Chongfei 80

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       If so, I felt relieved. I was thinking about when to let Cao Lao Fu-ren and Jiang Xiaojie go to the palace. The next day Cao Lao Fu-ren He even handed a sign into the palace.
       Ruyi is naturally accurate, let Fangcao lead Cao Lao Fu-ren over.
       She was still thinking about how to comfort her. Who knows, when she saw Cao Lao Fu-ren, she was all amazed. Cao Lao Fu-ren looked at it, it was really not It seemed like he was angry or sad, but he was excited with excitement.
       "Aunt, are you ..."
       Ruyi made tea served and asked curiously.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren just smiled again on his face before he said: "Thanks to the emperor's choice of Jiang Xiaojie for my family Ruier, otherwise the Cao family really lost their faces!"
       Ruyi didn't comment much, but just whispered: "Auntie looks good too!"
       To be honest, ordinary people face the huge sums of the daughter of the 5-Grade small official family and the prime minister’s family. In most cases, they will not hesitate to choose the latter. Cao Lao Fu-ren is just because the first one is not a promise Hesitated about the promise, which is considered to be a good relationship for myself.
       "Hey, to be honest, without the emperor's persuasion, the old man might have chosen the Huang Big-Xiaojie. If she chose her, the old man would really regret it!"
       Cao Lao Fu-ren sighed and the smile on his face fell: "This prime minister, Fu-ren, looked at such a knowledgeable and gentle man, how could her daughter do such a thing. "
       Cao Lao Fu-ren was thinking about it now, but she was also terrified. The feeling of being together was really unbearable for her.

       For example, the opinion Cao Lao Fu-ren was so worried that he quickly took the tea and drank it to Cao Lao Fu-ren, and then asked about the following things.
       She just followed Zhao Qingze to listen to some gossip yesterday, and it was only those rumors that spread. The follow-up things were totally unknown!
       "Yesterday I heard the news when I went to the banquet outside. I didn't have time to respond. I was terrified at that time! Fortunately, the Jiang family was also there. Wasn't the old body rushed out of the palace the day before and informed the Jiang family about this matter? Sincerity, I also gave Jiang Xiaojie a pair of jade bracelets that the Cao family passed to Erxi as a token, so the Jiang family didn't think much about it, and helped the elders and others explain at the banquet. At that time, Huang Fu-Ren is here too, but the old body can't control her face anymore, she Xiaojie so defamed my family Ruier ... "
       Cao Lao Fu-ren Speaking of which, an angry look faintly appeared on her face. Ruyi is also a mother. She naturally understands her mood. She is so vilified as a treasured child, can you not be angry? ?
       "There were also a lot of Fu-ren going to the banquet at that time. When I saw Jiang Xiaojie wearing our Cao family's token, I naturally believed it, and I didn't believe the rumor spread outside. And the emperor's decree came by coincidence. He went home after the banquet, and happened to be here. This time, it completely broke the rumor that the Cao family wanted to climb the Huang family! "
       Cao Lao Fu-ren Speaking of here, she just felt that she was very happy. She didn't tell Ruyi that when she entered the palace, the news had already turned and became the Huang family Big Xiaojie I couldn't find a suitable target because I was too old, but I was fancy with Cao Rui, but was rejected by Cao family. I was so annoyed that this kind of news came out and vilified Cao Rui!
       According to this kind of news, Cao Rui is a man, and now he has also ordered a clarification. Naturally, it has no effect, but Huang Xiaojie, it is estimated that the reputation is not very good.
       But Cao Lao Fu-ren didn't know the stupid, nor the charity. She naturally could see how the news came out, and now that person just took it for himself!
       Ruyi was slightly surprised, but at this time she had just listened to a gossip, and did not intend to think deeply. She just smiled and said: "At first, the emperor said that she was afraid that the rumor would hurt the faces of Cao Jiang and the two, so I would tell more about my aunt and Jiang Xiaojie into the palace, but now it seems that it is unnecessary! But, I I really want to look at Jiang Xiaojie. I didn't look carefully at first. Miss who can give aunt a glance is naturally a good Miss! "
       Cao Lao Fu-ren smiled and laughed: "If Niang-Niang want to see it, you can pass it at any time. This is the honor of Jiang Xiaojie! Moreover, Jiang Xiaojie was known as Jiang-Xiao since childhood. Lao Fu-ren is raised in front of him, knows the book rationally, has a gentle temperament, is a very sensible child, Niang-Niang will definitely like it when he sees it! "
       Ruyi listened but couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing. Although Cao Lao Fu-ren first entered the palace, he also praised Jiang Xiaojie, but it was absolutely not as good as it is now. Satisfied.
       As far as Jiang Xiaojie is concerned, Huang Xiaojie is making trouble this time. In any case, with comparison, in the future, I am afraid that the relationship between the mother and daughter will be much smoother.
       "Look at my aunt, this Jiang Xiaojie has such a good Popo in the future, it is so happy!"
       Ruyi said with a smile, but unexpectedly Cao Lao Fu-ren said seriously: "This is really not an old-fashioned self-important boast. Looking at Jiang Xiaojie to be an old Erxi, this is what Jiang Xiaojie is really good! "
       Ruyi nodded conscientiously and said smoothly: "Wet-nurse is so praised. I can't wait to see it. I'm calling someone to pass her into the palace now, and let her spend a lunch in the palace by the way! "
       Having said that, he told Fang Cao to take a sign to the eunuch under him to pass on the succession.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren saw it, but hesitated a bit, and couldn't help but say, "Niang-Niang, this Jiang Xiaojie is usually a door that doesn't go out of the way. They are all led by elders. If you only pass her into the palace to see Guifei Niang-Niang, I am afraid that you will be anxious! "
       Ruyi listened to these words, but felt that Cao Lao Fu-ren really loved this Jiang Xiaojie, so he nodded, and made a benevolent relationship, saying to the grass: "Jiang Jiang Xiaojie's Grandmother come with her mother! "
       Fangcao smiled and promised, before retreating.
       The eunuch who had sent Zhaoyang Hall to Jiang Family wished to be surprised at the sudden summoning.
       Although the Jiang family is a big clan, there are many people in the family, but it really has nothing to do with the palace. Therefore, except for the occasional palace banquet in the palace, the female family of the Jiang family had the opportunity to attend, and had no chance to enter the palace on most days.
       After listening to Guifei call, the Jiang family was a little panicked.
       Jiang Xiaojie’s mother, Jiang 2-Fu-ren, was a little panicked and wanted to call his maid to dress up with her daughter, but it was a little difficult when she arrived: "This is the purpose of entering the palace suddenly, the clothes are not specially prepared , There is no new jewelry, what can I do! "
       Having said that, he looked at Jiang Lao Fu-ren, who was sitting on the top of his head, and said: "Mother, do you want people to choose in the shop now!"
       Jiang Lao Fu-ren heard that it was someone who had seen the big scene anyway. Although he was shocked in his heart, he calmed down quickly and laughed: "This Guifei Niang-Niang call is probably due to Cao Lao Fu-ren's reason, I heard that Cao Lao Fu-ren and Guifei Niang-Niang have a very close relationship. Guifei Niang-Niang is estimated to have listened to the rumors of yesterday and wanted to replace my family. Let’s make a face! You don’t have to wear new clothes. I think the clothes Weier wore with me last time were pretty good. Just dress up that day! "
       "That clothes has been worn in front of Guifei Niang-Niang once, will it look respectful enough!"
       Jiang 2-Fu-ren was a little worried, but Jiang Wei said with a smile: "Mum, you worry too much, Guifei Niang-Niang Noble forgets things, and how can I remember what clothes I wore that day, besides, people now Go to the shop and choose, maybe you can choose the right one! "
       "Weier said that it's always bad to wait for Guifei Niang-Niang to wait for a long time. Moreover, since Guifei Niang-Niang wants to see Weier, he doesn't mind what Weier wears!"
       Jiang Lao Fu-ren smiled and shook his head. After all, this 2-Erxi was born in a small household. It was enough to cope with it on most days, but when he encountered a big scene, his cowardice showed up. It's Weier. Fortunately, she was nurtured by her since she was a child. In the future, she will be married to Cao family.
       Although the Cao family is looking thin and thin now, it can't stand Cao Rui fortune, and the deep emperor's trust, Cao Lao Fu-ren is also the emperor's Wet-nurse, and the biological mother of Crown Prince, now the highest in the harem. Guifei Niang-Niang has a deep friendship. And Weier may be the best one among the sisters in the future!
       Jiang Lao Fu-ren had a smile on his face, and was cleaned up by the maidservant beside him waiting for the change of clothes.
       The three ancestors of the Jiang family were led by the eunuch of Zhaoyang Palace, and they just walked in with their heads down. They did not dare to look up indiscriminately and entered through the side entrance of Chaoyang Temple.
       Jiang Wei walked behind her mother, and she only felt extremely nervous. Although outside the palace, her Grandmother had always told her not to be nervous. Today, she is the protagonist. If Niang-Niang asks questions, just say it and let it go. My heart is good, but after all it is Guifei Niang-Niang.
       The story of this Niang-Niang, she also heard from outside the palace, is mainly too legendary.
       From the humble Palace-Lady to the position of Guifei Niang-Niang, the son born is also Chu Jun, which is almost unheard of. I heard that she was the Empress Dowager who appreciated the humble Shiqie in the East Palace. When the Emperor was still the epidemic when Crown Prince was banned, he resolutely took care of the Emperor and spent the suffering with the Emperor. He was born for Crown Prince at the entrance of Dongxiang The only heir of the emperor is His Royal Highness Crown Prince. The emperor's love is not only for her to be Guifei, but also for her son to be Crown Prince, and even eats with her and lives in the Chaoyang Palace, spoiling her alone ...
       On that day, Crown Prince had a hundred-day banquet. Although she also participated in the banquet, she sits far away and could only see the expensive clothes and accessories on Guifei Niang-Niang. She could not see what she looked like. She also toasted with Grandmother and Guifei Niang-Niang, but she was so nervous that she dared to look up at Guifei Niang-Niang.
       Jiang Wei thought about it until she was taken into the house by the impeccable Palace-Lady, she only woke up and wanted to see Guifei Niang-Niang!
       She took a deep breath, followed her grandmother and mother into the room and knelt down to salute.
       She only heard a smile with a gentle voice: "You don't have to be polite, sit down!"
       As soon as the voice fell, someone took the chair with them.
       Jiang Wei got into his seat with his head down, but still only made a small half of his ass.
       "This is Jiang Xiaojie, don't be nervous, look up and show me!"
       Jiang Wei heard the beautiful female voice of Fang Cai again, and she subconsciously raised her head slightly, but her eyelids were still drooping, and she dared not lift it up. When she entered the palace, her Grandmother repeatedly told the rules. Don’t look up at Noble, she certainly doesn’t dare to look up.
       Ruyi looked at Jiang Wei nervously, but couldn't help but chuckled, and said to Cao Lao Fu-ren: "Jiang Xiaojie is too good!"
       Cao Lao Fu-ren smiled and said for Jiang Wei: "Jiang Xiaojie has never been to the palace, so naturally it is restrained, Niang-Niang is not strange!"
       After all, turning around and gently comforting Jiang Wei: "Jiang Xiaojie, Niang-Niang is a kind person, don't be nervous! Look up!"
       When Jiang Wei heard Cao Lao Fu-ren, the tension in her heart was a little less. Cao Lao Fu-ren had been treating her very kindly. She probably knew in her heart that this future It would be her own Popo, if she was allowed to see Cao Lao Fu-ren, she would naturally be nervous too, but seeing Cao Lao Fu-ren at Guifei Niang-Niang could reduce her tension. At least this Lao Fu-ren is familiar to her.
       She finally raised her head obediently, and her eyes also saw Guifei Niang-Niang sitting on the couch.
       She was a little surprised when she saw it, but she didn't dare to stare at it all the time.
       Guifei Niang-Niang ... seems to be different from her impression. The Guifei Niang-Niang that she remembered should be very luxurious and glamorous, but the Guifei Niang-Niang in front of her is wearing very elegant and homely clothes and only a few accessories on her head. And it doesn't look beautiful. On the contrary, it is very beautiful, and the beautiful look makes her feel ... too young, she even doubts whether she is younger than her.
       But Jiang Wei couldn't help but overthrow his speculation that Guifei Niang-Niang are already Crown Prince's mother, how could it be smaller than her.
       However, the information mentioned in the following Ruyi question surprised her again. This shows that Guifei is really younger than her.
       "Jiang Xiaojie is Erba Fangling this year!"
       If the opinion of the Jiang family is restrained, he took the initiative to speak with the Jiang family warmly. Jiang Lao Fu-ren naturally understood the words and said: "Weir is doing five at home, this year is February 28!"
       "It's bigger than me!"
       Ruyi listened to this and laughed. I also sighed in my heart, Jiang Wei need not say, if it was changed to the previous life, it was probably her age when she was in her third year. At this time, she was ready to marry, and she, who was only 14 years old in this life, entered the East Palace. Now, Aman has passed 100 days.
       She only thought about it for a while, but did not continue to be in a daze. She continued to say this to the Jiang family, and Cao Lao Fu-ren also intended to make Ruyi leave a good impression on the Jiang family, which naturally eased it.
       Slowly, I don't know if the Ruyi and kind attitude made the Jiang family relax, or the role of Cao Lao Fu-ren in it. The Jiang family let go of the tension in their hearts, and were able to start chatting with Ruyi freely.
       I chatted as I wished, and naturally looked at this Jiang Wei Xiaojie slightly. Although she wanted to Bias the peony to pick out some of the other, she had to admit that the other person was indeed the perfect representative of everyone in this era. Appropriate, in dealing with people, even Ruyi feels bad.
       She would not say too much flattery, but she was able to make a few natural and indirect praises in her speech, which made her very comfortable. The occasional jokes and their own stories are not stereotyped but very lively and vivid.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren The wife chosen by Cao Rui is really outstanding.
       Ruyi sighed slightly in her heart, and thought she was deliberately put on the Shaoyao lactiflora. She felt a little surprised, but she still smiled and entertained the Jiang family.
       At noon, Ruyi left the Jiang family for dinner, and because Jiang Xiaojie was also there, Ruyi asked the dining room to send Zhao Qingze another meal. After lunch, Cao Lao Fu-ren and the Jiang's family left together. Ruyi let Fangcao open the warehouse and picked up a few things to give them back, but it was only this time. Jiang's two face-saving things.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren sighed with sighs after leaving the Jiang family. When they were about to go back to the house and lay down, they saw peony coming in from outside.
       "Isn't it your holiday today, how come again?"
       Ruyi was a bit strange, and couldn't help asking.
       Shaoyao smiled and helped Ruyi whisper: "Niang-Niang sympathizes with slave-servants, slave-servants naturally know, but slave-servants are really okay, slave-servants wait for Niang-Niang to take a lunch break!"
       Ruyi didn't know how to say peony, but peony still cares about Cao Rui at this time. Cao Rui affairs came yesterday, but she saw peony all day long.
       "The slave-maid actually secretly saw Jiang Xiaojie again, Jiang Xiaojie was very beautiful, and looked at Aunt Cao as he looked at Jiang Xiaojie, he was very satisfied. The slave-servant was happy for Aunt Cao and General Cao!"
       The smile on the face of Shaoyao is very real and gentle.
       Ruyi smiled and patted her hand, knowing that she said these words from the heart, she didn't know how to comfort, she couldn't help but smiled, and said: "It's okay, Niang-Niang, I'll choose you Better Xiang Gong, imperial examination soon, we will choose from those who have passed the examination ... "
       "Niang-Niang shouldn't make fun of slave-servants. Where can those tribute be regarded as slave-servants? The slave-servants just want to serve Niang-Niang right now!"
       Peony smiled implicitly.
       Ruyi thought deeply about it. Those tributes, to be honest, were good candidates. They selected those tributes who were poor and were not so advanced in the temple test. It won't be disappointed. Not to mention that she and the emperor acted as intermediaries among them, and I am still willing to fight for the big-palace-lady of peony. However, peony is about the same age as hers, but she doesn't have to hurry to marry out.
       "Oh, ah! I won't be able to miss you here for a while, but I have to let you stay with me for more time!"
       Ruyi smiled and shook her head.
       On the days of May and June, the sun at noon is just a bit brilliant.
       At the city gate inspection and prosecution office in Capital City, there were more people than at any time. Over the past few days, candidates from all over the country have gathered in Capital City, Fu Noble's house, but they were driven by carriages and servants. Ordinary people, followed by one or two book boys. After all, those who can go to Capital City to take the test have already passed the Imperial-Graduate position, but when they arrive at the Imperial-Graduate position, the local squires and merchants are willing to make friends, and the local government is willing to hire a small official below, but it will not help There are also local academies or Fu-Noble families who are willing to hire teachers, and the economy is generally not too restrictive.
       A carriage drove far from the official road and stopped slowly in front of the flow of people.
       The coachman who drove the car said to the insider: "Two Imperial-Graduate Lao-ye, my carriage is to be checked at another place."
       "Okay. Let's get off first."
       The car just spoke softly. The car curtain was lifted, and the two schoolboys walked down. Then, they saw the young men dressed by the two schoolboys.
       One of the young men looked at the scorching sun and looked at the long dragon in the front row of the city. He couldn't help frowning. The little scholar beside him saw this and quickly said: "gongzi, you and Chen gongzi are in the shade first. After a break, Liangshu and I went to line up. "
       The young man looked at another Chen gongzi hesitantly and asked, "Wenhan, shall we go to the tea shed first?"
       With a gentle smile on his face, Chen Wenhan nodded.
       Under a big tree in the distance, it is very simple, a rain-proof shed, plus a few tables and benches, an old couple greet people with a large teapot.
       At this time, the dragon grows into the city and the sky is hot. The business of this tea shed is very good. Several tables are full of people. It is really impossible to sit down. There are also people who are not careful about carrying tea under the big tree Drinking.
       When Chen Wenhan walked with the young man in front of the tea shed, he could not help but frown when he saw this scene. When he was hesitating whether to pass by, there were a few scholars sitting there who were dressed up as scholars, and the schoolboy came looking for him, stood up, and vacated a table.
       After the old couple took the cloth and greeted Chen Wenhan, they sits down.
       The tea used for making tea is naturally not a good tea. It seems that it is just a big tea leaf, but it is very thirsty when it is infused with hot weather. Chen Wenhan took two sips before he eased his energy.
       The same is true of the young man who was accompanied by Chen Wenhan, who put down the tea bowl and started talking.
       "Brother Wenhan, where do you intend to settle in Capital City this time? Are there any relatives in Capital City?"
       Chen Wenhan's smile on his face was still gentle, and he seemed to hesitate before he said: "Jingli doesn't have any relatives, but in fact it was a few years ago, my youngest Mei-mei, was elected to the palace at the age of six. Palace-Lady, but for almost a decade, Mei-mei was very young when she entered the palace, and the news at home had been cut off. This time when she entered Capital City, I didn’t know if I had a chance to find her. I plan to settle in Jingli Inn first , Wait for the exam, and then try to find it. "
       "In the palace?"
       The other party frowned as he heard the words and said, "This is not easy to find in the palace. The news in the palace is so intriguing. But I heard that Palace-Lady will see you every six months in this palace. Family members, as long as the information is registered, how can the news be broken? Didn’t Brother Wen Han’s family visit it? "
       Chen Wenhan was a little embarrassed when he heard it. He grinned reluctantly and said, "It's true, I don't hide it. The family is really poor. I don't have any money to go to Capital City to see Little-girl. Later, I was admitted to Imperial-Graduate Better, last year I came to Capital City to take the exam for the first time, I also tried to inquire, but I couldn't find Little-girl at all. "
       "I haven't seen it in so many years, it's no wonder that the news will be cut off." The other party heard it, and he said enthusiastically: "I have a distant Shibo who is an official in Capital City. The official position is not small. It was the intention to surrender to him, but it would allow Seber to inquire for Brother Wenhan. "
       "Why is this so embarrassing!" Chen Wenhan shoved again and again, laughing, "My business is not in a hurry, it's better for Brother Baozong to concentrate on preparing for the exam!"
       Chen Wenhan and Huang Baozong were not classmates. Although they came from a place, they only met occasionally. This time they will only go together in Capital City because they need to go to Capital City to take the exam.
       Huang Baozong did not know the situation of Chen Wenhan's family. He only knew that it was not too wealthy, but there were many people in his family. He only thought that he was an ordinary poor County-Graduate family. I especially care about the people of Mendi, so they really intersect.
       And Chen Wenhan, looking at Huang Baozong's wealthy family and profound knowledge, so he also intends to make friends, the two are like-minded.
       This time, Huang Baozong listened to Chen Wenhan's words, but he helped each other enthusiastically, and when he heard Chen Wenhan talk about the preparation for the exam, there was also a smile on his face: "It is indeed not urgent. With the talent of Brother Wenhan, I am afraid that this time it is I want to stay in Jingli! "
       After listening to this, Chen Wenhan said a few words humbly, but obviously he was very useful to Huang Baozhong's blessing.
       The two of them sits here for a rest of tea time. On the other side, the book boy came over to call people, and the team had already reached their turn.
       Chen Wenhan and Huang Baozong adjusted their entire dress and walked to the gate.
       Chen Wenhan gave up, Huang Baozong checked first, he stood aside and waited.
       However, a carriage suddenly drove up from behind, just past Chen Wenhan and stopped at the inspection office. Chen Wenhan stood outside the team and was just scratched. Now the weather is hot, his clothes are light, and his The clothes were plain again, and soon the blood stains on his arms stained the sleeves red.
       Huang Baozong looked back, but was shocked by the scene.
       But don’t hurt your hands, they still have to take an exam. What if you can’t move your pen!
       "Brother Wenhan, are you okay!"
       Huang Baozong hurriedly lifted Chen Wenhan's broken arm, his face anxious. Chen Wenhan just shook his head, but the expression on his face did not seem good-looking. Huang Baozong was a little anxious and rushed to the driver who was sitting on the side of the carriage and scolded: "How did you catch the car! I hurt you and I will take you to see the officer!"
       "Two gongzi, really embarrassed ..."
       The coachman apologized sincerely, but Huang Baozong's expression on his face was still ugly. He just said: "The carriage should be checked at another place. You drove the car here and hurt people again. Do you know if we are I came to participate in the imperial examination, which hurt my hand ... "
       "Two gongzi, please forgive me. There are women in the car who are inconvenient to check there. This gongzi injury ..." The coachman was about to continue, and suddenly a voice from the car interrupted the coachman.
       Then, a smartly dressed Little Maid walked out of the car and said: "Xiaojie is in a hurry to go home, don't delay here."
       After all, he threw a purse at Chen Wenhan and said, "This is Xiaojie's for you to take and look at."
       "You Little Maid, why are you so ..."
       Huang Zongbao heard that he couldn't help making an injustice for Chen Wenhan. When he was about to step forward, Chen Wenhan suddenly pulled Huang Zongbao and walked to Little Yato, handed the purse, and said warmly: "Since Xiaojie is in trouble, Just go ahead. My injury doesn’t matter. Please take back this purse. "
       Little Maid might as well have Chen Wenhan behaved like this. His eyes couldn't help but look at it more, hesitating to withdraw his purse, and asked softly: "Your injury is really not tight."
       Chen Wenhan just smiled and shook his head. Little Maid slowly walked back into the car, not knowing what was said in the car. The car started to walk again, but the corner of the carriage’s curtain was Was slightly opened.
       "Wenhan, you are too kind, and it prevents me from letting them do theory!"
       Huang Zongbao face was a little displeased. After all, he wanted to make an appearance for Chen Wenhan, but Chen Wenhan spoke for the other party.
       Chen Wenhan just smiled and said: "Noble in Jingli, we are here to participate in the trial, or don't offend! I looked at Fang Cai carriage is very rich, entangled with them, is not good for us. "
       Huang Zongbao was relieved to hear that Chen Wenhan was considering it for him, but he still said in an uneasy way: "I'm afraid of anything, but I am an uncle ..."
       Huang Zongbao said the language was unclear, and he supported Wu Wu, but Chen Wenhan just chuckled and said, "My injury is fine!"
       "Really fine? Will it affect the exam?"
       "It's just the skin that was scratched, and the left hand is hurt, it won't affect me will try!"
       Chen Wenhan explained in a soft voice, but Huang Zongbao words were relieved, and he continued to say: "You didn't say it early, and it worried me for a long time. After we did, we quickly went to the city to find a medical clinic to get medicine."
       The carriage of the Prime Minister's Mansion entered the city gate and drove directly to the Prime Minister's Mansion in Dongcheng District near the Imperial City.
       At a glance, the little man guarding the door opened the door quickly and greeted the carriage.
       The carriage stopped at the prime minister's palace. Huang Jingting helped Maid off the carriage. Before he stood still, he heard a roar: "You still have a face to come back!"
       Huang Jingting turned around and glanced at the source of the sound. It was her father Huang Zaixiang who ran out of the house and scolded him. Although her mother Huang Fu-ren pulled Huang Wenren, looking at Huang Jingting's face was obviously slightly condemned.
       Huang Jingting also put a face on her face and replied Wen Yan: "If the father and mother don't want to see the daughter, the daughter will go back to the meditation pond again!"
       "You ... let you go out again, what else do you want to cause!"
       When Huang Wenren heard the words, he was so angry that he looked at his pretty-looking daughter, but he couldn't stop regretting it, but he was spoiled!
       "What's wrong with me!"
       Huang Jingting slammed his head against it.
       "You haven't gotten into trouble! Who rumored the rumor a few days ago! Don't tell me that you don't know it, your tricks are not in front of me!"
       "Huh ... It's all about me, I didn't even think about the boss of the Cao family!"
       "You dare to say, you apologize to me at the Cao family!"
       Huang Wenren only felt that the blue muscles on his forehead were beating again and again, looking at Huang Jingting who knew nothing wrong in front of him. He really wanted to slap him in the face.
       When Huang Jingting heard Huang Wenren let her apologize, her face was annoyed, and she directly replied: "Why!"
       Huang Wenren's eyes glared at Lao-Da, almost to slap him in the past, Huang Fu-ren saw the situation was not good, quickly stepped forward to stop, and persuaded: "Your father and daughter should not be noisy!"
       After all, she glared at Huang Jingting and said, "This matter was originally your fault. Your father asked you to apologize!"
       "Why should I apologize to the boss of the Cao family." Huang Jingting felt aggrieved, and she replied with wide eyes, "It's all your fault. You told me that I can go to the palace to do Empress. Now let me marry a Lao-Da, I’ll just die! "
       "Who ... who told you that you can go to the palace to do Empress!"
       Huang Wenren heard her daughter's words, but was choked.
       That's right, after looking at her daughter's eyes very high, after pushing several relatives, their family members are like to tease Huang Jingting like this, so that the world's most distinguished men are matched. But at the time it was just a joke, no one took it seriously, who thought that Huang Jingting was really taken care of. Later, after the current emperor came to power, Huang Wenren and Huang Fu-ren really thought about this possibility, and they saw their daughter was too late Being able to find the right relatives has some acquiescence.
       However, all of this is just a little possible, and no one said it on the surface.
       "Just what you said!"
       Huang Jingting ran back to her yard with her face covered in tears.
       "Jing Ting ..."
       Huang Fu-ren When I heard Huang Jingting's words, I was a little bit uncomfortable and couldn't help Calling.
       Huang Wenren stopped but reached out and sighed: "You let the guarding Jingting courtyard, don't let her out."
       Huang Fu-ren couldn't help being surprised, and looked at Huang Wenren.
       Huang Wenren just sighed and said softly: "Fu-ren, if it is for our daughter's sake, don't let her come out to cause trouble again. In the past few days, let her see her relatives and marry them out!"
       Huang Fu-ren also sighed when he heard the news. Now that Jingli is spreading like that everywhere, Jing Ting's marriage is just getting harder and harder.
       She glanced at Huang Wenren hesitantly and asked, "Lao-ye, that Cao house ..."
       "I apologize personally, and don't have a godfather ..."
       Huang Wenren straightened his face and said aloud.
       "Lao-ye went in person, this is too much to praise the Cao family!" Huang Fu-ren Although they also felt that the Huang family was wrong, Huang Wenren personally apologized, this is too much!
       "Fu-ren, what do you know? Cao Jiake must not offend!"
       Huang Wenren sighed, "I Huang Wenren can have today's position, which is only with his head to follow today's holy people. The emperor naturally believed me and gave me a position above 10 thousand people under one person, but the emperor The person I trust most is not me, but Cao Rui. Cao Rui and his mother are the only ones in the Cao family, but whoever dares to underestimate these two people, will ...
       Huang Wenren shook his head, but when he finally left, he said: "Don't be infatuated with Jing Ting anymore, let her accept her temper."
       Huang Fu-ren nodded thoughtfully.
       Huang Wenren said that he really could afford to let go. He apologized to the Cao family. After the early dynasty, in the large public, and the rest of his colleagues were still there, he directly stopped Cao Rui.
       Before Cao Rui reacted, he bowed deeply and saluted.
       Cao Rui hurriedly stopped: "Prime Minister Daren, isn't this a disgrace to the juniors!"
       Cao Ruike didn’t dare to accept this ceremony, but Huang Wenren did it abruptly before he stood up and said, "This is the way it should be. The old man teaches women to no avail. Hope General Cao can have more haihan! "
       "Prime Minister Daren is not like that. It's just a trivial matter.
       Cao Rui didn't even take it seriously, and now Huang Wenren apologizes in another serious way, so he naturally wants to take the matter lightly.
       "General Cao doesn't mind it, it's better!"
       Huang Wenren's smile was awkward, but he nodded again.
       Cao Rui raised a light smile on his face, and said softly and respectfully: "Prime Minister Daren is so, you and I are officials, and you are my elder. I only hope that Mo is not worried about this matter. We all do things for the emperor. Well, it is the matter that the emperor has ordered that we should be most concerned about. As for some minor things, don’t worry about it. "
       "General Cao said the most is that these days, I will also be busy with the imperial examinations, and I should ask General Cao to cooperate in this matter. There are more people in the capital, and when the time comes, the public security, and the order at the time of the trial General Cao needs help! "
       Huang Wenren saw that Cao Rui really didn't mind this matter, and he lowered his heart slightly, and began to talk about other things.
       Cao Rui listened with a smile.
       Huang Wenren watched Cao Rui elevating figure walking slowly away, but he couldn't help but feel sorry for losing this dragon-riding son-in-law, which is also the blessing of their family Jingting.
       Otherwise, what a good family matter!
       The scene that happened after this early dynasty quickly passed through Deng Xian's mouth to Zhao Qingze and Ruyi ears. After listening to Ruyi, he couldn't help but sigh: "This Huang Zhixiang is a real gentleman!"
       Ruyi remembered that when she was in elementary school, she once learned a classical Chinese essay called guilty guilty. She didn’t think it was strange at that time. This was quite wrong for Lian Po to make a guilty punishment. People, in fact, can't keep their minds down. Many things, even if they know they are wrong, can't pull down their faces to apologize.
       As the prime minister Daren, Huang Wenren even apologized to Cao Rui under the public court. It was really ... Ruyi also felt admiration in her heart.
       Zhao Qingze was not surprised to hear that. Since he had chosen Huang Wenren as prime minister, he naturally knew him. He played with Ruyi hand and said softly, "This is what I like most about him!"
       Ruyi listened to this, but couldn't help but turned to look at Zhao Qingze, and said with a smile: "Yes, the emperor is superior, and his eyes are like a torch."
       Zhao Qingze squeezed Ruyi nose ridiculously and stood up from the couch. He said, "I'll go back to the Imperial Academy for approval, and come back for lunch at noon!"
       Ruyi smiled and nodded.
       After watching Zhao Qingze leave, she sits down on the couch again. At this time, Fang Cao walked to Ruyi edge and said softly: "Niang-Niang, in half a month, the slave-woman wants to take a leave with Niang-Niang."
       "Yes! Is there anything?"
       Ruyi asked something strange.
       But Fang Cao said softly: "Nubi's parents want to see the slave, and the slave wants to see Father, Niang!"
       "That's fine, you don't have to be on duty with me that day. See you Father, Niang, what do you need to tell me!"
       Ruyi listened to Fang Cao words, but she couldn't help but feel a little stunned. She also forgot. In fact, the Palace was not completely inhumane to Palace-Lady. For example, the system that allowed Palace-Lady to see his family in the past six months was actually very humane. It's just that she has never used this opportunity. When she was Palace-Lady, at this time, there are always other Palace-Lady looking for her to replace her, and she always agreed to it. Have a good relationship.
       Ruyi thought about it, but looked at the peony standing beside her, and said softly: "Peony, don't you go ... see your family?"
       Ruyi listened to Shaoyao mention of his own family. Shaoyao family members are all in Capital City, and they are their own family after all.
       "The slave maid is gone, lest you get angry again." Shaoyao just replied with a slight smirk. "Just a few years before entering the palace, I was still thinking about seeing. Who knows that every time I see him, I ask the slave maid to ask for money. Every time you are missing, you still have to scold Nubi , no matter whether Nubi are dead or alive in the palace! "
       Ruyi just sighed and said, "Then ... you will accompany me that day!"
       Ruyi couldn't help but wonder, if his family actually lived not far from the capital, would it be like the family of Shaoyao.
       It turned around in his head, then he laughed at himself and left behind.
       To be honest, she was deliberately selling herself into the palace, wasn't she trying to get rid of them? Since entering the palace, she never thought of seeing them again. Before entering the East Palace, she always planned to leave the palace to make a living on her own. Even if she knew how difficult it was for a woman to establish an account in this era, she had not changed herself. Idea.
       Today, she already has her own family, and she will not even think about the family members who have so-called blood relationship with this body.
       Ruyi let Wet-nurse hug Aman into his house.
       Aman has been four months old. Although his small body is still weak, he can turn over by himself, holding his hand or putting a cushion on his back. He can still sit for a while.
       Xiaoyuanyuan sits decently like a doll, and looks very funny.
       Aman also loves to sit by himself, but he will be tired after only sitting for a while. If he removes the mat, he will slowly fall on the soft bed.
       At this time, Aman could not help waving a small hand to protest.
       But today, Aman is the exception. From entering the house, Ruyi was leaning on the cushion to lying on the bed, he has been nibbling at his fat hands, Ruyi holding toys to tease him, he does not like to provoke.
       Hara Zi had to keep his chin and small hands wet, and Ruyi strangely pulled Aman's little fat hand away. Aman also protested and yelled twice. Ruyi suddenly seemed to think of something and let the peony take After Shipa gave herself a clean hand, she reached out and pried openly the mouth of Amman. Her fingers reached into his small mouth and touched it. Sure enough, she felt something bulging and hard on the gum bed under the middle.
       "Long teeth!"
       Ruyi had some surprises, and couldn't help but stretched out her fingers and pressed lightly, and Aman seemed to enjoy Ruyi massage, her small mouth closed and wanted to nibble.
       "Niang-Niang, several slave-servants first discovered it when feeding Crown Prince Crown Prince, and they will have to make a report in the future. I don't want Niang-Niang to have found it!"
       "Do you want to give him something to eat?"
       Ruyi remembered that her little baby had started to add calcium and so on.
       "Niang-Niang, rest assured, Nubi and others have adjusted their meals." Wet-nurse whispered back softly, but did not say much when she listened to it. She didn't understand very much, but just vaguely heard how to raise children. , But the experience she heard in previous life was totally untenable at this time.
       Moreover, when Aman is still drinking milk, other things are not easy to feed.
       It is also because Ruyi knows that she has no experience in raising children in this area, so she has not been rushing to raise a man. Most of the time, how to raise a man is based on Wet-nurse's experience, but she is actually only accompany Play with Aman. If it is placed in modern times, she is definitely an incompetent mother.
       Fortunately, I don’t know if it’s a real mother-child relationship. Although Aman has always been carried by those Wet-nurse, the closest person is still her. Otherwise, it is estimated that it is really unbearable!
       The fact that Aman is starting to grow teeth here is a bit exciting for Ruyi!
       Although she sees the Aman every day and witnesses the growth of the Aman every day, the small changes in Aman's body, Ruyi can talk to Zhao Qingze a lot.
       When Zhao Qingze came back for dinner at night, he was surprised when he heard the description. He also came in and told Wet-nurse to bring Aman, and extended his finger to try to explore Aman’s gums, but was stopped by Ruyi calf, staring at Deng Xian's wet veil. After giving the net, Zhao Qingze reached out to explore.
       Zhao Qingze also knew that he was eager. He obediently cleaned his hands according to Ruyi meaning, and then extended his fingers gently to Aman's mouth. During this period, he was also told by Ruyi to lightly tap.
       Aman's head was comfortable enjoying the gentle massage that his father and emperor had given him on his gums, and the small mouth smashed it slightly. Instead, Zhao Qingze stretched his fingers back a little speechless.
       "It's time for the teeth to show up, I guess it will take some time!"
       Zhao Qingze, like Ruyi, has no concept of the growth and development of children, but just vaguely speaking.
       Ruyi nodded thoughtfully: "I remember when I changed my teeth for the second time before, it also took a long time!"
       Ruyi said this, but it made Zhao Qingze some interested. If Ruyi didn't mention it, he forgot that Ruyi was much smaller than him. He had already changed his teeth for a long time, but I don't know how many years, but Ruyi should still be the former. What's good for a few years!
       "How old do you want to change your teeth when you wish, how long will it take to change?"
       He asked with interest.
       Ruyi heard this but was speechless. She closed her mouth and made up her mind. She turned back to the bed and continued to tease Aman.
       "Don't you say?"
       Zhao Qingze smiled and took Ruyi hand, talking around her.
       Ruyi rolled her eyes angrily, reached out and greeted Wet-nurse to take Aman away, and then said righteously: "Your Majesty, you are the emperor, be serious!"
       "Here, there is no emperor, only your husband!"
       Zhao Qingze smiled and wrapped her waist around her ears, saying that she was blushing and red, "Hurry, tell your family, your second tooth change when you are several years old!"
       Ruyi was ashamed and annoyed, but he was eventually subdued. He obediently told himself when he changed his teeth. He didn't let him sleep until he was tired in the middle of the night.
       In the middle of the night, Ruyi slept a bit dizzy, but heard a loud noise in her ear. She flipped over a bit, and was confused, but found that Zhao Qingze, who was originally holding her asleep, was planning to get up.
       "what happened?"
       She asked vaguely, it was really tired, so her eyes were not opened.
       "It's okay, you go to sleep, I'll go and see Aman!"
       "Aman ..."
       Ruyi was almost awakened and opened her eyes. She sits up from the bed and woke up miraculously: "What's wrong with Aman?"
       "Wet-nurse said it was a bit feverish, and already called Tai-yi, I'll just stare at it!"
       Zhao Qingze also wanted to comfort Ruyi to sleep, but where Ruyi could sleep at this time, she directly crawled over his body with her hair and got out of bed, took the clothes and planned to go to Aman.
       Seeing Ruyi anxiety, Zhao Qingze knew that it was impossible to persuade her, so she wrapped her clothes and accompanied Ruyi to Amman's house.
       When Ruyi and Zhao Qingze rushed to Aman's house, they heard Aman's almost gasping cry before he entered the house.
       Ruyi almost felt that her heart was trembling, and she rushed into the house with little appearance.
       In the house, Wet-nurse was whispering while holding Aman. When they saw Ruyi and Zhao Qingze walking in, they were also in a hurry to beg for peace, but Ruyi could not take care of her at this time. She hugged Aman over her small face, hugged him in her arms, and gently coaxed.
       If Zhao Qingze was comforting on the side, Ruyi would only be afraid that she would collapse and could not bear crying.
       Since Aman was born until now, his body has been in good health, and he has been taken care of meticulously, and he has never had any illnesses. The words of how difficult the royal heirs have never been reflected in Aman. Perhaps it should be said that Zhao Qingze The pair of mother and son Ruyi and Aman were protected from the harem, and the protection was airtight.
       This time, Aman was the first to get sick with such a huge force, and naturally let Ruyi panic.
       Zhao Qingze's face was also not good-looking, listening to Aman leaning on Ruyi shoulders and sobbing, thinking about seeing the children who were still alive and kicking at night, but at this time it was absent-minded.
       "Tai-yi, why haven't you come yet!" Zhao Qingze frowned, "Deng Xian, you go to the Tai-yi courtyard again!"
       Deng Xian bowed back.
       Zhao Qingze's order was just issued, and Deng Xian had just left. On the other side, two Tai-yis carrying the medicine box in person ran over.
       "How come two people!"
       Zhao Qingze looked at his unfamiliar face and was a little dissatisfied, but when he saw the crying Aman, he still let the two sweaty Tai-yi see Aman first.
       It turned out that there were not many Tai-yis in the Tai-yi courtyard at night. I heard that the Chaoyang Palace said that His Royal Highness Crown Prince was sick, so these two Tai-yis who were good at seeing children coming. Unexpectedly, the emperor Guifei was here, and it was seen that His Royal Highness Crown Prince was still in Guifei arms. The two of them who had been terrified at this time dared to reach out.
       It was Zhao Qingze who discovered this problem. He softly and Ruyi persuaded him to let Wet-nurse take the child to see two Tai-yis.
       The two Tai-yi were apprehensive to see Aman seeing a doctor under the watch of almost the highest-ranking person in these two palaces. After seeing it, he was relieved.
       On the way when they came, the two of them were actually trembling in their hearts. The children in this harem were the most susceptible to death and were the most easily manipulated. Now that His Royal Highness Crown Prince is the only son of the emperor’s knee, he has received more attention. If they were really as they guessed, it would be difficult!
       But after looking at this, it wiped away the sweat and returned softly: "The emperor, Guifei Niang-Niang, and Crown Prince His Royal Highness are only caused by teething, it is not a big deal!"
       "Why did you get a fever when you teeth?"
       Every mother has something unreasonable when it comes to her own children. Ruyi is also a bit like this. It looks too pitiful to look like Aman.
       But Zhao Qingze had heard of such things, and reached out and patted Ruyi comfortingly, and then looked at Tai-yi and asked, "How long will Crown Prince continue this situation, will there be other diseases later?"
       "This ... every baby is different, and he is not sure."
       Tai-yi said that he was cautious, but Zhao Qingze frowned with dissatisfaction. At this time, Tai-yi requested by Deng Xian also arrived.
       Deng Xian not only invited all the Tai-yi in the Tai-yi Courtyard, but also specially invited the emperor doctor who often treated the emperor outside the palace.
       Of course, after reading this, the answers were similar, and the last group of Tai-yi gathered together to discuss a prescription for Wet-nurse to drink so that the medicine could penetrate into the milk.
       Although it was not a serious illness, Aman was uncomfortable. After crying all night, Ruyi and Zhao Qingze couldn't sleep either, so they stayed in Aman's house for the night, and they didn't know it was Wet until dawn the next day nurse played a role in feeding the milk, or Amman was tired, but finally fell asleep.
       Zhao Qingze and Ruyi only felt that they had found themselves embarrassed.
       After staying up all night, Zhao Qingze had bloodshot eyes, but his spirit was not bad, but Ruyi was pale, and his eyes were dark and green.
       "Go back to the house and rest. I'll come to accompany you as soon as possible."
       Zhao Qingze greeted Deng Xian to come over and wait for him to clean. Ruyi was just about to stand up and help him. He just stood up, only to feel that his eyes were dark and his head was dizzy. If the peony was behind him, he almost did not fall.
       "What's wrong?"
       Zhao Qingze dropped the towel, reached out to support Ruyi, and greeted the doctor who had not left outside.
       "It's okay, maybe it's too tired last night. I'll just go back and lie down." Ruyi leaned on Zhao Qingze for a while, but relieved himself, but didn't feel that he had any problems. Low blood sugar caused by eating!
       But Zhao Qingze was not at ease, and he just let the doctor see it. At this point, he saw a big problem.
       "Guifei Niang-Niang This is an excessively fatigued relationship, it doesn't matter."
       After the doctor finished speaking, he paused for a while before saying: "Guifei Niang-Niang should have been pregnant for two months!"
       Ruyi was taken aback, and Zhao Qingze was shocked by the news. After a while, Deng Xian gave the imperial doctor a reward.
       "Two months, this is not ..."
       At this moment, Ruyi only felt that she couldn't turn the corner. Aman was only more than four months old. How could she be pregnant again, according to the time, this is not because she didn't get pregnant soon after returning to the palace.
       "With pregnancy, just rest well, look at you, stayed up all night yesterday!"
       Zhao Qingze's mouth twitched slightly and greeted the peony commanded: "Help your host go back to eat something and let her lie down."
       "Emperor, will it be the imperial doctor who took the wrong pulse."
       Ruyi felt a little bizarre at this moment, and I couldn't believe it.
       "Fool, the doctor of course said it affirmatively. Take a good rest. I will come back to accompany you after finishing the morning!"
       Zhao Qingze couldn't help but stretch his hand to touch Ruyi belly. Although Zhao Qingze had always been troubled with the issue of heirs, since he already had an Aman, his mind now is basically the same as that of ordinary men. Heir, naturally, the more the better.
       Even if it was a boy, Zhao Qingze felt that he and the children taught by Ruyi, who would understand and live in harmony, would only help each other in the future.
       As the examinations approached, the large and small inns in the capital were already overcrowded and lived with candidates who rushed to take the exam.
       Huang Zongbao waited for the book boy to change into a clean shirt, and walked out of the room door and knocked on the door of the room next door.
       After a while, Chen Wenhan's book boy came and opened the door.
       Huang Zongbao walked in with a fan and saw that Chen Wenhan was sitting at the window with Wen Shu and couldn't help but smiled and said: "Brother Wenhan, you are really working hard!"
       Chen Wenhan only smiled faintly on his face, and did not speak much, reaching for a page.
       In the face of Chen Wenhan's indifferent attitude, Huang Zongbao did not take it seriously. He sits on the side table and poured a glass of water and took a sip.
       "Brother Wenhan, you are invited to go out to play with other examples, and you will be the most able to keep it. You haven't gone out once."
       "My Father, Niang worked hard for me to study, but I couldn't live up to them."
       Chen Wenhan said lightly, and still looked away from the book. But Huang Zongbao words are admired in his heart. His so-called willingness to make friends with Chen Wenhan is because of the anger in Chen Wenhan's body, which makes him admire him.
       He smiled and clapped his hands, and said: "Brother Wenhan said it was very reasonable!"
       Chen Wenhan frowned slightly, but put down the book and looked at Huang Zongbao: "Brother Zong Bao, you stay with me in the inn and don't go to your uncle, is it okay?"
       The two entered Capital City together. Chen Wenhan first accompanied Huang Zongbao to his uncle, who knew they had reached the place where Huang Zongbao said, but the house was closed and the door was empty. Seeing this, Huang Zongbao did not respond, saying directly that he had lived in the inn with Chen Wenhan! There is no trace of trying to inquire people.
       While Chen Wenhan persuaded a few words, Huang Zongbao joked: "I heard that the emperor had cleared a lot of ministers of the Beihan and China a few days ago, maybe I wasn't able to bring my uncle into the world! ! "
       Having said that, the book boy took his luggage and moved into this most common inn with Chen Wenhan, without any qualities of his family. You have to know that it is very expensive to get into the exam in Capital City. Like this humble inn, you usually live in poor students like Chen Wenhan.
       Chen Wenhan later mentioned several times to let Huang Zongbao go to find his uncle, or to let Huang Zongbao live a better inn, let Huang Zongbao take the words to push. Over time, Chen Wenhan was not willing to do more with Huang Zongbao. Huang Zongbao occasionally went out to play with those examples, he also read with a book.
       This time, Chen Wenhan asked Huang Zongbao about it. Huang Zongbao shook his fan when he heard the words, but he still didn't take it seriously: "It's okay, wait until I've finished the exam!"
       After finishing this sentence, he seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "You don't say I almost forgot, don't you want to find your Little-girl, I asked, now in the palace The list is being registered outside the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can quickly register one, maybe you Little-Sister will be able to see it, or we can ask those of the Ministry of the Interior to see if you have a Little-Sister! "
       Chen Wenhan might as well have Huang Zongbao to take this matter into his heart. He smiled a little reluctantly and said, "I don't need it anymore. I'll concentrate on preparing for the exam. Wait until after the exam to find Little-Sister!"
       Huang Zongbao disagreed, saying: "It's important that you prepare for the exam, but it doesn't take much time, and you study in the house all day long, or go out and walk."
       He didn't pay any attention to Chen Wenhan's resistance and reached out to Chen Wenhan directly. Chen Wenhan couldn't, but could only go out with Huang Zongbao.
       The inn where people stayed temporarily walked to the place Huang Zongbao said, but it was not close. One was in the east and the other was in the west. It almost crossed half of the capital.
       Huang Zongbao was full of enthusiasm. The two used the breakfast to get out of the inn, but it was good to walk around.
       Capital City does not know whether the candidates will gather immediately, or the prosperity at the feet of the emperor. The streets and alleys are full of people and people, and Huang Zongbao has always been a person who loves to join the bustle.
       But Chen Wenhan felt a little annoyed and couldn't help but urge Huang Zongbao to lead the way. Huang Zongbao was only anxious to find his Little-Sister, so he no longer looked around, but took the road wholeheartedly.
       The two took a lot of roads with the book boy, only to go to the place where Huang Zongbao said the registration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after sweating and panting. But there was a small office beside the palace, and a table was set up at the door, where two eunuchs sits.
       "Why are there queues everywhere!"
       Huang Zongbao glanced at the long line, and could not help frowning.
       Chen Wenhan was already impatient, but everyone came here, he just wanted to finish the work early, so that he could go back, so he went silently to the long queue.
       Huang Zongbao didn't say anything when he saw him, and he also stood aside with Chen Wenhan, but he was a bit bored and talked to a man and a woman who looked like a middle-aged couple standing in front of him.
       The middle-aged couple looked at Huang Zongbao in rich clothes, but took the initiative to answer Huang Zongbao words.
       "His daughter was sent into the palace at the age of seven, but she saw her in the first few years, but in the past few years, she couldn't see anyone back, and couldn't go into the palace to find someone!"
       The middle-aged man sighed. The middle-aged woman at the other end said coldly, "Your daughter is not because she has become rich and wealthy, where can she control her life and death?"
       When Huang Zongbao heard the words, he knew what was going on. He couldn't help but got up and asked, "What can you say about Big-Shu!"
       Chen Wenhan looked at Huang Zongbao gossip like the city's ignorant women and children, and looked down on him, but there was no expression on his face, but he stood quietly and listened.
       "You said, there is really no way to live in this family, and we wouldn't think of selling our daughters to the palace to be a Palace-Lady. That dead Yato didn't understand the hard work of our parents at all and hated us for this. Life at home is difficult, and there are a bunch of children to be raised underneath. That is also her younger sister Di-Sao! She is not willing to help her family with the monthly money, and she hides from us deliberately! "
       "Say few words!"
       The middle-aged man felt a little embarrassed and yelled in a low voice. The middle-aged woman glared fiercely at the middle-aged man, and said, "Your daughter can't do anything like filial piety to her parents. I'm the mother saying what happened to her!"
       After all, looking at Huang Zongbao seems to have found a confidant, and then complained: "This gongzi, you said, we are Father, Niang, we have worked hard to raise her, she treats her Father, Niang like this , Does this make sense! "
       "Ha ha……"
       Huang Zongbao just laughed and didn't speak, but the face behind the fan had a regretful expression. Why didn't he find such a Big-Niang to talk?
       When he was about to avoid the conversation with the couple, Chen Wenhan, who was standing beside him, suddenly opened his mouth and said seriously: "Children should be filial to their parents, Big-Shu your daughter does, indeed It's wrong! "
       Huang Zongbao frowned, pulled Chen Wenhan's clothing corner, and said, "Wenhan, the sun is shining brightly here. We went to the side to stand and let Liangshu guard them."
       "it is good!"
       Chen Wenhan had no objection to this proposal, as Huang Zongbao came to the shadow under the eaves on the side.
       Who knows, just one stop, Huang Zongbao frowned and reminded: "Wen Han, don't let that couple cheat!"
       Chen Wenhan looked at Huang Zongbao puzzled.
       Huang Zongbao whispered, "This couple, you see that Big-Niang is saying that her family is struggling to sell her daughter and ask her to ask for money, but you pinch the clothes she is wearing, there is no patch, and there is still a plug With a gold hairpin, it looks like it is not a gold package, but it is ten percent of solid gold. It can be seen that the hardship of the family is used to bluff people. "
       "You said, ordinary people, if they can't afford to raise their children, they will have the heart to sell their children, and they will be sold to the place in the palace where people eat and don't spit bones."
       Huang Zongbao said this, but he saw Chen Wenhan's face was not good. He couldn't help but knock his head and quickly said: "Wen Han, don't get me wrong, I don't mean your home, I know, your home is definitely not It’s time to send your Little-Sister to the palace. I just remind you that the couple is not a good person, and you see that Big-Shu is talking to her about your daughter and your daughter, 80% are stepmothers. ! "
       "It's okay, Many Thanks Brother Zong Bao reminds me, otherwise I really believe it!"
       Chen Wenhan smiled reluctantly, his face didn't seem to care at all.
       "Um, don't blame me for being unobstructed!"
       Huang Zongbao smiled happily, "However, that Big-Shu is a stepmother who will have the heart to sell her stepdaughter, isn't her child not distressed! Otherwise, who would live with her mother would think of selling her daughter? !
       The sun was burning, although Huang Zongbao and Chen Wenhan were standing in the shade of the corner, they still felt a little dry, so they didn't talk anymore. After a while, they saw that Huang Zongbao book boy came over to call them , The team is almost lined up to them!
       Chen Wenhan and Huang Zongbao also breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted the entire dress and walked toward the front.
       When I walked to the team, I realized that it was the turn of the middle-aged couple who had spoken to them.
       The eunuch sitting behind the table asked in a cold tone: "What is your daughter's name and where is she on duty?"
       "My little girl's surname Li, changed her name to Shaoyao after entering the palace. It was originally responsible for the Donggong sprinkling. But I haven't seen it for some years, but I don't know where it was assigned?"
       "What is your name?"
       The eunuch's tone brought a strange look and repeated the question.
       "After entering the palace, she changed her name to peony."
       The middle-aged woman was frightened when she heard the words, and she said again quickly.
       The two little eunuchs whispered two words, but they took out a booklet from the back. After opening, they asked softly: "But the information registered when you entered the palace was this? Look at your daughter's birthday. The eight characters, the date of entering the palace, are the same. "
       "Where does the literary woman read!"
       The middle-aged woman laughed, but glanced at her husband in a panic. In the past years, she only asked two routine questions. Registering a name would be fine. How can you ask so carefully this year?
       "Then I will tell you."
       The eunuch did not have a trace of impatience, and checked the information with the couple.
       The couple felt correct after hearing it, but nodded hesitantly and did not dare to hide it.
       When the two young eunuchs nodded at the sight of the couple, they suddenly showed an attentive smile on their faces, and they repeatedly said: "It turns out that the two are the parents of Aunt Shaoyao. Your second oldest waits so long. "
       Having said that, they took the tea water to get the two to drink.
       The 180 degree change of attitude of the two eunuchs made Shaoyao parents a little stunned.
       They took the tea with some hesitation. Although they had a dry mouth, they took a sip carefully, and then asked, "This Gonggong, my family Shaoyao ..."
       "2-Old Lady is very kind, just call me Xiao Shunzi!" The little eunuch smiled on his face, and said: "I don't know, Er Lao. Aunt Shaoyao now follows your master, but he is no longer Little Palace-Lady! "
       "Which noble master is it with?"
       Peony stepmother put down the tea bowl, but could not wait to ask.
       "In this palace, who can truly be called your noble, besides the Zhao Guifei Niang-Niang in Zhaoyang Hall, who else can there be!"
       The little eunuch's face was mysterious, but he couldn't help revealing to her peony parents: "Aunt Shaoyao accompanied Guifei Niang-Niang to Dongxiangkou to take care of the current Saint, but now Guifei Niang-Niang is the most important People. Blessed are you two! "
       Huang Zongbao, who was standing behind, listened to the words in front of him, a subtle smile floated on his face, blocked his face with a fan, and leaned on the side of Chen Wenhan and said softly: "Gee, Wenhan, look at this, but you can be a chicken and dog!
       Chen Wenhan frowned, but said softly: "Brother Zong Bao said it, but it's just a Palace-Lady with some faces beside Guifei!"
       "You don't understand this!"
       Huang Zongbao shook his head and said: "Don’t underestimate the close people next to these nobles in the palace. Look at the two eunuchs. Even if you and I can win 1st-Scholar in the future, they may not be able to. Give us such a good look, but just the parents of Palace-Lady next to Guifei, let them be so attentive! "
       "There are more gates in the palace. I am an uncle and a great official, but if I meet the eunuch Palace-Lady with a face next to Noble in the palace, I have to smile and meet, and sometimes I have to stuff my money. Can the energy of those people be underestimated! "
       "Why is this?"
       Chen Wenhan was intrigued by Huang Zongbao statement and asked.
       "If you think about it, who can decide our future and destiny!"
       "Since the emperor in the palace."
       Chen Wenhan's words just fell, but Huang Zongbao shot the folding fan into his own hands and said: "That's right! You think, this emperor can decide our future destiny, the people around him, we can offend Not to mention that Guifei, who is serving with the husband and daughter in front, now eats and lives with the emperor, this favor is almost becoming a segment in the restaurant, blowing the pillow wind casually, such as wanting to promote his relatives, That's easy. It's the Palace-Lady, the eunuch with a little face beside the emperor. It's the same. If they can leak out the master's tone and let us know, or help speak and do something in front of the master, the impact is not Fairly big! "
       Speaking of which, Huang Zongbao suddenly seemed to think of something, jokingly said: "Brother Wen Han, aren't you Mei-mei in the palace? If you have the opportunity of the couple and the daughter in front, you will also be by Noble's side. The official career is very helpful! "
       Huang Zongbao just spoke at random, but Chen Wenhan heard his words but moved his heart.
       Grinding at the front finally sent the couple away, and it was Chen Wenhan's turn to them.
       The two eunuchs also recovered their usual cold faces. Huang Zongbao was not afraid of cold face, gestured towards his book boy, the book boy cleverly handed a purse, saw the two eunuchs received, his face also eased, but Huang Zongbao smiled and said: "Two Gonggong, trouble Help me this friend check where her Little-Sister is on duty today? "
       "Yes, what's your friend Little-Sister's name, who entered the palace that year?"
       Huang Zongbao quickly looked at Chen Wenhan. Chen Wenhan hesitated and said: "Before entering the palace, the family called Chen 6-Girl. This name sounds indecent. I am afraid that it will be changed after entering the palace. It has been nearly ten years since entering the palace. The specific year ... … "
       Chen Wenhan was a bit embarrassed. He really didn't remember the year.
       "For almost ten years, I can probably know when I entered."
       Every three years, the palace will choose a batch of Little Palace-Lady, so there is an approximate time to be able to calculate the specific time to enter the palace.
       The eunuch looked at the money, but he took it seriously, but he did not have the patience to treat the parents of Shaoyao lactiflora, but just said: "Every time I choose Palace-Lady, many people all over the country have to send it, this I didn’t know when I would go through the booklet. You wrote down the general situation of your sister, and I have to look back to find out for you. "
       To say nothing, but to greet the next person to come up.
       Chen Wenhan was completely neglected, and his face was a little embarrassed, and Huang Zongbao had already scolded the castration in his heart, but it was a pity that the wallet he had just given was too big. However, he still smiled and asked the book boy to hand over a purse again, and said: "Then trouble Gonggong to check carefully. If we find it back, we will thank you both Gonggong again."
       Seeing Huang Zongbao generous shot, the two eunuchs were no longer embarrassed to give a cold face, smiled and handed over paper and pen, so that Chen Wenhan filled in.
       When Huang Zongbao and Chen Wenhan came out from inside, they sighed while watching the sun. Huang Zongbao stretched out his waist exaggeratedly, turned his head to look at Chen Wenhan but saw him frowning, and he seemed very unhappy.
       He couldn't help but patted Chen Wenhan's shoulder, comforting: "Don't worry, when the Palace-Lady is released to see his family, I will accompany you to find Little-Sister!"
       "But Brother Zong Bao spent the money!"
       Chen Wenhan just barely bent the corner of his mouth, but said so.
       Huang Zongbao smiled twice, and said very coolly: "This little bit of money and I care about it. It's the most important thing to find your little girl. It's still early, I invite you to try the Jingcheng snacks. Take you on a tour! "
       "No, Brother Zong Bao will go by himself, I will go back to Wenshu!"
       Chen Wenhan raised his hand towards Huang Zongbao, and said goodbye to leaving.
       "Hey ..." Huang Zongbao couldn't stop him. He could only watch Chen Wenhan leave. He sighed helplessly, whispering, "Brother Wenhan looked at everything, but he was too serious and boring! "
       Having said that, he was carrying his own book boy, taking a big step, and rushing towards the prosperous crowd.
       Zhao Qingze left the early dynasty, but he didn't stay much, so he directly planned to return to the apse.
       Who would have known to take two steps, Deng Xian whispered to him softly: "Emperor, Xian fei Niang-Niang is outside to see."
       "Xianfei ..."
       Zhao Qingze's heart was slightly impatient, and then it stopped after a few days.
       Deng Xian looked at Zhao Qingze's complexion and knew what he meant, so he said carefully: "Xianfei originally wanted to see Guifei, but Guifei Niang-Niang was resting, and the people below did not dare to disturb, Xianfei Niang-Niang wanted to see the emperor. "
       "Okay, bring it over!"
       Zhao Qingze rubbed his forehead tiredly with his hand and said out loud, but he was planning to stand here on the way to the harem.
       Deng Xian promised to say hello to the eunuch behind him, and soon after, the eunuch led Xianfei in.
       Behind Xianfei was a lot of Palace-Lady eunuchs, all holding trays covered with palace satin.
       When he came to Zhao Qingze, he saluted respectfully. After eliminating the ceremony, Zhao Qingze just looked at the things and said, "Xianfei, what are you doing?"
       With a soft smile on her face, Xianfei whispered: "Emperor, today Jiangnan tribute more than 100 new silks, so I sent them to select with Guifei Niang-Niang first."
       Zhao Qingze glanced at Xian Fei, only to drop a sentence: "You are intentional!"
       When Xianfei was about to express his position, Zhao Qingze said again: "In the future, there is something to be sent to the harem by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You don't have to bring it to Zhaoyang Hall. Guifei does not lack these things."
       Xianfei smile is a bit stiff, and there is no lack of what it means. Is the emperor already reserved for Guifei, or has he already prepared a better one with Guifei ... Also, although the emperor let her manage the housework of the harem, she said There is no real power at all, and some important places are not the Prince. She took a deep breath quietly and pressed down the emotion in her heart for a long time and said softly: "It is Chenqie who wants to go wrong. Guifei Niang-Niang has no shortage of these."
       She paused, but hesitated and said again: "Emperor, last night, Zhaoyang Palace seemed to pass on Tai-yi, His Royal Highness Crown Prince ..."
       "Xianfei, is it idle to manage the harem for me? Let you come to inquire about Zhaoyang Temple!"
       Zhao Qingze looked at Xiang Xianfei fiercely and said coldly.
       Xianfei took a deep breath, but did not panic. When she came before, she had already thought of an excuse: "Chenqie just happened to know, not intending to listen. Yesterday, Chenqie was unwell and was only known when the palace people invited Tai-yi of."
       Don’t you know? The entire Tai-yi courtyard was moved to Zhaoyang Hall. Xianfei is jealous and uncomfortable.
       "I don't care whether you are intentional or unintentional, keep your own responsibility, if you don't want to manage the harem for me, more people want to manage for me."
       After Zhao Qingze said this, he walked past Xianfei indifferently.
       Ruyi lay in bed and slept deeply. She lay on her side, her eyes closed, her long eyelashes covered her eyes, and her face looked very calm. Her hand seemed to be unconscious, but she put it on her stomach.
       Zhao Qingze's eyes also undoubtedly softened. He reached out and touched Ruyi belly, but took off his shoes and went to bed, and lay down. The movement around him shocked Ruyi, but Ruyi frowned slightly, but It seemed to smell a familiar breath, but just whispered softly, and got used to leaning on the side of Zhao Qingze, and slept peacefully.
       The large dormitory was very quiet, and the people below stood outside, and only the occasional noise of insects sounded in early summer, but added a leisure to this day.
       Ruyi had a deep sleep. When she woke up, it was already in the afternoon. Zhao Qingze was sitting by the bed and reading the book. He felt the movement of Ruyi on the edge. He touched Ruyi because of the hot sleep. With a red face, he smiled and asked, "Is it hot? Did you sweat?"
       Ruyi shook her head, the heat was indeed a little hot, but she had just washed it before going to bed, and the body did not feel uncomfortable.
       "Then get some food. You are eating alone for two people. You haven't used lunch."
       Zhao Qingze carefully lifted Ruyi, so to speak.
       Ruyi also used some dim sum soup before going to bed. She didn't feel hungry until she fell asleep again, but Zhao Qingze said something reasonable. She nodded cleverly.
       The outsiders heard the movements in the house, and quickly took in the grooming utensils and walked in. Ruyi let the peony and fragrant grass wait for them, but they changed into their homely clothes and wore a convenient bun. He didn't wear any accessories, nor did he wear makeup on his face.
       "Right, is Aman better now?"
       At this moment, Ruyi brain was clear, and she remembered Aman's affairs. She planned to go to the Aman's house.
       Seeing her like this, Zhao Qingze couldn’t help but blame and grabbed her and said: “You eat quietly in the house, I let Wet-nurse hug Aman, but you are pregnant now Can the child hug him again! "
       Aman is a child who is too lively, and is seldom at ease when being held in his arms. What if the hands and feet move around and kick in Ruyi belly!
       Ruyi apparently thought of this layer too, although a little sorry, but also nodded.
       When Aman was hugged into the house, he saw his mother at a glance, his small hand opened to ask for a hug. At this time, his small white and tender face was red and swollen, and his eyelids were swollen. He didn't know whether it was because he cried too much last night.
       But Xiao Mo looked at the pathetic pity, and his wet eyes looked at Ruyi, making Ruyi feel soft for a while.
       But in the end it was Gu Nian who was holding it in her belly. She didn't dare to reach out and hug, just stretched out her hand to hold Aman's little hand, and didn't dare to get too close.
       Aman seems to be unsatisfied because of her own demands, and some of her have a temper tantrum, struggling in Wet-nurse's arms, Calling in her mouth.
       "Don't cry."
       Zhao Qingze angrily hugged Aman, and touched the hair sticking to Aman's forehead, but only touched a layer of wet sweat stains, couldn't help but shook his head. Noisy Temper, how the child born could not be quiet for a moment, this sin of yesterday just passed, and now it is lively! "
       Ruyi also saw a thin sweat on Aman's body, lest Aman's head would get cold again, and quickly let Wet-nurse hug and change clothes.
       "You can add less to Aman's clothes, but if you use ice cubes in the future, you should never put them next to him."
       This day is getting hotter and hotter, and it is impossible for a child as young as Aman to live by the ice cube, but it is regarded as suffering! Ruyi felt a little distressed, but Zhao Qingze heard it but thought of something, and said with a smile: "Wait for another month, I will try the temple and the trial is over. I will take you and Aman to live in the Summer Palace. It’s not easy to use ice cubes. It’s cool and suitable for your mother and son. ”
       In the past years, every time when the weather was the hottest, the masters in the general palace would live in the summer palace in the suburbs of Capital City. This was previously mentioned by Zhao Qingze and Ruyi. Ruyi was also doing Little in Jiaofang Palace earlier In Palace-Lady, although Empress Dowager once followed the Emperor Taishang a few times, but Ruyi was just Little Palace-Lady in the small kitchen, but did not catch up, only listened to other Palace-Lady descriptions that Feng Feng had been to After passing the scenery there, it was inevitable that I was a little fascinated.
       Listening to Zhao Qingze's proposal to avoid the heat, she naturally aspired.
       A few days later, when Cao Lao Fu-ren entered the palace to accompany Ruyi, Ruyi talked to Cao Lao Fu-ren about it.
       "It's better to go with us, aunt. It's a good place to recuperate, but it's more comfortable to be in Capital City this summer."
       Cao Lao Fu-ren was naturally happy when he heard the invitation, but he still smiled and refused: "The old man wanted to be with Niang-Niang, but the marriage between Rui'er and Jiang Xiaojie was set at Niang-When Niang went to avoid the heat, there was no other operator in the family except the old one. The old one couldn't walk away. "
       "That's naturally Cao Cao wedding matter! When Cao Cao wedding is about to happen, I will then ask the emperor to take her aunt."
       Ruyi smiled, but did not insist. She originally wanted to say something better. Then she took Cao Lao Fu-ren with her new Erxi. After all, if the emperor arrived at the palace, this Cao must Will follow the protection, this can be regarded as a face to the Cao family, just thinking of peony, Ruyi swallowed the words.
       This one is talking, but the peony medicine first brought a bowl of soup and put it in Ruyi hand, softly said: "Niang-Niang, this is just delivered from the dining room."
       Ruyi frowned unconsciously, and looked at the bowl of soup a little unwillingly.
       And Cao Lao Fu-ren glanced at the bowl of chicken soup with peony, but when he sniffed his nose, he smelled a lot of herbs.
       "Niang-Niang has been sick recently?" She guessed.
       Ruyi picked up the chicken soup and just took a sip. He only touched his stomach with a smile. When Cao Lao Fu-ren saw this, his mind flashed, but he was a little uncertain and asked, "Niang-Niang, this is ... I'm pregnant again!"
       "The doctor discovered not long ago, and now it is still shallow, aunt should not go outside and say."
       Ruyi nodded, but did not conceal Cao Lao Fu-ren.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren heard the words but nodded and smiled: "The old body knows that the old body won't talk outside."
       She was really happy for the emperor and Ruyi in her heart. What she had always worried about was that the emperor had too few heirs. Although there was already a Crown Prince named Aman, the more children, the better. When the emperor once favored Ruyi alone, although she never said anything, she was still a little worried. She didn't expect Ruyi stomach to be so arrogant. This is how long Crown Prince was born and she was pregnant again.
       Thinking of this, Cao Lao Fu-ren glanced at Ruyi with some worry. Although she was happy for the heirs of the emperor more and more, but she was the one who came over and naturally knew more about it, but couldn't help it. Has a little worry about his body.
       In the end, it was too young. When I was pregnant with my first child, Cao Lao Fu-ren could see that I was struggling, but now it was not long before I was born, and I was pregnant with my second child. ! Moreover, after the child is born, Ruyi is afraid that his body will also suffer a lot of losses. It is not that there is no one who has just collapsed.
       And the wishful Palace-Lady background is even better than Xiaojie who has been maintained since childhood.
       But this worry was only a slight turn in Cao Lao Fu-ren's heart, and when he reached his mouth, Cao Lao Fu-ren just smiled and said: "Niang-Niang can be well maintained body."
       Ruyi smiled and nodded, only taking Cao Lao Fu-ren's words as a daily advice, and did not pay much attention.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren just sighed silently in her heart. Although she is the emperor's Wet-nurse, she actually has no more worries than those Tai-yi doctors in the Tai-yi Courtyard, even Knowing this womb, Ruyi will be pregnant with difficulty, but will not point it out.
       Nothing is more important than royal heirs.
       She glanced at the chicken soup that Ruyi was slowly drinking, and asked softly to the peony: "Peony, Niang-Niang Who stewed this chicken soup? You can have a little bit of interest in the Niang-Niang diet."
       "Aunt assured, Shaoyao knows."
       Peony is a little embarrassed when facing Cao Lao Fu-ren, but it still responds with ease: "The herbs used in this chicken soup are all given by the previous doctor Daren, and now the Niang-Niang diet , The emperor made the doctor look carefully. "
       "That's good, then that's good!"
       Cao Lao Fu-ren nodded and said slowly, but the next words with Ruyi were a little absent-minded. Ruyi didn't think there was any problem, just thought that Cao Lao Fu-ren was worried about Cao Rui marriage. Afterwards, Cao Lao Fu-ren didn't want to leave a meal, and she didn't force to stay, so she let go People.
       Cao Lao Fu-ren, after leaving, Ruyi handed the clean bowl to the peony, and she could not help saying when she received the wipes handed over by the peony: "Peony, General Cao and Jiang Xiaojie's marriage is scheduled after the palace test. "
       The smile on Shaoyao face slightly stiffened, but he immediately recovered, and said warmly: "Niang-Niang, rest assured, there is no unreasonable thought in slave's heart!"
       "Stupid Yato, I know it’s not that easy to forget a person, but I hope you can look forward and there will be better and more suitable people than General Cao."
       Ruyi just said softly, watching Shaoyao lowered her head, and didn't say much.
       This kind of thing depends on thinking clearly. If you don’t want to think clearly, it’s useless to say more.
       The test will arrive as scheduled. Thousands of influxes in the capital will be inspected and enter the small houses assigned to the tribute courtyard to start the nine-day examination. The trial is divided into three sessions, each of which lasts for three days, from the four books and five classics to policy theory to poetry and fu.
       Such an exam is not only a test of the candidate's mental quality, but also a test of the candidate's body.
       During the nine-day exam, people were constantly carried out because they could not bear the body. Although the emperor understood the hard work of the candidates and made people place ice cubes and heat relief in the tribute courtyard, most of the readers were free The strength of the chicken is to perform the imperial examinations in the most comfortable days in the spring of the previous year, as some people will not be able to eat, let alone on such hot days.
       As a result, half of the people first lost to their bodies.
       Huang Wenren and Cao Rui also made an announcement earlier than the emperor, but Zhao Qingze just said: "I chose talents to do things for me and to serve the country's society. The talented sick seedlings will then squander the grain in the treasury to raise a useless person. "
       Huang Wenren and Cao Rui heard Zhao Qingze replying like this, but did not make any more comments.
       After the nine-day imperial examination, all the remaining candidates were paralyzed and walked out of the tribute courtyard like walking in the clouds.
       Together, Huang Zongbao and Chen Wenhan found a book boy guarding together at the gate of Gongyuan.
       Chen Wenhan had already been the bow of a powerful crossbow, and when he saw his book boy, the whole person was almost in danger of being paralyzed on the ground, and although Huang Zongbao situation looked better, his yellow face also saw that this was indeed the case. A great sin.
       "You stupid guy, don't even know to find a carriage to pick up the Master, and have no strength to walk!"
       Huang Zongbao complained about his bookboy. The bookboy had long been accustomed to Shaoye's temper, knowing that he was not really cursing him, and smilingly helped Huang Zongbao to the shade, and said with a smile: "Master is waiting, nucai this will rent a sedan chair for the grandfather go with!"
       "Call two! Brother Wenhan probably can't move!"
       Huang Zongbao Called from afar, and looked at him full of energy, not weak at all.
       "Finally finished, Brother Wenhan, let's go out and have fun together at night!"
       Huang Zongbao said excitedly, but Chen Wenhan was already weak and unwilling to speak. Wen Yan just raised her eyelids and glanced at Huang Zongbao.
       He was about to continue to say that when he was going to study, he suddenly heard a distant voice, which made Huang Zongbao stiffen his body and interrupted Chen Wenhan's intention.
       "You boy, don't come home in the capital, where are you going to fool!"
       Chen Wenhan looked up and saw a middle-aged man in the official uniform of Xianhe walking towards them in angrily.
       The middle-aged man has a loud voice, and the more striking one is the official crane uniform on his body, which only Head-1st Grade officials can wear.
       "3-Shu ......"
       Huang Zongbao turned his neck stiffly, his face showing a pleasing smile at the next moment.
       "3-Shu, how did you find it!"
       "You stupid boy, I received a letter from my hometown. I can't wait for the left and the right. I wonder if you can't find the place to move, and you will be asked to find all the big inns in the capital. Then I found out , You even sent all the carriages and guards that your family sent to you, and you came to Capital City with a book boy! "
       "3-Shu, I can explain, I did find it, but in the past, the mansion was already empty, so there is no way to find an inn by yourself, you can ask my friend, he can Testify. "
       Huang Zongbao quickly pulled up Chen Wenhan's defense, and Chen Wenhan might as well be taken upright by Huang Zongbao. His body was somewhat embarrassed, but he quickly corrected his face and said respectfully to Huang Wenren: "This Daren, Brother Zong Bao is indeed I went to search as soon as I entered Capital City. But there was no one there.
       "Yeah! Yeah!" Huang Zongbao grinned and asked to please, "3-Shu, you see I can't help it!"
       Because there are outsiders, Huang Wenren didn't really get angry in front of outsiders, but just smiled and said gently: "You don't speak for him, what kind of temper is my nephew, I don't know yet!"
       After all, he directly pulled Huang Zongbao tone and said fiercely: "Stubborn boy, go home and clean up you!"
       Huang Zongbao knew that it was not so easy for him to go through a hurdle this time, and could only cry with a sad face, and walked with Huang Wenren obediently, halfway down, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, turned his head and Called at Chen Wenhan : "Brother Wenhan, I have to find some time to find you later, you can't move the inn!"
       Chen Wenhan smiled gently and nodded as he stood.
       At the other end, Huang Zongbao book boy who went out to find the sedan ran over, and after seeing this look, he knew that Shaoye had been arrested and couldn't care about the sedan, and quickly chased him.
       Before the tribute to the tribute courtyard, after Huang Zongbao was pulled into the carriage and left, no one left to watch the excitement.
       Chen Wenhan recovered his smile, and just said to the book boy around him: "Let's go, we will go back!"
       The book boy nodded and followed, carefully supporting Chen Wenhan on the sedan chair.
       On the other side, Huang Zongbao, who was caught in a carriage, was uncomfortable. He carefully looked at 3-Shu Huang Wenren, who was sitting opposite him with a face closed and his eyes closed, but his heart was fluttering. Jump non-stop.
       Huang Zongbao is the second son of Huang Big-House, who was raised under Huang Lao Fu-ren's knees because he was cute and sweet since childhood. He was used to almost lawlessness, and he was clever and learned everything. Yes, it makes Huang Laotai-Master love and hate, but it is indeed the most favored one among the juniors. Huang Zongbao enlightenment was taught by Huang Laotai-Master himself.
       In the early years, when Huang Zongbao father was in good health, he was an official in the local area. Huang Zongbao also lived with his parents in the place where his father was an official. Because the father was a local parent official, the mother in the family was spoiled and the work was somewhat lawless. The local hegemony, of course, Huang Zongbao at that time was just a child with a big fart, although love and nonsense could not cause anything.
       Later, Huang Zongbao father resigned because of his physical relationship and returned to his hometown for rest. The days of Huang Zongbao freedom came to an end. The Laotai-Master at home looked at Huang Zongbao Temper and made up his mind to watch him let him study well, and he just gave birth to him. Detained for more than ten years. For Huang Laotai-Master, Huang Zongbao is not very afraid. Although Laotai-Master is strict, he still spoils this little grandson. Occasionally being spoiled will let him let go, but Huang Wenren's 3-Shu is Huang Zongbao most afraid. Yes!
       Part-time student Huang Wenren didn't know what was going on. He paid most attention to this nephew. When he returned to his hometown to see this nephew, he had to give birth to training.
       Huang Zongbao was also detained this time, and finally had the opportunity to go out to let the wind go, so he desperately sent away the group of guards to wait for people, and only brought a small book boy. Shui had a good time before he came to Capital City.
       However, when he saw Huang Wenren at this moment, he was afraid.
       "3-Shu, huh. Actually, I got a good test this time, and I have a good chance of winning the Huiyuan. You see that I have already learned the Yuan in the previous rural exam. Here I will win another Huiyuan. , I am 'Lianzhong Sanyuan'! Ha ha ... "
       Huang Wenren opened his eyes and looked at him coldly. Huang Zongbao smile stiffened in his face instantly, hoping to jump off the carriage at this moment.


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