Family 530

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 530 returns 

       On April 28, 9th Prince returned home triumphantly.
       Yue-Yao took the child home and waited for the return of An Zhi. Yue-Yao is still relatively calm, but Xinxin and his 3rd Brother are happy and worried.
       Xu Brother asked: "Mother, do you say that he can recognize our Brother?" Xu Brother means that An Zhi-zhen must not be able to separate their 3rd Brother.
       The old god of Fae Ji is saying: "Reassured, you will definitely not admit your mistakes." Their 3rd Brother do not say that looks are different, and this character is different.
       Xu Brother said with disapproval: "If you admit it wrong?"
       He is also standing on the side of Fae Brother: "I don't think you should admit your mistakes." In the heart of his brother, he is like a  Mountain.
       Yue-Yao just laughed and watched the three sons arguing over there. She felt that the argument of her son was actually quite interesting and did not stop.
       Xinxin also smiled, always knowing that she was particularly hurting her, but unfortunately those things were too small to remember, but now I am finally back.
       By noon, An Zhi-zhen had not returned yet. Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Put it!" It is estimated that it will not come back for a while.
       The 3rd Brother don't want to: "I don't want to, I have to wait for you to come back and eat together." I didn't even have it before, but now I am coming back, and I have to wait for you to come back and have a reunion dinner.
       Ke-Xin also stood on the side of three younger Brother.
       It is a pity that the master of the house is Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao swept four people, then told him: "Put the rice." Come back, and later there is time to get along, don't care about such a meal.
       Xu Brother muttered: "Mother, you don't understand us at all." Where are they still having a mood to eat, they are eager to come back soon!
       I laughed at Wei Wei, and when I came across such a living treasure, I couldn’t laugh!
       Yue-Yao looks the same at all: "Mother only knows that you are still young and you are not hungry when you are growing up. Don't talk so much, eat."
       Xu Brother was dissatisfied with his stomach, but the face that had no expression on his mother, Xu Brother could only retract her head and eat honestly.
       After spending lunch and rest for a while, Yue-Yao let the three children go to sleep. Don't say that Xu Brother is not doing it, and Lian has always been obedient and obedient. "Mother, let us wait here! Let's go back and we can't sleep!"
       Yue-Yao is not forced: "Then go back to the house of the mother." Yue-Yao is also guessing that Ann will not come back for a while, so that the child can go to sleep.
       No way, but Xin can only go to Yue-Yao bedroom, lying on the couch and blinking. As for the 3rd Brother, they were rushed to the wing to rest.
       After Wei and other children walked away, they smiled and said: "Is it possible that the child thinks about you in my heart?" Seeing Yue-Yao is so light and light, unsuspecting people will definitely think Yue-Yao and Don't care about the peace of mind.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "What the child thinks is not important. The important thing is that Heyue will come back this time and will not leave us anymore." The husband has been outside for so many years, and now he is coming back, she is not a cold-blooded person, where Can not be excited, but she is more stable.
       The four children had a nap after sleep, and An Zhi did not return. This time, the next brother, the question is full: "Mother, why haven't you come back yet? I am looking forward to wearing autumn water."
       Yue-Yao only felt that a crow flew over his head.
       My brother’s face is terrible, but Xin’s efforts to maintain discoloration. Only Wei smiled out: "If you hear you, Master Yu, it is estimated that the heart of death is there."
       Fae Brother took a look at the head of Xu Brother and smiled and said: "It is to look at the eyes, not to wear the autumn water. In the future, I will use idioms again, be careful that Master Qi will hit your board."
       Xu Brother spit out his tongue, he said not to be quick, and it was not intentional.
       Waiting for a while, this time Lian can not sit still: "Mother, when can I get home?" Waiting for the next meal.
       Yue-Yao took out his pocket watch and said: "It should be almost the same." Yesterday, the army was stationed outside the city. Many generals sneaked into the city and returned home. However, An Zhi rules and regulations were not returned yesterday. .
       Xiang Wei spoke for this, but Yue-Yao felt that it was justified. The following generals would like to go back and look at their loved ones. One eye has closed and one eye has passed, but An Zhi-zhi, as a general, must lead by example. Otherwise, there is no confidence in the subordinates.
       At the end of the application, the big housekeeper ran in and said: " Madam, the general has already come out of the palace, and will soon be home."
       Yue-Yao This took four children to the gate to meet. When the group had just arrived at the gate, they heard a rush of horseshoes.
       Xu Brother clutched Fae Ji arm tightly and cried happily: "Second brother, this must have been riding back."
       Fae Brother couldn't help but wrinkle his brow, but he did not push the hand of Xu Ji hand, but looked out the door.
       Soon, a group of people riding a horse appeared in front of everyone. The headed man rode a black high-headed horse and dressed in an armor.
       Xu Brother’s hand is tight: “Second brother, this is definitely awkward.”
       Fae Brother originally looked at the person immediately, but there was a pain in his arm. He finally couldn’t help but pull the hand of Xu Ji hand from his arm: "Come down, hurry."
       Yue-Yao looked at the man standing in front of her, black and thin, but the spirit is very good. Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Is it back?" The simple three words contain countless thoughts.
       An Zhi nodded his head and his voice softly echoed: “Well, come back.” It’s like he not seven years away from home, but he coming back a few days.
       The warmth of the husband and ‘Madam’ was quickly broken by a weak voice. Can whispered softly: “..."
       Yue-Yao smiled and did not explain.
       An Zhi-zhen looked at Xinxin, his eyes softened more and more: "Chen Xin grew into a Eldest Miss." When I walked, it was only so big, and now it is almost on his waist.
       Hey Brother and Fae Brother and Xu Brother called in unison: “." This voice is loud and powerful, let alone Yue-Yao, that is, a person who followed An An’s body listened to laugh it out.
       An Zhi-zhen looked at the three sons, and said after a sigh: "Go in!"
       Xu Brother was so excited, but he could say this, as if he had poured a basin of water on his head to make him feel cool.
       An Zhi-zhen and Yue-Yao walked in front, but Xin is behind, and the 3rd Brother are the last.
       There was some panic in the heart of Xu Brother, and he whispered to his buddy: "Big brother, do you say that you are not..." This meeting is completely different from what Xu Brother imagined. He thinks that he has been so many years old. I haven't seen them in the Northwest, and I have to hold them when I meet! As a result, it is so cold and faint.
       When the Xu Brother’s words were not finished, I felt someone was watching him. As soon as he looked up, he saw that his old man was looking at him. The sharp eyes made the Brother hit a spirit, and they dared to return to the words of Xu Ji.
       He also gave a shock to his brother, and his eyes were too horrible!
       Yue-Yao smiled a little, but did not say anything. Because of the old age, Xu Brother can be happy with his brother and Fae Brother, and she also had some partial pains before, causing Fae Brother to act a little. This half year has been much better under Master Yu discipline.
       Back to the main courtyard, four children were waiting outside, and Yue-Yao accompanied An Zhi into the house to change clothes.
       Xu Brother and other old Lady entered the house and whispered: "Big brother, second brother, do you say that you don't like us?" He was too cold for them, and he couldn't think of Xu Brother.
       My brother remembered that his eyes were still awkward, but he thought that he should not hate them. After all, he was a biological son, and he was not a one.
       Fae Brother said at the opening: "No more nonsense, you are a general, and you are very accustomed to subordinates, so this is the case." Fae Brother means that he is used to nature, not specifically for them. .
       Xu Brother did not agree with this opinion, and asked the singer who had never heard anything: "Sister, what do you mean by ?" Xu Brother just saw it very clearly. He is better than his sister. Not only laughed, but also talked to his sister.
       I can agree with Fae Brother’s point of view.
       Yue-Yao accompanied An Zhi into the bedroom, which opened the door: "You just deliberately?" Not to mention three children, that is, Yue-Yao also feels that the look of An Zhi-zhen is too scary. Yue-Yao doesn't think that An Zhi will be so unbalanced.
       An Zhi-Xiao chuckled: "Well, the three boys are still pretty good. Especially the second child, there is a great general style, the boss and the third child have to hone and hone." His subordinates saw his appearance. They are honest, but the second is the same, which makes An Zhi-zhen very satisfied.
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "What general style, Fae Brother will follow the text."
       An Zhi-yu had already got the letter of Yue-Yao. He knew that Fae Brother was in the name of Master Wang Lao. He did not object to it. As long as he could mix up the same, his son from Wu Congwu did not matter: "Boss The third child is still more honed and honed."
       Yue-Yao took out a set of black clothes from the cupboard. This clothes was made by Yue-Yao himself. They were all in accordance with the size of An Zhi-wei: "I will give it to you later. "The son is the one who came to teach, and she only taught good things."
       An Zhi saw the pattern embroidered on the corner of the clothes. He smiled and asked: "Is this clothes made by you?" He knows that Yue-Yao embroidery is good, but Yue-Yao rarely gives him time. Make clothes.
       Yue-Yao nodded and then changed clothes to An Zhi.
       After changing the clothes, An Zhi gently squats Yue-Yao and said: "In the past few years, I have worked hard." With four children, I have to deal with things inside and outside, and I have to face the outside world. The people, fortunately, Yue-Yao scorpion is hard and they are all over.
       Yue-Yao eyes were awkward, but Yue-Yao quickly converges on the emotions of the outside, and Mute said with a voice: "If there is anything to say at night, the children are still waiting!"
       An Zhi-yi kissed Yue-Yao forehead and said, “Okay.”

       Chapter 531 Ping Yangbo 

       When An Zhi went out, it was still a serious look.
       Xu Brother looked at him with a face, no smile, and some fear in his heart. In the past, I felt that his mother was too strict in the heart of Xu Brother, but this would be less than an hour with An Zhi. Xu Brother felt that her mother was very gentle.
       After using the dinner, An Zhi-zhen went out.
       Xu Brother stood next to Yue-Yao and asked: "Mother, don't you like us?" He looked so harsh and worried.
       Yue-Yao did not answer the words of Xu Brother, but looked at his brother and Fae Brother and asked: "Do you also have the same thoughts as Xu Ji?"
       Yan Brother shook his head and said: "No, mother, I didn't think so." Although he looked harsh, he still didn't like them.
       Fae Ji problem is much deeper: “- is a general, and he is very accustomed to his subordinates, so it will be like this." Fae Brother means that An Zhi does not dislike them, but is used to nature, not specifically targeted. Their.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Fi Ji is right. You are a great general in the army. He is in charge of hundreds of thousands of troops. If he is always hippie and smiling, who will serve him?"
       Xu Brother looked forward and said: "Mother, isn't that the future?"
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "This mother doesn't know, but it! You always say that the mother is strict. Now you are coming back. When you see you, don't you say that you are strict?" 'Zi, Cheng Brother  and Xu Brother are afraid of some sin.
       Hearing his brother, the brother-in-law listened to this and unconsciously shuddered, and there was a smile on his face.
       An Zhi-zhi didn't go home until the end of the Hai Family. When he entered the yard, he saw the lights in the room still lit up. He entered the room and watched Yue-Yao lying in bed reading a book. He saw it and his heart rose. A warm current.
       Yue-Yao heard the footsteps, put down the book in his hand, and smiled and said: "Come back, the valley is quiet, let the kitchen come up late."
       An Zhi nodded and said: "Okay."
       Outside, Datong and Akai slumbered to eat cheerfully, Akai exclaimed: "It is not the same when you go home." In the army, where was the treatment.
       Datong's thoughts at this time are not eating: "Akai! How do you see this Eldest Miss? I want the generals to follow Madam, don't know Madam will agree? ”
       Akai naturally supports Datong: "The near-water tower will get the first month, and the general will definitely promise."
       Don’t look at Datong’s, it’s not stupid at all. He knows very well that as long as Gu You and Gu Lan are not allowed to be equipped with others, Madam will certainly not refuse. As for Akai, he likes to be a little in the border town. Miss Cui Miss was married in the northwest at the end of last year.
       An Zhi-hao finished eating late at night, went to the clean room to bathe, was taking a shower, and An Zhi-Yao came in, and said: "When you go out, I will be fine soon."
       Yue-Yao smiled, the children are all four, and the old ‘Madam’ is embarrassed, but when she walks in, I know that An Zhi is not embarrassed, but afraid that the injury hurt her, did not go Before the northwest, An Zhi-zhen also had scars, but only six scars, and now the scars on his body criss-cross, looking particularly scary.
       Yue-Yao has a pain in his heart, tears have to come down, but Yue-Yao hardly pushes his tears back. After holding back his emotions, pick up the towel on the side and give it back.
       An Zhi voice is particularly gentle: “Nothing, it’s gone.”
       Yue-Yao snorted, not talking, afraid of a word can not control the emotions crying, licking the scars on his body, afraid that every time he was snoring, he was injured, but the family letter did not say it once. It’s always a good news and no worries.
       In order to transfer Yue-Yao attention, An Zhi-wei said with a smile about Yue-Yao last entrustment to him: "Zeng Dazhuang is a man of great value, his temper is also bold, his family is simple, and there is a brother. Mei Mei, the brother was separated two years ago, Mei Mei is also married, there is only one daughter under Zeng Daqiang, there is no son, how do you see it?"
       Yue-Yao feels good: "Is there anyway to say that Yue-huan is going to be remarried with Cheng Hong?" Yue-Yao wrote a letter to An Zhi-yu before mentioning only two conditions, one is the death of both parents, the other is the other To accept Cheng Hong, as for Yue-huan, it is not possible to mention this Yue-Yao.
       An Zhi-sheng nodded: "Zeng Daqiang promised, but he said that when the child gets married, he has to let him go out." This can save a lot of right and wrong.
       Yue-Yao feels that this requirement is reasonable. Now that Zeng Dazhuang has no children, if he has a son, the two children are too different in age, and it is easy to get rid of the right and wrong together.
       After taking a shower, the two went back to the house together. An Zhi looked at Yue-Yao, and a small flame was raised in his eyes. The two men also became husband and ‘Madam’ for several years. That look is what you mean Yue-Yao. Understand that Yue-Yao face is a bit red: "It's not convenient these days."
       An Zhi-zhen also felt too coincidental, but there was no more extra action: "Let's sleep!" An Zhi lying in bed, and soon fell asleep.
       Yue-Yao didn't have any sleep, but she didn't get up, so she was in the arms of An Zhi-, quietly thinking about things, thinking about it, and falling asleep.
       On the second day, An Zhi-yu got up early, and Yue-Yao wanted to get up, but he was pressed by An Zhi-: "You are unfavorable, then you can sleep again!"
       Yue-Yao chuckled a little: "Nothing, I am going to fight every day at this time." Thinking of this, Yue-Yao said: “Brother, they have to get up every day to practice martial arts. Do you want to wait for the past? Look?"
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "No hurry, wait for me to be busy this time, I personally teach them martial arts."
       Yue-Yao said busyly: "You don't be too harsh on your children." With An Zhi party, it is not a kind-hearted person. The two children must be sinned.
       An Zhi thoughts don’t want to say: “Jade doesn’t know what to do.” I remember that when he was practicing martial arts, he was hurting all over the body, and he couldn’t get up in pain. He could still get up and practice as soon as he got there. It is necessary to discipline two children.
       Yue-Yao has no more to say, and how strict is it. When the sternness is severe, the son will not be exhausted, but the two children have no good days.
       Yue-Yao shifted the topic: "It is reasonable to say that the news of the victory in the northwest of the day will be rewarded. Why is it still silent now?" Yue-Yao is very strange about this.
       An Zhi-zhen paused and said: "The coach is not sealed, and the following people are not good." The coach is 9th Prince, and this time he won a big victory because 9th Prince won the leader of the other party. 9th Prince.
       Yue-Yao brain turned fast: "You mean that the emperor wants to enshrine 9th Prince as the Crown Prince. Has it been that there has been no reward?" Zu Xun is a servant, no sturdy, 9th Prince is The only shi-zi, the just-in-time successor.
       An Zhi nodded and said: "It’s probably just this time." Even if the emperor did not mention it, the following ministers couldn’t stand it. After two years, the matter of stocking could not be delayed.
       Yue-Yao smiled and asked: "What kind of reward can you probably have?" Xiang Wei said that An Zhi May have a title. Once there is a title, there must be a royal house. Yue-Yao does not want to. Moving!
       If an outsider asks, An Zhi-zhen will definitely fight the official, and a ‘Madam’ asks, An Zhi-zhen naturally said: "With my military skills, I should be able to get a count, as for a few products, it is still unclear."
       Yue-Yao muttered: "There is a royal house? It’s true to Wei, I really have to move!" She finally picked up the house, but she didn’t expect to move again.
       An Zhi-wei was a little bit smirking. He thought that Yue-Yao was concerned about her high and low level. For a long time, she was unwilling to move.
       As expected, the third day of the return of the army, the emperor under the sacred decree, sealed the 9th Prince for the Crown Prince, see the Qintian imperial election Huangdaoji Day held the canonization ceremony, at the same time, the reward of the meritorious minister also came down, Anzhi was sealed as Pingyang Bo, rewarding three thousand acres of good land, one house, another gold two thousand, silver two thousand.
       After leaving the public gown of Wei and others, he smiled and said: "I thought it was three generations, but I didn't want to be attacked for five generations." This is an unexpected surprise.
       Yue-Yao has grown a sigh of relief: "There is no need to worry about my brother." The eldest son is more than enough, and his wit is not enough. Now she has this title, and she does not need to worry about it. As for Xu Brother, follow the example of An Zhi. The saying that Xu Brother still has some talents in martial arts, as long as he teaches well, will not be a future.
       Xiang Wei is too admired Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao never wants to follow her at a point: "The emperor's house is on the cloud, we have to send people to clean up." How big is the house.
       Yue-Yao doesn't want to move at all. How good it is to live now, but unfortunately it is the emperor's reward, can't live without it: "You take someone to see it!" Now Yue-Yao handles housework, will take It’s okay, my daughter is nine years old, and the school is doing business.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Now, An Zhi-zhen sealed the count, but Xin is the Eldest Miss of the Earl, and he will not find a good family in the future."
       Yue-Yao chuckled: "I wouldn't have been jealous."
       I finally understood it when I saw it. At the beginning, Yue-Yao was purely scaring her, but she was not annoyed with Wei. She said: "The cow Master must have regretted death."
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "The two roads are different. If you don't exist, you don't regret it. In fact, the cow Lao Taiye has set the Peng family's Miss for the small group. It is also a good thing for us."
       Wei Wei has some doubts: "Why do you say that?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The long squat is not so good." Ming-zhu will definitely regenerate, and the burden of this long squat can be light.
       Asked Wei Wei, "What do you mean, don't you want to tell Ke-Xin to your eldest son?" As long as the eldest son is set, the future is the ‘Madam’, and the burden of the daughter is not light.
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Turned a few turns to Wei Xin's heart: "Do you have a choice in your heart?" Taking Yue-Yao to sit on the Diaoyutai, I feel that Yue-Yao should have counted.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "No, but it is still sweet and small, and it is sure to pick satisfaction."

       Chapter 532 says media 

       The man’s dream is to worship the vassal. Nowadays, it is a great joy to be enshrined with the military power, and this banquet is definitely indispensable.
       The list of guests was drafted by the big butler. An Zhi-yu added a lot of people. The final list was in the hands of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao looked at the list of guests, and the brow wrinkled. In the evening, he said with An Zhi-xun: " Master, I am not going to ask the Lin family."
       An Zhi-wei is a bit strange: "Why?" Such a big happy event does not give people a post, it is equal to breaking off with someone. An Zhi-qi does not think that Yue-Yao is such a person who is not measured, and there must be something in it.
       Yue-Yao did not take advantage of An Zhi-, directly said his own thoughts: "I want to wait for the court to come back, let him and Lin Shi-shi and away."
       An Zhi face became serious: "This is not a trivial matter, what happened, let you have this idea?" If the court is to follow Lin-Shi, then the marriage will become an enemy, but An Zhi-zhi knows Yue-Yao 'temperament' son, and Yue-Yao is not that kind of heart-wrenching. If it is only a small festival, it will definitely not let Yue-Yao take this idea.
       In the northwest, Yue-Yao has always reported good news and no worries. Those things that are messy will not be told by An Zhi-, so that they are not worried.
       Yue-Yao said all the things that Lin Qing yi did, and did not add any oil and vinegar. They all said truthfully.
       An Zhi-zheng listened to the back with anger: "She took a dowry to give someone a gift, and finally only give money to the matter?" He did not make too much evaluation in front of the matter, but took up her daughter's dowry and finally took the money. It’s been sent, and this is definitely not tolerated.
       Yue-Yao is a little embarrassed: "I didn't accept the gift from Lin, and people sent it back. I didn't accept the money that Lin-Shi gave me."
       An Zhi looked at Yue-Yao and asked, "And then?"
       Yue-Yao snorted and looked pale: "Nothing."
       An Zhi does not know whether it is the laugh or the temper: "No wonder Lin-shi will be so arrogant, all of you are indulgent."
       Yue-Yao retorted a little: "How can you blame me?" Actually, Wei said this to her, but Yue-Yao didn't think it was her fault. This is what He said, Yue-Yao Something is not happy in my heart.
       An Zhi face said: "Isn't this your indulgence? I said that when she climbed the bed with Servant, she slandered you. At that time, you asked her to drive her back to her family. You said that Lin is definitely Lian. But what about you? If you don’t say anything, you will be sulking when you go home. If you do this kind of behavior, you will get Lin-shi face on your nose and not put you in your eyes.”
       Yue-Yao was stunned and bowed his head.
       An Zhi-wei sighed a little, his ‘Madam’ was this temper, and she couldn't change it if she wanted her to change. Fortunately, Yue-Yao was soft, but the act was still very measured: "The Lin family does not ask, Lin  Shi-shi can't ask, if you ask why, it means what I mean."
       Yue-Yao is hesitant. Lin’s people don’t ask if it’s okay. If Lian Lin-Shi doesn’t ask, the unsuspecting person thinks she going to turn her face with the court.
       An Zhi said with helplessness: "Since you decided to let the court and Lin-shi and Shi away, you should not see Lin-shi and Lin family on the same day, directly face them, you, It’s not good to act at all.” At that time, he turned his face and asked for the court to follow Lin’s and Shi and he still standing. Now the two faces are calm, and Yue-Yao asks for the court. Shi-shi and away, when it is Yue-Yao is ignored.
       Yue-Yao is awkward, she also knows that she is too soft.
       It’s not easy for An Zhi to think of Yue-Yao. Nowadays, “It’s okay to be born. It’s the same as the blood of the child. The forest-Shi is a scourge, leaving this scourge, and the court is finished in this life. Since you can't take your heart, then do what I say. I won't let Lin-shi go to my house again in the future." Just a woman who is not divided, can't stay.
       Yue-Yao is a little embarrassed, and the things of her family are still safe to help.
       An Zhi-Xiao can't smile: "It's a fool, your business is not my business." For Yue-Yao, I can tell him about it, Ann is still very happy, from this thing you can see Yue Yao will not be jealous of him. Anything will tell him that there is something wrong with the husband and ‘Madam’. It is good to have something to discuss with everyone.
       Yue-Yao also smiled on his face.
       An Zhi will pick up a small dice on the table and give it to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao opened the dice and looked at all the silver tickets. It scared a big jump: "Where did this come from?" Even if it is a spoils, it should not be so much.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "You said that the northwest will fight in the middle of the year. I have partnered with people to get a few horse races, and the northwest is fighting. These horses sell for a good price."
       Yue-Yao has widened his eyes. This is tanta Mount to saying that raising a horse has earned more than 200 thousand yuan: "Is it a horse?" Yue-Yao is self-satisfied with his own wealth, and he is no better than An Zhi.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "The ‘Ma’ has earned almost 200 thousand yuan. In addition, there is a scorpion, but the scent is also big. It will be married in a few years. The money is just for the dowry." An Zhi-zhi also knows Yue Yao has a lot of money every year, and the family doesn't pay for it, but this is his heartfelt wish.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have seen good things in the past few years and I have been yelling at her?" Yue-Yao didn't worry about the money, but now he has got so much money and he is more and more comfortable.
       An Zhi suddenly remembered one thing: "Gu You and Gu Lan 'marriage proposal' Is it?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I am worried about this matter! I am not satisfied with the few who are looking for them." Looking for something to do with, Gu You and Gu Lan are not happy.
       An Zhi said with a smile: "Datong took a fancy to the valley, Datong and Akai have been with me for so many years, I am going to let them go out." Let go, the future is certainly good.
       Yue-Yao eyes lit up: "Cheng, then I asked Gu You." Datong looks like awkward, but Yue-Yao knows that people who can be reused by An Zhi-, certainly not stupid, Gu You follow him. In the future, I will be able to live a few days Nai-Nai.
       An Zhi-xuan said: "When the things in the house are over, let Yue-huan see you big! Big and strong should be put out, will not stay in the capital, if Yue-Yao also likes, pick a day Let's do it, let her go with Da Zhuang."
       Yue-Yao thought for a moment and said: "Then I will let her come tomorrow. If she agrees, let them see them on these two days?"
       An Zhi nodded and said: "Alright."
       Yue-Yao is going to sleep, and An Zhi-qi comes up and whispered, "Can you?" When the monk for six years, the former ‘Madam’ could not stand it, and now the ‘Madam’ is still tolerant. Test endurance.
       Yue-Yao gently snorted.
       On the second day, Wei Wei inquired about the situation of the main house. I heard that I had two waters in one night. I was relieved to Wei. It’s been back for a few days. It’s been quiet and let Wei Wei I am very worried that An Zhi-wei can't be humane when he hurts. He can't blame Wei Wei people for worrying about the sky, but he often has such a thing happening.
       Yue-Yao sent away An Zhi and two sons to go out, turned to talk to Wei Wei about Yue-huan: "Let you inquire about this Zeng Da Zhuang, how is the inquisition?" Not Yue-Yao no I believe that An Zhi-, only Yue-Yao feels that men and women are not the same, this is after all, it is about Yu-Yao life, or a good one.
       Xiang Wei nodded: " Master selected this person is not bad, heavy feelings and righteousness, self-satisfaction, very painful to her daughter, character is no problem."
       Yue-Yao nodded his head: "In this case, you send someone to ask Yue-huan to come over, I will tell her about this."
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Well, I hope you can talk to her."
       Yue-huan knows that Yue-Yao asked her to guess what it was. When she changed her clothes, she followed Servant to Anfu.
       Yue-Yao looked at Yue-huan and lost a lot, but the color is very good, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You probably know what I am asking you to come over for."
       The Ying-huan nodded: "Three sisters, he promised not to be jealous?" Yue-huan felt that she was in this condition, and men would not agree in all likelihood.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I didn't tell your brother-in-law that you are not allowed to be jealous of this. I just told him about your other two conditions."
       Yue-huan is very unexpected: "Why?"
       The small Servant came with tea and snacks, and there were quite a few fruits. Yue-Yao took a grape and peeled it in his  Mouth. After eating it, he said: "I think you have a certain meaning in this condition. No, so I didn’t mention it to your brother-in-law."
       Yue-huan does not understand why Yue-Yao said so.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Even if the other party promises not to be guilty, but he will ask you to stop it?" Yue-Yao believes that this commitment is entirely self-deception.
       Yue-huan will be stunned.
       Yue-Yao continued: "Yue-huan, Zeng Daren is very self-disciplined. He has been dead for five years. He hasn’t collected any women, and he has never been to a place like **, so you want to let him not Oh, it’s not difficult, just look at your own skills.” Since the other side character is very good in all aspects, to let the other party not be guilty, you can only rely on your own skills.
       The Ying-huan asked: "Did you not let your brother-in-law promise not to be jealous?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, I am still saying that the man is not only a man's character, but also a ‘Madam’. If you insist, I can ask people to ask, but I Again, this condition has no meaning."
       Yue-huan looked down for a long time.
       Xiang Wei said: "In fact, Zeng Dazhuang is a good person. It’s only twenty-six years old. It’s not difficult to go up again. The most important thing is that there is only one daughter, no son, no daughter. It is also a dowry thing. "Without a son, it means that there will be no disputes in the future. This is the result of An Zhi appearance. Otherwise, it is definitely not difficult to have a big shi-nu in the situation of Zeng Dazhuang.
       Yue-Yao said: "You don't have to worry about the character. Your brother-in-law is still accurate in seeing people. If you want to see it, if you don't have this idea, then forget it."
       According to the function of Yue-huan, she is not willing to marry again, but the surname is three times and four times, making her tireless. The surnamed family has three Small Concubine, and there is a powerful old Lady and 'sister In-law', she has no tendency to be abused, how can she see such a man, but her cheap old Lady is very concerned about this surname, very good idea of ​​being a pro, taking this state down if she is I don't agree, I am afraid that her cheap old man will come hard.
       Yue-huan also thought about leaving the capital, but she also knew that she could be so comfortable in Capital City. She mainly got the shelter of Yue-Yao. If she left the capital to go to other places, she was not familiar with her life. Being bullied, Yue-huan hesitated and said: "See you!"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Take a day to see one side, you don't have to think too much. If you don't agree, just say it." She is only responsible for setting up a bridge, and she does not have to answer Yue-huan. It’s your own, and the most important thing is to look at the moon’s own meaning.
       Yue-huan only listened to this heart to relax.
       After two days, Yue-huan met with Zeng Da Zhuang. Zeng Dazhuang saw Yue-huan and was shocked as a man of heaven. Lian would not say anything.
       That kind of thing, causing Yue-huan to laugh out, although there is Yue-Yao, but Yue-huan still asked the words of the heart: "Zeng Daren, I told my three sisters that day, I must promise if I marry the other party. My two conditions, the first is that I have to take my son Cheng Hong together, and the second is that the other party is not allowed to accept Nao." As for the first parental death, the condition is automatically omitted.
       Zeng Dazhuang did not want to agree.
       Zeng Dazhuang’s attitude was too refreshing, and Yue-huan was somewhat unacceptable.
       Zeng Dazhuang said with a smile: "My mother used to tell our Brother that when she was alive, she would marry her daughter-in-law and live with her daughter-in-law. If she has grown up, her intestines will be married and she will not be married. So I never thought about this."
       Yue-huan is somewhat curious as to why the mother who had grown up would say these things.
       Zeng Dazhuang did not take advantage of Yue-huan and said: "My Maternal Grandfather was because of a servant, and a good home was scattered." Specifically, Zeng Dazhuang did not say too detailed.
       Yue-huan is a bit embarrassed: "I'm sorry."
       Zeng Dazhuang said with a smile: "I am not your fault, you apologize! And things have been going on for so many years, my grandmother and my mother are not there, they are old friends."
       From this month, we can see that this person is straight and will not bend around. It is very easy to get along with such people. In fact, Yue-huan is also a straight person, but it is the environment of this era. She had to hide her own nature.
       Yue-huan has some good feelings for Zeng Dazhuang, but she still has doubts. She is worried that she only sees the strong side.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "You can rest assured! I am with your brother-in-law, he does not dare to bully you." Yue-Yao said that it is to give Yue-huan back.
       After hesitating for a moment, Yue-huan said: "Three sisters, you let me think about it again." If you remarriage for a lifetime, you can't decide on this side.
       Yue-Yao smiled a little: "No hurry, you think slowly, and then give me a reply after a few days." With the attitude of Yue-huan, this marriage can be achieved in all likelihood.
       Yue-Yao banquet's invitation was sent out soon.
       Lin’s news was very well-informed. When everyone heard the post and they didn’t receive the post, Lin Madam’s heart was not good. Lian was busy asking Lin-shi.
       Lin Qing yi heard that her mother did not receive the post, and she did not think much at all: "I have not received the post, mother, don't worry, you may send it later."
       Lin-Shi can be so optimistic, it is determined that Yue-Yao will not send her an invitation. But Lin Madam is different. She felt the danger after listening to Lin Qing xi words. On the same day, I told Lin Master: "Is there anything wrong with this incident?" Lian-Shi has indicated that he has not pursued it. Now suddenly the post is not going down. Whose idea is this? If it is the idea of ​​An Zhi-, this can be very troublesome. Nowadays, An Zhi-zhen is a big red man in front of the emperor. If he offended him, it is not a good thing.
       Lin Master frowned and said: "Are you sure that you are not Lian-Shi idea?" Lin Master feels that An Zhi is not because of a small matter with Qing and his family can't get through.
       Lin-Shi shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be. In the New Year, Qing yi also went to settle down with his granddaughter!" It is not the time to attack.
       Lin Master said after a moment: "Then I will find a chance to ask An Da."
       Xiang Wei knows that he has not sent an invitation to Lin Jia and Lin-Shi. Now I understand that this is definitely not the idea of ​​Yue-Yao. I will not do things with Yue-Yao. So absolutely, I have considered Wei for a long time, and finally I found the peace of mind.
       Yue-Yao and An Zhi-xuan only said about the red coral tree. The other did not say too much, but this will listen to Xiang Wei saying that Lin-Shi did it, and An’s face appeared. Anger: "You said that Lin-shi also puts rumors out to yue-Yao?"
       Xiang Wei nodded: "Not only that, Lin-Shi also blamed her for not being able to regenerate Madam head." Xiang Wei thinks Yue-Yao to Lin-Shi Too much connivance, and to Wei Wei know that Yue-Yao 'temperament' is not a person who can get a hand, now decided, when the court is crying and asking for help, she must be soft, she can I don't want this to happen because of Yue-Yao heart.
       The anger on An Zhi face could not be stopped. After a long time, An Zhi-xuan said: “You don’t have to deal with this matter, I will handle it.”
       Xiang Wei smiled and nodded: "Good."
       On the second day, Yue-Yao saw that An Zhi-zhen came back with a smile, and now I know that this is another happy event.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "The Marquis recommended that I be the leader of the banned army, the emperor has already approved." The banned army leader, this is a pivotal position, the emperor can promise, indicating that the emperor still trusts him.
       Yue-Yao. “Why did the Marquis recommend you to be the leader of the banned army?” If Yue-Yao was still worried about the team’s problems, now Chu Jun was settled, and An Zhi-jun said that 9th Prince is a shrewd and powerful person. Lord, 7th Prince is not enough, Yue-Yao is not worried.
       An Zhi said with a smile: "The Marquis naturally has his reason to do this. Right, the battle in Haikou is very smooth. It will end in the two months." If there is no war in the northwest, add On the south of the Yangtze River, there was a drought, and the few shrimps and crabs would be cleaned up early.
       With those things that Wei said, An Zhi-zhen had already made a decision in his heart. If Lin-Shi disagreed and left, he would have taken her off.
       Ting Zheng can come back to Yue-Yao, naturally happy, but I can think of what happened when the court is coming back. Yue-Yao has some headaches. She said to An Zhi-zhen that she wants to let Lin Zheng and Lin-Shi and leave this. After the incident, he hesitated again. As the saying goes, it is better to dismantle the ten temples and not regret a family. She feels that she is cruel.
       An Zhi-zhen is really funny and auspicious: "You don't have to intervene in this matter, I will handle it well." Since the decision has been made, it must be put in place, and half of it will remain infinitely.
       Yue-Yao said with concern: "What if the court does not agree?" The court is so fond of Lin-Shi, making it difficult for him and him to win.
       An Zhi cold voice sighed: "If he does not agree, then you will not be allowed to intervene in the future, and the two families will not have to come again." Lin-Shi became like this, Yue Yao is responsible for a part of the responsibility, but the biggest responsibility is in the body of Tingzheng. Lin-Shi has repeatedly caused trouble, but Tingzheng does not know how to manage it, letting Lin-Shi, A Lian's own ‘Madam’ is a bad man, and there is no future in the future.
       Yue-Yao bowed his head and said after a long time: "Well, I listen to you."
       An Zhi-Yuan knows that Yue-Yao is sad, and holds Yue-Yao in his arms: "I didn't investigate the previous things. If this is the case, the court is listening to you, and Lin-shi is away, you give him again. Pick a virtuous and capable ‘Madam’. If he doesn't listen to you, if he doesn't want to follow Lin-Shi and leave, then he will be far away, and he will have a quieter far away! Yue-Yao, you should do it. This is what my sister has done, and you should not do it. Even if you come to the bottom of the earth after a hundred years, you will not blame you for your father-in-law." Since the court was reluctant to leave Lin-shi, he will let himself Cooking, he does not allow Yue-Yao to go to the court to wipe the butt, and does not allow Lin-shi to go to his home.
       An Zhi-zhen not only hates Lin-Shi, but also a fire on the court. Yue-Yao has spent so much effort to train his Daren, and he has to pay attention to his future, and he will pay when he is married. Again, the result was a slap in the face of a so-called daughter-in-law, Lin-Shi did not know the so-called, but the court is not tied, by Lin-shi to bully Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao feels a little sad, how did things get to this point, after a long time, Yue-Yao said: "I don't really understand, even if I don't agree with this marriage, I didn't do anything later. Lin How does 'shi-shi hate me so much?" She wanted Tingzheng and Lin-Shi and the idea of ​​leaving is also the idea that Lin-Shi came back from Haikou, before she was against Lin. Shi-shi does not say good, at least no evil thoughts, but nothing has done too much!
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "If she is clear in her mind, she will not make these stupid things." An Zhi-zhi means that Lin-Shi is a brainless person, and it is impossible to reason with people without a brain.
       In An Zhi heart, Lin Qing yi is a man without a brain. A person with normal brain will treat his husband's aunt's aunt as an enemy. If the brain is clear, it will make the royal history impeach his husband to accept bribes and almost lose his official.
       An Zhi-zhen was actually quite puzzled. He also inquired about it that Lin-Shi was a good judge, otherwise he would not persuade Yue-Yao to let Yue-Yao agree to the marriage, but did not expect Lin The Shishi-shi was so unbearable, and learned from this incident, he thought that in the future, he would have to let Yue-Yao take the lead, and he would not do anything by the outside.
       Speaking of it, Yue-Yao 'temperament' is a bit soft, but An Zhi is a hard-line, and the husband and ‘Madam’ are just complementary.
       Lin Master When looking for Anzhi, An Zhi-zhen is not really good-Yao-Yao, and he directly asks Lin Master: "Red coral tree, you said that it is a misunderstanding, I will not pursue it, but after this thing comes out, you The daughter not only did not apologize in Lian's sentence, but even dared to say in her house that she would like to pay for the price. Does she think that my family lacks this silver? It takes up my daughter's dowry, and even has no intention of repentance, only let the steward Lady send it. Three thousand Silver Taels came to my house, and it was me Madam was generous, and your daughter would be wild in my house. If I was at home, I would not allow her to step into the first half of the house. ""
       Lin Master is busy saying: "Count Bo-ye, there must be a misunderstanding here, it was me Madam personally took the little girl to the door to plead guilty, absolutely no..."
       An Zhi-xuan sneered: "Is there such a thing, you go back and ask Lin Madam knows that I Madam raises the court, and your daughter does not say that she treats her as a mother-in-law. Also, respect her! But what is your daughter doing? Servant climbed the bed and said that he was yelling at me Madam didn't arrange well, and spread the rumors in the capital and ruined me Madam's reputation, himself I can't live and say that it is me Madam is harmful. I don't bother to say anything else. I Madam is not generous with her, but I can't allow her to be so practiced by you." Lin Shi-shi behavior is clearly not to put Yue-Yao in the eye, Lin-Shi in Lian-jia how he can not control, but bullying to Yue-Yao head is absolutely intolerable He has been with Yue-Yao for so many years and he has not been willing to let Yue-Yao suffer a little bit of grievances. He can be bullied by Lin-Shi three times, which is why he can't bear it anyway. of.
       Lin Master listened to this statement and his face turned red. In fact, Lin Master, regardless of the housekeeping, really did not know that Lin Qing yi had done so many things.
       An Zhi face is very cold: "Lin-Shi is the ‘Madam’ of Tingzheng, who is Lian-jia. I can't control it, but I don't allow her to step in the door of the house."
       Lin Master looks green and purple.
       An Zhi-xuan is no longer talking to Lin Master nonsense, turned and left the box to go home.
       Lin Master returned to the family to ask Lin Madam, Kelin Madam denied the statement, Lin Master angered: "Is these things true or false?"
       Lin Madam cried and said: " Master, these are misunderstandings."
       Lin Master is angry: "Pingyang Bodu has already released his words. After that, he will not be allowed to clear the door and then enter the door of the home. You still have a misunderstanding here, don't tell me the truth?" In terms of reason, Lin Master I believe that these are true because An Zhi-zhen said, because these things can not be faked, let alone Ping Yangbo has not been in Capital City for many years, but emotionally Lin Master still does not believe this is true, if These things are true, and spreading out Lin Jiazhen is a face-lifting.
       Lin Madam was shocked: "What? Pingyang Bo is not allowed to clear the door to enter the home of the family?" This thing has to be spread out, her daughter has no foothold in the capital.
       Lin Master stares at Lin Madam asks: "You still don't tell me the truth?"
       Lin Madam is crying: " Master, I don't know what happened to Qing Er? I have been persuading her, but how to persuade it is useless, just like the magic."
       Lin Master looks at Tieqing: "So, what does Pingyang Bo say is true?"
       Lin Madam quickly argued: "It's not that serious. The children have come to the door several times to admit their mistakes, but Lian-Shi has always been cold..."
       Lin Master said sharply: "Hurry and call me back this unfilial woman."

       Chapter 534 New House 

       Yue-Yao sat in the bedroom and looked at everything around him.
       Xiang Wei smiled and asked: "How? Reluctant?" Since the decree of the prince began to move, the two days are moving things, or they have to move to the Earl's House for a few days.
       Because of the need to move, during this time, Anfu was very busy. But up to the big butler, down to the sweep Pozi, one by one is full of enthusiasm.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat reluctant: "There is a needle and a line here, and the grass and the outside are all arranged by me. It is really reluctant to move now."
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "This house will not be empty all the time, let people clean it up, and live in the future for Fae Brother or Xu Ji." Seeing Yue-Yao looks still not soothing. Laughing and said: "The Earl's House is much larger than here, and the back garden is also very large. When you plant your favorite flowers and plants, you can go to the back garden to enjoy the flowers after dinner. It is not very beautiful."
       Yue-Yao sighed and said: "Beauty is beautiful, but the question is how much time and energy it takes!" Her house is now spent so many years to arrange it so well!
       Smiled to Wei.
       Gu You came in and looked a little bit difficult: " Madam, Lin-Shi took the Outer Cousin Miss and the watch Young Master came over." Master is not allowed to let Lin Shi Shi home However, I did not order to let the Outer Cousin Miss follow the new Young Master.
       Yue-Yao is not abandoning her heart. After listening to the words of Gu You, the mood becomes very complicated. She listened to the words of An Zhi. She was also reflecting on this time. Is she really too indulgent? shi: "Let her go back! I won't go see her." No matter whether she has done something wrong or not, now An Zhi has already made a statement, and Lin is not allowed to go to the door. Where can she talk to her husband? Just do it, let alone, Ann is also good for her.
       Seeing Yue-Yao look to Wei, he said: “ Master said that he would move to Earl’s House to live in a few days.” From Yuhua Hutong to Yunshang Street, it’s time to come, even if the court is coming. When you are not willing to leave, the two are far apart, and you can lose more or not.
       Yue-Yao nodded and said: "Well, it’s been in these few days." Now it’s just a matter of packing up. If you want to pack it up like this, it won’t be done for a few months.
       Lin-Shi heard Yue-Yao didn't see her, her face was full of anger.
       Yu Ting is already five years old. I am sensible. After listening to Servant, I asked very strangely: "Mother, why didn't my aunt see us?"
       Lin-Shi resisted the anger, picked up Yuting, and said softly: "Let's go back." If you don't see it, you won't see it. If it isn't for her, it's really rare for her to come.
       After going out to Wei and other Lin-Shi, let people ask what happened. Lin, the shi-shi, can not go to settle down for no reason.
       Xiang Wei listened to the news from Lian's house, and some wondered: "You said that you are all here. Why is Lin-Shi not worried?"
       Yue-Yao sighed a little: "Let's say, Lin Qing yi is like this now, and I have a responsibility with the court that I can't shirk." Yue-Yao believes that Lin Jia Er Lao must have analyzed the seriousness of this matter with Lin-Shi. It is even possible that Lin-Shi said that Tingzheng will come back to take her off, but Yue-Yao guessed that Lin-Shi is definitely not convinced, or that Lin-shi is too confident, she is confident Ting is not going to abandon her, saying that Lin-Shi is like this today, she is really indulgent with the court, she once again compromised and conquered Lin Lin-shi did not put her in the eye In the meantime, the intimacy of the court is also letting Lin Qing yi think that no matter what happens, the court will not abandon her.
       To Wei Wei nose: “In this case, Lin Qing yi is not your daughter. What did she do with you? With that temper, you shouldn’t be tolerated that day, maybe it’s been a long time ago, and you’re not going to die.”
       Yue-Yao didn't want to say this bothering thing: "Call on the singer, let's go to the Earl's House!" The other yards can be slowly cleaned up, but the bedroom must be packed, and the mortuary room is also good. Arrangement.
       Earl's House is several times larger than the house of Yuhua Hutong. After walking to see the Earl's House for half a time, Yue-Yao also picked a few yards. After reading a few yards, he said: "After moving in, Hey Brother and their Brother can be one yard at a time." Before the Brother and 3rd Brother lived in a yard.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "This idea is not good, let them live in a yard with 3rd Brother! There is something to do with business."
       I can feel it, this should ask the opinions of the three younger Brother.
       Yue-Yao agreed with a smile, and went to the main courtyard. The five rooms in the main courtyard were all carved and painted. It looked very impressive.
       Yue-Yao knows that the predecessor of this house is also the Noble Lady's house, so it is not surprising that it looks into the house and sees that the area of ​​the house is more than double that of her living. She smiled and said: "This The main courtyard is really big enough." In this way, it must be re-arranged, and can no longer be the same as the house on the other side.
       Yue-Yao After reading the main courtyard, there is roughly a count on how to arrange the heart.
       An Zhi-qi went home at noon and went into the main courtyard and found no one: " Madam?" If you are going out, you will say hello to him in advance. If you are not at home, you should have something to go out.
       The small Servant came over: " Master, Madam went to the cloud to see the new house."
       An Zhi-wei listened and waved to let the small Servant go. He was going out early and late in the day, and the children came home at night. The family was very busy. Now his ‘Madam’ and children are not there. He sat in the room for a while. I feel too cold.
       Yue-Yao After reading the Earls Court, she took a scent to go to the street to buy some things, and finally went to the snack shop to take the snacks.
       Yue-Yao hasn't gotten off the carriage yet, and I heard someone outside is arguing. Yue-Yao frowned and looked at Wei Wei and said, "I won't go down, go get the pastry!"
       Not much, I brought a snack to Wei, and my face looked very bad: " Madam, go back first! There is something wrong here, I have to deal with it."
       Yue-Yao didn't ask much. After picking up the snack, she returned to the house with a sweet meal. Yue-Yao came home and watched An Zhi-xuan reading a book in the study. She smiled and said: "When is it coming back?" It took a while to come back. I didn’t expect An Zhi to go home early today.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "I am back at noon, there is nothing to do today, rest for half a day." To take over the position of the banned army, there are many things to do.
       An Zhi stupidity is somewhat guilty: “I’ve been busy all these days, and I’m not free to accompany you out for a walk.”
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It's a matter of fact, waiting for this time, but I don't have time to go shopping with our mother." Not only is she having more family affairs, but now there are more things in the hall.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and talked about the move: "I found someone to count the days, and we moved after five days." Earl's House is much more than here.
       Yue-Yao was prepared in the heart, but it was not accidental: "The other things have all moved almost, leaving me here, and let them start moving tomorrow."
       The day of the banquet was set on May 26th. The reason for the ambassador was that the wedding banquet should be held at the Earl's Court, so this was the night.
       When I came back to Wei in the evening, I would say something about the snack shop: "I thought it was someone who saw our business and came to the business. The result was not the customer's problem, but the problem with our shop. The manager who bought the house was daring. The materials bought were shoddy, causing the guests to have diarrhea after eating the cakes. Fortunately, it was only diarrhea. If the life was out, the shop could not be closed."
       Yue-Yao is surprised: "Is there anything wrong with this? Is it someone behind the scenes?" Yue-Yao conspiracy theory.
       Xiang Wei shook his head and said: "I checked, the husband of the girl who did not know when it was gambling addiction, lost a lot of money, I used to stare at Yue-huan, and the girl did not dare to do it. At most, I took some kickbacks. This time, her husband lost the house and sold her daughter. It happened that I didn’t go to the store with Yue-huan. The girl was quite risky and bought it. When the materials are filled, the price difference in the middle will help his husband to gamble. "Xiang Wei also checked these people before, and his family is very innocent, but everything changes.
       Yue-Yao doesn't know what to say now. This is a gamble. It is equal to one home. "How do you deal with this?"
       Xiang Wei said: "The guest is still good to talk, seeing our sincerity and not pursuing, only let us lose medical expenses, the woman, I was resigned." Poor people must have hateful places, not to Wei The person with a soft heart is only going to this step. She is forcing the other party to take out the money, and she will simply quit her, and her eyes will not be clear.
       Yue-Yao said: "The matter of buying a place is very important, and it is still used by people at home." People in the government have **, and they are not afraid to act too much.
       Xiang Wei nodded: "I think so too." In fact, this manager was not responsible for purchasing, but it was Qiao-Lan who was responsible for purchasing. Later, Yue-Yao had another errand assigned to Qiao Lan. This manager is the month. The -maid was promoted, and for what reason, Xiang Wei did not say more.
       Yue-Yao remembered this for several days, and Yue-huan did not have an accurate message: "Let people ask, if she disagrees, I will reject the great man." Considering so many days, it should be given One reply, I can’t always keep hanging like this.
       Said to Wei Xiao-Xiao-: "I will ask tomorrow."
       Yue-Yao still doesn't know what to think about Weixin: "The strong twisted melon is not sweet. If she wants to be natural, if she doesn't mean it, don't say too much, or else it will be bad in the future. We!" This kind of thing has to be loved by me, I can't ask for it.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Reassured, I have a sense of proportion." Yue-huan is not unwilling, but only hesitant to hesitate.
       Yue-Yao thinks about the words that Yue-huan once told her. I don’t know why. I suddenly sighed and said that Yue-huan is really rare. It’s so good to adapt to such a big environment. If it is replaced, She doesn't know what will happen.

       Chapter 535 tangled 

       The next morning, there was a light rain in the early morning. The silky rain fell from the sky, the raindrops were so small, the rain curtains were so dense, and the surrounding was covered with a mysterious veil. The rain is very thin, very cotton, like the catkins floating in the spring, the silk is lingering.
       Yue-Yao took the rain gear to An Zhi-zhen. After the death of An Zhi-, Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei who was ready to go out: "This day is gray, wait for the rain to stop and go." When you are bad, you can't go out. Xiang Wei is not in a hurry for a while.
       He said to Wei Le: "Don't you say that there is a taste in the rain? I will try it today."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Then you come back soon." An Zhi-qi rarely came back at noon, and the three sons did not come back at noon. Every day at noon, she used lunch with Ke-Xin.
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "If I don't come back in time, you should eat first, don't wait for me." She may have to go to the shop to take a trip, and then perhaps interested to come to the street to buy something.
       Yue-Yao did not insist. After leaving Wei, she was also a bunch of things. After a few days, she would move. All the things in the yard had to be moved to the Earl's House. These were enough for her.
       When Wei Wei went to Yue-huan home, it had already stopped raining. Xiang Wei looked at the carriage outside the house. This carriage had the mark of Lian-jia on it, and now there are counts.
       This time, the guest is not a courtier, but Su Concubine. The surname of the Hanlin Academy has been remembered since the Lantern Festival. It has been reminiscent of Yue-huan, even if Yue-huan is rejected, but the surname is still not Dead heart, in order to achieve the goal even promised Su Concubine, as long as Yue-huan married him, he must give the court a good and a short.
       Su Concubine said bitterly for a long time: “mother is also good for you, you are still young, is it really going to be like this for a lifetime? -maid, you are the meat falling from the mother, you are digging Mother's heart!"
       Yue-huan  Mouth reveals a bit of sarcasm, but she is too lazy to argue with Su Concubine, directly said: " concubine, you don't have to say more, I will never agree to marry the surname." Is a hypocrite, she is not a self-torture tendency, marrying such a person to do.
       Su Concubine eloquence has always been good, but this has been said for a long time, Yue-huan is still not oily: "Huan children, where is the big man in the end? Is it so bad?"
       Yue-huan smiled lightly: "The surname is stunned, there is no merit in my eyes." First of all, there is a powerful aging mother, she has already eaten the pain of the ‘Madam’ of the second ‘Madam’, where will go to serve Hou is such an old demon, and secondly, there is a house named Ji Yun, six children, and the third, the family is not a rich family. In this place in Capital City, the family can only be regarded as a general family. Lian is considered to be a general person. Not on, the surname wants to marry her, the first is not only her beauty, but also the money in her hands.
       Su Concubine wiped her tears and looked at Yue-huan: "You really decided not to remarriage?" Yue-huan is a separation. If it is not remarried, no one said that she was a fierce.
       Yue-Yao smirked her request: "As long as I meet my three conditions and let me look pleasing to the eye, I will consider it."
       Su Concubine listened to the conditions of Yue-Yao and wanted to say that you are crazy. Even if the moon is still in the face, it is a 27-year Old. This age is very old and can be surnamed. It’s hard to get it. If you want to meet these three conditions, you don’t want to marry in this life.
       Su Concubine said: "Have you ever thought about your business in a hundred years?" Yue-huan is no longer a money house. After death, you can't enter the ancestral grave of the money house. After a hundred years, you can't enjoy the incense of future generations. I have to be a ghost of the wild.
       Yue-huan smiled lightly: "If a person dies, he will go to control so much." What incense is not incense, she even crossed here, and she does not believe that incense is not incense.
       Su Concubine has not been withdrawn. I can only use the policy of sorrow: “you hurt your brother since childhood, even if it is for your brother, is it good?"
       The smile on the corner of the -maid is getting stronger, and she knows that there is not enough interest to let Su Concubine come over: "I believe that Ting Yuan can earn a future by his own skills, instead of selling his sister in exchange for a future. If you know it, Lian will hate you." Speaking of Lian-jia, the only thing she missed was Ting Yuan. This younger brother did not have a white pain.
       Su Concubine saw that the oil and salt did not enter the moon, and it was not easy to turn over the face with Yue-huan. In the end, she could only return to Lian-jia with red eyes. When she went out, she looked at Wei Wei who stood outside, her eyes flashed with a trace of brain anger. If it is not Yue-Yao, she needs to be so frustrated.
       Su Concubine was sent out on Yue-huan. After Su Concubine got on the carriage, he said: " concubine, you will not use it in the future. I will not agree with how many times you come." Not waiting for Su Concubine to return, Yue-huan Go back to the house.
       Su Concubine almost vomited to vomit blood.
       I went back to the house in the month and saw Wei Wei sitting on the couch. The two men have been together for several years. The relationship is still very close, and there are not so many talks.
       Yue-huan poured a glass of water on Wei Wei: "Is the third sister letting you come?"
       After taking a sip of water to Wei, she said, "Well, she asked me to ask you what I thought. If she disagrees, she will reject others. If she agrees, she will choose a day to get things done soon."
       Ying-huan smiles, how one is urging her.
       Xiang Wei put down the cup and said: "You don't blame me too Madam reminds you that Zeng Dazhuang can't stay in Capital City for too long. If he wants to be a relative, he can take time off. If he has nothing to do, he will have to leave Capital City."
       Yue-huan was surprised: "He does not stay in the capital?"
       Xiang Wei shook his head and said: "No one can stay in the capital, and Zeng Dazhuang was born as a civilian. Staying in Capital City is against him." Zeng Dazhuang climbed from a small bureaucrat of Qipin to today, half on his own. Half of the skill is also by luck, so many bends in the capital, the luck is not so useful, it was once the big rectum 'temperament', it is easy to be used by people, and it is not as good as the place. .
       Yue-huan fell into meditation.
       Xiang Wei said: "Before you come Madam said that letting you take your own ideas, let me not advise, but in the past few years of acquaintance, I still have to advise you a few more words. Not high, but it is a real person, you will never regret it when you marry him."
       Yue-huan has some movements and also said the truth: "In fact, I also felt that this person was very real when I met last time, but I was very worried..." She worried that the other party would marry her, and she worried that Zeng Dazhuang was a watch. Different people, she only saw the surface of Zeng Dazhuang, she also worried that Zeng Da will be bad after Cheng Daqiang.
       Yue-huan is very entangled. On the one hand, I feel that this person is really good. On the other hand, I feel that this person is really good. On the other hand, I am worried that if I am wrong, there will be no room for Lian to turn back. If I marry the money, there is no way to resist, by Lian Dong. The party is the master, this time she is the master of her own, if something goes wrong, it will be finished in a lifetime.
       After thinking about it for Wei, he no longer persuaded. This outsider advised more. The party couldn’t make up his mind and couldn’t help it. He said to Wei: “ Madam means letting you give an answer today.”
       Yue-huan wants to come and think, but also can not decide: "I will go to the third sister tomorrow."
       Xiang Wei did not insist on it any more, and he was not in a hurry to be in this moment: "Well, then you will be with yourself tomorrow Madam said, I am going back."
       After returning to Wei, I talked to Yue-Yao about Su Concubine seeing Yue-huan: "Weird, I thought Lian Dongfang would use coercive means? For such a long time, Lian Dongfang did not have any movements. Su Concubine can't stand it."
       Yue-Yao can understand: "Dabo has scruples." Yue-Yao is not willing to do it, and now she is also partnering with her to do business. Lian Dongfang is afraid of hard to get Yue-huan to rebound, simply seeing For the net, don't intervene in this matter.
       Xiang Wei thinks it should be the time.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Lian-jia family is about to change people." Ting Li and Tingyi have a great momentum. With Yue-Yao guess, Dian Lian Dongfang should be resigned. Lian-jia top beam is the courtesy of Tingli.
       On the second day of the month, he arrived at Anfu. When he arrived at the main courtyard, Yue-Yao was still there to direct people to seal things.
       Yue-Yao greeted Yue-huan into the house. After the Servant brought up the tea and pastries, Yue-Yao let everyone go down. When the room left two people, Yue-Yao asked: "Consider Okay?" This has been considered for ten days, and it should be the answer.
       Yue-huan said his doubts.
       Yue-Yao is not angry. Yue-huan is the second marriage. I have only seen one side of Zeng Dazhuang. Others are not clear. It is normal to have these concerns: "You can rest assured that I can open this  Mouth. I won't find you a different person. If you are worried, he will not be good for Cheng Hong. You think too much. Cheng Hong is just a pair of chopsticks for Zeng Daren." Cheng Hong is only The stepchild, not the step-child of the surname, will be given to Cheng Hongyi in the future.
       Yue-huan bowed his head, and for a while, Ai Ai said: "I am afraid of him. He is thinking about the strength of his brother-in-law and wants to marry me." This is the most worrying point of Yue-huan.
       Yue-Yao laughed, and paused and said: "If it is not at all, it is also a swearword. In other words, without your brother-in-law, we don't know that there is such a person, but I feel that as long as this person is good, it is not the kind of camp. The person who drilled on the camp can do it.” Yue-Yao is not disliked with this. He can get a good in-law and get a satisfied ‘Madam’. This kind of thing is for everyone.
       Yue-huan listened to Yue-Yao words, but there were some embarrassed things: “I don’t have three sisters to see.” Yue-huan sometimes feels that Yue-Yao is more like Yue-Yao than her. Like a modern person, self-reliance and self-reliance, strong and unyielding.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You only have less things to do, and there are more things to go through. The angle of looking at the problem is different."
       There is some wonder in the heart of the moon, how much Yue-Yao has gone through! Let Yue-Yao act so differently.
       Yue-Yao heard Gu You called her and stood up and said: "You think about it again, I will go out and deal with things first." Recently moved, a bunch of trivial things.
       Waiting for Yue-Yao to deal with the outside and returning to the small living room, Yue-huan gave a reply, she agreed to marry Zeng Dazhuang.
       Yue-Yao is not unexpected: "I have a suggestion. If you feel good, you will listen. If you feel bad, then I will not say it."
       The month is busy saying: "Three sisters, what do you say?"
       Yue-Yao suggestion is related to Cheng Chenghong: "Zeng Dazhuang is not a relative after all. Some things you can prepare in advance. For example, before you marry, you can take half of the real Estate  and the real Estate  to the name of Cheng Hong. "Yue-Yao will have this suggestion, and it is also because the assets on Yue-huan are on hand. I am afraid that there will be many disputes in the future when there are children in Yue-huan, but if I have these things now, I will pass them under the name of Cheng Hong. Because it was before the marriage, no one said anything.
       Yue-Yao feels that this proposal is very good: "Thank you for the third sister." Now that the industry has passed the name of Cheng Hong, at least it can give Chenghong a guarantee, and it can save a lot of troubles in the future.
       Yue-Yao smiled a little: "After all, you are a Lian-jia person. You first have a temper with your second brother. If they have no objections, let Zeng Dazhuang go to Lian-jia to go." This is also the number of gifts, if Lian-jia people don't agree, then let's talk about it.
       Yue-huan hesitated for a moment: "I am afraid they will not agree." Lian-jia is the home of the Xiangmen Gate, and Yue-huan thinks that Lian-jia people are not expected to see Zeng Dazhuang.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can rest assured that the second brother is not a pedantic person. He should not oppose it. As long as the second brother agrees, this marriage will become." Tin Li has been in the office for many years, Lian-jia Most of the things are in the court, as long as the court agrees, even the uncle will not object.
       Yue-huan is more convinced of Yue-Yao judgment. Yue-huan sincerely said: "Three sisters, thank you." Since she came to this world until now, Yue-Yao has been helping her, this Kindness, let her remember in mind.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I am just raising my hand. If the second brother agrees, I will not intervene in your marriage."
       Yue-huan is a little red, and it is not her choice to marry the money. So she was in a state of mind when she was holding a partner. This time it was different. This time she is willing to do it. I hope everything can be as imagined. That's so beautiful.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Everything will be fine." Yue-huan was not polluted in the two large dyeing tanks of Lian-jia and Qianjia. It has been so innocent for so many years, Yue-Yao feels very It’s rare, and because of this rare, she will gossip about it and want to find a good family for Yue-huan.
       Things have almost become, and Wei and the crow have said: "If the two people are not in the same temperament, what should I do after Yue-huan is not good? Madam Will you blame yourself when you arrive?"
       Yue-Yao swept to Wei: Why didn’t you say this earlier? Now, don’t you feel late?”
       He said to Wei Le: "I will say this."
       Yue-Yao smiled a little: "Well, if you don't say anything about frustration, don't think too much. I believe that Yue-huan will be very good." Yue-huan is a first-class one. Married to Zeng Dazhuang, that is the blessing of Zeng Dazhuang. As long as the man is blessed, the woman’s life is better.
       Before Zeng Dazhuang, I only knew that Yue-huan was a small scorpion of An Zhi-, and it was not clear about the specific situation of Lian-jia. Now I have been in Capital City for so long, and I don’t know where Yue-huan is a Lian-jia Miss in Capital City. For so long, Yue-huan did not give a letter of approval, and Zeng Dazhuang had no idea. Zeng Dazhuang feels like Miss Lian-jia, the book that the first door of Miss, even if it is the second marriage, can not afford to go to him, let alone Yue-huan still looks so beautiful.
       Zeng Dazhuang heard that Hong Da Guanjia said that Yue-huan agreed to this marriage. The first reaction was not to believe: "What are you talking about?"
       Hong Da Guanjia said with a smile: "It is true, I can still lie to you. My home Madam said that you should ask the official media to Lian-jia for two days."
       Hongda housekeeper is not a stranger. Even if Zeng Dazhuang is now from the four-product military officer, Zeng Dazhuang’s birth is too low. Zeng Dazhuang’s 'Grandfather' is a hawker. His father was a species, and Zeng Dazhuang saved the Xuanfu. The son of Tongzhi, who had obtained this fate, entered the military camp and joined the army to catch a small official of the seven products. When he was in the northwest, he was strong and strong under them. Under the command of the Master, there was a lot of military strength due to the brave battle, and the official has been going up. Even so, the family life of Zeng Dazhuang is not enough to see Lian-jia, but Yue-huan is a second marriage, which requires a relatively low point. Otherwise, Zeng Dazhuang is definitely not blessed.
       Zeng Dazhuang felt that happiness came too fast and was dizzy.
       Yue-huan did not dare to go back to Lian-jia. She was afraid that Lian-jia would not come out again, so Yue-huan planned to let Tingyuan go to Tingyi to say this, and wait for Lian-jia attitude to be determined. intend.
       After listening to the court, Ting Yuan couldn’t accept it: "Sister, that was a great four-strong official, but he was a rough widower. He didn’t know a few words. Sister, you are not suitable for him." And that was a big man and he was better than him. Sister is one year old. For such a person, it is also a chance to get a four-person official. Such a person is worthy of her sister.
       Yue-huan smiled and said: "How is it inappropriate? At least the grown-up is much stronger than the money!" Yue-huan is strange. Zeng Dazhuang is a widower. At least Zeng Dazhuang is a four-person official. She married Zeng Dazhuang. In the future, it is the commandment of the four products Madam, but the money can be used, but a businessman, but the Lian-jia people have no objection.
       Ting Yuan could not understand the choice of Yue-huan: "Sister, why don't you choose an Daren? I think the Daren is a hundred times stronger than the last name." Ting Yuan has never seen Zeng Daren, but his impression Among them, that is a five-big-three widower, but the Daren is a scholar of Sven.
       Yuehua said with a smile: "Zeng Daren promised me, he will accept Cheng Hong, and he promised that he will not be jealous in the future. In addition, there was only one daughter under the knee, and there was no son. The days when his sister married him would be easy. ”
       Ting Yuan opened his  Mouth and wanted to refute it, but there was no way to refute it. He was no longer a child who had no idea. The surname had promised these conditions, and the Darens could not do it: "Sister, he promised these things, but Who can guarantee that he will not go out of his way? If he goes back in the future, we will not be able to ask you for justice in the future."
       Yue-huan said with a smile: "No, Zeng Daren is a real person. Since he promised, the sister believes that he can get it." Since it was decided, Yue-huan will no longer look ahead.
       Ting Yuan still didn't trust: "Sister, I have to meet him." If this surname was once really like his sister said that he can keep his promise, this marriage can be done.
       Yue-huan smiled and nodded: "If you want to see, you can see it! But after you go back, tell this story to the second brother. Once I have been invited by the Daren to the official media to the 'marriage proposal' in Lian, let the second brother have a number. "With the understanding of Lian Dongfang by Yue-huan, Lian Dongfang will certainly not allow her to marry at Lian-jia.
       Ting Yuan’s face was not good, but he didn’t want to go to the door.
       Looking at the look of Tingyuan, the moon is warm, although there are many people who are worried about evil, but after all, someone cares for her and hurts her. This is much better than being alone in modern times.
       The military commander is very admired for the scholars, not to mention the two top scholars, so Zeng Dazhuang knows that the door is his future shi-zi, and he has a 12-point enthusiasm.
       The so-called "not to smile", Ting Yuan saw Zeng Dazhuang, and it was not good to have a face, but the look was still cool: "My sister said that you promised to let her take Cheng Hong, is this true? "Don't fool his sister."
       Zeng Dazhuang nodded and said: "Well, you can rest assured, I will be good to this child." There is also a pair of chopsticks at home, which he can still afford.
       Tingyuan coughed and then asked: "My sister also said that you promised to marry her and will not be jealous. Is this true?"
       Zeng Dazhuang smiled and said: "Nature is true, the man and the man, a spit of a nail, the words are naturally counted, or else, is that still a man?"
       Ting Yuan listened to this swearing brow and wrinkled up. Such a rude person does not match his sister at all. No way, his sister can’t look down on the great man in the Hanlin Academy, but he is fascinated by this big old man. Tingyuan thought that Yue-huan had already promised, and he was not too good to be a big and strong face: "Well, I believe in you." This matter depends on the actual action, not to say it.
       Ting Yuan and Zeng Dazhuang said a conversation. The two really couldn’t say one. Tingyuan found an excuse and ran back to find Yue-huan: "Sister, do you really want to marry the surname? I see you today. He, full of swear words, a little etiquette does not understand, sister, even if you do not look at the surname, you do not have to find such a widower!"
       Yue-huan said with a smile: "There are not many books read by the three brother-in-law, but you can see that there are several sisters in the capital who don't envy the third sister." Yue-Yao is now the most blessed woman in the capital, and has exceeded Ming. zhu.
       Tingyuan is somewhat unnatural: "Sister, how can the surname be compared with the 3rd Brother!" The three brother-in-law was a family member. He had a good education since he was a child. Wherever he was, he could compare with his brother-in-law.
       Yue-huan just listened to the words of Ting Yuan, but the guilt of the heart disappeared. Although she lived here for twenty years, she never felt that she was born with Lian-jia. She was very gracious. "I have decided, you don't have to persuade me. After you go back, you will tell the second brother about this!"
       Ting Yuan is reluctant, and can't do the Lord of Yue-huan: "Okay."
       When Tingyuan went back, Tingyi had not returned yet. Until the night, Ting Yuan heard that Tingyi came back, and now he rushed to find Tingyi.
       When Tingyi listened to Tingyuan’s words, his look was calm: “Since the four sisters agreed, it’s time for you to call the matchmaker.”
       Ting Yuan was a bit dumbfounded. He also wanted to let Ting Yi come up with an idea.
       The things of the Ting Yi Jing are much more than the court, and after studying for so many years in the Chao Dang, the problem is much more thorough than that of the court. When I first married from the father, I married myself, not to mention that he disagreed with Ting Yuan. Even if he disagrees, he can't stop Yue-huan from marrying Zeng Dazhuang. If so, why bother to be a wicked person!
       Tingyi looked at the appearance of Tingyuan and said with a smile: "The candidate is chosen by the three sisters and the 3rd Brother. Is it because you believe in the three sisters and the 3rd Brother?"
       Ting Yuan naturally wouldn't think so: "No, I think that the surname was a bit rough, not worthy of the four sisters."
       Tingyi said with a smile: "How can it not match? Zeng Dazhuang is a military commander of the four products. Yue-huan is married to him. It is the command of four products Madam, and Zeng Dazhuang's parents are both dead. I can be my own master, Zeng Dazhuang has no son, and there will be no competition for property in the future. I am not afraid that the stepchild will not be filial to her. This marriage is very affordable for Yue-huan. Yue-Yao will find this door for Yue-huan. Marriage, it must have cost a lot of effort, you are not grateful, and still complain here?"
       Ting Yuan quickly said: "I am not grateful. I just think that the surname has not matched the four sisters."
       Tingyi said: "Don't be a hero, Zeng Dazhuang's origin is a bit lower, but don't forget, he is now a four-grade official, five levels higher than you." What is the relationship between the birth of a man, as long as he has the ability There is still no future.
       When Tingyuan listened to this, he was embarrassed. He is now an official of the Seventh Product. He has to be a four-person official, at least ten years later.
       Ting Yi feels that this marriage is really good. Don't say that Yue-huan is now married. Even if Miss is not in the slogan, she will not be wronged. In the same year, Tingyi felt that Yue-Bing and Yue-huan were not properly married. However, at that time, he was the master of the house. There was no room for him to set aside. Now that Yue-huan can find another good family member, he is still very happy. However, considering the situation of Yue-Bing, Tingyi is not happy.
       Ting Yi calmed down his emotions and said: "What do you mean by letting you go outside next year? How do you feel?" Now that the ruling has been set, the big brother’s courtesy should be back. Their Brother are in Capital City and put the court to go below. The experience is also very good.
       Ting Yuan has no opinion: "I listen to my brother."
       Tingyi sent away the court, and went to find the Lian Dongfang. In any case, Lian-jia current family is still Lian Dongfang’s, and Tingyi story about Zeng Dazhuang’s story was told to Lian Dongfang. .
       Lian Dongfang refused when he heard it. The reason is very simple. He will not marry his daughter to a widower who doesn't know a few words.
       Tingyi wondered, even if he had not recognized a few big characters, he was a widower, but he was always better than a merchant, not to mention that Zeng Dazhuang was still a government official. He was a man of the Yuan Family, but he did not I dare to ask Lian Dongfang, just saying: "The four sisters are stubborn, even if they don't agree, she will marry."
       The Lian building is very difficult to see. It used to be more obedient in the previous month, but now it is mixed with Yue-Yao. "What do you want?"
       Tingyi said: "Take the four sisters back and marry from Lian-jia." Although Yue-huan was in the middle of the money house, it was with the money and away, but Yue-huan raised Cheng Hong, and no one would say Yue-huan. It is a person who is not moral.
       Lian Dongfang didn't want to refuse, and Yue-Yao was in the lunar -maid. He couldn't stop him from remarried, but he would never agree to let Yue-huan marry from Lian-jia.
       Tingyi said that he couldn’t move for a long time, but he said: "What should I do if I have been to the door for two days?"
       Lian Dongfang said: "Do not allow him to enter."
       Tingyi didn't say anything any more, because he knew that even if he said that it would be useless, he would not listen to him.
       Tingyi returned to her yard and sat on the couch without making a sound.
       Zhou Yue took a cup of tea and looked at the look of Tingyi brow and couldn't help but ask: " Master, what's wrong?"
       Tingyi said that Yue-huan had to be remarried, and said the attitude of Lian Dongfang.
       Zhou Yue felt very strange: "This is a good thing! Why don't you agree?" Zeng Dazhuang's condition is absolutely not bad.
       Tingyi smiled bitterly: "I don't know." Tingyi didn't really know, but pretended not to know! His attitude is so tough, it is nothing more than Yue-huan this time to remarriage Lian-jia can not get any benefits, or else his attitude will be so tough.
       Whether a family can prosper and prosper depends on the neutrons of the family. If the son is useless, taking the daughter to exchange the benefits is only to drink and quench the thirst. In fact, Tingyi can't really understand his embarrassing thoughts, not to mention the following two younger Brother. Just saying that he and his eldest brother, their Brother and sisters are not bad since childhood, but he is only using his daughter to exchange for benefits.
       When Ting Yi thought that Yue-Bing was in the heart of Luyang The Marquis Estate , she would be very sad. If Yue-Bing did not marry Luyang The Marquis Estate , she would marry the people who lived with Lian-jia, Yue Bing will suffer so much.
       Zhou Yue frowned and said: "What should I do?" The public servant did not agree, and it was ugly to really drive people out.
       Tingyi thought for a moment and said: "We didn't help when the moon was in trouble. I plan to buy a house to be a dowry and let him marry from that place!" This is also a compensation for Yue-huan.
       Zhou Yue is not a stingy person. He nods at the moment: "Well, I will go see the four sisters tomorrow, and then I will say to the three sisters. Can you see this?" Zeng Dazhuang was found by Yue-Yao. Nowadays, it is not allowed to marry Lian-jia from Yue-huan. Naturally, I have to say it to Yue-Yao.
       Zhou Yue actually wants to have a good relationship with Yue-Yao, nor is it a picture of Yue-Yao. He thinks that Yue-Yao is a generous person. You must know that there are more flowers on the brocade, less in the snow, and it is difficult to get on the moon. At that time, the Brother and sisters were afraid of being led by Lian and did not reach out to help. Yue-Yao, a cousin in a room, was able to help out at this time regardless of the resistance. This behavior made Zhou Yue particularly admire.
       Tingyi nodded: "Working hard."
       Zhou Yue smiled and said: "There is something hard about this." These things are what women should do. They can’t talk about hard work. In addition, Tingyi has been very good to her in these years. The backyard has never intervened, even if there is The problem is also based on her, Zhou Yue is not the kind of person who likes to compare, I feel that the day is very good.
       Yue-huan is not surprised by this result. This is what she expected. She told Lian-jia people that she would remarriage, and she was prepared to let Zeng Dazhuang go to Lian-jia to raise relatives. This is her own to Lian Jia respect, but he is not cheap and does not agree that she is married from Lian-jia. It is not her problem. In fact, she wants to say that she is married outside.
       Zhou Yue recounted the words of Tingyi: "This house is too old, but can't do happy things here." The house that is surrounded by the moon is too small, not new, and can not enter the eyes of Zhou Yue.
       Yue-huan’s impression of Zhou Yue is very good. Zhou Yue and Maiden-shi two 'sister-in-law' are very good for her: “Two, no, where can the second brother pay for it!”
       Zhou Yue said with a smile: "Give it to you! The woman still needs a dowry, no dowry, and there is not enough enthusiasm in the family, and when you marry, you can’t marry here. "This house is too shabby."
       At the end of the month, Zhou Yue, but still received the gift.
       Yue-Yao This will be very busy, I heard Zhou Yue come over, busy people invited to come in, and then told the Wei to deal with her hand.
       Zhou Yue knows that Yue-Yao wants to move, so people who see the Anfu are busy and not surprised. Zhou Yue said that Yue-Yao eyes are really accurate. When Yue-Yao picks up the peace, many People say that a flower is inserted in cow dung, now? Who does not say that Yue-Yao is blessed.
       Yue-Yao heard the decision of Tingyi and smiled and said: "This idea is very good, the best of both worlds." Yue-Yao let Yue-huan and Tingyi say that it is known that Lian Dongfang will not agree, but As long as the court agreed, Yue-huan will not sit idly by, and he will handle it properly. The facts are also as expected by Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is not familiar with Zeng Dazhuang. She is worried that if she does not marry Lian-jia in the month of the month, she will let Zeng Dazhuang look light, so Yue-Yao wants Tingyi to come out with Tingyuan, so Zeng Dazhuang will know that Yue-huan is there. My brother's brother can rely on it, not Yue-Yao, but Zeng Dazhuang, but Yue-Yao wants to have more chips in Yue-huan. Of course, these words Yue-Yao did not say anything.
       Zhou Yue said that he went back after a conversation.
       Yue-Yao was busy like the top in the past few days, and did not retain Zhou Yue, just said with a smile: "When things are handled, let's talk."
       Zeng Daqiang got the news that Lian Dongfang did not agree to this marriage, and he was very anxious, and could not help but find the big housekeeper of Anfu.
       Yue-Yao heard that Zeng Dazhuang came over to inquire about the news and couldn't help but smile. It seems that she was worried. Look at this appearance, Zeng Dazhuang was very satisfied with Yue-huan: "The marriage has not changed, just wait for two days, wait for Lian. After the matter of jia is finished, someone will tell him."
       Zeng Dazhuang thinks that this day is harder than fighting in the northwest!
       Yue-Yao is busy moving, and she has no time to manage Yue-huan. The main thing is that she does not need to take care of it.
       An Zhi-yu took Yue-Yao to the main courtyard and smiled and said: "How is the layout of this house different from before?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "This is the meaning of Wei, saying that the new place is naturally new, so I changed this style. Do you like it?"
       An Zhi nodded: "As long as it is arranged by you, I like it." For him, the house is a place to sleep, he did not ask.
       Yue-Yao didn't expect An Zhi-yi to say sweet words, but she was still very happy: "I originally wanted to let them be a yard, but to Wei said that it would be better for them to live together." I also asked my Brother, they are not willing to separate, this will be the 3rd Brother still live together."
       An Zhi said with a smile: "Wang Lao house is about an hour away from here. Are you going to let Fae Ji children go back and forth every day?" When he lived in Yuhua Hutong, Fae Ji went to Wang-home. It takes only half an hour to go back and forth, so Fae Brother goes home every day.
       Yue-Yao thought for a moment and said: "Ask Fae Brother's own meaning." Fae Ji was a child with an idea since childhood, and Yue-Yao respected his choice.
       After listening to Yue-Yao, Fae Brother said: "Mother, I want to go to school with my school. After that, I rode to the teacher's house." Horse riding is much faster than riding a horse, which saves a lot of time.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat unhappy: "Son, you will be very hard." Horse riding is fast, but when it comes to rain or snow, it is very sinful.
       Fae Brother shook his head and said: "Mother, I am not afraid of hardship, mother, when I am ten years old, I will live in the teacher's home." Rarely come back to their family reunion, Fae Brother did not want to be absent.
       Yue-Yao always said to Rifle brother: "I will ask you about this matter. If you agree, my mother has no opinion."
       My son is willing to learn to ride horses with himself. Ann is too happy to be there. There will be opinions: "When I have been busy these days, I will teach them to ride horses."
       Hey brother and Xu Brother got the news and cheered. They always wanted to learn to ride horses, but they were not allowed to learn by Yue-Yao. The reason for Yue-Yao was very simple. It was too small to be afraid of falling.
       An Zhi-zhen looked at Yue-Yao at night, and his  Mouth was rising. I was afraid that in the eyes of the world, Yue-Yao hand should be written and drawn, instead of making notes like this, Yue-Yao hand said: “Well, don’t forget it today, don’t be too tired, these things are coming slowly, don’t worry.”
       Yue-Yao doesn't want to do these things anymore, but I have to do it: "I will treat you in a few days, and I have to do a good job in all aspects. I can't go on a business trip."
       An Zhi-yi put together the books: "If you are in a hurry, don't waste this time, go to bed early!" During this time, Yue-Yao has been busy and thin.
       Yue-Yao did not reverse the meaning of An Zhi-yu.
       Yue-Bing knows that the re Marriage of Yue-huan is not unexpected, but when she knows that the object is not the one in the Hanlin Academy, she was very surprised when she was a military commander. A surname of the Hanlin Academy was asked by her sister-in-law. Yue-Bing knows, but she has never heard of Zeng Dazhuang.
       The governor of Lian House said: "This was the home of the grown-ups in the northwest. It was the subordinate of Sanguye. It was the medium of Sangu-Nai-Nai. The 2nd Master also thought that this marriage was good, and he agreed."
       Yue-Bing, after knowing the situation of Zeng Dazhuang, had to sigh: "The three sisters really have a heart." Women are not the same as men. For Yue-Bing, such a person is really difficult to make a lantern. Looking for, Yue-Yao can find such a person can imagine how hard it is.
       In fact, this is mainly because there are many people in the management of An Zhi-, and the scope of selection is wide. If you are in Capital City, you really can't pick such a good candidate.
       Cui Mama said next to him: "Sangu-Nai-Nai has always been generous." I thought that on the same day, if it wasn't for Yue-Yao to help, Snow sister could not be born safely!
       Yue-Bing smiled a bit and left her mother's problem. Just acting on Yue-Yao, I really can't pick a trace of embarrassment: "You told me that when I was married, I would go to Tim. Make-up." Yue-huan married to the money family and did not have a day of birthday, then the money family suffered, Yue-huan with Cheng Hong, the orphans and widows is not easy, now Yue-huan to find a good home, she also Happy for Yue-huan.
       Yue-Bing has a bitter bitterness on her face. Yue-huan is looking for a good home, and she has to fall into the cage of The Marquis Estate , slowly groaning, only waiting for Lu Old Madam is dead. She can really breathe a sigh of relief.
       Cui Mama doesn't know how to comfort Yue-Bing. Don't look at the old witch who always calls sick. In fact, the old demon is in good health! It will be no problem to live for ten years: " Madam Everything has to look forward." If you fall into pain, the days will only get worse.
       Yue-Bing nodded and said: " Mama is right. Everything is always seen." Her mother-in-law is good, can she still marry her? Now that Lu Chengen is dead, the title is definitely Chenglin. This backyard is also her final say.
       Yue-Ying heard Yue-huan to remarriage and remarried to a military commander from the four products. His face was very uncomfortable: "Is it promised?"
       -Pozi bowed his head and said: "Lao Taiye did not agree, but Sigu-Nai-Nai promised himself, 2nd Master and four Master also agreed." How to say, the right to choose this matter has been Not in the hands of Lao Taiye, if Lao Taiye must interfere, it is estimated that there is only a way to sever the relationship. Obviously, 2nd Master and the four Master are not willing to sever the relationship with Sigu-Nai-Nai, so This marriage should be done.
       Ying face is very ugly, but I didn’t say anything ugly, just said: "I know." After saying this, there is no more.
       In the heart of Yue-Ying, there is actually some resentment. Yue-huans are all separated. There are still so many men rushing to call for her, but what about her? Her husband is still only a small bureaucrat of seven products, she asks for help. The maiden does not care, as if she did not have her daughter.
       Yue-Ying is more and more angry, and his face is distorted.
       Sending the letter-Pozi returned to Lian-jia and met the manager who sent the letter to Yue-Bing at the gate and made a greeting.
       The governor smiled and said: "Is it empty-handed?" The people who sent the letter to the general public, as long as they didn't send the bad news, the main family would have a reward, but the aunt of their family Nai-Nai is a wonderful flower. Never rewarded such a thing.
       -Pozi knows who Yue-Ying is, so there is nothing frustrating. I can only sigh for this errand.
       The governor has divided the pastry on hand to give this one-Pozi.
       -Pozi called and said: "Is Miss of Lian House, is the gap between the same ancestor so big?"
       The management Lady thinks that the bad is bad in Chen concubine. Is there such a short-sighted mother who can teach a good daughter?
       Tingyi hands and feet are very fast. In less than ten days, she found a three-in-one house. The furniture in the house did not move. After the house was bought, Yue-huan could be moved directly into the house.
       Yue-huan was also unpretentious. I got the news and moved in on the same day.
       Zeng Dazhuang’s hands and feet were faster, and he got the news from Lian-jia. He invited the official media on the same day and let the official media come to the door the next day.
       It was Zhou Yue and Ting Yuan’s ‘Madam’, Shao-Shi, and Shao-shi attitude toward the re Marriage of Yue-huan. The reincarnation of Yue-huan means that there is no need to always trouble her. Husband.
       Both of them are interested. Zhou Yue will not be martyrdom naturally. It is very refreshing to promise this marriage. Although Yue-huan is a second marriage, there are no fewer gifts.
       Zeng Dazhuang saw that Gengtie, and finally he was relieved. Zeng Dazhuang thought that he had not had much vacation when he was married, so he wanted to do the marriage earlier.
       Zhou Yue did not bother, consulted Ying-huan, took all the procedures, and then asked Gao to calculate the best days left.
       When the days are fixed, I will inform the people at home. This is also the meaning of Yue-huan. If you are married, you don’t need to make it so lively. When the Brother and sisters of the family come together to eat together, it will become necessary.
       Yue Ying listened to Pozi words and said: I can’t go there that day. ”
       Yue-Bing got the news and gave an accurate answer: "When the four sisters are married, I will definitely go back." This was a real power, and it was a mistake to make a good deal.
       Yue-Yao smiled: "I will definitely add makeup when I get there."
       Because the work content has changed recently, working overtime every day, so sorry, the post will not be timely! I will cheer!

       Chapter 538 Banquet (1)   

       Yue-Yao once again confirmed the specific process of the banquet, and was relieved to see everything after it was correct. This time, the guests were different from the previous ones. The previous banquets held by Yue-Yao were invited to friends and relatives, even if it was a bit wrong. But this time it is different. This time, it is the joy of the prince and the housewarming. I have invited the people who have been numbered in the capital.
       In the past, Yee-Yao had invited Zhuang Ruolan to help, but this time Yue-Yao did not ask anyone to help. If such a thing is to ask for help, if you pass it out, you have to be laughed. Therefore, this banquet is also proof of Yue-Yao ability to manage the house.
       On this day, Yue-Yao got up and washed in the early morning, and the clothes and the jewellery he wore were picked up early. Yue-Yao changed clothes and changed clothes.
       An Zhi-zhen is a man, not so much attention, just wearing a purple-red brocade silk robes, hair with a tiger-shaped ink jade servant, wearing a piece of hardware Nanmu beads on the wrist, this beads after the return of An Zhi Yue-Yao wants him to live and die, although An Zhi-zhen thinks that it is a little weird for a man who is conquering the battlefield to wear the beads, but it is a trivial matter for him, so he has not lost a piece of Yue-Yao. Mind.
       Yue-Yao dress has always been dominated by temperament, and today is the same.
       An Zhi looked at the dress of Yue-Yao, took a moment, then walked over and yelled Yue-Yao, whispered: "You are beautiful, you are beautiful."
       Yue-Yao face showed a touch of redness, gently pushed a bit, and blamed: "The old husband and ‘Madam’, and said this." Although the words are blamed, but the eyes are all surprises, no woman does not like Being praised, especially the praise of the husband, is fascinating.
       An Zhi smile reveals: “I’m telling the truth.” As for his ‘Madam’’s appearance, this temperament, Capital City definitely can’t find a second one.
       Gu You said outside: " Master, Madam, Eldest Miss and 1st Young Master. They came over." Both husband and ‘Madam’ did not like to have a third person in the house.
       An Zhi took Yue-Yao hand and went out. At the door, Yue-Yao broke away from the big hand of Ann, and showed love in front of the child. Yue-Yao is always difficult to open.
       An Zhi-zhen did not insist, don't look at Yue-Yao is now the mother of four children, but this shy look is like the Miss of the 28th.
       Xu Brother’s  Mouth is the sweetest. Looking at Yue-Yao, he immediately exclaimed: "Mother, you are beautiful today."
       Fae Ji little Daren said: "Mother is very beautiful every day, but today is particularly beautiful." Yan Yingwu extraordinary, mother and fairy like beautiful, their sisters and four are naturally not bad.
       My brother is naturally attached to Ke-Xin.
       Yue-Yao smile on his face is like a blooming spring flower.
       An Zhi-yi glanced at Fae Brother, but he saw that Fae Ji face was not changed. An Zhi thought that it’s only eight years old to see his son. In fact, this kind of mind, Darens can’t match it!
       The first thing the guests came to was the Ma Chengteng family. In the past, Yue-Yao held a banquet, Ma Chengteng will not come, but today is a big day, Ma Chengteng also came over.
       The male guests were entertained by An Zhi-zhen with three sons. The female guest was Yu-Yao and Ke-Xin, and Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao and said: "It all says that when a woman reaches thirty, she is old. It’s up to you! This is the opposite, more and more beautiful."
       Yue-Yao welcomed Zhuang Ruolan and his two sisters into the house and smiled and said: "'sister-in-law' also teased me."
       The two said a conversation, talked about the marriage, and listened to the red face, very embarrassed, Qi Qi is pro Mei Mei, certainly not to tease his sister, but Xin, age is too small, no I am so funny.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "The marriage has been settled. In 10 months, Qi Qi marriage is almost the same." As for what people, Zhuang Ruolan has not had time to say, he heard the outside and said The County Owner is here.
       Zhuang Ruolan had some accidents: "‘Laughs’ How did the County Owner come so early?" She came back so early to save Yu-Yao thoughts, and this and the County Owner came over so early is also ready to give Yue Ya take the handle?
       Wan-he County Owner Today is also a family, and Guan Jingxi and his two sons are in front, and the County Owner only brought her daughter Lin.
       Wan-he County Owner saw Zhuang Ruolan and smiled and said: "I thought I should be the earliest, but I didn't expect Ma Madam to be earlier than me!" Yue-Yao see you and County Owner is really sincere, and she has many favors from Duanwang, so she also accepted her closeness with the County Owner. Although she is not as close as Ming-zhu, the two are also close friends.
       Yue-Yao Look at the 4th Miss in the room and smile and say: "Chen Xin, you take them to the garden." Ke Xin is familiar with them, and they get along well.
       Yue-Yao didn't have time to talk to them today, and soon went out to welcome guests. After a while, Weiyuan Marchioness Yin-Shi also came over, and then Jingninghou Ma dam Ping-shi has come over too, and slowly, the guests have come over.
       This time, the guest of the capital, Noble Lady's family, is all invited. These people also give face, not when they come home, or when they have a family of future generations.
       Yue-Yao had some worries about what would happen, but didn't expect it to be and County Owner took the initiative to give her a helping hand, but let Yue-Yao be very grateful.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at the guests in the room, and some feelings, the two men in the capital, four Hous and six Bo, except for the people of Ning Duke House, the other honours Noble Lady's family have arrived, and all the people in the house come over, from this point It can be seen that An Zhi status is now.
       Gu You came in and gave the crowd Madam, after a ceremony, said to Yue-Yao: " Madam, the son of Ning Duke, Madam."
       The people in the room heard this and their faces were very delicate. The Duke, the son of Ning, was actually a young man.
       Yue-Yao thought that Ning Duke Madam could block the way of Fuzhenglian's righting, but Yue-Yao underestimated the means of Qing qinglian. In April of this year, Yan Qing lian finally rightened and became the son of Ning Duke. Madam.
       Yue-Yao originally did not want to ask the people of Ning Duke House, she did not want to see Yan Qing lian, but this proposal was given by An Zhi-, the meaning of An Zhi-yu is very obvious, since other honours are invited, Ning Duke can not Falling down, now Ning Duke house is small, but in the end it is Duke House. If you don't ask, there is some tempering and low taste.
       Yan Qing lian’s actions are also very disgusting, but An Zhi attitude is very clear. The two have no conflicts of interest and cannot end this hate because of personal preferences.
       Yue-Yao Although she is not happy, she also knows that An Zhi-zhen is right, and people can't deal with personal preferences.
       Yue-Yao just stood up, and Qing Qing lian was greeted by Servant. Today, it is the first time that he has been entertained after the Qing Family.
       Yan Qing lian wears a long red dress today, the long skirt is full of rich and beautiful, the cuffs and skirts are adorned with pearls of the same size, combed a Lingyun, wearing a set of emerald jewelry, on the ears Wearing a pair of purple gold earrings, wearing a sheep fat jade bracelet.
       Yan Qing lian is a beautiful woman. This point, Yue-Yao never denies that when they were called Jingcheng Shuangyu, not only did they have talents, but more importantly, they both looked very outstanding, but now they are so beautiful. Yue-Yao saw a special awkwardness.
       It’s not that Yan Qing lian is not beautiful. On the contrary, Yan Qing lian is more beautiful than before, but this kind of beauty, how to say it, seems to be very illegal.
       When Qing Qing lian entered the house, his eyes naturally fell on Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao Today's dress is not complicated. I wore a green and long skirt, and I wore a thin smoky ash on the outside. This dress is very temperate with Yue-Yao, but there are not many jewelry, but On the head, the emerald beaded phoenix step by step makes people know that this is a rare boutique.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Ning Madam, please sit." Just before the Qing lian came in, Yue-Yao had already added a chair under the Duke Duke Madam.
       After Qing Qing lian greeted Madam, who was present at the scene, he looked around and wondered: "Why didn't you see Lin Mei Mei?"
       Yuehua said with a smile: "Yeah, why didn't you see the four younger Brother coming over? The last time the four younger Brother were sick, didn't come, this time they won't be sick again, can't you come?" The same reply, but the meaning in the words is not at all same.
       Yue-Bing thinks that this Qing lian lotus is too annoying. Which pot does not open the pot? What do you ask a guest to do? Don’t worry about finding something! Yue-Bing Although Yue-Yao because of Mo-shi There are a lot of dissatisfaction, but she is a family with Yue-Yao, where is the outsider who is wild.
       Yue-Yao nodded a bit: "Lin-Shi has always been a good body." Without saying the reason, I only stated such a thing.
       Yue-Yao tone, let the presence of Madam feel a bit puzzled, mentioning Lin-shi, Yue-Yao tone is so cold, afraid that something is happening, everyone thinks about what happened last year. Things, there is roughly a count in my heart.
       Yan Qing lian chuckled and said: "Is it? But why do I listen to Lin Mei Mei and say that she has not received Ann Madam your invitation? Not only Lin Mei Mei did not receive it, Lin Auntie did not receive it. "Do not give your younger brother and sister an invitation, but also Lian Yue-Yao can do it.
       The words of Qing Qing lian came out, and Madam was very surprised. They looked at Yue-Yao. It was Zhuang Ruolan who was very strange. Wouldn’t you give the family members an invitation? Is this ready to break?
       Zhou Yue said with a smile: "Is this a misunderstanding? Three sisters, you said yes?"
       Wan-he County Owner didn't wait for Yue-Yao to answer, looking at Qing Qing lian and sneer: "Speak up, Ben-County Owner hasn't congratulated Ning Madam righteous! This mother has passed away After less than a year, Ning Madam has skyrocketed. This is really admirable!" Others are afraid of offending Qing lian, she is not afraid, such a poisonous woman, she feels disliked at the first glance I just didn't say anything, just didn't want Yue-Yao to be a master's embarrassment. Now I dare to come to the scene, and I have to see if she has this weight.
       Yan Qing lian listened to this, his face turned red, the so-called hitting people did not hit the face, the monks did not reveal the short, and the and the County Owner directly tore off her face.
       Jingning Marchioness Ping-shi smiled and said: "Yue-Yao, this grape is very sweet, where did you buy it from? After I returned, I also sent people to buy it?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I didn't buy it, it was produced by my own Zhuangzi, and the 'sister-in-law' like it, I will let you send it to you."
       Ping-shi did not like Ye-Yao, and smiled and said: "Then I will be welcome." Grapes are not good, Ping-shi This is the topic for Yue-Yao.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said to Ping-shi: "It is really strange to say it. In the past few years, Yue-Yao planted grapes on Zhuangzi and gave me a few grapes. How do you guess?"
       Ping-shi is also happy to chat with Ping-shi Zhuang Ruolan: "What is the result?"
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao and said: "As a result, her grapes have been eaten twice. I haven't had a fruit in this grape. It's hard to hang fruit. It doesn't taste good on her side."
       Wan-he County Owner is also happy to make fun: "This is definitely her hiding, say, Yue-Yao, you don't share it with me for such a good thing."
       Wei Yuan Marchioness Yin-Shi also smiled and said: "Sister, the last time you sent the servant, we the Marquis said that it is particularly delicious, you have to have a kind of hand, and evenly give I, let me plant in the yard."
       When I talked about it, I moved to eating. The things I just did not mention it. As for Qing Qing lian, she is not a fool. Half of the people present are helping Yue-Yao. If she continues to say it, she will definitely be accepted by everyone. attack.
       Yan Qing lian looked at everyone and talked and laughed, and the heart couldn’t tell the taste. Lian Yue-Yao couldn’t close the door. The official of the capital, Madam, knew that Yan Qing lian thought that Yue-Yao relationship was not It will be good, but the performance of everyone today makes Qing Qing lian know that she took it for granted. As for how Lian Yue-Yao did it, Yan Qing lian had no time to think.
       Gu You came in and made a pass on the edge of Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao smiled and stood up and invited everyone to go to the theatre.
       Yue-Yao This time, the most Famous troupe in Capital City was invited. The spring class, the capital of the city Madam has not much fun. This is one of the great pastimes.
       Before the opening of the show, Ke-Xin came over with more than a dozen Miss, but Xin is wearing a red dress today, combing the little girl's double snails and inserting five-color tourmaline pebbles, very cute.
       Can be sweet to the public Madam After seeing the ceremony, this went to Yue-Yao.
       It may be that the walk is far away, but the sweet little blush is fluttering, and there is fine sweat on the forehead. Yue-Yao takes the scorpion and wipes the sweat on the forehead.
       Can be a little embarrassed, but did not break.
       Ping-shi smiled and said: "You don't know, my little aunt is seeing the heart. This child is so cute that he is dying. He has been clamoring for a daughter, but God doesn't marry her. I mean, let her have a son of Lian."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I hope that Ming-zhu is a  Miss ." Yue-Yao received a letter from Ming-zhu the day before yesterday, saying that she was pregnant again, just one month after writing.
       Wan-he County Owner was surprised: "Ming-zhu is pregnant again? I remember she was born last September?" This is too fast.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and smiled: "She wants to regenerate a daughter, although it has only been more than half a year, but the doctor said that she is in good health and has no obstacles." Ming-zhu can be pregnant so quickly, you can see the couple The feelings are very good.
       Wan-he County Owner ‘Laughs’ laughed: "What can I do if I want to regenerate my son?" God loves Ming-zhu too much. If she can't make her perfect, she must let her regenerate a son.
       Yue-Yao turned to look at Jingning Madam Ping-shi and said with a smile: "'sister-in-law', if Ming-zhu is still a son, let Ling be there. zhu Find her to settle the bill."
       The people present heard Yue-Yao words, they all laughed, and some of them did not-Young Madam's eyes showed envy! They all wanted their sons, but they didn't have them.
       Yue-Yao The troupe invited this time is the most Famous spring class in Capital City. Yue-Yao doesn't like watching movies, but since she is sitting on the stage, she also looks seriously.
       Ping-shi After watching a play, he said: "This play is all about those plays, and I don't know when I can play a new show." Ping-shi likes to watch movies. Because I like to watch, all the shows have been seen.
       Yue-Yao rarely plays, so she is not good at expressing opinions.
       After watching the play, I led everyone to eat. Yue-Yao has made great efforts in the diet. There are several signature dishes of Hongfu Restaurant on the table, and the other dishes are also very delicate.
       The food is not spoken, the people eat it fragrant, but no one speaks at the table. The voice of the Servant walks only throughout the occasion.
       After using the meal, everyone sat in the room again, Lu Duke Heir Madam Deng-Shi smiled and asked: "An Madam, the chef of this Hongfu restaurant can not please, you are How can I get there?” The chef of Hongfu Restaurant is not so good. First of all, it must have enough face. Secondly, the cost is very high. Generally, people don’t spend such a high price to ask such a chef.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "This is the dish made by the cook of my house, not the chef of Hongfu Restaurant."
       This is not to say that Deng-Shi, others are very surprised, Ping-shi very fond of eating the roast duck of Hongfu Restaurant, so this taste she is particularly clear: "You did not ask the chef of the restaurant, how to do it Out of those dishes." Those dishes are all exclusive recipes.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The recipe for these dishes was sold to Hongfu Restaurant. I promised that they would not leak, but I didn't say that I couldn't use it." Yue-Yao This is to prevent others from asking him for these. The recipe of the dish is possible.
       Not to mention Ping-shi, that is, other people are also a look of suspicion: "Is these dishes developed by you?" On the case of Yue-Yao, how could it be that the kitchen was left behind?
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "No, I don't know how to get out of the kitchen." As for how it came, Moon Ming-zhu left a suspense and let everyone guess.
       Yue-Bing changed her face, so she didn't guess wrong. The recipe of these dishes is probably taken out by Yue-huan. As for Yue-huan, it was made from Yue-Bing.
       Yan Qing lian turned his eyes and said with a smile: "I heard that Lian 4th Miss is going to marry again next month. I don't know if it is true?"
       Zhou Yue took the words: "Yes! The date is set in June 20th. My family's four aunts Nai-Nai is also worthy of the good character of the other party."
       The third of the best-Young Madam is the family girl of Zhou Yue, very very face to ask: "How do you say this?"
       Zhou Yue said with a smile: "This was an Daren Madam didn't take long for someone to give him a match, but he said that he must keep his ‘Madam’ for three years. This is five years. Receiving Servant, Lian has not been to other windy places, and the 3rd Brother are also good at him, so they have done such a big media."
       Zhou Yue words are obviously in the face of Qing lian’s face. The ‘Madam’ of the original family has passed away. The husband has been guarding for five years. He is also confiscated with a Servant. Ning Li-xuan is good. After the original match, he will make a fuss. Righting up, this contrast, high and low immediate.
       It’s not just Mou Qing-lian , Changle second-Young Madam Guan Qiong deliberately asked about Yue-Yao work in Jiang-nan: I heard that Ann Madam painted the woman named The paintings are all priced at four thousand Silver Taels." Guan Qiong said that he deliberately reminded everyone of the rumor that Yue-Yao had made a slogan in Jiang-nan.
       Wan-he County Owner is so angry that his face is red, even if he is looking for slag, he is also talking about chores, and at most, Yue-Yao has no face on his face, but Guan Qiong’s words are equivalent to Yue. Yao is enemies.
       Yue-Yao looked at Guan Qiong, and the smile on his face did not decrease: "I don't know who specifically spread the news that I went to ** with the ** woman, but I think if anyone with a brain listens to this The rumor is known to be nonsense." After that, Yue-Yao looked at Changlebo Madam smiled and said: "The news of Changle Bofu is really well-informed, the painting that I burned was all I have. I don't know how much money I have, you know that it is worth more than 4 thousand Silver Taels."
       Chang Lebo Madam's face was stiff, and Guan Guan's eyes were also bad.
       Yan Qing lian made a question: "burned? So good painting, why burned?"
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I want to be a stepping stone to be Famous in the world, but also to see that she can not afford it." Xiangru and the old man's final ending is to Wei or Ming-zhu did not say, but Yue Yao is very clear, there will be no good end.
       Yue-Yao, this makes everyone feel a stiff, Yue-Yao gives the impression that it is as kind as the spring breeze, but this is a sigh of relief.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and explained: "Yue-Yao also heard that this woman danced well in Suzhou. I wanted to invite this woman to the house to perform. The woman mentioned a condition and said that she would not accept the money but would like to ask Yue Yao made a painting for her. Yue-Yao said that if she had a feeling, she would draw a picture. Later, Yue-Yao saw that her dance really danced beautifully and made a painting. Later, the woman wanted to make a name. Deliberately telling people that Yue-Yao is very close to her, and is willing to help her to redeem her body, taking care of her for the rest of her life." The latter sentence is Zhuang Ruolan added.
       ‘Laughs’ first laughed out: "There is a lot of friendship, and it helps her to redeem her for the rest of her life? It is also a delusion for her to say it." Yue-Yao This is not a man, can she still value her beauty? This ** woman is really a ghost.
       Changlebo Madam stood up and said: "An Madam, it's not too late, we should go back." Changlebo Madam is really worried about the amazing thing about the two hundred and fifty-year Old daughter-in-law. Yuyan.
       Changlebo Madam opened his head, and the other Madam also resigned. Yan Qing lian also stood up and said to Yue-Yao: "All said that An Madam is very blessed, today is one See, Ann Madam is really blessed." As for what the blessings mean, only Qing Qing lian knows.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "Ning Madam has won the prize."
       Sending away everyone, Yue-Yao also has some fatigue, but although people are gone, but things in the house have to be packed.
       Yue-Yao thought for a moment: " Master is still not there?" What time is this? How have the guests not gone yet?
       Gu You went back and went back: " Madam, Master is still accompanying Lu Yanghou and Yongding Marquis Heir to drink?"
       The entertainment between men, Yue-Yao is also difficult to say, Yue-Yao is very convinced of this principle in the male and female outside the female, An Zhi things outside, including entertainment, never interrupted, Yue-Yao commanded The kitchen is so welcoming, let him drink when he comes back.
       The mansions were all properly packed, and several men were still chatting and talking. Yue-Yao had the habit of taking a nap. Today, I didn’t sleep, and some were sleepy.
       Yue-Yao is not a person who can't go with him. He went back to the bedroom and took the phoenix on his head. He thought about it and asked people to come to Wei. He asked: "Do you think that Qing lian is very strange? "But to say something strange, Yue-Yao can't say it."
       Xiang Wei knows what Yue-Yao is strange?: "This woman looks at the dignity, but the smell in the bones is a scent, so you will feel illegal when you look at it."
       Yue-Yao didn't understand what it meant to Wei.
       Xiang Wei smiled and explained: "Yu Qing lian must have learned the means to please men, but she hides very well, and most people can't see it." Learning the means to please men, then it will not cover up completely. Signs, like Yue-Yao, who are particularly keen on observation, can see that only Yue-Yao did not think about it.
       Yue-Yao opened his  Mouth and whispered, "Is it impossible?" Generally only Concubine will learn the means to please men, and Qing lian, it should not be!
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "You don't believe it." The former Qing Qing lian is very similar to Yue-Yao, the same talent, the same beautiful and moving, of course, the same high and proud, the only difference is Yue Yao high pride and self confidence do not know convergence, but Qi Qing lian is well hidden, but no matter how indigo is still a very proud woman, but now? There is no arrogance, but there is a resentment.
       Xiang Wei has been listening to people outside, saying that Qing Qing lian is slick, but today the performance of Qing Qing lian is completely out of rumor. Why is there such a big gap? Because Qing Qing lian is in the hustle and bustle, she is in Yue-Yao, so she lost her. Normal heart.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Forget it, what kind of qinglianlian has nothing to do with me." Yue-Yao changed his clothes and went to bed, rubbing his eyes.
       Xiang Wei also quietly retreated.
       Yue-Yao waited for Wei to open her eyes and open her eyes. In fact, she did not believe in the words of Wei, but she did not want to believe that she was more arrogant than Qing Qing , but she was more clear than her, but she was pleased. Ning Li-xuan, even forced himself to learn the means of the women, think about how much courage it has to be.
       Yue-Yao thinks that she is not as good as Qing lian. When she encountered difficulties, she only thought about liberation. But Qing lian was forced to the point but never thought about death. She struggled to survive in desperation and eventually climbed to Ning Duke. Madam's position, even if Yue-Yao dislikes what Qing Qing lian did, but he has to admire the ability of Qing Qing lian.
       Yue-Yao fell asleep in confusion, opened his eyes and saw the peace of the side lying on the side of the body, Yue-Yao gently called: “Yue?"
       An Zhi-zhen drank a lot of wine today, this will be drunk, and Yue-Yao did not call again, dressed and went out.
       Yue-Yao asked Gu You: "What about them?"
       Gu You whispered his head and said: "1st Young Master is also drunk, this will all sleep!"
       Yue-Yao said: "Children are still young, how can they let them drink!" The education of men is completely different from that of women. In the mind of An Zhi-zhi, the three sons are now eight years old and have grown up. I can drink and ride horses, but in the heart of Yue-Yao, the three sons are still children. She thinks that those dangerous and bad things are not allowed to be done by three children.
       Fortunately, Yue-Yao did not agree, but did not interfere with how An Zhi-zhi taught his three sons. Of course, Yue-Yao is not allowed to interfere with how to teach Xin.

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