Family 220

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Soon after I arrived at the gate, Yue-Yao got out of the carriage and got on the carriage. Yue-Yao took a look at the huge plaque and looked at the Lian House. Lian-jia is her family, her roots, but she is now abandoning her roots in order to survive, to leave here.
       Lian Dongfang looked at the carriage that was leaving, and the sun was indefinite. He turned his head and looked at Mo-shi. His eyes were full of disgust. If it weren’t because the two sons had to take the exam next year, they would have to discuss the family after the imperial examination. He couldn't bear this breath, and he couldn't even send Yue-Yao to The Ma House.
       Mo-shi was so scared by the eyes of Lian Dongfang that his neck was a little cold.
       Yue-Yao got on the carriage, because Yue-Yao was weak, the tables and chairs on the carriage were all gone, and Yue-Yao was half lying on the thick quilt.
       Yue-Yao leaned back on the pillow and took a long breath. For two years, she has been looking forward to two years, and now her wish has finally come true.
       The car dealers went to the city center market, and the crowds were full of excitement. Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao and opened the curtain to look at the comfortable smile outside, his eyes flashed. Yue-Yao Since the out of Lian, it seems that the shackles tied to her have been removed, and the whole body is alive.
       Xiang Wei also smiled, and Yue-Yao was able to do this, and she did not bother to plan for her. Xiang Wei went to Yue-Yao and said: "Miss, when you are sick, let the watch Young Master take you out."
       Yue-Yao is somewhat worried: "I don't know if the big cousin will promise." Although she likes to be quiet, if she needs to have more opportunities in the future, it is not a bad thing to watch more.
       To Wei Da Le, "1st Young Master will definitely agree."
       Yue-Yao put down the curtain, thinking about the days after, the smile on the face is as bright as the rising sun in the winter, which makes people warm.
       The carriage stopped for a moment, and Yue-Yao was tight, and asked: "What happened?" Don't have any moths in the middle of the road.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao nervous appearance and felt funny and sad, obviously so disliked with Lian House, but was reluctant to leave because of all kinds of scruples.
       Outside Hao Mama said: "Miss, someone from the door is looking for Master." There is exactly one thing in the door that needs Ma Chengteng to help solve it.
       Ma Chengteng said that he was not in a hurry and said; "When I send the shi-nu to the house, I will pass." It was only two quarters of an hour before the house.
       Solved this little thing, the carriage continued to go.
       Soon I arrived at The Ma House. Zhuang Ruolan personally came over to pick up people and led Yue-Yao to Haishuyuan. Ma Chengteng told the people to move things to Haishuyuan, and then ordered Zhuang Ruolan to go to the door. When I left, I said to Yue-Yao: "If there is anything dissatisfied, I will tell you."
       Yue-Yao smiled brilliantly. “rest assured, I will talk to the watcher about anything." She is not the first time to come to The Ma House, she is very familiar with this place, and there is nothing dissatisfied.
       Ma Chengteng saw Yue-Yao so happy, he couldn't help but smile: "Don't grieve yourself." He was the first time he saw Yue-Yao so happy smile.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at the look of Yue-Yao and knew that she had been in a terrible battle at Lian. It’s so comfortable now, because it’s because you don’t have to be afraid.
       Yue-Yao went to the soft car prepared for her and soon arrived at Haishuyuan. Yue-Yao was found to be different from the previous one. It is February, and the sea bream has not yet opened, just a new shoot. On the two sides of the courtyard corridor, there are more than 20 pots of various kinds of bonsai, and there is a large water tank in the middle. There are more than ten fish in the tank and a thick layer of water grass underneath. The fish is swimming freely in the grass, and it looks very comfortable.
       Waiting into the house, watching the hanging green curtains, opening the soft curtain, Yue-Yao saw the furnishings of the room stunned, the layout of the room has changed a lot.
       Rosewood enamel enameled gold-clad corner cabinets, rosewood softwood couches at the window, floor-to-ceiling screens that block the interior, gold lacquered tables, and lacquered tables.
       Zhuang Ruolan saw Yue-Yao doubts and laughed: "The house of Miss's house should be arranged in a rich atmosphere, but it can't be as light as before." It is not a fairy who does not eat the fireworks. The house is too light to look at the roots. It is not like the mortuary of the Miss family.
       Yue-Yao knows that Zhuang Ruolan is really good for her, "I like this arrangement." It is a lot of effort to arrange it so that money is not said.
       In addition to the bed did not change in the house, most of the other things were changed, and a kitchen wall was placed on the right side of the wall. The kitchen wall was neat and clean, and a stack of books was placed on it.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "I originally wanted to put the kitchen wall in the study room, but the big cousin said that there is a bookshelf in the study room, but not in the bedroom, so that both sides can put books, and it is convenient for you to read later."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Let the watch and the cousin work hard. This kitchen wall just puts the book for me." The little cousin who knows such a small matter knows that the two people have come to her with care.
       Zhuang Ruolan is a book that knows that Yue-Yao has moved a few large boxes. This closet is enough for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao eyes fell on the blue-and-white bamboo squid aquarium on a round wooden table. The fish tank was filled with water plants, and two small goldfish swim in the water.
       Zhuang Ruolan explained on the other side: "I am afraid that you are tired of reading and reading books. Put a few fish in the house. If your eyes are tired, you can look at the problem.
       Yue-Yao said with a red eye: "Thank you for your praise." This arrangement took a lot of effort. I am used to the coldness of the people in Lian, and then how she is not touched.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "Stupid-Yatou, this is what we should do. You don't want to say anything, if you are not used to tell me, I will change people, but I can't be wronged like before. ""
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: “I really like it. If you don't like it, I must say it to the watch." She didn't have much demand for foreign objects, just asked for a place to reassure her.
       Zhuang Ruolan saw that Yue-Yao was sincere and said no more. "Then don't bother, you lie down and have a good rest. The doctor said that you have to nurse well, otherwise it will fall behind."
       Yue-Yao said with obedience: "Good. Tables, there are many things in the house, you don't have to worry about me. The two around me Mama is also very sophisticated, and several rings are also used, they will pack up "Yue-Yao also does not want Zhuang Ruolan to be too tired." It happened that the Cai-Yun came over and found Zhuang Ruolan saying things in the house. Zhuang Ruolan also went out to deal with chores.
       Deng Mama came in to look at the layout of the house, and then said: "Miss, there are just a few things that we can bring out. Miss see if you want to put it.
       Yue-Yao smiled: " Mama feels good." Yue-Yao believes in Deng Mama vision and will definitely not make her bedroom too luxurious.
       Deng Mama looked at Yue-Yao. The whole person relaxed and his heart was happy: "Well, wait until you sort things out and find them again. Miss is tired and rests for a while."
       Yue-Yao smiled and waved his hand," Mama, you go to help Hao Mama, I want to meet, no one needs to wait." Waiting for the people in the bedroom to go out Yue-Yao, open your eyes and look at the bed. Top, finally left the Lian-jia wolf's nest, it's good. Because of the relaxed mood, Yue-Yao quickly fell asleep.
       Waiting for Yue-Yao to wake up, it is already the last two moments. Xu-Yu helped Yue-Yao to get up and wash it for lunch.
       Yue-Yao actually wants to move around. Yue-Yao is very clear about her body. She has recovered almost two days after she has been raised for two days. It’s just that her current situation is to make a play, and she has to lie on the bed for three or five days.
       Yue-Yao went back to bed after lunch and slept for so long, where he still slept. Yue-Yao let Xu-Yu look at her most of the historical records.
       Xu-Yu found the book to Yue-Yao and said: "Miss, Hao Mama asked Miss these books are placed in the study or kitchen wall." Yue-Yao brought four boxes of books, conservative Estimated to have thousands of books!
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Place it here. The book is first placed on the kitchen wall, and I will be classified after waiting for my health." It is also convenient to find books after class.
       Tang-Shi used the lunch to go to Haishuyuan. Originally, Tang-Shi was planning to go to the door with Zhuang Ruolan and greet Yue-Yao. However, Cheng-shi called her in the past and said that one morning, until the Cheng-shi spent the lunch. She is still taking advantage of Cheng-shi at noon, but if she doesn’t come out now, she can’t be empty.
       Suzhen felt that the Master and 1st Young Madam were too grand for Yue-Yao to enter the government, but the Madam method was too much. An elder and a younger are so unable to pass, and it is a joke.
       Tang-Shi met Ma Linlin on the way to Haishuyuan.
       Ma Linlin is 10 thousand people who can't get Tang-shi, where a merchant woman is suitable as her 'sister-in-law', so every time Ma Linlin faces Tang-shi, it is A tall look.
       Ma Linlin Lian voice 'sister-in-law' is not called, and asked poorly: "What are you going to do?" This road is obviously going to Haishuyuan.
       Ma Linlin’s past work was so obvious that Tang-Shi would not know that Ma Linlin couldn’t get on her. Tang-Shi can only sigh that The Ma House tutor is not successful, and he has come up with such an idiot without mind. No matter what her origins, she is now Ma Yue ‘Madam’, Ma Linlin’s 'sister-in-law', Ma Linlin can’t miss her, and she lost.
       Tang-Shi is not a soft-skinned person. She has long been tired of Ma Linlin's look, but she does not want the following people to laugh, so the face is still smiling. If Yue-Yao is there, I can definitely see the coldness of the Tang-shi smile. Tang-Shi said: "I went to see Yao cousin, Mei Mei go with me?"
       Ma Linlin didn't go to see Yue-Yao. It was very annoying that she didn't sneak in. The airway said: "I will not go if you want to go to you!"
       Suzhen is so angry that his face is white, and Tang-shi is a smile: "Go." Angry with her, not mad at the body.

       Chapter 221 Trivia 

       Hao Mama and Deng Mama took a few people and worked very hard to put things back. When Tang-Shi came over, he saw a busy scene in Haitang Court.
       Tang-shi knows that Yue-Yao has moved a lot of things and didn't care about it before, but now I have to be surprised to see what everyone has taken out of the box.
       Yue-Yao just lying in bed, I heard Xu-Yu telling me that Young Madam is coming. Yue-Yao This is the second time I saw Tang-shi.
       Yue-Yao used to be dust-free, looked down on the merchants, and served as the scent of the copper scent. They experienced so many things, and spent ten years in the temple. The Buddhists pay attention to the lives of the people. Yue-Yao will not A leaf is blind.
       Yue-Yao looks at the Tang-shi, Tang-shi wearing a half-new silver-red robes to embroider light blue chrysanthemums, combing the clouds, wearing a pair of gold-plated gems Plum blossoms, with a pair of hollow beaded gold earrings. The dress is full of wealth, but the Tang-shi can be pressed.
       Yue-Yao sighed in her heart, although the two watches were from the merchants, but this style is not inferior. Yue-Yao was helped by Xu-Yu, and the face was dark and said: "Two watches, Yue-Yao is not feeling well, don't blame Yue-Yao for being rude."
       The Tang-shi came in and looked at Yue-Yao in the heart of the bed and became suspicious. Yue-Yao looks like a serious illness. The person who was seriously ill was not raised in Lian House but moved to The Ma House in a hurry. This shows that this incident must be serious.
       The Tang-shi suppressed the bottom of his heart and said with a smile: "There are so many gifts from the family." Tang-Shi is still very satisfied with Yue-Yao attitude.
       Yue-Yao is not familiar with Tang-Shi, and said a few words deliberately revealing the color of exhaustion. Xu-Yu was hesitant, hesitant to know if it should be.
       Tang-Shi is not without eyes, and now smiles and said: "Cousin, take a good rest, wait two days, I will come to see you again." Yue-Yao, she does not take the initiative to ask, let people speak No face.
       Tang-Shi returned to his yard and asked the -maid around him to find out what was going on. The people in the house had a very strict  Mouth. This time Yue-Yao came so much, she didn’t believe it. The tone is not found.
       Suddenly, some sighs: " Madam, Yao Miss is much better than Eldest Miss." This is also a contrast, compared with Ma Linlin's attitude of arrogant, Yue-Yao, but I don't know how many times better.
       Tang-Shi smiled lightly: "If Yao Miss is also like Eldest Miss, do you think she can get it Master and 1st Young Master's love?" This love goes beyond the biological daughter. This shows that this is also a person who cannot be underestimated.
       Suddenly, "-Young Madam, do we want to have a good relationship with Yao Miss? I heard the following people say that Madam has a bad relationship with Yao Miss."
       Tang-Shi smiles, the relationship is definitely not good. On the second day of her wedding, she saw Yue-Yao in order to help Zhuang-Shi to hit her mother-in-law, which shows that Yue-Yao is obviously standing on the side of Zhuang-Shi. The mother-in-law and Zhuang-Shi do not meet, Yue-Yao will certainly not be close to her.
       Suzu came in and said: "-Young Madam, already inquisitive. Yao Miss was poisoned in Lian House, almost poisoned, Master was furious, so Lian-jia agreed to Yao Miss to stay in the Ma Fu. ”
       Tang-Shi sighs: "Don't poison? Who poison?"
       Su-zhu looked strange and said: "It is a Concubine, but I have heard this Concubine has no children and no women, and is not prominent in Lian-jia."
       Suddenly said: "How does Yao Miss have a hatred with the 1st House Concubine? This is incredible." Don't say that the compartment Concubine, the relatives Concubine, the Di Daughter will not There are too many contacts.
       Su-zhu sees Tang-shi has no objection, and continues to say: "All said that this cloth Concubine is a black pot. There have been rumors that Lian-jia 1st Madam wants to seek the wealth of Yao Miss." Su-zhu believes in this reason.
       Su Shi took the opportunity to say: "I am still strange? Yao Miss, if you want to live in the Ma House, you should not move so many things. Now it seems that this is definitely the case, so Yao Miss can't do anything. Moved over."
       Susan Lian Lian nodded and said, "Yes! I heard them say that Yao Miss has moved the dowry of Aunt-Nai-Nai."
       Suzhen really looked at the Tang-shi look was wrong, asked: "-Young Madam, what's wrong?"
       Tang-Shi now has a slight frustration. They don’t know such a big thing. When the dust settles, she knows that a new ‘Madam’ who has just married does not know that she is justifiable, but her mother-in-law and her husband did not get any news. This shows that her mother-in-law is with her husband. The mansion is really not at all.
       Tang-Shi took the plum blossoms on his head and took it off. If the husband is really a weapon, he will be re-used and will not hire her as a daughter-in-law. Tang-Shi thought that he couldn't help but touch his stomach. He had to give birth to his son as soon as he could stand firm in the government.
       Yue-Yao action was so big, Li Jia also got the news. Li Madam felt that this incident was very embarrassing. He sent someone to inquire about the news, but he couldn't find any news, just know that Yue-Yao wants to move. I went to The Ma House to live.
       The servant came in and said: " Madam, Yue-Yao Miss sent someone to accept the Tingzhen Young Master. In the past, people came to explain that they would be sent back early in the morning."
       Lee Madam is busy: "Let people come in, I have something to ask."
       The people around Yue-Yao are very busy and can't open, so Yue-Yao has sent Zhuang Ruolan to the Li family and took over the court.
       Yue-Yao is ready to tell Ting Zheng about these things. One is to let Ting Zheng not return to Lian-jia again, and the second is to let Ting Zheng grow a heart. Yue-Yao is not willing to face these dark things, but the door of the 2nd House needs the support of the court. These filthy things must let him know, otherwise the court will definitely eat Lian-jia losses later. .
       Li Madam asked over Pozi, said: "What happened to Yue-Yao?" Yue-Yao stayed in the The Ma House, and Li Jia also had a concern about Lian-jia. So Li Madam knew it the first time. It was just that Ma and Yu-Yao didn't send a message, and she had to endure it for a while.
       -Pozi said: "Yao Miss had a serious illness and almost didn't save it. We Master was very angry and felt that Lian-jia didn't care about Yao Miss, so she took Yao Miss." The private rumor is One thing, but the official words still have to be grand.
       Li Madam naturally does not believe this set of words, "What is Yue-Yao now?"
       -Pozi said: "Yao Miss is not a big problem now. Zhang Da Fu said that as long as Yao Miss is nursed for a period of time, he will be cured."
       Lee Madam puts his heart down, no matter what, as long as people are fine," tell Miss, I will visit her tomorrow."
       -Pozi bowed his knees and said, "Thank you Madam."
       Li Madam is very satisfied. Under the management of Zhuang-Shishi-shi, The Ma House has now restored the number of rituals that the bureaucrats should have. Later, they can also deal with the Ma family.
       Xiang Wei went out early and didn't come back until after lunch. As for what to do with Wei, Yue-Yao does not ask, the following people will not ask.
       I went into the house with Wei, and looked at the big change of the room and said, "This is like a mortuary in the Miss family. Your former house looks like a neat nun." Yue-Yao in the previous room. Arranged, I don’t know if I thought it was six clean monks.
       Yue-Yao smiled. "In fact, these are things outside of the body, rich and good, simple and simple, all living the same."
       Wei Wei  Mouth, "You are a nun, you are really a nun."
       Yue-Yao leaned against the bed with a pillow and asked: "Xiang Wei, what are your plans for the future?" She was so worried in the Lian House that she needed a martial arts person to protect her. Now that she is in The Ma House, Yue-Yao has completely relaxed and no longer worried that she will be killed by money, so she wants to ask Wei. If she is going to Wei, she will not stop.
       Xiang Wei listened to the meaning of Yue-Yao. Of course, such obvious hints would be fools if they could not be heard. Xiang Wei said with a smile, "You are abandoning me, it is useless to drive me away?" Xiang Wei knows that Yue-Yao does not mean this, she is deliberately joking!
       Yue-Yao will be disliked, but she feels that she is going to be close to her. I don’t want to bury you. I was in danger before, I need you to protect me. Now in The Ma House, there will be no danger. I I am afraid that you will be bent in the back house." The backyard is not only a lot of rules, but also can not go out several times a year, very boring, this pair of Wei, it is like a bird in a cage.
       Xiang Wei smiled and shook his head and said: "You can rest assured, I will not go. I will be convenient in the future when I am going to go out, no one will stop, I will not be bored with me." Yue-Yao will definitely not be in The Ma House. If there is any problem, she can rest assured.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "When I talk to the watch, I will do it."
       After listening to Wei, I went back and asked: "You asked me what plans I have in the future. What are your plans for yourself in the future? You will not be living in the The Ma House and waiting to marry Chen's house afterwards?" I feel that Yue-Yao has some plans for the future, but I have not said it.
       Yue-Yao was frustrated and said: "What else can I do?"
       Wei Wei did not believe the words of Yue-Yao! If Yue-Yao really intends to do so, it will not be troubled with the curtain house. To know that Yue-Yao moved out not only has a bad reputation for Lian, but also has a bad reputation for her own." Miss, you should know that the move Madam  Mou Shi is not a If you are really married to Chen’s house, you can only teach each other, and you don’t want to think about anything else.” Xiang’s potential means that Yue-Yao really married Chen’s house. In the future, it is impossible to make another effort, only to be an ordinary woman.
       Yue-Yao looked at Wei. "What do you mean by this?" How she felt that Wei was testing her.
       Xiang Wei did not turn around and said: "Miss, I want to hear your true words. What are your plans for the future? I hope Miss will not hide me." If Yue-Yao really wants to marry Chen, it will not May be so indifferent to Shen Conghao, Yue-Yao is definitely a good idea.

       Chapter 222 Truth (1)   

       The yard is sorting out things, very lively, but the bedroom is quiet and surprising. Yue-Yao leaned on the bed and didn't speak for half a time.
       Xiang Wei knows that if you let Yue-Yao think so, don't you think about the Year of the Monkey? She said first: "What is Miss's scruples? Or does Miss not trust me?" She had to know the intention of Yue-Yao to plan her future.
       Yue-Yao turned to look at the small goldfish swimming in the fish tank with the small tail on the table next to it. After a while, he said: "Xiang Wei, I have some scruples. You can't stay long beside me." Time, tell you how?"Yue-Yao is not not convinced of Wei, but she feels that Wei will not stay with her for the rest of her life, saying no difference.
       To Wei, he turned to smile and said: "Unless Miss is not me, I will drive me away, otherwise I will stay with Miss for the rest of my life." Xiang Wei did not swear that she was loyal to Yue-Yao. But it shows his determination.
       Yue-Yao was surprised and asked: "What are you talking about? In case Jingjing The Marquis Estate  wants you to go back, can you not go back?" After a period of time, Yue-Yao is very sure to Wei. Not an ordinary person, it is a rare talent. Yue-Yao is very clear that it takes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to train a talent. She does not think that The Jingning Marquis Estate will give up Wei.
       Surprised to Wei, he said: "Are you not making a deal with Heir?" She listened to Bai Yi and said that Yue-Yao had made a deal with Heir and gave her to Yue-Yao. Is there a scorpion in the middle?
       Yue-Yao "Ah" said, "When did I make a deal with the world?" She just asked, Lian saw no seeing the world, and when did the transaction with Jingning Hou Heir.
       I smiled at Wei Wei. "If there is no approval from the world, I can't come to you. Since I am the son of the world, I have no reason to go back. Have you seen the things you have sent out to come back?" "Maybe, but this person is not a son."
       Yue-Yao listened to his dissatisfaction and said: "Well, how do you compare yourself to something? It is not unlucky."
       Xiang Wei mute laughed, and did not argue with Yue-Yao about this little thing, "You just know that Heir will not let me go back. If you don't worry, I will sign you with you."
       Yue-Yao just thinks that Wei is a personal talent, the world is reluctant, and there will be a deed to Wei.
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "M Miss thinks that I am a talent, but in the eyes of the world, I am just a waste material." The subordinates who can't play for the master are naturally waste materials.
       Yue-Yao coldly said: "Nonsense, that is Jingning Hou Heir has no vision." No matter what happened to Wei Wei, in the eyes of Yue-Yao, Xiang Wei is very powerful.
       Xiang Wei did not follow the topic of Yue-Yao, knowing that if she followed her, she would not know where to go. Xiang Wei said: "Now tell me your future plans."
       Yue-Yao heard that Wei Wei did not leave, she was also at ease. Is there such a powerful person around you, can you feel uneasy? Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I want to be a master painter and become a person like Master Yushan and Master Wen." She is not interested in marrying her. Her only goal now is to become a Famous painter.
       Wei Wei smiled, "What about the marriage with Chen?" This is what Wei wants to know. Xiang Wei is not saying that marrying people can't continue to paint, but Chen Madam  Mou Shi is not a good person. If you marry Chen's Yue-Yao, it is difficult to calm down.
       Yue-Yao smiled.
       Xiang Wei didn't like the look of Yue-Yao. When she asked about the key points, she used silence or laughter to deal with it. She didn't understand what she meant. "You don't tell me now, let me cooperate in the future?"
       Yue-Yao  Mouth still contains a smile. "You don't already know it? Why do you have to ask more?" It is strange that the person who is so savvy to see her so cold about Shen Conghao would not guess her.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is very boring, and it is annoying to follow such a master. "When are you going to retire? Lian’s business is not a problem, and it’s no longer possible to withdrew with Chen’s family. "Yue-Yao relinquished to Lian House. Although Wei did not agree with Yue-Yao practice, she did not insist on opposing it because she knew that Yue-Yao had a fascination with Lian. No matter how Lian House is also the home of Yue-Yao, it is her root. However, the Chen family is not the same, and there is no fragrant affair with Yue-Yao. When the time comes back, the decision can no longer be lost.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "There is no hurry to retreat. It will take three to five years. You can rest assured that it will not be like this again."
       Dissatisfied with Wei, Yue-Yao This is a negative attitude. "You are ready to wait for Chen to take the initiative to retreat? How is it?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "You can rest assured that Chen's family will not take the initiative to retreat. I have saved the life of the relocation. I will not take the initiative to retreat if I don't retreat."
       How sharp is Wei Wei, and I heard Yue-Yao dissatisfaction with Chen’s family. “Chen’s family has provoked you?”
       Yue-Yao is really incomprehensible to the arrogant gossip of Wei, "You also said that Chen's home Madam  Mou Shi is not a good match. Po, I met a snobbish mother-in-law. It is estimated that I have to report to Wangye for ten years. I have a lot of money, why should I suffer from her torture?"
       Wei Wei did not believe this set of words. She knows that Yue-Yao is a very soft-hearted person. If Chen didn't do anything to break Yue-Yao bottom line, she wouldn't hate Chen's family so much, but when you are three or five years old, After the flowering apricot period, I will not suffer at that time?"
       Yue-Yao didn't tell Wei Wei that she didn't want to marry. This is incomprehensible to many people. It is not too late to wait until then. "You feel that you are too old to marry at the age of fifteen or six. "Even if she does not have the mind of not marrying, it is just 15 or 6 years old." As far as she knows, it is best for a woman to have a baby after the age of eighteen.
       Wei Wei  Mouth, "When you want to marry, it is estimated that people who want to marry you can be discharged to the gate of the city." With the look of Yue-Yao, plus a large dowry, you can definitely find a good family. .
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head. Some people don't value this. What they value is whether this daughter-in-law can bring benefits. This benefit is not just about money, but also the background.
       I’ve seen it almost to Wei, and I want to go out. It is okay to let her stay in the house for one or two hours, but staying in the house all day long is equal to her life.
       Yue-Yao moved the back of the pillow and changed it to a posture. Then he said, "Don't worry about it. You have to tell me this time."
       There was a sigh in the heart of Wei, but there was doubt on the face. "What to say clearly."
       Yue-Yao had no intention of saying this, because if Wei Wei immediately went out and said nothing, there would be no interest. Since Wei intends to stay with her, I can't condone this habit of Wei. "You should tell me clearly about the poison. What about Concubine? The cook is again what happened?"
       Changed to Wei, "What do you mean by this?"
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "Install, you continue to install, see when you can hold it?" This thing can be seen as long as you sink your heart. Cloth Concubine is just one Concubine, where there is this ability to get poison, but also to cook. There must be a master messenger behind this, and the master messenger Yue-Yao does not think it is Mo-shi.
       Yue-Yao I didn't doubt that I was going to Wei, or she was swearing at her on the day of drizzle, saying that it is really good to talk to Wei and Bai Yi, and there are endless words. Yue-Yao This is a suspicion. It’s been a while since Wei Wei went to her side, never communicated as often as recently. Yue-Yao suspects that this matter is a joint meeting with Wei and Bai Yi.
       Wei Wei wondered: "I didn't expect it to be guessed by you. Well, I asked Bai Yi for help. The inside information in Lian's house was told by her. Otherwise, I can't make such a game. We will not come out so smoothly."
       Yue-Yao guessed that the mastermind behind the scenes was not angry with Wei. Wei Wei must have seen that she wanted to leave Lian but had no choice but to set up this game. She just pointed out that she had to tell her about what to do after Wei. "Is it easy to send people to check it, will it be found that Bai Yi will not be punished?" Bai Yi privately helped her, in case it was exposed. I must be severely punished.
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "How can Bai Yi help you privately? This is the world’s nod." The power of Bai Yi hand is given by Jingninghou. If he dares not to use the power of the master, he will Not to be executed, heavy responsibilities must not escape.
       Yue-Yao was so shocked that he had a big  Mouth. After a while, he asked: "You mean, is this thing for Jingning Hou Heir?" Yue-Yao feels incredible, Jingning Hou Heir I will agree to the white chaos.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "You don't believe it?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head quickly, "No." Such a small incident unexpectedly alerted Jingning Hou Heir, how to think about how weird-Yao.
       Yue-Yao asked questioningly: "How can Jingning Hou Heir agree with you to do this?" Jingning Hou Heir is a person who does big things. Naturally, it is impossible to help her in the Ming-zhu.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is stupid, and few people can get into the eyes of the world. "You will teach Ming-zhu so well, and the world will bear your feelings. So Bai Yi talks about this with the world, Heir I promised." As long as the world's approval is fulfilled, Bai Yi is convenient and has no trouble.
       Yue-Yao said to himself: "How do I feel that killing chickens has used a knife."
       Laughing to Weihaha, "Heir just promised to let Baiyi help, and it wasn’t the world’s son to handle this matter personally. I just let Baiyi help to check the details of some people in Lian, and then based on the situation of these people. Plan." If Heir personally handles this matter, then it is really killing the chicken with a slaughter knife.
       Yue-Yao This is reassuring that she does not want to owe such a big favor to The Jingning Marquis Estate . However, Yue-Yao has a gratitude to Jingning Hou Heir.

       Chapter 223 Truth (2)   

       Xu-Yu called outside: "Miss, we moved in." In the morning, Yue-Yao books were sorted out, and now I am moving in clothes and jewelry.
       Yue-Yao This time, all the clothes that I can wear are brought, and there are not many clothes, because she is now physically long, and last year's clothes could not be worn this year. However, all the jewellery was brought over, and four cages were placed, which were brought with them.
       Xiang Wei said: "Mobil in:" Xiang Wei saw the rain and the box that Xiao-juan moved, and it was a little hard to go and help to carry it together.
       Yue-Yao didn't finish things, let Xu-Yu retreat: "Let's leave, wait until you let go."
       Xu-Yu led a few roughs Pozi went down.
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao appearance and smiled: "Miss is not angry, I am good at making opinions?" Xiang Wei did not want to tell Yue-Yao, but she felt that Yue-Yao was too soft, afraid of Yue Yao does not agree.
       Yue-Yao did not pursue it, but it was a bit strange: "Wo concubine and the cook are willing to do things for you?"
       Xiang Wei did not hide, she said everything she knew. Cloth concubine did this to pull Mo-shi down because she wanted to avenge her dead child. As for the cook, it was simple, and the cook was for her grandson. The cook's grandson was in the hands of Concubine and had to listen to her. Cloth concubine told the cook that the poisons were mild and not fatal.
       Yue-Yao feels that the cook is acting extreme: "The cook is not a son and grandson for the grandson?" Yue-Yao felt that the cook was cruel.
       Seeing Wei to Yue-Yao did not say that she was acting violently and slightly lowered her heart. She doesn't feel that she is doing anything hot, but Yue-Yao is too soft, and her temper is too good. She is afraid that Yue-Yao does not agree. Xiang Wei said: "Zhao-Shi step-child and his daughter-in-law are very self-sufficient. They are always worried that Zhao-shi has saved private money to help his biological daughter. So I always try to move to Zhao-shi Money. Zhao-Shi is not stupid, knowing that such stepchildren can't rely on it, and where they are willing to give money to them, they will often give it a bit."
       Xiang Wei thought that Yue-Yao would be very surprised, but did not expect Yue-Yao just shaking his head, and then asked: "Zhao-Shi daughter is difficult to produce is the two men's handwriting?"
       Xiang Wei nodded: "It doesn't matter if they are separated from them. They think that Zhao-Shi has a personal daughter, and will definitely be with them. It is just a matter of counter-intention, Zhao-shi daughter is difficult to die, but But leaving a posthu Mou child, this child is also very long under the care of Zhao-Shi. The couple watched Zhao the money of the family subsidized a child, where willing, so Another  Mourning was to steal the child and extort Zhao-shi.
       Yue-Yao was very surprised: "I haven't found anything unusual about the cook?"
       Xiang Wei is speechless: "Isn't the cook a few days to take a three-day holiday? You-Noble Lady is busy, where will remember this little thing, but I was found to be inappropriate, sent someone to check it. Only then did I know that Zhao-Shi step-child took the child to extort Zhao-shi. I will count the plan, save the child, and then hand it to the cloth concubine. I knew that my daughter was in the hands of the stepchild and the stepmother."
       Yue-Yao asked directly: "What about the child? Is the child okay?" The child inside is innocent.
       Xiang Wei nodded: "You can rest assured that the child has been sent back to him, the man is a loyal and honest, the ‘Madam’ of the shackles is Zhao self-picked, but also a good heart, since marrying the past It is also very good for that child."
       Yue-Yao said: "That's good."
       Wei Wei was surprised, how did Yue-Yao not blame her for holding Lian innocent.
       Yue-Yao seems to understand the words of Xiang Wei, and he looks helplessly: "You are meticulously planning for me. If I say that you are hot, it doesn't make me look hypocritical. Because of the fruit, these are their own. The choice, when I am sick, copy them for the students." If she blames Wei Wei, the real thing is to get cheap and sell it.
       Yue-Yao does not blame Wei Wei, because he is very clear that only this way can get away from Lian-jia, even if Wei does not do this, she must also think. No matter what method he wants when he arrives, he will definitely lead Lian to others. Yue-Yao doesn't think her method will be better than Wei.
       Xiang Wei smiled, she thought that Yue-Yao would blame her heart, and the lightest would say that she was Lian innocent, but did not expect Yue-Yao to be so transparent, with such a master, will not be wronged.
       Yue-Yao also showed a faint smile. "Don't laugh so happy, I have to tell me in advance, and I will never make my own claim."
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Reassure, there will be no next time." After this deep talk, the relationship between the two has gone one step further.
       After finishing the conversation, I went out to help out the things, and Yue-Yao leaned on the pillow to read the book. Yue-Yao bed moved to a position, just by the window, with plenty of light.
       Yue-Yao is reading a book, and there is a rush of footsteps outside. No one is still wanted, and people walk in. Ting Zhengjian generally rushed to Yue-Yao, watching Yue-Yao lying in bed, and hurriedly asked: "What happened to your sister? They said that you are sick, what illness did your sister have? Is it not necessary?"
       Yue-Yao put down the book in his hand and said to the court: "Don't worry, let's talk about the robe first." Yue-Yao felt a cold feeling.
       After the court said the robe, it revealed the golden robes of the crab inside. Yue-Yao did not do such a robe, it was prepared by Li Jia to the court.
       Ting was sitting on the edge of the bed and asked quickly: "What happened to my sister?"
       Yue-Yao did not sing the court, told the court about the incident, and the court was clutching Yue-Yao hand, as if he was afraid of a sister to fly.
       Yue-Yao took a shot with his right hand and said: "Nothing, the doctor said that the sister did not say poisoning. It is good to take the medicine and discharge the poison. It has already been raised."
       Ting was biting his teeth and asked: "Sister, who is the murderer? Why is she hurting her sister?"
       Yue-Yao said: "The murderer is dead." Yue-Yao does not want to tell Ting Zheng that the murderer behind the scenes is Mo-shi, she just wants the court to know about this, letting the court know that the world is sinister, not pure white. a piece of paper.
       Where is the court, I am so mixed, "Why does she want to hurt her sister? Why is her sister so good, why should she harm her sister?" Her sister is the best and best person in the world, these people want to harm her sister.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "My sister doesn't know, Ting Zheng, after picking up my sister, I won't go back to Lian House. I will return to The Ma House when you are on holiday, and don't go back to Lian."
       Ting is deeply hated for his incompetence. If he is too young, he will definitely be able to show his sister. Ting Zheng accompanied Yue-Yao and said after a short half-day speech, "Sister, I have to go back to Li Bobo house."
       Yue-Yao was very surprised. "It is not too late to go back tomorrow morning."
       Ting is shaking his head. "No, my sister, I am going back now." He can't help but stay, and only let himself learn the skills, and then he can protect his sister.
       Yue-Yao did not reluctantly stay in the court, saying: "Since you insist on going back, your sister will not stop. You are too tired to study, and you must work and rest."
       Ting Zheng nodded: "Know it."
       Yue-Yao waited for the court to sigh and said: "I don't know if I am doing this right?" She has a lifelong lesson, so I don't want the court to remain in the dark, let him be an early I know the dark side of life, but in my heart, Yue-Yao really doesn't want Ting Zheng to touch these things so early.
       I came to Wei to come to hear this sentence and said: "You are right to do this. If your parents are still there, you can naturally be carefree. But now you have to rely on yourself, so ignorant and harmful to him. Miss, you are doing very well."
       Before dinner, Lu Hao came to visit Yue-Yao. The two people are arrogant, but now Yue-Yao is ill, and the side Mama and Servant are both persuading that Lu Hao does not want to go.
       Yue-Yao lay in bed and looked at the more wealthy Lu Hao. Although Lu Wei looks like a general, according to the age of fourteen is the best time, the whole person is tender and tender, and this yellow goose dress is also slim.
       Yue-Yao called: "Cousin." The last time he quarreled with Lu Hao, he was not right, but she didn't want to save anything. She can't get along with Lu Yi temper, not far from being close.
       Lu Yan saw Yue-Yao attitude and softness, and she was not as impatient as she had imagined. Then she thought that Yue-Yao had already released the courageous Servant, and Lu Yan no longer stretched a face. Said: "I listen Mama said that you are sick, and you should pay attention to your body on most days."
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded: "Well, I will pay attention later."
       Lu Yan said: "Cousin, I asked Education Mama and two gentlemen. I will come over in two days. When you are sick, you can join us." Lu Hao actually does not want Yue Yao came over to study with her. Ma Linlin's level is worse than her, she is very confident in front of Ma Linlin. But where does Yue-Yao come from, where is her foothold? At that time, all the limelights were robbed of Yue-Yao, and they both became a stepping foot. It’s just that she doesn’t want to leave Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have already followed in Lian House Mama has been studying with Master for two years, no need to go to school." I don't know what Master and Master Mama are. Yue-Yao I am sure there is no Wang Mama is so good with the two gentlemen.
       The two are really not all the way, there is no common topic, after talking about this matter, the two eyes are right. Lu Hao didn't want to stay anymore. After seeing the number of rituals, it was only a matter of growing up, "Cousin, take a rest."
       Yue-Yao let Xu-Yu send Lu Hao out.
       When Lu Hao left the bedroom, his eyes couldn’t help but look at the several cages placed next to his eyes. When he waited for the yard, he happened to see a fine red phoenix wearing a peony square scorpion, and a small small hang on the raft. lock.
       Finely bend your knees: "Ying Miss is good."
       Lu Ying smiled and said, with Pozi left Haishuyuan.
       Yue-Yao is Fuxing's wind and it quickly hit the edge of Cheng-shi ear. Originally, Cheng-shi was very happy because he was about to hold his grandson. Now I heard the news and slammed the cup on my hand.
       Cheng-shi roared: "Then a broomstick, whoever is wrong, who is talking nonsense?" I don't know what the -Yatou gave Master took what medicine, even let Master is better at this broom star than her Lin.
       Cheng-shi angered: Who dares to talk nonsense, twenty boards. "Cheng-shi wants to stop this rumor. Unfortunately, The Ma House is a steward of Zhuang Ruolan, and Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng have expressed their attitude. Cheng-shi is no longer angry.
       Ma Linlin knew that the news cursed a few words. It was Lu Hao, and the scorpion in his hand was crumpled. If she can get the love of her cousin with her cousin, how can she still have a marriage? But now she is fourteen years old, and the family has not yet settled.
       Yue-Yao heard this rumor just smiled, the broom star or the lucky star, the days are she is there, why bother to see others.
       Yue-Yao is the news of Fuxing and it is quickly passed outside. The people outside are amazed. In Lian's house, Lian 3rd Miss is the disaster star. When he arrives at Lian 3rd Miss, he becomes a lucky star.
       Jingning Hou Heir Madam Ping-Shi heard this rumor and laughed: "It may be Yue-Yao, the child of Wangma, not Lian-jia."
       Ping-Shi side of the -maid is half-nooded and laughs. “I have never heard of a family that is not prosperous.” This is clearly a ghost behind someone.
       Another servant is that the rumors are correct. Even if it is not a lucky star, it is definitely not a disaster star. "I think the rumors are not imaginary."
       Semi-Jade feels that Pan-Shan is in a hurry to go to the Courtyard. "This is just a coincidence."
       Banshan doesn't think it's a coincidence. "One is coincidence, the two are coincidences, and it's too clever, and the news is spread out from the Ma family. It tells a lot of questions. If it wasn't for Ma family, how could it be? The rumor came out. And if Yue-Yao Miss didn't bring a good thing to the Ma family, how could the Ma family be so good to her? Don't you feel too good?" There is no good for no reason in the world. In addition to parents, other people will be good at you. Banshan thought that because of Yue-Yao, Ming-zhu became so good. She felt that Yue-Yao definitely helped a lot of horses, but she didn't know it for outsiders.
       Semi-Jade thinks it makes sense.
       Banshan went on to say: "The change of 3rd Miss is obvious to all. 3rd Miss is a arrogant person, but it was easily tamed by Lian Miss. Now, let's not say that we are Miss." Ming-zhu also participated after years ago. A lot of banquets, many people have explained that Zhu grew up to be sensible, and did not mention the 'temperament' of the Ming-zhu before. Already several people have revealed that they want to get married, they have been blocked by Ping-shi. There is the Empress Dowager  in the marriage of Ming-zhu, and there is a son of the world. Without their approval, she will definitely not open it.
       Outsiders don't know that their informed people know very well why Ming-zhu has such a big change, all thanks to Yue-Yao.
       Semi-Jade thought about it: "The rumored Master Xuan Tian said that 3rd Miss is a blessed person. Do you think this is true?"
       Ban Shan nodded: "I think it is true. Lian-jia does not mention, but Yue-Yao Miss has never had a bad thing at the Ma family. Instead, the Ma 1st Young Master is rising." Thinking of this, Banshan suddenly said: "I heard that 3rd Miss will paint very much. Do you say that the clothes in the Cloth Square are painted by 3rd Miss?" The clothes made by Cloth Square are now very popular, in the capital of Capital City. The circle of ladies also has a reputation. It’s just that everyone is guessing who designed these novelty clothes, and there are different opinions. Unfortunately, the Ma Ma-Young Madam is very mysterious and never says.
       The semi-jade snorted, "I really have this possibility. I have seen the styles of the paintings, the paintings are so beautiful, there is no deep foundation to paint such beautiful clothes. Master, do you think that people behind this scene will be Yue? Yao Miss?"
       Ping-Shi Said: "It’s all over the place." It’s really possible to say this.
       The semi-jade knows that Ping-shi is in a bad mood and said: "The master, if you want to go to the The Ma House, you will be distracted." Today Old Madam and Madam Things, the mood of the master is very bad.
       Ping-Shi said the next head: "Well, go to the next post and go tomorrow." Ping-Shi has recently had some anxiety. She married Luo-home for four years, and she never had a long time after giving birth to her eldest daughter. Jingning Marchioness has been attacking side-by-side since last year, and now she is directly asked to give her Concubine.
       Ping-shi is very bitter. If she is in poor health or Tai-yi says she can't live, she is also dead, but her body is clear, Tai-yi also said that her body is fine, but she is pregnant. Not on. Her mother always wanted to hold her grandson, but she was not willing. If it is now Concubine gave birth to a son, when she was born to have a son, her son is not the eldest son.
       Ping-shi can only be glad that her husband has been standing by her side, and her husband has always insisted on having a scorpion to make Concubine. It’s hard to stop for a while. Out of the first month, my mother-in-law began to toss again. It’s better now, no longer saying that the drug is stopped, and it’s straightforward to say to the world’s 2nd House.
       Ping-Shi has flashed resentment. Her mother-in-law said that she stopped. Concubine medicine was just not reconciled, but now her mother-in-law said that she would give the child a 2nd House and completely cool her heart. She asked herself that her mother-in-law was already 12 points of filial piety, but now she has to get a 2nd House to separate her. This 2nd House is not the same as Concubine. If the son of the 2nd House is born, then he will have a son.
       Ping-Shi is a bit of a distraction, and hears a steady and powerful footstep. Ping-Shi converges bitterly, and the smile is full of people who come in and say: "Come back."
       Luo Yan smiled and nodded his head. He was given a jacket by Ping-Shi and changed his uniform. Although there are also four in the backyard, the relationship between the two husbands is still very good, and because of the respect of Luo Yi, Ping-Shi has no birth, but his status is very strong.
       The couple are talking, outside Pozi reports: "Noble Heir, Madam, 3rd Miss and Zhao Miss come over." Pozi said that Zhao Miss is also a relative of Bai family. The full name is Zhao Yuner, a distant relative of the Bai family. This Zhao Yuner is a demon-like demon, and his  Mouth is sweet, and he will come. As soon as I arrived at The Jingning Marquis Estate , I got the love of Bai-Shi, and stayed with me, saying that there was a missing person. In fact, Ping-shi is very clear about her mother-in-law's plan. This Zhao Yuner must be the 2nd House prepared by her mother-in-law for the world.
       Luo Ming-zhu cried with a smile: "Brother, 'sister-in-law'."
       Zhao Yuner looked at the round-necked robe wearing an ink color, and the arrogant Luo Yu, the face was full of red clouds: "Noble Heir is well." The Marquis Estate  is rich, Noble Heir is handsome and handsome, it is simply an ideal candidate. Therefore, Zhao Yuner is more and more convinced of his heart, he wants to stay, she must marry Noble Heir.
       Zhao Yuner officially has a good time in Huarong Yan Dingsheng in the 28th year. His skin is full and his eyebrows are full of eyes. A pair of black crystal-like big eyes are pleated and gleaming.
       Ping-Shi face is dark, it's really a shame, and she even seduce her husband in her own Courtyard. Does this still put her in her eyes? This is also the cultivation of Ping-shi, and the woman who is replaced by the general is afraid of being on the spot, and may want to break Zhao Yuner on the spot.
       Luo Wei saw his ‘Madam’ smile and smile. The mother did not know what he wanted. He just didn't want to, but even if he didn't want to, even if Zhao Yuner was beautiful, the most important thing in Luo Xin's heart was to marry his ‘Madam’ and sister. "The cousin is more polite. If there is no Things, cousin will go back first!"
       Ping-Shi listened to her husband's words and also ironed the post, no matter how the mother-in-law how to toss her husband or to her, was not taken away by this woman.
       Zhao Yuner listened to this, trembled and looked up at Luo Wei. The shy and charming look looked like a naughty cat disturbed, and his heart was itchy. If the man who is not determined is sure to Fall into the gentle township.
       Luo Wei looked at Zhao Yuner's look a little funny, he is not a woman who has never seen a girl. He saw more of this appearance, and the red cards of the brothels were not made into a pleasing appearance, so that the guests were willing to go out and smash the money. If he is outside, he doesn't mind the wind, but in the house, Luo Wei is unconventional. Concubine in his backyard is arranged by Ping-Shi. Other rings are so good that he will not take a look. There is no rules in the mansion, and the backyard will be chaotic. If you accidentally catch fire in the backyard, it is a big disaster.
       Luo Wei is a family member and has received the most demanding education. It doesn't matter if the man is outside, but the tail is clean and there is no illegitimate child. In the house, everything is focused on the main room, dare to sweep the flat Concubine is not without, but they are all sent out.
       Ping-Shi eyes flashed in the dark, but quickly dissipated. This Zhao Yuner decided not to stay, even if she really wants to stay, she can only let her be a servant. I want to be the 2nd House, the next life.
       Zhao Yuner saw Noble Heir just laughing, and did not open her to her, said softly and weakly: "I will wait for my cousin to go back together." She still wants to see Noble Heir's eyes, where is she willing to go back now, next time I don't know when I will see Noble Heir again.
       Luo Wei didn't pay any attention to Zhao Yuner, but he turned his head and smiled and asked Ming-zhu: "So late, what are you coming over?"
       Luo Ming-zhu is deliberately looking for Luo, she has something to ask for," Brother, I heard Yue-Yao, she is sick, brother, I want to see her tomorrow." Niang refused to let her go to see Yue Yao, but as long as my brother is slouching, 'sister-in-law' will definitely take her.
       Luo Wei heard this very strange, asked Ping-shi: "What is the child sick?" In the eyes of Luo Wei, Yue-Yao is a child.
       On the same day, Luo Wei promised to let Bai Yi help Yue-Yao to check the details of a few people. He thought that just a small matter would nod and agree, but he did not ask anything. These are small things, and he can't go to God.
       Ping-Shi glanced down at Zhao Yuner, who looked down at her husband with a low head. She could not poke Zhao Yuner’s eyes, but she could not reveal half of the face.” Yes, I heard that this child was born. I have a disease, and I don’t know how to move this disease to The Ma House.” Ping-Shi feels that Lian-jia feng shui may not be good, otherwise how can this child be so restless in Lian’s house? ! How many things have happened in the past two years.
       When Luo Hao heard it, he felt that there was an inside story. It was just that other people affairs did not take care of him.” Then you go with the pearl and go to the warehouse to pick some good herbs and send them.
       Ming-zhu was very surprised. She said several times these days that she would go to see Yue-Yao, but my brother did not agree. The pearl is very depressed. Her mother refuses to go. It is not a good thing to worry about Yue-Yao. I don’t understand why my brother didn’t agree. So this time Luo Wei promised so refreshing, Ming-zhu is very excited, "Okay, then I will go tomorrow."
       What Ming-zhu does not know is that Luo Wei does not let her go to visit Yue-Yao because he does not like Lian-jia. He does not want Mei Mei to have a relationship with Lian-jia.
       On the way back, Lu Hao met Ma Peng and Zhuang Ruolan. Ma Peng had just fallen, returning to the mansion and went to Haishuyuan with Zhuang Ruolan to visit Yue-Yao.
       Although Ma Peng did not dare to resist her embarrassment, but his heart was filled with a stomach anger, Lian-jia became more and more stunned, and the book was the home of Xiangmen, Lian was not as good as the settled.
       Lu Hao bowed his knees: "The big cousin is good."
       Ma Peng snorted and did not stop to move forward. Zhuang Ruolan was laughing at the back, both cousins, but her husband’s attitude was one by one.
       Ma Peng entered the bedroom and said to Yue-Yao: "Cousin, you will live at home with peace of mind, and there is nothing to say to you, 'sister-in-law', if you have something, you can tell me directly. Ten thousand can't follow the Lian house, and you won't say anything wrong. If there is any servant who dares to offend you, say to your 'sister-in-law', hit the top 20 sticks and then go out."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "Big brother is relieved, I must say something, I will not grieve myself." She is sure to find Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng, because these two are her strongest backers.
       When Ma Peng heard Yue-Yao say this big brother, it didn't react much, but Zhuang Ruolan's Cai-Yun looked at Yue-Yao. Although my cousin and my eldest brother are both Brother, the meaning here is completely different. Yao Miss, it is really not to be underestimated.
       Zhuang Ruolan said next to him: "Yue-Yao, you will be medically treated for the time being. The kitchen has just been built and it will take a few days to use it." Yue-Yao has a small kitchen in Lian House and cannot go to The Ma House. The kitchen was removed. The small kitchen in the Haitang courtyard was useless, and it is now rebuilt.
       Yue-Yao Lian Lian shook his head and said, "No, I don't need a small kitchen." Yue-Yao This sentence is true. In Lian, she wants a small kitchen, which is too far from convenient. In addition, she also wants to use more supplements to lay a good foundation for herself. In The Ma House, the cost of eating and wearing is absolutely not short.
       Ma Peng felt so good, nodded and said: "Your 'sister-in-law' is well thought out and has a small kitchen. When you want to eat, you can buy it. You are growing up and eating. I can't treat myself badly." After saying this, I saw Yue-Yao body thin and said: "This is too thin, so I have to make up for it. Just two days ago I got the antler, I will send it to you later, wait. When you are in good health, you can eat it." Ma Peng still knows that when he is sick, he can't make up for it.
       Ma Peng is now the pillar of Lian's house. What he said is equal to Ma Chengteng's words. Since he spoke, this matter must be fixed.
       Zhuang Ruolan grinned at the side listening to Ma Pengyi Lian string. He listened and said that he should make up for it. He took the words: "I have already sent a little blood swallows and red dragonfly. This time things are lost. The body, if you are ready, you must make up your money and make up the loss of the original gas."
       Yue-Yao also responded very cheerfully: "Okay." Yue-Yao did not say that she was responsible for this kind of foreign Yuyan, because she knew that it would definitely be a slap.
       Ma Peng and Yue-Yao are too different in age, and there is no common topic. After a few words, Zou Ruolan stayed and talked to Yue-Yao, "Yue-Yao, Li Ma Dam explained that I have come to visit you, I have already promised."
       Yue-Yao said: "Good." If there is no Li Madam's care, the court is not able to live so well in Li, and is grateful to Li Madam, Yue-Yao.
       Ma Chengteng came back very late. The first thing to come back is to visit Yue-Yao in the past. Seeing the layout of the house, Ma Chengteng is still very satisfied. After a few words of Yue-Yao, Ma Chengteng also stayed too much and went back to the front yard.
       After the Tang-shi knew that Ma Yue went to visit Yue-Yao, Ma Yue listened to it and refused. "I lived in our house, but I didn't go to their house. Besides, I am more than her." Long, if she had come to visit me first." Ma Yue, like Ma Linlin, listened to Cheng-shi and thought that Yue-Yao is a broomstick. If it is not Yue-Yao, their mother and son will not fall. This point, he will not be suppressed by Ma Peng, Lian gas can not breathe. If he can be the master, where will let Yue Yao come to live, but unfortunately he can't do the Lord.
       Tang-Shi gas knot, is this what people say? If it is normal, Yue-Yao comes over and asks them to be safe, but now Yue-Yao is sick in bed and should be a superficial work. Everyone knows that the father-in-law is hurting this cousin, or else it will not force Lian-jia to let people come to live in the house, nor will he tell people to re-arrange Haiyi Court. This is to let the father-in-law know about her husband’s behavior and must be angry again.
       Tang-Shi endured the anger of his heart and stopped talking about this topic. Tang-Shi knows that going on will annoy Ma Yue, and some things are urgent, and it is necessary to follow the gradual progress.
       After waiting for the ‘Ma’ to go out, Tang-Shi sat on the bed and thought about things. In March, the exam will be opened again. If the husband can't take the test again, he should ask the father-in-law to donate a fame to his husband.
       When the court was returning to Li Fu, Li Han found out that he was not right. Li Han repeatedly asked, and the court finally said what he knew. Li Han was furious. "There are still such vicious people."
       Li Han knew that Li Madam and Li Guozhen naturally knew it very quickly. Li Madam sighed slightly, "Cough, this child is really difficult." She is not Tingzheng, naturally knows the tricks inside, this behind the scenes is definitely Mo-shi.
       Li Guozhen only said two words, "shameless." It is really shameless to make such a poisonous hand for a little money.
       Li Madam sees her husband angry, and calmly appeased: "Yue-Yao is now away from Lian House, and staying in The Ma House, it is considered to be away from the wolf's nest. Back, I can often visit this child in the future."
       Li Guozhen nodded slightly, "Ma brother is also very painful Yue-Yao, this child will not be commissioned again in The Ma House. If the son of Ming Ming knows that a pair of children are treated like this, Jiuquan can not look at it." I lost my mother and met such an unscrupulous aunt and aunt, and the two children were too bad luck.
       Li Madam thinks that the two children are not bad, at least the Ma family is lining up with their family, and the two children have not suffered much. Well, exactly, the court is not eating anything.
       Li Guozhen also knows that he can't get involved in this matter, and his anger is also white and angry: "Yue-Yao lives in The Ma House, we can also follow the Buddha one or two. This child has suffered such a big crime, you go to the warehouse to pick more herbs. Send it with the tonic."
       Li Madam is not a stingy one. He smiled and said: "All told me."
       On the second day, Li Madam went to The Ma House after breakfast. He went to Haishuyuan to see Yue-Yao, and he looked pity. "We know everything about you, it is difficult for you." Lian has no life, but behind the scenes is fierce, but what is wronged.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "Auntie, I am not wronged, now I am very good at The Ma House,"
       Li Madam touches the face of Yue-Yao, if this is a bitter heart! Li Madam doesn't understand. Mo-shi is also the daughter of the bureaucrats. She also has children and daughters. How can she not face her face for a little money?
       Li Madam said to Yue-Yao for a long time, and after she left, Xu-Yu said: "Miss, Li Madam sent a bunch of medicinal supplements." It is.
       Yue-Yao didn't talk anymore. Their sisters owe too much to the Li family. She didn't know whether she could return this kindness in this life.
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "It is not a good thing to think too much. If Li Jiaru wants you to return this person, you will not be so good to your Brother and sisters. You feel that your kindness is borne in mind, and there is always a chance to return. Xiang Wei also had to sigh, Li Guozhen is really a kind person, it is also very valuable for the children of the old friends to do this.
       Yue-Yao clicked and said: "Yeah."
       At lunch time, Cai-yun came over. Cai-yun is reporting good news to Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao heard Zhuang Ruolan's pregnancy and was not happy but was very worried. He said: "'sister-in-law' These days are working for me, will it affect the children?" It affects her but she has to guilty for a lifetime.
       Cai-yun smiled: "The doctor said nothing, the child is good. But I have to take a rest in the future." The impact is definitely there, but it does not hinder.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat guilty, "all because of me, 'sister-in-law' will be tired."
       Cai-yun smiled and said: "-Young Madam is worried about Miss, so I sent out to tell Miss. Deliberately, the doctor said nothing, just-Young Madam has to deal with the affairs of the house every day. Too busy, so Zhang Lao suggested Young Madam rest a lot.
       Cai-yun is talking, and then walked into a person and said that Tang-shi is pregnant. Both are pregnant for more than a month.
       Yue-Yao is weird, how to get pregnant and get together!
       Deng Mama listened to this with a smile on his face: "Miss came over, 1st Young Madam and II-Young Madam are pregnant. We are so blessed with Miss, see who said our Miss's character It’s not good.” Miss brought a joy when he arrived at The Ma House, which proved that Miss hit a blessing.
       Yue-Yao chuckles, just a coincidence, wherever it comes to the blessing.
       Zhuang Ruolan heard Deng Mama saying that Yue-Yao is blessed, but he agrees with this concept. Although she didn't know the specifics, she once did not intend to hear her husband say that he could benefit from Yue-Yao and his aunt today. She didn't ask the bottom, but she knew that there was no inside story. Then Yue-Yao brought her fortune again, saying that it is not difficult to be a lucky star. "Yue-Yao is indeed our lucky star." No more.
       Zhuang Ruolan and Cai-yun Cai-yun have long cultivated a tacit understanding. Cai-yun knows the meaning of Zhuang Ruolan, so secretly told the -maid-Pozi to promote this in the government.
       Soon, Ma Yun immediately spread Yu-Yao is a blessed person. This is well documented. 2nd Miss will bring the blessings together, and the two young people, Young Madam, are pregnant.
       Ma Chengteng has long felt that Yue-Yao is a lucky star of Majia. Without Yue-Yao, Ma will not have today. So after hearing this rumor, he immediately sent his most treasured four treasures of the study. This set of four treasures of the study was uploaded by Ma Jiazu, and the value is not high.
       Ma Teng then sent a set of precious paintings.
       When the family decided the wind direction of the mansion, now the family members of the family and the future family members agree with this view, the wind is naturally getting bigger and bigger.

       Chapter 226 Visiting 

       After Luo Wei and others left, they threw the people in the room and then held the hand of Ping-Shi. "You can rest assured that I will not marry the 2nd House." Someone was there, he could not say what.
       Ping-Shi eyes are a little red: "Noble Heir..."
       Luo Yan took a picture of Ping-shi backup, and Luo Hao was very serious outside, and he would relax in front of Ping-shi. Although the two are the words of the parents, but Luo Wei is very satisfied with Ping-Shi, um, there is no need to say love and love between husband and ‘Madam’. Luo Wei said softly: "You can rest assured that there will be no scorpion without the eldest son." He knew his mother's forced ‘Madam’, but he decided not to agree. This is definitely to have an eldest son to have a blind man.
       Luo Wei saw more power of merit-Noble Lady's family had no scorpion, and the scorpion was intriguing to inherit the title of the title, so he absolutely did not allow himself to face such a situation in the future. Of course, Luo Wei insisted on this because Tai-yi said that Ping-shi is very good, and now there is no chance for children. If Tai-yi says that Ping-shi is not good enough to be born, he must make another plan.
       The pressure on the flat view is still very big. Zizi is the biggest thing in a family. She hasn't had a son yet, and she has to bear too much pressure. "Noble Heir, it's all useless."
       Luo Yan smiled and said: "Tai-yi just said that the opportunity has not arrived, no collection." Luo Wei is not in a hurry, he is only 20 years old this year, not forty years old.
       Ping-Shi sighed, but my heart was bitter, and my mother-in-law forced me to retreat. What she feared most was that the father-in-law would intervene. If the father-in-law intervenes in this matter, it will be tricky at that time.
       Zhao Yuner also knows that Ping-shi does not like her, so she did not say anything. Waiting for the main room, Zhao Yuner said to the Ming-zhu: "Cousin, can I go to see Lian-jia Miss with you tomorrow? I heard that Lian-jia Miss is a Famous talented woman, I admire her."
       White is easy to face, Miss does not know what idea Zhao Yuner played, but she is clear, I want to borrow Miss, and dream. Bai Yi did not wait for the opening of the Ming-zhu to say: "Miss, Yue-Yao Miss 'temperament' son Miss should know." Zhao Yuner is not in the right position, she can make Miss have an intersection with this person. However, Bai Yi now knows that if she raises the objection, she will lose the face of Ming-zhu. Now Bai Yi uses the roundabout strategy. This time, Yue-Yao is taken out as a shield. Bai Yi believes that it will be very easy to use.
       Ming-zhu thinks of Yue-Yao 'temperament', and has no consent from Yue-Yao, and Yue-Yao is definitely not happy. Ming-zhu shook his head and said: "Wait for the next time! I have to ask Yue-Yao first. If Yue-Yao agrees, I will let you know her next time." Of course, if Yue-Yao does not agree, she will not Brought Zhao Yuner to go.
       Zhao Yuner's  Mouth is very sweet, and it will be very embarrassing. If she did not meet Yue-Yao before the Ming-zhu, she must have been beaten by her. But now Ming-zhu is not able to be easily smashed by people, and Bai Yi used a side-clicking method on the side. Although Ming-zhu does not hate Zhao Yuner, she does not like her.
       Zhao Yuner hated Bai Yi in her heart. Bai Yi always disturbed her affairs. This time she stirred up her good deeds. She had to think of a way for her aunt to take this away from her cousin. With the help of cousin, I believe her purpose will be reached soon.
       On the evening of the same day, Zhao Yuner said Bai Yi bad words in front of Bai-shi, and all the words were white and bad.
       What Zhao Yuner didn't know was that the words she said with Bai-Shi were quickly known by Ping-Shi. Ping-Shi-Wang smiled, did not expect this Zhao Yuner to go to Bai Yi on his mind, "Tell this news to Bai Yi." If it was two years ago, the little-Shi will definitely Worried. At that time, Xiao-gu was very impatient with Bai Yi. He always felt that Bai Yi was inconvenient, but now Xiao-gu is most dependent on Bai Yi. If he wants to get away from Bai Yi, he has to see Xiao Gu answer.
       Bai Yi got the news and sneered. She didn't want to pay attention to these things. She just didn't expect Zhao Yuner to be bold and dare to find herself. If you don't return a big gift to her, I am not very sorry about Zhao Yuner's thoughts.
       Ping-Shi took the Ming-zhu to The Ma House the next day and saw Zhuang Ruolan’s envious envy. At the beginning, Ping-Shi also felt that Zhuang Ruolan was stupid. Ma Peng’s family was strong and strong, and people were not embarrassed. This look was so frustrating that he could pick him up! But who can think of Ma Peng turned out to be only a good stock, but now he is envious of Zhuang Ruolan. Zhuang Ruolan loves her husband with her kindness. After her mother-in-law has equal or no, she is her own master. The days are more moist, and she knows that she is being shackled everywhere.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at the stun of Ping-Shi eyes and said with a smile: "Cai-yun, with Luo-Mix to Haishuyuan." Private room two people quietly said.
       Ping-Shi stood up and said: "I also went to see Lian-Mick, and come back to you again." In fact, Ping-shi can not visit Yue-Yao, there is enough to represent It is. Just Ping-Shi thinks of the model of those clothes style, especially want to visit Yue-Yao.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "That's together." She is well raised, this tire is very stable, and does not need to rest in bed.
       When Ping-Shi and Ming-zhu came over, Yue-Yao had already been helped by Wei.
       Ming-zhu went to Haishuyuan and looked at Yue-Yao and called: "Yue-Yao, you are so abominable, too boring. You don't even tell me if you are sick, do you still have me? When my sister is out."Yue-Yao is a good man, but the temper is old and useless. She is a sister than Yue-Yao. To this end, Ming-zhu has always been a sister.
       Yue-Yao had not been opened yet and was interrupted by Ming-zhu. However, the gunfire turned to Wei Wei: "If you take care of Yue-Yao, I will change people."
       Yue-Yao listened to this song, "Cheng, will exchange Bai Yi for me." Yue-Yao is just a joke, Bai Yi is the most effective person of Ming-zhu, it is impossible to change to her, or she would directly open her  Mouth. It is.
       After the pearl hesitated, he said: "Cheng, let Bai Yi stay to take care of you, you are really, and how big the people are making themselves sick."
       Bai Yi grinned, but Xiang Wei was yelling at Yue-Yao. Serving Yue-Yao was already stubborn. She was asked to wait for this temper-smelling Miss with a septic pit. It was really hell, and it was Her 'temperament' is also not in contact with Ming-zhu.
       Yue-Yao is not happy, smiled and said: "Just kidding you, you still take it seriously. You can rest assured that I am only a small matter, and soon it will be fine." Yue-Yao knows that although the pearl is calling, but I really care about her.
       After listening to the pearl, he said: "Is it really good? I think it is better to change Tai-yi to look at insurance. The best medicine in the palace is Xue Tai-yi. I will ask the aunt to let him come over to see you tomorrow. ""
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "No, it is also the old man who has withdrew from the Tai-yi Courtyard. The medical skills are superb."
       Ping-Shi looked at Yue-Yao and her sister-in-law was so good, and her face was smiling. Since Xiao-gu became more and more sensible after Yue-Yao, she was still helping her to talk to her mother. Ping-shi also bears the feeling of Ming-zhu, and the Ming-zhu is getting better, so Aunt is now very happy.
       Ping-Shi said two words with Yue-Yao. After putting the gift down, he went out with Zhuang Ruolan. Leave Luo Ming-zhu to speak with Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao listened to the Ming-zhu and said what she did during this time. She occasionally said two sentences. After Ming-zhu years ago, she participated in more than 20 banquets, and she was so tired that she was half dead.
       This is actually the meaning of Heir-ping-Shi. In the past, Ming-zhu temper was not good, and his reputation outside was not good. Now the Ming-zhu is getting better, of course, let everyone know.
       The face was complaining, but the eyes were shining and shining, showing that she was very happy. Ming-zhu said that it took a little while to finish what happened during her time.
       Qin Qin took a cup of tea and came to the Ming-zhu, and the Ming-zhu drank it. After drinking the tea, the Ming-zhu said Zhao Yuner. Ming-zhu said: "My cousin's paintings are also good, and she will also make poems. She said that she admires you very much and wants to come to see you with me. It's just that I don't want your promise, you can't rush to bring people, So I didn't agree." Ming-zhu used to admire talented women, especially for those talented Miss.
       Bai Yi eyes turned, Yue-Yao has always been a smart person. If it is said by Yue-Yao, it would be more suitable than her.” Yue-Yao Miss doesn’t know that Zhao Yun’s is very intelligent, and she likes Miss’s. I know it well, and we like it."
       Luo Ming-zhu did not understand the meaning of Bai Yi, ‘Laughs’ laughed, "Where I liked it, I just looked at her mother's face to deal with her, otherwise I would not bother to pay attention to her. My favorite is Yue-Yao You." Ming-zhu, the look of selling the servants, just wag the tail.
       Yue-Yao heard unusual things from Bai Yi words. "You will keep a good relationship with him as you do now. Don't make deep friends with her." Zhao Yuner knows the Ming-zhu preferences. This is not a good thing. Her relationship with Ming-zhu is so good, and she does not know all the preferences of Ming-zhu. Yue-Yao Intuition This Zhao Yuner is a deliberate person. Such people will use the Ming-zhu sooner or later, and the intrigue of the big family is all-powerful.
       Ming-zhu smiled and said: "You don't be affected by Bai Yi, Bai Yi does not like Zhao Yuner." Ming-zhu was arrogant and self-willed, except Yue-Yao has no other friends. But now it is the same, Ming-zhu has many friends, although it is impossible to achieve as good as Yue-Yao, but it is often played together. These are all virtuous cycles, and there are more friends. The pearl 'temperament' is also more lively and cheerful, so she is only a general friend to Zhao Yuner.
       Bai Yi snorted. "I don't like her. I grow up with demon and sorrow, and I will swear. In a few days, Madam will treat her as her own daughter. I am a man of this kind." Miss is a hundred thousand miles away from her, and it will be affected if Miss has been in contact with her for a long time." Bai Yi knows Yue-Yao 'temperament', so the truth is revealed to Yue-Yao.
       The Ming-zhu is different: "How do you say that?"
       Bai Yi looked at Qinqin: "I don't know what I know." As long as the people with long eyes saw it, their family Miss was almost an idiot, so they didn't see it.

       Chapter 227 Ideas 

       Bai Yi made a color to several Servant, and the ‘zither’ and so on went out. Yu Yu-Yao looked at Xu-Yu, and Yue-Yao nodded and quit.
       Everyone else in the room went out, and Yue-Yao asked: "Is this Zhao Yuner a relative?"
       Ming-zhu shook his head.
       Yue-Yao frowned and said: "She didn't decide to live with your family. Is it because you have a person of the age who is appropriate for her? And if you don't rush to 'marriage proposal', you won't be married to a good family." Bai Yi is so disliked, it can be seen that this woman is a very thoughtful person. If she did not guess the wrong Miss, she was afraid to go to Jingning Hou Heir.
       Ming-zhu shook his head. "No, even if she has the right age, she is not qualified." Even if it is the shi-zi of The Jingning Marquis Estate , Zhao Yuner is a broken daughter who is qualified.
       The pearl is simple, but it is not without knowing.
       Yue-Yao said: "The man who is not the same age as her, she lives in your house for a long time! Don't say she filial to your mother, this should be spread out and think that you are not filial with your brother, let an outsider Come to filial piety: "This woman is clearly using the simplicity of the Ming-zhu.
       Ming-zhu shook his head and said: "It is my mother who likes her to let her stay, and I can't say anything."
       Yue-Yao can't say that Jingning Marchioness's bad words, "Do you want to give her a 'marriage proposal'? But your mother is not out of The Jingning Marquis Estate how to give her 'marriage proposal'? Ming-zhu, Do you have 'sister-in-law' for her 'marriage proposal'?" Jingning Marchioness Lian bed can't get up to Zhao Yuner Zhang Luo, this thing must be settled in peace Shi-shi head. If Ping-shi did not give Zhao Yuner a marriage, her guess is true.
       Ming-zhu stunned Yue-Yao, "I have something to say, you are not tired with me, I have not found you so tempered before."
       Yue-Yao didn't just say it, "You think about it yourself! Everything has to let people tell you that you don't think that you will grow up forever." The Jingning Marquis Estate people will protect the pearl well. Let her become very simple, do not know the sinister outside.
       The protection of the family is good, but the excessive protection is the pearl. Yue-Yao thinks Ming-zhu is already thirteen years old and should be exposed to these things. If you don't understand these battles, you will have to suffer big losses after you marry.
       Every time Yue-Yao speaks to the voice of an elder, Ming-zhu is speechless. "You have to remember that you are two years younger than me. I am your sister, do you know?"
       Yue-Yao laughed, "Know, my sister. Then you think about it!" Although the psychological age is bigger than Ming-zhu, but now the age is quite small, and she does not argue with Ming-zhu.
       The simplicity of the pearl does not mean that she is really stupid. I just didn't think much about it before, but now I think my brows are wrinkled. This Zhao Yuner is afraid of being as good as Bai Han, and is uneasy.
       Yue-Yao knows that Ming-zhu is really putting this matter in his heart, and he is also suspicious of Zhao Yuner. She wants this effect, and she will not say more.
       Yue-Yao saw the look of Ming-zhu and said with a smile: "You just said that you have been practicing words all the time, and you have won the praise of the Marquis and the world. You write two words to show me whether there is progress. "Yue-Yao is to divert the attention of the Ming-zhu."
       Ming-zhu is very dissatisfied, muttered and said: "You look too small for me, I not only write progress, my flute is also very good! Do you want to hear?"
       Yue-Yao Dagger, this is naturally to listen.
       Qin Qin got a call and immediately sent a jade flute.
       Ming-zhu played a very happy song, Yue-Yao listened carefully, it is very good to achieve this level for more than a year. Yue-Yao and other pearls laughed and said: "Blowed very well, but if you change the jade flute into bamboo flute, it will be better."
       The flute can be made of bamboo, animal bones, jade, metal, etc., but the best notes can be blown out. It’s just that the world is a luxury, right-Noble Lady’s family is a flute made of jade flute or other precious metals.
       Ming-zhu listened to this explanation of Yue-Yao and said cheerfully: "I asked them to find some good bamboo flutes for me. When I compare them, I can see if the jade flute is good or the bamboo flute is good."
       On the other side, Zhuang Ruolan and Ping-Shi returned to the yard, Zhuang Ruolan also swung the following people, and the two also talked about private rooms in the house.
       Ping-Shi wants to take Zhuang Ruolan to take down the birth of the child, "This is how long after I have been pregnant, tell me if I have got a good recipe." Ping-shi has used a lot of It’s useless to have a recipe for a child.
       Zhuang Ruolan didn't use the secret recipe. Their husband and ‘Madam’ loved and loved, and Ma Peng never went to Concubine. It was normal to be so happy. Zhuang Ruolan shook his head and said: "Where is there any secret recipe? Don't be too anxious, how do you say Tai-yi?" You have to see if there is any problem with Ping-shi.
       Ping-Shi shook his head," Tai-yi said that my body is well-preserved. Fangzi also found a lot, but... Hey, my mother-in-law has already found a distant relative in the house, saying that Let Noble Heir be the 2nd House. Noble Heir wants to scorpion so he hasn't promised. But it would be a matter of time to go on like this."
       Zhuang Ruolan did not know what to say. When he encountered a headache from his mother-in-law, it was even more difficult to meet a near-idiot mother-in-law.
       Ping-Shi said this thing, my heart is very sour, "I used to think that you are stupid, in order to gamble, I chose Ma 1st Young Master, and now we have the best of the three of us." Shi-Shi and Zhuang Ruolan, and Cui Muyan who married into the government are Jinlan sisters.
       If Ruolan laughs, it is good to be rich and wealthy, but a husband who knows the cold and knows the heat is the most important.
       The two said a long time, Zhuang Ruolan sent a -maid and asked Ming-zhu to come to eat. Cai-Yun came over: "-Young Madam, Heir Madam, Miss Luo She said she was using lunch at Haishuyuan. Luo-Mix also said that she has a lot of words to talk to Yue-Yao Miss. I hope to go back later."
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "The two Yatou feelings are very good."
       Ming-zhu heard that Ping-shi agreed to her request and smiled. Yue-Yao smiled on one side: "Ming-zhu, you sister-in-law' hurts you."
       Ming-zhu does not deny, because Ping-shi is really good for her, "I'm sister-in-law' is really good, but my mother does not like her."
       Yue-Yao also knows that the mother-in-law has been difficult to get along with, but she still follows the words of the Ming-zhu: "Why your mother doesn't like you 'sister-in-law'. I think your 'sister-in-law' is very good, born. Famous, beautiful and capable, and sympathetic to people."
       Ming-zhu naturally knows why her mother doesn't like 'sister-in-law'," my mother didn't give me a scorpion because of my 'sister-in-law', so I asked my 'sister-in-law' Concubine stopped the drug, my 'sister-in-law' did not agree, my brother did not want to. My brother said that the eldest son is the root of chaos, my mother can not do my brother's Lord will scatter in the 'sister in-law', I have been helping 'sister-in-law' several times, my last Lian, I am also jealous."
       Yue-Yao is very surprised, "I remember that you 'sister-in-law' gave birth to a child, is it that your 'sister-in-law' is not good." If you have never been open, you have given birth to a child unless Injury, otherwise it should not be pregnant for three years.
       Ming-zhu swayed, "If I'm 'sister-in-law', my body is not good enough, my brother won't always insist, I would rather not compromise my mother's intentions. In fact, I don't understand, I'm sister-in-law 'The body is not bad, Tai-yi also said no problem, but it is not pregnant."
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "I have seen such an example in the book, similar to your 'sister-in-law' situation."
       Ming-zhu is dumbfounded. "What book are you reading? What would you say about having a child?" This is definitely not a serious book. Well, it must be a miscellaneous book.
       Yue-Yao laughed: "I don't remember what book, but it is very strange, so I remember very clearly."
       Ming-zhu has some curiosity, "What's so strange?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "The more eagerly you want the child to be, the less likely you are to be pregnant. If you are relaxed, you will be easy to conceive. You sister-in-law' is in good health but I don't think I should It's because it's too nervous and too urgent. If your 'sister-in-law' can relax, I want to be sure to be pregnant soon." This is not what Yue-Yao sees from the book, is Yue-Yao listened too much to the teacher. The teacher said that the more urgent the child is, the less likely he is to come. Relaxing is easy to conceive.
       Ming-zhu squinted, "Really? It really says so in the book."
       Yue-Yao nodded. "Well, this is really a problem. You can tell my words to your 'sister-in-law'. Believe it or not!" Jingninghou helped her a lot, she I know that I have to say it. As for Ping-Shi, I don't believe it, this is not something she can control.
       Ming-zhu bowed his head. "Well, I will tell my 'sister-in-law' when I go back."
       At this time, Ping-Shi also asked Zhuang Ruolan, "These new clothes styles are not designed by Yue-Yao. You can't paste me, I have seen those styles, and I have a deep foundation."
       Zhuang Ruolan listened and smiled, and said: "Yes, she gave the painting. But she is also playing, and my mind is not placed on it. If it is not for me, she is not willing to paint." "At this time, naturally, I can't touch Lian-jia 4th Miss. I can only push all the credit to Yue-Yao.
       Ping-Shi-eye jumped, "I didn't expect Yue-Yao to have such a talent."
       Zhuang Ruolan thought about it and said: "The clothing store opened this time is also the merit of Yue-Yao. On that day, I said that I want to invest in the shipping business. This child said that the business risk is too great, but it is not necessary to do some industry, but I did not expect it. The prospect of accidentally hitting a ready-to-wear store is great."
       Ping-shi couldn't help but ask: "Is there a dress in the clothing store?" Ping-Shi did not suspect that the dye formula has a relationship with Yue-Yao.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "Yes, like me, it is 30%."
       Ping-Shi thought of a flash of light, asked: "You will not tell me, the dye recipe is also Yue-Yao for you?" Nor is it flat-shi is too imaginable, but This dye formula is too awkward. Now Yue-Yao suddenly popped up, letting her instinctively begin to doubt.
       Zhuang Ruolan hesitated and nodded. "Well, Yue-Yao likes to paint, so she always needs to mix a lot of pigments. She thinks that the pigments she buys are not easy to use. Once she saw a pigment recipe from ancient books, According to this formula, she even brought out the paint she was satisfied with. Once she painted the paint, she accidentally dyed the paint on the white clothes she wore, only to find that the dye could not be washed on the cloth. Later She knew that I had a cloth workshop and gave me this recipe, saying that it might be useful to me. The child didn't realize the importance of this recipe at the time."
       Ping-Shi eyes have to be smashed out, "This is also done." The square that was so full of enthusiasm in the capital turned out to be Yu-Yao inadvertently discovered, too surprised to see if there is any!
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "The story of Fang Zi can only be said to be coincidence. The child's mind is not on this, but it makes me a cheaper."
       Ping-shi shook his head. If she had never seen Yue-Yao, she might still believe Zhuang Ruolan’s remarks. But she has seen Yue-Yao several times. This child is very intelligent. She can't possibly know the value of this recipe, so there is no such thing as a cheaper. The only explanation was that Yue-Yao agreed with Zhuang Ruolan and gave her to her.
       Zhuang Ruolan added a sentence: "This matter can not let others know, or else it will bring trouble to Yue-Yao." Zhuang Ruolan does not mind letting others know that the clothes style is made by Yue-Yao, but Fang Zi She does not want to disclose it.
       Ping-Shi smiled: "You can rest assured that I will not say anyone, I know you."

       Chapter 228 Healing 

       Zhuang Ruolan sent the two people out of the courtyard and went back. After they went back, they fell on the bed and didn't make a sound for a long time.
       Cai-yun said:
        "-What happened to Young Madam?"
       Zhuang Ruolan said faintly: "Nothing, just think of something." When Miss Zhuang Ruolan and Ping Yajing and Cui Muyan were Jinlan sisters, but later she and Cui Muyan fell out because of some things. Looking back now, Zhuang Ruolan is still worried.
       Cai-yun knows Zhuang Ruolan's heart disease, "-Young Madam, those things are gone, don't think about it, you still have children, where can you work."
       On the way back, Ming-zhu really told these words that Yue-Yao said to Ping-shi. Ming-zhu Said: "'sister-in-law', Yue-Yao said that she saw it from the book, she is not clear whether it is useful or not."
       Ping-Shi listened thoughtfully. She didn't know if this method was useful, but the front was right. She wanted a son very much. In the past few years, she wanted to get pregnant and had insomnia at night.
       Ming-zhu thinks that her mother is urging every day, saying: "'sister-in-law', Yue-Yao will not make such a reason. If it is possible, 'sister-in-law' may wish to give it a try."
       Ping-Shi smiled: "How to try?"
       Ming-zhu Said: "'sister-in-law', the view of the summer resort is very good, 'sister-in-law' can go there for a while."
       Ping-Shi shook his head, "A lot of things in the house? You can't walk."
       After hesitating for a moment, Ming-zhu said: "'sister-in-law', Yue-Yao words are generally very reasonable, you can try it! If you are worried about things in the house, then give me the matter." Ming-zhu has a blind confidence in Yue-Yao, and always feels that Yue-Yao is correct.
       Ping-Shi: "Let me think about it." It will take her a while to leave Hou.
       Back to The Marquis Estate , Ping-Shi and Shi Shan talked about this, and Ping-Shi was hesitant. "Do you say this method is really useful?"
       The eyes of the half are shining, "Master, I think Lian-Mut makes a lot of sense. Maybe it's really useful and not sure! Master, let's try it!" Seeing Ping-shi is hesitant, Banshan said in his heart: "The master, still have to try it! If you continue this way, Heir can't stand the pressure. If you say something ugly, if you really have the 2nd House, let the 2nd House give birth. Son, the days of the master are really sad."
       Ping-Shi-he hesitated for a long time, "Can it be useless?"
       Banshan smiled: "The master, this is not for you to use medicine, and there is no sequelae. If you don't use the master, you will be distracted. The master is busy every day, and you have not had a good rest." Too many things, Ping-Shi spends every day on the housekeeping. ”
       The more I think about it, the more I think Yue-Yao makes sense. Tai-yi said that his master is in good health, so many secret recipes have been eaten, but his master is not pregnant. It may be the cause of nervousness. "Master, don't ask Tai-yi."
       Ping-Shi still has no final decision, "You let me think." Even if you really want to distract yourself, you have to arrange the things in the house.
       Ten days later, Dr. Zhang said that Yue-Yao was healed. In the past two months, Cheng-shi and Ma Peng did not visit Yue-Yao. But the first thing that Yue-Yao leaves the yard is to go to Cheng-shi.
       Yue-Yao went out on the first day, and it was also dressed up. The upper body is dressed in a fruit-green robes with a butterfly pattern and a goose-yellow pleated skirt. The hair is interspersed with a delicate emerald beaded gold enamel, wearing beaded stone beads and ears. The pair of red gold inlaid with purple enamel, with a gemstone necklace on the neck.
       Yue-Yao previous dresses were all in accordance with her requirements, wearing very plain. Nowadays, all the clothes are Zhuang Ruolan. Zhuang Ruolan is also a kind of person who likes dazzling, but she feels that Yue-Yao dress is too weak, so the clothes that Yue-Yao has set up are more eye-catching. Zhuang Ruolan thinks that Miss's family should wear beautiful and beautiful, and now they don't wear beautiful and beautiful. If they want to wear it, they can't wear it.
       Yue-Yao also knew that Zhuang Ruolan was good for her and did not refuse. In fact, Yue-Yao is only used to plain clothes, but does not like to wear beautiful clothes.
       Cheng-shi looked at Yue-Yao dress and snorted. Taking advantage of this death Yatou looks rosy, his skin is red and white, and it looks like someone who has just recovered from serious illness. Cheng-shi looked at the dress of Yue-Yao, and the jewelry on this body was no less than two thousand. Cheng-shi blue ribs on his forehead burst out one by one.
       Yue-Yao is not really respecting Cheng-shi. She is only going to have a lot of gifts this time. Yue-Yao After seeing the knees, see Cheng-shi not calling her up, she also stood up on her own.
       Cheng-shi looked down and looked down. "Are you just in the Lian House who did not respect the elders before they went to our house?" This is something that does not respect the elders.
       Yue-Yao said with a faint look: "My mother said, she thought about me, so I took me to the house."
       When it comes to Ma Chengteng, Cheng-shi still has some scruples. When Cheng-shi came back, Ma Chengteng told her that if she dared to start, the moth immediately sent her to her hometown.
       Cheng-shi spent more than a year in his hometown and was guilty of sin. He thought that he would go to the home to fight, so since he came back, in addition to the difficulty in eating and wearing, Zhuang Ruolan did not cause trouble. Now Yue-Yao moves Ma Chengteng out, and Cheng-shi heart is no longer resentful. Yue-Yao.
       The Tang-shi yard is very close to the upper house and does not need to be bent. Yue-Yao went out of the yard and went to the place where the Tang-shi lived.
       Cheng-shi did not exone because of the Tang-shi pregnancy, she could not control Zhuang-Shi because Ma Peng is not a biological son, Zhuang-Shi is not her serious daughter-in-law, soup Shi-shi is a serious daughter-in-law. It is a pity that the Tang-shi is not muddy. Before she was low, she was going to stand firm and be tossed. Now that she is pregnant, she may lose her child if she is not careful, so Tang-Shi is groaning after she has waited for Cheng-shi to go back.
       The doctor said that the pulse was a fetal movement and needed intensive care.
       Ma Chengteng got the news and scolded Cheng-shi, and told Cheng-shi that if he was so confused, he would choose one from his hometown and his hometown.
       Cheng-shi was a little dead, but this gas has not disappeared. Ma Yue came over and quarreled with her. Cheng-shi immediately fainted. After this, Cheng-shi did not dare to let the Tang-shi come to serve her, but he took this note in his heart.
       Yue-Yao This is the first time I went to the Tang-shi yard. When she stepped into the yard, she smelled a faint primrose.
       The three-legged gold incense burner on the long case of the main hall, the smoke rising above, the fragrance smelled by Yue-Yao is emitted from the inside.
       The first thing that entered the house was the carving of the eighteen arhats of rosewood inlaid with ivory flowers reflecting the bronze mirror. The blue-and-white porcelain plum bottle and coral bonsai on the Duobao Pavilion in the house, the purple kiln porcelain bottle exuding the golden light...
       Yue-Yao was secretly scared, and the furnishings in this room did not know whether it was true or not. If all are true, not fake, it is worth more money.
       Tang-Shi saw Yue-Yao smiled: "Come on."
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "There is a disturbance."
       The tea -maid was on the -maid, and the two came back with the fruit. Yue-Yao looked at the watermelon and the cherry and strawberry in the crystal dish. “now, in early April, how come there is watermelon?" Cherry and strawberry are this season, but this watermelon should have May. Only around, there are watermelons in February, too rare.
       Tang-Shi smiled and said: "This is all planted in the shed in Zhuangzi. There are not many kinds of seeds. They are all for themselves." Tang-Shi said that she was dowry. There are some on Zhuangzi. She has specially planted some anti-seasonal vegetables on this Zhuangzi. Like last winter, the variety of vegetables on the table is very rich. This is the credit of Tang-Shi.
       Yue-Yao took a piece of watermelon and ate it. He said with a smile: "It's delicious." Yue-Yao thinks that the taste is only average, not so sweet in May and June, but this season's watermelon is still Rare things, it is good to eat.
       Compared to watermelon, Yue-Yao eats a little more strawberries and cherries.
       Yue-Yao netted her hands when she left, waiting for her to see the pots of copper and silver, and she was very surprised at the Tang-shi. This kind of decoration seems to tell others that she is rich. Although it is more expensive to wear on most days, it is not so exaggerated. Really have a rich heritage, such as Jingninghou, a hundred-year Old family, the layout is low-key luxury, rather than show off such a rich.
       Yue-Yao groaned in the heart, but the face was not half-pointed. After saying a few words, "I am going to take a trip to the big watch."
       Tang-Shi did not stop, "When you have time, look at our yard." After the Tang-shi was sent away from Yue-Yao, he told people to send strawberries with them. Cherry to Haitang Court.
       Tang-shi whispered: "The master, this Lian Miss is not a shallow eyelid, very rare." Do not say that Ying Miss came over to see the furnishings of their house The eyes are straight, and Lin Miss is also shocked. However, this Lian Miss went from the door to the door, and his face was normal, and he was not surprised by their arrangement.
       Tang-Shi puts the house so rich, not to show off the rich, but that she is in the house when Miss is the house, she is used to it. As long as she does not need to overdo it, she does not care how to arrange her own house.
       Tang-Shi smiled: "If this cousin is simple, where can the younger sister be pressed down." A cousin, actually suppressed the serious Miss in the mansion. If it is simple, it is strange.
       Suddenly nodded: "The master is right."
       Tang-Shi swayed his hand: "You don't bother to think about it. This cousin and I will maintain the same feelings at most. I just need to treat all Mei Mei equally." She has long been Seeing Yue-Yao doesn't like her and her mother-in-law, and she doesn't like her husband. In such an environment, Yue-Yao is unlikely to be close to her.
       It’s a pity.

       Chapter 229 Butler (1)   

       Yue-Yao went to the main room and saw the layout of the main room, and I was relieved. Zhuang Ruolan’s house is not as rich as Tang-shi, but these decorations are antique, and everything is quiet and luxurious. It is worth Lian city, but it is not restrained and implicit.
       Yue-Yao still likes this delicate and low-key wealth, so she is not used to being so flamboyant, not the same as her aesthetic concept.
       Yue-Yao handed the cineraria that was picked up on the road to the Cai-Yun , and the coloHong-yi were placed in the vase. Zhuang Ruolan came out and looked at Yue-Yao look and said with a smile: "What?"
       Yue-Yao never hides in front of Zhuang Ruolan. Now he said something after the matter: "Is the two watches very rich?" Yue-Yao only knows that Tang-shi is the capital rich soup The eldest daughter of the family, then listened to the dowry of the Tang-shi, and she asked more. However, this time I was shocked by the furnishings in the Tang-shi room. There is no more than three or four thousand gold in the Tang-shi room, which shows how rich the dowry of the Tang-shi.
       Zhuang Ruolan did not look at Yue-Yao and said with a smile: "The Tang family is also a rich family in the capital, and there are also two credits for you."
       Zhuang Ruolan didn't think much about it. Later, she went to the Tang-shi room and found that the Tang-shi dowry was richer than she had imagined, and her heart began to groan. Later, people carefully inquired to know that the Tang-shi net worth is so thick for a reason. First, Tang Jiaben prepared a rich dowry for Tang-Shi, and second, Tang-Shi helped the soup family to do business for so many years and accumulated a lot of money, and the third is the Gonggong help soup. The family found a sought-after business, and the father-in-law did not want the reward of the soup family. Later, the soup family gave the money to the Tang-shi. Together, Zhuang Ruolan estimates that Tang-Shi dowry should have at least 200 thousand Silver Taels.
       The Tang-shi marrying village is so rich, Zhuang Ruolan does not envy the Tang-shi, Tang-shi in addition to marrying the rich and the other is never better than her, Ma Yue life is like this, And her husband's future is great, and Zhuang Ruolan thinks that Tang-Shi married Zhuang is a good thing for their husband and ‘Madam’. After the Tang-shi dowry is rich, there will be a lot less disputes. At least after the separation, it will not be overturned for a bit of money.
       Yue-Yao sighed, I will not continue this topic, she is just strange, there is no interest in how many marshals in the Tang-shi.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled at the look of Yue-Yao, and the child never put money in his eyes. This is also estimated to be like a father-in-law. However, Yue-Yao is better than the father-in-law, and Yue-Yao will make money, and it will not cost money.
       After he came out, he would reach out and hold it when he saw Yue-Yao. I like Yue-Yao very much. Every time Yue-Yao holds her, she doesn't pull hands.
       Yue-Yao played with the donkey for a while, Zhuang Ruolan let Milkmaid hug down and said: "Education Mama is coming tomorrow, do you want to study with your cousin?" Let Yue Yao learning with Education Mama is Ma Chengteng's meaning. According to Zhuang Ruolan's opinion, Yue-Yao does not need to follow Mama has learned. If she is only a father-in-law, she still has to convey it. As for learning to learn, it is Yu-Yao.
       Yue-Yao was surprised and asked: "I remember that my cousin said that Education Mama had already asked him, how come now?"
       Zhuang Ruolan took the teacup, teased the tea with a tea pot and took a sip. He said, "This is what you mean, say you are waiting for you, let you learn together."
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head. “it’s good to me. I’m not going to learn. I’m following in Lian House Mama has been studying for two years, Mama said that my rules have been learned. Yes, it's no longer a waste of time." Her rules are not the best, but she can definitely get it.
       Zhuang Ruolan added: "In addition to Education Mama, three other gentlemen were invited. One specially taught Miss to read and write, one to teach you two cousins, and the other to teach various skills." It’s nothing more than a chess game.
       Zhuang Ruolan began to ask only Master Miss to recognize the word and the woman, and the other Master Ma Chengteng asked to add. Although Zhuang Ruolan felt that it was unnecessary, she asked her to do it naturally.
       Yue-Yao opened his  Mouth, "Reading words?" Lu Hao is 14 years old this year, Ma Linlin is also 12 years old, how can the two now read and read.
       Zhuang Ruolan said: "Well, the two learn very little things, and they are very complicated, so let them learn a little more with Master . If you don't study with Master , let me say something to the father-in-law." Zhuang Ruolan is sure Yue Yao will not promise to learn together. The level of Yue-Yao can give people a Master, and you still need to learn from Master
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao, and then thought of Ma Linlin, had to sigh, the two are really the difference between the cloud and the cloud mud!
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said, “let me tell you about it!" Let the watch say it is not good.
       Zhuang Ruolan nodded and said: "The watch knows your skills, it doesn't matter if you don't follow Education Mama and Master , but you have to follow me to learn from tomorrow." Yue-Yao is now eleven years old. Learn how to do housework.
       Yue-Yao agreed very quickly.
       It was also a coincidence that Yue-Yao received a letter from Ming-zhu on the afternoon, complaining about the cumbersomeness and tiredness of the housekeeper.
       Ping-Shi since that day, Ming-zhu said that she can help her housekeeper, she borrowed this opportunity to let Ming-zhu learn from her housekeeper. These days, Ping-Shi has always brought Ming-zhu to her side to let her see her housework. After studying for ten days, I also started to let Ming-zhu take over some small things.
       Ming-zhu is just starting to learn, but now taking over the dishes, although it is a small matter, but Ming-zhu is still a headache. She felt that she had pitted herself. If she didn't say the same thing, she would do these trivial things.
       Yue-Yao smiled and returned a letter to Ming-zhu.
       After reading the letter of Yue-Yao, Ming-zhu is happy," Bai Yi, Yue-Yao said that she also followed the Ma family-Young Madam to learn the housekeeper, and said that I would compare with me to see who will do it. How is it?"
       Bai Yi smiled and said: "Miss can not think about retreating." Ming-zhu has been complaining for a few days, saying no matter what. Bai Yi is really worried that Ming-zhu will pick up the ball halfway.
       Ming-zhu is not happy, "You know the little monk. When do I have to retreat, I only complain that it is not enough?" She never really thought about it. If it is known by Yue-Yao, it is said that she has no patience in doing things, and she is not qualitative.
       When the Ming-zhu handled the housework on this day, the corners of the  Mouth were always raised. Ping-Shi looked at the smile and asked, knowing that Yue-Yao and Ming-zhu said that the two competed, and laughed, this Yue-Yao method is really much.
       Thinking of Yue-Yao, Ping-Shi couldn't help but think of the way Yue-Yao said. Maybe, I can really give it a try. Ping-Shi thinks so, when he teaches Ming-zhu, he gets more and more heart. With Yue-Yao in the back, the Ming-zhu does not feel tired.
       Ma invited Master Education Mama and Master finally arrived. Zhuang Ruolan formulated the learning time of Ma Linlin and Lu Hao: one hour of learning characters, one hour of learning rules, one hour of learning female, followed by learning six arts and half an hour. In Zhuang Ruolan's cognition, the wording and rules are the most important, followed by the female red. Those things in the chess and calligraphy are all invisible in the embroidery pillow.
       Ma Linlin studied for a day and called Lian Tian. Lian Lian said that she would not learn any more than Lu Yi. However, Ma Linlin did not know that the Master who taught her to read the characters also went to find Zhuang Ruolan, and she said that she could not teach such a student.
       When Zhuang Ruolan listened to his husband, the look on his face was colorful. In the end, Zhuang Ruolan doubled the supply of the donkey and the Master agreed.
       Then, the Master who taught the rules came with the embroidered mother. The only one who did not come was the Master who taught the six arts.
       Zhuang Ruolan laughed so angry. "I have never seen such a good show."
       Colorful clouds and Cai-Yun are silent. If it weren't for the Master, they couldn't believe that Eldest Miss would only write his own name, and the words didn't recognize a few, that is, they followed Miss with a lot of words.
       Zhuang Ruolan touched his forehead, and Ma Linlin’s situation was worse than she thought. “Going to the front yard and asking 1st Young Master to come over, I said that I have something to look for.” After Ma Linlin’s marriage, she must definitely face the ‘Ma’ face. I lost it, and by the time I am sure Lian is tired of her daughter. She doesn't have to worry about herself and her daughter. Therefore, Zhuang Ruolan is going to rectify Ma Linlin, even if he has a conflict with Cheng-shi.
       Ma Peng hurried over and asked: "What happened? Is it uncomfortable?"
       Ma Peng heard that Ma Linlin did not know a few words. The first feeling is impossible. Although their family is not the first home of Shuxiangmen, it is impossible to raise an illiterate daughter! It is necessary to spread the face of the Ma family to be thrown away.
       Zhuang Ruolan said: "I also hope to be fake."
       Ma Peng looked ugly.
       Zhuang Ruolan said what he meant. "This is fortunately found in time. In the past two years, she must be constrained by her to learn the characters and learn the rules. Otherwise, it is hard to say anything about the family." Zhuang Ruolan said this is quite Twirling.
       Ma Peng said a little: "I didn't want you to be tired, I didn't expect you to work hard." This must be handled by Zhuang Ruolan, and he is not familiar with them.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "I mean, this thing has to let you know. I ordered, I can do it well." She is not afraid to offend Cheng-shi and Ma Linlin, she is worried that Ma Chengteng will intervene when he comes. Then nothing can be done at that time.
       Ma Peng stood up and said: "You can rest assured, I will talk to you now."
       Ma Peng said Ma Linlin's performance on the first day with Ma Chengteng. “Master Wu said that Mei Mei will only write his own name, but the words he wrote are also very general. Master Tian said Mei Mei rules and manners. A slap in the face, in the classroom, he even got up with Master Tian; embroidered mother said Mei Mei was impatient, and after a quarter of an hour, she cut the cloth."
       Ma Chengteng’s face is green.
       Ma Peng took the opportunity to say Zhuang Ruolan. “Mei Mei is already 12 years old this year, and I want to 'marriage proposal' right away. This time I have to work hard."
       Ma Chengteng nodded: "This matter will be handed over to your ‘Madam’."
       Ma Peng said Zhuang Ruolan's concerns, Ma Chengteng waved his hand and said: "If she dares not to do it, the family law will serve."

Continue ....

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