Chongfei 70

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       In the new spring clothes, the clothes are different in color and colorful, as if they are beautiful flowers blooming in the spring.
       When they approached, there was a light and charming fragrance.
       The delicate makeup on their faces and the delicate bun rings are like fairy fei. When approaching, the surprised expression on Zhao Qingze's face was all that appropriate. It would not make people feel abrupt, but opened their faces slightly. The surprise expression of Lu is very cute.
       Ruyi stood behind Zhao Qingze, but the group of ladies in palace costumes did not find that Ruyi was too simple. Although the body is also a palace satin dress, but the color is elegant, there is no adornment at all, and the bun is fine But only decorated with a pink velvet flower, the face was undressed, and it looked even simpler than the Palace-Lady behind her.
       And for the first time, their eyes were attracted by Zhao Qingze, who was dressed in a yellow dress, and they walked away, before moving to Zhao Qingze, with a smile on their faces and a kneeling salute.
       "Meet the emperor ..."
       Li Gui Pin, who was leading in the front, had a clear eye, and also saw Aman who was held by Wet-nurse in his arms and standing behind Zhao Qingze, and quickly added a sentence: "See His Royal Highness Crown Prince ..."
       The person behind him quickly followed up and met.
       Zhao Qingze looked a little hesitant. I didn’t know that he would meet them here for other reasons. He turned to his side, pulled Ruyi who was standing behind him, and walked to him with a cold voice: See Zhao Zhaofei here too?
       The beautiful ladies heard the words and quickly looked up at Ruyi.
       Although they only vaguely saw that the emperor seemed to be standing by the side of the car, they didn’t really see it. They really didn’t see Zhao Qingze holding him. I did not expect Ruyi to be here.

       Ruyi dresses up too plainly, without the demeanor of Fei Pin, although her simple dress with a pretty face, don't have a flavor. But in the eyes of everyone, Ruyi appearance is really inferior to them, they secretly have some dissatisfaction.
       But when they heard Zhao Qingze's cold voice, they lowered their heads in a hurry, and asked for peace: "White Zhao Zhao Guifei Niang-Niang."
       Ruyi glanced at the kneeling ladies, but said nothing. Just waiting for Zhao Qingze to speak, all the beautiful talents stood up under the sound of a ring of collision.
       Ruyi glanced at her for a few moments, but she couldn't help being a little uncomfortable. These people are the old people in the East Palace. Zhao Qingze has not included new people since he became emperor. However, although the people are old people, she rarely knows the current grade of some of them.
       Although there are not many women in Zhao Qingze, there are also many, and now Feng Fei has only a few days to work. She also only remembers a few of the things that Shaoyao said occasionally.
       Today, more than Fei, Xian Fei, Dee-Consort, and Li Fei, she remembers, but these three are not here today.
       At first glance, she can only remember Li Baolin, the former owner of Xiangzhiyuan, and now Li Gui Pin and Yu Changzai, who is not a Pin in Baolin.
       She made up her mind to talk less in the future, to avoid being in a group with this group of people, otherwise it would be embarrassing to not recognize people.
       "I also ask Guifei Niang-Niang to forgive my sins. Chenqie and others have no eyes and no recognition of Niang-Niang!"
       After Li Gui Pin stood up, she smiled and asked for sin. Her low eyes fell on the hands that Ruyi and Zhao Qingze held together, and she sighed slightly sadly, but she didn't reveal her face.
       At that time, an obscure Shiqie in her yard, who was rather graceful, who could think that she could now become a taller Guifei, and could bear the only heir of the emperor, now Crown Prince.
       "Li Gui Pin is so kind!"
       Ruyi just smiled, didn't say much, and was a little alienated in attitude.
       This attitude of her made Li Gui Pin not feel strange, but felt that she was a little unhappy as expected. She felt that she wished to alienate her as she wished to alienate her. Also, Zhao Guifei at that time was just the humble Shiqie who was begging for life under her eyelids, and no one wanted to see the person she had fallen.
       Li Gui Pin smiled softly on the face, glanced at Ruyi, and then at Zhao Qingze, and said with a smile: "For a long time, I saw Guifei Niang-Niang, and suddenly met, Chenqie really wanted to get close to Niang-Niang."
       She took the initiative to lower her posture and made an intimate look.
       It was a bit embarrassing to comment on this. She whispered: "I haven't seen Li Gui Pin for a long time. When I first lived in Xiangzhiyuan, I also had to take care of Li Thanks Pin."
       If you like it, everyone present presents a subtle smile on their faces. They all think of the humble origin of this Guifei Niang-Niang, and the origin of Palace-Lady ... In the past, they still lived in the west side house of Li Gui Pin Xiangzhiyuan Little-shiqie.
       However, this mocking flick only turned a little bit in their hearts, and immediately became jealous again.
       Little Little-shiqie, who became Guifei once, and lived on top of them ... if they were born better, it would be good!
       Zhao Qingze looked at this group of women's reactions with a bit of taste, and turned to glance at Ruyi. Although she still had a smiley face on her face, but her lips were slightly curled, her eyes revealed a bored look, and she knew she was Impatient, but just hold on.
       Zhao Qingze gently squeezed Ruyi hand, looking up Ruyi, but saw Zhao Qingze smiling at her, seeming to appease, and then turned to look at the group of fei Pin, and asked, "What do you do at Luyuan today?" "
       Li Gui Pin has the highest position among this group of people, and it is natural that she should answer her. She hastily stood upright with a smile on her face and a soft tone of laughter: "Chenqie and others have nothing to do, hear The puppies raised in Luyuan gave birth to cubs, so they wanted to come and see them together, and they wanted to raise a dog to help them out. "
       Although the harem has strict rules, for most Pin fei, it is more loose in many aspects. Just like the pet keeping, raising kittens, puppies, birds and the like to pass the time is generally not prohibited.
       Zhao Qingze nodded when he heard the words, before waiting for others to add words, he said: "Since you are here to see the dogs, then don't stay here to delay the time, just go to the dog ring!"
       The implication is to catch people.
       Zhao Qingze's remarks were very straightforward and unkind, causing Li Gui Pin and others to smile suddenly.
       It is naturally unwilling for Li Gui Pin and others to leave like this. Zhao Qingze has never returned to the palace and has never summoned any fei. He has only stayed with Guifei in Zhaoyang Temple for a long time. Three high-ranking Pin fei like Xianfei, Dee-Consort, Lifei are okay, at least the emperor has called them to speak, but these low-ranking feipins, this is the first time I met the emperor, where Willing to miss this opportunity.
       Not seeing the emperor's face, how to make the emperor remember them, think of them, and even favor them ... if they don't fight, wouldn't they stay in such a position for life.
       Now the emperor has just registered, and many things have happened one after another, so the palace has not yet drafted. When things are over, the ministers will certainly be unable to suppress the emperor's draft to enrich the harem. After all, there are too few women in the Holy Harem today.
       When those young and beautiful women with good family backgrounds are elected to the harem, there will be no place for them.
       Li Gui Pin and other fei Pins have some contradictions at this time. If they insist on staying here, what if the emperor is upset? What's more, now that Zhao Guifei is also here, if he does so, he will definitely offend her. But missing this opportunity is really regrettable ...
       "Emperor, where do you and Sister Guifei want to go to Luyuan? Can you bring Chenqie!"
       Yu Changzai suddenly broke out first, and she looked up and smiled, the expression on her face was very naive and cute, as if she really just wanted to follow along.
       Li Gui Pin and others looked at Yu Changzai and couldn't help but lament the impulse of Yu Changzai, but they all raised their eyes and looked at Zhao Qingze with a bit of eagerness.
       In any case, this Yu Changzai has made an early bird, always better than them.
       As everyone knows, when Yu Changzai is considered stupid in other people's hearts, she also has her own abacus. She was really not stupid. At first, she had miscalculated and had already offended Ruyi. First, she was deliberately found to harm her and was punished, and then the plan sent her to Dongxiangkou for nine lives. Although the latter item made her nine dead, but others might not thank her, she must have hated her for dying.
       Now she turned into Guifei, and it is a breeze to clean up her little Changzai.
       She didn't believe that a Baolin was only promoted to Changzai in the end, and Ruyi hadn't touched her. She is weak now, and she can only turn over on her own desperation.
       With the grace of the emperor, this Zhao Guifei would not dare to touch all her fears for her, and only with the grace of the emperor would she have a chance to make a comeback.
       She doesn't mind becoming a bird, but she also hopes that the emperor can put her eyes on her.
       She gently moved her head, and the ruby hairpin on her hair bun shook the side of the tassel's slightly swaying face, and the ruby reflected her small face, especially the white guest. The emperor's eyes did indeed fall on her.
       Her heart began to beat, she held her breath, but heard Zhao Qingze said in disgust: "I am taking Guifei to Luyuan today, you must follow."
       After all, he looked at Yu Changzai and said: "You are a little Little Changzai, you should learn the rules carefully, and say something on any occasion, don't want to do it again!"
       Yu Changzai only felt that his face seemed to be slapped in the face. At this time, it was burning red and shy and embarrassed. She bit her lips reluctantly, but she never dared to speak again.
       Li Gui Pin heard the words, but he sighed slightly in his heart, kneeling and pleadingly said: "Emperor, Yu Changzai is just straightforward, please spare her this time!"
       Seeing this, others knelt down and began to plead.
       After Zhao Qingze looked away, he did not continue to pursue it. It seemed that he was also afraid of spoiling his own interest, but said lightly: "Get up!"
       Having said that, it seems to be going to Luyuan with Ruyi.
       After watching the good show, Ruyi just smiled. She reached out from Wet-nurse and gnawed her little hand, staring blankly at Li Guipin and their Amman.
       It is said that Zhi'er Mo Ruomu, she saw at a glance that Aman was attracted by the glittering jewellery of Li Gui Pin and they couldn't help but squeezed Aman's small face with a smile.
       Aman was attracted attention, turned to look at the spoiled mother, her small face was still dumb, and she didn't know when she drooled.
       Ruyi couldn't help laughing.
       Zhao Qingze also turned his gaze back, glanced at Aman, and said softly: "I'll be tired after a while, and it will be given to Wet-nurse!"
       "I am not tired!"
       Ruyi shook his head, and Zhao Qingze said nothing, but said nothing, just looped around Ruyi waist and said, "Let's go inside!"
       The intention is holding Aman again. The three of them kissed each other as if only three of them were left. It also made Li Gui Pin and others who stood behind his eyes red.
       "Sister Gui, where are we going?"
       Changzai, who stood behind Li Gui Pin, exited softly and asked.
       Li Gui Pin's face was slightly stunned, but he smiled for a moment: "Since the emperor let us go to arrange it by ourselves, let's go to the dog ring to see the puppy!"
       She came in first and entered the Luyuan.
       Others heard something, and they all got a little distracted and all followed with a smile.
       Although they and the emperor were not the way to go after all, but there were always some ways to go together on the way to the dog ring.
       Zhao Qingze took two steps, followed the string of people behind him, and did not stop, but still walked the road with Ruyi self-care, half of the eyes did not cast on those people.
       As soon as I entered the Deer Garden, I saw a lot of bird cages and bird stands hanging on the trees planted on both sides, and there were many colorful birds and birds locked on it. , Is more flattering.
       When I saw Zhao Qingze and Ruyi coming, I didn’t know whether it was the eunuch who taught me how to use it, or whether the bird was fierce. A green cockatoo opened his mouth and said aloud: "See the Emperor! See Niang-Niang!"
       Ruyi has heard that parrots can speak human language before, but in reality, it is the first time!
       She couldn't help but stop her footsteps, and Aman's eyes had long been attracted by the bright feathers on this green cockatoo, waving her small hands, not excited, the soft body was almost thrown away.
       "Dirty, no past."
       If you wish to hold Aman's small hand and body, you can't let him pass. But I don’t know if Amman’s food is too good, and how old the baby is, he will be breathless. In the end, Zhao Qingze couldn't see. He took Aman out of Ruyi arms and threw it back into Wet-nurse's hands. He said: "Let him look at it, don't let him touch it."
       "Yes." Wet-nurse hurriedly embraced Aman.
       Zhao Qingzefu walked to Ruyi edge, looking at Ruyi, who seemed interested in parrots, and said, "If you like it, take it back!"
       Ruyi Wenyan moved a little, and the little eunuch standing beside him heard the news and quickly took the nut and put it in his hand to feed the parrot Ruyi stared at.
       The parrot took a sip and opened his mouth again for a while "to see the emperor, to see Niang-Niang!".
       Ruyi couldn't help laughing, she looked at the little eunuch and asked, "What else can this parrot say?"
       "Back to Guifei Niang-Niang, this parrot will only say this now."
       Ruyi heard a little disappointed, but also know that it is not so easy to teach a bird to speak.
       Seeing the disappointment on Ruyi face, the little eunuch quickly said: "Guifei Niang-Niang, this parrot is still small. Soon after he was sent to Luyuan, Nucai taught only two sentences. If Niang-Niang would like to hear something else , Nucai teach it immediately! "
       Ruyi heard the words and couldn't help but also want to feed something to this little parrot. The little eunuch was very clever, took a long spoon in both hands and gave it to Ruyi, with a few nuts in the spoon.
       The little parrot's small head pecked the nut foam on the long spoon bit by bit, and opened his mouth again, "Well to see the emperor, to see Niang-Niang!"
       "This is really a flattering parrot!"
       Ruyi smiled and said with Zhao Qingze. And Zhao Qingze smiled at the words, so he said to the eunuch: "You will take care of this parrot from now on till Zhaoyang Temple!"
       From the eunuch in Luyuan to the eunuch in Zhaoyang Hall, although he still does the same work and takes care of the birds, it is a step in the sky!
       The eunuch was overjoyed, and knelt and knelt and thanked, almost wiped tears.
       Ruyi looked at the little eunuch like this, but originally wanted to say that he came to Luyuan to see it, but he couldn't say it. She reached out and set the spoon aside, and immediately Palace-Lady carried a basin of clear water to clean her hands.
       She was washing her hands and was about to wipe her hands. Suddenly, a pair of slender hands like green onions took a wringed veil to wipe off the water stains on her hands. She hardly needs to raise her head. From the opponent's hands and clothes, she can see that this person is definitely not a Palace-Lady. The opponent's hand is more beautiful than his own, more like a work of art. The material of the clothes is that only the master can wear the upper body.
       She looked familiar when she looked up, but she couldn't remember it for a while. After thinking for a long time, I remembered the other party's previous identity and entered Feng-shiqie in the East Palace with her.
       Now, what kind of grade is she, I really can't think of it. She can only laugh: "How can I trouble you to serve me?"
       The other party smiled softly, but said: "It is an honor for Chenqie to serve Guifei Niang-Niang. Niang-Niang may be noble to forget things. I don't remember Chenqie. Chenqie is Feng Cairen. I have been with Niang-Niang. Enter the East Palace together. "
       Ruyi Wenyan just smiled, withdrew his hand and didn't talk much.
       And Zhao Qingze didn't even give her a look, Feng Cairen was a boring one.
       The other Fei Pins standing behind were all looking at Feng Cairen mockingly, rushing to beg for fun!
       Feng Cairen didn't take it seriously. When he saw Ruyi, he ignored it, but he lowered his head and retreated, but he couldn't help being slightly jealous in his heart. She didn't find it before, but she didn't find it. She just got close and she could see clearly.
       This Zhao Guifei Niang-Niang has a simple body, but the satin used in the plain palace dress is very smooth to the touch. Although she does not know the goods, she also knows that the things are good or bad. I don't know how much satin is better. And a sheep fat jade table worn casually on her left hand, the texture is delicate, it is simply worth the price, not to mention the string of pearls tied on the waist, the beads are as big as her thumb nail cover, round and fair , Radiating bursts of glare ...
       It is Guifei in the end, and there is the grace of the emperor.
       Passing through the bird forest at the entrance, Zhao Qingze entered Ruyi Circle with Ruyi. He walked and smiled at Ruyi: "It happened that three white tiger cubs were tributed to the northeast. It was discovered by a local hunter in a tiger cave in the mountain forest. The three tigers and one mother share the same babies, and their hairs are all white. It coincides with my enthronement, and the minister below regards it as auspicious tribute! "
       "Three little white tigers."
       Ruyi heard interest, she felt that this Royal Deer Park is like a large zoo, there are all kinds of animals, including tigers, I do not know if there will be pandas.
       Thinking of this, she couldn't help but asked: "I don't know if there is a panda?"
       Zhao Qingze gave Ruyi a strange look and seemed puzzled.
       "There are bears and cats ... what are you pandas?"
       "Uh ..." Ruyi was a little speechless and didn't know what to say. I could only say: "I just heard people say that there is a kind of animal that eats bamboo. It looks like a bear and a cat. Its hair is black and white. of!"
       "You are talking about iron beasts!"
       Zhao Qingze was a little uncertain and said, "This iron-eating beast had some tribute in the land of Shu earlier, but he did not live in Luyuan, so he sent the Emperor Tai to the imperial dining room. Then pay tribute to support you! "
       The national treasure was Nubied and eaten!
       This idea echoed in Ruyi mind, and he could not accept it for a while.
       She couldn't help saying: "I don't eat it!"
       "Yes, keep it for you! But that thing will bite, but pay attention to it yourself!"
       Zhao Qingze smiled and went into the tiger circle with wishful thinking.
       Li Gui Pin and others looked at the emperor's figure, which was no longer visible, and the expression on his face was a little dazed.
       Li Gui Pin is also a calm Temper, speaking to the other Fei Pin behind him: "Let's go to the dog ring!"
       The other Fei Pin nodded.
       There are dozens of newly born puppies in the dog ring, all of which are white, brown, long-haired and short-haired. The smaller ones are the size of an adult man's slap, but only a few months after birth, the older ones are only a few months , Flesh, very cute and cute.
       After learning that some of your lords are going to visit the puppy, the eunuch in the dog kennel selected ten of the best-looking puppies and took care of them.
       Li Gui Pin and others did not have any interest at all, and the cute touch of the puppies did not touch their hearts.
       One of them, Changzai, fiddled with one of the puppies with a bit of sourness, and said: "People are raising children, but we, emptiness, raising dogs!"
       Everyone present heard the meaning of the name Changzai, and Li Gui Pin didn't have a smile on his face, which was originally just a decorative smile on his face. He squashed his face and yelled softly: "Be careful!"
       Although Changzai was a little dissatisfied, he was still a little scared and didn't say anything.
       On the contrary, Yu Changzai said coldly: "She was right. People are now being taken by the emperor to see the white tiger cubs. We, we only deserve to see the puppies."
       Yu Changzai said, not knowing how much strength he had in his hand. The puppy under her hand painted in red and red and white and tender, because of being pinched and hurting her body, made a weak whine, which was very pitiful.
       Yu Changzai was distracted by the puppy's cry. She threw the brown-brown puppy, who had not been born for more than a month, on the ground, wiped her hands with the veil, and said: "I will go back first Palace! "
       The puppy was thrown to the ground, but fortunately it was not high. And Yu Changzai has little energy. But in the end it was a weak puppy, and after the puppy made a sharp whine, it was a small body trembling.
       Li Gui Pin was originally in a bad mood, and Yu Changzai got it out so much, he was even more upset.
       She also loosened the puppy in her hand, wiped her small hands with the veil, and said softly to the eunuch who stood beside him: "Poor, take care of it!"
       Having said that, he looked at the puppies lying on the ground with pity and left the dog ring without saying anything.
       The rest of Pin fei saw this, and originally had no mood. They all put down the puppy in their hands and followed away.
       The mighty came, but did not take away one, the few eunuchs who were waiting on the side were lost in their hearts. One of the eunuchs stepped forward and hugged the puppy that Yu Changzai fell to the ground.
       When Li Gui Pin returned to her palace, it was when the sun was setting. She walked up to the Palace-Lady and asked, "Niang-Niang, it's dinner time soon. What would you like to use?"
       Li Gui Pin didn’t have much appetite at the moment, but leaned on the couch and said softly: "There is not much appetite today. You should take silver to the dining room. Please give me some points! Call me Sizhen platter, three. Fresh shark fins, grilled lamb slices, other dishes, you can do it! "
       "Yes, Niang-Niang!"
       With a smile on her face, Palace-Lady whispered: "The dishes ordered by Niang-Niang are a bit of a hassle. Niang-Niang may have to wait for a while, and the slave will give Niang-Niang some regular dishes Come!"
       "It's okay, I don't have much appetite now. You just have to divide those dishes. I'll wait for it!"
       Li Gui Pin has a gentle smile on his face and is very kind.
       The harvest is quite fruitful. In addition to the parrot who can only speak, he also adopted a brown puppy that was just born but not more than a month old.
       Zhao Qingze, who had three white tiger cubs in the past, intended to be raised in the Zhaoyang Temple, but Ruyi refused it. At that time, it was quite simple, but I thought that if she liked the same, then the entire Luyuan could not move her. Empty, Zhaoyang Temple simply turned into a zoo.
       However, when she played around and was about to go back with Zhao Qingze, they happened to see a little eunuch hurriedly hugged a pup, and the little eunuch walked too quickly. Whip evaded in front, just hit it.
       The eunuch was pale and scared, holding the puppies and kneeling to salute. Ruyi eyes were attracted by the moaning puppy in the opponent's hands, so he asked, "What's wrong with this dog!"
       The eunuch shivered and replied, "Go back to Guifei Niang-Niang, the puppy fell!"
       Ruyi looked at the pitiful eyes of the puppy with closed eyes. The reason she noticed this puppy was just because the puppy pup was very similar to a puppy she had once raised. Her puppy was a baby brought from her grandma’s house The little terrier dog was so big when it was first taken home. She was born for a month. She kept it for almost ten years until the puppy became an old dog and died.
       Since then, she has thought of raising another one, but Mama never agrees again. Keeping the dog straight is too sad, the dog's life span is too short, but there will be feelings once raised.
       "Shaoyao, you brought that puppy over to show me!"
       Ruyi recovered from her memories, but her gaze became slightly different when she looked at the puppy. She said a word to Ruyi who was behind her.
       "Want to keep a dog?" Zhao Qingze asked.
       Ruyi nodded.
       Zhao Qingze said: "I'll take you to pick in the dog ring, this puppy looks bad ..."
       "I just feel ... special for this puppy."
       Shaoyao hugged the dog and was about to take a look at it, but Zhao Qingze reached out and stopped and said, "I want to take a poop and take it away, but don't hug it now, turn around and let Tai-yi come and see Look, let's talk after washing. "
       "it is good."
       Ruyi is also afraid that the puppy will carry germs at this moment, after all, she will hold Aman later. She thought about it and said again, "Just keep this puppy, but don't put it in the hall!"
       In this era, the puppies were not vaccinated. Although she believed that the puppies would be washed very clean, Aman was still small, and she was afraid that there would be germs on it.
       After the puppy was taken back, the little eunuch Ah Fu, who had bumped into Luyuan, who was originally ruined in Luyuan, was also taken back to Zhaoyang Temple to take care of the puppy. Ruyi named the puppy a hundred Fortunately, Tai-yi was asked to take care of it again, but after a few days, he started to jump around again and again.
       Baifu is a very lively puppy, and his body is still very small, but it does not prevent him from jumping around in the Zhaoyang Temple. Afu is afraid of hitting the master and is very strict with Baifu. When he leaves the house, They were basically held in their hands, and were not put on the ground until they walked back to their house.
       Baifu is clever. There is much more Afu teaching. He probably knows that he is not allowed to run to the front and rear halls of Chaoyang Temple. Although he is lively and active, he is also a dog who understands the rules very much. Over time, Afu will no longer hold the worship in the day.
       Ruyi and Zhao Qingze occasionally walked around the garden, but they had seen Baifu several times. Baifu seemed very affectionate to Ruyi. Ruyi didn’t hug it, and it didn’t run to Ruyi’s heel to get annoying, just in a few steps Away, he kept waving his tail at Ruyi.
       Zhao Qingze saw it, but couldn't help laughing: "This puppy knows gratitude and knows that you saved it."
       He also went up and touched Baifu, and said: "Your Baifu is a fine dog breed, don't keep it up, you can take it with you when you go hunting in the future."
       Ruyi words are a bit embarrassing. She has always regarded Baifu as the same breed as the one she raised in the previous life. She only thought it was a small dog, the famous Chinese rural dog. She did not expect to be famous.
       But she looked at Baifu meat's mumbled body, and she couldn't see the prestige of a hound at all.
       Waiting for two people to go back to the house after a walk, Ruyi let people quickly hit the water, took the fragrant soap, and washed their hands before letting go. Zhao Qingze looked at it and was a bit cautious. Go to Baofu, the puppies raised here are all washed and clean, don't worry! "
       Ruyi listened to some emotions, but still hesitated in the end, and finally just said: "I will hug it later when it is cleaned!"
       Zhao Qingze looked at her as if she really liked Baifu. The green cockatoo that she brought together was thrown behind her by the head. He also made a small nameplate for Baifu and hung it around his neck, increasing the value of Baifu.
       It was the other Little-Palace-Lady eunuchs in the palace who saw Baifu and gave way to him.
       In fact, in the Chaoyang Temple, the most favorite people of Baifu, in addition to Ruyi, is peony, the first is that peony first took Baifu before bringing it to Chaoyang Temple.
       At first, she looked at Ruyi likes and fears of Baifu, and she was unwilling to approach. She never hugged Baifu, but she kept itching in her heart. Until then, Ruyi also lifted the ban, Shaoyao Sometimes I love to play with Baifu.
       Knowing that Baifu is a lively and active Temper, he took Baifu to play in the imperial garden several times during his break.
       At this time, it was spring, and the garden was full of flowers, and it was beautiful.
       Shaoyao lactiflora released Baifu, and then began to stand in a daze in the garden. Baifu did not need anyone to accompany it. It was possible for him to drill in the flowers, chase butterflies, or roll on the lawn.
       Peony is also at ease to let Baifu play by herself, then she can think about things quietly.
       This is this time. When the peony was finished and began to call Baifu to come back, he didn't see the little flesh of Baifu ran over.
       Shaoyao Called a few more times, and still didn't see Baifu figure, and then began to panic.
       She yelled softly while looking around. After walking a while, she faintly heard Baifu familiar "Woo" sound coming. She quickly ran along the source, and finally determined that the source of Pak Fu voice was in a rose flower bush. Her heart was tight, but she saw a little palace-blue-palace-lady in a blue palace dress bending down. What to do in the flowers.
       She thought that the other party was not good for Baifu and quickly stepped forward to drink: "What are you doing!"
       After saying this, he did not wait for the other person to stand up, but pushed the person to the ground.
       At this time, the peony found that Baifu small body was stuck in the branches of rose flowers. She watched that the rose branch that stuck Afu had been broken a lot, and she knew that she had just misunderstood.
       She turned around and looked at the Palace-Lady who was pushed by her with a little guilt, and there was a look of surprise in her face: "Rose, why are you?"
       Rose has stood up with her hands propped up, and she seems a little embarrassed on her face when she hears Shaoyao question, but she whispers softly, "Sister Shaoyao!"
       Shaoyao glanced at the whitish gown washed on Rose's body, and the thin face on her face.
       She didn't speak, turned around and continued to hug Pefal stuck in the flowers.
       "Sister Shaoyao, let me help you!"
       Rose stretched out her body and propped the rose branches on both sides.
       Shaoyao stretched out his hand to hug Baifu, but looked a bit hesitantly at Rose's pair of hands that had been ripped open. She had mixed feelings in her heart, and finally just said: "Why are you here?"
       With a slightly waxy face, Rose smiled reluctantly and said softly: "I am now responsible for the cleaning of the Royal Garden. Now I am on duty. When I scanned this piece, I heard the cry of a puppy. Just come and have a look. "
       After all, her eyes looked at Baifu in her arms, and she asked carefully, "Is this Guifei Niang-Niang puppy?"
       Shaoyao nodded, but still did not speak, but it was a little uncomfortable.
       In the palace, the hardest thing to do is to wash clothes in the Huanyi Bureau, but it is the hardest work in the garden.
       Shaoyao lactiflora paused, but when she thought of Rose leaving without hesitation that day, she felt a little bit stubborn in her heart, and she said in a murmured voice: "Did you not already have a good place? How could it be reduced to this point "
       Rose heard the words, but suddenly burst into tears.
       "Sister Shaoyao, please save me. I haven't really done anything to betray Niang-Niang. The sister in Li Gui Pin's palace is my fellow countryman. I thought she would take care of me. Who knows what that sister thinks If Li Gui Pin took me in, it would offend Guifei Niang-Niang and send me out! "
       Rose pulled the corner of the peony and cried: "Sister, slave-knowing that she is greedy for life and fears death, and she doesn't want to stay with Niang-Niang anymore. I only ask that Niang-Niang can treat me like a little runner. That’s it, I don’t want to continue to sweep here. "
       "You knew that, why did you do it?"
       Shaoyao said coldly, but took Afu away and let Rose cry on the ground. It was just the peony at the time of departure, and the expression on his face was uncomfortable.

       Chapter 73 | "His ..."

       Ruyi Wrinkle:
       Covered his scalp with a frown, turned his head and looked behind him.
       The expression on the face of Shaoyao was panic, and he already knelt down on the ground with a comb in fear.
       "Niang-Niang, slave slave is not good, you punish slave slave!"
       "Get up, get up!"
       Ruyi stretched out the peony root and said, "I haven't lost my hair, so I always missed it."
       Shaoyao lowered her eyelids and whispered: "Many Thanks Niang-Niang!"
       After finishing the talk, he started to cheer up carefully and started to comb his wishful hair again.
       Ruyi glanced at the peony in a thoughtful way and asked, "What's wrong with you today, so absent-minded? Is there any difficulty telling me, can I help?"
       Shaoyao shook his head and said, "Many Thanks Niang-Niang cares, Nubi are fine."
       "It's okay, you're always absent-minded." Ruyi frowned, only thinking that Shaoyao definitely had something to hide from her. She looked through the mirror at the peony standing behind her and slowly brushing her hair for her. She said, "I found you a little bit lost and lost your mind some time ago, but I was always in a daze, but the situation was not serious, and I didn't say it. What's the matter, you are as if you lost your soul today, don't hide from me, tell me what is going on. "
       "Niang-Niang ..."
       Shaoyao Wenyan couldn't help it, she didn't know her performance was so serious, she let Ruyi see it. But the thing in her heart was impossible to say. She lowered her eyelids and finally sighed, saying, "The slave-servant saw the rose."
       Speaking of the word rose, Ruyi face is also somewhat different. She blinked her eyes and finally just grinned: "How is she doing now?"
       For Rose, Ruyi doesn't have much emotion in her heart, just a little touch.
       Although Rose came to her a few places later than Shaoyao lactiflora, in fairness, she also lived with her for a while. She still likes Rose with a little lively temperament. Rose finally chose to leave, and she felt a little regret in her heart. But now it is not much to think about.
       "Niang-Niang, the slave-servant wants to make an appeal for Rose, you call her back to run errands!"
       Shaoyao lactifolia was made with a lot of construction in mind. She said that if the rose was transferred back, she would not agree if she wished, and she would not agree. She didn't dare to believe rose too much. After all, it was a betrayal.
       It's just that she and Rose have been together for so long, and they have feelings in their hearts. They can't bear to see her working so hard now. Bring her over and assign her an easy job under her. That's it.
       "Shaoyao, was she requested? Seeking you and me to plead?"
       Ruyi thoughtfully looked at the peony.
       Shaoyao shook his head and said softly: "No, it's a slave-servant who can't bear ..."
       Ru Yiping just asked softly: "You tell me, why did you run into her again?"
       "Just yesterday ..." Shaoyao didn't dare to hide it, and she said all the things she took Aman to the Yuhua Garden and the rose yesterday, and then said: "The slave-servant also knew that this matter should not be told to let Niang-Niang is annoyed, but the slave-servant looked at the rose really too pitiful. When he was in the East Palace, the slave-servant and the rose lived in a room together, doing things for the Niang-Niang together. Although the rose did not follow us to the east lane, but In the past, serving Niang-Niang was also considered attentive. Yesterday the slave-maid thought all night, in the end, sympathizing with her ... "
       Ruyi nodded and said to Shaoyao: "You can find her to see me."
       There was a smile on the face of Shaoyao, but he did not run out immediately, but hesitated a little, not knowing whether to continue to comb Ruyi hair, or to go find the rose immediately. Ruyi smiled and took out the comb in the hands of Shaoyao, and said, "Go find her, this house-filled waiter, can't find one to comb my hair."
       Seeing that Ruyi had made a decision, Shaoyao smiled and rushed out of the house.
       Ruyi took a comb and combed his hair for himself, looked at himself in the mirror, sighed in his heart, turned around, looked at a group of Palace-Lady standing in the room, and clicked on the Palace standing in front of him-Lady, asked aloud: "What's your name?"
       The named Palace-Lady heard the expression, and there was a surprise expression on his face, but he quickly and respectfully bowed down and replied softly: "Slave slave grass."
       "Fangcao, right? Will you comb your hair?"
       Ruyi asked aloud aloud, but the fragrant grass nodded again and again and said, "The slave-servant had learned from the old palace before. If Niang-Niang does not dislike it, let the slave-servant comb the hair for Niang-Niang?"
       Ruyi nodded his head and handed the comb to Fangcao.
       Fangcao endured the ecstasy, took a deep breath, and hurried to Ruyi side, carefully picked up Ruyi hair, and began to comb it slowly.
       "Niang-Niang's hair is so beautiful, black and bright. Is it good for the slave to brush Niang-Niang with a fairy bun?"
       Fangcao was combing and flattering softly. Although Ruyi was once served by several of them in the palace, they were rarely brought close to her. Most of the time, peony was responsible for her work. Only able to lay hands underneath, now it can be seen to show his face. Naturally, it is up to try to make Ruyi remember them.
       Ruyi didn't think much and nodded.
       Shaoyao quickly took Rose to Chaoyang Temple, and Ruyi also combed her hair under the hands and feet of Fang Cao Ma Li.
       Fangcao craftsmanship is indeed ingenious. The bun comb is excellent, not tight, and it is very beautiful with the pink butterfly love flower hairpin that Zhao Qingze sent her. Ruyi originally thought that the technique of Shaoyao lactiflora was already very good. I didn't expect this fragrant herb to be much better than Shaoyao.
       Even Ruyi couldn't help but glanced at the mirror a bit, but might as well have a different look at the others around her. It seemed that one or two were hidden, but unfortunately she was only used to let the peony serve With.
       When she walked outside the hall holding Fangcao hand, Rose was already kneeling on the ground.
       At first glance, I saw that Rose was not a plump body. Now she is as thin as a piece of paper. The white gown washed on her body is estimated to be the original. At this time, she was very loose on her body. When he lifted his head, his face was sallow, and he looked at the face better than Shaoyao. She stood next to Shaoyao, but she was far behind. It seemed that she did not endure hardships. It is no wonder that Shaoyao had moved her heart.
       Rose saw Ruyi and knocked Ruyi three times in a row, watching Ruyi eyes excited.
       "Niang-Niang ..."
       Rose didn't say a word, she was already in tears.
       Ruyi just sighed softly without speaking, but Rose had already leaned over and cried: "Niang-Niang, the slave-servant was wrong, the slave-servant was wrong, you forgive the slave-servant ..."
       "Mo have to say it!"
       Ruyi had no mood to listen to Rose crying, but interrupted Rose's words aloud and said, "I don't blame you for the situation."
       "Niang-Niang ..."
       Rose expressed emotion on her face, but Ruyi didn’t look at her, but looked down at the teacup beside her. Without much emotional fluctuations, she slowly said, "You and I are in trouble for a while, now you are suffering, I It’s also unbearable to watch. ”
       Ruyi signaled that Fangcao came to the front, Fangcao nodded, and took a purse to Rose and handed it over.
       Rose looked up at Ruyi in a puzzled way, but she saw Ruyi eyes over her, and her expression was gentle.
       "There are a hundred Silver-Taels, not many, but not too many! I think you are so smart, you should always know what to do with this silver to change your situation. This is also the only thing my old master can replace. You did it."
       "Niang-Niang, you have always been kind and generous, slave-servants do not want money, let slave-servants stay by your side!"
       Rose's eyes glared at the pack of silver, but she shook her head again and again, and began to wipe her head at Ruyi again. The peony standing beside Rose was a little bit unbearable when he saw it. He couldn’t help but yelled out and wanted to plead for her: "Niang-Niang ......"
       Ruyi glanced at Shaoyao indifferently, but told her to never say anything again.
       Ruyi withdrew her gaze, looked back at Rose, and continued: "Mo Yao said, I won't use you anymore, take the silver and leave!"
       Ruyi took the tea pot and took a sip of the tea, but the cold expression on her face told everyone that she was impatient.
       Rose was still not reconciled and still wanted to ask for love. She looked at the peony pleadingly, and she couldn't bear it, but when she thought of her cold eyes, she knew she had done something wrong and could not speak again.
       Rose saw that the peony ignored her and could only continue to knock on the ground by herself, attempting to use this method to make Ruyi change her mind. The clever fragrant grass and several other palace people smiled and stepped on Rose's hand, Pulling the rose hard to stand up, while covering her mouth, she smiled and said: "My Niang-Niang is kind, although you have carried the Lord, but Niang-Niang still thinks about the past sentiment. I’ve given you a hundred Silver-Taels, and you don’t have to measure anymore! "
       Rose was dragged down by covering her mouth, and the expression on Shaoyao face was unbearable. She walked silently to Ruyi side, but suddenly heard Ruyi say: "Do you think I am particularly cruel?"
       Shaoyao may wish to suddenly ask such a sentence, but it shook his head subconsciously and said: "No, Niang-Niang should do this, it is Rose himself."
       Ruyi suddenly sighed and said, "Don't blame me for doing this, but Rose, I dare not use it anymore!"
       "Nubi understands."
       Shaoyao nodded.
       Ruyi shook her head and slowly said: "There are other reasons besides what you think. Although you met with Rose is an accident, but I don't know if this accident is artificial. Whether it is true Whether it’s an accident or a fake accident, I don’t want to take this risk. ”
       "The reason why I asked you to call Rose to give her money is not because I am in love, but I don't want to fall into the real world. She was waiting for me anyway."
       "Niang-Niang ..."
       Shaoyao vaguely grabbed the clues in Ruyi words. She looked at Ruyi with a pale face, but listened to Ruyi whispered: "Shaoyao, you are with me at Dongxiangkou. You are always special in my heart. However, you and I live in this Chaoyang Temple now, which is no longer the situation outside the palace. You have to grow a little bit, and don’t continue to be confused! "
       "Niang-Niang is a foolish slave."
       Peony is pale, and Ruyi feels a little unbearable. She knows that peony is the most heartfelt to her, but this time, the people around her need other than heartfelt.
       "I hope you can accompany me to go on, I don’t want to say more, my master was originally not smart, and there is not much qualification to teach you, but some basic, I hope you can know and remember If you continue to do this, I think it’s good for you to find a home for you as soon as possible. "
       Ruyi finished saying this, but stood up.
       Seeing this, Fangcao, who had returned from the treatment of Rose, quickly and wisely walked to Ruyi side and supported her.
       Rose looked pale as Ruyi was lifted away by Fangcao. She bit her lower lip tightly, regretting and saddening again.
       When Zhao Qingze came back for lunch at noon, he looked at Ruyi frowning expression and couldn't help asking why.
       Ruyi didn't conceal it. To tell the truth, Zhao Qingze smiled and said, "Your Yato is so heartfelt, you don't want to think about it!"
       "I know, just ..."
       Ruyi sighed. Zhao Qingze touched Ruyi face with a smile and said, "Your Yato treats you like you treat me. No matter how stupid or stupid you are, it's always my wish, and I can protect you. Your Little Yato, be stupid, be stupid, so heartfelt, and you can also protect her. "
       Ruyi heard that, but she did not take it seriously, but her face was not exposed, just put some dishes for Zhao Qingze and put them on the plate.
       Zhao Qingze finished his lunch, but did not accompany Ruyi to take a nap, but accompanied Ruyi to walk around the garden, and then returned to the Imperial Academy. Ruyi only thought that he was in trouble and did not stop him, and he returned to the house for lunch by Fangcao.
       Zhao Qingze walked out of the harem, and the expression on his face was darkened. When he walked to the front of the Yushu study with a sullen face, he suddenly stopped and said to Deng Xian behind him: "You put Xian, De, Li 3 Fei came to Yushu Study. "
       Deng Xian's face was slightly surprised, but he bowed down.
       Running errands, while he stood in front of the door of Yushufang and waited.
       But half an hour of effort, Deng Xian saw Xian, De, and Li 3-fei coming with them. All three fei were wearing gorgeous palace costumes, and the hairpins on the hair buns were ringing, which was obviously well packed. Only came after. Among them, Xiande 2-fei has been carefully dressed, but it does seem to be dignified and soft, while Li Fei is more outstanding, and the whole person looks very beautiful.
       The three Fei palaces are not in one place, they are far and near, and now they will come together together, it seems that they have discussed it.
       Deng Xian whispered secretly, but he smiled and greeted him up.
       "The three Niang-Niang are well, the emperor is waiting for you Niang-Niang in the study, please come with nucai."
       "Trouble Deng Gonggong!"
       Xianfei had a smile on his face, and the people around him immediately handed a purse.
       Deng Xian took the purse and squeezed it under his sleeve. A smile appeared on his face. It seemed to be a silver ticket inside.
       "Niang-Niang is welcome!"
       Deng Xian narrowed his eyes with a smile, and looked greedy and a villain. It made Xianfei and others secretly despise it. Deng Xian was a man who was an elder, he could naturally see it, but he also did Care, bow down and lead the way.
       On the way, after Xian Fei and De, Li 2-fei looked at each other, they suddenly whispered and asked, "Deng Gonggong knows, what's the matter with the Emperor calling me to come over?"
       Deng Xian heard the words, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but the answer was dripping: "This nucai really doesn't know. The emperor only let nucai summon three Niang-Niang!"
       Xianfei didn't get the answer he wanted, and his face was slightly unsightly, but he still smiled gently and continued to ask: "That Deng Gonggong knows the emperor's mood now ..."
       "Three Niang-Niang, it's here!"
       Deng Xian raised his smile and bowed to the door.
       Lifei couldn't help but glared at Deng Xian, but Deng Xian, as if he hadn't seen it, whispered to the door: "Emperor, the three Niang-Niang have arrived!"
       After a while of silence, Zhao Qingze's low voice came out: "Come in!"
       Deng Xian stepped forward, respectfully pushed open the door of Yushu Study, stood outside, and sent the three feis in. Then, as soon as they walked in, the door behind was closed by Deng Xian again.
       Xianfei and the three of them walked into the Yushu study room and jumped a little in their hearts. They couldn't help feeling nervous. They looked at Zhao Qingze, who was sitting at the desk and holding a book, and his face was unconscious. With a soft smile, he walked to the middle of the study and bowed and knelt: "Chenqie meets the emperor!"
       Their heads had not been lifted, and suddenly a book-like thing fell in front of them.
       The three were startled and couldn’t help but look at Zhao Qingze, but they saw Zhao Qingze said in a cold voice: “I ’m thinking, is it just that I ’m dazzled, or the people underneath are sloppy, use the former father Empress palace The expense account book has been sent to me! "
       Xian Fei had a bad hunch, but Dee-Consort and Li Fei seemed a little confused, and did not understand what Zhao Qingze meant.
       Zhao Qingze suddenly stood up, slowly walked down from behind the desk, and walked in front of the three kneeling people. The black boots embroidered with the Golden Dragon slowly fell before the account that was dropped, and said softly: "You also pick it up and take a look to see if the people underneath are wrong!"
       Xianfei lowered his head and said nothing. But Li Fei reached out and picked up the account book, just hurriedly turned over, but did not see anything.
       "The three of you said to me first that you want to save the cost of your harem and save money to support the disaster-stricken area. I thought you were really worried about the country and the people, and gave this matter to the three of you, but I Looking at the account book today, I was really surprised. It was just that my harem was not as good as the harem when the emperor was in power. How many fei pins are there in my harem, not even half of Empress Gongfei Pin in Tai Shang, The high position Fei Pin has geometry again, Guifei doesn't spend his time in the harem, and there are only a few people above Pin fei. You really opened my eyes! "
       Every time Zhao Qingze spit out a word, Xianfei and others lowered their heads by an inch.
       For a long time, Xianfei leaned heavily and knocked a head, said: "Chenqie is guilty, Chenqie is not doing enough!"
       Although the emperor said that it was the responsibility of 3-fei, no one could escape at this time, but Xianfei knew that the emperor had given her the power of the harem. At this time, she was mainly responsible, and now something happened, She is the main person in charge.
       Dee-Consort didn't speak, but leaned over and pleaded guilty with Xianfei. Lifei opened her mouth and justified: "Emperor, Chenqie is guilty, but Chenqie is lazy and didn't really care about it. Chenqie didn't know."
       Zhao Qingze gave a smirk glance at Li Fei: "A good sentence is uninformed. If I had someone check your cost, I really feel that you are innocent. This time, it was you who said that the cost reduction was proposed by you. Since then, the person who spends the most money is you! "
       "Chenqie ..."
       Lifei didn't even know that Zhao Qingze would investigate so clearly, but for a moment, he was speechless.
       "Both of you, if you don't do a good job, do you want to stop? I look at it, you are just being courageous and cheating!"
       Zhao Qingze looked disgusted, and what he said made both Xianfei and Dee-Consort pale.
       "Chenqie damn it!"
       Xianfei tapped his head again, and Dee-Consort still silently tapped his head.
       "A few days ago, the three of you invited me to tell me how much money I saved in the harem. If it weren't for the people below, I still don't know if my harem was arrogant and extravagant, you dare to be bold and cheat Withdraw the expenses of Tai-Consort to fill the loopholes for yourself. Jin Tai-Consort with my Huang Didi, if it is not found in time, the possibility of the child in the belly is not guaranteed. By then, everyone in the world will know me Disrespecting the elders and treating their brothers harshly. "
       "Chenqie doesn't dare!"
       Xianfei, Dee-Consort, and Lifei were already terrified and trembling. They didn’t even know that a small thing would cause the emperor to be so angry. If the crime was taken down, they were enough to be beaten into the cold palace. Too.
       "Dare not, what do you dare not!"
       Zhao Qingze shot it on the table with a smirk on his face: "Dare you dare to do this kind of thing, don't you just watch the Tai-Consort people down? One day, I am down, you dare to do it!"
       "Emperor, Chenqie would not dare to do such a thing!"
       The three of them just didn't lean over. If they had much hope when they wanted to see Zhao Qingze, then how afraid they would be when they saw Zhao Qingze, they only wished they would faint now, but they didn't dare Halo, I was afraid that if I passed out at this time, I would wake up and be in a cold palace.
       "What are you afraid of!"
       Zhao Qingze just snorted, but suddenly fell silent.
       Li Fei was bold and looked up secretly, seeing that the emperor's expression was not as horrible as she had imagined. She took a deep breath and said: "Emperor, Chenqie knows wrong, Chenqie I know that the emperor still cares about Chenqie and others, otherwise, they will not call the three Chenqie to the Royal Study ... "
       "You're smart!"
       Zhao Qingze twitched his lips slightly, his eyes somewhat mocking.
       "Chenqie knows that the emperor has always been generous and kind ..."
       Lifei said softly, but she also wore a high hat for Zhao Qingze.
       Zhao Qingze just smiled softly, but said: "Get up!"
       Li Fei should be the loudest, while Xian Fei and Dee-Consort haven't recovered from the panic of the genius. Several people barely stood up with their hands on their backs.
       But listening to Zhao Qingze said again: "I will not punish you this time, it is not to ignore this matter."
       "You are all old people who have been with me for many years, and I don't want to make things inseparable. But that doesn't mean that I can tolerate you making the second mistake again."
       The three heard that a heart that had just been relaxed was raised again.
       "If you let me discover again, I think, without further ado, you should know how to do it yourself!"
       The three did not answer, but Zhao Qingze was able to see their panic from their low heads. He didn't slow down his tone, he just continued: "I threw the account books to you and took them back to study hard. I don't understand and it's okay. I will send you two old palace people to help you, so as not to mess up the harem It's so bad! "
       "Chenqie understand!"
       When Xianfei heard the last sentence, she understood that the emperor wanted to take her power. She was only in charge of the harem for the emperor, so she didn't want to think about anything else.
       Finally, when Xianfei and others stepped out of the Imperial Study Room, Zhao Qingze suddenly said: "In a few days, it will be Crown Prince for a hundred days. You have to take care of this matter. If there is another mistake, I would not blame you. "
       When the three men turned their heads to look at Zhao Qingze, he was looking down at the show with his head down, as if the sentence was just suddenly thought of casually. But in the hearts of the three, there was suddenly a cold feeling.
       When they stepped out of the Imperial Study, the sun was shining on them, so that they seemed to have recovered a little of their body consciousness, and they felt the cold sweat on their backs. I feel a little distracted.
       Deng Xian stood outside the door of Yushufang, and his expression on his face remained the same. When he saw Xianfei and the three came out, he smiled and bowed to salute, and said, "Three Niang-Niang, are you going back to the palace? Congratulations to three Niang-Niang! "
       The three barely pulled the corners of their mouths, and they couldn't help but say the old fox, but said with a smile: "Deng Gonggong is more polite!"
       Then he quickly walked a few steps, the smile on his face fell.
       When Xianfei walked at the forefront and walked out of the Zhaoyang Temple to the cloth where he was coming, Xianfei stopped and turned to look at Dee-Consort and Lifei with a smile on his face Tao said: "After a few days of the hundred-day banquet of His Royal Highness Crown Prince, since the emperor gave it to me and waited, will the two Mei-mei go to the sister palace to discuss it carefully, and I will make another mistake!"
       Dee-Consort was hesitant and embarrassed.
       But Li Fei said directly: "Sister Xian Fei, now the person in charge of the palace affairs is you, Mei-mei will not add chaos!"
       Dee-Consort nodded when he heard the words, obviously it was rare to want to respond to Li Fei words.
       And Xianfei heard a burst of depression in his heart, but the expression on his face was softer, and the temperature was judo: "Mei-mei Mo Yao said so, the emperor only asked me to take charge of the palace affairs, and the emperor was in the royal library. What I said was that I and three others were in charge of hosting the Crown Prince Hundred Day Banquet. Mei-mei people must not be humble! "
       "..." Lifei was a little speechless. She really didn't want to take this matter, but when she thought of just arguing that she had no Management, what the emperor said, she knew that if she really didn't care, something happened, The same cannot escape responsibility.
       Thinking this way, she also inevitably had a layer of depression.
       Dee-Consort apparently thought of going with Li Fei, so she finally said only a faint tone: "Since Xian Fei is invited, Mei-mei would not dare."
       After saying this, he was on his own cloth.
       Li Fei didn't speak, but also expressed her harmony with her actions. However, at this time, the mood of the three people was invariably blocked by a depression.
       It’s not their son, but it’s their fault to let them bother to hold a hundred-day banquet. It’s their fault; if it’s done well, it’s Guifei ...
       How can there be such a cheap thing in this world that Guifei has taken over!
       However, these words, they can only hold in their chests, and dare not spit out. Not only did they dare not spit it out, but they had to hold back this anger and give Guifei and her Crown Prince a good host for the hundred-day banquet, and strive to be perfect and without any mistakes.
       Otherwise, the emperor might be able to do a good job with them together with the account of the previous thing!
       The three cloths fell before Xianfei Qingfu Palace. All three of them got off the sedan with a smile and walked to one place. There was no haze in their faces.
       Dee-Consort and Lifei smiled and walked into the main hall of Qingfu Palace with Xianfei, and immediately Palace-Lady got tea.
       Xianfei was not in a hurry. He took the tea lightly and took a sip of tea, then wiped the water stains that did not exist in the corners of his lips with a veil before he said: "Hundred Crown Prince's Hundred Day Banquet How to do it, let's discuss a charter first! "
       "Since the emperor solemnly explained to us, he naturally hopes that the Crown Prince's 100-day banquet will be more solemn, but we can't make the decision.
       Dee-Consort's words are stable and stable, but the meaning of the words, Lifei immediately said it for her: "Also, we say this is good, in case Guifei Niang-Niang does not like it, I am afraid that I will also mess up this errand. ! "
       Li Fei words are a bit yin and yang, but Xian Fei and Dee-Consort both take it for granted, and are both in deep thought.
       "The two Mei-mei said that since this is the case, it would be better for us to discuss a few charters first and let Guifei Niang-Niang decide which is better, we will do it again!"
       "Isn't this going to see Guifei Niang-Niang? Will the emperor agree?"
       Lifei heard the grievances of the stomach, the emperor's guards were tightly closed, and even if they went to Guifei, they would be afraid that they would hurt Guifei, and they just refused to see them. WTF!
       Xianfei was also a little silent, and finally just whispered: "This matter is also for the hundred-day banquet of His Royal Highness Crown Prince, Guifei Niang-Niang and the emperor will understand."
       Dee-Consort nodded silently, and the two looked at each other, but they were a bit sorry for each other. Nowadays, they only think of themselves as a wooden man who has no emotion and does not understand jealousy and grievance.
       Ruyi didn't know that the 100-day banquet of the Aman would also attract Xian, De, and Li 3-fei. There was such a storm in her heart. After waking up at nap, she stood up with Fangcao, and then let someone inform the general. Aman hugged over.
       It seemed that Aman had just woke up at noon, and Xiaozuer yawned, and he began to leave haraz in his mouth again. Ruyi couldn't help but smile and shook his head, but suddenly thought of something, while wiping his mouth for Aman, he asked Wet-nurse and said: "Aman drools all day long, is it going to grow teeth? ! "
       She remembered that her colleague said that when a baby starts to grow teeth, she will drool, and she likes to put things in her mouth to grind her teeth. Aman also loved to nibble her little hands.
       "Guifei Niang-Niang, His Royal Highness Crown Prince is now only three months old. It usually takes four months for children who have teeth early."
       "That's it!"
       Ruyi was a little disappointed. She touched Aman's little head and couldn't help but ask some more things about children, such as how many babies are called, and how many people got up and crawled ...
       Wet-nurse was interested in seeing Ruyi, and quickly said everything she knew to Ruyi. From time to time, she flattered Ruyi by saying something that praised Aman.
       While talking about happiness, there was a sudden sound from outside the house, raising his head wishfully, and Fangcao immediately cleverly went outside the door. Soon afterwards, he came back and told Ruyi: "Shaoyao Miss, want to come in and serve Niang-Niang, but Niang-Niang just instructed to let Peony Medicine Miss, think about it, don’t wait for these days, outsiders. Stopped the peony Miss, "
       Fangcao did not say anything about Shaoyao to come in, but Ruyi probably also heard that.
       She sighed silently in her heart, but she came down hard and said to Fangcao: "You go out and say to peony, it's my meaning, let her go back and think about it, and come back to serve me in three days!"
       "Yes, Niang-Niang!"
       Fangcao retreated slightly outside with a bow.
       Ruyi heard the voice outside the door gradually weakening, she squeezed Aman's little hand, and suddenly her heart began to drop a little. To be honest, she was really reluctant to treat peony in this way, but since she returned to the palace, she became more and more arrogant and indifferent, and she could not condone it anymore.
       I only hope that Shaoyao can figure it out, otherwise, she can only ask the emperor to release her from the palace.
       Zhao Qingze came back early in the afternoon, but fortunately when he returned, Fangcao persuaded the peony away, Ruyi holding A Manzheng and Zhao Qingze talking to her old palace.
       If he came back, he let the old palace people retreat, and let Wet-nurse take Aman away, and walked to Zhao Qingze with a few things, the tone was a little bit pleased, and said with a smile: , But now I have time to listen to Chenqie's report to Zhaoyang Temple and guide Chenqie by the way! "
       Listening to Ruyi slightly playful words, Zhao Qingze couldn't help laughing, and stretched out his hand to scrape Ruyi nose, saying: "Isn't the Guiyang Niang-Niang all responsible for the Zhaoyang Palace, why not ask?" I am the emperor! "
       "Since the emperor is the biggest, and Chenqie doesn't have to ask the emperor to answer the question?"
       Zhao Qingze shook his head and took a few things from Ruyi, but did not open it, and threw it directly to the side. He suddenly hugged Ruyi and said: "These things don't need to be reported to me, if you don't understand, let me Deal with your old palace! "
       Ruyi didn't know whether she should be happy about the trust Zhao Qingze gave her, or whether she was sad that Zhao Qingze underestimated her ability, but listened to the other party and said, "I don't listen to this Zhaoyang Temple, but you give me For the clothes I do, I am very concerned about the progress! "
       Ruyi Wenyan couldn't help laughing, broke free from his arms, stood up, walked to a cabinet beside the bed and opened it, took out a set of personal clothes from inside and handed Zhao Qingze a smile: Know that I just made it today! "
       "I knew it myself!"
       Zhao Qingze did not take over the suit, but put Ruyi back in his arms and sighed softly: "Ruyi, this is so good!"


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