Family 210

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       Chapter 210 Revolt 

       The hustle and bustle of the sky, the snow on the ground reflects the light clouds at dusk, and the layer of spring silkworms peels off like a strip, slowly withdrawing from the bright and serious cold light.
       Yue-Yao wrote in the snow, but Xu-Yu was scared: "Miss, go back! It's too cold, you will freeze."
       Yue-Yao was unmoved, and finally dragged Yue-Yao back to Wei. In order not to let Yue-Yao lose face, Wei Wei was holding Yue-Yao back to Lanxiyuan.
       Yue-Yao knows her weaknesses. When she paints, she will become fascinated and will not think about things outside. She is also good for her, so she does not blame.
       On the first day of the first month of the first month, Bai Yi went to Lian House to send something to Yue-Yao. When I saw Mo-shi, I was very arrogant: "My family Miss asked me to give something to 3rd Miss."
       Yue-Yao took a leap when he saw Bai Yi. Bai Yi wore a feather cloak with a feather satin, and a new moon on the head. A pair of red gold silk scorpion was inserted between the hairpins. Very rich.
       Bai Yi momentum is not the same as before. It is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, but it exudes a momentum of Ling. Bai Yi-Yue-Yao is a little stunned, standing and saying hello to Yue-Yao: "Yue-Yao Miss is good, my family Miss is very memorable."
       Yue-Yao heard this and his face was full of smiles. He said: "Is Ming-zhu at home? Is there any persistence to follow Master ?"
       Bai Yi listened to Ling's momentum and removed it: "Yes, Noble Heir said that when Miss's words made him satisfied, he agreed to let her come and visit you." After saying hello, a small Servant outside held a The silky box, Bai Yi said with a smile: "This is the Empress Dowager rewarded, Miss said that you definitely like it, let me send it."
       The scorpion is filled with silk flowers, which are made of the finest brocade. There are a total of twelve flowers, each of which is beautiful. Yue-Yao liked it and smiled and said: "With your home, Miss, I like this gift."
       This gift is Bai Yi recommended Ming-zhu to send, and instead of sending gold or silver, it is not necessary to send some more distinctive.
       Xiang Wei smiled at the side: "Bai Yi, take off the cloak! So you are not too hot."
       White easily took off the cloak and exposed the clothes inside. On the piece, it was easy to wear a red-brown embroidered branch with a small flower, and the lower skirt was a pink skirt with rose pink and gold silk. Bai Yi shook his head and smiled: "It’s really uncomfortable to wear it."
       I smiled at Wei Wei  Mouth: "Miss, I talked with Bai Yi." She still has a lot of things to do with Bai Yi, these topics should not be known by Yue-Yao.
       Xu-Yu said: "Miss, these flowers are very beautiful, don't give a few Miss?" Xu-Yu is reluctant! Her family sent a lot of things to 3rd Miss, but never received their gifts. Even if you send it, it is worthless to rely on some purses.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Give it! The things that come out of these palaces are hard to come by." These flowers are the things in the palace, and the meaning will be different.
       Xu-Yu is not worthy for Yue-Yao.
       Xiang Wei and Bai Yi said nearly half an hour in the house. When Xu-Yu saw that the two had not finished talking, they said with a smile: "Miss, Bai Yi sister is very good with her sister." Only those who have good feelings can only finish the words.
       Yue-Yao Dagger: "Yes, feelings are good."
       After Bai Yi left, Yue-Yao also let Servant send the flowers out. There are two people in each month, and she has left six.
       Yue Ying got the flowers and came over to Yue-Yao, thank you, Yue-Yao looked faint, and did not want to talk more with Yue Ying, said: "Big sister, these things are also given to me by the Ming-zhu. I feel pretty, Just give it to the sisters to play, not worth anything."
       Ying surplus is a bit, these are all things in the palace, Yue-Yao is so easy to say, it is clear that I have definitely got a lot of good things from Luo 3rd Miss, and apologized: "Three Mei Mei, The last thing I did was that I didn't think about it. I was also anxious at the time. Three Mei Mei, please don't care."
       Xu-Yu swept the moon and quickly converges.
       Yue-Yao looked very calm, Lian didn't smile at all, and directly rushed to catch people. "I haven't put it in my heart for that matter. If the big sister has nothing to do, I have to practice the word."
       The moon is flushed, and I can only leave with disgust.
       Yue-Bing came to Yue-Yao with Yue-huan, and Yue-Yao was still a cold and faint expression, letting Yue-Bing ask for a boring, and the stock went back without sitting hot.
       Mo-shi knows this and asked Lu Pozi around me. "What do you mean by Luo 3rd Miss giving a scorpion?" Mo-shi felt a little tricky, she originally wanted to deal with Yue-Yao, but Now running out of a Luo Ming-zhu, Mo-shi has concerns.
       Lu Pozi didn't know that Mo-shi had already killed Yu-Yao. Now he said, "Luo-Mut is saying that she has a good relationship with 3rd Miss."
       Mo-shi face is not good, if The Jingning Marquis Estate is inserted, it is not a good thing for her.
       Out of the Yuan Zhen, Ting is going to Li Fu to continue studying, but Lian Dong Fang does not let it, but forcing the court to go to the ethnic studies.
       Ting is not willing to go, "I will not go, I want to learn from Master Zhu."
       Lian's façade is blue, and no one of his sons dares to attack him. Even if he has grown up, he will not dare to go to the dog's belly. "Did you dare to hit the elders?"
       Tingzheng has long been dissatisfied with Lian Dongfang. If the uncle is really good, his sister is going to be wronged in Lian. Ting Zheng said with a head: "I didn't hit my uncle, I just didn't want to go to the clan. The clan school is not only bad for the husband, but the students below are also fighting."
       Lian is so angry that he wants to vomit blood. "Who is this talking to you?"
       Ting Zheng naturally could not sell Yue-Yao, "I heard it."
       Where did Lian Dongfang believe in the words of Tingzheng? Three years ago, Tingzheng was still young and ignorant. In the past three years, the court was in The Li Estate , and he did not understand the affairs of Lian. The source of these words must be Yue-Yao. "Don't call 3rd Miss over." The ethnology of their family was actually killed by this-Yatou.
       Yue-Yao soon arrived, entered the yard and saw that Ting Zheng was on the ground. Yue-Yao had anger at the bottom of her eyes, but she knew that Lian Dongfang was an elder, and she would not have been good if she had a collision.
       Yue-Yao gave a concert to Lian.
       Lian Dong Fang looked at Yue-Yao and turned to such an arm-Yatou. He really hated being home, and asked: "Zheng brother said that Master Ji Xuexue is not as good as people, and he is studying in it. People are fighting and fighting, is this what you said?"
       Yue-Yao did not deny, "Da Bo, the scholar of the ethnic group is only a scholar, Master Zhu is a person, and the people of the family, the people of the house know. Far away, it is said that Tingyi is in the daily school. Fighting and fighting is not a problem, but now you can go to school without learning."
       Where does Lian Dongfang make a verbal dispute with Yue-Yao, he said: "The ethnic school is only temporary. I am looking for a Academy in the gang, and when the Academy is looking for it, I will let the court go to Academy."
       Yue-Yao is not a courtesy of them, she simply does not lie to Lian Dongfang, said: "Da Bo, Ting Zheng is still young, learning things are not solid, or let him follow Master Zhu, wait for two more In the year, he was going to the Academy to study. "Yue-Yao saw the anger of Lian Dongfang, and continued to say before Lian Dongfang did not speak:" The uncle did not know the root of the court, the court is too late, I am too late, I I want him to go back to the Academy with a solid foundation. The uncle, the court officially we are the only son of the 2nd House, and the 2nd House still has to rely on him to continue. I don't want him to take a detour." Yue-Yao is almost the same. Let's say that Lian Dongfang wants to make the detour a detour.
       Lian Dongfang is full of drums and drums, but Yue-Yao and Tingzheng are not personal children. If the children and children want to fight, he can be free, but if there is no good reason for the  Miss , it is not appropriate. Otherwise, a harsh reputation can't be run.
       Although Lian Dongfang didn't want to go to The Li Estate  again, he also saw that Yue-Yao attitude was very firm, and Yue-Yao reason was also sufficient. He naturally would not do this thankless thing. Step by step: "When you change your mind and want to send him to the academy, tell me."
       Yue-Yao said with a low eyebrow: "Good." In fact, it is only an excuse for Yue-Yao to wait for two years. Usually, when the child reaches the age of eight, he will go to the academy. Only Yue-Yao thinks that Lian Dongfang will not give the court. I am looking for a good Academy.
       Ting is following Yue-Yao and returning to Changqing Courtyard. He said, "Sister, I want you to worry about it." Tingzheng is very self-blaming. He can not only help his sister, but always wants his sister to be his head.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "A fool, you are my brother, I am not planning for you, but I don't think so much. I will pack up and go to Li Bobo!" The court is packing up, When he left, Yue-Yao smashed him." When he arrived at Li Bobo house, when they asked why you were so late, you will tell them today. If they don't ask, don't say it." Yue Yao wants Li Guozhen to know the behavior of Lian Dongfang. Yue-Yao hopes that Li Guozhen will find a good Academy for the court. Yue-Yao is very clear that the strengths and weaknesses of the Master directly affect the character and future of the students.
       Ting Zheng nodded: "Good."
       Li Guozhen knew this on the same day. He said to the court: "You are still young, don't worry, wait two years before going to the school." Going to the school to learn is definitely not strong, the first two sons. They were all sent to the White Deer Academy. Let his son be admitted to the White Deer Academy. Not only is there a lot of contemporary Confucian scholars in the academy, but also because there are many excellent students in the academy, so that the children's eyes will not be able to sit on the ground. On the other hand, you can make more friends, and this is also a resource after you enter the company.
       Li Guozhen intends to let Li Han go out after two years. After he took the test, he sent him to study at the Academy. With the qualification of Tingzheng, Li Guozhen did not think that he could enter the White Deer Academy. He only had to wait for another year to make plans.
       The winter morning is extraordinarily cold, and Yue-Yao wakes up and goes to the backyard to start punching. After half an hour, Yue-Yao forehead is sweaty.
       Xu-Yu brought two Servant heads to Yue-Yao end for warm water to Yue-Yao. Everyone looked at Yue-Yao very simple, eating is not very picky, in fact, only the people around know that Yue-Yao is very picky. For example, drinking boiled water, the temperature must be moderate, otherwise it will not drink. Fortunately, the rain has already known Yue-Yao habit, and she has mastered the law. Unlike the beginning, she remembers to change it three times for the first time. Finally, Hua-li is busy.
       After cleaning up Wei and other Yue-Yao, I asked Yue-Yao a question. "Do you think that Ting Zheng can enter the official from the imperial examination?" With the observation of Wei Wei on the court, this child is not a clever one, saying If the sentence is not heard, the court is a bit silly. She also asked Xu-Yu and Hao Mama. She also knew that the poison was clear to the bottom of the court, so she did not think that the court was able to enter the official through the imperial examination.
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "No, so I just want to make him a rich man."
       Wei Wei swept Yue-Yao, "Do you think that Ting Zheng is like this, can you be a rich man in peace? You can now seek Li Guozhen's asylum, but can Li Guozhen protect him for a lifetime? The official situation is changing rapidly. Anyone in the future will not be sure." Xiang Wei does not say that Li Guozhen is now in a difficult situation. On the contrary, Li Guozhen is now very smooth, but Wei Wei believes that asking for help is not as good as asking for himself.
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "What can I do?"
       Xiang Wei seriously said: "Have you ever thought about letting the court be enlisted? I asked Hua Shaoye, he said that the court is very talented in martial arts. If he can get the teaching of a Famous teacher, the court is on martial arts. I will definitely make a difference."
       Yue-Yao is a bit strange. She asked Tingzheng martial arts to let Ting Zheng have the ability to protect himself, but never thought that Tingzheng would be enlisted.
       Xiang Wei was also advised by Yue-Yao after careful consideration. "If I guessed it right, you plan to donate an official to him when he is old, but his qualifications are concentric, and he is not far from the officialdom." In the military, the soldiers refer to the strong, as long as the court is martial arts, they can stand in the army. With the care of The Jingning Marquis Estate , the future of the court is not bad."
       Yue-Yao shook his head as soon as he heard it and said, "No. If you fight in the future, there will be danger to your life. I can't let the court go."
       Xiang Wei asked in surprise: "What are you talking about?"
       Yue-Yao thought that Wei Wei did not hear clearly, saying: "I will not let the court go when the war will be dead. I would rather he have a lifetime of mediocrity and do not want him to take the lead."
       Xiang Wei stared at Yue-Yao and said, "Why are you sure that you will fight in the future?" If Yue-Yao said that what might be, Wei Wei would not think much, but looked at Yue-Yao. With a determined look, I have doubts about Wei.
       Yue-Yao is a clever one, only to know that he has been too aggressive. Yue-Yao responded quickly and immediately explained: "The barbarian has already recovered from anger after several decades of recuperation. The barbarian is like a wolf. You can't count on him to become a dog, so the barbarian will not be willing to surrender forever. People. Once the barbarians are in turmoil, the dependent countries will not be safe." People are not willing to succumb to scary, so the war in the last life is inevitable.
       Wei was very surprised. I didn't expect Yue-Yao to look so long. Xiang Wei did not ask how Yue-Yao came to this conclusion. She asked directly: "Then you will talk about how long this peaceful day will be."
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "The current barbarian leader is nearly 50 years old. When he is dead, it is the time of the war." When he is older, he does not like to fight and kill, like to be stable. Days. Only young people always think about making a contribution and want to take it one step further.
       Xiang Wei said that he was shocked by his heart and said: "I didn't expect Miss to look so long." Such national events are not understood by a woman who is a shack, but Yue-Yao is the leader.
       Yue-Yao smiled and explained: "I have read most of the history books. This is not a white one." Yue-Yao will read books such as medical books and travel notes, but these books are for the growth of Yue-Yao. Knowledge, but the history is not the same, Yue-Yao is not reading history, but studying seriously, you can learn a lot through history.
       Xiang Wei nodded: "All said that the book has its own gold house, the ancients' words are not unreasonable."
       Yue-Yao smiled lightly.
       Xiang Wei had to sigh at this time: "Miss, you are a pity as a woman. If you are a man, you must be able to build a career."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "It is not a pity. If you can stick to your goals, you will definitely have something to do."
       Xiang Wei has a smile, "Miss is so transparent, why not let the Master Master enter the army? Since the court has this talent, it is a waste of waste. Miss, you are really willing to let the court for a lifetime Is it mediocre?"
       Yue-Yao fell into meditation, until the afternoon, Yue-Yao only sent a letter to Hua Shaoye, let Hua Shaoye teach Tingzheng well.
       It’s very unexpected to hear Yue-Yao from Wei Wei. I want to know the home of Shuxiangmen. I always think that the people who are in the ranks are all ignorant. If she didn't know the kind of stereotypes of Yue-Yao, she wouldn't dare to make this suggestion. Today, she spoke, but also tried the water, but did not expect Yue-Yao to figure out for a long time.
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "I just want Ting Zheng to learn more things. I will have enough self-protection ability in the future. As for whether Ting Zheng is going to enter the army, he will wait until he is weak. If he wants me, I will not object. "If the court is insisting on joining the army, even if it is dangerous, he will not stop. Everyone has their own pursuit, she can not stop his way because of fear of the court.
       Xiang Wei had to admire Yue-Yao, "With your sister, it is the blessing of the court." Yue-Yao is in a difficult situation, but he has tried his best to send him to Li, and he There is a good environment for growth, and this alone is already very valuable.
       Yue-Yao has four words, "Long sister is like mother."
       To Wei mute, of course.
       Since the Yuan Zhen, the communication between Wei and Bai Yi began to rise frequently. Mo-shi did not dare to deny the letter to Wei. He just found a chance to see a letter from the two people. Some things that are short and long, Mo-shi didn't care. However, Mo-shi did not know that the secret ordinary people in these letters could not understand.
       Yue-Yao is a very tolerant person. Don’t talk about it in Lanxiyuan for half a month. He fine for a year and a half. It’s also the Ma-Pozi gave him something to know, she clothed. The business is very good now.
       On the 18th of the first month, Duanwang House Wan-An County Owner birthday. Wan-he County Owner is the only Di Daughter of Duanwang Prefecture, which has won the love of Duanwang. Since the age of six, it has been booked as the County Owner. It is the real god of heaven. Every time you give birth, Duanwang House is big.
       Jingning Hou Heir Madam Ping-Shi and Ming-zhu are wearing cloth clothes to make their tailor Made clothes to participate in the birthday party of the County Owner. When the two arrived at the banquet, they became the focus. After the banquet, the cloth workshop received a lot of orders.
       Yue-Yao thinks it is too early to say this, only to make clothes that everyone likes, is really a foothold in Capital City. However, this is not what Yue-Yao is worried about. What she has to do now is to draw more styles of clothes, and send a message to let Yue-huan draw more.
       The next night, Yue-Yao received Yue-huan and a thick draft. There are not only more than forty styles of clothing, but also forty styles of jewelry. In addition, Yue-huan also wrote a lot of ideas about the clothing store and the rouge shop.
       Yue-huan is for the red diamond to be sent out. The large Servant Hong-mei that is Yue-huan is naturally known. It’s just that since Yue-huan helped her a lot, she won’t reveal anything about Yue-huan without the approval of Yue-huan.
       Yue-huan also knows that her things can avoid others and can't avoid her own body. When things are sent away, she asks Hongmei and says, "You know everything today."
       Hongmei nodded: "Miss, I actually knew that Miss had a good intention to make a good deal with 3rd Miss, so I didn't talk to Miss Concubine about the private contact with Miss 3rd Miss before." Hong-mei just thought Miss was before. I am doing a good job of 3rd Miss, but only today I know that it is not the same thing.
       Yue-huan is not hidden, and it is not necessary now, and Yue-huan is also trying to test the loyalty of Hongmei. "The last time your brother happened, I gave you fifty Silver Taels who are with the third sister. borrowed."
       Hong-mei was very surprised and said: "Miss..." Miss clearly has money, why should I borrow money with 3rd Miss, this doesn't make sense!
       Yue-huan smiled and said: "You may not know that the 'Grandmother' has given me three thousand Silver Taels. I have already given it to Madam, and the person who advised me is exactly Concubine." Hongmei didn't know, but she now wants to let Hongmei know.
       Hongmei opened her  Mouth and asked for a sigh of relief after a while. "Why?" Why concubine wants Miss to give the dowry to Madam.
       Hongmei is a family child, she is very aware of the treatment of the Shu Daughter in Lian. The Shu Daughter’s dowry in the public is probably three or four thousand. Old Madam's makeup is equal to a Miss's dowry, and now Su Concubine gives Miss's dowry to Madam, which is what to do.
       The moon showed a bitter smile. "I don't know why. Concubine asked me to give three thousand Silver Taels to Madam, and then let me hand over the jewelry. Madam, I don't. Promise." The latter sentence is added to Yue-huan.
       Hong-mei is in doubt.
       Looking around at the Hong-mei said: "My business, you know, the things you made have sold tens of thousands of Silver Taels, but I can't get a piece of money. That's it, it will also be the silver on my body." I also dare to believe, I can't believe it again Madam and Concubine. Hong-mei, Madam and Concubine can't rely on it, I only rely on myself."
       Hongmei also reacted very quickly and said: "Miss is going to cooperate with 3rd Miss, will it be sold later?"
       Yue-huan shook his head: "I originally had this plan, but the three sisters regard money as the dung, and even think that doing business is the next thing, and I will do it."
       Hongmei nodded and said: "3rd Miss does not really look at the money." Yue-Yao is the biggest party in Lian, so people in Lian House want to go to Lanxi Courtyard. Unfortunately, Yue-Yao only uses people who brought him back from Jiang-nan.
       Yue-huan looked at Hongmei without a little doubtful look, can not help but some luck. It seems that Yue-Yao, the reputation of money as a dung, has helped her a lot.
       After hesitated for a moment, Hongmei said: "Miss, in case you are dealing with 3rd Miss Madam and Concubine know what to do?" If you contact 3rd Miss frequently, it will be discovered sooner or later. Miss is not a good thing.
       Yue-huan is also worried about this, so it is only for the Hong-mei to know about it. "This is a cause of trouble. If there is nothing wrong with the week, the five will not contact privately. When you want to contact, you will find a hidden method."
       Yue-huan saw Hongmei some hesitation and said one thing. It’s about Yue-Ying, "If it’s not the third sister, the big sister must be sent to the Chen family to watch the door. Hong-mei, Madam and Concubine can’t stand it, I have to plan for myself. Miss is not with Madam, but the character of 3rd Miss is reassuring. The last time you found something, I couldn’t find someone to turn to the third sister. The third sister borrowed me one hundred Silver. Taels. Hong-mei, I am very good at paying the three sisters. This time, I gave her the things I did to thank her for helping me last time. But she gave me two hundred good money as a reward. Well, I will definitely not treat you badly. I will definitely give you a very thick dowry." After such a long time, she knows that she should completely conquer two rings, not just mercy, but also promise them good. future.
       Hongmei thought about it: "It's better to be better, so it's easy to be discovered. Miss may not know what Lanxiyuan did every day Madam knows it." Hongmei is not exaggerating. In addition to Yue-Yao three things in the study bedroom and the studio, most of the things outside Mo-shi are known.
       Yue-huan accepts the suggestion of Hongmei, "Let's find another way to do it."
       Yue-Yao took three days to sort out these things and sent them to The Ma House. Zhuang Ruolan is unsuccessful in the follow-up, and Yue-Yao things are sent.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at the new jewelry style and said with a smile: "This is cheaper Yajing." The Jingning Marquis Estate has a jewelry shop, and these new styles of jewelry, the shop must make a fortune.
       Cai-yun was suspicious and asked: "-Young Madam, Lian-jia 4th Miss knows too much." Cai-yun did not doubt Yue-Yao words, she just thought that Yue-huan was a bit strange.
       Zhuang Ruolan also suspected that she did not deal with Yue-huan, but she did not go to the heart. "It doesn't matter if it is different, as long as she provides something good."
       Cai-yun frowned, "I am worried that Yao Miss is suffering."
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "Don't worry, Yue-Yao is not the kind of person who is used to being used in the drums." Zhuang Ruolan has confidence in Yue-Yao.

       Chapter 212 poison 

       In a blink of an eye, it will be in February.
       Yue-Yao looked at the weather just right, taking a walk with Wei Wei and drizzle in the yard. Looking at the willows hanging down the pond, he whispered: "Jasper makeup is a tree high, and thousands of people hang down the green silk. I don't know who the green leaves are cut out. The spring breeze is like scissors."
       Xu-Yu sighed: "The poem written by Miss is really good."
       Yue-Yao looked at the garden full of vitality and was in a good mood. "This is the poem written by the Tang Family poet He Zhizhang. This poem is catchy and is a rare work. My favorite is the last sentence, the spring breeze Scissors and scissors cut out the bright red flowers and plants, which also means that the earth is replaced with new clothes and restored vitality."
       Yue-Yao just arrived at the entrance of Lanxi Courtyard, and he heard a smile and said: "Miss, Luo Miss has sent you something." Luo Ming-zhu sent a large box of things, there is rouge gouache, There are fragrant beaded beads, as well as agate bracelets, bronzed small mirrors, and conch, a lot of weird things. In addition to these things, Ming-zhu also wrote a letter. Of course, there is another letter that Bai Yi wrote to Wei.
       In the letter, Ming-zhu said that these things are all she went out to buy with the world. Everything she likes has been bought in duplicate, one for herself, and one for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao chose most of the time and said to Xu-Yu: "You talk to Hao Mama and let her divide it."
       Xu-Yu snorted and said: "Miss is letting us divide?" The habitual thinking of drizzle is that Yue-Yao has something to give to the other Miss in the first time, and then it is their turn. Now Yue-Yao let them divide directly, and Xu-Yu is very unexpected.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "You are not saying that sending them so many times is not good, now I will not send it, you will not feel bad again?"
       After drizzling, I was busy saying: "Miss, I am just not worried about Miss, not letting Miss send things. Miss, I used to give 3rd Miss every time I got a good thing, now I don't want to send it." Miss, still send it! Send less."
       Yue-Yao feels that Xu-Yu is not bad. If it is replaced by Hua-li, the two hands are in favor of her not to deliver: "Then you carefully pick a few things from the left ones and send them to the 3rd Miss. You took it in the middle!"
       Xu-Yu opened his eyes and smiled: "The servants thanked Miss." Like the bunch of fragrant beads, she liked it, smelling a faint scent. Picking things from top to bottom, she is behind the Hao Mama as a first-class -maid, the string of beads is definitely her.
       It’s not a joy to get something from the moon, but it’s frowning. As for what I’m thinking, no one knows that it’s not known.
       Cai Qing sent Ruomi to go out. When he just arrived at the door, he heard Yue Ying calling in the room: "Take everything away."
       If the rice looks a little, it will change.
       In the heart of the Qing Family, since the Eldest Miss lost three thousand Silver Taels, the temper is getting more and more eager, and they are getting angry. They are all tired and cope, and they explain: "If Mei Mei, Miss is in a bad mood recently, Always get angry, please don't put it on your heart." Cai Qing said that he hopes that Ruomi will not tell Yue-Yao about this.
       Ruomi smiled and said: "How come." His family Miss kindly sent something to the Eldest Miss, did not think that the Eldest Miss not only did not appreciate, but also abandoned their home Miss.
       Yue-Bing let Mama close and gave a generous reward.
       Yue-huan is the best of the three people.” The three sisters are really polite. If you have good things, you will not forget our sisters. Every time you receive the three sisters, you are really happy and embarrassed.” Hi is a good thing. It’s nothing to lose.
       Joo attitude towards Yue-huan is very useful. Returning to Lanxiyuan, Ruomi told Yue-Yao what he said.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "If you don't like it, you won't send it later." He originally wanted to find a chance not to send things out. Now Yue-Ying just gave him such a good excuse.
       It’s just that Yue-Yao hasn’t waited to receive the gift again, and there one thing that’s going on, so that she won’t be entangled in the big gift.
       I went into the study room with Wei, and said with a dignified look: "Miss, there is one thing I think I should tell you."
       Wei Wei wore a new and old dice, combed a stream of clouds, inserted a pair of lucky gold plaques between the hairpins, and smashed a few golden screw beads.
       Xiang Wei is a very strange person, a very lazy person, and everything is lazy. But it is such a lazy woman in the eyes of everyone who can comb a head but can spend an hour or two. Xiang Wei and Yue-Yao prefer, Yue-Yao is not wearing jewelry, that is, wearing jewelry is also wearing jade and pearl jewelry, and Xiang Wei likes gold and silver jewelry. But this person who likes to spend a night or two does not like to wear new clothes, she likes to wear old clothes, 80% of new clothes is her favorite.
       Yue-Yao put down the pen in his hand and looked up and asked: "What?" It is certainly not a trivial matter to tell Wei.
       Before talking to Wei, I still don't forget to touch the golden plaque on the hairpin," Miss guessed."
       Yue-Yao doesn't guess, she doesn't self-abuse, what to do to guess what she can't guess," Say, don't sell it."
       Xiang Wei saw Yue-Yao face and felt very boring, talking about the business, "I have been calling at the kitchen for a few days and found that she is not right, her eyes are flickering, like a guilty conscience?"
       Yue-Yao looks awkward, "Heart? What did you find?" She always worried that Mo-shi would start with her, so she was very concerned about the cost of eating and drinking, especially the kitchen, which is the most food-eating. Easy to be touched.
       Yue-Yao has an instinctive precaution against people in the past, in other words, she can't trust 100% of the people, let alone the cook is the family of Lian, and her grandson is in the mansion. .
       Xiang Wei did not tell Yue-Yao how she found that the cook was not right. This is confidential and confidential cannot be disclosed. Xiang Wei directly said the result, "I found that after the cook was not right, I found a chance to go to her house to search for it, and finally found a pack of poison in her pillow, this poison should be prepared for you."
       Yue-Yao has a heart, "Poison? Is it the kind of poison that can't find the cause of death without color and taste?" This poison is the most scary, and people can't see how it died.
       I smiled at Wei Wei. "You are reading too many books. You are colorless and tasteless. You can't find the poison of death. You think it is Chinese cabbage. There are sales on the street. The poison can be bought without money. The people of Lian-jia have not gotten such a good thing with this ability."
       Yue-Yao  Mouth is straight, "Good things?" The poisonous person's things are still good things. What the woman used to do is so fierce.
       Shaking his head to Wei, "You really don't understand, it's a blessing to let people die silently without a little pain. You said that such a thing is not good, then what is a good thing?", you may not know Death is not terrible, but terrible is that life is better than death.
       Yue-Yao is silent. Indeed, death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that survival cannot be demanded. That is the real purgatory. Yue-Yao looked at Xiang Wei and said that the dead are like a common meal. For the first time, I became curious. "What did you do before?" Yue-Yao didn't believe what Bai Yi said, one person did not It may be natural and hot, and it must be honed.
       Showing a glimmer of light to Wei, "Are you sure you want to know?"
       Yue-Yao is not afraid, arrogant: "As long as you are willing to say, I am not afraid to know." This is confidential, how can Wei disclosed confidentiality.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is very unpleasant and not at all cute.
       The two said and talked about the topic.
       Finally, Yue-Yao turned back to the topic and said, "Who do you think is the master behind the scenes? I think it should not be Mo-shi, so brazenly poisoned, I was really poisoned, and Mo-shi is definitely finished. "Yue-Yao feels that this is awkward, but in addition to Mo-shi, who else wants to put her to death, is it...
       Yue-Yao thought of this conjecture, could not help but shudder, then shook his head and denied himself, "Impossible..." Although it is impossible to say, but deep inside, Yue-Yao believes this speculation.
       Tight to the brow, "You said Lian Dongfang? Impossible. Lian Dongfang now thinks that the list is not on you, how can you poison you?"
       A thunder on the ground, Yue-Yao was shocked: "Dabo thinks the list is not on me? What happened?" Why she didn't know about it.
       Asked Wei Wei, "I didn't tell you? Oh, maybe it's a lot of things to forget. But it's not a big deal, forget it and forget it."
       That face looked like nothing, and Yue-Yao roots began to grind. Master Wei was speechless about the way Yue-Yao was acting. Similarly, Yue-Yao was also speechless to Wei. What is obviously important to her is that it is a very small thing in Wei eyes. It’s like this poisonous thing, it’s going to poison her. It’s like telling Wei about it. Not ordinary casual.
       Looking at Yue-Yao angry look, he smiled and said: "The reason is very simple. Li Guozhen’s hands and feet are very good. I don’t believe in the wrong person." Li Guozhen can do this, and Wei is also very surprised. .
       "Lian Dongfang people have been watching you for so long, but he has found new clues, so I will let you go now. Since he thinks that the list is not in your hands, naturally he will not poison you. Well, if Lian Dongfang thinks that the list is in your hands, it will not poison you. Your clues are broken." Actually, Wei wants to say that if Yue-Yao is dead, Lian Dongfang will live forever. I don't know where the list is. People like her are so smart, they are next to Yue-Yao, and they don't know what the list looks like.
       To Wei, I am glad that this is fortunate to let her protect Yue-Yao. If she let her secret from Yu-Yao, this task must be 100% failure.
       Yue-Yao frowned, she couldn't figure out who was going to harm her. Except Mo-shi, she didn't make such a big hatred with others.

       Chapter 213 Determination 

       In mid-February, the sky was not hot, the windows of the study were closed, and the wind came in. Yue-Yao didn’t feel anything.
       Xiang Wei waited until Yue-Yao finally recovered from his contemplation and said silently: "Miss, you don't think about the behind-the-scenes masters, but don't think about how to take advantage of this time."
       Yue-Yao listened to the words of Xiang Wei, and he was suspicious. After a pause, he said, "You mean, use this to gain benefits?"
       Xiang Wei was shocked by the look of Yue-Yao, and secretly spurned herself into Wei heart. She made it so concealed. Where can Yue-Yao know? Her current strength is getting worse and worse: "Yes, Miss, this time is an opportunity."
       Yue-Yao understands the meaning of Xiang Wei, and Wei said that he can use this to get out of Lian House: "You mean that whether this thing is done by Mo-shi, I will plant it. Mo-shi is on the head. In this way, there is enough reason for me to pick me up to The Ma House." This out of Yue-Yao will never return to Lian.
       Yue-Yao has some heart, this is indeed a great opportunity.
       Xiang Wei has already thought very well: "Just let the cook sign and draw for the curtain after the curtain is the Mo-shi, Mo-shi is arguing. Mo-shi has long been suspected of misfortune, as long as it comes out, believe the ‘Ma’ Darens will definitely be Miss in the beginning." Xiang Wei can not read the sigh of Yue-Yao luck, Ma Chengteng heard Yue-Yao poisoning will certainly not let Yue-Yao stay in The Ma House, saying that this time will be noisy Lian House.
       Yue-Yao feels that this idea is really good, but she still has some concerns. Yue-Yao is worried that the cook will not confess: "Can the cook confess?"
       Xiao-wei smiled: "I will give it to me, and let her confess. But Miss, if you want to lose the ‘Ma’ to live forever, you still need to seriously plan."
       Yue-Yao Lian Lian nodded: "This is natural. But to Wei, the mastermind behind this scene still needs to be traced. I want to know why this person is going to harm me." Not Mo-shi, not Lian Dongfang, that person with What kind of hatred does she have to hate to put her to death?
       Yue-Yao I just thought about Chen concubine. I thought about the moon and thought about several people, but I was denied it. Although she has some grudges with these people, she has not yet reached the point of killing her.
       The master and the servant negotiated for two days and quietly set the plan.
       This day, I used to have lunch, but when I used it halfway, I fell to the ground, and the personnel was not saved. The Servant-Pozi of Lanxi Courtyard was all scared to lose soul.
       Xiang Wei said to Hao Mama: "Miss is poisoned, and immediately go to cook green bean soup." After that, to Wei Wei-Yao eyes, Yue-Yao is uncomfortable with tears.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is self-sufficient. She has long suggested not to use this method. Unfortunately, Yue-Yao insists on being realistic, so she ate a few poisonous dishes.
       Yue-Yao basically spit out what he ate, and then was poured a lot of mung bean soup to induce vomiting, tossing Yue-Yao face pale, and soon fell asleep.
       Lanxiyuan has been sealed by Hao Mama. Hao Mama is not convinced by other Servant-Pozi except for the fine rain. However, Xu-Yu is not honed, but once it goes out, it will be exposed. The bottom is fine, so Hao Mama went out of Lanxi.
       After more than half an hour, Zhuang Ruolan received a letter from Yue-Yao. Zhuang Ruolan opened the message of Yue-Yao. Yue-Yao gave her only four words: “help." The above four words are very scribbled, and I can't see the handwriting. However, it was because of the scribble that Zhuang Ruolan was shocked. If the correct handwriting at least proves that there is room for buffering, this appearance is obviously written at the critical moment.
       There are some worries about Cai-Yun . Some people are making a bad thing. "-Young Madam, will anyone have a mischief? Yao Miss is not very happy in Lian, but he has not been murdered. :"Yue-Yao In Lian, how can there be a danger to life, Cai-Yun instinctively expressed doubt.
       Zhuang Ruolan had not thought about this possibility just now, but he was quickly denied. Whoever has enough to eat will be joking about this kind of thing. Of course, this thing is natural and good. If this is true, Yue-Yao really does not say that the father-in-law and her husband will blame her, that is, she has to regret it for a lifetime.
       Cai-yun whispered: "Miss, do you want to tell this thing Master and 1st Young Master?" If it is true, it should be notified immediately Master and 1st Young Master.
       Zhuang Ruolan shook his head: "I haven't confirmed whether it is true or not. If it is stunned Master and 1st Young Master, there is no room for reversal. Let's go to Lian-jia first. If it is Yue-Yao, it's really time to be there. Notice Master is not too late with 1st Young Master." Mo-shi can't let her go to see Yue-Yao even if she is in the Lian House.
       Zhuang Ruolan thought of immediately saying: "Get ready for the carriage, I will go to Lian now."
       Yue-Yao After falling asleep, Xiang Wei went to the kitchen.
       Xu-Yu was anxious about the closure of the Lanxi Court to Wei: "To sister Wei, Miss is poisoned now, we have to call the doctor. In case..."
       Finely on one side: “no one."
       Xu-Yu also hit the  Mouth: "The right pair, no one, no one. To Wei, Miss can't be like this, you must ask the doctor."
       Xiang Wei feeling of fineness and drizzle is not bad. His face is dignified: “It’s important to ask the doctor, but you have to find out who the master is behind the scenes? In case it’s the one, the doctor who came here is the reminder of Miss. symbol."
       Xu-Yu and the fine scorpion naturally know who the person who said to Wei, and after the hearing, Qi-Qi discolored. If so, Miss is dangerous.
       Two people said to Wei An: "Don't worry, Hao Mama goes out and gives a letter to the Master Master. As long as the Master Master comes, there will be nothing."
       The two of them would be relieved by the comfort of Wei Wei, but the two were well-tuned by Hao Mama: "We listened to Wei sister."
       When Mo-shi heard Zhuang Ruolan's arrival, he was surprised. If he didn't say hello, he would rush to the door. It is definitely not a good thing.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Mo-shi, who was not panicked, and his heart flashed doubts. If there is something wrong with the letter, it is the city of Mo-shi that is too deep for her to see doubts. She has already arrived at Lian House, and she is definitely going to visit Yue-Yao.
       Zhuang Ruolan's maiden background is so hard, and the friendship is the right-Noble Lady's family. Even if she doesn't like Yue-Yao again, she doesn't want to have a bad relationship with Zhuang Ruolan, so Mo-shi is also more polite to Zhuang Ruolan.
       Zhuang Ruolan only said that she had come to visit Yue-Yao, and the reasons were all found: "With these two good satin, Yue-Yao likes to be plain, give her just right!" Zhuang Ruolan brought two pieces of material, one white month, a Scholar-color, two colors Yue Yao liked.
       This reason is somewhat far-fetched. Mo-shi listened to her heart and sent two pieces of cloth to make it-Pozi sent it, but she couldn't find the flaws from this matter. Mo-shi thought about it and told him to -maid around him: "Go and bring 3rd Miss over."
       Zhuang Ruolan stood up and smiled and said: "The last time I went to Lanxiyuan, the scenery there was very good. I sat in the mansion every day, and I should walk around and take a look at the beautiful scenery of your house." Zhuang Ruolan It means that she went directly to Lanxiyuan.
       Mo-shi wanted to refuse, but Zhuang Ruolan’s posture has not allowed her to refuse. Mo-shi felt that something was wrong, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with it.
       Zhuang Ruolan observed Mo-shi and found that Mo-shi had something wrong with him. The more he was suspicious, the letter was really a mischief. Zhuang Ruolan fortunately found an excuse for himself, although some are reluctant, but better than direct sin.
       Mo-shi has not found the anomaly of Lanxiyuan until now, mainly in Yue-Yao 'temperament'. Yue-Yao did not move very much. The Servant of Lanxiyuan did not dare to move around. The Lanxiyuan was far from the main courtyard. Lanxiyuan did not come out one or two hours.
       Zhuang Ruolan said that he was watching the scenery, but he was not slow. Seeing people early, you can be sure whether it is true or not.
       At the entrance of Lanxi Courtyard, the group found that the courtyard of Lanxiyuan was closed.
       Mo-shi shackles passed by and said: " Madam, Lanxiyuan people don't open the door." If the color is Mo-shi instructions, let her go to Lanxi Courtyard to remind Yue-Yao. Mo-shi is also afraid of losing the number of gifts.
       But when everyone arrived, the people at Lanxiyuan still closed the door.
       Mo-shi looks ugly: "Don't you tell the people at Lanxiyuan, I am coming." When the family Madam came over but did not dare to open the door, it was to rebel.
       As the color bowed his head and said: " Madam, I knocked on the door, but no one should be inside." In fact, the real situation is like a knock on the door, the inside people saw that she is determined not to open the door. She didn't feel right, but Zhuang Ruolan was afraid to say on one side and had to make a look at Mo-shi.
       Zhuang Ruolan is also a keen person, looking at the abnormalities on the color surface, looking back at the Lanxiyuan, which closes the gate, and then the previous change. Zhuang Ruolan was not afraid of rudeness, and directly told Cai-yun: "You used to see what is going on."
       Cai-yun called a few words and the door opened immediately.
       Hao Mama came out of the gate and went straight to the front of Zhuang Ruolan, and burst into tears: "-Young Madam, we are now unconscious, Miss Life, I don't know, ask Young Madam help!"
       Zhuang Ruolan stepped into Lanxiyuan and went to the bedroom. If she saw that she was lying in bed, Yue-Yao called: "What the hell is going on? You Miss is sick, why don't you ask the doctor." Not only do not ask the doctor, but also I want to ask Lian-jia people for help. Zhuang Ruolan instinctively felt that this matter is not simple.
       Mo-shi also smells an unusual taste.
       Hao Mama looked at the seemingly nothing-like Mo-shi, and the fire came out of her eyes: "1st Young Madam, our family Miss is not sick, but poisoned, the poison is the cook."
       Zhuang Ruolan sat on the edge of the bed and listened to this and stood up: "What do you say? Poisoning?" At this moment, Zhuang Ruolan understands why Yue-Yao will ask for help from Ma.
       Mo-shi is also a face of Tieqing asked: "How can it be poisoned?" Mo-shi also smelled the conspiracy, and the conspiracy was directed at her.
       Xu-Yu came out and said coldly: "This is going to ask 1st Madam you." After Xu-Yu, the confession of the cook was given to Zhuang Ruolan.
       Xiang Wei thinks that Xu-Yu is the close-knit -maid of Yue-Yao, and she is the best.
       Zhuang Ruolan swept the confession on the 10th line. After reading it, he became angry and angry. Zhuang Ruolan did not bother with Mo-shi. He told the Cai-yun: "Come and ask Zhang Lao to come over." Zhang Lao is the palace retreat. A royal doctor who came down, Zhuang Ruolan married, a few of the masters of the Ma House have a headache, brain heat, please ask him to see a doctor.
       Zhuang Ruolan immediately ordered the Cai-Yun around him: "You can ask people now Master 1st Young Master." For whatever reason, Yue-Yao poisoning is a fact, this must be done with the husband to be Yue Yao is going to get back to justice.
       Mo-shi looked at the confession, his face was white and red, red and black, and the hand holding the confession was even shaking. Mo-shi came back to God until the sound of his voice called.
       Mo-shi was furious and called in Xu-Yu: "Where is this cook, I have to personally interrogate her." Even dare to fall into her, she must have this cook not to die, that is, the people behind the scenes wait for her. I must not let her out better.
       Zhuang Ruolan also had doubts in his heart. This is too embarrassing. If he didn't see Mo-shi, Zhuang Ruolan might believe that this was done by Mo-shi, but the performance of Mo-shi was really different. If a person does something evil, how can it be concealed and can't be concealed, and if it is really done by Mo-shi, they can't come in so easily.
       Zhuang Ruolan’s heart turned back thousands of times, staring at Wei and Hao Mama, and there was a raging anger in his eyes. He said: "Since you know that Miss is poisoned, why don’t you go to the doctor and close the Lanxi Courtyard? Dead and dead. You are afraid that Yue-Yao is too long, isn't it?" It is impossible to tell the servants of the primary and secondary.
       Hao Mama bites his teeth: "-Young Madam, the old servant does not let the doctor. I am afraid that the doctor who will come will become the reminder of Miss." Do not ask the doctor is Hao Mama proposed because The doctor of Lian House has now changed, and it is no longer Dr. Tang. This doctor was found by Mo-shi, how dare they believe.
       Mo-shi almost vomited blood: "Damn servant, what are you talking about?"
       Xu-Yu was explained by the side: "-Young Madam, who knew that Miss poison had been vomited immediately after Miss poisoning, Miss had almost spit out the food she had eaten, and then we gave Miss Green beans to Miss. Tang, Young Madam, mung bean soup has detoxification effect.
       Zhuang Ruolan frowned and didn't ask. Mo-shi said coldly on one side: "You mean 3rd Miss is fine? These poisons have no effect on her."
       Even if this is not done by Mo-shi, Mo-shi attitude makes Zhuang Ruolan angry. Zhuang Ruolan was not good, and said coldly: "Listen to Lian Madam's tone seems to be regretful. Yue-Yao is fine? Lian Madam This is very hopeful that Yue-Yao is poisoned and killed."
       Mo-shi is very angry, she has been patient, but now she can't stand it anymore: "This is obviously filthy. You servants dare to smear me. I must let you not die." It is obvious that people are going to intervene in this matter. If this matter cannot be found out, once she spreads out, she must bear the reputation of making a fortune, and Mo-shi will never let Yue-Yao succeed.
       A flash of cold light flashed into Wei eyes.
       Xu-Yu got the suggestion to Wei: "Hao Mama, since 1st Madam wants to see the cook, she will bring the cook to the living room. Let the cook and 1st Madam face the quality, save us from smearing her. ""
       Zhuang Ruolan let Cai-yun follow, and she stayed in the bedroom.

       Chapter 214 Accounting (1)   

       After Mo-shi went out, the house was a bit terrible.
       Zhuang Ruolan pinched the quilt for Yue-Yao, and then stared at Wei Wei: "I remember that you were from The Jingning Marquis Estate , what did you do in The Marquis Estate  before?"
       Standing head to Wei, he respectfully said: "I used to be responsible for sweeping in other hospitals. Miss felt that I was very diligent, so I was with me."
       Zhuang Ruolan didn't believe in Wei words. "I want to hear the truth." How can the person who wants Yue-Yao to ask for it be a -maid? Yue-Yao is not lacking in the -maid, remember that Yue-Yao has personally said that she lacks the ability to protect her.
       Xiang Wei will not tell Zhuang Ruolan what she is doing, avoiding the said: "-Young Madam rest assured, Miss will not be dangerous, since I was sent to protect Miss, it will not let her live. ""
       Zhuang Ruolan hesitated and said: "Yue-Yao knows your bottom line?" Putting such an unclear person around, Zhuang Ruolan is not at ease.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Miss naturally knows my details. 1st Young Madam can rest assured that I will not be unfavorable to Miss. On the contrary, I will always protect Miss, because this is my duty."
       Zhuang Ruolan did not continue this topic and asked: "Yue-Yao really no life is dangerous?"
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "Back Young Madam, Miss After vomiting, most of the food that is eaten spit out, the toxins left in the body are lighter, and there is no danger of life." Even if there is no doctor, Yue-Yao There will be no danger to life. To do this, just let Yue-Yao suffer a little bit. Of course, it is impossible to achieve the goal without being tossed.
       Zhuang Ruolan is not so easy to let go of Wei, "Since you are the person who protects Yue-Yao, why would you let Yue-Yao poison?"
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "I don't know that people in Lian House are daring to be poisoned. I have good martial arts, but I am not good at poison." After a pause, I said: "In fact, I have suggested that Miss should use needle before eating. I tried the poison, but the girl didn't want to, saying that the cook was Old Madam gave it, she was not thin to the cook, and certainly wouldn't harm her. I was also very strict on the week, but I was a little uncomfortable today. I didn’t expect to be leaked."
       Zhuang Ruolan Wei Wei sighed, only a thousand days to be a thief, where can be a thousand days to prevent thieves, not this time, there must be another time.
       Xiang Wei said: "-Young Madam rest assured, Miss is not in danger of life this time. Fortunately, the people behind the scenes are not giving poison to the cook. But I don't know if there is such a good next time. Luck." Xiang Wei is telling Zhuang Ruolan that Lian is a wolf's nest. It is not advisable to let Yue-Yao live again, or Yue-Yao will be killed.
       Zhuang Ruolan stood up and said: "You look after Yue-Yao." Then he went out.
       The cook was locked in the firewood house, and Wei made people play the 20th board of the cook. Later, she showed the means to let the cook confess, so what Mo-shi saw was the cook who was all blood.
       Although the cook was beaten, but the mind is very clear, in the face of Zhuang Ruolan, ask for Mo-shi: " Madam, ask Madam saves life, asks Madam saves lives."
       Mo-shi is so angry that he can't faint.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked gloomy: "I don't know Lian Madam What else can you say?"
       Mo-shi looks like a blue," I will definitely check out the water." She really wanted to let Yue-Yao die, but she didn't take action yet. I don't know who is the hand, poisoned. Yue-Yao is naturally good, but she is planted on her body.
       Zhuang Ruolan is full of smirk. Let her check out the water, this is not a thief calling thief, cold: "Lian Madam slowly check." Zhuang Ruolan is seen, Mo-shi is uneasy about Yue-Yao Ming, As far as she knows, Yue-Yao life in Lian is not good.
       Mo-shi wants to take the cook away.
       Zhuang Ruolan naturally thought of this, and sneered: "Lian Madam asks that although he asks at Lanxiyuan, people don't have to take it out. Who knows that there is no one to come back." Zhuang Ruolan said this. Directly saying that Mo-shi wants to kill people.
       Mo-shi is very regretful now, I knew I shouldn’t let Zhuang Ruolan come in. She also knew that this was a small  Mouth, so I immediately told Lian Dongfang.
       Lian Dongfang came very quickly. He personally tried to judge the cook. Unfortunately, the confession of the cook is still the same, only that the master behind him is Mo-shi.
       Lian Dongfang is not Mo-shi, see the cook bite dead and let go, "Take all his family to me." Lian Dongfang is the master of Lian, even if he does not have a cook The deeds of the child can be treated as well.
       Ma Chengteng got a message from Zhuang Ruolan, and he angered out the door and made the Tuen Mun’s colleagues wonder. What happened?
       Zhang Da Fu came relatively fast. Zhang Da Fu and Mo-shi were not familiar with Lian Dongfang. They were also invited by Zhuang Ruolan, so there would be no scruples in acting.
       After Zhang Da Fu gave Yue-Yao a diagnosis, he asked Xu-Yu and Xiang Wei, and then said to Zhuang Ruolan: "Miss is poisoned, but the method they use is appropriate, there is no danger to life. But the body remains. I have a little poison. I will open three doses of prescription, and then I will take care of it." Zhang Da Fu saw more of the harem, and he also saw a lot of means after the house, but he was the first to see someone swaying. Ground to a child.
       Zhuang Ruolan is worried that he will leave behind the sequelae.
       Zhang Da Fu shook his head and said: "Don't worry, if the average person must leave behind the sequelae, 3rd Miss's body is very good, the foundation is very thick, and after clearing the poison in the abdomen, as long as it is well-regulated, it will be cured for a while, and will not stay. Aftereffects."
       To the poison of Wei, she must be aware of it, only to let Yue-Yao toss a few days, there will be no sequelae.
       Zhuang Ruolan is still very worried," Zhang Da Fu, how come this child has not woken up yet?"
       Zhang Da Fu opened the prescription and asked the drug child to take the medicine and said: "When the medicine is fried, give her medicine. I will take the medicine and believe that Miss will wake up." Zhang Da Fu actually found Yue when he took the pulse. Yao situation is not serious. As for the fact that he hasn't woken up yet, he doesn't know the reason, but he can be sure that this has nothing to do with poisoning.
       The Lian dong, which was interrogated outside, was so angry that it was violent. He originally thought that if he caught the family of the cook, he could force the cook to submit. It is a pity that the cook did not supply the masters behind the scenes, but instead killed the Mo-shi.
       At this time, Lian Chun said in the ear of Lian Dongfang: " Master, Zhao-Shi biological daughter has been married, not in the house." The original cook Zhao-shi is the success of Lu Eldest Room, not the original. Zhao-Shi only gave birth to a daughter, and later married to the Zhuanghu family, and later died.
       Lian Dong Fang was waiting for the opening, and the people outside reported that Ma Chengteng had come over. Lian Dongfang knows that Ma Chengteng will not take a break, but things have to be solved. If you don't solve Lian, you can't look up and be a man.
       For Lian Dongfang, it is said that this time someone was planted to frame Mo-shi, Ma Chengteng did not distinguish, sneer: "Cheng, you said that the planting framed it and let the door to check this is what is going on? See who it is. Madam has been framed by you. Ma Chengteng has already determined that the mastermind behind the scenes is Mo-shi. There is such a snake woman, who is afraid to leave Yue-Yao in Lian.
       Lian Dongfang naturally did not dare to let the people of Tuen Mun check this matter. This is a ugly thing. No matter who the last murderer is, Lian-jia has to be a laughing stock. He is dissatisfied and said: "Ma Chengteng, you can rest assured, I will definitely Give you a satisfactory explanation."
       Ma Chengteng sneered and said: "Cheng, since you said that the investigation, then you should check it. But don't be the same as last time, and finally use one Concubine to charge."
       When Zhuang Ruolan heard that her husband had not come, he asked: "Why didn't the 1st Young Master come?" When it is so important, the husband can't come.
       Xiao Yan, who was going to talk, said: "1st Young Madam, 1st Young Master is not in the Hanlin Academy. People who listen to the Hanlin Academy say that 1st Young Master has gone out. The minions have sent people to find them."
       Zhuang Ruolan did not continue to ask, it is okay for the husband not to come, the important thing is that the father-in-law has come. They will never forget this matter.
       The cook was tortured to leave only one breath or the queen behind the scenes was Mo-shi. Lian Dongfang had no way to arrest all the people who had contacted the cook, and after a long time, spearheaded the cloth-the close-fitting maid around Concubine.
       Lian Dong Fang immediately ordered people to grab this -maid. Not everyone can be as tortured as a cook. This -maid soon confessed.
       Lian Dong Fang, he didn't understand the cloth why Concubine was going to harm Yue-Yao, and he had to blame Mo-shi, "Come to the cloth Concubine."
       Cloth concubine gave Lian Dongfang a court when he saw Lian Dongfang. It looked like he didn't know what was going on, and his face was calm and scary.
       Lian Dong Fang looked at the cloth Concubine look, and took a deep breath, "You said, why do you want to poison the death of Yue-Yao?" Lian Dongfang must remove Mo-shi suspicion. Mo-shi If his reputation is ruined, the future of his two sons will also be affected. Lian Dongfang basically did not have to consider, and decided to sacrifice cloth Concubine preservation Mo-shi.
       Cloth concubine looks calm and scary," I don't know why Master will suspect that I am behind the scenes. Master, I don't say anything to 3rd Miss, I have never said anything. No complaints. Why don't I hate 3rd Miss?" The victim always has motivation, but she really has no motivation at all.
       Lian Dongfang waved, and Jia Ding took the cloth concubine close-fitting maid. Lian Dongfang said coldly: "She has already confessed, the poison is what you gave to the cook. Now the evidence is conclusive, you are still here to argue. Why do you want to poison Yue-Yao?"
       Cloth concubine looked at the bloody -maid and smiled. "The last time the house was rumored that 3rd Miss was the broomstick, and finally Chen concubine black pot. Now 3rd Miss's poisoning, get the round I am going to black pot."
       Lian Dongfang gnashed his teeth: "The evidence is in front of you, and you dare to argue."
       Cloth concubine reveals a sly smile, " Master, you said that I am the murderer, don't say that I am innocent with 3rd Miss, what is the benefit of 3rd Miss death? Is it 3rd Miss who died? Money and jewellery are mine?” Cloth concubine said that this was Mo-shi murder, and finally gave her a blame.
       The Lian building is blue and green, waiting to be opened, and the cloth concubine says: "Forget it, blame it and blame me for not being good. What they said is what, I signed it."
       If it is cloth Concubine yells that he is embarrassed, Lian Dong Fang will also use the sentence. But cloth Concubine attitude, Lian Dongfang is silent. Lian Dong Fang is not a fool, cloth Concubine said he can not know? Just between his son's future and a servant, he didn't have to think about how to choose.
       Cloth concubine has expected her ending, she does not ask for mercy, said directly : " Master, wait for me to pay for 3rd Miss, hope Master can make people burn more paper money in front of my grave. God makes me a good baby in my next life."
       Lian Dong Fang said heavily: "Okay."

       Chapter 215 Calculations (2)   

       Ma Chengteng heard that Lian Dongfang said that the real murderer was a Concubine. Now he sneered and said: "I didn't expect you to find out the behind-the-scenes master is really one Concubine."
       The Lian building is blue, but there is nothing to refute. They lose money and let the Ma family gain the upper hand. Now they are arguing with Ma Chengteng, but they are only embarrassed.
       Lian Dongfang now hates Mo-shi.
       Ma Chengteng is now watching Lian's move to maintain the culprit here, not angry and laughing: "The last time you spread Yue-Yao is the broom star rumor is Concubine, now to murder Yue-Yao again Concubine. Tell me about Yue-Yao ten-year Old child and your kind-What kind of hatred does Concubine have? Let them beat Yue-Yao twice and twice." There are always reasons for doing evil. Yue-Yao and these Concubine don't say there is a conflict of interest, that is, they will not be in contact on most days. These aunts are not crazy, how can they deal with Yue-Yao one by one.
       Lian Dongfang handed the confession of Concubine to Ma Chengteng.
       Ma Chengteng did not pick up and said: "Yue-Yao is struggling in Lian's house, but every time I ask her, she said that she is doing very well in Lian, so now Lian is almost gone. If I am Let me ruin again, I am afraid that the next time I saw the body of Yue-Yao."
       When Lian Dong Fang looked at Ma Chengteng's appearance, he knew that he had other plans. If he could not make Ma Chengteng satisfied, he would not be willing to take a break. He had to ask: "What is Ma Xiong wanting?"
       Ma Chengteng had a long-term idea, and this did not send people to interrogate the Lian Dongfang with the -maid-Pozi, "I want to pick up Yue-Yao back to my house. Old Madam is safe and secure at the time." I have never had anything to do. Old Madam is a rumor after the trip, followed by a buggy accident, and now it is poisoned. Once again, I definitely can’t see the shi-nu.” Ma Chengteng is making up his mind to turn Yue Yao took away. If Lian Dongfang does not want to tear his face, at this time he will not be in the first place, Yue Yao can really be swallowed by Mo-shi.
       Lian Dongfang didn’t want to refuse, "No, Ma, I promise this is the last time, no more next time."
       Ma Chengteng said: "You have promised once, your guarantee is that Yue-Yao is lying in bed now, I can't trust you anymore." Ma Chengteng knows that Yue-Yao is definitely not happy in Lian. However, in the end, there is no uncle who comes to be named justifiably. What he can do is to send people to visit Yue-Yao every two days, and then pick up Yue-Yao from time to time to live for a while. However, this time it violated Ma Chengteng's bottom line. If he is concerned about these, Yue-Yao will definitely die in the hands of these people.
       Lian Dongfang was stunned.
       Ma Chengteng is too lazy to bargain with Lian Dongfang and said directly: "If you don't agree, don't blame me for not giving Lian-jia a face. This is the subject of the Lord who is the person who you have in my heart, I am looking at two If you really don't agree, then check on the door and see who is behind the scenes. I just hope that you don't regret it when you say it." Now this situation has not been agreed by Lian Dongfang. . If he said that he had scruples before spreading the rumors, this time he had such a big handle in hand, he had no scruples.
       Lian’s face has changed and changed. If this incident is transmitted, plus the previous rumors, the outside people will not believe that it is cloth concubine murders Yue-Yao, and only believes that it is a poisonous hand under Mo-shi. Both sons have to be destroyed.
       Lian Dongfang endured and endured, and finally said: "When Yu-Yao wakes up, ask Yue-Yao opinion. If Yue-Yao wants to go to The Ma House, I don't object."
       Ma Chengteng snorted, but he didn’t say anything again. Ma Chengteng is very convinced that Yue-Yao will follow him to The Ma House, so there is no need to argue.
       Mo-shi got the news that the behind-the-scenes ambassador was cloth concubine, and he hated to gnash his teeth: "This monk." She thought that this was really a safe and self confident, and she did not expect to hide her heart. She knew that she should In addition to this monk.
       Mo-shi also knew that now is not the time to use things, immediately said: "Come, come to me immediately to Su Concubine."
       At this time, in Lanxiyuan, Lian Dongfang was accompanied by Ma Chengteng and waited for Yue-Yao to wake up. The close-fitting followers came over and said a few words to him. The Lian building changed color and hurried out.
       Lian Dong Fang went to the house of Concubine, and he saw the cloth concubine lying quietly on the bed, without any scars on his body (there would be traces on the wall, etc.), and there was no blood in the corner of his  Mouth. There will be blood spills).
       Lian Dongfang is almost awkward, "How did she die?"
       The two rings around me are sincere and fearful: "Back Master, Concubine said tired, want to lie down and rest, then fell asleep and never woke up."
       Cloth concubine confessed in the first place and was not subjected to any torture. Even in the end, Lian Dongfang only locked her in the wing, not the firewood.
       Cloth The cause of Concubine death was quickly identified, and the cloth Concubine was committed by swallowing gold. Cloth concubine is very clear, even if the Majia people will not be embarrassed because of the guess that the real murderer, Mo-shi will not let her go, and when they are tossed, not to die now. In this way, at least the guilt of Lian's side can be obtained, so that Lian Dongfang completely abandoned Mo-shi.
       When Mo-shi told people to come to Su Concubine, Lian Dong came in. Lian Dong Fang looked at Mo-shi and hated not to delay him.
       Mo-shi looked at the gloomy Lian dong, and cried on the floor and said, " Master, I am really awkward. I am really awkward, I was planted." Mo-shi thought I didn't want to understand the broken brain. Who is going to harm him?
       Lian Dongfang is cold, “you still have a face calling here. 3rd Miss poisoning to Majialai, there is an hour in between, you are not aware of it. What is your master?" "Whether it is the poisonous hand under the Mo-Shi, there have been rumors that Mo-shi will make a fortune, and Mo-shi will not be blatantly poisoned for himself for three children. Of course, this incident shows that Mo-shi is an idiot.
       Lian Dong Fang is very nostalgic now Old Madam is at the time. Old Madam At the time of Lian's house, there was a peaceful inside and outside, but Old Madam went after Lian House took two Lian three accidents. Old Madam has always disliked Mo-shi, and said that Mo-shi can't afford the burden of the eldest son-in-law. He used to think that Old Madam was an bias, miserable child and a daughter-in-law. He didn't think much about it. It seems that his mother is still a torch. It has long been seen that Mo-shi is a useless thing.
       Lian Dong Fang looked at Mo-shi, who was crying like a ghost. He said coldly: "If you dare to raise any moths during this time, you will go back to Mo house." Lian Dongfang was not prepared to execute Mo-shi. I didn't plan to send Mo-shi to the temple. My son was at a critical moment. He couldn't distract his two sons, but Mo-shi under house arrest was a must.
       Although Lian Dongfang could not handle Mo-shi for the time and reputation of the two children, he completely hated Mo-shi.
       After Mo-shi and other Lian Dongfang left, the whole person was soft in the chair. She committed her husband’s taboo. If it wasn’t for her son, she would probably be taken off. Even if she didn’t take her off, she in Lian’s house. It won't be too good. She has been with Lian Dongfang for more than ten years, and she knows about the Lian Dongfang 'temperament'. She did not dispose of her now because the timing was wrong. When the dust settled, she might have a lifetime with the ancient Buddha.
       Mo-shi clenched his fist, no, he couldn't easily die Old Lady, never go to the temple to suffer.
       Ma Chengteng returned to the house and looked at Yue-Yao lying in bed, his fists clenched tightly. It’s been a long time. Yue-Yao hasn’t woken up yet. Although there is a doctor, he can’t feel at ease.
       Zhuang Ruolan asked Ma Chengteng, “what did Lian-jia say? Wouldn't it really make one Concubine to sin?"
       Ma Chengteng sighed with a sigh: "The master behind the scenes could not find out, but Lian-jia 1st Master has promised me to pick up Yue-Yao and not come back before Yue-Yao is married."
       Zhuang Ruolan blocked his evil spirits in his heart and said: "How is this done? Is Yue-Yao not guilty of guilty? Hey, how can they be so cheap?" According to Zhuang Ruolan’s thoughts, how can I get Mo-shi? I lost my name and then took Yue-Yao to The Ma House.
       Ma Chengteng shook his head and said: "No, this is no big deal for Yue-Yao." Once it was big, Mo-shi was really questioned, affecting the future of Mo-shi two sons, Yue-Yao equals It was a hatred of the 1st House, which is harmful to Yue-Yao.
       Zhuang Ruolan thinks that Ma Chengteng thinks too much. “Yue-Yao is like this. Do you still expect people from Lian-jia to be kind to Yue-Yao?" We must have a statement about this incident."
       Ma Chengteng thought for a long time and said: "I still wait for Yue-Yao to come over and say."
       Zhuang Ruolan can only give up, waiting for Ma Chengteng to be at the bedside, Zhuang Ruolan quietly went out and asked the Cai-Yun said: "Why did the 1st Young Master not come yet?"
       Cai-Yun shook his head," said Xiao Xiao-, saying that 1st Young Master went out and did not find anyone!-Young Madam Don't worry, 1st Young Master will definitely come over with the news." 1st Young Master So love Yao, know Yao Miss poisoned, and the news will definitely fly over.
       Zhuang Ruolan nodded.
       At this time, Lian Dongfang is negotiating with the confidant. "Who do you think is the master of the scene?" After the scene, the master did not grab it, and Lian Dongfang was also uneasy.
       Lian Chun felt that this thing was bias, " Master, this must have been framed by someone Madam. Madam wouldn't do anything like this." Lian Spring Not for Mo-shi, it is just an argument.
       Lian Dongfang is silent.
       Lian Chun feels that the most important thing at the moment is not to find the behind-the-scenes ambassador, but to eliminate the consequences of this incident. It is impossible for Lanxiyuan to make such a big thing.
       Lian Dong nodded and said: "It is said that Yue-Yao has eaten something bad. If someone in the house dares to chew on the roots, they will kill them."
       Lian Chun thinks that this can only cure the symptoms, but it can't break the roots, but this situation can only use this method.
       As Lian Chun said, the Lian House of Lanxi Courtyard is in the upper and lower. Now spread out Yue-Yao to eat bad things, as long as people who hear a little news will not believe. Only people who live in the house do not dare to discuss this matter.
       The Servant-Pozi in the main courtyard is walking on the road. If you don't dare to make a sound, you are afraid to touch it. Madam's mildew is burning.
       Bise walked lightly into the house: " Madam, Su Concubine came over."
       Lian Dong Fang has placed Mo-shi under house arrest, and he is only unilaterally under house arrest. He does not limit Mo-shi to see others. This is also the special treatment of the mother.
       Mo-shi is busy: "Let Su Concubine come in." She can only talk to Su Concubine about this matter, she is not at ease with other people.
       Su Concubine hasn't come out in the house, but Yue-Yao has eaten the wrong thing and eats a bad stomach. She roughly guesses what is going on.
       Mo-shi simply said this thing, "I didn't expect that it wouldn't sound loudly on most days. It turned out to be a dog that didn't call." It's not a call on most days, but a call is fatal.
       Su Concubine thought for a long time and said: " Madam, do you think the behind-the-scenes master of this matter is really cloth concubine?" Su Concubine doesn't think the behind-the-scenes master is cloth Concubine, she thinks this There are other people in the matter. Without knowing the process, she is not good at guessing who is behind the people.
       Mo-shi shook his head and said: "I thought about it for a long time and I don't understand it. The cloth-Shi has been in the house for so many years, how can it suddenly be poisoned to murder Yue-Yao?"
       Su Concubine paused, she didn't think Cloth Concubine did this for no reason, cloth Concubine is likely to avenge.
       Cloth concubine was very popular with Master when he first arrived at Lian House. He was pregnant in less than three months, but he was finally moved by his hands and feet. Concubine was aborted. Cloth concubine had no more after this. Fertility, this thing is the other Concubine, behind the scenes is Madam.
       Su Concubine whispered: " Madam, what the hell is going on? How can the The Ma House people come so fast?"
       Mo-shi thought about it and said everything before and after, and when she said it, she found something wrong. The people in The Ma House seemed to have gotten the news, and she was completely caught off guard.
       Mo-shi is more suspicious, and he found that the main poisoning was first to find a doctor, but Lanxi Courtyard not only did not let Madam find a doctor to save lives, but sent someone to The Ma House for help, and still have time to interrogate the kitchen. mother. These all illustrate a problem, that is, those rings Pozi knows that 3rd Miss will not be life-threatening, otherwise they will not be so calm.
       Mo-shi slaps on the table, "Hate." It’s a hateful thing to dig a big pit for her to jump.
       Su Concubine understands what happened before and after, and also stunned a cold sweat." Madam, this is unusual." Cloth concubine really wants to let Madam fall into the dead, it won't be 3rd Miss left the hand. But now 3rd Miss is only suffering from some toss, there is no danger of life, this is really nowhere to say, it is not known that 3rd Miss poisoning will be life-threatening, but the -maid-Pozi is too calm. You know that if Yue-Yao is really upset, they will all escape. But they can block the news and ask for help from the Ma family.
       Su Concubine thought about this before and after, and finally squatted: " Madam, behind the scenes, I am afraid that it is the unconscious 3rd Miss."
       Mo-shi didn't react at the moment. "Do you say it?" She thought a lot of people, just didn't think that the mastermind behind the scenes was Yue-Yao.
       Su Concubine said his guess.
       Mo-shi shook his head. "Impossible. If she is the master behind the scenes, why is it poisoned?" No one would make a joke with his 'temperament'.
       Su Concubine feels that the most suspect is Yue-Yao, explaining: " Madam, you forgot the -maid around 3rd Miss? This -maid is hidden, she is definitely not in 3rd Miss There will be something. So, this is probably a play by 3rd Miss."
       Mo-shi still feels impossible. "Your analysis makes sense, but how did she buy the cloth Concubine? How to make the cloth Concubine got the poison to the cook? She has been under our eyes, I can see everything I do." If Yue-Yao is going to count, she may still believe it, but it is said that Yue-Yao is planning this, but she does not believe it.
       Su Concubine started to be suspicious, but now it is almost certain, " Madam, how 3rd Miss is laid out, I don't know, but this is definitely 3rd Miss self-directed."
       Mo-shi thought about it and said, "What do you say she is doing this?"
       Su Concubine shook his head, " Madam, if I guessed it well, 3rd Miss did this and wanted to leave Lian-jia to go to the Ma family." When this thing came out, even the 1st Master couldn't stop it.
       Su Concubine was secretly scared. The 3rd Miss was not interested in fighting with them. I always wanted to avoid things. Actually, 3rd Miss was always planning, but they thought that everything was under control and they lost in the end. .
       Mo-shi got the news from the servant and knew that Lian Dongfang had promised that Ma Chengteng would let Yue-Yao go to the Ma House for a long time. She still had something to understand. She said: "This death-Yatou is so framed." For me, I will not let her be better. No, I have to tell Master, let Master not allow her to go." Yue-Yao left Lian, she can not report the hatred of the present, and then A large sum of money has nothing to do with her.
       Su Concubine shook his head: " Madam, we have no evidence, and we have lost the opportunity. Now Madam goes with Master says this, it will only get annoyed Master." Speaking out, this is a play by 3rd Miss, who will believe it? Not only will not believe, but let the Ma family and Lian-jia turn his face, when the face is torn, the unfortunate is still Madam.
       Mo-shi face was distorted, "Is it so?"
       If you don't think so, there is no room for reversal. They can only recognize it with their noses. Su Concubine sighed heavily and said: " Madam, this is only the case for the time being. We will make plots in the future. The more we do now, the more we will be wrong." Ma Chengteng has already determined that the culprit is Ma Dam. Ma Chengteng is not too big now, but he still has some scruples. But if it is Madam, do more, fear that it is really turning face. At that time, Madam really has to be sent to the temple.
       Mo-shi fainted for life.
       Yue-Yao woke up in the evening and saw Zhuang Ruolan as soon as he opened his eyes. Yue-Yao This time, I was really sinned, and I lost half of my life. After waking up, the scorpion dried up, and the hand could not lift it. It was weak and called, "Water..."
       Zhuang Ruolan did not react, and the thoughts of Wei were different from ordinary people, so he heard the sound of Yue-Yao mosquito. Wei Wei said: "Miss wakes up, pours water, Miss wants to drink water."
       When Zhuang Ruolan saw Yue-Yao woke up, the stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground. Seeing Yue-Yao looking at her very difficult appearance, Zhuang Ruolan said softly: "You don't worry, there is something to wait." "Take the water coming from Xu-Yu, and feed Yue-Yao in one bite."
       Ma Chengteng heard Yue-Yao woke up and rushed in. Looking at Yue-Yao, I really woke up and said, "Yue-Yao, you wake up, wake up."
       Yue-Yao looked at Ma Chengteng, tears came.
       Ma Chengteng was busy and appeased: "Don't cry, this time you will definitely be fair to you. You should rest well first, don't think too much."
       Yue-Yao nodded and fell asleep after drinking the medicine.
       Mo-shi gave it off and couldn't get out of the yard.
       Yue-Ying and Yue-Bing and Yue-huan heard Yue-Yao woke up, and they all came to visit Yue-Yao. Only three people were stopped by Xu-Yu outside. Xu-Yu: "3rd Miss, our family, Miss just finished taking medicine and fell asleep, it is not appropriate to see anyone now." Even if Miss can meet people, she does not dare to let three people in.
       Yue-Bing is not very clear about this matter, but she looks at Lanxi -maid-Pozi is packing up and down, it feels wrong. Yue-Yao Poisoning, -Pozi What do you do to pack up? Yue-Bing asked with a puzzled question: "Why are the rings in the yard packing up?"
       Hao Mama is not concealing, saying: "After two days, we Miss is going to live in the The Ma House, so I am sorting out the things in the yard now." This time, the big move, not to live for a few months, Except for those big things that are not easy to move, valuable things must be taken away.
       Yue-Bing gave a look to Yue-huan, I hope Yue-huan can open the inquiry. However, Yue-huan has always been head down, a look of a heavy heart, can not receive the look of Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Bing couldn't help himself, he could only go on his own and asked: "Yue-Yao Mei Mei just woke up, how can she let her go to The Ma House?" Yue-Bing also knows that this is awkward, but now this The situation makes Yue-Yao go to The Ma House, and it is sure to fall to the tongue.
       Yue Ying was untimely to insert a sentence and asked: " Mama, do you know this thing?"
       Hao Mama said with no expression: "1st Master has promised." Hao Mama was shocked by Mo-shi poisonous heart. In the past, Old Madam was only worried that Mo-shi would figure out the money of Yue-Yao, but did not expect Mo-shi to want 3rd Miss's life for money. 3rd Miss stays in Lian, and those who follow 3rd Miss will not end well. I can go to The Ma House this time and it is also very good for Miss.
        Miss can go to The Ma House for a long time, Hao Mama also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, her granddaughter Xiao-tao was sent to the village Zhuangzi by Miss, she always thought about it. This time I went to The Ma House, she asked Miss to pick up Xiao-tao, and my grandparents could be together every day.
       Yue-huan bowed her head. When she heard the news, she felt that it was wrong. How could she eat bad things? It really has another hidden feeling.
       Yue-Bing feels incredible," Yue-Yao is so weak now, how can she get her carriage? Isn't this a disease?"
       If it is changed to someone else, this sentence may reveal concern, but she is Mohi biological daughter. When I say this, Xu-Yu at the door is cold. Yue-Bing This care makes Xu-Yu feel swallowed by a fly, she does not believe that Missi will not know. Knowing that he still said such a thing, it can be seen how hypocritical it is, and it is true that there must be a mother of her mother. Lian-jia, I really can't wait.
       Hao Mama has a better heart, and said: "2nd Miss, Master is more distressed than us, Miss, this thing Master has its own size."
       Yue-Bing heard Hao Mama words, his face was not good: " Mama said what this is? What is Master is more distressed than anyone. Mei Mei. We are all relatives of 3rd Mei Mei. Naturally, I also feel bad about Mei Mei. This time it was an accident, and we didn’t want to."
       Deng Mama just came out of the storeroom. Yue-Yao To go to The Ma House, naturally it is impossible to put Deng Mama in the front yard, so this time, Deng Mama is also going to follow. Deng Mama is now sorting out the warehouse, registering the things to be taken, and saving things when it is time.
       Deng Mama listened to Yue-Bing's words with a knife in his eyes. It seems that he is going to delay Yue-Bing. He said, "Don't fake it here. It's disgusting. We missed it. Don't live to be poisoned by Mo-shi." Deng Mama knows that Yue-Yao is poisoned, hate to take a knife to find Mo-shi desperately. Now that Yue-Bing just hits, Deng Mama naturally wants to vent his anger on Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Bing is very discolored: "What are you talking about here?"
       Deng Mama is not afraid of Yue-Bing, "My family Miss was poisoned if it was not a long time ago. In order to plot my family's money, such a poisonous hand, I have seen shameless, I have never seen such a shameless It’s really shameful.”
       Yue-Bing is trying to stop Deng Mama, and see Deng Mama sitting on the floor and burst into tears: " Master, Madam, you will give Miss to the old servant, but unfortunately the old servant No use, no protection for the full Miss. If Miss has a three-length and two short, I fight this old life and also the poison woman to pay for life."
       Yue-Bing's face became pale, and Yue Ying went to see Deng's Deng Mama dumbfounded.
       Yue-huan is pinching his fist. From this incident, Mo-shi is really a shameless person. For the sake of money, things that can be murdered can also be made.
       Hao Mama hurriedly let Xu-Yu pull Deng Mama into the house. Hao Mama doesn't want to make extra money, he said, "3rd Miss want to know the reason or ask Master Madam! Second Miss, we Miss is resting, no noise."
       Yue-Bing looked at Deng Mama turned her head and stared at her as if she wanted to kill, and her back was cold. She said, "Okay." After he hurried away, Yue-Bing was really Deng. Mama is scared.
       The pedestrians hurried away.
       Hao Mama turned to Deng Mama and said, "How can you not converge on this temper?" She thinks that Deng Mama is too much. The 1st Master obviously wants to press this down. Now that Deng Mama is like this, who else doesn't know.
       Deng Mama said coldly: "If there is any convergence, treat such a shameless person and you have to tear his face with him. Miss is too good to be bullied by Mo-shi, so I can see it clearly. It is impossible to make a decision like this.
       Hao Mama is Deng Mama is free, and now there is Mast 1st Young Madam, there is no problem, no longer worry. Consolation: "Deng Mama, I know that you are sad, I am also very sad, but Mama will not go out again these two days."
       Deng Mama also deliberately exposed Mo-shi ugly face in front of the 3rd Miss, where he would really go out and confront Mo-shi. She is not afraid, but her family Miss still wants a reputation, replied: "You can rest assured, I have a sense of proportion." Anyway, there are still a few days Miss will go to the Ma House, no longer need to go to this ghost place.
       Yue Ying returned to the yard from Lanxiyuan and went into the house to order the green said: "Deng Mama said that Yue-Yao is poisoned or poisoned by her mother. You should go outside to find out what is going on. "Yue Ying is very curious.
       Cai Qing took a nap and said quickly: "Miss, we should better not ask about this matter. Master has ordered that no one is allowed to mention this matter. If the Master knows, Miss must not Okay." Cai Qing didn't want to touch the mold, and he was killed if he was not careful.
       Yue Ying thought about it and said, "Let's not ask about it for a while."
       Picking up the look at Yue-Yao and picking up the needlework, some worry. Yue-Ying slewing head saw the appearance of Cai-Qing and asked: "What else?"
       Cai Qing shook his head and stepped back. After returning to his own house, he found that he was cold and cold, and his body was colder and his heart was colder. She knows how much 3rd Miss helped her own Miss. First, she let Eldest Miss avoid the marriage of Chen. Later, she was taken care of by 3rd Miss when she was sick on the  Mountain. Later, it was a matter of money. The piles added up 3rd Miss It is a big favor for my own Miss. But now 3rd Miss is not known, life is not only a little sad, but also can talk about this matter with great interest, this is more worried people!
       Eldest Miss is still doing this for her so many 3rd Miss. How much friendship does she have for her long-serving -maid? Such a cool 'temperament' child, is her future really worthy of being on the Eldest Miss? The more you choose, the cooler you are.
       Yue-Bing is also a doubt.
       Wang Mama has long known that this matter has its own feelings. She returned to the inner room and said: "Miss, Miss is better not to ask this question." It is a special time, and Miss is too likely to suffer too much. Master's punishment.
       Yue-Bing hesitated for a moment: "I am yelling at Yue-Yao. I am going to The Ma House this time, but I don't have to live for a month or two." If you live for a month or two, you don't need to pack things up.
       Wang Mama sighed in her heart," because of this, Miss can't even ask. 3rd Miss is a good thing to stay in The Ma House, 3rd Miss is not in the house, there will be a lot of disputes in the future." Old Madam Lian House is clean and clean, nothing has happened. Since the death of Old Madam, the 3rd Miss, which looks like a buns, has risen immediately, and is always confronted with Madam. 3rd Miss is not bad at all, and there are mothers who are relying on the  Mountain. Madam is not only unable to find a solution, but suffers from losses everywhere, so the Lian government is not peaceful. 3rd Miss is gone, and Lian House can be restored. Calm.
       Wang Mama actually disagreed with Mo-shi approach. For the sake of money, Lian  Miss s can poison their hands. This method is too toxic. Wang Mama has some regrets now, and she shouldn’t come back to be the manager of Miss Mama on the same day, but it’s too late to regret it. If you choose the master, you will have to be loyal to your whole life. After half-time substitution, no one will ask her again. The only thing she can do now is to teach the second Miss, don't let the second Miss look like Madam, that is true.
       After the moon loops back, it will stay.
       Hongmei whispered: "Miss, we can't intervene in this matter. 3rd Miss has something to do with her mother-in-law for her justice, but we can't." If Yue-huan is an accident, Su Concubine will not support Miss.
       Hongmei knew that Su Concubine helped Madam got the money from Yue-huan, and even after Lian jewelry was not spared, he stood on the side of Yue-huan. The main mother, Concubine, can't rely on herself.
       Yue-huan is angry again, and it is impossible to rush out now. He said: "You can rest assured that I am measured." Yue-huan let the Hong-mei red diamonds go out, sitting alone on the bed, unconsciously scratching the sheets.
       This month's -maid is really scared. Although she knew that Mo-shi had always wanted to plot Yue-Yao money, she did not expect Mo-shi to kill the killer. If Mo-shi knows that he has such a large sum of money on hand, then he must have killed his eyes. No, she may still be good at killing her. The most fear is to treat her as a cash cow and drain her.
       Yue-huan looks at the place where the money is hidden. The money must be well concealed. It is impossible to let Mo-shi find clues. At this point, the -maid is no longer subsidized by itself in terms of food use. What is eaten in the kitchen, and what is used in the public is not obvious. What Yue-huan doesn't know is that because of her cautiousness, it is a peach.
       In the evening, Ma Peng hurried over, but now that the matter has ended, there is nothing wrong with him. Ma Peng said: "Ruolan, you live in Lian House today. If you go, you don't know what these people will do dirty things.
       Zhuang Ruolan should be.
       Tang-Shi heard Zhuang Ruolan live in Lian House and was very surprised to ask: "Suzhen, you ask, what happened to Lian House?"
       Ma Chengteng and the people around Ma Peng had instructions, and everyone did not reveal a word. Naturally, I can't find out anything.
       The Tang-shi looks a little unsightly.
       Su really didn't know what it was, and said: "Miss, this is the matter of Miss, I don't know what it is."
       Tang-Shi didn't think about it," what happened in Lian's house, or 1st Young Madam would not stay in Lian. Now Master and 1st Young Master are also ignorant of this. It is to prevent others from knowing." Such a big thing does not let them know, it can be seen in the heart of the father-in-law what their status is.
       Suzhen thinks that Tang-Shi thinks too much," Miss, don't think too much, I will let you know what to expect tomorrow."
       Tang-Shi did not speak, she also married the Ma family for two months, and her husband also knows seven or eight points. The more you understand, the more disappointing you are. If you don't become a martial artist, you won't be able to make it. You still don't know what to say. You always feel that he is too bad to be admitted, and 1st Young Master is lucky. She advised her with two more words.
       Tang-shi does not know that at this time the study has experienced some quarrels. Ma Peng insisted on finding out the real evil behind the scenes, and could not let Yue-Yao suffer this crime in vain. However, Ma Chengteng has his concerns, saying that it would be nice to pick up Yue-Yao.
       Ma Peng's face turned red and said: “what are you afraid of? The cousin is so sensible and sensible, we hurt her too late, but the people in Lian House have lost their lives to kill her. If so gently let go, still as Yue Yao is no one can rely on." Just as Zhuang Ruolan thinks that Yue-Yao is her lucky star, Ma Peng also thinks that Yue-Yao is her lucky star. Since Yue-Yao went to The Ma House, his days have become better and better, and he is very fond of looking at Yue-Yao. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to do it with a 1st Master. On most days, he will let Zhuang Ruolan take care of Yue-Yao.
       Ma Chengteng finally had to say: "This thing waits for Yue-Yao to wake up and see what she meant."
       Ma Peng did not want to, opposed: "The cousin is soft, she has not suffered from such a big pain in Lian House, she will certainly not pursue this matter. Hey, we have to give the cousin a head." Peng really can't figure out why he wants to give up twice.
       Ma Chengteng obviously does not want to say more. "I have a measure of this matter, you should not say it."
       Ma Peng unwillingly left the study and returned to his yard, only to remember that his ‘Madam’ was still taking care of Yue-Yao in Lian. Ma Peng sighed slightly, forget it, if you don't pursue it, you won't pursue it. Anyway, Yue-Yao will come to The Ma House, and their husband and ‘Madam’ will look at Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao wakes up until dawn, and when he opens his eyes, he sees Zhuang Ruolan, and then looks at the faint light outside to reveal doubts.
       Zhuang Ruolan saw Yue-Yao woke up, and the color did not start to be so pale, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Zhuang Ruolan is most afraid that Yue-Yao will fall into the aftermath, but now Yu-Yao foundation is still very good, and he will recover well when he sleeps.
       There were two candles in the room and two kerosene lamps, which were very bright.
       There is a bowl of bird's nest porridge in Xu-Yu," Miss, you haven't eaten a day, eat something!" Now the kitchen is Deng Mama is in the kitchen, everyone is relieved.
       Yue-Yao feels a lot better now, and asks: “what's wrong with me?" Except for Wei Wei, no one knows that she is going to count, so she has to show a look that she doesn't know.
       Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "No hurry, say something after eating."
       Yue-Yao finished a bowl of bird's nest porridge and said it to Wei after he fainted Yue-Yao," Miss, Master found that the behind-the-scenes ambassador was cloth concubine, but unfortunately cloth Concubine was dead last night, and the cloth Concubine was a suicide by swallowing gold." Most of these things were expected by the two, but the cloth Concubine response was not what they expected.
       Yue-Yao lowered his head and did not speak. If Zhuang Ruolan is not in Yue-Yao, he can ask a lot of things, but now he can't ask. These are all calculated by them. If Zhuang Ruolan knows that she still doesn't know what she thinks, now she can only remain silent.
       Zhuang Ruolan thought that the silence of Yue-Yao was too sad, softly said: "Yue-Yao, what are you going to do now?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "I don't know, I don't know what to do." After tears fell, the tears were so bad that she couldn't control it.
       Yue-Yao wearing a white dress, and now showing a look of misery and hopelessness, this look makes people feel trembled.
       Zhuang Ruolan pitifully held Yue-Yao in his arms: "Yue-Yao, you mean to let you move to the Ma family, and later in the Ma family. But Lian Darens said to see your own Meaning. Yue-Yao, how do you plan for yourself?"
       Yue-Yao suddenly raised his head and asked: “you mean, can I move and don't have to stay in Lian-jia?" Actually, Yue-Yao is relieved, she is really worried. In the middle of the mistake, fortunately everything went well, and did not bother her plan.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao appearance very satisfied. Yue-Yao nodded and it was easy to handle. He responded: "When you are better off, you will move to The Ma House and you will live in Haishuyuan."
       Yue-Yao Daxi said: "I am okay, I am fine, can I move after dawn?" Although this time, it was a play, but when I started to hear that the cook wanted to poison her, Yue-Yao It’s really scary, and it’s hard to get this life, she has to cherish it.
       Zhuang Ruolan knows that Yue-Yao is scared this time, comforting: "Don't be afraid, the doctor said that it will be enough for two days. I am here to accompany you these two days."
       Yue-Yao said lowly: "Thank you for your enthusiasm." Yue-Yao thought that she had used the love of swearing and swearing, and some guilty.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "Is there any thank you. I also hope that you will help me when you arrive at the The Ma House! I will be relaxed when I arrive."
       Yue-Yao knows that Zhuang Ruolan is a guest, and laughs. If you are grateful, you don't need to say too much, put it in your heart, and then she will find a chance to help me.
       After dawn, Zhuang Ruolan asked Xu-Yu to find Lian Dongfang, saying that Yue-Yao wanted to move away from Lian House today. Zhuang Ruolan wants to let Lian Dongfang know that Yue-Yao is moving away from Lian.
       Lian Dongfang heard that Yue-Yao said that he would go to The Ma House to live in the face and it would be dark. He actually knew that Yue-Yao would definitely choose to go to The Ma House, but he still had a point in his heart. He thought that Yue-Yao was a child of Lian-jia, and his arm would not turn outwards, but the reality told him that this was an arm that turned away.
       Lian Dongfang soon went to Lanxiyuan and went to the bedroom to see Yue-Yao: "You said that you want to leave Lian House to live in the Ma House now?"
       Yue-Yao is no longer a bun, and said directly: "Da Bo, I don't want to die, I want to live well." She did not follow the words of Lian Dongfang, who knows what Lian Dongfang will dig. The trap is waiting for her. She just needs to pretend to be scared, and the other ones are handed over to the big cousin.
       Lian Dongfang still wants to talk, Zhuang Ruolan is not welcome, coldly said: "Lian Darens, since Yue-Yao himself is willing to live in the Ma House, Lian Darens should talk." Zhuang Ruolan is against Lian-jia The impression has already reached the extreme. If she is still a bit confused at first, she always feels that this is awkward. However, when Lian-jia launched the cloth Concubine as a scapegoat and then murdered, she had no doubt about Yue-Yao. This Mo-shi is too vicious, and Yue-Yao is sure to be killed by her in Lian.
       Now Zhuang Ruolan is also very disliked with Lian Dongfang. When he comes in, he asks Yue-Yao, and he did not expect Yue-Yao to be physically weak and can't do anything. This appearance did not put Yue-Yao poisoning on the mind at all, how such a person would be good for Yue-Yao.
       Lian Dongfang said that Zhuang Ruolan said, just staring coldly at Yue-Yao, "Do you really want to live in the The Ma House?" If Yue-Yao doesn't want Ma Chengteng, it's useless to make another noise, but If Yue-Yao is willing to go, he can't stop it in this situation.
       Yue-Yao first lowered his head and passed it for a while before slowly raising his head. Zhuang Ruolan wanted to speak, but he saw Wei Wei shaking her head slightly toward her, and Zhuang Ruolan stopped talking.
       Yue-Yao looked up at Lian Dongfang Said: "Da Bo, the 'Grandmother' has just passed away. I am a broomstick. Later I came back from the  Mountain and I was almost killed. Now I was almost poisoned. Uncle, I don't have anybody in the house. I just want to be safe and secure, but some people can't allow me to see me as a stab in the eyes. I can't wait for it. But I don't want to die, let me live well. I have to take care of my younger brother. I promised you, I must do it." Yue-Yao These words are much more useful than directly refuting the Lian Dongfang.
       Lian’s eyes flashed in the eyes, but soon disappeared. The tone of Lian Dongfang is softened. "Since you decide to go to the Ma family, I will not stop you. But you have to wait for your health to go to The Ma House!" It is impossible to stop at this point. I can send Yue-Yao to The Ma House to live in a big way.
       Yue-Yao thought about it. There are so many things in her yard. It can't be finished in three or two days. It was very refreshing to say at the moment: "Okay, go back three days later."
       Lian Dongfang heard this and raised a small flame. He meant to let Yue-Yao raise a month or two, not to say three days. But he saw the look of Yue-Yao and knew that it was useless.
       Lian Dongfang went out for a while, and Xu-Yu walked in and said: "Miss, Master is coming."
       Yue-Yao looked at Zhuang Ruolan's tired look and said: "Chou, you go back to the house! I won't have anything here."
       Zhuang Ruolan did not respond.
       Ma Chengteng looked at Yue-Yao a lot better, and he didn't get too entangled. He said: "When you wait two days, the doctor said that you can take the carriage and pick you up to The Ma House when you arrive."
       Yue-Yao hesitated and said: “this time, don't pursue it again. I don't want Lian-jia because I broke my reputation."
       Ma Chengteng looked to Lian Dongfang, "Well." If this incident was caused by him, Ma Jia would die with Lian-jia. The most difficult thing to do was Yue-Yao and Tingzheng.
       Yue-Yao said that he couldn’t move Zhuang Ruolan, and he said to Ma Chengteng: “watched me for a night, everyone was stunned. Hey, let the watch go back!" Looking at Zhuang Ruolan, Yue Yao is the heart of staying in Zhuang Ruolan will not stay.
       Ma Chengteng did not think about him and said, "Go back, I will dispose of it here."
       Yue-Yao looked at Zhuang Ruolan and hesitated and said: "I don't want you to stay, but I am still at home? If she doesn't see you, she must be anxious."
       Zhuang Ruolan sighed slightly, she knew that Yue-Yao didn't want her to be tired, "Cheng, I will go back first, and then come over to accompany you later."
       Zhuang Ruolan was not worried before returning to The Ma House. He left Cai-yun, which is also a moth for Lian-jia during the period when she was not there.
       Ma Chengteng touched the head of Yue-Yao and said softly: "Yue-Yao, I don't want to pursue it, but there is no conclusive evidence. It is impossible to infer by me. In the end, I can't punish Mo-shi. If there is any 舅舅Your uncle turned his face, and when you get out of your business, it doesn't work. Now it's the best. When you go to The Ma House, you don't have to worry about Mo-shi persecution."
       Yue-Yao Lian Lian nodded, “I know. Hey, Yue-Yao always wants you to worry about it." She hasn't relied on her arms for a few years, and it's useless to guard. If the last life is still alive, the uncle and Mo-shi decided not to sell her.
       Ma Chengteng, holding the crying Yue-Yao, patted her shoulder and said: "Don't cry, I promise you, this is the last time, and will never let them bully you again."
       Yue-Yao Lian Lian nodded.
       When Ma Chengteng went to the wrong time, he left a close-knit entourage. Zhuang Ruolan is guarded against Lian-jia, and Ma Chengteng is naturally prepared.
       Waiting for everyone to go out, only to Wei, Yue-Yao asked: "What is the situation outside?" She didn't know anything about the follow-up.
       Xiang Wei is opposed to Yue-Yao to drink the poisoned soup, but Yue-Yao insists. Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is tossing and smiles bitterly: "If you listen to my opinion, you need to suffer such pain."
       Yue-Yao didn't say anything.
       Yue-Yao is very dissatisfied with this result. "At least I have to get back to this crime. Even if she can't kill, she has to let her know her name. Now it's good, Mo-shi is not hurting you but half dead." Wei feels that Yue-Yao is smart and has a plan, but the means are soft. So sooner or later, it is necessary to eat big losses.
       Yue-Yao said lowly: "I promised the 'Grandmother'. If it is not necessary to leave Lian House, I can't do anything to damage Lian House when I leave. To Wei, the Master has a promise, I promised something. Do it." After that, Yue-Yao saw the look that Wei did not agree with, and smiled bitterly: "You can rest assured that this is the last time."
       In the last life, she retaliated against Mo-shi, but her revenge destroyed the efforts of several generations of Lian-jia, which made her heart uneasy. It may be ridiculous for her to be guilty about others. It is only natural that Mo-shi is so revengeful, but she only has to think of her and her proud look of Lian-jia ancestors. She has a deep feeling. A sense of guilt.
       Lian-jia is likely to fall in the hands of the uncle, and the defeat will be degraded, and there will be ups and downs. This is a law. However, she did not want Lian-jia to fall because of her reasons. She should not bear guilt and uneasiness. At least when she saw her in her dreams, she would not feel guilty again, so she would rather be stupid. It’s stupid and I’m not willing to pursue it.
       Shining to Wei eyes, "You said, last time." She knew that Yue-Yao was a man who said it was done. Since it is the last time, it will not deliberately lie to her.
       Yue-Yao nodded and said: "Well, the last time, if Mo-shi still wants to harm me, I will decide to fight back." For the next two years, the owed has long been paid off.
       Said to Wei Xiao-Xiao-: "I believe you." Anyway, I will leave Lian-jia anyway, and it will be boring to pursue it. As for Mo-shi, hey, how can you want to hold on to this event?
       Yue-Yao went to The Ma House this time and was not ready to come back again, so everything that Lanxiyuan could move was packed, and the books she bought were packed. As for the book of Lanxiyuan's study, Yue-Yao also selected six boxes for drizzle. Of course, the books that Yue-Yao brings are all miscellaneous books, not books on imperial examinations.
       The great movement of Lanxiyuan has already alerted people in Lian House.
       Yue-Bing went to the main courtyard to find Mo-shi," Niang, now how the Sancha body is still not good can let her go to The Ma House, and I don’t know how to disagree with us! You let her stop her!"
       Mo-shi touched Yue-Bing's head. "You don't have to worry about this, you will handle it well." She can't get into it, let alone Yue-Bing.
       Yue-Bing still wants to say something more, Mo-shi is shaking his head, "You don't go to Lanxiyuan, just stay in the yard and learn from Wang Mama."
       Yue-Bing is getting deeper and deeper, but she can't disobey Mo-shi. "Mother, I will learn from Wang Mama."
       Yue Ying once again went to Lanxiyuan, but Yue-Yao avoided it.
       Yue-huan also went to Lanxiyuan, and Yue-Yao did not see her, but Yue-huan gave a thick book to Hao Mama and said: " Mama, please hand this thing to the third sister. ”
       Hao Mama did not deny it and took the book directly.
       Hao Mama is not dealing with Yue-huan. In a blink of an eye, she gave this thick book to Yue-Yao and said: "Miss, 4th Miss said this is the last time." Yue-huan is for safety. Mo-shi is so scary, Yue-huan is a little scared. Second, Yue-Yao left Lian House, and it is not easy to contact for the time being.
       Yue-Yao didn't open it, handed it to Xu-Yu, "take it in the cage." These things need her processing to use.
       The moon looped back and went for a long time. Yue-Yao was about to leave the wolf, and she had to wait until she got married to leave. She is only 11 years old now, at least for five years in Lian, and she has to plan for a long time in five years.
       Yue-Yao not only moved her things to the The Ma House, but also settled the people who followed her, including the family of Servant.
       Yue-Yao asked Ruo Cui several Servant opinions. If she is willing to follow her to The Ma House, she must settle down with them. If you don't follow, Yue-Yao is willing to let them down, and don't want to be worthy of money.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "You can go back and ask your parents' opinions now. Come over and tell me your reply after an hour."
       In the end, if Jade and Ruomi stayed, if the family knew that they had gotten out of Lian.
       Yue-Yao will ask about the -maid that he is waiting for, and the other thicker -maid-Pozi will not need to ask questions and stay directly in Lian.
       I packed up for two days and started moving things on the third day. The big housekeeper got Ma Chengteng’s instructions and handled the matter personally.
       Yue-Yao has too many things, not to mention others, that is, Yue-Yao looks at more than 20 boxes of books and has some headaches. Hao Mama and Deng Mama carried out the spirit of sweeping the leaves in the autumn, and all the things that can be carried are taken away.
       The butler heard that more than 90 boxes were scared. Such a big posture, can not move a day. It must be noticeable along the way. This is not a good thing.
       Ma Chengteng got the news and said only one sentence, "Yue-Yao let me move, what do you move!" Yue-Yao estimated that he was not worried about Mo-shi, so he took all these valuable things away.
       Lian Dong Fang's face is blue, if you let Yue-Yao do it, Lian-jia don't be a man in Capital City. Lian Dongfang immediately went to find Yue-Yao. He didn't want Yue-Yao to move things away. He couldn't move it at once, every half month or one month, so it didn't look good.
       Yue-Yao thought that everything was sealed, and there was nothing in the evening of January and a half, so he ordered Hao Mama to put all the valuables on the car. Those who are not expensive are not in a hurry. I will move again in a few days.
       Yue-Yao asked Ma Yuan to transport thirty-six boxes in the past, and the rest of them were shipped again every two days and shipped within one month.
       Mo-shi got the news and wanted to kill all the people who moved things. These things were originally hers, but now they have been removed by this band of robbers. Mo-shi hated to kill Yue-Yao and moved everything to the Ma family. All of them were cheaper.
       Yue Ying listened to Yue-Yao with dozens of cars, his eyes were red and green, and at the end he flashed an angry look. Yue-Yao has so much money that she will not put her three thousand two in her eyes, but the three thousand Silver Taels are her life-saving money.
       Qing Qing heard Yue-Yao resentment, the head can't be lower, she can finally understand why 3rd Miss is not fake color to their Miss, it must have seen Miss's nature. It seems that she has to find a way out for herself.
       Yue-Bing sighed slightly, and this posture shows that Yue-Yao will not return to Lian House in the future.
       The only thing that is calm is Yue-huan. Nothing is more than her. It doesn't matter to her. When she can be the master of the house, she will make money.
       The Ma House is also very lively. The things in one box and one box are moved to Haishuyuan. Such a big thing is unstoppable. In Yue-Yao, a batch of boxes were moved into Haitang Court. People in The Ma House knew that Miss had to live in The Ma House.
       The people of The Ma House did not feel that there were many accidents. This was mainly because Ma Chengteng was hurting Yue-Yao. He always wanted to let Yue-Yao live in The Ma House, so the The Ma House people were very calm.
       The only thing that is not calm is Cheng-shi and Ma Linlin, as well as Lu Hao.
       Cheng-shi heard that Yue-Yao moved more than 30 boxes to Haishuyuan and asked, "What have you moved in the past?"
       Cheng-shi most hated person is not Yue-Yao. If her strategy for the day is successful, Ma Peng will marry her shi-nu and she will not be suppressed by Zhuang Ruolan. Now she is living with a bunch of hands, but Cheng shi is not satisfied with Yue-Yao, but she is not her husband. She can't help Yue-Yao.
       -Pozi knows what is in the box, the box is sealed, and which one is afraid to open the seal.
       Cheng-shi is trying to get the -maid-Pozi to find out what is in the box, Ma Linlin came in.
       Ma Linlin hurriedly said: "Mother, I heard that Yue-Yao wants to live in our house. Is this true?" Ma Linlin didn't want Yue-Yao to live in her house for a long time. With Yue-Yao, she has no good days.
       Cheng-shi also didn't want Yue-Yao to come in, but this was decided by Ma Chengteng. Where did she have the right to deny it?" She also lived in Haishuyuan, and she didn't have much to do with you. Liner, You have to be far away from her in the future, that is, a broomstick. If you touch more, you will be unlucky."
       Ma Linlin very much agrees with her mother's words, "Okay."
       Lu Hao heard that Yue-Yao had to live in The Ma House, and his face was not good. Before Yue-Yao was only temporarily staying with her, she was overwhelmed by Yue-Yao. Now Yue-Yao lives in The Ma House, she has to live in the heat.
       Lu Hao was thinking about what to do in the future, and heard that the Servant in the yard was discussing what Yue-Yao had moved.
       A small -maid said, "I listened to the front yard Mama said that Yao Miss has a lot of things, and that there are not more than half of the 30 boxes. This time, Miss Miss brought everything."
       Lu Yan heard that the calmness of her recovery was gone. When she went to Lian, she brought a few clothes. However, Yue-Yao brought dozens of boxes to come over, so that it is more and more calm than Lu Yu.
       Tang-Shi didn't care how many boxes Yue-Yao came over. She felt very strange about the news that Yue-Yao was coming to live longer. "This Yue-Yao cousin is doing well in Lian, how can I get to the ‘Ma’?" The residence of the governor?" It is not a Tang-shi stingy, I think Yue-Yao should not live in the Ma House, but this thing is very strange, before Master and Zhuang-shi went to Lian Fu, Zhuang-Shi even spent the night in Lian, which is very unusual. Plus Yue-Yao is different from Lu Hao, Lian House, the home of Shuxiangmen, the most loved reputation, how Lian-jia will let Yue-Yao live in the Ma House.
       Tang-shi anthracycline really shook her head, and she didn't understand it. "I have been inquiring about these two days, but those people  Mouths are very tight. Miss, although I can't find anything, it must be Yao Miss. What happened to Lian House, or else Lian House would like to put Yao Miss to come and stay."
       The Tang-shi nodded, and the ‘Ma’ did not know who went up and down.-The most loved by the Master was this shi-nu, who had gone over their children. Not only Master, but 1st Young Master also loves this cousin. The house has long been rumored, saying that Master wants to pick up Yue-Yao and come to live for a long time, but Lian-jia did not agree, and this matter has been stiff.
       Tang-Shi thought that the uncle was so fond of Yue-Yao, and then thought that the uncle was cold and faint to her husband and the younger sister. She only had to worry about it when she thought about it. It is only good to have a good relationship with the uncle. There is no harm. However, the relationship between the husband and the uncle is very bad.
       Tang-Shi has not yet left the yard, and he heard a small -maid outside: "Two-Young Madam, Madam lets you pass."
       The Tang-shi heard it Madam looks bad, the ability and temper are relative, Tang-Shi can help the family to manage the business at home, the same soup The temper of Shishi-shi is not small, just just passing the door to suppress his temper. But against such a mother-in-law, Tang-Shi really can't keep calm.
       Tang-Shi felt that her mother-in-law had entered the water, and she repeatedly made herself confront with Changchun. She was not a problem with her brain. Even if her mother-in-law and her husband could not make a good relationship with her husband, she did not intend to offend her. .
       When Zhuang Ruolan came to Japan to agree to Yue-Yao, he came back and then passed, but when he returned to The Ma House, there was a lot of things that could not be done. The things of the government are not mentioned for the time being. There are regular rules, mainly Haishuyuan. She has to re-arrange.
       The master bedroom of Haishuyuan and the studio of the study, Zhuang Ruolan, have been re-installed. Originally, Zhuang Ruolan made everything right, just wait for Yue-Yao to come and live, but Yue-Yao sent over so many boxes and had to reorganize the house.
       Zhuang Ruolan can only be glad that there are enough houses in Haitang Court. Haitang Court is actually an independent institution with a total of twelve rooms. Zhuang Ruolan told the people to empty the two rooms, and the two rooms were ready to give Yue-Yao a box in the warehouse.
       Cai-Yun said: "-Young Madam, these things are told to us, you can rest!" Yao Miss accident, Young Madam took care of the night, came back and did not rest well and began to open She is very worried Young Madam can't eat.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "Nothing, wait for Yue-Yao to come, I will be able to rest well."
       Yue-Yao let Wei Wei wash and wash out the yard, watching Xu-Yu begin to clean up the dressing scorpion and say: "This will be empty."
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "Miss hasn't seen another room yet, it's all empty." Don't say the house, that is, the warehouse is left with a few big guys who can't move. The whole yard is like a robbery.
       Xiang Wei did not expect Yue-Yao to be so thoroughly cleaned, except for books, tables and chairs, and big guys such as beds, and others were cleaned up. It can be said that Lanxiyuan has been evacuated.
       Yue-Yao didn't feel embarrassed, "The vestments in my storeroom are my mother's dowry. The furnishings in these rooms are all purchased by my mother and I. I don't take them away, it is cheaper." Yue Yao would rather give these things to the Huazizi, and don't leave Mo-shi a bit. If these big guys, they will marry in the future, these big guys are also going to be taken away.
       Yue-Yao didn't take long after breakfast, Ma Chengteng came over.
       Ma Chengteng specially invited a half-day price to pick up Yue-Yao to The Ma House. Ma Chengteng went to Lanxiyuan and looked at the yard with fifty or sixty boxes and looked at Yue-Yao.
       Hao Mama told the people to move out more than 20 boxes, very valuable things have been removed, and the remaining 30 boxes, most of them are clothes or decorations.
       Ma Chengteng's front foot arrived, and Lian Dongfang came with Mo-shi and his foot. In order not to be suspicious, blocking the population tongue, Lian Dongfang must let Mo-shi come out to send it. Although it is a bit of a cover-up, it is better than not coming.
       Mo-shi looked at the room and had not moved more than 30 boxes of seals, and the eyes flashed a complex look.
       Ma Chengteng didn't bother to look at Mo-shi and said to Yue-Yao: "You can't walk so far in the weak, or take the sedan chair." Ma Chengteng prepared a soft car.
       Yue-Yao sedan chair left Lanxiyuan not long after, Yue-Ying and Yue-Bing also came over, they also came to send Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao opened the curtain and greeted a few people, and put down the curtain. The road was quiet and people felt a special depression.

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