Chongfei 105

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       Ruyi eyes were hesitant, and there was a hint of complaint in her eyes, "You are too Bias. When Aman was born, you were thinking about Aman's name before birth. When Aman was born, you told me the name. "
       If she delays giving her baby a name because of her coma, she will naturally not know what is wrong, but when Ming Aman was still in her stomach, Zhao Qingze was already thinking about the name of the child.
       Zhao Qingze glanced at Ruyi, and then at the second son, who was lying beside Ruyi, and he felt guilty.
       The arrival of the second son is indeed different from that of Aman. Although Ruyi was pregnant with Aman, he was a little bit ill at heart, but later he only had expectations and excitement. This son's mood is much more complicated. At first, he was indeed happy and looking forward to it, but since he knew that the existence of this child might hurt Ruyi body, he had no plans to ask for this son, but Ruyi insisted He wanted to leave this child, although he did not object anymore, but he was a little bit ill at heart, and naturally he would not consider giving the child a name.
       But at this moment, he was able to hear the displeasure in Ruyi words, and Ruyi improvement made him feel a little guilty about the sick son.
       Speaking of this, although his son was in a much more comfortable situation, he was no better than Aman.

       He sighed, and gently touched the face of his second son with a finger, and said softly: "This child, his name is Zhao Lin, and his name is Tianyou."
       Xiaoming Tianyou Ruyi understood this meaning. The child was born prematurely, but it was difficult to survive in her belly. After giving birth, she was weak. The meaning of Tianyou is to hope that God can bless this child. But what is the word Lin?
       Ruyi asked the question in her mind: "Which Lin? What do you mean?"
       "The meaning of Lin Yu, this child is the grace that God has given us, and I hope he can remember that his mother gave birth to his grace."
       Zhao Qingze explained the meaning with a smile, nodded wishfully, and sighed slightly in her heart. She stretched out her hand a little, put it gently on the child, and said: "This name, I like it very much, God bless you in the future I will also like it. "
       On the day when Ruyi woke up, Zhao Qingze still did not deal with the backlog of official affairs, but accompanied the three of Ruyi mother and son in the apse.
       Tianyou was very weak. Although he was still awake when he held it to Ruyi, he was quite quiet. He lay down here and fell asleep. He looked so distressed.
       Aman is very spirited. The bigger the age, the less active he is to sleep. This day, he Calls only a few words that he only knows. Outside of the first time, he is Calling. Since he knew what he was saying, if he was afraid that Aman would quarrel with his younger son, he was satisfied when he saw the younger son, so he let Wet-nurse hug him and let him sleep.
       On the other side, Aman went to bed again. Aman just put it on the bed, and he flexibly flipped to climb onto Ruyi. Zhao Qingze stretched out his hand and held his small body, then gave him a sharp look. A warning sounded: "Be calm."
       Where did Aman manage this? Although he was usually afraid of his father's words, but he was not satisfied, he was still unhappy. He yelled twice, and finally he was forced to feel strong because he was really strong. Lying down, after a while, also followed Tianyou, went to sleep, and began to whisper.
       "Sleeping like a pig."
       Zhao Qingze gave a dismissive glance, but he reached out and gave Aman to Wet-nurse, let her put it on the side of the couch, but he sits beside Ruyi and spoke with Ruyi.
       After the royal family had a second son, Zhao Qingze made the announcement after confirming his name.
       This news, for the people outside, maybe just sighed that Guifei life was good, how long Eldest-son was born, and immediately gave birth to a second son, and the only two royal sons came from her belly. This position is as stable as Mount Tai. On that day, even if the emperor sealed Empress, no one would be surprised.
       Of course, as soon as Empress said, since it was a joke, if Empress is really sealed, it is the first Empress from the people, which can be regarded as a major event of the dynasty.
       When Huang Jingting heard the news, he was lying in bed after lunch. After listening to the news that Maid had heard from outside, he had a bad face, which meant that he could not sleep.
       She simply stood up and asked the Maids to come over and dress her up again, wanting to stroll around the garden.
       This garden of Chenfu is naturally not as big as her natal family. In Huang Jingting's view, it is just a slap-sized place. If you stroll around here, it is clear at a glance.
       And her eyes also happened to see the two wanderers who were also strolling in the garden.
       "How did the two get together?"
       Huang Jingting frowned in disgust, eating her and using her Da-Sao. She was unhappy, but for the Di-Sao who just entered the door, she was reluctant to see it at a glance.
       The daughter of the merchant's family, Huang Jingting, despised it; and the fact that the other party had a marriage contract with her relatives made her feel sick to swallow flies.
       Huang Jingting is not stupid. Although outsiders looked at her before she heard Chen Wenhan’s words, she didn’t believe in what she said, but she didn’t believe in words. Which woman can live comfortably, and which second marriage is better? Although her father and her brother both told her to go home, they would take care of her, but Huang Jingting didn't think this could be taken seriously, so she would rather pretend that she believed rather than leave.
       And she originally thought that although the marriage was settled on Chen Wenhan's younger brother, she found the opportunity to push it. Who knew that Chen Wenhan's family really planned to marry this business woman and let her out of the silver to marry this woman and enter .
       Huang Jingting was reluctant. He simply let the people under him stay dead and the silver would not come out.
       Who knows, this wedding was finally held up, it was the money from the woman’s house. Although the wife of Chen Wenhan’s wife Lin-shi, although not from a high background, the merchant was born, and not a small merchant, but also counted locally It's a wealthy family who lacks name and power, but they don't lack money, that is, the dowry they bring when they marry. In fact, they are no less than Huang Jingting's dowry.
       Lin-shi has a gentle temperament and does not have the arrogance of Huang Jingting to be a senior. She is humble and gentle to the upper and lower Chen family. Although her appearance is not comparable to Huang Jingting, she is also beautiful and beautiful, and she is generous and gentle. Yes, anyone who sees can't help but have a good impression.
       If the Chen family says that they are in awe of Huang Jingting, then Lin-shi really likes it and feels a little guilty. Chen Wenhan is also the same. When he saw this Di-Sao, his attitude was very good, but it was because he was still guilty, but in the eyes of Huang Jingting, it was not the case, so he even hated the so-called Di-Sao.
       I just feel like she's plugging her.
       Looking at Lin-shi and Chen Da-Sao talking about walking around the garden, she snorted coldly and said, "The two of them are really interested."
       "2-Di-Sao." Chen Da-Sao was a little embarrassed.
       "2-Sao." Lin-shi called with a slight panic on her face.
       Huang Jingting didn't look away, and fell among the clusters of blooming rose flowers in front of her eyes, and said: "Di-Sao, I watched the rose bloom very well. I wanted to pick a few flowers and put them back in the room. Bottle, you go and pick a few. "
       Huang Jingting's indulgence is impolite, and you're welcome. It's simply to treat Lin-shi as the Little Maid around you.
       Lin-shi face was a little embarrassed and hesitated, but Huang Jingting was impatiently urging: "Hurry up."
       Chen Da-Sao was a little overwhelming, but she didn’t dare to collide with Huang Jingting. She glanced at Lin-shi with her head down, thinking of Lin-shi’s closeness with her, and the jewelry she gave her, and finally she dared to scalp He said: "2-Di-Sao, this rose has many thorns, I'll let people bring the scissors."
       "What kind of scissors do you want to do? It's a waste."
       Huang Jingting has a sense of anger at this moment.
       She was not in a good mood, and she felt that she was blocked, and she could not let it out immediately.
       Chen Da-Sao still wanted to say something, but Lin-shi suddenly reached out and grabbed Da-Sao with a soft voice: "Since 2-Sao likes it, I will pick it."
       Having said that, he walked into the rose bushes and reached for it.
       Seeing this, Chen Da-Sao only felt uncomfortable. Huang Jingting was born and noble, and the Chen family is now dependent on her, but she would do nothing at home, such a blatant bullying would be too much!
       However, Chen Da-Sao only concealed this complaint in his heart, but he did not dare to reveal it.
       Lin-shi quickly picked a few roses and returned with a calm expression on her face. She reached out and handed the roses to Huang Jingting, and said softly, "2-Sao, I picked it."
       Huang Jingting glanced coldly, a smirk in the corner of his mouth, but he spit out three words in his mouth: "Ugly!"
       I don't know if I'm talking about Lin-shi or the rose flowers in her hands.
       Lin-shi eyes suddenly turned red, watching Huang Jingting's face red and red, but he endured the grievance.
       Huang Jingting didn't dare to give up, and continued: "Where is this rose placed in my room, Di-Sao, throw it away. If you can't bear it, it's suitable to be placed in your room."
       Having said that, he flicked his sleeve and turned back to the room.
       When Chen Da-Sao saw Huang Jingting leave, he hurried up to comfort, but looked down at Lin-shi fine broken wounds stabbed in his hand, and couldn't help but indignantly said: "She is too much!"
       Lin-shi was also spoiled since childhood, and a pair of jade hands had never done any work. At this time, the few fine scars were particularly conspicuous in her hands.
       "What is too much."
       Mother Chen was supported by a Little Maid and walked far from the path.
       Lin-shi hides his hands, respectfully salutes Mother Chen, and smiles reluctantly on his face, saying, "In the past few days, I heard that my mother was chanting in a Buddhist hall. Don't bother yourself. "
       "Nothing, these days are just special circumstances, but fortunately, things have had a good result." Mother Chen thought of the news that she had just heard, but there was a happy smile on her face, and she had a leisurely question about the matter. : "What happened just now, talk to me."
       "It's nothing!"
       Lin-shi smiled back bitterly, but at first glance it had no inner feelings.
       However, Chen Da-Sao ignored it and opened a complaint: "Mother, look at 3-Di-Sao hand."
       I just talked about Fang Cai. Mother Chen also likes this 3-Erxi, who is gentle and gentle. She also feels distressed and said: "Such a beautiful hand, don’t leave a scar, I There is a wound medicine there. Turn back and let Maid bring it to you. "
       Lin-shi responded with a smile. Thanks to Chen Chen’s kindness, she was not surprised that Chen Chen just comforted her. She didn’t talk about Huang Jingting. Anyway, as long as Huang Jingting had a father who was prime minister, Chen’s family had to Hold her up high.
       But today, after she said this, she suddenly said another sentence: "If she bullies you like this again, I will definitely talk to her!"
       When Chen Chen made this remark, not only Lin-shi but also Chen Da-Sao, who was always dull, were a little surprised.
       Mother Chen’s attitude towards Huang Jingting is only more respectful and attentive than them. Now she dare to argue with Lin-shi that this is the sun coming out of the west?
       Lying in bed to greet the newly married Yan Rui Princess.
       Anrui Princess originally had to go to the palace with Fu-ma to ask for peace the next day after marriage, but it was still difficult to produce at that time, and Zhao Qingze was naturally impossible to receive her, so Anrui returned home the next day. The Royal Palace accepted Empress Dowager.
       Speaking of this, An Rui was also a little silent. In the end, he only said a few words: "Emppress Dowager Niang-Niang looks a little different from before."
       Before Empress Dowager or Empress, An Rui needed to ask the Di-mother every day. Although the Di-mother was not close to her, but never ... An Rui didn’t know how to describe this feeling. In less than a year, Empress Dowager was like a new person. It looked very gloomy and carried a sense of anger.
       Fortunately, An Rui is just a married Princess and does not have much conflict of interest with Empress Dowager, but just listened to Empress Dowager saying a lot of unyielding words. Fortunately, she just had to be patient. You can leave the palace with Fu-ma.
       However, An Rui eyes turned to lying on the bed, his face was not very good, and worried: "Empress Dowager is now sick, and Sao will return to the palace in the future, please ask Sao to be more careful."
       Anrui Temper has always been cautious, and he can really say what he wants to say.
       Ruyi smiled and nodded, and smiled and asked a few things after An Rui became married, and learned that the two Lao Fu-ren in Ning Houfu were treating her kindly, and Ning Marquis was a talent, and she Thoughtful, and looked at her ruddy complexion, expecting a good life.
       Finally, Ruyi said to An Rui: "You haven't seen Tianyou yet, I will let you show you, and lunch will let your emperor accompany your husband and wife to eat, my body is not good to get up now, but I'm neglected, but fortunately you can always come with me in the future. "
       "Sao doesn't have to worry about me. Today, I still bothered Sao with Fu-ma. Sao will rest. Let me go to see Little nephew and don't disturb Sao!"
       An Rui looked at Ruyi face a little bit tired, and when she first got married, she knew that Ruyi was having a difficult time with this child, and now it was premature, presumably hurt the spirit, so she quickly stood up , Whispered.
       "Mo Yao wants to say this, and you will come to talk with me more in the future!"
       Ruyi smiled, watching An Rui said sincerely.
       As a matter of fact, there are not many people who can speak in Ruyi. The age is the same. The difference between the Shaoyao and the master and servant of Fangcao.
       And Cao Lao Fu-ren, Mo said that Ruyi just respected her as an elder. In fact, Ruyi knew in her heart that her feelings for Cao Lao Fu-ren were not so pure, maybe both sides There is a slight sense of use.
       Speaking of that, An Rui treats her with a composition that pleases her, but when she is in this position, she is not so simple. At least An Rui has nothing to do with her now.
       And Anrui personality is slightly similar to hers. Both of them are somewhat compliant Temper, and they are harmonious when they get up.
       Anrui retired, looking at Anrui figure, and whispered to the peony standing beside her: "It's really good to see Anrui in such a happy way."
       Shaoyao Wenyan smiled and said Ruyi: "Niang-Niang thinks Anrui Princess is good, but the slave thinks, Niang-Niang, you are the most happy person! The emperor is the most honorable man in the world, but he is the most honorable man in the world So affectionate. "
       Ruyi heard the words but laughed, and nodded gently while smiling: "Yeah, you are right, I am indeed a bit blessed in the blessing."
       As Ruyi puts it this way, the smile on her face is slightly deepened, and it is also a little bit melancholy. A man as good and outstanding as Zhao Qingze, the most important thing is that he really cares about her man. Even in the last life, she has no chance to Encountered. Although she lost a lot in this life, at least she got it.
       Huang Jingting has never loved to eat meals with Chen's family. Just after she became married to Chen Wenhan, she used to have a table with Chen's family. Since then, she has let the kitchen cook her meals and send them to the house for single use.
       Chen Wenhan will use her dinner together with her, but the lunch is provided in the Hanlin Courtyard, but it is rarely used at home. Huang Jingting is used to it for one person.
       After sending Chen Wenhan away in the morning, she stayed alone in the house and read a book. It was one morning when she saw it. When she found herself a little hungry, she looked up and asked Little Maid, who was standing by the side.
       "What time is it?"
       "Fu-ren, it's noon."
       Little Maid's face was a little uncomfortable, and he responded softly.
       "Noontime?" Huang Jingting put down the book in his hand, his expression on his face was a little surprised, "Why hasn't the kitchen sent lunch yet at this time?"
       Huang Jingting looked at Little-Maid strangely. If it was usual, she would not pay attention when she arrived at the meal. She was reminded by the people around her, but today it was a bit strange. The kitchen did not send the meal. Come, Maid will not remind her.
       "Fu-ren, I've already urged, but the kitchen is busy now."
       Little Maid didn't know what to say, and he dared not look at Huang Jingting with his head down.
       "What's the matter, and there's no banquet at home, why can't you even bring lunch on time."
       Although the housekeeper's power of the Chen family is in Huang Jingting's hands, Huang Jingting rarely cares about such common affairs, and most of them let the people under him manage it, and Chen Chen will watch it. Actually ignore things.
       Little Maid knew that at this moment, he could not hide it, so he whispered: "The kitchen cooked for Laotai-Master and Lao Fu-ren first."
       Huang Jingting stood up in disbelief and said, "You're not mistaken."
       Little Maid nodded and whispered again: "There hasn't been a meal in the kitchen, so I'll let people see it."
       It's not just Huang Jingting who couldn't believe it, even Little Maid felt a little weird. Although Huang Jingting had to eat alone in the room, it was a bit unruly, but the Chen family held Huang Jingting, and no one said anything, even because there were few people in the family, and there were few people in the kitchen. All of the meals are given to Huang Jingting first, and the other people of the Chen family always gather together for a meal. Huang Jingting has long been used to this kind of preferential treatment. Now when I suddenly heard that I was being slowed down, I was naturally angry.
       As I was saying, the Pozi underneath was delivered with two baskets filled with food. Little Maid saw this and said, "Fu-ren, don't be angry first, use the meal first and then dispose of those. Diao! "
       Huang Jingting nodded, but there was a little contemplation in his heart: Diao? I'm afraid it's more than just a slave. This Chen's family obviously has a problem. She has always been sensitive, not to say that other people, just her own Popo, made her feel a little weird.
       In the past, Mother Chen has always been extremely courteous to her. When I met them back, I asked her to greet her, but even if people hadn't seen each other for a few days, it wouldn't matter. When they appeared yesterday, they were extremely cold.
       Although Huang Jingting couldn't be accustomed to Chen Chen's flattering eyebrows, this cold and indifferent look made her uncomfortable.
       Huang Jingting didn't care much yesterday, but when she combined with today's things, she was connected with her, and it was inevitable that she was a little upset.
       This Chen family, is it because she and Chen Wenhan are too accustomed to them, so that they don’t take her so seriously?
       Don’t even think about it, who are now eating and drinking, and Lao-ye Fu-ren who has changed from a country mud leg to Maid’s servant, who is it?
       Huang Jingting yanked the veil twice hard, and impatiently urged Little Maid: "Come on, I'm hungry!"
       When she looked around, she saw Little Maid standing stiffly at the table.
       She also felt a different feeling, so she walked to the dinner table. At first glance, she almost swept all the food on the table to the ground.
       "What is this, such a meal would dare to be used with me!"
       Huang Jingting has always been spoiled since childhood, and the meals prepared on most days are also extremely meticulous, but the few dishes in front of him, just from the hue, have already let Huang Jingting lose his appetite, and the food he has taken out has already lost heat. .
       "Okay, that's how the Chen family treated me!"
       Huang Jingting's anger rose, and he walked out of the room without a word.
       Little Maid saw this and quickly followed.
       When Huang Jingting arrived at the courtyard where Chen and Chen now live, the family was eating around the big table.
       Seeing that Huang Jingting came in, the expression on everyone's face was a little subtle. Chen Da-Sao put down the bowl and spoon that was feeding the child and stood up with a smile: "2-Di-Sao how come, is it useless After lunch, if not, I will ask the next man to add a pair of tableware. "
       Chen Da-Sao was also well-intentioned, and did not want to conflict with this Di-Sao, but when he heard this in Huang Jingting's ear, it had a different meaning.
       Huang Jingting smirked and walked to the dinner table, looking at almost the food that had been eaten, and said: "It turns out that the daughter of my prime minister, in the eyes of your Chen family, is to eat the remaining meals of your Chen family! "
       As soon as Huang Jingting made this remark, everyone present changed his face.
       Chen Da-Sao looked awkwardly at Mother Chen, and Lin-shi said softly: "2-Sao, Da-Sao doesn't mean that, Da-Sao is kind."
       "You are something and deserves to talk to me."
       Huang Jingting stared at Lin-shi in disgust, and the words made Lin-shi red eyes.
       Chen Wenjun saw that Erxi had been bullied, and also looked at Huang Jingting with some condemnation in her eyes.
       Huang Jingting didn't take these two people's eyes at all, just snorted coldly, and she wanted to say something more. At this time, Mother Chen suddenly said, "Jing Ting, you are too much."
       The words of Mother Chen attracted everyone at the dinner table to look at her in surprise, and Huang Jingting was even more angry.
       "Then Popo, how do you want me to talk, and want me to apologize to her?"
       Huang Jingting ridiculed and asked, but Mother Chen nodded and said, "The person you were in the garden was 3-Erxi. She didn't care about you. Now, not only do you not converge, you still talk like this You are Erxi, our Chen family, my father, Wenhan and I have never treated you badly, and we have endured all your requirements, but you have gone too far, even forgetting that you are a junior and Erxi! "
       "What am I?"
       Huang Jingting stared at Mother Chen, "You Lao Mo said so nicely. Are you and Gonggong pleasing me? Are you really generous and generous, simply because I am the daughter of the prime minister, you are now The food and clothes are not taken out of my dowry. Chen Wenhan, if he didn’t marry me, can he stay here? Since I want to rely on me, what do I do, you are eligible to put your beak ?"
       "I want to use my dowry and treat me harshly. Isn't your Chen family doing anything wrong? I tell you, I don't rely on you, my prime minister's money, if it really rushes me, I'm a big deal with Chen Wenhan Two shots apart, I went home, just to see how you Chen family still live. "
       Huang Jingting said this, it was equivalent to tearing off the shady cloth between the two sides, but Huang Jingting didn't regret it at all, and she only felt a good time in her heart. She had wanted to say this long ago.
       But the expression on Chen Fu face was very ugly. Chen Fu stretched out and pulled Chen Mu, trying to calm her down, but Chen Mu suddenly stood on the table.
       "Okay, do you want to get away from Wenhan? Do you want to go back to your prime minister's house, then you leave, don't stay in our Chen's house."
       As soon as the words came out, everyone on the dinner table cried out in surprise. Chen Da-Sao hurriedly said: "2-Di-Sao, the mother didn't mean to say this, you shouldn't worry about it."
       However, to say this, it was already too late. Huang Jingting grew up so old. Where did she feel so angry? She only felt that she was insulted. Her face was white for a while, but she was biting her teeth.
       "Okay, you dare to chase me away, you wait and see how my dad cleans you up!"
       Huang Jingting said, her eyes were red. Although she was arrogant, she was a daughter who had been spoiled by Noble Misses since she was a child. When she heard this, she couldn't bear it anymore.
       As she said, she pointed at everyone present, her eyes wide open, as if to remember them.
       When Chen Chen said something, she regretted it.
       Although she doesn't like Huang Jingting, Huang Jingting's identity is rare. She just wants to suppress this 2-Erxi momentum. She never thought that she would really fall out.
       But seeing Huang Jingting's words become more and more ruthless, she also felt a little unable to hold her face.
       Huang Jingting raised the father who was prime minister, consciously noble, she couldn't hold back her heart, and couldn't help but say: "Xiaojie in the prime minister's palace is noble, but you were the one who wanted to marry Wen Han , I knew you were such a temperament, and I said nothing would make Wen Han marry you. "
       "Chen Wenhan was going to marry me with a dead face, but now your Chen family is so embarrassed not to admit it, I can see through your Chen family's face, it is shameless."
       Huang Jingting was completely shocked. She had never thought that the Chen family would be so shameless that even the white ones could be said to be black.
       "You nonsense!"
       Mother Chen's face is also not good-looking, she maintains: "With our family Wenhan, what kind of famous ladies would you not be able to find, do you need to beg you to marry! It is Guifei Niang-Niang, who will also give Wen Han instructions If you get married, then it’s harder than to marry you! "
       Huang Jingting heard the words but stopped and mocked and said: "Guifei Niang-Niang, do you think Guifei is your daughter! It is really funny to give Chen Wenhan a marriage, if it were not for you to ask my father, Chen Wenhan now I don’t know where I ’m going to be a small official, and where I can stay in the Hanlin Academy as a sergeant, and I have received all of your gangs who are playing the autumn wind! "
       "Huang Jingting, since you're talking about this today, I won't recognize you as Erxi anymore. To tell you the truth, your father is a prime minister and a high authority, but my daughter is Guifei Zhao, Crown Prince is my grandson, and now my daughter gave Prince another birth to the emperor, and I made Empress that day. I will be Mu-Uncle at that time. You don’t want Wenhan to come back! ”Chen Chen listened to Huang Jingting The sarcasm can no longer hide the words in his heart, and he also forgot all the thoughts of Chen Wenhan and her instructed to keep this secret first.
       Her voice fell, but saw everyone watching her with a madman's gaze, and Huang Jingting laughed unkindly: "You might have been delusional, really I have been listening for so many years The funniest joke. Yes, I won’t beg to come back, I just want Chen Wenhan to write and leave the book with me, and then I will come to Baba and beg me to go back to Chen Mansion. "
       Huang Jingting turned and walked out of the hall.
       After Huang Jingting left, the anger that had been propped up in Mother Chen's stomach slowly dissipated. She sits back on the chair, but the people in the hall looked at her strangely, and she pursed her lips. Speaking out: "Everything looks at what I do, eat!"
       When Fang Cai and Huang Jingting said that, she had changed her identity in her heart. She was not the mother of a small school official in Capital City, but the mother of Guifei Niang-Niang. She was no longer an ordinary woman. .
       "Dad, do you want a doctor to come back!"
       Chen Wenjun's young mouth was uncovered, and he said to his father aloud, but this was what the younger generation wanted to say.
       Father Chen hadn't spoken yet, but when she heard the words, she seemed to step on her tail and said, "What nonsense are you kidding, you believe in Huang Jingting's words, your mother is not crazy!"
       Chen Wenjun blinked his eyes twice and looked at his wife for help, but Lin-shi also had some ideas. Mother Chen seemed to have lost her mind.
       "I told you the truth!"
       Mother Chen put down the chopsticks in her hand and said slowly, "Originally, Wenhan intends to tell you again when things are done, but now that I have spoken this day, I will tell you clearly. 6-Girl The Mei-mei of that year went to the palace to do Palace-Lady, Wen Han has already checked it out, 6-Girl is now renamed Ruyi, and has become Guifei. "
       "Mother ... what you said is true?"
       If it is true, all people will naturally be happy and broken, but this matter is too bizarre. Even if Mother Chen said it is reasonable and well-founded, and looking at it does not seem to be a frustration, but they can’t believe it.
       "If you don't believe me, when Wenhan comes back at night, you ask him!"
       Mother Chen was not in a hurry, she just ate her food slowly. This determined appearance also gave everyone a certain amount of confidence, and they gradually raised a different kind of excitement in their hearts.
       If their daughter-Mei-mei really became Guifei, then they ...
       ? "
       Huang Fu-ren was talking to Erxi in the house, and when she saw Huang Jingting break in, she looked a little bit grieving.
       Erxi, who was standing next to Huang Fu-ren, saw the little aunt came, knowing that the mother and daughter must have spoken privately, and retired.
       Huang Fu-ren waited for Erxi to walk away, and taught Huang Jingting: "What's the matter with you, how can you be a Erxi and go home in two days without fear of outsiders talking."
       Huang Jingting replied with a blank expression: "I'm afraid of anything. I won't go back anyway. I want to get away from Chen Wenhan."
       "what happened!"
       Huang Fu-ren was shocked, his face uncertain.
       "I have packed my things back. You stayed in the small courtyard where I lived before!"
       Huang Jingting apparently didn't tell about the desire for those bad things, but asked.
       "No, you made it clear, how to be a good one."
       Huang Fu-ren frowned. Although his husband had thoughts of letting his daughter and Li start at the beginning, that matter was now settled, and they lived a good life, even if they did not marry well. Going down, the big and small Chen family will look at their faces of the Huang family and still treat their daughters well.
       "Mother, you don't know, the Chen family bullied me!"
       As soon as Huang Jingting thought of the grievances he had suffered, his eyes turned red.
       "They bully you?" Huang Fu-ren was suspicious, but when she saw her daughter's sad crying, she felt a little hurt, and quickly took her to the table and whispered: "You talk to mother, What the hell is going on. "
       "At noon today, I was late in the kitchen to send me lunch, and the last thing I brought was all cold dishes and cold meals. I went to the Chen family to see where they were eating. They were eating big fish and meat, and they were almost finished. , I didn’t say anything before, they said they would let me eat their leftovers, and Chen Wenhan’s mother also asked me to apologize to the merchant woman. "
       "They really are so excessive!"
       Huang Fu-ren hesitated, she clearly heard that Chen's family had let her daughter do anything. If she really followed her daughter's argument, then Chen's family was simply abusing her.
       "Mother, can I still lie to you!"
       Huang Jingting wiped her tears and cried, "That Chen's family is brazen, no ... No, Chen Wenhan and his mother are suffering from delusions. She even thought that Guifei was her daughter, saying that my prime minister's daughter is nothing more. of."
       Huang Fu-ren's expression on his face was surprised, and he could not say anything in his mouth.
       "Chen Wenhan's mother really said that. Did you say something, she was just kidding!"
       Huang Fu-ren Other than that, I can't think of any other reason.
       "She's crazy at all!"
       Huang Jingting said so coldly, but never wanted to say more.
       Huang Fu-ren couldn't see anything, but at this moment, he was reluctant to drive his daughter back. I was afraid that he was really bullied. He was about to arrange for Huang Jingting to stay, but Huang Wenren came back suddenly.
       When Huang Wenren walked into the house, he frowned, and when he saw Huang Jingting, he asked with a voice: "The things in the outer courtyard are all brought back from the Chen family. Good day, but you are noisy. what!"
       Huang Jingting heard the words but was wronged, looking at Huang Fu-ren.
       Huang Fu-ren saw this and hurriedly spoke for his daughter. Huang Wenren patiently listened, but looked at Huang Jingting and asked: "You are a junior, how can you let the kitchen give You prepare meals. "
       "Then they can't serve me cold meals!"
       Huang Jingting defended the sentence, and knew in his heart that Erxi should be close to her in-laws first, but Huang Jingting felt that the Chen family's food and consumption were all hers, and they all held her.
       "Erxi of other people's homes still have to wait for their in-laws to finish eating and then eat the rest of the in-laws. You are now eating alone, which is slower in the kitchen. Now that the weather is cold and the food is cold, let it Be careful next time in the kitchen. No matter how you ran into the in-laws room like this, and your Di-Sao, I don’t know your Temper. You must have bullied others. "
       "Dad, how can you be like this!"
       Huang Jingting was a little guilty and stomped his feet upset.
       "Okay, think about it for yourself, and let your mother teach you the truth about Erxi. The Chen family portal is as low as you are. If you marry into Erxi, you still think of yourself as an ancestor!"
       Huang Wenren stood up and did not want to argue with Huang Jingting again, but when he walked out of the door, the expression on his face was a little heavy. He told the follower behind him: "You go Zong Bao called in my study. "
       In the past few days, because the emperor in the xing-ong Palace has not been summoned, Huang Zongbao did not return to the xing-ong Palace, but stayed at home with leave. Here, Huang Zongbao listened to his 3-Shu call. Li Yi arrived in the study.
       Huang Zongbao had just walked into the study room, and he heard Huang Wenren ask directly: "I remember that you have helped Chen Wenhan find his Mei-mei before, do you still remember this matter?"
       Huang Zongbao nodded subconsciously. In fact, if it was not mentioned by his 3-Shu, he really forgot about it, mainly because he was enthusiastic about finding Mei-mei for Chen Wenhan, but when he finally came to find it, Chen Wenhan seemed to He wanted to avoid him. Although he didn't feel happy, he still respected Chen Wenhan.
       Later, because of the matter of Huang Jingting, he was estranged from Chen Wenhan, but he never mentioned it again.
       "How many things did you inquire about? I originally told me all!"
       Huang Wenren asked with a serious expression on his face.
       Huang Zongbao looked at Huang Wenren and raised his heart. He recalled and said carefully: "Chen Wenhan said that Mei-mei was a palace she entered at the age of six. It has been almost ten years now, and I met with Chen Wenhan Little a Palace-Lady who entered the palace together. It is said that after studying the rules, Chen Wenhan Little the sister was assigned to the Jiaofang Palace. Later, the Palace-Lady said to ask for information. Yes, but I was not there at the time, and I didn’t know what the news was. "
       "Go into the palace at the age of six, almost ten years, Jiaofang Palace, surnamed Chen ... Guifei ......"
       Huang Wenren's face was puzzled, but Huang Zongbao looked strangely.
       "3-Shu, what's wrong, any problems?"
       Huang Zongbao asked carefully.
       Huang Wenren shook his head, but did not conceal Huang Zongbao: "Jing Ting returned home today, saying that Chen Wenhan's mother said that Guifei was her daughter."
       The expression on Huang Zongbao face was a little surprised.
       "I just heard from your 3-Shu that I think it is ridiculous, but when I think about it, I think it is not impossible. Guifei is from Palace-Lady. Many people know this legendary life, but few people I really asked for details, and there are many versions of Guifei coming to the emperor's side. As far as I know, Guifei was the Palace-Lady in Jiaofang Palace, and was given to the emperor by Empress Dowager, who was still Empress at the time. Do Shiqie, and Guifei’s age and time to enter the palace are exactly what you said. The most important thing is that Guifei really doesn’t have a mother’s home today ... "
       "Then Chen's family is not Guifei mother ..."
       Huang Zongbao was already numb, and he didn't know what to do. He didn’t know whether to laugh or say something, but in the end he shook his head and joked to Huang Wenren: "3-Shu, I was thinking that you picked a poor man for Jingting cousin, who You are expected to be an in-law with Guifei mother's family. What a wise eye! "
       Huang Wenren pulled the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "It's a blessing or a curse. I'm afraid it's hard to predict!"
       Ordinary women, if they reach Guifei position today, they will more or less consider their mother's family. If the mother's family is prominent, they will think of relying on the mother's family to go further. But this Zhao Guifei is like a fatherless mother.
       Moreover, even if Guifei is close to his mother's family, he would rather that Chen Wenhan's son is a mediocre, low-ranking person rather than Guifei younger brother.
       He has already achieved the position of prime minister, but it can be said that he is above 10 thousand people under one person. What is it that is not the grace of the emperor? It's actually not a good thing to have a relationship.
       "Okay, go back. I will change my clothes and go to the palace to see the emperor."
       "3-Shu, you are too solemn, aren't you sure yet?"
       Huang Zongbao persuaded, and felt that Huang Wenren was so excited about moving teachers.
       "Eight, nine will not leave ten, and whether it is or not, this trip, I can't avoid it!"
       Huang Wenren sighed, he went, naturally not doing anything, just to show his attitude with the emperor.
       When Huang Wenren rushed to the palace, the sky was dark. Zhao Qingze had just finished his meal with Ruyi. He was sitting by the bed and talking, and he was somewhat surprised when he heard Deng Xian's report outside. But he stood up and said to Ruyi: "I'll go ahead and see, Huang Wenren is afraid of something coming!"
       Ruyi leaned on the head of the bed and nodded. Today she was the first to get up with permission from the doctor. Although she felt a little uncomfortable, it was better than lying on the bed all day.
       Seeing that Zhao Qingze wanted to lie down on her back, Ruyi hurriedly stopped: "I will sit for a while, and wait for Wet-nurse to bring Aman and Tianyou, and I will lie down after seeing it."
       "Okay, but only for a while."
       Zhao Qingze couldn't bear to refuse Ruyi request, but was afraid that she would be sitting on her back for a while, and she still told her with peony and fragrant grass before leaving.
       When Zhao Qingze arrived at the study, Huang Wenren was already waiting. When Zhao Qingze walked in, he knelt down and saluted quickly.
       After Zhao Qingze Called at him, he said, "Is there anything urgent about the prime minister coming to the palace so late?"
       "He has something to do, and he doesn't know whether to talk about it or not." Huang Wenren hesitated.
       But Zhao Qingze laughed and said, "You old fox, what kind of sloppy eye do you have with me, just say something."
       "The emperor Mo felt that the old officer was offended!"
       Huang Wenren saw that Zhao Qingze did not seem to be in a bad mood, and he let out a sigh of relief, and then said softly: "The minister heard the rumors outside. The family married by my eldest daughter seems to have something to do with Guifei, saying that it is Guifei mother's family. The minister felt ridiculous because he had never heard of it, so he came to the emperor. "
       "Really?" Zhao Qingze's face changed slightly, and his lips still chuckled lightly. "I'm afraid it's really a rumor. Although Guifei is also surnamed Chen, it shouldn't matter much. Such rumours should not be spread better, so as to avoid Guifei The reputation with the prime minister is hampered. "
       "The emperor said so."
       Huang Wenren couldn't figure out what Zhao Qingze meant, but it was Zhao Qingze's next sentence that shocked Huang Wenren.
       "I remember Chen Wenhan, the son of the prime minister, who was the Jinshi of this year, and now he works as a prince in Hanlin Academy."
       Huang Wenren responded with a stubborn scalp, but in his heart was a bitter smile. It seemed that it was true, otherwise there would be so many jinshis in this session, even if Chen Wenhan is more special and became his son-in-law, he would not let the emperor who had the right reason to remember so. clear.
       "Since the prime minister mentioned today, since Chen Wenhan and his person were able to enter the Jinshi, there are some talents. I thought about it. I am afraid that this gentleman is too talented, otherwise let him go out to exercise. However, I don't know if the prime minister is willing to give up Give up your money. "
       Zhao Qingze's eyes lightly looked at Huang Wenren. There was no oppression in his eyes, but Huang Wenren had a layer of cold sweat on his back.
       He smiled bitterly in his heart and said that he was exercising outside. He was afraid that he would be thrown away in a remote place. I am afraid that it would be difficult to return to Capital City in this life. The emperor's attitude, regardless of whether it also represents Guifei attitude, but Huang Wenren understood at this moment that the emperor didn't want to see Guifei mother's family at all. Although he didn't plan to do anything, he planned to kill people far.
       "Daughter married, splashing water, young people exercise is a good thing."
       Huang Wenren was in a trance, not knowing what he said, but he was very distressed in the end. Although Huang Jingting's actions made him a bit chilly, but his daughter who had been in pain for more than ten years really watched her suffer and stay away from his parents, how could he bear it.
       Huang Wenren held the imperial edict and returned to his home in a trance, but saw a carriage in the Chen Mansion parked at the door. He asked the housekeeper who was greeted, "Chen Wenhan is here."
       "Yes. Auntie is now talking with Fu-ren and Xiaojie."
       Huang Wenren held the imperial hand tightly without knowing it, and asked in his mouth: "Jing Ting, she has no temper?"
       "Xiaojie initially said that he would not let Auntie enter the door, but only later that Auntie spoke to Xiaojie, Xiaojie made it easier for her to reconcile."
       The housekeeper said softly, but he also said lightly. He didn't say that Huang Wenren had left long before Chen Wenhan came and waited for several hours outside the door. Huang Fu-ren couldn't see his eyes and made him clear. Going in, and then speaking for a long time, Huang Jingting eased his attitude.
       Huang Wenren slowly walked to the main courtyard of Huang Fu-ren. Sure enough, Chen Wenhan and Jing Ting were sitting together, talking with Huang Fu-ren.
       Seeing that Huang Wenren came in, Chen Wenhan quickly stood up and saluted, and Huang Fu-ren was a bit weird: "Why did you come back so late, Jing Ting and Wen Han live at home tonight, Wen Han said yes To invite An Cai and Jing Ting to take a rest with you, this kid is just too disciplined! "
       Huang Wenren's eyes fell lightly on Chen Wenhan and said, "Go back and rest."
       Regarding Huang Wenren's indifferent attitude, Chen Wenhan didn't care much, and he was already used to it. Huang Jingting was about to keep up, but Huang Wenren stopped her aloud.
       "Daddy, is there anything?"
       There is still a smile on Huang Jingting's face, which has obviously been coaxed by Chen Wenhan.
       And Chen Wenhan smiled and patted Huang Jingting's hand, said softly: "Then I'm waiting outside the door, you talk to your father-in-law."
       After all, he left the house.
       "Dad, what do you have to avoid Wenhan telling me."
       Huang Jingting was upset, but asked patiently.
       Huang Wenren only withdrew his eyes before looking at Chen Wenhan's departure, and said: "Jing Ting, you and Chen Wenhan are at peace!"
       "Dad ..."
       "Lao-ye ..."
       Huang Jingting and Huang Fu-ren almost called at the same time, and they looked very confused in Huang Wenren's eyes.
       "Dad, what did you say about it, I just said it for fun."
       Huang Jingting never thought about leaving. Although there was indeed an impulse, Chen Wenhan came back to persuade him later, and assured her that when she returned home, the Chen family would apologize to her.
       "That's right, Lao-ye, how can such words be taken seriously!"
       Huang Fu-ren blamed Huang Wenren, but Huang Wenren smiled bitterly and laughed at himself. He was so distressed that he didn’t want his daughter to leave the capital with the Chen family, but he didn’t know if he would do this. It's self-defeating too!
       "Forget it, you go back, when I said nonsense."
       After Huang Wenren finished speaking, he was reluctant to say more, but Huang Jingting looked at Huang Wenren strangely before leaving.
       In the early morning of the following day, when Chen Wenhan took Huang Jingting farewell, Huang Wenren suddenly left Chen Wenhan in the study for a long time. When Chen Wenhan walked out, Huang Jingting only felt that Chen Wenhan was in a trance.
       "what happened to you!"
       Huang Jingting looked at him strangely.
       Chen Wenhan looked at Huang Jingting blankly, and finally smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, let's go home, go home and clean up ..."
       "How do you look like this."
       Huang Jingting really felt something was wrong. She looked at Chen Wenhan in surprise and said, "Don't think you will pretend to be like this, I will be soft-hearted. Go back. You must have promised me yesterday. You must do it today. Otherwise, I can still come back. "
       "You don't worry." Chen Wenhan moved his mouth, and didn't say down.
       Mo said that he did not intend to offend Huang Jingting before he offended the Huang family. Now, no matter what Huang Jingting does too much, he is not an accountant.
       Huang Jingting returned to the Chen Mansion. In the end, all the people in the Chen Mansion were packed up. The truth was only known when he left the capital.
       "Fool me, you all lie to me!"
       Huang Jingting couldn't stand it and collapsed. She suddenly thought of what her father said to her that night. She widened her eyes and yelled, "I want to get away from you, I won't leave the capital to go with you. I’ve never heard of Fu-ren, a small county magistrate. "
       Chen Wenhan allowed Huang Jingting to beat, beat, and scold, and still persuaded him with warm words, but Huang Jingting could not hear it now.
       She regretted it very much now. In fact, she regretted it when she married Chen Wenhan, but she couldn't make up her mind to break away from him. Now she has the determination, but Chen Wenhan is willing to let go of Huang Jingting's life-saving straw.
       Wen Jing soft talk Huang Jingting can't listen, Chen Wenhan is impatient, and said: "Jing Ting, if you really don't want to go with me, and I will not write a book, I will only write a book, you It’s true to be disobedient to your parents. This is an act of rebellion against virtue. You will take the book off then. How will you live in the future? Think about it yourself! "
       "Chen Wenhan, you dare to threaten me!"
       Huang Jingting looked at Chen Wenhan inexplicably, she pointed at him and scolded: "Chen Wenhan you dare, if you dare to do so, my father will not let you go."
       "I can't control so much." Chen Wenhan said softly, "And your father won't move me. You can go home and ask."
       Huang Jingting was really bluffed by Chen Wenhan. She doesn't doubt it at all now. Chen Wenhan will really write a book of cessation. In this era, if a woman took a book of quitting because she made seven outs, her life would be ruined.
       "Jing Ting, pack things up, as long as you don't make trouble, I will treat you well."
       Chen Wenhan saw Huang Jingting's face shocked, and then persuaded him slowly.
       Huang Jingting pushed Chen Wenhan away, and directly let the people in the carriage back to the prime minister's house.
       But in the end, Huang Jingting obediently followed Chen Wenhan to leave the capital and left the prosperous and wealthy place she wanted to live for a lifetime.
       On the day she left, Huang Wenren and Huang Fu-ren didn't go to send her. They just sits in Huang Jingting's yard for a long silence, and they looked much older.
       The time Huang Jingting asked Huang Wenren to take the lead, Huang Wenren told Huang Jingting that as long as she wanted to go home, she would come back and take the book off. He could also ask her to ask Chen's family to leave the book, but he would not be right. The Chen family did anything to force them to write and leave the book.
       The Chen family refused to let go, Huang Wenren wanted to take Hugh's book for Huang Jingting, but Huang Jingting couldn't bear it and tore it off.
       "It's life, and she did it herself."
       Huang Wenren sighed, patted Huang Fu-ren's hand, took her out of Huang Jingting's yard, and commanded the butler standing next to him: "Since then, this yard will be closed!"
       Its owner will not come back to live, and he will not let his children and grandchildren live in this yard.
       At that time, Ruyi had already laid back on the bed, Aman was crawling up and down on the edge of Ruyi, and Shaoyaoe was carefully guarded on the edge, lest Aman would climb onto Ruyi or climb off the bed.
       When Zhao Qingze walked in, he saw that Tianyou was not in the room, and he casually asked, "Where is Tianyou?"
       "I just fell asleep, and I let Wet-nurse go back to the house."
       Originally, the baby was lethargic, eyes closed for most of the day, and Tianyou body was particularly weak, and naturally slept more.
       Ruyi also picked up the time he had just finished drinking and let him take a look at the house. At other times, he let Wet-nurse be placed in the house to take care of it, so as not to always hug and hug the child. .
       "Aman's spirit is good. I didn't sleep much for a long time while watching today."
       Zhao Qingze reached out and hugged Aman. He turned his weight upside down and smiled at Ruyi, "This child is much heavier."
       "Yeah, Wet-nurse said that now he can stand by himself for a while and can teach him how to walk!"
       For every step of the child's growth, Ruyi feels very miraculous, but it is a pity that she is now in poor health, otherwise she must personally help Aman learn to walk.
       "So fast."
       Zhao Qingze was a little surprised when he heard the words. When Aman was born, it seemed to be yesterday. But now Aman can learn to walk, and Tianyou is also born.
       "Yeah, life is really fast."
       Ruyi also has some memories on her face. Speaking of that, she entered the East Palace and the days at the entrance of Dongxiang are still vivid, but now she and Zhao Qingze have two children, and the children will grow up soon and then get married Have children, and they will gradually grow old.
       Ruyi Shensi thought a little freely, and when she thought she had recovered, she was a little embarrassed. She seemed to think a little further. How old is she now!
       Zhao Qingze was also thoughtfully thoughtful by Ruyi words. He took Aman and smiled and sits down by the bed. He held Ruyi hand in one hand and said softly, "When you say that, I suddenly feel that I am old and I Much older than you, when I am gray-haired in the future, you still have a charm ... "
       "How much is bigger." Ruyi suddenly felt a little unwilling to hear Zhao Qingze say this. She didn't dare to listen. Her eyes fell on the hands they were holding. She said softly, "You're not saying, you Will you protect me, will you take care of me for life? How can you be older than me! "
       Zhao Qingze smiled, and he held Ruyi hand harder without knowing it, and said softly: "Okay, I died behind you, protecting you all my life, and when you close your eyes, I close my eyes again."
       He smiled and put Ruyi hand on his face. Ruyi couldn't help but pursed his lips and laughed. The two looked at each other and smiled, very warm.
       However, the little devil Aman is a full saboteur. Seeing that no one ignored him, Zhao Qingze was uncomfortable holding him. He stretched out his little shoes on his feet and threw them on the ground. His mouth was "cool! Cool! Cool!" ! "
       "This little guy!"
       Zhao Qingze was very dissatisfied and grabbed Aman's small hand that wanted to take off another shoe, gave Aman to Wet-nurse, and then picked up the small shoe that was thrown on the ground with the other hand. He wore it.
       The shoes are too small. Zhao Qingze's hands are not dexterous. After wearing them for a long time, they still don't wear them. Instead, they seem to hurt Aman, and his feet are dissatisfied.
       "Okay, you give Wet-nurse, don't hurt Aman."
       Ruyi couldn't see, and he stopped.
       Zhao Qingze gave the shoes to Wet-nurse with a bit of regret. He reached out and patted Aman's little buttocks, and said: "This little guy, he really does not hesitate, except for his mother, I didn't wear shoes to anyone else. "
       "What nonsense!"
       Ruyi said a little bit weirdly, a little embarrassed on her face.
       In fact, although the birth was extremely dangerous this time, and Ruyi’s body after the birth of the baby was not as good as before, this confinement was much more comfortable than when she was born the last time.
       Of course, it does not refer to the place of residence or material treatment, but the mood.
       Not long after the last birth of Aman, Zhao Qingze left Zhuangzi and did an extremely risky thing. Although Ruyi has been persuading herself to relax, she still feels frightened throughout the day and even sleeps at night. This time, in addition to handling official duties, Zhao Qingze always accompanied her on most days.
       In fact, the two people are a bit reticent. They are together on most days, sometimes they only do their own thing, but occasionally they are very tacit.
       Now Ruyi is lying on the bed and can't do anything. Naturally it is a bit boring. In order to make her not bored, Zhao Qingze even racked her brains to talk to her every day, and also told her with some interesting anecdotes.
       These major national events, Ruyi naturally can't express any opinions, but only occasionally discuss and say a few words, the two can even talk for a long time.
       Of course, it is boring to always rely on Zhao Qingze to say some of these things. Ruyi occasionally tells Cao Wet-nurse and An Rui when they enter the palace to tell her anecdotes. It is a matter of short and gossip among some parents.
       Ruyi thinks that people like Zhao Qingze should not like to listen, and only occasionally said a few words with all their heart, but Zhao Qingze did not have any impatience. Instead, he discussed with Ruyi with interest, and even said something. A joke that would make Ruyi laugh.
       For example, there are two families in the capital who are married, and the man wants to sneak a look at his fiancee before marriage, so he pretends to be a little girl and wants to get in, but he is found to be bombarded. When Ruyi first heard about this matter from An Rui, she thought it was a bit like a story in a drama, and she smiled and said to Zhao Qingze, but Zhao Qingze listened thoughtfully, and replied: "This woman must be of average appearance, maybe it's a bit ugly."
       As soon as this remark came out, he amused Ruyi: "If the emperor's words were passed on, how would Xiaojie be a man!"
       Zhao Qingze squeezed Ruyi nose with a smile, and said softly: "This is not the private message of my husband and wife, how could it be spread, and my words are also justified. In other people’s homes, they would not be so obedient, so that unmarried couples would meet each other inadvertently, and it would be good for the young couple’s feelings after marriage. His appearance of Xiaojie is about to retire. "
       "You are ridiculous!"
       Ruyi didn't believe it at all, grinningly retorted.
       However, when An Rui came back to see her next time, Ruyi couldn't help but ask, but she didn't want to ask, but Zhao Qingze guessed it.
       "Though Xiaojie looks ordinary, but his temperament is very gentle and virtuous, the parents in the man's family look at their favorite, but this gongzi is a lust and likes to look beautiful, so both parents want to make rice and cook mature rice. An Rui said softly.
       Ruyi listened but shook her head. Some disagreed: "This way, it's not very good for that Xiaojie! That gongzi waited until he became a pro and opened the red hijab to see if it was not his wish, after all, he would neglect his wife. That Since Xiaojie is good in temperament except for his normal appearance, there will always be people who do not pay much attention to appearance. "
       "I don't like it anymore, but when I became a wife, then gongzi family still pays attention to the rules and won't do ChongQie's wife extermination." An Rui said with a smile.
       Ruyi is still a little unhappy, probably this is the only difference between her and the woman of this era, maybe other people think that a wife should be respected, and other wives Qie are common things, but she listens to her heart. After such a thing, it is still a bit uncomfortable.
       An Rui probably saw that Ruyi wasn’t very happy about it, so she turned smartly and said with a smile: "There are always happy and unhappy women in this world, and it’s a comparison. I originally Thinking of my Fu-ma treating me well, but looking at the sentiment of the brother to treat Sao, I still envy Sao. "
       Ruyi listened to this, his face was slightly red, but he still smiled generously: "You Fu-ma treat you badly, that's not good, you have to let your brother teach you a lesson."
       "Fu-ma treated me well."
       Anrui listened to Ruyi words, but quickly maintained it. She was a little embarrassed and defended softly. "I just said that the brother treated Sao well and it is the best in the world. I heard that the brother He spent most of his time with Sao, and the palace has urged the elder brother to return to the palace several times. The elder brother just pushed to accompany Sao to go back after the confinement ... "
       Of course, the most important point, An Rui did not say: Zhao Qingze is the emperor. As an emperor, he was so single-minded. He only took a scoop of 3 thousand in the weak water, and other women in the harem became ornaments. The most enviable point of all women in this world.
       It’s not that there are men with only one woman in their lives, but they don’t have a prominent identity like Zhao Qingze.
       Just like An Rui, even if she knew that Fu-ma probably liked her, but she couldn’t tell clearly, Fu-ma told her after her wedding that her life like the elder brother only kept her alone. Then, how many reasons is because she is a rather princess Princess.
       However, An Rui is not a sensitive person, and she knows that if things are really clear and clear, she really can't care about it, she just envy Ruyi.
       At least she can clearly and happily enjoy this pure love.
       Ruyi didn't know what An Rui thought, but An Rui words also gave her a little bit of melancholy. It is already late autumn and even early winter now. It is indeed no longer living in this summer palace Appropriate, there are also earth dragons in the palace. It was designed in the first place, just because a royal hunting ground is nearby, just to take care of winter hunting and live here, but now I would like to thank this design, otherwise this summer palace Can't really live.
       "Almost back to the palace."
       Ruyi whispered that her body was well raised. Although the birth of Tianyou was somewhat lost to her body, but now there is nothing to worry about when she sits down in the month after nearly a month. It was quite quick to come back. It turned out that the thin body with only bones grew some meat.
       After giving birth to Tianyou, she was indeed a little scared. At least in recent years, she definitely did not want to regenerate.
       "It's a coincidence that neither of my two children were born in the palace." Ruyi said with a smile, and she was secretly thankful. Fortunately, she was not born in the palace. Although the palace had her home, But she didn't like it that much.
       It took more than a month to be liberated.
       On the day of the confinement, the earth dragon in the palace also burned a little bit. I will wipe my body with a warm towel, but I haven't bathed for more than a month. I wish I felt that the whole person smelled from inside to outside.
       Sometimes, if you want to suspect that Zhao Qingze has a problem with her sense of smell, she clearly feels that she is not stinky, but Zhao Qingze is living with her every day, sleeping with her in the bed at night, and she doesn’t even think that, and behind her After getting better, Zhao Qingze always hugged her to sleep.
       Fortunately, I can finally wash myself clean, Ruyi feels that the whole person is much refreshed and much lighter, Shaoyao holds dry hair net to twist her hair for her, and Fangcao is the skin care with a fresh fragrance on her face The product, Ruyi is very comfortable, but I feel that there is no time more comfortable than this.
       During this period of tonic, the effect is quite good, her hair is also shiny, and the skin will not be as skinny as the previous one. She squeezed the flesh on her body, soft and loose, afraid of lying on the bed.
       Several Wet-nurse walked in with Armen and Tianyou in their arms.
       Ruyi didn't care about the appearance of his hair, but he couldn't wait to reach out to the child.
       All in all, since Tianyou was born, she hasn't hugged him yet. She feels better afterwards, but Zhao Qingze still won't let her hug.
       Wet-nurse stretched out his hand when he saw Ruyi, and quickly and carefully handed Tianyou to Ruyi hand. Ruyi looked at Tianyou, who was lying in his arms and was thin and yellow, almost not tears from this gentle little body.
       Compared to Ruyi’s small body like a kitten when she first woke up, Tianyou now looks much bigger. Ruyi couldn’t help but stick her face on Tianyou’s small face. Tianyou just opened it big. Eyes, curiously looking at Ruyi, small mouth opened slightly, very cute looks like a suck.
       Ruyi couldn't help but smile on her face. At this time, the neglected Aman was not satisfied, and she wanted to get out of Wet-nurse's arms, and her mouth was "cool" calling Ruyi.
       Ruyi couldn't help turning his head to look at Aman, but he watched that he almost squeezed out all the little hats on his head, so he had to hand Tianyou to Wet-nurse and walked to Aman's side and renewed for him Wearing a hat, he was about to reach out to hug Aman, but Aman was dissatisfied with his hand and resisted.
       "What's wrong with this? Don't you want to be hugged?"
       Ruyi was a little strange, and looked up at Wet-nurse. Wet-nurse quickly whispered when he saw this: "His Royal Highness Crown Prince has just learned to walk, and he doesn't like people to hold him recently."
       "Is this so?"
       Ruyi was a little stunned. Wet-nurse hugged him every time Amman came. Although he put Aman on the bed and loved to crawl, he had never seen him walk by.
       However, when Ruyi stretched out his hand to take Aman and wanted to watch him walk, he realized why he had never seen Aman walk. The road of Aman was completely in the infant toddler stage, and someone had to support his small body. He Only then can I move the fat short legs up a few steps.
       However, Ruyi still feels pleasantly surprised, compliments: "Aman is awesome and will walk!"
       Aman understood the wishful compliments, and his fat smile grinned into a meatball, his mouth grinning, revealing the front teeth that had just grown in front.
       But this bent over to walk with Aman, Ruyi felt more tired than holding him, but for a while, Ruyi was tired and panting, she was also empty, only to feel that she couldn't walk with it anymore, so she wanted to take Aman sits on the couch.
       Aman was dissatisfied and clapped his hands and Called, "Go! Go!"
       This word is clearer than the standard called Niang.
       "Little villain, take a break and stay with your brother."
       Ruyi took a few breaths and persuaded softly.
       A Man lifted his small head and looked at the black grape-like eyes for a while, but his small hand pointed forward, and quite a few issued the majesty of the order: "Go!"
       "Small thing, order your mother to come!"
       Zhao Qingze suddenly appeared from behind, picked up Aman, patted his little ass, and taught him.
       "Is it done?"
       Ruyi saw Zhao Qingze appear, but also relieved. Zhao Qingze helped her to stand up with one hand, and couldn't help complaining: "Aman's noisy temperament is nothing like ours."
       "Children, be lively."
       Zhao Qingze used to think that Aman was too noisy, but now with Heavenly Blessing, even though Heavenly Blessings are usually quiet, he would rather have his children more lively like Aman if he exchanges his body.
       "You can go with him, I have no energy."
       Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back to hug Tianyou, but Zhao Qingze pulled her with a smile and said, "Dry your hair first and then go."
       Ruyi just realized that he was still in a disheveled look, and his face couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and quickly sits back in front of the dresser.
       Zhao Qingze accompanied Aman here for a while, and the child was limited in energy and quickly tired. He sits down on the edge of Tianyou lying obediently, and Wet-nurse fed the custard.
       Although Aman has not yet been weaned, she can get some other food supplements. Since the little guy opened the meat, he also became unfavorable to breastfeeding, and every time Wet-nurse fed him, he kept his head off. Instead, Wet-nurse couldn't help but talk about Ruman's abnormality with Ruyi. Many children couldn't wean, but Aman was actively weaned, which is really strange.
       For example, Aman really doesn’t like to drink milk, but also feels that Aman has been drinking milk for so long, and now his teeth are out, and it should be fine when he breaks. No, royal children are usually weaned very late, at least until Aman is one year old, this milk still has to continue to drink. But looking at Aman, he really didn't like to drink milk, so he would feed it sooner or later, making him feel as if he had been aggrieved every time he drank milk, and his small face was completely wrinkled.
       Ruyi looked sideways through the mirror and looked at the Aman who was sitting on the couch dedicated to eating custard. She couldn't help but smile: "I heard that Aman now loves to eat fish meat. This taste is very much like you."
       Zhao Qingze smiled a little and said, "This little guy, not only loves fish, as long as it is meat, he likes it, and he will spit it out whenever he eats some vegetables."
       "Really, then I have to ask the pantry to prepare a bowl of vegetable soup. It's always bad to eat meat."
       Ruyi laughed and made jokes. She reached out and was about to pick up the hairpins on the dressing table, but Zhao Qingze suddenly approached her, picked up one, and inserted it into a good hair bun.
       Then put her hands gently on Ruyi shoulders, bowed her head and kissed her hair.
       Ruyi leaned his head on the side and reached out to touch the hairpin. The smile on his face was sweet: "This butterfly loves the hairpin. It was the first gift you gave me when I was at the entrance of Dongxiang."
       "Do you remember?"
       Zhao Qingze asked, Ruyi turned around with a smile, looked up at him, and said with a smile: "No matter how many precious jewelry you send me later, but the meaning of this hairpin is different."
       "You!" Zhao Qingze squeezed Ruyi nose with a smile, and said, "The first time I saw you, I thought you were stupid, but I didn't expect you to say this sweet words, but they are very pleasant. "
       Ruyi smile is slightly playful and looks very cute, not like the look that a mother of two can show.
       "Of course it is true, in the future ..." Zhao Qingze leaned into Ruyi ear and whispered, "talk more."
       "I won't say it easily, but also depends on your performance."
       Ruyi smiled and stood up, walked to the edge of the couch, took out the tent and gently wiped Aman’s small mouth after eating the egg custard. He said softly to Ruyi: "It's almost New Year."
       Ruyi looked up, and the smile on Zhao Qingze's face was a little faint: "We are going back to the palace for the New Year too."
       Ruyi froze for a moment, blinked her eyes twice, but finally nodded. The smile on her face was rather helpless. "I'm afraid the letter is being urged every day in the palace!"
       It's almost New Year, and a grand ceremony will naturally be held in the palace. If the emperor Zhao Qingze is not here, it can't be justified.
       Zhao Qingze nodded his head and looked at Ruyi modest interest. He seemed to want to say something to comfort her.
       I didn’t expect Ruyi’s face to show a smile first, but it comforted Zhao Qingze: “You don’t have to worry about me. I didn’t want to live in the palace before, but now ... I think you have Aman and Tianyou, no matter It’s the same everywhere I live. "
       In the past, she still felt anxious and worried, but now she is willing and has the courage to believe Zhao Qingze, he will protect their mother and son, she believes in his feelings for themselves and their children.
       "Since I'm going back to the palace for the Chinese New Year, those things have to be packed up quickly in the next few days. I asked the people below to hurry up." Ruyi said with a smile in order to convince Zhao Qingze that she was really not upset.
       Zhao Qingze took her hand with a smile, and said softly: "Even if you want to go back to the palace, you don't have to be in such a hurry in these two days. You don't need to worry, I will arrange it."
       "Okay, then I really don't care!"
       Ruyi was unwilling to do the handshake. She didn't have much ambitions. She used to think of management. Before, she felt insecure, but now she thinks it's nice to be a freelancer.
       Take the children every day, look at the books and practice calligraphy, such a day is actually much better than her cranky.
       Zhao Qingze also heard the meaning of Ruyi. He smiled and grabbed Ruyi hand and said softly: "You can ignore these things, but you have to control me in addition to the children."
       "Take care of you?"
       Ruyi opened her eyes slightly, puzzled.
       "You might have forgotten what I promised you." Zhao Qingze looked at Ruyi slowly, but Ruyi was ashamed, completely ignorant of Zhao Qingze's meaning.
       "What have I promised?"
       "I know you don't remember, but you can't deny it. Whoever promised to make clothes for me had only received a few clothes until now."
       Zhao Qingze said narrowly, but Ruyi was a bit embarrassed, and she weakly defended: "Isn't this ... I'm pregnant in a special situation?"
       Although Ruyi is unwilling to move the needlework, she is not a person who fails to perform the guarantee, completely because of the unexpected situation, she is pregnant too frequently.
       "This is a special case." Zhao Qingze nodded with a smile, as if quite agreeing.
       Ruyi just breathed a sigh of relief, but Zhao Qingze played with her hand and continued: "However, before you complete the promise, no special circumstances will occur. In this life, my clothes, except the kimono, are up to you Do it yourself. "
       Ruyi froze for a moment, but she suddenly couldn't tell the meaning of the unknown, and finally she nodded with a smile: "In this life, you can only wear the clothes I made except for the court clothes."
       Now that Shengji is ready to return to the palace, the news has been sent back to the palace early.
       When Xianfei heard the news, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If the emperor never came back, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to survive. Fortunately, the emperor came back immediately, and Guifei, a real harem celebrity, was coming back. I only hope that the old lady will not look at her again.
       Xianfei, the days at this time were not good at all. Empress Dowager got sick from the mountain, first tossing Jin Tai-Consort mother and son, although there is also the meaning of wanting her to surrender the palace power, but did not look at her in the end. .
       Who knows, it didn’t take long for Jin Tai-Consort’s mother and son to be quietly sent to live outside Wangfu in the palace. Without Jin Tai-Consort, she was blocked by Emai Dowager. Depressed, Empress Dowager's mood was getting worse and worse, he didn't even want to cover his shame, and he began to target her clearly, picking and choosing the court affairs she handled, and saw the opportunity to seize her power.
       Xianfei for the first time at this moment was fortunate that the palace power was not really in her hands, otherwise she had not been seized by the old lady. Xianfei thought of this, but she couldn't help but feel a little proud. The old lady was unsuccessful in seizing power twice, but it made her feel terrified. She didn't dare to deal with her so blatantly and invisibly. She added a bit of majesty in the harem, and even those Little Pin fei eyes looked at her more respectfully.
       Now that the emperor is back, Xianfei can't help but secretly complacent, the old lady is Empress Dowager, but as everyone knows, the emperor has no feelings for her at all, an Empress Dowager who doesn't have too much affection with the emperor, what is Empress Dowager And Empress Dowager was so arrogant that the emperor packed her up sooner or later.


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