Ill-Fated Consort 155

            Chapter 155  :   Xiao Shao    

            In the Imperial Study Room, the emperor's face was somber, looking at the young Taifu in front of him  :   "I don't know Taifu Liu, when did you care about Hong's County Owner so much?"
            "Wei Chen did his best, not to mention that there are a lot of doubts about this matter. Let's wait for a while. People in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs will investigate for a while, and the trial will convince the world." Liu Min is not humble, and this young man has never helped. The faction was a nobleman, but it was quite successful in the dynasty. For the first time, the emperor's gaze was questioned, but his gaze was calm and unscrupulous.
            With a "snap", a book fell heavily on Liu Min, and the emperor sighed quietly  :   "I'm asking you, when do you care about Hong-An County Owner?"
            The monarch of a country is full of eyes and ears, and it is inevitable that some wind will be heard on most days. The emperor is now displeased with Liu Min. However, Liu Min still stood upright, not even changing his face, and still whispered, "The matter of Wei Chen doing his courtiers has nothing to do with selfishness."
            Li-Gonggong glanced at the person opposite. The young man was in the breeze and the moon was born. He was born with gentleness, but with the stubbornness and arrogance of a literati in his bones. This man was specially cultivated by the emperor for the future Jiangshan in Dajin. The emperor's inverse scale was wiped out, and he looked unwilling to stop. Li-Gonggong wondered, General Zhao had already visited in the afternoon, Empress Dowager also spoke, and Xiao Shao didn’t say anything, so he wouldn’t stand by with his temper. Even Liu Min now The direct princes all said that Jiang Di Daughter Hong-An County Owner is really not an ordinary person. It was only Liu Min who said that it was not a good countermeasure to add fuel to the emperor's unhappiness.
            The emperor stared at Liu Min coldly and stared for a while, then suddenly slammed the table fiercely  :   "A good one has nothing to do with selfishness! Since you are all interceding for Hongan, how about a few days’grace? Well, I have to see Look, what other evidence do you have! Get out! "
            The emperor Longyan was furious, and Liu Min retreated only in a low voice. Li-Gonggong said quietly and comforted  :   "Your Majesty does not have to be too worried, and Taifu Liu is not unreasonable. I am afraid there is something wrong with this. I'm afraid that people who are interested will use it to make articles, and it will be fine for a few days. "
            "Don't you be confused?" The emperor looked at the discounts on the table with a hate for iron and steel. "I just don't understand. Why was Jiang Ruan poisoned by one or two? Isn't it really a monster girl?"
            After Liu Min left the Imperial Study Room, he went out of the palace. He went all the way to the prison where the prisoner was detained. After seeing him, he was stunned first, and then some rushed to greet him  :   "I don't know what happened to Master Fu. "
            "I'm here to see a person." Liu Min frowned slightly, and after entering the officialdom for a few years, he was still not used to such flattery people. Even so, he still found a silver ingot from his sleeve and handed it to his prisoner. in.
            The prisoner took over with a flattery, and the rumors of the original heart’s cleanliness did not provoke dust, so was the self-proclaimed Qingfu who had flowed into the bones. It’s the same. I still know how to work hard in the official world, so why not make a clean look? Show it to others. However, even though I thought so, I still had to make a very respectful look on the face, saying  :   "It’s good to say, Lord Taifu, if you have something to say, just talk to the younger. And said. Asked, "Who is Tai Fu looking for?"
            "Hongan County Owner." Liu Min said.
            Jiang Ruan is in the back of the prison. This is the place where the prisoners are held. Although the sentence has not yet been determined, almost everyone has determined that she was trying to escape and killed a County Owner. However, because of Xiao Shao or Zhao Guang's RBI, at least she had a good time in jail. These jailers didn't embarrass her too much.
            When Liu Min walked to the inside, he saw Jiang Ruan sitting on the floor against the wall at a glance. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but he looked a little bit scared. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then ridiculed himself, knowing that she was not an ordinary woman, and the scene of an ordinary woman being held in jail and crying would never have happened to her.
            "Country Owner," he ‘called.
            Jiang Ruan looked back at him, looked up to see him, a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then smiled  :   "Master Liu."
            Liu Min squatted down in front of the prison and looked at her across the fence. Looking around this cell, although the conditions are simple but not harsh, it is completely different from the scenes seen in other cells along the way. Jiang Ruan's shirt was intact and clean, and she didn't have any hardships to think of it. Someone should have done something for her.
            "Master Liu, come here, what's the matter?" Jiang Ruan asked him without looking at him.
            Liu Min glanced at her  :   "I ... come and see you." After a pause, he said, "Are you okay?"
            Feelings flowed in the eyes of this young man. Even if he tried to hide it, he still inadvertently leaked the three-pointer. Jiang Ruan himself was an expert at reading and frowning, and then frowned slightly, "I am fine, I am too tired Fu bothered. "
            She was always so polite, but she took a distance of thousands of miles away. Liu Min's heart was a little bit awkward. Thinking of today's things, she said positively  :   "I believe you, He Yi County Owner was not killed by you."
            Liu Min felt that although Jiang Ruan looked like a cold man, he was very kind in his heart, otherwise he would not have rescued him when he saw the County Owner bullying 13-Prince.
            "I didn't kill her," Jiang Ruan looked at her. "I don't need to kill her."
            Hearing Jiang Ruan's words, Liu Min's expression brightened a bit, and he said, "You can rest assured that I will definitely try to save you."
            Jiang Ruan was slightly surprised, although in the past helping Liu Min helped one day to pave the way for himself, Taifu behavior this year is now contrary to her original intention. Such a sincere feeling is undoubtedly a pressure on her.
            "Many Thanks, Madam. Liu." Jiang Ruan groaned. "But I have my own opinion on this matter, and one day things will come to light, Madam. Liu doesn't have to worry too much."
            A look of disappointment in Liu Min's eyes swept away  :   "You are not making me a friend." Before Jiang Ruan spoke, he said  :   "At the time you helped me, now it is time for me to return, I Since I want to help you once, you don’t need to say more, ancient sayings, the grace of dripping water is reported to the spring. At the time, you gave me such a great grace. My destiny was rewritten because of you. If I and I did not repay, then Who is my Liu Min? "
            After a few moments of silence, Jiang Ruan shook his head and said, "Prince Liu is a sincere man. I am willing to intersect sincerely, but at this time I do have an idea. Taifu rushes to help each other but is not good. If I have trouble in the future, then Please ask Taifu Liu, then Taifu Liu should not refuse.
            "I can't possibly refuse." Liu Min hurried. Under the faint light, Jiang Ruan's eyes were more watery, and his facial features were more glamorous. He moved in his heart, and what he had always wanted to say, he blurted out  :   "You, would you like me to take shelter?"
            Jiang Ruan looked at him suddenly.
            Liu Minqing Jun's face seemed slightly reddish. In the end, it was the first time to say these words to a girl. How could there be a trace of innocence and pride in the eyes, all awkward and shy  :   "I, I have been in love with County Owner for a long time. Now County The Owner is struggling in the middle of the country. It can be seen that there are not many people in the country who want to frame the County Owner. If the County Owner continues this way, it is inevitable. If the County Owner can marry another house at this time, there will be a layer of shelter. Liu Min is not talented, and although he has no great achievements, he also wants to bless County Owner for his life. I will do my best to protect County Owner and prevent County Owner from a little grievance. "
            Jiang Ruan looked at him. What happened to Liu Min in the last life? She didn't see it until the end. If she wanted to come to Liu Min's talent, she could not escape if she could not use it for declaration. It was only in the last life that she had seen him go from being down to rising, and his destiny was mixed. In the end, this young man who was upright was a chance to prosper, and step by step, he finally lived up to his life ambitions.
            However, the two people who did not intersect in the previous life, but met in spite of each other in this life, she just wanted to use him, but inadvertently gained the sincerity of others.
            "I ..." Jiang Ruan was about to speak, but he could only hear a familiar voice in front of him, seemingly slightly displeased.
            "She doesn't have to bless you, because she is mine."
            The familiar figure came out from the dark, and the corner of the black robe swayed, giving birth to some golden gorgeousness in the dark. Xiao Shao walked to the cell door, glanced at Liu Min, and then looked at Jiang Ruan, and passed the basket in his hand through the small window  :   "The snacks made by the chef of Wangfu, and some clothes, it was cold at night Don't be caught by the wind. "
            He seemed a little unhappy, his tone was hard-spoken, and such behaviors and the things he handed in his hands all described the meaning of her profound relationship with Jiang Ruan. Liu Min had just been shocked by Xiao Shao "She is my man". At this moment, when he looked at his behavior again, his face changed suddenly.
            Jin San rolled his eyes silently in the back. The master was too jealous. Jin Si turned back and said that Tai Fu Liu went to the Imperial Study Room and went to the prison of the prison. Xiao Shao kept on. Come here, this action is almost to kill people. If it was Taifu Liu who changed her, Xiao Shao would have been defeated with a fist already. Of course, she could not beat Xiao Shao. Liu Min, a weak scholar with no power at all, could not even beat him.
            Madam. Liu, the gentleman who stood still, stood up and looked at Xiao Shao frowned. “Xiao Wangye is also responsible for speaking.” He looked a little bit angry  :   “This is the reputation of Hongan County Owner What solution? "
            "A Ruan." Xiao Shao didn't look at Liu Min, only looked at Jiang Ruan in the prison, in a soft tone like never before  :   "Three days later, you can rest assured."
            Jiang Ruan, who yelled at "Aruan" straightly, couldn't turn his eyes straight, and it took him a while to return to God, but he didn't know that her cyanosis act was in Liu Min's eyes. Xiao Shao and her titles have become close to each other, and Liu Mindeng turned pale. Jiang Ruan saw his face and moved his heart, then smiled at Xiao Shao  :   "Okay, I'm not afraid of you."
            Jin San looked at Madam. Liu sympathetically, apparently Madam. Liu was very annoyed by the blatant show's love of the two men. If Xiao Shao had just given Liu Min a fatal blow, Jiang Ruan's smiley reply at the moment would be a hard shot.
            Liu Min moved his lips, and then squeezed out a few words from his mouth. "So, County Owner, Liu Min left first." He hurried away without saying a word, but only revealed the back view A little sad.
            Jiang Ruan also stared at Liu Min's back, coldly guarding Xiao Shao approaching her and blocking her sight, Jiang Ruan looked up, Xiao Shao looked down at her, and said, “No need to watch, he gone. "
            "..." Jiang Ruan glared at him, Xiao Shao has become more and more abnormal recently, like a person, sometimes wondering if this is the indifferent, precocious youth Wangye in the world population In her opinion, Xiao Shao move is clearly naive, naive?
            She took a deep breath  :   "Xiao Shao, what are you doing here?"
            "If I don't come, you will become Tai Fu-ren." Xiao Shao reminded.
            Jin San couldn't help groaning in the dark. What the young master said, it was a sad mood. He should also teach the housekeeper to take a look at it, and then he would understand what a legendary man in love is. Brainless!
            "I won't enter Taifu Mansion." Jiang Ruan said, "If you really marry him, his career is over."
            "You think about him everywhere, no wonder he misunderstood." Xiao Damei couldn't help it.
            "You didn't invite him today, didn't you make him misunderstand?" Jiang Ruan said, "He will never misunderstand again."
            Xiao Shao frowned. He was born beautiful and Ying. Such a frown became more beautiful and beautiful under the lights. In the end, there was still a sense of asceticism, and thin lips were tight. After all, Because of Liu Min's affair, Liu Min gave Jiang Ruan a good show. It wasn't the first time he bumped into him. How could he be willing? Only Jiang Ruan said so, then lowered his eyes and said lightly, "Well, you should never see him again."
            How could this man be so overbearing! Jiang Ruan was so annoyed that he picked up what he had just handed in. It was really some food and clothing. The reserves were all fine. In fact, these days, Xiao Shao also sent someone to take care of it. The life in jail is not much worse than in the house. I can't help but think of the previous life who was jailed in the same jail but extremely tortured. What can be done is to teach people torture into shape.
            Can't help thinking, Xiao Shao saw her so, and then reached out and tapped on her head gently  :   "Be more focused."
            Jiang Ruan is not used to such intimate moves, don't start  :   "Tianzhu should talk to you about this, I already have a claim, you don't need to intervene."
            "I know." Xiao Shao whispered, "You just let it go, everything is mine."
            The words were reassuring, Jiang Ruan bowed his head  :   "Many Thanks."
            Xiao Shao said, "If you can ask me for help, I will be happier." Tian Zhu is right. Jiang Ruan is used to solving everything by himself, and he doesn't easily ask others for help. It is a businessman who seeks help, and also uses each other's attitude, and will not accept people for nothing. This is actually her isolation from others, she put an end to all the kindness and affection that may be received.
            Xiao Shao looked at her thoughtfully, he couldn't find Jiang Ruan's secret, Jiang Ruan wouldn't speak out, but a person closed his heart and wanted to walk in, Is difficult. Now that Jiang Ruan is his own, Xiao Shao hopes that Jiang Ruan should not have the idea of fighting alone, at least Jinying Wangfu ability to protect her is still comprehensive. His Xiao Shao people can only let him take care of him alone.
            "No need," Jiang Ruan really rejected him. "The back house is a woman's battlefield. Like my elder brother, he is invincible on the battlefield. Naturally, I also have my own method. In this deep palace back house, Invincible. "
            Xiao Shao reached out and finally pressed her shoulder, saying, "I'm always on your side."
            Wu Ming, the oldest qualified protagonist in the palace, sighed deeply at the body of Hong-An County Owner, and then took off the cloth cover on his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead  :   "Master, this and Yi The County Owner was stabbed in the abdomen, died of excessive blood loss, and the hour was right with His Highness. "
            Lord Tingwei Luo, who is in charge of the Criminal Department, looked down and thought for a while, and told the humane side  :   "Go and write the test results of the case into the case, and the rest will go to the scene with me again."
            The emperor has given a death order, and the trial will begin three days later. The partial birth this time is not an ordinary case. The case of Hong-An County Owner seems to be a royal murder, but it involves multiple forces and a wrong judgment. This caused an imbalance between the Hann and Chinese forces, and he was an endless disaster.
            Moreover, in the case of Hong-An County Owner, the emperor, Shu Fei, 4-Prince, and Empress Dowager, Zhao Guang, and Xiao Shao were on the other side, and he could not offend the other side, and he wanted to be caught in the middle Difficult, Master Luo couldn't help sighing, thinking deeply.
            And at 8-Prince, Xuan Li was playing with the white porcelain wine glass in his hand, shaking the glass of fine wine in the hand, and laughing  :   "How is it going?"
            The people below returned busy and respectfully  :   "Back to Your Highness, everything has been done, and the work has been tested, no problem."
            Xuan Li grasp of the wind in the palace for many years is not completely incompetent. Every place has more or less his own people. It is not impossible for He Yi County Owner's body to move hands and feet, and it is even easier to talk to him. As long as he has concealed his actions with some blind eyes, no one will believe him. After the post-mortem examination, Xi is the physical evidence, and then there is Xuanlang this witness, and it is easy to set down the charges.
            The most intolerable thing in the world is to ask for it, but not for the position he likes, and one day he will get it. The person he looked after was not allowed, but he was just a woman. No poison, no husband, Xiao Shao, since he wanted to rob him, it would be better to destroy Jiang Ruan.
            But I don't know what happened, Xuan Li heart suddenly flashed a little anxiety, this feeling was very subtle, almost to be ignored by him, he calmed down, tried his best to make himself ignore the strange feeling, and slowly clenched his hands. Sip of the wine, taking a sip.
            "I'm sorry, County Owner."

            Chapter 156  :   Imperial Examination    

            Three days later.
            On this day, the sun is very good, and it is also a rare good weather that has entered late autumn. The lazy daylight is scattered on the charming petals of some large cosmos flowers that have not faded, and it looks more and more beautiful. In Shufang Palace, the glamorous woman in a Chinese suit is high above her. The former exotic atmosphere seems to be swept away in an instant, leaving only naked murderous power.
            The court lady around handed her tea  :   "Niang-Niang, after drinking tea, it's time to go and watch the palace imperial trial."
            Shu Fei slowly took the sip of the tea in the hand of the maid. She was also well-dressed today, and she looked more and more eye-catching. Correspondingly, she was aggressive, and her red clothes undoubtedly made her more powerful. Full. The death of He Yi County Owner was a huge blow to Shu Fei.
            For so many years, Shu Fei had no son in the palace except Heyi County Owner, and the matter of seizures was no longer thought about these years, relying on the emperor's favor. Although the emperor loved her less than Chen Guifei, but because she had a daughter, He Yi County Owner did not pose a threat to Jiang Shan, and the emperor did not warn her.
            Although Heyi County Owner is flying all day long, but it is the meat falling from her belly, but she has been pampered with Jinyiyushi for so many years, but I do not know how to end in a tragic death. In the bones of Shu Fei was an extremely arrogant impulsive person. Knowing that Xuan Lang had confirmed that Jiang Ruan had killed He Yi County Owner, he could not wait to rush out and tear Jiang Ruan to pieces. However, Jiang Ruan had been locked up by the people in the penalty department first, and she was hard to get started.
            However, there is no one in the world who can't be beaten by her Shu Fei. She has won a place in the palace 4-Fei by virtue of her thoughts and beauty. Naturally, she is not a soft persimmon. Even Chen Guifei, who fought with her for a lifetime, is not in a disadvantage. What Jiang Ruan is, but a daughter of a small official, killing He Yi County Owner is a sin she can't afford in her life. When Shu Fei calmed down, she was not in a hurry.
            The case is very implicated. She went to the emperor to cry and the emperor promised to be the master of the County Owner. After so many years of husband and wife, the emperor's emotional lady Fei can grasp one or two points, naturally. The emperor had already displeased Jiang Ruan. What's more, the witnesses and physical evidence were all there, and Shu Fei didn't even need to take care of himself, so that Jiang Ruan would have no place to die.
            Because the people implicated in this case are all royal people, even Empress Dowager intervened, the emperor agreed with the imperial pre-trial, since the founding of the pre-principal, only one or two things have been involved, and they are all related to the former founder This is the first time that a major event in North Han such as such a royal entanglement has entered a pre-trial trial. Shu Fei himself knew that for courting Jiang Ruan, in addition to Zhao Guang's family and Empress Dowager, even the Wang of the kingdom Xiao Shao, Crown Prince Tai Fu Liu Min and Chief Bing Gongzi Gu Yi were among them. Whenever she thinks about it, Shu Fei hates her teeth.
            When He Yi County Owner was in the palace, because she was loved by the emperor, she also made a group of gongzi brothers Xiaojie, but now He Yi County Owner died tragically, but none of them stood up to speak for her. The good people also made head turtles. It is true that this may have been warned by others, but it can also be seen that the relationship with Yi County Owner is only a group of wine and meat friends. In contrast, Jiang Ruan, but the daughter of an official, is not a true relative. Guo Qi, so many people are rushing to protect her, really a young age is a fox!
            "Is Wang Jinying here too?" Shu Fei lowered her tea cup and asked in a harsh voice.
            "Back to Niang-Niang, Wang Jinying has gone first." The palace girl replied.
            Shu Fei slowly squeezed her fists. How exactly the County Owner died, Shu Fei did not know, but knew that everything was caused by Xiao Shao. Since He Yi County Owner lost his life for Xiao Shao, Jiang Ruan, as Xiao Shao sweetheart, would have to give He Yi County Owner a loss of life anyway. What about power in North Han? Xiao Shao may not be able to resist the purpose in the eyes? So watching the picture of the death of his sweetheart, as long as Xiao Shao angry eyes and Jiang Ruan's despair looked, Shu Fei felt a deep pleasure in his heart.
            Jiang Dan has entered the palace with the new show girls and lives in the small courtyard where the show girls live together. In the courtyard are a group of twenty-eight girls who are like flowers and jade, Yingying Yanyan, so lively. Either Shu Daughter, a high-weight family, or Di Daughter, a small family member, sent her daughter to the palace, nothing more than looking forward to flying Huang Tengda one day, pulling a handful of her family. Such things are not uncommon since ancient times. But now these girls still don't know the sinister and innocent appearance in the palace, they almost dazzle people eyes.
            Jiang Dan sits quietly in the front hall of the house, watching the lively and excited exchanges of the girls, always maintaining a lively and somewhat shy smile, this appearance is the most difficult to prepare for , So even if she can plug in very few words, it does not prevent this group of girls from quickly treating her as her own.
            The Shu Daughter of the servant’s family said, “Hey, sisters, I don’t know if you heard of it. Today is the day when Hong-An County Owner and Jiang Di Daughter killed He Yi County Owner.”
            "Ah, that's right, I think of it this way, but it's not today." Another woman echoed the words and said, "Unfortunately, Our can't go out here, but I can't go and see what's going on. "
            It was a pity to hear her tone. The women were young and curious, and they were also full of interest in these things. They were also a little disappointed and interested.
            Jiang Dan looked at everything in front of him with a smile, looking as usual, as if he hadn't heard the news.
            "It's just a murder case, there nothing to see." The woman's father, who works in the Ministry of Justice, wanted to know a few on most days, and nodded  :   "I heard Father said that there was almost nothing in the case with County Owner It is verifiable. The testimony has also been tested, and there are four witnesses like His Highness, and there is almost no confession. Even if Hong's County Owner is worthy of Empress Dowager Niang-Niang's favor? Murdering the royal son-zi is a felony No one can protect him. "
            "Hong-An County Owner is too daring, I didn't expect it to be a killer." One seemed to think of something, looking at Jiang Dan  :   "Well, isn't she your uncle sister? Look at what this matter is what happened?"
            Jiang Dan shook his head slightly, then shook his head and said, "It's ... I'm not quite sure. I'm just a Shu Daughter. How can I get involved in these things?"
            "Then she is so fierce in her house?" Someone asked curiously, "Have you ever been scolded by her?"
            Jiang Dan shook his head, but his gaze flickered quickly  :   "No, my sister never hit me."
            The more she said that, the more suspicious her eyes looked, and everyone looked at her so timid, almost talking about Jiang Ruan's discoloration, and her heart became clear. For a while, it was all about Jiang Ruan. No, the same woman was a bit jealous. Over the years, Jiang Ruan looked like a good boy, and his luck was even better. He got Empress Dowager. Asylum, there is another brother of God of War, who has already made people jealous. Now they fall into the water, and those who were originally jealous will naturally step up without mercy.
            An inconspicuous corner of the room, still sitting quietly at this moment. She was so beautiful and delicate, but she looked a little bit disdainful. When everyone listened to Jiang Ruan's discussion, she felt a little disgusted. This person is not someone else, it is Dong Yinger.
            In the end, he still entered the palace, but now it seems that Dong Yinger feels that what was originally extremely exclusive is not so difficult now. With so many red faces in the palace, the emperor remembered that she also had some luck, so why should she be favored. If the emperor never noticed her, and died so safely in the palace, it might not be a good thing.
            Jiang Ruan killed He Yi County Owner Dong Yinger had heard from her father before that she didn’t believe Jiang Ruan would kill He Yi County Owner. Not because of anything else, just because she thought that Jiang Ruan was going to kill someone, but she wouldn't be stupid enough to face 4-Prince. Jing Zhaoyin is a smart person. Dong Ying Er also heard one or two when analyzing the pros and cons, but this was something she couldn't exceed.
            Sitting here now, listening to these people derogation of Jiang Ruan, Jiang Dan's slanderous behavior, Dong Yinger only feels the uncomfortable feeling of turning over the river in his stomach. If it is according to Chang-temper, according to her and Jiang Ruan Friendship, it is necessary to step forward to some theory. But now it just sits aside, and the audience discussions don't come forward.
            What I remembered in her mind was when she was crying and begging Jiang Ruan when she was going to be sent to the palace, Jiang Ruan said what to do with her.
            Things in the world are so impermanent, Dong Yinger's heart doesn't know why there is a slight bit of happiness, such as when Jiang Ruan was trapped and slandered and killed Hong-An County Owner, as the show girls said, they could not escape. What are you doing with her?
            However, how the facts in the palace change, the public trial in the palace must be tried.
            The emperor had a bright yellow dragon robe, high above him, and looked at the civil and military officials who were watching, and he had a sense of self-anger.
            Today's imperial public trial is not so much a matter of killing chickens and monkeys than letting civil and military officials visit the trial to show justice. In these days, some forces in the imperial court couldn't hold back any more, and they were seen by the emperor. It also needs to be beaten. Those who see the wind make the rudder wait and see, today the emperor will kill their majesty through the trial of the case, and let the people in the world see who is in charge.
            Li-Gonggong watched the eyes, watched the nose, and sits quietly, waving the dust. On the contrary, Luo Tingwei stepped aside, and as long as he was instructed to bring the criminal, he heard someone yell outside  :   "The criminal is here-"
            Jiang Ruan, a white prisoner, was taken in by a group of soldiers. But I don’t know if anyone has explained it, or because she didn’t struggle, but she had a good attitude. The soldiers didn’t restrain her, but just followed on both sides. Partially, she came step by step to the Golden Temple, where she had a step-by-step lotus feeling, smiling, and quiet, as if she did not come to participate in a thrilling royal pre-trial, even with a little leisure. It's like walking out with two manservants.
            Seeing this, Shu Fei, sitting next to her, could not help but blink a little, a little bit of resentment in her eyes, and slowly tightened the handkerchief in her sleeve.
            Jiang Ruan The clothes are clean and the hair is not messy. Even then, the style is still undiminished. The North Hann military officer had met her when she was with Empress Dowager when she returned to the palace, knowing that she was charming and moving. It hasn't been seen for many days now, so abruptly appeared on the palace of Jin Mao, even in a prisoner's clothes, but her eyebrows are more and more beautiful, as if the essence of lively fragrance. The young girl seemed to increase her score by one point every day. This time, she seemed to have a little more points than the previous one. For a while, some young officials in the country looked a little crazy.
            Jiang Ruan passed slowly, but his eyes fell on Heyi-the youth before Baiguan. Today, he is wearing a 1st-grade dress with black embroidered gold python, and he looks more and more magnificent. Even among the crowds who have no shortage of heaven, he is still the most eye-catching one.
            Notice the glances from Jiang Ruan, Xiao Shao eyes flashed a smile, and with such a smile, it became more and more beautiful that his handsome face was a bit gentle and boney.
            This kind of eye contact fell into Liu Min's eyes, which had been paying attention to Jiang Ruan's every move, but it made him feel uncomfortable if he was a bit lost. The original worry about Jiang Ruan suddenly turned into an uncomfortable feeling, don't look away a bit, and stop watching this boring scene.
            Xuan Li smile was gentle, just staring at Jiang Ruan with a smile, as if staring at a prey about to fall into a trap, full of pride.
            Xuan Lang stood beside Xuan Li, his body was slightly inside, it seemed to be avoiding something, and fell in the eyes of others. He only thought that this incompetent 4-Prince was because he was afraid of witnesses for the first time.
            Zhao Guang frowned tightly, looking at Jiang Ruan's eyes very distressed. This is the blood of his Zhao family, but now he is in prison and he has nothing to do with his grandfather. Xiao Shao had already greeted him, saying that the matter had its own arrangements. Although he was hot, he knew that Xiao Shao was a man who would do what he said. If he rashly shot, he might break Xiao Shao. plan. But now I haven't seen anything from Xiao Shao. Zhao Guang had already scolded Xiao Shao in his heart, a bloody dog, and he felt like a hairy dog, but it was such a trick for his Zhao family. Could it be fooled by him? This hairy kid is basically a turtle with a shrinking head, but did not dare to arbitrate Ruan Yatou but retreated temporarily?
            Unlike Zhao Guang, although Empress Dowager was worried about Jiang Ruan, he was not indistinguishable from the outside, and still looked like a wave of ancient wells. The ruby armor of the left hand was a little uneasy, and slowly moved across the edge of the chair. This was her usual movement. Once there was something uneasy in her heart, she would unconsciously pull.
            Jiang Ruan is a special presence in Empress Dowager's mind. At first, she was regarded as Yuan Rong Princess, but she was also sincere in the three years later. Now Jiang Ruan is Xiao Shao. Sweetheart. What Xiao Shao is like? Empress Dowager knows it well. Such a person will not be emotional, just like his Father. Once emotional, he is identified as a person. Since it was identified as Jiang Ruan, she would definitely not let her go into danger.
            It’s just that Xiao Shao has a fierce temperament, and Empress Dowager is not good at interfering in this matter, because he also knows that Xiao Shao must have shot in the dark, but I don’t know how fierce this approach is? I only hope that Jiang Ruan quiet temperer can make him one. True, it is impossible to know Empress Dowager. In some things, Jiang Ruan temper is ten thousand times more intense than Xiao Shao.
            "Hong-An County Owner!" But Luo Tingwei said at the emperor's gesture  :   "You killed He Yi County Owner, witnesses and physical evidence are all there, and his heart is jealous, murder of the royal son, a crime, first class, what else? Can I say? "
            After the case was sent to the Criminal Department, it was tried by Dali Temple. At that time, it was almost a crime theory, but Jiang Ruan didn’t admit it to death anyway. They put off the matter.
            "He Yi County Owner was not killed by me," Jiang Ruan said.
            She didn't look a little flustered, and made a sound, as if what she said was evidence. People always believe in what they see. They are those who have always believed in the murderer of Jiang Ruan. At the moment, they are slightly shaken-people are always very forgiving to beauty.
            "What a sharp tooth, what a femme fatale!" But Shu Fei smirked, and said, "Your young age, but you are born with a poisonous heart, I don’t know how my He Yi offends you, and I want you to treat her like this Killer! As a mother of He Yi, I must ask for justice for my son, Hong-An County Owner, killing is to pay for life! "Shu Fei words turned, looking at the emperor, and a mist suddenly appeared in her eyes  :  " Your Majesty, He Yi is your daughter. You are going to give Chenqie a shot!
            The emperor glanced down at Jiang Ruan, who leaned down on his knees in the palace, and said lightly  :   "Hongan, you said He Yi was not killed by you, you have to give evidence. If you can't get evidence, you can only recognize it. You have nothing to say! "
            At the end of the sentence, the tone had already intensified, almost mixed with some inexplicable intimidation, and the emperor was in a rage. The hundred officials were all shocked in their hearts, knowing that this was a precursor to the emperor's anger, and they all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak, for fear that the anger would transfer to themselves. The girls in that hall had no change in their looks, as if the fury of the thunder was nothing but a raindrop on a spring day.
            She glanced briefly at Baiguan, and briefly stopped for a moment in front of the monk in yellow clothes beside the emperor. The monk was kind-hearted, holding a zen bead in one hand, receiving her gaze, and looking down slightly, just about to read the voice of Amitabha .
            "I can testify to her, and the death of County Owner has nothing to do with her!"
            A clear voice suddenly appeared in the hall, and the sound came suddenly, as if a thunder smashed into their respective heads. Xiao Shao frowned slightly, the emperor's eyes flickered, Shu Fei sits straight up, 一下 å¾· Empress Dowager Stopping his hand touching the ruby armor.
            Jiang Ruan's eyes widened sharply, his body trembled, and he could hardly turn his head.

            Chapter 157  :   Reverse    

            A word of stone-shattering sky, like a stone thrown into the lake in the Golden Temple, immediately stirred up a thousand layers of spray. After seeing the guardian from behind, the little figure straightened up and seemed to bring a special emotion in her eyes, who was not Xuan Pei?
            Everyone looked at Xuan Pei in astonishment. This 13-Prince was almost unattended in the middle of the country. If Xuan Lang was just incompetent, there was a wise Fei guarding him, and he would not be bullied. 13-Prince Xuanpei was only born by a low-profile palace maid. Now the death of the biological mother has reached the point where no one cares about it. If it can be mentioned, no one will remember that there is such a person in the palace.
            Xuan Pei may have dressed up a little today, looking for a lotus-colored brocade robe. The lotus-blue color is solemn. Now Xuan Pei is just a **-year-old boy. Although the robe is considered to be upper-level even though it looks at brocade, I am afraid it is also a style from many years ago, and it can be seen at a glance that it does not fit.
            But even so, the little figure walked by and was not tall, but he was calm and calm. Rao is also surprised by the emperor's eyes, saying that one behavior is impressive, and Xuan Pei appears so suddenly in the eyes of everyone, but it is not the humble Qiieshi cowardly inferior Prince in everyone mind. Fenghua, and even everyone has an illusion. Over time, this Prince must be something in the pool. Today, at a young age, there is already some restraint and calmness, although the Tian family has unique conditions, but Xuanli at the time was just the same.
            Xuan Pei walked to the Golden Temple Hall, and a robe corner knelt down beside Jiang Ruan and said, “Fu Huang, Er-chen can testify, and He Yi County Owner was killed by Hongan County Owner!”
            Jiang Ruan looked at the boy in front of him faintly. This closer look, unlike the bullied child on the previous side, Xuan Pei looked like a different person, with a pretended calm mature face, but It is extremely strange.
            Xuanpei is timid, because of his mother, he is also insulted in the palace. She had also entered into the palace at this time in the previous life. At that time, she also encountered Xuan Pei bullying. After consoling a few words, she passed it on to the emperor's ears and gave Xuan Pei her care.
            In the previous life, she and Xuan Pei depended on each other in the palace. Xuan Pei is the most sensible child she has ever seen. She is just a good child, but she can only be trapped in the deep palace like her. Xuan Pei did not even share with other Wangzis. The same opportunity to show their talents in the court. Before Xuanpei met her, she was adopted by someone with ulterior motives in the deep palace. Although she was ** years old, her mind was no different from a five or six-year-old child.
            Now this child is uncharacteristically, where there is a previous obsession in his eyes, clearly clear. Xuan Pei had a good life, and Li Dong was fancy because of her beautiful appearance. At this moment, the children look good, and kneeling with Jiang Ruan, it will make everyone in Jin Dian hall feel awkward, only I feel that the two people are similar in style and behavior, and then think about it, but they think they think more.
            Xuanlang and Xuanli changed their eyes slightly, but Xuan Pei did not expect them to appear. Although Xuan Pei said that he was not favored, he was Prince in name just like them. In Xuanli eyes, Xuan Pei was not even an ant, and he rarely even heard his name in the deep palace. For example, if this year's naive and tender children have been adopted from childhood, there is no fear at all. Suddenly appeared today. If he said that he would speak for Jiang Ruan, Xuan Li was shocked. At this moment, Xuan Pei manners and manners have caused a deep uneasiness in Xuan centrifugal.
            The emperor stared at Xuan Pei with a complex look. The son had never been at his heart. He couldn't remember how many Prince died in these years. The white bones buried in the deep palace were never missing. Xu is punished by God. Among these sons, whoever has some talents is either a wolf ambition or an incompetent person at all, such as Crown Prince, with a shallow heart. If it wasn't for his secret protection, he would have already become Victims of others fighting.
            Xuan Pei mother, the emperor, can no longer remember it. In the deep palace, Prince, who was of low birth, was dispensable to the emperor, and he never cared. Today I saw Xuan Pei, but I didn't know what it was like.
            This young man has a beautiful jade appearance, and his facial features are extremely beautiful. Because he has lived in the deep palace for a long time, his complexion looks too fair, but because of his young age, he doesn't feel pale, but he is as touching as a crystal doll. He inherited the natural goodness of the royal family, and it blends well with such goodness. Even though I haven't seen many people for so many years, I don't know how, but I haven't let that natural noble instrument be damaged.
            More importantly, since he walked in, he stared directly into the eyes of the emperor. His voice was respectful but not humble, but his attitude was calm but not conceited. Where is he like a **-year-old boy, he is about 15 or 16 years old.
            The emperor was suddenly surprised that he had ignored a potentially excellent Prince for so many years.
            Xiao Shao frowned slightly. He could see clearly. Jiang Ruan looked at Xuan Pei eyes a little unusually. Although he tried to hide it, he still leaked a point or two. He installed Jinyiwei in the palace and naturally heard about 13-Prince, why a foolish child who had been adopted has suddenly changed overnight. Some time ago, Jiang Ruan helped Xuan Pei, and then I heard Jin Yiwei report that the situation. At that time Xuan Pei was still a cowardly Prince bullied by the maid. Look again at the eunuch who just followed Xuan Pei approach. Her manners were correct, there was no trace of transgression, and she was sincerely admiring the Lord.
            I thought that Xuan Pei appearance was arranged by Jiang Ruan, but at this moment it seems to be different. Jiang Ruan's expression is obviously not informed. What exactly does 13-Prince mean?
            Xiao Shao stared for a moment, wondering if it was his illusion, and always felt that Xuan Pei behavior was similar to that of Jiang Ruan, almost the same.
            The emperor groaned for a long time before slowly speaking, "Oh, how do you testify?"
            "Er-chen was also in Mufeng Pavilion at the time of the incident that day, and he saw it with his own eyes. The County Owner was dragged to the chair by two court ladies. At first Er-chen thought they were having fun. Later, Hong-An County Owner came, Er-chen saw her stepped forward to ask, and He Yi County Owner fell down. At that time, Er-chen was confused, so he went back without notice. Then I heard that Hong-An County Owner was put in jail. Er-chen thought about it and always felt wrong. Although he was scared, he couldn't watch Hong-An County Owner being stigmatized, Er-chen was weak, only now Before testifying, please also Fu Ming Ming Jian! "
            As soon as this word came out, everyone took a breath. 13-Prince said what he meant. He could testify at the scene. 4-Prince Xuanlang also said he saw it with his own eyes. Xuanpei remarks were obviously accusing Xuanlang of lying!
            Xuanlang's face changed a bit, and he naturally knew that the matter was terrible. Since Xuan Pei said this, he would have to visit this muddy water, and in any case, Xuan Pei remarks came out. First, He caused the emperor's suspicion.
            Who is Xuanpei? Today is just a ** year-old child, and no matter how calm he is, his age is irrefutable. People would think that a child need not lie, but he is different.
            After waiting for Xuanlang to speak for himself, Shu Fei said impatiently  :   "Do you know what you are talking about? His Highness Four can also see it with your own eyes. If you say so, aren't you injustice your Highness Four?" Shu Fei Xuan Pei hated poison in her heart, but a low-level maid came out to collude with Jiang Ruan to try to excuse him. In this case, I would pull this 13-Prince into the water and let him pay for what he did!
            Empress Dowager looked at Xuan Pei in a puzzled way. When she saw Xuan Pei, she was also surprised and thought it was Xiao Shao arrangement. I also thought when Xiao Shao had a relationship with Xuan Pei, and later saw that Xuan Pei words were clear, not as controversial as in the palace, with a little comfort in his heart. She is trustworthy in Xiao Shao character. Since Xuan Pei is the one picked by Xiao Shao, it will not be bad. Among these Prince, one who is somewhat talented and has no ambition is too rare. .
            At that moment, Empress Dowager gave a slight glance at Shu Fei and said, "Things haven't been figured out yet, Shu Fei, I'm sorry to see you pass."
            Shu Fei didn't dare to offend Empress Dowager, and he was not willing to take a sip, but in his heart was thinking how to pull Xuan Pei into the water together.
            The emperor glanced at Xuan Pei, and although he didn't like him to excuse Jiang Ruan, he asked out loud, "Oh, you know that Lao-Si said something different from you."
            "Back to Fu Huang, the fourth brother didn’t know what Er-chen did, but Er-chen saw that when the palace girl helped He Yi County Owner to Mu Fengting, the fourth brother was also there. Er-chen also listened When the fourth brother arrived, he said to Hong-An County Owner. "Xuanpei voice is clear, unlike the gloom of an Daren man. He has a transparent and youthful spirit. Listening will make people know what he is saying. Seems convincing.
            Xuanlang clenched his fists and listened to the emperor  :   "What's the matter?"
            Jiang Ruan glanced at Xuan Pei. By this time, she may be uncertain whether Xuan Pei will be there that day or not. For her, Xuan Pei appearance today is too incredible. It was also because of Xuan Pei sudden appearance that she couldn't proceed with Hui Jue affairs. Xuan Pei should be absent that day. What makes her wonder more is why in a short period of time, Xuan Pei became like a person, and what happened in it.
            "Er-chen heard the fourth brother say to Hong-An County Owner, and when the fourth brother mentioned the marriage in front of Huang-Grandmother, please ask Hong-An County Owner not to refuse, otherwise, Hong-An County Owner could not escape the felony of beheading "Xuan Pei cried loudly.
            As soon as this remark came out, the Palace of the Golden Lotus was silent for a while, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.
            Xuan Lang's complexion suddenly turned white, and it was the first look at Xuan Li.
            Jiang Ruan was also stunned, and then laughed in his heart, so it seems that Xuan Pei must have never been to a storm booth that day. Xuan Pei words were not illusory. As soon as his voice fell, not only did the emperor's expression change slightly, but even Xuan Li expression was not so natural.
            Xuan Lang was married to Xuan Lifu for the purpose of Xuan Li, but his ultimate goal was to want Jiang Ruan to marry to Xuan Li Fu. Ke Xuanpei words revealed another meaning. Xuan Lang's words were to marry Jiang Ruan by himself. Xuan Li appearance was broad and skeptical. How could he not suspect Xuan Langyang's yin violation? On the surface, he did things according to his intentions, but in fact changed his method. Although Xuan Lang was incompetent, there was also a wise Fei above him. Now that Chen Guifei is out of power, Xuan Lang may not have the opportunity to climb up. If Jiang Ruan marries Xuan Lang, the same benefits as Xuan Li can bring to Xuan Lang.
            If Xuan Lang really has other thoughts, it is not impossible.
            Xuan Li eyes flickered a little, but he was not as calm as Fang Xuan. Xuan Lang and he had been planning major events for many years. He knew what Xuan Xiang was thinking about. For a moment, I was very angry at the separation plan like Xuan Pei, but couldn't explain Xuan Li in the eyes of the public. He was anxious, and strode to the temple, "thumped" and kneeled down at the emperor.
            "Fu Huang Ming Jian, Er-chen is wrong!" Xuan Lang's voice was extremely painful. He is a man who used to be fake, but his face was really confused, and he looked very sad at Xuan Pei. Indignant, said indignantly  :   "Thirteen brothers, you and I are brothers and brothers. Who have you been directed to want to be framed by me? Now that you are young, you must not take the words of others."
            What he meant both in and out of the word was aimed at Jiang Ruan, but he successfully used the emperor's doubts about Jiang Ruan. When Xuan Pei was young this year, he was very likely to be deceived. Baiguan looked at Jiang Ruan, and Jiang Ruan did not move, but his heart was a little upset.
            What does Xuanpei want to do? She doesn't want to involve Xuan Pei in this matter, but Xuan Pei performance today has attracted many people attention in the North Han. For example, Xuan Li will definitely notice Xuan Pei abnormality. Xuan Pei popularity today may not be a good thing. Now he doesn't have the ability to protect himself. It is foreseeable that Xuan Pei position in North Han should be better than before, and his troubles will follow. .
            For a mother, protecting children is nature. Jiang Ruan is unwilling to let Xuan Pei get involved, but now nobody has thought of the situation so far, and for a while they didn't know how to end it.
            "Er-chen's statement is true, and I also hope Fu Huang Ming Jian." Xuan Pei did not listen to Xuan Lang's words, but his tone was as persistent as ever.
            The emperor stared at Xuan Pei deeply, and said in a deep voice  :   "You and the two have their own words, and some of them must lie. Thirteen, even if you testify, Hong-An County Owner cannot escape from this. "
            Even with Xuan Pei testimony, the two sides could not prove Jiang Ruan's innocence. The play is not over yet.
            Who knew Xuanpei shook his head and said, "No, not only Er-chen, a witness, but also one who can testify for Hong-An County Owner."
            There was an uproar, and there was one more?
            "Oh? Who else?" The emperor asked.
            "And Er-chen." In the silence, someone suddenly spoke, Crown Prince suddenly raised his lips and smiled, standing out from among the hundred officials.
            Queen and Empress Dowager both stared at the same time, Xuan Li shook slightly from his clenched fist, and Xuan Lang looked unbelievably towards Crown Prince.
            Crown Prince, however, took a meaningful look at Jiang Ruan, walked to Xuan Pei, and knelt down with a robe corner, the three kneeling side by side. Crown Prince said to the emperor  :   "Back to Fu Huang, the words of the 13th brother are true, because Er-chen was also present that day."
            Jiang Ruan frowned. Xuan Pei was not there that day. Crown Prince remarks were nonsense. She told Xiao Shao not to intervene in this matter, and the sudden appearance of Crown Prince must not mean Xiao Shao. People in the General's Mansion would not take the path of Crown Prince even if they tried to save her, so it should not be done by the Generals. So, this matter is a little strange, Jiang Ruan glanced at Xuan Pei, and suddenly a thought flashed in his heart, could it be Xuan Pei?
            The emperor hadn't spoken yet, but Shu Fei finally couldn't help but ‘called again  :   "Crown Prince, what are you talking about? Are you confused by others?"
            Queen gave a cold glance at Shu Fei and said  :   "Shu Fei, be careful." Although Queen put a sham name in the harem, when the emperor was present, there was always a bit of position. On most days, she is laissez-faire about the harem, but once it is related to Crown Prince, she has to raise her spirit. Shu Fei wanted to slander and frame others. She didn't care. When it came to Crown Prince head, she couldn't sit still.
            "Shut up." The emperor was also furious at Shu Fei actions. She was compassionate for her loss of her lover and was more forgiving to her, but now she is becoming more and more ridiculous. But Crown Prince suddenly came out to speak for Jiang Ruan, and he was still skeptical. This son has no brains to withstand much use. He is often taken away by his nose, but still arrogant and often does stupid things. It is even more impossible to take the initiative to help others. Today, this attitude is obviously to speak for Jiang Ruan. Can Jiang Ruan have anything to do with Crown Prince? A Xuanpei had made him very confused, why Crown Prince stepped in.
            The Crown Prince had never heard of any relationship between Crown Prince and Jiang Ruan, and the emperor could not help but set his sights on Xiao Shao. Xiao Shao himself had mentioned that he would marry Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan was sent to the prison of the Ministry of Justice, but he did not have any movement. At first, he felt strange. Could it be that he kept this hand? The emperor was a little angry at first.
            His Royal Highness Crown Prince came out to testify, that is, there were two Wangzis speaking for Jiang Ruan, and the situation suddenly changed again.
            Xuan Lang's heart was anxious. It should have been foolproof. Today, Crown Prince and Xuan Pei were killed halfway through today. Most importantly, Xuan Li eyes have changed since Xuan Pei words were spoken. There is no intention to speak for him. Once the seeds of suspicion are buried, the germination and growth of each one will eventually grow into an invincible tumor, and this is especially true for those who are suspicious of nature.
            He slammed several times towards the emperor's "å’šå’šå’š"  :   "Fu Huang, Er-chen's statement is true, Er-chen dare not deceive Fu Huang, Fu Huang Ming Jian!"
            Crown Prince gave Xuan Lang a casual look, and said, "Four younger brothers, what are you talking about? Could it be impossible for you to collude with the 13th younger brother to frame you?"
            There are inexplicable people in the North Hann government who look at them, and Crown Prince and Xuan Lang have made friends since then. But now this battle is against the enemy?
            Xuan Lang knew, however, that since he didn't know what Jiang Ruan and Crown Prince had said last time, Crown Prince had deliberately alienated him, and even degraded her to trouble him. Xuan Lang knew that this matter must be related to Jiang Ruan, and because of this, Xuan Lang always had a point or two against Jiang Ruan. At this moment Crown Prince left no room for suppression, Xian Fei was not here today, and Xuan Lei couldn't say anything. He could only bear his own teeth.
            Crown Prince said to the emperor  :   "On the day, Er-chen met the 13th brother on the road, and arrived at Mufeng Pavilion as soon as possible. I didn't want to see the scene said by the 13th brother. Er-chen was also very scared at the time. But now it looks like the 13th brother is still urinating like this to testify. Er-chen would not be worthy of being Fu Huang's son if he wanted to shrink his head tortoise, so he came out to testify for Hong-An County Owner. "
            He uttered this nonsense, and looked like a playboy, and all the officials had seen Crown Prince rules of conduct, and for a time they were speechless.
            The emperor was furious and was about to speak, and heard Crown Prince again  :   "But there are many doubts in this case, so Er-chen also brought a person to help, with this person to help, want to come to this case It is not difficult to achieve a satisfactory solution. "
            "Who?" The Emperor asked in a deep voice.
            "Come," Crown Prince exclaimed, "Bring Jinling's sacred Xia Divine Doctor—"
            After seeing the eunuch's announcement, he came slowly from outside the hall, wearing a refreshing blue cloth gown, touching a young man in his early twenties, giving birth to a pleasing baby face, a shoulder bag around the waist, and arrived at the palace The emperor knelt down and said, "Xia Qing, Caomin sees His Majesty."
            Xia Qing, the sacred hand of Jinling, took another breath. This person has been working in the Royal Medical Department of the palace for generations. However, Xia Qing was a restless one in the generation of Xia Qing. He could not see the healing methods of the Royal Medical Doctors, and was full of novel ideas. The main people we gave to the doctor were Noble. If you accidentally kill someone, you will lose your head. How can you accept Xia Qing's novel and never-heard cure.
            Xia Qing consciously stayed in the palace for a longer time and became more restrained, so she said goodbye to her family and went out for a trip, but she did not know that she later visited the Canaan Mountains and studied under the Hachi Teacher. She became a disciple under the Hachi Teacher. "Holy hand".
            Now Xia Qingjun is young, but nobody knows his name in the Dajin Dynasty. Nevertheless, when the Royal Medical Services invited him to come again, Xia Qing declined politely. He traveled north and south of the Dajiang River, and this was his first time in the palace after he became famous.
            No one expected that Crown Prince would invite Xia Qing, and no one thought that Xia Qing had a relationship with Crown Prince. Now that Xia Qing is here, what is he trying to do?
            Crown Prince was stunned when he saw the crowd  :   "You don't have to wonder, this palace thinks that He Yi death is strange, even the corpse may be a bit wrong. It happened that Xia Shenyi was the old friend of this palace, and this palace asked him to take a look Yi body, "he paused, and then he slowly said," I don't know, but at first glance, I found something extraordinary. "

            Chapter 158  :   End    

            "What did you find?" The emperor looked unpredictable, Crown Prince smiled again and looked at Xia Qingdao  :   "Xia Shenyi, tell your discovery to Fu Huang."
            Xia Qing busyly and respectfully made a trance, and said, "Under the majesty, Caominguan and Yi County Owner's corpse, seeing the corpse expression is slightly faint, the corpse is also strange, the color is even more strange. The practitioner must be careful and careful Don’t go wrong. Although County Owner’s golden leaves and jade leaves have made it possible for Caomin to see the corpse, it is imperative that the office do not miss one spot. The practitioner especially taboos the leopard, and Caomin dared to watch it again. , I found that the County Owner's lips were dark, there were tiny red spots on her body, her limbs were not stiff, and her hair had coagulated into clumps ... "
            This person is a medical idiot, and a bunch of people in the temple can't hear it, and Xia Qing, who is born a little bit, is still unaware, and still talks about the symptoms when he talks about the symptoms. Even the emperor's face showed some impatience. Finally, after Xia Qing finished talking about the doubts on Heyi County Owner, she said  :   "The grassroots people saw it like this, and they knew that the County Owner was taking a fresh muscle The powder is colorless and tasteless. As long as it is fed with spices and smoked in the population, it can teach people to maintain their state of death. The grass people smelled the aroma of the County Owner and concluded that the County Owner was a person. I used [Xianji San]. "
            "Funny!" Shu Fei couldn't help but said, "What fresh muscle scattered, He Yifen was killed by Jiang Ruan!"
            "Niang-Niang, please be calm and restless." Xia Qing still talked earnestly  :   "The grassroots knew what was wrong, and used the method taught by the master to remove Heyi County Owner's body. [Xianji San] After the County Owner removes the drugs that disturb the sight, the body will not lie again, showing the time of true death. Cao Min has seen that County Owner's wounds are blue. The time for judgment is one day in the morning. "
            As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar in the palace of Jin Mao.
            Xia Qing's remarks meant that He Yi County Owner was dead long before Jiang Ruan went to Mufengting. In this way, Jiang Ruan's crime of killing was not established at all. On the contrary, the words of Xuanpei and Crown Prince were true. And, thinking deeper, what Xuan Pei said was that Xuanlang and Heyi County Owner's maids would get Mufeng Pavilion with Yi County Owner. Why would Xuanlang be with the body of Heyi County Owner? It is very likely that He Yi County Owner was killed by him. This is just a thief calling and catching a thief.
            Xuan Lang's look changed greatly, but the appearance of Crown Prince and Xuan Pei was too sudden today. He had made his mind a little muddy, and a sudden emergence of Xia Qing, all of his plans were beaten. Mess. Xuan Lang was a brainless man, but he acted cheaply in the palace by virtue of Xuan Li. Who knows that Xuan Li has also created a gulf against him today. Today, he must stand by and watch. When Xuan Lang was in chaos, he couldn't think of any other way, but had to say in vain  :   "No, you are lying, I am with my own eyes Seeing He Yi County Owner die in her hands, He Yi County Owner was still good! "
            Shu Fei also had some doubts about Xia Qing's words. She was not a divine doctor, so she couldn't see anything wrong with the corpse of He Yi County Owner. At first she thought that Jiang Ruan had done this, and wanted to put Jiang Ruan to death. Who knew that Xia Qing suddenly came to such a sentence at this moment. If it is true as Xia Qing said, He Yi County Owner died as early as Mu Fengting a day ago. Who is the real murderer? Although Shu Fei hated Jiang Ruan because of the County Owner, she didn't want to kill her daughter, and she couldn't accept the feeling of being deceived in the drum. Suddenly, Liu Mei eyebrows stood upright and he said, "Xia Qing, what you said is true!"
            "Nature is true." Xia Qing was so questioned. Although he was a little angry, he explained with a good temper  :   "Although Cao Min traveled around, the medical museum has been in Jinling for so many years. No one has ever said that. No, not to smash the signboard. Caomin has already seen the corpse of County Owner. At this moment, the drug has been removed. If Niang-Niang doesn't believe it, you can find some pretends and doctors to go to the autopsy and see what Caomin said Is there a fake. "
            No one knows the reputation of Jinling's sacred hand in the Da Jin Dynasty. What he said is Jin Yuliang's words among Jin Dynasty doctors. Who would suspect that his diagnosis was false? If in doubt, you are right with the Dajin Dynasty's medical practice. Xia Qing has a direct personality, and his character is praised by everyone. He said so, and everyone didn't doubt that it was wrong.
            Crown Prince also said, "Fu Huang, Er-chen had just re-examined the Royal Medical Department and the palace work, if, as Xia Shenyi said, He Yi died before Mu Fengting."
            The emperor's expression moved slightly, Empress Dowager's hands in the sleeves gradually stretched out, stroking the ruby armor slowly, and said lightly, "Lao-Si, what else can you say?"
            "No, it's not ..." Xuan Lang didn't expect Xia Qing to retain such a hand and killed him by surprise, but at this time it was a bit difficult to turn around. The emperor saw his eyes full of thought and made Xuan Lang unbearable. Frightened. He has been planning for so long, pretending to be cowardly and harmless for so long, and seeing that the great cause is about to come, is it possible that today, the original efforts will all be wiped out?
            "Four younger brothers, this palace knows that you adore Hong-An County Owner, but you can't use this method of being on the stage." Crown Prince smiled  :   "Now that Vice Admiral Jiang is still alive and dead on the front line, you are so hesitant to put Hong-An County Owner on It's too mean to be framed. "
            It’s okay to say that, as soon as people talk about it, everyone thinks about Jiang Xinzhi. Only Xuanpei said that Xuanlang wanted to use the death of Heyi County Owner to force a marriage. If it was really for a beauty, it would be ruined if he didn’t get it. He also took a Heyi County Owner. It's too much worth it. If it is for the military power of Jiang Xinzhi, it is very likely.
            Although Jiang Xinzhi position is very embarrassing today, if you advance, you will make a lot of achievements, and if you retire, you can take over the military power. In any case, marrying Jiang Ruan is a good deal. If Xuan Lang had this mind, everything would make sense. I just couldn't help but sigh in my understanding. I had watched this incompetent four Highnesses follow behind Crown Prince every day. I never thought of such ambitions and plans.
            Xuan Lang looked angrily at Crown Prince, and Crown Prince smiled back at him. Since being reminded by Jiang Ruan, although Crown Prince is a brainless person, he is not a man of lethargy in the deep palace, especially the person who hates betrayal and deception most. He confessed that Xuan Lang was not thin, but who knew that Xuan Lang secretly had a close relationship with Xuan Li. The idea that Xuan Lang was nothing more than a brother and brother Christine, Crown Prince felt as disgusting as eating a fly. In the early years, something inexplicable also confirmed that Xuan Lang had done something behind his back. Crown Prince was already angry with Xuan Lang, and now he has found an opportunity to suppress it. The so-called cause and effect have nothing to do, but whoever declared that he had treated Crown Prince with a three-point sincerity would not fall into a state of betrayal.
            Immediately afterwards, Master Gu Bing came into the hall and confessed  :   "Return to the emperor, Wei Chen found bloody shattered clothing in the waste well in the palace, and identified that it was worn by the County Owner."
            If it was really the murder of Jiang Ruan, Xuan Lang had already seen the killing. Where was the time to take off the clothes of He Yi County Owner and run to an abandoned water well a few miles away?
            Crown Prince shook his head and said, "Four younger brothers, it’s not Honmiya who said you. For the sake of Hongan County Owner, he killed his pro-Mei-mei, which is really unreasonable. Honmiya knows that you and Shu Fei Niang-Niang have deep feelings and made mistakes as a kid When things happen, it is Shu Fei Niang-Niang who speaks for you in front of Fu Huang. How sad you are to kill He Yi, Shu Fei Niang-Niang. You see, she trusts you so much I doubted you. "
            Immediately after this remark, Shu Fei expression changed suddenly, and Xuan Lang stiffened.
            Crown Prince is right, Chen Guifei is gentle on the surface but arrogant, and on most days and the rest of 3-Fei go a long way. Shu Fei is arrogant and has no children under his knees, which does not pose a threat, and has won the favor of the emperor for some time. In the past, Xuanlang also deliberately pleased Shu Fei. I just hope that Shu Fei can say a few good words to the emperor.
            Now Crown Prince remarks have led everyone spearhead to Shu Fei. Indeed, Shu Fei lost Heyi County Owner, and first targeted Jiang Ruan, but she completely trusted in Xuan Lang's words. If Xuan Lang and Shu Fei had a close relationship, would there be any inside story? Once Sham Palace Fei had ambitions, it would be extremely terrible. Would it be possible to know that with the County Owner's dead lady Fei, he was actually aware of it, but he and Xuan Lang wanted to marry Jiang Ruan. Why is it? Naturally, because Shu Fei has no children, and He Yi County Owner is just a woman, if Xuan Lang has power in the future, even deeper thinking, if she can sit in that position, Shu Fei can also take a share.
            The emperor's heart was particularly sensitive to these things. Almost immediately after the words fell, the emperor's gaze was directed at Shu Fei.
            Although Shu Fei was arrogant in the palace, she also knew the advantages, and secretly hated Crown Prince when she dragged her into the water, she also kept busy chanting  :   "I didn't expect me to trust you so much, 4-Prince, but you are This hurts me and Yi, the emperor, "she looked at the emperor, and two tears suddenly fell on her beautiful face  :  " You have to decide for Chenqie! "
            This is to follow Xuanlang. Only in this way can you block your mouth and show that she and Xuanlang have no conspiracy at all. At this point, Xuanlang renegade.
            The emperor was furious  :   "Come here, take 4-Prince away, send him to the Ministry of Criminal Detention, and retry the next day!"
            "No, Fu Huang, it's not me ..." Xuan Lang heard such a sentence before he could think of a countermeasure, and was panicked at the moment, only to ask for mercy.
            However, at this time, he said that everything was too late, Crown Prince Xuan Pei and Xia Qing, and now Gu Gu almost confirmed his lying. And Xuan Pei words of alienation finally let Xuan Li shut up at this time in front of his eyes. Or Xuan Li himself did not intend to help, after all, it is his usual style to abandon the car and protect the coach.
            Empress Dowager sighed deeply  :   "No offspring, full of bullshit."
            Today, before the imperial court, the scene on the hall was bound to be a joke. This is a scandal that is related to the royal family. Xuan Lang did such things as to discredit the royal family. The emperor's face was almost stepped on his feet. Shu Fei was weak in her chair. She thought that everything was done by Jiang Ruan today, but now it was confirmed by Xuan Lang. She hated Xuan Lang and at the same time she had a deep layer on her future. Anxiety.
            He Yi County Owner is dead. She has not been able to give birth to a man and a woman for so many years in the palace. Now that the newcomer is about to enter the palace, she still has nothing to gain. Without the support of the rear body, the emperor had doubts about her again. Chen Guifei was so favored by the emperor that he almost got half of the emperor's heart. What about the six crowns of the crown? He said he was beaten to Lenggong when he was hit. How long will this glorious grace last?
            Perhaps she and Chen Guifei could soon meet in the cold palace. Shu Fei lips suddenly overflowed with a light smile, bitter beyond words. She took another deep look at Jiang Ruan, and today's business, if she could not see someone helping Jiang Ruan in secret, she would live for so many years in vain. Just a little Jiang Di Daughter, how did she use so many people to help her? Look at today's events, there is no leak, no clues can be found, but in the end it still achieved its purpose. Her life is so good.
            A Yuqian personal trial has come to such an end that it can be regarded as an end to the end, in which the undercurrent has been seen by Baiguan. After this, it will inevitably set off a wave of storms in the country. Either to re-stand in the team, or to give up the dark, then it's all afterwards.
            After the Emperor Xuan Lang was taken down, his face was somber that he could drip water, and after he announced that he would retreat, Li-Gonggong helped to leave. Empress Dowager thought about it, and only asked Aunt Yang to tell Jiang Ruan to go back later, and then went back to Cining Palace.
            Baiguan gradually receded, Xiao Shao strode in front of Jiang Ruan, looked at her, and frowned and asked  :   "Is it all right?"
            "It's okay." Jiang Ruan shook his head, but his eyes fell on Xuan Pei, who was standing and watching her with a smile. After a pause, she walked towards Xuan Pei and stood still in front of Xuan Pei  :   "What did you do?"
            Xuan Pei smiled at her. The child was born with a beautiful appearance. Such a thoughtless smile only made people feel dazzling. I feel that this is nothing more than an innocent child spoiling his mother. mother?
            Jiang Ruan was a little stunned, only to feel that time had passed and returned to the deep palace of the previous life, when the mother and son were laughing and joking. Xuan Pei smiled at her so coquettishly, her smile was bright and beautiful.
            "The County Owner once made a siege for me, and the grace of dripping water was reported to Yongquan, and this temple is only doing a little bit of help, hoping to help the County Owner." Xuan Pei was serious, just looking into her eyes Unconsciously took a little coquettish.
            Xiao Shao lowered his eyes, glanced at Xuan Pei thoughtfully, and suddenly frowned, dragging Jiang Ruan behind him, blocking Xuan Pei hot eyes, and indifferently said  :   "A lot of things."
            Xuan Pei was very dissatisfied when he saw Xiao Shao action. He looked at him hostilely and said, "What does this have to do with you?"
            "She mine. She in charge of everything." Xiao Shao said.
            Zhao Guangfang, who wanted to ask about Jiang Ruan, came over and heard this sentence. He almost didn't fall down directly, and stepped forward and drank  :   "No bullshit, Xiao family boy, you can't stop our family like this nonsense. Ruan Yatou goodwill, don't blame the old man for being polite to you! "
            Xuan Pei blinked, looked at Zhao Guang, and said sweetly, "General Zhao."
            Zhao Guang also glanced at Xuan Pei suspiciously, and he could see what happened today. Xuan Pei was deliberately making a clearance for Jiang Ruan. And 13-Prince, which has almost no shadow in this rumor, is by no means as simple as it looks. After all, Zhao Guang has also been struggling in the middle for so many years, and he has a strong eye for people. Not afraid to despise Xuan Pei, and today saved Jiang Ruan, it is inevitable that Xuan Pei has his own plan. Zhao Guang respectfully said, "His Highness Thirteen." But he was suspicious in his heart. How did Xuanpei see his own Ruan Yatou eyes like a young bird? If you lack mother's love, go to Queen Empress Dowager, what is it like to look for Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan is still a big girl.
            Crown Prince also followed, glanced at Jiang Ruan, and gave a meaningful glance at Xuan Pei, saying  :   "Congratulations to the County Owner, and escaped safely."
            "His Royal Highness Many Thanks Crown Prince spoke in righteousness." Jiang Ruan responded with a smile.
            Crown Prince smiled  :   "You're welcome. Thanks to Brother Thirteen. Me and Brother Thirteen each take what they need. He is very nice to you." He left without looking back.
            This remark surprised everyone.
            Xiao Shao looked at Xia Qing, who was still tidying up the medical box, and said, "Xia Wu."
            Xia Qing was shocked. It seemed that she had just seen Xiao Shao. She rushed all the way, stood beside Xiao Shao, and ‘called, "Three brothers."
            Both of them worshiped and learned on the Canaan Hills, and studied under the Eight-Teacher Teacher, and they were also brothers of Tongmen. It's just that compared to Xiao Shao life-saving Qihuang technique, Xia Qing is a real medical doctor, who has read all the medical books on Canaan Mountain. The so-called sincerity is spiritual, and it can be regarded as a good man.
            At this moment, the baby-faced youth looked excited, Xiao Shao said coldly, "Why did you enter the palace?"
            "The Crown Prince let me enter the palace." Xia Qing said  :   "His Crown Prince said that as long as I enter the palace for an autopsy, he will give me the" Henan Medical Code "in the palace. Third brother, you don’t know, Shifu said," Shi Nanyi Code> It is a very rare medical memoir that records the human bone pain. I originally found it for a long time and never found it. I didn't expect to be in the palace. When I heard His Royal Highness Crown Prince said this, I rushed over. ,To know……."
            When Xia Qing talked about medical books, he kept talking, ignoring the astounding eyes of everyone. Xiao Shao interrupted him  :   "Why did Crown Prince want you to have an autopsy?"
            "I don't know," Xia Qing said, "but third brother," he looked around. "I didn't expect you to be here, or should we ask Lao Qi to go out and have a drink together?" Only the atmosphere was affected by him, and it was only him.
            Xiao Shao glanced at Jiang Ruan, Jiang Ruan nodded slightly, Xiao Shao turned his head, and said, “OK.”

            Chapter 159  :   Marriage    

            In the elegant seat in Dongfeng Tower, Xiao Shao, Mo Cong, and Xia Qing each sits together. Mo Congxu was just coming from the outside, looking like a dusty servant. As soon as he came in, he sits down on a chair with his buttocks, and picked up a teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea and cow to drink. After drinking all the tea, he gasped and said to Xiao Shao  :   "Three brothers, they are all arranged. Xuan Li is also ready there. This time is absolutely no problem, you just have to wait and hold Come back, lady. "
            Xia Qing was very confused on the side, and hurriedly asked, "What is the reason for the beauty? The third brother has a sweetheart, who is Miss, and how is it related to Xuanli?"
            "You nerd." Mo Cong knocked on his head. "I don't care too much about Sange life-long events. You don't know that Sange finally opened up. Unfortunately, the flowers fell intentionally and ruthlessly. Miss, cold, Sange. Don’t want to try to increase your favor in front of Miss. But this Miss is a good one. The older brother has some military power in hand, and Xuan Li is also thinking of others. The third brother is angry at the crown, and is giving Xuan Li an envoy. Trip. "
            Mo Cong said teasingly, Xiao Shao just drank tea and didn't take his words at all, instead he was slightly out of mind, but didn't know what he was thinking.
            When Xia Qing heard these words, she exclaimed exaggeratedly, "What? Who, who is still falling out of intentional flowing water, the third brother ate behind closed doors, the seventh master, don't lie to me."
            Who is Xiao Shao? When he was a teenager, he flew across the alleys of Capital City. He must walk through the fragrance all the way—Big-Miss, who was watching from the streets and alleys. Throw money at him. Of course, the final ending is nothing but Xiao Shao mount always carries a floral fragrance. Later, under the guidance of Mount Canaan, there were even countless drunkards who missed drinking wine. They also clamored to go to Canaan Mountain to worship teachers. This is naturally impossible. Below Mount Canaan, there was Hachi Ki Teacher himself. The formation method, once caught in the formation method, is perilous. At that time, everybody's girlfriends deliberately "broken into the array" with Xiao Shao pity for Xiangxiang and Yuyu. Xiao Shao never ignored it. In plain trouble, they had a kind of trouble to wipe the buttocks of Xiao Shao. At that time, Xia Qing and Mo Cong were young, and the most common thing they did every day was to hunt people in the mountains.
            It's fine to fish people. The disappointed eyes of the fished people looking at them are enough to become a nightmare for every disciple of Canaan Mountain-it's too hurting self-esteem.
            In fact, there is no shortage of handsome youngsters among them. Most of them are Xiao Shao teenagers. They have an elegant and indifferent engraved into the bone marrow. They stand out among the hairy boys and have a unique charm When they were looking for a beautiful young girl as a teenager, only Xiao Shao stayed still and looked extraordinary. The rest of their siblings had also discussed it secretly in private, and they wanted to come to Xiao Shao would be a monk in Shaolin Temple in the future.
            Who knows that today, when listening to Mo Cong's words, he was shocked by Xia Qing, and he didn't know what it was like in his heart. Perhaps he did not expect that the god-like figure in his heart had finally stepped down from the altar and hit the wall. This baby-faced young man is so pure by nature that he can't help but have a hint of glee. If the feng shui turns in turns, the heavens are reincarnation. I don't believe.
            "No, you have seen it today," Mo Cong knew what Xia Qing was thinking when he looked at him, and urged a narrow smile  :   "It is the owner who escaped the calamity because of your autopsy today, Hongan County Owner, You see, framed. "
            "It's her!" Xia Qing froze. Thinking of the girl in a prison uniform but unrelenting style on the palace of Jin Mao, she was born beautiful and charming, but the calm and calm expression made Xia Qing a little worried. Xia Qing thought for a while, and said seriously  :   "The third brother likes the beautiful and charming type, I understand, I will write back and tell the fourth brother to go back."
            Mo Cong rolled his eyes. This Xiao Shao love of a Miss, really needs to be known now. I don't know what Yachi Teacher knew. He looked at Xiao Shao, and put away his stern look, and said solemnly, "After the marriage, you have to go to the border to conquer Tianjin?"
            "Well." Xiao Shao lowered his eyes  :   "When you intervene in Capital City, you must be careful."
            "Xuan Li will definitely do something in the back." Mo Cong groaned. "Even if you have the arrangement, he has the advantage in Capital City. How do you allocate 300 thousand Jinyiwei?"
            "Hundreds of thousands of troops follow me. One hundred thousand remains the same, and one hundred thousand stays in Capital City." Xiao Shao said  :   "Xi Rong is not at peace, and he may be pinched back and forth. Xuan Li really has movement, and he will definitely take advantage of this opportunity." After a moment, he said  :   "You are in Capital City, protect her for me."
            "She" naturally refers to Jiang Ruan. Mo Cong didn't know what he felt in his heart, he just said, "I know. You should be more careful."
            "Xi Rong, Southern Xinjiang, the Kingdom of Tianjin, and the traitors of the Central China. This time, we can't wipe it all out, and there will be more troubles in the future. I have written to recall Qi Si. The two of you stay in Capital City. After I leave, the Central China is about If there is a big movement, you will be assisted. Liu Xuanli is for fishing, but if he is really mad, kill him directly. "Xiao Shao flashed a sigh of relief between his brows  :  " I have something to bear when something happens. "
            Xia Qing said  :   "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"
            "Xiawu, you also stay in the capital city. Today, when you enter the palace, you will inevitably be caught by Xuan Li, and it will be unsafe to return to Jinling. At least someone will guard you in the capital city, and I will allocate it to you. With you, you can also help me. Take care of Jiang Ruan. ”Xiao Shao looked to Xia Qingdao.
            "Ah?" Xia Qing touched her nose. "I'm a therapist and not a doctor in your house. How can you treat a person specifically? Let's talk about it again. 8-Prince, why do you stare at me and I will have a post-mortem, I'm dignified ... "
            Seeing Xia Qing still need to say more, Mo Cong said  :   "Shut up, if you want to die, go back to Jinling now, the third brother is for your good, if the death is unknown, don't say that everyone didn't care about the same Brothers affection. "
            Xia Qing was a pure medical idiot. When Mo Cong said that, he immediately snorted. Nouno said, "I just said it casually, I just listen to the third brother."
            Jiang Ruan suddenly turned around when the charges of murder were almost irrefutable. The appearance of Crown Prince and 13-Prince brought a turn of opportunity to this case, and Jinling's sacred hand turned out of it. In the end, Yu Qian went to the trial, and finally found out many doubts. Jiang Ruan was proved to be innocent, but 4-Prince Xuanlang became a suspect.
            In the next few days, the emperor led a person to be tried again, but he did not know why, and Xuan Lang confessed the crime. However, after investigation and punishment by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, evidence of guilt was found, and witnesses and physical evidence were present. How did Xuanlang deny it? Now he was thrown into the prison, and everyone was guessing how much Xuanlang would be sentenced this time. After all, He Yi County Owner was quite favored by the emperor. Shu Fei would not let her daughter die in vain, so she spared no effort. Want to make Xuan Lang dead.
            But before the verdict was reached, Xuanlang committed suicide in heaven. It was poisoning to commit suicide, and the heavy soldiers were guarded in the prison. It was impossible for anyone to kill and kill him, but Xuan Lang was suddenly violent and it was really suspicious. However, no matter how skeptical a person is, he has no choice but to give up. Under the anger of the emperor, Xuanlang was removed from the royal jade butterfly and degraded to a common people. He could not enter the emperor's tomb when he died.
            The day after Xuan Lang's death came, Xian Fei hanged himself in the palace. Both mother and son went to death, and immediately caused a great storm to the palace. The emperor hated the house and Wu, and he had no good feelings about Xian Fei suicide. He found a corpse for Xian Fei maiden to collect the corpse. In the end, he read that Xian Fei accompanied him in the palace for so many years, letting her and Xuan Lang Were buried together.
            Xian Fei death also seems to have brought a huge blow to Shu Fei, just because He Yi County Owner is dead, 4-Fei, who had been calling for wind and rain in the palace, is now only Shu Fei and Defei. Defei and Xuanhua were able to stand by, while Shu Fei was childless. Moreover, on that day, the pre-trial of Yuqian, Xuanpei words had made the emperor have a heart for Shu Fei. Shu Fei clearly felt that in the recent days, the emperor had intentionally or unintentionally started to alienate her. This is not far from her days of falling out of favor. Shu Fei is an interesting person. Since I don't think there is any place to stay in the palace, if I continue to do so, one day I will be like Chen Guifei Xian Fei.
            The emperor didn't say anything, the next day Shu Fei moved out of the palace, went to a temple outside the palace and began to clear it, vowing not to enter the palace for life. Empress Dowager felt his heart and gave the name Qinghong, this is the last word.
            The harem of the former dynasty is always closely related. 4-Prince dismissal has disrupted the balance in the harem for decades. Now the remaining 4-Fei Fei Fei is vacant, leaving only one Defei. Queen became a citron for a while, and Defei was more cautious, and it was almost impossible to pick out the fault, but even so, the balance in the palace was always maintained, and the emperor had begun to enter the palace in a new batch of shows Girls choose the right people.
            Show girls know that opportunities are rare, and they are desperately trying to win the Holy Eyes. They just want to seize the opportunity to fly Huang Tengda, and the time spent on dressing up is long enough. On this day, the show girls gathered and talked again, and it was about Heyi County Owner.
            The Xiaojie of Wang Shilang's family is just sixteen years of jasper. This year's birth is also beautiful, and he can play a good pipa. Eating a snack, she said, "In the past few days, the palace has really become more and more condensed. The eunuchs’palace women are holding their faces and looking at the people who are afraid of people." The atmosphere was tense, and she was very deprived.
            The woman on the side patted her hand and handed a cup of tea  :   "Sister Wang, don't say this, be careful to be heard." She lowered her voice  :   "I heard people say that the emperor is in a bad mood these days, always angry. That's why everyone is careful. "
            Wang-Xiaojie glanced at the opposite woman and sighed, "I know it, but we are so old and put in this house, it's really stuffy."
            The opposite woman was wearing a small yellow coat and narrow skirt, which looked more like a willow, not someone else, but Jiang Dan. Jiang Dan laughed  :   "We are more fortunate than those people. At least there is a life, such as the Four Highnesses of the past few days, how about being a child of the Heavenly Family? In the end, we still can't save a life. This The wealth of the heavenly family, the danger is inside. "
            Wang-Xiaojie immediately showed a look of fear, patted her chest and said, "What's more, as long as I think about it, I feel cold all over. You said that Your Four Highnesses are also His Majesty's own sons. If we don’t, then we will be gone. We are not as honorable as His Highness. If we make a little mistake, it’s not a place where we can die. In this day’s richness, I dare not find it. ”
            Jiang Dan clapped her hand for a few more words of comfort, but there was a smile in his eyes. The Wang's servant was also a small figure in the middle of the dynasty. Although he looked inconspicuously, behind his wife maiden house was Zuo Yufu. Wang-Xiaojie had a rich maiden. What's more, she has a beautiful appearance and plays a good pipa. If she is really lucky, it is difficult to be petted. In this palace, she is a strong opponent.
            It's a pity that Jiang Dan's eyes flashed a light. Although he had the unique conditions, he was a fool. Believe what you say, just believe it, if you just ask. Now leaving her with the more and more dangerous impression of the palace, Wang-Xiaojie will be more nervous before the emperor in the future. The emperor would never like a woman who was afraid of herself. Such a woman was most appetizing for men. Wang-Xiaojie makes the emperor unhappy, how to be favored in the palace.
            Jiang Dan's heart went back and forth a thousand times, but the smile on the face became more gentle. Wang-Xiaojie, who said straight, took her hand  :   "Good Mei-mei, it's still your caring, in this palace, Only you treat me most sincerely. "
            In this case, Li—Xiaojie, another of the show girls, came in, walked to the table and sits down, a little bit angry  :   "Hey, have you heard that? Empress Dowager Niang-Niang gives Wang Kam Ying pointed to marriage. "
            "Wang of the Wang?" In a sentence of Li-Xiaojie, the girls around were immediately gathered around, and they looked at her and asked  :   "But the gangster Wang Xiao Shao?"
            Although the mouth said "the chaotic thief", the faces of these showgirls have a hint of spring. It seems that just mentioning the name is enough to make them upset. This is natural, this beautiful and elegant, desolate youth is the spring dream of countless daughters of Dajin. Even if she enters the palace and becomes an emperor's woman, she will always have a fantasy of the magnificent dreams of the girlhood.
            "Exactly." Li-Xiaojie said, "Did you ever know who Empress Dowager pointed to him?"
            Everyone shook their heads. Wang-Xiaojie said  :   "The beauty of Wang Jinying is outstanding. The person Empress Dowager married must be a fairy-like figure. I guess, but Yao Xiaojie on the Governor's Palace?"
            Yao Xiaojie has a good life, good looks, good character, and good ability. If you choose one of the thousands, who is worthy of Xiao Shao, I am afraid that this is only a fairy-like character.
            Li-Xiaojie shook her head, the unstoppable sourness in her tone  :   "No, the person Empress Dowager married to Wang Jinying is Jiang Di Daughter, now Hong's County Owner, Jiang Ruan! "
            As soon as this word came out, everyone was stunned. Even Dong Yinger, who was sitting far away from the embroidery, couldn't help but shake his hand. At that moment, a big red blood drop of rice grains emerged from the index finger. She slowly put her index finger to her mouth and sucked the blood. Gaze was unconsciously turned to the speaker.
            Jiang Dan frowned, but his tone was a three-point temptation  :   "This ... how could my elder sister be suddenly pointed to Wang Jinying?"
            "Who knows?" Li-Xiaojie glanced at Jiang Dan unhappyly, and Xu vented his anger on Jiang Ruan to Jiang Dan, saying  :   "Although it is a County Owner, But in the end, it was only Empress Dowager's invitation, and it was not a real golden leaf. Besides, looking at it, only the appearance was better. It can be faced with too seductive, not a dignified person, and I don’t know how Empress Dowager Niang-Niang Think about it, Yao Xiaojie, please don't, but he chose Jiang Big-Xiaojie. "
            Jiang Dan's eyes rolled around and he heard the unpleasant words in Li-Xiaojie's words. In fact, not only is Li-Xiaojie unhappy, I am afraid that all of you in this room are more or less dissatisfied with Jiang Ruan. People always feel that people who they can't get should not be obtained by others. Even if they can get it, they will be better than themselves. But all of you present here are not less inferior than Jiang Ruan in family status, and there is no less influential in painting, calligraphy and painting than Jiang Ruan, but they have not become Jinying Wangfei. Can we be less jealous?
            You should know that the Wang of Jinying is the solemn master of Wangfu. Although Wang Jinying was named a chaotic thief in these years, he has been blessed by the royal family. The glory and status of the Wang are inestimable. The wealth, fame and wealth represented by the Royal Palace of Jinying is a layer of gold on people. Who is not jealous? What's more, Xiao Shao is not bad. A beautiful husband, a rich and powerful country, without Gonggong Popo, own, prominent, huge, exquisite, is what all women dream of, Jiang Ruan Maiden De Maiden can, can be made into a Jinying The heroine of the royal palace?
            "The big and handsome figure like Wang Jinying, my elder sister likes it, but ... How did Empress Dowager Niang-Niang suddenly get married?" Jiang Dan asked timidly  :   "I have never heard of it before Sister brought it up. "
            As soon as this word came out, everyone eyes were full of thought. Jiang Ruan did not know what to do to please Empress Dowager's favor. Empress Dowager personally asked the emperor to seal her as Hong-An County Owner. It would not be impossible if Jiang Ruan asked Empress Dowager to marry Xiao Shao. The more and more people think about it, the more likely it is. The thought is that Jiang Ruan must have liked the talents of Xiao Shao and the wealth of the Royal Palace of Jin Ying, so he took the initiative to raise the matter to Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager. Just point to marriage. It's just a pity that Xiao Shao, a peerless talent, has to be matched with such a woman with an appearance.
            "I do not know shame." Li-Xiaojie exasperated  :   "There are such shameless people in the world."
            "It's a pity," Wang-Xiaojie said, "I just don't know what Xiao Wangye knows about this marriage."
            "Can you have any ideas, all the cabbages have been swallowed by pigs, and the tragedy on earth has been rampant." Another woman regretted.
            Jiang Dan lowered his head, but the fist in his sleeve was clenched secretly, and there was a dark gleam in his eyes.


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