Chongqie Courting Death Daily 520

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     "9th Prince is quite good, Jian-Qinwang is a sect, can only win, can not be offended. No matter what kind of transaction he has with the 8th Brother, now is not a good time to move him, but privately It is okay for him to find something to do. After all, he lost his help.
     The plan of the 8th Brother is not empty, but it is difficult to achieve success." With his eyes closed, his voice condensed, and obviously he still remembered Jian Qinwang et al.
     For Jian-Qinwang's abrupt behavior, they are indeed affected, but this does not mean that his order can change the current situation. After all, the patriarchal status is higher, it is also for the royal family, not for They are troublesome.
     In the past, Jian-Qinwang did not participate in the Di thing, it is indeed a wise choice. After all, his bias is easy to cause trouble. Not to mention the other people in the ancestry, Kangxi can't spare him. Now he suddenly intervened, either if he had a handle in his hand, or if he was hiding too well, he would have stood on the side of it, but he did not show it.
     However, regardless of the possibility, Jian-Qinwang, the position of the sect, is afraid that it will not sit still.
     The sect of Ai Xinjue Luo is not allowed to be selfish. At least there is no selfishness that can't be embarrassed. Otherwise, this dissatisfaction, the dissatisfaction, how to serve the public.
     "The Jian-Qinwang will be handed over to the younger brother first!" Yin-Tang took the initiative to take Jian-Qinwang's affairs, obviously also want to relieve some pressure.
     The state of meditation is in the state of preparation, but it cannot be considered as good. Imperial Father's mind is accurate, to say that once upon a time, Imperial Father's efforts are not fake, but now, for the sake of a Mingjun's name, it is not for those locusts to arbitrarily exploit the loopholes. If Yin-Tang took over the household and managed the treasury early, this treasury would let the servant take it to the human condition, recruiting and buying people, and buying people hearts.
     "That's a trouble 9th Prince brother." Nodded and did not stop.
     These days, he is really tired, not to mention the various matters outside the palace, that is, the things in the house, but also made him feel a headache.
     The lesson of Wulana-shi is still there. For his son's thoughts, he dared not give the backyard to the newly renewed Di Fu-Jin as before.
     In recent years, although there are many battles in the women in the backyard, as long as they do not hurt the children, they do not care about who wins or loses, whoever benefits and who is wronged, but also has nothing to do. But now that Fu-Jin is in the air, even if the candidate is Kangxi, no one can guarantee whether the other party can really accept this cut.
     This thing is not enough to talk about it. Whether it is this Qinwang House or the future palace, there is not such a big belly. It is difficult to sit on the position of Qinwang Fu-Jin, or the Queen.
     Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang have no opinion. Both of them put their minds on the battlefield.
     They know about the things in the hall, but they don’t have much participation. If they do not know what they are doing, it is not a solution to the problem, but an expansion of the matter. Jian-Qinwang This person is not a normal person, not that they can deal with temper, it is a sect, not a person. However, the sect is also a person, just to see if they can find a suitable way to deal with.
     "So, that's the first thing to ask for 4th Prince and 9th Prince."
     "No problem. It is the tenth brother and the thirteenth brother. Although the Northwest has not decided on the candidate, but the Imperial Father has ordered it, you have to rush to the scene." Yin-Tang said this is for Yin-Er And the heart of Yu-Xiang, after all, the development of the situation is too sudden, they need time to deal with these unexpected situations.
     It’s already late in the evening when Yin-Tang came out from Qinwang. At this time, its impossible to go back to the house, and there are people who want to borrow money. Yin-Tang can’t vote for himself. Luo net.
     Back in the house, Yin-Tang did not go to Qing yi-Courtyard, but went to the study. Since he took the work of Jian-Qinwang, he would definitely think of pulling Jian-Qinwang down.
     "Lin-Chujiu, let the dark piles of the capitals move, and the Lord wants to know what is the agreement between Jian-Qinwang and 8th Prince, and what kind of weakness does Jian-Qinwang have." Yin-Tang In the study, I took out a block of tokens from Lin-Chujiu and signaled him to do things.
     "The nubi obeyed." Lin-Chujiu took the token handed over by Yin-Tang with both hands.
     The expression on his face looked a little dignified and his attitude was quite cautious. It can be seen that this token is not a normal token.
     In fact, since Yin-Tang understands that fate is always insecure in the hands of others, on the surface he is no different from the past, but in the dark his power is developing fast, absolutely no one can compare. Even the dark guards in Kangxi hands are afraid that there is no such large scale as the dark forces in Yin-Tang’s hands. From the dead to the dark guard, from the dark guard to the eyeliner, the power of Yin-Tang does not say that the whole capital is distributed, but there are few places where he does not have a foothold, which is why he will take the initiative to deal with Jian-Qinwang.
     The reason for the incident.
     Soon, Yin-Tang received news from all directions, whether it was Jian-Qinwang or 8th-Prince House, or news from other clan officials.
     Yin-Tang has seen it, and then summed it up and summed up the real intention of Jian-Qinwang. Although he recognizes his ability, he does not believe in selfless dedication and does not have enough benefits. He does not believe that Jian-Qinwang will risk the sin of being disliked by the next emperor. As for what interests, or what handles, he will definitely find out.
     Benefits, this thing, you can give, Yin-Tang believe that he can also give, the result is to see if Jian-Qinwang is confused, but if the handle is known, it can be used as a bargaining chip, but everyone knows Then there is no such thing as a so-called handle.
     At present, the war in the northwest has suddenly repeated.
     The soldiers in front are stubbornly resisting.
     The situation is still stable. It is just that if we want to settle down, we must not let it go. Before Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, in order to calm the war in the northwest, it took a few years. Now the situation is still clear, but it is really necessary to remove the hidden dangers. It is certainly not a short-term solution, so whether it is Yin-Er, Still he and 4th Prince, have to be careful, so as not to be ruined and not knowing, and ultimately affect the overall situation.
     "Your Highness, Fu-Jin sent dinner." Lin-Chujiu didn't dare to disturb Yin-Tang, but the outside person was Wan-xi, and he didn't dare to neglect. After all, no one in the house knows. Fu-Jin is the person at the top of Your Highness.
     Yin-Tang was preparing to fold the hand of the hand, and then remembered that in order to find out the trade between Jian-Qinwang and 8th Prince, after returning home, he did not send someone to inform Wan-xi, even this Dinner is useless. If Lin-Chujiu suddenly mentions Wan-xi to send dinner, he is afraid that he still does not know how hungry.
     "Yes, I know." Yin-Tang responded in an instant, and the man had already got up and went out.
     Wan-xi saw the figure of Yin-Tang and couldn't help but greet him. His eyes glanced around his face, looking at his wrinkled brow, and wanted to speak, but he saw him reaching out to take the food box in her hand and took her hand to the study room. Ting-Rain and others followed behind and stared at the two Your Highness into the study.
     They also felt that they were automatically at the door and did not bother to disturb.
     In the study room, Wan-xi gestured Yin-Tang to sit down, and she reached out and put the folds on the desk to the side, then opened the food box on the desk and took the prepared food. Come out and put it in front of Yin-Tang, indicating that he is eating.
     "If you have troubles, you have to eat first, otherwise you have to work hard." Wan-xi saw him not moving, could not help but put the prepared soup into his hand, whispered softly.
     Yin-Tang See Wan-xi face worried, even if there is really no appetite, but still handed the Wan-xi to the soup in his hand.
     The hot soup at the entrance made his whole body warm, and the somewhat stiff body suddenly eased a lot.
     "Jao-Jao, you are pregnant, you should stay in the house to rest, you shouldn't come here." Yin-Tang looked at her busy and busy, and could not help but reach out and take her into her arms, whispering Said.
     "If you don't come, isn't you so hungry?" Wan-xi looked at him with a strange look, saw him not moving the tableware, could not help but reach for the chopsticks, holding a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs He feeds him, waits for him to open his mouth and eats, and then continues: "Although I don't know what the Lord is doing, but I know what I am doing, only the body of the Lord is good, I have the strength to deal with those troublesome things. “
     Wan-xi said that at the end of the day, the face even revealed a few points of blame. She is really worried about the body of Yin-Tang. Although she has recently focused on raising a baby, she does not know what happened outside, and she does not know what Yin-Tang is bothering, but she hopes that Yin-Tang can take care of herself. Your own body, not just like now, regardless of your heart, just thinking about doing things.
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi and refused to relax. She didn’t yell at her. She took a bowl and ate it for half a second before she felt hungry. Waiting for her stomach, then see Wan-xi Sitting next to him, he didn't bother, and he made a direct sound to let Lin-Chujiu come in and clean up the dishes.
     Then he took a look at the side with the fold he hadn't seen. Xi talked about some of the things that happened today.
     Wan-xi almost didn't breathe in a breath, almost scared to go back. She thought it was a flaw in the story of the enthronement. Now it seems that it has nothing to do with this matter, but 8th-Prince is beginning to toss.
     Also, 8th-Prince will not be tossed that day, either losing power or being lost, or assaulting or threatening others to help him do things like this, it is a normal phenomenon, after all, until the last The new emperor ascended the throne, 8th-Prince is also good, even the nails of the new emperor, but still live well. Although this world has changed all the time, the only thing that can be changed is 8th-Prince is not convinced.
     "Listen to the meaning of the man, Jian-Qinwang is like a fight out!" Wan-xi raised his eyebrows, and then read the contents of the hand on the fold. If I think that the content seems a bit awkward at first, now she understands why Yin-Tang wants to collect these short stories that seem to be short among parents.
     The backyard is also good, between the nubi s, the ministry spreads the fastest, although not necessarily true, but there is a basis. To know that there is no wind and no waves, these news, even if they are not half-real, have three meanings in them. If you distinguish them carefully, you can also get the results you want.
     "It’s not going to go out, but it’s a fix. 4th Prince doesn’t care if he has a hard time. 4th Prince will only remember what he did.” The sneer, Yin-Tang also sighed.
     "In this case, the whole body will help the Lord to distinguish and distinguish.
     The so-called people are more powerful. Some things will leave traces when they are done. If you find out, you will find out what you are doing."-xi See Yin-Tang's insatiable and annoyed eyes, I know that Jian-Qinwang is not only an annoyance, but Yin-Tang himself is among them.

     "In this case, the whole body will help the Lord to distinguish and distinguish.
     The so-called people are more powerful. Some things will leave traces when they are done. If you find out, you will find out what you are doing."-xi See Yin-Tang's insatiable and annoyed eyes, I know that Jian-Qinwang is not only an annoyance, but Yin-Tang himself is among them.
     "Well, that Jao-Jao will accompany this guy to find out the handle of this Jian-Qinwang. When the time comes, I want to see if Jian-Qinwang can still dig into the 8th Prince like this." Yin-Tang is resolute, his eyes are cold, and the smile on his lips is full of malice.
     Wan-xi sighed in his heart, licking his red lips but not talking. Eyes staring at the folds on the hand, looking at them carefully, and seeing the information that is important, take the strokes and make a summary.
     The information on the folds is as big as a hair, big and small, there is Jian-Qinwang House, and also has a good relationship with Jian-Qinwang House, and is more hostile to Jian-Qinwang House. In short, it can not be related to the relationship. If you are involved in the relationship, as long as it involves Jian-Qinwang, it is gathered here. To pick out useful information from it, you have to see if you have this ability and vision.
     In fact, most of the information on the fold is useless, but a small part is a useful one, otherwise why word of mouth, the meaning is just a change of expression!
     Wan-xi bowed his head and looked up for a long time. He turned to look at the Yin-Tang next to him, and the eye-catching side was beautiful. Some people say that serious men are the most fascinating, and Wan-xi is straightforward.
     "Master, I saw a part of the fold, there is a question I want to ask the next master?" Wan-xi opened the moment, the corner of the mouth naturally draws a smile, the tone is soft, the attitude is close, it is not difficult to see from here How do they get along with them on most days?
     Yin-Tang looked up and looked at the folds on the hands of Wan-xi and the doubts on his face. He nodded faintly: "What problem?"
     “Jian-Qinwang has no children?” Wan-xi quiet eyes on Yin-Tang, directly asking questions in his heart, did not hesitate, or say a slap in the face.
     Since she made up her mind to live the days she thought about, things have become more and more direct. In the face of outsiders, she may also consider two, but in the face of Yin-Tang, she has never concealed her mind except for the rebirth, not to mention helping Yin-Tang solve problems, not to joke. Playing, hiding a second, is a love
     "Zi Zi?" Yin-Tang's face was slightly awkward, but he forgot that not everyone is as rich as his Imperial Father.
     In the royal draft, in addition to filling the harem, it is to marry the Eight Banners and Lang Lang, and the ancestral royal family backyard is also supposed to enter new people. After all, the number of Manchus is too small and too small compared to Han Chinese.
     And Jian-Qinwang, it seems that there is no such thing as a child. When you think about it, Jian-Qinwang seems to have had a son when he was young. Unfortunately, his favored concubine is a bad ‘Madam, so it is not good for the backyard management.
     The sons grew up smoothly, not even their daughters. Seeing that Jian-Qinwang is getting older, even if it is closed, it is hard to have a child, so they rarely put their gaze on him. Now he suddenly shot, and Jian-Qinwang naturally cooperates, to say There is no tricky here, who believes!
     Yin-Tang bites the silver tooth and makes a turn in my heart. What else does not understand? His good 8th Prince is afraid of catching the death of Jian-Qinwang, but he does not know what he is holding. Whether the card is true or not.
     "The words of Jao-Jao gave the grandfather a good head.
     The original thought that 8th Prince seized the handle of Jian-Qinwang, prompted Jian-Qinwang to have to sell his life. Now it seems that he is holding Jian Qinwang's abyss." Yin-Tang thought about the few folds he saw before, and he talked about the various matters of Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. When he didn't pay much attention, he only talked, now it seems This matter is not simple.
     From the backyard, it is not difficult to see the idea of ​​Jian-Qinwang. If Jian-Qinwang doesn't want a child, why does the daughter-in-law in the backyard make a cut? When such a connection, Yin-Tang began to be somewhat gratified that Wan-xi came, otherwise he was temper, afraid that it would take some more time to sort out the news.
     "There is a direct responsibility for 8th-Prince to threaten Jian-Qinwang with their peers? After all, 8th-Prince holds the trump card in his hand, no one knows whether it is true or not. "Wan-xi knows that there is no child in the previous world, Jian-Qinwang, but this world has changed too many things because of her rebirth, so she is not sure whether anyone in Jian-Qinwang's son survives." .
     Of course, if someone really survives, they can find out or save from the shackles, then the current difficult situation can be solved.
     "Guangjiao said that he naturally thought about it, but we can think of it, 8th Prince can naturally think of it. Since he dares to let Jian-Qinwang take the lead at this time, it must be precautionary measures, otherwise it is necessary to do it. If you raise your hand, you will not have to worry so much." Yin-Tang went down the words of Wan-xi and said that holding her softness also said her own opinion.
     Wan-xi understands the meaning of Yin-Tang's words. If you are so good to deal with it, you will not let him go to this step and let him down. If you don’t talk about it before, you can say that his usual actions are not only to make Yin-Tang difficult, but also affect the changes in the overall situation.
     "Master  is right, 8th-Prince is really difficult to deal with, but there is always a feeling of being in the whole body. His behavior is getting more and more impetuous, the method is getting more and more biased, and even the next three are bad.
     This kind of change makes people Some accidents, if you don't know the ambition of 8th-Prince, I am afraid that he can't stand the tremendous pressure brought by the 4th Prince imminent succession.
     The broken jar broke." Wan-xi held his back. Big palm, with a hint of tone in his tone, seems to be waiting for him to deny himself.
     Yin-Tang listened to her words, and the idea of ​​pressing the heart in the heart became clearer in an instant. It’s not just that Wan-xi feels like this idea, Yin-Tang has long felt, but he is not willing to face it. In the end, it was a brother. No matter how Yin-Tang hated the selfishness and calculations, he never thought about letting him die. However, he felt that he was running wild and ran away. He did not dare to say that he was completely looking for himself, but he also knew the cruelty of Di-.
     Yin-Tang felt uncomfortable in his heart, but did not want this emotion to affect Wan-xi. He quickly said: "It is not important to break the jar. It is important that this is his own choice."
     "Yes. Whether this person is good or not, is due to his own choice. 8th-Prince wants the authority of the high, then it must pay the price, and the body and mind will be embarrassed, But people are selfish. Instead of letting Master go to this step, it is 8th-Prince who would rather go to this step." Wan-xi listened to his words, and his face could not help but raise a light smile. Intention, she turned her head in the moment, facing him like an obsidian, his face was serious.
     Yin-Tang licked his eyes and did not blame Wan-xi for this. I have to say that Wan-xi seems to be selfish at the moment, but her words inexplicably make him soft, and even inadvertently broke up his sympathy for jealousy. Involving family members, Yin-Tang is also biased. After all, the concern between him and her is not as good as it used to be. Even if there is still a bit of friendship in the past, the time is long, and the calculations are more and more slowly. .
     "You can rest assured that even for you and your children, you will not let yourself go to the 8th Prince step." Yin-Tang took the man into his arms, patted her back with a big palm, and gently calmed her emotions. .
     Wan-xi leaned on the arms of Yin-Tang, and the two men clung to each other so tightly that they separated for a long time. Afterwards, the two men calmed down their emotions and summarized the discounts on the table. After summarizing, they found that there were many problems in Jian-Qinwang, especially Jian-Qinwang himself, the favored concubine was a pediatrics, and Some sinister private, only because people can not check, that is to say, his handle and small scorpion really have a lot of heart, no one can guarantee that what he is catching is his real death, and maybe there are others.
     "Master  will send you back to rest. As for the case of Jian-Qinwang House, tomorrow will find a time to go to Qinwang House, and discuss with 4th Prince. After all, some things should be done. Look, some forces should be hidden from hiding." Yin-Tang said that the meaning of this is very simple, that is, no matter who you face, this card should still be hidden.
     After going through some things, they are no longer in front of them, and all of them can’t return to those things before they happened. So if you want your destiny to be in your own hands, they have to master useful forces and soldiers. horse.
     "Okay." Wan-xi stretched his limbs slightly, only to find that his legs and feet were a little numb because of too much focus on analyzing the relationship between the folds. Fortunately, the time is not long, she has been well maintained recently, otherwise there is something unexpected, it is not worth the loss!
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi and knew that she was definitely tired. When the two returned to Qing yi-Courtyard, they entered the room, and Yin-Tang no longer avoided, helping Wan xi pressed the waist and legs. Taking a break, the two got up and took a rest.
     When Yin-Tang told him the information he had compiled, the expression on his face looked a little strange. Obviously he did not think that Jian-Qinwang contained so much information. He originally thought that Jian-Qinwang was so, it must have promised what kind of weight, it seems not so, but it is good news for them.
     He was sitting upright, and the thin lips, which were often tight at the moment, rose slightly at this time. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the news. According to the current situation, nature is a matter of stability and stability. He does not want to turn over his face with the family of Jian-Qinwang. It is necessary to know that when the clan is united, it is also possible to shake the royal family.
     Not to mention that he is not an emperor now, even if it is an emperor, he should still take care of it.
     "Working hard 9th Prince brother." He returned to God, his eyes softly looked at Yin-Tang eyes, whispering.
     "Where 4th Prince is, this is what the younger brother should do. It is easy to collect the news. It is not easy to confirm the news." Yin-Tang did not say it, but the meaning was very clear.
     After listening to Yin-Tang, it will inevitably feel a bit guilty.
     The forces that Yin-Tang had handed over to him, whether in the palace or outside the palace, have never meant to return. However, when it comes to this, he must not be able to let Yin-Tang take responsibility for this matter.
     "9th Prince is assured that this matter is arranged by himself." It is not that I don't believe Yin-Tang, but that the unique suspiciousness of the Emperor allows him to accept power in his own hands.
     Yin-Tang didn't say much about it. Obviously, it was expected that it would be like this, so it was calm and calm: "The matter was taken over by 4th Prince. When there was any problem, 4th Prince let me call me again. “

     Yin-Tang came out from the Qinwang House, and he secretly sighed in his heart. Because he had all kinds of industries on hand, it was not an eye-catching act to collect news, but if he did other things well. Although it shows its ability, but it also exposes its own strength, such behavior is not desirable.
     In order to ensure that you and future generations are not taken care of, Yin-Tang is also a lot of thought. After all, the bright side has done too much, it is not self-protection, but self-seeking dead end.
     No one who likes power will like people who can't hold it, such as the minister of the clan on the court, who has no weaknesses, no, it should be said that no one has two weaknesses on the open side. It is not stupid, but knows how to choose. Although he has contributed a lot to the superiority, but the credit is too big, it is also a headache, so instead of standing too high to give the other party a sense of urgency, it is better to take two steps to protect themselves and their families.
     Yin-Tang returned to God in the call of Lin-Chujiu. After listening to what he asked, Yin-Tang indulged for a moment, did not choose to go to Fuxi, and did not choose to go back to Junwang House, but chose to go to Dun-Junwang House looking for 10th-Prince.
     In recent years, Yin-Tang and Yin-Er have had many people, but the number of times they get along with each other is getting less and less. It is not a concern, but some words are not suitable for being in front of you. It is. After all, it is the person who wants to become an emperor.
     The status and mentality will change.
     They can't always be like before, without any scruples.
     Yin-Er Seeing Yin-Tang came over and was very happy.
     The 2nd Brother went to the study, but they didn't talk about anything, but they wanted to sit down and talk about it, as they used to.
     "9th Prince, we don't seem to have sat down for a long time to talk about drinking like this." The two sat down and drank a few cups, and Yin-Er put down the glass in his hand, as if he was sighing and complaining.
     It was said by him that Yin-Tang’s mood of some improvement suddenly became a bit gloomy, and the repression revealed in his eyes was quite shocking.
     That is a kind of dissatisfaction with reality, at least this is the first time Yin-Er saw it in the eyes of Yin-Tang.
     "It's true that for a long time, I didn't relax like this. I want to stand on the heights.
     This is the price we have to pay. When the first time supports the 8th Prince, it is the Iron Hat King, and now supports 4th Prince. It’s still for the Iron Hat King, but the result is often beyond our expectations. 4th Prince, 8th Prince, we are equal before we get on the seat, but we can sit on that seat once, we will get I learned to stand underneath, but stood beside him. Now that 4th Prince is getting closer and closer to that position, we naturally have to go back from him, otherwise it will take a long time, even if we don’t do anything to be jealous. Don't forget to stand by him is a jealous thing." Yin-Tang puts a smile on his face, and analyzes the current situation with a serious tone, reminding Yin-Er not to forget.
     It is not that they regard as a brother, they are really Brother, they must be regarded as Brother, they are Brother. Yin-Tang didn't want to wait until they settled down to regret that they didn't remind Yin-Er and himself before.
     Yin-Tang’s voice just fell, Yin-Er and his face were also difficult to look at. He nodded at Yin-Tang and whispered: “9th Prince rest assured! Although the younger brother is careless, it is not There is no feeling at all. In fact, the changes of 4th Prince have already appeared, but we are not willing to accept it. Only when we have to accept it, we will face this cut.
     This brotherhood, we all hope that we will come to the end, but unfortunately Making love and getting people, deeper feelings than the temptation of rights."
     The tone of Yin-Er seems to be very lonely. Obviously, these words have been hidden in my heart for a long time. If it is not Yin-Tang first, maybe he will never take the initiative to speak. Yin-Tang nodded lightly and accepted his words.
     The 2nd Brother felt a lot of emotions, but although they felt uncomfortable, they had to accept this reality. After they discussed the method of coping with it, it was a matter of heart.
     "9th Prince, the old thirteen, let us remind you?" Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang have been in a long time, this brother's feelings will inevitably be a bit deeper, now this kind of thing He knows to pull out, but he is also worried about the situation of Yu-Xiang.
     Although Yu-Xiang’s feelings are deeper than they are, but sitting in that position, the feelings change and change, who can guarantee that they can easily erase their credit and will not erase Yu-Xiang’s Thank you for your contribution!
     "If you find a suitable time to mention a few words, Yu-Xiang knows what to do if you understand it. If he does not accept it, you will do your part." For Yin-Tang, regardless of Yes, Yu-Xiang, even a well Connected brother, still does not have the status of Yin-Er in his heart.
     "Okay, I will look at it." Yin-Er nodded and said.
     From that day on, Yin-Tang and Yin-Er changed their attitude towards swearing. It may not be so obvious, but for them, a safe distance is what they need each other.
     Because I was busy with Jian-Qinwang and the Northwest Warlord, I didn’t notice it. Even if he noticed it, it would not stop. On the contrary, Yin-Tang and Yin-Er would be right. . After all, in his position, everything is extremely sensitive, and he can make him a soldier. Being able to actively pull the distance, to a certain extent, can also alleviate his pressure.
     When Yu-Xiang feels wrong, Yin-Er, according to the previous plan, mentions a few words, and it is also a part of his own mind. It is a rare brother who has come to a stand.
     "Thank you, 10th-Brother." Yu-Xiang obviously didn't think Yin-Er would tell him this, but he still understands his kindness.
     "We are all Brother, just make people, and there are too many things in front of us. We must not accept them, and we must not change them." Yin-Er smiled and said this, the expression on his face. It seems very open-minded, and it is clear that it has already accepted reality.
     Yu-Xiang responded with a voice. Although he felt uncomfortable in his heart, he also knew that no one would blame this.
     Not to mention Yin-Er and Yin-Tang, it’s just that his former colleagues really have nothing to say, but none of them have thought that one day they will become guarded against each other and even conceal their calculations.
     At the same time, the sects sent Yin-Tang to the past, saying that it was confirmed that Jian-Qinwang did have news of the children, but the facts were different from what they had guessed. I haven't found it yet.
     Yin-Tang listened, and the brow wrinkled.
     This is obviously the first thing who can find the son of Jian-Qinwang who can take the initiative. If he can't find anyone, he can find it if he can find someone. Otherwise, he will not slap his face. Tell him that he has a lot of power and is strong?
     "4th Prince, if you can't find this person, even if we expose the 8th Prince, Jian-Qinwang will not believe us because of the safety of Zizi!" Yin-Tang squinted and gathered the emotions of the fundus Seek truth from facts.
     He nodded. Obviously he didn't have a headache because of this problem, but the people under him have already dispersed, but people have not found it. However, it is fortunate that the old eight did not find it either. Otherwise, they are not a chance.
     "It is true. Recently, Jian-Qinwang has repeatedly asked for the Imperial Father. It seems that the Father Father is not so simple. It is already planned." Frowning, blinking in the eyes Obviously, this behavior of Kangxi is very dissatisfied.
     Yin-Tang's gaze did not leave, and naturally his expression was included in his eyes, including his dissatisfaction with Kangxi. In fact, people who are dissatisfied with Kangxi are not just jealous, Yin-Tang is also the same. It is clear that the Zen position has already been decided, so why should we take more troubles? It’s hard that he really wants to change people at this time! But if it is not a substitution, why do you have to do this kind of thing, it is difficult for him to want to take the 8th Prince out and make a playful movie!
     Ha ha! It is clear that the new emperor is on the threshold. It can be said that everything is ready, and then what is going on, let alone dissatisfaction, that is, their royal family may also become the ridicule of the world.
     To know that the Han people said that they were surrendered, they actually thought that they were not civilized. Otherwise, why did Kangxi make so many rules, even starting from the royal family? I can do so much, and then take the throne of the successor, it is really the biggest joke in the world. To know that the new emperor's succession has been clearly prepared, everyone knows that if there is an error in the middle, Yin-Tang does not know what the situation will be!
     Also, as their Ama, Kangxi seems to be more attached to power, and they have never trusted their sons. Otherwise, today, the gods should not be embarrassed, but they must be two in the past. Waste the Crown Prince.
     "4th Prince, regardless of whether the Imperial Father made up his mind, the Zen ceremony and the new Emperor's succession ceremony are almost ready, let's just test the real heart of the Imperial Father." Yin-Tang looks calm, The tone is indifferent, but it is not difficult to hear a dissatisfaction in the words.
     Everything has gone to this step, and there is still such a mess. No one can accept it with peace of mind.
          "9th Prince is doing a good job, and some things really should be confirmed."
     It’s not that Yu and Yin-Tang have to count, but Kangxi forced them to do this. After all, they have endured for so many years, and everyone knows what they are.
     In the days that followed, the entire capital seemed calm. In fact, it was more nervous than ever at any time.
     This tension was infinitely spread and quite a feeling of heart.
     He and others were secretly scrutinizing, and it was not against them in the dark. Compared with the stability of their shackles, the slap in the face is obviously a little impetuous. It may be that he is going to succeed in order to make him feel pressure, or that Kangxi attitude makes him feel that he still has hope. So it seems that I can't wait.
     If this is not the case, it is impossible to coerce Jian-Qinwang to do things before he can find the son of Jian-Qinwang. After all, this thing is doing well, the relationship between the two parties is getting closer and closer, and if it is not done well, it may be a revenge.

     As the days passed, the atmosphere in the capital became more tense, and the struggle between the shackles and the shackles became more apparent.
     The conflict between the two sides was not only private, but even the bright side was sparking.
     Of course, although he is prepared, he can't stand it anymore.
     They are too powerful and have a lot of people.
     Therefore, the two sides have conflicts, and most of them suffer from losses.
     "Your Highness, Jian-Qinwang, we can't keep up. We don't know if Jian-Qinwang is aware of it, or what the people at Qinwang have done, and Jian-Qinwang said that he wants to see his son. If he can't see anyone, he will let go." Lin Cheng wrinkled his brow and looked back. His body looked a little cringed compared to the past, and apparently worried that he would be angry.
     Don't look outside to praise the good temper, what is the corporal of Li Xian, in fact, the temperament of the spleen is really bad. Once the temper is launched, it is not just a slap in the face, it is not good luck, and it is bad at this time. Life is not a strange thing.
     The longer he waited for the embarrassment, the more careful he was, for fear that he would accidentally hit it at that time.
     "I don't care? He thinks it is simple, but now who doesn't think of him as a man on the side of the man, does he think he wants to get rid of it?" The silver teeth bite, it seems that Jian-Qinwang Will be burdened at this time.
     He said so in his mouth, but he knew that it was a matter of great importance. If Jian-Qinwang really took the burden at this time, the Northwestern thing would still get him to take advantage of it.
     The last time he was in the northwest war, he was so bad that he got a profit. Now he has a chance. He has to hold the northwest military power in his own hands anyway.
     He Ji is really a huge blow to him, but this does not mean that he will lose. After all, through the past and the present, the position that is on the position is not a real winner, and there is still a part that has not become a The victim of power, and finally swearing.
     Of course, I don’t think that you will become a servant. After all, there are a lot of people of insight gathered around him. If you talk about Yin-Tang, Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang, you can’t deal with it. Not to mention the confidant around you. But the fact that these people are not sure means a great victory. As long as he has the power and power in his hands, he can not only save himself and support him, but he can also occupy a strong position in the court. At least he can say In the words, you don't have to be influenced by others.
     "But Jian-Qinwang's attitude is very tough. If the nubi are worried that he really does this, then let Qi Qinwang hold the opportunity, we will be passive." Lin Cheng squinted, hiding the urgency in his eyes, tone Some have hinted dryly.
     I don’t know how to pay for it, but when people sown so much, they found it for such a long time, but this person could not find it. He even began to doubt whether the son of Jian-Qinwang was still alive. After all, after many years, Mama, who was originally married to the son of Jian-Qinwang, has already been buried. How can the children survive?
     If you have good luck, you can meet a good family. If you don't have good luck, you may have already seen the king.
     "Oh, let's drag it for the time being. You let our people work harder. Even if you dig the land in the Capital City suburbs, you have to find out the people." He can't wait until he finds someone, otherwise he doesn't have to use his hand. It is just that Jian-Qinwang's revenge is enough for him to drink a pot.
     Lin Cheng Yingsheng, obviously he knew in his heart that this matter is imminent.
     At the same time, Yin-Tang is sitting in the study room to listen to the news of the dark guard. Compared with the Yi and the Yi people, the Yin-Tang people are more concealed and the number is wider. After all, many of the people he put in the dark are actually on the bright side, just Yin-Tang's industry. Too many, the Shopkeeper is a small number of people, and few people will think about it.
     This will make Yin-Tang's plan to train people more smoothly.
     This time, looking for the son of Jian-Qinwang, Yin-Tang did not want to intervene. After all, he has now given him a illusion of power in his hands and settled his heart. If it is suddenly impossible to do what he and he can't do, there is nothing to add. However, in order to prevent’servants from making more troubles, he would not be able to find out people, but who knows that Jian-Qinwang's only son actually turned into a military camp, or a last soldier.
     It is said that there is a heart to plant flowers and flowers, and there is no intention to insert willows into the yin.
     The people under Yin-Tang can be described as the three religions 9th Prince flow, and it is not a big deal to make several small soldiers.
     This is not, Yin-Tang is looking for someone, and the reward is also high.
     The following people want to take a head in front of Your Highness, and it is good for them.
     This is more people, and the news naturally comes faster.
     Originally, people just thought that the experience of Jian-Qinwang's son was somewhat similar. After careful investigation, they found that the other party was the one they were looking for. After Yin-Tang got the news, he quickly promoted the second child who sent the message, and even let Lin-Chujiu give some rewards to those who ran around to collect the news. Although it is not satisfactory, it does not make people have too much difference.
     "Lin-Chujiu, send someone to say hello, don't let 8th Prince or Jian-Qinwang people discover that, to Yu-4th Prince, the man has to arrange again." Yin-Tang swing After retreating from the dark guard, Lin-Chujiu, who was close to him, secretly gave the matter secretly.
     "The nubi understand, please please your Your Highness!" Lin-Chujiu gave a ceremony to Yin-Tang, and turned around and led the little sister who was at the door to go to the other side.
     After all the instructions were finished, Yin-Tang went out of the study and went to the direction of Qing yi-Courtyard. Now Wan-xi tires are stable, and the children are gathered together like Qing yi-Courtyard. If Yin-Tang is busy, they will take time to spend time with Wan-xi and children. After all, for now For him, Wan-xi and children are higher than one cut.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang coming over, looking up at his look, seeing his good mood, can not help but raise the lips, softly asked: "The mood of the whole body is very good, there is What good thing happened?"
     Yin-Tang sat beside her, raised her hand and took Ting-Rain to the tea pot at hand, snorted, but did not put the tea pot back, but held it in the palm of her hand, watching Wan-xi said: "There is a good thing happening, and it is still a good thing you didn't expect." After that, Yin-Tang waved at Ting-Rain, and Ting-Rain sneaked at them. A gift, then retired.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang, and I know that it is definitely not an ordinary thing. Otherwise, depending on the Yin-Tang temper, it is absolutely impossible to retreat. When you think about what happened in the near future, Wan-xi couldn't help but guess: "Is it related to the lost son of Jian-Qinwang?"
     Yin-Tang listened to Wan-xi, and could not help but pick a brow. "Guess good, it is really related to Jian-Qinwang."
     “Yes, did you find it?” Wan-xi glared at his head with a look of uncertainty on his face. After all, Yin-Tang told her a few days ago that she had tried her best to find the son of Jian-Qinwang. Now both sides have not found it. Instead, he suddenly found it. How can you listen to this?
     "Found it. But before he made the arrangement, he wouldn't let him appear in front of people." Yin-Tang put his hand's samovar on his side, his face slightly condensed, apparently early decision.
     Wan-xi can understand the practice of Yin-Tang. After all, the other two people who have the ability to find themselves have not been able to find people. Instead, they have found the Yin-Tang who have tried their best to hide their own strength. !
     "Master  is moving fast, but it is good to hold people in their own hands. In addition, what happened to the son of Jian-Qinwang? Is the Heir actually going out?" Wan-xi is really not Understand how the Jian-Qinwang House will be left behind, and the battle in the backyard will not be able to survive, or it will not survive, and it will be able to get rid of the dragon and change the phoenix. Unless it is timely and beneficial, it will be difficult.
     Yin-Tang's fingers tapped on the table, and after a long time, he whispered: "These men have sent people to check, Jian-Qinwang is a young ‘Madam, and Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin is a The furnishings, but Jian-Qinwang's Side-Fujin is the king in the government. But the Side-Fujin is straight and has no children. Naturally, there is no one else.
     The mother of Jian-Qinwang is just a Shiqie, and has no power. I don't know why I used it. Before the passing, I let Maid around me escape with this child. At the time, Jian-Qinwang was young and didn't pay attention to this kind of thing until Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin was poisoned. Jan Side-Fujin was given a death, and Jian-Qinwang only converges a bit. After that, it is still good for Fu-Jin, but there is no one in the house."
     Wan-xi heard the brow wrinkles, this backyard Yin private has always been cruel, all roots are in the man's favor. Past and present, because of this man in front of her, her fate has turned from luck to luck, there are arrangements for heaven, and her own efforts. However, women themselves have problems. If they don't know how to work hard and let people insult, there will be nothing wrong with such an end.
     "Is this a comparison of Jian-Qinwang's retribution? When I was young, I was unscrupulous, and I used my favorite woman to do whatever I wanted. However, this woman could not give birth to a child. When her ‘Madam and son were all exiled, they would be desperate for help. Somehow I remembered Ting-Rain saying a word looking up at the sky and seeing who he had spared!" Wan-xi said and said, he laughed, it seems like he heard a big joke. In general, I laugh very much.
     In fact, Wan-xi did not hear any big jokes, but felt the past and present, and also for those who became victims, laughing at the injustices of heaven.
     Why are good people not good news!
     Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi laughter, but inexplicably did not feel that she had a pleasant smell on the body. On the contrary, he felt a sadness. But he didn't understand why she was sad, which made Yin-Tang feel a bit frustrated.
     “What is the trouble with Jao-Jao?” Yin-Tang leaned over and put her in her arms.
     The voice was as soft as possible, and the words were comforted with words.
     "No. I just feel a little emotional." Wan-xi leaned on Yin-Tang's arms, his hands slightly pulling his sleeves, and he said for a long time: "Master, you have thought about it, if you are Like the amount of mother-in-law, the next game may be like Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin. Sooner or later, it will be killed by others. Because we think that we are going back to the sky, but we don’t want to take a step back.
     The room was filled with silence in the words of Wan-xi, and Yin-Tang remembered the various actions of Dong-shi before, and I was fortunate in my heart.
     He has to do too many things. In many cases, he can't take care of Wan-xi. If Wan-xi is like Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin, he really should worry that he will go out for too long. To her.
     Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tighten her tightly.
     The moment of bowing, sticking to her ear, whispered in a low voice: "Master  is very glad that his charm is not the silk flower that does not know how to protect himself."
     Wan-xi listened to his words, a bitter smile, she was not a silk flower in the last life? If she has not experienced the sorrow of the world, how can she see the true colors of those people.
     "I am very glad that I have not been kind to those who are so ambivalent." Yes, she should be glad that this world knows how to protect herself.

     "I am very glad that I have not been kind to those who are so ambivalent." Yes, she should be glad that this world knows how to protect herself.
     Yin-Tang did not understand the meaning of her words, only when Wan-xi was a moment of emotion, but also a few words with a smile. Wan-xi sees it but doesn't say much. Although she has replaced her with a dream, she will be in the bottom of her heart for the rest of her life, and no one will tell anyone.
     "For those who have wolf ambitions, the means must be tough, and the Lord can't see those who think they are competing." Yin-Tang doesn't know the last generation, and naturally does not know the various things of Wan-xi. After all, Wan-xi only told him what would happen in his dreams, but he didn't tell him what happened in the last world.
     Wan-xi listened to his words and was not angry. On the contrary, he agreed to nod. It is because of this experience that this feeling will appear deeper. "Yes, it’s right, and it’s not the best way to solve the problem."
     What is reasonable is only useful for reasoning talents. For those who are unreasonable, they can only use their fists to let them know that their fists are not weak.
     They are not bullied if they want to bully.
     Wan-xi gave a sigh of relief and his body relaxed slightly.
     The whole person leaned in the arms of Yin-Tang and whispered: "How does God plan to deal with the son of Jian-Qinwang and lead him to the 4th Prince?" ?"
     If this is the case, it seems to be a bit of a loss, and it can appear as a sinful person with a swaying appearance.
     The situation outside is too nervous and too complicated. If you are not careful, it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble. But if you give up the benefits of this hand, it will obviously make people feel that they are not reconciled.
     "There is this idea, but this is just an immature idea." Yin-Tang smiled in the eyes, apparently not ready to hand over people.
     Think about it carefully, according to the current age of Jian-Qinwang, it is impossible to make a living again.
     The one that survives, both good and bad, is the future of Jian-Qinwang. Will it become a sect in the future? If you don’t say it in the future, it is an advantage to say that the power and status of Jian-Qinwang can be won.
     Wan-xi smiled gently, holding down his big palm and touching his stomach, whispered: "If you are not mature, don't do it. After all, if we spend our minds to find this person, then we must have corresponding The reward is yes, otherwise what will happen in the future, who is willing to do white work again."
     Yin-Tang got together and kissed Wan-xi cheeks.
     The smile on his face became more and more brilliant. Apparently, this proposal of Wan-xi was very much endorsed. "It's a good saying, although he is standing at 4th. Prince side, but does not mean that the Lord's things are all Yu-4th Prince. Whether it is before or now, the Lord has to plan for the future of our children and children."
     "If you have an idea in your heart, then you will stop talking about it." Wan-xi thought about the feelings of seeing him in recent times. Although majestic, it was also invisibly opened.
     Their distance from each other. Fortunately, Hong-hui, they are attached to Wan-xi as they used to, and they have any thoughts and willing to talk to her.
     They are also very close to Hong-min, which makes Wan-xi slightly rest assured.
     "Why don't you say? Lord wants to hear your thoughts." Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi face quietly in his arms, stopping to rub her soft and whisper.
     Wan-xi turned to look at Yin-Tang, and she seems to be confirming his mind. After all, there are things that women can give advice, but too many interventions can easily lead to unnecessary trouble. To put it bluntly, a man like Yin-Tang who has the ability to have a vision does not need to say anything more. At most, he likes Wan-xi to echo his ideas or practices at an appropriate time.
     "Ye Mingming has already made a decision in his heart, why bother to ask about it. It is just a small woman in the backyard.
     The eyes are limited. I can see that the palm of the hand is a piece of heaven and earth.
     There is an illusion that he is doing something wrong." Wan-xi chuckled, his hands clenched his big palm and whispered.
     Yin-Tang heard that the expression on his face was slightly awkward. Obviously, he did not expect that his actions would make Wan-xi feel stressed. "How come? If you don’t say that you dreamed, say these years.
     The tacit understanding between us, the Lord is willing to listen to your opinion.
     This is sometimes just a reason, such as when a man wants to ban a woman forever.
     When you are in the backyard, your eyes become the best reason, but in fact, women's minds are delicate, and they always find problems that men can't find, so they like to discuss problems with you. Yin-Tang said that these are not jokes, but tell the truth.
     Wan-xi suppressed the inner suspicion, but with a silky smile on her face, she thought about all the answers, but did not think of this. Now it seems that the past generations of the world, even if it is over, still affect her, otherwise she should not be so cautious in her life, or even be extremely vigilant.
     Even though Yin-Tang has only been pampered by her personally over the years, she is even more famous in this backyard, but the emperor, Yifei, etc. who stand above, or those who do everything possible to please Yin-Tang , will still find opportunities anytime, anywhere, to send people around him. Although this time is the emperor, Yifei is worthy of the rest of the time, but this does not mean that they will not continue in the future.
     "Master  can talk." Wan-xi smiled a little shyly, and her heart was inexplicably awkward, but it also strengthened her trust in Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang looked at her shy appearance, smirked a few faces with a funny face, and then whispered to Wan-xi about his plans. After all, a lot of things have to be quiet, not even discovered by others. In addition to his own arrangement, you need other cooperation. Otherwise, as long as any link is wrong, all these cuts are in vain.
     After the two talked, Wan-xi mentality changed a lot, and the inner unpressed uneasiness was also released.
     The whole person seemed to have been sublimated and became more stable.
     The feeling was like a flower. Falling out, washing the purity of lead.
     On this day, Wan-xi was leaning on the beautiful couch to whisper to the children in the stomach to read the "filial piety". Who knows that he had just read half of it, then Ting-Rain came in and told me that it was a visit of 13th Fu-Jin. Wan-xi accidentally picked her eyebrows. She thought that after that time, Thirty 3rd Fu-Jin would avoid her, but she did not expect that she would suddenly come to the door.
     "Go to 13th Fu-Jin and go to the flower hall for tea.
     This Fu-Jin combed the makeup and passed." Wan-xi sat up and got up and held Ting-Rain's hand to the side of Ting-Qin.
     Ting-Qin intentionally bowed to Wan-xi and turned to the yard. When he saw the 13- Fu-Jin, he was not too surprised. Instead, he calmly invited people to the flower hall. Entertained.
     13th Fu-Jin did not see Wan-xi nor was it strange. After all, Wan-xi was known to anyone who was pregnant in the whole city, and she was very envious. Because there is no beekeeping in this world, the relationship between her and 13th-Prince is not as deep as that of the world, and 13th-Prince is not bad for Fu-Jin because of the influence of Yin-Tang. It’s just that there no such feelings in the last world.
     When Wan-xi comes over, it is not good to take a shelf for the 3rd rd Fu-Jin. After all, the title of Yu-Xiang can't be compared with Yin-Tang. Naturally, the position between her and Wan-xi also exists. difference. If Wan-xi has a good relationship with her, it is a pity that their relationship is not only the same, but even a little controversy.
     After the ceremony, 13th Fu-Jin sat down on a chair next to her. Although she had the courage to come, it was still difficult to say something about it. After all, their relationship is really not suitable for saying. . But come here, even if you want to circle, 13th Fu-Jin don't want to miss this opportunity.
     “9th-Sao is good lately?” 13th Fu-Jin used this sentence as an opening statement, and there was a smile on his face.
     Wan-xi silently looked at her for a moment, seems to want to guess her purpose through this look.
     Then she smiled softly, holding the samovar in her hand, and gently sighed at the mouth of the cup, politely said: "Nature is good, eat well every day, what can be bothersome." ”
     13th Fu-Jin listened to her words, the smile on her face gradually dispersed, convulsing a few smiles on the face, and turned to look at Wan-xi, looking a bit hesitant, seems to be considering his own rhetoric.
     "Yes! 9th-Sao got 9th Prince love, and there are sons, there is no trouble. Just some people have never seen others, always thinking that they are not doing well, they should tear others down. Jian-Qinwang has been a big move lately, and Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin can't be underestimated. Mei-mei heard that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin has aroused many life-saving women to ask for Tong-Guifei, saying that it is necessary to thoroughly complete ZHong- Yong Junwang House Shiqie, whether it was mistaken in Zhuangzi or ... all have died!" 13th Fu-Jin hesitated again and again, thinking about all kinds of things before, worried that the circle turned too big, Wan-xi No tricks, so I finally had to choose to get straight to the point, and then start from the recent news about her.
     Wan-xi heard the words, his face suddenly became dignified, and the tea in his hand shook invisibly, obviously it was a little surprised that Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin would pick this kind of thing.
     The things of Shiqie are clearly because Kangxi illness has been left on Zhuangzi. In the dark, I know that these Shiqie are abandoned. Although they did not expressly express it, they expressed this meaning, but they did not want Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin to actually want to give her such a charge!
     "But I believe that 9th-Sao will not do this kind of thing, and if 9th Prince does not want it, even if 9th-Sao can't do it with the eyes, this thing is surely agreed by 9th Prince. Originally this matter It is the family of ZHong-Yong Junwang, but Jian-Qinwang Fu-Jin insists that these Shiqie are dead, even if these Shiqie have nothing, 9th-Sao has to connect these Shiqie Come back!" 13th Fu-Jin did not wait for the Wan-xi opening, and he spoke first.
     Wan-xi picks up the corner of his eyes and his eyes are slightly cold. She didn't believe that 13th Fu-Jin came to the door to tell her just about it. If she didn't ask for anything, why did she run this squat? I really only need to mention a few words with 13th-Prince. 13th-Prince will naturally turn. A, but she didn't, that means she has something to ask her, and this may only be done by her.
     "Although these Shiqie are back, they are all 9th ​​Prince and 9th-Sao, but they are forced to pick them up. I think 9th-Sao is not willing.
     These people have been thrown into Zhuangzi to fend for themselves, and there will be complaints in their hearts. If they come back, although they can't do anything about 9th-Sao, privately, they will make a lot of moths and make 9th-Sao difficult. "Third 3rd Fu-Jin is more serious, and the whole person has become more confident than before."


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