Reborn Female General 215

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       Chapter 215 :  General Wo   

       It snowed all night, and the next morning, a layer of silver frost accumulated in the yard.
       Qingmei got up early to make porridge. Before making porridge, she also took a special look at whether there was anyone in He-Yan's room. Seeing He-Yan was getting dressed, she wondered, "Miss, why do you get up so early? It's cold, so I might as well sleep more."
       "It's okay," He-Yan stretched. "Get used to it."
       In Liangzhou Wei, it is necessary to get up early every day, and it will not be easy to change this habit until you return to Shuojing. While Ome was congee, He-Yan picked up the broom in the corner of the yard to sweep the snow.
       "Miss, please put down, how can you do this? Nubi come on the line." Qingmei panicked.
       He-Yan laughed :   "You still have to congee, how can a person do two things? It's not just sweeping the snow. When I was in the health center, I did more than this hard work, don't worry. "
       Qingmei insisted, "No, Miss, you can take the stove to the house and sit here, just come here."
       "It's all right."
       Chi Wu squatting in the corner suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Although he was ordered to protect He-Yan, Hejia was really poor, and even his descendants were only Ome. Now Young-Lady and his Shi-nu are scrambling to clear the snow. It is really difficult for a big man to pretend that he hasn't seen it.
       Hesitating for a moment, Chiwu stood up and said, "I'll come."
       Before He-Yan had time to talk, Qingmei smiled and frowned, and shoved the broom into Chiwu hand :   "Then Many Thanks Chiwu guard!"

       Chiwu :   "..." He suspected that the little sister-zi was here waiting for him.
       He-Yan is still a little embarrassed. Chiwu is a good guy who is also a talent in Jiuqi Camp. Su Ri followed Xiao-Yue and didn't do anything like sweeping the floor. Use a sword guard as a manservant, and say it as if they are Hejia bullies. He-Yan said :   "Forget it, let me do it."
       "It's okay," Qingmei said with a grin. "The Chiwu guards are good and have great strength. Miss, you are not well, just rest."
       Chiwu said to his heart that the little sister-zi hadn't seen their Miss, and held a hundred-pound boulder in Liangzhou Wei alone.
       But two women here, he did this kind of snow removal. Chiwu picked up a broom and swept around in the yard. Qingmei pointed at him while looking at the porridge in the kitchen, "Chiwu guard, don't just sweep in the middle, but also in the corner, in case Shaoye returns What should I do if I don’t see the fall on my night? There is missing snow on the left ... ”
       He-Yan moved a stool to sit by the door and watched a tall guard in Chiwu turn around by a little maid, which was quite interesting.
       After Chiwu cleared the snow and Omeme cooked the porridge, the three ate together at the table. He Sui and He Yun left early, and Qingmei made pancakes one night ahead of time so they could take them with them. After eating, He-Yan sits in a daze in the room.
       She wanted to go to the Xu family to find Fuwang again, but she opened the drawer, and there was no silver ticket in her heart, so she could not help but knew that when Xiao Xiao was in the drawer, she should first Borrow from Xiao-Yue. Now I'm sorry to borrow this identity, otherwise ... go to Lin Shuanghe?
       She was frowning about the silver matter. On the other side, a gray feather dove flew from the room where Chiwu lived, and stopped on the beam of the house, her eyes staring at him like black beans. Chiwu opened his hand, and the pigeon flew to his hand. A small copper tube was tied to the pigeon's leg. Chiwu took off the copper tube and pulled out a note from the copper tube.
       After reading the note, he also had some puzzled expression in his eyes, but after a while, he sorted it out, released the pigeon, and walked to the door of He-Yan's house and knocked.
       He-Yan opened the door and saw Chiwu, and asked, "What's wrong?"
       "Shaoye Yinqiu sword had previously split against the Utopians in Jiyang, and the scabbard was split." Chiwu Dao :   "Yinqiu sword was cast by the master Lu Jianchuan. Yin Qiujian is now in Lu The master casts it. "
       He-Yan nodded, not understanding what Chiwu said had to do with her.
       "Today is the time to fetch the sword. Shaoye is out of the city. I have to go out of the city and can’t go to fetch the sword. Master Lu has rules and is out of date. If he misses this day, he will have to wait a hundred days before he can go out. And the ones who went to fetch the sword, except the sword owner, were only those closest to him. "
       "Ah?" He-Yan said silently. "It's too harsh."
       However, the capable craftsmen in the world have their own tempers. Since Lu Xunchuan can forge a treasure like Yin Qiu Jian, it is not incomprehensible to have such a quirk.
       "He-Miss," Chi Wu said to her. "You are now the fiancee of Chief-Commander. You will take the sword. Master Lu will agree. So, He-Miss, can you do a favor for Shaoye? , Take sword from Master Lu? "
       He-Yan said, "It's not difficult, but how can I prove that I am Chief-Commander ... Hey, fiancee?"
       "Don't you have Shaoye snake-patterned black jade?" Chiwu replied, "Just use that."
       He-Yan removed the piece of black jade from his waist :   "Is this proof of your Shaoye identity?"
       Chiwu :   "Exactly."
       "Then you can use this to go to the money house?"
       Chiwu :   "... He-Miss, if you are short of money, you can tell the next, Shaoye won't stand idly by."
       He-Yan gave a haha and laughed :   "I just laughed." But I knew secretly in my heart that it seemed that this black jade would work everywhere, and it should be worth noting a little silver flower.
       She simply said, "Okay, it's not a big deal. You give me the residence of Master Lu, and I'll go later."
       "Master Lu lives in a mountain in the north of the city, the journey is a bit long." Chi Wu Dao :   "He-Miss will prepare a carriage and guards to avoid danger on the road."
       He-Yan :   "Well, you guards, you can't even fight me, you really need to run into danger, maybe you can save someone. You will give me your place, it will be fine, nothing will happen. Besides, I will fight back After the Assassin incident, the city's defense was doubled. No problem. "
       She had a stubborn attitude, but Chiwu could not hold her back, and had to give up in the end.
       Chiwu seemed to have a very important matter. After he wrote Lu Yingchuan's residence to He-Yan, he hurried out of the house. He-Yan soothed Ome before leaving Xiangxiang out. Although Lu Yuanchuan's residence is far, it is not difficult to find. In the winter of Laobei Mountain, the snow was heavier than the city, and it was all silver and white. If the carriage is walking in the mountains, I'm afraid he has to walk one day and one night. He-Yan is glad that he did not listen to Chiwu carriage, but rides a horse. At least before the sun goes down, he can catch up with Master Lu.
       This Luanchuan is also a wonderful person. He-Yan previously thought that he lived on the mountain and he must be a master of immortal style. Who knew that this man had built a palace-like mansion in the mountain, which was gorgeous? As soon as He-Yan entered, two giant tigers ran over and howled at her.
       Xiang Xiang was startled. He-Yan was almost thrown out. He-Yan held the horse rope to appease Xiang Xiang. When he dismissed the horse, he found that the two giant tigers were made of wood. Eyeballs are gems with black and green light, shining in the dark, at first glance, it looks just like real.
       He-Yan was surprised. This is probably Lu Xunchuan's handwriting. He is really a good craftsman.
       The door wasn't closed, and he was imaginary. The two giant tigers were still yelling at He-Yan, but there was no other action. He-Yan thought about it and pushed the door into it. As soon as I went in, I felt that it was a small Wei.
       A small canal like a Jiangnan water village was dug in the big house yard in the north. There was a small boat that could only seat one person. There was a curtain hanging on the boat. There were no people in the boat, only a box made of wood.
       The flowers and plants on the wall are fake, but they are made lifelike. Even in winter, they are very lively and prosperous. There are some colored stones scattered on the ground. They should not be precious stones, but they are also shining with a small amount of light. He-Yan seemed to be in the legendary Dragon Palace, and it was like being in a fairyland. I couldn't help but admire this man's skillful craftsmanship, and no wonder he could forge a sword like Yin Qiu.
       She just came to the main hall, and with a bang, the door opened by himself, He-Yan collapsed into it, and saw in the large hall that a man in a white robe was sitting, and the man was cutting one The dragonfly made of bamboo probably has completed the last step. He-Yan watched him pull at the tail of the dragonfly, and the dragonfly "hummed" and flew up.
       She couldn't help but exclaim, the man turned his head and taught He-Yan to see his face clearly.
       In fact, the man was indeed immortal. The white robe was made of unknown materials. It was extraordinarily light and elegant. Looking at him as if he was a hermit from the previous dynasty, but his appearance was completely different. This life is extremely round, without exaggerating, it seems like a round ball. When he looked at it with a smile, it was like a Maitreya Buddha, without the slightest "master" style.
       This was beyond He-Yan's expectations. She had thought that she would see a cold, arrogant, lonely and bias white-bearded Lao-tou, who did not expect to be such a kind and fat man. And this person should look very young, in his twenties. Is a young fat man.
       "A guest is here," the man laughed.
       "Are you Master Lu?" He-Yan lifted his jade from the waist to show him, "I'm here to fetch sword for Command-Commander Xiao ."
       "Well," Lu Bianchuan saw He-Yan's jade pendant, and hesitated. "How could Xiao Huaijin's sword be on you? Are you Xiao-Yue fiancee?"
       He-Yan was caught off guard by such a sentence and didn't know how to answer for a while. After a while, she nodded :   "Exactly."
       "It turned out to be Huai Jin's fiancee." Lu Minchuan nodded and looked at He-Yan again, "Yes, yes."
       He-Yan somehow felt uncomfortable. After thinking about it, he asked, "Master Lu and Xiao Chief-Commander seem to have a good personal relationship?" This person looked so kind, but where is Chi Wu saying so close? Humanity.
       "Not good, not bad." Lu Yongchuan smiled and shook his head, clapped his hands, "creaked", He-Yan looked in the voice, only to find that the hall was still standing A little man made of wood, just one foot tall, made a beautiful woman, and walked inside, "I didn't know what to do."
       "This ... was all done by Master Lu?"
       "Some puppets," Lu Minchuan smiled. "I don't have any living people in this garden, only puppets. They help me with my work.
       This may sound a bit scary, but for some reason, He-Yan doesn't feel fear, she said, "Why don't you invite some craftsmen to help? Or just go down the mountain."
       "That won't work," Lu said. "I have lived on the mountain for more than thirty years. The days below the mountain are not suitable for me."
       He-Yan :   "Excuse me, Master Guigeng this year?"
       This man seems to be in his twenties, why has he lived on the mountain for over thirty years?
       "you guess?"
       He-Yan couldn't guess, simply said, "I look at the master, it's only in my early twenties."
       This remark seemed to please Lu Yingchuan, and he laughed holding his stomach, "You child, your mouth is covered with honey. No wonder Xiao Huaijin likes you. It's really flattering."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       She was thinking, why this master sword-sword master looked so unruly, only then did the little wooden man who went into the room ran out again, holding a long box in his hand, and put it in He-In front of Yan.
       He-Yan opened the box and saw a long sword lying in the box. The sword body was like frost and snow.
       "Already repaired?" He-Yan said in surprise, and there were no cracks on the scabbard.
       "It doesn't take long for a sword." Lu Yongchuan looked at He-Yan with a smile and kindness. "You are Xiao Huaijin's fiancee, and for the sake of Xiao Huaijin, I can also make you a sword that belongs to you Weapon or treasure, what do you want? "
       He-Yan joked :   "Can a master also make a sword like Yinqiu for me?"
       Lu Yanchuan looked at her and smiled, "No."
       "Why?" He-Yan asked with a smile, "Master thinks I don't deserve your sword?"
       "You already have a sword, you don't have to have another sword."
       He-Yan's smile froze suddenly, and he looked at Lu Yuanchuan.
       How did this person know that she had a sword?
       "Master, I don't have a sword," He-Yan said, "I don't even have a weapon in hand."
       "There will be," Lu Yongchuan shook her head, and the smile in her eyes penetrated her everything. "Your sword, will return to you again."
       He-Yan stared at Lu Yongchuan, trying to see any flaws in his face. Unfortunately, this man couldn't see anything other than a consistent and friendly smile.
       He-Yan stood up holding the box containing the drinking autumn, "Master, it's not early, I'm here today to get the sword. Now that the sword has been obtained, I should go back." She told Lu Yan Chuan Xingli, "Master Many Thanks."
       "You're welcome." Lu Rongchuan also stood up, and it was quite difficult for him to stand up. It was because he was fat, a ball had to stand firmly, and it always took some effort. He held hands to send He-Yan at the door. Beside him are two giant tigers and the little wooden figure, such as the weird emperor hiding in the mountains. "Let's go."
       He-Yan turned on his horse and turned away, but the back looks a bit like deserting and fleeing.
       The sound of the horse hoof went away, and Lu Yingchuan gave a "beep" and looked down at the wood man who only reached his calf. "Emerald, do you say I'm scared of Miss?"
       The wooden man hung on his lap and said nothing.
       "No more," Lu Yongchuan Fu shook his head again, turned and walked back, and said to himself as he walked :   "Huai Jin, Huai Jin, I can only help you here."
       It was getting dark quickly on the mountain.
       When He-Yan came, the sun had not yet fallen, and he stayed in Master Lu "Bieyuan" for a long time, but when it came out, it was completely dark.
       Fortunately, the moonlight is bright tonight, shining in the snow in the mountains and mountains, it is brighter than usual. She remembered the road well, riding Xiangxiang down the mountain, but in her mind repeatedly remembered what Fang had said to Master Lu.
       How did Master Lu know that she already had a sword, what did he already know, or was this man really a worldly man, and at a glance saw the truth of his own mortal return?
       But now that she knows nothing about Lu Quechuan, she will wait to see Xiao-Yue after going down the mountain, and ask him who Lu Quechuan is, and then make plans.
       He-Yan sighed slightly. The trouble of the original "He-Big-Young-Lady" that the woman dressed as a man in the Liangzhou Guards has just been resolved, and now there is another. On this day, it seems to be constantly solving one after another.
       He-Yan's gaze fell on the wooden box in front of him, but fortunately, he took Yin Qiujian back. I don't know where her Qinglang is now placed by He Rufei. He Rufei is cautious, unless absolutely necessary, he will not hold Qinglang to show people. If her Qing Lang is still around, she must wipe it every day.
       The horse was galloping in the mountains, and the cold wind blowing from her face hurt her face. She exhaled, and immediately painted white mist under the night. The mountain was extremely cold.
       Suddenly, there was something coming behind him towards him, the horse underneath was frightened, and he suddenly stood up. He-Yan pulled the reins, and the next moment someone came from behind him, the glittering sword pointed at his back Back.
       There are assassins!
       He-Yan sideways avoiding, dismounting and landing, has not yet seen who this person really is, the man has made a comeback, and pounced in front of He-Yan, the sword in his hand pointed directly at the heart of He-Yan. It was He-Yan temper's death without saying a word.
       There is no one in this wilderness, and even if it is yelling, it is impossible to call the city to guard. And she was defenseless and very troublesome. She had to split open the wooden box that she was holding under her arm with one hand. With a bang, the wooden box broke in response to the sound, and Qiu Jian fell into He-Yan's hand.
       Although she has seen and touched this past life, this is the first time she has used drinking autumn. As soon as he started, he felt that the sword was really cold, just like the owner of the sword.
       I'm sorry Xiao-Yue, she said secretly in her heart, and temporarily borrowed your sword for use.
       He-Yan yanked out Qiu Qiu Jian, looked at the person in front of him, and ‘called, "Who are you?"
       With the moonlight on the ground, He-Yan could see clearly. The other side of the body was wrapped in a black cloak. The veil covered most of his face, showing only a little chin. It looked like a sapphire in the night. Like clear. She has to look at it again, but the other side can't wait to sweep the sword toward He-Yan's neck.
       Why didn't you just start talking? He-Yan was startled, but the murderousness that had come to the door all showed something, and the other party wanted to kill her.
       It seems that she just wants to take her life. He-Yan's brow frowned, could he be sent by He Rufei again? But there was a group of people last time. Why was there only one this time?
       But soon, He-Yan understood why there was only one person this time. Compared to the last assassins, this man is much smarter. Even He-Yan played against him, couldn't help wondering. His sword skills are exquisite, seemingly calm and watery, but he is as good as her.
       She was amazed at the origin of this man, even though it was in Shuojing, and there were not many such waiters. Is there such a powerful person under He Rufei?
       Too late to think about it, the swords danced and the howling sounded. He-Yan ducked away from the man's sword tip, and slammed his elbow against the opponent's abdomen, but the man seemed to have expected that she was going to attack, and turned away, instead flashing behind He-Yan, holding the sword Come. He-Yan couldn't dodge. He had to stab his back with his backhand against the man, the two swords collided, and they both slammed a few steps back.
       He-Yan hesitated for a moment, somehow a familiar feeling came to mind. She didn't know where the familiarity came from, but before she could figure it out, the man had come back with a sword.
       The opponent moves extremely fast. After each encounter, there is no slight gap or idleness, so he will come again. The sword strokes are like a torrential rain, and they are dense and dense. He-Yan's drinking autumn is flexible and sharp, and has been used by her, so those flaws and habits about "General Feihong" will not be concealed.
       Xuexue danced in the wind, and at night, the bamboo forest seemed to have a breeze, and buried the killing intentions leisurely.
       He-Yan With a light toe, Yin Qiu in her hand seemed to have a sense of mind, and finally saw a flaw in the sword move of the opposite person. Without hesitation, the figure was like lightning, sprinting towards the other side.
       At the same time, the man stabbed at He-Yan.
       The two long swords made a crisp collision sound in the air, and the moment they passed by, they smashed into two pieces, and the long sword in the hands of the man in black was chopped into two pieces by Yin Qiu. He-Yan turned sharply, stabbing at the back of the man who hadn't turned back.
       The tip of the sword, just a few cents away, was about to pierce his vest.
       But in this tiny little place, Kankan stopped.
       It was surprisingly quiet all around, only the sound of falling snow, and the clearing of wild cranes in the distant valley. He-Yan looked at the other's back and seemed to feel something, and the hand holding the hilt trembled slightly.
       The other party was motionless. She spoke slowly, hoarsely :   "Who are you?"
       Suddenly, Shanyue broke through the dark clouds, Qianfeng piled jade, and Wan Ye spread silver, and the man slowly turned around, took off the curtain cap, and exposed a familiar face.
       "Xiao-Yue ..." He-Yan muttered.
       The black cloak was slightly fluttered by the wind in the snowy night. The youth's features were as incredible as jade carvings. The black eyes like autumn water seemed inexplicable, and her eyes were fixed on her, as if from the past to the present and perhaps the future.
       "Your swordsmanship has grown a lot."
       He tickled his lips :   "It's been a long time, General He."
       End of Volume Five

       Chapter 216 :  For You   

       The moonlight was shining in the snow, and in the flowing light and shadow, the two stood opposite each other.
       No need to cover it up.
       He-Yan's eyes fell on the drinking autumn sword in her hands. At this moment, she realized that the sword was so heavy that she held it under her eyes and felt that she was about to hold it.
       "When did you know?" She said softly.
       "He Wanru grandma, I found it." Xiao-Yue answered.
       He-Yan looked up suddenly at him.
       His expression was as calm as ever, as if speaking, but a trivial matter. Thousands of complex emotions arose in her heart, astringent, flustered and nervous, and finally all turned into a sigh of relief.
       "Sorry," He-Yan tried to make himself look as relaxed as possible. "I didn't mean to lie to you."
       But why did she lie? Even herself couldn't give an acceptable reason.
       Xiao-Yue leaned over and picked up the broken sword on the ground. Only then was the long sword cut by He-Yan's drink.
       He-Yan watched his movement quietly, waited for him to bend and stand up, and said, "You already know everything?"
       "Almost." Xiao-Yue eyes were light and light. "You are Xu Zhiheng's dead wife, and He Rufei in a mask."
       As soon as the word "Dead Wife" came out, He-Yan felt a terrible shock in his heart. It seemed that the secret that was the last thing he wanted to be discovered was revealed, and he was a little embarrassed. She had the courage to move forward in her life, and she would never be afraid of thousands of soldiers and horses in the battle scene. Only when facing the person in front of her, at this moment, she gave birth to a retreat.
       But she couldn't escape, and when she was found, she faced. Whether it is a past full of conspiracy, or a future in which the future is not seen.
       "Yes," He-Yan said, "I'm He-Yan, and He Rufei, your classmate."
       Xiao-Yue eyes moved slightly, and after a moment, he asked, "Why did you become the daughter of the school gate captain?"
       "If you have found Qin-Mama, you should already know how I died." He-Yan smiled bitterly, looking not far away, the ice hanging on the tree, the ice falling like a teardrop, Tutu hangs on the tip. "After I die, when I wake up, it is now’He-Yan'."
       "Maybe God looked at me poorly and gave me another chance," He-Yan shrugged. "Weird and confusing things, even if I say it, no one will believe it, maybe someone will think I'm here. Nonsense. But now that you have found me, you have come to believe it.
       "Why do you exchange identities with He Rufei?"
       He-Yan froze for a long time, his bright eyes always seemed to be a cloud of mist at this moment, giving birth to a little confused.
       "Xiao-Yue, no one can decide their own destiny when they are born. The same is true of me. When I remember, I am already’He Rufei'." She slowly said, "I only know , My elder brother will not live long. If I don’t do’He Rufei', the title of Hejia will be taken back, so I must live under the name’He Rufei-And live like this forever. "
       "But at that time, I was too young to succumb to this fate, so I left Hejia, went to Fuyue Army, earned military merit, and got a reward. I didn't expect that my destiny would be early Your uncle elder brother was not dead, and was even safe and healthy, so when I returned to Capital City, everything belonged to everyone. He would return to He Rufei, and I would return to He-Yan, which is very good. "
       There was nothing wrong with it, although at the time, I felt that I had some grievances, but this was already the best ending I could think of, whether it was He Rufei or He-Yan.
       He-Yan tilted her head slightly, as if to force that tear back, she laughed :   "He Rufei is a well-known general Feihong, He-2-Young-Lady is just a bad body Sick seedlings, when they are old, can find a good family relationship for themselves under the name of He Rufei. The original thing here is over. "
       "It may just be that they are afraid of showing me clues, dragging down the entire Hejia, and don't trust me, so after that, they killed me." He-Yan laughed at himself, "This should be the punishment from heaven." "
       Those who resisted fate were eventually obliterated by fate. If she still obediently did "He Rufei" in Hejia at that time, not on the battlefield, not fighting for military merit, and not being Feihong General, perhaps when the time came, she and He Rufei would return to their positions, and they would not lose their lives.
       If someone asks, if time can go backwards, and she can have a chance to choose again, will she leave Hejia? He-Yan thought, she should still be. It was because she embarked on a path that was completely different from her established destiny, and she found that the vastness of the world, the fireworks style, were completely different from those hidden in the fourth house.
       "your eyes……"
       "It was Hejia who blinded him." He-Yan interrupted him. "But they probably didn't expect that I could live well without eyes later. This is all a blessing to you." She smiled slightly, "What you said to me that day after the Yuhua Temple, I remember. Even if I was blind, I would be the most different one in the blind."
       Xiao-Yue Breathing slightly.
       What he said was not hurting He-Yan. If He-Yan would be so blind, he might save his life after losing the threat to the Hejia people. It was because of her disapproval that she would disturb Hejia again and take her life away.
       "Xiao-Yue, don't blame yourself." He-Yan seemed to see what he thought, "I don't regret my choice at that time. If I didn't meet you, I would have the courage to live. No, as early as the mid-autumn night of Yuhua Temple, there should be no’He-Yan’in this world. "
       Fate is cruel, but fate is also mysterious. Every seemingly inadvertent choice brings about unpredictable results. Now that she is He Sui daughter, she is no longer a blind man. Therefore, one by one appeared in front of her, and she could not tell whether it was more regret or more fortunate.
       "I'm He-Yan, and I'm He Rufei, too." She smiled slightly. "After waking up, I accidentally hit the Liangzhou Wei new army barracks, telling you that it's not fake to want to build a career. Only by standing at the same height as He Rufei can he expose his lies. It is not important for me to be alone, but because of me, He Rufei has killed many innocent people. This is unforgivable. I'll take it back myself. "
       "Now that I have become Wu-Anhou, I have the ability to fight against him than before. What I will do next is also these things. Sorry Xiao-Yue, I didn't mean to deceive you deliberately, I just have something to say. It's ridiculous, maybe I'm timid and I don't know how to face you. "
       "You've been lying to me," he said.
       He-Yan curled his fingers slightly and took a deep breath. "Sorry."
       "Do you like me and lie to me?" He asked.
       He-Yan suddenly looked up. He stood in the wind, standing upright, as he used to be, but as if he had returned to the distance that he could never reach.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her indifferently.
       "I didn't lie to you." He-Yan paused and swallowed the sourness in his throat before continuing :   "When you were doing He Rufei in Xianchang Pavilion, you took care of me and gave me medicine, Point me to swordsmanship. When you were He-Yan in this life, you have always protected me. "
       "You always appear when I am in danger, Xiao-Yue. I used to like you before, but now I like you more."
       Once something is said, it seems that all concerns are gone. He-Yan knew very well that Xiao-Yue was a person who hated betrayal and deception, which was related to the original incident of the Xiao family. Therefore, when she was in Liangzhou Wei, she was so sensitive when she discovered that her women were dressed as men. Now, she is hiding a bigger secret to be revealed. For Xiao-Yue, it is a complete lie from the encounter with herself.
       She has no right to ask Xiao-Yue to forgive.
       "I'm not really He-Big-Young-Lady," she took a deep breath, exposing a pretending relaxed smile. "It's not my wish to involve you. I wanted to be in Liangzhou Weili has built up a career, and it is good to be your competent person. I did not expect that you and I would come to this step. Your Majesty married you and me and cannot resist, but ... but ... "She looked at Xiao-Yue, "You don’t have to take this family thing to heart. You only think that I am a cooperative relationship. If you have a Miss in the future, I will explain to her that you and I are just playing at the scene, when the time comes, It doesn't matter if you break the engagement or break me. "
       Xiao-Yue eyes were cold and he asked slowly, "Have you off?"
       He-Yan pretended to sigh indifferently. "Actually, it doesn't make sense to get married. Really. You don't have to be so happy as Yan Nanguang, you feel that there are many benefits to getting married. I've married myself. If we talk about it, we still get married I’m happier now. Maybe I’m more suitable for one person. Both marriages are so bad, ”she joked.“ After you rest me, I’ll ride all the enemies and walk away. All over Jianghu, it's better to live in this house and live an ordinary woman, but it's not good. It's just a pity that you, "she seems to be really worried for Xiao-Yue." It's so good, you stopped your marriage in vain. "
       Xiao-Yue :   "He-Yan."
       "Don't show such an angry look." He-Yan laughed :   "It's me who is sad. It's easy to lie to a marriage, but it has been exposed now. Fortunately, I have a very broad mind Everything is always thoughtful. As soon as today passes, you and I will be treated as ordinary classmates. Xiao-Yue, "she said seriously, saying every word," Thank you, both in the past and now. "
       She smiled lightly, and looked unconcerned, like a heartless young man in Liangzhou Wei. But only He-Yan himself knew that when he said this, every word was like a knife cutting through his heart.
       She likes a person so much, and has experienced a lot with this person. Xiao-Yue has given her the warmth and treasure she never had. She thought that she had caught the moon, but she just caught the reflection of the moon under the water. Until now, Wake up, she should return to her own way.
       Covetousness should not be born in feelings. If there is no such greed, maybe it will not be so sad when we are separated now.
       He-Yan raised a big smile and thought about it, reaching out to Xiao-Yue, "Hey, this is your drink, now it belongs to the original owner."
       The young man didn't move, her beautiful eyes were condensed on her, and He-Yan's emotions couldn't understand. The next moment, he strode forward, and He-Yan handed the drink to him.
       He did not pick up the sword.
       The hand grabbed He-Yan's arm, and gently dragged her into her arms.
       He-Yan was startled, looking under the cold black robe, it turned out to be extremely warm. Like the most brave general, he has the softest heart.
       "Xiao-Yue, you ..."
       He-Yan leaned in his arms and could hear each other's clear and powerful heartbeat, more intense than ever before, as if it showed the youth's unknown feelings. She raised her head and saw Xiao-Yue chin. He held He-Yan's waist in one hand and pressed He-Yan's head against her chest, as if to appease, as if she was afraid of her escape.
       The youth's voice was relentless, hoarse and low, "I didn't recognize you the first time."
       For a moment, He-Yan's eyes were wet.
       Since the long days, it was as if she had walked alone in the night for a long time, no one found her existence, and no one cared about her sadness and joy. No one apologized, no one was cheering, happy or sad, the beginning or the end, all of her stories.
       Until one day, someone found her.
       The only person in the world is her light, the source of all her splendor.
       "Hello," she wanted to relax the atmosphere, "Xiao Huaijin, I will not be willing to do this."
       He hugged He-Yan even tighter and whispered in her ear :   "I missed you twice."
       "This time, don't miss it again."
       He-Yan stunned.
       She broke away from Xiao-Yue arms and stared at him, "I'm not He-Big-Young-Lady, I'm He-Yan."
       "I know."
       "I lied to you, from my last life to now."
       "I know."
       "I've been married." She seemed hard to tell. "Xiao-Yue, are you still the same as before?"
       She doesn’t think that if you marry someone, you are inferior. So many women in the world who are abandoned are not worse than others, but it’s bad luck or they can’t help but choose a wrong marriage Without prejudice to their right to happiness.
       But it turns out that when facing a person who really likes it, even if it is a fairy, they will secretly worry about whether they contrast with each other. Rejoicing makes people timid, and timid makes people humble, not to mention ... she has received too little love, and it must be very few.
       Under the night, the youth's eyes were like autumn water, and all the indifference and ridicule, the warmth was incredible.
       Xiao-Yue smiled :   "Why not so confident, even if you have been married, in my eyes, you are just a Miss."
       He leaned slightly and stared into her eyes.
       "What about General Feihong, I'm just here for He-Yan."

       Chapter 217 :  Leading Edge   

       When Xiang Xiang didn't know when, he ran back secretly, stood under the tree, and looked at them quietly.
       He-Yan looked at him shyly, "Is that true?"
       "I see that you've grown a lot in swordsmanship. Why is it the same as before," he lazily said. "Stupid and short."
       This sentence seems to bring He-Yan into the year, and the embarrassment and embarrassment of the only one have disappeared unknowingly.
       Her heart seemed to be filled with warmth, and all the restlessness turned into ashes at this moment. She raised her head and couldn't hide her smile, "but you are just like you were then."
       Xiao-Yue coughed and turned his head. He-Yan came along and refused to let him go, holding his sleeve and not letting go, and asked, "I am a swordsman, but you personally instructed me. But I was still dressed up as a man, why did you treat me so much?" Take care, did you like me at that time? "
       This is really shameless, Xiao-Yue yelled, "I'm not a broken sleeve."
       "But you look like a broken sleeve." He-Yan suddenly :   "No wonder Yan Nanguang always looked at me unpleasantly at that time, probably because I think I am a male fox, and he is the only genius who can be regarded as an opponent. Sully. "
       Xiao-Yue stared at her incredulously, "Aren't you sad now?"
       "I wasn't sad," He-Yan said hardly.
       "You were crying just now." He raised his eyebrows. "So reluctant to me?"
       He-Yan couldn't hold his face, and retorted :   "How could I cry, it's because you read it wrong. I naturally can't bear you, and I have fellowship with me anyway."
       "Just a fellowship?"
       He-Yan ignored him and approached him :   "Don’t let go of your words, first tell me, when you are in the Xianchang Pavilion, why do you point me to swordsmanship, and you are not a helpful temperer, you must fall in love at that time. With me, Xiao Huaijin, could you really be a broken sleeve? "
       Xiao-Yue face was slightly heavy, and he scolded :   "Nonsense."
       "Then you talk about why."
       In this case, He-Yan wanted to ask him a long time ago. At that time, he and Xiao-Yue didn't really have a deep relationship, but Xiao-Yue was willing to give careful instructions for the first night in the Xianchang Pavilion. Swordplay, don't blame Yan He for not being able to figure it out, not even herself.
       Xiao-Yue smiled, "You remember, when I first entered the Xianchang Pavilion, the winter solstice, the Dongshan Hunting Ground in Capital City was tested."
       He-Yan Yiyi :   "I remember, what happened?"
       She still remembers that at that time, the previous life saw Shen Muxue for the first time. The cold-seen Shen-Young-Lady and Xiao 2-gongzi, who are full of beauty, stand together. Even from the perspective of this life, they are a match made in heaven.
       He-Yan mumbled :   "At that time, His Majesty was visiting the hunting ground, and all the students in Xianchang Pavilion had to enter the competition. The students who got the most prey were rewarded, and the students who did not hunt the prey did not have food. Who would think of this? It’s freezing, it’s normal not to hunt the prey. How can you be harsh on student meals and make others hungry! "
       Speaking of this matter, she is now indignant, for no reason, because He-Yan at that time was the one who did not hunt the prey hungry.
       Xiao-Yue chuckled and said, "Isn't that your choice?"
       "You have hunted the rabbit, but let it go," he turned, looking at He-Yan. "Not your choice?"
       He-Yan was ‘mute, and stuttered, "How do you know?"
       "Because," Xiao-Yue bent her lips, "I put the rabbit."
       At that time, it was the winter day of Shuojing, and the hunting ground was covered with vast white snow. At that time, there was no accident in the Xiao family, and Xu Jingfu had not been able to cover the sky with his hands. The Emperor Wenxuan was in a whim. hunting.
       It was originally just a test of the school, because the arrival of the emperor must inevitably add more prizes. In order to make the youngsters work harder, don't lose the face of Xianchang Hall. I don't know which genius Teacher in the school thinks of harsh rules and can’t hunt the prey. I have no food today.
       He-Yan scolded the person who had the idea in his heart and scolded him.
       She wasn't good at martial arts at first, and equestrian and archery were even worse. With these teenagers, there is really no advantage. There is no doubt that when he entered the hunting range, he was very happy with his classmates and had a different mood. He-Yan was extremely helpless.
       Xiao-Yue at that time was undoubtedly the most eye-catching one among all teenagers. Horse marten fur, Yanhua beautiful. However, the horses had long strings of prey behind them.
       Lin Shuanghe, a weak Shaoye who could not carry his shoulders or carry it, followed Xiao-Yue in an inseparable manner, and discussed a lot of benefits. It doesn’t matter if there is a prey, anyway, in the end, divide one or two from Xiao-Yue prey It is enough to cross.
       The two walked in the woods of the hunting field, and suddenly they saw a gray feather arrow coming from the oblique stab, not far from it.
       They paused.
       Soon, a small figure ran out of the woods. She ran to the stone, pulled out her arrows, looked at it, and sits on the ground with one butt, sighing, and said to herself :   "It is difficult to hunt, difficult Heaven! "
       Xiao-Yue and Lin Shuanghe :   "..."
       They all recognized that the masked sigh was the 1st Shaoye, the penultimate man in Xianchang Pavilion.
       Lin Shuanghe previously "progressed together" with He-Yan. He already has some fraternal feelings for He-Yan. Seeing this scene, he said, "My brother He is too pitiful."
       Xiao-Yue stood on the sidelines, unmoved. In his opinion, Hejia, the 1st Shaoye, often had a mental illness.
       "You don't see any prey on his horse right now, and he will be hungry if he doesn’t have any food when he goes back. This is the coldest month and the hungry is uncomfortable." I gave him a bastard, so he wouldn't be empty-handed. "
       Xiao-Yue ‘called, "Go on your own."
       Lin Shuanghe really went to Xiao-Yue horse and picked from the prey attached to the horse, but only half of it, and suddenly woke up and said, "No, He Rufei, this boy can't do anything, But his temper is extremely stubborn. Give him this way. Most of the time, he will not agree, and he will justly refuse. "
       Just as he proposed to let He Rufei take the penultimate exam so that he can win the penultimate second, this man is very principled, and it is hard to impress real money. Lin Shuanghe thinks that he still has a good eye for others. He Rufei would not accept such direct help.
       "This way," Lin Shuanghe had a clever move. "Huai Jin, your archery is not very good. After a while you shoot a rabbit and let He Rufei pass by. The injured rabbit will not run fast. This is Wo If he misses everything, he may really have a problem in his head. "
       "What are you doing with me?" Teenager Xiao-Yue frowned. "No."
       "It's a pity to save people to build a seventh-level floating slaughter. Look at this kid, it's too pitiful. Everyone plays with you, but it's easy ... Huai Jin, Huai Jin?"
       This person, Lin Shuanghe, is especially patient with some trivial matters, and knows that Xiao-Yue is the most impatient person. Really, Xiao-Yu has been agitating for a while, Xiao-Yue is annoyed, and picks up the horse Bows and arrows, in one direction, put a arrow "".
       A gray hare jumped out of the shrubs.
       The arrow was a coincidence and did not hit the hare, rubbing one leg over it. Then the rabbit's movement slowed down, but the arrow fell into the bushes and no one found it.
       He-Yan was sighing and sighing on the stone just before, and suddenly saw a hare rushing out of the forest. He was shocked at first, then rejoiced, grabbed the bow and arrow and followed it without saying a word. This hare doesn't know what's going on. The movement is much slower than before. He-Yan guessed that it might be too cold in winter and even the rabbit became less sensitive, but this is also a good thing. It runs fast. Rabbits can't catch them. Can rabbits that are slow running fly?
       Lin Shuanghe Xiao claimed to praise Xiao-Yue :   "Miao, Huai Jin, your help is nothing to show, and it is seamless. This kid must have thought that he had picked up a big deal, let's go and see." He pulled Xiao-Yue, with an unwilling look, followed He-Yan secretly.
       The rabbit ran away, and seemed to be running out of energy, slowing down even more. He-Yan thought about it, put away the bow and arrow, and behind him, he felt that even if the bow and arrow were not needed, most of the rabbit would not be able to run by itself, so he could grab it with his bare hands. In the old days, there were rabbits waiting for the rabbit. Today, when the rabbit faints, He-Yan applauds himself in his heart, and there is still time to watch the rabbit carefully.
       The rabbit was very skinny, and she had no food to starve for in the winter. She seemed to have no two or two pieces of meat, even if it was fried. A rabbit took Hejia back, not enough for the family to get a piece of meat.
       Not long after, the rabbit stopped, plucked out a grass, exposed a hole, He-Yan's eyes were stricken, and he grabbed the rabbit's ears and raised it before he got into it. The ancients don't deceive me. "At this moment, there seemed to be something moving at the mouth of the hole. He-Yan, holding the rabbit in his hand and curiously cutting open the grass, locked three small holes in it. The little fluffy dumplings, as if three Lantern Festivals, were crowded together.
       It was actually three little rabbits.
       He-Yan froze, looking at the gray rabbit struggling with her legs in her hands, and suddenly realized that this was a female rabbit, and her cub was in the hole.
       He-Yan was silent.
       Lin Shuanghe drew Xiao-Yue to watch the play from a distance, and was surprised when he saw it :   "He Rufei, this guy has good luck, but he was met by the rabbit's nest, and this rabbit was handed in. I don't need to see it this time. It's the last, at least the last. But ... why is he holding the rabbit in a daze? "
       The rabbit under his hands beating silently, He-Yan looked at the three sesame lanterns in the hole. After a while, she sighed and took a white vial from her arms.
       "He he ... what is he doing?" Lin Shuanghe was surprised.
       The boy named He Rufei was holding the rabbit's ears to give him medicine, and he even pulled a piece from his robe and bandaged the rabbit's previously abraded leg. She bandaged and said, "Well, whoever told you to meet me, I'm a good person. I can't do anything to separate others from mother and son. I'll leave you alone."
       She murmured, "Rabbit, you have to remember, because of you, I'm hungry today."
       He-Yan moves quickly, but he has to be chopped, and he is bandaged. He puts the gray rabbit in the hole and loosens his hand, and the rabbit is free, and he swoops back into the hole.
       "Don't even say thank you?" He-Yan sighed. "It's a world-famous day." Even so, she spread out the stone near the entrance of the cave, and was discovered by other beasts in the province.
       Lin Shuanghe looked stunned, "He Rufei mind is okay? Is he here to hunt or release? Compassion at this time, how is he like Miss, home? Does he sympathize with this rabbit?" He looked sideways Xiao-Yue, "Huai Jin, look ..."
       Xiao-Yue eyes fell on the young man wearing a mask. For some reason, he suddenly remembered one thing when he was young.
       That was before he went down the mountain, studying the martial arts with the masters on the mountain, the Teacher was stricter than the Xianchang Pavilion. If the task was not completed, or if he did not do well, the punishment would be severe and very difficult.
       There was a time when he tried his bow and horse skills on the mountain. At that time, Xiao-Yue caught a deer.
       The deer was very fat, and was not as light and fast as other deer when he ran away. He caught the deer, and when he was about to raise a knife, the deer knelt down at him.
       This is a pregnant doe.
       At the age of twelve or thirteen, he was still indifferent to the later heart. Seeing this scene, it was inevitable that his heart would be indifferent.
       Master stood by the waterfall and looked at him indifferently :   "Don't be soft-hearted."
       The boy stood in place, looking at the doe with tears in his eyes, thinking for a while, kneeling down, removing the rope from the doe in front of Master, and watching it escape into the jungle.
       Master was not angry, but just looked at him and said, "You know what you are doing. You shouldn't be soft-hearted."
       "I just want to protect what I want to protect." The boy in a white robe, like snow, answered calmly.
       He was fined for three months to break through the mountains.
       Xiao-Yue didn't regret it. As a teenager, he just thought that he didn't want this doe to die, but now he saw He Ruofei here, carefully bandaging a hare for a wound. This is not a woman. Ren, this is not hypocrisy. He suddenly understood what he wanted to protect.
       Weak heart.
       A person wants to be strong in order to protect the person they want to protect. If you lose your heart in order to become strong, it is tantamount to putting the cart before the horse.
       "Huai Jin, I think He Rufei really has a problem in his head. If he is not a man, he can also be me’Mei-mei’..." Lin Shuanghe still talked non-stop, white robe The young man was surprised for a moment, bowed his lips and smiled.
       On that day, He Rufei really found nothing and was the only boy in Xianchang Hall who did not hunt his prey. It was also the second day from that day. Xiao-Yue got up at night, walked to the yard behind the bamboo forest, and watched the awkward boy wearing a mask "study hard". At this point, he started with the penultimate "Unprovoked Fate."
       He-Yan listened, and never expected that he and Xiao-Yue had such an unknown past. Xiao-Yue arrow was hidden at that time. She didn't find out that the rabbit with injured leg and foot was made by Xiao-Yue, but it was just because the rabbit was pitiful and gave birth to a hidden heart. This impressed Xiao-Yue.
       "Are you impressed by my kindness?" He-Yan fought a cold war, which sounded a little goofy.
       Xiao-Yue seemed speechless, "Not kind."
       It was only that Xiao-Yue at that time saw the shadow of his past in "He Rufei".
       He-Yan rejoiced, "That's the case, so when you were in the same class, you were already paying attention to me? Then why do you pretend to be indifferent."
       Once this person starts to lose heart and lungs, it really makes people a little overwhelmed. Xiao-Yue turned away :   "It's not early and you haven't come home yet. Your father and brother should be anxious."
       "That's what it said." He-Yan went back to God, and now that the night was dark, it was estimated that He Sui and He Yunsheng should be home at this time, maybe they were looking for their whereabouts again. Afraid they were in a hurry, He-Yan said, "Then I'll go back first?"
       Xiao-Yue whistled, Green Ear ran out of the woods, stopped in front of Xiao-Yue, He-Yan also turned over the fragrant horseback, and they trot down the mountain together. He-Yan rode on the road, hurried, and gradually returned to Weier, and said, "So Xiao-Yue, you asked Chiwuto to fetch my sword today just to test me? You have been following me is it?"
       There was no guilty expression on this face, and he slowly replied, "This is an incredible thing, of course, you have to confirm it."
       "You want to force me out of the sword, and actually go around such a big circle." He-Yan thought for a while, "But what happened to that master Lu Xunchuan? When I went to his other garden, he seemed to know what, He also said that I already had a sword, and there could be no other swords. Did you tell him about it? "
       "No." Xiao-Yue eyes moved slightly. "No one else knows about it except you and me."
       "Even if you know anything, he is my master."
       He-Yan was surprised :   "Master?"
       "My master is many, he is just one of them. It can be seen that your origin is not unusual, but he is already a foreigner. Even if he knows, there will be no trouble, you don't need to worry.
       "This is not a question of not worrying," He-Yan didn't know what to say for a while. "This person is your master, so please let me know in advance. Fortunately, I haven't done anything wrong, if ... "
       Xiao-Yue glanced at her, seeing her uneasy look, and said with a smile :   "If you are afraid of something, even if you do it, no one dares to trouble you with me."
       He-Yan snorted, "Do you mean I can walk sideways in Shuojing City now?"
       "Do whatever you want."

       Chapter 218 :  Support   

       When He-Yan and Xiao-Yue returned to Hejia, He Sui and He Yunsheng actually sits in the house. He-Yan hesitated for a moment, a little surprised, so calm today. However, He Sui met Xiao-Yue, and stood up and laughed :   "When I came back, I heard the Chiwu guard said, Xiao Chief-Commander took the little girl out. Now, I don’t know if I have used any meals. Would you like to use them together?"
       He-Yan said :   "Have used it, you don't have to." Go and look at the Chiwu standing on one side, and Chiwu face is casual. He-Yan said, Oh, co-hosting the master and servant in a collusion, not only cheating themselves, but even taking their old father together.
       "It would be nice if Bo called me Huai Jin," Xiao-Yue said.
       He Yunsheng's choke stopped.
       He Sui glanced at He Yunsheng, and a sesame seed was stuffed in his mouth. "Dine well! There are guests at home, the rice grains are spraying everywhere, it's rude!"
       He-Yan said :   "Nothing, Father, Yunsheng, you eat, I still have something to say to Xiao-Yue, the advanced house is gone." He said Xiao-Yue left first.
       Staying here again, she could not see He Lao Father alone.
       He Sui smiled lovingly :   "Go."
       After the two of them left, He Yunsheng pulled the sentry out of his mouth and said dumbly, "Father, is this really good?"
       "He-Yan took the man to the boudoir, what did it look like out? When Fan Cheng's bastard was there, He-Yan ran out and looked at him more. You're going to be furious at home. Why did you change Xiao Chief Commander, Father, are you so forgiving? "
       He Sui scolded him :   "Can Chief-Commander be the same as Fan Cheng?"
       "It's all men. What's different."
       He Sui looked at He Yunsheng and was inexplicable. "You used to admire General Feng Yun most, why are you awkward now?"
       He Yunsheng put his chopsticks on the table, and said, "General Feng Yun can't drill into the woman's boudoir without getting married."
       "Did he drill it by himself?" He Sui slapped his head, "You don't have eyes, that's what your sister pulled in!"
       He couldn't refute this statement, He Yunsheng sulked for a long time with the cheek helper, and cut his teeth :   "It's really a guy who doesn't want to be frustrated!
       He-Yan didn't know that her just move had caused a dispute between the old father and the silly brother in the house. She dragged Xiao-Yue into her room, closed the door, and lit the oil lamp with fire. No one is now. "
       When Xiao-Yue entered the house, he felt that he was almost blind.
       The flowers in this room are very different from He-Yan's temperament. There were rouge gouache and sachet tents everywhere. I didn't know. I thought there was a young-lady living there, but when I looked back, the heroine who was jumping on the table and pouring tea was placed in this room. It's really unsightly.
       He picked up a bronze mirror with flowers carved on the table and asked inexplicably, "Do you like this?"
       He-Yan glanced :   "How can that be? It's all left by the original He-Big-Young-Lady." She looked back, "Don't think I like this. But if only All of them have been dismantled, which is quite different from the past, and it is very doubtful. And ... "She sighed." I dove the nest, I would have felt uncomfortable. If I change all or replace these things, I am afraid that I will arrive in the future. In the palace of the King of Prince, the real He-Big-Young-Lady came to me to calculate. "
       Xiao-Yue frowned :   "Nonsense."
       He-Yan blinked. "Childlike words, don't care."
       Xiao-Yue looked at her with a lot of time :   "Aren't you afraid of me now?"
       "I'm not afraid of you." He-Yan smiled and said, "Anyway, you know my secret now." She is like a female rogue. "Again, I was only on the mountain, you and I fought, and I was no better than you Oops, my sword was cut into two pieces by me. "
       Although cheating.
       This kind of wry look is not annoying now, Xiao-Yue smiled and thought of another thing :   "What about your sword?"
       He-Yan smiled slightly.
       Her sword refers to the Qinglang sword. Instead of asking Xiao-Yue what to do with her sword, she might as well ask her what she plans to do next to Xu Family and Hejia.
       "I had an accident when the Xu family and Hejia conspired. He Rufei was a fake General Feihong. I had to uncover the matter. In the Huayuan World War he did something to make his subordinates in the Fuyue army strangle to death. I must make a clear account with him. "He-Yan frowned," I was going to leave Qin-Mama as a witness, and there are still the remaining remnants in the Huayuan World War. Carefully searching, maybe I can Searching for whereabouts. Compared to He Rufei, Xu Zhiheng is easier to start. As long as someone proves that Xu Zhiheng designed to murder’Xu-Big-Madam', when Xu Zhiheng himself is not insured, he will definitely pull the water into the water. As long as you refer to it, it can be resolved. "
       He-Yan looked at Xiao-Yue :   "What do you think?"
       Since her rebirth, she was pregnant with her secret and cannot be discovered. Now that she suddenly has an alliance, she suddenly feels relaxed, even if Xiao-Yue does nothing, and if there are people along the way, she will increase her infinite power.
       He-Yan's eyes lit up.
       The enemy makes the enemy suspicion, and the opponent, because of the enemy.
       "Is that going to send someone to He Rufei or Xu Zhiheng?" He-Yan thought.
       "Either end," Xiao-Yue said.
       "I don't have that many people available."
       "I do." Xiao-Yue glanced at her. "I help you."
       He-Yan's mouth turned up again and suddenly thought of something and complained :   "But before you sent someone to check Qin-Mama, why didn't you tell me? I just managed to buy the manservant of Xu gatekeeper. Fu Wang, spent a lot of money on him. I knew you had already inquired about it, why should I spend those unjust money, now the silver has been beaten ... "
       "He-Yan," Xiao-Yue interrupted her, "are you running out of money?"
       "Cough," He-Yan fist pressed against his lips, and coughed softly. "Not entirely."
       The next moment, there was a stack of silver tickets on the table.
       He-Yan's eyes were straight, he swallowed, and looked away with difficulty :   "No work is impossible."
       Xiao-Yue raised an eyebrow :   "Really?"
       He-Yan quickly grabbed it and shoved it into his arms, and said, "When I borrow you, I now have Lulu ... when I receive Lulu, I will return it to you."
       "No need," Xiao-Yue yelled, "you keep it yourself, not enough to find me."
       He-Yan has lived two lives, and for the first time, he has tasted the feeling of spending money. Although there was no shortage of money to spend in her last life, when she was in Hejia, she had never tasted the indulgent taste of "playboy" except for the flowers she deserves. Later, after his achievements were made, His Majesty's rewards were a lot, but today the brother in the barracks borrowed a little, the friend's home was in difficulty, and the rest of the remaining books were not too much, and they were all given to Hejia.
       After entering the Xu family, it is necessary to be a "good wife", not to be arrogant, not to mention that after a short time, the steward has the power in He Wanru, not even the shadow of silver. Now I finally tried it, and it tasted good.
       "Xiao-Yue, you are such a wonderful person." He-Yan charmingly said, "You are more kind than Buddha and Bodhisattva at Yuhua Temple."
       Xiao-Yue smirked :   "Whoever gives you money is a good person?"
       "That's not it." He-Yan said, "However, everyone is asking me for something, and too few people are willing to give me something." She looked at Xiao-Yue with her chin up. "You never seem to have Ask me what I'm going to do. "
       Her former life has been giving, whether it is active or passive, emotion or money, only the person in front of her has been giving silently, never asking.
       Xiao-Yue looked at her with her eyes down. After a while, she suddenly said, "I'm sorry."
       He-Yan straightened up :   "What?"
       "Having a lot of hardship, letting the glorious contention to others, willing to return to nothing, are you not wronged?" He asked.
       He-Yan hesitated for a moment, silent for a while, and she said, "Before, I would have this feeling, but now it is gone." She smiled, "I have He Father, Yunsheng, Ome, Wheat, Stone, Prince they ... and you, much better than they were before. "
       "Really, Xiao-Yue," she said seriously. "I don't feel wronged."
       Xiao-Yue eyes fixed on her. After a moment, she turned her head and said, "Fool."
       He-Yan dismissed it, "Then you haven't been turned around by a fool. When I was in Liangzhou Wei, I knew who you were in the morning. Xiao 2-gongzi, Xiao Da Chief-Commander, Secretly taught me swordsmanship, and did good things without leaving a name. Who said this? Who would believe it? The world would think that Xiao 2-gongzi had another idea for me. "
       "And the mole on your waist ... oh."
       Xiao-Yue face was slightly stiff.
       "Rebelled, didn't you?" He asked.
       "To be honest." He-Yan spread his hands.
       Xiao-Yue stood up and went out.
       "Oh, angry?" He-Yan hurriedly pulled his sleeve to hold him, apologized in a tone of accent, "I was wrong, I shouldn't make fun of you, Xiao Chief-Commander Don't be angry, I'll tell you Apologies, how can you forgive me? "
       Xiao-Yue took a footstep and suddenly turned around. He-Yan was sitting at the table. He was startled when he looked so cold. The two were so far apart that he leaned over and bent over to He-Yan. , Smiled and smiled :   "Is it?"
       He-Yan stared at him shyly and nodded subconsciously.
       He leaned closer, slightly lipping, "Okay."
       "Why, what?"
       "I ... get married as soon as possible."
       He-Yan froze.
       The handsome face of the young man was close to his eyes, and his eyes were as deep as if he were to suck in, "He Rufei has begun to doubt your identity, you are too dangerous alone."
       "I want to protect you."
       One minute and a half after Xiao-Yue had left, He-Yan was still sitting at the table thinking about what he had said before leaving.
       He Yunsheng frowned as soon as he came in, and asked, "He-Yan, did you pick up the money or got the treasure, and the smile is so infiltrating?"
       He-Yan turned his head, rubbed his face, and wondered, "Did I laugh?"
       He Yunsheng sighed and sits down at the table himself. "No wonder Father sees General Feng Yun like a fat sheep. With your qualifications, he can look at you, either he has a problem with his eyes or a problem with his brain. "
       He-Yan slammed a leaf and smashed at him :   "Did you say that to sister?"
       "Do you look like a sister yourself?" He Yunsheng scorned. "You both pulled him out of the house. Father and I are also men. Hey, why don't you pay attention to it yourself."
       "Why are you more old-fashioned than Father?" He-Yan explained inexplicably. "Young, like a Lao-tou. I pulled him in because I had a business talk, where did you want to go?"
       He Yunsheng said impatiently :   "I don't care about you. I came here to discuss the dowry with you."
       He-Yan :   "What?"
       The young man's face is a real distress. "At present, the emperor is also given a marriage, and it is not good to not marry. The family of the Xiao family is rich, and our family can barely support themselves. I am still in school, and I cannot do it as before Do the same to make money. Although you have become an official, you have been punished for one year. Now, at home, Father is working alone to make money. The original money you gave me, and Father and I keep it for your future plans, who Knowing that you find someone like that, that money might not be enough, so ... I mean ... "
       "what do you mean?"
       "Postpone the marriage period, and when I start to make money later, I earn enough of your dowry, and then you marry to the Xiao family."
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Her stupid brother is really a ghost. Even this method can be conceived. Fortunately, Xiao-Yue is not here at the moment. If she hears it, the front foot will say that she will get married as soon as possible, and the rear foot will be demolished by He Yunsheng, and Liang Zi will settle.
       "Isn't it just silver?" He-Yan said :   "No big deal, I'll go to Letong Village again."
       "Do you dare!" He Yun said angrily :   "It used to be, now you are also a character with a name, how can you be as funny as before? If Xiao Chief-Commander knows, how will he see you "
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Oh, He-Yan said, Xiao-Yue has seen pictures with her, how can you see her? What to see and what to see. The child didn't know much and made a fuss. But she also knows that this young man has been like this, and said, "Well, don’t go, don’t you go, isn't it money?" She took out a stack of silver tickets from her arms, which Xiao-Yue just gave her, "I There are many here. "
       He Yunsheng froze, "Where did you get the silver ticket?"
       "Ask Xiao-Yue to borrow it," He-Yan said rightly. "Not enough to ask him again."
       "Are you crazy?" He Yunsheng reprimanded :   "You borrowed his silver to raise a dowry for yourself? Do you talk like this yourself?"
       "Not ridiculous, but you don't need to be so surprised." He-Yan looked at him with a smile. "Actually, the dowry is not a big deal. You have to know that nothing can be solved with silver money in the world. "
       In fact, Xiao-Yue didn't care about the secret that she had died once, or that she was "General Feihong", which was more shocking than dowry. But since Xiao-Yue didn't even pay attention to it, there is really no need to worry about the problem of money.
       "I know that you are well-informed," He Yunsheng said with patience to comfort her. "But if other women in Shuojing marry, if there is no dowry, they will be smirked at your in-laws. You ..."
       "After the other women of Shuojing married, they had to be raised by her husband." He-Yan said, "I have Lulu."
       "You have been punished now ..."
       "I have Lulu."
       "Our family background is not high ..."
       "I have Lulu."
       He Yunsheng was dismissed by He-Yan and lost his temper, and finally said, "Yes, you have Lulu, so you just don't want to quit the wedding, right? You like General Feng Yun so much."
       "Did you not say it yourself?" He-Yan tilted his head and looked at him. "If you are a woman, you only adore him."
       He Yunsheng was choked up and coughed, and stood up with a flick of his sleeves. "Forget it, I think you are now fainted and turned away, and you won't listen to anything. Let's think about dowry and Father again. Way, you take care of yourself! "
       He Yunsheng left.
       He-Yan relieved.
       She lay on her back and collapsed, thinking of Xiao-Yue words in her mind. As for the marriage, she did not marry another person with hope and expectation in her last life, and the ending was annoying. But once again, when she heard it from Xiao-Yue mouth, she didn't have much resistance and resentment in her heart. It seemed that she could still keep her expectations.
       But it's not just that.
       Xiao-Yue is right, Shuo Jingzhong, the situation is not stable now. Hejia and Xu family, who she has to deal with, has many restrictions in her role as Wu Anhou today. On the Xiao-Yue side, Xu Jingfu and Crown Prince are staring at each other. The Utopians will enter Capital City in the future. The secret battle between Crown Prince and 4-Prince is not over. Know how it ends.
       As Xiao-Yue said, she also wanted to protect him.
       Xiao-Yue returned to the mansion.
       He came back late, Xiao Yun and Bai Rongwei had already rested.
       In these years, he has not had many days in Shuojing. Even if he returns to Shuojing every year, he also goes out early and returns late. His brother Sao has long been used to it, but the kitchen often prepares hot meals for him.
       The snow in the yard was swept clean, he went into the room, put the drink on the table, and took off his clothes.
       Feinu followed in.
       "You will go to the Xu family tomorrow." Xiao-Yue said.
       Fae Nu stunned :   "Shaoye, Xu family is not staring."
       "It's not for you to investigate." Xiao-Yue said :   "Go to the gatekeeper Fuserv of the Xu family called Fu Wang, give him a sum of money, and make a deal with him."
       The Feng-Nu froze and nodded.
       Xiao-Yue whispered a few words to him again, a little surprised expression on Fae Nu face, although he didn’t understand why Xiao-Yue did this, he didn’t say anything at all, and then quit the house after answering in.
       He breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes falling on the drinking autumn sword hanging on the wall.
       He-Yan's identity, destined her revenge can only be cautious, not hearty. But even letting Hejia and his family live a long day in the world will make people feel unhappy.
       There are things He-Yan is not convenient to do, and he can come without hesitation. Some He-Yan didn't want to use the bright and upright methods, and he didn't care.
       Xiao-Yue stood up, walked in front of Yin Qiujian, stretched out his hand and stroked the scabbard. The scabbard was cold like snow, and the young man bowed his head thoughtfully.
       The most valuable of the Titans in the battlefield is nothing more than the steeds and swords in their hands.
       If a sword is lost, it is like a beast loses its fangs and fangs. The fool's life in the past was actually a process of constant loss, so much so that he would like to get back everything that belongs to her for her.
       even more.

       Chapter 219 :  Back to School   

       Early the next morning, He-Yan got up a little later. I was thinking about things last night, and I couldn't sleep over and over again. I didn't fall asleep until midnight. When I woke up, it was three strokes in the day. It didn't snow today. Tongue.
       "How are you here?" He-Yan asked.
       At the table in the main house, there was a man drinking tea. Qing Mei stood on the side and saw He-Yan, and she said restlessly :   "The Daren came over this morning. The Daren told the Nubi to stop waking you up, just wait for Miss and wake up here."
       Xiao-Yue put down the teacup in her hand, glanced over her, and asked, "Do you sleep well?"
       "... It's okay." He-Yan scratched his head, always feeling that Xiao-Yue suddenly appeared here in a terrifying way, and looked subconsciously at the roof. This is her house, and it's not Liangzhou Wei.
       Ome put the porridge and food on the table, He-Yan glanced, surprised, "Ome, are you rich? Have you eaten so much? This seems to be Chen Xiangji snack, right?"
       "This was sent by an adult." Qingmei answered uneasily.
       Originally, Hejia was easy to eat earlier. It’s been over ten years. No one feels wrong. Today Xiao-Yue sent someone to such a big table. Ome felt embarrassed and wondered if she was at home. Too shabby.
       He-Yan didn't realize it. She took Xiao-Yue advantage. It wasn't a day or two. She immediately applauded and said, "Xiao-Yue, you are so considerate. No wonder Yan Nanguang Chengri said that The benefits of Fu-ren, you are even better than Princess, you can hardly find any flaws. "
       The Chiwu standing at the corner could hear his face trembling, and listen to what this person said? It's too shameless. It's a pity that they are so obsessed with Shaoye that they look quite happy?
       "Have you ever eaten?" He-Yan assigned Xiao-Yue a pair of chopsticks. "Let's eat together."
       Xiao-Yue took the chopsticks :   "OK."
       Chiwu :   "..."
       Finally, I knew why my own son had left early in Xiao fu and left. He came up so early to choke his own meal. I'm so anxious.
       On most days, Hejia does not have the distinction between Fu and Noble masters and servants, and Qingmei also comes to the table to eat together, but today Xiao-Yue is here, and Qingmei does not come to the table when she is killed. After a while, she pulls Chiwu said he was going to sweep the snow. He-Yan had no choice but to have dinner with Xiao-Yue.
       The plum porridge cooked by green plum was fragrant and soft. Red dates were added to it, and it was sweet and sweet. He-Yan Fu remembered that this man grew up and did not like sweetness, so he asked :   "I forgot you don't like sweet." She Stretch out the chopsticks and take away the red dates from the Xiao-Yue bowl, and smile :   "I help you."
       Xiao-Yue paused.
       The Xiao family knows that he is extraordinarily clean, and the things used by others don’t like to be reused, let alone pick food in his bowl. Even Xiao Yan can’t do it, but now He-Yan moves like this, but he also Not blocked.
       "But, come here today, shouldn't you just have breakfast with me?" He-Yan asked, "what the hell is that?"
       "I plan to go to Xianchang Pavilion," Xiao-Yue said, "you go with me."
       He-Yan Yiyi :   "... what do you do to Xianchang Hall?"
       "If you want to reveal He Rufei identity, you need evidence. The Xianchang Museum retains your past articles and books, which may be useful."
       "How is that possible?" He-Yan wondered. "That's all that many years ago. How could it be kept in Xianchang Hall?"
       Xiao-Yue ripped his lips, looked at her, and smiled narrowly, "Don’t you know? General Feihong and General Feng Yun's Mo Bao are kept in the academy to this day. Every spring, they recruit new students every year. Everyone must watch. Fan. "
       He-Yan almost choked himself :   "No, right? My ... Mobao?"
       In the sky, Xiao-Yue is just fine, but her "mobao" of that year is really not so beautiful, even if the handwriting is crawling like a dog, there is always a penultimate examination paper, what can be seen Over and over again, isn't it insulting?
       Who could have thought that the penultimate Xianchang Pavilion would one day be tied with the first and become the signature of the school? Sure enough :   don't bully young people, and Feng Shui turns.
       "I didn't really want to go ..."
       Xiao-Yue :   "Oh."
       He-Yan wailed, "Well, I'll just go."
       After the meal, He-Yan went out with Xiao-Yue.
       When Su Lili was in Liangzhou Wei, she didn't feel that once she returned to Capital City and put on a "He-Big-Young-Lady" skirt, she felt uncomfortable. It's nothing else, it's because He-Big-Young-Lady's dresses are so exquisite and complicated. He-Yan is simply simplified, and all the skirts are stowed, making it easier to go out. some.
       There was no carriage at the door. He-Yan paused and asked the people around him, "Xiao-Yue, what about the carriage?"
       "It's fine today, let's go," he said.
       A rare sun, the snow last night has not melted, and the ground is glowing with golden warmth. Walking under the sun, I felt that the haze in recent days had been swept away, and my body was warm. He-Yan narrowed his eyes comfortably and said, "I wish it were so warm every day."
       Xiao-Yue tilted her head and glanced at her. The young girl smiled brightly, and a little daylight would satisfy her. It was hard to imagine that the heroic and powerful General Feihong on the battlefield in the past was the silly person in front of him. He The corner of his mouth slightly tickled, narrowing the smile in his eyes.
       The two walked side by side on the street. Even though He-Yan is not very well known today, Xiao-Yue face is not so embarrassed that someone will recognize it from a distance. Although they dare not come forward, He also pointed out and talked secretly :   "Isn't this General Feng Yun Chief-Commander?"
       "Who is the woman next to him? It seems like he never seen it."
       "When Chief-Commander walked side by side with a woman like this in the day, such an intimate gesture must be the fiancee who your Majesty married."
       "Fiancée? You mean Houye He-Yan?"
       "It turned out that Wu-Anhou looked like this. It looked soft and weak. How did he get on the battlefield?"
       He-Yan was very good at listening, and the conversation went around accidentally. Looking at the man walking next to him, his expression was calm and indifferent, He-Yan felt inexplicably as if he had been pulled out by Xiao-Yue to mix his face, it is easy to teach that the original Xiao-Yue fiancee, Wu Anhou He-Yan looks like this.
       She said to herself in her heart, "Look and see. In those days, people would hide when wearing a mask, but now Bright uses this face, even if anyone wants Li Daitao to be stiff, it is impossible."
       People watched all the way, I don't know how long they have gone, and the two finally arrived at the entrance of Xianchang Pavilion.
       For a long time, Xianchang Pavilion still looks like the old days. The mottled gate, the familiar plaque, and the apricot tree at the door were pressed by the snow to bend its branches. He-Yan looked at it, and gave birth to a little emotion.
       In the days of Xianchang Pavilion, I didn't feel very relaxed. Now when I think of it, it is full of happy memories. The Teacher here taught her reasoning, if not, a Miss who cannot discern right and wrong and dresses as a man, even if he is a chess piece of Hejia, it is also a stupid chess piece that cannot control her own destiny.
       One of the most correct things He Yuansheng has ever done in this life is to send her to the Xianchang Pavilion and change her life.
       "Let's go," Xiao-Yue said.
       The two walked in together, and as soon as they reached the yard, they heard the students studying in the school.
       "The way of Academy is in Mingmingde, in the people favor, and in the afterlife ..."
       "For so many years, I still remembered this one." He-Yan suddenly recalled the memories of "progressing together" with Lin Shuanghe, "It's strange to say that I couldn't remember how to back, and I voted After the army, he meditated once every night when he was okay in the camp, and instead carried his back. "
       Xiao-Yue raised an eyebrow :   "Are you endorsing it in the camp?"
       "Of course." He-Yan proudly said, "I haven't met Master at first, I have poor skills, and I can only rely on my brain. You don't know, everyone who is literate in the Fuyue Army is very popular in the camp. .Well both civil and military. "
       She began to boast again, Xiao-Yue was about to speak, and suddenly heard someone voice in front of him :   "Xiao Chief-Commander!"
       Looking at the sound of the two, they saw a middle-aged man in a yellow sack coming quickly. The man was very gentle and kind, and would walk in front of Xiao-Yue, smiling. Says :   "Xiao Chief-Commander, how do you think of school today?"
       He-Yan Yi, this is Teacher Huang Sancai who teaches arithmetic in Xianchang Hall. He also taught He-Yan that year. In He-Yan's schooling career, because she is not outstanding in all aspects, it is difficult to get the teacher's love. The Huang Sancai Teacher, because he was not very old at the time, was very gentle and amiable to the students, would not be treated differently based on the students’grades, and was good at speaking and speaking. It is also this Teacher who used to praise He-Yan in the school. "Diligent study is like a spring seedling, but it has not grown, and it has grown. You all look at He Rufei, and you learn from others." As a result, a lot of young people were quite dissatisfied with He-Yan.
       But now he sees this Huang-Teacher, He-Yan still feels quite kind.
       "Pass by here, come and see." Xiao-Yue replied.
       Huang Sancai showed a glorious expression, "Please come in, please come in."
       Don’t blame this Teacher for showing a stubborn look. Xiao-Yue is now also a well-known general Feng Yun and right-wing Chief-Commander. The reason why he did not rise further is because even if he wins the battle, His Majesty There is no higher position to promote him. Furthermore, when I was at the Xianchang Pavilion, it was not so much that Teachers taught Xiao-Yue, but Xiao-Yue came to the Xianchang Pavilion, but just walked across the court. The teachers of the Xianchang Pavilion had nothing to teach. Give him something.
       In order to avoid causing riots among the students, He-Yan and Xiao-Yue went to the teachers’houses. Teachers rest in this spacious room during the day and only take three courses a day. Today they are writing, counting and etiquette. Bows, horses and knives will be on tomorrow.
       When He-Yan and Xiao-Yue entered, there was no one in the room. Huang Sancai first poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and asked them to sit down and get up and fiddle with the stove in the room. The stove was warm in the room, and a cup of hot tea was perfect.
       "I didn't expect Xiao Chief-Commander to be here today," Huang Sancai smiled and looked at He-Yan on one side. "Is this ... Wu Anhou He-Miss?"
       He-Yan got up and saluted, "He-Yan has seen Teacher."
       She saluted Teacher as a student, but was frightened by Huang Sancai, and got up to return her gift. "He-Miss, you're welcome. Please sit down."
       He-Yan sits down, and Huang Sancai smiled and said to He-Yan, "Xiao Chief-Commander was very provoked by Miss when he was a student, but he never saw him treat anyone else differently. I was wondering at the time, I don’t know what kind of woman Fu-ren will be when he marries his wife in the future. Now that group of boys, all of them are married and married, but they don’t see him moving, now the dust is settled, I feel relieved. "
       "This He-Miss," said Huang Sancaifu again to He-Yan. "It looks very different from ordinary women. I have spent so many years in Shuo Jing, and have seen countless young Miss, He-Miss , This is still the first one, Xiao Chief-Commander's vision is really spicy. "
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Huang Sancai probably did not expect that the "Miss," he praised now, was a student he had taught himself before.
       While talking, the door opened and someone came in. The two looked together, and then saw a thin old man in a brown gown and combing his tall hair walking in.
       "Wei Teacher," Huang Sancai stood up and said to the old man, "Xiao Chief-Commander and his fiancee He-Miss, are here."
       Wei Xuanzhang, the director of the Xianchang Pavilion, looked at him. He-Yan and Xiao-Yue got up to salute him. Wei Xuanzhang was not as open and friendly as Huang Sancai, but just nodded and walked to his own table. Sit down before, and put down the scroll in your hand, and it was he who was in class.
       He-Yan got closer to Xiao-Yue and whispered :   "Look, the person I fear most is here."
       When He-Yan went to school, the one who was most afraid of was Wei Teacher, curator Wei. Wei Xuanzhang is not white, he has official positions. However, He-Yan once thought that the reason he founded the Xianchang Pavilion was because his temper was too unattractive, rigid and rigorous, and his colleagues in the officialdom did not like him, so he came to be the curator of the school.
       Unlike Huang 3, who is gentle and amiable and never scolds students, Wei Xuan is harsh and excessive. Anyone with bad grades will always be punished by the penalty station. The students secretly called him "Wei Lao-tou ". As He-Yan counts down as Xianchang Pavilion, Wei Xuan :   Of course, she is regarded as a shame of Xianchang Pavilion. He-Yan believes that if He Yuansheng had not said that he had moved the teacher and the Xianchang Pavilion did not have the rules to drive the students out, as early as the day she entered the Xianchang Pavilion, it would be Wei Xuan. Get out and never let her step into the gate of the school again.
       In short, with this Teacher's memories, He-Yan can now think of only unpleasant memories of playing boards, punishing stations, being scolded, copying books, etc., even though they are no longer studying in the school, they themselves In the face of the Utopians, there was no fear, but the first time he saw the old Teacher, He-Yan still felt chills in his back.
       "This is He-Miss," Huang Sancai smiled.
       Wei Xuanzhang picked up the tea on the table and took a sip. His inspection glanced around He-Yan, and said with a stern face :   "You are He-Yan? How can a woman fight in the army and show her face?"
       He-Yan :   "?"
       She didn't study because of how she was born. This Wei Lao-tou still had to pick and choose to trouble her. He-Yan laughed :   "It's just the situation."
       "Living and eating with men, I have a bad cold and a custom, and I don’t understand the rules at all. Xiao Huaijin has always been clean and self-confident. How can a woman like you be coaxed into this hand?"
       He-Yan :   "..."
       Huang Sancai wiped his sweat in embarrassment :   "The curator ..."
       "Wei Teacher speaks heavily," Xiao-Yue said indifferently, "He-Miss, didn't coax me, I first liked her."
       Wei Xuanzhang frowned, and looked at Xiao-Yue even more disappointed :   "The eldest husband Cheng Ri hangs love in his mouth, what does it look like!" He glanced at He-Yan fiercely again :   "Hongyan woes! "
       He-Yan smiled stiffly and lived for two lives. For the first time, someone said that she was a humiliation. Let it be a compliment. It's just that Wei Lao-tou looks at her eyes, as if she is the evil demon who is a disaster to the country, Xiao-Yue is like a stunned country. Could it be that her penultimate temperament has penetrated into the bone marrow, even if a shell is changed, as soon as Wei Xuanzhang sees himself, he will still be displeased.
       "I'm here today, and I'm asking for something else." He-Yan broke her head, and then went on, she was afraid that Wei Lao-tou should take a long stick to beat people.
       Huang Sancai asked, "What is it?"
       "I want to borrow the pen and ink left by He Rufei in the school." Xiao-Yue said.
       At this point, Wei Xuanzhang and Huang Sancai both looked at him in surprise.
       "Xiao Chief-Commander did what He Rufei wrote?" Huang Sancai asked.
       "It's me," He-Yan laughed. "I've always heard that General Feihong is a 1st-General with the same name as Chief-Commander. I admired it and heard that they used to be classmates, so I wanted to see Feihong. Traces of the general's past ... "
       "Funny! Ridiculous!" Wei Xuanzhang patted the table, his face was iron and blue, pointing at He-Yan :   "How can you be so ... so ..."
       He-Yan guessed what he wanted to say, and reminded him thoughtfully :   "Chao Qin, Mu Chu, Chao San Mu Si?"
       "You!" Wei Xuanzhang was furious and turned to Xiao-Yue :   "Xiao Huaijin, this is your wife!"
       Xiao-Yue twitched his mouth and said, "Nonsense, Teacher doesn't need to be attentive, please read He Rufei pen and ink first."
       "He Rufei is a student of my Xianchang Pavilion," Wei Xuanzhang said, "It is also a great Wei general. His pen and ink, how can anyone allow anyone to watch?"
       He-Yan said in her heart, unexpectedly in Wei Xuanzhang's heart, she was so important. She was greatly moved for a while, and her resentment about this Lao-tou disappeared a lot.
       "I'm not asking as a student," Xiao-Yue said calmly, "as the Right Army Chief-Commander."
       Huang Sancai fought a cold war. He knew that when Shaoye was in Xianchang Pavilion in the past, although he didn't seem to cause trouble, he was definitely not a good master. Many times, it's just too lazy to do it. Now, in terms of official positions, a Xianchang Pavilion is not yet able to perform in front of the Right Army Chief-Commander, so he pulled a Wei Xuanzhang and squeezed out a smile :   "Where is it, Xiao Chief-Commander wants to see , Anytime, General He pens and inks are stored in the study, two of them come with me. "
       Wei Xuanzhang was furious :   "Huang Sancai ..."
       "Director," Huang Sancai approached him, and whispered, "That's Xiao Chief-Commander, and most of the students we recruit every spring now are aimed at Xiao Chief-Commander and General He. Come. Offended Xiao Chief-Commander. Later, Chief-Commander will speak out, everyone else will go to Guozijian, what good talents can we recruit in Xianchang Pavilion! "
       Wei Xuanzhang stopped talking. He could only teach and educate people. He didn't understand political business. All common things were handled by Huang Sancai. Hearing what Huang Sancai said at this moment, knowing what he said was reasonable, he couldn't hang on his face, hummed, and walked away.
       "Wei Teacher is just a bit old-fashioned, but it is not malicious," Huang Sancai still did not forget to win over He-Yan, "He-Miss, don't take it to heart."
       "I know." He-Yan smiled and said, "I won't take it to heart."
       "That's good."
       Huang Sancai brought the two into the library of Xianchang Pavilion, and then quit first. There are three floors in the library, and the top floor retains the pens and inks left by the students in the past. In the past few years, the most famous Xianchang Museum is He-Yan and Xiao-Yue. They are sealed on the same shelf with the scrolls, calligraphy and paintings they left. The upper row is Xiao-Yue, the next row is He-Yan's.
       He-Yan drew out a stack of examination papers and took out one at random. It was just a calculation, and a "C" was clearly drawn on it. It's all wrong with paper.
       The first time He-Yan saw it, he subconsciously hid the test papers behind her. Xiao-Yue glanced at her and said, "It's not like I haven't seen it. What is hidden?"
       He-Yan slipped his lips and thought about it, saying, "I don't think it's fair."
       Xiao-Yue pulled out a book and flipped it around :   "What's not fair."
       "You think," He-Yan answered seriously, "When you met me, you were at the bottom of my life. I knew nothing and nothing good. What you see is my worst look ... when I entered the battlefield, everything would be fine, and at the worst, you didn't see it. "
       "But when I saw you, you were always so good," He-Yan said, "don't you think it's unfair?"
       Xiao-Yue laughed, was about to speak, and suddenly, looking downstairs, his expression changed slightly :   "Someone came in."
       "Isn't it?" He-Yan whispered :   "Huang-Teacher didn't let me find books by myself, why would other students come in. Those students saw me, wouldn't they be busy again?"
       But soon, she realized that this was not the case, because the sound of footsteps going upstairs obviously worked. Xiao-Yue and He-Yan stared at each other, and they quickly flew behind another row of bookshelves. The distance between the bookshelf and the bookshelf is very narrow, only one person can pass, and two people hide together at the corner, and they have to face each other and get close.
       Xiao-Yue is very tall, He-Yan looks up slightly, almost touching her chin, and when they breathe, they seem to hear each other’s heartbeat. He-Yan can’t help but sweat, it’s no reason Get nervous.
       However, it was only a short while before her eyes fixed. The people who secretly came upstairs from the floor fleeed to the row of bookshelves where they stood, and then took out the flint, and lit the row of bookshelves of He-Yan.
       The fire “tengled” and He-Yan and Xiao-Yue flew out.


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