Chongqie Courting Death Daily 170

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »     Chapter 170 : The Heart of Lu-Willow

     Ting-Lan led two small Maids to thank him. Wan-xi glanced at each other and encouraged them to leave.
     Don't say that Wan-xi is pregnant now, and the energy is not good. It is normal, and she won't spend too much thought on the two little Maids. Although Wan-xi pays attention to the people around her, she has not yet been recognized by her. It is impossible for her to pay attention to the individual for no reason. Her sympathy has already been consumed in the last life, and the rest of this world may only be selfish and jealous.
     Whether it is selfish or heart-wrenching, for Wan-xi, as long as it can keep the people she cares about, it doesn't matter what it does, because these people in the backyard are not worthy of pity, and even less worthy of sympathy.
     They are Life is death, happiness is sad, for her, no effect.
     Wan-xi looked at two small Maid like flowers, slightly disappointing, so I didn't pay attention to the true look of the two little Maid, but Ting-Bamboo next to it took the look of two little Maid. At the bottom of my eyes, just in front of Wan-xi, Ting-Bamboo did nothing, just watching them leave.
     Wan-xi didn't think much. After returning to God, Ting-Bamboo helped to continue to wander around the yard. In order to produce well, she did not dare to do the activities. In the end, she didn’t know how.
     The two said the two little Maids just now, and compared with Ting-Bamboo serious look, Wan Xi can only remember the cute Peach-Ye.
     Compared with Lu-Willow's bright, it is clear that the distinctive Peach-Ye makes Wan-xi more memorable.
     This is not Wan-xi repelling the beautiful looks, but the Maid around her, the beautiful one, the Ting-Lan, the snow that looks like the sun; the Ting-Bamboo looks like the feminine There are Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin in the delicate, and the look is a little bit slick, but it is more degrading to listen to books and listen to the lotus. A single Lu-Willow, pretty a bit, but around Wan-xi, really not a bright presence.
     "It is also her blessing to get Side-Fujin's attention." Ting-Bamboo smiled and did not exclude newcomers.
     When Wan-xi mentioned their affair, Ting-Bamboo knew that the newcomer should be trained. Even if they don't leave, or they just leave temporarily, Wan-xi is not around, let alone Qing yi-Courtyard, in addition to three small Your Highness, will soon add another small Highness. Everything has to be meticulous, and it can't be ruined.
     Wan-xi chuckled and looked at the colorfulness of the courtyard. He smiled and said: "What value is not important, but a small Maid, looks likable, looks at both eyes, and can’t use it. Eyes, but also fate, more need to be loyal."
     “Side-Fujin is right.” Ting-Bamboo responded with a voice, but my heart was wondering if I should go to Ting-Rain to inquire about the situation of these two small Maids. If it is used, it should be cultivated and cultivated. If it is not used, It should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
     After waiting for Wan-xi to rest, Ting-Bamboo said hello to Ting-Lan and ran to find Ting-Rain to find out. As mentioned earlier, Ting-Rain is good at collecting all kinds of loves and newspapers. Of course, it is better to say that it is gossip than to say it, but I want to ask what she is asking. If there is something in this backyard that Ting-Rain doesn't know, then there is definitely no answer to ask others.
     Ting-Bamboo came over, Ting-Rain also leaned on his embroidered bed to read the book, but with her look of no adjustment, the vigilance was very strong, no, Ting-Bamboo has not yet When she came in, she had already looked up and looked at it.
     "What are you doing! Scared me." Ting-Bamboo was shocked by the fierce look of Ting-Rain.
     On most days, Ting-Rain is always a no-fail, no heart and lungs. He is completely non-aggressive. Now he suddenly changes to this look, but he does not scare Ting-Bamboo. What?
     Ting-Rain sees Ting-Bamboo, immediately expresses the expression on his face, revealing a few smiles, and whispered: "Ting-Bamboo sister, is Side-Fujin's instructions?"
     Ting-Bamboo saw her return to her familiar appearance, which was a sigh of relief: "Not Side-Fujin is looking for you, but I am looking for you."
     "What? Ting-Bamboo said directly, as long as it is what I Ting-Rain does, I will definitely help you." Ting-Bamboo is the first to accept her and Ting-Qin, hey, Ting-Rain is always ignorant of her unclear feelings.
     Ting-Bamboo saw her deputy want to give her chest a flat posture, her face was very angry and funny, holding her hand, telling her what she had seen in the yard before, and then said her own concern.
     Ting-Rain didn't expect Ting-Bamboo to ask for two little Maid. Listening to her description seems to be the two little awkward little Maid. According to Ting-Qin, the reason has not been sent away. I want to take the opportunity to test the character of several other small Maid, but I don't want some people to wait for these days, but fortunately, they don't intimidate Side-Fujin, otherwise their sins can be big.
     "Ting-Bamboo sister said these two little Maid, I still have some impressions, according to Ting-Qin, there are still a few days, this rule is going to be finished, she is ready to take advantage of this time to test the other A few of the small Maid's character, and finally decided to leave those few. I did not expect this little Yatou really do not put the words of others." Ting-Rain smiled and repeated Ting-Qin's plan Over and over again.
     Ting-Bamboo See Ting-Qin already has plans and no more to say. In fact, they believe in each other's abilities.
     The reason why they can do nothing is because they think about their duties and there is no conflict between them.
     "So good, I am looking at the little Maid who looks bright, and my ambition is not small. Although I don't worry about what kind of demon moth she is making, she is afraid that what she did will make Side-Fujin angry. But it is the small Maid with round face. Pay attention to it, I glared at Side-Fujin and liked her like this. If it is good, it would be fine to pull it." With them, a little Maid can't turn the sky, but some things are not what they don't say. Wan-xi doesn't know, so beware of it.
     "Ting-Bamboo sister can rest assured! I will mention this with Ting-Qin, when people will guard against this little Yatou, let her go around and chaos, as for the round face Maid, Ting Qin sister's evaluation is not bad, it should be able to stay." Ting-Rain assured Ting-Bamboo, but also thought about Lin-Chujiu, mentioning this with him, when the time She is too ambitious or someone else eyeliner, all handled.
     After a while, I woke up with Wan-xi, and Ting-Bamboo also refused to talk to Ting-Rain. When he said hello, he got up and went back.
     Afterwards, Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin raised this matter. Ting-Qin's brows were slightly wrinkled. I didn't think that this trivial matter was still in front of Wan-xi, and I couldn't help but look at it. All should not be left.
     "Do not worry, I have this idea." The light flashed, and Ting-Qin was cold and authentic.
     Ting-Rain saw it and didn't talk anymore. According to her understanding of Ting-Qin, Ting-Qin was really angry. If she was before, she was afraid that she would leave a few Missian who made trouble.
     There is room for remnant, now I am afraid, I will not leave her life.
     In the next two days, the Jingyi-Courtyard surface was the same as before, but Lu-Willow, who was emotionally sensitive and ghosted, discovered it. When I first came to Qing yi-Courtyard, although some places could not go, most of the time was also comfortable, but for the past two days, she always felt someone staring at her secretly.
     This feeling made her feel very uneasy, but could not talk about it.
     Lu-Willow is very self-satisfied. It’s not good to get along with a few small Maids from the same time. It’s good to not run each other on most days. I want to help each other. I really want to see the past feelings. Minute. It is a pity that Lu-Willow will not be a man, thinking that he can be Your Highness, disdain to make friends with the nubi , but forget that she is also a nubi
     Standing in the dark, Ting-Qin glared at Lu-Willow, who looked around, and she did not think of a small Yatou. She still had such a high vigilance. But no matter what she found, this Yatou can't stay in Qing yi-Courtyard, no, can't stay in this 9th-Prince House.
     Lu-Willow didn't know that her keen sense didn't help her, but instead made her range of activities narrower.
     Seeing the passage of time and by little, this blink of an eye is a day gone by, and Lu-Willow has become anxious, especially when it is found that the Mama of the rules is not as strict as they were before. I felt a little bit in my heart.
     Don't look at her mouth complaining, in fact, I am quite satisfied with the treatment of Qing yi-Courtyard. If I don't mention the family, I will say that in the palace, it is also a personal underground. Besides, she has now set her goal on 9th-Prince, and how could she be willing to leave.
     No, she has to stay in her mind, or she has to think first to achieve her goals, as long as she becomes a 9th-Prince person, not only does not have to leave, but also live the rich days she thought of.
     Peach-Ye glared at Lu-Willow, who was not in the house every day. Although she was directly guilty, she did not take care of it, but she did her own thing honestly. She can see it.
     They are the little Maid who have been picked up. Although they have just stepped into the Qing yi-Courtyard, they can't stay, and no one knows. Before that, she and Lu-Willow had a trouble with Ting-Qin sister. Now she is noisy. She may not have the hope of staying behind. However, in the case of Lu-Willow, I still have to report to Ting-Qin sister, otherwise something really happened, maybe she is still bad luck!
     Lu-Willow didn't know about it. In the past two days, she had been eager to inquire about the news of 9th-Prince.
     The silver and jewelry that I brought when I entered the government are now almost the same. Fortunately, the inquiries have been audible, as long as the opportunity is seized, maybe she is the next Wanyan Side-Fujin.
     People like to compare, some people have self-knowledge, and some people do not know what to say, but also feel good about themselves, Lu-Willow is like this.
     The more information she gets, the hotter her heart is. She thinks that Wan-xi is only favored because she has the opportunity, but she doesn't look at other women in the backyard. What kind of situation is in front of the opportunity.

     This evening, there was a lot of drizzle, and Yin-Tang rode back to the house, and it was inevitable that it would get wet. In the past, Yin-Tang must first go to the study room to wash a few times, change clothes before going to Qing yi-Courtyard, but today, except if I heard that Wan-xi people invited the doctor, he also Will not rush back in such a hurry.
     The Wan-xi tires made Yin-Tang feel worried. Although there was nothing wrong with this time, he felt a little embarrassed in his heart. He felt that Wan-xi and his children would suffer because he was too I have neglected the relationship, so for Wan-xi this tire, his special concern is , a listener who invited the doctor, he picked it up.
     When I arrived at Qing yi-Courtyard, I just caught up with Gao Mama and sent it to the doctor. Yin-Tang asked a few words and knew that Wan-xi was fine. It was just a routine diagnosis.
     This was a relief.
     Wan-xi came out of the house and looked at the wet body. He couldn't help but exclaim. "Master, how are you all wet! Ting-Bamboo, fast, people feel hot water, waiter bathing and changing clothes "Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang, lest he suffer from the cold and get a stomach, he will start to fall."
     "It's okay. My body is good! It's you, sit down first." Yin-Tang saw Wan-xi anxious, standing in front of the two steps, holding her to sit on the raft.
     Wan-xi gently turned his head and saw the concern and gentleness in Yin-Tang's eyes, and his heart was warm. She knew that Yin-Tang was worried about her body, but she also worried about Yin-Tang's body.
     It was at this time that Ting-Bamboo came out from the outside and said that the hot water was ready. Wan-xi naturally refused to let Yin-Tang stay with him and urged him to go to the bath.
     "Well, the lord will go and let them wait in the house. If there is anything, tell them to do it, don't be tired." Yin-Tang took her hand and carefully recited a few words. Out of the room.
     In the corner of Qing yi-Courtyard Garden, Lu-Willow hides in the corner and looks at the courtyard where people come and go. He doesn't see Yin-Tang coming out, and he can't help but rush. She just heard about it, 9th-Prince is back, and her body is wet. Is this not her chance?
     Looking down, Lu-Willow wondered that she should just seize the opportunity. Today, she is also the woman of the house, Your Highness.
     Lu-Willow is very beautiful, but I don't know that my own moves are under the surveillance of Ting-Qin. Sometimes, when I am still not at home, I will be honest. No, I will keep a low point. Deputy all over the world, I am smart and silly, but I don’t know how to die.
     “How?” Ting-Rain stayed at the door, saw Ting-Qin coming over and immediately greeted him.
     "It has already moved, just calculate Your Highness, can you get out of it?" Don't look at Ting-Qin, what is going on in the most days, but I am still very afraid of Yin-Tang, who makes this fear from How can it be removed from the bones?
     Ting-Qin and Ting-Rain just thought of the time and sent Lu-Willow and a few unqualified little Maid away. Who knows Lu-Willow jumped up and down, tossed, and waited for a few days. Said, still counted on the head of Yin-Tang. Originally Ting-Qin and Ting-Rain did not dare to count Yin-Tang, but in order to shock those who floated in the house, this was followed by Lu-Willow's mind, let her walk step by step. Until now.
     It is said that Qing yi-Courtyard is surrounded by the iron bucket by Wan-xi. If a small Maid can do it with his mind, then Wan-xi can’t be smooth. Children, and protect them grow up healthily. Of course, with today's situation, the maintenance of Yin-Tang is indispensable, and it is inseparable from the loyalty of several big Maid.
     Ting-Rain lowered his head, his eyes flashed a bit cold, and his tone was quite awkward: "I can't get away from it, I will take a cut on myself."
     "What makes you take it on the body, this is what I am responsible for. If you want to pursue Your Highness, you can shut up." Ting-Qin Tiger has a face, very unpleasant.
     Unlike Ting-Bamboo, Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin always feel that they can have it today, all given by Wan-xi. Even if they still listen to Yin-Tang, they are willing to lay down their lives for Wan-xi.
     "Oh! We don't want to fight now, because we are not sure if Your Highness will doubt it. We must know that this time we are doing very tightly. It is a trace of the inside and outside.
     That little Maid is your responsibility. When I have to smash the board, I won’t rob you. I am waiting for you.” Ting-Rain’s words are ugly, but it’s not hard to hear the relationship between her and Ting-Qin.
     "Okay." Ting-Qin smiled and Called.
     The two men sneaked for a while, but at this point, Lu-Willow touched the place where Yin-Tang bathed.
     Normally, Yin-Tang bathing is not in the study room, it is the clean room in the inner room. Today, I will use this outside, but it is just a matter of course. I don’t want to worry about Wan-xi too much.
     The whole person was soaked in hot water. Yin-Tang took a light breath and didn't feel cold first. Now I found it in the water and I didn't feel cold before, but I was too worried about Wan-xi and her belly. Children, this ignores the feeling of their own.
     Outside the net room, Lin-Chujiu is doing his duty outside the door. He is there. Unless Yin-Tang asks people to come in, or Wan-xi comes over, it is impossible to let people go easily.
     Yin-Tang's temper, let alone 9th-Prince House, fear that the whole four 9th Prince City people know that he is not good. To know that Yin-Tang is more decisive than other Princes, Yin-Tang is not a fake, to deal with people who offend him, it is really a poke, and a poke.
     Not far from Lu-Willow, looking at Lin-Chujiu, who was kneeling at the door, his teeth biting his lips, his face was anxious, she thought that the opportunity was close at hand, as long as she came over, she would succeed, now it seems Every cut is the same as her.
     I was thinking, Lu-Willow looked up and saw that Lin-Chujiu, who was in front of the door, suddenly walked to the other side, and he was happy. She immediately arranged a dress and quietly approached the clean room. I thought that God did not know what it was, but I didn’t know what I was doing. I was already stunned by Lin-Chujiu Ting-Rain.
     In the clean room, the mist is lingering, Lu-Willow's face is reddish, and the mood is even more exciting.
     Thinking about the days after the jewels, her heart can't help but slam and keep getting faster. .
     Yin-Tang, facing away from the screen, leaned against the bathtub to close his eyes and listen to the sound. He only heard that Lin-Chujiu came in. He did not open his eyes, but whispered: "Lin-Chujiu, Come over and press the shoulders."
     Lu-Willow crossed the screen and looked at Yin-Tang, who was naked, and her face was red and red. She had an idea and ambition. She was just a 14th-year Old Yatou.
     The first time I saw it. It is inevitable that some people will not adapt to the body of a man.
     Just when Lu-Willow reached out and tried to help Yin-Tang pinch his shoulders, Yin-Tang slammed his eyes and turned his head.
     The person behind him was not Lin-Chujiu, but a stranger. Maid, a pair of narrow and narrow phoenixes can not help but pick up slightly.
     "Nubi Lu-Willow pleases Your Highness, Your Highness is auspicious." Lu-Willow was shocked by Yin-Tang's sudden instigation, seeing Yin-Tang's gaze falling on her face, face I couldn't help but feel a little shy. When I was in the ceremony, the gentleness of the first slap in the first place added a bit of style to her.
     "Who made you come in?" Yin-Tang sounded cold and his voice was unpleasant.
     "If you return to Your Highness, it's Side-Fujin." Lu-Willow saw Yin-Tang's face condensed, and he couldn't help but be afraid, so the moment he opened his mouth, he pushed all the responsibilities to Wan-xi.
     Yin-Tang glared at Lu-Willow's sect, and what else does not understand.
     There was an anger in his eyes, and his eyes were still cold. According to Yin-Tang's understanding of Wan-xi, I know that anyone in this backyard may arrange a woman for him. Only Wan-xi will not. His delicate eyes are not big. Others arrange women to give him a bad time. , let me talk about her own arrangements.
     The little Maid in front of me is obviously lying, just don't know if this little Maid has his own ambitions, or is someone else intentional arrangement?
     "Lin-Chujiu." Yin-Tang whispered a low voice, and Lin-Chujiu, who was outside the door, immediately walked in and walked in.
     "Your Highness, but I want to change my clothes... Your Highness is angry." Lin-Chujiu thought that Yin-Tang was going to change clothes after bathing. Who knows that he looked up and saw the shivering Lu-Willow on the side of the tub.
     The legs are soft and can not help but kneel on the ground, directly sin.
     "Take people out, how to do it, don't you have to teach you!" Yin-Tang eyes are cold, and the tone is cold and hail.
     Lu-Willow has tears in his eyes, even though his heart is unwilling, but he also understands that his life is all in the mind of Yin-Tang. At this time, Yin-Tang handed her over to Lin-Chujiu, which is Life is dead, totally ignorant. For a time, Lu-Willow couldn't help but fall to the ground. "Please ask Your Highness, let me be a nubi "
     Yin-Tang looks at Lu-Willow's gaze like watching a dead person, without any slight pity, but looking at Lin-Chujiu: "What are you doing, how can you teach you how to do things?"
     Lin-Chujiu was shaken by Yin-Tang, and he returned to God. He immediately got up and dragged Lu-Willow out. Seeing her ‘calling, she took the pussy directly into her mouth, lest the movement slowed down.
     The unlucky one is himself.
     Yin-Tang saw people go out, no more bathing interest, straight up, do not have to serve, take a cloth towel to wipe a few times, put on dry clothes, out of the clean room, they go directly to the inner room go with.
     Wan-xi saw Yin-Tang coming over, and immediately got up and greeted him. A small hand held his big palm and refused to let go.
     Yin-Tang saw her little mouth and sighed, she knew that she had known the thing in the clean room. She couldn’t help but smile and scratch her nose with a finger: "What is this? But someone is mad. Jao-Jao angry?"
     Wan-xi was on Min-Tang's gentle eyes, thinking that someone was playing tricks under his own eyelids, and his face was still difficult to resist a bit of anger. Obviously, she was very concerned about what she was doing.
     "It’s really angry." Wan-xi took his big palm with both hands and shook it a few times. His face was wronged and said: "I thought I was covered in this Qing yi-Courtyard is too flat, now Kneeling, it’s a matter of course.
     Yin-Tang listened to her words. First, she was slightly stunned. It turned like she heard something laughing. She squeezed her delicate cheek and smiled. "Silly Yatou, I can’t guarantee the house. Taiping, how can you make a beautiful woman perfect?"
     Yin-Tang will be annoyed, just because the little Maid hit the name of Wan-xi. As for the case of climbing a bed, it is too common. If there is such a courage to die, then it will be sent directly to her. No need to worry about this.
     "But I don't like the idea of ​​someone playing the grandfather.
     The Lord said it, the Lord is personal." Wan-xi licked his solid waist with his hands and declared his ownership.
     Yin-Tang looked at her childlike appearance, and couldn't help but laugh out loudly. "Jao-Jao is letting you out."

     Yin-Tang looked at her childlike appearance, and couldn't help but laugh out loudly. "Jao-Jao is letting you out."
     "Nature is to ventilate, not to vent, and in the backyard, who else puts his body in his eyes, and what is the tyrant of his body." Involving his own welfare and legitimate rights, Wan-xi is impossible to retreat.
     The so-called kindness and beauty, that is to reach out to others when they have everything and no one else has anything. Wan-xi doesn't feel that she has anything. On the contrary, she just wants to hold her own in her hand, not to others.
     "Master  makes you tyrants, who dares not reach out." Yin-Tang flashed a sigh of relief in his eyes, turning his head and watching the Lin-Chujiu, who was close to the side, " " The tone is impatient: "I still don't roll in."
     "The nubi please please your Your Highness, and please Side-Fujin." Lin-Chujiu was cold and sweaty, for fear that he was killed by the little Maid.
     In this world, it is hard to be a nubi and it is even harder to be a good nubi You said that he just wanted to wait for Your Highness. After a few days, he was so hard. In front of Fu-Jin toss, the backyard's son-in-law tossed, finally the women in the backyard, Your Highness, did not toss, this new Maid is a big heart, really dare to think, do everything, do not fear yourself It’s too ugly to die.
     Yin-Tang swept his eyes and looked at his eyes. He didn't dare to look at his Lin-Chujiu. He whispered: "This backyard is afraid of being quiet for too long, and some people are starting to be untrue."
     Yin-Tang has always liked to kill a lot of people, especially when someone makes him unhappy, he prefers to anger.
     But Lin-Chujiu felt that Your Highness was right.
     The backyard seems to be quiet recently. In fact, the girl in the backyard has its own plans. It’s just that there is no trick, so let a small Maid give up. Is this not a teacher?
     "Lin-Chujiu." Yin-Tang Called carelessly.
     "The nubi is there." The voice should be low, Lin-Chujiu body could not help but bend lower.
     Yin-Tang Trail took the hand of Wan-xi and held her up to sit on the raft.
     The big palm habitually played with her soft boneless hand, but the mouth said something chilling, "That Maid and the rods who broke into the net house without permission, let all the son-in-law in the backyard go to the prison.
     The Lord wants to see if those people are not afraid of death."
     The little Madid is not the most damn, but should not use the name of Wan-xi to do things that should not be done.
     "The nubi obeyed." Lin-Chujiu turned the sleeves and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and my heart was glad that Your Highness's gaze did not fall on him.
     Sure enough, there is Wanyan Side-Fujin, Your Highness is always better to talk, he will still have a good Side-Fujin in the future.
     The son-in-law of the backyard was called to the yard, and they all had a look of horror. When Lu-Willow was seen to be tied up by two thick Pozis, the faces of several people could not change from the ground, and the mind was dusty.
     The memory of the memory has come to the forefront.
     Time always makes people forget something, especially when people subconsciously want to forget these things, they will definitely forget faster, but once the same scene reappears, the picture will be at the fastest speed. It comes to mind, making the memory clearer and more profound, and unforgettable.
     "Lin-Chujiu, what's going on?" Dong-shi pretended to look at Lin-Chujiu calmly, and her fists in her sleeves showed her nervousness and uneasiness.
     Recently, Dong-shi mind is on the inquiries of the various showgirls.
     Those high-ranking families, she naturally does not need to inquire, she wants to inquire about the family, the beautiful looks of the show, after all, there is no reliable Let her pinch. But whoever thinks she hasn't shot yet, Yin-Tang has made such a whole out. If she doesn't know that she hasn't shot yet, she thinks it's Yin-Tang specifically for her.
     "When you return to Fu-Jin, this is the new Maid who is new to the government. It is still learning the rules, but people are not rules. Your Highness tells you that the hearts of people have been floating recently, and many people minds are getting bigger and bigger, just thinking about bringing you High Highness.
     They are all concentrated and give you awakening to Your Highness and the people around you.” Lin-Chujiu is quite clear, and everyone in the yard understands what he means.
      Maid is not honest, there are many reasons. Only this is not regular. It has a fixed meaning, such as climbing a bed, backing the Lord...
     This kind of big sin, once convicted by Your Highness, has to get rid of half life without dying. In front of this, not only let Yin-Tang order the stick, but also let them watch the sentence, the intention is self-evident.
     Time, the eyes of the backyard female shi-nus falling on Lu-Willow have become unhealthy, no matter what the women in the backyard look at Wan-xi, but there is a point to confirm that there is no one among them. I like the Maid who climbs the bed.
     In desperation, it is a matter of turning the face of Maid around for the sake of the pet. It is another matter for Maid to choose to climb the bed. Involving authority, no matter how big or small, this is something that the incumbent can't be tolerated. If the big thing is small, the Maid in this backyard will not be able to learn.
     Dong-shi looked at Lu-Willow, who was tied to the bench, and looked gloomy.
     The little Maid who came to see it didn't give her a good impression. Instead, she reminded her of Yu-hui.
     They are all kinds of embryos, and they think about how to seduce men.
     "If that's the case, then do it according to the Lord's words!" Biting his teeth, Dong-shi face is impatient.
     Lin-Chujiu looked at the tough, gloomy Dong-shi, but saw a few points from the head. However, this Fu-Jin seems to be wrong. Your Highness sent him to beat the son-in-law who included Fu-Jin, and shocked the Maid around them, but on the look of Fu-Jin, it seems that this is just for the nubi .
     Well, this matter will be reflected sooner or later. After all, it is only shocking Maid, who still needs to move out the backyard son-in-law.
     "Since Fu-Jin is open, then it will be executed!" Raised his hand, and the two roughs pushed Pozi a few times, and tied Lu-Willow to the bench.
     Lu-Willow twisted his body in fear, choked in his mouth, wanted to ask for mercy, wanted to say regret, but unfortunately it was a next and next board, and hit her on the ground. Since Yin-Tang told him personally, the executioners naturally did not dare to play tricks, so this board is a better one. Lu-Willow's blocked mouth continually heard intermittent whine, but the sound is getting weaker and weaker, as if it is going to be mad at any time.
     In the crowd, Peach-Ye looked pale, but she really didn't think that Lu-Willow would have such courage, dare to be in Qing yi-Courtyard... No wonder, no wonder Ting-Qin sister would say that nubi are the most important. It is loyalty.
     Also, as long as the loyalty is the main thing, it will be like a few sisters in the future. It is also very good to find a parent by Side-Fujin.
     Struggling Lu-Willow stunned Peach-Ye eyes, and inexplicably thought of when he was young, aunt saw a sentence when he returned to the house, his heart was higher than the sky, life is better than Paper is thin. She thought that the aunt was just awkward, but now she realized that the aunt was not jealous, and the aunt only saw it better than them.
     Yes, just understand it.
     And she really regretted it, regretted not seeing her situation, and took the initiative to lose her life.
     "Dead? If you die, you will drag it out and follow the rules." Lin-Chujiu is waiting next to him, cold-eyed Lu-Willow, cold and authentic.
     The two roughs of the execution, Pozi, went all the way to check the number. Seeing that the person was really swallowing, after returning, he dragged Lu-Willow down, broke the roll and directly threw it into the mass grave. Gang.
     They all said that the calculations were too clever, and they mistakenly clarified their lives.
     They should be people like Lu-Willow.
     There are just countless examples in front of us, and they can't stop the temptation of glory and wealth.
     Dong-shi looked at the striking blood of the beach not far away, and the bloody suffocation around her nose.
     This feeling made her want to vomit, but she still stood on the shelf, sweeping the eyes of the people around me indifferently. With Yin Mama hand, slowly moving back, the pace is steady, but the reality is just that I don't want people to notice her inner fear and anxiety.
     Yin Mama is holding Dong-shi, her face is as usual, and her heart is in a mess. She is now thinking about Lin-Chujiu. It’s just a look that is not meaningful. Is it true that Your Highness is dissatisfied with their time? ? Thinking of this, Yin Mama felt that it was still necessary to let Tong-Aunt explore the situation.
     Dong-shi is gone, but others have not left. At this time, the son-in-law of the yard was pale and wanted to come. Today, this unexpected one really scared them all.
     Lin-Chujiu, no matter what, anyway, Your Highness has let him do everything. As for the thoughts of these people, he really doesn't care. He only hopes that today's work will make these people less born to die.
     The idea came, "After the execution is completed, the nubi will have to go back and return to Your Highness, and you will go back to rest early!"
     On the night, Wan-xi and Yin-Tang all slept well.
     The doctor in the backyard was busy and busy, not busy in this courtyard. It was the Courtyard that was not frustrated by Your Highness. Anyway, this matter is a pile and a pile. Fortunately, there is still a reward.
     The treatment in the government is also good. Otherwise, the doctor will definitely not stay any longer.
     Two days later, Ting-Qin picked up the seven Maids, and Peach-Ye became the one of the four who stayed, and the three people who sent them away even though they were crying and raining did not let Ting Qin has half pity.
     As a nubi you have to be a loyal servant, half-hearted, and no wonder others are jealous.
     When Wan-xi saw Peach-Ye again, he smiled and praised two sentences. He still rewarded a purse and did not anger other people because of Lu-Willow. In fact, when Wan-xi is in this position, I really can't think about it with a few small Maids. What's more, the sinner is not this little Maid. As for Lu-Willow, Wan-xi has some hints but subconscious. Ignore these things.
     Her Qing yi-Courtyard understands that the big Maid she used in her hand is not vegetarian. A small Maid who just entered the government can go to this step. It must be condoned, otherwise a small Maid will be casually She can make waves in her Qing yi-Courtyard, and why did she go to this step today?
     "Ting-Rain, there are things that can be done, but there are some things that can be stopped." Wan-xi is in the courtyard and basking in the air.
     Ting-Rain, who is telling Wan-xi the latest words, a little sly, then nodded with a smile, then began to dance the story inside the book, making everyone like Wan-xi haha laugh.

     Kangxi holy drive came back from the plug. After a few days of silence, Kangxi led a team of people to Jiangnan.
     This time Defei or Yifei is not in the list of drivers. In the days when, Dong-shi naturally dressed up and went to the palace to please.
     Wan-xi is different from Dong-shi. For Dong-shi, she can't let go of any opportunity to show her Di Fu-Jin's status and status, even if she can't get a little benefit here. . However, Wan-xi can't go without going, not just because of identity, because there are too many calculations in this harem, Wan-xi has no intention of putting himself and his children at risk.
     After Yifei disappointment with Dong-shi, he no longer mentions anything.
     The attitude of Dong-shi is flat, and there is no closeness to each other. All the cuts are based on the rules of the surface, neither negligent nor close.
     This move can be regarded as the face of Kangxi and Yin-Tang.
     It is Wan-xi, because of the relationship between several children, close to Yifei, plus Wan-xi intends to please Yifei, although the two sides do not say that they are like mother and daughter, but it is not bad, at least when Yifei will also plan for Wan-xi, and will not deny it.
     Since it is a palace, please, in addition to Yifei, the Empress Dowager's Ningshou Palace is a must, so take a moment, Yifei will take Dong-shi to Ningshou Palace to give the Empress Dowager.
     Yifei took Dong-shi in the past, Ningshou Palace is very lively, and the coming should not come as if it was a good deal, all come. At this time, Defei was honored and so on. In the palace, please ask for each Fu-Jin.
     They all talked around the Empress Dowager and made the Empress Dowager smile.
     "Chen Chen gave the Empress Dowager please." Yifei smiled decently, although the Empress Dowager liked it, never crossed.
     The Dong-shi behind him has a kind of learning, followed by the back of Yifei, please give the Empress Dowager.
     "Good, all get up." The Empress Dowager raised his hand with a loving smile on his face.
     Yifei got up and walked down to the side of the squat, while Dong-shi consciously sat down at the head of 8th Fu-Jin.
      8th Fu-Jin is still wearing the big red flag of the body, the whole person looks like a dazzling flame, but it is less silky, more silky, and it is quite surprising.
     "8th-Sao." Dong-shi looked at such 8th Fu-Jin, I don't know why, I was born with a feeling of mutual sympathy.
     "9th-Sao." 8th Fu-Jin has a dull attitude, can't see enthusiasm, and is not a bit slow, so she is a little less lively than before.
     Yifei sat in the top, and her eyes glanced at Dong-shi, who spoke to 8th Fu-Jin, and her eyes flashed, but there was no sound. In the past, to this scene, Yifei must have to praise Dong-shi a few words, but now, she only thinks that Dong-shi is getting more and more eye-catching.
      8th Fu-Jin chose 8th-Prince, so they don't talk about the situation, at least they are no longer the same person.
     They don't talk about communication, but they need to pay attention, otherwise people will be wrong. I mean, maybe it will cause big trouble.
     "Hey, 8th-Sao and 9th-Sao, it’s still so intimate, no wonder people say that you have the best feelings." Sitting in the back row of 10th Fu-Jin Wanyan-shi suddenly Called 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi speaks.
     Sitting at the top of the Empress Dowager, I can't help but see that 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi are not too intimate, but compared to others who focus on the Empress Dowager. In other words, the actions of the two of them are really eye-catching.
     "The old eight, the Old 9 family's historical relationship is good, you have to be with them in the future, deal with the relationship, don't quarrel." The Empress Dowager looked at them, smiled, said If you come out, it is ambiguous.
     Now who doesn't know that 8th-Prince and 9th-Prince have been disbanded, the relationship is not so hot, but it is also very cold, the Empress Dowager, listening to the usual, the meaning inside can be deep.
     Liangzhu looked at this scene, and her heart was a little panic. When she was favored, she was proud and even arrogant. It was just that her time was too short, and the time she fell out of favor was too long, and her arrogance was ruined. Now she is looking forward to her son's good, and then give her a few grandchildren, instead of always being like a previous one, and it has turned upside down, and there is no good result.
     “The Empress Dowager is right.” 8th Fu-Jin was sitting straight, with a lot of attitude and generosity, but the Empress Dowager was quite satisfied.
     "Let the Empress Dowager worry, it is Sun Hao." Dong-shi has a rare opportunity to perform. At this time, the attitude is very positive, and the big face is also good, at least not to make people feel a little home.
     "That's good, then it's good, the sorrowful family is looking forward to you and the joyful." The Empress Dowager listened to them saying that they smiled and raised their hands, which would make others look hot. .
      The reward of the Empress Dowager, whether it is because of what it is, whether it is heavy or light, is a decent one.
     This decent person does not want to, but some people have taken the lead, and these people will do it again, and it will inevitably give people the feeling of being able to make a fuss.
     Yifei glared at the face of Dong-shi face, shaking her head inconspicuously.
     The daughter-in-law did not know what to say. Short-sightedness is nothing more than a self-knowledge. If it is not good enough to beat a few times, I am afraid that it will cause trouble to Yin-Tang.
     Defei looked coldly, his mouth was a little smile, but his heart was wondering how to pull back.
     The last thing was her care. Now, according to Kangxi trust in Yin-Tang, it’s not easy to be afraid of it. However, if you start from this 9th Fu-Jin, it will be easier.
     “The Empress Dowager, or Yifei Mei-mei will adjust the person, not to mention 9th Fu-Jin, just say that Wanyan Side-Fujin is painful.” Defei face was really praised, but his eyes looked at it without any trace. Dong expression.
     Dong-shi didn't know this. At this time, the expression on her face was a lot lighter than before. I wanted to come because Defei praised the relationship between Wan-xi, but my heart was not happy, but I didn't say anything because of my identity.
     Yifei heard that silver teeth were biting and angry, and she knew that Defei was uneasy, praised, and secretly provoked.
     "Wan-xi is a good kid." The Empress Dowager heard the words, his expression was slight, and he couldn't help but look at Yifei. He whispered: "The mourner remembered that the child had a fetal movement before. How is it now? ”
     "Let the Empress Dowager worry, Wan-xi is a thrilling child.
     The child is so hard to keep it.
     The courtiers worry that if they make a mistake, they will let her stay in the house and wait for the child to enter the palace.
     The Empress Dowager Please, "Yifei is secretly defiant. Defei is as shameless as the previous one. He specializes in the soft underbelly of others, but smiles and tells the Empress Dowager about the current situation of Wan-xi.
      The Empress Dowager was even more pleased.
     The reward for Wan-xi was thicker than that for 8th Fu-Jin and Dongshi.
     The time of 8th Fu-Jin and Dong-shi changed.
     "You arranged well, the child is a blessed child, and it is good to have children." The Empress Dowager not only likes Wan-xi, but also likes many children of Wan-xi, especially Hong-min.
     The mouth is sweet and filial, and the Empress Dowager is always happy.
     "The Empress Dowager is saying that the doctor also said that Wan-xi is a kid, lively and active, and must be well-fed." When it comes to having children, it’s not just the Empress Dowager, it’s Yifei to Wan-xi, is quite satisfactory.
     "Good." The Empress Dowager nodded and said that Yifei would bring Hong-min to them to Ningshou Palace.
     Yifei saw the Empress Dowager's face as satisfied. While he was relieved, he thought that he would pay more attention to Defei, so that she would not be able to re-apply and put in the backyard of Yin-Tang.
     Defei didn't achieve the goal, but wanted to say a few more words. But I don't know why. Rongzheng and Huiyi seem to have a good discussion with Yifei.
     They always cut her words. For a while, she simply couldn't insert words, which made it originally wanted. Defei Defei is not as light as anyone.
     From the Ningshou Palace, Yifei, Rongzhen and Huiyi are all polite, but for Defei, the attitude of the three is cold, although it is not so bad in public, but the words are often normal.
     "Hey, I really didn't expect Rong Jie, Hui Yijie and Yifei Mei-mei to be so friendly. It's amazing!" Defei stared at the three eyes, and looked at the three people with a cold voice.
     "Master ! This palace did not expect Defei sister to be so clever, and the whole royal son was almost lost in your hands." The singer is a slap in the face, although in recent years there has been a lot of convergence, but she met her. I can't understand things, my temper is still there.
     "Master ! No wonder everyone is Defei Mei-mei. It's a high means. Isn't it right now? Others' children and grandchildren don't count, only their own is the best, just don't know Defei Mei-mei I can live." Hui Yi sneered, this is the 14th-Prince House, the backyard Side-Fujin small production.
     This royal family, the backyard has nothing to do, the battle between women is a common thing, but the hand stretched too long to commit taboos, which is why Rong Yi and Hui Yi will help Yifei to squash against Defei. One.
     Defei is black-faced, and my heart is dark. 14th Fu-Jin is useless. It’s not that she picks it up with her. "If you can't protect you, you won't have to worry about your sister. Mei-mei doesn't have anything else, it's a blessing."
     "Oh! Defei mouthful of this blessing is not a mistake to report the blessing. Some things are not unreported, it is time to come." Yifei looked at Defei face and pretended to be high, and his heart was disliked, his eyes Touching the fine lines that couldn't be covered by the corners of her eyes, I couldn't help but be surprised: "Oh, Defei sister is really afraid of eating a lot of bitterness during this time. Look at the fine lines of this corner of the eyes."
     "You!" Defei looked at Yifei face with a long-lasting expression and the glory of the face, and the sorrowful look of the sorrowful, could not help but resentful, then went away and did not argue with them.
     Yifei looked at the back of Defei departure, and there was a sneer in his eyes. He was very sultry, and he wanted to pretend to be a good-looking face. Among the four, the youngest woman, her face began to have fine lines, not to mention Defei, who is a few years old. When I am old, I will be honest. I don’t have to be a young girl who wants to be a young girl.
     "This time, I would like to thank the two sisters for their help. Otherwise, today, Defei, Mei-mei is afraid that it will fall." Yifei turned to look at Rong Rong and Hui Wei, and thanked them with politeness.
     Rong Rong and Hui Wei looked at each other and said with a smile: "Since the consensus is reached, we should not refrain from doing it. After all, in the face of a common enemy, it is really unnecessary to be soft when it comes to the shot."
     "The two sisters said it, but Defei has already turned over. Before that, she arranged the dark pile and the eyeliner.
     The fear of not clearing is to move." Yifei mouth is smiling, seemingly inadvertent, but actually giving Defei got eye drops.
     Others don't know, she is very clear, Defei has almost cleared the eyeliner and the dark piles that have been inserted for so many years, and the estimates that can be left are all unrelenting.

     Dong-shi came out of Ningshou Palace and went straight out of the palace. She knew that Yifei was not as eager to value herself as she used to be. She was arrogant in her heart and could be lower, but she would not bow down for the second time. Seeing that Yifei didn't pick up her, she naturally didn't rush to ask for fun, but Defei said those words were deeply imprinted on her mind.
     With a squint, Dong-shi knows that Defei is provocative, but she compares Wanyan-shi Side-Fujin with her Di Fu-Jin. Everyone doesn't feel offended and takes it for granted. How can this prevent her from having a sense of crisis? .
     Yin Mama stood by, her eyes swept over the expression on Dong-shi face, and she sighed in her heart.
     The words she didn't listen to didn't listen. Instead of listening, she listened to it.
     There is really no confidence that I can persuade Dong-shi every time.
     Dong-shi did not ask Yin Mama opinion again this time, but chose to go to Dong Efu halfway and find her mother Yi-Luoshi to discuss countermeasures.
     Regardless of whether it is Prince Fu-Jin or Di-Min of Dong Efu, Dong-shi position in Dong Efu is unparalleled.
     This point can be seen from the attitude of the porter.
     Dong-shi road from the gate to the backyard, unimpeded, but in the past, Yi-Luoshi is dealing with Yu-hui.
     The fate of Yu-hui has long been fixed. No, it should be said that the fate of all the Shu Daughters except Dong-shi is fixed. Unless Yi-Luoshi needs it, or if Dongshi needs it, their fate will not change. Yu-hui coincides with Dong-shi. Yi-Luoshi puts her gaze on her. Otherwise, according to Yi-Luoshi temper, how will she be willing to cultivate her Shu Daughter.
     The contradiction between Di , the contradiction between the ‘Madam and the ‘Madam, is irreconcilable, full of controversy, can not tell who is right and who is wrong, can only say that the situation has created these people, but also created countless tragedies.
     It’s just that Yu-hui heart is also big. If she can keep her mind, she might find Yin-Tang and Wan-xi.
     They can help her, but unfortunately, Yu-hui is not only Lost my heart, I still can't do it.
     Whether it is Yin-Tang or Yi-Luoshi, the '1st Jiji' is taken seriously.
     The former is naturally because '1st Jiji' is his flesh and the latter is purely Uiwu and Wu, who makes Dong-shi The body is broken, and '1st Jiji' may be the only child of Dong-shi in this life, she can't afford it. Even people who have concerns, Yu-hui did not hesitate to move their hands. With this point alone, Yu-hui can all return to Dong Efu, which is actually Yu-hui. It’s added.
     However, there are some things, as long as they are still in this circle, they have to bow their heads, like Yu-hui. Before they leave Dong Efu smoothly, her fate can only be left to Yi-Luoshi. Who makes Yi-Luoshi is the master of the family! This kind of result is simply a sunny day for Yu-hui, and can't stay in 9th-Prince House. For her, this is a blow. After returning to China, I can't get rid of my previous destiny, but I still can't get rid of my previous destiny. In the situation before her, her end is worse than several other sisters, which is how she accepts.
     This is not, there is no way to be forced. She is so worried that she buys a bowl and drinks it.
     The medicine that is vomiting and venting is directly poured down. Although it is used to scare people, she herself has not been sinned. It’s just not to be Daren. Even so, Yi-Luoshi still refuses to let go, she is dead, and she has to carry her body.
     Now think about how stupid she should be to listen to the jadeite, take the excuse of the safety of '1st Jiji', it is completely blinded by the obsession of the heart, so that I forgot my identity and situation .
     There aren't many people in the house that she and Concubine have to use. It's hard to play tricks, but it's hard to make a comeback. Yu-hui bowed his head and squatted with Yao Concubine.
     The whole person was like a bird of surprise. She knows how angry Yi-Luoshi is. For the sake of '1st Jiji', she did not toss her and Yao Concubine. Just came back these days and forced her to live in Yi-Luoshi.
     The easy mother and daughter chose this kind of injury to kill one hundred thousand self-damaged methods, but the result was a heavy loss.
     The enemy was unharmed, but he was shot down with blood and swallowed.
     This feeling is simply not worth the candle.
     Originally thinking about making things big, Yi-Luoshi blocked Dong 70. For his own reputation, he had to step back. I didn't expect Yi-Luoshi to have no concerns at all. Her Ama is like I don't know what it is, I don't even have a face.
     How could this be?
     Obviously she just wants to change her destiny and wants to stay with her favorite man, but at the end, don’t look at her next year’s draft, but she knows that there is Dong-shi, she may not even The first pass can't pass.
     This is a day, this is a dry place, she has no reason to reason.
     "What's wrong with this, so lively!" Dong-shi looked at the incomparable Yu-hui and Yao Concubine, and he was very happy, his voice was sullen, and his face was disdainful.
     For the Concubine in the backyard, Dong-shi is not in sight, it is not related to the teaching of Yi-Luoshi. It is , Dong-shi is a pair of Concubine and sisters in the backyard. Look at the appearance of the gas.
     "How come back without saying a word? But what happened?" Yi-Luoshi came back to see Dong-shi, and immediately got up and greeted him, and the people behind him also greeted Dong-shi.
     Yu-hui looks at the still-famous Dong-shi, and then looks at his current appearance, even if he hates to gnash his teeth, he dare not act rashly.
     "I just came back from the palace and wanted to come back and look at the mother before I went back." In the face of so many people, it is impossible for Dongshi to say that she had something to come back.
     Yi-Luoshi can ignore this, listen to Dong-shi is to come back to see her, the suffocation on her face suddenly dissipated and laughed, the smile on her face was really a bit more than before. Originally Yi-Luoshi wanted to bomb the Yu-hui mother and daughter, and then deal with it later, but Dong-shi was not happy, plus the previous Yu-hui work on '1st Jiji', Dong shi can't wait for her to go to the end of the miserable.
     "Why is it so troublesome, it’s all outsiders, how should I deal with it from inside to outside!" Dong-shi held Yin Mama hand and sat down next to Yi-Luoshi, his face condensed, but the tail was dragged. It’s a bit long and it’s a bit intriguing.
     Yu-hui and Yao Concubine look at each other and know that today, their mother and daughter are afraid that it is difficult to get what they want.
     To deal with Yi-Luoshi, they still need to wrestle their brains. Now, with Dong-shi who doesn't press the cards, they really feel that there is no way out.
     "Well, some things are not clear, some people are afraid that they will never know how to be humble." Yi-Luoshi eyes coldly cast his eyes on Yu-hui and Yao Concubine.
     Yu-hui looked at the mother and daughter sitting on the top, and then looked at Yao Concubine, who was thin and looks like a wolf, and the grievances in her heart were all made in this moment to Dong. Shi The hatred of mother and daughter.
     Yi-Luoshi looked at the Yu-hui and Yao Concubine below, and snorted, "Isn't it enough? Continue to make trouble!"
     "Madam, not a nubi you want to make trouble.
     The nubi just hope that Madam can start to enlighten. Yu-hui is still young, and it will inevitably be made because of the embarrassment of others." Yao Concubine After she knew this, she was here.
     There is no better life in the backyard, but for her, this is not bad or bad. If her daughter is ruined, she wants to use that good day. "Please Madam pity."
     "Pity? Willow-shi, some words are said to have a face to say!" Yi-Luoshi face is not covered with irony, the disdain in the eyes is more red fruit, "Why, these years eat this Madam's, with this Madam, when I grow up, I want to go when I pat my butt."
     Yi-Luoshi made up his mind to marry Yu-hui to Suo-Chuo Luo, the old thing, then she must marry her, dare to challenge her authority, then she must have the courage to bear her anger.
     Yu-hui listened to Yi-Luoshi words, and couldn't help but Call, their mother and daughter used to eat in public, what is the relationship with Yier Genjue Luogong, but it is to hold the chicken feathers as an arrow, really Kind, use your own dowry!
     Yao Concubine took advantage of her daughter's face and couldn't help but pull her sleeves to remind her that she didn't eat the loss before she lost. If they suffered losses, they would lose money without the backing of Dong 70, and no family could rely on it. Otherwise, How are they willing to be so acquainted?
     "Hey! Is this a comment on this Madam?" Yi-Luoshi put down the tea pot in his hand, cold and authentic.
     "Yu-hui didn't dare." Biting his lower lip, Yu-hui finally bowed his head under the eyes of Yao Concubine.
     But she is willing to bow, and Dong-shi is not willing to expose this matter as simple as this. "Don't dare? This Fu-Jin is Calling, that is, this mouth is not dare, I can't help thinking about it! Come, give this Fu-Jin hits and slams."
     The voice of Dong-shi just fell, and Gui Mama behind Yi-Luoshi stepped forward and rushed to the front of Yu-hui, and the hand was directly smashed.
     Gui Mama is the old man next to Yi-Luoshi. In private, Yi-Luoshi cleans up Concubine the Shu-son the Shu Daughter. She has not followed her idea. It is awkward.
     This means of packing people, Gui Mama can be regarded as a good player.       
     Yu-hui The delicate face of the white pheasant, the next son is swollen and tall, and some blood is leaking from the corner of his mouth. Although Yu-hui face is stubborn, but this physiological pain can not be tolerated, so even if it is biting his teeth, Yu-hui tears still burst out.
     Yao Concubine next to her sees tears, but she is stopped by Bixi and Bixin, and she can't go through it. She can only watch her daughter being beaten.
     "Madam, Fu-Jin, thousands of mistakes are nubi ' faults, please also Madam and Fu-Jin, let her go back!" Yao Concubine desperately maidens, at this time she has repented from her daughter's words, this is the case Out.
     "Rain her? Yes. Let her give this Fujim a mistake, Shantou." Dong-shi has grievances and anger for Yu-hui.
     For '1st Jiji', Dong-shi feelings are complicated, she hates '1st Jiji' is not a boy, but also pity that she may be the only child in her life, this complex feeling is intertwined It is difficult for her to distinguish herself. Whether she values ​​'1st Jiji' or she wants to avoid '1st Jiji'.
     "How? Not what you intended?" Dong-shi raised his eyebrows and smiled on his face, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes. "In this case, Gui Mama, continue to play this Fu-Jin."
     Gui Mama heard the words and went a few steps forward.
     Then she raised her hand and hit it.
     This time, she didn’t have any strength.
     The slap in the face of Yu-hui entire head was twisted. Big, Yu-hui head flowers flew out directly, fell to the ground and slipped a distance, and fell to the door.
     Dong-shi looked at the Yu-hui being beaten, the expression on his face was slightly relieved, and the smile on his face was quite different than before. He was very satisfied that Yu-hui was labeled as this pair. appearance.
     Yu-hui slowly turned her head, and the burning pain on her face made her ' ' Call out. Gui Mama was unaffected, and she wanted to start, and Yao Concubine could not help but rush. Come up, protect Yu-hui in his arms, cry and ask: "Madam, Fu-Jin, she really knows wrong, beg you, open it!"
     Yu-hui leaned on the arms of Yao Concubine, and the whole body shivered slightly.
     The tears could not stop because of the physiological pain.
     The hair was scattered, and the small face was swollen like a pig's head. It made people look good.
     "Yu-hui, Concubine, please don't be guilty at this time.
     There is a way to stay in the green hills without fear of burning wood." Yao Concubine whispered softly, but with a trace of horror on his face, he was afraid Gui Mama shot again.


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