Houmen Dinu 85

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        Chapter 85 : Tang Zhaodi  

        Tang Jinrui, see Gu Ming-qing, said the words without dripping, and apparently did not intend to tell him what she did. Tang Jinrui is also not angry. He believes that Gu Ming-qing has a sense of doing things and will not be caught by others.
        Gu Ming-qing turned around and walked towards the Tang family with a smile. Of course, she couldn't let Gu Ming-yue be so easy. If there is any grudge between Gu Ming-qing and Gu Ming-yue, it is really impossible to say.
        Gu Ming-yue has been stepping on the original owner to brush his reputation. Although this behavior is abominable, it is not apologetic. But when Gu Ming-qing wore it, Gu Ming-yue For her Qingyun road, first Gu-Qin shot, then Gu Ming-xin, the two of them should say that Gu Gu-yue, Gu Ming-qing doesn't believe a word.
        Liang Zi ended up so far away, Gu Ming-qing can do less, but only once enough Gu Ming-yue to suffer, to ensure that Gu Ming-yue will remember deeply in his life, eternal life Don't forget!
        Gu Ming-qing thinking about asking these days, time should be pretty fast. Emperor Xiao kang took Huang-Tai-sun to the south of the river. Naturally, he also examined other situations along the way. After calculating the itinerary, he was almost going to the south of the river.
        But when Huang-Tai-sun arrived in Jiangnan, Gu Ming-yue shouldn't even think about getting his wish so soon, see Huang-Tai-sun. Huang-Tai-sun is the most favored. Emperor Xiao kang handles business affairs and always brings Huang-Tai-sun when he meets the minister. Huang-Tai-sun is not a hungry ghost in that color. Even if it is, the other party has to pretend, and it cannot be so obvious.
        So Gu Ming-qing predicts that Gu Ming-yue would like to see Huang-Tai-sun. I am afraid that it will take a lot of time and time. I really hope that when Gu Ming-yue sees Huang-Tai-sun, it is best to be in the audience and watch the audience, then it is interesting.
        Gu Ming-qing thought, she couldn't help looking up at the sky. At this moment, she was in the same mood as this sunny day.
        Gu Ming-qing felt that Gu-Qin and Gu Ming-yue were too anxious in the end, so why are they so optimistic about Huang-Tai-sun? Gu Ming-qing does not deny that Huang-Tai-sun is indeed the favorite of Emperor Xiao kang, and since the death of Crown Prince, Huang-Tai-sun has become a legitimate heir to the throne.
        But since ancient times, most of those who have taken the throne are not the so-called orthodox.
        Huang-Tai-sun But there are three older uncles, who have already become parents and children, and went to the fiefdom. It is said that the three Han-Wang forces in their respective fiefdoms were not small. Not only that, there is also 5-Prince Yan Chong from Defei in the palace, which is very much loved by Emperor Xiao Kang, but he is a little younger, only twelve years old, so Gu Ming-yue never played 5-Prince Yan Chong Idea. There are also several low-ranking Feipin-born Wangzis in the palace, and those are even younger.
        Gu Ming-qing Contemplated the eyebrows, and the dark clouds in the water's eyes swelled. I didn't think about these things before. I don't think about these things. How do I think about it? .
        Gu Ming-qing shook her head and felt that she thought too much. When she saw Tang Jinrui coming to her, she thought that she didn't think too much. Tang Jinrui still has only one County-Graduate. Wait until he wins the exam, and even if he is admitted to 1st-Imperial-Scholar, he can only start with a small official.
        By the time Tang Jinrui gets out of his way, the throne of the throne may have already been settled.
        Tang Jinrui See Gu Ming-qing The look on his face was a little bad, so he asked softly, "Niangzi, what's wrong with you? Isn't your body uncomfortable? Would you like me to ask Dai Langzhong to treat you? "
        Gu Ming-qing's concern for Tang Jinrui was very useful, and he refused with a smile, "Nothing, I'm very healthy. I just think my luck is very good. I can have such a good relationship with you."
        At the end, Gu Ming-qing added, "I still have to be like my biological daughter-zi."
        Gu Ming-qing felt that she really thought too much about it, the throne changed, and the situation was so far away from her. She just had to spend her little life well.
        Tang Jinrui stared at Gu Ming-qing's face again and observed for a long time. When she saw that she was really the same, she was relieved, but she still urged Gu Ming-qing to pay attention to her body. Put on a piece of clothing ...
        Gu Ming-qing listened to Tang Jinrui caring concern like his mother. There was no impatience on his face, but he listened carefully and nodded from time to time.
        Isn't life like this, these trivial, cumbersome little things account for the bulk.
        After Dong-Mama and his party left, Tang Jinrui returned to the private school in the county. Gu Ming-qing also lived his life leisurely, and the relationship with Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi became more and more. Sending peace, as Gu Ming-qing said, Tang Li-ren and Zhou-shi really hurt her as their biological daughter.
        Tang Pandi was married to Xu Qinghuai. When the Xu family came to pick up people, Gu Ming-qing also finally met the Xu family and gave her the first impression of smart love calculations. No wonder Tang Li-ren said that the Xu family is a fire pit. For the honest Tang Pandi, the Xu family is not a fire pit.
        Jiang Dazhuang also came to deliver prey once, and that happened to be Tang Zhaodi. Gu Ming-qing and Zhou-shi went to the county together and bumped into each other. Tang Zhaodi was nervous as if a heart was about to come out.
        Zhou-shi and Gu Ming-qing didn't bother about anything, so quietly watched Tang Zhaodi took prey from Jiang Dazhuang's hands, Jiang Dazhuang laughed like a fool, Tang Zhaodi was guilty The ground dared not look up.
        That time, Gu Ming-qing was absent, and Tang Zhaodi naturally recovered to the point where there was only a small piece of meat to eat.
        Gu Ming-qing got it, but he just twitched his lips and said nothing.
        On this day, the Tang family did something that was not small, it could even be said to be a big one.
        Tang Jinrui hurriedly took a leave from a private servant, his face panicked, and his forehead drew a thin layer of thin sweat. When he rushed into the Tang family, he was hit by Zhou-shi, so he kept asking, "Mother , I heard in the county that something happened to Niangzi, what happened to her? "
        Waiting for Zhou-shi answer, Gu Ming-qing just came out of the back room, Tang Jinrui rushed forward and grabbed Gu Ming-qing's shoulder, and looked up and down Gu Ming-qing, "Niangzi, you are all right Right? Someone said that you had an accident, and that you were about to die? "
        Gu Ming-qing flicked the corner of his mouth, and what did the person who went to Tang Jinrui private messenger hear? It turned out to be her accident? Before Gu Ming-qing, I heard that if a sentence was passed on by a hundred people, to the mouth of the one hundredth person, then I didn’t know what it would be like. Can't see what the original words are.
        Gu Ming-qing was defamated in his heart, but when he saw the worry on Tang Jinrui face, such as obsidian's eyes, he felt deep tension, and his heart softened, and said, "Sangong, I have nothing to do with No. I’m afraid it’s a messenger. It’s Sanmei. ”
        Tang Jinrui kept checking Gu Ming-qing up and down, and saw that she was really okay, so she was relieved.
        At this time, Zhou-shi coughed loudly, and Tang Jinrui later realized that his hands were still holding Gu Ming-qing's shoulder, and in front of Zhou-shi, Tang Jinrui 讪讪Putting down his hands, he was a little shy at the same time.
        Make sure Gu Ming-qing is okay, Tang Jinrui has the energy to care about what happened, "Mother, what happened in the end? How can the three sisters have trouble?"
        Zhou-shi looked at Tang Jinrui funnyly to Gu Ming-qing nervously, and was secretly happy, she was not the kind of Popo who didn't look at the good relationship between her son and Erxi. He heard Tang Jinrui Questioning, she answered frankly, "I just came back from the outside, I don't know what happened, you ask Ming-qing, she stayed at home, I think she should know."
        Zhou-shi went to chat with some of the women in the village this morning. He originally wanted to take Gu Ming-qing together, but Gu Ming-qing was busy making clothes, so he refused.
        Gu Ming-qing didn't know what was going on at first. It wasn't until Tang Zhaodi had an accident that there was a lot of noise. She put down her work and went out to see what happened.
        As a result, Gu Ming-qing saw Tang Jade and Tang Jiao Jiao look frightened, Tang Zhaodi lay on the ground like a dead person, and continued to bleed in the back of his head. Tang Laidi fluttered at Tang -Zhaodi crying.
        Gu Ming-qing only realized that things were a little big at that time. Originally, she heard Tang Jade when she was noisy outside, and Tang Jiao-jiao stirred her mouth a few times. Such things are not unusual in Tang family.
        There were only a bunch of women in the Tang family at the time. Apart from being scared, they were only half-dead, or they just knew how to cry. Gu Ming-qing had no choice but to let Tang Jiaojiao rush to ask Dai Langzhong, Tang Laidi to inform the Tang family, and then instruct Qiao-Yatou to bring the comatose Tang Zhaodi back to the house.
        Before Dai Langzhong came, the Tang family came over when they got the news.
        As soon as Li-shi saw Tang Zhaodi pitiful look that had almost lost his life, he began to cry while holding Tang Zhaodi. When Tang Laidi saw Father, his mother immediately began to sue.
        From Tang Laidi mouth, everyone knows what happened.
        Tang Li-ren brought back some cherries two days ago. Cherries are rare here, Zhou-shi gave some old Zhang-shi and Tang Shuan respectively, and the big house and 2nd House gave a little bit, and also gave Ma-shi and Gu Ming -qing.
        Gu Ming-qing naturally has the most cherries, and that's it, there are a lot of cherries left.
        Zhou-shi, unlike the old Zhang-shi, has something good to say and wants to plug it into his house so that others don’t see it. Zhou-shi frankly put the remaining cherries in the cabinet of the large kitchen, and planned to say to whom in the past two days.
        Zhou-shi hadn't figured out who to give the cherry to, and now Tang Jiaojiao started to steal cherry, which happened to be discovered by Tang Jade. Tang Jade and Tang Jiaojiao are similar in age, and their tempers are almost pride. They belong to the kind of "you don't like me, and I don't like you".
        Tang Jiaojiao secretly ate a cherry was discovered by Tang Jade, the two immediately quarreled!
        Tang Zhaodi and Tang Laidi came back at this time, and Tang Jiaojiao also said that Tang Jade had stolen cherries yesterday!
        Tang Laidi stopped immediately when he heard it, why did both of them steal one and another, and their big room couldn't get anything! The cherry that Zhou-shi delivered to the big room was finally taken away by the old Zhang-shi for excuses, and finally entered Tang Jade belly!
        The new hatred and the old hate are added together, Tang Laidi also stepped forward and scolded, Tang Zhaodi couldn't wait to be anxious, and wanted to step forward and separate the three of them.
        The red-eyed Tang Jade three people, where would they listen to Tang Zhaodi, shoved, Tang Jade pushed Tang Zhaodi on the ground with the wrong hand.
        Tang Zhaodi is also unlucky. The back of the head just happens to face a big rock, and the result is naturally sad.
        Gu Ming-qing After hearing all this, I really felt quite speechless. This is the murder of several cherries.
        Zhou-shi listened to Ming-qing after saying everything, but could not help but say, "Zhaodi accident has something to do with me. If I didn't leave those cherries, I gave it to others early, and she wouldn't — "
        Tang Jinrui advised, "Mother, you're not right. This matter has nothing to do with you. Don't ask yourself as a thief! Aunt and Ermei fought for a few cherries, showing their character Even the four sisters are too reckless, so they rushed in directly. If it wasn't for the four sisters who also beat them, where would the three sisters stupidly rush in, and in the end they would hurt themselves-"
        Tang Jinrui spoke, and Tang Li-Yin hurried in.
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Tang Li-Yin, raised his eyebrows, and wondered what the person who was going to send a message to Tang Li-Yin passed, would it mean that the old Zhang-shi would not work? Gu Ming-qing thought a little kindly.
        Tang Li-Yin said in a hurry, "What happened to Yuer? Someone came to the private messenger to say that Yuer would die!"
        Zhou-shi appeased Tang Li-Yin, and Tang Zhaodi, who was in trouble. The tension on Tang Li-Yin's face suddenly disappeared for the most part. Obviously, the weight of Pro-Mei-mei and Pro-Zhi-nu in his heart was completely different.
        Gu Ming-qing reminded Tang Li-Yin of "good intentions", "Three sisters bleed so much blood! The person who pushed her was an aunt."
        Tang Li-Yin's heart that had just been put down immediately raised again, and Gu Ming-qing had a lot of information. First, Tang Zhaodi bleeds a lot of blood. No one knows how she is doing today, and it is not even possible to survive. Second, if Tang Zhaodi really does happen, Tang Jade becomes a murderer!
        Tang Li-Yin scolded Tang Jade fiercely in his heart. He usually beat the three Misses in the big house and scolded and scolded him, so how can people be killed now!
        "Let's go in and have a look, I just hope Zhaodi can get through this level smoothly." Zhou-shi is really distressed Tang Zhaodi, the young Miss, if it really does, it’s called People boo. Not to mention that Miss, it's still Zhi-nu.
        Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui followed Zhou-shi from left to right, and Tang Li-Yin followed closely.
        Tang Zhaodi room was thick and bloody, and the room was full of people. In addition to Tang Li-ren went out to do business again, the Tang family was there.
        I saw about 50 a year, and Tailang Zhongzheng, whose hair was mostly gray and beard greyed out, seriously scrubbed Tang Zhaodi wounds, and bandaged them with medicine.
        Li-shi eyes were crying and swollen, and the whole person was almost unstable. If it was not leaning on Tang Li-zong, she would almost collapse to the ground.
        Li-shi looked at Tang Zhaodi on the bed full of distress, and stared at Tang Jade with those crying and swollen eyes. His eyes were full of hate, and he could not wait to rush to eat Tang Jade flesh, peel Tang Jade skin!
        Being stared at so much, Tang Jade naturally noticed that she shrank in fear in the direction of the old Zhang-shi, trying to avoid Li-shi fierce eyes.
        The old Zhang-shi noticed Tang Jade fear, and when he saw Li-shi dared to stare at Tang Jade in front of her, he immediately scolded, "Look what you look at! Look at the old Pozi me Dig your eyes out! You are a stink girl who gave birth to three money-losing goods. Which onion are you, dare to look at my jade that way! "

        Chapter 86 : Punishment  

        If it was normal, the old Zhang-shi mentioned that Li-shi had only three daughters and failed to give birth to a son. Li-shi had long bowed his head in shame and bent down. But now Tang Zhaodi is pushed to the ground by Tang Jade, and life and death are unknown. How can Li-shi as a mother be killed by the old Zhang-shi in a few words!
        The old Zhang-shi saw Li-shi dared to stare at her. At first, she still had a little guilt in her heart, but the idea was gone now!
        The old Zhang-shi opened his mouth and scolded him suddenly, "I want my old Pozi to say that it must be weird! A Miss, a family with so shallow eyelids, actually went to eat cherry! There is a bite for her at home Yes, it’s still sloppy! And Lao-San, what’s the point of bringing back a little cherry! Lao-San is also wrong, why don’t you divide those cherries and put them there! ”
        Gu Ming-qing turned away, she can now be seen as the old Zhang-shi ability to shirk responsibility, and said a lot, the central meaning is one, that is, Tang Zhaodi has nothing to do with Tang Jade .
        Where can Tang Li-Xiao and Zhao-shi tolerate the old Zhang-shi push everything to Tang Jiaojiao, Tang Li-Xiao a big man is not good at talking with the old Zhang-shi, Zhao-shi had no such concerns.
        Zhao-shi raised her eyebrows high, her eyes were full of satire, her thin lips lifted upwards, "Jiaojiao took a few cherries to eat her? That's something from 3rd House, 3-Sao hasn't said yet Why, why did Yuer intervene? How much did Jiaojiao get in my house? Who has Yuer stealing more?
        Although Yuer is about the same age as Jiao Jiao, she is an elder. One of her elders had a face to play with my Jiao Jiao, and my Jiao Jiao looked like this again. I still remember the difference when I started. You see, Jiaojiao has been beaten by Yuer! "
        Zhao-shi said, pushing Tang Jiaojiao sleeves upwards, and saw Tang Jiaojiao more tender skin, a lot of bruises, and many scratches.
        At first glance, Tang Jiaojiao injury was a bit horrible.
        Tang Li-Xiao and Zhao-shi looked at Tang Jiao-jiao injury on his arm, and his eyes became red. Their parents had not dealt such a cruel hand to their daughter! Tang Jade is so cruel!
        The old Zhang-shi stunned, "Yu Er was beaten by Jiao Jiao, don't you say that!"
        Tang Jiaojiao was messed up with Tang Jade hair and her clothes were a little bit ragged. When she heard what old Zhang-shi said, she couldn't help crying, "I am! I hit her? I told her It's about the same age, but Tang Jade doesn't have to do anything. She eats well and sleeps well every day. She is much stronger than me!
        I’ll just take a few cherries and eat! Just scolding, only San Shu and 3-Aunt are eligible! What the hell Tang Jade! When I came up, I slapped me in the back, and then scolded me there! What qualifications does Tang Jade have! Does she really think that cherry is her failure? That's Uncle 3-Aunt! "
        Tang Jiaojiao thought more and more angry, and thought that the old Zhang-shi should push everything to her, the anger of being beaten, and the sadness of being wronged, she hid what she was afraid to say in her heart This time, my son is all going out of his mind!
        "Whoever has Tang Jade is fierce! If you don’t believe me, just look at Tang Jade. There must be no injuries! Every time Tang Jade starts, she starts to die. She pushes her three sisters. I I was trembling when I looked at it! If you don't believe me, just ask Simei! She really does! "
        Tang Shuan frowned, knocked on the edge of the bed, knocked on the cigarette rod, said unhappy, "Yuer is your aunt! You can ‘call by name!"
        Tang Jiaojiao pursed her lips and said nothing.
        Tang Laidi hates Tang Jiaojiao, but she hates Tang Jade even more!
        Tang Laidi resentfully said, "It is the third sister pushed by her aunt. She clearly saw the third sister, but she still pushed hard for the third sister! If the third sister is dead, she will be killed by her!"
        "Not me! Not me!" Tang Jade poked out his head from Li-shi back, sharply refuting, "If you blame, blame Tang Zhaodi, who made her come up! My one! It's okay to push! It's Tang Zhaodi who is unlucky, and hit his head against a stone! It's none of my business! "
        This time, even Tang Li-zong, who had been silent, looked angrily at Tang Jade. The meaning of Tang Jade is not that Tang Zhaodi is dead. It is also to blame Tang Zhaodi for her own bad life.
        Such a cool and selfish person, Gu Ming-qing has not seen him for a long time.
        The old Zhang-shi agreed with Tang Jade words very much, with a look of course, "Yuer was right! All this is what Zhaodi asked for herself! Is she stupid? What is she doing together? Anyway, Zhaodi is an accident, It has nothing to do with Yuer! "
        When Tang Jinrui heard this, he couldn't help igniting the fire, his voice sank a bit, with a bit of anger, "Grandmother is too exaggerated! Isn't it a good idea to punish the murderer and punish him? Should it be to blame the slain ones that deserve to be unlucky? Da Jin Dynasty did not have such rules and regulations! "
        Li-shi wailed and mourned again, "My Zhaodi! My Zhaodi! If you go, what should I do as a mother! I'll go with you!"
        The old Zhang-shi stubbornly said, "Li-shi you will die if you die! You are dead, and I will immediately remarry Lao-Da a daughter-zi who can have a son! And what do you want to do one by one, have not said Zhaodi must be dead, one by one, you can’t wait to stare at Yuer, you have to fail Yuer! God, open your eyes and see, this one and two are unconscience, and you will be forced to die. An old Pozi! "
        "To shut up!"
        Dai Langzhong couldn't bear to growl at the old Zhang-shi, the old Zhang-shi voice made him upset!
        With the words "Shut Up", Dai Langzhong also completed the last step of his bandaging, and then asked the Tang family to ask for a pen and paper, and prescribed a prescription. Take a good rest, and usually give her more supplements, such as red dates, black sesame seeds, pig liver and pig dirty. You can eat more. "
        Tang Li-zong and Li-shi could not help crying after hearing the news that Tang Zhaodi was okay. Li-shi legs almost stood unstable and almost paralyzed directly on the ground.
        The old Zhang-shi heard that Tang Zhaodi was okay, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She never thought about letting her granddaughter die, and if Tang Zhaodi died, Tang Jade might be true. It became a murderer, not to mention being sent to the government, and Tang Jade reputation in his life was ruined.
        Lieutenant Dai Lang passed the prescription to Tang Li-zong, who took the prescription and wanted to pay Dai Lang for the consultation, but he touched it all over, only three copper plates, and it looked really embarrassing.
        Tang Shuan's face turned red, and he told the old Zhang-shi, "Go and get a Silver Taels for Dai Langzhong."
        "Lao-tou, are you crazy! A Silver Taels! Do you know-" Asking Zhang-shi to pay for it is tantamount to digging up the old Zhang-shi meat!
        Tang Shuan glared at the old Zhang-shi, "Shut up for me! I'll let you get the silver!"
        Usually the old Zhang-shi dares to fight with Tang Shuan, but when Tang Shuan really gets angry, the old Zhang-shi dares, and turns around dullly. After a while, he takes Silver Taels and returns. To Dai Langzhong.
        After Dai Langzhong received the silver, he said to Tang Shuan a little, "The granddaughter is also your descendant. Don't treat the granddaughter as a person. There are two scholars in your family."
        Dai Langzhong's style of the Tang family is a little speechless, too much, usually even arguing, and now almost kills people. A man like Dai Lang who has never been involved in other people home affairs can't help but say a few more words.
        Tang Shuan's face froze, but he still made a smile, how the smile looked awkward.
        Gu Ming-qing felt that there was nothing more appropriate to describe the smile on Tang Shuan's face than the "zombie smile".
        "Dai Langzhong said very much that I usually do not care about my old Pozi and Yuer. I think that Yuer is an old lady, so I will inevitably have a little pain. In the future, I will take good care of Yuer. She will never be lawless again. "
        Gu Ming-qing rolled his eyes secretly in his heart. What he said was really nice. In fact, what he said did not say, let alone Tang Jade? How do you manage it? Tang Shuan is used to stop Dai Langzhong. In order to prevent Dai Langzhong from saying what should not be said, Tang Jade reputation is broken.
        Gu Ming-qing can think of it, and Dai Langzhong naturally thought of it. He just took a deep look at Tang Shuan and left. The housework of the Tang family, he didn't want to blend in, he was just a Lang.
        After Tang Langzhong left, Tang Laidi only asked, "Ye-Ye, my aunt almost killed my third sister. What should I do? Aunts can’t bear any punishment?"
        The old Zhang-shi raised his hand and hit Tang Laidi, "You little bastard, you have to stare at your aunt, your heart is so hard!"
        Li-shi stepped forward and hugged Tang Laidi, protecting her in her arms, while her back was facing the old Zhang-shi palm.
        The old Zhang-shi slap didn't fall, Tang Shuan grasped the old Zhang-shi wrist and threw it fiercely, and the old Zhang-shi was thrown out several steps.
        The expected slap did not fall, Li-shi secretly turned around and looked at the old Zhang-shi. After seeing that there was no danger, he looked at Tang Li-zong with tears in his lips, and his lips moved, “The master—”
        Li-shi seemed to have thousands of words to say to Tang Li-zong. Although she didn't say anything, her words were all in those tearful eyes.
        Tang Li-zong looked at Li-shi tears and grievances, don't overdo it, you see Tang Zhaodi, with a pale face and a thick white gauze on his head, lying almost inexhaustibly on the bed His heart hurt again.
        Tang Li-zong closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were firm. He drew his hands to the side and clenched them into fists, as if this could give him strength and courage. "Father, Zhaodi was almost jade this time The child was killed, I—I'm Zhaodi pro father, and I have to give my daughter justice. "
        Gu Ming-qing raised her eyebrows and looked a little surprised at Tang Li-zong's eyes. She thought that according to Tang Li-zong temper, she would continue to say nothing. Rarely, he was still a little fatherly. Take responsibility.
        The old Zhang-shi was angry, and thought that she had just been savagely faced by Tang Shuan in front of the family, all kinds of anger and anger were intertwined, Tang Li-zong just popped out, prompting her to be angry Tang Li-zong, who was about to take the lead, said, "Tang Li-zong, what are you talking about! You are really big and getting better and better! You are trying to kill your Mei-mei!"
        Dai Langzhong didn't say, Tang Zhaodi is all right, she all right, you still aim at Yuer! Tell me where your conscience has gone! Are they all eaten by dogs? "
        The courage that Tang Li-zong finally roused was gradually dissipated by the scolding of the old Zhang-shi, and the eyes facing the old Zhang-shi couldn't help lowering slowly, once again becoming weak and timid Tang Li-zong.
        Li-shi ‘called in disappointment, "Master!"
        The old Zhang-shi couldn't help it, "Lao-Da is a bit of a conscience, and you know it hurts Mei-mei."
        Tang Jinrui looked at the scene in front of him, and his brows became more and more wrinkled, and the deep creases between the eyebrows could almost kill the flies. "State law, family rules. Today, my aunt did something wrong, Ye-Ye Don’t you really want to punish her? Actually, it’s not just your aunt. The second and fourth sisters are also wrong, but the aunt is the one who has the most mistakes.
        The old Zhang-shi is so tired now that others have to insist on punishing Tang Jade, heard the words, and thought about it, "You shut up the old Pozi, I talk! You talk about the books you have read for so many years, all read What a dog belly! What decision will your grandfather and me make? It's your turn to intervene! Shut up! "
        Tang Jinrui was flushed with anger.
        Gu Ming-qing The water eyes were dark, before Tang Shuan and the old Zhang-shi were bias, Tang Li-zong was weak, Tang Zhaodi was wronged, and she just watched quietly. Gu Ming-qing really didn't have that much kindness to "care" these so-called relatives.
        Tang Zhaodi is very miserable, but even her pro father and mother are afraid to do justice for her, what can outsiders do?
        But Gu Ming-qing cannot allow others to “bully” Tang Jinrui! Tang Jinrui is her acquaintance of Gu-Ming-qing, she can’t turn any cat or dog to teach her!
        Gu Ming-qing The corner of his mouth was raised high, and a faint light struck through the water eyes, his voice was soft like spring catkins, but the words spoken were startling, "Sangong, you are very reasonable. State-owned law There are house rules.
        Like a thief, if you are sent to the Yemen, dozens of boards are also light. "
        Knowing what Tang Shuan Gu Ming-qing was talking about, the old Zhang-shi and Tang Li-Yin immediately raised their hearts, and they would not forget that Gu Ming-qing had the so-called criminal evidence in his hands, that was the handle!
        Tang Li-Yin immediately said, "Father, mother, daughter-zi Jinrui said very much, state law, family rules. Yuer should be punished if he makes a mistake."
        Tang Jade can't let go, "Four Brothers, you're crazy!"
        The old Zhang-shi calmed her face and didn't dare to say anything more. She was really afraid of Gu Ming-qing, as if nothing really happened to Gu Ming-qing.
        Tang Shuan's complexion was also gloomy. He looked at the old lady and looked at Tang Li-Yin. The balance in his heart immediately leaned on Tang Li-Yin. "Yu Er is wrong, you should be punished! She fought ten times. Both Jiao Jiao and Laidi—these three days’home work, all belong to them. ”
        This disposal is barely fair. Tang Jade just felt that she was wronged, and she had never been beaten since she was small.
        Gu Ming-qing said quietly again, "Tai-Gonggong is really fair. But who should play the aunt's board? If Tai-Popo starts, it is suspicion of partiality. If it is better, let the four sisters Hands on. Simei is the sister Mei-mei of Sanmei. The second and fourth sisters are young. How much strength can she have if she tries harder. "
        Tang Laidi eyes lighted, and he busily said, "Okay! I'll hit it!"
        Neither Zhang-shi nor Tang Jade agreed, and they started arguing again.

        Chapter 87 : Tang Zhaodi was worn  

        The old Zhang-shi said without thinking, "Why did Laidi hit Yuer! Does the younger reason to fight the elders? No! Absolutely not!"
        Gu Ming-qing knew that the old Zhang-shi would oppose it, and Shuimu looked at Tang Li-Yin with pride, "Tai-Popo words make sense. Then it would be better for the uncle to play this board. "
        Tang Jade eyes lighted, and he immediately agreed, "Okay! Okay! Let's fight!"
        Tang Laidi quit, "No! The relationship between the fourth uncle and aunt has always been good, he will certainly be selfish and will not fight hard!"
        Gu Ming-qing laughed. Although the smile was as soft as the spring breeze, it fell into Tang Li-Yin's eyes, just like the sizzling north wind in the winter, which made his face hurt like a knife. "No, the uncle is a fair person. Playing the aunt's ten boards will definitely be impartial and will never show mercy. Uncle, do you say that?
        Tang Li-Yin was almost killed by Gu Ming-qing! In private, the relationship between Tang Li-Yin and Tang Jade is still very good. He doesn't want to fight against Tang Jade. But thinking of the "criminal evidence" in Gu Ming-qing's hand, Tang Li-Yin immediately stunned.
        Man does not die for himself!
        Tang Li-Yin is between himself and Tang Jade, and ultimately he chooses himself.
        Tang Li-Yin smiled hard and whispered, "This is natural."
        Gu Ming-qing breathed out for Tang Jinrui, and she didn't plan to stay anymore. At this time, lying on the bed, Tang Zhaodi, pale, suddenly moved his eyelids, no moisture, and cracked. Skin's lips also moved slightly, watching as if to wake up.
        Li-shi braced himself to Tang Zhaodi body, tears falling down like tap water without money, "Zhaodi! Zhaodi! Open your eyes and look at it! Look at your mother!"
        I wonder if Li-shi call was too useful. Tang Zhaodi eyelids lying on the bed moved fiercely again. After a long time, she slowly opened her eyes.
        Li-shi overjoyed, "Zhaodi, you are awake! Do you feel uncomfortable? You-"
        "Are you doing a costume show? What about the camera? What about the director?"
        The indifferent Gu Ming-qing, who had been indifferent at the bottom of her eyes, suddenly froze, and the stormy sea suddenly surged. She almost didn't reach out her hand to dig out her ear. What did she hear? Make a costume show? camera? director?
        No way! God, he won’t tease her like this! Gu Ming-qing has countless grass-mud horses running wild in his heart.
        Everyone else in the house was surprised by Tang Zhaodi words. What were Tang Zhaodi talking about? Can't they understand a word?
        Tang Laidi sits next to Tang Zhaodi, and said cautiously, "Three sister, are you stunned? What were you talking about?"
        Tang Jinrui stared at Tang Zhaodi for a while, then said, "Did the three sisters be awake because they hit their heads because they just woke up? Would you like to ask Dai Langzhong to come back and help Zhaodi? Look."
        Tang Li-zong nodded again and again, "Yes! Right! I'll go and invite Dai Langzhong."
        Tang Li-zong hurried to invite Dai Langzhong, Tang Zhaodi on the bed was constantly glancing with her big eyes, Gu Ming-qing guessed that she was looking for the so-called camera and director.
        Wait for Dai Lang to come back and return to Tang Zhaodi again. Then he said, "Zhaodi should have been hit in the head as you said. After being awake, there is something wrong with the head, so I will talk nonsense."
        Old Zhang-shi patted his thigh fiercely and said loudly, "Zhaodi will not become a fool! I remember Liu Fool in Dalin Village next door. He didn't just hit his head when he was a kid. When he wakes up, he becomes a fool. "
        Li-shi wept and waved wildly, "No! No! Zhaodi will be a fool!"
        Tang Li-Yin said suspiciously, "Zhaodi reaction after waking up was not like being bumped into a fool. It was like being stained with unclean things. It would not be evil."
        Gu Ming-qing noticed that Tang Zhaodi lying on the bed stunned and said weakly, "I'm not evil! I just woke up and my brain was a bit unclear. Oops, I'm dizzy, I-"
        After speaking, Tang Zhaodi head crooked, his eyes closed again and he fainted.
        Gu Ming-qing could clearly see Tang Zhaodi trembling eyelids at that time, and heard her irregular breathing sound, which was obviously pretending to be dizzy.
        However, most people in the Tang family believed that Tang Zhaodi was in a coma again, and Dai Langzhong only left a sentence for Tang Zhaodi to support himself and left.
        Tang Zhaodi is fainting now, and the punishment results of Tang Jade and others have also come out. It’s okay to stay in Tang Zhaodi room, and only Li-shi and Tang Laidi accompany Tang Zhaodi. .
        When everyone left, Tang Zhaodi slowly opened his eyes again, Gu Ming-qing's eyes suddenly looked at Tang Zhaodi lying on the bed, and Tang Zhaodi just happened to speak at this time, hardly sending any sound.
        But Gu Ming-qing knew a little lip, she read what Tang Zhaodi said, and she said, "I actually passed?"
        Gu Ming-qing If his eyes were recovered casually, his eyes were dark.
        Tang Jinrui returned from a private leave, intending to stay at home for one night, and then return to private again tomorrow. He was worried that Tang Zhaodi body might prevent anything from happening again.
        Both Tang Jinrui and Gu Ming-qing had just finished their baths, and they both wore only white shirts. Follow Gu Ming-qing as a husband and wife for so long, Tang Jinrui doesn't say how open, but at least when Gu Ming-qing takes off his clothes, and there are two people only wearing middle clothes, he is not Will blush again, and even the urge to escape.
        Tang Jinrui was trying to call Gu Ming-qing to go to bed, but Gu Ming-qing was sitting at the round table, holding his chin with one hand, because the seaweed-like hair was choking with water vapor just after taking a bath, but at the moment Gu In Ming-qing's watery eyes, there was also a thick mist, the mist lingering inside, and the tricky changes made people unable to understand her deep thoughts.
        Tang Jinrui sits next to Gu Ming-qing and called softly, "Niangzi, what's wrong with you?"
        Gu Ming-qing did not respond, Tang Jinrui reached out and pushed her shoulder again, and Gu Ming-qing finally responded.
        Gu Ming-qing The fog at the bottom of his eyes seemed to be illuminated by the sun, and instantly disappeared, and he smiled briefly at Tang Jinrui, such as bright and bright moon, Qing Li condensed, "Sangong, what's wrong?"
        Tang Jinrui said, "Niangzi, I should ask you what's wrong. What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed."
        Gu Ming-qing There was a faint trace of light under his eyes. What was he thinking? Naturally, Tang Zhaodi wanted to be crossed.
        "Sangong, shall we split up now?"
        Gu Ming-qing didn't want to have anything to do with the crossing women. When the fellows saw the fellows, their eyes burst into tears, which definitely did not exist.
        The standard farming text crosses the heroine, Tang Zhaodi current situation is really too consistent. Cowardly Father, Baozi Niang, only daughter and no son, the house is all superb.
        The next Tang Zhaodi is to fight for the best, to get rich, to find a general or Wangye to be the prime minister, and then to the peak of life?
        Gu Ming-qing Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help shivering.
        Tang Jinrui noticed that Gu Ming-qing was the same, and frowned slightly, and got up as Gu Ming-qing and took her a coat and put it on, "Niangzi, if you feel cold, wear another piece of clothes So as not to get cold. "
        After finishing dressing for Gu Ming-qing, Tang Jinrui sits back next to Gu Ming-qing, wondering, "Niangzi, why do you suddenly think of separation? Is it uncomfortable at home? Or is someone bullying at home? You? Madam or aunt? "
        Uncomfortable at Tang's? Gu Ming-qing If you think about it, that's really not true. She lived quite well at the Tang family. Although the old Zhang-shi and Tang Jade from time to time come to find some small troubles, those so-called small troubles fall into Gu Ming-qing's eyes, and nothing is the opposite, quite cola.
        As for someone bullying her? Gu Ming-qing puts her mouth down, it is even more impossible, she is not good to bully people.
        In such days, Gu Ming-qing was not tired in a short time. She also wanted to wait for a year or two before splitting up. At that time, she was almost bored. But now Tang Zhaodi has been crossed, disrupting Gu Ming-qing's plan, she doesn't want to mingle with this crossing woman at all.
        Touching Tang Jinrui concerned eyes, Gu Ming-qing's thoughts of wanting to whisper two words faded away, but he couldn't tell the truth to Tang Jinrui, it was too incredible.
        Gu Ming-qing exhaled a sulky breath, and said lightly, "Sangong, I just want to split up suddenly, that's all."
        Tang Jinrui knew that Gu Ming-qing wasn't telling the truth, he must be hiding something, but he didn't plan to break the casserole and asked, he just answered, "Niangzi, before you married me. Father said too much Family."
        Gu Ming-qing raised his eyebrows and said nothing.
        "But my mother refused. My mother said that you only entered the house. If you split up at home, it would hurt your reputation. Father also agreed with her, so you plan to split up after a year and a half. But you are now Speaking of separation, although I don't know what it is for, I respect your decision. When Father returns, I will tell him about separation. "
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Tang Jinrui, and for a long time he didn't say a word, there was something broken in his eyes, and there was a shattering light.
        Tang Jinrui thought Gu Ming-qing was worried about separation, so he advised, “Niangzi, you don’t have to worry about separation. It’s really not difficult for Father to be separated, just to see if Father wants it. , Hold on for a while, and when Father returns this time, we'll be separated. "
        Gu Ming-qing retracted his gaze, his eyes suddenly calmed down, and then shook his head, "No, let's do what Father and Mother meant, and wait for another year and a half to mention them. Anyway, I will It's been almost two months since I got married, and it's not long. "
        Tang Jinrui wondered, "Niangzi, why did you change your mind again?"
        Tang Jinrui remembers that his classmate once said that a woman is fickle, he used to believe it, but now he believes it.
        Gu Ming-qing fisted furiously towards Tang Jinrui shoulder, with little strength, just like tickling, Tang Jinrui really felt that his heart was softened by the hook Hooked, my heartbeat slowed for a moment.
        "Do you think I am fickle?"
        When Tang Jinrui was absent, Gu suddenly heard the sound of Gu Ming-qing, with a gritted voice, and looked back in a hurry, shaking his head in a hurry, "No! How could I be thinking about Niangzi, you are fickle."
        Gu Ming-qing snorted softly. If she did, she knew it well, but she didn't want to care about this with Tang Jinrui for the time being.
        "I was not fickle, so I changed my thoughts about separation. It was Father, my mother thought of me a lot, and I took the liberty of mentioning the separation, but I disappointed them. Only then did I marry into Tang. Less than two months at home, the family separated, at that time I was afraid there would be a lot of gossip.
        I am you Niangzi, the husband and wife together, then you will be my husband and I will be afraid of your reputation, this is not what I want to see. This is why I changed my current idea of separation. Not because I am fickle. "
        Tang Jinrui heard it, and reached out and grabbed Gu Ming-qing's hand, "Niangzi, in fact, you want to split up now, it's nothing. I don't deny that you are right. Split up now It’s a little hindering to your reputation, but it’s not a big deal. Over time, this rumor will disappear. ”
        Gu Ming-qing moved in his heart, but eventually shook his head, "Wait a year and a half later to say it. Forget it now."
        Tang Jinrui asked again, "Niangzi, is someone bullying you at home? Or are you feeling uncomfortable?"
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Tang Jinrui face with worries and concerns, and she felt softened. She knew that if Tang Jinrui was not given a clear answer at this time, he was afraid that she would worry about it, so she lightened her. Sighed and said softly, "You think too much. Who at home can make me uncomfortable and bully me? My life is going very well. If you think I'm comforting you on purpose, so hide you, you Ask your mother.
        I want to split up because Sanmei was injured today, but look at Tai-Popo attitude? I have a little bit of cold. "
        This reason is naturally nonsense. Who is the old Zhang-shi? Gu Ming-qing already knew that she was chilling and never chilling the attitude of the old Zhang-shi, but this reason is now the most suitable.
        Tang Jinrui heard the words, with a slight dark color between her eyebrows, and her voice was a bit low when she said, "It's not like this, but I'm also a little embarrassed when I look at it. Madam is usually bias, and now Sanmei almost got hurt by her aunt She lost her life, so did she-oh! "
        "Don't hesitate, rest early."
        When Tang Jinrui heard the words, he gathered up the handsome anger that overflowed, and nodded to Gu Ming-qing, "Huh."
        Soon, the candle went out and Gu Ming-qing and Tang Jinrui went to bed.
        In the night, Gu Ming-qing's eyes did not close, her eyes widened, looking at the gauze on the top of the bed, remembering what happened during the day.
        Gu Ming-qing is a little hard to believe till now, Tang Zhaodi has been crossed like this? God, did she really feel that her life was too easy and comfortable, so she created some trouble for her.
        After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Ming-qing sighed again in an inaudible way, and she felt that she sighed today more than one year ago.
        Gu Ming-qing didn't deny that Tang Zhaodi being passed through had a great impact on her and made her whole person a little bit wrong. But now calm down, Gu Ming-qing also looked away. Just a crossing woman, she didn't count on confession, she looked coldly to see what the crossing woman wanted to do.
        Anyway, for less than a year, at least four months, the Tang family definitely wants to divide. Whatever happens to the female love in the future, it has nothing to do with her.
        Gu Ming-qing When he closed his eyes, his mind suddenly flashed, maybe the crossing woman who came here was also an ordinary and warm day, then it could not be better.
        Gu Ming-qing The only thought before she fell asleep was that she was really confused by the crossing woman. It was too trivial and she lost her normal mind.
        Tang Zhaodi was traversed, but she was injured. It would take a lot of time just to repair the injury. Want to come to Tang Zhaodi to make trouble, the Tang family should be separated.
        Holding such a thought, Gu Ming-qing slept deeply.
        Gu Ming-qing What I didn't know was that she really underestimated the ability to recover through women. People were recovering fast, and there was no problem in making trouble.
        During Tang Zhaodi rehabilitation, Dong-Mama and his party also returned to Zongyong Houfu, Jiangnan.
        After Yu-shi left from Gu Ming-qing, she asked Gu-Qin to bring her Gu Ming-yue and Gu Ming-xin to greet her.
        Gu-Qin, Gu Ming-yue, and Gu Ming-xin After hearing Yu-shi request, their eyes almost didn't stare out! It is true that since Yu-shi entered Houfu, he has never mentioned asking someone to please.
        But Yu-shi, when Popo asked Erxi and granddaughter to greet her, no one can make a mistake.
        The relationship between Gu-Qin and Shen-Mao became more and more indifferent after Gu Ming-qing left Jiangnan. At this time, Yu-shi offered to ask her to greet her, and she could not refuse, otherwise she and Shen-Mao The relationship between husband and wife will only get worse until it reaches an irreparable level.
        Gu Ming-yue was just surprised and then returned to normal.
        Only Gu Ming-xin could not accept it, she looked down on Gu Ming-qing, a sister from the countryside, and she also looked down on Yu-shi, a countryside Pozi, even if she was his own Madam.
        Gu Ming-xin was really spoiled. In front of Shen-Mao, he wanted to be frank and unwilling, or Gu-Qin and Gu Ming-yue grabbed Gu Ming-xin before stopping her.
        Yu-shi can ask Gu-Qin, Gu Ming-yue, and Gu Ming-xin to greet her. This has been a great improvement, and she can't do other difficult things. So every time I ask, it’s really normal. Please simply say hello, the two sides are safe.
        On this day, when Dong-Mama and his party returned, Yu-shi was overjoyed, and Shen-Mao also came to the courtyard of Yu-shi for the first time, and planned to listen to Ming-qing with Yu-shi and News.
        Gu-Qin and Gu Ming-yue naturally got the news too. They took Gu Ming-xin and Gu Ming-hang to Yu-shi yard together.
        When Gu-Qin and others arrived, Dong-Mama had already begun to tell Yu-shi and Shen-Mao about Gu Ming-qing's situation in Qingshi Village. Dong-Mama is naturally all good.
        After speaking, Dong-Mama immediately gave Gu Ming-qing the two letters entrusted to her by Yu-shi and Shen-Mao.
        Yu-shi is literate. I have read "The Woman's Ring" and "The Woman's Rule" and I have no problem reading the letter myself.
        Shen-Mao read the letter is even more no problem.
        Gu-Qin learned that Gu Ming-qing had a better life at her in-laws’house, and she couldn't help secretly sighing. She knew that if Gu Ming-qing had a bad life, she wouldn’t say Yu-shi, she-Shen-Mao. I'm afraid she will never forgive her.
        Gu-Qin said, "I know Ming-qing is a blessed woman. If a woman marries, she just has to look at her husband and in-laws. Now Ming-qing's husband and in-laws treat her very well, Ming -qing The days to come will not be sad. "
        After Gu-Qin said, a pair of eyes looked straight at Shen-Mao, hoping to get a little response from Shen-Mao, but all the minds of Shen-Mao were looking after Ming-qing's letter, and there was no time at all Ignore Gu-Qin.
        Gu-Qin just felt bitter in her heart, as if there were many vines entangled in her heart, and she couldn't breathe. Her mouth was more like Huanglian, from the tip of her tongue to the root of her tongue, bitter everywhere.
        If Gu-Qing is present at this time, I am afraid that Gu-Qin will be surprised how old.
        Gu-Qin is busy relaxing the relationship between husband and wife, busy planning for Gu Ming-yue, and working hard, the whole person looks much older. This isn't to say that Gu-Qin's face suddenly grew old, but that Gu-Qin's spirit seemed to leak out at once, just like a balloon was pierced through a hole. No spirit.
        Gu-Qin asked herself more than once, was she right? If she does it again, will she choose to give up. Even Gu-Qin didn't know this answer.
        Yu-shi looked at Gu Ming-qing's letter, tears could not help but drew his fingers gently across each word on the letter, as if touching Gu Ming-qing through the words. Her girl is doing well, this is all right, this is all right.
        Shen-Mao was a little sad, Gu Ming-qing counted Shen-Mao response after seeing the letter extremely accurate. Shen-Mao See Gu Ming-qing The letter from the beginning wrote about her troubles in Qingshi Village, as well as the county couple disdain for her and Tang Jinrui, her heart sank immediately, and soon surged It was thick self-blame and discomfort. Even if she saw Gu Ming-qing writing well after her, Shen-Mao only had to care that Ming-qing was comforting him.
        Gu-Qin was keenly aware of the condensation between Shen-Mao eyebrows and, if any, self-blame, and he set his heart to the test and said, "What happened to Houye? Was the Ming-qing letter saying something bad? Is it? "
        Yu-shi was startled, clutching Shen-Mao sleeves of black brocade embroidered with flowing clouds, and asked, “Is there anything wrong with Niuniu? She can’t tell me, so I told you? You Come on! "
        Shen-Mao reconciled the look on his face. If nothing happened, he folded Gu Ming-qing's letter and put it on the table beside him. He smiled and explained to Yu-shi, "My mother is thinking too much, Ming-qing had a good time at his in-laws’house. I just thought that Ming-qing would marry so far, and I'm afraid it would be difficult to see it later. So sadness came from it, and my heart felt a little uncomfortable for a while. "
        Shen-Mao expression was too impeccable. Yu-shi stared at Shen-Mao face carefully. When he saw nothing, he glanced back. "You have a little conscience, knowing that you owe a girl "
        As soon as this word came out, the originally harmonious atmosphere inside the room suddenly became awkward and silent, and Shen-Mao face gradually appeared dark.
        Yu-shi knows that Shen-Mao is uncomfortable. Shen-Mao was born to her, her biological son. Where is the mother who doesn’t like her son! But thinking that Shen-Mao had not heard of Gu Ming-qing for many years, and finally married Gu Ming-qing so far for Gu Ming-yue, her heart hurt and she couldn't stand it!
        Shen-Mao ability to adjust was powerful, but he returned to normal within a moment, but when he caught the red eyes of Yu-shi, and the crystal tears in the corner of his eyes, his guilt turned toward the mountain again. He struck, tearing the corner of his mouth hard, holding up a smile, and facing Gu Ming-hang, "Ming Hang, your second sister has been thinking about you, she said in the letter that I hope you can focus on your studies, Get your name. "
        Raised Gu Ming-hang, Yu-shi looked back, looking to Gu Ming-hang's eyes with a touch of relief, "Well, ‘Nu ‘Nu also mentioned to you in your letter. Minghang you want Study hard and earn your fame so that you can live up to your second sister and live up to your Father, Niang. "

        Chapter 88 : Ambition Decision  

        Gu Ming-hang refreshed, with the lake-blue embroidered water robe he was wearing, he became more energetic. He focused on, "Grandchildren will study hard, and get their names in the future to support the three sisters. "
        Yu-shi smiled bitterly, " ‘Nu ‘Nu was married so far. I'm afraid I won't have a chance to meet in the future. Support me?"
        Gu Ming-hang turned dark.
        Dong-Mama said busy, “2-Young-Lady specifically told the old slave to tell Big-Young-Lady that she hoped that Big-Young-Lady would go straight and get what she wanted."
        Gu Ming-yue A moment, this is what Gu Ming-qing said?
        Gu Ming-qing married far away, not married well, which almost became a thorn in Zongyong Houfu heart. Especially Gu Ming-qing was forced to marry in order to preserve Gu Ming-yue reputation, which is even more-
        Gu Ming-yue was really surprised that Gu Ming-qing was able to say such a thing.
        Dong-Mama saw that everyone looked a bit wrong, and quickly explained, "The 2-Young-Lady is from the heart, the old slave can hear the sincerity in 2-Young-Lady's words, and there is absolutely no irony. "
        "Satirical? What is right for my girl to be satirical."
        In a word, the faces of those who were stabbing were twisted momentarily.
        After Yu-shi said, she couldn’t help crying first, and the tears dropped on the brown embroidered zongzi, and there was a bloom, she knew she shouldn’t cry, what happened after crying? It can't be changed, it will only make everyone uncomfortable, but she can't help it, really can't help it.
        Shen-Mao opened his mouth and tried to persuade Yu-shi to stop crying, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything, he didn't have that face to persuade.
        Gu-Qin and Gu Ming-yue will not take the lead at this moment, they know that once they speak, they will only make Yu-shi even more uncomfortable, and they will only make the scene more difficult to clean up.
        Gu-Qin's eyes were faint, and watching Yu-shi who was sad and crying, she couldn't help thinking of herself. Yu-shi couldn't get out of Gu-Ming-qing, and marry this distance. Then she and Shen-Mao? There was Yu-shi reminded from time to time, from time to time holding a needle to poke their hearts, can their husband and wife be reconciled as before?
        Gu-Qin's heart was full of doubts.
        Yu-shi cried in silence for a while, and finally closed her tears, sucked her nose, hoarse, with a thick nasal sound, "You all go back. Dong-Mama stay, I want to hear more from you Say Niuniu. "
        Dong-Mama looked at Shen-Mao, who nodded to her.
        After Shen-Mao and his team got out of Yu-shi yard, he suddenly stopped and said to Gu-Qin, “Fu-ren, follow me to the study.”
        Gu-Qin guessed what Shen-Mao was about to say, and nodded, as Shen-Mao walked toward his study.
        Gu Ming-yue looked at the back of Shen-Mao and Gu-Qin, his eyes were so deep, he secretly sighed, and had the same thoughts as Gu-Qin. Can it be reconciled as before?
        Gu Ming-xin kicked the pebbles on the side of the road boringly, lowered his head, and said indignantly, "It's all blame Gu Ming-qing. If it weren't for her, Father and mother would be like today. I said, it looks just like a stranger. "
        Gu Ming-hang originally planned to go to school and heard Gu Ming-xin's words, but said helplessly, "How can you speak like this? The second victim is the second sister. It is not the second sister who wants Father, Niang's relationship has become like this, obviously the second sister has suffered, how can you count all the mistakes on the second sister. "
        Gu Ming-xin looked up, said unhappy, "Our is your loved one, what is Gu Ming-qing! She is a country-"
        Gu Ming-yue slammed Gu Ming-xin's words, and the charming and cold eyes like the moon were sharp like swords. "Sanmei, women shouldn't say more words, but that's a bad idea! "
        Gu Ming-xin has always been a bit guilty about Gu Ming-yue, seeing her so severely, she closed her mouth unwillingly.
        "Sister, the second sister seems to have let go of that awkwardness, so that’s why I sincerely bless you. My brother and I also hope that you can go straight and get what you want."
        Gu Ming-yue eyes dazzled with a dull, low-pitched voice that seemed to blend into the wind, but Gu Ming-hang still heard clearly, "Brother, do you really think that Ermei is telling the truth?"
        Gu Ming-xin responded first, "Of course not! Anyway, whoever caused me to marry lowly, and still marry a lowly farmer, I must hate death-"
        "Three sisters!" Gu Ming-hang and Shen-Mao had a thin layer of anger between her eyebrows and her eyes, she said, "Three sisters, you are too much! Are you instigating alienation? According to what you mean Shouldn’t the second sister hate her eldest sister who married her to the farm? What else is a mean farmer?
        Shi Nong Industry and Commerce, No. 2 in Agriculture! Even today, the Holy Spirit occasionally goes down to the farm to do some farming work. According to what you mean, what the Holy Lord can do is mean? "
        Gu Ming-xin was refuted by Gu Ming-hang, and his face was flushed with anger, and he stomped hard, "Who are you helping me! I am your sister, Gu Ming-qing is a — "
        "I can't help you!" Gu Ming-hang interrupted Gu Ming-xin's words again, and turned to Gu Ming-yue, "Sister, second sister is a temperament person, Our knows. Dong -What kind of temperament person is Mama? I don't want to know it, but my elder sister should know it. Dong-Mama Since the second elder sister really sincerely blesses the elder sister, the second elder sister must be the one who really blesses the second elder sister.
        Brother, what I said is not good, is that the second sister really mocks the elder sister, what good is she doing? It's a good deal on the mouth, but it won't hurt the big sister. Why does the second sister do such a worthless thing. "
        Gu Ming-xin murmured, "I've been addicted, what's so bad about this?"
        Gu Ming-hang immediately glanced at Gu Ming-xin, who hummed quietly and left with his lame foot.
        Gu Ming-yue smiled and glanced at the back of Gu Ming-xin, and then said to Gu Ming-hang, "My brother is assured, I have a sense. In fact, even if the second sister blame me, this is nothing. After all, this one The thing is that I can't help the second sister. But my brother, I did this not only for myself, but also for Houfu, for you.
        Only when I climb high, can I become the support of Houfu and rely on you in the future. "
        Gu Ming-hang looked up at Gu Ming-yue beautiful face. The bright sunlight shone on that face, and it even radiated the skin like jade, and glowed with warm light.
        Gu Ming-hang moved his mouth, and there seemed to be thousands of words to say, but in the end it was only one sentence, "Sister, what I said in the courtyard of Grandmother is sincere. I will work hard to study, get the name, and give you support."
        In a nutshell, I don't need this so-called nepotism.
        Gu Ming-yue looked for a moment, smiled immediately, such as a hundred flowers blooming, beautiful, "The younger brother, you are still young, there are some things you don’t understand. Well, you understand, I understand, I understand the kindness of Ermei One day, I will make up for the second sister. What about marrying a farmer? If I want to, I can let their family get on the road to Qingyun at any time. "
        Gu-Qin followed Shen-Mao to his study.
        Shen-Mao sits on the main seat, Gu-Qin randomly picks a position to sit down, looks up at Shen-Mao on the main seat, obviously they are so close, but that little distance seems to be crammed across them Make her unable to cross.
        Gu-Qin knows that this is because their hearts are far away. Such thoughts have been raised in Gu-Qin's mind more than once, and each time will only make that thought deeper and deeper.
        Shen-Mao I don’t know what Gu-Qin thinks, and slowly say what he plans for many days, "Fu-ren, Mingyue is ambitious, I know that. Ordinary official or child of the Honor Noble family "Mingyue is afraid to look down on her. The person that Mingyue looks at is Huang-Tai-sun."
        Gu-Qin is saddening that the relationship between her and Shen-Mao is getting thinner, and the low voice of Shen-Mao suddenly sounds in her ears, as if the iron and gold collided, the sound of humming, making The eyes were refreshed and the heart was shocked.
        Gu Ming-yue mind, Zongyong Houfu is no longer a secret here. Shen-Mao can point out that Gu-Qin is not strange, so he nodded, “Well, Houye knows.”
        Shen-Mao smiled faintly, then the smile looked plain, but the actual irony was hidden. It wasn't that he was observant, but that Gu Ming-yue mind was so obvious that even Yu-shi saw it clearly.
        Shen-Mao shook his head secretly, Ming-qing was married far away, and now thinking about these useless things will not be of any use.
        "Fu-ren, I haven't talked to you about Mingyue. Let's talk about it today. Yes, I admit that Mingyue is very beautiful, the first beauty in Jiangnan, Mingyue can be said to be well deserved. But Fu-ren, do you think I thought about the Royal Elections, and they look more than just looks. "
        Gu-Qin knew what Shen-Mao meant, and there was a hint of dark under her eyes. What Shen-Mao said, she never thought, just-
        "I know the meaning of Bai-Houye, and I know that Houye words are for the sake of Mingyue. I don't hide Houye, I have said something similar to Mingyue. Although Mingyue is Houfu Di Daughter, she is more expensive than her identity. There are still many women.
        Not to mention that Houfu lived in the south of the Yangtze River. He was better off than those of Noble in Capital City. Mingyue heard me at the time and didn't care, she was very confident in herself. "
        Shen-Mao mind emerged from Gu Ming-yue beautiful and moving appearance, like the graceful appearance of a nine-day fairy, and her lips were squinting. Gu Ming-yue is indeed a proud capital. Shen-Mao knew that Gu Ming-yue and Gu-Qin had made up their minds, otherwise they would not have to force Gu Ming-qing to fulfill the marriage contract made by the old Zongyong Hou for the sake of such a little reputation. Gu Ming-qing married thousands of miles away. The few words of the genius just did his duty as a father.
        "Well, since Fu-ren and Mingyue have determined what they are thinking about, I won't talk much about it. Let's talk about what to do next. The emperor has brought Huang-Tai-sun to Jiangnan for more than seven days, these In those days, the emperor led Huang-Tai-sun to worship the temple of the sages, and met officials from all over Jiangnan, whether it was the emperor or Huang-Tai-sun, but there was nothing romantic about it. "
        Gu-Qin looked stiff and silent.
        "If Fu-ren and Mingyue are thinking about meeting Huang-Tai-sun, and achieving a beautiful conversation between a talented woman and a beautiful lady, then they should dispel the thoughts as soon as possible. First of all, Huang-Tai-sun's whereabouts are not so inquiring, If this is not good, it is easy to show traces, and it’s not good. And Fu-ren don’t forget, there is an emperor staring. Since Crown Prince died, the emperor’s favorite is Huang-Tai-sun. "
        Gu-Qin's complexion became more and more ugly, her hands clasped the lilac silver embroidery hundred butterfly quilts worn on her body, and her clothes were scratched one after another by creases. Shen-Mao was right Gu-Qin and Gu Ming-yue calculation, and apparently despise this calculation, there is a hint of irony between words.
        "That's what Houye meant, how could this be good. Also ask Houye to speak up."
        Shen-Mao didn't sell Guanzi either. He directly said his thoughts, "I mean taking the road of Yin-Fae."
        Gu-Qin wondered, "Yin-Fae?"
        Yin-Fae is the highest grade in the Fae of Jiangnan this time with Emperor Xiao kang. Yin-Fae has only one daughter, Linan Princess, who is only twelve years old this year. It is said that Yin-Fae has always been inconsistent with the world, and treats people peacefully, never involving anything. Gu-Qin really couldn't figure out why Shen-Mao would hit his mind on Yin-Fae.
        Shen-Mao saw the confusion on Gu-Qin's face and explained, “Yin-Fae is one of the highest grade Fae in the harem. This time, she accompanied Fae Fae in the Jiangnan palace, and she was the only Fae. , The status is the highest, if she helped to thread the needle, Mingyue affairs would be a half. "
        Gu-Qin thought with a low eyebrow, and followed Shen-Mao words to think about it. Indeed, this is the best method at present.
        "But Yin-Fae may not be willing to help. After all, it's not good for Yin-Fae."
        "Who says it's not good. If Mingyue can really become Tai-sunfei, then Mingyue will naturally remember Yin-Fae good. The women in the harem really have nothing to fight with the world? Even if it does, then They will not refuse to make a good relationship with Tai-sunfei in the future. Of course, it is not certain whether Mingyue can become Tai-sunfei. So we have to show sincerity to impress Yin-Fae. "
        Gu-Qin asked, "Honesty? Houye sincerity is-"
        "Of course it is money. In addition to silver tickets, Fu-ren is prepared to buy rare and rare treasures. After all, there is no baby in the palace, and Yin-Fae must always be seen. If Yin-Fae is a smart person, then Will not refuse. "
        Gu-Qin Wu, "Houye rest assured, I understand."
        When Gu-Qin returned from Shen-Mao, he immediately sent someone to call Gu Ming-yue, and explained her and Shen-Mao plans in detail with Gu Ming-yue.
        Gu Ming-yue also agreed with Shen-Mao, and Gu-Qin began to prepare to bribe to please Yin-Fae treasure. This is not difficult for Gu-Qin. Zongyong Houfu has accumulated over several generations, and He has made a lot of war money, money, jewelry, and some rare rare treasures.
        Besides Gu Ming-qing Here, she really underestimated the ability of the crossing woman to recover. She had thought that the crossing woman had suffered such a serious injury. At least she had to rest in bed for a month or two, but only seven days passed. After crossing the girl, she got out of bed and started her scumbrushing road!
        Gu Ming-qing was also fortunate to witness the first battle through the scum of women!
        The reason was that Tang Laidi was going to the kitchen to make a bowl of sugared eggs for Tang Zhaodi to make up his body, but he was hit by Tang Jade.
        Tang Jade hated it. She thought that Tang Li-Yin hitting her palm, she would only mean it, she wouldn't be ruthless. Who knows that Tang Li-Yin hasn't left any emotions, he has used all his energy to swell the palm of Tang Jade palms, and it hurts his heart! The hot pain in her hand prevented her from falling asleep at night!
        Tang Jade feels that she has suffered all the hardships these days! Tang Jade counts most of her crimes against Tang Zhaodi and Tang Laidi!

        Chapter 89 : Good-looking Gu Ming-qing  

        Tang Jade now hit Tang Laidi and came to the kitchen to get the eggs. His eyes widened suddenly and ‘Called, and the sound seemed to break into pieces. "Tang Laidi, you are so brave Dare to come to the kitchen to steal eggs! I never expected our Tang family raised a thief! "
        Tang Laidi was holding two eggs in his hand, and was planning to make a bowl of sugared egg soup. When Tang Jade said, he immediately raised his eyebrows, and said unhappyly, "You're a nonsense! Who is a thief! The third sister was hurt so badly by you, and Dai Lang said that the third sister should make up for it! I took two eggs and made a bowl of sweetened egg soup for the third sister! Why are you talking!
        Tang Jade eyes were so angry that he had to go and grab the eggs in Tang Laidi hands. Tang Laidi naturally wouldn't let Tang Jade grab them. You and me would fight in the kitchen. Looking at the fairly spacious kitchen, it immediately became a little narrow.
        When Tang Jade saw that she couldn't grab the eggs in Tang Laidi hands, the anger in her heart rose even more “è¹­è¹­ ——”, almost burning to the heavenly cover, “呸! Tang Zhaodi is a thousand Jin-Young-Lady! I still have the sweetened egg soup, and I don’t see if she is worthy or not! I’ve been in bed for seven days, and I haven’t rushed out of bed to work! It's a money-loser that only loses money! "
        The old Zhang-shi returned to the Tang family for a while, and saw Tang Laidi, “bullying” Tang Jade, and immediately scolded, “Tang Laidi, you little ‘widower, you have the courage, How dare you bully your aunt! Look at my old Pozi and don't teach you well! Let you know what it means to respect the elders! "
        It was Zhou-shi who helped the old Zhang-shi to open the door. It was a little loud to hear the movement of the kitchen, and when he saw that Zhang-shi raised his hand, he would go to Tang Laidi. Tang Jade and Tang Laidi said, "You two don't stop."
        Both Tang Jade and Tang Laidi, who had red eyes, didn't hear Zhou-shi words. Tang Jade still grabbed eggs very hard, and Tang Laidi still hid.
        Gu Ming-qing managed to make clothes for Tang Jinrui these days. Today, I plan to go to the county and give them to Tang Jinrui. I heard that there was some movement in the kitchen. I didn't plan to manage it, but I heard Zhou shi voice, she temporarily changed her pace and headed for the kitchen.
        What I saw was a scene of a chicken flying in front of me. Gu Ming-qing frowned, and ordered Qiao-Yatou, "Qiao-Yatou, you go to separate Tang Jade and Tang Laidi. "
        Gu Ming-qing went to Zhou-shi and protected Zhou-shi behind him. As for the old Zhang-shi, he rushed up when he wanted to rush up. There was Qiao-Yatou, old Zhang-shi. It's totally not enough.
        The old Zhang-shi didn't bother to find Tang Laidi in the first place, but came to Tang Jade in a hurry, and looked up and down, "Yuer, are you okay? Tang Laidi that little bastard Didn't someone bully you? "
        When Tang Jade saw the backing came, he flew into the arms of the old Zhang-shi and started crying, pulling on the sleeve of the old Zhang-shi, "Mother, Tang Laidi, this little bastard does not steal eggs She dare to hit me! You have to decide for me! "
        Tang Laidi stubbed her neck and looked unconvinced, "I've bullied you! The third sister is bad for your health, so I'm eating a bowl of sugar and egg soup! Why can't you stop it!"
        The old Zhang-shi took a hard mouth at Tang Laidi, angrily, "Well! What qualifications does Tang Zhaodi have for eggs? Really, what is she Jin-Young-Lady can’t do? I 呸So many days in bed, it's early enough! Hurry and put the eggs back for me, if there is one less, watch your skin carefully! "
        Gu Ming-qing drew a corner of his mouth, should it be said that the old Zhang-shi and Tang Jade are indeed biological mothers and daughters, these words are very similar.
        Gu Ming-qing was too lazy to listen to them continue to fight, so he said softly to Zhou-shi, "Mother, I made a clothes for Xianggong, and I plan to give them to the county. You might as well go with me Look at Xianggong in the county. "
        Zhou-shi looked at Tang Laidi with anxiety, "Actually, Laidi didn't do anything wrong. Zhaodi was hurt a bit after all, and it’s not too much to eat a bowl of egg soup."
        Gu Ming-qing knew clearly that Zhou-shi was soft-hearted. Usually Zhou-shi is unwilling to take care of the trivial matters of other houses. Although he doesn't like the old things that Zhang-shi does, he doesn't like to say much. Only this time Tang Zhaodi almost died, Zhou-shi sympathized with her.
        As far as Ming-qing knows, Zhou-shi bought a lot of red dates in private, and sesame was given to Tang Zhaodi to repair himself.
        Gu Ming-qing understood that if the matter at hand was not resolved, Zhou-shi was afraid that he would not have the mood to go to the county with her. When he was about to speak, Tang Zhaodi actually appeared.
        After knowing that Tang Zhaodi has been crossed, Gu Ming-qing has never seen Tang Zhaodi. This is Gu Ming-qing. The first time—no, it’s the second time I’ve officially seen being crossed. Tang Zhaodi.
        Tang Zhaodi head is still covered with white gauze, and the dry emperor's face is pale, but Tang Zhaodi at this moment is very different from the past.
        In the past, Tang Zhaodi always lowered his head and bent down, but now Tang Zhaodi lifted his head so straight, his back was even more straight, and his eyebrows showed a strong confidence. Unprecedented flying!
        Gu Ming-qing knew that Tang Zhaodi looked good, but her good looks were largely eliminated by her cowardly timidity. Tang Zhaodi, who had been passed through, had no cowardly, timid, watery eyes. It looks exceptionally bright because of self-confidence, and even the dry yellow complexion shines with that self-confidence and becomes extremely dazzling.
        Gu Ming-qing, who was about to speak, swallowed back what he was about to say, and looked at Tang Zhaodi in a hurry.
        "Why can’t I eat eggs! Milk, but I was almost killed by my aunt! I ate two eggs! My house has done the most in the Tang family, the least, Pingsha!
        Anyway, I just have to say a word, there should be no more, no less, in my big room! These two eggs should be eaten by me, Simei, hurry up and make me the sweetened egg soup, I'm hungry! "
        Tang Zhaodi said something called a loud and powerful voice, every word and every word seemed to carry the majestic power of shaking the mountain.
        The old Zhang-shi was almost overwhelmed by Tang Zhaodi words. He raised his hand and hit Tang Zhaodi. The latter didn't hide, so he turned his face to the old Zhang-shi slap. Minato, "You hit! You hit! If you have the ability, hit hard! After you hit, I ran out and cried, let everyone know that you are a grandma who abuses your granddaughter! And Tang Jade is å’‹Cruelly ask me to be Zhi-nu life!
        I want to see, if Tang Jade has the reputation of killing Zhi-nu, can she find a good one in the future! "
        The old Zhang-shi raised hand seemed to be held tightly and could not be beaten. In the proud expression of Tang Zhaodi, he could only let down his hand indignantly and snorted heavily.
        Tang Zhaodi responded to the old Zhang-shi with a smug smile, even brighter than the sun in the sky. She also deliberately said, "Four sisters, don't hurry up, I want to eat Tangshui Tanghua! Remember to put more sugar! "
        Tang Laidi immediately answered, "Well! Third sister, I'll help you make the syrup egg soup, make sure you add more sugar, it must be sweet."
        Tang Laidi said, while beating two eggs in his hand in a missing ceramic bowl, and then chop the eggs with chopsticks. Then Tang Laidi threw firewood into the stove and started to make a fire.
        The old Zhang-shi and Tang Jade watched Tang Laidi behavior of making Tangshui Egg Flower Soup, only angry with golden eyes, even killing the heart!
        The old Zhang-shi pulled Tang Jade and was about to leave, glaring at Tang Zhaodi with hate, he couldn't wait to strip Tang Zhaodi for life!
        Tang Zhaodi is not afraid of the old Zhang-shi gaze, and smiles at the old Zhang-shi, and makes a grimace at the old Zhang-shi.
        After Zhou-shi came out of Tang Zhaodi, she was a bit stupid. She was really surprised by Tang Zhaodi actions. Is the person in front of you really Tang Zhaodi? Seeing that they have the same facial features and the same looks, but how this person feels strange.
        After the old Zhang-shi and Tang Jade left, Tang Zhaodi smiled and came to Zhou-shi and Gu Ming-qing. She still had a bright smile on her face, but it was older than Zhang-shi wants a little more sincerity, "Thank you 3-Aunt for the red dates and sesame seeds that I gave, otherwise I wouldn't be so good."
        Zhou-shi looked back and smiled, "Those things are nothing, you don't have to take it to heart. But Zhaodi, your milk is an elder, you are a junior, you still have to relax when you face your milk. "If someone knew you-I'm afraid they would gossip, Miss, the reputation of the home would not be lost."
        Tang Zhaodi face was a little weird. "3-Aunt, don't call me Zhaodi."
        Zhou-shi was startled, didn't ‘call Zhaodi, what did you ‘call?
        Gu Ming-qing was quite clear in my heart, which crossing girl would like what Zhaodi, and I hope that such a name, obviously favor boys and girls! I just don’t know what the real name of the crossing woman is.
        "What Zhaodi, when I heard it, it was my Father and my mother who gave it to me in order to have a son. It's awful! And-" Tang Zhaodi has received the memory of the original owner, except for his dissatisfaction with his current situation The accident was dissatisfied with the name of the original owner.
        Zhou-shi naturally knows that the names of the three sisters Tang Zhaodi are indeed awful. You know that no son can be born. The family of a bare daughter is not only the Tang Li-zong family, but also in other villages, so What hope, Zhaodi, can be said to be quite a lot. That is, the last name was changed, it may be Mao Panyu, Sun Zhaodi ...
        Zhou-shi suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and he rarely said to Tang Zhaodi bitterly, "Zhaodi, your name is not good, but the name was taken by your parents and has been with you since you were born. It's been more than ten years, and now you just say you don't like it, I'm afraid it is-"
        Tang Zhaodi said with no worries, "3-Aunt, I now walked before the gate of the ghost. I also figured out, I have been so wronged to do everything? The weaker and more useless I am , The more I will be bullied. Anyway, I think about it, how I will come here in the future, no one wants to bully me! Even milk!
        Gu Ming-qing With a twitch at the corner of her mouth, the crossing girl in front of her is really similar to her thoughts, and the Tang family will not be quiet in the future.
        Zhou-shi looked at Tang Zhaodi weird eyes more and more, and her suspicion rose again. Is she really Tang Zhaodi? Is it true that a person has walked in front of the gate of the ghost, and his personality will change so much?
        Gu Ming-qing looked at Zhou-shi surprise and confusion in his eyes, and looked down the road. Zhou-shi used to have too little time with Tang Zhaodi, so even now Tang Zhaodi temperament has changed, she It's just a little skeptical. If there is more to say, it really isn't.
        I just don't know what the thoughts of Tang Pandi and Tang Laidi that have been with Tang Zhaodi almost every day. Tang Pandi has been married to Xu family, but she doesn't know her thoughts for the time being. But Tang Laidi-
        Gu Ming-qing's eyes glanced at Tang Laidi, who was making sugar water egg soup in the kitchen, this may be anxious for her family to resist, so never doubt Tang Zhaodi from beginning to end. .
        Tang Zhaodi suddenly said with excitement, "I will be called Tang Jingjing in the future! Three-day crystal! 3-Aunt, 2-Sao, Tang Jingjing (then use the name Tang Jingjing uniformly), Is this name good? "
        Tang Jingjing? This name is definitely better than Tang Zhaodi. Gu Ming-qing secretly said, this should be the name of the female past life, that is, the surname does not know whether it is Tang.
        The first thing Zhou-shi cares about is not the name Tang Jingjing, but the curiosity, "Zhaodi, when can you read?"
        Tang Jingjing's excited expression instantly freezes on his face, a little uncomfortable, his eyes flicker, and he ‘calls, "I just listen to this word occasionally, and then I think the crystal word is very good, so I want to name it Jingjing. "
        After a pause, Tang Jingjing shifted the topic, "3-Aunt, you haven't said that Tang Jingjing is a good name!"
        Zhou-shi still had doubts, but he didn't ask them in the end, nodded, "Well, the name Jingjing sounds good."
        Tang Jingjing was proud, "I know the name Jingjing is good! Anyone will like the name Jingjing!"
        Gu Ming-qing's expression was a bit inexplicable, not only the twitching of the corners of his mouth, but also the corners of his eyes.
        Gu Ming-qing didn't want to stay any longer, just wanted to tell Zhou-shi to go to the county to see Tang Jinrui, Tang Jingjing said again, "3-Aunt, 2-Sao, I know You are good people. The people at 3rd House are good people. Others bully Our House. I think my mother had only three daughters and no sons. Only you at 3rd House are good to Our. "
        Gu Ming-qing who was inexplicably issued a good card : ...
        Gu Ming-qing did not know when she became a good person, Tang Jingjing seemed to have a good impression on her.
        Tang Jingjing has a good impression of Zhou-shi, and Gu-Ming can understand. After all, Zhou-shi has always been very gentle towards Tang's big house. Tang Jingjing gave red dates and sesame seeds to her when she was injured, but she didn’t do anything. Is it rabbit meat?
        Zhou-shi also couldn't catch Tang Jingjing's words, his expression was a little difficult to tell, "Zhaodi ——"
        Zhou-shi saw Tang Jingjing's face was a bit bad, so he changed his mouth, "Jingjing, don't think too much, it's serious to raise your body well."
        Tang Jingjing grasped Zhou-shi hand emotionally, and Shui Lingling's large eyes seemed to be full of stars, bright Jingjing, "3-Aunt, I know you care about me."
        Tang Jingjing quickly put down Zhou-shi hand again and turned to Gu Ming-qing and said, "2-Sao, I know that Simei didn't understand anything at that time, did something wrong and made you angry. But I know you are a good person, and you will definitely forgive Simei a lot. "
        Tang Laidi, who was cooking the syrup egg soup, was a little bit upset, muttering her mouth, and didn't say anything.
        Inexplicable adults have a lot of Gu Ming-qing : ...
        Gu Ming-qing said indifferently, "I never took that to heart." Because it was not worth it at all.
        Tang Jingjing suddenly smiled like a flower, and Shui Lingling's eyes bent into a new moon, "I know 2-Sao, you are the most generous! You will not care about Laidi."
        Zhou-shi really couldn't stand the Tang Jingjing, so he stole some Tang Jingjing at will, and took Gu Ming-qing to see Tang Jinrui in the county.
        After Zhou-shi and Tang Jingjing left, Tang Laidi sweet and sour egg soup was also good. Tang Laidi was holding Tang Jingjing behind him and facing them. Room to go.
        After a few steps, Tang Jingjing took another bowl of spoon from the kitchen.
        Tang Jingjing divides half of the syrup egg soup with Tang Laidi and passes the bowl to Tang Laidi, softly, "Four sisters."
        Tang Laidi looked at the hot, sugar-sweetened egg soup with white smoke. Her eyes were a little sour and her eyes were red, but she still pushed the bowl firmly to Tang Laidi. "Dai Langzhong said, you have to make up your body, you can eat this sugar water egg soup."
        Tang Jingjing pushed the bowl back to Tang Laidi again. Although the voice was light, there was no doubt, "I'll give it to you. Hurry up and eat. What is the sugar and egg soup, wait for it, and get rich later "Let’s eat a lot of fish and meat. They are delicious and spicy."
        Tang Laidi reached out to take the Tangshui Egg Flower Soup from Tang Jingjing and heard Tang Jingjing's words, "å™—å—¤ ——" smiled, "Sanjie, I found that after you wake up, your temper has changed a lot, Not only are they daring, but they also love to dream. We still have money. Our big room is the most moneyless, big fish and meat, delicious and spicy? Does this have anything to do with us?
        People in our big room can eat well. Big fish and big meat, delicious and spicy, I dare not think about it. "
        Tang Jingjing heard a frown, and stretched out his hand to slap Tang Laidi shoulder, solemnly, "Four sisters, you must have dreams! The third sister promised you things, you will not be able to do it! Our big room I won't live such a life of humiliation forever! The milk and the aunts really think that the people in our big room are underground mud, and anyone can step on it! Dream, I want them to regret it!
        One day, our big room will be the existence of milk and aunt looking up, is that they want to save good existence. "
        Tang Laidi ate the hot syrupy egg soup with a small sip, but just thought it was the best delicious in the world. Eggs are smooth and tender, and have the sweetness of sugar. The combination of the two makes people want to swallow their tongues. As for Tang Jingjing, Tang Laidi chose the left ear in and right ear out, which is impossible.
        Tang Laidi has very low requirements for Tang Jingjing. She only hopes that there will be one more in the big room, and she dares to fight and dare to resist. Others, she really dare not think.
        Tang Jingjing Seeing Tang Laidi didn't respond, she couldn't help but feel discouraged, and her stomach became empty again, so she picked up her sweetened egg soup and ate it, silently planning her future life.
        Tang Jingjing was an ordinary house girl in the 21st century before crossing, and she liked to read online novels, and she wrote at the same time.
        It looks like a farming text across the road, but Tang Jingjing has seen a lot! For example, the heroine traverses into an ancient little peasant girl, Father, Niang is cowardly, and there are a lot of relatives in the family! However, the heroine was brave and powerful, and she overthrew those relatives who were in need, and did business, became rich, met Noble all the way, and found a high-weight belly and black male, to escort her, and embarked on the peak of life, and obtained Beautiful love for one lifetime, one for two!
        Tang Jingjing had long been eager to become such a heroine, but that can only be dreaming! Unexpectedly, she just stayed up late to read the novel, then fell asleep, and this sleep really let her cross the Da Jin Dynasty, which did not exist in history, and became a poor farmer! This is not God's gift to her, let her start her wonderful life in Tang Jingjing in this Jin Dynasty!
        The more Tang Jingjing thinks, the brighter her eyes become, and she can almost see the good life beckoning to her!
        Without knowing it, half a bowl of Tangshui Egg Blossom Soup ate, but Tang Jingjing felt that his stomach was still full. After all, this Tangshui Egg Blossom Soup was not hungry!
        Tang Laidi also finished eating the sweet and sour egg flower soup here, and couldn't help but be content with it, and also tongued out the empty bowl.
        Tang Jingjing saw this and sighed in his heart. After all, it was because he had suffered too much before, so it was like this.
        Tang Jingjing Until the cowardly Father and Baozi Niang are transformed, she will not treat them as relatives. She hates this kind of weak and filial pie most. Throughout the big room, Tang Jingjing is the only one that can be seen slightly. Tang Laidi is the only one who dares to fight against her. She is also devoted to her three sisters and deserves to be regarded as a pro-Mei-mei.
        Tang Jingjing once again assured Tang Laidi, "Four sisters, I will let you live a good life in the future."
        Tang Laidi reluctantly put down the bowl in his hand. As for Tang Jingjing, he left his ear in his right ear and went out, not at all.
        Tang Laidi suddenly said, "Three sister, why do you want to thank 3-Aunt and-2-Sao."
        To Gu Ming-qing that nasty woman, Tang Laidi really didn't want to ‘call 2-Sao.
        Tang Jingjing replied, "Because they are good people!"
        Tang Laidi poked her tongue and taunted, "3-Aunt also gave you red dates and sesame seeds to help you this time. Other times, 3-Aunt watched our big room being bullied, but she didn't see her shot. Helped. Obviously, as long as 3-Aunt speaks a word, our lives will be much better. But 3-Aunt is not willing. And 2-Sao ——
        The elder sister married into Xu family, and the elder sister will definitely not be better in the future. The elder sister and I went to beg her brother and her so humblely, but the two of them did not agree. So, they are not good people at all. "
        Tang Jingjing thinks Tang Laidi idea is very problematic. This child may have suffered too much before, so the whole person is a little bit extreme. She thinks of Tang Laidi as her pro-Mei-mei Tang Jingjing, and feels she has a responsibility to pull back Tang Laidi, the lost lamb.
        "Simei, you can't say that. In addition to the grandmother's biasity, the biggest reason for our big room's suffering is that our Father, Niang can't stand up. It's love for others to help, and it's nothing to help.
        As the so-called trouble sees the truth, you see 3-Aunt sending charcoal in the snow this time. When I was injured, I was given red dates and sesame seeds. I have to remember her feelings. And if it weren't for 2-Sao help, we wouldn't have been able to eat that much rabbit meat. We have to remember how good others are to us. "
        Tang Jingjing Dayi said suddenly, mainly because Tang Jingjing felt that it was the sin of the original owner, she couldn’t achieve empathy, anyway, after passing through her, Zhou-shi did release her goodwill, as Crossing the girl, she can't be a ‘widower, she must remember Zhou-shi good!


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