Chongqie Courting Death Daily 185

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »     Chapter 185 : Name

     "Let the people in the palace move, the Lord wants to see how deep the Dong people heritage is, whether it is deep enough to play the royal people in the palm of the hand." In Dong-shi and Between Wan-xi, Yin-Tang will definitely choose the latter without hesitation.
     This is beyond doubt.
     After seeing so many secrets, Yin-Tang felt tired in his heart. Before he thought about guarding his own little house, anyone who sat in that position would not easily move him. But now it seems that he Things are too simple to think about.
     "The nubi obeyed." Lin-Chujiu felt the hidden smoldering gas in Yin-Tang's words, and his body shook slightly, and then he hurriedly answered.
     Yin-Tang didn't look at Lin-Chujiu again, but got up and dressed up and walked out. Lin-Chujiu is behind Yin-Tang. Just pay a little attention to the direction and know that he is in the direction of Qing yi-Courtyard. Single-handedly, this woman in the backyard should die. Your Highness is obviously only Wanyan Side-Fujin.
     The woman who is born in this backyard is not willing to face this fact. She only knows how to die. If there is the ability to pull Your Highness, then it will be nothing, but they have no success, but it has provoked Your Highness to be furious, and the last unfortunate is the people who are close to them.
     Hey, sometimes Lin-Chujiu really wants Yin-Tang to punish them, one after the other, not many times, this backyard is really quiet.
     Yin-Tang walking in front of Lin-Chujiu, regardless of his thoughts, he is very impetuous now, so he is particularly eager to see Wan-xi, even if he is not suitable for staying for too long, even if he goes I can only say a few words, but he can see her in her opinion, and listening to her is better than not seeing her.
     When Yin-Tang came over, Wan-xi had not slept yet. At this time, she had just fed the little son and was talking to Hong-min, Hong-zhao and Yali-qi.
     Before Wan-xi was produced, in order not to intimidate the children, Yin-Tang sent Hong-min all three to 4th-Prince House, and several children were taken care of by 4th-Prince, Yin-Tang They are also assured. I just didn't think that there would be such a thing in the middle, so that the Wan-xi who sat on the moon and the Yin-Tang who checked the matter were not in a hurry to pick up three children. Although 4th-Prince Yin-Tang also said hello, but the child's attachment to the parents is born, Wan-xi they did not pick up Hong-min them, Hong-min, they remember Wan-xi.
     This is not. Today, the three children are clamoring to go home.
     They have no choice but to go too early.
     The three children have been looking forward to the evening, and they have finally waited until they come back.
     They are already dark. But the three people did not care, and they couldn’t do it.
     They had to send people to send the three children back.
     Because of the late time of returning to the government, when he sent people to send back three children, most of the people in the house have already slept. If Wan-xi is not taking care of the younger son, he is afraid to sleep. . At this time, seeing three children, Wan-xi also refused to consider that he was sitting on the moon, touching this, kissing that, happy.
     The three little guys saw Wan-xi and the new members of the family.
     They refused to go to sleep anyway.
     They stayed in the Wan-xi house in the middle of the night, and why Wan-xi refused to go. Wan-xi thought that the mother, the mother and the daughter did not see some of the time, and did not say more, it is very rare to let go.
     "Em, my younger brother is really small." The youngest Yali-qi, lying on the edge of the bed, watching Wan-xi younger brother who slept with a small blush, his face curiously.
     "You grew up from such a small point." Wan-xi smirked and looked at the health of a few children. I felt a lot of comfort in my heart. As long as they are good, let her do anything. willing.
     "Really? Mother, we grew up from this small." Hong-min is not very old, but for Hong-zhao, they still have an impression when they were young, it is not strange, and Hong- zhao and Yali-qi are the first time to see a child who is smaller than themselves, so curiosity is a bit more important.
     At the door, Yin-Tang looked at this happy scene, and the inner irritating emotions suddenly eased and became calmer. Seeing her daughter’s son’s face ignorantly confirming whether he was really surprised from such a small growth, he couldn’t help but laughed loudly: “Of course you grew up from this small size, but your brother is more physically than you are. Weak, so you have to take care of your brother in the future."
     A few children, Hong-min got his heart, Hong-zhao and Yali-qi most liked him, and this youngest son made him the most embarrassing.
     “Ama.” When I saw Yin-Tang, all three children were very happy. Hong-zhao and Yali-qi rushed directly to the past, personally holding a thigh, and Hong-min felt himself When I grow up, I shouldn’t argue with my brother Sao, and I will suppress my inner desire. I will stand on my side and refuse to go forward.
     Holding a pair of children with their legs, Yin-Tang appeased a few words, just want to say something, but just saw Hong-min’s eagerness, Yin-Tang saw it, and could not help but feel warm. I couldn’t help but reach out to Hong-min, "Hong-min, come over Ama."
     Wan-xi looked at the face with a big smile and pounced on Yin-Tang's Hong-min.
     The mouth was full of laughter.
     This little guy always boasted that he was Brother, to let his brother Sao sister, she felt relieved. At the same time, he is even more distressed by his sensibility.
     "Master, how come this time, come to the country tomorrow, you should stop early." Wan-xi smiled and looked at the Yin-Tang and the children. Asked with care.
     Yin-Tang hugged this, touched the one, and looked at the children happy, he also felt happy, and now I heard the words of Wan-xi care, the heart of the suffocating, seems to have scattered a lot. Yin-Tang led the three children to talk with Wan-xi for a while. When they saw that the hour was really early, they let Ting-Bamboo take the children to rest, and he himself sat next to him. Accompanied by Wan-xi.
     He likes Wan-xi to care about his own appearance. Even if she talks with anger and even a little bit of poisonous tongue, he laughs happily in his ear. "Do not worry, my body is very good, just these two days too. Busy, I didn’t come to see you, I was so worried, I came over."
     "Although I also read the Master, but the body of the Lord is more important." Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang indifferently, and could not help but Call.
     Yin-Tang saw her anxious, standing in front of the two steps, holding her hand: "Don't worry, when you come over, you will go to the next door to rest, you will have to rest early, feel tired at night and let the milk Mama take Hong- Sheng."
     "Hong- ? Master, have you given your child a good name?" Wan-xi face was slightly a little surprised, and did not think that Yin-Tang gave the child a good name so soon.
     Like Hong-min, their generations, not every child's name is given by Kangxi, before Hong-min, Hong-zhao, one is to catch up with a good time, one is because of auspicious, Anyway, there are reasons for each, and they got Zheng from Kangxi. When the younger son was born, although Wan-xi and Yin-Tang were even more distressed, even though Wan-xi did not dare to think that all her children should be personally given by Kangxi. .
     Yin-Tang smiled and said: "It’s not made by Master. It’s obtained by Imperial Father.” Yin-Tang values ​​Wan-xi and attaches importance to their children. Naturally, it is impossible for children to be wronged, even if it is just a matter of name. He also wants to be fair.
     Wan-xi heard the words and surprised her face. She thought that the name of Hong-sheng could only be taken by Yin-Tang. I did not expect Yin-Tang to have arranged. To be honest, she simply doesn't mind whether the child's name is taken by the emperor or by Yin-Tang. She cares only about the child's thoughts. After all, they can't just accompany the child, if the waiting person is not happy, To provoke, the injury can be the feelings of several children.
     Although she already thought about how to solve this problem, Yin-Tang could solve it in advance, and she was very happy.
     "Master, are you going to ask the emperor? In fact, the name of the child is from the Lord..." Wan-xi did not speak, so Yin-Tang was interrupted.
     "Ye child should get good, and this kind of thing is not impossible." Yin-Tang smiled, the big palm slightly pacified her little hand, softly said: "Don't worry, Ye So hard to do things for Imperial Father, Imperial Father will not be difficult for me for these little things, and if the Lord does not ask for anything, the Imperial Father can't feel at ease!"
     How can Wan-xi not know his thoughts? From the beginning to the end, Yin-Tang is always working hard. It is only the identity of an iron hat king and a brotherly loyalty. It is a pity that 8th-Prince has too much. It is too selfish for people, which push Yin-Tang to the opposite side. Now Yin-Tang seems to be loyal to Kangxi, Kangxi also trusts him, but Wan-xi knows that Yin-Tang’s days are thin, not Peaceful, if not, how can he increase his efforts to help the 4th-Prince development forces.
     "As long as you can get along with your father, what kind of days are good days." This is the heart of Wan-xi.
     Hearing the affection in Wan-xi, Yin-Tang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his face satisfies the authenticity: "The delicate heart, the heart knows, but because of understanding, you can't let you and your child be wronged."
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang, who was embarrassed, and moved in her heart. However, she pretended to be a sultry expression. She said with a sigh of relief: "Since Lord wants to let the whole body and the child be wronged, why isn’t he still? Have a good rest. Doesn't you know that you have hurt your body and you will feel bad?"
     Yin-Tang is inclusive for Wan-xi. Whether she makes a small temper or a temper, he is a couple, and it is not only angry, but also very happy and even indulgent.
     "Well, Jao-Jao, don't worry, I will go to rest after a few words." Yin-Tang looked at the temper-like Wan-xi, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.
     He knows that his charm is not the same. Even if he is overbearing, even if he is jealous, even if he is squeaky, she is really putting him in the heart, and he always considers the problem from his perspective. It can be said that except Yifei, Wan-xi is the only person who can make Yin-Tang feel warm.
     Wan-xi wants to let Lai spoil in Yin-Tang's arms, let him hug himself, but she is sitting on the moon, hair body, although there is care, can not compare with the most days. Don't look at Ting-Bamboo.
     They always say nothing, but she always feels that her hair and body are worried. In addition, before she sat on the moon, she refused to let Yin-Tang get close, fearing that he had a bad impression. Now she still thinks like this. "The man said, "Let's finish, go and rest."
     Yin-Tang glared at the eager look of Wan-xi, shook his head with a funny smile, and gently rubbed her little face with her fingertips. "Oh, my grandfather is going to sleep now, and you have a good rest, as for other things." I will tell you later tomorrow."
     "Okay." Wan-xi saw it, but despite the disappointment, he still urged Yin-Tang to rest.

     In Qiankun Palace, Qi Mama is serving Yifei makeup. Even if she doesn't leave the palace door in the daytime, the quality dress and accessories that this scorpion should have are still very particular. After all, no one can guarantee the entrance of this Qiankun Palace, the next one. Who is engraved?
     A long time ago, Yifei knew clearly that whether it was for Kangxi or other shackles of the harem, she had to maintain a perfect attitude, one is to maintain her image in front of Kangxi, and the other is to beat opponents.
     To survive in this palace, and to survive well, in addition to the family background, you have to rely on your own means. Yifei never denied that she had the means. Even the sultry and sultry she showed was half-disguised. Because there is no such thing in this palace, she as the first person can naturally attract the attention of the emperor.
     Three thousand beautiful in the palace, beautiful and uncharacteristic, that is also a matter of time. After all, this palace has never lacked beauty, but has its own characteristics, but also is different, that is, the beauty is different. And this man has inferiority, there is a kind of thing, I want another kind, just a beautiful person, I want to have different beauty, and Yifei is looking at this point, will seize the opportunity to shape himself into a palace.
     There are no cool beauty, as for this later, if you want to learn her, even with a little shadow, doing it well is not as good as her own.
     It’s just that years have passed, and her maintenance is getting better and getting older. Looking at the younger one in the bronze mirror, Yifei held a phoenix in his hand and said to Qi Mama who stood behind her for dressing: "Yin-Tang sent me a letter yesterday, I said The Old 9 ‘Madam is just confused, but she doesn't want her courage to be big."
     Yifei didn't like Dong-shi. Before she had the heart, Dong-shi was just like a coffin. She couldn't listen to the words, so Yifei finally gave up her, and she listened to it. As long as she lived, she also No matter how much, who knows that Dong-shi is honest, but inside is a lot of jealousy. If this time is not Yin-Tang, she is afraid that she will have a grandson.
      Qi Mama heard that the hand holding the comb had a slight pause, and he whispered softly: "9th Fu-Jin is probably favored by Wanyan Side-Fujin, and there is a sense of crisis in his heart, just this Dong Madam. Subsequently intervening in 9th-Prince House, it seems to be a bit sloppy." Qi Mama seems to be unbiased, in fact, it is still helping Wan-xi, after all, Dong-shi The maiden family and Wan-xi maiden family, as long as they are up and up, but Wan-xi will come and be pampered, and there are three sons and daughters, and those with long eyes know that they are following such people. have a future.
     Yifei played with the phoenix in his hand, his mouth slightly raised, and sneered: "This Yi-Luoshi is not ignorant, but she sees herself too high. She thinks she is the master of the Dong family. You can do whatever you want. But don't forget, this palace is also good, Yin-Tang, not that they can master it."
     Filial piety to the Queen? Hey, it’s the Queen, but even a person who wants to give alms, but does not know to converge, but instead uses the power left by the so-called queen to be a demon everywhere. Fortunately, Wan-xi is blessed, Yin-Tang is also capable, or she will let her go, she must not worry about her son.
     Hey, if you can't give birth to your son, you will stop letting others have a son. What is the truth?
     "Qi Mama, you are squatting, waiting for Yin-Tang, will definitely let the palace check the eyeliner of Dong-shi in the dark. It used to be nothing, so they have nothing to do. Now they dare to reach out, and the palace naturally has Give them a bit of awkwardness, otherwise, in the future, no one will treat the sons of the palace and the palace as fat, and want to bite and bite." Yifei snorted, for Dong Ejia, her dissatisfaction in the heart is getting more and more More, relatively, for Wan-xi and her children, she is more and more satisfied.
      Qi Mama nodded. Yifei said it was right. What can 9th Fu-Jin expect now? According to what she has done in the past, it is not difficult to see their purpose, but whether the purpose is true or false, whether it is primary or secondary, and no one knows. After all, I’m thinking deeply, Dong’s family’s plan is not small.
     "The strength of this Dong nationality is here, it is not cost-effective to deal with the entire Dong and E nationality, but it is still okay to smash the connection between them and the old 9th Fu-Jin." Yifei eyes are stunned, his eyes are cold and he wants to come. Although she didn't like Dong-shi and didn't want to play Kangxi face, she thought that she would abolish her. "Dong-shi is a challenge to the Old 9 and the bottom line of the palace. Why? It is not her mother's family.
     The power, if her Ama is not the patriarch of the Dong ethnic group, Mama, you said that they have any capital to slap the Yin-Tang of the palace."
     "Niang-Niang is saying that 9th Fu-Jin is so tossing, and I want to come to Dong Madam's embarrassment." The backyard is a normal thing, it can be involved in the child, or it can be done without knowing it, or it is like 9th Fu-Jin waited for the treatment after being caught.
     "No problem, the old 9th Fu-Jin or Yi-Luoshi, it is not a big problem. What is worried about this palace is the ambition of the Dong people. If you want to reproduce the glory of the Queen, then you have to There is a cooperating emperor." Yifei said, stretched out his hand and helped the hair, and helped Qi Mama hand stand up and walked out slowly, but this seemingly calm words was full. Disdain.
      Qi Mama also sighs that this 9th Fu-Jin will not be a human being. Otherwise, according to her family background and identity, both Yifei and their nubi should stand on her side. Unfortunately, people are not beautiful and their brains are not. Flexibility, work hard, do you end up killing yourself?
     When Yin-Tang and Yan and Yin came over, Yifei was preparing to use the breakfast and seeing his son come over. Yifei immediately added two pairs of chopsticks to Qi Mama.
     “It’s still the mother’s breakfast here.” Yin-Tang is at the forefront, with a smile on his face and a casual and comfortable place.
     "Yes, the mother-in-law here is the best breakfast." After the disfigurement, the whole person became introverted. In public, the audience was less open, and the sense of existence was very low, that is, in Yifei and Yin Tang In front of them, they will appear to be multiple points.
     Although Yin-Er is a temper, it is still very respectful to Yifei. After all, after his mother died, he did not remember it under Yifei name, but Yifei took care of him a lot. More."
     Yifei looked at Yin-Tang, and they smiled very brightly.
     The dissatisfaction caused by the previous Dong-shi thing also dissipated a lot at the moment. "Since I like it, I will come directly after going down." ”
     "Yimu is so delicious here, we are set to come." Yin-Er took a porridge, looked up and said a word, provoked Yin-Tang and Yan nodded.
     There is Yin-Tang, they are accompanying, and Yifei, who has eaten less, has added half a bowl of porridge to the world. He is happy to have Qi Mama next to him. I can’t wait for a few people to come over every day.
     After breakfast, Yin-Tang accompanied Yifei and went to the flower hall. Although every three people will come to please, but what they are doing today, they are clear in their hearts. After all, in the past few days, Yin-Tang's movements are no longer secret, and they have been able to win over others.
     The battle for the backyard has always been there. As long as you don’t cross the line, a man likes you, like Yu and Yin-Er. It’s just that for Yin-Tang, Wan-xi and children are too important. He can’t watch them hurt, and they can’t help them to look at the people who hurt them. Moreover, the ambitions of the Dong and E people are too big. If they are straightforward, they will become a big worry for them in the future. After all, they secretly support the , not the Crown Prince, or 1st-Prince, 3rd Prince and 8th-Prince.
     "In this case, what are your plans?" Yifei listened to Yin-Tang's retelling and knew the results of his investigation. She was also shocked. She thought she had already seen the Dong people. Now it seems that she is Too little to look at people.
     Also, it is possible to climb from the back of a married woman, even if she climbs to the top after death, she cannot deny the scenery when she is alive.
     "First find out how many forces Dong-shi has in the harem, regardless of size, have to check it out. At that time, you can handle it yourself without having to fake the hand of others. We can't handle it, maybe someone is worse than us. I can't accept that Dong people have such a big force in the palace." Yin-Tang said, reaching out and pointing to the finger.
     Yifei and others are convinced that there are people in this palace who hate the Dong people. It is nothing more than the Empress Dowager and Kangxi. Don't look at only two people, but these two people are enough to represent the attitude of the entire palace.
     Sakamoto thought it was just to help check the truth of Wan-xi murder, but didn't want to hide so much information behind it. Although I didn't want to participate in Di-, it is a matter of not participating, and helping my brother is another matter.
     Compared with the prosperous sons of Kangxi, they seem to be the closest to the Crown Prince.
     The other people sons are not too many (the ones who live, they don’t count), they are, they are all Very valued. If you have the ability to do it, then they have nothing to say, but if you can't do this, don't blame them.
     "Since you have planned it, then follow your plan!" Nothing special, just say it.
     "Yes, 9th Prince, I can't do anything about this kind of thing, but I can help you." Yin-Er listened to what he said and immediately agreed.
     Yin-Tang knows their temperament very well, and knows that they are not polite, they smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank the 5th Prince and the 10th Brother here first."
     "9th Prince, you can see this when you say it, and you may be helping yourself. Dong Ji ambition is too big, it’s too much, we are not a passerby, they have It may be the enemy. Instead of waiting for them to deal with them, it is better to solve them when they perceive their misconduct." Although the talents of the servant cannot be compared with other Brother, he himself does not Silly, right and wrong, close to the distance, he is still clear.
     Yin-Tang nodded. According to their relationship and situation, they really counted the grasshoppers on the ropes. Instead of waiting for them to be simmered in the future, they would be able to destroy them directly when they found the signs. 5th Prince I am also planning this. It is not clear that the Dong people are in the palace, but according to the information I have found, their power is not small."
     Yifei frowned and said for a long time: "If they don't have this strength, you won't be anxious to find out their details."
     Yin-Tang heard the words and frowned. I had to say that Yifei words were on the point. "Mother-in-law said that because they are not good at dealing with it, I am looking for you to help, otherwise my personal strength. In a short time, it is difficult to find out their details."
     "If that's the case, then don't say anything, 9th Prince, there is something to help, just tell me!"

     Dong-shi was busy in the field, but in the end it was a bamboo basket to fetch water, and did not get any benefit, but also angered her family to be eye-catching by Yin-Tang.
     The atmosphere in the house seemed to be a bit stiff. It seemed that before the murderer who had harmed Wan-xi, the matter could not be settled. Even if the New Year is just around the corner, the atmosphere will not rise.
     In the New Year's Eve, Wan-xi, who had a month, didn't want to go into the palace to blow the cold wind and eat cold food. Unfortunately, the rules were there, and even if she didn't want to go, she couldn't hold the handle on this kind of thing.
     In 9th-Prince House, in addition to Yin-Tang, Dong-shi and Wan-xi, there are only a few children. Although Dong-shi expresses himself, his spirit is not very good, his face looks awkward, and his face is extremely thick. When Wan-xi came over with a few children, Dong-shi, who was wearing a heavy makeup, was shocked. If there was not a dress to create a silky instrument for her, she was afraid to recognize it. Come out of her identity.
     Since Yin-Tang determined what Dong-shi did, even if he did not take any measures and measures against her, his attitude was cold.
     "Master ..." Dong-shi looked at the Yin-Tang who strode over and immediately greeted him. Who knows that Zhang mouth only said a word, Yin-Tang crossed her directly, holding Wanyan? Wan-xi had a carriage in his hand. "Hey..." He slammed his anger and anger. Dong-shi was dissatisfied, but he also knew what kind of trouble the palace ban would cause.
     Yin Mama straddles Dong-shi and looks at her madness and goes straight ahead. She only feels helpless, holding the '1st Jiji' hand unconsciously tight.
     On the palace banquet, the royal family, the minister, the woman of the life gathered together, the brocade suit, the jewels and the ring, not dazzling.
     When Yin-Tang came with Dong-shi, Wan-xi and several children, the time for the feast was just right.
     The crowd was seated in batches, and when everyone sat down, the little eunuch next to it said with a sharp voice: "The Empress Dowager Niang-Niang is driving, the emperor is driving, Tong-Guifei is driving..."
     Seeing that Kangxi supported the hand of the Empress Dowager, and led several scorpions into the temple, the royal family members in the temple, the ministers and the women, all of them automatically bowed to the ceremony, waiting for Kangxi and others to take the seat.
     Wan-xi stayed on the right side of Yin-Tang with a few children, swaying, beautiful but not frivolous, not too conspicuous in the glamorous Di Fu-Jin, but anyone who knows her knows Sparkling, beautiful is the charm.
     "When the emperor is so long lived, the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang is a thousand years old and thousands of years old." The people in the temple all squatted down and asked Xiangxi and the Empress Dowager in unison.
     "ZHong- Qing is flat." Kang Xi raised his hand and sat on the dragon chair. He was full of power and made people bow their heads unconsciously.
     "Thank the emperor, thank the Empress Dowager Niang-Niang." The crowd got up and sat back to the original seat.
     Kangxi was a little polite, and he signaled that Li Dequan was preparing to open a feast. Above the palace feast, it was Kangxi love and trust. Whether it was the Crown Prince or the patriarchal minister, they all said that they were holding Kangxi. For a time, the atmosphere in the hall was not all good, and the words were smiling and not harmonious.
     To Yu-the Empress Dowager, since she went to the Empress Dowager, she is all things regardless of temper. If she meets someone she likes, she will say a few more words. If she is not happy, she will not bother to take care of it. Kangxi has nothing left for this.
     The elders are still very respectful, and the Empress Dowager is also good for him, and he is not mad at the Empress Dowager for a few women.
     Kang Xishun, the Empress Dowager does not need him too much to live, after all, the real master in this palace is only Kangxi personal, even if she is the Empress Dowager, want to have a good time, you have to look at the meaning of the emperor. Yes, the Empress Dowager is doing things, but it is also sticking to the bottom line, and it is easy to not Kangxi eyes.
     Among the grandchildren, the Empress Dowager is most valued by his own 5th-Prince , followed by the Crown Prince, because it is the national treasure, in the future, it is Yin-Tang. Come around and move around. Besides the grandchildren, the son of the Crown Prince is indeed more noble than the sons of Prince, but it is in the eyes of others, in the eyes of the Empress Dowager, she pays attention to the mind, after all, at her age, there is nothing. I can ask for it, and the picture is a peace and joy.
     Because of the identity of the Empress Dowager, or the Prince Fu-Jin, they naturally hold her, but they are really willing to accompany her, Hong-min. It is because of the feeling of Wan-xi and the care of several children that the Empress Dowager will take care of Wan-xi and her children.
     At this time, the Empress Dowager will bring Hong-min their three children to the front, look at this, touch the one, very happy.
     Dong-shi corner of the eye aimed at the scene of the happy, straight, glaring, all the time, the internal organs are all hurt, obviously her '1st Jiji' is Di-, the Empress Dowager's eyes are Just look at the child of Wanyan-shi, and sure enough, she should not leave her at first, it should not be.
     Wan-xi sat next to her, staring at Dong-shi, feeling the resentment in her eyes, sneer in her heart, and she had no self-knowledge in this field. It is no wonder that she fell to such a degree.
     People can be stupid, but they can't be stupid enough to hope for death.
     Yin-Tang is holding a glass of wine, and everyone is chilling, and the face of the eye is used to take care of the expressions of the surrounding people. Naturally, Dong-shi, Wan-xi, their expressions are all his Into the fundus. In the heart of sneer, Yin-Tang's gaze couldn't help but look at Yi-Luoshi, who was sitting in the woman's life. Looking at her appearance, the curvature of her mouth could not help but rise.
     Yi-Luoshi sat in the position, with a perfect and dignified smile on his face, and from time to time he also laughed at the familiar ‘Madam, but the hand on his knee was already tight. From Yin-Tang, they came in, she looked straight, watching 9th-Prince how to consider Wanyan-shi Side-Fujin, how to leave her daughter cold.
     That Wanyan-shi is indeed outstanding. In this palace surrounded by beautiful people, she does not fall into the wind, even the temperament of water, makes people unforgettable. On the contrary, her daughter, wearing a grand ceremony, but the appearance is not look like, there is no gas field, if not deliberate to see, no one will notice her existence.
     "9th Prince, come, let's have a drink." Yin-Er and Yu-Xiang took a flight and came to Yin-Tang.
     Their relationship with these 4th Brother is good.
     There are fixed numbers in private. After all, Kangxi eyeliner is not vegetarian. But they know this well. When they really want to talk about things, most of them are in restaurants or study rooms. And the number of times is not much, this did not cause Kangxi attention, otherwise Yin-Tang is also good, swearing at them, fearing that it is difficult to maintain the current relationship.
     Kangxi sat on the top, holding a glass of wine in his hand, drinking with the Crown Prince, the same prince, and talking about political affairs. From time to time, he would care about the lives of his sons or teasing his grandson.
     The atmosphere is still good, and everyone is naturally more interested.
     Since then, the palace feast has come here, it is also into the high | tide, eyes on those who please Kangxi three long live, this scene is really grand.
     Wan-xi sat next to Yin-Tang, filled with food and aging, but she did not eat. Instead, I thought about Yin-Tang and a few children. If there is a gaze on others, her face will show a few light smiles, polite and unobtrusive, and can win the favor of others.
     That box, Yi-Luoshi glared at the daughter who was left out, and finally couldn't help it, raising her hand to recruit a palace Lady.
     The palace Lady leaned close to her, and Yi-Luoshi put a purse in her hand and gave her a look at the direction of Dongshi.
     The palace girl received the gods, and after the ceremony, she quietly retreated.
     The maid who can make Yi-Luoshi a heavy responsibility naturally cannot be an ordinary palace Lady. After all, in the palace, no one dares to take the risk of not trusting a stranger. To know that something happened in the palace, accidentally throwing it is not just your own life, it may also be a family. At the moment, this palace girl easily gains trust, then her identity is also coming out – the dark pile of Dong family arrangement.
     Yin-Tang saw this scene, and there was a sneer in his eyes. He didn’t think that the people of Dong’s family had such a skill, not only in the palaces of the various shi-zis, but also in the Kangxi side. Yes, it really can't be underestimated.
     "Mama, this is Madam's account to be handed over to Fu-Jin." The palace Lady quietly approached Yin Mama, who was next to her.
     The tone was slightly elevated, and the voice was not too high. If not, Yin would be Mama is audible.
     Yin Mama took the purse, and the drooping eyelids flashed a hint of helplessness. After eating so many lessons, she was not honest. She did not regret the collision with the South Wall. She could only say that she was very glad that she had already turned to Your. Highness, "The meaning of Madam, the old nubi understands."
     The palace girl saw Yin Mama cautious appearance, looked around for a week, saw no one paying attention to them, and nodded to Yin Mama and nodded. "In this case, the nubi will retire first."
     "Old nubi understand, Miss please." Yin Mama face nodded lightly and did not say much.
     The palace girl did not stay more than the task. After all, she still has something to do. It is not only good for her to leave for too long. It is not good for her. It is awkward. When she reaches the task, she will leave quickly, but what she did not expect is She followed her personally behind her.
     Yin Mama looked at this in the eyes and did not see it. Turned around and looked for opportunities to hand over things to Lin-Chujiu. After a while, Lin-Chujiu returned the things again. Yin Mama, did not let her stare at Dong-shi, but let her take care of '1st Jiji'. Yin Mama nodded her voice, but she felt relieved in her heart. She was afraid that Your Highness would let her deal with Fu-Jin.
     After Dong-shi got the purse from Yin Mama, she heard that she was given to her mother, and she couldn’t help but look at Yi-Luoshi. On the other side, Yi-Luoshi saw Dong-shi. To her, she couldn’t help but point her to see her purse in her hand. With the instructions of Yi-Luoshi, Dong-shi also had a deeper heart. After reading the notes in the purse, I didn't know for a while, Yin Mama, then I got up and walked out.
     Yin-Tang stared straight at the eyes of Dong-shi, and saw her go out at the moment, just squinting at her, then seeing Yi-Luoshi also got up and walked away, then turned and looked at Lin Chujiu, gave him a gesture, saw him go out, turned his head, and was about to say something to Wan-xi. Who knows that the moment of turning his head is just the smile on Wan-xi.
     “Master, drink some hot tea first.” Wan-xi didn’t notice anything, and put the tea in his hand into Yin-Tang’s hand and whispered softly.
     "Don't worry, there is a man, nothing." Yin-Tang looks at Wan-xi eyes softly, in the face of everyone, he naturally does not do anything, but he knows the little woman in front of him. Very smart, smart to a lot of things she knows, but in order not to make him embarrassed, the system has chosen self-bearing.
     Wan-xi was dark and dark, and after a moment of indulgence, she looked up at Yin-Tang and said, "Master, it’s okay, although there is no big skill, but you can take care of yourself. And the children, so don't worry too much."
     She knew that the burden on Yin-Tang was heavy, whether it was because of the previous 8th-Prince, or because of the current 4th-Prince, Yin-Tang. Di-this kind of thing, regardless of whether it is done or not, is paved by silver, and the person who makes the money is Yin-Tang. He has the ability to do it himself, but he has to work hard, but he has to do too much. It took a lot of effort, and naturally, and Wan-xi hurts this man.
     Regardless of how he treats others, he is impeccable to her and to the children.
     Yin-Tang smiled a little on his face, then reached out and took a hand of Wan-xi, whispering: "Stupid Yatou, the man is a man, naturally it is necessary to protect you and the children."
     Wan-xi saw that he insisted, and did not argue with him, but a smile on his face nodded and said: "Well, all of you are straight to believe in the Lord."
     Yin-Tang took advantage of this delicate and soft look, pinched her hand, drank a few mouthfuls of tea, and saw Lin-Chujiu coming over, could not help but nod to Wan-xi, then slowly stood up Go outside the main hall.

     Yin-Tang did not attract the attention of others. After all, it is a normal behavior to be convenient or breathable on the palace banquet. As long as it is not deliberately attracting attention, there will be no attention.
     Yin-Tang and Lin-Chujiu took out the temple door and turned to look at Lin-Chujiu: "Take the way."
     “Hey.” Lin-Chujiu took a ceremony at Yin-Tang and led the way directly.
     Waiting for Yin-Tang for so many years, Lin-Chujiu also knows Yin-Tang's style of acting. As long as he has such expression and tone, it proves that he does not want to talk nonsense, and does not want to delay time.
     The two did not go far, and they took two small roads. In the place near the rockery, they heard a voice, Yin-Tang, Lin-Chujiu, and they could not help but lighten their steps.
     On the other side of the rockery, Dong-shi, who is crying to Yi-Luoshi, is all  Wan-xi, and even with Yin-Tang is full of complaints.
     "Emperor, my grandfather may have noticed that the production of Wanyan-shi is that I am moving, so this time, the Lord is not only cold to me, but even a lot of Moya-qi..." After a while, Dong-shi continued to say: "Yu Niang, you said that the Lord is moving other minds and wants to give Wanyan-shi a righting."
     "Reassure, as long as there is '1st Jiji', there is Dong Ejia, 9th-Prince can't abolish you anyway." Frowning, Yi-Luoshi felt a slight faint feeling in his heart.
     The Di Fu-Jin of the sacred gift is indeed not a waste, but 9th-Prince wants to make her life difficult, the method can be said to be thousands of kinds, like now, people are fine, but this heart is Being tortured for a while can't be peaceful.
     "If things have already been done, then don't hesitate. Moreover, detecting and finding evidence is two different things. If you have the courage to ask, you have to be bold to bear the consequences of this." Yi-Luoshi looks at Dong shi is uneasy, and my heart is so angry and funny. If I haven't found it yet, I will show such a guilty look. I am afraid that others will not know what she has done.
     "Em, I can't afford it, I don't want to lose Fu-Jin's position, and I don't want to leave my grandfather." Dong-shi eyes were reddish, tears in his eyes, and he looked desperate and insisted.
     "Then you shouldn't even show the guilty guilty look of this thief."
     After the rockery, Yin-Tang listened to the conversation between the mother and the daughter, and frowned. He came here not to listen to these nonsense. He came here to see if Yi-Luoshi would still be used for Dong-shi.
     The power in the palace.
         ,      Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Eat evil fruit.
     I don't know if Yi-Luoshi, who was eavesdropping, still loves her daughter, and according to Yin-Tang's ability, she also believes that a Qinwang can't run away. "You don't care about this matter. Nothing has ever been born, what to do, don't act rashly, causing unnecessary trouble."
     Dong-shi wiped the tears in her eyes with a slap, but she wanted to take care of it. Unfortunately, she is now taking care of herself, and she dares to act. "That time..."
     "Reassured, the mother will help you to settle this matter." Yier Genjue shi licked his lips, inevitably flashed through the eyes, and used the dark piles in the palace without the consent of the husband, although not used More, but I really have to be caught, she is afraid that it is difficult to cross.
     Dong-shi didn't think so much. In her opinion, Yi-Luoshi could do anything. Any problem can be solved by her, but she never thought about how much Yi-Luoshi paid for her.
     "Okay, let's go out for a short time, it's time to go back." Yi-Luoshi is faint.
     "Well." Lightly Calling, Dong-shi, who achieved the goal, also knows that there will be no result if he stays there again. After all, Wanyan-shi is not the Ah-Cat Ah-dog who has no name. What should she do if she wants to dispose of it.
     When the mother and daughter left, the Yin-Tang, who was gloomy, Called coldly: "Lin-Chujiu."
     Lin-Chujiu stepped forward, squinting, and the body was slightly tight, not as easy as usual, but with a hint of tension.
     "People keep up, the Lord wants to see, in addition to the previous lines, how much can be caught today." Yin-Tang sneered, his eyes swept over Yi-Luoshi where they had just stood, The eyes are full of ice and cold.
     The forces in the palace are very complicated, and there are many factions.
     The seemingly solid relationship may have been bought by others.
     The special cultivation of the dark piles like Yin-Tang is more than the temporary display in the palace. It's reliable, at least Yin-Tang doesn't have to worry about the news that he got being tampered with.
     Yi-Luoshi, although annoyed with her own rash, was disappointed with her daughter's lack of responsibility, but she knew in her heart that these things could not be detected, and the power in the palace could not attract the attention of others. As the master of Dong family, Yi-Luoshi loves her daughter and has her own bottom line. She can't do too much. Otherwise, she and her daughter will lose the shelter of Dong and E, and it will be a real disaster.
     Dong-shi went back to the hall and sat back to her original position. She looked very awkward. If it wasn't for 8th Fu-Jin who suddenly spoke to her, she was still a little stunned.
     "8th-Sao, but there is something." Dong-shi, who had returned to God, smiled apologetically and immediately adjusted his posture and asked softly.
     "Nothing, just staring at your eyes, thinking that there is something, care about it." 8th Fu-Jin's eyes are slightly stunned, the smile on his face looks generous and clear, but the faint cyan of the eyes shows that her life is not superficial. It’s so enviable.
     Thanks to the warning of Yi-Luoshi, Dong-shi seems to suddenly remember the Yin-Tang's account, and the tone is alienated and eloquent: "Thank you 8th-Sao care, just the rush to go out, let the wind It’s already good.”
     Dong-shi is not impulsive, willing to listen to persuasion, she is still very useful, in the last world she relied on these laughs to the end, but this world, Wan-xi is no longer low-key, no longer weak, High-profile Zhang Yang gave Dong-shi a sense of crisis, and finally impulsively acted, so that a deputy good situation will become the current state of the seven.
     "9th-Sao is guarding me, nothing, I am just polite, I have no intention of inquiring about anything." Playing with the slap in the hand, 8th Fu-Jin's face showed a faint smile.
     Dong-shi saw her look like this, but her heart was somewhat uncertain. She turned to look at Yin Mama, who was not far away. She saw her shaking her head and strengthened her previous thoughts. She continued: "8th-Sao I am joking, I just feel that I am a little lacking, and I am not scornful."
     The previous thing has not passed, she can still pass the customs and is unknown, and then make something happen. She is really afraid that Yin-Tang will abolish her, but Kangxi will directly give her death.
     She is stupid to know that 8th Fu-Jin is not a passer-by with her, especially Yin-Tang has already withdrawn from the Eighth Party.
     "Since this is the case, I am bothered." 8th Fu-Jin's mouth is slightly raised, the face of the cloud is light and windy, just the moment of hanging down the eyes, the eyes flashed a sorrow.
     Dong-shi licks his lips, but he no longer speaks. Turning around the moment, I saw my daughter being played by Hong-min.
     They looked a little bit, and they wanted to get up and pull them back. But when they touched the bright smile on their daughter's face, Dong-shi was stiff and then sat.
     The straight body slowly softened again.
     Yin Mama followed the eyes of Dong-shi and watched the 1st Jiji of the 1st-Prince who was selling in front of the Empress Dowager. I felt pity in my heart, and then I saw that Dong-shi was slightly lost. She doesn't bother, but she hopes she can think about it, don't act on it.
     Your Highness, I am afraid that it will not easily let Madam go. How much will Dong family lose? How can Madam and Fu-Jin be punished? She only hopes that Your Highness can still be in '1st Jiji'. For the sake of it, leave a little room for Fu-Jin.
     Wan-xi sat next to it, seemingly leisurely, but always staring at the door.
     The current situation is unclear. Under the seemingly peaceful surface, the dark tide is surging, and the battle between Prince is becoming more and more fierce. Even if Yin-Tang begins to show that it is not intended to be big, it is hard to believe these people, let alone Yin Tang also followed the 8th-Prince blending, coupled with a large number of industries, the Crown Prince and others, afraid that it is difficult to ignore his existence.
     I was thinking, the Crown Prince put on a look of concern, asked about the whereabouts of Yin-Tang, and the faintness of Dong-shi face immersed in his thoughts, obviously not in the state, but with Dong shi is, Wan-xi, this Side-Fujin really does not rush to speak.
     "Old 9? But drunk." Kangxi is on the rise, plus in the past few years, Yin-Tang really wants him, ‘Laughs’ , Kangxi often points to the name Yin-Tang.
     No one responded, the hall suddenly fell into a strange silence, Wan-xi worried, but could not get up at this time or people to find Yin-Tang, after all, this time is wrong, unless Yin-Tang himself Appear, otherwise what she does will make people feel deliberate, and even mistakenly think that she is hiding something.
     "Hey, the Old 9 is doing something, not really drunk in a cloister!" The Crown Prince sneered a little, seemingly playing, but there is something in the words.
     Wan-xi wanted to argue for Yin-Tang, but she didn't speak, but she heard a familiar voice ringing behind her.
     "Let the Crown Prince worry, the younger brother just went out for a moment. If he knew that the Crown Prince had something to look for, he would definitely say hello first." Yin-Tang’s words are a bit ridiculous. , a silky.
     At the moment when Yin-Tang appeared, the smile on the face of the Crown Prince froze. Originally, he seized the opportunity and wanted to take this opportunity to make Yin-Tang a fan, let him know his own power, but did not expect to start hitting the wall, it feels really boring, but even so, the Crown Prince is even In order to be in the image of Kangxi, I can only laugh and say, "9th Prince brother said what he said, but he is just saying it."
     Yin-Tang, but laughed, and calmly returned to his seat, picked up the glass, and gestured to Wan-xi to pour the wine.
     Then he said some auspicious words to Kangxi. Kangxi saw him come back, no longer. Ask more, as for the dispute just now, he is as if he had never seen it before, let it go.
     Time, the entire hall has resumed the previous excitement, Yin-Tang will return to the original position, watching the appearance of Wan-xi shocked, patted her hand, whispered: "Don't worry, all cuts have a master “
     "Master, the Crown Prince is afraid that the visitor is not good." Wan-xi was worried. She was really afraid that Kangxi would blame Yin-Tang for the Crown Prince.
     Kangxi biasity is well known. Long eyes can be seen. For the Crown Prince, Kangxi has not suppressed other Princes. Even the 1st-Prince as the eldest son cannot be avoided. Wan-xi does not think Yin Tang is the oldest 9th Prince.
     "No problem, the Crown Prince is just a dog jumped to the wall, I want to give the man a horse, but the Lord does not eat this set." Yin-Tang just think of Wan-xi just fearful and uneasy, his face can not help reveal A little dissatisfied.
     When he was a dead man, he thought about the woman who was embarrassed by a gap.
     The account booked him, and there was no biasity of the Imperial Father in the coming day. He wanted to see what kind of end the Crown Prince could end up with?

      The Empress Dowager is getting older, it is very difficult to stick to this time, and now the palace feast is about to come to an end.
     The Empress Dowager is tired, Kangxi persuaded two sentences, and then no longer insisted, he got up first and left. It is.
      The Empress Dowager, Wan-xi will hold a few children around, not letting them run around again. After all, there are many people in this palace, and no one can guarantee that there is no black hand.
     Yin-Tang saw that a few children were fine, and I was relieved, especially when I saw Hong-min with Moya-qi, and I praised him a few words. As a father, he naturally wants his children to unite and love, rather than calculating each other.
     In the past, Dong-shi put Moya-qi in the main courtyard. He really wanted to create opportunities for several children to get along. Unfortunately, Dong-shi did not appreciate and regarded people as thieves to prevent, let alone Wan Xi, that is, he feels tired, how can he go to force Wan-xi and the children to move to Dong-shi.
     " Ama, my brother Sao is sleepy, when can we go back!" Hong-min asked, and he yawned.
     Don't look at the child's always energetic appearance. When it's time to sleep, it's really a sleep and sleep, there is no discussion to play.
     "Come on." Yin-Tang reached out and touched his son's light-headed door. When he turned his head, he saw Hong-zhao.
     They had already fallen asleep by Wan-xi, and could not help but reach out to Hong-zhao. Hold it in your arms, "Come, Hong-min, first lean on Ama and sleep for a while."
     "Well." Hong-min reached out and rubbed his eyes. He wanted to say that he was not sleepy, but it was too sleepy, so Yin-Tang said that he obediently leaned on Yin-Tang to sleep.
     Looking at the Brother, clans and ministers who still touted each other in the hall, Yin-Tang wrinkled his brows and said nothing, but he really hated this hypocritical scene. However, with Kangxi eagerness, he has more dissatisfaction and can only endure.
     "9th Prince brother." Hearing someone calling himself, Yin-Tang looked up and couldn't help but saw 3rd-Prince and 3rd Fu-Jin in front of him. Yin-Tang sneered in his heart, he hadn't found it yet. Dong Ejia, Dong Ejia is looking for him.
     Oh, this is a big joke.
     Not to mention the embarrassment between 3rd Fu-Jin and 9th Fu-Jin, it is said that between him and 3rd-Prince, apart from this unchangeable brotherhood, there is really nothing between them. Now, if you don’t ask for it, Yin-Tang is unbelievable.
     "3rd Prince, 3rd-Sao, is this?" Yin-Tang looked at Hong-zhao in his arms and Hong-min on his leg, making it inconvenient: "3rd Prince 3rd Sao still forgive me."
     "9th Prince is polite, but it is not 3rd Prince." 3rd-Prince is polite, and the deputy does not care. "Before our Brother know very little, there are few contacts, but now it is not too late, after all, Brother are even shackles, and it is also appropriate to interact with each other."
     "Yes, 9th Prince and 9th-Sao, if you have time, go to the office and go." 3rd Fu-Jin, although he doesn't like 9th Fu-Jin, he is more like 9th Fu-Jin's Amad, but she This person is smarter than 9th Fu-Jin, and he is more sleek. It is awkward. Whether it is the last life or this world, her life is better than Fu-Jin.
     Wan-xi sat in the Yin-Tang body this time, not snoring, just looking at 3rd Fu-Jin and they talked, the meaning of the words revealed in the line is nothing more than a draw. In this way, Dong family is not the kind of unity she thinks. She still wondered how to divide these people. Now, as long as the timing is right and the interests are sufficient, as long as a primer can lead to the battle. Regardless of whether the result is losing or winning, the consumption is the strength of the Dong nationality, and there is no relationship with her.
     "3rd-Sao is polite, change his brother to the east, invite your Brother and Brother to drink a cup." Yin-Tang will come, even if he disdains 3rd-Prince face-high literati But on the face, he never gave up on the face.
     3rd-Prince See Yin-Tang did not respond positively to his invitation. Although he was a little angry in his heart, if 3rd Fu-Jin pulled his sleeves in time, he might be like a literary shelf.
     The lesson is learned.
     Kangxi sat on the top, seemingly casual, but actually put a few sons into the eyes, especially Yin-Tang, as a family member, Kangxi naturally hopes that Yin-Tang will not mix again Between several Brother, after all, the battle of other sons is enough to make him a headache, and it’s hard to get lost. Fortunately, Yin-Tang did not let him down, knowing that the size can do things. At the moment, the small abacus in Kangxi heart can’t help himself.
     After a while, the palace feast came to an end. When Kangxi retired, Yin-Tang and others would not continue to be tired of their own wives and children, holding their children, and saying hello would be scattered.
     At the same time, Yin-Tang and Wan-xi, several children in a carriage, Dong-shi and '1st Jiji' in a carriage, clearly, seemingly fair, but like a blunt knife cutting meat, let Dong shi is so sad.
     Yin Mama is sitting on the side with '1st Jiji', cold eyes glaring at the sad look of Dong-shi, not like the feeling of empathy as before, but the impulse to laugh. What kind of fruit is what, this person is jealous, want to pull a cut to the face, maybe? I hold the '1st Jiji' in my arms quietly, and Yin Mama only hopes for '1st Jiji'. Don't be like Dong-shi.
     Yin-Tang returns to the house, only Yin Mama takes care of '1st Jiji', and then walks with Wan-xi to Qing yi-Courtyard. As for Dong-shi, he I don't care what she thinks in her heart. Anyway, no matter what he does, she complains when she has a point that doesn't follow her. Don't say Yin-Tang, change the honest man, can't bear this tone.
     Going back to Qing yi-Courtyard, I sent a few children back to the house. Wan-xi and Yin-Tang confessed a few words, and this was the time to get back to the house.
     Don't look at the fun of the palace banquet, it is the pet and the face, but sitting on this cold day, sitting on the evening, the temple is warm again, this person also feels tired. Don't say that Wan-xi is a weak woman, that is, Yin-Tang, this big man also feels very tired.
     "Master, take your body and go to the bath." Wan-xi is all in Yin-Tang's arms, like that without bones.
     Although Gao Mama is distressed by Wan-xi, she is really unruly like this. How can a woman instruct a man to do things? If the men are not happy, they will count on the account in the future. She can look at Yin-Tang's deputy, and she feels that she is open at this time, fearing that it is somewhat irritating. Hesitated for a long while, and when he returned to God, he saw Yin-Tang waved to them. Gao Mama was worried, but it was not that blind. Plus Yin-Tang would like to, she could not help.
     "But tired?" Yin-Tang was tired enough this day, but his heart was very worried about Wan-xi in his arms.
     Wan-xi smashed in Yin-Tang's arms, and the jade arm took his neck. He said: "Tired, tired."
     Yin-Tang bowed his head and looked at the Wan-xi, which was honed in his arms like a cat, and chuckled. "Guangjiao, can you be scared today?"
     The Crown Prince is looking for you, nothing more than because he did not follow his intentions, but also cut his Hu in the Jiangnan area, saying how big the bowl is, how much rice to eat, not the emperor to remember the bank of Jiangnan, if he Regardless of the family department, I really don't care about this kind of thing with him. Unfortunately, he manages the household department. Every year, there are counts of money. It is easy to let go. Otherwise, when Kangxi wants to use it, there is no useless, but there is no money in the national treasury. What compensation does he take, can he make up for it?
     This is to make people fools. Unfortunately, Yin-Tang does not eat him. It is awkward.
     The recovery is still going to be recycled.
     The offense is also unambiguous. Anyway, his relationship with the Crown Prince was not. How is it?
     "Slightly. I have nothing to do with myself, but I don't want to be blamed by the emperor." Wan-xi sat down with Yin-Tang, and there was a worry in his eyes, but he tried to calm his emotions. .
     Yin-Tang's big palm caressed her little face, and her palms were lightly rubbed. For a moment, "I don't worry! Imperial Father uses the Master. Even if the Crown Prince is going to make trouble, the Imperial Father will do it."
     "But why is it hard to be thankful every time!" Wan-xi holds Yin-Tang's hand, and his eyes are full of distress.
     "Golden, some things are inevitable, Imperial Father is finally Ama, even if he has never put his lord in his heart, he can't ignore his mind." Some words Yin-Tang is not good at saying He had an envy of Kangxi, but after a long time, the desire slowly disappeared, and the rest was only the basic filial piety of the Son of Man.
     Wan-xi did not want to provoke the relationship between their father and son. As long as Yin-Tang is safe and peaceful, she is no longer as eager as she was in the last world. Others really do not care. After all, this person’s heart is originally biased. It is difficult to be treated equally.
     "That's good, as long as the Lord is good, the other ones don't care much." Wan-xi seems to be relieved, the whole person is in the arms of Yin-Tang, the whole person is lazy, it starts It’s a shame, “Master, I don’t want to move, I’m going to bathe.”
     "I thought you would forget the words of the meeting. It seems that this is a lazy crime, and many things can't be overcome." Yin-Tang smiled and scraped her nose, then followed her heart. She went to the clean room to wash and bathe, but during this period, the cheaper one would not deny it. If it should not be cheap, it would be a New Year’s welfare.
     When Wan-xi was hugged to the bed, I thought about it with hatred. I couldn’t be soft on this man in the future. I obviously wanted to save some effort.
     The result was that I was thoroughly cleaned up. I didn’t care about her. Hard work.
     Yin-Tang didn't know this. He held the soft body of Wan-xi, and his face was lame.
     The next day when Wan-xi woke up, Yin-Tang had already got up, and the position next to him was slightly cold. I wanted to come to Yin-Tang and get up for a while. She lifted her arms and seemed to want to stretch her arms. Who knows that just moving, and almost all of them have a feeling of grief, and at that moment, Wan-xi knows the price of yesterday’s indulgence.
     "Hey!" One couldn't help it, Wan-xi snorted, and the delicate brows were gently picked up, and then the whole person returned to the bed.
     Wrapped in the quilt, Wan-xi looked up at the window and saw that it was bright outside. It is estimated that this time is not too early. However, she is not worried. After all, there is nothing in this house that can't take her Side-Fujin.
     Turning over, Wan-xi was thinking about whether or not to call Ting-Bamboo. When they came in to serve, they heard a footstep outside the house, turned their heads and saw Yin-Tang wearing a blue robes. When I looked a little, "Master, is this all right now?"
     Yin-Tang stepped forward, stayed in front of the bed before stopping, and smiled in his eyes. He also spoke with a stock of words. "Master  is busy, there is also time to come and see you." Touching her delicate little face, because of the relationship of sleeping, her cheeks are red, and she looks very delicate.
     Wan-xi heard the words, the brows were slightly picky, and the words were awkward and authentic: "Why would this make him think that he was apologizing for last night?"

     Wan-xi heard the words, the brows were slightly picky, and the words were awkward and authentic: "Why would this make him think that he was apologizing for last night?"
     "What is a good apology for the lord, the husband and ‘Madam Dunlun is the human nature." Yin-Tang has a reddish mouth and a hard back, then he clap his hands and give Ting-Bamboo and others waiting outside the house. Come in.
     There is a dragon in the house, it is not too cold. Wan-xi is allowed by Ting-Bamboo to wait for her to dress and wash. Anyway, in this Qing yi-Courtyard, Yin-Tang, whoever manages No matter when she starts, it’s okay to slow down. As for the words that Yin-Tang came back hard, she didn't feel angry, just turned her eyes to his reddish ears.
     Yin-Tang is a slick, and it can be said that it is dripping, and it can be cheaper in his hands. It is not a leisurely generation. Wan-xi thinks that the means is rough and not desirable, so she is not willing to admit defeat to Yin-Tang, or to fool the past with her. Until one day, her now slick Yan-Tang will be shy, and there will be no scruples.
     The opportunity to seize it must be ridiculed.
     Of course, Wan-xi never jokes in front of others or sings Yin-Tang. It’s all like when they get along with each other. Even if it’s too much, Yin-Tang won’t be angry, even if it’s a punishment. Just throw her down. In this way, following her mind, she deepened the feelings of the two.
     Only Wan-xi knows this point, and Yin-Tang will also use this point. No, she hasn't waited for her to speak, and Yin-Tang has directly recruited people.
     After washing, Wan-xi smashed it, and it was already awkward.
     There was a slight guilty conscience in my heart.
     This is a little later, and it may be noon.
     "Master, Hong-min?" Wan-xi looked around for a week, did not see a child, could not help but authentic.
     "I am still asleep, I guess I was tired last night. I just had a sigh of relief. I haven't gotten up yet." Yin-Tang is very strict with his two sons. Don't look young, but Yin-Tang never The heart is soft, and it’s all about how it is. As for other aspects, Yin-Tang is very willing to give up to the children. It’s almost what to give, and letting the children sleep late like today is also for the New Year. After all, Daren was tired of the scene yesterday, not to mention a few children.
     Wan-xi nodded, knowing that the children are fine, she will be relieved. Fortunately, this palace feast will be several times in the end of the year. If it is like this, she is afraid to be sick at home and avoid going out.
     Not to mention that she did not have a good time, but that Kangxi was too tossed, even though she did not see the scenes in her life, but in her heart, she was not curious about this, and never even thought about participating.
     “Is it possible to have a morning meal?” Wan-xi sees the snow.
     They put the meal on the table, only the belly is hollow and hungry.
     "Ye has already used it." Yin-Tang said, picking up the chopsticks in front of him to help Wan-xi clip her favorite meal and signal her to eat.
     Wan-xi sees it, and it is not welcome. Take the chopsticks and eat. Yin-Tang sat beside her, saw her eating sweet and did not speak, just silently gave her a dish, let her eat more comfortably.
     When Wan-xi finished eating, Yin-Tang took her hand to the top and bottom, and the New Year took the lead. Although nothing happened, there were quite a lot of entertainment. Although there are Dong-shi and four Mama in the house, but some entertainment, Yin-Tang does not want to bring Dong-shi up, it is , the most suitable person in the house is only Wan-xi.
     "A few days, the four banquets invite our Brother to go to the government to gather together. When you are not going to socialize, just go with a few children, don't force yourself to please anyone." Yin Tang whispered, and he was still prepared for his 4th Fu-Jin Wulana-shi.
     Although he did not put in the hands of 4th-Prince House, but often go in and out, how many will still hear some wind, plus they are not that the anecdote does not know people, with a little bit of brain, you can find out which   .
     “Is it really ok? Wouldn’t it make Siye feel embarrassed?” Wan-xi took Yin-Tang’s hand and asked indefinitely.
     Yin-Tang may not know, but she knows that 4th-Prince is definitely going to be on the throne. When she is not in the same position, it is not a trivial statement to find out the post.
     Yin-Tang thought that she was worried, and she couldn't help but smack her mouth, and then gently raised her voice: "Why not. You know what Jao-Jao is worried about, but Jao-Jao understands that position. In fact, it is not good to sit, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, according to the 4th Prince temper, afraid that Wulana-shi will not be allowed to be difficult for you. After all, it is irreplaceable, it is irreplaceable existence, 4th Prince is not going to let the heart of the heart for the Wulana-shi."
     Wan-xi listened to him, and he looked up and looked at him seriously. He saw his eyes firmly and confidently, and he knew that he was confident to say these words. She was slightly relieved, she was not afraid of 4th Fu-Jin, she was afraid that she would bring trouble to him and her children. Only a woman in the backyard knows that the backyard is a battlefield without smoke, and the soldiers here are not bloody.
     She leaned her head on Yin-Tang's shoulder and whispered, "That's fine. After all, 4th Fu-Jin is not as good as it seems." If it is so virtuous, it would be impossible to have only two men in 4th-Prince House. A woman is still in poor health.
     No, this is no coincidence, this is the result of a woman's struggle.
     Yin-Tang, who is next to him, couldn’t help but raise his eyes. He not good at other people affairs, even if his relationship with his peers is much closer than before, but this kind of thing is too easy to manage. Caused unnecessary misunderstandings, not to mention that I am not unaware of this.
     This point has been added to his two women in the backyard for nearly two years. He can see that Wulana-shi is no longer like the past. Trusted.
     "She is not good, but she can't manage it. However, I know that the heart of Jiao Jiao is on the Lord." Xiao-Tang smirked on Wan-xi eyes.
     Wan-xi cheeks red, red lips slightly beeps, eyes are full of shame, but they have to be forced to calm down, this look looks like Yin-Tang heart itch.
     This little woman in front of her eyes has always been like this. No matter what he does, he can’t open his eyes. He reaches out and takes people into his arms. He kisses her red lips and says: “Jao-Jao is like this, but let’s look at it.
     The more you like."
     "Yes will be awkward." Wan-xi glared at the increasingly unfair Yin-Tang, and could not help but raise his hand to slap his strong chest.
     Yin-Tang looked at her shy appearance, and could not help but bow her head, her lips were in her ear, the voice was not high or low, but the tone was very embarrassing: "Yes, I am looking forward to more surprises." It!"
     Wan-xi recalled the scene of last night, the little face was redder, and looking at Yin-Tang's eyes was even more awkward.
     This person is getting less and less adjusted. In the past, he was only a bad temper. Now it seems that he is not serious, but she does not always live up to his sweet words. Every time I think about it, as long as he is awkward, she promises everything.
     Seeing Wan-xi face ashamed, Yin-Tang did not continue to tease her. If he really anxious, he himself would suffer, after all, the kitten also has claws.
     Don't look at the New Year, but there are a lot of things outside the house. Yin-Tang can wait for a few children to get up, and then accompany them to have lunch, it is already the time for ideas to come out.
     The business thing, Yin-Tang has already figured out the bill at the end of the year, but he has to pay more attention to maintaining this leading position. He himself does not lack silver, but it seems to be difficult to help to develop personal power. After all, he is no longer the first hot in the past, and he will pay all the people for the so-called brotherhood.
     The person’s heart has been hurt, even if the person facing you is not the one who hurts you, he will unconsciously take some precautions when facing his person. Yin-Tang is like this now, but it can't be owned, but it can continue to open up the market.
     The money in this world is only you can't make money, and you can't make it.
     In addition, the investigation of the Dong and E nationalities is also underway.
     This kind of thing can be said that there is no turning back in the opening of the bow. If you want to do it, you must do it in the end. Otherwise, you will be accidentally stared at by the other party.
     Wan-xi knows that Yin-Tang is really a lot of things on hand. If you don't talk about business, you can say that 4th-Prince things are enough for him to spend a lot of effort, plus she will die more than she will die. I want to be leisurely, this time and a half, I am afraid it is a little difficult.
     Sending Yin-Tang, Wan-xi stood in front of the courtyard, and looked up to the direction of the main courtyard at the moment of lifting.
     The corner of the mouth unconsciously raised a sneer. "All said that when you first start, there must be someone to do it. Fifteen, Dong-shi, our account is also time to calculate."
     Wan-xi can't talk about the kind of people who must report, but the experience of the last world is so fierce that she has become more and more decisive, especially at the point of protecting herself and her children. Like the last world, I only know that I am forbearing, I don’t know how to fight back. After all, there are things that come and go are fair.
     After the beginning of the New Year, the movements of the capitals began to become more frequent.
     There were more guests coming and going in the house. Wan-xi never believed in the kindness of Dong-shi, she was very embarrassed.
     The children are staying with them.
     There are many accidents in the backyard. Not to mention that a few children are still young. Do you say that Darens like her are not being used by people?
     Instead of giving the opportunity to others in the face of a slack, it is better to prevent it in advance, so that people with a small abacus in their hearts have nowhere to do it.
     And Dong-shi, who is set by Wan-xi as a small abacus, has long sleeves and dances among many guests. It may only be this time that she can find the feeling of a silk hostess.
     Yin Mama looked at Dong-shi, who completely ignored her body. She secretly shook her head, lost the favor of Your Highness, did not take care of her daughter, and now she doesn’t even care about her body. It is really Highness in the future.
     The lord caught the handle and left the side, what is she left?
     Dong-shi didn't care about this. After she was sent to the guests in the courtyard, she raised her hand to pick up the pearls that were not far away, and whispered, "How, Qing yi-Courtyard can have movements?"
     "Back to Fu-Jin, Qing yi-Courtyard, there is no movement, 1st-Prince, they did not come out, but the nubi inquired about it, it seems that Wanyan Side-Fujin will 1st-Prince they are in the Qing yi-Courtyard. "Pearl whispered back, lifted the moment, carefully looked at Dong eyes, afraid that she would be dissatisfied with the news she had heard, and punish her.
     Recently, Dong-shi is like a gunpowder barrel. It is a big Thunder in a small matter. In the main courtyard, Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt are often beaten, but they are often reprimanded, while pearls and rouge are fined. I have been fined several times for playing the board. Now the injury is not good, and I am afraid that Dong-shi will do it again.
     "I was arrested in Qing yi-Courtyard?" Dong-shi heard that her face was thoughtfully thought, and she seemed to be thinking about it, but the pearl in front of her was really relieved.

     "I was arrested in Qing yi-Courtyard?" Dong-shi heard that her face was thoughtfully thought, and she seemed to be thinking about it, but the pearl in front of her was really relieved.
     There is a saying that there is a willingness to succeed, and Dong-shi does not think that people are not surrounded by Wanyan Wan-xi.
     In recent days, people from the Fu people come and go, whether they come to visit or to please, Dong-shi is the one who comes. Because of the pursuit of these people, her original little confidence has begun to expand. It was only because of the warning of Yi-Luoshi that she was still in the ear. Even if she had the mind, she never thought that it would be done as before.
     Every day, every day, every time I meet, on the eyes of Yin-Tang, her emotions will fall into a state of incomparable anxiety. It’s awkward, the people in the main courtyard are all ruined. calamity.
     That's it, Dong-shi still thinks about how to calculate other people, probably in her heart, only to achieve what she wants, is it a perfect completion, and no matter how others retreat, she can't feel it.
     Yin Mama looked at Dong-shi thoughtful look, and she secretly shook her head.
     The current troubles have not been solved. Fu-Jin is falling and wants to move her hands again. When... She starts to feel a little uncomfortable. However, there is a point that Yin Mama feels fortunate that Dong-shi does not know whether she does not trust her or has another plan. Recently, many things have been ordered by Tong-Aunt, pearls and rouge. She is also a blind eye.
     "People continue to stare, there is movement, and immediately look back." Dong-shi thought that there are still guests who may come to visit, thinking about who can become the gun in their hands.
     "Yes, the nubi obeyed." The pearl shrank his shoulders carefully and took it out.
     The rouge waiting outside the door looked at the pearl of the rest of his face and greeted him. "How? Fu-Jin hasn't dismissed the idea of ​​dealing with Wanyan Side-Fujin?"
     People with long eyes in the house can see that the true heart of Your Highness is falling on Wanyan Side-Fujin. Besides, who can be blessed in this house, three sons and daughters, among them There is also a pair of dragons and phoenixes. I have been rumored that there are rumors that the daughters of Wanyan family have Fu-Jin?
     Before the Wanyan family's show was very popular, every time the draft, as long as it was not a primary election, the brand was mostly married to a good family, and the other family's candidate Miss was envious. Who doesn't want to marry a good family, but you have to marry someone else, and marriage is a matter of interest. Whether you can get good treatment is another matter.
     The woman in the backyard, the main room is rarely favored, but it is not without it. Instead of taking the time to cultivate a good feeling, if you let the other person have a good feeling before marrying the past, at least not too passive, but also reduce the number of cannon fodder. fate.
     Unfortunately, Dong-shi did not understand the meaning of this, and thought about destroying the opponents, but there was no rule, and finally only suffered from those who waited for them.
     "How could it be dispelled." Pearl sighed, and while talking, carefully looked back and said: "Rouge, you said, do we want to find a way back?"
     The attitudes of Yin Mama and Tong-Aunt are so obvious that they can't see it, but they are not sure about the intentions of Tong-Aunt and Yin Mama. It is awkward, and the pearls are somewhat awkward.
     "You mean..." Rouge face was horrified, and his fingers pointed to the direction of Qing yi-Courtyard.
     "Inquire first, how can I say, wait until Your Highness comes to find a post, we may be able to stay alive." The same as the nubi of the waiter, Qing yi-Courtyard's Maid has Your Highness to help arrange lifelong events, and They have nothing, but they have to be careful to keep their temper life.
     This contrast is not too strong.
     Rouge sighed and sighed, suddenly, the two heard a cry, then saw two roughs, Pozi dragged a small Maid and went out, only to look at the face of the little Maid, they knew Fu-Jin I lost my temper and someone was unlucky.
     This is one after another, they are afraid that the next one is themselves!
     Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi gave the younger son a milk, watching him look like he was full of food and drink, and his heart could not do it.
     "Emium, how did Hong-jun’s younger brother sleep again?" Yali-qi is a girl. She is very attached to Wan-xi, and every time her family is up, the little guy is not nesting in Yin Tang, in the arms, is sitting next to Wan-xi.
      Hong-min and Hong-zhao are boys, big heart, even if they are surrounded by Wan-xi, they can play tricks. Wan-xi really does not worry about them, but instead The only daughter, Wan-xi has more attention. Whoever gave this world she gave birth to such a daughter!
     "My younger brother is still young. If you grow up, you can only eat more and sleep more." Wan-xi reached out and licked his daughter's hair, and said softly.
     " Eat more and sleep more, isn't it a pig?" Yali-qi turned his head and his face was full of doubts.
     Wan-xi looked at her face and looked at her daughter's innocent look. She couldn't help but yell at Wan-xi, who was patient with her children, and couldn't talk about it.
     "Auntie..." Yali-qi, who couldn't get an answer, stared at Wan-xi, with a look on his face, 'I am waiting for you to answer', so that Wan-xi couldn't wait to vomit blood three liters.
     How to answer in order not to hurt the most pure feelings between my brother and sister, is this a problem?
     "Yali-qi, my younger brother is too small, need to grow up, will eat more and sleep more, this is also the case when you were a child." Wan-xi considered it, and explained it with difficulty.
     "Ah! Mother, we all grew up like a piglet and eat more!" Noble Miss's face Called in shock, listening carefully, the soft voice was a bit broken. .
     “Hey!?” Wan-xi looked at her daughter’s face and suddenly didn’t know what to say. Gao Mama, next to them, listened to the dialogue between the mother and the daughter, and they laughed. waist.
     Wan-xi looked at the Mama and Maid who laughed in the room and raised their hands. She felt that she had no idea how to communicate with her daughter. At this time, what she missed most was that she always had a way to hold her daughter. Yin-Tang.
     "Ting-Bamboo, what is the Lord doing? Is it in the study?" Wan-xi is going to ask for help.
     "Back to Side-Fujin, Your Highness went to 10th-Prince House, saying that there is something to do with business, maybe it will come back when dinner." Ting-Bamboo couldn't help but look at Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi heard the words, suddenly felt that there is no way to live, so the little son in the arms to force, even if the urine is also urine, the rescue of the mother is in the heat.
     Yali-qi is only a child, the attention is easy to be transferred, Hong-min, Hong-zhao come over, she will forget the previous insistence, play with the two Brother, wait for the small Wan-xi, whose son went to change clothes, came back to see this scene and really felt moved. I knew that the two sons could divert their daughter's attention, and she immediately looked at them.
     In the evening, when Yin-Tang came, Wan-xi, who comforted the children, went to find comfort. When she knew what to say, Yin-Tang couldn’t smile, and it would be like Wan-xi to him. Speaking of a big joke.
     Wan-xi stared at the big eyes and looked at him with a blank expression. Yin-Tang seems to be a bit stiff, and he seems to have forgotten that Wan-xi was pregnant before, can not let him close, plus the confinement, he personally slept for a long time, now just lifted the ban, He doesn't want to go to the study room anymore.
     Wan-xi looks at the Yin-Tang expression and knows what he is thinking, virtue! It’s said that the man is lascivious. It seems that Yin-Tang is no exception, but the object is her, she only slaps him in her heart.
     Yin-Tang glared at Wan-xi mouth, and repeatedly complained that he had no control over himself. I don't know if the kitten is fried, is the result very serious?
     "Master, is this really funny?" Wan-xi tried to make a serious face and asked Yin-Tang.
     "No, my grandmother is thinking of the jokes that the old ten made today. It’s not a joke." Yin-Tang coughed aloud, and finally adjusted the state and set a serious face to start swearing. .
     Wan-xi saw him like this, his face was slightly softer, although he didn't dispute how funny it was, but Wan-xi little hand seriously greeted Yin-Tang's waist soft meat. .
     After the two had bothered, Yin-Tang glared at Wan-xi on the embroidered bed and said something intimate.
     "The 4th Prince banquet is booked the day after tomorrow. You take the children with the grandfather. Whenever they are Ting-Bamboo, remember to take the book and listen to the tape. If you don't have long eyes, don't worry. Directly squatting up." Yin-Tang took Wan-xi soft boneless hand and explained it in detail.
     There is no doubt in his tone. Obviously he is sure that some people will not be honest.
     Yin-Tang has no intention of blending into the battle of women, but some people are so short-sighted and always treat others as fools. If they know the size, Yin-Tang big men will not care about them, but unfortunately At this year, many people don’t know how to look at them.
     They only think about what they should get, but they don’t want to think about what they have paid.
     Wan-xi thinks about the atmosphere in 4th-Prince House, and my heart sighs. No matter where I go to the house, I will fight with the same kind of situation, and I will be vigilant at all times, lest I be counted or used.
     In a twinkling of an eye, on the day of the 4th-Prince House feast, the Prince and Di Fu-Jin, who lived in the courtyard, Wan-xi understood what Yin-Tang said in the end of the night.
     People are Di Fu-Jin, she Side-Fujin directly crossed Di Fu-Jin to these people, is this not eye-catching?
     No real house will like Small Concubine. Naturally, Small Concubine doesn't like to have a place to limit himself and want to destroy his main room at any time. It is a pity that these things are not transferred by the will of women. If they cannot change their fate, they can only find ways to change the fate of others to achieve their own destiny.
     Wan-xi is favored by the four 9th Prince's well-known things in the city. At this moment, I will see this scene again. Although everyone feels blind, but they don't face her in the face of the men, after all, people who play Yin-Tang's idea. Quite a lot, these intimate Di Fu-Jin are not good at offending people. As for turning around, no one can guarantee.
     Yin-Tang glared at the women who consciously gathered into a circle, and then looked at Wan-xi, who was standing next to the child, and frowned. When I noticed this, I couldn’t help myself, but I didn’t make Wulana-shi entertain Wan-xi, but let Hong-hui lead Wan-xi and a few children to the garden. .
     Yin-Tang is satisfied, cold eyes staring at the curtain of Wulana-shi discouraged distrust, but also why Wan-xi should be eyeing people on such occasions.

     When I arrived at the garden, Wan-xi saw that the group of Di Fu-Jin who had been on the shelf did not come.
     The original depressed mood was a lot brighter.
     "Hong-hui, you and Hong-sheng have been looking for Hong-min less recently. Hong-min They always chanting you!" Wan-xi sat in the pavilion and looked at the row of stations. A child, with a smile on his face, asked Hong-hui and Hong-sheng’s hand.
     Wan-xi did not blame this, her tone was soft and twirling, with a hint of concern, so that Hong-hui and Hong- Sheng standing in front of her were embarrassed to look at her, shy Very embarrassed.
     "Small 9th-Aunt, Ama said that when the New Year is over, Hong-hui and Hong-jun's younger brother will live in the past 9th the uncle house will live for a few days." Hong-hui little face blush, tone in his voice A shy.
      Hong-hui and Hong-sheng have had a lot of time to follow Wan-xi in the past year. When it comes to feelings, it is not worse than their pro-mother. It’s awkward, Wan-xi, they still I care very much, so she asked, Hong-hui and Hong-sheng explained it immediately.
     "That's good, you haven't had a younger brother yet! When the time comes, you have to help the little 9th-Aunt take care of the little brother." The smile on Wan-xi face is very gentle and very splendid. I can see that she feels comfortable with the children.
     "Small 9th-Aunt rest assured! We will be good Brother's." Hong-hui and Hong- Sheng see Wan-xi are very happy with their 'commitment to the burden', small blush, all did not shoot the chest with Wan-xi has been guaranteed again and again.
     Wan-xi looked at their excitement, and the smile on his face was really cut a lot.
     Then I saw a sneak peek at Hong-hui, their three children, and smiled softly: "Okay, go Play! But only in the garden, otherwise I will not find you later, I will be very worried."
     "Small 9th-Aunt rest assured, we are playing around here." Hong-hui heard the words, thinking about the task assigned to him, could not help but pat the unsound small chest to guarantee Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi looked at him like this, smiled and raised his hand, gently patted his shoulder and said: "Well, that little 9th-Aunt is here to watch you play."
     Seeing a few children cheering and running around the yard, Wan-xi also felt very happy. As for those Di Fu-Jin, as long as they don’t come to her trouble, how far can they really go? Two irrelevant!
     It is said that well water does not make river water, as long as they do not take the initiative to find her, Wan-xi is not the blind person. She is guilty and vengeful, but in the face of so many rooms, she is alone in the Shiqie here, and she is not allowed to be shredded by these women.
     The weather is still a bit cold at this time, but after the Wan-xi is worn, there is a stove, and it doesn't feel cold. Looking up, 4th-Prince House garden is full of understated luxury.
     Also, Prince Prince mansion, where can be worse, where the precious flowers and plants in this garden know that 4th-Prince is a particular person, but does not like the way of being too arrogant.
     I think that 9th-Prince House is full of grandeur, she feels so much!
     Ha ha! What is the aesthetics? What is your eye closed? Still not seeing the net?
     "Hey, Wanyan Mei-mei, this is a view in the garden!" A sudden voice pulled back the thoughts of Wan-xi, and she slowly turned her head and went directly to Wula Nala-shi is indifferent and disdainful. Wan-xi got up and leaned over to Fu-Jin, who was a Side-Fujin in the pavilion. She didn't teach, and who was saluting.
     It’s a pity that she knows the ceremony, but others don’t know what to say. Wan-xi legs are sour, and the cold sweat is also coming out.
     This Wulana-shi is reluctant to respond to her sentence. .
     "Wanyan Mei-mei Get up quickly! If you let the guys see it, maybe it's still based on Fu-Jin. It's awkward Wanyan Mei-mei!" Wulana-shi holding a jinpa cover Lips, an opening directly broke her back.
     Everyone knows that Wulana-shi is giving Mawei to Wan-xi, but no one wants to give her a break. On the contrary, everyone is waiting to see her good play.
     Unfortunately, Wan-xi is no longer a worrying person since he was born again. Moreover, Yin-Tang smashed her yesterday, some people don’t have long eyes, so don’t give face too, even if there is a dispute. Isn't it also to listen to books and listen to the books?
     " 4th Fu-Jin is joking, there is no embarrassment, and people who know it with a clear eye know that they will not only think in their hearts." Wan-xi hooked his lips and smiled and smiled.
     Wan-xi is an export, and the atmosphere at the scene is directly frozen. Wulana-shi has already had a green face. She said that Side-Fujin can go crazy, but she doesn't want to see Wanyan-shi come to Li-shi. Listening to this, what is it that the blind-eyed person knows, will not only think in his heart, is she accusing her of deceiving herself?
     Wulana-shi several Fujins, including 8th Fu-Jin, which is straight to Wan-xi face, have become extremely rigid. Dare to go directly to the Shiqie of the main room, she Wanyan-shi is still the first, to make sure she is not sick?
     "Wanyan Mei-mei, Concubine should understand the humbleness of Concubine, too arrogant, and sometimes it will be bad luck. After all, the man's favor, come and say, go away." 8th Fu-Jin stepped forward, with a sullen smile on his face, but the words were thorny when he spoke, and he couldn’t wait to repel the man’s posture with just a few words.
     Wan-xi laughed and sat back to the original position.
     The expression on his face was still calm, but the eyes with laughter were full of ice cold. "Is it? This kind of thing is 8th Fu-Jin!" Di Fu-Jin, in the 9th Prince's house, is too long to fall out of favor, and it seems to be taken for granted."
     What is the tit-for-tat, not the patent of anyone, the opinion is not right, you leave room for me, I will leave space for you, if you are not good, do not blame me for fighting back.
     "You-" clenched the posterior alveolar, 8th Fu-Jin roared Wan-xi, according to her past temper, maybe she had already slapped, but now she knows clearly, if she dares Wan-xi hands-on, Yin-Tang will not be like a blind eye, just keep an eye on the past, and instead rely on his temper, if he cares about the former woman, then he can’t go down It must be her.
      8th Fu-Jin looked at her own four, earned her earned earnedly, saw her strength increase, knowing that she was afraid of conflict, and sneered in her heart, and she dared to pick things up. It was really self-sufficient.
     "Since everyone is here, let's sit in the pavilion!" Wulana-shi took the 8th Fu-Jin as a seat, and it looked like she was the hostess of the guest.
      4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin have been frustrated again and again, Big Fu-Jin, 3rd Fu-Jin, 5th Fu-Jin and 13- Fu-Jin are not snoring, just silently, not in a hurry.
     In other words, 5th Fu-Jin or 13- Fu-Jin is not malicious to Wan-xi. Although there is no deep friendship between the two sides, it is not easy for Wan-xi, but Big Fu-Jin and 3rd Fu-Jin, with some thoughts, plus the embarrassment of their own family, they will not only be embarrassed, but will also draw in time.
     The reason why I didn’t open it just now is just waiting for the opportunity. After all, this rescue field is also very particular. It’s not well saved. I didn’t help people to say that I still offended the individual, but saved well, not only not sinners, but also harvested. People are not happy.
     There are only some things that are beyond their expectation, that is, Wan-xi is different from other Side-Fujin. She is neither high nor unassuming, but some people are deceiving them. She will also brighten her claws. Yes, Big Fu-Jin and 3rd Fu-Jin are really hard to find a chance to help.
     Wulana-shi hates in the heart, but there is still a dignified smile on the face, but for Wan-xi not to give her face, she remembers, but can not be difficult at this time, so she only I can make a living for the time being, and try to greet others. If it is ok, it is better to challenge the crowd than to attack the Wanyan-shi.
     Wan-xi bowed his head and did not answer.
     The greeting to Wulana-shi was also very cold.
     The smile on Wulana-shi face was stiff, then she laughed twice and turned.
     The head spoke to other people.
     Although Wulana-shi tone is soft, everyone can still feel that her posterior alveolar is tightly bitten, and it is like a word.
     "It's not bad for us to get together. After all, this year is just a few days of leisure." Big Fu-Jin next to him saw the atmosphere and couldn't help but sneak out.
     At this time, Maid sent hot tea snacks in a timely manner, and the tea in the pavilion was full of fragrance, which eased the tension of the crowd.
     "That is also true. I will go to the general election again. I have to enter two foxes in this backyard. If it is a long-eyed one, it will not be tolerated, but if it is not long-eyed, we don't have to be too connived." 8th Fu-Jin At the right time, she did not miss any chance in the matter of Wan-xi.
     In fact, 8th Fu-Jin didn't understand why she always wanted to target Wan-xi. She used to not see the Shiqie, but now she is able to get Yifei and Yin-Tang's recognition. It is obvious that she was the relative of Yifei and Yin-Tang, but they were abandoned by them. She does not complain about Yifei and Yin-Tang, because she feels that she is wrong, but does not complain about Yifei and Yin-Tang. It does not mean that they will not blame them for their sight and concern.
     It can be said that Wan-xi is lying and shooting.
     Wan-xi raised his eyebrows and looked up at 8th Fu-Jin. His mouth was slightly raised, his face was soft, but his tone was not polite: "Is it not important to be a fox, it is not a poisonous woman in the mouth of a man. After all, this is A woman is jealous, but she can't be poisoned, otherwise she is a light person."
      8th Fu-Jin said the identity of Wan-xi, Wan-xi is not afraid of things, directly with a knife to poke 8th Fu-Jin's heart. It can be said that it is a painful poke, the head is very good, and the second time is in the heart.
     "Wanyan Mei-mei This is a joke, what a poisonous woman is not a poisonous woman, said it." Wulana-shi chuckled, but the tone of the blame for Wan-xi .
     Wan-xi twisted her face and did not give her face. "Hey, it’s over the mouth, 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin open mouth, which is what you should, who rules, who gives rights."
     The voice of Wan-xi fell, and the atmosphere once again fell into a cold silence. Even the sleek and sleek Wulana-shi was now utterly incomprehensible by Wan-xi.
     Who can think of a Side-Fujin, Zhang mouth can block them Di Fu-Jin, no, it is blocked by the tithes of 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin ‘mute.
     "Well, this yard is cold enough, or let's go back to the house and talk." Big Fu-Jin looked at the 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin, and he was happy, but he really hurts and hurts.
     They can't take off their ties, either , Big Fu-Jin or 3rd Fu-Jin, they will adjust the atmosphere appropriately and transfer the next topic.

     "Well, this yard is cold enough, or let's go back to the house and talk again.” Big Fu-Jin looked at the 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin, and they felt happy, but they really started to hurt. Who, they can not take off, is it, Big Fu-Jin, 3rd Fu-Jin, will adjust the atmosphere appropriately, transfer the next topic.
      The hands of 4th Fu-Jin's sleeves are in a group, and I can't wait to directly drag Wan-xi to the stick, but she knows that if she really dares to do this, then the unlucky one is her, not Wan Xi.
     The help of Yin-Tang in this world is more restrained, and Yu-4th Fu-Jin is not aware of his ambitions. He only thinks that he can become a pro-Wangfei. Even so, Wulana-shi also knows that the situation is tense, not careful, not to mention Qinwang, even if the status can not be maintained.
     Good hate!
     If Wan-xi is not a 4th-Prince House backyard, Wulana-shi would rather have to squander it, and also remove the woman who grabbed her husband's attention and her son's feelings.
     "If that's the case, then please ask everyone to go back to the house and have a cup of hot tea!" Coldly, Wulana-shi finally got a ladder through Big Fu-Jin.
     When a few people saw it, no matter what thoughts they had in their hearts, they got up and no longer stayed.
     Although Wan-xi is unreasonable, it is not unequivocal to behave in a proper manner.
     Therefore, this kind of attitude has made 4th Fu-Jin and others unable to pick up the problem.
     Wulana-shi is walking forward, and the line is hurrying. It seems that I don’t want to stay too much for a moment. It seems that there is more disgusting to be disliked, so that the team has fewer individuals and does not know.
     Wan-xi looked coldly at the disappearance of a few people, and the 13- Fu-Jin who was only behind him did not leave. It seems that there is something to say.
     "Third 3rd Fu-Jin, but looking for something?" Wan-xi stared at her, his movements were not slow, and a clear cooling did not make people feel rude.
     "No, nothing, just want to talk to you, my family often said that 9th-Sao is a transparent person." 13th Fu-Jin looked at Wan-xi, it is beautiful, let alone Di Fu-Jin It is the Side-Fujin “Jiji” that is outstanding in each Courtyard. It is not sure that it will be in front of her, but it is not her beauty that is more concerned with the 13- Fu-Jin, but the attitude of Wan-xi.
     Standing on the opposite side, and having a difference in identity, naturally she will feel that she is mad, but if she is out of the way, she will have to change her own principle, and have nothing to do with Zhang Mania.
     In comparison, compared to Wan-xi, Thirty 3rd Fu-Jin felt that 4th Fu-Jin and 8th Fu-Jin were more arrogant, and the two had no reason to attack her. Even Side-Fujin, it is also the Side-Fujin of Beppu, and it doesn't really understand what is blocking them.
     Wan-xi was not excited by the praise of the 13- Fu-Jin. On the contrary, her mood was calm. She is not sociable. In addition to Yin-Tang, children and family members, she is showing her power. Yes, she is quite cold about people and things. Even if 13th-Prince has a good relationship with Yin-Tang, her friendship with 13th-Prince is not bad, but this does not mean that she will be involved in the other's backyard. .
     The things between men, sometimes involving women will be troublesome, the relationship between women and men will be very troublesome for women, she is, she does not want to deep friendship with 13th Fu-Jin.
     "13th Fu-Jin is very polite, but it is not as good as Fu-Jin." Wan-xi chuckled and his voice was alienated.
     13th Fu-Jin brows gently, obviously dissatisfied with the attitude of Wan-xi. She did not believe that her goodwill was not enough, but the attitude of Wan-xi made her a little embarrassed. She is indeed not favored by Side-Fujin in the house, but it is not bad. Now she took the initiative to put down Fu-Jin's shelf and made her a relationship with her, but she was so cold, which made the 13- Fu-Jin quite a feeling of planting.
     "Small 9th-Sao is also polite, nothing, I think I should have passed, or 4th-Sao, they are afraid of being anxious." Two laughs, 13th Fu-Jin got up and said goodbye.
     As Prince Fu-Jin, regardless of the birth level, this heart is always arrogant, and the 13- Fu-Jin is no exception. She can bow for 13th-Prince, but she will not bow to Wan-xi. If she can't say a piece, then she should choose to be nod.
     "Third 3rd Fu-Jin walks slowly." Wan-xi mouth is full of laughter, and the voice is sent, and the courtesy is hard to make her malicious.
     13th Fu-Jin nodded, went to the corner, and looked at Wan-xi, who was enjoying the scene. Even though he was a little embarrassed, he had to admit that this woman did have his own way of doing things cautious, knowing how to measure, But not good at bullying.
     Sure enough, this transparent word is most suitable for her.
     After the 13rd Fu-Jin walked, a few children who had circled in the garden came back. Yali-qi walked in the front, holding a red flower in the small hand, and jumping around, it looked like Very satisfied with this flower, the small face is full of a bright smile. A few boys followed behind and discussed each other and looked very happy.
     "Em, this flower is for you." Yali-qi plunged into the arms of Wan-xi, his hands raised high, his eyes sparkling, as if waiting for Wan-xi compliment.
     "Thank you for the flowers of Yali-qi, I like it very much." Wan-xi took the flowers in her hands and helped her to wipe the sweat. "It's cool, don't play sweaty." ”
      Hong-hui, they came in, Wan-xi let the listeners and listen to the lotus help them wipe the sweat, pour water, a few small smiles haunted in front of Wan-xi, you flower, he For a flower, let Wan-xi think that they have taken the flowers of 4th-Prince House. However, watching the happy appearance of several children, Wan-xi did not ask too much, anyway, this royal person, no matter how poor, this pot of flowers is still affordable.
      Hong-hui Like a little Daren, I asked all the things.
     The assistants were afraid that they would not be able to entertain Wan-xi and make Wan-xi quite touched.
     "Hong-hui, small 9th-Aunt is Daren, I will take care of myself, but you, how to play, how to play, don't worry about the small 9th-Aunt." The child is too sensible and feels distressed.
     "No, no, little 9th-Aunt, Hui children play very well, brother Sao sisters are very embarrassed." Hong-hui looked at Wan-xi eyes full of caring eyes, between time It is a bit stuttering.
      Hong-hui eyes are very bright, his eyes are full of joy, and it seems that he is attached to Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi reached out and touched the head of the light. When he saw him grinning, he pushed the tea in front of him and pushed him to drink.
      Hong-hui eyes bright, sitting on the side of Wan-xi, a few small appearances, sitting around Wan-xi, Wan-xi gave them a hand and gave them snacks , unbiased, a few little guys are very happy.
     For their conversation with Yu-4th Fu-Jin, Wan-xi lacks interest and can be with several children. She feels relaxed and comfortable, because she does not need to be prepared and does not need to worry.
     On the flower hall side, Yin-Tang listened to Lin-Chujiu look back, his eyes flashed, but there was no buzz. Some things, the anger on the spot was not the best policy, and his Jao-Jao didn't suffer, but he didn't think about it. In private, I have to find a place to let these people know.
     He clearly separated them and Wan-xi so much that they didn't want to be wronged by Wan-xi, but these people always like to treat other people warnings as a whisper.
      4th Fu-Jin, 8th Fu-Jin, no matter who they stand behind, what kind of identity they have, whether they have a relative relationship with him, he doesn't care. He cares that they ignore his warnings and bully people who should not bully. .
     In 4th-Prince House, Yin-Tang can get the news, and this host will definitely not get it. When I received the news, I couldn't help but look at Yin-Tang. Seeing that he didn't have a calm face, he just relaxed a sigh of relief.
     Then, toasting with a few Brother to talk about drinking, just the corner of the eye looked at Yin-Tang.
     The feelings between their Brother are getting deeper and deeper.
     The lack of concern is a matter of cherishing a few Brother. Everything is for him. Yin-Tang is more and more trustful than Yu-Xiang. Still have to pay attention.
     That's it, he Di Fu-Jin dragged his hind legs hard, if not for Hong-hui, it is impossible to indulge Wulana-shi.
     Only now, he can no longer be indulged in her.
     Taking advantage of Yin-Tang to go out to hang up the gap, he also got up, some things do not know is a matter of things, knowing that it is another thing, he is not willing to lose this brotherhood.
     "9th Prince, the thing of today is that 4th Prince is not arranged, you can rest assured, 4th Prince will tell you." He reached out and patted his shoulder, his face was serious.
     Yin-Tang listened to his words, the whole person was awkward, and quickly turned to look at him. Seeing a serious face, Yin-Tang’s resentment suddenly disappeared. “4th Prince, it’s nothing to do with you.”
     Who is right and wrong, he still has a clear distinction.
     "9th Prince, Wulana-shi is 4th Prince Di Fu-Jin, that is the responsibility of 4th Prince. I used to look at Hong-hui. 4th Prince has more indulgence for her, but for the future, 4th Prince I don’t want to let her go so far.” Thinking about Su Peisheng’s words, I feel that there should be some things that should be a bit of a concern, otherwise it would make Wulana-shi and 8th Fu-Jin stir up a block. Still himself.
      8th Fu-Jin can stir things up, everyone knows well, even if there is some convergence in recent years, but this nature is so, where can it converge, and 8th Fu-Jin acts, more offended people, naturally waiting to see her jokes There are more people.
     Today, he made a decision to let Hong-hui children entertain Wan-xi, in order to avoid the conflict between the son-in-law, who once thought that Wulana-shi still took the initiative to find it. Whether it is her own intention or someone else embarrassment, this time Wulana-shi is really angry.
     Thinking about the things that happened in the past two years in the brain, I thought that perhaps his power to Wulana-shi and so on was so great that they began to keep his words in mind.
     He thought so, the look on his face slowly became cold. He thought about the big position, and he paid a lot for it. Several Brother followed suit and did not contribute much. In the end, he could not because of A woman who is not in tune has broken the overall situation.
     "9th Prince, 4th Prince will not let a woman stir up the big picture."
     "4th Prince has a lot of heart. Recently, Big Prince and 3rd Prince have a lot of calculations. I think they are also impatient and want to pull the Crown Prince into the water soon." Yin-Tang nodded, though he did not clarify the words. But they also said what they said.
     The expression was slightly stunned, and then the corner of his mouth rose slightly. "Master  said that Big Prince and 3rd Prince suddenly became so enthusiastic. It turned out to be early."
     Yin-Tang laughed and said coldly: "Big Prince and 3rd Prince are good, but 8th Prince and 14th-brother can really toss, 4th Prince can pay more attention."
     "9th Prince is right." He nodded, then greeted Yin-Tang and took the lead to return to the flower hall.


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