Family 350

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Finely turned and went out, not long after holding a reel. This is a new wedding gift to send a ceremony, Yue-Bing is just a proxy, naturally not evasive.
       When I returned to Lian, when I was using lunch, Yue-Bing gave the scroll to the court in front of everyone. Tingyi opened the scroll, and the scroll was actually a message written by Yue-Yao. It reads: White is the first eyebrow, and Qing yang Qirui Tao Li is the same.
       After reading the instrument, Tingyi quickly asked: "Is this greeting really written by Yue-Yao?"
       Yue-Bing shook his head: "Yue-Yao said that this is her wedding gift for her second brother. I think it should be written by her. I can't take a congratulatory message from someone else as a gift!"
       Tingyi was shocked by this statement. Plum blossom is very difficult to write, and it can be learned very well, because it must not only have the basis of the word, but also grasp the angle, distance, orientation, control of the color, and also have a deep ink painting. . It is not difficult to learn well, but it is not difficult to learn all the things. Learning these things requires not only hard work but also talent. Only when you have all learned, you can set the flower into the word, and then subtly blend the word with the plum. The word plum blossom written by Yue-Yao has reached a far-sighted flower, with a close look at the word, a flower in the word, a hidden flower in the word, and a compatible level of flower characters.
       Yue-huan didn't know that there was so much attention to the plum blossoms. She couldn't help but admire: "The words written by the three sisters are really beautiful. They all say that the paintings made by the three sisters are very good. This word is not too much."
       Although Tingyi knew that the level of Yue-Yao was very high, but because he had not seen it with his own eyes, the outside of it was soaring, his feelings were not much, but now watching this word, Tingyi heart is bitter, and it is so outstanding. Mei Mei should be the pride of Lian-jia, but he almost became an enemy because of his mother's reasons, and let Yue-Yao not dare to enter the door of Lian-jia. Tingyi endured the bitterness of his heart and said: "Take this word and hang it in a new house." I used to think that Yue-Yao paintings are worth a bit of exaggeration, but now I don't want to say a painting. Yue-Yao word can be worth a thousand dollars.
       Yue-huan saw that Yue-Bing also liked the word very much, and said with a smile: "Second sister, if you like it, please ask the three sisters to write a pair of such words to you."
       Yue-Bing shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't."
       There is some doubt in Yue-huan, "Why?" Isn't it a word? Yue-Yao should not be so stingy.
       Yue-Bing sighed a little, "Yue-Yao has been in Lian for so long. Have you seen her when she sent a calligraphy to us?" Yue-Yao often sends something when she is in Lian. Give them, but they are all sent for food or jewelry, and never sent calligraphy and painting.
       Yue-huan laughed and said: "The three sisters have not yet graduated from the school. Now they are writing so well. If you want to get a picture, you should not refuse."
       Yue-Bing didn't expect, "I hope!" She listened to others saying that Yue-Yao never sent a rainbow painting, and her second brother, Yue-Bing, was the first one, Yue Bing doesn't think she can be the second one.
       The new wedding ceremony of Tingyi was sent to the past, and Zhou Yue, Yue-Yao also added makeup. Just because she is ill, I asked someone to send it. Therefore, at the wedding ceremony, no one asked Yue-Yao, because everyone knows that Yue-Yao is really sick this time.
       Xiang Wei sent the word to Yue-Yao to be very dissatisfied with the ceremony. Don’t look at this message only 16 words. Yue-Yao wrote this message for two days. It took a lot of paper, but the result was cheaper than Lian-jia. So a good word, what do you want to give to Lian Tingyi? Just picking the same thing from the Treasury and sending it over will become. "A good word, I liked Wei, but I gave it to Lian-jia."
       Yue-Yao put down the sheep's brush and looked up and said: "Send other things, you can't show your sincerity. Xiang Wei, the lonely palm is hard to beat, the court is going to take the official career, can't break the reputation, even if it is for the court, I can't talk with Lian. jia broke. And although I hate Mo-shi, but the lobby is tall, they are all reasonable people, can not Lian them because of one fault."
       Wei Wei is not good: "So, you have to fix the relationship with them?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Repairing the relationship can't be said, just don't want to make the relationship so rigid. Many things are double-sided. I don't go back for many years. Lian wedding does not participate. The outsiders will say the 1st. House is not, but the same I have the same with the court. Also, I don't want people to say that I am turning my back on my family." She hates Mo-shi and is also wary of the uncle, but never thought about it. Abandon Lian-jia.
       After silently speaking to Wei, he said: "You have a number in your own heart." Although Wei Wei hated Lian-jia, he could not deny that Yue-Yao said it makes sense. Fame is very important to a person, especially the literati is the most Famous, if Yue-Yao bears a reputation of abandoning the family's ignorance, it will be suspected by those literati who have problems with character, a bad character. People will not be accepted by those who are arrogant and arrogant. By the time, Yue-Yao paintings are no better.
       Yue-Yao did not expect that after six days, Tingyi went to The Ma House to see Yue-Yao with her new ‘Madam’. Yue-Yao heard this news, then there was a thought, what Tingyi was going to do.
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "What do you want to say about Tingyi? Didn't you hear that you are climbing along the pole?" Yue-Yao just didn't want to talk to Lian-jia people, but it is obvious that Lian-jia people don't think. They saw that Yue-Yao was loose, and they definitely wanted to pick up Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao listened to the words of Wei, and smiled. After entering the house and changing clothes, he went to the front hall to see Tingyi and Zhou Yue.
       Yue-Yao Looking at the newly married couple, a handsome and a dignified, very suitable. Yue-Yao smiled and blessed, "2nd Brother, two."
       Zhou Yue face is a little red, and their generation is actually a little chaotic. If she is on her side, Yue-Yao is her little teacher.
       When Tingyi saw Yue-Yao last time, or when he was in the examination, he saw the mood of Yue-Yao, which was completely different from the present. "Yue-Yao, the word you sent me is Did you write it yourself?” Without Yu-Yao personal recognition, Ting Yi heart was still somewhat uncertain.
       Yue-Yao was surprised, "I wrote it, what happened?" Is it that the word is not a problem, it should not be!
       Zhou Yue asked with a look in surprise: "Yong Gong, you mean the word hanging in our house, written by Yue-Yao?" The people who read the words praised it. Zhou Yue only knows that Yue-Yao is good at painting, but he does not know that the plum blossom font of that hand is also superb.
       Tingyi nodded and asked Yue-Yao, "Three sisters, I didn't expect your to write so well."
       Yue-Yao smiled softly. "This is what the teacher taught me. The teacher also said that I am stupid and slow to learn." In fact, Yue-Yao has also learned the carcass in his life, and he has worked hard for a while, but later the Master said that she The hand strength is not good, even if the learning is not well written, Yue-Yao will give up. In this life, I picked up again, and later I got the guidance of Master Yushan. The people next to them know that Yue-Yao learns things very quickly, so they have no doubts.
       When Tingyi came here, she actually wanted to let Yue-Yao return to Lian. These years, because Yue-Yao was accused in the Ma-An, Lian House. Especially with the growing popularity of Yue-Yao, he and his brother are occasionally asked about it. Every time he is asked, Ting Yi feels particularly embarrassed.
       Zhou Yue said with a smile: "Yue-Yao, when will you go back? When you go back, I can learn to paint with you."
       Yue-Yao thinks, Miss of the big family, where is really pure and harmless. Yue-Yao smiled. "I am very at ease in The Ma House. I also hurt me very much. I will not return to Lian for the time being."
       Tingyi heard the word peace of mind and looked stiff. Yue-Yao subconscious mind is that she is not at ease in Lian.
       Zhou Yue wants to marry Lian House, naturally to understand the affairs of Lian House, so Zhou Yue also knows the case of a few years ago. Zhou Yue said with a smile: "Where there is more peace of mind than my own home, Yue-Yao, you said yes?" The husband wanted Yue-Yao to return to Lian-jia, she tried to promote it.
       Yue-Yao didn't have Zhou Yue words, just smiled and took a piece of cake from the table next to it, and took a bite and said: "Two sisters, my cook is good, not only delicious, but also pastry. Craftsmanship can also be compared to the big Shifu."
       Tingyi listened to Yue-Yao words, and it was full of bitterness. It is no longer necessary to try again. Yue-Yao attitude is already clear, she will not return to Lian. For Lian, for her, that is the Longtan Tiger Cave.
       Zhou Yue ability to observe the color is very strong. When she sees her husband’s look, she no longer says to let Yue-Yao go back, but smiles and says: “Yue-Yao, I like painting when I was young, but I always paint. Ok, look at the most days, can I come over and take the scriptures with you." Frequent contact, more talk, maybe loose.
       Yue-Yao didn't want to refuse, "Say, I am sorry, I have a lot of classes on most days, I don't have time to point you out." She has to learn a lot of things and have time to teach people.
       Zhou Yue was surprised: "Classwork?"
       Yue-Yao nodded, "Well, the teacher gave me the assignments. The teacher said that the words I wrote didn't get to the heat, and the chess didn't know anything. Well, the poetry was also a mess, so I arranged a lot of classes."
       Zhou Yue opened his  Mouth and said that the word Yue-Yao didn't get to the heat. What kind of thing would be good. However, Master Yushan said that it was also Zhou Yue generation of elders. She did not dare to say anything that was not heard. She just laughed and said: "Tai Master is asking you for being really high."
       Yue-Yao reveals the color of pain, "all said that the Famous teacher is a high-ranking person, but the high-ranking person of this teacher is not so good." Yue-Yao This is really not showing off. Since the formal apprenticeship, Master Yushan’s requirements for Yue-Yao have become more and more demanding, and everything has to be Yue-Yao, and he must learn fine. Fortunately, Yue-Yao also has the heart to learn, otherwise the average person can't stand it.
       Tingyi said with a serious look: "Master Yushan is also a good one for you." The more Master Yu is more serious about the disciples, the more he hopes, the more he is too lazy to manage.
       Yue-Yao heard this and smiled: "I know."
       After Tingyi went back, she went to find Lian Dongfang and said, “Yue-Yao didn't plan to return home. Hey, what do you think?"
       Lian Dongfang took a deep look at Tingyi and said slowly: "Yue-Yao can't put down the things of the year. If you want Yue-Yao to come back, you have to let her breathe, otherwise you said How many times it is useless.” Lian Dongfang has completely rejected Mo-shi. Even if Mo-shi comes out of the Buddhist temple, he is cold and cold to Mo-shi, and the feed is still given to the daughter-in-law.
       The whole person of Tingyi is stiff. If you let Yue-Yao go down this breath, it is to blame her mother. His mother has been locked up in the temple for several years, and she is willing to let her mother suffer again." Hey, Yue Yao is now in the Ma family naturally, but can't let her marry in The Ma House? If so, then our family's face will not be put on hold."
       Lian Dong said with a blank expression: "This does not require you to worry, she wants to marry, it must be married in Lian House." Not Lian Dongfang is very confident that Yue-Yao will come back, but because Yue-Yao is If you want a face, you must marry from Lian-jia. If she is married from The Ma House, the outsider must have thought that she had fallen out with Lian-jia. Yue-Yao is free, but she does not dare to fall out with Lian-jia.
       Ting Yi was a little under the heart.
       Not long after, the good-handed plum blossoms written by Yue-Yao were also passed out.
       Someone came to the door to ask for words, and Yue-Yao refused. The reason for refusal is also very simple, Miss's things can't be circulated. Before Yue-Yao painted a painting that was not a painting, it was a self-portrait for the old man of the age, and never inscription. Whether it is a Buddha statue or a portrait of a character, it is not serious to put on the plum blossom font.

       Chapter 351 scandal 

       In the morning, the yard was filled with the smell of grass.
       An Zhi-zhen practiced in the morning in the yard, played a set of guns, and handed the gun in his hand to Akai around him.
       When An Zhi used up the breakfast, he heard a Servant come over: "3rd Young Master, Madam, please take a look."
       An Zhi-zhen went to the main courtyard. When he came out, he was expressionless. When he returned to the yard, An Zhi-wen asked Akai said:
        "How is that thing?" Fang-Shi has changed the Gengtie with Fangjia. He also gave him a square character with Fang Huan, saying that it is a pair of heavenly creations, and Fang-shi has already planned to make a small decision. If it is a small decision, it is equal to the marriage board.
       Akai looks very difficult to see. Chunyan said that after Miss Fang and the second Young Master were dyed, he deliberately checked it. I didn't expect it to be true. This Madam is also disgusting, even put a ready Made green hat for his master, "3rd Young Master, all right."
       An Zhi  Mouth slid through a touch of coldness. “When Fang-Shi wants to let the -maid come into the door, it’s like her intention.”
       After going out to Wei on this day, when I came back, I looked at Yue-Yao and smiled at the corner of my  Mouth. Needless to say, this is sure to hear the big gossip.
       I looked at Wei face and asked me what I wanted. Let Yue-Yao laugh very much and didn’t live up to Wei expectations. “What happened? Make you so excited?”
       He said to Wei Le: "Miss, I didn't tell you some time ago, Weiyuan Marquis Estate  Madam wants to tell her shi-nu to An Zhi-, Naxi, ask, Najib, all good, The next step is to make a small decision. The next marriage will be confirmed."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "What happened to Weiyuan The Marquis Estate ?" Needless to say, this small decision must have been made, that is, I don't know what the gossip makes to Wei.
       It’s not awkward to Wei Le,” the second day of Wen Ding’s second Young Master’s private meeting with Fang’s Miss, who was arrested for a current. It’s said that the 5th Miss is still pregnant with filial piety. Child. You said, is this a big gossip?"
       Rao is Yue-Yao, who knows that An Zhi-zhen is not a reluctant person. He was also shocked by this news. "Is this really designed?" If this is all designed by An Zhi-, Yue-Yao must consider Looking at the character of this person, there are many ways to not want this marriage, but it is not good to hold Lian an innocent weak woman.
       Xiang Wei did not know what Yue-Yao was thinking, "Nature is true. An Zhi return is more than that. In Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , it doesn't hurt, and Concubine also counts. He can count in the house." What kind of connections can be designed for these two people."
       Yue-Yao is relieved.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao sometimes has a strange attitude. "What about design? What do you think is that if Fangjiawu** is a good one, Weiyuan Marchioness will tell her To An Wei?” Xiang Wei feels that it’s okay whether it’s true or not. The important thing is not to be weak and incompetent.
       Yue-Yao was too scared to speak.
       Weiyuan Marquis Estate  was very messy at this time. After this incident was exposed, in order to calm down the message, it is natural to place the Fang Mi Wu Miss. However, Fangjia is not willing to let Fangwu Miss become Concubine. The good 2nd Master is also a second-class master. How can his daughter become Concubine? Fangjia invites Fang Wu to be a ‘Madam’.
       Lv-Shi is naturally unwilling, and it is no problem for her, her husband was cold and faint to her, and then married Fang Wu, where Weiyuan Marquis Estate  has her foothold. Lu-Shi is very determined, "You can, you can't decide."
       Fang-Shi was troubled by the trouble, and let the -maid -maid send Lu-Shi away. Fang-Shi pressed the temple and calmed down and asked: "Where did the 3rd Young Master go? Let the 3rd Young Master come over."
       One outside Pozi came in and said: "Return Madam, 3rd Young Master went out, as if to go to The Jingning Marquis Estate ."
       Fang-Shi gemstone nail cover almost scratched his hand, "Let him roll back." This time, nine out of ten things are the kind of ghosts. She said that this kind of servants would be so obedient, and she was waiting for her here. When this happened, she not only lost her face in Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , but her family also blamed her, saying that she was hurting her family. No face. Fang-Shi is still thinking, there is a -maid outside called: Second Young Master, you can not go in. ”
       Fang ZhiXiao has always been the party-Shi favorite, where will care about what these people say, open the golden silk vine red lacquer bamboo curtain, the North Ask for a mother to fulfill."
       Fang-Shi listened to this anger and sighed, "If you are not fulfilling, how are you?"
       Although An Zhi-Xiao and An Zhi-zhen are twins on the surface, the growth environment of the two is completely different. Since the filial piety of Xiao An, he was swayed by Fang-Shi, although he was very strict with An Zhi in the industry, but other aspects-Shi loved him very much, almost arbitrarily . As for An Zhi-, it can be seen from the fact that he can be lost by the milfmaid and was abducted.
       An Zhi head is on the blue bricks. “If the mother doesn’t agree, I’ll be on the ground.” An Zhi head is really hard, not walking, and squatting twice, the forehead has a big bag.
       The son who has been suffering from the hardship for more than ten years, for a woman to force her mother, Fang-Shi almost fainted, but she also knows that if it is really faint, An Zhi-Xiao is a filial name is sitting deal. If you bear such a reputation, you can't do it later. Fang-Shi bite his teeth: "Cheng, since you must ask, Niang promises you, but you have to promise the mother, you have to work hard, the next subject must be in the middle." An Zhi-zhen is now a Famous person, not yet tested Jinshi.
       An Zhi-Xiao nodded heavily, "Mother, my son will work hard."
       He sent away An Zhi-Xiao-, Fang Madam, really wants the meaning of the second Young Master?" This ‘Madam’ is not a good reputation.
       Fang-Shi clenched his fist tightly, "even if he didn't ask, he would have to come in." She has been forced by Lu Shi for so many years, she relies on her family to be in Houfuli. Steady foothold. Fangjia is her biggest backer, she can't turn her face with Fang.
       -Pozi is worried: " Madam, but two-Young Madam disagrees."
       Fang-Shi did not care to say: "As long as the three sisters agree, it is time to let the three sisters persuade her." She really likes this shi-nu, she will tell her to her favorite son, but I did not expect such a thing to happen.
       -Pozi didn't dare to say anything when he saw it, but he knew it in his heart. If it was Madam insisted on letting the 5th Miss to give the 2nd Young Master a ‘Madam’, the second Young Madam and Madam Will be centrifuged.
       Fang-Shi is not stupid, she has already noticed that this thing is awkward," Huan Pei and the second child have love, this thing Lian I do not know, how did the third child know?"
       The people in Weiyuan Marquis Estate  inner court who really took power were Fang-Shi, Heir Madam Yin-Shi only assisted in management. Fang-Shi wants to check one thing, the exact evidence may not be found, but it is always possible to find clues. Waiting for the party-Shi knows that this is Chunyan told An Zhi-zhen, almost spurting out an old blood.
       Chunyan is a close-fitting maid of Fang-Shi, because the appearance is outstanding and sweet, so Fang-Shi will give her to An Zhi-, on the surface is a close-fitting maid, which is essentially a warm bed. The -maid and the outer band helped to monitor An Zhi-, but did not expect to move the stone to his own feet.
       An Zhi-yu went out and did not go to The Jingning Marquis Estate , but went to see the Anjia family four Lao Taiye. Four Lao Taiye is the person who settled the 1st House, and the Marquis, who died, is a cousin.
       An Zhi saw four Lao Taiye and handed the letter of Lao Laoye to four Lao Taiye. Since Weiyuan Marquis and Fang-Shi don't want him to go out, he only has the idea of ​​playing clan.
       Four Lao Taiye is not old, not fifty years old. After reading the letter, Four Lao Taiye asked An Zhi-wei, "Have you made up your mind to go out?"
       An Zhi did not nod, but said with deep sorrow: "Four uncles, when I was six years old, I was deliberately discarded by Milkmaid in the market to let the kidnappers turn, and later begged to return to Capital City, and I was loved by 'Grandfather' and taught for years. 'Grandfather' always hopes that I can shine home, revitalize the door, I have been working hard, but now..." If you stay, leave it to Lao Taiye to think for himself.
       Four Lao Taiye naturally knows what happened recently in The Marquis Estate . In fact, he also has high hopes for this grandson. "You have to know that once you go out, you can no longer borrow the power of The Marquis Estate ."
       An Zhi-xin’s heart sneered, and the people in Weiyuan’s The Marquis Estate  would not only help him, but he would certainly give him a slap in the face, but these words can be thought of in his heart, but they cannot be said.
       An Zhi-sheng said: "'Grandfather' often tells me about the heroic deeds of the ancestors. Although I can't compare with the ancestors, I can build a career by myself."
       Four Master Dagger, "Since you decide, I will talk to your father." Although the clan has the right to decide, but he will not offend Weiyuan for the sake of peace, this matter is best to resolve it peacefully. It is.
       Four Lao Taiye returned to the backyard and saw his ‘Madam’ holding a crystal-clear pearl necklace. "Where is this?" The ‘Madam’ of the four Lao Taiye is the successor, and now she is not thirty years old. Four Lao Taiye is very precious.
       Four Old Madam put the necklace on his neck and asked: " Master, look good?"
       Four Lao Taiye coughed a voice: "Who is this sent?" Actually, I don't have to ask, but he also guessed that he was sent by An Zhi.
       Four Old Madam was born as a civilian, but the appearance is outstanding. If you don't want to continue to live in poverty, you will promise to give four Lao Taiye the successor. After listening to the words of Lao Taiye, he smiled and said: "Nature is sent by your grandson. Master, 3rd Young Master looking for you, is it for succession?"
       Four Lao Taiye nodded.
       Four Old Madam Remove the pearl from the neck and put it back in the scorpion, then lock the scorpion." Master, if you have reached the wish of the 3rd Young Master, the 3rd Young Master will thank you afterwards. Master, you must let the 3rd Young Master achieve what you want!" When her husband is so old, she will have a daughter, and Lian has no son. Naturally, she has to step up the money. As long as she has money, even if her husband is stunned, she is not afraid.
       Four Lao Taiye did not expect this grandson to be so wide, this jewel jeweler said that it was worth thousands of Silver Taels, and it became a thank you. It must be more than now. Four Lao Taiye couldn’t help but feel the heart. .

       Chapter 352 Scared (1)   

       A cluster of semi-red and green-green ivy is coiled on the wall, red in the green, green in the red, and the two colors complement each other, very beautiful.
       Yue-Yao stood under the wall and looked at it for a long time.
       Looking up at Wei, I look at the sky, um, the sky is blue, there are no clouds, so beautiful with a blue satin. Xiang Wei looked up at the neck and was sour. When she looked down, Yue-Yao was still watching it in detail. She could only turn her head and tell Xu-Yu: "Go and take Miss's paintings." I don't know if this creeper has anything to look at, really.
       After painting, I will tell you Wei: “it’s really good!"
       Yue-Yao is very content.
       Yue-Yao Just returned to Haishuyuan, there is Servant. Please Yue-Yao to Ma Chengteng's study. Ma Chengteng saw Yue-Yao, and his face was a little anxious. "Yue-Yao, today, Prince is looking for me to talk. The meaning in the words is to hire you as Ceefei." Ma Chengteng did not understand why the 4th Prince thought well. Want to hire Yue-Yao for Ceefei, this is a disaster.
       Yue-Yao face was instantly ugly, "How do you say?"
       4th Prince Ceefei is good to say, it is on the jade dish, but in essence it is just a flaw. Ma Chengteng is willing to let Yue-Yao go to be awkward," I refused, but I am worried about 4th Prince. Will enter the palace, please ask the Queen to give a marriage." Once the Queen gave the marriage, when I want to refuse, I can't refuse it.
       Yue-Yao was a little worried after listening to this. “I asked Xiang Wei to go to The Marquis Estate  to ask." She would rather go to be a nun than to be willing to do something.
       Ma Chengteng also means this. If The Jingning Marquis Estate can come forward, then the 4th Prince will definitely dispel this thought.
       Yue-Yao is busy asking Wei to go to The Marquis Estate  to ask.
       Xiang Wei is not flustered: "Miss, don't worry. If 4th Prince can ask the Queen to give a marriage, where do you need to find a Ma Daren? I think the Queen must not agree. 4th Prince only found a horse around a bend, but I didn't expect Ma Daren to refuse."
       Yue-Yao didn't even think about the consequences of Ma Chengteng's rejection of the 4th Prince. She worried that she would say: "What if my uncle agreed?" She hurt her, and she was reluctant to let her be defamed. It is a pity that Lian Dongfang will not, he may still feel that he can marry Prince is the supreme glory.
       Xiang Wei feels that this worry is more reliable. After wiping it to Wei Wei, he shook his head and said: "Don't worry, Lian Dongfang is not able to promise 4th Prince without getting the consent of Ma Daren. Unless he is a pig brain." Yue-Yao is now in the present position. In the past, it is not the Lian building that can be arbitrarily manipulated. In case he promised 4th Prince, when Yue-Yao refused, Lian's face would have no place to put it.
       Yue-Yao This is a lot of relaxation.
       After thinking about it for Wei, he said: "This way, we will post next post and go to The Marquis Estate  tomorrow." This is more secure.
       Yue-Yao Where can I wait until tomorrow, "Go now!" This matter should be resolved as soon as possible. The sooner the solution is, the better. Otherwise, she decided to sleep this evening. This is a lifetime of things, and Yue-Yao is calm, and it is still unclear in the face of this matter.
       Yue-Yao rushed to The Marquis Estate .
       Ping-Shi heard Yue-Yao words and said with a smile: "I know that this thing, 4th Prince is your talent, so I want to hire you as Ceefei. 4th Prince wanted to give the Queen a gift." Married, but was dismissed by the Queen." As a mother, the Queen is willing to marry a woman with a hard character. It’s just that 4th Prince doesn’t give up, so I’m going to talk to Ma Chengteng around the bend. As long as Ma Chengteng promised, the wood had already become a boat, and the Queen could not refute it.
       Yue-Yao forehead sweated, but fortunately, she refused. If she agreed, she really had to be a monk to avoid this marriage.
       Ping-Shi-Yue-Yao-Yao for this incident, scared face is a little pale, some sigh. Although it is 4th Prince-Ceefei, but it is also on the jade dish, the lifetime of the rich and the rich is definitely not enough, how many people can not ask, but Yue-Yao is like a flood of beasts. This is really a sentence, his honey, cream.
       Ping-Shi smiled: "Although this thing has passed, but Yue-Yao, your lifelong event should be settled. If your marriage is certain, there will be no such thing." "No matter who it is, there is no way to have Miss of the Lord."
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "Where can I find the right person." She thinks that Ann is good, but now Amway is a bunch of things. You have to find it again, and find a satisfactory person in a short time! Yue-Yao was worried about his lifelong event for the first time.
       Ping-Shi-hesitated after a moment and said: "I heard the Marquis said that He Yue has to go to the name of the younger Marquis, Weiyuan Hou third brother died at the age of fifteen. Yue-Yao If you are going out with Yue Yue, how do you feel?"
       Hey, Yue-Yao is amazed. This is a matter of getting married in the past few days. Now I have talked about the succession. This is a god-like turning point.
       Ping-Shi-Yue-Yao has no rejection, plus a strong effort," Yue-Yao, although compared with Yue Chang, but the man is not relying on the face to eat. If Yue Yue went out, there is no father-in-law Mother-in-law, there is no young uncle, and married to the past is Madam. Also, Heyue is now the official position of the five products, and maybe even earn a life for you. Yue-Yao, this marriage It’s really affordable. If you miss it, you’ll never have it again.” Ping-Shi today said these words, all of which were instructed by Luo. Luo Wei let Ping-shi and Yue-Yao explore the wind. If Yue-Yao agrees, wait for Yue Yue to go out and give the two men a marriage. In fact, Ping-Shi feels that when he is out, he will definitely go out and there will be a lot of people coming to the 'marriage proposal'. Because this family has both a lie and a face.
       Yue-Yao listened to this, blushing his face and bowing his head. After a while, he looked up and asked carefully: "Does he really go out?" Yue-Yao situation with An Zhi-, Pingping Shi-shi also understands.
       Ping-Shi is overjoyed, and how many people have been vetoed by Yue-Yao. Ping-Shi was ready to be rejected this time, but did not expect this unexpected surprise. Yue-Yao asked this, but it does not mean that she is also interested," I heard the Marquis said that Weiyuan Marquis had nodded his consent, and there should be no problem." Weiyuan Marquis agreed, the clan side also agreed, and adopted The thing is to nail the board.
       Yue-Yao lowered his head and did not speak.
       Ping-shi also guessed what Yue-Yao was worried about. "You can rest assured that if we are not going to go out, we will not mention it. If this matter is implemented, then let Yue Yue go to The Ma House to kiss, what do you think?"
       Yue-Yao is at a loss. Yue-Yao This performance is not loaded, but really a bit flustered. It’s one thing to think that An Zhi is a good thing. Now it’s another thing to say that it’s a close friend.
       Ping-Shi also knows that he can't be too hasty, and smiles and shifts the topic."Yue-Yao, Clothroom has a new batch of clothes. When the clothes are ready, you can go and see, if you like, you will pick more A few pieces. The Miss family should be dressed up beautifully."
       Before Zhuang Ruolan left Capital City, he entrusted the cloth dressing and the rouge shop to Ping-shi. Anyway, Ping-Shi is one of the major shareholders, and the workshop is handed over to her heart. Cloth and the rouge shop, after years of development, is also very Famous in the capital. Let Ping-shi dowry turn over.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Good." Cloth clothes are not cheap, the least one must be three or four Silver Taels. However, because it is a shareholder, taking clothes is a cost price. Yue-Yao Most of the clothes are now made directly to the Clothroom.
       On the way back, Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei and smiled and asked: "Xiang Wei, when can the money be returned?"
       Since I knew that Yue-Yao was very rich, and I liked to save the money to the bank, I started to talk to Yue-Yao and said that the money is dead money. Only when I go out to invest will I be born. money.
       Yue-Yao began to reluctantly throw money out, and later could not help but chanting to Wei, and she also felt that the money was in her hands, so she said that there is a good investment project, Yue-Yao I gave the money to Xiang Wei, but unfortunately I have not seen the return of a penny for more than four years. Yue-Yao has already prepared for this money.
       Said to Wei Xiao-mi Mi: "I will be able to return to the end of this year. I will be earning money in the future. I have been losing money for the past two years. It is because I haven’t touched the trick yet. Now I have figured out the trick and I will definitely be able to make money later. Rolling."
       Yue-Yao was very surprised. "What business do you do, you can return to the company in one year? The opening of the year is to the 120 thousand Silver Taels, and Yue-Yao Lian has the money."
       Before Wei Wei, I was always mysterious and refused to tell Yue-Yao what business she was doing because the business was very risky. It was definitely not willing to use Yue-Yao stable 'temperament'. Xiang Wei said with a smile: "I didn't have a bottom at first, so I dare not tell you. In fact, I took your money and invested in a caravan, which is a business that ordinary people can't do.
       Yue-Yao reacted very fast. "You will not let the caravan go to Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia to sell cattle and sheep?"
       Weihaha smiled and said: "Miss is really erudite, and this is not far from the ten." In fact, the gap between the big is gone, the caravan that sent money to Wei is running and transporting, privately smuggling Work. It’s also a hit with Wei Neng’s investment in this caravan.
       When Wei performed his mission in the same year, he was kind enough to save a person. This person is the owner of the current caravan. Four years ago, this person failed to do business. He wanted to return to the old business. Unfortunately, he did not have the funds. He happened to be known to Wei. Wei Wei is trying to throw out the money in Yue-Yao hand to do business. There is such a good opportunity to miss it.
       Xiang Wei quickly found this person to say that she can invest, and that she only manages the dividends and does not control the caravan. The two hit it off.
       In fact, the caravan began to make a profit in the second year, but the money earned was invested and expanded. These Wei Wei are not ready to tell Yue-Yao.
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao disapproval expression and said: "Miss, instead of letting you save the money to the bank, don't let me toss."
       Yue-Yao Shanshan said: "I came across a good shop and I also bought it." Yue-Yao has no business cells, so she likes to buy fixed assets. Every year, there are fixed incomes, the most secure. However, it is.
       He whispered to Wei: "When the money is earned, will you not buy it again? Good pavement can not be bought!" Good pavement, if nothing happens, it will not be sold. And even if someone sells it, it will buy the first thing that is well-informed. Yue-Yao wants to buy, but also buys the rest of others.
       Yue-Yao still trusts Wei, "What do you say about this money?" Several shops have tens of thousands of dividends per year, and the Tiancai shop has about 20 thousand per year. Yue-Yao has so much money every year, but she doesn't know how to deal with it except to buy a shop or store it in a bank.
       Xiang Wei has no good idea for a while, "Let me think about it." Anyway, the time is still early.

       Chapter 353 is scared (2)   

       Ma Chengteng was also quiet at this time, waiting anxiously for Yue-Yao. I drank four times in the middle of the tea and asked for no more than ten times. Unfortunately, every time I was disappointed.
       Yue-Yao returned to The Ma House and immediately went to the study room and told Ma Chengteng about it.
       After Ma Chengteng listened, he grew a sigh of relief: "The Queen-Imperial Consort didn't promise it. Yue-Yao, your marriage must be settled as soon as possible." This 4th Prince thing, let Ma Chengteng scare a sweat . Don't come back again. Again, he is afraid that he can't stand it.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Well, 'sister-in-law' also said that my marriage should be settled as soon as possible. But there are still no good candidates."
       When Ma Chengteng heard this, he started to have a headache: "Yue-Yao, can't pick it up anymore. It's almost enough."
       Yue-Yao is not willing to do it, “marriage, big things, where can be similar." It will be easy to get a problem in marriage. She didn't want to fight with a group of Small Concubine in the future, it was a waste of life.
       Yue-Yao returned to Haishuyuan and watched a pot of yellow chrysanthemums in the room. This pot of chrysanthemum is obviously just blooming, and the flowers are very delicate.
       Xiao Xiao smiled: "Miss, this is the flower house sent over." The Ma House has a flower house, which cultivates various kinds of flowers. The flowers placed in the winter house are provided by the flower house, and the flowers in the flower room were first sent to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao sat in front of the dressing table, drizzle came over and took off the jewelry on the head, and then re-combed the messy hair.
       Yue-Yao took a cup of water after changing clothes.
       I ate a bowl of hot sweet soup to Wei, and I was very excited to eat and drink, so I could think about it." Miss, 4th Prince, how come you slammed on Miss? I don't think it is simple. "It's simple and weird!"
       Yue-Yao also feels strange. If she loves her talents, she is not Famous now. She was Famous a few years ago. Why do she want to marry her now?
       Yue-Yao The most hateful is the word . In the last life, she was forced to be a servant. In this life, she would rather die than be a servant of others. Yue-Yao thought of Zhou Shu by 4th Prince, and his face changed a lot. "Xiang Wei, you said Zhou Shu backing is Zhou-home and 4th Prince. Is this true?"
       Xiang Wei guessed what Yue-Yao wanted to say, "Can't you?"
       Yue-Yao is more and more afraid, "Why can't you? A Cevefei of a palace. When it is time to die, is there anyone else to pursue? Then I will send me to Haikou without knowing it, and who knows? "This is really not impossible."
       Xiang Wei thinks that her family, Miss, is so calm on most days, she can get out of control when she encounters Zhou Shu business. "Give my own Ceefei to a sea merchant? Do you think that 4th Prince brains are broken?" Ceefei is not a ‘Madam’, but it is impossible to make such a thing.
       Yue-Yao has become more and more aware of what he expected. "How is it impossible? Men can't give up, not to mention an insignificant woman, in order to achieve great things."
       Xiang Weizheng said: "Miss, do you know what you are talking about?" Prince wants to accomplish something big, but what a big thing, naturally it is a struggle, this is not something that can be said casually.
       Yue-Yao naturally knows what he is talking about.
       Suspected to Wei Fox: "Miss, even if Prince has this heart, but as for the support of a woman with her own woman?"
       After hesitating for a month, he said: "Zhou Shu is not an ordinary sea merchant. He is very rich and very rich. He should earn millions of dollars." Yue-Yao is not a  Mouthful of  Mouth, Zhou Shu is very Money, outsiders say that Zhou Shu family has several million yuan. In fact, these are just the money that Zhou Shu stayed in Haikou. Most of the money has long been hidden in Zhou Xiao-shu on a small island. As for what island, Yue Yao did not ask, Zhou Shu did not say.
       Zhang opened her  Mouth, "So much?" She thought that Zhou Shu would have a three or five million Silver Taels, but did not expect Zhou Shu to have tens of millions of dollars. If so, then the guess of Yue-Yao is really possible. 4th Prince wants to go to the top, naturally it is necessary to use a lot of money. With a woman to change a money bag, such a cost-effective sale of 4th Prince will certainly do, as long as the country has to be, what kind of woman is not.
       Yue-Yao has sweat on his forehead.
       I patted the table with Wei. "After waiting for the peace, I will immediately decide to kiss." If you don't get married, you will set the pro first, so that the 4th Prince faces will definitely not be able to make any more.
       Yue-Yao thinks that she still doesn't have to go anywhere during this time." How is the injury of Gu Youlan? If it is good, let them come back!" Yue-Yao is now a grass-roots soldier.
       Xiang Wei also took a contemptuous heart and began to treat it with caution. "The injury between the two of them is almost good, and they can come back." Xiang Wei thinks that she should go back and find a few martial arts to protect her own Miss. Cough, Miss is too good, not a good thing.
       On the evening of the same day, Ping-Shi told Yue-Yao attitude to Luo Wei. "I originally thought that Yue-Yao would refuse, but I didn't expect that she would loose it. I think it might be 4th Prince. In order to accept her as a thing of Ceefei, she scared her." For this reason, Ping-shi could not understand why Yue-Yao would loosen.
       Luo Wei also had some accidents. He thought that he had to grind for a while, but he didn't expect Yue-Yao to have been loosened. "When the successor is over, let the door come to the door. Let the marriage be settled early, save it again. Wave."
       Ping-Shi is hesitant, "Yue-Yao just said that he thought, and did not nod his head." This is not too hasty.
       Luo Wei said with great certainty: "The chief will agree."
       Ping-Shi has always trusted her husband, and naturally there is no doubt about Luo Wei words. "If this marriage is done, it will definitely be very sensational." Yue-Yao picks and picks, even picks the capital. Popular bachelors can't talk about it at the time.
       Luo Wei has a different view. "The future of He Yue is not limited. The son can marry him is the blessing of the son." The most important thing for men is the ability, what is good about what looks.
       Ping-Shi smiled lightly and did not refute Luo words.
       4th Prince wants to be Yue-Yao-Ceefei is not a hidden thing, so it is quickly spread out. Although Ma Chengteng refused, it was still in the capital.
       Yue-Yao heard the news and his face was green. She can be sure that this news is definitely 4th Prince deliberately released. If you think about it, you will know the meaning of the 4th Prince. Unless you eat the bear and the leopard, who else dares to grab the woman with Prince.
       Xiang Wei also hates to say: "It is really hateful." If you were dubious before, then now I believe Yu-Yao words. Yue-Yao Although The Jingning Marquis Estate and Li Fu are valued, but the family interests will certainly not govern Yue-Yao. How could 4th Prince think about a woman who is not helpful to him?
       Yue-Yao thought for a long time, but at the end it was relieved. "It seems that I am destined to be an old aunt in this life." The worst result is that marrying is not _ people, anyway, she did not want to marry. .
       Wei Wei sued: "An Zhi is not a support Madam to explore your tone? Should not be withdrew for this little thing."
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "It's a big thing to offend Prince. What's the big thing?" Offending Prince will definitely affect the future, and who will make a joke about his future.
       Xiang Wei was taken by this word and spent a long time. Xiang Wei stood up and said: "If this small thing is retreating, such a person is not worth married."
       Yue-Yao, I didn’t talk anymore.
       Ma Chengteng heard this rumor, the heart and the liver are painful. Ma Chengteng of this meeting really regretted it. He knew that he should not follow the meaning of Yue-Yao. He set the marriage of Yue-Yao earlier, and there would be no current events. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it.
       Li Madam heard this rumor, her face changed greatly, and she had not revealed the news to Yue-Yao, and this happened.
       In the evening, Li Madam told Li Guofan about the rumors outside. Li Madam means that his son's future is important, but you can't ruin your son's future because of Yue-Yao.
       Li Guozhen actually heard this rumor earlier than Li Madam. Li Guozhen was very shameful about the behavior of the 4th Prince. As Prince, he did the next thing. "It’s not easy to mention the current wave." After a while, after the storm has passed, the marriage between Yue-Yao and Haner will be settled."
       Li Madam didn't respond, so the husband decided directly. Li Madam suppressed the dissatisfaction of his heart and said softly: "Listen Master." With this incident, Li Madam is afraid to let his son Yue-Yao, there is Such a  Miss ‘Madam’ has a short life.
       Li Madam had to find a suitable opportunity to disclose this to Yue-Yao. But now I can't wait. The next day, let the body-Pozi He Mama send something to Yue-Yao, let Yu-Yao know about it through the  Mouth of Pozi.
       Why Mama feels wrong: " Madam, this wind-tip wave should not go to the door to say this thing, wait for it to calm down, and then say no later." He Mama does not think Yue Yao will promise this marriage. Madam If she is asked to come to the door now, it will definitely make the relationship stiff.
       Li Madam This time, I still care about this, she worried about one night, I was afraid Master suddenly settled the marriage.
       Maiden Mama sees Li Madam does not listen to advice, but can only helplessly go out.
       Yue-Yao listened to what Mama twirled, and waited for what happened the meaning of Mama was embarrassing at the time. How could Li Bobo want Li Han to marry her.
       Xiang Wei said with a cold face at the time: "Please tell her that our marriage is not a matter of worrying about her marriage." What kind of thing, not to pass a little rumor outside, it seems that she is afraid that her family Miss will rely on Li Han.
       How Mama looks red.
       Yue-Yao heard the words of Wei Wei, and said faintly: "Please Mama tells Li Aunt, I have always treated Han Brother as a younger brother. In my heart, Han Brother is exactly the same as Tingzheng. "This is very tweeting, but it has been clearly stated that she will not marry Li Han.
       Yue-Yao is so calm, Maiden Mama is rather shy. How Mama came out of The Ma House, and some sighed and said to the little Servant next to him: "You said such a good Miss, how can you suffer so much?" Since childhood, both parents have died, and then the uncle uncle can not stand. After being an Daren, he was withdrew. And now there are 4th Prince words, who can dare to marry her! Lian Miss, this life is not married.

       Chapter 354   

       Quietly in the room, a needle can be heard on the ground.
       In Xu-Yu, a plate of pomegranate came up, and I saw Wei Wei looking at her with a sly look. The pomegranate rolled from the crystal plate to the ground.
       Angry with Wei: "There are a few pomegranates that are not stable. What do you want to do?" When I saw Xu-Yu, I became angry with Wei Yue: "What are you doing? Don't you know how to pick it up?" What kind of people, one by one clumsy.
       Yue-Yao saw tears in his eyes and said: "She will be angry, don't worry about her."
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao, the lighter and lighter the appearance, the more gas, and the Yan-Yao also fired: "As far as you are so soft, others do not bully you are not natural? You should be bullied. "I really thought that her son was shackled, and we didn't see that we couldn't see it."
       Just now when Mama said this, Yue-Yao was only present to Wei. One drizzle didn't know what was going on inside, but now it is afraid that Li people are bullying them Miss. .
       Yue-Yao gave a face to Xu-Yu, and Xu-Yu quickly retreated. Hao Mama greeted her and asked, "What happened to this?" To Wei Wei, she was a smiling face, and she was all in the same place. Even if everyone was joking with her, she never minded. This time I was born with such an atmosphere, it is not a trivial matter.
       Xu-Yu shook his head. "I listened to the meaning of Miss Wei. It was the Li family who bullied Miss." She has been with Wei Wei for so many years, and she knows the temper of Wei, knowing that she is not targeting her. pissed off.
       Hao Mama squinted: "How things are piled up." Hao Mama is actually not worried about the issue of Yue-Yao marriage. Hao Mama has many things and wants to be wide. I feel that even if Miss can't marry someone, I won't worry about Miss's ability. It’s just that this Li family is also deceiving too much. There is something here, and there is a bully on the door, and Miss is so respectful to them.
       With Xu-Yu being smashed, the following -maid in the Haitang Court-Pozi walks are light-handed, and I am afraid that it will provoke the up-and-coming, and it will cause a pain.
       Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei and asked: "Is it finished? I have to practice the word?" Yue-Yao started to feel a bit uncomfortable, but I really didn't feel so angry.
       Wei Wei angered: “look like this, it seems that I am a big problem?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I am not comfortable, but it is normal to think about it. People have a close relationship. Compared with Li Han, I am not a thoroughly outsider. Now it is above the wind and the waves. Aunt Li is worried that it is normal."
       Xiang Wei hates to say: "You are a bodhisattva, you can accommodate a boat in your stomach."
       Yue-Yao corrected: "It should be the prime minister who can hold the boat, so that you can read more books, you don't want to, this is not a joke."
       Xiang Wei stared at Yue-Yao, and there was anger in her eyes.
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "Now it is such a situation, we are re-qi and what is the use, if you want to blame, can only blame my life, no father and brother support, so can only be looked down upon. Wei Wei, is it? Would you like me to be so self-pity?"
       Wei Wei frowned and said: "Is it so?" With self-pity from Aibi, it is still light and windy.
       Yue-Yao knows the 'temperament' of Wei, and if it is someone else, she will certainly be tossed by Wei, but Li will not be able to," Xiang Wei, you know how Li Bobo is to our sisters and Brother, Li Ma dam No, it's not good. I can't look at Li Bobo face. I can't care about her. What's really going on is that the most difficult thing to do at the time is Ting Zheng.
       Wei Wei was dissatisfied: "Isn't that happened?"
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "You are my Bodhisattva, not ignited. Since she didn't put me in the eye, I don't need to respect her."
       Yue-Yao can understand that Li Madam is eager to accept, but can't accept the behavior of Li Madam. If Li Madam feels that this marriage is not appropriate, she can ask her by herself, so that she will send one big one-Pozi came to her and said this to her because Li Madam didn’t take her from her heart. In the eyes, in the face of such a shameful humiliation, if she is still the same as before, then it is really necessary to have the heart of Bodhisattva.
       Nod to Wei, this is almost the same. If Yue-Yao dares to stick to Li, she must have the heart of Yue-Yao who is dying. Being a man can't be without anger, nor can he be without arrogance.
       Yue-Yao thought about it later: "The next post, I will visit the teacher tomorrow. After two days, I want to go to Zhaohua Temple." Master Yushan originally set the date of mid-tenth, but because of his old The friend was sick, so the trip was postponed. This delay was postponed for more than half a month. Master Yushan is old, and the son-in-law and his grandson are reluctant to let him run in the winter, so he is ready to accompany him in the New Year in Capital City, and then return to Jiang-nan in March next year.
       Xiang Wei has always disapproved of Yue-Yao going to the temple because she is worried that Yue-Yao has the idea of ​​being a monk, but this will make her feel that Yue-Yao will go to Zhaohua Temple for a while, who can guarantee another visit today. Such a thing.
       Yue-Yao went to find Ma Chengteng on the same day, saying that she was going to Zhaohua Temple for a while. Ma Chengteng’s recent rumors for the outside are also overwhelming. Seeing Yue-Yao going to Zhaohua Temple, there is no objection.” Ye Cheng, I will come back later at the end of the year.” Yue-Yao left the capital, and the rumors outside will also After calming down, waiting for the New Year, these things will pass.
       Maiden Mama went back and concealed the paragraph that was angry with Wei. He only relayed the words of Yue-Yao," said Lian Miss, Madam should be relieved."
       Li Madam dagger," Yue-Yao is a clear person. I went to my library and picked the two new satin pieces. I picked two boxes of bird's nest and sent it to Lian-Mick tomorrow."
       Maiden Mama listened to this, and suddenly turned his head down. Madam first beat Lian Miss's face, and then sent things to the past. She thought that Lian Miss is a dough, and I don't know. Madam knows if Lian Miss is not five years ago. The one who is helpless.
       In the evening, it rained.
       In the days of November, the rainy days were particularly cold. Everyone was shrunk into the house, but Yue-Yao was not afraid of cold. She stood in the hallway and watched the rain. She gave her a big sigh and she didn't wear it.
       Yue-Yao looked at the rain and said softly: "In the south of the Yangtze River, the winter rain is as thin as a silk thread, beautiful and beautiful."
       Xiang Wei knows that Yue-Yao is thinking about her mother. She does not want Yue-Yao to be immersed in memories. The more beautiful the memories, the more cruel the reality is. Xiang Wei deliberately raised the white servant on his hand and said: "It’s really strange to say it. I can’t hide in the hail in the summer, but you are cold and cold. In the winter, I wear it. Like a ball, you are a little servant." Xiang Wei wore two cotton coats, a small pimple, and the outer scorpion scorpion, wearing so much, she still felt a little cold, so Xiang Wei is really envious of Yue-Yao warm winter and cool summer.
       Yue-Yao sighed slightly, and Wei was physically injured. I was afraid of cold and fear of heat is the legacy of the stay. "Or, don't follow us to the  Mountains." The  Mountain is much colder than the capital. .
       Xiang Wei smiled: "There are advantages in the  Mountains on the  Mountain." Although the outside of the  Mountain is cold, but the room is covered with dragons, it is no different from the capital.
       Yue-Yao had a sweet dream that night, dreaming that she was holding her, pointing to the rain falling down, and teaching her to read Du Fu "Spring Rain", she heard her read wrong, gentle Correct her to her, and when she can finish a poem, she will reward her for eating a piece of cake. She holds the pastry and laughs cheerfully.
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao fall asleep, not a bitter melon face is a brow, this is the first time I watched Yue-Yao laughing in my sleep, "I don't know what dreams I have done." I laugh so happy."
       Yue-Yao went to Dongzhai the next day and saw two faces. The two are Yu Jianzhang, the son-in-law of Master Yushan, and Gu Zhe, the grandson.
       Yue-Yao smiled and called: "Sister husband is well."
       Gu Jianzhang is a very gentle person. He smiled and nodded his head. He looked at his son Gu Zhe and said: "Zhee, this is your teacher."
       Gu Zhe is sixteen years old this year, and in the same year as Yue-Yao, "Yu Gu is good."
       Yue-Yao prepared a gift for Gu Zhe, a set of four treasures of the study. It is most appropriate to send such things between scholars.
       Gu Jianzhang saw this set of four treasures of the study, some surprised, whispered: "Zi Chang, this gift is too expensive." This set of things, the value is not.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "This is my wish."
       Yue-Yao met Master Yushan, Master Yushan tested Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao answered the head, and occasionally there were unexpected surprises. Master Yushan was very satisfied.
       After the exam was completed, Master Yushan said to Gu Jianzhang: "Yue-Yao, your brother-in-law is very good at poetry. If you have any questions, you can ask your brother-in-law for advice."
       Gu Jianzhang is not in the officialdom, and all his energy is placed on the poems of poetry, calligraphy and painting. In Jiang-nan, Gu Jianzhang is also quite Famous in poetry.
       Yue-Yao is good at everything.
       Gu Jianzhang smiled and said: "The father-in-law praised it. Zichang, I heard that your plum blossoms are very skillful. I don't know if my brother-in-law has the honor to see this." Master Yushan is not ready to leave, but is preparing to return to Jiang-nan next year. One reason, another reason is that Gu Jianzhang communicates with scholars from Capital City every day, and some are not happy.
       Yue-Yao looked at Master Yushan.
       Master Yushan is actually somewhat curious. Although he has pointed out Yue-Yao character, he also knows that Yue-Yao plum word is well written, but he does not know that Yue-Yao can combine the two together." Well, just let The teacher also took a look."
       Yue-Yao Although she is a bit embarrassed, she likes the current atmosphere. There are no messy things outside. Everyone just exchanges their income.
       Gu Zhe is the youngest, so only the bystander. When I heard that Yue-Yao wanted to write the plum blossoms and went to the studio, he had to see how magical the same year he was, and let the outside pass so evil.
       Yue-Yao said before writing: "Teacher, brother-in-law, the painting I gave to my cousin, it took three days to write. This time is in a hurry, may not write so many words." He is sure Can't stay in Dongfu, and you can stay until the afternoon at most.
       Master Yushan said after thinking about it, "You will write the heavenly rewards." After that, he also deliberately looked at Gu Zhe.
       Gu Zhe face instantly became an eggplant, let the teacher write, what do you want to see him? Doesn't this mean that he is lazy?
       Yue-Yao is preparing to pick up the pen, but he was stopped by Wei. "Miss, you still have to eat something first." Whether it is painting or writing, Yue-Yao can't be stopped once it is not finished. Xiang Wei is thinking about coming over. Unfortunately, it doesn't come. So I can only let her eat something before the start of Yue-Yao.
       Master Yushan knows Yue-Yao fault. In fact, it is not only Yue-Yao, he has the same problem.
       Yue-Yao ate half a plate of pastries and then wrote a pen. Yue-Yao With a pen, the whole person's gas field has changed.
       Xiang Wei has become accustomed to it, and Master Yushan is not surprised. Only Gu Jianzhang is like a person who has changed Yue-Yao, and his heart is secretly surprised.
       The four words don't seem to be many, but they are very spirited, and Ying shake has always been excellence. If you feel bad after writing, you have to tear up the rewrite. It was not until the beginning of the application that Yue-Yao wrote four complete words.
       Master Yushan saw Yue-Yao frowning, a look of dissatisfaction, and said with a smile: "Some things are not within reach." Master Yushan pointed out many shortcomings of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao listened to the side, very serious.
       After Master Yushan finished speaking, Yue-Yao asked Gu Jianzhang a lot of poetry, and by the way mentioned a lot of problems accumulated, Gu Jianzhang patiently gave Yue-Yao a puzzle.
       At the end of the application, Wei urged: "Miss, it’s too late, it’s time to go back."
       Yue-Yao is still unfinished, but the weather is really late, and it is not suitable to stay in Dongfu. Yue-Yao took a box of books that Master Yushan gave her, and went back with regret.
       Master Yushan asked Gu Jianzhang to send Yue-Yao out and turned and said to his grandson: "What do you think of seeing your teacher today?"
       Gu Zhe bowed his head: "The name is true." Both said that the rumors are not credible. But today he believed in this rumor.
       Master Yushan pointed to the four words on the table: " Six years ago, I said to your teacher, her wrist is weak and weak, and she can't write the essence of the Lu style. But six years later, her words are strong and powerful. Do you know how she did it?"
       Gu Zhe flashed curiosity in his eyes, waiting for him to finish the Yu-Yao how to forge the chain, and gave birth to an admiration.
       Master Yushan and Gu Zhe said this is to use Yue-Yao grandson to knock on the alarm. "If you are a limited master, you will never slacken. If you don't shine every day, you will not be practicing. The rest of the time is also reading books, learning more things. Your teacher's young age has the present achievements, not the world fell, but more than ten years of hard work. Even her Now she is Famous all over the world, and she never slacks off her day. In the face of praise from others, she always said that she still has a lot to learn. Zhe Er, you are the same age as her, do you ask yourself to do it?" Gu Zhe Smart, is also a grandson of Master Yushan who has high hopes. It’s just that Gu Zhe heart is unstable, and there is a point of achievement that floats, which makes Master Yushan very worried, so Master Yushan uses Yue-Yao to teach Gu Zhe.
       Gu Zhe is silent.
       Master Yushan Shen Sheng said: "Zhe Er, a hard work, a harvest, this is why I want you to write these four words, you have to hang it in your study, every day to encourage yourself to be born The newness of slackness, not to be smug by a small achievement."
       Gu Zhe today saw Yue-Yao tearing up an unsatisfactory word. Those words in Gu Zhe view are really good, but unfortunately, the teacher is always dissatisfied.
       Master Yushan saw Gu Zhe really listened in, and he was very comforted.

       Chapter 355 Determination 

       Gu Jianzhang went back to the study and saw that his son was no longer there. The father-in-law was holding a cup of hot tea.
       Gu Jianzhang went forward and said: "The father-in-law is like a torch, and he has received such a good disciple." Hearing more, he was not as shocked as he personally saw, and Gu Jianzhang was even more shocked by the attitude of Yue-Yao. I can really describe it with tirelessness.
       Master Yushan is very proud. Receiving Yue-Yao as a close disciple is indeed one of the things he did most correctly: "It’s still worse. But as long as she has been working so hard, she will be able to overtake me without a decade."
       Gu Jianzhang showed a horrified look: "Father-in-law..." The father-in-law is the most Famous person in the art world. Yue-Yao can catch up with his father-in-law for ten years. This is a bit shocking.
       Master Yushan smiled and didn’t talk much.
       When Gu Jianzhang saw this, he no longer said this thing. Instead, he said: "Father-in-law, there are all kinds of arguments to the sons outside, father-in-law, you see..."
       Master Yushan shook his head and said: "She walks by her way, I will not intervene." Master Yushan also had the idea of ​​making a medium for Yue-Yao. After the last incident, Master Yushan had no such thought. Yue-Yao is a man of opinion, she knows what she wants. Since Yue-Yao didn't take the initiative to talk to him about the marriage, it shows that the child has a good heart.
       Gu Jianzhang was a little sorry. When he came back, he still thought that Yue-Yao was about the same age as his cousin. He originally wanted to ask his father-in-law to do this big media. Now it is impossible.
       Xiang Wei looked at a box of books and muttered: "Master Yushan is really worried that you are idle!" The book in front of the box only looked at half, this will be another box of books, I really don't know if Master Yushan is not. I gave my collection to Miss.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "How many people can't ask for these books, if people hear you, be sure to spray your face." Spray this word, or Yue-Yao followed Wei.
       Wei Wei  Mouth, but did not say anything. Master Yushan’s things are indeed rushing for a lot of people.” Miss, Zhaohua Temple has sent people to ask, there should be no problem there, Miss is going to leave?
       Yue-Yao thought about it later: "Day the day, two days is too hasty." Yue-Yao This time I went to Zhaohua Temple, I am going to spend the New Year at Zhaohua Temple, so I have to pack things. many.
       Yue-Yao is talking to Wei Wei about going to see the Ming-zhu on these two days, and telling Ming-zhu about her going to Zhaohua Temple by the way. There was a -maid outside and said: "Miss, Lee House sent someone to give something to Miss, now it’s outside."
       Xiang Wei listened to the cold voice: "Let them take it back, we don't lack this thing." This insulted people, and then took something to compensate, the loss of this person can do it.
       Yue-Yao calmed Wei Wei and said: "Let them come in!" Yue-Yao looked at the gift list, estimated the things on the gift list, and smiled at Xu-Yu: "There is still a hundred years in the storeroom. Dad, you have to take it." A hundred years old is a must.
       In addition to ginseng, Yue-Yao did not send anything else. The return ceremony is actually very particular. If the value of Yue-Yao return is similar to that of Li Madam, it means that Yue-Yao is ready to have a general relationship with Li Jiawei. Although Yue-Yao is somewhat disliked with Li Madam's approach, she does not want to be mad at this incident. In any case, their younger Brother have received many favors from Li.
       Coldly whispered to Wei, "Ting was benefited by Li family, but you didn't." Ting Zheng owed Li Jia feelings, then let the court go.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Xiang Wei, said to the heart, how do you think Li Bobo is to our sister?" Yue-Yao thinks that Li Guozhen is really benevolent to their sisters and Brother. She can't forget Li Guozhen's kindness to their family because of what Li Madam did.
       Wei Wei head was not worth mentioning. After a long time, he said, “Miss, you haven’t thought about why Li Guozhen is so good to your sisters? Maybe there is a reason you don’t know?”
       Yue-Yao reluctantly said: "Xiang Wei, you should use a reliable reason to provoke dissension."
       Shrugging to Wei, "Well, when I didn't say it." Well, when I didn't say it. "Excluding Li Madam is doing evil this time. She also thinks that Li Guozhen has nothing to say about Yue-Yao and the court. Maybe Li Guozhen is a rare Master. Maybe to Wei, I feel that everything can't be 100%. sure.
       Yue-Yao When I went to the temple to see the pearl, the belly of the pearl had already risen, and the pearl held the waist to the door to welcome Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao touched the belly of the pearl, and it was round and round. "This has not been seen for a few days, it is so big." This stomach grows fast.
       Ming-zhu also touched his stomach. "Yeah, one day, you don't know. I may eat it now. I can't stop eating all day long. I don't know if this child will be a foodie in the future." ”
       Yue-Yao looked up at the Ming-zhu Said: "Isn't Nu Yang-hui packing you?"
       Ming-zhu snorted. "What do you want to pack me?"
       Yue-Yao catches the narrow said: "On your  Mouth, I didn't take the door all day long. I will eat the goods for a while. I will pack you up early. Don't look at the child in the stomach. He can also hear it. After I was born, I was a foodie, and I regret it at the time."
       Ming-zhu sighed, "What are you talking about?" She just said casually, I didn't expect so much!
       Yue-Yao was very sure to nod, and Ming-zhu quickly swears: "I will not talk in the future." She didn't want her son to be a good food.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said the meaning of this trip. "The fastest may come back at the end of the year. If the slower is going to be next February, you can rest assured that you must come back before you produce."
       4th Prince wants to say that Yue-Yao is Ceefei thing Ming-zhu also heard, and the pearl whispered: "What loves your talent, that person is the most hypocritical and insidious, who knows what bad idea. You go Zhaohua Temple lived for a period of time, Hao, you did not have to say those long tongues, and when you come back, this storm is estimated to be scattered."
       Yue-Yao stayed with the Ming-zhu for a long time, and only went back in the afternoon. After returning, he took the invitation from Li House and asked Yue-Yao to come to the door.
       Yue-Yao naturally refused. She said that she was going to Xiao-hua Temple for a while, and she had no time to go to The Li Estate  in the past few days.
       Li Madam saw the centuries Old man, and there was a faint regret in his heart. I felt that this thing was too reckless. I wanted to ask Yue-Yao to come over and explain one or two. See Yue-Yao. If you want to go to Zhaohua Temple, you will put this matter behind your head. There are also many things in Lee House. Although there are daughter-in-laws to help, it is also a thousand things.
       Yue-Bing came over to want to visit Yue-Yao and got a message saying that Yue-Yao went to Zhaohua Temple. Yue-Bing listened and asked: "Go to the Zhaohua Temple?"
       He said: "No, I heard from the people of The Ma House, 3rd Miss went to Zhaohua Temple and lived. It may not come back until the New Year."
       Yue-Bing frowned and waved his hand to let the -maid go down. Cui Mama said next to him: "Now the outside is full of enthusiasm, 3rd Miss goes to the Zhaohua Temple to avoid the limelight." 3rd Miss is a smart person, this time only to avoid, not upwind.
       Yue-Bing frowned. "How does 3rd Mei Mei go wrong?" It was the 'marriage proposal' that was difficult to say when it came to such a thing.
       Cui Mama smiled and said: "Where there is such a serious situation, when the limelight has passed, this matter will be scattered." If you change to someone else, you may have trouble. Yue-Yao has a The Jingning Marquis Estate support. The Jingning Marquis Estate is willing to go out to protect the media, and there is no way to marry.
       Yue-Bing sighed a little, "our sister's marriage is not smooth." Her marriage has been very wronged, and the marriage of the month is more wronged. As for Ying surplus, Yue-Bing does not want to say. Now that Yue-Yao is like that, Yue-Bing has a feeling of mutual sympathy.
       Cui Mama quickly interrupted Yue-Bing's words," Miss, this is not to be said, waiting to marry the past, to operate well, will only get better and better." Although it is the successor, but as long as you stand firm, Others are slowly planning. If you feel wronged now, marry the Marquis and Old Madam and find out that it will be bad.
       Yue-Bing smiled bitterly: "I will also talk about it." The marriage that has been set, there will be more than a month to marry, and then the grievances can only swallow the bitter water, and then manage their marriage.
       Cui Mama reminded Yue-Bing, "I can't talk about it. When I arrive at The Marquis Estate , I can't say it." When you go to someone else house, you have to be careful.
       An Zhi-yu knew that Yue-Yao was forced to go to Zhaohua Temple for a long time. When he went down to The Marquis Estate , he found Luo, and wanted Luo to send a personal message to Yue-Yao. It means that his mind is as always, and will not retreat because of these things.
       Luo Yan's  Mouth has a smile, deliberately said: "You are doing this with 4th Prince? Are you afraid of 4th Prince to retaliate against you?" In fact, Luo Wei did not put the outside rumors in the eye, no one dared to come to the door later. It’s a joke that I can’t get married in my life.
       If 4th Prince wants to say Yue-Yao Weizheng, Yue-Yao does not agree that it is not lifted. Can 4th Prince want to Yue-Yao-Ceefei, Yue-Yao refused and how, Ceefei is just a sly, those in the palace Ceefei died less?
       Although Luo Wei did not take it seriously, he felt that the 4th Prince was a bit strange. It’s just that he can’t think of why Prince wants to do this, so he chooses to watch.
       There is a sneer in An Zhi eyes. "What's so scary?" 4th Prince couldn't keep up, he would retreat, and it was too embarrassing.
       Luo Shushou, the man is standing in the heavens and the earth, afraid that if he can do something big, if Ann is now retreating, he will be disappointed. "Cheng, after waiting for your business, I will let you 'sister-in-law' come to your door. I will give you a kiss."
       Peaceful, "Lian Miss will promise?" He is ready for a long-term war. Now, it seems that Lian Miss has nodded.
       Luo Yan smiled and said: "The son did not agree, but it has been loose. But to 'marriage proposal', you have to wait for your side to fall back, it should be no problem. Speaking, you are also accounted for It’s cheap. Four things of Prince have scared her.” When the moon shakes the 'temperament', I will be willing to give it to people. It is estimated that I would rather be a nun than a nun.
       An Zhi-zhen heard that Yue-Yao was loose, and he said with some uncertainty: "Lian Miss has loosened?" An Zhi-yi never felt that he was worse than others. Well, in fact, An Zhi actually feels himself. Very good, but in front of Yue-Yao, he really did not have confidence, especially Yue-Yao refused Yongding Marquis Heir, and An Zhi more and more embarrassing.
       Luo Yan’s  Mouth appeared to smile, and he nodded.
       An Zhi-zhen did not expect that happiness would come so fast, and he was filled with joy and excitement.
       Luo Hao couldn't help but splashed a cold water. "Yue-Yao just thinks that you are a good candidate, plus you are scared by this incident, and you have not looked at you." It means that Yue-Yao just thinks that An Zhi is a good object and has not been tempted by him. An Zhi-zhen wants to win the beauty of the heart, there is still a long and long way to go.
       An Zhi face is soft, "For whatever reason, it is already very good." Yue-Yao thinks that he is a good candidate to loosen, this is normal. If it is said that Yue-Yao adores that he is willing to marry him, it is not normal.
       Luo Wei is no longer jokeing. "If you want to marry a ‘Madam’, you have to set up the house." With Weiyuan Marquis Estate  and the two women’s attitude toward An Zhi-, An Zhi succession goes out, don’t think about a silver. Yes, although incredible, it is a reality.
       In fact, I have already thought about it." A few days ago I heard a friend say that Sijing Hutong has a five-in-one house. I am going to have a look in the afternoon. If it is good, I plan to buy it and wait for it to be arranged later. "He has been watching the house for a long time, but he has never been satisfied."
       Luo Wei was not surprised. An Zhi stayed in Haikou for six years. If he didn’t get a penny, Luo Wei would have to look down on him. “Is the house in Sijing Hutong not cheap?” Sijing Hutong is an official. And the houses there are big, at least three, many are five-in, the price is quite cheap.
       An Zhi-zhen did not take advantage of Luo Wei, "had a little home in Haikou." Sijing Hutong is relatively quiet. An Zhi-yu thinks that Yue-Yao should not like the troublesome place, so Sijing Hutong is the best.
       Luo Xiao smiled a bit and talked about the business. "The banned army has a squad to be worried. This position is vacant. Are you interested?" The ban is the guard of the nine gates. The responsibility is great, and the participation is from the four products. The official position is still a real shortage. Many people are staring at this position. It’s just that Luo Wei is in charge of the banned army. Naturally, he is close to himself.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled and said: "Thank you for the high table." He is now a five-pronged product. If he is transferred to the banned army, he will become a referee and he will be promoted. The most important thing is that he will go home every day in the capital, and he will definitely be able to go home every day. Go home, and have two days off in a month. Not better than the infantry battalion, there is no return time for the two-day vacation.
       Luo Wei had placed An Zhi-zhen in the capital, but he did not find a suitable deficiency, so he was put to the infantry battalion. Luo Wei has other plans for An Zhi-zhen, but this plan is not suitable for the time being, and he said that he will be honed a few years later.
       When An Zhi study was in the study, his face showed a smile, waiting for Luo study, and it was the expressionless expression of the previous face.

       Chapter 356   

       When I got up in the morning, the window was covered with hail flowers overnight, like rows of cedars, rising in the wind and standing proudly.
       Xiang Wei listened to the description of Yue-Yao, and spit out: "The bones are trembled with coldness, and you are still standing here in the wind and proud of the snow. Cough, no wonder all the literati are crazy." Ming is the cold man's hail Flowers, so beautiful.
       Yue-Yao didn't bother to confess to Wei. "You can't understand this high-end thing." With a foodie explaining what art is, Yue-Yao hasn't been abused yet.
       Xiang Wei cut a song, "No one is a scholar, in addition to the wind and snow night, what is the disease?" According to Xiang Wei, the scholars are wasting rice.
       Yue-Yao smiled a little, ignored her, took her snow-white fox fur and put it on, and went out.
       The wind was blowing very tightly outside, and the snow fluttered like a broken cotton wadding in the air, with no destination falling around. Yue-Yao shuddered as soon as he went out, but he shrank his head to the white fluff on the brim and continued to move forward.
       The stone steps are thickly covered with water-like snow, and the trees next to them are all drooped by snow. Yue-Yao stepped on the stone steps and stepped down a footprint.
       Xu-Yu was also dressed in a round shape, and walked carefully behind Yue-Yao. Hao Mama watched the master and the servant walk slowly and asked Xiang Wei, "What does Miss go out to do?"
       Xiao-wei smiled: "Miss heard that Xiao-ya, who sent the things, said that there was a camellia in the temple. She went to see it today!"
       Hao Mama shook her head and went to the house to pick the dish that was eaten at noon. The  Mountain is so bitter, and there are more things that The Ma House and The Jingning Marquis Estate send, so there is no Shutan in the capital. However, no one in the group said a bitter word. If you can take the  Mountain, the city will always be with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao walked for a long time and finally found the camellia that Xiao Shami said. A few camellia flowers are blooming with pink flowers. The flowers are somewhat smashed down, half covered in snowflakes, red and white, and the colors are fascinating.
       Yue-Yao couldn't help but read: "Tianhan green sleeves are thin, and the sun is leaning against bamboo." Yue-Yao is now studying poetry every day, and there is a tendency to go into flames.
       It’s too cold, and Yue-Yao doesn’t dare to paint outside. It’s time to freeze into ice. Yue-Yao watched the small half hour and went back. Back in the yard, I plunged into the studio.
       Xiang Wei saw the camellia painted by Yue-Yao and smiled: "It's so beautiful, we will go see it tomorrow." Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is especially expressive regardless of what flowers are painted.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Still wait for the weather to go again." Just like Wei cold look, she didn't want to hear the cry of the ghost crying when she went out.
       When the weather was fine, some people sent something over the  Mountain, and by the way, the news of the capital was brought over. Yue-Yao hid in the Zhaohua Temple, and the rumors faded. Now the biggest gossip in Capital City is the success of the three gongs of Weiyuan The Marquis Estate .
       -Pozi is obviously also a gossip lover, and he said incessantly: "Weiyuan Marchioness with that concubine Lu Shi is extremely unwilling to go out with the 3rd Young Master, just Weiyuan Hou Promised to the patriarch of the family, the two could not help. As a result, after the completion of the formalities, the Liyuan of the Weiyuan Marquis Estate  did not give the Young Master, which was almost out of the house."
       In the past, Weiyuan Marquis Estate  affairs were mixed. This time, the people of Capital City’s succession, the people in Capital City were all one-sided. They all said that Weiyuan’s brain had entered the water, and it was not a brain to pass the most promising son out. What is water? As for Weiyuan Marchioness and Lu Shi, everyone has no more comments, and An Zhi bottom is Its all right now.
       Xiang Wei listened and asked: "Where does the Young Master 3rd live now?" Xiang Wei did not think that An Zhi will have a wealth of money, but not a poor man!
       -Pozi smiled. "It is said that the Marquis wanted to send a house to the Young Master, but the 3rd Young Master refused. After the The Marquis Estate , the 3rd Young Master rented a house in South Street."
       Wei Wei looked bad. South Street is a place where civilians live. It’s not really bad for An Zhi to go there to rent a house. No industry, no one relies on that point to live, not to die. Her family Miss is rich, but not all of them can be used to make up the mess! Sticking a small white face can also be a happy picture, and the big black charcoal is worthy of a big loss.
       -Pozi is excited about it, where can't be stopped," you don't know, since the adoption of Young Master III, many people have come to the door 'marriage proposal', I heard that Lu Duke intends to assign his daughter to him. However, they were all rejected by Anjia 3rd Young Master."
       Xu-Yu asked strangely: "He went to the South Street to rent a house, and someone can go to the door 'marriage proposal'?" So poor, I will definitely use the daughter-in-law's dowry in the future.
       -Pozi smiled and said: "There is not a saying that is good, Mo bulls are poor. Anjia three gongzi is the official position of the five products, and the future is a splendid future. What is the relationship between the poor now, men only have the ability, later Nothing.
       In addition to saying that The Marquis Estate  gossip, Pozi also said some other gossip news in Capital City, but none of The Marquis Estate  is so interesting.
       Xu-Yu was sent-Pozi went out and stuffed a thick red envelope. "Working hard Mama."
       -Pozi eyebrows are open-eyed, and it's hard to send things to the  Mountains on a cold day, so you can get a thick reward every time you come. Although tired, everyone still likes this errand.
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao did not disappoint, immediately let Xu-Yu go down, then said: "Miss, this is also too poor? Is it really necessary to choose him?"
       Yue-Yao said: "Do you still remember, when you saw An Zhi dress in The Jingning Marquis Estate ?"
       Xiang Wei understands the meaning of Yue-Yao. "On that day, he was able to wear it so well, because he was still in The Marquis Estate , and now he was swept out of the door, surely there was no money."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and smiled: "You are a fan of the authorities. An Zhi has been in Haikou for so many years, and he is not a stupid thing. How could he not have a family? He is now deliberately going to South Street to rent a house, not because he is poor. It is to show that he did not take a copy from The Marquis Estate . Since The Marquis Estate  has done this very well, he can get rid of it in the future."
       Wei Wei did not understand: "How do you know?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I said that you are a fan of the authorities. If An Zhi-zhen is so useless, he can do it now. The soldiers in Haikou are not comparable to several military camps in Capital City." Haikou is a soldier. That is all old fritters, there are many things, and Haikou is rich, they are in charge of the security of Haicheng, and sometimes they have to fight pirates, not to mention a rich bag, but definitely not a poor one.
       Wei Wei was shocked," Miss, why can you be so awake?" As long as you think about it seriously, you can understand it. It’s just that she listened and worried about the poorness of the peace. Yue-Yao married and would suffer losses, did not think about it.
       Yue-Yao said: "The authorities are fascinated, and the bystanders are clear."
       Xiang Wei has a very strange idea, she seems to have a tone with Yue-Yao. Otherwise, she is in a hurry, but Yue-Yao can be so calm.
       When I wake up to Wei, I don’t want to be awkward. Instead, my heart is silent for Ann’s sorrow. Her family, Miss, is a cold-blooded person. It’s not difficult to heat her up.
       Yue-Yao sent a letter to Ma Chengteng, saying that she listened to Master Xuan Tian every day at Zhaohua Temple, and she was very good at it. So she won’t go back in the New Year, and then go back later.
       Ma Chengteng sighed a little, thinking about Yue-Yao 'temperament', and finally agreed. It’s just so lively in previous years, but this year it’s cold and clear, and Ma Chengteng Miss a few grandchildren.
       Yue-Yao also sent Yu-Bing's makeup to the person who sent the letter. Yue-Bing looked at the jewelry that Yue-Yao sent, and it was expensive, but it was not what Yue-Bing expected. "I know that Yue-Yao can't bear her ink." Many people come to the door to ask Yue Yao word, unfortunately, only two words sent by Yue-Yao until now. Compared with the paintings that are circulated outside, there is very little pity.
       Cui Mama laughed at the side: "The lesser the word of 3rd Miss is, the more precious it is." If it is full of Chinese cabbage, it is worthless.
       Yue-Bing actually liked the word that Yue-Yao sent to Tingyi. Now, I will only ask for it later.
       Cui Mama is worried about another thing," Miss, 3rd Miss is not coming back, there may be someone who speaks a word. Miss has to be mentally prepared." The last 2nd Young Masters did not come because they did get sick, this time. 3rd Miss didn't go to the temple because he was sick. Think about it, 3rd Miss would rather stay in the temple than return to Capital City to attend the cousin's wedding, it is impossible to say. To make matters worse, 3rd Miss has not returned to Lian-jia since moving to The Ma House.
       Yue-Bing is also a bit worried, and Yue-Yao heart knot will not be lifted for a while, but this incident has also become a heart disease of Lian-jia. But when I heard that the court was coming back in the afternoon, Yue-Bing was relieved. If there is a court, you can also block other people gossip.
       When Ting Zheng was a child, he was treated in Lian-jia, but the days of these years were very smooth, and they did not keep these things in mind. When I saw Tingyi, Ting Zheng smiled: "Sister said that she has been listening to Master Xuan Tian during this time, so she can't come back to the second sister's wedding. She asked me to come back and see what can help. ”
       Whether it is an excuse or not, this reason is better than silent. Tingyi and Lin Zheng basically did not get along, so the two are not familiar, but Tingyi knows that Ting is going to the camp. "The 4th Brother, you are now in the camp, are you planning to take the military?"
       Ting Zheng nodded his head and said: "Well, I can't read a book. If I don't make any money after I donate an official, I don't want to take it from the military." Li Jia went up and down on the court, and there was no objection to Ma. Later, when I went to the military camp, Ting Zheng liked the life of the military camp.
       Ting Yi had no opinion on Ting Zheng from Wu. Since reading can't be read, Wu is also a way. Of course, Tingyi also has self-knowledge, even if they express objection, it is useless. The right to speak is in Yue-Yao. "Since you are from Wu, do you want to take a test of the past?" The readers are all in this brain, and they feel that they have gained a reputation. It will rise sooner afterwards.
       Ting Zheng did not swear by Ting Yi and said: "Well, I am going to finish next year." As for he felt that there was no problem, he did not say it. After all, he was not familiar with it.
       Tingyi nodded: "That's good."
       The two are unfamiliar, and they are one from the literary one. It is really nothing to say. Fortunately, some people came to look for the court, and the 2nd Brother were scattered.
       The court is over the Lian House, but it can't help. The court is in Lian, and more is an attitude. But it didn't take long for the accident to happen.
       One of the guests saw Tingzheng, and he was shocked to be a man of heaven. He not only looked at the court with his eyes, but also made a speech. The martial arts people are tempered, let alone such humiliation. The court was throwing a few punches, the face of the man became a pig's head, and the corners of his eyes were bleeding. It looked extremely scary.
       Tingyi got the news and went to the rescue field to appease the man. He also apologized. The court was coldly calling: "I can't do this to apologize to this animal."
       When the person being beaten left, he said: "This is not the end."
       Ting Zheng is not afraid: "If you have the ability, let the ‘Ma’ come over, Xiao-ye, I am waiting." Ting Zhengchang is so big, has not received such insults.
       Ting Yi looked at the court of the development of the widower, and did not know what to say at the moment. However, I dare not let the court be a visitor. If this happens again, I don’t know how to end it.
       Mo-shi was very angry after hearing the news. Tonight, my daughter will leave the cabinet, and today she even made a beating incident. Mo-shi wanted to reprimand the court, but unfortunately, the door of the Lian backyard of Tingzheng did not enter, and Mo-shi did not dare to go to the front yard to train people.
       In the evening, Lian Dongfang called Ting Zhengjun to reprimand a meal, and ordered the court to apologize to the guest. The lascivious guy is the colleague of Lian Dongfang, who is now being beaten by the court, and how to get along with them in the future.
       Ting Zhengcai is not afraid of Lian Dongfang. He wants to apologize for him. There are no words in the two words. "If my sister asked me to come back to the wedding of the two cousins, would you be rare when I come back?" Don't care about Lian-jia for their sisters. The harshness is not the righteousness of the court, but it is not necessary. It is always bad to entangle the past, but if you want to teach him, Lian Dongfang is not qualified.
       The Lian building smashed the paper placed on the table. Ting was sideways, and the paper town flew past and landed on the ground. The court was neglecting the whole clothes. "If the uncle has nothing to do, I will go back first." Not waiting for the Lian Dongfang to answer, Ting Zheng went out from the study.
       Lian Dong was so angry that he was shaking.
       The arrogance of the court, many people were shocked, especially the people of Lian House, all of whom know that the 4th Young Master is not easy to provoke, and they are cautious when serving the court.
       Ting Yi got the news, and some worried. I originally wanted to borrow some of these days to ease the tension, but in this way, I am afraid that it will be counterproductive.
       Zhou Yue saw and smiled: "Fae Jun, the fourth brother is the bloody Fang Gang, this time where I received such humiliation. Fu Jun, the sky is still early, you go to talk with the 4th Brother."
       The court was not arrogant in front of Tingyi. However, the court was not in the heart of the court, not only did not listen to it. Ting Zheng still regrets a little, knowing that he would beat the man half-length.
       Tingyi looked at the court, and he could only go back helplessly.
       The next day, Yue-Bing went out, and Ting Zheng also left Lian-jia, and then went to Li Fu.
       Li Madam heard that the court was going to the  Mountain for the New Year, and now it was opposed. "You, the child, the  Mountain is cold and clear, what to do on the  Mountain? It is in the mansion."
       Ting Zheng smiled and said: "My sister is on the  Mountain. I don't want my sister to be alone in the  Mountains." My sister is on the  Mountain, and he must be there to accompany him.
       Li Madam flashed a trace of unnaturalness on his face. "It’s only twenty-seven today. You go to the  Mountain to pick up your sister. It’s a big New Year, where can I go through the temple.”
       Ting Zheng smiled a little," my sister wants to listen to Master Xuan Tian to talk about Zen. This opportunity can be met." How many people want to hear Master Xuan Tian telling Zen can't hear it!
       Li Madam was stunned at once, there was no way to say that the court was in the right place, and that Li Madam was somewhat frustrated, and couldn’t help but with it Mama sighed a few words.
       He Mama has comforted two sentences. In fact, I feel that the Master Master is acting close to Madam, but no one in the heart of Ting Zheng Young Master has ever been 3rd Miss.
       Li Madam also knows this truth, but it is just a little lost.
       Ting Zheng said goodbye to Li Madam and went back to The Ma House. Ma Chengteng prepared a lot of things, and Tingzhen went to Zhaohua Temple with a carriage.
       Yue-Yao knows that Tingzheng Shangshan is preparing to celebrate her New Year with her. She is very happy. I am busy to let Weiwei go to the host of Zhaohua Temple and ask the host to arrange a room.
       When men and women are seven years old, Yue-Yao is already an Daren, and Ting Zheng is also thirteen years old. In the blink of an eye, he is fourteen years old. They must not live in a yard.
       On most days, the Zhaohua Temple is full of incense, and the yards are all in short supply. But now it is winter, and it is nearing the New Year. Basically no one comes to the incense, and the rooms are all empty.
       Ting Zheng told Yue-Yao about his beating.
       Yue-Yao has changed his face. "Play well, next time you meet such a person, you are also welcome. Playing more, these people are naturally afraid." Soft buns like, sure It was being bullied.
       Ting was listening to this, and there was a smile on the face. In fact, Ting Zheng also worried that Yue-Yao would blame him for acting recklessly. After all, hitting people is not right.
       Yue-Yao knows that Ting Zheng’s thoughts can’t help but smile: “If you are bullied, if you don’t fight back, people think that you are a buns, and you will be bullying you in the future. But you also have to be measured, don’t offend us. The person who started." The capital of the city Noble Lady's house is full of ground, if it is provoked, they will suffer a big loss.
       Ting Zheng smiled: "Sister is relieved, I will not act recklessly."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "There is time, you ask Li Bobo." She is not familiar with the outside, but she has limited knowledge. She often laughs at Wei, so she dares not teach the court, afraid of teaching mistakes. Misleading the court.
       The two sisters kissed each other and had a good conversation. Until the evening, Ting Zheng went to the wing to rest.
       Xiang Wei has been there for a while. After the court is leaving, he said to Wei: "Miss, the wedding of Ting Zheng, you have to plan as soon as possible."
       Yue-Yao is a bit strange, how to say how to get married in the court: "What's wrong?" Xiang Wei will not say this sentence for no reason.
       Wei Wei frowned: "If I did not guess wrong, then the woman will definitely intervene in the marriage of the court. Ting is from Wu, the daughter of a civil servant has no benefit." Since the last incident, Xiang Wei Always call Li Madam with that woman.
       Yue-Yao nodded, but there is such a possibility." Ting Zheng is still young. When he gets a fame or has an official position, then 'marriage proposal' will be much better. But you can rest assured that in a few days I will remind the court. Yes, his marriage has to be agreed with me.” Yue-Yao doesn’t worry about Li Madam will find a bad Miss for the court, just if he wants to find a civilian, Miss, as Wei said There is no help. Although Li Guozhen is a member of the second grade, he has no relationship in the military. If the road after the court is going smoothly, he really needs the help of his ‘Madam’.
       Xiang Wei just reminded Yue-Yao, see Yue-Yao, there is nothing in the heart to say anything.
       A few days after Tingzheng went to the  Mountain, Yue-Yao did not study her poetry again, nor did she paint any more. She accompanied Tingzheng all day and even went to the kitchen to make cakes. Well, although the taste of the pastry is not as good as Hao Mama.
       It’s hard to see Yue-Yao so relaxed, she is naturally happy to see it. In the middle, there was also a slap in the eye, and the small courtyard was full of laughter.
       Although the  Mountain can not eat, but the New Year's Eve this meal is still very rich. There are no fireworks to watch in the  Mountains, but to Wei, let Xu-Yu several people in the yard ordered a lot of red candles. The red candle covers the lampshade and is not worried about blowing out.
       That night, Yue-Yao and the court were holding the night, and after the early morning, Ting Zheng returned to the wing to go to sleep.
       On New Year's Day, Yue-Yao prepared a thick red envelope for the court. Every year, Yue-Yao will give the court a red envelope, which is already the rule.
       Ting is not wanting to pick up, "Sister, I have grown up." The little boy took the red envelope. He is already a little man, how can he still get a red envelope.
       The court is holding a red envelope from Yue-Yao, and some helpless, he really does not want it!
       Yue-Yao said a lot of words with Ting Zheng before the court was down, "Ting Zheng, you are too big, we can't always live in our family, so I plan to return to Capital City, I will tell you." This matter. "If there is no mistake, An Zhi May go to The Ma House to raise relatives after a while. When she marries, she can't stay in the house. So the idea of ​​Yue-Yao is to let the court move out. Anyway, her mother left the house, and when she packed up the house, she would give it to the court. If the court does not like it, she can buy a new one.
       Ting Zheng has no concept of this, "Sister is the master." Anyway, where is his sister, where is he. The child has not thought about his sister to marry, and will be someone else family in the future.
       Yue-Yao soon made Tingzhen realize this, because Yue-Yao mentioned his affair, "Ting Zheng, my sister means that you are still young, and after three or five years, 'marriage proposal' It’s not too late. When you have a fame, you have an official position, you can only say good things at a time.” Not everyone is a force, but the status quo is like this. There is no innate advantage in the court, so I can only rely on my own efforts. The court is getting an official position. The family is simple and it is much easier to find a family.
       Ting Zheng is still the same sentence, "Sister can be the master."
       Yue-Yao knows that Ting Zheng is not a person who has no idea. This is nothing but respect for her. I laughed and said: "Well, your future ‘Madam’ must pass me. If it is not good, I can disagree." Yue-Yao This is also a vaccination.
       Tingzheng’s face was a bit hum, and he whispered: "My sister is the master." The most trusted person in the court is Yue-Yao, so lifelong events are naturally Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao looked at the face of Ting Zhengcan Ruo Chunhua and smiled and shook his head.
       Ting Zhengchu went down the  Mountain, and Yue-Yao and other courts were leaving, and the rest time was restored. The rest time of the people is actually shaken according to the moon, so there is nothing discomfort.

       Chapter 358 Parenting (1)   

       In the early spring, the cold of winter gradually began to withdraw. The warm current of the sun melted the snow and ice on the  Mountain, and the crystal drops of water dripping the spring.
       Yue-Yao watched the willows spit out the buds, and the willow branches rose with the warm spring breeze. A brown bird flew to the branches of the early willows and called.
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei Wei, who was hard to be pulled out by her. She smiled and said: "You see the birds are coming out, you are still hiding in the bed, are you so embarrassed?"
       Xiang Wei slanted Yue-Yao: "You are not cold, I am very cold." This big month is not in the house, drinking tea and eating cakes, running out to blow the cold wind, she is sick.
       Yue-Yao Regardless of Wei ambiguity: "Do not let the sun shine, don't always lie in the house." Yue-Yao is now beginning to suspect that Wei is to be afraid of cold when he can be a rice worm every day, not because he is injured. The sequelae of falling.
       After receiving Lian for three days, the people of The Ma House also sent things up the  Mountain. This time, there are new gossips, and it is still about Anzhi.
       The last time I spoke Pozi, Pozi knows that Wei likes gossip and talks more and more hardly." An Jiasangongzi was promoted a few days ago. Now he is from the four products. 19-year Old There are not many people in the capital. Now I am going to the home of the family 'gongs 'marriage proposal'. I am about to break the threshold, but Ansan Gongzi refused."
       Shaking his eyebrows to Wei, he laughed and said: "No one is looking for Weiyuan Hou?" With Weiyuan Hou 'temperament', it is strange to not intervene!
       -Pozi said cheerfully: "How could it not be found, but An Sangongzi has already spoken out, his marriage is his own, and others promised that he would not recognize it. An Sangongzi is also right, Weiyuan Marquis Although it is the relative of Ansan Gongzi, but in the end it has already been taken out, where can still be arrogant. Others have heard this, they dare not find Weiyuan Hou, but many people have gone to The Marquis Estate  way. Now everyone outside is saying that Weiyuan Marquis is stupid, and his son has gone out. From the law, it is no longer his son. It is already late to wait for the next time to go to the old man’s spectrum.
       Xiang Wei listened to this statement and was quite satisfied.
       -Pozi added: "At the end of last year, there was a person in Lian-jia marriage who insulted the Master Master. This person also threatened to have a good Master, but he didn't want to. This person was impeached by the imperial history and is now being dismissed. It is."
       Wei Wei snorted, "Can you say who this is?" There are few people in the official office who are really clean, as long as they check, they are not afraid to find it. Xiang Wei is still waiting to return to Capital City to pick up the guy, but did not expect someone to shoot.
       -Pozi smiled and said: "The rumor is that the head of the family, Li Daren, gave the young master of the court." The people of The Ma House naturally know that Li Daren will be the master of the Master Master. Li Daren is the master of the Master. In the early days, there is nothing unexpected.
       Thought to Wei.
       -Pozi hesitated a bit and said a more explosive gossip." On the 16th of the first month, the Eldest Miss of the family married the Mao family. I heard that the wedding night did not fall. The Mao family said that the bride is not jealous. I sent Miss back to her family, and then I didn’t know how it sounded. This incident has been rumored outside.
       If it is not to Wei on the  Mountain, Yue-Yao must suspect that this is the handwriting of Wei. Yue-Yao said faintly, "It’s just a rumor." Although Yue-Yao doesn't like Yan Qing lian, if it is newly married, it really doesn't fall, and Qing Qing lian has a dwarf in his life.
       -Pozi Seeing Yue-Yao is not happy, don't dare to talk about it. Xiang Wei feels that Yue-Yao is very boring and encourages Pozi continues.
       Yue-Yao got up and went back to the house, no matter what what Pozi said. Pozi secret suspicion in his heart said that he had to face Wei in front of Yao Miss. This is where the face is. This is what it is like to be the master of the house.
       Two days later, someone in The Jingning Marquis Estate sent something.
       Xiang Wei and Yue-Yao said: "Miss, Madam is going to ask the people to come to the house to pick up the two days, Miss see how to reply?"
       Yue-Yao is very complicated and can't say joy, but it can't be said to be annoying. It seems that this is a task that must be completed. Yue-Yao couldn't help but think of what the teacher said to her. Marrying a life is a stage of life. Without going through this stage, standing outside, naturally I can't really appreciate the joys and sorrows here.
       Seeing Yue-Yao did not answer for a long time, carefully asked: "Miss will not be remorse?" Don't really come to the door to repent.
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "Is that kind of person?" The Master is hard to chase after a horse. If she doesn't think clearly, she won't let go in front of Ping-shi.
       I am relieved of Wei. "That, I will let people talk back." When the words were handed out, they were really settled.
       Xiang Wei said a very serious topic with Yue-Yao on the same day," Miss, waiting for you to marry, you want me to marry the past."
       Yue-Yao answer is definitely yes.
       Xiang Wei does not want to be with Yue-Yao, "An Zhi-zhi is a sly and overbearing person. The so-called one  Mountain can't be two tigers. If I go with you, I will definitely have contradictions in the future. I still don't want to talk to you. It’s gone together.” Xiang Wei knows her own nature very well. She is not to lose, and she is the most unacceptable. Yue-Yao 'temperament' is good, but also accommodates her, so I can get along so well, but after Yu-Yao is married, it will not be. Xiang Wei is not very familiar with An Zhi-, but from the things that An Zhi-zhen does, this person is definitely a person with strong control, and the two will definitely be in conflict.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It's not easy. When you are alone in a yard, you will be with me when you are not there. When he is there, you will go back to your yard. I don't think he is coming. Being stingy will not go with you.” Yue-Yao also knows that Wei Wei likes to be free and unwilling to be restrained. Now she can naturally stand up, but married, many things are very inconvenient, and she is not alone in her own decision, so she can only adopt this kind of compromise attitude.
       Laughing to Weihaha, "This method is good, I didn't think of it." It made her tangled for so long, it could be solved so easily.
       Ping-shi got the answer from Yue-Yao, and his heart was safe. Ping-Shi is ready to go to the 'marriage proposal', but it is no more than Luo Yi," directly ask a person to talk to Ma Chengteng." This is a formal procedure, as long as it is discussed with Ma Chengteng, as for the later events. , own Ma Chengteng arrangements.
       Ping-Shi did not respond.
       Luo Yan smiled and said: "The son will come back soon." Ping-Shi even if it is now 'marriage proposal', can not be down. Tang-Shi has no decision Making power, and he will talk to Ma Chengteng at that time. Ma Chengteng will definitely not agree before he can get the consent of Yue-Yao, so now it is useless to do a home visit, and everything has to wait for Yue-Yao to come back.
       Ping-Shi smiled: "Ma Daren is really enough to sue Yue-Yao." The general marriage is the elders, but Ma Chengteng is afraid to be the master of Yue-Yao, but it is not a pet. .
       Luo Wei has a different view. He thinks that Ma Chengteng is not a good choice for this golden mean. It is because Yue-Yao is a shi-nu, so Ma Chengteng is not willing to make an argument. If he is a child, he must be the master. To put it bluntly, Ma Chengteng also held an attitude of not seeking merit but seeking nothing. However, Luo Wei also knows that Ma Chengteng is the kind of temper. If he doesn't make his backyard mess, he does not comment.
       If Ma Chengteng knows that Luo Wei is evaluating him like this, he has to call. He is too clear about Yue-Yao 'temperament' son, and Yue-Yao is too assertive. If he didn't ask Yue-Yao first, he decided to make a decision. When Yue-Yao didn't agree, it would only make Yue-Yao reputation damaged. He was careful, but he was ignored.
       Luo Wei directly told the Ministry of Industry Shangshu and Ma Chengteng to say this. Ma Chengteng also recently worried about Yue-Yao marriage. Now he is very happy to hear that An Zhi family has come to visit him.” Master, you also know that the last time An’s family came to the door and I was rejected.” Ma Chengteng is happy. But he still has some concerns. He didn't know that An Sangongzi knew that he didn't know the recent rumors? Yue-Yao is now seventeen years old, but I can't stand the wind and waves anymore. In case I don't know the 4th Prince intends Yue-Yao, I don't know if I will retreat after Yue-Yao.
       The Ministry of Industry Shang Shule happily appeased Ma Chengteng: "An Da is young and promising, and his future is optimistic. Now there are many people who want to marry a  Miss , but all of them refused, and they specifically asked Jingning. The Marquis invited me to visit you to find out the tone, which shows that the Anta people really want to ask Lian Miss."
       Ma Chengteng was not stupid. Before considering the mess in Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , he felt that Yue-Yao 'temperament' was not suitable for those complicated environments, so he refused. Now that An Zhi has gone out, all the previous concerns are gone, and this marriage is so good.
       Of course, if there is no such thing as Prince, Ma Chengteng will definitely pick up another problem. Since the 4th Prince said that they want to get Yue-Yao micro-Ceefei, no one came to pick up the door, even if he took the initiative to mention, those people are also like the slumbering of the beasts, so that Ma Chengteng is not a taste.
       Ma Chengteng thought and thought again. He finally decided to agree to this marriage. Such a good relationship is hard to find with a lantern. The most important thing is that Ma Chengteng is worried that this village can be without this store.
       Ma Chengteng considered it for a long time and finally agreed.
       The Ministry of Industry’s book is not unexpected for Ma Chengteng’s meeting. Now it’s very popular. Lian 3rd Miss is a woman who is a woman. It is hard to find a flowering apricot. It’s true that the woman’s family has to be held to be able to make her daughter’s valuables, but if she is good, she must be decisive, or else she will regret it.
       Ma Chengteng turned his head and went back to the house, so that the great housekeeper Ma Yuan personally went to the  Mountain to pick up Yue-Yao, "I told the Outer Cousin Miss that I was in a hurry and let her return to Capital City tomorrow." He has promised the marriage, now the most important It is the work of doing Yue-Yao.
       Ma Yuan did not understand, " Master, what is so urgent?"
       Ma Chengteng thought of Yue-Yao 'temperament', fearing that Yue-Yao knew it was a 'marriage proposal' and would not return. I thought about it: "Whether you use any method, you have to let Yue-Yao come back." After a pause, he said: "So, you told Yue-Yao that I was sick, let me come back soon."
       Ma Yuan no longer asks anything, can let the Master curse himself, it must be a big deal," Laozi assured, I will definitely pick up Miss tomorrow."-

       Chapter 359 Parenting (2)   

       It was sunny, the weather was warm, and Yue-Yao pulled out to the Wei. The roadside is a green grass that is tender and tender from the soil.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "Yangchun February and March, grass and water are the same color."
       Yue Wei-Yao glanced at Wei Bai: "I don't recognize you when you go to the fire." If you don't move, you can read the poems and words, and you can't eat Wei Wei.
       Yue-Yao chuckled: "The teacher said that if the poems are recited and can be reversed, even if they don't make poems, they will be embarrassed." Although this method is a bit stupid, but stupid and stupid, the foundation is played. it is good. Yue-Yao feels that with more than a year, she is now having a lot of poetry.
       Xiang Wei ignores Yue-Yao and goes to see her camellia. Unfortunately, camellia has been almost praised: "Miss, you like that camellia, I will give it to you! I will hang it in the room when I go back." Xiang Wei had wanted the painting, but she knew Yue-Yao is very stingy and never gives away his own painted paintings.
       Yue-Yao actually liked the painting very much, but Xiang Wei was with her for so many years, and she spoke to her for the first time. She couldn't refuse it. "You like it and give it to you."
       There is doubt in the face of Wei, "What time did Miss speak so well?" Quickly made her feel that there must be problems in it.
       Yue-Yao ignored her.
       Going forward with a slight smile, I smashed the only red camellia that was brilliantly opened, and then inserted it on the hair of Yue-Yao. "It's beautiful."
       Zhao Yuan, who came to the night to go to the night, wanted to go directly to Yue-Yao. But Ma Yuan thought for a moment that it was not appropriate. If Miss heard it, Master would definitely go down the  Mountain immediately. The running  Mountain road is very dangerous. Ma Yuan wants to come and think. I still tell Yue-Yao to be safer tomorrow morning. On that night, a ** person stayed in the temple for the night.
       Luo Lan knew that Ma Chengteng had already agreed to the marriage in the evening. He also said that he had been a matchmaker for two days. Luo Wei was a little surprised. "I didn't expect him to be the master."
       Ping-shi can understand why Ma Chengteng will agree. "With the end of last year, Yue-Yao marriage has become very difficult. Now Yue-Yao is 17 years old, and the conditions of Heyue are also Very good. Ma Daren is definitely afraid to miss this opportunity, and naturally will agree." Ping-Shi feels that Ma Chengteng did not make a decision before, mainly because he did not feel particularly satisfied, plus feels Yue-Yao The age is not big, there is space for selection, so naturally it comes from Yue-Yao. Now that the situation is not good, and I have a good chance, he can no longer be chaotic by Yue-Yao.
       Luo Yan smiled and said: "So, 4th Prince has done a good thing." If there is no 4th Prince, then it must not be tempered, at least not so smoothly now.
       Early the next morning, Ma Yuan told Yue-Yao that Ma Chengteng was seriously ill and wanted to see her.
       Yue-Yao was frightened and confused. "Hurry, fast, I have to go back." Things are not cleaned up, just thinking about going back quickly.
       Xiang Wei looked at Ma Yuan’s look, then looked at the faces of a group of followers, and moved in the heart, facing Ma Yuan said:
        “The big housekeeper, please also hurry to set up the carriage, let’s go now.”
       Yue-Yao didn't have to wait for a good carriage, just thinking about getting down the  Mountain. Xiang Wei had to say: "Miss, you have to put your big wool clothes on the  Mountain." Xiang Li Lian took Yue-Yao back to the house.
       Yue-Yao is really angry this time. "When is this, you won't help with the clothes!" She hurried down the  Mountain and went back to the capital. She didn't want to delay for a minute.
       I swept Yue-Yao to Wei. "If Ma Da is really seriously ill, do you think that the big housekeeper will pick you up? You didn't find that there is no  Mourning color on those faces? Also, the days before. People who came here did not say that Ma Da was ill. It was only two days that he was seriously dying. How could it be?" These abnormalities made Wei Wei very sure that Ma Chengteng was fine.
       Yue-Yao looks very ugly, "You mean, isn't it just for Ma Yuan to pick me up? But someone is instructing him?"
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao has some cups of snakes and snakes, and everything goes to the kidnapping. "That won't. If someone instructs Ma Yuan to pick you up, he won't be so calm. And the people he brings are all the family members. Those family faces are also inconspicuous."
       Yue-Yao suddenly can't figure out what is going on, "No matter what, it will go down as soon as possible. Things let Xu-Yu slowly pick up, let's go back." As long as no one is doing evil, it is a matter in The Ma House. Very good solution.
       In the soup of The Ma House, Shi-shi, when she heard her mother's words, her face was very unsightly." Niang, the last aunt was in the house-Pozi -maid said Yue-Yao gram died of his own Niang, the public servant heard a message and sent a big temper. With such a thing, even if Yue-Yao is difficult to marry, it is impossible to sneak up on Zhu." If there is no previous thing, the public servant looks at Zhu. In the sincerity of the family, it will be promised in all likelihood, but after that, don’t say promise, don’t be a good time.
       Madam Tang still didn't know about it. After listening to this, hesitated: "Can't you? How can your aunt say this in The Ma House?" This is not a significant offense!
       Tang-Shi is very annoyed, "I can still arrange this kind of thing. Mother, mother-in-law, you don't care about it in the future. If you don't have a good time, you have to provoke it."
       Madam Tang is silent. If this is true, then Mei Mei brain must be broken, and she said these things in Ma house.
       Tang-Shi said: "Mother, the aunt also wants to be this relative, it is estimated that Li Shangshu was the first thing in the court. Zhu Jiaruo is able to go to the door of Shangshufu, and the future of his cousin is naturally Okay." Li Shangshu can make a fortune in the court, and naturally he can take care of Yue-Yao.
       Madam Tang sighed. "No, it’s because I saw you, Zhu Hang’s cousin, who hasn’t gotten married since now. Some of them are anxious, so ask, since there is such a thing, I don’t care.”
       Tang-Shi listened to the urgency: "Mother, don't you hear that 4th Prince wants to have Yue-Yao-Ceefei? If you let your aunt know, you will think that you have broken the future of Zhu Hang's cousin. ”
       Madam Tang shook her head. "Forget it, don't say it. I won't intervene in their family."
       Tang-Shi pacified Madam Tang: "Mother, it’s rare to come over and not say these bad things. Mother, I’m here for lunch here, and we haven’t talked for a long time. ”
       Madam Tang heard a smile. Madam Tang had only one son and one daughter. Her son now studies business with her husband. Her daughter is so good now, and she is content.
       Tang-Shi also knows that she is not only the best among the few sisters, but also the smoothest day.
       Madam Tang chatted with her daughter. "Can your mother-in-law not be kept in the temple?" Cheng-shi has been in the temple since that year, and has not gone out in the past few years. Cheng-shi is now in The Ma House, the equivalent of invisible people.
       Tang-Shi does not want to put Cheng-shi out. The one she just married will be the pain of Cheng-shi. If Cheng-shi is released, she still has a good day. Tang-Shi sees her husband wants her mother-in-law to come out, although she didn’t say anything on the face, but she did a lot of things in private, and the public money never let go, and the slow husband no longer mentioned that she had released her mother-in-law. .
       The mother and the daughter said a long time, Madam Tang saw that it was late, ready to go home, and the outside -maid hurriedly rushed over: "2nd Madam, Yao Miss is back."
       The Tang-shi is very different," Madam, you are waiting for me here, I have looked at it in the past." There is no sign of this return, and the Tang-shi intuition is something.
       Yue-Yao went back to the mansion and didn't see Ma Chengteng. He looked at Ma Yuandao in vain. "Isn't it sick? Why is it not in the house?" I was still skeptical about what I said to Wei. Now I can confirm that it is Ma Yuan. Deceive her.
       Ma Yuan hanged his head and said: "Miss, Master went to Tuen Mun. I have any doubts, etc. Master will ask Miss after returning. Master." Ma Yuan is not clear what is Master? So eager.
       Yue-Yao also knows that it is useless at this time, so let him go. Yue-Yao is a little depressed, "Xiang Wei, how do you say that I am a Sanpin official?" Zheng Sanpin's official is in the capital, the position is not low, Yue-Yao can't figure out how she will do it. Out of such a mentally handicapped thing.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Miss listens to the truth or lies."
       Although it was deceived, it was better to be deceived. It was really sick. If you think about it, Yue-Yao is also comfortable, and Yue-Yao smiles and says: "You don't talk nonsense."
       Ma Weiteng commented on Wei Wei. "You have a good ability. In addition to diligence, he has an advantage. It is not a slap in the face and does not compete with others. Plus he is very open-minded, such a person will not be accepted in the officialdom. Excluded." The 'temperament' like Ma Chengteng is actually very popular with the boss. Which of the bosses does not like the people below is too capable, and the competent ones always want to replace their position.
       Yue-Yao nodded her head, and she was really like this 'temperament'.
       Xiang Wei smiled and continued: "Your ancestors were a big clerk in the past, and they must have left their contacts. So you have a four-person official in your thirties, and you have the shadow of your ancestors. As for him If you can have a current position, you will be completely blamed for luck. When the four products are from the three products, they borrow the light of their sons; from the three products to the three products, they borrow your light. Speaking, their father and son are lucky. After that, after looking at it, Wei looked at Yue-Yao with a smile.
       Yue-Yao was stunned by this look.
       He said to Wei Le: "In fact, I think that it is not so much that their father and son are lucky, but it is not to say that you borrowed your light, Miss, you said yes."
       Yue-Yao is fried, "I have a relationship with the big cousin, and it has something to do with me." Of course, it really has something to do with her, but it can't be acknowledged.
       He said to Wei Le, "What are you doing so excitedly? In fact, even if their father and son's good fortune is your light, it is their blessing. Miss, can bring blessing to others, that is Fuxing, know? How many people can't think about it!" Fu Xing can't say it, but to Wei, I think Yue-Yao is a person who can bring good luck to people. Not to mention Ma Chengteng and his son, Jingning Marchioness Ping Shi and Ming-zhu, also got the help of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao did not hear, what Fuxing, Fuxing is not a good thing. Still good as an ordinary person.
       At this time, Ruo Xiao came in: "Miss, 2nd Madam is coming."
       Yue-Yao At this time Lian excuses are too lazy to find, and said directly: "He said that there is an urgent matter, I want to come back soon, so I came back early in the morning."
       There is some accident in the Tang-shi, there is something urgent in the calmness of the house, but since the public is letting Yue-Yao come back, Tang-Shi has nothing to ask.
       If you know the hints to Wei, the whisper reminds: "Miss, you have a cold clothes, change the clothes first!" When you rush over, you can't be chilly!
       Tang-Shi attitude towards Yue-Yao is that she is not guilty of eating and wearing Yue-Yao. Others don’t intervene, just staring at me. “You are busy, I will go back first.”
       Yue-Yao did not retain, and sent the Tang-shi out of the yard and turned to change clothes.
       In the evening, Ma Chengteng went straight to Haishuyuan. No matter what, he must let Yue-Yao nod his head. Well, even if you don't agree, you have to force Yue-Yao to promise.
       Yue-Yao stunned Ma Chengteng for the first time. “no matter what things you want me to come back, you shouldn't use your illness to swindle? You know, I don't know, I was scared to death."
       Ma Chengteng’s sly, when he only thought about Yue-Yao, he would return when he heard that he was ill. I didn’t expect Yue-Yao to be afraid of fear. “Yue-Yao, this time you are coming back for your marriage.”
       Yue-Yao did not say anything.
       Ma Chengteng continued to talk about his scalp, "Yue-Yao, is the banned army to participate in the door of the door." Ann is the three gongzi of Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , but now he has gone out. Yue-Yao, I think An Zhi It’s quite good, and I’m not a mother. The future is another good.”
       Yue-Yao coldly said: "For this matter, I completely told Ma Yuan to tell me that I am going back to Capital City, do I have to lie to me?"
       Ma Chengteng is losing money, but now is not the time to say this. "This is not afraid that you will not come back. Yue-Yao, An Zhi-zhen last time he came to the door to raise a relative, but we are not convinced that Weiyuan Marquis Estate  confusion did not agree, now it is not the same, Yue Yao, such a good candidate, if you have passed this village, you will not have this store! Can you refuse any more."
       Yue-Yao reluctantly said: “- let me think."
       Ma Chengteng didn't have time to let Yue-Yao think that the matchmaker might come to the door in two days," Yue-Yao, An Zhi-sheng asked the Ministry of Industry Shangshu to mention it to me, I have already promised."
       Yue-Yao was shocked and looked like, “have you agreed?"
       Ma Chengteng stunned and said: "Yue-Yao, you are seventeen years old this year, can't pick it anymore. I think An Zhi-zhen is really good, so I promised." An Zhi-qi was from the fourteenth when he was 19 years old. It is also three levels lower than him. Think about the future of Anzhi, where she is willing to miss.
       Yue-Yao deliberately sad look, "I have promised, and still find me to do something?" She really did not expect that she would not agree with her meaning, is it true that An Zhi-zhen is really a fragrance?
       Ma Chengteng quickly said: "Yue-Yao, these two days, An Zhi-zhen will definitely ask the matchmaker to come to the door to raise the family. By then, this matter will be fixed." After saying this, Ma Chengteng quickly left the Haitang Court, although he did not feel that he had Wrong, but he was flustered when he saw Yue-Yao sad appearance.
       Yue-Yao sat in the chair and looked at the sapphire cup on the table.
       He yelled to Wei: "Miss, it’s time to return to the soul." Miss was so sad that she looked guilty, and she was really stunned by Ma.
       After Yue-Yao returned to God, it was a little weird. "Ao Zhizhen is so delicious?" She can promise this marriage without her consent. Naturally, it is determined that this marriage is good.
       Xiang Wei smiled. "Do you think that the 19-year Old from the four products is a big road? You didn't see it." Pozi said, everyone wants to marry his daughter, and Lian Lu Duke House and the Ministry of Military Affairs I want to marry the Di Daughter!"
       One of the reasons for Yue-Yao choice of security is that An Zhi-zhen is a capable person, and he is very capable. "I am from the four products when I was 19, is it too fast?"
       Xiang Wei gave Yue-Yao another knowledge. "The military is no more than a civil servant. The civil servant needs one step at a time, and pays attention to the seniority of the ranking. The military officer can rise up as long as the military is enough. An Zhi is often in Haikou. Going out to sea, there is a family, Lao Taiye, who no one dared to wipe out his military skills, so he can rise so fast."
       What Yue-Yao wants to know is that An Zhi-yi has only returned for more than a year, and has already risen to two levels. This is not Haikou.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "The military is respected by strength. An Zhi has the ability and means, and his mind is deep. You don't know. He stood firm in the infantry battalion for half a year. Don't look at him. Face, in fact, he is very good at the infantry battalion with those colleagues, very popular. No one has any criticism when he comes up, or else the Marquis wants to help him up." Xiang Wei did not tell Yue-Yao It is that the soldiers who have seen the blood on the battlefield have won the admiration of the soldiers in the military camp.
       Moon foxes suspiciously said: "How have you not heard of you before?"
       Xiang Wei wants to play haha, but sees that he has to tell the truth. "In fact, it is afraid to scare you." A person who likes to eat the Buddha must not like to kill and kill.
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to compare with Wei. Her choice of security is not a whim, but a thoughtful one. "You send someone a letter, I want to see you with An Zhi-, and I will see others before." Some things, Must be clear before the matchmakers come to the door.
       Speaking to Wei Wei, "What do you think of An Zhi-?" But don't come and repent, it is not easy to find such a satisfactory person.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Reassure, since I promised, I will not regret it halfway. I just want to tell him something." As for what to say, Yue-Yao will not tell Wei.
       Wei Wei finally sent someone to send a letter.
       An Zhi got the news and agreed very quickly. The atmosphere of Haikou is much more open than that of the capital. It is not a big thing to see a person before marriage.
       The two personal bodyguards around An Zhi-zhen are still excited about their first master who may be the first talented woman in Capital City. Akai thinks more, "Master, this Lian Miss is a talented woman, will it be a literary genius who wants to test the school?"
       Datong is also worried.
       An Zhi  Mouth is rising, “No.” If Lian Miss wants to find a literary genre, he will not refuse Guan Jingyu.

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