Family 330

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 330 is shackled (1)   

       The sun is like a fire, the earth is like a steamer, and the heat is so breathless that it is in the evening, and Wei is still hot and sweaty.
       Yue-Yao looked at the letter that Ming-zhu wrote to her in the yard. After reading the letter, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "To Wei, the pearl is pregnant, more than two months." When Ming-zhu was diagnosed with pregnancy, he wanted to write a letter to tell Yue-Yao, but unfortunately it was blocked by Nu Yang-hui. . Nu Yang-hui feels that according to the custom, it must be three months before he can tell others. Because the child is stingy, telling others is afraid of being unlucky. The letter of the news is still written by Nu Yang-hui. Ming-zhu is trying to make Yue-Yao happy with her.
       After drinking a bowl of iced mung bean soup in his hand, he said with surprise: "The pearl has been in love for more than two months. This will not be pregnant when the house is in the candlelight night!" This is fast enough.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "There is no cover."
       Xu-Yu helped Yue-Yao to catch the mosquitoes next to Yue-Yao. After listening to this, he said with a smile: "Miss’s sentimental view is so effective, and the wedding is not unusual?” Miss sent three deliverers. Guanyin map, the first two have a son, the pearl Miss this fetus must also have a son.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Nonsense, this life is a day of birth, and wherever you can guarantee that you must be a son."
       Xu-Yu said with certainty: "It must be a son."
       Yue-Yao said very speechless.
       At this time, the Ming-zhu, accompanied by her husband Nu Yang-hui, also walked in her own garden. Ming-zhu sighed: "I don't know if Yue-Yao is also watching the moon."
       Nu Yang-hui couldn't help but smile: "Ming-zhu, you can't leave Yue-Yao Miss in three sentences, you are not afraid of me jealous." Nu Yang-hui always knows that Yue-Yao has a good relationship with Ming-zhu, but he did not expect it to be better than him. This husband has to go to the back.
       Ming-zhu said happily: "You are my husband, Yue-Yao is my best friend, they are all unique, so you don't have to be jealous."
       Nu Yang-hui is just a joke, and it will be really jealous. The ‘Madam’ has such a good friend, he actually feels very good.
       The two walked for half an hour and returned to the house. Nu Yang-hui looked at the bedside and sent the Guanyin map: "Ming-zhu, Yue-Yao Miss painted this to send the Guanyin map, really smashed a thousand times "send the scriptures"?"
       The corner of the pearl is slightly raised: "There is still a fake! I told you that Yue-Yao painted a total of three paintings, one is the 1st Madam of the Ma family, and the other is my 'sister-in-law'. And this one is mine. Ma 1st Madam and my 'sister-in-law' got pregnant and sentimental pictures were not long before they became pregnant, and they are all born sons. My baby must also be a big one. Fat boy.
       Nu Yang-hui smiled and touched the belly that the pearl has not yet appeared: "It is not important to be a man or a woman, as long as the child is healthy and healthy."
       Ming-zhu is not willing to: "If you don't, you must be a son. If you have Mei Mei in the future, he can protect Mei Mei." Ming-zhu is deeply impressed by the benefits of having a brother. She has lived so much for so many years, and most of the reason is that there is a good brother who hurts Mei Mei.
       Nu Yang-hui laughed and said: "Men and women don't care." Nu Yang-hui is only afraid that she will have a daughter in the future, and Ming-zhu will be disappointed. In fact, the first child, Nu Yang-hui really feels that men and women do not care.
       Ming-zhu listened to Nu Yang-hui words and laughed.
       A good night's sleep, the next morning, the couple just finished using the breakfast, a small Servant outside said: "1st Young Master, Madam, please go with 1st Young Madam."
       Ming-zhu kissed the cow hotly Madam called: "Mom, do you have breakfast?" After the three dynasties returned to the door, Ming-zhu took over the house. After Ming-zhu took over the house, it did not move for half a month. Just as everyone thinks that Ming-zhu is as good as the cow Madam, Ming-zhu has begun to check people accounts. From the purchase to the cook, the accounts of every place are checked.
       This investigation has identified many problems. Ming-zhu did not punish these people by themselves, and gave evidence of the corruption and bribery of these people to the cow Master.
       The person's evidence is complete, and the cow Master does not want to be punished. At present, several people who have been more corrupt have been hit by 20 boards, and then the whole family sells them. Others either rush to Zhuangzi or sell them directly.
       Ming-zhu also took the opportunity to insert his own people and re-established the rules. Ming-zhu is acting resolutely, and Nu Yang-hui is very praised.
       Ming-zhu is funny at the moment. Most of these corrupt and bribe-stricken people are Lu Concubine, who naturally wants to get rid of it. Of course, there are also people in Lu Concubine in other positions, but the hands and feet are clean, the work is solid, and the Ming-zhu will not be exhausted.
       Who can think that Ming-zhu has just found out that she is pregnant after she has finished the housekeeping of Nu House . However, although the pearl is pregnant, the housework has not been handed over, let the Servant around it Pozi cuisine. I have asked her about the big things, but I have never had any scorpions.
       The cow Madam has been with the Ming-zhu for more than two months, and it is also taken as a daughter by Ming-zhu. Cattle Madam asked Ming-zhu to sit down and said: "Hui, Ming-zhu, mother is ready to go to Hualin Temple for two days."
       Ming-zhu did not think too much, said with a smile: "Well, I let people prepare for her."
       Nu Yang-hui knows the cow Madam's nature: "When I went to Hualin Temple, how long did my mother stay in Hualin Temple?" Nu Yang-hui had always worried that his mother would break into the empty door, but fortunately his mother could not bear him. Did not break into the empty door.
       The cow Madam smiled and said: "When you are in the New Year, you will come back. Hui, let the mother go! The  Mountain is quiet, and the mother is very comfortable in the  Mountains."
       Ming-zhu looked at Nu Yang-hui, and this matter got her husband to take the idea. Ming-zhu in the cattle house for more than two months finally understand why the cow Madam back to Lu Shi shi forced into the temple. It’s not Lu Shi, but cow Madam is too weak. A woman who would not fight to avoid it is doomed to her ending. Sometimes, Ming-zhu really can't understand the cow Madam thinks in the end, the son has a good life, and her daughter-in-law is also filial to her, so the cow Madam is also tempered by Lu shi. But this kind of thing is really no way. If Lu Shi is playing her idea, she will definitely not let Lu shi have a good fruit to eat. But the kind of thing between the elders, she would not be able to intervene.
       Nu Yang-hui also knows his mother's 'temperament'. After thinking about it, he said: "Mother, you go to the  Mountain. But you have to go back to the house before the cold winter." Anyway, his mother and aunt will maintain the face. Going to the  Mountains is really quiet for his mother.
       Cow Madam smiled: "Yes."
       Yue-Yao was not moving when he was ready to go out.
       Xiang Wei is not willing to go out and persuaded: "Miss, you are painting in the yard today! This weather is too hot, and the sweat is full when you go out." Xiang Wei really does not understand why everyone is so hot, but why I don't feel hot about Miss. Otherwise, Miss will always go out to pick up the scene these days, how to persuade to go out.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It is at the foot of the  Mountain anyway, let Gu You and Gu Lan accompany me in the past." Nor is Yue-Yao not going out to suffer this crime, but Yue-Yao the first two The day found a tree that was very strange. The tree grew like a scorpion, and the farmer of the village said that the tree had lived for at least three hundred years. Yue-Yao is interesting, so I want to draw it down. It was cooler in the morning, and she couldn't stand it anymore.
       Xiang Wei was afraid of heat, and heard Yue-Yao didn’t think much at the foot of the  Mountain: “It’s also. But Miss has to come back soon, don’t have heat stroke.”
       Yue-Yao nodded his head and then instructed Gu You and Gu Lan to pack up the tools for painting. Then they led four guards with kung fus to go up the  Mountain together.
       Yue-Yao was uninterrupted when painting, so Yue-Yao found a place to start painting, Gu You and Gu Lan retreated to the side, while the four guards were on the periphery.
       Yue-Yao concentrated on painting, and suddenly heard a call in the valley: "Miss, run..."
       Yue-Yao heard this and jumped. She turned around and saw that Gu You and Gu Lan were fighting with two men. At this time, a tall and strong man had already walked to her side.
       Yue-Yao just reacted and was taken down by the man. Yue-Yao fell to the ground. At the moment of fainting, Yue-Yao heart flashed a thought, and it’s coming, after all, it’s coming.
       To Wei, I saw a watermelon that was chilled in the well water. I said to myself: "This sun can cook people, she is not afraid of heat, and has not returned yet."
       Xu-Yu laughed: "Min always forgets the time when painting, and I don't know it to my sister." Xu-Yu has long been used to it.
       Xiang Wei only complained on the  Mouth, but did not think much. While eating the watermelon to Wei, Gu You was helped by a Pozi to enter the house.
       When I saw Wei, I was covered in blood, and immediately dropped the watermelon in my hand: "What happened? Miss?"
       Gu Yu said hard: "Miss was taken away by two men, one of whom had a long scar on his right face."
       Although Wei was angry, she knew the importance. She immediately divided four people to the  Mountain, and all the other people followed her to the outside. There is only one intersection at this  Mountain village, and it is still catching up.
       Xiang Wei caught up with a carriage and took a hard look at the carriage. As a result, the carriage was just a young woman with a young daughter.
       To Wei Gang is ready to leave, but it is a slight sigh. After many years at Miss, Lian instinct almost forgot. Turned to Wei and said: "Catch these people to me." These people are calculating, deliberately getting such a carriage here to deliberately delay the people they catch up with.
       I went to Wei on the road and knew that I couldn’t catch up with it. Xiang Wei acted extremely decisively, and now he will not continue to pursue it, but will immediately return to Capital City.
       Unfortunately, Jingning is not in The Marquis Estate  and went to the palace.
       Xiang Wei did not care, now told this thing Ping-shi, hope Ping-shi can invite the Marquis out of the palace as soon as possible. This matter must be helped by the Marquis.

       Chapter 331 is ridiculed (2)   

       Ping-Shi-Yue heard that Yue-Yao was scared and almost jumped out: "What do you say? Yue-Yao was taken away? Who is so bold?"
       If it was before, Yue-Yao said that Zhou Shu would take her away, and Wei was still skeptical, but now she believes that it is Zhou Shu hands and feet. Ordinary people, there is no such courage: " Madam, I don't know who left Miss, and now it is imperative to rescue Miss. Seek Madam tells the Marquis." Knowing that the Marquis is extremely short-sighted, although Miss is not the Mei Mei of the Marquis, the Marquis has been sheltering Miss for years. This time someone dared to take Miss, and Wei believes that the Marquis will not stand by.
       Ping-Shi said: "You can rest assured that as long as I can do it, I will definitely not quit." If other people, she will still measure one or two, but Yue-Yao, she will be strong Help each other.
       Ping-Shi said that he immediately invited people to the palace and told Luo that Hou was in a hurry.
       It was already late in the evening when Luo Wei returned to Hou. Hearing that Wei said that Yue-Yao was taken away, Luo Yan said with a blue face: "You are sure to be Yue-Yao of Zhou Shuzhen?" Although Yue-Yao is not a Jingning waiting person, he is with him. There is no kinship, but Luo Wei is very impressed with Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao has helped Ming-zhu three times, so Luo Wei is willing to help Yue-Yao. The people in the capital also know that Yue-Yao is sheltered by the Jingning Waiting House. Now that this person dares to take Yue-Yao, it is equal to calling him.
       Xiang Wei nodded: "Hou Master, must be Zhou Shu. Miss said that dreaming of this incident, I still do not believe. If I believe, there will be no today." Xiang Wei now regrets very much, I knew that I should follow it today. If you follow, there will be no such thing as today.
       Luo Wei said coldly: "The most important thing now is to find people back. Other things will come back after you come back. I will ask you again, are you sure that Zhou Shuzhen is going?" If it is certain, he will target Object. If it is wrong, it is easy to miss the best time to save.
       Xiang Wei said affirmatively: "Hou Master, I am very sure."
       Luo Hao nodded and said: "There are goals, but also find someone."
       After hesitated to Wei, he said: "Hou Master, I only told this thing Madam, other people don't know. Hou Master, I don't want others to know that Miss was taken away." Xiang Wei Lian Ma Chengteng I don't want to tell, because it is said that in addition to letting people know that Yue-Yao has been taken away, Ma Chengteng can't help any.
       Luo Dang: "What you have to do now is to appease the people on Zhuangzi. As long as there is no leaking information there, I can rest assured that I am here." Luo knows that his ‘Madam’ is a measured person, and this matter will not let the first The two people know, so he doesn't need to be deliberate. Luo Wei was worried that Zhuangzi would leak the news that Yue-Yao was taken away.
       Wei Wei said:
        "I will handle the things on Zhuangzi."
       Yue-Yao opened his eyes and found himself on a horse-drawn carriage. The carriage is very ordinary, just like the walking carriage on the street. At this time, in addition to her, there is a middle-aged woman whose grade is about 30 or so. The face of this woman is very ordinary.
       Yue-Yao thinks of it, only to find that the whole body is soft and wants to speak, but nothing can be said. If you change to a normal woman, I am afraid I will be scared for a long time. Yue-Yao found her situation, but she was not too confused, just looking at the woman coldly.
       The woman saw Yue-Yao. After she woke up, she was not scared, nor angry. She just looked cold, and the woman was also frightened. They originally thought that the sale was very easy, but it was difficult to catch a daughter. I didn't expect this to be a hard battle. Now they have already folded four people.
       After the woman woke up, she took out a bowl of white rice porridge from the food box placed next to it. Take a spoonful of porridge to Yue-Yao. The woman thought that Yue-Yao would not eat, but did not expect Yue-Yao to eat the porridge she had sent. Soon, a bowl of porridge bottomed out.
       Yue-Yao did not try to talk to this person after eating a bowl of porridge. This person's behavior is very obvious, it is decided that she will not let her speak, why waste time and energy. Anyway, she already knows that this time she kidnapped her, Zhou Shu, as long as she is jealous, there will be no danger to life.
       The woman walked out with a dignified look and only came back after half a -maid. At this time, looking at the blink of an eye like Yue-Yao, the woman has a jealous heart.
       Yue-Yao doesn't know how long it has been. She only knows that her internal organs are almost ready to go out.
       The carriage stopped in the suburbs and the night was very good. So although it was midnight, Yue-Yao still saw the faces of the other two men. Yue-Yao only glanced at it and bowed his head. It is enough to have this eye.
       Soon, from the distance, two women, one tall and one short, came. Both women wore gray clothes and the face was very ordinary.
       The headed man saw the two women who came over and said: "The person has brought you over, and the remaining a Mount should be paid to us."
       The short one of the two women stepped forward and touched Yue-Yao face several times, as if to determine if it was easy. After touching it, he nodded to the high one: "Nothing wrong."
       The tall woman nodded: "You take her first."
       Yue-Yao did not expect that this short child would actually take her away. Yue-Yao was terrified in her heart. She was already very tall among women and she had to weigh more than 100 pounds. But this person carrying her is like no effort, no need to know, this woman must be very strong.
       The woman said after the balance: "Advice, this Miss is not simple, you have to be careful not to let her run."
       The taller Miss looked cold and said: "This doesn't require you to work hard, we have a few hearts." A sixteen-year Old yellow hair, Yatou, can go wherever.
       The short Miss took Yo-Yao and walked for about two quarters of an hour. He turned around and didn't know how many laps. Then he went to a residential building. After a few places, he finally reached a door and pushed the door in.
       The short Miss sent Yu-Yao to the wing and looked at Yue-Yao. "If you are obedient, I will give you an antidote so that you can talk!"
       Yue-Yao nodded. The short Miss made a cup of tea from the teapot in the table, then took a porcelain bottle from the sleeve and poured a pill from the porcelain bottle into the tea. The short Miss missed Yue-Yao and drank the medicine: "You can talk for a few more minutes. Yes, my name is Xiao-qing, my sister is Xiao-hong."
       After about a quarter of an hour, Yue-Yao felt that the throat was not so painful. But when she opened her  Mouth, she found that the sound had mute down, and the voice was as small as a mosquito: "I haven’t eaten a day, I am very hungry." Only when I have enough to eat, I have the strength to run.
       Yue-Yao Although she can't understand it now, she heard from Wei that there is a pill that can make people feel weak. This kind of pill has no antidote, but as long as it has passed the 12th hour, the effect will be automatically eliminated, and people will be able to move freely. Yue-Yao now only hopes that she is lucky, taking the pill that Wei said.
       Xiao-qing was a little surprised. She didn't think that Yue-Yao would actually want to eat: "You wait, I will go now."
       Yue-Yao let Xiao-qing feed her, and then retracted back to bed after eating.
       Xiao-qing looked at Yue-Yao, and she had a look in her eyes. She didn’t know why the other party would pay such a high price. She wanted to bring this woman.
       Yue-Yao didn't know about this woman, but she knew Zhou Shu very well. It is purposeful to send such a person to Zhou Shu person, so although Xiao-qing looks very good, she does not care. If it is really good, then you will do this.
       Xiao-qing saw Yue-Yao didn't talk, didn't mind, and packed up and went out.
       Yue-Yao didn't know where this was, but she knew that it was a civilian area and there were many flat people living around. Yue-Yao can guess why Zhou Shu will be arranged in this house. This place is definitely a convenient place for transportation.
       Living in a place with flat people is good and bad for Yue-Yao. The advantage is that when she leaves the house, it is easy to find someone to leave. The downside is that in such a place, it is easy to reveal identity, and once she reveals her identity, she has no reputation.
       Yue-Yao thought a lot, maybe it was too tired, and even fell asleep unconsciously, and it was already dawning when he woke up. Yue-Yao smiled bitterly, and she didn't know how strong her nerves were. At this time, she was still asleep.
       Yue-Yao is shaking his head and discovering that his hands and feet are strong, Yue-Yao is overjoyed. Just hearing the footsteps outside, Yue-Yao immediately bowed his head and converge, not letting the incoming people discover the clues.
       Xiao Qing Duan came to breakfast.
       Yue-Yao does not eat: "I want to wash." If she does not wash, she can't eat these things. This is a habit problem, and I can't correct it.
       Xiao-qing’s face is not wrong: “Where are so many problems. If you don’t eat it, you’re fine.”
       Yue-Yao is a person who knows the time. Even if she feels uncomfortable, she also bites the scalp and eats the things that Xiao-qing feeds. She ate all the things Xiao-qing sent.
       Xiao-qing sees Yue-Yao to eat all the breakfast, and she is very embarrassed. It is not that everyone appetite is very small. Why is this person in front of me so delicious? Did you catch the wrong person?
       Yue-Yao didn't talk. After eating, he said, "I am full."
       Yue-Yao lay in bed and narrowed his eyes. Yue-Yao is now figuring out how she should escape. To escape, you must solve these two people. However, these two people, Xiao-qing obviously has great strength, and the high fear is also hidden. If she wants to escape, she has to plan well. And if she wants to escape, the only card she has been practicing in the past few years is nothing else.
       When the sun hangs high, Xiao-qing asks strangely: "Sister, why do people behind the scenes spend such a high price on this woman. I look at her although she is good, but it is not a fairy?" He thought This woman looks like a fairy, but she is somewhat disappointed. Therefore, Xiao-qing feels that this woman should not be for beauty.
       The tall woman is called Xiao-hong. At this time, listening to Xiao-qing’s words, he said coldly: “You take care of her, and other things are less.”
       Xiao-qing lowered his head, but quickly looked up and asked: "I have said that it is good, but I haven't arrived yet, sister, you have to see if there is something unexpected."
       Xiao-hong’s eyebrows were also frowned. The people who came to meet them have not appeared yet. She is worried that something is wrong: “It may be delayed halfway.”
       Xiao-qing thought for a moment and said: "Sister, if I want to go out and have a look, maybe they remember the wrong place."
       The two did not know that the reason why the people who responded to them did not arrive at the point was because of an accident. And this accident caused these people to fail to settle.
       Xiao-hong thought for a moment and said: "I still go out! You look after her, don't let her run. This Yatou has more eyes, you find the rope to tie her up."
       Xiao-qing smiled and said: "Sister is relieved, there is me, I will not let her escape."
       Yue-Yao is also a martial artist with excellent ear power. In the yard, Yue-Yao heard it without fail. Hearing that Xiao-hong really went out, Yue-Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and she was sure to deal with a person. She was not sure about the two people.

       Chapter 332 killing 

       When Xiao-qing pushed the door in, he saw Yue-Yao looking at the window, with a sadness in his eyes and a despair.
       Yue-Yao saw someone coming in and immediately closed his eyes. It took a while for me to open my eyes and ask: "Do you have a hard time trying to catch me what purpose?"
       Xiao-qing snorted: "I thought you wouldn't ask? Actually, I am also very curious about why the person wants to catch you?" Xiao-qing thinks that if it is simply not for the sake of beauty, it is not worthwhile, and there is enough money to buy it. A stunning color.
       Yue-Yao didn't say anything again.
       Xiao-qing looked at Yue-Yao and said: "Actually, I think that you are quite courageous, and you are not afraid of it!" This is the strangest place in Xiao-qing. Taking advantage of Yue-Yao talk and dress, it must be a thousand Eldest Miss, no doubt, but being stunned is not afraid at all.
       Yue-Yao sneered: "In any case, my reputation is gone, how is it a dead end, and what is scary!"
       Xiao-qing was shocked when she heard Yue-Yao. She is a woman who knows the big family. If she loses her reputation, many people will commit suicide.
       Yue-Yao See Xiao-qing's look, suddenly showing a painful look: "Stomach pain! Pain..." Yue-Yao, a painful speechless expression, scared Xiao-qing.
       Xiao-qing immediately looked down and looked at what was going on.
       Yue-Yao quickly picked up the silver plaque on his head and stabbed it toward Xiao-qing's throat. I know from Wei, as long as the silver scorpion stabs the artery of the throat, it will die.
       Yue-Yao has been insisting on boxing for many years, so the movement is very sensitive, and the eyes are also very accurate, plus these years have been exercising hand, silver smashed the throat of Xiao-qing.
       After the silver scorpion stabbed, Yue-Yao kicked it again and kicked Xiao-qing to the ground. The silver carp in his hand was also pulled out and thrown on the ground.
       Xiao-qing glared at the neck that had been bleeding, watching Yue-Yao face horrified. Is this woman not everyone show? Why is there martial arts, and the shot is so hot.
       Yue-Yao saw Xiao-qing, who fell to the place, raised his brow, and this person was too weak. But now there is no time to waste her again, Yue-Yao quickly got up from the bed and ran out.
       Yue-Yao has excellent first-class observation. When she came over yesterday, she remembered the road and went out. It was a small alley. Yue-Yao remembers that Xiao-hong was heading to the right, so she ran towards the left.
       Fortunately, Yue-Yao went out to paint yesterday, wearing a relatively simple, if wearing a luxurious clothes walking on this street, I am afraid that it has long attracted attention. Of course, running so fast now also attracts the attention of several people around the alley.
       Yue-Yao ran for a while, went to an alley and saw a few clothes hanging on the bamboo pole. Yue-Yao looked at the women's dresses in this body, so that those who wore them would soon catch them.
       The civilian houses were not high, and Yue-Yao squatted before and after, and turned over the wall into the backyard of the people, and replaced the two clothes on the clothes rail. When walking, remove the silver inlaid pearl earrings worn on the ears. Yue-Yao smashed two pearls and placed the silver earrings on the clothes rail. This silver is the money for Yue-Yao to pay for clothes.
       Yue-Yao When the wall came out again, it was already a man's attire. Yue-Yao, who changed clothes, stopped running, but walked toward the street.
       Yue-Yao looked for a moment on the street. Her voice was still very mute at this time, and it was easy to reveal her identity when she spoke. Yue-Yao walked on the street for a while and finally saw a carriage parked on the side of the road.
       Yue-Yao stepped forward and glanced at the driver. When the driver saw the face, Mute said, "I am going to Capital City, go now."
       The coachman looked at Yue-Yao. Although he wore ordinary clothes, this gesture was not like ordinary people. So the driver said after hesitating, said: "gongzi, from here to the capital, I can get it at night, gongzi, this time I have to spend two days."
       Yue-Yao did not bargain with him, saying: "Ten Silver Taels."
       One by one, it usually takes about five Silver Taels, and ten Silver Taels are unreasonable. The driver said happily: "Yes." Waiting for Yue-Yao to get on the carriage, immediately raised the whip in his hand and went out of the street.
       After less than a quarter of an hour, Yue-Yao opened the curtain and watched the carriage have arrived on the official road. Looking at the carriage that did not catch up, Yue-Yao breathed a sigh of relief.
       Yue-Yao leaned on the carriage and thought about what happened yesterday to today. She is not only afraid of it, but she is too early to worry. She should know that Zhou Shu is a person who does not stop aiming. Thinking of Yue-Yao heart is heavy, even if she returns to the Capital City Zhoushu this time, she will not give up. Only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no truth for a thousand days to prevent thieves. This matter is not resolved, she has no peace in her life.
       Yue-Yao thought for a long time, opened the curtain and asked the driver: "How far is it from the capital?"
       The coachman said with a whip: "There are more than one hundred miles!"
       Yue-Yao asked: "Where is there a stop in the capital?"
       The Pingtou people have a kind of awe to the officials. He saw Yue-Yao saying that the station was very dull. He knew that the person he was carrying was not simple. He said: "Yes, there are less than 20 miles. However, only officials at the station can stop."
       Yue-Yao feels that her luck is really good. As for the people who will stop at the time, she will not let her stay. Yue-Yao doesn't think so much now: "Go to the station."
       The coachman was hesitant: "gongzi, go to the station, what is the fare?"
       Yue-Yao said: "You can rest assured that you will not lose money." Yue-Yao was originally prepared to go to Capital City and let people pay. But now she has two points of emerald coral gourd beads and jade bracelets and two pearls on her body. There is no silver on her body. Yue-Yao This is the first time I regret not taking my money with me.
       In fact, she regrets that she regrets it. She will never go out to paint and bring money, and she usually goes out like Yue-Yao, and the person with silver is also around.
       After about two quarters of an hour, the driver arrived in a town. Near noon, the sun can cook people, so there are no people in the market.
       The carriage drove into the town and it didn't take long for the carriage to stop.
       After the coach and other Yue-Yao came out, they pointed to a house in Yue-Yao and said: "gongzi, there is the Yuyangyu station." Yuyang is the name of the town next to it, so it was named Yuyangyu Station.
       Yue-Yao looked at the coachman: "I came from Luzhou, and there was an accident on the road. There was no money on my body."
       The driver looked ugly.
       Yue-Yao took out the pair of pearls that fell from the earrings from the sleeve: "I don't have silver on my body, but the pair of pearls is worth a little money. If you take it, you should be able to be a twenty or thirty Silver Taels. "Yue-Yao" Each pair of pearls has the size of a small thumb cover. The beads are round and shiny. If you go to the jewelry store, the two pearls should have sixty or seventy Silver Taels. If you go to the pawn shop, you must fight in half.
       The coachman is not a stupid person: "What do you want me to do?" Although the coachman has no research on jewelry, his mother-in-law has a hairpin. The pearl is only worth a grain of rice, which is so good for the pearl color. Definitely worth ten Silver Taels.
       Yue-Yao also has some plans: "Although I don't take your carriage, I hope that you will run the capital. If you are willing, these two pearls are fare."
       The coachman hesitated and nodded: "Cheng."
       Yue-Yao This handed the pearl to the driver.
       The driver took the pearl and drove in a carriage. This driver did not say anything, went directly to the capital. However, this driver is also very eye-catching. He sees Yue-Yao so idly, and thinks that there should be something. In order to prevent him from asking him why he wants to drive an empty car to Capital City, he is on the way to Capital City. With a guest, this guest has a small a Mount of money, but this driver is to hide the eyes and ears, so the money is less careless...
       The driver husband An An steadily went to the capital city. When he arrived in the capital, he immediately took the two pearls on his hand to the pawnshop. When the driver took the two silver pearls of the 30 Silver Taels, the driver’s mind had a thought. This time it was really profitable. It is.
       Yue-Yao got off the carriage, but before he got to the gate of the station, he was stopped by the soldiers guarding outside: "This is the station, the idlers are not allowed to approach, and quickly leave." The soldiers are also carrying the simple costume of Yue-Yao. So I only spoke.
       Yue-Yao knows that this time can't be awkward, and coldly said: "I want to see your management at the station." At this time, Lucy, it must be impossible to see the station.
       The soldiers are somewhat suspicious: "Who are you?" They are not in charge of seeing who they want to see.
       Yue-Yao has already made a draft on the road, and he looks proudly: "Tell the consuls, I am the cousin of Jingning." Yue-Yao is very sure that after she was taken away, Wei must be I went to Jingning waiting for help. And she can't use her identity now, she can only borrow the identity of the relatives of Jingning.
       The soldier naturally knows who Jingning is, but he does not believe that the simple person in front of him is Jingning's cousin.
       Yue-Yao glanced at the soldier coldly: "Why don't you inform me? I am looking for something for your consul, and I will go through it."
       The soldiers who watched the gate saw Yue-Yao shelf so big, and said that it was Jingning's relatives. After thinking about it, she still gave her a pass.
       Soon, a middle-aged man dressed in official uniform and very thick and strong came out from inside. The man's face is a bit cold and his eyes are very sharp: "This is a station, even if you are the cousin of The Jingning Marquis Estate , this is not something you can stay here."
       Yue-Yao didn't think that this person's face was so severe. Fortunately, Yue-Yao had many things, and he was not scared by the momentum of the people in front of him: "I want to say two words to the Darens alone?"
       The man swept Yu-Yao and said, "Yes, come with me." This person brought Yue-Yao to a room.
       When I got to the house, the person around me was guarding the door. When the room was left with two people, the man stared at Yue-Yao and said, "Who is Miss? Why do you want to come to the station to pretend to be Jingning? The cousin of the waiting house?"
       Yue-Yao didn't expect this person's eyes to be so sharp, and she saw that she was a woman dressed as a man. However, at this juncture, Yue-Yao is no longer concealed. Of course, it is certainly impossible to tell the truth: "Because of some accidents, I have to dress up as a man, please forgive me."
       When this person saw Yue-Yao and did not deny his daughter's identity, his face was somewhat relieved: "Miss is looking for a station, what are you going to do?" To be exact, he wants to know if Yue-Yao really has a Jingning waiting room. relationship.
       Yue-Yao lowered his head and said after the emotions: "I have encountered monks, and I am not prepared to escape. I am afraid that these people will catch up, so I want to temporarily borrow the station to avoid."
       The man fell into meditation. After a while, he said, "Who are you offended?" If the person in front of him is offended, he does not want to help.
       Yue-Yao immediately said: "You can rest assured that these people are not officials. I only ask the Darens to send me a letter, and then use one night. If the Darens can help, I will thank you."
       The man looked at Yue-Yao and said, "Why do I believe in you?"
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "I have all landed in this field. I am still afraid to take a joke at Jingning Waiting." In fact, Yue-Yao is also a gambling singer knowing that her accident will help her. If the gambling is wrong, then plan again.
       This person looked at Yue-Yao and said after a long time: "The surname is Lin."
       Yue-Yao snorted, this person told her her last name-shi what to do.
       Lin Daren has an insistence on his eyes: "I must know, what happened to Miss in the end? Why are these people going to chase you?" The people in front of me are also the delicate Miss, wherever they come to a vendetta.
       Yue-Yao is full of bitterness: "Lin Daren, just ask you to bring me a letter to The Marquis Estate ." How could she tell the man in front of her that she was taken away because she was hit by someone. Ordinary people who believe it!
       The person did not ask more questions, and cried out to the outside, "A Huang, take a pen and ink." He wants to look at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao started writing letters in front of two people in the room.
       The man named Lin looked at Yue-Yao powerful and powerful font, and his eyes flashed a strange color.
       Yue-Yao soon wrote a letter: "This is for the Marquis Madam." Since she has already seen her identity, the letter is naturally given to Jingning Madam it is good.
       Lin Daren said: "If there is no token, Madam, what if you don't believe it?" I was afraid that these letters were not in the hands of Marchioness, and the interception was halfway.
       Yue-Yao took out the bracelet that was placed close to the body: "This is my personal thing, Madam recognizes it." It is better to say that it is better to say that Wei-Shi knows it.
       Lin Daren asked his confidant to receive a letter to the bracelet: "Go to Capital City immediately, and come back after sending a good letter."

       Chapter 333 escape 

       Yue-Yao was taken to a guest room by a Pozi. The rooms in the station are also medium. The official named Lin arranged a medium-sized room for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao looked at the room, the room was very clean, and the quilt on the bed was brand new. Yue-Yao said to Pozi who sent her over "I am hungry, can you give me something to eat?"
       That-Pozi went out with a click. Not long after, I brought two dishes and one soup to Yue-Yao and a large bowl of rice.
       Yue-Yao has finished eating all the food and eats it clean. After eating, Yue-Yao the whole person calmed down.
       -Pozi got the command of Lin Daren and stayed in the room with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao did not object, she went to bed after she was full. Don't take off your clothes and lie down on the bed. I have been running for a long time, and then I am worried that I will be caught up. Now I have escaped to the station. Yue-Yao has relaxed a lot. But because of relaxation, Yue-Yao thought about killing people today.
       Yue-Yao stretched out her own hands. Because of her perennial practice of painting, her hands were not as good as other
       Miss Miss
       for the sake of ideals, she never regrets. Its just that she never dreamed that the hands used to draw, one day, would be used to kill people.
       Yue-Yao  Mouth crossed a bit of bitterness, and said to himself: "People are being bullied by horses and being beaten by people. To Wei, you are right." If today Xiao-qing is like the cold woman. She is very prepared for her, she can't kill Xiao-qing. Therefore, goodness in this world is unacceptable.
       A Huang went to the entrance of The Marquis Estate . There was some embarrassment in the heart. However, the people in The Marquis Estate  did not have a slap in the face. After seeing A Huang behind the door, the porter went up and asked: "Do you have anything?"
       A Huang Zhuang said with courage: "I am helping people to send a letter to Marchioness, I hope you can transfer it."
       The porter asked suspiciously: "Who is giving us Madam letter?"
       A Huang Yangsheng said: "This is a letter. The person who sent the letter said that as long as Madam saw it, I know." I don't know what the relationship between Miss and Ma Ning.
       The concierge was a bit strange, but the housekeeper of The Marquis Estate  was extremely strict. When he encountered such a thing, the concierge did not dare to arbitrarily, just let A Huang wait outside, and he let people tell the butler.
       The second housekeeper soon came over and asked A Huang said:
        "Is there anything else besides the letter?" If there is a personal door to say Madam sends a letter to him, he will go to the obituary, then it will not be messed up. .
       A Huang took Yu-Yao to his jade bracelet.
       The second housekeeper is a person who knows the goods. He knows that the jade bracelet is a sheep fat jade. This sheep fat jade bracelet is worth a thousand dollars. If it is not really something, it will not come out with such a valuable thing. The second housekeeper did not hesitate to hesitate, and immediately took the letter and the tokens and hurried to the backyard.
       Ping-Shi looked at the jade bracelet, and his heart jumped. I took the letter and immediately opened it. After reading the letter, I immediately said, "Semi-jade, please come to the Marquis." She did not expect Yue-Yao to be in Yuyang Town, where it could be two hundred miles away from the capital. Of course, the more amazing thing is that Yue-Yao escaped those people and hid in the station.
       Yue-Yao kept her eyes open. She didn't dare to sleep. She was afraid that she would fall asleep and move her place. She did not see Xiang Wei, even if she was at the station, she was not at ease. Yue-Yao hopes that Wei will arrive here before dawn.
       Xiang Wei knows that Yue-Yao is in Yuyang Town, and now he is leaving with Lian night. Arrived in Yuyang Town before dawn.
       Xiang Wei went to the station because she had a token, and the people on the station would not stop them. Xiang Wei went outside the room where Yue-Yao lived and knocked on the door.
       Yue-Yao bounced off the bed. That's the one-Pozi is very calm and asks: "Who? This big night?"
       To Wei Yang said: "It's me!" At this time, she was not convenient to reveal her identity, but she believed that Miss could certainly hear her voice.
       Yue-Yao heard the voice of Wei Wei, immediately climbed up from the bed to open the door, saw that it was Xiang Wei, the eyes suddenly red. Fortunately, Yue-Yao is still sensible, and he said to the house-Pozi: "Go out! I can be with her!"
       Turning the door to Wei, seeing Yue-Yao is not the clothes that were taken away, it is extremely ugly to the face of Wei: "Miss, how did you escape?" Xiang Wei just thought that because of his negligence, Yue When Yao was taken away, she regretted it. The eyes have not closed since yesterday.
       Yue-Yao told her about what happened after she took it away. After she said it, she had some doubts: "I don't understand, why do people who take me leave me to be called Xiao-qing and Xiao-hong?" Yue Yao feels that the set has escaped too smoothly, so that she feels that she still dreams.
       After listening to Yue-Yao to Wei, I knew that Yue-Yao was not only hurt, but also suffered no other injuries. My heart suddenly relaxed a lot: "Miss, these people want to send Miss to Haikou smoothly. It is inevitable to give Miss a look. These two people should be easy for Miss." Xiang Wei worried that this event will cast a shadow on Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is puzzled: "Why are they not giving me tolerance?" If it is easy for her, it should not be done well. Why didn't she do it when she fled?
       Xiang Wei thought about it and said: "The specific is not clear, but it is obvious that the person who takes you away is separate from the person who sent you away."
       Yue-Yao frowned. "Why do you have two people? And why are the people who are receiving them late?" Yue-Yao always felt lucky to escape.
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "Not all luck. Miss, after you were taken away, I went to the Marquis for help. Since we have directions, it is easy to trace. I guess the person who responded should be blocked. "The person who guessed to Wei guess should be Zhou Shu business person, but the Marquis had to go out yesterday, so these people would not arrive in time.
       Yue-Yao tightened his brow and said: "I was lucky. I met the Xiao-qing martial arts and I didn't know where it was."
       Xiang Wei has a different idea: "Miss, you can escape, not because the martial arts called Xiao-qing is not high, but because she didn't even think that you would martial arts, but I don't think you dare to kill." Yue Yao sect, as long as she sees her, she knows that she is a good show. Who can think that everyone will still learn martial arts, but even think that this seemingly delicate Miss is still dare to kill, and the start is extremely decisive. If Miss was a killer at the time, he would not succeed if he had a private hesitation.
       Xiang Wei is actually a bit strange. Miss Lian has always been reluctant to step on his death, but he did not expect to kill when he was so decisive. Can she say that people can't be seen?
       Yue-Yao showed a bitter smile: "You said that people are being bullied by people. I have to kill her if I want to escape." Yue-Yao can kill and kill. It also has a lot to do with Wei. Xiang Wei has been saying that Yue-Yao is too weak for many years and stimulates Yue-Yao to become stronger. I also often recited on the side of Yue-Yao ear that people don't commit me. I don't commit crimes. If people commit crimes, they will not spare people. After a few years, the subtle influence has also had great effects. Of course, the most important thing is that Yue-Yao is not willing to fall into the same situation as in his life, so he can get a hand.
       Xiang Wei praised: "Miss, you are doing very well." Xiang Wei only hoped that the Marquis would rescue Miss as soon as possible, but did not expect Miss to escape from himself and still kill. After the murder is over, I know that I will hide at the station. Those who Zhou Shu invited even knew that Miss was at the station, and did not dare to come to the station to swear.
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "When forced into a desperate situation, I can only resist." She used to know that she was deceived by Zhou Shu, only thinking about her own liberation, never thinking about resisting in the past. But now it is different, she doesn't want to die, she has to live well, even if she is a murderer, she will not hesitate.
       To Wei Wei: "Yes, when you encounter unfair things, you should resist, you should not accept it, and you should not escape." Xiang Wei has always felt that Yue-Yao is too weak, and he has been trying his best to make Yue-Yao change these years. Strong. Fortunately, Yue-Yao has not lived up to her efforts over the years, and progress has not been small.
       Yue-Yao didn't think much about this, and brought her to Wei. Her safety is not a problem: "Xiang Wei, this time I am lucky to escape, but next time? We can't always be passive. "Zhou Shu things are not resolved, she can't be relieved again."
       Wei Wei frowned: "Miss, Zhou Shu is not easy to solve." Zhou Shu not only his own martial arts, his followers are not a general. Not only that, Zhou Shu also has a huge a Mount of wealth, followed by a strong backing, it is not difficult to kill Zhou Shu.
       Yue-Yao naturally knows that Zhou Shu has money and has a backing. Only before, she thought that her situation has changed. Zhou Shu has scruples and dare not to start with her, but this time she told Yue-Yao that she thought it was too good. There is no Zhoushu that madman can’t do this. Things.
       Xiang Wei sees Yue-Yao increasingly pale face, holding Yue-Yao hand and saying: "Miss, don't be afraid. Even if we can't kill Zhou Shu, we have to let him take off a layer of skin."
       Yue-Yao murmured: "To Wei, that person is a madman. With the first time, there will be a second time, that madman will not give up until the purpose is reached." Yue-Yao is really a little scared .
       The eyes of Wei Wei are full of suffocation: "Miss, we can't solve him now, it doesn't mean we can't solve her in the future. Miss Don't be afraid, I can always find a solution."
       Yue-Yao has no confidence.
       Looking at Yue-Yao to Wei, after considering it, he said: "Miss, there is something wrong with you. Zhou Shu is a madman, he also has scruples. If not, he will not assign Jianghu people to take you away. It doesn't make people feel good about you. He does this, but he doesn't want people to know that he is going to take you away." Zhou Shu is really crazy, he can send his own confidant to swear, instead of asking Jianghu People come to do this.
       Yue-Yao flashed in the eyes, but the brilliance in the eyes quickly faded.
       Seeing Wei Wei can only comfort Yue-Yao and say: "Miss, you have to remember that you are not a rootless person, nor a flat-headed person. Not to mention Lian-jia and Majia, you are the close of Master Yushan alone. Disciple, if someone knows that he is going to leave you, he will have to squander his family if he is not dead."
       Yue-Yao looked white and hurriedly said: "I am not allowed to know what I am going to do." If people know, her reputation will be over.
       To Wei Wei said: "Miss assured, I have handled this matter properly and will not spread it out. We will return to Zhuangzi after the meeting. We will return to Capital City after two days of rest." The most troublesome place is Yue-Yao. The things that go can't be heard, and there is no way to trace them down. Therefore, they can only bear this time and look for opportunities to retaliate back.

       Chapter 334 Persuasion 

       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao always silent, and my heart was a little sad. This time, it was really scaring Miss.
       Xiang Wei looked outside and said softly: "Miss, the sky is bright. Let's go!" I left the night and returned to Zhuangzi.
       Yue-Yao naturally does not object, but she thinks that she owes a favor to Lin Daren: "This time, it is also thanks to him. Xiang Wei, how do you see me how to thank him?" Let her live in the station has made an exception It is kindness to help him with the letter.
       Wei Wei looked at Yu-Yao strangely.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat inexplicable: "What's wrong? Is there a problem with Lin Daren?" Yue-Yao felt that it shouldn't be, if there is a problem, how can he help her.
       Xiang Wei shook his head helplessly and said: "Miss, Lin Daren's ‘Madam’ is Jingning waiting Madam's cousin, although it is out of five clothes, but also often move. The previous year, Lin Daren offended people, or Ma dam asked the Marquis to come out and settled. This Lin Daren was transferred to the station afterwards. So Miss's luck is not good." The Lin Daren has a relationship with The Jingning Marquis Estate , Yue Yao asked him to send a letter to The Jingning Marquis Estate , he will certainly not refuse.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "That must be thanked again."
       Wei Wei nodded: "The lesser Miss is, the less people know the better. This time, let the Marquis Madam come out. Miss, this time you can owe the Marquis and Madam is a big man."
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Yeah, this time owed the Marquis and Madam's big love. I don't know how to return it." She began to have a good purpose for the Ming-zhu, but Unexpectedly, I finally got so much. Jingning Hou and Jingning Marchioness is good for her, and she has already done more than she had done before.
       Xiang Wei deliberately said in a regrettable tone: "Unfortunately Miss is a woman, if Miss is a man, you can be the aide of the Marquis and give advice to the Marquis."
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei, when is this time, this woman actually has the mood to laugh here, I don’t know if it’s heartless or too broad-minded.
       Xiang Wei seems to know what Yue-Yao is thinking, saying: "Miss, this time is a shock, and we will pay attention to it later, don't worry about it. I want to die almost several times that year, every time I live, The more I cherish every day."
       Yue-Yao listened to this and looked at Xiang Wei eyes with a tribute. She always felt that she was very gossip about Wei, and she thought that she was delicious, but it seemed to forget how exciting it was to Wei previous life.
       Xiang Wei said: "Miss, some people have a smooth life, but some people have a hard time in their lives. Miss, if these two kinds of life let you choose, which one would you choose?"
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei Wei with a puzzled look. Let her choose, naturally choose the first one.
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "If I let me choose, I will choose the second one. If you don't experience any setbacks in your life, you will live a smooth life for a lifetime. Don't you think that you are very boring?"
       Yue-Yao sounds smaller and smaller: "People want to go through their own setbacks without a setback." Who wants to be hard-working for a lifetime, and the days are too bad. Like her, she is envious of the pearl and can live happily.
       Xiang Wei is actually very angry about the fact that Yue-Yao was taken away, but now it is necessary to open the solution Yue-Yao, try not to let this thing cast a shadow on Yue-Yao: "Miss envy the pearl, but the pearl also Envy you, Ming-zhu admires your talent, envy you to become a master painter. Miss, if you are the same as Ming-zhu, you can be a master in the whole life. "You don't have to think about it." If Yue-Yao parents are there, drawing the most as Yue-Yao interest, decided not to go so far on this road.
       Yue-Yao is thoughtful.
       After a while, Wei said: "The mind is full of ambition, the road is naturally uneven. Miss to be a person like Master Yushan, the road ahead is definitely not flat."
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei to say so much and asked: "You want to say that Zhou Shu business is actually a kind of temper for me? Is that true?"
       Xiang Wei nodded: "Miss, there are good people in this world, and there are also wicked people. But we can't exclude all people from contact with people because there are wicked people in this world." Xiang Wei meaning, even Zhou Shu She is not guilty of her, but the days have to go on, not because of this.
       Yue-Yao bowed his head and thought about it: "Xiang Wei, thank you." This incident has already happened. I am afraid that worry will not help. I can’t be worried about Zhou Shu coming to her again.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Miss can figure it out."
       When the sky was not bright, Wei left the station with Yue-Yao. A group of people walked halfway and separated. Half of them took Yue-Yao back to the villa and half returned to Capital City. The people who came back to Capital City were also trying to hide the whereabouts of Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao didn't sleep all night, and now she is sleeping at the side of Wei.
       Looking at Wei, who is still asleep, Yue-Yao, the eyebrows are full of suffocation, and there is no cloud and lightness: "Zhou Shu..." and then the thick and vigorous trees, as long as the method is right, It is always possible to pull up its Lian root. Even if Zhou Shu has a million dollars, and Prince is a backer, but one day, she must have Zhou Shusheng not to die.
       The sky was getting darker, and I looked at Wei outside and said to Yue-Yao: "Miss, Gu You was injured on the day, I said that you have been attacked by the beast, Miss is also injured, both of them are The house is wounded. "It is not a rare thing to go to the  Mountain to meet the beast, so most people on Zhuangzi will not be suspicious. The only thing that is most troublesome is the people who are waiting for the service. Fortunately, the people who are on the service are all confidant, and they are not worried about leaking news. As for those who are not close to the body and can’t control their  Mouths, she has no soft hands.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "This arrangement is very good. After two days, we will return to Capital City! When we let Gu You and Gu Lan, they will be injured in Zhuangzi. The four guards, we will send some pensions in the past. "Yue-Yao already knows that Gu You and Gu Lan are very heavy, but the injury can be saved back, but the other four guards have no life."
       Xiang Wei nodded: "Miss assured, I will let people handle it."
       The group entered Zhuangzi in the middle of the night. Yue-Yao returned to the yard and did not sleep, but went to the studio.
       Xiang Wei persuaded: "Miss, it's very late, it won't be late tomorrow."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, I will draw them today." The longer the time drags, the harder it is for these people to catch.
       Yue-Yao plunged into the studio, and before the dawn she painted the portraits of several people she had seen. Then hand over a few paintings to Yue-Yao.
       After Wei took over a few pictures of Yue-Yao, he said: "Miss, these paintings will send me to the capital. Miss, let's rest!" After a pause, he said: "Miss, You can rest assured that I will always be by your side."
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       Yue-Yao stood under the yard and looked up at the sky. On the summer night, the stars sparkle with sparkling light, one point, two points... flickering.
       Xiang Wei woke up from Yue-Yao, she did not bother Yue-Yao, let Yue-Yao climb up to the yard, and then accompany Yue-Yao to watch the stars together.
       After a while, Xiang Wei went to Yue-Yao and asked: "Miss, what happened?"
       Yue-Yao said after a while, "I have a nightmare to Xiangwei. I dreamt that I was caught by Zhou Shu. He hid me in a gorgeous house in Haikou." She didn't understand why Zhou Shu would put her outside the house without taking it back, and now she understands. Zhou Shu did not take her back. The decision was not to let her live a quiet day, but to prevent her from knowing her identity. The so-called big tree style, the number of people who have a wealth of Zhou Shu is so numerous that they have to shut her up. Once her identity is exposed, Zhou Shu is also in trouble.
       Wei Wei showed a fierce gaze, but it was fleeting. Put the jacket in his hand on Yue-Yao and say softly: "Miss is just a dream."
       Yue-Yao voice was very light, and I almost couldn't hear it from Wei: "I was locked in that gorgeous house, and every day, it was like a canary in a cage." After a moment, Yue-Yao added: "I committed suicide several times, but unfortunately I was rescued and found back in time. After that, I was watched for twelve hours, and I couldn’t die if I wanted to die." This is not a nightmare. It is her personal experience. It was only in the evening and I replied again in my dreams.
       Tightly clenched his fist to Wei, and his body showed a strong killing meaning: "Miss, this is an accident, I promise that there will be no such thing."
       Yue-Yao turned his head and looked at Xiang Wei and said: "To Wei, I don't believe you. But only a thousand days to be a thief does not have a thousand days to prevent thieves. Xiang Wei, Zhou Shu is not dead, I sleep hard. "Awakened again by the nightmare, Yue-Yao came over, Zhou Shu is the source of her nightmare, the source is not broken, she has to worry through her life." She has been ruined by Zhou Shu for a lifetime, and she must never let Zhou Shu be destroyed in this life.
       Turned to Wei, and nodded and said: "Miss, this is not something that can be done overnight." Zhou Shu is deeply ingrained in Haikou. It is not so easy to want him to die.
       Yue-Yao  Mouth reveals a sardonic smile: "I know there is a backing behind Zhou Shu. Xiang Wei, who is behind the Zhou Shu?" She knew that there was a backing behind Zhou Shu. This backdrop is very big, just She was not in the mood to know who Zhou Shu backer was, but Yue-Yao believed that Wei should know.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao, and the voice was lowered a lot: "Miss, Zhou Shu backing is the queen's Zhou-home." Zhou-home is the queen, Zhou Shu provided Zhou-home Huge a Mount of compensation, the same, Zhou-home escort Zhou Shu, mutual benefit.
       Yue-Yao  Mouth crossed a sneak peek. She saw Zhou Shu at Zhou-home last time. In fact, she already guessed it: "Zhou-Home? Even if there is Zhou-home, I want him to die. If he does not die My nightmare is more than that."
       Xiang Wei does not stop Yue-Yao. If she had doubts last time, then she heard the nightmare that Yue-Yao did, she was afraid, and she also wanted Zhou Shu to die: "Miss We have to plan slowly."
       Yue-Yao sighed: "After three days, we will return to Capital City."
       Xiang Wei originally thought that Yue-Yao would work with her to deal with Zhou Shu, or restless, but did not expect Yue-Yao to start studying poetry again the next day. Xiang Wei could not understand what Yue-Yao was thinking. However, this matter does not fall into the shadows. It is always good.
       Yue-Yao saw the question to Wei face and smiled. "You are not saying that this is a kind of temper for me? Why are you worried now?"
       To Wei mute, of course.
       Yue-Yao said softly: "I am afraid that I am afraid, but I can't live because of fear. If it is because of this incident, I will be worried about it all day. I am not too arrogant. You have been teaching for so long." She had been so miserable in her life, in the final analysis, she was weak. If she is caught by Zhou Shu in this life, she will not commit suicide again.
       After listening to this, Xiang Wei said: "Miss, when I return to Capital City, I will teach you how to use poison. Miss, the poison is not terrible, learn to defend itself."
       Yue-Yao hesitated and nodded and said: "Good. Xiangwei, in addition to teaching me to use poison, teach me how to use the sword!" Yue-Yao means to let Wei teach her how to kill with weapons, last time It is luck to kill Xiao-qing. It’s impossible to have such luck next time.
       Xiang Wei smiled and nodded: "Good." She had been afraid that Miss would not learn, and now Miss is willing to learn, she must be helping.
       Yue-Yao continued to read the book, looked up and saw Wei Wei still beside her, and set up a hand: "You are busy with your go, the teacher gave me a box of poetry, I still have not finished reading." Busy things are also in the yard, and there are also many guards inside and outside the house. Yue-Yao is not worried.
       Two days later, I received a message from Wei, and went to Yue-Yao with a heavy face and said: "Miss, the people who walked away from you were all killed." Yue-Yao contacted Everyone has been ruined, and several paintings by Yue-Yao are equivalent to doing nothing.
       Yue-Yao was not surprised, let alone she escaped, even if she did not escape and was sent to Haikou, these people will die: "What does the Marquis say?"
       Wei Wei sneered: "Although these people have been smashed, the Marquis has confirmed that the behind-the-scenes ambassador is Zhou Shu." No evidence is not important, the important thing is that the Marquis has confirmed. This is also thanks to Yue-Yao, who said that Zhou Shu will take her away, so they investigated the object of Zhou Shu and his men. If not, the capital is so big, it is equal to finding a needle in a haystack.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and asked: "To Wei, the Marquis is interested in the sea trade business."
       Xiang Wei shook his head and said: "No. Miss, Jingning waiting for the military power, the sea trade business profit is too high, The Marquis Estate  should not intervene." The Marquis Estate  in the capital to do business to make money, earning a dozen or two thousand Prince in the year will not care, After all, Hou daily expenses are also worth a hundred thousand Silver Taels. This entry and exit is almost the same. But if The Marquis Estate  is doing a shipping business, the profit for a year will be millions or even millions. When the time comes, the emperor will definitely have some suspicions. The foundation of The Marquis Estate  is the trust of the emperor. If the emperor is suspicious for the benefit of Haikou, it will not be worth the loss for Hou.
       Yue-Yao was a little surprised: "I remember Madam took part in the shipping business."
       Wei Wei laughed: " Madam pays money belongs to Madam's personal behavior, and Madam invests very little money." Ping-shi-share participation is her personal behavior And the share of shares is also low, even if it is smooth, it will be a dividend of one or two thousand a year. The Marquis Estate  is the masterhouse Madam earns pocket money, who cares!
       Yue-Yao said with some admiration: "The Marquis is very rational." Reason is this, but many people can't stand this temptation.
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "Miss, the Marquis is born in a noble place, where will put money in the eye."
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head: "The Marquis is not not putting money in the eye, he is measured, knowing what to do, but the Marquis does not intervene in the shipping business, there are many people in Capital City who want to do shipping. Business.” The shipping business is a huge profit, Zhou Shu has occupied more than half of the share, there must be a lot of people who want to squeeze out...
       Looking at Yue Wei-Yao: "Miss, there are a lot of people who are jealous, but it is not so easy to share a piece of cake. Not to mention that Zhou-home is not a good one, that is, Zhou Shu is not an ordinary person. "Zhou Shu is not only short-skilled, but also very intelligent. He has the means and ability. This is the person who does big things." Of course, Zhou Shu does not have this ability, but also earns thousands of dollars.
       Yue-Yao said: "Zhoushu is just a sea merchant." The merchant status of the Yuan Family was low, and his identity was a hard injury to Zhou Shu. Therefore, Zhou Shu would find Zhou-home as a backer. But this relationship based on interests is actually not solid.
       Xiang Wei said: "Yes, but it takes time."
       Yue-Yao now has some regrets. Why don't you know more about Zhou Shu business before, if not, you can find a loophole. She was too high in her life: "Things are artificial. If you have the heart, you can always find opportunities."
       The two were talking, and someone sent a letter outside.
       The letter was sent by Ming-zhu. Yue-Yao said to the person who sent the letter after reading the letter: "I will return to Capital City tomorrow, and I will go to see you when I return to Capital City."
       After waiting for the person to go down, Yue-Yao handed the letter of Ming-zhu to Xiang Wei. After reading the letter to Wei, he smiled and said: "This is a naked show!" The letter of the Ming-zhu, the line between the lines can feel her happiness now.
       Yue-Yao is also in a good mood: "Do you still want her to have a bad life!" Don't look at the face of the veil, always give a good face to the pearl, and always with the pearl, but Yue-Yao knows, toward Wei is also very concerned about Ming-zhu.
       Smiled to Wei, didn't pick up this: "Miss, they have let Xu-Yu they are packing things up. Miss used everything back."
       Yue-Yao looked at the study: "I am going back this time, I am afraid that it will not come again in a short time." Before she resolved Zhou Shu, she would not come out of Capital City.
       The capital is at the foot of the emperor, Zhou Shu is a courageous person, and dare not swear in the capital, so the capital is relatively safe.
       Gu You and Gu Lan were seriously injured, so they stayed in the village to recover. Wait until the injury is good and then return to Capital City.
       The villa is far from the capital, and the day just bright Yue-Yao will return to Capital City with more than 20 guards. In the evening, a group of talents returned to The Ma House.
       When Ma Chengteng heard Yue-Yao coming back, he was a little surprised. In the past, Yue-Yao was going to return to Capital City in November and February. It was only after the end of August that it was weird.
       Yue-Yao explained: “Ming-zhu wrote to me that she has children, so I came back to see her."
       Ma Chengteng knows that Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu are so good to be like sisters. Now that Ming-zhu is pregnant, Yue-Yao deliberately comes back to see things. Ma Chengteng did not doubt the words of Yue-Yao, but there was a sorrowful face: "Yue-Yao, you see Luo-home 3rd Miss is going to be a mother, you should also consider your lifelong events." Everyone has children Yes, the marriage of Yue-Yao is still not seen, the most anxious is not here, but Yue-Yao is too picky, this is not satisfied with it, Ma Chengteng does not know to give Yue-Yao What kind of people are looking for?
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: “this is not an urgent matter."
       Ma Chengteng really wants to say that you are not in a hurry, I am anxious, but looking at the tired color of Yue-Yao face, he no longer said anything more: "Forget it, you should rest early!" My child is too good, It is also a headache.
       Yue-Yao only used the evening meal after the grooming. After the digestion, he practiced half a hour later, and then began to study her poetry collection until she slept.
       Xiang Wei gave Yue-Yao a good quilt, and his face was gloomy. She did not tell Yue-Yao. In fact, Zhou Shu arrived in Capital City two days ago. Xiang Wei did not dare to tell Yue-Yao. She was afraid that Yue-Yao knew that she could not maintain her current calm.
       Zhou Shu knew that Yue-Yao was very dark after returning to Capital City: "Lian Miss returned to Capital City, what is the difference?" Zhou Shu did not expect Yue-Yao to return to Capital City so soon. He can make people go to Zhuangzi to swear, because Zhuangzi is remote, and if he walks away, he can sweep the tail. But if it is in the capital, it is not so easy.
       The people who replied back and forth said: "No, there are no abnormalities in the Ma family."
       Zhou Shu hand touched the gemstone -maid on his hand: “Go on!” It’s not Haikou, it’s a bunch of things.
       Ah 3rd is the most loyal person of Zhou Shu. This time, Ah 3rd also knows: "The big Master, this Lian Yue-Yao is not a simple woman, and she has a relationship with The Jingning Marquis Estate , please also Laozi thinks twice."
       Ah 3rd originally thought that Yue-Yao was just a daughter of a shack. When she saw her own master, she really liked it. He persuaded him to say it again for a few times and would not say it anymore. When Ah 3rd knew that his grandfather had smashed Yue-Yao, he thought that when he cleaned his tail, he would rename Lian Yue-Yao to Haikou. After three or five years, the matter subsided. Naturally, nothing. However, Ah 3rd did not expect that Lian Yue-Yao would kill the person who saw her and escaped. This is still the most worrying thing. What worries him most is that Jingning’s waiting room has actually intervened in this matter. Fortunately, they have killed those people and did not let the people of Jingning’s waiting room find evidence, or else they have to It’s a big problem.
       Zhou Shu touched the hand of the gemstone -maid: "Reassured, I will not act recklessly." He no longer dared to do it in the capital. It’s just that Yue-Yao has a vigilant heart and it’s hard to find such an opportunity.
       After he hesitated for a moment, he still said: "-Laozi..."
       Zhou Shuzheng can't know what Ah 3rd wants to say. Yes, it is much more beautiful than Yue-Yao, but there is only one she who can enter his heart. If he can, he is not willing to take this step, but he can't control himself, just like a demon. As long as he is free, the shadow is in his mind. Since I can’t forget it, I’m so deviled, and it’s hard for him to take her home.
       Ah 3rd saw the cold face of Zhou Shu, and the following words only swallowed back. Out of the study, A three faces bitter. If this Lian Yue-Yao is a civilian's Miss, even if it is a small bureaucrat's Miss, then the means will naturally make her arrogant, but this Lian Yue-Yao is not only a bureaucrat, but also The close disciples of the Famous Confucianism in the world, how high is the heart of such people.
       Ah 3rd didn't understand. Laozi has always been a very rational person. Why can't he understand that Lian Miss Lian Yongding Marquis Heir can't see it, how can he look at him? He is not a bad man, but his master and Lian Yue-Yao are two worlds, and they are destined to be incongruous. Even if the uncle used the means to get home, Lian Yue-Yao would have surrendered. Not good...
       A 3rd thought that the following people said that Lian Yue-Yao killed A Qing clean, and her heart was a bit cold. However, his grandfather has been demonized, and he said nothing is useless. Ah 3rd has some regrets. I knew that I shouldn’t let the grandfather come to Capital City in the last time. I didn’t meet the Lian Yue-Yao.

       Chapter 336 is a guest 

       Yue-Yao finished the boxing and took the sweat from the forehead and the neck of the neck. This hot day is very hot in the morning.
       Yue-Yao used a morning meal after grooming, and took a crescent-white dress from Xu-Yu. Yue-Yao looked and shook his head and said: "Where to be a guest, where can I dress so plainly." It doesn't matter if you dress at home, it's okay to go out and be a guest, even if Ming-zhu doesn't care, but there are people in the cow family!
       When Yue-Yao went out, the sun was already hung up. Passing through the downtown, Yue-Yao listened to the bustling voice and sighed slightly.
       Asked Wei Wei: "Miss, what happened?"
       Yue-Yao did not respond to this, just said: "To Wei, let the coachman detour to the Jiang-nan pastry shop." Ming-zhu likes to eat a variety of cakes, especially the cakes in Jiang-nan shop is the pearl's favorite.
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "Miss, where do you need to buy it? Didn't see Ming-zhu in the letter saying that the 1st Young Master of the cattle family bought her cakes every day?" The letter from Ming-zhu to Yue-Yao, every time It’s a 20-page paper, and the trivial things are written.
       Yue-Yao also smiled: "Buy a little." Pregnant people can't eat more cakes, but it doesn't matter if you eat a little bit.
       When it arrived at Nu House , Yue-Yao saw Ming-zhu walking quickly.
       Ming-zhu looked up and down Yue-Yao and smiled: "I haven't seen you in three months, not only grow taller, but also more beautiful, and I don't know how long you are."
       Yue-Yao wore a Hunan-style silky silky blue acacia flower-embroidered tunic skirt, combed a crescent moon, wearing a gold-plated crystal inlaid treasure butterfly, not wearing a few red gold inlaid pearl gemstone beads, worn on the ears A floral blue earring with a jade bracelet on the wrist. Not particularly rich, but it is very much in line with Yue-Yao temperament.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "You are also beautiful."
       The pearl is wearing the eight-piece narrow-sleeved scorpion of Ming silk orchid. Because it is pregnant, there is no powder dressing. The comb is also a short-answered hairpin. The horns are inserted into a palace Made silk flower, and they are not worn. Compared to the past, this dress is really simple for Ming-zhu.
       Ming-zhu squinted Yue-Yao: "What makes me beautiful too? Is the chilly person so chilly?" She felt that she was much fatter than before.
       Yue-Yao smiled with the hand of the Ming-zhu: "When the mother is natural, it is the most beautiful, no one is better than that." Ming-zhu has some impetuous before, but now it looks more calm.
       Ming-zhu asked with amazement: "Yeah, I haven’t seen it for three months, how is the  Mouth so sweet? It’s going to be sweet."
       The two entered the house, and the ‘zither’ took a fan and fanned it. Ming-zhu smiled and explained: "This pregnancy is particularly prone to sweating, and I don't know what is going on?" In fact, the real reason is that the place where she lives now is not as cool as before, and now she is pregnant, her mood is somewhat impetuous, and she always feels special. hot.
       Yue-Yao reminded me: "The fan is still good, you can't eat iced things." Yue-Yao, but I know that Ming-zhu likes to eat iced fruits in the summer, and things that don't ice are not in the  Mouth.
       The face of the pearl is bitterly colored: "Have a child, use the sentence like it. I don't know it long ago." She was so hot in the summer.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Nonsense, others can't think about it! You see, how many people in this capital city _ women _ people can not afford children, but also to take medicine to worship Buddha, you do not know in the blessing Blessing." Others don't say, just Jingning waiting Madam, what the day is for the children.
       Ming-zhu took Yue-Yao hand and smiled very sweetly: "This is all for your blessing. There is your voice to Guanyin, but I still can't bear it. I can tell you about it, absolutely two years hold two ""
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The more nonsense. Not to mention this, talk about other. You said that your mother-in-law went to Hualin Temple?" Yue-Yao did not want to entangle in the sonogram, said Much more, make her shame.
       Ming-zhu listened to the head: "Well, that Lu Shi is a restless, my mother-in-law is impatient with her, so I went to Hualin Temple."
       Yue-Yao smiled.
       Ming-zhu looked around, and the Servant-Pozi in the room retreated a bit. After the people left, the Ming-zhu only lowered the voice: "In fact, my mother-in-law couldn't stand the run of Lu Shi. I went to Hualin Temple. Yue-Yao, I don't understand. You said that I have a support with the husband, how can she be afraid of one concubine?" Ming-zhu really does not understand, if the husband is widowed No children are afraid Concubine is no problem. However, although her publicity is painful Concubine, she does not dare to smother her ‘Madam’, and her son has a good future. Her daughter-in-law is also helping, how can her mother-in-law be afraid of one Concubine? Ming-zhu wants to break his head and can't figure out what her mother-in-law thinks.
       Yue-Yao clicked on the forehead of Ming-zhu: "You don't want to intervene in the elders."
       Ming-zhu smiled and said: "I will not intervene, I will tell you, Yue-Yao, do you say that my mother-in-law really likes to eat the Buddha?" Ming-zhu is also because Yue-Yao likes Buddhism, so Will ask Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have never seen a cow Madam, it's not good to comment. But I guess the cow Madam may have been disheartened to her husband. I used to take care of my son and I was reluctant to leave. Now my son is dying, and you have married this savvy daughter-in-law. The cow Madam is no longer worried, so simply go to Hualin Temple, no matter how you can get a quiet in Hualin Temple. "Yue-Yao also listened to the Wei said the cow Madam is very good, but the temper is a little weak, so she guessed it.
       Ming-zhu nodded: "Maybe you are right. But that Lu Concubine is arrogant in front of my mother-in-law, and she can be honest in front of me."
       Yue-Yao laughed: "As long as Lu shi is not stupid, she naturally does not dare to make a means in front of you." The dowry around Ming-zhu, whether it is Servant or Pozi, is not simple. In particular, the two methods of Pozi and Lu Concubine are not enough to look at in these eyes.
       Ming-zhu smiled and said: "This is also. Lu Concubine father is also a small official from the six products, not dare to cross in front of me."
       Yue-Yao clicked on the head: "But if she doesn't target you, don't provoke her. She is your public servant, and you don't make river water with you."
       Ming-zhu eyes flashed: "Why?" She looked at Lu Concubine was not pleasing to the eye, and by the way, to give her husband a gas, so I gave Lu Concubine a few scorpions.
       Yue-Yao glanced at the pearl: "You have lived too smoothly, and you have reached out to the courtyard of the public. If you spread it out, do you think that the voice is good?"
       Ming-zhu whispered and said: "You don't know, Lu Concubine mother and child used to bully me and my mother-in-law. I am not trying to exhale with my husband?"
       Yue-Yao called: "Can you have you? Nu Yang-hui was bullied. He naturally knows how to get back to justice. Can you use your shot? Do you think that Nu Yang-hui is a waste, Lian wants a fair and ‘Madam’ to come out ""
       Ming-zhu retorted: "No, the husband is very powerful!"
       Yue-Yao took a look at the round face of the pearl: "If you are here to Wei, you must say that you are stupid. Lu Concubine is not good, it is also the sorrow of the cow. In case of angering the cattle, Pepsi Filial piety first, even if your mother is tough, you have to eat and walk." Yue-Yao is worried that Ming-zhu has removed the willow Concubine mind, Yu-Yao understanding of Ming-zhu is This is really possible. Yue-Yao This is also to remind the Ming-zhu not to act too much, everything can not be too much, the rabbit has to bite people in anxious.
       Ming-zhu seriously considered the following: "Well, I will consider this matter well."
       Yue-Yao nodded a bit: "Ming-zhu, you are married to the cattle house, the man of the cattle family, and it is no longer the 3rd Miss of The Marquis Estate . Some things have to be well controlled, do you know?" Yue-Yao It means that Lu Concubine and Nu Yang-chao, as long as Nu Yang-hui does not move, Ming-zhu does not move. This kind of thing is indiscriminate, and it is sure to suffer big losses at that time.
       Ming-zhu smiled and said: "I know, you are really, obviously two years younger than me. I don't know if you thought that I am my elder?"
       Yue-Yao reached out and touched the belly of Ming-zhu: "I also hope that you can always be like this, and you are happy every day." Looking at the Ming-zhu so happy, she is also very happy.
       Ming-zhu smiled: "Do not worry, I will always be very good. Yes, Yue-Yao, my husband has a good friend, Jiang-nan person, surname of the name Feiying, this year is 19 years old, the name of the person, the parents died, But there is a brother. Yue-Yao, I heard that the husband said that people are very good, do you want to see?"
       Yue-Yao did not expect that Ming-zhu also gave her a medium, and smiled: "No need." The literati Heir is not within the scope of Yue-Yao.
       Ming-zhu explained: "Yue-Yao, you are my best sister. If it is bad, I will definitely not tell you. It is really a very good person. My husband has known him for several years and his character is very good. My husband told him a little, and the other party is very interested. Yue-Yao, you will see it! If you feel bad, then we will find it again."
       Yue-Yao told the reason why she refused.
       Ming-zhu said anxiously: "If you follow the idea of ​​yours, those literati are not successful, what can you do? What do you have to look for?" Although Ming-zhu feels that Yue-Yao makes sense, it is Yue Yao lifelong event is in a hurry.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I will talk about it again." The literati is actually the best face, even if the character is not good, such a person is not in her consideration.
       Ming-zhu is in a hurry.
       Yue-Yao took the hand of Ming-zhu: "You have a good night, my business is not in a hurry. I can say it on the day, I will be your child in the future."
       Ming-zhu quickly said: "If you don't, you don't want to be a mother. After that, let my son be your son-in-law. It is better to be my son's ‘Madam’."
       Yue-Yao said it was speechless.
       Yue-Yao stayed in Nu House  for a long time, and accompanied Ming-zhu for a long time, until the beginning of the time.
       Not long after Yue-Yao went, Nu Yang-hui returned to the government. Nu Yang-hui is now a good husband and a good father. When he is down, he will return home to accompany his ‘Madam’ and children.
       When Ming-zhu saw Nu Yang-hui, he told him what Yue-Yao refused. After he said it, he said with a sorrow: "You say Yue-Yao so much scruples, what can you do?" Ming-zhu began to be Yue Yao marriage is awkward.
       Nu Yang-hui seriously thought about it later: "In fact, Lian Miss is right, but I don't think about it." Yue-Yao will become a big painter sooner or later. Even if his friend is a scholar, he will Under the shadow of Yue-Yao, his friends must not stand.
       Ming-zhu is very sad.
       Nu Yang-hui saw the appearance of the pearl and smiled: "You don't have to worry about Lian-Mix. She is such a bright person. There are a lot of things in her heart." In fact, Nu Yang-hui thinks that Yue-Yao is not only smart but also very transparent. The woman is not looking at the average man, nor is it the average man surrendering, and it is not as slow as it is.
       The pearl frowned.
       Nu Yang-hui smiled and said: "You worry about it when you worry about it." Nu Yang-hui licked the pearl for a long time, only to make the pearl turn cloudy.

       Chapter 337 Yimei 

       Yue-Yao Back to The Ma House, watching the sprinkling sunshine, some regret. The view in the inner court is too narrow. If it is in the wild now, the scenery in the sunset is very beautiful.
       Yue-Yao rested, took a book, sat down under the apricot tree and continued to recite the poem. Yue-Yao The only thing that is fortunate now is that her memory is still very good. Although it is not so exaggerated, it is remembered two or three times.
       The dinner is very rich, steamed squid, hot and sour lion's head, Babao rabbit diced, fried Chinese cabbage, and a sauerkraut ribs and bitter bamboo soup.
       Xu-Yu saw Yue-Yao looking at the dish on the table and explained: "Miss Wei said that Miss was too tired recently and needs to make up for it."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said nothing. After eating, I was preparing to go for a walk in the yard to eat and eat. I saw the Servant lilac from Ma Chengteng’s study room rushing over: “Miss, Master let you go to the study and say something important.”
       Yue-Yao went to the study room and saw the face of Ma Chengteng Tieqing. He asked, “what happened?" Yue-Yao heart showed a bad feeling.
       Ma Chengteng looked at Yue-Yao ruddy complexion, and his mood was slightly relieved: "Yue-Yao, are you having something to worry about?"
       Yue-Yao was surprised: "Why are you asking this?"
       Ma Chengteng looked at the look of Yue-Yao, remembered the rumors outside, and the heart was in the fire: "Yue-Yao, now it is said that you are being taken away, and those thieves will kill your guards." Ma Chengteng Yue-Yao ruddy complexion, I think these are definitely filthy Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao looked pale: “I have been doing well on Zhuangzi. Why are there such rumors coming out?"
       Ma Chengteng looked at the look of Yue-Yao, and his face was full of anger: "Yue-Yao, you can rest assured that you must grab the people behind this scene." Ma Chengteng has sent people to check, he has to look at it. What do people behind the scenes want to do.
       Yue-Yao looked back at Haishuyuan ugly, and withdrew everyone. He told this to Wei: "It seems that Zhou Shu is going to let me have no place in the capital." Destroy her reputation. So that she can't stay in the capital, it's better to start.
       Wei sighed with a sigh of relief: "Hate, can kill."
       Yue-Yao is also clenching his teeth: "Now is not the time to say this. Xiang Wei, you are going out now, and will spread the matter and spread it out." Yue-Yao means that she will be defamed. The process of going and killing and escaping is also added.
       Wei Wei is somewhat puzzled: "Miss, this is not appropriate. Even if we want to be apart from Zhou Shu, we should not use such a method." This method is completely killing the enemy and killing one hundred and eight hundred.
       Yue-Yao showed a touch of color: "No. You and I know that this is true, but others will not believe it." Sometimes, the opposite is true. Because no one will believe she can kill, and can kill people cleanly.
       Xiang Wei thinks this is a bit of a risk.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Xiang Wei, Zhou Shu is a madman. If we are too scrupulous, we will definitely be turned around by him. Xiang Wei, you have to know, if I am really killed, I will kill people, where? It can be so calm." Lian 舅舅 saw her calm appearance and thought it was a rumor.
       Yue-Yao didn't mean to take Ma Chengteng, but Ma Chengteng couldn't help. On the contrary, taking advantage of Ma Chengteng, let Ma Chengteng have the confidence to check, but it will make people believe that it is filthy.
       Xiang Wei nodded and said: "Okay."
       Early the next morning, Ah 3rd heard the rumors outside and quickly told this to Zhou Shu: "The big Master, who does not know who did it?" The rumor that was released yesterday, today There is new content, and this content is completely true. Ah 3rd has a hunch that this thing is inconsistent with Lian-jia 3rd Miss.
       Zhou Shu looked dignified: "I can't think of it, she got the news so quickly, the reaction is still so fast, I really look down on her." Zhou Shu felt that the people he saw were not alone in this reality. He saw Yue-Yao, ice and jade, as if it was not contaminated with fireworks, but the reality of Yue-Yao is not only embarrassing, but also intelligent and courageous. A very contradictory person, but live so alive.
       A three whispered: "The big Master, forget it!" For such a monk, Ah 3rd is somewhat afraid.
       Zhou Shusheng said: "No matter, wait and see what happens."
       At this time, Yue-Yao is already on the way to The Jingning Marquis Estate . It was supposed to go to The Jingning Marquis Estate yesterday, just because Yue-Yao was going to see Ming-zhu, so it was pushed back one day.
       Ping-Shi-Yi thought that Yue-Yao would be scared and overwhelmed by being stunned, so she waited for her to look ruddy, and her color was also excellent, Yue-Yao, and for a while.
       Yue-Yao made a big gift: "If it weren't for the Marquis and Madam, I don't know where it is now. The Marquis and Madam's Dae-Yao are in mind."
       Ping-shi went to Yue-Yao and took Yue-Yao hand and sat down: "You kid, I didn't do anything with the Marquis." Ping-Shi really didn't feel like What did you do, Yue-Yao escaped from themselves, they just sent people to pick up Yue-Yao.
       Ping-Shi-Yi feels that Yue-Yao is very unlucky, and Yue-Yao thing can be said to be a disaster. The people behind this scene are too arrogant.
       Ping-Shi helped Yue-Yao up and asked softly: "Yue-Yao, do you think, is there any enemy?" Luo Wei did not tell Ping-Shi behind the scenes. The Lord's ambassador is Zhou Shu, but it is not that Luo Yi intends to conceal, but feels unnecessary. Therefore, Ping-shi did not think that someone was looking at Yue-Yao, she thought that someone was trying to avenge Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao was a little surprised, but she thought that since Luo Wei didn't say it, she wouldn't say it. After all, dreaming is more rare. Yue-Yao bowed his head and said: "I don't know. I don't dare tell Lian about this."
       Ping-Shi sighed again: "Fortunately, this thing is not spread out, you don't have to be afraid."
       Xiang Wei listened to this and stood up and said: " Madam, now it has been rumored outside, and I don't know if this person has any deep hatred with us Miss."
       Ping-Shi face changed greatly: "How can this be good?" After that, the eyes that looked at Yue-Yao became more and more sympathetic.
       Yue-Yao looked extremely bitter: "No, I twisted my hair and went to the aunt." Yue-Yao can show nothing in front of Wei, but if it is in front of Ping-shi It’s not the same person, it’s not calm, it’s not a brain.
       Ping-Shi couldn’t help but say: "When you say something stupid, the days of this temple are better. You can rest assured that we will not stand by and watch this matter."
       Yue-Yao bowed his head: "The Marquis and Madam are so good to me, Yue-Yao doesn't know how to repay the Marquis and Madam in the future."
       Ping-Shi took a look at Yue-Yao hand: "What reciprocation does not repay, you have helped me a lot. If you really reward me, then I will give me a picture of Guanyin." If it is not Yue-Yao, maybe she is still worried about her son.
       Yue-Yao should be right now: " Madam, I haven’t been quiet recently, and I will paint you again when I am quiet." The heart is not quiet. If the painting of the Buddha represents impoliteness, it is also a disrespect for the Buddha. .
       Ping-Shi smiled and said: "Just tell you. Don't paint for me." She already has two sons and one daughter, and she is satisfied.
       Yue-Yao wanted to go back after thanking him, but he was left behind by Ping-shi. Until noon, Jingning waited for his return.
       Jingning waited to watch Yue-Yao eyes red, but there was no sorrow on his face. Luo Wei did not have a flat-Shi accident: "Now it is rumored that you were taken away, and also killed. Do you know that three people have escaped?"
       Yue-Yao clicked on the head: "I know."
       There is no expression on Luo face. Although Luo Xiao is not old, his emotions and sorrows have long since disappeared: "How do you deal with this matter?"
       Yue-Yao has a bitter color: "I don't know. I can't do it. I will twist my hair and go to my aunt." She has no power and no power.
       Luo Wei looked at Yue-Yao, the bitter color, I don’t know why, the  Mouth is rising. Yue-Yao can hold others, how can he win him. This matter has not fallen to the shadow of Yue-Yao. Luo Wei actually had some accidents. He didn't expect Yue-Yao to be so open. In the end, it was Master Yushan's apprentice: "I have an idea, don't know how you feel?"
       Yue-Yao looked up at Luo Wei: "The Marquis please."
       Luo Wei thought that Zhou Shu had done such a daring thing for Yue-Yao, and couldn't help but look at Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao is very delicate, the goose egg face, the nose is slightly tilted, the skin is white and wins the snow, the eyes are like a pair of clear water, the whole body is filled with a sleek and elegant temperament, let people see the self-defeating shape, not dare to swear.
       Ping-Shi see Luo Wei seriously looked at Yue-Yao, his face changed and changed, but in the Ping-shi self control ability is very good, forced to suppress the fear in his heart.
       Xiang Wei coughed twice.
       Luo Wei is not fascinated, but I really feel that Yue-Yao is temperamental, but Yue-Yao is outstanding. He is also a family person. Where else there are other ideas: "I want to accept you as a sister, not Do you know if you are willing or not?"
       Yue-Yao stayed directly, and she did not expect Luo Hao to want to accept her as a sister.
       Ping-Shi was a glimpse, and turned to smile and agree. If Yue-Yao became the righteous girl of the Marquis, it would be better, because the things she had just worried about would not appear. Although she likes Yue-Yao, she also believes that Yue-Yao will not be embarrassed, but she will not have the one if she accepts Yue-Yao.
       Xiang Wei went to Yue-Yao and pushed Yue-Yao: "Miss, it is not called." Miss worshipped the Marquis as a righteous brother. She believed that Zhou Shu would definitely be jealous. Otherwise, Zhou Shu is directly arguing with the Marquis.
       Yue-Yao is not a person who knows nothing about it. The red face called: "Brother, 'sister-in-law'." If you don't want to go to the back of the door, it is not a fool.
       Ping-Shi smiles full of face, ready to give the bracelet of the red jade twisted gold on the wrist to Yue-Yao as a gift.
       Luo Wei heard the sound of Yue-Yao, and there was a smile on the face: " Madam, please look for a ecliptic auspicious day, and live in the house." Luo Wei means to let Everyone knows that he has taken Yue-Yao as a sister.
       Ping-Shi smiled.
       Yue-Yao squatted on the ground and said to Luo Wei: "Brother, 'sister-in-law', please accept me." After that, he took a head.
       Yue-Yao is really grateful to Luo Wei. If it was just a matter of helping, then accepting her as a sister, she is clearly supporting her. This virtue, Yue-Yao, knows that she can't repay her life.
       Luo Hao nodded and said: "Get up!" In the past few years, Yue-Yao has been helping the Ming-zhu, let Ming-zhu quit the bad things. In order not to let Ming-zhu fall into the fire pit of Ning Duke House, not only make suggestions, but also ask people to owe their feelings. He is good for the pearl, that is because the pearl is his compatriot Mei Mei, he is very good at the pearl, but Yue-Yao is just an outsider, she can be so guilty about the pearl but it is really hard to get. Ming-zhu is now so good that there is more than half of Yue-Yao credit. Since Yue-Yao is in a bad situation, he naturally wants to help. It’s just that he is an outsider. If you come out and help, some names are not right. If you accept Yue-Yao as a sister, the outsiders naturally have no gossip.

       Chapter 338 Four Seasons 

       Yue-Yao was a bit embarrassed when he left The Marquis Estate , although it was said to be the righteous sister of Jingning, but it was equivalent to an additional layer of protection.
       Yue-Yao fainted for a long time, and finally asked Wei Wei said:
        "Hou Master, why should I accept it as my sister?" This is clearly supporting the waist, but Yue-Yao can't understand why Luo Yi will This helps her.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "I have said that the Marquis is a person who has a strong opinion and a good news. You are so good to the Ming-zhu, the Marquis are in the eye. Now that you have trouble, the Marquis will naturally help. "Of course, Xiang Wei did not think that the Marquis would have accepted his own Miss as a sister. However, this is also good, with Jingning waiting for the support, no one will dare to beat Miss's idea.
       Yue-Yao feels awkward. She was good to the pearl that day, with a 'temperament'.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "You are not the Virgin, it is normal to start with the 'temperament'. But then your good for the pearl is from the heart, there is no purpose, we are all in the eye." Not only she sees In the eyes, the Marquis is also in the eye.
       Yue-Yao did not deny that she was familiar with her. She really treated Ming-zhu as a sister, so she would do so much for Ming-zhu, because she hopes that Ming-zhu can live well.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "If Ming-zhu knows, it will be very happy."
       Yue-Yao smiled on his face.
       When Ma Chengteng returned in the evening, Yue-Yao told Ma Chengteng: “I have already agreed to the Marquis and Madam."
       Ma Chengteng was surprised, but he was very happy. Since you want to receive Yue-Yao as a sister, you must have a drink. This also shows The Marquis Estate  emphasis on Yue-Yao: "Where does the Marquis say which day is it?" Now the rumors outside the rumor are more ridiculous, and actually say that Yue-Yao has killed several people. If now, let outside people know that Yue-Yao has worshipped Jingning as a righteous brother, this rumor will definitely calm down.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: “you know this thing. We are waiting for the news from The Marquis Estate  to say it!" Yue-Yao is worried that if they send out the news here, once There are changes to the time when the face is not good. Although Yue-Yao feels that the probability of a change is basically zero, it is always right to act properly.
       Ma Chengteng smiled and nodded: "Cheng."
       The Marquis Estate  did not spread the news that Luo Wei wanted to receive Yue-Yao as a sister. Although Luo Wei is now a family member, there is still an old man in his head. Luo Yi accepting a sister-in-law always has to know his old voice.
       After the old Marquis stepped down, he was in the other Courtyard. I was very surprised to hear that Luo Wei wanted to receive a sister. When I knew that Luo Wei wanted to receive Yue-Yao as a sister, she immediately returned to Hou.
       When the old Marquis found Luo, he said, "Your righteous sister, don't you be my righteous girl? Send an invitation, and say that I have to accept Lian-jia Miss as a righteous woman." Received Master Yushan's Close the disciple as a righteous woman, that is a matter of face! And when he goes to find Master Yushan next time, Master Yushan is not good to see him.
       Luo Wei wants to accept Yue-Yao as a sister, but also to support Yue-Yao. Now my old man is willing to accept Yue-Yao as a righteous woman. Naturally, it is good to accept a righteous woman. The name is justified: “since you have to accept Yue-Yao as a righteous woman, there is one thing I am not squatting. You, Yue-Yao is actually a  Mountain lover who has been rumored in the past two years."
       The old the Marquis listened and laughed: "I knew that this child must have had a place, but it didn't matter! Well, I didn't expect that I also received a big painter as a righteous girl. Yes, good." Master Yushan is No one, no more clear than the old the Marquis. If Yue-Yao is just a better artist, how can I get into the eyes of Master Yushan, now it makes sense.
       Yue-Yao is dumbfounded. She said that she has known Ming-zhu for several years, but she has never seen the old master. Now the old Marquis wants to accept him as a righteous woman. What is the situation?
       Xiang Wei is a smile: "Miss, the old the Marquis received Miss as a righteous woman, renamed just right." In fact, the effect is the same.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I am a little puzzled."
       Xiang Wei doesn't know the old Marquis, and they are also afraid to check the privacy of the master. Therefore, I don't really know the old Marquis. "The old Marquis accepts Miss as a righteous woman. Not a bad thing."
       Yue-Yao is full of doubts.
       The Jingning Marquis Estate issued an invitation to invite the familiar people to attend the banquet of the old Marquis. When the invitation was sent out, it caused a shock in the capital. In the front foot, there is a rumor that Yue-Yao has been taken away. Here, Jingning Waiting Government has to accept Yue-Yao as a righteous woman, which is worth pondering.
       Yue-Yao hasn't thought about it yet, Master Yushan sent someone over there to let her go. To say that it is the past is actually explaining why you should worship Jingning as your righteous father.
       Yue-Yao When I saw Master Yushan, I saw Master Yushan cooking tea in the yard. Yue-Yao is a bit shameful, although today the sun is cloudy, but still very hot?
       Master Yushan said with a smile: "Sit down!"
       Yue-Yao Where to dare to sit, immediately went forward and took over the work of Master Yushan. Her craft of making tea is not very good, but not bad.
       The smoke rises and Yue-Yao forehead is all sweaty. Xiang Wei looked at the corner of her  Mouth and twitched straight, but she also knew that she could not help.
       Yue-Yao poured the boiled tea into a white porcelain teacup. Master Yushan took a bit of a sigh and nodded and admired: "The fire is well mastered."
       Yue-Yao took the sweat from the forehead and wiped his forehead: "The teacher praised."
       Master Yushan smiled gently and put down the teacup and asked: "Yue-Yao, have you encountered anything recently?" Master Yushan also knows about Yue-Yao, so he guessed Yue-Yao worshipping Jingning The old the Marquis must have a reason for the righteous father.
       Yue-Yao pouted, and after a while, decided to tell Master Yushan about this. Master Yushan helped her so much, and also created momentum for her. If it is bullying, Yue-Yao feels guilty: "Teacher, don't you know if you heard the rumors outside? I heard the rumors that I was taken away?"
       Master Yushan’s brows started, and his disciples were filthy and irritated. He was also very annoyed. It also helps people to trace, but they can't find out who is behind them: "You don't have to worry about this matter, and rumors are finally rumors."
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "Teacher, this is not a rumor, it is a real thing. I was taken away by several Jianghu people, and then I found a chance to escape."
       Master Yushan couldn’t think of anyone who was so daring, it was hateful: "Who is going to take you away?"
       Yue-Yao does not hide: "The Marquis found the sea merchant Zhoushu in Haikou." Yue-Yao said that after a special pause, he said: "Teacher, Zhou Shu backing is Zhou-home. Queen Zhou-home." Yue-Yao does not mention Zhou Xi here. In the family and her little sister who emerged from the middle of the road, I don’t want to know what Zhou Xi choice is.
       Master Yushan was very puzzled and asked: "Why should that person take you away?" Yue-Yao will paint,
       There was a bitter bitterness on Yue-Yao: "When I went to Zhou-home last time, I accidentally met that person. That person looked at my eyes and was very uneasy." Yue-Yao has already answered Yushan. Master 's words.
       Master Yushan looked at Tieqing. He did not expect that this person actually robbed Yue-Yao for the beauty, and this person was so daring.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "I suspect that the rumors outside are also deliberately released. She is doing this to corrupt my reputation, so that I can't say goodbye, he wants me to marry forever." Zhou Shu There is no such thing as he can't do.
       The literati are all high, and Master Yushan is amiable, but the inside is even more arrogant. He is the most incompetent speculative and treacherous businessman. Now a maritime trader dares to do such things. This is simply not to tell him to look at it. Inside: "The old Marquis of The Jingning Marquis Estate accepts you as a righteous woman, is it related to this?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "I am like a sister of The Marquis Estate  Ming-zhu, and the old Marquis is very fond of me, but Zhou Shu backing is the queen, and Prince is supporting the waist, the Marquis It’s not good for me, so I used such a roundabout strategy.” Yue-Yao heard that Master Yushan snorted, and Yue-Yao had doubts in his heart. Seeing the teacher’s appearance seems to be for this. The argument is very disdainful.
       Master Yushan said: "If this is the case, it would be a solution." Although he did not see the Marquis 'temperament' of Jingning, he had to admit that Yue-Yao had worshipped the old Marquis. The righteous father, Yue-Yao will get better in the capital.
       Yue-Yao thinks about the last time Ming-zhu told her: "Teacher, I heard that you are going to settle in Jiang-nan, teacher, is this true?"
       Yushan nodded and said: "Well, I will go in 10 months and I will not come back to Capital City again." The daughter has already sent a letter urging him to go early, but he has been dragging. This time, the daughter simply let the son-in-law and the grandson come to the capital to pick him up, and I don’t want to go to Jiang-nan.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat lost, but it is also a good thing for the teacher to meet with her daughter: "Teacher, I will go to Jiang-nan to see you later." If there is no teacher, there is no achievement for her.
       Master Yushan smiled and nodded: "Good."
       After drinking a cup of tea, Master Yushan looked at his close disciple. Although he was angry with the daring of the man, it is undeniable that Yue-Yao did indeed live well: "Yue-Yao, you are also 16 years old this year, so consider it. Life is a big deal."
       Yue-Yao Suddenly, she did not expect Lian teacher to start worrying about her lifelong events.
       Master Yushan sneered: "Men's big marriage is a marriage, and it will not hinder you from painting after marrying. And if you marry, there will not be so many bad things."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Teacher, after marrying, I have to do housework. I am afraid that I don't have much energy."
       Master Yushan laughed: "You silly boy, marrying and having children, this is a must-have for life. Where is it because you can't concentrate on painting, you won't marry." Master Yushan finished, and then looked at Yue-Yao calmly. Look, look forward to Yue-Yao may not really want to marry, Master Yushan is the color: "Yue-Yao, life is like a painting, married life is part of this painting, if you skip this paragraph This painting is not complete."
       Yue-Yao was shocked by the words of Master Yushan, whispering, "Isn't life without being married?"
       Master Yushan nodded: "It is like a season of spring, summer, autumn and winter. What do you think will happen if you miss a season?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Nothing can be less." Spring is the season of all things awakening, summer is a vibrant season, autumn is the season of harvest, and winter is the season of everything. Less than a season, not perfect.
       Master Yushan said with a smile: "If you don't want to be a relative, you will lose one season and you will lose a lot of fun. Now I don't think you will know when you are old."
       Yue-Yao fell into meditation and thought for a long time and finally said to Master Yushan: "Teacher, I know."
       Wei Wei secretly said that she has advised so many times in recent years. It is not as good as Master Yushan’s words. She knew that Master Yushan would open Miss, and she also saved a lot of worry.
       Master Yushan said with a smile: "Jiang-nan has more talents, waiting for me to go back to Jiang-nan to help you find things." Yue-Yao is so good with what kind of people are worthy.
       Yue-Yao is ashamed.
       Yue-Yao accompanied Master Yushan to finish his lunch before returning.
       Xiang Wei looked at the loss of Yue-Yao face and smiled and said: "The scenery in Jiang-nan is picturesque. When I stayed with Miss to go to Jiang-nan for a while. Jiang-nan has more talents, and the style is very prosperous. If Miss can't go to Jiang-nan. It’s a big pity to take a trip."
       Yue-Yao smiled slightly. Jiang-nan in memory is really beautiful, and the best memories of her are also in Jiang-nan.
       Xiang Wei saw the smile of Yue-Yao, which reminded me that Yue-Yao grew up in Jiang-nan and was busy transferring the topic: "Miss, I think Master Yushan is right, Miss how to see?"
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei Wei with a sigh of relief: "What do you think I can see? You can rest assured that I will not be an old aunt at home."
       I am happy with Wei. Miss, this is really starting to agree to marry: "Miss, I have a roster in my hand, and we will pick it up at the time."
       Yue-Yao wants to rush to Wei, but she is a Lady, she will not do such an unsightly thing: "Do you think that the princess chose the Hummer? It is also a roster."
       Yue-Yao has the habit of taking a nap, and when he arrives, he is sleepy. Yue-Yao leans on the carriage and blinks. Xiang Wei listened to a sound outside, and quickly opened the curtain and said: "Go buy some pea yellow." Xiang Wei is the best food, every time he comes out, he will buy all kinds of snacks.
       Wei Wei was preparing to put down the curtain and suddenly found a group of people coming out of the restaurant in the distance. To the eyes of Wei, there was a murderous murder. Before the other party reacted, he put down the curtain to Wei. However, she was very vigilant in her heart, took the prepared things and put them on her body.
       A few followers around Zhou Shu are killing people, and there are many people who kill, so they are also very keen on murder. However, the speed of releasing the curtain to Wei was too fast. They looked at the suspicious people in a circle, but they made everyone alert.
       Returning to The Ma House with amazement. Wei Wei took a sigh of relief, it seems that it is necessary to recruit a few good people. Otherwise, she is in the capital, she is not at ease.
       Yue-Yao got off the carriage. Before I went to Haishuyuan, I heard that Servant had come over and was waiting for her at Haishuyuan.
       Yue-Yao hurriedly rushed back to Haishuyuan. When she saw the pearl, Yue-Yao yelled: "If you have something to find me to send a personal voice, I will naturally pass. Such a big individual I don’t know how to cherish myself, and I still run around with my children."
       Ming-zhu does not seem to know that Yue-Yao is licking her, and hurriedly asks: "Yue-Yao, I listen to my 'sister-in-law', I want to accept you as a righteous girl? Yue Yao, is this true?"
       Yue-Yao nodded: "Well, is it true? What happened?"
       Ming-zhu swayed Yue-Yao: "What's wrong? So big things don't tell me in advance, you are still embarrassed to ask me what's wrong? Is there such a thing?" Ming-zhu heard the news from The Marquis Estate  people. when,
       Yue-Yao smiled and glared at the waist of the pearl, but the strength is very good: "You have not always said that I want to be Mei Mei, now the name is just right, how, not willing?"
       Ming-zhu listened to this and laughed: "You just got me. I am fine, don't settle with you. Say, how can you promise me?" Nu Yang-hui heard the message outside, afraid of the pearl I knew that I was angry, so people who ordered the Nu House  were not allowed to tell the Ming-zhu. Bai Yi also knew the priority and suppressed the Pozi Servant around him, so Ming-zhu has not heard the rumors outside.
       Yue-Yao helped the Ming-zhu into the house: "When you are Mei Mei of Jingning, my marriage is smooth, and you said yes?"
       Ming-zhu did not believe in Yue-Yao ghost: "What kind of temper are you still I don't know, how can I agree to be my daughter, Yu-Yao, what do you tell me? The more you don't Say, the more I worry about it.” Ming-zhu really didn’t mean to derogate her. If she changed to someone who could be her dry daughter, I’m afraid I would feel that my grave was a smoke, but this person does not include Yue-Yao. . Yue-Yao is arrogant, she is very clear. So after getting this news, Ming-zhu knows that Yue-Yao is definitely an accident.
       Yue-Yao thought about it, saying that pregnant people love to think about it. If they don't make it clear, they will let Ming-zhu have been entangled in this matter: "You all go out!"
       Ming-zhu took the hand of Yue-Yao: "What the hell is it? You tell me." If she didn't guess wrong, it must have been a big deal.
       Yue-Yao chuckled: "There is nothing wrong with it. There is a rumor outside, saying that someone who values ​​my beauty will take me away. Now the capital has been rumored."
       Ming-zhu face changed: "What are you talking about?"
       Yue-Yao Hold the Ming-zhu Said: "It’s just a rumor. If there is such a thing, I can still talk to you here. This is someone who is desperately trying to break my reputation."
       The Ming-zhu has been stunned: "You have always been good with others, and you have not offended anyone. Is this unscrupulous person doing such a vicious thing?"
       Yue-Yao calms the Ming-zhu and keeps her from getting excited. The pregnant person is most jealous of emotions: "I am still checking. But the Marquis said that if I would like to worship the old Marquis as a righteous father, the Marquis can also come forward for me. I agreed to it and I agreed."
       Ming-zhu hate: "Yue-Yao, do you say it will be a peace-County Owner? She has always hated Yongding Marquis Heir who wants to marry you on the same day, so I want to break your reputation."
       Yue-Yao can't smile, this pregnant person's association ability is really not good: "I didn't talk to you on the same day-County Owner said that I am the savior of Yongding Marquis Heir, unless you and the County Owner brain Confused, otherwise it will not do such a thing. The real situation is definitely not to tell the Ming-zhu, so that she can worry about it.
       After thinking about it for a moment, Ming-zhu said: "Will it be Qing lian? The woman has always hated you, and has two sides and three knives?"
       Yue-Yao was busy interrupting Ming-zhu cranky thoughts: "This matter is being checked, but it will always be detected. However, Ming-zhu, come over and look for me, does Nu Yang-hui know?"
       Ming-zhu eyes are dodging.
       Yue-Yao is happy: "You still have to find a good speech, otherwise you will wait for Nu Yang-hui to pick up someone, definitely to reprimand you."
       Ming-zhu raised his head and said: "I am not afraid!" Hey, she now has a talisman, and she will be afraid of Nu Yang-hui.
       Yue-Yao became more and more happy: "Okay, don't say those unpleasant. The Marquis said that he wants to pick a ecliptic, but don't know what day?"
       Ming-zhu does not know: "It must be these days."
       The two said a little for a long time, and when they heard the outside Servant said that Nu Yang-hui came over, Ming-zhu discovered that the sky was dark.
       Yue-Yao 嘱咐 Ming-zhu carefully.
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Reassured, this child is not at all troublesome. Others are pregnant and heard what to eat, but I have nothing to do with it."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said helplessly: "Do not say too much, do you know?"
       When Nu Yang-hui came to pick up the pearl, his face was not very good.
       Ming-zhu didn't care about Nu Yang-hui black face. She spit her tongue at Yue-Yao: "Ming-zhu, I will go back to The Marquis Estate  on the day I wait for the wine, and then we will talk again!"
       Yue-Yao looked at Nu Yang-hui face and became a packer. He couldn't help but smile: "Okay."
       When I got on the carriage, Ming-zhu began to pretend to be pitiful: "I have heard that I have to be a righteous woman, and I am scared, so I quickly came over and asked Yue-Yao what happened? I didn't expect it to happen. I don't know what the black heart is, I want to be bad Yu-Yao reputation."
       Nu Yang-hui saw the appearance of the Ming-zhu. I don’t know if it’s a laugh or a gas: “I’m not allowed to run in the future, I’m not allowed to run around, I’m going to be a mother, even if I don’t think for myself, I should think about it for my children.”
       Ming-zhu whispered: "The children are more than three months old, the doctor said that the tires are very stable, and the attitude says that they should move more and more. You don't know, I am very bored in the yard every day."
       The doctors said that to move more is to say that walking around in the mansion is not to let the pearl run around. For the meaning of the Ming-zhu singer, Nu Yang-hui only has a sigh of relief. My ‘Madam’ is too moving, it is also annoying!
       Zhou Shu heard that the Marquis of Jingning was going to accept Yue-Yao as a righteous woman, and it was difficult to look at it. The behavior of The Jingning Marquis Estate is obviously supporting Yu-Yao.
       Zhou Shu other confidant has nothing to say, but now he has to say: “The big Master, Jingning’s waiting room is not easy to provoke, or forget it!” If Jingning’s waiting room provokes them, even if The Marquis Estate  is no bigger, they will never back down, but for a woman to confront Jingning waiting for him, he feels worthless.
       Ah 3rd listened to the side and said: "Yeah, the big Master, the woman in the world is more, why is it that the thorny rose." Now it is not only a thorn, but also poison. That Lian Yue-Yao If it is the righteous sister of Jingning, they will go to Haikou and call it the The Marquis Estate . That is not a vegetarian, then the disaster will come to an end. Uncle is hard to establish the foundation, can not be destroyed on a woman's head.
       When Zhou Shu didn't speak, he heard someone outside calling: "The big Master, Zhou nine Master came over."
       Zhou Ji talked with Zhou Shu for a little half an hour. After Zhou Ji left, Zhou Shu fist was squeaking.
       A three scared one: "The big Master, what happened?"
       Zhou Shu did not answer Ah 3rd ’s words. He just said: “People can pack up good things and return to Haikou tomorrow morning.”
       Although Ah 3rd hopes that Zhou Shu will return to Haikou early, don't stay in Capital City, but for Zhou Xi decision, he is upset: "Big Master, what happened?"
       Zhou Shu loosened his hands: "Zhou Jiu let me leave the capital immediately and go back to Haikou." Zhou Shu did not think that The Jingning Marquis Estate actually found out that he was invited by Yue-Yao, he was a small sister. Waiting. To be precise, he did not expect Jingning to be so valued by Yue-Yao.
       Ah 3rd was shocked: "What happened?"
       Zhou Shu calmly said: "Business matters." In fact, Zhou Ji is the meaning of Zhou Xi, Zhou Xi wants Zhou Shu to leave the capital immediately.
       Zhou Shu guessed that Zhou Xi was sure to know that he had left Yue-Yao, or he would not be inexplicably let him leave the capital.
       Zhou Shu said to himself: "I am too big." Zhou Shu originally thought that Yue-Yao was just an orphan girl, even if the painting was outstanding, there was no power. Once something goes wrong, everyone will only stand by and where it will really help. He did not expect that Yue-Yao not only relied on Jingning, but Lian Zhou Xi was also helping her. To achieve his goal, he has to adjust his strategy.

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