Family 360

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 360 talks 

       The sun is shining and the spring is pretty. The peach blossoms in the garden of The Marquis Estate  are full of spring, and they are red clouds.
       Yue-Yao wore a smocked dress and covered with a white silver fox cloak. Long hair is rolled up, combed into a stream of clouds, embedded with a pink peach-shaped bead flower, hanging long purple jade to the shoulders, hanging a pair of diamond-shaped jasper pendants. The skin is crystal clear as jade, and the powder is not applied. Standing under the peach tree, the more the skin is like a petal.
       Yue-Yao is watching the peach blossoms, hear the footsteps, look back, see An Zhi-zhen, politely smiled, it is a greeting.
       An Zhi-zhen saw Yue-Yao standing under the peach tree, folded a few peach blossoms in his hand, and smiled at him. The smile is like the moonlight, and it looks like a sparkling, so everyone is crisp.
       An Zhi-zhen wore a beige brocade robe, soft-colored boots of the same color, a white large fox on the outside, and a black hair with a jadeite hoop.
       Yue-Yao doesn't know if it is his own illusion. It seems that An Zhi is a lot more white. Yue-Yao smashed the messy thoughts in his heart and said, "Angongzi, I want to see you this time, there are things I want to tell you."
       An Zhi-zheng color: "Miss please."
       Yue-Yao told An Zhi-yi about the fact that he was a  Mountain layman.
       An Zhi said: "This incident, the table height has told me. Lian Miss rest assured, I will not interfere in what you want to do in the future, and I think it is a good thing to have something that I like to do." He will often If you are not at home, your ‘Madam’ will not be bored if he likes to do something.
       Yue-Yao knows that this is not a big surprise for An Zhi-zhen. "There is one more thing you may not know. I was taken away in August last year."
       An Zhi-zhen was shocked. After a few minutes, he said: "Lian Miss means that the rumor last year was true? Are you really taken away?"
       Yue-Yao nodded. "I don't want to bully you. This is true." Even if she didn't like the person in front of her, she didn't want to be bullied.
       An Zhi-qi asked curiously: "Is it true that Lian Miss murder is escaping? If it is true, can Lian Miss tell me how you escaped?"
       Yue-Yao took a deep breath and said: "Well, it is true." As for how to escape, she does not want to say.
       An Zhi has a deep and serious suspicion. "It is certainly not an ordinary person who can take Miss. Even if those people are underestimated, Miss is not interested. I am blunt, Miss can not kill any of them." Can do this All kinds of activities must be based on martial arts. Yue-Yao is a delicate woman, where can kill those people.
       Yue-Yao didn't expect An Zhi to ask for the bottom. After thinking about it, I still felt that I should be honest. Even if I didn't get married, I wouldn't say it if I saw the Marquis." I used the hair on my head to stab it. The throat of the person, the man was not prepared, so I was stabbed."
       An Zhi-yi inadvertently aimed at Yue-Yao hand, and the scorpion in his hand was clearly visible." Miss  Xi-wu?"
       Yue-Yao immediately shook his head: "No, these scorpions are falling from my practice. If you repent now, I will not blame you."
       An Zhi-wei can't help but smile. "Why should I go back?" Talented, beautiful and beautiful, soft and soft inside, thoughtful, and encountering such a Miss is his blessing, if it is not a big fool.
       An Zhi eyebrows, asked: “What doubts does Lian Miss have? But it’s fine.”
       Yue-Yao calmly said: "The Marquis later found out that it was Haishu big businessman Zhou Shu who took me away. Unfortunately, all of them were wiped out by him and no evidence was found."
       An Zhi eyes flashed in the eyes of the human, "What do Miss want to say?" In fact, An Zhi-zhen wanted to know why Zhou Shu had to take Yue-Yao. However, An Zhi-zhi knows that this question should not be asked Yue-Yao, should ask his cousin.
       Yue-Yao said his fears, "I am worried that there will be such a thing happening."
       An Zhi-zhen categorically said: "There will be no such thing."
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "The reason why I told you is that I will be afraid of such things happening in the future, even if we are married or even married. Now tell you, you will know in the future."
       An Zhi face was very gloomy. After a while, he said, "You can rest assured that I won't let this happen." Lian's ‘Madam’ and children can't hold it, what a man.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "If you regret now, you still have time."
       An Zhi-zheng did not answer the question, "Why should Lian Miss tell me this thing?" This kind of thing is changed to someone else, and it is definitely too late to know if it is too late. If it is Yue-Yao, he may never know.
       Yue-Yao answer is very simple, "I don't want to lie to you." The husband and ‘Madam’ should confess that if one party has deception, it is unfair to the other party, and if it is discovered later, there will be a crack. Yue-Yao Although she didn't like Shang's shackles, if she really married, she also hopes that husband and ‘Madam’ can live with beauty.
       An Zhi heart was slightly moving, and he said sincerely: "I know, you can rest assured that I will not lie to you in the future.
       Yue-Yao stunned, this is a god-like turning point. She did this today, but it was actually very risky, so she did the worst, but she didn't expect Ann's ignorance.
       An Zhi looked at the look of Yue-Yao, and smiled: "Peach blossoms are beautiful, but the wind is very strong here. Go back quickly, don't get cold."
       Yue-Yao said lowly: "Good."
       An Zhi-zhi left the garden and went straight to find Luo.
       Luo Wei has some accidents. This kind of thing is too late for others to know. Where else, people will know that Luo Wei thinks of it here, and there is a smile on his face." This is a test of you, it seems that you are passing. "That-Yatou mind is really much.
       An Zhi-sheng asked: "Cousin, the son said is true? Why did Zhou Shu take a long time." This is the only place that An Zhi-zhen does not understand.
       Luo Yan’s  Mouth slid through a touch of coldness. “Why do you want to have a long scorpion, why do you want to take a long time?” Both of them are optimistic about the difference. The difference is that An Zhi-zheng is a bright and fair, and he goes to The Ma House to raise relatives. Because the tree does not have this qualification, it can only use this means of abuse.
       An Zhi face is so gloomy that it is going to rain. I am a good Lady. If a Master is right, it is understandable to have a fair competition. But he is very clear about the details of Zhou Shu. The man has married his ‘Madam’ and children, and there are several people Concubine Such a person can also dare to think about the long, but also dare to use such a means of the next three abuses, this will kill the enemy, "He is looking for death."
       Luo Wei sneered: "He is looking for death, but he can't move him for a while. This incident has fallen in the shadow of the child's heart, but I did not expect that she will tell you," although it is a test, but for the son It is also not a test.
       An Zhi did not speak, but he was already wondering how to kill Zhou Shu.
       Xiang Wei knows why Yue-Yao is looking for an anxiety, a sub-summary, "stupid." Telling this out, not afraid to scare people away.
       Yue-Yao This will feel very relaxed, "Isn't he not being scared away?" No matter what the future, at least she is now safe.
       Xiang Wei can only shake his head. There is such a silly Miss in this world. "Forget it, things have happened. Fortunately, the results are not bad." If the family is settled, she can breathe a sigh of relief.
       On the second day, there was a official media door. Ma Chengteng deliberately took time off at home this day. When he saw the matchmaker, he did not use the matchmaker to praise Haikou. He agreed.
       Both sides are interested, and the next step is to match the characters.
       When Tang-Shi heard the news, his hand trembled and the tea overflowed. He burned his hand and panicked and quickly took the squid and dried it.
       Tang-Shi calmed down with this time, "Is it really settled?"
       Come over and send the letter-Pozi smiled and said: "The grandfather has already promised. Now I am holding the Geng post to match the eight characters!"
       Tang-Shi sat in the chair and said softly: "She is a good life." Her husband is now from Qipin, he is already very satisfied. I thought that Yue-Yao marriage would be very difficult, but I didn't expect to marry a four-piece.
       Suzhen is in the side: " Madam, I heard that Laozi is very violent, and he will kill if he can't move. Yao Miss has set such a person. I don't know what will happen in the future?" Yao Miss is so proud and proud, where will he be willing? Marry such a widower.
       Tang-Shi laughed and said: "Why do you want to let Yue-Yao come back, it must be for marriage." The public must have agreed with Yue-Yao to promise this marriage.
       It’s not surprising to say that Yue-Yao is so smart, I don’t know if this marriage has both face and quilt, and it will be very normal.
       Under normal circumstances, before the marriage is completely settled, neither of them will say to the outside world. Ma Chengteng was also prepared to let Xiao-lian know the outsiders, but the matter was circulated on the same day.
       Yue-Yao took a collection of poems in the backyard and saw the Qinqin rushing over." Miss, please go to see my home 1st Young Madam!"
       Yue-Yao was shocked. "What's wrong?" But don't want to have an accident.
       Qinqin quickly explained: "No, 1st Young Madam heard that you had to make a dear with the uncle, and told you to come over to see you, but was persuaded by Bai Yi sister. Bai Yi sister asked me to ask you to hurry. Hey, if you want 1st Young Madam, you must come over."
       Yue-Yao is funny and angry, "I will go with you when I change clothes." They are pregnant for nine months, and they will be born next month, and they will run around.
       Yue-Yao hurried to the cattle house, seeing the pearls looking out, the neck stretched like a giraffe.
       Ming-zhu rushed to Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao felt a tremble, and quickly held the pearl. Then I opened up. "You don't look at how big your stomach is. You don't know anything about it. I really don't know what to say about you." Yue-Yao is now very sympathetic to Nu Yang-hui. When I meet such a ‘Madam’, it is so bad. Yeah!
       Ming-zhu said with a smile: "It's okay, there is Bai Yi on the side, it won't fall." This is like Bai Yi is a human mat.
       Yue-Yao helped her into the house, and Ming-zhu asked: "I heard that you want to be married to my black-faced cousin, really fake?"
       Yue-Yao corrects: "It’s still in the same eight-character, even if there is no problem, it’s just a relative, and it’s still far away from the pro-family!” The dowry didn’t start to prepare before, so if it’s a dear, it’s just embroidered. The dowry has to make her a headache.
       "Ah, is it true?" Ming-zhu yelled.
       Yue-Yao smiled. She thought that Ming-zhu would say that An Zhi is not good, but she did not expect Ming-zhu to nod. "Although my cousin's face is black, but people are good, very capable, and most important. The population is simple, it is suitable for you." The cattle family has a simple population and has five masters. It is really simple and simple. Now people belong to one person who is full of family and not hungry.
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "I thought you would count the rest of the peace!"
       The pearl snorted, "Nature is to count him down, black face is black, always faceless, like a face, look at the boring person, but you are also a very boring person, you two People also match."
       Yue-Yao doesn't care about the pearl's  Mouth, and touches the round belly of the pearl. "How do I feel that your stomach is very big? Is it too much?" Remember that when you were pregnant, you didn't So big.
       Ming-zhu smirked and said: "Tai-yi said nothing. Tai-yi said that I have to move more before production. I am now going around most of the day, and the rainy days are also circled around the house."
       Ming-zhuan told Yue-Yao for a long time, this pregnancy did not go out, but she was killed, every time Yue-Yao came, there is always a lot to say.
       When Yue-Yao left, the pearl called, "Yue-Yao, the child's name is up to you, and there is a time to come and go, and quickly think of the name."
       Yue-Yao smiled. "The child is a singer, but I dare not rob him of his errand." Nu Yang-hui is so good, and he is willing to let his first child name others.
       Ming-zhu said: "You should take your name first. If your name is better than his, then use yours."
       Yue-Yao smiled and didn't answer her. This appearance is obviously not discussed with Nu Yang-hui, she does not want to work for most of the month, and finally did nothing.
       On the evening of the same day, Nu Yang-hui pretended not to carelessly ask: "Ming-zhu, do you want to let the son give us a name?"
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Yes, Yue-Yao took the name and listened well, so let Yue-Yao take one, as a backup, but Yue-Yao did not agree." This is still Yue-Yao Rejecting her request once, it would be sad to think about it.
       Nu Yang-hui said helplessly: "The child's name has to be taken, we can only give the child a nickname." He did not have the power to name, not to mention Yue-Yao an outsider.
       Ming-zhu knows that there is no more use, only to sullen the ground to the inside, and to circle the bed, in fact, she wants to give her son a big name.
       Nu Yang-hui glared at the Ming-zhu Said: "When you have a second child, we give him a name. When the third child, let the son name, do you think it is good?"
       The Ming-zhu is angry. "When I am a sow, I have been born." She is out of shape!
       The vigil of the vigil listened to the calling of the Ming-zhu, and in order not to be clashed, she buried her head in the quilt and did not hear it.

       Chapter 361 Rejection 

       Yue-Yao I remember that the peach blossoms in The Marquis Estate  were very good. Think about it. If it is a large peach blossom, how beautiful it should be.
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "There is no large peach blossom in the capital, there is no near the capital. But what is the peony flower medicinal flower, it seems that many people have it." The big house is bigger, and it is impossible to grow into pieces. The most variety of plants have been watched. Peony and peony can be planted in the flower buds.
       Yue-Yao thinks that the peony is good. "Who has a good peony flower?" Yue-Yao belongs to a group of people who are ignorant and ignorant. The things about the capital are basically black eyes.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Duanwang loves peony, and there are many peony varieties in Duanwang Prefecture. It seems that Wei Zi, Zhao Powder, Yao Huang and other varieties have."
       Yue-Yao After listening, I didn’t say that I saw a slightly confused look. "There is a chance to see and draw, many good things are fun, deliberate, not good." Yue-Yao painting I often think that such a thing is good, she just painted, just like she also painted a scorpion neck tree, if other painters certainly will not draw such things.
       When I was having lunch, Li Fu sent an invitation and invited Yue-Yao to be a guest tomorrow.
       Yue-Yao looked at the invitation and thought about it for a while. Yue-Yao explained to the micro: "I am afraid of Li Bobo meaning." Since the last incident, she has had a rift with Li Madam, and Li Madam will not give anything. She invited the post, especially at this time.
       Xiang Wei listened to this and said nothing.
       Yue-Yao went to The Li Estate  the next day. When I saw Li Madam, the number of rituals was not bad, but the attitude was not as good as before. Of course, it can’t be said to be bad, but it’s less That is close.
       Li Madam naturally feels that she is also somewhat uncomfortable, but today it is what her husband told her to do. She must be sure to get things done," Yue-Yao, I heard that you have to follow Wei Yuan Hou 3rd Young Master is a relative? Is this true?” Li Madam feels incredible. Yue-Yao picks and picks up, even picks a widower, even if the position of An Zhi is not low, but Li Madam still thinks that a flower is stuck in cow dung.
       Yue-Yao has a decent smile on his face. This smile is the standard look of Yue-Yao when he goes out to socialize. "Well, it is true."
       Li Madam said busy: "How did you agree to such a marriage?"
       If it was before, Yue-Yao definitely explained one or two, but now, Yue-Yao is not in this mood. Just smiled and said: "Before the four things of Prince, there was a lot of noise outside, and I was very worried about my family. Now the grandfather of the family, Gongzi, came to the door and asked him to be sincere, and he felt that all the conditions of the family were Yes, so I decided." Pushing this matter to Ma Chengteng, no one said anything.
       Li Madam looks stiff, "but the family is gongzi, the means is too hot." The big family, there are disobedient servants, naturally there is family law, but like An Zhi-zhen, too violent, to Yue Yao mind will definitely be unbearable at the time.
       Yue-Yao said: "He told me that the family is very young and has a simple population, which is very suitable for me." Yue-Yao said that when he said this, his face was very dull. If he didn't know the roots, it would look very easy. It is misunderstood that she is actually not satisfied with this marriage, but it is only because of the elders' set, so she only recognizes it.
       Li Madam, I don’t know how to say it at once. To say that Yue-Yao is wrong, but Yue-Yao has a full number of rituals, and the words are respectful and courteous, just like before, it seems to be a change.
       Li Madam withdrew the people in the room and said softly: "Yue-Yao, your uncle means let me tell you, now the wind is calling, waiting for this limelight will follow you. Han's family is settled." Li Guozhen believes that Yue-Yao will promise that this marriage is worried about 4th Prince, afraid that she will not be able to marry afterwards, so it is a helpless choice to wait for the door of the door. Now he asked Li Madam to say this to Yue-Yao, hoping that she would not have to worry about marriage and let her refuse to mention her.
       The smile on Yue-Yao is unchanged. "Auntie, I treat Han Brother as a younger brother. I have no other thoughts. I will tell my uncle clearly."
       Li Madam looks a bit unnatural, but still said: "Your uncle will come back to eat at noon." Li Guozhen returned to eat, in fact, mainly for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Okay."
       Li Madam excuses to deal with the affairs, let the grandmother's ‘Madam’-Shi accompany Yue-Yao. Bao-Shi is the eldest daughter of Jiang-nan Buzheng, and the two belong to the door.
       The package-Shi is not very beautiful, but the skin is round and round and looks very comfortable. Bao-Shi did not have a name before he married, especially in poetry. Just after marrying, there are so many things, there is no time to play with this. Now, with Yue-Yao, naturally speaking about the topic of poetry, one is humbly, one is humbly and easy to learn, and it is also very speculative.
       Until a small donkey came over: "Lian Miss, Master has a request." This statement shows that Li Guozhen has returned and is still waiting in the study.
       Bao-Shi -maid looked at Yue-Yao back, whispered," Lian-Mix is ​​the first talented woman in Capital City. I didn't expect to marry a widower."
       Bao-Shi smiled lightly: "This is the real smart person." She is also a small name in the shack, but what about married people? To serve the filial piety, to take care of the husband's food and clothing, but also to control the chores of the house, where there is time to paint poetry. She is not bad, her mother-in-law is more open-minded and never swears. If this encounters a smashing mother-in-law, it will be a bitter in that day, but if Yue-Yao is married to An Zhi-, it seems to be suffering, but in fact it has a big benefit.
       Yue-Yao entered the study and saw Li Guozhen writing. Yue-Yao stood quietly, without disturbing Li Guofan.
       Li Guozhen wrote a word and shook his head and tore it. Obviously the word was not written. After Li Guozhen threw the paper ball away, he walked toward the standing Yue-Yao: "Yue-Yao, come over and write a word for me."
       Yue-Yao is not clear, but I still walked over and put a pen. Yue-Yao looked up and said: "Uncle, what word?"
       Li Guozhen thought for a moment and said: "Just write hidden."
       Yue-Yao filled the brush with ink and wrote a big hidden word on the snowy rice paper with the shape of the willow.
       Li Guozhen nodded and praised: "The Lu body is even and thin, and there is a tendency to cut off the iron. The point is good and the show is strong, the bones are still strong, and the body is tight, you have won the essence."
       Yue-Yao put down his pen and looked blank. "The uncle has won the prize."
       Li Guozhen is a turn of the word, "Yue-Yao, how many things do you hide the uncle?"
       Yue-Yao had a tight heart, but turned to smile: "Is it that I conceal that I am a  Mountain lord? Uncle, I did not deliberately conceal, just because of my identity, once I stand up, it must be controversial. I was afraid that when I was pushed down from a height, I would be ruined, and I might never get up for it." Regardless of whether Li Guozhen asked this question, she has already planned to say it today, even if she guessed it wrong. It doesn't matter.
       Li Guozhen smiled bitterly: "You-Yatou, such a big thing is actually glaring at me, you are too arrogant, I have seen your paintings, very good. If you don't say, you can't believe that you are painting. "The old practice is profound, and everyone thinks it is the master of the retreat."
       Yue-Yao has a little red face," the uncle said. The teacher said that I still have a lot to learn. I have just started, so I must keep a low profile."
       In terms of painting, Master Yushan is an expert, and Li Guozhen does not say anything. "When, you also send a picture to the uncle, and you don't need to be special. As long as you feel good, you will be successful." By that time, he will Hang it in the study room and let the people come and see.
       Yue-Yao looked at the layout of the study. For ten years, Yue-Yao generally knows what style of painting to send to Li Guozhen.
       After talking about the painting, Li Guozhen talked about Yue-Yao marriage, and Li Guozhen insisted on his meaning, “Yue-Yao, although you are two years older than Haner, but Han’s is also good in all aspects, with you. Not too reluctant." In the eyes of Li Guozhen, the younger son Li Han is actually very good, but compared to the achievements of Yue-Yao, Li Han's excellence is obviously not enough.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Uncle, I believe that my aunt has already told you, I just treat Han Brother as a younger brother."
       Li Guozhen decided that feelings can be cultivated. Many people have never seen Lian before marriage, and they love and love after marriage. Yue-Yao and Li Han are also acquaintances, and it will be better to get along later.
       Yue-Yao feels that the idea of ​​a man and a woman is really different. "Uncle, you are the person I admire most, and I am not jealous of you. The teacher said that as long as I continue to work hard, I can reach his height in the future."
       Li Guozhen listened to this statement and moved. Master Yushan gave Yoe-Yao such an evaluation. It has a very high expectation, but this is irrelevant to what I told you."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "How can I not relate to it? If I have promised this marriage, my identity has been exposed. Has my uncle ever thought about how much pressure Li Han will face? I think there are not many people who are under pressure. Can afford it."
       After Li Guozhen passed so many things, how could he not know what Yue-Yao said? If Yue-Yao really reached the height of Master Yushan, everyone would say that Haner would only say how his ‘Madam’ is. How great, then Haner became the foil of Yue-Yao, no, Lian is not worthy of the accompanying, Haner will become the tributary of Yue-Yao in the future.
       Li Guozhen looked at Yue-Yao eyes, and there was praise, regret, and distress.
       Yue-Yao said: "Uncle, you are good to me and the court, we are all in mind, because of this, I don't want to hurt Han Brother."
       At this time, Li Guozhen also dismissed the idea of ​​saying Yue-Yao to Li Han. He originally thought that Yue-Yao was very good and matched his son very well. Now that the two people are not on a level, it is obvious that the woman is strong and weak. He also feels distressed about his son. He does not want his son to face such great pressure in the future. "Your concern is right, but even if Li Han is not successful, you can choose other people. "Li Guozhen did not look at the meaning of the light security, whether it is from the text or from the military are for the country, there is no distinction between the noble, but he feels that An Zhi is acting extreme, and the temperament is violent, he is not at ease.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The uncle, An Zhi door to visit, I have asked my opinion, I nodded and promised."
       Li Guozhen had some accidents. "Why?" He thought that Yue-Yao was very reprimanded by this family, but he did not think that it was Yue-Yao himself promised.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Because I think he is very suitable for me, he is not the same way as me. Even if my identity is exposed, it will not be stress for him. It will only add to the icing on the cake." When talking about this with An Zhi-xuan, An Zhi face was calm, as if she said it was a very common thing. The things that An Zhi-zhen pursues are not the same as what she is pursuing. Even if she has made great achievements in painting, An Zhi-yi will not feel pressure, and may even feel that it is a kind of motivation.
       Li Guozhen knows that Yue-Yao is very assertive. Since this matter is decided by herself, there is no possibility of change. "Since you decide, the uncle will not say anything more. I think, you are in the spirit of heaven, if Knowing that you have today's achievements will definitely be very gratifying."
       Yue-Yao looks sad, "Yes, if you are still there, you will be proud of me." In fact, if she is lying, seeing her today, she should be very distressed.
       After Yue-Yao left, Li Guozhen recruited his own long-term follow-up, let the long go with confirmation of some things. Yue-Yao and him Madam said that it is completely different from what he said. There must be something in it.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao holding a piece of the platform, couldn't help but vomit, "Why don't you send the ink or send it, you don't know what to send?" These people always send the four treasures of the study, they don't know to send some other Rare object.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said helplessly: "The Venus stone is rare and precious. It is said that when it is formed, the big ones are like walnuts, the small ones are like rice grains, and the golden light is like a single gem set in the jade, very beautiful."
       Xiang Wei did not think that it was like a gem. "A piece of downfall, it sounds like a flower." It’s not a broken piece, um, but it looks really beautiful.
       Yue-Yao said on his own: "The Venus is delicate and wear-resistant. After the sputum is made, it starts to moisturize, the dripping is not dry, the ice is not frozen, the ink is silent, the ink is like oil, and the sputum is not damaged, even in the heat of the heat. The ink in the ink is also not easy to dry up. It is also easy to carry the pen under the cold weather. You said that it is precious and not precious?" No one is such a precious thing to collect, and where is the will to give away. Li Bobo is really good for her, she has nothing to say.
       Xiang Wei took over the collapse of Yue-Yao hand and carefully examined it. "The gems are all imaginary, and the functions you said are real."
       Yue-Yao suddenly popped up a sentence: "Xiang Wei, through you I don't worry about the future." An Zhi-zhen and Xiang Wei are the same passers-by. She has extraordinary achievements in painting art. Ann is estimated not to care too much. It is. This is the same reason as playing the cow. You can play the ‘zither’ better. Not only will you not feel good about the cow, but you will feel noisy.
       Xiang Wei listened inexplicably, but she was used to Yue-Yao, who often had no brains, so she didn't care.

       Chapter 362   

       Natse, the name, Najib, Najib, and then it was decided.
       Yue-Yao Since I have set up a marriage, my mood is a bit complicated, there are jealousy, there are joys, and there are also embarrassments.
       Wei Wei smiled: "Miss, usually look at you so calm, I did not expect this time." I thought that Yue-Yao would be very calm, with nothing to do!
       When the marriage was confirmed, Ann was busy preparing for the bride price. When I heard Weiyuan Hou came over, An Zhi-zhen had no sorrow and no joy. When I saw Weiyuan Hou, I called with a blank expression: "Da Bo." For An Zhi-zhen, it is nothing to call the uncle and the father. the difference. As early as many years ago, he had already had no expectations for this person.
       Weiyuan Marquis mood is very complicated. He knows that he owes a lot to this son, so he always wanted to make up for it in other aspects. Unfortunately, no matter what he did, he was wrong at the end, and his son did not appreciate it.” You decided to kiss, I have to be married soon."
       Weiyuan Marquis actually set Yue-Yao to his son, but he was not very satisfied. Although Lian 3rd Miss is the first talented woman in Capital City, the name is really bad. It can be turned upside down with her own pro-Big, showing its cool 'temperament', and then the reputation of the nemesis. Satisfied, just the son’s marriage, he can’t do it now.
       An Zhi-wei for Weiyuan Marquis, he really has nothing to say, the moment hum, as a response. In fact, he wants to say that since he has made the relationship like this, he has also taken it out. In fact, he does not meet, but it is better.
       Weiyuan Marquis sighed for a long time, "Lian-jia 3rd Miss is also Jinjiao Yugui. Since childhood, he has not suffered. If he lives in such a place, he will definitely not live in it." In Mo-shi publicity. Under the Capital City Capital has long spread the reputation of Yue-Yao, but the big family is paying attention to the daughter, so this reputation is not a bad reputation for Yue-Yao.
       An Zhi said: "Marry the chicken with the chicken, marry the dog with the dog." The last time the house was not settled, the reason is not someone else to cut off, but An Zhi-yi was dissatisfied after seeing it, so pushed. Now he asked a friend to look at it, and asked the people of The Marquis Estate  to help find it.
       Weiyuan Marquis shook his head and said: "Not only that, Lian 3rd Miss has a lot of money, and there will be a lot of dowry in the future. You are mixed and unsafe." Ma-shi was rich in dowry, even if the 2nd Brother were evenly divided. And then Yue-Yao has made a lot of money for painting in these years, so I don't want to know that Yue-Yao dowry will be rich.
       An Zhi does not speak. He naturally knows this. The reason why he lives here is because he wants everyone to know that he has nothing to do with Hou, but he can’t live here after he is a relative. This is a civilian area, even if it is a civilian area. Yue-Yao dowry is not so rich, and Yu-Yao growing environment is also not used to living here.
       Weiyuan Marquis handed a few sheets of paper to An Zhi. "This is my little wish, you accept it!" He can do it, and that's it.
       An Zhi did not pick up and asked: "Do you know other people in The Marquis Estate ?"
       There was a bitter bitterness in Weiyuan’s  Mouth, and the voice went down a lot. “This is my private money, I don’t know the public account.”
       An Zhi eyes flashed a glimpse of it, and the head of the family was enough to get there. An Zhi-zhen didn't have any feelings and picked up things.
       After Weiyuan Marquis gave something, he left.
       After An Zhi-wei and others left, they looked at the things that Weiyuan Hou gave. "The shot went to shi wide." Weiyuan Marquis gave 20 thousand Silver Taels, and a house, the house is Yuhua Hutong. of.
       The Yuhua Hutong is located in the west, and the people who live there are not rich and expensive, so the house there is priceless. Because living there is a symbol of status.
       An Zhi-wei will not act in a low-key manner. At noon that day, he went to Yuhua Hutong to see the house. The house is five-in, very wide, and it is appropriate for him to use it.
       Datong is somewhat reluctant to say: "Master, we should not want this house." Datong felt that accepting the things of Weiyuan Hou was to give him a bow.
       Akai took a picture of Datong’s head. "Why don't you do it, even if it is adopted, Laozi is still his son. Besides, when we were out of The Marquis Estate , we didn't take anything except a few clothes!" I didn’t put the valuables brought back from Haikou to The Marquis Estate , but put them outside, or else I lost money.
       After seeing the house, An Zhi-zhen was very satisfied. The location is very good, very quiet. The most important thing is that the house is very elegant. Just correct some unsatisfactory places and it doesn't take much effort.
       After An Zhi-yi went back, looking at the proposed dowry, there was a mocking smile on the surface. Weiyuan Marquis sent him money and did not let the people of Weiyuan Marquis Estate  know that it was a pity.
       The exquisitely rushed into the said: "Miss, Miss, An uncle dowry was sent over. The dowry piled up a full yard." No one now called Anjia three gongzi, directly called An Laozi.
       Yue-Yao holds a book in his hand, his eyes fall on the book. As for whether he has seen it or not, only Yue-Yao knows it himself, and Wei sits on the stool and leisurely licks the melon seeds.
       Gu You has some doubts, "Isn't it true that An uncle is very poor? Can there be a court dowry?" It is impossible to think about it!
       Gu You came back years ago. Yue-Yao didn't bring them when they went up the  Mountain. They were afraid that the  Mountain was still cold and caused their injuries, so they didn't take them.
       The exquisite is very excited. "It's true, not only the dowry of a yard, but also the two wild geese who are shaking their spirits! The people in the house are going to be busy." Those secrets were not carefully watched, but that He can see clearly to the geese.
       Xiang Wei spit out a melon shell and smashed the handcuffs: "Go and see, what is the gift of the yard?"
       The dowry was quickly sent to Yue-Yao.
       The cakes, abalone, abalone, clams, oysters, mushrooms, shrimps, squid, sea cucumbers, shark's fins and fish belly are all full-bodied. These seafoods are all the best, but understand, after all, Haikou Corps It is the second Lao Taiye of An Zhi-, it is not difficult to get these seafood. Then there are three chickens, pork, fish, wine, four fruits, fruits, tea, and sesame; the last is a letter of loyalty to the letter of marriage (the gift box), which contains lotus seeds, lilies, barley, cypress, and betel palm. Sesame, red beans, mung beans, red dates, dried peaches, dried longan, and finally the gold, gold, dragon and phoenix candles and a couplet.
       There are twelve pairs of golden bulls, ten pairs of dragon and phoenix candles, ten pairs of inlaid pearls, and ten pairs of other pearls. In addition, cloth brocade, satin, soft satin, diamond satin, rain satin, soft smoke, each ten...
       Xiang Wei looked at the list and his brows were wrinkled. "How much silver is this thing? This dowry is really shabby." Xiang Wei felt that An Zhi-zhen was too sincere. Since there is money, what does not make the dowry thicker, this is too little. You must know that after the bride price, it is classified as a dowry and belongs to the woman’s private property.
       Xu-Yu said: "To sister Wei, sister I heard that these gold ornaments are all full of gold. Listen Mama said that the full yard of the bride price should be worth more than 10 thousand Silver Taels." More than 10 thousand Silver Taels In fact, the truth is not too small, at least in the capital is also moderate.
       To Wei Wei said: "More than 10 thousand are still not sour?" Do not know how much dowry Miss has in the future, this is clearly made.
       Yue-Yao also feels that the dowry is not too small. It is necessary to know that it is just a dowry. There are many expenses for getting married in the future. Even if there is a private house in Anzhi, there is a 3,500 thousand two that has come to an end. "It’s okay." The dowry is not expensive, it is the mind. Yue-Yao feels very good, especially the pair of geese are very close to Yue-Yao mind. It is the most auspicious to use the geese when you hire, but it is difficult for the geese to hunt, so the general hires are replaced by geese or ducks.
       Xiang Wei feels very bad, muttering: "Just your heart is wide." Loss is lost, anyway, they are not running for money, but afterwards, An Zhi dare to be bad to Miss, she will not be polite.
       After the dowry, it was an engagement period. An Zhi-zhen wanted to set the wedding date in June. Ma Chengteng was not willing. "It’s all in March, where is the three-month time? No, the earliest end. Yoe-Yao The dowry is not ready yet, and it will take at least half a year to get it right.
       Ma Chengteng is a mother-in-law and is the most vocal. Although An Zhi wanted to take people home early, he had to follow the meaning of Ma Chengteng. As a result, he picked the day and picked it. Ma Chengteng finally picked the eighth day of next March. Ma Chengteng’s attitude is very determined. He believes that the eighth day of March is a good day and will not allow changes.
       Yue Yao did not have any opinions, Ma Chengteng said what is what. An Zhi-zhi means that he has to play for one year. This year is really hard!
       After the wedding period was settled, Lian Dongfang came to the door. The reason why Lian Dongfang found Ma Chengteng was very simple. Yue-Yao must be married from Lian-jia in the future. It is unreasonable to let his own Miss out of the house of others, even if it is a mother-in-law. Home is not a success.
       Ma Chengteng is hesitant. If Lian-jia is no one, Yue-Yao is out of the Ma family. Others must have nothing to say, but now Lian-jia is there, and Lian Dongfang is Yue-Yao, and if it is Yue Yao goes out from The Ma House, and Yue-Yao will definitely be criticized.
       Although Ma Chengteng was reluctant, he did not object to Yue-Yao and went out from Lian-jia. Lian Dongfang said: "Only one year, Yue-Yao dowry should be prepared." If you want to really block the  Mouth of the outside person, Yue-Yao is married, he must also add makeup. And it can't be less.
       Ma Chengteng found Yue-Yao and talked about it. "Yue-Yao, I want you to go out from here, but you are a Lian-jia person, and it is not very good to go out from The Ma House."
       Yue-Yao didn't think there was such a big problem, “I have a house in Yuhua Hutong. When I went out from Yuhua Hutong." Yue-Yao didn't want to go back to Lian-jia, but didn't want to. Go back to Lian-jia.
       Ma Chengteng immediately opposed it. "No, what it looks like, Yue-Yao, you are a Lian-jia person. If you don't go out from Lian-jia, Lian-jia face is not good, but you will not fall. "For the sake of Yue-Yao, Ma Chengteng can't let Yue-Yao come."
       Yue-Yao is a little stuffy: “you know my relationship with Mo-shi. If I go back to Lian, I am really worried. Mo-shi doesn't give me a good face. It's a small thing. I am afraid. Mo-shi thinks about the insidious tricks to deal with me. Oh, I am really scared."
       Ma Chengteng also knew that this incident had fallen in the shadow of Yue-Yao. "I don't want you to go to Lian House now. I have already said it to Lian Dongfang. After that, you will go back to Lian House. You will be The people around me took the past, and the cooks brought them in the past, and there will be nothing." The cook's body is pinched in his hands, and certainly does not dare to have dissent.
       Yue-Yao saw Ma Chengteng eating a pair of scales and smashing the heart, knowing that it would not be possible to let Ma Chengteng repent, “if I want to marry me from Lian, it is not impossible, but I don't want to see Mo-shi. And my marriage is not allowed to intervene." This is the bottom line of Yue-Yao.
       Ma Chengteng immediately nodded: "Cheng, I will talk to Lian Dongfang." If Lian Dongfang Lian can not agree, then Yue-Yao does not return to Lian-jia, but also has a rhetoric.

       Chapter 363 dowry storm (1)   

       On the third day of Yue-Yao dear, the Empress Dowager rewarded ten satin downs and jade wishful things. Nothing else is said, the ten satin is very decent. Ten satin satin colors are all red, and each satin has a meaning: dragon and phoenix is ​​good, Yutang is rich, harmonious and harmonious, and concentric, Changchun, Zhumei Shuangxi, Qilin sent son, Changchun Baitou, Tiannian scattered flowers,鸳鸯贵子.
       Xu-Yu touched these satin and praised: "It's so beautiful." Yue-Yao is the best material for clothes, and Xu-Yu is not seen in the world. It’s just that the Empress Dowager rewards it, and for Miss it is the glory.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "These satines are very good. Just afraid that Miss will look worried." From the day of the pro-parent, Ma Chengteng began to buy silk and silk thread to Haishuyuan, this time the big housekeeper sent a lot of The gold silk wire came over, obviously, this is to let Miss embroider his wedding dress, but Yue-Yao has not yet started.
       Yue-Yao is not a non-embroidered wedding dress, but she feels that the materials are neat and tidy. When things are neat, she knows how to make the wedding dress, so that everyone can follow the pattern. Yue-Yao is not in a hurry, because she made up her mind to help the -maid.
       When a few rings were discussing with a satin as a quilt sheet, Yan Juanxing rushed over and saw that there was a good thing. Xiao Xiao said with a smile: "Miss, I heard that Laozi bought a five-in-one house in Yuhua Hutong, and this will be cleaning up the house!" This is an obvious thing for An Daye to use Yuhua Hutong as a new house.
       Yue-Yao listened and laughed: "Yuhua Hutong? It is a good thing, Ming-zhu also lives in Yuhua Hutong, and later with the Ming-zhu can be a good trick." In addition to the Ming-zhu there, Yue-Yao in the hands of the five The house is in the Yuhua Hutong. Yue-Yao is preparing the house for the court, and now the house that An Zhi bought is also in the Yuhua Hutong. Later, she is close to the court and can take care of it.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "The house of Yuhua Hutong is not cheap, and it is very difficult to buy, and I don't know how An Anye bought it?" It is said that the feng shui of Yuhua Hutong is good, so those who believe in Feng Shui think Where to buy a house, but unfortunately to buy a house there must not only have the right to have a status, so that is the case, as long as someone wants to sell the house, the news will be bought immediately after the release. Wei Wei does not think that An Zhi has such luck.
       After Jianjuan was deliberately trained by Wei, her gossip ability became stronger and stronger: "The outside is saying that this house is a subsidy to the grandfather under the private support of Weiyuan Hou, that is, the gift of Miss is also the private money given by Weiyuan Hou. I don’t know if it’s true or not!”
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "How is it really? How about the fake? Although it is adopted, Weiyuan Hou is the father of An uncle, is it not normal to take money to his son?" They are willing to give it. When she arrives from Lian-jia, Lian-jia will definitely add makeup. Why are they willing to give it? No one will be too much, and this money is justified.
       I didn’t think that this money was bad, but I was worried. “I heard that this house was originally prepared for Anji 2nd Son. Now Weiyuan Hou gave three gongzi, and Weiyuan Marquis Estate  must be very lively.”
       Xiang Wei likes to watch the movie. "The more fierce the better, the more we sit next to the theater." She was afraid that the stage would not be high and it would not taste enough.
       Yue-Yao is always accustomed to the temperament of the Wei.
       Fine, but worried to say: "Miss, Weiyuan Marquis Estate  is so chaotic, even if Laozi has come out, if they find the door, it will be troublesome!" Weiyuan Marquis Estate  is too messy, let alone When they contact, it sounds a headache.
       Yue-Yao smirked: "Weiyuan Marquis is the father of An Da father. Everyone knows this, but whoever is the mother of An uncle knows only." Since I don't know who is the mother, I don't recognize it. The mother has occupied the righteousness, even if she has to go out, she must give two points, but the aunt, separated from the boss, wants to reach out to her, wants to be beautiful, as for Lu Concubine, she will not give one Concubine face.
       After careful consideration, I think Yue-Yao is right. "In the end, Miss is smart, I understand it when I think."
       Wei smiled and said: "You still use this to shoot this flattering, go on!"
       Ma Chengteng came over to find Yue-Yao, and said to Yue-Yao that Lian Dongfang had already agreed to her request. In addition, Ma Chengteng discussed the dowry with Yue-Yao, "Yue-Yao, how many of your mother's things are in your hand, you give me a list." Ma Chengteng knows that Yue-Yao moved to The Ma House. The dowry of Mei Mei is placed in those boxes.
       Yue-Yao made the -maid re-cleared the storehouse in the past few days. It took several days to draw up a list. “real Estate , land production, shop are all ready Made, no need to add; antique calligraphy and painting I have not here. Less, there is no need to add any more, gold and silver jewelry, although I have a lot of hands, but most of the style is relatively old, when it is time to go to Duobaozhai and then play a few new sets will be enough. As for the wood furniture, you don't have to worry. My mother gave me a lot of huanghuali wood before my death. These things are placed in the storehouse of Lanxiyuan. I can ask Shifu to estimate how much furniture can be made of wood, but I estimate that the whole set of furniture is Enough, small pieces of furniture are not enough to replace other materials. There are many furnishings in the house, these are all need to be purchased.
       Xiang Wei is interjecting: "Ma Daren, Miss bought a lot of things. If Ma Daren is not afraid of trouble, he can send people to Jiang-nan to buy. The things there are much cheaper than in Capital City. You can save a lot of money when you get there. ""
       Ma Chengteng knew the identity of Wei Wei, and listened to Yu Wei words and looked at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao nodded a bit: "I think it makes a lot of sense to Wei. There are also dowry rings and servants. This time, I will talk again, and I am not in a hurry."
       Ma Chengteng saw Yue-Yao say that the head is the way, which means that Yue-Yao has a number of hearts, and now laughs: "Well, when you send people to Jiang-nan to buy you the most new items." Follow Yue-Yao With this in mind, it is not too much trouble to rectify the dowry. Things are set up, and when you add some small things, you will become.
       Ma Chengteng did not say hello to the people in Lian House. When he found an old craftsman, he took the old carpenter directly to Lian House and went to Lanxi Courtyard to see the wood.
       The big housekeeper secretly complained, and there is wood in Lanxiyuan, which has long been used up. The big housekeeper had no choice but to slap Tai Chi while letting people inform Lian Dongfang and let people inform Mo-shi.
       Ma Chengteng is not lacking in heart. Seeing that the big housekeeper is playing Tai Chi there, and then Lenovo Mo-shi is a man. This thing is in all likelihood. Ma Chengteng said coldly: "You pushed the three resistances four, are these wood materials occupied?"
       Where did the big housekeeper dare to say no," Ma Daren, this backyard is the place of the son-in-law, I am afraid that you will bring so many people into it and collide."
       Ma Chengteng sneered: "Do you let me in?"
       At the time of the dispute, Tingyi came back and heard Ma Chengteng’s intentions. Tingyi didn’t think much about it. “Since it’s the second uncle who gave Yue-Yao the furniture for the furniture, it’s also very good. I led you."
       The big housekeeper secretly complained, but Ma Chengteng stared at him Lian reminded not to dare.
       When I arrived at Lanxiyuan, Ma Chengteng looked at the storeroom with only a few pieces of worn-out furniture that could no longer be used. His face was black and dark like the bottom of the pot. He asked coldly: "Where is the yellow rosewood in the storeroom? Where are the lots of wood?" Already?"
       Tingyi began to think a lot, and it was a bit dumbfounded to meet the empty warehouse. He was not an idiot. He turned and asked the big housekeeper. "What the hell is going on?"
       The big housekeeper naturally said that he did not know.
       Ma Cheng was very happy. "My Mei Mei and my brother-in-law gave Yue-Yao her huanghuali wood material to make a whole set of furniture. According to this calculation, these materials should also account for half of the warehouse. So many things are now You can't see a piece of broken wood. You told me that you don't know? Cheng, you don't know, then the official is good, let the official take the thief out."Yue-Yao is not a  Mouthful of people, she There is definitely something to say.
       Tingyi was stunned by the whole person, because he remembered the yellow rosewood furniture that Yue-Bing had when he married. Tingyi heart was as bitter as eating Huanglian. He did not expect that all the yellow pear trees were Yue-Yao. This is going to be spread out. The 1st House really doesn't have to be a human being. After all, it was only rumored that his mother had to occupy Yue-Yao, and it was not really what he occupied Yu-Yao. But now it is really using Yue-Yao.
       Ma Chengteng also took a big step into the house regardless of the expression of Tingyi. He did not expect that everything in the house would be changed.
       Ma Chengteng is now really happy. "This is really a locust transit, sweeping away!" When Ma-shi was married, the furniture was his purpose, and now it’s all changed, and it’s more ridiculous than this. thing.
       Ma Chengteng is now celebrating that Yue-Yao moved to The Ma House on the same day. All the things that can be moved have been moved. Otherwise, it is definitely not a little residue.
       Tingyi doesn't care about these things, but he also knows that this is a big deal. "Uncle, we must give you an account of this."
       Ma Chengteng listened to this saying: "Cheng, after I go back, I will copy the list and send it to people." Noisy is not the key point. The key point is to recover those things. Since Tingyi has said that Lian will solve it, he will make another trouble. It fell to the wind. Of course, the main reason is nothing more than this result.
       When Ma Chengteng returned to Lian, he copied the list and sent it to the second housekeeper.
       When the second housekeeper put the list on the court, he said: "We Master said that other furniture can't be found back, but the two things drawn in the circle must be found. These things are antiquities, old The ancestors left behind."
       Tingyi took the list to find Lian Dongfang, and he could not handle this thing himself.
       Lian Dongfang came back and heard about it. He is too lazy to be angry with Mo-shi. He did not pick up the list, just said: "You go to find Ma Chengteng, let him evaluate according to these things, we pay for it according to the price. As for the wood for building furniture, we will solve it. Tingyi, you must ask him not to take this. Something was advertised. "This thing can only be handled with care. Lian can't trace it in the mansion. Otherwise, Lian-jia really wants to be the laughing stock of the capital."
       Lian Dongfang now has some regrets. In the past, why didn't he obey the mother's words and insisted on Mo-shi: If you don't want Mo-shi, you don't have to clean up Mo-shi. However, Lian Dongfang looked up at Tingyi and sighed slightly, but fortunately the two sons did not look like Mo-shi, but also for him.
       Tingyi looked at the list and daringly said: "Well, I will go now." Tingyi first hated Mo-shi. At home, it’s not a day when I can’t go through it. Why do I always count the things of Yue-Yao? How many years have their families suffered from this incident?
       Tingyi returned to the house to change clothes, Zhou Yue softly said: "Or, I will go with you." Maiden-shi left at the beginning of the year, and now Lian House is Zhou Yue Guan, so this thing can not beat her.
       Tingyi didn't let Zhou Yue go. This embarrassing thing made him alone. Why bother his ‘Madam’ to be humiliated!
       Zhou Yue did not insist, "‘Fu Jun’, if the Ma Daren disagrees, go to Yue-Yao, no matter what, Yue-Yao is the party, as long as Yue-Yao looses the matter, it will be easy." Zhou Yue believes that Yue-Yao should give this face to her husband.
       When Ma Chengteng went back to Fu to find Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao was watching the apricot flower in the backyard, and Ma Chengteng told Yue-Yao what happened.
       Yue-Yao knows that the furniture that Yue-Bing dowry is all made of huanghuali wood, she has already guessed that the wood in the warehouse is not guaranteed. As for why I still want to tell Ma Chengteng that there is wood in the warehouse, her things will be cheaper. However, Yue-Yao really didn't expect the furniture of Lanxiyuan to be evacuated. There are many good things in it. “what do you do now?" Yue-Yao is not worried, there is another year. Time, it is not difficult to buy good materials, just to find the huanghuali wood material is more difficult.
       Ma Chengteng sighed, and he was still relieved. It is not easy to find the materials now. "Always let them give an account."
       Yue-Yao smiled: "No hurry, there is still a year!"
       Everything left in Lian House was gone, and everything in the Haitang Court was known. People in a yard were cursing Mo-shi.
       The rain is distressed," Miss, those materials are Master and Madam have given you a little bit of it since you were born, and now all cheaper.
       Xiang Wei smiled coldly: "Cheap is not so good, it must be that they Lian spit out." Miss's things are so good.
       Yue-Yao disapproves of the practice of Xiang Wei. "First look at how they are disposed of. If it is not handled properly, it will not be too late to settle the accounts."
       Xu-Yu is also on the side," Miss said right. Now, it really can't be stiff with them. It's not good for Miss. It's not bad for Miss Wei words. Let's make them Lian's spit. ""
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You can talk."
       Xu-Yu said with a smile: "Fortunately, Miss will bring all the things that can be brought on that day, and it is a great fortune." This is the only comfort that is straightforward.
       Yue-Yao took the book and put it on the table. Xiang Wei took a look at Yue-Yao a few times, seeing Yue-Yao is really reading, not looking like, well, her family Miss can support the boat.
       Yue-Yao is really not too concerned. All the things she used in her life have been cheated by Mo-shi. Now it’s just the little head of wood furniture. It’s not a problem. Besides, she also expects that things left in Lian will be Mo-shi was greedy, but it was not very good to move over at the time.
       Yue-Yao looked tired and let Xu-Yu come over to help her blink her eyes. At this time, an embarrassing -maid said: "Miss, Lian-jia 2nd Master has come over, and the grandfather asked Miss to go over."
       The spirit of Wei Wei was shocked, and the speed was really slow.
       Yue-Yao looked at the appearance of Wei, and said: "Leave to Wei, drizzle with me." Xiang Wei followed, nothing to do.
       Yue-Yao When I went to the study, Tingyi stood in the middle, and her face was flushed. Obviously it was definitely anger. It is the loss of Lian-jia, so this gas has to be honestly squatting.
       Ma Chengteng’s face was also unsightly. When he saw Yue-Yao coming in, he said, “Yue-Yao, Lian-jia said that things are not coming back. They said that they will pay for it. What do you think?”
       Yue-Yao chuckled and said: “even if you find it back, those things have been used by outsiders, I don't want it. Since the uncle is willing to re-place it, it would be better." If she did not guess wrong, I am afraid that those furniture will be used by Mo-shi, or in the library of Mo-shi.
       Tingyi listened to Yue-Yao saying that it was re-arranging, not buying, and the mind was relieved. In any case, Yue-Yao attitude is still biased towards them, which is much easier.
       Ma Chengteng heard that Yue-Yao said that he did not want to use something that others had used, and there was no objection anymore. "Those things don't need to be bought by you, who knows what to buy for the street. When I am clear, you will be priced." The money is sent to me."
       The meaning of Ma Chengteng’s words, but it’s naked face, but the people are the ones who stand on the side, and the rebuttal is not allowed.” Well, when the uncle negotiated the price, I will send the silver ticket again.” I swear they are not corrupt, and others I won't believe it.
       Ma Chengteng's face eased a bit, but it was just a painful meal, and his heart was more comfortable. "There is nothing else, but the flower-inlaid dressing table and the dressing mirror must be found. It was passed down by our ancestors." Can't fall into the hands of outsiders."

       Chapter 364 dowry storm (2)   

       Yue-Yao had some doubts. After the ceremony was gone, he asked: “is there anything to be said about it?" Special mention of these two things is definitely for special reasons.
       Ma Chengteng explained: "The bronze mirror on the dressing table and the mirror is the thing of the Han Family palace, worth the Lian city, so I have to come back."
       Yue-Yao knew that the bronze mirror on both sides was an antiquities, but did not know it was the Han Family. Since it is something of the Han Family, and it is still the palace, such a valuable thing must be back.
       Ma Chengteng is a kind person, never hangs people, but this time he is determined not to be cheaper Lian-jia. Ma Chengteng called the big housekeeper, the two negotiated for two days and one night, and finally sent the list of prices to Lian House. When Ma Yuan sent the list, he said in the past: "Lian II Master, I don't know if those two things have been found back."
       Ting Yi felt that her breath was short, and the flower-inlaid dressing table was in her mother's house, but the dressing mirror was in Yue-Bing, and now she is going to come back, and Yue-Bing's face is nowhere, in The Marquis Estate . It may be unsettled, "I also asked the big housekeeper to tell Ma The Ma House, this thing, when Yue-Yao is married, will definitely be in the dowry list."
       Ma Yuan is an arrogant person, and he should be amiable.
       Tingyi summed up the prices listed on the list, and calculated that the total a Mount was a deep breath. "There is more than 40 thousand Silver Taels." Those things are not expensive and do not need so much money.
       Lian Dongfang did not talk nonsense, said directly: "Go to the account to pay the money, take the money and send it to the past, and Ma Chengteng said, we will find a way to deal with the wood." The sooner the solution is resolved, the longer The more unfavorable it is to Lian-jia.
       Ma Chengteng did not expect Lian-jia to give money so much, and he felt that he had raised his price by 50%.
       Yue-Yao sees Ma Chengteng's face with a twilight, chuckle: "When I passed away, I left a hundred thousand Silver Taels in addition to the valuable things left. I have a lot of money with the court." Didn't see, the 'Grandmother' was all left to the 1st House." Yue-Yao doesn't think they are taking advantage of it.
       Ma Chengteng regretted not adding 50%.
       Yue-Yao didn't pick up the money, smiled and said: “this money, you take it to help me set things, don't give it to me. Hey, I picked four people, and then went to Jiang-nan with the people of The Ma House. Let them go to see the world and open their eyes." Among the four people, there are Peng's boy, Li boy, and two other more faithful servants. Previous Yue Yao horse attached to the government, but also with those who are not, let them in the shop or farm help woman in the town, others have no access. After she marries, she must use her own people. There are also many people in the court to open the house. It is certainly possible to buy outside, but the outside is not as reliable as the family.
       Ma Chengteng was preparing to pay for Yue-Yao to set up a dowry. Yue-Yao smiled and said: “when you give me makeup, I will definitely pick it up, but these things can't make you pay." After talking for a while, Ma Chengteng finally took the money.
       In the evening, I will discuss with Wei-Yao, "Miss, the wood is still us to find it! Wait for Lian-jia, then you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey."
       Yue-Yao has some accidents. "Do you know where there is a good material?"
       Wei Wei nodded, "I know it is, but the price is more expensive."
       It is definitely a good thing to make it clear to Wei, and Yue-Yao asks: "What kind of material?"
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Red sandalwood. Miss, get some dressing table with wardrobe, dressing mirror, etc. It is good, I don't know if Miss is willing to give up?" If the bed is also made of rosewood, the a Mount can be very large. That number is definitely not enough.
       Yue-Yao Suddenly, "Now is not a question of how much money, but where do you go to get so many rosewoods?" Rosewood is a royal special wood in the former Family. Although there is no such restriction, most people can’t Yes, because rosewood is a very valuable wood, as soon as it appears on the market, it is bought back to collect.
       Xiang Wei said with no humility: "You can rest assured that we are justifiably spending money to buy, and not doing anything illegal."
       Yue-Yao Some don't believe it.
       There is no way for Wei, I have to say, "I have a friend who is doing timber business in Nanyang. He will pick up some rosewood every year and find a chance to sell it for a good price." Nanyang is the place where the most of the rosewood is produced. It is possible.
       Yue-Yao is dubious, "Really?" Yue-Yao loves all the beautiful things. If it is true, even if the price is high, she must buy it. Rosewood is the best kind of wood. When painted, the surface will have a satin-like luster.
       Xiang Wei face is not red and does not breathe and said: “Of course it is true, Miss, where will I do something that hurts you!” The smuggling thing can’t tell Miss, otherwise the best material Miss will not buy.
       Yue-Yao no longer asks, "If it is as you said, how many people there are, we have bought it, anyway, I am now a little money on hand." At the end of last year, the money thrown out to Wei finally paid off. And it is a full return, plus dividends and distribution of the Tiancai shop, Yue-Yao has a lot of money on hand.
       Seeing Yue-Yao no longer asks, and I am relieved.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "If there are other good woods, I also bought it. When I have to do a lot of furniture there, I have to use wood." Good wood is hard to find, even if it is not used, kneel down it is also fine.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Cheng." Miss has begun to think about the matter after marriage, it can be seen that it really came out of the shadow, she does not have to worry about Yue-Yao will be a monk in the future.
       As for Lian-jia, for a time, I would definitely not find good wood in the capital. Zhou Yue suggested that Tingyi sent people to Hainan to find it. It is the main producing place of huanghuali wood, and going there will be faster.
       Ting Yi felt that time was a bit of a hurry, but in the capital city, it was definitely not possible to search for so many materials, and Ting Yi could only take this opinion. Of course, don't forget to search in the capital.
       After receiving the letter from Yue-Yao, the court knew that her sister had decided to kiss her. The court was very depressed. Why didn’t he tell him about such a big thing?
       Tingzheng’s boss patted Tingzhen’s shoulder and laughed. “Your sister is dear, telling you, what can you do? It’s okay to make a dear, and you will be married when your sister is married.” Miss is married to the Brother at home. Going out. Ting is the only younger brother of Yue-Yao. When he goes out, he must ask him to go out.
       The court is thinking about it, and the heart is better.
       The boss of Tingzheng said happily: "I heard that An Daren has killed the pirates in the sea. It is said that martial arts is extraordinary. No one has beaten him. If he bullies your sister in the future, you can’t be your sister. Out of the box." The people in the army, speaking straight, not too many winding, this boss is just a fun court.
       The court was clenching the gun in his hand and secretly said: "I have to be stronger."
       Another person smiled and said: "Don't listen to his swearing, Ann Dad yelled at your sister, it's too late to feel bad, and there will be bullying your sister." Although everyone has never seen Yue-Yao, but by the court Appearance also knows that his sister must also be a flowery appearance, and then Tingzheng often said to the people around him that this is also the sister's job, which is also given by her sister. In the impression of everyone, Yue-Yao is a gentle and careful woman. Many people have also had their minds, but Yue-Yao is too Famous outside, and later refused Yongding Marquis Heir, these people also dispelled this idea.
       Ting Zheng nodded. "He can reach my sister, that is his blessing."
       Everyone laughed loudly.
       Yue-Bing listened to Pozi words, holding a fist, after a long time, whispered: "I know, told my second brother, I will handle this matter."
       Cui Mama sees Yue-Bing's face is ugly, whispered: "Miss, there is a buffer period of one year, we are not in a hurry."
       Yue-Bing was not for the purpose of wearing a mirror, but because Mo-shi was sent back to his home by Lian. Yue-Bing's eyes are all red, "Mother is for me." If it weren't for her marriage, she wouldn't have to be sent back to her hometown.
       Cui Mama took a cup of tea to Yue-Bing and said: "As long as the grandfather and the 2nd Master have a good time, Miss has a firm foothold in The Marquis Estate , and Madam will be picked up sooner or later." Her family Miss is a direct beneficiary, so a complaint can't be.
       Yue-Bing wiped her tears and nodded her head: " Mama is right, as long as both Brother are out, my mother will be picked up one day."
       At dusk, Yue-Bing gave Old Madam, when asked, said: "Mom, I want to go to The Ma House the next day, I am Mei Mei, I want to go and see her." Lu Yang The Marquis Estate  Madam Old Madam is a very strict person. Every day, rules must be established. Fortunately, Yue-Bing has good endurance. Even if he is too tired to faint, he never calls. A bitter pain, it is aroused that Lu Yanghou is distressed.
       Lu Old Madam picked up the pastel cup and took a sip of tea before he said slowly: "3rd Miss is good at painting, and has done a lot for Capital City Old Madam Painting, you go to tell her, and I will make a picture for me on the next day."
       Lu Old Madam originally wanted to hire her own shi-nu to give her son a step-by-step, but she was born to be cut off by Yu-Bing. Naturally, Yue-Bing would not have a good face. During this time, Can toss hard.
       Yue-Bing sneered in her heart, she was called as a daughter-in-law by Lu Old Madam, and she did not dare to say anything, but Yue-Yao is not her daughter-in-law, so what is the tone of the command? ? Yue-Bing said respectfully: "Mother, my three Mei Mei is good at painting, but since Master Yushan was a teacher, he was reprimanded by Master Yushan, and then he did not paint, and Lian Buddha no longer painted. ""
       Lu Old Madam stood at the foot of an eight-ninth-year Old Miss, a small Miss wearing a red embroidered dark gold peony hanging silk pimple, hanging a long gold lock on his neck, wearing on his hand The red gold silk bracelet, the eyebrows point to a plum-shaped five points, very cute. Unfortunately, the words are not cute at all. "Mother, you are the sister of Lian 3rd Miss. If you ask her to paint the 'Grandmother', can she still agree? Or the mother is not satisfied with the 'Grandmother' Deliberately looking for an excuse."
       Yue-Bing said with a smile: "Mother, my daughter-in-law is not afraid to find a pretext. My three Mei Mei is a one-of-a-kind 'temperament'. Since it is said that it will not be painted before it is released, it will definitely not be To paint for others, even if I am her cousin, I can't talk about her." This is nowhere in the capital, she is not a girl.
       Lu Old Madam Although he looks good, he doesn't say anything.
       Cui Mama looked at Yue-Bing's face and knew that her heart was not comfortable." Miss, now we have to endure, only let the Marquis stand on your side, we can shoot." Mama got along well with several of Luyang The Marquis Estate , Mama, and they also got a lot of news from them. Lu Old Madam is not good with his predecessor, Madam, and the early death of He-Shi made the mother and son also have a gap. They have to make good use of it, so that the mother and child are getting bigger and bigger, so that her family Miss can pull down the old Madam.
       Yue-Bing went to Haishuyuan and heard Yue-Yao reading in the backyard, some surprised. Is this a kiss, Miss, shouldn’t it be a wedding dress in the house? Why are you still reading books in the yard so leisurely?
       Yue-Yao wore a uniform at the home of the , and came out to see the costumed Yue-Bing. However, although Yue-Bing is dressed up, it can't cover the exhaustion in the eyes. Yue-Bing is a big change for Yue-Yao. The previous Yue-Yao, always cold, today is so enthusiastic, Yue-Bing feels something: "Yue-Yao, just listened to you, Servant, you read in the backyard? Now it is only at the end of February, but it is also embroidered. Wedding dress."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "No hurry, still early!" Things have not been set up, no need to panic.
       Yue-Yao See Yue-Bing. Look at the Servant around her, smile and let the Servant go down, Lian Wei Wei also let go.
       Yue-Bing said a little slyly: "Yue-Yao, I really don't know that the wood is prepared for you by my uncle. If I know, I won't use it."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, there is still one year. It's time to find it. If you don't say this, how long it took, people have lost a lot of money. Is the life in Luyang The Marquis Estate  not good?" "When you marry, you must deal with all kinds of people, but you can't be as high as before, so Yue-Yao is now trying to adjust his mentality.
       Yue-Bing smiled bitterly: "I am not afraid of your jokes. My mother-in-law has to make rules every day. I can't fall down every day. I also deliberately lifted it up. Concubine is against me. Miss Miss is also hostile to me. From time to time, I took some eye drops in front of my mother-in-law. "If there is a Cui Mama is helping, she doesn't know if she can keep going."
       Yue-Yao is silent. For the mother-in-law who is a daughter-in-law, she only knows that she is unlucky. "I can’t always go on like this. I’m so bad about you, can’t care, the body is your own, if it’s tired When you smash your body, it’s your own time to lose.” For such a mother-in-law, a glimpse of weakness is definitely not achieved.
       Yue-Bing didn't expect Yue-Yao to comfort her, and said with sincerity: "Yue-Yao, thank you." She thought that Yue-Yao would hate her for the sake of wood, but did not expect Yue Yao didn't care at all, but also comforted her.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "My sister, say what to do." Remember Cui Mama said that after marrying, if the sisters can support each other, it is a win-win situation. Luyang The Marquis Estate  belongs to the generals of the generals. It is a circle with her. It is better to have one more friend than one enemy. In addition, she and Yue-Bing really do not hate and hate, are some small contradictions.
       Yue-Bing smiled bitterly: "Yue-Yao, or hello, the grandfather of the family is at home, you marry the past is the head Nai-Nai, unlike my sister and sister..."
       Yue-Yao has long been feeling nothing about Yue-Ying, "How about Yue-huan? Is it ready to be married at home now?" The date of the month is set on 10 months 16th, five times earlier than Yue-Yao. Months.
       Yue-Bing nodded and smiled: "Well, I was preparing for the wedding dress since the end of last year. The money family is the royal merchant, the wealthy family, and the 3rd House of Qianjia live together, and there are many people."
       Yue-Yao said: "It will be fine to adapt."
       Yue-Yao was very patient with Yue-Bing and said a good conversation. Yue-Bing looked at the sky and said: "It’s almost noon, I have to go back." Just stood up, the whole People are like bones, and they suddenly faint.
       Yue-Yao hasn't been so scared for a long time, "Xiang Wei, Xiang Wei..." Although Wei likes to poison, she also knows a little about medicine.
       Xiang Wei thought that Yue-Yao had something wrong. The arrow rushed in, but he saw Yue-Yao holding the stunned Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Yao hurriedly called: "She suddenly fainted, you help me to see, what is going on here?"
       Xiang Wei didn't like Yue-Bing, but she didn't want her to have an accident at Haishuyuan, so she quickly touched the pulse of Yue-Bing for a while, and her brows wrinkled.
       Xiang Wei calmly said: "Help her to the couch."
       Cui Mama asked anxiously: "To Miss Wei, we what happened to Madam?"
       To the Wei face with sarcasm, "is a slippery pulse, although it is looming, but it is indeed a slippery pulse, she fainted because the body is too weak."
       Cui Mama changed her face and said with a trembling voice: "No! The doctor consulted the pulse half a month ago and didn't say pregnancy."
       It’s not good to look at Wei face. “You mean I’m blushing.”
       Yue-Yao played round the field," Xiang Wei, Cui Mama is just anxious, is the child's month is relatively small, so the doctor did not diagnose it." Yue-Yao remember Yue-Bing last generation A child, and still only a few years later, this will be pregnant, is it that this child has not been saved in the last life.
       Cui Mama was also anxious just now, and now apologizes to Wei Wei: "I am too angry with Wei Wei, I am too anxious."
       Cold to Wei.
       Yue-Yao sighed a little, then said: "To Wei, it is not a problem to let the second sister lie down. You have no way to let the second sister wake up." If there is no way for Wei, she can only go Please come over with Dr. Zhang.
       I took a silver needle to Wei and stabbed it twice in Yue-Bing. Yue-Bing woke up. Yue-Bing was surprised to hear that she was pregnant.
       Xiang Wei poured a cold water on her. "You don't be too happy, your body is very weak, and you still touch something you shouldn't touch. This child is afraid that it can't be saved."
       Yue-Bing murmured: "What do you mean?"
       To Wei, too lazy to say, "It is literally, as for what I can know." If it is not that the child is too innocent, the person who started is too vicious, she did not so kindly remind this person!
       Xiang Wei is the most disliked to those who start to the children, she feels that these people Lian's most basic humanity is not!
       Yue-Bing The whole person is paralyzed.
       Xiang Wei did not wait for Yue-Bing and Cui Mama to ask, first said: "I can see that your pulse is obvious, not my medical skills. If you want to keep this child, you still need to ask Gao Ming's doctor. .
       Yue-Yao was busy explaining: "Xiang Wei was only involved in the medical science because of her interest in medical practice. She did not systematically learn. Second sister, you still have to hurry to find a brilliant doctor to see.
       Yue-Bing took the hand of Yue-Yao: "Three Mei Mei, I beg you to find a doctor, okay?" She now does not believe in the doctor of The Marquis Estate . A person who is a layman to Wei knows that her pulse is wrong. How can the doctor of The Marquis Estate  not be able to see it for decades? The doctor must be with a group of old Madam.
       Yue-Yao is still hesitating, opening to Wei: "Miss, please come to Zhang Da Fu!" Zhang Da Fu is a dedicated doctor of The Ma House, not only good at medical skills, but also very medical.
       Yue-Yao was so embarrassed to talk to Wei, but she still told the housekeeper to ask Zhang Da Fu to come over.
       After a while, Yan Juan took a bowl of bird's nest and handed it to Yue-Bing. This bird's nest was originally prepared for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao whispered: "You are weak now, you need to eat more tonic." Bird's nest is a mild tonic, Yue-Yao remembers to eat bird's nest when he is pregnant, so Yue-Yao Don't worry about flaws.
       Dr. Zhang thought that Yue-Yao was ill, Yue-Yao was not sick on most days, and he was definitely scared when he was sick. But when you see Yue-Yao standing there, Dr. Zhang asked: "Not Miss is sick, who is sick?" The general doctor will not give the -maid Pozi to see a doctor, because it will lower them. Identity. On the face of Zhang Da Fu, he will not give a -maid-Pozi to see a doctor, but he will not refuse it in private.
       Yue-Yao Please Zhang Da Fu entered the small living room.
       Zhang Da Fu has never seen Yue-Bing, but looking at the costume, I know who it should be Madam. Zhang Da Fu did not ask too much, and went forward to Yue-Bing.
       After half a -maid, it’s about the same as that said to Wei, but it’s a bit of a supplement,” Madam is weak and uses jealous things, so the fetus is very unstable. If it’s not early, not only can the child not keep it. It also hurts Darens."
       Yue-Bing asked with a blank face: "What harm?"
       Dr. Zhang hesitated a moment and saw Yue-Yao bow to him. This said: "It may lead to lifelong infertility."
       Not saying that Yue-Bing was scared and pale, that is, Yue-Yao was also scared. This is who is so vicious, the next poisonous hand.
       Yue-Yao saw only the opening and asked: "Zhang Da Fu, can the child still keep it?" The battle of Darens, the last ones are often children, and Yue-Yao has listened to such things in the last life.
       Zhang Da Fu nodded: "It's good to find it early. If it is a few days in the evening, it will be difficult to say. I will open a prescription for a fetus. After taking the medicine, I have to rest well and I can't be tired."
       Yue-Bing heard this, his face finally had a blood color, Yue-Bing touched his stomach and said softly: "Doctor, you prescribe medicine!" The child must keep her and harm her and her children. People, she will not let them be better.
       Yue-Yao took a look at Wei, no one blamed for the half-medical surgery, but could not scare the dead, not to mention Yue-Bing, she was also very sad!
       Xiang Wei said that it is very innocent.
       Yue-Bing went back after eating the medicine in Haishuyuan. When I went back, Yue-Bing grabbed the hand of Yue-Yao and thanked him: "Yue-Yao, thank you, if you didn't have me, my life. It may be ruined." If there is no Yue-Yao, not only can the child not keep it, that is, she may not be a mother for a lifetime, without her own child, even if it is the main room Madam? Still not to be miserable for a lifetime.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I haven't done anything, you take care of yourself!"
       Yue-Bing snorted and sat down on the soft car.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Miss, said that you are Fuxing, you still don't admit that if you are not, she can't keep the child." Zhang Da Fu medical skills, everyone can trust. With Dr. Zhang's medical skills, he can enter the palace as a doctor, but Zhang Old Madam thinks that his 'temperament' is not suitable for walking the court, and he is not allowed to be a doctor.
       Xiang Wei smiled lightly: "In addition to the old Madam of Luyang The Marquis Estate , there is no second person." As for why Lu Yanghou Old Madam wants to be such a poisonous hand, it is waiting for Yue Bing to answer it yourself.
       Yue-Yao evaluates Lu Yanghou Old Madam, "It's terrible."
       Shrugging to Wei and asking her daughter for such a relationship, Lian Dongfang is really unintentional. Fortunately, his own Miss has left the wolf's nest, or else he has to become a bargaining chip for Lian.

       Chapter 366 Family Fight 

       On the way back, Cui Mama told the driver that he was slowly moving, not in a hurry. Cui Mama is afraid that the road is too bumpy and not good for Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Bing reclined in the carriage, leaning against the slate-coloured ink-striped satin pillow: "The doctor said that I used jealous things, Mama, where do you think it would be?"
       Cui Mama has been thinking about this matter for a long time: "We definitely have no problem in our own yard." Yue-Bing's yard is full of confidants, those who are not confidant, can't get close to Yue-Bing, not to Say something to eat and wear.
       Both the master and the servant are thinking about where the problem is.
       Cui Mama suddenly asked: " Madam, I remember the last two days you said that it was uncomfortable in the house of Old Madam for a long time." Cui Mama only thought Yue-Bing on the same day. I have been serving for a long time, and now I think about it. It must have been a problem at that time. ”
       Yue-Bing blinked, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes were cold.
       Yue-Bing's thing is just to make Yue-Yao frightened. Everyone has their own way to go. Yue-Bing has had a good life in his life. It doesn't make sense to live a lifetime in this life. After Yue-Bing left, Yue-Yao threw the matter away, why should he go.
       Xiang Wei thought that Yue-Yao would pay attention to Yue-Bing. Now, seeing the attitude of Yue-Yao, she is also relieved. She has to sigh to Wei, her family is finally no longer a buns.
       On the afternoon of the second day, Xiang Wei knew what happened to Luyang The Marquis Estate ." Miss, your second sister is really at ease. Today, as usual, I am standing at Lu Old Madam, but I finally fainted. Then the doctor who went to said that it was just overworked. Lu Yanghou was immediately furious, and then sent someone to invite Zhang Da Fu to go."
       Yue-Yao deliberately asked in order to cooperate with Wei Wei: "And then, is it Lu-the old poison under the old Madam?"
       Wei Wei smiled and said: “it’s really worth the old witch to do it. Who can imagine that she has put a spice in the incense burner that is not smelling but has great harm to pregnant women? Lu Yanghou Yuan ‘Laughs’ Shi was also killed by the old witch."
       Yue-Yao thinks that the evil mother-in-law is terrible.
       Defying to Wei Wei, "The old witch is really hot, but Lian Yue-Bing can also get started. Zhang Da Fu said that she should take a good rest, she can not take the child seriously, but also toss."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "Unless the nature is cool, who will use the child as a chip." Although the method is not desirable, but this estimate is forced to be no way.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao thinks that everyone is too good. Yue-Yao said: "If you always think that everyone is vicious, do you find it interesting? Maybe people think that you are very vicious!" There are good people and bad people in the world.
       Xiang Wei was defeated by Yue-Yao.
       Yan Juan took a pot of plum blossom cake and came in. The plum blossom cake was still hot and it was just released. Thanks to the blessings of Wei, the small kitchen has made cakes every day, and all kinds of cakes are made, so that the -maid of Haitang Court is also benefiting.
       Yue-Yao looked at the fruit, melon and sesame on the pastry, and a piece of cake was like a plum blossom. Yue-Yao took a piece to eat, sweet and delicious.
       I ate two cakes to Wei, and said to Yue-Yao: "Wait to see the jellyfish cakes next time. Miss, we eat sea bream cakes and watch the sea bream flowers. What do you think?"
       Yue-Yao cleared his hand and said before entering the study: "Not good."
       When I whispered to Wei, I knew that reading books and reading books were all nerds. When he said this, Wei Wei unconsciously emerged the pale face of Yue-Bing and said to himself: "That is not a good one."
       Yue-Bing was lying on the bed at this time, eating bird's nest porridge bit by bit. After eating, frowning. "This bird's nest porridge is not good for Yue-Yao." This is only two days before and after, especially special. obvious.
       Cui Mama took the blue-and-white porcelain bowl in Yue-Bing's hand and said softly: "Wait a while, let's buy some blood swallows." The bird's nest they used was just plain goods, compared to Yue-Yao. It is a fine bird's nest, so the taste will be much different.
       Yue-Bing put the pillow down and lay down. "When the blood swallow is so good to buy, it is really a failure to say it. I thought that this time I had to let her fall, but she did not expect that she actually found out. It’s the hands and feet of the ‘zither’. It’s also the Marquis who believes her words, the violin is vicious, it’s also a child who is less than ten years old, can know so much, and can unconsciously put the spice on her. In the incense burner.
       Cui Mama pinched the quilt for Yue-Bing. This time she was not prepared for it. It was her intention. It’s just that Cui Mama didn’t expect Lu Old Madam to be so vicious. Lian’s own grandson could also be a poisonous hand.” Madam, in fact, the Marquis did not deal with the old Madam, but instead Good thing. Madam thinks for himself. Old Madam can push such guilt to the ‘zither’ girl. Once it is spread out, Qin’s sister will be finished in this life. Qin Qiner is the Marquis. Bone blood, Madam thinks what the Marquis will think."
       Yue-Bing slips over the corners of the  Mouth, Old Madam Lian The children in her stomach can squat, one how the Yatou film really makes Old Madam cares," Mama, let Qin Qin knows that her mother is giving Old Madam tossing to death. "With this incident, she believes that Qin Qin will definitely be Old Madam hate it.
       Cui Mama nodded: " Madam is just a good night's sleep." Fortunately, Dr. Zhang Da Fu is good at medical treatment. As long as Madam rests well, the child can keep it.
       Not long after, Zhou Yue came to see Yue-Bing with Yue-huan, and then the news came over to visit the family. The relatives in the family came, the only one who did not come was Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Bing waited for a long time, and did not wait for the person to see, " Mama, Yue-Yao did not come over?"
       Cui Mama persuaded: "The frozen three feet is not a cold day, Madam, we have to come slowly." Yesterday's thing happened, Yue-Yao could not stay out of the way, so he only helped, but If this is the case, it is impossible to think that Yue-Yao is chilling. It is impossible to let Yue-Yao get rid of the knot and go with Yue-Yao as a sister.
       Yue-Bing was a little disappointed, " Mama, I know." It was also misleading yesterday. Yue-Yao hates her mother. It is not bad to anger her. It is difficult to have a close kiss.
       Yue-Yao listed a long list and handed it over to the housekeeper. "My teacher will return to Jiang-nan at the beginning of next month. These things are for me to buy for the teacher. I also ask the big housekeeper to bother." Yao is very respectful to Ma Yuan. He has never regarded Ma Yuan as a next person. You must know that in those years, without this loyal and big steward, the ‘Ma’ has long known what it is like.
       The big housekeeper smiled.
       When An Zhi-zhen came back from a patrol, a soldier came over: "Daren, Anjia 2nd Son came over to look for you, and is waiting for you in the living room."
       When An Zhi entered the house, he saw the person inside and said coldly, "What are you doing?" He does not want to see the people of Weiyuan, especially the people in front of him.
       An Zhi-Xiao smiled: "3rd Brother, it is the mother who asked me to find you, my mother asked you to go home to eat.
       There are soldiers outside. If An Zhi said something unpleasant, it will be passed out. There are a lot of people staring at him in the ban, "Please tell my aunt, I am busy, I don't have time to socialize."
       An Zhi-Xiao said with a smile, "Mother said that there is something to tell you, I hope that you can come on time." An Zhi-Xiao hated the three younger Brother, clearly that he is a serious scorpion, but because of the biasity, always makes people Suspicion of his identity. Now even more annoying, everyone said that An Zhi-zhen is promising, and the future is boundless. What is even more abhorrent is that this kind of servant is even the first talented woman in the capital, Lian 3rd Miss. You must know that Lian 3rd Miss is his filial piety. Dreaming lover. An Zhi-zhen now wants something, and now he has become a foil to Ann’s.
       An Zhi-zhen stood and said: "There is something to say now, don't wait for that day." What is important is nothing more than his life experience. These people are really ridiculous. If he didn't let go of those grievances, how could he take the initiative to go out. As the second uncle said, as long as he knows that he is a descendant of Anjia, who has a relationship with him.
       An Zhi-Xiao does not know what his mother wants to say.
       An Zhi-yi was not interested in continuing to look at the face that made him hate. He was bullied by this person before he was abducted when he was young. "Come, send a guest."
       When An Zhi-Xiao didn't go out, he heard the loud voice of Datong outside. "Darens, the Shangshufu Department of the Ministry of Housing sent people an invitation to the Darens. Now they are outside the door. Do Darens want to see?"
       An Zhi-Xiao face has a moment of distortion.
       Akai came in and said: "2nd Young Master, please." This fake and false thing, he did not look good, but his family is good temper, replaced by him, it must be a solution to explain.
       An Zhi saw the person who sent the invitation, asked a few words, and then let Datong send people out. Datong turned around and wondered about Akai. "Our uncle is the squad leader, and the family department is not squatting. What do you want to do with the uncle?"
       Akai took a picture of Datong’s head. "You said that you are stupid, you don't admit it. Li Shangshu is the friend of our uncle father-in-law. These people have a lot of care for Lian-jia sisters, this time Li Shangshu invited us to Master , definitely because of Lian Miss."
       Datong smiled and said: "Actually, I think that our future mother is not a simple person!" First, The Jingning Marquis Estate , now Shangshufu, I heard that the relationship with Lu Duke is also very good.
       Akai smiled and said: "What is the vision of the uncle, will you find a mother who only knows how to paint?"
       Datong said: "It will take a year, too long." Datong and Akai both hope that the mother will pass the door early, and the mother passed the door. He and Akai marriage were also helped by Zhang Luo.
       Akail said happily: "That's for sure." When Lian 3rd Miss passes the door, there will definitely be a Servant on the side, and he doesn't ask for more beautiful, as long as it is gentle and considerate.
       An Zhi-yu paused at the entrance of Shangshufu. Ma Chengteng is a very easy-going person. In a popular saying, Ma Chengteng is an amiable elder. When he sees him, he will not feel nervous. It’s just that he heard that Li Guozhen was a very strict person, which made An Zhi a little nervous. Well, how does it feel like it is like there is a feeling of going to see the father-in-law.
       The housekeeper cited An Zhi to the small living room. An Zhi-zhi knows that the small living room is a person who is close to the hospitality. This is also an approval of him!
       An Zhi-sheng heard the footsteps and immediately stood up. Looking at the majestic Li Guozhen, An Zhi-sheng called reverently: "Li Daren."
       When Li Guozhen entered the door, he was looking at the security.
       An Zhi-zhen wore a royal blue brocade round neck and wore a jade crown. The figure is tall, with a bee-waist, and the waist is straight and looks good.
       Li Guozhen has nothing to be discerning about the appearance of An Zhi-zhi. Yue-Yao is also tall, but it is also worthy. It’s just that he a bit strange in his heart. It’s not that An’s face is as black as ink. He just a little bit black. It’s like ink, and the rumors are not credible.” Call Uncle!” Li Guozhen and Ma Chengteng are not In the same way, he is a rigorous person, so it is inevitable to give a very harsh feeling.
       An Zhi-yi nodded and said: "Uncle."
       Li Guozhen went to the top and sat down and raised his hand: "Sit down, be a family, don't be restrained."
       An Zhi-zheng heard that Li Guozhen had the pain of treating Yue-Yao sisters as his own children. I didn’t expect the rumors to be true. "Good." Faced with such a strict person, it is also an elder, and there is a lot of freedom.
       Li Guozhen asked a lot of questions about An Zhi-, asking questions from Haikou and asking about the ban on the military. Of course, Li Guozhen also asked some family members and did not involve military affairs.
       An Zhi-zhen answered very well.
       The entourage outside said: "Daren, it should be dinner."
       On the same day, An Zhi-zhen used dinner at Shangshufu. After the meal, Li Guozhen asked the butler to send him out. Li Guozhen returned to the backyard and asked Li Madam: "It is a person with a heart in his heart. It’s no wonder that I have been sitting in a position from the four products at a young age."
       Li Madam said softly: "But it is from the army. If you want to go outside, you have to go around, it is very hard."
       Li Guozhen is undecided, and letting his ‘Madam’ go to suffer losses means that men are not capable. It’s not a person who will let his ‘Madam’ go and suffer. Li Guozhen had to sigh, Yue-Yao eyes are really good. Compared with An Zhi-, Li Han is obviously a child.
       Li Madam See Li Guozhen's mood is good, the moment said: " Master, my mother's sister-in-law' I think the court is good, I want to tell Wen sister to the court, how do you see?"
       After thinking about it for a moment, Li Guozhen said: "I remember that Wen sister is your shi-nu of the sister-in-law', and my parents have died."
       Li Madam nodded, "Well, my brother of 'sister-in-law' has passed away, leaving this blood. But I'm sister-in-law'. Raising the big. "The orphan girl is very difficult to 'marriage proposal', especially this kind of foster care in the aunt's home without a brother and sister is more difficult 'marriage proposal'. Not to mention that it is a high-ranking family, that is, ordinary people are not willing to marry. Yue-Yao can still be so picky after retiring, and her reputation is very obvious. If not, it can only be said that a low door is low.
       Meng 1st Madam hurts this  Miss , so she is very worried about her marriage. Meng 1st Madam once heard that Li Madam said that the court was right, although it was not appropriate for the court to follow the military, but all other aspects were good. The most important thing is that the population is simple. As the master, so I mentioned it with Li Madam.
       Li Guozhen shook his head: "Ting Zheng is only 14 years old this year, so don't be so anxious."
       After a few years, Wen’s sister has passed the apricot period. Li Madam suppresses the criticism of the heart. He said softly: “ Master, Wen’s sister, regardless of appearance, is still a housekeeper, female red chef Art, everything is good, if not, I will definitely not mention it." Li Madam is depressed, her husband can think of Yue-Yao to give to his son, Wen sister can not say What about the court? Li Madam really feels that Wen is good and she likes her very much.
       Li Guozheng explained: "When the court is going to take advantage of it, it is best to have a pro-helpful pro, if the court is yelling at your 'sister-in-law'  Miss , help the court No. Now the court is still small, and it doesn't have a fame. It can't be said to be a good pro. It will be easy to wait for a few years for him to have a fame or a post-employment 'marriage proposal'." It’s just that you are not only looking at an individual, but you have to consider all aspects.
       Li Madam Suddenly, she did not expect her husband to be this plan.
       Li Guozhen remembered what the big housekeeper had told him, and he sighed. Some things are still spoken as soon as possible, and there is no misunderstanding. I will only tell you that Haner’s temper is jumping off, and Yue-Yao is calm, and the two are just complementary. In fact, not only that, but what kind of genius you know is also clear. Although he is intelligent, his mind is not in the imperial examinations. Yue-Yao is from Master Yushan, and Master Yushan is full of the world. As long as it is used well, it is a great help to Han Brother. Also, Yue-Yao is very intelligent. Also good for financial management, Haner married Yue-Yao for the rest of my life without us worrying." Li Han is a younger son, even if the ambition is not in the officialdom, Li Guozhen did not force, the first two sons are outstanding, the youngest son as long as he does not go Road, he will not manage too strict. It was only after he heard Yue-Yao words that they felt that they were not suitable, so they gave up. In fact, if the ‘Madam’ objected on the same day, he would think more, but the ‘Madam’ did not tell him clearly, and now he has a must.
       Li Madam is not very convinced that she was also scared by her husband's attitude on the same day. She also felt that the behavior of the day was a bit too much. Just one yard of code, Li Madam really does not believe that Yue-Yao is a good financial person, "Yue-Yao is very good at financial management?" Husband is joking, just Yue-Yao 'temperament 'The child is not a good person.
       Li Guozhen nodded. "Well, the income of the Tian-Yi shop under the name of Yue-Yao is very impressive, and the shares of Zhuang-Shi shop are estimated to be worth a year's income." Li Guozhen did not send someone to monitor Yue-Yao, but the court was not defending against Li Guozhen, and everything would be told by Li Guozhen. Li Guozhen listened to a lot of Yue-Yao things. After a long time, naturally he saw the clues, but these are all good things. Li Guozhen naturally will not talk.
       Li Madam shook his head and denied, "Impossible, how can Zhuang-Shishi-shi share the shares of his shop to Yue-Yao?" Yue-Yao has no power and no power. , Zhuang-Shi is not stupid, how could you send money to Yue-Yao.
       Li Guozhen looked calm and gentle, "I don't know why, but Zhuang-Shi will definitely not give Yue-Yao shares for no reason." Li Guozhen did not check Yue-Yao why he got the shares of Zhuang Ruolan shop, but from It can be seen here that Yue-Yao is not the kind of person who only knows how to make poems. Yue-Yao is also a good master in the stewardship.
       Li Madam doesn't know what to say. She has been the husband and ‘Madam’ for so many years. She knows what her husband is. If you don't have a good grasp, you won't tell yourself about it.
       Li Guozhen thought for a moment, worried that Li Madam himself went to the court and said that he had reminded his ‘Madam’. "Ting Zheng’s marriage is definitely to ask Yue-Yao." Yue-Yao is just like this. A younger brother must have paid close attention to the marriage of Ting Zheng. Even in the future, Ting Zheng’s lifelong events have to be her labor.
       Li Guozhen still believes in Yue-Yao vision. He has considered all aspects of Yue-Yao own husband's husband. If he is to give the court a ‘Madam’, he will definitely not be bad.
       Li Madam's face is very stubborn.
       This time, Li Guozhen wrote a post and asked An Zhi to let An Zhi-zhi know his negligence. After An Zhi-yi went back, he wrote a note and sent Xiao-Xiao to Dongfu.
       Gu Zhe looked at the post and frowned. "This word is really ugly!" The word Lian is not as good as himself, let alone the teacher.
       Gu Jianzhang took the invitation and smiled: "This word is not bad, strong and powerful." Although the word is not too much attention, but still can get it. Of course, the word with Yue-Yao is definitely not comparable. Lian himself is better than nothing. Don't say it is a military commander.
       Gu Zhe will send an invitation to Master Yushan to see the eyes.
       Master Yushan smiled and said: "It is also a thoughtful person, let him come tomorrow afternoon!" The literati do not like to deal with the people who have taken the military, think that they are rough, and the same people from Wu do not like to deal with the literati. An Zhi-zhen can send a bid, because he is a teacher of Yue-Yao. As a younger generation, he will visit the elders. He must be there.
       Gu Zhe said: "What is heartless, this person is not worthy of the teacher." Shigu married him, just like a flower inserted in cow dung.
       Gu Jianzhang's face came down. "What is worthy of deserving, your teacher and aunt have already set a kiss with him. In the future, it will be the husband of your teacher. If you are not so big or young, you will be fined."
       Gu Zhe is honest.
       An Zhi with Datong and Akai came to the door, Akai whispered: "Daren, how can I be a little imaginary!" As soon as I thought of going to see Master Yushan, the legendary figure with the immortal, Akai felt emboldened insufficient.
       An Zhi-yi glanced at him. "You will be waiting outside when you are."
       Gu Zhe personally took An Zhi to meet Master Yushan. "External ancestors, the guests arrived." After that, Gu Zhe withdrew.
       An Zhi ritual of the younger generation,” Master is well.
       Master Yushan saw An Zhi-, the first impression was mighty. Master Yushan said with a smile: "Sit, don't need to be so polite." He took the tea up.
       Unexpectedly, Master Yushan didn't ask him anything, just told him about Yue-Yao things, and said that he sighed behind: "That-Yatou is a good one because of my words. I am not willing to give up. The outsiders say that she can have today's reputation at the age of sixteen. It is a talent and a support from my teacher. In fact, they are all wrong. Yue-Yao can have today, both. It’s my own efforts.” When he was young, he didn’t have Yue-Yao so hard.
       An Zhi-yi listened to this statement and admired it.
       Master Yushan said that he had been with him for more than half an hour. He had stayed with An Zhi and used his dinner to let him go back.
       When An Zhi departure, he said to Master Yushan: “Sir, you can rest assured that I will not hinder the long road.” An Zhi-zhi knows that Master Yushan said this to him, and hopes that Yue-Yao will marry. People can also continue to go down this road. If it is halfway, it is not only a pity that Yue-Yao talent, but also the bitterness of the past.
       In the study room, Master Yushan wrote a word on the spot for An Zhi-zhen.
       After An Zhi return, he let Akai take it, and then hang it in the study.
       I read the same word in a word, "The wind and the waves will have time, and the clouds will sail straight to the sea. Big Master, what does this mean?"
       Akai did not understand it.
       An Zhi  Mouth bends a corner: “This means that even if you are in the middle of the river, you will be able to enjoy the spring breeze, and you will be able to make great achievements and Wanli Pengcheng.” This word is not only for him. Also given to Yue-Yao.
       Qiao Lan raised a food box to Haishuyuan.
       He said to Wei Le: "Qiao Lan, what is delicious?" After Qiao Lan came back, Wei Wei felt that it was wasted in Haitang Court. Because Yue-Yao has four personal Servant, Qiao Lan has nothing to do. Wei Wei simply let Qiao Lan go to the rouge shop to help, the rouge shop is a woman's hospitality, which is more convenient for female guests. Qiao Lan has done a good job in the rouge shop.
       Qiao Lan knows that Wei Wei is a foodie, so this time she took a piece of snack that she thought was delicious. "This is a glutinous rice dumpling. I think it is quite delicious, so I brought a copy to Miss. Sister Wei, you have a taste."
       Xiang Wei immediately let Xu-Yu go to take the bowl. Because the charcoal fire is placed under the food box, this thing is still hot. Wei Wei took a silver spoon and ate it. "Well, it’s delicious, it’s sweet and refreshing, and the soup has a strong sweet-scented osmanthus flavor. It’s really good. Xu-Yu, give a bowl to Miss.” Everything that comes is to be eaten first. She feels good and will send it to Yue-Yao. If it is not good, Yue-Yao will not see it.
       Qiao Lan waited for the micro-satisfaction, and then asked: "To sister Wei, what are you doing to find me back?" Qiao Lan got the news of Wei, specially invited the fake.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Well, there is something. The housekeeper is another bodyguard called Wang Sheng. Yuan match has passed away for three years. There are two sons under the knee. Wang Sheng is a good person. He is very kind. Now he wants to find another one. I don't know what you mean?" Wang Sheng used to be a dartmaster, and he was looking for Wei to Yao as a bodyguard.
       Qiao Lan hurried to Yaotou, "No." Since her husband said that she did not have fertility, she never thought about marrying.
       Xiang Wei smiled and stood up. "Wang Sheng already has two sons. The son is not worthy. He has two children and the economic conditions are average. If you agree, it is the blessing that he has cultivated in his eight generations. Of course. If you think that he is not good with two children, then forget it." Xiang Wei thinks that Qiao Lan is a good Miss, and she can't bear to let her live like this for a lifetime. Although Wang Sheng is a little worse, but people are not bad, it is a reliable one.
       Qiao Lan's face is red in a flash, "Sister Wei, let me think about it." The news came too shocking, and Qiao Lan couldn't digest it.
       Xiang Wei also knows that he can't eat a fat man." Cheng, when you figure it out, I will let you see one side. If you feel that you are natural, you don't think we can find it again."
       Qiao Lan said with gratitude: "Thank you to Miss Wei."
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "This is also Miss a few days ago, I only noticed. Thank you, thank you Miss!" This is really what Yue-Yao said first, but Wang Sheng is looking for Wei. Arrived.
       Qiao Lan is still more convinced of Wei Wei. After the panic, he bite his teeth: "To sister Wei, wait for a chance, let me see you!" If it is really good, try it.
       He smiled at Wei Wei: "Cheng. I will let you see you next time."
       After Qiao Lan gave Yue-Yao a head, he went back to the shop. Qiao Lan is going out with Yan Juan. Xi-juan is going to see the clothes made by Yue-Yao on the shop. When I went out, Qiao Lan saw that holding a whip was a man wearing a cloth and looking at a more honest man.
       Yan Juan pushed Qiao Lan, "Hurry up!"
       Qiao Lan did not make her thoughts, immediately got on the carriage, and then put down the curtain. As soon as the outside of the shop, Qiao Lan and the carriage drove down, the man found a position to stop the carriage.
       Into the shop, Xiao-juan whispered: "Qiao Lan sister, this person is Wang Sheng."
       Qiao Lan snorted and turned his head and glanced at it. At this time, Wang Shengzheng lowered his head and checked the carriage. Qiao Lan immediately bowed his head.
       After Yan Juan returned to Fu, he reported the situation with Yue-Yao happily. "My sister Xiao-lan thinks that the person is good, just don't know what the other party means?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Let Hao Mama ask, if Wang Sheng has no objection, then set the marriage as soon as possible." Qiao Lan is not small, 21 years old this year.
       Wang Sheng knew the news and felt that the pie on the sky was on his head. That Qiao-Lan Miss, like a fairy, Miss was willing to give her to herself.
       Hao Mama told Wang Sheng about the situation of Qiao-Lan . If it is not the damage of Qiao Lan, it will definitely not look at Wang Sheng. But even so, Wang Sheng is also a big bargain. Of course, the price is not good, and Wei also made a request, Wang Sheng must sign the deed.
       Wang Sheng did not hesitate to agree. If it was before, he would hesitate. But now Yue-Yao will marry Anshen in the future, and follow Yue-Yao. Now I have a beautiful ‘Madam’, how can I not agree?
       Xiang Wei felt that this sale was cost-effective, solved the marriage affairs of Qiao Lan, and circled a good bodyguard, which is cost-effective.
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "A good thing has been said by you, all of them have changed."
       Xiang Wei wants to talk to Yue-Yao, but this time, the big housekeeper comes over," Miss, everything you want is all done. Is it all for you to send to Haishuyuan?"
       Things are sent to Haishuyuan, Yue-Yao people are placed in the box to register, and then go to the warehouse to collect some good things to add.
       Master Yushan looked at the six big boxes sent by Yue-Yao, knowing that this was a heart of Yue-Yao and did not refuse. Just smiled: "These things make you buy it, and I don't need to go to it."
       Yue-Yao is also a little sad, "Teacher, I will go to Jiang-nan to see you later."
       Master Yushan smiled. "Well, when you see you in Jiang-nan next time, if the art is not improved, the teacher will punish you."
       When Yue-Yao left, Master Yushan also sent four boxes to her. "These are my treasures. You use the medicines to the best of your ability." He is old and his body is getting worse and worse. This time he returned to Jiang-nan. It is estimated that I can no longer return to Capital City. These things are not useful for him to keep. Therefore, all are reserved for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao feels too precious, don't want it.
       Master Yushan said: "You are my only pro-disciple, you are the most qualified to receive these things, to others, only let them be shelved, wasted my efforts." These are all his treasure, let If you are a man, you can’t feel bad about him.
       Yue-Yao was red-eyed.
       When I went back to Wei, I looked at the four-box book. "Well, Miss, you really have to be a nerd." The two-box book has made Miss have a nerd tendency, which adds four boxes of books to become nerds. That is proper!
       Yue-Yao touches a book, these things are all baby, how many people can't ask for it. Why did she have the chance to run into a teacher?" The teacher did not say that I would finish reading it in a year. Rest assured, it would not become a nerd. After a few days, I had to start embroidering the wedding dress."
       To Wei Le, "I thought you forgot to have such a thing!"
       On the first day of March, Master Yushan left Capital City and there were many people who came to see him. Yue-Yao with a skull cap is definitely a beautiful landscape.
       Master Yushan saw the reluctant appearance of everyone. Before leaving, he smiled and told Yu Jun and Yue-Yao: "You are coming, you are coming to "Farewell", son fishing, playing the flute."
       The cooperation between the two people is quite tacit. Master Yushan listened and laughed. "There is no banquet in the world, come back!" After that, he got on the carriage.
       In Yue-Yao "Farewell", Master Yushan gradually drifted away and disappeared into the sight of everyone.
       Yu Jun looked at Yue-Yao, who was still standing, and said softly: "Sister, the teacher has gone far. Let's go back! Don't be sad, wait for a time to go to Jiang-nan to see him." Yue Yao has been crying out after reading it.
       Yue-Yao got on the carriage and took off the hat. The two eyes were so red as the rabbit.
       Xiang Wei knew that Yue-Yao was in a bad mood. At this time, she didn’t dare to tease her, so she let Yue-Yao sit in the car in a muffled manner.
       Back to The Ma House, Yue-Yao has returned to normal. Facing the look of Wei Na, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The teacher is reunited with her daughter. It is a good thing, I should be happy for him." That is to say, but when the farewell, tears are still falling.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Miss can think like this, there are scattered, there is no distraction, there is no joy of gathering. Miss, when we go to Jiang-nan, we have to wait a little longer in Jiang-nan, we have to watch it. The beauty of the south of the Yangtze River, eating snacks throughout the south of the Yangtze River.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head. "Three sentences are not to eat, Cheng, etc. We have the opportunity to go to Jiang-nan to see the teacher." Jiang-nan, the year of life is a must go.
       When he was resting, Ting was coming back.
       Yue-Yao faced the depression of the court and said with a smile: "The house that An Daye bought is in the Yuhua Hutong, and the house left by the mother is also in the Yuhua Hutong. I intend to give this house to you, then we will My sister and I live close together." Just in an alley, I am definitely far from where I went.
       The court is shining and shining, "Sister, really?"
       Yue-Yao nodded, "Nature is true, but the house has not lived for so many years, I am afraid that it will be repaired. You will see it tomorrow, and there is a bottom in your heart." Yue-Yao is not in a hurry to repair the house. That house is for the personal use of Ting Zhengcheng. The age of the court is still small, at least three or four years later. As for the family, it is natural to live with her.
       The point before the court was so depressed that it was swept away, and quickly said: "Good."
       The next day, Ting Zheng followed Peng Chun to see the house of Yuhua Hutong. The main beam of the house is good, but because no one lives, it is a bit deserted. After watching the front and back of the house, and then let Peng Chun down, the court was ready to go home, but did not expect that halfway to meet An Zhi-zhen.
       The court is the person who exercises martial arts. Naturally, he worships the strong. He also feels that An Zhi is worthy of his sister. He just remembers the jokes of his boss. He is not happy, "An Da."
       An Zhi-zhen looked at the court, this kid even dared not call his brother-in-law, the courage is not small. However, he remembered that Ting was a little shi-zi, and An Zhi did not dare to give his face. "Are you looking for me?"
       Ting is trying to vomit, I am looking for what you do, really. "No, there is a house in my house right in front of me. My sister asked me to look at it."
       Yuhua Hutong said that it was not big, but said that it was not too small. It lived in dozens of households, and An Zhi-zhen just came in and was not familiar with it.
       Ting Zheng and An Zhi-zhen said two sentences and left.
       Akai leaned forward and said: "The big Master, Lian gongzi seems to be dissatisfied with you?" It used to be very respectful to his grandfather. Now it is obviously uncomfortable.
       Datong is more sincere, "It is estimated that my grandfather is going to marry his sister, so it is not good." My sister is going to be taken away, it is definitely not good.
       An Zhi-zhen heard this and his  Mouth rose.
       The group took two steps. Akai took a trip to the thigh: "Lian Miss has a house here, is there another place and a house? I heard that Lian Miss is very rich, and there are many Tiancai shop." Such a calculation, his grandfather really earned.
       Datong echoed: "Lian Miss has a painting of one thousand two, can you have no money?"
       An Zhi-zhen did not seem to hear the words of the two, striding forward.

       Chapter 369 New Life 

       The oval glass fish tank floats with the green grass, and the two gold-colored goldfish play freely in the water grass. Yue-Yao took the fish food and sprinkled it.
       Yue-Yao handed the fish food in his hand to the valley around him and said: "With Xu-Yu, the needles are all collected, and today is not embroidered." Yue-Yao spends two hours embroidering the wedding dress every day. The time for reading and reading books has not been reduced, and the time for painting has been reduced.
       Xiang Wei said next to him: "Miss, are you embroidered? Or do you paint?" Yue-Yao wedding dress embroidered the water, now, Yue-Yao Lian hijab has not been embroidered. This made Wei Wei very worried that Yue-Yao could not finish the wedding dress in a year.
       Yue-Yao is only ready to embroider, and those laces are ready to let the delicate embroidery. For the fine craftsmanship, Yue-Yao is still very reassuring.
       Xiang Wei is not willing to vomit," said the man, the wedding dress can only be hand-embroidered, can not be touched by the hands of others, this is a sign of harmony and beauty." This is old and stressful.
       Yue-Yao sneered at the nose, "How many Miss's dowry is hand-embroidered by hand, but how many can be happy." Listening to the stories of those couples who are against each other or respect each other, Yue-Yao does not agree with these old sayings. .
       Xiang Wei can't do anything, can only say: "But others embroidered will definitely not fit your heart."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have drawn everything to embroider in every place. You can just follow the painting and follow the embroidery." The advantage of painting is immediately revealed.
       Xiang Wei retorted: "But the two kinds of needles are different. It doesn't look very strange at that time?" Two people embroidered, it must be two styles.
       Xu-Yu whispered next to it: "Xiang Wei sister, Xiuju Su embroidery is learned from Miss." Xiujuan's embroidered work would have been good, and Yue-Yao guidance was made, and the speed was improved.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao very suspiciously: "Will you embroider?" The level of Shuijuan Su embroidery is first-class, but she has never seen Yue-Yao embroidered.
       Yue-Yao deliberately showed, "I will embroider on both sides, but there is no time." That year was also a hard work. As for whether it can be embroidered now, then I don't know.
       He whispered to Wei, "It’s really enchanting." Learn to learn enchanting things quickly.
       On this day, Yue-Yao is embroidering the dowry in the room, and there is a -maid outside to report the joy.” Miss, 1st Young Madam was born, and today she gave birth to a big fat boy, and the mother and son are safe.
       Yue-Yao smiled and put down the needle thread. "This is a good thing." It must not be passed now, but the ceremony of washing the three full moons is to be prepared.
       I teased Wei: "Miss, your son Guanyin map is really effective, just a son." If it is not related to Yue-Yao, Xiang Wei does not believe.
       Yue-Yao heard this and quickly went into the study and wrote a letter, which was sent to Ming-zhu. Ming-zhu-Yao-Yao is really not convinced, and must be prepared for the first time.
       After the Ming-zhu gave birth to the child, he had already slept. This letter naturally fell into the hands of Bai Yi. Bai Yi handed the letter to Nu Yang-hui," said the Grand Master, Lian Miss. This letter will tell you after the reading Young Madam."
       Nu Yang-hui was a little curious. After reading the letter, he couldn't help but laugh. I didn't expect this Lian 3rd Miss to be so interesting. It is no wonder that he could become a good friend with Ming-zhu.
       When the Ming-zhu woke up in the evening, Nu Yang-hui told her about it," Lian-Min wrote, saying that when you wash the three, you can't tell people that you were born because of the "send" that she sent. Guanyin map."
       Ming-zhu whispered: "What, I promised that she would not say it, but also wrote a letter, so I don't trust me."
       Bai Yi took the stage of the pearl in the back. "You used to agree that Yue-Yao Miss didn't tell her how to draw a good hand. Finally, how? Finally, Yue-Yao Miss almost turned his face." Miss This is not a long-term memory of 'temperament', it should be rectified.
       Nu Yang-hui said happily: "What happened then?"
       Ming-zhu murderously said: "Not allowed to say!" That is too shameful, and said where her face is placed!
       Bai Yi smiled and said: "Chicken soup should be smashed, I will come over." This matter is still letting the master tell Himself, she will not explode the ugliness of the master.
       How can Nu Yang-hui dig up the follow-up situation, curious, and finally was shot out of the house by Ming-zhu. "Cheng Cheng, Cheng, Cheng, don't ask, don't ask."
       Nu Yang-hui came out of the room and smiled at the son lying in the hustle and bustle. His previous dream was to get a scholar, and then a lively and lovely ‘Madam’, regenerating a fat son, and now it’s all neat.
       When washing three, after the ceremony Yue-Yao went into the bedroom to see the pearl, "Oh, a lot of fat, waiting for the moon to lose weight." Slim and slightly waistline now has a circle of fat.
       Ming-zhu grimaced and said: "Yes, I have to lose weight after I have a month."
       The words just fell, and the Jingning Marchioness Ping-Shi smiled and said: "Don't worry, Tai-yi has a secret recipe, and you will be restored to the original within three months."
       The two called in unison: "'sister-in-law'." Yue-Yao stood up again.
       Ping-Shi-Yu let Yue-Yao sit down, she sat on the stool next to the bed. "I will be relieved to see you like this." It is said that Ming-zhu is truly blessed. At home, she grows up and adores her husband. She marries her husband and loves her. When she gets married, she gives birth to a big fat son in less than a year. Her days are so envious.
       The person who sat on the moon couldn't work hard, and Yue-Yao accompanied Ming-zhu to say that after a small conversation, he was ready to go back. Ming-zhu took Yue-Yao hand and said: “Yue-Yao, I’ve said it before, we’re going to be a family member, but we can’t regret it!”
       Yue-Yao didn't follow the Ming-zhu. "This is nothing to say, what to do so early? Let's talk about it later!" She didn't get married, and began to remember that the child came.
       Yue-Yao went back to Haishuyuan and heard that Servant said that An Zhi had sent a lot of things. Since the appointment of relatives, An Zhi has already sent two things, and Yue-Yao is not unexpected. Most of the things used for eating are divided. Others are kept. Even if they don’t like it, they are also a part of their hearts. Yue Yao is also not good to give Servant. However, this time, the gift is the same as the beige satin flat gold and silver embroidered treasure flower pattern fan sleeve, the fan sleeve is more chic.
       Xu-Yu smiled and said: "Miss, Laozi has sent a few things back. Should you return to Laozi?"
       Holding a pot of green dates to Wei, he said while eating: "What do you want Miss to send? Send words or send pictures?" People of calligraphy and painting are not rare.
       Xu-Yu said softly: "Miss can send a purse to An uncle. Miss, always accept the ceremony of An uncle, if you don't return, you can't say it."
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "There is a purse!" People are so sincere, she can not make people feel that she is not enthusiastic.
       Yue-Yao picks up the material, just a lot of picks. Yue-Yao picked the indigo satin, cut it with drizzle, Yue-Yao was responsible for embroidering the five-color pattern, and other work was left to Xiao-juan. It took two days to get the purse out.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "I have never seen you so lazy." Although it is lazy, but this purse is really not to eat is the two men's handwriting.
       An Zhi-xuan received a return ceremony, watching the return ceremony is not a word or a painting, but a gourd-shaped purse with a five-color embroidered indigo satin. The stitches are fine and the patterns are beautifully embroidered.
       Datong touched his head and said to himself: "The big Master, is this really Lian Miss embroidered?" I have never heard of Lian Miss embroidery is good!
       Akai took a look at Datong’s head. "Stupid, this is not what the hand-embroidered thing is for the grandfather."
       A rare smile appeared on the face of An Zhi. Yue-Yao 'temperament' is not going to pretend to be someone else things, otherwise she would rather not send anything. An Zhi-yi did not expect that Yue-Yao female red is also so outstanding, it is really an unexpected surprise.
       Soon I arrived at the full moon ceremony of my son. Originally, according to Nu Yang-hui, the Ming-zhu was allowed to sit for two months, but the Ming-zhu did not want to, and resolutely sat for a month. Tai-yi gave the Ming-zhu a pulse to explain that the bead is very good, and the month is also very good. It doesn't matter if you don't sit in the double moon. At the end of the full moon feast, Ming-zhu came out to greet the guests.
       Yue-Yao This day, as an aunt, it is natural to give a gift. I sent a long-lived red gold lock, a pair of red gold bracelets, and a gemstone gold collar.
       Ming-zhu looked at Yue-Yao ritual and smiled: "Whatever you do, it's a matter of drawing a picture." Compared with gold, Ming-zhu prefers Yue-Yao paintings.
       To Wei Wei, "Miss's paintings are worth a thousand two. These things add up to a thousand and two can't be bought." This is cheap and sells, so the red gold collar with the gemstones is not worth a thousand Silver Taels. It is.
       Ming-zhu waved: "I talk to Yue-Yao, what  Mouth do you insert? You talk to Bai Yi." Every time she talks to Wei, she wants to swear.
       Yue-Yao did not refuse, "I haven't been a teacher yet, I can't paint for you, and I will talk about it later." Yue-Yao will not paint for others, including Ming-zhu. If you break a case, it is easy to have a second time.
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Speaking and speaking, you can't talk. For Yue-Yao, I heard that the house where my cousin bought is in the Yuhua Hutong. When you marry, we can slam the door without any problems." The place where she lived was able to arrive in the house of An Zhi in a ten-minute carriage ride, which was too convenient.
       Yue-Yao groaned in his heart. If Nu Yang-hui often went to The Ma House to find a ‘Madam’, then there would be resentment for me.
       After finishing the business, Ming-zhu told Yue-Yao about the gossip," Yue-Yao, do you know? Three times before, Yongding Marquis 3rd Young Masters, Yongding Marchioness wants to be Wan County Owner's operation, the result Wan-An County Owner does not take over." Wan-An County Owner has its own County Owner House, after Guan Jingyu became a relative, basically lived in County Owner House, rarely back to The Marquis Estate  .
       Yue-Yao listened to this gossip, "I heard that The Marquis Estate  has no money, so ‘Laughs’ County Owner is not willing to take over."
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Yes! There is such a money that is like running water, and I don't know the open source of Yongding Marquis, The Marquis Estate  still has money? Fortunately, you did not have this marriage at first, or you have to eat big Loss." ‘Laughs’ County Owner has a hard waist, so he dared not to make a big head. If you change to Yue-Yao, you must not be bullied.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "My cousin was also because I felt that The Yongding Marquis Estate  was a face, so I advised to refuse this marriage."
       Ming-zhu put the son who spit the bubble into the arms of Yue-Yao." Later, Yongding Marchioness was ill, and the County Owner had no choice but to take over. However, the County Owner is not a soft buns. After the wedding of the 3rd Young Masters, they began to cut the staff, and the expenses of the various houses in The Marquis Estate  were all reduced by half. The women in the backyard of The Marquis Estate  were upset, and the two of the two leaders led by the County Owner concubine Directly slap the slap, and then throw the book to Yongding Marquis, saying that if Yongding Marquis thinks she is not doing it properly, then she will find another person to take over. Yongding Marquis is now mute fire."
       Yue-Yao appreciates the behavior of the Wan-An County Owner, "that is, the County Owner can suppress it."
       The Ming-zhu also admired the sorrow and the countdown of the County Owner. "I heard that Yongding Marquis Heir is completely standing on the side of the Wan  and the County Owner, the husband and ‘Madam’ are willing to lose money, they are not optimistic about them before, now feel In fact, they also fit very well."
       Yue-Yao feels that the Wan-An County Owner are very arrogant, but whoever is called a golden branch, is also emboldened by arrogance. In addition to this, Yue-Yao feels that the Wan-An County Owner are also very good, people who are smart and have the means to suppress the people of The Yongding Marquis Estate  are certainly no problem.
       After talking about the Wan-An County Owner, I talked about Mou Qing-lian , and finally said that Yue-Yao has never heard of it," Mou Qing-lian  and Mao uncle and left, and after leaving, Qing Qing lian went to Jiang-nan, listening Said Ning Li-xuan also chased the past."
       Yue-Yao comes up with three words, infatuated.
       Ming-zhu smiled and said: "What kind of infatuation, if it is not his stalking, the green lotus will fall to the point of separation, and Qing Qing lian is all harmed by him today. Yue-Yao, thank you. If you didn't wake me up I don't know what I am like now." Fortunately, Yue-Yao let her see the hypocrisy of Ning Li-xuan, otherwise she will have to be destroyed in Ning Li-xuan's hands for a lifetime. She can have such sweetness now. The days are all thanks to Yue-Yao.
       Do not push outside, especially this kind of good thing, Yue-Yao smiled: "Sisters say what to do, as long as you live well." Seeing Ming-zhu is so happy, her heart is warm!
       Ming-zhu sighed: "It’s good to have such a sister."
       Dabao yelled, Yue-Yao couldn't understand. Ming-zhu looked at the diaper and didn't get wet. He smiled and said: "This little fat pig is definitely hungry." After that, it was called Milkmaid.
       Milkmaid hugged the child and nursed it. Yue-Yao asked: "I heard that Ning Duke is very bad now, not as good as Yongding Marquis."
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Well, The Yongding Marquis Estate  has a Yongding Marquis Heir Guan Jingyu support, and the second Young Master of The Yongding Marquis Estate  has taken the test, and the 6th Young Master also took the test. Ning Duke House is There is no one who has a hand, but there is only one title left. Ning Li-xuan is no better, but the right-Noble Lady and the ministers are reluctant to marry the Di Daughter, so Ning Li-xuan still has There is no marriage." Ning Duke Fu Yue, the more unfortunate Ming-zhu, the more happy, only the evil in her heart can be dispersed.
       Yue-Yao looked at the bright pearl, and reminded: "You should never tell Nu Yang-hui about these things." If Nu Yang-hui knows that Ming-zhu has been in Ning Li-xuan, it will definitely affect the marital relationship.
       The Ming-zhu smiled more and more well," Fu Jun had already known. Fu Jun also said that he saw me fat Ning Li-xuan that day, I felt that I was exceptionally cute, he just liked me at that time." Ming-zhu Not stupid, she would not say that she liked Ning Li-xuan. She just told Nu Yang-hui that Ning Li-xuan obviously liked Qing lian and deliberately deceived and liked her. She often did this for her. She didn't touch her mother, so she wanted to give her a kiss. When she decided to kiss her, she found that Ning Li-xuan just wanted to use her to get the help of The Marquis Estate . She didn’t really like her, and she didn’t really want to marry her. Now she turned her face with Ning Li-xuan, and later she met Ning Li-xuan again. She will see it once.
       Nu Yang-hui had already known about Ning Li-xuan and Ming-zhu. After all, it was rainy and rainy outside, but it was not necessarily the truth. He saw it was true. He believed it more. He saw that Ming-zhu not only did not like Ning Li-xuan, but was very disliked with Ning Li-xuan. He naturally believed in the Ming-zhu rhetoric.
       Yue-Yao Some sighs that the Ming-zhus are stupid.
       Ming-zhu said proudly: "‘Fu Jun’ also said that I was so young before I was easily deceived. Afterwards, I would like to have more eyes. I said at the time, there will be him in the future, and no one will dare to lie to me. Even if someone dares Lie to me, he also helped him to check it out!"
       Yue-Yao looked at the pearls and became as pure as when they were Miss, which shows that Nu Yang-hui is really good for the Ming-zhu, and Yue-Yao faces also smile.

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