Jiang Ruan was very tired, Xiao Shao looked very refreshing, and picked her up effortlessly. When she was allowed to sit in a wooden barrel, the gentle water was very comfortable. As soon as Jiang Ruan relaxed, he felt his eyelids heavy, and he didn't know when he slept. After Xiao Shao carefully helped dry his body, Jiang Ruan had already slept soundly, Xiao Shao smiled, hugged her back to the couch, and quilted her.
            He was afraid that Jiang Ruan was tired and always thoughtful for the first time. At this moment, seeing how she slept well, he felt distressed and leaned over her forehead and kissed gently. Lian-Qiao came in with the medicine bowl, Xiao Shao shook her head silently, and Lian-Qiao knew it, and chuckled back out.
            This night, exactly how many people in the Wangfu knew about the puppets, and only the dark guards lying on the eaves of the corners of the branches knew. However, the final bet on Jinsi bet was the dealer's own. Jin Si generously used the gambling money to invite everyone to drink and drink. When the wine was hot, several dark guards were crying with joy, it seems that they saw the next little master of the Jinying Royal Mansion already running on the way to and from the Royal Mansion. .
            Jiang Ruan woke up the next morning, and after a night's sleep, he felt as if he had been run over by something, even more than last night. The quilt around was flat, Xiao Shao wasn't on the couch, she sits up on her back, the door squeaked open, and Xiao Shao came in with a bowl of medicine. Seeing Jiang Ruan woke up, put the medicine bowl on the slumped table, reached out and touched her forehead, and asked, "Are you still in pain?"
            Jiang Ruan  :   "..."
            Xiao Shao couldn't help laughing again. Since these days, he often laughs, and he looks like he was born well. Such a smile is even more beautiful, like a peach blossom, and he feels very full when he is full. Jiang Ruan compared himself, stretched out his own medicine bowl, blew it, and drank it with a few mouthfuls.
            The medicine is about the prescription prescribed by Xiao Shao, but it is also sensitive. After drinking it, I just feel that my body is warm, and even the soreness is relieved a lot.
            After she finished drinking, Xiao Shao took the empty bowl in the hands of Jiang Ruan and said, "You'll rest in the house today."
            "No." Jiang Ruan shook his head  :   "Today's trial, I have to go there." After thinking about it, she said  :   "My body is almost finished after drinking the medicine, go and listen Cases are always fine. You don't have to worry. "
            Xiao Shao knows that Jiang Ruan has always had his own idea. It is a good attitude to admit wrong things. Next time, he should ignore his body or his body. It was about a spelling, but he was distressed but helpless. He said, "I let Jinsan follow you. The people in the department will probably not be in trouble with you."
            What he meant was to imply someone who had previously been a case manager. Jiang Ruan looked at him  :   "I sued my biological father. Someone in Capital City will inevitably say that, and it will even affect your reputation. Put Jinying Palace in an awkward position, do you think I did something wrong? "
            "He is not your father." Xiao Shao said lightly  :   "You have no relationship with the Jiang family now." Jiang Ruan said for a moment, only listening to Xiao Shao again  :   "You marry Jin The Wangfu is the family of my Xiao family, whether revenge or reversal, Xiao family is your patron. "
            His expression was firm, his words were mild, and he was clearly the coldest person, but his heart was always warm and joyful. Jiang Ruan smiled  :   "Xiao Shao, thank you."
            It is not a verbal thank you, nor is it an acknowledgment of the ally as a ally, this thank you is sincere and sincere. It is always rare in the world for someone to stand behind you forever no matter what you do, that person insists on working with you. This is love and justice.
            "No need." Xiao Shao Waner  :   "Thank you very much, just be more warm at night."
            Jiang Ruan  :   "..."
            Suddenly in the palace, Xuan Pei was listening to the news from Mingyue Bao, and smirked  :   "Jiang Quan is about to end, and he dared to deal with her in earlier years. Now it is time to take responsibility. Xia-Yan and Jiang Susu aren’t all good things when they die. Don’t he think there is a chance for life? Ridiculous. "
            Mingyue stood silently aside, she knew that this little master of her had a special relationship with Jiang Ruan, and it seemed that the two had a special relationship. But what Xiao Shao couldn't find out, she couldn't find out a secret guard. Although he was puzzled, he knew that Xuan Pei always guarded Jiang Ruan at all times. Now the story of Jiang Quan is spread all over the city. Being a father but being so unkind to his own daughter is a Ordinary people have to scold wolf-hearted dogs, let alone Xuan Pei, who is close to Jiang Ruan.
            "Will you let you go to the division?" Xuan Pei played with the night mingzhu with a big pigeon egg. It was a gift from the emperor who saw his homework strategy very well yesterday. That night mingzhu-it's not uncommon in the palace, it's something that will be jealous even when resting in Xuanhua. Now Xuan Peiman doesn't care about playing with it. It is enough to explain Xuan Pei status in the court. Prince, the waste that was not to be favored by everyone, is gone, and no one dares to belittle him.
            "His Royal Highness," Mingyue asked puzzledly, "Xiao Wangye must have said hello to the Secretary of the Department. Even if His Royal Highness did not take any action, the Secretary of the Department would not let Jiang Ruan get any good. Why is this so? "Xuanpei was under the surveillance of everybody with every intention. If someone found out that he had intervened in the case of Jiang Ruan, the case manager, I don't know what messages would come out. The best thing in the palace is to protect himself, especially Jiang Quan's case can be resolved satisfactorily without him.
            "What Xiao Shao does is what he should do, and what the hall is doing is what the hall is doing. What does the hall want to do, but it still needs to touch him?" He always slipped his head, Wang Jinying put pressure on him, and with this coming back from the temple, they will also realize that this matter is no small matter, and they will naturally spare no effort to hit Jiang Quan. Anyway, if you can give Jiang Quan more Adding some criminal law, this temple is very happy. "
            Mingyue shrugged helplessly, Xuan Pei hostility towards Xiao Shao never diminished, but it seemed a little childish to Ming Yue as an adult, and it was rare to show up in Xuan Pei, who has always been mature And I always feel a little bit jealous of fighting with Xiao Shao, naturally eating Jiang Ruan's vinegar, but Xuan Pei is only now big, and Mingyue just said that he was more attentive.
            The entrance of the department's lobby is already full of people who are watching it. The department's department has always been famous for a fair trial. Each trial is a private matter between big families and nobles in Capital City. People naturally want to come Look at the hilarious dictation secret. Therefore, if they were not forced into a dead end, most people would not return the lawsuit to the case. After all, family ugliness should not be publicized, and no one wants to take out those private ugly things in their own family and become the talk of others in the broad daylight.
            When Jiang Ruan arrived, a natural uproar was caused again. It was the first time ever to sue the biological father. It was Jiang Ruan who made this matter, and the famous County Owner in front of Empress Dowager, who was anonymous in Jiangfu, is now the inscrutable thief Wangfei. Every identity of Jiang Ruan is embarrassing. Admittedly, there are many jealous eyes, but more envy.
            What Jiang Quan did was of course unforgivable, but Jiang Ruan's approach was also six relatives’denial, and people were clearly divided into two groups. A group of people insisted that Jiang Quan should be guilty of death. Although Jiang Ruan's approach was exceptional but excusable, a group of people felt that Jiang Ruan had violated the human relations since the beginning of the Jin Dynasty. It is filial to sue your biological father to the court.
            No matter what other people think, Jiang Ruan never cares. She got off the carriage, and today she wore a patterned outfit with a complex pattern and solemn patterns, which set off her whole body, and the color of the satin fox pleats on the outside was like a burning fire. Generally enthusiastic, it snowed all night last night, and the snow this morning was half a foot high, and in a piece of silver clothes, only her red dress was beautiful, standing cold and pretty. That glamour almost required people to hold their breath involuntarily.
            Rao is a case officer who treats people who come to the court without discrimination, and can't help showing a little respect when facing Jiang Ruan. This Jiang Di Daughter should not be underestimated. Their boss ruled that Sun Xu had specifically ordered their men last night to be kind to Jiang Ruan. Even people like Sun Xu who are not afraid of power and status can be treated so importantly, and want to come behind this Jiang Di Daughter.
            In comparison, Jiang Quan received a treatment that was worse than eighteen thousand miles. Sun Xu had a strange temper in the dynasty, and he was almost a fearless person. Even facing his former colleagues, he would not give him a good look. Jiang Quan cares most about his face, and now he has a short head in front of Sun Xu for no reason, as if he were a criminal tried by Sun Xu. He is already angry.
            Jiang Xinzhi was discussing military matters with former generals at the barracks today. Jiang Ruan entered the lobby and found that Zhao Guang and the three brothers of the Zhao family were also there. Zhao Yuanfeng met her and said enthusiastically  :   "Aruan."
            Zhao Mei is a member of the Zhao family. Although it was said that he had broken up with the Zhao family many years ago, the Zhao family had never raised this filial daughter, but in fact, the relationship between blood and blood was constantly cut. Especially the mingzhu-Zhao Zhao holds in his palm, when the Zhao family knew Jiang Ruan sued the Jiang family to the boss of the case, they burst into a thunderous thunder. If it wasn't for Jiang Xinzhi help and persuasion, I'm afraid Zhao Guang had already rushed into Shang Shufu and chopped Jiang Quan to Zhao Mei for funeral.
            The Zhao family has never guarded their shorts, and today, when they come to the Division of Justice, it is no doubt that the Zhao family
            Attitude. Zhao Mei is the daughter of the Zhao family. If Zhao Mei death was not an accident, and even had a relationship with Jiang Quan, then the Zhao family would never give up.
            Jiang Ruan stepped forward to greet the Zhao family one by one. The daughters of the Zhao family and several grandchildren never came. Li-shi originally regretted Zhao Mei affairs. If he learned the truth in the public hall, he would inevitably be excited. Jiang Ruan greeted the Zhao family, but Jiang Quan was missed. Jiang Quan on the one side only felt that the surrounding eyes were turning on him, and he felt very angry and yelled, "Not a child!"
            As soon as Zhao Guang stared, he wanted to scold him. He didn't want Jiang Ruan. He opened his mouth and asked Jiang Quan, "I don't know who Jiang Shangshu said?"
            Jiang Quan didn't expect her to be so ruthless as soon as she came out, she immediately said angrily  :   "Facing her father's attitude this way, I don't know where to learn etiquette and integrity!"
            "Jiang Shangshu may be mistaken." Jiang Ruan smiled. "Yesterday, half of the blood was paid off. There is no longer any conflict between the palace and Shangshu. Where is the father?"
            Jiang Quan was lingering, and everyone recalled that Jiang Ruan took a dagger in the snow yesterday to absolutely cut away the back of his hand, and Jiang Quan's old face turned red. The face that had always been Ruya was somewhat twisted.
            "Quiet!" The grandfather of the opening Courtyard sang, the guards on both sides stood silently, the official judge Xu Xu stepped in, and he sits down on the highest seat in the center. Looking down, he passed the performance to the master on one side. The master took the position, cleared his throat, and uttered the contents of the pleading alone.
            The content of the complaint was how Xia-Yan and Xia family murdered Zhao Mei and his three sons, including the ambush of Jiang Xinzhi in the woods, as well as the vicious means of childhood, which taught people to be alarmed. In the complaint, Jiang Quan's indifferent attitude also surprised everyone. It is not uncommon for such households to engage in infighting. The rare ones are Jiang Ruan and Jiang Xinzhi. As Di-son Di Daughter of Shang Shufu, Jiang Quan's own bones, Jiang Quan was so indifferent. That master is also a personal character, and this character is written with a sense of indignation in the heart, and he is still full of emotions. The men in the direct education crowd couldn't wait to rush in and immediately beat Jiang Quan, while the woman held a papa to wipe her tears.
            Although Zhao Guang and the three brothers of the Zhao family had long known that Zhao Mei was not doing well in Shang Shufu, they now felt that one by one after reading the appearance. No one in the world knows more about the pain and crisis of Zhao Mei mother and son in Jiangfu than Jiang Ruan. With her seriousness, the more the Zhao family listened, the more angry they became. I can't wait to rush to kill Jiang Quan immediately.
            Jiang Quan frowned. Now everyone here looks at him without any kind of kindness. He turned out to be the target of this. He didn't know when Jiang Ruan had such influence. Sun Xu temper affects his colleagues for many years, and his subordinates are respectful and humble when facing Jiang Ruan. How could Jiang Ruan have such ability? The original has no reason to know when it has been replaced by anxiety, Jiang Quan's expression is no longer as straightforward as Fang Cai.
            In the end, none of the guilts in the complaint were attempted, but at the last time, the words turned around, and Zhao Mei was poisoned. The complaint clearly stated that the poison was Xia-Yan, and Jiang Quan was the accomplice, because he knew it but stood by and even encouraged him secretly!
            After finishing the complaint, Jiang Quan couldn't help but stand up and said, "One nonsense! One nonsense! What poisons, I didn't let anyone poison her at all? Zhao Mei is sick and dead, how can you fill your mouth?诬 Lai and me! "While he was angry with Jiang Ruan, he even hated Zhao Mei, who died early. Just feel that everything started from Zhao Mei.
            Zhao Guang suddenly got up from his seat and said angrily, "Jiang Quan, don't you dare to kill me here?" He was an iron bone trained from the battlefield, blowing his beard on most days. Staring at him can scare the crying child. It is really angry at this moment. The bloodthirsty momentum is blown at his face. Jiang Quan is stunned, and then he suddenly swallows his words.
            There was a slight disdain in Zhao Yuanping's eyes, and he chuckled  :   "Jiang Shangshu is in a hurry, and you haven't convicted you yet, maybe there is a turn for the better. I really want to cry, I might as well wait until the last moment."
            There was a chill, if any, in the remarks, which taught people to shake. Jiang Quan was still trying to speak, but he only heard Jiang Ruan's smiling voice  :   "Not only that, I have evidence, Jiang Shangshu, please ask Master Sun to read the evidence first."
            Jiang Quan was startled. He didn't expect Jiang Ruan to have evidence. After all, things have been going on for so many years. He thought that Jiang Ruan would not cause any big storms even if he turned out the old things. What kind of results can he finally get from the undocumented old cases? But when Jiang Ruan said the evidence, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, but his mouth was still hard, "What are you making?"
            Sun Xu slammed the gavel and yelled, "Bring a witness!"
            His subordinates quickly brought the so-called witnesses. It was a thin young woman who looked like a handsome man when she looked closely, but she didn’t know why she looked a little embarrassed. It was about her life that forced her. The looks look a little older than they are. Jiang Quan smirked at first glance and mocked, "I don't know this person, you are a witness.
            You have to hire someone from Shangshufu. "
            The woman looked up but raised her head, her voice was a little hoarse  :   "After a long while, Lao-ye did not recognize nubi , but nubi still recognized Lao-ye."
            Jiang Quan was startled, looked carefully at the woman, and looked at him for a long time before he said, "Are you ... butterfly?"
            Butterfly smiled slightly  :   "It's hard for Lao-ye remember nubi ."
            "Why are you here?" Jiang Quan pointed at her hand and couldn't help shaking. He had heard about Jiang Susu expulsion of butterflies. As a bastard, he didn't take care of things seriously. The purple river car bought by the pharmacy confuses the male child born in Fuli, but Jiang Susu reputation is also broken, which angers Jiang Susu. Such a Maid can't be beaten to death. It's just that Jiang Susu had already sold her, Jiang Quan thought that such a Maid had died prematurely, but did not know why she appeared here.
            Butterflies smiled, but the smile was a little weird. She looked at Jiang Quan with a flash of hatred  :   "Slaves will come here because they can't stand the condemnation of conscience. Fu-ren and 1st Shaoye Big-Xiaojie testified. "
            "Nonsense!" Jiang Quan's face turned blue with smell  :   "What the hell are you talking about?" He turned to look at Jiang Ruan, who was smiling lightly, and suddenly realized  :   "She gave you What good do you want to stigmatize with me so much? But butterfly, do you know how guilty it is to slander the court officials? "
            Jiang Quan seems to have lost his mind, but the people in the hall looked at it with care, including the judge Sun Xu. The more he jumped the wall, the more he could show his ugliness. Sun Xu got someone RBI beforehand. Seeing the joy of Jiang Ruan and the Zhao family, naturally, they would not obstruct it.
            The butterfly asked Jiang Quan some crazy questions, but she shook her head and said, "Big-Xiaojie didn't give me any benefit. What did Lao-ye know, why should I do it again? What about this innocent gesture? You must know that there is a certain number in the meditation. People are doing heaven and watching, and when they are doing things, they should think of the day when the east window incident happened. "
            "You .... Why are you hurting me so much!" Jiang Quan exasperated.
            The butterfly lowered its head and only turned a deaf ear. Jiang Ruan sitting on the side smiled, and of course the butterfly would come out to testify for her, not only because of her promise, but also because the butterfly hated the Jiang family deeply. At the time, Jiang Susu sold the butterfly because of the purple river car. It was also said that Jiang Susu had created his own sin, but Maid, who had been with him since he was a child, actually sold it directly to the ninth-grade kiln. went. What kind of place is that kiln? Miss, if you go in, you are in a fire pit. It is natural to imagine the days that the butterflies live. In fact, Jiang Susu had sold the butterflies, and Jiang Ruan let Luzhu go out to buy the old owl in the kiln, and he had been watching the butterflies secretly. It won't make her die, but it won't make her feel better. The butterfly has been with Jiang Susu for so many years. Xia-Yan and Jiang Susu also know a little about what Jiang Ruan knows that this is an excellent chess piece. It will come in handy one day. .
            At this moment, for example, the appearance of this chess piece has caused Jiang Quan to lose most of it. She appeared in front of the butterfly and promised to save her in water and fire as long as the butterfly was willing to testify. Perhaps when the butterfly was first sold, hearing this condition would not agree, because Xia-Yan is a savvy person, and the Maids she chose for Jiang Susu were extremely loyal. But after such a long time, the tormented dying butterfly couldn't even protect its own life. How could it care about loyalty? For so many years, she has only left a deep hatred for Jiangfu. If it was not for Mother Xia-Yan, or for Jiang Quan, how could she be sold to such a cheap place? Time is a wonderful thing. Hate can become love, and love can also become hate, so Jiang Ruan agreed to the condition and said nothing to the butterfly.

            Chapter 202  :   Rebellion    

            "Jiang Shangshu," Sun Xu said with a grimace, "The public hall is not where you come here casually, but you should first listen to the witnesses. I wish all candidates a successful exam!"
            Jiang Quan had time to speak in the future, and Butterfly first gave Sun Xu a head, and said, "Return to lord, slavery. This is to explain the crimes that Fu-ren committed." She lowered her head, but her voice was clear and clear, It just happened to be heard outside the ears of the people  :   "Fu-ren was alive at first, and I was Fu-ren at that time, it was just Fang-Concubine, Lao-ye Although I love Concubine and Xiaojie, but Fu-ren Ren is the position of mother-zi. Concubine has always been arrogant, but also from the noble family of senior officials. Naturally, he is not willing to give in to others. Although it is not bad to eat in Shang Shufu, sometimes it is even more important than before. Fu-ren is taller, but Concubine is still not satisfied. "
            Although the words of butterfly looked at just stating the facts, they felt very different when they were passed on to others’ears. Who doesn't know how Xia Cheng's title came from the beginning. If the brothers died early, in any case, it would not be his Shu-son. Even the title was after Xia-Yan entered Shangshufu. Before that, she was just the daughter of a young Guan-Shu-son. Where can she be called an official noble, she also likes to have her own face. If it was a woman from Daguan aristocracy, how could Jiang Quan marry Zhao Mei instead of Xia-Yan? A Shu-son's daughter still loves vanity so much. But listening to the words of the butterfly, Xia-Yan's status in Shang Shufu is even higher than Zhao Mei. Isn't this favored concubine?
            Although everyone had previously heard rumors of Jiang Quan's pet Xia-Yan, it was thought that it was after Zhao Mei death. It was not long after Zhao Mei married into Shang Shufu, Jiang Quan did it So excessive. But it's not just because of the power in other people houses. Once it is discovered that it can't bring any benefit to their career, they show their true colors.
            Butterflies continued  :   "Later, later Concubine thought, Lao-ye, as a court official, could not find the reason to divorce his wife for no reason, so he had to surrender for a lifetime, and he wanted to poison Fu first ren. On that day, Concubine bought a lot of exotic poisons and mixed them in Fu-ren's daily meals. First Fu-ren was poisoned by this bit by bit. Later, the more the poison accumulated, the more I was whine. And all of this, Lao-ye also knows. Once the poison of Concubine was discovered by Lao-ye, Lao-ye also told Concubine to be careful, and there is no need to leave any handle. ”Butterfly said He gave Sun Xu two heads again  :   "Sir, the words of the daughter are true, and you should never dare to deceive."
            "A nonsense! A nonsense!" Jiang Quan pointed at the butterfly and yelled, "Who gives you this courage to talk nonsense and disturb people, butterfly, don't forget who you are! You are my Jiangfu subordinate. ! "
            Butterflies shook her head  :   "Lao-ye probably forgot about it. But the butterfly's deeds are no longer there, and the butterflies are not people in Shangshu." When she said this, although she tried to suppress something, there was a hint of hatred in her eyes. Come.
            Jiang Quan was lingering, and Sun Xu shot the gavel again and again  :   "Silent!"
            Butterfly knelt on the ground, saying surprisingly  :   "If you return to the Lord, the daughter and the girl have evidence to say!"
            Suddenly Jiang Quan, Sun Xu Shen said, "Where is the evidence?"
            The butterfly glanced at Jiang Ruan, who sits in a seat on one side safely. The smile on the lips seemed to have not been shaken passively from the beginning to the present. The butterfly's heart was calm and calm, "It is in In the house where Fu-ren lived, the medicine was so precious at first, and Fu-ren didn't know when Fu-ren would be ill in the first place. Thinking that this medicine would still be useful in the future, he ordered the women to keep it. The woman buried the medicine under the tree in Fu-ren's courtyard that day. But the prescription was still around. Later, Lao-ye said that it was useful, and she received the box in the study. But it happened that I didn’t know how. Yes, Lao-ye probably forgot the box. Once Fu-ren asked the slave to clean up the study, the slave took the box to the wooden box inside. The wooden box will not be touched for many years. Because everything is old stuff. "
            Zhao Guang punched Sun Xu hand, and the discourse was already beyond doubt  :   "Master Sun, since this evidence has been put out, do you want someone to search?"
            "Natural," Sun Xu said solemnly, "this official has ordered officers and men to go to Shang Shufu to search."
            Jiang Quan smirked  :   "It's ridiculous, you think you can condemn me by talking nonsense? Butterfly, I don't think you are afraid of death!" He thought he had a good idea, and the officers and men would be in the room. Nothing can be found. Not to mention that when Xia-Yan was poisoned, he didn't intervene directly at all, that is, Xia-Yan himself would not be stupid enough to leave evidence. Xia-Yan is careful and thorough, and any handle will be cleaned up. Although he didn't know what good the butterfly had accepted Jiang Ruan to make such a fake evidence, Jiang Quan also thought that anyone from Shangshu could not come in. Especially in the study of top priority, he also checked several times a day. He never heard of any wooden boxes or boxes.
            But the butterfly only cares about lying, but the real evidence is not available. If you can’t get it, you can’t be convicted. What about butterflies? He thought about it and went to see Jiang Ruan's look. But seeing Jiang Ruan sitting upright, he seemed to notice his gaze and turned to smile at him slightly. Jiang Ruan's smile was even more calm than Jiang Quan's smile, and there seemed to be some subtle concubines hidden. The glance immediately sobered Jiang Quan's heart, and could not help but be a little scared. Jiang Quan doesn’t know how evil this daughter is. For so many years, neither Xia family nor her, have been able to benefit from her hands. Jiangfu is a copper wall and an iron wall. I can't help her to think of some weird ways to harm people.
            At this time, the officers and men responsible for the search had returned, and the headed officers and soldiers strode into the public hall with a single false accusation, leaned over and whispered a few words to Sun Xu. Sun Xu watched Jiang Quan and Jiang Quan "sucks" in his heart. Before he thought about it, Sun Xu slammed the gavel and said, "Bold Jiang Quan! As a court official, but you are not strict with your family, you will let Junior Concubine harm others, or even condemn and murder your wife. What should be done? The officers and men have found evidence from the box in the wooden box in your house. What else do you have to say? "By the way, the official officer next to you will be presented with an iron box, everyone can see clearly A box of light paper wafted out of the box opened by Sun Xu in his own hands, and in the public eye, it was natural to not make a fake.
            Zhao Yuanping got up and walked to Sun Xu. Please take it and watch it. After reading it in ten lines, Zhao Yuanping returned the paper to Sun Xu and looked at Jiang Quan. The smile was full of indifference  :   "Jiang Shangshu Sure enough, he had a good plan. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ben Gongzi would have no idea that there would be such a cowardly person in the world. "
            Zhao Yuanping has always been accustomed to being indifferent and ridiculous. Jiang Quan was very angry when he heard this, but it was unbelievable. That is, he came out today to accept the case, but before he left, he had a good inspection of the study. He never saw any wooden boxes or boxes, and how could it suddenly pop up. What exactly is going on? He ‘called injustice  :   "This is by no means what I did. Sun Xu, as the Secretary of the Department of Justice, you must pay attention to investigating what happened, but with a small prescription, how can you dare to bring me to justice? Did someone intentionally frame me? Wouldn't you be clear? "
            "My official always only looks at the evidence." Sun Xu said unhurriedly. The threat in Jiang Quan's words was not unheard of, but what the case was, that was Xiao Shao wife, Jinying Wangfei today, and former Hong-An County Owner sued in person. No one knows the power of Jinying Wangfu behind her. The official court of the Jin Dynasty is unknown. Xiao Shao greeted himself, how dare he neglect. And the woman killed in this case is still on the palm of the general’s house. If you don’t give an account, use the Zhao Guang family to protect the temperer. I’m afraid you have to tear down the case, not to mention that the person in the palace has also beaten it. call.
            Although the Secretary of the Department specializes in cases that ordinary people dare not manage, even if it involves many bureaucrats in Capital City, it is because Sun Xu himself relies on the emperor to go on official careers and does not need to rely on anyone face. But if the emperor is a trusted person, there is no fish in the clear water. Sun Xu knows this truth. For so many years, the official work that sits against such people has stood still in the country. Sun Xu himself is also extremely human. Now that Xuan Pei status in the palace is rising, the emperor has his eyes on him, 5-Prince and 8-Prince can only see the fight, but who can fall on this throne? Maybe the future Chu Wang of the Dajin Dynasty is now the thirteen His Highness. Xuan Pei deliberately asked people to come over to say hello, although he didn't know what the reason was, Sun Xu also felt a lot of pressure. Because of his colleagues for so many years, Sun Xu can see clearly. This time, Jiang Quan is hard to be good, because everyone he offends has the ability to put him to death.
            Zhao Yuanfeng said leisurely  :   "Jiang Shangshu, the Shangshufu is your mansion, naturally only your people can enter. You don’t know when the box was put in, you can’t ask Our outsiders what answers they are looking for. To I know your Shang Shufu, since the opening of the government, except for my little sister, the Zhao family has never set foot. "
            It was ironic that Zhao Yuanfeng said. At the beginning, Zhao Mei broke up with the Zhao family. Later, after Zhao Mei death, the Jiang family also banned all communication with the General House. Even secretly, the General's Mansion was regarded as a strong enemy. Zhao and Jiang never dealt with it. The Zhao family entered Jiangfu, and there was no way to talk about it.
            Jiang Quan touched a nail, but had no intention to compete with Zhao Yuanfeng. Now he also realizes the importance of the matter. With the witnesses and physical evidence in hand, looking at Sun Xu attitude, it may be difficult to get rid of sin. By this time, Jiang Quan, who had always been energetic, was a little panicked. He desperately thought about how a box would appear in the study, and looked around the crowd without focus, and snapped.
            A familiar figure was mingling in the crowd. It was a fairly young and beautiful woman. Jiang Ruan froze, and several thoughts flashed in his head, and he immediately ‘called  :   "Xia Yue! You bastard, you It hurt me! "
            The figure of the woman in the crowd is now the main mother of Shang Shufu, Xia Yue, who originally faced Jiang Quan and lowered her head to avoid Jiang Quan's eyes. At this moment, I heard Jiang Quan yelling so loudly A little angry, blushing for a while and never talking.
            Jiang Quan seemed to want to understand it in an instant, regardless of the occasion, and yelled loudly  :   "It's her! It's this bastard who colluded with an outsider to harm me. In my study, only she can Go in! Only she can keep the ghosts from stuffing things in the shortest possible time. Xia Yue, I treat you well, you are so vicious and murder your husband! You poison woman! "
            In the crowd, Xia Yue turned her eyes on her. She put up with it, and burst into tears  :   "Lao-ye, Yue Niang hasn't done well since she married you. Why should you do that? Treat me, and even throw such a crime on the moon with Yueniang? How could Yueniang frame Lao-ye, Lao-ye, if there is anything wrong, what can a lonely and lonely woman in Yueniang have to do? Yueniang knows that Lao-ye has a deep love with Sister Yan. She cannot love Lao-ye after passing through the door, but Lao-ye, Yueniang is also your wife. How can you treat Yueniang like this? She was born a little thin and timid, so she said that she was so full of heartache, she knelt down, and drew a few heads towards the gate of the public hall  :   "Well, Lao-ye, both You and my husband and wife together, if Yueniang can save Lao-ye, Yueniang will willingly save Lao-ye life! That box and wooden box is the right of Yueniang!
            She said tears and fainted, almost crying. People have always sympathized with the weak. If the weak is a good woman, sympathy is doubled. The more Xia Yue said so, the more people doubted that Jiang Quan had framed his newly-married wife. He was a selfish man. Xia Yue words are reasonable, indeed, now that the Xia family is gone, why should she frame Jiang Quan, Jiangfu falls, and she becomes a widow, and how hard it is to live. As for Xia Yue Jiang Quan, he still remembered Xia-Yan, everyone laughed in his heart, fearing that only a man like Jiang Quan would be unfaithful to himself in this world. The woman with the green hat kept thinking about what pot and cover.
            Jiang Ruan smiled and watched Xia Yue performance in the crowd, only to find it interesting. Xia family women seem to have a natural talent for acting, especially in the case of bloggers’sympathy. Jiang Quan's most delicious food was Xia-Yan. Now Xia-Yan has been replaced by Xia Yue. I don’t know if Jiang Quan can still afford it. A woman's lies and tears can only be known well if she has really experienced them. Now Jiang Quan is afraid of hating Xia family too.
            Xia Yue is a clever person. Since the Xia family has fallen, her pawn to maintain the relationship between Xia Jiang and her has no effect. Xia Yue also knows herself. With Jiang Quan's ambition, she will one day lose her. Kicked aside with a stumbling block. Besides, she is now the mother-zi at the Jiang family. She knows exactly what the Jiang family looks like. An empty mansion will collapse sooner or later. Jiang Quan was neither cold nor warm to her, and Xia Yue was at the age of Miao, how willing. Xia women have always been ambitious. Even Xia Yue, a distant cousin, would not be willing to bury her like this forever. Jiang Ruan made a deal with her, and Xia Yue sold Jiang Quan for his future without hesitation.
            Jiang Quan is already mad, and everyone around him is full of suspicion in his eyes. He wants to find someone who can help him, but in the end, he finds someone who can speak for him. It's gone. None of his wife, his children, his colleagues, or even his allies was with him. He suddenly discovered that he had become the one to be abandoned, and he had become a useless abandoned child.
            "Is this what you want?" Jiang Quan stared at Jiang Ruan with a deep grin  :   "You let everyone betray me, my good daughter, hahaha, I didn't even know myself Have such a good daughter! "
            "Multiple lines of injustice must be self-defeating." Jiang Ruan replied lightly  :   "Jiang Shang, you have a god in your head. When you do all this to my mother, you should think of this ending." Yes She just wanted Jiang Quan to taste the end of the betrayal. The predecessor's father planned to turn all the people who were not valued by him into chess pieces in his hands, stepping stones of Jiangfu, paving the way for Jiang, Susu Queen step by step. At each step, the glory of the Chiang family was cast on the blood of the mother and son. Now Jiang Quan should also try this taste. This kind of struggle is lonely, desperate, and suddenly finds betrayed by everyone, and finds himself ridiculous. Like playing chess? can! In this life, let the chess player change places. This game is written by her, and he is just a useless piece in the last step of the game to kill the game.
            Jiang Quan shut up suddenly, he looked straight at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan's undisguised hatred and crazy eyes just fell into his eyes, he suddenly felt a moment of fear. He didn't know where Jiang Ruan's hate came from. How could a person show such a terrible expression, like a cannibalistic beast.
            "Jiang Quan, can you plead guilty?" Sun Xu saw that it was almost noisy now, yelling at the gavel.
            Jiang Quan Some mules turned back. He looked at Sun Xu in the hall, and suddenly smiled slowly. He stood in the middle, disdainfully  :   "Sun Xu, what are you pretending to be? Official, as an official, there is nothing innocent. Today you treat me like this, I confess that my power is not as good as people, and I have nothing to say, I will confess this sin! But you remember, I just succumb to Power, wherever my power can compete with it today, I will fight anyway! "
            Jiang Ruan heard his words, the corners of his eyes slowly bent down, and he smiled slightly. It is indeed Jiang Quan. He has been an official for many years and can see the importance at a glance. Today's events, in fact, witnesses are not the most important, physical evidence is not the most important, depending on how the case was tried. Sun Xu exposed attitude is the most important. Jiang Quan probably thought that Sun Xu would not dare to do too much for the sake of his colleagues. However, Sun Xu attitude can only explain one thing. Jiang Ruan supports, no matter who the person is, Sun Xu will be able to fold it for him, and it must be no small thing. Jiang Quan even left a hand when he confessed his guilt. He pretended to be so generous in his confession, but the last few words were imaginative and made people think of other things involuntarily. Even if he pleads guilty, he must pour a pot of dirty water on Jiang Ruan and Sun Xu, which is really dangerous.
            Just how did Jiang Quan do such a thing? Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, Jiang Quan never wastes time on useless things. Now that the confession has been confessed, what effect can such irritable dirty water have? Such an incompetent person, who seemed to be able to do anything at last, scrambled and bite, looking at Jiang Ruan, only ridiculous. She slowly got up and walked to Jiang Quan. Everyone looked at the father and daughter silently. Jiang Quan was emotional, an old face turned red and distorted, and she was already thin and protruding. The cheekbones turned out to be a little black, and no longer looked like a handsome young official. Jiang Ruan, however, was just about the right age, with fresh snow-skinned flowers and a calm look, even with a gentle smile.
            The two were ugly and beautiful, one manic, one calm, and one angry smile, watching that there was no trace of father and daughter. Jiang Ruan walked in front of Jiang Quan, Jiang Quan glared tightly at her, there was anger and resentment in his eyes, and even a trace of fear, but he couldn't find a trace of warmth. Jiang Ruan has become accustomed to it. She stopped in front of Jiang Quan, sighed suddenly, and said softly, “The original Jiang Shangshu who had always had ambitions and ambitions flowing into his bones would have a moment of submission to power.”
            The sigh she said was full, but it seemed like a fierce blow to Jiang Quan's heart. What appeared dimly in front of him was when his spring breeze proudly became the new nobleman of the court, even though his ambition was bigger than the sky, his chances were thinner than paper. He has always wanted to make a clear stream that is not contaminated with the world, but now he wants to take the initiative to admit that worship is under the footsteps of power. It was a fatal blow to him and an intolerable shame. And this shame comes from his daughter who has run into the dirt from the bottom of her heart.
            Jiang Ruan is about glorious, the more Jiang Quan feels his humble status. He is a cowardly and hypocritical person from the bottom of his heart. He has always valued others’eyes, so it took him so many years to establish himself into a clean and honest appearance. At this moment, when this layer of skin was torn open, Jiang Quan couldn't bear it anymore, but he felt that he couldn't lift it in his chest and passed out.
            The two officials quickly took Jiang Quan down, and Sun Xu slammed the gavel and yelled, "The sinner Jiang Quan pleaded guilty in the court, and conspired with Concubine Xia-shi to murder his wife, torture his children, and never forgive him. Evidence of convictions, thousands of people eyes, state-owned laws, family rules, vicious species, entered the prison according to the law, and declared the case the next day! "
            From the outside, the lively crowd suddenly boiled, Zhao Guang squeezed his fists tightly, and today he has restrained well, but even after hearing Jiang Quan's confession, he knew that he couldn't run away. Zhao Guang still stopped Uncontrollably out of control. Zhao Yuanjia comforted him, but Zhao Yuanping and Zhao Yuanfeng looked at each other with heavy eyes.
            Jiang Ruan stood indifferently watching Jiang Quan being dragged away, slowly lowering his eyes, is this over? of course not.

            Chapter 203  :   Xiao Shao Secret    

            For a moment in the palace, Jiang Dan had become a little anxious when he changed his usual leisure attitude, and even the next-to-face palace maid saw her wrong. She re-sit down on the chair forcefully, slowly grasping the back of the chair, and the maid on one side finally couldn't help but said, "Niang-Niang, but cares about Jiang Shangshu things? Niang-Niang and pay attention to her body, Your Majesty will be worried if she knows. "
            Jiang Ruan's complexion changed, and he barely squeezed out a smile and sighed, "I just didn't expect that the elder sister was so ruthless, but anyway, she is also a biological father, how could she be so cruel. Although the palace and the father are not very close, they must Watching him fall into such a situation, it was still a bit unbearable. "She said, and then pressed her forehead like sadness.
            "Niang-Niang is just too kind-hearted," the palace woman couldn't help but advised, "It's just taking care of yourself right now."
            Jiang Dan waved his hand and shook his head  :   "I know this palace, you go down first."
            The maid then glanced worriedly at Jiang Dan and stepped down, leaving only Jiang Dan in the large hall. She slid the armrest of the stool with her nails all at once, and her face was a little shaky.
            Jiang Quan has been sent to the prison. I did not expect that Jiang Ruan's ability is so great. After so many years, I can still come up with evidence. At present, only Jiang Quan is involved, but the butterfly I also know that she died for Xia-Yan, so why didn't she hang it out. But the butterfly would not be kept secret for Jiang Dan. In fact, Jiang Dan had already guessed that possibility, that is, Jiang Ruan deliberately suppressed this fact. She already knew that she was right Poison under her and Zhao Mei.
            As soon as he thought about it, Jiang Dan felt so guilty. How Jiang Ruan's means, she couldn't know more. From the mountain Di Daughter that nobody had looked at at the beginning, and nowadays Jinying Wangfei, nobody dares to be underestimated, Jiang Ruan almost swallowed Shang Shufu like a nibble, and eliminated her opponents. people. Jiang Ruan I don’t recognize her six relatives, and I have to compare baht. How could I let her go alone? The reason why nothing is happening now, it must be because there are back moves?
            Jiang Dan grew more and more afraid, and couldn't help biting her lower lip tightly. After a while, she suddenly instructed her bead to come in and said, "I have something to confess to you."
            At the same time, on the carriage returning home, Jin San asked Jiang Ruan in wonder  :   "Since Young Furen knew that Jiang Zhaoyi was also the murderer of Fu-ren, why didn't he let the butterfly bite her? It was Fei. As long as Guan-Fu-ren temper is involved, it is also a trial, and even your Majesty cannot intervene. Why did Young Furen let her go? "
            "I won't let her go." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "I just don't want her to be so cheap. There are too many loopholes in Butterfly's words. Jiang Quan got caught because Xiao Shao intervened in it, And Jiang Quan seems to have come to an end now. His power in the country is not great, and His Majesty will not have much objection to it. It can be implicated in Jiang Dan. Now she is favored. This case is carefully considered, and it is not difficult to find the doubts in it. Don't forget that the butterfly and the so-called evidence were created by Our own. It is impossible for the things in the world to show no trace at all. "
            Jin San thought for a while, then nodded  :   "That being said, it seems a pity to give up this opportunity in vain. Does Young Furen already have a good way?"
            "Jiang Dan has a suspicious personality. Although he has shot fiercely, his bones are still weak and timid for so many years. She is afraid of the incident at the window, and she wants to come to the palace in a hurry at this moment. Anxious, where can you think about this? The mystery in the case should be full of thoughts on how to keep it from being discovered. Jin San, after returning to your home, you will transfer a few Jin Yiwei to protect Jiang Quan in secret. Before Jiang Quan is not sentenced, you can’t. Killed and killed. "Jiang Dan ordered.
            Jin Sanyi was surprised  :   "She wanted to kill someone?" There was a slight disdain in her eyes  :   "Such a woman could do such a thing for the sake of self-protection. No wonder then that Fu-ren would have started. It's just Young Furen, although Jiang Quan is protected, what will happen next? "
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   “I don’t want to take the initiative. Once I take the initiative and track it down, I always expose myself first. What I have to do now is just to lead the snake out of the hole. The more anxious she is, the more prone to mistakes, I will She was tempted to act, but the grave that was dug out was buried by herself. "She said gentlely, but Jin San felt a sense of indifference and could not help but look at Jiang Ruan with a smile Yan Ran realized that she must be in the chest, and she simply let go.
            When I returned to Jiangfu, it was unexpected that there were some strange guards at the entrance of Fuzhong. Although these guards only dressed as ordinary guards in Fuzhong, Jiang Ruan saw the difference at a glance. She has always been good at observing the details. These guards are so well-groomed that Jin Yiwei is not too lenient. Jiang Ruan frowned. She had been in the palace for so many years before. These people looked a bit like the guards of the Imperial Palace.
            Seeing her coming, the guards nodded one after another  :   "Subordinates have seen Wangfei."
            Jin San and Tian Zhu complexions changed slightly, but it was Lin steward who trot along all the way. Seeing Jiang Ruan also stayed a bit, it seemed that she would come back so early, and stunned  :   "Young Furen, Why are you so early? "
            Pretending not to see the abnormality of these people, Jiang Ruan behaved calmly and said, "Some are lacking, Lin steward, I'll sit in the study, and wait for Xiao Shao to come back and talk about it."
            When it comes to "study room", the housekeeper Lin again. Among the strange guards around, a leading guard suddenly said, "Wangfei, don't you want to go to the study?"
            Jiang Ruan didn't bother, as if he hadn't heard him at all, he just walked in the direction of the study in the house. The guard's chief changed his face and immediately stopped in front of Jiang Ruan, Shen said, "Please Wangfei to move."
            Jiang Ruan looked at him quietly. She looked calmly, as if there was no emotion of praying, so she looked at the man indifferently. The man was finally obsessed with her gaze, and Jiang Ruan said lightly  :   "Steward Lin, is this a new guard? I don't know the rules."
            "Subordinates are not new guards." The guard leader walked for years, what kind of Guan-Noble has not seen, but some officials and families also give a few thin faces. It's the first time I've given people such a face without hesitation. Although he was a little embarrassed, his temper was okay, and he didn't have a tie with Jiang Ruan theory. His expression was also full of humility.
            "It's strange here?" Jiang Ruan smiled. "Since it's the guard of a foreign house, it's an outsider. The outsider has to get involved in the Wangfu. Even if your master is so powerful, as long as he is not surnamed Xiao , You can't get in here, "Jiang Ruan said lightly.
            The guard was startled, and looked intently at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan looked at her calmly, and there was a clever mind in the man. I know Jiang Ruan probably understands the identity of the person inside, but even then, how dare she?
            Jiang Ruan's heart was cold, she did seem to have guessed the identity of the people inside, although it was puzzled, it was more of a faint disgust. On most days, she probably just avoided and left, but now it is related to the royal palace of Jinying, she will not give birth soon. Although the culprit in the previous life was not the person, but since then, she has always been disgusted with the people in this temple. Can you avoid it in this life? But why is he qualified to intervene in the lives of others?
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, but the smile was not tender, with an unquestionable strength  :   "Can the guard of the foreign government leave now?"
            "This ..." The guard originally wanted to reject it directly, but he couldn't say anything to Jiang Ruan's eyes. He recalled that the woman in front of him could even sue him to the public court, so that a woman who did not look at worldly etiquette and law in her eyes would be very mad.
            "Young Furen, please come in." But the steward Lin said, "The Wang's house is your home. Wherever you want to go, why can't there be your own home? Young master is in the study, Young Furen is also working hard today, turning back to the old slave and asking the kitchen to send some sweet soup. "Lin steward said with a smile, but the guard chief looked at him with an incredible disbelief and said," You ... "
            "I have something to worry about." The steward Lin was a little impatient. "It's true that Young Furen said that the things of the Xiao family have nothing to do with you. Outsiders don't want to get involved." This is a bit tough. It is even considered rude. Although the housekeeper Lin is not reliable in Xiao Shao affairs on a most days, as a housekeeper, the rest is very smooth. Today's relentless speech is really special.
            The guards behind the guard leader were somewhat indignant, seemingly dissatisfied with the insults of their master, almost jumping up to the theory, and did not want Jin Santianzhu to suddenly stop in front of Jiang Ruan, his expression was slightly He showed some vigilance and said to Jiang Ruan  :   "Young Furen go first, the provincial station is infected with the cold."
            Everyone knows the guards of Jinying Wangfu, but he did not expect to protect such a Wangfei who had just married. The guards had never been treated this way in his life, and he was very angry for a while. But in Jinying's palace, it is bound to be unprofitable. The Jinyiwei and the dark guards here are countless, so they can only watch angrily Jiang Ruan's growing figure.
            The steward Lin followed Jiang Ruan and looked cold and cold as he walked. He had always jumped off and was cheerful. This was the first time he was so nervous. He said, "Young Furen, you entered the palace and you are from the Xiao family. , You are one with the young master. You should also know something about the young master. "
            He had something to talk about here, Jiang Ruan didn't speak, just waiting for the steward Lin to say it. Sure enough, the steward Lin continued  :   "The young master has been very difficult these years. Outsiders only see him. The scenery from the outside, but the old slave appearance from the young owner's baby to the present day is in his eyes, the old slave looked at him growing up. The young master was just not used to telling all things, the old Wangye and Wangfei had an accident, The young master took Jin Yiwei and later went to South Xinjiang by himself. He came back alive, but his life was gone, and the scars on his body were cured for three days.
            "Many people in this capital want the life of the young master, some are from the southern Xinjiang, some are from the Jin Dynasty, all kinds of people. Young masters have not suffered much these years to protect Jin Yiwei. Now watching him After getting a wife, the old slave was also very pleased. He was so tempered that he thought about nothing and lived for his mission all his life. Nowadays, it is rare to have what he wants to catch, and it looks like an ordinary Some young people. ”The steward Lin looked at Jiang Ruan, and the beard on the corner of his mouth flickered.“ Young Furen is a good Miss, when I heard Jin San talked about the young master treating Young Furen a little differently. The old slave knew that only Young Furen could help him. Although the Jinying Royal Mansion is indestructible, it has stood for so many years in the storm of the Jin Dynasty. It seems that there is nothing to knock it down, and what to bear is also Too much. An ordinary lady can't bear it, Young Furen can. "
            Talking about that, the two have reached the door of the study, but the housekeeper Lin stopped and looked at Jiang Ruan seriously and solemnly, saying, "Young Furen, in this world, only you can stand with him."
            Jiang Ruan followed and stopped. The door of the study was not concealed, and a gap was opened in vain. There was no guard outside, apparently intentionally supporting everyone to stop here.
            The voice of the people inside spoke clearly to the ears of the two. One had a thick, unusually familiar voice, with a kind of arrogance that gave orders all year round, but at this moment was about to be anxious, the voice was a bit unstable, and completely lost the usual Yongrong said gravely  :   "Don't be obsessed with it! What's so good about that woman? The case against the biological father is now known to the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty. How do the people of the Dajin dynasty look at her? How do other people look at you? As long as she lived in peace, she could bear it. Look at her and set off such a big storm? Pushing you to the tip of the storm, where is the appearance of a wife! "
            As soon as I came over, I heard a complaint against Jiang Ruan, but the steward Lin was a little ashamed, and he could not help turning his head to glance at Jiang Ruan's look secretly. Jiang Ruan was calm, and he didn't hear the uncomfortable being scolded at all. I didn't even feel a bit surprised when I heard the voice, as if I knew who the person was inside.
            Jiang Ruan listened silently, and the people inside were really the same as she imagined. At the beginning, when she and Xiao Shao were not married, she only realized that the emperor had different Xiao Shao, including Empress Dowager, but it is certain that these two people had a different relationship with Xiao Shao. Attitudes are extremely tolerant. This is why, even though the old Wang Jinying and his wife had committed crimes, Xiao Shao remained safe and even trusted by the emperor. Although it is not clear what the reason is, Jiang Ruan can faintly guess that this is not because the emperor is a generation of princes who are meritocratic. How can they sleep on the couch? In fact, no emperor can tolerate rebellion The descendants of the princes lived in the country as officials, and there must be some reason for doing so.
            Immediately after the emperor's angry voice was Xiao Shao cold voice  :   "Your Majesty, this is the housework of Weichen."
            "Shut up!" The emperor seemed to be stabbed  :   "Don't forget what your last name is, you don't have the last name Xiao , what's on your body is the blood of Xuan family, what family work, your family work, is your family work. ! "
            Jiang Ruan's eyes widened in shock, Rao is that she never showed emotions, and she couldn't help getting lost when she heard this. The words of the people inside are extremely clear, and there is almost no possibility of hearing wrong. She thought of thousands of possibilities, but she never thought so. Xiao Shao, Xuan Shao?
            "Why would your Majesty go alone?" Xiao Shao said indifferently  :   "Wei Chen has no relationship with the Royal Family, His Majesty said cautiously." His words were also very cold and almost provocative.
            "This can't be done by you!" The emperor snorted coldly  :   "I have done so much for you, hiding you in the Royal Palace of Jinying for so many years without restoring your identity and secrets, in order to pave the way. One day it will be handed to you, you are the royal, the future Chu Wang of Dajin Chao! How dare you say that it doesn't matter? "
            The steward Lin buried his head and didn't dare to look at Jiang Ruan's expression. Jiang Ruan held his fist and calmed down slowly. Yes, the former Xiao Shao finally killed Xuan Li, but he also took the throne. As it is, he turned out to be the Huang family, and the emperor was planning to transfer his position to him?
            "Princes and ministers are different," Xiao Shao remained unmoved  :   "Your Majesty's rivers and mountains should be put into the hands of more talented people. I will not accept His Majesty's arrangements."
            "You ... stubbornness!" The emperor jumped angrily and suddenly thought of something, and then Feng Feng turned around  :   "You insisted on the throne because of Yatou? I heard that you favor her alone. How can this be? Sugawara was only when you were young and you didn’t know the benefits. Yatou, since you really like it, you’ll just marry it. Now that you pamper her alone, how can you convince the public in the future? Emperor! "
            "I said it a long time ago." It seemed to mention that Jiang Ruan made Xiao Shao a little unpleasant, and his tone aggravated  :   "I don't agree with your arrangement, Your Majesty choose another clever."
            Not only Xiao Shao was a little unhappy, but Lin's steward also appeared a little bit unhappy. What Jiang Ruan is like at Jinying Palace now is Young Furen, which everyone recognizes and admires. What does it mean for the emperor to kill someone with a stick like this? Even the emperor could not arbitrarily deny the advantages of a person. Not to mention that everyone agrees that Young Furen is perfect.
            The three people inside and outside the house were unhappy, and only Jiang Ruan was the most peaceful. She is not sad for this. Since ancient times, she has been suspicious of the emperor.
            "Asha," the emperor suddenly softened, seemingly incompetent  :   "Did you forget your father? I promised him ..."
            "Your Majesty," Xiao Shao interrupted him with a sharp voice  :   "You also promised my mother."
            The emperor paused.

Chapter 204  :    empty chapter, 

there will be [2]   "Chapter 206"    due to author's mistake


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