Chongqie Courting Death Daily 525

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     "Although these Shiqie are back, they are all 9th ​​Prince and 9th-Sao, but they are forced to pick them up. I think 9th-Sao is not willing.
     These people have been thrown into Zhuangzi to fend for themselves, and there will be complaints in their hearts. If they come back, although they can't do anything about 9th-Sao, privately, they will make a lot of moths and make 9th-Sao difficult. "Third 3rd Fu-Jin is more serious, and the whole person has become more confident than before."
     Wan-xi didn't rush to open her mouth, just looking at her with cold eyes. 13th Fu-Jin's attitude was very confident. Obviously she had done a careful investigation between the two, otherwise she didn't dare to be in front of Wan-xi. Great words. However, she was too bold to be a big man, and she only dared to grin, and did not dare to take all things into account.
     "Oh? Listen to the 13-Sao meaning, 13th-Sao.
     This is everything for me. But 13th-Sao forgot, don't say that these Shiqie are not dead, they are all dead. How can they take this Fu-Jin? Are you compensating for these Shiqie?” Wan-xi has a bit of ridiculous smile on his face, and his fingers are hitting the table without a hit. Sound, no sense makes people feel a burst of pressure.

     Wan-xi words made the expression on the face of Shi 3rd Fu-Jin awkward, and the whole person was on the spot. She never seemed to think that Wan-xi would be so eager to get back to her problem, as if she was laughing at it. She made a big fuss.
     13th Fu-Jin wrinkled his brow and thought for a moment before he looked up at Wan-xi with a hint of compromise on his face, whispering: "9th-Sao is right, those Shiqie The life is more than just 9th-Sao root hair, but everything is better than nothing. It is better to give you the opportunity to filthy yourself!"
     Speaking of this, the 13th Fu-Jin couldn't help but bow his head, and the confidence that gathered so hard at the moment dissipated at the moment, which made her unconsciously swallowed back when she came to her lips. However, if she had to give up her like this, she would not be reconciled. For a long time, she finally opened her mouth again and said: "In fact, Mei-mei came here just to ask 9th-Sao to help!"
     Yu-Xiang is really good for her, but he is also very good for other people in the backyard, while others have a lot of children, but she has few pregnancies in recent years, plus Fu-Jin, not the same Concubine Struggling for the present, although she has a daughter, but her son's body is not healthy, no way, she has to look to the Wan-xi who is called the most blessed by everyone.
     In fact, she did not look at her at the beginning, but when she attended the flower banquet and listened to the participation of the feast Di Fu-Jin, the speaker was unintentional, but she listened to the heart and remembered the other person's words. Later, she carefully inquired about it. I didn't know if I didn't know it. I was really scared to hear her.
     In the past, she only thought that people who can be in the back position are the most blessed people in the world, but there are a few of the Queens who are really happy in history, and there are few who are afraid of having a good end. Besides, the embarrassment of this harem seems to be beautiful. In fact, it is all alive and well, and the days are boring. In fact, her days are not much better than them.
     The Side-Fujin in the backyard is Calling at her, she is worthy of her own, but her children are subject to these sins, but Di-the Di Daughter!
     Whether it is to stabilize her position or to stabilize her son's future status, she can no longer accept her life as before.
     Wan-xi accidentally picked up her eyebrows. In the face of the 13- Fu-Jin who directly asked her for help, she had some reaction between them. She thought she would have to circle a few circles before she would tell her that she would finally The purpose of it!
     "Say! What do you want me to help?" After Wan-xi returned to God, her eyes looked straight at her, faintly said such a sentence, but her eyes refused to let go of any of the 13- Fu-Jin faces. Emotional changes.
     13th Fu-Jin looked at such a direct Wan-xi, and the look on his face was also awkward. It was obvious that they didn’t think that they were talking about the topic so quickly, but this was just a moment, after an instant, she As if I had made up my mind, I whispered: "Although my request is somewhat embarrassing, I still hope that 9th-Sao can be seen in my current dissatisfaction and can reveal my secret recipe to me."
     13th Fu-Jin’s voice just fell, Wan-xi was paralyzed. She didn’t think that 13th Fu-Jin had circled such a big circle, and even pulled out the people like Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. What is the secret recipe for children.
     "The recipe for a child? This is the news from where you got it.
     This Fu-Jin didn't even know that there was such a message. 13th-Sao If you really want to have a child, you shouldn't come to me, but you should find the 13th brother.
     This is a matter between your husband and ‘Madam. It’s not good to be afraid of this outsider!” Wan-xi voice was a bit high, and even a few minutes and unbelievable in his tone.
     13th Fu-Jin looked at her horror, and her face could not help but be reddish. It is indeed a matter between the husband and the ‘Madam to have children, but in recent years, Yu-Xiang has lost a lot of time in the backyard.
     There are also few children born in the government. She has limited pets and will inevitably play this.
     The idea of ​​the aspect.
     "Third 3rd-Sao, regardless of whether you believe or not, I only say that I don't have any recipe for a child. If you really need it, I can copy some of the medicinal recipes that I have raised on a regular basis. Or let Mama, who is responsible for helping me to raise my body, will help you to read and write a few more suitable for you.”Wan-xi feels that the motivation of Thirty 3rd Fu-Jin is quite ridiculous, but I don’t think there is much hatred. She is not a big deal for her help!
     In the past, the previous 3rd 3rd Fu-Jin may not be a favor in the early stage, but it is indeed very popular in the later period. After all, there is a feeling of mutual sympathy, and her position in the heart of Yu-Xiang is naturally different. Her relationship changed too many things, so that she lost her chance, so she helped her to take the opportunity.
     13th Fu-Jin heard her say that the delicate brow was unconsciously picked up again. Wan-xi said it very clearly, but she did not know whether it should be believed. As she had thought before, the relationship between them is the same, and even some small holidays, in order to benefit from the other side, she must come up with some sincerity, but now she reveals her own card However, I didn't get what I wanted, and the gap was not that big.
     As for Wan-xi medicinal recipe and let the medicated meal Mama help her to squat, the 13- rd Fu-Jin felt that there was better than nothing, but my heart was still somewhat lost.
     Wan-xi looks at her like this, what else does not understand, but understand how, she can not face face! Raise your hand to signal Ting-Rain, and after a few words, take a moment and Ping Mama will come over. Seeing Ping Mama, the expression of 13th Fu-Jin changed a bit. Obviously, she did not think that Wan-xi was looking for someone, who was once served by the Empress Dowager.
     Thinking of this, 13th Fu-Jin could not help but rise a little. But this is only a matter of moments. After all, the Empress Dowager's care, not to give Wan-xi will not give her, so she really does not have to do more tangles for this matter.
     "So, it's trouble 9th-Sao, but also Ping Mama." 13th Fu-Jin thought of Ping Mama whereabouts, I think Ping Mama can wait for the Empress Dowager for so many years, definitely there is In addition, Wan-xi has not been pregnant for some years, this time suddenly pregnant, maybe because Ping Mama helps to nurse the body.
     The time, the loss of the original 3rd Fu-Jin disappeared without a trace, replaced by full hope and hope.
     "This is the responsibility of the old nubi ." Ping Mama looked calm and calm, and did not produce a slight mood swing because of the words of the 3rd Fu-Jin, so it was so stable, but let the 13- Fu-Jin believe in her ability.
     Three points.
     Wan-xi sat next to him, and the tea pot in his hand had been changed to hot water. Her eyes looked quietly at the sigh of tea, gradually blurring her eyes, and the whole person was immersed in her own thoughts. among.
     13th Fu-Jin said about Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin's instigation of the servant's life, saying that it is not big, saying that it is not small, although it does not want her life, but it is too big, it will give her or Yin-Tang brings some trouble. When Wan-xi made up his mind to bring those Shiqie to Zhuangzi, he had already anticipated some situations, but he did not expect this situation to be somewhat unexpected. However, Yin-Tang is in front of her, and she happens to be pregnant at this time, which proves that God is also on their side.
     Even if Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin wants to order those Shiqie, I am afraid that the result will not be too good. Jian-Qinwang's buttocks are not wiped clean, and his son is still in the hands of Yin-Tang. Everything is pulled out, and Kangxi, although he is getting worse and worse, but as long as He also wants the identity of this Mingjun, he has to do a reward and punishment, at least on the surface.
     "Tong-Guifei didn't nod, Yifei Niang-Niang even yelled at Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. For this matter, it should be finished.
     There are individual low-ranking shackles. I want to take this opportunity to catch up. Point benefits." Waiting for Ping Mama to help the 13- Fu-Jin diagnose the pulse, open a good way, 13th Fu-Jin no longer concealed, said everything he knows.
     13th Fu-Jin's voice just fell, Wan-xi brow picked up. In this harem, the kindness and softness never existed, and it was normal to have a hurricane, but Yifei move made her quite surprised. She thought that Yifei temporary dismissal was the greatest tolerance for her, but she didn’t expect anything to happen. Yifei would personally defend her, but it’s really –
     "Okay, I know all of this. It's you, Ping Mama is quite good. If you are so straightforward, you won't have any news even if you are in the same day. Just like me, I always thought about it. I will add another child to my grandfather, but unfortunately, there is no movement. I know that some time ago I thought I would like to pass it, no longer entangled in this matter, but there will be. You are young, the foundation is good, or relaxed.
     The heart is good, maybe this heart is relaxed, the good news naturally comes." Wan-xi whispered a few words, the appearance of a pair of people, but gave a little confidence to the 13th Fu-Jin out of thin air.
     Wan-xi said that these are not fake good intentions, but seek truth from facts. After all, Ping Mama also said that her body has no problems. Women tend to be like this.
     There are so many bad things happening in a lifetime. It’s not others, but only oneself.
     13th Fu-Jin This is really not a big deal, but for women, this means status, identity and future.
     After listening to Wan-xi words of consolation, 13th Fu-Jin stunned a little, and then she couldn't help but look at Wan-xi with a big look. She went to the door today and said that she was asking for help. In fact, she also had the intention of coercing her. I did not expect her not only do not mind, but also would like to persuade her to relax. In a time, the popularity of 13th Fu-Jin on Wan-xi instantly rose by more than half.
     After a while, I waited for the 13- Fu-Jin to slow down.
     The moment I looked up, I smiled at Wan-xi and said, "9th-Sao, thank you, you are willing to let Ping Mama help me to nurse. Even comfort me."

     After this, 13th Fu-Jin couldn't help but put away his own thoughts, and then opened his mouth, and his expression and words were a bit more sincere. I want to come to her situation in the past few years is really not very good, otherwise it will not be quite risky, run her here to ask for help.
     After sending away 13th Fu-Jin, Wan-xi sat in a chair and could not return to God for a long time.
     The tea pot held in her hand, even if she changed the hot water, but she is like this, no matter how many times hot water will be cold. It is she who is too young to look at Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. Such a woman, even if Jian-Qinwang has a slight convergence due to the relationship of Di Fu-Jin, but if she does not have a means at all, she will sit on the Fu-Jin position.
     Wan-xi only wants to think that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin wants to take the opportunity to destroy himself, and the whole body does not tremble unconsciously. She doesn't want to be angry with irrelevant people, but since they get mad at her, she can't let these people live.
     "Funyn, two little "Jiji" is coming!" Ting-Rain's voice just fell, and Yuan and Anan had already trotting in. When they entered the door, they wanted to fly to Wan-xi, if not Ting-Rain reacts fast, and Wan-xi still doesn't know if he can catch the two.
     "Two little "Jiji", Fu-Jin is pregnant, you can't do this!" Ting-Rain held one hand and waited for her to stabilize, and couldn't help but be soothed.
     Wan-xi saw two children, and quickly convergeed to the heart, reached out to recruit the two, and when the two approached, she could not help but put the two into their arms.
     The two little guys were taken care of very well, and the baby fat on the face made people look at the lovely and touching. At this moment, it was so painful to lean on the arms of Wan-xi.
     "Emium, why is Anan-Brother different from us to go to class, but also to move out?" Rounded a small powdery mouth, a face unhappy, put a small face on the hands of Wan-xi, while talking rub.
     "Enn. Anan doesn't want to be separated from Brother." The temper is a little quieter than the round, and then the other hand of Wan-xi, forcefully point the small head, obviously for the group Brother moved to the front yard It is not very willing to live with Hong-min.
     Wan-xi sees Ting-Rain said that after her physical condition, the two little guys clearly want to hug their faces, but they can't hold back, which can't help but make Wan-xi mouth slightly tilted. Up, revealing a light smile.
     "-Brother grew up, it is time to go to the front yard, before Hong-min Brother, they are the same. You are also the same, have to move to live with a few sisters!" Wan-xi whispered The palm of your hand gently rubbed the little heads of the two.
     Seeing that the children are all big, all have their own world and friends, and do not like to stick to her like a child, which makes Wan-xi quite uncomfortable, so that they want to regenerate a child.
     "Em, can't you move?" Yuan and Anan wrinkled a small face and looked at her.
     Wan-xi looked at the two little guys with a reluctant look and didn't know what to say. Just like Daren's thoughts, the child never knew everything, and the child's thoughts Daren could hardly understand. However, compared with boys and Miss, the independence of boys is indeed stronger than that of Miss. At least in separating this matter, the Miss who often object to it are all Miss, like the round and Anan, as they did a few years ago. Yali-qi.
     "No! This is the rule, let's obey. Besides, even if it's separated, it's not far away, you can always go to Brother, Brother can come to see you anytime." Wan-xi face Showing a few helpless expressions, but still admire the two to persuade the two, until their faces raised a big smile, Wan-xi then let go of the heart.
     She doesn't want any of her own practices to have a bad influence on her children, so I will explain them to them carefully until they understand them. In addition, her cultivation of Miss is not limited to talents. It is more about grinding their tempers, making them stronger and more assertive.
     They will not be dominated by the nubi around them, and they will not die because of the favor of men. .
     It is enough for her tragedy in the last life, and she does not need her or her children to repeat such tragedies.
     "Really?" The two little guys could hear at any time Brother, and they were happy again.
     "Of course. When did the mother lie to you?" Wan-xi looked at their bright smiles, and there was a gloomy mood that instantly became clear.
     After the two little Yatou were asleep, Wan-xi calmed down and began to think about what the 13- Fu-Jin said. She doesn't care what others say, and since Shiqie is sent away, she can't pick it up again. As for Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin's plan, no matter what her purpose, no matter who is helping her in the palace, who counts her, and when the matter is over, she will not hide, she will not stay. Go to the next time.
     "Ting-Rain, let our people move, this Fu-Jin wants to know what the purpose of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is, and those who help her to pour the dirty water of Fu-Jin have those." Wan-xi see Ting Rain came in, didn't hesitate, and opened his mouth and told him directly.
     Ting-Rain listened to Wan-xi, and the eyes were bright, then the voice raised and the voice echoed, and turned around in a very cheerful way out of the room. It seems that no one is doing things during this time, but she is not used to it.
     This is not, Wan-xi told me that she has become more active.
     Ting-Qin next to Ting-Rain looked at the back of the statue, and he sighed in his heart. Others were afraid of doing things, but Yatou liked to do things, but he was afraid that things would not be big enough.
     Wan-xi does not care about this, she is a person who does not commit me, I do not commit me, if anyone commits me, I will be a prisoner, what kind of compassion and compassion, these years have been polished, so as long as someone To provoke her, she must be willing to enmity, not to talk about morality and morality.
     The days are gone, and most of the time has passed.
     There have been many things happening during this period.
     The most noticeable thing is probably the fact that 13th Fu-Jin is pregnant. At the moment of getting the news, Wan-xi also felt speechless.
     This person came to the door to ask for secrets. She only listened to the fate of human beings. Who knows that most of the time, it is diagnosed and pregnant.
     This speed is really amazing.
     However, Wan-xi didn't pay much attention to it. For the 13- Fu-Jin, the thank-you gift was just sent to the ceremony. Anyway, whether the relationship is good or bad, she does not easily offend people.
     That's it.
     In addition, it is about Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin's dedication to discrediting her.
     The other party can really say that it is not enough. It is just that Niang-Niang, who is in power in the palace, does not pick up her. One day. It was Ting-Rain, and I checked a lot of things.
     The people involved were all detected. It was just the purpose of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. It was not clear after half a month. It really surprised her.
     Today is the day when Ting-Rain came back to her. According to Wan-xi conjecture, she is not far from the answer. Who knows that Ting-Rain will not wait for Ting-Qin. Said Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin to see.
     This result is even more surprising to Wan-xi than to find her to have a recipe for a child. But when she thinks about the card in Yin-Tang's hand, she just squats and asks her to come in.
     "I have seen Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin." Wan-xi saw the face-faced Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, and his face was calm and calm, even if it was a simple ceremony, it was like a flowing cloud. Pleasant.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin looked at Wan-xi, who was smiling in front of his face, and his eyes flashed unconsciously. No wonder some people say that this ZHong-Yong Junwang Di Fu-Jin looks beautiful, so that the excellent appearance is that there are few enemies in the palace. It is no wonder that so many people are sour, but no one denies their beauty. Now see you. It’s amazing. I don't know how to look like this. I didn't get the emperor in the first place, but this is not the purpose of her coming today.
     Previously, due to the explanation of Jian-Qinwang, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin had a lot of thoughts in order to discredit the Wan-xi. Even if she knew that her Fu-Jin was a few Shiqie orders, she would have to do so.
     The woman in the backyard is a man, especially a woman who has no children, so I really want to be a husband.
     She heard that her grandfather had a son who was left alone.
     This person may be in the hands of 8th-Prince, or in the hands of Qi Wang, all kinds of rumors, but I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the only thing that can be sure is her home.
     There are still sons. If the child is still young, she does not mind holding it around, but unfortunately she is getting older and she doesn't know her temperament. But at this time, she heard that 13- Fu-Jin was looking for 9th Fu-Jin and asked for a secret recipe for Zhang Shengzi. She was pregnant in a few months. She was like a cat in her heart, but she still couldn’t hold her heart. , directly to the door.
     "Today, when I go to the door, there is something to do. Although all my actions have been directed at you in the recent past, if you help me achieve my wish, I would like to personally come forward and clarify the cut." Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is not only an identity ratio Wan-xi is high, and it also occupies the name of an elder, so even if there is a demand for others, her words are more straightforward than the 13th Fu-Jin.
     Such a proud attitude, almost intimidating attitude, made Wan-xi involuntarily frowned. It seems that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin only knows that she has a high status and takes the name of her elders. She forgets that she is now asking for help. Well, the previous 13- Fu-Jin knows the practice, and this time I will encounter another ignorant practice. It is difficult to hope that she will take the initiative to bow her head.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is actually not in the bottom of his heart, he will put on such a proud attitude, but he wants to give Wan-xi a horse, and then talk about others. However, the look of Wan-xi, although plain, actually reveals a stock servant, making her feel guilty.
     “The attitude of Fu-Jin is really rare. But the limited ability is very difficult to help Fu-Jin. Please don’t be surprised by Fu-Jin!” In addition to Yin-Tang, children and family, Wan-xi never thought about who would move again. , Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin does not know how to be humane, then she does not need to do more entanglement with her, anyway, she has nothing to ask her, naturally it does not matter whether she is asking for something, and what is it?

     “The attitude of Fu-Jin is really rare. But the limited ability is very difficult to help Fu-Jin. Please don’t be surprised by Fu-Jin!” In addition to Yin-Tang, children and family, Wan-xi never thought about who would move again. , Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin does not know how to be humane, then she does not need to do more entanglement with her, anyway, she has nothing to ask her, naturally it does not matter whether she is asking for something, and what is it?
     Wan-xi did not follow the card's attitude to make Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin somewhat unprepared. She originally thought that she would give her a horse and then lower her head. Who knows that this matter simply does not follow her arrangement, then how to sing this play.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, this heart is inexplicably irritated, watching Wan-xi put on the appearance of a deputy tea delivery, she is not good to continue to put this useless shelf, anyway, no more Look, even self-defeating.
     "Old 9th Fu-Jin, you forgive me, this is my fault. Before I came over, I was not sure whether you would mind the previous things, so I want to come down first, but I don't want to be self-defeating, make things worse. "Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is not good at things, but it is also refreshing. He apologizes on the spot and his attitude is very sincere. If this is not the case, Wan-xi anger is not so easy to suppress.
     "In this case, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin would rather sit down and say slowly, can you help me with this busy work?" Wan-xi looked at her with a quiet look, and the tone tried to stay natural, but The sound seems to be slightly higher, obviously this gas is only pressed down, not vented.
     Listening to the words that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin said, she seems to be sure that she will be able to help.
     Wan-xi turned two laps in his mind, and somehow thought of the 13th Fu-Jin who came to see her for half a month. Although it is a coincidence that the three 3rd Fu-Jin are pregnant, this coincidence she said that she has nothing to do with her, afraid that no one will believe. It’s 13th Fu-Jin himself. After the pregnancy, everyone said that she was blessed with her blessings. God knows that she can have any blessings, obviously this is the arrangement of heaven.
     But the facts are here but no one is willing to believe that if she has never been out of communication, there are few people who come and go, fearing that this threshold will be flattened. No wonder she recently saw Ting-Rain Ting-Qin.
     Their faces are like a word, and they don’t dare to go to the door, but their thoughts are blocked. Now I have to meet Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin who can't stop it, so I have to inform her!
     "Help, help, this is busy except you, no one can help!" Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin listen to Wan-xi, immediately echoed, where there is just the pride, the whole People follow the sound of insects, and even with a hint of silk on the face.
     In the face of the transformation of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, Wan-xi is also helpless. Somehow, she thought of all the information she had seen in Yin-Tang about Jian-Qinwang. Good guy, in order to ask for help, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin may say that he is worshipping the temple. His sincerity is really earth-moving, but it should be done, that is, there is no movement. Looking for the door now, Wan-xi suddenly regretted that he had not been able to send the person directly away.
     Although she is alive and well, she is just an ordinary woman. She can be born because she and Yin-Tang are healthy, can others live, and she is not in control. After all, God didn't give her a golden finger (of course, if she knew what a golden finger is), she couldn't say who she was pregnant with. If this is the case, she must be the most popular existence of the ancestors. Leading many people minds!
     "The previous thing is my fault. You don't mind first. I will clarify when I look back. Of course, this is what I didn't take for granted. A few Shiqie, let alone send it away, it is also killed. In the reason. Just 8th-Prince asked us Master, we are helpless, I can only do it, but after going back, I will explain it to our Lord. So old 9th Fu-Jin, can you put your hand? The secret recipe of the child is given to me. Of course, whether it is effective or not, I still accept this love." Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin said something about it, obviously it was her last. Life-saving straw.
     Wan-xi began to think that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin hoped that there were multiple ways and multiple ways. Now it seems that she is not as simple as she thinks. With such great hope, she began to feel that the pressure is infinite.
     "Of course, you don't have to worry about me. I will blame you for so many years. Whether it is a temple or a variety of ways to ask for a child, I have tried it. I know that some recipes are good but not suitable for me, so I am only I want to have more than one hope. After all, our age is not too small. It is rumored that he has a son who is out there, but he does not know what kind of child this child is. I will inevitably plan for myself." Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin saw Wan-xi face dignified, thinking that she was worried, and could not help but persuaded a few words.
     Wan-xi sighed a long sigh, and at the moment of looking up, he made a gesture of sitting to Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, and then gestured to Ting-Qin for tea. She didn't say anything in her mouth, but her heart was condescended by Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. She only was shocked by the attitude of a stranger. If she was not here, she wanted to blow people away.
     Such a strong idea is here, Wan-xi only feels guilty, it seems that no matter whether it is done or not, it is not a good thing for her.
     “Is Fu-Jin not asked about 13th Fu-Jin? I don’t have a recipe for a child, but Ping Mama, who had been waiting for the Empress Dowager, gave her a pulse and a diet to raise her body. Maybe It’s just that these medicated diets are just right, and this is the case. Now Fu-Jin is going to ask for medicine, and I really can’t do anything about it.” Wan-xi was stared at by Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin’s eager eyes, she swallowed. After swallowing the water, I barely calmed down.
     "How is this possible! 13th Fu-Jin clearly said that it is your blessing. If it is like you said, then this Mama... is really amazing!" Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin's face is unbelievable, right On Wan-xi sincere eyes, she began to wonder if she really misunderstood something!
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin moved uncomfortably, her hands clenched in her hands, which was her guilty conscience.
     "It’s all true, and believe it or not. Believe it or not.
     The secret recipe of the child has always been different. It’s true or false. It’s a look at each other’s views. It’s not intended to deceive Yu Fu-Jin in this kind of thing. If Fu-Jin wants to try it, it can make Ping Mama give Fu-jin a pulse, and it will not be realized, but look at each man Made." Wan-xi tone is dull, attitude is not humble, elegant and modest, generous amiable.
     At this moment, Wan-xi expressed her own meaning very clearly. Although she was dissatisfied with the things that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin had done before, she could understand the woman’s obsession with the child, so she was soft. Attitude. Letting Ping Mama give her a diagnosis is just her kindness, and no more. Of course, if she insists that she is guilty, she is not afraid to confront her.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin frowned, apparently using Wan-xi as a dodge, but this heart did not really want to give up this opportunity. After all, this long road of seeking for help has wiped out all her hopes. As for why she continues to insist, maybe she doesn’t think there is hope, but she doesn’t know what else she can have. Count on.
     "If this is the case, then you will be bothered to let the Ping Mama give me the pulse and see if my body is still okay?" Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin finally decided to follow the meaning of Wan-xi. Going down, when the relationship between the two is closer, she thinks that she should speak again, and she should be able to do more with less.
     "So, then please Fu-Jin later." Wan-xi sees her promise, not much to say, let Ting-Rain go to Ping Mama directly.
     This kind of thing, she said it right, people do not believe, but she can do what she can do, and she is not afraid that others will use this kind of thing to pour the so-called dirty water on her.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin sees her loose mouth, her face can not help but reveal a few points of hilarious, I think this is a good start, then she will be a little bit of sincerity, should be able to draw closer to the distance, the time She raised her body through the Ping Mama hand and got the secret recipe of Wan-xi. Even then, her grandfather found the child who had been left behind and inherited the title. She has a child next to her.
     That can be considered a real dependence.
     Ping Mama sees Ting-Rain, and thinks that it is Wan-xi, what to order, after waiting for Ting-Rain's retelling, his face can not help but raise a bitter smile. She knows that whether it is a woman in the harem or the backyard, after all, there is no need to fight, no matter what purpose they are, it is really a thing that may not let go.
     She is good at pharmacology. When she was young, she was not favored by the Empress Dowager. She focused on maintaining the body and safety of the Empress Dowager. In terms of her son, she had a great place, and the emperor did not like the Empress Dowager. She also has nowhere to work. Waiting for Wan-xi, although Wan-xi body has a lot of dark injuries, it is better to have nursed back to health on most days. She does not need her to exert too much power. As for the child, there is no problem with the body, then look at the fate. Fortunately, Fu-Jin is lucky in this respect than many women. Just let her not think of it, her new Your Highness does not need her to contribute in this regard, but those who are irrelevant to seek the door, but also keep saying what to ask for.
     Ah! Really have a secret recipe, the women in the palace still do not fight for you to die, and where to get them to leak. It is a pity that the facts are in front of us, but no one believes, but it is suffering from 9th Fu-Jin, and these unreasonable people are indifferent.
     "Oh, my good Mama, Fu-Jin is heavy, but that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is the secret recipe for Fujio who has labor and labor. Fu-Jin said that she is not convinced, and now I will ask you to go old, she is afraid that it is Fu-Jin's dodge!” Ting-Rain is holding Ping Mama arm, and her big eyes are full of dissatisfaction. If she is not the name of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, she wants to smash.
     She can't give birth to her own child, shut her Fu-Jin what!
     I don't mean to look at God's will. She looks at God's will when she is born with this child.
     Their Jian-Qinwang House still can't keep any children, not the fault of the children, but they have too many rumors.
     "Okay, it's OK. Let's go now." Ping Mama Although it doesn't bother with the 3rd rd Fu-Jin et al.
     This is similar to the act of finding faults, but between the things of Your Highness, she has another idea and can only close her mouth. Do not say, act according to the intention of Your Highness.
     Last time, the body of the 3rd Fu-Jin was not bad. It was a little nursed back, and the husband and ‘Madam lived in harmony. It was also reasonable.
     This Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, the physical condition is still unknown, it is said that this Jian Qinwang, the age is not small, plus the indulgent feelings of youth, now I want to conceive, the difficulty is a bit big, if the two are raised and raised, is there still some possibility?

     Wan-xi is pregnant, it is impossible to grieve himself because of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. After all, this is always her. Ting-Qin was busy before, and sent the stewed tonic to Wan-xi, the movement was soft but just right, completely ignoring the strange look of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin.
     For Wan-xi, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin can only be regarded as an uninvited guest.
     They are very polite and thoughtful, and if she is uncomfortable because of her relationship, or if the child in Wan-xi stomach is uncomfortable, That is absolutely impossible.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin sat next to him and watched Wan-xi face eagerly eating the tonic. Although he felt strange, he was more envious.
     As a woman, especially a woman who has been asking for a child for many years, having a child has become her obsession.
     Ping Mama followed Ting-Rain from the outside, the first eye noticed that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin looked envious of Fu-Jin's eyes, she had seen in the eyes of the Empress Dowager Over. At that time, the Empress Dowager was the Queen, but this position was not stable. Even Guifei, who was remarried, was crushed to death. Even her eyes could only be envious, not Hate. From here you can see how harsh the first emperor is to Yu-the Empress Dowager.
     For these nubi s, the emperor is indeed supreme, but it is still worse than their Your Highness, at least in the heart, a line. So, the Empress Dowager, but the loyal people, not only can’t be as if
     Dong Ou, who is like a woman, is not Calling at the face, but also wins people.
     The emperor of his ‘Madam.
     In the past, Man Qing was not prejudiced against the remarried woman. On the contrary, the ‘Madam of many tribal leaders, Concubine, were widows or wives of others. But at that time, all the words were spoken by power, but what was ethics was nothing but virtual.
     The emperor, who wanted to use rituals to bind others, but he took away his brother’s person, it is no wonder that this behavior can not be separated from the master of the Empress Dowager.
     To put it bluntly, the emperor seems to be diligent and rebellious. In fact, it is nothing but a struggle.
     There is not enough power to break the control of the mother. People have become tragedies.
     "Old nubi (nubi ) to Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, please, please give Fu-jin." Ping Mama went up two steps, and Ting-Rain gave them two.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin listened to the voices of the two men and rushed back to realize that she had a red fruit in her eyes. She couldn’t help but feel her cheeks hot. Fortunately, Wan-xi seems to be undetected, otherwise she is afraid that it is difficult to continue to stay.
     "Imperial." Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin forced himself to raise his hand calmly, and his attitude was modest.
     This made Ping Mama, who had the same sympathy with her and the Empress Dowager, have more to her. I have a good impression.
     Wan-xi has no special thoughts on Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin's anti-customer behavior, and the anti-customer-based argument is to see what people think.
     The identity here should be respected by her hostess. On the status and status, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin There is not much problem with this move. It is nothing more than offending people. Instead of this, it is better to see that it is not clear.
     "Ping Mama, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin has a little discomfort. If you are good at giving people a good health, it is better to help you to see the pulse and see the situation." Wan-xi does not ask for the child, I don't give any credit for it. I just expressed the purpose of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin with a few understatements.
     "Yes." Ping Mama has long heard of the purpose of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin from Ting-Rain, and also knows that Wan-xi can't be pushed away, so it does not show a reluctant look.
     The face whispered reverently: "Please also ask Fu-Jin to reach out!"
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin looked at Ping Mama, who walked to the front of him, and looked at the person carefully. It was indeed Ping Mama who was on the side of the Empress Dowager. I used to say that the Empress Dowager is very fond of 9th Fu-Jin Wanyan-shi, saying that it has never been like Fu-Jin, but they think that the Empress Dowager is kind to the junior, even if they see it, it is only the Empress Dowager to the junior.
     The love, but now it seems that the Empress Dowager is not a favorite for this Wanyan-shi, otherwise how could she send her confidant to her side to serve.
     Not to mention the confidant around the Empress Dowager in the past, that is, those who waited for Mama, but all the palaces are the target of the patriarchal officials, and they are not determined to get it, so they are arranged by the Empress Dowager. of. Whether it is the profit of Wan-xi or the arrangement of Ping Mama, it is definitely not to be underestimated.
     "There is a labor Mama." Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin politely put his right hand out.
     Wan-xi looked at Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin with a slightly modest attitude, and couldn’t help but shake his head. He knew that there would be such a change, because there was a request for her, and because of the relationship with the Empress Dowager, anyway. It’s not true, so this person is within the scope of her true friendship. It can be said that as long as it is a person recognized by Wan-xi, she does not have to pay much for the other party, she will treat each other with sincerity, but once the other side has ulterior motives, Wan-xi will immediately kick people out of their own circles.
     In this world, except for Yin-Tang, children and family, no one can let Wan-xi be willing to grieve.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin didn't know the thoughts in Wan-xi heart. She was eager to know her own situation. She looked at Ping Mama and asked: "Mama, what is the body of this Fu-Jin? Do you need to nurse?"
     Don't look at them as royal clan, but this doctor can't call it, unless they need it, they use their own doctors. It’s just that the doctor is no better, who can guarantee that he has not been bought, and the following consciousness, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin still prefer Ping Mama answer.
     "Fu-jin can have water when he is young.
     This is a little cold in the palace. It is not conducive to the child. It needs to be cured for half a year to get better. In addition, it is not enough to eat medicated diet.
     There are also some taboos that need to be complied with by Fu-Jin. Fu-Jin You see..."Ping Mama has no waves in her eyes, but her heart is like a stormy wave. If it is not a city for many years, she is afraid that it is difficult to talk back and forth as calmly as she does now.
     "It is true that this Fu-Jin accidentally fell into the water when he was young, and he was sick for a long time. Although the doctor said that this Fu-Jin is fine, but this is cold, this Fu-Jin has cold hands and feet, and is generally uncomfortable, especially to the sunflower. When the water is in the water, the pain is unbearable. Although Fu-Jin has also looked for a lot of people to treat, the results can be almost the same, even the royal doctor is like this." At this moment, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is really I believe in Ping Mama ability.
     Wan-xi sees Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin and looks at himself, and does not shirk it. He directly said: "Fusong, please rest assured that this doctor and Ping Mama are not good at the field, and the practice and the statement are naturally different. I am good at treating diseases, and Mama is good at conditioning the body. Now that Ping Mama has diagnosed Fu-Jin's physical discomfort, it will naturally help to solve it."
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin heard that the look on his face could not help but improve a lot. It seems that she is really afraid that Wan-xi will threaten it. Fortunately, Wan-xi does not, which makes Jean-Qinwang Fu-Jin a rare place. I feel a little silky.
     Ping Mama can ignore this. First, I took the pen and ink from Ting-Qin, wrote a few medicated recipes, and told me some taboos and sequences. It can be said that even if people did not take care of themselves, they also The confession is not bad.
     Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin Maid presents the recipe and some precautions, not to be perfect, but it is also dedicated. Although Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is not satisfied that Wan-xi has not been able to temporarily borrow Ping Mama, but according to the experience that Ping Mama has served on the Empress Dowager for many years, this person is a nubi
     That is also a nubi who can't wait for it.
     "How long does this recipe have to eat, when do you want to come over and diagnose the pulse?" Since the body is really problematic, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin naturally hopes to be well-nourished. After all, the body is not good, and there are secret recipes that cannot be used!
     Ping Mama looked at Wan-xi, see Wan-xi nodded, and couldn't help but whisper: "Three months later, Fu-Jin will come to Junwang House again, and the old nubi will see Fu-Jin's recovery and then adjust to Fu-Jin."
     When it comes to this, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is not good to say anything more, and he is ready to get up and leave. Wan-xi noticed that Ping Mama had some wrong looks, and she was directly guilty. Now that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is leaving, she naturally can't stay again, so she also got two sentences and got up and sent people. Qing yi-Courtyard, and then Ting-Qin sent people out of the house.
     Going back to the inner room again, Wan-xi, who had been sitting on the back for a while, was lying on the soft couch without image. Ping Mama saw it, stepped forward, half aside, and reached for help. Wan-xi kneads the calf, and waits for the tight body of Wan-xi to slowly relax. Without the Wan-xi opening, Ping Mama automatically says: "Fusong, the body of this Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin It’s not just that the palace is so simple, but someone used her secret medicine to make her unable to give birth to a child. As for who this person is, the old nubi is also not sure. After all, this backyard is private, and the political situation of the court is taken. And moving the whole body, so who is not important is important, is it important that Fu-Jin will fulfill the wish of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin?"
     Wan-xi listened to Ping Mama words, could not help but slightly sigh, and then chuckled: "Although this Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin with this Fu-Jin can be considered a former enemy, there are also embarrassing in recent days, but not yet If it is hurt, if she is willing to close her hand, she will not be able to complete it."
     "If that's the case, let her raise it first! According to her situation, it is not a matter of time to get a child or a woman." Ping Mama did not mention Jian Qinwang, after all, this kind of thing doesn't have to chew the tongue in front of Your Highness, but for the kindness of Wan-xi, Ping Mama is extremely grateful. After all, Yu-the Empress Dowager is a soft heart, but she is soft. Your Highness does not order, she does not dare to make her own claims.
     She gave Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin the prescriptions that can indeed be raised, even with a silky detoxifying temper, but the effect is slow. Now Wan-xi answered, after three months, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin came back, she adjusted the prescription, helped her to completely nurse her body, but she could finally bear the child, but also had to look at herself, or Jian-Qinwang.
     Wan-xi looked at the face with a stunned Ping Mama, then burst into laughter, waiting for her to stop laughing, then I watched Ping Mama erect a big root Thumb said: "Although this Fu-Jin did not want to use this to make Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, but Mama can help this Fu-Jin, it is not bad."
     Ping Mama looked at the childish Wan-xi, and she couldn’t help but flash a kind of love, but she also planned to observe this Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. If she still does not know how to repent, she will not do her best. Try to raise her body for her. After all, she can help others to rehabilitate the body, and she can also ruin the good body of others.

     When Yin-Tang returned to the house, he heard about the visit of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin.
     The gods in his mouth said for a while, full of speculation about his visit. Lin-Chujiu next to him has already inquired, but Yin-Tang does not ask, he does not dare to Call, can only listen silently to where Yin-Tang is going to squat, and can’t help but feel like sigh.
     It was at this time that they arrived at the door of Qing yi-Courtyard. Although there was no Fu-Jin to come and greet this time, but Lin-Chujiu was relieved to see the Yin-Tang no longer look like a god.
     He was afraid that Your Highness would punish him, and he was afraid that the gods of Your Highness would be enchanted. Because the crime is punishable, he can guess his own end from the mistakes he has made, and if Your Highness is mad, he feels that he never expected how he would die?
     "Master  is back, but tired, how is the face a little bad?" Wan-xi in the inner room is playing chess with the game, looking up at Yin-Tang, can not help but put down the game and the chess pieces, got up and greeted Go up.
     "I heard that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is visiting? What is she doing for it? It’s hard to be Shiqie. It’s not enough for her. I have to run to the house of the Lord to show you that I can show her.
     The ability to come?" Yin-Tang saw Wan-xi greeted him, could not help but reach out to carry the shoulder of Wan-xi, holding her side and holding her, asked her side.
     Wan-xi listened to Yin-Tang.
     This half is ironic, and ' ' laughed out loud. "If the voice of the Lord is called by other people, this Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is afraid of sweeping the face." “
     Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi leaning against the pillow, his face is like a flower, then he raises his hand to make a kind of tea, and sighs a bit. After the scorpion runs, he says: "This During the period of time, the man not only wants to make friends with the Jian-Qinwang, but also has to guard against the 8th Prince, so that the 4th Prince can find his presence inadvertently.
     This seems simple, and it takes a lot of money to do it. A lot of energy and manpower. My grandfather, Jian-Qinwang was forced into the corner by 8th Prince, or that Jian-Qinwang was old, and there was no decisiveness and negligence in the past, which was killed by 8th Prince. Dead, even now, even the most basic face is not needed, pull out from Fu-Jin to make up."
     Speaking of those Shiqie, whether it is ten or a hundred, as long as he feels bad, whether it is sent away or a rod, what is the matter of these people, it is hard to deduct a charge from Wan-xi, it is difficult Cheng will let him go with their intentions!
     "Master, this woman can't refuse her family after all, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is like this, and it is also the same. And this time, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin's visit is not a demonstration, but a request for a child. I don't know who it is. To get it, this 13th Fu-Jin is also for this so-called secret recipe.
     This Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is also here to ask for a secret recipe. I don’t know when I have this ability, the Niang in the palace. What Niang can't get, I got it, and it is widely used. It is a lot of children for the birth of the grandfather." When Wan-xi said this, the expression on his face and the tone in his mouth seemed quite helpless. . She and Yin-Tang have good bones, and their feelings are as glue-like.
     There will be children, and that is normal. If there are no children, then there is a problem.
     "This is a very good thing, and my relationship with the Jao-Jao is very different. It is not like a human being. As for the recipe of this birth, the grandfather should be someone who is so sweet and blissful, so as to disturb the line of sight and let us be in a mess." Yin-Tang is scornful about the recipe of the child. After all, 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin privately did not toss this thing privately. As a result, the two people who were tossed turned upside down, but there was no use.
     "Although I don't know how this will develop, I think it's a coincidence that 13th Fu-Jin has come here and a few of them have gone. 13th Fu-Jin is really pregnant, nor is it true. I know that she should have been pregnant at this time, or it’s really a coincidence.” Wan-xi mentioned this and felt very embarrassed. How could she think of the 13- Fu-Jin as a force, it feels like God wants to push her to the rhythm of theend a son of Guanyin'.
     "Hey!" Yin-Tang thought about Yu-Xiang. Some days ago, he was inexplicably thanked by him. Although he was somewhat inexplicable, he didn't know why. He thought it was for the northwest. Now he is swearing because of this.
     The pregnancy thing, not a black line of authenticity: "Then this Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin how do you arrange it?"
     "Also let Ping Mama diagnose a vein, open a few nursed-ups, and look at the situation after three months." Wan-xi thought about it, and again, Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin was given the secret medicine.
     The matter told Yin-Tang. No matter who does this thing, what is the intention, it is worth noting that it can be prepared or can be drawn.
     Sure enough, Yin-Tang listened to this incident, the brow unconsciously wrinkled into a group, the whole person fell into deep thought. To say this sinister, what can be more exciting than the harem.
     This Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is a successor to Fu-Jin, but in the end it is Qinwang Fu-Jin. Even if there is a backyard, it is impossible to be like Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, so the only possibility is that Imperial Father does not want Jian Qinwang has a post.
     "It seems that Jian-Qinwang is not the trust of Imperial Father as he imagined. Otherwise, when he favored concubine to kill his ‘Madam, Imperial Father should warn or remind him on the grounds of the child. Unfortunately, the Imperial Father not only has no openings, but also Fu-Jin medication, it is not difficult to see from this place that the order is not so good." Yin-Tang patted Wan-xi hand, gently lowered the voice to her.
     "What about the Northwestern thing, the Imperial Father is so repeated? Is it just to try the 8th-Prince attitude?" Wan-xi is not surprising from the Yin-Tang here, obviously I already had this idea in my heart.
     "Of course not. Maybe Imperial Father wants to see not only the attitude of 8th Prince, but also the attitude of 4th Prince and those of us. After all, this is too high for the Emperor and the Imperial is not safe.
     The Imperial Father is not at ease!" Yin Tang said this when the face is meaningful.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's expression, and my heart was also a long sigh. Obviously it is the father and son.
     This feeling is really not much, but it is quite suspicion.
     There is no basic trust between them. It is not as good as Kangxi here. Because Kangxi went a little suddenly, although he left a lot of problems, he did not die like the present, just toss his son.
     Of course, these words Wan-xi can't be said in the face of Yin-Tang's son. Even if she is his ‘Madam, the attention should still be paid attention to, because the human heart is the most unharmable and injured. No matter how to make up, it will leave a trace, and she does not want to ruin the deep friendship that the two people could not easily establish because of this tongue.
     "Since it is Imperial Father, will Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin still have to be ruled over there? If it is really erroneous and pregnant, what will the Imperial Father think?" Wan-xi is still the most concerned about himself. Whether or not it will affect Yin-Tang.
     "What can you think? Now Jian-Qinwang has become a well-known secret. Even if this child has not appeared in front of everyone, everyone knows that this child will appear sooner or later.
     There is such a long Dacheng
     The children are blocked in front, and Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is pregnant. Is it male or female, and what can it affect? Yin-Tang comfortably rubbed her back with a smile.
     "That's fine." As long as there is no impact on Yin-Tang, it would be fine to complete the Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin back.
     Yin-Tang See Wan-xi really did not suffer any grievances, and no longer entangled in the visit of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. Turn your attention to Wan-xi and the child in her belly and ask a lot.
     During this time, he was busy and busy, and he was busy and busy. It can be said that this northwest war is not a foregone conclusion. He can't rest well all day, but although Wan-xi has heart, but the body can't stand it, so most of the time he waits for him. When she came back, she had already slept. After waking up, Yin-Tang walked away early. I don’t know if I didn’t know.
     They said that they hadn’t sat down to talk for a few days.
     Fortunately, Wan-xi is not the kind of sticky woman. After two generations, she has grown to the point where she can stand side by side with Yin-Tang. Although Yin-Tang does not need her to do anything, Wan-xi will not add unnecessary pressure or add unnecessary trouble to him.
     "Master  still have to go out?" Wan-xi reached out and took the " Xiao Jing" not far away, and the moment of questioning had already stuffed the book in his hand into the hands of Yin-Tang, and its intention was very obvious.
     Yin-Tang looks at the appearance of Wan-xi, and laughs a little, not much to say, telling her by action, even if there are more things here, he will read this "filial piety" Going over again and again.
     Yin-Tang's voice is low but magnetic, slowing down the sound to study, but giving people the feeling of whispering in the ear. Wan-xi likes to listen to Yin-Tang, no matter what the book, it will let her unconsciously relax.
     Today, I have dealt with Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin for half a day. Although there is a rest in the middle, the quality of sleep is not good, and her spirit is relatively not very good. Now Yin-Tang is so gentle in the book, the voice is still a little rhythm, but let her unconsciously enter the dream.
     Waiting for Yin-Tang to read the "filial piety" for most of the time, looking up at the moment to look at the already sleeping Wan-xi, could not help but be a little dumbfounded. He studied seriously here, she fell, and fell asleep in less than a moment. Look carefully, see Wan-xi under the eyes with a hint of blue, Yin-Tang guessed that 13th Fu-Jin and Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin came one after another, and there are some things outside the house. Let her rest badly, in other words, some people forget to measure.
     Putting the " Xiao Jing" in his hand to the side, Yin-Tang got up and took Wan-xi to the bed. When she slept well, she licked the quilt for her, and then she walked out.
     "From the beginning of this day, the closed door thank you, except Fu-Jin's instructions, no matter who sent the post, refused, said that Fu-Jin is pregnant and should be well rested." Before going to the study, Yin-Tang directed Ting-Rain said a few words, and that was a big step away.
     Ting-Rain looked at the back of Yin-Tang, only to feel the heartbeat, and his face was full of horror. For a long time, he calmed his hand and patted his flat chest. He looked at the Ting-Qin next to him: "Your Highness, is this blaming me for not doing good?"
     Ting-Qin looked at Ting-Rain's stupid look, and her face was black and knocked on her forehead. "Are you stupid! Your Highness means "closed door, thank you, no longer let People bother Fu-Jin, this has nothing to do with you not to check!"

     Yin-Tang does have his own thoughts on certain behaviors of , but as long as he does not involve Wan-xi and the child, he will not hide it, but on the contrary Take the initiative to think for him, not only that, but also subconsciously everything is based on his development.
      Naturally, it is also trusting for Yin-Tang. It is just like the episode-like epilepsy that is unique to the emperor. It will be repeated and stimulated by the stimulation. Even so, the relationship between the two is safe in a certain degree. As long as they do not involve the interests or the limits of both parties, they can maintain the friendly relationship of such Brother and monarchs.
     Of course, this is only in the absence of contradictions. If something really happens, the sword is actually a matter of time.
     The so-called different ideas, different ideas, the sentence 'the big picture is heavy' has to pay a lot of money, only the people who pay can feel the bitterness and pain, and become the superior, began to take it for granted, Yin-Tang The family is also reluctant to continue to pay, which seems to be a good deal, but it is an inevitable contradiction.
     When Yin-Tang came over, he was reviewing the memorial in the study room. Don’t look at Kangxi gods and gods as if they had played two balanced tricks. However, in terms of government affairs, he did not change his point. Handling, the look of a complete reassurance makes people unsure of his true intentions.
     "4th Prince, this is a coincidence, but it can still be used. After all, Jian-Qinwang is now crazy for the children. Although we can handle the virtual and pseudo-snakes, the northwest is not suitable for further dragging. "The longer you drag, the more people will die, the more difficult the war will become. When you really want Yin-Er to go, Yin-Tang is afraid that it is hard to be assured!"
     The rumored words, with a pretty agreeable look on the face, according to the identity and status of Jian-Qinwang, want to move him, quite a bit of difficulty, may also cause unnecessary panic.
     The royal family, regardless of the relationship, is still very united at the crucial moment. As a newcomer who is about to succeed, it is impossible to know that the fight against Jian-Qinwang will lead to a clan. He naturally can't do it, and the only opportunity to solve this crisis is all on the son of Jian-Qinwang. .
     This problem has been encountered by Zi Zi, and he can understand the idea of ​​Jian-Qinwang. However, for Jian-Qinwang to blindly trust the old eight, he was guilty of guilty, and felt that the former wise, like Jian-Qinwang, would have encountered such a thing.
     "This thing is the same thing, but the Imperial Father doesn't seem to have a loose mouth. I have a heart to talk to the Imperial Father about this matter, but the Imperial Father thinks that the body is uncomfortable." Doctor, Imperial Father's body is already great, but still can't work, so it can only explain that Imperial Father has other plans." Wrinkled his brow, he is very helpless about this matter, and his heart is wrong, but this What about it, Kangxi is still alive, no matter whether he can not retreat, he will not be a successor, he has to scrutinize him.
     Outside the study, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang just came with people. Lin-Chujiu and Su Peisheng, who were outside the study, saw the two coming over and immediately greeted them with a smile.
     "Lin-Chujiu gave the ten and the 13th to the Ann, and the two were auspicious." Su Peisheng and Lin-Chujiu gave a ceremony to the two, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang behind. Immediately, the two men helped each other quickly.
     “What did 4th Prince and 8th Prince discuss in the inside?” Yin-Er sighed down and asked Su Peisheng to ask them a sentence. During this time, although they were diligent in practicing martial arts, he also read the military books he did not like very much. I just want to go to the northwest again. It is a pity that time has passed every day, but it has been delayed, and it is really heart-warming.
     "When you return to the tenth, Your Highness and 9th Prince don't let the nubi disturb, so the nubi don't know what's inside." Su Peisheng said awkwardly, and he seemed to think of something, looked around. Going forward, whispered: "But before the 9th Prince and Your Highness, the voice was quite loud, but it mentioned Jian-Qinwang, but the tone is not good."
     Su Peisheng’s voice was a little low, but it’s not too big or small, just to let the people present hear it. Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang See Lin-Chujiu nodding, and I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.
     The 2nd Brother want to do their best for them, but they still want to remind them. It's really not enough.
     After Yu-Xiang heard it, he nodded to Su Peisheng and Lin-Chujiu. Although he had a moment of hesitation, he still asked if he asked, otherwise he would not know what to do when they were doing things.
     That is really sorry for the efforts of the 2nd Brother. Turning his head and looking at the Yin-Er with a sly face, whispered: "10th-Brother, let's go in! No matter what the situation develops, we all know, we can't have two of them. Look straight at the 2nd Brother and run straight for us!"
     Perhaps Yu-Xiang’s words made Yin-Er think of something, or Yin-Er itself wanted to do something for them, to reward the 2nd Brother for their care, so he nodded in obedience and said: You are right, we can't let the 4th Prince and 9th Prince suffer and suffer."
     Yin-Er said that she took the lead and went ahead.
     The speed made Su Peisheng, who had wanted to go in and reported it, to be dumbfounded. Fortunately, he responded quickly enough. Although he failed to report, he was the first to lead the way.
     Theervants in the house and Yin-Tang saw the Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang entering the door, not to mention, but they waved at Su Peisheng, indicating that they all went out to guard the door.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, you don't talk about how we don't call us, even if we are not capable, but a few small things can still help." Yin-Er stepped forward, not waiting for them. When you open your mouth, you can talk about it.
     Yu-Xiang has a hand-for-money, and Yin-Er, who is acting rampage, he really can't take him. Originally, he took Yin-Er to come in. He wanted to help, but he didn’t understand the situation. Zhangkou promised that even if the two of them were Brother, it would be somewhat unstable. After all, they both had to The battlefield, always so Calling, it is inevitable that people feel unsteady.
     Fortunately, Yu and Yin-Tang have long been accustomed to the appearance of Yin-Er, and even because of the Yin-Er rampage temper, he is quite tolerant to him, even relative to Yin-Tang and Yu Xiang, he still has a hint of connivance. Although this kind of behavior made Yin-Tang look speechless and even felt incredible, but the Brother who saw his attention were treated with kindness, and he only had a happy heart, how could he want to poke.
     "Okay, let's sit next to you. I will talk to you about these things for a few days." Yin-Tang saw the appearance of the two, not much to say, directly into the topic.
     Yin-Tang’s voice just fell, and he nodded.
     This is not just about them. Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang are also difficult to stand outside. Rather than letting them be counted without knowing it, or if they have misunderstood because they didn't know it, it's better to make a clear statement at the beginning. After all, their Brother have a straightforward relationship.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang did not think that Jian-Qinwang would use this kind of abuse, but things are still under control, which made them unconsciously relieved. Especially Yu-Xiang, I heard that the recipe for the birth of a child, the face can not help but fever, to say who started this thing, regardless of the reason, with the 13th Fu-Jin can not get away with it, but he thought about going to the northwest In the year, Thirty 3rd Fu-Jin paid a lot for him. He couldn't open his mouth and scolded her. He could only stand up and pay off Yin-Tang.
     "9th Prince, this is not the younger brother. If it is not the negligence of the younger brother, it will not cause so many right and wrong." The secret recipe of the child is all rumors, but he knows that he is a medicinal prescription for Fu-Jin. It was opened by Ping Mama around 9th-Sao. To put it bluntly, it is not a secret recipe to be born or not, it is a man’s skill.
     "Forget it, even if you don't have Fu-Jin, you will have someone else." Yin-Tang waved his hand and obviously didn't count it on them.
     In the face of the generosity of Yin-Tang, Yu-Xiang feels embarrassed. Some things may be resentful if others are unwilling, and the more people are more generous, the more embarrassing he is. After all, 9th-Sao is pregnant, and when he Fu-Jin goes to trouble 9th-Sao, he is not pregnant. It is true that they are sorry 9th-Sao.
     Yin-Tang looks at the appearance of Yu-Xiang, what else can't be seen, this thing is bigger, it is just 13th Fu-Jin, the eagerness of the child, the calculation of others, and the ambition The rumors became more and more fierce, and they said that they were younger, but they were helping each other. Of course, if you change your personal, Yin-Tang will certainly not have such a good temper. After all, Wan-xi has suffered a lot of harassment.
     "Well, this is the end of the matter, and doing more care will not help.
     The most important thing is that we have to reverse the current situation. After all, Jian-Qinwang is becoming more and more extreme, and various means are emerging. If it continues to let go, I am afraid It’s going to be a big deal.” He also annoyed with Jian-Qinwang and the hustle and bustle of these things, but they can’t stop each other’s handles, they can’t stop each other.
     So far, although they have not lost much, but they continue to let them go, it is impossible to be inadvertent.
     Sure enough, Yin-Tang and others heard that the face could not help but become more and more ugly, especially Yin-Tang, thinking about Jian-Qinwang to condone Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin to smash his hat on his Fu-Jin head. I couldn’t help but laugh.
     The hand that was originally placed next to him couldn’t help but smashed into a fist and slammed the table. He said coldly: “Jian-Qinwang, there is some idea for the younger brother. It’s just a matter of success or failure. You have to look at Jian-Qinwang. How stubborn is the child?"
     When they heard the words, they couldn’t help but look at Yin-Tang. It seemed that they didn’t think that he had an idea so quickly.
     The eyes of the three people couldn’t help but shine a lot.
     Yin-Tang didn't expect to take Qiao with them. Seeing six pairs of eyes looking at themselves, I couldn't help but explain that Wan-x i had a secret recipe for the first time. By the way, it was said. Your own views and plans. Anyway, this kind of thing, sometimes you have to believe in life, and sometimes it is a bit of luck. Besides, success or failure is not a matter of words. Everything has to pay attention to a process. What they have to do is the process of seeking a child.
     "9th Prince's meaning means that by the way they buckled on the head of 9th-Sao, they made things big, and then they came out by 9th-Sao, letting Mama around her help those clans. Take care of these people, so as to woo these people?" In the end, it is the emperor of the future.
     Then there is Kangxi personal teaching. Some things don’t need to be explained. Just by starting, he can guess the beginning and the end.

     "9th Prince's meaning means that by the way they buckled on the head of 9th-Sao, they made things big, and then they came out by 9th-Sao, letting Mama around her help those clans. Take care of these people, so as to woo these people?" In the end, it is the emperor of the future.
     Then there is Kangxi personal teaching. Some things don’t need to be explained. Just by starting, he can guess the beginning and the end.
     Yin-Tang saw that he almost understood his intentions and could not help but nodded. He continued: "This backyard is mostly in the hands of the main room, even if there is no child, as long as it is powerful enough, or the background of the mother is enough. Hard, some things are not just men's words!"
     Yin-Tang flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. Obviously, he wanted to make those who were in Wan-xi all unlucky.
     They didn't think much about it, but they felt good in the backyard. You know that this backyard looks like a single
     Li, in fact, is inseparable from the front yard. If the backyard is not stable, the front yard will not think about it. Otherwise, and others will not try to pull Wan-xi into the water.
     The purpose is not to make Yin-Tang innocent.
     Go and help. Now they are treating their own people with their own way, but they just let them taste this taste.
     "9th Prince, you said this, it makes a lot of sense. In this backyard, most of the main rooms are not pets. For whatever reason, the main room will want to help the children to ensure their own interests and status, so if you really start from this aspect, the main room Concubine, and even the relationship between the male and the host will intensify, and will certainly become a mess." Yu-Xiang said this when he could not help but think of Fu-Jin, even if the woman who is reasonable is in the interest of the body will also To meet the difficulties, not everyone is a reasonable person.
     "It's not justified, but it makes a lot of sense.
     13th brother, you Jian-Qinwang knows, if he can stabilize the backyard, now why is it because the son is led by 8th Prince, even pulling With his own Fu-Jin, he wanted to pull Wan-xi into the water, but he did not know that the fake news spread became the so-called 'true news', so that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin changed his mind and wanted to make Wan-xi Get the so-called secret recipe of the child." Yin-Tang said these words, with a hint of irony and irony in his tone, it is clear that it is ridiculous for Jian-Qinwang and others to raise their own feet.
     Men always think that they have mastered a cut, such a mistake, Yin-Tang has also committed, just realized that this point will let him inadvertently lose his most important person, he changed his mind. But how about others, if he has had the same mentality, he can guess most of it.
     This time it was obviously directed at him. Wan-xi was just involved, and this is the most angry place for Yin-Tang, otherwise he can't do things so well. Of course, he still looks at the same sect and gives Jian-Qinwang a way to go. Otherwise, he really wants him to regret it. It is to lead him to kill his own son and tell him the fact. .
     "This is something that is nothing but a secret, but it is a speculation. It is not difficult to see from this that it is not difficult to see that the old eight is soft and arrogant, and that it is unscrupulous for the purpose, so we can't let them Pulling 9th-Sao off the water. Moreover, the Empress Dowager or the Imperial Father, I have said that 9th-Sao is a blessed person. Since it is a blessed person, it is natural to distinguish it from everyone. So, let's In another direction, the person is raised higher.
     This luck and the secret recipe of the child, the former seems to be more reminiscent of God's will, so that there is fear." If you say these words, even if you have hidden some thoughts, but generally take care of it. Wan-xi safety and interests, so Yin-Tang their faces are not bad.
     “4th Prince is right.
     The recipe for having a child is just a secret recipe, but anyone with a little strength will want to share a cup. So, how much trouble we should have. It’s not like luck or blessing, it’s completely It is God's will, it is not man Made." Yin-Tang nodded, apparently saying that this method is the most suitable so far.
     Rumors of such things, good to say, what rumors stop at the wise, but the world's lay people account for the majority, so the rumors will only become more and more intense, rather than automatically stop. Of course, if there is something more exciting, it will be a different matter. Obviously, there are still things that are more worthy of the people concern, so since they can't suppress the matter, they can only develop in the direction they want.
     All in all, in short, Yin-Tang is to pull those who have no thoughts into the water.
     He and others nodded and exchanged opinions.
     This matter was originally complicated. Since they want to hold Wan-xi up, they can't make a mistake. Otherwise, they will let the other party grasp the handle. It really means losing Madam and losing the soldiers.
     You said a word, I said, three smugglers have passed Zhuge Liang, not to mention that among the four of them, three are all intellectually motivated, and the rest, don’t look honest, but in fact, some cities, otherwise In the last world, the Eight-Year Party did not end well, so he could be hospice.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, since Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin has been comforted, the rest is 8th Prince, as long as the son who is confirmed by Jian-Qinwang is not in his hand, the current dilemma can be solved. When Yu-Xiang said this, his eyes couldn’t help but look at it, because they all knew that most of the forces in Yin-Tang’s hands were given.
     Hearing his words, his heart is also awkward, and the people in his hands, whether on the plain or in the dark, have already dispersed, but the news is intermittent, and the progress is slow, it is difficult for him to be satisfied. .
     "There is a clue to this matter, but this person has not found it yet, so since we all know that people are not in the hands of Lao Ba, Jian-Qinwang can't believe it. After all, he can't afford it before there are other children.
     This risk." Wrinkled with an eyebrow, the more the tone is more annoyed, the hate can not face the sword, with blood to force them back.
     Yin-Tang They look at each other and know that it has been dragging on for so long, and it is natural to use it patiently. Don't say oh, they are, they hate and Jian-Qinwang. But what about it? Where are their identities? Kangxi stares at the top. Even if they want to vomit blood, they don’t have to think of ways to get it, not directly.
     "4th Prince, the goods of my brother's men are also collecting news. Although the news is very messy, 4th Prince gives the younger brother some time, and after sorting out, there may be new discoveries or uncertainties." Yin-Tang wants The person who arranged himself has become the most trusted brother of the son of Jian-Qinwang. Even if he is introduced, he is not worried that he will not be able to use it in the future.
     "That trouble 9th Prince brother is a little faster, after all, the northwest side can't be dragged any more, and the 800-mile expedited has already come several times, but the Imperial Father is not loose, really..." When I mentioned this, I felt a headache. He really didn't understand what Kangxi was thinking about now. Even if he wanted to contain him, he wouldn't have to make a joke about the national event! If this battle is really defeated, or if the northwest is really lost, and then want to take it back, it will not be possible for a while.
     At this point, compared with Kangxi, you are more pragmatic. Even if you have the pride of the kingdom of the heavens, you don’t have a clear-cut attitude and know how to introspect. Otherwise, in the last life, how he worked hard to create a valuable family business for the ruined family of Hong-li. Of course, this is all afterward, and in this world, with Hong-hui Zhu Yu in front, Hong- Li is afraid that it is very difficult to have the scenery of the last life.
     Yin-Tang They waited until the smoldering fire disappeared before they spoke again. Almost half an hour later, it was a consensus and the matter was settled.
     After Yin-Tang left, Su Peisheng helped her to send a hot tea and cleaned up the Yin-Tang used items and left them clean. And a quiet environment for him to handle government affairs.
     Yin-Tang The three of them went out together with Qinwang, and the three did not return to their homes. Instead, they went to the Yin-Tang restaurant to drink.
     Yin-Er is a straight temper.
     There is one to say one, two to say two, but now it is awkward, and a meal is almost finished, and he does not see him. Yu-Xiang next to him is anxious for him, his brother, is it necessary? Even if they do this, they are really a bit unreasonable, but who can make the family can make trouble! It is said that this ten Fu-Jin is much more powerful than his Fu-Jin.
     "Oh! 9th Prince, what's hard to say in front of you, you can open your mouth now, 9th Prince can help you, if you find yourself, and you are shocked by 9th-Sao, then it is really sinful." Yu Xiang put the wine in front of the drink, put the glass on the table, and urged Yin-Er.
     Yin-Tang saw that Yin-Er had something to say, but he didn't know what he was all about. He looked at Yin-Er and saw him look at himself. He frowned. He does not remember what is wrong with their Brother. After so many years, they are also a road to support, and they have come to this day. In the past, Yin-Er really had something to say, and it was his first time like today.
     "9th Prince, I thought it didn't matter, but after listening to your conversation with 4th Prince, I felt that my mouth was like sympathizing with Jian-Qinwang." Yin-Er paused. For a moment, I reached out and scratched my head, and my face was embarrassed.
     He is really noisy from Fu-Jin. Since he was pregnant, he didn’t know where she heard it. He just tried to test the truth. He himself had inquired with Yu-Xiang, saying that it was 13th Fu-Jin. It was indeed related to Wan-xi. He would inevitably be tempted by his heart. After all, influenced by Kangxi, these sons actually have a Di Silk obedience, but there are few of them who can have Di-.
     I came here today and said that he is not a Fu-Jin. In fact, he himself does not want a Di-.
     "It turned out to be like this." Yin-Tang nodded and thought for a moment, then he looked up at Yin-Er. "You should have asked the old thirteen.
     This is not the case with you 9th-Sao." What is the relationship, the real contribution is the Empress Dowager sent to her side Ping Mama. Ping Mama seems to understand the pharmacology, the body is very good, even the doctor in the house is not as good as you. If I believe that you will take Fu-Jin to the house and let Ping Mama give it a look."

     "It turned out to be like this." Yin-Tang nodded and thought for a moment, then he looked up at Yin-Er. "You should have asked the old thirteen.
     This is not the case with you 9th-Sao." What is the relationship, the real contribution is the Empress Dowager sent to her side Ping Mama. Ping Mama seems to understand the pharmacology, the body is very good, even the doctor in the house is not as good as you. If I believe that you will take Fu-Jin to the house and let Ping Mama give it a look."
     He said this ugly first in the first place, and we don’t want to talk about it in the future. After all, when you have a child, sometimes you can see it as a young couple, but sometimes you really look at God, otherwise you are in good health. How can you not give birth?
     Yin-Er is obviously just holding a test of the mentality, did not want to succeed, after all, he still believes Yin-Tang. If there is anything wrong with the recipe for a child, it is impossible to see that his son is scarce, regardless of the Yin-Tang.
     Therefore, the truth of the matter is a slap in the face of God’s will. When the time comes, maybe it will become.
     "9th Prince, I understand what you mean. In fact, my brother wants to try. After all, my brother is really rare. Fu-Jin has done his best to his younger brother these years. She rarely asks her brother to go back.
     The younger brother refuses to refuse. ......" Yin-Er is more embarrassed to say more, if you know that this has mixed up so many things, killing him does not move this mind, and will not promise him Fu-Jin.
     Although the matter of Zi Yan is important, Yin-Tang is equally important for Yin-Er. He never thought about hurting Yin-Tang, or Yin-Tang.
     "Okay. Since you believe in 9th-Sao, let your 9th-Sao Ping Mama help Ten Sao look. Didn't the Royal Horse and Imperial Father say it? You 9th Sao is a blessing, ten Sao or 13th-Sao, can touch her blessings, for you 9th-Sao, that is also a kind of blessing." Yin-Tang reached out and took a shot Yin-Er shoulder, then picked up the glass and touched him.
     This matter was revealed.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang looked at Yin-Tang for their sake, and their hearts were full of emotions. For a time, the respect for Yin-Tang unconsciously surpassed the embarrassment. Whoever makes today’s embarrassing identity is not the same, the status is not the same, and even the act has become different from the past.
     This kind of thing, you can come to me for a long time, once you have a distance, you can only get farther and farther without maintenance, and now you are intimate with them, actually already have distance.
     Naturally, they will not renounce their shackles because of these distances, but they will not say anything as they used to, and they seem to have no scruples and intimacy.
     When the three people came out of the restaurant, they separated, and they returned to the government to go back to the government, do things, and in short, each has its own affairs.
     Yin-Tang went to a shop first, made a series of adjustments to the things he had decided before, and then returned to the house with Lin-Chujiu. During this time, there are more and more people who want to borrow money. In order not to let them succeed, Yin-Tang has not gone to the house for some time. Kangxi did not hear anyone else to participate in Yin-Tang, but he did not shun the intentions of these people and did not blame Yin-Tang, hanging on both sides, naturally it would be difficult to fight.
     As I said before, Kangxi intentions are not only impossible to guess, but others do not understand. However, the fight is still going to be contending, and the winning is still to be won, who will make the money move!
     When Yin-Tang came back, Wan-xi just took a nap and saw the appearance of his mouth slightly raised.
     The appearance of a pair of hi-like faces made her a rare curiosity. After all, these days, because of the many things outside the house, Yin-Tang's mood is not good, even if she did not show up in front of her, she can still feel his emotions are not pleasant.
     "What's wrong with this? What's the good thing?" Wan-xi smiled a little, and his tone was a little bit ridiculous, obviously interested in the reason for his good mood.
     It’s just that in Yin-Tang’s opinion, it’s a lot of laughter.
     There is even the meaning of teasing her, but her eyes are on her slightly raised belly, and all the minds are scattered. He remembered that the woman had paid for herself, whether she was before or now, she took him first, so how can she not let him hold her in the palm of her hand.
     "Master , this is because the old ten is laughing, he Fu-Jin Ting-Wen 13th-Sao is pregnant, but also moved his mind, he is estimated to be annoyed by the ten Sao. Who knows to go to 4th Prince House At the time, the good man was talking to 4th Prince about 8th Prince and Jian-Qinwang. I wanted to pull you into the water. Later, I discussed some countermeasures. When I left 4th Prince House, this kid couldn’t say a word for a long time. Anxious, only if he is the opening is to help the abuse." Yin-Tang's voice with a smile, obviously still feel that Yin-Er performance is very funny.
     Wan-xi heard that although it is funny, it is more warmhearted. If Yin-Er does not regard them as their own, I am afraid that I can't think of this aspect, but I think that all the cuts are taken for granted.
     Looking at Yin-Tang and laughing, Wan-xi also understood his thoughts. After all, they have finally reached the 4th Brother who have risen. Now that they have changed, when they stand on the high platform, the former brotherhood is no longer just ordinary brotherhood.
     The more they get, the farther they are.
     "How did the Lord answer the tenth brother?" Wan-xi was lying on his side, his head resting on Yin-Tang's leg, and asked softly.
     "How can you answer?" If he believes, if he believes, let Ten Sao come to Ping Mama to take a pulse. If he does not believe it, he will give up. As for the final success or failure, the end looks like the sky." Yin When Tang said these words, his face flashed a bit of an unnatural look. Apparently he thought that he had forgotten to ask Wan-xi, the hostess, before he agreed to the old ten.
     Wan-xi didn't care about this. After all, if anything between husband and ‘Madam is concerned, then it will not be used. Besides, she can't easily hear his maintenance from Yin-Tang's words. It can be so good. As for his unauthorized consent to Ping Mama for the ten Sao diagnosis, it seems that it is not so caretaker.
     What is the situation outside, the current Wan-xi is not difficult to care about. It can be said that they do not involve themselves and Yin-Tang, she basically does not ask. What is the recipe for a child, she originally wanted to intervene, but Yin-Tang said that he would deal with it, then she would naturally not bother to worry about it. After all, it is really more than a network of contacts and means, she is better than a Yin Tang.
     In fact, this world is not that she has become smart, but she understands what makes people sinister? What is the point of interest? She didn't understand that she was in her position in the last world. She wanted to live safely and steadily. Unless she met a true hostess, she would be destined to end, but she did not understand. In this world, she knows where she is, understands what she wants, and knows how to fight for what she wants, so the ending is no longer passively obtained or lost.
     In this way, the fate of this thing actually depends on how you choose, maliciously treat everyone as a pawn and a stepping stone, if the ability is enough, if there is no such control, the results can be imagined.
     Three days later, Yin-Tang handed over the so-called good information to the , and sent someone to find the past. Although it took some time, it became more real and made him feel more rest assured.
     Finding the son of Jian-Qinwang, the action of is more emboldened, not to reveal the swaying, but a few hints of words make Jian-Qinwang's sensitive nerves more sensitive. If he can still appease before, then Jian-Qinwang strongly demands that his son's request breaks his next arrangement.
     "I will arrange this, Jian-Qinwang waited for two days." I couldn't help but see that I couldn't let it go.
     Jian-Qinwang knows that there are ghosts, but he has to agree. He jumped into the mud for his son. If he can see his son, the pay of these days is worth it. If he can't see it, it means that this cut is 8th-Prince has a lie to pull him into the gang. If this is the case, don't say that it is just an unpopular Prince. It is a favorite, and he has to find a way to get it back.
     "Two days on two days, I only hope that after two days, 8th-Prince said that the words of export are no longer a dodge, otherwise the king will never speak like this now." Cold-sounding, Jian-Qinwang's attitude also It seems quite depressed.
     At this time, it is not good or not good for Jian-Qinwang's attitude. He knows that he will say such a thing, and he must be reliant. I just don't know if he thinks so. If that's the case, he is afraid that it will take some effort.
     Jian-Qinwang is not really standing on his side. As a party, he is more clear than anyone else. Otherwise, the influence of Jian-Qinwang in the ancestral room, the northwest thing has already been won, how could it be dragged to the present? . However, in the end, he is too eager to make this dilemma. At first, if he first found the son of Jian-Qinwang, he would not be so passive, but who could think of the sudden occurrence of the northwest war, suddenly he did not have time to consider other methods.
     "Go, go back to the government first." In the heart of the uneasiness, if you really find the son of Jian-Qinwang, then his plan is afraid that it is even worse. When I think of it, he is rushing, obviously it is really urgent.
     Since he will open his mouth, it is naturally impossible to be unprepared. It can be said that he wants to take the opportunity to eliminate the dead soldiers cultivated in the dark. Speaking of the dead, whether it is the royal family or the clan, or the family, who can have no life-saving power, but whoever has the ability, will not hand over his life to others. It’s not because of his lack of strength, but Kangxi has been slow to give him the dragon in his hand.
     Yes, there are some things that are not spoken, and everyone understands it.
     After returning to the government, I got the exact news after a little inquiries. He knew that there would be an ambush in the trip, but he had to do it. After all, there is no son of Jian-Qinwang, and this northwest war has to repeat the same mistakes. He has not had many opportunities. He has never had hopes in Kangxi. Otherwise, how could he try to pull Jian-Qinwang into the water and say that when Kangxi said that his father and son were in love, he would like to Kangxi.
     The envy of it disappears almost.
     This person is jealous! The more you want to get it, the more you can't get it, or it's depressed, or it's crazy, and he belongs to the latter kind. It's already because of the myriad of losses that caused his current madness and disregard.
     "Lin Cheng, let the dark one bring some good hands, the night to explore the king's house, once found strange strange Jian-Qinwang's son, they waited for the opportunity to rescue people." The index finger unconsciously beat the table, The whole hidden in the dark, it is difficult to see his expression, but from his tone is not difficult to hear a chill, so it can be seen how much he is attached to this matter.

     "Lin Cheng, let the dark one bring some good hands, the night to explore the king's house, once found strange strange Jian-Qinwang's son, they waited for the opportunity to rescue people." The index finger unconsciously beat the table, The whole hidden in the dark, it is difficult to see his expression, but from his tone is not difficult to hear a chill, so it can be seen how much he is attached to this matter.
     It is said that this incident was originally a sly plan. He wanted to find someone to pretend to be Jian-Qinwang. Who knows, Jian-Qinwang still has a son who is living outside.
     This is true and false. Naturally, it is really better to do things. After all, it is a fake. Once it is removed, the situation will not be better than now. It is a pity that the cut is not from his will, people have not found, the northwest war has been issued. Although he succeeded in tearing Jian-Qinwang out of the water, now he is more and more uncertain that Jean-Qinwang will continue to stand on his side.
     When I think of it, the irritated’servants can't help but smash all the things on the desk. Lin Cheng, who is next to him, looks at the scene and is scared to move. He can only let some of the things that have been smashed on his body. . When the embarrassing emotions slowly calmed down, Lin Cheng dared to go out and look for a dark one, and conveyed his command to him.
     Sitting at the desk, the whole person was shrouded in a layer of faint shadows. It didn’t make people feel a sense of gloom. It seems that today’s stimulation to him, or Jian-Qinwang’s attitude today, makes him I feel very unhappy. Perhaps the road ahead was so smooth that I unknowingly forgot what I was like.
     From birth to the present, the status of is indeed improving, but without the favor and recognition of Kangxi, even if there are people who support it, it is only possible to have other purposes, rather than the so-called simple personality charm can be done.
     In fact, it is said that it is a personality charm. It is better to say that it is the same interest and has the same goal.
     That night.
     The moon star is thin, and the black gradually covers up the day's shackles. It is quiet all around, as if only a few subtle breathing sounds can be heard.
     Yes, that's right. It is the sound of breathing.
     After getting the order, I waited for the arrival of the night. At this time, it was a good time for them to act.
      Qinwang House, he is sitting in the study room, and he seems to be busy, what is he waiting for? At this time, a black shadow appeared silently in front of the book shore, kneeling on one knee, and swearing after a ceremony, whispered: "Your Highness, people are here!"
     "The idea is to lead them to the Moxiangyuan, and then they will go to the net again." Hearing his words, the hand holding the brush was slightly stunned, and the expression on his face was not unexpected. It was obvious that it was long There will be such a move.
     In fact, he will actively stimulate him to make him move. As long as he is willing to move, he will have the opportunity to pack him. After all, this time is really awkward. If it weren't for Yin-Tang, they stood firmly on his side, imagining that his situation would be like the previous one, and even the big and brightly showed that his opinions could not be done.
     It is said that Big Prince and 2nd Prince are clever, but the remaining forces in their hands are really making a lot of money, and they don’t want to go to the net, so the rest of him will not know. However, he is not tolerated at this point. After all, he was forced to the corner by the same person.
     This shame sent him how to accept it safely.
     Don't look at it, but it doesn't mean that he can bear anything. Today, he has not counted the general ledger with those who are opposed to him. It is nothing else, just because he has not yet sat on the throne of God. Once he got on that position, he was cut in the past, and he would count it a little bit. No matter how long, he would not let go of any personal.
     "Yes." The black figure sighed softly, and when it got up, it jumped quickly and disappeared quickly.
     In the courtyard of the Qinwang House, the secret person and others have already dispersed to start collecting news. In fact, before they came, the dark piles in Qiyunwang House sent a message, but they were afraid that this would be a fake, and would like to confirm again and again. After all, for the present, the son of Jian-Qinwang has become The most crucial step, he can't afford to lose, can't wait.
     He thought that he was properly arranged, and he felt that the dark man and other people were good enough.
     They didn’t know that the blood drops around him were really abused. Even Kangxi and Yin-Tang’s people met them. Be careful and be careful, otherwise if you are discovered, the two sides will not endure if they are not hostile. Because people who are hiding in the darkness are exposed, they are not far from death. If you don't want to die, you can only let those who find them die first.
     After secretly entering the house of Qinwang, the heart was inexplicably lingering with uneasiness. Even he always felt that someone was staring at them, but he looked at it and found that there was nothing wrong with it.
     This makes the dark one more cautious, and because of this caution, this night only he personally left a life to go back.
     "How is the situation?" After the end of the memorial, the tea ceremony was held in the study.
     "Please please your Highness, and someone has escaped." The black man squatted on the floor with a cold sweat and sinned.
     Wrinkled and frowned, apparently did not think that there are people who have escaped from this arrangement. Although there is some anger in my heart, more is a taboo against him.   I still recognize the ability of my own people, and can escape from their encirclement, which means that the power of Lao Ba is much stronger than he imagined.
     This time is also a temptation, and then it is true. After all, before I found the son of Jian-Qinwang, he believed that the old eight would definitely do it again. He had to arrange it all the time and try to keep everyone. under.
     "Well, this time the mistakes do not blame you, if there are people to escape next time, you will go to the penalty yourself!" He looked at the black man's eyes, the tone of ice cooling left room.
     "Thank you, Your Highness." The black man saw no blame, and he couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.
     These people can come out through countless selections. Every time they are successful, they succeed. Because they fail, the punishment is more uncomfortable than death. As long as I have been to the torture court, I have never entered the second time. So far, no one can live a second time in the prison.
     I didn't pay attention to the action of the black man, just waved his hand and motioned him down. After waiting for someone to leave, he sat in the study room and arranged for a lineup of troops. Even the man was pulled from the outside, just to break his hands and feet, so that he could not think of anything else.
     In 8th-Prince House, when you look at the darkness of the wolf, the whole person has a moment of embarrassment. It seems that I did not expect it to be such a result. Maybe he has considered casualties, but it is in the case of robbing people back. Such a situation, to be honest, even dreams of dreams.
     "Who are you all right?" He rubbed his fist and suppressed the anger of his heart, and asked his teeth.
     There are a lot of wounds in the dark, but they are not fatal. Plus today's mission is not finished, and everyone else except him is lost. At this time, even if the wound hurts badly, he does not dare to have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he replies in five places: "It is a group of trained soldiers, holding some strange weapons in their hands. “
     He didn't dare to say that the thing looked like a bird cage, but in fact it looked like it, but it didn't personally see it.
     The only thing that was certain was that if it was caught by that thing, it would be the end of the body.
     "Dead? A strange weapon?" A strange face, obviously not satisfied with the dark answer, but obviously his concern for this matter is even higher than looking for the son of Jian-Qinwang.
     These people are very neat, they are not afraid of death, plus the weapons like a bird cage.
     The people brought by the nubi can’t hide, this is..." The dark ones can’t say any more, although this It’s all true, but it’s more like it’s more like he shirking responsibility.
     Stumbled is not paying attention to this, and his current so-called attention is on the dead and strange weapons. It is not a rare thing for them to cultivate a slain or a dark guard on their own hands, but to develop such a skill, and to create strange weapons, it can only show that the power of is stronger than he imagined.
     So, he still wants to grab the son of Jian-Qinwang?
     Sakamoto is a shrewd and decisive person, but he is forced to go to the room without a maneuver. He is so obsessed with winning and losing, and even eager to hold something to ensure the safety of himself or his family. As for those who are hidden behind him, if he was in the past, he would have taken care of a few feelings. Now, when they ignore him’s safety and directly push him to the cusp of the cusp, if he has an accident, he will definitely not Let these people have the opportunity to get away!
     I must report that this kind of thing is not only the 4th Prince and the Old 9, he will, even relative to them, he will play this trait more thoroughly, otherwise how will he come to this step. But when he has left a little for himself, he will not be as dilemma as he is now, like a beast.
     "But, you will go down to deal with the injury first, and this matter will be considered by the grandfather." At this time, he couldn't make up his mind. He turned back and looked at the dark, dark face, waving his hand and motioning him down.
     "The nubi retire." He saw his injury and saw a little comfort in his heart. It was just this Qinwang. He did not support re-exploration, but the heart of Your Highness was only his nubi
     This night, the lamp in the study room was not destroyed, and he stayed up all night. Now he has already entered a dead end, and it is not a move. It is not a retreat. Before Qian-Qinwang wants to appease, afterwards there is a problem to deal with. It can be said that today’s embarrassment is really a dead end.
     They all said that they broke down and now they want to break the game, they can only hold the son of Jian-Qinwang in their hands. Otherwise, no matter what they did before, or the current dilemma, they will be forced to push him to a desperate situation.
     Oh, it’s not good to deal with, can Jian-Qinwang deal with it? Therefore, he knows that there is a tiger in the mountains, but he can only go to Hushan, because the entrance is also dead, and the retreat is also dead, but the only difference is that there is still a hope of silk.
     "Your Highness, the time is not early, it should be early." Lin Cheng shook his voice and whispered to remind the audience that there was no movement for a long time.
     "People come in and wait for the bride to wash and change clothes." Hearing Lin Cheng’s voice, he couldn’t help but close his eyes and sigh for a long time, then resumed his former calmness, only to look at his eyes.
     There is a glimmer of a glimmer of light.

     Above the hall, I was standing in the crowd, listening to the courtiers arguing over a few trivial things. In the past, he liked to hold the opportunity to show his own modest and peaceful approach, and now he is down. Looking at the head, the look of a pair of thoughts, but forgot to go to the front.
     Without a break, the new and old courtiers and various factions can be said to be arguing endlessly, and the battles have been upgraded several times. So, let's not say that the courtiers who were waiting to be relieved of the encirclement, are Kangxi, who has not heard anything.
     The reputation of 'Xian Wang' is as loud as the reputation of the old man, but this kind of reputation he thinks is good, Kangxi can't stand it. After all, in the eyes of an emperor, the emperor should be domineering and able to control the cut, instead of following the tide, the position is not firm, so it is excluded from the beginning. It’s just that he doesn’t want to admit it, and he not willing to accept it.
     This is to struggle from himself to push others, never give up.
     Naturally, I can feel what other people eyes contain, but he can’t take care of it so much. His eyes are frequently swept to Jian-Qinwang, but he can match him to Jian-Qinwang. Like, he does not move, let him and his people sing a one-legged play, that is, do not speak. Only one moment, I realized that he was taking Qiao and was threatening.
     The two-day time limit, today is over, and at the latest, add a tomorrow. If he can't bring people to Jian-Qinwang, then he is afraid that it is not just indifferent and cold-eyed. Maybe Jian-Qinwang will directly help the water. 4th Prince, their head went. But thinking about the loss last night, I couldn’t help but feel awkward!
     There are a lot of secret guards on his hands. After all, there is no support for Yin-Tang, and there is no silver for the national treasury. Even if the things left by 8th Fu-Jin relieve the pressure, it is difficult to support the last. . After all, Ann Qinwang has long dared not take the lead again, and the people who support him are less and less willing to make money. His own industry is filled in, and that is, the East Wall is removed. In this situation, how many dark guards he can raise, can have nearly fifty people, and it is already a good size.
     Only this number is listening well, but the quality is uneven. It is not difficult to see the importance of silver from here.
     Looking at this scene with a cold eye, the eyes slipped through the lines. Since he is arguing, he naturally wants to break their alliance and let them kill each other.
     Of course, some of the fratricidal things are serious, and unless there is rebellion between the royal family, it is easy not to have the other person’s life, except for Di-.
     But now it is obvious that he and Jian-Qinwang are in a stalemate. Unless he can let Jian-Qinwang see his son, it will be a certain result.
     The current situation is very powerful for you. Whether he is moving or not, he can benefit from it, so at this juncture, he is unlikely to let such a good opportunity. So when he mentioned the war in the northwest, he signaled that his own people had stormed and slammed. Without the help of Jian-Qinwang, this early-morning re-emergence could not be said to be a retreat. If it was not for Kangxi efforts to stop it, Today, I am afraid that it will be a winner.
     Kangxi actions were too obvious, and they caused not only their dissatisfaction, but even those who were jealous of them and those who were neutral could not help but feel dissatisfied. It is clear that the heirs have already been set, and it is not appropriate to play balance. To put it bluntly, it is no different from looking for annihilation, but Kangxi has been in office for so many years, even if the old means are soft, but Yu Wei is still there, even if there is dissatisfaction, these people can not be expressed in front of him.
     After the early morning, the unscrupulous girl who was shackled by the shackles did not give up in the laughter, but took the lead and left.
     This scene shows Yin-Tang shaking his head, but not much to say.
     "9th Prince, see you today, my brother discovered that this so-called good temper is not a self-destructive thing! Like 8th Prince, to be honest, today he is more real than his brother's memory." Yin-Er doesn't have much affection for him. He will support you. It is because Yin-Tang is about to say that he and he are really not feeling deeply.
     To put it bluntly, some things may not be realized at first, but the number of times is too high. Even if others don't say it, the Yin-Er party can feel that he is shooting himself. In this way, Yin-Er has a lot of friendship with him. If it is not Yin-Tang, he may leave the Eighth Party earlier. Fortunately, the last Yin-Tang figured out, otherwise let Yin-Er and Yin Tang goes all the way, Yin-Er is also uncomfortable.
     Yin-Tang is actually like this. It’s too much between them. It’s impossible to go back to the past. So this kind of thing can be a lively event. If you fall into the rocks, you have to look at it. It can be said that Yin-Tang is quite sinister but has its own principles. He is really too pure, and he has decided that unless he disappoints him, he will not be able to change his course.
     "Can it be true? He is now in a hurry. Taking advantage of Jian-Qinwang's move, it should be noted that 4th Prince plan has already worked. I don't know how many people he will send today or tomorrow. Rob the son of Jian-Qinwang.” Yin-Tang smiled lightly, with a hint of temper in his tone, his attitude seemed a bit sloppy, his right hand stroking the smooth chin, guessing.
     "This point is that he hopes that he can send out his elites and lose these people. Even if someone pushes behind him, he is afraid to think twice before going on." Yu-Xiang went to Yin-Tang A face is attached to the tunnel.
     Although there is no opening, but according to their ideas, it is best to control the cut after he ascended the throne. Only when he is on the throne will he have the right to speak and will not be manipulated by others. Even if this person is his Imperial Father, he will feel uncomfortable.
     When Kangxi returned to his bedroom in Changchun Garden, the whole person was lying on the soft couch, his eyes were slightly closed, and it seemed to fall asleep at a distance, but everyone familiar with him knew that he was thinking.
     The closer to the day of Zen, the deeper Kangxi attachment to power, and it’s a foregone conclusion. But when Jian-Qinwang and others made trouble, he knew that they had ulterior motives, but they couldn't help but follow their intentions and played a balance between them and their aunts.
     Maybe he just wants to prove his ability, maybe he wants to delay anything, or even he himself does not know what he wants to do or say something.
     Li Dequan was on the sidelines, watching the insatiable and exhausted expression on Kangxi face let him see a sigh, but did not know what to say?
     The thing between Your Highness is small, and it is not enough for him to take care of it. And now the situation is obviously that Kangxi refuses to give up his right to follow the troubles of Jian-Qinwang. If it used to be, this behavior is definitely nothing, but now for an emperor who is about to be a Zen, it seems to be a bit more.
     "Li Dequan, you said that you are fainting, only to make such a move, to make people laugh at the white." Kangxi suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes that are not in line with the appearance are full of light, from this point it is not difficult to see that Kangxi actually Still have their own considerations, not really old-fashioned.
     "There is a decision in the emperor's heart, and it is a nubi " Li Dequan made a ceremonial tribute to Kangxi, but did not give any opinion.
     Kangxi looked at him and didn't blame it, just smirked: "You old things, what kind of eyes are you playing with you? You know that you should be more free and easy, but you want to let go, even if you want to let go, even It’s hard for the emperor to do it. But the fourth is still better than the old quarter. Don’t say that he didn’t give him a chance. If he can really drag the fourth with Jian-Qinwang, he going to look at him differently, but now Look, the old eight means is a trail."
     This time, it is his nostalgia for the throne, and his last test of confrontation.
     "The Emperor Shengming." Li Dequan squinted and smiled happily.
     Kangxi did not want Li Dequan to express his views on this matter.
     This is also a contradiction between the Lord and the servant. In fact, Kangxi does not want to let anyone express any opinions. He will be so sighed and relieved of his inner suffocation. Unfortunately, these other people do not know, of course, according to the heart of Kangxi, it is impossible to let people know.
     He didn't care about these things. At this time, he brought together the guards and the dark guards around him. Fortunately, these people were secretive and did not attract any attention. Now, just wait for the people on the other side to move.
     The people on his side will launch a joint and kill them. When they are there, no one will escape.
     On the evening of the same day, I recruited Willow Dongcheng and other staff to go to the study room, and a pedestrian was surrounded by the information.
     The son of Jian-Qinwang is a must-have, but how can this person be saved in order to minimize losses. To say that for the sake of a son of Jian-Qinwang, all the secret guards will be unwilling, but he can't directly tell Jian-Qinwang that his son is not in his own hands and is in his hands.
     It’s not hard to see from yesterday’s events that there are ambushes on the other side, and with the previous things, they may strengthen their defenses in the next few days, and they really have to do whatever they want, maybe they will completely annihilated.
     This is not what you want to see, otherwise he will not recruit all the aides to the study at this time to find a way.
      Willow Dongcheng and other people faces are not very good, the situation is very obvious, there is no good result in spelling and not fighting. However, Jian-Qinwang is obviously not offended, otherwise they will not be able to maintain their existing advantages.
     "Well? Is there any good way to break the current stalemate?" His face was also very bad, and the situation was getting worse and worse, and it was difficult for him to keep his former calm.
     When no one dared to speak, Willow Dongcheng thought about it and said: "Since Qinwang has been ambushing, can we break through from other aspects?"
     "Other aspects? The meaning of the teacher is..." The rumored, the eyes were bright, and the eyes looked straight at Willow Dongcheng, as if waiting for him to talk about the follow-up.
     "Hey Qinwang has already decided that the Eight Lords will save the son of Jian-Qinwang, it will definitely be defensive. It is not easy to break through. If there is a place to see it strictly, then there must be a place where it is not strict. So, let's come.
     The sound of the East, distracting their attention, breaking their original arrangements, and then fishing in the water, maybe there is still a chance." Willow Dong Cheng gently squinted, talking unconsciously tightening the paper fan in his hand, the fundus It is a flash of silky haze.


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