Houmen Dinu 80

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        "That limp!" It was Tang Laidi, not Tang Zhaodi.
        Gu Ming-qing laughed, "Don’t you want to eat the meat of the nail size of the little finger?"
        Tang Laidi hands on the sides clenched into fists, and the flames of anger were burning under her eyes, almost waiting to burn Gu Ming-qing in front of her!
        "Why don't you look down on Our! You're a man of all kinds, delicious and spicy! Have you tried the taste that you can't even smell fishy all year round? Besides, do you think Our can't bear that little bit of meat?
        fart! Just a bit of meat, not even plugging your teeth! Every time I eat so little meat, my milk is always eaten by our eyes, but my eyes are not my eyes, and my nose is not my nose. When you eat our meat, you feel comfortable!
        But I'm not angry, Father is the Eldest-son at home, and I do the most. My mother never raised her head in this family because she had no son. If it wasn't for Big Brother who gave Our meat twice a month, Our Big House situation in this home would only be more difficult! Do you know how sad our Our House is! "
        Oh! That's it! Gu Ming-qing's face was astonished. It was not Tang Laidi mouth that the big house had been miserable in the Tang family, but why Tang Zhaodi had always allowed Jiang Dazhuang to deliver meat to the Tang family. Seriously, this is something she didn't expect for the time being.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Tang Zhaodi and asked, "Does your big brother always think he brought Tang family meat, can you eat a lot? He doesn't know you can only eat it every time To the size of a pinkie nail? "
        Gu Ming-qing Although in a questioning tone, his eyes showed certainty.
        Tang Zhaodi hurriedly avoided Gu Ming-qing's bright eyes, as if all her dirty and careful thoughts would be lost in those eyes. Tang Zhaodi felt that she was undressed in Gu Ming-qing's eyes, and she had no secret at all, which made her very embarrassed.
        Tang Zhaodi move had been clear and clear, and Gu Ming-qing had been told plainly, she had guessed right.
        Gu Ming-qing withdrew his gaze and looked up at the sky. Compared with the clear blue sky, sometimes this person's heart seemed much more dirty.
        "Sanmei, what I said to you just now is really good. Your love for Jiang Dazhuang is just that. No, I think I'm wrong, and you deserve to say love Jiang Dazhuang? Don't you insult the word love. "
        This time, after Gu Ming-qing finished speaking, she really turned away without looking back. As for Tang Zhaodi pale face without a trace of blood, she didn't want to see it, and Tang Zhaodi came from behind. She didn't want to hear the cry, and Tang Laidi indignant scolding and reprimanding, Gu Ming-qing didn't want to listen.
        After returning to the Tang family, Gu Ming-qing asked Qiao-Yatou, "Qiao-Yatou, don't you think I'm cruel, what did we say to Sanmei too harshly? Too mean?"
        "No. Young-Lady is right about everything. Besides, the nubi heard the end from the beginning, and they also felt that Tang Zhaodi approach was very unreasonable. If the slavery's heart was so badly practiced, it would be so hidden , Slaves will surely be upset. "
        Gu Ming-qing smiled lightly, "Go to the carriage, I want to see Xianggong in the county."
        "Yes, go here." After Qiao-Yatou answered, he immediately went to the carriage to set up a carriage.
        Gu Ming-qing and Qiao-Yatou came to the private house where Tang Jinrui was. Tang Jinrui was still in class. Gu Ming-qing went to the tea house diagonally opposite and asked for a pot of tea and a disc of thousands Layer cake and a plate of pea yellow are waiting.
        Zhu Imperial-Graduate private education scale is quite large, does this mean that he recruits a lot of people. Zhu Imperial-Graduate only recruited 21 disciples in total, but all the disciples he recruited must live in private Datongpu, with three people in each room, and two days off in half a month.
        Therefore, Zhu Imperial-Graduate private occupants occupy a relatively large area. The two-in and two-out house, with blue bricks and blue tiles, was seen by the door. Nearby are also mostly study houses, bookstores or elegant restaurants. It is very suitable for learning.
        Qiao-Yatou looked after Ming-qing and just sits there, can't help but feel a little dumbfounded, "Young-Lady, aunt hasn't finished class yet, don't you plan to go out for a stroll?"
        Generally Gu Ming-qing came to the county to watch Tang Jinrui, or he was holding Tang Jinrui class. If he had arrived early, then he would go shopping in the county and see that it was almost time, then come to my aunt’s private servant. But I have never been here during Tang Jinrui class like today. I didn’t go shopping when I came here, so I called the tea pot and asked for two plates of snacks.
        Gu Ming-qing, across the street, looked at Tang Jinrui private servant, murmured, "Don't go shopping, don't want to go today. Today is-" Suddenly wanted to see Tang Jinrui, very much miss you.
        Gu Ming-qing supported his chin with one hand, and never looked away from Tang Jinrui private servant. Yeah, I just want to see Tang Jinrui suddenly, I really want to think, this strong impulse prompted her to come.
        Tang Jinrui is in class, Gu Ming-qing naturally can’t rush into the private hall to see him, so he can only wait at the tea house closest to the private hall, as long as he can be closer to Tang Jinrui. Even if it was across the street, across layers of bricks, and one person after another, she couldn’t see Tang Jinrui, she couldn’t hear Tang Jinrui voice, so it didn’t hurt, as long as he could be closer to him, The heart will be calm and comfortable.
        Although Qiao-Yatou was still wondering, Gu Ming-qing started to say that she didn't want to go, so she didn't want to go, and she was here to stay with her.
        "Sit down, Qiao-Yatou, you're not too tired to stand all the time."
        Qiao-Yatou shook his head in a panic. "Young-Lady, how can a slave be seated at a table with you."
        Gu Ming-qing Seeing Qiao-Yatou was terrified, and he no longer insisted, and ordered the table next to her, "If you don't sit with me at one table, then take another one. Just call whatever you like. "
        Qiao-Yatou was a little hesitant. Finally, under Gu Ming-qing's insistent sight, he chose a position to sit down and peeped at Gu Ming-qing from time to time to ensure that Gu Ming-qing was out of her sight.
        Pedestrians on the street came one batch, another batch, another new batch, another batch ... come and go, repeat again and again, almost an hour later, Tang -Jinrui just came out.
        Gu Ming-qing greeted the old man who watched the gate, and asked him to notify him after class at Tang Jinrui, so that Tang Jinrui knew that he was waiting for him at the tea house opposite him.
        Gu Ming-qing's gaze had been staring at the private servant, so the moment Tang Jinrui appeared, he immediately discovered it.
        Gu Ming-qing stared at Tang Jinrui almost greedily, only to see him wearing an ivory white gongbi Shanshui tower round neck robe, he came slowly against the light, behind the big private, blue sky, and on the street The pedestrians coming and going seemed to be his background, and all the sounds around him seemed to disappear at this moment.
        In Gu Ming-qing's eyes, it seems that only Tang Jinrui is left between heaven and earth, until Tang Jinrui enters the teahouse, looks around, and finally finds her.

        Chapter 81 : Ask  

        Tang Jinrui came to Gu Ming-qing, raised his robe, and sits next to Gu Ming-qing. He asked softly, "Why not go shopping? I heard Master ‘Nu said you came over a long time ago. Are you waiting at the tea house? "
        Uncle ‘Nu is the uncle who cares for you.
        Gu Ming-qing, of course, would not admit in front of Tang Jinrui, she just wanted to see Tang Jinrui all of a sudden, even if she couldn't see anyone, as long as she could get closer, she felt comfortable in the heart.
        When the impulse passed, Gu Ming-qing was a bit silly. Her shell was only 13 years old, but she was 20 years old in the previous life! How could a 20-year-old be so impulsive? The young Miss, who is just beginning to fall in love, is going crazy.
        Thinking of the crazy things she did, Gu Ming-qing was a little bit shocked, but she couldn't see anything at all.
        In response to Tang Jinrui question, Gu Ming-qing replied lightly, “I think the cakes in this teahouse are very delicious, so I came here to eat the cakes and wait for you.”
        Listen to the important points, the teahouse is mainly for pastry, not to wait for you!
        Tang Jinrui looked suspiciously at the millennial cake and yellow peas that were almost untouched on the table. How could he remember that Gu Ming-qing said that the dishes and snacks in this tea house are just average, they don’t match the taste at all, do they? Did he remember it wrong?
        Gu Ming-qing Of course I remember what she said to Tang Jinrui, but the women are fickle, and her taste suddenly changed. Today, I feel that the teahouse is delicious, so come here to eat it, what happened!
        Tang Jinrui was suspicious, but he didn't delve into it, but just said, "Niangzi, you like it."
        "Sangong, let's order a box and talk while eating."
        Tang Jinrui dark eyes were incomprehensible, "Can't I be here?"
        Gu Ming-qing grinned, his voice became steep and low, as if a hot wind blew into Tang Jinrui heart, and his heart was hot, his face was a little red. "Sangong, we are husband and wife, "I want to tell you some of Niangzi private talk, is it impossible to say it in the public?"
        As a husband and wife for so many days, Tang Jinrui actually found Gu Ming-qing temper a bit.
        How to say, Gu Ming-qing is really not the kind of serious Big-Young-Lady, which is more open in some aspects, even more open than the average man. Tang Jinrui didn't remember how many times he was teased by Gu Ming-qing with red ears. After many times, Tang Jinrui gradually let go. There are still shy and unsettled ones. The only thing is that he can control facial expressions better.
        But Gu Ming-qing teased him, usually in private, in the couple boudoir. This should be a little fun between husband and wife. Nowadays, it is in the large court, with all eyes.
        I don’t know if it was a guilty conscience, Tang Jinrui only felt that everyone in the teahouse was staring at them. This feeling was really bad, making Tang Jinrui feel like a pinch.
        Tang Jinrui twisted uncomfortably, whispered, "OK."
        After entering the room, Gu Ming-qing ordered two dishes at random. Qiao-Yatou was still waiting in the lobby.
        Tang Jinrui did not take the initiative to speak, Gu Ming-qing did speak first, and briefly explained the things of Tang Zhaodi.
        Tang Jinrui heard the words, his eyes were faint and deep, and he whispered, "In fact, the mother can't get used to the three sisters who have been hiding from Da Zhuang, and several times they want to tell Da Zhuang that the meat he sent is radical It’s not in Sanmei mouth. But every time Sanmei supports me, she just shouldn’t let it go. Gradually, the mother also understands what Sanmei means, just let Sanmei think about it herself. ”
        What about Tang Zhaodi and Jiang Dazhuang, to be honest, it has nothing to do with Gu Ming-qing, and she is too lazy to care.
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes wave turned, and the wave of light flowed in it, looking to Tang Jinrui eyes was thick and serious, "Xiangong, I know about Sanmei and Jiang Dazhuang, I think of me Yourself. "
        Tang Jinrui looked suspiciously at Gu Ming-qing immediately, and began to look up and down Gu Ming-qing, "Niangzi, how did you think of yourself from the incident of Sanmei?"
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Zhaodi are really two completely different people, their origins, appearances, and personalities ... No matter from which aspect, Tang Jinrui cannot find the same thing, he is true Did not understand why Gu Ming-qing thought of herself from Tang Zhaodi? Is there a connection between the two?
        Gu Ming-qing stretched out his right index finger and shook it, and then pointed his finger at the Moon-Hungarian chamber of Tang Jinrui, rightly facing the position of Tang Jinrui heart. "Sangong, I think you understand it wrong I thought of you from Sanmei, and you and me from Sanmei and Jiang Dazhuang. "
        Tang Jinrui just felt that the place where Gu Ming-qing's fingers were pointing at him seemed to be on fire, clearly separated by a layer of clothes, but Gu Ming-qing put the clothes at the hot temperature of his fingertips and passed through Skin, layer after layer burning towards him, "Niangzi, what do you mean?"
        Gu Ming-qing fixedly looked at Tang Jinrui. In the past, Gu Ming-qing's water eyes always contained a three-point smile. That smile was an inadvertent smile, and it could be said to be a cover-up smile But this time, Gu Ming-qing's eyes were clear, and the black pearl-like eyes had washed away the plumpness, and bloomed its true luster.
        "I was thinking, Xianggong, you are the third cousin of Sanmei. You have the same blood on your body. Do you treat your feelings with the same attitude? Give yourself excuses and deceive each other for these reasons Speaking of love, do you actually give what is called love, and give your heart? "
        Gu Ming-qing's voice gradually lowered, his eyes narrowed, and the complexity of the fundus was reduced. Only the long eyelashes trembled from time to time, so that people can see the inner peace and trembling.
        Gu Ming-qing acknowledged that she was a bit scared, and found that she liked Tang Jinrui somewhat, because he was like a blank piece of paper. After he got married, he worked hard to learn to be a good husband.
        The human heart may be really long. After Tang Jinrui work, Gu Ming-qing thought that her steel-hard heart was really dripped with a small mark.
        Gu Ming-qing doesn't want to evade, to avoid emotions, etc. This is never linked to Gu Ming-qing, looking directly at her feelings and being brave to face, this is her Gu Ming-qing!
        From the perspective of Tang Jinrui, he could clearly see Gu Ming-qing's long eyelashes, one by one, bent, making him want to reach out and feel the lashes. Itchy hands, but he resisted the urge.
        Tang Jinrui frowned and thought about Gu Ming-qing's problem. After thinking about it for a while, his frown gradually loosened. He found that the problem that Gu Ming-qing said was not a problem at all.
        Tang Jinrui held Gu Ming-qing and nodded the hand of his Hungarian chamber. The temperature of the palms of the two was very high, and the temperature of the two passed to each other, as if the two were so connected.

        Chapter 82 : Promise Tang Li-Yin  

        "Niangzi, I think your problem is not a problem at all."
        Gu Ming-qing raised his eyes and looked at Tang Jinrui, and saw that those clear and clean eyes were frank, and it seemed that all the thoughts in his heart should be revealed in front of Gu Ming-qing.
        Gu Ming-qing asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"
        Tang Jinrui took Gu Ming-qing's hand and put it on his knee, softly, "Niangzi remember, when Our first met, you asked my husband and wife what they need to live in harmony I answer that husbands and wives need to be tolerant and considerate of each other before they can grow old. In addition, husbands and wives need mutual honesty and respect.
        Tang Jinrui remembers what he said very clearly, repeating it almost verbatim. Because this is not just a paragraph for Tang Jinrui, but also his commitment to Gu Ming-qing, and his restraint on himself, are engraved in his heart and will never be forgotten.
        Gu Ming-qing's eyelashes such as butterfly wings trembled more and more. Of course, she remembers what Tang Jinrui said, and she was really impressed.
        "Niangzi, when you and I first met, I already told you that husbands and wives need to be frank with each other, so why do you ask me this question again now?
        The word’Frankness’has always been in my heart and has never been forgotten. "
        Gu Ming-qing moved in his heart, looked up at Tang Jinrui, and unexpectedly bumped into the dark and deep eyes of Tang Jinrui. There was no other thing in the eyes of the two except the other, everything seemed to be all around them. Falsehood is gone.
        Gu Ming-qing's throat suddenly felt a little itchy, and he coughed softly, yelling, "The frankness you say can guarantee that you won't keep anything from me? No matter what, tell me all?"
        Tang Jinrui answered without thinking, "This is impossible. No one can guarantee that they have any secrets in life. Even if they don’t say secrets, there may be things in my mind that I don't need to tell you, but they may be in you. I think it is necessary to tell you. I can't say that I am not honest with you.
        Also, if I knew the secrets of others, the other party asked me to keep them secret, and I would not tell the second person again, I promised. However, because it involves the privacy of others and I promised the other party, I will not tell you in such a situation.
        However, I am sure that there will never be a situation like Jiang Dazhuang and Sanmei between you and me. The three sisters are strong against Jiang— "
        Tang Jinrui wasn't used to talking bad things behind people, so he closed his mouth when he was halfway through the talk.
        Gu Ming-qing is still satisfied with Tang Jinrui words. She also doesn't think that there should be no secret between the husband and the wife. This situation can only be ideal. In reality, it is very important to do that. difficult.
        Gu Ming-qing needs Tang Jinrui to make no mistakes in the general direction, and she can still allow a small flaw.
        Where in the world there are so many perfections is unrealistic.
        Gu Ming-qing Shuimu will smile again, like a goblin who wants to eat people, is looking at his food, "Xiangong, have I told you, I am very domineering. If I pay three points Sincerely, then the other party must give me five points. If I give five points of sincerity, the other party must give me very sincerity. In short, the other party must give more sincerity than me. You know what this means. "
        Gu Ming-qing today noticed that she had given her sincerity to Tang Jinrui, how could she tolerate Tang Jinrui to have no sincerity towards her?
        Sincerely? Gu Ming-qing frowned, which was a bit exaggerated. Tang Jinrui was kind to her. Gu Ming-qing can still see it, but how much is it really?
        Tang Jinrui was completely stunned by Gu Ming-qing's words, and some suspected that his ears were defective. Tang Jinrui is not a dull wooden man. Naturally, he understood the meaning of Gu Ming-qing's words, and Gu Ming-qing's "opinion" came to him.
        Tang Jinrui The only thing that is curious is why the sincerity paid by both parties is not symmetrical?
        "Xiangong, haven't you answered my word yet? You say it." Gu Ming-qing's tone was vaguely dangerous, but the smile on his face became more and more brilliant, just like the gorgeous, gorgeous and enchanting poppy. The heart is full of danger.
        Tang Jinrui took the corner of his mouth, "I understand."
        Gu Ming-qing narrowed her eyes, she was not very satisfied with the words "understand", too concise and perfunctory.
        "and then?"
        Tang Jinrui stared at Gu Ming-qing in front of him. Although he has been reading the sage books and has always asked for himself in the words of a saint, he is not a saint after all! Why is he knowing that the other person's sincerity is worse than himself? Tang Jinrui really felt unbalanced at this moment!
        Depression is like an invisible silver wire slowly winding around the heart, gradually becoming tight, making it difficult to ignore this feeling. Tang Jinrui frowned a bit uncomfortably. When he was about to speak, Tang suddenly rang in his ear What Li-ren used to say.
        Tang Li-ren taught Tang Dazhu and Tang Jinrui from a young age. As men, they have to play a role, and men must take good care of their wives. This is the responsibility of a man! If a woman marries you, it is tantamount to entrusting you with a lifetime!
        Tang Dazhu and Tang Jinrui, who were raised by Tang Li-ren since their childhood, have done very well in loving their wives. However, Tang Dazhu was obviously a little too late. He didn't hurt his wife, he was totally afraid of his wife, and Ma-shi led his nose away.
        Tang Jinrui looked down at Gu-qing, remembering that she was Houfu Qianjin, if not for accidents, she could have a smooth life and live a good life in Jinyiyushi.
        After all, Tang Jinrui sighed in his heart and listened to his father's choice to be a good husband.
        The figured Tang Jinrui solemnly promised to Gu Ming-qing, "I will do my best."
        Gu Ming-qing is still quite satisfied with this answer. If Tang Jinrui said at once that he would do it, it would sound good. Although she said that she was happy in her heart, but what was the truth, it must be a question mark. Tang Jinrui answer shows that he will work hard, which will make Gu Ming-qing feel at ease.
        "Xiangong, I find that I like you so much already, how about you?"
        Gu Ming-qing said using his fingers to draw out a little bit, it was really a little bit, if you look carefully, it is a trace.
        Tang Jinrui tilted his head, contemplating his eyebrows, and thought for a while, "I think I like you quite a bit, and you should like me more than you."
        Tang Jinrui is also telling the truth, not to say that as a husband should love his wife, it is difficult to dislike people with Gu Ming-qing's appearance. Well, Tang Jinrui can't help but admit that Gu Ming-qing sometimes ignores the “surprising words”.
        Gu Ming-qing's weak and boneless hand touched Tang Jinrui face, moved it back and forth, and finally gave it a soft stroke. "Xiangong, you have to remember what you said. Try to like me more every day , More than I like you. "
        Gu Ming-qing's soft and greasy hands lingered on his face, making Tang Jinrui heart tremble and his breathing gradually became irregular, but after hearing Gu Ming-qing's words, the whole person seemed to eat With a piece of ice, I woke up instantly.
        Tang Jinrui yanked the corner of his mouth and glanced helplessly at Ming-qing. It seemed to be fate, but also like a compromise. "Okay, I know."
        Gu Ming-qing raised his eyebrows, his voice was a little dissatisfied, "Just know?"
        "I will do my best to make you satisfied."
        This answer made Gu Ming-qing's eyebrows stretch.
        Gu Ming-qing came to the county to find Tang Jinrui with a faint mind, and got what he wanted. He was originally covered by a cloud, and finally felt a bit clear from the cloud. Seeing blue sky, suddenly bright and comfortable. less.
        Gu Ming-qing went to Xiangzhai to buy some cakes, and planned to bring them to Zhou-shi.
        On Tang's dining table, Tang Zhaodi eyes were swollen, and he peeped at Ming-qing from time to time. When Gu Ming-qing looked at him, he lowered his head quickly and did not look at Ming-qing.
        Gu Ming-qing is very frank, she has never done anything bad, and she is embarrassed to face Tang Zhaodi.
        In a blink of an eye, it was time for Tang Jinrui to rest. Coincidentally, Tang Li-Yin also happened to rest for the past two days.
        Tang Li-Yin was in another prestigious private school in the county. The first one to take a two-day rest every half month was Zhu Imperial-Graduate. Later, the private school in the county studied with Zhu Imperial-Graduate. Even this The days of rest are the same.
        Tang Jinrui is coming back, Gu Ming-qing knows that he is in a good mood, and specifically ordered Qiao-Yatou to make two more Tang Jinrui favorites. Such as that Longjing shrimp, like that braised fish, and then ...
        After reporting a few dishes, Gu Ming-qing reacted after knowing it. She and Tang Jinrui haven’t been together for a long time. I didn’t expect that she knew Tang Jinrui quite well. What he likes to eat, himself Actually knew.
        Gu Ming-qing thought about it. If Tang Jinrui was asked, what would she like to eat, Tang Jinrui would definitely be able to speak up.
        Thinking about it this way, Gu Ming-qing felt comfortable in her heart, because it wasn't just she who held Tang Jinrui in her heart.
        Gu Ming-qing is such a person. She is not a pure good person. She has resentment and revenge! She has given her sincerity to others, and she must have given her more sincerity than her! She Gu Ming-qing is such a caregiver!
        When Tang Jinrui and Tang Li-Yin rested, the corners of the old Zhang-shi mouth continued to rise, without falling for a moment.
        The old Zhang-shi, who has not been able to talk about the heart and liver baby son for half a month, so he spent a lot of money on a large piece of fatty pork belly, and took out five eggs. Yes, make up for Tang Li-Yin.
        Tang Li-Yin came back first, but his condition was a little bad at this time.
        I saw Tang Li-Yin's clothes were dirty, like rolling in the mud several times. Tang Li-Yin has been holding his waist since entering the door, limping in.
        The old Zhang-shi was distressed to help Tang Li-Yin. She was an old Pozi to help a big man, and it was a bit difficult. Then she called Tang Li-Xiao for help. Tang Li-Xiao was too lazy to help. I've been doing a day's work today, so tired, I can't get up. "
        In a word, it doesn't help anyway!
        Tang Shuan hated and stared at Tang Li-Xiao , but there was no way to take this son, he could only order Tang Li-zong, "Lao-Da, go help your mother to help you 4-Didi "
        Tang Li-zong immediately responded, stepped forward to support Tang Li-Yin's other side.
        Tang Li-zong is here to help, old Zhang-shi still feels unhappy, and murmured, "I haven't seen Lao-Si hurt! I don't know how to take the initiative to help! What do you want! Marry a funeral door Xing, gave birth to three daughters, not even a son! "
        Having no son is the biggest pain in Tang Li-zong's heart. As long as the old Zhang-shi mentions it, he feels uncomfortable. He can't do anything except bend his head down.
        Even more uncomfortable than Tang Li-zong is Li-shi. She is a funeral star. She only has three daughters. She has no son!
        The old Zhang-shi and Tang Li-zong both held Tang Li-Yin on the chair and sits down. The old Zhang-shi couldn't wait to ask, "Lao-Si, you tell your mother, you are Hey? Did someone harm you! Hurry up and say, to let my old Pozi know who harmed you, I must make that person look good! "
        Tang Li-Yin took the tea from Tang Jade in depression, his face was a bit gloomy, "I don't know if anyone has harmed me. I took a short route in order to come back soon. The place was originally Not many people left, and I was alone when I left. Who knows how badly they stepped into the pit.
        There was a small pit on the road, which was covered by a pile of tree leaves. Seeing that it was no different from the ordinary road, I stepped on it as soon as I stepped on it and fell down. "
        Tang Li-Yin is still a bit lucky, thanks to the depth of the pit, otherwise, if he falls into the pit, it will really make every day ineffective, and the earth will not work!
        Gu Ming-qing thought Tang Li-Yin thoughtfully.
        "So what pit, someone must have hurt you! Old Pozi, I must catch the one who hurt you! The conscientious dog thing dare to hurt you, he-"
        Gu Ming-qing faintly interrupted the old Zhang-shi words, "Tai-Popo, it's better to speak with a bit of morality. When you say these words, it makes you feel that you are not educated. This is not for the Tang family. Is it discredited? "
        The old Zhang-shi was hated in the heart, interrupted by Gu Ming-qing, and the more angry he was, the more he wanted to say, "I'm cursing that wicked conscience, what do you care about?" Never mind that person is you! "
        Originally, I just said it casually. After that, the old Zhang-shi was a little suspicious. Tang Shuan and Tang Li-Yin couldn't help but start speculatively looking at Ming-qing.
        The Tang Li-Xiao couple and Zhou-shi, who knew the inside story, also murmured in their hearts.
        After being looked at by many if not all eyes, Gu Ming-qing was as motionless as Mount Tai, and his face was calm as a breeze. "Tai-Popo is really interesting. What evidence do you have that I did it? Smell me with red mouth and white teeth, then I don’t want to. Take out the evidence, shut up without evidence. Take a step back and say that I and the uncle are innocent, why should I intentionally harm him? Am I full?
        The old Zhang-shi almost didn't say, "Because Lao-Si thought about cooking with you the raw rice, so you have to take revenge on Lao-Si!" Fortunately, the old Zhang-shi has a little sense , Stiffly swallowed the impulse back, this sentence must not be spoken in front of so many people, the old Zhang-shi got an old face flushed red.
        When the atmosphere was awkward and stiff, Tang Jinrui returned.

        Chapter 83 : Tang Jinrui Rent  

        Tang Jinrui and Tang Li-Yin are the only scholars in the Tang family.
        However, recently Tang Li-Yin's body was dirty and his hair was messy. Tang Jinrui was wearing a blue straight patchwork, standing upright like a green bamboo, with a soothing eyebrow and a personable appearance.
        This comparison, stand up!
        After Tang Jinrui came in, he happened to sweep the messy Tang Li-Yin, frowned, wondering, "What's wrong with you, uncle?"
        Gu Ming-qing narrowed his eyes and explained to Tang Jinrui very "well".
        Tang Jinrui heard the words, and his face was astonished, then he said, "Uncle Si, there is usually no one on that trail, but many children like to be a trap there to catch sparrows. You're out of luck, just hit it once. "
        Tang Li-Yin's face turned black, Tang Jinrui said, and he knew it. However, the traps made by children are really rough. You can see that you are wrong at first glance. The pit he stepped on is not really a trace of it, but it is really better than those children. The pit is much better. Of course, it is not ruled out whether any child made the pit particularly well.
        Is it really?
        Tang Li-Yin murmured in his heart.
        Not only Tang Li-Yin, but others in the Tang family also began to doubt it.
        Tang Li-Yin stepped on the pit, fell down, and made things embarrassing. First of all, it is not clear whether the pit was made by a child to catch sparrows. Even if it isn't, someone is going to harm Tang Li-Yin specifically. Who is the problem?
        The old Zhang-shi eyes were full of anger, she didn't expect that things could only be deadlocked here and could not be resolved!
        It didn't take long for Tang Jinrui to return, and Tang Li-ren also came back, carrying a big rooster roaring in his hand, "giggle" barking, and holding a redwood carved begonia in the other hand Flower box.
        Zhou-shi saw Tang Li-ren with a happy eye, "Why are you back? Not that Jinrui is resting this time, can't you come back?"
        Tang Li-ren replied, "It ends early, and I will come back sooner. Jinrui is studying hard, I went to get a chicken, and I slaughtered it in two days, I eat it for Jinrui stew! And there are a few in this box. A piece of jewellery that was brought back from Yangzhou by others. You share with the two Erxi. "
        Tang Li-ren said to hand the box to Zhou-shi, who took it, but did not open it in front of everyone.
        Ma-shi heard that this time the jewellery had her part, and couldn't help staring at the box in Zhou-shi hands with excitement, anxiously wishing to pierce the box!
        In fact, although Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi don't wait to see Ma-shi, but every time there is something good, they usually give it to Ma-shi. Only Ma-shi has always felt that Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi are biased, only thinking of Tang Jinrui who can read books, and not keeping Tang Dazhu in her heart.
        Zhou-shi glanced at the big rooster in the hands of Tang Li-ren and smiled, "Jinrui is blessed. Ming-qing knew he was studying hard, so he ordered Qiao-Yatou to prepare what he loved. Longjing shrimp, braised fish ... several dishes, and now you have chicken soup. Jinrui is afraid to hold on these two days. "
        Zhou-shi said, and looked at Tang Jinrui quizzically.
        When Tang Jinrui heard the words, he immediately looked at Gu Ming-qing, who did not look at Tang Jinrui, and looked up silently at the roof. Why didn't he find the Tang roof so beautiful before?
        The old Zhang-shi reluctantly cursed, "Well, there is no one else in our family! So many dishes, can Jinrui eat it alone!"
        Old Zhang-shi has long seen the shrimp and fish in the kitchen, but those good things have Dong-Mama staring. Old Zhang-shi has no chance to do anything! My heart is very weak!
        When Zhou-shi didn't hear the words of old Zhang-shi, of course, it was impossible for Tang Jinrui to eat so many dishes. After cooking, others must have eaten. This is well known to everyone, but the old Zhang-shi spoke so directly, which made people uncomfortable.
        The Tang family's lunch was really rich, and the female dependents were the same here.
        Tang Jade couldn’t help whispering while eating good food, “Usually Jinrui isn’t here, daughter-zi Jinrui, you can also add food to your home! Don’t you have the heart to watch our elders eat bran and drink thinner everyday, you are big Eat big fish. "
        Gu Ming-qing didn't even look at Tang Jade at all. This kind of person just likes to get into the inch, and can't stop her mouth if she has food!
        Tang Jade seeing Gu Ming-qing didn't answer, his eyes narrowed, his mouth froze, and he wanted to speak again. Zhou-shi could not bear to speak. "Yuer, you have more time to eat more." In a word, shut up quickly.
        Tang Jade was unconvinced, "Why should I-"
        Gu Ming-qing ignored Tang Jade, and instead said to the old Zhang-shi, "During the meal, I hate that people keep talking in my ears! Same for anyone."
        The old Zhang-shi moved his mouth and opened his mouth and wanted to say something, this is what I do! But when she touched Gu Ming-qing's deep and cold eyes, she swallowed back the words of questioning, and Gu Ming-qing's guilt about Lao-Si in her hand suddenly turned off the fire.
        The old Zhang-shi ‘called at Tang Jade, "Hurry up if you have something, so much nonsense! Don't eat any more!"
        Tang Jade, who was yelled at by his mother, couldn't help getting worse, and threw away the chopsticks and left, but he couldn't bear the good food on the table, and began to eat with tears, tears falling down, mixed with the Tang family dining table Rarely see the white rice swallowed down, and if you don’t know, Tang Jade is such a pitiful cabbage!
        In the evening, Tang Jinrui finished bathing, and Gu-Ming-qing entered the room slowly.
        Of course Tang Jinrui used Gu Ming-qing's bath bucket. Before Tang Jinrui was going to take a bath, she still asked him awkwardly if he wanted to use her bath bucket? One sentence successfully made Tang Jinrui blush with red ears, and Gu Ming-qing left with a smile.
        Tang Jinrui, who has just finished bathing, is wearing a white jacket and is wiping his wet hair with a cloth.
        The beauty is really out of the bath! This beauty also includes beautiful men.
        There is one more sentence, how to see the beauty under the lamp is more and more interesting.
        Now that everything is all together, Gu Ming-qing just so lazily supported his chin, raised his eyebrows, and enjoyed the beauty in front of him.
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes can definitely be described as burning, Tang Jinrui only felt that under Gu Ming-qing's eyes, he looked like he was on fire, uncomfortable, and the action of wiping his hair stopped. pause.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Tang Jinrui shy look, and couldn't help laughing, this smile was like a hundred flowers blooming and beautiful intangible objects. Tang Jinrui saw his heart jump, and his eyes became obsessed.
        "Sangong, Our is a couple. Our have been married for so long, why are you still so shy."
        Tang Jinrui mouth twitched, and he sits in the position opposite Gu Ming-qing, and said, fearing that ordinary men can't calm down in front of you.
        Gu Ming-qing's woman's hair bun combed on her head, at this time has been put down, ink hair pouring down like a waterfall. Gu Ming-qing curled up a strand of hair and played with it, seemingly casually speaking, "Xiangong, the uncle fell on the way back, this is not your handwriting."
        Tang Jinrui kept brushing his hair, faintly said, "Niangzi, why do you say that?"
        "Sangong, you are not honest. What you do is not what you do, you can also say no."
        Tang Jinrui lifted his eyes and looked at Ming-qing, remembering that Gu Ming-qing came to the county to ask him to raise the question of "honesty" a short time ago, and looked a little, then solemnly said, "I did it .I told you that the fourth uncle will bully you, and I will be fair for you as a fair man. I will certainly do it when I talk about it. "
        Tang Jinrui did say such things, but it has been a long time. Gu Ming-qing really has gradually forgotten. I didn't expect Tang Jinrui to keep it in my heart.
        "Aren't you worried about being discovered?"
        "No. The trap is actually there, but I set it up a little bit so that people can see it at a glance and not recognize it at a glance. When I do all this, no one else sees it." Tang Jinrui is confident of this.
        Gu Ming-qing reminded him, "Be careful not to be wrong."
        Tang Jinrui nodded, indicating that he had listened to Gu Ming-qing's words and turned to, "Niangzi, are you happy with what I do?"
        Gu Ming-qing nodded and admitted directly, "I'm glad! Why am I not happy? My husband took the lead for me and asked for justice, how could I not be happy as a wife."
        Although Tang Jinrui approach is still a bit immature, Tang Li-Yin has not paid much. However, Tang Jinrui is such a person at the moment. If you can count on him to use any conspiracy to revenge the calculator, it is impossible. In a few years, I will meet more people and things, see more, and experience more. Tang Jinrui should grow. Forget it now.
        Gu Ming-qing turned around, and said deliberately, "Xiangong, you read the sage books, honor and respect the elders, this is the teaching of the saints. Now what you do is contrary to the teachings of the saints! You can live in your heart, you Are you comfortable? "
        Tang Jinrui frowned, stopped the movement of wiping hair on his hand, and put the white cloth in his hand on the table. "Niangzi, these are two completely different things. The sage does teach Our to honor and respect the elders, but it also depends See if that elder deserves respect and respect.
        If blind filial piety is allowed to be oppressed by the elders, it is-"
        Tang Jinrui wants to say this is stupid! But the word "stupid" didn't say anything after all.
        "Do you really think so?"
        Tang Jinrui tone is taken for granted, and at the same time, he was slightly surprised that Gu Ming-qing would ask such words, "Niangzi, you are not such a pedantic person." A few words can make him laugh. Woman, definitely not a filial piety.
        "I am indeed not a pedantic person. I just want to see if Xianggong is such a pedantic person. Now it seems that you are very clear about Xianggong. In order to thank Xianggong for taking the lead and revenge your uncle, I will Wipe your hair for your father. "
        Gu Ming-qing said standing up, took the white cloth on the table, went around behind Tang Jinrui, and gently wiped hair for Tang Jinrui.
        Gu Ming-qing is very close to Tang Jinrui, obviously Gu Ming-qing is just holding a cloth to help Tang Jinrui to wipe his hair, but Tang Jinrui body is unconsciously tightened to avoid his own body Met Gu Ming-qing.
        Tang Jinrui sits on the chair and couldn't help thinking about it. He looked at Niangzi like water. He held Niangzi hand. It was not made of water. It was soft and boneless, thinner than that of satin. slip. The hands are so soft, I believe the body is so soft.
        Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!
        Tang Jinrui spit himself in his heart, how could he have such a thought!
        Tang Jinrui began to recite four books and five classics in his heart, so that he could accept the teachings of the saints! Even if it's his Niangzi, but they don't have a round house yet, he can't think of some of them!
        That's right, that's it!
        Gu Ming-qing, who is scrubbing Tang Jinrui hair, doesn't know these messy thoughts in Tang Jinrui mind.
        Huang Zhen was dealing with Gu Ming-qing's farms these days, and the transfer of farms has been completed. But Huang Zhen wanted to make things a little more complete. He took a closer look at the characteristics of the original tenants, and picked out some old men. As for those people, what should I do? That was so easy to solve. Huang Zhen didn't have to do it himself, he just handed the post to Gongsun County Ling.
        Gongsun County Magistrate is trying to make a good deal for Zongyong Houfu. Such a trivial matter will naturally be happy for Huang Zhen. Gongsun County Decree sent several county orders to help Huang Zhen, but the results are self-evident. Those tenants who wanted to make trouble immediately did not dare to say a word, and left honestly.
        When the rest of the tenants saw this scene, they immediately lost their careful thoughts. It was only serious to pay rent on the land.
        Gu Ming-qing knew Huang Zhen's actions, and rarely looked at Huang Zhen. No wonder Gu-Qin sent him shaking, he was really capable.
        Huang Zhen respectfully asked, "Young-Lady, there is one more thing now, how do you plan to collect the rent of Zhuangzi?"
        "What is it like?"
        Huang Zhen replied, "It turned out to be seven-three points. Three households, the owner is seven. Young-Lady, the slave asked about the situation of the nearby tenants, the most ruthless landlord is ninety-one points. Most of them are eighty-two points, seven-three points have already It is very compassionate. "
        Dong-Mama heard the words and couldn't help but say, "Young-Lady, don't change it, just go as usual."
        Dong-Mama knows how sad those tenants’lives are, making them a little bit more, and life is a bit hopeful.
        Gu Ming-qing shook his head, "No, I want to change. Six or four points."
        Huang Zhen and Dong-Mama were surprised.
        Dong-Mama took the lead, "Young-Lady, aren't these six or four points too small? You're too bad."
        Huang Zhen echoed, "Young-Lady, Dong-Mama said very well. These six or four points are really-you keep the original seven or three points, and those tenants will be grateful."
        Gu Ming-qing still insisted on his opinion, "Just six or four points. Those tenants are not easy to talk about life. After a year of exhaustion, they pay the rent and pay the taxes, they have nothing left to themselves. I also get a lot, so be it. "
        In fact, Gu Ming-qing's real thought was five or five points, but it was really too out of the ordinary. At six or four points, Huang Zhen and Dong-Mama were shocked and discouraged.

        Chapter 84 : Writing a Letter  

        After Gu Ming-qing only paid 60% of the renters, Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi have a better view of Gu Ming-qing. Good-hearted, but not blind, willing to lose some silver money to help others under the circumstances of his ability, it is obvious that he is not a greedy for money, but also a good one.
        Tang Li-ren couldn't help but think about it a bit, Gu Ming-qing was really good. When Tang Jinrui became an official, she wouldn’t accept anything because her eyes were shallow and she would not accept it The money can even convince Jinrui sometimes.
        Tang Jinrui can marry such a good daughter-zi, Tang Li-ren is really happy! Once again, Tang Li-ren felt a little gratitude to the old Zhang-shi. Of course, the gratitude is the same as many times in the past. It just disappeared immediately after rising, such as the morning dew, and the rising sun evaporated instantly, leaving no trace.
        The old Zhang-shi knew that Gu Ming-qing had done it, and he was so angry that he almost didn't stare out, "What! Gu Ming-qing, you have the money to panic! Others charge at least 70% of the rent, You prodigal girl, only 60%! "
        Looking at the old Zhang-shi distressed flesh, she seemed to be losing money.
        Tang Li-ren really feels that her old lady can't get on the table. Well, many old Pozis in the country are just like her mother-zi, but Tang Li-ren is still a bit unacceptable.
        "Mother, that's Ming-qing's own field, how much rent she wants to collect is her business, what are you excited about? Besides, what Ming-qing does is a good thing! Only 60% of the rents can let those The tenants have a better life. This is doing good deeds! There will be good rewards! "
        The old Zhang-shi gave Tang Li-ren a hard sip, "I am! Doing good deeds and have good rewards? If you want to do good deeds, give the money to the old Pozi me! We are living a tight life And you have time to care about others! "
        Tang Li-ren said hilariously, "My family's life in the village is not difficult, there are fields and houses, and the property can be counted in the village. As long as Father, the mother and you both stick to Lao-Si. Our family can have a good time. "
        Tang Li-Yin, who was named, suddenly turned black.
        Where can the old Zhang-shi allow his darling baby son to be humiliated, he immediately sprayed his hands on his hips toward Tang Li-ren, "Lao-Si is a scholar, he wants to take an imperial examination, take 1st-Imperial-Scholar, Become an official in the future! Our family is close to him, eh? My uncle gave birth to you as an unfilial son, and you never know how to miss your brother! "
        Gu Ming-qing had a new understanding of the old Zhang-shi street-scolding kung fu, and looked at the scene in front of her because she knew that her Gonggong would not suffer.
        Sure enough, Tang Li-ren listened to the old Zhang-shi and didn't even frown, "Lao-Si reading is a good thing. Everything is good, but reading is high! But Lao-Si reading doesn't mean He wants to drink the blood of the family and eat the meat of the family!
        Father, mother, besides Lao-Si, who are you close to at home? Look at the eldest brother, their family is hungry, their skin is yellow, their bodies are two or two, they don’t know where they came from. Lao-Si read books for so many years, in addition to asking for money at home, did you earn a copper plate for the family? Jinrui also reads books, and he also knows that he is free, copying books to make money! "
        The old Zhang-shi and Tang Shuan have a bad face, and Tang Li-ren's words are too heartfelt!
        Tang Li-ren didn't seem to see the ugly faces of the old Zhang-shi and Tang Shuan, and continued to speak by himself, "Madam, you like to keep Lao-Si tight. Cheng, this is yours Freedom, I don’t stop you. But my Erxi dowry doesn’t make you forget. The woman’s dowry is the woman’s. Unless the woman voluntarily, there is no reason to use Erxi dowry to subsidize the family!
        If anyone dares to reach out his hand, I promise, whose hand will be extended, I will cut that hand! I can definitely do it! If anyone doesn't believe it, you can try it! "
        The old Zhang-shi was so open that he wanted to say something. If you have the ability, you can move the old Pozi. Let me give it a try! But the old Zhang-shi held back because she knew that her son dared, and there was nothing he could not do.
        The old Zhang-shi slaps his thighs with anger, sits on the ground and starts to yell, crying and snotting, "I can't live! I can't live! I gave birth to a son, and got married again Aunt Sunsun came back, they just wanted to anger me! My old Pozi got in the way of their eyes, they didn't look good to me, my old Pozi, I ... "
        Tang Li-ren pulled Zhou-shi back to the room without thinking, but Gu Ming-qing appreciated it for a while, then signaled Tang Jinrui to return to the room.
        Tomorrow is the day of Tang Jinrui return to private affairs, Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui said, “You can ask Shifu for two or three days off.”
        Tang Jinrui wondered, "What's wrong?"
        Gu Ming-qing explained, "Dong-Mama, they have been here long enough, and I think it's time for them to go back. As a granddaughter and son-zi, can you buy something to honor my mother-zi?"
        Tang Jinrui nodded, this is indeed what it should be, "Okay, I'll go to Shifu tomorrow for leave. But what do Niangzi, Madam, father-zi, mother-zi and cousin like?"
        Tang Jinrui learned from Gu Ming-qing that she had Madam Yu-shi who was good to her, and cousin Lin-shi who was good to her. The father-zi, pro cough mother-zi is even more unprofessional.
        "Madam and cousin won't mind what you buy for them, you don't have to buy anything valuable, just buy what you think is appropriate. As for my father and mother-just look at the purchase, generally look past That's it. There are my elder sister, Mei-mei and my brother. You can also buy their things. By the way, my brother's things can be more conscientious. "After all, Gu Ming-hang is still a little conscience.
        From Gu Ming-qing's words, you can hear her sparse attitude towards several different loved ones.
        Tang Jinrui nodded, and began to figure out what to buy.
        Tang Jinrui took a three-day vacation. Gu Ming-qing followed Tang Jinrui in the large and small shops in the county. It took three full days to select the gifts for Jiangnan. .
        After Gu Ming-qing returned at night, he began to write and write, planning to write a letter to Yu-shi, Lin-shi, and Shen-Mao.
        Gu Ming-qing gave Yu-shi and Lin-shi the same, telling them that they had a good time at the husband's house, the husband was considerate of her, and Gonggong and Popo treated her like her own daughter, and she was also transparent in her words A bit of the shyness of her daughter's home, which was intentional by Gu Ming-qing, she just hoped that Yu-shi and Lin-shi would be assured. In the letter to Yu-shi, Gu Ming-qing did not forget to remind her secretly, so that she remembered to display the shelves of her parents and Popo.
        The letter to Shen-Mao, Gu Ming-qing wrote how the old Zhang-shi referred to Sanghuai, kept looking for faults, and secretly mentioned the county deputy Fu-ren Chen Shi contempt for her, which was all done Gu Ming-qing just turned around and wrote about how good Tang Jinrui was to her and how much Gonggong Popo hurt her.
        Gu Ming-qing After writing the letter, he spread it on the table, waiting for the ink to dry.
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes kept looking at the letter to Shen-Mao, and a meaningful smile appeared on his mouth. Gu Ming-qing couldn't help but start thinking about Shen-Mao, what would happen to him after receiving her letter?
        Gu Ming-qing was a thorough understanding of Shen-Mao temper, and when Shen-Mao received the letter, he would definitely feel unhappy with his grievances. Even if the pen tip behind the letter rewrites her relative to her How good and how kind the in-laws are, in Shen-Mao view, that's just Gu-Qing is comforting him, it will only aggravate Shen-Mao guilt to Gu Ming-qing.
        Time is the best healing medicine!
        It's good that Shen-Mao guilt to Gu Ming-qing can last for a year or two, so Gu Ming-qing asks Yu-shi to remind Shen-Mao, and she also needs to send some gifts and letter reminders every year he.
        After all, Shen-Mao owes the life of the original owner! The original owner can never come back! Shen-Mao This father is really a failure!
        Gu Ming-qing wanted to be absorbed in God. She didn't return to God until she was clothed with a piece of clothing.
        Gu Ming-qing gathered the clothes on her body and turned to look at the clothes Tang Jinrui had put on her.
        Tang Jinrui met Gu Ming-qing Looked over, smiled slightly, and this smile took advantage of the warm yellow candlelight, lined with that warmth, that touching, Gu Ming-qing seemed to be laughed by this laugh In my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little lost.
        Tang Jinrui didn't notice the strangeness of Gu Ming-qing, and instead sits next to Gu Ming-qing, "It's cold in spring and night, you are wearing less clothes, be careful. You are writing to your father-zi."
        Tang Jinrui didn't mean to spy on what was written in Ming-qing's letter, so he glanced at it, but when he saw the words on the letter, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Niangzi, your 簪花 in lower case is really written Pretty."
        Gu Ming-qing smiled, stretched out his hand and put away the dried letter paper, put them one by one in the corresponding envelopes, "Many Thanks, I am praised."
        On the second day, Gu Ming-qing called the Huang Zhen couple, Dong-Mama and Wu Mama to the front, told them and told them to return to Jiangnan.
        When Huang Zhen's family heard this, her eyes suddenly lighted up. She was really enough in this backcountry, and she wished to return to Houfu, Jiangnan early, but she also knew that she didn’t want to go back. Gu Ming-qing didn’t speak, she Can't go. Wait, wait, wait till today, Gu Ming-qing finally let go, which makes Huang Zhenjia unhappy.
        Others were hesitant, Wu Mama even said bluntly, "Say Young-Lady, the old slave wants to stay with you for a while, and the old slave can't worry about you."
        Dong-Mama also said, "Young-Lady, old slave also means that."
        At the hearing of Huang Zhen's family, her fiery heart suddenly became cold. When she wanted to go back, she couldn't say to the master anxiously, that she wanted to leave. If it was passed to Houfu, it wouldn't be good for her.
        Gu Ming-qing waved his hand and said lightly, "I know all your thoughts. But you haven't been with me for a short time and you can go back. I think Madam, father, mother and cousin are afraid they are very Worried that my life here is not going well. When you go back, they know that my life here is going well, and I think they can rest assured. "
        As soon as this word came out, Dong-Mama and Wu Mama hesitated.
        "Okay, I've decided. Pack up and get ready for the road these days."
        Gu Ming-qing made the decision, and Dong-Mama and others stopped talking.
        In just three days, Dong-Mama and others packed their bags, Gu Ming-qing asked them to bring her and Tang Jinrui gifts for Yu-shi and others, and a letter she wrote , Shen-Mao and Yu-shi gave it to Dong-Mama, and the letter to Lin-shi gave it to Wu Mama.
        "When you go back, remember to tell Madam and his father that I have a good time here, so please don't worry about me."
        After a pause, Gu Ming-qing smiled suddenly, "Look at my memory, you remember to help me bring another sentence to my elder sister, saying that when I am Mei-mei, I hope she can go straight and get what she wants. But It's a pity that it's a little far away. I'm afraid I can't see it. But as a family sister, I naturally hope that the older sister can be as good as possible. My Mei-mei can also shine. "
        As soon as Gu Ming-qing's words fell, everyone expressions were a little weird. Who doesn't know, if not Gu Ming-yue wants to climb Huang-Tai-sun, and when Tai-sunfei, he will not allow his own There is a slight flaw in his reputation. When Wu-An-Hou held the handle, he would not force Gu Ming-qing to marry a farmer. Gu Ming-qing Now this "sincere blessing" When Gu Ming-yue words came out, they all felt a little weird. Gu Ming-qing's tone is so peaceful, and the expression on his face is so sincere.
        It seems like I saw the uncomfortableness of Dong-Mama and others, Gu Ming-qing's smile on his face grew stronger, and there were faint stars shining under his eyes, "What kind of expression do you have? Don't you believe me? No? I sincerely hope that the elder sister will get better and better. Only the elder sister will be better. Is it better for me to be Mei-mei? No, it’s just a sentence. If you feel suspicious, you will make the elder sister uncomfortable. Just when I haven't said that. "
        Dong-Mama looked back and said, “Young-Lady misses Big-Young-Lady, which is the affection of the sisters. Houye and Fu-ren know that they will be very happy. The old slave will Tell Young-Lady exactly what Big-Young-Lady is saying. "
        Gu Ming-qing nodded smilingly at Dong-Mama and watched Dong-Mama wait for others to leave.
        Tang Jinrui didn't stand by Gu Ming-qing when she was giving away. Until Dong-Mama and others left, she slowly walked to Gu Ming-qing. "What did you say to them? I see their expressions look strange. "
        "Nothing. I just let them bring my good news to Our Madam and their father. Oh, and I let them pass my sincere blessing to my elder sister."
        Tang Jinrui looked strangely to Gu Ming-qing immediately. Although the latter had been stared at, the look on his face never changed. He just smirked and said, "Sangong, what do you look at me like this? Difficult Wouldn't it be bad for me to be you? Or to my older sister? "
        Tang Jinrui retracted his gaze, and looked at the departing party, silently in his heart, this was sure. To Gu Ming-qing Niangzi and Tang Jinrui, I know it better. I will report it to you. Who dares to bully her? If you have the ability, Qiu will report it on the spot. If you are incapable, you can wait for some time to report it. Gu Ming-yue To Gu Ming-qing, it should be called "enemy".
        Tang Jinrui thoughts are too good to guess, Gu Ming-qing smiled and patted his shoulder, "Xiangong, you really look at me so high, where do I have such a great ability to do to my elder sister. In Houfu It’s not the time, now I’m married thousands of miles away, so far away from Jiangnan, there is no more. "


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