Reborn Female General 245

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       Chapter 245 :  Like   

       Chu Zhao pushed the tea cup forward to He-Yan, He-Yan glanced at the tea cup and did not move.
       "Before in Jiyang and Rundu, Ahe and I were also friends. How did I return to Shuojing and become alive again?" Chu Zhao smiled.
       He-Yan looked at him, "I heard that 4-gongzi was seriously injured the other day, but is it okay?"
       "It doesn't matter," Chu Zhao laughed. "But Ahe will worry about me, and I'm happy."
       He-Yan frowned at him. Chu Zhao said, how did it sound like he was dialing? When he was in Jiyang Rundu in the past, He-Yan only thought that he was a joke and didn’t take it to heart. Now she and Chu Zhaodu have been married to each other. Even if Xu Yanting and his relationship cannot be held as scheduled now In the end, the identity of the two of them is still a bit subtle.
       Do you want to use her to deal with Xiao-Yue? He-Yan thought for a while, Xu Jingfu Yu Dang is not yet completely clear, and it is likely that they will join Chu Zhao. In this case, Chu Zhao and Xiao-Yue are still rivals. If Chu Zhao wants to use his own Hand to deal with Xiao-Yue ...... He actually uses a beautiful man? It is too big to sacrifice.
       Seeing He-Yan's weird eyes, Chu Zhao froze for a moment, as if seeing through her mind, shook her head and smiled :   "Where did Ahe think?"
       "4-gongzi," He-Yan said positively, "Where did you get He-Young-Lady's bun?"
       "Xu-Big-Madam?" Chu Zhao said :   "I just watched Ahe care for Xu-Big-Madam so much, so people took her sister-zi. This is not a gentleman's act, but I He just wanted to see Ahe. "He asked," Ahe is really sincere to Xu-Big-Madam. "
       "The matter of He Xu family happened because of me. The elder sister who died with He-Young-Lady happened to have the same name and the same fate, and it should be taken care of more." He-Yan answered like a stream.
       Chu Zhao took a sip of tea and sighed, "So, I really envy that He-Young-Lady."
       "What do you envy?"
       "Envy Ahe can care for her so much."
       He-Yan :   "..."

       She now understood that Chu Zhao was soliciting her plainly, and compared with the past, she was almost unbridled and upright.
       He-Yan looked down at her hand, did she not show her kung fu in front of people for a long time, making people forget that her fist can smash the stone?
       "4-gongzi, you come to me, shouldn't you say that?" He-Yan asked, "Maybe something straight to say."
       Chu Zhao smiled, his expression gathered for a moment :   "Ahe treats me like an enemy now, because of the relationship between Xiao Chief and Commander?"
       He-Yan looked at him without speaking.
       "It's almost New Year," Chu Zhao looked at her gaze, soft, and there seemed to be an undetectable sorrow. "It won't be long before Ah He is going to marry Xiao Chief-Commander."
       "4-gongzi want to congratulate me?"
       Chu Zhao shook his head :   "No, I want to ask you ... really want to marry Xiao Chief-Commander?"
       He-Yan :   "... Of course."
       "Can't we get married?"
       He-Yan is inexplicable :   "Why not marry?"
       "Because," he smiled, "I like Ah He."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       When she was a He-2-Young-Lady in her last life, although she had dealt with men a lot, she had never been confessed. Even though she was a husband and wife with Xu Zhiheng, Xu Zhiheng did not say the word "like". Unexpectedly, once reborn, the peach blossom bloomed a lot, leaving the rotten peach blossom Fan Cheng removed, whether it is the Muyi of Jiyang City, the current Xiao-Yue, or the current Chu Zhao, let He-Yan Some doubts, this Hejia Young-Lady looks very beautiful, but it's not as beautiful as a country, why is it so attractive? Xiao-Yue Anyway, she has two fate with her. What happened to Mu Yi and Chu Zhao? They haven't even said a few times, just say "like" like this, is it a little casual?
       "4-gongzi, this kind of words are not casually said." He-Yan settled down, politely returned.
       "I didn't tell a joke," Chu Zhao looked at her tenderly, and her eyes seemed to be serious, "I saw Ahe as early as Liangzhou Wei, and I liked Ahe."
       He-Yan couldn't help but get a peel.
       She thought that she was still not used to listening to such straightforward love talk.
       "Many Thanks 4-gongzi love, but," she said, "I already have someone I like."
       "Is Shaw Chief-Commander?"
       "Yes." He-Yan answered quickly.
       "Ahe is always so direct in his work," Chu Zhao still smiled, but his eyes were a little dim, he asked, "Why do you like Xiao Chief-Commander?"
       He-Yan, for a moment, she never knew that she loved a person because she wanted to pay attention to the reason. If she likes it, she likes it. Why? If you have to say it, that's probably because Xiao-Yue is so good. Seeing that she wanted to eat it, she secretly stuffed it into her bag, and let Qinglou Mama change her spirits into a sweet rose dew. Knowing that she was not strong enough in the school, she chose the sword method intentionally. Teacher, when she sees seasickness, she gives her seasickness medicine to deceive people and say that it is poison ... It's strange that he never seems to be treated tenderly, but he seems to know how to take care of people.
       After thinking about it, she smiled and said, "I am a person who was not so well-connected before. Not many people are good to me, so I remember every person who is good to me. Later, I found that it was good for me. Okay, it's all alone, why can't I dislike him? "
       "I will be nice to you, too," Chu Zhaowen said.
       He-Yan looked up at him :   "Chu 4-gongzi, I'm not all the way."
       There was silence in the tea room.
       Chu Zhao eyes are lighter in color, which makes him seem to have a little more gentleness than others, but now those eyes, like the fluorite that is about to break, are fragile.
       "Ahe, you say so, I'm sad."
       He-Yan said, "Sorry."
       Although she never dealt with the more intimate relationship between people, but regarding Chu Zhao, when He-Yan said this, she didn't have much struggle in her heart. It is an unquestionable fact that Chu Zhao and she are not the same. Because of her previous life, she prefers to be frank, rather than talking about three points and leaving seven points, which is always puzzling.
       In the end, I don’t want to make this atmosphere embarrassing. He-Yan also laughs :   “Moreover, I’m about to get married, 4-gongzi asks the emperor to leave Xu Young-Lady, and it must be to Xu Young-Lady. There is also true feelings. 4-gongzi I don't know, "she said easily," I am jealous, and the person I marry will not have any other woman in the backyard except me. Xiao-Yue can marry me, too Pay the price. "
       "How difficult is this?" Chu Zhao looked at her, and said earnestly :   "If Ahe is willing to marry me, there will be only Ahe in my backyard."
       Before He-Yan could speak, there was a loud noise, and the door behind him was opened.
       "No words." Someone smirked.
       He-Yan looked back, Xiao-Yue walked in with a blue face. Compared with Chu Zilan, he has the cold wind outside and around him. It is his expression that is colder than the snow. He-Yan thought, if it is not far away, it is the city defense force that he may want. Killed.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander came really fast." Chu Zhao sighed, stood up and smiled :   "It almost succeeded."
       He-Yan's face changed, almost? What's almost there? Don't say such misleading words at this time!
       "No!" He-Yan quickly explained. "Without success, it failed at the beginning, really!"
       Xiao-Yue didn't even look at her, only stared at Chu Zilan, hiding a knife in her eyes, with a sarcastic look.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander, in front of Miss, it is best not to be too fierce." Chu Zhao chuckled, and then looked at He-Yan again. "To A He today, every word is Chu Sincerely, if Ahe changes his mind, Chumou will certainly find a way for Ahe ... I too, I really want to marry Ahe. "
       In the last sentence, the ending is like honey that has been brewed for a long time, and it is tempting.
       However, before this wave could reach the lips of people, they were cut off with a sword.
       The long table was smashed by drinking autumn splits, and the teapot cups on the table shattered to the ground, sounding clear in the night.
       Xiao-Yue The figure is slender and straight, holding the fingertips of Yinqiu a little white, with a calm tone, like a full of anger brewing, faintly speaking, "You are worthy of the people of the fly camp?"
       Chu Zhao looked at him with a smile, and the atmosphere was about to start.
       Not far away is the city guard, He-Yan estimates that the movement here is a little bigger, I'm afraid it will attract people. Earlier, when Xiao-Yue took the drink as a colorful head on the star platform, someone scolded Xiao-Yue for making her faint. If this happened today, wouldn't it be true that she was savage? Name? God sees pity, she didn't do anything, why did she make things look like this?
       He-Yan immediately took the sleeve, grabbed Xiao-Yue sleeve and dragged him out, and turned back to Chu Zhao :   "It's too late today, don't say it, Chu 4-gongzi, leave."
       Chu Zhao laughed and said, "Okay."
       He-Yan dragged Xiao-Yue out of the tea room all the way, and the two children in the clothes at the entrance were gone. Only a few steps out of Xiao yuan, Xiao-Yue shook her hand away suddenly, He-Yan froze. See that this person has gone in the other direction.
       No doubt he was angry again.
       But this time, He-Yan was quite understandable. Immediately after getting married, she was caught in person and pried into the corner, and it was her, and she was upset. But He-Yan was also very wronged. She chased He Xinying and saw Chu Zhao. At first she thought that Chu Zhao had something to say to her. He-Yan also wondered if he would set a plan on him. Unexpectedly, Chu Zhao came up with a nasty confession, and the smashed person became dizzy, and she did not expect it to be the result!
       Hey ... forget it, anyway, Xiao 2-gongzi got angry again, she had to go and stabilize the person first.
       "Xiao-Yue, you go slowly, I can't catch up-" He-Yan called him behind his back.
       But this time, Xiao-Yue did not slow down as before.
       It seemed angry, He-Yan chased from behind, ran to him and turned around, hugged him and hugged him :   "Stop, don't go!"
       Xiao-Yue was so tightly held by her that she couldn't walk for a while and didn't look at her. She looked away and her face was still cold.
       "I'll explain it to you," He-Yan said hurriedly :   "Today's incident is absolutely unexpected. He came to me with Xinying's sister-zi, and I thought that something had happened to him before I saw him. I came out to talk. I definitely didn’t have a private meeting with him in the middle of the night, absolutely no affection! "
       She didn't say the last sentence was okay, she said that the air around it was a bit colder.
       "Don't be angry. Being angry is bad for your health." He-Yan reached out and rubbed his chest. "He is young and suffocates lightly every day. Be careful of illness."
       Xiao-Yue blocked her hands around and frowned, "Don't touch me."
       "No," He-Yan tangled around him roguely, "unless you're not angry."
       Xiao-Yue took a deep breath and looked down at her with a cold tone. "Even if he lied to you, why don't you leave immediately after being fooled?"
       "I don't know what he wants to do. I thought he was going to talk to me about something serious." He-Yan explained :   "In the evening, all come ..."
       "Come here?" He looked at He-Yan in wonder.
       "Everyone is here, of course, I have to ask clearly!" He-Yan was right-hearted, "How did I know he was here ... heh ... say something out of bounds." Then he muttered softly, "It's scary."
       Xiao-Yue smirked, "I said earlier to keep you away from him."
       "I know, I know," He-Yan swears pointing at heaven and earth, "I must stay away from him in the future!" This is natural. Who would have thought that Chu Zhao actually thought of this to her, and taught everyone to think of it? Creepy.
       Xiao-Yue looked slightly slower.
       He-Yan looked at him and saw that he was not as angry as before, and asked, "How did you know that I was here?" She exclaimed, "Do you want to follow me again?"
       Xiao-Yue said angrily :   "I didn't follow you, with Chu Zilan."
       He-Yan said "Oh" and sighed, "You are more enthusiastic about Chu Zilan than me. You look at me, how can I not be angry."
       Xiao-Yue stared at her silently.
       "I laughed." He-Yan laughed, thinking of something suddenly, "when did you arrive?" She stunned, "you arrived at the beginning."
       The youth raised his eyebrows slightly.
       He-Yan :   "..."
       "What have you heard?" She asked tentatively.
       "What should I hear?"
       He-Yan doesn't speak, what should I hear? If Xiao-Yue came early enough, wouldn't all the conversations between her and Chu Zhao be heard by Xiao-Yue? Including her unwavering confession. He-Yan let go of his hand and turned his head, wishing to slap himself hard.
       Although she didn't care about her face, she thought about how many times she confessed. On the front side and on the back side, she is not a confession agency without feelings. She has been caught many times. It's a shame, but this man's heart is too dark, and he listening outside. Should she be closer to Chu Zhao, she would be charged with "adulter".
       It is absolutely impossible to argue.
       He-Yan thought wildly and heard him ask, "What are you still thinking about?"
       Seeing He-Yan watching him, Xiao-Yue paused and said, "Go back."
       He-Yan said "um", took two steps, stopped again, and watched him doubtfully :   "Xiao-Yue."
       Xiao-Yue stopped and looked back at her :   "What?"
       "I think about it, it seems a little uneconomical," He-Yan said.
       "What's not worth it?"
       He-Yan blinked :   "How many times have you heard me confession, I have never heard you confess."
       Xiao-Yue :   "What?"
       He-Yan is righteous. Don’t blame her for thinking about it. Now think about whether Xiao-Yue is implicit or not. She always talks and turns around, and those crease He-Yan also listen to the fog.
       "Anyway," she took a step forward, "you didn't say you liked it."
       "Like?" He looked at He-Yan and asked.
       He-Yan nodded :   "Yes!"
       "He-Big-Young-Lady," his name was He-Yan, and he-Yan was a spirit, "what do you want to confirm?"
       He-Yan was speechless.
       To be honest, she just wanted to take Xiao-Yue a verbal advantage and listen to him for a few words. But Xiao-Yue was so serious that she didn't know what to say for a moment, and was looking for an excuse to perfunctory, and saw the person in front of him take a step forward.
       The young man's face was close at hand, his silhouette was clean and beautiful, and his eyes were connected with each other. In the dark eyes, there seemed to be inexplicable emotions, which taught people to blush and heartbeat.
       "You ..." He-Yan just said a word and was interrupted by him.
       He took a step forward, "The first time I picked you, the first time you taught swordsmanship is you," and he took another step, "The first time you helped someone to take medicine, you also gave the first sugar." He stepped forward again, pressing harder and harder, "Miss the first time, it's you, the first time to lie for you or you."
       "I think about it, the first person I like should be you."
       He-Yan was forced by him to the stone wall behind him, retreating irrevocably, and when he looked up, he faced his faint smile, "He-Big-Young-Lady, are you sure now?"
       He-Yan listened to the sound of his heartbeat, and for a moment forgot why he just mentioned it.
       Her eyes moved from Xiao-Yue eyes to the corners of his lips, and she suddenly wanted to go up and kiss.
       She did. She just stomped her feet and walked towards the person in front of her.
       Xiao-Yue first stunned, then the smile in his eyes grew more and more, and he leaned down slightly, just about to meet—
       "Wow! Shuo Jingcheng is a world-famous world! How can anyone who is good at Longyang dare to be so brazen?"
       "I didn't see it! Hey go, go, what are you still looking at?"
       "I want to see who the two are? Maybe I know them."
       The two drunks pointed at him, and stumbled away again.
       He-Yan was startled and forgot that it was convenient for her to go out at night, and she was wearing men's clothing. Eyes fell in the eyes of others, naturally two men are here to me. However, this night, why are there people shaking outside, not afraid to bump into them.
       She was annoyed, and she didn’t know if she was annoyed because she almost missed Xiao-Yue, or she was annoyed because she was accused of being Longyang’s good. In depression, she buried her in Xiao-Yue arms. Without looking up, he said angrily :   "I'm sure! I'm very sure, well, go back now."
       Xiao-Yue glanced down at her, reached out and tried to pull her out, but this man held him very tightly, and after a while, he had to helplessly give up and chuckled.

       Chapter 246 :  New Year   

       This New Year in Shuojing City will soon arrive.
       When he was closed last year, He-Yan was in Liangzhou Wei, and was unable to return. After this year, he would get married again, and He Sui went to buy a lot of New Year's goods. It is a pity that he is not a Shuojing person. Since He-Fu-ren died, there have been fewer relatives in the family.
       However, the neighbours of the neighborhood are very enthusiastic. From time to time, they come to deliver some dried fruit to eat. This one cooks dumplings and sends a plate. The one puts a piece of cured meat, and often pulls He-Yan's hand :   "Yan Yan In the future, you will marry the Xiao family and become Young Madam, but don’t forget our neighbors. I held you when you were a kid. "
       "Yes, yes, I sew you small clothes!"
       Thanks to Xiao-Yue, you don't have to buy meat this year.
       However, He-Yan still paid for some things by himself, and the trustee asked them to take them to Wang Ba, and by the way gave several teachers gifts. In the camp outside the city, Nian can only go with the soldiers. On the tenth day, she is about to marry. He-Yan wants Xiao-Yue to let them take a leave. The stone and his team are all following her from Liangzhou Wei to her current friends. He-Yan wants to invite them together. Come and join your wedding party.
       However, since the appearance of Xiao-Yue when she met with Chu Zhao that day, she has not seen Xiao-Yue in the past few days. I want to come is busy behind the Mingshui case.
       It was gradually darkening, and the sound of fireworks in the distance could be heard faintly. It didn't snow tonight, it was a clear night, He Sui moved the table to the courtyard and called He-Yan to come and eat. New Year's Eve He-Yan had to help, but He Sui refused, He Sui said, "You will get married once the year, how can I let you work and sit! Yan Yan, you just eat Now. "
       He Yunsheng rolled his eyes secretly.
       A large table, even with green plums, was only four people, but put five pairs of dishes. The empty bowls and chopsticks belong to the dead He-Fu-ren.
       He Sui poured a small glass of sweet wine for everyone. This was his annual gift when he was guarding. He Sui took a glass of wine and took a sip, looked at the empty pair of tableware, his eyes softened, and he felt a little bit of emotion :   "If A Hui is still there, I'm happy to see Yan Yancheng married."
       "Ahui" is the dead He-Fu-ren.
       He-Yan is a little sad, the real He-2-Young-Lady is no longer there, but what she can do now is just to replace He-2-Young-Lady to live well and protect Wo Sui and He Yunsheng, and Ome.
       "Father, don't say these days when you are overjoyed," He Yunsheng frowned, "Maybe my mother was a god in the heavens to bless my sister before she taught her to marry smoothly. Look at her In this way, unless God blesses me, I can only fight with me at home in this life, and no one wants to marry. "
       He-Yan looked at him with a smile :   "Yes, yes, but Yunsheng, I don't think you're too young, I don't know what kind of Miss you will marry in the future? People Miss, I'm happy to see you You don't change your temper, maybe you will really have to fight with Xiang Xiang at home in the future. "
       "You talk nonsense, I ..." He Yunsheng immediately retorted.
       He-Yan leaned his cheeks closer :   "Oh, do you already have a Miss you like? Talk about it?"
       On the matter of arguing, He Yunsheng never won He-Yan. He was short of breath and turned to He Sui :   "Father, look at He-Yan!"
       "Your sister said nothing wrong." He Sui always stood by He-Yan, "You learn from your brother-zi."
       He-Yan was lowering his head to taste the wine, almost stunned by the smell, and said a “brother-zi”, which was particularly fluent.
       He Yunsheng looked at her gleefully, Qingmei covered her mouth and laughed lowly.
       "Okay, don't say that," He Sui raised his cup. "In the new year, I hope I am all auspicious and good, good things happen!"
       In the night sky, the afterglow of fireworks can be seen far away, and the new year is coming.
       He Sui didn't allow He-Yan to drink too much wine, and He-Yan only drank a small glass. However, He Yunsheng drank a lot. The family who had said that they were good together guarded the old age. The father and son lay down before the hour. He-Yan and Qingmei took a lot of effort to send the two of them back to the collapse, and returned to the hall again, burning the stove.
       Qingmei rubbed her hands and said, "I didn't expect Shaoye and Lao-ye were drunk so early."
       He-Yan couldn't laugh or cry, He Yunsheng proposed the Shou Sui, and he slept soundly, just to help him guard.
       "Do you want to eat?" He-Yan handed a baked orange to Ome.
       Ome took it, peeled the orange peel, and took a flap in her mouth. Hejia didn't take Qing Mei as the current person, not as many masters and servants as Fu-Noble. Tangerine was a little bit sour. Qingmei narrowed her eyes and swallowed before saying :   "I didn't think it was the first day of the New Year, but I felt that my family was more deserted. Lao-ye and Shaoye are not there, only Miss, and nubi ."
       Looking at other people, the whole family is very happy and lively.
       He-Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with this. She went to her alone more often, but Ome wasn't as shy. Instead, she looked at Qingmei and nodded her head :   "Should call Chiwu."
       Qingmei Yiyi :   "What does this have to do with Chiwu guards?"
       "It's okay," He-Yan also took an orange and ate as he said, "He lived here a while ago. You didn't say deserted, but now that he not here, you say deserted. You miss him. "
       Ome stayed blankly and denied even thinking about it :   "I don't, Miss, don't talk nonsense."
       "In fact, it's nothing." He-Yan put the peeled orange peel on the side of the stove to bake, and there was a burst of fragrance in the hall. "After I go to Xiao’s house, our house will be you Yatou, of course. Just go along with it. When you look up with Chiwu and don’t see your head down, you won’t feel indifferent. ”
       "Miss," Qingmei anxious **** really didn't mean that. "
       "I think Chiwu is also good," He-Yan deliberately teases her, "I was born very well, and I am also a member of Jiuqiying. He may not be able to mix an official body in the future. And he listens to you. Yeah, I see you let him sweep the floor, he swept away, let him dry the clothes too. If he didn't mean that to you, why bother and obey? "
       "Miss ,!" Ome was annoyed, her face turned red, and she suddenly stood up, she didn't eat any oranges, and she didn't keep her night either, she just said, "Nubi didn't mean that, Miss, I have to talk nonsense. I talked to Chi Wu guard is nothing. "She put the oranges back and ran away.
       "Hey?" He-Yan asked afterwards :   "Not old?"
       "Not keeping up!"
       He-Yan was a little regretful, as if she shouldn't have teased her like this, now only vigil. She picked up the oranges that Fang Caimei had put down, tossed them up, and sighed, "Little Yatou with a bad heart."
       Someone said, "You know a lot."
       He-Yan looked back, Xiao-Yue leaned on the door of their house, and looked at her with a smile on her chest.
       "Xiao-Yue?" She was overjoyed. "Why are you here?" He looked out again :   "You came straight in?"
       "I knocked on the door," Xiao-Yue walked in, and said, "However, there is no guard at your house. It doesn't matter if you knock on the door or not."
       This is also honest.
       He-Yan pulled him to sit down by the stove and stuffed an orange into his hand. "Eat?"
       Xiao-Yue took the orange, held it in his hand, and didn't eat it.
       "How did you come here?" He-Yan asked, "Not with your brother Main-Sao Sao at the house?"
       "I've had New Year's Eve, come and see you." He said, and looked around again, thoughtfully, "Why aren't you Father and your brother?"
       "Don't say anything, I'm drunk. I helped them to sleep in the house." She looked at Xiao-Yue. "If you come one step later, I'll fall asleep."
       Xiao-Yue :   "You are waiting for me, how can you sleep?"
       "I didn't wait for you." He-Yan was inexplicable.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her with a faint "oh" sound.
       He-Yan-fu to the soul, grabbed his arm, and said sincerely :   "How do you know I'm waiting for you! I just waited for everyone to sleep before I waited for you! No one is there right now, just right ... "
       "What exactly?"
       "Just right ..." He-Yan was just casually speaking, and he didn't edit it. When he raised his eyes, it was his bright eyes.
       "Exactly, please have an orange." He-Yan took his hand and held the orange to his chest.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her for a while, then laughed whispered.
       He-Yan thinks that he may be a pistachio, etc. Xiao-Yue, who is not close to people on a daily basis, is often amused by himself, which is an ability that ordinary people don’t have.
       "It doesn't make sense to sit in the house, do you want to sit on the roof?" He-Yan invited him warmly.
       "The roof?"
       He-Yan grabbed his hand and went out :   "Yes!"
       Hejia house was not an expensive house, and the roof was not very high. She sits side by side with Xiao-Yue, with her hands behind her back, and looked up to see the distance.
       In the New Year's Eve of Shuojing, fireworks are everywhere, too far away to see clearly, and only bright stars like flowing stars can be seen passing through the sky.
       "When I was young, I didn’t go to the barracks, I liked to climb the roof." He-Yan said, "Hejia roof is higher than here. At that time, I didn’t have enough time to fly up. I just had to use a ladder. "I once fell to half and fell down, afraid of being found out by He-Big-Fu-ren, who was afraid to say anything. Later, for a while, my back hurt.
       Xiao-Yue is :   "Why do you like to climb the roof?"
       "Because it's high enough," He-Yan compared with an archery posture. "Climb to a high enough place, you can go to the sky and grab the stars."
       He laughed :   "Childish."
       "Who wasn't naive when he was a kid?" He-Yan countered. "Again, I haven't climbed the roof for years."
       After joining the army, they live in tents, where can the roof be climbed, let alone when they get married. Now think about it, it was a long time ago to climb the roof.
       "If you want to," Xiao-Yue said, "the roof of the Xiao family will come to you in the future."
       He-Yan looked at him side by side and asked tentatively, "Will you marry and climb again?"
       "Climbing with you?"
       "Hugging to eat ..."
       Xiao-Yue interrupted her :   "You can do whatever you want."
       He-Yan blinked, smiled down, and couldn't hide the smile, such as the blooming water, enlarged in circles.
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her, seemingly speechless, and after a moment said :   "Climbing a roof to be happy?"
       "Of course," He-Yan replied, "I'm a very satisfying person, and I don't have any expensive interests. I can eat, wear, and climb on the roof."
       Xiao-Yue smiled and didn't mind.
       "Hey," He-Yan touched his arm. "How is Xu Xiangyu affairs?"
       Xiao-Yue smile narrowed, "Some part went to Chu Zilan."
       This was what He-Yan had expected, and she asked, "Do you mean that the righteousness of Chu Zhao was destroyed intentionally?"
       "It's possible." Xiao-Yue looked far away. "He should have replaced Xu Jingfu place in Crown Prince heart."
       "Do you know what the emperor thinks of the Utopians?" He-Yan asked, "After this, should the emperor no longer accept Utopian proposals for peace?"
       Xiao-Yue didn't speak, after a while, he shook his head slightly.
       In fact, He-Yan knew in his heart that the matter of Emperor Wen Xuan was not the most important thing. The contradiction between Crown Prince and 4-Prince, just because Xu Jingfu death, will plan faster, only afraid that before long, the battle will be on the table.
       Between Xiao-Yue and Crown Prince, it’s like a vengeance. If you really want to ... in the future, you must stand at 4-Prince, but the name is not right. If the emperor intends to pass down the edict, at least the head Everyone has to suffer.
       "Don't worry," Xiao-Yue calmly said, "I have something in mind."
       He-Yan smiled :   "Also, today is the New Year, it is better not to think about these."
       "The wedding gown is ready," Xiao-Yue suddenly changed his voice. "In a few days, I will be sent to the house."
       "So fast?"
       Xiao-Yue glanced over her :   "I got married in less than ten days. Where is it?"
       He-Yan smirked :   "That being said, but ..."
       I didn't even notice it on most days. After hearing what he said, it seemed as if there was a sudden nervousness coming on the scene.
       "I won't see you again tomorrow."
       He-Yan :   "Why?"
       "Newly-married couple, you can't see each other a few days before you get married," Xiao-Yue replied.
       He-Yan whispered :   "I don't see you as such a rude person on most days."
       Xiao-Yue raised her eyebrows.
       "I mean," He-Yan grabbed his hand, and said sincerely, "You're right, it should be so. I'm assured that you can take care of everything like this."
       She now understands that Xiao-Yue is a soft and hard-boiled person. As long as he speaks two good words and touts him, he is very happy. I knew this guy was so coquettish, He-Yan thought, when he was in Xianchang Pavilion, he should hold on to his thighs and flatter, he might point out that besides swordsmanship, swordmanship and horsemanship, Already.
       She performed poorly, but Xiao-Yue just looked at the hand grabbed by He-Yan, paused, and then put her hand in her palm again.
       "He-Yan." He called her name.
       "Happy New Year." He said faintly, the black pupils filled the stars in the night, which were more exciting than the fireworks in the sky.
       He-Yan froze for a moment.
       A contentment of warmth gradually rose from her chest, and she suddenly felt that this New Year was really a new year.
       "You're welcome," she tilted her head, leaning against Xiao-Yue shoulder, and froze hard, "You and Happy New Year."
       At the end of the street, the sound of firecrackers came from afar.
       Every family's door is affixed with a newly-changed spring couplet.
       On Shi Jinbo Mansion, this year is a special shaw.
       Originally based on this time, the Chu family should be the day when the bride entered the house, which happened to be a double event. Unexpectedly, the Xu family had an accident not long ago, and even the Chu family was unlucky. Although Chu Zhao was righteous in the end, he avoided a disaster for the time being. But because of the family relationship with the Xu family, Shi Jinbo was once called envious by everyone to be a laughing stock in Capital City. Chu Linfeng was so good-looking that the door was closed and the door was closed during the whole year, and there was no half-heartedness in the house for the Chinese New Year.
       Chu Zhao courtyard was even more silent.
       In the first few days when Xu Yanting arrived, he learned the truth about Xu Jingfu death. He swears Chu Zhao mercy and injustice in the courtyard, and complains of morality. Later, he was taught "rules" by Mama in the courtyard for a few days, and he was silent for a lot. But in this way, the only excitement in the entire yard disappeared.
       Chu Zhao was sitting in the house, the sound of fireworks was far away, outside the house door and inside the house door, like two completely different worlds.
       Someone came in behind him, and the manservant said, "4-gongzi, Ying Xiang Miss, wrote."
       Chu Zhao took the letter and looked at it. After a while, he placed the letter in the flame on the oil lamp and gradually burned it out.
       On the table was also a weird stone, flat like the palm of a person's palm. If you look closely, it looks like a horse, but the break looks rough and uneven. Jiji is out of touch with other displays on the table.
       Chu Zhao eyes fell on that stone, his expression gradually became distant.
       The manservant paused, struggling for a while, and finally couldn't help saying :   "4-gongzi, when I saw He-Miss that day, why not take Xu-Big-Madam as a bait, and put He-Miss , Stay here? "
       He-Yan attaches great importance to He Xinying. If He Xinying is used as a coercion, he-Yan and Xiao-Yue may not be able to get along.
       "Useless." Chu Zhao returned.
       The manservant is puzzled and looks at the person in front of him. The man sits alone at the table, the light from the oil lamp was faint, and his figure was thin and lonely. In the large house, it was like he was alone, and he would sit here for a long time alone.
       "She is a woman who can control her destiny in her own hands." After a long time, Chu Zhao smiled. "No one can coerce her."
       "I can't, Xiao Huaijin can't, and He Xinying can't."
       The night market in Jiyang Shuicheng appeared in his eyes. The bright-eyed girl was walking on the street. The crowd was crowded and the lanterns were like daylight. She stood there, unlike everyone else. It was clear at a glance that she longed for the sky, not the cage.
       He is a man who cannot control his own destiny. Therefore, he will be stunned and inexplicably attracted by her, but he is doomed to be abandoned.
       Because as she said, they are not all the way.
       Never was.
       From the New Year to the tenth day, it seemed to pass slowly and quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was the day when He-Yan was about to get married.
       Early in the morning, Xia Chengxiu rushed over in a carriage.
       Hejia has very few relatives in Shuojing. He-Fu-ren died of these years, and he has long lost contact. Afraid that there would be no female dependents to help, Xiao-Yue said to Yan He and asked Xia Chengxiu to come and help. Of course, Yan He was 120 thousand unwilling. Xia Chengxiu talked well, and he came early.
       She brushed her hair for He-Yan, and laughed :   "He-Miss, rest assured that you will be dressed as the most beautiful new Niangzi in Shuojing today."
       He-Yan laughed :   "It's not that important to be pretty."
       "Also," Xia Chengxiu put down her comb, "as long as Xiao Chief-Commander feels good."
       He-Yan couldn't help but have a period of dental acid.
       Qingmei came over carrying the box and said, "Miss, put on your wedding dress first."
       The clothes were delivered by Xiao Jiajiao yesterday evening. It was a bit late at that time. He-Yan just tried it out and determined the fit. Now that the box was opened, Xia Chengxiu exclaimed.
       He-Yan wondered :   "What's wrong?"
       "This embroidery ..." Xia Chengxiu gently stroked the pattern on his head, "like Wuzhuang embroidery lost by Dawei."
       "What is Wuzhuang Embroidery?" Qingmei was also puzzled.
       "It was a cloth village famous for embroidery in the past, but it disappeared later. At that time, the daughter of the owner of the house, such as Xing Niangzi, had embroidery skills, and Noble in the palace also had a rare piece of clothing." Xia Chengxiu smiled :   " Xiao Chief-Commander The embroidered mother who did not know where to make this wedding dress shows that she is interested. "
       He-Yan stunned, and took the wedding dress out of the box. Qingmei helped dress He-Yan.
       The skirt of the wedding dress is under the skirt, the colored embroidered dragon and phoenix are under the big red embroidered shirt, the hem of the long skirt is very large, and the corners of the skirt are embroidered with fine cloud patterns with golden red silk threads, and the style is beautiful. Hanging a jade pendant.
       This clothes is not easy to wear. Xia Chengxiu and Qing Mei need to help them together. At this moment He-Yan hadn't turned back yet, Qing Mei smiled and took out the phoenix crown inside, and pretended to wear it on He-Yan's head :   "Miss, look at this first!"
       He-Yan looked at herself in the mirror. The phoenix crown was not like other noble daughters. It was based on golden jade and studded with emerald jade. On the contrary, it looked extraordinarily small, and seemed to be made of silk. Cicada wings. The head is covered with star-point rubies and pearls, and she wears it on her head, like a layer of red glow in her cage, and crystal beads on her ears, which make her face extremely white and beautiful.
       "Miss, it looks so good ..." Qingmei looked a little dazed. She has been with He-Yan since she was a child, knowing that He-Yan was beautiful, but now it seems that this gem has been dusted off from her head, and it is amazing that people can't keep their eyes away.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander is very proficient in wedding dresses." Xia Chengxiu also stunned for a while, and smiled for a while :   "The brides who have been married in Shuojing in recent years are not as good as He-Miss, This one. "
       He-Yan also thinks this wedding dress looks very good, but unfortunately she has no talent in poetry and can't boast any beautiful words, so she has to say a good secret in her heart.
       When he married in Hejia that year, the wedding dress was also expensive and fit well, so he could wear it, but He-Yan felt a little uncomfortable. Later, I thought that the wedding dress was very charming and beautiful, very different from her own temperament. And the piece in the mirror right now, from head to toe, is all suitable for ironing.
       "Sit down first," Xia Chengxiu took Feng Guan away, "I will first comb your hair, and after putting it on, I will put it on. It should look better."
       He-Yan was pressed on the chair by Xia Chengxiu, watching her comb her hair.
       Qingmei stood on the side with a small box of jewellery and handed it to Xia Chengxiu from time to time, and suddenly she was a little bit lost. "From now on, Miss, it's going to happen. The time is passing fast."
       After becoming a pro, He-Yan naturally wanted to make the woman's hair bun, but when he was in this small yard, He-Yan was still a child. Ome remembered seeing Miss for the first time, when He Sui brought Ome back to Hejia. Ome saw a messy little Miss with hair in her hair, standing at the door, staring aggressively at her, asking He Sui to drive herself away Qingmei endured the fear in her heart, and timidly came forward :   "Miss, don't drive nubi away, nubi will comb their hair."
       A comb, it is so many years.
       The woman's long hair in the mirror was combed as silk as smooth, and lightly pulled up in Xia Chengxiu hands, and she swelled a little bit, followed by silk flowers, agate, and silver step shake ...
       Xia Chengxiu combed very carefully, such as decorating a flower that was about to bloom, and wished to use all the beautiful, good, all on her.
       The woman in the mirror went from fat powder to rich appearance, and her face gradually became clearer.
       He-Yan looked at the man in the bronze mirror a little bit, she didn't know that when a woman got married, she could be so beautiful.
       At this time, someone outside knocked on the door, and the voice was very soft. Qingmei went to open the door. When someone saw the outside, she said with some confusion :   "You ..."
       "He-Young-Lady?" He-Yan froze, then stood up.
       He Xinying came out from behind the door, seeming a little nervous. She first looked at He-Yan and froze until Xia Chengxiu asked softly :   "Miss ,?" She didn't respond.
       "I heard that today He-Miss, got married, and wanted to see it," He Xinying bit his lip and took out a small box with a big slap from the back. "This is my congratulation ... after the accident at home, There was nothing left. This was my earring when my mother got married. I heard that it was my Mu-Grandmother who left it to her. "
       "I don't have anything of value, just this ..." He Xinying paused and lowered his head and said, "He-Miss, if he dislikes ..."
       The next moment, the box was picked up, and He-Yan smiled at her :   "It's great, I'm married today, and the earrings I wore don't look very good." She opened the box and lay a pair inside. The beaded phoenix-shaped amber earrings were taken out. "This earring looks just right, and it matches my wedding dress."
       "Heart Shadow," she called intimacy, "you help me put it on."
       He Xinying hesitated and asked indefinitely :   "Am I ...?"
       "Yes," He-Yan took her hand and placed the earrings on her palm. "You can help me put it on, so pleased."
       Obviously it was winter, but holding his hand with a warmth, for a moment, He Xinying's heart was extremely sour. Coming here today, she has gathered 120 thousand points of courage. She is now the daughter of the guilty daughter and the wife of the guilty daughter. Coming here, she was really afraid that He-Yan would abandon herself. It was so easy to explain to Wei Fu-ren that when he arrived at the door, he didn't dare to come in for a long time. Right now, He-Yan looked at her as if she was no different from others.
       He Xinying fixed his mind, carefully picked up the earrings, and put it on He-Yan's ear. At the end, he took two steps back, looked at the person in front of him, and murmured, "He-Miss, you look good."
       Her eyes slowly overflowed with sourness, and she thought of the day she married. In fact, she was also nervous and shy at that time, and she had a little expectation and coquettishness. He-2-Fu-ren at the time was just like herself, wearing this earring on her ear. I thought that I was about to start a new and happy new life, but the original relationship was so unbearable.
       The bride in front of her was so beautiful, He thought, she was envious of He-Yan.
       He-Yan's eyes fell on He Xinying's eyes that became blank for a moment, and she paused. She suddenly took a step forward, ignoring her complicated dress and bun on her head, and gently embraced He Xinying. .
       He Xinying hesitated :   "He-Miss, ..."
       "You will look so good in the future."
       The warmth in front of her was so real that it seemed to find a reliance for a moment, but she just bowed her head in panic, and said at a loss :   "No ... I won't have a better time."
       Sudden changes in the family, sudden changes in identity, enough to make the former proud and wayward Jin-Young-Lady become inferior and timid in a short period of time. He-Yan was sour and hugged He Xin Ying's arm tightened slightly, she whispered :   "Don't forget, you are Mei-mei of General Feihong." After a pause, she continued to speak :   "It is also my Mei-mei."
       He Xinying was shocked.
       The bride has let go of her hand, looking at her in the same place, her eyes are really warm and close, "When I first saw you, I was in Yuhua Temple, heart shadow, you may not know that Yuhua Temple is really spirit."
       "The Buddha will bless the devout ones, so you will get better and better," she said.
       He Xinying paused for a moment, after a while, slowly smiled and looked at He-Yan :   "OK."
       "Since it's here," He-Yan pulled her aside, "I'm here to help, too. There are very few women in my family. Chengxiu can't be alone. Heart shadow, I'm afraid I will trouble you for a while. "
       He Xinying waved his hands :   "No trouble, no trouble."
       "That's right," the newly-married mother seemed to remember something, and looked at her in the mirror with a smile :   "You can call meister’in the future."
       "Are you alright? Wow?" He Yunsheng paced back and forth, a little nervous.
       "What's the matter," He Sui scolded him, "your sister is dressing up in it, of course, take it slowly." Having said that, he himself was full of anxiety, rubbing the bottoms of the newly made clothes and wrinkling the wrinkles.
       He and He Yunsheng also changed their new clothes. He Yunsheng has grown a lot now. When he changed his clothes, he looked like a handsome young man. Time, now think about it, the solemn look he wore last time seems to be when he married his wife. Time passed quickly, and now it was his own daughter's turn to marry.
       As I was thinking, the door inside squeaked open, Xia Chengxiu walked out with He Xinying, followed by Qing Mei, Xia Chengxiu laughed and said, "He-Lao-ye, He-Miss, has been made up. , You can go in and talk to her. "
       "Ah ... OK! Many Thanks Xia-Miss," He Sui heard, and couldn't wait to get up and walked into the door. He Yunsheng followed in, and Qingmei covered her mouth with a smile and put the door on again.
       As soon as He-Yan turned around, he saw He Yunsheng and He Sui standing in front of him, silently speaking.
       "What's wrong?" She took a careful step forward, and was afraid to shake off her bead-head, she had to look up slightly. "Don't it look good?"
       "No no no ... good-looking!" He Sui looked back, "Yan Yan is so good!" He said, suddenly choked up, "you look like your mother ..."
       After He-Yan woke up, she knew that He Sui and his deceased wife had a very good relationship before they died, and because He-Big-Young-Lady was born like Xiao He-Fu-ren, she had been proud of her since childhood. Now that He Sui sees this, I'm just afraid of seeing people. She had to move small steps to He Sui, patted He Sui shoulder gently to show comfort.
       "Father," He Yunsheng rolled his eyes, "Don’t you cry when you are overjoyed, don't you think you've touched the mold? Besides, He-Yan is so exaggerated about my mother's beauty."
       In this sentence, he pulled He Sui back from his sorrow, and He Sui scolded him :   "Are you talking like this?"
       "It was."
       "Go and go." He Sui hurried him aside, and found a thick stack of paper from his sleeve. "This is a little deed and a field, Yan Yan, you hold it."
       He-Yan stunned :   "What do you mean?"
       "I have seen the engagement gift from the Xiao family." He Sui said :   "My family can't be compared with the Xiao family, but your dowry is not shameful in speaking out in our family. This is not written in the dowry In the list, you hide it secretly, and don’t tell Huai Jin. If you have a tight hand or don’t have any money, use this ... ”
       "Wait, Father," He-Yan asked, "Our family is almost emptying out the gift alone. Where the Grange title?"
       He Sui face showed a proud smile :   "I was married to your mother-zi. I was a visiting son-zi, cough, no gift, but my Mu-Grandmother Mu-Grandfather distressed your mother, Dowry photos. After your mother left, in the past few years, I haven’t moved a penny. I thought that if you get married in the future, part of it is easy to teach others. We Hejia is rich, so I won’t be underestimated by my husband’s family. It’s gone. The other part ... ”He shoved the land title into He-Yan’s hand.“ Hold it by yourself. You’re not looking for a son-zi, you’re going to someone else house. There must be a place for money Don't ask Huai Jin for it, Father will get it for you. You have money in your hand, and your waist pole is much harder. "
       He-Yan never expected that He Sui, a rough man who looked so careless, was so careful. She reluctantly groaned the land lease back to He Sui. "Father, I don’t want these. I have a puppet, so I don’t want to be lenient. Yunsheng now is the time to spend money. These are reserved for he."
       "I don't want to." Before He Sui spoke, He Yunsheng refused first, and he said, "How can a man think about the money at home, if I want anything, I will earn it myself, and your mother will keep it for you. Go ahead. "
       He Sui patted the title deed to the table, and rarely hardened He-Yan :   "No, this thing must listen to me, Yan Yan, hold it! If you don't hold it, I won't let you out of this door."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She said, "Okay, I keep it." I thought to myself, when the next time I meet, think of a way to put it back.
       He Sui looked at He-Yan, and said with emotion :   "When your mother sighed, the last thing you could do was your sister and brother. I vowed before her collapse, and I will never continue to marry in the future. The two brothers raised. Yan Yan, you have a good home, and the stone in Father's heart is half down. "He reached out, trying to touch He-Yan's head, and he was afraid of He-Yan's hair bun. After making a mess, I finally touched it a little and shrank back :   "You are very different from your mother temper. Originally, Father felt that you were arrogant and self-willed and afraid of your loss. Now it seems that you are strong and have an idea, even if you are not married Xiao Huaijin, if you marry someone else, you can also make a good life. "
       "Father is proud of you."
       He-Yan looked at the man in front of her. She had only been used and disappointed with the word father in her previous life. Now Heaven seems to want to make up for her and sent the best father in the world to her. She only knew that the shadow of a father could be so tender and strong, loving his children silently, as always.
       "Father," she held He Suibu cocooned hands, and smiled and said, "Thank you, I'm proud of you."
       The voice of Qingmei from the outside came in :   "Miss, the team to welcome the relatives is coming, Lao-ye. When you are finished, come out quickly, don't miss the good times."
       He Sui loosened his hand and glanced at He-Yan again. He was reluctant, as if there were tens of thousands of words to say, but at the end he could only say one sentence :   "Yan Yan, Father went out first."
       He-Yan nodded.
       Ome came in, let He Yunsheng wait at the door, and arrange He-Yan's dress before carefully covering the cover with He-Yan while holding He-Yan's Walking towards the door, he said softly, "Miss, don't be nervous, don't be nervous."
       While talking, his voice was trembling slightly.
       He-Yan wanted to laugh a little. She was married and not going to the fire. Hejia, one by one, actually created an atmosphere of life and death.
       When I reached the door, I could only hear Ome :   "Shaoye, Miss, come out."
       The married bride is to be carried by the brother on the back of the sedan chair. He Yunsheng squatted down and said nervously, "Come up."
       He-Yan climbed onto his back.
       The teenager looked tall and thin, but his back was wide and warm. He-Yan's hands were climbing his neck, while others couldn't hear, he whispered, "Yunsheng, have you eaten in the morning?"
       "Shut up," He Yunsheng was still a little nervous. She was so interrupted that she was completely sad. She only said, "I told you not to eat anymore, and I was going to die."
       "Is he heavy?" He-Yan frowned slightly. "You can't even bear me back. What about Miss who loves the vest in the future?"
       "If Miss is born as heavy as you, she won't be my’beloved'." He Yunsheng cut his teeth.
       He-Yan :   "When I was in Liangzhou Wei, I could lift two stones at a time like myself. Brother," she reminded, "you need to exercise more."
       "Can you stop talking?"
       He-Yan said "Oh", and she stopped talking.
       The road from the door to the sedan is not long, but He Yunsheng walks slowly. After He-Yan didn't speak, he was a little silent again. After a while, he said, "He-Yan."
       "When you arrive at the Xiao family, eat whatever you want."
       "Don't you let me eat less."
       "If you really want to eat, eat it," He Yunsheng frowned. "It's the same in your own home, you can't rule it in other people home. Anyway, you should make Xiao’s home your own, don't be wronged, if someone bullies You, you tell me, even if I open the door of the Xiao family, I will give you air. "
       He-Yan fell on his back, and no one saw her face under the kerchief with a smile and straightened, "Thank you, but no one dared to bully your sister if you wanted to come. Someone bullied me. "It's you," she taught He Yunsheng, "after I'm gone, don't keep up with Father. He old, you keep arguing with him, let the elderly. You and yourself, generous in the school. Somehow, your sister is also a court order officer. Your brother-zi is still a big Wei general. Let’s not spend a lot of money. Occasionally, playboy can also ... ”
       Seeing that she was getting more and more crooked, He Yunsheng was speechless. After a while, he said, "Here it is."
       The flower sedan was in front of him, and He-Yan came down from He Yunsheng's back, and was supported by the green plum and Xia Chengxiu.
       The welcome party has arrived, and she can hear the opinions of the people everywhere, and someone voice is heard in He-Yan's ears.
       "Ah, that's Shaw Chief-Commander? Shaw Chief-Commander is here!"
       "Come here, come on, look so handsome! And expensive, Hejia, Yatou, what good fortune did you take, she just met this good marriage?"
       "If our little peanuts are not bad, do they still accept? Even if they are sent in to be Qiesh, it is not bad, and it will be beautiful in the future."
       "Well, you want to be beautiful. If you really want to take it in, it won't be your turn. My little leaf is still waiting for the word Noble Misses!"
       He-Yan In the flower sedan, listening to people words is really a hundred claws scratching the heart, can't wait to lift the curtain of the flower sedan to see what the groom officer who has been so neglected by the neighbors so quickly looks like. Speaking of which, she hasn't seen Xiao-Yue in a red dress yet. I don't know if it's beautiful like a moon, and the beauty is flawless ...
       She could only hear Xiao-Yue farewell farewell to He Suiyu. It seemed to be a ceremony and a wild goose. Then, the sedan rose up and walked forward.
       This is the sedan.
       Accompanied by the sound of Huajia getting up, the children around cheered for a while. General Feng Yun in Shuojing City married his wife, not to mention the 10 thousand people in the empty alleys, and the streets were crowded with spectators. The Xiao family welcomed the team generously and sprinkled some happy money, the children scrambled and scrambled to distribute the candy to the new partners.
       Shen Han and Liang Ping were walking on the bridge and heard the sound of gongs and drums in the distance. Liangzhou Wei coaches and Wang Ba staff were rarely granted leave. Today, they can personally participate in the Xiao-Yue and He-Yan wedding banquet. At this moment, they will go to Xiao Fu with the team that welcomes them. Head away.
       "I want to see what Ah He looks like in his wedding dress." Wheat stared at the sedan chair from a distance without blinking.
       "What's the name of A He?" Hong Shan asked.
       "It can't be changed." Wheat scratched his head.
       Wang Ba snorted :   "I can't figure out what she looks like in a wedding dress anyway, just a female bandit."
       "No," Jiang Yan laughed. "He Xiong's beauty is different from others."
       "Coming soon," Huang Xiong laughed. "Should we also grab some money?"
       "Uncle, how old are you," Wheat couldn't help but said, "What's the use of joy? It's better to let my brother go." He held a stone, "Brother, you can grab it."
       Stone looked seriously and didn't speak.
       Several people joked and laughed, and some of them ran over with the children of the welcome team. The Xiao family is rich in money, and the poor children in Shuo Jing's home follow from start to finish.
       At this time, the man in front spilled a bunch of happy money, and the copper money tied with a happy rope jumped to the side of the car and rolled off the bridge. A thin boy bent down to pick up the happy money on the bottom of a person's feet. But he was too thin to be pushed back, and he fell back. At this moment it was the bridge, the bridge rail was low, and the crowd ‘Called, and the child slammed under the bridge.
       "Ah-" the child yelled in horror.
       The next moment, someone flew out of the sedan chair, his robes looked like red clouds, and the boy pulled upside down in his arms, stepped on the bridge rail, and fell to the ground.
       The cover towel fell to the ground as soon as it flew out, revealing the face of the newly-married woman under the phoenix crown. The black hair was trembling, the decorated amber earrings trembled slightly, the red shirt was embroidered with phoenix, and the beautiful makeup was polished. Her eyes were clear, like the clearest stream of water in Shuojing City, with a little doubt and a little solitude. It was very different from those charming, shy and cowardly brides. It was like the rising sun and the snow, looking forward to life.
       Above and below the bridge, there was silence for a while, I wonder whether it was shocked by the sudden change or was surprised by the look under the bride hood.
       "Yeah," someone voice broke the silence, "the kerchiefs are all off. How is this good, not Auspicious!"
       He-Yan let go of his hand, and the little boy ran away when he saw that something had happened. She was standing still, and was at a loss for a moment, only in the flower sedan, when she heard that something was going on, she was in a hurry and wanted to do it, but she forgot that it was in a wedding reception.
       Isn't this Auspicious?
       He-Yan was restless.
       Someone came to this end, walked to the kerchief that fell to the ground, and bent over to pick up the kerchief.
       He-Yan looked up at him.
       For the first time, she saw someone wearing the color of the blaze, so sober and fit. The red dress lined the young man like jade and gold.
       At that time, the beautiful young girl with golden saddle and white horse, in the years of flowing water, gradually came out of the spirit of heroic show, fresh clothes, cold and graceful, Qiong Peishanshan.
       He approached step by step until he reached Feng Guanxia woman.
       He-Yan looked at him and could see a clear self in his long autumn eyes.
       "Shaoye ..." Pozi on the side boldly stepped forward :   "This hijab has fallen to the ground, not Auspicious ..."
       "So what?" He said lightly.
       Immediately afterwards, he covered the hooded towel that he picked up, and gently, gently covered the bride phoenix crown again.
       He-Yan's sight was re-occluded, but at this moment, even though it was dark, there was no peace of mind.
       She heard Xiao-Yue voice.
       "It's all right."
       The change at the bridgehead did not affect the team that greeted the next couple. The sedan car restarted, and the team moved forward slowly.
       Shen Han had just lifted up his heart, and finally let it go, patting his chest and saying, "It's okay to be scared to death."
       "Chief-in-chief, do you see, He ... Miss, his skills did not seem to drop," Liang Ping said with his chin. "The only one who was stunned was the soldier I taught."
       "The soldier you taught, are you proud?" Shen Han glanced at him obliquely. "You have the ability to say it again in the presence of Chief-Commander?"
       "Then I don't dare." Liang Pingxi laughed.
       "Now shouldn't be called He-Miss, right?" Ma Damei came forward and said, "Should it be called Young Furen?"
       "No," Liang Ping scratched her head. "She also has an official position now, and I should call it a talented person."
       "So ... Lord Little-He?"
       "How is it like a man."
       Wheat bent over and picked up a piece of happy money on the ground. As soon as she got up, she heard Big-Aunt on her side saying, "How can Xiao Chief-Commander just pick up the cover towel on the ground by himself? Not much Auspicious! "
       "That is, the face of the new Niangzi has been seen, and it is not particular about it."
       "... I heard that it was a woman who came out of an ordinary household, and it is natural to not understand these rules."
       "That can't be that ..."
       "Wow!" A huge drink interrupted the women who had gossip. The women turned their heads and saw a strong man with a scar on his face staring at them fiercely, roaring :   "If she doesn't go out, now the kid It's all dead! Those of you who stand and talk without backache, understand the fart! "
       The women were startled, and the headed woman retorted a little bit, "I said mine, what's your matter?"
       Wang Ba drew his long sword from the waist, and when they saw it, they were so frightened that they did not argue with Wang Ba and turned away.
       Jiang Yan coughed :   "Brother, you don't have to intimidate them like this ..."
       "These bitches know that they chew their tongues behind. I don't like to hear them!" Wang Ba said, don't go back to his waist, his eyes frown.
       He used to come to domineering, Jiang Yan just smiled helplessly, and wheat ran with his enemies. "That is, why don't they say that Ahe brother just saved someone?"
       "Forgive others, too," Hong Shan laughed leaning against the bridge railings. "Three people in Shuojing who the women want to marry now, this one has also been taken away by your Ahe brother. What's wrong with addiction? It's got to be forgiving and forgiving. "
       "Brother He nosy temper, even if he is a woman, he hasn't changed," Huang Xiong shook his head and sighed. "When people are in trouble, they want to be rescued, regardless of the place. I see, He-Big-Young-Lady is no different from Liangzhou Wei He-Yan. "
       Wang Ba snorted softly, "Otherwise, it won't look like her. Let's go," he took a bunch of happy money he just snatched into his arms, "the team is gone."
       Huajiao walked around half of Capital City and reached the gate of Xiao fu.
       Before getting out of the sedan, Chiwu handed on the bow and arrow. The young man in the suit came to the sedan and took a long bow. He fired three red arrows toward the bottom of the sedan.
       Bai Rongwei held He-Yan down from the sedan chair, and handed the red rope with a concentric knot to the hands of Xiao-Yue and He-Yan.
       He-Yan covered her head and couldn't see anything. It turned out that she had been a blind man for a long time, and was used to walking on her own, even in the dark. Today, she completely surrenders herself to another person, entrusting him with her entire physical and mental trust.
       Holding the concentric knot, the newly-wed bride crossed the brazier carefully and walked towards the auditorium. Above the auditorium, there were already crowds watching the crowd. Lin Shuanghe stood at the front with a smile on his face, Yan He glimpsed his expression, and couldn't help his wicked mouth :   "What expression do you have? I don't know, I thought you were married today."
       "This is even more enjoyable than marrying my wife." Lin Shuanghe showed off his fan. "What's more pleasant than having your best friend marry your best friend?"
       "Your best friend is probably too cheap." Yan Hexi laughed at him.
       "Brother," Lin Shuanghe looked at him. "An orphaned person like you, who has few friends, why come to my wedding party in Huai Jin again?"
       "Do you think I want to come?" Yan He said, "He-Yan wrote a post to Cheng Xiu, and Cheng Xiu forced me to come. Who wants to see Xiao Huaijin become a relative? Who hasn't become a close relative." He glanced at him. Lin Shuanghe, "Oh, sorry, I almost forgot, you never succeeded."
       "What do you know," Lin Shuanghe fans combined, smiling, "I won't give up the entire garden for a flower."
       Yan He returned with a smirk.
       Kungfu of speaking, He-Yan and Xiao-Yue have arrived before the incense case. After playing the music and firing the cannon, the two first worship the incense candle to the god and the ancestor. Then incense, prostrate, reset. Then, the couple worshipped.
       The parents of the Xiao family are no longer there. Bai Rongwei invited the ancestral hall to the temple. After the worship of the heaven and earth parents, the couple are opposite. He-Yan bowed down and bowed down.
       When I got up, there was a cheer around, mixed with Cheng-Lisu ‘calling :   "Sent to the cave! Hurry up, Mu-Uncle, pick your hijab, I want to see my aunt!"
       Song Taotao frowned slightly :   "You whisper."
       "Why whisper?" Cheng-Lisu looked excited, "Don't you want to see what auntie looks like in a wedding dress?"
       Song Taotao rolled her eyes silently. She really didn't want to look. Who wants to see her sweetheart, Feng Guanxia, marry another person? On the side, there was an unscrupulous person who kept saying :   "Ah! I never expected that my elder brother finally became my aunt, it is incredible!"
       He-Yan was hugged into the new house by Ome and Bai Rongwei, and for the time being, don't pass the noisy crowd outside. She covered her head and couldn't see anything. As soon as she sits down, she was stunned, grabbed a few, and caught a few longan.
       Bai Rong smiled :   "Congratulations, Ahe, it seems that you and Huai Jin will soon have a precious child."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Qingmei quickly smoothed the folds on He-Yan's wedding dress, and quickly stuffed two finger-sized snacks into He-Yan's mouth, whispered :   "Miss, you take two mouthfuls, pad your belly, aunt I’m going to pick up the hijab. You have to eat carefully, so you don’t have to chew the fat. ”
       He-Yan was still calm, but Qingmei was talking and nervous.
       However, eating something can make people feel relieved. She took three or four sips, and Cheng-Lisu voice broke away from the distance :   "Mu-Uncle, hurry up, don't let your aunt wait. Anxious!"
       Immediately after, Song Taotao saluted his words :   "You can shut up, I think the most urgent thing is you."
       The group walked over and noisily. He-Yan combined in his whole life and thought he had seen a lot of strong winds and waves. But at this moment, the palm of his hand couldn't help but sweat a little.
       The new house is actually very spacious. Ke Lin Shuanghe and his team, Cheng-Lisu and his team, and Liang Ping and their team squeezed together. The larger room was not enough.
       Xiao Zheng handed the weighing rod wrapped in a red cloth to Xiao-Yue hands, and said, "Huai Jin, it's time to pick a hipa."
       Xiao-Yue took the hi scale and walked slowly to He-Yan.
       He-Yan sits with his head down, and could see his black boots under his hijab, and tightened his lips. Since today, she has not formally met Xiao-Yue, but she can lift this hijab. From now on, her life will be closely connected with Xiao-Yue life. He will be with her.
       What does Xiao-Yue think of himself? He-Yan thought wildly, the tension at this moment seemed as if she had returned to her previous life. She sits in front of the mirror, slowly lifted off the mask, and looked at the familiar and strange face under the mask, like a big dream. As true as magic.
       Hi scale hooked the edge of the kerchief, and then a little lighted up. He-Yan grasped the angle of the robe on his side, slowly raised his head, and looked at the person in front of him.
       She fell into a pair of black eyes.
       Suddenly, the moon was blurred and the sky was clear, and the man stood in front of him one step away, looking at himself. His red robe is like fire, in this crowd, beautiful and stunning, his pupils are like the night sky, but in the night sky, he reflects a complete and clear self.
       No one else in his eyes, only himself.
       He-Yan looked at him for a long time, as if forever, and he would watch it forever.
       The quiet needle drop in the room was audible. I didn't know how long it took until Lin Shuanghe exaggerated ‘call sounded :   "Oh my God! There were no ten or eight wedding receptions, and it was the first time I saw such a beautiful newlywed! This is how good luck I have taken, and I can marry a heavenly fairy! What kind of merit I have achieved in my last life, this life has such a blessing! "
       "Are you here to sing?" Yan He drew his ears, and said disdainfully, "slick tongue."
       Shen Han's heads of teachers looked stunned, Liang Ping even blushed, and said, "I didn't expect ... He-Yan, the boy, was even more beautiful than Shen Yiyu when she put on her wedding dress."
       "I won't stop you if you want to die," Shen Han whispered, "don't bother me."
       "My aunt is so good! It is indeed my aunt!" Cheng-Lisu clenched her fists in excitement. "I announced that Shuo Jingcheng is the first beautiful to be my aunt!"
       Song Taotao helped him, but from the perspective of a woman, today He-Yan is really a bit too beautiful. Although she was also handsome when she was wearing men's clothes, now she is sitting here and looking up at the man in front of her, her eyes are shining like the Milky Way stars.
       "Brother Wang," Wheat asked Wang Ba, "you have to admit it this time, brother Ahe is really beautiful!"
       Wang Pa waved his hand impatiently, "Sloppy." He couldn't help but glance at it again.
       "He brother is so good," Jiang Yan laughed. "I think Xiao Chief-Commander treats her, it is also precious."
       Men look at men, they always know a lot.
       Bai Rong smiled softly and reminded :   "It's time to drink alcohol."
       He-Yan turned back and was helped by Qingmei to stand up. Xiao-Yue picked up the pot on the table and divided it into two. He-Yan carefully lifted one, clasped his wrist with his wrist, and lowered his head. Drink it.
       Bai Rong smiled and said, "Coupled together, the couple is one, the same is respected, the same is respected, and the blind date is not separated."
       Even after drinking He Jiu, He-Yan relaxed easily, and for some reason, he did not dare to look up and look at Xiao-Yue.
       After drinking He Jiu, the groom was going to the front of the hall, and the group lively and crowded Xiao-Yue away. Only Ome and He-Yan were left in the room.
       He-Yan waited for the door to close, sitting on the couch with his buttocks, and patted his chest. He said, "It's over. I almost didn't get nervous."
       "Well?" Qingmei Qi said, "Miss, isn't it just tense? The Nubi looked at Miss, and was very comfortable."
       "I'm a ghost, I'm all pretending." He-Yan took off the phoenix crown on his head. The phoenix crown looked small and cute, but the beads and gems on it were embellished, which was also heavy and heavy. After so long, my neck was aching.
       Qingmei helped He-Yan put the phoenix crown aside and saw that He-Yan was already unbuttoning the hi clothes, and was taken aback. She was busy holding He-Yan's hand :   "Miss, you don't have to take off your clothes Now. "
       "It's really hot in this room, and there are a lot of clothes." He-Yan helplessly. In order to be afraid of the cold, the stove in the house was full of energy, but there were three layers in the robe and three layers outside. On a big winter day, she even sweated a thin layer on her forehead.
       But Qingmei was very stubborn :   "No, Miss, you have to listen to nubi , you can't take it off."
       He-Yan stalemate with her for a while, defeated, and just said, "Let's listen to you."
       She got up, sits in the sedan chair for a long time, her legs and legs were numb, and poured herself a cup of hot tea. She looked at the new house while drinking, and looked at it, her expression was strange.
       When I first returned to Shuojing, He-Yan lived in the Xiao family for a while and also visited Xiao-Yue room. Xiao-Yue room looked cold and simple, and the colors were extremely pale, not White is black. In the new house now, except for the "hi" and red paper, the other layouts are also garbled. Even the feet of the table were covered with a light pink cloth cover, and He-Yan's mouth looked straight.
       Xiao-Yue vision, why has the earth-shaking changes occurred in such a short time? She useless. She lived here from He-Big-Young-Lady's house, but she just changed to a different place. Doesn't Xiao-Yue just feel uncomfortable? Look at the bronze mirror inlaid with lace, look at the pink veil with sachets ... Huo Tuotuo is a Qinlou Chu Pavilion!
       It's heartbroken!
       She was thinking and heard Qingmei whispering to her :   "Miss, Miss, ..."
       He-Yan turned around and saw Qingmei standing on the side of the collapse, looking embarrassed, and asked, "What's wrong?"
       "Miss, Fu-ren passed away early, Miss, when she got married, although there were Cheng Xiu Miss, but Cheng Xiu Miss, they were not very old. Liu-Aunt in the lane a few days ago gave the Nubi a thing ... "Her face was flushed, and she seemed to be unable to open her teeth. She trembled and pulled out something from her arms. She didn't dare to take another look and shove it into He-Yan's hands," Liu-Aunt said, Miss, When the family got married, the mother at home would give them this ... nubi took it back ... "
       He-Yan glanced down, holding a large pamphlet in her hand. She glanced at Ome with a suspicious look, and when she opened it, Ome turned to panic.
       "Eh?" He-Yan glanced at it. "Isn't this a spring picture?"
       "Miss ,!" Qingmei eyes widened, and she forgot about being shy. "How can you say it directly?"
       "So how do I say that?" He-Yan asked her, "Have you seen it? If you haven't, why are you so nervous?"
       "Nubi only glanced ..." Qingmei was crying anxiously, "No, Miss, this is not for nubi , this is for you ..." Qingmei was extremely impressed when he originally gave this thing to He-Yan. Tangled, she is also a Miss who has not yet come out of the cabinet. If she wants to give He-Yan this thing, she really doesn't know how to say it. Who knows that He-Yan is so frank, and actually read it so casually, and commented :   "Liu-Aunt is too stingy. I am afraid this is not an old book three or five years ago? The tone is so old. Gifts, why don't you get the latest ones? Well, not as good as the one I read before ... "
       "Miss ,!" Qingmei looked at her in disbelief. "The book you read before? When did you read it? Where did you read it?"
       "Uh ..." He-Yan remembered in this little sister-zi heart, she was probably the same He-Big-Young-Lady as before, perfunctoryly said, "I'm bullshit, you forgot."
       She turned her head away, and Qingmei tail was tangled up, "Miss, you said clearly, when did you see it?"
       "Can not remember!"
       Just talking about the noise, after a long time, the sky gradually darkened. After He-Yan had eaten all the delicate snacks on the table, there was a movement outside.
       She sits up straight and pretended to be dignified and courteous. Qingmei went to open the door, and when she opened the door, she saw Lin Shuanghe helping Xiao-Yue walk in.
       "Ah?" Qingmei froze. "Aunt, are you drunk?"
       He-Yan heard the words, stood up, Lin Shuanghe helped Xiao-Yue to sit down, smiled and looked at He-Yan, "He-Mei-mei ... Sao, Huai Jin drank too much today Now, I help him back. "
       "Why did you drink so much?" Qingmei complained. "What else ..." She swallowed her mouth again, glanced at Miss with a grudge, and stayed with He-Yan for a long time, she I also learned to be silent.
       He-Yan turned his head to see Xiao-Yue. He was helped by Lin Shuanghe to sit on the side, leaning his head against the bed, his eyes closed, his expression was okay, and he didn’t see the pain, but he looked at it, but it seemed overwhelming .
       "Xiao-Yue even gets drunk?" She said with all her thoughts.
       "Everyone has a drink with him, how can they not get drunk?" Lin Shuanghe sighed :   "It is also a big thing to say that Huai Jin married his wife, and those martial arts can drink it. He fine, you go outside to see the hall In the hall, it fell to the ground and spit it out thinly. Especially Yan He, "he seemed to feel quite speechless." Always pulling Huai Jin toasting, don't I just want to drink more than anyone? How strong is the desire for victory "
       He-Yan :   "Yan He won?"
       "How can that be?" Lin Shuanghe smiled, "carried back."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       "In short, I delivered the person," Lin Shuanghe shook his fan, "Gong Chengshi retired, He-Mei-mei, you remember to take care of Huai Jin," his lips slightly raised, "good night is short, don't waste it."
       He-Yan :   "Wait!"
       Before she finished speaking, Lin Shuanghe had left chicly.
       "Miss, ..." Qingmei said in a soft voice :   "The Nubi is gone too."
       "What are you going for?" He-Yan ‘called, "Help me!"
       "This ... I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient." Qing Mei waved her hand to face her enemies. "Furthermore, the nubi were not very strong. I heard that Miss, when he was in Liangzhou Wei, one person could lift a huge stone. If you want to come alone, you can take care of Chief-Commander. "She withdrew to the door and said," So, the nubi are gone! "
       This little bastard is timid sometimes, but sometimes it's quite easy. He-Yan sighed. There was really only Xiao-Yue and her two left in the room.
       She turned to see Xiao-Yue.
       When this man was drunk, he was also very quiet, neither drunk nor crazy. Just leaning against the bed seems to be sham. He-Yan walked over, first pushing him :   "Xiao-Yue?"
       No response, she stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue still closed her eyes quietly, He-Yan relieved, and Xiao-Yue was really drunk.
       Alright, she was drunk in front of Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue is drunk in front of her now, once per person, fair. He-Yan sits down beside him and leaned over to see.
       When Xiao-Yue closed her eyes, her eyelashes fell down nicely, like tiny butterfly wings. He-Yan's heart was tickling, she couldn't help but reach out.
       The young man frowned slightly, and she quickly retracted her hand, thinking that Xiao-Yue was awake, and after a while, seeing Xiao-Yue did not respond, the courage gradually grew.
       He-Yan has never denied the beauty of Xiao-Yue. When he was at the Xianchang Pavilion, he was too lazy to take care of it, and he attracted his heart to pounce on him. Later, he became the Right Army Chief-Commander, even though the rumors outside were ruthless and ruthless, he still didn't fall out of the top three of "Shuojing Miss, the lover in the dream", all by relying on a face. He-Yan sits a little closer, his eyes fixed on him, "snapped" a few times, and sighed, "The dust is coming out, and the gods are like jade."
       Looking at his face alone, this man really can't see that he is staying on the battlefield every day. Why is his sword frosty? His face is half-seen. His skin tone is like jade, his facial features are beautiful, and his chin is very beautiful. Evil thoughts arise in the heart. He-Yan sighed, Lord, when he was making Xiao-Yue, he should have used a lot of thought. This may be the life that others would not envy!
       He-Yan looked at the man leaning against the wall, wicked to the gall, and yelled in his mouth, "Such a beautiful person has now fallen into my hands. Such a rare opportunity for a hundred years, please do not do whatever you want, I am sorry My own. "She said as she unbuttoned Xiao-Yue.
       The suit was layered, and the room was stuffy and panicky. She also saw Xiao-Yue face turned slightly red. She wanted to be warm and kind, and planned to help take off Xiao-Yue coat so that he could take it off. Put it on and it was a break earlier today. Unexpectedly, the button was too complicated. She lowered her head to unlock it, untied one, and was about to unlock the second one. Suddenly, her hands were caught.
       He-Yan looked up in astonishment. He was confronted by a pair of clear and deep black eyes. His voice was faint and ridiculous. "So, how are you going to do anything to me?"
       The man's eyes were sober, not half drunk, He-Yan cried out, "Are you drunk?"
       Xiao-Yue ticked his lips :   "A little."
       I believe you a ghost! He-Yan thought to himself, he looked like he was awake from beginning to end, but fortunately, he didn't seem to do anything too much.
       He-Yan smirked :   "Then you just wake up ..."
       "Tell me," but he didn't plan to spare He-Yan. He-Yan's hand on Xiao-Yue chest was still being held by him. He stared at He-Yan with a smile :   "Why? Do whatever you want? "
       He-Yan earned his hand, didn't break it, he was inexplicably flustered, his words stuttered, "I just ... see if you wear too much, the room is too hot, help you unbutton two ... "
       "Lying," Xiao-Yue raised her eyebrows and stared straight at her. "I see, you want to take advantage of me."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Not too much! Isn't it to take advantage of a button?
       The hand on Xiao-Yue chest, such as touching a soldering iron, first burned herself. He-Yan was dizzy and said, “No, no, how can this be an advantage? I haven’t seen anything, I I've even seen the red mole on your waist ... "
       As soon as the words came out, Xiao-Yue was slightly stiff.
       After a short while, he said lightly, "You are calm."
       He-Yan came back to him, secretly cursing himself. Half of her body fluttered on Xiao-Yue, her hands were grasped by him, she touched his placket, and she was like a female hooligan who grabbed her hands. But Xiao-Yue doesn't let go, she can only be so rigid.
       "Xiao-Yue, let me go first, I have something to say ..." She froze for a while, and finally said something.
       Xiao-Yue glanced past her lightly, and suddenly let go. He-Yan was relieved. All she asked was that the stove gave birth to a sun in the house? How hot people are panicked and short of breath.
       Xiao-Yue eyes fell on the corner of the book page exposed under the quilt, his eyes narrowed, and he reached for "What is this?"
       When He-Yan looked up and saw what he did, his face suddenly changed :   "Wait!"
       This is useless, Xiao-Yue has already got it, He-Yan subconsciously rushes at him, and he will take it away.
       That's the booklet that Ome gave her!
       Previously, he had a quarrel with Qingmei. Before He-Yan had time to close it, Lin Shuanghe came in. She shoved it into the quilt, but it was unexpectedly seen by Xiao-Yue. He-Yan still clearly remembers that in the city of Jiyang, Xiao-Yue face suddenly sinking when she saw her in the spring picture, and this day of great joy, Mo Shao must have made this Shaoye angry again.
       He-Yan splits his hands to grab, is blocked by Xiao-Yue with his arm, and then stretches his hand forward, and is avoided again, flashes and hides, advances and retreats, Xiao-Yue has a long hand, holding the booklet to prevent her When he met, He-Yan had to jump up and flutter. He tripped over the edge of the bed with cold, and collapsed. Xiao-Yue saw her, pulled her forward, and the two fell straight.
       There was a loud noise from the bed.
       He-Yan turned his head and saw that it was okay, not collapsed, and very strong.
       She sighed with relief as she looked at the booklet she had seized.
       The next moment, there was a lively voice outside, faintly Cheng-Lisu cry.
       "Wow! The movement is too big, my Mu-Uncle is really amazing!"
       Immediately after that, Chiwu voice was again :   "Who put Cheng Xiao gongzi in? Take him out!"
       "I don't! I'll stay a little longer! Let go of me—"
       It seemed that Cheng-Lisu was being taken away, and the calm gradually restored outside the door.
       He-Yan stayed for a while, and then came back, she was lying on Xiao-Yue herself, holding the booklet tightly in her hand, her head was against Xiao-Yue chest, and she could feel the slight vibration of his chest, It's like laughing.
       He ... laughing?
       He-Yan jerked up half of her body and looked at Xiao-Yue underneath.
       He raised his eyes and said lazily, "General He is terrific."
       "That's ... natural." He-Yan looked a little dazzling, "I'm not the last in the Xianchang Pavilion."
       "Well," he had dark smiles in his dark eyes, and put his hands behind his head. "General He is a heroine girl, invincible, worshiping the wind."
       "You are not sincere in saying this," He-Yan attacked him. "Since I have won, do I have to have a reward?"
       Xiao-Yue said slightly, "What reward do you want?"
       He-Yan is thinking, turning for a while, she has lost her position with Xiao-Yue, she is down, Xiao-Yue is up, this person's eyebrows are in the room full of lights, like a window dream, The mellow scent of wine on his body mixed with the fragrance of Yue Lin in his clothes was intoxicating.
       "How about this reward?"
       The belt was slowly pulled out.
       He-Yan's nervous voice trembled, and she touched her booty when she touched her finger. She asked, "Xiao-Yue, do you want to ... look first ..."
       "No need."
       Someone chuckled, and the tent slipped down instantly, covering the night in the tent.
       "General He may not know that men are self-conscious about such things."
       The moon is like silver, the stars are like rain, and the red candle is full of tears.

       Chapter 249 :  Sole Pet   

       The sun shined in through the window, and the red candles on the table had burned out, leaving only a little red candle oil, such as a blooming flower.
       A hand reached out from the tent.
       He-Yan rubbed his eyes and sits up leaning on his waist.
       This was a dim night ... and ... a night of the Chibi soldiers. If you want to remember ... just don't remember.
       She only thought that the phrase "do whatever you want", which was originally mentioned at the beginning, was not expected to be applied to herself in the end. Did she get any rewards? No, it seems that the biggest winner is Xiao-Yue.
       He-Yan turned her head to look at her, her body was empty, and no one was there. She froze and looked outside. She was afraid it was too late. After bathing last night, she was so exhausted that she fell asleep, It's not too early to look at the sun at this moment.
       Just thinking, the door opened and someone came in from the outside. He-Yan looked up and saw Xiao-Yue came in, Baiguo held a food basket in his hand, followed behind, entered the house, and put the dishes in the basket on the table, one dish at a time. .
       "Awake?" Xiao-Yue saw that she had sits up and came over to ask.
       He-Yan coughed and nodded.
       "After freshening, it's time to eat." He paused and asked hesitantly, "How is it?"
       He-Yan blushed, and went to see Ginkgo subconsciously. Ginkgo Yatou had already set his meals and ran away. She looked at the person in front of him. This person was just like picking yin and filling the yang, and after a night passed, she looked refreshed and free of any discomfort. She gritted her teeth. "Good, Shaw Chief-Commander Kung Fu has been accomplished. Rare rivals, I can be regarded as a leader."
       Xiao-Yue ticked his mouth and said slowly :   "General He is also good, and he even released ruthless words last night. He will fight another 800 rounds in Japan ..."
       He-Yan :   "?"
       What kind of word is this, and when did she say it!
       He-Yan hurriedly covered his mouth :   "Wait! You don't talk nonsense."
       "General He," he leaned closer, his black eyes hiding a smile. "It was only one night that he said nothing and he wouldn't confess it?"
       The distance was too close, and it was frightening. He-Yan lifted the quilt, ran in shoes, and vaguely said, "... I'm going to freshen up! What about Ome? Ome-"
       Ome was called in. After He-Yan gargle and wash her face, Ome came to help her, and said, "Miss, ...... Oh, now it should be called Young Furen, Young Furen, Shaoye is nice to you. "
       He-Yan said absently "Oh".
       "I woke up early in the morning," Qingmei said, "go to the kitchen and teach you how to cook your meals. The nubi originally wanted to call you. Shaoye refused to let you sleep more."
       He-Yan nodded, raising his eyes and seeing that Qingmei smiled so blindly, wondering, "How can you be so happy?"
       "2-Shaoye is good to Young Furen, and nubi are certainly happy." Qingmei was just picking up money, "turning nubi to tell Lao-ye and Shaoye, they can rest assured!"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       After she was groomed, she changed back to a begonia red narrow-sleeved long skirt. The green plum head was well combed. The woman's hair bun did not look old-fashioned, but was much cleaner and fresher.
       He-Yan tied the snake-patterned black jade that Xiao-Yue gave her back to her waist and lifted her feet to the small hall.
       At the table, the food sent by Ginkgo was already full. When the two of them were eating, they were not happy to wait around, and Qingmei retreated. He-Yan sits at the table and gave Xiao-Yue a pair of chopsticks, and sighed, "Xiao-Yue, your family is a little too rich early."
       And she loves to eat, although she is not very picky.
       Xiao-Yue shook his lips :   "I bought you at a meal?"
       "Then you don't understand," He-Yan Zhenzhen said. "My ordinary people don't pay attention to fools. It’s important to eat and drink in a wedding dress."
       He laughed :   "You're good to feed."
       He-Yan grabbed a plum bun and smiled at him as he ate, thinking something, his face changed slightly, and said, "Oops, this morning, I'm not going to admire tea with my brother 1st-Sao?"
       This was originally the bride respect for tea to her in-laws, but now Xiao Zhongwu and his wife are no longer alive, but in principle, they should also respect Xiao Ye and Bai Rongwei for tea.
       "No problem, I have already told them, and then go after eating."
       "Hey?" He-Yan looked at her. "Is this unruly?"
       "What's the rule," the man said in a light cloud, "the Xiao family doesn't have any rules, so feel free."
       He-Yan was stunned, not to mention that she was in the "Hejia" before, and then she married to the Xu family. Before the eyes were not blinded, the morning and evening were indispensable. Because of her short life as a woman, she spent many years in the army, and many rules were not very clear. She often made jokes. At that time, she often felt headache and annoyance when thinking of the word "rules".
       But now someone says "as much as you want".
       She secretly gave a glance to the person opposite, Xiao-Yue noticed her gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"
       "Xiao-Yue," He-Yan said earnestly :   "In Shuo Jing, as a husband-man like you, you should be the first one. It's really everything and everything."
       Xiao-Yue mouth angled, and his tone was flat. "Of course. After all, your husband loves you at first sight at the Lantern Festival, and he will come to your house to raise a marriage the next day. If you don't marry, you will jump into the river and commit suicide. "
       He-Yan :   "... Huh?"
       He continued to casually say, "Our general's skill of controlling soldiers is pure, and the skill of masters is also at its peak."
       He-Yan sounded familiar, and then she remembered, wasn't she talking to Miss Lingxiu while she was in Jiyang? Didn't expect Xiao-Yue still remember?
       At that time, nonsense, Xiao-Yue did not really become her husband now, but this sounds now, it may be a bit shameless.
       He-Yan picked up the syrup and took a pretense sip, and then said aside :   "Well ... Is there really no rule in the Xiao family? Any way you want?"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her :   "Red apricots don't work out of the wall, neither do nightclub men."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She was not afraid to ask after death :   "What would happen if I broke these two things?"
       Xiao-Yue eyes narrowed slightly, and he said slightly :   "Break your legs, close them."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       After a while, she said, "Xiao-Yue, you are so fierce."
       The man looked at her and warned, "Yes."
       After using it earlier, He-Yan and Xiao-Yue went to worship tea.
       Having lived in Xiao fu for a while, He-Yan and Xiao Yan are not strangers. After drinking tea, Bai Rongwei took out a small box and handed it to He-Yan, and smiled :   "This was originally prepared by Huai Jin and his elder brother, and it was finally delivered today."
       He-Yan smiled and thanked.
       Bai Rongwei looked at the two of them again, and the more happy he was in his heart, you must know that Xiao-Yue had just been married by Wen Xuan Emperor, and when all the female relatives met, Bai Rongwei could hear many people saying in their backs that the good Xiao 2-Gongzi, why did I find a vulgar martial girl, listened to it more, Bai Rongwei was unhappy in her heart, and later there was a post, she pretended that she was unwell. At the moment, the two of them are walking together, like a pair of dudes. Moreover, whoever said that a woman should be gentle and courteous, she saw He-Yan with a lively temperament, and Xiao-Yue these days, their expressions were much more vivid.
       Pulling He-Yan again and talking for a while, until Xiao Yan told her that it was time to rest. After Bai Rongwei was pregnant, Xiao Yan did not dare to care.
       He-Yan went out with Xiao-Yue holding the box and Xiao-Yue, and walked to his yard. At last, he couldn't help but first opened the box, and looked inside, and he saw that the box was made of three white jade hair. Comb, from big to small, exquisitely clear.
       "Hairing ..." She frowned.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her sideways :   "Don't like it?"
       "No." He-Yan folded the box into his arms, "I like it very much."
       This is more precious than any kind of gem.
       Due to the marriage, the Emperor Xuan of the two Japanese allowed leave, Xiao-Yue can stay in the house for an extra day, and today is nothing. As soon as He-Yan and he walked back to the gate of the courtyard, they saw Qingmei and Baiguo squatting on the ground, and in front of them were hills tied with red silk gifts.
       "Here is Young Furen?" Baiguo smiled and stood up. "The nubi are presenting the congratulations received yesterday. Would you like to see Young Furen?"
       He-Yan saw those congratulations almost full of half a yard, could not help but stunned, could not help but asked Xiao-Yue :   "It's not that you are not close to people, you are not well-connected in Shuo Jing, how can there be so many? Congratulations? How many people came yesterday? "
       Xiao-Yue didn't speak, her lips were slightly hooked, and she looked pretty good.
       "I'll go and see what's good." He-Yan said, and walked to Ome. When the original "He Rufei", the emperor's rewards were very much, but before they were hot, they were brought to Hejia warehouse. Later, he made "He-Big-Young-Lady". The poor clanking of the family, so happy to have the harvest of Jinshan, has not been seen for a long time.
       Ome was also very excited. It was probably the first time I saw so many good things, and I kept sharing my findings with He-Yan.
       "Young Furen, look at this, this flowerpot is made of glass!"
       "This ginseng is expensive at first sight!"
       "There is this vase. It is the first time that a Nubi has seen such a vase. Is this gem real?"
       Xiao Yatou kept talking, He-Yan followed it up a few times, but she turned it over to an acquaintance.
       It was sent by Mu Hongjin and Cui Yuezhi of Jiyang City. It is a pair of pearl head and face. Jiyang leans on water and is rich in mingzhu-. Pearl grains are plump, plump and dazzling. As soon as I opened the box, I almost dazzled people eyes. Cui Yuezhi wealth was thick, and Mu Hongjin was overbearing and generous. It was indeed in line with them to send such a heavy gift. He-Yan. Look, she should not Will go out wearing this head and face. If you wear it out, you will be holding the silver ticket on your head. Wouldn't it be to recruit someone to grab it? It's really swaggering.
       She flipped down again and pulled out a small altar wine. It was a gift of Huayouxian and Cailian from Jinling City, and it was the Bifang wine they had tasted. It's just that Bifang wine is an old-fashioned wine that has been in use for seven years. If Xiao-Yue and He-Yan were overjoyed, Huayou Xianyuan would not be willing to take it out.
       He-Yan put this small altar Bifang wine beside her and heard Ome :   "Young Furen, look at this!"
       He-Yan glanced sideways and froze for a moment.
       This is a very long piece of embroidery. The whole pair of embroidery is about half a person tall, with embroidery on the top and under the lotus. The embroidery work is extremely even and the colors are gorgeous and bright. It is by no means an easy task to embroider such an embroidery. I'm afraid that many embroidery women will work hard day and night together, and it will take more than a month.
       There is a letter beside the embroidery scroll. He-Yan opened the letter to see that the original embroidery was sent from Rundu, and this embroidery was embroidered. It was the captive women that He-Yan had rescued from Li Kuang. Shortly after Rundu fought, Zhao Shiming of Runduzhi County found a silk thread and asked those women to sew for the wedding ceremony of Xiao-Yue and He-Yan.
       It seems that those women are doing well.
       He-Yan was also happy for them, closed the letter, and ordered Qingmei to move these things out of her house. Then stood up and walked to Xiao-Yue.
       Xiao-Yue waited for her to approach, raising her eyebrows slightly :   "Can you still be satisfied?"
       He-Yan shook his head.
       "Where are you dissatisfied?"
       "Xiao Chief-Commander, everyone sends congratulations, why don't you give me a gift?" He-Yan said deliberately.
       She was also joking, and never thought about it, Xiao-Yue said unhurriedly :   "How do you know, I have no congratulations."
       He-Yan hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Are you really not ready for the gift?"
       Xiao-Yue looked at him with his chest in his arms.
       He-Yan paused, "Did you not give away the gift? It was also given to your heirloom Heiyu, which is not enough. What else?"
       She was a little flustered in her heart. Wouldn't the red-faced evil name be worn on her head for a lifetime? Heaven and earth, she did nothing!
       Seeing her like this, Xiao-Yue pulled the corner of her mouth and walked to the other end. He-Yan hurried to keep up, "Xiao-Yue, what are you going to give me?"
       As he was walking, something suddenly stopped at his feet, He-Yan looked down, and a yellow dog was biting the flower beads on her shoe.
       "Er Mao?"
       After exploring Hefu Mansion the night before, He-Yan entrusted the escaped Er Mao to Xiao-Yue for the time being. I didn't expect that Er Mao had stayed in the Xiao family for a long time now. It had been rounded. A pinch of hair on his head didn't know who was tied up with a red rope. He was extremely happy. He was almost like two dogs in the past. He-Yan almost Did not recognize it.
       When Er Mao saw He-Yan looked down at himself, he yelled at her twice excitedly, but no sound. He rushed into the yard again and started rolling around, biting his tail.
       He-Yan For a moment, the dog really took himself as an outsider, and he got used to it so quickly, but he was very satisfied living here. Soon after I want to come, I can compare with that pig called "Tangyuan".
       "The new house where your father and brother lived has been found." Xiao-Yue voice came from his side.
       He-Yan turned back :   "Didn't Lin Shuanghe say, how many days will it take?"
       "He is very busy. Where can I help you?" Xiao-Yue said indifferently, "I have been asked to help move and I should live in it in two days."
       "Oh? So fast? Where is it?"
       "Distance from the Xiao family street."
       He-Yan grabbed his sleeve :   "Wait a minute, you said, the distance from the street of Xiao family?"
       Xiao-Yue looked down at her, "don't like it?"
       "It's not like it, it's ..." He-Yan's head was a little chaotic.
       "Near the Xiao family, you can go back anytime in the future. Father and Yunsheng want to come and see you, and it is very convenient." Xiao-Yue frowned :   "You don't seem to be satisfied."
       He-Yan looked at him for a moment without speaking.
       The married Miss ran to her parents’house every three to five. When she was married to the Xu family in the previous life, from the time she was married to the last drowned, the Communist Party only went back once when she returned home. However, she had no reason to go back.
       However, He-Yan did not expect that Xiao-Yue even bought the house opposite the Xiao family. If this move was passed on, he would not know how outsiders would say him. For example, those mouth-broken idlers may not be able to push all their faults on He-Yan. This is the name of the unruly and apostate bride, but he-Yan. Not angry at all.
       Even very happy.
       "If you don't like ..."
       "I like it!" She said crisply.
       "Your expression doesn't seem to think so." Xiao-Yue looked at her with suspicion.
       He-Yan grabbed his sleeve and grabbed his arm. "Xiao-Yue, I'm so touched."
       "You took good care of my Father, my brother, and even my dog. God, did you see that my life was too miserable, this life will send you to me."
       Xiao-Yue was speechless and said, "So taking care of your dog can move you?"
       "You can't say that," He-Yan looked at Er Mao, who was happy in the yard, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. "But I never dreamed of it before. You are such a good speaker."
       The world’s rumors are not credible. The so-called unfriendly and cruel hands are all rumors. She was a careful wife in her previous life. Everyone told her that she must be filial piety, wife, and mother. It is necessary to be quiet and chaste, to keep the section neat and tidy, to be shameful in doing what you do, and to be able to do what you do. To be submissive and gentle, to be jealous and tolerant, to be respectful and righteous, to give birth wisely ... She doesn't know who the first person to put on these yoke for a woman, but this woman seems to have passed on thousands For a hundred years, everyone took it for granted.
       This is true for everyone.
       But Xiao-Yue opened the shackles from the beginning. She didn't know that being a wife can be done like this, freely and freely.
       Xiao-Yue was upright, and Wen Yan said that the other hand dropped He-Yan into his hand and covered it with his own palm.
       The moment the fingers were intertwined, it seemed like a small snowflake stopped in my heart, passing quickly, leaving a little bit of itching like a dragonfly.
       "No need to touch," he said lightly. "After all, when your unhappy, your husband will use his skills to please you."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       "You can't bear others in your eyes, you're the one who loves you alone."
       He-Yan :   "........."
       She was sure this time. Xiao-Yue was indeed the No. 1 in Xianchang Pavilion, but she said it once in Jiyang, and she herself forgot that Xiao-Yue can still remember the word.
       She clasped Xiao-Yue hand instead, as if she wanted to keep holding hands with him, and smiled back, "That's no way, the fierce girl is afraid of tangling."


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