Chongfei 55

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         Chapter 55 :

          It is obviously a pair of mouse courage, but now the child dares to pluck the tiger's head!
         When Ruyi woke up, she found that she was sleeping alone in the room. Zhao Qingze had no idea when to leave. She rubbed her temples and left the bed in a daze.
         Seeing this, Peony, who was on the side, quickly took a coat and wrapped Ruyi.
         "Fu-ren, nubi let people in."
         Ruyi nodded, and yawned with his hand over his mouth : "Peony, when is it now? When did the emperor leave?"
         "It's Shen Shi, and the emperor left from time to time, and told the nubi to take good care of Fu-ren."
         Peony twisted a towel and handed it to Ruyi, and nodded Ruyi, then wiped his face, his consciousness became clearer.
         "You help me with a simple bun. I'll see Aman in a moment, and then go to the kitchen to see what I use today?"
         Peony nodded, and walked to Ruyi. He swiftly stabbed a horse-stirring for Ruyi, and chose two shiny jade jackets and buns.
         "Your craftsmanship is getting better!"

         Ruyi smiled and praised her, and then withdrew her gaze from the dressing table. "Let's go and see Aman! Don't know what the guy is doing now?"
         Peony smiled and nodded.
         Because Zhao Qingze did not allow Aman to sleep with them in the same room, Aman's room was placed in a bedroom next to their dormitory. .
         When Ruyi arrived in Aman's room, the two Wet-nurse were sitting outside talking, and when Ruyi walked in, her face was flustered, and she immediately knelt down and asked for peace.
         Ruyi look was a little subtle, but she didn't get angry, just asked expressionlessly : "Aman sleeping in the middle?"
         She guessed that although she was a little displeased with the slackness of the two Wet-nurse, she also knew that it was boring to watch the children all the time, and Aman fell asleep. It was not impossible for them to steal a little laziness.
         "Little Prince is not in the house, the emperor took it away."
         One of Wet-nurse answered boldly.
         Ruyi heard the strangeness in her heart, and could not help asking, "How could the emperor take Aman away now?"
         Wet-nurse was silent, and could not answer, Ruyi seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurried out of the room.
         Peony quickly followed, without standing still, but heard Ruyi say, "Go ahead and ask, where is the emperor now?"
         "Fu-ren, this inquiry the emperor's whereabouts ..."
         Peony hesitated, hesitated.
         "Forget it!"
         Ruyi waved his hands and sighed.
         "Fu-ren?" Peony looked at Ruyi puzzledly.
         But when Ruyi suddenly calmed her face, she said, "Let's go to Chaoyang Temple."
         "Chaoyang Temple?"
         Peony was even more puzzled, but when she saw the gloomy look on Ruyi face, this was the first time she had seen her own master, and she followed Ruyi whispering.
         Chaoyang Hall is not far from Zhaoyang Hall, but it is not close. Ruyi walked with Peony-2's feet, but it was a while. Peony originally wanted to suggest that someone be brought up, but when she saw Ruyi face blanked, she dared not speak again. My heart just secretly speculated, what happened to Fu-ren?
         Ruyi was in a hurry, and she was only with Peony.
         Along the way, Ruyi reticence just walked quickly, and Peony followed carefully.
         Until reaching the steps of Chaoyang Temple, Ruyi stopped suddenly.
         Peony Called, looking at what Ruyi seemed to be suppressing.
         Ruyi took a deep breath and slowly walked up the stairs.
         Chaoyang Hall, as the place where the daily ministers went up, was naturally magnificent, but now, although it is still guarded tightly, the door is closed tightly, revealing a sense of decline.
         Ruyi walked up the stairs and when he reached the door, the guard guarding the door stopped Ruyi.
         Peony snapped at Ruyi at the first sight of his opponent's drawing.
         Ruyi reached out and pushed Peony away, approached the guards, and said, "Is the emperor inside?"
         "Chen Fu-ren, I can't let you in without the order of the emperor."
         The lead guard saluted respectfully, but said slyly.
         "You know the identity of Fu-ren, why stop Fu-ren?"
         Peony was anxious when he heard this, and hurried out.
         "Please Chen Fu-ren go back, don't make it difficult for Chen to wait."
         The lead guards saluted with the rest of the guards respectfully, but they did not relax.
         Ruyi pursed her lips and said, "I won't make it difficult for you. Go in and talk to the emperor. I just want to take my son back."
         "Chen Fu-ren ..."
         The lead guard was hesitant.
         Ruyi only smiled slightly : "The emperor just said, without order, I can't go in. If you go in and pass through, he won't blame you."
         "If the emperor blame, I will bear it for you."
         "Chen Fu-ren talked heavily." The lead guard quickly hurriedly bowed his head, but did not plan to move.
         Ruyi had no accident, she knew that her words were nothing in front of the guards.
         She just said calmly : "If you don't make false accusations, then I'll wait here, the emperor will always come out."
         Seeing Ruyi resolute attitude, the lead guard seemed to really intend to wait here, and could only bite the bullet and said, "Fu-ren wait a minute, and then go in."
         The guard arrived at the front door of the Chaoyang Temple. An eunuch unlocked the door and the door was opened. Ruyi gaze looked inside, but unexpectedly he saw more than ten women standing by the door.
         The more than ten women were not dressed like palace maids, and the one standing in front was very gorgeous. When she was about to look closely, she was suddenly attracted by the one standing among the women, and the woman also Seeing Ruyi, his face showed a startled expression, but seemed to react in an instant.
         "Ruyi! Ruyi ... I'm Chunlan!"
         She yelled and ran out of the women, trying to run in front of her, and immediately afterwards, a palace person came forward to suppress her.
         Ruyi blinked, and she took two steps forward, and immediately a vigilant guard stopped her.
         "Ruyi, save me! Ruyi, save me!"
         Chunlan was caught by the palace people, unable to move, but she stared straight at Ruyi, her face panicked, her eyes revealing hope : "Ruyi, I don't want to be locked here, I saved you, you also have to save I!"
         "close the door."
         The incoming guard saw the scene and ordered to the people outside.
         The door was closed, separating the inside and the outside into two worlds.
         However, Ruyi ears still seem to reverberate.
         "Why are they here?"
         Ruyi swallowed, and asked the guard who stopped her.
         "Chen Fu-ren, these are the family members of Rong Qinwang."
         "Rong Qinwang's family ..."
         Ruyi was a little miserable, and she only left the palace for a year. Was Chunlan rewarded to Rong Qinwang by Empress Niang-Niang.
         Rong Qinwang is now banned. It is not surprising that these family members were brought over.
         It was only that Fang Caichun called at her, but she was a little bit nervous. In the past, the two were good sisters, not without feelings. The last time she saw Chunlan, Chunlan came to Donggong to persuade her not to go to Dongxiangkou.
         Although it broke up, she also understood that Chunlan came to persuade her that it was really for her good.
         Now, unexpectedly, Chunlan was also banned. Thinking of what Chunlan and her said at the time, she felt a little sad ...
         "Niang-Niang doesn't care about it."
         Peony recognizes Chunlan, seeing Ruyi face look bad, lest Ruyi manage these things that would cause a nasty thing, and quickly persuaded.
         "I know."
         Ruyi frowned, but said, "This matter involves the front, and it is not my responsibility."
         Although it seems that Chunlan was only a family member who was implicated by innocent people, Rong Qinwang committed a serious crime. In ancient times, one person committed a crime and the family was guilty. There was no way to say that Chunlan was innocent.
         Ruyi did not expect that she would encounter this when she came to Chaoyang Temple, and her heart was a little messy, and her face was even worse.
         Until the Chaoyang Hall door was opened again, more than a dozen women who were standing by the door were gone, and Ruyi eyes fell on Zhao Qingze, who was holding out of Aman.
         A Man's small body was held by Zhao Qingze, but he did not cry, but his face was dull, and his mouth was pouting from time to time. Obviously very uncomfortable.
         Ruyi took a deep breath, pressed down the emotion in her heart, and came to Zhao Qingze.
         "Ruyi ..."
         Zhao Qingze felt a little guilty, and Wen called her.
         Ruyi didn't say a word. She hugged Aman, held it in one hand, and patted him on the back, "Aman, don't be afraid,’Mother is here."
         Ah Man called and pursed her mouth, seemingly aggrieved, and burst into tears.
         Ruyi hugged Aman to his chest, and he couldn't help turning his eyes red.
         "Ruyi, I ..."
         When Zhao Qingze saw Ruyi carrying his body on his back and holding Aman, he knew that she was angry. He had some reasons and couldn't explain it.
         Ruyi heard Zhao Qingze voice, and her heart was angry. She resisted her emotions and did not let herself vent. In the end, she just turned around and gave a cold glance at Zhao Qingze, and then quickly left with Armand.
         "Ruyi ..."
         Zhao Qingze called out, but did not keep Ruyi footsteps.
         "Fu-ren ..."
         Peony didn't know what had happened. Seeing Ruyi leaving, and seeing the emperor's complexion behind him, he didn't know whether he should stay or follow Ruyi.
         Fu-ren even shook his face to the emperor. The emperor also seemed very angry ...
         She narrowed her neck, lest the emperor be angry and held her.
         Who knows, the emperor did not even look at her, and chased after Fu-ren's direction.
         Peony was relieved.
         Ruyi held Aman all the way back to Chaoyang Hall, and drove the people out of the palace, closing the door tightly.
         It was only with a sigh of anger that she held Ah Man back, and now that she was on the bed, she just felt that her hands were numb.
         Xiao Aman, but recovered fast, no longer crying, was placed on the bed in Ruyi, he still murmured, Ruyi sits next to him, he opened his mouth wide, exposing the pink gums, innocent rushing Laughing at his’Mother.
         Ruyi looked at Aman this way, and she didn't know whether she should laugh or keep angry.
         "Your mother is out with your Father for the first time, you have no heart or lungs!"
         Ruyi gently squeezed Aman's little nose, wondering.
         Ah Man waved his little white round hand with dissatisfaction, opened his mouth wide, and kept his mouth drooling.
         Ruyi shook her head, picked up a clean piece of parcel from the side, and rubbed Aman's small mouth, while smiling at the corner of her mouth : "Slobber baby, drooling all day, you should wear a bag."
         This is Prince, the nobleman of gold, who feels that there is no image around a pocket around his neck, and he doesn't care if the clothes are changed and washed.
         Ruyi gently touched Aman's soft hair and sits still.
         Suddenly, the door was knocked.
         "Ruyi, open the door!"
         Zhao Qingze voice came in from outside the room, and Ruyi suddenly lost his smile and remembered the matter just before.
         She picked up Aman again and walked to the door without speaking.
         "Ruyi, open the door!"
         Zhao Qingze voice brought a few commands, but Ruyi was not afraid at this time, even she felt strange.
         She took a breath and called at Zhao Qingze : "Emperor, let's calm down each other! I know I have no right to say that you are not, but as a mother, I also want to protect my children."
         "Ruyi, stop it ..."
         There was a little impatience in Zhao Qingze tone, and he said, "If you don't open the door again, I'll make it hit the door!"
         The suppressed anger in Ruyi heart was suddenly picked up. She knew that she was not capable of resisting his power, but in this matter, Zhao Qingze did the wrong thing, he did the wrong thing, he just hit the door, and she had to insist the same.
         She sits back to the bed with Amman in her arms, but there was inevitably a little bit of cowardice in her heart. What if the door was really knocked open, and what made Zhao Qingze angry?
         She hugged Amman a little uneasily.
         In the end, the door was not knocked open. Ruyi heard the voice of Cao-Wetnurse outside the house, and Cao-Wetnurse persuaded Zhao Qingze to leave.
         Ruyi nervously held the child and walked to the door, but heard Cao-Wetnurse whispered outside the house : "Chen Fu-ren, open the door! The hall is down to the study."
         "Aunt Cao ..."
         Ruyi is a little timid.
         "Chen Fu-ren, His Royal Highness Prince should also drink milk at that time, and I will let Wet-nurse come in. Your Majesty, I will speak."
         Cao-Wetnurse comforted softly.
         Ruyi nodded, but insisted : "Aunt Cao, I'm really upset about today ..."
         "Chen Fu-ren Needless to say, the old slave understands."
         Cao-Wetnurse smiled, and still shook his head while standing outside.
         This Chen Fu-ren is really weird. It is obviously a rat courage, but now I dare to pluck hair on the tiger's head for children!

         Chapter 56 :

          Gently smiled and said : "I am squatting, you sleep!"
         When Cao-Wetnurse came to the study, Zhao Qingze sits facelessly in a chair.
         Cao-Wetnurse gaze looked at Zhao Qingze fingers on the desk, tapping on the desktop, a faint smile appeared on his face. She had taken care of him since she was a child, and naturally knew that it was when he was anxious.
         Cao-Wetnurse came to the table and saluted.
         "Wet-nurse don't need to be polite." Zhao Qingze got up from his chair and walked to the window without talking.
         But Cao-Wetnurse naturally saw that he was waiting for her to speak.
         "The emperor don't have to worry. The nubi have already persuaded Chen Fu-ren, and now Wet-nurse has entered the house to feed His Highness Prince."
         "Hey go and see."
         After hearing this, Zhao Qingze couldn't wait to return to the house.
         Cao-Wetnurse hurriedly stopped : "Emperor, can you tell the old slave what happened?"
         Zhao Qingze retracted his foot that had already been taken out, and saw Cao-Wetnurse looking at him with a smile, sighed slightly, and said, "It's okay to talk to Wet-nurse. You say such a docile person on most days, Robbed the child today and locked him and her in the house. "
         "Old nubi know Chen Fu-ren, Chen Fu-ren is not a person with a small temper."
         Cao-Wetnurse still smiled when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone.
         "Wet-nurse means I don’t understand. It’s true that you are wrong today. You shouldn’t take Aman to that dark place in Chaoyang Palace. Give him a look at Fu Huang ... "
         Zhao Qingze knocked on the desk with his fist, frowning : "I see that I'm too indulgent, so she not keeping my eyes in sight."
         "The emperor must not say so, Chen Fu-ren nubi saw in her eyes, but she was sincere to the emperor." Cao-Wetnurse paused and said, "This woman is a mother, and her child is still small, naturally Care. If it’s a woman who doesn’t even love her child, it’s not worthy of being loved. ”
         Zhao Qingze heard the words, his face moved slightly, turned to look at Cao-Wetnurse who was smiling and looking at him.
         "Is the emperor still remembering the period of banning? Chen Fu-ren will take care of Her Majesty personally, and even her Majesty's three meals a day is also his own. At that time, the old slave felt that he was so considerate to his husband Woman, will be a good mother in the future. "
         Zhao Qingze heard that he lowered his eyelids and said, "This woman, having a baby, I am afraid that all the focus will be on the child. For the sake of the child, she will do whatever she can ...
         "Your Majesty is talking about Chen Fu-ren?" Cao-Wetnurse was a little surprised.
         Zhao Qingze also did not make a statement, but just said, "Women, I'm afraid that's all."
         "Your Majesty said that, but the old slave was included!" Cao-Wetnurse smiled lightly in the corner of her eyes. "The child will be valued, and the old slave admits that when the old slave just gave birth to Ruier, he always I felt that I didn’t love enough. Later, I went to the palace to serve Her Majesty as Wet-nurse. Although the old slave felt honored, I always felt that I was in debt to Ruier. He followed his jealousy ... "
         "Wet-nurse, actually ..."
         Zhao Qingze hesitated for a moment, seemingly trying to say something.
         Cao-Wetnurse smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Chen Fu-ren's mood must be the same as that of the old nubi They all want to be good to their children. But, whatever they do, it really kills a boat. Now the old slave wanted to mention it later, but at this moment, I still feel like talking to His Royal Highness. "
         "Wet-nurse say it!" Zhao Qingze listened quietly.
         Cao-Wetnurse sighed and said slowly : "Chen Fu-ren was born in the palace, her status is indeed a bit low, but she shared the affliction with her Majesty, and now she gave birth to her only son, for her children, I should mention Chen Fu-ren's identity. "
         "I understand."
         "Old slave also knows that His Highness is a loving person and will never treat people around him, but ... Chen Fu-ren has an identity, has no foundation, and is too docile and honest. The old slave thinks ... Should I ask someone? Teaching it a little, Chen Fu-ren is smart, presumably over time ... "
         "Wet-nurse feels like something needs to change?"
         Zhao Qingze asked back.
         Cao-Wetnurse nodded. In fact, people who have always been humble in the palace can hardly sit high, not only because of their identity, but also because of their own qualities. From a well-known background, even if IQ is not enough, receiving a good education since childhood, at least in general, is not wrong. The biggest difference between nucai and the origin of the master is not that they are different in identity, but that they have received different education since childhood.
         Ruyi maid was born, and the education she has received for so many years will only educate her into a small family. She will not be the master of her own affairs when she is in trouble. She is weak and has no opinion, and she only deals with the things she learned when she was nucai. .
         Cao-Wetnurse knows that men don’t think about it, and she only notices it when she looks on coldly. She sees that Ruyi is not really a rotten tree talent. Her temperament and performance are better than those of many maids. It's a lot better, at least she understands her role, and won't be arrogant when she is favored. During the past year, she has a good impression on Ruyi, and naturally hopes that she can go smoothly and well in the future.
         When Zhao Qingze heard the words, he smiled slightly, watching Cao-Wetnurse and asked, “Wet-nurse doesn't think that Ruyi is actually so good now.”
         "The emperor means ..."
         Cao-Wetnurse looked up and saw a smile in Zhao Qingze eyes : "Wet-nurse, I like Ruyi now. She doesn't need to change, and she can't change."
         "But ..." Cao-Wetnurse hesitated, wondering if it should be continued.
         "The woman I want, Ruyi has already done it, what I need is a woman who is completely attached to her, everything she can only give to her, and she only needs to look at her. I don’t want her. Learn to use your own means to seize ... "
         "But if so, how does she survive in the palace?"
         Cao-Wetnurse For a while, it was difficult to accept Zhao Qingze ideas. She felt that Zhao Qingze in front of her was a bit strange.
         "I will always protect her."
         Zhao Qingze smiled with a bit of paranoia, Cao-Wetnurse opened his mouth, and finally sighed.
         The birds that have been kept in golden cages one day are released into the wild, and how should they survive.
         The emperor is more than just a woman. Now she is young and beautiful. With grace and children, the scenery is infinite. One day, her face disappears. The emperor has other newcomers. How should she be at that time.
         Cao-Wetnurse couldn't help thinking about it.
         "Is there anything else for Wet-nurse?" Zhao Qingze glanced at Cao-Wetnurse, and seemed to be going out.
         Cao-Wetnurse just said gently : "Today's matter, the emperor can't blame Chen Fu-ren. His Royal Highness Prince is small, but the younger the child, the more sensitive he is to the outside world, she is also worried! "
         "I know."
         Zhao Qingze nodded, as he was about to leave the study room, suddenly, he heard a sound of object shaking, stepping on the ground under his feet, as if shaking.
         Cao-Wetnurse was a bit old, and for a moment it was a bit untenable, and finally he supported the table, and the pen holder on the table suddenly fell off.
         "The earth dragon turned over!"
         Cao-Wetnurse widened his eyes in horror and called at Zhao Qingze : "Your Highness, run out!"
         Zhao Qingze was holding up Cao-Wetnurse, pulling to run outside.
         Deng Xian rushed in from outside the house and called to Zhao Qingze : "Emperor, nucai will help you to the open space."
         Zhao Qingze nodded, but as if suddenly thought of something, Deng Xian rushed in and called, "What about Ruyi and Aman? Did they run out?"
         "I don't know nucai."
         Deng Xian could not afford to offend at this time, and stepped directly in front of Zhao Qingze, trying to escort him out. He had just kept outside the study, where would he know about the harem.
         Zhao Qingze changed his face, and rushed to Deng Xian : "You go out protecting Wet-nurse."
         In other words, he ran out of the study with a bowed bow, regardless of what kept falling from above.
         Cao-Wetnurse wanted to reach out and stop, with her fingers only touching a ray of clothing. She shoved Deng Xian, who was holding her up, and hissed out in a hissing voice : "Don't worry about me, stop the emperor!"
         This study is not the imperial study of the front hall. Although it is not far from the apse, how can the emperor take the risk, and no one knows what happened this time.
         Deng Xian hesitated in his heart and hurriedly asked : "Aunt Cao, run out yourself."
         In other words, he was chasing after Zhao Qingze before leaving.
         When Zhao Qingze ran out of the study, he saw the palace man rushing outside. He frowned, searching for those who ran out in the direction of the apse with one glance, but did not see Ruyi and Aman.
         The ground motion continued, and from time to time, there was a sound of complicated noises. He was so anxious that he did not dare to have any luck and ran directly in the direction of the apse.
         Before Zhao Qingze ran into the apse, a group of guards suddenly stopped in front of him : "The emperor, it is not safe here, and the officials wait to escort you outside the temple."
         "Go to the apse to find Chen Fu-ren and Big-Prince ..."
         The lead guard heard his face somber and wanted to stop, but when Zhao Qingze seemed to be rushing to the apse, he quickly stopped : "The emperor, please take care of the dragon body, Chen Fu-ren and Big-Prince, the minister will send someone Go find it. "
         "Get away!"
         Zhao Qingze looked embarrassed. He pushed the guard who was standing in front of him and was about to run to the palace, but saw Ruyi holding Aman's footsteps and swaying out of the palace, Peony and Wet-nurse escorted behind him. .
         "Ruyi ..."
         Zhao Qingze stepped forward and stabilized his mind, stepped forward and supported Ruyi.
         Ruyi eyes were red and nervous. When she saw Zhao Qingze, she felt relieved.
         "Let's go outside the temple."
         Seeing that she was so exhausted and frightened, Zhao Qingze hugged Aman, who was crying behind him, and helped her to run outside the temple.
         Ruyi was really scared. No matter in her last life or in this life, she had never encountered a small earthquake. At the beginning of the earthquake, she hadn't responded yet. Until Peony called "ground motion", her brain was slow. The response came over and it was an earthquake. What came to mind was the tragic events after the Sichuan earthquake and the Yunnan earthquake that I had seen on the Internet and on television in my last life.
         She also had no common sense of how to survive in the earthquake. With only a courage, she picked up Aman and rushed outside.
         It's okay to hide in the open land!
         She comforted herself like this. For the first time, she hated the house being too big, as if she couldn't run out.
         Until this moment, she was still panicking. After all, he ran to the open space outside the hall. Ruyi felt that his legs and feet were hard to stand, and his body was still shaking in shock.
         "No fear, no fear."
         Zhao Qingze caressed her stiff back softly.
         Ah Man had been coaxed by Wet-nurse, but he couldn't stop crying. Zhao Qingze supported Ruyi and said softly, "It's all right."
         "Qingze, I'm fine."
         Ruyi took a deep breath, struggling to suppress the lingering Yun Yun, and said.
         The ground motion continued, more and more violent, and more and more people ran out of it. Ruyi looked at the shaking world in front of her, only to think that the house was about to collapse. Her hands could not help but hold Zhao Qingze tightly. However, I don't know if the building in the palace is strong, or how, until the end of the ground movement, there was no scene that scared Ruyi.
         "It seems that this place is only affected by ground motion."
         Zhao Qingze frowns didn't relax at all. They were only affected here, so fierce. How terrible the situation would be if the center moved.
         Now, the only thing he can be thankful for is that this ground motion did not happen at night, otherwise there may be more casualties. What's more, the problems and impacts that the ground movements will bring to him are far more than that.
         These things, he did not show up in front of Ruyi, but smiled and comforted : "You look over!"
         Ruyi nodded noisily.
         "Don't live in the house tonight. I don't know if there will be any movement. I will let people set up a tent here. You and Aman take a break first."
         "Okay." Ruyi knew that Zhao Qingze would definitely have a lot of things to deal with, and didn't want to mess up with him, and nodded obediently.
         When Zhao Qingze was placed in charge by this person, he suddenly found that Cao-Wetnurse did not run out, but it surprised Zhao Qingze and Ruyi.
         Later, when people entered the house and searched, it was a blessing. Cao-Wetnurse just injured his leg by a falling potted plant, but did not hurt the key points.
         And a very few people in the palace were injured, and they were just injured by the dropped objects, which did not matter.
         There were not many tents in the palace. At this time, all the tents were taken out and used by the masters above. For the sake of safety, the palace people did not enter the house.
         Ruyi shared a tent with Zhao Qingze, naturally it was assigned the largest and best one, and it was like a room. The tent was filled with a charcoal-burning stove, warm and dry.
         A Man's small bed was placed next to Ruyi bed. It may be tired before crying, and she was asleep at this time. Ruyi drank the Anshen soup from Tai-yi. I don’t know if it has sleeping ingredients. She also has some sleepy.
         After finally falling asleep, Ah Man suddenly burst into tears and woke her up with a cleverness. She stared straight at Aman's place, but saw Zhao Qingze was bending over and hugging Aman, seeing that she opened her eyes, smiled gently, and said, "I'll just coax, you sleep!"

         Chapter 57 :

          And Zhao Qingyi, a heart that left him with a good heart, did not keep him forever.
         Ruyi got up, put on her shoes, got out of bed, walked to Aman's small bed, and said, "You're tired all day, tomorrow, I'm afraid there are still a lot of things to do, let me coax it!"
         "It's all right, Ah Man fell asleep in a moment." Zhao Qingze smiled, "Now I'm afraid to wake him up with a substitution."
         As he was talking, Zhao Qingze saw that A Man closed his eyes and made a shallow breathing sound.
         "Look, this is asleep!"
         Zhao Qingze said softly that he would put A Man on the small bed.
         "Qing Ze, you can coax for a while, let it go now, Ah Man is expected to wake up." Ruyi took his hand and whispered softly.
         Zhao Qingze nodded and coaxed for a while before putting Aman on the small bed, and gently covering Aman with a quilt.
         Ah Man was coaxed to sleep, and the tent was quiet. At this moment, both of them suddenly felt a little awkward.
         Just before the disaster, the two people couldn't remember the previous events, but at this moment, they both remembered them by accident.
         Ruyi opened her mouth and asked hesitantly, "I'll let the water come in."
         "No need, just just close my eyes anyway." Zhao Qingze said with a smile.
         "Qing Ze ..." Ruyi took a deep breath and whispered, "I was impulsive in the afternoon."
         With that said, Ruyi felt relieved.
         The smile on Zhao Qingze face froze slightly, but he pulled Ruyi hand and said, "I don't think about it."
         Ruyi lowered her head and whispered softly, "Just, in the future, don't you hold Aman where you went, okay? I'm worried about Aman and I'm worried about you."
         Zhao Qingze heard his words but said with a faint look : "It won't happen in the future, just rest!"
         Ruyi heard the indifference in his tone, and sighed, and said, "I know, you will not be happy. However, such a small child like Ah Man is actually very sensitive, and you take him so gloomy. Environment, he will be frightened and not good for him. "
         "Don't talk. I won't hug Amman anymore."
         Zhao Qingze didn't take off his clothes and lay on the bed. Ruyi but sensitive felt his discomfort.
         "Qingze, do you think I inquired about your whereabouts ..."
         She asked tentatively, Zhao Qingze didn't speak, and whispered softly : "I didn't deliberately inquire. The day before yesterday, Aman cried for no reason. I didn't feel right, so I asked Wet-nurse, Wet-nurse said that you held When Ah Man went out, I thought Ah Man had hit something, so I asked where you went that day! "
         Zhao Qingze opened his eyes and glanced at Ruyi.
         Ruyi stiffened her head and continued : "I woke up to see Aman today, seeing Aman's absence, thinking of you holding Aman again to that place, I ... I was impulsive."
         "It's okay, I don't blame you."
         Zhao Qingze patted Ruyi hand gently, comforting.
         Ruyi bit her lip and suddenly said, "I don't know if I should say it, but Kiyosawa, you have been really abnormal recently. Since you became emperor, you have become like a person, and you have always been very strange……"
         "Don't think wildly, what's strange about me."
         Zhao Qingze sits up and hugged Ruyi : "You're more attentive, it's late, sleep!"
         "No, you often can't sleep with excitement at night, and you often feel anxious. Sometimes, you are still absent-minded, as if your heart is empty and you don't care about anything."
         Ruyi said softly, Zhao Qingze expression slowly solidified.
         "Qing Ze, can you tell me something?" Ruyi slightly vaguely guessed that Zhao Qingze had such a strange reason, completely the same as her appearance after the Academy entrance examination that year, and the focus of her life from childhood to age was good. Good school, just to enter a good Academy, after waiting for the exam, I suddenly felt a bit lost, and no goal to move forward. But her condition was just a moment of confusion, and Zhao Qingze was more serious than her.
         Ruyi doesn't want to make the words too clear. Sometimes, speaking out by himself and pointing out to others has two meanings.
         Zhao Qingze looked at Ruyi deeply, without speaking.
         "Don't think too much."
         In the end, he just said such a word gently, then turned his body and closed his eyes.
         Ruyi sighed softly, knowing that it would be useless to say more. She lay on the bed and looked at Zhao Qingze back to her body. Suddenly, there was some sadness in her heart. The body with a sense of security, at this time looking at her, would even make her feel a bit pitiful.
         She reached out and hugged her, resting her face on his back.
         "Qingze, no matter what, Aman and I are always with you."
         Zhao Qingze back trembled slightly, his body slowly turned around, reached out and hugged Ruyi, so that Ruyi face was against his chest.
         Ruyi head lightly froze, and she looked up at his face, his expression gradually softened, and she stroked her back with a pat.
         "In fact, for me and Aman, you are a good husband and a good father. I believe that in the future, you will also be a good emperor."
         Ruyi said softly, the sound seemed very clear in this quiet space.
         Zhao Qingze eyes flickered and he didn't speak.
         Ruyi pursed her mouth and closed her eyes.
         When Ruyi woke up on the second day, Zhao Qingze had no idea when he left. Ah Man had been held by Wet-nurse and fed with milk. He was lying in a small bed playing with a small hydrangea, and was entertaining himself.
         Ruyi smiled and dialed his little hand, and when he got his son "ah" angry resistance, he smiled indifferently. But I was also afraid to make A Man cry, and soon he would stop making him.
         Peony walked in with a basin of water, and couldn't help but smile when he saw Ruyi so.
         "Fu-ren, freshen up!"
         Ruyi knocked her hair down and rubbed her face with a towel, asking Peony a few words outside.
         "Slave heard people say that there was a movement in a county near the capital. The capital was affected because of its closeness. The emperor has ordered this morning. If nothing happens in the morning, he can prepare to move back at noon. It's inside. "
         "Where was the earthquake ... serious?"
         A county or county, in modern times, is equivalent to a province or city, and is a county or county near the capital. The population is generally concentrated.
         "This, the nubi don't know." Peony shook his head in embarrassment, but smiled and said to Ruyi, "Things outside the palace, the nubi don't know, but the nubi know the things inside the palace. Before Rong Qinwang was not confined in the side hall of Chaoyang Hall. The side hall seemed to have not been repaired for too long. When the ground moved, a house beam smashed down. Rong Qinwang failed to dodge and hurt his leg. Empress Dowager Niang- -Niang The Ci-An Palace where I live now has not been properly renovated. I heard that the palace people were protecting Empress Dowager Niang-Niang. When they ran out, they almost smashed the beams. Although they did not, Empress Dowager Niang- Niang is scared! "
         "You heard the news. Although it's messy now, be careful of being punished for spreading messages."
         Ruyi frowned.
         When Peony heard the words, he continued to say : "This is not a slave talk, but a slave listen to the Tai-yi Courtyard. But the slave knows the right way and will not talk."
         She covered her mouth and made a cute look, which made Ruyi smile.
         The noon lunch was used in a tent. Although the ground moved, the food delivered in the royal dining room was no different from the old days. Deng called the eunuch early to inform him that the emperor might not return for lunch at noon.
         Ruyi looked at the dishes on a large table and had no appetite. When he simply used a few mouthfuls to prepare for withdrawal, Zhao Qingze returned.
         "I have someone change the dishes."
         Ruyi lowered her chopsticks and stood up, ready to let Peony go to the dining room to inform her that she couldn't let an emperor eat her leftovers!
         However, Zhao Qingze waved his hand, and said to him : "No need to bother, just add a pair of tableware."
         Speaking, he pulled Ruyi down and laughed, "I haven't eaten your leftovers."
         Ruyi heard the words remembering what happened during the ban, and she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and funny.
         "Look at what the emperor said."
         She took Peony's new chopsticks, picked out some dishes for Zhao Qingze and put them in a bowl, waiting for him to eat.
         "Don't take care of me, eat it yourself!"
         "I've just eaten."
         Ruyi said with a smile, Zhao Qingze saw this and didn't say any more, just enjoying Ruyi service.
         Ruyi looked at Zhao Qingze as if she was really hungry. Although she was still eating, she ate a lot. He finally stopped the chopsticks. Most of his favorite dishes on the table had already been gone.
         After the meal was removed, Ruyi had some desserts and fruits on the table, but Zhao Qingze waved his hands and smiled, "I really eat a lot."
         Ruyi smiled and suggested : "Or go out for a walk and digestion."
         "No need, I have something to do later."
         "Then take a nap! The emperor didn't take a long break last night!" Ruyi said, looking at the blue and black under his eyes.
         "It's okay, I'll be back early in the evening, and you and Ah Man can just rest!"
         If he insisted, he thought that he was really busy, so he didn't persuade him, he just wanted to find some soup to supplement him.
         She thought about it, and suddenly remembered what Peony said to her in the morning : "I heard that Rong Qinwang was injured in the leg, and Empress Dowager was almost smashed. Now they are scared. I want to do something on my side. what?"
         Empress Dowager is anyway the emperor's’Mother, and Ruyi always feels that she should do something.
         Zhao Qingze heard a smile but smiled : "It's all right, you don't need to worry about it. Don't worry about these things."
         After saying that, seeing Ruyi expression on his face, he said with a smile : "I will come to see in the afternoon, and it is a trivial matter."
         Zhao Qingze might wish to bring the matter up, but it is exactly what he said, not a big deal.
         Zhao-Qing Li is completely unlucky. The Chaoyang Palace, as the palace where the emperor once used to go to the court, handle affairs, and even rest, is naturally not bad. Palace people inevitably neglect management. When the ground motion occurred, Zhao Qingli was lying on the bed. If he didn’t run out, he probably wouldn’t have any trouble. He still had to drag a stump to move outside. Where did the half-disabled body hide when the beam fell off? I got it, and just happened to hit another intact leg. The palace man in Chaoyang Palace was originally responsible for imprisoning the person who looked after him. Naturally, he would not give up his life to save him. After the ground moved, he returned to the house to rescue him. -yi After reading it, I just said that this leg was pressed for too long, and it is estimated that it will be abolished, but it really became a disability.
         The Empress Dowager currently lives in Ci-An Palace. Although it is not lived for a long time, as the main palace in the palace, the palace people are also maintained daily. When Zhao Qingze moved to the palace, no one was carefully repaired. The palace woman protected Empress. As Dowager ran out, a beam fell and he almost hit Empress Dowager's head. Empress Dowager was not injured, but was frightened, and he was old, and he became ill that night.
         When Zhao Qingze walked to Empress Dowager's palace, far away, he heard the curse of Empress Dowager.
         There was a smirk on his face, and it sounded like a patient, full of gas.
         "This is a punishment from God!" Empress Dowager patted the floor, calling loudly, covering his chest.
         The other palace men standing by the bed were scared by Empress Dowager's "blunt words". Chen Yuanxiang thought it, but did not think it was the punishment Empress Dowager said to the emperor to usurp the throne, she only thought it was a warning It is a warning to the emperor that he wants to spit that bastard and Shu-son for Noble-Fae and Crown Prince.
         She sits by the bed, thinking absently, wondering if she could do something through the disaster.
         Suddenly she saw the pair of boots wearing black embroidered golden dragons appearing at the door, and she got a start in her heart, saluting from the bed.
         Empress Dowager grunted, turned his head and closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see Zhao Qingze.
         Zhao Qingze smiled slightly, walked to the bed, watched Empress Dowager whispered : "Mother."
         Empress Dowager still closed her eyes and closed her mouth.
         Zhao Qingze didn't mind it either, just whispered, "Even the mother said, Er-chen heard it."
         Empress Dowager's eyes moved and he still didn't open his eyes.
         However, Zhao Qingze laughed : "If it was just like the mother's back, it was God's punishment to him. Why did you stand here intact? Instead, Empress Dowager, you are sick, and Zhao Qingli, He Xinshan left him He didn't keep one of his legs. "
         "what did you say!"
         Empress Dowager sits up suddenly and looked at Zhao Qingze.
         Zhao Qingze just smiled lightly : "If the mother-zi wants to know more clearly, I can come to the palace of Chaoyang Palace and talk to my mother-zi about what happened at that time."
         "However, now I'm thinking, this is a major disaster, and it should be a little happy!"

         Chapter 58 :

          In this way, she can maintain her honor and dignity as the Queen Mother.
         "What happy event?"
         Chen Yuanxiang Called, staring at Zhao Qingze with wide eyes, Empress Dowager also opened his eyes and sits up from the bed with his weak hands, looking tightly.
         Zhao Qingze just smiled and said, "You seem to be interested in this topic?"
         Chen Yuanxiang bit her lip, holding back the anger in her heart and not letting herself be too excited.
         "If the Emperor hadn't said something about Noble-Fae and Crown Prince ..."
         It’s not that Chen Yuanxiang has self-knowledge, knowing that the happy event in Zhao Qingze mouth is not her posthumous event, but that she is afraid to have extravagance now. Although the emperor before being banned was cold, she always kept the rules. It's not bad. Crown Prince after returning to the palace, just like a person, regards etiquette rules as nothing.
         She didn't know that Crown Prince was the case, it was too good to hide! How many days have you changed outside the palace?
         Chen Yuanxiang paused, summoned the courage to look at Zhao Qingze eyes, and said, "The emperor proposed Feng Chenshi and ... Big-Prince at this time, I'm afraid it's inappropriate!"
         "Oh ..." Zhao Qingze face remained unchanged, but he looked at Chen Yuanxiang and waited for her to speak.
         "Chen-shi came from a humble palace girl, and Big-Prince is not a Di-son. The emperor should know that in my dynasty, there have been few cases where a palace girl has been established as Fae. As for Noble-Fae, it is unprecedented, and it is not Di-son is Crown Prince, which is not in line with orthodoxy. "The more Chen Yuanxiang said, the clearer the rules in his head, and finally a smile was spoken on his face and he said," And at this time, he added the previous action. Will the courtiers think that it is the emperor who has the idea and that God has given him a warning? "
         "go on."
         Zhao Qingze listened calmly, Chen Yuanxiang glanced at Zhao Qingze expression, without a trace of anger, she couldn't help but boldly, with a smile on her face : "The emperor, why not, Chen Shi first gave a Head-4- -Grade Noble, and Big-Prince, first raised under the name of Chenqie, and later things calmed down, and then promoted to the rank of Chen Shi, Big-Prince was named Crown Prince.
         "You're intent!" Zhao Qingze glanced at Chen Yuanxiang with a smirk. This Head-4-Grade Noble is just a position below the niches, just stuck under the high Feipin, all above the niches There are places, and under the throne, the emperor can be divided into several people at will, so the throne is also a watershed for women in the harem.
         "How long have you thought since the ground moved?"
         Zhao Qingze walked slowly to Chen Yuanxiang.
         "Did you forget the three imperial edicts that He told you in the first place?"
         "Emperor, although Chenqie is a Chen's woman, Chenqie can't get’Grandfather to play with her father ..."
         Chen Yuanxiang's words were true. That's right, she is Empress, which is really beneficial to the Chen family, but the conditions for paying are too great, and her aunt did not agree. I believe her aunt's opinion is more effective than her in the Chen family.
         Zhao Qingze nodded when he heard the words, and smiled : "I know, so I didn't intend to make you Empress."
         "What does the emperor mean?"
         Chen Yuanxiang looked up instantly, staring at Zhao Qingze with a stun.
         "Actually, if you can tell your’Grandfather to show up with your father, I can think about it, after all, you still have some use, but, just like I expected, have you been so useless?"
         Chen Yuanxiang felt herself immersed in the ice cellar, which made her cold.
         Empress Dowager looked at Chen Yuanxiang's stupid look, cursing idiots in his heart, but he defended : "What is the emperor saying, Yuan Xiang is your uncle wife, she is not smart enough, but one is for you .Since the emperor is just playing around, I have said that it would not be the case that the palace maid was named Noble-Fae! "
         "Would you mind?"
         When Zhao Qingze heard the words, he couldn't help laughing, "I haven't played with my mother-zi yet, but my mother-zi has made a joke with me."
         He stared sharply at Chen Yuanxiang, and said softly : "Mix the contraceptive pill in tea and give it to the woman in the backyard to drink, just in order not to let other women give birth to orphans. Is this all about being alone? No, she will not be allowed to give birth to others. The lonely backyard was empty for more than ten years, and she really did it! "
         "What do you say, emperor?"
         Empress Dowager's eyes widened and he tried to deny it. When Chen Yuanxiang said this, Chen Yuanxiang was already shuddering.
         How did the emperor know about this and what to do? How to do?
         Chen Yuanxiang's hands clasped tightly together, anxious to pass out at this moment, so that he pretended not to hear about it.
         "Empress Dowager has something to say, is it because she told her it was wrong?"
         Zhao Qingze looked at Empress Dowager and said softly, "Empress Dowager talked kindly!"
         "Emperor, you can check it again. Yuan Xiang hasn't done anything in the tea? You have wronged her!"
         Empress Dowager said with confidence, a smile on his face.
         And after Chen Yuanxiang's words were spoken, he was instantly energized. At this moment, she was very grateful to see her aunt's eyes. If her aunt had asked Lan Zhen to change the tea leaves, she would be hard to escape!
         When Zhao Qingze heard the words, he shook his head : "How can you be so stupid, mother? You think you exchanged tea for her, and she is innocent! And your mother's method is not innocent! The woman in the backyard, except for your reward To the uncle woman, who has a low status, like Ye Liangzhang and others, can't escape your hands and feet after mother? "
         "The mother-zi used this method to Fu Huang's harem, even if she used her uncle backyard!"
         "What do you say, Ai Family doesn't understand!"
         Empress Dowager glanced guilty, covering his head and not willing to say any more.
         But when it comes to this, how did Zhao Qingze stop here? He seemed to be explaining, and said gently, "Violet grass? Do you want to pretend not to know her mother?"
         Chen Yuanxiang looked at Empress with a stunned look, and looked at Empress Dowager, how the fire that had originally burned on her spread to Empress Dowager.
         "Purple grass is a medicinal material that grows in the northwest and is also a spice. It has a hemostatic effect. Because it is more in the northwest, it is widely used by the locals. Some locals have dried it and sold it to the local army. It is only used by the army. The locals generally do not use it for women, especially newlyweds, because it is difficult to conceive because of the coldness of violet grass. However, I found that some of the oral fat issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs contained the herbal medicine of violet grass. You don't know anything? "
         "Is the emperor trying to frame your mother!"
         Empress Dowager called stubbornly.
         "It is okay if the mother does not admit it. Mo said that she has enough evidence in her hand to tell her courtiers and let the people in the world admit it. It is because the mother has never done it. She is now the emperor and the entire palace is under the control of her. Bottom. You say, He wants you to be wronged, and fake ones can come true! "
         "The emperor doesn't have to scare the mourning family. The mourning family is Empress Dowager, your mother-zi. If you want to say this, is your face glorious?"
         Empress Dowager still had her neck unwilling to admit defeat, Zhao Qingze just smiled and shook his head, looking at Chen Yuanxiang.
         Chen Yuanxiang knelt on the ground with a thump.
         "Emperor Chenqie got it wrong. You've been thinking about it for many years with our husband and wife, so don't tell me about it."
         Chen Yuanxiang is not as optimistic as Empress Dowager, as the emperor said earlier. Now, he has nothing to dare to do. They forcibly do the right with the emperor.
         Moreover, at this time, they really did, they were guilty.
         Although Empress Dowager has not yet acknowledged it, Chen Yuanxiang still knows Empress Dowager. If she did not do so, she would be wronged by the emperor, it would definitely not be like this.
         Zhao Qingze looked at Chen Yuanxiang who was kneeling down. Chen Yuanxiang was really scared. She begged for mercy, and looked very embarrassed. She wanted to hold Zhao Qingze legs for mercy, but she was afraid of being kicked away. If you touch it, you can only scratch your head and knock your head on the ground. After a while, the skin on your forehead is darkened.
         "Emperor, Chenqie doesn't want to be Empress. It's because of our many years of marital relationship. Please let Chenqie do this time!"
         Chen Yuanxiang knew that at this time, as long as this matter was passed from the harem, she would be dead forever. Even if it wasn't given to Bai Zhisanchi or a glass of dove wine, she would only spend the rest of her life in the cold palace.
         "You told me to let you go, but it's too easy for you to count this bill based on only those ridiculous couples of ten years!"
         Chen Yuanxiang swallowed and looked at Empress Dowager, but Empress Dowager was already insecure at this time. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore it and ignore it.
         Chen Yuanxiang smirked in her heart, sad in her eyes, she could be seen through. Her good aunt always thought that she had many means and thought that she was smart, but she was actually a fool who was even more stupid than her.
         At this time, I also want to maintain the honor of Empress Dowager, and I want to be proud of my head. Don't even think about who gave her Empress Dowager's honor? Not even thinking about it, the emperor will definitely not be the son of filial piety.
         Empress Dowager has already done this step of unkindness, and she also delusions that her son can honor her.
         Chen Yuanxiang knew that she was not smart and often scolded by her good aunt as stupid, but her only advantage was self-knowledge.
         At this point, what is the pride and Empress's life compared to life?
         Saved his life before he can continue to think about other things.
         She gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't the emperor wanting the Chen family to show up and ask Li Chen to be Noble-Fae and Big-Prince to be Crown Prince? Chenqie will try to persuade’Grandfather and his father ... No, Chenqie promises! "
         She took a sharp breath, and said in amazement with wide eyes.
         Zhao Qingze didn't speak, just stood.
         Chen Yuanxiang looked up and saw the unchanging expression on his face, knowing that the chip he said did not impress Zhao Qingze, did he not believe it?
         She shook her body, and knew what she said, not even her own heart. However, she made a sincere guarantee.
         Throughout the dormitory, quietly, she was able to hear the rapid breathing of her heart and the wheezing breathing in her nose, and her heart became more and more panicked, her eyes reddened, and tears burst into tears.
         "Emperor, please, Chenqie will listen to you in the future. You will never have any thoughts. Absolutely ... this will never happen again!"
         Finally, Zhao Qingze lowered his head, and Chen Yuanxiang, who was standing on his knees and looking up, faced him. A shallow smile appeared on his face, and he said, "You're right, it's too good to have a couple. Passionate, it is always bad! "
         Chen Yuanxiang nodded again and again, not knowing when, the tears had covered her face, the makeup on her face had already been spent, and she couldn't care less.
         "Did you listen to it later?"
         "Yes, Chenqie absolutely ... absolutely listens to the emperor!"
         Chen Yuanxiang continued to nod, looking at Zhao Qingze tightly, lest he change his mind the next moment.
         Zhao Qingze was moody. At this time, he didn't show up. He squatted down and said softly, "You are so sensible, I won't treat you badly, Empress ..."
         "Chenqie will never think again!"
         When Chen Yuanxiang heard the word Empress-2, her body suddenly became stiff. She shook her head again and again, she really did not dare to think.
         "It seems you are really sensible!"
         A clear smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Qingze mouth, and he looked forward to Chen Yuanxiang's eyes with hope, and continued : "You can consider giving you a Fae position! Of course, you have to honor everything you said, otherwise, even if you give You can be withdrawn alone. "
         "Chenqie will."
         Although Chen Yuanxiang felt a sense of the rest of his life after robbing, he did not dare to relax his vigilance and lowered his head to guarantee.
         "I know that you alone can't convince the Chen family. I give you an idea. You can tell this to Mu-Grandfather and Mu-uncle fathers, and they will know the stakes. After all, If we say it, the reputation of the Chen family will be ruined, and all the unmarried daughters of the Chen family, including those who have been married, are probably not good. "
         Chen Yuanxiang didn't speak, and her eyes revealed the struggle. She was totally unsure of whether she could persuade the Chen family. Zhao Qingze idea was indeed an idea. At least he knew the stakes. Once the Chen family knew this, they would follow the words of the emperor. But ... she didn't want to be a sinner in the Chen family!
         "Think about it yourself, I don't have much patience."
         Chen Yuanxiang lowered his head and watched Zhao Qingze leave.
         She was paralyzed on the ground, but looked at Empress Dowager, who had never spoken since Zhao Qingze, who had just revealed the violet grass.
         A smirk appeared on her face, and the corners of her mouth rose strangely.
         What is she afraid of, accompanied by her good aunt!
         Speaking of this, she is a sinner of the Chen family, but her good aunt can't escape!
         She slowly got up from the ground, and didn't care about her embarrassment, but just glanced at Empress Dowager who was still standing in bed.
         With a smirk, he walked out of the palace.
         Sickness? I'm afraid her good aunt will be sick until this matter comes to an end! In this way, she can maintain her honor and dignity as Empress Dowager.
         , she suddenly made this move to Zhao Qingze. It was not that she suddenly lied or smoked. You can go.
         Take a look at Chapters 5-13.
          There are foreshadowings. Ah Man has cried for no reason. The author's plot in this article is buried deeply. You may not see it, but Ruyi was careful and inquired. If a normal mother understood the truth, I'd be afraid to quarrel or scold the child's father at that time, but Ruyi certainly wouldn't. She didn't even mention it. It wasn't until she found it the second time that she broke out. And she just took the child away and didn't utter a little anger ...
         Secondly, everyone thinks that Crown Prince is too perverted. Uh, Crown Prince is reborn. He was more sad in his last life, and he was confined to death (in Chunlan's memories). He has been depressed for a long time in such an environment. Don’t think that the author wrote this life. Dongxiangkou is very good. In the last life, do you think that people who have been banned can live well, see Rong Qinwang! You are gloomy, the environment is poor, and your heart must be distorted. Crown Prince is reborn, and depressed. Living in nature, he secretly planned every scene, and once the revenge also won the throne, I think in addition to the inexplicable excitement, there is also a kind of emptiness. Of course, it may also be that the author's descriptive skills are not enough.
         Third, everyone wonders about the earthquake. Crown Prince was not reborn. Why didn’t he prepare in advance? Well, first of all, the earthquake didn’t happen in the capital city. The capital city was only affected and did not cause much damage. Second, this incident After too many years, you can’t ask Crown Prince to remember such long-term things clearly. The third most important thing is that Crown Prince was lifted back to the East Palace when he was lifted, that is, lingering sickbeds, and did not re-enter immediately. This happened at the time, and Crown Prince probably didn't have a special mood to pay attention to it.

         Chapter 59 :

          Husband and wife, is it really important for a man to marry a wife?
         Chen Yuanxiang was supported by Liu Gongren, and he sits in the Donggong returned by Bu Yi.
         Liu Gongren was very distressed, but he didn't dare to mention the talent. Chen Yuanxiang was extraordinarily calm at this time. She patted Liu Gongren's hand with a smile, and said, "Wet-nurse, I'm fine."
         It's really okay, she just thought that she couldn't save her life. Compared with the ending that was expected, she was much better. Not only did she save her life, but as long as she listened to the emperor in peace, she still had a chance. Sit on Fae.
         She sits in a cloth and secretly fixed her makeup, and her makeup and hair could be fixed, but the blue and black on her forehead could not fade for a while.
         She could only cover her forehead with a papa.
         Unexpectedly, as soon as Bu was brought into the gate of the East Palace, she heard a voice of peace outside of Bu.
         "Mei-mei, please give me Crown Princess."
         She heard the voices of Ye Liangzhang and Mu Liangzhang, and couldn't help sighing unluckily in her heart. Although the cloth was separated by a curtain, people outside could not see the movement inside her, but she still subconsciously covered the forehead with a papa.
         "Mei-mei, please be free!"
         Chen Yuanxiang sits in the sedan and called out, but didn't mean to go out.
         Ye Liangzhang and Mu Liangzhang stood up with a graceful attitude, and a weird look appeared on their faces. Ye Liangzhang even slandered in his heart : What happened to Chen Yuanxiang? If this was the case in the past, she would definitely go down and go up with them, let them follow her like a little maid, so as to show her honor and her kindness.
         Isn't that something that happened in the past few days?
         Ye Liangzheng guessed badly. Since Crown Prince has become the emperor, although they don't go out often, but Chen Yuanxiang jumps up and down in the palace to make trouble, and she makes a lot of noise! Not long ago, the emperor sent guards to surround her dormitory and barred her.
         Ye Liangzhang remembered this, and couldn't help contempt and ridicule.
         Instinctively told Ye Liangzhang that Crown Princess might have another joke to watch at this moment. She covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Sister Crown Princess, this beautiful spring day, you might as well come down and walk with Mei-mei!"
         Mu Liangxuan glanced at Ye Liangzhang, some did not understand Ye Liangzheng's sudden enthusiasm, but after seeing her say so, she raised her head and smiled, "Yes, Sister Crown Princess, although this is the imperial garden palace The garden, but now it is full of flowers, you come down! "
         Chen Yuanxiang, who was sitting in the sedan, heard the sing and harmonize between the two people outside the cloth, and almost hated to bite his teeth, but he said slowly : "I just moved recently, I'm afraid it won't be good outside! "
         Having said this, he did not wait for Ye Liangzhang to speak with Mu Liangzhang, and then quickly said, "This palace has just returned from the illness of Ci-An Palace. I am a bit tired and want to go back to rest!"
         Having said that, he directed at the people, "Go back to the palace!"
         "Hey, Sister Crown Princess, when this sickness comes back, you should take a good walk and take a look at the beautiful scenery and get rid of it!"
         Ye Liangzhang listened to Chen Yuanxiang's words, and she felt more and more ghostly in her heart, and her beautiful face even more smiled, and she moved forward two steps, blocking the cloth.
         "Ye Liangzhang, this palace said, very tired, want to go back to rest! What do you mean by stopping the car?"
         Chen Yuanxiang also got angry and sits upright, questioning.
         Chen Yuanxiang wanted to stay calm, after all, she had lost the chance to win the post, and she would no longer be the Crown Princess who could put up a proud face in front of these women.
         However, at this moment, Ye Liangzheng's actions made her feel lost face.
         She is still a former Crown Princess, and is the emperor’s person!
         Ye Liangzhang also knew that his actions were a bit out of place, and Mu Liangzhang standing on the side looked at her with astonishment. But she didn't panic. She just spat out her tongue and naughtyly, and smiled at Chen Yuanxiang in the sedan, "Sister Crown Princess doesn't want to be angry, Mei-mei is just playing with you." , Since Sister wants to rest, Mei-mei will not stay much! "
         Chen Yuanxiang sighed in her chest, only feeling that she couldn't get up and down. If she used to, she would surely seize the mistake and scold Ye Liangzheng. But at this time, she was deeply depressed, but just cold. Says : "How old are Ye-Mei-mei, and still thinking about playing! Be disciplined."
         After all, he ordered his men to quickly carry the cloth and leave here.
         Ye Liangzheng was reprimanded, but the smile on her face became more and more bright. After watching this group of people leave, she retracted her eyes. Turning around, she saw Mu Liangxuan looking at her puzzledly. She basked in her heart and smiled at her face, and asked, "Why does Mu Mei-mei look at me like this? Is there anything wrong with my face?"
         Mu Liangyi shook his head, retracted his gaze, and smiled : "What's wrong with my sister is still beautiful. Mei-mei was just surprised, why did the sister stop the Crown Princess's cloth, and ..."
         And he was so happy to be reprimanded.
         Ye Liangyi glanced at Mu Liangyi, but in his heart it was inexplicable that he felt a sense of contempt and superiority.
         "It's no use talking to Mu Mei-mei, Mu Mei-mei will continue to tour the garden by herself. My sister and I are tired, I want to go back to rest!"
         Mu Liangyi blinked, and was so ridiculed by Ye Liangyi, still smiling as usual on his face, and grinning earnestly : "Since the sister is tired, go back and take a good rest, Mei-mei wants to visit again. "
         Ye Liangzheng raised a brow slightly, but just smiled, holding the hands of the people who were close to the palace, walked up the path, and slowly walked back towards his Xiangxiangyuan.
         There was always a slight smile on her face : the emperor was probably angry at Chen Yuanxiang again!
         She already knew that Chen Yuanxiang was so tossing, and sooner or later she would lose her Empress position!
         At this moment, Chen Yuanxiang still hopes to be Empress, and she won't let her be. If Chen Yuanxiang is not Empress, the woman in Crown Prince backyard, who is more qualified than her.
         Ye Liangzhen came to the door of Xiangyangyuan, but suddenly stopped and whispered to the maid next to her, "You try to send a letter to the outside of the palace, tell me Father, but now it is related to whether I can become Empress During the critical period, don't drop me the chain outside the palace. "
         "Houye understands." The side palace girl whispered softly. "Although the emperor took the throne, Houye did not make any effort, but Houye was the first minister to support the emperor. I believe the emperor will not forget it."
         "Hope!" Ye Liangzheng didn't have much confidence in this.
         She is confident of the evidence in her hand and her family background.
         Thinking of this, Ye Liangzhang couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Although Father was a patriarch and listened to a high weight, she was actually an incompetent person. The title was inherited from her ancestors. Now her idle job is her Mu-Grandmother. The emperor asked, if Mu-Grandmother is still alive, and has some connection with the royal family, her family is estimated to be similar to other deceased princes in Capital City.
         If her’Grandfather was still alive and her father was as capable as Chen Yuanxiang's father, why would she have worked so hard to plan for herself.
         Chen Yuanxiang was so incompetent that she was able to press her to become Crown Princess, which really made her breathless.
         However, now that she is dead, Chen Yuanxiang herself died, and dared to give medicine to a woman in the backyard. This is the daughter of the imperial royal. As long as the emperor knows, she will be shot into the cold palace if she does not die.
         Ye Liangzheng thought slowly, a smug smile filled his face. She returned to the room, sits in front of the dresser, and called at the palace man, "dress up for me, I'm going to see the emperor!"
         "Liangzhu go now?"
         The person next to the palace asked something strange.
         It's almost time for dinner now. Ye Liangzheng is now meeting the emperor?
         Ye Liangzhang stared at the beautiful face emerging from the mirror, and a faint radiance appeared on his face : "I should go now."
         Crown Prince has been the emperor for some time, but she has never called any woman in the East Palace. She may be busy with her affairs, but this time she is not only going to sue, but also to take the opportunity to get the emperor's pity. And win favor. By then, her Empress position will be more secure.
         Dinner is better, after finishing talking with the emperor, it happens to stay in Zhaoyang Hall for dinner, and naturally stay in Zhaoyang Hall ...
         Ye Liangzhang picked up the fat and smeared it with his little finger. He applied a thin layer to his lips, and his rosy lips seemed to exude a seductive aroma.
         "Ye Liangzhang asked for a meeting?"
         Zhao Qingze had just received the courtier and was about to return to the harem.
         He didn't groan and just said, "Let her go back."
         Deng Xian didn't say much. Although Ye Liangzheng put a lot of silver tickets on him and kept emphasizing that there was something important to tell the emperor, he felt that he was dressed like that for the sake of petting.
         Since the emperor did not want to see him, he went to pass.
         Deng Xian just took two steps back, and suddenly heard Zhao Qingze said again : "Let her come in!"
         Deng Xian nodded a little, but resigned as promised.
         Ye Liangzheng followed Deng Xian slowly into the Royal Study Room. She did not look at it, her face was heavy, but her red-red dress and exquisite makeup on her face gave her a glorious glory.
         As soon as Ye Liangzhen came in, Zhao Qingze saw her white and tender skin before her neckline was slightly opened.
         Although women's clothing could not be restrained, they were not open. At least, Ye Liangzheng's dress was considered bold.
         "Shu Rong meets the emperor!"
         Ye Liangxu bowed and salute, while Zhao Qingze sits behind the table, exclaiming lightly.
         Ye Liangzhang stood with her head slightly lowered, with a touch of pity among her pity.
         "Deng Xian said you had something to say to your concubine, what is it?"
         Zhao Qingze asked.
         Ye Liangzhang heard that, she couldn't help feeling a little lost, and she and the emperor had disappeared so much. Shouldn't the emperor tell her more words of missing? How could I go straight to the subject and ask her something.
         However, she also has a high priority, at least at this time, Chen Yuanxiang is the first thing to do.
         Thinking of this, she blinked, raised her head, and there was a touch of water in her eyes, and her face looked very pitiful.
         "The emperor, Shu Rong didn't want to tell the emperor about this, but ... but Sister Crown Princess did too much!"
         Zhao Qingze lowered his eyelids, his face remained unchanged, and his tone was still light : "What did she do?"
         "Sister Crown Princess, in the tea distributed to Shu Rong and other Mei-mei, she put a remedy, no wonder ... No wonder the East Palace hasn't heard good news for so long. Shu Rong is really sad for her Majesty!"
         When Zhao Qingze heard the words, he couldn't help but looked at Ye Liangzhu a few times, and revealed something strange in his eyes.
         Ye Liangzhang didn't hear Zhao Qingze voice, and couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in his heart.
         "How did you discover this? Why didn't you say it?"
         Zhao-Qing Ze finally asked, and Ye Liangzhang straightened his waist, and sadly said the answer that had been prepared in his heart : "Shu Rong also only knew one year ago. Well, the emperor, you know. Grandmother outside Shurong asked for grace with the emperor, and gave Shurong a medically-conscious maid, but the maid said that Shurong had been given a remedy, and if she took it again, Going forward, Shu Rong may never be able to conceive the emperor's daughter-zi, but fortunately, that court woman has a good skill, and finally she has been brought up in this year! "
         She raised her head, her expression sobbing.
         Zhao Qingze lowered his eyelids. Just listen to her continue : "Shu Rong did not dare to speak up at first, because she was afraid to misunderstand Crown Princess, so she secretly checked. The result was really made by Crown Princess. At that time, the emperor was not in the palace. Chenqie was afraid in her heart. It’s great, I don’t dare to talk about it, I have been in my heart. Now that you are back, the emperor, Shu Rong can tell this matter! "
         Zhao Qingze listened to Ye Liang's soft voice as if he could drip water, and he couldn't help feeling agitated. He was about to say to Ye Liangying that you had made a mistake and wanted to send her away. Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind.
         A gentle expression floated on his face, and said softly, "Are you wronged in this matter?"
         Ye Liangzheng quickly wiped the corners of his eyes while holding a parchment, and said, "With the words of the emperor, Shu Rong ... has no grievance at all."
         "I'll find out about it. You don't want to speak up."
         Zhao Qingze stood up and said, "If Yuan Xiang really committed this incident, I must let her apologize to you. However, I have been with you for so many years, so you should look at your face, and don’t take this Things go public. "
         This is ... meaning no punishment!
         apologize! What a use to apologize!
         Ye Liangzheng was a little mistaken, and she clenched her fingers tightly. Husband and wife, is it really important for a man to be a wife? Even such a fault can be let go, or to say ... the emperor is affectionate for Chen Yuanxiang!


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