Family 580 [end]

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

These are the last chapters for this novel. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did..


       I have very little memory of the time in Jiang-nan. I only remember that I was in a tall yard, and there was a Pozi two Servant. That-Pozi is very good to me, often give me a good meal, and tell me about the outside. If it is a lifetime, it is also a kind of happiness. However, this kind of good day did not last for too long. When I was three years old, my aunt was dying. When I was four years old, I was gone because of a sudden typhoid fever.
       When my aunt died, I was not impressed, but I was very impressed by the death of the court. Because after the funeral of the embarrassment, the mother-in-law who loved me went away, and the two Servant who took care of me were also gone. At this time, I was sent to a person who looked very beautiful.
       I heard that Servant called the woman, Concubine, and I could feel this. Concubine didn't like me. As expected, this woman didn't like me, but she was not hungry at the time, and she did not abuse me.
       But all this, it has changed in the capital. You concubine eats well every day, leaving only leftovers left for me to eat, so I often don't have enough. I couldn't help but hungry, I couldn't help but ran out to find food, and occasionally I could find it, but every time I came back, I had to smash that Con concubine or that-Pozi. I dare not refute, nor dare to cry, because whether they are refuting or crying, they will be more energetic.
       In the evening, when I was hungry, I hope my sister can appear. Because Yang told me that the Lian-jia person, only her sister Yue-Yao will take care of me, will be good to me, and I am unreliable. I believe Yang’s words, but I have never seen my sister since the funeral. I asked Con concubine, especially Concubine only said that my sister is jealous and has no time to care. But I don't believe it, because there are several times my sister's Servant sent someone to send me something. How can I send something to my sister? Later, I secretly asked a small Servant, and the small Servant told me that my sister was sick. After my death, my sister was seriously ill, and it is still not good.
       God seems to hear my prayers, and once again being scolded by the evil-Pozi, my sister appeared. My sister punished the one-Pozi and said to take me away.
       I was very surprised at that time. I wouldn't have to be hungry after I followed my sister. I wouldn't be scolded, but when I was very happy, especially Concubine appeared.
       Especially Concubine cried and asked her sister to leave me, and said that she is her life. I forgot the rebuttal, but I looked at my sister with fear. I was afraid that my sister believed the woman and then threw me to the woman. Fortunately, my sister did not believe the woman’s words, but took me away from the nightmare.
       After walking for a while, I felt that my foot hurt so badly. I guess the foot should have been accidentally hurt when I went out to find food. At that time, I didn’t care about the pain at this time. My sister soon found out that I was different. I took off my shoes and watched the blood on my feet and hugged her.
       I didn't feel pain, really, I don't think it hurts at all. But my sister didn't believe me, but also played with me. At that time, I didn't think too much about obedience to my sister. The days after that were like dreaming. My sister asked me to stay in Lanxiyuan and not let me go back to the previous place. Not long after arriving at Lanxi Courtyard, my sister taught me to read. I learned very seriously, but I don't know how to forget it soon after I finished school. I was scared to see the disappointing 7 look in my sister's eyes. I was afraid that my sister would not play me because of this. As it turns out, I think too much, and my sister is as good as I have always been.
       My sister took me to the 'Grandmother' and the aunts, I can feel that neither the 'Grandmother' nor the aunt did not like themselves. But it doesn't matter if my sister likes me, it is enough to let me stay with me.
       Not long after, the uncle came back. I actually hate my uncle, because Yang is the uncle who sent it away, and sending me to You concubine is also the uncle. Just waiting for me to face the big uncle, I was very scared, afraid that my uncle would not let me stay with my sister, but fortunately, what I was afraid of did not happen.
       In Lanxiyuan, I studied diligently every day. When I finished my 100-character name and thousands of characters, my sister made a fuss about my studies. I also told me to find a Master.
       I was blunt at the time saying that I didn't want to find a Master, just wanted to let my sister teach. At that time, my sister touched my head and smiled and said that I was stupid, and did not say too much. Later, Mu-qi sister told me that her sister was playing with her husband every day and taught me to be too tired. In the long run, my sister couldn't stand it, and Mu-qi sister said that if I learned well with my husband, I would take a fame in the future and I can support my sister in the future.
       I hesitated for a long time and finally decided to let it go. After a long time, the Master did not find it, my sister was very anxious, but my mood was very complicated. I don't want to leave my sister, and I don't want my sister to be too hard. When I thought that the husband's business would be over, my sister said that the husband had fallen. Let me go to my father's good friend Li Bobo and follow him.
       I heard my sister say that I am living in the Li family. I only have two days of vacation a month. I was not willing. However, my sister did not follow my opinion, but said that I must play to Li family. She is also good for me.
       Although I am not happy, I can't violate the meaning of my sister. Fortunately, Li Bobo and Li Auntie are very good to me, and Li Han’s brother also treated me as a brother.
       The Li family is very good, but I still want to be with my sister. Unfortunately, my sister can't live in Li family and can only stay in Lian-jia. Asked Li Bobo, Li Bobo said that only when our younger brother grew up, can I move out of Lian-jia. At that time, I was so eager to let myself grow up quickly. When I grow up, I can have my own home with my sister.
       The 'Grandmother' passed away when the days were smooth. Not long after the 'Grandmother' passed away, I was sick and had a high fever. Later, I heard Mu-qi say, fortunately, my sister came in time, but I wouldn’t be saved. Mu-qi said that my sister has done a lot for me. After I grow up, I must play well to repay my sister. In fact, I don't have to say to my sister, I will also repay my sister.
       After the 'Grandmother'' Qi-Qi, I went to the Li family to study with Master Not long after, I heard my sister moved to my home. It’s not a small stay, but I lived in my hometown later, not going back to Lian-jia.
       Lian-jia or Ma is also the same for me. However, I can see that my sister likes to stay at the Ma family. Since my sister likes it, I naturally have nothing to say. In fact, I want to have a home belonging to our sisters.
       I often feel frustrated when I study with my husband. I worked so hard, and Li Han often played without work, but Li Han learned better than me. When I heard people say that I was a coffin, I was very upset.
       After the sister knew it, she smiled and comforted me. She said: "Ting Zheng, three hundred and sixty lines, the best in the line. If you don't study, it doesn't mean that I can't."
       Not long after, I followed my Chinese Shifu to learn how to work with my feet. Compared with reading, I prefer martial arts. Because of Shifu taught by Hua, I learned it three or four times, and I don’t necessarily remember an article I have learned for ten or more times. Since then, I have decided to follow the military. I didn't know at the time, because Lian-jia was the first home of Shuxiangmen, so I didn't allow my family's children to practice martial arts. When I didn't know, my sister had already pave the way for me.
       When I was eight years old, Li Bobo played outside. I was thinking about going to the teacher to study, but my sister asked me to go with Li Bobo.
       I was very upset at the time. I felt that my sister didn't want to take care of me. I felt that I was tired. Why didn't I play with Li Bobo? Later, Li Bobo knew my thoughts and couldn't help but sigh and said: "Ting Zheng, you shouldn't think so. Your sister wants to let me go with me, and he will not hesitate to turn over with Lian-jia. If you are If you think about her again, you are too unconscience."
       I don't know why this incident involved Lian-jia. Li Bobo did not explain it to me. He only said that I will know it when I grow up.
       I followed Li Bobo for five years in office. In the past five years, I have been working hard to learn from Kung Fu, in order to gain fame and to stand up as soon as possible. In this way, I can pick up my sister and come out to live together.
       At this time, I heard Li Bobo say that her sister was withdrew by Chen’s family. At that time, I was angry and burned. I packed up two pieces of clothes and went back to Capital City. Because I was too eager to catch up with the city, I was so sick that I was saved by a good-hearted person. Later, I realized that this person saved me not at all, but at my sister’s.
       After I returned to the capital, I found out that I was too small, and I couldn’t give my sister a chance. At that time, I made up my mind that I must play a leading role in the future. In the coming year I went to the camp.
       In the military camp, even if I was tired and tired again, I also insisted on sticking my teeth, and many people in the military camp heard the name of my sister. As one of the sisters of the capital, the sisters know that these people are not surprised. However, I want to explore my sister's business from me. It is a daydreaming, and Miss's business can be said indiscriminately.
       Of course, in fact, I don’t think my sister has anything to say. In the impression that my sister is not only practicing words or painting, but also, I have no sound.
       Although my sister withdrew with Shen Congwen, there were a lot of people who came to the door to kiss, but unfortunately my sister could not see it. When the Wenwu Shuangjinshi Yongding Marquis Heir Guan Jingyi door-to-door kiss was also rejected, not only did the people in the capital city rumor, but the people in our military camp often joked with me and asked me if I wanted to know what my sister wanted to find. Kind of people.
       Just when I was worried about my sister's marriage, I suddenly heard my sister and the 3rd young masters of Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , who was the one who saved me on the same day.
       An Zhi reputation is not good, and his identity is very complicated. I think this marriage is very bad. Unfortunately, when I rushed back to Capital City to tell my sister about this, my sister just smiled and said to me: "The marriage has been settled, and you can't go back."
       I heard this very very depressed: Secretary. I always thought that it would be better to be worthy than Guan Jingyi, rather than the person who is not well-known and ugly. I really feel that An Zhi is not worthy of her sister.
       My sister knows what I think, and I didn’t explain too much. I just said: "Ting Zheng, the man’s appearance is not heavy. It’s important to have a sense of responsibility and to protect his ‘Madam’ and children. An Zhi-zhen can protect his sister. It will be good for my sister, so my sister chose him."
       I heard this, my heart was particularly uncomfortable, or I was too weak to protect my sister. Playing is that I have enough skills, my sister will not choose the right one.
       I am not willing to use it any more, the marriage has already been fixed, and I can't change it. My sister has already withdrew once, and I can’t go back a second time. Just when I was very depressed: When I was in the department, my sister asked me to go to the house of Yuhua Hutong.
       Just in Yuhua Hutong, I saw An Zhi. I looked at the black face and hated to pounce on me. It's a pity that I can't, I don't want to swear at him any more, because An Zhi-zhen has decided to kiss her sister, and my name is my brother-in-law.
       An Zhi-xuan saw my thoughts and said only: "I will be good for the child."
       I listened to this and said evilly: "If you dare to be bad to my sister, I will not find you looking for your teeth in the future." After that, I didn't look at the face of An Zhi-, I took a small donkey. .
       Before my sister got married, I didn’t know who was malicious, but even the old-fashioned words of my sister’s elopement. My sister, Bing Qing Yu Jie, how can I run away with people! Fortunately, the brother-in-law did not move for this, but delayed the wedding for half a year.
       Half a year later, my sister married to settle down, and I also moved out of the Ma family and lived in Anfu. At this time, I only have the feeling of home.
       It didn't take long for my sister to marry, and I began to worry about my marriage. Not long after, my sister was in the middle of Miss Zhang.
       At that time, I actually felt that I was young and I didn't have to get married so early. I wanted to wait for my fame and then 'marriage proposal', but my sister said that I was the only son of Lian-jia, and I started to leave the branch early. After listening to this, I did not refute it.
       When I saw Zhang Jia Miss, I was very disappointed. The appearance of Zhang’s Miss is really ordinary. Even if the sister said that Zhang’s Miss looks in advance, it can be seen that the real person is worse than the imagination, and there is still a trace of loss. Then I talked with Miss Miss about a few more disappointments, and the general appearance is not enough. I didn’t learn a little bit, and there was no flash of light everywhere.
       When I was looking for an excuse to go back, I suddenly had a beautiful Miss. This woman is beautiful, but it seems frivolous, I am very annoying. Just right, I found this excuse and pretended to be a sigh of relief.
       My sister later told me that this was a misunderstanding. Zhang’s Miss was not intentional. I wanted to say that I didn't see Miss's Miss, but I didn't want my sister to do it, so I finally promised to see it again.
       Before I saw Zhang Jia Miss for the second time, I mentioned my sister to Wei. After I saw Zhang Jia Miss, I went back and said directly to my sister. I said that Zhang Jia Miss was thinking and not matching me.
       My sister listened to me and really stopped talking about anything.
       Not long after, I went to the Yulin Army. In the Royal Forest, I did not encounter any martyrdom. I don't know what to do. I know that these people are not guilty. I am looking at my brother-in-law's face.
       Not long after the Yulin Army, I made a few good friends, Lin Big Brother is one of them. One day, Lin Da Ji asked me to go to the house to be a guest. I did not refuse.
       Tiangong is not beautiful, but it is raining that day. I didn't want to lose my appointment, so I went to Lin's house according to the schedule. I also saw Qing yi on that day.
       I have never forgotten the scene of that day. In the rain, a purple tung oil umbrella came towards me. Under the purple umbrella is a Miss, far from the rain screen, although with power, can not see the five senses, but can see the graceful posture. When I was near, I saw the person under the purple umbrella. In my eyes, I only stood in front of this Miss, and there was nothing else.
       When I saw Lin Da Ji, I asked Lin Da Ji, and I knew that the person who made me feel excited was Mei Mei, the brother of Lin Da Ji. The more important thing was that Lin Miss did not have a marriage match. I was very excited. Hate can't immediately ask the matchmaker to come to the relatives. It’s just that my proposal was vetoed by Lin Da Ji. The reason is simple, because I am not sure if Mei Mei is interested in me.
       Fortunately, Qing yi does not hate me, just say that I have to know more about it, and I feel that it is appropriate to invite the matchmaker to 'marriage proposal'. Although I felt that some did not meet the etiquette, I still agreed. After that, I met Lin Miss several times. The more I get along, the more I like her. I like to hate and can't get married immediately, take her home.
       It was not until two months later that Qing yi finally nodded. However, Master Lin said that this marriage cannot be raised by me. If it is caused by my initiative, it will not be appropriate. Finally, I also followed Lin’s meaning, and Lin Bobo and his brother-in-law raised this marriage.
       I thought the marriage would be smooth, but what I didn't expect was that my sister didn't agree with the marriage.
       Directly let the brother-in-law refuse.
       When I got the news, it was like a blue sky. I was anxious to ask my sister why she refused this marriage.
       My sister was very bad at the time. Asked if I had a relationship with Lin Jia Miss? I naturally denied it. I only said that I saw Qing yi when I went to Lin Family and then I liked it.
       My sister didn't believe me, and said to me: "You are not suitable for Lin Family Miss."
       I was in a hurry to get angry and told my sister that it was very good, but my sister didn't want to hear me say more, just let me go out.
       Those days were the hardest days for me to live for 16 years. But it will be harder for me to give up. Even if my sister does not agree with me now, I must convince my sister to agree to this marriage.
       A few days later, my sister met me and asked if I must play the Miss Lin family.
       I was very sure that I only wanted to swear and not want to marry other women.
       My sister listened to me and told me that Qing Han is like a bright flower that is cultivated in a warm shed. It must be carefully cared for. Can not afford the wind and rain. I am playing tricks, there will be many in the future.
       Rubbing, the days will not be calm.
       I thought that my sister had a deep understanding of Qing Family. I want to tell my sister that Qing Family is actually a very
       Very good Miss.
       Unfortunately, my sister didn't want to listen to me, but asked me a question: "If the sister is against, will you give up?"
       I only had one sentence at the time. I only wanted to be a ‘Madam’ in my life.
       My sister listened to me, very disappointed, let me go out without saying anything, say play and think again.
       I thought about it and thought, couldn't help but ask for sister Wei, let sister Wei to help her sister in front of her sister to help me. I know that my sister has a very strong trust in her sister, and she will follow the advice of her sister.
       ‘Laughs’ hesitated for a moment, did not agree, and did not decide. The next day, my sister told me that she agreed. This marriage.
       Soon, my affair was settled. I only thought that after two years, my ‘Madam’ became my ‘Madam’, and I felt that I was the happiest man in the world.
       I am taking a look at my future days and I will be as happy as my sister and my brother-in-law.
       Unexpected things.
       My sister asked me to see the 'marriage proposal' of Lin's family. Lin family not only refused, but also looked at his face. This incident annoyed my sister and told me to go back to this marriage. I also said that the Lin family’s people looked down on my birth and did not respect me. I was not rushing on the ground.
       I grew up so big, it was the first time I saw my sister saying so hard. I know my sister's shi-zi. If I don't show my attitude now, my sister will definitely ask the matchmaker to go home. I immediately showed my attitude, I didn't want to retire, I just wanted to clear my mind.
       My sister finally gave back a step, let me tell her the Lin Jia, saying that if the Lin family did not set the wedding date, the marriage was given up.
       I immediately found Lin Big Brother, and Lin said that all of this was a misunderstanding. As for what misunderstanding, Lin did not say. When I saw Qing , I knew the reason, and the problem was with me. In the past few days, Qing Qing inadvertently asked me why my sister did not agree to this marriage.
       I didn't think too much at the time, saying that her sister thought she was not a qualified master, so she didn't want to make this door. Lin Auntie listened to this very angry, plus just as Lin Aunt knew that her biological mother was a brothel woman, and ran into a rumor that I was a male pet.
       When Lin Bomu was reluctant to set this marriage for her hasty, she happened to meet the watch and said that she had a wedding date, and now she gave her a faceless face.
       I know that this is when I got rid of it, and my heart was guilty and sad. My sister didn't like to clean up, but after I made this incident, I didn't like it more.
       I didn't dare to tell the Lin family that my sister wanted to retire, but just said that she wanted to get married in advance. Unfortunately, the Lin family refused.
       After the sister knew that she had not pursued it, she only said that her brother-in-law would go to talk to Lin’s uncle. As for what to say, it will definitely not be a good word.
       Sure enough, my brother-in-law found Uncle Lin and said that if Lin Jiaru is not satisfied with this marriage, he can retire. Uncle Lin said at the moment that the wedding period can be set at the end of the year.
       I listened to Lin’s brother, and Lin knew that Lin’s father had a big fight in the wedding period, and Qing ’s crying was not the same for this matter. I am very guilty, but I can't do anything.
       My sister found me and didn't say anything about retreating. Just telling me that this marriage is something I must tie myself up. She can't stop it, so she doesn't block it. But when I get married, I am an Daren. After I deal with my own affairs, she will stop managing it.
       I was listening to this at the time and I was very scared. I just wanted to speak, but I was interrupted by my sister. I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, and I can't understand why my sister just decided that I would not have a good time with Qing yi! My sister didn't understand the conclusion of Qing Han. I really felt too much.
       After this incident, I can feel that my sister’s attitude towards me is somewhat alienated. Although I am very upset, I don't regret it.
       In a twinkling of an eye, I will be married. Unfortunately, my sister happened to be pregnant, and the morning sickness was very serious. I could not attend my wedding at all. This is a pity for me.
       On the day of my love, I am full of joy. But this joy just lasted for a day, waiting for the first day, I took the Qing to see my sister, and the contradiction came one after another.
       My sister doesn't like to be clear, so I knew it early in the morning, so I have tried to say good things in front of Qing Family these days, and I look forward to Qing yi being able to take the initiative to make good friends with her sister. Unfortunately, things are not as good as I expected. Because her sister refused to kiss on the same day, Qing yi was very dissatisfied with her sister. I didn’t say it at the beginning. When the division was long, this dissatisfaction was vented. If this is the case, I will persuade it. But slowly, I found Miss's temper too big. If it is not as good as her intention, it will start a batch. If I don't squat, she will return to her family.
       It’s okay once or twice, but there are more times and I’m impatient. Fortunately, the father-in-law is a reasonable person, and ordered that the Qing Family is not allowed to return to her family again. This kind of thing has not appeared again.
       I have been in a pro year, and I am still not pregnant, which makes me anxious. I want to play a son on the one hand. On the other hand, I hope that when I have a child, I will not be able to care about my child’s share.
       I am very happy that I am finally pregnant and pregnant. Happy days are always fast, and there are too many troubles. Because I drank two more cups outside, people were so drunk that I didn't know if there was a Servant climbing bed.
       Qing Yi did not know who got the news, broke into the door, and then made a big noise. I was very annoyed at the time, what can people who are drunk past? I can look at the clearing of the stomach, I can only swallow the dissatisfaction in my heart.
       My sister heard the news and moved the tires and immediately came over. My sister was a good intention, but Qing Han was like a konjac. The Servant who insisted on climbing the bed was arranged by her sister.
       My sister was furious at the time and asked if I had such an idea.
       How can I have such an idea, what kind of person my sister is, I still can't figure out how she might do something like this.
       My sister looked at me and said, "It’s my sister is wrong."
       I know what my sister meant. My sister said that she should not compromise at the time. She should not let Qing Qi enter the door. She is blaming herself. However, this matter has nothing to do with my sister. It is my fault. I don’t listen to my sister’s words.
       After I sold this daring Servant, it also came to an end, and my sister didn't mention it to me anymore. I thought this was the case, but I thought it was too naive. I want to ask my sister to give a name to an unborn child. My sister’s cold 7 looks let me know that my sister has hated the clear, and Lian does not like to clear the child in her stomach.
       For this reason, my sister did not come over during the production of Qing , and her sister did not come to visit after the child was born. When I went to ask my sister to give Yuting a presidency to wash the three ceremonies, my sister also refused to give it up. It was only when I was washing the three, I showed a face and sent a thick gift and went back.
       Finally, the child's name is given by the mother-in-law, called Yu Ting. This name means good, but the name is far worse than the name of Qi and Qi. It’s just that although I don’t like it, it’s not good to refute.
       The child was born for a few months, and the nine sons let me go to Haikou. I also wanted to leave the capital at the time. The days of constant quarrels made me very tired, maybe I would be separated for the time being.
       I went to Haikou, and the days in Haikou were actually not comfortable. Because of my appearance, I was often teased by those people. The soldiers below also yelled at my orders, which made me angry. But I also know that if it happens, it will be me. Nine presenting is to play a firm foothold in Haikou, and then to do things for him, if I am pushed back like this, the future will be affected.
       After spending more than a year, I finally stood firm in Haikou. When a person is in Haikou, the director is long, and he feels lonely and lonely. He also took the idea of ​​picking up the sea to Haikou. However, I only thought that after picking up the two people, I had to quarrel. Without peace, I dismissed the idea.
       At this time, Mei Mei, one of my subordinates, was looked at by a three-product singer because of her outstanding appearance, and she was condemned as Concubine. Since this happened, it is natural not to stand by.
       My subordinate is worried that the ginseng will not give up and retaliate against him, so I asked him to take him Mei Mei.
       Nawei concubine. I am afraid to lead the population tongue. This is a good result, but it seems to be greedy and beautiful. But not only my subordinates, but also music-Shi is also very worried that he will not give up when he marries someone else.
       I am asking for her. If I can't promise, she will twist her hair to be a prince.
       After this incident came out, many people advised me to accept the music-shi. I was thinking about getting rid of my body, and I was going to have a hard time. After considering it for a long time, I will finally be happy with the music. However, when I brought Le-Shi into the door, I told her that I only gave her a place to live, and the rest did not think about it.
       Le-Shi promised.
       After the music-Shi passed the door, the backyard was well taken care of. Usually do not go out, very honest. Even if I am pregnant, there is nothing too much.
       It was at this time that Qing Yu came. When Qing knew that I was guilty and pregnant, I had a big fight with me.
       This has been a long time, and finally Qing said that after the birth of this child, she must be placed in her name and given to her. I was originally playing this idea, and naturally I will not refuse.
       Because I often play in the military camp, when I stay at home for a month, the division is very short, and the two rarely quarrel. At that time, I felt that such a day was not bad.
       However, there was a war in the northwest. Soon, Haikou was not peaceful. Now I decided to let Qing yi take the children back to Capital City. The capital is at the foot of the emperor, and it is the most secure.
       Before Qing Qiu returned to Capital City, Wu Daquan, the life and death friend of the brother-in-law, asked me to bring some things back to Capital City and hand it over to my sister. However, I haven't explained the matter clearly yet, because the military camp went to the sea to fight, because of this small mistake, the result has made such a big thing. Qing Qing actually took the thing to the mother-in-law, and finally led to the imperial edicts of corruption and bribery.
       This incident led to the dissatisfaction of her sister. After I returned to Capital City, my sister told me a lot of things. After I finished speaking, my sister said, "I hope that you can follow Lin-Shi and leave."
       I know that my sister is good for me, but I can't promise. Even if there are many mistakes in Qing , she has not been easy in the past few years. If I am with Lin-Shi and I am away, what should I do?
       My sister saw that I didn't agree, and I didn't say anything. It’s just that I know that my sister is very disappointed with me. Although I am saddened, I can't agree with my sister's demands. As my sister said, men not only have the ability to play, but also have to be responsible. There is nothing wrong with Qing , she is also my ‘Madam’, I should protect her.
       But things are far from being as simple as I thought, and my brother-in-law is not allowed to clear the door to re-enter the house, and
       People who know this in Capital City are aware of this. Under normal circumstances, no man will take care of this chores, and will not let
       This is the case. The brother-in-law will say this, there is only one reason, that is, the Qing Family touched the back scale of the brother-in-law.
       I went to the door to find a brother-in-law for this matter, and I wanted to ask my brother-in-law for help. But looking at my brother-in-law's lack of indifference, I can't say anything.
       In a few days, Anfu sent someone to ask me to go. I was very happy at the time, thinking that my sister is no longer living with me.
       I was angry, but I did not expect that my sister had already gone to Zhuangzi. Let me go to Anfu, my brother-in-law, not my sister.
       My brother-in-law asked me why I didn't keep up with it.
       I didn't say my true thoughts. I only said that all of this was a misunderstanding. I also said that Qing yi had promised to go to the sister for tea for two days to admit my mistake.
       My brother-in-law didn't say anything else. I only asked one thing and I handled it.
       I didn't understand what this sentence meant. What is this matter? Isn't that what it is, how can it be?
       Just when I thought that my brother-in-law would say that it was clear, my brother-in-law was a pin-up, saying that my sister’s hand was too long, and even that my sister’s family was still in charge of Lian-jia.
       Although I am not smart, my sister is not a fool. I heard the meaning of my brother-in-law, that is, in the future, I will not allow my sister to intervene again.
       I was originally angry for my brother-in-law, but I soon knew that it was not a moment of anger. My brother-in-law is not only not allowed to take care of my sister, he does not want to see me. I could have entered the banned barracks, but he directly said that he did not want me to enter the ban camp because I felt that I could not be qualified for the errand.
       I know that these are excuses. The real reason is that my brother-in-law doesn't want to see me. He feels that I am a ungrateful person and not worthy of being good to me.
       My sister went to Zhuangzi for more than two months. In the past two months, I sent a few letters, but my sister did not return. The 2nd Brother and sisters have lived together for more than a decade, but they have finally reached this point. It is impossible to say that it is not difficult. It’s just that the road is chosen by yourself. No matter what the consequences, you have to bear it yourself.
       When I thought that things were going to happen, my family had an accident. New brother, my only son is gone. What makes me unbelievable is that the reason why the new brother is gone is because of the battle between Qing and Le-shi.
       After dealing with the new brother's aftermath. I don't want to see it again. Because every time I see Qing , I will remember what my sister said. My sister said that Qing will not be a qualified master. It turns out that my sister is right, I am wrong.
       At this time, I most want to see my sister and tell her, I regret it, I really regret it. Unfortunately, my sister has been reluctant to see me again. The new brother’s business, the last worry of my sister was also broken.
       Walking in the market, I feel that I am a wandering soul. I don’t know where to go. When I was lost, Li Bobo told me a call.
       In fact, Li Bobo did not say much, but I understood what Li Bobo said. If I still insist on not clearing and leaving, I will be ruined in my life.
       I thought about it all day and night. Finally, I was biting my teeth to follow the showdown. I didn't want to start at the beginning, but I talked with Qing Yi, but finally strengthened my thoughts of separation. Now and away, it’s just a painful time. If it’s not, I will suffer for a lifetime.
       Qing is not willing to leave, but my determination has been fixed, and it is difficult to change. And the work was very smooth, the father-in-law has always been a very reasonable person, and there is no martyrdom.
       After clearing up and leaving, I wanted to send Yuting to Anfu, let Yuting and her sister be around, so that her reputation would be good afterwards. After growing up, Yan Ting could also say a good dear. However, my sister refused, but she said that she was very embarrassed. I know very well that after going through so many things, my sister and I will not return to the past. Fortunately, although my sister did not promise to teach Yu Ting, she also found a well-known Education Mama.
       After the departure, Shangfeng, his colleagues and even his subordinates were very enthusiastic about me. It’s just that I have not had the enthusiasm of ten years ago. Hey, no one has any idea, just to be able to live with me with peace of mind.
       The matter of marrying my ‘Madam’, I finally asked my sister to help me find a candidate. Not for the other, it is the precision of the eyes of the sister. Finally, my sister found me Miss Li Miss.
       The same is true. Li Qi Niang is a very virtuous woman, helping me to properly manage the inner court, and the relationship with relatives and friends is also very good. The people around me are in favor of her, and my sister is also unusual about her. But I am not satisfied with her, because I can't see the hot 7 look from her eyes.
       I know that I can't force it. I can't force her to love me as much as Qing . It's like I can't be clear to her. However, my heart is still very disappointing. I always feel that my heart is empty, as if my heart is missing.
       After a year with Li-Shi, my second daughter was born. Because it looks very much like me, so the name is Yu Ting, which means that the posture is beautiful, and growing up is a big beauty.
       Although the little daughter looks like me, but still can't fill my inner emptiness, just at this time, I met the smoke. The smoker is actually not quite similar to the Qing Family, but I saw the shadow of the clear smoke in the smoke.
       Li-Shi knows that he will not object to me in the future, but she has made a request, she did not
       Before giving birth to a donkey, smokers are never allowed to give birth. I am also very clear about the scorpion's heavy play, so I promised at the time.
       In fact, deep down, I have some disappointment. I do not know why either? I remember that when I knew that I had a good music-Shi, I had a big fight with me. I was very angry at the time. But now Li-Shi is so virtuous, and I am very angry. This proves that Li-Shi did not put me in the heart, otherwise I will see that I am indifferent.
       It is a pity that the second birth of Li-Shi is another Miss. At this time, the smoke accident was pregnant, and the smoker was afraid of Li-Shi, asking me to hide her.
       I did not hide it and told Li-Shi directly; and I told Li-Shi that if the child was a son, she would hold her and raise it for her.
       Li-Shi directly rejected the proposal and said: "Whether it is a son or a daughter, let Qiao concubine raise it himself!"
       At this time, I suddenly came over. At that time, Qing yi accepted my suggestion so calmly because it was not easy to have pregnancy, but Li-Shi was different. Clearly, I feel a special pain every time I think of it. I don't regret to be clear and detached.
       If it is not the same, now the two are still endless quarrels. After the departure, those beautiful past traces are in my memory, lingering. Whenever this time, I will go see the smoke. But looking at the smoke, the kind of regret will make the pain more and more deep. But I don't have the courage to listen to the news.
       It was at this time that the Emperor died and the Crown Prince became the new emperor.
       I have a life-saving grace for the new emperor, so the new emperor trusts me and makes me the leader of the infantry battalion. To this end, I put all my energy on the career path.
       A few months later, the child was born, and a son was born, and Li-Shi was as she said, and she did not hold the child to her side.
       I named my son the engine, the engine, and the meaning is the responsibility. I hope that this child will be able to pick up the burden of the 2nd House in the future. But my sister didn't think so, and my sister didn't show up when she was washing her three. At that time, I knew that my sister didn't like Qing Brother.
       I was particularly complicated at the time. My sister doesn't like to be clear, at least it can be said that after the meeting, her impression is not good. But Qing Brother is a born child, or the only child I am now, why she doesn't like it!
       I have not asked anyone about this question, because I know that if I ask others, others will definitely say that my sister does not like Qing Brother, because Qing Brother is a blind man. I can't understand, I'm also smashing it out.
       On the day before the full moon of Qing Brother, Li-Shi was pregnant again. Although I like Qing Brother very much, I know that other people, including my sister, actually hope that Li-Shi is a man, because if Li-Shi is a son, it is my shi-zi. The status is completely different. But I don't have much feeling for myself. My shi-zis are my sons, and I treat them the same.
       After nine months, Li-Shi gave birth to a son. The name of this child is not taken by me. My sister took it and took it from the shackles. I hope that when the child grows up, he will become a hero. It is undeniable that my sister's name is very good, at least I think it is much better than the name I took.
       After my sister married Li-Shi, I never managed to do anything about my house. According to her sister, Lian House has been properly taken care of by Lee-Shi, and she is very relieved. But I don't know why, I just can't like Li-Shi, even if I have three children, I still don't like Li-Shi. Even, my three children, Lian Li-Shi, didn't like it. Among the five children, my favorite is Yu Ting, followed by Qing Brother.
       I know that I am not right, but I just can't control myself. But Lee-Shi seems to have not noticed my thoughts, and I still feel as if I am just getting married. I have a guilty conscience about Li-Shi, and I want to be nice to her, but every time I see a cigarette, or see Yuting, I can’t help but think of it.
       Clear. Thinking about the cleansing that is not doing well today, my heart is like a knife.
       My official is getting bigger and bigger, but my heart is getting more and more empty. Yes, I shined the threshold of the 2nd House, but I never found the joy of the year.
       In the first few days of my forty-five-year Old birthday, at that time, my sons and daughters had already become married, and Lian 'Grandfather' did it. But at this time, I got the news, and the Qing Family passed away. Qing Family is the end of depression.
       I listened to this news and my mind was awkward.
       Later, I spent a lot of effort to find the Qing cemetery. The Qing Family was not buried in the ancestral grave of the Zhao-home, but was buried in a beautiful place.
       I stood quietly in front of her grave, a confused department, and I seemed to see Qing Qi holding a purple tung oil umbrella and smiling towards me.
       Yu Ting always remembers that when she was seven years old, she was separated from her mother. She still remembers that she got sick when she got the news on that day, and she was sick again on the same day. She was very ill.
       Yuting got news from her mother that her aunt had come. She dragged her sick body and wanted to plead with her aunt. It’s a pity that I haven’t said a few words yet, so I’m taking her down. When she didn't leave the house, she fainted, and her condition worsened. She had raised it for a month.
       After the body was good, Yu Ting discovered that the people in her yard, except for the mother, other people, including her two personal Servant, all changed.
       The mother said to her that the two personal Servant were old and let them go out to marry. She didn't believe it, but she didn't believe it anymore, and she couldn't call someone back.
       Soon, the new Servant came in the yard. Not only that, but the kitchen also changed to a cook, and the doctor changed. Said to give her conditioning, she does not like to regulate the body, she only wants to play.
       The maiden cried and said: "Eldest Miss, Madam is gone, if you don't listen again Master, rebellious Master, got Master's dislike, wait for the future Madam passes, you What should I do? Eldest Miss, you will listen to me and advise you to nurse your body as soon as possible. After that, you will be safe and stable. This way, Madam will not worry if he walks away.
       Yu Ting did not listen to persuasion.
       The breastie finally had no choice but to say: "Eldest Miss, if you are not comfortable taking medicine to adjust your body, Master will drive me away later. Eldest Miss, the old servant does not want to leave you." In the heart of the mother, early I treated Yu Ting as a biological daughter. Madam is no longer in Lian-jia. If she is gone, Eldest Miss still doesn't know how to be new Madam.
       Yu Ting didn't want her breasts to go, but she only gave in.
       After three months of conditioning, Yu Ting's body is much better, at least not to be sick again. At this time, Yu Ting ushered in Education Mama, Dou Mama. It is said that this sinus Mama had been served by Yu-Honorable Noble.
       Following the sinus Mama learning rules, Yu Ting knows how light the previous days have been. The rules of study are too painful, and Yu Ting can't stand it, and he is sick.
       Dou Mama knows that Yuting is sick, but she does not punish Yuting, but only punishes Yuting's breast and the Servant around her, forcing Yuting to yield.
       When Yu Ting An’s heart was learning the rules, she got the news that her aunt had told her a relative, Miss Li Miss. Soon, the two were in the process of deliberation.
       Yu Ting didn't want to play with her mother. She wrote a letter to the girl that night, asking for a woman who didn't play with Li. Yu Ting thinks that if she does not marry her ‘Madam’, she will return. If you are married, your mother will never return.
       What disappointed Yu Ting was that she did not promise her. Just saying that this is a matter for Darens, should not be a child.
       After this incident, Yu Ting fell ill again. This time it is a real illness, not a disease. When I was sick, Yuting cried very sadly. I used to be sick, and I was often not at home, but my mother would accompany her. Now that she is ill, there are no more people besides the breast and the Servant.
       At this time, Dou Mama came over and looked at her and said, "You are so sick, except for the people around you who are Lian, no one will feel bad about you."
       Yu Ting heard that if she had a good deaf, the breastfeeder and the nearby Servant-Pozi had no life, no more heart, and now honestly take medicine.
       After getting sick, Yu Ting continued to study with Dou Mama. Dou Mama not only teaches her rules, but also teaches her many other things.
       Dai Niang and Yu Ting said: "Eldest Miss, this sin Mama is a person with real skills. Just play with you seriously, learn her 30% of the skills, you will not suffer in the future."
       After Lin Qing yi left, the most trusted person of Yuting is the breastfeeding mother. Since the milkmaid said so, she would definitely not harm her, so Yuting studied very seriously with Mama.
       In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Li-Shi entered the door. On the second day of the marriage, Yu Ting went to Li-shi to see the ceremony. Although 10 thousand people are unwilling, but Yu Ting knows that she can't help but give in, but she is not good at it.
       Yu Ting has no way to call other women as mothers.
       Dou Mama heard after hearing: "You don't need to call the mother, you call her mother, all the rules can be, I believe Madam will not mind." Earl Madam selected people, if this is There is no point in the gas, and the eyes are too frustrating.
       According to the sin Mama, Yu Ting is called Li-Shi mother.
       Li-Shi smiled and gave a very thick meeting. Yu Ting did not alleviate the hostility to Li-Shi because of this meeting. Li-Shi occupies her mother's position, even if she is not an enemy, she will not make good relations with Li-Shi.
       Obviously, Li-Shi did not plan to make a good match with Yu Ting. Li-Shi is not a fool. Yuting has already acted. No matter how troublesome she is, she can’t really let Yuting accept her from the heart. Why does she suffer from the 7 gods? It is not as good as the relationship between the two. Peaceful coexistence is.
       Yu Ting thought that after Li-Shi entered the door, she would definitely deduct or find her. Unexpectedly, Li-Shi is very kind to her, and she wears the best on most days. No matter what good things, it is her first.
       Yu Ting thinks Li-shi is a slap in the face, and it is not sure what hidden water is hidden.
       Sin Mama heard directly to her: "You are Miss, not a son. I will give you a thick dowry in the future. Why should she be embarrassed?" A woman who is only a little smarter will not blame her predecessor. Miss down.
       Yu Ting listened to this rebuttal: "She is a stepmother, naturally I am not pleasing to the eye."
       Dou Mama feels that Yu Ting really taught, but for the younger age, she can still come over: "Li-Shi is good to you, you will get Master's favor, can stand at home as soon as possible If she is not good to you, not only will you be angry, but you will hate her, and Lian's relatives and friends will not be able to marry her. Later, Lian will be tired of her own children. If you change to you, how do you choose? ”
       Yuting was furious: "She used me to please me?"
       Dou Mama whispered: "She is not using you to please you, but only the normal mother of the brain will do this."
       Yu Ting remembers very clearly that her aunt is because she feels that she is not a qualified master.
       I don't like mothers, and she is away from her mother. The cause is her aunt. Now Yu Ting hears the sinus Mama, very
       Naturally feel that sin Mama is ridiculing her mother. At the moment, Yan Ting was angry and burned, and the sinus Mama topped up.
       Dou Mama was furious and punished her in the house: "If you can't tell where you are wrong, don't
       Play it up. ”
       Yuting spent a day and night in the house until she lost her physical strength and waited to wake up.
       There are only breasts around.
       The baby girl saw Yu Ting over, wiped her tears and fed her porridge. Seeing that her mood has recovered a lot, only to open
        Mouth: "Eldest Miss, these words are not going out in the future."
       Yu Ting was angry: " Mama, isn't it true that I said it."
       The mother sighed slightly and said: "Eldest Miss, Master and Madam and the separation, is not that simple. You are still small, I can't tell you clearly, you will know when you grow up. "Is it right?
       It is not a single explanation.
       Yan Ting’s tears came again: “ Mama, I want to be a mother, I don’t know how my mother is doing now?” Yu Ting is worried that Lin Qing yi life in Lin’s family is not good.
       Mama Chen Mama has said a few things: "The Eldest Miss, Madam has been remarried years ago."
       The matter is now squatting, but it can't be too long.
       Yu Ting listened to this, the whole person stunned: "My mother, she remarried? How can she remarriage? Marry
       Where have you been? ”
       Chen-Pozi said after a moment of indulgence: "It is Lin Madam is the master, and the people are also picked by the Lin family.
       Fang is not a city person, and it is three or four days away from the capital. ”
       Yu Ting said lowly: "Mother is not playing with me, she is not playing with her."
       Chen-Pozi also feels distressed, Madam and Master and away, the biggest injury is Miss: "Miss
       What to say stupid, Madam remarriage is not voluntary. You are Madam's only concern, if you have a three
       Long and short, what do you want Madam? ”
       Yuting cried all day and night. In this middle school, in addition to Li-Shi came to appease her, Ting Zheng is because of
       I don't know about this in business.
       Dou Mama looked at the 7 look of Yan Ting's thin and thin, 7 looks very cold: "If you don't pick it up again, then
       Please ask another person to ask for it. ”
       Yu Ting hasn't talked yet, Chen-Pozi gave a shock, and quickly pleaded to Sin Mama, and said a lot.
       Good words.
       Dou Mama is not moving: "After three days, if you still look like this, then forget it."
       Such a piece of mud can not help the wall, she looked sullen. If not for Lian Madam
       It’s so tempting, she didn’t want to teach.
       After the sinus Mama left, Chen-Pozi bitterly persuaded Yu Ting: "Eldest Miss, Dou Mama is outside
       The reputation is very good. If she is gone now, it will be difficult to get it later Mama, and Miss’s reputation.
       It will also be bad. If Miss's reputation is not good, it will be difficult to find a relative.
       Yu Ting did not know, Chen Pozi still can't know. Dou Mama is aunt-Nai-Nai, no way
       Please do not have such a qualified senior Mama. And in addition to Dou Mama, the chef who gave Yuting the body
       Niang is also the Earl's House.
       Chen-Pozi is a clear-headed person, and she will not stay in Lian House to continue to take care of Yu Ting. positive
       Because she is sober-minded, she feels that Madam and Master and away, really don't have much to do with Dagu-Nai-Nai.
       relationship. Because there are such brother-in-law, no one likes it. Just Chen-Pozi knows Yuting on the big aunt
       The conflict of milk, so did not tell Yu Ting the truth.
       Yu Ting is not a person who does not know how to be good. Dou Mama taught her for half a year and taught her many things. If
       It’s sin Mama is really gone, looking for a good one Mama, it will be very difficult.
       Within three days, Yu Ting's illness was fine, and then I followed the sin Mama to learn. when
       Of course, at this time, Si Yuting is not really doing anything. She sent someone to inquire about her mother’s news.
       I got the news that her mother is doing very well.
       Yu Ting’s mood is very complicated. On the one hand, she knows that she is very happy and very happy. On the other hand, she is very difficult.
       I feel that her mother is not playing with her. No matter what, Yu Ting does not resent Lin Qing ’s, but he is forced to
       The Lin family who was married and married was dissatisfied, so they took the initiative to break the contact with Lin Jia.
       Not long after, Li-Shi was born and gave birth to a daughter. I don't know why, Yu Ting heard Li-Shisheng
       It’s a daughter who is very happy, but she not happy when she knows that Mei Mei is similar to her.
       Dou Mama saw what Yuting thought and said: "You should pray Madam has a son.
       The home is strong, and the waist will be hard after you get married. "Lian-jia has no son, no matter how Lian is in the future."
       Well, after all, there is no inheritance.
       Yan Ting did not agree with her heart, but she did not say it.
       Dou Mama did not punish her, but said faintly: "In the future, if you can't do it, you can’t be angry.
       In the shape of color, it is best not to think about anything. "Fortunately, she has made up her mind to wait for Lian Yuting to accept."
        Mountain home. Nothing, no matter how high the revenge she will not teach, did not break her reputation.
       Dou Mama is worried, she is worried that she is not good at teaching for six years, so she found an opportunity.
       I went to the Earl's Mansion and said this to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao thought for a long time, and finally decided to find a Master to Yuting. Yue-Yao, Master
       The reason for Ting is also very simple. If I read more books, I will naturally understand the Governor. Just playing to find a good girl
       Sir, it is not that easy.
       An Zhi-zhen thinks that Yue-Yao has too much control: "Now, Yu Ting has a father and a mother, you control so much, Li
       -Shi will be upset. "The more Yue-Yao is done, the more incompetent the stepmother Li-Shi has done. Li-Shi
       Since I was married to the court, I am very respectful to Yue-Yao, and these are all in sight. So Yue-Yao
       This move, An Zhi-zhen feels that it should not.
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "There will be a year when Yu Ting’s shi-zi will come over and the child will marry in the future.
       It will be even harder. "With a mother like Lin Qing yi, Yu Ting's marriage is definitely not smooth.
       An Zhi-xin knows clearly that Yue-Yao thinks that Yu Ting has no mother and she is also responsible. Ann is no longer much
       Say: "You have a good grasp of the scale. But when it comes to the front, the marriage of the child will be difficult in the future. You
       I don't have any advice on finding a good family for her, but you can't make the mind of her daughter-in-law. ”
       Yue-Yao couldn't help but laugh: "What about nonsense! Am I so unclear?" She gave
       Yu Ting invited Mama and Master , it is also hope that Yu Ting no longer eager to hope her. As for saying Wan
       Ting gave herself a daughter-in-law, and Yue-Yao never had this idea.
       This is also to guard against the accident: "Nothing."
       Yue-Yao spent three months on the division, only to find a woman named Yun. Master Yun was born before.
       The big family, only a little later. Yue-Yao is very difficult, and the other life is a bit difficult.
       So promised.
       Master Yun went to Lian House and played the name of Ting Zheng. This can beat Yuting, but I can’t help Li-Shi.
       Some of Servant is Lee-Shi is not flat: "Dagu-Nai-Nai, this is too thick and thin, you are so respectful to her on most days.
       Respectfully. However, it is not hot or cold for us, and it is a great deal for the Eldest Miss. ”
       Li-Shi smiled lightly: "The Eldest Miss has no mother, the aunt-Nai-Nai is more painful and normal."
       -Nai-Nai has no extra care, but I am worried that I will be affected by Lin-Shi, so I will ask for it Mama
       I teach and hope to bring her back. Yu Ting is good, she can also be less tired.
       Yu Ting began to read the words at the age of four, and has learned a lot of words. She does not want to be a talent
       Female, naturally, I don’t want to learn from my husband. It’s just that the court is not moving, and he directly received Master Yun.
       When Yu Ting saw it, she only learned from Master Yun honestly. Studying with my husband every morning
       In the afternoon, I will learn the rules and I will not be idle every day.
       When Li-Shi was pregnant with her second child, Yu Ting knew that she was a girl again, I don’t know.
       Why, Yuting looked at the woman who called the child, and felt very uncomfortable. She always felt where she had seen it.
       Can't say it again.
       Yuting and Chen-Pozi talk about this, Chen-Pozi only said that she thought too much, and then Qiao concubine number
       Come to Yu Ting's yard.
       Qiao concubine idea is very simple, I want to make a good deal with Yu Ting, and then fight against Li-Shi with Yu Ting. unfortunately
       Qiao concubine thought it was too simple, and it was so good to see it. Every time I went to Yuting’s yard, I was Chen-Pozi.
       Blocked. Once Qiao concubine came over and was met by sin Mama, sin Mama will face all the next man
       Qiao concubine didn't dare to raise his head. Yu Ting knows the sin Mama power.
       Dou Mama looks at Yuting now and says, "You are Miss, Qiao concubine is concubine, if you
       It is more contact with her and it is a hindrance to your reputation. "When I finished, I said the difference between a ‘Madam’ and a ‘Madam’."
       Then said that if the ‘Madam’ is commensurate with the sisters, it is not only their own identity, but also the people around Lian.
       Dou Mama will say this to Yuting, also because she knows that Lin Qing yi was only the 2nd House at the time.
       Qing lian has a good deal. The person she doesn't want to teach herself will be commensurate with a Concubine sister in the future.
       Yu Ting listened to the sinus Mama remarks. The whole person is awkward at the moment because she remembers her mother and her sister.
       Qing lian is commensurate with her sisters.
       Yu Ting believes in sin Mama ability, but she is prepared to sin Mama. In the evening, she asked
       Chen-Pozi: " Mama, my mother used to be with the world of Duke, Madam, is it also being used by others?
       Excluded? ”
       Chen-Pozi has been silent for a long time, and finally told the truth: "For this matter, you the Maternal Grandmother
       Hey Madam a meal. ”
       Yan Ting couldn't help but ask: "What about the aunt?"
       Chen-Pozi did not want to say: " Madam has a bad relationship with Dagu-Nai-Nai, I don't know Dagu.
       -Nai-Nai is what attitude. "This is quite a bit of a sigh, even if the aunt-Nai-Nai does not show an attitude, but thinks too."
       I know that Auntie-Nai-Nai is definitely not happy.
       After listening to Chen-Pozi, Yu Ting was silent for the first time.
       Li-Shi second is still a daughter. At this time, Yuting has no gloating mood. Because she knows that if there is no son, their family will be worried about the future. And this time, Qiao Concubine
       I came out and said that I can help Li-Shi housekeeper.
       Qiao concubine sect, can't help but remind me of some things, some very bad past. That year
       Concubine, who is in the hall, is robbing her mother of her stewardship, and then she is not married.
       Soon, Yu Ting knew that she wanted more. Lee-shi is much stronger than her mother, Qiao concubine just got up
       I was found to have been wronged by Li-Shi. And I know, and I didn’t express any dissatisfaction, completely.
       We maintain the decent face of Li-Shi.
       A month later, Qiao concubine was lifted, and Lee-Shi had already returned to his home. And just
       At this time, Qiao concubine was diagnosed as pregnant.
       Chen Mama said only one sentence at the time: "Idiot." Chen-Pozi thinks that Qiao concubine is self-seeking
       road. How can Li-Shi, a so smart person, allow Qiao concubine to give birth to a son.
       Yuting also agrees with Chen Mama.
       But to their disappointment, Qiao concubine gave birth to his son. But also
       To their surprise, Li-Shi did not hold this child to raise.
       Just when she was puzzled, Li-Shi was pregnant again. In fact, in the case of Yu Ting, even if Li-Shi
       This fetus is also a son, but Qiao concubine is born to occupy the name of the eldest son. As a master
       Li-Shi is definitely not tolerate the erotic brother.
       Dou Mama listened to Yu Ting's words and said: " Madam is a smart person. You will learn more with Madam later." Lian Master is older and has no son under his knees. Qiao Concubine made what is pregnant,
       Since she is pregnant, Li-Shi can't be removed. If you don’t play it, the hurt is the couple feelings, and Li-Shi
       The impression at Dagu-Nai-Nai will also be greatly reduced. Li-Shi is trying to clean up Qiao-shi, and he has to wait for himself.
       Give birth to a son and say.
       Dou Mama sometimes sighs, Earl Madam is so smart and so powerful, why is this Lian old?
       Will the Lord be so confused? In the past, Lin Qing ’s body was not easy to produce, and there was nothing to criticize.
       Yes, but now Lee-shi is good, three years old, enough to show that this is a very capable woman.
       Lian Master has let Master Concubine have a son. If you have a son, you will forget it. Others look at his age.
       It can also be understood on a large part. The question is, how can I give this name to my eldest son?
       The word of the word is the person who can bear the heavy responsibility. Lian Ting is hoping that this child will serve as Lian-jia in the future.
       The heavy duty of the 2nd House? Sin Mama really thinks that Lian Ting is kicking his brain, he never thought about how the scorpion will be.
       do? It’s hard to beat the scorpion and squat under the scorpion. Lian Ting is doing this, not only playing Madam Lee
        Shi face, Lian took the aunt-Nai-Nai and the face of the couple, after all, they said
       Dou Mama also knows at this time, no wonder that Lin-Shi can be mixed up, the original husband and ‘Madam’ both
       It is a person who is not divided into two or six.
       Dou Mama really didn't want to stay in Lian-jia anymore, but she had a six-year contract with Lian Madam, she had
       Teach Ting Ting six years to leave.
       No longer like Lian Yuting, Dou Mama is still very professional and still teaches with all her heart. very
       Fast sin Mama found that Yuting grew a lot more than before. Of course, this is not only her credit, but also
       Master Yun’s credit.
       Seeing the great progress of Yuting, Dou Mama is also very pleased. If Yu Ting can always do this,
       After a few years, it will certainly not be too bad, and it will not cost her to work with Master Yun.
       Not long after, Li-Shi was pregnant again. A few months later, Li-Shi gave birth to a son. Ting is knowing that
       The son is also very happy to name his son.
       Dou Mama knows that the newly born gongzi is named and the moment is speechless. Well, the Lord’s business is not
       She is able to criticize her, she still teaches the Eldest Miss, and waits for her to return to her hometown two years later.
       When Yan Ting was thirteen years old, Dou Mama was ready to go back to her hometown to support her.
       Yu Ting asked for sin Mama stayed, but unfortunately was rejected by Dou Mama. Before the sinus Mama left, he said with Yu Ting: "Teach Miss for six years, Miss has also grown a lot, I am also worthy of it Madam's entrustment." Finish, let her hate to pick up. After six years of teaching, although there are some shortcomings in Yu Ting, they are all minor problems, and there is nothing wrong with them. People have shortcomings, they can't be perfect, but they can only play in the big direction. A little problem is not a problem.
       Yuting was stunned at the time. Nowadays, Yuting has changed dramatically from six years ago. Sin Mama said this Madam, it is obviously impossible to be her stepmother Li Madam.
       Sin Mama thinks that Lian Madam is too good, and it takes so much thought, but does not ask for merit: "Six years ago, it was Lian Madam paid me to hire you as Jao Yang Mama, that is Master Yun, too Madam has tried his best to ask for it. Eldest Miss, I know that you have been resentful Madam, because you think it is Madam is not going to hurt you. of."
       Yu Ting has always resented Yue-Yao, even if it is today, she knows things, and no longer hates Yue-Yao, but she still has complaints.
       Dou Mama is also a juggling person. Many of the bad things that were said before have also been said: " Mama has taught you for so many years, and you should know, Mama never swears. Your parents are separated from each other. They themselves have nothing to do with your aunt." Dou Mama really thinks that Lian Ting is not related to Lin Qing xi and Lian Madam. The problem is in Lian Tingzheng’s own body. Woman, Lian tired to raise her own sister. Fortunately, Lian Madam's reputation in Capital City has always been very good, and they can't let Lian Madam be stunned.
       Thinking of what Lian Ting is doing, Dou Mama is disliked. Others are petting their wives, and Lian Ting is not cheating his ‘Madam’, but he is insulting his shi-zi with his shi-zi. Of course, as for Lian Tingzheng, it may be a good thing that the shi-zi was ignored by him. At least the 1st Young Master he taught was far worse than the second Young Master.
       Yuting lowered her head and did not speak. I didn't understand things six years ago, but these years I followed Mama and Master , she has long been a thing of the past.
       Dou Mama whispered: "If you are willing to listen to me, you will go to the Earl's House in the future. Your future marriage may be relied on Madam!" Li-Shi Not bad, if she is allowed to help her, she will definitely try her best to help Yan Ting pick a good husband in all aspects, Li-Shi is the stepmother, it is very good to be able to do this. But if Lian Madam is willing to give Yuting a 'marriage proposal', then Lian Madam will definitely choose a suitable husband for Yuting, which seems to be the same.
       Yu Ting lowered her head and made it difficult for her to cross this gap.
       Dou Mama sighed and said: "If you don't want to go to Earl's House, you have to get along with Li-Shi." After six years, the kittens and puppies have friendship, let alone It is my own student, Dou Mama also hopes that Yuting can be good.
       Yu Ting nodded: "I will."
       When Dou Mama left, he said to Yu Ting: "I will think more and more in the future, and I will not play with the temper, so I will not suffer." Lin Qing yi is too embarrassed, so it falls to such an ending. .
       Yu Ting Lian Lian nodded.
       Dou Mama left, not long after, Master Yun also came to resign. However, Master Yun left Li-Shi to stay. Because Hi Ting is six years old, Yi Ting is almost five years old, Li-Shi wants to ask Master Yun to teach Ting. In the past few years, Li-Shi has also seen that Dou Mama and Master Yun are both real and practical. It’s just that sin Mama is going home to support her, she can’t stay.
       Hiring Ting is smart, and Yi Ting is also very well-behaved. The two children are also well raised by Li-Shi, and the bundle-laid given by Li-Shi is also very rich, and Master Yun naturally promises It is.
       Li-Shi found Yuting, and said to her: "You are also thirteen years old this year, and you should learn how to handle chores." Li-Shi is ready to bring Yuting to the side, teaching She is housekeeper.
       Yuting had some accidents, but Li-Shi proposal was beneficial to her, and she also had a good relationship with Li-Shi, and Yu Ting promised now.
       Later, Yu Ting and Li-Shi began to learn how to manage the house. Li-Shi is also not private, and she will correct her if she is not doing the right thing. Of course, Lee-Shi also praises the place where it is well done, and there are rewards.
       The idea of ​​Li-Shi is very simple. Yuting is Miss, and she will marry in three or five years. At that time, she will distribute a dowry. Even if the dowry is thick, there is nothing to tighten. Because Yu Ting was thirteen years old, it was time to talk about marriage, so Li-Shi also began to go out to entertain. When I was outside, Li-Shi pointed out a lot of things about Yu Ting, which benefited Yu Ting.
       Yu Ting also bears the feelings of Li-Shi, and has a very good relationship with Li-Shi, and often speaks Lee-shi good words before the front of the court.
       Li-Shi Tao Tao Li, is getting better and better. It’s just that Yu Ting’s marriage is hard, and the reason is not Lin’s and Shi remarriage, but Lin’s ridiculous things.
       There is an old saying that is not a good saying, Long Shenglong, Feng Shengfeng, the son of a  Mouse will be a hole. Lin Qing yi was also very good before he married. If he can marry, then there is no need to evaluate. This Yuting is looking good now, but who knows if he will go home with Lin-Shi. Therefore, although Yu Ting often goes out with Lee-Shi to go out to socialize, but there are very few parents who come to the door, so few of them want to climb their homes, and the door is not right, Li-Shi is also awkward. Not on.
       Although Yu Ting is awkward, there is an advantage. That is, Tingzheng is now a member of the second class, and he is still a favorite of the emperor. It’s not that there no one who wants to play a kiss, but Li-Shi doesn’t look up, and refuses.
       Yu Ting began to calm down, but when she was fifteen, she had not set a parental relationship. She also began to be anxious, that is, Chen Mama also began to worry.
       Chen Mama couldn't help but say: "Miss, don't ask for aunt-Nai-Nai, or you can ask Master to talk to Dagu-Nai-Nai and see if you can kiss "Master Mama also thinks that several sons of Yue-Yao are good. Noble Heir of Earl's House doesn't want to, um, Earl's House II Young Master is still not studying outside, but can be excluded. But there is also a 3rd Young Master, and the 3rd Young Master is now also a Famous figure of Wuju, and it is quite good.
       Yu Ting's face changed greatly: " Mama, this time, even if you play this kind of thing, even if you are my mother, I will not give you a face." If she really does not know how to beg, At that time, she would have to lose her face.
       Chen Mama whispered: "Dagu-Nai-Nai has taken care of Miss in these years."
       Yu Ting smiled bitterly: "Caring is one thing. It is one thing to go back to be a daughter-in-law." The aunt may have been guilty about the things of the year, perhaps because she was not pregnant, no matter what. Please Mama and Master is not too difficult for aunt. But if it is to play her home as a daughter-in-law, not to say how the aunt will think, the uncle will certainly not agree. My uncle used to hate her mother very much, and she didn't even let her mother enter the door of her family. How could she agree to play her such a daughter-in-law?
       Yu Ting didn't think she had anything wrong with her mother before, but when she walked outside for two years, she knew how much her mother had done before. And those who are secretly ridiculous, those who are full of thoughts and eyes, make her very uncomfortable.
       Yu Ting's marriage is not smooth, not only Li-Shi is in a hurry, but the court is also very anxious. Not long after, Ting Zheng took a fancy to his eldest son.
       Li-Shi sent people to inquire about the details of this person, and he denied the door. Li-Shi did not swear by Yu Ting, and told the news that he had heard the news: "The man has a sweet girl, even if the other party is good, this marriage can not be done." If it is true, this After the door, I will have to soak in the bitter water for the rest of my life.
       Yu Ting stunned, and turned to tears. Is that his relative? It’s hard to marry her, and she shouldn’t do it like this! At this time, Yu Ting finally understood the words that sinus Mama said when she left. Sin Mama is not reliable enough to see her, so she can only rely on her aunt and her aunt.
       Tingzheng did not know that the other party had a childhood friend. I only saw myself and felt that the conditions were very good, so I felt that I could do this door. If I listened to Li-Shi, I would dispel this thought.
       At this time, Lin's 2nd Master, Lin Qing yi second brother, invited the matchmaker to the Lian House to give the eldest son a kiss.
       Lee-shi got the news, and his face was cracked. Just honed it out, didn't refuse it, sealed a fine red envelope, and said with a smile: "This is what we have Master is the master, and when there is news, I will let people send a letter with Mama." In accordance with the intention of Li-Shi, she is certainly not willing to marry Yan Ting to the Lin family, and to return to relatives with the Lin family, but also should not die for her. It’s just that Li-Shi knows that Tin has never forgotten Lin Qing yi in these years. If she refused to speak, she did not take it.
       When Yu Ting got the news, she lost 7 gods. She hasn’t heard from Lin’s family for more than seven years.
       Yu Ting did not know why the Lin family would ask the matchmaker to come to the 'marriage proposal', but she knew that this marriage was absolutely impossible. Yu Ting directly searched for Li-Shi and said: "I also asked my mother to refuse Lin." If her mother didn't stay away from her, she would marry her cousin and kiss her, but now it's going on. ? Mother is not a Lian-jia woman, if she is married to the Lin family, everyone will fall into an embarrassing situation.
       Li-Shi listened to Yu Ting's words and breathed a sigh of relief. Only when Yu Ting does not agree with this marriage, this marriage will not be done.
       When Li-Shi didn't think of it, the court got the news and said that this marriage could not be done. As for the
       Why, the court did not elaborate.
       Li-Shi heart couldn’t help but called: “What do Lin’s family want to do?”
       Li-Shi smiled and said: "The Lin family was involved in the investigation of the seven sons, although there was no responsibility.
       Penalties, but the future of the Lin family is affected. ”
       Speaking of Lin Daren is also unlucky, Lin Daren is not a seven-person, and he does not know his brother.
       When did you rely on the seven sons? As a result, after the appearance of the seven sons, their family as immediate family members
       Also gave Lian. Although the new emperor did not copy the house, the official position of Lin Daren could not be saved, etc.
       After the new emperor ascended the throne, the Lin family went downhill. If this is going on again, Lin will not be able to play for a long time.
       Declining. The court is the savior of the present, and it is very popular with the emperor. If Lin Jia can renew
       With the court being an in-law, the court is able to take the lead and definitely change the status quo of the Lin family. This is also why
       The people of the Molin family took the initiative to ask for a kiss.
       Lee-shi confidant-Pozi couldn't help but say: "I don't know when the Eldest Miss's marriage can be settled?" The Eldest Miss's marriage is too difficult. This is no longer 'marriage proposal', it will be sixteen right away. The older,
       The harder it is to say a marriage.
       Li-Shi thought about it and said: "This is an urgent matter, take a look!"
       In the blink of an eye, Yu Ting is already sixteen years old, and the marriage is still not settled. Ting Zheng finally couldn’t sit still and went to Ann.
       The government asked for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao knows that Yu Ting’s marriage is difficult, so this court is opening, Yue-Yao is also loose, saying:
       If there is a suitable candidate, I will tell you. ”
       Yue-Yao has no suitable candidates on her own, but she and Ming-zhu have Zhuang Ruolan and the County Owner
       The person who paid the right said it. These people are very communicative and familiar with most of the situation.
       Yue-Yao mentions that the pursuit is not high, only the children are good at quality, only to learn well, um, you have to learn to play
       Good work, the other is almost the same.
       Yu Ting’s identity is, although she is the eldest daughter, but no one wants her eldest son to marry her.
       Changchun is a daughter, no one can make a joke about this. However, the words of the second son are relatively easy.
       Of course, this is easy compared to the previous situation.
       Ming-zhu listened to Yue-Yao words and said: “Yu Ting’s marriage is so difficult, not only because of Lin-shi reason.
       And there are reasons for Lian Tingzheng. "Lian Ting is in a high position, and Yu Ting cannot marry too badly.
       Low marriage, at least within a range. It’s impossible to be too low, it will affect your brother.
       Mei Mei marriage.
       Yue-Yao has not found a suitable candidate here, and Qing Qing lian invited the matchmaker to come to his own time.
       Child 'marriage proposal'.
       Li-Shi is very disliked with Qing Qing lian. Every room Madam, not for the women of this Small Concubine
       There will be a good impression. Li-Shi immediately refused the matchmaker's courtship.
       Can Qing lian not die, let Ning Li-xuan personally tell the story. Ting is knowing that Ning Li-xuan wants to give
       My own shi-zi 'marriage proposal', the heart is moving now.
       Do not blame the righteousness of the court, the two sons of Qing Qing lian are very good, not only looks good, but also learns outstandingly.
       It is also very gentle, and it is also very Famous in Capital City.
       Fortunately, the court did not immediately agree, just said to think about it, and when he returned home, he talked about it with Li-Shi.
       Li-Shi is firmly opposed.
       Ting is somewhat annoyed: "Which is the second son of Ning Duke, where is it bad?
       Learn to have talents, sensationalism, family life is not bad, with Yu Ting also worthy. ”
       The reason for Lee-Shi opposition is also very simple: "Ning Duke House is in a mess, that  Mou is still on Small Concubine
       How can you let Yuting marry in the past? ”
       Ting Zheng is also because Ning-home reputation is not very good, he did not agree at the time. Hesitated
       For a long time, Ting Zheng still decided to meet Ning Shaowen. If Ning Shaowen really makes him satisfied, this door pro
       Things are still done.
       Waiting for the court is seeing Ning Shaowen, the satisfaction is extremely high. Just because he is married to his daughter, it’s hard to avoid holding some
       Too eager to think that my daughter could not get married.
       Ning Li-xuan can not see that the court is very satisfied with his son, he knows that only the matchmakers come to the door,
       This marriage has become.
       Ning Li-xuan was afraid of being late, and he changed the matchmaker on the same day. The next morning, the matchmaker went to Lian-jia.
       'marriage proposal'.
       Li-Shi is so mad, but still rumors refused this marriage, and Yu Ting knows that Tingzheng promised Ning
       Duke petition, almost fainted, and people like Ning Duke, after getting married, they have to go out
       Dwarf others. And Yu Ting is not a fool, Ning-home is coming to the door, not the person who is looking at her.
       It is the power she has.
       Chen Mama is also anxious to get angry: "Miss, this affair is done by all means. Your mother later
       The more troubled, the more fierce, and even the troubles with the Master and the separation, are the faults of this  Mou shi. Chen Mama with stone-Pozi
       The relationship is very good, so I know more things.
       Yuting only knows that her mother has a good relationship with her-Shi. She does not want to marry Ning Duke because of her-shi
       The reputation is not good, and she will bring her children and grandchildren in the future, but she does not know that her mother and she are still involved in the  Mou shi: "How
       What happened, you told me? ”
       Chen-Pozi told her about what she had heard from the stone-Pozi.
       After listening to Tingting, the whole person was stupid. She did not think that she was really guilty of the sin of her mother.
       The first turned out to be  Mou Shi.
       Yu Ting immediately went to find the court. When she heard that the court was in the main courtyard, she immediately went to the main courtyard. At this time, Zheng Zhengzheng
       Quarreling with Li-Shi, the reason is naturally because Li-Shi refused this marriage.
       Yu Ting knows that the two men quarreled because of her reasons. They went straight into the house and squatted on the ground.
       : “my daughter is twisting her hair and she will not marry Ning Duke."
       Li-Shi scared a big jump and helped Yu Ting to say: "You, this child, can talk nonsense."
       Yu Ting's attitude still makes Li-Shi satisfied, she does not want to be with her-shi became a child's family, did not have to bring
       Tired of her children's affair.
       Ting is cold and said: "Marriage, the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, when is your turn?
       Come to the Lord? ”
       Yuting said: "Yes, the original marriage should not be a daughter's  Mouth. Just  Mou Shi is my enemy, I
       I can go to the enemy to be a daughter-in-law. ”
       Tingzheng lived and said: "What enemy?"
       Yuting is not stupid enough. In the presence of Li-Shi, she said that she is not the mother’s face.
       Step on the bottom of your feet!
       Li-Shi was not very clear about the events of the year, but later she was afraid that she would suffer from her losses.
       Therefore, Li-Shi probably guessed what Yuting said. Li-Shi immediately withdrew from Y-Pozi, and he also came out.
       The door, leaving Yuting and the court in the room.
       Yu Ting said that she was going to know from Chen Mama: "I listen Mama said, mother
       Acting is very measured. However, since I have known this  Mou shi, my mothers behavior has become more and more extreme, and I cant listen.
       Anyone persuasion, Lian the Maternal Grandfather and the Maternal Grandmother's persuasion are not. If it’s not  Mou shi, its stirred up,
       It’s definitely good with my mother now. It’s all  Mou shi, its not her, she not going to leave. Hey, its you.
       Let me give  Mou Shi as a daughter-in-law, I would rather have my hair twisted to be a prince. ”
       Ting Zheng’s face changed greatly: “What are you talking about?”
       Yu Ting calmly said: "I believe Chen Mama will not lie to me."
       This is actually a good check. Because not only the stone-Pozi knows this, it is Lin Qing yi personal Servant.
       I know this. Even if the stone-Pozi lies, it is impossible for Lin Qing to be around the Servant-Pozi.
       Have a hatred.
       Ting Zheng once again liked Ning Shaowen, but when he knew that he and Lin Qing yi and the detached  Mou shi handwriting, naturally not
       Will promise this marriage.
       Originally, the refusal of marriage did not matter, but at the time, what was said by Yu Ting, the Servant-Pozi in the room of Li-Shi
       I heard it, and Li-Shi is also very disgusting, and does not restrain the next person. Therefore, what Yan Ting said is very
       I will spread it to the outside soon.
       Yan Qing lian heard the rumors from the outside and was mad at the moment.
       No one expected, because of this incident, Yu Ting made the peace-County Owner feel very novel, and I have seen Yuting.
       In the future, it really took the mind of the media. Although the scorpion is somewhat impulsive, it is still a very high rate.
       Really Miss, not at all delicate.
       Wan-he County Owner's two sons and sons are married, but she still has a shi-zi without 'marriage proposal'
       So, I asked her mother and 'sister-in-law'.
       Duanwang said with a smile: "This is asking you 'sister-in-law'." Duanwang is also a good mother-in-law, from
       I don’t care for my daughter-in-law, so I have the respect of my daughter-in-law.
       Duanwang did not immediately agree, but did not refuse. Since Wan-he County Owner mentions it, it must be playing
       I saw you. If it is really good, it is not impossible to do this door.
       After seeing Yuting, Duanwang Heir rules and tricks were very good, and his actions were also generous.
       Answering questions is also courteous. Duanwang Yu Heir also has seven or eight points of satisfaction in his heart. but
       To be on the safe side, Duanwang Heir asked the meaning of Duanwang.
       Duanwang said with a smile: "This kid is good. Speaking, I don't know how Lian Madam teaches children.
       The children, one by one, are so good, I hate to be able to take home. ”
       Duanwang is very surprised: "This child is Lian Madam teaches?"
       Duanwang said with a smile: "This child's Master and Education Mama are both Lian Madam carefully selected
       Although not personally taught, it is also inseparable. ”
       After listening to this, Duanwang Heir last doubts were eliminated. In two days, Duanwang Yu Heir
       I invited the matchmaker to 'marriage proposal'.
       Duanwang’s family, it’s not good to say that it’s good. After all, the 3rd Young Masters in Duanwang’s house cannot
       Cheng Jue, but said that the difference is not bad, no matter how Duanwang House is in the Noble Noble Lady home is also a first-class. and so
       In short, this marriage is not bad or bad.
       Li-Shi feels that this marriage is quite good. In the case of Yu Ting, it is definitely impossible to think how good it is. Can marry to Duanwang House, no matter what the inside is, the face is right.
       Yu Ting’s marriage is difficult, and this relative is also a good one.
       Because the 3rd Young Masters of Duanwang and Yuting were in the same year, Duanwang House was not in a hurry to set the marriage, but
       First, the marriage is prepared for a year.
       When Yu Ting married the Duanwang House at the age of seventeen, the dowry could not cross the first two 'sister-in-law's.
       The dowry on the face of Yan Ting is sixty-four, but what is the dowry underneath, then only Yu Ting himself
       Got it.
       Duanwang is a very kind old man, very good for the younger generation, except the first fifteen, other times
       There is no such thing as a daughter-in-law. Duanwang is very generous, and Heir marriage has never been harassed by her mother-in-law.
       So she is also good for the following three daughter-in-law.
       Of course, if Duanwang Heir is a mother-in-law who is not good at serving, Yue-Yao will definitely not let Yihe
       -County Owner returned to her family to say this.
       There are disputes in some places, Duanwang House is not a calm, and the Secretary is also dark.
       Fighting. Yu Ting just entered the door and was not familiar with the environment. She ate a lot of dark losses and did not take long to understand the situation.
       She rarely suffers again. But Yu Ting never wants to find things, and she can avoid her two 'sister-in-law'
       Duanwang's 3rd Young Master is also a person who doesn't like trouble. The palace has a lot to eat and wear less, all day long.
       He struggled for a little bit of a small profit, so he looked at the pie, and he got his mind.
       My mother-in-law and her mother-in-law are also very good at getting along, and her husband Ajin is a heart with her. although
       There are also troubles in the palace, but Yu Ting’s little days are still very moist.
       In the morning, the warm sun shines through the window and the room brightens.
       Lin Qing yi leaned back on the bed and his face was pale. At this time, the Servant came with a bowl of medicine and said: " Old Lady too, take medicine."
       Lin Qing qi lifted his body and finished drinking the medicine in the bowl. At this time, there was footsteps outside.
       It sounds. Lin Qing xi heard the sound, and the corner of his  Mouth crossed a cold, but he still lay flat on the bed and squinted.
       A woman of about thirty, holding a half-large child into the house. The woman is Lin Qing yi grandmother, and Lin Qing yi, a surname, is a surname of Lin, and everyone has become her Xiao-lin-Shi.
       Kobayashi-Shi gave Lin Qing yi a ceremony and said: "Mother, is the body better?"
       Lin Qing yi 7 looks very cold: "Do you have anything to come over?" Zhao Master's original two sons left, Lin Qing yi did not have the mind to teach. And their daughter-in-law is also picked by Zhao Master himself. Lin Qing yi relationship with them cannot be said to be good or bad. I can't see two times a month. There are not many people in contact, and it is not bad when it is bad.
       Xiao-lin-Shi is a bit embarrassed, but still said: "He his leg hurts, I heard that the doctor in Capital City is very good, I want to take him to the capital to see." Zhao-home boss did not Knowing how to hurt the leg, and the leg will be particularly painful, especially in March and April, it is even more painful to die. Kobayashi-Shi is very distressed, so I want to bring my husband to Capital City to see a Famous doctor.
       When Lin Qing qi came into marriage, she would not like Zhao-home people. Of course, she did not like Zhao-home people. However, Kobayashi-Shi is very respectful to her. Now, if she asks for a door, if she doesn’t say anything, it doesn’t look good: “You’re not familiar with the life of the capital, you can’t find a good doctor. You bring the boss to find My older brother, ask him to help inquire."
       Kobayashi-Shi and so on are this sentence.
       Lin Qing yi signaled the Servant around him and took a scorpion of yellow pear wood. After she opened the lock, she took a silver ticket from it and said, "This is a hundred Silver Taels tickets. If you feel that the inn is too expensive when you live in Capital City, then you should rent a house and not go to the Lin family."
       Lin Qing yi is not a person who does not know anything. She and her mother have been away from her family for more than half a year. The two 'sister-in-law' eyes are not eyes, and the nose is not the nose.
       Lin Madam Even if it is suppressed, how long can it be suppressed? Their husband and ‘Madam’ are also older, and they don't know how many years they still have, so she wants to marry Lin Qing yu. Marrying the portal is lower, even if the other person's family is not very good, but there is no dowry in the Qing Family.
       Lin Qing yi was originally unwilling to marry. She wanted to be a monk, and she would accompany her in the next half of her life. Just Lin Madam disagreed, and Lin Qing xi said: "If you are a monk, your mother will die in front of you." Under the persecution of Lin Madam, Lin Qing yi agreed to remarriage.
       Zhao Master Although there is a meritorious name, it is essentially a landlord, and looks like a general, not to mention the comparison with the court, which is comparable to the average student in Capital City. Such a person, Lin Qing yi is naturally 10 thousand can not see.
       Zhao Master is not a fool. It didn't take long before I noticed that Lin Qing yi didn't like him and even deliberately avoided him. Men are all playing face, not long after, Zhao Master received a Servant, and Lin Qing yi did not care.
       This is a recession that shows the benefits of Madam's selection of this marriage. Lin Qing yi is in the Zhao-home, no matter what, the Zhao-home chores are also Zhao Master's Eldest Miss is cooking, and Lin Qing yi has her own dowry, the annual income of her field shop is enough for her to live very well. All right. To put it simply, Lin Qing yi regards the Zhao-home as a place to live, and does not regard the Zhao-home as his husband's family.
       Zhao Master originally collected this Servant for the sake of qiqingqing, seeing that she really didn't care, even got a small Buddhist temple in the yard.
       Zhao Master Although his heart is not happy, his ‘Madam’ is not a display, but Lin family is not something he can afford. However, Lin Madam came forward to tell his eldest daughter about a relationship with the capital, so that Zhao Master was so comfortable.
       Kobayashi-Shi nodded: "Good." After he finished, hesitated: "Mother, don't wait for you to get sick, let's go to Capital City together. Just go to see the Maternal Grandmother."
       Lin Qing ’s eyes are sour, and she said that the most sorry thing about her life is her mother. I am at this age, and still worry about her: "No, you see my mother, you tell her, I am doing very well, so she does not have to worry."
       After Kobayashi-Shi left, Lin Qing ’s eyes fell on the two large wardrobes against the wall. The flowers on the top were beautiful. When she was married, she was full of joy, but in the end, she finally fell to such a step. world.
       Lin Qing xi thought about the past, tears could not stop falling.
       The next Servant saw her crying, knowing that she remembered the past, went forward, and the voice was very soft, saying: " Madam, you just finished taking the medicine, take a good sleep!" Immersed in the past, how can I live well!
       Two months later, Zhao-home boss and Xiao-lin-Shi returned. The doctor's medical skills are definitely stronger than the town. This time I went to Capital City, and the legs of the Zhao-home boss got a very effective treatment, and it no longer hurts.
       Kobayashi-Shi is very grateful to Lin Qing yi.
       Lin Qing yi waved his hand and said, "Nothing, go on!"
       Kobayashi-Shi knows her shi-zi, and she is not angry. She said with a discretion: "Mother, the Maternal Grandmother had a serious illness in the previous period. When we came back, the Maternal Grandmother said that I wanted to see you. ”
       Lin Qing yi lowered his head and thought about it: "I know." After that, he held the beads in his hand and read the scripture silently.
       Kobayashi-Shi sighed slightly. In the capital for more than two months, she already knew that her mother had been married to Zhao-home.
       Lin Qing xi actually couldn’t enter the scriptures and waited for no one in the house. She was sitting on the futon. After a long stay, I decided to go back to my parents' house. Even if I didn't like the two 'sister-in-law's, she knew that Lin Madam was ill and couldn't help.
       Zhao Er and his ‘Madam’ heard Lin Qing yi playing in the capital, and now he is happy and wants to go with him. However, it was refuted by Lin Qing xi, only let Zhao Laos send her back to Capital City.
       Lin Qing yi has not returned to Capital City for 17 years, and he has not returned home. When he saw two large characters on the plaque engraved with the two characters of Lin Fu, his eyes were sour. When I got back home, I saw Lin Qing ’s tears brushing away: "Mother."
       Lin Old Madam is sixty-nine years old and has a very bad health and is often sick. Seeing Lin Qing xi crying is not the same, he said with a smile: “It’s rare to come back and live for a few more days.” Lin Master died five years ago.
       Lin Qing yi also wanted to stay with her mother, but she thought about the two 'sister-in-law' indifferent 7 looks, she hesitated.
       Lin Old Madam Can't know what Lin Qing yi is scrupulous about, patted her shoulder and said: "Reassure, they won't have any objections. Now Yuting is married, and I sent someone to ask her over two days. A glimpse." Before Yu Ting married, Lin’s people wanted to see that they were stopped by Li-Shi. Now that Yuting is married, Lin’s people still can’t see it because Yuting doesn’t want to see them. However, Lin Qing qi is not the same when he returns. He and his aunt can be said to be outsiders. If you don't see or be told, if Lian's biological mother is gone, then it can't be said.
       Lin Qing xi heart trembled, and she deliberately blocked all the information these years. She is afraid to hear more, she will go crazy. Therefore, after knowing that Yu Ting had a very good life and had not been abused by her stepmother, she did not want to know the news of Lian Yuting.
       Lin Old Madam whispered: "Yu Ting married to Duanwang House, now 3rd Madam in Duanwang Prefecture, and now she is full of children."
       Lin Qing yi knows that Yu Ting has a good life, and the mood is much better: "Yu Ting is well, I am content." She now has only two concerns, one is a mother and the other is Yu Ting.
       Lin Qing yi lived in the Lin family and did not live in other places. He lived in the courtyard of Lin Old Madam.
       Duanwang passed away a year ago, and today Duanwang is Yu Gong's public money. Yu Ting and Duanwang Fu Heir, that is, her relationship with her amnesty is very good, usually also help to bring out some housework.
       Yu Ting does not compete with Duanwang Heir for the stewardship, nor does it provoke right and wrong, but the peace of mind of the husband and ‘Madam’.
       child. Duanwang Heir is not stupid, and naturally took the initiative to make a good deal with her.
       Yu Ting heard Lin’s post, and 7 looks a little uncomfortable. Originally, she was forced to marry her mother to dissatisfaction with the Lin family, and later went to the door to raise her family, which led her to the Lin family more and more. Therefore, in the past few years, Lin’s invitation to the post has not gone.
       Servant said: "The master, the Lin family said that your mother, that is Old Madam returned to Capital City, and now has lived in the Lin family."
       Yu Ting 7's look changed, her hands were a little embarrassed, her mother came back, almost eighteen years, she has not seen her mother for 18 years. I don't know what it is like.
       All day, Yu Ting is not in the state. Until the evening, Yu Ting’s husband, A Jin, came back and saw her 7 looks. She asked with some concern: “What happened?”
       Yuting said: "My mother is back, I want to go see her, can you go with me?" It’s natural to play with the husband and children.
       A Jin took a moment, but soon understood that Yu Ting said who this person is: "Wait to say to the mother, ready to go to the gift." The two have been married for several years, have been loving and loving This decent, he must be a play.
       Duanwang didn't have any troubles, and now he agreed, and he also prepared a generous gift.
       Yu Ting took her husband and three children to Lin Fu. She had prepared a lot of words before she met Lin Qing yi, but when she finally saw Lin Qing yi, Yu Ting stayed alone. The woman with white hair on her face was half-wrinkled and her face was actually her mother. Her mother-in-law was the same year, but now she is more like a generation than her mother. Just seeing this face, I don’t need to ask to know that her mother is not doing well.
       Yu Ting's heart is like a knife, holding Lin Qing yu crying: "Mother..." When I first married the Duanwang House, because I haven't got a firm foothold, Yu Ting has no extra thoughts. In the past two years, she has been firmly established in Duanwang House. She also took the time to go to the countryside to visit Lin Qing yi. It’s just that she has a lot of scruples, and this drag is dragged on to the present.
       Yuting regrets it now. If she knows that her mother is not doing well, she should have picked up her mother and returned to Capital City. Yu Ting really feels that she is the most unfilial daughter.
       Lin Qing yi looked at Yu Ting very good, and the accompanying son-in-law was also a talent, and the three children looked very good. Lin Qing xi is very pleased with this: "Don't cry, mother is good, don't be sad.
       After a lot, Yu Ting stopped her tears and then introduced Lin Jin to her three children.
       The three children were also very well-behaved and they all called the Maternal Grandmother.
       Lin Qing yan also had tears in his eyes and said with a smile: "Good, good, good." One Lian said three good, and then gave three children a face-to-face ceremony.
       The three children received the gift and thanked them.
       A Jin knew that there were many words between the mother and the daughter, so she took the child down and left two people to talk.
       Yan Ting wiped her tears and held Lin Qing ’s thin hand and asked: "Mother, is it that Zhao-home people are bullying you? Niang, Zhao-home is not good for you, you don’t want to go back, no. Ok?" In these years, she has had a good relationship with Li Wei, but she is not a good mother.
       Lin Qing xi said with a smile: "I say something stupid. I don't go back to Zhao-home. Where am I going?" She is now a Zhao-house’Madam’. If she leaves Zhao-home and stays at Lin's house, she still doesn't know what to say. At that time, Yu Ting had to be led by Lian.
       Yan Ting’s tears came again: “Mother, all of her daughters are not filial.” She did not take the mother out of Duanwang, and she could not pick up her mother to support her, let alone the mother or the Zhao-home. If it’s Zhao-home, Agree, she can't do it.
       Lin Qing yi shook his head and said: "If you have passed, it is the greatest filial piety for the mother." She has always worried that she is dragged down by herself. Now, Yu Ting has a good life and she has no regrets.
       Yan Ting nodded and said: "Mother assured, my mother-in-law is a very good person, A Jin is very good to me, the children are very filial, I am very happy now." The fly in the ointment is that her mother has a little bit of it. not good.
       Lin Qing yi was very pleased, and the inadvertent secretary asked Yan Ting's previous affairs.
       Yu Ting did not say anything about what she had experienced in these years. She also told Lin Qing yi that Master Mama and Master Yun were Yue-Yao who invited her to teach her.
       Lin Qing xi whispered: "Lian Yue-Yao!" She used to hate this person so much, but now, it seems to be far away from her, far away if she doesn't remember such a person.
       Yu Ting carefully asked: "Mom, do you still blame your aunt?"
       Lin Qing yi shook his head and said: "No complaints, all the past, and no bloody sea enmity, where will complain." Lin Qing yi sometimes recalled what she did in the past, and felt that she was stupid. How can she play with her mind and want to compare with Lian Yue-Yao! She has no interest in Lian Yue-Yao.
       There was no resentment in the conflict. At that time, it was like a magical obstacle. It was uncomfortable not to drive Lian Yue-Yao out of his sight.
       When Yu Ting heard this, she was relieved.
       Lin Qing yi asked: "How is she doing now?" Lin Qing qi smiled and said: "She must have been very good." There is such a single-mindedness to her husband, a child who is sensible and obedient, how can Not doing well.
       Yuting said: "Aunt is not in the capital now, go to the south of the Yangtze River to play."
       After Yue-Yao and other 3rd Brother became married, they wanted to go out to collect scenery. An Zhi does not want to let her go out alone, afraid of being unsafe. Unfortunately, Yue-Yao attitude was very determined. In the end, An Zhi-zhen couldn't stop it. She could only go by her. As a result, Yue-Yao was not happy to play outside, and he didn't come back for two years. He was so angry that he would release his words, and if he didn't come back, he would personally arrest people. Yue-Yao This is not willing to return to Capital City, but did not stay in Capital City for a year, and went out again.
       Lin Qing yi said: "Going to play?"
       Yu Ting nodded: "It is a play, in fact, my aunt is going to the scenery." Seeing Lin Qing yi is still a look of doubts, said: "Mother, you forgot, my aunt is a big painter!" The woman went out to play and didn't go home, and said that she would not be slandered. The aunt's identity is special. Many people say that the aunt should go out so that more and better paintings can be made.
       Lin Qing xi just didn't remember it: "When the mother is old, it is not good to remember."
       Yu Ting listened to this, and the eyes were a bit of acid.
       Lin Qing did not evade, he asked directly: "How are you doing?"
       Yu Ting thought about her, I was very upset: "He is very good." As for how good it is, Yu Ting does not want to say that she is afraid that her mother will feel uncomfortable.
       Lin Qing Xiao said with a smile: "It has been for so many years, and the mother has already let go." Is it really let go, in fact, only Lin Qing yi knows.
       Since Yu Ting knows that her mother is not doing well, it is naturally impossible to tell her the real situation of her, just saying: "Mother, he always thinks about you very much." Yuting was very impressed with childhood memories. mother
       Although they will quarrel, but when they are not quarreling, she is full of smiles on her face. But now, she can't see ridicule at the end of the year. Yu Ting knows that she is still very much missing her mother.
       Yu Ting doesn't know, she is a pair of loving couples, why did she finally get up and down? Yuting used to think that it was Yu-Yao persecution, but now she knows the matter, and knows that this thing can't be blamed on her aunt. As for the stranger who does not know.
       Lin Qing zhen was shocked all over his body, his face showing a painful 7 look.
       When Yan Ting looked at this, she knew that her mother was insincere. In fact, her mother also missed her. Yu Ting thought about it later: "Mother, don't play, I said to you, you see one side."
       Lin Qing yi did not want to, and shook his head and said: "No, just play him well."
       Yuting had a lunch at Lin, and she stayed with Lin Qing yi until the evening. The two Lin family, Madam, were also very polite to Lin Qing yi because of Yu Ting.
       In the evening, Lin Qing yi looked in the mirror and touched her face. How could she see Ah Zheng in this way? She would rather not see, so in Ah Zheng, she is still a memory.
       Lin Qing yi lived in the Lin family for half a month. In the past two months, Yu Ting came three times. In the case of Lin Qing yi play, Yu Ting did not tell Ting Zheng about this.
       After half a month, Lin Qing returned to the Zhao-home.
       Six months later, Lin Qing got the news, Lin Old Madam passed away. Lin Qing yi fainted at the moment, and when he woke up, he let Zhao Da send her back to Capital City.
       Zhao Er and his ‘Madam’ also wanted to follow, but they gave Lin Qing yi no. Up to now, she does not need to look at who face.
       Zhao Erqi is so angry that she has a face: "Do she have to treat us as her children?"
       Zhao Er slowly said: "She is not my mother. And people are Famous, where can we get on us!" She is also her big brother, calling on the ground and pleading with him, and the person is cold-blooded. The shi-zi is just as bad as his servant as a servant.
       Zhao Er said that Lin Qing yi has cold blood for a reason. Zhao Master was sick four years ago, when Lin Qing xi also cried a few times, but she cried with the help of tools. Although Lin Qing xi was crying for a few games, it was really sad, and everyone could still see it.
       Zhao Er’s ‘Madam’ said: “What is the name of the door? It’s just a deserted woman who doesn’t play, and what is high.” It’s not that she knows that there is a lot of family wealth in the hands of the old man who is too lazy to cope.
       Thinking of the property in the hands of Lin Qing yi, Zhao Er’s ‘Madam’’s heart was heart-warming. She only inquired, there are a lot of field shops in the woman's hands, not to mention that all, half is enough for them to eat spicy and spicy for the rest of their lives.
       Zhao Er still has a clear mind: "You also play this idea. The Lin family is not vegetarian." They are ordinary people. The Lin family is a bureaucratic family. Even if the Lin family is not as good as before, the dead camel is bigger than the ‘Ma’. It’s as simple as juggling them to kill the ants.
       Zhao Er’s ‘Madam’ thought about the few Servant in Lin Qing ’s house, the top cow, and the idea that came out of her heart disappeared.
       When Lin Qing xi went to the funeral, he quarreled with her.
       When Lin Qing yi was at home as Miss, Lin’s two daughter-in-laws held this Gu-Nai-Nai. Later, Lin Qing yi and the two later changed their attitudes. This made Lin Qing yan extremely angry and quarreled with them several times, and the relationship deteriorated to the extreme. Later, Lian Tingzheng refused to kiss the 2nd House, Lin 2nd Madam
       It is also annoyed. Last time because Old Madam was still there, she didn't dare to be too arrogant. Now Lin Qing qing is back.
       They accused them of not having enough funeral, and she didn't want to endure any more.
       Lin 2nd Madam is also mean-minded: "If it wasn't because of you, you didn't play with Lian, and our family is like this? You don't look at what Lin is like now? What kind of money is used to make a funeral." "A good family member, but was murdered by Lin Qing xi." It’s Lin Qing ’s absence and separation. How can Lian Ting help them, and why is Lin’s family falling to the point where people look at the face? Not only that, because of the drag of Lin Qing xi, the marriage of several of his children is very difficult, two daughters
       Did not marry a good family. A few accounts are counted together, and Lin 2nd Madam is also full of resentment.
       Lin Qing xi did not say anything, took out a thousand Silver Taels:. These are taken first, but I will not wait enough. "In any case, she can't use so much money. It's better to bring her mother's wedding to the scenery."
       The Lin family is poor, and it is not the case that Lian runs the forest. Old Madam The funeral of the money can not be obtained, it is only Lin
       2nd Madam wants to play the money of Lin Qing qing.
       Lin Qing yi is also unambiguous. All the two shops in the capital will be exchanged. The eight Silver Taels who sold the shop will take half of the shop to Lin Old Madam for funeral, and the other half will keep it.
       Lin 2nd Madam's confidant feels that this is a problem: "What if I am told by Miss?" I am still worried about retaliation.
       Lin 2nd Madam cold calling: "Lian Yuting is a Lian-jia person, counting on her cheap, I don't want to use it.
       miss you. "In any case after the death of Old Madam, they will be separated, and the future will save the province.
       Regardless of the guilt of the inside, Lin Old Madam's funeral was a good time, and Lin Qing qi and other forests Old Madam's funeral was over, immediately returned to Zhao-home.
       Back to Zhao-home, watching Zhao Laos and Xiao-lin-shi, Lin Qing xi tears came. She now finally knows why her mother forced her to remarriage. If she did not remarriage, Lin family now has her place. Regardless of the Zhao-home, at least there are people who really care for her.
       After this incident, Lin Qing yi attitude towards Zhao boss and Xiao-lin-shi was very good. Because Zhao Laoda
       More honest, always eat the loss of Zhao Er, Lin Qing yi simply invited the tribe, let the tribe separate the two
       The eldest son is an inheritance of most of the industry, this is a natural and reasonable, but Zhao Er and Zhao Er's ‘Madam’ are hard to entangle, and have separated nearly half of the industry, and Zhao Er's ‘Madam’ is still not satisfied, but also played the Qing Family's dowry.
       Lin Qing xi finally got angry, and it’s very powerful to say that Lin Qing ’s people are just too strong.
       I am an outsider, and I am also out of the business of the Zhao-home. Now Zhao Er’s daughter is provoked on her head.
       At the moment, Zhao Er’s ‘Madam’ will not be able to lift Lian’s head.
       Lin Qing yi prowess, let’s not say that Zhao Er’s husband and ‘Madam’ are two people, that is, Zhao family members are scared.
       jump. Also because of Lin Qing yi success, the separation was successfully completed.
       After Zhao-home 2nd Brother separated, Lin Qing yi fell ill. Old Madam is dead, Lin Qing xi is here
       The Secretary has nothing to worry about, can support the separation of the home, is Lin Qing yi biggest limit.
       Lin Qing qi himself does not want to live, how much medicine is useless, she said with Xiao-lin-Shi: "Let
       The boss went to send a letter to Duanwang, I want to see Yu Ting. "At the end of the day, she still wants to see her daughter again."
       The latter side.
       Zhao boss hurriedly went to the capital.
       Yu Ting arrived at noon the next day, along with A Jin and three children. Yuting looked at no one
       Lin Qing qi, who was angry, cried and said: "Mother, mother."
       Lin Qing xi saw that Yu Ting came, and finally got a little fine: "Tinger, you are here!"
       Let Yu Ting come over, not only want to see the last side of her daughter, but also one thing to help Yu Ting help.
       That is, she didn't want to bury her ancestral grave in Zhao-home. She spent more than ten years in the Zhao-home and didn't want to talk to Zhao-home again.
       Something involved.
       When Yan Ting listened to Lin Qing xi words, she was shocked: “Mom, don’t you want to be buried in the Zhao grave?”
       Lin Qing yi nodded. She didn't want to be buried in the ancestral grave of Zhao-home because she never thought she was Zhao-home.
       A Jin responded quickly and asked: "Mother-in-law, where do you want us to bury you?"
       Into the grave, where can I be buried? Can't you bury it in the ancestral grave of the Lin family?
       Lin Qing yi has chosen a beautiful place: "Tinger, this is the mother's last wish.
       You will help the mother to complete it! ”
       Yu Ting finally nodded and promised Lin Qing yi play. This is actually not difficult, Zhao Laoda is sincere.
       He always understood that his stepmother was born high, and he was forced to marry her on the same day.
       feeling. But overall, although this stepmother does not act, but never martyrdom, even
       Helped his sister to find a good dear. I know that there are quite a few people in the town who will marry and then squat, then
       Awkward women are basically blind to the original children, hate can not be done quickly, so that
       Their own children account for all the family wealth. In contrast, Zhao boss still thinks that Lin Qing yi is a good
       So, he agreed that he knew that this was Lin Qing yi last wish.
       As for the Zhao-home, there is a little trouble. Zhao Er’s lion opened his  Mouth and said that unless he got him
       He cleared all the dowries and he promised.
       Ah Jin has already taken the errands outside, and he has seen so many people. Said coldly at the moment: "
       Do not hold it, do not let me see you tomorrow's sun. ”
       Zhao-family is scared and pale: "The murder is illegal. If you dare to kill me, you will not be better."
       A Jinlu reveals a sneer: "Do you believe it or not, I will kill you just as much as killing an ant!"
       However, A Jin’s words are intimidating Zhao Er’s. Killing people under the blue sky is sure to play with the handle. But he
       If you really have a heart, there are ways to do it.
       Zhao Laoda was shocked, and he quickly told his brother and his ‘Madam’ about the identity of Ajin.
       "He is the son of Wangye, a man who is a family." Tian Huanggui, but not these flat people.
       Zhao Er obviously does not believe. Do not blame Zhao Er for not believing, he knows nothing about these. Zhao Da knows that
       I know, but Kobayashi-shi did not let her say it.
       Zhao Laoda cold sweat came out: “I lied to you what to do, is the letter I sent to the Wangfu in person. You believe
       But others, can you still believe me? I can still harm you. ”
       A Jin pulled out the sword, Zhao Er pants are wet, and wherever they dare to refute. But Yu Ting is still
       I gave Zhao Erbai Silver Taels and a hundred acres of good land, which is a sealing fee.
       In the evening, Lin Qing yi went.
       Yu Ting didn't cry, but the aftermath was still going to be done. Lin Qing yi industry is not much
       The shop has been sold, there is also a property, two thousand acres of fertile land, and another three thousand two of the silver
       Yu Ting left the current silver to Zhao Laoda, and all other industries were donated to the temple.
       Lin Qing hoarded Ford.
       After doing this, Yu Ting left Lin Qing xi body. The Zhao-home funeral is also as usual.
       Do it, but it is not the corpse in the coffin, but the stone of almost the weight.
       And the funeral of the Zhao-home has just been finished, Lin’s family has come to people, saying that the dowry of Lin Qing ’s dowry will be collected.
       go back. If the married Miss does not leave a child, the maiden’s person has the right to take back the dowry.
       In accordance with the law.
       The Zhao family did not argue with them, and they could not argue with each other. Kobayashi-Shi said: "Mother-in-law
       Before she passed away, she donated all her dowry. ”
       Lin 2nd Madam's voice is abrupt: "Do you donate, who are you?"
       Kobayashi-Shi took the evidence out, and Lin 2nd Madam was awkward. Two or three thousand Silver Taels, something said
       Donate and donate, Lin 2nd Madam thinks about the pain. On the way back, Lin 2nd Madam couldn’t help but called: "
       It should be short-lived. ”
       On the other side, Yu Ting buried Lin Qing yu in the place she said. Then please again
       Deaf people are over, ready to do Qi-Qi forty-nine days to become.
       A Jin looked at Yan Ting, who was thin in a circle. She was also very distressed: "How much to eat! If you are sick,
       Mother-in-law will also be uncomfortable. ”
       Yu Ting cried like a tearful person: "Mother, mother has not had a comfortable day in the past ten years, both
       I am not filial, I am going to pick her up early, she will not leave so early. ”
       A Jin smiled and said: "What a stupid thing, the mother-in-law's business has nothing to do with you."
       Home, what can be done. What she does is wrong.
       Forty-nine days after Qi-Qi was filled, Yu Ting played back. Yu Ting smashed three heads in front of the tomb and said:
       "Mother, you can rest assured, I will come to see you often."
       In the Lian House of Yuhua Hutong, there will be a call of calls. And this voice is from Qiao concubine in the delivery room.
       Li Qi Niang, who was standing in the yard, clenched her fists, and secretly prayed that Qiao concubine must have a daughter.
       Finally, at noon, Li Qiu Niang heard a loud voice in the room: "Birth, gave birth." Then, it was the cry of the baby.
       Soon, the mid’Madam’ came out and said to everyone: " Master, Madam, born, is a big fat boy." The mid’Madam’ knows that Lian-jia has no children yet, and now this Concubine is born Son, the money is sure to be very rich.
       Li Qiiang’s face changed, but because she was Lian Tingzheng, she immediately converges on the 7 looks and handles the follow-up.
       Back to the main courtyard, Li Qi Niang sat in a chair and worried. Her breast mother Cao Mama couldn't help but say: " Madam, just the best chance to start." Cao Mama means to go to the mother.
       In fact, when I knew that Qiao concubine was pregnant, Cao Mama suggested that Li Qia Niang get rid of the child in her stomach, but unfortunately it was denied by Li Qi Niang.
       Li Qi Niang thought for a long time and shook her head and said: "No, I am not prepared to raise other children's children to raise." Where other people have their own birth.
       Cao Mama is in a hurry: " Madam, if you don't do it again, there will be no chance in the future."
       Li Qiiang shook her head and said, "Don't say it anymore." It's not Li Qi Niang's pureness. If Qiao concubine is dead now, the child must have been raised by her. She is only twenty-four years old now, and she is not born, and she has to hold the sons of others to raise. As for why I didn’t do it before, Li Qi Niang didn’t really think about it. Just thinking about the one who settled down, she finally stopped her hand. Master has no children under his knees. If she removes the child in Qiao concubine stomach, when she knows, she can't eat and walk.
       Li Qi Niang actually has some Yu-Yao in her heart, nor Yue-Yao is not good for her. On the contrary, Yue-Yao is quite kind to her. It’s just that Li Qi Niang doesn’t dare to see Yue-Yao more, because every time she sees Yue-Yao, she feels like she is seen through, which is especially terrifying.
       On the evening of the same day, Ting Zheng came to ask Li Qi Niang and asked if she really did not want to raise this child. Li Qi Niang clearly expressed her meaning: " Master, I am also a mother. If someone else takes my child away, it is tanta Mount to digging my heart. I will not let Qiao concubine feel uncomfortable. ""
       Ting Zheng sees Li-Shi does not want to raise this child, it is no longer strong. However, he is quite satisfied with the practice of Li-Shi. That night, he stayed in the main courtyard.
       Waiting for the next day, Li Qi Niang knew that Ting Zheng gave the child a name called Qing . Li Qiu Niang didn't have a lot of books. She didn't know the meaning of the word. After I knew it, Li Qiniang wanted to find out what the meaning of the court was. Is this sure that you can't live with your son? Only Li Qi Niang just thought about it, she did not have the courage to question the court.
       Cao-Pozi also thinks that Qiao concubine is a scourge: " Madam, if it is the responsibility of the Master, there will be a place for us to live in the future."
       Li Qi Niang thought for a long time, and finally decided to shoot. She didn't want to play Qiao concubine life, just let people take medicine in her diet, a kind of medicine. It is enough for Qiao-Shi to have a son. If she let her live two more times, it will really threaten her status.
       When Qing Brother was washing three, many people came to the top of the list, and the aunt-Nai-Nai did not come. If the Na-Nai, who was married by someone else family, didn't come back, it didn't matter. But Yue-Yao has a special status in Lian-jia, and does not come to participate in the three-year ceremony of Qing Brother. This also proves that she does not value this child.
       Li Qi Niang did not appear on the face, but also explained to the guests why the aunt-Nai-Nai did not come, but she was very grateful in her heart. Dagu-Nai-Nai said that she is most concerned about the blind, not a blind man. In other words, Dagu-Nai-Nai still expects her to have children soon.
       Before Li Qiu Niang was married, she was very afraid of Yue-Yao because of the rumors outside. Even if her mother said that she was very good with Yue-Yao, she still had some doubts. But now I have been through the door for four years. She has long discovered that Yue-Yao is actually a very good person. However, if Yue-Yao eyes are not so deep, she will be more willing to move with her.
       Qiao concubine knew that Yue-Yao didn't come to attend her son's baptism, and said with a blue face: "Dagu-Nai-Nai Why didn't you come to participate in the cleansing ceremony of Qing Brother, what did you say? ”
       -Pozi cautiously said: "Nothing."
       With Yue-Yao status today, the brother-in-law's baptism will not come, and there is still a reason to play.
       Qiao concubine gave birth to a son who felt that he was a hero of Lian-jia. He wanted Tingzheng to carry her as the 2nd House, but Yue-Yao attitude was like pouring a basin of ice on her head and letting her immediately Wake up. If Jean Madam gave birth to a son, then what is there about her in this house? Unfortunately, Qiao-shi has this ability and has this ability, but there is no such opportunity. Because of the music concubine, the lesson that Tingzheng has learned is that Concubine must not be entitled. Concubine Once you get the right, it's something. Therefore, even if Lee-shi pregnancy period, he did not let the housekeeper's power to Qiao-Shi, but by Li-Shi arrangement. So, Qiao-Shi is doing a bunch of things.
       One day before the full moon of Qing Brother, Li-Shi was diagnosed as pregnant.
       Qiao concubine got the news and said coldly: "I am pregnant, but it is another one-Yatou film.
       It’s gone. "Li-Shi has no son's life, Qiao concubine is so convinced that it is because she donated money to the ancestral hall.
       I asked the Taoist woman to practice, so that Li-Shi could never give birth to her son.
       Yue-Yao soon got the news, and at night he was  Mourning with An Zhi-: "I hope that Li-Shi is a son.
       Yue-Yao really feels that this door is right. Lee-Shi steward is a good hand, and my heart is also very
       it is good. If the other mother did not give birth to her son Concubine first pregnant, then I must try to get rid of it
        Concubine child, but Lee-shi did not, and Qiao concubine gave birth to the child safely. Yue-Yao
       It is his blessing that the court is able to find such a good ‘Madam’.
       An Zhi said with a smile: "The cousin always wanted to play with her daughter, so she said that this is true.
       It is too mysterious. "Ming-zhu wants to play a Miss, but the wish is always impossible."
        Shi-shi wants to play with his son, but he has 2nd Miss.
       Yue-Yao thinks of Ming-zhu, and can't help but smile: "I also said that she came back and complained why I was born again.
       A kid. If you have a birth, you can give her a daughter-in-law. ”
       An Zhi-qing Yue-Yao is born with a handle: "It’s a son who is born, if it’s a birth, it’s a
        Miss, don't give birth to her. ”
       Yue-Yao heard this and laughed.
       An Zhi-wen asked: "Don't you go to the full moon ceremony tomorrow?" For Yue-Yao, I didn't go to the wash of Qing Brother.
       Three gifts, An Zhi-zhen did not feel anything.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Li-Shi is pregnant, I have to go to see it, and also take a look at that.
       The child is with Yu Ting. ”
       There is no objection to An Zhi.
       The next day, Yue-Yao took a lot of supplements to Lian House. Because the Li-Shi full moon ceremony is arranged properly.
       Therefore, even if Li-Shi can't work because of pregnancy, the following people are not in a good position, and have not been appointed.
       What is wrong.
       Qiao concubine specially took the wise brother and came over to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao looked at the child, smiled and sighed a few words, then sent a gold collar, two locks, and
       Amulet and other things.
       Qiao concubine is a little angry: Secretary, her son is now the only son of Lian, this Gua-Nai-Nai actually sent
       So something is sent.
       Yue-Yao can't see Qiao concubine thinking about it, his heart sighs secretly, and he doesn't know what the eyes are.
       Light, how to look at a woman is worse than one.
       Li-Shi sees Yue-Yao, and immediately let Qiao concubine take the children's own yard and turn around with the moon.
       Yao said: "Big sister, let you laugh."
       Yue-Yao feels that Li-Shi is not easy. Lin Zheng has always liked Lin Qing yi.
       Forgetting that Li-Shi ‘Madam’ can do this is really not easy: “The rules of the family stand up,
       Can't be rude because she gave birth to a son. " concubine is favored, and the evil that is caused when the mother-in-law is weakened is greater.
       Li Qi Niang listened to this, and her heart was more and more grateful.
       After more than three months of pregnancy, Li Qi Niang feels that this fetus is not the same as the previous two, she will follow these doubts
       Cao-Pozi said.
       Cao-Pozi was very happy and said: " Madam, this tire must be a son."
       The same, it is because it is a son, naturally different.
       Li Qi Niang also thinks that this fetus should be a son. This guess is when she is pregnant for six months.
       To Tai-yi and the identity of the stable woman.
       Qiao concubine knows that Li Qiniang’s ten-nine-nine-nine-year Old son is a son, and he is more anxious. She wants to play
       I bought the kitchen of Li Qi Niang’s kitchen and took medicine in Li Qi Niang’s food. Unfortunately, her poison has not yet
       The implementation will go bankrupt. Because at this time, Yue-Yao sent a good meal Pozi to Li Qi
       This Pozi is the flower Mama. Yue-Yao also knows that Li Qiiang is not easy to carry a baby, only six months
       There are signs of edema. Flower Mama has experience in serving pregnant women, so she sent her over.
       Qiao concubine got a vase. Her son was born, Lian Yue-Yao did not react, Lian wash
       Three gifts are not coming. Li-Shi is still not known to be male or female, and Lian Yue-Yao is so valued. If
       It is Li-Shi who really gave birth to a son, and where the house has their foothold.
       Li Qi Niang put a line of eyeliner next to Qiao-Shi, and soon got the news, knowing that Qiao-Shi wants to poison her. Li Qi Niang is not the Virgin, let alone Qiao concubine still wants to harm her children, Li Qi Niang finally no longer
       Soft. Li Qi Niang also did not have a poisonous hand. She was afraid that her hands would have lost her blood and would not hurt her.
       it is good. So she just let Qiao concubine fall ill.
       Li-Shi also took the opportunity to attack Qiao conzi, the side of Concubine, thinking that they did not take good care of the master.
       , all these people have been changed.
       Qiao concubine was not comfortable at all, and Lee-Shi had come up with such a trick, and his illness was even worse.
       Solved Qiao Concubine, Li Qi Niang peace of mind. After a few months, I gave birth to a white fat
       Eldest son.
       Li Qi Niang heard that she was born to be a son and slept with peace of mind. But wait for her to wake up
       Later, looking at Cao-Pozi, he looked strangely and asked, "What happened?"
       Cao-Pozi is dying, but nowadays Madam is still in the middle of the month, can't be angry:
       People, nothing, Servant is a slap in the face, I have already punished her. ”
       Li Qi Niang still can't know who is around me, she is very fine, how is it possible?
       Hairy feet: "What, let me know, I can stand it."
       Cao-Pozi hesitated for a moment, but finally, Li Qi Niang said: " Master named the brother and
       It means the meaning of home and everything. After saying this, Cao-Pozi face was annoyed.
       The name, their brother is a blind man but took a word and made it.
       Li Qi Niang listened to the corner, and the silk quilt was crumpled. However, Li Qi Niang
       I should have thought of the countermeasures: "Did you send a letter to Dagu-Nai-Nai?"
       Cao-Pozi nodded: "It has already been sent."
       Li Qi Niang said: "Tell the name of the brother to tell the aunt Nai-Nai." Li Qi Niang knows the month
       Yao looks at the shi-zi and believes that Yue-Yao will not ignore it later.
       Yue-Yao The mood was very good. It should be said that Yue-Yao has always been good. Because now she is at home
       It’s really nothing to worry about. But when she got the court, she took such a name to her shi-zi, heart
       It’s not good to be in love.
       Wei Wei couldn't help but vomit: "He can't stop it anymore! Madam, you still don't care." From time to time, it's really a toss. He is happy, but the people next to him can’t stand it.
       Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei and asked, "Is it really?"
       Xiang Wei immediately mute fire: "I still manage it! If it is later, Lian-jia will not be divided, it will be affected at the time."
       Still you. "The package, I don't know when I can get rid of it. Cough, it is estimated that it will be a lifetime."
       Can't fall.
       It’s not easy to play a good one and press it.
       An Zhi-yi listened to this and didn't know what his expression was. After the last conversation, An Zhi court
       Just don't expect. Even if Lian Tingzheng is already a big member of the second product, An Zhi-zhen is not in the court.
       Positive. As for the lack of roots in this brain, even if he has the life-saving grace of the emperor, this is the case in his life.
       Can't think of it, the court is always able to refresh his cognition. What is the scorpion? Scorpion that is going to
       He is going to play the door to inherit the glorious threshold of the family business. He hopes that he can make peace and harmony in the future.
       I hope that Xunzi can take on the responsibility of the family. This is no longer the root of the brain. This is simply a brain.
       An Zhi can't help but ask: "There are few people who don't know the talents of the father-in-law, and you also
       It is a Famous big painter in the world. How can he not adjust? "The first thing is Lin-Shi, now it is
       The child's business, Lian Ting is doing everything.
       Yue-Yao shook his head helplessly and said: "If I didn't guess wrong, he didn't even know the name.
       It will have such a big impact. ”
       An Zhi-wei: “..."
       An Zhi does not know what to say, just went out to study the little son. Every time I hear Lian Ting is doing
       Under the wonderful things, he saw his sons especially happy. Fortunately, his sons
       They are all smart and sensible, and they all have a clear mind.
       The youngest son was born because the morning sun came out.
       The name is Yang, Anyang. Anyang is now five years old and has been studying with Master for two years.
       Anyang is writing a big character. When he sees An Zhi-, he puts down his brush and gives a tribute to An Zhi.
       Said: “."
       There is an old saying that is good, the emperor hurts the eldest son, the people are spoiled. An Zhi special pet
       Yang, Lian Anyang is not willing to martial arts, but also Yue-Yao let him learn a set of fists,
       In order to keep fit. However, Yue-Yao is very strict with Anyang. When he was three years old, he invited him to teach him at the age of four.
       Book learning. On most days, Yang Brother is very strict.
       An Zhi said with a smile: "Let the reference look at the words you wrote." An Zhi-zhen now decides on the original
       I am very proud of myself. Anyang is still young, and the 3rd Brother who wrote the Brother are all good words.
       Let him teach, it must not be taught.
       Anyang has become accustomed to An Zhi-zhen often come over and check his homework, and take out the big characters written to An Zhi-zhen.
       An Zhi-zhen looked at the big words written by Anyang and said that Anyang was snoring in the corner of his  Mouth. Do not blame Anyang this
       The performance, because An Zhi-yi said that every time he saw the words he wrote, but finally Yue-Yao could pick him out.
       The pile of problems. And Yue-Yao is very careful when checking the coursework, only has a word that is not well written, and escapes.
       But Yue-Yao eyes. So when Anyang did his homework, he was very serious and didn’t dare to have a distraction.
       Anyang is actually not dissatisfied because he listened to his 3rd Brother and said that they also came here.
       Therefore, the mother is actually treated equally.
       Yue-Yao took a lot of thoughts and finally chose a name that she was quite satisfied with.
       An Zhi-yu knows that Yue-Yao named the child, and he is not satisfied at the moment: "So good name
       Words, how can you be cheaper? Keep it for our grandchildren. ”
       Yue-Yao smiled: "The name is good or not, the child has no interest, the first is to look at talent.
       The second is to teach well. "The Master who is not good enough to be savvy can't teach the champion to come out, but he has the talent."
       If you don't teach, you can't make it.
       An Zhi-yi listened to this, and there is no objection at the moment. They don’t say that their family is smart and talented.
       Oh, Cheng Brother  and 旭哥儿 are not particularly good at Scorpio c, can only be said to be in the middle class, but these two children
       The child is also very good now, not inferior to other people young lang. why? Not because of Yue-Yao
       Teach well!
       Having said that, An Zhi can't help but talk to Yue-Yao: "2nd Lao Taiye wants to let the Brother
       Studying in our house, how do you see it? "This buddy said by An Zhi-shen is the great-grandson of 2nd Lao Taiye."
       It is only half a year younger than Anyang.
       Yue-Yao refused and said: "If you are not afraid of the sorrow, the yang will be broken, you will let him
       Come. ”
       It may not be easy to get it. 2nd Lao Taiye got this great-grandson, and he followed the baby, really
       The fear is in the  Mouth, and the hand is afraid of being broken. As a result, the child will be spoiled with a special temper.
       Everything is going to follow others, and if he doesn't follow him, he will lose his temper. And Lao Taiye doesn't care, only
       Say that the child is still young, and he will be sensible when he grows up.
       If it’s a good brother, Yue-Yao doesn’t mind letting him come and learn with her, she also
       It is more to worry about urging them to do their homework. You can look like this, Yue-Yao is not willing to teach, teach
       It’s not good to be complained. Secondly, if her son is broken, she will regret it and find it.
       An Zhi-wei still does not give up: “he also knows that he should not be so petty, but he can't go down.
       I was thinking about it, so I thought about sending it to us to help me. You can rest assured that Lao Taiye said
       Then how can you teach your child, he will not intervene. ”
       Yue-Yao also wants to refute. An Zhi-sheng said: "Yue-Yao, you also know that Lao Taiye has great grace for me.
       Love, he begged me so much, I really can't refuse. ”
       Yue-Yao reluctantly said: "This time, there is no next time." In fact, Yue-Yao is not like outside.
       The rumor will teach children, she just has to act very principle, when it is severe, it is definitely not soft, another
       I will give the child a good teacher to teach, and there will be no more.
       What Yue-Yao doesn't know is that a few children can be taught so well because of her reasons. Not
       She is going to teach her children, but she is a good example of her mother. The children of this age are very good at studying North.
       Heavy, especially hard, the average child can only be unbearable to learn from the students, and the Brother and Brother
       It is even harder for the younger brother to play with the Master and to learn from the master. Only 3rd Brother saw Yue-Yao again
       Teach them to deal with housework, and in this case they can still practice calligraphy and painting every day.
       In particular, several children know from Yue Wei that Yue-Yao has not been smeared for more than 20 years, and has never said anything.
       Hard work, this makes the child admire. In contrast, several children feel that their eyes are compared with their mothers.
       This hard work is nothing at all. I only don’t bother to learn, and I’m trying to improve.
       Go inside. Not to mention, several children are qualified.
       An Zhi-Yao promised, and he was relieved.
       When Yue-Yao waited for three, he went to Lian House. Holding a new born child, laughing and saying: "I give
       The child took the name, what do you think? ”
       Li Qiu Niang did not have Yue-Yao, and asked: "Big sister, what does this slogan mean?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and explained: “there is a hero true meaning. I hope our brother can become a future.
       The hero of the sky. ”
       Li Qi Niang gently read it and said with a smile: "-Lu, this name means good, and it is good.
       Listen, thank you big sister. "The child is a literary generation, so it is called Li Wei, like Qing Brother, the name is called Li
       Yue-Yao smiled: "You like it."
       Ting is knowing that Yue-Yao has given the child a name and does not dare to disagree. And Qiao concubine knows that Yue-Yao gives new
       The child born took a name and was mad at the moment. Although she can't say anything, but
       But it can't prevent her from taking eye drops on the front of the court.
       The court was listening to her complaints, and she was very angry: "Take your illness well, the outside is not yours."
       of. "I went out after I finished, and then I didn't step into Qiao concubine yard for a whole month.
        concubine illness has worsened.
       Li-Shi heard the news in a good mood, but couldn’t help but despise Qiao concubine: "She is still a real pig.
       The oil is covered, and the bad words of Lian Aunt-Nai-Nai dare to say. "Even Qiao Concubine said her bad words, Master
       It will be so angry. It can be said that the aunt-Nai-Nai bad words, that is not looking for death.
       Cao-Pozi said cheerfully: "In the previous period, the Secretary asked her to forget who she was, now
       Suddenly lost everything and lost my mind. "Qiao concubine is pregnant, but she has no pregnancy.
       Teng. And when I gave birth to my son, I still wanted to toss, but it was pressed by Madam.
       Li-Shi  Mouth smiles: "‘Madam’ is a ‘Madam’, you are a servant, want to climb to my head, that is to do
       dream. "Li-Shi has a lot of dissatisfaction with the court, but there is a little bit of Li-Shi is still very satisfied, that is
       The ‘Madam’ of the court is distinct, the ‘Madam’ is the ‘Madam’, and the ‘Madam’ is the monk. The court is very decent in maintaining the room of Li-Shi. With this advantage, other shortcomings can be neutralized.
       There are many things in the family, this is the most true portrayal of Li Qi Niang. Since she had a son, she has not been considerate and careful about Tingzheng. Considering that Qiao concubine has always been unhealthy, Li Qiiang simply chose a beautifully-served Servant for Tingzheng.
       Ting is not very concerned about the female color, and now has two sons, so he did not accept this Servant.
       Li Qi Niang and the court are doing more than five years of husband and ‘Madam’, where I do not know that he actually has been  Mourning the front. It’s just that she doesn’t care about it. Before she got married, she knew that Tingzheng and Lin Qing yi things, she thought about it and couldn’t care.
       After the turmoil of the child's name, Li Qi Niang often takes her children to Anfu. Li Qi Niang will not rush to the door, she is the first post, and then come to the door, waiting for Yue-Yao sometimes Secretary, she went to the door. The reason why Li Qi Niang would think more about the Earl's House is that I heard people outside say that Yue-Yao will teach the children. Of course, Yue-Yao will teach the child that it is not a hole, but that her children are really good. Li Qi Niang felt that her son would be satisfied with their buddies in the future, but they could not learn from him.
       Yue-Yao is not disliked, but she does not have the heart to help anyone teach children. It doesn't matter how your child teaches, but others can't teach. Just like now, Yue-Yao looks at the bag on Yang’s forehead, and his face is full of anger: “What happened?”
       Yang Brother was a bit embarrassed, and he was smashed by a person who was half a year younger than himself. In fact, it is not the incompetent weakness of the Yang Ji, but the brother-in-law who started the yang brother, and the An Zhi 琛嘱 attached the Yang Ji children to take care of the Zheng  brother. After all, my brother is half a year younger than Yang, and it is normal for my brother to take care of his younger brother.
       Yue-Yao looked at his brother and asked, "Why are you beating?"
       My brother said of course: "I asked him to play with me. He didn't want to do it, but he pushed me to the ground."
       Yang Ji was in a hurry. I didn’t expect this person to complain not only to the wicked, but to distort the fact: "You are nonsense, obviously you are desperately yelling at me, I push you away, you have not stood firm on the ground, what is the relationship with me? ?"
       Yue-Yao believes in his son's words, but to show fairness, or to call the Servant who was waiting in the room at the time, the two Servant confirmed that the brother was lying.
       Yue-Yao picked up the long ruler on the table and said, "Dare to lie at a young age, come back in the future, take out your hand." The history of this ruler is very brilliant, Cheng Brother None of the Brother have escaped, and Yang Brother has also been beaten.
       When did the brother-in-law suffer such grievances, he immediately called: "I am going home, I am not playing at your house, I am going home."
       Yue-Yao asked Servant to hold his brother, then held his hand and slammed it ten times. When did you have such a crime, my brother hurts and cried, and I still don’t forget to say: "I will let Laozi kill you, and you must kill you."
       Seeing that the buddy looked at her wickedly, the anger of Yue-Yao heart was even better: “Take him to the house. If he does not admit his mistake, he will not be allowed to come out.”
       Hey, he called, and now he heard Yue-Yao playing with her, no matter what he said: "Xiao Xizi, go tell Master Master, I will be killed by this woman right away. Xiao-xizi is fast. Let the grandfather come over."
       Xiang Wei suspected that he was too noisy, took a piece of scorpion and stuffed his brother’s  Mouth, then threw him into a practice room where he and his brother were moved, and the weapons inside were removed. Empty house.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "The little hizi gave it a look, how to deal with it?"
       Yue-Yao is actually very reluctant to teach his brother, and his children teach themselves, she is not willing to teach others to children. If you teach well, you will be grateful. If you don't teach well, you have to blame her for a lifetime: "Let him go back and see what Lao Taiye said?"
       It can also be said that one and a half hours of An Zhi-zhuo and Zeng-Shi have also come.
       An Zhi-zhuo looked at his brother's swollen hands and he was distressed, not to mention Zeng-Shi. Zeng-Shi looked at his son's hand swollen like a pig's trotter, and the tears came at the moment.
       Speaking of it, my brother is really smart. I am holding a singer-Shi crying like a tearful person. He whispered: "Mother, I am going home, I am not here. Mother, I am going home. I don't want to die here." Because the elder brother called in the house for a long time, now the mule is already mute.
       Zeng-Shi listened to this and asked: "What did the younger brother and sister do, let you get such a poisonous hand, and scare him like this?"
       Yue-Yao heard the word of poisonous hand, and the eyebrows jumped. 7 looks calmly with An Zhi-zhuo: "I am sorry, I can't teach this child."
       Although An Zhi-zhuo also feels distressed, it is not like Zeng-Shi, but asks: "What happened to the younger brother?"
       Yue-Yao said in a cloud: "I just hit him, and then he didn't admit it. I hit him with his hand. Seeing him still doesn't admit it, I will keep him in the house. Let him reflect on the house."
       Zeng-Shi thinks that Yue-Yao is too embarrassed to start: "He is still a child, how can you keep him alone in the house. What if he is scared?" Zeng-Shisheng A son and a daughter, as a sole son, she is also a baby!
       Yue-Yao very confessed wrongly: "I don't think about it." What is not considered, Xu Brother was naughty and was also inspected by Yue-Yao in the house.
       Zeng-Shi listened to this, more and more dissatisfied, who is the child who hurts: " Master, let's go back!" Going back, naturally, I went back with my son.
       An Zhi-zhuo looked at Yue-Yao, who didn't have a bit of a wave. He actually knew that Yue-Yao didn't want to teach his brother early. He didn't teach him if he didn't teach. He invited a good Master to teach it, but he Grandfather's unwillingness, non-playing to make Lian-Shi teach, he can't. It’s good now, this is the first day, the child is scared like this: “The child is in trouble for you.”
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I don't teach children." Children are so stubborn, they can't fight, can't be jealous, can't punish, even if they ask the most prestigious words, Master Lao teaches them badly.
       After returning to An Zhi in the evening, after knowing this incident, there were some accidents: "I thought that this child was just a bit stubborn. I didn't expect it to be so bold?" Even Lian's murder was so eloquent that it could be seen.
       Yue-Yao 7 looks calm, she didn't want to teach her brother, and now she has this excuse, she has an excuse to ignore it.
       An Zhi-yi looked at Yue-Yao 7 looks and knew what she was thinking. The moment was awkward: "I went to see my uncle."
       Yue-Yao did not stop An Zhi-zhi to go to the second Lao Taiye home, but said: "You have to apologize, and the explanation is also good. If you promise 2nd Lao Taiye, you will come over and teach yourself. Anyway, I don't teach."
       When Xiao-xizi went back to report, Ero Taiye just went out, not in the house, so only An Zhi-zhuo and Zeng-Shi came. When Lao Taiye came back and knew about it, he knew that his calculations were empty. As he was preparing to go to Earl's Court, he heard the following people say that Ann was coming over.
       An Zhi-yi and Er Lao Taiye and An Zhi-zhuo said the beginning and end of this matter, saying: "Uncle, Zhuo Ji, when they made mistakes, Yue-Yao is so blamed, not alone. Brother is like this." An Zhi-yu said this, meaning Yue-Yao is not because the brother-in-law is not his own son.
       2nd Lao Taiye looked at An Zhi-zhuo and Zeng-Shi and said: "You immediately go to apologize to your brother-in-law, and must let her get rid of it."
       Unfortunately, Yue-Yao temper is not so good, and her words are not said to be returned. For the apology of An Zhi-zhuo couple, she did not have any martyrdom. She only talked about teaching her children. She only said that she would not teach her children. It is also the credit of the 3rd Brother who can learn so well. It has nothing to do with her.
       When An Zhi-zhuo husband and ‘Madam’ left, Ann’s ‘Madam’ was careful to stay with him. Yue-Yao didn't care about it and said: "I won't teach again anyway. How can you talk about it yourself?"
       After returning home, Xu Brother knew that his brother had been beaten and was beaten by a half-year Old. Now he said, "From tomorrow, I will teach you martial arts."
       Yang Brother is not very interested in learning.
       Xu Brother said coldly: "Don't learn? Do you want to beat again? I tell you, you are willing, I don't want to." When people say that his brother is a bully, he can't fire him. !
       Yang Brother didn't want to, and the next morning, he also dragged up Xu Ji to practice. I don't want to be it. If you want to be, you are better off being beaten by others than you are.
       Yang Brother dragged the body with sourness and sorrow to complain with Yue-Yao. When he arrived at the main courtyard, he saw Yue-Yao being ready to go out: "Mother, what are you doing?"
       Yue-Yao said: "Mother is ready to go out for a walk. What's wrong with you? In the early morning, you hate it. Who is bullying you?"
       Yang Brother picked up his sleeves and said: "Mother, you see, the third brother must let me practice martial arts with him. These are all made by him."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Your third brother is also good for you. And, learn more about it, do you say it?"
       Yang Brother is somewhat unhappy, but Yue-Yao is obviously not biased to help him. Yang Brother thinks that there is such a brother, it is too hard to force: "Mother, when will the second brother come back?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "This mother does not know, and when he feels almost, he will come back c"
       Yang Brother said with a sigh: "I really hope that my second brother will come back soon." Yang Brother likes Fae Brother most, the most hated person is none other than Xu Ji, and Fae Brother can still hold Xu Brother. People, so Yang Brother always hopes that Fae Brother will come back soon.
       Yue-Yao licked his son, let his son go to the Master to study, and she went to play with Wei and more than a dozen guards. Because most of the affairs of Earl's House are now dealt with, and Yue-Yao is not in a hurry to come back, and he will go home for two months in the past.
       As for the blasphemy, it will be gone.
       Li Qi Niang listened to this matter and sincerely envied. Most of the women in the capital were tied to the backyard, but the aunt-Nai-Nai was able to live so freely.
       Cao-Pozi doesn't think it's appropriate: "If you do it once or twice, it will always hurt your husband and ‘Madam’." What are the contradictions? The two of them sit down and negotiate, and what is going on, The couple ran out of the corner and they were not allowed to mess around.
       Li Qiiang said with a smile: "This does not require us to worry about it. Auntie-Nai-Nai has a sense of proportion. And I think that Dagu-Nai-Nai is out, not really for fun, maybe it is going out. Going." It doesn't matter what to do. The most important thing is that Count Bo-ye is single-minded about Dagu-Nai-Nai. The couple have been so loving for more than ten years, which is rare in Capital City.
       Cao-Pozi doesn't agree: "It's always bad."
       Li Qi Niang couldn't help but say: "Do you think that with the status of Dagu-Nai-Nai today, she still needs to play like a little ‘Madam’ to look at people faces?"
       Before the dying, let Yue-Yao give him a picture. Because the painting is very good, I am very fond of the emperor, not only praised Yue-Yao is the world of painting, but also sealed Yue-Yao as the command of a product Madam. Yue-Yao is now the Earl Madam, the commandment of the imperial court, but this is what An Zhi-zhen brought to her. If An Zhi is not there, then this commandment will be gone. It’s not the same when the emperor deliberately gives the seal, unless Yue-Yao commits a major crime such as rebellion, otherwise if Yue-Yao leaves the house, she is also the command of the same product Madam, plus She was praised by Li Di for her unparalleled artistic talent, and she pushed Yue-Yao to the pinnacle of the painting world.
       In this case, if it is still only the weak face of the husband, it is not a joke! Of course, if it is a weak woman, it is impossible to have such a great achievement.
       Li Qi Niang has nothing to envy. Everyone has a person's fate, not to mention that Dagu-Nai-Nai good days are not falling out of thin air. Dagu-Nai-Nai has suffered a lot today. Li Qi-nian feels that this world is better than her good people. Wherever they all admire, she has only played through her own little days.
       After a few years, I arrived at the age of Yuting 'marriage proposal'. Li Qi Niang actually guessed that Yu Ting’s marriage was not easy, but she did not know that Yu Ting’s marriage would be so difficult.
       In Li Qiiang’s push for another family who came to the door for the power of Master, Cao-Pozi persuaded: “ Madam, almost became. Eldest Miss was dragged down by her mother, can find this The affair is almost the same."
       Li Qi Niang shook his head and said: "How can this marriage be almost the same? If you don't choose a good family, you have to spend a lifetime in the bitter water. I would rather work harder now, and she will cry to the door afterwards." How can the obviously bad parents know how to do it? Solution, she does not want to fall down and complain.
       Cao-Pozi thinks that Yuting is trying to find a satisfactory marriage, it is too difficult.
       Yu Ting’s marriage has not found satisfaction for two years. At this time, all the 7 gods of the cows and ghosts came out. First, Lin Jia, then Ning Duke House, will not stop. Fortunately, Yu Ting himself followed the Master and Mama in the past few years, and he refused.
       Li Qi-nang really couldn't understand: “--Shi came to the door to ask for a kiss, what did she figure?" Li Qi-niang is also an arrogant person, but she just doesn't like  Mou Shi. Not only because she is a member of Small Concubine, but also because this person is a snake. It’s rumored outside-Shi is a nemesis, and people around him. Li Qi Niang is convinced of this, it is not her superstition, but because  Mou Shi likes to use the people around to achieve their goals. She is profitable, and the people who can be used by her are not good at the end. Li Qi Niang's cousin was used by the  Mou Shi, and finally almost broke the reputation.
       Cao-Pozi doesn't like Dai Qing lian: "Take her what she wants, and Miss does not marry anyway." If Miss is married to Ning Duke, she will definitely bring down the younger brother Mei Mei.
       Just at this time, outside Servant said: " Madam, the second Young Master is back."
       Li Qi Niang looked at his son: Secretary: Secretary is not happy, asked: “what's wrong?"
       My brother lowered his head and said after a while: "I saw my brother coming back from the outside with my big brother. Mother, I often took my big brother out, but I didn't take me, mother, don't you like me?" The children are very sensitive, and the court is treating them so differently that they are very upset.
       Li Qi Niang listened to the change of face, but quickly recovered the look of 7 and said with a smile: "Nonsense, you are your son, how can he not like you? Did not take you out, just because you are still small, etc. You are a little older, and you will take you out."
       He is too skeptical.
       Li Qi Niang had been stunned for a long time before she let her go to let her go. But after her brother fell asleep, Li Qi Niang’s face would not look good.
       Cao-Pozi said: " Master is too thick and thin. If you go on like this, my brother may not think about it! Madam, I have to think of a way."
       Li Qiu Niang smiled, Master is a bit of a painful brother, can she fool me now? The child is getting bigger and will definitely know later Master likes Qing Brother more than him. Li Qi Niang thought for a long time, I think this can help Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao listened to Li Qi Niang’s words and fell into meditation. After a long time, Yue-Yao said: "If you don't want your brother to be affected, then send him to the school, get in touch with people, see more things, and relax your mind."
       Li Qi Niang felt that this idea was not bad, but she was also very embarrassed. Because several schools in the capital have no connections, they can't get in.
       Yue-Yao did not deny this: "I will deal with this matter, but I am going to take the exam in the school. During this time, the Secretary asked the brother to read more books. He is only five years old now, let him learn more. Things. As for the future, I will look at it from the text or from the two or three years." Unless it is a talented person, such as Fae Brother, since childhood, the memory is strong, it must be from the text. Generally, a normal child is still undecided when he is five years old. If he is not good, he will decide the future.
       Li Qilian, natural Lian Lian, said that she turned to Yu Ting’s family.
       Yue-Yao said: "Yu Ting's family is also anxious to come, but it is now eight years old. In the past two years, you have also noticed whether there is a suitable candidate. After two years, you will set up Ting's marriage. "Yue-Yao has always been in favor of setting up the child's marriage early, but the situation of hiring Ting is really special. The appearance of the hiring Ting completely inherited the court, but fortunately, the scorpion is like Li-Shi is not like the court, but Yue-Yao has to vomit.
        Miss wants to have a good looks, but it is not good to be too beautiful. It’s okay now, and when I grow up, I will have a lot of people to come up with ideas. It’s better to be seen by the Wang Sun aristocrats. It’s not possible to hire someone to be a small person in the position of the court, but it’s troublesome if you look at the emperor.
       Yue-Yao didn't make things very clear, but just mentioned it in a vague way. Nor is it true that Yue-Yao is pretentious, but she is also speculative, and the speculation is still emperor, this is hard to say. Speaking out, it is like being emperor is a hungry ghost in color. If it is spread out, she will have to eat and walk.
       Li Qi Niang said with a smile: "Not in a hurry, Hi Ting is only eight years old now, and then 'marriage proposal' in a few years. I am also prepared to leave her like a big sister, and leave her to 18 years old to marry again!" Only married at the age of eight.
       Yue-Yao sighed in secret and didn't go on any more. When the evening, Yue-Yao and An Zhi-zhen raised this matter.
       An Zhi said with a smile: "You are a sorrowful heart. Besides, you are just getting a kiss, how about it, if it is really being looked at, even if you are close to the pro?" Dear. However, in this case, there is more to it.
       Yue-Yao feels confused.
       There is still a sentence in An Zhi heart. Fortunately, it is not good for men in today's sacred, and it is not clear that it is innocent. It’s just that An Zhi knows the scorpion of Yue-Yao. If this is said, he must have to follow him again.
       An Zhi-zheng Na: Secretary, the previous Yue-Yao is more gentle and considerate, I did not expect the older the temper. The most uncomfortable thing for Ann is that the children are still standing on Yue-Yao side, every time he is a pair of six, making him more and more feel that he is not prestige.
       Li Qi Niang solved her son's affairs and her heart was loose. In the next two days, another good news came, and the people of Duanwang House came to the door for their 3rd Young Masters.
       Li Qi Niang’s heart was happy, and her attitude towards the matchmaker was very cordial. However, because of the marriage, the court was not making a promise. However, she showed her attitude, and the other party did not have any dissatisfaction. She took a fine red envelope and went to Duanwang House to regain her life.
       Cao-Pozi said: "I didn't expect that people from Duanwang House would come to mention?"
       Li Qi Niang doesn't think it's a coincidence. He said: "Duanwang House will come to the door to raise a family. It should be related to Dagu-Nai-Nai." Yihe-County Owner has a good relationship with Yue-Yao. No one in the capital knows, andWan-he County Owner is also the Gua-Nai-Nai of Duanwang House, so Li Qi-niang feels that this is a relative, fearing that Yue-Yao is from the middle.
       Thinking of this, Li Qi Niang immediately sent someone to tell Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao answer is very simple, only that Ajin is a good child.
       When Li Qiu Niang got this, she knew that her guess was correct. When she told the court about the incident at night, Ting Zheng did not object, but she had to wait until someone else said.
       After seeing A Jin, Ting felt very good and both parties were satisfied. The marriage was settled immediately.
       Yu Ting’s marriage was settled, and this also took Li Qi Niang’s thoughts.
       Li Qi Niang set out to prepare a dowry for Yuting. Li Qi Niang is not stingy, and her family’s money is also rich, so she has not lost her money. The dowry that she has set up for her is a very affordable thing, such as Tian Ma, which is a good thing that has income every year.
       When Yuting was married, although the dowry she carried out was only sixty-four, but in fact, there were more than 40 thousand dowry for her in the public, which did not include the things that added makeup and what Lin Qing xi gave to Yuting. .
       After sending Yu Ting out, Li Qi Niang also completed a major event. In the next few years, she was also an Anxin heart to teach 2nd Miss; as for her brother, now she is sensible, and he himself said that he wanted to follow the text, and Li Qi Niang naturally rejoiced. Their family is special, that is, they have sufficient resources. After all, there are four scholars in the Dabo family, and four of them are now officially in the country. They are all self-family, and they will definitely help them.
       Li Qi Niang did not say that she was a brother-in-law, and she hoped that her son would live a smooth life. Now that her son is from Wen, she is also happy. If you are from the military, it is easy to have a life-threatening danger if you fight.
       In a twinkling of an eye Master is a 45-year Old birthday, and Li Qi Niang makes a letter to Yu Ting. Speaking of Yu Ting is also a blessing, not long after the door to get pregnant, the first child gave birth to a son. Now I have had three children and I have a firm foothold in Duanwang.
       Not long after, Pozi came back and replied with her: " Madam, Eldest Miss said that she has a heavy filial piety, can't come back to the party, and please Madam and Master said."
       Li Qi Niang is very satisfied: Secretary: "Duanwang is not good, there is no funeral?" If there is a funeral, she still does not know.
       In the past, Pozi whispered: " Madam, that is the one who went, the Eldest Miss is the filial piety for that person. I also heard that the latter thing is also the Eldest Miss cuisine." Lin Qing xi is Out of the woman,  Pozi directly used that person to represent it.
       Li Qi Niang waved and let Pozi go down.
       Cao-Pozi said: "This matter, we don't even know a little about this news." Cao-Pozi thinks that this secret work is very good.
       Li-Shi is not angry. Lin-Shi is not a Lian-jia woman, but she is the mother of Yu Ting. She gives her mother a cooking, and she should do it for her mother. "I don't blame her for this. You think, how can she tell me about this?" Even if she had a good relationship with Yuting, this kind of thing could not tell her. Well, I didn’t tell her what to play.
       Cao-Pozi thought about it and thought that Li-Shi is also reasonable.
       Li Qi Niang remembered when she first saw Yu Ting: "This is also a loss of aunt Nai-Nai asked her to study with Master for four years, or else like that, I have some sins."
       Before the age of thirteen, Yu Ting had only two things, one was to follow Master Yun, and the second thing was to follow the sin Mama rules and manners. However, later sin Mama also taught some of the housekeepers of Yuting, of course, all of them are theoretical.
       Yue-Yao thoughts on that day are also very simple. Mingli Governor is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if the female chefs are cooking. If you don't know how to spend money, you can ask someone if you can, but if you don't know what is empty, then everything is empty.
       Yu Ting will not embroider Lian's purse before the age of three, not to mention the kitchen, and later Li-Shi taught her.
       Cao-Pozi is now looking at Yu Ting's eyes, because Yu Ting is very respectful to Li Qi Niang: "I heard that the person is only a few months old than the Master, and this year is only forty-five years old, but why? Going?" Her family Master is still in his prime, the man went, and died too early.
       Li Qi Niang said: "And remarriage, can not be born, this day must have been very difficult, it is not surprising to go so early." In fact, Li Qi Niang feels that Lin-Shi is a bit paranoid, if not why she often Gu-Nai-Nai can't go? The two have no conflicts of interest. If they don't like to play only on the face, but Lin-Shi can make so many things.
       Cao-Pozi asked: " Madam, don't tell me Master?"
       Li-Shi said: "Nature is telling the story Master." I couldn't help but think about it. On that day, Yu Ting didn't come, and Master knew it.
       Li-Shi himself is not willing to tell this matter to the court, let one Pozi in the past to pass this to the court. As for knowing what will happen, it is not what she can manage.
       Lin-Shi passed away, and Li Qi Niang has nothing to do with it, so Li Qi Niang soon left this matter behind. A few months later, the court directly told people to call Yuting back.
       Cao-Pozi came over in a panic and said: " Madam, Eldest Miss is crying in the Master's yard, and I don't know what happened?"
       Li Qi Niang also: Secretary, although the most precious thing about Tingzheng today is Qing Brother, but it is also a pain to Yu Ting, which has never been seen before.
       Cao-Pozi carefully asked: "I don't want to talk about it."
       Li Qi Niang thought Master avoided her directly to find Yu Ting, and also knew that she did not want her to know about it, so Li Qi Niang did not think about it: "Well, see what is going on?" Li Qi Niang butler still Very good, both inside and outside are as tight as buckets. Similarly, she wants to know the news in the mansion, but she can't beat her.
       Cao-Pozi is coming back soon, and his face is a bit ugly. Under the urging of Li Qiiang, Cao-Pozi said: "Nalin-Shi was not buried in the Zhao-home grave, but was buried in another place by the Miss. Master is forcing the Eldest Miss Lin-shi place of burial, Eldest Miss seems to be unwilling to say, so it was a dispute. "It has been many years, almost twenty years, even remembering Lin-shi, this will be them Where Madam is placed.
       Li Qi Niang did not go to compete with a dead person, but strangely asked: "Why does Lin-shi do not want to be buried in the Zhao-Zuzu grave?" Yu Ting as a daughter certainly will not take Lin-Shi with Just find a place to be buried. Lin-Shi did not bury the Zhao-home ancestral grave, it must be her own.
       Cao-Pozi shaking her head, Lin-Shi idea is different, she can't think of it.
       Li Qiiang knew about the beginning and the end of the matter and threw it away. She is definitely not involved in this matter, I believe Master and Eldest Miss do not want her to intervene. However, Li Qiiang’s heart is not in the heart of the court. Since it is so  Mourning, why did he play and leave?
       Thinking about the outside until now, Lin-Shi Master and away from the aunt-Nai-Nai forced, Li Qi Niang could not help but shake his head. Dagu-Nai-Nai is also worried about her husband, but the result is this result.
       Li Qi Niang soon put these things away, and turned to the daughter's marriage. Hi Ting is now sixteen years old, and it is also time to 'marriage proposal'. Since last year, Li Qi Niang has been choosing her husband's family for her daughter, but several of her fancy have been rejected by the Master. She doesn't know, what exactly does Master choose?
       Not long after, Li Qi Niang knew the reason. Watching Ting Zheng Li Qi Niang as a lightning strike: "What do you say? Put on the trick to let Ting into the palace?"
       Ting Zheng nodded: "I told you about this last year, but I don't want you to worry, so I didn't tell you. At the beginning of next year, I will hire Ting to enter the palace."
       Li Qiiang’s hands are shaking, and the entrance to the palace gate is like the sea, and the palace, who does not know that it is a place to eat people! Li Qi Niang grabbed the hand of Ting Zheng and said: " Master, hire Ting is still so small, how can she enter the palace? Master, this matter has no room to transfer to the country?"
       Ting is shaking his head and saying: "I don't want my daughter to enter the palace, but the holy life is hard to break." Yu Ting is also his daughter. He is willing to let his daughter go to that place, but it is only the emperor Jinkou Yuyan. He is not so courageous. .
       Li Qi Niang feels that there is still hope: "Big sister, big sister, she will not push the family's pro? We can certainly?" The second son looked at the xinxin, and wanted to play 娶可馨. As a result, the sacred decree has not come down yet, and Yue-Yao has got the news, and then immediately enters the palace, and this event will not be finished.
       Ting Zheng said with a good voice: "It is not the same." How can the two sons compare with the emperor! The world is not the king of the earth, how can he be a courtier who can violate the meaning of the emperor.
       Li Qi Niang is soft, and tears are falling. Her daughter, who has been baby for more than ten years, even went to the place where she was eating. Thinking about this, Li Qiiang felt that her heart had been dug.
       Cao-Pozi persuaded Li Qi Niang and said: " Madam, now is not a sad time, have to prepare for the second Miss, so that the second Miss into the palace, when it is really swallowed by the bones No c"
       Li Qiiang wiped her tears and immediately called for Ting. When Li Qi Niang was surprised, it was normal to hire Ting, and she was not as panicked as she had expected.
       Li Qi Niang is consciously different, waving other people to go down, the house is left with the two, Li Qi Niang asked: "Hit Ting, if you are sad, cry out!" Now at home can still cry, later into the palace Lian Nothing can be done.
       Hi Ting shook his head and said: "Mother, do you know why I want to learn pharmacology?" Hi Ting began to study pharmacology from the age of eight, but Hi Ting is secretly learning, not to mention outsiders, that is, Ting Zheng does not know, only a few individuals know of.
       Li Qi Niang stunned: "Isn't you like it yourself?" She was still opposed to it. In the end, Yue-Yao said that the child likes to let her learn, and it is also good after learning the pharmacology.
       Hi Ting shook his head and said: "In that year, my aunt told me that my appearance might enter the palace. So, my aunt let me learn the pharmacology, saying that even if I didn't enter the palace, I learned something. If I entered the palace, it would not be easy. I was thinking of other people calculations.” Li Qiiang suddenly remembered that Yue-Yao said eight years ago that she would give her an appointment as soon as possible.
       Li Qi Niang is very upset. I knew that I had to set aside someone to hire Ting earlier, and I didn’t have to go to the palace: "Dagu-Nai-Nai is just saying it to me earlier."
       Hi Ting is very sensible and said: "Aunt is also guessing, and can't confirm, she is also precautionary. Mother, aunt is good enough for us." If their family did not have an aunt to help, I didn't know what it was like. . For Yue-Yao, I am only grateful to hire Ting.
       Li Qi Niang Lian nodded: "You said that you will enter the palace in March and April next year, and there is still a year of hard work. Mother has to prepare more things for you."
       I want to think about it, I think Li Qi Niang is hurting.
       In fact, Hi Ting actually feels that she is not in the marriage after she has been married. The reason is very simple. She is not a big sister, Yu Ting. If no one is blocking her marriage, it will not be delayed. : "Mother, don't worry, there is still a year to prepare!" She has been preparing for the palace in recent years.
       Li Qi Niang has always been calm, but this time it was a little flustered. I thought it would be better to discuss it with Yue-Yao, but I learned that Yue-Yao went to Zhuangzi.
       Hi Ting said: "Mother, we have to rely on ourselves, it is impossible to rely on aunts. The aunt is the ‘Madam’ of the family, she must first consider the family."
       Li Qi Niang quickly calmed down from the panic: "Well, taking advantage of this year, we will wait for it." Lian Tingzheng is not relying on her, she can only rely on herself.
       After Yue-Yao came back, I knew that I would hire Ting to enter the palace. Because it was expected, Yue-Yao was not too surprised. But thinking about the children going to the place, there is still some sadness: "It’s not too good to be too good." If the hired Ting is not so outstanding, he will enter the palace.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled a little: "Why do you blame your brother for being so good? This is also good for hiring Ting did not pass the name of a talented woman, or the limelight is more prosperous." The woman is too popular, but it is not The good thing is Yue-Yao. Nowadays, the limelight is too strong, and it is also a trouble. Of course, Yue-Yao troubles are mainly from the painters, and everyone is not convinced that she can be honored as the best in the world. Although there are provocations, it is still within the scope of tolerance.
       Yue-Yao feels that he should do his part.
       An Zhi-zhen did not object, and it was useless to oppose it. When Yue-Yao was upset, he made him uneasy. An Zhi thought for a moment and said: "Then we carefully choose a Mama who is familiar with the palace. With this kind of experience Mama is next to it, and can eat less."
       Yue-Yao thinks this suggestion is good. It’s so easy to find a person who has the ability and loyalty and has the heart to be right.
       Ming-zhu knew that she had found one of her Mama, which Mama had served before the Empress Dowager  too, and was familiar with the situation in the palace.
       Ming-zhu said with a smile: "I don't know what it is that your daughter is in the palace!" But it is a  Miss , so hard!
       Yue-Yao said: "You often go into the palace, but you still don't know what it is like in the palace? I can only do this for her, and how to rely on herself in the future." Can't insert it.
       Ming-zhu also agrees with this: "If you want to ask my mother to help me to follow the Buddha one or two." Ming-zhu aunt, now is too the Empress Dowager , and it is definitely a person in the palace.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "The shelter is for a while, the shelter is not the same, and the Empress Dowager  is too old. Her old man is also old, why bother to let her handle these hearts." Too the Empress Dowager  Although still tough, but after all It’s a person who is old, and you have to raise it at this time. You can’t work 7 gods.
       Ming-zhu said cheerfully: "Reassure, my aunt will be able to maintain herself. She also said that she is a hundred years old."
       Yue-Yao also hopes that the Empress Dowager  will be a hundred years old.
       The blink of an eye will pass in a year. Yue-Yao knows that Emperor Cheng gave the hiring of Tingpin from Sanpin, and felt that it was still good, and it was better than a palace. Also because it is from the top of the three products, the position is very high, so Yu Ting can bring three people into the palace. When the peach blossoms opened in April, Hi Ting took one Mama and two personal Servant into the palace.
       Li Qi Niang resisted tears and watched her daughter get on the sedan chair. After the others left, Li Qi Niang’s tears could no longer stop, and she fell off.
       Qing Brother said: "Mother, the second sister can enter the palace to serve, it is a great blessing in our family. In the future, it is a reborn, then we..." Qing Brother’s next words were eaten by Li Qiiang. Like the eye 7 God gave it back.
       My brother helped Li Qi Niang and said, "Mother, let's go in!"
       Hiring Ting into the palace is the shackles of the three products, which has already made many people jealous. After waiting for the bed, they have risen to the next level and become the nobles of the three products. This is not a red eye, but a nail in the eyes of people.
       Li Qiu Niang got the news, and she didn't know if it was time to be happy or to worry. The position is high, and it is naturally more convenient to act. It will not be arbitrarily bullied, but it can be so fast and too hateful.
       Cao-Pozi saw the effort to transfer Li Qi Niang's attention: " Madam, it is 3rd Miss's ritual, and after the ceremony, it is time to set the marriage of 3rd Miss." 2nd Miss has already entered Palace, Madam is no longer worried. The palace is not an ordinary people, and the grievances can be supported.
       Li Qiu Niang nodded her head. When the marriage of the younger daughter was over, she had to start to marry her brother’s marriage. As for Qing Brother, Li Qi Niang didn’t think much, and Lian’s court was just like the look of Qing ’s baby. The marriage of the child must not be controlled by her.
       Not long after Yi Ting and Yu Li, the good news came from the palace, and she was pregnant, and she was pregnant for more than a month. The emperor was happy, and the big hand waved, and the nobles were promoted to the Zhaoyi from the second product.
       As a result, the child had just finished three months or a few days, and Li Qi Niang got the news that the child who hired Ting was gone. Li Qiuyan quickly handed a sign into the palace to see and hire Ting.
       The person who had just produced a small product had a pale face and a very bad color. When he saw Li Qiiang, the tears of the hired Ting came.
       Li Qiu Niang said with a panic: "You can't cry, people who sit on the moon can't cry, cry will fall down the root of the disease." Seeing such a daughter, Li Qi Niang is also very upset. Before entering the palace, her daughter was like a flowery daughter. It was only a few months before she was tortured to be unattractive.
       I hired Ting to stop crying.
       Li Qi Niang and other hiring Ting stabilized the emotions and asked: "What is going on in the end? How come it is born?"
       I’m not guilty of hiring Ting these two days: “I’m too big, I didn’t expect them to be so bold.” The child was full for three months, and Yu Ting didn’t want to drop a pampered and proud name, so I went to give Please ask after the presentation, Honorable Noble proposes everyone to go to the garden to see flowers. After the show was allowed, it is not good to hire Ting. Hiring Ting did not expect that these people would dare to poison their hands and design their own fall and fall, and the result would be a crime of not being favored.
       Li Qi Niang asked: "Is it out who is the hand?"
       Hi Ting shook his head: "It's not so easy to find out. However, I will always find out, I must let them pay for my children."
       Li Qi Niang felt uncomfortable, but still comforted: "You don't think about anything now. The most important thing for you now is to raise your body. You are still young. You must have a good body."
       Hi Ting nodded and asked: "Mother, is my aunt in the capital?" In fact, I would like to see Yue-Yao.
       Li Qiiang shook her head: "Your aunt is not in Capital City now. Hi Ting, your aunt's shi-zi, even if she knows about you, she will not enter the palace."
       Yue-Yao told her before she hired Tingjin Palace, she could help with this, and what will happen after she hired Ting into the palace, she will not help again. Helping to hire Ting before entering the palace, it is the friendship of aunt. If she hired Ting into the palace, she would help each other, then she must be involved in the battle of the harem. Yue-Yao She is now a settler, and even for the child's future, she can't get involved in the battle in the backyard.
       Hi Ting smiled a bit, and would not like to talk about this topic again, because this topic is too heavy: "Ying Ting is also awkward, and it is time to pick someone else."
       Li Qi Niang waited for the palace, and the tears that had been forbearing had come down. It’s just that the child has already fallen, and how sad it is, people have to look forward.
       Cao-Pozi persuaded: " Madam is also not sad, the second Miss's shi-zi looks like Madam you, I believe that the second Miss will soon be able to cheer up."
       Li Qi Niang nodded and said: "Well, I just hope that as you said."
       Not long after, Yi Ting’s marriage was settled. However, it was not long before Yi Ting’s marriage was settled, and Ting Zheng settled the marriage of Qing Brother. The original intention of Tingzheng is good. I want to let Qing Brother have more capital, so I have chosen him to be a Famous leader. As a result, the daughter-in-law who passed the door only respected the serious mother-in-law of Li Qi Niang, and it was only a face to Qiao concubine, the Concubine mother-in-law, and the couple had just had a conflict after just getting married.
       Li Qi Niang can't manage that much, and her current mind is on the marriage of her brother. I don’t want to be so fast 'marriage proposal': "Mother, wait for me to go through the township and try again 'marriage proposal'!" In fact, I want to say that he will try to 'marriage proposal' after he has passed. He knew that it was impossible, so he chose the next best and only asked for a test of the township.
       Li Qiiang promised to swear on her face, and in fact it was unambiguous. When Li Qi Niang took a fancy to the family and wanted to set the family down, Ting Zheng told her that she wanted to tell her sister Miss.
       Li Qi Niang is naturally unwilling, and her brother is playing with the text in the future. The Miss of the military commander is going to be a matter of course. As a result, the court is not compromising because of the promise of others.
       If it is something else, Li Qi Niang will not compete with the court, and the court is justified. But this is a matter of life for the son, and his ‘Madam’ is not guilty of harming his son for a lifetime, and even has to harm her grandson. Where will Li Qiniang compromise?
       If Yue-Yao is in, Yue-Yao will definitely come out, but it is a pity that Yue-Yao has traveled outside and has not returned for several years. No way, finally Li Qi Niang went to the palace and told Ting to say this. Hi Ting directly set this Miss Miss Li Qi Niang, although the court is not happy, but this step can only be compromised. However, after this incident, the feelings of the husband and ‘Madam’ began to deteriorate.
       Li Qiiang didn't care at all. Her daughter became a monk in the palace, and her son grew up and became a relative. She did not do anything wrong, even if she did not like her, she couldn't help her. After forbearing this for more than ten years, she has endured enough, and she does not want to endure any more.
       In the autumn of the year, the buddy was raised. Not long after, I was told that I was pregnant. Li Qia Niang quickly went to worship the Buddha and asked the Buddha to bless her daughter.
       With the last lesson, I was very careful about this time. Although I was counted several times, I was hired to hide. A few months later, Hi Ting gave birth to a healthy and healthy presentation. Emperor Cheng is very happy, hired Ting because of the child's merits, Lian rose two levels, given the seal as a servant.
       Li Qi Niang heard that the child came to the world safely, and hired Ting was also good, and the heart was like removing a heavy load: "Mother and child are safe."
       After the brother-in-law's daughter-in-law passed, Li Qi-niang slowly handed over the chores, and when her daughter-in-law gave birth to her granddaughter, she completely ignored the matter. She took her granddaughter and enjoyed the interest of the grandson. For the indifference of the court to her, she is not at all concerned, and she is satisfied with her children. As for the love of the husband and ‘Madam’, it is a cloud for her.

       Chapter 584 Ke Xin's Fan (1)   

       The sparkling little stars are like gems, and they are densely covered with the innocent night sky of Liao Tao. The milky white Milky Way traverses the sky from the northwestern horizon, slanting to the earth.
       Ke-Xin practiced a half-time ‘zither’ in the ‘zither’ room. When she came out and looked at the scenery outside, she smiled and said: "Unfortunately, the mother is not at home, or I can enjoy the scenery with my mother." Yue-Yao goes out again. I haven't been home for more than two months.
       Servant, who is next to Xin, said with a smile: "I am going to the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Madam should be back in the next few days." A tea felt that her family Miss was too capable. When I was nine years old, I learned the housekeeper. When I was ten years old, I took over the house of the Earl's House. Every day I played for a long time, and the rest of the time was practicing the ‘zither’.
       Ke-Xin did not inherit the talent of Yue-Yao painting and was not interested in practicing words. Later, Yue-Yao found that she was learning the ‘zither’ very quickly, and there were some talents in this respect, so she was able to specialize in the ‘zither’. I have been studying for five years, but the ‘zither’ music is still very good.
       Xin smiled and nodded: "Well, my mother should be back in a few days."
       At the entrance of the house, there is a rosewood jade and a rich twelve-screen screen. The painting on this screen is painted by Yue-Yao. It took more than a month to draw. There are peony, magnolia, sea bream and bamboo on the screen. The flowers and trees decorate the lake stone, birds, flowers and so on. Yue-Yao art is not to be said. As Yue-Yao reputation grows, the fewer paintings are circulating. Because Yue-Yao now no longer sells paintings except for occasionally giving paintings.
       Of course, these are just for outsiders, but there is no such restriction on Ke-Xin. Just playing with her, the paintings in Yue-Yao studio are chosen by her, even if it is a good painting, Yue-Yao eyes are not given to her.
       The things you can use are the best. Earl's House is such a Miss, and all the good things are tight.
       Can sit in front of the dressing table. Ke-Xin looked at a box of rouge on the dressing table. This rouge was new and didn't move.
       A tea smiled and said: "This is bought by the second Young Master, and people are sent over."
       But Xin smiled a bit: "If you let him know that he is going to buy rouge, and play it all." Xu Brother especially likes to buy combs, makeup powder, rouge and other items. He not only sent a sweetheart, but also liked to give cousin cousin. And An Zhi-zhen is annoyed with the likes of Xu Brother, but unfortunately, he is not correct. As for Yue-Yao, I feel that it is harmless and not private. It is sent through formal channels, and she has not taken care of it.
       Three days later, Ke-Xin was dealing with chores, and he heard that Servant said: "Eldest Miss, Madam is back."
       Ke-Xin hurried to the main courtyard and saw Yue-Yao talking to Wei. I can go over and give Yue-Yao a gift: "Mother."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Well, it grows taller." Ke-Xin is now only fifteen years old and still in the body.
       Can look at Yue-Yao, said: "Mother, you are a lot of black. Is it outside the sun all day?"
       Yue-Yao is in a good mood and said: "No, it's all in Zhuangzi!"
       Ke-Xin did not believe her mother's words! If her mother sees a good view, or if she has entered her eyes, she still cares about the sun and the sun.
       Yue-Yao will continue this topic again: "What are you? Are you okay?" An Zhi-zhen strongly opposed Yue-Yao to Zhuangzi, but she opposed it. It was not a day. Time is in charge of Yue-Yao
       I can hear the nod and say: "Oh, it’s good, you can eat two bowls of rice every day.
       Nightingale. But my mother, you are not happy when you go out for such a long time.
       Yue-Yao didn't care: "It's okay." But this time, An Zhi-qi provoked her.
       Stirring her, she will not be homeless. Also eat at night
       Playing is not an affair
       She listened to Yue-Yao sly, lowered her head and grinned, and then told Yue-Yao about what happened in these two months.
       Yang Brother was very happy to hear that Yue-Yao came back, and he came over after school. Yang Ji childhood is only five years old. I don’t know what it means to be subtle: “Mom, how are you so dark? Mother, are you outside very bad? Mother, it’s my fault, playing is At that time, I asked Jean Bie, you wouldn’t quarrel with you.” He didn’t quarrel with her mother, and she didn’t have to run away from home.
       Yue-Yao laughed: "Who told you these messy things? When did I quarrel with you? Mother just went out to the village to go to the summer." The little son’s shi-zi was a little soft, and he said that the good voice is gentle. It’s a bit like a little Miss. Yue-Yao doesn't know who he looks like? Originally, Yue-Yao felt that Yang Zier’s shi-zi would be uncomfortable, and who knows that An Zhi is particularly hurting this kid.
       Some of Yang Brother did not believe: "Since I am going to take a summer vacation, why not take me with me?" He is also very afraid of heat!
       Can't smile, but don't look at Yang Ji shi-zi is a bit soft, but definitely not a good fool.
       Yue-Yao, where would be so easy to ask: "When you are going to learn from Master , where can you go to Capital City with your mother? Yes, on the day when the mother is not there, are you lazy?"
       Yang Brother shook his head and said: "No." But there is a big sister and big brother watching, he can still be lazy.
       In the evening, when I went home with Xu Brother, I knew that Yue-Yao was back, and I was very happy. On the day of the maiden, the atmosphere at home is really weird. Every day, a face collapsed and they were all nervous.
       Yue-Yao looked at her brother and Xu Brother, and couldn’t help but think about the Xu Brother who went out to study abroad. He said: "I have been studying for more than a year, and I have no plans for the future."
       My brother said: "He told me, let me go to the ban camp next year."
       Xu Brother said: "He said that I will go to the camp next year. I said, let me hide in the name, so that I can get exercise. Mother, I have no opinion from the bottom, but I don’t need to play it in the name of the hidden name?" He is only the third child in the Earl's House, and he is not a son. It is too exaggerated to let him hide his name.
       The difference between the 2nd Brother and the 2nd Brother is also because of the difference in their identity. He is a son of Pingyang Bofu. Later, he will inherit the title, and he will get more training as soon as possible. And Xu Ji future will earn himself, so he has to start from the bottom. In this way, one step at a time, the future career will be smooth.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "If you do this, you have his reason, just do what you want." The couple sometimes have disagreements, but in front of the children, both of them are very maintenance. The opponent's.
       In the evening, Ann’s back came back, and Yue-Yao was also black with a face. When it was made to eat, several children dared not say anything.
       After the meal, several children left the main courtyard as quickly as possible. Yue-Yao, this smiled and said: "Okay, you are not tired with a face, I am tired."
       An Zhi bonfire is big: “You’re going to go out for three or five days. You count yourself. How long have you been going out? Ah?”
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I haven’t been out of the house for more than six years. I’m not going out for a trip. It’s not forgotten.” When An Zhi is angry, Yue-Yao will not talk to her. Topped dry.
       An Zhi-zhen thought that Yue-Yao always said that he didn't have inspiration, couldn't make a good work, and his heart was a little bit guilty: "This time, I can't have another time."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "When the Brother and the Brother are married, they want to go to the northwest, Yunnan and other places to see."
       Where is An Zhi-yi willingness: "So far, not."
       Yue-Yao will not sing the opposite with An Zhi-: "When you go with me, you will not be able to go. It will take a lifetime to enjoy the fun." Anyway, the children have become a family, and nothing happens.
       An Zhi-yi disagreed: "Children are still young.
       Shisi, after ten years, I will go out with you and wait for them to be alone for at least ten years.
       Yue-Yao understands the concerns of An Zhi-zhi. After a few years, the children have entered the official career. They are still young and tender when they first entered the officialdom. They need to be safe to point them to them: "Okay, then let's say so." If you can't, go to some places.
       A few children saw them on the second day, and they were successful and turned cloudy. I thought about whether my mother was at home or not, and I didn’t have to look at the cold face.
       The time passed quickly, and the year passed. Out of the YuanXiao-, Yue-Yao began to prepare for the Xinxin and the rites.
       The night before the ceremony, Yue-Yao heard that Servant said that she was still practicing ‘zither’ in the ‘zither’ room and quickly came to visit. For her daughter, Xin-Yao also used a bit of thought.
       You can see Yue-Yao coming over, some embarrassed: "Mother..."
       Yue-Yao touched the forehead of Xin, and said, "What's wrong? Is it because of tomorrow and sorrow, so I can't sleep nervously?"
       Ke-Xin shook his head and said: "No." She is not nervous and rude, just thinking about doing it and showing that she has grown up. When she grows up, it means marrying. Marrying people, thinking of marrying this vocabulary can be a bit of a fear of conditional launch. She can listen to friends around me more than once and say that Miss is the happiest thing at home. Once she is married to someone else home, she will immediately become a smug little ‘Madam’, and she will look everywhere. Moreover, these friends also cited many examples of relatives around them, telling about how good they are at home, and it is so difficult to marry.
       Yue-Yao knows that Xinxin is afraid to marry. He thought about it and said, "What do you think of Min Er?" It is also the self-satisfaction of Yue-Yao, although she intends to give Xin Min to her. However, because he was afraid of an accident, he did not tell Ke-Xin. Yue-Yao is hoping to wait for the child and the ritual, and then set the marriage and tell the xinxin.
       Can be strangely asked: "Minco cousin is very good, what happened?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and held her in her arms and said with a smile: "Your aunt has been talking to her mother for a long time, I want you to be her daughter-in-law. Mother has also carefully observed that Min Er is good in all aspects. Although Min Brother is not the eldest son, but you don’t have to be so tired, you don’t have to be so tired. Then you and your aunt will like you when you are young. When you marry to the Ma family, they will definitely hurt you as well. The gas."
       Can be a big surprise: "Mom, why don't I know this thing?" Her mother's confidential work is also doing very well.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Mother used to talk to Ming-zhu aunt, I have to wait for you and you can 'marriage proposal'. And this marriage has not been fixed in a day, there are variables on the day. You are not worried today. After the marriage, the day will be sad, and the mother will not tell you." Yue-Yao thought, after the ceremony, she set the marriage of the two children.
       There are very few opportunities for Xinxin to contact with Min Er, but it is also possible to see the opportunity several times a year. I can seriously think about the appearance of Min Brother and the usual words and deeds. Suddenly my face is a little red: "Mom, isn’t the cousin knowing this before?" I didn’t think about it before, but now I want to come. Min Min watched her eyes seem to be exceptionally different.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Whether your aunt has said to Min Er, the mother is not clear." Yue-Yao, who is so keen on observation, can't find that Min Er's look is not the same. . It’s just that she pretends not to know.
       I can think that my aunt has always treated herself as a biological daughter. It is sure that she will not become a sullen little ‘Madam’. Thinking of this, I can get rid of most of the worry in my heart.
       Yue-Yao accompanied Yu Xin and said a good conversation, until she was able to go to bed, and Yue-Yao returned to her after she had covered her quilt.
       An Zhi-Yu came back and asked: "Is this child afraid? What is she afraid of?" This is not to marry, but to marry people who are afraid of going to the husband's family. This and the rituals have been taught, and by then, it will be done by Mama.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I am not worried about tomorrow's rituals. This child is thinking about people and swearing, and he is afraid."
       An Zhi-zhen immediately did not speak, thinking that the baby who held his hand in the palm of his hand had become a person of other people in two years, and his heart was not happy.
       Yue-Yao can't bear it, but Miss always makes a marriage: "I told her about Min Er."
       An Zhi-wen asked: "What can you say?" An Zhi-zhen felt that Min Er’s shortcomings were short, his body was short, his body was not strong enough, and his knowledge was not good enough. In An Zhi eyes, Min Er has no one to make him look pleasing to the eye from head to toe.
       Yue-Yao blame: "What can she say? It's just some accidents. But knowing my favorite Min Er, I think that my cousin has always loved her, and she treats her biological daughter in general. She is not so scared. "Xi Xin is afraid because she does not know who will marry in the future. For those who do not know the future, there will be anxiety in my heart." But once you know that you are playing in a very familiar environment, there is no such fear and uneasiness.
       It is because of this advantage that An Zhi-zhen did not refute this marriage. When Miss is at home, they are all babies, and they can be married to other people homes. Even if their ancestors are stronger, they will inevitably suffer some grievances. They will encounter a lack of tune, and they will not find it. It is not the same to give Sen Brother, Min Brother is also watching them grow up, and everything is clear and clear, Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan are also very affectionate. If you are married to the Ma family, you will definitely not be wronged.
       Some people like to take their daughters in exchange for benefits, but An Zhi does not have this idea. He only played well with his daughter. As for the prosperity of the family, it was a matter of several children.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "After the children and the rites, set the parents of the two children.
       An Zhi-gan shook his head and said: "First pick a good day, wait until the sensitive Brother spring words and then set it down! At that time, you can double happiness." Min Brother last time fell, and this time I hope to test again.
       Yue-Yao has a different opinion: "No one knows how to be able to do it without a hundred percent grasp. Marriage is said as usual, but you can not tell Min Er for the time being."
       An Zhi-yi was very dissatisfied: "The last time you can still say that it is the first time to go out, this time to play again, it does not mean that he is useless. My daughter can not marry someone who can't be tested by Lian."
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "Do you think that Jinshi is a cabbage, is it full of streets? Actually, I am just the opposite of you. I think that even if Min Er is settled this time, there is nothing wrong with it. The child is still small. It’s good for him to experience some setbacks. And this time I heard from his husband that it’s a good time, and the rankings won’t be too high. Anyway, it’s still small. It’s only in three years, it’s only in its early twenties. A good ranking is also good for future careers."
       Originally, An Zhi-xuan felt that if Min Ji was really down, he would refuse this marriage. Can be used by Yue-Yao
       When he said this, he felt that it was really not a bad thing to fall. An Zhi does not know that it is the blame to blame: "It is a bad thing, can you always become a good thing in your  Mouth?"
       Yue-Yao said cheerfully: "Looking at things from different angles, the same thing looks at another angle, and the result is naturally different."
       The next day, the invited friends and family came, and the rituals were full of enthusiasm. With Yue-Yao and the rituals of the rituals, it was completely two levels.
       After the ceremony, Zhuang Ruolan came to the door to 'marriage proposal'. Yue-Yao smiled and raised An Zhi concerns and said what he meant: “I mean the spring words will be settled later. If Min Er is in the exam, then it will be double. If you don't take the test, if you don't take the test, you can dispel the haze of Min's heart at this time." No matter who is settled, the mood will definitely be particularly frustrating. At this time, a happy event will definitely make him happy.
       Zhuang Ruolan is not happy about Yue-Yao saying that Min Er is in the first place. If there is no result, no one can guarantee 100% of the test: "Cheng, follow what you said." She waited. For so many years, not bad
       This month.
       Because this thing is relatively secret, and there is no external statement, so outsiders do not know. Everyone only knows that Xinxin is already smashed, and can come to the door to raise a kiss. Of course, there is a Piaget's ape and a world's first big painter. If you are not enough, you don't dare to go to the 'marriage proposal'. Even if you have enough status, you can only ask for a sigh, and Yue-Yao is on the door. People who have a temperament will refuse.
       Zhuang Ruolan said to Min Brother: "Your uncle meaning is that when you are in the spring, the scholar will set you down with you." As for what would happen, Zhuang Ruolan did not say.
       Zhuang Ruolan deliberately said this, but also wants to give his son more motivation, and his own lifelong events, Min Brother naturally go all out.

       Chapter 585 Ke Xin's Fan (1.5)   

       It’s another three years of spring.
       Ke-Xin knows that Min Er is playing the game and praying that Min Cousin can take the test this time. Even for Min Brother, she went to the temple to worship Manjushri and Wenqu.
       After An Zhi knows, my heart is vinegar: "All the Miss are extroverted, and this marriage has not been settled. She is so eager to ask for the Bodhisattva. So, it is still a good son." The son-in-law is breaking into the door. The daughter is married to marry another family, is someone else family, and the heart is toward other people home.
       Yue-Yao, listening to this sour taste, couldn’t help but smile and said: "However, if you worship the Wenzhu Bodhisattva and the Wenquxing, how can you get your son and daughter!"
       An Zhi-zhi knows that he can't make sense with Yue-Yao, because Yue-Yao can't understand his feelings that he is sad at this time.
       Yue-Yao thinks that An Zhi-zhen is a bit funny. In fact, she is also a bit sour, and Miss, who raised her own, went to other people homes in two years, and her heart was still full of reluctance.
       Will test three games, three days each, a total of nine days. But within these nine days, there was a wave. On this day, An Zhi home came back, and his face was very ugly.
       Yue-Yao quickly rushed forward and asked: "What happened?" After the new emperor was enthroned, their homes were smooth and smooth, and An Zhi-yu never showed such a look.
       An Zhi-zhen remembered what the Emperor said to him, and his face was darker: "I want to say that I can give it to the second son." Although the Emperor did not say it clearly, it means that they don’t want to give fun to them. Waiting for him to get married.
       Yue-Yao face is also a change, and he hurriedly asked: "Don't you say that you can change the Geng post with you?" Just happened to invite people and the day, yesterday was a ecliptic, so The two changed their posts.
       An Zhi-wei smiled and said: "That said, no use. If I did not guess wrong, the second presentation should be that we changed the Geng post, so we asked for it." An Zhi-yi is not willing to marry Ting to marry two sons. On the one hand, the woman who marries into the family is not very good, even if it is just as difficult, he is such a Miss, naturally hopes that she will be a smooth and harmonious life; on the other hand, the second son is the son of Shu. Can be married to the second presentation is equivalent to the label of their family's second son, and later their family is tied to the second son. Emperor Cheng is now only in his thirties, and he is in his prime. Now he is standing in the queue. Isn’t that what is it?
       Yue-Yao hands and feet are cold: "Have you promised?" Lian, the eldest son of the big family, was not willing, and she was afraid of being too hard, so she gave me the sensation of Min. If you marry a presenter, don't say that it will be very dangerous in the future. If you are married, you don't have to fight against a bunch of women. How have you lived?
       An Zhi-xuan shook his head and said: "No. I told you that you wouldn't agree, even if I promised it would be useless." An Zhi-zhen is now somewhat grateful, but fortunately he bears a name that is afraid of his ‘Madam’, even today's business. Some are shameful, but it is also like a marriage in front of the emperor.
       Yue-Yao breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is room for a transfer to the country." I was afraid that An Zhi couldn't do anything, and promised to be emperor, then it was troublesome.
       An Zhi-sheng said: "This is a trick for you." The situation was urgent. In addition to carrying Yue-Yao out, there really is no other way.
       Yue-Yao has relaxed: "Okay." If it is not a 'marriage proposal' thing, this time it must be undone. But now, Xin and Ma have changed their posts. Even if they are presented, they must be reasoned. It cannot be because his son broke up the marriage of others.
       After using the dinner, I told the story to five children.
       Ke-Xin listened to this news, his face turned white. If a woman with Qing yun Zhizhi knows that she is happy to marry a presenter, she is influenced by An Zhi-Yao, but she only wants to marry a husband who loves her and hurts her. She lived a happy life like her mother. But if you marry into a family, it all becomes a bubble.
       My brother immediately asked: “mother, my sister is not going to play with my sensitive cousin right away? How do you want to give your sister a second appearance?"
       Xu Brother is not a three-year Old child. If she knows that her sister is married to the second son, she will definitely not be happy in the future: “mother, can you think of a way?"
       Yang Brother is still small and has no say.
       Yue-Yao just wanted to speak, but was held down by An Zhi-, which meant that she did not talk. An Zhi-zhen looked at Xu Brother: "It is not impossible to push this marriage, but once we push this marriage, it is equivalent to sweeping the face. The person who dares to sweep the top, there is nothing to end." This is not an alarm to scare a few children, but An Zhi-zhi knows that ï has pushed off this marriage, and will not say anything when he is on the emperor's face, but he must be looking for him in private. The emperor is looking for a courtier’s embarrassment, that’s not looking for
       My brother and I have changed my face.
       After listening to this, Xin immediately squatted in front of Yue-Yao and An Zhi-, and said, “mother, I know that you hurt me, but the holy life is hard to beat, not because I am holding people in Lian-jia." If she is Lian, she has several younger Brother, then she is the sinner at home.
       Yue-Yao wanted to calm the heart, but was stopped by An Zhi.
       After the four children went out, Yue-Yao asked: "We pushed this door, will you really blame you?"
       An Zhi-gan shook his head and said: "I don't know, the Sacred Heart is unpredictable." If it is good to meet the emperor, maybe it will be so.
       Yue-Yao really thinks this is a disaster.
       Ke-Xin returned to his yard, thinking about what he had just done, couldn’t help it anymore, tears rushed away. This tear is not only a  Mourning for her young girl's feelings, but also a fear of future life. When I was a family, although everyone envied the woman who married into the family, she was a thousand and ten thousand who did not want to go. Marrying into a family means endless battles and calculations. Then she, no more days have passed.
       A tea carefully persuaded: "Miss, we should also think about the good side, no matter what, the second son is the son of the present, Miss married in the past is a child. The son is how many people think about it Come here!" Now, I can only comfort my own Miss, so that my own Miss has gotten into the corner of the horn, it is awful.
       Can be in the comfort of Acha, and soon received tears: "You are right, things can only be seen now." She also hurt her, did not think about let her marry Entering the intricate high-ranking door, I never even thought about marrying her into a family. She also hopes that it will be smooth and smooth, but now it is a golden  Mouth, and those can only be dreams. In order not to lead Lian-jia people, she not only marries, but also has to marry happily.
       Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan also got the news very quickly. Zhuang Ruolan’s face was very ugly: “The second presentation is not too late, but it’s a time to ask him to give him a gift. What’s the idea?” It is absolutely deliberate to do such a thing.
       Ma Peng is now the left-hander of the Ministry, and the crotch is the head of the six. It is also very good to be able to sit in this position.
       When Zhuang Ruolan saw Ma Peng not talking for a long time, he said in a hurry: " Master, can't you marry and marry the second presenter?" She looked forward to the daughter-in-law for so long, and this was fixed. It’s coming, but it’s so bad, it’s bad to think about it.
       After a few moments, Ma Peng said: "This depends on what Yue-Yao and An Zhi-zhi do? If they dare not defy the imperial decree, they will call back Geng Post as soon as possible." Ma Peng is also a very rational person, even if Yue Yao They promised this marriage, and he will not have any complaints.
       Zhuang Ruolan immediately said: "Impossible, Yue-Yao is so painful, how can I let her marry into the family. Yue-Yao will definitely refuse."
       Ma Peng nodded, he also thought this way: "If Yue-Yao and An Zhi-zheng said that they have a marriage with our family Amin, so they refused to submit the marriage, we can not drag their hind legs. "Ma Peng's meaning is very clear. Everything depends on Yue-Yao and An Zhi choice.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a chest: "I hope everything will go smoothly."
       This evening, it is destined to be a sleepless night.
       Early the next morning, the palace came to announce Yue-Yao into the palace.
       An Zhi-xuan heard that it was later announced, and his heart was loosened a lot: "The follower is not dealt with Shu Shu, and I believe that after the show, I am sure that I will not be happy with the second son." He is in charge of the ban, the power is so big. And their family's in-laws are also not bad, and the pro-naughter who later became the Crown Prince certainly does not want to be a strong force.
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       An Zhi-yi looked at Yue-Yao and said with a smile: "You have come to the palace and took out the momentum that you said to the uncle that you are not willing to take the ass of the Brother. This is definitely no problem."
       Yue-Yao said with no anger: "When is this all the time, you still have a mood to make a joke." Yue-Yao only thinks that his daughter may marry at home, and the mood is not good. I didn't sleep well this night, my eyes were a little red and swollen.
       An Zhi-zhen really wants to let Yue-Yao relax, deliberately said something about the atmosphere of mediation. Until the entrance to the palace, An Zhi-zheng said: "Gengtie has been changed, only the cousin and the watch will not back down, this marriage is a nail."
       Yue-Yao is still very confident about Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan.
       An Zhi nodded: "The cousin and the watch are no problem, this marriage can not be changed." An Zhi also feels that Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan are not the ones who retreat when they are in trouble.
       Yue-Yao In the past few years, she has occasionally accompanied Ming-zhu into the palace to see the Empress Dowager , and in the palace of the Empress Dowager , she can often see the post, so Yue-Yao is also No stranger.
       However, at this time, Kunning Palace, in addition to the presentation, there are also Shu Shu. Shu Shu was dressed in a pale green flower-filled palace dress, with a layer of golden tulle on the outside, and a large coat with a purple pattern on it; the head was combed with a flying cloud, and the scorpion was loosely inserted with a purple gold. Peony flowers; shallow smiles, thousands of manners.
       Yue-Yao looked at the back of the palace wearing a large red embroidered phoenix. After the appearance of the appearance is not good, but the grace and grace of the elegant is not comparable to Shu.
       Yue-Yao gave a gift to the presentation, and then gave a gift to Shu.
       Shu Shu looked at Yue-Yao, and there was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes. Shu Shu is very well Maintained. The woman in her thirties looks like she is only twenty-five or six years old. For this reason, Shu Shu is still very content. However, this kind of self-sufficiency, in the face of Yue-Yao, it became slag. This is still Yue-Yao wearing the commandment Madam's costumes to converge the temperament, or to hate more and more hate.
       The color of the back was very good. Please ask Yue-Yao to open the door and see the  Mountain immediately. As expected by An Zhi-zheng, it is not hoped that the two sons will be fragrant. An Zhi hand holds the right, and he has a relationship with The Jingning Marquis Estate , and Lian Yue-Yao is also very good at dealing with the family and the clerk, and if the second son is married to Pingyang Bo eldest daughter. This is not a big boost to the second presentation. It’s just that I don’t want to be in my heart. Since it’s what the Emperor entrusted to her, she must not be wrong.
       Of course, there can be no mistakes on the face, and the little action can still be done. For example, when Yue-Yao said this thing, there is no trace of the fact that the second appearance is a fancy, and then the request is made.
       Yue-Yao immediately stood up and pleaded guilty, and then said that Xinxin had already decided to kiss her: "The second can see the young and middle-aged woman is her great blessing, but a woman is not allowed to be a husband, but also after the presentation Imperial Consort, Shu-Imperial Consort forgives."
       Shu Shu face was not good, and he said coldly: “I haven’t heard of your family’s kiss yesterday, and there is a marriage at night? Lian-shi, you can know the consequences of the crime of bullying "Shu said that the crime of deceiving the king is not too much, because this is the meaning of the present.
       After the presentation, I feel that Shu is too eager to seek. Lian-Shi and An Zhi are not fools. Where can you not know the consequences of the crime of bullying: "When Am Miss is deciding who is the family? How is the wind not coming out? ?"
       Shu Shu face became more and more ugly, and the meaning in the later words did not indicate that she believed in the family's Miss.
       Yue-Yao 7 looks like a common saying: "It’s my cousin’s second son, Min Brother. It’s time for the little girl to be settled, but it’s just like playing in spring. Because I’m worried that Min Er knows. The matter of dear will affect the test, so this matter is not said."
       The smile on the face after the presentation was a bit more real.
       Shu Shu did not buy it and said: "That is, you two have no relatives at all?"
       Yue-Yao 7 looks no volatility: "The Master promises to pay more than a thousand gold. Since I promised to give my daughter to the ‘Ma’ family, I can't give it to others." Yue-Yao doesn't say anything. Interchange the Geng Post and directly release your attitude.
       Shu Shu face was mad at her eyes. Her son was a day old, only her son did not play other people. Where did the other people come to dislike her son: “You are arrogant!”
       Yue-Yao is not afraid, not even an apology, but 7 colors as usual: "-Imperial Consort, if the minister has something wrong, please Imperial Consort correct." Yue-Yao again Not stupid, they refused this marriage, they must be offended by Shu and the second son, anyway, they are offended and hated by the other side, why bother to do a dedication.
       Shu Shu was in a high position in the past few years, and because she was favored by the emperor, she also gave birth to two sons and three princesses. But today's Yue-Yao attitude is so proud, Shu Shu face can be described as colorful.
       After laughing, he played a round.
       At this time, there are palace people outside to look back: "Behind-Imperial Consort, Li Mama is looking outside." This Li Mama is too close to the Empress Dowager  Mama.
       Immediately after the presentation, people asked Li Mama to come in.
       Li Mama said after the ceremony and Shu Shu, "The Empress Dowager  heard that Lian Madam entered the palace and said that Lian Madam has not been seen for a long time." It is very clear that the matter is over here. She has taken Yue-Yao to go to the Empress Dowager .
       Shu Shu full stomach is gone. The emperor was very filial and too proud of the Empress Dowager . In case she was too upset with the Empress Dowager , she couldn’t take it.
       After the presentation, I felt that I wouldn’t talk about it anymore. I’m going to Yu-Yao attitude and it’s a Miss who definitely not a family. After the smile, he stood up and said: "My business is over, Lian Madam, you follow Li Mama!"
       Yue-Yao saw the Empress Dowager  too, and thanked the Empress Dowager  very sincerely. Too the Empress Dowager  let Li Mama go to Kunning Palace, and it is obvious that she is supporting her.
       Too the Empress Dowager  said with a smile: "I haven’t listened to you for a long time to explain the Buddhist scriptures. I can’t miss it today."
       Yue-Yao explained the Buddhist scriptures to the Empress Dowager , and went to the palace to stay with the Empress Dowager .
       Yue-Yao followed Wei Wei: "I really admire the Empress Dowager  too." From the low-lying squat to the squat, and then in the absence of a child, then become the post, then become the Empress Dowager , too the Empress Dowager , won the respect and respect of the 2nd Prince, which is really not something that ordinary people can do.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Too much the Empress Dowager , is a strange woman." This tenacity is really not what most people can have.
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Xiang Wei said: "Is this finished?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "It is not over yet." Yue-Yao Some pity, it is better to let her see the emperor directly, then save a lot of tongue.
       This is really not the end.
       It wasn't until the evening that Ann's servants didn't come back. Yue-Yao waited a little anxious, and then heard the following Servant saying that the count was back.
       Yue-Yao met An Zhi-zhen and asked urgently: "How do you say it?"
       An Zhi-shen 7 looks calmer: "The meaning of the present is to let the Brother and sisters still be the master." He thought of many kinds of possibilities, that is, he did not expect that the emperor would have come up with such a thing.
       Yue-Yao snorted, this is not surprising. But soon, Yue-Yao was very upset. What is the meaning of the emperor here? First, I want to tell the singer to the second son. They have just resigned and played the singer. Here, the emperor is staring at their children!
       An Zhi eyes flashed a touch of fine: "The things that can be sweet are estimated to be a temptation for me, and our performance is very satisfactory, so we are ready to let the priests still be the master." So, it appears I don't want the big two to be big!
       Yue-Yao feels that there is an old saying that is true. The Sacred Heart is unpredictable: "Which princess is the one who wants to be a child?" The three princesses in front of the emperor did not marry, and their ages were similar to those of their Brother. So you can only choose in three. However, the princess of the big princess; the mother of the second princess is gone, and now she is raised in the name of Deyi; as for the third princess, she is the daughter of Shu. The three princesses were first excluded, except the big princess is the second princess.
       An Zhi-xuan said: "There is a second princess on the singer."
       Yue-Yao breathed a sigh of relief, not the big princess, but the gentle princess of the second, and it was a great fortune.
       At this time, Yue-Yao heard that Servant said that the child had come back, and looked at An Zhi-wei pitiful saying: “What do you say when you know how to play the Lord?” The civic said that the daughter of Emperor Married, in fact, the daughter of the emperor also married. A man who has the ability to learn is not willing to be a princess, because the Lord has to stay away from the right, lead a false title, and then live this life.
       Ann’s sorrow is that it’s good to be a buddy.

       Chapter 586 Ke Xin's Fan (2)   

       After returning to my brother in the evening, I went to the study room with An Zhi.
       At this time, Ke-Xin already knows what is going on. Ke-Xin took the hand of Yue-Yao and said with tears: "Mother, can't let the younger brother still princess! Mother, I am willing to marry the second son." Can not let her brother have a princess because of her. This is still the princess, the career path of her life will be broken, how can she bear it?
       Yue-Yao also doesn't want his son to be the master. Their husband and ‘Madam’ have worked hard to teach their sons. They can't enter their careers for a lifetime. She can't bear it, but her brother's business is different from Ke-Xin. Ke-Xin has already set a marriage contract, and can use the marriage contract to refuse, but the brother can't deny it.
       Yue-Yao wiped the tears of Xinxin and said with a smile: "Don't cry, cry can't solve the problem." Since things have already happened, you can only think about the good side.
       After a long time, An Zhi-zhen came with his brother. After the tribute to An Zhi ritual, he turned to the sorrowful brother: “My brother, my sister Lian is tired of you.”
       Hey brother said with a smile: "Sister, we are Brother and sisters, saying that Lian is not tired and Lian is tired. And this is not what you think."
       Although Yue-Yao is appeasing with his brother, it is still very sad. She felt that if she did not refuse the second son for her, she would not use the Lord.
       When he saw it, he said, "Xin Er, this matter has nothing to do with you. The Emperor is not prepared to marry you to the second son. Your business is nothing but a temptation!"
       Can be a face of doubt.
       An Zhi-yi will explain the reason with his brother, but he did not explain it to Ke-Xin: "This will solve the problem, and your peace of mind is." Although An Zhi-zhen is hurtful, but something is never said to be happy, because He felt that there was no need to play.
       I can hear this and know that I can’t ask anything.
       Yue-Yao looked at his brother 7 and he was very calm. He knew that he was told by An Zhi. Yue-Yao is a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she is not sad when she looks at her son. She is also very relieved.
       An Zhi-zheng told his brother, but Xin said: "There is no decree on the present, so you can't say it." The main play is revealed in the words of the emperor's day, saying that there is no imperial edict, this is not a publicity. Go out.
       After the children were gone, Yue-Yao couldn't help but ask: "What did you say to your brother?" He Brother have been working very hard. If they are not safe, they must not be so calm.
       An Zhi-zhen did not tell Yue-Yao: "I didn't say anything, it was the child who figured it out. I just mentioned a few words."
       Yue-Yao didn't believe in An Zhi words.
       An Zhi-Xiao said with a smile: “- brother is not a three-year Old child. Can he not know that Jinkou Yuyan can't change?" An Zhi-zhen really thinks that Yue-Yao thinks more, if they are parents' parents, they ask for help. My brother is still the master, and my brother blames them for their normality. Now it is the emperor Jinkou Yuyan, how can he blame them?
       Yue-Yao can't rest assured, the next day I found a brother to say this. Yue-Yao also knows that too much to say to her son can't change anything, but her heart is still not strong.
       Hey brother said with a smile: "Mother, I am fine, instead of let Mei Mei marry the second son, I am still not a princess. Besides, I don’t know, the second princess is gentle, I believe I can follow She is very good." He is the eldest son and should take up his responsibilities.
       Knowing Mo Ruomu, Yue-Yao looked at her brother and said that this was from the heart, and she was relieved in her heart. In fact, this is still the case, Yue-Yao is very uncomfortable. She didn't think about playing her mother-in-law's money. She only had a princess and a daughter-in-law. When she was an elder, she also gave her daughter-in-law a gift. When she thought about it, she felt awkward. Can no longer be willing, if the emperor made a statement, no one can defy it.
       Yue-Yao went to The Ma House the next day and discussed with Zhuang Ruolan. Yue-Yao means to set the marriage of two children at the fastest speed. This incident really made Yue-Yao feel a cold sweat, and she was relieved when the marriage was settled.
       Zhuang Ruolan naturally has no objections.
       The results have not yet come out, the two have already set a pro. It’s natural that you don’t have allergies to your brother.
       Just when Min Er was full of joy, the results of the test came out. Min Brother will try to drop the list this time. After receiving Lian's test twice, he has dropped the list, and Min Ji has a slight frustration. The teacher said that he is likely to take the test this time, and because of this, Min Er feels that he should be 18, but he did not expect to be in the list. This kind of gap is very uncomfortable.
       Ma Peng looked at the state of Min's brother and deliberately found him to talk. The father and son talked for a long time in the study room. After Min Brother came out of the study, the state was a lot better.
       Ke-Xin knows that Min Brother is on the list, and some are lost. When she sees An Zhi 7 look unpleasant, she has some drums in her heart. In the end, it was still young, so I couldn't hide my worry in front of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Minco is only 19 years old this year. It is only twenty-two years old in another three years. If you are not in a hurry, and you experience more things, people can be more calm."
       But Xin whispered: "Mother, I don't seem happy."
       Yue-Yao listened to this, and laughed and said: "Nothing, you will be able to spend two days." An Zhi-zhi knows that after Min Brother is on the list, 7 looks really not very good-looking. However, I have already decided to kiss, but I can’t give back, just a black face.
       I can be guilty and feel guilty. I feel that my parents have been worrying about their own affairs.
       Yue-Yao knows the idea of ​​Xinxin, and is gratified and distressed: "When you are a parent, you have to be a child for your whole life. When you are your mother, you will know, no matter what you do for your child, you will be willing. ""
       I can listen to this, and my face will be red.
       Yue-Yao touched the forehead of the sweetheart and said softly: "Don't think that those who have nothing, from now on, you have to start embroidering the dowry."
       You can hold Yue-Yao, and whispered: "Mother." Although she said that she was married early, but she was thinking about leaving home, leaving her parents and Brother to go to other people homes, she felt uncomfortable.
       Yue-Yao smirked: "It's still early, don't worry." You can marry, at least three years later. Not eighteen years old, Yue-Yao will not marry her daughter.
       Not long after, the marriage of the big princess was settled. It was the second son of sincerity, and the marriage was scheduled at the end of the year. Because Wei Yuan Marchioness Yin-Shi is Mei Mei of Cheng Yibo, Yue-Yao naturally also sent gifts.
       After a few days, Yue-Yao asked An Zhi-wei some strangely: "How did the wedding of the big princess be settled, and the imperial decree of the second princess has not yet been given?"
       An Zhi-xuan shook his head and said: "I don't know. Who can guess the idea? But fortunately, we haven't even yelled at it." The Lord has the benefits of the Lord. Of course, at this point, he can only think so.
       Yue-Yao thought about it for a moment, and there was no solution.
       An Zhi-zheng asked: "Yue-Yao, Feier is now studying abroad for two years, and it is time to send someone to find him back! This exam is still to prepare early."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Feier has been intelligent since he was a child. He has experienced a lot of things. He has already had a lot of ideas. When he arrives, he will naturally come back. If he is sent, he will not come back." For a moment, Yue-Yao added: "You have confidence in Fier, he is not the same as Min."
       An Zhi-zhen is very touched because of the fact that Min Brother’s fall. An Zhi-zhen is a pragmatic person. The ternary and the first place are so easy. Let alone the Da Yuan Family has only one Yu Da, that is, all the dynasties and the dynasties in the previous Family are also two slaps. An Zhi-zhen feels that he can only be satisfied if he can only enter the top three. At that time, let Fae Ji children experience more, he is pointing around, and Fae Ji future career will be very good.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "This is not what I said, how to do it, I believe that there should be a few in my heart."
       An Zhi-zhen did not speak anymore. Among the four children, the one who least cares about him is Fae Brother. The child had a vision since he was a child, and An Zhi-yi had to admit that there was such a bright son that he was very proud and had some frustration. However, among the four sons, even if Fae Ji is still white, but it is the highest expectation.
       Since the appointment of the relatives, she has rarely been socializing outside, and she has embroidered the dowry at home. The embroidered work of Xinxin is a great skill. The craftsmanship is very good. Most of the purses hanging on the Brother of An Zhi Brother and sisters are mostly from the hands of Xinxin.
       In three years, the division was over, and it was time to try again.
       Ke-Xin would be worried, and said to Yue-Yao: "Mother, I want to go to Zhaohua Temple." Youxin wants to go to Zhaohua Temple to worship Buddha, and pray for Bodhisattva to protect the cousin. smoothly.
       Yue-Yao thought that she hadn't been to Zhaohua Temple for a long time. After pondering it, I couldn't feel at ease for a few days. I just stayed in the  Mountains for a few days.
       An Zhi-zhi knows that it is useless in the future. No way, he can only let Yu Ji and Xu Ji send Yue-Yao and Ke-Xin to the  Mountain.
       The marriage of the priest was also settled. At the beginning of last year, the emperor was given a marriage, and the marriage was scheduled for November this year. Now the princess palace of the second princess is ready to be built, right next to the house of Pingyang. The marriage of Xu Brother has not yet been settled, and Yue-Yao and Xu Ji are not in a hurry. The only thing that is anxious is An Zhi.
       Yue-Yao stayed with Ke-Xin on the  Mountain for ten days. My brother feels that my mother and my sister are not at home, and the family is a bit deserted.
       My brother said early in the morning: “I will go back to the  Mountain tomorrow to pick up my mother!" Hey, now he is in the Royal Forest, because it is the Master, so his errands are very easy.
       An Zhi-zhen had long wanted to pick up his ‘Madam’’s daughter, but he couldn’t get away from it: “Go tomorrow, I’ll get back the day after tomorrow. You’ll go now, your mother and sister will be home at noon tomorrow.” It’s just tomorrow. The results of the test also came out. An Zhi-zhen believes that Yue-Yao will definitely come back.
       Yue-Yao lived very leisurely in the  Mountains, and some were reluctant to go home. Waiting for his brother to pick him up, Yue-Yao said: "It seems that the marriage of Xu Brother should be settled." Yue-Yao does not expect the princess to manage her housework, or to tell Xu Brother earlier. A daughter-in-law, at that time, let the brother-in-law of Xu Ji give her housework.
       When I went back, I was a little nervous: "Mother, in case..." The following words can not be said, but the meaning is already obvious, and what if Wan Minmin’s cousin is not in the middle!
       Yue-Yao took a nice hand and smiled and said: "If you do, don't you marry?" The wedding date of Xinxin has been fixed, and it will be scheduled for May. Originally, An Zhi-zhen was able to leave the marriage to the end of the year, but the marriage of the priest and the second princess was at the end of the year. There was no way. An Zhi-zheng could only compromise and agreed that Xinxin would marry in May.
       What I can worry about is the peace of mind: "If the sensitive cousin is not tested, he is definitely not happy."
       Yue-Yao thinks that An Zhi squinting at Min’s nose and picking his eyes, it’s true that the old man’s look at the son-in-law is more and more angry. The behavior of An Zhi-zhi has caused Xinxin to be uneasy. Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Reassured, Master Min Er's husband said, he will be able to take the test this time."
       Yue-Yao appeasement does not have much effect. Can be on the way, still awkward. After all, she immediately played the door to marry Min Cousin, and Min's cousin's future is closely related to her.
       When a group of people just entered the gate, the big housekeeper came to Daxi: " Madam, Eldest Miss, Min Young Master, and 35 in the middle." Qianjun crossed the Dumuqiao, can take 35 in the exam. It is already very difficult.
       Ke-Xin listened to this, and the heart that had been carrying was immediately put down.
       An Zhi-zhen came home only in the evening.
       Yeah, who is not living at home, still likes to run around.
       When he saw Yue-Yao, he was cold-faced. When An Zhi heart is angry, his ‘Madam’ will run out from time to time.
       Yue-Yao is also very familiar with An Zhi-zhen, and immediately said the topic of interest to An Zhi-yi: "After two months, Xinxin will be married, and at the end of the year, the Brother will also become a relative. Next, it is also the round. Go to Asahi."
       An Zhi-lan frowned and said: "Feier has been out for five years, why not return? He is not 'marriage proposal', how is 'marriage proposal' in Xu Brother?" Young and orderly, my brother has no 'marriage proposal ', how good is the younger brother to catch up with his brother.
       Yue-Yao said: "Fae Brother's marriage, I am going to wait for him to finish the exam and give him a 'marriage proposal'. Xu Brother can't wait for him." Fae Brother is now Lian Xiu is not, play At least three years, such as Fae Ji examination. Three years later, Fae Brother was twenty years old.
       An Zhi-zhi knows the meaning of Yue-Yao. After Fae Brother was a civil servant, he couldn’t help much, so Yue-Yao wanted to find a deep-rooted ‘Madam’ of Fae Ji. And this, it must be that Fae Brother has enough capital to make it, or else others can't see it.
       An Zhi-zhen thought about it and finally said: "Well, this thing will listen to you! But the marriage of Xu Brother, you have a lot of snacks."
       Yue-Yao Cold Road said: "It seems that I have been perfunctory about the child's marriage." Hey, the brother did not say, Min Brother is also carefully selected by her.
       An Zhi-hao didn’t buy Yue-Yao account and said: “If it’s not a perfunctory thing, there are so many good men in the world. What do you have to do to marry the Master?” 安之琛对敏哥儿It is not satisfactory from beginning to end. According to Yue-Yao, it is the bones in the egg that make Min Er a little scared when he sees him.
       Yue-Yao didn't think so, she still didn't know, An Zhi-zhen didn't want to marry her daughter, so no matter who she was, she couldn't look good. However, Yue-Yao also knows the care of An Zhi-wei, so she did not argue with An Zhi-wei. She only said: "You can rest assured, I will pick a good ‘Madam’ for Xu Ji." Picking a son-in-law and picking a daughter-in-law is completely Not the same standard. In addition to the Ma family, Ke Xin no matter who is married, when other people daughter-in-law are more or less subject to some grievances. Yue-Yao is reluctant to be wronged by her baby daughter, and marrying the Ma family is the best choice. And the daughter-in-law is married to her own home, and she can't give her a grievance. Can her mother-in-law be tempered by her daughter-in-law? Therefore, it is no problem to only play the standard in all aspects of the woman, and the woman’s family does not have a person who does not adjust.
       The wedding period is getting closer and closer, but Xin began to pretend to be calm, and later she began to feel a little uneasy. Even if everyone in the Ma family is familiar with her, but she used to be a guest, but now she is married to the Ma family, the meaning is completely different.
       Yue-Yao calmed down two times and saw that it didn't have much effect and was thrown away. Anyway, the new marrying mothers have experienced this experience, compared to others, the situation is already very good, at least she is married to the Ma family.
       An Zhi has been giving dowry to Ke Xin since very early. Over the years, he has given a lot of good things to Xin. It is a pity that Ma Peng’s grandmother, Wang-Shishi-shi, was the dowry when she passed the door. But she couldn’t cross the long squat, so the dowry of Xin’s dowry was also positioned for eighty-one. In this regard, An Zhi-zhen is very dissatisfied. He couldn’t finish the things that he had prepared for Xinxin, but now he can only lift it by eighty-one.
       Yue-Yao said with An Zhi-zhi for a long time: "This has not off the door and offended the long scorpion. It is difficult to do it at the time. Min Brother is not good, but Xin is so good!"
       An Zhi stomach fire, but he also knows that Yue-Yao makes sense. In the end, he just said with anger: “I have said that this stinky boy can’t be done, and you still think he is a treasure.”
       Yue-Yao attitude of admitting mistakes is very good, so that An Zhi sorrow is more and more depressed: Secretary.
       Soon, it was time to marry. One night before the marriage, Yue-Yao said the words for half a night with Ke-Xin.
       The next day, the bridegroom officer took the bride and gave a bow to the father-in-law. An Zhi-wei looked at the groom's official, as if he was looking at the enemy, he said: "If you are brave and daring in the future, I have to interrupt your legs."
       When the words came out, the whole scene was silent for three seconds.
       Yue-Yao quickly said: "Min Brother, I will give you the Xinxin, you must play well with her in the future." After that, Yue-Yao tears could not stop falling.
       Affected by Yue-Yao, but Xin tears also slammed down, next to Xi Niang anxious, the bride will make up the makeup, and will arrive at the groom's official home, this is not appropriate!
       When I went out, it was the sweetness of my brother. He will put the servants in the sedan chair and whisper: "Sister, you can rest assured that if the cousin is afraid to bully you, I will not let him be better."
       Min Brother is on the sidelines. The father-in-law is so embarrassed, the size of the scorpion is also like a tiger. If he dares to let Ke-Xin suffer a little grievance, it is estimated that he will wait for the bricks in the future.
        As soon as Miss went out, the house was deserted. An Zhi-yi looked at the deserted courtyard and his eyes were red.
       Yue-Yao withdrew everyone, and took the initiative to hold An Zhi-xuan: "Xiner is in the capital, and I want to see it at any time." Yue-Yao knows that An Zhi-zhi has been hard-working and sensitive, but also Reluctant to daughter.
       An Zhi-yan shook his head, and he said with a desperate attitude: "In the end, it is someone else family." Marrying, is someone else family, where can come back often. Therefore, it is still good to have a son. The son is married to someone else Miss, where is like a daughter. When I grow up, I will marry someone else house and become someone else family.
       Can be sitting in the sedan chair, the person is very uncomfortable, but fortunately she got the news, knowing that the sedan in the sedan. I can take a small jar and eat two sourdocks, which is more comfortable.
       Outside the Servant whispered to the sedan chair: "Miss, it will be there again." This is also a reminder to Ke-Xin, if you open the hijab, you have to cover it quickly.
       Can Xinxin put the small jar back to the original place, sorted out the appearance, and then covered the cover. After everything was properly packed, I heard the sound of firecrackers outside, and then there was another loud voice called: "The falling sedan."
       Next, you can do it according to the words of Xi Niang, and then go to Xitang. What is the name of the ceremonies, but Ke-Xin will follow the instructions of the ceremonies.
       When Ke-Xin heard the ceremonial calling and sent it to the bridal chamber, she couldn’t help but loosen her heart and finally completed all the steps. She was so tired that she could not support it.
       The hijab opened, but Xin looked up, just as Min Ji also looked over. The two people looked at it like this, and they were reluctant to move away.
       A woman of about 30 years old, covering her  Mouth and laughing, said: "Oh, the two young people look so envious!"
       But Xin returned to the 7 gods and bowed his head, but his face was red with an apple. No matter how much people are being teased, she no longer looks up.
       Min Brother is relatively calm, and jokes on it, and finally he will go home with his sweetheart. It is not easy.
       After a while, the groom officer was called away. The woman who had just started to tease is the brother-in-law Wang-Shi, who is a distant relative of the Ma family. The people in the house can basically understand each other, and they don’t need to introduce them again. This is also a benefit of marrying relatives.
       Not long after, the people in the house went out. This is the only way to remove Feng Guanxia, ​​and then let the Servant water to remove the makeup.
       After these were fixed, it was not long before the Xin stomach protested. Ke-Xin was trying to pick up a small packet of biscuits hidden from her sleeve and hear the footsteps. After a while, there was a woman in her forties who came up with a tray and placed six delicate side dishes on the tray.
       This woman can be known as Xin, who is the nipple of Min Brother. Ke-Xin got up and smiled and said: "Working trouble Mama."
       Pang Mama smiled and said: "Two-You ng Madam said what this is, this is also the matter of the old servant." Put the tray on the table, Pang Mama said: "These The dishes are all Madam personally told, they are Young Madam, you love to eat."
       Can look at the dishes in the dish, I really like what I like.
       Pang Mama is also a wink, and he will retreat when he puts down the food.
       When the house is full of people, but Xin is no longer reserved. In addition to eating a little something in the morning, she didn't eat it for so long, and her stomach was already hungry. After eating enough, I feel that I am finally energetic.
       At this point, Ke-Xin finally has the time to look at the layout of the new house. Although the new house was arranged according to her mind, the imagination was different from what I saw with my own eyes.
       The new house that Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan prepared for Min Brother is not the other place. It is the Haishu Court where Yue-Yao lived before. Ke-Xin knows that Haishuyuan was her mother who lived before she married, so every time she came to The Ma House, she lived in this yard. Nowadays, this yard is a perfect new house.
       The sky is getting darker, and the one that has been tossing for a day is a little tired. A tea advised: "Miss, you will have a break, wait for your aunt to come, I call you."
       Can Xin said: "Now I am married to the Ma family, that is the Ma family, I have to call me two Young Madam, called Min Cousin as the second Master, remember?" The two parents are one It’s the case, she also defensive, and she going to have more to lose.
       A tea quickly nodded.
       Waiting for a while, there is a Servant coming over and saying: "-Young Madam, 2nd Master is back."
       I can get this word, and I quickly got up and greeted. As a result, when I walked to the door, I saw that Viagra was helping her husband to come in, and the husband was stupid. At first glance, he was drunk.
       Wei Brother put Min Brother on the bed and said to him with a smile: "Cousin, second brother, he is drunk, you look after him." Then he went out.
       Ke Xin sent away the Viagra, and then with A tea to take off the comfort of his brother. At this time, Pozi also hit the water. You can use a wet towel to wipe the face of Min. When the towel just touched his forehead, Min brother opened his eyes and glanced at him.
       Can be a smile, it turned out to be drunk! At this time, the outside Servant came to hang up the soup, and Min Brother finished drinking a few  Mouthfuls.
       -Pozi came in: "Two Young Madam, the water is ready."
       Can be blushing and said: "You go to the clean room to take a bath!" Thinking of the meeting, but the face of the red is red.
       Since the appointment of the relatives, Yue-Yao intends to let the two cultivate their feelings, so the number of meetings will be more. Seeing much more, Min Brother naturally found that Ke-Xin was particularly shy. This will not force him to go alone.
       Ke-Xin lay in bed, watching Min Ji, wearing a pajamas, calling and calling, watching Min brother step by step toward her, but Xin hate can not hide the whole person in the quilt.
       The next day, Xinxin slept soundly and heard the outside-Pozi called: "2nd Young Master, two-Young Madam, it should be." The new ‘Madam’ had to meet her in-laws on the first day. It’s too late, if not let the in-laws wait too long and be impolite.
       Min Brother looked at Xinxin and asked softly: "Is it still painful?"
       Can be backache, backache, red face, don't talk too much with Min Er, and now she finally understands why her mother occasionally sleeps three days before she gets up.
       Ke-Xin got up and went to the clean room to take a shower, watching the water in the tub colorful. The masculine Education Mama tube Mama smiled and explained: "This is the flower Mama specially formulated medicine, which is specially used for Miss."
       After the shower, I can wear big Hong-yi. The first day of the new ‘Madam’ was budded with red, and the young couple packed up before going to the main courtyard.
       It is not far from Haitangyuan to the main courtyard. Min Er laughed and joked: "You are more familiar with the pattern of the backyard, I don't have to introduce it to you."
       I couldn’t help but look at Min Er. Everyone around here knows that she is familiar with the Ma family, but she doesn't have to say it.
       Soon, I went to the main house. Standing at the door-Pozi whispered: "2nd Master, two-Young Madam is coming."
       Ma Chengteng was sitting in the middle of the division, and Ma Peng sat down with Zhuang Ruolan. As for Wei Brother and his ‘Madam’ Wang-Shi were standing.
       Servant brought the mat, but Xin and Min Brother squatted on the mat to give tea to the elders, and presented their own gifts.
       Ma Chengteng said with a smile: "You will play and be beautiful in the future."
       Ma Peng’s reaction was much more direct: “I will treat her well in the future. I can’t let her be wronged. I don’t need your uncle to find you. I can’t spare you.” Ma Peng’s heart is very clear, but Xin Being able to marry Min Er is completely Yue-Yao. I want to see them in the love of both. If you can play it, you can be a child, and you can see what happened to his son.
       But Xin is a little embarrassed, Min Brother does not care, smiled and said: “rest assured, I will certainly be good to my cousin."
       Wang-Shi looked at the scene, and my heart was sour.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "Get up, it’s too long for your legs to be numb." Zhuang Ruolan also likes Xinxin, but there are still grandmothers and daughters. In the face of the grandmother’s ‘Madam’, it’s not a good thing.
       After seeing the ceremony, I used breakfast. I used to have a new ‘Madam’ to serve the people. Where Ma Chengteng saw the Xinxin to serve them, he said at the moment: "Come and sit down and eat, what is it?"
       Wang-Shi face is changed again, which is too thick and thin. When she passed the door, she was waiting for an old-fashioned meal. This younger brother-in-law would not have to.
       Can look at Zhuang Ruolan.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile to Wang-Shi and Ke-Xin: "You are all sitting!" What she can do is to treat the two daughter-in-law equally. As for the behavior of the public and her husband, this is what she can't do.
       After using the breakfast, Zhuang Ruolan smiled and let Min Brother go back with Ke-Xin. He left the granddaughter Wang-shi, and said a good conversation with Wang-shi. The meaning in the words is that Xin is the grandfather and the master. Master has grown up since childhood, just like his own children, so some things are very casual, and will not ask too much. This latent meaning is that I hope that Wang-shi is not too careless.
       Wang-Shi is also a smart person, naturally understands the words of Zhuang Ruolan. She has been married for more than five years. In fact, Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng are very good to her. It’s just that today’s attitude towards Ke-Xin is more and more generous. Her heart is a bit unsatisfactory at the moment: “Mother is assured, I will treat my younger siblings as a relatives.” She is not stupid, and her elders like Ann Shi, if she shows that she hates An-Shi, then the elders in the family will definitely hate her, and she will suffer if she suffers.
       Wang-Shi returned to her yard, and Servant around her said with dissatisfaction: "-Young Madam, Lao Taiye and Master and Madam, they are too bias."
       Wang-Shi coldly said: "Shut up, this is what you can say. If you dare to say this again, I will marry you out." This younger sister, she still wants to work hard to make a good relationship, where is the Servant Here is the provocation.
       Servant looked white and succumbed to sin and then went out. Wang-the confidant around Shi-shi-Pozi Li Mama knows the cause and effect and said: "Miss, let go of the Ginkgo Servant! Let her be there, sooner or later."
       Wang-Shi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "I still married directly, this is also the completion of the TOEFL for Milkmaid." The Servant who spoke just was Wang My biological daughter. Wang-Shi damn died five years ago, and she stayed with this daughter and asked Wang-shi to help her find a good family.
       Li Mama has a loose heart, but she is still worried that Wang-shi has a guilty conscience and said: "Miss, I have inquired, second-Young Madam is a good outsider, it should be a good relationship. people."
       Wang-Shi knows that there is something different, and she has been through the door for more than five years. She only gave birth to a Miss, and she has no confidence in her heart. Thinking of this, Wang-Shi7 looks down. Said that she is lucky, Ma is a regular family, mother-in-law is also very good to talk, play is replaced by other families, even if the husband does not accept, my mother-in-law has already stuffed a Small Concubine.
       Wang-Shi sighed, and now she only hopes that Xin is a good person to get along with, but she can't do it.
       Ke Xin did not know the entanglement of Wang-Shi, and went back to the yard to sleep. After the waking up, the big Servant around Zhuang Ruolan said: "Two-Young Madam, Madam said these two days-Young Madam don't have to go in the past." Newlyweds, nature How tired it is.
       On the afternoon of the same day, I still went to Zhuang Ruolan to ask for an appointment, and Zhuang Ruola pulled a good meal. Finally: "I really have filial piety, let the mother hold the big fat grandson at an early date." The grandmother has not been pregnant with the second child for three years, so that Zhuang Ruolan is in a hurry. It’s just that she wants to hold her grandson, so she doesn’t have to worry about Wang-shi, but let Wang-Shi relax. Now she can pass the door, she is very hopeful that she can quickly give her a big fat grandson.
       Can be Xin face, the company is red and rouge. Because of Zhuang Ruolan’s words, it’s really hard to go and ask for it. Min Er has a wedding leave, the young couple are greasy together, sweet and sweet.
       In a blink of an eye, it’s time to return to the door. The gift back to the door, Zhuang Ruolan, prepared for the young couple early. The things I prepared were very rich, but I didn’t go to Wang-shi. Zhuang Ruolan also knows in his heart that whether it is Yue-Yao or An Zhi-, they don't care about these things.
       Min Brother accompanied Ke-Xin back to the home, and An Zhi-zhen saw that the mellow face was ruddy, and it was good to see at first glance. This is a good face for Min.
       Min Er is somewhat flattered. Since I was a child, I didn’t like him. Especially after I decided to kiss my family, it’s really 10 thousand people who are not pleasing to the eye. I always pick the bones in the egg, and the sensitive Brother will be guilty every time they see An Zhi heart. .
       An Zhi saw the feeling of Min Brother 7 and couldn't help but call: "I still have the sentence. If you dare to let Ke-Xin suffer a little bit of grievance, be careful of your dogleg."
       Min Brother quickly said: "The father-in-law is relieved, I will not let Xiner suffer a little bit of grievances." He was so sad that he was too late, and he was willing to let her be wronged.
       An Zhi-qi 7 looks this and then eased down: "I hope you can do it." He married his daughter to Ma Congmin, but he did not treat his family with his family.
       Yue-Yao, seeing Weng Yi, both of them spoke up, took Ke-Xin to the house, and asked about the things in the Ma family in the past few days. Although Yue-Yao knows that cousin and cousin will be good, but this is not a good thing to say, let her rest assured.
       After listening to Xinxin, Yue-Yao said: "Your big sister is also a Famous person. It is a smart one. You only want to respect her on most days." The sweet dowry is enough for a lifetime to eat and wear. There is no need to play with anything about horses. There is no conflict of interest, and the contradiction is naturally less.
       Ke-Xin nodded: "Mother assured, I will get along with her."
       The mother and the daughter talked and said, naturally, the question of the Taoist priest: "Men's Brother are also twenty-two this year, and you have to be pregnant as soon as possible."
       But Xin was embarrassed and called out: "Mother."
       Yue-Yao smiled and pulled the hand of Ke-Xin: "This is so shy. Your body is well conditioned early, and the husband and ‘Madam’ love and love, you should be able to be pregnant soon." I ate the flowers Mama medicated diet, and I followed the exercise sooner or later, and my body was very good. Yue-Yao believes that she will not be able to hold her grandson for a long time.
       As expected by Yue-Yao, it was good to marry the second month. Because the child was not full for three months, he only secretly told Yue-Yao and An Zhi-, and did not say it.
       Because of this avoidance, Ying shake just brought some supplements to see in the past, and there was no big bag to bring the past.
       When I saw Yue-Yao, I was very happy: "Mother."
       Yue-Yao saw that her daughter's color and fineness were very good, and my heart was relieved. Then I said something about what I did after I was pregnant. In simple terms, I was able to pay attention to prenatal education.
       Ke-Xin was very happy and said with a smile: "I said why I am so smart with my younger brother, the original mother started teaching us in the stomach!"
       Yue-Yao clicked on the nose of Xinxin and said with a smile: "It’s not harmful." Because the life in Majia is very good, Xinyi is more and more cheerful.
       But Xin, but holding Yue-Yao, said softly: "Mother, thank you for your aunt." The in-laws used her as a biological daughter to hurt, and her husband was considerate to her, but she felt that the day is now in the honey pot. Like. She is not a mother and a woman who loves her, she certainly has no such good days.
       Yue-Yao knows what Xin is saying. He smiled and said: "Stupid-Yatou, what a stupid thing, this is what you should do with your mother." Looking at Ke-Xin is so good, Yue-Yao also Satisfied.
       This fetus can not be safe, the first month of sleepiness, the second month began to vomit, what to spit, less than half a month, but the skin is so thin and thin. Everyone thought of a lot of methods, but unfortunately they were useless. When everyone was anxious, they were so sweet and 7 magically good that they could eat and sleep.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "This child will definitely be a noisy in the future." The skinny child is not good to teach!
       An Zhi-xuan said: "The good thing is to make trouble." The noisy representative is a son. When a woman has a son, she has a real strength. There is no son to play, no matter how good the in-laws are, and the husband and ‘Madam’ will love again. If there is no son, Min Ji will also be jealous in the future. Ke-Xin only has a son, and he is here, but Xin is no problem in the Ma family.
       Yue-Yao knows the meaning of An Zhi-yu and smiles and says: "Do not worry, there will be no such day." Ke-Xin is good, even if the first child is not a son, he can always give birth to a son.
       An Zhi-yi did not say anything.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ can be so sweet, and they are open again. This is another three months, the princess and daughter-in-law have entered the door.
       In November, the elder brother became the groom's official with joy. Because the second princess was very gentle, she also praised Yue-Yao, not only did not let Yue-Yao give her a gift, but instead gave Yue-Yao a daughter-in-law ceremony.
       Yue-Yao is very happy, and my brother is waiting for the second princess. Well, I will try to get her to marry her grandson as soon as possible.
       Hey Brother are not too demanding for their wives, and it is enough for filial parents to take care of the inner court. Originally, he thought that the princess was very valuable. Even if the scorpion was gentle, he would definitely stand on the shelf. Now that the second princess is so good to his shi-nu, he is happy in his heart, and it is better for the second princess. The couple also had a good time with the country and the country, and the two princesses had good news. The news was passed to the palace, not only after the reward
       When things come down, it is the emperor who also rewards things.
       Yue-Yao knew that the emperor had rewarded the second princess and asked An Zhi-yi, saying: "The second princess was silent.
       I have never heard of it, I always thought that the emperor did not like the second princess. It seems that it is not the case now. "Normally, the big princess did not set a family on the day, and the emperor played the priest and the lord should also be a big princess. But the emperor chose the second princess, and they were not allowed to pass the news. The things inside are worth pondering.
       An Zhi said with a smile: "Do you want to do so much?" No matter what the idea of ​​the emperor, just play the buddy to the second princess, then there will be no problem.
       Yue-Yao had a guess in his heart, but he listened to Ann’s words and agreed. No matter what the emperor thinks, it is certainly true that they are good for the second princess.
       In mid-April, Yue-Yao was in the second princess house, talking to the second princess about matters needing attention. Yes-Pozi rushed over and said to the second princess and Yue-Yao: " Madam, someone from the Ma family came to report, saying that the aunt-Nai-Nai was born. ”
       Yue-Yao hurried to the Ma family. Can be born enough for a day and night to give birth to the child, eat enough, but fortunately, the last mother and child are safe.
       Yue-Yao looked at his grandson and smiled and said to Zhuang Ruolan: "I didn't have such a crime as a child without her." Not to mention that Sheng Ke-Xin and Yang Brother are the 3rd Brother who are born, they are not What sin.
       Speaking of this, Zhuang Ruolan deliberately joked: "We just got the news here to know that you are playing, but you have not entered your home, you will hear the child born. Ming-zhu said that you have a child like the next egg. It’s easy, I’m really not wrong.”
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Listen to her nonsense. Yes, did the child's name be taken?"
       Zhuang Ruolan Yu: Secretary: " Master hasn't thought about it yet, but also said that it is not so fast on the genealogy, and slowly think about it." Zhuang Ruolan did not say please ask Yue-Yao to help name. It wouldn't matter if Miss is the same, but this is a grandson of Ma head, so that the name of the family is not very good.
       Yue-Yao did not care: Let the cousin think slowly! ”
       When the child washed three ceremonies, Ma Peng did not take the name out. Fortunately, Ke-Xin gave the child a small name called Xiao-bao, which is also a name.
       Because it is the first grandson of the Ma family, Xiao-bao three-year ceremony is still very lively. Can Xin quietly said to Yue-Yao: "Mother, I told you about the way you taught me, but I haven’t been pregnant for a year, and I don’t know what is going on?"
       Yue-Yao asked: "What does the doctor say?"
       Ke-Xin shook his head: "The doctor said that the big servant is good, there is no problem." Since Wang-Shi gave birth to a Miss, then Congwei is certainly no problem.
       Yue-Yao said: "It may be that the fate is not here! You have a hard time making this production. You have to adjust your body well. The body is not well conditioned, you can no longer be pregnant." Yue-Yao is no longer The picture was sent to the Guanyin map because it was useless. After Ming-zhu returned to Capital City, she died and played her to give a picture of Guanyin. As a result, now Ming-zhu is a Nai-Nai, and her daughter has no shadow.
       Can smile and said: "Mother, you can rest assured, I will adjust the body." The son has, she is no longer anxious for the child.
       When Xu Brother saw a three-day holiday and was hitting good weather, he made two friends to go to drink and have fun. His friend Meng Cheng felt that drinking was not interesting, and he would not go to the countryside to play. It is just that his family has a village in the resort, not to go to the resort.
       Xu Brother agreed with a moment, and another friend Wen Ning agreed.
       April is the most beautiful season. At this time, the flower of the apricot flower has fallen, but the pear flower is just at the time, the flowers are full of fragrance, and the flowers bloom everywhere. Xu Brother looked at the flowers before and after, the flowers were fragrant to the heart, the flowers were intoxicating, and the birds sang the branches. Xu Brother has some regrets: "It’s just that my mother is here." Her mother must be able to draw this beauty with a brush.
       Meng Cheng said with a smile: "Lian Madam has been here before, staying here for more than a month!" All the beautiful scenery of the city, Lian Madam have been there.
       An Xu suggested: "How do we bring bows and arrows to hunt?" This group of people are all known in the camp, and the relationship is particularly good.
       Wenning shook his head and said: "I haven’t tossed enough in the military camp? It’s rare to have two days of holidays. We are still safe and rest for two days!” It’s rare to have a holiday. He really didn’t want to run with his bow and arrow in the  Mountain.
       After catching up with the road for a long time, Meng Cheng looked at the weather and said: "This is almost noon, let's go to Zhuangzi for lunch!"
       The two nodded their promises.
       Before the two men entered, Meng Cheng reminded: "I Mei Mei, cousin, they followed my mother in the villa, you can go to the time to go against them."
       Xu Brother said with a smile: "I have heard you talk about Mei Mei but I have never seen it. Today, I am fortunate, let us look at the true face of Lushan."
       Wen Ning said with a smile: "What is said about this, Miss where can see the man outside." Wen Ning feels at ease, afraid that it is a fake to play, Meng Cheng is ready to give Xu Ji children a true media. Now the capital does not know Lian Madam is looking for Anxu to find a daughter-in-law. Thinking of this, Wen Ning felt a little uncomfortable.
       A group of people entered Zhuangzi and heard a silver bell-like laugh when they walked halfway. Xu Brother felt very interesting: "A Cheng, this laughing person is definitely not your Mei Mei." According to Acheng himself, he Mei Mei is a good show.
       Meng Cheng nodded: "Well, this is my cousin haze."
       Xu Brother felt that the name was a bit strange, but it is hard to say this. After all, it is a cousin of others. It is not good to say it.
       When everyone entered the yard, Xu Brother saw the woman standing under a pear flower at first sight. This girl is about fifteen or six years old, with a round face, looks particularly cute, her cheeks are red, and she has a youthful and lively atmosphere.
       The girl saw three foreign men coming in, did not panic, smiled and said to the girl next to him: "Miao Er, cousin came." After that, he smiled and walked over to say hello to the 3rd Brother.
       Xu Brother thinks that Miss is quite courageous.
       A Cheng introduced Wenning and Xu Brother to 2nd Miss.
       Xu Brother only noticed Meng Cheng's Mei Mei. Meng Cheng's Mei Mei Meng Miaoer is a good-looking Miss. However, Asahi has seen this type of Miss, not interested, but it is very novel to Miss Zhang Wuying, which is so cool.
       The haze is a bit strange: "You are the son of Pingyang Bo, watching it is not like it!"
       Xu Brother shook his brow. I wanted to ask you to see me, but I didn't wait for him to speak. Ah Mei Mei Mei was looking at Xu Brother and whispered in a whisper: "You are Lian Madam's son? I like Lian Madam very much, but I have never met each other."Yue-Yao For the woman in the world, um, exactly for the whole Yuan Family That is a legend.
       Xu Brother said with a smile: "When you have the chance, you will definitely see my mother."
       Haze looked at Xu Brother and said, "Do you talk and talk?"
       Xu Brother looked at the haze with some funny eyes and said, "What is talking and speaking?" It seems that he is a liar.
       The fog shadow snorted: "When you deliberately say something plausible, who knows if you are fooling my cousin." She looked at her brother, and she looked at her cousin. If you can play it, you can say a time. When you post a message to Meng, my cousin can naturally see Lian Madam.
       Xu Brother felt that this Miss was a bit interesting. She said with a smile: "This is not because I am ignoring you, but because my mother is not happy with entertainment, she rarely goes out, and she does not like to see a stranger at home. Only when my family has a happy event." I will ask you later." Although this Miss is a cousin of a friend, he can’t because
       The friend went to disturb his mother.
       Wen Ning interjected: "A Xu, we should go see the aunt."
       Meng Miaoer looked at the back of Xu Brother and his eyes flashed.
       Zhang Wuying smiled and said: "Cousin, you will not look at the three gongzi of this family?" This is not a bad thing.
       Meng Miaoer’s face was red and he said: “What are you talking about! I don’t tell you, I’m going to find my mother.”
       Since the second princess was pregnant, Yue-Yao began to work on the marriage of Xu Brother. After picking up for a half year, Yue-Yao finally picked up Jingning, the  Miss of Madam Ping-shi.
       An Zhi-zhen is still very convinced of Yue-Yao vision, knowing that Yue-Yao is on the lookout. Miss is good, the two family members are also quite the same: "Then set the marriage, and strive to let them become married at the end of the year." He Brother immediately played tricks, and the lifelong events of Xu Brother should be solved. As for Fae Brother, Fae Ji path is different, and Yue-Yao also has arrangements, and An Zhi is no longer in charge. Of course, Fae Ji is not at home, he wants to manage it.
       Yue-Yao sent people to let Xu Brother come back, ready to let the two children see one side. This is actually a passing scene, let the two children see one side, and then set the marriage. Who knows, when Xu Brother came back, he said that he had a favorite Miss, and he couldn't make a date with Ping.
       Yue-Yao listened to the words of Xu Brother, but could not help but think of the things of Tingzheng and Lin Qing yi. The whole person is not good at the moment.
       An Zhi-yi listened to his face and said: "Marriage, the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, you actually give it privately? How can such a woman have a good taste, how can I enter the door of my home?"
       Xu Brother quickly explained: “I like her, people don't know." Xu Brother said how much he liked, but he didn't, but he just got his mind. So he is not good to tell his family. Where did he know that he was hesitant, and his mother gave him a good ‘Madam’.
       An Zhi face became more and more ugly: "So, is it that you are passionate about yourself?" His son is so good, the other party is not fancy, not only angry, but also angry at the other side.
       Xu Brother nodded: "Yes, I was still planning to wait for the holiday to come back and tell my mother, let her go to Zhangjia to kiss her! But I did not expect that the mother actually looked at the Ping family."
       Yue-Yao heard that it was not a private grant, but Xu Ji unilateral thoughts were not ugly. If the Asahi Brother are right, it can be seen that the Zhang family Miss is good, and still a smart one. It is a woman who knows that the private losses are ultimately lost. Playing is to let Yue-Yao know that Zhang Wuying does not know that Xu Brother is interesting to her. It is estimated that he will not think so.
       Xu Brother saw Yue-Yao 7 look easing, and felt that he could fight for it. He said: "Mother, Zhang Family Miss is very good, I believe you will love it when you meet."
       Yue-Yao heard this and couldn't help but think of the similar words that the court was saying to him. His face sank again and asked: "If I don't like it, then how are you?" If it is Xu Ji If you dare to say that this woman is not a woman, this woman must not enter the door.
       Xu Brother quickly said: "If the mother really does not like it, then forget it."
        This sentence of Xu Brother is to make Yue-Yao feel softer. Yue-Yao This kind of mother's natural hope that the children are both happy and happy, since I like it, I saw it, "When I see you, I want to see you this time." But the mother said in front, if the mother thinks that you are not suitable, you have to make a kiss with the Ping family. "If it is appropriate, Yue-Yao does not mind let Xu Brother married this Zhang Miss. It’s okay for Zhangjiamen to be lower. Anyway, Xu Brother is a younger son. It’s good to play Zhang’s Miss, and this door is also done.
       After An Zhi and other Xu Brother left, he said with dissatisfaction: "Since she does not look at Xu Ji, why should she go see it again? Our family Xu Brother is not looking for a ‘Madam’."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "If you can marry your favorite Miss as a ‘Madam’, this is also a blessing. Do you say it? You don't remember when you yelled at me that day, you are not happy! Our present How many people can get on the day?"
       An Zhi-zhen remembered the thing of Yue-Yao on the same day, and he no longer opposed it: "Then you can take care of it, you can't be soft again." He is not able to control the things of the court, but Xu Brother is his son, he I don't want my son to marry a forest-Shi, and then make trouble with his family.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "If you eat a loss, you won't lose it for the second time." If Miss is not suitable for Xu Ji in this chapter, she will not agree to the marriage in any case.
       Xu Brother returned to the military camp the next day.
       Yue-Yao found an opportunity to meet Miss Zhang in this chapter, but there is also a small Miss who looks like a Eldest Miss in the shape of Miss Zhang. Yue-Yao spoke a good conversation with the two little Miss, and finally he found it and she left and left.
       He said with a smile: "I can hear that you are giving a 'marriage proposal' to Xu Brother. Wouldn't it be a Miss's Miss?" Meng Jia and The Yongding Marquis Estate  are intimate, so these 2nd Miss will It is not surprising to come to the party.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Why should I look at the Meng family Miss, not the Zhang family Miss?"
       Hey and surprised, looked at Yue-Yao, saw Yue-Yao  Mouth with a smile, knowing that she was joking: "The Zhang family Miss is a good one, but the shi-zi is too far off, you certainly do not like this type. "Yue-Yao, who likes peace, how can you like Miss who is too happy?"
        Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I just think that the Zhang Miss is different. I want to know more about it, so I have to say a few more words with her."
       Hey and laughter: "It turned out that your old mistakes have been committed." The old problem that Yihe said is that Yue-Yao sees something that is good or feels special will be carefully observed, and then it is possible to enter the painting.
       Yue-Yao has no rebuttal, which means the default.
       Xiang Wei did not go to the banquet. After Yue-Yao came back, he asked Wei: "What about Miss?"
       Yue-Yao couldn't help but shake his head when he remembered the scene at the time: "The Zhang family Miss is a solid eye, this is the advantage and the disadvantage." What the scorpion is impatient is not a big problem, just a good grinding can definitely
       Changed, the scorpion like Ming-zhu finally rounded out.
       Yue-Yao didn't look at the Zhang family's Miss because the Miss was too solid and was not used by people.
       Xiang Wei came to the moment and asked: "What do you say in this?" A person's curiosity does not change with age. This is the case with Wei.
        Yue-Yao said the same thing at the time: "The lyrics of Zhang Jia Miss said that the good point is cheerful, and that the ugly point is that there is no such thing as a girl. The cousin who is inseparable from her is called a wonderful child, but It's a gentle and pleasant Miss. Together with the two, the Zhang Miss is more and more lining up with Meng Miaoer. But this Zhang Miss still doesn't know that people are using her to highlight themselves." People like Zhang Wuying said that the good thing is A solid eye, it is a lack of heart to say that it is not good. Yue-Yao is not very demanding for the future ‘Madam’ of Xu Brother, but it is absolutely impossible to lack the mind.
       Xiang Wei thinks that this Zhang is really pitiful: "Listen to you, this Miss is not bad."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Well, this is not bad. If you are good at Ben, you will not be able to confess this. It is not true. You don't know, this Zhang of mist and shadow has reached the point where Meng Miaoer has come to listen." I tweeted and reminded me that she was not doing anything, and told me how Meng Menger is. "Thinking about what happened today, Yue-Yao wants to help." She asked herself that she was stupid in her life, but she was not stupid. It was really sold and helped by the number of people!
       An Zhi-yi listened to Yue-Yao evaluation of the chapter's haze, and immediately chose Zhang Wuying from the daughter-in-law to choose: "Tomorrow, please match the matchmaker to go to Pingjia to kiss the family, set the marriage early, let him collect the heart. ”
       Yue-Yao feels that there is no need to be so anxious: "Don't worry. Let Xu Brother think slowly, wait until the child thinks about it and then go to 'marriage proposal'. It's not too late." Yue-Yao doesn't want to be in the shadow of the chapter. Before the matter was resolved, I gave it to my brother. My son still doesn't understand that Xu Brother has to be sloppy, give him soft, but can't come hard. Come hard, when it’s time to make it happen.
       An Zhi-yu knows that Yue-Yao is right, but he is very worried about what the over-the-counter thing that Xu Ji has made. At that time, there is no way to end it.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "You can rest assured that Xu Brother is still very measured." That is what Xu Ji wants to do. People Miss does not know what he wants to do is nothing, not to mention the side. There is a Meng Menger who is watching. Thinking of this, Yue-Yao thinks that it is this Meng Menger, not the Zhang Wuying.
       When Xu Brother heard Yue-Yao met Zhang Yuying, he hurried back after seeing the holiday. When he saw Yue-Yao coming back, he asked: "Mother, what do you think of Zhang Family Miss?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Master Miss is indeed a good Miss."
       Xu Brother heard that Yue-Yao said that she liked this chapter, Miss, very happy. This is the joy of getting approval: "Mother, then you..."
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "Miss Miss is a very good Miss, but she is not suitable for you." The truth of the court was that Yue-Yao accepted the lesson, so this time she is no longer so direct. Instead, it is prepared to adopt a roundabout route.
       Xu Brother asked urgently: "Why?"
        Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Xu Brother, her 'temperament' feelings and temper are very similar to you. As a child, your shi-zi is very impatient, and your temper is the worst among the triplets. And this Zhang is also a slap. The child is in a bad mood. The two of you are married, and it must be a big day, three days, three days, and a big fight. You may not be alone, but when you are older, you want to have a quiet day. You really want to have a peaceful life after her mother." Yue-Yao is not a random arrangement of fog, but this Miss is really anxious. As for saying that the temper is not good, in general, the temper of the scorpion is not good.
       Xu Brother was dumbfounded. After a while, he said: "Mother, what kind of temper can't be changed! No one is immutable. You see, people outside say how bad it used to be, but what is wrong? Don't you think of it as a treasure?"
        Yue-Yao shook his head: "Jiangshan is difficult to change, it is difficult to change. And if you think that Zhang Niang Miss is changed, is it the Zhang Miss you like?" Yue-Yao from the fog The conversation knows that Zhang Wuying’s impression of Xu Ji is not bad, but it is limited to this. Just rushing to this point, Yue-Yao feels that the scorpion with the shadow of Zhang may not be willing to change for the Asahi. Of course, this can't be said, and it will hurt the heart of the brother.
       Xu Brother was somewhat lost. He thought that Niang would like Zhang Jia Miss, but did not expect the result to be like this.
       Yue-Yao is no better than forcing Xu Brother and said: "You think about it!"
       An Zhi-zhen is not at ease, now I am looking for Xu Ji to speak in the study.
       Xu Brother was originally shaken by the words of Yue-Yao. After all, his mother said that it is a fact, and there is no shame. However, this kind of tough attitude of An Zhi-zhi made his shi-zi come up: “when you were a mother, Laozi didn't agree, but you insisted on marrying my mother. Hey, you can insist on the day, why am I? Just give up?"
       An Zhi blue veins on his forehead are all up, but fortunately he thinks that Yue-Yao says that he can only come to Soft, and can't come hard, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.
       An Zhi-ping calmed down and said: "I insisted on marrying your mother, because your mother would be a good ‘Madam’, a good master." In front of my son, these things of love and love can never be said. of.
       Xu Brother said with a big eyes: "I listened to the people in the house saying that she had done nothing but painting and doing anything."
       An Zhi-zhen looked at Xu Brother and looked down on it: "What do you know? Your mother helped the backyard when you were aunt, and the backyard was well organized, and your mother's needlework was also excellent. The cakes made are also very delicious."
       Xu Brother knows that Yue-Yao needlework is very good, because the sweet embroidery is inherited from Yue-Yao. You can make Yue-Yao a pastry, and I don’t know if I’m a child. Because he has never eaten Yue-Yao food since he was young: “what are you talking about?" Since the flower Mama, Yue-Yao never cooks.
       An Zhi nodded: "Nature is true. The biggest advantage of your mother is that if she is doing something, she will definitely do the best." After a pause, she asked Xu Brother: " You said that Zhang Family Miss is a good one, then you tell me what is good for her?"
       Xu Brother feels that the shadow of the mist is sturdy and sturdy, and it is a good Miss.
        An Zhi-yi listened, and his expression was very weird. This Zhang Miss is a man, it is really a good one, but a woman is very derogatory how to hear how strange. An Zhi-wen asked: "In addition to these two points, then her female red needle thread and the ability of the housekeeper?"
       After listening to this, Xu Brother remembered that Meng Cheng had told him that Zhang Wuying was not willing to learn needlework and was not willing to learn the housekeeper. He was a boy all day.
       An Zhi sees the appearance of Xu Brother. There are still many words that have not been said. He only said: "Xu Er, ‘Madam’ is not a child, it is a big event for a lifetime. If this is also a step, I will regret it for a lifetime. Think about it yourself!"
       Xu Brother is a soft and hard-nosed person. When he listened to An Zhi words, he was a little embarrassed and said: "Oh, sorry, my son has made you worry."
       An Zhi-zhen is very pleased and said: "The most worrying thing is not me, it is your mother. You know, your mother is not likes to socialize, but for you, she is at home for a few days in the past few months, I hope to find you a A satisfactory ‘Madam’." According to his meaning, directly set the family's affair, can the Xu Brother still resist. However, Yue-Yao insisted that Xu Brother eliminate this, and he would follow the meaning of Yue-Yao. Now it seems that An Zhi-yi feels that Yue-Yao is right.
       Xu Brother looked down and didn't talk anymore.
       When An Zhi-jian saw it, he couldn’t say anything anymore. When he left Xu brother in the study room, he went back to the main house and talked about it with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I said that Xu Brother is soft and not hard, do you believe it?"
       An Zhi-zhen thought about his son's appearance, and some uncomfortable said: "I am guilty of his friend's bad heart. How can Mei Mei own family see a foreign man? What kind of friend is this?" Xu Brother's vision is too bad. However, I even handed over a friend who has such a heart as Meng Cheng.
       Yue-Yao also feels that Xu Brother’s eyes are not good. He said: “The child is big and the self-esteem is strong. This has to let him discover it. You can’t tell him directly.” If you talk directly to Xu Brother, The friend you made is calculating you, and the uncle who is not obvious is very blind. People are all face-to-face people, and Xu Ji is no exception.
       An Zhi-yi always listened to Yue-Yao suggestion and nodded. However, I thought about it and said: "It seems that I have to transfer him back to the capital. I still have to get rid of him after I haven't got up. I have to get into the officialdom after playing. This is easy to be counted. "An Zhi-zhi now has some regrets. All these years have put all his energy on his brother, and he has neglected Xu Ji." If you don't, Xu Ji will not be so easy to be counted.
       Yue-Yao feels that An Zhi is too worried. Xu Brother is not stupid, but in the relatively simple environment of the squatting camp, the vigilance has dropped somewhat. After accepting this lesson, it will definitely not be the case again.
       Xu Brother thought for a long time, went to the main courtyard to find Yue-Yao.
       Servant smiled and said: " Madam went to the Princess House and will come back later." Because the second princess is pregnant with children, Yue-Yao often visits the second princess. In addition to telling the second princess about the matters needing attention during pregnancy, I also chatted with the second princess. The second princess is very grateful for this, and the relationship between mother and daughter is very good.
       Yue-Yao accompanied the second princess and returned to the Earls Court for a long time. When he returned to the main courtyard, he saw that Xu Ji was sitting there. Yue-Yao saw the appearance of Xu Brother and said: "I haven't figured it out yet?"
        Xu Brother shook his head: "Mother, since you said that I am not suitable for the Zhang Miss, then forget it. Mother, I am still young, and after a few days, 'marriage proposal' is not too late."
       Yue-Yao knows that there are still some nostalgia in the heart of Xu Brother. I thought about it: "When that year, Yongding Marquis Heir took the Chinese Wu Shuangjin and invited the matchmaker to go to Majia to kiss, everyone thought I would promise, but I Refused. Do you know why?"
       This story was heard by Xu Brother. He also had doubts at the time, but he did not dare to ask for an exit. This will be Yu-Yao take the initiative to say, Xu Brother naturally will not let go of the opportunity, and asked: "Mother, why? Why did you choose Yongding Marquis Heir but chose?"
       Yue-Yao said: "Mother did not look at him."
       Xu Geerna: Secretary: "Why? Yongding Marquis Heir is a Wenwu Shuangjinshi. It is said that the quality is also a first-class one. The appearance is even more one-of-a-kind. Why didn’t you look at him?" It's a very strange thing.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Because the mother knows that he is not suitable for me."
       Xu Brother still can't understand: "Why is the mother so sure that you are not suitable for him? Appropriate is not suitable. It only knows when you get along. If you haven't got along, you will come to a conclusion?"
       Yue-Yao is very patient and said: "Yongding Marquis Heir is a Famous talented person, his temperament is extremely proud, and the mother is not too much. You think that these two people have lived together, what will happen?
       Xu Brother thought for a moment and said: "Strong combination."
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head and said: "Two people are talented and arrogant people. The last thing such people want to do is to bow down to people. Such two people get together, and ultimately they are not become grievances or become Stranger."
       Xu Brother is very puzzled: "Yang Niang is very good, everything goes along."
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "That's because you didn't see what you did to your mother. You have done a lot of things for your mother, and many things that ordinary people can't do. Mother really accepted you." Xu Er, the most correct thing that my mother has done in this life is to marry you." This is Yu-Yao from the heart.
       Xu Brother asked gossip: "Mother, what did you do to impress you!" Xu Brother never understood, his mother is such a big talented woman, why marry him so much a big old. And his mother not only did not hate it, but he was very compliant with him.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "You want to know to ask you to go."
       Xu Brother was defeated and asked him, he was determined to beat him when he arrived. However, after listening to Yue-Yao, Xu Brother feels a lot better: "Mother, young and old, there is no 'marriage proposal' in the second brother, and I will say my things after the second brother becomes a pro!" In order not to let my sister marry the second son of Lian, the decree dared to defy, and now the big sister has a sweet and sweet honey. So Xu Brother thinks that since Yue-Yao feels
       Miss is not suitable for him, and there must be her truth.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "That can't be done. Your second brother is now studying outside and don't know when to come back. You can't delay your marriage because of your second brother."
       Xu Brother is very envious of the second brother who is studying abroad.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I hope that Fae Brother is here, he does not have to worry about you in the mother." Xu Brother is not afraid of An Zhi-, but Fae Brother.
       Xu Brother thought that Fae Brother always let him eat mute, and found that Fae Brother did not live very well in his days. When Fae Ji returned, the days would be too late to return.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Well, my mother will not force you, give you a month, and wait for you to come back to see the family Miss next time."
       Asahi knows that his mother must decide something, and there is no possibility of change.
       Yue-Yao said: "There is no such thing as the Ping family. If you don't talk about it, you can break the reputation of Miss."
       Xu Brother felt that Yue-Yao was too young to look at him: "Mother, I am not a three-year Old child."
       Yue-Yao sneered: "If you are as sensible as your second brother, you have to worry about it! If your second brother is not there, if your second brother is, then the mother can be a lot easier." When I was a child, Xu Brother was honest and did not dare to make a fuss.
       Xu Brother did not speak immediately.
       On the way back to the army camp of Xu Brother, met Meng Cheng. After Meng Cheng and Xu Brother had greeted him, he tempted and asked: "An Xu, I went to your house the day before to find you to drink, your concierge said that you have something to go out c"
       Xu Brother said with a smile: "Well, it is a bit of a thing." As for what happened, even if it was a friend, it was a family matter, and he did not have to tell Meng Cheng.
       Meng Cheng is a bit embarrassed.
       There are two days of vacation in a month. Meng Cheng and Xu Brother went out together with the military camp and said: "An Xu, if these two days are all right, we will go to Wenning to go to Hongfu Restaurant. I heard that there are several new dishes in the restaurant."
       When Xu Brother thought of Yue-Yao, he shook his head and said, "No, I have to go back."
       Meng Cheng said with a smile: "Isn't it a matter for the dear? I can hear that Lian Madam has been looking for a ‘Madam’ for you!" Actually, Meng Chengjianna: Si, he Mei Mei Everything is good, why isn't there a singer? He has created so many opportunities.
       Xu Brother shook his head and said: "No, it's something at home." This time I can't escape, coughing, and I can see each other. If I can't make it, I can't say it.
       Meng Cheng looked at the appearance of Xu Ji thoughts, and turned his heart and asked: "Is it your husband?"
       Xu Brother was a little dissatisfied when he heard this. He said: "My mother is the most reasonable, how can she do such a thing?" Her mother has always respected their opinions and will do such things.
       Meng Cheng smiled and apologized.
       When Xu Brother came home, he saw a doorway and looked at it. He didn't ask. The concierge took the initiative to say: "Three three Master, the princess was born, gave birth to a Miss."
       Yue-Yao knows that it is a Miss and is very happy, and the result is the best after the flowering. An Zhi-zhen did not think too much, just playing the princess can live, not worried about not having a grandson. The first time when the elder brother was a deaf, the son and daughter were all in the same way as the baby, and all three were in this attitude. The next person was naturally happy.
       Xu Brother said unhappyly: "How can anyone tell me such a big thing?" He played as an uncle.
       The concierge is a bit confusing, and Xu Brother is an uncle, not a relative, and he still needs to tell me. Of course, the concierge thinks so, I can't say this: "The princess was born yesterday, Count Bo-ye and Madam may know Young Master. You are back today, so I didn't send someone to tell Young Master!"
       Xu Brother reluctantly accepted this reason and turned to the Princess House.
       For the first time, my brother is still excited. When I saw Xu Brother, I smiled and said: "3rd Brother, come over and see my sister."
       Xu Brother looked at the  Miss who hadn't opened her long, and felt really ugly. However, this can not be said in front of his brother, or it must be approved. Xu Brother is strange. When he was a child, he was always bullied by him. After he came back, he was only obedient in front of his eldest brother: "Brother, I didn't expect you to be jealous."
       He looked at Xu Brother and said: "Mother is giving you a good Miss's Miss. This time, come back, you will go and see it! After you see it, you will settle down and save your mother to worry about your business." Hey brother did not know the one that had happened before Xu Brother, and he knew that it was inevitable that Xu Brother’s fat meal would be inevitable.
       Xu Geerna: Secretary: "What if the Ping family Miss is not good?"
       Cheng Brother 白了旭哥儿一眼: "When is the mother's eyes worse?" If he is jealous, then you have to measure the a Mount. But since it is his mother's fancy, it is definitely a good one.
       Xu Ji touched his nose and said, "Yeah."
       Yue-Yao heard that Xu Brother offered to go to see the family Miss, very pleased, said: "Xinrong this child is really good, I believe you will love it." Zhier Mo Ruo, Yue-Yao I know very well about the shi-zi of Xu Brother. If you are a well-regarded person, you will not like it. Ping Xin is a little daughter, innocent and cute, and has a good temper. Yue-Yao thinks that Xu Brother should be happy with the eyes.
       Xu Brother nodded and said: "Mother's fancy, it must be good."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Nonsense, your ‘Madam’ is playing with you for a lifetime, that is, the mother feels good, if you don't like it, you won't be able to see it. See you tomorrow, if it feels bad, we Look slowly."
       Xu Brother was touched. Whose ‘Madam’ was not directly settled by her parents, so his mother said so well: "Good."
       Because the next day is the three-day ceremony of Yuan Jieer, Yue-Yao and Jingning Madam Ping-shi have been angry, so when Yuan Jieer washes three gifts, Ping-shi brings Xin Miss Miss came over.
       Asahi looked at Miss in the Jingning House Madam Ping-shi. The Miss was dressed in a goose-yellow dress, her eyes were bent, her nose was slightly upturned, her face was white jade, and her big eyes were so bright that she could talk.
       Xu Brother is not a person who particularly values ​​his appearance, but it is best if his future ‘Madam’ looks beautiful.
       Because this is a three-day ceremony, there are many guests, so it is impossible to give two people a chance to get along alone. This time, let the two people meet and see if they can get the eye.
       Not much, Yue-Yao heard someone coming from the palace. Yue-Yao originally thought that it was a reward for the post, but did not expect that it was the imperial decree of the emperor, and the sister of the sister-in-law was the County Owner.
       Yue-Yao After listening to this imperial edict, he felt that his guess was not wrong. I am afraid that the mother of the second princess is a very special one for the emperor, and it will not be protected by Lidi.
       The second princess got the news and burst into tears. With the status of County Owner, the future of the sister-in-law will go smoother than others.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "People who are confined to the moon can't drop their tears. If they are old, they will easily suffer from eye pain." For Yue-Yao, is the granddaughter not-County Owner is not heavy, heavy play It is good to teach this child.
       The second princess wiped her tears, and then she was embarrassed. She was a princess. She should have been more sullen than her mother-in-law. Unfortunately, this princess became a slag.
       Yue-Yao did not stay for a long time, and soon went out to greet the guests. The guests knew that the sister-in-law was enshrined as the County Owner, and there was speculation in her heart. They all came forward to congratulate Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao handled the things in the Princess House, and this was returned to the Earls Court. On the way back, I couldn’t help but talk to Wei Wei: "I thought that my daughter-in-law could not care about everything, but I didn't expect it to be more tired." Now, not only the cooking of the Earl's House, but also the work of Princess Lian. She, Yue-Yao really feels hard.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Let Xu Brother quickly pick up a daughter-in-law, so you don't have to be so tired." I only heard of those ones Madam died in the housekeeper's right, I have not heard I don’t want to play the housekeeping right.
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei, and said: "I hope it too! You can always have a sorrowful wish for you!" The ‘Madam’ who is willing to go home with her parents is forced to marry her daughter-in-law. Different. She would like to have a daughter-in-law to come back to help her share the housework, and it would not be so hot.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "It is a blessing to be born to you."
       Yue-Yao After returning to the main courtyard, it was not long before Xu Brother came up. Yue-Yao asked: "I met the Ping family today, how do you feel?"
       Xu Brother felt that it was a success.
       Yue-Yao is not happy: "Well, it's not good, it's not good, what is it?" This is the most annoying thing to simulate.
       Xu Brother lowered his head and said after a long time: "Mother is the master!"
       Yue-Yao sighed a little and said: "If you don't really swear by others, then forget it, don't hurt someone Miss."
       Xu Brother listened to this and was not happy. He said, "What harms her? Mother, which side are you?" He is not bad, how can he marry him?
       Yue-Yao said: "I will compare my heart. If your brother-in-law is your attitude towards your sister today, it doesn't matter if you are not guilty. What will you do?"
       Xu Brother did not want to say: "That must not be married."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Do not want to do anything to others. People are also a big pet, so rely on you to be free."
       Xu Brother knows the meaning of Yue-Yao and thinks for a while: "Mother, let me think about it again! I will give you an answer tomorrow."
       Ping-shi also asked Ping Xin on the other side: "How do you feel? If you feel bad, talk directly to your aunt."
       Ping Xin dissolved some shy and said: "It's very good." I like to say that I can't talk about it. It's not a flower idiot. I can enjoy it when I can see one side, but he feels very good for Xu Brother.
       Ping-shi said with a smile: "You feel good. Lian Madam seems to be a little indifferent, but in fact it is a good person to get along."
       Ping Xin dissolves some flushes. Her mother had told her about the benefits of being married to Pingyang Bofu. She had no opinion on her own. Now she has seen people getting more and more opinions.
       Xu Brother is still seriously considering, and he will find him. Xiang Wei will not tell the story of Yue-Yao to Xu Brother, but will tell the story of Ting Zheng and Lin-Shi with Xu Brother.
       Because Lin-Shi disrespected Yue-Yao, so the 4th Brother of Xu Brother and the younger Brother hated Lin-Shi, but at the time, they didn’t know much. This time, listening to the words of Xiang Wei, Xu Brother's face is very unsightly.
       After I finished talking to Wei: "Xu Brother, I feel that Lin-shi is very good with you on the same day. Your mother thinks that Lin-Shi is not suitable for you. The result proves that it is still your mother's. The vision is accurate.” Xiang Wei words mean that Yue-Yao feels that Zhang Jia Miss is not suitable for Xu Ji, and the two people are definitely not good.
       Xu Brother remembered what Yue-Yao said to him last time. He had to say that his mother’s eyes were still very accurate.
       To Wei Jianxu brother loosened, and added a bit of strength: "Xu Brother, you mother knows that you are not a person who only cares about family life, she hopes that your Brother and sisters are doing well. Child, your mother will not harm you. Your mother has chosen a Miss you like, and has been picking up for half a year, and finally I will see this Xinsense Miss. Asahi, the family is very good, and it is very good with you. It's right. If you miss it, find another suiOuter Cousin Miss and don't know the Year of the Monkey. At that time, your mother has to work hard. You don't know,
       Now that you are in charge of the Earl's House, you have to manage the affairs of the Princess House. It is very hard. "Xiang Wei said that Xu Brother is not a filial son."
        Xu Brother actually had a good impression on the Zhang Miss. It was already tossed by the family and had already lost the thought. Xu Brother is also very clear, so the mother hurts him, playing is his jealousy, where will also consult his opinions, directly set the family.
       Xu Brother thought for one night, and said to Yue-Yao the next morning: "Mother, you go to 'marriage proposal'! I will definitely stay at the home of Miss."
       Yue-Yao asked: "If you are a relative, you have to be single-minded, but you can't do it again. Can you do it? If it can be done, the mother will let people go to the relatives. If you can't do it, wait for you to calm down. talk about it later."
       Xu Brother nodded: "Mother, you can rest assured, I will be single-minded about Ping's Miss."
       Yue-Yao listened to this, and let go of his heart. Both parties are interested, this marriage is quickly settled, and the wedding period is scheduled for February next year.
       Yue-Yao Seeing that the Brother are very calm, there are still some concerns, and An Zhi-xuan said: “you said that the Brother did not let go, why is it because of the threat of our family?" It is said that it is the threat of An Zhi.
       An Zhi-zhi does not care: "The life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, who is not like this." See Yue-Yao still frowning, helplessly said: "You rest assured, Xu Ji is not a court, he will not If I didn't make a mistake, he wouldn't be surprised by Zhang's Miss, but it's not for her. If you don't burn, the shi-zi of Xu Ji shi-zi will promise to close with the family Miss. You forget the day.
       What did he do when he passed him to his uncle? On the same day, Xu Brother was unwilling to pass the game and threatened him with death. If Xu Brother really did not play the Miss of the Zhang family, he would not compromise so quickly, and he would always fight against him.
       Yue-Yao thought about the performance of Xu Brother and felt that An Zhi-yi said it makes sense. However, in order to prevent it, Yue-Yao decided to let Xu Brother go to Pingjia to move and cultivate feelings.
       When Xu Brother returned to the military camp, he asked the relatives to ask questions.
       Meng Chengcheng House is not deep enough. After listening to this, he asked: "When are you dear? What time? I don't know?" After I finished, I realized that I was out of order. I remedy: "We are such good friends, you It’s not enough to tell us that such a big thing is not enough."
       Wenning listened to this, but his heart was relieved and said: "A Cheng is right. You don't tell us about such a big thing, you didn't take us as friends."
       Xu Brother said with a smile: "No, I want to kiss my mother only to ask my relatives, no one else asks, but I will invite you next year."
       Wen Ning asked: "Which is the Miss?"
       Xu Brother smiled and said: "5th Miss of Ping."
       Meng Chengyi saw the 7 look of Xu Brother and he knew that he was very satisfied with Pingjiawu Miss. If he had more thoughts, he couldn’t say it. Xu Brother is not sure, he naturally has to fight for Mei Mei. Now Xu Brother has decided to kiss, and said nothing. Meng Cheng thought that Mei Mei knew this and would definitely be very upset.
       Xu Brother saw Meng Cheng's 7 looks, weirdly said: "What's wrong? Look at your face is not good, is it too tired at home to rest?"
       Meng Cheng smiled and shook his head: "It's okay."
       The princess has a month, and Yue-Yao of the Princess House is no longer involved. Just when Yue-Yao thought that he could catch his breath, An Ning had another accident.
       Weiyuan Marquis Estate  Yin-Shi came to find Yue-Yao and said: "An Ning ran home yesterday and cried, saying that Bing Bing was taking a divorce. We can't care about this." Step Bing is the husband of An Ning.
       An Ning has a kind of fear for An Zhi-Yi and Yue-Yao, and An Zhi sorrow is to go out, so she is the first to find the Weiyuan The Marquis Estate .
       Yue-Yao doesn't want to worry about An Ning, but there is no way, but no matter how well An Ning is the pro-Mei Mei of An Zhi-, it doesn't matter if it looks good: "What happened?" The second year after An Ningcheng became a relative I gave birth to a Miss.
       However, when he was born, he died for a lifetime, and he was injured and could no longer be born. Generally, a ‘Madam’ does not have a son, and the son of Concubine is a shi-zi.
       An Ning had been raised for three years. In the end, the doctor still said that it was difficult for her to regenerate and she was prepared to hold her shi-zi under her name. After all, she had no son, and she had to have a son to support her. Can plan to keep up with the change, no Old Lady is too good to come in the home of the good-selling concubine, after giving birth to his eldest son, but not willing to give his son to An Ning, so after the son took away, he moved his hands and feet, deliberately invited Daopo said that his son was in conflict with An Ning, and it happened that the child was sick again. Step Old Lady loves his grandson too much, and Bing Bing also wants his son to be good, so he takes the child back to China concubine. Of course, Step Bing followed Old Lady still wants to remember this child under his name.
       An Ning is not a fool, not remembered by her in her name, it is not a white to China Concubine made a wedding dress. An Ning did not agree, but a Servant opened his face. This Servant was also hard-working and gave birth to a son a year later. Unfortunately, the child did not have an accident at the age of three. After that, in addition to the three sons of China concubine, Step Bing had no more sons.
       In these years, Bu Bing has always wanted to record his eldest son in the name of An Ning, but he can still live and die. For this reason, these years have been raging.
       Yin-Shi smiled and said: "Step Bing said that if An Ning would not agree to keep the child in the name, then he would take Hua concubine as his ‘Madam’. If you play Lian, you don't agree, then let Ann. Condensed to return to the sect." As for why Bu Bing must play his son in the name of An Ning, Yin-shi-Yue-Yao is very clear, just want to let his son have a good birth, and then can negotiate The door is good. It is better to play with this relationship with Weiyuan Marquis Estate  and Pingyang.
       Yue-Yao asked: "How do you say?"
       Yin-Shi said with a headache: "An Ning said that she is not willing to remember the children of China concubine in her name." For a woman she hates so much, remember her son in her name, wait Later, she could not look at the face of China concubine.
       Yue-Yao listened and chuckled: "Remember that she used to be quite capable, but so many but one Concubine is dead."
       Yin-Shi knows that Yue-Yao is talking about the original thing: "Things have passed, and now she is really not easy." Sometimes Yin-Shi really feels karma, Lu Concubine As a Concubine, her mother-in-law was overwhelmed, and now An Ning has been tossed by a Concubine for more than a decade. If it is not An Ning's family, it is still a problem if Weiyuan Marquis Estate  and Earl's House support it.
       Yue-Yao thought for a moment and said: "Step Bing to retire his ‘Madam’, or to play the Chinese concubine right, all with his intentions."
       Yin-Shi face changed greatly: "Younger brother, if An Ning is taken off, it is not good for Miss's reputation at home." There is a Nai-Nai who was taken home, and when the family is gone, there is no face. go out.
       Yue-Yao chuckles: "I also have Zheng brother courage." Step Bing is now only a six-product military commander. If he dared to take a break from his life, he could definitely crush him with the power of his home. The so-called divorce and ‘Madam’ support is just a means of forcing An Ning.
       Yin-Shi listened to this and was more at ease. Don't look at her husband is Weiyuan Hou, the title of Count Bo-ye is high in Bian's sorrow, and the loyalty of Ang's loyalty has always been a false job, and there is no real power. This is far worse than the person who holds the military power. It is.
       Yin-Shi thought about it and said: "It’s not always a matter of trouble. This time Bing Bing said that he had divorced his ‘Madam’, then he will completely solve this problem." For many years, the troubles of Yin-shi are bothering.
       Yue-Yao also felt that the solution was completely solved. He saved An Ning for three days and returned to her mother's house and cried: "Is there any idea for Daxie?"
       Yin-Shi shook his head: "I just feel that I can't go on like this anymore." It’s always so noisy.
       Yue-Yao thought about it for a moment and said: "Since Step Bing wants to let the scorpion remember in the name of An Ning, he only promised to send China concubine to the temple, and promised that China concubine can no longer step in. Step by step, we agree with his request."
       Yin-Shi listened to his heart and trembled: "This method is good, but can you agree with Step Bing?" This condition, Yin-Shi thinks that An Ning will agree.
       Yue-Yao said with a blank expression: "If he does not agree, then he will leave. Anyway, Yi Jieer has already married, even if they are away, there will be no impact on Yi Jieer." Ning's daughter, married at the beginning of the year, married in Capital City.
       Step Yi Chang has four or five points like An Zhi-, the rare thing is that this child is not like An Ning when he was young, very sensible. Although An Zhi face does not care about An Ning, but he still has a bloody affair for An Mei pro-Mei Mei, and Step Yi looks like him, so An Zhi-yi will give him a step before. The eldest son of a subordinate. With this relationship, even if An Ning really has no influence on Bu Bing and Yi Bu Yi.
       Yin-Shi is very hesitant. Even if it is separated, it will have a great impact on Miss at home.
       Yue-Yao said: "Before I was estimated to be step by step, we are all blinded to this matter. Now I am married, and what is terrible? What is the fear?"
       Yin-Shi understands the meaning of Yue-Yao. The barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, unless it is Step Bing who does not want to play the future, and regardless of his son's future, otherwise he will only compromise.
       An Ning does not want to remember the son of China concubine in his own name.
       Yin-Shi7 said indecently: "This is what you mean by three. You know what you are doing, if you don't listen, she will definitely not take care of you in the future." An Ning is a good life. When you meet An Zhi and Yue-Yao, these two people are not stingy people. If you don’t, at least your mind will be a little narrower. An Ning, who has no support from her family, has been able to live safely for more than a decade.
       An Ning thought about the coolness of Yue-Yao, and finally nodded.
       If you play a woman, you still have to play with your own future and your own life. Only those who have normal brains know how to choose. In a few days, Bu Bing sent Hua concubine to the temple.
       An Ning to the Earl's House thanked Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao looked at the sly An Ning, slightly sighed, no matter what, An Ning is the husband's pro Mei Mei, she is not good, And An Zhi will not really care. Thinking of this, Yue-Yao said: "I know that you think that the three sons of Concubine, the youngest ones, have already been remembered, and you are not familiar with them."
       An Ning really thinks so.
       Yue-Yao didn't know how to say Lu Concubine. When Lu Concubine changed the way, he knew that the decision was not an ordinary woman, but why the daughter who was taught was killed by a Concubine, I don't know the spring. Under the knowledge of Lu Concubine, I thought about it: "Remember the eldest son in the name, and then give the step to the two rooms Concubine. When the child is born, hold it with you. The child is raised, naturally You kissed." Hua concubine is gone, and An Ning can also hold a child safely.
       An Ning listened to a sign, she did not expect Yue-Yao to think so. Thinking of the things I did with Yue-Yao, An Ning really apologized to Yue-Yao: "'sister-in-law', I was sorry for the things of the year." I was so young and ignorant that I could not understand Yue Yao speaks sarcasm. Even if her mother died before she died, she couldn’t let her face close to her brother.
       Yue-Yao has some accidents, but if you can hear An Ning, Yue-Yao is quite gratified: "The past things have passed, and you will live in peace and heart. You have Brother, you only play." Doing things beyond, the step-headers don’t dare to bully you."
       An Ning's tears brushed down. An Ning knows that if she did not have her brother's secret photos in these years, she was already eaten with Concubine. Now that An Zhi-zhen has found a good home for her sister, she is really grateful and embarrassed.
       Yue-Yao smiled, it is not too late to understand.
       Not long after, Xu Brother gave An Zhi-zhi back to Capital City. Did not put it on his side, directly put Xu Brother into the Royal Forest, and gave him a second-class guard.
       When you are in the capital, you will have more time to go home. Under the face-to-face teaching of Yue-Yao, Xu Brother often goes to Pingjia.
       Pingjia is a very strict ruler, but Xu Brother is intimate with his own Miss, and can not be too inhuman. Of course, it is certainly not possible to meet often. It is still possible to see the last time ten times. However, when the two meet, there must be someone who will not let the two alone, this is also for the reputation of their own Miss.
       Slowly, Xu Brother found that Xinrong did not work with other Miss-like geniuses. It was a very real Miss, and it was very interesting and not at all rigid.
       Knowing a lot, Xu Brother is more and more satisfied with Xinrong, and will also buy some things to send to Pingjia to please Xinxin. The behavior of Xu Brother naturally won the favor of his fiancee. And the future mother-in-law of Xu Brother, Ping 2nd Madam is the favorite of the daughter-in-law who sees the son-in-law.
       Xu Brother sent the rare things he bought this time to Pingjia, and then invited a few good friends to go out to drink. The people in the Imperial Army. Most of them are the sons of the dignitaries or the generals of the generals. Compared with the Xiao-  Ying  camp, Xu Brother mixed better in the Yulin army. After all, the people in the Yulin army are more in tune with him in all aspects.
       From the Hongfu Restaurant, Xu Brother came across the road to go home with Meng Cheng who took Meng Menger and Zhang Wuying to buy things.
       Meng Cheng met Xu Brother and said with a smile: "I thought you kidnapped me with Wenning!" Everyone knows that the official career of Yulin Jun will be very smooth, Meng Cheng also wants to go, but unfortunately he It can only be thought of, and it is impossible to enter the Yulin Army with the background of his family.
       Xu Brother smiled and said: "Where can you forget the Brother! Waiting for the next opportunity, our 3rd Brother will gather together."
        The two were talking, and Zhang haze in the sedan chair was very impatient and said: "Cousin, what do you have to say to this kind of person, we will go back quickly!"
       Xu Brother is somewhat inexplicable.
        Meng Cheng also knows that Zhang Wuying speaks straightforwardly. He is afraid that he will not leave Zhang and the shadow of the fog. He said that some words that should not be said provoked that Xu Brother was not happy, and broke his friendship with Xu Brother. It’s also a coincidence. Just after Meng Cheng’s thought that Zhang Wuying’s thoughts were very special, he was interrupted by An Zhi team with Yue-Yao, so Meng Cheng did not know Xu. The buddy has a good impression on Zhang Wuying. If he plays for the sake of benefit, he will definitely match two people.
       Zhang Yuying opened the curtain and glanced at the immediate Asahi. That looks like what the eldest brother did.
       Xu Brother saw that he was very good: Secretary, he had a good impression on Zhang Wuying, but he told her that she had not said anything to her. Lita was not able to tell this out, so He did not damage the reputation of Zhang Wuying at all. Nowadays, the appearance of Zhang Yuying seems to be like hatred with him, which makes Xu Brother puzzled.
       Xu Brother’s close-fitting Ai Qing qi said: “3rd Young Master, have you not found that Meng Miss has seen you already?”
       Xu Brother strangely asked: "Is this the case?"
        A Qing squats, losing his family Young Master, looking at the savvy on most days, in fact, his eyes are long on his head, and people around him can’t see the things around him: “Young Master, don’t you find that Meng’s Young Master has always wanted to match you. Meng Miss! And the Zhang Miss has always maintained the Meng family Miss. You are now dear, Zhang Jia Miss thought that you played with the feelings of Meng Miss, so I feel very hateful."
       Xu Brother frowned and said: "What about nonsense?"
        Ah Qing said: "Young Master, where I have nonsense, I can see that the young Master wants to give Mei Mei to you! Do not he do what he has done three times and four times to make him meet Mei Mei! It’s a coincidence, but can’t you say that it’s a coincidence?” It’s just that people are not as good as days. Their young Master didn’t look at Meng’s gentle Miss, but he saw a little girl-like Zhang Miss.
       Some things can be seen with or without heart, and it is easy to see the clues! When Xu Brother thought about it seriously, he found the problem...
       A Qing hot iron, said: "Young Master, you still don't know? That Wen gongzi took a look at the Meng family Miss. But I think Wen Jia family, Meng gongzi and Meng Miss certainly can not see." This sway It is said that Meng family is a snobbery, Meng Chengyu Xu Brother is a medium, because she is the son of Pingyang Bo.
       Xu Brother yelled at Xiao Yan.
       Ah Qing is not afraid at all, and continues to say: "Gongzi, fortunately, you didn't look at the Meng family Miss, that Miss is not only mentally minded."
       The face of Xu Brother has changed: "Do you know that you are ruining the reputation of Miss? If you dare to talk nonsense, I will take you out."
       Ah Qing grinned and said: "Young Master, this is not only what I saw, but Madam also saw it."
       Xu Brother simply did not believe this, how could his mother tell the truth!
        Ah Qing quickly said: "Young Master, not Madam said that Meng Miss is right and wrong. It was the last time Madam saw Zhang Miss and Meng Miss, and said to the pomegranate sister." His face was ugly, and he quickly explained: " Madam was at the time of the Wan County Owner's House. I saw the Zhang Miss and Meng Miss. When I came back, I sighed in the car and said that Miss Miss had no eyes and was used. I don't know." Who used it, of course, was used by Meng's Miss.
       Xu Brother is not a fool. After listening to Ah Qing ’s words, he asked: “Who told these things to you?” If her mother said this, she would only know it if she was close to Servant.
       Ah Qing did not take advantage of Xu Brother and said: "3rd Young Master, you also know that pomegranate sister is Madam's personal Servant, this is what my cousin told me." Pomegranate told Aqing, naturally Give A Qing a wake up, don't let their young Master give people a trick.
       Xu Brother has been at home and has not spoken.
       After dinner, Yue-Yao looked at the unfinished Xu Brother and said with a smile: "What's wrong? What's the look?" Fortunately, An Zhi-zhen happened to be doing something today, and is not at home today. If you look at the appearance of Xu Brother, you must be reprimanded by Xu Brother.
       Xu Brother asked Yue-Yao about Ah Qing ’s words.
       Yue-Yao Some Na: Secretary, when she came back, she did not say a word. But turning to Yue-Yao will understand, afraid of being made to Wei master. Yue-Yao nodded at the moment: "Well, Meng's Miss means good, and Zhang's Miss is so compliant with her, but it's just a little tender, just playing with heart, still
       Can be seen. "Don't say that she is so observant, and only a little shrewd Madamtai-tai can see the tricks of Meng Miss.
       After listening to Yue-Yao words, Xu Brother asked: "Mom, what do you think Meng Miss uses Zhang Family Miss?" Xu Brother did not figure this out along the way.
       Yue-Yao did not give Xu Brother a puzzle and said: "This is a playful thing for you."
       Xu Brother was somewhat disappointed.
       Yue-Yao said and said: "That Meng Miss is so arrogant, it can be seen that the family style of Meng family is also very bad. Xu children, this is outside of everyone, you make friends and play more than two eyes. Don't be people I don't know the calculations.
       After hearing this, Xu Brother’s mood fell to a low point.
       Yue-Yao did not appease Xu Ji.
       When Xu Brother came into contact with Meng Cheng, he also had one more eye. When he found that Meng Chengzhen came to his identity, instead of really treating him as a friend, it made Xu Ji very uncomfortable. When he found that Wen Ning was also a scruple for him, Xu Brother’s mood was getting worse.
       An Zhi-zhi knows why Xu Brother is in a bad mood, but he did not go to comfort Xu Brother, nor let Yue-Yao go to comfort. An Zhi-zhen thinks this is a good thing for Xu Brother. Only when he experiences a lot, will he grow faster.
       When Yue-Yao and An Zhi-zhi were in an accident, Xu Ji frustration was not good for two days. Yue-Yao couldn't help but let Wei Wei inquire about it.
       He said to Wei Le: "Xu Brother wrote a letter to Pingjia Miss, and then Xu Brother saw the reply from Ping's Miss, he was fine." In short, it is Ping's Miss as for Xu Ji.
       Yue-Yao was very happy to hear this. This proves that the relationship between the two now has a step, which is a very good phenomenon.
       In a twinkling of an eye, it was time for Xu Brother to kiss her. The Xu Brother of this meeting was not the attitude at the beginning, thinking about playing a ‘Madam’ tomorrow, it was nervous and excited.
       Yue-Yao was very pleased to see the performance of Xu Brother. It seems that An Zhi-zhen is right, and Xu Brother is just a good impression on Zhang Family Miss. It is not a non-Zhang Miss. However, it is also fortunate that Xu Brother is a temporary good-looking, and the play is like a court, then she has suffered.
       In the evening, a man in a gray gown came to the door of Pingyang Bofu and stood at the gate.
       Fae Brother looked at the six gold characters on the plaque. He didn't feel like going in and out every day. But now that he came back to see this plaque, Fae Brother felt very affectionate.
       The porter of Pingyang Bofu saw Fae Brother standing at the door and looking at the plaque, some strange. The previous concierge was old, and the concierge at this meeting was changed at the beginning of this year. However, the rules of the house of Pingyang Bofu are very strict, and the concierge is also specially trained. It is not because Fae Brother is too shabby to wear it. Instead, he went forward and asked: "Who is gongzi looking for?"
       Fae Brother said with a smile: "Don't find anyone." After finishing the door, regardless of the concierge, he went in.
       The porter looked at Fae Ji sect and just wanted to stop. The long man behind Fae Ji body looked at him and said, “This is the second Young Master.” He said that he was behind Fae Ji.
       The porter opened his  Mouth and then lost his voice: "2nd Young Master?" Everyone knows that the second Young Master went out to study, and has not returned for several years.
       Can not blame the concierge no eyes, the main play is Fae Ji children with Brother and Xu Ji children are not big, not responding is normal.
       At this time in the main courtyard, An Zhi-zheng was talking to Yue-Yao: "Feier came to the letter at the beginning of the year and said that he will come back. This is almost June. Why haven't you returned yet?" The son went abroad for six years, he was really a day. Thinking about the night.
       Yue-Yao chuckled: "I have something to delay. Don't worry, I will be back soon." It is said that Yue-Yao also Miss the son who has been away.
       An Zhi heart was not comfortable when he heard this. On the same day, he said it was good. He told Fae Ji to study abroad for three years and returned three years later. But now it’s been six years now, and Fae Ji children are all 19 years old. They are both stunned by Xu Ji and Xu Ji, and Fae Ji is still running outside. Thinking of this, An Zhi-zhen said with no anger: "You didn't let Feier go out to study abroad. Can Fae Ji now be home for six years?"
       Yue-Yao knows that An Zhi-zhen is not blaming her, but worried about her son's future. After all, at the age of 19, many of the children of the scholars have been admitted to Lian Jinshi, and Fae Brother is now outside. Lian is not a show.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "You don't mean that it is good for him to experience something else. The things that Fae Brother learned in the past six years are too many things to change." Yue-Yao In order to hone the Fiugge, in addition to the five hundred Silver Taels who were given out when they went out, they didn't give any money for six years. Five hundred Silver Taels are a lot for ordinary people, but for Fiji, who is studying abroad, Lian fare is not enough, let alone spending on most days.
       When An Zhi heard this, he rarely spoke again. The long besides Fae children followed the people who were specially selected by An Zhi-, in order to protect the safety of Fae Ji, and to tell him what Fae Brother did on most days. There is such a person, and An Zhi knowledge of Fae Ji affairs is well known.
       Yue-Yao thought that An Zhi-zhen was still worried about the future of Fae Brother. He said: "Fi Brother is a steady child, don't worry." Everyone thinks that it is a good thing to get into the qualifications early, but the career is extremely dangerous. Without tempering, a carelessness may fall into the abyss. Therefore, Yue-Yao prefers that Fae Brother is suffering now, and does not want his son to be hit in the future.
       An Zhi-xuan did not speak, he heard the outside Servant called: " Master, Madam, 2nd Master come back
       It is. ”
       Yue-Yao is no more dignified on most days, but this will hear the call of Servant, and stand up in three steps to go outside.
       An Zhi-yi looked at his ‘Madam’ who couldn’t see it in a blink of an eye. When he went out, he saw Yue-Yao pulling the hand of Fae Ji hand and tearing his eyes. An Zhi-xuan couldn't help but shook his head, and he lost a cloud-like appearance on most days.
       Fae Brother said softly: "Mom, I am fine." Fae Ji looked at Yue-Yao like this, and he was very guilty. Six years away from home, let his parents worry about it, he is really filial.
       An Zhi coughed a little and said: “It’s a good thing for the child to come back. What are you crying?” The woman’s family is like this, crying when they are not moving.
       Yue-Yao is not so emotionally exposed, but sees his son wearing coarse cloth clothes, but also black and thin. Don't ask, look at it and you will know that the child has suffered a lot from it. Yue-Yao looked at such a son, tears burst out and could not be controlled.
       Fae Brother squatted on the ground, and his eyes also contained tears: “mother, my son is not filial, I am worried."
       Yue-Yao will help Fae Brother and say: "You silly boy, what a stupid thing!" It was her idea to study on the same day.
       An Zhi-xuan is a cold cry.
       Pomegranate said: " Master, Madam, 2nd Young Master. This is a long way to go, definitely tired."
       Zhou Yao just woke up and let Fae Brother go to bathe and eliminate fatigue. I went to the kitchen myself and let the kitchen do the dishes that Fiago likes.
       Fae Brother used to live with his brother and Xu Brother. Now he is married to Xu Brother and naturally moved out. However, the yard was cleaned every day, very clean, and there was no dust on the table.
       After Fier's bathing, Servant sent him clothes. The clothes are new and fit very well. It can be seen from this that his mother has always been  Mourning him.
       When Fae Brother just came out of the clean room, he saw a good dish on the big table on the table. Fae Ji heart was a little blocked and his eyes were sour. Going home, it’s good.
       Yue-Yao did not see the 7 look of Fae Brother and said: "Come, hurry to eat, these are your favorite food."
       After eating and drinking, Yue-Yao can't take care of the way to keep fit: "You have been on such a long road, you must be tired. Go to rest first, what will happen to us tomorrow."
       Fae Brother smiled and said: "Mother, nothing." Seeing Yue-Yao did not agree, and said: "I haven’t talked to my mother for a long time, I want to talk to my mother more." Energize.
       Yue-Yao has a soft heart and said: "Okay, then walk in the yard."
       There is no change in Pingyang Bofu, but there are certainly subtle changes. For example, the yard where Fae Ji children lived, there were a lot of new flowers in it.
       Yue-Yao asked Fae Ji a lot of things, but Fae Brother is not happy to report the news, it is all interesting things, bad things are not half a word.
       The mother and son were talking, and the rushing footsteps outside sounded. Yue-Yao knows who it is when he hears the sound: "Your elder brother has come over." He went out and heard that Fae Brother came back. He came straight to the present.
       Hey, brother, still wants to say that Fae Brother has a good meal. After all, he said that he will come back after three years, but he will not go home after six years. This must be said well. I can wait until my brother looks at the black and thin brother. If you complain, there is no word.
       My brother's face is distressed: "Second brother, what's wrong with you? How is it so thin that there is no meat or two? Is anyone bullying you?"
       Fae Brother said with a smile: "These have been on the road for more than three months, so I lost a lot. Now I am going home, and it will take a long time to get fat back."
       My brother’s face is full of doubts, and it’s not so hard to get on the road.
       Yue-Yao said: "Well, don't say this. Feier has been driving for a few months, and he must have been tired. What do you have, let's talk about it tomorrow!"
       My brother was very filial. When I heard Yue-Yao words, I nodded immediately: “Second brother, then you should rest well.” Tianda business is not anxious for this night.
       Fae Ji was indeed a little tired, and sent away his brother and Yue-Yao. After he took a sigh, he went to bed. Fae Ji thought that he would have a lot of feelings, but he fell asleep without knowing it.
       Yue-Yao went back to the main courtyard and saw that An Zhi was absent. He asked Servant: " Master?"
       Pomegranate said: " Master went to the front yard."
       Yue-Yao snorted, but said nothing.
       At the end of the Hai Family, An Zhi-xuan returned to the main court. As soon as I entered the main courtyard, I saw the lights in the room still lit. An Zhi-zhi knows that this trial is indispensable today.
       Yue-Yao said with a black face: "What happened to Fae Brother in the past six years?" Yue-Yao is intended to let Fae Ji children experience more things, but the depth of the eyes of Fae Brother let Yue-Yao was shocked.
       An Zhi-sheng said: "Nothing, don't worry too much."
       Yue-Yao has an anger in his eyes: "If you don't tell me clearly today, don't want to sleep."
       After the silence, Aozhi said for a long time: "I didn't tell you that I was afraid of you. Since you want to know, I won't miss you. The second child is outside and has suffered a lot of losses." I will elaborate on the things that Fae Brother has experienced over the years and Yue-Yao.
       Fae Brother was born again, and he grew up under the protection of Yue-Yao and An Zhi-zhi, but he did not know how the outside world was, and he did not know the ugliness of people. It didn't take long for Shandong to arrive, because of the goodness of the moment, the result fell into the eyes of the people, and was blackmailed.
       Fae Brother had just arrived in Shandong and was unaccompanied. He had no choice but to compromise. The result of the compromise was that he had no money with Ashan, and the owner of the inn knew that Fae Ji had no money and forced him to pay the house. In order to pay for the house, Fae Ji took the wrapped clothes and gave them a room for rent with the remaining two Silver Taels.
       In order to make a living, Fae Ji let Ashan go out to help people, he went out to sell words. Fae Brother's words are very good, can make a lot of money; and Ashan's daily earning money can maintain the livelihood of two people, and this day will pass. But because of this, in the eyes of other scholars, Fae Brother is a normal foreign student. However, Fae Brother learned very well. Scholars value those who have potential for development, so they did not look at the light. Not long after, Fae Brother met a man named Zhou Yi.
       This week, Yi Yi is two years older than Fae Ji, and his family is average, but he is very talented. After Fiji knew him, he felt that the two had a special relationship. In addition to knowing Zhou Yi not long after, Zhou Yi introduced a lot of students to Fae Brother, which made Fae Brother feel good.
       Shandong has a strong cultural atmosphere and talented people. It is also in this place that Fae Brother feels that he has opened his eyes. Therefore, Fae Brother stayed in Shandong for three years. In the past three years, Fae Ji and Zhou Yi have formed a brotherly friendship. It is a pity that the deep friendship is only related to the interests, so it is easy to change.
       One chance, Zhou Yi and Fae Brother saw the prefect of Lu Hetai. Not long after, Zhou Yi knew from a friend of hiss that Lu Zhifu appreciated him and Fae Brother, and wanted to choose one of them as a son-in-law among him. The prefect is a member of the four majors. This is an excellent opportunity for Zhou Yi. He can only get a great help from the daughter of the prefect.
       Zhou Yiruo can tell Fae Brother about this matter, even if it is temptation, only Fae Ji knows this thing, Zhou Yi will know that Fae Brother will not marry Miss Lu family, but what is Zhou Yi? Do not say. At this time, Fae Brother was invited by Lu Zhifu.
       -Lu Zhifu as an official experience, how toxic the eyes. I have only seen it once, and he knows that Fae Ji is afraid that he is not a child of ordinary people. Although Fae Brother said that his family is in the middle of the road, but it is okay to deceive the average person, but you can deceive an old fox who has been rolling for twenty years in his career. Words can be fake, but the things that are inadvertently revealed can not be faked, let alone the casual attitude of Fae Ji seeing Lu Zhifu. However, when Fae Brother went out, he did not use the real identity, using the identity of the ‘Ma’ side branches. Therefore, Lu Zhifu is not able to inquire about the details of Fae Brother. Under this circumstance, Lu Zhifu deliberately found Fae Brother to speak in the past, and the Secretary of Speech also revealed that he wanted to marry his daughter.
       Fae Brother refused. Don't say that there is only one daughter in the knee of Lu Zhifu, even if he is the Miss who is out of the house, he will not be jealous. Fae Brother directly rejected Lu Zhifu on the grounds that his marriage was a masterpiece.
       -Lu Zhifu is so smart, and seeing Fae Brother’s appearance, he knows that he can’t get on his daughter. The more this Fiji was this attitude, Lu Zhifu became more and more aware that his speculation was true, so he was not embarrassed, left Fae Brother to eat, and then sent people to send him back.
       Zhou Yi got the news and went to ask Fae Brother why Lu Zhifu would ask him. Fae Brother did not say that Lu Zhifu had given him his daughter. After all, this involved the reputation of the Miss family. It was said that it was not good, even the best brother could not say.
       The more this Fiji is this attitude, the more Zhou Yi is uneasy. And Lu Zhifu attitude towards Fae Brother is getting better and better. It’s good for everyone to think that Lu Zhifu wants to make Fae Ji son-in-law.
       In order not to let Fae Brother block his own path, Zhou Yi and other people of Feifei Ji used to frame Fae Brother, and framed Fae Brother and a Miss privately. Scholars love to relish their reputation. Once their reputation is broken, their future will be ruined.
       When this happened, Fae Brother immediately became Famous and became a street  Mouse that everyone called. After hearing this incident, Lu Zhifu immediately sent someone to find out the incident and returned the innocence of Fae Brother. There is a reason for Lu Zhifu to do this. Even if he guessed the identity of Fae Brother, this matter is only a little effort for him. But if the guess is right, then Fae Brother owes him a favor.
       Ashan told Feigeer about the cause and effect, but Feifei did not believe it. He does not believe that Zhou Yi, who has always been like a brother, will be such a poisonous hand to him. Facing the iron evidence, Fae Brother was still unbelievable. He personally went to ask Zhou Yi, and the results obtained made him suffer.
       Not long after, Fae Brother left Shandong to go to Jiang-nan. In the two years in Jiang-nan, Fae Brother also made a lot of friends, but he will not be in touch with others. After staying in Jiang-nan for more than two years, Fae Brother went to Haikou, detoured from Haikou to the northwest, and finally returned to the capital from the northwest.
       An Zhi-zhen said it was very dull, but Yue-Yao listened, but his heart was in a while. Being betrayed by someone she trusts, she knows what it is.
       Yue-Yao is cold Lian said: "How is Zhou Yi now?" Such a person is a scourge, and if it is an official, it will not be a good one.
       An Zhi-xuan said: "The man has lost his fame now, and he will not be able to participate in the imperial examination in the future." Fae Ji will be merciful to Zhou Yi, but he will not. If you dare to harm his son with such despicable means, you will have to bear the consequences.
       Yue-Yao is a little sad: "How can he be punished?" The injury suffered by Fae Ji is not a punishment for Zhou Yi.
       Although An Zhi is distressed, he feels that this may not be a bad thing for Fiji. The heart is unpredictable, so that Fae Brother is wary of people, and will not be so easily calculated in the future.
       The next day, An Zhi-zhen talked with Fae Brother for a morning. In the afternoon, Fae Brother went to visit Wang Lao.
       Wang Lao looked at Fae Brother and frightened a big jump. Before the land of Feng 7 God, it would become like a villager.
       After Wang Lao calmed down, he asked many questions from Fae Ji. After the answer from Fae Brother, Wang Lao asked: "What are you going to do?" Spring next year will definitely not catch up, then it will only be able to catch up. In other words, Fae Brother has more than four years of preparation.
       Fae Brother said: "I am going to end next year." Fae Brother is now white, and next year is the test boy.
       Wang Lao coughed. In fact, when Fae Brother said that he was going to study, Wang always strongly disagreed. No matter how Fae Brother said that he did not agree, then Yue-Yao personally went to the door to talk to him for a long time, he agreed. However, it was three years to say that it was good, but I didn’t expect Fiji to stay outside for six years.
       Wang Lao, he has received a total of four students, and the third child has already taken the test in the age of twenty. But he likes and closes the disciples who have the greatest expectations. This will not be the Lian show. Because of this, in the past two years, I was being teased by several old friends. Every time I made Wang Lao particularly depressed: Secretary. There is also a little opinion on this closed disciple who has been slow to return.
       Wang Lao said: "The child test next year must be held at the beginning of the case." Only when the case is first, can you regain a little face.
       Fae Brother nodded and said: "I will." For more than six years, Fae Ji has not slacked off. Especially when it comes to life, it is hard to learn. The harder he studies hard.
       Fae Brother’s attitude still makes Wang Lao very useful: “After two days, you will move to my house, and I will guide you to your school.” It’s by relying on An Zhi and Lian Yue-Yao. It’s a dream, only he has worked hard.
       Fae Brother accompanied Wang Lao to finish the dinner before returning. As soon as he got home, he saw the cow brother of Niu Gaoda rushing toward him and gave him a warm hug.
       Xu Brother only held Fae Brother, Yang Sheng said: "Second brother, you finally came back, but you want to die." Xu Brother was yesterday night, did not come back. Going home at noon knows that Fae Brother is back and has been looking forward to it.
       Fae Ji heart is warm, and since the encounter with Zhou Yi, Fae Brother has an instinctive caution against people. But this does not include his family. When he arrives home, he feels particularly practical and at ease.
       Fae Brother took a look at the shoulders of Xu Brother: "High, and strong." In the triplets, the Asahi is the tallest. Of course, there is not much higher.
       Xu Brother is not a very careful person, but can be awkward again. This will hold and feel that there are not a few flesh in Fae Ji body: "Second brother, have you suffered a lot of suffering outside these years?" So thin!
       Fae Brother did not deny that this matter denied and denied it. Now that I have simply said something about myself, those bad things have been omitted by Fae Brother.
       Xu Brother did not think much. He left three provinces in more than a year, and it is normal to do so now: "Come back, let the mother give you a good supplement."
       Fae Brother nodded with a smile, then said: "I met you in the morning, Hui Gong, congratulations, when you are embarrassed." Big brother and the younger brother, this is still very happy.
       Xu Brother is not embarrassed, when he is stunned, his face is getting thicker: "You are not in the capital, you must be stunned. But I think, you must be faster." Jingcheng Niang can't 'marriage proposal', now the second brother is back, and the family will definitely be settled soon.
       Fae Brother shook his head and said: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter in the evening."
       Xu Brother smiled and joked: "I am not in a hurry? It is two years in the evening. When you are defamed, my children have to be enlightened." After that, Xu Ji said happily: "My family is yours." The most learned, let you enlighten your child by then."
       Fae Brother smiled and said: "This is a mistake. The most learned thing in my family is not me. It is a mother." Although An Zhi is also very powerful, the most admired by Fae Ji is Yue-Yao.
       Xue Brother smiled and said: "It's all amazing."
       When my brother came over, I just heard the following sentence. When I approached, I asked: "What is great?"
       Xu Brother is in a good mood, and the smile on his face has not been broken: "I said that my brother and I are very good at learning. Big Brother, when will the 4th Brother come back? Big sister will come back tomorrow, when you can not miss four Brother." Yang Brother went to the academy to study, and had a three-day holiday a month.
       He said: "Do not worry, they are all arranged."
       Ke-Xin knew that Fae Brother was back and was very excited. It’s not Yue-Yao, let her go home for a reunion tomorrow, she hates not going home immediately.
       Min Brother knew that Fae Ji came back and his brow wrinkled slightly. In fact, Min Er can't understand the practice of An Zhi and Yue-Yao. It’s not smart to go to school, but I’m not going to study abroad six years ago. I’m afraid it’s already a scholar. However, Fae Brother went out at the best time, leading to a white body: "The second brother is now 19 years old. Even if the next year is passed smoothly, the township test will be the next year." The remaining words did not say Min Brother . Even after the township test in the following year, Fae-An was safe and stable, and the township test after four years was not necessarily good. Once you fall, Fae Ji has to wait another three years. In this case, Fae Brother’s start is too late.
       It is not smart to have no confidence in Anfei, but he himself came from this road, so he is very clear that talented students may not be able to take the test.
       Can smile and said: "This matter is considered by the mother." Ke Xin also knows that the husband said it makes sense, but she told her mother that day, but the mother said that they have something in mind, so she does not have to worry, but Xin has never asked. His mother-in-law is not confused. Since there are counts, it is definitely another plan.
       Cong Brother shook his head helplessly, but he stopped talking about it. In any case, the father-in-law is in the same place, and this matter is not up to him.
       The next day, Ke-Xin returned to her family with her husband and son. You can't go empty every time you go home, this time is no exception.
       Because the person who spoke has already told the situation of Fae Brother, it is not too unexpected when I see Fae Brother, but it is inevitable that I feel distressed: "I can’t go out alone anymore, squatting. What are you looking like?"
       Fae Brother smiled and said: "There will be no more people going out in the future." In the past few years, An An has been worried about staying in Capital City to prepare for the imperial examination. After entering the official, unless it is released, it is inseparable from the capital.
       It was not long before Xin returned home, and Yang Brother also received it. When Fae Brother left, Yang Brother had already made a note. These years are also the heart of the second brother, now Fae Ji back, the happiest is the Yang Ji.
       The family was surrounded and had a reunion dinner.
       After using the meal, you can find Yue-Yao and say: "Mother, Cheng Brother  and 旭哥儿 are both. Fae Brother is back now, and he should be given 'marriage proposal'."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "This is not anxious, waiting for him to get a fame and not to be late." Seeing the dissatisfaction of the face, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can rest assured that the mother already has The candidate. Only Fae Brother will pass the child test next year, and the mother will go to the 'marriage proposal'."
       Ke-Xin asked: "Mother, who did you miss Miss?"
       Yue-Yao didn't have a good time, said: "-the family's 2nd Miss. Wen Jia Er Miss will be next year, and after the wait, I will invite someone to come to the 'marriage proposal'."
       Can be opened with a  Mouth: "Master Miss has always been delicate, the second brother is free and talented, but in the end is not a name, can they see the second brother?" The family has 2nd Prince, one slaughter Assistant, a secondary supplement, there are several censorships, and there are also many officials who have two products. It is the teacher who is now a child, but also a family member. In the Dayuan Family, the family was truly a Famous family. There is a particularly strange phenomenon in the family, that is, Miss is very few in the family. There are only 2nd Miss in this generation, and they all come out. To the next generation of Yu Jun, there is only one Miss who is in the parent room. Less, naturally it is expensive, so Miss's Miss is very popular even if it is thrown out, not to mention it is out. Now this
       Miss in the long room, I don't know how many people stare at it!
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I will know when I get there." Because of Jingui, Miss's Miss is reconsidered afterwards.
       Can look at Yue-Yao 7 look, and then stop talking about it, immediately transferred the topic: "Mother, my body has been raised, ready to play a child." At that time because of the difficult production, Yue Yao is very worried, so I can't play any more before I can't adjust my body. Therefore, this year, many people have been nurturing their bodies.
       Yue-Yao On the same day, she was afraid that she couldn’t know how to be light, so she was embarrassed from time to time. If the woman's body is not well conditioned and pregnant, regardless of whether the child can't keep it, the damage to the mother is very large, so Yue-Yao is so careful.
       After talking about his family, Xin can't help but talk to Yue-Yao about the Ma family. The ‘Ma’-in-law of the Ma family, Wang-shi, in addition to the first Miss, has not been pregnant again. Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan reopened, and it is impossible for his son to have no son: "Mother, my mother-in-law is now looking for a family-friendly Miss."
       Yue-Yao brows off: "What happened?" Miss, the world's innocent, is a good family. Liangjiatun is much higher than the general concubine. If you have a son, you can also get a genealogy, which is easy to cause restlessness. Yue-Yao knows Zhuang Ruolan very well, she does not believe that Zhuang Ruolan will do such a thing.
       Ke-Xin whispered: "I have a Servant pregnant next to my big sister. The result is less than three months. My mother is very angry, so I want to get a Miss White from outside." Mother-in-law is a natural enemy, even if Zhuang Ruolan To be generous, there are many frictions with daughter-in-law. In particular, the following two daughter-in-laws enter the door, and the friction becomes bigger.
       Yue-Yao is a bit strange: "Wang-Shi is not stupid. She has no son now. If Servant has a son, she will go to the mother to stay. Get rid of this child, Wang Shi, there is no harm in the bad."
       Ke-Xin shook his head: "I don't think it's a big hand. It's afraid of another flaw. But now my mother-in-law is angry, I can't persuade."
       Yue-Yao thought for a moment: "This is a good family. If you accidentally stir up your family's home, you will not be able to live in peace. You should persuade her."
       Can nod and nod. This incident made Ke-Xin see the crisis. If her mother-in-law is no better than her relatives, she will turn her face if she doesn't like it. For this reason, Xin wants to regenerate a son. Just playing with her two sons has enough enthusiasm. If the mother-in-law is really playing with her husband, she can also refuse.
       Yue-Yao is also hard to say anything.
       Ke-Xin feels that his mother is enlightened, and her daughter-in-law is like her own daughter. The princess did not say it, and his three younger siblings seemed to fall into Fuwo. She looked envious.
       Yue-Yao listened to the words of Xin, and said seriously: "Chen Xin, people have selfishness. If your brother and sister have not married a son for seven years, how would you think?" The incense is passed down, this is a big event. Yue-Yao just felt that Zhuang Ruolan’s play for Wei Ji family was not appropriate, and he had no opinion on Zhuang Ruolan’s play of Wei Ji ‘Madam’. Wang-Shi has been married to the Ma family for seven years. Zhuang Ruolan has only said that Nayong’s affairs are very generous.
       The color of the face can be changed.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "You have lived too smoothly, and you have no vigilance. You are too much to be provoked. It is not clear. You are so sweet, you are a big brother, you are you. That day 'marriage proposal When I was already talking to your mother-in-law, I only had to have a son before Min Er was 30 years old. Min Er couldn’t be jealous. The Ma family agreed. So you don’t need it at all. Worried that your mother-in-law will let Min's Brother feel guilty." Now that Xin has already had a son, Min Ji is naturally impossible to accept.
       Can open a  Mouth, said: "Mother, why don't you tell me about this?"
       Yue-Yao said with no anger: "Well to tell you what to do?" Where did she know that she was so comfortable, she was still worried about those who did not. Yue-Yao I don't know, but Xin is now too busy, and always worried that it will be destroyed.
       The stone hanging in the heart of the heart fell, holding Yue-Yao: "Mother, thank you."
       Yue-Yao is also somewhat distressed. When I go to someone else house, my ‘Madam’ is definitely not at home. In addition, last year, Jie Brother married another daughter-in-law, and there were more and more, and more and more. Yue-Yao patted the back of the sweetheart and said softly: "After An's heart has passed your day, you don't care about other people affairs. If you are with your mother, you will not be wronged at the Ma family." An Zhi-yi was not pleasing to the eye, and finally agreed to the marriage. Just because the Ma family promised to play only the son of Xin, he would not let Min.
       It’s ok.
       Fae Ji lived at home for half a month and then moved to Wang-home. Since then, Fae Brother has started a hard-working career.
       When Fae Ji went to Wang-home, Wang Laocai really felt the change of Fae Brother. In the past, Fae Brother learned very well, but it was exposed, and there was still a arrogance on his body. But today's Fae Ji is easy, and still very modest, just like a reborn.
       Who is Wang Lao, who has been stalking the officialdom for decades, how can he not see that Fae Brother’s attitude towards people is only on the surface, not from the heart. This step can be done at this age, and it is very valuable to enter. It is also a good thing to be wary of others, and it will not be easy for people to calculate when they enter the career. Of course, it’s not that there no such thing as Ficoll’s becoming like this. It’s just that Wang Lao is very bachelor now.
       He believes that Lian Madam will definitely see that Feigeer is not appropriate, so this matter is still given to Lian Madam will solve it!
       The body is very well conditioned, and I am pregnant after three months of stopping the drug. Just when the news came, Fae Ji was at home, and Yue-Yao took Fae Ji to the Ma family.
       Returning from the Ma family, Yue-Yao took Fae Brother to the study. In the past two months, Yue-Yao has been observing and found that the situation of Fae Brother seems to have aggravated trends.
       Yue-Yao opened the door and said: "Your thing, Ashan told me. Feier, you can't be wary of people around you because of a Zhou Yi. If you go on like this, you will suffer big losses. It is good to be prepared for people, but it is not good if it is overdone.
       Fae Ji face changed.
       Yue-Yao said: "In fact, this is the end of the matter, or your experience is too shallow. A person's good or bad, can not be determined by what he said, but by the things he did to evaluate. That Zhou Yi The family is average, but the shot is very ridiculous, you never thought that there is a problem inside?" The big hands and feet spent the hard-earned money of the parents, Yue-Yao felt that such a person is not good.
       Fae Brother shook his head: "No."
       Yue-Yao said without words: "Ashan said that you accompanied Zhou Yi to buy a piece of jade, that piece of jade eighty Silver Taels, Zhou Yi bought it without worry. Zhou-home earned seven money a year. Eight hundred Silver Taels, he bought eight or two of the jade in the block. Do you think there is a problem?" Ashan said a lot of Zhou Yi things, Yue-Yao chose this thing. .
       Fae Ji has nothing to say.
       Yue-Yao said helplessly: "Feier, you have to know that Zhou-home is not our home. These seven or eight hundred Silver Taels are the expenses of their family of twelve for one year." After a pause, Yue-Yao Continue to say: "This is just one of the things. You can see a lot of problems only if you have the heart." The old fox does not say that people in this age group of Xu Brother can’t be disguised to make people feel flawed. Come. Fae Brother can be overcast, and he is still not wary of himself.
       Fae Brother became more and more ashamed.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You don't have enough experience. If you are deceived, you can't blame you. This blame blames me for telling you. It's that we protect you too well, don't know people heart is sinister. At that time, I think you are still small. But I didn’t think because we let you eat such a big loss. But then again, it’s a blessing to eat, and this loss
       If you look at it later, you can't look at the surface anymore. In fact, Yue-Yao is very clear, parents say more, not as deep as their own experience. For example, Xu Brother, with Meng Cheng's business, Xu Brother is no longer so good and deceived.
       Fae Ji heart is heavy.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "It is a good thing to guard against people, but it is against those who have ulterior motives, not all people." Yue-Yao sees the 7 looks of Fae Brother, and then Said: "He Dashangshu Li Daren is your friend of the Maternal Grandfather. When your ancestors passed away, he tried his best to teach you, and the mother is also a lot of Buddha. Later, when the bride is married, he will Your Maternal Grandfather has placed 200 thousand Silver Taels in his place to give to the mother. Fier, this world, there are insidious villains, and also true gentlemen." In Yue-Yao heart, Li Guozhen is a true Master.
       Fae Brother looked up at Yue-Yao, and his eyes were loose.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Feier, Zhou Yi business is only a small matter, don't drill a horn for this little thing."
       There is a twilight in Fae Ji face: "Mother, my son is not filial, always letting you worry about it."
       Yue-Yao chuckled and said: "What stupid things are said. In the past, you were excluded from studying, one is to guard against sitting in the sky, and the other is to let you have more experience. Now you have reached the expectation that you are with you, we Very happy."
       The look of Fae Brother 7 finally eased.
       Yue-Yao has also slackened his heart, and his son can listen to persuasion is a good thing: "The past things have passed, and now you should prepare for the expedition." Yue-Yao does not say child test, direct scientific test. For Yue-Yao, the child test is not a problem at all, that is, the township test is not a big problem. The key question is whether Fae Brother can test out a good ranking.
       Fae Brother nodded heavily: "Mother, I won't let you down with disappointment."
       In the next year's child test, Fae Brother got the first case. Because of the age of Fae Brother, some people don't think that there is anything remarkable about his case, that is, Fae Brother himself did not put the case first.
       Wang Lao looked at the calm Fae Brother and suddenly felt that it was wrong to go to Fae Ji study abroad on the same day. If he gave Fae Brother the first leg of the case six years ago, he believed that Fae Ji could not be as calm as it is now.
       Yue-Yao looked at his son and said with a smile: "Feier, this is just the beginning. Next year's hometown test, you have to be prepared."
       Fae Brother nodded and thought for a moment: "Mother, I remember that Master Qi is very good at grasping the problem. Niang, it’s just like Master Yu is willing to give me advice." Fae Brother has confidence in himself, but he also knows Your own shortcomings. Master Yu, who has been teaching for more than 20 years, is very familiar with the process of the imperial examination. Playing is the point of getting Master VMin , and his chances of success are even greater.
       Yue-Yao listened to Fae Brother’s words and was very happy: “Well, my mother must come to Master Qi.” Master Yu relationship with Master Yu is still very good, even if he is in Anjia years. Please don't come to Master Qi, ask him to give pointers to Fae Brother, and Yue-Yao is still confident.
       Fae Brother looked at Yue-Yao and said, "Thank you." In the past six years, he was deeply aware of how lucky he was. There are many people who are highly talented in the world. They are better than him, but they don’t necessarily have a good environment for them to study, not to mention the Famous teacher.
       Yue-Yao laughed: "Stupid child, say thank you. You are celebrating the first time in the case, but one
       It is also good for family members to have a reunion dinner together. "Yue-Yao has sent someone to ask for a return."
       Ke-Xin has been pregnant for seven months now, whether it is Wenpo or Tai-yi, she said that this fetus is a Miss. In this regard, Xin and Min Brother are very happy, and there are women who are blessed.
       Can you get the news, let Servant help to go to the main room, and Zhuang Ruolan said this, Zhuang Ruolan smiled.
       Next to Jie Ji daughter-in-law-Shi smiled and said: "The second brother-in-law has got the first case, I haven't congratulated the second!" Congratulations on the  Mouth, but there is a touch of sarcasm in the speech. The 20-year Old man will go out with the 12-year Old child and will not panic.
       How can you not hear the sarcasm in the words, smiled and said
       In front of the woman, with the history of Shi-shi, he did not have to drop his identity.
       Zhuang Ruolan did not seem to see the two fronts, laughing
       Be careful. "There are more daughter-in-laws, more pages are more."
       I can go down with respect and respect.
       "Thank you brother and sister." She was not in the house.
       "You are a person with a body now, the road
       Back in the yard, Acha hated and said: "Miss is too good, how can it be bullied by her?" Jie Ji is lazy, not a motivated, but also to the 'marriage proposal' It’s a show, so Jay’s parents’ high scores are not low. The father of Shi-Shi and Ma Peng were the scholars in the same year, and the relationship has always been good, so Ma Peng decided to set this door. Shi-Shi was a bit arrogant at home, Zhuang Ruolan knew it at the time, but the fact that he could get this door was a boost for Jie Ji, even if Zhuang Ruolan didn't like history-shi, he did not refuse.
       After Shi-Shi passed the door, the most unsatisfactory. Not only the in-laws are bias, but the husband also hurts her to go to the bones. Looking at herself, it is a bitter tear. To this end, Shi-Shi is stabbing a thorn from time to time.
       Can be arbitrarily put on the hand: "She also asked for a cheaper  Mouth, and did not dare to do anything, go with her." Can be known to know why her mother said more, more right and wrong. When the history-Shi didn't pass the door, the family was in a good mood. Since this history-Shi has passed the door, the family has made contradictions from time to time.
       Can not be empty and history Shi-shi gas, this will ponder what to pick for Fae Brother! The sweet dowry is rich, and the usual cost of flowers is the best. Because it is the use of his own private house, Zhuang Ruolan naturally does not care, but Shi-Shi is envious.
       The next day, Min Brother played badly, so she could bring her child back to her family. When Xinyi returned to her home, she saw her three younger siblings talking to her mother.
       Ping Xin sees Ke-Xin, and cries out with a smile:
       The days at the husband's house are more comfortable than at the maiden. Peach
       Said a good conversation, Ping Xin dissolved excuses to handle housework
       Home, there must be a lot of private rooms to talk to the mother. "Big sister." Ping Xin has been married for three years, and Ping Xin is very filial to Yue-Yao. Going out with great eyes. This Miss Hui Niang
       Ke-Xin really has something to say to Yue-Yao, but it is not the matter of the Ma family, but the matter of Fae Brother. I can listen to Yue-Yao and say that she is interested in this matter. This inquisition, can be scared and scared, there have been several families who have taken a fancy to Miss. Those families have counted the home of Shuxiangmen, and the worst is also the name of the people. The more you understand, the more you feel that this can't be done.
       Can Xin said: "Mother, the family Miss is still a matter of this. We slowly find out, always find good for the second brother." Ke-Xin this is not wanting to let her family step on her mother's face.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "If you try it, there will be no loss. If the family doesn't agree, let's find it again." Anyway, she has four sons. Xu Brother already has a son, the princess is now I am pregnant again, and I am not worried about the problem of my son. This time it was not possible, she slowly found out.
       As Ke-Xin expected, the family did not look at Fae Brother. Anfei is five years older than his family, Miss, and he is only a scholar, and how can someone else be able to see it.
       Yue-Yao is just holding a try-and-try attitude, and she is not willing to let her go. Just letting Yue-Yao not think that this incident was actually passed out. If it is just a 'marriage proposal', it doesn't matter if it is spread out. But the more you pass the outside, the more outrageous, even said that Fae Brother, a scholar, dare to think of Miss, really want to eat swan meat.
       Yue-Yao got the news, and his face was red. She didn't care about herself, but her son got this innocent disaster, and Yue-Yao was annoyed: "Check it out to see who is spreading this rumor?
       It was quickly discovered that the dissemination of this rumor was the Yushi-shi of the Guozi prisoner. The sister of Yu-Shi is the Madam of the family, so it is normal to know that Yue-Yao is also close to the family. In the case of Yu-shi, who is close to the relationship, Madam said this, and Yu-shi only disdains the behavior of Yue-Yao, but does not say that he wants to eat swan meat. It’s just a rumor, once it’s coming out, it’s out of control.
       Yue-Yao knows the cause of this incident, but there are some regrets, and An Zhi said: "I knew that I should not go to the house of the day." What told her to go to the family to mention her, she is only exploring the tone And did not let the matchmakers come to the door.
       An Zhi-gan shook his head and said: "Don't care, after a few days, this thing will disappear." There is no way to investigate this matter, only to swallow this breath.
       Fae Brother knew this, not only wasn't it annoyed, but he calmed Yue-Yao: "Mother, I didn't have to be bad for these people." Seeing Yue-Yao 7 looks still unhappy, Fae Brother said: " Mother, the family can't see the son, that is, they have no vision, and one day I will let them regret it."
       Yue-Yao used to be awkward, but she didn't care at all, but this time because of her children, Yue-Yao was in a hurry: "Well, Fier has the ambition to let the time They regretted going."
       After hearing this rumor, Li Guozhen said with Li Madam that he would like to tell his granddaughter Li Xianger to Fae Brother.
       Li Madam has long been at home, listening to Li Guofan’s words and saying: " Master, Xianger’s marriage has to ask the second couple."
       Li Guozhen said: "The child of Fae Brother is not in the pool, and Xiang’s sister promised him no money."
       Li Madam still believes in Li Guozhen's vision, and she also saw it when she came to New Year's Eve. It is indeed a good one. It’s just Li Madam, thinking about the rumors that are outside, and some hesitation, total
       If you can’t play with your family, Li family will go!
       Li Guozheng chuckled: "Why is this outside rumor, it must be taken care of." Yue-Yao is a more cautious person, and this matter is counted.
       Li Madam thought for a moment and finally nodded. The next day, I talked to my daughter-in-law, Wan-shi, about the meaning of Li Guozhen: "You have seen the children of Anfei, and it’s a good one. Although it’s just a show, the child is a first-class student. In the future, the future is definitely not bad."
       Wan-Shi is hesitant. Wan-Shi gave birth to two sons and one daughter. Xiang Jie sister is the youngest. He is only fifteen years old this year. He only played in June.
       Li Madam knows what she is hesitating and says: " Master said that Anfei is not a child in the pool, and Master's vision is definitely not good. And Yue-Yao, you have known for so many years, she is Who is the clearest thing about you. If Xiang Jie gave it to Anfei, the days would be smooth."
       Wan-Shi still has some hesitations, Fae future is unpredictable, but Yue-Yao is a natural daughter to both daughter-in-law, and many people know this. Others don't say that if the daughter really gave Anfei, she would definitely not be angry with her mother-in-law. However, Yue-Yao is intimate with them. If it is really intentional, I will wait until now: "Mother, let's explore the tone of Yue-Yao first!" If they are willing to do this, Yue-Yao Disagree, this is also a no-brainer.
       Li Madam thinks that Wan-Shi words make sense.
       Yue-Yao didn't expect Li Guozhen to let Fae Brother be his granddaughter. In this rumor, Li Jia is willing to kiss them. Yue-Yao is very grateful. Just grateful, she can't take this door.
       An Zhi-zhen is very surprised that Yue-Yao doesn't want to make this door.
       Yue-Yao said: "Xiang sister is a very good Miss, but she is not suitable for Feier. If I don't have a 'marriage proposal' in the morning, I will see Miss's Miss."Yue-Yao I have a close relationship with Li, so I know a lot about Miss Li sensation. Xiang Jie sister-in-law is strong, and there are some small tasks. Of course, no one is perfect, there are always people who have shortcomings. What Fiji Brother like is a quiet and dignified, gentle and pleasant woman. If Fae Brother married Xiang’s sister, Yue-Yao felt that the two would not come together in the future.
       An Zhi-zhen is still very convinced of Yue-Yao vision. It’s not a matter of giving birth to a princess and a princess, but Min, the son-in-law and the three-person Ping-shi, are Yue-Yao. Today, the two couples are both beautiful and beautiful. An Zhi-xuan said: "If you feel that it is not suitable, then push it!" An Zhi-zhen is already ready for the late marriage of Fae Brother, so although Fae Brother is now twenty, he is not in a hurry. As Yue-Yao said, only Fae Brother will have a fame in the future, not to mention the three yuan and the first, only to play the top three in the Filipino examination, it is not worth looking for a good ‘Madam’.
       Yue-Yao went to the Li family to apologize the next day. She did not use an excuse to refuse the affair. Instead, she directly said that Fae Brother and Xiang Jieer did not have a good match.
       Li Madam is a bit uncomfortable in her heart.
       Wan-Shi listened to Yue-Yao explanation and quickly relieved. What is the face of the game is not heavy, the heavy play is the daughter's happiness.
       When Li Guozhen heard Yue-Yao refused the reason for this marriage, he sighed a little and said: "It's a pity." Unfortunately, Anfei could not be his granddaughter.
       Li Madam asked: " Master is so optimistic about this child?"
       Li Guozhen nodded: "This child is intelligent, and has to be honed, plus Yue-Yao, this is the point of the mother, this child's future is not limited."
       Li Madam sees Li Guozhen so admiring Fae Brother, his heart is moving. If Fae Brother really said what her husband said, Li Madam had the idea of ​​making a marriage with Yue-Yao. Xiang Jieer and Fae Brother's shi-zi do not match, but her mother's granddaughter Biru is still quite in line with Yue-Yao demands.
       Li Guozhen said: "This marriage will not be regretted." Feishui does not flow outside the field, his granddaughter is not suitable, his ‘Madam’'s maiden and granddaughter is not bad.
       Yue-Yao got the news very surprised, and there was some joy after the surprise. Li Madam decided that Fae Brother and Meng’s Miss had the right to tell her, or they wouldn’t mention it.
       The affair of Fae Brother is also worried about Yue-Yao.
       But if you say that you have been married for three years, you will be able to wait another two or three years.
       Things. Although it’s okay to say that my son’s marriage is late, I’ll wait for three years and then 'marriage proposal’.
       Yue-Yao did not have the good intention of Li Madam, and proposed to see this Meng Miss.
       When I met Meng Miss, Yue-Yao was very happy. This Meng family Miss is beautiful, dignified and elegant, and is the type that Fae Brother likes.
       Yue-Yao is satisfied with this, and Meng’s side also proposed to meet Fiji. This is also Li Madam personally come to the door to say that, in the meantime, Mengjia 1st Master Lian will not see Fae Brother. Fae Ji 20-year Old is a scholar. Just rushing this point makes Meng’s 1st Master not look good.
       Meng Biru, who was in 10 months last year, is now sixteen years old. After Meng Biru and Yu, the Meng family 1st Master is picking the son-in-law, but has never met the satisfaction. Meng Family 1st Master originally wanted to choose a son-in-law from the scholars in the exam after the Spring Festival, but because Li Madam is very appreciative of Fiera, Meng 1st Master does not want to miss a good son-in-law. If Fae Brother is really like Li Madam, this door can also be knotted.
       Yue-Yao found Fae Brother, and told Fae Brother about this, let Fae Ji children perform well.
       Fae Brother smiled and said: "Mother, the marriage has long been fixed. It is mine, I can't run; it's not mine, I can't ask for it."
       Meng family 1st Master met Fae Brother, talked with Fae Brother for a long time, and after finishing the conversation, Mengjia 1st Master identified the Filipino son-in-law.
       An Zhi-zhen is also very satisfied with this family. Meng’s family, Meng Taiye, is a large-scale martial artist. Meng’s 1st Master is now a position from Sanpin, and the two sons of Meng’s 1st Master are Jinshi, one is a good person, and the future is good. The Meng family will be a good help for Fae Brother in the future. As for how to say Miss, what makes Yue-Yao so much like it is definitely very good.
       Yue-Yao wanted to let Fae Brother go to see Meng Biru, look at it before marriage, so that both sides have an impression. Unfortunately, Fae Brother refused: "Mother, my marriage is just like you." His mother's eyes are so good, it must be wrong.
       Yue-Yao attitude towards Fae Brother is half-happy. I am happy that Fae Brother is now thinking about science in the exam. What is worrying is that Fae Ji heart is not good for marriage. What should I do if I have a bad time in the future?
       An Zhi-yu knows Yue-Yao worries and says without words: "You are really worried. Just playing Meng's Miss is not a brain unclear. Fae Brother can be good with her." After a pause, An Zhi-sheng said: "I see you are free, you still have to find something to do!"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Cheng, I will go out after the wedding is decided. How do you see it?"
       An Zhi does not speak.

       Chapter 594  Fae Brother 

       In a blink of an eye, it took another three years.
       Fae Brother tried the first place in the township, which is Jieyuan. In the face of this achievement, Fae Brother performed very calmly. According to his goal, this is just the first step. He still has a long way to go.
       On the evening before the exam, Yue-Yao found Fae Brother and said with a smile: "You don't have to read a book today, and the accompanying mother talks." In the past three years, more than a few Brother thought about it. However, Yue-Yao does not want him to ignore the window and read the sage book, so that it is easy to become a nerd. Yue-Yao has been paying attention to the outside world for the past two years, and often let Fae Brother go out to communicate with young students. In addition, Yue-Yao also asks Fiji to exercise in the morning and evening. Yue-Yao will have this trick, but also because of the shadow left by Lian Dongbo. Under the supervision of Yue-Yao, Fae Ji body is still very good, don't worry about fainting during the exam.
       Fae Brother nodded: "Mother, I will accompany you to the garden!" Fae Brother also knows that the next few days will be very tired, he has to recharge his batteries.
       The garden in Pingyang Bofu was very well treated and there were many flowers in the garden. As soon as he walked into the garden, Fae Brother smelled the aroma of orchids.
       Yue-Yao pointed at the orchid in the flower garden and said with a smile: "Do you know? Your Maternal Grandfather's favorite is orchid."
       For the first time, Fae Brother heard Yue-Yao mention the Maternal Grandfather: "Mother, what kind of person is the Maternal Grandfather?" Fae Brother heard others say that the Maternal Grandfather is a Famous talent.
       Yue-Yao thought about it, the sound was very light: "You the Maternal Grandfather is a very talented, very gentle person." Yue-Yao has been thinking about the past for a long time.
       Yue-Yao and Fae Brother said a long time. From Lian Dongbo, Yue-Yao own childhood, and then the fun of the Filipino triplets.
       Fae Brother listened very seriously, and asked questions from time to time. The scene was very warm. Yue-Yao watched the moon rise, and smiled and said: "Go back!" Yue-Yao deliberately said the trivial thing is to let Fae Ji relax. Although Fae Ji performance on the face of the child is well known, Fae Ji is very nervous.
       Some home but Yue-Yao
       Fae Brother first sent Yue-Yao back to the court.
       Yue-Yao went to the door and said: "Feier, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Mother had let you set such a high goal. I hope that you will have a long-term perspective. Yu Zida is average.
       Fae Brother smiled and said: "Mother, I know, you don't have to worry about me, I am fine." It is fake if you don't feel nervous. After working hard for more than ten years, it is for the title of the gold medal. But today, his mother rarely said so much to him, Fae Ji is still very novel.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You have a few in your heart. Then you go back to rest early, and you will be tired in the next nine days." Spring is playing for nine days. These nine days are not only the study, but also the physical strength of the students. With perseverance.
       An Zhi asked Yue-Yao: "What did you say to Feier?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Tell some fun things about him when he was a child, let him relax, don't be too nervous c"
       An Zhi-Xiao chuckled: "I see you nervous people." An Zhi-zhen did not see where his son was nervous. On the contrary, Yue-Yao has been tightening 7 nerves for the past two days.
       On the first day of Chunyu, Yue-Yao felt how this day passed so slowly. Yue-Yao said with An Zhi-sheng: "I have never been as uneasy in my life."
       The anchor of An Zhi-yu is not comparable to Yue-Yao. The moment he said: "You can't sit still, don't go to the  Mountains for two days!" It is good to go to the  Mountains to copy the scriptures and read the scriptures.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, just wait at home." Spring is a total of nine days, three days to test a game, after finishing a home to rest for one night, continue to test the next day. In this case, how can Yue-Yao go to the  Mountains to ask for 7 gods to worship Buddha!
       An Zhi appearance is no longer said: “It’s not a success, you’ve got a sister-in-law, and you’re accompanied by a child. The Secretary also lived in Shaanxi.” The four-year Old princess gave birth to two sons, Ping Xinrong Born a son. There are already five children in Pingyang Bofu, but the most painful thing for Yue-Yao is the sister-in-law. Others are patriarchal, Yue-Yao is a heavy female.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "No, the child is very sensitive and has no influence on the child."
       The days of waiting are particularly long, three days, it seems to be three years for Yue-Yao. After the first test, my brother went to pick up Fae Brother.
       Yue-Yao looked at the exhausted Fae Brother, let him bathe and change clothes, and then prepared a table that Fi Ji likes to eat.
       When Fior had enough to eat and drink, he climbed into bed and went to bed. On the second day, I finished my breakfast in the morning, and I took the things that Yue-Yao had prepared for him into the examination room.
       This Fiji test, the pick-up and drop-off are all gone, and Lian’s face is not exposed. In front of outsiders, An Zhi-zhen is quite calm. Only Yue-Yao knows that in fact, An Zhi-yan is also nervous.
       After Fae Ji examination, he slept for a day and night before he smiled and said: "After the exam is over, take a good rest.
       Yue-Yao looks at the appearance of Feige unshaven
       Fae Brother shook his head and said: "There is still a palace test! After the palace test, you can really relax." Although the results did not come out, Fae Brother is very confident in himself. There is no problem in the exam, but I don’t know if it is. the first. Fae Brother is more confident and can't guarantee that he is the first. There are too many uncertainties in it.
       After the test, I will wait for the results to come out. In this period, the person who is suffering is a Fiore.
       Yue-Yao began to prepare for the birth of Fae Brother. The marriage of Fae Brother is scheduled for May. This is also because the temple test is in early May, so the date of becoming a relative is scheduled to be after the palace test.
       After the test, the family is looking forward to the results of the spring. By the time the list was published, Lian’s calm and calm Ann’s stayed at home. My brother and I have a yang brother, and I naturally waited at home.
       Yang Brother ran in and smiled and called: “mother, second brother, in the first place. Hey, mother, second brother is the party of this section."
       Yue-Yao is too happy to say anything.
       An Zhi-sheng is calling: "Reward, heavy rewards." Not only the people who came to repay the rewards, but the people in the mansion have each received a monthly red envelope.
       Ke Xin knows that Fae Ji first place in the exam is a smile. At the moment, I ran to report with Zhuang Ruolan, and then said: "Mother, I want to go back." Her mother's big happy event, she must be going back.
       Zhuang Ruolan naturally will not stop: "Well, such a big happy event, it is time to go back." Fae Ji children's test is the first case, the township test is to solve the yuan, and now the test will be the yuan, if the temple test is again by the emperor as the champion That, Feifeier is the second ternary and the first person in the Yuan Family. Such a big happy event, she certainly will not stop her son to go home.
       Also excited is the Meng family. Meng family 1st Madam was somewhat dissatisfied with this marriage, but after Fae Ji had to understand Yuan, she would have no complaints. This time, Fae Brother took the exam into the yuan, and she was also happy to keep her  Mouth shut. Huiyuan, even an accident, but the top three are proper...
       Compared with the excitement of everyone, Fae Brother is the most calm one. He will be the first to try, he is naturally very happy, but Fiji also knows that he is still the last step away from his goal. Only the palace test won the first place and was completed.
       An Zhi-zheng looked at Fae Brother so quickly to calm down and prepare for the palace test. The joy in my heart is not to be said: "Yue-Yao, you are right." If it is not for six years, even if Fae Ji can take the test. Huiyuan will not be so calm. The ternary and the first are very beautiful, and they are much higher than the starting point of others, but enter the official career.
       The most important thing is the heart.
       Yue-Yao refused all the posts, only the son to prepare for the palace test, can not be distracted. In the days that followed, Fae Ji calmed down to prepare for the palace test.
       At this time, the Master came over and pointed to Fae Brother. Fae Brother is very respectful to Master Qi. In the past few years, he has benefited a lot from Master Qi. In addition, An Zhi-yi also told Fae Brother about some of the Prince' preferences.
       An Zhi idea is that even if it is not a champion. But the son is Huiyuan, and the top three must not run. Fae Brother knows a lot about the emperor, and he will be able to play it when he tries. It is a good idea to give the emperor a good impression.
       The test results came out. Yue-Yao listened to Servant and said that Fae Brother was appointed as the champion of the Emperor, and now he fainted. This surprise turned into a shock, and Pingyang Bofu became a mess.
       Yue-Yao opened his eyes and looked at An Zhi-, who was sitting at the edge of the bed, clutching the arm of An Zhi-xuan: “Fae Brother is the real one in the top, isn't I dreaming?"
       An Zhi-jian smiled and said: "It is true, we are in Sanya in Feier. Yue-Yao, our Fier has done it, it really did." The doctor has already given Yue-Yao a diagnosis. Yue-Yao fainting is a surprise, and the body has nothing to hinder.
       An Zhi-zhen also felt that Yue-Yao goal for his son was too outrageous, but he did not expect his son to do it. An Zhi-zhen feels that he has such a good son and he has completed his life. Yue-Yao, I knew that I was not dreaming, and asked: "What about Fier?"
       An Zhi said with a smile: "Fi Brother is still in the palace, not coming out so fast. Yue-Yao, I have already told you to go down, and after the big day, Feifeige is married, we have a ten-day and ten-night running seat in Pingyang Bofu. .
       Yue-Yao chuckles and says: "As you like." In the usual Yue-Yao, I certainly can't agree, but now I am happy, and the banquet for ten days and ten nights is nothing.
       Ke Xin knows that Fae Ji champion is also very happy, but he is much calmer than the previous Fae Ji exam. It’s not that you can count it, but under normal circumstances, the yuan will be the champion.
       Min Brother’s mood is somewhat complicated, happy and somewhat emotional. I remember that he did not agree with the mother-in-law before, but it turned out that he was wrong.
       Ke-Xin came home and knew that Yue-Yao was fainted because she was too surprised. She was worried: "Mother, what does the doctor say?" Older people can't be overjoyed, but Xin is very worried about Yue-Yao body. Although Yue-Yao has no pain in these years, but it is older, and many things have to be noticed.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "It is also the time when the Secretary is too hard to work. It will be fine after a break." For more than a month, Yue-Yao has been holding his heart, so he will be overly fainted.
       In the evening, Fae Ji returned. The first thing that Fiergo went home to do was to kneel in front of Yue-Yao and give the two people a head. Without parents, there is no such thing as his day. Well, to be exact, without him, there is no such thing as he is today.
       Yue-Yao is very happy, this happy tears came out: "Get up, cool on the ground, hurry up." Finished, helped Fae Ji get up.
       Yang Brother went to the hands of Fae Brother and said: "Second brother, you are amazing."
       He is also proud of the brother of Fae Brother.
       But Xin smiled and walked to Yue-Yao, and said: “mother, 2nd Brother for a day, definitely hungry, let's have a meal!"
       The third day after the test of the temple was the day when Fier was married. As the saying goes, there are four joys in life: the long drought is a rainy day, the hometown is known, the house is a night, and the gold medal is the title. In a few days, Fae Brother took up two different things.

       Chapter 595 Ming zhu 

       Ming-zhu came back to socialize and had a tired face.
       Qinqin whispered: " Madam, what about the 2nd Miss today?" Ming-zhu This time, the company frequently went out for the wedding of the 5th Young Master.
       Ming-zhu shook his head: "Let's see it again!" There are more sons, and it is too tired for the son to pick a ‘Madam’. Cough, I knew that I wouldn't have been born so much.
       A Servant walked in hurriedly, his face full of smiles. When I saw Ming-zhu, I said, " Madam, Anjia 2nd Son was hand-picked as the champion."
       Ming-zhu asked: "Is it true?" When the Secretary went out, the hottest topic was that Anfei would try the first place. Everyone is speculating whether Anfei can be appointed as the No. 1 pick by the Emperor. If An Fae is appointed as the No. 1 by the Emperor, then An Fae is the ternary and the first person. Sanyuan and the first, that must be Famous in the world, the future career will certainly be smooth, this point can be seen from the precedent of Zida.
       There are three yuan and the first name in the body. Yu Zida career is very smooth. It took only fourteen years for the company to become a book. The only pity is that Yu Zida was hurt by the early years of his life. When he was young, he was not revealed, and all the sequelae of age were revealed. This led to the fact that Yu had to resign in six years ago, and it was not possible to do so for up to ten years, so that the ability of Zida could sit in the position of Zaifu.
       Servant nodded: "It's true, it's posted on the list."
       Ming-zhu performed calmly and said: "Know it, go on!" In fact, when Fae Brother won the first place in the test, Ming-zhu had already guessed that the top of the section was eighty-nine. Fae Ji is gone. Without him, from the entrance examination to the present, Fae Brother is the first, it is impossible to try the chain in the temple, so she is not too surprised.
       Ming-zhu thought about it, went to his own warehouse, and picked a heavy gift. This thing is ready to be sent to Ficoll.
       In the evening, Nu Yang-hui came back, and Ming-zhu told him that Fae Ji child was in the middle of the Yuan. Ming-zhu actually deliberately said this, because even if she did not say, such a big thing Nu Yang-hui could not have known.
       Nu Yang-hui sighed: "Things have been going on for so many years, why are you worried about it!" Nu Yang-hui knew that Ming-zhu had always been mindful that his father had set the family's affair with no consent.
       Ming-zhu face is also not good-looking: "Don't I care? If Maiden-shi is a good one, I naturally won't say anything. But look at it, what kind of ‘Madam’ is this to Ying Rui? How many things have happened?"
       Nu Yang-hui coughed a little and said: "You haven't seen it that day, and it was good at the time." In fact, Nu Yang-hui felt that Maiden-shi had some shortcomings, but the big face was still no problem. Ming-zhu, this mother-in-law
       It is too high for the daughter-in-law. Of course, these words are just a matter of thinking in the heart. They are not determined to say it. They have to quarrel.
       Ming-zhu put the words of Nu Yang-hui back: "I don't like it, can I not come back?" The marriage is fixed, and it is not a good idea to resign without any reason!
       Nu Yang-hui said helplessly: "Now the grandson has it. What do you mean by saying this?" At the beginning, when he asked if he did not ask, it was wrong to set up the family of Ying’s family. But this is the end of the matter. It doesn't make any sense anymore.
       Ming-zhu is gloomy and no longer speaks.
       Nu Yang-hui said: "You pick more good things and send them to your home." Anjia has such a rare talent and must have a good relationship.
       As he said, the outside Servant came in and said: " Master, Lao Taiye, please take a look."
       Ming-zhu didn't talk. Since she married, she didn't deal with the cow Lao Taiye. Later, the marriage of the cow Lao Taiye to the top of Ying Rui was to make Ming-zhu angry to the extreme.
       Nu Yang-hui said two words to Ming-zhu and went to see him. The five-entry house is big, but as the son grows up, the five-in-one house is not enough. Therefore, the Niujia spent a high price to buy the house next to it, and the back garden view of the house was very good. The cow Lao Taiye liked it and moved.
       The cow Lao Taiye did not take long after the new emperor ascended the throne. The cow Lao Taiye is not the same as Li Guozhen. Li Guozhen is the one who holds the nine sons, and the cow Lao Taiye has always been a neutral school; therefore, after the emperor was enthroned, he abdicated to the sage and did not recruit the eyes of the emperor.
       Nu Yang-hui had some resentment against the cow Lao Taiye because of his mother's affairs, but after so many years, this resentment has long been put down: “how are you today? Is there any better?" When I am older, I have a lot of problems. Cow Lao Taiye was cold for the last two days, and now he is taking medicine!
       Niu Lao Taiye nodded and said: "Well, it's much better. Huier, I heard the following people say that the two sons of Anjia were appointed as the champion by the Emperor. Is this true?"
       Nu Yang-hui nodded: "It is true, ‘Laughs’ ."
       The cow Lao Taiye was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I didn't expect to have this kind of creation." Sanyuan and Di, that is the height that the readers dreamed of reaching. An family has a person like Fae Brother, and it is definitely a great virtue on the ancestors.
       Niu Lao Taiye was not willing to let Yingrui be fragrant, but he didn't like Xinxin, but he didn't want to get married with Anjia because An Zhi-zhen was a general. The Niu family is a scholar, and the noble Lady-Noble Lady family will not only help but will delay. Luo Ming-zhu is presented with a marriage, he can't stop it, but he can't let his grandson make another honour the daughter of Noble Lady's family.
       Nu Yang-hui knows why the cow Lao Taiye played the Peng family Miss in the past: "Yes, who can think of Anfei can Lian in the three yuan?" In fact, Nu Yang-hui is not willing to let the eldest son sing, because of the cow Lao Taiye thinks the same. It’s just that he doesn’t know Ming-zhu, so he wants to let go first, and wait until the child is older.
       Cow Lao Taiye is looking for Nu Yang-hui to come over, but it is not to show his regret. In fact, the cow Lao Taiye did not regret it. At that time, who could know that Anfei could make a three-yuan in Lian: "Your daughter-in-law has a close relationship with Lian-shi, and Ying Rui is not a close friend of this generation, but the next generation can still be married. "Boo Lao Taiye means that Yingrui children can be married to Anfei children."
       Nu Yang-hui shook his head and said: "This is not a good thing." Ming-zhu would like to be a child with Yue-Yao, but the two are boys except the other, but naturally there is no way to get married. The son's generation is hopeless, but the grandson's generation still has great hopes. As a result, Ming-zhu proposal was rejected by Yue-Yao. The reason for Yue-Yao refusal is very simple. She said that it is enough to control the marriage of her children. The marriage of grandchildren is decided by their parents. She will not intervene.
       Cow Lao Taiye listened to this, and it was silent for a long time. Finally, he said, "Lian is the case, then forget it. Let Ying Rui contact with Anfei in the future and make a good relationship." Good daughter-in-law and Lian The relationship between Shi and Shi is like a sister, so it is not a big problem for Ying Rui and An Fae to make a good relationship. Other things, look at Ying Rui own.
       Nu Yang-hui nodded: "I am relieved, I will be Ruirui." Nu Yang-hui knew that the relationship between Yingrui and Anfei had always been very good, but later Luo Taiye did not want Yingrui to contact with Anfei Brother. rusty. There is a relationship between Ming-zhu and Yue-Yao, and when I was a child, Ying Rui and An Fae should have a good relationship. It should be very easy.
       When he slept, Nu Yang-hui said this to Ming-zhu.
       Ming-zhu was silent a lot and then said: "This is not so easy."
       Nu Yang-hui shook his brow and asked, "What's wrong?" He thinks this is not difficult. Why is it not easy?
       Ming-zhu eyes are exhausted: “The relationship between Ari and his Brother was really good, but since the Master did not let A Rui and An Jia more, the two children were already unfamiliar, even if I went back to Capital City, There is nothing to do with it, and at most it will be a sentiment."
       Niu Lao Taiye will not let Rui Brother and An Jia more exchanges, and let Rui Brother keep a distance from them. The 3rd Brother are not fools. On the contrary, the three children are very savvy. They did not see the attitude of Ying Rui to their alienation. The 3rd Brother of the Brother are also very arrogant people. Yingrui plays with them and naturally does not climb the price to climb Yingrui. Of course, Yingrui has nothing to offer for them to climb.
       Ming-zhu came back shortly after discovering it, but when she came back, everything was a foregone conclusion, and it was impossible to change it. Ming-zhu wanted to let the 2nd Brother and Brother have a good relationship with Anzhen, but the result was that they couldn’t get together.
       Ming-zhu said: "Let's go with the flow!" Ming-zhu naturally hopes that her son can make good friends with Fae Ji, but she understands that this kind of thing can't be forced, even if she has a good relationship with Yue-Yao, but Yue Yao does not interfere with his brother. As for the Anzhi, because of the things that the cow Lao Taiye did, An Zhi-yi did not like the cattle.
       Nu Yang-hui smiled bitterly.
       Ming-zhu looked at Nu Yang-hui 7 looks and knew that he was upset. He said with a smile: "In fact, the most annoying thing is the Min -home, not us."
       Nu Yang-hui feels a lot better: "Indeed, the family estimates that the intestines are remorseful." If the family did not refuse the family on the same day, the ternary and the first son-in-law were properly.
       Ming-zhu snorted: "I also said that Fae Brother is eager to eat swan meat, which will make them self-sucking." Ming-zhu has dealt with the family of the family several times, especially those who are tired of their family. Isn't it the first assistant emperor, and not everyone is the first assistant emperor, do you have the attitude of always being tall? Watching is annoying.
       Nu Yang-hui exclaimed; "In fact, the most powerful thing is Yue-Yao." Others don't know, he and Ming-zhu know very well that Fae Brother can be the biggest hero of Lian in the three yuan is Yue-Yao. It can be said that without the teaching of Yue-Yao, there would be no achievements of Fae Brother today.
       Ming-zhu listened to this and said: "When I was in Jiang-nan, she said that I was too indulgent to the children. I didn't think so at the time. Cough. Not to say, it would be annoying to say." I used to envy Yue-Yao. But not as envious as it is now. The son did not say anything, but he was also very filial. The most important thing is that the two sons of Yue-Yao will properly manage the ‘Madam’. Where is her, her daughter-in-law is angry with her, and her son is helping her daughter-in-law to toss her.
       Nu Yang-hui did not say anything, saving Ming-zhu and being violent.
       The next day, Ming-zhu came to settle down with a thick gift.
       Ming-zhu Every time I see Yue-Yao, I am depressed: Secretary. There were a few wrinkles on her face, but Yue-Yao looked as beautiful as the Eldest Miss in her twenties.
       Yue-Yao looked at the 7 looks of Ming-zhu, and she knew what she was thinking. She smiled and pointed at the corner of her eyes: "There is also a wrinkle here. The years are urging people to be old, and no one can escape." No one can avoid it.
       Ming-zhu said with no anger: "I seem to say how much I care about?"
       Yue-Yao asked strangely: "When is your heart bigger? How can I not know?" Ming-zhu is older and has a stronger temper, especially in the past two years, Ming-zhu is often angry with a little bit of trifle. . Yue-Yao advised that many times are useless, and simply do not persuade.
       Ming-zhu sat down on the couch with hate and said, "You will hurt me!"
       Yue-Yao smiled a little: "You are here to give me a joy, but it is not to swear with me!" Although far away, the relationship between Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu has not been affected.
       Ming-zhu looked at Yue-Yao: "What is the feeling of the three yuan in his son Lian?"
       Yue-Yao said her performance yesterday.
       Ming-zhu seems to discover the general novelty of the New World: "Are you happy to faint? I thought that no matter what happened, you can be light and windy!"
       Yue-Yao chuckled and said: "Although I am very interested in Fae Brother, I also let Fae Brother aim at Zi Da.
       However, I did not expect that Fiore could really do this. "Yue-Yao was a bit too happy to be stupid. Of course, the reason for the fainting was also because the division collapsed too tightly.
       Yue-Yao married An Zhi-yu for more than 20 years, but Yue-Yao is a standard scholar. In the bones, she still hopes that her son can achieve something in the imperial examination.
       The two men talked for a long time, and Ming-zhu couldn't help but say that he was upset, and the chickens and skins in the house made her a headache.
       Yue-Yao complaints about Ming-zhu seem to have not been heard. He only said: “Playing me, you are just tossing, and it’s time to enjoy life at this age. What are you doing with trivial things? There is not much to deal with." There are many people, Maiden-shi as a long-haired, to deal with the following three uneasy minds, but also to deal with Ming-zhu, a temperamental mother-in-law, do not know how hard. Yue-Yao has always been fortunate that he has not married Ke-Xin into the cattle house, otherwise it is okay to work hard now.
       Ming-zhu also wants to enjoy the blessing, just thinking that the following two sons are still not married, she can't let go.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "As you are, even if you are old and old, you can't let go." If you worry about your son, you have to worry about your grandson. If you have no end, you can let go.
       Ming-zhu said with no anger: "Can you let it go?"
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "There is nothing to put in. Yang Brother entered the school, and later gave it to Fae Brother. I only played for two years and gave him a satisfactory ‘Madam’." Self-owned Sun Fu, after completing the marriage of her children, Yue-Yao felt that her affairs had been finished. As for her grandson’s life, she really did not intend to take care of it.
       Ming-zhu smiled and asked: "You didn't say that before, when the three sons are married, you go out to play? Now, Fae Brother is playing a kiss, when are you going to leave?"
       Yue-Yao is actually going to go out and go. Although I often go out in these years, I don’t go far away. I’ve been away from the capital for ten days, and I’ve never been to a distant place: “You know, my son-in-law is outside Sichuan. I’m going to have a paragraph. Shisi went to Sichuan and then went to Yunnan to see. I heard my teacher said that the scenery in Yunnan is particularly beautiful."
       Ming-zhu opened his  Mouth: "Going to Sichuan, it will take at least a year to go back and forth. Is the cousin willing?"
       Yue-Yao lowered his voice and said: "I don't want to, I sneak out and become."
       Ming-zhu Fushou: "Do you think that you are still a fifteen or sixteen-year Old Miss, and sneak out?" This is where the person of the 'Grandmother' is a person who does not know that he is a minor.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "I will tell you about this, don't tell me." Yue-Yao is really going to visit Yunnan, Sichuan. These years have been trapped in the capital, the beautiful scenery painted by the teacher has not been to a place, Yue-Yao has always been regrettable.
       Ming-zhu chuckled: "Cheng, I will keep you secret." Ming-zhu did not take Yue-Yao words as one thing, that is, Yue-Yao wants to go out, and An Zhi will also refuse to let go.
       The two men talked for a long time and used the lunch Ming-zhu to go back.
       Xiang Wei came in and said: "Ming-zhu has always lived in your shadow and has not been affected. It is not easy to say it."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It seems like a horror to say it. Right, I heard it when I said something to Ming-zhu. This time, I must go out and go." Yue-Yao I wanted to go out before, but I couldn’t keep up with Fae Ji affairs, and I have been postponing the plan. Now that Fae Brother has finished the exam, and Fae Brother is getting married again, Yue-Yao feels nothing, and can go out and turn around.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "I heard it. But this news is still not for the time to let Count Bo-ye hear it, or we will definitely not be able to go."
       When Fae Brother became a relative, the one who came to Daxi almost broke the threshold. This time, not only the children’s daughter-in-law, Ping-shi, but also the princess also came out to help the guests. Of course, the princesses are all honoured by the Noble Lady's home, Madam.
       Ming-zhu vision is on Miss who is waiting for the word. She still has two sons whose marriage has not been resolved. The fifth child has reached the age of marriage, and the sixth child has to be prepared early.
       Just when Ming-zhu was worried about his son's marriage, the old five brother told her that he had a Miss, and that Ming-zhu knew the identity of Miss and his face changed.
       Nu Yang-hui is also very surprised: "Qie Brother looks at Miss's Miss? Chen's the 1st House or the 2nd House?" No son wants to play with his son, and his son is more troubled. Six sons, the first three are the fame of their own test, and then got the errand. The fourth child is still a fame, and he has not been tested for several times. Nu Yang-hui is already considering giving him a fame. And the old five and the sixth, Nu Yang-hui do not know how to say. The old five geeks are still white, and now the sixth is already a scholar. Also because Qigeer is white, and is sandwiched in the middle school, and Ming-zhu is not willing to lower the standard, so it is difficult to get married.
       Ming-zhu said with no anger: "Shen Congwen's daughter." Shen Congwen has a Di Daughter, but has been married. Now Shen Congwen has two daughters who are not married, and both daughters are married.
       Nu Yang-hui pondered a moment: "If Chen's Miss is a good one, you will follow his wishes!" The old five is not a martial art, and this life can only be a rich family. Therefore, for his marriage, Nu Yang-hui did not have too high demands. Shen Congwen is now the left-hander of the criminal department. From the official position of Sanpin, the Shu Daughter of his family is not humiliated.
       Ming-zhu squinted: "What are you talking about? You let Qigeer swear the Shu Daughter of Chen's family?"
       Nu Yang-hui said: "If Qigeer has his own interest, I will naturally not let him marry the Shu Daughter. But you also have to look at the situation of Qigeer. At this age, Lian can't take the test. You I still want him to be a big friend of the Di Daughter?"
       Ming-zhu said with a sigh of relief: "If you don't, other people families will be successful, and Chen's family will not."
       Nu Yang-hui is not a joke to let his son Miss Chen Miss, he just let Ming-zhu lower the standard. Playing is in accordance with the requirements of Ming-zhu, Qi Brother is afraid of not being a ‘Madam’.
       Unfortunately, Ming-zhu disagreed with no use, and Qi Brother called at Chen's 3rd Miss, and said that if he was not allowed to marry Chen's 3rd Miss, he would rather play bachelor for a lifetime. This matter is both Yu-Yao knows.
       Yue-Yao listened to this and said nothing. She will certainly not take care of the chores of others.
       It didn't take long for Ming-zhu to talk to Yue-Yao about this. My son must play tricks and kill people, Miss, how to say it is useless, Ming-zhu came over to discuss with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao said after a moment of indulgence: "Is it a strange singer to unilaterally look at someone Miss, or are they already having an affair?"
       Ming-zhu smiled bitterly: "It was this kid who saw Chen's 3rd Miss on the street not long ago, and then didn't know what to do. Just look at it."
       Yue-Yao is afraid of private acceptance. Since it is not this, others can discuss: "How is Chen 3rd Miss? If it is a good one, there is nothing in the mind of the stranger."
       Ming-zhu cautiously said: "You don't hate Chen's home?" In fact, Ming-zhu also let people inquire about Chen's 3rd Miss, which is good in all aspects, and looks good. The fly in the ointment is a slap in the face, of course, Ming-zhu also knows that if it is a smashing out, Qi Brother is definitely not playing.
       Yue-Yao smiled out: "I have forgotten everything about 1800 years ago." The move was due to the fact that Yue-Yao withdrew, and he had a reputation for ungratefulness. If the new emperor is enthroned, he will be idle at home. As for Shen Conghao, the resignation of the same year also had a great impact on him.
       The reputation of Yue-Yao is getting bigger and bigger, and there is no way to dissipate things in the past. This has become a stain that Shen Conghao can never erase. Even if Shen Conghao has to learn again, his reputation will be detrimental, and his career will not be smooth. Therefore, in these years, Shen Conghao has been an outsider and has not returned to Capital City. Therefore, the most promising thing for Chen’s family today is Shen Congwen.
       Ming-zhu breathed a sigh of relief: "I still worry about your heart. Since you don't care, I will go to Chen's house in two days." The two families are quite the same, and the other is the Shu Daughter. Parents should have little problem.
       As Ming-zhu expected, Chen’s family quickly promised this marriage. When the two parents decided to leave, Yue-Yao also used to eat wine.
       Yue-Yao looked at Maiden-shi, who was transferred to Chad, and Ming-zhu said: "Maiden-shi is actually very good. You raise your Maiden-shi and suppress the following daughter-in-law, your home. There will be a lot of right and wrong. You don't have to worry about the whole thing all day." Because of the fact that Maiden-shi can be used as a substitute, Yue-Yao often helps Maiden-shi to say good things.
       Ming-zhu Although the temper is a little big, but there is no bad thoughts, and it will not deliberately toss a daughter-in-law or something, not like the other mother-in-law who likes to give her son a daughter-in-law. Overall, Ming-zhu
       Still a good mother-in-law. Of course, you can't compare with Yue-Yao. Ming-zhu said with a smile: "You are not ignoring things in the past." It is not Ming-zhu who boasted of his own children. Rui Brother is much stronger than Min.
       Yue-Yao naturally will not say the words of the heart, just smiled and said: "There have been things that have been going on for so many years, and now Rui Brother and Ke-Xin are both parents, and still remember what those things about Chen Sesame and Rotten Millet "After a pause, said: "Ming-zhu, you don't blame me for talking, Maiden-shi is really good. Just because it is good, you should raise her more, so that she can suppress the following 妯娌If you don't, your home will definitely be more lively than now." Just play Ming-zhu Maiden-shi support, so that Maiden-shi has enough authority, the following few sly thoughts will naturally be much less. . If you don't, it's definitely more, and Ming-zhu will be more annoying.
       Yue-Yao talks to Maiden-shi not only for his own reasons, but also Maiden-shi is really good. The sleek and chores are well organized, and Yue-Yao sighs that Ming-zhu is a good life. It is a pity that her long-haired princess is a princess. It is absolutely impossible to expect the princess to give you housework.
       Ming-zhu is caught in thinking.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Maiden-shi suppresses the following daughter-in-laws, you can have a quiet day, or you don't want to have a quiet day. Also, you have been suppressing Maiden-shi, the hardest to do. Still, Rui Brother. In addition, I don’t know if you have thought about it. You have been fighting for a few daughter-in-laws.
       Rui Brother, their brotherhood"
       Ming-zhu listened to this, his face changed and said: "I will seriously consider it." The daughter-in-law fights Ming-zhu can not care, but if it affects the feelings of several sons, she must not Tolerant.
       Not long after, Ming-zhu handed over everything on hand to Maiden-shi. Moreover, Ming-zhu is standing on the side of Maiden-shi and supporting Maiden-shi.
       The change of Ming-zhu not only made Maiden-shi feel strange, but Nu Yang-hui was somewhat satisfied: Secretary, I feel that the sun is coming out to the west.
       Ming-zhu did not take Nu Yang-hui, and said Yue-Yao to persuade her to talk about it. After the completion, Ming-zhu: Secretary: Division. Ming-zhu Although there are various opinions on Maiden-shi, one thing has not wavered. That is, the family behind this family is Rui Brother, so the daughter-in-law is naturally based on Maiden-shi. However, she found that her brother-in-law and the brother-in-law married to deal with Maiden-shi, and the purpose of the two was to compete for the stewardship. This made Ming-zhu very shocked and more and more worried that Yue-Yao told her not to be alarmist. If the ‘Madam’ of the daughter-in-law does not deal with it, it will not affect the son. In the long run, the brother relationship will certainly be alienated.
       Nu Yang-hui silenced for a long time and said: "You will move around with Yue-Yao later!" I have to say that Lian Yue-Yao is a very wise woman. In recent years, there have been many points about Ming-zhu, so that he can benefit from it.
       Ming-zhu nodded. Just after Ming-zhu posted a post to Anjia, I was going to find a Yue-Yao , and I heard that the person who sent the post said that Yue-Yao was not in the capital, and went to the suburbs.
       A month later, Ming-zhu heard the news that Yue-Yao was not going to the suburbs, but went to Sichuan with more than ten people.
       Ming-zhu thinks of the words that Yue-Yao said before, and now it is a dumbfounding. This is how old people are, and what they do.
       In the evening, Nu Yang-hui came back, and Ming-zhu told Nu Yang-hui about this. "I thought she was just talking about it, but she didn't expect it to be true. I don't know what the cousin looks like?" Let Yue-Yao go out to play, this is very clear Ming-zhu. Now that Yue-Yao sneaked to Sichuan, An Zhi-zhen is sure to be big.
       Nu Yang-hui shook his head and said: "It is not a worry to marry a ‘Madam’ who is too powerful." Well, it is still a good ‘Madam’. Although the temper is a little bigger, I definitely can't sneak out, um, it's still very worry-free.
       Ming-zhu mute is laughing.
       The heavy snow came with the cold winter, and the earth was like a layer of silver, white and snowy. A long icicle like a crystal dagger hangs in front of the raft, and Lian's breath is also turned into a white smoke.
       There is a dragon in the house of Qing Qing lian. When it enters the winter, the dragon will burn up. This will be warm and harmonious, and it will be two days with the outside.
       It didn't take long for the  Mou Shi long to the main room to ask for Qing lian.  Mou Shi Chang Cui-Shi, is the eldest daughter of Yongchang Bofu. In fact, 10 thousand Qing Qing lian did not see Yongchang Bofu, without it, although Yongchang Bofu was also hereditary, but it has already fallen, and none of the descendants of future generations have a good future. Nothing but eating, drinking, and betting. However, because of the facts of Qing Qing lian and the fact that Ning Duke House has no power, no other big-name family in Capital City will marry the Di Daughter to Ning Duke. In order to choose a good friend for his son, Yan Qing lian really tried hard. Unfortunately, Ning Duchess Dowager couldn't understand her painstaking efforts, and made her own advice to her eldest son Shao Wen to set up Cui-shi.
       Ning Li-xuan had reversed his parents for the young lotus roots in his early years. He was older, and he was also a father. It was not easy to know his parents. Especially after Duke death, Ning Li-xuan became more and more filial to his mother. The mother is in Cui-Shi, and he naturally does not object.
       Yan Qing lian bite a silver tooth, but there is no way, the husband does not stand by his side, she has no way to use more. In addition, although Cui family is unbearable, Cui-Shi personal condition is very good, not only looks good, female red needles are very good, but the ability of the housekeeper is also strong. However, because of the strong ability, the relationship between mother and daughter has always been bad.
       Cui-Shi served the  Mou Shi with breakfast, then said: "Mother-in-law, the youngest son of Jiahe Princess will have a full moon tomorrow, I want to bring my true sister tomorrow." The true sister is Cui The eldest daughter of Shishi-shi is already eight years old this year, when she goes out to socialize.
       Yan Qing lian was in a good mood. After listening to this news, I was in a bad mood. "You look at it! I am tired, you all go down!" Her most impatient is to hear the things of Pingyang Bofu, but Pingyang Bofu is like the soul, always haunting her ears.
       Cui-Shi listened to this and withdrew respectfully.
       Back in his yard, Cui-Shi personal Servant Ayuan said: "This Jiahe princess is really blessed." Generally speaking, the relationship between the princess and the Hummer is not very harmonious. For example, the big princess married to the sincerity of the emperor married to the sincerity of the emperor for ten years, not to mention the son, that is, Lian's daughter did not, not only that, she is not allowed to marry Mana, so the sincerity of the 2nd Master of the house is now empty . Like Jiahe Princess, three children and two women are the first in the family.
       The Princess of Jiahe is not only able to live, but also loves to marry and marry. It is also very harmonious with her father-in-law. Now she has been erected as a model.
       Cui-Shi whispered: "There is a blessing in the marriage to Pingyang."
       A round nodded: "This is true. Young Madam, a member of the Pingyang Bofu, has one birth in a year or two. Now there are eight small gongzis in Pingyang."
       Cui-Shi  Mouth corners through a bitter smile: "Pingyang Bofu several masters except the main room, there is no Concubine Tongfang, one year is normal." Cui-shi also has a female one child. The daughter's true sister is twelve months older than her son, Bo Brother. In other words, Cui-Shi was pregnant after the month.
       Cui-Shi is not unaware that the birth of a child and pregnancy is very harmful to the body, but unfortunately no way. My mother-in-law is dissatisfied, Small Concubine Tongfang is stunned, her family is not strong, she only has a son to stand in Ning Duke. Fortunately, her body is well-founded, and the child is healthy and healthy, but she has lost money in her body and has not been able to conceive it until now.
       A circle is the confidant of Cui-Shi. Seeing the appearance of Cui-Shi immediately shifted the topic and talked about going to the princess's banquet.
       Cui-Shi called the real sister, and took two sentences, then let her go back and prepare. There will be quite a lot of moon banquets tomorrow Madam is the past. The true sister gave a good impression to everyone and would benefit the future 'marriage proposal'.
       Cui-Shi came back to see the Qing Qing lian on the second day of socializing, and said the things he met at the banquet in detail. In fact, there are very few people in Pingyang in Capital City, not to mention that Pingyang’s uncle, Madam, is traveling outside, that is, the 2nd Young Masters of Pingyang’s House and the 3rd Young Masters have taken up their duties. Not only that, but his ‘Madam’ and children have also taken the job.
       Qi Qing lian heard the calmness of the banquet and suddenly lost interest.
       A Yuan returned to his yard, and some of them: Secretary: "Master, why Madam is so concerned about Ping Yang Bo?" Really can't understand.
       Cui-Shi did not explain to Ayuan. Some things are understandable. I don’t have to explain it to others. Cui-Shi was also observed after a long period of time, only to know that her mother-in-law was paying special attention to the affairs of Pingyang Bofu. At the beginning, she was also very satisfied: Secretary, but when the director was up, she could roughly guess the reason. My mother-in-law and Pingyangbo Madam were both called Jingcheng Shuangyu, and their mother-in-law was not a deserving person, so they paid special attention to Pingyang Bo Madam.
       Think of Pingyang Bo Madam, Cui-Shi is also somewhat envious. Husbands who are single-minded and self-satisfied, bright and filial children, and achievements in the painting world, can be said that women want to play her.
       It was at this time that Mimarmaid Chen of Cui-Shi came in.
       Cui-Shi looked at Chen Mama 7 looks, and she knew that there was nothing good: "What happened?"
       Chen Mama said with a bad face: "The master, Hua concubine is afraid of it." With this, naturally, I am pregnant.
       Cui-Shi face is a bit ugly. If there is other Concubine, Cui-shi will not have such a look of 7, after all, her husband already has a blind man. It’s just that this Chinese concubine is a special one. Although it is the Shu Daughter of the bureaucratic family, but the appearance is outstanding, not only the love of the world, but Lian, her mother-in-law is also eye-catching to this Chinese concubine.
       Cui-Shi thought for a moment and said: "Since she wants to hide it, she will follow her. You will reveal this news and let You concubine and Lu Concubine know." You concubine Born ordinary, Miss of the civilian family, once Ning Noble Heir went out to see it, and then entered the door; and Lu Concubine used to be the big Servant of Qing Qing lian. These two women have also been in Ning Duke for seven or eight years, and they can live safely until now.
       A few days later, Yan Qing lian heard the following Pozi said that China Concubine fell asleep, very angry. Yan Qing lian can't be angry. The eldest son has only two sons under his knees. However, these two grandchildren are not allowed to love Qing lian. The qualifications of Changchun Sun are too bad. It is a stubborn stone. As for the grandson, it is a sick man. Yan Qing lian is looking forward to China concubine can give her a bright grandson, but the result is like this: "How is your mother? How can such a big thing not know?" It is an accident, and Qing Qing lian is in the backyard. For many years, I still don't know how greasy it is.
       Cui-Shi was allowed to blame on the ground, and after the death of Qing lian, Cui-Shi was called aggrieved. Cui-Shi is also very easy to pick up himself. Hua concubine is smart, and he has not said anything about his pregnancy for more than two months. He has tried his best to hide it. Now that I have lost my baby, how can I not blame her?
       Yan Qing lian listened to the excuse of Cui-Shi, and vomited an old blood. But there is no evidence, she can't do anything about this daughter-in-law. Of course, even if she finds evidence, she can't let her son retire. However, after this incident, Yan Qing lian became more and more disliked with this long servant.
       A Yuan felt that Qing Qing lian was too unreasonable. Lu Concubine had nothing to do with her family, Madam, but did not expect that Madam had blamed her master.
       Cui-Shi smiled a bit, the so-called ten-year Old daughter-in-law became a woman, slowly smash it!
       After the death of China concubine, Heir Shaowen's attitude toward Cui-Shi became more and more cold. Except for the first fifteenth, other times did not enter the house of Cui-shi.
       Chen Mama is called Cui-Shi.
       Cui-Shi shook his head and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. I only hope that the child and the child can be safe and secure. Others, I don't expect it." I hope that the husband and ‘Madam’ will love and love. With this expectation, unfortunately, this decade has long since expected this level of peace.
       The cold winter passed quickly, and it turned to spring. Yan Qing lian is very concerned because of the scorpion playing. When I heard the scorpion exam, although she was a little behind, she was very happy. However, when I heard the four gongzi exams in Pingyang Bofu, and the rankings were relatively high, more than forty, the mood of Yan Qing lian was not good.
       The most disgusting person in the life of Yan Qing lian is Lian Yue-Yao, no one. Yan Qing lian believes that she will not lose Lian Yue-Yao, but Lian Yue-Yao is better than her.
       Cui-Shi also felt the bad temper of Qing Qing lian, and he became more cautious, but it is undeniable. Looking at Yan Qing lian, because of the twisted face, Cui-Shi is very happy.
       The 4th Young Masters in Pingyang Bofu took the exam, and such a big happy event was naturally a banquet. Ning Duke House naturally received a post from Pingyang Bofu. After Qing Qing lian knew it, let Cui-Shi find an excuse not to play in the past. Princess House post, because the fear of hurting the princess's face is not good, but Pingyang Bofu post she is absolutely not allowed to go to the daughter-in-law.
       Cui-Shi naturally has no objection, but when he returns to his room, Cui-Shi removes the mask and his face is ridiculously smiling.
       Chen Mama has some sorrows: "Master, what can I do?" Pingyang Bo now has a good future, and this trend will be better and better in the future. Now everyone in Capital City wants to have a good relationship with Pingyang Bofu, but Duke Madam seems to have a hatred with Pingyang.
       Cui-Shi shook his head and said: " Madam is not allowed to go, can I still sneak up? It is a three-point increase." Cui-shi also wants to play well with Pingyang Bofu. relationship. Even if I still want to play, it is possible to marry my daughter to Pingyang Bofu. Unfortunately, these can only be thought of. As for the relationship between her mother-in-law and Pingyang Bo Madam, it is not bad for the two to have no enmity.
       In May, there was neither the chilly weather in the spring, nor the smog and laziness in the midsummer. It was the most comfortable season of the year.
       At this time, Ning Duke House, Qi Qing lian just sat down again, the whole person was restless. Cui-Shi is standing on the side and silently.
       After a while, a Servant came in cheerfully: " Madam, 2nd Master is back, Madam, 2nd Master is at the second door." The second master of Duke House is the second of Qing Qing lian. son. Before I put it out, it has finally come back after eight years.
       Yan Qing lian quickly went out, just saw the son with his daughter-in-law and his grandchildren.
       Ning Shaowen grew very well and inherited the advantages of Ning Li-xuan and Yan Qing lian. As for this handsome appearance, and the talents are outstanding, I didn’t know how many young Miss I attracted. Therefore, the Di Daughter Min -Shi of the 4th House was discovered.
       The scene of a mother's filial piety touched everyone present. It was Cui-Shi, and they all dropped a few tears.
       Yan Qing lian took Ning Shaowen and said it for a long time, and finally said: "This is what it looks like, it has to be patched."
       Cui-Shi looked at the ruddy complexion and did not know the more refined 7 God's Ning Shaowen, I don't know what it is. In order not to let her see her strange, Cui-Shi bowed his head. Converging good mood, Cui-Shi smiled and said: "Mother, the second uncle is tired, let the second uncle and his brother and sister go to wash, wait for a break and then slowly say."
       Yan Qing lian only took tears, let Ning Shaowen go down, and then turned around and let Cui-shi go down.
       Cui-Shi did not say anything, and withdrew. After returning to the yard, A Yuan gave Cui-Shi. Since knowing that Ning Shaowen has come back, Cui-Shi has been living. Working hard for more than half a month, there is no good word, only the bones in the egg.
       Chen Mama whispered: "2nd Master is back, afraid that the house is not peaceful." Ning Duke Heirwen is not a martial art, everything is mediocre and not outstanding, and can not be loved by Qing lian. The second child, Ning Shaowen, is the opposite. Not only is the appearance superior, the literary talent is good, but also the Qing lian is very fond of.
       Cui-Shi listened to this brow and frowned to catch the flies. Cui-Shi does not like Ning Shaowen. In the past, in Capital City, spending money was like running water. Everyone else is sending money to the house. In the past seven years, Ning Shaowen not only did not get a share of money at home, but also played with the state government every year to make up for him, which made Cui-Shi very disliked.
       Cui-Shi said: "I don't want to talk about it later." What about dissatisfaction? The public servants are all hurting and petting. If she dares to say a few words, the days will definitely become more difficult than before.
       On the evening of the same day, Min -Shi brought a gift to Cui-Shi thank you. Cui-Shi smiled and said: "You are too polite to your younger brother. After such a long road, it is a good rest." Min -Shi is very good, knowing the book, the female red needle line is outstanding, The literary talent is also good, but there is a deadly place, that is, the appearance is general. Ning Shaowen is like a beautiful woman, so the marital relationship is not very good. Min --shi is now the same as Cui-Shi, only one child and one woman, but the family is not as good as Cui-Shi, the backyard already has four shi-zis.
       Two said a few words, Cui-Shi said with a smile: "Brother and sister quickly go back to rest." Qing Qing lian likes Min -Shi. In the past, when he was in the capital, he often helped Cui-Shi in front of Yan Qing lian, and Cui-Shi also accepted her feelings.
       Ning Shaowen did not have any outstanding achievements in his appointment. Although he had been outside for more than seven years, he only rose to the first level. Now he has entered the Ministry of Industry and is a member of the five-member staff. The knife made by the family.
       After Ning Shaowen returned to Capital City, the expenses of Duke House increased significantly. Cui-Shi wrinkled every time he saw the book. Can't talk to Yan Qing lian, can't tell her husband.
       Ning Shaowu did not care, and even reprimanded Cui-Shi fell into the eyes of the money. However, when the a Mount heard is getting bigger and bigger, Ning Shaowen’s expenses are as much as the entire Duke half-month expenditure, and Ning Shaowu face is not good. It’s okay to go beyond it. Ning Shaowen did this and was planning to move Duke House!
       Although Ning Shaowu is not qualified for Ning Shaowen, but he is not a fool, knowing that his mother is bias, so he directly told Ning Li-xuan about this matter.
       Ning Li-xuan listened to Ning Shaowu words, and immediately checked the account. After reading the books, Ning Li-xuan’s face was dark. After Ning Shaowen came back in the evening, not only did he reprimand Ning Shaowen, but he did not allow Ning Shaowen to pay money from the public. If Ning Shaowen wants to buy something, he will find a solution.
       After Qing Qing lian knew about this incident, he did not say anything on the surface, but in private, he added a lot of money to Ning Shaowen, and his attitude towards Cui-Shi became more and more bad.
       Cui-Shi gave Qing Qing lian a request on this day and found that Qing Qing lian was in a very good mood. She did not have any martyrdom for her, and her heart was very strange. Waiting for the service -shi, back to his yard, let people ask what happened, so that Qing Qing lian is so happy.
       Chen Mama will soon tell the news that Cui-shi: "A lot of people witnessed the 4th Master of Pingyang Bofu and the Miss of Wu family sleeping on a bed. Now because of the outside This matter has been rumbling."
       Cui-Shi asked: "Which Wu family is this Wu family?"
       Chen Mama said: "It is the home of Young Madam in the four houses of Pingyang. This Wu family Miss is the cousin of Young Madam. It is ranked seventh. It is a slap, and it looks like a demon. It’s enchanting. But I see that this 4th Master is a good way for people.” As for the conditions of the 4th Master, you can’t find out what kind of character you can’t find, and you need to hook up your ‘Madam’’s cousin.
       Cui-Shi smiled and said: "I don't know how to deal with the family?" Even if you know that it is calculated, you can settle down the people house in the 4th Master, and you must be responsible.
       Chen Mama whispered: "It must be admitted to the door." This 4th Master is a career, and does not want to be criticized, it must be accepted.
       And Qing Qing lian is still a pity at this time, why is it calculated that Anyang, if Anfei gives the calculation, then it can really set off the arrogance of the family.
       Pingyang Bo four sons, the most promising is An Fae. The question that Anfei answered when he was in the temple test was very popular with the emperor, so he was later a Chinese bookmaker. In the middle of the book, people are actually beside the emperor, helping the emperor to draft the imperial edict. Don't think that drafting the sacred is a simple job, which is particularly tempered. Anfei was in the emperor's side for three years, and he was very fond of the emperor. However, after three years, Anfei was released outside, and he was released for six years. Last year, he was transferred back to the capital to serve as the left minister. Zuo Shi Lang is a three-pronged product, and the 31-year Old Zheng Sanpin is also rare in the Da Yuan Family. The starting point of Anfei is too high, and everyone can only sigh two words even if they are hot. When Anfei was transferred back to Capital City, An Zhi-zhen withdrew and passed the title to Anzhen. An Zhi-hao did not want to block his son's road. After all, if he still holds a heavy hand, even if the emperor does not say anything, the courtier also has opinions.
       In the next three days, Qing lian got the news and knew that Wu Miss was carried into a home by a pink car. Yan Qing lian chuckled: "It has always been said that Anjia family is good, and now the family is also very lively." Qing Qing lian did not believe that the men of Anjia are so clean and self-satisfied, but they are being controlled.
       As the young Qing lian expected, the Wu family Miss will not be peaceful when they settled in the house, but also the Li-Shi moved the tire.
       In the absence of two days, Yu Qing lian was stunned and laughed. Without him, Ning Shaowen saw a clearing of the peony. If you just play on the spot, you will spend some money, but Ning Shaowen will take this clear as Concubine. This is not only Min -shi does not agree, that is, Qing Qing lian is not willing. Unfortunately, this is not determined by the wishes of Qing Qing lian. Mou Qing-lian Min Min -Shi is not willing, Ning Shaowen will redeem the person, and then placed outside.
       Ning Shaowen’s confidential work was not done, and the redemption of this was not known to the people of Duke for three days. After Qing Qing lian knew about it, it was fainting. However, for the sake of his son's future, he could only suppress the Min -Shi and took it to the house.
       It’s a last resort for Yan Qing lian to do this. I know that if this incident is exposed and impeached by the imperial history, Ning Shaowen’s official position will not be guaranteed.
       When people come in, it is natural to see you. Looking at the woman lying on the ground, Yan Qing lian said coldly: "Look up?"
       The woman made a nap and then raised her head.
       This woman does not have the national color of the sensation that Qing Qing lian imagined. Although her appearance is outstanding, the two of Lian Ning Shaowen concubine are not inferior to her. However, this woman's appearance of a pitiful little white flower, it is very able to evoke the man's pity!
       Yan Qing lian wanted to kill this woman immediately, but unfortunately just after the idea, I heard the outside Servant exclaimed: "2nd Master."
       Ning Shaowen saw his favorite woman squatting on the ground and sighed with relief. He immediately squatted on the floor and said, "Mother, the child is a poor man. Mother, let the pity stay in the house? Let the pity I stayed at the mansion and could talk to my mother later."
       Yan Qing lian listened to this and almost spurted out an old blood. She has a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter, when is it time for a woman in a brothel to talk to her? Yan Qing lian experienced many twists and turns in her life, but her arrogance did not diminish. in contrast
       Pay attention to these. However, Qing Qing lian is a smart person to play, when the son must be playing.
       Yan Qing lian agreed to leave this pity Miss to give only one of the Servant's identity.
       Because of the too many unbearable things she experienced, she knew that if she did not agree with Ning Shaowen at this time, she would not be allowed to lift this pity Miss Concubine
       Ning Shaowen looked at Qi Qing lian's 7 looks and knew that there was more to say, and it was impossible to leave Lian's pity.
       This pity Miss was born in a brothel, where is the brothel, a place dedicated to teaching women how to hook a man. And Min -Shi is everyone show, how can you get used to this miserable Miss? The second day of the pity Miss entered the government, Min -Shi found a mistake, people are responsible.
       As a result, the behavior of Min -Shi annoyed Ning Shaowen. With not much Ningshao Wen Min shi hands, no matter how Ningshao Wen is also a scholar, but he was scolded Min women's shi is poison.
       Min -Shi is so angry. Then I watched Ning Shaowen carefully hold the pity Miss out, and then I couldn't help but faint.
       Yan Qing lian got the news, so angry that Ning Shaowen went to the ancestral tablet, and then went to appease the Min -Shi. In fact, Min -Shi began to love Ning Shaowen, but Ning Shaowen did not like her, she has been cold and faint, even if she is still talented and still loves those beautiful flowers Concubine. Gradually, Min -Shi thoughts on Ning Shaowen are also weakened, and he is concentrating on cultivating his son. But this time Ning Shaowen has violated the anti-scale of Min -Shi, and the family is clear-Noble Lady's family, not to mention a woman who is commensurate with a brothel, she just said a few words she felt dirty. Ning Shaowen doesn't like that she likes those beautiful women. But Ning Shaowen has scolded her as a poison woman for a brothel woman. At this point, Min -Shi has completely died of Ning Shaowen.
       The days are not too slow, and it’s been half a year.
       Yan Qing lian is thinking about how to deal with this pity, and then heard the following Servant come and sue: " Madam, pity is dead."
       Yan Qing lian's face changed greatly: "How is it dead?" Shao Wen used this pity as a baby, and it hurts. This fresh energy has not passed, and now Shao Wen can stop.
       Yan Qing lian made a thorough investigation, and the result was that the Miss Confubine Mei-shi was born to Ning Shaowen. Mei-Shi is also very simple to play with the pity. In the past, 2nd Master only loved her, but since this pity has entered the house, the miserable Miss has not entered her room again.
       Unfortunately, the result of Yan Qing lian’s investigation is not accepted by Ning Shaowen. He stubbornly believes that the murderer behind the scenes is Min -shi, as for the poisoned plum concubine must have been instructed by Min -Shi. An accomplice.
       Min -Shi looked at the angry face of Ning Shaowen, sneer: "2nd Master said that it is my medicine, but also 2nd Master to come up with evidence." How can she agree with the white water splashing her a cold water? .
       Ning Shaowen said coldly: "People are doing it, and the sky is watching. The sins you committed yourself will be repaid one day sooner or later."
       Min --shi smiled on the face, the smile was full of sarcasm: "Yes, good and good to report evil and bad news, not not reported, but the time has not arrived." If she really started, Why bother to deal with a child without any threat, she should be removed from Mei-Shi and her two sons. However, nowadays, Shi-shi has dismissed the explanation with Ning Shaowen.
       When Qing Qing lian heard this, she didn’t have the mood to help me-Shi talked.
       Because of the death of the shi-zi, Min -Shi and Ning Shaowen completely broke. After the Min -Shi only care about two children, Ning Shaowen as air. Ning Shaowen is also disliked with Min -Shi, and then does not enter the house of Shi-shi.
       Cui-Shi saw that the 2nd House was like this, and there was no gloating, but it was particularly sad. The real thing is that his father must have his son: "Sister, she has drilled the horns." With 2nd Master, it is like this, and it is still time to lose.
       Chen Mama whispered, "Yes, two-Young Madam is very disadvantageous." The 2nd Master, who had died in the past, showed a deep feeling of love. This is not yet two months. A beautifully beautiful Servant played hot. Such people are really disgusting. However, it is said that Ning Duke family style is not good, not only the 2nd Master is a turbulent, but also their Noble Heir.
       Cui-Shi smiled a bit and whispered: "There are several men in the world who don't steal."
       Ning Duke House is noisy, and Pingyang Bofu is not too much. Anyang is a little soft because she is a younger son. It is precisely because of this that the human way will be born. However, since Wu Qi Na entered the government, Pingyang Bofu had two heads in three days. In the past, it was just a small fight, but now it is a life. Wu Qi accidentally aborted, and the seven-month Old tire fell. The children have already formed, it is a male tire.
       Wu Qi knew that he had fallen into a formed male baby and was noisy.
       The idea of ​​a man is different from that of a woman. When the day of the Japanese security, he will agree to Wu Qi entry. One is because An Zhi reputation is to protect Anyang. If the imperial history is impeached, Anyang’s official position is not guaranteed. Not a rare thing.
       When An Zhi-yi returned to the mansion, he heard that Wu Qi had lost his baby, and that he still had a male baby. Waiting to hear the poisoned hands is Li-shi, An Zhi face is a bit black, but his son's backyard is still inconvenient to intervene: "Let Yang children solve it themselves."
       The Hongda butler has gone down.
       An Zhi-zheng called a person to ask: "Send someone to the dock to see, Madam will be home in these two days." The last letter said that I could get home in three months, which has not been home for more than half a year. . An Zhi-zhen is almost mad, but fortunately, I got the news a few days ago, knowing that Yue-Yao will be home these two days.
       Follow the queue and wait.
       Anyang heard him let him deal with it, and suddenly felt big. Wu Qi bite the murderer is Li-Shi, but the evidence of Wuqi can not be found.
       Anyang finally favored Li-Shi. After all, Li-Shi was his ‘Madam’, and they already had two children. The children of Wu Qi are also calculated by her, and Anyang does not like it. Anyang just told Pozi to take care of Wu Qi, no more.
       Wu Qi hated to bite his teeth. At this time, Li-Shi came to visit her. Wu Qi said coldly: "You don't have to fake it."
       Li-Shi7 looked calmly and said: "I know that the child is not sad when she is not a cousin, but the cousin can not smother, all this is an accident."
       Wu Qi also no longer said anything, but looking at the eyes of Li-Shi is full of hate. One day, she will play Lee-shi to pay for her son.
       Li-Shi is not a stupid person. I saw the hatred of Wu Qi eyes early: "The cousin is well cultivated. If the moon is not well placed, it is a big event for a lifetime."
       Back to his yard, Li-Shi was sitting in front of the dressing table. Wu Qi birth is not an accident, it is her hand. She does not exclude her husband, and does not reject the future, but she must not tolerate Wu Qisheng's son.
       Li-Shi is called Qing shuang, the fourth granddaughter of Li Guozhen and the second daughter of Li Han. However, because of the difficulty in birth, Wu-Shi suffered a lot, so Wu-Shi did not like her, and she was always cold. Li Madam is very pity for this granddaughter, and she also has a lot of photos for her. After the green cream and sputum, because she is the same age as Anyang, Li Madam wants to give her to Anyang. Yue-Yao agreed to this marriage after seeing the blue frost.
       The family style of Pingyang Bofu is very good. This is something that many people in Capital City know. Therefore, Li Qing shuang was very happy in the day when he set this door. When she married her family, she was really comfortable. Her mother-in-law loves her, like a relative, and teaches her many things to pay attention to when she is pregnant; the above 'sister-in-law' is also very good, and her husband is considerate to her, she is The days of setting up a home are more comfortable than in the Li family. But all this was ruined a year ago.
       Li Qing shuang only hated the things of the day and hated it. Wu Qi calculated her husband, and her mother-in-law did not let her family reputation damage, but forced her to accept Wu Qi.
       Li Qing shuang’s heart-baked Mama looked at her like this, thinking that she had to smash the roots of Wu Qiu grass: “Zi, Wu Qi is a scourge and can’t stay, but can’t do it now.” At least wait for the wind to pass, do not play the front foot, the hind foot Wu Qi was gone, and one hundred  Mouths could not be said at the time.
       Li Qing shuang whispered: "It is also her luck." Not only did not have a corpse and two lives, even Wu Qi did not hurt the foundation. She also thought that at least Wu Qi production is difficult!
       Zhuang Mama hasn't spoken yet, and Servant hurriedly came over: "Four-Young Madam, Madam is back, Madam is back."
       Li Qing shuang looked a little white, she did not expect her mother to come back at this time sooner or later. It’s not a good thing for her mother-in-law to pursue this matter. The male tire that Wu Qi fell off was the grandson of her mother-in-law. On the one hand, she was a grandson, and on the other hand, she was a daughter-in-law.
       What surprised Li Qing shuang was that Yue-Yao didn't pursue this matter after he came back. Even Lian didn't ask about it. It seems that there is no such thing as Wu concubine. But Wu concubine didn't stop. After the month, I went to Yue-Yao, and even cried to her bitter son in the face of Yue-Yao, asking Yue-Yao to give her son the master. .
       Li Qing shuang’s face is already somewhat whitish. Yue-Yao and other Wu concubine, after crying, said faintly: "Now give you two choices, first, we will find you a good family, and then give you out
       Zhuangzi stayed for a lifetime or the dowry of the Qing dang ancient Buddha accompanied you to marry; second, the silicon to the countryside"
       Wu concubine The whole person is paralyzed. She came to ask Yue-Yao to give her the title and to seek justice for her son, but did not expect Yue-Yao to be this attitude: "Why? Ma Dam, that is your grandson, and your blood is still in your body. How can you be so worried?" Shouldn't Li Qing shuang be punishable? Why is it that she is punishing herself.
       Yue-Yao 7 is very cold and said: "What kind of cause, what fruit, Pingyang Bofu is not what you should enter." Since the means of coming in, you have to bear the consequences.
       Wu Qi face became more and more pale.
       Yue-Yao also didn't want to talk nonsense with Wu Qi. He said, "Give you the three-day time. If you don't answer after three days, I will send you to the village Zhuangzi."
       Waiting for Wu concubine, Yue-Yao withdrew the people in the house, leaving only Li Qing shuang. Yue-Yao looked at the 7 look of Li Qing shuang’s defeat, and said: “The things in the house are not in charge for the time being, and I will recite the 100-day “Current Mantra” for the unborn child.”
       Li Qing shuang looked at Yue-Yao. The eyes were like 7 eyes. The legs were soft and squatted on the ground. They called out: "Mother..." Li Qing shuang knew that Yue-Yao was equal to An Zhi in his position. If it was because of this that Yue-Yao disliked her, she would never have a day to turn around.
       Yue-Yao sighed softly and said: "No matter what, the child is always innocent." She went out for more than two years, but did not expect such a thing at home. Playing is the day she is in the house, she will not let Wu-Shi enter the door.
       Li Qing shuang came to live after listening to this, just punish her for the child's business, not to abandon her, Li Qing shuang said respectfully: "Yes, mother."
       Three days later, Wu-Shi was sent to the village of Zhuangzi. And this matter was quickly spread out.
       When Qing Qing lian heard the news, some did not believe and asked: "Is this really true?"
       -Pozi said with certainty: " Madam, I have already made people seriously inquired, it is true." This can't be done.
       Yan Qing lian did not expect Lian Yue-Yao to protect Li-Shi. She frowned and asked: "The reaction of other people in Pingyang Bofu?" Grandson is gone, Lian Yue-Yao does not punish the poisonous hand. Li-Shi sent the victim Wu-Shi out of the capital, what does this mean?
       -Pozi said: "I heard that the four-Young Madam of the House of Pingyang has entered the Buddhist temple, and chanting every day, there is nothing special about it." This Pingyangbo Madam is clearly the top 50 board. Of course, the punishment of Li-Shi is relatively minor, and the punishment of Wu-Shi is heavier.
       Everyone thought that this was the end of the matter, but did not expect that the 4th Master of Pingyang Bofu actually resigned, and the cadres quickly gave approval.
       Yan Qing lian got the news, and more and more did not understand: "Lian-Shi do what?" Everyone wants to see the fun of Pingyang Bofu, but did not expect the end of such an end.
       No one knows why the 4th Master of Pingyang Bofu will resign, even if someone asks the people of Pingyang Bofu, no one will say one. However, in the spring of the coming year, An Zhi-yu and Lian Yue-Yao went out to play with Anyang, and some people in Capital City seemed to understand. Of course, I also don’t understand.
       Yan Qing lian chuckled and said: "Lian-Shi is this crazy?" In order to let his son follow his side, let his son resign, this is not crazy? More than ten years of hard work, not for the future. This resignation is equal to seeing the future.
       Soon, Qing Qing lian didn’t have time to ruin the Pingyang Bofu because her daughter’s coffin had an accident. Nvwa plays with her daughter and away.
       Qi Qing lian gave birth to two sons and one daughter, and her daughter Ling Ling took a photo to the eldest son of Taichang Temple Shaoqing Qian Daren. The Lingbi married into the Qianjia family for the third year, but had an accidental abortion. Since then, she has never been pregnant. Money Madam doesn't like the coffin, but this is what the husband has decided to do, and she can't resist it. When she was married and had no son in the fourth year, she asked her son to marry her distant  Miss . After that, the coffin often went home to discuss with Qing Qing lian.
       Money Madam is very prepared for the Qing lian and Lingbi, and her shi-nu is taken to her yard. However, it was difficult to prevent her, and her shi-nu was still difficult to produce, leaving only one Miss. Money Madam, though skeptical but without evidence, is more disliked with the coffin, and she is not allowed to return to Duke House.
       After that, Qian Family’s eldest gongzi received two more rooms Concubine, but unfortunately these two years Concubine has no news, not long before there is one Tongfang Servant is pregnant, the result is a corpse and two lives. Money Madam The mastermind behind the scenes is the coffin, the evidence is conclusive, and the coffin can't resist. The original money Madam is to take the coffin off
       Or, the big man of money doesn't want the two to make it too stiff, so he uses the method of compromise.
       Ning Li-xuan does not want her daughter to leave, but the attitude of the Qian family is very determined. If Ning Duke House is not willing to leave, then it is not necessary to leave face, and directly take the coffin off.
       Ning Li-xuan finally had no choice but to compromise. And at least keep the face, but if you are taken off, you have to get Miss in the tired home.
       After the coffin came back, he cried a lot. Speaking of the coffin is also wrong, money Madam's shi-nu she can not tolerate, play is the woman gave birth to a son, plus money Madam's preference for the woman, where the money home Her foothold. But now this Tongfang really has nothing to do with her. The husband has only one woman under her knees, and she has to do it with her hands-Tongfang gave birth to the child. Unfortunately, no one in the money family believes that she is being detained.
       Yan Qing lian hated it, but now she has no choice. Just thinking about finding an opportunity for the money family to regret today's decision.
       Cui-Shi is a very forbearable person. Naturally, it is impossible to squint at the coffin and the little aunt who is away from home, and Min -Shi is a matter of nothing, so the coffin lived in her mothers life. Still quite comfortable. However, Ning Li-xuan and Ning Shaowen felt that Lingbi had been staying in the house for a long time. Finally, she chose another military commander named Zhou. Not long after the Lingbi married, the military commander of the surname Zhou was released to Nanning, Guangxi.
       Three years later, Yan Qing lian got the news of her daughter's death. "How can the coffin die? Is it impossible, how can a good coffin be gone?" Six months ago, the coffin wrote to her and said that everything was well. This is only half a year when the Secretary died of illness. Yan Qing lian determined that her daughter was killed.
       Ning Li-xuan was cold and Lian said: "The coffin is not killed, she is dying." Ning Ling went to the temple to burn incense, and the result was a gangster on the road, being ruined. I came back after I came back.
       Yan Qing lian simply did not believe this, even if Guangxi is popular, but her son-in-law is also from the officials of the four products, her daughter is out, and the guards of the Servant-Pozi, how can be ruined.
       Ning Li-xuan looked at Yan Qing lian and did not listen to it. Finally, he said helplessly: "It is indeed someone who counts the coffin. This person is the mother of Wen-shi."
       Yan Qing lian said with amazement: "Impossible, how can the mother of Shi-Shi be still alive."
       In fact, the poisoned hand is indeed the scent of the mother concubine. Bao concubine hated Lin Qing lian. She always wanted to take revenge, but Duke House was gone, but it was not one of her Concubine could shake. Perhaps it is God's will, Bao concubine is the Nanning of Guangxi, this time Lingbi with her husband went to Guangxi Nanning to let Bao concubine have a chance.
       When Qing Qing lian heard the cause, it immediately fainted.
       There is a saying that is very good, the house leaks to Lian night rain. The daughter had just disappeared, and the younger son Ning Shaowen was discounted with one leg.
       Ning Shaowen’s discounted legs are the scorpions that are behind, which is a big playboy in Capital City.
       An aunt is rampant. This time, I had a conflict with Ning Shaowen. I was defeated by Ning Shaowen’s legs in a rage.
       The people who started the work were particularly embarrassed, and finally fell into the aftereffects. Ning Shaowen walked a little embarrassed.
       Qi Qing lian heard that his son would become disabled, spit a blood, and passed out.


The end


The End End

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