Chongfei 125

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       One day, Zhao Qingze and Ruyi did not go out to meet each other, but stood on the palace tower and watched the figure carrying the package slowly disappear into the palace gate.
       "I am a little reluctant."
       Ruyi sighed softly and said. Zhao Qingze just stretched out his hand and didn't speak.
       In fact, on that day, Zhao Qingze asked the palace if he considered waiting around Ruyi, but he didn't ask sincerely, maybe it was still a bit of temptation. If the royals agree, Zhao Qingze may consider placing the royals somewhere in this deep palace and keeping them under strict supervision. Because he could not truly trust the people of the palace, he did not know whether the process of the palace people coming to Ruyi, would it be a play made by Empress Dowager and her pretense, or if she wanted to look around Ruyi Asylum but there is no guarantee that she will be loyal to Empress Dowager and what harmful things she would do to Ruyi.
       Zhao Qingze cannot take this risk. After all, the person who is exposed to this risk has Ruyi and two children. Fortunately, the palace people did not choose this path.
       What Zhao Qingze did not say is that he took the royal people away from Empress Dowager. In addition to his childhood and the royal people’s so many years of care for Ruyi, there is another reason, but he is afraid. Holding her. Zhao Qingze knows his mother's method. Although the method is spicy, the method is not clever. Even knowing that Empress Dowager is not so easy to stop, but if there is no think tank around the palace, he can't really make a big storm. So taking the palace people away from her completely broke Empress Dowager's right arm.

       And this is also the most important reason for his deliberate design.
       However, no matter what, his approach is a triumph. He and Ruyi have eliminated the troubles of the heart and the palace people have a good place, and he does not have to worry about his emotions that day, he can handle Empress. Dowager.
       After all, Empress Dowager has many, but he is also his biological mother.
       On the fifteenth Lantern Festival on the first lunar month, there was no lantern festival held in the palace. Xianfei saw Zhao Qingze unintentionally, and did not find anything to propose to Zhao Qingze to hold a palace banquet.
       On this day, Zhao Qingze and Ruyi changed their plain clothes, as if they were ordinary Fu-Noble couples, with two children who also changed their clothes, and took a small carriage out of the palace gate.
       "You really took me out of the palace to play?"
       Ruyi sits in the carriage, gently lifted the curtain, and turned to look at Zhao Qingze's gaze with great surprise.
       Although it is known that Zhao Qingze will not speak verbal words with her, but it cannot be said that Gongfei Pin is a woman of ordinary people, and it is impossible to play along the street with his temperament. Therefore, last year's Lantern Festival, Zhao Qingze said to bring her to play this year, and reiterated the matter not long ago, Ruyi did not take it too seriously.
       "Today is your birthday, I naturally want to make you happy." Zhao Qingze said with a smile and holding Ruyi hand gently, "I will take you to the streets later."
       Ruyi voice is not so important, and it is a bit embarrassing.
       A few months ago, Zhao Qingze’s birthday was not actually handled well.
       At that time in the summer palace, not long after the birth, she was lying on the bed and conserving her body, and Tianyou body was poor, almost just worrying about her and Tianyou. Mo said that it really held the Longevity Festival, celebrating with the hundred officials and even with the people, and even some of their closest people did not celebrate for Zhao Qingze. Although there are reasons why Zhao Qingze didn't mean it, he was negligent after all.
       Cao Wet-nurse and An Rui mentioned a sentence, but there is nothing below.
       With such a thought, Ruyi feels that she also has some responsibilities. How can Zhao Qingze say that Ping Ping often passes, and really Ping Ping often passes too!
       "This year, your birthday must be handled well!"
       She whispered a word, Zhao Qingze heard the words, but smiled, and said softly: "Good deal? In fact, we all have a meal together to celebrate."
       "Good." Ruyi nodded.
       The carriage has reached the street, and if you sit in the car, you can also hear the lively sound of the street.
       She looked a little bit more out of the window and could not wait for it. Zhao Qingze saw it and said with a smile: "Yes, don't look around in the car. You put on your hat and I will take you out."
       Ruyi this sound should be very loud.
       She picked up the gauze hat she had prepared in the morning and put it on her head, then Zhao Qingze got off the carriage. Wet-nurse also walked down from another carriage with two children, but did not act with Zhao Qingze and they waited in the restaurant that was prepared early in the morning.
       Zhao Qingze walked slowly on the street with Ruyi, on both sides of the street, full of open shops, and there were street stalls on both sides, selling various things, Ruyi walked a few stalls with interest, even if the stalls above Things are much simpler than what Ruyi usually sees, but Ruyi doesn't care, just enjoying the fun of shopping.
       In the last life, Ruyi was willing to go shopping at any time, but he was too lazy to go shopping, but he liked to shop online, but in this life, he had no chance.
       Now walking like this, she just feels like she has returned to her previous life, and she is much freer.
       Zhao Qingze let Ruyi walk slowly and watched, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but they were the most popular every time they went, Ruyi was curious about everything, and Zhao Qingze was generous and would feel Ruyi Curious, even if I just reached out and touched it, I glanced at it and bought it for nothing.
       His faction made Ruyi unable to help but think of a red paragraph that he saw on the Internet in his previous life: the woman said, what should I do if I have a choice phobia? Men's back, buy! buy! buy!
       Ruyi thought to herself, she couldn't help laughing.
       "Such a small thing makes you so happy?" Zhao Qingze heard Ruyi light laughter, and couldn't help but deepen the smile and said softly.
       Ruyi held Zhao Qingze's hand in the backhand and smiled: "I just think it's great to have such a generous husband!"
       When Zhao Qingze heard the words, he thought that Ruyi was joking with him again, and couldn't help but squeeze Ruyi hand.
       The two walked slowly to a place where they guessed the lantern riddle. Behind the host, there were a lot of lanterns with different shapes and unique shapes. These are the colorful heads to guess the lantern riddle.
       Ruyi gazes attentively, but has chosen several lanterns, and can't move her footsteps for a while.
       "Like it?"
       Zhao Qingze asked softly.
       Ruyi nodded again and again, and said a few of his favorite lanterns without any euphemism.
       "You have the finest eyes. It is estimated that the most difficult ones have been taken by you. Okay, who made Niangzi birthday today, and the husband wanted to satisfy Niangzi wish."
       Zhao Qingze ridiculed Ruyi with a light smile.
       Between the speeches, Deng Xian had arranged people to open the way. Zhao Qingze walked Ruyi to the booth. Before the booth, the boss was talking with a young gongzi about the riddle.
       Zhao Qingze and Ruyi were not in a hurry, they stood by and waited.
       Only after the young gongzi guessed the answer, the boss took the lantern, and then said: "Boss, what is the riddle of the white rabbit lantern?"
       Zhao Qingze's words haven't come down yet, but the young gongzi stopped saying: "Wait, come first, then come, I have to guess the white rabbit lantern!"
       The young gongzi said that he turned to look at Zhao Qingze and they just looked at them, but they were almost scared away.
       "Emperor ... Huang gongzi."
       The smile on Huang Zongbao face suddenly stiffened. He even saw the emperor here, and the emperor and the emperor did not know what to do.
       "Huang gongzi, I ... I was laughing."
       Huang Zongbao knew that since the emperor had traveled in a subtle way, he naturally didn't want to let outsiders know his identity, so he didn't salute, but the meaning of asking for mercy in the words he said was so sad that Ruyi also heard.
       Ruyi couldn't help but glance at Huang Zongbao and chuckled aloud. Now that he can recognize Zhao Qingze's identity, he must be the courtier beside Zhao Qingze, but he looks very young on the face, so he will have such a fun look.
       Huang Zongbao heard Ruyi laughter and couldn't help looking. But when she saw the dress of the female family on Ruyi body, she immediately withdrew her gaze and dared not look at it again.
       Huang Zongbao, the woman who was carried by the emperor, hardly needs to think about it. The identity of the other party is almost ready.
       Except for Huang Guifei, who is favored by the emperor, who can be taken care of by the emperor. It turned out that this one is the Little-girl Chen Wenhan has been looking for.
       Huang Zongbao couldn't help but glanced at it angrily, because Ruyi was covered with a veil, but he could not see too much content, only to observe the other person's figure, and Huang Zongbao didn't think there was anything outstanding, only that he was petite , Looking at the same size as Mei-mei who is not out of the house.
       Zhao Qingze ignored Huang Zongbao, but just nodded slightly, took Ruyi a few steps forward, and asked the stall owner a riddle.
       At this time, Huang Zongbao didn't even know that he should leave quietly so as not to disturb the interest of the emperor, or he should step forward and wait by the emperor's side, in case the emperor can't guess the riddle, he can help. Dilemma, he had to stand and watch.
       Fortunately, Zhao Qingze easily guessed the riddles of several lanterns that he wished to see, but he did not let Huang Zongbao standing on the side to serve again, and also saved Huang Zongbao from being stupid.
       You should know that Zhao Qingze is winning for her woman. If she didn't make a guess, let Huang Zongbao come to work ... or it's in the limelight, it is estimated that Zhao Qingze will not want to see Huang Zongbao again in his life.
       Several lanterns that Zhao Qingze won for Ruyi, except for the white rabbit lanterns, which were ruyi hand, the others were taken by the entourage.
       Carrying a white rabbit lantern in Ruyi hand, and Zhao Qingze walked out of the crowd slowly. When they were about to leave, Huang Zongbao, who was behind them, was pulled by a small child.
       "Shu, my little white rabbit lantern!"
       Before Huang Zongbao knee-high was tightly clutched by Huang Zongbao clothes corner, the fat and chubby man in a big red cotton-padded jacket asked his head, his white and tender appearance looked very cute.
       Ruyi and Zhao Qingze couldn't help but stop and looked at the past.
       Huang Zongbao glanced at Zhao Qingze and Ruyi awkwardly, but when he looked down at the villain, he felt his head hurt for a while: This little devil, and the little white rabbit lantern, dare to grab something with Huang Guifei and find out Explain!
       When he saw Huang Zongsheng who was watching a good show not far away, he only had to cry and let Huang Zongsheng quickly lead his son home.
       However, Huang Zongsheng apparently did not have the spirit of his heart, still looking like a good show, looking at Huang Zongbao face embarrassed by his son, maybe even his son came over to deliberately encourage him.
       "Shu, my little white rabbit lantern, you might not have won it!" The little man asked with his head tilted, his eyes just to see the lantern in his hand not far away, his mouth flattened, and he looked It was almost crying.
       "Come, Shu won this lantern for you."
       Huang Zongbao forehead was in pain for a while, and it looked bad, and he quickly put the lantern in his hand into the hand of the little man.
       But the little one originally looked at the white rabbit lantern at first glance. The younger the child, the more paranoid about what they want, and naturally unhappy.
       The mouth was flat, but there was a cry: "No, I want the white rabbit lantern, I want the white rabbit lantern."
       Ruyi on the side saw it, and her heart was distressed and funny. She whispered to Zhao Qingze: "It seems that we have robbed Xiaowa's stuff."
       Zhao Qingze squeezed Ruyi hand with a smile, and let Ruyi take him to the villain.
       Ruyi crouched down, handed the white rabbit lantern to the little man, and said softly: "Don't cry, come, give your white rabbit lantern."
       The little man saw the white rabbit lantern, but the tears were immediately received, and he burst into tears and smiled: "Thank you sister!"
       What a sister, the baby is not much smaller than you! Huang Zongbao said secretly. But the face is embarrassed softly: "Thank you Lao-ye, Fu-ren."
       Zhao Qingze just nodded slightly, but left with wishful thinking.
       Huang Zongsheng saw that there was no drama to watch here, and came over. He was about to export to tease Huang Zongbao a few words, but he heard Huang Zongbao glaring at him fiercely and said: "You will give this lantern back!"
       Huang Zongsheng frowned and was puzzled.
       Huang Zongbao shook his head and said, "The Master's reward, don't break it!"
       Huang Zongsheng surprised his eyes on the two leaving, and looked uncertainly at Huang Zongbao.
       But Huang Zongbao nodded sadly but surely.
       Huang Zongbao? "
       After Ruyi and Zhao Qingze walked away a little, they asked with a smile. Zhao Qingze nodded.
       Ruyi can't hide a smile in his words: "I finally know why you want him to be in front of the emperor. In addition to his talents, this day's official business is so boring, it's fun to look at him!
       Zhao Qingze listened to Ruyi words, but couldn't help but froze for a moment. He smiled and supported the yarn cap for her, and did not answer.
       "Actually, he is such a Temper, and I will teach Aman in the future that I think it's very good, better than the old-fashioned old masters."
       Ruyi walked two steps with a smile. Not far from her, there was a simple little stall with the word Lantern in front of the stall.
       Ruyi stopped and took Zhao Qingze's hand and said softly: "If I said that I wanted to eat the Lantern Festival here, would you scold me!"
       "Eat it!"
       Zhao Qingze answered very happily. He took Ruyi and walked into the booth. The business in front of the booth was very good. Several tables were already filled with people.
       "If the gongzi and Fu-ren don't mind, the old lady finds a table for the two distinguished guests to fight."
       An old woman who was standing in front of the stall and holding the Lantern Festival saw Ruyi and Zhao Qingze coming, and quickly came out to greet the two.
       Ruyi was a little moved, but when he heard this, he didn't dare to agree without permission. He just looked at Zhao Qingze. Zhao Qingze nodded gently.
       As he was talking, he happened to see someone on a table standing up, and it seemed that he had already eaten and left.
       The old woman quickly collected the bowl mat and wiped the soup with the tablecloth.
       "What do the two distinguished guests want to eat, stuffed with sesame and red beans." The old lady waited for Ruyi and Zhao Qingze to sit down and asked with their bows.
       "Everyone gets a bowl first!"
       Zhao Qingze replied, but one hand prevented Deng Xian from taking the veil to wipe the table. He replied lightly with him, "You don't have to be so particular about going out."
       Deng Xian bowed his head and retreated.
       Ruyi said with a chuckle: "It's beyond my expectation, I thought you would say that the outside things are not clean and I won't eat them!"
       Zhao Qingze also smiled when he heard the words, but said lightly: "They are all things that grow out of the ground, they are grown by the people, and the people also eat by themselves. We eat naturally."
       Although the words said so, after the things came up, Zhao Qingze did not embarrass Deng Xian. He set the Lantern Festival in the bowl first and tried it with a small dish.
       "Nucai thanked the two masters for their rewards."
       Tai-yi, who was by his side, also tried the poison and found no problems. Deng Xian took it for a while and did not notice any abnormalities. He brought up the two bowls of Lantern Festival again.
       Ruyi took the spoon sent by Deng Xian, adjusted the gauze cap, and scooped one into his mouth.
       "It's stuffed with sesame seeds."
       The sesame is very finely ground and almost melts in the mouth. There is not much sugar added. It doesn’t taste greasy at all. On the contrary, it feels sweet and full of sweetness. Eat, especially delicious. "
       Zhao Qingze smiled and opened the mouth to contain the Lantern Festival, nodded, and then scooped one from his bowl to Ruyi mouth and smiled: "This is red bean filling."
       Ruyi took a light bite, the skin was not thick, and Ruyi quickly bite the red bean filling.
       "Osmanthus is also added, which is delicious." Ruyi chewed gently.
       At this moment, the old lady led a couple and came over with a smile on her face: "This gongzi and Fu-ren, can you make a table for these two."
       When the two people saw Zhao Qingze, they were a little dazed.
       "sit down!"
       Ruyi greeted with a smile and said to the old woman: "We know these two."
       "That would be good then that would be good!"
       The old woman left, while An Rui and Ning Marquis were a little bit cautious.
       An Rui is better. Since these days, he often goes to the palace to accompany Ruyi. It is not impossible to have dinner with Zhao Qingze. Ning Marquis is a bit restrained. He sits on the same seat, and he dare not even think about it. .
       "Brother Huang and Sao come out to play too!"
       An Rui said with a smile.
       "Yeah, you and your Fu-ma are also out."
       If Opinion Zhao Qingze did not speak, he smiled and accompanied An Rui to speak.
       Zhao Qingze put Ruyi in the spoon just to eat the remaining half of the Lantern Festival with a relaxed attitude into his mouth, and said to Ruyi: "Eat Lantern, it will be cold later."
       Ruyi nodded her head, just wanted to hold the spoon, but heard Zhao Qingze say another sentence: "Want to eat red bean filling, I think you just like it."
       "No, I'll just eat sesame filling."
       Although outsiders could not see Ruyi face through a layer of gauze, Ruyi face was still slightly reddish.
       Even if the intimacy between the husband and wife is in the dorm, under the large public, Ruyi doesn't have this idea.
       Zhao Qingze scooped one out of his bowl, and said with a very relaxed attitude, "Eat as much as you like."
       The spoon in his hand had been sent to Ruyi, and Ruyi face was flushed with redness.
       Ning Marquis and Anrui bowed their heads and tried to reduce their sense of presence. Finally, after the bowl of Lantern Festival was over, the two of them watched Ruyi and Zhao Qingze leave, and sighed silently after seeing each other.
       After eating the Lantern Festival, it was not too early, and Zhao Qingze did not continue shopping with Ruyi, but returned to the restaurant that was booked early in the morning.
       The box was on the second floor. When Ruyi and Zhao Qingze entered, Aman and Tianyou were already asleep.
       According to my opinion, I originally wanted to tease the two children with the gadgets I bought, but now I can’t do it, lest I wake them up.
       After holding in a few bowls of Lantern Festival, Xiao Er in the restaurant quietly retreated, and Ruyi just had enough to eat. At this moment, he had no appetite, but took a tea and took a sip.
       At this time, Zhao Qingze walked to Ruyi side, pulled her up to the window, opened the window, and smiled, "I'm about to start!"
       "What started?" Ruyi gave Zhao Qingze a curious look.
       I saw Zhao Qingze smiled mysteriously, and stood at the window holding Ruyi waist.
       With a bang, Ruyi showed a surprised look on her face.
       This sound of fireworks seemed to be a sign of the beginning, and with it came the night sky that was half red with fireworks.
       "how come?"
       It took Ruyi a long time to recover, and looked at Zhao Qingze and asked, "Your arrangement?"
       Zhao Qingze didn't laugh, but Ruyi understood that this year should be specially arranged. Although the fireworks were also displayed during the Lantern Festival in previous years, the location was in the palace. This year, the location was by the moat.
       But soon, Ruyi couldn't take care of each other. The sultry atmosphere was also dispelled by the cry of Aman and Tianyou, and the two children were woken up by the sound of fireworks.
       Although the moat is not near here, Zhao Qingze chose the best place to see the fireworks, which is naturally not far away, and the sound can still be heard from afar.
       Ruyi reached out and hugged Tianyou, patting gently, and Zhao Qingze was also helpless to take over Aman. The good atmosphere was thus destroyed.
       However, there is no need to coax two more children. The two children looked at the window, and they were immediately attracted. The small mouth opened wide, and Aman didn't even notice when she drooled.
       "Aren't children looking at fireworks bad for their eyes?" Ruyi was a little worried and wanted to reach out to cover Tianyou eyes, but Tianyou rarely moved her small hand, trying to tear off Ruyi hand, but he had little energy Where did you pull your hand, just flattened your mouth, and began to howl again.
       "Huang Guifei Niang-Niang, once in a while, it doesn't matter."
       Wet-nurse walked to Ruyi and whispered, so that Ruyi let go of her hand.
       Tianyou and Aman saw the fireworks again. Xiaozuoer continued to open his mouth wide. Zhao Qingze and Ruyi looked at the two children and looked at each other. With children, it is really not easy to want a space for two.
       They could only stand closer and closer, until the arms of the two people touched together.
       When the fireworks were over, the two children were still unsatisfied, but at this moment, the fresh energy was gone, and there was no crying.
       But Zhao Qingze couldn't help but wiped Aman's slobbering chin, and said sullenly: "This fireworks, how can I look at these two small ones."
       Ruyi Wen Yanjun couldn't help it.
       In the evening, they did not return to the palace, but went to Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Capital City. It was very late when they returned. The two children were handed over to Wet-nurse to wait. Ruyi and Zhao Qingze simply washed and lay down in bed.
       However, in the middle of the night, Deng Xian came to the bedroom of the two to wake up Zhao Qingze.
       When Zhao Qingze got up, Ruyi also woke up a little, just listening to Zhao Qingze whispering to make her sleep again. Ruyi thought that Zhao Qingze had to deal with urgent matters as usual, and she fell asleep again.
       Who knows, when she woke up the next day, Zhao Qingze still did not return to the room.
       She got up from the peony and fragrant grass, and asked, "How about the emperor?"
       "The emperor has returned to the palace."
       Fangcao replied.
       "Back to the palace?"
       The expression on Ruyi face was not surprising. How could Zhao Qingze leave her and go back to the palace alone, but Ruyi did not doubt Zhao Qingze at all, but just said, "Is there something wrong?"
       "The slave maid didn't know, but the emperor let Deng Gonggong and other Niang-Niang wake up to escort Niang-Niang, Crown Prince and 2-Prince back to the palace. Niang-Niang might as well pass Deng Gonggong to come and ask questions."
       Fangcao said softly.
       "Don't worry, wait until after washing up."
       Ruyi listened to Fang Cao words, but she was not in a hurry. She sits down at the dressing table and started to dress up.
       At this time, the bells of Dangdang began to sound outside, one after another, listening very dull.
       "this is……"
       Ruyi was surprised and looked at Fangcao and Shaoyao.
       "Count, how many times?"
       After wishing to say this, I also felt that I was a little naive. This bell sounded from the temple, and it could make the Jingcheng temple ring the bell. Obviously, some important people left.
       "Shaoyao, you go and ask Deng Gonggong, who ..."
       Shaoyao bowed its head and went out, and soon, it came back.
       The expression on the surface of Shaoyao didn't change much, but when talking with Ruyi, there was a bit of silence in the voice: "Deng Gonggong said, the Emperor Taigong collapsed last night."
       Ruyi heard the news at first glance and was speechless for a while. No wonder Zhao Qingze returned to the palace last night, regardless of the relationship between the Emperor Taizhang and Zhao Qingze, but it was his father after all.
       "Find me a simple dress, Aman and Tianyou, change your clothes too!"
       When Aman and Tianyou hugged out last night, Ruyi let them wear scarlet clothes. If they still wear it when they go back to the palace, I'm afraid it's inappropriate.
       "We will also pick up the palace as soon as possible. There are still many things waiting for us in the palace."
       Ruyi picked up her comb and started to brush her hair.
       Although the group has accelerated their movements, the suburbs of Capital City are still some distance away from the imperial palace. It is already noon when they return to Zhaoyang Hall.
       Ruyi simply used dim sum in the car, but he was not hungry, nor did he let the dining room pass up.
       In the Zhaoyang Hall, it was as usual, and there was no arrangement. Ruyi didn't know whether it was due to be arranged in the future, or was it originally intended to be arranged. Zhao Qingze was not here at this time. After Rutly asked Wet-nurse to bring the two children back to the room, she quickly ordered the peony and fragrant grass to go down and quickly removed some of the festive arrangements in the palace.
       Because it was not long after the New Year, the festive arrangement was almost everywhere in the Zhaoyang Temple, but it was too imperial, it was really not suitable.
       "The Maiko filial pie hasn't been brought in yet, you have to urge it."
       These are the most basic rules, and Ruyi still knows it.
       The Emperor Taishang collapsed last night. It was too late to decorate last night. At this time, it should be arranging the mourning hall. At night, everyone is estimated to be keeping spirits. The white clothes are ominous, and she can't find such clothes on her side.
       "Yes, slave-maid knows!"
       Shaoyao lactiflora and Fangcao were about to retreat, but Zhao Qingze suddenly came in.
       "See the emperor!"
       The two hurriedly saluted Zhao Qingze again. Zhao Qingze didn't care and waved his hand at random to make the two retreat.
       Ruyi looked at Zhao Qingze's tired face, and knew that he had been struggling to stay up late last night. He quickly helped him to sit on the couch, and said softly: "I'm afraid I haven't eaten yet. You will take a break after eating, and you may be busy at night. "
       Zhao Qingze nodded, but closed his eyes.
       Ruyi walked outside and made a meal. When he walked back to the house, he saw Zhao Qingze frowning, leaning on the couch with one hand, looking very depressed.
       "what happened?"
       Ruyi asked softly, reaching for his forehead, trying to smooth his frowning angle.
       Zhao Qingze suddenly grabbed Ruyi hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched with a mocking expression, and said with a look of tears on his face: "You know, Empress Dowager thought I killed the Emperor Taishang."
       ? "
       Ruyi looked at Zhao Qingze's sample and didn't know what to say.
       Even her, who hardly knows the situation, knows that Zhao Qingze cannot possibly kill the emperor, why Empress Dowager thinks so. If Zhao Qingze really wanted to kill the Emperor Taishang, did it take so long to delay? As long as Zhao Qingze took the throne, he could start.
       "In Empress Dowager's view, I ... kill my father, and even my mother."
       Zhao Qingze clenched his hands into fists tightly, and took a deep breath, but there was a smile on his face, "It's not a bad thing to say, Empress Dowager, she was afraid, she was afraid of me, and she would never take my words wrong again. This is the thing! "
       "do not talk."
       Ruyi grabbed Zhao Qingze's hand backhand and said softly: "Empress Dowager doesn't believe you, I believe in you, and our children will believe in you."
       Zhao Qingze looked at Ruyi serious eyes and smiled lightly.
       Ming Mingxin's heart was difficult and calm, but he didn't say anything. He just stood up and calmly used the food that Ruyi had prepared for him.
       It may have been the news and command early in the morning. The meals in the dining room were all Su Zhai. After Zhao Qingze slightly moved a few chopsticks, he had no appetite to eat, so he put down the chopsticks. I used a small bowl of flour.
       After eating, Zhao Qingze did not listen to Ruyi persuasion, but planned to do things directly.
       Ruyi couldn't help it, and she knew that if Zhao Qingze was stubborn, she couldn't persuade her. She could only helplessly say: "That doesn't need to be so anxious. You can rest for a while. I didn't know anything when I returned to the palace. good or not."
       Zhao Qingze was sitting on the couch, but he didn't close his eyes, but held a tea and spoke with Ruyi.
       "It seems that the Ministry of Internal Affairs hasn't brought the linen clothing and filial pie. At night I go to guard the spirit. Can the two children only go for a while and be with the children for fear of being unable to eat."
       Although these are doubtful in Ruyi heart, how to do it is actually that she later knows that Zhao Qingze will let people arrange it, but at this moment, Ruyi has nothing to say.
       On the contrary, Zhao Qingze listened, but said with a smile: "No, Zhaoyang Temple is in business as usual, neither you nor your children need to go to the Lingtang."
       "Don't go to the spiritual hall ..." Ruyi heard this at the moment, but she was a little overwhelmed. "It's not very appropriate. In the end, it's the emperor's collapse."
       Ruyi, who is Zhao Qingze's fei Pin, how can he not stay in the hall, that is, two children, even young, as grandson of the emperor, have to accompany him.
       This matter is no longer the kind of rules that can be changed. It is not that Zhao Qingze said that he can go without saying that, but it involves a tradition and a long-standing custom. Ruyi dare to guarantee that if you and your two children don’t go, just go back and talk about it. It’s just a handle that you can use to attack their painful feet.
       "And Empress Dowager didn't like me originally. If he doesn't go, Empress Dowager is just afraid to say something!"
       Ruyi hesitated and said that although it is not appropriate to mention Empress Dowager at this time, this is indeed what they need to consider the most.
       "Wait until the coffin is lifted, then you go. The guardian does not have to go, your body is not good. If it is so cold today, it is not good if you take the child away." Zhao Qingze paused for a long time. He said again, "Empress Dowager, I'm afraid I won't appear in the hall when the emperor is buried."
       "Emppress Dowager, why wouldn't you go?" Ruyi was very strange. The Emperor Taipa died, all the fei Pin and children of the Emperor Emperor, as well as the children's families and ministers, I am afraid they can all find it now in the spiritual hall. There is no reason why a wife is absent from her absence.
       "Emperor Emperor died, Empress Dowager was overwhelmed and ill!"
       Zhao Qingze's mouth once again showed the ridiculous smile.
       Empress Dowager is indeed sick, and he is so sick that he can hardly get out of bed. Even compared to the past, even Tai-yi looked at it and felt that Empress Dowager could not recover at least in the short term.
       Empress Dowager heard the news of the death of the Emperor, she began to hide in the dormitory, from morning to night, let people guard her dormitory inside and out, the candles with thick arms, brightly lit the palace, but Empress Dowager's expression was still anxious.
       "Niang-Niang, took the medicine."
       Gongren walked to the bed with the medicine, but he was startled by the embarrassed Empress Dowager.
       "Medicine, what kind of medicine? This palace does not drink!"
       Empress Dowager was frightened, but suddenly said furiously.
       "Niang-Niang, the body is heavy." Gong Ren persuaded softly.
       Who knew that Empress Dowager suddenly reached out and overturned the bowl of medicine on the ground, and Called: "Is the Emperor letting you pour the poison of the mourning family, the mourning family will not drink it!"
       "Niang-Niang ..."
       After hearing the words, the palace man turned white and quickly knelt on the ground to explain: "This is Tai Ning's Ningshen Soup for Empress Dowager Niang-Niang. How dare the slave-servant poison Niang-Niang!"
       "Ning Shen? Ai Jia does not need Ning Shen!"
       Empress Dowager took a heavy breath and said, "No need to take medicine!"
       "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang ..."
       When another palace man walked in with a tray with food in his hands, he could not help sighing when he saw this scene, and gently said, "Master, rest assured, soup and meals, Nubi are trustworthy. People do it, no one will prescribe it. "
       Empress Dowager saw the palace man, and his face was slightly slack. Obviously, the palace man was the same as the previous palace man. She was brought into the palace from the Chen family and followed her for decades, let her trust .
       But this is the case, Empress Dowager still dare not relax his vigilance, just said: "Now the emperor has control of the entire court, and the people of the mourning family have been pulled out by the emperor. If you want to start with Aijia, you can't help it. "
       "The food delivered to the mouth of Empress Dowager Niang-Niang still has medicine. Someone will try it first. Niang-Niang should not worry." The palace man persuaded patiently.
       The expression on Empress Dowager's face was slightly relaxed, but suddenly it seemed that he had thought of something, but he looked at the palace man and said, "No, if the person who tries to eat takes the medicine first!"
       "The slave maid tried Empress Dowager Niang-Niang."
       The man of the palace was obviously prepared. He picked up the empty bowl on the side and used clean chopsticks to pluck the food he brought in. Then, in front of Empress Dowager, he ate those things in his mouth.
       After a while, she smiled and persuaded: "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang. Look, the slave is okay, you can use some!"
       "it is good……"
       Empress Dowager was still a little hesitant, but since she heard the news of the emperor's collapse last night, she has been sleeping and eating or drinking. At this time, her belly is indeed hungry.
       She stretched out her shaking hands and wanted to pick up chopsticks. One was unstable. The chopsticks fell to the ground. She looked blankly at her hands.
       When the palace man saw it, he couldn't help but sigh and whispered: "Slave Emma Dowager Niang-Niang!"
       She took the spoon and scraped a layer of porridge and delivered it to Empress Dowager's mouth. Empress Dowager slowly opened his mouth hesitantly and took the first bite in a long time.
       With the first bite, there is naturally a second bite.
       It wasn't until after feeding the small half bowl that the palace man saw that Empress Dowager's tense nerves also slowly relaxed, and then he whispered: "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, there is something that the slave-servant doesn't know whether to talk about or not?"
       Empress Dowager’s voice is no longer that cold, and the palace man let go of his heart and said softly: "The slave-servant thought about it and felt that the emperor's death was not related to the emperor. Anyway, the emperor's emperor was the emperor's father, and If the emperor really wants to deal with the emperor, how can he wait so long! "
       After finishing his words, the palace man paused and looked carefully at Empress Dowager's face.
       "go on!"
       Empress Dowager did not have any expression changes on his face, but he said so in his mouth.
       Seeing this, the palace man felt vaguely in his heart, and smiled slowly: "And, why should Niang-Niang worry that the emperor will do anything with you, your biological mother. If the emperor really had this meaning, Li Fei had happened before. Niang-Niang, the emperor can ... "
       Without warning, the words of the palace people were not finished, and the small table beside Empress Dowager was overturned by Empress Dowager.
       "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang?"
       The man in the palace was startled, and her hand holding the porridge bowl was shaking. She knelt on the ground at a loss, completely unaware that she had caused Empress Dowager.
       "How much benefit the emperor gave you, let you say this in front of the mourning house, and let the mourning house relax your guard."
       Empress Dowager gazed sharply at the kneeling Palace-Lady, his hands clenched into fists, and his voice was exhausted, "Are you like Wang Lanying's bastard, did you also betray the mourning family!"
       "Empress Dowager Niang-Niang, slave-servants are only loyal to you."
       The palace man shivered, and the palace man's lesson was in front of her. She was afraid that she would become the next palace man.
       She did not have the ambitions of the palace people, nor did the palace people have the emperor and Huang Guifei to protect, and what she was waiting for was only a dead end.
       "Only loyal to the mourning house, only loyal to the mourning house. You speak for the emperor. Does the mourning house fail to see how the emperor is? You think that if you say a few words, the mourning house will believe you, and the mourning house will have no judgment. Now! "
       Empress Dowager hoarse his throat and slammed the jade pillow on the bed towards the palace man’s head. The jade pillow smashed the palace man’s forehead out of the blood, but Empress Dowager had a strange feeling of joy. .
       "Go back and tell your master, Aijia ... Aijia is not so good to deal with, don't try to start with Aijia."
       The palace man bowed and almost ran out of Empress Dowager's dormitory, and after Empress Dowager said those words, he hugged the whole body in a ball, shaking and frightened.
       On that day, Zhao Qingze's last words with Empress Dowager when he left left a deep impression on Empress Dowager.
       Zhao Qingze said to her, what should I do to make her look and make her scared, and within a few days, the Emperor will die! Empress Dowager didn't believe this coincidence, and her suspicious heart had already determined that Zhao Qingze had handed the Emperor Taishang in order to warn her.
       For the rest of her life, she spent the rest of her life, which was not long but not short, with such a belief, and she also became so suspicious and anxious that she soon became old and became A real old man, but also a weak old man, lingering sick bed.
       She dared not drink medicine or eat food, or even drank water. A little movement would make her frightened.
       Zhao Qingze came to see her a few times, and every time, she was terrified, even hysterical, looking at this Eldest-son's gaze, as if looking at ghosts.
       After Zhao Qingze hit that, he stepped into the Cian Palace only once, when Empress Dowager closed his eyes and lay quietly in bed. Only that time, their mother and son were in the same room peacefully, because Empress Dowager could no longer be noisy and unable to make trouble.
       But at that time, Zhao Qingze was already sad and unhappy. He looked at the mother's gaze, and there was no trace of emotion, no disappointment, no resentment, no attachment, even as if he were just looking at strangers.
       However, at least before this, Zhao Qingze treated Empress Dowager with disappointment and resentment, but he also had hope. She hoped that she was actually the mother she remembered, and she was kind and considerate to him. Even if she broke his heart again and again, and even did many things that Zhao Qingze could not tolerate at all, he was unwilling to start this mother's hands.
       Although the Emperor's Spirit Hall was arranged in a palace beside the Chaoyang Hall, far away from the Zhaoyang Hall, but in this quiet night, the sound of the Buddha ringing the bell was still audible, and I was afraid to startle the two children. Let Wet-nurse take Tianyou to Aman's house, and guard the two children under his own sleep before returning to the palace.
       Just entering the gate of the bedroom, Ruyi was taken aback by Zhao Qingze sitting on the couch.
       "Qingze, why are you back, aren't you protecting the Emperor Tai Ling?"
       Ruyi gently asked, covering her chest.
       Zhao Qingze put down the teacup that was originally playing in his hand and walked to Ruyi side and patted Ruyi shoulder and said softly: "I'm afraid that you will be afraid of sleeping alone at night. Come over and accompany you first, then go over later.
       "Don't worry about me, at night I let peony and fragrant grass give me a vigil."
       If she is not afraid, she is actually fake, but Ruyi is not so scared in the end, and there are a lot of people around her who are close to trust, and she will not be afraid to sleep well.
       But Zhao Qingze was willing to come with her, she was still happy.
       "I asked the dining room to bring some supper up, and your dinner should not be too useful!"
       Ruyi thought about the lunch that Zhao Qingze came back at noon, and felt that if she didn't stare at it, I was afraid that she would eat less than noon, and then ordered the meal room to quickly send some food up.
       Zhao Qingze also had no objection. After a simple refreshment, Ruyi and Zhao Qingze lay on the bed. They had just refreshed at this time, and the two of them had no sleepiness, and they slowly spoke.
       But at this moment, the atmosphere was a little strange. After all, it was during the funeral of the emperor, it was inappropriate to say something happy, and it was not so good to say something unhappy.
       But fortunately, Ruyi and Zhao Qingze did not have so many taboos. Ruyi simply told Zhao Qingze about the situation of the two children today, and then listened to Zhao Qingze talking about the situation in front of the hall. Eyes closed.
       Zhao Qingze never closed his eyes. He looked at Ruyi in his arms and gently set her forehead hair behind her head, and then leaned her head on her head.
       Perhaps Zhao Qingze would not have thought that he would even say this false sweet talk to Ruyi. He was worried that Ruyi could not sleep alone, but one of the biggest reasons why he lay here today was that he was insecure and he couldn't rest his mind.
       Emperor Dowager’s cruelty and mistrust of him made him feel cold and cold. Only by staying with Ruyi and by her and her children, he can calm down and settle down.
       However, he is unwilling to show his cowardice to Ruyi. He hopes that in front of Ruyi, he is a man who can stand up for her, and he is unwilling to let her see a trace of his weakness.
       "Only you still trust me, and only you, Ruyi."
       Zhao Qingze whispered something awkwardly, but hugged Ruyi tightly in his hands.
       Zhao Qingze is no longer in the bedroom.
       Ruyi didn't even know when he left last night. She lay in a daze and looked at the dragon embroidery on the bed tent, and sighed softly.
       In fact, she had been with Zhao Qingze for so long. How could she not see his anomaly last night, but she realized that Ruyi would not show up, just because she knew him Temper, he would never want to see his weakness.
       Since he didn't want her to know, Ruyi pretended not to know.
       At least, when he was the weakest, he would choose to stay by her side, not looking for other people or staying alone. That's enough.
       Between husband and wife, it is not necessary to know everything clearly. Sometimes it is rare to be confused, and it is not necessary.
       There was a smile on Ruyi mouth, and she reached out and gently stroked the pillow that Zhao Qingze had slept on as if he could feel his breath.
       "Niang-Niang, do you want to get up?"
       Shaoyao asked softly outside the curtain, Ruyi turned over, sits up from the bed, and said softly: "Get up!"
       Although Zhao Qingze and Ruyi said that everything was as usual in Zhaoyang Temple, Ruyi still changed to a plain blue dress. The clothes did not have a little embroidery, and only a coil of silver hairpins was inserted on the random bun. In addition, there is no more decoration on the body.
       In the dining room, the morning meal was brought up. Since Ruyi and Zhao Qingze were not extravagant people, the general meals did not come according to their own specifications. Basically, they were enough to eat enough.
       According to this standard, the meals from the pantry are mostly wasted.
       Ruyi glanced at today's breakfast, and it looked as usual, but when she took a bite of tofu skin buns, she couldn't help but frowned.
       "Why is it meat?"
       She put down the bun and did not eat the bite, but vomited it on the veil. After gargle, she looked at the Shaoyao and fragrant grass and asked.
       "It's the Emperor Tai filial piety now, the emperor is vegetarian, how can I eat it! Take it down and let the dining room change to a table."
       Although this is a very formal way, and in modern times, there is no rule that the elders at home will be vegetarians, but in this era, this is the case.
       The folk observance of filial piety rules is stricter, and it takes three years. Although the royal rules are turning into years, they are not negligent. Now that the Emperor is still in the spirit-keeping period, if she breaks the rules and starts to eat meat, it is a bit unreasonable.
       "Niang-Niang, was ordered by the emperor. The emperor said that Guifei Niang-Niang is still recuperating. Don't treat the body harshly because of the rules." Fang Cao said softly.
       Ruyi Wenyan looked at the meal at this table, but it was a little silent, but still said softly: "The emperor understands me, I can't cause trouble to the emperor. What should I do according to the rules, let the dining room follow the rules." ! "
       Although it was in the Zhaoyang Temple, which was protected by Zhao Qingze, as tightly as an iron bucket, but the things in the dining room could not be changed out of thin air, and they had to be purchased outside. Anyway, she was only vegetarian for a few days. Why did she take this risk for a little appetite?
       When Zhao Qingze came back to see the meal on the Ruyi table at noon, he also understood the meaning of Ruyi. He sighed silently, holding Ruyi hand and said softly, "Why are you this!"
       "I'm okay. It's good to eat a lot of fish and meat throughout the day, and occasionally eat vegetarian vegetarian food."
       Ruyi whispered a piece of tofu and put it in Zhao Qingze's bowl, and said softly: "The vegetarian food in the dining room here is not worse than what was eaten in the temple. You see how happy I was that time, and I don’t need to keep spirits anymore, it’s already very easy, but you have to be busy with business, keep busy with spirits, and eat more. "
       Zhao Qingze didn't persevere when he heard the words, but nodded gently, and then said: "I am wronged you!"
       Ruyi Wenyan couldn't help but burst out laughing, with a hint of Spoiledness in his tone: "How can this be said to be wronged."
       However, Ruyi heart is very moving. When a man really puts you in his heart, no matter how well he does, he will still feel insufficient and wronged you.
       Ruyi felt that with his words, even if she had followed the vegetarian diet in her life, she would still be happy.
       Although Emperor Taishang is no longer the emperor, Zhao Qingze still held the funeral for Emperor Taishang according to the specifications of the emperor.
       But, in the end, it was the unsuccessful wish of the emperor, that the emperor's funeral ended in a hurry.
       A big event happened on Chaotang, and the Northwest tribes united to raid the northwest border town, although it did not cause much damage, but this was only a prelude to the storm.
       The war was almost instantaneous.
       The Chaotang was naturally busy preparing for the war. The emperor's funeral ended in a hurry, and did not stop the spirit for a few days. On the second day of the news, he was ready to be buried in the emperor's tomb.
       Ruyi also put on mourning clothes and took Aman and Tianyou to the hall.
       When Ruyi arrived, Zhao Qingze was not in the hall. Xianfei saw Ruyi walked in and hurriedly brought someone to meet him.
       Ruyi Called out of courtesy, but couldn't help but glance at Xianfei more.
       In fact, although this battle is a major event in the former dynasty, the relationship with the harem is not so big. Even if there is a general fei Pin in the family, he will only be concerned about the deployment of personnel, but Xian Fei is different.
       Xianfei is not only the daughter of the general, but more importantly, her father is now the son of the tribe leading the war. Unsurprisingly, Xianfei father may also become the main general of the hostile army.
       No wonder Xianfei passed out on the spot after hearing the news yesterday.
       However, Ruyi still admires Xian Fei. In this situation, she did not choose to hide in her palace and pretended to be an orderly treatment of the funeral of the Emperor. More importantly, for others When she had a strange look, she still straightened her waist and faced her with ease.
       If you wish to ask yourself if it is replaced by her, it is absolutely impossible to achieve Xianfei.
       Xianfei, although he looked strong at the moment, he was actually very sensitive. Ruyi looked at her and she naturally felt, but she pretended not to know, Wen Sheng said to Ruyi: "Huang Guifei Niang-Niang, Chenqie asked An Rui Princess to accompany you. "
       Ruyi nodded his head and told Wet-nurse to take care of the two children behind him, and walked inside.
       An Rui wore a filial pajamas that was as good as her wish. She only wore a white silk flower on her head. Her ungreased face looked very haggard, apparently she had not rested for a long time.
       "Huang Guifei Niang-Niang."
       In front of outsiders, Anrui has always been very polite and regular. Ruyi nodded her head, helped her stand up, and said softly: "It's been a hard work these days."
       An Rui shook his head, but said nothing, and stood with Ruyi on the side of the hall.
       In fact, An Rui did not have much affection for this father and emperor. When her father was the emperor, her life was not as good as her elder brother.
       But in the end, she was still a bit sad in her heart. At this time, no matter how noble her status is, she is now an orphan without a father and mother.
       Not long after Ruyi stood with Anrui, Zhao Qingze returned.
       He also wore filial clothes like the previous days, but today's dress looks more formal. When he entered the hall, he saw Ruyi standing in front at a glance.
       There was not much taboo. He walked to Ruyi and whispered: "When you get to the gate of the palace, you will take the child back to the palace."
       Ruyi nodded.
       Although she helped the coffin to the emperor's mausoleum, the female dependents did not have to follow. Ruyi was originally worried about whether Aman and Tianyou would go together, but after listening to Zhao Qingze's meaning, she was relieved.
       When it was over to return to the dormitory, it was already evening. If Opinion Aman and Tianyou were asleep, they simply let both children sleep in their dormitory, but they were sitting on the couch, thinking about something absent-minded .
       All in all, since returning to the palace on the Lantern Festival, Ruyi felt that the day had been a bit muddled, and did not know what was done every day.
       Fortunately, the day is now over, but the war has begun again, Zhao Qingze is afraid that he may be busy.
       She sits alone and thought for a while, and she didn't recover until the peony and fragrant grass brought her dinner.
       Now the sky is cold, and the sky is dark, and Ruyi simply took a few bites, and he had no appetite to withdraw, but remembered to tell the peony: "The emperor will come back soon, it is estimated to be outside. You can’t eat anything, you prepare the dining room, and the emperor comes back as soon as he comes back. ”
       Shaoyao promised.
       However, Ruyi waited until midnight for Zhao Qingze to bring back a chill.
       At this time, Aman and Tianyou had woke up once, fed their stomachs, and wishing to watch the two children had no major problems, and let Wet-nurse hug back to the house and sleep.
       When Zhao Qingze came back, she was almost asleep waiting, and her eyes were confused.
       "Sleep to bed, I will arrange it myself."
       Zhao Qingze looked at Ruyi eyes and couldn't open it but insisted on standing up with him like Zhang Luo, and quickly helped her to stop it.
       Ruyi shook his head and patted his face, finally awake, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm already awake."
       Zhao Qingze shook his head helplessly, more than Ruyi was helpless to Zhao Qingze, some things, if Ruyi persisted, Zhao Qingze was also very helpless to her.
       The meals in the dining room were always prepared. Here, Zhao Qingze entered the room and immediately delivered them. Ruyi didn't eat much at night, and accompanied Zhao Qingze to use some. After eating, the two were waited to freshen up. After finishing, did not immediately fall asleep, Ruyi and Zhao Qingze lay on the head of the bed to talk for a while.
       But the two messages that Zhao Qingze accidentally said during the conversation made Ruyi completely sleepless, even sleepless all night.
       The sleepy news is the second news that Zhao Qingze said. It was not that he said it clearly, but that it was noticed by Ruyi.
       In the first news, Zhao Qingze seemed to be speaking ordinary things like Ruyi, and there was not much ups and downs in his tone. Zhao Qingli moved to the edge of the tomb to guard.
       In fact, this matter has not much to do with Ruyi. When Zhao Qingli was first confined to Chaoyang Temple, it was equivalent to watching under Zhao Qingze's eyelids. Too concerned about this younger brother is of course not a concern, but a very dark emotion.
       Although Zhao Qingze was much better afterwards, she paid more attention to the official business and her and the children, but Ruyi still can see that he still has some knots in his heart.
       In fact, people with clear eyes can see that it is impossible for Zhao Qingli to make a comeback in Dongshan, and Zhao Qingze puts people under his eyelids and is totally conscious of himself.
       After this time, perhaps this person Zhao Qingli, unless suddenly died like Emperor Tai, Zhao Qingze will not go to hear any news about him.
       "Let him guard the emperor's mausoleum, and do his filial piety for the emperor too!"
       Zhao Qingze's mouth twitched slightly, and it looked very ironic.
       Ruyi didn't want to see Zhao Qingze like this, and changed the topic: "Today, when I went to the Lingtang, I saw Xian Fei. Xian Fei complexion didn't seem to be very good. The Northwestern Wars had a great impact on her."
       Zhao Qingze smiled and said softly: "The Northwest War is actually a group of people from all over the world, and it is also a legacy of the ancestors who fought against the mountains and rivers."
       When the ancestors of the Zhao family were playing in Jiangshan, they had received some assistance from the Northwest tribe. Therefore, after they took the throne, their attitude towards the Northwest tribe has always been relatively friendly, and they did not think about recovering the northwest region, and they allowed Local border traders conduct business. As a result, the tribe in the northwest gradually grew up.
       The conditions in the northwest are very bad, and many products need to be obtained through exchanges, and the local folk customs are very tough. I don’t know when. The official friendly attitude has encouraged their arrogance, and they have slowly begun to rob the people of the northwest border city .
       At the beginning, it was only the government of the northwest border city that was alert, but when the situation became more and more serious, it was discovered that this had become an important hidden danger threatening the stability of the country, so a large number of troops were sent to the border city to guard With.
       However, at that time, the tribes in the northwest had been indulged more and more arrogant, and even some larger tribes would gather troops to start plundering the winter supplies in the northwest border city before entering the winter every year. Of course, the troops stationed in the border towns are not vegetarian, and there have been several wars against these situations.
       In this way, a very delicate situation has formed between the two sides. North Han and China have never advocated the extermination of the northwest tribes and the recovery of the land in the northwest, and those tribes in the northwest dare not do in front of the fairly strong forces of the border city. Is too much.
       It was just this delicate situation that was broken when the Emperor was too high.
       When Emperor Taishang first came to power, he used to have ambitions to regain the northwestern land. Of course, when he first took the throne, his foundation was not stable. Everything can only be discussed later. When the emperor Taishun reaches middle age, the ambitions are not wiped out. 1st-General Xianfei’s father took soldiers to the northwest border city.
       However, in fact it was not suitable for war with the Northwest tribes at that time. The Emperor Tai only thought that he was strong enough to win the battle. Wrong judgment and the enemies of the generals at that time made the battle seriously hurt.
       The Emperor Tai has never mentioned the matter of attacking the Northwest tribe again. Even the troops stationed in the Northwest are getting weaker and weaker. Even the Northwest tribe's rampant predatory behavior is closed. Under such circumstances, the Northwest tribe has become stronger, and the original situation of confrontation between the tribes has gradually broken. The powerful tribes have become stronger and the weak tribes have been merged. Until now, the largest tribe in the northwest There was gradually a national situation.
       It is a pity that in the court where the Emperor Tai was in power, he still kept his eyes closed for this situation.
       "What the Supreme Emperor can't do, the imperial court's hidden dangers for so many years, I will not leave it to our son."
       Zhao Qingze said softly, with a different momentum in the expression on his face.
       Ruyi looked up and nodded.
       "The emperor who can expand the territory, you will be famous forever."
       Ruyi said this with a bit of a joke, but it is not a lie.
       Why did the Emperor Taiyang think of attacking the Northwest tribes in that year? In fact, it was not a good name. Unfortunately, his ideal thing was not realized, but it almost caused a disaster.
       "Yeah, the ancestors worked hard to get the world down from the horseback, and I can naturally do it. I will personally put the Northwest Territories into the territory of our Zhao Family."
       When Zhao Qingze said this, there was a different sense of excitement between his expressions. Ruyi jumped a little in her heart. Zhao Qingze's appearance, Ruyi had also seen it, that time, when Zhao Qingze was about to take the throne.
       But that time, Ruyi was also worried for a few days.
       "Qingze ..."
       Ruyi opened her mouth and wanted to express her doubts and worries, but when she looked at Zhao Qingze's eyes, she realized she couldn't say anything.
       Zhao Qingze's eagerness to reveal in his eyes almost made Ruyi know the answer without asking.
       She barely smiled and whispered: "The Northwest War is important, but you also have to take care of your body."
       After saying this, Ruyi only felt that her throat was blocked, and could no longer say anything.
       Zhao Qingze has always been careful, and the look on Ruyi face is not good at this time. If it is placed on most days, he can naturally perceive it, but today, he has not found it.
       Instead, he smiled and patted Ruyi hand softly: "Don't worry, I will take care of myself."
       "Well, it's late, go to sleep!"
       Ruyi took a deep breath, but exhaled gently.
       "Okay, go to sleep." Zhao Qingze slowly lying on the pillow with Ruyi help, reaching out and gently patting Ruyi back. If it is most days, Ruyi may have fallen asleep at this time.
       But today, although she closed her eyes, she was sober in her head and kept thinking about those things in her heart.
       She cannot be so selfish, she cannot prevent it.
       Almost no emperor can stop the glorious temptation brought by the victory of the war. To be an emperor is already at the pinnacle of power. There is no shortage of glory and wealth. The only thing they want to pursue is to get a peaceful world under their own governance, and the ultimate goal is to get a good name behind them.
       However, many Prince, even though they were not comatose or extravagant all their lives, and were diligent in loving the people, but the name behind them is still difficult to define, and Zhao Qingze now has a way to let his authority reach its peak as soon as possible. To the northwest.
       What Ruyi thought, but what Zhao Qingze thought.
       Not every emperor can encounter such a time.
       Zhao Qingze is not like the emperor. He is ambitious but does not take into account the reality. His preparations for the northwest are no less than when he sought the throne, and this is also the best time to start a war. He is almost 100% sure that he can guarantee the victory of this war.
       With his own hands to capture the fruits of this victory, there is nothing better than this.
       It is a good decision that he planned early in the morning. Under his personal command to reclaim the Northwest Territories, it is conceivable that after that, the authority of his emperor and his reputation in the folk can reach a high level.
       As an emperor, it would be nice if he had the name of virtue, but Zhao Qingze never thought of putting himself in this position. Such an emperor has too many restrictions.
       And the emperor who has military power and is firmly seated by force is what he wants.
       For the first time, Ruyi and Zhao Qingze can say the same bed and have different dreams, or both of them have not been able to fall asleep for a long time, but Ruyi has something in her heart and is worried and sad. And Zhao Qingze is excited ...
       The next morning, when Ruyi opened her eyes, Zhao Qingze had been away for a long time, and Ruyi felt a cool blanket on one side, and couldn't help but sigh.
       She greeted Shaoyao and Fangcao to come and freshen up with her. Instead, she used to have breakfast in the past and went to see Aman and Tianyou. She couldn't see the worries that she hadn't slept yesterday night.
       Returning to the dormitory again, Ruyi allowed the peony to open the storeroom and take out a few pieces of satin, and began to start sewing.
       Shaoyao lactiflora and Fangcao are rare to see Ruyi doing so actively, and they said with a smile: "If the emperor knows that Niang-Niang has given a new dress, he will be very happy!"
       Ruyi smiled and said nothing but just bowed her head, and the war in the Northwest was estimated to be in these days. I don't know if she could finish the dress and put it on Zhao Qingze.
       Throughout the morning, Ruyi sits on the couch doing needlework. During lunch, Zhao Qingze did not come back. Deng Xian returned and said that Zhao Qingze used it with several ministers. Ruyi did not care, and personally ordered the dining room. Sent a meal. She just took a few mouthfuls of herself, but sits in the window and started doing needlework.
       Shaoyao can't stand anymore on the side, softly persuaded: "Niang-Niang take a rest, it's not good for the eyes to do it all the time."
       "Nothing, I'm bored, and I will rest when I finish this."
       Ruyi flour are still faint, as the look of the past is not different.
       But she hasn't finished the needlework yet, but Fang Cao came in and told Cao Lao Fu-ren to come. Ruyi had to put down the needlework in her hand and passed in Cao Lao Fu-ren.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren This time when he entered the palace, the look was not as good as in the past, but the talkative Temper has not changed. This time, the content has changed, not talking about some things in the capital, but talking about the Northwest War with Ruyi.
       Speaking of this, the look on Cao Lao Fu-ren is also somewhat helpless: "This is a barbaric tribe, it is really not the time to pick things up. It used to be in the winter, but this year is at this time. Erxi is still pregnant with a child, but Rui'er is going to the battlefield, and I don't know if he can come back and have a child with Erxi. "
       "General Cao is going to the northwest?"
       Although the story of the war in the Northwest is hot, but the upward trend is really not known. And she did not expect Cao Rui to be sent to the northwest to participate in the battle. After all, after returning to Capital City, Cao Rui accepted the palace ban and Capital City security.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren smiled and whispered: "Rui Erxi is now full-bellied, and Rui'er doesn't know how long it will take. It is estimated that he can't see the child until he returns."
       Ruyi didn't know what to say. After all, her husband was not around when she was in production.
       "It's a pity, General Cao, Cao Fu-ren, and aunt, you can't think too hard ..."
       Ruyi didn't know how to persuade that. This matter had already become a foregone conclusion. At this time, it was not Cao Rui who didn't want to leave.
       Who knows, Cao Lao Fu-ren listened to Ruyi words, but said with a smile: "Niang-Niang is too worried, how could the emperor be able to give Cao Rui the opportunity to build meritorious career, how can it be sad!"
       Seeing Ruyi looking at her in surprise, Cao Lao Fu-ren continued: "The boy is always focused on his career. Although Ruixi and I are worried, we definitely have to support it. More is happy. "
       "Aunt, you guys ..."
       There is only one feeling in Ruyi heart, and Cao ideological consciousness is too high, so compared, Ruyi feels that his expression is too bad.
       "Actually, it’s definitely fake to say that you don’t worry, and in the northwest, Ruier’s father didn’t come back on that battlefield. But no matter what, we are women, we have to keep it. If we cry and cry, let them not Going, or the worries expressed on the face, just annoy them. It's better to give them a good deal and give them away happily, so as not to worry about them. "
       Cao Lao Fu-ren said with a smile.
       Touched in Ruyi heart, he bowed his head and smiled, and said softly: "Aunt, you are right. It shouldn't bother them."


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