Chongqie Courting Death Daily 95

  Novels      »      Chongqie Courting Death Daily     »   Chapter 95 : Yunyong

     "You..." Defei looked at the shackles of oil and salt, and felt that his thoughts were correct. He didn't stay with her and didn't kiss her. So her voice could not help but become cold. "Good. Well, this time there is something to be told to you in this palace."
     Without the palace power, Defei would feel uncomfortable but would not admit defeat.
     "Please ask the mother to tell." I heard the words, and I couldn’t help but get up and wait for her.
     "There is nothing big..." Defei said politely, and then she said her plan, nothing more than wishing to say something good in front of Kangxi, and then help the rest of the Uya family to make some arrangements.
     Most of the Uya males were beheaded, and the son-in-law was sent to the Xin’s library. Only a few people, as in the past, belonged to the coatings and did the original thing. Of course, these people are not separated by a few generations, and there is little exchange. Defei will not know where to start even if he wants to pull. No way, Defei can only focus on the original people, using time to slowly restore the glory of the past.
     However, she also knew in her heart that this matter was unrewarding. She herself was difficult to protect herself at the moment. Even if she didn’t open her mouth, it would definitely have a role. As for the embarrassed Defei, how can she give up her youngest son to sin, think about it, Naturally, this matter can only be found.
     She can do the best, can't do it, and she has no loss.
     His face was white, his hands unconsciously smashed into fists, his voice was cold, and his words were authentic: "The son is incompetent."
     Defei heard the words, and could not help but force the tea stalks in his hands on the shores.
     The voice was sharp and pointed: "The fourth child, what do you mean? Last time you said no, this time you said no, then What else can you rely on in this palace, ah!"
     "The son didn't dare!" He just pleaded guilty, not mentioning the matter just now.
     Defei looked at the way she was so determined, and she couldn’t help but feel a bad feeling. In the past, she asked what to do and what to do, no matter how excessive, even if it was painful, even if she struggled, she would finally agree. But when did she ask him to stop answering?
     After careful consideration, Defei thought that it seemed that the beginning of the Uya family had fallen. At that time, she counted her pleadings, and she should not punish him. She turned him off and turned to let Kangxi give him a penalty. . As such, Defei dissatisfaction with her can't help but reach an unprecedented height.
     "Don't dare! You still have nothing to dare! The surface is pretending to be filial, but the back is counted in the palace. When you do these things, you may have thought that this palace is your biological mother." The voice is sharp and the expression is cloudy. When Defei leaned forward, he couldn’t wait to see his flesh.
     "The son does not dare." He looked down and repeated, but he did not compromise.
     The two are relatively embarrassed, Defei anger is unstoppable, and his face is indifferent.
     The people in the temple are not consciously tightening their nerves, for fear that they will provoke Your Highness's disgust.
     I have been very proud recently. I don’t mention the big marriage. I said that 8th-Prince pursuit and praise for him made him quite content, and Yifei people who arranged him were deliberately attached.
     The heart is constantly expanding, and there is a kind of posture that cannot be seen.
     Although at this time, theervants are still smart, but in the end young and light, plus Defei cares for themselves, so that others can give you a chance. It’s a pity that I don’t know the changes in this. I only think that I am a genius in the sky. If he used to be afraid of the power and talent of many Brother, he now slowly does not put these Brother in his eyes. .
     "What's wrong with this?" He licked his face with a blank expression, his face was intolerant, and when he turned to Defei, he smiled and smiled and said: "My son asked the mother to ask."
     "Don't you be in the study at this time?" Defei saw him coming over and asked for help. He wanted to put the whole heart on him.
     He stood next to him and looked at the picture of the dear mother, Zizi, and he could not help but flash a sneer. "Since 14th-brother has come, the son will retreat first."
     "Slow!" Defei thought about his own purpose and immediately Called.
     "What is the mother-in-law?" A look of Defei looked respectfully, with a hint of persistence on his face, faintly asked.
     "The thing just happened, you have to do it, you can do it, or you can do it, otherwise you will ask you in this palace." Defei looked condensed and his attitude was tough.
     Yan Feng looked awkwardly and stared at her for a long time. Finally, she said, "This is the case.
     The matter is decided by Imperial Father."
     "You threaten the palace!" Defei glared at him, as if he did not expect to have this courage.
     "The son does not dare.
     The son is just talking about things."
     Taking advantage of this scene, I couldn't help but get up and walk to the front of the donkey, reach out and pat him on the shoulder, and use a face to say the words: "4th Prince, this is why you are wrong, and the mother-in-law has raised us hard. Filial piety is supposed to be, 4th Prince is like this, but not filial!"
     Affected by Defei, if you beat a small one, you don't like this pro-Brother. After growing up, you will be praised by Kangxi, and the Crown Prince will praise it. It is really hard to see what is not pleasing to the eye. Now that I have seized the opportunity, it is natural to smear him.
     I am still very caring for this younger brother, but unfortunately I have never appreciated it.
     The feelings between Brother have become more and more weak with the growth of age. If you have thought about remedies in the past, you can ignore the brother of this mother, and when you help him to deal with him, you can not be sensible twice, but now, when he When he was confident that he wanted to put a big hat of filial piety on his head, he really stopped the thought that he wanted to win him.
     "The right and wrong, the own Imperial Father decided." The eyes are full of coldness, and the words are also like the ice slag, let people listen unconsciously cold.
     "You-" Defei laughed, she thought she had already pinched this eldest son in her hand. Now it seems that she is too self-righteous. "Good, good, very good, you are a hard wing." Don't put my mother in my eyes, yeah!"
     "The son doesn't dare, the son just talks about things." He didn't have a hobby with people, and he didn't think that he could benefit from Defei.
     To put it bluntly, in her eyes, what he did was wrong, and he couldn’t see it for so many years.
     Defei is cold and stunned. At this moment, she is hateful to this son, and her grievances are quite deep. "That is the case, this palace and Yonghe Palace can't hold your big Buddha."
     "My son retire." I don't have much to say. I just confessed to the words. In his opinion, Defei move is just to take Xiao yi to force him to submit.
     Defei didn't look back at the head, and he was so angry that he helped the shores of the shore to shock the shores, and repeatedly repeated the phrase ' '.
     He stood next to him and looked at the direction of his departure. His heart was inexplicable.
     This is not the 4th Prince he knows. It is not a place where he does not know, or he is a good 4th. What else does Prince have to do?
     "Mother, my son went to listen to it and see what the good 4th Prince is playing?"
     "Go!" Defei nodded. After she left, she waved An Mama and whispered a few words, waiting for the result.
     She doesn't believe that if there is such a change, there will be something that has been ignored by her. It may be that someone has done a provocative act when she doesn't know it, and it may be something that has not been revealed.
     The traces and clues of the dew.
     Yu Yu waited for a moment, looked up at the moment of deficient Defei, and sighed in her heart, she was interested to remind, but her heart is more clear, 4th-Baylor has become the heart of their own Your Highness Devil, touch it and die. In order to go out of the palace safely, she can only swallow these words back into her stomach.
     From the Yonghe Palace, I originally planned to go to the Qiankun Palace to find Yin-Tang.
     They went back to the government. Whoever knew that the Crown Prince had met halfway, they went to the Zhaoqing Palace of the Crown Prince. He sent people to follow him, originally trying to prove that he was close to Yin-Tang and others, and now he seems to have nothing to do with the Crown Prince.
     "Continue to stare, if there is any change, reply as soon as possible."
     This kind of move was quickly reported to the Yin-Tang and Yin-Er in the Qiankun Palace.
     The two heard it and laughed.
     They still said this old 14th-what’s there? The ability, this is the ability to sneak up on the table.
     Planting dirty?
     He is not afraid of the wind blowing his tongue.
     Isn't the 4th Prince filthy, he can be seen as filial, ignorant and stupid.
     "9th Prince, you said the old 14th what do you want to do?" Yin-Er face disdain.
     "How else? Isn't this mother and son wanting to use 4th Prince as a stepping stone? Don't look at whether you have this qualification." With a laugh, Yin-Tang made a gesture and recruited a small eunuch in the corner. After confessing a few words, he and Yin-Er took out the palace.
     In the Zhaoqing Palace, the Crown Prince sat in the main position, staring at the bottom of the head, looking respectful, and inexplicably guilty.
     "The fourth, this time, I have never heard of you and the Old 9, what do they mix in?" The Crown Prince had something to say, his eyes were cold, and he seemed to wait for him to explain.
     "Between the younger brother and the 9th Prince, it is also a life-and-death relationship. Moreover, the 9th Prince can be taken away from the Eighty's camp, even if he does not support anyone, for the Crown Prince. Good thing." He looked serious and his eyes were calm and authentic.
     I have long expected that the Crown Prince will make a fuss about his relationship with Yin-Tang. Now, the Crown Prince patience is better than he thought, at least he can stand it now.
     "Oh? So all the actions of the 4th Brother are for the sake of being alone." The Crown Prince held a handful of tea slaps and looked at him with a sigh of gaze. He nodded and he smiled and smiled.
     There is a sense of satisfaction in this smile, which is totally different from the attitude of the former teacher. Just one eye can see that his mood at the moment has become very good.
     For the embarrassment, the Crown Prince still relies heavily on it, so naturally he hopes that he can do things for himself in the same way as before. Even if he can't pull the Old 9 to their own camp, but can guarantee that others can't win their support, he will save a lot of trouble.
     I couldn't help but look at the expression and look of the Crown Prince. I felt his emotions change, and I couldn't help but feel relieved. After all, his current power is still difficult to meet with the Crown Prince and others. Higher, and premature violence | dew caused other Brother to be vigilant and besieged, it is better to hide behind the Crown Prince, waiting for the opportunity.
     "The Crown Prince Mingjian." He got up, bowed his hand and bowed his face.
     "This is the case. I am so eager to hope that the four younger Brother can use them again. It is best to pull the 9th Prince and others into the lonely camp." The Crown Prince looked at him with a sigh of relief and did not feel himself. How difficult is this question.
     "Chen is determined to go all out."
     After coming out of Zhaoqing Palace, on the way back, he received a message from the small eunuch, and he was sneer at the cause and effect of the incident.
     Originally, he still thought about giving Defei another dislike of him. He should have a silk thread. Now it seems that he thinks things too simple. Defei didn't have a child's feelings for him. He didn't have a silky brother's righteousness. He thought that if he had a silky value, they would peel and unboil, and there would be no hesitation.
     Before, he thought about not letting them do whatever they want. Now, he no longer thinks that as long as he ignores them, they can stop cutting, so he draws three lines between them and themselves. All in all, he just warned that after crossing the second article, he would cut off his hands and feet, crossed the last one, and did not say that they had their lives, and they would have won half of their lives.
     Some things he is too scrupulous to fall to the point of today, but once he doesn't care about these things, then Defei, the mother-in-law, and the Brother, can no longer pose any threat to him.

     From the palace, I saw a glimpse of Yin-Tang and Yin-Er, who were not far away, and greeted them.
     The current situation is not good for them. Whether it is the Defei mother and child who are eyeing, or the heart of the Crown Prince, they must not only have to think about the countermeasures. In addition, Hong-min has been away from home for a few days. Since he promised him to let him go to see him, he will definitely hand it over.
     "9th Prince, 10th Brother." He looked at the two and said hello.
     “4th Prince.” Yin-Tang and Yin-Er took the first two steps and responded with a sigh of relief.
     The three of them went to the 4th-Baylor government.
     The pedestrians came to 4th-Baylor, and thoughts and Wulana-shi actions in the past few days, and they went to him with a heart, and went straight with Yin-Tang and Yin-Er. study.
     Yin-Tang and Yin-Er didn't think much, only when Wulana-shi was too busy, but when Yin-Tang saw his son, he didn't think so.
     " Ama, Ama, are you coming to pick up Hong-min to go home?" Hong-min came out of the classroom and heard the voice of Ama before he came closer.
     The little short legs hurried to the house.
     Yin-Tang looked at the son who had rushed to his arms with a small cannon. He stretched his arms and took the person into his arms. He laughed and said: "Kid, can you not see you so enthusiastically?"
      Hong-min stretched his short hand and held Yin-Tang's neck tightly. His mouth was slightly stunned, and there was a slight cry in his voice. "Ama..."
     "What's wrong with this? Hong-min, come, come over ten uncles." Yin-Er to Hong-min this zhi-zi is better than his son, now see him red eyes, not help I feel very distressed.
     "No, I want Ama." The small head was buried in the arms of Yin-Tang, and Hong-min refused to leave the arms of Yin-Tang.
     Yin-Tang sees his son's different performances, and he has come back to taste.
     This kid is not used to it. If he is not bullied, according to his temper, he should now be a face full of Hong-hui.
     The yard was naughty, not holding his neck.
     "Come on, tell Ama, who is bullying you?" Yin-Tang took Hong-min and sat next to him, patiently asking.
     He did not believe that 4th Prince would be bullied by his son.
     The only possibility was that the woman in the backyard had a short-sighted woman carrying 4th Prince to his son.
     Although I don't know why, I can only report it to Yin-Tang, and I will definitely not give up.
     "4th-Aunt doesn't like Hong-min, Hong-min wants to go home." Hong-min In the end, he couldn't describe the various chilly | forceful behaviors of Wulana-shi, but He knows that Wulana-shi actions are showing the fact that she doesn't like him.
     When the two sons came in, they just heard this sentence. At that time, they felt that their skin was a little hot. "9th Prince, this thing is done Brother is not." His son is in 9th Prince I lived for half a year without saying anything, and still raised health and well-being.
     This shows the heart of 9th Prince and the little 9th-Sao, and Hong-min went to his house for a few days and was exhausted. Wronged, so contrast, how can you not feel the face fever?
     "4th Prince, the things in the backyard have never been handled by these men. 4th-Sao, since he can't see his son, he may not be able to see her." Yin-Tang This person is doing things. Human beings will not change because of the identity of the other party. Just like now, he speaks for Wulana-shi, but not 4th Fu-Jin.
     "No matter what, 4th Prince has a responsibility."
     "In this case, if the younger brother wants to vent his anger, 4th Prince looks at it." Yin-Tang saw a look of a face, and did not deny it, directly asked.
     I know clearly that Yin-Tang temper is extremely arrogant, but as long as Wulana-shi is his Di Fu-Jin, he will not move her every day, saying that he is venting anger, and he is afraid of being unlucky. Nala home!
     Also, my daughter didn’t teach well, isn’t her family responsible?
     "9th Prince is doing things, and he is relieved."
     "Thank you for 4th Prince." Yin-Tang is right, he knows to talk to smart people.
     "4th Prince, 9th Prince, what are you talking about?" Yin-Er looked at the two, a confused face.
     Yin-Tang and Yan looked at Yin at the same time, neither of them spoke, but it was not difficult to see a meaning from their eyes this is not a smart person.
     It’s also natural to talk.
     I didn’t want to explain it, and Yin-Tang didn’t want to explain it. It’s not good, and what can I say is to put Wulana-shi on the table, or to put Wulana-shi on it. pause?
     both are not.
     Since you can't, what do you say, let Yin-Er get angry?
     "When I go to the hot springs for a few days, how about, do you want to follow them up?" Yin-Tang turned his voice and jumped over the subject.
     "Go to the hot springs Zhuangzi? Good! This weather, soaking a hot spring, is really comfortable." Yin-Er did not think, just agreed.
     When there is little time to go to Zhuangzi, and in his current situation, the things on hand are not finished, let alone Zhuangzi, that is, rest is not at ease.
     "9th Prince, the thing of the mother-in-law is up to you." I thought about it, and the way to complain is that it cannot be used repeatedly. Occasionally, it is used once and it is easy to get the father and son feelings. Imperial Father's pity, too many times, will inevitably make him incompetent.
     "4th Prince rest assured that this brother will do it for you." Yin-Tang did not like to have a big bag, if he can make such a quick response, it must be fully grasped.
     "That is the brother who thanked him first."
     Yin-Tang swings his hand, but in his heart, he thinks that every time he is in trouble, they have another way, and they can't be equalized again. After all, filial piety is greater than the sky. Don't say that Defei is just unreasonable, she is forcing her to go. How can you die? This kind of thing is obviously that the cut is constantly ruined. Although he said that his Brother are not good at interfering with the things between their mother and child, it is even harder to make decisions for him.
     "4th Prince, you will be born when you say this." For a moment, Yin-Tang still reminded: "4th Prince, some words will be the younger brother, you listen to the truth, you listen, if you feel unreasonable You have never said that your brother has never said."
     "9th Prince brother please talk." Although he must report, he still knows what to do.
     “The relationship between 4th Prince and Defei Niang-Niang has already fallen to a freezing point. Defei Niang-Niang now uses 4th Prince and is also afraid of the imprisonment of Imperial Father. Even if everything is not possible, it is at best a reprimand. But did 4th Prince think about it, and your relationship has continued to deteriorate so much, and what kind of results will happen at that time?" Everyone knows the quick and confusing story, but not everyone can do it.
     "This..." The face is cold and heart-warming, fair and selfless. If it is not forced into desperation, if it is not disgusting, he will not easily ask for the other's life.
     Defei is a barrier to his heart. He looks forward to it. He has worked hard for her approval and even grievances for his ‘Madam and children. Now, when a cut is just a joke, he can let go, but can't ask for their temper.
     "9th Prince, blood is thicker than water."
     "4th Prince, death is not the best solution. At this point, you and I are clear." Yin-Tang sighed.
     In the past, he thought that his good 4th Prince was too insidious. Now he is stubborn.
     This person is stubborn and does not know how to change. It is no wonder that so many people will be offended in the past.
     When I heard the words, my face was slightly stiff. He really forgot all kinds of means in the royal family. He could walk all the way, and naturally he knew that he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty. "It’s for the Brother."
     Yin-Tang waved his hand, and his face didn't care. "4th Prince loves us, but the husband, when it's broken, it's going to be chaotic, 4th Prince can think clearly."
     "I understand." Nodded, knowing that Yin-Tang said it was for him.
     The 3rd Brother led the three children to use the lunch, waited for three children to take a nap, and the three gathered in the study room to discuss other things.
     4th-Baylor Fuzhengyuan.
     A few days ago, after a few days in the middle of the night, I hadn’t been to the main court since I was in the middle of the night. Wulana-shi, who believed that there was no mistake, wanted to resist it at first. Can shake. Moreover, without the support of , even if Wulana-shi has the honor of Fu-Jin, there are all kinds of means, and it is impossible to live in this backyard.
     This is not, I will not enter the backyard, Li-shi and others will seize the opportunity to put Wulana-shi on the face, let Wulana-shi be a bit boring, and then be Spring Mama was so persuaded that she couldn't help but give birth to a few points that she wanted to show weakness.
     After all, is the true master of 4th-Baylor.
     Today Ting-Wen 9th-Prince and 10th-Prince, Wulana-shi wanted to take this opportunity to serve softly, who knows that not only did not bring 9th-Princes to the backyard Even at noon, she sent people to send meals in the past and was turned away.
     This time, Wulana-shi is really anxious.
     "Mama, what do you mean by Ye?" Wulana-shi glared at the jinpa in his hand and asked with uneasiness.
     "Fu-jin, Your Highness is what you mean more clearly and better than the old nubi " Spring Mama sighed in her heart, she really didn't understand how the old Di Fu-Jin was more energetic with Hong-min Little Prince. .
     Wulana-shi, she can't say that she is just because Li-shi run and Hong-min's excellent flashing her eyes, and fascinating her heart, will make her wrong again. Let's go!
     No, her Wulana-shi will never admit her mistakes. After all, Hong-min is only a junior, and her elders can do the most is no longer embarrassed with him.
     "Mama intention, this Fu-Jin understands, but this is the end of the matter, this Fu-Jin can only do is silent."
     Spring Mama heard the words, sighed slightly, she forgot, decent, this thing, Your Highness has always been valued, I want her to let go of her body to apologize, afraid that it is more difficult than her life.
     Shaking his head, Spring Mama did not persuade, just told the children to change into a cup of hot tea.
     In the study, of course, it is impossible to know the entanglement of Wulana-shi. Although I have not made up my mind to deal with Defei and  , I have to find a solution.
     Since I am interested in Dabao, I can't have any stains. Even if there is stain, this stain can't appear in front of people.
     Therefore, if this is a filial piety, if it is Kangxi, it will be difficult to change. If it is Defei, Kangxi did not nod, she said that breaking the sky would not help.
     "After two days, the grandfather let Wanyan-shi take Hong-min, Hong-zhao and they will enter the palace." Yin-Tang smells the singularity, can't complain, then it is passed by other means. Kangxi ears are always in the line!
     "So, please, please, 9th Prince."
     The trio said a few more words. When Yin-Tang came out of the study and looked at the smashing Hong-min in the yard, he knew that all the grievances of this kid were only from the indifference of Wulana-shi. And neglect.
     Indifferent? Ignore it?
     Hey, his son has been so disliked.
     "Hong-min, it's time to go home." Yin-Tang called out, Hong-hui and Hong-Yi, who had played with Hong-min, were all looking at Hong- Min's hand, a pair of reluctant appearances provoked Yin-Tang, they were funny, "Hong-hui, Hong- Sheng, still doing what they are doing, all packed up, 9th uncle took two days to go to the hot springs Playing on Zhuangzi."
      Hong-hui and Hong-song heard the words, their eyes sparkled, but their eyes looked at them. When they saw him nod, the two small horses happily pulled Hong-min's hand and ran back to the yard to pack things away.

     The afternoon sun is just right. Compared with the colder and colder weather, this time is the most people feel sleepy.
     The Wan-xi shrinking in the quilt has slightly turned over, and the small face is gently on the quilt. Hey, look at her behavior is very subtle, but still alarmed Ting-Bamboo at the door.
     "Side-Fujin, are you awake?" Ting-Bamboo reached out and lifted his account. Seeing Wan-xi squinting his eyes, he couldn't help but step forward and wait for Wan-xi to get up.
     Wan-xi slept for half an hour. At this time, the spirit was still good. I asked about the situation of Hong-zhao. I knew that the two little guys were still not awake, just told them to take good care of them, and then they asked Yin Tang.
     "Where is it? Can you go back to the government?" As long as it is not a matter of arguing with people, Wan-xi dress is mostly fresh and elegant. At this time, she has a small head and no various kinds of beads on her head.
     There are only a few jewels, which are faint, but give a feeling of gentleness and quietness.
     "When you return to Side-Fujin, Your Highness has just returned Hong-min Little to the government. Hong-hui and Hong-sheng are also coming together. Now Your Highness should be in the study." Ting Bamboo took the mirror and let Wan-xi see the effect. Seeing her nod, it whispered back.
     Wan-xi nodded and reached out to open the bottle and jar in front of him. When he was dressed up, he walked to the study with a slippery Maid. It's not that she doesn't want to see Hong-min, but the three little guys are still asleep, presumably tired.
     On the way, I met Shiqie, who walked in the garden for a walk, and Wan-xi smiled and looked at the guilty conscience in their eyes and continued on.
     The minds of these people, Wan-xi understands very well, but she understands it, but she will not regress.
      Liujia-shi and others looked at Wan-xi who went straight into the study room. All of them looked like they were poisoned.
     They looked at the back of Wan-xi, and they wanted to lick their flesh and drink their blood. Hate.
     Wan-xi walked into the study and saw Yin-Tang standing at the desk and concentrating on the word. In fact, the word Yin-Tang is not the best of all Princes, but it is also a self Contained faction. She often listens to him in the last world, but the emperor also really praises his words. However, no matter how his words are written, his beautiful and innocent appearance will make this woman in the backyard crazy for him. After such a long period of neglect, he will not give up.
     Lianbu moved lightly, Wan-xi models went up, then stood next to Yin-Tang, looking at the paper on the table, only seeing a slightly domineering cursive on the paper, no everyone Bright colors, but also unique charm. Moreover, Yin-Tang likes innovation, empathizes with righteousness, and must be reported, so that temper is incomparably contradictory but unique, so that Yin-Tang's characters can only imitate its shape and it is difficult to imitate its god.
     Wan-xi took the ink stick in the hands of Lin-Chujiu and personally studied ink for him.
     Yin-Tang came to see her, her eyes were slightly bright, waiting for the last word, immediately put down the wolf in her hand, reached for her hand, took her to the desk, and then pointed at the paper on the table. Said: "Golden, come and see, the words of the Lord, how do you see?"
     Wan-xi leaned on Yin-Tang's arms and smiled. He said: "The word of the Lord is naturally excellent."
     "Jao-Jao is this in the perfunctory?" Yin-Tang's slightly hot thin lips stuck in her ear, a burst of low laughs instantly passed to her ears, with a silky slap, let Wan-xi The pretty little face is slightly warm.
     "The man is going to say that he is not good at pointing to the word of the Lord. Is this true sincerity?" Wan-xi sighed Yin-Tang with a sad face, and his face was wronged.
     “Sophistication!” Yin-Tang reached out and stroked her delicate face, with a silky smile in her eyes. “It’s not as good as a petty, but also a few words, how?”
     "You don't want to be alone." Wan-xi jade hands lightly into a fist, scorn Yin-Tang two times, a face does not depend.
     "Jao-Jao does not write, my father teaches you to write." Yin-Tang laughed twice, with a little spurt in the laughter, and bowed his head, and kissed the woman's seductive red lips.
     Wan-xi was slightly stunned, and then he smiled. A pair of black-and-white black eyes smashed the Yin-Tang eyes.
     This is full of style and looks like Yin-Tang's breath is unreasonable.
     Even if they are relative, Yin-Tang is still obsessed with Wan-xi move. Although he knew that Wan-xi had not really opened his heart to him, even so, as long as she was close, he would feel unhappy. It is reasonable to assume that his identity is not the same as that of a woman.
     There are thousands of women in the world. Only she can keep him from falling.
     "Come, Lord first teaches you to write the name of the Lord." Yin-Tang's mouth is slightly raised, trapping her in the desk and in her arms.
     "The teacher is naturally good, afraid that I am afraid of being dull and disappointing my heart." Wan-xi sees it, and does not reject it. Yin-Tang taught her before, just two people.
     The style is very different, she is seriously practicing, and there is no such thing as him.
     This is a waste of his heart.
     Yin-Tang saw that she hadn't started to push the three-stop four, and couldn't help but laugh. "Ye heart, you just have to understand it with your heart."
     Wan-xi heard the words, slightly stunned, and turned to look at Yin-Tang’s eyes. How did she feel that there was something in his words? Just thinking, I saw him holding her little hand with her big palm. Holding the pen, for a time, Wan-xi can't help but converge on the chaotic mind and focus on the word.
     Yin-Tang circled Wan-xi in her arms, and her nose was surrounded by her own unique fragrance, which made him slightly stunned.
     "Ye?" For a long time, I couldn’t see the big hand that wrapped my little hand. Wan-xi turned to look at Yin-Tang and felt that he was different from ordinary emotions. Wan-xi could not help but twist, thinking Go out from his arms.
     "Don't move!" Yin-Tang leaned down on Wan-xi slender shoulders, feeling her soft body honing in her arms, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
     This goblin, no matter what he does, can always make him unable to attack his confident willpower.
     Feeling that Yin-Tang became dull, Wan-xi was somewhat motivated by his own influence on him, but he did not want to let others grab the handle because of the indulgence of time, so he could not help but pull Yin Tang’s sleeves Called and protested: “Master, isn’t it that you want to teach you how to practice? Why not write?”
     "You are a grinning goblin." Yin-Tang put her hand on her waist and slammed her waist slightly, then held her hand and held the desk, slowly moving up the paper.
     Yin-Tang, Wan-xi, Hong-min, Hong-zhao and Yali-qi, the names of the five people stand side by side, looking at the intimacy and warmth. Wan-xi has a smile on his lips, and there are some shyness and anticipation in the stars like the night.
     Perhaps what she wants from beginning to end is just that a family can be happy and happy, even if there are a lot of episodes in the middle, but she only wants to be quiet, and the world is stable.
     "Ye Jao-Jao really is..." Yin-Tang chuckled and put the brush on the pen holder. She reached over and pulled her over.
     The first one was low, and all her words were swallowed into the mouth. in.
     Wan-xi stunned slightly, then gently opened his red lips and obediently accepted his closeness and possession.
     Yin-Tang holds her little face, kisses her passion, kisses her devoutly, like a traveler in the desert, finding water at the most thirsty time.
     Outside the study, Lin-Chujiu screened off other people and stayed away from the door. He was worried that there was a long-awaited rush to sweep the interest of Your Highness and Wanyan Side-Fujin.
     In the entire 9th-Prince House, who does not know Wanyan Side-Fujin, fear that the woman in the entire backyard is more than her own fingers.
     "Master, here is the study?" Wan-xi grabbed Yin-Tang and reached the big palm in her placket, and gasped.
     Yin-Tang ' ' made a sound, and some of them took back their hands in an impatient manner. "Ye Jao-Jao always knows when to give a cool water."
     Wan-xi heard the words, and his face was not smugly sighed: "That is also the habit."
     Yin-Tang is not annoyed with her delicate and pretty appearance. She bows her relatives with a slightly red mouth and smiles. "Master  is really willing to get used to you."
     The two laughed a few words, Yin-Tan took Wan-xi and sat down on the seat, thinking about the things that promised to be awkward today, the brows were slightly wrinkled, and the big palm had no intention of playing with her soft hands, for a long time. : "Jao-Jao, after two days you are in Hong-min, Hong-zhao.
     They enter the palace and ask the mother to ask for security."
     "Master , is there anything to tell?" Wan-xi coveted, but she knew Hong-min, they came back, but what about going to the palace? The days of entering the palace are all specific, and it is not a long-term, unless Yifei summons, Wan-xi rarely takes the initiative to enter the palace, not to mention the fact that Yin-Tang personally opened her to let her children advance. palace.
     "Defei wants 4th Prince to help the Uya family to make a comeback. Hey, this old sorcerer doesn't look at how she did to the 4th Prince these years. As for the Uya family, when the scenery is everywhere, the old 14th A deputy loyal and right-handed, something happened, but now I think of 4th Prince, but 4th Prince can help them!" Yin-Tang ‘Yuyan is authentic.
     Wan-xi sees Yin-Tang's indignant appearance, knowing that Defei is going to take the shot. If Wan-xi was afraid of worrying about the safety of himself and his children, now, look at Defei desperate deaths. In kind, Wan-xi has reason to believe that her move will not only make 4th-Baylor hate them, but also let 4th-Baylor centrifuge with her.
     In the last world, the 4th-Baylor looked at the incompetence. In fact, there were quite a few means in private, and it also operated a lot of forces. It was these forces that led him to lead the breakthrough.
     The character that the painful mother did not love squeezed the Crown Prince, 1st-Prince and 3rd-Prince, and crossed the Yin-Tang, their set of iron triangles, and opened the very happy 14th Prince, the top position.
     Although she didn't know anything about 4th-Baylor after she ascended the throne, she knew that the 4th-Baylor was farther away from Defei, the more she had the chance.
     "If he doesn't like Defei Niang-Niang's actions, then she will add a block to her, so that she won't have the strength to toss." Wan-xi got together in Yin-Tang's arms.
     The lower lip that is bitten by the mouth is finely ground, and there is a fascinating color in the double-filled surplus.
     Wan-xi is always jealous of Defei. Compared with the women in the backyard, Defei, who is a long-timed person, obviously knows how to calculate. If she is alive, she is afraid to plant it again in Zhaojia-shi is in the hand. Fortunately, she finally won, but Zhaojia-shi fell, who knows that there is no other 'Zhaojia-shi' in this backyard!
     In order to completely eliminate the hidden dangers, what she has to do is not to find those 'Zhaojia-shi', but to remove Defei so that she can no longer reach her.
     "Ye Jao-Jao said it well, Defei Niang-Niang's days are too smooth, and I will push the 4th Prince up when I am in trouble. She looks like this, I should let the Imperial Father take a good look and pretend every day.
     The mother of the mother, this heart is poisonous." Yin-Tang Feng Wei slightly stunned, sneaked into the lips and inadvertently revealed a sneer.
     Want to make the Uya family come back?
     This sinister Curry can turn over, but he can also turn over with the family. Even the good men who are now in the ranks can not, with a few nubi .
     "Master, there is a saying how to come, the most poisonous woman's heart, the Lord can be careful, and the whole body is also a woman." Wan-xi laughed twice, laughing and joking.
     "Oh, how does that man's Jao-Jao deal with the Lord?" Yin-Tang is close to her ear and asks with awkwardness.

     "Oh, how does that man's Jao-Jao deal with the Lord?" Yin-Tang is close to her ear and asks with awkwardness.
     Wan-xi heard the words, and she was funny in her heart. Although she did not make mistakes, the proper adjustment of the feelings helped to increase the marital relationship. Although in terms of identity, Dong-shi was the real ‘Madam, but Wan-xi Never waste any chances that will help them add to their feelings.
     "That's what you have to do to make your body sad..." With a long sound, Wan-xi smirked and reached out to his sleeves and looked at him.
     "How can I be willing to make you sad." Yin-Tang smiled in her heart, reaching out and holding her up, carefully tidying her wrinkled placket and skirt, and the relatives' natural posture seemed to have been practiced thousands of times.
     Wan-xi small face is dizzy, and the moment of looking up is slightly complicated for Yin-Tang's eyes, and my heart is inexplicable, and this is the feeling.
     There is a word in the words, what about words?
     Did she know what she didn't know without her knowledge, and these things seemed to affect his feelings for her?
     Yes, what is it?
     Yin-Tang saw her face ignorant, she knew that she had not figured out what he meant in her words, and she smiled in her heart. When she opened her mouth, she just wanted to ask her what she was thinking of, and she was hurriedly footsteps. I interrupted, and Yin-Tang couldn’t help but frown. "Lin-Chujiu, who dares to be here?"
     "Back to Your Highness, is the Maid of Guo Luo Luo Miss, saying that Guo Luo is missing." Lin-Chujiu came in from the door, and the body bent to the ground.
     Lin-Chujiu is also very resentful in the heart, this child to inform the sound, it is hard to make Your Highness go personally, if it is favored, but it has long been rejected by Your Highness.
     Learning what is not good, but learning to die.
     If today's birth is a small Prince, there is Yifei Niang-Niang as a backing, so there is a backing, and there is a place in this backyard. If you have a small "Jiji", ‘Laughs’ ...
     Yin-Tang heard the words and sneered. "If you want to be born, you will find a student Mama. If you don't want to find a doctor, you can find someone to use it. You don't want to let people go out."
     "Hey." Lin-Chujiu side away from the side of the heart in the heart, really who is Wanyan Side-Fujin, all have to come to Bo attention.
     Wan-xi looked at the ugly Yin-Tang and couldn't help but reach out and hugged his arm. "If you don't feel relieved, why don't you go with your father to see?"
     "Worry? Where does Jao-Jao see that Ye is worried?" Yin-Tang snorted and reached for her waist.
     "I'm not worried, why do you want to frown?" Wan-xi face clasped Yin-Tang to make a bad big hand, and the beautiful eyes flowed, and they could not help but reveal a hint of vinegar.
     Yin-Tang looked at her incomprehensible appearance, and the chilly face could not help but soften her. She mastered her little hand, scorned and calmed, and looked calm and focused, as if she had not The things just happened to my heart.
     Wan-xi sees the face, the smile of the face, this man's mind is more and more difficult to guess, she will propose to see Hui-Ru is not on the face of Yifei Niang-Niang, really she is willing So generous, willing to give favor to others!
     Yin-Tang looked down at the Wan-xi with his mouth shut, and sighed in his heart, telling himself, don't be too anxious, just give her a little more time!
     "Okay, since Jao-Jao wants to go and see, let's go and see!" Yin-Tang has been indulging for a long time, and suddenly said.
     Wan-xi heard the words, his face was slightly stiff, and it seemed that he was not adapted to his volatility. But in the end it was with her mind, it would be fine to go and see.
     When Yin-Tang and Wan-xi used to go, not to mention the Shiqie in the garden, Dong-shi, who had not appeared for a long time, also came to the scene personally.
     The move was in Yifei Niang-Niang's face, or another deep meaning, Wan-xi feels that this situation, because she can not think.
     "Tony ( ) to the Lord, please." Dong-shi led a group of Shiqie and went to Yin-Tang to ask.
     "Get up!" Yin-Tang swept the eyes of everyone, faintly authentic.
     "When you come to Fu-jin, please." Wan-xi stepped forward and saluted Dong-shi.
     "Hey, please give Side-Fujin."
     Yin-Tang listened to the terrible Calls in the delivery room, and frowned at the brows, and the eyes flashed a bit of disgust. "Lin-Chujiu, people give Fu-Jin and Side-Fujin chairs."
     "Hey." Lin-Chujiu responded, waving, and immediately someone moved three chairs.
     Yin-Tang looked at Dong-shi eyes, Dong-shi intentionally followed his pace, and then three people got up and sat down on the chair.
      Liujia-shi and others looked at the left and right sitting on Wan-xi and Dong-shi on both sides of Yin-Tang, and they were mad at heart, but they had to wait for the results, waiting for the result.
     After all, if the identity is different, if she is a favored concubine, it can be hard to slap Yin-Tang to the individual face, but unfortunately after playing Wan-xi into the government, no one dares to tie the pet.
     In the delivery room, Hui-Ru was lying on the bed. At first, she had a body to support Mama. She was able to withstand the temperament, but her eyes were getting longer and longer, and she couldn’t help but panic, waving her hands and holding her body. Mama hand ‘called: "Yes, Master , no, Mama, you told me, Master  is coming..."
     "Miss, Your Highness is sitting outside, you are working hard-" Mama, who was caught by the hand, said that she was willing to encourage her.
     She was produced by Yifei Niang-Niang, who was waiting for Hui-Ru. If Hui-Ru had something to do, or what happened to the child in Hui-Ru stomach, the first one was unlucky. But what can she do? This matter has already fallen on her head, and she has to work hard.
     Hui-Ru was spoiled from urinating, and his temper was used to it. If Hui-Ru wanted to behave in front of Yin-Tang, I was afraid that it would have been tempered. How could I endure it now? "I want to see Master, let the Lord come in..."
     The next-born delivery Mama heard a black line, and the delivery room, unless the man himself is willing to enter, can be reluctant.
     "Miss, how can this man Your Highness enter the delivery room..." After the words and talks, Mama, who came in to accompany her husband, was a panic in the face. It was all at this point. It was not good to produce, but what kind of demon!
     "I don't care, I don't care..." Hui-Ru, who was sore in his eyes, Called and Called.
     A door is separated, no need to raise Mama to ask for it, Yin-Tang, or everyone else, they can hear clearly.
     Yin-Tang was so annoyed at the outside, if he was not with Wan-xi, he would have gotten up impatiently. Now I listened to the request of Hui-Ru to make trouble, and I sneered at my face.
     Who does she think she is?
     "Let's relax!" Cold-sounding, Yin-Tang robes a servant, forced Wan-xi hand to get up and leave, completely do not put the requirements of Hui-Ru in mind.
     It is her privilege to give birth to a child. It is a toss for the mother and the child. He will endure it. Now it is not only the child, but also her own life. She does not cherish it. What is he distressed!
     Not every woman is like Wan-xi, let him hang on his stomach, not every woman is as loved as Wan-xi, so since it is not Wan-xi, then don’t make fun. .
     "Master ..." Dong-shi looked at Yin-Tang, who was up and walked away.
     The subconsciously stretched out his hand was in the air, and he didn't know where to start.
     "Fu-Jin, the matter here is handled by you. After the production of Guolu-shi, you can send a notice to the sound." Yin-Tang's resolute voice is cold and cold, with a hint of anger and disdain. .
     I want to come to Yin-Tang and I am also discouraged by the action of Hui-Ru. I have never seen a woman who can do this. If it is normal, I will never know how to measure it. I don’t know Prince like Yin-Tang. Long Sun, that is, ordinary men are not sure to tolerate her.
     "I understand it." Dong-shi, although she felt that Yin-Tang and Wan-xi were very glaring at the raised hands, and thought about her purpose, she would endure the inner heart. .
     The Yin-Tang and Wan-xi walked, the atmosphere became much more active, Liujia-shi and others did not leave, because Dong-shi did not go, they were not good, and second, they also wanted Look at the fact that Hui-Ru, who always jumps up and down, can do it.
     In the delivery room, the Calls are still going on, but no matter how Hu-Ru is called, it is just a matter of keeping Mama, but it doesn't get up.
     The longer the eyelids, the lower the voice of Hui-Ru, and the complexion of the people can not help but become pale, sweaty clothes.
     "Miss, hard, hard, seeing the head..." When Mama saw the doctor, he couldn’t help but feel the spirit, and he cried happily.
     This woman is dangerous in production. Hui-Ru is just taking advantage of it. She wants to take advantage of it. Now she sees Yin-Tang and ignores her. She values ​​her life and can't help but cooperate with the delivery of Mama.
     They are.
     After almost half an hour, the cries of the baby suddenly sounded in the delivery room.
     Dong-shi heard the cry of the child, slammed up and stood up, staring at the door of the delivery room, his eyes were not blind.
     Mama was holding her child out of the delivery room.
     There was not much joy in her face. When she saw Dong-shi coming over, she couldn’t help but greet him. “Thank you for Fujian, Guo Luo Luo Miss gave birth to a little “Jiji”. Mother and daughter are safe."
     The voice of Mama is falling, Dong-shi is full of mistakes, Liujia-shi and others are full of joy, all sentient beings, and instant glimpses.
     Dong-shi, who had pulled the sleeves by Yin Mama, returned to God, hiding the disappointment in his eyes. His eyes swept away his eyes in his arms and smiled. "It is the same, so raise it." !"
     Mama sees Dong-shi. I don’t even hold a hug. I can’t help but sigh. It’s not a biological one, otherwise I can be so negligent.
     Dong-shi didn't know the thoughts in the body of Mama.
     The moment he turned around, Yin Mama was rewarded by example, and then returned to the main court with disappointment.
     Back to Qing yi-Courtyard's Yin-Tang got a message, faintly responded, but still told Lin-Chujiu to handle things well, after all, even if it is a "Jiji", that is his child.
     Wan-xi sat next to him and did not comment, but his heart was inexplicably weird.
     In the last world, the first few children in the palace were "Jiji". In this world, her first child gave birth to a son. Although the second child said that she had a daughter, the dragon and the phoenix were no match.
     The single name was particularly attractive. Nowadays, if you look at Dong-shi or Hui-Ru, all of them are born "Jiji". It is difficult for this woman in the backyard to have a "Jiji" as in the last world. Born Prince?

     When Hui-Ru wakes up again, it is already the next day at noon. I opened my eyes and didn't see Yin-Tang. Hui-Ru was full of disappointment.
     Thinking about the children, I couldn't help but think of getting up. At this time, Qiuyue was coming in with bird's nest.
     "Miss, are you weak, or are you lying down first?" Qiuyue stepped forward and put the bird's nest on the side, raising the Hui-Ru with his hands and feet, and took a soft pillow behind her.
     "Autumn moon, Lord? Why didn't you come?" Hui-Ru sounds dull, looking at the eyes of Qiuyue who are bright.
     Seeing her like this in the autumn, her heart is happy, but her face is awkward: "Miss, Your Highness is busy, you..."
     Hui-Ru sees her like this, the original pale face is suddenly unmanned, "Frankly."
     "Miss, Yesterday, during your production, Your Highness heard your voice, and when you were angry, you went to Fu-Jin." Qiuyue pretended to shrink shoulders, obviously for Hui Ru is unlucky, she is still very happy to see.
     "How can it..." Hui-Ru rubbed his hands on his quilt, and his face was unbelievable.
     Seeing the autumn moon, sneer, Hui-Ru is not good to her, then don't blame her for being unjust, poke the heart of the nest, catch the opportunity not to poke, but when?
     "Right, my child? My little Prince?" Hui-Ru was emotional, and the moment she remembered, she felt the discomfort from her body.
     This time she remembered that she had given birth to a child.
     Qiuyue eyebrows were slightly picked, and the lips were raised.
     The face was respectful and said: "Back to Miss, the little "Jiji" just hugged to feed, and then he will hold it back."
     Before Hui-Ru decided that she was a son, she prepared all the colors of the red, and now she has a daughter. She wants to see if she can still be as crazy as before.
     "What do you say! Little "Jiji"? How could it be that I was born a little Prince?" He Called at the ear, and Hui-Ru looked madly.
     Qiuyue, regardless of her, waited for her to look like a wolf, and pretended to be a worried look out to find a body Mama, anyway, she did not do anything from beginning to end, that is to tell the truth, even if Hui-Ru What happened, who can doubt her.
     Yifei in the palace had already received news that Ting-Wen Hui-Ru had a small "Jiji" and was speechless during production.
     The originally expected look was quickly replaced with dissatisfaction.
     During this time, Hui-Ru can be tossed, not to mention Yin-Tang patiently exhausted, that is, Yifei has also endured for a long time, otherwise it will not indicate Hui-Ru mother-in-law, but Yifei has a heart, Hui-Ru failed to understand its meaning, and it was a good death to come to production.
     If you don't say anything else, you can say Yin-Tang, depending on Yin-Tang temper, you can bear it for a long time and look at Yifei and your children. Now, Hui-Ru is going to be produced smoothly, so I don't want to think about it for the rest of my life. I have to be pampered again.
     "The cost of this palace has spent so much thought on her, and now it seems that it is really a blessing." Yifei thought that Wan-xi had a son, and other people in the backyard, who had a pregnant daughter, could not help but feel Straight guilty.
      Qi Mama is also a human being. She knows Yifei expression very well. She can say Yifei words and look. She can guess her meaning for seven or eight points. Now it is the same. In addition, Wan-xi is favored, she is also willing to add icing on the cake, and pretend to be unintentionally: "To the old nubi the most blessed is Niang-Niang."
     "How do you say this?" Yifei was not happy, and his tone of voice seemed a bit rushing.
      Qi Mama saw Yifei not panicking, hands clasped on the lower abdomen, his body was slightly stunned, and his voice was slightly depressed: "The old nubi said something more and more, but the matter is fine, but it is Niang-Niang. Blessed? Look, since Niang-Niang picked Wanyan Side-Fujin for 9th-Prince, they got Hong-min, Hong-zhao and two little Princes. As for this Guo Luo, Miss is not Niang-Niang personally picked it, and it will be a bit late."
     Yifei heard the words, and my heart suddenly felt a lot. "But it is not like this.
     The people who choose this house personally should not be the same. Qi Mama, pass a message to the Old 9 House, let him and Wan-xi I took a few children into the palace to sit down, but this palace has not seen the grandson of the palace for many days."
     During this time, Yifei mind was placed on the stomach of Hui-Ru. For Hong-min, they really ignored it. Fortunately, Hong-min has a fixed number of times, so even if Yifei is involved Hui-Ru relationship has changed in attitude. Hong-min has not noticed it. After all, Yifei is not a point and does not care about Hong-min.
     Of course, this is not to say that Hui-Ru has a son. Yifei does not hurt Hong-min.
     They are also very fond of Hong-min.
     They only have family interests, and there will inevitably be contrasts. At this point, neither Yin-Tang nor Wan-xi have ever cared about it.
     Originally in accordance with the arrangement of Yin-Tang, Wan-xi should be the day after the children took the palace to the Empress Dowager and Yifei, and now Yifei summoned, although it was a day ahead, it did not affect the arrangement. .
     The next day, Yin-Tang sent the mother and son to the pass to the Qiankun Palace, and saw that Qi Mama personally took the person to pick up, and could not help but swear a few words, which was safe to go to the country.
      Qi Mama looked at the scene and felt that her choice was correct. Wanyan Side-Fujin is not only a favorite, but also like the other people in the 9th-Prince backyard, but all the production is small "Jiji" It's no wonder that most of them are not favored by 9th-Prince.
     "The old nubi asked Side-Fujin, please give a few small Your Highness." Qi Mama led the man to ask.
     "Mama please. In the past, Mama took care of it, and Mama would have to worry about it later." Wan-xi talked, and then Gao Mama put the pouch in the hands of Qi Mama.
     “Side-Fujin praised it.” Qi Mama received the purse from Gao Mama, and the smile on her face was deeper.
     There were a lot of things on the road. It was born in the palace, which is also for Wan Xi sells well.
     Wan-xi listened only to the fact that this harem is really a land of right and wrong. Looking at such a calm surface, the situation is so nervous. Master , when the situation is tense, it means that the situation is chaotic, and the chaotic situation means that she is abominable.
     There are really not many people in this palace who can be associated with Wan-xi. Apart from the three Empress Dowager, the Emperor and the Yifei, only one Defei can be regarded as a life and death enemy.
     The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Wan-xi can't work Popo. You can only find opportunities to help each other or add Defei yourself.
     "Mother-in-law, I brought you Hong-min.
     They came over and asked you to be safe." Wan-xi held Yali-qi to salute Yifei, and the Hong-min landing next to him also followed the ceremony.
     Yifei saw Hong-min pretend to be a small Daren sample, and asked him to be safe. He was very rare. He reached out and took the Hong-min and hugged him in his arms. He kissed him for a while, only then. Put it aside and take the Hong-zhao in the arms of Qi Mama.
     "I don't want to mention this palace, you will not come." Yifei held Hong-zhao face and looked at Ye Xue-qi Ye Xuedao.
     "Mother-in-law said this, and I felt that I should, but I can't say that I can't do it." Wan-xi pretends not to follow.
     "Oh, why?" Yifei was also a joke. Now see Wan-xi as a little daughter, and he smiled and asked a sentence.
     Wan-xi sees Yifei face curious, can't help but lean forward, and his face is mysterious and secret: "They often miss the mother-in-law, even if the mother-in-law does not call the body today, tomorrow will come to visit with the body." Mother's."
     When the mother may not like her son's filial piety, whether it is true or not, she will find the Yifei itch, let her feel comfortable and smile.
     "Well, this palace knows that you are all filial." Yifei couldn't help but boast.
     "Madam " Hong-min The little buns are very clever, and they also give face to people who like him.
     "Hey, the grandson of this palace is growing well and raising better." Yifei listened to Hong-min and called her, and the look on her face immediately became softer.
     The whole person opened his eyes and smiled, and he looked younger.
     "The mother-in-law is used to him. On the most days, she jumps up and down, and is naughty." Wan-xi smiled.
     "Naughty is good, Yin-Tang is also naughty when he was a child." Yifei looked at Hong-min, who was walking around the temple with his short legs, and couldn't help but boast.
     Yifei is interested, Wan-xi naturally can't sweep her, but the time for the Empress Dowager is fixed every day, so a few words, Yifei takes Wan-xi and several children. Please come back after you get up.
     On the way, Wan-xi gave Yin-Tang's account to Yifei, not to mention that Defei was the opposite of Yifei. It was said that this was Yin-Tang, and Yifei could not deny it.
     "You can rest assured that this is something that the palace has to do." Yifei reached out and patted the back of Wan-xi, indicating that she was at ease.
     In this palace, when it comes to petting, it is all enemies. No matter what identity it is before, what is the identity now? If you want to be pampered, you have to fight, you have to grab it, you have to fight for you.
     Yifei can kill all the blood from these shackles, and keep the two sons. If she does not stand for many years, it shows that she has her own means.
     When Yifei entered the inner hall, Tong-Guifei and others had arrived. It was too late for Yifei pedestrians to come even late.
     Yifei was about to go to the sin.
     The Empress Dowager, who was sitting at the top, saw Wan-xi and a few children. He smiled and waved: "Come, Old 9, let the mourner look."
      Hong-min has started to remember, plus often enter the palace, still have an impression on the Empress Dowager, "Hong-min to Ukumama please."
     "Good." The Empress Dowager looked at the lively and lovely Hong-min, and looked at Hong-zhao and Yali-qi, and saw that the three little buns were well raised, and they could not help but praise the Wan-xi sentence.
     When Yifei saw it, he couldn't take it for granted. He protected Hong-min and made fun of the Empress Dowager.
     Tong-Guifei and others looked at the Wan-xi and several children who liked the Empress Dowager, and they all used their faces. A few times before, they still thought about letting their grandsons go to the Empress Dowager to make fun of it. Now they don't want anything.
     Did you see it? This is the eye of the people, not smart with Cong, it will not matter, the key is to see the Empress Dowager look unsatisfactory.
     Defei stared at Yifei in front of the Empress Dowager, and he panicked. During this time, she really did not go well.
     The past honor was exhausted. If the emperor still gave her some decent, the group of women was afraid to step her into the mud. It is. Hate Zhaojia-shi has no ability, otherwise it will not be able to turn this Wanyan-shi with the child in front of the Empress Dowager.
     This cut should belong to her.
     However, this day is still growing, and I am not married yet. As long as the Uya family rises again, she will be able to hand over the original part of the palace to her, and the cut will be as smooth as before.
     Wan-xi, standing next to the Empress Dowager, inadvertently looked back, just to Defei cold and full of calculations. It’s just that she didn’t stop much. Instead, she regained her gaze before Defei reacted.
     Not Wan-xi is afraid of things, but according to her current identity, and Defei is right, it is disrespectful to the elders, do not know the honor. Instead of being a stigma for a moment, it is better to cut a heart in the bottom of my heart, find an appropriate opportunity, and give the other party a fatal blow, as if to deal with the Uya.


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