Chongqie Courting Death Daily 50

Novels  »   Chongqie Courting Death Daily    »      Chapter 50 : Grievance

     Dong-shi is so cautiously aware of her situation. In the past, even if Yin-Tang had a blame for her, she did not change her original intentions. Now she is besieged on all sides, so she did not dare to do it before.
     " to the Lord please." Dong-shi led a group of Shiqie, please go to the front.
     "Well." Yin-Tang faintly Called, reached out and patted Wan-xi hand, and walked to the main seat and sat down.
     "When you are in the body, please give it to Fu-jin." Wan-xi gracefully blessed his body. Looking up at the moment, Dong-shi face was thick and powdery, but he still couldn’t hide his sly look.
     The curvature of his mouth could not help but It has gotten deeper.
     Dong-shi looked at the face of Wan-xi, like a peach-like face, his heart was full of shackles, his face was stiff, but his mouth did not dare to run Wan-xi as usual, for fear of not getting it Yin Tang went away.
     Because of the previous events, her Fu-Jin status in the government can be said to be in jeopardy. Everyone is waiting to see her jokes. She can't do what she wants. She couldn't get Yin-Tang's forgiveness, but she couldn't let Yin-Tang drop her Di Fu-Jin's decent face and make people laugh.
     Zhaojia-shi and others looked at Wan-xi, which was favored as always. No, it should be said that it is more favored by Wan-xi, and he hates it in his heart. He can also take advantage of Dong-shi as Fu-Jin. I have to bear it, how can they do it.
     "This time, I have a hard time, and you have worked hard.
     The dinner at night will be handed over to Fu-Jin." Yin-Tang took a hot tea and turned to talk to Dongshi who sat next to him.
     "Yes." Dong-shi heard the words and immediately responded with respect.
     In fact, no matter what Yin-Tang is now telling, Dong-shi will do a good job, not to mention the previous things, even for her Fu-Jin's prestige in the government, she has to do a good job.
     Wan-xi looked at Dong-shi, whose face was slightly better, and then looked at the ugly Zhaojia-shi, and there was a sneer in his eyes.
     They all thought that Yin-Tang came back safely, and the matter was settled, but in fact, according to the temper of Yin-Tang, if he had a temper on the spot, this matter was really passed. But now he doesn't have anything like that, so it proves that Yin-Tang keeps this in his heart, only waits for the right time, and then settles it.
     However, she does not need to remind these people of this kind of thing. Sometimes it is a skill to die, and it is good to die. If you do not do well, you will die.
     From the main courtyard, Yin-Tang sent Wan-xi back to Qing yi-Courtyard, and went to the study room.
     The inner court did not mention it in advance, and there were still many things waiting for him to deal with.
     "Your Highness, 4th-Baylor sent people to come and said that there is something to do, please ask Your Highness to live in the house." Lin-Chujiu After receiving the news, he carefully entered the study and reported it.
     As Yin-Tang's confidant, Lin-Chujiu, who has been waiting for many years, still knows a little about Yin-Tang temper, knowing that Yin-Tang's heart is not in the air, and the mood is not good, Lin-Chujiu Nature Be careful, so that you don't become a cannon fodder.
     “4th Prince?” Yin-Tang took the hand of the book and then asked: “What time is it?”
     "4th-Baylor means that I hope that Your Highness is now." Lin-Chujiu whispered.
     Yin-Tang put down his account book and indulged for a moment: "Prepare horse, go to 4th Prince House."
     "Hey." Lin-Chujiu heard the words and immediately went out to prepare.
     In the 4th-Baylor, the study room is directly forbidden. Even if the backyard ‘Madam and sister send soup to the water, it is limited to the entrance of the study hall.
     There are few people in the Courtyard. Unless you allow it, no one can step in.
     The ‘Madam and ‘Madam in the house know this point, even if they haven't thought about breaking this case, but no one dares to step in before they can get permission.
     Sitting face in the study room with a blank expression, holding a copy of the hand, all the news about the assassination, the content is almost the same as his guess.
      Big Prince, the Crown Prince, and the Eight Devils are all good. If you don't say it, you can't do it. It's also a boost, and I can't wait for them to go back.
     The first wave was the people of the Crown Prince, but there were three people in the woods who chased them. Now they are all ready.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince is coming over." Gao has a face that respectfully opens.
     "Okay, let 9th Prince brother come in!" Shantou did not lift the command.
     Yin-Tang strode in from the outside, looked up at the study room, and felt that his likes were all the same with him , and there was no love in the old-fashioned.
     I saw Yin-Tang, raised his hand and motioned him to sit down, and then handed him the hand of the fold.
     Yin-Tang is not known, so after waiting for the fold, after seeing the contents inside, the handsome face with a smile on the face suddenly dripped out the ink.
     "Okay, very good..." The fingertips trembled, and Yin-Tang didn't really think that there would be a Scorpio killer.
     Originally, he only said that they were not fellow travelers. Now it seems that his self-proclaimed and intimate people do not understand his good 8th Prince.
     "9th Prince, some things are strong." He looked up at Yin-Tang eyes and faintly.
     Born in the royal family, the feelings are the existence of the desire, whether it is the parental relationship, the brotherhood, or the husband and ‘Madam, the child's edge, these seem to be at your fingertips, but in fact they are met and not available.
     "4th Prince, all of them have come to this, what is the commander, what is the brotherhood?" Yin-Tang only feels that he is the most ridiculous existence.
     After all, the grievances of the past, after this, all the pens are written off, then if he reaches out again, he loves Xinjue Luo? Yin-Tang is not a good bully.
     "4th Prince, thank you this time, there is something to help in the future, my brother is incompetent."
     "You and I are all Brother, and as far as the situation is concerned, it is still 9th Prince brother helped me." The rumored words, could not help but squint, conceal the smudge in the eyes.
     If he said that he just wanted to be a good man to help the Crown Prince, then now he wants not only to be a subordinate, but also to be slaughtered.
     In the past, the Crown Prince took care of him. He did everything he could to help him. Whether he was a black pot or a shield, he had no complaints. Now, the Crown Prince has killed him, so the old ones.
     The grievances are written off with this pen.
     It is this battle of Di-, which is officially launched, and ultimately wins and loses, and looks at each person's ability.
     "4th Prince, you are welcome, my Old 9 has no other advantages, and the grievances are clear." Yin-Tang, no matter what the idea is, he only knows that he owes him a return. He is back.
     Although he can't support him like he used to support him, he will try his best to help him within his ability.
     "So, thank you 9th Prince."
     From the 4th-Baylor house, the Yin-Tang with a gloomy mood went directly to 10th-Prince House, and the 2nd Brother made a block, even if there was no mention of , but Yin-Er to Yin-Tang The understanding, just look at his expression, he knows that he is in a bad mood. Other Yin-Er is not, accompanying drinking and drinking, it is okay to talk, but they are so drunk when they are not careful. When they return home, Yin-Tang can't find southeast and northwest. It is.
     The woman in the backyard was directly concerned about the Yin-Tang trace. At this time, he was drunk, and he did not want to intercept the Hu. Unfortunately, with the help of Dong-shi, Lin-Chujiu would not dare to let Wan Other women outside xi took Your Highness from him.
     Of course, Your Highness is willing to do it again.
     "How do you drink so drunk?" Wan-xi looked at the drunken Yin-Tang, his face was amazed.
     "When you return to Side-Fujin, Your Highness is in a bad mood, and the ‘Laozi is playing with wine..." means that it is like this.
     Wan-xi put Yin-Tang on the bed and waved at Lin-Chujiu, letting Ting-Bamboo send the basin warm water, and then retired all the people and took care of him personally.
     Listening to Lin-Chujiu said that he was in a bad mood, and Wan-xi guessed that it was related to the Eight Lords. Before her day and night, she wanted to break up their so-called 'iron triangle'. Although she did not know why there was a disagreement, but now this situation can keep him away from the center of the battle, she still wants to see it.
     Just when the man was hurt for this so-called brotherhood, Wan-xi could not help but sigh.
     Obviously, there is no ambition of the upper ranks, but for the sake of loyalty, but in the end he will be a brother, and others may have him as a brother.
     Fortunately, this world is not the same. From the current situation, it seems that the Eight Lords have made a stun, so that Yin-Tang is pushed farther and farther.
     Thinking about this, Wan-xi sighed, then put the hand in the basin into the basin and soaked it. After it was wringed out, he carefully scrubbed his face and body, and then fed him a half bowl of sobering soup. So that he can sleep more comfortably.
     Early the next day, because of worry about Yin-Tang, Wan-xi got up early and told her to listen to the soup that Yin-Tang loves to drink. She went to see Hong-min baby first.
     Yin-Tang came back two days. Her confused mother was only looking at Yin-Tang and watching the jokes of the backyard woman. She forgot the self-Hong-min.
     The baby has been there for a long time and has never seen him Ah Ma, I don't know if this child still remembers him Ama.
     "" Hong-min, whose words are unclear, see Wan-xi, and immediately wave his hand to hug.
     Wan-xi saw his son's cute appearance, and he couldn't help but smile and hold him in his arms. He kissed him two times. "Hong- Ni-min's baby sleeps well!" I don't understand Wan-xi.
     The meaning of Hong-min baby slightly squinted at the small head, a look of ignorance makes Wan-xi not love.
     When Wan-xi came over with Hong-min, Yin-Tang had already got up, and after the grooming, he resumed his exuberance.
     "Master, you are up!" Wan-xi was holding Hong-min up, his face full of gentle smiles.
     Yin-Tang stepped forward and reached out and took Hong-min into his arms. Perhaps it is the father and son nature, even if it has not been seen for several months, Hong-min baby does not seem to reject Yin-Tang's approach, but instead licks the small mouth, revealing two new long-haired millet teeth in his arms.
     Throw, "Oh... cool..."
     Yin-Tang looked at the Hong-min baby with a small mouth and slammed it. Looking back at Wan-xi, she smiled and said with a smile. "Gengjiao, we Hong- min is it?"
     Yin-Tang sees Wan-xi nod, it is even more fun, turn around and hold Hong-min, the baby begins to call him Ama, "Hey son, come, call Ama."
      Hong-min The baby stared at the bright and crystal-eyed eyes and looked straight at Yin-Tang.
     The silly Ama, who was looking forward to the face, did not speak. I was anxious to turn Yin-Tang with Hong-min. But he couldn't stop but Calling, "Hey, Hong-min, come, call Ama, call Ama." In order to let his son call Ama, Yin-Tang But I completely forgot what the image is.
     Wan-xi looked at Yin-Tang's stupid appearance, not only grinning, but also teasing his face and jokingly said: "Master  will not think that it is so easy to let Hong-min open it! In the days when my father was not in the house, I was Calling at Hong-min every day, and now I want to ask Hong-min to call Ama, how could it be so simple?"
     It’s so simple to ask a child to be a child.
     The previous life of Wan-xi didn’t cost much. It’s all taught by Mama, but now she cherishes the cuts around her, family, husband and children.
     Yin-Tang stunned her eyes, and her face was unhappy: "Master  is doing poor work outside, working hard, you don't think about yelling at our son's first call Ama, the fight."
     Wan-xi whitened Yin-Tang eyes, stepped forward and stepped forward, and sat down next to him: "I was born in 10 months, I was so hard to give birth to him, I still can't let him call a voice." Ah, and it’s very easy for you to be in the house, not only to manage the big things, but also to worry about the safety of your father. When you come back, you will fight for your son’s attention. You don’t know how to be distressed!”
     Wanting a mess some time ago, Wan-xi couldn't help but reach out and pick up the soft meat of Yin-Tang's waist.
     Yin-Tang was stunned and sighed, but she was not willing to say that she was not speaking. After all, there were many things in the house some time ago, and it was all due to her personal support.
     "Is it so angry?"

     "Is it so angry?"
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang with a smile on his face, and the face is too stretched, and she knows how to accept it. She can’t help but sigh and complain: "Yes also knows the whole body." I will be angry, so I don’t know how to be covered!"
     Yin-Tang glared at her delicate appearance, and she snorted. "Yes, yes, yes, it’s all the fault of the Lord.
     The Lord’s charm is not happy. How can you not be good?”
     Wan-xi looked at his unfair appearance and couldn't help but reach out to his shoulders.
     Then he reached out and hugged the Hong-min baby in his arms, 'Well,' and he kissed him in his meat.
     The little face, then smiled and called him Ama.
      Hong-min Baby temper Don't say that it is similar to Yin-Tang, but no one is jealous of him, but for Wan-xi, it seems that the father and son are not folded. No, Wan-xi is awkward, and the little guy is Calling in his mouth. " Ah-... Ah-... Ah Well!"
     Yin-Tang, who was next to him, listened to Ama, who was not like this. He did not care about his son’s unclear words. On the contrary, his face was bright. "Hey son, come, call another voice Ah Ma!"
     In the face of Yin-Tang's greed, Hong-min baby did not give face at all, the small head turned, buried directly in the arms of Wan-xi, that is, no opening, anxious, but also a scorpion Cried, Yin-Tang had to surrender.
     Wan-xi smiled and fell in his arms. Yin-Tang looked at her slender and soft body, and her face was crying and laughing. "Seeing my face, my eyes are very happy, huh?" Yin-Tang stared at her.
     Wan-xi licked her lips and tried to suppress the smile on her lips. ", there is no joke in the body."
     Yin-Tang looked at the Hong-min who was happy in Wan-xi arms.
     The smile on the faces of the mother and the child made him angry, not angry, and he could only break the can. It’s a joke from the mother and the child.
     Speaking a few words, Wan-xi will let people bring up the breakfast, call Yin-Tang to drink the soup, Wan-xi will take the Hong-min baby's small bowl, feed him back to the egg yolk. Porridge.
     Yin-Tang had a soup and looked at Wan-xi who was drinking Hong-min porridge. His face was amazed and asked: "Can he eat?" In his memory, children drink milk to two. All of them are old, and they have eaten food supplements for more than seven months. He is still the first to see.
     "I have been asked by a doctor, and the soft porridge with yolk or chicken soup can give the child a proper point.
     This is good for his body." Wan-xi looks at Hong-min Eats a pleasing appearance, and the eyes are so soft that it can drip out water.
     She was not proficient in this aspect of her previous life. Several children were taken care of by Yin-Tang, even though she had time to spend with them, but they did not participate. It was not until she was sick that she wanted to save herself and spent a lot of time studying medical books to know how difficult it was to raise a child.
     The doctor can not help himself, not to mention her half-tone.
     But these things were ultimately not used on her own, but now she can be used on her children, and she is very happy.
     "That's fine." Yin-Tang looked at Wan-xi, who was so gentle to his children, and felt soft in his heart. He felt that his choice was correct.
     Yin-Tang is unclear about how to raise a child, but looking at Wan-xi chubby little buns, Yin-Tang believes that she will be able to take care of her son.
     Wan-xi saw a smile on his face and couldn't help but think of yesterday's event. "If you still want to drink afterwards, remember to come over to Qing yi-Courtyard, and personally cook a few." Small dish, drink with the Lord."
     “Oh?” Yin-Tang put down the chopsticks in his hand and squinted his mouth. He looked at her with a fixed look. “Are you asking for help?”
     Wan-xi whispered a little, then looked down at Hong-min in his arms, and saw him staring at her with black-eyed eyes. His face was slightly red, and the moment he got up, Hong-min Handed to a side of Gao Mama, waved to them to go out, the small mouth was slightly twisted, the waist twisted, the whole person sat on the Yin-Tang's leg, his hands hooked his neck, the voice was mixed A seduce, said: "Master, I beg you."
     Yin-Tang smiled, but did not immediately agree with her request.
     "Yin-Tang, I beg you." Wan-xi saw that he was still unmoved, and his voice was soft and soft.
     Yin-Tang has not changed, but the pupil has shrunk unconsciously. Wan-xi perceives his changes and keeps up, "Yin-Tang, you promise me..."
     "Fairy." Yin-Tang glared at her slender waist, bowed her head slightly, kissed her lips, and plundered her beauty directly, wildly and overbearingly.
     He said no, she always had a way to make him have to change his mind; he was not sure, she was hard and soft and forced him to give in.
     Wan-xi lips were slightly swollen by him, and when she passed by, she couldn't help but sigh: "Master, have you promised to be covered?"
     Yin-Tang listened to her soft and soft request, the throat unconsciously rolled twice, her hands glared at her delicate chin, and smiled: "Ye delicate Jiao is so loyal, he still can promise."
     Wan-xi sat on his lap, and a pair of jade feet swayed under the skirt, apparently very satisfied with the result.
     "If you promised, then you can't be drunk again."
     "Golden, my heart, how can you be so painful!" Yin-Tang glared at Wan-xi face, and couldn't help but whisper in her ear.
     The so-called smelting steel is turned into a soft finger, even if it is Zhang Yang's Yin-Tang, when it meets the right person, it is sad to be beautiful.
     Kangxi was reluctant to accept the assassination. Yin-Tang and Yan were unwilling to accept it.
     They knew in their hearts that it would be better to keep this servant than to take the compensation on the face, and wait until there is a day. accumulated to the apex, that is, a sword hanging over the heads of other people.
     Take Di-this kind of thing, everyone does not say it, I know in my heart that there are only one person who can sit in that position, no matter who they are, they have to leave a path for themselves. Yin-Tang is like this because he is unintentional; because of this, he has a ambition.
     Hey, the Crown Prince and the donkey did not think that things would eventually become like this. He and the Crown Prince don’t mention it.
     The two men are purely for the sake of profit.
     They want to smash the shackles and Yin-Tang, and they can’t be said to be in place.
     There is nothing unexpected or unexpected. It’s not the same, he only has to deal with it, but he didn’t want to eventually involve Yin-Tang, so that he was not only officially confronted, but also Yin Tang stood completely on his opposite side and said that it is not too much to lose.
     "How did you get it, and you don't want to move 9th Prince, don't move 9th Prince, you are all blind!" He glared at the dark guard in front of him.
     If the captain of the dark guards looks like a gray face, he wants to explain it, but in order to avoid a complete anger, he still squats in front of him and listens to him silently.
     Others don't know the temper of slyness, but he is always aware of the secret guards who are always with him.
     In the eyes of outsiders, you are gentle, elegant, and polite, and in front of them, your temper is not good, even a bit violent, often encountering things that bother him, rebuke, throw things, even Hands-on is a common thing.
     However, none of them can say, or even show their slightest dissatisfaction.
     "Really, I was thinking about getting 9th Prince's understanding. It seems impossible now." Chang sighed and realized that even if he regenerates, he can't make Yin Tang nodded back.
     It’s a pity that it’s a pity that the Crown Prince is not good. Even if there is Imperial Father’s protection, there is 4th Prince to help, and it’s not a big thing. To Yu-Big Prince, the temper is too straight, and it’s impulsive, although military ‘Laughs’ , when it comes to strategy, there is no mingzhu in the future, I really do not think that I am afraid, to 3rd Prince, the intention is not clear, it seems that the book is business, but in fact, there is a calculation, it is a person who can not be underestimated.
     In the past, there were Yin-Tang and Yin-Er. In many cases, he only had to move his mouth. Now, everything has to be his own, and his reputation is not good, and his role has not been great.
     I made a temper, and I was still unwilling to worry about it. I thought about it and I couldn’t help but hit his Fu-Jin Guolu Luo-shi.
     Since it is a relative, if there is a lot of exchanges, even if there is a change in the inside, if the outside is not visible to others.
     "Send people to stare at the 4th Prince and 9th Prince's house. Once they contacted, they immediately notified me." Frowning, whispering.
     "Oh." While the Guardian was leading the life, he couldn’t help but secretly rejoice that he had returned a life.
     In fact, it is true that people will do things, especially when things are difficult to solve and their moods are extremely troublesome. However, if he does not use it, he will not use the dark guard. After all, they are away from Yin-Tang.
     The people they use are not as good as they used to be.
     A few days later, Dong-shi, Wan-xi and Zhaojia-shi, who had been declared in the palace, gave Yifei a request.
     Yifei was sitting in the main hall, glaring at the three people who came in. Only when looking at Wan-xi, the expression on his face would be softer.
     For Dong-shi, Yifei is really a little hopeless. She is no different from her stranger. It is just for the emperor's face. For Zhaojia-shi, Yifei will call her into the palace. Just because she is a person who goes out at Qiankun Palace, knocking on her, so that she does not care about her face of the original Your Highness.
     After all, as long as there is a heart, 9th-Prince House backyard, the palace and the Prince have to say a little about the situation, who can believe.
     Some things, the strength is not strong enough, it is said to be the tail, in fact, it is just self-deception. Zhaojia-shi If there is no help behind her, who can do what she can do.
     "Yang ( ) to Niang-Niang, please, Niang-Niang is auspicious." Under the leadership of Dong-shi, the three people Qi Qi asked Yifei.
     "Get up!" Yifei slowly scraped the tea foam on the tea bowl, his eyes glanced at the three people standing at the bottom, and finally looked at Wan-xi, chuckled and said: "Why didn't you take the palace? Sun brought it to the palace."
     "Now Hong-min has a long tooth. He grabbed everything and sent it to his mouth. He was afraid that he would disturb his mother. He wanted to wait for him to get him into the palace again." Wan-xi smiled back. Road.
     In fact, Wan-xi just didn't want to take the children with Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi.
     These two women have too many thoughts, and she can't afford this risk.
     Yifei didn't have any doubts. On the contrary, she was very concerned about the growth of Hong-min baby. She asked several questions again and again, and let Dong-shi eyes be on fire. After all, she was Yin-Tang. Di gave birth to Di elder, even though she regretted not being a son, she could not tolerate Yifei who was a Malang so neglected her daughter.
     Wan-xi eyes were filled with the expression of Dong-shi, and the heart sneered, but did not say anything.
     Yifei As a Popo, it is naturally impossible to take the initiative to pay attention to a ‘Madam who has lost her favor, and it is even more impossible for her to swallow her voice because of her feelings.
     In this palace, the imperial power is supreme, and the right to have the status and dignity. Like Dong-shi, who can never distinguish the occasion, who can't figure out his position, if there is a Dong family behind him, he is afraid that he will not live now.
     "Well, let Yin-Tang take your mother and son into the palace."

     Dong-shi is talking and laughing, like Yifei and Wan-xi like her mother and daughter.
     The heart is full of bitterness. She has the heart to compete with Wan-xi, but Yifei has to look at her eyes. No, plus the Yin Mama next to it reminds her that she is forbearing and forbearing, and she has to bite her teeth and complain without opening her mouth.
     Zhaojia-shi is waiting for him, with both hands clenching fists and fingertips plunging into the flesh to keep her calm.
     It is obvious that she is the person who went out in the Qiankun Palace. Yifei has turned her eyes on the sultry body of Wanyan-shi. Everywhere she cares, she always promotes it, but she treats her with cold eyes. How does she call her? Can bear it, how can you not rely on others.
     After all, she will fall to the point where it is now, and Yifei has a certain responsibility.
     Zhaojia-shi blamed others, but forgot that before she entered the Yin-Tang backyard, she had betrayed Yifei and turned to others.
     Yifei didn't know the thoughts of Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi. For her, her daughter-in-law, she gave Shiqie, she thought carefully, but could not hurt her son and grandson. Obviously, this point is not understood by anyone, especially when it comes to the interests of each other.
     Dong-shi took his own interest in the Wan-xi, which is still in the pregnancy. Zhaojia-shi moved his hands on Dong-shi in production.
     These two kinds just touch Yifei.
     The bottom line, this is the scene where Yifei calls the two to enter the palace.
     When I saw the time for the Empress Dowager, Yifei put down the tea in her hand, and looked at Zhaojia-shi with cold eyes and warnings, then took Dong-shi and Wan-xi to Ning. Shougong went.
     Zhaojia-shi was beaten by Yifei, and she couldn’t help but panic. Before Yi-Luoshi ruined the connections she had established, and even implicated her family. Now Yifei seems to beat her, but in fact she opened her distance from the Qiankun Palace, presumably she was caught again, it is not as simple as being smashed into the eyes and ears!
     Thinking of this, Zhaojia-shi took advantage of the difference in the Qiankun Palace before, avoiding many eyes and ears, and secretly looking for an individual.
     "Willow-sister, you must send the message, ask Niang-Niang to save me." Zhaojia-shi has a short tone of voice, apparently she knows clearly, this time if she does not help her, she is afraid that it will be No day is coming.
     The palace Lady named Yu Lu heard the words, smiled and smiled, and did not speak.
     Not to mention Your Highness, I said that in this Qiankun Palace, she is just a rough and imperial Lady. Your Highness’s decision is that she can be a nubi and before, High Highness does not move. Obviously, I have to give up this one. It’s just that the greed is too much, but I can’t see the facts.
     "Willow-sister, all things please ask you more." Zhaojia-shi, while talking, could not help but put a purse into the hands of Yuliu, I hope she can send the message earlier.
     Yuliu subconsciously squeezed the purse, feeling the inside is light, the heart is a silver ticket, the smile on the face is not deep enough. "Zhaojia-Miss is polite, according to the identity of Miss, how can the nubi dare not “
     "Then you will quickly send a message to Niang-Niang, I am waiting for your news." Zhaojia-shi sees Yu Lu, a pair of unhurried look, could not help but reminded and urged.
     "Miss and rest assured, the nubi will do it now." The face of the jade willows, but the eyes flashed a little disdain.
     People have entered 9th-Prince House, but they are not honest. It is no wonder that they are not allowed to go from the government to the present. It’s not surprising that you are tempted and not calm, and you will be abandoned by Your Highness.
     Zhaojia-shi looked at the back of Yuliu departure, and her heart was anxious.
     The hand in her hand could not help but be smashed into a group.
     It is not easy for her to enter the palace.
     This time, whether Yifei beat her based on the old feelings, or teach her as the old master, she knows that if she does not take the opportunity to contact the person, she will really drown in the backyard. In the middle, there is no longer a day to recover.
     Zhaojia-shi, who was deeply pondered, only thought about the result, but did not know that not far behind her, there was a figure that brought the scenes just now into the eye.
     In Ningshou Palace, the clothes are fragrant, the voices are swallowing, and the music is harmonious.
      The Empress Dowager Although it is not Kangxi mother, she knows the size and acts in full accordance with Kangxi mood. Kangxi reciprocates, and the mother and son are quite good at getting along.
     Kangxi filial piety, the bottom of us naturally do not dare to be a demon in front of the Empress Dowager.
      The Empress Dowager has a similar attitude towards you. If you really want to say something different, it is because the relationship of 5th-Prince is different from Yifei.
     Tong-Guifei and others have no special thoughts about this. In fact, these people come here every day just because they want to make a good impression on Kangxi. I really want to say filial piety, and several people really thought about it. What does the Empress Dowager really want?
     To put it bluntly, these people have to be just a good name, or a chance to be Kangxi favor.
     Wan-xi is a younger generation, a Side-Fujin.
     This kind of occasion is not qualified to interject, but because of her good impression on the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager takes care of her.
     It’s just that Dong-shi is hard to say here. Although there is news of bleeding and collapse, but what is the blood collapse? In the eyes of the royals, how the safety of a Fu-Jin is better than the safety of Prince.
     Dong-shi rejection led to Kangxi dissatisfaction, which is to draw everyone dissatisfaction. Now in the palace, who can still make a crime against the wind, did not see the same as the sister of the 3rd Fu-Jin Du Mingzhe defended the body with the cold flow as a cousin of Dong-shi.
     "Well, I will take the children into the palace to see the mourner in the future." For Wan-xi, the Empress Dowager still likes it.
     This person is paying attention to the eye, and Wan-xi happens to be the kind of person who has a human eye.
     "Yes, the Empress Dowager." Wan-xi was blessed with a generous face.
     Yifei saw the Empress Dowager. I didn't even look at Dong-shi eyes. I smiled at the Empress Dowager. "I heard that Hong-min started to grow up, maybe it will be called Wu Kumma."
      The Empress Dowager heard the words and smiled with great love. "Well, the mourning is waiting, the mourning is waiting."
     Defei and others smiled and smiled Yifei, looking different, and my heart was unconsciously figuring out whether or not to let the daughter-in-law with the grandson to the Empress Dowager here to move around.
     Yifei didn't know the plan of Defei and others. In fact, even if she knew that she was not in a hurry, the Empress Dowager wouldn't even be close to her grandson, let alone the grandson. After all, he came to the Empress Dowager position, who is close to who is not close. In her mood, as long as she does not step on the bottom line of Kangxi, who can move her.
     In fact, the Empress Dowager's measure is very good, except for her own 5th-Prince and the special Crown Prince.
     The other Princes are mostly unbiased. As for the grandchildren, they can remember more. not enough.
     Of course, this is not the Empress Dowager, but it is in this position, and there are not many people who can appear in front of her.
     The Prince Di-there are not many children, Side-Fujin has children, but there is no call from Niang-Niang, how can they enter the palace, and how can they bring their son to the big back. Counting on the holidays, I will look at it from afar, who can guarantee that the Empress Dowager will be seen.
     From Ningshou Palace, Wan-xi took Yifei out, and the pedestrians did not care what kind of mood Dongshi was behind. In any case, there was no shortage of people who were left out in this deep palace.
     The shackles in the palace, Prince Di Fu-Jin, the royal woman can not be pampered, but the pet can not get the end.
     Yifei specially called Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi to enter the palace. It was just to beat the two people. Even if the knot is still there, for the overall situation, she can only do it. After all, how is Prince Fu-Jin's candidate? In the end, it was still the heart of Kangxi.
     Near noon, Wan-xi took the Empress Dowager and Yifei to give a reward, followed by Dong-shi and left the palace.
     The three of them went into the palace together, the two of them trained, and the Wan-xi personally won the reward. Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi would give Wan-xi a good face. Fortunately, Wan-xi didn't care, and when she was rewarded, she guessed that there would be such a scene.
     When returning to Fu, Dong-shi, who is Fu-Jin, took a carriage alone, Wan-xi and Zhaojia-shi, and there was no communication between the two. No, it should be said that Zhaojia-shi is interested in pulling distance, Wan xi didn't even give her a chance.
     Zhaojia-shi hot face posted a cold butt, the number of times, and naturally no interest, but the two people before and after the foot into the government, and now the status difference is too big, this heart will inevitably be unwilling.
     Back to the house, Dong-shi rate advanced government, did not even look at Wan-xi their eyes, Wan-xi did not want to continue to face the bitter face of Dong-shi, got the carriage path I brought Ting-Rain and Ting-Qin back to Qing yi-Courtyard.
     After standing in the palace for a long time, Wan-xi would feel tired even better, especially if she was wearing a tall flower pot bottom.
     Gao Mama made people prepare hot water, and after waiting for Wan-xi to soak her feet, she personally massaged Wan-xi.
     "Mama, these things make Little Yatou do it, you..." Wan-xi feelings for the milk Mama are still very deep, and the age of Gao Mama is getting bigger and bigger, she can't bear her. Continue to work.
     "Side-Fujin is a distressed nubi the old nubi knows. But the old nubi can't live up to Side-Fujin's heart, and the old nubi is still moving, and the old nubi can't move, and it's not too late to raise it." Gao Mama said in her mouth that the movements on her hands did not stop for a moment.
     Gao Mama has a home with Wan-xi, Gao Mama, who is directly with Wan-xi, and her husband and children are not in Zhuangzi or in the shop. A family looks like a beautiful scenery, but there are few reunions for husband and ‘Madam and children.
     This is also the place where Wan-xi feels embarrassed.
     In the past life, she did not know whether Gao Mama and Ting-Bamboo had left 9th-Prince House smoothly, but she knew clearly that they had done everything for her.
     "Since Mama still wants to take care of me for a few more years, then I will do less. When I am pregnant again, Mama can help bring the child." Wan-xi leans on the beauty couch and smiles.
     "Hong-min Little Prince is almost a year old, Side-Fujin can indeed consider regenerating." Gao Mama is planning for Wan-xi, naturally she is the weight of her body.
     Ting-Lan knows the medical principles.
     These people have some common sense through her. If they say that the young people in the back house are desperately trying to have children for their status, then they hope that Wan-xi will have more children, but they will value them more. Her body.
     Wan-xi mouth is slightly raised, and my heart is slightly moving. I feel that regeneration is not indispensable.
     Yin-Tang has rarely visited other people yards since she entered the government. After Jiangnan's trip, she directly entered her yard. Only Wan-xi knows that Yin-Tang can't be her only, even if he wants, the emperor will not allow it.
     Moreover, the three-year general election is coming soon, and she is afraid that she will not be idle anymore!
     "Yes! Counting the time, it's time to ask for more."

     After drinking the bird's nest under the snow, Wan-xi changed his clothes and leaned on the beautiful couch. His eyes glanced at the week and eventually fell on Ting-Rain next to him.
     "Let's say, what happened in the end? When you come back from the palace, you will not be able to keep your heart."
     Ting-Rain heard the words and immediately showed his expression of’staying for a long time'. He went up two steps: "When you return to Side-Fujin, the nubi have indeed received a bad news."
     Wan-xi raised his eyebrows with interest and sat up slightly and asked: "Oh? The news is that it is Zhaojia-shi who contacted Your Highness behind her."
     From the beginning of the discovery of Zhaojia-shi, Wan-xi was staring at Zhaojia-shi, but unfortunately, the eyeliner caught a lot, but the mastermind did not show up. Who knows that Zhaojia-shi has entered the palace, but he has revealed some clues.
     If the other party is really an expensive person in the palace, it is certainly not easy to deal with it, but as long as you know who the other party is, whether it is prevention or counterattack, you can have a fixed charter.
     "I didn't expect Side-Fujin to guess, Zhaojia-Miss today found a sturdy palace Lady named Yuliu, who wanted to use her to deliver the news. When the two met, they just happened to let Xiao liangzi meet. Although Xiao liangzi did not hear what they said, he already made people stare at this jade willow. When will he see who this jade will be?"
     In the harem, mutual tilting is the norm.
     There are a lot of nails in each palace.
     There are skills to control the nails on the periphery. For example, Yifei, if you don’t have the skills, you don’t even know who the nails are. Life is still nowhere to apply.
     Wan-xi chuckled and looked at Ting-Rain next to him: "It is a certainty to stare at this jade willow, but it must be guarded against her. Zhaojia-shi is behind the people. It’s a straightforward thing, then she must be a very cautious person, and if such a person is so easy to find, then we have to review whether our ability is too low, and it costs so much.
     The force did not find anyone, but in the end it was the person standing up."
     The person who can do this step, how can I easily meet a rough Lady, and according to the judgment of Wan-xi, that person is afraid to give up Zhaojia-shi!
     Ting-Rain nodded, and his face agreed with the truth: "Side-Fujin is right. I want to know who the other person is, I am afraid I will spend more time thinking."
     "It’s not too scary to spend more time, I’m afraid that it’s too easy to get results, and people forget the shape.” Wan-xi is not just a casual talk, and the people in the palace do not bend a few bends. "And, since this was discovered by Xiao liangzi, let him report this news to Xu Erxi."
     Ting-Rain heard the words, and he thought about the key when he thought about it. He suddenly said the face: "Yes, nubi , this is going to do."
     correct! They are not in the palace, but Yifei Niang-Niang has someone, even if it is just a rough banquet, you can contact Your Highness's backyard.
     This is a small matter. It is also a big event in Yifei Niang-Niang!
     Wan-xi looked at the back of Ting-Rain, leaning back on the couch, his eyes narrow, his mouth with a smile.
     In the palace, the little beam of Ting-Rain news, after a moment of indulgence, went to the house of Shifu Xu Erxi.
     Today's Xiao liangzi is well mixed in the Qiankun Palace. Although it is not as good as Xu Erxi, the general manager of the Qiankun Palace, it is also taken care of.
     The days are not worse than Wan-xi, but Xiao liangzi heart is straight. Remember the kindness of Wan-xi.
     The eunuchs can't go out of the palace. In the past, the eunuchs who served Waitangi backyard ladies, Your Highness, had a few good ends. Except for a few who would drill the camp, they also lived well in the same time. Let people call it a grandson.
     " Xiao liangzi, how is your boy bitter face, what is the problem?" Xu Erxi saw him coming over and smiled and smiled.
     Wan-xi is favored, and Xiao Liangzi, who used to be with her, is naturally followed. Xu Erxi is indeed reused by Yifei, but how can he be compared with Side-Fujin, and Xiao Liangzi himself will be a man, and he is also filial to him, so as long as he is within the ability, Xu Erxi is willing to take care of and promote Xiao liangzi. of.
     "Shifu, I found something in this small, and I thought about it for a long time. I still feel that I have to take an idea with you." Xiao liangzi looked at Xu Erxi as difficult.
     "What is it?" Xu Erxi was embarrassed by the ordinary face of Xiao Liangzi, who was quite clever.
      Xiao liangzi saw Xu Erxi interest, and immediately said that Zhaojia-shi and Yuliu joints were five and ten. Of course, he could not tell him that he had previously clarified Wan-xi.
     "Shifu, I don't really know what to do if I don't know what to do. I will come over and ask you for an idea."
     "No, you shouldn't take care of this matter. Wait until you know what to do with Niang-Niang." Xu Erxi squinted and condensed the light in his eyes, and his heart was secretly happy.
     As the eunuch of the Qiankun Palace, Xu Erxi is definitely valued by Yifei Niang-Niang, but the eunuch is not always in the vicinity of Your Highness like Mama Palace. If you want the eyes of Your Highness, you will have to come. Will do things.
     The palace girl can still release the palace when she is old.
     The eunuch can only stay in the palace for a lifetime, so if you want to live well, you will have the favor of Your Highness.
     Xu Erxi had a thousand turns in his heart, and when he sent Xiao Liangzi, he went to see Yifei and said this thing for five.
     Yifei originally thought that he had his own beat, whether it was Dong-shi or Zhaojia-shi, at least for a while, now he is honest with Dong-shi who is Fu-Jin. On the contrary, Zhaojia-shi Shiqie took her words as a whisper.
     "Okay, very good, Zhaojia-shi is really good!" Yifei smirked, but his eyes flashed unconsciously.
     "Niang-Niang, you are angry, you are angry, everything must be based on your own body." Qi Mama stood beside Yifei and whispered softly.
     "The anger? Hey, the dog nubi of a rebel is still not worthy of the palace, but Zhaojia-shi, since I dare to do this, I must have already put this palace in my eyes." Yifei has a face and eyes A little bit cold, it seems that there is already a decision in my heart, just waiting to give Zhaojia-shi a good look.
      Qi Mama was originally worried that Yifei would anger her. Now she saw that she did not think about it. She couldn’t help but judge the situation: “It’s already here, Niang-Niang is better to push the boat, to find out the behind Zhaojia-shi People, then killing them all, and avoiding 9th-Prince being threatened again."
     Yifei listened to her saying that the look on her face could not help but ease, involving Yin-Tang, Yifei was still scrupled after all, "Mama said it is good, Zhaojia-shi is just a chess piece, this palace can not be because of The time is on the person’s."
     Disposal of Zhaojia-shi For Yifei, it is just a matter of saying that there is no difference between early and late, and there is no rush.
     Xu Erxi was next to him, taking advantage of Qi Mama move, slightly disappointing. In the Qiankun Palace, except for Niang-Niang, you can't offend Qi Mama. Now you can see the influence of Qi Mama on Niang-Niang. Xu Erxi finally understands the meaning of this sentence. Looking up, on Qi Mama, Xu Erxi could not help but pay a little more respect.
     Yifei didn't notice the difference of Xu Erxi. He took a sip of tea and slowly drank a cup of tea before he whispered: "Xu Erxi, sent someone to stare at Yuliu, this palace to see who is behind her?"
     "Hey." Xu Erxi took the time to quit, knowing that at the moment Nii Niang-Niang nodded, the harem would set off a storm.
     People in Qiankun Palace, who do not know 9th-Prince is the eyeball of Yifei Niang-Niang, moving 9th-Prince is no different from the eyeball of Yifei Niang-Niang.
     With Yifei order, it was much easier to act. Xiao liangzi stunned the atmosphere of sudden tension, and couldn't help but admire the intention of Wan-xi. His Xiao liangzi does have a few faces in the Qiankun Palace, but this face is not enough. Even if it is a man, you can't do anything. You can change Niang-Niang, you can't change it. It is.
     When Wan-xi got the news from Xiao liangzi, his eyes turned to the direction of Taoranju where Zhaojia-shi lived, and smiled coldly.
     The previous generation Zhaojia-shi took advantage of himself to come out from Qiankun Palace. He did not take Yifei Niang-Niang as a shi-zi bully. In the backyard, few people have not eaten her losses. Even Yin-Tang is also based on Yifei. Niang-Niang's relationship gave her a lot of decent. Now, the people who come out of the Qiankun Palace are relying on others, and they are still the people in the house.
     They don’t say other people.
     The first one can’t spare her is Yifei Niang-Niang.
     This person is embarrassed, but it is good to be content with a little bit. No one should be counted by nature, and no one should be a stepping stone when born. Zhaojia-shi has never been to kill someone else life, so now she wants to fall to the quagmire, naturally don't blame others for stepping on her.
     The so-called causal cycle, retribution is not good.
     Zhaojia-shi may never think that one day she will die under the calculations of others.
     "Oh, what is the strong person, if there is no heart, how can people make a willingness to sell their lives. Zhaojia-shi, when it is your turn to be killed, will there be other people like I feel unwilling, or have a trace of regret."
     Wan-xi stood in front of the window, looking at the distant blue, the mouth was slightly raised, with a hint of uncertainty.
     Ting-Bamboo See Wan-xi standing in front of the window, not far away, and turned around and took a cloak and put it on her body. "Side-Fujin, the wind is big at night, the body is heavy."
     Wan-xi looked at her and smiled and asked, "Is he going back to the government?"
     "Not yet." Ting-Bamboo whispered back.
     Wan-xi heard the words, nodded and did not ask.
     Because of the assassination, Kangxi intends to compensate, 4th-Baylor does not mention it first, but Yin-Tang, who has no formal errands, was specially arranged by the Kangxi to the household.
     What is the point of this, let's not talk about it for a while, but the attention that Yin-Tang has attracted is unprecedented.
     "Master  is busy in recent times, and some things can't be ignored." With a sigh of relief, Wan-xi thought of Yin-Tang's reverence for Kangxi, and turned to look at Ting-Bamboo. He said: Ting-Bamboo, let's go down and let the kitchen prepare the porridge that the Lord loves. When the Lord returns, he will be directly brought up."

     Recently, Yin-Tang was busy with errands, and he was not satisfied with anyone other than Wan-xi in the backyard, but Yifei had heard about Dong-shi and Zhaojia-shi.
     In the backyard, as long as the bottom line is not involved, Yin-Tang does not bother to shoot.
     Zhaojia-shi In the eyes of Yin-Tang, there is only one label, that is, the mother-in-law gives a Shiqie. In addition, the only thing that Yin-Tang remembers is the poison of Zhaojia-shi. Fortunately, Wan-xi and Hong-min were all right, otherwise he would not only cut off her hands, feet and ears.
     If it wasn't for Zhaojia-shi that Yifei personally referred to him, Yin-Tang might have dealt with her long ago.
     Zhaojia-shi stayed in his yard for nearly two days, so he was waiting for the news. She knew clearly that her man's hand was disposed of by Yi-Luoshi, but the man's hand was not disposed of. It must be known that the nail must be buried deep.
     Can be two days have passed, not to mention the palace, there is no movement in the palace, it is difficult to become a jade will not help her hand.
     Zhaojia-shi thinks that it’s really awkward, so the so-called money, and people disasters, Yuliu really helped Zhaojia-shi, but there was no answer, she was a rough Lady. I can't control it, and since the person who made the arrangement of Xu Erxi stared at the person who contacted Yuliu, Yuliu let Qi Mama find a mistake for disposal.
     Zhaojia-shi hand in the palace has long been stunned by Yin-Tang, referring to the news in the palace, she is simply black and dark, completely unable to start.
     Even if she wants to enter the palace, there is no Yifei call, she can't step in even the threshold.
     Suddenly, I heard a sound, Zhaojia-shi looked up and saw Xiujin coming in from outside. "What?"
     "Miss, Willow, Miss is coming over." Xiu Jin's face is respectful.
     Zhaojia-shi heard a little, she couldn't remember how she had a relationship with Liujia-shi. Since entering the government, her relationship with other Concubines in the backyard is quite similar, and there are few contacts. Because of Dong-shi and Wan-xi, Zhaojia-shi did not look at them.
     Even if you get together, it seems to be a deep feeling, but in fact it is just a nod.
     "I heard that Zhaojia-Mei-mei is not good, can it be better now?" Liujia-shi glared at the faint Zhaojia-shi, his brow slightly picked, and his eyes flashed a little surprised.
     This woman in the backyard, most of the disease is for the attention of Bo, not to mention Zhaojia-shi, that is, she herself has been ill from time to time, so I want to get the pity of the Lord. Only after Wan-xi entered the government, Yin-Tang was not in their minds, so it is difficult to see his people with real illness and sickness. It will not be used for a long time.
     This time Zhaojia-shi was ill, she thought that Zhaojia-shi also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to win the attention of the Lord, and then thought about coming over, now it seems that something is really wrong.
     "Let Willow's sister hang up, Mei-mei body is better, this is also the blessing of your sister." Zhaojia-shi looked at the sneer, Liujia-shi, who pressed into the house, pressed the heart of the intolerance, face Smile should be combined.
     “Zhaojia-Mei-mei can really talk.” Liujia-shi took Jinpa and smirked, which looked like Zhaojia-shi said a joke.
     Although the woman in this backyard, on the surface, said Mei-mei, she couldn’t help her, and she would have to die in the back.
     Zhaojia-shi looked at the pretending Liujia-shi, trying to press the anger of the heart, and his face Called: "Willow's sister is very polite, and Mei-mei is far worse than her sister."
     "You-" Liujia-shi was ironic, his face changed slightly, and Maid's hand shook slightly. Cold voice: "Zhaojia-Mei-mei is really not like, just looking forward to Zhaojia-Mei-mei It’s so proud in front of him.”
     Who is the favorite in the backyard, who doesn't know, Zhaojia-shi just wants to irony that she is not favored? Compared with her, who is always looking at her eyes, Liujia-shi does not say the first person, the second and third are still there!
     Zhaojia-shi looked at Liujia-shi, who was resentful and sighed, and thought about the one in the palace.
     The heart was inexplicably uneasy. Is it something that didn’t happen? Thinking of this, Zhaojia-shi recruited Xiujin, let her take the money to manage, to see if I could find a little bit of news in the palace.
     It is a pity that the money is spent, but the news is not at all.
     This makes Zhaojia-shi more arrogant, and the bad foreboding is getting stronger and stronger, making her like a beastly battle, it is difficult to calm down. .
     In Dong Efu, Yi-Luoshi was also surprised when she received the news. Before she cut Zhaojia-shi network, it was to force her to contact the person behind her, and she would become a thing, Yifei. Niang-Niang has just entered in, is Yifei Niang-Niang knowing what?
     Yi-Luoshi doesn't believe that Yifei is asking her daughter for sin. She thinks that Zhaojia-shi has done something about her jealousy. For example, Zhaojia-shi is the opposite of Yifei Niang-Niang.
     Is it right?
     Think carefully, the only thing that can form a confrontation with Yifei in the harem is Tong-Guifei, Huiyi, Rongzhen and Defei. Below the position, no matter whether you have children or no children, you can go directly to Yifei. I am afraid that there are not many, and there are only a few on the squatting position. Can you have two children and grow up with Defei and Yifei alone? Is it...
     Yi-Luoshi thinks more and more, but Hui and Rong are not impossible. After all, 1st-Prince and 3rd-Prince are not fuel-efficient lamps.
     "Gamma Mama, let the nails in the dark place do not move for a while, people who meet Yifei Niang-Niang remember to avoid, but can also help if necessary." Her Yi-Luoshi daughter is not so good Bullying, dare to harm her daughter, whether she is jealous or awkward, do not bite a piece of meat, who knows that you can not provoke, not easy to provoke.
     Gui Mama sees Yi-Luoshi.
     The fingers holding the samovar are slightly white, and my heart is slightly sighed.
      3rd Fu-Jin and 9th Fu-Jin are cousins. It is reasonable to say that the two families can produce two Prince Fu-Jin. But if both of them are doing well, it is a good thing. Unfortunately, 3rd Fu-Jin is doing well, but 9th Fu-Jin is not doing well.
     This result is related to the two people temper style and the way of doing things. It can be parental, but it is how to look at their children. Besides, Yi-Luoshi and 3rd Fu-Jin have never dealt with it.
     In the past few years, Yi-Luoshi has not been run by Sao, and she has a sigh of relief. Her daughter was given a marriage to 9th-Prince. She wanted to take a breath. Who knows that her daughter was born Prince is not a Prince. Not to mention, but also because of the way of others and can not give birth.
     So, isn't it a poke of Yi-Luoshi lung tube?
     "Yes, Madam, the old nubi will arrange it." Gui Mama blessed Fu, stepped back and went out.
     Yi-Luoshi looked at the figure of Gui Mama departure, his eyes narrowed, raising his hand, holding the tea in his hand and licking a slightly cold tea. "Sure enough, this tea has lost its original taste."
     In the palace, Yifei leaned on the beautiful couch with her eyes closed, and a 14th 5th-a little girl dressed in a pink flag was pinching her legs.
     "Niang-Niang, Xu Erxi came over the news, and the eunuch who contacted Yuliu went to the Yanyi Palace of Huiyi." Qi Mama walked in from outside the temple and saw Yifei eyes closed and could not help but drive down.
     The sound.
     “Yanyan Palace?” Yifei squinted his eyes and looked at the Qi Mama, which was swaying in front of him.
     The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked. “It’s a good calculation. First, the Bell Palace, then the Yanzhao Palace. If the Palace is right, In the end, this person should go to Yonghe Palace."
     "Niang-Niang means that this cut is the Yonghe Palace..." Qi Mama frowned, apparently a little surprised, although Yonghe Palace and Qiankun Palace have always been discordant, they can take a whole body and move. If it is really Defei, I am afraid that it is really necessary to fight for it.
     "In recent years, the Princes have grown up, 1st-Prince, 3rd-Prince, and each has their own minds. Hui and Rong Rong’s thoughts are all on the son’s body, and they are also the son’s backyard. 9th Fu-Jin can get any benefit. Instead, Defei, 4th-Prince is raised by Tong-shi, she is not a pro, she is stupid, the grown-up son does not know the cage, but instead suppresses everywhere, The relationship is not tight, the old 14th-has not grown up, how she does not want to stir up this pool of water." As long as it does not involve the old 14th-, Defei this brain is still useful, otherwise she is a nubi how can I sit on the four The position.
      Qi Mama heard, what else does not understand, 14th-Prince did not grow, and other Princes entered the country, if you want to get the top, unless the child is not rich, or simply no son, even if you win Di Success can also make people criticized. At that time, if 14th-Prince Sun Mantang, choose one of the successors...
     The more the brain is filled, the more sweat there is on Qi Mama face.
     "Niang-Niang, if that's the case, then..."
     "Hey! She thought that only her Uya shi is the smartest in this world, but no one in this palace is a fool." Yifei waved his hand, sat up, turned to look at the blue safflower outside the window, and said coldly: "Let People stare well, and once they are sure that they are Yonghe Palace, she will give me today, and I will have to double it back to her in the future."
      Qi Mama has a cold back. She has been with Yifei for so many years. How can she not understand Yifei means? Now she is slowly squinting at the flash of her eyes.
     Yifei can stand out in the harem, not only beautiful, but also know that this harem is more beautiful than Yifei, than Yifei has a family, not to mention she has a compatriot Mei-mei Looking around, I want to replace it.
     But what about this, and ultimately wins her.
     This shows that Yifei has a lot of means, just to the Yonghe Palace, Qi Mama can not help but clench his fists.
     The emperor is now more than happy young Han, among the four, only Yifei and Defei often have a stay, but in fact, Yifei wins Defei, this is the advantage.
     Thinking of this, Qi Mama sighed and said: "The nubi obey."
     Yifei didn't care about Qi Mama appearance, but it was a clear answer compared to others, but Yifei had already decided that Defei would do this.
     It is said that the more gentle the woman is, the more terrible it is. Defei is gentle enough to the emperor, but it is enough to calculate, but when it is said that she is a snake venom, she really does not humiliate her.
     "Uya shi, don't you recognize the Sacred Heart? That touches the bottom line of the emperor.
     The Palace is going to have a look. It is important for you to be a poison woman, or for children and grandchildren to be more important."


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