Reborn Female General 255

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       Xiao-Yue returned to Xiao House in the evening.
       It was going to be dark, He-Yan saw him as soon as he reached the gate of the courtyard, and he asked, "Xiao-Yue, you know Wei Teacher ..."
       Xiao-Yue said, "I just returned from Wei house." After saying that, he entered the back room.
       He went to the Nanfu Brigade outside the city early in the morning to practice, and later learned about Wei Xuanzhang's death and hurried back. After returning from Wei House, he had not had time to change his clothes.
       "I'm going out tonight," he said.
       "He-Yan" hesitated in his heart and looked at him :   "Xiao-Yue ......"
       He walked to He-Yan and asked, "Is the black jade I gave you before?"
       He-Yan paused, and released the jade pendant from his waist and held it in his hand.
       "I'll leave some people at the house. If I don't come back tomorrow morning, you will take this piece of jade out of the city to find the Shen Han of Liangzhou Wei."
       "Xiao-Yue," He-Yan didn't answer his words directly, but grabbed his hand, his expression was uncertain, "Are you ..."

       The rest of the words, she did not say, some things are unspoken, can understand without having to say.
       Xiao-Yue looked down at her. He knew that He-Yan had acted boldly but had never done anything extraordinary in these years. but……
       "Time is running out." After a while, he covered the back of He-Yan's hand with both hands, and said quietly.
       He-Yan was silent for a long time and nodded :   "I see."
       Now that you have decided to do something, don’t look ahead and look after it, and now it seems that this will happen sooner or later.
       Just didn't expect it to come so fast.
       "You can rest assured." She looked up at Xiao-Yue, her expression relaxed again, "I will be here to guard the Xiao family for you, no one can cross my sword. But Xiao-Yue, You have to remember that now 1st-Sao is pregnant and can't stand the surprise, so early tomorrow morning, "she clenched Xiao-Yue hands backhand." You must come back. If you don't come back, I will bring Go to the palace with a sword to find you. "
       Xiao-Yue froze and said, "Do you dare?"
       He-Yan was unmoved. "You see if I dare."
       The girl's eyes were firm. She insisted on arbitrarily. What she determined was never to regret it. She was deadlocked for a long time. Xiao-Yue finally defeated and said, "I promise you."
       He-Yan smiled :   "It's all about one word."
       The night shrouded the entire palace.
       In the Golden Hall, Crown Prince is walking slowly.
       The palace people were screened back and forth, leaving only a few henchmen to guard at the door. He slowly walked up the steps until he reached the end of the steps, before the dragon chair stopped and finally stopped.
       On the armrests of the bright yellow dragon chair, a real golden dragon was engraved. He reached out and stroked the whiskers and dragon scales very slowly. It was clearly cold, but the blood flowing from his body was boiling.
       Guangyan turned and sits on the dragon chair.
       He lifted his eyes and looked down the steps, as if there had been a picture of a hundred officials folding his back and the ministers kneeling down. He is the Son of Heaven and deserves to be surrendered to the world. As long as he thinks about this, Guangyan feels his eyebrows exhaled, and his chest is extremely happy.
       "Fu Huang ..." he murmured :   "Er-chen, finally took this position."
       This world is finally his!
       Since he was born, everyone has secretly told him that Emperor Wen Xuan will eventually hand over the rivers and mountains to him. In the future, he will become the emperor of Dawei. So Guangyan always thinks so, but I don't know when he found that the situation has changed.
       There was a Guangshuo who was more suitable for the day than him.
       Emperor Wen Xuan's preference for Lan-Noble-Fae mother and son made him panic, and he was reluctant to plan to pass the edict, which made Guangyan feel betrayal. An emperor such as Wenxuan Emperor is indecisive and unclear, and is not worthy of being an emperor. Guangyan thought that he had no intention of killing his father-zi, but only by doing so could everything be restored.
       He was just getting back what he owned.
       Looking broadly at the empty hall, not half happy. He understood that in the past, he had followed more in the country, in fact, the big reason was Xu Jingfu. Today, Xu Jingfu is no longer there. Many of the followers in the past, who have seen the wind to make the rudder, have turned to Guangshuo.
       And He Rufei was dead, and even he was a fake in the beginning. If Xiao Huaijin followed Guangshuo, he did not compete with Guangshuo, and could only rely on those Utopians. This is why he insisted on agreeing to make peace with Utopians, and promised them the absurdity of opening a forum in Dawei. Reason for the condition.
       If it was said that it was because of the fear of the Utopians leaking wind, Wen Xuan emperor was displeased. Now, it is because he has reached the conditions with the Utopians, and the price that those Utopians have to pay is to get rid of Guangshuo for him and to nail Xiao Huaijin in his eyes.
       It is fair. Guangyan believes that nothing is more important than getting the world.
       The thought of passing tomorrow and waiting for him to rise to the throne, everyone in this world will worship him, fear and respect, and can't help but laugh out loud.
       "Fu Huang's bones have not yet entered the emperor's tomb, and His Royal Highness has not yet ascended the throne, so why did he sit on a dragon chair?" A sudden voice interrupted his laugh, "I'm afraid something is wrong?"
       Looking broadly forward, at the door of the main hall, two confidantes embraced Guangshuo, preventing him from entering.
       Guangshuo looked at him calmly.
       "Let him in." Guang Yan grinned fiercely, "My fourth brother."
       He released his hand, and Guangshuo came in.
       Guangyan stood up from the dragon chair and looked at him with interest. "Tomorrow is the day of Lan-Noble-Fae burial. My good younger brother is not the most kind and filial, so why don't you pay more attention to the last opportunity with Lan-Noble-Fae talked, and still came here? "He said meaningfully." Does the fourth brother want to come and sit in this chair? "
       "When Fu Huang was alive, he never mentioned the funeral. His wife widow may not be true." Guang Shuo was unmoved.
       "Why isn't it true?" Guangyan smirked, "Speaking of, Fu Huang entered the tomb and buried Lan-Noble-Fae, which is also the blessing of Lan-Noble-Fae. Fu Huang has always favored Lan Noble-Fae, after I go, I’m afraid I won’t find someone like Lan-Noble-Fae, so I will take it with me. Why was it that the fourth brother said that it’s like a complaint? Widow At hand, how can you prove that it is fake? "
       "It is true or false, Your Highness knows it, but it doesn't matter anymore." Guangshuo sighed.
       "Good!" Crown Prince clenched his palms. "It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, fourth brother, you finally said something useful."
       "I want to say more than that." Guang Shuo looked at the wide extension standing on the stairs, his eyes were dull :   "He also wanted to talk about His Highness killing his father and his concubine, and conspiring to usurp his power."
       As soon as this word came out, all the hall was silent.
       The subordinates guarding the door looked like enemies, staring at Guangshuo. Guangshuo just stood quietly. He didn't have any weapons on his body. From the appearance alone, he looked like a scholar without the power of a chicken.
       Guangyan stared at him tightly. "What are you talking about?"
       "I said," Guang Shuo eyes collided with him, and he gave up.
       Guangyan looked at the person in front of him. In the past, Guangshuo had been cautious, silent, and never participated in the affairs. Although he hated Guangshuo, he also determined in his heart that Guangshuo could not turn any waves. But now, I don't know when this person's eyes are not as timid as before. When he looks directly at him, he seems to be burning an invisible fire, and there is also the imperial domineering unique to the royal family.
       "Joke!" Guangyan sarcastically said, "This palace is Crown Prince, and the world is this palace. Why is this palace trying to kill his father-zi and trying hard to please? It should be you who is seeking to usurp us?" He said spookily, "Four younger brothers haven't always hoped that Fu Huang would abandon the elders and grow young. Why, now that the plan is empty, want to slander the palace out of thin air?"
       "His Royal Highness, why would you think the world is yours?" Guangshuo smiled suddenly, "the plan failed?"
       Guangyan smiled stiffly and asked, "What do you mean?"
       Extended but laughed.
       He suddenly realized something and exclaimed, "Come, come—"
       Someone did come, but it wasn't his people. Soldiers and horses in gold armor poured in from the outside, and the head was Yan He.
       "Gui De Zhong Lang?" Guang Yan said for a moment, then he was furious and said, "Are you crazy? Do you know that this is rebellion! This is a collusion!"
       Guang Yan did not deliberately suppress Yan He. At first, the Yan family was a nobleman. In the battle, he continued to protect himself, which was not as good as Xiao Jiashu. Secondly, Guangyan also heard that Yan He and Xiao Huaijin did not deal with it. The enemy's enemy was a friend. Guang Yan once wanted to solicit Yan He for his own use. It's just that Yan He hasn't been in Shuojing for many years, and his father is as cunning as a fox, with a strong promise, but he never really got a bargain.
       But now, it is unexpected that Yanhe turned to Guangshuo!
       Guangyan was shocked and furious :   "How dare you do this to this palace!"
       "General Yan is not collaborating with scourge." Guangshuo calmly said :   "It is only ordered to capture treasonous thieves."
       "Guang Shuo, don't spray people in this blood!"
       Guang Shuo smiled indifferently, and only said, "Is there any blood in my mouth? Your Highness knows well."
       At this time, someone came in from outside, but it was 5-Prince Guangji held by the guard. As soon as Guangji arrived in the hall, he pointed at Guangyan and ‘called, "Brown Prince! That day I was in Fu Huang. I read the words in the temple, and saw that Brother Crown Prince went into Fu Huang's dorm with a basket ... Later, when Crown Prince left, Master He went in, and said ... I said that Fu Huang had crashed! "
       After waiting for Guangyan to speak, Guangshuo said, "Lin-Tai-yi in the palace found the remnant of poison in the blanket of Fu Huang's dormitory. Only that day, His Royal Highness took the ginseng to Fu Huang. Dormitory. "
       Guangyan smirked :   "Fu Huang was not poisoned!"
       How Wen Xuandi died, he knows better than anyone else. If Guangshuo thought he could use this to condemn him, he would be wrong.
       "His Royal Highness, whether it is true or not is not important."
       Wide extension for a moment, this is just Guangshuo words in return to his fake widow, but now, there is nothing wrong with using it here.
       By now, no one cares what the truth is. In the royal battle, there are always only winners and losers.
       The winner, the true dragon emperor, the loser, lost.
       "Guangshuo, this palace warns you that the people in this palace will come immediately, tomorrow will be the day to enter the royal tomb, this palace ..."
       "His Royal Highness may not know," Guangshuo looked at him, with indifferent compassion, "General Feng Yun's already outside the palace of pleasures, His Highness's horses ..." He said word by word. Abandon the armor and cast it. "
       "Impossible!" The broad voice suddenly became sharp. He said :   "Impossible!"
       But in my heart, panic and fear had gradually surfaced, and it was already this hour. The hall was full of men and women brought by Yan He, and his people did not come in slowly. If Xiao Huaijin was outside ...
       Those utopians ... jerk, these utopians have no use at this time!
       Chu Zilan, a name suddenly reflected in Guang Yan's heart, how could his plan be leaked by the other party's unknown prophet, Chu Zilan? That jerk, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!
       "Guangshuo, please be proud," Guangyan has reached the end of his crossbow, gritted his teeth and looked at the person in front of him, and slowly backed away. "You think people in the world will believe your ghost words. This palace is the Crown Prince, the Prince of Chu, and ascended the throne The ceremony is close at hand. If you harm the palace at this time, everyone in the world will discuss your conspiracy. Even if you take up this position, your life will be unspeakable. You will inevitably be pointed! "
       "His Royal Highness is worrying." Guangshuo didn't have other emotions because of his words. Looking at the broader eyes, it seemed like he was looking at something ridiculous. "Fu Huang had already set up Zhu Jun before that. edict."
       "You're lying!" Guang Yan's eyes were split, "How is that possible?"
       "Yi Shu is in the hands of a courtier whom Fu Huang trusts. It's not that you didn't see it, it means you don't know." Guang Shuo leaned slightly, and the people behind him stepped forward and handed him a bow and arrow.
       He played with bows and arrows, and slowly said, "In this way, Your Highness still thinks that everyone in the world will talk about me. Is the name justified?"
       Spreading blood about to vomit. At this time, he suddenly understood that Guangshuo said at the beginning that "authenticity is not important".
       To stop people from all over the world, just take out an epilogue, who cares if it is true or false? People in the world will not come to distinguish one by one. As long as the person who survived the hall today is Guangshuo, then what others will say in the future, is it not Guangshuo who has the final say?
       He looked at his unspoken fourth brother, slowly took the bow and arrow, the arrow was facing him, and extended subconsciously to hide behind the dragon's chair, angrily :   "What do you want to do? Guangshuo, you stop-"
       He didn't finish talking.
       A sudden strong wind blew from the Golden Temple, and the surrounding lights were blown out. In the dim temple, a cluster of sticky blood slowly moved down the dragon chair, placing the dragon's head of the true dragon on the armrest, and dyed the score. Distinctive.
       Like silent peeping, it's like smirk.
       The wind covered all the killing intentions, it was a cold night.
       The morning light was faint, He-Yan looked at the light that gradually lit out the window, his expression gradually dignified.
       Since Xiao-Yue left last night until now, she has not closed her eyes. Bai Rongwei was pregnant, He-Yan didn't dare tell her anything else. Although Xiao Xuan was skeptical, he was concealed and it was not clear what had happened. He-Yan was guarding alone, from time to time Capricorn black jade in his hands, thinking in his heart what if Xiao-Yue had not returned?
       I'm just afraid to go to the city to find Shen Han, it may not be really foolproof.
       As I was thinking, there was noise coming from outside, He-Yan stood up, rushed out of the door, and saw Xiao-Yue coming from outside.
       The armor he wore was still a little dark, and He-Yan asked, "Are you injured?"
       At this point, Ome wasn't up yet, Xiao-Yue frowned slightly and asked, "You didn't sleep all night?"
       "I can't sleep, too." He-Yan stared at his face. He looked slightly tired, but he was OK. He-Yan asked, "This blood ..."
       "Not mine." Xiao-Yue paused, "Enter the room and say."
       When they reached the room, He-Yan closed the door and turned around and asked, "Last night in the palace ..."
       "Crown Prince is dead." Xiao-Yue looked at her.
       This was expected, in fact, when he saw Yan He at the Wei family that day, He-Yan already had a hunch. Yan He did not answer her question directly, but often silence was the answer.
       He-Yan helped him hang Qiuqiu on the wall, Xiao-Yue took off his armor and sits down at the table. He-Yan poured a cup of hot tea and pushed him forward :   "Xiao-Yue, what happened last night?"
       Xiao-Yue looked at her, and after a while, knowing that if she didn't say it, she wouldn't have come out of the door today, she sighed and told what happened last night.
       He-Yan listened to God.
       Last night, Xiao-Yue didn’t know anything about what happened in the Golden Crest Hall. At that time, he took half of the Nanfu soldiers to fight with the Crown Prince in front of Chengle Palace. Yan He took people inside, and when he came out, he only knew that Guangyan was shot and killed by Guangshuo himself.
       "Did you ... deliberately not go to the palace of Jin Mao?" He-Yan hesitated before asking.
       Xiao-Yue bowed her head, smiled, and whispered :   "The Xiao family is different from the Yan family. The Yan family is new and upholding the royal family. My own military power is too large. Nothing is wrong now, time has passed, and 4-Prince is inevitable. "
       "I don't want to leave a thorn in 4-Prince heart."
       Tianwei is unpredictable, without extension, 4-Prince will be the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the future. Even though he may be fine now, once he sits in that position, or he can't help himself, or changes due to events, it might as well be the only scene that may appear at first.
       "In this way, letting Yan He go is also a good choice. The Yan family's military power is not prosperous, but it is also a noble, and has no foundation. 4-Prince has no scruples when it comes to use." He-Yan said :   "I just did not expect that Yan He actually followed 4-Prince. "
       The Yan family has been neutral for so many years, so cunning as a fox, but at the last moment it gave a broad blow. I'm afraid that Guangyan didn't expect it.
       "No skin will be attached without hair," Xiao-Yue lifted the tea cup and sipped his head before saying :   "When it is necessary to make a choice, even if you don't want to, you must do it."
       He-Yan breathed a sigh of relief, "In short, you are all right. But ..." She looked at Xiao-Yue and whispered :   "Your Majesty has really set up a transcript of Zhu Jun, who has been changed to predecessor. Is that 5-Prince really seeing Crown Prince poisoning? "
       Such a piece by piece, it happened too coincidentally that Guangshuo ascension became an unquestionable and logical thing.
       "It's not true, it doesn't matter." Xiao-Yue narrowed his eyes. "The Crown Prince is dead."
       Everything is settled.

       Chapter 256 :  Lose    

       Overnight, the world changed hands.
       Guang Yan killed his father, Jun Wang, and sought power to usurp him, and was convicted by 4-Prince Guang Shuo with Guide Zhonglang. The Emperor Wenxuan had already set up a scripture for changing the emperor Zhu Jun long before his collapse. After entering the emperor's tomb, the ceremony of ascending the throne was still held, but the people who ascended the throne extended from Guangshu to Guangshuo.
       No one in North Han dares to oppose it.
       Guang Shuo work is decisively and fiercely different from his lenient appearance. As early as last night, he has seized a wide range of delays and has seized all the trust of the broad trust. The extended army was not prosperous. If it was because of Xu Jingfu relationship, there was still Hejia support. After the He Rufei accident, the Fuyue Army's military power was withdrawn and could not be used by Crown Prince.
       The action of cutting the grass and removing the roots, Guangshuo thunder, is extremely frightening. The courtiers talked about 4-Prince as the King of God, and he had already begun to see it.
       As for the burial of the emperor's widow, it was also found to be false. Lan-Noble-Fae and Ni Noble, along with dozens of other women, were able to save their lives. It spread to the ears of the people outside, saying that 4-Prince was kind and wise.
       The people never cared who was sitting in that position. As long as there is clothing and food, it is not important who made the emperor.
       The courtiers would not oppose it. In the royal family of the Great Wei Dynasty, 5-Prince Guangji is still small. At present, there is only one Guangshuo.
       Emperor Wen Xuan entered the Imperial Tomb, and Qing Lan Palace, Lan-Noble-Fae took off his heavy robe. Just sits down and someone came in from the outside.
       It's Ni Noble.
       "Congratulations to my sister for getting what she wants now." Ni Noble walked to a few young people and sits down, Pi Xiao rou said without smiling :   "It won't be long before Qieshi will call her sister Empress Dowager Niang-Niang."
       Lan-Noble-Fae looked at her, her eyes were still as calm as before, "Ni Noble, isn't she alive now?"
       Ni Noble froze.
       On that day, Wei Xuanzhang was killed in front of Chengle Palace, intensifying the conflict between Crown Prince and Dawei, Crown Prince was so violent and paranoid, and she was about to go into the dark tomb with Wen Xuan Emperor tomorrow. At the last minute, Ni Noble cooperated with Lan-Noble-Fae.
       Guangji words are false, and the scriptures passed on to him may not be true. After all, what Guangshuo wants is just an excuse, a justifiable excuse.
       In fact, at that time, Ni Noble was also determined to fight against the water, thinking that he was a dead person, so it was better to fight. However, deep down, I don't think Guangshuo will succeed.
       But Guangshuo succeeded.
       It was an understatement from the outside. After only one night, Ni Noble finally realized that if it was only a temporary intention, if Guangshuo was fighting for his mother, in such a short time, I am afraid that he would not be able to win General Guide. Follow with General Feng Yun.
       I'm afraid that the scene that took place in the Golden Palace last night was foreseen by Lan-Noble-Fae many years ago.
       Even deeper, maybe Wen Xuandi died in the hands of Guang Yan, and Lan-Noble-Fae may not really know anything.
       Guangshuo silence and gentleness, generosity and ignorance, Lan-Noble-Fae indisputability and tenderness, Wen Xuandi affection and sincerity, all long, long ago, Lan-Noble-Fae arranged of. From the beginning to the end, it wasn't Guang Shuo acting skills that were too good, but Lan-Noble-Fae idea, even her son never knew.
       Zhang-Queen may have guessed one thing correctly. Lan-Noble-Fae is not indisputable, but the ordinary grace cannot be seen at all. When she wants to compete, she will fight for the most honorable position in the world for her son.
       So Crown Prince is doomed to lose because he doesn't have a mother who can lurk for years and stay naked for years.
       Guangji is still small, and from today on, no one in Guangwei royal family will be Guangshuo opponent.
       In Ni Noble heart, a chill came slowly. The woman in front of her eyes was so kind, she had never seen her resentment for so many years, but it turned out that she was the most terrible one.
       "Qieshi is good to be alive." Ni Noble lowered her head, her voice unconsciously with a hint of humility and fear. "In the future, Qieshi will follow Niang-Niang well. Guangji ... also hope Niang-Niang take care of it. "
       Lan-Noble-Fae didn't speak, but just looked out the window. After a long time, she turned back, as if she had heard Ni Noble words, and nodded slightly, squinting, "OK."
       There was chaos at Crown Prince.
       People were crying, dragged by the officers and men, and scratched. Crown Princess ‘Called and was taken away. Before leaving, her nails scratched the wall, leaving a long mark.
       Someone walked slowly until he reached the back of the yard, the last room.
       This is a dark room. Crown Prince extensive and disgusting temperament is vicious. If anyone offends him, he will directly kill the venting anger, and even worse, he will be tortured in the dark room of Crown Prince house.
       Now that something is happening at Crown Prince House, officers and men are busy catching relatives in the House, and no one pays attention to it.
       The young man walked slowly, and his clean boots stepped on the damp ground. The dark room was very dark, and he could see the dark traces, or they had dried up, or there was bright light. .
       It is built like a prison cell, separated from each other by an iron fence and without guards. Hearing somebody's movement, the people in the room didn't respond. At most, they looked up and put down very quickly-the people here were already dying, and they didn't think that someone would come to the rescue.
       Despair floods here.
       He walked slowly, stopped in front of the door every time he walked through the room, looked carefully, and seemed to be identifying the person inside. When he found out that it wasn't, he walked away again.
       I walked from room to room until I reached the last room.
       There was a figure curled up on the ground, like a baby lying on its side, holding its shoulders in both hands, and burying its head in the chest very low. She was disheveled, and when she was gone, she did not move, but her body began to tremble slightly.
       Chu Zhao stepped forward.
       He looked at the figure inside, and after a while, opened the door.
       The people inside were still not moving, not even glancing at him. Chu Zhao came to the person, kneeling slowly, as if trying to appease the other side, but did not know where to start. After a moment, he said softly, "Yingxiang."
       The person in front trembled violently.
       "Ying Xiang," paused, Chu Zhao said, "Crown Prince is dead, I'll take you back."
       He reached out and wanted to lift Ying Xiang and was blocked by Ying Xiang, but she seemed to have no strength. This blocking had no effect. Chu Zhao helped her to sit down in front of the stone wall, and set aside her disorder. Hair, then suddenly :   "You ..."
       "... Don't watch ..." Ying Xiang said weakly.
       It turned out that there were scary knife marks all over the charming and beautiful face, and because the knife marks had not been healed yet, the knife marks had not yet formed, and the blood was dripping. Looking at them, they looked like female ghosts who came to order. Both shocked and terrified.
       Chu Zhao was shocked.
       The night before Guangshuo went to Chengle Palace, Chu Zhao went to 4-Prince House.
       He has seen it clearly. Wide extension can't beat Guang Shuo. Zhang-Queen is not Lan-Noble-Fae opponent. He really has no other way to go. Even if he follows Guangshuo now, Guangshuo will never reuse it for him. But following Guang Yan, he was tied up and died together.
       When Xu Jingfu was alive, he told him to learn to choose anything.
       He chose to do the last business with Guangshuo.
       Commit Crown Prince troops and arrangements and sell them, and sell Crown Prince to find a condition for him and Ying Xiang to survive. He no longer hopes for any achievements in the career path, because this is no longer possible. Although I still don’t know if I can survive, but this is already the case, at least for now.
       At that time, Guangshuo looked at him, but did not expect Chu Zhao to put forward this condition, and only asked :   "Chu 4-gongzi, because he valued your Shi-nu so much, why did you send your Shi-nu to Guang Yan? "
       "If you send her as an eyeliner, you should have no other feelings. At this point, she has nothing to do except this woman, but it makes people incomprehensible."
       Chu Zhaowen said :   "I don't understand."
       For him, there is nothing unavailable or unavailable. But every time, at some point, some weaknesses should be left.
       This is He-Yan, and so is Ying Xiang.
       He looked at Ying Xiang in front of him, but he didn't know how to react for a while.
       Ying Xiang only glanced at him, and quickly buried his head, as if he was afraid that he had stained Chu Zhao sleeves and stopped talking.
       There was a faint sound of officers and soldiers scolding and crying, and Ying Xiang listened carefully for a while, and said, "... Is Crown Prince dead?"
       Chu Zhao looked back and said softly, "Yes. You can leave Crown Prince."
       Ying Xiang heard that, instead of showing a happy expression, she seemed to step back a little and said, "No ..."
       "Don't you want to go back with me?" Chu Zhao asked.
       "4-gongzi," her voice was soft like the most fragile silk magpie, and it only broke with a slight pull, Ying Xiang said, "Nubi can't go."
       Chu Zhaoyi :   "Why?"
       Like experiencing a huge struggle, Ying Xiang slowly reached out his hands, opened his sleeves, and opened his eyes wide with Chu Zhao eyes. The original flawless skin on the sleeves was completely beyond recognition, as if he had been burned by fire. It seemed to be mashed, and it showed traces of ulceration.
       "Crown Prince fed nubi without antidote," Ying Xiang said. "Nubi ... is waiting for death."
       Yanyan hates her betrayal and infidelity, and there are countless ways to torture her. Ying Xiang's appearance was so beautiful that he ruined her appearance. Let her die in one of the most frustrating and cruel ways—seeing her last inch of intact skin festering, and finally even dying, makes people sick.
       Killing heart, but that's it.
       At one instant, Chu Zhao was extremely confused. He had never had such an emotion for many years. He looked at Ying Xiang overwhelmed and said, "It's all right, stay out and I will find a doctor to treat you."
       "It's no use." Ying Xiang smiled bitterly. "The nubi knew that they could not be saved."
       The burning torch on the wall swayed quietly, making her half of the blood-stained face very clear and horrible, and there was no other look like the clever smile.
       Chu Zhaoyi looked at her. He knew that Ying Xiang would fall into Guangyan's hands. There would be no end to it, but he never expected that it was the situation it is today.
       Not dead, but better to die.
       "Nubi ... there is one more thing to ask for."
       "You said," he said.
       "A Nubi life is nothing. Only appearance is acceptable." Ying Xiang reached out, as if he wanted to touch his face, but stopped with his hand in the air. "Now the appearance is ruined, and there is no solution. Poisonous, horrible slavery who doesn't want to die, 4-gongzi ... can you give slavery a good deal. "
       "You want me to kill you?" Chu Zhao looked at her suddenly.
       "The Nubi life was originally saved by 4-gongzi, and now it is complete to die in the hands of 4-gongzi. Moreover," the woman's voice was soft, "4-gongzi is not a Nubi to nubi , this is Helping nubi "
       Chu Zhao said :   "I won't kill you."
       "Then please 4-gongzi to leave." The bastard who used to lower his eyebrows and gave him a good look for the first time, "Nubi is here, not going anywhere."
       "Yingxiang," Chu Zhao was helpless for the first time, and he patiently whispered :   "Your injury is not without room for recovery. There are many doctors in Shuo Jing who can cure you."
       "What if it is cured?" Ying Xiang smiled softly. "Nubi now has no looks, and can't even take care of himself, and stays with gongzi. It can't be driven by gongzi, and it is a drag."
       Chu Zhao heard the words, his expression moved slightly, he said, "Are you by my side just driving me?"
       "Gongzi does not leave useless people around," Ying Xiang replied.
       In these words, Mianli hid the needle. And he was speechless.
       "Slavery was sold by his father as goods, and it was Gongzi who rescued him. After that, gongzi was the beloved parent of slavery, and slavery went to soup and fire for Gongzi. At the beginning, everything that slavery did was willing, but at the moment, it is about to die At that time, the nubi hoped to be able to determine their own destiny. "Ying Xiang looked at him. For the first time, those beautiful and docile eyes looked as bright as Mars," Please complete gongzi. "
       Four eyes met, Chu Zhao could see clearly, and she insisted on death.
       He first discovered that Ying Xiang was so stubborn and stubborn.
       "Ask for gongzi." The woman in front of her knees strenuously again, and as she moved, the terrible scars on her body gradually came out, exuding and smelling blood. It was as respectful as she met Chu Zhao for the first time and was bought by Chu Zhao.
       She can't live long, even if she doesn't die right now.
       Chu Zhao closed her eyes and said, "I promise you."
       "Many Thanks gongzi." Ying Xiang whispered softly.
       Chu Zhao reached out and lifted her up from the ground. Ying Xiangya lifted her head. The next moment, the hand that was behind her hurled forward.
       When the tip of the knife sank into the flesh, it was silent.
       She didn't have time to talk, she was sent forward and fell into Chu Zhao arms. Chu Zhao let go of her hand and held her in her arms, kneeling on the ground.
       "... Many Thanks gongzi ..." Ying Xiang looked at him, and smiled at him, "Gongzi is the first time to satisfy the Nubi wishes."
       Her body was stained with new and old blood stains, and the blood stains were on Chu Zhao clean robes, like a mottled flower. The man looked down at her with a look of helplessness.
       It was just this point that fell into Ying Xiang's eyes, which made her heart hurt for a while.
       She likes Chu Zhao and fell in love with Chu Zhao for the first time. In that desperate situation, when pushed by his father into the fire pit, a young handsome teenager threw a straw for himself. She caught the straw and fell in love with the person.
       She loved his politeness and his cruelty. Love him seems to be generous and tolerant of an indifferent heart, but also love his fragility and helplessness in an instant under the protection.
       How complicated this person is, and as complicated as it is, unfortunate. Fate made him contradictory. Chu Zilan seen by others was just a fake Chu Zilan. Only she knew the real Chu Zilan. The true Chu Zilan was not a good person, but she still looked back on it. Moth fluttered. Fall in love with fire.
       In recent years, Ying Xiang stayed beside Chu Zhao, was embarrassed by Chu-Fu-ren, was teased by the first three Di-sons in the Chu family, was secretly targeted by Xu Yanting, and even in the end, was sent to Crown Prince House Up to this point, she never regrets it.
       Because she had nothing to lose from the beginning.
       She had hated and had grudges against him, but she couldn't bear the love. This love was hidden cautiously, humblely, and aggressive again, making her think unreasonable. He never spoke in words, so silently, silently, that he had loved him for so many years.
       Chu Zhao is so smart that she couldn't fail to find out that she loves him.
       "Gongzi ..." She said strenuously :   "Nubi ... Can I ask you a question?"
       The man's voice was very soft, and she was as gentle as ever :   "You ask."
       "Is 4-gongzi early in the morning ... I knew Xu Young-Lady would send nubi to Crown Prince residence?"
       Chu Zhao looked down at her.
       There were waves of light in those square fluorite-like eyes. He didn't answer, but Ying Xiang instantly understood.
       "... That's it." After saying this, she closed her eyes slowly, her breath gradually weakening, until she had no life.
       In the dark room, the man in Tsing Yi quietly looked down at the woman in his arms. What appeared before his eyes was many years ago. He stood in front of the colorful world of music and wept lowly with countless noises. He followed the voice and saw the delicate young girl looking at him. You, Peach, Peach, and Li, peerless.
       He saved her, but he also harmed her. If no shot was taken at the beginning, maybe Yingxiang should be happier than she is now. Unlike now, even though it is the last moment in the world, it also leaves with bitterness.
       She did nothing wrong, and really wanted to say that it was because she fell in love with someone like him.
       I don't know how long after that, Chu Zhao bent and got up, hugged Ying Xiang's body, slowly walked out of the dark room, step by step, and walked towards the outside.
       At the end of his life, he made the last deal with 4-Prince, and all he asked for was a little warmth, but now that warmth is no longer there. The last person who depended on him was also lost. This game, he found nothing.
       Lost in all rounds.

       Chapter 257 :  Solicitation   

       On the third day of February, 4-Prince ascended the throne in Guangshu, the new emperor succeeded, followed the Hezong's "Qingyuan" year, honored "Zhaokang".
       Emperor Zhao Kang dismissed the Utopian order for peace, thoroughly investigated and liquidated Xu Xiangyu party, and pursued the title of Wen Xuanzhang, the owner of Xianchang Museum. The truth of Mingshui case was revealed to the world.
       Xu Jingfu has held the government for so many years. He and the people of Crown Prince are stunned. Now Emperor Zhaokang ascended the throne, and Xu Party that originally followed Crown Prince would naturally not miss one.
       The only exception is probably the proud pupil of Xu Jingfu, Chu 4-gongzi on Shi Jinbo. Not long ago, Emperor Zhaokang accepted Chu Zilan's request to resign. After Chu Zilan resigned, he left the Chu family and disappeared in Shuojing City. I heard that someone had met him at the post outside the city, and it was probably that he had left Shuojing, and no one knew where he was going. However, no one saw the stunning maid next to him.
       In the courtyard, Green Plum was feeding Er Mao with the cooked bones.
       He-Yan looked at the two of them and looked happy, a little dreadful.
       "Don't you want to hit that bone too?" Someone asked from the side, with a slight ridicule.
       He-Yan turned to God and saw Xiao-Yue walk in from the outside. He went out early this morning, 4-Prince ...... should now be called Emperor Zhao Kangdi, and since he took the throne, he has frequently called on him.
       He-Yan understands 4-Prince plan. There are still Crown Prince Yu Dang, Xiao-Yue and Yan He, who were decided to reuse by Emperor Zhao Kangdi.
       This should be a good thing, but He-Yan felt a little upset.
       "Have something to do?" Xiao-Yue raised an eyebrow.
       "After the emperor ascended the throne, things seemed to come to an end." He-Yan looked at Changkong. "But those Utopians should not give up. Since they have been planning for so many years, they have cooperated with Crown Prince Xu Jingfu. Now, Crown Prince and When Xu Jingfu fell, would they be willing? You also know that from generation to generation, when the new emperor succeeds, it is the most dangerous time. "
       Change of power, the position of that position is still unstable, especially the different hearts of the people in North Han, the easiest to be found out. He-Yan has also dealt with those Utopians, but no matter how they look, they don't seem to be willing to retreat from the temple.
       "I know." Xiao-Yue murmured softly.
       He-Yan looked at him :   "How did the emperor deal with those Utopian messengers?"
       "Crown Prince released those people before, and now some of them have been captured, but the news should flow back to Uto."
       "You mean, they're going to do it soon?"
       Xiao-Yue twitched his lips :   "Yes."
       He-Yan sighed silently in his heart. Although she is a military general, she does not like fighting, which means bloodshed and sacrifice without hundreds of wives. Especially at this juncture.
       She looked at the people around her, and the man beside her fell on the yellow dog in the yard, raising her lips slightly.
       This is a rare moment of tranquility.
       After all, she swallowed her mouth, and after a while, reached out and held Xiao-Yue arm, and solemnly said :   "Xiao-Yue, I want to eat braised suckling pigeons at night."
       Quiet days are always exceptionally short.
       Less than ten days after Emperor Zhaokang ascended the throne, the Utopians led a large number of troops to attack Dawei and went north along the Xinghe.
       This war between Utopians and Dawei finally started after decades of planning.
       The four cities of Jiuchuan, Jijun, Yunzi, and Bianjiang, due to lack of troops, were intentionally arranged by the Crown Prince, but they were occupied by Utopians in just three days. After the Utopians broke through the city gate, they slaughtered the city wildly. According to those who had escaped, the bodies along the river were piled up like mountains, and the blood stained the river red.
       Emperor Zhaokang was furious and immediately made people go to control the enemy. However, Dawei spent so many years suppressing martial arts, except for General Feng Yun and General Feihong, not many people were available. At present, General Feihong's He Rufei is still fake, and the Fuyue Army's military power is returned to the royal family.
       Emperor Zhao Kang asked at the chapel who would be willing to lead the troops to chaos. No one came forward except for the German-German General Yan He and the Right Army Chief-Commander Xiao-Yue. To be precise, there is no one, and there are also veterans who are willing to carry a knife. Unfortunately, he is too old to go back to the battlefield at all.
       The bad results planted by the Wei Dynasty royal family for many years finally revealed at this moment.
       At the Golden Palace, Emperor Zhaokang looked at the civil and military officials under the steps, his face sinking like water, and sighing, "Zhugong is incompetent and cannot protect my Dawei River."
       Someone came out in silence, with a clear voice, "Your Majesty, the minister is willing to lead the Fuyue Army to fight against the enemy in Jiuchuan."
       The woman in the red dress stood in the temple, looking very upright, she looked up and looked at the emperor on the high seat, her eyes were clean and firm.
       This is Wu-Anhou He-Yan and the wife of General Feng Yun.
       Emperor Zhaokang paused slightly.
       In the battle with Crown Prince, the Xiao family came to his side. Xiao-Yue was also very clever and did not participate directly. Emperor Zhao Kang intentionally reused Xiao-Yue, but could not give him too much power. After thinking about it, he was promoted to He-Yan.
       He-Yan is a woman in the end, and now there is only one post. The promotion of He-Yan's officials not only gave Xiao-Yue a reward, but did not make the power of the Xiao family so disturbing. As Empress Dowager Niang-Niang once said, don't underestimate women. Promoting He-Yan officials is, in a way, a check and balance for Xiao-Yue.
       But Zhao Kangdi did not expect that He-Yan would stand up at this time.
       He looked subconsciously at Xiao-Yue. At this time, he tried to catch a little emotion on Xiao-Yue face. It is a pity that Dawei famous right army Chief-Commander has a calm look and has not seen any waves.
       Did he know about it early? But now that you know this, why not talk to yourself in private, but wait until now?
       He-Yan leaned down and said, "The minister has fought with the Utopians a few times, and he urged His Majesty to allow the minister to take his troops to Jiuchuan."
       When it comes to dealing with Utopians, she is indeed experienced. Whether in Jiyang or Rundu, otherwise, Emperor Wen Xuan would not enter her office. But if we talk about leading soldiers ...
       Without waiting for Emperor Zhao Kang to speak, a Wenchen said, "Wu Anhou, you are just a woman. How can you lead a soldier against the enemy?"
       "I am afraid I have forgotten it," He-Yan said in a humble tone. "General Feihong, who was very powerful, was originally a woman."
       The minister was dumbfounded.
       Yeah, the real General Feihong is not just a woman.
       Emperor Zhaokang was silent for a long time, saying :   "This matter is important. He cannot decide at will. Rong You thinks over it before making a resolution."
       He looked at Xiao-Yue.
       Until now, Emperor Zhao Kang has not been able to determine whether Xiao-Yue knew He-Yan's intentions. If Xiao-Yue also supports He-Yan's decision, he will definitely find himself in private. If it was Xiao-Yue, Emperor Zhao Kang would consider agreeing. If He-Yan really didn't have that ability, Dawei right army Chief-Commander would not easily let his Fu-ren die.
       Of course, the most important point is that, as Lan-Noble-Fae puts it, Dawei is gone. There are very few generals with excellent combat capabilities. Even if He-Yan does not go, who can go?
       He smiled secretly in his heart, only to think that the bright yellow dragon crown on his head was really heavy to wear.
       After the downward direction, He-Yan followed Xiao-Yue and went out, so coldly that Yan He followed from behind.
       He called He-Yan :   "Hey, do you really plan to take soldiers to Jiuchuan?"
       "What?" He-Yan had something in mind, looking at Xiao-Yue back in front of her absent-minded answer.
       Yan He followed her gaze and thought for a while, and asked, "Doesn't Xiao Huaijin know what happened today?"
       He-Yan didn't speak.
       "He-Yan, you are amazing." Yan He understood it and looked at her in amazement :   "No wonder I look at Xiao Huaijin so angry. You don’t even talk to him about such a big thing. To say that you can make Xiao Huaijin so angry, it seems that even if you really go to Jiuchuan, those Utopians are not your opponents. "He is tempted to pat on He-Yan's shoulder, his hand is normal, and probably Thinking of He-Yan as a woman, she shrank back and watched He-Yan gloat :   "Xiao Huaijin is so angry, Wu Anhou, I wish you good luck." After that, he threw his sleeves and went straight forward. .
       He-Yan was so robbed by Yan He that she was not angry. Today, she did not discuss with Xiao-Yue and applied directly at the Golden Palace. It is estimated that Xiao-Yue was also angry. But ... there are many scruples, and she really doesn't know how to speak to Xiao-Yue.
       At this moment Xiao-Yue had already walked to the carriage outside Xiao’s house outside the palace, He-Yan was busy keeping up, entered the carriage by himself, and sits with him. The coachman rushed to the carriage. On the way back to Xiao’s house, she raised her head from time to time to glance at the person beside her. Xiao-Yue looked calm, and the more calm, He-Yan felt the anger at the moment.
       He-Yan didn't speak, she had to think about what to say.
       When the carriage stopped at the gate of Xiao fu, Xiao-Yue got out of the carriage by himself and walked in without looking back. He-Yan jumped down. Perhaps the atmosphere in the carriage was too stagnant. The kind driver also reminded He-Yan :   "Young Furen, Shaoye is not in a good mood today. Would you please comfort him?"
       He-Yan laughed :   "Sure."
       Wait for her to follow Xiao-Yue all the way into Xiao’s house, return to the yard, Qingmei is basking in the yard, seeing He-Yan said happily :   "Young Furen-"
       "Shh." He-Yan made a snoring gesture to her, followed Xiao-Yue through the door.
       As soon as she entered the door, she closed the door and met Xiao-Yue cool eyes.
       He-Yan-2 said nothing. In the past, he hugged him, "You calm down first."
       Xiao-Yue stood in the room, holding her motionlessly, coldly :   "Don't use the same trick every time."
       It's nothing new, but it works. He-Yan's heart is defamatory, and she doesn't want to use this trick every time, but Xiao 2-Shaoye eats this set, and there is no other way.
       "Let me explain." He-Yan clutched the belt of his predecessor in a sincere tone. "I want to tell you, but every time I want to say it, I always feel very disruptive, and then dragged on. Today, I said first, I definitely didn’t cut the queen first. Even if the queen is the first, the emperor is right, not you. Today I’m afraid I don’t say, the emperor ordered someone to lead the army, so I had to speak first. She looked up at each other. "I didn't mean it."
       Xiao-Yue avoided her gaze and said in a cool tone, "He-Big-Young-Lady, are you so perfunctory now?"
       Even saying the words "He-Big-Young-Lady" shows that she is really angry. He-Yan was excited in his heart and said, "Xiao-Yue, you are a major general. How can you be a master, I didn't lie to you."
       She really wanted to talk about it, but in these quiet days, she often didn't want to mention these things when she saw the rare ease of Xiao-Yue.
       "Well, I'm a bit worried." See Xiao 2-Shaoye attitude is still cold, He-Yan honestly admits his selfishness, "I ... I don't know how to tell you."
       She let go of the Xiao-Yue belt. If the erring child looked down at his toes, his tone was bleak, "The Utopians are so messy. You are going to lead the troops to Yunzi. Yunzi and Jiu Chuan is not in the same direction. If I take the initiative to go with the emperor and the emperor agrees, I will take my soldiers to Jiuchuan alone. "
       "You must be worried."
       She winked at Xiao-Yue face, and saw Xiao-Yue looking down at herself, her eyes brightened, and the person turned her head very quickly. He-Yan had a bottom in her heart, grabbed his hand, Looking up at him, he said with affection, "After I got married with you, all the men in this city are not as considerate as you. What you do as a husband is unique, and you must be worried that a delicate wife like me is alone I am alone. If I really take my soldiers to Jiuchuan, you are afraid that I will miss me and worry about me, and maybe I will be locked in the house. I am such a delicate daughter's house and I will not see the sun ... ... "
       She started talking nonsense again, Xiao-Yue was ridiculed, glanced at her :   "Locked you in the house?" He yelled, "" There is no pampering wife in the world who can smash the door lock. "
       "You misunderstood me," He-Yan pointed to his chest. "Although I look strong and mighty, my heart is very fragile. For example, when you were angry, I was very sad, my heart was all Broken."
       If she doesn't want to be shameless, she will just open her mouth. Xiao-Yue is said to have lost his temper. After a short while, he said, "Do you think that you will lead a soldier to Jiuchuan? I won't agree?"
       He-Yan didn't speak.
       He gazed at the woman in front of him, slightly irritated, but in his anger, there was a hint of helplessness. Finally, he turned around :   "If you tell me directly, I will not stop."
       He-Yan looked at his back, and the hippie smile just drew down and whispered, "I thought if you were, I would let you go to Yunzi with you ..."
       "Jiuchuan is adjacent to Moxian. You are familiar with the terrain of Moxian. Naturally, you are more willing to take the Fuyue Army to Jiuchuan." Xiao-Yue voice was calm. "In Yunzi, you can't fully use your strengths."
       He-Yan froze, he turned around, his eyes met He-Yan.
       Clear, straightforward, and plain as a mirror, reflecting all her thoughts.
       He knew it.
       He-Yan paused, stretched his arms again and hugged the person in front of him, and murmured, "You know everything ..."
       She is more willing to go to Jiuchuan. She has never been to Yunzi in the past. If she goes to Yunzi with Xiao-Yue, Emperor Zhao Kang will definitely go to Jiuchuan with another general. But no one is more familiar with Jiuchuan than her, and she is not confident. It can even be said that no one knows how to win the battle in Jiuchuan better than her.
       Right now Dawei is unavailable, and the battle is a bit slower in Bianjiang. Jiuchuan, Jijun and Yunzi are the worst. Even though she knew what she was capable of in her heart, she was concerned about her, but Xiao-Yue is now her husband. She may not be willing to take her soldiers to dangerous places by herself.
       Just like Little-Fu-ren always blocked Xiao Zhongwu.
       "I said," Xiao-Yue voice came from overhead. "Just do what you want, just do it."
       He-Yan looked up and asked, "Do you believe I can do it?"
       He murmured, "There is nothing the General He could do."
       He-Yan looked at him awkwardly, and "å™—å—¤" laughed.
       What I thought was difficult to say clearly now is so clear with just a few words. He treated her with such great tolerance that he-Yan even thought that some of his thoughts and concerns seemed ridiculous.
       "However, the emperor may not give me the military power directly." He-Yan's smile burst into a flash, and then another thought came to mind.
       After all, in the eyes of outsiders, she even got the name of Wu Anhou with a little Xiao-Yue. Even in Jiyang and Rundu, there were Xiao-Yue and Li Kuang. She had not fought a war alone, and if she gave her military power directly to her, outsiders might not be convinced.
       "I will go to the palace to see the emperor. The military power of the Fuyue Army should be given to you." Xiao-Yue said, "How to convince your people, you can only rely on yourself."
       "You're telling the truth?" He-Yan burst into excitement.
       Convince others, she has a way. If Xiao-Yue can talk to Emperor Zhao Kang, this matter is really nailed down.
       "The emperor didn't reply directly to you today, just to see what I mean." His lips flickered. "He doesn't believe you, but believes me. If I promise you, he will trust your ability to lead soldiers."
       "It's an eventful season right now, isn't your Majesty afraid of giving me military power, my couple and I have excess power in their hands, and oppose him as a threat?" He-Yan joked smoothly. At this juncture, whoever has the military power has the chance to win. Although Crown Prince is no longer there, no one in the royal family can pose a threat to Emperor Zhao Kang, but the military commander has given too much credit ... It is not a good thing to be happy since ancient times.
       "Big brother and 1st-Sao are still in Capital City, not to mention, 1st-Sao already has the Xiao family in his belly. Within a few years, the emperor will not doubt the Xiao family."
       He-Yan put a stone down in her heart, but ... She looked at the person in front of her and asked, "I have another question. You said that the emperor wants you to come and assure me, Xiao-Yue, you believe I will defeat Are those Utopians? "
       It seems that it is ridiculous to ask her this question. Xiao-Yue couldn't help laughing, and he turned his head unwillingly, and said lazily, "Heaven and earth, whoever sees you is not willing to bow down."
       Although the words were ridiculous, in his tone, he seemed to have pride with honor.
       He-Yan was very useful, she stomped her feet and reached Xiao-Yue ear, and whispered, "Everyone, Xiao-Commander."
       "I also believe that you will succeed again and again and succeed."

       Chapter 258 :  Righteousness   

       Emperor Zhaokang finally allowed Wu-Anhou He-Yan to lead the Fuyue Army of Feihong to fight against the enemy in Jiuchuan.
       Although there were many discussions in North Han, it finally subsided. In the first place, it was due to the reasons of the Xiao family, and he dared not say anything. In the second place, even if He-Yan doesn't go, very few people are available in the country. Might as well let Wu Anhou who had fought with Utopians led the army.
       Yan He took the Yan family soldiers and horses to Ji County first, Xiao-Yue led the Nanfu soldiers to Yunzi, and the older General Hu Wei led the company with the Liangzhou Guards to the slightly better Bingjiang. He-Yan led the Fuyue Army to Jiuchuan.
       The four of them, except General Hu Wei, are a little older, and the other three are considered very young. Especially for He-Yan, Emperor Zhao Kang dared to give them the military power, but it was not because he had a gambling mind, but it also meant to cultivate a trustworthiness for himself. Especially He-Yan, if used well, it may not be the next "Feihong".
       After the soldiers arrived, they would soon leave Capital City. He-Yan and Zhao Kangdi requested that when he was in Liangzhou Wei, Wang Ba followed her to Rundu. When he attacked the enemy camp at night, he cooperated with her. He wanted to ask to go to Jiuchuan. Wang Ba and his party could join Fu Yue Army, Emperor Zhao Kang agreed.
       After everything was settled, there were only two days left in Shuojing.
       Chun Lei burst into shock. Liusi has a new green bud, hiding on the riverside, dyeing the river green.
       In the noodle restaurant opened by Sun-Laozi in Seongdong, the girl in the blue sarong is fishing out the noodles in the iron pan. She was young, and she could only be regarded as a beautiful girl. Someone was a little shy when talking to her. She was a quiet and shy Miss.
       Two young men came in, and the younger boy grinned and said, "Two bowls of yangchun noodles."
       Sun Xiao lan wiped her hands with a rag, took the money, and said, "The guest officer will sit in there first, and it will be all right."
       Wheat nodded, and frowned at his elder brother, who was glared at the stone as a warning.
       The two of them found a table and sits down. Wheat asked the stone :   "Brother, we are going to fight soon. This time, we are not going to Liangzhou Wei. We are going to come with the Utopians. Since you like it Xiao Lan, why don't you tell her before you leave? "
       Stone did not speak.
       "If you don't say, she in Shuojing City, what if Sun-Laozi makes an appointment with her?" Mai looked at his elder brother, "Let's stay in Liangzhou Weili for so long, what are you doing now, elder brother? Become so irritated? "
       Stone shook his head and whispered :   "This trip to Jiuchuan may not be able to come back alive. Why give people hope that it will delay people for nothing."
       He looked at Miss, who was in a busy blue dress, with a rare smile on his lips. "If I have a life back, tell her my heart ..."
       Wheat glanced at Sun Xiao lan, and then looked at the stone again. After a while, he sighed frankly, "Well, brother, what you say is what."
       Noodles were brought up quickly, and Sun Xiao lan laughed, "The two are slow to use." They left quickly.
       Stone looked for a long time before he looked back.
       A light rain gradually began to wash the bluestone slate in front of the shop. Miss of the noodle shop, went to pick up the empty bowls, stayed at the table, but saw two empty noodle bowls, and there was a pot of peach blossoms.
       These peach blossoms bloom early, some have not yet fully bloomed, shallow and deep, a little crimson, like spring snow and red snow. She froze for a moment, and the junior Qingjun teenager emerged in her mind. After a while, her cheeks were slightly red, and she hugged the peach blossom carefully and put it into the room carefully.
       The mountain is still the old one, but the bandit village looks a lot worn out.
       The man with a scar on his face climbed up the last mound and looked at the bandit in front of him in a daze.
       A child with a cow passing by looked at him at the door, and then he paused. After a moment, he ‘called, "I'm back home—"
       Flocked into the village, everyone called "head" in his mouth, making Wang Bayu like another generation. After staying in Liangzhou Wei for a long time, what I learned was obedience, and what he did was a soldier. It was very uncomfortable to be so supportive and respectful.
       He coughed slightly :   "Lao Tzu came back today just to say, in another day, Lao Tzu will set off on Jiuchuan to hit the utuo! By the way, let's see how you are doing."
       Someone crowded forward and said flatteringly, "After the big master left, there were not many people coming to this mountain in Suri, and the harvest was not good. Everyone started to farm. They also raised silkworms, although they were not as good as the bandits we were However, the victory is stable. The second man said that when summer comes, he will dig a pond in the mountain to raise fish, and we will not have to worry about what we eat in the future. "
       Wang Ba felt very relieved. In Xin Xin's comfort, a little bit of sour gas was produced, and Pi Xiao rou did not smile :   "It seems that Lao Tzu is not here, and you are living well."
       Two came over, he was a Sven who had read the book. At that time, he was a bandit in the family road, but he could not lift his shoulders or carry it. Wang Ba hoped that he could give a good idea at first, and then simply Give up, let him stay in the village to teach children to read and write.
       Erdao said :   "In the beginning, he was also a gangster who watched officers and soldiers, and it was unsafe to grab the road. Then he went to Liangzhou Weitou Army himself. However, the outside world has been chaotic for two years. Everyone has a hard time. Self-sufficiency is also very good. The one in charge is going to fight Utopians, and the one who is not in charge is desperate, how can we have a good life. Brothers are thinking of you. If you want to come back on a certain day, you or us Lao-Da. "
       Wang Ba was relieved in his heart and hummed softly, "You have conscience!"
       He took out a few ingots from the baggage he took with him, row by row.
       "This is ..." someone asked cautiously.
       "Lao Tzu did his best in the barracks, and he rewarded him!" He waved indifferently. "I live and stay in the barracks now. It is useless to keep them. Hold them. Buy whatever you want, not to mention Lao-Da. You live or die! "
       "It's ..." Erjing stunned for a moment, "This is your life, we dare not accept it."
       "If you accept it, just accept it, so much nonsense!" Wang Ba stared, "Don't dare to talk back?"
       Everyone looked at each other and did not dare to refute. The children on the side "huh" gathered around, each pounced on the king, and ‘Called in his mouth, "Big master is the best! Big master is the best!"
       Wang Ba was squeezed so that only one head was exposed, and angrily said :   "Don't step on Lao Tzu, go down!"
       The crowd looked at the crowd here, all bowed their heads and laughed softly.
       In the shabby thatched house, a large pot of lamb was simmered on the table.
       When the eleven-year-old was able to eat, his mouth was full of oil and his cheeks were bulging.
       Hong Shan Road :   "Slow down, nobody will grab you."
       "Brother," the child looked up, vaguely :   "The next time you come back, let's eat stewed lamb!"
       Hong Shan laughed :   "Okay."
       The old woman beside her shook her head in disapproval :   "You follow him everything. What should I do if this child is spoiled?"
       "Acheng is so good, how can he be spoiled?" Hong Shan smiled and touched the younger brother's head, and sighed, "Acheng is now much taller than when I left, and in a few years, I will Can stand alone. "
       In their family, there are only a pair of brothers and an old mother. The wheat brothers are about the same age, and his younger brother is now twelve. Hongshan had no skill in his life, and he could have entered Liangzhouwei and met a powerful brother. However, he is willing to pin all his good hopes on his younger brother, hoping that he can glorify his ancestors.
       "Acheng," he looked at the cheerful young man holding a leg of lamb to eat, "when I first arrived at the barracks, the first time I saw Wu Anhou, she was born thinner than you. But later in Liangzhou Weili , She is the best. "
       "She is so powerful? Even worse than brother?" A Cheng asked curiously.
       Hong Shan smiled, "She is much better than me," he looked at the young man in front of her, "she can eat as well as you. So Acheng, you must work harder when I am away, maybe in the future, you Can also be a person like Wu Anhou. "
       "Wu-Anhou is a woman, I'm a man, how can I be Wu-Anhou?" The young man quit, "I want to do, and I want to be a person like General Feng Yun!"
       Hong Shan and the woman looked at each other, then smiled.
       "Okay, you can also be General Feng Yun." Hong Shan laughed :   "After the brother leaves, you must concentrate on studying, study martial arts, don't make your mother angry, you know?"
       "I see." Ah Cheng patted his breast and promised, "Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of my mother!"
       "Ashan," the old woman looked at Hongshan, her eyes soft and worried, "the sword on the battlefield has no eyes, so be careful."
       Hong Shan shoved the good soup in front of the old woman. "Relax, mother, I will take good care of myself."
       Kyosei Museum.
       Director Jiang is competing with Shao Dongjia Jiang Yan.
       Both of them used spears. The curator Jiang used the one-handed pistol to be incomprehensible. Now, his son, Jiang Yan, is better than ever. Just like his name, the spear is like a dragon. ferocious.
       A slamming shot, the tip of the gun had reached the neck of the owner of the Jiang Pavilion, the red cymbal trembled slightly, and there was a burst of applause in the surrounding area.
       "Okay! Shaodong's family is great!"
       "Jiang Guan loses. Don't accept old!"
       Defeated in the hands of his son, instead of being angry, the owner of Jiang Pavilion showed a proud look. Looking at the upright young man in front of his eyes, there was a great relief in his heart.
       At that time, Jiang Yan's fiancée was in love with everyone, and Jiang Yan was instantly reduced to a joke, and since then he fell into a slump. He kept himself in the room every day and refused to meet anyone. It is useless to persuade relatives and friends.
       The owner of Jiang Guan was such a son, angry and heartbroken.
       Just when Liangzhou Wei was recruiting recruits, thinking of tempering the kid's will, he forced Jiang Yan to join the army.
       Unexpectedly, it took Jiang Yan a whole new look in two years. No more decadence in the past, and the art of gunfire is getting longer. If there is anything in this life that Jiang Guan's owner is thankful for, that is the day when Liangzhou Wei recruiting documents were torn off and the son was thrown into the barracks.
       He pretended to be pretentious and said, "You're quite lean on this shot."
       Jiang Yan laughed :   "It is good for friends to point."
       He was instructed by He-Yan, and he felt sighed when he wanted to. He-Yan's gun skills are far above himself. He still needs a lot of effort to catch up with her.
       The owner of Jiang Guan walked into the room and took out a stick wrapped in red cloth from the back room.
       "this is……"
       "For you." Jiang Guan said :   "Open it."
       Jiang Yan opened it, peeled off the red cloth, and inside was a silver spear, which was more beautiful and sharper than the one he had brought to Liangzhou Wei.
       "If you go to Jiuchuan during this trip, the original long guns will not work. We have never lacked good weapons in our martial arts. This long gun will better complement your current marksmanship."
       Jiang Yan threw the spear in his hands a few times, feeling quite intent, and immediately happy :   "Many Thanks Father!"
       "With the good gun from Wu Guan, don't humiliate the reputation of my Jiang family!" Shen Guan, the owner of the Jiang Guan, said a moment of silence, and added, "Of course, we must protect ourselves, remember, come back alive ! "
       Jiang Yan smiled arrogantly, holding his gun behind him, and said cheerfully, "That's natural."
       The drizzle was weak, and the restaurant was leaning on the river bank, and there were old men in sack clothes fishing. The majestic figure of a black bear carrying a large sword, rubbing a buddha on his chest, looking at the restaurant in front of him, was exceptionally soft.
       This used to be his home.
       At that time, it was also spring day. Their house was near the river. At this time, they saved a lot of fish. The brothers threw the fish into the bamboo basket, and the girls took the fish scales away and packed them clean and roasted. His parents were still at that time, and the yard was lively every day. The days of carefree seem to have no end, and he seems to never grow up.
       In a blink of an eye, many years have passed, and things are wrong. The original family is long gone, and the house full of memories has also become a wine shop.
       And he was alone, and no one could say even farewell before leaving.
       The wine saleswoman greeted enthusiastically, "Brother, would you like a bowl of apricot wine?"
       Huang Xiong looked sideways, after a while, nodded, and said, "Come on three bowls."
       "Well," the woman replied with a smile.
       He put the knife on the table and waited for the woman to send three bowls of Qinglingling sweet wine. The wine was sweet and not too expensive, but reminded him of Osmanthus, the wine made by his mother.
       Huang Xiong raised his head, and under the eaves outside the window, the rain dripped down, and a small pit was smashed in the ground. He looked at it and suddenly shook his head and laughed.
       Actually, nothing.
       He is sitting here now, just as he was in his old home. This woman's care can be regarded as a mother's tinkering, and the sound of rain outside is like the noise of Junior Sao. And this knife ...
       He is a close friend who will accompany him.
       The fierce man looked up, poured three bowls of wine one by one, put down the money in his hand, and got up and strode away.
       Only the falling rain under the eaves is neither ill nor slow, but extremely long.
       The Lin family in Capital City has a strangely condensed atmosphere today.
       Lin-Fu-ren wiped the tears with a papa, looked at the person in front of him, and wept, "Good, my son, why do you have to go to Yoshigun? You know that there is a continuous war in those places, and you don't Huiwu, what if you run into a Utopian ... Niang can be such a sweetheart, if you have a long and short, what can Niang do! "
       "Okay," Lin-Lao-ye Lin Mu frowned. "Crying and crying, what does it look like, what if the subordinates see it?"
       Lin-Fu-ren relentlessly pointed his finger at Lin Mu. "You, this useless thing, go and tell the emperor, let Heer come back. Otherwise, you go for him! You have lived so much My child is young, oh ... how can he go to the battlefield ...
       Lin Shuanghe :   "..."
       For the first time, he found that his mother was crying, and her tears were weeping.
       "Mother, I asked the emperor myself. I wanted to go. Don't blame Father." Lin Shuanghe said, "This is a great time to build a career. Our Lin family can't only treat women. If I go, if I go When the work is done, the Lin family will become famous. "
       "Who is rare," Lin-Fu-ren cursed :   "My family is not short of money!"
       For the first time, Lin Shuanghe felt helpless towards the woman and looked at his father.
       Lin Mu frowned slightly and asked, "Are you really thinking about it? That's the battlefield."
       "Father, I haven't been to the battlefield. I haven't met Utopians before when I was in Jiyang. I'm not good. You are worried too much. I've always had good luck. Nothing will happen. "
       "But ..." Lin-Fu-ren also said, someone voice came behind him :   "Shuanghe, come with me."
       It is Lin Qingtan.
       Lin Shuanghe finally walked away in an empty space, busy :   "'Grandfather call me." Hurrying to follow Lin Qingtan.
       When he arrived at the study, Lin Qingtan turned around and looked into Lin Shuanghe eyes and asked, "You insist on going to Yoshigun, but for the plague?"
       Lin Shuanghe froze, and then said with a smile :   "still’Grandfather wise."
       The Utopians indiscriminately killed innocent people in Ji County, and their bodies were piled up in mountains. I heard that a plague had appeared.
       "Are you really thinking about it? The battlefield is no better than Capital City, that is where you will die at any time." Lin Qingtan said. Everyone in Manjing City knows that the young son of the Lin family is quite talented, but unfortunately the form is absurd and cannot be a big deal. Perhaps even Lin Mu, the father of Lin Shuanghe, thinks so. The expectations of the Lin family for this junior are nothing more than the fact that he has not caused any major issues in his life.
       "'Grandfather." The young hippie smile always showed a solemn look for the first time, "If the peace is prosperous, I will specialize in women's medicine, and there is nothing wrong with it, but the war is urgent. The Lin family is still greedy and dying, and they are not worthy of practicing medicine. "
       "Going to Kyrgyzstan is not only for treating the people who have been infected by the plague, but also for the wounded soldiers in the army, but also for the medical treatment of the army."
       "Of course the battlefield is dangerous, but’Grandfather has also taught that practitioners must have a heart of living and selfishness. I am Lin-Shaoye, but first of all, I am a healer."
       Lin Qingtan looked at Lin Shuanghe in front of his eyes, his eyes flickered, and after a long time, the convergent old man, for the first time, showed a gratifying smile.
       "Healer, benevolence. You have a kind heart, that's fine."
       "Go to Yoshigun." He said, "Doctor Lin, there is also your battlefield."

       Chapter 259 :  Practice   

       He-Yan had been with He Sui and He Yunsheng the day before his departure.
       When He Yunsheng learned that she was going to Jiuchuan, she was very excited and reprimanded :   "I know you have done your job, but He-Yan, there is Jiuchuan. You used to be in Rundu, or in Jiyang, At least you are not fighting alone. You have never led soldiers alone. How can you resist those Utopians. Those Utopians are cunning and brutal, and they start slaughtering the city as soon as they break through Jiuchuan. If you are a woman, if you are really captured ... ... "He Yunsheng shuddered, it was hell more painful than death.
       "He Yunsheng!" He Sui exclaimed, "You talk well."
       The teenager shut up and shut up, but looking at He-Yan's gaze, there were still countless worries.
       No matter how Liangzhou Wei recruits chased He-Yan, he said that He-Yan is omnipotent, but in the hearts of Hejia father and son, He-Yan has always been the weak little Miss who clamored for new clothes and lipstick. ,. A delicately cultivated flower and grass was moved into the wild, and it is fortunate that the wind and sun can survive. How can you let this flower and grass fight and kill?
       It's ridiculous.
       "The imperial edict has been given, and the warrior is also in my hands," He-Yan said helplessly :   "Yunsheng, calm down, I haven't gone to Jiuchuan yet, you will arrange the defeat for me first. If it arrives In the ears of the emperor, we Hejia are going to be bad. "
       He Yunsheng was speechless by what she said, and then said, "It's not all you can't do!"
       "Men's husband," He-Yan teased him, "when the country is in peril, how can you just think of yourself when it is time to use people? Teachers in your school do not teach them like this on most days, right?"
       "I care so much," the teenager gritted. "I only care about my own family. Besides, if I can go for you, I'll go without saying a word. What's the matter with the court? So many men actually let a woman Rush forward. "
       He-Yan smiled :   "Yunsheng, what you said, wasn't General Feihong that you admired originally a woman?"
       She patted the boy's shoulder :   "I didn't think so much and didn't think I was a woman and I should hide behind it. But because I thought I could go to the battlefield, I went. It has nothing to do with men and women."
       "Yan Yan," He Sui looked at her, his eyes were a little red, and he wanted to make a generous look, "well said. Father also thinks so, you are an idea child, since Take the initiative to go to Jiuchuan, and you must know something. Father doesn't stop you, don't listen to Yunsheng nonsense, Father believes that you will be able to beat the Utopians down.
       He talked, choking himself.
       If He Sui is too old and not qualified, He Sui himself must carry a knife and follow He-Yan to the battlefield. He said that rest assured is false. He was such a daughter, raised as a jewel like a pearl. Before He-Yan secretly went to Liangzhou Wei, he had worried him for a long time. Now he is really a knife and a Uto How can it be easy for people to face each other?
       However, if this is the way He-Yan himself decides to go, the only thing he can do as a father is fulfillment.
       "Father also thought about it before, if our old Hejia would have a general in the future, but always thought it was Yunsheng, I didn't expect it to be Yan Yan." He looked at Miss in front of him with emotion, who can think of the pride and pride , Girls who are always clamoring to buy new rouge, will now become a heroine who leads a soldier and horse and goes to the battlefield to resist the enemy?
       He was proud and sad at heart, and proud that his daughter was so good that no one in the world could match him. Sadness is a girl on the battlefield. What she has to face is cruelty and darkness that no other girl has ever faced.
       However, to be an eagle in the sky, she should let her fly in the sky, instead of making a kite and holding the thread in her hands.
       She has her own world, even if it is a distant place that his father cannot touch.
       "Father believes that your mother will bless you in heaven," He Sui said.
       He-Yan looked at He Sui, the father of He Sui, who was tolerant and generous. Even now, he is still thinking for her. Even if I feel distressed, I will never show it, let alone pretending to be a tool to tie up my daughter.
       Fortunately, they are her family.
       "Father, rest assured," He-Yan held He Sui hand. His father's hand was wide and rough, and his cocoon was thick and thick from his perennial labor. "I won those Utopians and will return soon."
       She said word by word, as if promised :   "I will come back."
       The day before the departure, in the evening, He-Yan and Xiao-Yue went out and got into the carriage to Fengle Building.
       Lin Shuanghe contracted the entire Fengle Building today and invited several friends to practice in the building. He splurged on his own, and went along to Jijun next time. I don't know when it will be next time.
       When they arrived at Fengle Building, the guys downstairs led them up. When I looked up, only Lin Shuanghe was there. The table was full of wine and dishes, and a copper pot was placed in the center. The pot was "gu gurgling" and cooked mutton. The aroma was tangy. Knowing what to say, Miss Miss, laughed.
       "Brother Lin." He-Yan called him, Lin Shuanghe turned his head, saw He-Yan, his eyes lit up, came over and complained, "Why did you come so late? I have been here for a long time and thought you were not coming today Now. "
       He-Yan looked around :   "Is it just Our-3?"
       Just three people, called such a big table, Lin Shuanghe really is a real prodigal.
       "How can I? My name is Yan Nanguang and the two are here. Anyway, I will start together tomorrow. Today, I will give it to everyone and practice it for myself. However," Lin Shuanghe shook his fan. "Why is Yan Nanguang here?" Not so punctual? Do you know that you will be on the battlefield tomorrow, and you will hide in your house and cry today? "
       "Lin Shuanghe, who do you scold? Who hides at home crying?" As he was talking, someone voice came from outside. Several people looked back and Yan He Zhengxu helped Xia Chengxiu walk in. He glanced at Lin Shuanghe, "Who is timid? You are here for a treat today, not just to have a good relationship with me, so that I can cover you in Ji County, lest you be hacked to death by those Utopians? He smirked :   "Don't think I can't see it!"
       He-Yan noticed Xia Chengxiu supported by Yan Hexuan and asked with concern :   "Miss Cheng, what's wrong? But I'm sick?"
       Although it stands to reason that she should be called Xia Chengxiu "Yan-Fu-ren", He-Yan prefers to call her "Cheng Xiu Miss," too. Xia Chengxiu is gentle and gentle, always full of patience, and it is difficult to imagine how he and his violent temper like Yan He would finally become husband and wife.
       Xia Chengxiu heard the words, and was a bit embarrassed. When he was about to speak, he was taken over by Yan He. He intentionally showed off, but he didn't want to show off. When you are pregnant, be careful about everything. "
       "Pregnant?" He-Yan froze.
       Lin Shuanghe said excitedly :   "Sao Fu-ren is pregnant? Come on, let me see-" He reached out to grab Xia Chengxiu hand.
       Yan He patted his hand away, guarding Xia Chengxiu, and said angrily, "What?"
       "Take care of Sao Fu-ren," Lin Shuanghe said, "I'm a white sacred hand, specializing in medical practice for women. Let me see how the baby image of Sao Fu-ren ..."
       "Get off," Yan He kicked over, "Taiji-yi in the palace has seen it, it's very good, you don't need to worry!"
       "Sao Fu-ren, look at him." Lin Shuanghe clenched his fan and whispered, "You have to control it."
       Xia Chengxiu smiled and shook his head.
       Yan He eyes fell on He-Yan. He-Yan was inexplicable, and he looked at Xiao-Yue who was sitting at the table again, and suddenly spoke proudly :   "Xiao Huaijin, I can be Father."
       "Yes," Xiao-Yue answered coldly.
       "I'll be one step ahead of you!" Yan He emphasized again, "I'm ahead of you!"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Yan He must have been a cockfight in his lifetime. How can this matter be compared? Besides, how long has she and Xiao-Yue become married, and how long has Yan He been married? How can this compare? The test is too unfair.
       He-Yan was thinking, Xiao-Yue suddenly looked up and glanced at her.
       He-Yan :   "?"
       The next moment, Xiao 2-Shaoye spoke bluntly :   "Who told you, you are ahead?"
       Yan He smiled stiffly :   "What do you mean?"
       "Your son hasn't been born yet, my daughter, he will endorse it." He stared at the teacup in his hand, slightly lipping.
       A sip of tea from Lin Shuanghe sprayed out.
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Xiao-Yue said this, I'm afraid it wasn't during Liangzhou Wei, she drunk and drew Xiao-Yue endorsement to him? Lin Shuanghe smiled and covered his face with a fan, and said, "Yeah, yeah, Huai Jin is a Father before you. I can testify to this, it's true! My little daughter is so good, she can memorize everything!"
       "How is that possible?" When Yan He heard it, he was anxious, and hurriedly rushed forward to question, "Will endorsement? Your illegitimate daughter? Xiao Huaijin, you actually have an illegitimate daughter. When is this?" Wow, everyone said that you are proud and arrogant. No one can look down on you. I didn't expect you to be such a shameless person. And you! "He hated looking at He-Yan with iron and steel, and taught :   " Look You are also a man who kills enemies on the battlefield. Can you also bear it? What do you do to cut off this jerk's head without mentioning a knife? "
       He-Yan :   "I ..."
       "Afraid of the power of the Xiao family?" Yan He frowned and waved his hand. "General Ben will support you, and go and leave tomorrow!"
       Xiao-Yue frowned slightly.
       "Yan Nanguang," he said calmly, "I don't want to do anything today."
       "Who is afraid of you?" Yan He hurriedly rolled up her sleeves when she heard it, "Come here!"
       "Nanguang," Xia Chengxiu shook his head in disapproval, and whispered softly :   "Today is Lin-gongzi, how can you be rough? Besides, Xiao Chief-Commander is joking with you, why do you take it seriously."
       At the beginning of Xia Chengxiu, Yan He, the cockfight, immediately flew, and said, "... well."
       "The lamb is all cooked. Sit down and eat some food first." Lin Shuanghe greeted a few people to sit down together. When he sits down, he took his arm with Xiao-Yue and whispered, "Huai Jin, you can do it. "
       Xiao-Yue is too lazy to ignore him.
       Lin Shuanghe treats the silver from the Lin family as water, according to the most expensive point. A table of dishes is a table of silver, but a penny is a penny of goods.
       He-Yan thought that although Yan He was afraid, she was a military commander, and she must be careless in doing things. She did not expect that Yan He really caught her eyebrows this time. Xia Chengxiu eats and drinks, which can’t eat and drink, he remembers better than anyone else. He-Yan guessed that when the housekeepers in the palace waited for Niang-Niang to eat, it was estimated that this was the extent.
       While serving Xia Chengxiu, he said, "Hey, do you know Yang Mingzhi?"
       Xiao-Yue didn't react when he heard the name, but Lin Shuanghe paused and asked, "What's wrong?"
       "It wasn't before," Yan He lowered his voice. "Wanyan promised the Utopians to open a discussion in Dawei. Yang Ming, the governor of Jinling, turned up against it, and almost lost the black hat. I don't know what happened He said that the Yang family had also fallen apart because of this incident. "
       He-Yan glanced at Xiao-Yue and asked, "What about later?"
       "After the emperor ascended the throne, he really appreciated his behavior, and when he was the governor in Jinling, he had clean wind and outstanding achievements. He wanted to transfer him back to Shuojing and was rejected by Yang Mingzhi. Don't look at me, I don't know Why did he refuse. "Yan He shrugged." Although he is now in Jinling, I see, Your Majesty admired him, and sooner or later he will return to Shuo Jing. The Yang family must now regret death, why didn't I see it? Come out Yang-Lao-tou is this kind of person? "
       No one answered him at the table.
       "What happened to you before?" Yan He was extraordinarily curious about one of Yang Ming's matters, and asked Xiao-Yue, "What kind of enmity can be so far away can be remembered for years. Xiao Huaijin," he "Being a man must be more generous. What kind of man are you with such a small belly?"
       "Shut up," Lin Shuanghe glared at him, "I think it's you who has the smallest chicken intestine on this table."
       "I did not part ways with my best friend."
       "Take it down," Lin Shuanghe disdaind. "Do you have a close friend?"
       "Lin Shuanghe!"
       He-Yan sandwiched a piece of white radish into the Xiao-Yue bowl. When Xiao 2-Shaoye was not in the barracks, as long as he ate outside food, he was mostly vegetarian, presumably minding the uncleanness of others. He-Yan Although he thinks he a little too particular about this, but ... Hey, I have personal habits.
       She interrupted Yan He words and tried to draw her head away, "Cheng Xiu Miss, do you wish you were in the womb, a young Shaoye, or a young Young-Lady?"
       Xia Chengxiu smiled, and she was not born with a many-national beauty, but she had a gentle style and said, "Little Shaoye or Young-Lady, I like them very much."
       He-Yan asked Yan He again :   "How about General Yan?"
       "I care if he is Shaoye or Young-Lady. As long as it is a child born by my Fu-ren, I certainly like it." When Yan He mentioned his unborn child, his tail was about to rise to the sky, very proud. Authentic :   "If it was born by someone else, Shaoye is still Young-Lady, I hate it!"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       This man is really crazy, and I don't know where other people children offended him.
       Lin Shuanghe also asked Xia Chengxiu :   "Sao Fu-ren, can you name your child first?"
       "This ..." Xia Chengxiu showed a distressed expression.
       "I have my own opinion," Yan He snapped. "If she is a daughter, she is called Yan Muxia."
       He-Yan :   "... What does it mean to admire Chengxiu Miss?"
       "I can't see that you know nothing about poems, but it's quite smart now." Yan He said with pride, "how? Do you think this general will be named?"
       He-Yan is speechless.
       Yan He probably didn't realize that although he loves his wife is a good thing, when he proudly puts his wife love on the table to show off, he seems a little, no, extra stupid.
       "It's really named." He-Yan was very welcome. "What about men?"
       Yan He showed some lack of interest, "Just call General Yan Liang. I hope that when he grows up, he can be a good general like his Father."
       "Who is this," Lin Shuanghe laughed at. "I still don't forget to put gold on my face."
       "Lin Shuanghe!" Yan He angrily said, "when you get to Ji County, do you still want to survive?"
       "Think about it," Lin Shuanghe gave him a hand, "I still hope General Yan will save Ben Shaoye life."
       Yan He was satisfied.
       He-Yan bit his leg of lamb and asked, "But Brother Lin, you are going to Jijun. This is really beyond my expectations. I thought that if you were going to the battlefield, you would go to Yunzi or Jiuchuan."
       When you go to Yunzi, you can go with Xiao-Yue, and you go with Jiuchuan. It's not He-Yan's boasting, but speaking, Lin Shuanghe relationship with himself or Xiao-Yue is of course above Yan He. It was only later that she wanted to understand that right now Kyrgyzstan is suffering from a plague. Lin Shuanghe is going to Kyrgyzstan because of the plague.
       "He-Mei-mei," Lin Shuanghe also called "Sao Fu-ren" several times before, but in the end he felt awkward, and finally called "Mei-mei", he said :   "You and Huai Jin's ability I know. There is not much difference between me and me. General Yan is different. If I was not present, what if he was injured or he was not healed by God and delayed the battle? He is very poorly connected, those It would be miserable if the medic took the opportunity to poison his medicine! "
       Yan He was furious :   "Lin Shuanghe, I don't think you can vomit ivory in your dog's mouth! How could I be injured, it is ridiculous! I tell you, don't ask me to save you in the future, get away!"
       He-Yan knows that Lin Shuanghe is also talking nonsense. He couldn't look at the tone, just like a playboy brother, but he had an idea in his heart. Would the male raised by Shuo Jinglin's family be true greed for life and fear of death.
       He-Yan held up the cup at hand. Because she was about to set off tomorrow, she dared not get drunk today. She just replaced it with sweet rice wine. She said, "You Miss, gave me a bottle of Bifang wine. But don’t drink it today. When I get rid of the Utopians and come to Fengle Tower, please ask Brother Lin to set up a good table for me. I was not disappointed with the fine wine.
       "Now, just start with this rice wine, I wish all of us to fight against the enemy, invincible, attackable, frequent news, triumphant return, how?"
       "Good!" Lin Shuanghe applauded first. "Good point!"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her and smiled.
       The five cups collided in the air with crisp sounds, such as Jin Ming colliding with Bing Ji, and the sound of horns coming from a good news.


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Reborn Female General 265 [end]

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