Reborn Female General 220

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       Chapter 220 :  Arson   

       The person who came to set fire never expected that someone in the quiet library would be here today. He was caught off guard and wanted to run. He had been blocked by Xiao-Yue. He was not able to defeat him. He was defeated by Xiao Xiao Yue unarmed.
       He-Yan grabbed a long blanket to fight the fire when Xiao-Yue was fighting with this person. Fortunately, the fire was not so big. This person probably thought that the paper rolls in the mansion were easy to change, so he did not use ointment. Otherwise, it really has to be counted, and the two of them are not necessarily extinguished.
       The fire was extinguished in time, and only half a book was burned. He-Yan shook his head at Xiao-Yue, "It's okay, nothing big happened."
       The two looked at the person on the ground. This person was not very old, wearing a cloth shirt, at first glance, like a student in Xianchang Pavilion. He was shrugged off by Xiao-Yue and couldn't move for a while. He-Yan noticed the traces left by his martial arts at his tiger's mouth, and couldn't help frowning. "
       Ordinary students, even if there are martial arts in the school hall, the calluses are not so heavy. At first glance, it is caused by years of martial arts training. Xiao-Yue looked down at him and asked coldly, "Who sent you?"
       The man just stared at Xiao-Yue and didn't speak.
       "Wait a moment." He-Yan seemed to feel it. He took a step forward and held his chin. Xiao-Yue couldn't stop it. The next moment, He-Yan said, "He can't talk, he a ‘mute."
       The other person was forced to open his mouth while holding his chin, and his mouth was empty, with only half his tongue.

       "It's dangerous." Xiao-Yue pulled her up, behind him, "Don't get too close."
       "The other party found a ‘mute person and deliberately mixed into the Xianchang Pavilion to set a fire in the library." He-Yan's attention was not on her own, looking at Xiao-Yue, "It seems that someone is with me Think of one place. "
       Although there are rare and rare books in the library, they are not too dangerous. What's more, the other party did not send someone to steal, but to set fire, to be impartial, and to burn the "He Rufei" old one. Just as He-Yan and Xiao-Yue came to Xianchang Hall today, in order to find the handwriting of "He Rufei" in the past, the real He 1st Shaoye seems to be short of heart and can't wait to let it go. People come to ruin.
       Xiao-Yue asked, "What are you going to do?"
       He-Yan lowered his head for a moment, and then looked up, his expression became relaxed. "Since someone tweeted’General He handbook, it would be better for me to keep it for me. As for this person ... tell Huang-Teacher first’See what he says. "
       When Huang San got the news, he couldn't believe his eyes. He just put Xiao-Yue and He-Yan-2 people into the library less than a column of incense, why suddenly someone set fire?
       "Huang-Teacher," Xiao-Yue gestured to the person on the ground. "Is this person a student at the school?"
       Huang-Teacher took a closer look at the arsonist's face and shook his head :   "No, no, I have never seen this person."
       "That's it." Xiao-Yue nodded. "This man got into the school. It just failed to be set on fire. I was hit by it."
       Huang-Teacher hurriedly checked the bookshelf that had just caught fire, the examination papers scattered on the ground, the half-burnt books, and the smell of charcoal in the attic, all confirming that Xiao-Yue was not lying. Someone did set fire just now.
       "This ... Why is this?" Huang Sancai was a little dazed. "What kind of resentment does this person have with me in Xianchang Museum, why do you want to set fire to the library?"
       Fortunately, the library is not a school, but if Xiao-Yue and He-Yan are not here, there are very few people in the library. When the fire is discovered, it is too late. Thinking about this, Huang Sancai heart surged into a layer of fear.
       "This man is ‘mute," He-Yan laughed. "Can't talk."
       Xiao-Yue voice was indifferent :   "I am afraid it has something to do with the Utopia."
       "Utopians, Utopians?" Huang Sancai was startled. "How could Utopians appear in Shuojing?"
       Xiao-Yue said quietly, "This matter is confidential, and I also hope Huang-Teacher keeps it secret for me. Since it is a Utopian conspiracy, it is better to count it. I would like to ask Huang-Teacher to wait a while to announce to the public that the library is on fire and burned. A collection of books, fortunately the fire was rescued in a timely manner, and did not cause a major disaster, but ... the notes of General Feihong were all destroyed, and no one left. "
       "This ..." Huang Sancai was still wondering.
       "It's a matter of social concern," Xiao-Yue eyes are sharp and sharp, "I also hope that Teacher takes the overall situation as the most important thing."
       Huang Sancai took a nap, "Being natural and natural. But General He notes ..."
       "I'm in the same class with him, and it's just some ordinary pen and ink. I took it back to the Xiao family for safekeeping. Later, when the real murderer came out, the original thing was returned."
       Huang Sancai was sensitive to what he was looking at, and when he looked at the young man in front of him, the young man who was always lazy and indifferent has now faded the youth's indifference, such as a sharp sword with a sheath, which is completely different from the past.
       He bowed his head respectfully and whispered, "It's all about Chief-Commander. As for this man ..."
       "I'll solve it. Huang-Teacher just declare to the public that someone is burned to the fire."
       Huang Sancai nodded and said yes.
       When he was told that Huang Sancai was done, after a while, Chiwu followed in, took away the ‘mute arson that had just set fire, and incidentally took a whole sack of "He Rufei" notes.
       He-Yan and Xiao-Yue then went out and said, "Xiao-Yue, what just happened ... does it work?"
       Huang Sancai is not the Xiao family, and I don’t know how much can be kept secret for them. He Rufei is not a fool. People who have been sent out have gone back and forth. Even if Huang Sancai rumors about a fire in the library, He Rufei may not believe.
       "Nothing, leave it to me." Xiao-Yue answered.
       He-Yan thought about it, "I think Xu Zhiheng is still looking for the whereabouts of Qin-Mama, and they must keep them safe."
       Xiao-Yue smiled casually, "Relax, Xu hand can't reach Xiao’s."
       He-Yan was a little bit relieved, but today it was easy to recall the old knowledge at Xianchang Pavilion and was disrupted by this sudden incident. Can not help but feel a little heavy, and then came to the door with Xiao-Yue, and suddenly heard someone call her "He-Miss,".
       He-Yan looked up and saw not far away. Standing in a man wearing an indigo robe, Wen Runruan was Chu Zhao.
       He also saw Xiao-Yue beside He-Yan, his eyes were slightly fixed, but he smiled as usual, came forward and greeted :   "Xiao Chief-Commander, He-Miss,."
       "Why is Chu 4-gongzi here?" He-Yan asked with a smile. Since the palace feast given by the Emperor Wenxuan on that day, she has never seen Chu Zhao, only knowing that the Xu family and the Chu family are handling his marriage with Xu Yanting. Compared to He-Yan's family background, Chu Zhao and Xu Yanting's marriage seems to be more accurate.
       Although ... He-Yan doesn't think how much Chu Zhao likes Xu Yanting's fiancee.
       "Come out and do something," Chu Zhao answered warmly.
       He-Yan noticed that the stranger who was with him today was a strange sister-zi, flat in appearance, not Ying Xiang, and looked at the sister-zi more. The sister-zi wasn't afraid. He looked straight back, his eyes had the meaning of scrutiny. He-Yan thought for a moment, then came to understand. I wanted to come to that Xu Yanting Young-Lady. Seeing that Ying Xiang beside Chu Zhao was too beautiful, he didn't worry, he changed to Yatou to follow. It's called waiting, but it's actually monitoring. I want to come too, after all, Chu Zhao has a romantic pro Father, and his own appearance is outstanding, it is inevitable to think more.
       Only then did Chu Zhao feel a little pitiful. As a man, he could not even decide whether to stay or stay with Maid around him. Now this is just the beginning. When he becomes a pro in the future, the young Xu-Lady Xu will only get worse.
       The sister-zi gaze at He-Yan was also a little bit guarded, like Chu Zhao was a big fat with fat, all the women on the street were hungry dogs, staring extremely tightly. He-Yan didn't want to cause trouble, and he didn't want to be targeted. He said, "I have something with Xiao-Yue, so let's go one step ahead."
       When Chu Zhao heard the word "Xiao-Yue", he looked at them for a while, then laughed, "So, we will meet again in another day."
       He-Yan nodded, pulling Xiao-Yue away in a hurry. It was Chu Zhao. After the two of them left, they looked at the door of Xianchang Pavilion, and there was a hint of thought in their eyes.
       Maid on the side urged :   "4-gongzi, it's not too early, let's go to the satin shop to choose the material, Young-Lady said, all the matters related to the happy event, 4-gongzi must see it in person.
       The young man covered his haze and smiled, "OK."
       In the doorway of Xu house, manservant Fuwang was holding a broom in his hand, and there was a sweeping floor.
       The whole afternoon was so absent-minded, in fact, it wasn't two days a day. The generous mysterious man has never seen Qin-Mama whereabouts since the last time.
       Fu Wang was very disappointed. He had originally thought about making a large sum of money from this man before leaving, but he disappeared unexpectedly. He regretted for a while whether he shouldn't tell Qin-Mama whereabouts so early, maybe the time would be longer, and he could squeeze more oil from the other side.
       Once accustomed to the easy way of silver, and then look back at that little money, Fuwang felt extra dissatisfied.
       He swept across the floor, and suddenly, a copper plate rolled across in front of him, Fu Wang subconsciously followed, trying to pick it up, and the cat walked a few steps. Suddenly, the copper plate was stepped on by a boot. Already. He froze, looked up, and saw a tall man wearing a bucket hat standing in front of himself, and whispered, "But Fuwang?"
       Fuwang was startled, and stuttered, "Zheng, exactly."
       "Teahouse on the corner of the street, see you in the old place." After the other party said this, he lifted his feet and turned away.
       Fu Wang looked at the dirty copper plate stepped on, and the cat picked up the copper plate, wiped the stains on his head, put it in his sleeve, and his heartbeat was fast. When the companion who went out to the latrine came back, Fuwang excused himself for diarrhea and took the opportunity to walk away and went to the teahouse where he had met mysterious people in the past.
       It was still the tea room in the farthest corner, the only man had already taken his seat, Fu Wang walked in, and was suspicious. Although this man is very similar to the previous one, he is not alone. Compared to the last mysterious man, the man in front of him is obviously much taller.
       "Gongzi is ..."
       "The person who asked you to find Qin-Mama last time, I can't come now. The person who deals with you in the future is me." Fae Nu said with a ‘mute throat.
       Xiao-Yue asked him to come to the Xu family in order to make a deal with this manservant called Fuwang, and at the same time to safely remove He-Yan from the matter and avoid leaving a handle.
       Fu Wang froze a moment and asked carefully :   "Excuse me, the previous gongzi ..."
       "Dead." The opponent's voice was extremely cold. "So don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't look at what you shouldn't see."
       This cold word frightened Fuwang. Although he was greedy for money, he also died, hearing the death of a mysterious man, he couldn't help thinking, after all, even now, he doesn't know what the person is and why Ask him to inquire about Qin-Mama whereabouts.
       "Then ... what is gongzi asking me for?" Fuwang tentatively said.
       "I want you to be in Xu house and search for all the dead Xu-Big-Madam old things, such as the old people who are related to Xu-Big-Madam, and find their whereabouts." The man said Brief and concise.
       What used to be related to Concubine, but now it has become Xu-Big-Madam. Why?
       "I ..." Before Fuwang had time to speak, he saw that the man took out a box from his side, put it on the table, opened the box, and it was neatly lined with dozens of silver bars.
       Fuwang's eyes were straight, which was more generous than the previous master. The one who gave the silver was a one-for-one ingot, when was there such a big deal. For a time, Fu Wang cast the timidity of the talents behind him, and his eyes were full of silver.
       "How?" Feinu asked.
       "It's good to say." Fuwang gathered the box in front of him, and he was so happy that he could bloom. "Even if he is small, he will do this to Gongzi."
       "This is not easy," Feinu deliberately lowered his voice. "You Laozi, you are bound to stare at you."
       "Nothing, there is slack in the house, but Big-Madam has died a long time ago, and most of the original objects were buried with the remains. I don't know if there is any left." Fu Wang was probably the silver in front of him. After dazzling his eyes and thinking for a while, he thought :   "However, Laozi has a deep affection for Big-Madam. The yard where Big-Madam lived in is still the same as before, maybe among them. I can find one or two old things. It’s just that there are people in the yard staring at them, but it’s not easy to enter, but, ”he smiled flatterily,“ if you think about something small, you should be able to go in. ”
       This man really saw Qian's eyes open, or in other words, He-Yan had hanged out the greed in his bones, and now he could not help but save a lot of Feinu strength.
       Feinu looked at Fuwang with satisfaction, and said, "Very well, these silvers are just deposits. If you can do what I entrust, after that, my master will definitely not treat you badly."
       "Excuse me," Fuwang asked boldly, "the master of gongzi is ..."
       This time, the person opposite was not as mysterious as the previous mysterious man, only holding his head proudly, saying, "His Majesty is now close to General Feihong, He Rufei Gongzi."
       "General He?" Fu Wang said in surprise :   "Why does General He need to ..." He didn't say the following words, thinking of the person who had just said, "Should not ask, don't ask," he flattered and smiled :   "I know Now, the young must do a good job for General He. "
       When things were done, Fuwang also returned to Xu home, and it was too long to be suspected. Feinu sits in the tea room, drank the tea in front of him, and got up and left.
       At Crown Prince mansion, today's Shenggeyanwu, Crown Prince is in a very good mood, half leaning on the soft collapse, watching the dancing maid. Beside him, Xu Jingfu sits.
       "Xiangye, why are you free to come to this palace today?" Guang Yan laughed. "Zi Lan and Yan Ting are close to each other. Xu Fu should be very busy."
       Xu Jingfu replied with a smile :   "Fu-ren's affairs are under Fu-ren's control. He came to see His Highness today for the sake of Utop's messenger."
       After extensive drinking, he looked at Xu Jingfu :   "Oh? What's your opinion?"
       "In less than half a month, Uto messenger is going to Capital City." Xu Jingfu said :   "There are more masters and sects in North Han than masters. It is not difficult to persuade His Majesty. It is just a matter of opening a debate and asking Your Highness to think twice. "
       "What does Xu Xiang mean?" Guangyan said indifferently. "It was your idea to cooperate with the Utopians at the beginning. As the Utopians opened up the discussion, how did it come to an end? idea?"
       Xu Jingfu wasn't angry with Crown Prince attitude, only smiled and said, "It's not a change of mind. Now Xiao Huaijin has won the battle, accidentally hit him by mistake, and has taken the initiative to Dawei. There is no need to vain with the Utopians. Once the discussion is opened, it is difficult to discuss the conditions with the Utopians. It would be better to raise the price now, otherwise, wouldn't the Utopians have the final say? "
       Crown Prince face showed a little displeased expression, but soon, this expression was hidden, "Xu Xiang is reasonable. But Xu Xiang has to figure out one thing, you and this palace, and Wu The trustee has a private relationship. Once this matter is spread out, how can there be later? Utopus holds the handle, if they do not give them the right to open a debate in Dawei, will they give up? One point is given to the palace behind Stuck ... what to do if the cause of this palace is delayed? "
       The female virtuoso who played the ‘Guqin in the room did not know when to retreat.
       Xu Jingfu was silent for a long while, arching to Crown Prince :   "His Highness."
       Guang Yan smiled slightly. At this time, a beautiful woman in a wide-sleeve hibiscus skirt was walking in from outside, holding a small silver pot in her hand, walking to Crown Prince, kneeling down, and putting the Wine served.
       Crown Prince drank the wine in front of her and drew the woman into her arms. The woman raised her head to reveal a beautiful face. Xu Jingfu saw it clearly. It was the other day that Chu Zhao gave it to Crown Prince. Yingxiang.
       When Ying Xiang saw Xu Jingfu, he also smiled sweetly :   "Ying Xiang has met the master."
       "This Yatou sent by Zilan is really smart." Guangyan stunned a beautiful woman's face with satisfaction. "It's quite the heart of this palace, so good!"
       Ying Xiangzhang blame :   "His Highness is too famous, nubi are afraid."
       Xu Jingfu smiled slightly.
       This sister-zi who was next to Chu Zhao, because of his prosperous appearance, had been troubled by Xu Yanting many times before him, asking him to dispose of the Yingxiang. However, Xu Jingfu himself inquired that Ying Xiang was rescued by Chu Zhao at the entrance of the Qinglou. It was probably Ying Xiang's experience that made him think of his mother, Ye Runmei, so that he would look at Xiang Xiang.
       Chu Zhao was his fancy person. Xu Jingfu didn't want to damage their friendship between teachers and students because of a small Maid. What's more, Ying Xiang has always stayed beside Chu Zhao and can also become a test. If Chu Zhao is just a man who loves beauty, it won't be much use, let alone stay beside Xu Yanting.
       For so many years, Chu Zhao apparently accepted the test, and he has no relationship with Ying Xiang. As Chu Zhao and Xu Yanting's wedding date was getting closer, Xu Yanting became more and more anxious.
       Xu Jingting went to the Crown Prince in private, Xu Jingfu didn't know. But now, he has no discouraging mind. In the future, Chu Zhao is Xu Yanting's husband, Xu Jingfu son-zi, and a small sister-zi. If his daughter is not happy, he will kill, let alone give away. Chu Zhao himself should have a steelyard.
       Chu Zhao made the right choice.
       Xu Jingfu is very satisfied. Such young people who are smart and know how to choose are rare in Shuojing today.
       In the past, Xu Jingfu impression of Xiang was always an ordinary Shi-nu who was glamorous, but timid and quiet, and never caused trouble, but now here, Ying Xiangqiao smiles and clings to the appearance of Crown Prince, but This made Xu Jingfu feel a little uneasy.
       Crown Prince has never been short of beauty, and no lack of smart people. The battle in the back house is no easier than the power above the court. Xu Yanting sent Ying Xiang to Crown Prince mansion, and she never had the intention to let her survive. But so many days passed, Ying Xiang lived well, and was favored by Crown Prince. This is by no means a matter of beauty.
       The eyes of the delicate beauty are clear, as if they do not understand all the filthy things in the world. Among the beauty, such as the morning dew, with fragile purity, even if she does not cherish the beauty's extension, see her In the eyes, a little more pity.
       Xu Jingfu sits for a while and then left. After he left, Guangyan ordered his servants to remove Xu Jingfu bowls and cups.
       "An old guy is just a prime minister, so he takes himself as a big man, and even intervenes in the affairs of this palace." Crown Prince sullen atmosphere in his extended eyes was released after Xu Jingfu left, "I Look at his hand, it may be too long! "
       Ying Xiang snuggled wide, gently stroking his chest with his small hand to comfort him, and comforted softly :   "His Royal Highness doesn't have to be too angry. This world will be His Highness in the future. His Highness is what he says and where it is needed. Listening to others? "
       These words greatly pleased Guangyan, and Guangyan kissed her on the face. "You Yatou, you can talk. Be careful Xu Xiang heard the trouble of finding you."
       "Even if the Lord wants trouble with nubi , nubi are His Royal Highness. His Highness will surely protect nubi , aren't they?" Ying Xiangjiao said, "Even if you are a Nubi to your Highness, that's better than most people in the world. Besides, tell His Royal Highness a secret. "She got closer and wider, and looked very beautiful.
       This bastard is not as good as other beauties. He either touts him or fears him. Guangyan likes it and asks, "What's the secret?"
       "Nubi didn't like Xu Xiang," Ying Xiang said with a bitter face :   "Xu Xiang has too many rules and always has his own opinions. I'm afraid that one day, His Highness will have to take care of His Highness and let His Highness send him away. , But it's too bad. "

       Chapter 221 :  Friends Visit   

       In Shuojing City, an anecdote recently circulated. Someone was arson in the library of Xianchang Pavilion. The arsoner was found. He was buried in the flames of the fire. The library was burned. The notes left by General Feihong He Rufei when he was studying in the school.
       For so many years in Xianchang Hall, the two most famous are the famous ones. Among the two famous generals, if General Feng Yun is a genius admired by young people, then General Feihong He Rufei is a model often taught by Teacher to teach students.
       "You should know that when General He was in Xianchang Hall, he had poor academics and was always the last. Even so, he can make up for himself with diligence. Now, he is not a great general. Therefore, not everyone in the world is a genius. You can work hard and you can A great cause. "
       As an example of "capable energy" by General He, it was not enough to rely on the classmates and Teacher's mouth at the time. The memo in the library is evidence. Now this evidence is inexplicably burned away. While many teachers in Shuojing secretly scolded the arsonist for lack of morality, the students in the academy cheered in unison.
       After all, being forced to "make up for it with diligence" is not an easy task.
       On He house, He Rufei sits in his study and looked at his men who were in Huihe.
       "You mean, the deceased sent out to arson did not even leave the body?" He asked.
       "If not," He Yuansheng narrowed his eyes, "but what do you think is wrong?"
       "But I burned a book and died in the fire. I couldn't see the body, so I felt a little strange."
       His subordinates respectfully replied :   "The younger asked about it near Xianchang Hall. The fire in the library was real, and now all the students in the school hall are returning home. The curator is asking someone to repair the burned-out bookshelf ...’No notes left.'
       He Yuansheng thought for a moment, "If not, if you don't worry, would you like to take a trip in person?"
       "No." He Rufei categorically refused. "Now it's an eventful season, I have to be more cautious. The Xianchang Pavilion just caught fire. I will go back and I will inevitably be caught. The last thing hasn't happened yet , You must not take it lightly. "Thinking of the last thing, He Rufei was frustrated. He made up his mind to have He-Yan's life, at least with the intention of temptation. But I did not expect that the woman was so talented. Fortunately, all he was looking for were dead men, and he could not reveal the secret. In the end, Ben pushed all the evidence to Fan's family, but the door of Qimen was unwilling to settle the case. He Rufei sent someone to inquire, only to find that Xiao-Yue had intervened.
       Xiao Huaijin paid great attention to his fiancee, and now it seems that he wants to make an appearance for his fiancee. He Rufei, the daughter of the captain of the Shingmen alone, has not yet taken his eyes, but Xiao-Yue has already heard about it. Even Xu Jingfu has not been able to benefit from this person, which is certainly worthy of fear.
       "Well, since the notes have been burned, let alone the rest." He Rufei turned his head. "A short time later, the ambassador of Uto will enter Capital City. At this juncture, don't mess things up."
       He Yuan paused and looked at He Rufei, "Once the Utopians enter Capital City, Ji Xia will have to discuss the main battle and the master, Ru Fae, I Hejia ..."
       "Father, I Hejia, naturally it is the Lord and Harmony." He Rufei smirked :   "Not to mention the war in Huayuan, I have been tied together by Xu Xiang. Even now for Hejia himself, I must only stand in harmony. Xiao Huaijin Already avenged me, helping Xu Xiang is helping me. "
       "Of course I know, just," He Yuansheng's eyes flashed a little light, "My son, today's Chaozhong, 4-Prince voice is quite loud, you see ..."
       "The voice of 4-Prince is as loud as Xu Xiang." He Rufei frowned. "Besides, Wei is the most important etiquette, Crown Prince is orthodox, 4-Prince has no mother's support. Father, By this time, Hejia, I can't take a neutral stance and must stand on the side of Crown Prince without reservation. "
       He Yuansheng sighed, "I just worry about my father."
       He Rufei glanced at a hint of sarcasm. He looked at He Yuansheng :   "Father, if you want to get the richness of the sky, it is impossible not to take risks. When Mei-mei came to the 1st-General army, there was no Retreat. "
       He Yuansheng froze, as if suddenly being pierced through the secrets in his heart, a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face, and after a pause, he stood up and said, "Since you have made up your mind, do as you say, there is something for the father Here, go first. "He fled and left.
       He Rufei looked at He Yuansheng's hurried back and smiled, leaning back, his face gradually glooming.
       I don't know since when the entire Hejia has begun to look at his face and act. Even He Yuansheng and He Yuanliang should be careful when talking to him. He Rufei heard more than once the people in Fuzhong said that 1st Shaoye temperament has become more and more strange in recent years, which is different from the past. After He Rufei hears it, he will be executed directly. After a few times, no one dared to chew his tongue behind his back.
       Anyone who achieves a big deal is informal. The two brothers Hejia, He Yuanliang are timid and cowardly, sleek and deceitful, and they are useless. He Yuansheng is cruel and unfortunate, but unfortunately, there are many concerns and he dare not let go of everything. Now there is only a woman with the same name and the same name, and Xiao Huaijin has become the opposite, and when they start doing things, they are bound to hinder their eyes.
       How could they know that, if they have to do something big, blood in their hands is the most common. Just like the war in Huayuan, he took the initiative to catch up with Xu Jingfu before the end of the war. Xu Jingfu and Utopia also had a secret relationship. But it was just a casual story. In the past, He-Yan's confidants were buried in the battle that did not need to pay so much.
       Since then, very few people have known General Feihong, and this General has done everything right.
       He Rufei was not half guilty of what he did, and he had no sympathy for his premature cousin. Before He-Yan became General Feihong, she had been carrying her name for many years. If it weren't for her "1st Shaoye" status, once a woman lives on the earth, she should follow the rules and marry a husband. Where can everything be later? It can be said that the military achievements earned by He-Yan were originally based on his name. Today, everything is just the original owner.
       Not to mention that Wu Anhou is obviously a substitute for pretending to be a god and a ghost, even if He-Yan came to ask for his life, he was not afraid at all.
       Because ... this should be his.
       On this day, He-Yan left the house early in the morning and did not return home until the evening.
       Fan Fu-ren in jail was still insane and could not tell anything useful in his mouth. Qin-Mama was hidden in the Xiao family, but she knew very little. Xu Zhiheng would not really trust He Wanru, and Qin-Mama deliberately avoided the killing at the time, so there was not much evidence other than witnesses. He-Yan had to run by herself. Although she is Wu Anhou now, she has not yet established her own network in the country. Her colleagues see her as a woman. Although she is flattering, she is contemptuous and can make good officials in the country. Except for the classmates like Yan He and Lin Shuanghe, there are very few.
       Fortunately, although Wu Anhou name is not very easy to use, the "Xiao-Yue fiancee" is more convenient than He-Yan imagined. As long as Xiao-Yue is moved out, most of my colleagues are still willing to sell her a face. He-Yan then used Xiao-Yue name to inquire about things inside the Fuyue Army.
       She explored this way, and she really found some clues.
       Since He Rufei first obtained Feihong, the Wei Dynasty was peaceful and there were few wars. He stayed in Shuojing and never left the city. The first battle in Huayuan was He Rufei first battle in a few years. In this battle, the Fuyue Army led by He Rufei only defeated fiercely, and his confidants died. The lieutenant who was closer to He Rufei was alive.
       And the soldiers who survived that battle were mostly ordinary soldiers who did not have access to the secrets of the battle.
       However, even so, there are still some secret rumors spread.
       "The general on that day was very different from before. It seemed to have had disputes with the military division, but the military division had already died during the war in Huayuan, but ... when the Utopians came that day, I was the first to possess it. Opportunity. But the general kept on guard, and finally gave the Utopians a chance. "
       "However, maybe I have been thinking too much. The general has gone through hundreds of battles. Naturally, I didn't wait for the soldiers to figure it out." The soldier added.
       Because General Feihong's name was too loud, no one would doubt his tactics, and no one would doubt his loyalty. It's just that He-Yan knows it well, and He Rufei clearly knows to let those people die. He Rufei had never brought soldiers before. In the war of Huayuan, he could only annihilate the most valued subordinates and retreat himself. There is no such reason in the world unless ... The trustee secretly collusion.
       Thinking about it that way, He-Yan noticed that in Rundu, when she pretended to be He Rufei night attack on the Utopian barracks and burned the grass, Utop's reaction from 1st-General Huate was also intriguing.
       If He Rufei really protects his identity from being exposed, he will not hesitate to seek tiger skins and betray the monarch.
       She was thinking about it, and had unknowingly reached the door of her house. As soon as she entered, Qingmei saw her and hurried forward, saying, "Miss, you can come back."
       "What's wrong?" He-Yan wondered. Since her identity was revealed, He-Yan asked Xiao-Yue to remove Chiwu in the day and come back at night. A good guard couldn't keep her from doing anything serious, but after Chiwu left, Qingmei went back to the past. Rare to see her so flustered.
       "Come here," Qingmei whispered, "said it was Miss, ..."
       As soon as the words fell, He-Yan heard a familiar voice :   "Brother!"
       When she looked back, she saw a teenager with red lips and white teeth running in the hall, and walked around her twice with surprise, "Brother, I didn't expect you to be a woman!"
       Qingmei kindly reminded :   "Little gongzi, I Miss, this is a woman."
       He-Yan didn't expect that Cheng-Lisu actually came to his home. It seemed a long time ago to see him last time. The boy grew a little taller, but his eyebrows flew as always.
       "Why are you here?" He-Yan asked.
       "I slipped out while my family was not paying attention today." Cheng-Lisu said with a bitter face :   "I returned to Capital City from Liangzhou Wei and was arrested to go to school. There was no freedom at all. I heard before Brother, you want to come back to Capital City, I want to come and see, but the discipline in the school is strict, I can't go out. When I go back, I heard that you are a woman, and also became my fiancee of Mu-Uncle, brother! What is going on? How did you become a woman? "
       It’s been a long time, and I didn’t expect anyone to be tangled. He-Yan reluctantly, only said :   “I was a woman. At that time, I was forced by the situation, and I had to dress as a man in a military camp. Back in Capital City, Your identity was revealed naturally, and you misunderstood it before, sorry. "
       As soon as the voice fell, I heard another voice :   "So, did you admit that you deceived you?"
       He-Yan hesitated and saw Song Taotao coming out from behind. Little Miss, now she is more beautiful and smarter than when she was in Liangzhou Wei. The Song family probably loves this daughter very much. The clothes are very expensive at first glance. She is like a little fairy who can’t eat the fireworks on earth. Her pink-carved jade face has a different face, and that look is like an infatuated woman who has been abandoned by a bearded man.
       "Tao Tao?" He-Yan looked at Cheng-Lisu. "Did you come together?"
       Cheng-Lisu rolled her eyes. "Who coming with her? When I came to look for my eldest brother, I happened to meet this shrew at the door."
       Song Taotao walked in front of He-Yan, with a complex look. He-Yan looked up and down, and he resentfully said, "You are really a woman."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       It's impossible to say that little Miss, He-Yan didn't find it from beginning to end. After all, this child is pure and sincere. Any thoughts are written on his face, and the admiration and affection without disguise can be seen. Only in Liangzhou Wei, He-Yan's identity could not be explained, and there was no way to remind the child that she was a woman and could not marry Song Taotao as his wife.
       Now when he is approached here, He-Yan is inexplicably guilty and feels like a stinky man who has deceived the innocent feelings of a young girl.
       "I ..." She carefully considered the wording and hadn't figured out what to say so as not to hurt Song Taotao, a fragile young girl.
       Song Taotao was also aggrieved in his heart. It has been a long time since he learned that He-Yan was a woman. But Song Taotao couldn't convince himself. He had to see He-Yan in person to believe it. It was easy to persuade my parents today, and then I went out with my family. I did not expect to encounter Cheng-Lisu, an obscene product. Forget it, at this moment, seeing that the woman in front of her is so sturdy and elegant, Song Taotao finally has to accept a heavy reality.
       He-Yan is indeed a woman, even a good looking woman.
       Such a woman, how did she feel like a man! I was also thinking about breaking up my marriage contract with Cheng-Lisu and marrying each other!
       "I blame you," Song Taotao Jiao was used to, and he was so anxious that he vented all his anger on He-Yan. "Hello, go to Liangzhou Wei to deceive people!"
       "Sorry," He-Yan was careful not to pay the child, "I didn't mean it."
       "Why didn't you do it on purpose?" Song Taotao became more and more angry, more and more aggrieved, staring at He-Yan aggressively, "you just want to show your own beauty, so that everyone can be compared, and everyone else is. Looking at you, you have the light! "
       He-Yan couldn't say :   "I ..."
       "it was all your fault!"
       "Enough." Another voice came in, He-Yan looked back, He Yunsheng came in carrying a cloth bag, blocked in front of He-Yan, and faced Song Taotao with a cold face :   " Who are you? Who allows you to prey on my sister at my house? "
       He-Yan, the first two are big. Here, except for her and Qingmei and the bear child, the scene is really awkward.
       "Yunsheng, this is Song 2-Young-Lady, this is Cheng Xiao gongzi, all friends I know in Liangzhou Wei." She said to Song Taotao again :   "This is my brother, He Yun Students. "
       "Friend?" He Yunsheng glanced at Song Taotao and said unpleasantly, "How can a friend be so aggressive, He-Yan, I told you already, don't make anyone a friend."
       Song Taotao paused for a moment. He Yunsheng's appearance was too sudden. She didn't respond for a moment. At this moment, I heard He-Yan say this, and then focused on He Yunsheng. In fact, He Yunsheng is somewhat similar to He-Yan, but not as warm as He-Yan and ç…¦He was always smiling. He was taller than He-Yan. The handsome and indifferent young man standing here was quite eye-catching.
       A man similar to He-Yan's eyebrows, but with a completely different temperament ... man?
       It felt strange, Song Taotao stared blankly at him, but forgot to turn back.
       He-Yan struck He Yunsheng's arm fiercely and whispered in his ear :   "This is a Miss, can you not be so fierce?"
       "I don't care if he Miss, or a man," He Yunsheng frowned, "Did I talk to you like this when I died?"
       The dead child was really more and more rebellious. He-Yan said, she estimated that Song Taotao was so ‘called that she was about to cry, but she hadn't figured out how to comfort the crying little Miss, Cheng-Lisu had again Surprised around, grabbed He Yunsheng's hand :   "You are my brother's brother, that is my brother! My name is Cheng-Lisu, Brother He, did you just leave school?"
       When He Yunsheng met such a familiar person, he stepped back immediately, broke away Cheng-Lisu hand, and frowned, "Who is your elder brother?"
       "It's your sister!" Cheng-Lisu took it for granted. It seemed wrong, and he changed his mind quickly. "It seems that it shouldn't be the older brother now, but also the older sister, right? My brother is me Mu-Uncle fiancee, so I should be called auntie! "
       He looked up at He-Yan, calling out the words in a round voice :   "Auntie!"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       How inexplicable, she had such a big Shi-zi.
       That's not enough, Cheng-Lisu looked at He Yunsheng again, "You are my aunt's brother, then I should be called ... uncle? Uncle He!"
       Hejia sister and brother were both shocked by Cheng-Lisu, a natural climbing relative. Even Song Taotao couldn't see it, and reprimanded :   "What are you ‘calling? Be careful, Chief-Commander hears it, and I'll find your account."
       "I didn't bark again. Sooner or later I'll be auntie anyway." Cheng-Lisu didn't think there was anything wrong with being short, and said cheerfully :   "I will have two more loved ones in the future, aunt, uncle, I haven't eaten What about dinner? "
       He Yunsheng could not bear it, and rushed to He-Yan. "What kind of people do you associate with?" He turned away.
       He-Yan :   "..."
       You can't blame her, it's Cheng-Lisu, who never plays cards according to common sense. She smiled and looked at Song Taotao :   "Did Tao Tao have eaten? Would you like to eat together?"
       I thought Xiao Nizi was here today to come to Xingshi to plead guilty. This time, it was not too pleasant to meet. Song 2-Young-Lady, who is used to eating, may not be used to eating in this rough house. Tao Tao paused, and nodded casually :   "OK."
       He-Yan is really creepy.
       What's going on today?
       But since everyone has already left, a meal is still to be served. It’s just that Hejia meals are simple, and I’m afraid they don’t suit the taste of Shaoye Young-Lady. He-Yan also took silver and asked Ome to buy some side dishes outside.
       When He Sui returned, he was also shocked by the people in this room. When he heard that He-Yan was a friend of Liangzhou Wei, he immediately greeted him with a smile, only as a familiar junior. Everyone ate at a table. Except for Song Taotao silence, He Yunsheng always put on his stinking face, and he got along well. He Sui always wanted to know how He-Yan had been in Liangzhou Wei, but it was not easy to ask Xiao-Yue on most days. There are ready-made candidates at this moment, of course, it will not miss the good time.
       Cheng-Lisu is another word. As long as He Sui asks, he knows everything and can't stop talking. He-Yan suspects that he can remember even a few dry cakes at each meal in Liangzhou Wei.
       However, thanks to this group of children, the boring mood of going to the Fuyue Army during the day also relieved a lot.
       After the meal, He-Yan sent them out. Song Taotao and Cheng-Lisu both brought their own carriages and family members. Cheng-Lisu, but after a short meal, it seems that he and He Sui have become friends for the year, and they have already scheduled the next meal. day. He-Yan managed to send them away, and then they went out.
       Outside the door, Song Taotao got on his own carriage, and Maid on the side asked carefully :   "Young-Lady, today you also met He-Miss, and in the future, you will never quarrel with Cheng Xiao gongzi Are you engaged? "
       The sweetheart is a woman, naturally it is impossible. After that, what other reason does Song Taotao regret to marry?
       Song Taotaoman didn't care :   "I admire Xiao Chief-Commander, and it is my blessing to be with him, but I have never thought about being his grandmother."
       Maid froze for a while, not quite understanding what Song Taotao said.
       Song Taotao bowed his head, remembering the face of the young boy in Tsing Yi he just saw, and pursed his lips quietly.
       She was thinking about doing Xiao st-Yue 1st-Sao, but uncle Xiao was married, but now think about it, it seems to be good to do Xiao-Yue Sao.

       Chapter 222 :  Divorce   

       Xu Fu, at night, someone stayed and turned on the oil lamp.
       The mattress on the side was empty, and Xu Zhiheng stayed in the study tonight.
       He Xinying walked to the table, picked up a dress on her body, and looked at the beating wick in the oil lamp with a complex expression.
       I don't know when, between her and Xu Zhiheng, there seems to be an invisible barrier. To be precise, since the last palace feast, Xu Zhiheng has become very strange. Later, at Yuhua Temple, she saw Wu Anhou He-Yan, who had the same name and same name as her elder sister. Soon after returning to the house, He Rufei came to visit her. It is not so much a visit as a temptation.
       Some things can't be relieved once the signs of suspicion have arisen. He Xinying could feel that there was a big secret hidden in the Xu family, maybe it was related to his elder sister who died, maybe ... it was also related to Hejia.
       She stood at the window. Shuo Jing's winter was extremely cold. In such a cold night, everyone went back to the house to sleep. He Xinying looked at the bare branches outside the window and thought for a long time, finally put on his cloak, picked up an oil lamp, and left the house.
       She was very light and walked very carefully without disturbing others. The Xu family vigil stayed outside the main courtyard and would not enter. The light of the oil lamp was very dim, and the road under his feet was barely illuminated, and He Xinying groped and walked to an abandoned courtyard.
       This deserted courtyard is the courtyard where her elder sister He-Yan lived. Even after He-Yan died, Xu Zhiheng also kept the original appearance of the courtyard. The last time He Xinying was here, she saw Xu Zhiheng madly rummaging through the chest of drawers, and she was discovered without seeing what Xu Zhiheng was looking for. This time, there are no one around for now. one look.
       Although there was no one living in the courtyard, the snow in the courtyard was cleaned. She walked to the front of He-Yan's room. The room was not locked, and the door opened with a slight push.
       He Xinying walked in.
       There was an old musty smell in the room, which was cold and wet, and He Xinying was slightly surprised. Didn't Xu Zhiheng often miss the elder sister? But if I miss the eldest sister, why is the house not cleaned and dust everywhere, it seems like no one has set foot in it for a long time.
       He Xinying took the oil lamp and looked around.
       This is a woman's boudoir. She has a shelf in the front, and she only puts some inexpensive vase decorations, a small table in the middle, covered with a thick layer of dust, and the tea cup and teapot even have a spider web. Further down was a large wooden bed. Compared to this, the bed seemed to be cleaner and covered with a thin blanket. The house looked deserted and empty, and it was not as warm and delicate as the ordinary daughter's boudoir. When she entered, she felt cold.
       Even though He-Yan returned to live in Hejia in the past, he married shortly after, but the boudoir before the marriage was carefully arranged. If this is the room where He-Yan lived in the Xu family before, and this room retains the original appearance of He-Yan during his lifetime, then He Xinying thought that he, the elder sister who died early, would only be in Hejia. Life is not as happy as rumored.
       If it is because your eyes are blind, you should not put too much sundries in the house to avoid tripping over the master, but the furnishings and appliances here are shabby. There is no more boring stuff, a blind man living alone in such a large room, if he changed himself, he was afraid he would be driven crazy.
       He Xinying walked to the table. The last time, she saw Xu Zhiheng flipping over the box here and she didn’t know what to look for. She pulled out the wooden drawer, and sure enough, it was empty, and she wanted to come. If there was anything, I’d be afraid of Xu Zhiheng. Take it away.
       She didn't realize that she had put Xu Zhiheng into an opposite position unknowingly. Instead of relying on and trusting the gentle and considerate husband in the past, she had to take precautions and doubts instead. Even the gentleness and peace of the past are now hypocritical in He Xinying's eyes.
       He Xinying walked around the room, checked all the wooden drawers and shelves, and found nothing, and saw nothing useful. She came out too long, the outside was too cold, and the wind went straight to her knees. She rubbed her numb legs, looked at the relatively clean bed, and sits next to the bed.
       In the room, only the oil lamp in his own hand glowed slightly, and sitting here was a little weird. When he was quiet, He Xinying regretted it a bit, what was he doing here. There is no one here. I heard that the soul of a deceased person will linger in the place where he used to live. If the elder sister is here ... Although they are blood relatives, they were not very friendly before, and they can scare if they see a ghost at night. dead person's.
       He Xinying couldn't help but clenched the bedpost, which was a habit she developed as a child. When he was timid when he was young, he always slept with his mother. When he got older, he couldn't sleep with his mother. With his own yard, He Xinying was still scared when he lived alone. When I was most afraid, I leaned on the inside of the bed at night, holding the bed pillar on the side of the wall tightly, and praying to the Buddha in a whisper.
       Same today.
       However, when her finger slid down the bed post, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. He Xinying froze, and then stretched out her hand and stroked the place where she found something. She climbed up to the head of the bed, looked at it with an oil lamp, and suddenly found that a piece of wood was slightly raised on the side of the bedpost against the wall.
       The girl was small-hearted, and her fingers pushed hard outward, and the wooden board fell off, and a roll of yellow paper was exposed from inside, which seemed to write something. Her heartbeat was so fast that she only understood that this thing was important because it was hidden here. Perhaps this is exactly what Xu Zhiheng was looking for earlier.
       I don’t know when someone will come here. He Xinying pushed hard and pulled a book-like thing from the intentionally hollowed out bedpost. She quickly hid the book in her arms and hurriedly The wood on the bedpost was fastened, and then the oil lamp was carefully left.
       Surprisingly quiet, He Xinying secretly returned to his house all the way, before he dared to take out just the scroll from his arms. She glanced at the faint light of the oil lamp, and it turned out to be a scroll. She was frustrated after a few pages, and it was a book of soldiers ...
       Various warfare are recorded on the side, and there are notes written by the reader himself. Looking at this handwriting, it is by no means Xu Zhiheng. There is no one from above and below the Xu family. Besides, it is hidden so secretly, and it is in He-Yan's house. Stay here.
       But ... How did He-Yan read Bingshu?
       Instead, her cousin, He Rufei, was almost the same, but He Rufei book of soldiers did not appear in the Xu family, and she was so careful about it.
       He Xinying held this book of soldiers, and couldn't figure out what was going on in his heart. At this time, someone suddenly heard a voice outside, He Xinying was shocked, and quickly blew out the oil lamp, hid the book in the lower box under the table, walked to the ground in three or two steps. Just lying down, Maid was knocking outside :   "Big-Madam? Big-Madam?"
       "What's the matter?" He Xinying responded sleepily.
       There was a silence outside for a while, and someone said, "There is a thief in the yard. Laozi asked me to ask Big-Madam."
       "Has the thief been in?" He Xinying was a little nervous, but still pretended to be surprised, and opened the door to Maid in a cloak and asked, "How could a thief be in the house?"
       "I don't know." Then Maid was so relieved to see He Xinying stay in the room, and said with relief, "Laozi is trying the little thief now."
       "I'll take a look." He Xinying said. She closed the door and walked with Maid into the main hall.
       In the main hall, Xu Zhiheng was sitting on a chair in the middle, and there were a lot of Pozi manservants standing on the ground, and a manservant dressed on his knees, he could not help but bow to Xu Zhiheng. Take it, nothing! "
       Xu Zhiheng's face was so heavy that he wanted to drip water, staring at him deadly :   "Less nonsense, hand over what you stole from the Big-Madam bedpost, otherwise, you will die here today!"
       When he said this, his eyes were dark and vicious, and he used to look like a gentle and gentle person. He Xinying was startled, and he heard the word "bedpost", which was extremely tense. She barely squeezed a smile and walked to Xu Zhiheng :   "Fu Jun, what happened?"
       Seeing He Xinying, Xu Zhiheng looked a little slower, pointing at the humane on the ground :   "This man sneaked into Aya courtyard at night, and stole Ahe old thing from the bedpost, terrible!"
       Fuwang——The manservant on the ground quickly argued :   "Laozi, it's really not small. When the younger finds the bedpost, the inside is already empty. The younger really doesn't take the contents inside!"
       Fuwang's heart is also full of bitterness. Today, he is just no one at night, it is a good time to sneak into the previous Big-Madam house, in order to find the old thing for the mysterious man. As a result, he turned around in the room and found that there was a place different from the others, that is, the bedpost of the back room. He thought that there would be a secret in it, but when he opened it, it was empty. Before I had time to regret, I did not know when to shock the people outside, and was caught in front of Xu Zhiheng.
       "Laozi, it's really not a small job, if you don't believe it ... you search for a small person, where they live ... a small injustice!"
       He Xinying looked at the manservant and continually scratched his head for begging for mercy. The manservant seemed to be acting as her substitute. However, if it is just ordinary property, with Xu Zhiheng's temper, you don't have to be so blameful. It’s a big deal to get a board and go out of the house. How you look at it now is like endless. Does Xu Zhiheng know what's in the bedpost? But that's just a seemingly ordinary war book!
       He Xinying didn't quite understand.
       "I see that your mouth is full of lies, without a word of truth. In that case, you can't ask me any reason for staying with me, so I will hand you over to the government." Xu Zhiheng said coldly.
       As soon as this word came out, Fuwang suddenly changed color. Since ancient times, the servants who were handed over to the government by the master were mostly dead words, and death was particularly tortured. He was just greedy for money, but he never thought of taking his own life. Moreover, it was so wronged to know that he didn't get anything. That being the case, of course, it is most important to save his own life first. Fuwang begged :   "Please, Laozi, don’t give the small to the government. In fact, the small is also entrusted by others to steal things. The small tells Laozi everything he knows. Can Laozi pass the small one? Life?"
       "Trusted?" Xu Zhiheng looked at him.
       "Exactly," Fu Wang banged his head, "Just borrowing a little one hundred courage, a little one dare not steal things from the house!"
       Xu Zhiheng stared at Fuwang, as if to distinguish whether what Fuwang said was true or not. After a while, he said to the people around him, "Let's all go out, I have something to ask this thief."
       He Xinying glanced at the manservant on the ground, "Fu Jun, I ..."
       "You go out too." Xu Zhiheng's attitude was resolute.
       He Xinying said nothing, backed out, and waited for the door to close, she looked in the direction of the room. I don't know when the palm of her hand was soaked with sweat.
       That book of soldiers ... what happened?
       In the room, Xu Zhiheng asked, "Well, who asked you to steal things from Xu house?"
       "Yes ... it is General He."
       "Dare you lie to me?" Xu Zhiheng was furious.
       Fuwang was so frightened that he knelt down again and said, "The younger dare not deceive Laozi. Those who talk to the younger said that their master is General Wo!"
       Xu Zhiheng's hands clenched into fists, suppressing his emotions, "Why would He Rufei ask you to come and steal?"
       "I don't know the little ones," Fu Wang wiped the sweat on his forehead. "They gave a small amount of silver, and the small ones were also fascinated for a while. Thinking again, I just went to steal something and asked about the individual, but not I promised to do something that was harmful to me. "
       "Inquire about people?" Xu Zhiheng narrowed his eyes. "What on earth do they want you to do?"
       Fuwang only hoped to be able to go out, no matter what else, simply said everything he knew. "They want to find some old things from Big-Madam’life, and people related to Big-Madam’life. When he entered the house, Big-Madam had already died. He couldn’t find anyone. He just thought he might steal something. ”He was also cunning, saying that he was caught before he could do anything for the other party. Not to mention the previous Qin-Mama, "I sneaked into Big-Madam’house tonight and found it before I found it. But Laozi, the thing in the bedpost was really not a small one to take away. Small When the bedpost was found, it was already empty! "
       What this said is not false, but unfortunately Xu Zhiheng still doubts him.
       "I beg Laozi to spare his life, and he will never dare again!" He begged.
       The Xu-Laozi, who had always been soft-spoken, did not answer today. Fu Wang boldly looked up and saw the light shining, the man's face was half bright and half dark, half like ordinary people. False, the other half, but like a wicked ghost, twisted to make people cold.
       I don't know how long it took, just when Fuwang felt that he was about to lose his life, the person above spoke. Xu Zhiheng said :   "Since you said it was General He who asked you to do business, Ye will save you. But ..." His voice sank. "The next time they ask you to meet again, you need to tell them that nothing was found. And you cannot tell me what I found you. "
       Did he want to lie to He Rufei? Fuwang's doubts flickered, and he bowed his head quickly, gratefully opening his mouth :   "Many Thanks Laozi! The young must do things for Laozi!"
       Xu Zhiheng looked at the manservant with his head kneeling down and did not speak.
       He Rufei secretly sent someone to investigate He-Yan's old thing during his lifetime. What did this do? Want to catch a handle to threaten yourself?
       Yes, a few days ago, there was a big fire in Xianchang Museum, which happened to be burnt down as the "He Rufei" little notes. As soon as the news reached the Xu family, Xu Zhiheng guessed that it must be He Rufei. for. It seems that He Rufei is not as calm as the appearance of the cousin with the same name.
       Hejia has too many handles. He-2-Fu-ren, He Rufei, and He Yuansheng and He Yuanliang are brothers. In comparison, the Xu family has too few handles. Even He-Yan's death wasn't him. He really wanted something to happen, and Xu Zhiheng could completely retreat.
       Perhaps this is what makes He Rufei feel uneasy, so he will do everything possible to seize the handle of He-Yan at the Xu family. In this way, as long as you can prove that you also know that He-Yan and He Rufei are interchangeable With regard to identity, one day the truth came to light, and the Xu family could not run away.
       He Rufei was afraid, so the more it was at this time, the more he wanted to pull the Xu family into the water.
       Xu Zhiheng's face was heavy.
       Even though he knew it from the beginning, he also understood that Hejia and Xu were already a man on a boat. But when it happened under the eyelids, it was still unhappy. In the past, when things were safe and sound, naturally I hope you are good and good, and we will be together, but once something goes wrong ... He Rufei approach is really not moral.
       Since He Rufei is so overwhelming, he doesn't have to say anything. Speaking of which, just as Fu Wang wandered around He-Yan's house, but found nothing, it really happened. As long as there is no evidence, he Xu Zhiheng can still protect himself.
       At night, He-Yan couldn't fall asleep while turning over and over.
       She knew that He Rufei was not General Feihong, and there were many loopholes, but the world must pay attention to evidence. It's not possible to make the truth public by itself. And the truth sounds so incredible.
       There is no living witness in the Fuyue Army. Qin-Mama alone is not enough, but if you want to grasp He Rufei handle, you have to start from Huayuan World War I. During the war in Huayuan, He Rufei and the Utopians must have an unspeakable relationship.
       He Rufei is cautious in doing things and wants to find evidence of He Rufei treason with his enemies, maybe he can only go to Hefu.
       Hefu ...
       He-Yan sits up from the collapse, leaning on the head of the bed and looking at the tent, his thoughts gradually drifted away.
       In fact, she is not afraid to re-enter Hejia. In that "Hejia", she has had enough use and cold eyes to return to her house, and there will be no old feelings.
       But when she thought of seeing He-2-Fu-ren again, she didn't know how to face it.

       Chapter 223 :  Night Discovery   

       For several days, heavy snow fell in Shuojing City, and the streets were deserted a lot.
       In Xufu, He Xinying stood in front of the study and knocked on the door. Inside, he said, "Come in." He Xinying walked in.
       "I made some sweet red beans in the kitchen, it's too cold outside." He Xinying smiled and took the small bowl out of the basket and put it at Xu Zhiheng's table. "Fu Jun drink some warm body, don't freeze it." Now. "
       Xu Zhiheng's gaze fell on the small white porcelain bowl on the table. In the porcelain bowl, the sweet red beans gave out a sweet and greasy aroma, and the brown soup made him suddenly think of the bowl of tonic that Hejia had sent a long time ago.
       It is also this color, with such a sweet smell, the decoction has an excellent effect. After drinking He-Yan, after three days of high fever, it will never be seen again.
       Xu Zhiheng looked up subconsciously, He Xinying was looking at her tenderly, and his eyebrows were similar to He-Yan, which made Xu Zhiheng jump suddenly in his heart. He stood up subconsciously, and his sleeve was accidentally brushed on the table. The soup bowl, sweet soup spilled on the ground, stained his clothes.
       "Fu Jun is all right?" He Xinying was startled, and he quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe the soup for Xu Zhiheng, and called Maid to clean up.
       "Nothing." Seeing the sweet spit spilled, Xu Zhiheng let out a sigh of relief, and then took the wipe and wiped the water on his body.
       "This bowl is spilled, and I'll get someone to bring another bowl over." He Xinying said busyly.
       "No need." Xu Zhiheng shook her hand, pulled her to sit down with a smile, "I wasn't hungry."
       The tenderness of the woman's hands softened the discomfort that he had in these days.
       He Xinying sits down beside him and thought for a while, and said to Xu Zhiheng :   "I heard Liu Er said that my mother was a little bad when she came in, and she was always sick in bed. I want to go back and see my mother, husband Jun this How many days are free? Why not go with me to Hejia? "
       The book of soldiers had been kept in her room, and He Xinying always felt insecure. If one day Xu Zhiheng rises and people search the whole house, it will be easy to find. Besides, this soldier book is inexplicable. She can't figure out what is going on. She might as well return to Hejia and ask He-2-Fu-ren. The mother's understanding of the elder sister is better than her own. many.
       "Do you want to return to Hejia?" Xu Zhiheng paused and asked He Xinying.
       He looked at He Xinying's gaze and took a bit of inspection. He Xinying jumped in his heart and grabbed his arm with his hand. "I'll go back and see, I'll be back the next day. Fu Jun, can you come back with me? My mother may haven't seen you for a long time."
       He Xinying had not suffered much since he was a child. When he got home, Xu Zhiheng knew that she was a bit of pride when he was in Hejia, but after entering Xu Fu, she never behaved. This is different from He-Yan temper. Although He-Yan also never causes trouble and keeps himself, it is impossible for her to coquettish herself like He Xinying.
       Xu Zhiheng said :   "I've been very busy these days, I'm afraid I don't have time to accompany you back to your house. In this way, I will ask someone to take you back home, and after a while, I will be free, and I will accompany you.
       He Xinying showed an aggrieved expression in a timely manner and said, "... well."
       Xu Zhiheng smiled and held her hand, her thoughts had already drifted elsewhere.
       It is impossible for him to go to Hejia now, not to mention the two brothers He Yuansheng, who knows what the idea of He Rufei is now. I arranged eyeliner in my own house to try to catch the handle ... and He Xinying, Xu Zhiheng thought, although He Xinying is his wife, but the surname is He, who knows if He Rufei has passed through her, This is also good. Since He Rufei can insert eyeliner in his own house, I don't know if he will count it?
       This time, let He Xinying go home and explore the bottom.
       At midnight, it started to snow again.
       It was freezing cold, He-Yan got out of bed in the dark. The room was dark and she didn't even light an oil lamp. Fortunately, she was used to being a blind person in the past. Even if she didn't turn on the light, she wouldn't fall when walking around the room. After getting dressed, he pulled out a short sword from the drawer and went out.
       The snow was very heavy. For the sake of movement, she was very thin. She wore only a thin layer of cotton in her night clothes. When she went out, her nose was almost frozen. A charcoal fire ignited in the fragrant horse stables, emitting a faint flame. The courtyard was quiet inside and out, and Hesui and his son were sleeping soundly, and there was no movement in Chiwu room. He-Yan quietly opened the door and went out.
       Snow is everywhere, and the long street is covered with silver and white. Lanterns are hanging under the eaves of the two streets. It's very red and lively. It will be Chinese New Year in less than two months. The New Year's atmosphere is now there, although it's still a bit cold.
       He-Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and a cloud of white mist poured out in front of him. Strange to say, Liangzhou Wei winter was much colder than that of Shuo Jing, but at that time training every day, sweating every day, but forget the cold. It's really cold lameness here today.
       She took a few steps, and as the street came to an end, she saw a carriage parked. He-Yan hesitated for a moment. In the middle of the night, the empty streets suddenly added such a carriage in the road, like a ghost. He-Yan squinted his eyes and looked intently. There was a driver in front of the carriage, and when he saw her, he took off his hat.
       "Fly ... Fly Nubi?" He-Yan said in surprise, "how are you here?"
       Fae Nu didn't speak. Instead, the carriage curtain was opened, and a person walked down from above. Wujin cloud pattern brocade was pretty and elegant. When I saw it, it was like a painting on a snowy night, it was Xiao-Yue.
       He came over, his boots stepped on the snow, and he made a gurgling noise. He-Yan approached him and asked, "You don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?"
       Xiao-Yue raised her eyebrows and said disapprovingly, "What about you? What do you do when you go out in the middle of the night?"
       "I ..." He-Yan whispered for a long while, "I can't sleep and come out to relax."
       Xiao-Yue chuckled, staring at her with a lot of time :   "Big-Young-Lady, come out in your house and wear a night coat?"
       He-Yan scratched his head, knowing that this person was very smart, and it was not easy to lie, and frowned, "I'm out to do something ..." She looked at Xiao-Yue, and glanced back suddenly, "You follow me all day long, don't miss it in the middle of the night? Xiao-Yue, even if I am your fiancee, you don't have to chase it so tightly."
       Xiao-Yue :   "..."
       "What are you thinking," he seemed speechless. "You go out in the morning and buy a dagger in the smithy in the west of the city, and say," he lazily said, "Go out so late, kill or set fire?"
       "Did I get rid of Chiwu when I bought the dagger?" He-Yan was also puzzled. "How do you know?"
       When doing these things, she was always very cautious, knowing that being discovered by Chiwu would lead to suspicion, but she managed to get rid of the big man.
       "It's not Chiwu," Xiao-Yue said, "In short, I just know it." He glanced at He-Yan's short sword pinned to his waist, a little bit disgusted, "You can't buy it without giving you silver. A good sword? "
       "What does this have to do with swords?" He-Yan said, "The important thing is the person who uses swords and swordsmanship. My swordsmanship is good. I don't need a good sword to add light to myself."
       Xiao-Yue nodded and said, "Diligent and frugal."
       "... good words," He-Yan asked, "how do you feel like you're scolding me?"
       The snow outside kept on, and she was on her hair very quickly, and she was covered with a thin layer of frost. Xiao-Yue pulled her down to the eaves on the side of the street and stood outside, blocking most of the snow , Just asked :   "I haven't said, what's the matter with you going out with this sword so late?"
       Seeing that he couldn't hide it, He-Yan sighed and told the truth, "I was thinking, He Rufei must have a different relationship with the Utopians. He Rufei is cautious and hard to grasp. , I want to go to Hejia and look for other evidence. If he can grasp the evidence related to He Ruofei Utopia, it would be better. "
       "Hejia?" Xiao-Yue frowned slightly. "Are you going alone?"
       "Anyway, I was a Hejia in my last life," He-Yan approached him, and whispered, "Hejia, inside and out, I know well. I also know the secret passages that others don't know. It's easy to sneak in." It’s absolutely fine for people to go. "
       "No," Xiao-Yue interrupted her without thinking. "It's too dangerous."
       "No, what is the danger." He-Yan countered, "Hejia guard, I can fight ten of them. At this time, they have already fallen asleep. The room where He Rufei lives now is the one I used to live in. , There is any hidden grid on the bookshelf, there is any mezzanine in the wooden drawer, I am clear. When I find something, I will leave immediately, and it is not wrong. The number of enemies who attacked Uto in the night has been done. One Hejia, nothing. I'm scared. "
       "He Rufei would have doubts about you now, and he must increase the guards in the house. It is not a good time to go to Hejia now."
       "After a long time, I am afraid that all the evidence is ruined."
       Xiao-Yue eyes fell on her, and a moment later she said, "I'll go with you."
       "What?" He-Yan refused immediately. "You go with me, but you're exhausted. I can get away by myself. It's inconvenient to have one more."
       "Then you don't go."
       "Xiao-Yue," He-Yan was angry, "why don't you make sense!"
       This person doesn't get oil and salt? But to quarrel with him here, and wait until the neighbours of the neighborhood are awakened, don't even think about getting away. He-Yan stalemate with him for a long time, finally defeated, and gritted his teeth :   "Okay, but I really didn't expect it, everyone said Xiao 2-Shaoye is indifferent and unfriendly, I didn't expect it to be so sticky in private people."
       "Every one another," Xiao-Yue looked at her with a chest on her chest. "Who lets He-Big-Young-Lady have the habit of going to other people houses late at night." He leaned slightly and looked at He Yan, the tone is indifferently indifferent, "I'm afraid something will happen and my wife and debtor will repay."
       This person quarreled with others, probably never lost, He-Yan was also said to have lost his temper, and said fiercely :   "Forget it, if you want to follow it, let's go together, but I can say well in advance, really Hejia, don't regret it. "
       Xiao-Yue smiled and reached out to her waist. He-Yan was busy protecting the belt. "What?"
       He took a deep breath :   "What do you think I'm going to do?"
       "More late at night, lonely boys and widows, there are so many things that can be done." He-Yan muttered, "Who knows what you are going to do?"
       "He-Yan." Xiao-Yue said calmly.
       "I laughed." He-Yan flattered.
       "Your sword is too much. Change it." He untied his sabre and handed it to He-Yan.
       "Isn't this drinking Qiu?" He-Yan hesitated, Xiao-Yue has stuffed Yin Qiujian into her hands, she knows that Yin Qiu is precious and wants to return the sword to him, "Do it for me what?"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her and raised her mouth :   "Chang this one, so as not to be told that my Xiao family is shabby and shame me."
       "What others," He-Yan hurriedly said, "Well, I'm going to Hejia today, and surely I won't alarm anyone. How can anyone see?"
       Without waiting for He-Yan to finish, Xiao-Yue has pulled out her short sword around her waist and walked forward with her own self, "Hold it."
       He-Yan had no choice but to keep up.
       Feinu parked the carriage by the side of the road, and the three of them left together and hurried towards Hejia.
       Hefu is located at the west end of the city. The house looks less elegant than the Xu family, but it is also elegant. The Feng-Nu guarded the response outside the courtyard. He-Yan took Xiao-Yue to the wall of the backyard. After walking to one place, he stopped and whispered, "Well, this is my secret passage."
       Xiao-Yue staring at the hole in front of him who could barely allow one person to pass through it, asked calmly :   "What you call a secret passage is drilling a dog hole?"
       "Shh," He-Yan put her finger to her lips. "Small voice. This dog hole is not an ordinary dog hole. I dare say that no one in Hejia knows it."
       "I was a man when I was a kid, but I didn’t have much strength. I was always worried about leaks when I was with other boys. The family was afraid that I would cause trouble by showing too much in the face, so I was locked in the house. Before I entered the Xianchang Pavilion, I went out from this dog hole every day when it was dark, and climbed to Donghuang Mountain in Capital City to help the monk in the temple pick water and chop firewood. At first, my hands were worn out, and then cocoons were born. After that, you can punch with stones hanging on your wrist. "
       "The youths in Xianchang Pavilion are extremely powerful, but if I had not climbed the mountain secretly to practice in the beginning, I would have been worse in Xianchang Pavilion."
       "Ah," she said, "Isn't it that I did too much work for the monks in the temple at that time, so the Buddha saw my sincerity and gave me a chance to reincarnate. No wonder everyone always said To make a good relationship, really, do you think? "She turned to look at Xiao-Yue.
       Xiao-Yue squeezed his forehead, and reluctantly said, "So, you mean, do you want me to drill a dog hole?"
       "Yeah," He-Yan said, "I said earlier, you must follow me, so don't regret it, or not remind you."
       "Don't drill." Xiao-Yue frowned slightly and tilted her head, as if looking at it once was disgusting, "I look over the wall."
       "Don't, Hejia walls have institutions everywhere. He Rufei must have re-arranged it now. I don't know where it is. If you trigger the institution, we will give up everything." He-Yan looked at him, " Then you just wait for me outside like Nubi, I'll go in by myself. "
       "Shaoye, all right," He-Yan reluctantly :   "This will not work, that will not work, what are you going to do?"
       Xiao-Yue stared blankly at the dog hole for a moment, then suddenly slumped his robe corner, half-knelt down, and turned his head to He-Yan, "You first."
       This time, He-Yan was really shocked, "Do you really want to drill?"
       "Hurry up." Xiao-Yue could not bear it.
       He-Yan originally hoped to let Xiao-Yue retreat through this dog hole. I did not expect that this person actually drilled. For a time, my heart was filled with emotion. To say that Xiao-Yue sacrifice was also It's too big. If the soldiers of the Nanfu soldiers at the Nine Banners Camp knew that their Chief-Commander would run into the dog hole without sleeping in the middle of the night, she would surely kill her.
       However, this is not intentional by He-Yan. This dog hole in Hejia was planned by herself. Hejia didn't love dogs. He-Yan had fed stray dogs outside. This is much safer than Xiao-Yue said.
       "Then you follow me." He-Yan whispered, "Take a little action."
       She didn't care what the embarrassment of drilling the dog hole was, she was drilled from a small to a big one after all. She hadn’t drilled for a long time. Xiao-Yue put up with it, and climbed into it.
       The wall of Hefu is thick, and this hole is also made by He-Yan when he was young, not too big. With the Daren figure now, it is much narrower. When he just drilled out, he was weak, but he was weak. Under the light of the lantern, a group of yellow things rushed over.
       Xiao-Yue is about to make a shot, He-Yan has whispered in surprise :   "Er Mao!"
       The man named Er Mao ran to He-Yan, hit him, and pulled He-Yan's leg. He was very affectionate, and was originally a yellow dog.
       Xiao-Yue :   "What is this?"
       "I raised it." He-Yan whispered :   "I thought that after I was dead, Er Mao was kicked out, but I didn't expect it to be."
       To be precise, He-Yan, who was still young, picked up a stray dog and went back to his house, named Da Mao. Hejia people don't want to see the dirty stray dogs, but at that time He-Yan had no friends, and when he was alone, it was also good to have a yellow dog as a companion, so he begged He-Big-Fu-ren to leave the big hair In the house. Da Mao later gave birth to a litter of puppies, but it was too cold, except for Er Mao, none of them survived. The surviving Er Mao is still ‘mute.
       He Rufei removed all traces of He-Yan. He-Yan thought that he would never see Er Mao again, but he could still see it. However, Er Mao usually lives in the backyard and catches mice to eat by himself. It is estimated that He Rufei didn't want to get rid of it. He simply forgot about the dog.
       "It seems to recognize me." He-Yan looked at Erji Mao who was constantly shaking his tail and happily sighed, and sighed, "I have been with you, Lin Shuanghe, and Yan He for so long, and you have not recognized me. , This eyesight is not as good as Er Mao. "
       Er Mao silly punched He-Yan and smiled.
       Xiao-Yue closed her eyes and patiently said, "This is not the time for you to meet the old days again."
       "I know." He-Yan made a "sit down" gesture to Er Mao, and the yellow dog sits down obediently. "Er Mao, you stay here to let me out." She turned to Xiao-Yue said, "You follow me."
       Hefu is very big. He-Yan is very vigilant. Every time he walks, he has to hide in the dark to investigate some people. Although she hadn't entered Hefu the other day, she sneaked around outside Hefu. The people in Hejia had a lot more hands than she had before, so you don’t need to know and know what He Rufei is doing.
       Perhaps He Rufei thinks that Hejia subordinates have a little more, only to support the "Feihong" leader, or to be a thief.
       The courtyard where He Rufei lived, that is, the courtyard where He-Yan originally lived, was the deepest and innermost house in Hefu. Xiao-Yue whispered, "Why is it so far?"
       "Because, Wo 1st Shaoye is ugly and lonely because of her natural appearance." He-Yan said, "I don't like to have too much contact with people."
       In her yard, there were few people waiting and she was very biased. If He-Yan had been a quiet temperer since he was a child, the child was always a lot of fantasies. She was originally lively and curious about everything. Because of this status of being alive, I can only stay in the yard and play by myself. After a long time, even if I am not alone, I will be kept alone.
       A child, this can't be done, nor can it be done. Even the Maid manservants can't wait for you, let alone play a game. For a long time, just have fun for yourself. For example, taking branches to draw pictures on the sand, every room in Hejia yard, she can draw accurately, because she has walked thousands of times in her mind.
       He-Yan was skeptical for a while. After she joined the army, she was always very sensitive to the terrain, and she would never forget to go through it once. In fact, it was learned from her childhood experience.
       "The pattern in the house has changed," He-Yan whispered. "I need to be careful."
       The night was already deep at this moment. The night watchmen were in the outer courtyard. There was no movement in the house, but I could feel a little relieved. Seeing that He Rufei yard was coming, He-Yan became more and more nervous.
       Turning across a promenade, just as he was about to move forward, He-Yan stepped forward. Suddenly, he pulled Xiao-Yue silently into the empty tea room.
       Xiao-Yue was about to speak, He-Yan covered his mouth with a hand :   "Shh, someone."
       The sound of footsteps rang outside, probably the manservant went to the hut at night, passed by the door, and the sound gradually went away. When there was no sound outside, He-Yan was relieved. He turned his head and stopped.
       The moon did not know when it came out, and through the window, there was a light shining on the ground. Xiao-Yue was pushed to the wall by her, with her back against the wall. He-Yan was tense for a while, almost the whole person was lying on him, and he was motionless, with his hands slightly back, like deliberate avoidance, He-Yan covered his mouth and looked like an indecent woman gangster.
       She was startled, and withdrew her hand subconsciously.
       The young man looked at her indifferently, suddenly bent his lips, and said silently, "take advantage of me?"
       He-Yan almost froze, shaking his head again and again, "No, no, I was too anxious just now, not intentional."
       The man nodded as if smiling, and his eyes were plain and unbelievable.
       He-Yan has misery, not to mention, anyway, her indecent Xiao-Yue is not a day or two, and does not care once or twice. I glanced out through the door slit and saw no one, whispered :   "Let's go."

       Chapter 224 :  Evidence   

       Except for the manservant who just got up to the latrine in the middle of the night, after that, the journey went smoothly, and no one met again. He-Yan carefully walked out of the door of a room, whispered close to Xiao-Yue ear :   "This is He Rufei study."
       This was originally He-Yan's study. But now it has become He Rufei. After walking around for a while, no other organization was found, He-Yan gently pushed the door and walked in.
       Where I lived, I used to be familiar with it when I was walking. Xiao-Yue went with her. As soon as he entered, He-Yan was a little surprised.
       The bookshelf is still the original one, and the table is also the original one, but there are more than a few times more furnishings in the study. Porcelain and antiques are all there, which is very different from He-Yan when he lived in the past. She guessed that maybe He Rufei had placed all of His Majesty's rewards in the study, and did not know who was showing it. The bookshelf was originally filled with only half of the books, but now it is full.
       On the wall in the middle, there is a sword, the sword body is blue and green, and the scabbard is a bit green, which is Qinglang.
       She froze, staring unconsciously on the Qinglang sword, trying to reach for the sword, but retracted it when her fingers were about to touch the sword body.
       Xiao-Yue asked, "What?"
       He-Yan shook his head :   "It's not the time yet."
       Even if she can steal the Qinglang sword back tonight, tomorrow's Hefei will definitely report to the official, the sword in her hands has become a "swag", and it can't appear in front of the people. Is this an insult to Qinglang?
       So, it is not the time yet.
       He-Yan thought for a while, got up and walked to that bookshelf, squatted down, half of his body was lying on the ground, reached out and groped, when he felt a familiar bulge, he made a slight noise. "Click," it was an empty mezzanine. He-Yan pulled out a small box with a big palm from the mezzanine.
       Xiao-Yue asked, "What is this?"
       "Sophisticated box." He-Yan whispered, "The reward that Her Majesty gave me at first was just one in the world. After I left, I gave it to He Rufei. I thought he was reluctant to throw it."
       The dark grid on the bookshelf was played by He-Yan in the past. This exquisite box is precious. She married before the Xu family. These things could not be taken away, but they were all given to He Rufei. The Linglong box is very suitable for storing confidential scrolls. Even the best craftsmen in the world cannot open it. Only the person who has set up a solution for the Linglong box knows how to open it. And the solution can only be set once.
       This thing is so precious that it should not be discarded because of its temperament. Moreover, in the view of He Rufei, He-Yan is dead, and he is the only one in the world who knows how to unlock the Linglong box, and of course he is happy.
       He didn't expect that He-Yan would come back to life, but this time it was convenient.
       "I don't know what he put in it." He-Yan said, picking up the Linglong box, and gently turning the lock on the blind according to the memory in his mind, but he had to slap, "click", the lid of Linglong box opened.
       They looked into the box.
       In He-2-Fu-ren's house, He Xinying and He-2-Fu-ren were sitting on the bedside, holding in their hands the book of soldiers stolen from the old residence of He-Yan in the Xu family, Asked, "Mother, what exactly is this? Was it my sister's stay? What did she do to keep this?"
       Her voice was low, and there was only a small oil lamp on the bedside, and the Maids were driven out of the room. He Xinying only said that he hadn't seen his mother for a long time, and he wanted to work with his mother at night, so he could take care of the illness. Now she dare not believe anyone, and dare not stay with her, especially those brought by the Xu family.
       He-2-Fu-ren stared at the Bing Shu in her hands, tears in her eyes, and no words.
       He Xinying felt that her mother must know something, and her heart was even more anxious. "Mother, why don't you speak? Do you have anything to hide from me? I always think Xu Zhiheng is weird. Older sister ..." She I want to say that perhaps He-Yan's death was not as rumored, but when he saw He-2-Fu-ren, he swallowed again when he reached the mouth.
       If He-Yan's death is really not easy, He-2-Fu-ren will be more sad when he knows it. Right now, his mother's health is not good, and she can't make it worse.
       "Yinger, you don't care about these things." It took a long time before He-2-Fu-ren spoke, and his voice was extra tired :   "You just have to live your life well."
       "How can I live well, I don't want to die like an elder sister without knowing it!" He Xinying blurted out.
       As soon as she said it, she regretted it. He-2-Fu-ren blushed and coughed twice. He Xinying quickly picked up the next pap and wiped her mouth. When the pap dropped, it splashed on it. With a pool of blood, it looked startling.
       He Xinying was startled and said in a panic :   "Mother ... why are you so sick?"
       Although she had known that He-2-Fu-ren had stayed in bed for many days when she arrived, the Hejia people only said that it was cold and windy, and it was good to rest at home for a few days. But at the moment, it is clearly more serious.
       "Haven't Father ever come to see the doctor? What the hell is going on?" He Xinying was anxious and was about to get out of bed. "I'll ask the doctor to post with me ..."
       "Don't go." He-2-Fu-ren grabbed her hand, the weak-looking woman, who was particularly strong when she grabbed people, as if to exhaust her vitality, "Mother This is an old fault, it doesn't matter. It's okay. "
       He Xinying's tears were about to fall out, "Mother, why wouldn't you tell me anything? I think something in the house is hiding from me, but I don't know anything."
       Before she got married, she was carefree and innocently happy. When her elder sister died, she married Xu Zhiheng. After a while, she was moved by Xu Zhiheng's tenderness and thoughtfulness. A girl who has never experienced a sinister life, naively thought that she would be protected for life. But when some ugly truths were revealed, she felt a weakness of a woman when she saw vaguely some of the dirty and dangerous.
       "Yinger," He-2-Fu-ren said slowly, "Your elder sister is dead, your mother is only your daughter." She kindly looked at He Xinying, and patted her hand to calm down. He Xinying’s head is like He Xinying’s childhood, “You have to remember, no matter if you’re in Hejia or Xu family, don’t believe it. Mother doesn’t have the ability to protect your sister. Can't protect you. If you want to live well, don't watch, don't ask, don't listen. "
       He Xinying said quietly :   "The elder sister was blind shortly after she married the Xu family. Isn't everything invisible? But she is still dead."
       There was a flash of pain in He-2-Fu-ren's eyes.
       "Mother, you just need to tell me whether this book of soldiers was left by the elder sister, why did Xu Zhiheng take it so importantly. There is also a big brother, who came to the Xu family every three to five, and didn't come to see me, obviously he was looking for Xu Zhiheng. ... and you ... "she said :   " Are you under house arrest by Father? "
       He-2-Fu-ren looks at the woman in front of her. Although she is a biological sister, she always feels that He-Yan and He Xinying are not similar. He-Yan was strong, independent, silent, and quiet. She had been wearing a mask since she was a child, so that now when she thinks back, she can't think of what He-Yan looked like as a kid. After I grew up, I returned to Hejia as a woman and I have seen so few times.
       A raw Miss with a certain brilliance, and a firm and courageous eyebrow.
       But He Xinying is different, soft and waxy, like a snow-white dumpling, look flattering. When someone stepped on his feet, he would cry, for a beautiful dress and betrayal.
       These two daughters have very different temperaments, so she took it for granted that He-Yan was born strong, and He Xinying was born in need of love.
       Until after He-Yan's death.
       One day, she suddenly realized that maybe in those past days, He-Yan was like He Xinying. After being wronged, she would cry, and when she saw something she liked, she wanted it, just like a strong girl would need it. The mother cared and loved, and this little Miss who was always clamoring about her clothes corner and noisily buying candy, had grown up unknowingly.
       He Xinying did not know how similar to her dead sister when she lowered her face and pursued the truth seriously and persistently.
       But even so, she couldn't say anything.
       If you know too much, it will be more dangerous for He Xinying. She has lost a daughter and must never lose another.
       He-2-Fu-ren hasn't spoken yet, and suddenly I heard someone ‘calling outside :   "There is a thief! There is a thief in the house! Catch the thief!"
       At the time, the whole Hefu was lively.
       "A thief?" He Xinying shrank back to the bed subconsciously, and said, "Which thief does not have eyes and dares to enter our house?"
       He-2-Fu-ren grabbed her arm, "Don't talk, don't go out, be careful!"
       He Xinying nodded.
       On the other side, He-Yan was walking around the yard with Xiao-Yue, scolding He Rufei cunningly in his heart. Although He Rufei could not change the way of opening the Linglong box, this person was very suspicious. He actually put a layer of machinery inside the box. Once the Linglong box was opened, a whistle would sound.
       In this way, as long as someone opens the Linglong box here, he will be found.
       However, just when she opened it, she could see clearly. There were a few letters in it, and she carried the letters into her arms. Since He Rufei had not left the exquisite box empty, she also intentionally moved her hands. These letters must be very important. , Today, it is not nothing.
       "The guards are all awake." Xiao-Yue reminded her :   "Escape or fight?"
       "I took your sword, and it was exposed as soon as it came out of the sheath. Can't fight," He-Yan looked down, thinking, "Come with me!"
       In every corner of the Hefu courtyard, she knew it in her heart, and wanted to avoid people easily, but I don’t know if He Rufei heart suffocated during this period of time was short, and there were more guards in the house than family members. Torches and hands came out from all directions.
       "They're over there, chase!"
       "The general said, catch the assassin, you don't have to stay alive, let alone death!"
       He-Yan smirked in his heart, so frightened that the letter in his arms became more and more certain. She pulled Xiao-Yue on her way, passing by a house, she ducked and hid in.
       He-2-Fu-ren was pulling He Xinying against the bed, holding the quilt tense, and seeing that there were two more people in the room, He Xinying was so scared that he would ‘Call. The next moment, one Holding the cold sword across her neck, the masked man in black said, "Stop, kill you if you dare to cry."
       He Xinying was scared and snorted immediately.
       He-Yan was holding a long sword, and her heart was still annoyed. She originally thought that the courtyard of He-2-Fu-ren was the closest to the outer wall, so let's borrow a word. Who knows that this is the middle of the night? , He-2-Fu-ren didn't sleep, He Xinying was also there, why don't you rest here so late, mother and daughter whisper? He-Yan's heart suddenly gave birth to a sour taste, but what is it now? She held the birth mother and pro-Mei-mei with her own hands?
       Something inside Xu Shi passed to the outside, and Maid asked outside, "2-Fu-ren? 2-Fu-ren, what happened?"
       He-Yan's heart jumped, and before she threatened to speak, He-2-Fu-ren had spoken, as usual, "Nothing, just a cough."
       There was no movement outside, He-Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Look at Xiao-Yue behind him, staring alertly at the door to prevent someone from rushing in.
       "Listen," He-Yan whispered, "I didn't mean to hurt two people. Give me the backyard key and leave Our-2 people to leave."
       He Xinying said tremblingly, "Who knows if you will kill someone?"
       He-Yan is a bit surprised. This Mei-mei looks well-behaved. She never thought she had a bit of guts. She deliberately pressed her throat and opened her mouth. "Do you think you are qualified to talk to me about conditions? "
       He Xinying's face turned white, and he dared not speak.
       He-2-Fu-ren, ignoring the sword on the neck of He Xinying, stepped out of the bed, found a key from the drawer, and handed her :   "Let's go."
       He-Yan was surprised.
       She thought that He-2-Fu-ren would like to talk to her about the conditions, or to find a way to ventilate the Hejia people, He-Yan even prepared to be on guard, but did not expect that she would Peace. He-Yan couldn't help looking at each other. The woman in front of her looked at her firmly, her eyes were complicated that He-Yan couldn't understand.
       She looks at He-Yan, and looks at another person through He-Yan. If He-Yan knows that she has a black scarf on her face, she will soon doubt He-2-Fu Whether ren has recognized himself.
       Seeing He-Yan staying still, He-2-Fu-ren pushed her back again :   "The guard will come over soon, let's go."
       Xiao-Yue nodded to her :   "Go."
       He-Yan didn't care about anything else, grabbed the backyard key and turned to leave. The moment he passed by, he suddenly felt what was stuck in his hand. She didn't have time to take a closer look, subconsciously took the things in her arms into her arms, opened the backyard door with a key, and ran out.
       He-2-Fu-ren was right, and the chase quickly arrived. When I came here, I drilled a dog hole, but when I went back, there was no time. After being exposed, I went directly to the back wall. The guard who was catching up was about to follow closely, and suddenly felt a pain in his knee, looked down, and the yellow dog who did not know where it came from bit his calf with bite, and the man was so weird that he couldn't catch up for a while, and watched The two men in black disappeared into the night.
       There was a chaos up and down in the house. He Xinying easily calmed down, relighted the lamp on the table, and patted his chest, "The talent was really scared to me. That man's eyes are so fierce, I'm afraid. He killed me. Mother, Big-Bo would be angry if I knew I had let the Assassin away, even if it was to save my life. If no one found this, don't tell anyone else ... Mother? "
       He-2-Fu-ren just stared blankly at her hand, as if she hadn't heard what she had just said. He Xinying said urgently, "Mother!"
       He-2-Fu-ren turned to God and looked at her and said, "I see, don't tell others about this ... Don't say Xu-Laozi either."
       He Xinying felt weird. Then the mother looked at the man in black and looked very wrong. Then she thought of something. "But are these two people really stealing things? I looked at them empty-handed and didn't steal anything. , My book of soldiers ... yes, what about my book of soldiers? "
       When talking to He-2-Fu-ren on the collapse, the soldiers book was placed on the bedside, and now empty, He Xinying stunned, "Here, those two people should not have stolen my soldiers book Right? But what did they steal the soldier book? Mother, have you seen my soldier book? "
       He-2-Fu-ren coughed and said, "No need to find it. I gave it to the man in black just now."
       "Why, why?" He Xinying never expected He-2-Fu-ren to do this.
       "That thing, it's a scourge to stay in your hand." He-2-Fu-ren's expression was empty. "The two people came for stealing, both hands empty, I don't know if they have stolen what they want to steal. Things. If stolen, it will be icing on the cake. If it doesn't work, it will be charcoal in the snow, and they won't be bothered to come to Hejia for a trip. "
       "Mother," He Xinying said, "how can there be such a reason, but that's something I took out from the Xu family."
       "Yinger, you remember," He-2-Fu-ren's expression became serious. "Whether it's the assassin tonight or the soldier's book of the Xu family, it's rotten in the stomach. Don't mention anything to others. "
       He Xinying came here to understand the confusion. Now a doubt is unknown, but there are more and more doubts, but helplessness. In the end, he only had to respond :   "I know. I won't mention it to others."
       The Feng-Nu were outside. When they received He-Yan-2, the three immediately hid in a separate courtyard.
       "What is this place?" He-Yan wondered.
       "I am in another house in Shuojing City. Sometimes it is inconvenient to do things in the house, just here." Xiao-Yue replied.
       He-Yan knew it a little bit, Xiao Xiao and his wife were especially kind. Xiao-Yue encounter was doomed to do not be understood by most people in the world. Save a lot of trouble.
       He-Yan took out the letter in the exquisite box from his arms and flaunted Xiao-Yue. “You see, this trip has been very rewarding. I said it earlier and went to Hejia. Definitely make money. "
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her and said :   "It's dangerous, only once, not the next example." He paused and said, "From tomorrow, He Rufei will use this as an excuse to search the entire city of Shuojing. These days you Just at home, don't act lightly. These letters are lost. He Rufei first suspect is me, I'm afraid it will affect you. "
       "It's okay, I'm also Her Majesty's close Wu Anhou. He can't produce evidence, and don't even think about me." He-Yan can't wait to open the letter, "Let's see what the letter says He Rufei hid so tightly that I didn't believe it was love poetry. "
       There were three letters in total. He-Yan and Xiao-Yue were taken apart, but it didn't take long, but after reading them, the two changed their faces at the same time.
       "Miscellaneous!" He-Yan put down the letter in his hand and couldn't help but punch him on the table. "There is such a cowardly person in the world!"
       Of those three letters, two were for Utopians and one was for Xu Jingfu. Although he saw He Rufei manservant Ding Yi as early as in Liangzhou City, He-Yan guessed that He Rufei might be related to Xu Jingfu, but there was no evidence. It's true now that the letter is written in black and white.
       In the first battle of Huayuan, He Rufei really reached a deal with the Utopians. He Rufei sent the Fuyue Army's military information to the Utopians. He deliberately won the battle, and the price was to be able to go online with Xu Xiang and express himself with Xu Jingfu Sincere cooperation. And on the matter that the Utopian envoy went to Capital City to seek peace, he will strive to seek peace and cause the Utopians to open a debate in Dawei.
       From the beginning to the end, He Rufei was most afraid of his identity being revealed. The world found that he was different from the "General Feihong" who was able to fight for good wars in the past. However, in order to cover up his identity, he turned out to be treasonous, disregarding the tempor of the great Wei people, infidelity and injustice.
       Xiao-Yue Looking at the letter in his hand, He Rufei and Xu Jingfu got on the line, which is also trouble. Xu Jingfu only covered the sky with Wen Chen. Most of Wen Chen's masters are now in peace. Now, the main battle is only a few generals. However, "General Feihong" has always been quite prestigious among the generals. If He Rufei is not the master, there are only a few generals left in the main battle.
       He-Yan took a deep breath. "Once such a shameless person enters the officialdom, it really gets worse. It's disgusting to stand up to my reputation."
       "You can rest assured," Xiao-Yue whispered, "Everything has me."
       He-Yan suddenly remembered that when he left Hefu again, He-2-Fu-ren stuffed something into her hand, but at that time the situation was critical and she couldn't take a closer look and rushed in. In arms. Now that I had time, I took it out of my arms.
       This is a book, which may have been rolled for a long time, the paper has been wrinkled and turned yellow, and the corners of the book are all tilted. This book has been read many times, and its pages have been touched thin. As soon as He-Yan opened, he froze.
       Xiao-Yue stood behind her, and her eyes fell on the scroll.
       "this is……"
       "My book of soldiers," He-Yan muttered, looking down a few pages, yes, it was her handwriting. Since joining the army in her last life, she has read many military books, repeatedly read the most precious ones, and wrote down her notes and notes next to it.
       Later when she got married, everything related to "General Feihong" should be abandoned. The sword cannot be taken away, the war horse cannot be taken away, and the confidants cannot be taken away. In the end, He-Yan secretly hid a soldier's book in the dowry box and took it to the Xu family.
       Xu-Big-Madam, who is dignified and gentle in front of others, is no different from ordinary women. When she is behind, she misses the days when she freely fought on the battlefield. Whenever she rubs her scrolls with her fingers, she will remember the original time in the military camp. Here were born and died together.
       She hid the book in the bedpost where she was sleeping, and now she recovered.


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