Chongqie Courting Death Daily 175

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »    Chapter 175: Want to be reconciled?

     "Yu-hui, Concubine, please don't be guilty at this time.
     There is a way to stay in the green hills without fear of burning wood." Yao Concubine whispered softly, but with a trace of horror on his face, he was afraid Gui Mama shot again.
     Yu-hui hangs her eyes, she wants to say no, she wants to resist, but the pain on her face and the discouragement in her ear make her feel hesitant. She knows that if she does not bow her head today, she is likely to be Mama is half dead.
     This old woman is very poisonous. Others don't know. She has seen her with a small Maid in the well.
     The reason is that she Ama has taken a fancy to this little Maid. No matter what, she knew clearly, and then stagnated, she would only be Concubine and she would be guilty of her, but she couldn’t watch her Concubine being humiliated by Dong-shi.
     In the past, she knew that she was dead today, and Yi-Luoshi mother and daughter would not be punished. At most, she was blamed for not even blaming.
     How unfair is God.
     In any case, since there is only one way to go, she must definitely flatten this road and even walk out of the pattern. Later, when there is a power to fight back, she must let the mother and daughter not die.
     "Please Madam and Fu-Jin spare Yu-hui! Yu-hui is wrong." Shaking his lips, Yu-hui said every time, tears will continue to fall, and she can not tell.
     These tears are caused by the pain on the face, or because of this humiliation in the heart.
     Yi-Luoshi, Dong-shi, coldly watching Yu-hui, the heart is reluctant to admit the wrong way, sneer, think that the bones are hard, now it is just The mouth is a bit harder than others.
     "It’s just a matter of knowing the mistakes. People who know how to bow their heads have a way to live." Yi-Luoshi raised his eyebrows and waved his hand: "Okay, go on! The days of the draft are coming, ready for the time, and then go wrong." But it’s not just a few slaps to reveal."
     "Yes, yes." Yao Concubine is careful, lest the two will be in trouble again.
     Yu-hui was slightly out of the house by Yao Concubine. At this time, her mind was in chaos. Only the one who supported her to keep this last sense was her to Yi-Luoshi.
     The hatred of the women.
     After Yu-hui left, Yi-Luoshi waved directly, leaving only Mama and Mama in the house, and Bixin and Bixi were outside the house. Although the backyard of Dong Efu is Yi-Luoshi, but some things have to be prevented.
     "Let's say! What happened in the end? But Yifei Niang-Niang is difficult for you?" Yi-Luoshi teased and blew his breath, and asked with a little helplessness.
     This daughter has already spoiled her. I don’t know how tall and thick she is. She always feels that others are good for her, but she is willing to move to her except her mother.
     "It’s not difficult to get down, it’s still cold.” Coldly, Dongshi couldn’t help but reveal a bit of dissatisfaction.
     Then she didn’t wait for Yi-Luoshi to open her mouth, she said something in the palace. "Em, I am the Di Fu-Jin of the Lord, why should I compare it with a Side-Fujin." Dong-shi became more and more angry, and at the end, seeing Yi-Luoshi not helping himself, he could not help but red-eyed.
     Yi-Luoshi saw her like this and couldn’t help but sigh and said: "You, forever, are so childish, they are all people who are maidens. Some things have to learn to distinguish, don't care about everything, this thing. It is obvious that Defei Niang-Niang is provoking your relationship with Yifei Niang-Niang."
     Dong-shi snorted, quite a bit uncomfortable: "Provocative? If the heart is not thinking like this, how can it be used in that kind of tone..." When it comes to this, Dong-shi is not annoyed It’s awkward, obviously she cares about it.
     "You don't understand this kid!" Reaching his forehead, Yi-Luoshi sometimes hates Dongshi stubbornness and stupidity. How can she not learn her savvy?
     "I don't understand anything. I just understand it. I will be so scared. I am already retired, my mother." Dong-shi grabbed the edge of the chair tightly with both hands because Excessive force, the fingers are white. As long as she thinks she will be replaced, her face can't help but become awkward and distorted.
     Yi-Luoshi saw it, but it was not good enough to persuade, but I thought about the few women in the backyard who were looking for someone to follow the Wan-xi tone. I was too concerned about the authenticity: "Yu I have my own ideas about hui, but you have to have a charter for your own affairs. If you want to be a little Prince, I am here to teach you a few women, compared to Yu-hui.
     They are more suitable."
     Dong-shi heard the words, shook his head and whispered: "Emperor, it is a three-year general election. It is impossible to enter the house. I think I have to go to the backyard." It is better to pick a support in this fixed person who wants to enter the government." Dong-shi thinks about his current position, his face is not revealing a bit of fatigue, and his tone is soft.
     Yi-Luoshi heard that it is not good to say anything more, but only euphemistically reminded Dong-shi to pay more attention to it, and to discuss with Yin Mama. Dong-shi whispered, but I didn’t care. Yi-Luoshi saw her like this, and her heart sighed.
     The moment she looked up, Yin Mama, who was behind her, gave her a look. Seeing Yin Mama nodded and nodded.
     "Since you have a decision in your heart, then the mother will not say more, but this person is still leaving you." After all, it is carefully selected, carefully adjusted|teaching people, easily abandoned is not Yier Luoshi style, and this time again and again, is not because such a problem is because of such negligence and failure, she is also in order to prevent 10 thousand.
     Yi-Luoshi can use Yu-hui, she knows that she is honest, not impulsive, but Dong-shi did not put her words in her heart, she can only secretly prepare herself in private Anti-daughter is useful.
     In the meantime, for the daughter of Dong-shi, Yi-Luoshi is also trying to stir up his brains and make plans.
     "Leave it and stay!" Dong-shi thought of the recent events, his face was a little intolerant.
     Yi-Luoshi looked at her like this and knew that it was useless. "Okay! Let's put it down for the time being, but in the palace, Yifei Niang-Niang, no matter what you think, you have to Respectfully, and then make a mistake, Yifei Niang-Niang will not be as light as before."
     "She doesn't take it lightly, what does she want? Let the Lord give me a waste!" Exclaimed, Dong-shi face was excited, I wanted to come to Dong-shi, I didn't say it, my heart was Yifei.
     The grievances are still there.
     "You, the child, dare to say anything. If this is passed to the 9th-Prince ear, you can dispose of it without the Yifei Niang-Niang opening." Yier Genjue Luo reached out and took a shot of Dong. Shi back is a few times, his face is dignified, and his face is blamed.
     Why are you so ignorant of things, knowing that you have no children, and everything is stern, for fear that others will not be able to catch their own little sister-in-law.
     Dong-shi, yelling at Yi-Luoshi, knows that he just lost his words. Yifei has done too much, she can only listen, not to mention that Yifei is only a little cold to her. If the words just made people hear, she not only wants to lose a reputation of filial piety, but also offends Yifei and Yin-Tang. It is really difficult for her to be afraid of this day.
     "I said that." Apricot is awkward, Dong-shi complained.
     Yi-Luoshi looked at her with no repentance and only felt a headache. However, Yi-Luoshi is not really blaming Dong-shi. In fact, her child is always the best in her own eyes. She is also like this. It is only because of Yifei identity that she will always be embarrassed.
     Yin Mama looked at the mother and daughter sitting in a conversation, and sighed in her heart.
     This thing is not feasible. Madam and Fu-Jin have to do it. Before the Yu-hui thing, she looked at it. Now, she is convinced that Fu-Jin will support the newcomers. If those who use Madam privately adjust|teaching, they will rely on Your Highness's love for Wanyan Side-Fujin, and then they will be afraid of causing big trouble.
     In Qing yi-Courtyard, Wan-xi supported Ting-Bamboo hand in the yard. Because of the previous Lu-Willow's crutches, the house was quiet and quiet.
     Those who had thoughts carefully. People are now crouching.
     Wan-xi didn't feel much about it. Since she almost made a small birth, she has shrunk in her own small days in the yard. Besides her previous Yu-hui, she also has her mother. 10th-Prince, father and son, and Hong-hui.
     Their 2nd Brother have come over a few times. Even if other people in the house come over, Wan-xi will not wait at all. Once again, no one will come again. .
     "Nubi to Side-Fujin please." Ting-Rain came over to Wan-xi, and his face was anxious.
     "What's wrong with this? But what happened?" Wan-xi looked at Ting-Rain's eager expression, and he couldn't help but be curious. He wanted to know Ting-Rain, if it wasn't a hole in the sky. Or, there are some gossips worthy of being pulled, otherwise there will be few things that will make her move.
     Ting-Rain See Wan-xi, the light and windy appearance, could not help but say: "Side-Fujin, big things are not good."
     What's wrong with the big thing?
     Wan-xi raised her eyebrows and her face was puzzled. She remembered that the people in the backyard had just been beaten by Yin-Tang. Who would dare to stand up and fight with Yin-Tang? "What can make you so surprised? It’s hard to get a woman back to the house."
     "More than this, Your Highness is somehow killed by 8th Fu-Jin, and people are still in 8th-Prince House." Ting-Rain swallowed, his heart oozing.
     At that time, she and Ting-Qin were to make 8th-Prince a great achievement, they would be sent to the palace, and now 9th-Prince and 8th-Prince are scattered, they are good, those of the past Whether it’s a partner or not, although the days are not always good, at least you don’t have to inquire about any news like you used to, do something dangerous, and you’re not afraid to have a slack. Now, 9th-Prince, if it is reconciled with 8th-Prince, they really can't guarantee that they can still be like before.
     "What! You say it again!" Wan-xi looked at Ting-Rain with amazement and wondered if he had got it wrong.
     "Side-Fujin, the nubi is true.
     The news is confirmed, but Lin-Chujiu has not come yet.
     The nubi has not yet heard the reason." Ting-Rain was as surprised as Wan-xi, and could not help but softly , calming up Wan-xi.
     Unfortunately, Wan-xi current thoughts are all in Yin-Tang and went to 8th-Prince House. She just wants to think of the last time Yin-Tang is 8th-Prince, she is in her heart. I feel so flustered.
     This really wants her life. It’s hard to make a change. If Yin-Tang returns to 8th-Prince, willn’t the previous efforts be in vain?
     "Ting-Rain, you must give this Side-Fujin a clear understanding of this matter, no matter what method you use, or how much you spend, in short, this Side-Fujin does not want to see any connection between the Lord and 8th-Prince House. "Wan-xi never hides his emotions in Qing yi-Courtyard. I like it, I like it, I don't like it, I don't like it, and I don't have the last life."
     Ting-Bamboo and Ting-Rain looked at each other.
     They didn't think that Wan-xi reaction would be so big. I didn't know how to answer it.
     "Ting-Bamboo, you go to Ting-Rain to prepare some money, let her take it, and this can't be delayed." Wan-xi only wants 8th-Prince House, which is troublesome from the inside out. What the interest is gone.
     Ting-Bamboo squatted and saw Wan-xi face look firm. He couldn't help but say: "The nubi will go."
     "Side-Fujin, the nubi will definitely find things out at the fastest speed." Ting-Rain saw the loyalty, and immediately made her not want 9th-Prince and 8th-Prince.

     Wan-xi never interferes with Yin-Tang's outside affairs. Even if she disagrees with Yin-Tang's certain decisions, she only affects Yin-Tang in a subtle way, instead of arbitrarily tossing.
     The last generation of Yin-Tang did a lot of things behind 8th-Prince, but in the end, the good name is 8th-Prince, and the bad reputation and blame are Yin-Tang. Although Wan-xi is in the backyard, he can get the information he wants from a few words. In this world, Wan-xi does not want to see Yin-Tang take the original road, and does not want to see him ruin.
     The man who loves Xinjue Luojia has a careful eye.
     This point is not difficult to see from Yin-Tang et al. It is awkward, Wan-xi is very clear, if you let Yin-Tang be 8th-Prince they If you go back, 4th-Prince will be enthroned in the future, and Yin-Tang will definitely not end well. Even though 4th-Prince took into account the current sentiment, Yin-Tang was afraid that he could not escape the end of the ban.
     Circle the ban.
     Although he saved his life, but Wan-xi is clear, for Yin-Tang, death is not terrible, terrible is that life is better than death, and forbidden, for him, that means life is not as good as death.
     She didn't want to see her like that, and she didn't want to see him being haunted by pain. But as a woman in the house, the overall situation is not what she can shake.
     Sitting on the raft, leaning on the pillow, today's Wan-xi, the body is getting heavier, it is reasonable not to think so, but the current situation makes her anxious, and even some cranky.
     In the last world, she did not ask for anything. She only wanted to be stable. In this world, she eliminated all difficulties and still only wanted a stable life, but why is it always so difficult.
     The brow is locked, and Wan-xi remembers all the things that happened in the past, and he wondered how to pull Yin-Tang back. Regardless of whether this is Yin-Tang or 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin, she will not let Yin-Tang go. It’s just this past and present, she afraid it’s hard to tell Yin-Tang.
     She doesn't want to be treated as a enchanting person, and she doesn't want to be tired of Yin-Tang and her children. She wants to know that someone was burned alive by gibberish. She just wants to say that she will tell the truth. I couldn't help but shudder.
     Even so, she couldn't watch Yin-Tang go to the dead road. Suddenly, Wan-xi remembered the words Yin-Tang said, saying that the backyard had stopped, and he had more. If you don't stop, then if he doesn't stop thinking about doing other things, such as messing with the 8th-Princes.
     For a long time, Wan-xi had a glimmer of light in his eyes, and then made an important decision in his heart, and then Wan-xi went on the road to death and did not look back.
     "Ting-Bamboo, can you tell me how to eat?" Wan-xi dragged with one hand and asked softly.
     "Ah? Back to Side-Fujin, Your Highness commanded, and will come back to accompany Side-Fujin for dinner." Ting-Bamboo looked at Wan-xi bones, and felt inexplicably uneasy.
     For Wan-xi, Ting-Bamboo still knows it, but the current Wan-xi makes her more and more ignorant, but she still understands Wan-xi, after all, they don’t think about it in the backyard. It’s so calm.
     Wan-xi heard the words, nodded, dragged with one hand, and for a long time said: "In this case, those dishes that were prepared before will not be used. From now on, the Lord will eat spicy."
     Ting-Bamboo looks at Wan-xi with a puzzled look. It seems that she doesn't understand what she means. When is Your Highness, I like to eat spicy food. Your Highness is like a sweet and sour food, even if you follow Side-Fujin. Eat spicy, it is just a taste of the spicy food, eat a fresh, but she Side-Fujin meaning, it seems not the case.
     “Side-Fujin, all? Is it spicy?” Ting-Bamboo asked indefinitely.
     "Of course it's all. But it's not very spicy, it's spicy and spicy." Wan-xi mouth is slightly raised, like a funny thing, all of them reveal a pleasant atmosphere.
     Ting-Bamboo face is so aggressive that she doesn't understand the routine. She feels that she should be more careful, because she can't keep up with the rhythm of Side-Fujin.
     "Side-Fujin ......"
     "Okay, don't say anything, let's arrange it!" Wan-xi waved his hand and did not give Ting-Bamboo a chance to persuade.
     When Ting-Bamboo saw it, he knew that Wan-xi was determined. Although he didn't understand the intention and didn't know her intentions, but as Wan-xi personal Maid, she was placed in front of Wan-xi, not Yin-Tang, so even if she doesn't understand it, she will still do it according to the meaning of Wan-xi.
     After Ting-Bamboo went out, Gao Mama next to him went up the first two steps and whispered: "Side-Fujin is worried about Your Highness?"
     Wan-xi sees Gao Mama asks, this is only loose: "Mama, the Lord followed 8th-Prince is not a day or two, but you also saw it, followed by 8th-Prince, he got a The reputation of Yinyin has almost lost his life. Now it’s hard to separate, and the cut has improved. I can’t watch him lose, and he can’t watch him suffer.” The main thing is that she doesn’t want to watch him lose his life. .
     Gao Mama heard the words, but also a sigh, the things of the men, the woman in the back house can only be persuaded, and involved in the Di-, not to mention her nubi that is, Side-Fujin himself, afraid that it is not easy to open, Will make such a decision.
     In any case, sometimes, when the two of them play tricks in private, they may also solve the problem while promoting their feelings.
     "Side-Fujin, although you already have a decision in your heart, but this measure is still to be mastered. After all, Your Highness is the person who is the principal." Gao Mama thought about it, or whispered a few words to let her grasp the measure.
     Wan-xi converges and converges, nods, she knows this point in her heart, and this uses the current method. It seems that she makes a small temper, but actually wants to try to express her own ideas and block the exchange between Yin-Tang and 8th-Prince.
     Pillow wind, such a thing, used well, into a big event, not used well, the results needless to say, from a bad luck.
     "Mama rest assured! I know the size." Wan-xi nodded, slightly moved and changed his position. After all, he was so big, keeping his posture, he always felt tired.
     "Side-Fujin has a good calculation in mind." Gao Mama saw her tired, sitting on the side of her knees and reaching out to pinch her legs.
     Wan-xi saw it and couldn't help but reach Gao Mama. "Mama, this kind of thing makes Little Yatou do it."
     "Let Side-Fujin worry, the old nubi is fine, can do something for Side-Fujin, the old nubi is happy." Gao Mama saw Wan-xi care, the smile on his face could not help but deepen.
     "Mama, in this life, you, Ting-Bamboo, they are worth it, but I am still able to protect you all the time." Wan-xi looks slightly and thinks about the past, she I couldn't help but close my eyes, and my face was a little tired.
     Gao Mama listened to her and felt her heartache. "As long as Side-Fujin is good, nubi are all good."
     "No, Mama, some things I just understand too much, I will harden my heart. He is very good to me and good to the children, but he also has his own wishes, and I can't be a part of him, otherwise In the future, who will protect my children and protect you." Wan-xi red lips lightly, slowly said.
     She just understood that she would let her hate in her heart and block Dong-shi from making mistakes. Although she did not think about replacing Dong-shi, she would not let Dong-shi become a master. Dong-shi played no turning power, otherwise, relying on Dong behind Dong-shi, she will have a lot of troubles in the future.
     People are jealous, sometimes they have to be jealous of people, but they have to be jealous of themselves, but people have to leave a bottom line for themselves. Otherwise, regardless of the care, even if you get the cut you want, you may not be happy.
     Gao Mama listened to her words, her hands were slightly stunned, and her heart was slightly painful, but there was no way.
     "But, things haven't reached the worst step, maybe I'm so mixed, 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin's plan has not been implemented yet." Wan-xi held the lower jaw, muttered to himself Road.
     Gao Mama heard that I can only hope that Wan-xi expectations can come true. After all, 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin are all people who can stir things. I didn't mention them before, just looking forward to Your. Don't really stand on their side.
     In 8th-Prince House, Yin-Tang sat across from 8th-Prince and looked at his pair of-All cuts for you'.
     "9th Prince, the previous ones are really 8th Prince. You 8th-Sao will also do it for you because of misunderstanding, but in the end, she knows the truth and regrets it. You will forgive this first." Looking at the cold-faced Yin-Tang, this is not a taste in my heart. If it is not those eyeliners arranged in the palace, most of them are Yin-Tang people, and he will not come to the door at this time.
     Recently, the Crown Prince has more and more problems and more and more movements. Although the Crown Prince is mainly aimed at 1st-Prince, it has a lot of influence on him. He is not like the original. Yin-Tang and Yin-Er help, and now he drags a servant, every step is difficult, ‘Laughs’ , he can't afford it, and he doesn't want to miss the opportunity.
     Some things, if you don't plan well, it is impossible for him to make another step in the future, but now he needs the power in the palace, but when they first fell out with Yin-Tang, they arranged in the palace. It was all Yin-Tang. After he fell out, he had mastered a part, but he believed that most of the forces were still in Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang picked up his eyebrows. He said that this 8th Fu-Jin was directly blocked at the gate of the palace and waited for him. It turned out that there was something to find the door. It was really unprofitable. "8th Prince, I have said before.
     The past, the past, the past, and do not have to mention it."
     Listening to Yin-Tang is so straightforward, my heart is’squeaky', and a layer of fine sweat is on the forehead. He was afraid that he would say this. When he raised his hand, he slowly wiped away the sweat on his forehead, and then asked in a temptation tone: "Since 9th Prince does not put these things in the heart, then 9th Prince is willing to help 8th Prince again?"

     Listening to Yin-Tang is so straightforward, my heart is’squeaky', and a layer of fine sweat is on the forehead. He was afraid that he would say this. When he raised his hand, he slowly wiped away the sweat on his forehead, and then asked in a temptation tone: "Since 9th Prince does not put these things in the heart, then 9th Prince is willing to help 8th Prince again?"
     Yin-Tang listened to him saying this, and the expression on his face was not very good. Listening to the tone of his temptation, he knows that his so-called help is definitely not a trivial matter that can be solved with a mouth.
     "8th Prince, it’s a different matter not to put things in the past. It’s another thing to help. We have already made things very clear before. My brother, I not only did not find the post-book, but also the forces cultivated in the secret.
     The industry has handed it over to you. I don't think I am sorry for your place. 8th Prince, is it that I remembered it wrong. I gave it less, or what did I give it?"
     Seeing his face one by one, the smile on his face became a bit stiff. Listening to him again, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be lifted. He has to face too! But people around him can't use it! If you can be as capable as Yin-Tang, he doesn't have to pull down his face to ask Yin-Tang for help!
     "No, 9th Prince, originally 8th Prince owes you, and it is still 8th Prince owe you. But now 8th Prince is really impossible, I want to ask you for help." The attitude is more than a previous gesture.
     Yin-Tang frowned and looked at the sly look. He only felt tired and didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.
     "8th Prince, let me just say something! If you can help me, I will help." Long sighed, Yin-Tang thought about the previous ones, and then thought about his agreement with the shackles. .
     I stared straight at Yin-Tang and looked at the embarrassed look on his face. My heart was quite uncomfortable. Before, but when he spoke, no matter what Yin-Tang had ever resigned, now he has not said this. When he exports, he has already thought about how to evade it.
     This treatment is not a party, and he feels the taste inside.
     "Do not worry! I can say that you can do it." He eased his face and smiled.
     "If that's the case, what's the matter, 8th Prince will say it!" Yin-Tang saw him like this, and he couldn't help but go straight to the subject, obviously not wanting to stay too long, causing misunderstanding.
     Seeing Yin-Tang promised, my heart was slightly sighed, but because of the interests of Yin-Tang, he said that these words are still very euphemistic. After all, it is not a piece of work in the palace. Simple things.
     Yin-Tang did not expect that he would mention the things in the palace. When he came back from Jiangnan, he was quite disheartened and put the new development forces in the palace on hold. Now think about it, those people are all right, except for the Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin that he transferred, the others have never used it.
     In fact, Yin-Tang had given some of the forces before, but it was only because the forces in the palace were too complicated, it was not easy to break through, and the action was too big to attract the attention of others. Yin-Tang can I don't want to be a snake. But what he didn't think of was that he was so cautious, but instead he completed himself after the opening.
     The power in the palace is the amulet of Yin-Tang. In addition to Wan-xi, even Yifei only knows that he has a part of the power. I don’t know that after years of development, the forces in the Yin-Tang Palace have long been Not the same as before.
     "8th Prince, when we were all in the palace, I was handed over to you, except those who were handed over to me by my mother." Yin-Tang looks ugly and looks awkward. Not good.
     Of course, the reason why Yin-Tang does this is not to let people know how big his power is in the palace. After all, no matter who the brother is in that position in the future, he has to give himself, Wan-xi and children. After the road.
     "9th Prince, 8th Prince can't ask for you in front of you." Sakamoto doesn't believe that Yin-Tang will give him all the power, but now he is Yin-Tang. Expression, he has some uncertainty in his heart. After all, Yin-Tang had been paying for him wholeheartedly, otherwise he would be able to go to this step with his own ability.
     "8th Prince, some things, I don't say that you should also be clear. We don't want to go to each other now. Regardless of the 8th Prince, I don't follow the mix. As for the power in this palace, it is the means for the younger brother to save his life, so this I can't do anything about it." Yin-Tang pulled the corner of his mouth and his face was cold.
     There is a sneer in my heart, where is the help, which is clearly digging his corner and grabbing his resources.
     Seeing Yin-Tang changing his face, holding the hand of the tea pot slightly, then sighed and put the tea pot in his hand, whispered: "9th Prince, you should I also know that the current situation is not good for me. I have to change the situation now to save myself. So, please ask 9th Prince, you raise your hand."
     "8th Prince, this is not a matter of raising your hand." Yin-Tang will not regress in the interests of his own.
     The rumored, I couldn’t help but look up at Yin-Tang and see his face resolutely, and I couldn’t help but sigh. It seems that this thing still has to find 14th-brother, as Defei did not agree, as long as convinced 14th-brother, then it is not him who should worry about this.
     Defei, there is no blame in the heart, but it is only because it is still used in the future, you can only bear this tone.
     "Since 9th Prince is so embarrassed, then I have not mentioned this matter." I have never thought about solving the problem once and for all, and I can’t help but try to catch Yin-Tang.
     The handle or find a chance to let him owe the human condition, otherwise it will be difficult to find benefits from him in the future.
     "8th Prince can understand. Since 8th Prince has nothing to do, then the younger brother will leave." Yin-Tang calculated the time, he also came in for more than half an hour, and then stayed, others thought they were discussing what was going on. Great plan!
     "Well? Well, since 9th Prince is going to leave, I can't stop it, please." Seeing Yin-Tang is so direct, although I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I know that he can't stay Yin now-Tang.
     “Thank you for your understanding of 8th Prince.” Yin-Tang arched his hand and walked outside without a stop.
     Yin-Tang just left, 8th Fu-Jin stepped into the study and saw a disappointing look, she was not surprised. After so many things, 8th Fu-Jin can see it blindly, and Yifei mother and son are not going to help her anymore. No, it should be said that they can look at the relatives’ feelings.
     The trouble of not looking for her is already generous. It is.
     "Yes, I should believe it now! Aunts can't accept them as they used to, even if they have pulled down their faces and asked for them." 8th Fu-Jin's tone seemed to be self-deprecating, she said before she thought about it.
     These words are just not to listen at all.
     A face was silent, watching the more dull face of 8th Fu-Jin, somehow, I began to miss the 8th Fu-Jin like a fire. However, he did not know what to say. After a long while, he whispered and said: "In fact, you don't have to.
     This is what you used to be."
      8th Fu-Jin listened to the words of the embarrassed, not only did not feel happy, but the heart appeared to be a trace of sadness, "Is it? I thought that the Lord prefers the people who are at your disposal."
     The face was slightly stunned. After returning to God, I saw a line of 8th Fu-Jin's eyes. "The situation was a bit complicated, and I was too confident.
     This caused such a chaotic situation, but there was a point. I want to say, I never thought about hurting you."
      8th Fu-Jin stunned him with a dubious thought, but did not say whether he believed or not, but only looked at it as a corner: "I hope so!" She has been hard to believe the man in front of her unconditionally as before. Even so, she still can't live without him.
     Seeing her like this, I don't know what to say. Since the matter has passed, she has accepted the reality. Why do I have to mention it again and again? "If you feel that you can make it feel happy when you talk about it, then you are free." ”
      8th Fu-Jin looked at the back of her’servants and turned away. She was quite uncomfortable. She obviously wanted to forget this cut, and he started from the beginning, but I don’t know why, as long as she is in a bad mood, she will unconsciously take this piece. When things turn out, it is as if she is uncomfortable, and she will find peace of mind when she is determined to be with him.
     "When is such a day?" whispered, 8th Fu-Jin snorted, and the smile was ugly than crying.
     In the evening, just after the lights, Yin-Tang took Lin-Chujiu into the Jingyi-Courtyard. Compared with the past laughter, today's Qing yi-Courtyard seems to be too quiet, Yin-Tang can't tell. If you are not right, you may feel that something is missing.
     Stepping into the inner room, Yin-Tang saw Wan-xi sitting at the table, with a variety of dishes on the table, sipping delicious, but there is a feeling of incomprehension.
     "Master  is back, I am standing and doing something, I am not waiting for it." Wan-xi sat at the table, holding a pair of chopsticks in his hand, and said that he had a chopsticks dish in his mouth, and it looked like it was Not ready to serve Yin-Tang in person.
     Yin-Tang looked at the weird Wan-xi, the fog of the head, he could not remember where he had angered her, but got used to the closeness of Wan-xi, and used to distance with other women. In the end, only Lin-Chujiu was waiting for Yin-Tang to change his uniform.
     "What's wrong with my grandfather? Who is so courageous and angry?" Yin-Tang changed his uniform, and came over to sit next to Wan-xi.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang's attention on himself, and he can't help but put a piece of hot and sour fish on his lips. Yin-Tang didn't pay attention, but also thought that Wan-xi was happy. She opened her mouth and fished her to the mouth. Just chewed twice and the complexion changed.
     As mentioned earlier, Yin-Tang likes light or sweet food, rarely eats spicy, even if accompanied by Wan-xi, it is only a little taste, there is not much resistance, now I only eat a mouth, he feels From Wan-xi deep malicious.
     It’s sour and spicy, this dish doesn’t match his appetite! It’s almost a wish!
     The taste buds were strongly stimulated, and the 9th PrinceMaster, who was high on the top and let everyone fear, was forced to be red-eyed by a piece of fish.
     This dish is contained in the mouth. He is not vomiting. He does not spit. It is not that his wise image cannot be easily destroyed in front of people.
     Ever since, Yin-Tang glared at the red eyes and waved at Lin-Chujiu and others. Lin-Chujiu and others wanted to see Yin-Tang's jokes, but on the Yin-Tang approach, There is no one here who dares to follow Yin-xi to see Yin-Tang's jokes.
     "Cough..." Lin-Chujiu They just got out, Yin-Tang spit out the fish fillet directly, but he was finally picked up.
     Wan-xi looked at the look of Yin-Tang, and it was very kind to hand over the body, but his eyes fell on the various dishes on the table, and he decided to give Yin-Tang again. Try something else, such as this spicy chicken, but she told me to add more spicy, it is best to get spicy and heart-burning.
     "How is this? If you don't like such a delicious dish, try this spicy chicken again." Wan-xi brought the spicy chicken over and put it directly in front of Yin-Tang, then  The spicy taste of the nose makes Yin-Tang sneeze constantly.
     "Wanyan?Wan-xi, do you want to die?" Yin-Tang pushed the hot chicken in front of him and watched it fall off the hands of Wan-xi, ' ' The sound fell to the ground and was instantly split.
     Lin-Chujiu, who was outside the door, heard the sound of Yin-Tang roaring, and the body unconsciously shuddered. Side-Fujin, you are going to die!

     "Wanyan?Wan-xi, do you want to die?"
     Lin-Chujiu, who was outside the door, heard the sound of Yin-Tang roaring, and the body unconsciously shuddered. Side-Fujin, you are going to die!
     Wan-xi looked down at the pieces of the feet and the chicken pieces. He was not angry at all. On the contrary, he smiled and held the chopsticks in his hand against the table full of dishes. He said: "If you don't like it," This spicy chicken, but eat other dishes, such as the husband and ‘Madam lungs, spicy shrimp and the like."
     She pointed to these dishes, it was a bit more spicy, as if the peppers were suddenly worthless, and a bowl was much more than a bowl.
     Yin-Tang looks at the smiling Wan-xi, and then looks at the dishes on the table.
     This is what people eat, and the mouth is going to be Qing ’s life. What else to eat, "What do you say?" It’s going on!”
     He does not believe that this is for no reason, this little woman will want this kind of ambiguous idea to complete him.
     I have to say that Yin-Tang, who has a temper and a bad temper, has a certain day to be determined. If he changes his personal name, he may start to grow grass on the grave, but the woman in front of him is The person who is placed on the apex of his heart, even if the regenerating gas can subconsciously ask her the reason, instead of raising the hand, the person is disposed of.
     Wan-xi looked like a wolverine, but also asked her why she was Yin-Tang, her red lips were slightly stunned, her eyes were reddish, and her face accused the truth: "It’s not that you don’t hurt, but if you are hurting, How can you be willing to be sad?"
     Yin-Tang looked at her wicked man's first appearance, and her heart was really rare, but her mouth was very numb. In order to alleviate this discomfort, she could only fill the water, knowing that the pot of water on the table was already Let him go all over the stomach.
     "Speak clearly, how can you not hurt you?" Yin-Tang stared at her with a funny face, but he had to ask for two or three.
     "Ye Ming knows that the body and 8th Fu-Jin are not guilty, and the lord is still following her everywhere. When the time is true and 8th-Prince is as good as ever, what should I do?" Wan-xi is sad to see Yin-Tang, obviously involved in the former Family, but she was treated as a small thing to be jealous.
     Yin-Tang’s numb and spicy taste finally faded. At the very least, it’s not like the previous one. When I open my mouth, I feel that there is a saliva coming out of my mouth, which makes him have to cover himself with a scorpion. mouth. "You just because of this, I arranged a table for my grandfather."
     Wan-xi eyes flow, a small face appears to be a small smug, "Yes! Since the Lord is good for 8th Fu-Jin, then the whole body will not be good to him anymore, anyway, he is bullied, and he is also Don't worry about it, then you still feel bad about what you are doing!"
     Twisting, Wan-xi deliberately awkward with Yin-Tang, she would be out of favor, she can not let Yin-Tang into the fire pit.
     8th-Prince abacus is playing very well, whether he is capable or capable, or really as good as the outside, but as long as his Yin-Tang is not good, then what? Not good.
     She has walked to the present day, can climb to the position of Side-Fujin, can protect her children, is she easy? She is not easy, she walked to step by step today, because it is not easy, she is more vengeful. Oh, not only the hatred of this life, she remembers the hate of the last world, no matter who it is, as long as it owes her, whether it is the last world or this world, all have to give her back.
     As for the way to come back, it depends on whether these people are still doing the same thing as the world, and if so, it is no wonder that her heart is hot.
     "You little vinegar jar, if you don't figure out anything, just feed the peppers of your mouth. You see that you are a darling and arrogant." Yin-Tang wants to get started, but can touch the waist of Wan-xi. Any thoughts are gone.
     No, now, if she is out of the month, he will definitely come back with this benefit.
     "Is this the confession that I don't feel hurt?" Wan-xi held the Jinpa, his eyes were reddish, his eyes were tearful, and he was crying and crying.
     The end was pleasing.
     Yin-Tang looked at her like this, her face smirked and pinched her little face with a rounded face, and smiled: "How is the Lord's sweetheart? Isn't it clear?"
     Wan-xi didn't do this with Yin-Tang. She just didn't want Yin-Tang to be involved with 8th-Prince. She was really scared, and she really didn't want to lose anymore. .
     With his hand on his neck, Wan-xi leaned on his shoulder and said with a sigh of relief: "I don't know, I know that I don't want you to be with 8th Fu-Jin."
     Yin-Tang naturally can't think of Wan-xi and the last world. He only thought that she was scared by the actions of 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin, and she held her hand: "Do not worry.
     The Lord never did a loss Making business, 8th Prince, their affairs, the Lord did not mix." Perceived the worry of Wan-xi, the last anger of Yin-Tang's heart was also dissipated.
     "Master, I don't understand those philosophies. I only know that a family is safe and secure." The nose is sour, and Wan-xi pulls Yin-Tang's chest clothes. I want to cry.
     "Well, my grandfather promised you, and they don't mix with 8th Prince." Even if it is a distraction, Yin-Tang can't make a bad word, so for , what is the name of what it is called.
     Some things, no matter how resentful in the heart, the attention still pays attention to it, just like a small name. If you are used to it, it is easy to blurt out when you are inadvertently, like this, for this reason, often There was something wrong with the name, so that Kangxi was rebuked for this.
     There is such a living example in front, and Yin-Tang naturally cannot make the same mistake.
     "Really?" The expression on Wan-xi face was a bit sluggish. Apparently she didn't think that the matter was so simple. Is it difficult to say good things? Say good tricks to die!
     "When did you fool you?" Yin-Tang looked at her look and looked funny.
     Although he did not accidentally Wan-xi practice, he was very indulgent to her arrogant little temper. Even though he was mad at her several times, he was just angry and went to the study. Still as active as usual, I came to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     Not to mention, Yin-Tang likes Wan-xi, a jealous little temper, and it feels rare.
     "Master  deceived, and he still said that he would never enter 8th-Prince House!" Wan-xi is unreasonable.
     Faced with the temperament of Wan-xi, Yin-Tang is still tolerant, but in front of this table is a spicy and spicy dish, he will not eat along her meaning. After all, these things really let him eat, and tomorrow he should hang him in the house.
     "Well, I will ignore them afterwards." Yin-Tang patted her hand and waited for the person to squat, and immediately called Lin-Chujiu to let him take the dishes and remove them. Change the table again.
     Lin-Chujiu looked at Yin-Tang and still had some red eyes and lips. He felt a sigh in his heart. He thought that the most favored person in the house would have to change people. Now he is still squatting, or Wanyan Side-Fujin The segment is high. Hey, for the individual, Your Highness can immediately drag people out and torture, and there is no way to change the body. It is not the same as Wanyan Side-Fujin. Only she is fine. Your Highness still thinks about her. High, it is high.
     Wan-xi got the answer she wanted. Although she was very satisfied on the surface, she was afraid of 8th-Prince and 8th Fu-Jin to use the sentiment to pull Yin-Tang. Yes, she can't be as worry-free as she used to be, but she has to go all the way.
     When two people are together, there must be a personal leader. Wan-xi can't pick the girders, so she does her best not to let Yin-Tang worry, but when she discovers that she doesn't bother Yin-Tang, Yin-Tang When she had to worry about others, she would rather let Yin-Tang bother her and her children, and would not let him put his mind on others.
     Qing yi-Courtyard, the turmoil of the scene has quietly passed, Yin-Tang is the whole thing of Wan-xi, it is only a small taste between the two, who dares to say that Yin-Tang is very Wolverine, that is purely the old birthday star hanging too long.
     4th-Baylor In the house, sitting in the study room, holding a secret in his hand, the brow is locked, the complexion is complex, and the face is thoughtful.
     Qi Sidao sat next to him, his eyes looked at his eyes from time to time, waiting for him to hand over the hand, after reading it, then I realized why the complex look is why, "Four Lord feels that 9th Prince is whether Trustworthy?"
     "Nature is credible." He is still very trusting to the people around him.
     The so-called employer is not suspicious, the suspect is not used. At this point, he is doing a good job.
     Yin-Tang is quite loyal to him. He does not mention all aspects of help. He said that in Defei, he really can help, or else he wants to get rid of Defei, or say It is not a short time to recognize it.
     I have been alone for too long, and there is only a young Yu-Xiang around him. He still can't protect himself. He can help him, so he can feel the care of his brother. In fact, it is really from Yin-Tang and Yin-Er got it, this cut makes him extremely cherished and cherished. Hey, no need, he wants to doubt Yin-Tang, but he doesn't want to lose this brother's feeling because of doubts.
     "Since it is credible, why should Siye be troubled by himself?" Yan Sidao put the fold in his hand to the side, and the hand with the crutches moved gently, and the thumb rubbed against the top of the crutches, whispering: "9th Prince I really want to work with Baye to calculate 4th Prince, I should come in private, instead of thinking about it now, lay down such a big stall, and make a lot of benefits for the Four Masters, and then come back with a trick..."
     Really count, no need to pay so much, not worth it. After all, the real scenery is still the Crown Prince, 4th-Prince himself has not fully revealed the mind of Di-, acting is also very low-key, there is a run, normal, full of power, it can only be said to deal with His people are crazy.
     "Teacher's meaning, my grandfather understands. 9th Prince's going to the 8th Brother' House this time, presumably for another reason, as for the news received here, I am afraid that someone deliberately did it!" He is indeed suspicious, but he can still do more for the people he believes.
     "There is no such thing as the amount of money in the 9th Prince's pocket, but no one knows it, but it is rushing at the speed of 9th Prince.
     This is the most popular 9th Prince now.
     The emperor valued, such people who do not want to win, especially the eight-year Old Master who has benefited from 9th Prince." There are also many contacts between Yan Sidao and Yin-Tang, and also for Yin-Tang et al. With a little understanding, combined with the analysis of the situation outside, the facts are already different.
     Nodded, I should say: "Teacher said, this matter, rather than letting the doubts in your heart grow up, it is better to ask directly."
     When I thought about it, I decided to stand up and couldn’t help but stand up. “Four Lord can think like this.”

     Recently, outside the palace, there is a constant turmoil, and the entire four 9th Prince city is filled with a very strange atmosphere. In 9th-Prince House, it is especially obvious that Yin-Tang has a sigh of relief in his heart, but this tone is not aimed at Wan-xi, but a pedestrian who spreads the message outside.
     Yin-Tang before 8th-Prince House made it clear that they are not a passer-by, but unfortunately 8th-Prince promised a good turn, turned around, the calculation of the calculation is still a half point of love Stay, just like this, every time you encounter a problem, you have to revisit the past with him.
     Past sentiment?
     When these words were heard, they felt awkward. Yin-Tang was in a hurry. When the wind passed, he looked for a chance to rectify the other party, lest his good 8th Prince always habitually calculate him.
     Wan-xi actually took a sigh of relief and listened to the rumors outside. She even worried about Yin-Tang and worried about the thoughts of 4th-Prince.
     She only passed 4th-Prince times in the last world. At that time, he was cold like ice, but he looked cold when he looked at it, let alone get along. In addition, from the gossip, it is not difficult to see the 4th-Prince heart, and the behavior is better than the Yin-Tang. It is a must-have. She does not want the relationship between the two to be improved again. Once upon a time. After all, 4th-Prince is the next emperor. He decides the fate of many people, including theirs, so as long as there is a chance, Wan-xi will spare no effort to help 4th-Prince. It is for him to put their husband and ‘Madam under the wing.
     Fortunately, within a few days, 4th-Prince came with Hong-hui and Hong-sheng. Wan-xi couldn’t see the idea of ​​4th-Prince, but he was willing to bring two When a son comes over, it means that he still values ​​Yin-Tang.
     "Give a small 9th-Aunt please." Hong-hui and Hong-sheng see Wan-xi, immediately before the ceremony.
     Holding a big belly, Wan-xi, seeing her get up, immediately stopped her voice: "9th-Sao, all of them, you are heavy, these vain will save it!"
     I have to say that the current shackles have really changed a lot. Compared with the chills of the past, he now knows at least how to leave room for people.
     Yin-Tang sees this kind of politeness, and my heart is very ironing. "Well, you are sitting well, and you can accompany 4th Prince."
     Wan-xi saw the appearance of the two people, and did not quit, but smiled and said: "When you are squatting, you will have to use lunch for a while, and if you have something to talk to, 4th Prince, It’s better to go to the small study next to it, and it’s quiet there.”
     I really have something to talk to Yin-Tang.
     The previous things, he didn’t mention that there was no doubt in his heart, and he was inevitably thinking about his suspicious temper, but he could ask like this instead of directly Suspicion can prove that Yin-Tang's position in his heart is very special.
     "So very good, 9th-Sao, then I bothered." I politely put a look at Yin-Tang.
     For Wan-xi, I am still very polite. Several of them are in the same position. Although there are few women who refer to the house, they are familiar with Wan-xi and also take it with Yin-Tang. A faint envy, after all, there are more women in the backyard, but they are relatively intimate, but rare.
     "Okay, let Hong-hui accompany you, and you have a business with 4th Prince. When you have a meal, come over again." Yin-Tang sighed a few words, seeing Hong-hui, they repeatedly promised that he I went to Qing yi, the small study room that he prepared for Wan-xi in Courtyard.
     During this time, the rumors outside have brought a lot of influence to Yin-Tang. If he really cuts off one by one, the hat of the Eighth Party will not be washed away. . Fortunately, Yin-Tang is not confused, and there is no patience with 8th-Prince and others, so whether he is facing Kangxi or ‘Laughs’ , he is very direct.
     Did not say that the real purpose of looking for him, is already polite, as for the other, Yin-Tang is a point that does not want to control. After all, this world is only dead, no stupid to let others die.
     "9th Prince, what is going on here?" The same Yin-Tang played a small study, Lin-Chujiu came to two cups of hot tea, and then consciously went outside to guard.
     Although Qing yi-Courtyard is a Wan-xi person, no one can guarantee that there will be no one else in the room. It is awkward, and the defense should still be prepared. Be careful and be careful.
     "4th Prince, 8th Prince, this is forcing me to confess!" Yin-Tang made up his mind to stop mixing and swearing.
     The past sentiments could not make him compromise, so hey step by step. It is harder for him to bow his head.
     "Handing over?" He frowned, but he didn't think there was anything he knew.
     “4th Prince should know that the relationship between the Crown Prince and the Imperial Father has become worse and worse.
     The relationship between the two is in full swing. Together with Big Prince and 8th Prince, they are staring at them. "I will be in trouble sooner or later." Yin-Tang and they are not the same. He didn't want to sit in that position, so he looked more cool than others. "8th Prince wants to ask for someone from me this time. I want to deal with the Crown Prince, but I don't want to mix it anymore. After all, 4th Prince needs more time to prepare."
     It’s hard to be alone, and it’s good to keep Defei chasing and blocking. It’s good to keep yourself, so let’s talk about the snobbery around you. Now that Yin-Tang has their support, the forces have indeed developed greatly. In many respects, compared with the Crown Prince and others, there are also small scales.
     "The 8th Brother are going to the palace to go to the palace." One point is clear. Without this enlightenment, you will not be worthy of Yin-Tang.
     "4th Prince, my brother doesn't want to marry you anymore. 8th Prince looks at the eyeliner and the dark pile that my mother gave me. I have already let go of the forces we had cultivated in the palace before, but my mother gave it, he did not You should make an idea." Yin-Tang This is also to give you a bottom. After all, you have to say that you have no power.
     That is a lie. He does not believe it himself. How can he ask for it?
     When I heard the words, I couldn’t help but nod.
     The deaf-like mother-in-law, like Defei, is a special case of a few, and the mother-in-law who is planning for her son like Yifei is the most normal.
     "Since it is Yitu 9th Prince's arrangement, 9th Prince's own grasp is." In this respect, it is still very open-minded. After all, the forces in the palace are intertwined, and no one can guarantee the people around them.
     They are all their own people.
     They are not as good at everything.
     They are not as generous as they are, and they are divided into powerful people, which can promote their feelings. Secondly, they are also to relieve their burden.
     In the last world, there are too few people who can trust. In addition to a Yu-Xiang, there are only a few of his confidants. In addition, it is difficult for him to believe in others, so he can only Putting everything on the body, so that I am finally tired of the case.
     This world, there are Yin-Tang, Yin-Er, Yu-Xiang, and the dry heart, the burden on the body is a lot lighter.
     Yin-Tang saw that he did not blame the forces in his hands. He only felt that he was a high-spirited person. He was a helper. He was his brother. He only knew the request, and he did not consider it for himself.
     The bottom line, the same return to his contribution, he is stupid, but also know that it is biased over there.
     "4th Prince, these people can't give you for the time being, but there is a part that can be used for you." When telling the existence of these forces, Yin-Tang is not ready to take it back.
     He knows more than anyone else in his heart, that is, the 4th Prince in front of him, the future is to sit in that position, there is a saying that the side of the couch is tolerant of others sleeping, because it is left in the heart of the other party because of this power. Oh, it’s better to tell each other at the right time.
     "9th Prince, this is the concern of Yimu, 4th Prince can't." Although he envied Yin-Tang, he never thought about robbing Yin-Tang.
     "4th Prince, waiting for you to go to that position, the younger brother took the mother to the house, these people are useless." Yin-Tang smiled and directly showed his attitude.
     The rumored words, the face was reddish, he thought that his previous attitude made Yin-Tang think more, and could not help but explain: "9th Prince, you don't have to..."
     "4th Prince, some things are clear to me, but I don't want to give others a chance. Now Imperial Father is the master, this harem is complicated, I have to guarantee that my mother's safety is not threatened by others, and I will wait for you to pick it up later.
     The burden, the mother-in-law does not have to live in the palace again. You believe that I am a thing, but we can't guarantee that the people around us will not have other thoughts, so instead of causing misunderstanding, it is better for me to give 4th Prince a bottom. So our Brother can go further and go farther.” Yin-Tang raised his hand, prevented him from saying what he was going to say next, and then told him what he planned.
     Hearing what Yin-Tang said, it was also a silence. It is a matter of mutual trust between them. Whether Zhou people can do this is another matter. Like Yin-Tang, this is a comprehensive matter. In fact, it also saves a lot of trouble.
     "9th Prince, this is 4th Prince and owe you back." The Yin-Tang arched his hand and accepted his arrangement.
     "4th Prince, let's not say anything, just hope that our Brother can sit and talk, drink and drink like this."
     "Sure." After all, I don't want to be a real loner.
     When the two came over, Wan-xi was ready for the meal, and a few little guys were in the same place. He didn’t know what he was studying, whether he could understand it or not, he all right.
     The picture looks like people feel cola.
     Wan-xi is a big belly. Naturally, it is not good to join in the fun, but with a group of children happy and happy, she can not help but smile a lot.
     "4th Prince, Master, you are here, and you will be able to bring the prepared meals up." Wan-xi turned to see the and Yin-Tang who came in and walked in the past. On the ground, the two men took a ceremony.
     "9th-Sao, here are all people, you are heavy, these vagrants are still free!" Looking at Wan-xi belly, it is also worried about her accident, after all, her tire is not stable.
     "Well..." Wan-xi just wanted to say that the ceremony could not be abolished. Yin-Tang next to her interrupted her words: "Oh, since 4th Prince said it, don't talk nonsense, take care of it. Your own body."
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang as saying that he did not refute and did not care about it. He directly told Ting-Bamboo that they had a meal. If there are many people, Wan-xi naturally does not go to the table, but the next three people, their father and son, Wan-xi do not pay more attention to it, a group of people around a table, Daren children, very lively .


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