Ill-Fated Consort 250

            Chapter 250  :   2    

             Three days later, most of the Hann and Chinese courtiers suddenly joined forces to declare their deaths, and Xuanli immediately ascended the throne. The movement this time turned out to be very large, and Xuan Li decided to really do it. Up and down, those courtiers who have not been able to see the depth and have been working for Xuanli in private have stood out, and everyone was surprised. The 8-Prince power is so extensive, it is really a bit of a people. shudder. Among them are the elders of the two dynasties, civil and military officials, and those with heavy power in hand. Compared to those who support Xuanpei, they seem to be too weak.
            No wonder Xuan Pei supporters are not many, it is because Xuan Li has been planning for this matter for many years, many years ago, he began to buy courtiers secretly, just for the arrival of this day. When Xuan Pei was a waste Prince, Xuan Li popularity among the people in North Han was extremely outstanding. The thin camel was bigger than a horse, not to mention he was used to hiding his strength.
            Under such strong pressure, Empress Dowager also couldn't support it. Those people bank notes clearly stated that, since ancient times, if the emperor had not personally identified them, they would not grow up. During the reign of the emperor, he also attached great importance to Xuan Li. Now Xuan Pei is still young, and he is not a candidate for provocation. Moreover, Xuan Pei still has a doubt about his uncle.
            In the palace of Jin Mao, all the ministers talked endlessly, but if you look closely, you can see that most of the people who speak are Xuanli people. Even if Xuanpei people are willing to argue a few words, they can't bear the crowds of Xuanpei.
            Xuan Li stood quietly on the ground, still smiling as before, making people feel as warm as the spring breeze, as if turning a deaf ear to these quarrels, which with a confidence that is bound to be obtained, It's as if the next place in the world should be seated by him. In fact, it should be so.
            Xuan Pei was still under house arrest, which naturally could not be released. Seeing this, Master Gu on the General Brigade Mansion could almost wrinkle out of water. Gu Yi, because of Jiang Ruan, has a wholehearted support for 13-Prince Xuanpei. His reason is also very simple, and he said to Master Gu  :   "Jiang Xiaojie is so smart. Look at her from the beginning to the present, and she has never suffered a loss. I believe she is right!" The angry Gu just took him a hard meal, but turned back and expressed loyalty to Xuan Pei. It’s not that I have listened to Gu Yi, but Jiang Ruan is standing on Xuan Pei side, and Jinying Palace is naturally on Xuan Pei side. The power of Wang Jinying’s Palace has never dared to be underestimated. A couple is not’easy to deal with', Lord Gu is more optimistic about them.
            Who knows that this is happening now, Jiang Ruan is still alive and dead, Xiao Shao is trying to retrieve his wife, Xuan Pei is under house arrest, just at this time Xuan Li is being pushed to the top, the situation is really bad. Gu Gu couldn't help worrying. Was this step wrong?
            懿德 Empress Dowager sits in a high position, the long armor unconsciously scratches his horns, under such a general trend, who can reverse? No matter how hard it is, you can't commit public anger, and the power of courtiers cannot be underestimated. She glanced over Lin Wei, who was standing in the temple. Since this man had made up his mind to find a future here, how could he still be indifferent?
            Lin Wei lips smiled, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, but it looked a bit light and light, but this appearance fell in the eyes of Xuan Li, but he felt that he was pretending to be mysterious, but pretending to be pretentious Nothing more.
            At this moment, only a clear voice came from outside the temple  :   "Slow!"
            The crowd turned back, and saw a young man wearing a daisy long straight out of the official robe walking slowly, with firm eyes, with a different look than usual, and slowly walked to the temple.
            This person is not someone else, it is the Taifu of the Chao Dynasty, 1st-Imperial-Scholar Lang Liumin.
            This Liu Min’s position in the Hann court is very strange. He is said to have a high weight, but he is only a Crown Prince and has no real power. However, if he has no real power, he is partial to high prestige and has the trust of the emperor. He is an outspoken red man. If he offends him, he won't get any good.
            At this moment, when he suddenly made a noise, everyone was a little confused, knowing that Liu Min was later given 13-Prince Xuanpei by the emperor, and about Xuanpei also had some friendship between teachers and students. Situation? Mo said to be foolish and dream, even dreams are a bit ridiculous.
            The eyes of the people were full of ridicule, but the look of Xuan Li gradually dwindled.
            Liu Min's clothes are not the same today. He has always loved wearing light-colored clothes, and when he looks at them, he has a sense of cleanliness. Today, he is dark in color, and he does not know whether it is the cause of the clothes. It will reflect him a bit. It seems that the literati hand finally held not a book, but a sharp blade, and he was facing the Shura battlefield, and there was already a faint killing in his eyes.
            What does he want to do? Xuan Li keenly felt a slight difference, and he turned his head sharply to look at Lin Wei. Sure enough, Lin Wei lips had a deeper smile, almost grinning, and the kind of joy from his heart was definitely not pretended. how come? Xuan Li felt that he had fallen into a trap, but he couldn't grasp the clue. At this time, he just wanted to stop Liu Min as soon as possible.
            But before he moved, he watched Liu Min pull out a bright yellow scroll from his arms and unfolded. He stood on the Jinye Hall, in front of the civil and military officials, and said clearly  :   "Fengtian carrier, the emperor said — "
            When this word came out, everyone was shocked, and immediately kneeled down and ‘called Long live.
            Empress Dowager was also a little stunned, then sits upright, she suddenly realized something, looked at Lin Wei with a smile, and looked at the straight Liu Min who stood, her heart suddenly opened up. That's it ... It turns out that the real backhand is here.
            Liu Min read aloud  :   "The 13th son of Qinwang, the dove, is worthy and profound, and he will be able to defeat the throne and succeed as the emperor."
            Jiutan is a word from Xuan Pei, a short sentence that takes almost no time, but Liu Min deliberately speaks slowly. His voice has always carried a kind of gentleness peculiar to scholars, but today it seems like a sheath knife. It was so sharp that the aggressive momentum in the bite was almost overwhelming.
            Silent, deadly silence in the hall.
            It seems that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard. Liu Min maintains this posture, his back is straight, as if he can carry all his backpacks.
            A courtier took the lead and cried, "Why did a sudden imperial edict come out, Tai Liu, counterfeiting the imperial edict is a death penalty!" This man was a military attache from the Xuanli faction, and he despised the literati. However, it was beyond everyone expectation to overturn the original intention of the person. Suddenly, there was a doubt in his head.
            "Adult's words are bad," Wang Ji Lao also said. He had never stood in the middle of the North Han, but since Lin Wei returned, he was really drawn to Xuan Pei camp by Lin Wei. At this moment, when he saw that this man was talking yin and yang, he did not conceal the hostility of Liu Min, so he mocked and said, "Tao Liu is well-known for his character. Where does this fake imperial edict come from? This is really small. The heart of man has crossed the gentleman's belly. "
            Liu Min is a straightforward man recognized from all walks of life. He never does anything wrong. In his world, he is black and white. Right is right, wrong is wrong, and he is a very principled person. Even people who are right with Liu Min have to admit it, saying that Liu Min's fake imperial edicts are really not convincing to anyone. This made the man speechless.
            "Let’s just say no, let people come and see for themselves." Lin Wei said in his voice, and looked at Liu Min, Liu Min complied, strode to the front of Empress Dowager, bowed his body, and raised his hands. The imperial decree came to Empress Dowager's eyes, and said, "Please Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, look-"
            Empress Dowager reached out to take the decree, glanced, and smiled slightly, saying only four words  :   "True."
            There was an uproar in the middle of the country. The eyes of all the officials fell on Xuan Li involuntarily. Xuan Li face was very unpleasant at the moment, although he tried hard to stabilize his emotions, and made a pair of light and gentle air. appearance. But today's events suddenly came to pass. According to the plan, at this moment he should have successfully accepted the throne under the support of courtiers, but now suddenly a sacred decree emerged. This decree still did not write his name. The muscles on his cheeks were shaking slightly, and the hands in his sleeves were already clenched into fists. He was persuading himself that Liu Min's imperial edict could not be true. The real imperial purpose was with Qiman. They had already obtained the true imperial edict. How could the emperor have two imperial edicts? This is impossible!
            Even after hearing what Empress Dowager said, Xuan Li couldn't believe it. It was only that Empress Dowager had already stood by Xuan Pei. Since Lin Wei went to see Empress Dowager on the same day, maybe he was planning this. thing. Empress Dowager is only helping to lie now. With this in mind, Xuan Li winked at the people on one side, and the minister came forward and said, "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, the imperial imperial imperative is of great importance. Can you let my ministers take a look?"
            This is actually unreasonable, but the emperor Chu Jun now has a reputation as a possible uncle, far from the emperor in the eyes of the courtiers, but forgivable. As for Empress Dowager, he even agreed quickly, and ordered anyone to circulate the decree.
            What did she dare? These people just want the imperial edict to be false. Unfortunately, the imperial edict is true. It wasn't her who hit the face herself, and what did she do to keep these people completely dead. It's just that ... Empress Dowager's eyes fell on Lin Wei. Today, Lin Wei is afraid that he already knew. This person really is exactly the same temper as the original. Once he came to the country, he had to stir up the country for a long time and be reconciled. For example, at this moment, the imperial edict that was suddenly taken out in the palace of Jin Mao was enough to weigh more than a thousand pounds.
            The sacred aims to circulate in the hands of courtiers. These are all senior officials with ranks and grades. Among them, many of them had a good hand with the emperor and their officials. From the handwriting to the Royal Seal, there is indeed no place for fraud. Even if the departed people wanted to pick out the bones from the eggs to find a trace of evidence that this edict was false, they all failed.
            After all, the decree returned to Liu Min. Liu Min took the decree and said loudly  :   "At that time, His Majesty was seriously ill, and he secretly wrote this decree and delivered it to Wei Chen. That day Li-Gonggong was also present, but now Li Gonggong is gone, no one testifies, but one thing is imperative, and it cannot be fake. The minister is acting on purpose, and now His Majesty is driven to death, and the kingdom cannot be ruled without a day. His Majesty has set a candidate and respects him. " Go to Empress Dowager, put your hands up, and respectfully say, "Please Empress Dowager Niang-Niang preside over the ceremony, and choose another day for the new emperor-"
            Liu Min was already trusted by the emperor, and it was not impossible to give the imperial edict to him. It was indeed irrefutable. The Xuanpei faction who was in the downside saw the situation suddenly turn sharp, and this time with the imperial edict, it was truly irreversible. Naturally, they raised their eyebrows and exhaled fiercely, and immediately followed Liu Minqi to kneel, unanimously ‘called, "I implore Empress Dowager Niang-Niang to preside over the ceremony, and choose a new emperor to climb the throne-"
            Lin Wei was also among these people. He smiled at the corners of his lips, and his handsome face was full of joy. He even looked provocatively towards Xuanli people. Those people were all ashamed at the moment, only those who thought that Xuanli was a well-deserved emperor were beating their faces in a slap, and what they said was wrong now. There was no smile on Xuan Li face. His expression was very stiff, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to see the horror. Success came to an end, and a joke was made from start to finish. The purpose and self-esteem were irreversible blows.
            Empress Dowager also smiled, she raised her chin slightly and smiled in a solemn tone  :   "quasi-"
            The dust settled.
            No one expected that Liu Min would suddenly come out at this time and come up with a decree, and everyone saw the tremendous power of this decree. From the moment the imperial edict came out, no matter what the future was, Xuan Li stood in a completely unreasonable position, even if he pulled his sword against each other. Without the support of the people, taking a step back, even if it was Xuan Li who finally ascended the throne, that would be unsound, and there would only be a reputation for usurping the throne. For an emperor, it is difficult to stop everyone from speaking. The people in the world are inexhaustible. He has fallen into an irreparable situation.
            He forced himself to suppress his anger, and Empress Dowager said a few words at will, then announced his downward direction. She gave up cheerfully, now that the future Jin Jun of the Dajin Dynasty has been decided, why should she hold on to the affairs of the court here? As soon as Empress Dowager was gone, the hall of Jin Mao became lively. People from the Xuanpei group lost money under Xuanli hands. It was easy to get back where they were. Immediately arrested people and began to smirk.
            Xuan Li ignored the battle of words and words here, turned around and walked out of the Golden Crest Hall. He didn't bring any one around him, his steps were anxious, his expression on his face was really terrible.
            "Bug." When I put it on the corner of the promenade, I heard a familiar voice. Xuan Pei came over from the other side. He was placed under house arrest for so long. It suddenly appeared at this moment. Someone must have brought the news as soon as possible. With him, with the imperial decree, his guilt was washed away almost immediately, and those uncles’statements were dirty water. After disappearing for so long, the young man reappeared, wearing a Jinyi suit, exquisite looks, and a smile on his face, but the ordinary gongzi temperament faded a lot, the sharpness hidden in the surface was like a head still The sleeping beast originally thought it was just a wolf that has not yet grown up. Now it seems that it is not a wolf, but a young lion that has been lurking and has begun to plunder life.
            The young lion was growing up, and he had faintly revealed the color of the emperor.
            Xuan Li was startled by his own thoughts. How could he feel that the boy in front of him was like an emperor? Xuan Pei is nothing but a child who has a bad smell. The color of the emperor? It's incredible!
            "My Eighth doesn't look very good," Xuan Pei said with a smile, "I've heard about the incident in the palace of Jin Yun before. Why doesn't My Eight congratulate me?"
            "Congratulations," Xuan Li said stiffly. There are also some courtiers around here watching from a distance. How many people are thinking about watching his joke now, are they going to lose their respect in front of a child? Xuan Li could not do this, because even if his teeth were to be broken, the courtesy of the face was still to be reached.
            Xuan Pei seems to have not yet added enough to Xuan Li, and smiled, "I have already told my elder brother, I am always very lucky, maybe it is time to run. My elder brother, I only carried it a few days ago. With the inexhaustible insults, now the truth is out, isn’t everyone happy, my brother, are you saying that my luck is good? "
            "OK." Xuan Li said only one word. The young man in front of him looked at him with a smile. The eye-catching person Xuan Pei was born with a good skin, but he had never seen such a treacherous teenager. He was at his age and was used to it. He can only bear it, but Xuan Pei is like a poisonous snake, silently lurking. He can't even bear it, he doesn't think it is patience, but enjoys the process.
            Xuan Li stared at Xuan Pei, and suddenly felt that Xuan Pei was like Jiang Ruan at this moment. That woman is also like this, smiling with joy, leading people to the side of the trap, and then pushing people unhurriedly, the funny thing is that the prey thought he was about to succeed. And the irony of the aftermath, the effort to sprinkle salt on the wounds of the people, is also very good.
            "My Eighth Looks like there something important, so I won't bother." Xuan Li smiled again and turned slowly forward  :   "Farewell."
            The last two words were extremely frivolous, as if faintly saying another sentence  :   "This game, I have already won, it is useless for you to stay, go ahead ..."
            Xuan Li stood in place, calming down his undulating mood, if he could, he could not wait for Xuan Pei to smash the corpse at this moment. This humiliation of being stepped on his face was enough to drive him crazy, but in this madness, Xuan Li still maintains extreme reason, which is really strange. Why did Liu Min have two imperial edicts? He had read the imperial edicts that are facing up today. It is indeed true. What was the imperial edicts taken away by Qiman? what is the problem? He must immediately ask Qiman for a clear answer.
            In the night, Canaan Mountain, which is frozen thousands of miles away, and the green poplar hills where spring is blooming, should the old man with white hair sit on the mountain top, looking at the hexagram in front of him, sighing deeply, he lifted At first, looking at the vast starry sky, the stars flickered, his eyes only stayed in one place, and finally he closed his eyes and shook his head, his voice was hoarse and old  :   "The new Lord is now alive, change his life, make sense."
            On this day, Dong Yinger in the palace also got the news. She stood up in disbelief and looked at the slightly panicked Maid in front of her  :   "What, imperial edict 13-Prince is emperor?"
            "Niang-Niang is angry." The palace girl quickly knelt down  :   "Now everyone knows this, Niang-Niang ..."
            Dong Yinger sits down on the carved chair, and all of his strength seemed to be drawn away in an instant. What's going on, how can a sudden imperial edict, how is it ...? Establish 13-Prince as Emperor?
            Why did the emperor make this choice, Dong Yinger himself could not figure it out. Even after she served the emperor for a long time, she seemed to have the emperor's trust. But that man, she never figured out what the man was thinking. She had also sided with her hope that something could be said, but the emperor was more vigilant than anyone, and almost let her reveal her identity, and later she dared not.
            But at that time, the emperor never showed favor for either of the two Wangzis, as if there were already other candidates in his mind. And it seems that he hasn't communicated with Liu Min alone. Where did this hell's imperial edict come from?
            So many courtiers have seen it, and it must not be fake. What this means, Dong Yinger is very clear.
            When the emperor was about to enter the emperor's tomb, she didn't want to be buried, so she desperately wanted to declare a free body. If the declaration was successful, their Dong family would be able to walk peacefully, and she would be free. But now Xuan Pei has become a well-known future Chu Jun, Xuan Li may be able to lead soldiers to rebel, but before that, the execution of her in the name of the emperor was a trivial matter. She slandered Zhao Jin and used Jiang Xinzhi to get involved with Xuan Pei. How could Xuan Pei let her go? Thinking about this, Dong Yinger just felt that the whole body was full of chill.
            How can you fail? Is this her destiny, she bet everything, no friends, no face, no conscience, and finally got nothing. Does it mean that the riches and luxuries cannot last long? Their Dong family is standing in the Xuanli faction. What will happen in the future?
            Dong Yinger suddenly felt a pain in her head. She felt a sudden fainting and almost fainted. She almost fell down. The palace maid on one side was startled, and her eyes quickly supported her, and she said, "Niang-Niang, what's the matter with you? Slave, go to Tai-yi ..."
            The people of the Zhao family were also released, and they all seemed to be a play. The rapid changes in the palace were not expected by them, and even more unexpected was that Dong Ying Er had an accident. Someone found the true poison of the southern Xinjiang in her palace. The poison is different from the poison that made the emperor deadly, more like It is a drug addiction. The more you use it, the more addictive it becomes, but the body is slowly hollowed out. Dong Yinger did just that. In those days, the emperor liked the royal meal she made, all of which was poisoned by her, so she fell ill.
            However, this poison is not poisonous for people. If it is left on the body for a long time, those who are infected will also become poisonous, but they don’t know it. Dong Yinger poisoned the emperor for many years, even harming his body. Yesterday I fainted in the dorm room. Someone called Tai-yi to check. She was surprised that her symptoms were similar to those of the emperor. She came to Xia Qing for treatment and discovered the secret.
            It turned out that Dong Xiuyi, the most innocent person, was the culprit, and the identification of Zhao Jin also smoothed Chen Zhang's wine into dirty water. This time, Dong Yinger committed anger, and Empress Dowager's method was never meant to be fun, but she was taken to the drug and committed suicide by herself.
            Said it was suicide, but I heard the jailer say that Dong Yinger didn't seem to commit suicide. Who can take the poison to himself so painfully? The thing that Arsen can solve is to use the drugs in South Xinjiang. Xia Qing has already seen that people who use that poison will suffer great pain before they die. They will drink the worm eggs with the potion and drink them into the belly, and the worm eggs will die alive in the body. Dong Ying Er's death was also extremely miserable, making it almost impossible to see the prototype of his body.
            When Zhao Jin heard the news, he was fully stunned by half a column of incense. He said nothing and didn't eat. He ran into the room alone and didn't even find Jiang Xinzhi coming.
            Jiang Xinzhi touched his head  :   "Go to dinner."
            "She didn't kill herself by taking poison." Zhao Jin said dumbly  :   "She is most afraid of pain, and she also loved beauty the most. Even if she didn't die, she wouldn't use such a method, she must die beautifully. This way of death It's too bad. "
            Zhao Jin was supposed to hate Dong Yinger, but she really knew her miserable ending, but she also had an indescribable feeling in her heart, that naturally was not pity or sympathy, and she had not been selfless to that point. It's just a heavy heart, full of depression. Denying Dong Yinger is like negating her old carefree teenager time. Not everyone can be a stranger to someone who was originally close, but there is still some ups and downs in his heart.
            "It's Xuanli moving hand." Jiang Xinzhi patted her shoulder. "With this poison, he afraid he mad now, and he also used to vent anger on a pawn."
            Dong Yinger was the person who declared the departure, and the incident in the east window incident revealed that he wanted to kill people. But using this tortured poison is not consistent with Xuan Li usual style. It can only be explained that he was already angered by Liu Min's imperial edict, and his anger could not be vented. After Dong Yinger's accident, he was used as a venting tool.
            "He is not a man!" Zhao Jin hated and said, "Human beasts with beasts and hearts!" Looking at Wen Ya people is so cruel, and he can succeed with a weak woman, especially the former ally. Zhao Jin now thinks of leaving. Feeling sick.
            "Becoming the Wang and defeating the pirates is the truth since ancient times." Jiang Xinzhi said, "Besides that she made a skin with the tiger herself, when she made this decision, she must have the courage to bear the consequences." He looked at Zhao Jin, but was helpless. "You don't have to worry too much about this, although I know you are sad, but you have to know that she is not a good person, people are not kind to you, and you are not a bodhisattva. This is just blame yourself or open your eyes."
            Jiang Xinzhi has no trace of Dong Yinger. Where can the people who can drag all the Zhao Jin family into the water go well? He is a soldier, and he has seen more cruel death on the battlefield. He only feels that Dong Yinger is self-sustaining. When she framed others or poisoned the emperor, she left a little room for it. At this point.
            Zhao Jin sighed, without refuting his words, Jiang Xinzhi pulled her up and said, "Eat something, Capital City may not be quite peaceful for a while, and your government should strengthen its strictness and declare a move. Since your Zhao family has already Offending him will naturally be listed as his number one enemy. "
            Jiang Ruan still doesn't know what happened in the Golden Temple. She became more and more tired day by day, and even eaten more and more unconsciously. Even if she had patience, she couldn't hide it. Looking at his bulging belly, Jiang Ruan couldn't help but smile bitterly. When he saw Xuan Li next time, I was afraid he couldn't hide it anyway.
            Just thinking, ‘mute came in, holding a few clothes in his hand, Jiang Ruan smiled a moment, ‘mute smiled, and made a few gestures on her, Jiang Ruan understood that this was the same as The new clothes she made. But since I have been here for so long, there is no tailor to measure her with her. Of course, it is impossible for the people here to let her contact with outsiders. No one can do anything, lest she play tricks. Jiang Ruan looked at the clothes sent by Dumu  :   "Ready-made?"
             ‘mute nodded, Jiang Ruan took the clothes and said, "You go out first."
             ‘mute went away first, Jiang Ruan opened the clothes, none of them were red, they were all light colors. I was afraid that she would be found. These light clothes were not noticeable. I wanted to It's also much easier to transfer. Jiang Ruan shook off a piece of clothing and draped it over himself, finding it was a bit big. Immediately again, the clothes sold in the ready-to-wear shop fit so well everywhere, but it was too big.
            But a moment later, Jiang Ruan smiled a little, and she stroked the clothes. Although such big clothes were not good before, they are better now. Maybe you can cover your lower abdomen and make it less noticeable, which is really good. If the next time Xuan Li comes in person, he can probably cover it up. She glanced at the scratches on the bedside record date, and wondered what the scene is now. Did Xuan Li have any action? If it did, the decree would come out and Xuan Li would come to her door very quickly. At that time, she could just leave.
            But why Xiao Shao people haven't found it yet? Jiang Ruan is a little puzzled. If she had never been afraid of dragging down with these people before, she still has a small belly in her belly. If she drags a point, it will be a danger to her child. She didn't want to take the risk of the child, and her expression gradually dignified.

            Chapter 251  :   ‘mute    

            Congratulations on getting a monthly pass
            Silver candle incense, green smoke, even in the remote courtyard in Capital City, the fragrance of the fragrance seems to contain the absent exotic atmosphere. The woman in red leaned back on the couch, playing with a small copper bell in her hands. There seemed to be bells in the distance. Obviously, this was a temple. The green smoke in the temple was mixed with the smoke from the incense in the room. It was impossible to tell who was who.
            In this case, a person suddenly broke in outside, the gray-clad person hurried in, and even the door forgot to knock. The woman in red was startled, then stood up and angrily  :   "Bold!"
            "Yuanchuan confessed his sin." The gray-clad man confessed his punishment quickly, but immediately thought of something, and immediately hurriedly said, "Please forgive Yuanchuan for offending, it is really anxious, dare to ask the maiden, but the imperial decree that was taken from Jiang Ruan is On the Virgin? "
            Now that such a big thing has happened, Qiman naturally wants to find the decree and send it to Xuanli. Who knows that he can't find the decree. Anxiety naturally formed in his heart, and Yuan Chuan thought of Dan Zhen almost immediately. Dan Zhen does not contact outsiders all the year round, and he is always obedient. Even in this place, it is by no means obedient to others. Before daring Qiman to come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, Yuanchuan hurriedly came to Danzhen to ask for an understanding.
            "Yes." Dan admitted that he didn't want to.
            Yuan Chuan loosed his heart and quickly said, "Where is that imperial edict now?"
            "I was burned." Dan Zhen interrupted him before Yuan Chuan finished speaking. After Yuan Chuan was stunned, the face under the mask of the staunch stick was stiff for a moment, and he always talked and laughed for a long while before he said, "Sir, but really?"
            "Yuanchuan, when have you been so stingy?" Dan really frowned at him.
            Yuan Chuan thought about it, but eventually he didn't talk to Dan Zhen. I'm afraid that even after talking about this with Dan Zhen, Dan Zhen won't realize how serious the matter is. Now there is another imperial edict, and what the content of the imperial edict in the hands of Jiang Ruan was before is unknown. Xuan Li will definitely want to find out, but in the end, if you know that Dan Zhen was burned to the ground, Xuan Li is not credible. Now that his plans are broken, who knows what he will do to Dan Zhen? Now, I have to go to Qiman first and explain it to Qiman. At least Qiman and Dan Zhen are both relatives of the southern Xinjiang. In front of Xuan Li, they are grasshoppers on a rope. reason.
            Yuan Chuan thought like this, only hesitated, and smiled bitterly in the eyes of Dan Zhen's questioning  :   "Just a few small things, the subordinates are just fine. The maiden is at ease, and she must pay attention to her safety recently."
            Dan Zhen snorted softly, and Yuanchuan turned and left. But Yuan Chuan hadn't found Qiman to make it clear, Xuanli had already found Qiman first.
            Qiman looked at the young man in front of him. This young Prince of the Dajin Dynasty had a long-standing reputation. He had a good reputation among the people when he was young, and he had excellent talents, and at least it seemed impeccable on the surface. It seems that the status is also very high in the eyes of the emperor, but the last emperor's book of succession is not his name, which is enough to surprise the people in the world.
            Isn't it just Xuan Li, is that fledgling, or a fluffy boy Xuan Pei? It's okay to cheat others, but it's not easy to cheat Qiman. Only she knew what idea was in the heart of the emperor. The Jiangshan in this world had a good surname, but the person who took the position at the time should have been Hong Xi Crown Prince, so it should be Hong Xi Crown Prince. Son.
            Everyone in the world says that the son of Crown Prince Hongxi died early in the war, but Qiman knew that he was not dead. He hated Hongxi Crown Prince, and hated Xiao yuan, and even hated the emperor today, the most hated was Hongxi Crown Prince son. The bastard and Hong Xi Crown Prince gave birth to the evil species, and her flesh to Xiao yuan must not die.
            Hong Xi Crown Prince is a smart man, he will surely protect his son temper. Qiman's invisibility in the Dajin Dynasty completely changed his appearance, even at the expense of being a junior Junior Concubine at the Shangshufu, saving his temper in the backyard for decades of jealousy. Later, she finally found Xiao Shao, so she fiddled with the old Jinying couple, and even used the conflict between the emperor and the Jinying palace.
            It is a pity that Xiao Shao identity has not been revealed, and he is still alive. But Qiman also thought it was good. It made Xiao Shao original thought all turn over, and the world he stayed in was all a false lie. Not everyone can bear the truth, especially when they lose everything overnight and carry the name of a chaotic thief.
            But I didn't expect Xiao Shao to subdue the Jin Yiwei, Qiman hated poison in his heart, but then he slowly figured it out. Isn't it more painful to wait for Xiao Shao to get everything before losing everything now? What she didn't expect was that Xiao Shao stayed with Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan was a deliberate woman. When she was in Shang Shufu, she looked at Fu Qi Ji Qieshi as an outsider. Jiang Ruan went to this point step by step. If it wasn't for her relationship with Xiao Shao, Qiman thought that he would still appreciate Jiang Ruan's unscrupulous temper.
            The emperor originally wanted to be Xiao Shao, but I don’t know why it turned out to be Xuan Pei. Xiao Shao identity Qiman didn’t intend to tell Xuan Li, but Xing Li, who was at this moment, pleaded guilty, but she just smiled. Says  :   "If His Royal Highness asked me to pray for sin, he would have found the wrong person. Our can only find a decree, which is not made by Our."
            "Where is that holy purpose?" Xuan Li said coldly. Xuanpei imperial edict has made him face scandalous, becoming the laughingstock of the entire Dajin court. It was those who decided to follow him, and now he looked at him strangely. More and more people began to choose Xuanpei, as if Xuanpei became the heir to the throne, and some were bright Kangzhuang Avenue. Now Xuanli just wants to figure out what is going on.
            Qiman's expression moved slightly, and he even smiled and said, "That imperial edict is not really important. Shouldn't His Royal Highness be asked by Hong-An County Owner? His Highness also knew in his heart that this matter was Our fooled, Hong-An. County Owner did it on purpose. And she succeeded. "
            Since Xuan Pei still has a decree in his hands, Jiang Ruan's act of hiding a copy of the decree from the palace is almost a hit. Let people take Xuan Pei in the palace lightly, and then give him a fatal blow when Xuan Li is most satisfied, shame his face. This is the thought of Jiang Ruan. She planned it from the beginning. She was the bait in order to attract Xuanli eyes completely.
            Xuan Li; the expression on his face was uncertain, and he suddenly opened the curtain and strode away. After Xuan Li left, Qiman's face gradually subsided, and she suddenly put on her coat and turned to go out.
            Jiang Ruan was sitting at the table on the couch, looking at the book leisurely. The place below her chest was blocked by the table, but she could not see the belly that was gradually protruding. However, although large clothes can cover one or two, his face is getting more plump. She sits here and reads books leisurely every day, but she pretends to be something, and naturally thinks of something else.
            Today she turned only two pages, and the door was pushed open. Jiang Ruan raised his eyes, seeing Duan's panic-stricken face, then Xuan Li gloomy expression.
            Xuan Li came, Jiang Ruan had a slight solitude, and immediately knew. It seems that things have already happened, and Xuan Li is also here to come to Xingshi to ask for sin. These days I am imprisoned in this strange place, and nothing is known outside. At this moment I saw Xuan Li, and then look at the look under his eyes, most of it is done, Jiang Ruan’s lips are unconsciously hooked A tick, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.
            The joy in Xuanli eyes was so dazzling, as if ridiculing him. He stepped towards Jiang Ruan step by step, the action was full of pressure, as if the fierce beast was facing his prey. He walked to Jiang Ruan's table, put his hands on the table, and looked down at Jiang Ruan from top to bottom, and suddenly smirked  :   "Wangfei has done a good job, and these days look a little more rounded."
            "Fomen's situation is a good place for self-cultivation. With a broad heart, naturally everything is fine." Jiang Ruan answered with a smile.
            A flash of caution flashed in Xuanli eyes  :   "Do you know where this is?"
            "It's not difficult to guess." Jiang Ruan also laughed. "But if you can guess, you can't go out. Your Highness understands this more than me?"
            Xuan Li looked at her uncertainly. Among the women he saw in his life, only this woman was the most cunning and tangled. This place is Qiman's base camp, and no one can find it. Jiang Ruan alone could guess that it was a temple. It was already very skeptical. Who knew if she had a chance to notify Xiao Shao. Although Qiman vowed, is Jiang Ruan the right person to deal with?
            But apparently he didn't come here for this matter. Xuan Li looked at Jiang Ruan and asked with a smirk  :   "That decree was deliberately seduced me."
            Jiang Ruan smiled softly.
            This smile instantly struck Xuan Li most embarrassed and angry mood. He suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed Jiang Ruan's neck. His hand was wide and powerful, and Jiang Ruan's white and slender neck was in his palm. His palms slowly tightened, and the woman's neck seemed to be broken in his hands. Xuan Li narrowed his eyes, his eyes lingering on that beautiful face.
            It's strange that Jiang Ruan is a strange woman. There are countless women he has seen in his life, but every time he meets Jiang Ruan, a strange feeling will develop in his heart. That feeling can be felt a little bit about Xuan Li, that is possessiveness.
            He read countless beauty, that is, the maiden of the southern Xinjiang is really a beautiful beauty, but in Xuanli eyes, it is nothing but a better fool. But Jiang Ruan is different. This woman is cunning, deliberate, independent, and fierce, and she has such a beautiful face. It would be a good match if he stood with him. This woman is qualified to stand next to him, and Xuan Li looks a little obsessed and obsessed. He squeezes Jiang Ruan's neck tightly with his hands, almost reaching her face.
            Jiang Ruan was already out of breath after he was stunned, but he slowly closed his eyes, and Xuan Li was suddenly shocked. He immediately let go. Jiang Ruan is still useful today, but he needs to take it with him. Xiao Shao makes a deal and must not die now. As soon as he let go, Jiang Ruan immediately coughed around his neck. Xuan Li, however, seemed to suddenly think of Jiang Ruan's identity. Yes, she is Wangfei of Jinying Palace, and a woman of Xiao Shao. This woman is clever, but she is fighting against herself from beginning to end. She is a scourge!
            "My Highness is probably misunderstood." Jiang Ruan gasped for a long time and finally started to speak. She was still a little uncomfortable, so she felt a little retched, and finally came  :   "That imperial edict is real."
            "What?" Xuan Li frowned.
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly, although her face was a bit pale due to Xuanli hands, but she still said clearly  :   "His Royal Highness, I am talking about the imperial edict, and the imperial edict in my hand was originally true. When I took the imperial edict out of the palace, I did not want to be a bait. I originally intended to take the imperial edict away. "Jiang Ruan looked at Xuan Li with a stubborn expression and continued  :  " Your Highness knows Why should I take that imperative? Because the imperial edict is an edict, but the name on it is not His Highness Thirteen, Xuan Pei. So I will take the imperial edict. "
            "Why are there two imperial edicts?" Xuan Li said coldly, "You are lying to me."
            "I don't need to lie to you, because Her Majesty didn't choose before then. His savvy person set up two imperial edicts, and intended to put both of them into the hands of a loyal dear. The situation can change rapidly overnight. If anything happens, just destroy one of them and take out the other to announce it to the world immediately. His Royal Highness Your Majesty is your Fu Huang, and your father and son want to come to have deep feelings too, Your Majesty is a What temperament do you not know? "
            Suffering in Xuanzhong, he knew that Jiang Ruan always liked to lie, but the emperor was like this temper. The emperor was suspicious by nature and was good at leaving room for things. He did manage to keep two decrees. But according to Jiang Ruan, the name of another imperial edict ...
            He looked at Jiang Ruan with a compelling tone  :   "Another epic book, whose name is it?"
            Jiang Ruan stared at his eyes and smiled  :   "It's you, Your Highness."
            What she said was fluttering, but she fell heavily on the centrifugal like heavy iron. How could it be him? How could it be him? If it was him, wouldn't he keep his decree these days and give Xuan Pei the opportunity to seize the opportunity? This is all intentional by Jiang Ruan!
            "I didn't do it on purpose." Jiang Ruan seemed to see his mind, and continued to say, "Prince Liu and His Highness Thirteen have a friendship between teachers and students. For such a scholar, only emotion can be used to influence it. Madam. Liu was originally the Highness of the Thirteen, and naturally would help the Thirteen. I thought I would take another imperial edict back to the house to destroy it. As you think, once the two imperial edicts come out, the world is bound to The chaos is only burning one copy and leaving one copy, burning the emperor road and leaving the royal road. But I didn't expect that someone would take me halfway. When I came here, I also I slowly figured it out, and guessed that the person behind was you. Since yin and yang can also achieve my purpose, why not do it, so I say nothing. Now looking at your highness like you I understand about that, it seems that the book of seals has already been issued, hasn't it? "
            Xuan Li looked at the woman in front of her and smiled and said all of this. She didn't mind her identity at the moment, and even told her about her plan unabashedly like a friend. But it sounded like Xuan centrifugal cotton jam. He gritted his teeth and secretly said that Qiman only said that the imperial edict was true, and he didn't think much about it, who knew that such a thing would happen. It is Jiang Ruan's good abacus. Is it his own sin? what is this!
            His expression suddenly darkened, and the gentleness and gentleness of jade on peace days made him look like two people, even a bit ugly because of distortion. He said fiercely  :   "So what, the imperial edict is still in Our hands, as long as it is taken out, Xuan Pei is not a well-known Chujun. The rivers and mountains in this world are mine, and they are always mine!"
            "His Highness is probably going to be disappointed." Jiang Ruan looked at him with pity, but that mercy seemed to have some ridicule that seemed hilarious  :   "There is no such imperial edict."
            Xuan centrifugally jumped, pinching her chin and saying, "What did you say?"
            Jiang Ruan seemed a little confused, tilted her head, and those charming eyes seemed to have a hint of innocence. She said, "Didn't Princess of South Xinjiang tell you, the decree has been burned by the maiden of South Xinjiang? She lowered her eyelids. "At first, the maiden thought it was the throne of the thirteen throne, which was about to be burned. It was about wanting to please you, and volunteered. But ..." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "She burned, it was your Royal Highness's book."
            What he burnt is Your Royal Highness.
            Jiang Ruan's words flew far and near in his ears, and the whole sentence that was announced in an instant was a repetitive sentence. He suddenly felt that his chest was slammed, as if all the blood on the whole body had solidified. Already. It is clearly a spring day, but it is as cold as several cold days. He knew that Jiang Ruan wouldn't lie about such things. Jiang Ruan's smile was sincere joy, and that edict was really gone ...
            He let go of Jiang Ruan in despair, turned around and stumbled towards the door, and when Fang stepped out of the door, he suddenly felt a sweet throat and sprayed blood on the bluestone road in front of the door. But he didn't seem to see half at all, and continued to move forward.
            Jiang Ruan sits back to his original position, and his stomach began to twitch slightly. Xuan Li strength was so great that she let her move. Fang Cai forced to do such a play with Xuan Li. The decrees naturally did not write the name of Xuan Li, but the decrees that passed the throne to Xiao Shao, but only told Xuan Li that it was his prequel. In the book, Xuan Li, a person with extremely strong self-esteem, would feel a 100 thousand blow. It is important to tell him that the decree was burned by the southern Xinjiang maiden, and Xuan Li will not let the southern Xinjiang maiden pass. Jiang Ruan can also see the clues during these days of house arrest. Qiman and Dan really have a bad relationship. Dan really burned the decree that day. Qiman was too late to the party, but he will surely know the news afterwards. Keqiman didn't even come to see her, instead, he seemed to be in peace as if nothing had happened. What is it for? Perhaps Qiman also knows that if something really goes wrong, Xuanli will definitely find Dan really troublesome.
            A former dynasty Princess, a saint today, has a delicate relationship. Moreover, with Danzheng temper, it is not necessary to recognize this Princess that caused the fall of the southern Xinjiang. Qiman and Danzhen temper are different. They are best at hiding and forbearing. In this way, maybe even the matter of burning the imperial edict was released by Qiman intentionally.
            The Southern Territory and Xuanli alliance must be broken. It is best if Danzhen can be punished by Xuanli hand. just……. Jiang Ruan covered his belly, and a lot of sweat rolled down from his forehead. There was also a hint of fear in her heart. In previous life and in this life, she was Peer's mother, but Peer was not her own. This was her first pregnancy and her first child. When she was in the palace, she had seen Pinfei, who was pregnant with her children, and gave birth in various ways. Of course, there are other people who are born with evil intentions, but it also shows that the child is very vulnerable.
            Now she is suffering from abdominal pain, covering her belly with one hand, almost fainting on the ground, gritting her teeth, and hesitating to call others. If she called, she would not be able to conceal the child in her belly. Now, if she didn't bark, if it was a miscarriage, she would never forgive herself for life.
            At this moment, she saw Dumbfounded rushing in, and when she entered the house, she turned over and closed the door. She was carrying a food basket for meals. Then lift the lid of the food basket and bring out a bowl from the inside.
            Then the ‘mute ran to Jiang Ruan, held Jiang Ruan up, put his bowl in front of Jiang Ruan, and whispered, "Hurry up."
            Jiang Ruan was stunned at this moment, and he couldn’t even be surprised when ‘mute would speak, just looking at the medicine in the bowl, stunned in his heart, and immediately remembered watching the Pinfei in the palace in the past life to the women The picture of saffron in it. She looked dumbly at the ‘mute, and said, "What is this?"
            "Antai medicine." Duanmu was also very anxious  :   "Hurry up and drink, I don't know when their people will arrive."
            Jiang Ruan glanced at the ‘mute, and the anxiety on this sister-zi face didn't seem to pretend. She hasn't shown anything special these days and has never been able to speak. Jiang Ruan thought it was a ‘mute call from Xuan Li to serve. She usually keeps her ‘mute intentions secretly, but now she thinks about it as if she had never done anything to hurt her. Many times even helped her unintentionally.
            Jiang Ruan's heart was overwhelming. She was not easy to believe in others, but for the children in her belly, she also had an instinct, so she said nothing and poured the bowl of medicine down.
            I didn't know how long it took for Jiang Ruan to feel that the pain in the abdomen had eased slightly. ‘mute has packed up the chopsticks, laid out the rest of the food, and lifted her up to the chair with her own hands. Jiang Ruan asked, “Are you from Xiao Shao?”
            Dumbfounded and shook his head.
            Jiang Ruan now also sees that the medicine is really an anti-baby medicine. Dumbfounding should have seen that she was pregnant, and it makes sense, even if you hide it, people who live with it will find it no matter how. She unusual. Those who hide in the yard and watch. It's also a bit difficult to make things seamless in the same room. It's just that dumbfounded that he was not sent by Xiao Shao, and why people who are not Xiao Shao helped her so?
            "So who are you?" Jiang Ruan asked suspiciously.
            Dumbfounded while standing next to Jiang Ruan, adding food, leaning back to the window, leaning down in a voice that only two people could hear  :   "Xuan Xuan has killed my whole family, I want revenge."
            Jiang Ruan for a moment, for a moment, never thought it was the reason. She said, "What deep hatred do you have with her?"
            Dumbly said  :   "I Father worked for Xuan Li. At the beginning, things were revealed. Xuan Li killed 99 people in my family for the sake of protecting himself from being detected. After a catastrophe. I will ask him for the ninety-three debts. I have spent all my wealth for so many years in order to seek opportunities. "
            Jiang Ruan frowned. "Why are you here?"
            "I was in the middle of a crowd of people in Xuanlifu, posing as dumbs. When I heard that the housekeeper wanted to recruit someone to serve an important person, I was picked. ‘mute was good at work. I had the idea to do ‘mute in the beginning. Maybe I can find an opportunity to contact the secrets of Xuan Li. The sky has eyes and finally let me wait for this opportunity. "
            Jiang Ruan. Of course, the person who originally thought it was Xiao Shao, did not want this person but was a person who hated Xuan Li. So-called revenge and resentment complained. Xuan Li was also self-injustice and unrequitable. It was plain for her to pick a bargain. I can't help but think of the ‘mute life. Xuan Li this man is fierce in appearance and anger, and this is not the first time he has done anything. What came to mind, Jiang Ruan asked, "Why do you help me?"
            "The enemy's enemy is a friend. Whoever has enmity with Xuan Li, I will help." Dumbfounded  :   "Now I am alone, although I try my best to find an opportunity, but I don't know if it will happen in the end. I know you are Jinying Wangfei of Wangfu, Jinying Wangfu is quite powerful, and you also have the ability. Otherwise, Xuan Li will not be so taboo to you, and even put you under house arrest. I know you must be able to deal with him. "
            Jiang Ruan thoughtfully, "So, will you help me?"
            "This place is too far away from the capital," Duan said, "Xiao Wangye can't find it here. Besides, there are people guarding everywhere, and I can't send a message. But if you are pregnant now, if you are known, you are holding it. After Xiao Wangye greater weakness. I want to help you, so I will try my best to find the opportunity, and once you have the opportunity, I will help you escape. But you must promise me that if you escape, you will avenge my family. I can't do it alone. You must be able to kill Xuanli. "
            Jiang Ruan was silent for a moment and then said, "Yes, the deal."

            Chapter 252  :   Death of Dan Zhen    

            Dan Zhen never cared about the events in the capital. She was here to avoid the pursuit of the imperial court while waiting for news of Xuan Li. In her opinion, everything is now a matter of fact and nothing can go wrong. So I was not worried. It was the strangeness of the one yen river that had not come to Dan Zhen's heart, but he did not expect that Xuanli suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.
            Dan Zhen glanced up at the man, and in all fairness, Xuan Lisheng was not ugly, and in terms of this man's means, he was not incompetent. It's just that Dan Zhen already saw another person in his heart, and Xuan was too far away from that person. When Dan Zhen looked at Xuanli again, there was not much mood swing. However, she still knew that Xuan Li was the one who traded with them in southern Xinjiang, so she stood up and smiled, "His Royal Highness."
            Xuan Li also smiled. Dan Zhen had seen Xuan Li several times and knew that it was a customary expression for Xuan Li. Being able to wear a mask deep into the bone marrow makes everyone who sees him feel like a breeze, and Xuan Li is also quite capable. At first glance, his face still looks like the usual gentle smile, but there seems to be something strange in that smile, which makes people feel strange.
            Dan Zhen was about to step forward, and then said, "His eighth lord come, what's the matter?"
            She was sensitive to the slightest mistake, but did not know what went wrong. Her exchanges with Xuanli were negotiated through Yuan Chuan, who was a smart person and the best knife she used.
            Xuan Li smiled and said, "Sir, come here, just ask the sir."
            Dan Zhen said, "What is it?"
            "The decree found from Jinying Wangfei was burned by the maiden, wasn't it?" Xuan Li smile looked a little closer at this moment, but it was somewhat false, and Dan Zhen felt disgusted for no reason. As if there was something else in it, she looked at Xuan Li and nodded  :   "Exactly."
            "Oh? Why dare to ask the maiden to do this?" Xuanli asked.
            Dan Zhen froze, and Zai carefully looked at Xuanli expression before he said, "Since the imperial edict is an edict to your brother, it is also a curse to keep it, and one day you will destroy it. There are many night long dreams. I'd rather do it for me. Since you and I are on the side, I'm not afraid to do these things. "
            She thought that what she said was already very decent, and it was a great honor for others to work for others as the maiden of the southern Xinjiang. She wouldn't have said that unless she had a covenant between the two. Who knew Xuan Li heard a strange smile after saying, "Help me?"
            Dan didn't expect Xuanli to be this reaction, and she was a little dissatisfied  :   "What does this mean, Your Highness?"
            Xuan Li tone couldn't hear the emotions  :   "You burned a copy of the throne book that was not thirteen. The name on it was mine."
            "Your?" Dan Zhen ‘called in silence. The tourmaline fire room also understood why Xuanli was this attitude. It's just that ordinary people think about how to express their regrets about the first time, but Dan really thinks about how to shirk. There was even a anger in my heart.
            She said, "Is your Highness here to come to confess sin?" Even if the southern Xinjiang State had been destroyed by the Dajin Dynasty several decades ago, Nanjiang had given to the prince who was originally a royal relative. Gained a high status and honor. No one questioned or resisted her words, and treated Dan Zhen more favorably because of the country's destruction. Dan Zhen looked down on anyone who was lower than her status. In her eyes, Xuanli is nothing more than Prince who has not yet ascended the throne. How dare to speak to her with such an uncomfortable attitude of educating teachers is disrespectful. Immediately, he put on a high-profile attitude  :   "When His Highness made Our robbed the imperial decree, he did not say that the name of the imperial decree belongs to his Royal Highness. Why, now is it really blame me? I burned Do you have an epilogue? Besides, you haven’t read that edict, how do you know that it’s your name written on it, is it the way of others? ”
            "Have someone else word?" Xuanli asked slowly.
            "Yeah," Dan Zhen seemed to be suddenly interested, and continued to say, "Maybe when the imperial edict was taken away by Our, you were in someone else way. Your Highness whispered to Xingshi to inquire about it, why not? Ask yourself? This is your own fault after all. You are stupid, you made a mistake, you fell into the trap of others, you burned your own imperial edict, and you broke the path of the emperor. Do what you say, what does this have to do with me? It's you who really blame! "
            Dan was so anxious to get rid of the whole thing that he thought of the mistake as Xuan Li. It wouldn't matter if it was normal, but what she said today happened to be stamped on Xuan Li pain. This incident was indeed a mischief of others from the beginning of his declaration. It was his wrong judgment that he wrote his own name and thought it was Xuanpei title. However, this person is the most conceited, but also does not tolerate any stains on himself, and does not allow others to question his ability. Dan Zhen's words and sentences are hitting his face. How can I make it? Moreover, there is still room for this matter to turn around, as long as you take out your own imperial edict, who knows that Dan really is a crap, and burned his last chance with a fire. Not only that, but not a little bit of remorse, to make an aggressive look.
            Xuan Li heart suddenly felt a sense of irritability.
            He looked at Dan Zhen and said slowly  :   "You're right."
            Dan Zhen was just an outbreak of his temper for a while. He didn't expect that Xuan Li would admit his fault so quickly. It was strange in his mind, but Xuan Li was always a honey-bellied sword, and he was best at treating people on the surface. So I didn't think about it, and said, "In fact, I don't blame you, but you really shouldn't blame it all on me ..."
            Before she finished speaking, she felt that her chest was suddenly cold, and a strange pain spread from her chest and got into the bones. She bowed her head down and looked at her chest, where a short knife was inserted, and the handle was holding in Xuan Li hand. Xuan Li looked at her with a slight smile. The knife turned slowly and deliberately for a week, and almost the sound of flesh rotating was heard.
            "Since I shouldn't blame you, I should thank you. How about giving you a ride?" Xuan Li voice was brisk, but there was a sense of chill. Dan stared at her wound in disbelief. She wanted to cry out for help. She wanted to be called Yuan Chuan, Qi Man, and someone outside. But she couldn't say a word. Zhang Zhang, there is no energy.
            The blade of the short knife was poisoned. Xuan Li pulled out the short knife from Qiman's chest. At that moment, blood splattered out. Xuan Li took a handkerchief from her arms and stained the dirty knife. The dirt was wiped clean, put the knife back into the scabbard, and looked down at the dead woman who fell to the ground, as if appreciating a picture of the corpse on the ground for a long time, and then slowly smiled  :   "I should kill you from the beginning, idiot."
            He turned and walked out of the room.
            Dan Zhen's body was standing in the room, and the blood from his chest gradually stained the ground under his body. Dan Zhen did not expect that Xuanli would strike her, maybe she didn't realize how much wrong she had committed, and didn't realize that Xuanli was much worse than what she wanted. But what she didn't realize was that she was not as important as she thought. The reason why she has no fear is nothing more than because she saw that Xuanli wanted to ally with her and rely on the power of their southern Xinjiang, but she forgot that there is more than one person who can rule in southern Xinjiang, she is the sage of southern Xinjiang There is also a Princess in Nanjiang Country. Qiman is smarter than her, more forbearable, and better than she knows how to trade with Xuanli. When a person is not the only option, even after there are better alternatives, Killing her is just a simple matter.
            Dan Zhen did not expect to die, her life was ruined so fast. She hadn't seen Jiang Ruan when he was better off, or Xiao Shao ever since she had to surrender to her. He died in the hands of Xuan Li, because he was unwilling to accept a decree. Maybe when she died, she suddenly understood for a moment why Jiang Ruan had to say those words to her, those words that misled her and made her think that the decree was truly Xuan Pei name, nothing more than to borrow her She burned the edict with her hand, and then used her temperament and Xuanli to completely tear her face. She might even anticipate Xuanli response. Knowing that Xuanli is a sensitive and fragile temper that cannot be trampled by anyone, she will definitely ask. She tempered.
            When Dan Zhen was in southern Xinjiang, he had heard Jiang Ruan was a person who was good at saving people. Dan Zhen disagreed, but this disapproval eventually killed her temper. Jiang Ruan has set up a serial bureau from the beginning. She wants to declare the homeland cause and the life of Dan Zhen. She didn’t do anything, but she just stirred up Dan Zhen’s emotions gently. In view of such an uncontrollable situation, she is indeed a woman who is good at exploiting human weaknesses, a terrible woman.
            It’s just that, in the end, these experiences can only be dissipated in the land of the Dajin Dynasty with her temper. It is impossible to conquer the sky where the eagle is and the land where the wolf is.
            The door was pushed open, and Yuan Chuan's voice sounded  :   "Sir ..." He paused before he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the lying corpse on the ground.
            Yuanchuan froze for a moment, but he didn't dare to come forward. After a while, it seemed like he finally understood it. He walked over and crouched down, holding Dan Zhen in his arms. There was only an icy body in his arms, and he was no longer angry, Yuan Chuan immediately choked.
            "How can I ...? How can I ..." Moan Chuan murmured and whispered  :   "Sir, sir!"
            The only answer to him was death. Dan really blood stained his coat, and the blood was a little dark-purple. He suddenly held Dan Zhen's head in his arms and sobbed in pain.
            If someone from the South Xinjiang is passing by at this moment, he will be surprised by Yuanchuan's expression. This man, who has never been mysterious and does not show his true face, has always been extremely fierce. Almost everyone who works under his hands will be afraid of him from the bottom of his heart, because this man is moody, and he seems to simply like killing and bloodthirsty. Such a devil-like man, even crying because of others, looks extremely sad.
            He whispered  :   "You are not saying that I am your most loyal servant, the best knife you have used. I want to help you achieve your wish, how can you die now ..."
            Yuan Chuan's gaze was a bit crazy, and he frantically printed his kiss on the face of the man in his arms, his expression had seen madness. He has always been clear about his position. In front of Dan Zhen, he is a dog that can bite people. Who does Dan really know in his heart? What about treating himself as a dog? After all, it's Dan who really wants him to bite. There is only one person in the world who can get all his loyalty, and even if this woman has no place in his heart, he is just as happy.
            She is the sage who came down to save sinners, and he is the sinner humbled to the dust. The maiden is also a human being, and she has her own passions but cannot be relieved. He was willing to be a knife in the hand of the maiden. If the blood was dirty, he would dirty his hand. He would remove all obstacles on the road for her, and she only needed to be that clean and virgin.
            But now, there is only one body left in the arms, and nothing is left. His faith and the people to follow in his life are gone. Yuan Chuan slowly lowered the person in her arms and reached out to take off the mask that never left her face. Half of the face under the mask is full of gullies, and the original scars can be seen faintly. In the half of the face covered by the mask, you can see the word "prisoner" soldered by a soldering iron.
            It was a major crime he had committed. He was whipped with a leather whip, and the word "prison" was stamped on his face with a red soldering iron. When he was about to burn the other side, he heard an ethereal voice  :   "Stop your hand. "
            The painful torture came to an abrupt halt. He looked up and saw a red dress, those magnificent eyes, the woman was like a fairy in the sky, her posture was stern, and she only said, "Not a sinless man, forgive him. "
            He didn't commit a major crime, but he offended Noble. The woman's words rescued him. Later, Yuanchuan could not forget the woman from time to time, and finally found an opportunity to meet her again, indicating that she would follow her with the devotion of her life.
            Yuan Chuan is smart, hot, and understanding. Dan really likes to use him. In recent years, he and Dan Zhen have been dependent on each other. He regards Dan Zhen as his own redemption. The world is too dirty and dark. Only this woman who is not as beautiful as human can make the world less ugly. He saw with his own eyes that Dan was really lonely and lonely, in which the soul became distorted. He was nothing but a ghost, and never regretted it.
            Yuan Chuan touched the uneven skin on his half of his face, and his expression gradually calmed down. He said quietly, "You give me my name, give me my life, sir, I will let them come with you." He Slowly bent down, worshiped a great gift from Southern Xinjiang to Dan Zhen's body, then slowly got up, never looked at the body on the ground again, and went out.
            8-Wangfu, unlike in the past, in addition to aides, there are also many ministers of North Han and Central Han, all of whom follow the Xuanli school. Now there is an unbroken all sitting here, headed by a humane  :   "His Royal Highness, 13-Prince ascension ceremony is imminent, if ..."
            "Since the decree has been announced to the world," Xuan Li said coldly, "it can be done without a decree." Thinking of the burnt decree, Xuan Li painful heart was about to crack at this moment.
            "Your Highness means, rebellion?" Another courtier asked tentatively.
            "What is rebellion?" Xuan Li asked, his face no longer used to be gentle and elegant, but there was some yin madness, Shen said  :   "The world is mine, the winner is the Wang, the loser is the pirate. , Whoever wins is who? It doesn't need to be said after the word of rebellion, this time it is called the Su Qing Palace Central Chaos Party! "
            All the courtiers did not speak, and the common people of the world were not fools. The prequel to the throne was already published, and all the people who said that the cleanup party was not a self-deceiving one, everyone knew that this was just a lie. However, it is better to have movements than to have no movements. When it comes to Xuanli troops, it may not be worse than Xuanpei, and there are also people from the southern Xinjiang.
            An attache said  :   "His Highness can discuss with Southern Xinjiang, but in the end Southern Xinjiang is a foreigner, I am afraid that it will cause more trouble in the future. Now it is only the situation, so for the time being, if your Highness Maybe night long dreams, still ... "The military attache hesitated and didn't go on. It is still disturbing in the end to join other countries to deal with their own land. Moreover, this southern Xinjiang country was once destroyed by the hands of the Dajin Dynasty. It is hard to believe that people in southern Xinjiang have no other ideas at all. For those who have a bad heart, where can they live in peace in the future? Why not do these things with Southern Xinjiang if it is not for the people of Xuanpei now?
            "It's expedient," Xuanli said indifferently  :   "After the incident is completed, it is natural to deal with southern Xinjiang, you don't have to worry about it." Xuanli across the river has already been thought of, and thrown away after use, Nanjiang is to him Is a tool. It was just that what Xuan Zhen did was ringing in Xuan Chen, and she couldn't help but feel angry, because it was because of this girl, and she added a lot of things in vain. Now Qiman is the only one left in southern Xinjiang. Qiman would like to grasp it better and be much smarter. I hope he can be more interesting than Dan.
            The Minister present listened to Xuan Li words, and his heart first let out his breath, and then someone asked  :   "I don't know where your highness battle started?"
            "According to the past," Xuan Li said  :   "Only now, instead of going out from the palace, but from the outside to the inside, there is a trend of four-in-one. The people on the edge of the capital are responded by the southern Xinjiang. First, they will win the Imperial Forest Army in the palace on the periphery of the capital. It was a dilemma and surrounded the palace, and then the walls were cleared and the palace burned. "
            What he said was nothing, but the people around him could not help but burst out a cold sweat, clear the wild walls, and burn the palace, which is one that will not be missed, including Empress Dowager in the palace. The ministers do not know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate at this moment. Fortunately, they have followed Xuan Li, otherwise they may be burned by the fire. Unfortunately, this master looks so gentle on the surface, but he is so fierce in his heart that doing things under such people may not be able to please him in the future. For a moment, the mood was difficult to discern, and the face was complicated.
            "When will it happen?" Someone asked.
            "Climbing ceremony." Xuan Li answered.
            So the ministers were silent, just to avoid people eyes and eyes, and left in a hurry. After everyone left, Xuan Li sits in the temple, holding his forehead with one hand, and there was an indescribable expression of Xiao Suo.
            In the end it was the worst step. I thought that everything could be prepared, and the emperor's reputation was justified, but only the means needed to make Xuan Pei unable to justify that position. Who knew Xuan Pei had played such a hand, and it was him who had failed now, and he had to make a confession in the name of rebellion.
            Rebellion, Xuan Li smiled. The most important thing in his life is reputation. As long as the word "rebellion" comes out, no matter whether he is superior or inferior in the battle in the future, he will completely become one of the most despicable traitors. Even if he finally took the throne, his reputation would not be washed away. The people may be afraid to speak out because of fear, but who knows in their minds. It is impossible to kill all the tens of thousands of people in the capital to avoid talking. So from making this decision, this stigma will be deeply imprinted on Xuan Li, which will never be eluted in a lifetime.
            In the final analysis, it was Jiang Ruan's fault. After returning, Xuan Li slowly thought about it. He was afraid that he killed Dan Zhen in Jiang Ruan's calculations, but he did not regret it. Dan Zhen, a woman who always causes trouble for one day, is better to die early and clean. Xuan Li hated being counted the most in his life, but now that things are coming to an end, he finds himself always calculated by Jiang Ruan, and even the interest of Xingshi sin is gone.
            He was just a little tired.
            If Jiang Ruan is his man, wouldn't he be so anxious now, and he wouldn't embark on this lowest path. With Jiang Ruan, it would be even more powerful. I'm afraid that the road to get thousands of miles will be smoother. Xuan Li thought, but he did not show off to Jiang Ruan at the beginning. Since the first meeting with Jiang Ruan, he has always maintained a graceful state. Although this appearance does not make all women rush into it , But it's not annoying at all.
            But Jiang Ruan had avoided him like a scorpion from the beginning, and even seemed a little disgusted. Xuanli didn't know why, Jiang Ruan always opposed him, undermined his plan, and refused without hesitation when he proposed to marry her. Xuan Li didn't know if it was his illusion. Jiang Ruan sometimes even inadvertently showed hatred to him. Xuan Li didn't know where he offended her. He thought about it and couldn't find the reason.
            Later, Jiang Ruan chose Xiao Shao. Xiao Shao was sitting on the back of a beautiful woman. Xuan Li could not see anything on the surface, but he was already crazy. Jiang Ruan was the one he couldn't get, but it was eventually obtained, and the person who got Jiang Ruan was Xiao Shao, who was the most hated and jealous person in his life.
            Yes, he is jealous. He didn't understand Xiao Shao was a chaotic thief, why the emperor still trusted him so much. I don't understand the brothers of the Canaan Master, the favorite of the Eight-Teacher Teacher is Xiao Shao. I don’t know why Xiao Shao can easily do what others need to do very hard. Under his aura, others’efforts are wiped out.
            Xuan Li has been an unwilling temperer since he was a child. He longed to notice him from time to time. He was the best one, but the appearance of Xiao Shao broke his rules. Even, Bai Jiu is the same.
            At first, everyone only said that Bai Jiu liked him, but he did not know that at that time he liked Bai Jiu. He came from the palace and was accustomed to all kinds of battles. Bai Jiu was so natural that he didn't like the ridiculous girl. At that time, it was the first time that he liked a person, and before he opened his mouth full of affection, he saw Bai Jiu annoyed and said to him, "Brother Eight, I like Brother Three, why does he ignore me forever?"
            Bai Jiu liked Xiao Shao, she never liked Xuanli.
            Xuanli couldn't understand why Xiao Shao was cold to others, and Bai Jiu still liked him. Only at that moment, he felt the anger of being away and the feeling of being betrayed. He was jealous of Xiao Shao and hated the betrayal of Bai Jiu. The youth's affection turned into a monstrous hatred at that moment. How did he do it? He said, "If you want to see if he really cares about you, see if he is jealous. You say you like me and get closer to me, so that you can test his mind."
            Bai Jiu undoubtedly had him, and Xuan Li was a gentle and considerate brother in her eyes. She also felt that this method was good. At that time, all the teachers and brothers of Canaan Mountain knew that Bai Jiu liked Xuan Li. The more intimate Bai Jiu was, the more unbearable he was in Xuan Chen. He felt that this was all a shame and a shame.
            So that day arrived.
            When Bai Jiu was trapped, he also had a slight hesitation, whether he should be called to rescue her. But in the end, when thinking of Bai Jiu and Xiao Shao affection with him, Xuan Li smirked and turned away.
            Bai Jiu didn’t even know why he was doing this. Xuan Li thought that he was a humble person. Only he knew that Bai Jiu had never liked him. Bai Jiu liked Xiao Shao. And he hates Xiao Shao the most.
            For so many years, he thought that those things had long been forgotten, the mask was worn for too long, and Xiao Shao could smile kindly. But those jealous and dark feelings have never been forgotten one day, Xiao Shao is always better than him, Bai Jiu, Jiang Ruan, and he always wants to take away what he sees.
            Maybe they are the old enemies of the previous life, and they will finally make a break in this life. Xuan Li shook his hands, the tea cup in his hand shattered, and he utterly ignored the blood flowing from his fingers. It's just a weird look, like crazy beasts.

            Chapter 253  :  Life and Death Are Unclear    

            In the room, Qiman with his hand on his chin was looking at the chess pieces in front of him. The black and white chess pieces seemed to be placed in a chaotic way on the crisscrossed chess road, but Qiman also looked with interest. During the years of the Da Jin Dynasty, she learned the habits of many people in the Jin Dynasty, such as chess, and self-cultivation. This is undoubtedly a very good method, so many years in Shang Shufu, she has not leaked at all.
            But today, it's a little different.
            A person walked in suddenly outside the door, and the man took great strides, even without knocking on the door. The action was rude, and it looked reckless. Qiman raised his eyes, and the man coming from outside dragged to his feet in a gray robe, without the mask he usually wore on his face, and half of his face was uneven, with that strange pair of blue eyes looking differently ugly .
            That's Yuanchuan.
            Qiman looked at him leisurely, and was not surprised by it. He even smiled a little, and said, "It turns out that you look like this, no wonder you want to wear a mask."
            Her tone was peaceful, but she always seemed to have a sharp taunt, which made people feel uncomfortable when listening. But Yuanchuan apparently didn't notice this, he just stepped forward step by step, his voice coldly  :   "The maiden is dead."
            "Oh." Qiman stretched out a hand and twisted a chess piece, and thought for a moment before falling down, only said  :   "I said earlier that she was reckless and spoiled. of."
            "She was killed by Xuan Li." Yuan Chuan took a step forward and continued  :   "You already knew Xuan Li would kill her, right, are you just intentionally right?"
            "I did it on purpose?" Qiman seemed to have heard something funny, and said lightly, "Why did I intentionally kill her?"
            "You are the former Princess. When South Xinjiang died because of you, your status is greatly reduced when you have a maiden. You are no longer a princess who could have called the wind and rain. The maiden is always at odds with you. You If you want to have complete control over southern Xinjiang, the saint is your stumbling block. You want to get rid of her. "Yuanchuan said  :  " You have seen that edict, you know that the edict is wrong, but you did not tell the saint, She even deliberately let her burn the decree, because you know that after things are taken out, the maiden will be angered and declared dead. All this is your conspiracy! "
            After Yuan Chuan said in a breath, he stared at Qiman stubbornly. The eyes of the pair of green foxes were all resentful at the moment. Obviously, he could not wait for the woman in front of him to die. He carefully considered the key points and found that Qiman was the most suspicious. Dan Zhen stayed with Qiman, how could Dan really not know what Qiman did? Now that you know, why didn't you remind Dan Zhen so much that Dan died in the hands of Xuan Li in the end.
            Qi Man heard the words, but smiled slightly, her eyes moved away from the chessboard, and moved to Yuan Chuan's face, as if she did not know ordinary people carefully looked at Yuan Chuan, this is not a problem. Slowly speaking  :   "For so many years, I have never understood, Dan Zhen temper, how can he do so many things, even negotiate with Xuanli. It turns out that there is still a clever person around. You are right, this It is indeed a credit to me. But there is one thing you said wrong. I didn't do it deliberately, but I pushed the boat smoothly. I have never opened the edict, and I don’t know the content of the edict. ”
            Yuan Chuan didn't speak, and the anger on his face had not retreated.
            "When Dan Zhen burned the decree, I got the news late. The decree has been burned, what's the point of investigating it? I didn't know so much that day. When the real decree came out, I knew Xuanli would come to discuss it. Another imperial edict, but that imperial edict was destroyed in Dan Zhen’s hands, and Xuan Li would surely vent his anger. Dan is so mad that you follow her all the way and make her somewhat ignorant, thinking that this is the place where everyone respects her Jiang, everyone knows that in the eyes of the Dajin Dynasty, she was just a ants-like existence. In this way, the temperer would one day bring trouble to Nanjiang. It would be better to let Xuan Li hand make her suffer, or to know something terrible. " Qi Man sighed  :   "I just didn't expect that the decree turned out to be Xuan Li edictary edict. Dan Zhen burned Xuan Li edictary edict and changed any Prince. He would not let that person go. I was not surprised to die by Xuan Li hand. This is the price she must pay. "
            Yuan Chuan looked at her, and her words were all about gnashing her teeth  :   "So, are you right?"
            "That's not it," Qiman smiled slightly. "But in the end, I'm just pushing the boat smoothly, and the plot behind this is not from my hands. Since you are her loyal servant, you should know clearly when you want to come. Who is behind it? "
            "It's Jiang Ruan." Yuanchuan gritted his teeth.
            "Yes," Qiman nodded. "I admire her somewhat. From the beginning, she fell into Our hands, and she performed such a play, in order to achieve everything now. To this day, you see, don't When Fei Yibing died, Nanjiang lost a saint. Do you want to ask me for this account? "
            "You ... shouldn't you protect her?" Yuan Chuan was a little puzzled, and then she became vigilant  :   "Why should she die?" Since Qiman and Xuanli are allies, Xuanli uses Jiang Ruan comes to do business with Xiao Shao. Before that, it is necessary to ensure the security of Jiang Ruan. But just listening to the meaning of Qiman's words, it seems that he doesn't care about Jiang Ruan's life and death. Doesn't she worry that something is difficult to explain in front of Xuan Li?
            "Xuanli and I have never been allies," Qiman said lightly  :   "Besides, Jiang Ruan and I have some personal grievances. Since you are not afraid of death, you can solve this grievance for me by the way, why should I do this again? And blocking you. But I want to ask you, are you afraid of death? "
            The meaning of this remark was almost naked. When Jiang Ruan died, Xuan Li was bound to kill Yuan Chuan, because Yuan Chu had broken his good deeds. Although Qiman had grievances with Jiang Ruan, he could not afford to give up his temper for Jiang Ruan. This is a gamble with Jiang Ruan at one end and his own temper at one end. Qiman thinks that Jiang Ruan doesn't have enough chips, but Yuanchuan feels enough.
            Yuanchuan said  :   "I just want to avenge my maiden."
            "That being the case," Qiman laughed. "Then do what you want, I won't stop you."
            Yuan Chuan looked at Qiman and smirked, "Then Many Thanks Princess." He turned and left. He also hated Qiman, just not as much as Jiang Ruan. Qiman was nothing more than a push, but Jiang Ruan was the mastermind of the whole thing. Moreover, Dan Zhen wanted to kill Jiang Ruan when he was alive. Now Dan really is not here. He killed Jiang Ruan by himself, but it is a wish for her.
            Qiman looked at the back of Yuan Chuan, and his smile faded gradually. What she said was a bit true and false. Jiang Ruan was indeed the mastermind of the whole thing, but she didn't just push the boat. She had guessed that the imperial edict was not so simple, not because of others, but because of an intuition. Fortunately, she also had a long time dealing with Jiang Ruan in Shang Shufu. The more Jiang Ruan, the more things he hid, the more impeccable his appearance looked. But being abducted was an anomalous thing. Qiman guessed that Jiang Ruan must have any plans, and maybe there was something wrong with the imperial edict. She didn't say anything, because she also wanted to die.
            Only when Dan really died, the future royal family of the Southern Xinjiang State only had her a well-known Princess, and only she could be a noble and inviolable royal person.
            As for Jiang Ruan, Qiman slowly raised his lips. Why did she want her to die? Probably because if Jiang Ruan died, the woman's son would also feel the pain of heartbreaking. She knew that Xiao Shao loved her Wangfei, but lost it. She just wanted to get revenge on Hong Xi Crown Prince and Xiang Xiao yuan, and they wanted their son to have a taste of it.
            Qiman didn't notice that the ‘mute sister-zi who was bending over and sweeping the floor stagnated for a moment toward the face of the ground, and then recovered the slightly silly and weak expression on most days, and exited the house carrying the dirty water in.
            Jiang Ruan sits on the couch and hid the Antai pills in his sleeves. These days, a lot of such Antai pills were sent in dumbly, because it was not noticeable, but it was convenient to hide. She also gradually began to determine that ‘mute indeed did not have a bad mind for her, these days have been helping her cover in case it is not known to others. Jiang Ruan's body has been around for several months, and she is beginning to show her power. Under such a clear act, she has never been found to be pregnant. It is enough to see that the ‘mute and her suit are seamless. Dudu also consciously added some supplementary things to Jiang Ruan's meals, but they were more concealed.
            She straightened up her sleeves, and saw Duan came in with a basin of water, and then closed the door, trying to wipe her face. Jiang Ruan leaned on the innermost couch. Even if he looked out of the window, ‘mute was close to Jiang Ruan, and nobody could see ‘mute's open mouth. This method is used every time ‘mute has something to say to Jiang Ruan.
            "Yuanchuan is going to kill you." Dumbfounded Jiang Ruan's ears, and his voice was very shallow  :   "Qiman also acquiesced."
            Jiang Ruan said for a moment, then said  :   "Unexpectedly." It seems that Yuan Chuan's affection for the southern Xinjiang maiden was unusual. As long as he finds out that he is the person behind the plan, he will not give up. It was just that Qiman had acquiesced, but Jiang Ruan was a little surprised. She thought that Xuan Li covenant with Qiman was already very strong, and now it seems not to be the case. Maybe to put it another way, Qiman wants to settle the entire Jin Dynasty, the main purpose is to revenge that year, and she hated nothing more than Xiang Xiao yuan, Xiao Shao is the son of Xiang Xiao yuan, any She can do things that can add to Xiao Shao.
            Jiang Ruan groaned in his heart. Qiman’s inhuman and inhuman methods always made her ignore her identity. She felt that she was a cruel South Xinjiang who had a strong overall view, but she forgot that she was still a Women, women always lose their sense of reason when it comes to feelings.
            "You are in danger now, how can I help you?" ‘mute asked.
            "Don't worry, the worst thing is to tell the guards outside that Yuan Chuan is going to kill me. Those guards are Xuan Li people who are ordered to protect me. If you know that Yuan Chuan has hurt me, I will definitely Protect me desperately. "Xuanli would also like to use Jiang Ruan to trade with Xiao Shao. Such valuable chips would naturally not be ruined by Yuanchuan. Therefore, these people are all from Xuanli to protect her safety. If there is any movement in Yuanchuan, they can naturally use the power of these guards.
            "The worst way?" Duanmu seemed to understand Jiang Ruan's meaning. After thinking about it, but he didn't quite understand, he asked, "Would you like to use the worst way?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled slightly  :   "Nature is not. Although this method can ensure my safety for a while, it can not guarantee my life. Moreover, my body is more and more pregnant, and I will find it sooner or later when I stay here. Xuan Li temper has undoubtedly increased his stakes, not to mention I'm afraid he did something bad for the child. I can't bet on this matter. "
            "Then what do you mean?" Dumbfounded a little.
            "The purpose of the guards and Yuanchuan is completely the opposite. I want to use their contradictions to find a suitable opportunity to run away in chaos. Xuan Li will soon start, and once he starts, he will take me out for chips. It would be difficult for Yuanchuan to kill me again after that, so he would definitely do it in two days. At that time, you would do this ... "She came over her ear and said softly in her ‘mute ears. After a few words, after listening to the dumbfounded, he looked at Jiang Ruan in shock  :   "This is too risky, you ... what if you fail? If you think about it, you still have a child in your stomach now. .... "
            "Just because I have a child in my stomach," Jiang Ruan looked at her with a frown, and his tone became serious  :   "Yuanchuan is so cunning. My stomach will one day be hidden, and Yuanchuan is right. I hate it so much that I have the same mind. Once I know that I am pregnant with a child, I will only think of more vicious tricks. I am not afraid of him alone, but I want to protect my child. I just told you Although this plan is also dangerous, it is always safer than staying under Yuanchuan's eyelids. This is a matter of luck and success. I can't let Yuanchuan know that I'm pregnant, do you understand? "
             ‘mute looking at Jiang Ruan. In these days, she has seen this woman calmly planing, letting the southern Xinjiang people kill each other without spending a single soldier, and let the high virgin die in Xuanli hand. She was indeed a powerful woman, but at the moment she raised the flesh in her abdomen, and the fear on her face was undisguised. But when it comes to planning, everyone must feel the determination in her heart.
            Women become vulnerable because they become mothers, and they become strong because they become mothers. Dumbfounded  :   "I see, I will help you. But please also remember your agreement with me. After it is done, you must kill Xuan Li."
            Jiang Ruan bowed his head.
            As soon as these words were finished, someone came in from outside the door, not others, but Yuanchuan. Duan's back was facing Yuan Chuan, and he looked up at Jiang Ruan with an uneasy glance, and Jiang Ruan looked down, begging her to be at ease, and leave quickly. Yuan Chuan will never do it now. All people outside Xuan Li are going to do it, and he will surely get away from Xuan Li.
            The dumbfounder quickly packed up the parsley and fragrant soap, and withdrew out of the basin. Yuan Chuan stepped forward slowly and stopped in front of Jiang Ruan. Pi Xiao rou didn't smile  :   "Wangfei, I haven't seen you in a long time. It looks plump, and I feel really good."
            Jiang Ruan looked up at the man in front, and he had taken off the mask. This mask was very important to him in the past, because it was always worn on his face at all times, and now even the mask is taken off, does it really matter? Still unlovable.
            Jiang Ruan retracted his gaze and smiled slightly  :   "Cultivation is good." After getting pregnant, it is inevitable for the body to become more plump. The lower abdomen can be covered with wide clothes, but it can't be covered on the face. Fortunately, Jiang Ruan used to be thinner in the past, but now it's only a few months now, it's not particularly obvious, it just looks plump, not too much.
            Yuan Chuan smirked again, and his voice was full of resentment  :   "Why is Wangfei happy because his tricks succeeded and killed the maiden?"
            "Did I kill the maiden?" Jiang Ruan tilted his head slightly, and seemed to be thinking carefully  :   "Let me think about it, I at best concealed the message of the imperial edict and passed you the wrong message, but no I thought of your maiden's life. Did your maiden die, did I kill you? "
            "The clever tongue is like a spring." Yuan Chuan seemed to have heard a joke, his body was a bit stiff, and his gully face looked very strange because of the anger in his face, and his red lips had to be lifted upwards. At first glance, he looked down. A commanding evil spirit came  :   "Do you think that this will cover up the fact that you killed people? This is what you planned, you thought you killed the maiden, and you can retreat from the whole body? Do you think your husband will come Save you? No, you can't wait that day. "
            Jiang Ruan chuckled  :   "Master, you don't have to come to intimidate me. The last thing I lack in my life is to be intimidated. Compared to being intimidated, I look forward to your actual actions. Of course, I What I want to say is not this. In fact, I'm a little strange. Although I counted your maiden, there is no room for turning it over. Isn't it Xuan Li who killed her by hand? Why did you find me? Not him? Why should I pay my life instead of declaring my life? Is it because you know that your power can not be beaten by declaring your life? You say with a loud voice that your virgin is extremely loyal, but you have to choose between revenge for her. When you reach an enemy who is beyond your ability, ignore it? Do you think that you are not pretending to be doing this? Your loyalty is only for others, because you have no courage to avenge her. "
            Yuan Chuan hesitated. Although he told himself at the beginning, none of the words that Jiang Ruan said was true. But when she said it, he couldn't help but identify with him. He couldn't kill Xuan Li, and there were high-powered guards around Xuan Li, and Qiman would not allow it. So knowing that Xuan Li killed Dan Zhen by himself, he couldn't do anything about it. Jiang Ruan's sentence is a stuffy hammer that strikes at the fact that he has never dared to face it. He was a cowardly ‘widower, without the courage to avenge Dan Zhen.
            Yuan Chuan just felt that his heart was broken, and a great sense of disgust against himself hit his heart, and even thought that he could go with Dan Zhen like this. But after a while, he returned from such emotions, and his gaze fell on Jiang Ruan, who smiled in front of him, and could not help but take a breath of air.
            This woman is ... terrible. She wanted to make him have a self-disgusting mind. She was guiding his thoughts. She was a master of juggling. She was terrible. For a time, Yuan Chuan's mind had only suspicion about this woman.
            He settled down and said  :   "Do you think that I can move all my hatred to Xuan Li? Do you think I will hate myself? You are just nonsense, it is you from start to finish It's wrong! It's the killer Xuan Li, but also because you hit it! Everything is calculated by you, you are the real killer. To kill your life, the first is you! "
            Jiang Ruan shrugged  :   "It's a pity." She didn't say what was a pity, but Yuan Chuan knew in her heart that what she had unfortunately did not know was her guidance. Yuan Chuan was extremely angry, but he couldn't do anything at this time. People outside were all about Xuan Li. In this case, he would be frightened.
            He looked at Jiang Ruan up and down again, his eyes stopped for a moment on Jiang Ruan's slightly plump face, and Yinxue cast a sentence  :   "I hope you can always be so lucky." Turned away.
            After Yuan Chuan left, Jiang Ruan frowned, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and squeezed his lips tightly. His face with a smile on his face was a little bit somber. There is no time.
            This night, a corner of the temple suddenly lit into the sky, a female voice suddenly called out  :   "Yuanchuan, what do you want to do, come!"
            The sound is no stranger. It is the voice of Jinying Wangfei Jiang Ruan. The flames of the sky rose up. This is a wooden temple that swept half of the wall almost immediately. The most strange thing is Jiang The guard guarding Ruan's door was completely motionless, as if dead. This was the sound of the people covering the remaining temples at the door, but he was stunned by the burning fire. In the dark night, there was a man in gray clothes running, looking at the burning flame in front of him in wonder. This man is Yuan Chuan. He did plan to do it today, but who knows how to knock down the guards at the door. A fire broke out here. Yuan Chuan thought almost without hesitation. This must be Jiang A plot from Ruan.
            Only a woman had ‘called aloud in it. Naturally, it was Jiang Ruan. No doubt, Jiang Ruan was in this room, and naturally there was no chance of survival. Yuan Chuan looked at the fire in front of him. The fire didn't know where it started, it almost swallowed up the whole house. The house where Jiang Ruan was located was very remote. If it weren't for today, he had planned to do it in the middle of the night. No one knew the place was burned to ashes.
            The woman's ‘Calls kept coming from it. Yuan Chuan heard it clearly, Jiang Ruan couldn't escape. But Yuanchuan had a strange conjecture in his heart. Since such a long period of fighting, he has never sought benefits from Jiang Ruan. Is this another strategy of Jiang Ruan? How could Jiang Ruan die willingly in this fire, yes. Every time she looks like she has nowhere to go, she can live forever. This is the fire that seems impossible to retreat. It may not be her intention. Once he had this idea in mind, Yuan Chuan's suspicion became more and more prosperous. He must be willing to see Jiang Ruan die in his own eyes. He must see the dead and live to see the dead. Without confirming the death of Jiang Ruan, he cannot rest at ease.
            Once Yuan Chuan thinks this way, he is ruthless, and even if it is raging, he rushes in without hesitation. The subordinates who were busy extinguishing fire outside were shocked to see the scene, and they were dissuaded. But Yuanchuan listened wherever he wanted it. Now he wants Jiang Ruan temper's life, and he has a mortal heart. Where does it matter whether it is a fire or a place, as long as Jiang Ruan is dead, he loses it. Life is willing.
            Yuan Chuan plunged into the sea of fire without hesitation. As soon as Fang entered, Fang felt the scorching sensation coming from his face, and the heat was smoky. The flames spread everywhere, and every time he stepped in, he could feel that his hair and skin were burnt a little more, and the scorched smell of the flesh penetrated into his ears, but Yuanchuan didn't care to go further. Once the house was burned by fire, I couldn’t tell the original place, I couldn’t understand where it was. I could only hear the cry of Jiang Ruan in the deep part of the room, and he followed that voice. go with.
            Yuan Chuan was not afraid of being buried in the sea of fire. As long as Jiang Ruan is dead, what's the matter with him? Just thinking about how Jiang Ruan was in this house so much inside, could it be that she had never thought of escaping? Yuan Chuan's heart was agitated, and his steps got faster and faster, and the more he walked inside, the greater the fire. Yuan Chuan's hands were burnt out, and he completely ignored it. Finally, in a corner, I saw Jiang Ruan curled up against the wall.
            Jiang Ruan was still crying, and Yuan Chuan was relieved, and he smiled sternly  :   "Jiang Ruan, go to hell now and pay the saint!"
            After he had finished speaking, Jiang Ruan was still unaware of the ordinary crickets crying, and Yuan Chuan suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. How did Jiang Ruan keep crying, this woman's tears are rarer than stones, so ... no! He slammed forward, disregarding the beams of fire in front of himself, grabbed Jiang Ruan's hand, and dragged her all to his eyes.
            "Jiang Ruan" wore the clothes that he usually wears, and he wept, his face was blackened by the fire, but he could still distinguish the features, it was not Jiang Ruan, it was clearly ‘mute!
            "Be fooled!" Yuan Chuan ‘called. I didn't care why Duan said why, and why he wanted to help Jiang Ruan. At this moment, he was only annoyed. It turned out that all this was Jiang Ruan cloth. Good round. With the help of his hand, the outside guard was brought down, and the house was burned with a fire, and the mute weeping in it. Everyone knew that the mute was a ‘mute person who couldn't speak, so they decided that Jiang Ruan must be among them. If he didn't doubt and didn't walk in, he would sacrifice himself, everyone thought that the remains belonged to Jiang Ruan, and helped Jiang Ruan escape. If he looks in doubt ... The ‘mute leaped abruptly, holding his arm tightly, and the smile on his face was weird  :   "I didn't expect that you would come in too, just because I made it. Since you want her to accompany you to hell Why don't you go to hell with me! "
            This is her purpose. As long as Yuan Chuan comes in, he will pull Yuan Chuan together and die, so that people outside do not know what is going on inside, nor do they know that Jiang Ruan is fake. The real Jiang Ruan has escaped! Good mind!
            Yuanchuan smirked  :   "Are you Xiao Shao?"
            "Wrong," Dumber laughed, "I have a vengeance against Xuan Li. Since you are his ally and a barbarian dog in the southern Xinjiang, I will revenge!" She said, holding her arms closer A large piece of burning wood fell and Mars splashed into Yuanchuan.
            It was at this time that the fire was already around and the house was about to collapse. Yuan Chuan seemed to be in dire straits, but his expression became more and more daunting. He was going to kill Jiang Ruan, but Jiang Ruan is now likely to escape from his birth. How can he be willing to die?
            Yuan Chuan smirked, feeling that his hands and feet were tight, and found that Dumbie didn't know what button was used, and put his arm around his arm. The dumbfounded stayed here for a long time, smoking a lot of smoke and dust, at this moment it was about to breathe, this action has exhausted all its strength.
            Yuan Chuan smiled cruelly  :   "In this case, I will give you a ride!" He immediately took a jagged machete from his waist, and cut off the ‘mute arm with a single blade. Something, a lot of tiny worm eggs crawled out quickly, and crawled in along the ‘mute broken arm.
            "This roundworm is also precious and cheap. You can enjoy it." Yuan Chuan was not hurt too much. He walked up and down, his body was burned with blood pus, and he immediately went out. The ‘mute ‘Called, covering her broken arm, and even more painful than that broken arm, countless tapeworms started her body today, it felt like a million ants ecstasy, it was really unbearable.
            There was a muffled ‘Call in the sea of fire, she thought, actually Jiang Ruan didn't let her do this, just let her hold on for a little time, she was willing to do it herself, she wanted to do it for Jiang Ruan Get more time to help Jiang Ruan is to help herself. Even if she felt great pain at this moment, she would not regret it, as long as she could get revenge.
            When Yuan Chuan appeared blood from the sea of fire, everyone outside was startled. His clothes had burned into coke, and there was no intact skin all over his body. There was a dark yellow liquid flowing everywhere, giving off a burning smell of flesh, and it was sickening to smell. His ugly face was burned a large part of his skin at the moment. Those pink skins were bare and horrifying. That is, those subordinates on most days couldn't help but take a step back.
            Qiman stood among the people, looked at Yuanchuan lightly, and said, "How?"
            Yuan Chuan smirked. The guards outside the house hadn't woken up yet. He was so full of material that he didn't expect it to be himself. If these people are not dizzy at this moment, it should not be difficult to catch the absconding Jiang Ruan. He went gloomily out  :   "She ran, now, chase!"
            In the field of the mountain stream, there is no flash of light on the dark mountain road. Jiang Ruan runs fast on a horse. She cannot light a torch, otherwise it will attract people from Yuanchuan. She doesn’t know what the ‘mute situation is now. It was dumbfounded to go with her, but dumbfounded that she would have revenge if she stayed. She can't persuade her now, so she can only go with her. I don't know how long ‘mute can hide Yuan Chuan. Yuan Chuan is a smart person and should soon follow.
            Jiang Ruan was very anxious. She didn't expect that this place was so far away from the capital city and so barren. There were no people in the area for a few miles, and there was no place to hide. The child of the stomach did not know if she could withstand such violent bumps, but she had eaten a lot of Antai Wan dumbly, and only wished she could survive today.
            After all, this place is unfamiliar. Jiang Ruan himself didn't know where to go. He was thinking about going forward, but heard a noisy sound behind her. She turned around and found a blockbuster The fire is approaching, and the headed person is riding on the horse, who is not Yuanchuan?
            Chasing it!
            She was so nervous that Yuan Chuan chased so fast, perhaps because they had no scruples to light a torch? Jiang Ruan no longer cares about his own body, pulls a dagger out of his sleeve, and inserts the horse buttocks underneath him without thinking. The horse hurts and spreads his hoof. In this way, it temporarily distanced them from Yuanchuan.
            This horse was the best that Jiang Ruan chose in the stables, and he ran very fast, but under such severe bumps, Jiang Ruan's lower abdomen began to faintly hurt. She said secretly in her heart that she immediately reached out and covered her lower abdomen, trying to make the child in the belly quieter, but the pain grew more and more painful as the horse ran faster.
            Yuanchuan followed closely, and naturally found Jiang Ruan's weird posture. He looked for a while, and suddenly a thought floated in his heart. He couldn't help thinking of why Jiang Ruan had a white dog, that dog. I ate a lot of food but was very thin, and remembered Jiang Ruan's increasingly plump face, almost sure in my heart. He yelled excitedly  :   "Hold her, she pregnant! She can't run fast!"
            Jiang Ruan's heart jumped, and the secret road was bad, but was discovered by Yuan Chuan. In this way, he couldn't be caught by Yuan Chuan. Yuan Chu hates her for being so deep, fearing that the first thing she would do to catch her was to kill her child. Her heart was so wide that she ran faster. However, Jiang Ruan ignored it. It was difficult to walk with black lights and blind lights in this mountainous area. Such a headless collision was extremely dangerous. She was desperately trying to escape, eager to get rid of Yuanchuan, but did not expect Yuanchuan to deliberately push her to a dead end.
            The broken wall is right in front of the sky, soaring into the clouds, and can still enjoy the good scenery in the daytime, but it is dark at night, covering up the thousands of feet below. Jiang Ruan can't see clearly, even when he is near Only feeling the body lightly, the horse under his body hissed, and fell into the abyss with him.
            In his ears came Yuanchuan's laughter and Lema voice  :   "I said it earlier, I want to send you a ride!"

            Chapter 254  :   Jiang Ruan's whereabouts    

            The wind down the mountain was very strong. The morning was most unexpected. There was a huge deep pit in the wild grass-covered wasteland. The pit was covered with straw, and it seemed to have some seductive aroma.
            The two Hunter-dressed young men were carrying medicine baskets, and they saw that the trapped pit had been hit by a large hole, and sunken deep into it. The movement seemed quite large. The young man who looked a little childish said, "Brother, look, isn't there a big guy, these days the mother has a blessing!"
            Older young people couldn't help showing a hint of joy when they heard the words, saying, "Go, look over."
            This beast pit was originally set up to catch the big guys, but there are mostly beasts like wolves and rabbits in this place on most days. There are no big beasts. This beast pit is just to do it. Who knows that luck is so good today, they turned out to be a big guy. The two were naturally overjoyed, and after touching the sickle and bow and arrow behind them, they licked their waists toward the animal trap.
            Younger than his brother can bear his temper, he walked a few steps and trot all the way. He couldn't wait to look down his head and scared his brother to call  :   "Stop on the hill! Be careful! The things underneath hurt! "
            But Xiao shan hasn't moved much. He just digs his head in, as if to see what's inside. His brother was even more anxious when he saw this, thinking that his brother’s behavior was strange, and he recalled that some beasts in the mountains said that some beasts would marry and pretend to be injured and brought in. When they approached, they held their necks and holes Drag inside. Xiao Shan had his neck pinched by the beast in the pit. The younger the younger he became, the more he became skeptical, and immediately picked up the sickle and ran to the other side.
            Who knew that just halfway through the run, Hill raised his face and looked back at his brother, disappointed in tone  :   "Brother, not a big guy, there is a woman inside."
            The young man's movement came to an abrupt halt, and he stayed for a while, hurriedly stepped forward to look inside. Sure enough, by the daylight outside, there was still thick straw that was spread out for cover in the trapped pit. There was a man lying on the straw, and it looked like a woman.
            The two brothers looked at each other, and finally, the older brother said, "Bring people up first."
            The hill slipped down, and the two brothers were outside the pit and one in the pit, and it was easy to get the woman out. The hill climbed out, sitting on the ground with one buttock and saying, "I'm exhausted, brother, is this man dead?"
            "Don't talk nonsense." His brother stopped his brother's nonsense, and stretched out two fingers to explore under the woman's breath, although it was very weak, he still had a breath. This relieved me, and fortunately, my life was still there. Seeing this, Oyama got up and grunted, "Brother, is she dying? Why can't she wake up?"
            The young man thought about it and said, "Our takes her back home, it's always a life."
            Although Xiao shan was reluctant, he still went home with his brother. The two brothers returned home, and as soon as they came to the door of the house, they came out a fat woman with a turban, and saw them also yelled, "Dashan, why did you come back with the hill? Did something fall?" She saw Da Shan still carrying a woman on her back and said, "This ..."
            "Brother picked up a dying woman on the road, mother to show it." Koyama Wu said.
            "Oh my god, pitiful, Dashan, go back to my house and let this Miss, lie down, you should go to Doctor Wang on the hill." The woman is obviously an old-fashioned temperer, urging her son to hurry to Miss Put your back on your bed.
            Doctor Wang came quickly. He was the only doctor in the village. He usually had a headache and a fever in his village. Most of the people in this village are simple and honest. When they learned that Dashan's family had picked up an injured Miss, they hurried over. After waiting for the woman on that bed, Dr. Wang twisted his gray beard and said, "This Miss, fell from a very high place. Fortunately, I encountered some branches hanging in the middle of it. It fell too fiercely, so I left a scratch on my arm. Finally I fell into your brother’s trap, just a skin trauma. But the baby in the belly is a bit dangerous, so she took a lot of medicine for pregnancy Otherwise, at this moment, I’m afraid it’s too difficult for the gods to save. But all the dolls in the belly are not out of danger. She is very weak now. Xiao shan Niang, the old man prescribed a few prescriptions, you let Xiao shan go to the mountains to pick some medicine and boil it. This Miss, drink, and pay attention to replenish her body. Pregnant women are most concerned about nursing. "
            Koyamani didn't expect that this woman was pregnant, and heard that Doctor Wang said that he fell from a very high place, thinking that she might have encountered a miserable woman and committed suicide. After thinking about it, she had three points of pity for the woman on the bed, and thanked Doctor Wang for asking Dashan to collect medicine.
            It seemed like it fell down from a long distance. When Jiang Ruan woke up, she felt a moment of confusion. Her first action was to lower her head to caress her lower abdomen. Fortunately, the child was still there. She settled down, and then she was a little confused. At the end of her memory, she was seduced by Yuan Chuan in the dark and fell from a very high place into a cliff abyss. She should be dead. Why is this the world after death?
            This is naturally not the post-mortem world, and she soon understood it. Raising my eyes and looking around, this is a small cottage of a farmhouse, which looks a bit like the one I lived on in Zhanglanzhuangzi. It's just brighter, brighter, more airy and tidy. The quilt is a blue and white quilt, with lotus lotus leaves embroidered on it, the stitches are fine, and the material is more comfortable but ordinary.
            She looked around, the door squeaked open, and walked in from outside a little-footed woman in a blue flower cloth. Her face was a little bit wide, but she had a kind smile on her face. That smile She looked very mean and came in with a bowl of dark medicine. It was a surprise to see her awake. Set the medicine bowl aside and sit on the edge of the bed first. Watch her and say, "Miss, you are awake. You I slept for three days and three nights. "
            "Fu-ren, this is ..." Jiang Ruan asked with a smile, reaching out not to laugh at the face, not to mention that the woman looked like an ordinary peasant woman.
            "You fell into my son's trap, and he carried you back. The doctor in Our village took the pulse for you. You are very weak, and fortunately the child is fine. This is a medicine to prevent pregnancy. You first Drink it. Our here is Qingping Town. It's good if you call me Gui Sao, but it's not Fu-ren. "
            The woman smiled brightly, and she had a kind of sincerity in her words. Jiang Ruan noticed that she still had cocoons left by her farm work, smiled slightly, and didn't say much. She called Gui Sao from the kind, and took the bowl to drink the medicine in the bowl cleanly. After that, he said to Gui Sao  :   "Guo Sao saved our temper, which is my life-saving benefactor, great grace and great virtue, I don't want to report it ..."
            "Don't say that!" Gui Sao was startled, and said quickly  :   "It's all human life. How can you die if you don't save it? Dashan won't save you for anything in return, Miss, you're still very weak It’s better to stay here to raise more and nourish. Since you fell into Dashan’s trap, it’s also a fate. You don’t have to be particular about it. ”After thinking about it, Gui Sao said,“ It’s just Miss, where do you live? Miss, suddenly disappeared, Presumably the family members are also very anxious. Would you trust someone to bring a letter to the family? "
            Jiang Ruan's expression changed, his eyes suddenly deepened. Yuanchuan naturally wanted to make sure that she died clean. That day, she fell off a cliff. Yuanchuan may not have sent someone to find it. Will she find this place? If so, wouldn't it hurt these people? ?
            Gui Sao looked at her eyebrows, thinking that she really couldn't think of anything, and he carefully tested, "Miss, but there is any difficulty. If there is any difficulty, it is better to live here, everyone here Very good, Miss, I have lived most of my life, I haven’t seen anything, and I have suffered a lot, but I still want to say to Miss, this world is not easy, but it’s always better to live. At no time should you give up your temper easily. "
            Jiang Ruan first didn't understand the meaning of Gui Sao words, until Gui Sao covered her belly with one hand, and said, "What's more, you have children, even if there is anything wrong, the child is innocent. You are a child. Mother, you will raise him up. "
            Jiang Ruan finally understood why Gui Sao said this, feeling that she felt bad for others and wanted to jump over the cliff and commit suicide. As soon as she was thinking, she smiled at Gui Sao  :   "It's not true. Gui Sao knows only one or the other. After my parents passed away, someone who had a marriage contract with me married me, and I was pregnant. He found out that he wanted to swallow up my property, and even wanted to kill me. I ran away at night, and they were forced to jump off the cliff. I didn't want to come here. "
            She just said so casually that she hadn't seen these things in the past and present. She only taught Gui Sao to be stunned, and filled her with indignation  :   "There is such a cowardly dog! Miss, you must not be afraid, Our go The accuser, there must be no justice in this world! Go, there are also scholars in Our village, immediately write a complaint! "
            Jiang Ruan has been carefully watching the expression of Gui Sao after speaking, confirming that the expression of Gui Sao is not fake, she put down her heart and shook her head, revealing a bitter smile  :   "It's useless, there are people in him, those people Officials protect each other and won't decide for me at all. Moreover, I don't feel like a snake in the grass. I just want to give birth to a child quietly, but he won't let me off easily. I'm afraid that it will also affect you. "
            "Don't worry about it," Gui Sao shook his head. "Our is a very hidden place. Originally, the talents in the village escaped from the village. Our people didn't know that there was Our. This place is only used from the outside world. Climbing up through the rattan, it's impossible for the disappointing person to find here. "
            Jiang Ruan just wanted to know if it was safe or not. When I heard this, I was a little comforted. With Yuanchuan temper, I must have sent someone to look for it. Since I didn’t find it here for three days and three nights, it’s This place is also very hidden. She smiled slightly and said, "Then bother Gui Sao."
            "You're welcome," Gui Sao said, "Miss hasn't been asked, what's his name?"
            Jiang Ruan said  :   "My name is Ruan Niang."
            "Ruan Niangzi," Gui Sao said, "It's a good name. Look at Miss, the look is Miss of big family, just hope not to disdain Our here."
            Jiang Ruan shook his head again, and said a few words to Gui Sao, and Gui Sao ordered her to leave again.
            Sitting on the bed, Jiang Ruan was lost in thought. She didn't know what was happening outside now. She wanted to send a message to Xiao Shao, but who knew if Yuanchuan would be guarding outside. Although she hasn't been found for a while, maybe she is waiting for her to throw herself in the net. Moreover, it is not safe to run around with a child now, so it is better to just rest and wait until the child is born before thinking about going out. By then, about Yuanchuan's affairs will be resolved.
            It's just that Xiao Shao must be worried again, Jiang Ruan is a bit worried.
            After Jiang Ruan woke up, because she was still weak, she had not gone out a few days ago, and it was also Gui Sao who brought the meal to the bed and let her eat. Gui Sao was originally a farmer, but he was very good to Jiang Ruan. The two brothers of Dashan Hill often hit pheasants and hares every day when they went out for hunting. Gui Sao also changed his way to replenish Jiang Ruan. Anyone who treats a stranger this way will be very moved.
            On the third day, Jiang Ruan went out. Gui Sao rushed out of clothes for Jiang Ruan for several nights. Gui Sao figure is much fatter than Jiang Ruan. Her clothes Jiang Ruan can't wear it. Gui Sao man died early. She pulled Dashan and Xiao shan brothers from a young age. I heard that Gui Sao liked her daughter when she was young. It was about Jiang Ruan as a gift from above.
            She gave her new clothes to Jiang Ruan, which also happened to be a begonia red sarong. Although the material was not particularly good, it was comfortable. The begonia flower embroidered on it is also very fine, Gui Sao said, "This is a gift from a relative who did business outside of the New Years in the past few years. I can't pass on this material. You young Miss, the family is just dressed."
            Jiang Ruan bowed his head, washed his face again, combed a fallen horse, and smiled and thanked Sao. Gui Sao paused for a moment before saying, "Ruan Niang, you look so good."
            Gui Sao can see that this woman is good-looking, but usually Jiang Ruan stays on the couch, and his expression is pale, and even the most beautiful people don't look very spirited. Now that the condition is getting better, the whole person is full of spirits. Once they wash their faces and put on bright clothes, it is completely different. Gui Sao rejoiced, about glad he picked up the treasure himself, and was anxious to let the big guy see how beautiful Jiang Ruan was born, and some childishly pushed Jiang Ruan out and laughed  :   "You also Just go outside and panic in the house all day long. "
            Dashan and Xiao shan are boiling medicine in front of the door. Xiao shan fanned her while indignantly  :   "Mother hasn't given up on Our lately. Most of the chicken soup stewed yesterday has given the woman a lot. Brother, do you think she is a fox essence? Did she also fascinate her? "
            "Nonsense." Dashan was very angry and funny  :   "The fox essence is not used that way." As he looked up, he was about to teach his brother a few words, but saw his own mother walking out of the house with a red woman .
            The woman had red lips and white teeth, and her eyebrows were picturesque. Although her expression was mild, she was not bright, like the charm of heaven, the goddess of nine days, and her crimson clothes lined her skin. When he saw him, the woman smiled slightly, and the arc drawn from the corner of her lips immediately made Dashan look at it, all at a loss.
            "Da Shan, this is Ruan Niangzi, this is Da Shan and Xiao Shan." Gui Sao laughed as he looked at Da Shan and Xiao Shan. Originally came to the hill with a displeased face to see Jiang Ruan also stayed a while, but he stuttered for a while  :   "Mother ... this, who is this?"
            "This is the Miss you saved from your elder brother," Gui Sao said, "I can't make it."
            Jiang Ruan stepped forward, saluting the two brothers, and said, "Many Thanks, two little brothers, a life-saving grace."
            Dashan is only sixteen this year, and the hill is only thirteen. It's not too much to call a little brother, but the mountains and hills immediately flushed. Don't blame them. They have never seen such a beautiful woman, unlike any woman in this village. At first, they thought that the Chen Xiao mei, who would read the Book of Songs in Chen Teacher's family, was the most beautiful, but Chen Xiao mei was really worthless in front of this woman and could not be compared at all.
            The two brothers looked a little dazed together. Gui Sao was a little funny, and said, "Well, don't watch, go, Ruan Niang, I'll show you out."
            The two brothers of the hill rescued a fairy, and the incident spread throughout the village that day. Many people want to see when they come to give some food gifts, but Jiang Ruan listens to Gui Sao and usually walks around the village to relax, which is good for children. The air here is fresh and there are many trees. If there is anything bad, everyone will watch everywhere they go.
            Jiang Ruan was pregnant when she was pregnant, which is also unbelievable. At first everyone thought that her husband should be found soon after she was pregnant, but there was no movement for so long. People who couldn't hold back asked Gui Sao what was going on. Jiang Ruan didn't keep Gui Sao confidential, and Gui Sao also said truthfully. Everyone suddenly felt sorrowful sympathy for Jiang Ruan's encounter, and at the same time it was difficult to understand the cruel man. Such a beautiful woman had such a mild temperament, how could anyone be willing to hurt?
            For a moment, someone thought. If Jiang Ruan had stayed here for the rest of her life, and she had such a beautiful Miss, she would be blessed if she could get married. So some people were sending things to Xiao San Niang's house every three to five, and they also asked Jiang to deliver things to Jiang Ruan, and they were naturally attentive. The young guy often pulls Jiang Ruan to dinner at home, and Jiang Ruan is always received a great warm hospitality here.
            Gui Sao is very happy. She thinks that there are many good guys in it. Since Jiang Ruan has the idea of taking care of his life, if Jiang Ruan can marry, the child in his stomach can be regarded as a father. When it is time to say goodbye to the past and start a new life. It’s just that Jiang Ruan is very gentle to everyone, but it doesn’t seem to have that kind of meaning. Gui Sao thinks that Jiang Ruan was hurt too deeply, and it takes some time, so he is not in a hurry, just let Jiang Ruan choose well .
            Jiang Ruan naturally knows the kindness of these villagers, and those young admirers are in her eyes, but she is completely unconscious. That was a lie, but I missed Xiao Shao more and more these days. I don’t know how he is doing now. I would be very anxious if I didn’t get my own news, but my stomach grew bigger every day. After two months, I am afraid that I will be born. In this section, it is better to have extra branches.
            She sits in front of the door and made clothes with Gui Sao, and she made small clothes for her children. In those days of house arrest, I was afraid to make clothes because I was afraid that people would find out. Now as the belly grows larger every day, it is time to make some children's clothes. Gui Sao is a very good and comfortable material that will not hurt the delicate skin of children. While Jiang Ruan was doing it with her, Gui Sao said, "You and the little men and women have done all the clothes. I like daughters. Do you like sons or daughters?"
            Jiang Ruan smiled for a moment, then immediately laughed  :   "I think it would be nice if it was a son." If it was a son born like Xiao Shao, he would also be a handsome child, just don't inherit him Father deserted temper, if it was more lively. However, you can let Xiao Shao teach him martial arts, and Xiao Shao should be willing.
            "I think it's good to have a daughter. If the daughter looks as beautiful as you, then the servants are afraid that they will break the threshold of your home." Gui Sao laughed.
            Jiang Ruan also laughs, Xiao Shao should want a daughter. He looks indifferent on the surface, but he is attentive. If a daughter hangs around his neck to pamper him every day, Jiang Ruan thinks about it , Could not help but laugh out loud.
            Gui Sao smiled when she saw that she thought of something happy, "Hey, I said that if the dragon and phoenix are the best, it will be lively for a child and a child ..."
            As he was talking, he saw Dashan coming back with a load of firewood. Dashanniang was busy picking up firewood and putting it in his storeroom, and said to Dashan  :   "You talk to Ruan Niangzi, I will come right away." Dashan stood in front of the door. He scratched his head and looked a little shyly at Jiang Ruan.
            He did not expect that the woman he had rescued turned out to be so beautiful. The boys in the village were envious of him and asked him to bring some small gifts to Ruan Niangzi. Dashan doesn't speak, and always likes to watch her secretly. He knew that Ruan Niangzi was from a large family, and the masters who read most in the village praised Ruan Niangzi as a talented girl. She recognizes many words, has a gentle temperament, and does not have the usual tweaks of her daughter's house. She is very generous, how to look good.
            Da Shan is also a young man with a passion for love. He likes the beautiful Miss, which is normal. Moreover, this Miss was rescued by himself. Not all the stories in the story like to make a promise. Dashan knew that Ruan Niangzi had a vicious husband who had been hunted down with his body in his heart. He felt so distressed that he thought there were such cruel people in the world. But he was stupid and didn't know how to please Ruan Niangzi. For example, his mother told him at this moment, and he just looked at Ruan Niangzi and smiled broadly.
            Jiang Ruan looked at it, and just smiled slightly, watching Dashan Said  :   "It's hard for my little brother today."
            When Dashan heard that, he was a little helpless, scratching his head and saying, "No hard work, huh, no hard work."


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