Reborn Female General 235

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       Chapter 235 :  The Truth   

       On the high seat, the emperor looked at the letter presented by the palace man, but hesitated.
       He Rufei heart seemed to be clung tightly by the invisible big hand, and he felt distressed. This is the end, he can be quite sure that Hejia was a thief at night, and the person who stole the letter in the exquisite box was Xiao-Yue. It's just ... How did Xiao-Yue know how the Linglong box was opened? If Hejia is out of no man's land, if there is no report of internal crimes, would he ... He looked at He-Yan, and when he remembered that he had only compared the sword with this woman, she called her "brother".
       Containing thousands of emotions, like a ghost who came to claim debt.
       Does she really ...
       "The real General Feihong once had a classmate with Weichen at the Xianchang Pavilion," Xiao-Yue said, "After the war in Huayuan, the minister found that the identity of General He was questionable. After returning to Capital City, he visited the Xianchang Pavilion. Someone set fire to the library of the Xianchang Museum in an attempt to burn General Feihong's old notes. ”Xiao-Yue Shen said :   “ Fortunately, the arson was not attempted. The official compared the notes of the Xianchang Museum with the military books that the General Feihong had read. And He-gongzi handwriting is not similar. "

       "Only this point, how can we prove the identity of General Feihong." Xu Jingfu spoke slowly, staring at Xiao-Yue unpredictable eyes. "Human handwriting will not remain the same forever. It may change over time or change. It's not impossible. "
       He never thought that Xiao-Yue was in such a large circle, and it was actually this thing to say, which sounded ridiculous and laughable.
       He Rufei cousin is the real General Feihong. He Rufei is just a counterfeit and a fake of Dou Zhan's nest? How is this possible? No one knows the name of He Rufei cousin. Besides, how can a woman have such great ability?
       He felt that Xiao Huaijin was just joking, but when he saw He Rufei face, he was shocked.
       For a moment, many things that I didn't understand in the past suddenly opened. He Rufei has a good reputation among the generals, and does not rely on his civil servants to carry him. Even if he wants to participate in the capture team, he is not in a hurry. Instead, he rushed to cooperate with himself in a hurry. .
       Although Xu Jingfu had doubted it, the result of the investigation was nothing, so he dismissed the doubt for the time being. Now it seems that Xiao-Yue words are afraid of being true. Although he doesn't understand how Xiao-Yue knows these secrets, He Rufei accident is really harmful to him. With this in mind, no matter how unwilling he is, at this juncture, Xu Jingfu can only help He Rufei speak.
       "This is just one piece of evidence." Xiao-Yue calmly said :   "Bring a witness."
       Someone was taken to the square by the guard. It was a woman. She was very brave. When she arrived at the square and saw so many people, she was paralyzed.
       "Jiang-shi," Xiao-Yue said, "in the presence of the emperor, say everything you know."
       Xu Zhiheng was as pale as paper, crumbling. He had been looking for Jiang-Mama whereabouts. He had already inquired about the signs before, but the people who sent them out took nothing. Later, because of Fuwang, he thought that Jiang-Mama was found by He Rufei. He Rufei planned to use Jiang-Mama to beg himself, but he never expected that Jiang-Mama was found by Xiao-Yue Already.
       When Jiang-Mama saw the emperor, she was so scared that her head was so scared that her tears almost fell out :   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty ... The housewife really didn't know anything, the housewife was serving Xu-Concubine, that day Concubine said that to kill Big-Madam, it means Laozi ... The women just dared to watch from a distance. They drew Big-Madam into the water, and they were suffocated. They heard that Concubine called Big-General Madam He ... The eyes of Big-Madam were also blinded by them, and the mistress did not take any action. The mistress really didn't know anything! "
       "Oh my God! What does this woman mean? The drowning Xu-Big-Madam was the real General Feihong. They killed people?’'
       "So, Xu-Laozi knows this too? But isn't Xu-Laozi passionate about his dead wife?"
       "What a passion, this is creepy!"
       Lin Shuanghe murmured :   "Brother He ... is Xu-Big-Madam?"
       Yan He couldn't hide her surprise, wondering if she was dreaming.
       Wei Xuanzhang was pushed by his side colleagues, "Wei Teacher, the original General He in your school was actually a daughter? Didn't you find it?"
       Wei Xuanzhang did not speak, his mind was incredible. At the time, He Rufei was very disliked. He would not have allowed Rugao to enter the school if he hadn't been pleading. The young man was hardworking and hard-working, but unfortunately, he had no talent for academics. If it was martial arts, it was not outstanding. The Xianchang Hall trains all the talents of the future of Dawei. Such ordinary people, just go to the ordinary school.
       It was only later that He Rufei led the Fuyue Army to beat the Xibei people, but he let him take a look. Those who can defend their homeland are all good children.
       Now thinking of it, when He Rufei was in the Xianchang Pavilion, he had already shown a different side from other teenagers. For example, Cheng Il wears a mask and is always alone. Teachers always thought he was inferior because of his ugly looks, but now they all understand.
       It turned out that the teenager who was always awkward and hard-working was a girl, afraid of being identified, so she had never been alone.
       He couldn't tell what it was like. Wei Xuanzhang never thought that women should be husbands and daughters at home and should not show their face. The woman has long hair and short knowledge, but now, it is difficult to say a harsh word, only to think that the dead General Feihong is respectful and pathetic.
       5-Prince Guangji quietly pulled a side of Guangshuo :   "Four brother, why don't I understand what they said, what happened to General Feihong?"
       Guangshuo was surprised and said in his heart, "Nothing." Looking at He Rufei kneeling in front of the emperor, he sighed endlessly.
       He remembered He Rufei. At the beginning He Rufei became famous in the Fuyue Army, but later discovered that Hejia Big-gongzi was praised by everyone in the North. It is always a matter of courage to go to war with a good family. Moreover, General Feihong's heroic appearance has many legends among his subordinates, and he admires it. But Xiao-Yue now reveals the truth. The brave general who smashed on the battlefield regardless of his life was originally a weak daughter.
       After the victory, the meritorious service is not hers. The praise is not hers, and her status is not hers. He finally died under the conspiracy of his family. Listening to it made people feel cruel.
       The emperor's eyes were deep, looking to the civilian officials, "Xu Zhiheng, do you know this?"
       "No ... no ... the minister was wronged!" Xu Zhiheng's legs softened, and he fell to his knees. "It's this bastard who slanders with me! I don't have ... is her master! Her master He is like Fu-ren was jealous, and secretly killed Fu-ren, causing Fu-ren to drown. After knowing this, the minister had killed He Wanru to avenge Fu-ren, but the minister never knew that Fu-ren was General Feihong! The minister really didn’t know!"
       He burst into tears and said that he was extremely sincere. Whoever saw it felt that he was innocent? He-Yan looked at Xu Zhiheng's attitude coldly. Suddenly, he felt that the cartilage man in front of him was no longer similar to the boy in Tsing Yi that he met under the hunting ground.
       Crown Prince couldn't help but say, "Xiao Chief-Commander, will not just rely on a few memo, a few words of a Nubi casually to condemn General He. This is the general Wei Feihong, Besides, is the truth in your mouth a little too incredible? A woman, is it so powerful? "
       Guangyan has no contact with He Rufei, but knows that He Rufei has something to do with Xu Xiang. At this moment, He Rufei opened her mouth, not for He Rufei, nor for Xu Xiang, but to stop Xiao-Yue mouth. After all, Xiao-Yue is to him and he is an enemy and a friend.
       "Of these alone, of course, it is impossible to condemn He-Big-gongzi, and moreover," he said, "He-Big-gongzi sin is not just that."
       For a long time, Xu Jingfu secret road was not good. Only listen to Xiao-Yue :   "He Rufei is an enemy of treason. In order to prevent his identity from being revealed, the Huayuan World War I secretly approached the Utopians, at the expense of our innocent Sergeant Wei. Open the net. "
       Maninbu was watching a good show on the wall. He never expected that the fire would suddenly burn in front of him, and his face changed slightly.
       No one spoke.
       The cold wind on the square whistled through the flying flags, like the dead souls on the battlefield, and finally reached the desk for complaints.
       "He Rufei," Xiao-Yue smirked, "you can really counsel."
       "Xiao Chief-Commander, some words are not clear, don't pretend." Xu Jingfu said.
       Xiao-Yue was unmoved, only to have his men present evidence to the emperor.
       "He-Big-gongzi was stolen from the government, saying that it was stolen antiques and other wealth, which caused Hejia to panic and chase the people who stole the money." Xiao-Yue said lightly, "Why so Because He-Big-gongzi knows himself that once the stolen thing is made public, he will be ruined. ”
       He Rufei gritted his teeth and said, "You ..."
       "Three letters," the youth has turned to the emperor, "two are with Utopians, one," he glanced at Xu Jingfu, his lips cornered, "because of Xu Xiang."
       Emperor Wen Xuan raised his eyes sharply.
       If it is said that the matter of He Rufei before just shocked and incredible him, the last sentence of Xiao-Yue gave him a sense of outrage and great betrayal.
       Xu Jingfu ... and Utopians?
       He is a mediocre emperor and likes to be a shopkeeper, but it does not mean that he likes others to play with his applause. This tramples on the dignity of the heavenly family. How can he tolerate it?
       Xu Jingfu fell down on his knees subconsciously and opened his mouth :   "Your Majesty, the old minister has no heart. I don't know where Xiao Chief-Commander forged the letters, so he will defile the old minister. The old minister's heart to His Majesty, heaven and earth You can learn it! "
       He didn't know where Xiao-Yue letter came from, or when He Rufei hid the letter. For He Rufei, he didn't use too much of his mind. An outrageous general was not worth the trouble. But it was his intention to push himself into the fire pit, and He Rufei actually kept it, and I didn't know where to keep a letter, and it was not destroyed. And it was also discovered by Xiao-Yue!
       Emperor Wen Xuan looked at the letter in his hand, and the more he looked, the heavier his face became. In the end, he had no expression.
       Whether the letter is true or not, he already has a number in his heart. For so many years, Xu Jingfu was by his side, and he opened his eyes and closed one eye. It was nothing more than the help of Xu Jingfu when he first assumed the throne. He considers himself an emperor of humanity, different from the emperor, but now it seems that the feelings of monarchs and ministers are not worth mentioning in some people eyes. He gave Xu Jingfu power and status, but the other party was still not satisfied.
       As soon as the four words come out, he looks at Xu Jingfu eyes and has no past affection.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander," Yan He suddenly asked aloud among the generals :   "He Rufei really did it for the sake of his own selfish desire, and forgotten the temperament of tens of thousands of soldiers in Huayuan World War I?"
       Xiao-Yue didn't speak, watching him calmly.
       Yan He eyes suddenly turned red.
       A general is different from a literati. He is on the battlefield and carries a knife and gun. Brothers and comrades born and killed on the battlefield have different emotions from others. When the generals fought, they couldn't wait to protect the next person alone. What they hated most was sacrifice, but there were such beasts. They betrayed their own people and saw them go to death. The picture is just their own base. Fate one.
       Yan He took a deep breath, stood out, and kneeled down at the Emperor Wen Xuan :   "Please your Majesty severely punish He Rufei! Revenge for the innocent slain soldiers who died in World War I!"
       The generals were shocked, and then silent. At last, they unloaded their swords and knives and fell down on their knees. "Please sire your severe punishment for He Rufei, and take revenge on the soldiers who died innocently in Huayuan!"
       The ‘call was shocking, and Maninbu heart was not good enough. Looking at Emperor Wen Xuan again, his expression was shaking.
       Xiao-Yue said in a cold voice :   "The Utopians secretly colluded with the officials of the Central Hann Government, causing Huayuan's First World War to smear charcoal and slain the soldiers. Now, they falsely seek peace, but in fact they contain misfortune, Your Majesty," Xiao-Yue leaned over and saluted, "Wu The trusting wolf's ambitions, if revealed, are to be reconciled, please your Majesty to regain his life. As for the opening of the discussion in Dawei, it is even more fateful. Now the most urgent task is to stop the officials of the Qing Dynasty with the Utopians.
       Xu Jingfu reprimanded :   "Xiao Huaijin, your blood spurted!"
       "The clear one clears himself, why Xu Xiang should be excited." Xiao-Yue hesitated to give him a look, staring directly at Wen Xuan Emperor, and said, "Please retreat to your life."
       Wen Xuandi suddenly felt tired.
       I have been an emperor for so many years. There are not many relaxing days. Most of the time, he is exhausted. But not once like today, makes him feel that he is really old. Old people even sit in this position. Feeling too high and too cold.
       "Fu Huang," 4-Prince Guangshuo, who has never spoken, finally stood up, and he said to Wen Xuandi, "Whether or not what Xiao Chief-Commander is saying is true or false, at the moment, he will be with Utopia. Good things need to be renegotiated. As for He-Big-gongzi and Master Xu ... the truth cannot be let go until the truth has come to light. General Feihong is no small matter. If Xiao Chief-Commander is true, all involved No one in this matter can be disconnected. "
       In this remark, Xu Jingfu is also included.
       Xu Jingfu throat was sweet, but he felt a suffocation in his chest, making him almost vomit blood. 4-Prince Guangshuo has always been a rule. Although he supports Crown Prince extension, beware of Guangshuo, but in Xu Jingfu mind, Guangshuo has no courage to fight for the throne. If there is, it will not be delayed until now. Guangshuo temper is like Wenxuan Emperor, with a little useless kindness of the emperor's family, so he is doomed to be more extensive.
       Guangshuo opening at this moment will become the last straw that crushes the camel.
       Sure enough, Emperor Wenxuan glanced at Guangshuo. At this juncture, he did not hate Guangshuo involvement in politics, but felt that Guangshuo words seemed to have a solution to the situation in front of him, so that he awoke from the evil feeling of betrayal.
       Xu Jingfu looked at Wen Xuandi face and had a bad heart. If Wen Xuandi spoke at this moment and accepted Guangshuo, then He Rufei would not have the opportunity to stand up. He Rufei did not have the opportunity to turn around, that letter would be the evidence of his crucifixion. He couldn’t be taken here at this time, leaving only one extrinsic outside and the idiot. Take it out, and Xiao Huaijin will not let go of this opportunity. As soon as today passes, he will never have the chance to come back!
       "Your Majesty ..." Xu Jingfu old tears twitched. "The old minister was wronged. The old minister thought that Xiao Chief-Commander said that there was no truth. It was all nonsense. General Feihong and General Feng Yun were always at odds. Today, It seems to be true. It is only that the old minister does not know how General He has provoked Xiao Chief-Commander, so that Xiao Chief-Commander can do such a heartfelt thing! "
       Even at this time, he still gave up.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander didn't lie!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded, sharp and harsh.
       He-Yan was startled, and when he looked back, he saw a woman running up and down from the crowd. The woman's clothes were dirty, like where they rolled over, and I didn't know where they came from. Her hair was disheveled, but her looks were beautiful.
       Turned out to be He-2-Fu-ren.
       He-Yan paused, he wanted to step forward, and he was afraid to be found, so he had to stand still.
       Xiao-Yue was also an accident. He Rufei expression shook, but He-2-Fu-ren did not look at the crowd. He flew under the star platform, facing the body of Wen Xuan Emperor, and exclaimed :   " His wife can testify, Your Majesty, his wife can testify. He Rufei is not a general Feihong at all, he is a fake. At the time He Rufei was born with my daughter, but his body was weak, the doctor asserted that He Rufei could not live for three years , My husband and elder brother were bailiffs, so my daughter, He-Yan, dressed as a man and exchanged identities with He Rufei. "
       He-Yan's hand was shaking slightly.
       He-2-Fu-ren climbed two steps forward, "My daughter went to the battlefield at the age of sixteen, and fortunately won military service. When she returned to Capital City, He Rufei body had recovered. His Majesty's reward point will be when He Yan and He Rufei have returned to each of you. It was nothing, "she took a breath, and pointed at He Rufei not far away," but they are heartbroken! In order to be afraid of their identity, they gave my daughter The poison first blinded her eyes and drowned her in the pond. "
       "Xiao Chief-Commander didn't lie to you, Your Majesty," He-2-Fu-ren ‘called, "My daughter He-Yan is the real General Feihong!"

       Chapter 236 :  Sacrifice   

       He-Yan is the real General Feihong!
       If the evidence that Xiao-Yue had just handed over was just a piece of evidence on paper, it still gave people a hint of suspicion. At this moment, the woman came out to confirm that it was really nailed down.
       He-Yan looked at He-2-Fu-ren for a moment. She had never seen He-2-Fu-ren with such a fierce tone. She also never expected that one day, pro Hearing the phrase that she is her daughter. At this moment, He-2-Fu-ren, just like all ordinary mothers, hoarsely tried to find a fair for his flesh and blood.
       But why is she here?
       Xiao-Yue also looked at He-2-Fu-ren, his brows locked. He had promised to make a deal with He-2-Fu-ren to protect He Xinying, but what exactly was to be done, He-2-Fu-ren didn't tell Tsui Luo. Xiao-Yue doesn’t know how He-2-Fu-ren came here, nor does He-2-Fu-ren really want to do anything, but when he sees He-2-Fu-ren's pale face, a hint of ominous prejudice immediately rose in his heart.
       "Don't listen to this slut nonsense, Your Majesty!" He Rufei said eagerly :   "She so sick that she doesn't know her mind, she nonsense!"
       "His wife didn't talk nonsense!" He-2-Fu-ren coughed suddenly and violently, and a dark blood shed from the corners of his mouth.
       He-Yan's heart was tight, and she was cold all of a sudden, she wanted to come forward, but the woman seemed to have not seen her, regardless of the blood on her lips, and said loudly :   "The courtier did not lie, Hejia Afraid of his wife telling the truth, poisoning her wife every day, she knows that time is running out, and the truth of her unwillingness to let her daughter die innocently is buried in the ground. Your Majesty! "Her voice was miserable, like death The beast with blood ‘Calls, "The death of a man is good, and the words of his wife and wife are nothing but words. If there is deception, thunder and thunder, they must not die. After death, they go to eighteen layers of hell. Never live forever! "
       The vow was both poisonous and powerful, and even more shocking was her stern expression. He-2-Fu-ren's mouth was pouring more and more blood, and there was almost no way to control it. Lin Shuanghe wanted to rush out to check, was pulled by Lin Mu beside him, and shook his head slightly at him.
       He-2-Fu-ren ‘called, "Please your Majesty be the master of the women and children, please your Majesty be the master of General Feihong!" After saying this, she seemed to be unable to support her, and her whole body collapsed. Xiao-Yue stood not far from him, holding her body subconsciously.
       He-2-Fu-ren looks at Xiao-Yue.
       The young man in front of him was the dreamer of countless daughters of Dawei, General Feng Yun. She once saw this man walking side by side with his fiancee at Yuhua Temple. It is said that Xiao 2-Shaoye, who is indifferent and proud, is actually in the face of Miss Yan who laughs and smiles in front of her, her eyes are soft and incredible.
       He is a different person from Xu Zhiheng, a different person from He Rufei, and a different person from all those men who use deception to lie to their pillows. If He-Yan is entrusted to him, he should be relieved.
       Her daughter ... He-Yan.
       He-2-Fu-ren's eyes were full of tide, and she knew that He-Yan was standing in the distance and looking at herself, her daughter. Even though He-Yan has completely changed into a person, even though He-Yan has no blood on his body, even if they are mother and daughter, the chance of getting along with each other in the past is very poor, like a stranger, But when He-Yan stood in front of her eyes and smiled, calling her "He-2-Fu-ren" politely, she could recognize it at a glance.
       He-Yan loves sweetness. When eating, chopsticks are always held in the first half. When you don’t like something, it will pile up to the edge of the bowl, but in the end, she will eat it obediently ... she saw it at Yuhua Temple The Miss who ate the meal, I knew something instantly.
       Between mother and daughter, there is probably some induction.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander ..." She took a hard breath, and looked at the young man in front of her with winged eyes. "Is she ... isn't ..."
       "She is He-Yan," Xiao-Yue whispered.
       For a moment, He-2-Fu-ren's heart was filled with great satisfaction. She said, "OK ... OK ..."
       Maybe God sees her daughter being too pathetic, so a lonely person has grown up, deceived, poisoned, killed, and no one is there anymore, but also used to complete the Hejia people and Xu family Good reputation with deep affection.
       How hate she hates, how weak she is, how weak she is. For many nights, she looked at the white silk hanging on the beam of the room, and in one step, she could be relieved and go to hell for atonement. But at the last moment, thinking of He Xinying, he gave up a retreat.
       What can she do?
       Can only live like a walking dead.
       I don't know if God even looked at her poorly, so that she could see He-Yan in her lifetime. When she saw He-Yan for the first time, when she understood that He-Yan wanted revenge and wanted to topple He Rufei, He-2-Fu-ren decided that even if she sacrificed herself The temper life also has to help He-Yan achieve his goal.
       Her own body knows best. After He-Yan's death, she has only one last breath. She knew that Tsui Luo was sent by Xiao-Yue, and Xiao-Yue probably knew a lot of truth, and she was willing to use her life to be the last nail. She took the poison and sneaked out of the dog hole that He-Yan had dug in his childhood. He-Yan probably wouldn't know for a lifetime. When she crawled out of the dog hole every morning, He-2-Fu-ren looked in her eyes.
       He-Yan thought He-2-Fu-ren didn't care about herself. In fact, she had been watching her daughter in the dark for so many years. Seeing her wearing a mask sitting alone in the yard and playing by herself, watching her sullen after being reprimanded by He-Big-Fu-ren, watching her look from her admiration to calmness like water, watching She put away all her "self" to play another person.
       Countless times, He-2-Fu-ren turned around in the night. If she didn’t look at it silently at first, but she was better for He-Yan, and better, so that He-Yan would feel the tenderness for a moment, Maybe He-Yan is extremely temporary, recalling his life, at least a moment of nostalgia and warmth. Instead of dying in the icy pool of water, he became a victim of conspiracy all his life.
       "Don't ... tell her ... I know ... who she is ..." She spoke hard, blood pours from her lips.
       "Why?" Xiao-Yue stared at the woman in front of her, only to feel that I was back on the day when Little-Fu-ren left, and the heartbreaking pain, the person who had suffered would never want to come again, he tasted After this bitter taste, I did not expect that today He-Yan would have to go through the same path he passed.
       How cruel.
       "Just let her hate me ..." He-2-Fu-ren smiled, like tears, "I didn't do anything ... let her hate me ..."
       In front of Cui Luo, she never mentioned He-Yan, and frequently mentioned He Xinying, even if she did transactions with Xiao-Yue, she only cared about He Xinying's life. She knew that these would be seen by Xiao-Yue and heard in her ears. She knows that Xiao-Yue loves everything, maybe it is the only person in the world who treats He-Yan sincerely. The more bias she is, the more Xiao-Yue will distress He-Yan. The heroic and invincible Titans on the battlefield did not understand the exquisite means of the post-Courtyard woman. She is going to use this trick to calculate Xiao-Yue. He calculated that he was desperately good for He-Yan.
       This is the last thing she can do for He-Yan.
       Xiao-Yue gaze was on the woman in front of her, and after a moment, she couldn't help but say, "She never hated you."
       He-2-Fu-ren choked.
       All of a sudden, the world was quiet, only the words of the man in front of her filled her ears. She had no strength left, and it was difficult to turn her head. She only moved her eyes slightly and glanced at the figure she had been most sorry for in her lifetime.
       But her eyes were already blurred, and the person could not be seen clearly. All she could see was a blurred figure, standing on the square, tall and upright, and beautiful, like a painting.
       Suddenly I remembered the day when I was pregnant. At that time, He Yuanliang was very pleased to ask Teacher to see her. Teacher looked at her lower abdomen and said inexplicably :   "King Xing is the best. Bichang, the official post is noble and worthy of the world reward, An Zhengdingguo town side press. Fu-ren's belly is a rare century star Xingliangcai, if it is a male child, it is bound to skyrocket, if it is a female child ... the house can not be peaceful. "
       He Yuanliang taught people to make a lot of clothes for little boys, but He-2-Fu-ren felt inexplicably that in the belly must be a little Miss,.
       The feelings of the world are mixed, although He-Yan is a Miss, he has been a man for so many years.
       In Yuhua Temple, the mother and daughter who met again seemed to be strangers. Holding back the huge waves in her heart, she asked the woman in front of her :   "He-Miss, ... why are you called He-Yan?"
       The girl smiled indifferently and replied casually :   "Who knows, how can an ordinary woman take the word’yan', He Qinghaiyan, maybe I, Father, Niang, knew that I would be on the battlefield in my lifetime. Let the people be safe. "
       He-2-Fu-ren's tears finally fell.
       She whispered :   "Yan Yanxi, who was stunned by the lotus, but she should not take it ..."
       She never thought about bringing He-Yan to the battlefield, to make a contribution, the first wish of a mother was just to hope that she could be a beautiful, carefree little Miss, just.
       But this initial desire has long been unknowingly deviated from the absurdity.
       The tears on her face had not yet dried, and her clenched fists had been released, and the woman's last breath had dissipated, and her life was over.
       Xiao-Yue heart shook. He subconsciously turned to look for that figure. He Rufei stood beside him, He-Yan stood stunned, his eyes fell on He-2-Fu-ren in his arms.
       She didn't know what He-2-Fu-ren and Xiao-Yue said, they were too light and the wind was too strong, she could only see that He-2-Fu-ren finally came to her He glanced.
       What is she looking at? Look at Wuanhou He-Yan, or He-2-Young-Lady He-Yan?
       Qing Lang had returned to his hands, but at the moment He-Yan's heart had no trace of joy. She just stared at the woman in Xiao-Yue arms. She wished to rush forward now, but she couldn't. She can't move forward, and everyone will be skeptical. She is now Wu-Anhou He-Yan. She has no half relationship with General Hejia. If you step forward at this moment, I don't know what kind of consequences it will bring to the situation.
       Xiao-Yue turned her head, gently put the woman's body back to the ground, and looked at Emperor Wen Xuan :   "The emperor, He-2-Fu-ren, confirmed He Rufei deception by his life. He Rufei For his meritorious service, the Hejia people bullied the monarch, and such a rebellious person deserves to be sacrificed. His Majesty Wanwang severely punishes the perpetrators and never tolerates them. "
       "Your Majesty!" He Rufei said abruptly :   "You are wrong!"
       "Emperor," Xu Zhiheng also exclaimed, "The ministers were all forced. He Rufei did all these things, and he had no half relationship with the ministers. The ministers were also victims. They didn't know anything!"
       Emperor Wen Xuan frowned, and his brain was terribly painful. Shen said, "Come, take He Rufei and Xu Zhiheng down. Check He Xu two houses."
       This is to calculate the general ledger. 4-Prince Guangshuo moved in his heart and stepped forward :   "Fu Huang, then Xu Xiang ..."
       He hasn't forgotten about Xu Xiang, neither Xu Zhiheng nor He Rufei is as important as Xu Jingfu. Xiao-Yue has managed to create such an opportunity. If you can't shake Xu Xiang's position by this, it will be too difficult to have the right time and place in the future.
       Xu Jingfu face was extremely ugly. At this moment, He Rufei couldn't hold it. If He-2-Fu-ren didn't come out, he could figure it out later, but He-2-Fu-ren not only appeared He also proved by fate that he knew Wen Xuan Emperor too much. His mercy towards He-2-Fu-ren would catalyze his anger towards He Xu family.
       Even with him will suffer.
       "Your Majesty, the old minister has a sense of reconciliation with His Majesty, please Your Majesty to observe!" Xu Jingfu looked at Emperor Wen Xuan, his eyes widened. If in the past, Emperor Wen Xuan would still feel a little aggressive, now, as long as he thinks of the three letters submitted by Xiao Huaijin, and then looks at Xu Jingfu behavior, he feels disgusting.
       He said blankly :   "Jailed in jail, pending trial."
       "Yes." 4-Prince rejoiced.
       Crown Prince looked a little flustered. Of course, he didn't want to happen. But looking at the situation today, it was clear that Xiao Huaijin was prepared. Even Xu Jingfu himself did not expect how much evidence was in Xiao-Yue hands. No one knew it. One after another, I am afraid that I have been preparing for today. In this case, it would be better to wait and see what happened, and wait for Xiao Huaijin's hole cards to be exhausted, and then try to figure out what to do later.
       Guangyan didn't speak, and He Rufei and Xu Zhiheng were taken away. Xu Jingfu couldn't let himself be as embarrassed as the two of them, so he trimmed his collar and said lightly, "Old minister goes away by himself."
       When not far past Chu Zhao, Xu Jingfu glanced at Chu Zhao, Chu Zhao stood in the crowd of civilian officials, nodded at him slightly invisibly, and Xu Jingfu felt a little relieved. We can't count on that extended idiot to start working outside. Fortunately, there is another Chu Zhao, who has a delicate heart, and has been with him for so many years. With him outside, the situation is not too bad.
       It was just not expected that Xiao Huaijin would use He Rufei to deal with himself. In this game, he underestimated Xiao-Yue.
       "As for the messengers from Uto ..." Xiao-Yue glanced at them and said, "The incident at Tianxingtai today happened suddenly. In the next few days, several messengers lived in Shuojing City with peace of mind. Wait for this. Come to an end and plan for the future. "He turned to Wenxuan Emperor," What does the emperor think? "
       At this moment, Wen Xuandi mind was extraordinarily chaotic and tired. He beckoned when he heard the words and said, "Just do what you say."
       Maninbu face changed, and he realized that they couldn't leave. This Xiao Huaijin was so good that everyone knew that his opponent was Xu Jingfu, but he aimed at He Rufei. Today is past, not only the Hexu family is unlucky, but even Xu Jingfu will not say what will happen in the future. Sometimes the opponent game is a battle between one or two pieces. Xu Jingfu will stop. He Rufei agreement with them in the First World War is leaked, not to mention the opening of discussions. Just fear of peace will also cause twists and turns. In this way, Utopia advantages won't be easily won. No deposit, it is difficult to guarantee that in the future will not fail.
       It’s just that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Right now, it’s not a good time for head-to-head confrontation. Emaning said with a smile, "This is nature."
       "Your Majesty," Xiao-Yue took a step forward and lowered his voice. "Although He-2-Fu-ren is also a Hejia person, he can actively reveal the Hejia scam today. In the case of the real General Feihong once cutting the thorns for Dawei and taking the blood on the battlefield, Your Majesty allowed Weichen to bury the body of He-2-Fu-ren and settle in the soil. "
       "Xiao Chief-Commander, is this a bit wrong?" Crown Prince frowned. "How do you know she is also guilty of deceiving the monarch? How can you please the sinner?"
       "She is the biological mother of General Feihong." Xiao-Yue looked at him with sharp eyes. "You have to be good and good, Your Highness."
       Crown Prince coughed and stopped talking.
       Emperor Wen Xuan had already stood up with the help of the housekeeper and heard a glance at the woman who had lost his breath on the ground. It is a pity for a mother to plead for her dead daughter and give up her temper. What's more, everyone died, and he didn't bother to care about it anymore.
       He said, "Yun."
       Xiao-Yue felt a little relieved.
       Today, at the Tianxingtai feast, there was no half separation, dead dead, grabbing, and taught people to see a grievous grievance several years ago. Who would have thought that General Feihong, who was wearing a mask on the battlefield, was an official with the later dynasties. And the almost legendary woman, who died so miserably, was particularly ironic with her experience.
       Blood and weapons were scattered on the ground intermittently, and the emperor and Noble left, leaving a mess on the star platform. The wind sounded like a whine, sour eyes. Xiao-Yue turned around and saw He-Yan slowly, step by step towards He-2-Fu-ren's body.
       She walked very slowly, as if every step would take a lot of effort, her face was bloodless, like a lost traveler who could not find her home, and was about to be lost in the desert.
       Xiao-Yue called her softly :   "He-Yan."
       He-Yan was unaware, staring directly at the woman on the ground. She walked to He-2-Fu-ren, shaking her hand slightly to try to touch her hand, and stretched out her hand again. Shrunk back.
       The woman's eyes were closed, but the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked, as if smiling, but a little bitter. This is the first time she has looked at her mother in such a close range. In the past few years, she could only look at it from a distance, but not for too long, otherwise He-Big-Fu-ren found it. Be reprimanded again.
       She wanted to call her mother, but she knew that even if she called, there would be no response.
       Her heart was sore and violent, and she was about to suffocate. He-Yan spit out blood.
       Xiao-Yue :   "He-Yan!"
       She fell down softly.
       At the other end, Lin Shuanghe noticed the movement here, hurried over, saw the blood on the corner of He-Yan's lips, and was startled :   "He-Mei-mei, what's wrong? Is it just a comparison with He Rufei? Sword suffered internal injuries? What should I do? "
       Xiao-Yue hurled He-Yan off the ground, and said to him, "Come with me." Then he asked his side, "Close the body of He-2-Fu-ren carefully and wait for me to return Besides. "
       Lin Shuanghe was anxious for He-Yan's injury, so he didn't say much, followed Xiao-Yue and got into the carriage. The movement on their heads fell in the eyes of others, and Chu Zhao froze slightly, his eyes went away with Xiao-Yue back, he seemed to want to follow, and a voice sounded in his ear :   "Xu Xiang is in an accident now, 4 gongzi, we have to find a way to save people. "
       For a moment, Chu Zhao put away all the emotions in Chu Zhao eyes, and when he looked at the person in front of him, his voice had already brought a hint of worry :   "It should be so."
       The colleague at the side struck Yan He arm and asked him, "Yan He, why are you standing still?"
       It took a long time before Yan He turned back and shook his head :   "Nothing." He looked around again and saw Xiao-Yue figure, and asked :   "Where is Xiao Huaijin? Where is Xiao Huaijin?"
       "Wu-Anhou vomited blood just now, maybe it was hurt when Tonghe Rufei compares swords," the man honestly replied, "Xiao Chief-Commander took Wu-Anhou away, Lin-gongzi also went, it is estimated It’s time to heal. But ... I said why General Feihong was so bad that even the fledgling women can't fight, it turned out that it wasn't really General Feihong at all, hey! "
       "What's wrong with the woman?" Yan He looked at the sky with a deep voice. "General Feihong himself, wasn't she just a woman?"
       The colleague who said this was lingering, and after a while, said, "Oh, that’s what it is, such a strange woman, if only she is alive. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen Xu Zhiheng's former Fu-ren before. If I have seen it, I can still talk about it now. What I see is General Feihong. Right, Nanguang, "he remembered, and asked Yan He," when you were studying in Xianchang Hall, you weren't Are you in the same class as General Feihong? At that time, it should be the real General Feihong. What kind of person is she? As a woman, although you are wearing a mask, don't you find anything wrong? "
       "No," Yan He said.
       He remembered the boy who was secretly practicing swords in the bamboo forest in the backyard during the night. He was wind and rain, he couldn't shake the thunder, but the effort was stubborn. At first he thought it was just useless work. Now he wants to come, but he has shortsightedness. Among them, none of them found He-Big-gongzi identity, not because of their carelessness, but because she discarded all the ego belonging to the woman.
       "She did better than men." Yan He replied.

       Chapter 237 :  Chaos   

       Xiao-Yue When he returned to Hefu with He-Yan, He Yunsheng and He Sui were not there, only Qingmei was alone. Seeing Xiao-Yue pale He-Yan in her arms, Qingmei was startled, "Oh my God, Miss, what's wrong!"
       "Nothing is fine," Lin Shuanghe said, afraid of her anxiety, and said, "Today compared to the sword at Tianxingtai, there is some physical exhaustion."
       "you are……"
       "I'm a doctor," Lin Shuanghe smiled. "Here Miss, see a doctor."
       Xiao-Yue took He-Yan inside the house and put it on the collapse. Lin Shuanghe didn't dare to delay, he first diagnosed the vein of He-Yan, and after a while, Lin Shuanghe said :   "He-Mei-mei This is Yu Ji attack, I vomited blood only when I was in a hurry. I will prescribe two prescriptions. You let your subordinates take the medicine and fry it for her. But ... "
       "But what?"
       Lin Shuanghe sighed. "This is a heart disease. Medication is a cure for the symptoms, not the root cause. He-Mei-mei is troubled for what it is. I don't think she is a jealous person. How can she vomit blood?"
       Xiao-Yue didn't speak.
       "You are really scaring me today." Lin Shuanghe glanced at the two swords put on the table by Xiao-Yue. "How do you say how to do it? He Rufei thing, I haven't figured it out, I'll ask you when I'm clear, on the other side of Xu Xiang ... can you be sure? "
       After waiting for so many years, Xiao-Yue has been unbearable. Since Xu Xiang was moved this time, he is ready to move. Hundred-footed worms die but are not stiff. If you don't take the chance this time to completely knock down Xiang Xiang, the next time, there will be no such opportunity.
       "Don't worry." Xiao-Yue eyes were cold. "I sent him in, but I never thought about letting him out."
       "What do you do now?" Lin Shuanghe asked. "The palace must be in a mess now. The emperor and Xu Xiang had the righteousness of past monarchs and ministers. You and I can do it. Do you want to go into the palace now? What if the emperor's heart softens? "
       "Wait a second," Xiao-Yue said.
       "What are you waiting for?"
       Xiao-Yue gaze fell on He-Yan, who collapsed on, and sits down before he collapsed, "wait for He-Yan to wake up."
       At the moment, Hejia in Capital City was blocked by the officers and soldiers at his door. He Yuansheng Tieqing held a face, pretending to be calm :   "You are so brave, my son is General Her Majesty Yufeng Feihong today, how can you allow you to spread wild here!"
       "What General Feihong?" The officer and soldier headed with a smirk :   "It's just a deceiver and dare to speak up here! If you want to be a general, go to prison! Do it!"
       He-Big-Fu-ren struggled desperately, ‘calling suddenly :   "What are you doing? Stop, let me go!"
       He Yuansheng was cold in his heart, a terrible idea floated from his heart, but now he still had the last hope, looking at the officer and soldier, "What does this mean ..."
       "Today's star platform, your family Big-gongzi is like a sword compared to others, exposed." An officer and soldier who was smashing the Hejia plaque reminded him kindly :   "The witnesses and physical evidence are all there, Your Majesty already knew that your Hejia steal the dragon. Feng, deceive the prince into a sin, He-Lao-ye don't have to do anything here about the dream of the father of the general! "
       The officer opened the door with a kick, and actually saw He Yuanliang, who was hiding under the bed and was desperately trying to drill in, in an attempt to prevent people from discovering himself, but he was round and digging in, but also exposed half. When he was scooped out from the inside, He Yuanliang desperately begged for mercy :   "Guan-Master, Guan-Master forgive me! I, they all forced me!" He pointed to He Yuansheng, "Why would I harm myself? My daughter? My daughter, He-Yan, has also been on the battlefield to protect a people. For my daughter’s sake, forgive me! "
       The officers and men looked at this man and found it quite interesting. It was not easy to think that it would be able to raise He-Yan, such women as men and women on the battlefield. He first saw He-2-Fu-ren testify on the star platform with death, and he was a little bit strong. Why was it so bad to get to Father Pro? Makes people look down. It is said that the father and the tiger have no dogs and daughters. The father and the daughter are not half alike.
       "He-2-Lao-ye, you still leave it to General He. Besides, the crimes committed by He-Big-gongzi in your house are not the only ones."
       "More than that?" He-Big-Fu-ren froze, "What else?"
       "Tie the enemy and treason." The officers and soldiers also had a bit of disdain. "In order to keep his identity from being exposed, He-Big-gongzi personally conspired with the Utopians personally. Huayuan tens of thousands of soldiers in the First World War, all became To protect his human-shaped shield. For such a serious sin, I still want to spare my life, dream! Take away! "
       He-Big-Fu-ren cried, "Impossible, impossible ... this is absolutely impossible ..." He Yuansheng lost his soul and did not say a word. Once the crime of treason is revealed, it is necessary to plant the nine races. of. No matter how benevolent Wen Xuandi is, he cannot spare him. And now He-Yan ... is dead.
       After the truth is revealed, even if he is dead, He-Yan can get an innocent reputation, but even Hejia, they will stink for thousands of years!
       Only He Yuanliang's begging voice in the courtyard was extremely loud, but it was useless. The rubbed and shiny Hejia plaque was thrown on the ground by the officers and soldiers, and the people on the street looked at it from the distance, pointed their fingers, and the sound of the wind blurred the discussion into smoke.
       Hejia ... defeated.
       He Xinying was sitting in the room embroidering a piece of parchment, and Xu Zhiheng went to the Star Terrace early in the morning. I don't know why, starting from this morning, He Xinying's eyelids kept jumping, always feeling like something was going to happen. Even though she was sitting here, a heart was "banging" and she was absent-minded, one accidentally, her fingertip hurt, she looked down, and saw a bloody eye pierced by her needle.
       The blood stains stained the handkerchief, and she looked at it, her ominous premonition was getting stronger, and she was about to get up. Liuer ran in from outside, tears in her eyes, and ‘called in fear :   "Big-Madam, something happened ! "
       "What happened?" He Xinying asked.
       "2-Fu-ren ... 2-Fu-ren she ..."
       "What's wrong with my mother?" He Xinying said anxiously.
       "2-Fu-ren is gone!"
       The handkerchief fell to the ground all of a sudden, He Xinying stayed for a moment, disregarding his bleeding fingers, grabbing Liu Er's arm, and his voice became weeping, "What is my mother gone? You make it clear! "
       "Nubi heard people say that today Fu-ren also went to the Star Station, Fu-ren was poisoned by Big-Lao-ye, Fu-ren was still in front of the emperor, and said that 2-Young-Lady was only It is the real General Feihong ... Officers and soldiers, officers and soldiers have brought people over! Big-Madam, what shall we do! "
       He Xinying only felt that her mind was blank for a long time, and she knew every word that Liu Er said. How can they be connected together, and it’s so difficult to understand?
       "Big-Bo ... Why Big-Bo feeds his mother with poison, my sister ... how could it be General Feihong? Isn't that my big brother? What the hell is going on?"
       No one can answer He Xinying.
       As soon as Liu Er's words fell, noisy noises rang out. Xu-Lao-Furen's roar rang through the courtyard, and He Xinying looked at the officers and soldiers who surrounded the courtyard at the gate. At this moment it was true that the six gods had no master.
       "Big-Madam ..." Liu Er grabbed her hand in fear. "What should I do ..."
       Yeah, what should they do.
       The incident on the star platform, but half a day, spread throughout the Shuojing city.
       Concealment cannot be concealed, such a big thing. The original fierce general Feihong on the battlefield was actually a woman. Later, he appeared in front of everyone. The person who took off the mask was her brother. The siblings exchanged identities, which made people feel incredible. In the end, Hejia killed He-Yan in turn, which was incredible, and all became shameless disdain for He Rufei and sympathy for He-Yan.
       If the people are paying more attention to the legends related to General Feihong, among the court, because Xu Jingfu imprisonment is the real chaos.
       Xu Jingfu covered the sky with only one hand in the country. For many years, many officials in the country were his students. When Xu Jingfu fell, many people would fall down. So the first time Xu Jingfu went in, the Xu parties gathered in one place, thinking about how to rescue Xu Jingfu.
       "Why didn't you see Chu 4-gongzi?" An official looked around without seeing Chu Zhao shadow.
       "Chu 4-gongzi is Xu Xiang's most trusted person. I don't think you should act rashly before it is calculated by Xiao Huaijin. Let's look at what Chu 4-gongzi said gongzi will naturally do his best to save 120 thousand in water and fire. "
       Everyone nodded again and again, at this juncture, no one knew if there was any late move in Xiao Huaijin's hands. Although he was anxious, no one wanted to be the leader.
       At this time, the selfish side of those who are aligned with interests will be exposed.
       As soon as Chu Zhaogang returned to his home, Chu-Fu-ren saw him, looked at him, and asked, "Why are you back?"
       Chu Zhao smiled :   "What?"
       "Xu Xiangdu is already ..." Chu-Fu-ren paused :   "You don't have to do something, what do you do when you come back?"
       She also knew about Xu Xiang. Even though Chu-Fu-ren hates Chu Zhao no matter how much, because of Chu Zhao relationship, the entire Shijinbo government has already been tied up with Xu Xiang. If the Xu family really has a three-pronged one, can Shi Jinbo house be pleased? People in the world see Chu Zhao as Xu Jingfu ride on the dragon. Naturally, they have already regarded their entire Chu family as Xu Jingfu.
       "Nothing to do," Chu Zhaodan said.
       "Don't you worry ..."
       "Fu-ren," Chu Zhao interrupted him, "Shi Jinbo will be fine, Fu-ren need not worry."
       Chu-Fu-ren looked at Chu Zhao and couldn't understand it anymore. Regardless, Xu Jingfu is his teacher anyway. In the past years, Xu Jingfu implicitly hinted that she had returned many times, and sent it to the Chu family to give Chu Zhao four treasures every three minutes. Is it really a simple gift? However, it is to support Chu Zhao, and warn him not to move Chu Zhao.
       For Chu Zhao, Xu Jingfu did protect him. Unexpectedly, at the moment, Xu Jingfu had an accident, and Chu Zhao face was not worried, as if he didn't take the teacher's life or death at all.
       Chu-Fu-ren had some inexplicable fear.
       Chu Zhao looked at Chu-Fu-ren with a smile, turned and walked on. Chu-Fu-ren looked at his back and could not help but grit his teeth.
       In any case, I hope not to be implicated in Shi Jinbo.
       After entering the house, the next man came forward and said, "4-gongzi, Ying Xiang Miss, there is news on the other side, His Royal Highness Crown Prince has not shot yet, 4-gongzi means ..."
       "No need to worry." Chu Zhao said :   "In the hands of Xiao Huaijin, there is evidence of Ming Shui war. Only then will Xu Xiang be unable to stand up."
       "The relationship between gongzi and Xu Young-Lady ..."
       Many people pushed on the wall. Before Xu Jingfu had an accident, this family relationship with Xu Yanting was enough to make countless people in Dawei envy. However, once Xu Jingfu really happened, everyone around him could avoid it. After all, the emperor's anger, Will anger all who are related to it.
       "As usual," Chu Zhao said.
       The servant responded carefully and retreated. Chu Zhao looked out of the window. Xiao-Yue would do it at this time. He was not surprised. The matter of opening a discussion was imminent. If there was not enough weight, it would be a matter of time before Wen Xuandi agreed with the Utopians. Blocking, just want to increase the price of their own price.
       It is different now. The Huayuan World War I, Xu Jingfu Mingshui World War I, He Rufei affairs, Xu Zhiheng's affairs, one by one pile down, the emperor's wrath will completely destroy this transaction.
       However, He Rufei exchange of status with his cousin was unexpected. Chu Zhao did not expect that Hejia still had such a secret. No wonder He Rufei later turned to Xu Jingfu secretly. He wanted to know that by virtue of his ability, it was impossible for him to embark on the path of Israel's military success like his cousin.
       He-Yan ...... He remembered that in the square of Tianxingtai, dressed in a red shirt and He Rufeibi sword, Xiao-Yue plan, He-Yan should have known, otherwise he would not cooperate so well. There was a subtle gloom in his heart, and He-Yan trusted Xiao-Yue.
       So that the two of them cooperate so tacitly, step by step, little by little, Hejia and Xu family, even the future Xu family are uprooted.
       There were red hi cloths everywhere in the room, which were prepared for his relationship with Xu Yanting. Chu Zhao grabbed the red silk placed on the table. The red silk was soft and delicate like a woman's skin. He looked at it for a while, and loosened his hands, the red silk fell down, and fell into the burning Zhengwang stove, and instantly Turned to ashes, leaving nothing behind.
       At night, He Sui and He Yunsheng returned to the house, and they were surprised to see He-Yan lying on the collapse.
       "What happened to Yan Yan?" He Sui asked, "but what happened?"
       He worked day-to-day, and didn't have any thoughts to talk with others. He didn't know these things. He Yunsheng was in the academy. He didn't hear anything. At this moment, he saw that He-Yan's eyes were closed and thought that something had happened. .
       "It's innocuous," Lin Shuanghe is decoction in the yard, and he walks out of it. He said, "He-Mei-mei is more like a sword than others on the Tianxing platform today. Huai Jin sent her back and kept guarding her. "
       He Sui asked :   "You are ..."
       "Oh," Lin Shuanghe wiped his hands. "I'm Huai Jin's friend, Lin Shuanghe, I met He-Mei-mei in Liangzhou Wei before. I'm Father and I'm the Grandfather in the palace. Order medicine. "
       "Lin Shuanghe ..." He Yunsheng stunned, "But the white sacred hand of that medical woman?"
       "Exactly." Lin Shuanghe laughed.
       Heared that it was a doctor, He Sui heart just let go a few points, and then asked Lin Shuanghe :   "Doesn't it really matter that little girl?"
       "It's really nothing," laughed Lin Shuanghe. "It's just that she physically weak, and these days it's too cold. I prescribe a few prescriptions for my body. These days tell her not to do heavy work, just rest well."
       He Sui looked at He-Yan on the collapse, and saw that she was breathing evenly, not as if something was wrong, so she nodded :   "I have to worry about Doctor Lin."
       As he said, Xiao-Yue came in from the outside, and He Yunsheng stunned :   "Why is Xiao Chief-Commander still?"
       "Huai Jin hasn't left," Lin Shuanghe shrugged, "said He-Mei-mei would wake up before leaving."
       "Will this delay you too much?" He Sui asked, "Huai Jin, your business is busy. It's good to have me and Yunsheng take care of you, you ..."
       "It's okay," Xiao-Yue said, "I'll leave when she wakes up."
       He said this, He Sui and He Yunsheng are not good to persuade, Lin Shuanghe said :   "My medicine is almost boiled, it is hanging, Huai Jin, wait for you to remember to feed He-Mei-mei and drink."
       "Isn't there any plum?" He Suike said, "how can I trouble Doctor Lin to boil the medicine himself?"
       "Decoction is not for everyone," Lin Shuanghe laughed. "My prescription is special. I am afraid that the decoction will not be very medicinal. It is better for me to do it myself. Besides, He and Mei-mei also do the same. My friend, it’s not troublesome without Ma, when he was in Liangzhou Wei, He-Mei-mei also took care of me a lot. "
       "So, Doctor Many Thanks, Lin." He Sui was grateful.
       Afraid of disturbing He-Yan's rest, He Yunsheng and He Sui first left the house. As soon as they left the house, Qingmei ran over and said quietly and quickly :   "There is a gongzi outside, saying that he is looking for ... Xiao Chief-Commander. "
       Xiao-Yue asked, "Who?"
       "It's me." The voice didn't fall, and someone voice sounded. Looking back, Yan He came in aggressively.
       "Well, Yan Nanguang, what are you doing here?" Lin Shuanghe wondered.
       "I'm looking for him," Yan He looked at Xiao-Yue :   "I have something to ask you."
       "Just ask."
       Yan He glanced around, He Sui said busyly :   "I and Yunsheng go to the kitchen to help make dinner first, you can tell yourself." After speaking, he took He Yunsheng away, and Qingmei quickly followed.
       Lin Shuanghe looked at Yan He, "What? Do I even want to avoid it?"
       "You want to ask about He Rufei?" Xiao-Yue said indifferently.
       "Yes," Yan He raised an eyebrow. "I just wanted to ask you. Did you know that the original" He Rufei "was a woman? So when she was in the Xianchang Pavilion, she took care of her a lot? Point her to swordsmanship? "
       "Wait, wait," Lin Shuanghe listened wonderingly, "He Rufei is a woman. I know it all at the star platform today. What is pointing sword art? Did I miss something I didn't know?"
       Xiao-Yue ignored Lin Shuanghe words and only said, "No."
       "Do you think I can believe it?" Yan He breathed. "Since you already knew she was a woman, why didn't you tell me, I'm a big man. Now think about it, what happened to bullying a woman? If I knew she was a woman, how could I ever bother her all day! "
       Ever since He Rufei was a woman, Yan He returned to her home, and the more she thought about it, the less she felt. He confided that her husband was frank and frank. He used to look at He Rufei. Xiao-Yue guidance. But now that I know the truth, when I look at it, I feel more and more like an unreasonable and bullying bully.
       To say that Xiao-Yue is also abominable, he just wants a hero to save the beauty, why bother to be so mean and sinister to others?
       "Did you say it?" Xiao-Yue frowned. "I didn't know it a while ago."
       "When was it a while ago?"
       "Jinling, Huayouxian."
       Yan He Yiyi :   "Youhua Fairy?"
       Lin Shuanghe also returned to Weier :   "Huai Jin, you mean, when I came back to pass Jinling last time, Hua Youxian told you?"
       "She only said that the woman was wearing a mask, and I was suspicious, so I started investigating." Xiao-Yue obscured some of the facts and said half-truth :   "I didn't expect the end."
       "Her name is He-Yan?" Yan He asked, "How many years have she been using the same name as He Rufei, and later Xu Zhiheng became a close friend? I never remember what the Fu-ren he married. If it weren't for her today, Mother said, no one knows. "
       Lin Shuanghe also asked, "Yeah, I almost forgot, Huai Jin ... Isn't that the same as He-Mei-mei name?"
       "My God," Lin Shuanghe took a sigh of relief. "Look, He-Mei-mei is also a swordsman, and also a woman dressed as a man, and she can also go to the battlefield. Shouldn't she be our fellow He-Yan Reincarnation? "
       "What reincarnation?" Yan He interrupted his illusion impatiently, "you can't get up to age!"
       "Even if it's not reincarnation, it's a manifestation? Or asked Tuomeng to help her get revenge? Isn't it written in the legend? Otherwise, how do you explain this coincidence, and good, why do you want to check Hejia, Huai Jin? She revenge? "
       "I'm afraid not just for revenge," Yan He said.
       He looked at Xiao-Yue, his eyes sharp, "He Rufei is just an introduction. I'm afraid it's Xu Xiang. But I'm curious. Since Xu Xiang is dealt with, why not all the evidence in your hands? Put it out, aren't they afraid of Xu Xiang disrupting your plans? "
       "You can wait and see." Xiao-Yue answered blankly.
       Yan He snorted, "I have no interest in your personal grudges, and I don't want to see how you overthrow Xu Xiangyi party. But you also know that Xu Xiang is from Crown Prince. Now you move Xu Xiang, Crown Prince I'm afraid I have hated you for a long time, and Crown Prince will not be able to tolerate you in the future. Or ... you plan to ... "
       "Yan Nanguang!" Lin Shuanghe interrupted him before he finished, "Carefully."
       Yan He froze and looked at Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue did not show any expression fluctuations because of his words. After a period of silence, he said :   "Lin Shuanghe, you thought you would see nothing when you buried your head in the ground. I tell you, sooner or later, Xiao Huaijin, since you moved this hand, from today, Shuo There will be no peace in Capital City. "
       "Take care of yourself first!" He said.

       Chapter 238 :  Monarch   

       Yan He left, the sky gradually darkened, and Lin Shuanghe was leaving. Before leaving, Xiao-Yue was instructed :   "You remember to give He-Mei-mei the medicine. After drinking the medicine, she should not wake up any longer. I will come again tomorrow, Huai Jin, you don’t want to Too worried. "
       Lin Shuanghe was sent away. Although He Sui and He Yunsheng were also worried about He-Yan, Xiao-Yue guarded before He-Yan collapsed, and they were not good to come in. He Suisheng pulled He Yunsheng away.
       The medicine in the bowl gradually cooled down, Xiao-Yue lifted He-Yan, took the medicine and carefully scooped it to feed her, and the medicine flowed out along the corner of He-Yan's mouth, He put down the medicine bowl, wiped the medicine marks on He-Yan's lips with a parchment, and frowned slightly.
       He-Yan's face is still pale. She always has a big heart and always smiles. It's the kind of cheerful nature that even if she is seriously injured, but also laughs and tells people around you not to worry, this is the first time I have seen her in a dream. All look uncomfortable.
       He reached out and gently stroked the top of He-Yan's hair. He turned his head to look at the bowl of medicine on the desk, which was about to cool down. After a moment, he finally made up his mind, took the medicine bowl up again, and drank. Sip.
       The eyes of the collapsed girl are closed tightly, and the eyelashes are softly dangling, showing some weakness that was not in the past. The youth's eyes are condensed and collapsed, and the body is stiff, struggling for a moment, and finally slowly leans down and lowers his head. Put on her lips.
       The medicinal juice is no longer hot, just warm, just after a bowl of medicine is fed, his ears are already red. With a light breath, I sits upright and covered He-Yan's quilt.
       The matter of being a gentleman or a gentleman is never considered by Xiao-Yue. In the past, everything was done by heart. Only when it comes to the woman in front of him, there are many concerns. I was always afraid of letting her heart out.
       Xiao-Yue took the empty medicine bowl out, and as soon as Fang went out, he saw a boy squatting under the eaves opposite the yard, scribbling on the snow with a tree branch.
       He Yunsheng.
       He Yunsheng saw Xiao-Yue coming out, and his eyes brightened. Xiao-Yue put the empty bowl in the kitchen. When he returned, He Yunsheng had reached the door of He-Yan and looked at Xiao-Yue, uttering and stopping.
       Xiao-Yue covered the door of He-Yan's room to prevent the wind from blowing in, before looking at He Yunsheng :   "Do you have something to tell me?"
       He Yunsheng swallowed.
       He used to admire Xiao-Yue. I am afraid that the young men in Shuojing City are like him. When did it change? Probably from that day when He-Yan was on Chunlai River, charged him with killing Fan Cheng, and led the army alone. He Yunsheng suddenly realized that it was useless to admire and adore other people. Only when you are strong can you protect He-Yan, protect He Sui, and protect the people you want to protect. Rather than focusing on distant people, it is better to spend more time to improve yourself.
       Later, He-Yan returned, became Wu Anhou, and brought back a fiance.
       This fiance is Xiao-Yue.
       He Yunsheng was actually not hostile to Xiao-Yue. The so-called resistance was only due to the tension of He-Yan. He-Yan almost lost his life for Fan Cheng. I wonder if Xiao-Yue is another Fan Cheng? No one can make it clear.
       But today he also saw that He-Yan fainted, Xiao-Yue stayed in front of He-Yan's collapse, wiped her hands, dried medicine, and never left, he thought, Xiao-Yue should be He likes his sister, and this love is deeper than he and He Sui imagined.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander," said the young man with a determined voice, "will you always treat He-Yan so well?"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at him unexpectedly, and said silently, "Yes."
       "My sister, she ... is very different from other women." He Yunsheng thought for a while, and then slowly spoke :   "No one can stop what she wants to do. What she doesn't want to do, no one can force it. "
       "But she is a good person. Don't hurt her." He Yunsheng said :   "If you hurt her, I ..." The young man said in a deep voice :   "Even if I pay everything, I have to talk to her."
       Xiao-Yue looked at him for a moment, then smiled, "Yes." After a pause, he said, "But you should not have this opportunity."
       He Yunsheng also laughed. "This is a conversation between my two men. After He-Yan wakes up, don't tell her."
       Xiao-Yue looked down at the accumulated snow on the ground. The snow in the yard had not been cleaned up, and a thin layer was laid. He asked He Yunsheng :   "Do you care about He-Yan?"
       The boy instinctively wanted to refute, but when he came to his mouth, he sighed, "She is my sister."
       She is a sister. Although she was a child, she always bullied him, scolded him, snatched his favorite pastry, and always loved to sue He Sui. But she would stand in front of him and protect him silently.
       In this world, apart from He Sui, they are the closest ones. How could he not care?
       "That's fine," the youth murmured. "You will always care about her so much in the future."
       "Of course I would always care about her." He Yunsheng said, could not help but glance at the young man standing beside him, somehow, the previous worry suddenly dissipated a lot.
       Xiao-Yue ... is a different person from Fan Cheng.
       He-Yan had a long dream.
       In the dream, she was still young, wearing a mask. At that time, she hadn't gone to Xianchang Hall to study. She was a poor worm who could only stay in the house except sneaking out of the dog hole every day. One morning, she carried water from the Donghuang Mountain to help the monks to come in, and when she went back from the dog hole, she accidentally bumped into the man who had risen early in the morning and ran down the night fragrance. She turned away in fright, and accidentally hit a person. Body.
       This person's skirt is very fragrant, like the flowers in the spring day, fragrant and nostalgic, her voice is also soft, with a little smile.
       Pulled her up from the ground with both hands.
       The Fu-ren's eyebrows were similar to hers. Looking at her eyes, she was very gentle, moving her slightly to the side, covering her figure. After the men left, she gently patted He-Yan's hand, and said softly, "It's all right, be careful."
       He-Yan was wearing a mask, and the other side couldn't see her face, but she thought, at that time, herself, the face under the mask, must be ‘mute, full of desire to get close.
       The woman turned and left, He-Yan followed, trying to call her’Mother, but I don’t know why, she was so close, but she couldn’t keep up, and saw the woman go further and further, Until disappearing into her sight. She stumbled to the ground, both sad and wronged in her heart, and could not help crying "Wow".
       "He-Yan?" Someone seemed to be calling her name in her ear.
       He-Yan opened his eyes and focused on Xiao-Yue concern. She felt cold on her face, and reached out her hands with tears subconsciously.
       For a moment, she understood everything.
       The scene on the star stage repeats itself in her mind. She closed her eyes, her pain was unavoidable, and she was flooded into the sea.
       "My mother ..." She uttered a word, tears falling down.
       He-Yan originally thought that although she and He-2-Fu-ren had a mother-daughter name, there was no mother-daughter affection. In those years when she longed for her mother's care, He-2-Fu-ren was forever missing. No resentment, but more or less complaints. Even after her rebirth, she never knew how to deal with He-2-Fu-ren again. Today, there is no such opportunity.
       "Your Majesty allowed me to bury He-2-Fu-ren," Xiao-Yue whispered, "He-Yan ..." He couldn't think of anything to comfort Miss in front of him, "Don't have to bear it If you want to cry, just cry. "
       Tsui Luo has been here for a while, telling the truth. He-2-Fu-ren had been preparing for today, and He Rufei did not feed her the poison, and the poison was hidden by her. He-2-Fu-ren has long been dead, and with her body, she can't live long. She and Cuiluo asked for a token that can go to the Star Tower, and while Hejia people were not paying attention, she crawled out of the dog hole that He-Yan had dug, and rushed to the Star Tower all the way, in order to give He the temper of her-Yan tired of the last piece of evidence.
       The so-called transaction with Xiao-Yue was her last life-saving sign for He Xinying, and it was also her retreat for He-Yan.
       Xiao-Yue never dismissed the woman's calculations in the backyard of the woman, but He-2-Fu-ren was not very clever. She wanted to create the illusion of her biasity, but she couldn't help but care about He-Yan, and in the end, she had to clarify the injustice of his life for He-Yan at the expense of her temper. A mother would never have done this unless she loved her daughter.
       It's just ... if this is her last wish, he is willing to cooperate with him, so that she can be satisfied with a little trick.
       In He-2-Fu-ren's life, he can't help but rarely have a moment to decide his own destiny. She can't decide her own birth, but she can decide her own death, paving the way for her two daughters with death, even if she can't see it at all.
       He-Yan choked and said, "Xiao-Yue, I don't have a mother ... I won't have a mother in the future."
       Even though the word mother has not been used many times in her life, there may still be a glimmer of hope as long as she is there. But He-2-Fu-ren left, and she would never have another chance in the future. The so-called mother-daughter fantasy can only become a fantasy forever and never.
       Heaven cruelly did not even give her this opportunity and made her regret it. When she was at Yuhua Temple last time, she didn't say a few words to He-2-Fu-ren.
       Xiao-Yue stared at her, not in her heart. He certainly knew the uncomfortableness in He-Yan's heart at this moment, because he had done the same.
       If it was the flesh, he could have suffered on behalf of He-Yan, but no one could bear the loss of his loved ones.
       "What did she say to you at the end?" He-Yan asked.
       At that time, only Xiao-Yue was beside He-2-Fu-ren. No one heard the conversation between them. She didn't know what He-2-Fu-ren said at the end of her life, but there was A sentence for her?
       "She said," Xiao-Yue paused, and slowly spoke, "Yan Yanxi, who was stunned by the lotus, but she could not take it ..."
       "She loves you and wants you to live well."
       He-Yan wailed in tears in the room.
       I don't know how long, the room quieted down, He-Yan wiped away the tears on his face, his voice reluctantly calmed down :   "Xiao-Yue, the emperor checked He Xu two homes, what about my Mei-mei He Xinying?"
       "She has nothing to do with it, if ..."
       "I will explain this to the emperor, don't worry." Xiao-Yue was silent, reached out and hugged her in his arms, and whispered, "He-Yan, I will always be with you."
       In the palace.
       In the temple of Lan-Noble-Fae, 4-Prince was staring at the burning candles.
       "Are you here for a daze?" A word from Lan-Noble-Fae brought Guangshuo thoughts back.
       Guangshuo returned to God and said, "Mufei, I just think about what happened on the star platform today."
       Today's incident, shaking the North Han, shocked the entire Dawei.
       "That General Feihong turned out to be a woman, who can think of it?" Guang Shuo said that it was still unbelievable. "It turns out that women can also fight, and they can also be 1st-General."
       "You, don't underestimate the woman." Lan-Noble-Fae smiled and lifted the tea cup in front of him with a soft voice. "You men are fighting on the battlefield, and women are fighting on the backyard. No one is sadder. Women in the world, men can do it, women can do it. But there are too few people willing to be the head bird, Guangshuo, you must remember that if you look down on women, you will suffer a lot in the future. "
       Guang Shuo humbly said :   "Er-chen remembered." After a pause, he booed, "But General Feihong He-2-Young-Lady, but was finally killed by his family's conspiracy. Hejia is too cruel, and even his own daughter has to fight. "
       Lan-Noble-Fae smiled nonchalantly :   "No, it's not time, the time has not come, and the cause planted by Hejia, isn't it time to eat the evil results yourself?"
       "Also," Guangshuo heard, and nodded :   "Fu Huang now searches Hexu house, and the evidence is conclusive, Hejia is unlikely to stand up. It can also be said to give comfort to the real general He Jiuquan. Right. "
       Lan-Noble-Fae looked at him and smiled silently.
       "Mufei, what do you think Er-chen does?"
       "What about Xu Xiang, what do you think?" Lan-Noble-Fae asked.
       Guangshuo looked for a moment.
       "Now between Xiao Huaijin and Xu Xiang, his face has been completely torn. Since Xiao Huaijin returned Xu Xiang to jail, he would not let this opportunity go. I think there should be other evidence in his hands."
       "Er-chen thinks the same way," Guangshuo replied, "Just ..."
       "Just what?"
       "Fu Huang is not afraid of Xu Xiang."
       "You Fu Huang, you are a nostalgic person." Lan-Noble-Fae looked into the distance. "When the emperor first ascended the throne, it was Xu Xiangfu who settled in that position. He naturally saved a copy of Xu Xiang. The grace of a monarch and minister that no one else has. However, you Fu Huang is old. "
       Guang Shuo looked at the woman in front of him.
       "An old emperor will plan for the future. Even if Fu Huang is no longer ridiculous, you will not want Dawei mountains and rivers to be destroyed in his hands. Whether for Crown Prince or for the future crown prince, the emperor will definitely Punish Xu Xiang. Guangshuo, since you are fighting, you must fight for Xiao Huaijin, "
       "Speaking of the law of man is like using the way of soldiers and attacking the heart. Xiao Huaijin is to vindicate his father for redress. If you add icing on the cake at this time, it is like giving away charcoal in the snow."
       Guangshuo was silent for a while, and said, "Mufei, Er-chen understand."
       "You are just as kind as your Fu Huang," Lan-Noble-Fae looked at him gently, "I know you don't like the power of manpower, but Guangshuo, if you want to be an emperor, you must learn to govern. This is not a bad thing. If you are born in the palace and want to choose your own destiny, you must be like this. There is no best of both worlds. You see Fu Huang, he has been chic all his life, and now he is not bound by it. What? "
       Guangshuo didn't speak.
       The candle oil dripped across the desk, like red tears. Quiet in the hall, only the woman's sleeves with incense, exuding a layer of open and cold air.
       Xiao-Yue is a palace entered in the middle of the night.
       When the housekeeper announced that he was entering the Imperial Study Room, Wen Xuandi had not rested. The table was filled with memorial books, scattered randomly, and he didn't care about it.
       He was not a diligent monarch. He might have tried it just two years after he became king, but later he gave up. There are Prince who strive to govern, and there are mediocre Prince. In his whole life, Emperor Wen Xuan felt that there was nothing wrong with being a mediocre emperor. What he wanted to do was to live a mediocre life and wait for the time to pass to his son, and that's it.
       He did live like this for most of his life, and sometimes Emperor Wen Xuan himself felt quite beautiful. He is not like his father, he is worried and busy all day long, nor is he like the emperor, they are conscripted everywhere. He lived easier than them, and lived longer than them.
       Isn't Dawei okay? As long as he is good at employing people, the general will guard the country, and Wenchen will govern the affairs. To this day, he believes that the truth has been completely overthrown. Emperor Wen Xuan sits here and found out that these years, he did not really become a good emperor.
       He was not a talent of the emperor. If he was not born in the royal family, he would prefer to be a leisure Wangye, an ordinary official and a son of a wealthy businessman, even a son of a wealthy businessman. All right. Instead of sitting in this position as it is now, every move is related to the lives and deaths of tens of millions of people. If they don't do well, someone will scold him behind the back and do it well, and others think that this is what he should do.
       An emperor who desires freedom is a taboo for the royal family. He hid his mind in the depths, but it turned out that everyone could see it.
       Xiao-Yue came in.
       Wen Xuandi looked at the youth in front of him.
       He still remembered that when Xiao Zhongwu brought Xiao-Yue to him for the first time, Xiao-Yue was only a teenager, and he was so beautiful. He handsomely compared the royal children, with a proud look and a little The carelessness is quite different from his gentle and polite brother. At that time, Emperor Wen Xuan thought that Xiao Zhongwu, a martial artist, actually had two sons with outstanding manners, which really made people jealous.
       Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, Xiao-Yue had grown so big. The teenager's innocence had all faded, looking at his gaze, calm, respectful, and a little cold.
       He suddenly remembered Xiao Zhongwu.
       "Actually, now, you and your father still have some similarities." Wen Xuandi said.
       He always felt that Xiao-Yue looked like Little-Fu-ren with bright eyes, but in fact his sharpness and calmness all came from his father.
       "Your Majesty, do you remember Wei Chen's father?" Xiao-Yue said calmly.
       Wen Xuan emperor stunned.
       He thought that after a long time, his memory would be a bit vague, but when he remembered, Xiao Zhongwu appearance turned out to be so clear. The tall man who always wears a gold armored sword is different from the Chinese embarrassed Wenchen in the Chao Dynasty. It is like the northwest wind, shy, wanton, with openness, and makes all people yearning for freedom envious.
       Wen Xuandi was also envious.
       But in the end, Xiao Zhongwu died, and the Xiao family almost collapsed. If it wasn't for this young man who had taken 3 thousand soldiers and horses to Wucheng, maybe there is no Xiao family in Dawei today.
       He looked at Xiao-Yue :   "Did you hate it?"
       "Wei Chen didn't dare."
       Emperor Wen Xuan laughed lowly and did not dare. In the whole world, only this person in front of him has the courage to say so in his own face, but he is not angry. Perhaps it is because, for many years, no one dared to tell the truth in front of him.
       "Emperor," Xiao-Yue said, "Wei Chen begged the emperor to let Fu-ren, Xu Zhiheng, a Hanlin bachelor, He Xinying."
       "He Xinying?"
       "The original General Feihong He-2-Young-Lady, the sister-zi of a mother and a compatriot." Xiao-Yue said :   "After He-2-Young-Lady was drowned in a pond by a plot, Hejia He-Mei-Hei Ying of He-2-Young-Lady was married to Xu Zhiheng's continuation string. "He looked at Wen Xuandi," He-2-Fu-ren is dead, Xu Big-Madam is the only relative of General Feihong who remains in the world. Moreover, Chen Chen has already inquired, Xu-Big-Madam has no knowledge of General Feihong and He Rufei interchange of identities. "
       "His Majesty Rende, please look at the dead General Feihong and treat He Xinying with her life."
       "General Feihong ..." murmured Emperor Wen Xuan.
       Everything on Tianxingtai today arises because of General Feihong. However, he did not expect that the one who was close to him was actually a woman.
       At that time, when He Rufei took off his mask and revealed a handsome face, Wen Xuandi was still wondering whether he had a birthmark on his face, and whether the ugly appearance was false. It seems that since then, Hejia has started a scam to deceive the world.
       If He-2-Young-Lady is still alive, Emperor Wen Xuan may still cure her sin, after all, she is also involved in bullying the monarch. But He-2-Young-Lady is dead, it’s still so miserable, people die like lights, nobody remembers all the bad things in front of them. When looking at a dead person, people always have a lot of tolerance, Think she not good anywhere.
       "Well, leave her alive." Wen Xuandi sighed. "After all, General Feihong also really charged for Da Wei and calmed down the Xi-An rebellion."
       "On behalf of General Feihong, thank Her Majesty."
       Emperor Wen Xuan looked at Xiao-Yue, but smiled. "I heard that you and General Feihong had been in the same class, and you ran for her. It seems that you are also nostalgic. General Feihong knows, and should be pleased."
       Xiao-Yue Aside, Wen Xuandi waved his hand, "You go down."
       When the young man saluted and turned to leave, Wen Xuandi stopped him again.
       The emperor's voice was deeply exhausted. "For so many years, I have always shown favor to Xu Xiang. Why would Xu Xiang still feel rebellious?"
       The housekeeper lowered his head and was afraid to speak.
       After a while, the young man said lightly, "The pet is extremely arrogant, and Endo is resentful. Perhaps His Majesty treats him too much."

       Chapter 239 :  Twins   

       The dungeon was very wet, and blood and stains remained on the ground. He Xinying sits on his knees with his knees in his eyes, watching the black worm crawling under the hay, and couldn't help fighting a cold war.
       It's too cold here and nobody cares about her. When she grew up growing up from Xiao jiao, when did she suffer such grievances. But the jailer didn't care about her here. He Rufei and Xu Zhiheng didn't keep her with her. She didn't know where they were. At the beginning, she didn't know what happened.
       Until the jailer here started chatting, speaking of the events on the star platform today, He Xinying remembered what Liu Er had said to her before being arrested, and slowly returned to taste.
       Her eldest elder sister is the real General Feihong. For so many years, He Rufei and He-Yan have been using each other's identities, and after He-Yan entered Capital City, He Rufei took the meritorious service and drowned He-Yan in Xu in order to eliminate future troubles. Home pond.
       No wonder, every time she passed the pond in the yard, she always felt cold. No wonder Xu Zhiheng is going to find He-Yan's relics in the courtyard where He-Yan used to live.
       Xu Zhiheng ... Does he know this? Still, he is a member of the executioner in this matter. He Xinying felt cold.
       It was General Feng Yun Xiao Huaijin who revealed the truth, but when he was in Yuhua Temple, his mother would take the initiative to speak when she saw Xiao Huaijin. Thinking of He-2-Fu-ren, He Xinying had another heartache.
       Does He-2-Fu-ren know this from start to finish? When Dad made such a request, didn't his father stop saying anything? He Rufei ordered Dr. He-Yan to be drowned. Does his father understand but didn't say a word, or is he totally unaware? He Xinying hopes to be the latter, but in her heart, she feels that it is likely to be the former.
       She leaned against the wall weakly, only looking back for half a life, as if a joke. I thought that I loved my father. It turned out to be a person who could ignore the flesh and blood relationship for the sake of profit. He thought that he would marry Ruyi Langjun. goods. In the end, the family is gone, the mother is gone, and the eldest sister is long gone. She is here alone, desolate.
       The crime of deceiving the prince is a death penalty, and it is about to fall off the head. He Xinying was sobbing in a low voice, and died, she died. In this world, she had nothing to nostalgic. After his death, it was a good thing to be able to reunite with his family under Jiuquan.
       Just thinking, suddenly, someone heard footsteps. He Xinying looked up and saw a jailer walking behind a strange man.
       The two walked to He Xinying's cell door, and the jailer opened the door and said to He Xinying :   "He-Young-Lady, please."
       He Xinying stunned :   "Where?"
       "His Majesty, I am grateful to General Feihong for pacifying Xixiong for his meritorious service, and he died with injustice. He-Young-Lady is the relative of Mei-mei, General Feihong, and His Majesty opened the Internet. He will be degraded to the public in the future, leaving He-Young Lady's life. From today, He-Young-Lady will not have to stay here. "
       After a while, He Xinying realized what the jailer meant. She slowly stood up and walked out the door, as the two kept walking out of prison.
       It was dark outside, and she was standing in a thin, solitary dress, and suddenly she was free, but she didn't know where to go next. Hejia and Xu family are gone. The world is so big that there is no place for her.
       He Xinying lowered his head and smiled bitterly, and said to himself, "Where else can I go?"
       "He-Young-Lady." Someone was talking behind him.
       He Xinying looked back. It was the man who had just come with the jailer. He seemed to be the guard of the other family, and only said to He Xinying :   "He-Young-Lady If there is no place to go, you can temporarily Go somewhere to hide. "
       "Where?" He Xinying asked.
       "Ling Sister had studied in Xianchang Hall when she was young, and Wei Xuanzhang, director of Xianchang Hall, had sister-teacher friendship with Sister Ling. Knowing the truth, she was sympathetic to Sister Ling. You can go to Wei Teacher's home first. Wei Teacher lived in the school for a long time, and there is only Fu-ren at home. "
       He Xinying froze.
       After a while, she laughed with a self-deprecating smile :   "It turned out that the elder sister is still protecting me ..."
       "Please gongzi lead the way," she said. Now that He Xu has an accident, don't worry about it, but also know that those relatives and friends were afraid of getting into trouble, and they avoided them like a scorpion. At this time, no one dared to accept it. She hadn't figured out what to do next, but first she had to find a place to sit down and figure out everything she didn't understand.
       She really had nowhere else to go.
       He Zhiying was taken out by people, and Xu Zhiheng and He Rufei were not aware of it.
       The detentions were held separately to avoid collusion between the two. He Rufei can't see Xu Zhiheng, Xu Zhiheng can't see He Rufei, but for the two of them, it's a good thing. I really want to keep them both in the same place, I'm afraid they will fight now.
       Xu Zhiheng hated He Rufei and dragged himself on, and He Rufei hated Xu Zhiheng on the star platform, and couldn't wait to throw all his stigma on his head when something happened.
       In the final analysis, because of the alliance of interests, it is as fragile as paper. As long as the wind blows and the rain drips, without tearing, it is beyond recognition.
       He Rufei was sitting in the corner of the prison. Even at this time, he did not give up, still thinking about plans to escape the birth day. Xu Xiang's people will certainly not sit idly by and ignore Xu Jingfu, and maybe even pull him. The worst is probably Xu Jingfu abandoning the car to protect the coach, but he still has evidence of Xu Jingfu treason against the enemy. How can Xu Jingfu be able to take him alone?
       The matter of Tianxingtai was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect that the woman named He-Yan turned out to be so powerful, not to mention that Xiao-Yue already had so much evidence in his hands, and forced him step by step to a path that could not be turned back.
       He-Yan ... Thinking of that woman, He Rufei eyes flashed a hint of Yin.
       What does the woman have to do with his dead cousin? He Rufei didn't know. He had not seen He-Yan's heroic appearance on the battlefield, because when he returned to Shuo Jing, He-Yan had quickly dressed as his daughter. So all the legends about "General Feihong", he has only heard it and has not seen it with his own eyes. In his opinion, the dead He-Yan, his cousin looks like a woman who is stronger than ordinary women.
       Someone said that General Feihong's skill was outstanding, he didn't believe it, and they said that General Feihong was ten on the battlefield, and he didn't believe it. The reason for disbelief is actually very simple, because he can't, he can't, He-Yan, a woman, it's even more impossible.
       Until the match on the star platform.
       He Rufei closed his eyes, and a sullen mood rose in his heart.
       If the real He-Yan is alive, is it like this when using a sword? But how could she be alive, she could never be alive!
       In the quiet prison, the sound of footsteps came. He Rufei was locked in the innermost room. He carefully listened to the sound of the footsteps getting closer and closer, until he stopped in front of himself.
       The jailer opened the prison door.
       He Rufei looked up and looked at the person.
       The young man in black glanced at him coldly, and seemed to waste an extra moment on him. He stood, He Rufei sitting, invisible, as if to show his inferiority.
       "I don't know if Xiao Chief-Commander is here, what's the matter?" He Rufei smirked :   "Isn't it here to kill someone?"
       Before Xiao-Yue answered, he said again, "Actually, I don't understand. How did Xiao Chief-Commander know this?"
       If Qin-Mama is the one, Xu Zhiheng missed the wind, but Xiao-Yue guessed the reason immediately, and began to collect evidence long ago, even if He Rufei thinks now, he can't understand. After all, regardless of the other, just take the matter of "General Feihong is a woman" and tell others that others will only feel that he is talking nonsense.
       Why did Xiao-Yue know?
       The young man looked at him indifferently, and said coldly, "How do you think I knew?"
       "I don't know," He Rufei stared at the person in front of him, and suddenly laughed. He leaned against the wall and said slowly, "I heard that you had gone to school with my dead Mei-mei, Let me think about it, maybe you and her have a long-term relationship. Do you treat me like this? Is it for me Mei-mei? "He smirked, his face became a little distorted. Someone really likes my apostate Mei-mei. What is good about her, she doesn't look like a woman at all ... "
       The voice didn't fall, and he felt a pain in his chest, and flew out, hitting his back against the stone wall, causing him to spit blood.
       Xiao-Yue foot didn't pull back. He Rufei half-stretched breath was out of breath. The jailer had already got the news and retreated to the outside, turning a blind eye to the situation inside.
       Also, if Xu Jingfu collapses, no one can stop Xiao-Yue among the courts and the opposition. At this juncture, no one dared to offend this right army Chief-Commander.
       He Rufei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Xiao-Yue, and slowly smiled.
       General Feng Yun, Dawei Jade-faced Chief-Commander, more mighty and more heroic, just standing here, has made people look away, and no one can win him the limelight. If He-Yan hadn't changed the destiny of everyone, he would probably have no intersection with Xiao-Yue in his life.
       But it happened.
       "Why are you all so angry?" He Rufei said, "Everyone is arguing about my Mei-mei, but me," his voice suddenly raised :   "Me! My life! Doesn't it matter? I should pay her for her damn stupid decision! Why, I also have what I want to do, do you think I want to be a general? "His eyes were red, like a wild beast, to tear everything Broken, "Who wants to be this general? Ah, who wants to be!"
       He Rufei has not lived in Hefu since he remembered. He lives on a distant Zhuangzi. He knows that he is not well, and that he and his cousin exchange identities. He can't go too far, and people can't be separated from each other. The He Yuansheng couple sometimes secretly come to see him, but they always leave in a hurry.
       The doctor asserted that he could not live for a few years, but he did not know if he had a hard life, so he survived year after year. Later, when he was sixteen years old, his body was completely healed. I thought I could leave Zhuangzi, return to Hejia, and return to He-Big-gongzi. But then came the news that He-Yan went to the battlefield. He You cannot come back temporarily.
       He Rufei was forced to stay on Zhuangzi.
       He also secretly prayed in his heart that He-Yan should not die on the battlefield, not because his brothers and sisters are affectionate, nor because he is kind-hearted, but because He-Yan bears his identity, if He-Yan died on the battlefield. He-Big-gongzi, can never return to Hejia.
       Fortunately, He-Yan is back.
       Originally in those many years, He Rufei didn't have much emotions towards He-Yan. He couldn't be like or hate. Until the day he returned to Hejia, He-Yan had just returned to his house and did not see him. The soldiers and horses outside surrounded the young vice-president in the middle. She was wearing a mask, standing in the sunshine, open-hearted, and her sabre. Beautiful and sharp, the steed is sturdy and docile. Although he can't see his face, his eyes are as bright as stars.
       He Rufei heart suddenly burst into resentment.
       For so many years, he has been living an unseen life on Zhuangzi. He thought that He-Yan was the same as himself, but when he saw him, he found that it was completely different. She used her identity and lived so happily. Why? She decided the fate of others without authorization, and then returned the fate already arranged to her.
       On what basis?
       He Rufei heart is very complicated. On the one hand, he hates accepting the destiny that He-Yan has chosen, such as being a general, but on the other hand, when he stands in the Golden Palace, he accepts the reward of the emperor, courtier or envy. Or jealous eyes, contentment arises in the heart.
       But this satisfaction always humiliates him, because He Rufei knows very well that the praise and reputation belong to He-Yan, not to himself. Whenever he heard those people praising General Feihong for his heroic invincibility on the battlefield, his heart was extraordinarily tortured. This torture finally gave him anxiety, which made him uneasy. Even if He-Yan was married, he did not solve this Heart disease.
       Just as he stole a beautiful gem, he was proud that he could own it, and accepted the envy and longing of everyone, but he was worried that one day the owner of the gem would not be found himself.
       The evil thoughts grew bigger and bigger, until one day, he thought, if He-Yan died. As soon as this idea appeared, He Rufei found that he calmed down.
       He found a way to understand his determination.
       Broken wings can only make General Feihong unable to fly into the sky, but Feihong is still Feihong, it is better to tear down the birds in the sky, drown in the water, buried in the soil, no one will find the trace of the bird in the future .
       He finally calmed down.
       But why isn't it long before the quiet days, people have to wait to be interrupted.
       "Lying." The youth's voice was calm and his eyes were as cold as water. "You want to be General Feihong, but you dare not admit it."
       As if being seen a secret deep inside, He Rufei raised his head sharply :   "I don't!"
       "you have."
       He Rufei gritted his teeth, the man's eyes were light and light, but his wolf howled. He clenched his fists and tried to stand up :   "Tell me, is she He-Yan?"
       "If I say yes," the young man looked down, and the silver crown drawn a cold light under the dark lights of the prison. "What do you do?"
       "I don't believe it." He Rufei couldn't help but shake, whether he hated or feared, he said, "I don't believe every word you say."
       But in fact, he had some faith.
       Those inexplicable coincidences are familiar with the terrain of Hejia, the dark grid in the study, the secret of the exquisite box ... and the "big brother" on the star platform.
       The two of them were born at the same time on the same night many years ago, so their fate was forced, coincidental, and entangled with each other, like two interlaced vines, to draw nutrients from each other. To survive, he had to pull out the vine on his side. The so-called twins brought not dependence and trust, but betrayal and enemies.
       He-Yan lives in the sun, he has to be in the dark, if he wants to walk in front of a person in the light, he must uproot the person in the sunlight.
       He did a good job ... He Rufei grinned.
       At this moment, inexplicable birth was born.
       He didn't know whether he was jealous or resentful of He-Yan, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that what he hated was actually the feeling of being a substitute. Others are looking at you, but they are looking at another person. People are thinking of you, but they are thinking of another person. How ridiculous, how sad.
       The shadow killed the master, but the shadow is still the shadow. In his life with He-Yan, whether he was the substitute for He-Yan or He-Yan was his substitute, no one can tell clearly. Is he He Rufei, or He-Yan? No one could answer him.
       What if he and He-Yan didn't exchange identities at the beginning?
       If in the beginning, he is Big-gongzi of Hejia, each chooses his own way, what will it look like now?
       He Rufei gradually laughed, laughed louder and louder, and finally laughed, and burst into tears. He was pushed and moved forward in his life, and maybe he could only be relieved at the last moment of his life. However, what was left to "He Rufei" was also a bad name.
       "Xiao Huaijin," he looked up at the person in front of him, "I'm just treating her as He-Yan, so you find me at all costs, isn't it just for her? You want my life, OK, Take it, "he opened his hands, and looked like he was grabbing his arms." After all, this is just my grudge with her. What is it with you? "
       Xiao-Yue stepped in front of him, watching him quietly, suddenly reaching out and holding his neck, his youthful fingers were white, but he seemed to be able to crush his bones alive.
       He Rufei was out of breath, staring at the other side, trying to squeeze out a smirk.
       "What do you do with me?" Xiao-Yue asked slowly.
       His dark eyes stared at He Rufei, like a dark storm, saying, "I Xiao-Yue, for the first time in my life, coaxed the rescued Miss, and finally drowned you alive. You Say, what are you doing with me? "
       He Rufei was desperately struggling, but the hand tightened, his eyes rolled upwards, kicking his legs, and great fear floated from his heart. He knew that he was about to die on this man's hand.
       But the next moment, the hand that gripped his throat suddenly released, and He Rufei held his neck and the screen coughed.
       "I don't kill you." Xiao-Yue stood up, turned his back to him, and said coldly, "Because you are not worthy."
       After all, he left He Rufei, who was still gasping with his throat, and strode away.
       Early in the morning, when He-Yan woke up, the snow outside had stopped.
       Qingmei called Chiwu in the yard :   "Chiwu guard, don't add firewood, the fire is too great, the medicine is not good."
       Chiu quietly picked out a few firewood with iron tongs.
       After all, Lin Shuanghe is a man, and it is not good to stay in Hejia all the time. Besides, Hejia really has no extra room for him. The medicine this morning was fried by the plum. He Yunsheng and He Sui went out early in the morning. Qingmei used a fan to catch fire, and she was always a little dull.
       At the time, He-Yan and Fan Cheng were the same. After returning, they became seriously ill. Although He Sui also invited the doctor, the doctor also prescribed the medicine, but He-Yan drank it bowl by bowl, and his body did not improve. Instead it gets worse. At that time, Ome thought that He-Yan might not be able to survive, but she was miraculously improved later, and she was thinking that Fu-ren might have spirit in heaven. He-Yan is now sick again.
       Although the white-handed doctor Lin said it was fine, Qingmei was always a little worried.
       Seeing her absent-minded appearance, Chiwu thought for a moment, and comforted :   "Don't worry, Lin-gongzi says it's all right, He-Big-Young-Lady will definitely be fine."
       "More than that," Qingmei sighed. "When I went to the house to change the water in the morning, I saw Miss, and I was crying in my dreams. It was the same ... Miss, how could it be so if it was sad? Yesterday Tianxingtai Miss, isn't that a sword against General Feihong? Why is that? Chiwu guard, do you know what happened? "
       Chiwu shook his head. There are too many doubts about He-Yan. But Xiao-Yue wouldn't let them check, and they wouldn't deliberately check them.
       "Lao-ye and Shaoye were very worried yesterday. I really hope Miss, get better soon." Qingmei said.
       The voice of the two of them was not deliberately lowered. He-Yan's ear strength was outstanding, and they heard their conversation clearly. She froze for a while, and the woman in the dream had completely disappeared from her sight. The stove was flourishing in the room. A small white porcelain bowl was placed beside the desk. The bowl was filled with a bowl of preserves.
       The candied fruit was red and sweet, and she slowly reached out her hand, took one in her hand, and looked at it for a while before putting it in her mouth.
       Sweet makes your mouth bitter.
       Ome came in with the medicine and pushed in the door. When He-Yan woke up, she first stunned, then smiled and said, "Miss, what's wrong with your body when you wake up?"
       "It's all right."
       "That's good." Qing Mei put the medicine bowl on the desk, and at a glance, she saw the small bowl with candied fruit next to it, and smiled :   "This is Xiao Chief-Commander put the nubi here. The medicine that Doctor Lin boiled Bitter, Miss, remember to take two pills in your mouth after drinking the medicine. "
       He-Yan lowered his head and smiled, "OK."
       Qing Mei felt strange from Miss, but couldn't tell what was strange, so she had to move a stool and sit in front of it, and Xu Xu told He-Yan not to catch cold.
       Sunlight came in through the window, and there was some excitement in the room. He-Yan looked out the window, looked at it, lowered his head, and covered his eyes with tears.
       everything is over.


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Reborn Female General 265 [end]

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