Reborn Female General 225

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       Chapter 225 :  Birthday   

       Bingshu still looks like the old days, so He-Yan returned to the days when he just married Hejia.
       But after she became blind, she never took out the book again. She thought that the book had either never been found or had been burned by Xu Zhiheng, but it was unexpectedly returned to her own hands now. But how did this book reach He-2-Fu-ren.
       "What do you mean, my mother gave me this book?" He-Yan looked at Xiao-Yue, "will she not recognize me?"
       After waiting for Xiao-Yue to speak, He-Yan immediately shook his head to deny himself, "Impossible, even in my last life, I can only count on meeting her. What I look like, my mother may not even remember, more Don't mention now. "She laughed at herself," Why now I start to think wildly, whimsical. "
       However, when she recalled the moment when He-2-Fu-ren shoved the soldiers book into her hands, she faintly captured the attachment and perseverance in the other's eyes.
       how can that be?
       He-2-Fu-ren has another daughter. Compared to himself, He Xinying has been with He-2-Fu-ren since he was a child. Unlike her, she never called. He-Yan always thought that when facing the Hejia people, she could already be as hard-hearted as iron, but when she rushed into He-2-Fu-ren's house, she saw He Xinying sleeping with her mother On the bed, even after getting married, returning to the house can talk with her mother like intimate nights, and it turns out to be jealous.

       If you think about it, her kinship in her last life has been very weak. Parents are like this, husbands are like this, although it is already a thing of the past life, although there are people accompanying him now, but there are some regrets, just there, can not be made up for life, such as the hole buried in the gravel, the wind A blow, still empty, shocking.
       He-Yan didn't want Xiao-Yue to see his loss, and turned his head, "However, this soldier book just solved my urgent need now. Those notes previously found in Xianchang Pavilion were separated by a long time in the end, He Rufei can also use the excuse to say that the handwriting has changed later. However, this book of soldiers is not far away. As long as he carefully compares the current handwriting of He Rufei, he will always find clues, and ... it just happens to be a book of soldiers, God helps me.
       Xiao-Yue nodded. "The correspondence with Utopians can come in handy when the time comes."
       "He Rufei kept these letters because he was afraid that the Utopians and Xu Xiang would cross the river and dismantle the bridge, so he kept his hands in order to be foolproof, so he hid them in the exquisite box." He-Yan thought, "I really don’t know if I should say Is it cunning or stupid. "
       It was his suspiciousness that happened to fall into the hands of others.
       "I keep this thing but it's not safe," He-Yan thought for a while, and said to Xiao-Yue :   "Let's keep it. He Rufei no matter how bold he is, he should not dare to go wild in the Xiao family."
       She looked up at the sky. It won't be long before the day is about to dawn. It was a full night's delay today. "I'm going back. When the day comes, He Rufei should send someone to search the whole Shuojing. I'm afraid of something wrong."
       "I'll send you back."
       He-Yan nodded. Although she tried hard to act as usual, the matter of He-2-Fu-ren still weighed heavily on her mind. Although no one knew about He-2-Fu-ren opening the door to herself at that time, who knew if He Rufei would doubt He-2-Fu-ren. Even if she is from Hejia ... He Rufei is so cruel, so he-2-Fu-ren? He Yuanliang doesn't care about the relationship between father and daughter at all, so how much can be left between husband and wife?
       "You can rest assured that I will send someone to sneak into Hejia and look at He-2-Fu-ren." It seemed that she was worried in her heart, "I will not let her have anything."
       He-Yan looked up at him, relieved slightly, "So, Many Thanks you."
       Even so, she still looked a little unhappy, Xiao-Yue glanced at her lightly and said, "He-Yan."
       "It's my birthday in two days."
       He-Yan said "Oh", suddenly reacted, raised his head, "..... Then what do you want, I can buy it for you."
       "Are you rich?" He asked.
       "Did you not give me a silver ticket last time?" He-Yan replied very smoothly. When he saw his expression, he smirked again, as if it was a bit wrong to buy someone gift for someone else gift. "But ... I only have the money you gave me. "
       "My female embroidery worker is also not good. It would be impossible for me to embroider a piece of embroidery in a day or two. Why didn't you say that it was too late for me to do it now. Or ... I'll go and pick up a stone for you Use your axe to cut into your favorite shape? "
       When in Liangzhou Wei, Chu Zhao didn't sleep in the middle of the night just to pick up stones. Perhaps Fu-Shaoye had such a weird habit.
       Xiao-Yue face sank, as if thinking of bad memories, "No need."
       "Then what do you need?" He-Yan approached him and asked. After Xiao-Yue interruption, her low mood was relieved a lot, at least for the moment, she really cared for Little-Shaoye birthday gift.
       "I'm going to the night market," Xiao-Yue glanced at her. "You bring a silver ticket, and what I like, you buy it for me."
       This time He-Yan understands, Xiao 2-Shaoye wants to enjoy the feeling of being spoiled, but this kind of thing is usually used by men to accompany women to go out to the night market, buy flowers and jade for women Why did she turn around when she came to her?
       "I didn't expect you to have this incredible hobby." He-Yan murmured in his back.
       "What did you say?" Xiao-Yue raised an eyebrow.
       He-Yan turned around and smiled and replied :   "I mean, since it is my Shaoye birthday wish, I have to reach the sword and down the fire, and it must be achieved for you. Isn't it just going to the night market, I bring all the silver tickets How about you buy everything you want? "
       The girl's face was close at hand, and she did not notice that she was too close to the other party. Xiao-Yue tilted her head slightly, her mouth slightly tilted, and said, "Huh."
       After Xiao-Yue returned He-Yan to the house at night, it was very late. He-Yan simply went up and slept for a good night's sleep. When he woke up, it was already noon. Ome prepared lunch, He-Yan rubbed her sleepy eyes and sits at the table, picked up chopsticks and asked, "Ome, what's new outside today?"
       Ome was helping He-Yan Sheng Tang, and she said in surprise, "Miss, how did you know that something went wrong? Early in the morning, the nubi did not dare to wake you up when you slept soundly. When they went shopping in the street, I heard that General Feihong was thiefed last night. Some valuables were lost in General Feihong's house. Now that the city gates have been closed, the government is searching for suspicious people everywhere. "She said, thinking of herself. But how could there be such a bold thief in the world, actually going to steal from General Feihong's house?
       She didn't know that the daring thief was sitting at the table, drinking the hot soup in the bowl unhurriedly.
       He-Yan Just think of He Rufei panic like a headless fly now, he can't be refreshed, even to drink a few bowls of soup. I want to come to He Rufei suspicious temperament. For a long time to come, no, it should be said that as long as those letters are not found, He Rufei will continue to sit like a needle, and he cannot sleep at night.
       It is really pleasant.
       He-Yan guessed it right, the Hefu up and down at this moment was in a mess.
       Last night until now, all the suspicious people in Shuojing City have been checked and they have not fallen. He Rufei face was so ugly that people didn't dare to touch his mold on this knotty eye.
       "If not, what should we do now?" He Yuansheng was so nervous that he could make He Rufei so expensive and find something lost at all costs. He had already guessed a little. This thing falls into the hands of others, which is a lethal handle, not to mention the situation today.
       "Doesn't my father find it strange?" He Rufei said coldly. "Anyone who comes in and out of the house is like no one and knows all over the house. Even the secret secrets in my study can be known, and they can also be opened. cassette……"
       "You mean, there are spies in the house?" He Yuansheng asked.
       "Not necessarily." He Rufei said.
       "But the servants in the house are all sons and daughters. Besides, your study can’t get in, except yourself, not to mention the dark grid on the bookshelf. If there is a traitor ... who would it be? Is it ... He Yuansheng narrowed his eyes, "Do you suspect it is your second uncle?"
       "He doesn't have that courage or that brain." He Rufei flashed a scorn in his eyes. He Yuanliang is even more useless nowadays, so he is too lazy to call him when something is happening in the government right now. He Yuanliang was also very happy. He was not a person who could handle the affair. The only thing he had done in life that was useful was raising a daughter He-Yan. In addition, he was a waste.
       "Then you doubt ..."
       "The second uncle did not have the courage, 2-Aunt may not be. Because of He-Yan, I was afraid that I would have complained in my heart long ago. Women have always been emotional, and I don’t know if she would hate it because of this. Something unexpected. "
       He Yuansheng frowned. "So, this woman can't stay."
       He Rufei shook his head :   "Now don't act lightly. If she is really easy to handle, at least you can find the master behind the scenes, and multiple hostages are in my hands, and it will be convenient to do it in the future."
       "But is there any trouble keeping her?"
       "As long as she is not allowed to leave the house, there is no harm in staying around." He Rufei said coldly :   "Just last night, He Xinying returned to the house. On the day he returned to the house, the middle of the house entered the thief, I wonder if it was a coincidence "
       "He Xinying?" He Yuansheng lowered his face. "She from Hejia, dare ..."
       "Just doubting it," He Rufei interrupted her, "look for someone to approach her and see if she really doesn't know anything. 2-Aunt If you want to keep He Xinying, you should not tell her The truth. It's just that Xu Zhiheng has been a little weird these days. "
       Thinking of Xu Zhiheng, He Rufei was again unhappy, and cooperating with such a fool is probably the most disturbing thing.
       "Leave it to me," He Yuansheng pondered for a moment, "you stay in the house and wait for news." He got up and went out.
       He Yuansheng left, and He Rufei was sitting in a chair alone, and his thoughts were difficult to resolve. As He Yuansheng said, the first idea was that there was a traitor in Fufu, so he knew the path of Fuzhong, but he knew clearly that the hidden grid on the bookshelf in the study was not a traitor, but also exquisite cassette.
       When He-Yan handed the Linglong box to him, he once said that under the world, no one can open this box except for their brother and sister. Later He-Yan died, and only he could open it in the world, so He Rufei would put a few secret letters in the box. Just to make himself feel more at ease, he made another layer in the box.
       The reason is that I will never encounter this institution in my life. I did not expect to hear a whistle last night. Linglong box was opened.
       Or, it was He-Yan who was lying. In addition to the two of them, a third person in the world knew how to open the box.
       Or ...
       Xu Zhiheng's fearful expression floated in front of his eyes, and his voice was filled with unspeakable fluster.
       "Yes ... it's He-Yan, she back ... She back!"
       With a "snap", He Rufei tea cup was slammed onto the ground. He stood up and looked at the sword on the wall. Qinglang was green and quiet, with a light sheen, and he twitched the corner of his mouth.
       Come back ... he is not afraid.
       The next day, the story of the thief on General Feihong's house was full of rumors, but he couldn't find where the thief was. The whole Shuo Jingcheng chicken flying dog jumped, so it was hilarious. He-Yan had a rare and relaxing day, only drinking tea and sleeping at home, and the green plums were a little surprised.
       Two days later, that night, it was getting dark early, and there was no snow outside. It was a fine night. After He-Yan has finished grooming, he plans to go out with Xiao-Yue.
       Before going to ‘Laughs’ House at night, Xiao-Yue had told her that today is his birthday and he-Yan was asked to accompany him to the night market. I made an appointment to meet at the door of my house. It's not too early, and He-Yan should go out too.
       Ome picked her a silver-red colorful embroidered rattan blouse, covered with a soft smoke brocade brocade dress of the same color, and carefully combed her floral motifs. Her tail fell down on her shoulders, but she looked cute. He-Yan looked around in front of the mirror and felt quite uncomfortable. “It’s too fancy. It’s Xiao-Yue birthday, not my birthday, why is it so grand?”
       Qingmei smiled while wearing a pair of coral earrings on her ears, "But Miss, you are going to go to the night market with Xiao Chief-Commander. With so many people in the night market, you will definitely recognize the two of you. .Of course it must be grand, after all, we have to go out and show people. "
       He-Yan blocked her attempt to return to her own head, "Okay, that's fine. I think the hours are almost up, I'm leaving now." Say, go to the box The rabbit fur cape on it came.
       This cloak is in the original He-Big-Young-Lady box. Among the clothes of Big-Young-Lady, only this one looks a little plainer, He-Big-Young-Lady probably didn't like the cloak so much, so she was under the box. But this is the warmest thing He-Yan can find. Speaking of which, when he woke up, He-Yan looked at Big-Young-Lady's body was weak and weak, and a gust of wind would blow it down, but in her case, all of them were as thin as cicadas. Skirts never seemed like winter.
       He-Yan picked up his cloak, was about to put it on, and was grabbed by Qingmei.
       "What are you doing?" She somehow.
       "Miss, just wear this one. Don't take this cape." Qingmei looked at the rabbit fur cape in her hand. "This one is very old, it looks a bit bloated, and under the lights at night, no Lining people. "
       He-Yan said nothing for a moment, "It will be cold if you don't wear it! I will go out in this skirt and it will freeze to death. I can't even care about my body for the sake of good looks."
       However, Qingmei, who has always been good at talking, is very persistent today, "No, Miss, between good-looking and cold, of course, good-looking is more important. What's more, if you wear warm clothes yourself, what should Xiao Chief-Commander do?"
       "What do you mean?"
       "You want to," Qingmei Xunxunshansu, "Don't you two go to the night market? Xiao Chief-Commander will definitely be wearing a dress, Miss, the colder you are, it just seems that you are weak and need someone to take care of it, Xiao Chief-Commander If you are distressed, you will take off your robes and put them on you, which will definitely benefit your relationship. "
       When He-Yan heard it, he said incredulously :   "What's so ridiculous? If he gave me his clothes, wouldn't he be cold? If we co-authored, we would have to freeze one. What is the grudge?"
       "How can this be a fallacy?" Qingmei Zhenzhen said, "Men in the world will most often pity for the weak and weak women. Miss, you come by yourself, Xiao Chief-Commander will realize that you need to take care of you. Don't I don’t believe it, but the Chiwu guard told me personally. He is both a man and a servant of Xiao Chief-Commander. He must know Xiao Chief-Commander very well.
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Is Chiwu sick? Rongji wondered about this without doing anything else? One of Otou nice Yatou was taken away. Xiao-Yue is the kind of person who loves fragrance and loves jade? Jun did not see hunting on the mountain in the past, how many Miss, the family wore thinly to watch, not ten or eight of them fluttered on Xiao-Yue, and did not see Xiao-Yue to whom to wear his marten fur.
       "You are all nonsense, nonsense!"
       Qingmei pushed He-Yan out of the door. "Anyway, Miss, you can't go out with this rabbit fur cape today, you can listen to the sister-zi."
       With a slam, the door was closed and nearly hit He-Yan's nose. He-Yan can’t help crying and laughing at this door, but it’s not too early now. If He Yunyan returns to school next time, if he knows that He-Yan goes out with Xiao-Yue at night, there is a lot of noise. He-Yan thought about it, let alone, her body was tolerated by Liangzhou Weifeng's wind and rain, and it was very strong, so that it would not fall when the wind blew, so it should be all right overnight.
       With this in mind, he lifted his feet and went out.
       Coincidentally, as soon as he went out, a carriage stopped in front of the door. Feinu has been a handy driver, Xiao-Yue stepped off the carriage.
       Today he wore a dark blue embroidered brocade robe, a black fox fur cape, sandalwood Bun, dark black hair hanging from his shoulders, and he was very beautiful. When he looked over, the nose of the lamp was straight and his lips were thin. , A pair of eyes as moving as autumn water.
       He-Yan swallowed, in fact, standing here at the same time with Xiao-Yue in his own pose, for fear that everyone who cares for the fragrant and the jade is not himself.
       Ome is really worried.

       Chapter 226 :  Lantern Riddles   

       He-Yan walked up to Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue glanced over her, then frowned slightly, "how to wear so thin?"
       "It's too hot." He-Yan shot his teeth and blood swallowed, and scolded Chi Wu with a dog's blood shower in his heart. He had to pretend to be indifferent and fanned out :   "I don't know why, I always feel a little hot "
       Xiao-Yue was about to release his cloak and was stopped by He-Yan's eyes, "I don’t really need it. If I feel cold, go back and get a piece of clothing. The reason why you wear this is because it is too hot. You Haven't you ever heard Lin Shuanghe talk about it? Sometimes people feel hot, and at this time they wear too thick, but they can't dispel the suffocation in the body, and they are susceptible to illness. "She casually passed through.
       Xiao-Yue stared suspiciously at her.
       He-Yan grabbed his arm. "Well, don't worry about what I wear anymore, go to Dongshi first, I'm afraid I'll miss the wonderful place later."
       Within Shuojing City, Fang City is prosperous in commerce and trade. It is divided into East City, West City, South City and North City by location. The most prosperous among them is Dongshi, which is close to Chenghuang Temple.
       East City is divided into December City, January Moonlight City, February Flower Market, March Silkworm City, April Jin City, May Fan City, June Xiang City, July Bao City, August Gui City, and September Medicine City. , October Liquor Market, November Plum City, December Taofu City.
       At this time, at the end of November and the beginning of December, the plum market had closed. Only three or two red plums were still being sold in front of the stall owners. Taofu City had begun, and Spring Festival couplets were set up everywhere. Everywhere I saw the crowd watching, or cheering and applauding, or the constant praise, the excitement was very lively.
       As the year approached, the lights market also began to light. The streets are full of lights, endlessly changing, and crowds are very festive.
       He-Yan followed Xiao-Yue to the entrance of the East City, already feeling the bustling crowd.
       "It's too lively." She looked up at the colorful lights hanging from her head and couldn't help exclaiming. "I'm visiting the night market for the first time."
       "First time?" Xiao-Yue looked at her sideways.
       He-Yan nodded, "Yeah, I can’t come to such a crowded place before, so as not to reveal flaws. When Hejia juniors visit the night market together, I am particularly envious. When I was in Jiyang City before, , I think the night market in Jiyang City is very fun. I didn’t expect that the Shuo Jing City is not bad. It’s so beautiful! ”
       Her eyes were full of excitement and joy, and she had lived two lives, but now she was as happy as a child. The night market is not a place where big gates can come. Ordinary people can come here for fun, but this person is the first time.
       Many things that ordinary people take for granted are forbidden in her.
       The young man looked at Miss at the side, his eyes lighted and pitying. The next moment, He-Yan had dragged his sleeve and squeezed in front of a candy seller.
       "Sugar man!" He-Yan said happily, "I remember I couldn’t come to the night market when I was a kid, but I couldn’t do it. Finally, when Damu went to the night market, the trustee bought one for me. I couldn’t bear to eat it. It was inserted in the pen holder, and it turned out to be everywhere. "She looked back at Xiao-Yue," Xiao-Yue, do you want to eat it, I buy one for you? What do you want? This unicorn looks good Or do you prefer Phoenix? "
       Xiao-Yue glanced at all the sugar men stuck in the haystack, "No."
       "Why not?" He-Yan was very proud. "I have silver. I'll buy it for you."
       Xiao-Yue eyes moved from the sugar man to her face, with a light tone, "No flower basket."
       "Flowers ... baskets?" He-Yan somehow, "Do you like baskets?"
       His tone was as calm as ever, but in the calm, with a subtle subtlety, "During Jiyang City, didn't you give Chu Zilan a brown sugar flower basket?"
       "How do you know?" He-Yan horrified.
       "I just know." The man raised his eyebrows slightly and turned to move forward. He-Yan kept up with it, and now I have a taste of it. Xiao-Yue tone of saying this is a little unpleasant.
       Well, giving him the right thing may make Xiao 2-Shaoye extra mind.
       "... He gave me a spike at the time," He-Yan clutched his sleeve tightly, so as not to disperse in the crowd of people, while pleased to be loyal :   "I also feel that the hand is short, must You can’t owe it to him. You gave him a flower basket. You know that the world’s love account is the worst to pay back. My relationship with you won’t end there. I don’t need to be so clear. Don’t be angry. Chen Zhimei rotten millet is still in his heart. There is a lot of Lord Chief-Commander. Don't care about these little things with young women. Chief-Commander, 2-gongzi ... Little Shaoye? "
       Xiao-Yue seemed to be entangled with impatience. He turned his head away, with a serious face on his face, but slightly twitched his lips.
       He-Yan saw that he didn't care about it so much. When he saw that there was a Yangchun noodle on the side of the street, he took him to the other side. "Today, you should eat a bowl of noodles. Come on. ,I invite you!"
       The couple selling noodles had a wok on the side of the street. The pot was boiling with water, while the pan was filled with flour. Several table stools were set up on both sides, and that was the shop.
       He-Yan asked Xiao-Yue to sit down first and ran to the boss and laughed :   "a bowl of noodles." After a pause, she said, "Today is the birthday of this gongzi," she secretly pointed at Xiao Yue, "I would like to ask the boss to make this bowl of noodles more beautiful, put an egg and more vegetables, and put more braised pork ... oh, chicken legs ..."
       "Enough, Enough, Miss," the boss on one side laughed. "No matter how many, the bowl will not fit."
       "Oh," He-Yan nodded. "Let's do it first."
       The lady boss smiled and said to her, "The sitting gongzi is Miss's love. It's really handsome."
       He-Yan blushed and didn't dare talk.
       The proprietress probably didn't know Xiao-Yue, she was just confused by the beauty of Xiao-Yue, "The Nubi family has been selling noodles here for so long, but this is the first time I have seen Shaoye who looks so beautiful. As a lover, It’s better to call another bowl of Lantern Festival, with sesame filling, and two people in the lantern market will eat a bowl of Lantern Festival.
       "No need," He-Yan laughed. "This Shaoye doesn't eat sweet."
       "That's a pity." The lady still smiled and didn't persuade.
       He-Yan was going to Xiao-Yue, took two steps, and then turned around again, the ghost rushed to the boss and said, "Well ... let's have a bowl."
       The boss smiled sweetly :   "Oh!"
       When Shou Nian came over, Xiao-Yue stared at the bowl in front of him for a moment, saying "He-Yan, are you feeding pigs?"
       The noodle bowl is not large, but it is filled with dangdang noodles. On it lies an egg, green leaves, and a few large pieces of braised meat. It is very rich, just look, it is about to overflow from the bowl. The bowls of people around were all plain water, except Xiao-Yue, which was very different.
       "You eat more," He-Yan gave him with chopsticks. "Because it's a birthday, of course, you can't just pass it casually. I deliberately asked the boss to put it for you. I'll treat you, you're welcome."
       Everyone eyes fell on their table. Xiao-Yue was the first time he was staring at the rice barrel in his life, but the girl in front of her face put her hands on her cheeks and smiled with a sincere smile for a moment, Finally, he finally took his chopsticks and pinched his face in front of him.
       He-Yan was very satisfied. "Remember to eat up."
       Xiao-Yue chopsticks shook, trying to keep the face calm.
       At this time, the lady's Lantern Festival also came up. One of the round lanterns, exactly nine, was served in a red-bottomed porcelain bowl, which was especially pleasing. The owner didn't know whether it was intentional or not. He only gave her a spoon. He-Yan lowered her head and put one into her mouth. The sesame filling was especially sweet.
       When it came out, it was extremely cold, but the night market was crowded, and the crowd was crowded, which dispelled the coldness a lot. At this moment, the hot soup in front of me was warm, the Lantern Festival was sweet, and the people sitting across the street quietly ate noodles. Suddenly, He-Yan had a good time.
       Those days full of danger, conspiracy, calculation and sword light, farther away, seems to be as peaceful as before, can continue for a long time from now on.
       She lowered her head and smiled, picking up the spoon and obediently eating in the Lantern Festival.
       A bowl of Lantern Festival, a bowl of Shou Noodles, eating very slowly.
       Maybe it’s “He-Yan’s“ difficulty ”, or maybe because the boss’s craftsmanship is good, Xiao-Yue finally ate up a bowl of noodles. When he put down his chopsticks, He-Yan was eating the bowl Eighth Lantern Festival.
       When the ninth was about to be picked up, I suddenly remembered what the lady boss had just said.
       "Two people in the lantern market ate a bowl of Lantern Festival, and they were lovers for their entire lives."
       Throughout her life, she never felt that word was distant, but she didn't know when it started, she also had longing and expectation.
       Xiao-Yue, seeing the movement of her, asked, "What's wrong?"
       He-Yan gently pushed the red-bottomed porcelain bowl to the middle, raised his head, looked at Xiao-Yue eyes, and coughed gently, "Do you want to eat one?"
       Xiao-Yue looked down at the soup bowl with only one Lantern Festival left, and said nothing.
       He-Yan is inexplicably guilty, and feels as if he is a demon who seduces a good family girl, adding :   "I think you don't like sweets now ... still count ..."
       Xiao-Yue smiled, said nothing, took the bowl, picked up the spoon that He-Yan had used, and ate the remaining Lantern Festival.
       The boss was packing the tableware at the table next to her, and she smiled and said, "Okay, two people eat a bowl of Lantern Festival, sweet and sweet, good luck."
       He-Yan was startled, and looked subconsciously at Xiao-Yue. The youth's beautiful eyes stared at her, as if she could see her secret thoughts.
       He-Yan stood up for a while and pulled out a few copper plates from his pocket. "That's it, let's go."
       After eating, I went to the night market and got warmer. When He-Yan and Xiao-Yue came to a place, they found that there were many people around him. He-Yan casually asked a young man beside him :   "Excuse me, what are you doing in front of you?"
       The man glanced at He-Yan and said, "I'm guessing a lantern riddle, today is the last day. Miss, if you want to go you can still catch up, the more you guess, the more beautiful the peacock lamp may be taken away. ! "
       It’s time to visit the night market. It’s natural to have fun together. He-Yan pushed Xiao-Yue into the crowd. After I got in, I saw a long corridor under the roof. Various lanterns, a piece of paper hanging under the lantern, and the words written on it are lantern riddles. Most of the men and women who come here are lovers. Some people have guessed a lot and already have a few lamps in their hands. As soon as He-Yan looked and was eager to try, he asked Xiao-Yue :   "Do you have a favorite lantern? I'll help you win one."
       Xiao-Yue looked at her :   "You help me?"
       "Of course, today is not your birthday. I buy everything you want. What a win for a lantern, anyway, I also studied in Xianchang Hall."
       Xiao-Yue smiled and was about to speak. Suddenly someone heard him not far away :   "Xiao Huaijin!"
       He-Yan looked back and saw a pair of men and women walking towards them under this promenade, actually Yan He and Xia Chengxiu.
       The couple, both wearing goose yellow gowns and skirts today, looked at each other very well. Yan He is still the same, never looking straight at people. When he walked, the horse-tailed Lao Gao. When he walked in front of him, without waiting for He-Yan to speak, Yan He said to Xiao-Yue :   "Oh, rare customer, I didn't expect to see Xiao Huaijin come to the night market someday."
       Compared with Yan He impoliteness, Xia Chengxiu is much gentler, only watching He-Yan and Xiao-Yue laughed :   "He-Miss, Xiao Chief-Commander."
       He-Yan reciprocated :   "Chengxiu Miss,"
       Yan He finally met He-Yan beside Xiao-Yue, looked at them both, and showed a disgusted expression, "Xiao Huaijin, shouldn't you just accompany this kid ... this guy came to visit The night market. "He stroked his arm," Nausea is dead, goose bumps! "
       He-Yan :   "..." Where does this person stand to say others, does he himself accompany Fu-ren to the night market?
       Xia Chengxiu pulled Yan He, and Yan He ‘called, "What's wrong? I'm not wrong."
       "Sorry," Xia Chengxiu smiled at He-Yan. "Nanguang is just this temperament. He not malicious. He-Miss, do you guys come to guess the lantern riddle too?"
       He-Yan nodded :   "Yes. Just passing here, General Yan guesses lantern riddles?"
       "A woman's favorite thing, I don't guess." Yan He said :   "I came with Cheng Xiu." His eyes fell on Xiao-Yue, "Xiao Huaijin ..."
       "He didn't guess, he came with me." He-Yan quickly cut off his words. Yan He was a cockfighting player when he met Xiao-Yue, so he had to compete. If Xiao-Yue wants to guess, Yan He competitive spirit is aroused, so don't go to any night market tonight, it's better to see them here than to try to guess the riddle.
       In order to go to other places next time, He-Yan stopped decisively.
       "Okay," Yan He hugged his chest and said, "guess then."
       He-Yan and Xia Chengxiu looked at each other, Xia Chengxiu smiled and took a note from the front lantern below. He-Yan followed her movement and looked at the lantern at hand.
       This lantern riddle is simple, "the mountains and the mountains all have Acacia", the words He-Yan are all known, but they don't know what it means to be connected.
       At the other end, Xia Chengxiu had already heard the note :   "Parting from Jun." She thought for a moment, and looked at the boss :   "Is this" "?"
       "Miss, good eyesight." The tradesman with a smile laughed and gave Xia Chengxiu a wooden sign with a red stroke on it.
       It seems that if you collect ten pens together, you can exchange a lantern here.
       He-Yan took a deep breath and felt that the lantern riddle that he had chosen was not right. It was better to change to a simple one. Thinking of it, he went to a lotus-shaped lantern and picked up the hanging one below. Note.
       "No winter and no summer."
       He-Yan :   "..." What is this?
       She glanced sideways at Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue was standing not far away, and looked at her with a lot of time. He-Yan didn't want to lose face, coughed, and went to another place.
       "The fog is missing the tower, Yue Mi Jin Du."
       He-Yan :   "?"
       She was about to cry, before boasting that Haikou said that she had read a book in Xianchang Hall, but now she feels that this book might as well have not been read. What are these things? The characters are all known, and how to put them together can be confusing. Let's take a look at the women who are guessing at the same time. He-Yan is the first two of them. I just feel that even if it is the most difficult battle, it is not as embarrassing as it is now.
       Holding the note in front of me, at a loss, a voice came from behind me :   "Are you going to send me a lantern?"
       I don't know when Xiao-Yue has come over, standing behind her, He-Yan "um" for a while, nothing to say.
       He bent his lips, "It looks like your poetry hasn't been lean for so many years."
       "There is a specialization in surgery," He-Yan justified, arrogantly. "I can't use it with one mind."
       He seemed to chuckle, and the exhaled heat fell on He-Yan's neck, itching. At that end, Xia Chengxiu had already guessed ten lantern riddles in a blink of an eye. The craftsman drew ten ink characters on her wooden sign and replaced a jade rabbit lantern.
       Yan He held the lantern in his arms, and rushed to He-Yan proudly :   "Why haven't you guessed it yet? You haven't read a book? Xiao Huaijin," he took Xia Chengxiu in one hand, and even provoked Xiao-Yue, "This Fu-ren you're looking for is not as good as my Fu-ren."
       Is Yan He sick? He-Yan is silent, he is thinking that anyway, other than Xiao-Yue, is it better than Fu-ren? Who hasn't got the strengths yet, how can it be so superficial!
       She was scolding Yan He in her heart, and Xiao-Yue whispered in her ear :   "don't care about him." Then, standing behind her, following her movement, she picked up the riddle paper in front of He-Yan. article.
       Xiao-Yue is very tall. When he takes a note from the back, he needs to lean down slightly and look at it from the eyes of others, as if he had He-Yan in his arms. He-Yan could almost feel the warmth of his back touching his chest, the tip of his ears turned red, but he forgot to look at the note in front of him, Xiao-Yue had already said, "Two places are missing."
       "Ah?" He-Yan froze.
       The tradesman smiled and came over with a wooden plate :   "Gongzi guessed it!"
       "Xiao Huaijin, you are cheating." Yan He was furious :   "How can you help her guess!"
       "It's all about you," He-Yan couldn't bear it, and rushed back to him :   "If you're not willing, you can help me guess!"
       "Who wants to help you guess!" Yan He shook her sleeves. "Walk around and see them upset!" Xia Chengxiu hand was gone.
       At this moment, He-Yan finally had time to focus his thoughts on the lantern riddle in front of him.
       She dragged a note in front of her to read the words, and Xiao-Yue said the answer behind her.
       "Affectionate since ancient times, hate."
       "Go in every ten and go three."
       This person used to be the first of the Xianchang Pavilion. When He-Yan read the lantern riddle above, he didn't have to think about it, and just uttered the answer. Xiao-Yue is a handsome, smart and handsome young man who always stands out on such occasions. A few moments later, Miss's family with lovers and lovers are all around, or staring at Xiao intoxicatedly Yue, or envious eyes on He-Yan.
       Near the end of the nine lantern riddles, He-Yan picked up the note of the last lantern.
       "Shuangmu Feilin, Tianxia has a heart." After she finished reading, she didn't wait for Xiao-Yue to say, "I know this, it's acacia!"
       The tradesman laughed and laughed :   "Miss.
       He-Yan was blushed by this praise, and guessed one of the ten lantern riddles. I really can't afford this praise. The one who really cares about quality is the one behind her. The tradesman finished her wooden sign with the final stroke and said to He-Yan :   "Miss, go and pick a lantern you like!"
       He-Yan turned around and pulled Xiao-Yue and said, "How about, I said I'd give you a lantern, and I'll give it to you. Which one do you like?"
       Under the eaves, there are various kinds of lanterns hanging on the roof.
       He-Yan pointed at a Pisces :   "This Pisces is pretty, do you like this? Or this gourd lamp is also good ... there is a horse riding picture on this auspicious lamp ..."
       From the beginning to the end, Xiao-Yue just smiled lightly and followed her.
       He-Yan Seeing a green yarn lamp on the side, a landscape pavilion is painted on it. As people move around, the light and shadow change, and the waterfall seems to still flow, which is very strange. Among the lanterns, this landscape lantern is inconspicuous at first glance. He-Yan was attracted at a glance. Thinking of giving this lamp to Xiao-Yue, he should not lose face, and rushed to the craftsman :   "I want this one."
       The tradesman was busy giving a wooden sign to another pair of lovers, and when he heard it, he said, "Miss, just pick it up."
       He-Yan said to Xiao-Yue :   "Wait, I'll get you a lamp."
       She came to the lantern and was about to take it off. At this time, she heard a familiar voice not far away :   "There is a lantern riddle in front. Would you like to see it?"
       Immediately afterwards, a woman's voice sounded, "Okay, you can buy one and hang it in the yard."
       He-Yan turned around and saw a few steps away, walking towards a pair of men and women. The man is handsome and elegant, the woman is beautiful, and it is Xu Zhiheng and He Xinying.
       Xu Zhiheng is holding He Xinying's hand, and Maid's arms behind He Xinying are holding a lot of baubles, such as rouge gouache that they bought when they were shopping at the night market. These two people seem to be on the face, they are really a couple of couples who are married to each other. Xu Zhiheng smiled and spoiled. When talking, he was drizzling with the wind.
       He-Yan looked at it sternly, wondering whether it was ironic or not. She thought that Xu Zhiheng would only accompany He like walking the night market in her life. Now it seems that as long as it is not herself, anyone can.
       "Miss ,?" The tradesman saw her standing in a dull place, reminding strangely, He-Yan turned around, startled in her heart, and looked subconsciously at Xiao-Yue.
       He also stood under the lamp, with a handsome figure, and his eyes were calm and almost indifferent.

       Chapter 227 :  Vinegar   

       Before He-Yan had time to speak, Xiao-Yue glanced at her and turned to leave.
       The lights in front had not been removed, and He-Yan couldn't help it, and quickly turned the crowd away to follow. The tradesman behind him stunned and called her :   "Miss, you forgot to take your lamp!"
       No response.
       He Xinying also heard the ‘call of the craftsman, subconsciously looking down the craftsman's eyes, and saw a familiar back hurried away.
       With a moment in her mind, this back looks exactly like Wu-Anhou He-Yan who met in Yuhua Temple before.
       For some reason, she and He-Yan are just one side, but the impression is particularly deep. Xu Zhiheng on the side asked her :   "What's wrong?"
       "It's nothing." He Xinying looked back, "Let's watch the lamp." There was something in my heart.
       Since marrying Xu Zhiheng, whenever there is time, Xu Zhiheng will accompany her to the night market. Xu Zhiheng was busy with his business during these days, but he hadn't been here for two months. Yesterday she returned to Xu family. Xu Zhiheng's unprecedented proposal could accompany her for a while. If he changed to the past, He Xinying would be very happy, but now he is walking beside Xu Zhiheng, but he is no longer excited and even nervous.
       Mother's illness, the assassin that night, and the soldier's book that the eldest sister hid in the bedpost were all suspicious. But she couldn't do anything, she had to pretend to know nothing.
       She stared at the colorful lanterns in front of her eyes, but the back that had just left in a hurry just appeared in her mind, with a lot of thoughts.
       The crowd was crowded, and He-Yan easily grabbed Xiao-Yue sleeve, and said, "Slow down. There are so many people here. I have been scattered for a long time, and I was stepped on a few feet."
       He only walked forward, not turning back, but his pace slowed down after all.
       In the crowd that came and went, He-Yan tightened his sleeve with the force of throwing a stone throw. He almost did not tear the sleeve of Xiao-Yue, and finally walked outside the crowd and along the river.
       "Xiao-Yue," He-Yan stared at him and asked, "Are you angry?"
       Xiao-Yue didn't speak.
       He tilted his head, He-Yan couldn't see his expression, and stomped his feet, approached him to see clearly. Blocked by Xiao-Yue arm, he pushed He-Yan close to him.
       "Are you really angry?" He-Yan said, "I just ..."
       "He-Yan," Xiao-Yue interrupted her, staring at her with a deep voice, "Are you ..."
       He-Yan looked at him.
       "Is there any love for Xu Zhiheng?"
       "Cough cough—" She was coughed and choked.
       "Don't tell a joke!" He-Yan denied, "You didn't know what he did, how could I be left with him?"
       "Oh?" He raised his eyebrows, his eyes sharp, "That's to say, there was’love’in the past?"
       He-Yan almost didn't come up in a breath, and was choked by Xiao-Yue. It seemed that she could not answer any questions. After a short while, He-Yan whispered, "Never before."
       Xiao-Yue looked at her with no expression, He-Yan was guilty of being guilty and carefully lied :   “You know, my parents’matchmaker said, I didn’t have the power to choose in my life. After He Rufei changed her status, it was naturally that what the family said was what ... Hejia arranged that I marry Xu Zhiheng, and I would marry. I didn't ... have no feelings. "
       He-Yan has an inexplicable feeling of guilty conscience that was discovered by her husband and a headache in her heart. She just glanced at Xu Zhiheng under the lantern, who knew it would cause so much trouble. But in this way, it seems that she is more conscientious. After all, Xiao-Yue had no other Miss before her.
       "But I heard that when you were married to Xu Zhiheng, you were very happy." He looked at the river under the fence, his eyes calm.
       He-Yan An exciter :   "Who said it? It's such a rumor and me! It's heartbreaking!"
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her lightly, He-Yan froze for a moment, and pulled his head down, "Well, when I didn't know he was this kind of person before, I had ... a little bit." She used her little finger and Thumbs were a little bit, "Just a little bit like that, the ants are big, and they will die on one foot."
       Xiao-Yue was ridiculed, and said lazily :   "Then why do you like him? Even if you don't know who he is, your vision," he looked at He-Yan. "It's lower than ordinary people. "
       Is he scolding Xu Zhiheng or scolding himself? He-Yan said in his heart, Su Ri didn't think that it was really hard for Shaoye to get angry. Why ask such an embarrassing question is tantamount to lingering someone with a knife. The sight of the man in front of her kept gazing at her, and her beautiful eyes were full of scrutiny.
       He-Yan sighed :   "At the time, I just thought this person was fine."
       Xiao-Yue smiled.
       "Do you remember Dongshan hunting, when you secretly sent me a rabbit?" He-Yan asked.
       "In order to make the emperor look happy, the teachers in Xianchang Hall made great efforts and set the rules. If they did not hunt the prey, they could not eat, and they were hungry for a whole day."
       He-Yan now thinks of it, and still feels indignant, "The people who make this rule are sick. The death prisoners still have enough food, but they are punished so inhumanly without hunting their prey ... that day Although you gave me the rabbit, but I let it go, I did not hunt any prey. "
       If the summer is okay, it is uncomfortable to feel hungry in heavy snow. At the end of the hunt, He-Yan looked at the young men around him who had returned in twos and twos, feeling very uncomfortable.
       She met Xu Zhiheng at that time.
       At that time, Xu Zhiheng was only a young man of fifteen or sixty years old. He was in a Tsing Yi and looked clean and gentle. He-Yan was hungry and went to the place where the burden was. The snow was deep on the ground. Until the sky turned black, it was really weak. I didn't care about a stone buried in the snow. I accidentally kicked it and fell into the snow. Half of my body fell into the snow and I didn't get up.
       While she was whizzing in the snow, suddenly, a voice came from the front :   "Are you all right?"
       He-Yan looked up and saw a boy in Tsing Yi.
       This boy looks shameless and should not be a student in Xianchang Pavilion. However, the students from other schools participated in the hunting today. It seems to be a student in another school.
       He-Yan was still in a daze, but the boy smiled, reached out and grabbed her hand, "I'll help you." Pull her up from the snow.
       There was a mask on her face, which was cold, but the boy's hands were warm.
       "My name is Xu Zhiheng, but Xiongtai is from Xianchang Pavilion?"
       He-Yan nodded wildly.
       "I heard that the rules of Xianchang Pavilion are very strict. If you don’t hunt the prey today, you have to be hungry." Xu Zhiheng looked at her empty hands, "Unfortunately I didn’t go hunting, otherwise I can divide the prey into one Now. "
       She was also lonely in the Xianchang Pavilion and had no friends. Because of her mask, others also felt that she was quite out of place, too lazy to approach, and this was the first time she had met such an enthusiastic person. I don't know what to say for a while.
       "But you're going to get your baggage over there?" Xu Zhiheng asked, "May I help you? See you can't move anymore."
       He-Yan was about to say no, but as soon as he lifted his feet, he felt the pain in his ankles. It seemed to be twisted. Thinking of this, he nodded slightly to the boy and said suddenly :   "Many Thanks." He pointed to the red bag, "That's mine."
       Xu Zhiheng then turned to the high platform to pick up the baggage for He-Yan, and when he got the baggage back, he took it to He-Yan and helped her to the carriage of the students of Xianchang Hall before leaving.
       At that time, He-Yan looked at Xu Zhiheng's back and felt that the boy was really warm and considerate.
       When I returned to Xianchang Hall, it was really a day without food. He-Yan hid alone in the house, poured himself some hot tea, and became more and more hungry as he drank, his stomach groaned constantly.
       But what can be done, the rules of Xianchang Pavilion are the strictest. Moreover, she did not hunt anything, she really wanted to go, and she could not pull that face herself. After sitting for a while, He-Yan sighed helplessly, took the bag, ready to put the pen and paper with him back in the day, as soon as he opened the bag, he rolled out two Huang Chengcheng's puppets. .
       How can there be a trance this season?
       He-Yan stunned for a moment, subconsciously picked up the cricket, the cricket was large and heavy, and the aroma could be faintly smelled. This bag was kept on the high platform. During the hunting, the students took light pictures with arrows and arrows. After much deliberation, the only one who has encountered this burden is the Tsing Yi boy named Xu Zhiheng.
       She peeled off the puppet, took a sip, and the fruit was sweet. Thinking of the young boy's face and smile, she felt that her luck today is not too bad.
       After a few more years, when He-Yan returned from the battlefield and changed his identity with He Rufei, when He-Big-Fu-ren told herself that he had set up a relationship with her, the other party’s name was exactly When Xu Zhiheng, He-Yan had a mischief in his heart. Hejia women's marriage has always paved the way for men. Compared to marrying a stranger who has never been masked, marrying Xu Zhiheng is obviously the best of all her choices.
       Regardless of how people outside praise Xu-Laozi for being young and promising, in He-Yan's mind, he only felt that Xu Zhiheng, who was in his early teens, could be so considerate and caring for those who met Pingshui, and he must be a good person. At that time, she had many expectations for this marriage. Although Xu Zhiheng then favored He Wanru, He Wanru always shined in front of her, but according to the two babies in his youth, He-Yan always had some illusions about Xu Zhiheng.
       Until after blindness, until Xu Zhiheng personally broke this illusion a little bit.
       "So," Xiao-Yue played with taste :   "You like him just for two tadpoles?"
       "That's right," He-Yan said, "I just think that he can take care of others’moods so much, see through the embarrassing situation of others, at least a good person."
       "Your favorite is really random." Xiao-Yue chuckled, walked forward, took two steps, stopped again, and said coldly, "I gave these two crickets."
       He-Yan froze.
       He had already continued to walk towards the river, He-Yan took a moment, caught up a few steps, grabbed his sleeve, "How is that possible? You lied to me?"
       Xiao-Yue looked down at her with calm eyes.
       At that time, Lin Shuanghe proposed to give the He-Yan rabbit, but he shot an annoyance, but He-Yan released the rabbit, because he reminded him of his childhood experience on the mountain, so he didn’t seem to have much of it. The good-looking boy looked at him differently. It is also known that students who have not hunted their prey today will be hungry for one day when they return to Xianchang Pavilion.
       Xiao-Yue, who won the first prize in this round of hunting, got a lot of rewards. People in the palace even gave Yu Shi, there were two puppets inside.
       This season's trance is not something you can eat everywhere. He was not very interested in this sweet fruit. Before leaving, he passed the high platform and glimpsed the red bag in the corner, and vaguely remembered that the bag seemed to be "he Rufei".
       The kid didn't find anything today. After returning home, he was hungry for one night, and it was winter again. He looked at the imperial food basket in his hand and thought that when he first met "He Rufei", he had seen this guy standing under the linden tree in the academy, jumped up and down and tried to pick up the cricket, which was extremely funny. After thinking about it, he stopped, took the two puppets out of the food basket, and stuffed them into a red bag.
       He-Yan stuttered, "No, aren't you?"
       Xiao-Yue looked at her quietly.
       He-Yan said in his heart, this is the end, it’s like Xiao-Yue did a good deed, and Xu Zhiheng cut off the hu. If the yin and yang are wrong, how can he relax? But how to calm his anger in this section.
       "Today is your birthday. I just forgot to take that lamp. What gift do you want ..." She awkwardly moved her head and glimpsed that there was someone selling sugar gourds on the street opposite, and said :   "You are waiting "I rushed over, bought a bunch of sugar gourds, ran back, and handed it to Xiao-Yue :   " Here you are! "
       Xiao-Yue turned his head.
       He may be really angry.
       He-Yan had a hard time. There is no way to recover from the past. She did have an interest in Xu Zhiheng and married Xu Zhiheng, but Xiao-Yue did not. She had never experienced Xiao-Yue mood at the moment, but she knew very well that it might not be very pleasant.
       He-Yan walked around him, "Xiao-Yue, Xiao-Yue?"
       Xiao-Yue avoided her gaze and only looked at the flowing river under the bar.
       I don't know when the snow will fall from the sky, and the snow particles will fall on the body, away from the crowd at the night market. He-Yan finally feels cold. Suddenly I remembered what Qingmei had said to her before leaving.
       He-Yan glanced at Xiao-Yue. The person still didn't look at her. She sneezed, exaggeratedly sneezed, and said to herself :   "It's cold."
       The next moment, the warmth fell from the sky, Xiao-Yue turned around, took off her cloak and put it on her, and finally turned around and gave her a look.
       He-Yan hurriedly hit the snake on his stick and fluttered in front of him, "Not angry?"
       Xiao-Yue helped her fasten the rope in front of her cloak, but she still ignored her.
       He has a large cloak, and almost wants to cage He-Yan into the whole person. He-Yan is afraid of him, and he gets close to Xiao-Yue. If he was drunk that night, he would almost stick to him. She raised her head to tease Xiao-Yue, "Xiao Chief-Commander, I'm sorry, I shouldn't recognize the wrong person. Today is your birthday. Don't be angry, just laugh? If you don't want to laugh ... take a bite of sugar gourd?"
       She held the candy gourd to Xiao-Yue lips, and suddenly her hands were pinched.
       He-Yan froze, looking up subconsciously, facing his dark eyes.
       Youth facial features faded from the youthful appearance of last year, like the moonlight on a snow-capped mountain, with clear and clean outlines, beautiful and clear, and beautiful and flawless.
       He held He-Yan in one hand and pulled forward, wrapped in his arms, and leaned down to kiss him.

       Chapter 228 :  Look At Me   

       The lantern is ten miles away, and the light is far away from the night.
       The river flows under the fence, and Xiao xue falls silently on the person.
       The cloak blocked all the snow, and the man's lips fell on her lips with a slight warmth. For example, the bowl of sesame lanterns just eaten just now, the lips and teeth are soft and sweet.
       He-Yan heard his own heartbeat, in this snow, lively and vigorous, one click at a time. His robe was still cold with snow and wind, but his attitude was gentle as the only treasure of this life.
       It's like going to live forever.
       No one will not be impressed by the person in front of him.
       When her lips were gone, He-Yan became somewhat nostalgic. She raised her head to look at the other person, Xiao-Yue looked down and fixed her hair that was only torn by the wind.
       Ears are already red like cooked shrimp, He-Yan whispered :   "... Xiao-Yue, aren't you angry?"
       Xiao-Yue sighed silently.
       "Xu Zhiheng ... is a thing of the past." He-Yan thought about it and looked at him seriously :   "If the past things make you unhappy, I apologize to you. I don't know Miss, and like What do people do when they get along, I spend more time as a man than as a woman. Xiao-Yue, I will be nice to you, what you like, I will find a way to give you, what you hate , I will also help you drive away. If someone bullies you, I will definitely stand up for you, I will not deceive you and hurt you ... this way, can I? "
       Actually think about it now, even if she was with Xu Zhiheng at the beginning, she didn't actually treat other women like lovers. This is because Xu Zhiheng is not a good person, but she does not know how to treat the person she likes.
       In Hejia when he was young, there was very little truth about "love", and because he was eager to get the pity of his father and mother, he deliberately pleased him. Even when he came to the battlefield, this humble point was well hidden, but the things carved in the bones were like white bones buried under the sand, and when the wind blew, they would still be exposed.
       As a general, she learns to control and be decisive. She will take care of people, but will not deal with closer relationships with people. Those vague sensations made her wonder if she was doing right or wrong.
       Xiao-Yue eyes fixed on her, the girl was still holding a red and colorful candy gourd, looking up at her own eyes, full of realness, and a little uncertain and careful.
       I thought it was a liar who lied and opened his mouth, but now it seems that there is no such scammer in the world. When he meets a person, he will cut open a sincere heart so that others can see it clearly. There are so many people in the world, regardless of whether they are men or women, they cover up everything and try all kinds of temptations in love. They just don't want people to discover their true heart, and they always feel that they lose. Only the person in front of him was frank and clear, without any skills, without any means, straightforwardly speaking, ramming, just like killing the old Shifu with random punches, leaving him with an unexcusable heart.
       I just love her.
       But ... just such a person, who clearly gave himself sincerely, how did Xu Zhiheng get brutalized?
       He was not angry with He-Yan's past taste, but more annoyed, probably from his anger and Xu Zhiheng's anger. Just like the doe released in the mountains when he was young, his wet eyes gazed at him, filled with trust and joy, but Xu Zhiheng abandoned this trust like a slap and cut it off with a knife.
       The better He-Yan is, the deeper his anger at Xu Zhiheng will be.
       Seeing Xiao-Yue hesitant to speak, He-Yan thought he was still angry, thought for a moment, and said frustratedly :   "Or if you have any better ideas, I won't be able to do anything like ‘Guqin, calligraphy, painting, and calligraphy. Let me learn, I can’t learn. It’s okay to help you move a stone and chop firewood ... ”
       Before she finished speaking, she was embraced by Xiao-Yue.
       "You are you and you don't need to do anything for me."
       He-Yan's head was against his chin, and he couldn't lift his head. He couldn't see what he looked like.
       "I don't like kabuki, and I don't need to accompany the manservant. No one dares to bully me. I don't touch the things I don't like. I buy the things I like." Xiao-Yue smiled down.
       "But ... wouldn't I have become a display?"
       "I don't like you because I want to be sent by many people," his voice fell, as if it were far away, but also very close. "Do what you want, not for me."
       "Do you really ... ask me nothing?" He-Yan asked.
       There must be one, such as adhering to the law and respecting the elderly, loving the young, etc. Otherwise, she can do everything. Can she go out of the wall?
       Xiao-Yue let go, looked at the crowd in the distance, smiled, and looked down at her :   "It's not without it."
       "What is it?"
       "If I keep looking at you," he reached out and grabbed He-Yan's hand. The girl's hand was only half his size and fell into the palm of the other side, such as a small treasure. "He-Yan, you will also Keep watching me. "
       He-Yan looked at him shyly.
       "Don't you understand the phrase He-Big-Young-Lady?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, his lips evoked a warm arc, and lanterns reflected in his long eyes. There were thousands of gestures, all colors, which were clear His eyes were the brightest one.
       Time seems to be still at this moment, someone is setting off fireworks in the distance, thousands of bright drops into the night sky, this is a complete night of lights.
       He-Yan bowed his head, covering up the flash of tide in his eyes, holding his hand backhand, and raising his head with a smile :   "Today is your birthday, I promise you everything."
       "Xiao-Yue, happy birthday," she said.
       I will always look at you, she answered silently in her heart.
       When he went back, He Yunsheng and He Sui had already arrived home.
       Qingmei has already told the truth, only today is the birthday of Xiao-Yue, He-Yan accompanied Xiao-Yue to the night market. He Sui didn't say anything, but He Yunsheng was very unhappy, but in the time of Huoxiang, he had walked back and forth in the room several times.
       When He-Yan and Xiao-Yue went back, looking at the hands they held together, they looked ugly.
       He Sui asked, "I heard that today is Huai Jin's birthday. Is it ready to eat? Would you like to eat a bowl of longevity noodles here?"
       "I've eaten it," He-Yan said. "Just when I was at the night market."
       "You're empty-handed ..." He Sui noticed that Xiao-Yue had nothing on her body, and looked suspiciously at He-Yan. "Yan Yan, shouldn't you not give Huai Jin a birthday present? "Child," He Sui laughed. "I was spoiled. I don't understand these people. Huai Jin shouldn't take it to heart. I'll let her resupply it to you."
       "No, Yan Yan has already delivered it." Xiao-Yue said.
       He-Yan remembered the scene just before the night market, his face was slightly red, and he didn't talk. He Sui didn't hear any implication, although he didn't understand, but didn't ask much. He Yunsheng warily swept between He-Yan and Xiao-Yue, thinking.
       "It's not early, you go back first." He-Yan said, "If anything, I will let Chiwu come to you."
       Xiao-Yue nodded and said goodbye to He Sui and He Yunsheng before leaving Hejia.
       After Xiao-Yue left, He Yunsheng dragged He-Yan into the back room. As soon as he entered the room, he closed the door and asked, "Hey, He-Yan, you go out with him, don't take advantage of it." "
       "What's the advantage?" He-Yan knocked him on the head. "At a young age, how do you think about it, where did you learn from it. Besides, I stood with Xiao-Yue, who took the advantage? "
       He Yunsheng glanced at her, "You think I'm in charge of you."
       He-Yan saw that he looked worried, so he sits down and poured a cup of tea to himself, "For that matter, are you so frowning?"
       "No," He Yunsheng sighed. "Today, I heard some friends in the school say that it seems that Utopians are fast approaching Capital City."
       He-Yan's gesture of drinking tea, "Who did you hear?"
       "It's spreading everywhere. The emperor didn't want to fight, and the court didn't want to fight. I heard that Utopians entered Capital City to seek peace, and most of this battle could not be fought."
       He-Yan looked at him, "Do you want to fight?"
       "Of course I don't want it!" He Yunsheng answered without thinking, "But if the Utopians were willing to make peace, they wouldn't have done so much in Jiyang and Rundu Huayuan before. Originally it is now Let’s have the upper hand and give way to the Utopians. ”He was young and full of energy, and frowned.“ If it were me, I would seize this opportunity and fight Utopians back to their hometown, so that they would never dare to set foot Wei step! "
       Although the children are usually immature, they have a bit of anger.
       "What do you think I do?" He Yunsheng asked, "Are you not an official now? What is the situation outside that is clear?"
       "It's not much worse than what you know." He-Yan didn't want to hide from him.
       "Well," He Yunsheng waved his hand, "I really don't know what people in the court think."
       He-Yan's heart is also heavy, not to mention her resentment with Hejia and Xu Zhiheng, and the festival between Xiao-Yue and Xu Jingfu, only the dispute between the central and present parties about the party is not an easy solution. Contradictions. As Xu Jingfu power grows, the contradiction between 4-Prince and Crown Prince will become sharper. Crown Prince does not deserve a position. If Crown Prince is to inherit Datong in the future, I am afraid it will be a disaster of the Great Wei and Wanmin. But if you want to make 4-Prince ... Then, the future Shuojing City will definitely set off another bloody wind.
       Chu House tonight is also a piece of harmony.
       Chu Linfeng feasted at home. These days, the Chu family is preparing for Chu Zhao family. As Xu Jingfu golden money, there is naturally nothing wrong with it. Chu-Fu-ren takes care of the family affairs, but Xu Yanting has sent his personal maid Murtis, and often asks the Chu family about preparations for family affairs. Chu-Fu-ren Even if he wants to move, he can only stop.
       For a love affair, half of the Chu coffers will be consumed. Xu Yanting requested to be the daughter of the most beautiful married couple in Shuojing City in the past ten years.
       In this marriage, Chu-Fu-ren naturally hated, and Chu-Fu-ren's three sons also looked jealous, and most sincerely pleased, probably only Shi Jinbo Chu was in the wind.
       The wine was hot, Chu Linfeng was at the banquet, clapping Chu Zhao shoulder and laughing :   "In another month, Xu Young-Lady will enter the door of my Chu house. I have never expected that Chu Linfeng will meet Xu The family became an in-law, and it is indeed my son who is Chu Linfeng, amazing! "
       To please women, it seems that Chu Linfeng is a very proud thing. As everyone knows, this pride falls in the eyes of Chu-Fu-ren, and is particularly dazzling.
       Chu-Fu-ren To Chu Linfeng, if you said that when you first got married, there was still a bit of affection, but this affection was already long when Chu Linfeng carried the Junior Concubine in the one-bedroom, one-bedroom house. Was exhausted. She knew that she was ordinary, she could not be happy with the wind, and she did not want anything else, she just wanted to stay in the position of head mother.
       In these years, she has done very well. Chu Linfeng has no skill except a skin. If Lao-Furen supported Shi Jinbo government then, I am afraid that the Chu family would have been defeated by Chu Linfeng. He loves beauties and has pity for them, but once he really touches his interests, he will hide behind Lao-Furen and refuse to pay any more.
       A hypocritical gentleman who still feels deeply affectionate.
       The blood of the Chu family's man may be a kind of affection, including her own three sons. Only Chu Zhao ... Chu-Fu-ren's eyes fell on the young people beside Chu Linfeng.
       Chu Zhao skin has inherited all the advantages of Chu Linfeng and Ye Runmei. It is gentle, but it is also fragile. This fragility can greatly reduce the vigilance of him, and it is naturally easy to gain the favor of others. Xu Xiao ting has been arrogant since he was a small child, but he is facing Chu Zhao, never saying anything serious.
       But Chu Zhao is a stranger, and it's not as harmless as it looks.
       When Chu Zhao was brought back, Chu-Fu-ren didn't want him to grow up, but it was because of Lao-Furen's face that he didn't touch him for the time being. At that time, the child in front of him humbled under her lap, begging like a dog, and then ... quickly found Xu Jingfu as a backer, and saved his life.
       Chu-Fu-ren couldn't catch his handle. Unconsciously, the entire Chu family also had to look at Chu Zhao face and act. She was unwilling to be snatched away by an acquaintance, before designing Ying Xiang to sow the relationship between Chu Zhao and Xu Yanting. But Chu-Fu-ren did not expect that Chu Zhao was so hard-hearted that he not only gave Ying Xiang the Crown Prince without a word, but also personally took it to the Crown Prince Mansion in a carriage.
       There is no gap between him and Xu Yanting.
       Chu-Fu-ren feels chill. A man can freely manipulate his feelings and play with people hearts, but he has a cold heart that even his Father can't match, so he gently inserts a knife, and the person who is stabbed by the sword Can't bear to complain, how terrible?
       She was thinking, Chu Zhao seemed to be aware of her gaze, looking forward, her eyes filled with smiles, as always. Chu-Fu-ren trembled in his heart, bowed his head, and avoided Chu Zhao eyes.
       "Zi Lanke still need to prepare for his father?" Chu Linfeng asked Chu Zhao with a smile. As he grew older and indulged from time to time, the skin of a beautiful man had long ceased to exist, but the appearance of a smile seemed to show some kind of father's care.
       "What's he prepared for?" Chu Big-gongzi couldn't help but taunt, "The family is almost evacuated for his couple. Is it going to sell the house to him to marry him?"
       Chu Linfeng unhappyly glanced at the eldest son, and his tone was also dissatisfied. "If you can marry your prime minister, I will be willing to sell my house!"
       Chu Big-gongzi stopped talking.
       Their three sons are less beautiful than Chu Zhaoliu, their talents are not as good as Chu Zhaoli, and there is no prime minister Teacher, how can they marry their prime minister. Chu Linfeng's bias eyes have grown from small to large. Now Chu Zhao is skyrocketing, which is lucky, but I am afraid that Chu Linfeng will be very happy with Chu Zhao in the future.
       "There nothing to prepare for," Chu Zhaodan said. "It's fine."
       "That's the young and beautiful young lady of the Prime Minister's family," Chu Linfeng drank a bit of drunkenness, and taught him :   "Don't be slack. People finally took care of you ... you have to catch it! "
       Chu-Fu-ren looked at the scene in front of him, smirking in his heart, and listening to what was being said. I was afraid that when the old lady in Yihong Courtyard taught her daughter to catch the generous favors, she was so ordered. Chu Linfeng has been known for his life by women. Now, he has to teach his sons to speak out, which is the laughing stock of Quan Shuojing.
       "I think you Father is drunk," Chu-Fu-ren didn't want to look any further, and got up, "Zilan, you help Father to come back to the house to rest. I have a headache, go to the back room and sit for a while." Said No matter what Chu Linfeng looked like, he got up and left. She has become a boat, and now she can't do anything, but she can't see it.
       Seeing this, the three other gongzis of the Chu family also followed, and they didn't want to see Chu Zhao and Chu Linfeng stage a scene of their father, son, and filial piety, and left. For a while, at the lively banquet, there was a mess and people took herbal tea.
       "Hey, why are you gone?" Chu Linfeng said with a big tongue :   "Come back!"
       No one ignored him.
       Chu Zhaoyi helped Chu Linfeng stand up, called for small things around him to clean up the banquet, and helped Chu Linfeng return to the house.
       Chu Linfeng has been staying in Chu-Fu-ren's house for years. 19-Fang-Junior Concubine yard sleeps round. Today, Chu Zhao did not help him go to Junior Concubine room, but went to the study.
       He was not a gentleman who loved books. His study in Chu Linfeng was just a furnishing. He even put up a soft piece in it. He heard that it was for the convenience of Chu Linfeng that he sometimes ‘Miss d with his maid Junior Concubine day by day. Chu Zhao always ignored these ridiculous things about his father. The manservant stayed outside the door. He lifted Chu Linfeng to the soft collapse, and Chu Linfeng lay down.
       He seemed very happy today, red-faced, already drunk, with a cup of alcohol, but still holding Chu Zhao hand to tell the joy in his heart, "Zilan, you really have a long face for Father! Father has four sons None of the three of them ... Father’s favorite is you. Father brought you to meet friends and entertain when he was young, just knowing that one day you will be the pride of Father. You see ... now you are going to marry a wife , I'm really ... really happy. "
       Chu Zhao sits on the soft collapse and looked at him silently.
       "In the Chu family's junior, you have the best luck ... In the future, you will only get better and better ... with good luck ... not everyone can come across."
       The young man smiled ironically, good luck? Is he lucky? If you didn’t know who your biological father was from an early age, your biological mother was sold into a blue house, and you lived a life of trembling every day. It’s good luck. Living under one roof, I don’t know if I have any life. It’s good luck to live tomorrow. If you can’t even control your life, you can only be a big man sitting next to a dog. You can’t even have a woman like your luck it is good……
       That day's good luck, Chu Zilan alone owns this.
       "Father," he heard his voice, "do you remember my mother?"
       Chu Linfeng drank a wine drink, and said drunkly, "Your mother ... who is your mother?" He turned over again, facing the wall, and fell asleep.
       Chu Zhao looked at his face, and after a while, laughed at himself, stood up, and walked out of the study.
       The manservant asked if he wanted hot tea, but he shook his head and refused.
       He walked slowly. When he was a child, he felt that the Chu family was really big. Everywhere, the lurkers could be murderous. Now when he grows up, he walks away and thinks that it is just the same.
       Winter in Shuojing City is as cold as ever. Just like when he first came to Chu house, he saw that handsome man, and he had a little hope in his heart, but he was ignored and ignored by the next.
       It seems that it is as cold as it is now, but now he is no longer trembling as a child, not because the winter is getting warmer, but because he is already used to the cold.
       Everyone will get used to it.
       Chu Zhao walked back to his house and closed the door. Inside the room, a crippled sister-zi came forward and laughed :   "The wedding invitations have been sent out, 4-gongzi."
       He waved his hand and replied gently :   "I'm tired."
       A happy smile floated on the mule face, and he stepped back, leaving him alone in the room.
       The Xu family had to complete the family affairs years ago. It seemed like a haste, but everyone knew that sooner or later, Chu Zhao was going to marry Xu Yanting. Everything about the family affairs had already been arranged. Just as when he was worshipped under Xu Jingfu door when he was young, from that moment, his fate has been destined not to belong to himself.
       The stove in the room glowed red, and it seemed to have a false warmth. Suddenly, he remembered that on a spring day, someone had spent eight copper plates and gave him a brown sugar basket with his own name on it.
       He suddenly missed the flower basket.
       A manservant came in and interrupted his thoughts, whispering :   "4-gongzi, the person who Xu Xiang was looking for in Mingshui war, has not fallen yet, and has recently been anxious."
       Chu Zhao eyes moved away from the burning stove, and he opened his mouth slowly, "Don't think about it, the two people must have fallen into the hands of Xiao Huaijin."
       "Ying Xiang Miss, the other side has already passed the letter, Her Royal Highness Crown Prince now loves her and is quite dissatisfied with Xu Xiang."
       "People who think that the winning coupon is in their hands will naturally have a lot of resentment against those who point and paint." Chu Zhao smiled. "Xiao Huaijin has returned to Capital City. Crown Prince and the Utopians have long formed a private alliance. The Xu family is almost over."
       "Congratulations to 4-gongzi," manservant said happily, "4-gongzi is about to do what he wants, and after that, you will naturally have everything you want."
       "What do I want?" He hesitated for a moment, before he said for a while :   "What I want is already someone else."

       Chapter 229 :  Lan Fae    

       When I went back, the night was already deep.
       Xiao-Yue had just returned to the courtyard where he lived, and a little yellow dog rushed at him excitedly, biting the corner of his robe without loosening his mouth.
       He squatted down and touched the head of the yellow dog, and the puppy had to go in. He wagged his tail fiercely, biting his sleeve and pulling back frantically.
       Virtue is exactly the same as its master.
       The night after the night of exploring Hefu, the yellow dog named Er Mao did not know when he followed the dug dog hole. Since He-Yan was raised by one hand, it is naturally impossible to lose it. But He Rufei is now looking for the thief of the night like crazy, He-Yan was afraid he found Hejia and saw Er Mao, and entrusted Er Mao to Xiao-Yue. No matter how bold He Rufei was, he didn't dare to go to the door of Xiao’s house, so naturally he couldn't find Er Mao.
       Xiao-Yue can only bring Er Mao back to the Xiao family.
       The little Yatou named Baiguo in the yard really likes Er Mao. After bathing him, her hair is clean and does not look like a stray dog. He also used a red rope to tie the shreds near his ears into two small cormorants.
       Although Er Mao Mingming is a male dog.
       Xiao-Yue was teasing the dog, and a voice came from behind him :   "Huai Jin ... when did you keep a dog in the house?"
       Xiao-Yue stood up and turned around, Xiao Yan and Bai Rongwei stood beside the yard, looking at him with a strange look.
       As we all know, the 2-gongzi of the Xiao family is extremely loving and sophisticated. Souri was in the military camp, and returning to Shuojing was even more nitpicking. The Xiao family never raises any birds and birds, except for the green ear, there are no animals on the house.
       This little dog looks like an ordinary farm dog, with a little black mixed in yellow hair, which should not be a precious thing.
       Xiao-Yue glanced down at Er Mao, who was rushing towards his silent "Wang Wang Wang".
       "Help people."
       "Who would ask you to help raise a dog," Xiao Yan laughed. "It's too strong for someone to do."
       Bai Rongwei took Xiao Ao with his arm up and smiled :   "The only person in Huaijin who can help raise dogs is He-Miss."
       Xiao suddenly realized, looking at Xiao-Yue gaze a little more reassuring. This younger brother is always too cold and unreasonable towards women. Now, it seems that he is quite pleased with Miss.
       In the day, Bai Rongwei has hosted a banquet for Xiao-Yue in his house, and also knows that he is going to accompany He-Yan to the night market tonight. There is so much to eat at the night market, there is no meal for Xiao-Yue tonight.
       "Brother 1st-Sao is still waiting for me so late," Xiao-Yue asked, "What's the matter?"
       Xiao Yan approached him and looked at Er Mao, who was playing with snow in the yard, and laughed, "You know, Chu 4-gongzi on Shi Jinbo Mansion will be married to Xu Young-Lady next month. "
       Xiao-Yue was absent-minded.
       "You and Chu 4-gongzi were married by your captive." Xiao Zhuo said, "Now Chu 4-gongzi wedding date has been set. Your dear, I and y and I Sao Sao want to ask and plan to decide On what day? "
       Xiao-Yue for a moment.
       "My eldest brother and I have talked to He-Lao-ye before, He-Lao-ye said, as long as He-Miss, like, he is fine. He-Miss, after all, Miss, family , I don’t ask much, ”Bai Rongwei looked at Xiao-Yue.“ You have been with He-Miss, but have you ever talked to her about this? ”
       The Xiao family was very enlightened. When Xiao Zhongwu and Little-Fu-ren were alive, Xiao Yan was going to marry the Shu Daughter of Bai Rongwei. Little-Fu-ren disagreed and finally agreed with Xiao Yan. Now Xiao Zhongwu and his wife are gone, and Xiao Yan and Bai Rongwei will not intervene to make decisions for Xiao-Yue personal affairs, all relying on Xiao-Yue heart.
       "I plan to get married after the year," Xiao-Yue said.
       Bai Rongwei and Xiao Zheng looked at each other, and each other saw the surprise in the other's eyes. I thought it would take another year and a half, but Xiao-Yue decided so quickly. This is also good. It seems that Xiao-Yue likes this He-Miss, more than they think.
       "That being the case, I will give your two birthdates to Teacher tomorrow and let him choose a good birthday for you. You have to discuss with He-Lao-ye what you want to do next. You don’t need a gift Worry, Rugao and I have already prepared for you long ago. "Bai Rong smiled, and was full of real joy, holding Xiao Rong's hand :   " I and Rugao first asked someone to send a post to Teacher, pregnant Jin, you are also tired for a day today. Go back to your house and take a good rest. I will come back to you tomorrow morning. "
       Xiao-Yue bowed his head, and Bai Rongwei pulled Xiao Yi away with satisfaction.
       Xiao-Yue looked at the back of the two of them. He didn't return to God until Er Mao came and pulled his boots again.
       In the past, I only felt that the yard was empty and cold, but now there is only one pup, and it is still a ‘mute ‘mute, but it seems to suddenly become lively.
       He lowered his head and smiled, without returning to the house, turned and walked towards the temple.
       In the house of the Xiao family, the tablet of Xiao Zhongwu and his wife are placed at the front. Xiao-Yue stepped aside and took out the incense stick from the cage.
       The green smoke rose.
       Xiao-Yue face was hidden behind the smoke, and her expression was diluted.
       As soon as he returns to Shuojing, he often comes to the Buddhist temple. When thunder, sacrifice ... when bored.
       He is not a person who likes to talk. There are too few people who can talk in life. Everyone has their own suffering, why share the taste with others. At the hardest time, he was scolded by a writer in the back of the city, pointing to the backbone, and returned to the house, but he just ordered three incense sticks at the ancestral hall.
       After the three incense is finished, everything is still as usual.
       Many tastes in the world need to be felt bit by bit for many years. When he was young, he looked at everything and found it boring. He actually yearned for fireworks on earth, but fireworks on earth avoided him. How is young and successful? What about the world-famous gongzi? Everyone regards him as the high moon in the sky. In fact, the moon is just a lonely boy.
       He had friends and they betrayed. I also looked forward to my family, and then my family left. The most unhappy youth time, but in just a few years, the only sugar left in life was also given to the road seeker. Over the years, he has been alone, leaving nothing behind, until one day, a smiling Miss, rushed into his life and said to him, I like the moon, the moon does not know.
       He had never been as sure as this moment.
       Xiao-Yue looked up and looked at the tablet behind Qingyan.
       "Father, mother," he said quietly, as if taking an unshakable vow, "I like someone alone."
       "I want to marry her."
       In Hefu, in a certain yard, there was a dense cough.
       Maid, who was living in the yard's outhouse, was turned upside down and stumbled :   "2-Fu-ren is coughing again, go and see."
       "I won't go," said another Maid beside him, turning his body impatiently. "Even 2-Lao-ye doesn't care, I have nothing to do. Just wait for the day. I'll go to you "
       "It's so cold that I won't go." The talking Maid covered his head with a quilt. "Just don't hear it."
       There was a continuous coughing sound from outside, and after a while, it seemed to be deliberately suppressed with a few muffled sounds.
       He-2-Fu-ren held up hard, his throat hurting as if he had been burned by fire. The pip in her hand had already scooped up large groups of blood, and she took a hard breath, and only half a moment groped to turn on the light.
       He Yuanliang hasn't been in her yard for a long time. To be precise, she was confined to Hejia after Yuhua Temple once, and He Yuanliang refused to look at it again.
       This is actually something He-2-Fu-ren had expected. Her husband is a villain, a cowardly and greedy villain, and now she is even more afraid of offending He Rufei, and she has to keep a close relationship with herself, even if she is his wife.
       Sending a wife, He-2-Fu-ren smiled ironically. What about sending a wife, he treats his biological daughter, he can be fierce, and a bloodless wife is no different from a stranger to him.
       He-2-Fu-ren looked at the flames in the oil lamp.
       She is the largest Di-Eldest-daughter in the family. She was married to He Yuanliang by her father. That is to say, Hejia has a place in the aristocracy in Shuojing City. In her original home, the marriage of her daughter was to pave the way for her father and brother's career. I did not expect to marry Hejia, and so did she.
       Unfortunately, she had a bad life and gave birth to two daughters, so of course her child became a victim of Hejia.
       He-2-Fu-ren hated He Rufei, who was cruel and ruthless, hated He Yuansheng and his wife when they first came up with the idea of a change, and hated He Yuanliang's weakness and incompetence.
       Hate yourself for being powerless to change everything.
       Had she ever given birth to a son, perhaps with a son, He Yuansheng would not be so arrogant. But she didn't happen, so she couldn't protect He-Yan, and he couldn't protect He Xinying.
       There was a knock outside.
       He-2-Fu-ren said, "Come in."
       A little Yatou came in, looking at his face.
       He-2-Fu-ren asked :   "Who are you?"
       "Nuo Tzuluo is the Maid of the yard." Tzulu replied respectfully, holding a pot of hot water in her hand, "Nu Ting went out to make some hot water, 2-Fu-ren drink some water , Lest you cough your body. "She went to the table, picked up a tea bowl, poured a glass of water and handed it to He-2-Fu-ren.
       The water was warm and not too hot, He-2-Fu-ren took a sip, and the tingling in his throat suddenly felt a little better. She said, "Many Thanks to you."
       Tsui Luo lowered her head and whispered, "All nubi should do it. 2-Fu-ren If there is anything else, nubi will help, despite the explanation."
       "Everyone in my yard thinks I don't exist anymore." He-2-Fu-ren smiled wryly :   "Why bother you?"
       "Nubi master is He-2-Fu-ren, so naturally he has to follow the instructions of 2-Fu-ren." Tsui Luo voice remained unchanged.
       He-2-Fu-ren stunned for a moment, and couldn't help looking at the Maid in front of him.
       Hejia Maid has been disciplined by the He Yuansheng couples for a long time. It used to be a little lively, but now he is dull because of the fear of He Rufei. The people always trembled and timid, this Maid stood here, not humble, and looked at her without respect or transgression, like treating an ordinary person.
       He-2-Fu-ren's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "Can you really help me?"
       "2-Fu-ren despite orders."
       "Can you find a doctor for me?"
       Tzuluo was silent for a while before she said, "I'm afraid these days won't work, but nubi can bring some pills for 2-Fu-ren first."
       He-2-Fu-ren suddenly understood something.
       She sits a little forward, her voice lowered, "You are not from Hefu, who is your master?"
       Tsui Luo gave He-2-Fu-ren an unexpected look. Master Feinu said that she wanted to sneak into Hefu to take care of and help He-2-Fu-ren, and she did. It seems that these days, He-2-Fu-ren has almost no status in Hejia, and Maid below does not take her seriously. He was so ill that He Yuanliang never took the initiative to visit her and did not ask her for a doctor. Just tonight, if it wasn't for Cui Luo entering the house, He-2-Fu-ren would only be able to cough until dawn.
       She always felt that this was an ordinary woman who was a bit weak and incompetent. Now when she hears this, she knows that this woman was originally clever and visionary.
       Tsui Luo does not speak.
       "Your lord, but General Feng Yun?" He-2-Fu-ren asked in a low voice.
       Tsui Luo was even more surprised.
       He-2-Fu-ren smiled instead. She smiled for a moment, and her expression became serious again, saying, "I know what your master wants to do, go back and tell him, I can help him, but as a trade At the cost, he must protect my daughter He Xinying. "
       Tsui Luo was silent for a while, but said nothing, but put the kettle on the table, and whispered, "If Fu-ren orders, let the nubi come in." He closed the door and retreated.
       He-2-Fu-ren looked at the hot tea on the table and didn't know what she was thinking. After a long time, she swallowed the smell of sweetness in her throat and lay down again.
       One night passed, and the next morning, Feng-Nu brought back the news of Hejia.
       In the study, Xiao-Yue frowned slightly :   "Trading?"
       "He-2-Fu-ren said that," Feinu replied. When Nubi returned the news, Feinu was also surprised. I don't know if I should admire the courage of this woman, or say something else.
       "He Rufei exchanges identities with He-2-Young-Lady, He-2-Young-Lady is the real General Feihong, He-2-Fu-ren should know "Fae Nu said :   " He Rufei may use He Xinying to threaten He-2-Fu-ren, He-2-Fu-ren would not dare to tell the truth. If He-2-Fu-ren's help, Hejia secret should be easy to uncover. "Speaking of this matter, Feinu heart felt, who can think of the general Feihong on the battlefield, which made people scared and frightened, turned out to be a woman? And how He-2-Fu-ren and He-2-Master are so heart-hearted that they will let a Miss family take on such an overwhelming fate, and after they have become famous, they will unload and kill donkeys.
       At the Nine Banners Camp, they thought they had seen all kinds of cruelty on the battlefield, but when they knew the truth, they couldn't help but pity for the unfair death of General Feihong.
       A generation of famous generals, even if they die, should die vigorously and die on the battlefield. Rather than being killed by an insidious trick in an ordinary backyard.
       "He-2-Fu-ren said, only mentioning He Xinying?" Xiao-Yue asked.
       Feng-Nu nodded :   "Yes."
       Xiao-Yue looked up :   "I see."
       "Shaoye, then ..."
       "Let Trillo tell He-2-Fu-ren," Xiao-Yue looked out the window, "I made this deal."
       On the first day of December, Uton's messenger Maninbu entered Capital City.
       Emperor Wen Xuan summoned Uto messenger in the Golden Palace. In Qing Lan Palace, Lan-Noble-Fae was leaning on the soft collapse before watching the palace lady making tea.
       Lan-Noble-Fae is not young today. New beauties come in every year in the harem, and she alone has won the favor of her majesty. Everyone said that Lan-Noble-Fae had such good luck. He had the favor of the emperor and gave birth to a son with both morals and talents. Ni Noble below, dare to be arrogant towards her.
       However, since No.1 Wenxuan gave 5 Prince Guangji to Lan-Noble-Fae to raise him, Ni Noble has converged a lot. 5-Prince Guangji was young, although Ni Noble repeatedly told him that Lan-Noble-Fae was not a good person, but Guangji felt that Lan-Noble-Fae was more gentle with himself than his biological mother, There has never been a dispute with Lan-Noble-Fae.
       It's the same today.
       Guangji ran in from the outside, and the old Mama behind him hurriedly followed him, and said, "Your Highness, run slowly, don't fall down carefully!"
       "Mufei!" Guangji ran to Lan-Noble-Fae in one breath, and laughed, "Today Utopian messengers have come to the palace. Fu Huang summoned them in the temple. I heard that those Utopians sent a lot of gifts. , Half of them came with tall ivory, and white peacocks ... Mufei, Er-chen wanted to see! "
       Lan-Noble-Fae smiled and patted the snow particles on him, "Go where you want to go."
       "Are Mufei not with Er-chen?" Guangji asked.
       "I won't go to this house." Lan-Noble-Fae laughed. "Let Chang-Mama take you there."
       5-Prince is young. She only wants to see the white peacock, and when she hears it, she says, "Okay, then Er-chen, go and wait for it, and talk to Mufei again!"
       Chang-Mama took 5-Prince hand and left, Lan-Noble-Fae shook her head with a smile, "It's like a kid."
       "The fifth brother was young," a voice rang out from the door, "a little childish is normal."
       The court lady behind her busyly said, "Nubi has seen four highnesses."
       4-Prince Guangshuo stepped in.
       Lan-Noble-Fae was born with a delicate and delicate, 4-Prince appearance followed his mother, Qinglang Junyi, compared with Crown Prince extensive and sensual appearance, it is much more cordial and reliable.
       Lan-Noble-Fae met Guangshuo, and immediately laughed, pulled him to sit down in front of the stove, and asked the palace maid to bring hot tea to Guangshuo, and he said, "Why are you free here today?"
       "Fu Huang met those Uto messengers in the temple, Crown Prince was there, and Er-chen came to see Mufei." Guangshuo laughed.
       Lan-Noble-Fae smiled and said nothing.
       "Mufei knows about those Uto messengers, too?"
       Lan-Noble-Fae expression was no longer as relaxed as when she faced Guangji, she sighed, "I know."
       "Fu Huang's willingness to meet those messengers has already stated that he is willing to accept the Utopian's peace." Guangshuo smile faded. "That's it. Now, after the First World War in Jiyang and Rundu, the Utopians temporarily Not dare to act lightly, but if Fu Huang promised them to open a debate in Dawei ... the consequences would be unimaginable. "
       Lan-Noble-Fae looked outside. "Others step back, Yugui, close the door."
       The maids retreated and Yugui closed the door.
       Lan-Noble-Fae looked at Guangshuo, "Have you ever said these words in front of your Fu Huang?"
       Guangshuo shook his head :   "No. Fu Huang never talks to me about these things."
       Emperor Wen Xuan likes 4-Prince, because 4-Prince is like Lan-Noble-Fae, Lan-Noble-Fae, with outstanding genius, gentle temperament, not arguing and robbing, in the deep palace, like the emperor's heart The last piece of pure land must not be stained. So even though Zhang-Queen doesn't like Lan-Noble-Fae very much, for so many years, Lan-Noble-Fae still lives well in the deep palace. Because she did not make mistakes, the emperor guarded her. This pity and respect for Lan-Noble-Fae also extends to Guangshuo.
       Guangshuo is also the same. No matter how the courtier urged him to compete with Crown Prince for that position, Guangshuo remained unmoved. When he was with Emperor Wen Xuan, most of them also talked about poetry and painting—the country of government affairs should be a matter for Crown Prince. If he overdoes it, it will cause the emperor to resent it.
       "Guang Shuo," Lan-Noble-Fae looked at him and suddenly said, "Do you want to fight?"
       Guangshuo looked for a moment.
       "Do you want to fight for that position?" Lan-Noble-Fae repeated again.
       As if the secret at the bottom of the heart was pierced, Guangshuo evasively avoided Lan-Noble-Fae eyes, "Er-chen didn't dare."
       "I only ask you if you want to, but I don't ask if you dare." In the eyes of the gentle woman, there is never a firmness and a strange condensation.
       Guang Shuo looked at those eyes and said involuntarily, "... think."
       After a while, he settled down and said, "I think. Mufei, Crown Prince is not worthy of being a prince, he only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun. There is also a private relationship between Utopus and him. If there is anything else in the palace I will support him, a brother with both meritocracy and talent, but now there is no one else. If one day would be extended to that position, no one would know what Dawei would look like in the future. "
       "Perhaps, there is no Dawei at all."
       The last word fell, and there was extreme silence in the palace, as if shocked by his disobedience.
       Lan-Noble-Fae sighed softly.
       "For so many years, this palace has never thought of anything else. It was not my wish to enter the palace at first. Since it has already come in, I will live well. This palace does not care about the Utopians, the Emperor, or even Wei Wei What's more, this palace doesn't care. "She looked at Guangshuo and brushed Guangshuo face with a gentle smile in her eyes." In this palace, Guangshuo, this palace only cares about you. "
       "If Guangyan became an emperor, you, my mother and son, would have no way to live." She said softly, saying the cruelest words, "This palace has lived for most of its life, it doesn't matter if you die. But you can't , Guangshuo. "She smiled," You are so smart and gentle, and so young, how can you die in the hands of such people. This palace will never allow it. "
       Guang Shuo looked at the woman who stood up straight from the soft collapse, still as beautiful and dignified eyebrows as before. With one action, the momentum has completely changed. There was a sudden burst of boiling emotion in his heart, like an impulse that had accumulated for a long time was about to break through.
       "Mufei ..."
       "Your Majesty's favor already exists. Your courtiers and the people love you, and you already have them. But only these two are not enough. He Rufei has been bought, and he wants to compete for this position ..."
       "You must get Xiao Huaijin," she said.


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