Family 260

Family   /   Shijia   /  世 家

       In mid-April, Ting Zheng followed Li Guozhen and left the capital.
       Yue-Yao sent the court to prepare to return to Zhuangzi, Ma Chengteng did not oppose, Zhuang Ruolan opposed. Zhuang Ruolan said: "There is nothing good in this country, nothing."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "'sister-in-law', in Zhuangzi cool, the capital is hotter than Zhuangzi." This is the best reason for Yue-Yao to find.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "I just worried that the city heat will go again in May. Now it is impossible to go. If you are bored, just because I have been busy recently, you help me manage the housekeeper."
       Yue-Yao was not willing to take care of the house, Lian was busy with resignation.
       Cai Xiang came in from the outside and said: " Madam, Lian-jia 1st Young Master is coming, saying that I want to see Yao Miss."
       Caixiang was originally the second-class Servant of Zhuang Ruolan, and Cai-yun and Caiyi were married in February and March respectively. Now the two are still in the wedding period, and they will definitely come back after a while. At that time, they appeared as a housekeeper.
       Yue-Yao didn't want to get in touch with Lian-jia people, but Lian Ting Li personally went to the door and didn't tear her face on the bright side, she naturally couldn't do too much. When I arrived at the front yard, I saw a handsome and mature man, and Yue-Yao squatted down. "Big brother is good."
       I also had a trip before the court ceremony, and I wanted to tell the truth about the court of Yue-Yao. It was only the last time Yue-Yao was sick and didn't see him. Finally, the court went to the field with Li Guozhen safely. For this incident, Lian Dongfang had a big temper, but because of the handle in the hands of Yue-Yao, Lian Dongfang did not dare to really think about Yue-Yao. Only he blamed it on Mo-shi, and completely abandoned Mo-shi. He was ready to wait for the daughter-in-law to pass the door and let the daughter-in-law take over and let Mo-shi stay in the small Buddhist temple.
       Ting Li looked at Yue-Yao, who was half ahead than Yue-Bing, and Yue-Yao, who was ruddy, said with a smile: "Mei Mei has become ignorant of me."
       Out of Lian-jia, Yue-Yao mood is also sent loose, no longer fighting, the whole person is let go, the color is getting better, the water is like a green onion.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "It's just like that. What's the big brother coming to look for me?" Nothing can come where the courtesy can come, nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall.
       Ting Li is to send a wedding invitation, his own wedding invitation.
       Yue-Yao took the wedding invitation and opened it. The day was set at the end of the month. I personally sent the wedding invitation to her, hoping she would return to Lian-jia to attend the wedding.
       Ting Li really means this, saying: "Yue-Yao, I hope that you can go back to live for a few days." This is also to make everyone face.
       Yue-Yao didn't speak. She went out of the door of Lian-jia and didn't want to go back. She and Lian Dongfang have always been like this in order to take care of Lian-jia decent.
       I saw Yue-Yao not talking, and said with a smile: "I don't know about the 1st Young Master? If the 1st Young Master knows, I don't understand why 1st Young Master dares us to go back to Miss? If it is 1st Young Master I don't know, I can talk to 1st Young Master."
       The courtesy of Tin Ting changed. He also felt that he owed Yue-Yao to the poisoning. Of course, the so-called owe of the court was that Lian-jia did not protect Yue-Yao. He did not think that Mo-shi was poisonous. Yao true murderer. Ting Li patiently said: "Yue-Yao, that time is really a misunderstanding, it has nothing to do with my mother. Cloth Concubine is dead, and will not have such a thing in the future."
       Wei Wei smiled and said: "1st Young Master, just because of this sentence, let us Miss risked life back to Lian-jia, when I returned to Lian-jia, and died is also white."
       Ting Li coldly said: "Is there a share of your servants here? Yue-Yao, are you doing this with Servant?" It must be that this Servant YYue-Yao, or Yue-Yao was so smooth before. , Where will it be because the court is not doing a break with Lian-jia.
       Yue-Yao said on one side: "Xiangwei is the body of freedom, not my Servant."
       Ting Li was so angry that he was red and annoyed: "Yue-Yao, do you really want to break with Lian-jia?"
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "I don't understand, I just want to live well. Why do you have to force me one by one? Do you have to force me to die? Can you get what you want?" I thought three words. Two sentences will make her return to her heart and dream.
       The courtesy trembled with excitement: "Who is going to force you to die? Who will pay for it?"
       Yue-Yao said with a blank expression: "I said what you know very well, what is the matter? You don't know how to dress up, I tell you, I would rather take all the dogs and not let you get One point of money. And even if I am dead with the court, you can't even get a penny." Yue-Yao didn't believe such a big thing at all, the courtesy did not know.
       Ting Li was also irritated by Yue-Yao attitude, and he said with anxiousness: "What are you talking about? Who wants your money, who will force you to die. If you say two words, you will believe it, do you have a brain?"
       Yue-Yao laughed and said: "I have no brains, I am so dying." Yue-Yao suddenly felt that she was stupid. Why did she argue with Ting Li here? Is it necessary? Not necessary at all.
       Yue-Yao stood up and looked straight at the courtesy. Looking at the courtesy was like watching a stranger: "Forget it, go back! I still want to live well, don't want to die early, so I will never return to Lian-jia." Don't come again, I don't want to see you, no one wants to see it."
       Ting Li was so angry that he did not expect Yue-Yao to be so unreasonable, he could not reason for Yue-Yao. He can only go to Ma Chengteng and Ma Peng, let them say that Yue-Yao goes home with him. Unfortunately, the ceremony was quickly disappointed, and Ma Chengteng did not want to see him at all. He actually saw Ma Peng, and Ma Peng said all the words on the scene, but he did not promise him.
       Zhuang Ruolan got some news and worried. He said to Ma Peng: "Yue-Yao really wants to tear face with Lian-jia?" The reconciliation is definitely not good, but Zhuang Ruolan feels that everyone should be able to pass. Yue-Yao does not go back in the New Year, and now does not go to the wedding of Lian-jia Dagongzi, this is really to make Lian-jia faceless.
       Ma Peng didn't think much. Yue-Yao didn't want to go. He said with a smile: "You don't worry too much. When you go out, you can say that Yue-Yao is ill." This can also make Lian-jia Step down.
       Zhuang Ruolan nodded, and this is only the case.
       Xiang Wei thought that Yue-Yao would be sad, but did not expect Yue-Yao to go directly into the studio and start to paint seriously. It is clear to Wei that Yue-Yao will not paint if he is not calm. This also means that the matter of the courtesy has no effect on Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is painting in the studio, and Xu-Yu is calling outside: "Miss, The Jingning Marquis Estate sent a post and invited Miss to attend the birthday of Luo-Mix next month."
       May 5 is the birth of the 14-year Old Ming-zhu. The woman of the Dayuan Family was fifteen years old and he was married. After that, it means that he can marry, so the birth of this pearl is also big.
       Yue-Yao took the post and thought about it and said to Xu-Yu: "Tell the person, I will definitely be there for the birthday party." Ming-zhu is so good to her, not to participate in it. Even if she doesn't like the excitement, she has to go this trick.
       Xiang Wei looked at Yue-Yao several times and looked a little hesitant.
       Yue-Yao sneered: "If you have something, you can say that it is not like your style." Yue-Yao guesses that it should be Luo-home.
       Xiang Wei said: "Miss, Bai Yi told me that Old Madam intends to set up Miss's affair after Miss's birthday, and it is Ning Noble Heir."
       Yue-Yao, how to turn around and turn back: "How does the world say?" According to the idea of ​​Yue-Yao, the world should be opposed.
       Xiang Wei thoughts on Yue-Yao can only be said that Yue-Yao is very naive: "Miss, in the eyes of the world, Ning Li-xuan's family, character, appearance match, marry Ning Li-xuan Ming-zhu for a lifetime There is no end to the rich and wealthy. What love and love, there is a family backing, I believe that Ning Li-xuan does not dare to be bad for the Ming-zhu.
       Yue-Yao immediately shut up, she felt that Ning Li-xuan is not a good person, because this man is a kind of wind, but Jingning Hou Heir is also a man, in the man's eyes, there are more women in the backyard, so it doesn't matter. It is.
       Yue-Yao originally thought that the world would object, and now I want to come, she took it for granted.
       Bai Yi is really loving the Ming-zhu. She does not want Ming-zhu to marry Ning Li-xuan. It is definitely not happy to marry the Ming-zhu 'temperament' to Duke House. Ming-zhu is best to marry a family than Jingning, so that with the support of the mother, the pearl is married and it’s okay, and it’s better to be more harmonious than ever.
       Xiang Wei said the meaning of Bai Yi: "Miss, Bai Yi hopes that you can persuade the Ming-zhu. As long as the Ming-zhu does not agree, this marriage should not be completed."
       Yue-Yao smiled bitterly: "What can I do? I advised a lot of times, but it didn't work." She worked hard for so long, and finally she couldn't make Ming-zhu change her mind. Now she advises what is useful.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Useful, Ming-zhu knows this thing is very hesitant. If it was before, she must be very happy."
       Yue-Yao waved his hand and said: "Hesitating to prove that she still reluctant to give up, I would not even use it. I think it would be best to let Bai Yi tell the world that as long as the world does not agree, this marriage should not be completed."
       Xiang Wei shook his head: "It's useless. Madam decides things, the world will generally be smooth. And the thing the Empress Dowager  knows, the Empress Dowager  also thinks this marriage is good. Only Ming-zhu is not willing Fortunately, this marriage is a good thing. Madam said that Miss is still young, so don't be so anxious, at least after the birthday banquet. This thing dragged down."
       Yue-Yao didn't expect to be so anxious: "What happened?" She always felt very eager. I wanted someone like Jingning Waiting, Miss was 15 years old and then 'marriage proposal' is not too late.
       After hesitated to Wei, he said: "Jingning waiting Madam is not in good health, Tai-yi said that there is still more than one year. So Madam hopes that the world will generally follow."
       Yue-Yao is silent.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "I have a way, but it is a little difficult to implement this method."
       Yue-Yao knows that Xiang Wei has something to say: "If you have any idea, you can say it."
       Xiang Wei method is to let Ming-zhu know that Ning Li-xuan not only does not want to marry her, but also hates her. Xiang Wei said: "Miss, if Ming-zhu knows that Ning Li-xuan hates her, she will definitely not marry." This method is rooting, but it is a little troublesome to implement.
       Yue-Yao hesitated a moment: "Doing this will not be bad. If the Ming-zhu still insists on marrying, then we are also in vain."
       Xiang Wei said with certainty: "Miss assured, as long as Ming-zhu missed this, it will not marry." Ming-zhu is also a proud person, knowing that Ning Li-xuan will not marry her.
       Yue-Yao looked at the pen holder next to it, and arranged the pen to ask: "What do you want me to do?" If there is nothing to ask her for help, she will definitely not tell her.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "The person who quoted this is not easy to find, and must be a good person." Those who have a good relationship with Ning Li-xuan are people with status and status. These people cannot be for a small interest. Selling Ning Li-xuan. And those relationships are not very good, Ning Li-xuan can not say these hidden things, so this method is not easy to handle.
       Yue-Yao also looked at Wei Wei: "You told me, I want to say that Shen Shen from Hao?" Seeing Wei Wei default look, Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I can't help you with this incident. I don't want to marry Chen's home. It's one thing to use Shen Conghao. And even if I come forward, Shen Conghao will not agree." From the last time, looking for Shen Conghao would be counterproductive.
       Something to Wei: "Miss, I didn't think about it."
       Yue-Yao didn't blame: "The relationship between Ming-zhu and me, you know. This thing as long as I can help, I must help. Don't worry, things are artificial, people have shortcomings. You will first stand taller. Xuanjiao good people check it out and say it later.”
       Wei Wei nodded.
       In the evening, Yue-Yao is practicing the word, and Wei Wei is grinding the ink. Yue-Yao suddenly asked: "To Wei, do you think that we are doing this wrong? Ming-zhu likes Ning Li-xuan so much, and now has the opportunity to marry her, but we have to destroy it. Do you think it is right?" Yue Yao Although he made up his mind to destroy Ning Li-xuan and Ming-zhu, he was worried that if he would marry a person who was not as good as Ning Li-xuan in the future, what should he do? Doesn't that harm the Ming-zhu?
       It’s good to be able to destroy the heart of Wei heart, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to destroy it. It’s all over the place, Miss is still affectionate, it’s really depressing.
       Although Wei Wei always said that the bead is not good, it is not good, but it has always been with him for so long. It is a pity that the man who marries the pearl and marries one of them is also a pity. "" Miss If you don't really be a pearl, you will definitely not take care of this business. Ming-zhu Miss must know that you are really good for her."
       Yue-Yao shook her head and she said her concerns.
       She smiled at Wei, and she thought that Yue-Yao had repented, but she was worried about this. Xiang Wei said: "Min wants more, as long as she does not marry the royal family, no one dares to give her a temper." Is to marry the royal family, as long as it is not married to the emperor, Jingning waiting can still support.
       Xiang Wei, who is locked against the brow, Yue-Yao said: "Miss, do you think that you can get worse than Ning Li-xuan? Ning Li-xuan's character I can't compliment. Miss may not know why Ming-zhu is so hateful." Not only Qing Qing lian is the first talented woman in Capital City, but the sweetheart of Ning Li-xuan is Yan Qing lian. I am actually very ignorant of Ning Li-xuan. Since his sweetheart is Qing Qing lian, the Qing hailian’s family identity is also matched, why should it be allowed? Parents have made a clearing of the pearl. If he is not willing to swear the pearl, insisting that he should smash the Qing lian, can the The Marquis Estate  still marry the Ming-zhu? But I heard Bai Yi said that he did not say anything about this marriage. I don't want Ming-zhu to marry this kind of waste snack." If the Qing lian is a poor woman or a Servant, then it will be. It is clear that all aspects of the Qing lian family's appearance are matched. As long as Ning Li-xuan fights, he can definitely win, but he does not say a word. It is really disgusting.
       Yue-Yao is also a sneer: "You said it is wrong, not The Marquis Estate qiang married, but Duke House will not agree with Ning Li-xuan and Qi Qing lian's marriage. The Jingning Marquis Estate can not match the family." The family's home is in Jiang-nan, and it is a Famous family in Jiang-nan. The father of Yan Qing lian is also lacking, but he can't compare with the Jingning waiting house with powerful power. Wei Wei snorted: "Miss why do you think so?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and said nothing.
       The most annoying thing about Wei is the look of Yue-Yao. When it comes to the key place, it is an inscrutable, not a god stick, what to install!
       Bai Yi movement was very fast. Three days later, Yue-Yao was sent to Ning Li-xuan’s social networking list. Everyone on the list indicated his family background.
       Yue-Yao looked at the person who was handed over by Ning Li-xuan and smiled and shook his head. Ning Li-xuan is really one of the four major gongzis in Capital City. This well-paid person not only has a good background, but he is not bad at learning. Just look at the ability of this friend can not be underestimated, it is no wonder that Jingning Hou Heir caught up with him.
       Looking at Wei Wei list, “It’s hard to buy anyone here.” The hardest thing is not to buy these people, but to carry people. Not only can you not let the Marquis know, you can't let Ming-zhu know. Therefore, it is difficult to use the relationship of The Jingning Marquis Estate , relying entirely on her ability to do this with Bai Yi.
       The most troublesome thing is that this matter is not handled well. Bai Yi has to bear the crime of the ‘Minister’.
       Yue-Yao looked at it and put his eyes on a person's name. This person may use it. Yue-Yao circled the name with a brush and said, "Just him."
       Xiang Wei knows that Yue-Yao is not a targetless person, asks: "Miss, why would you choose Yongding Marquis Heir?" Yongding Marquis Heir must have bought it with money, but Miss circled him for a reason, for this reason. She has to know.
       Yue-Yao didn't think about Wei Xiang, and spent more than a year, Yue-Yao already trusted Wei, "Yongding Marquis Heir owed me a favor. Ask him to do this thing should be no problem." Yue Yao wants to ask Guan Jingxi to help, but she will not hide it. She will tell things clearly with Guan Jingyu. If Guan Jingyi does not want to, she does not insist. But just by the way, I should not refuse.
       Wei Wei was very surprised, but she knew that there were some things to ask, and some things could not be asked. "This is a good thing. When we send a letter to Yongding Marquis Heir, it will be fine."
       Yue-Yao clicks on the head: "Cheng, but don't let people know. I don't want people to know that I know with Yongding Marquis Heir."
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao is quite mysterious." Rest assured, it will be arranged properly. Just, Miss, will he really help us?" Yongding Marquis Heir was very Famous in Capital City. I don’t know why. If the year is like a disappearance, it is said that Yongding Marquis Heir will soon be born, and Yongding Marquis Heir appeared. Although it only appeared once in Yongding Marquis Shouchen, the rumor that Yongding Marquis Heir was dying was broken. Because the Yongding Monkey family is not only ruddy, but the temperament of the whole person has changed dramatically.
       The outside world has rumored that Yongding Marquis Heir is worshipping a high-ranking person as a teacher, so he not only cured the weak body, but also learned a good hand. As for the true and false, it is not known, but one thing is certain, that is Yongding. Hou Heir is not a sick man.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "When have you seen me talking loudly?" Her help to Guan Jingxi is no less than a life-saving grace. Plus this help is not to ask him to do something harmful, it should help. of.
       Wei Wei nodded.
       Bai Yi got a lot of news and a lot of emotions. At the same time, there was a touch of emotion. Anyone who had a good relationship with her family had no idea to take advantage of the master, but Yue-Yao Miss never did anything like this. For the sake of the main child, a friend who can be handed over to Yue-Yao is a blessing to Miss.
       In fact, Ming-zhu is not so happy with Yue-Yao imagination. Influenced by Yue-Yao and the people around him, Ming-zhu is so crazy about Ning Li-xuan that she has never been a child. She knows that The Jingning Marquis Estate people decided to give her a decision. Li Xuan was very hesitant. She was afraid that Yue-Yao said that Ning Li-xuan’s words were true. Ning’s brother was willing to marry her because of her identity. If this is the case, then she must not be wronged.
       Bai Yi saw the hesitation of the Ming-zhu, but she could not leak half of the matter before it was implemented. The Ming-zhu is a hidden thing. If it is said that it is leaking, let Madam or Heir know that she is sure. To be punished. Things have become punished, she has no regrets, but if things are not done, they will be punished, that would be too embarrassing.
       Guan Jingyu received a letter and was suspicious, and soon returned a letter, meaning that he would personally see Yue-Yao. Guan Jingxi This is worried about fraud! I don't blame Guan Jingxi for being cautious. In the past few years, he has been on the peach blossoms, but he has been hiding for a few years. It is not good to return to The Marquis Estate .
       Yongding Marquis was very angry with Guan Jingyu abandoning the text from Wu, and he was not as fond of Guan Jingyi. Yongding Marquis attitude was very obvious. The woman in the backyard of The Yongding Marquis Estate  decided that Yongding Marquis was disliked with Guan Jingyu. When he came back for more than four months, he had several dark arrows, which made Yongding Marquis more unhappy. Suddenly I received a letter saying that I would ask him for help. He did not know the handwriting of Yue-Yao, and naturally doubted it.
       Guan Jingyu made a request, he wants to see Yue-Yao.
       After receiving the letter, Wei Wei said with some hesitation: "Miss, Yongding Marquis Heir said to see you." This means that if he refuses, he will not agree to this matter.
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said, "Yes."
       Yue-Yao found a reason to go to the Qing feng Bookstore to buy a book, and told Ma Chengteng to go out. However, Yue-Yao did not expect that Ma Chengteng did not agree.
       Ma Chengteng’s reason is also very simple. He said: “The Qing feng Bookstore is a place where men go. You are now big, and then it’s not suitable. What books do you want to buy? I’m going to buy it from the Qing feng Bookstore.” Ma Chengteng previously let go. Yueyao is because Yue-Yao is still small, so the requirements for Yue-Yao are basically satisfied, but now Yue-Yao is big, or need to be careful about men and women, or Chen’s family should have opinions, that is, Yue Yao has made achievements in art, and he can't let it go.
       Yue-Yao has some accidents, but her mind has turned very fast. “since it is not convenient to go to the breeze bookstore, I will buy it in the capital!" There are also several Famous bookstores in Capital City, and the bookstores often have women. Guest, it’s not awkward.
       After thinking about it for a moment, Ma Chengteng said: "Yes, your cousin will take a break at the beginning of next month, and let your cousin take you to buy it." With Ma Peng taking Yue-Yao out, he can rest assured. .
       Yue-Yao complained in her heart, she was going to meet people, and how can she meet people by her cousin! However, this is the best opportunity. If she refuses, she will be in trouble if she finds an opportunity.
       Xiang Wei thinks this is a good solution. Yue-Yao doesn't need to worry at all. "It's time to let a person lead the 1st Young Master."
       Yue-Yao shook his head. "For the time being, let's put it first. You said to Yongding Marquis Heir, I will tell him when I have set a time." If you are seen, if you are found to be a real person, then the Ma family must bear the burden. It is.
       Xiang Wei has a headache for Yue-Yao dead brains, but she also knows that Yue-Yao decision can't be changed." Miss, we have to be fast, or else it will be late."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "It's not late."
       In a blink of an eye, it was the birth feast of the Ming-zhu. Zhuang Ruolan had already done the clothes well and sent it to Yu-Yao on the day before the party.
       Zhuang Ruolan also watched Yue-Yao go out for the first time, and wants Yue-Yao to dress up and get beautiful tickets.
       Yue-Yao was very satisfied with the clothes and looked at the mirror. He smiled and said to him: "Fortunately, Miss didn't wear red, so I won't take it."
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "If I wear red, it will not only be a slap in the face, but will become a foil to other Miss." Her temperament is not suitable for wearing the big red and purple clothes, wearing that kind of clothes, originally nine points. The appearance may also be folded into six or seven points.
       On the second day, Yue-Yao spent most of the time fixing the makeup. Xiang Wei smiled: "Does Miss think that the makeup is wasting time?" Yue-Yao used to be fixed in a quarter of an hour, and it took four times today.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Women are eager for their own content, where will be a waste of time." And go out to be a guest, especially on such occasions, it is an impolite behavior for the owner.
       Yue-Yao When I arrived at The Jingning Marquis Estate , The Marquis Estate  was already full of cars outside, and I knew many people came to see it.
       Yue-Yao was surprised. "How many people?" Yue-Yao thought that he only invited some friends and family to come, but did not expect that there were so many people.
       Yue-Yao wonders, is Ming-zhu karma so good? If Yue-Yao knows that under the strong propaganda of Ming-zhu, she has already become Famous in the capital, and half of the people who came here are coming to her, she will not think so.
       Yue-Yao In the carriage, there is a -maid coming over: "Lian Miss, we Miss told the servants to wait for you here, please Miss follow me."
       At this time, a carriage stopped next to Yue-Yao. First, take two shackles from the carriage, and the shackles are standing under the carriage to prepare for the people coming out from inside.
       Yue-Yao looked at a woman wearing a blushing brocade flower butterfly and a summer dress with a white-brown skirt of the same color. The woman was wearing a flying moon, with a pair of blue silk hanging from her ears, and a blue silk on her back. Only the blue silk on the top of her head was slanted, like a round of a crescent moon. It was very special. A delicate and compact face of the melon seeds, the face is not sticky, but the face is condensed and rotten. The body is slim and delicate.
       Yue-Yao heart was slightly shocked, and soon he converges on his own look. It’s not someone else who came down from the carriage. It’s the one who is the same as her, and she is the only friend of her life.
       Soon, there was another person on the carriage. This person Yue-Yao is also very familiar with Shen Pinlan. Shen Pinlan was only ten years old this year. Shen Pinlan grew petite. Today, she wore a green dress and combed two rings. Her hair was wrapped in coral strings and she wore a lock and other accessories. It looked very cute.
       Shen Pinlan looked at Yue-Yao and smiled and said: "Lian sister is well."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Pin Lan, you are here too." Yue-Yao found that he had a bad attitude towards Chen’s family from Wei and Hao Mama, fearing that there would be more People explored her mind, so they changed their strategy, at least they got along very well.
       Yan Qing lian heard the three words of Lian Yue-Yao every banquet in the past few months. Although he did not know anyone, he has long heard the name.
       Yan Qing lian now knows that the person in front of him is Yue-Yao and can't help but look up. Yue-Yao Today, I wore a satin Made dress made of Tianshuibi. The skirt was embroidered with various sleeping lotus flowers. The skirt was also covered with a layer of pink Xia Ying yarn, which was very beautiful. On the head, I brushed the clouds and wore a pair of chic gold crystals, inlaid treasure lotus buds, and inserted a scorpion silk scorpion, and I did not have a few emerald coral head flowers. Under the ears, two amethyst beads were adorned with silver thread, and a sheep fat jade bracelet was worn on the wrist. The wrist was white and jade-like. A goose egg face was white and tender, with a faint smile on his face. Light as tea temperament.
       Shen Pinlan met Yue-Yao and was very happy. He turned and introduced to Qing Qing lian: "Lian sister, this is my Qing lian cousin."
       Yue-Yao has a decent smile on his face. " Mou Miss is good."
       Xiang Wei thinks that Yue-Yao smile is very fake, so it’s ugly to laugh like this. But to Wei from the expression of Yue-Yao, she did not like the two people in front of him.
       Pinang said happily: "Lian sister, you go in with us!"
       Next to the -maid of the -maid is specially sent to answer Yue-Yao, if people take Yue-Yao away, Miss still can not kill her," 2nd Miss, our master let me pick up Lian Miss In the past, I also asked the 2nd Miss to forgive me."
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Sister Sister Shu leads the way."
       Pinlan looked at the back of Yue-Yao, and his eyes showed an unpleasant look. He said: "Is the rumor true? Lian sister really gave Luo-home 3rd Miss as a companion?" Yue-Yao is the accompanying reader of Ming-zhu, but because Yue-Yao did not live in The Marquis Estate  at other times except to go to the  Mountain village, this rumor was not taken seriously. Because if the companionship is naturally around the clock, there will be no one or two months.
       Yan Qing lian smiled and said: "It is true that I will know it later." In fact, Qing Qing lian did not believe this rumor. If Yue-Yao pleases Bajie Luo Ming-zhu, why the Ming-zhu will also specially send a close-knit -maid to pick up Yue-Yao. This faction is obviously when Yue-Yao is a friend.
       There is a big gap between friends and companions. Yan Qing lian also looked at the direction in which Yue-Yao left. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She always felt that Yue-Yao had a faint enthusiasm for them.
       Shen Pinlan is also a person who has a  Mouthless heart. He should say: "Well, let's go to the sister of condensate!" Pinnacle said that the sister of the condensate is Miss An Ning of Weiyuan The Marquis Estate .
       Yan Qing lian nodded and smiled. "Go! They should have arrived long ago."
       Yue-Yao went to Mingxuanyuan and looked at Ming-zhu and smiled: "Ming-zhu, you are very beautiful today."
       The clothes worn by Ming-zhu today are full of rich and beautiful, cuffs and skirts are decorated with pearls of similar size, and the cymbals are swirled into a peony pattern. Pulled a flying fairy, a few full of sleek gemstone beads adorn the hair room, a sapphire red blonde plaque inserted obliquely on the side, the jewel has a longan. The bright and dazzling glare of the human eye, the gemstone necklace on the neck, the skein of the wrist, like a blooming peony flower, dazzling.
       Ming-zhu smiled and asked, "Really?" Although the Servant just said that she was wearing a beautiful dress, she still liked Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded. "You are now like a peony in a hundred flowers, the national color is fragrant, beautiful, I stand by your side has become a foil." Peony is not only the national color, but also the king of flowers.
       Yue-Yao is still the first time to praise Ming-zhu, but such praise is very useful for her. Ming-zhu eyebrows will all smile with a smile, saying: "I didn't expect you to boast that people are so powerful. But Yue-Yao, you are also very beautiful, you don't have to be arrogant."
       Bai Yi was full of black lines and said directly: "Miss, Yue-Yao just praises you, not from the meager." If Yue-Yao is a meager person, then Bai Yi really can't find a proud person.
       Ming-zhu sighs and laughs. "I am just joking. Yue-Yao is definitely a beautiful woman when she grows up. This is beyond doubt."
       Yue-Yao smiled and asked the person I saw just now. "I am carrying a lot of carriages outside the mansion. Is there anything else besides your birthday?"
       Ming-zhu asked very strangely: "Yue-Yao, don't you think that people are very busy, is it fun?" Ming-zhu invited a lot of people this time.
       For a long time, the original big battle was made by the Ming-zhu itself. Yue-Yao said with a smile: "It is very lively." People are more and more lively, but fun is not necessarily. There are many people and too many people.
       Bai Yi said to Yue-Yao: "Yue-Yao Miss, this birthday is made by us Miss, please also Miss, who has some contacts with us on most days, but this time I have a lot."
       Yue-Yao didn't think much about it. Ming-zhu is a person who likes to be busy. It is normal for a little more people to have a birthday. But soon Yue-Yao knows what Bai Yi said is what it means.
       After the Ming-zhu was properly made, he said to Yue-Yao: "Go, let's go to the Qianshui Lake." This Ming-zhu placed the guest's place in the pavilion next to the Qianshui Lake.
       It is May, the weather is already a bit hot, and the banquet is located next to the Qianshui Lake. It is also very creative. At least it is very refreshing here, so don't be afraid of heat.
       Yue-Yao went to Qianshui Lake with the Ming-zhu, and heard the laughter when he was not close. Yue-Yao looked at the people next to Qianshui Lake and asked, "How many people have you invited?" This is not twenty or thirty. According to Yue-Yao, there are at least five or sixty people. .
       Ming-zhu shook his head and said: "I don't know, I sent out 30 invitations, and at most, I have 30 people!"
       Looking at Wei in the distance, he turned and said: "Miss, there should be at least 70 people on the edge of Qianshui Lake."
       Bai Yi nodded in the side.
       Ming-zhu himself was surprised. "How come so many people? I thought that I will come to twenty people at most?" Even if everyone who got the post came, only 30 people! Is there any uninvited?
       Qin Qin explained: "Miss, these Miss brought a -maid, and there are sixty or seventy kernels on the other side. It is normal." Miss usually comes over and will bring a close-fitting maid.
       The people who came here this time, because the reputation of the Ming-zhu is getting better and better, the Ming-zhu not only has a better x-, but also a person can do it. Ming-zhu helped the The Marquis Estate  son Madam housekeeper has long been familiar with outsiders, the pearl is now popular, and the reason is Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao stood with Ming-zhu and attracted everyone attention as soon as he appeared. A fire is dazzling, a water is generally soft, and it is difficult to attract people.
       Yue-Yao went to the water pavilion, looking at a smudged Miss, some headaches, she did not like the banquet for the rest of her life, she was able to hide in the previous banquet, this time I thought that the invitation of the Ming-zhu will not be many I didn't expect so much.
       This time Miss is not from the Famous aristocrats, that is, the father and brother in the country, and the lowest estimate is Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is not familiar with these Miss, except for Qing Qing lian and Pinlan, others don't know each other.
       Ming-zhu pulls Yue-Yao. Seeing a Miss wearing a palace dress, it is absolutely royal to wear a palace. Ming-zhu said: "Yue-Yao, this is the Duanwang House Wan-An County Owner."
       Yue-Yao naturally knows Duanwang, but what impressed Duanwang was Duanwang who bought her paintings. Although Duanwang is the uncle of the present day, he is actually younger than the emperor. Duanwang is just a good thing, not interested in the affairs of the political affairs.
       Yue-Yao blessed a ceremony, "‘Laughs’ County Owner Wanfu."
       Wan-he County Owner always wanted to know Yue-Yao, this time I finally saw a real person. The real person is better than she thought. Wan-he County Owner personally helped Yue-Yao handwriting: "We don't need this gift, we are quite old, and we can match sisters."
       Yue-Yao was secretly surprised, "-County Owner, the female servant did not dare to act."
       I have seen Wan-An County Owner , and Ming-zhu introduced Lu Duke to Miss Yu-Yao with Miss Duke Miss. Because of Zhuang Ruolan's relationship, Miss Lu Yanfan of Lu Duke House was very kind to Yue-Yao, and said to Yue-Yao: "Yue-Yao Mei Mei, I heard you heard about the 'Grandmother'." ”
       Miss Duke Miss is not familiar with Yue-Yao, but looking at the face of the Ming-zhu, plus the Wan-An County Owner is also different from Yue-Yao, it is also very kind.
       Yue-Yao After greeting everyone, there are not many people to remember. There are too many people, all of them are dressed up brightly and glamorously. There are many sisters who come here. It is really not right.
       Yue-Yao just sat down, a Miss in pink clothes stood up and said: "Ming-zhu, I heard that you recently found a companion, is that her?"
       When the words of Miss fell, the face of Pin Lan changed. Her future 'sister-in-law' was accompanied by Miss of The Jingning Marquis Estate , and her family could not afford this face.
       Ming-zhu glimpsed the woman who spoke, not pleased: An Ning, where did you hear such a mess? Yue-Yao is my good friend, I regard her as a pro Mei Mei. ”
       Yue-Yao doesn't know who An Ning is. He points to Wei on the side: "This is the Miss of Weiyuan The Marquis Estate , which is born in the ‘Cefang’ Lu Shi. I heard that it is deeply loved by Weiyuanhou. Miss, this person has a good relationship with Yan Qing lian, you have to be careful."
       Yue-Yao face is inexplicable, what is she careful about? She has no communication with Yan Qing lian in this life, what is so careful.
       At this time, another Miss, wearing a pink brocade brocade silk, said: "Lian Miss, I heard a few years ago that Jiang-nan Dahuashi Wen said that you are different from ordinary people in painting art. Today is available. Please Lian Miss to open our eyes to us."
       Yue-Yao is more and more inexplicable, how both of them are gunpowder to her. When did she offend these women?
       Xiang Wei explained on one side: "Miss, this man is the eldest daughter of Yongding Marquis, called Guan Qiong. Because Ma Mind was born and raised, and Madam grew up and then remembered in Yongding Marquis. Madam's name is also the Di Daughter."
       Yue-Yao is still wondering what is going on, the pearl next to him raises his head and proudly said: "Yue-Yao paintings are naturally excellent, and others can't match them." If it is not Yue Yao asked her to swear not to say Master Yushan's business. She had long wished to render the things of Yue-Yao and Master Yushan as well known to the world. This look at this Qing lian lotus is also a good name to claim that the first talented woman in Capital City.
       Yue-Yao swept the pearl, she licked the pearl many times, let her not render the things she would paint, did not expect such a memory. Then Lian 2nd Miss jumped out to target her, and I don't want to know that it is the handwriting of Ming-zhu.
       Yue-Yao stood up and smiled and said; "Miss Miss praised. I can't get into the eyes of everyone. As for Master Wen's praise for my talent for painting, this is all about rumors, and there is no such thing." "Yue-Yao is actually very puzzled. Master Wen really said that she has talent in painting, but this is only said when she was in Jiang-nan, why do people in Capital City know?" Whose masterpiece is this bottom?
       Guan Guan, who is willing to let Yue-Yao go, said: "Lian Miss This is not us, we think we are not worthy of your paintings? Or why should we perfuse us?"
       Yue-Yao is speechless, what is this woman? There is a problem with the brain. There is no hatred between the two, and what must be done is to hold her back. Yue-Yao lack of interpersonal communication is fully reflected here.
       Lu Yanfan laughed and played the round field and said: "The scenery is just right today, Ming-zhu, how about we boating around the lake?"
       Guan Qiong is squatting, "The sun is shining today, the lotus in the lake is just right, so good is suitable for painting. Lian Miss, why not draw a lotus flower for us." Guan Qiong also knows Yue Yao has no backing, so I don't want to let Yue-Yao go. As for The Ma House, she still doesn't look in her eyes.
       An Ning also jumped out and said: "Lian Miss, since you are more self-satisfied with art and calligraphy than your sister, you should let everyone see and learn Lian-Ms "
       When Qing Qing lian heard this sentence, his face sank slightly.
       On one side of the Wan-An County Owner will see the eyes of Qing Qing lian in the eyes, a hint of sneer in my heart, what is the first talented woman in Capital City, but it is a robbery.
       Yue-Yao face is slightly sinking. What is her self-declared calligraphy and painting art is higher than that of Qing lian? When did she say this?
       Ming-zhu is not happy to say: "Yue-Yao, painting and painting, is it still afraid of what she does?"
       Why-County Owner also said with a smile at this time: "Yue-Yao Miss, Ming-zhu has always praised you for being talented, and there are few people in the capital. There are few people in the city. Lian Miss is not going out, we don't want to see or see. This time, why not satisfy our wishes."
       Yue-Yao looked at the pearl.
       Ming-zhu noticed Yue-Yao cold eyes and a cold neck. Although Ming-zhu has Yu-Yao entrustment, she even vowed not to say anything about her, but the Ming-zhu is a non-excited person. That time, her own flower banquet showed a sigh of relief to the County Owner, and then under the temptation of the Wan-An County Owner, more and more things were revealed. Later, the Count-County Owner deliberately praised how the Qing lian Lotus was in front of the Ming-zhu. Ming-zhu brain said that Qi Qing lian was not as good as Yue-Yao, and that Yue Yao painting and writing praised a flower.
       This sentence falls in the ear of the Wan County Owner, which is equivalent to telling the show in the capital in disguise. Not a month, most of the Miss knows that Yue-Yao talent is higher than that of Qing Qing lian. Yan Qing lian, the first talented woman in the capital, is not worthy of her name, and Yue-Yao, who is a party, has been boring in the drums.
       Miss, who is not accustomed to Qing lian, naturally hopes that this matter is true. He will suppress the indigo and lotus roots. Those who can hold the Qing lian lotus will hate Yue-Yao. Only a while ago, Yue-Yao was in the country's village, they couldn't find anyone. This time everyone got the news that Yue-Yao would attend the Ming-zhu birthday feast, and they would come if they didn't come.
       Zhuang Ruolan actually knows about these things. Only she is very clear about Yue-Yao 'temperament', if you let Yue-Yao know about this, you can't participate in the birthday banquet of Ming-zhu. For this reason, Zhuang Ruolan deliberately let Cloth House make a new set of clothes for Yue-Yao.
       The pearl was stunned by Yue-Yao gaze, and he said, "Yue-Yao, I didn't mean it." She used to go to war with people.
       Ming-zhu has always been unruly, only she is afraid of others, when someone makes her afraid, so the look of the Ming-zhu is in the eyes of the people present, really rare.
       Wan-he County Owner smiled and said: "Yue-Yao Mei Mei, since you are so talented, why don't you let everyone know? This is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it is still a good thing, it can make you in Capital City. A good name."
       Ming-zhu feels that Yue-Yao is not right to do this. Why do you not let everyone know what to do, why do you want to hide yourself? Yan Qing lian and Yue-Yao have to be thrown on the street, but such a person can also be the first talented woman in Capital City. It’s too worthless. If the talent of Yue-Yao is revealed, how many people will be allowed? Shocked. Based on this kind of mentality, although Ming-zhu knows that the banquet will catch Yue-Yao show talent, or invite Yue-Yao. This would be awkward-County Owner's words let Ming-zhu find courage," Yue-Yao,-County Owner is right, talent should be revealed. What kind of hiding does not let people know?"
       Yue-Yao said faintly: "According to what you said, is it really my fault?" Yue-Yao is really angry this time. She licked a few times back to the Ming-zhu, and she was worried that Ming-zhu could not keep the secret. I didn't expect that I couldn't keep the secret.
       The pearl was frightened by the indifference of Yue-Yao, which represented Yue-Yao in anger. Yue-Yao is very angry and the consequences are very serious.
       Wan-he County Owner did not expect that Ming-zhu would be afraid of Yue-Yao, which is exactly the opposite of the imagination. But ‘Laughs’ County Owner doesn't care about it now. She smiled at Yue-Yao words and said, "I remember Ming-zhu Mei Mei. You can say that Lian Miss not only draws a good hand, but also writes a plum blossom. It has always been well known. Qing lian's paintings and plum blossoms are very well written. Today, both talented women are there. Qing lian Miss, Yue-Yao Miss, how do you let the palace open its eyes?" ‘Laughs’ County Owner Concealedly, I hope that Ming-zhu will not lie. This Lian Yue-Yao is a real thing.
       When Ming-zhu heard the words of the County Owner, the heart secretly complained. Yue-Yao is very angry, this may mean that Yue-Yao wants to turn her face.
       The look of Qing Qing lian is not obvious. In fact, I feel funny at the bottom of my heart. When she received the post, she heard that Yue-Yao would definitely go. At that time, she knew that Luo Ming-zhu might want her to fight with Lian Yue-Yao. Yan Qing lian felt that Luo Ming-zhu behavior was very funny. Didn’t she know that Yue-Yao was her aunt’s future daughter-in-law, and Lian Yue-Yao wouldn’t be stupid how to fight her?
       Yan Qing lian looked at Yue-Yao and saw Yue-Yao indifferent look and knew that Yue-Yao was first ignorant. Yan Qing lian’s  Mouth slipped through a smile, and if Lian Yue-Yao didn’t compare with her, Luo Ming-zhu moved the stone and licked his foot. It’s not a joke that everyone can make such a big ugly at their birthday party.
       Yue-Yao listened to Wan-he County Owner's words. If she didn't understand what was going on inside, she would be stupid. It is obvious that today is a special place set up by Ming-zhu and people, in order to let her step on the green lotus. Go on.
       Yue-Yao looked at the pearl, and his eyes flashed disappointment. Having said that many times, I didn’t expect Ming-zhu to keep the secret.
       Ming-zhu was flustered by Yue-Yao eyes. She began to feel that she was doing it right. Yue-Yao was naturally talented to let everyone know, why not let a kind of Yue-Yao Mou Qing-lian Ba  occupy the name of the first talented woman in Capital City, but now Ming-zhu knows that she is Wrong, compared with the loss of Yue-Yao, what is not convinced is irrelevant.
       Bai Yi didn't know Ming-zhu plan before. At the sight of this situation, the heart was calling bad. Maybe Miss was out of good intentions, but Yue-Yao would definitely not appreciate it. Because Yue-Yao doesn't want such a head at all. If Yue-Yao really wants a head, borrowing Master Yushan’s east wind is enough to make her Famous.
       It is a pity that at this time, Yan Qing lian stood up and smiled and said: "I have heard about the name of Lian Miss. It is also my honor to have a test with Lian Miss today."
       Yue-Yao looked at Qi Qing lian, and then I understood what Qing Qing lian was thinking. Although she did not quite understand Qi Qing lian, she also knew seven or eight points. Yan Qing lian is a very strong person. He can't tolerate others better than her. They are both of them in the last generation and they are called Jingcheng Shuangyu. In fact, they are also praised by Qing Qing lian. She used to be close to Yan Qing lian because of Chen's family relationship, but now she understands it. She Qing lian is actually using her simple near ignorance to set herself up. Imagine that both are talented people, a gentle and kind person. The kindness is pleasing, but the other one is arrogant. Such a comparison between two people, who makes people like good people do not have to say.
       Yue-Yao is also very clear that this time, Qing Qing lian promised so fast, she was forced to ride the tiger, she refused; secondly, she decided that she would be more than her because of Chen’s relationship.
       Everyone looked at Yue-Yao, and Qing Qing lian agreed, and it didn't make sense that Yue-Yao didn't agree.
       Yue-Yao is very clear that she can't retreat this time. If she retreats, she will be defeated without fighting. Her reputation will plummet and she will not be able to integrate into this circle in the future, and her relationship with Ming-zhu will stop here.
       Yue-Yao has been with Ming-zhu for so long, knowing that Ming-zhu is not a thoughtful person. This time, although Yue-Yao is somewhat angry, he knows that the person behind the scenes is definitely not a pearl. The most likely is the Wan-An County Owner.
       The breeze blows, and the fragrance of the lotus fills the nose of everyone.
       Guan Qiong was impatient and waited: "You are more than just Qing lian sister, and you will automatically admit defeat. It is embarrassing."
       Yue-Yao looked at the pearl and gave a slight sigh. If she refuses, the real embarrassment is the pearl. These words were made by Ming-zhu, but he denied it at the birthday party of Ming-zhu, not in the face of everyone. If she did not pick up the Qing Family's gauntlet, the Ming-zhu would become the laughing stock of the capital.
       Yan Qing lian is so angry that this idiot, when this is said, Lian Yue-Yao will not compare with her. Yan Qing lian is not a fool. Luo Ming-zhu has changed too much this year. As long as he analyzes it carefully, he will find that these changes are derived from Lian Yue-Yao, so Lian Yue-Yao should be real.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said to Qing Qing lian: "Since  Mou Miss has this yaxing, I naturally accompany it." The last generation was used by Mou Qing-lian , but in this life, it must be for the Ming-zhu and Mou Qing-lian . Yue-Yao doesn't know if Ming-zhu is worthy of her, but she knows that even if she breaks up with Ming-zhu, she will round the field with the help of Ming-zhu.
       ‘Laughs’ County Owner clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Let us come to be this judge today, you said so."
       Yue-Yao is very surprised, how can Qing Qing lian be offended by the Wan-An County Owner, this should not be! Isnt the popularity of Yan Qing lian always good? strange.
       Yue-Yao Unclear is that the name of Qing Qing lian is far-reaching and gentle and understandable. Such a woman is very popular with men, but it is a pity that women are disliked.
       Since it has reached this point, Yan Qing lian will naturally not fall. Originally, Qing Qing lian’s heart was faintly convinced, and she could have the reputation of today’s reputation. Even if Lian Yue-Yao is really talented, why should he step on it with a few words from Luo Ming-zhu? Want to take her as a stepping stone, but also have to look at their own enough.
        Mou Qing-lian  softly asked: "Lian Miss, you are smaller than me, the problem is out of you." Mou Qing-lian  is to show his generosity. If you have a general question, you will choose what you are good at.
       An Ning plugged in the words and said, "There is just a pool of lotus flowers here. It’s not like taking the ready Made scenery and painting the lotus in the pool. What do you think?"
       Yan Qing lian’s heart is happy, and she is best at painting lotus flowers. She believes that as long as the lotus flower is painted, Yue-Yao is definitely not her opponent. I suggest: "If it is Yue-Yao Miss, I don't mind, I don't care."
       The pearl looked at the look of Yan Qing lian, and the lotus flower of the Qing lian lotus painting she had seen, compared with Yue-Yao, ten streets.
       Yue-Yao didn't mean to paint anything, but when he heard An Ning, it was a loss. If she painted the lotus flower, once she spread it out, it might cause trouble for her.
       Yue-Yao turned his mind and said: "I am best at Buddha statues, and other paintings are not very good." After the characters and landscapes and trees, she will not draw, once or twice may be fine, but many times It is also annoying, and if you are asked to go and will be seen, there will be no such concern in painting Buddha images. Yue-Yao decided that before anyone knew that the  Mountain layman was her, when others asked for painting, she would paint the Buddha image and the others would not paint.
       Everyone was stunned. They really heard that they were good at painting Buddha statues. If they were temple sorghums, a 12-year Old Miss said that he is good at painting Buddha images. It is hard to be surprised.
       When Ming-zhu wants to talk, it is stopped by Bai Yi. Bai Yi said to the Ming-zhu with a voice that no one else could hear: " Miss, if you don't want Yue-Yao Miss to break with you, don't talk anymore. Yue Yao Miss wants to do what she wants." This time, if it is not Yue-Yao, seeing the relationship between the two, Miss's face will be thrown away.
       Ming-zhu immediately closed his  Mouth, and Yue-Yao disappointment was in her eyes. She knew that Bai Yi was not scaring her. This thing was not handled well. Yue-Yao 'temperament’ would definitely break her. . She really likes Yue-Yao as a good friend, how can she be willing to leave the two.
       Bai Yi thought that he had to be angry with Yue-Yao. He should have a whole jewel in this matter, so that she would have a profound and unforgettable lesson. In the future, she would not dare to say no long-term memory.
       Ming-zhu looks at Yue-Yao, sees Yue-Yao. It seems that when she does not exist, her guilt is so powerful that she will support Yue-Yao, "If that is the case, then paint a Buddha image!"
       Wan-he County Owner added: "Just draw Guanyin Bodhisattva." Guanyin Bodhisattva has a basic family, they are very familiar, well painted, everyone also praised.
       Yan Qing lian’s gaze is so heavy that painting figures and paintings of landscapes or paintings of flowers and trees are all good to say. I didn’t expect Yue-Yao to say that I want to paint Buddha statues. This Buddha statue is so well painted.
       Wan-he County Owner is a smile, "Qing Lian Miss will not want to paint?"
       Yan Qing lian is a person who knows how to advance and retreat. He said frankly: "I have never painted a Buddha statue." The person who had not painted the Buddha statue let her paint, which made her suffer.
       An Ning feels that this is unfair to Yan Qing lian."-County Owner, Qing lian sister did not paint Buddha statues, Lian-Mix is ​​best at painting Buddha statues, which is unfair to Qing lian sister." An Ning finished, don't forget  Deng Yue-Yao glanced.
       Lu Yanfan said: "I remember that Miss is best at painting lotus flowers, County Owner, or let Miss draw lotus flowers, Yue-Yao Mei Mei paint Buddha statues."
       At this time, another Miss said: "But this is not a good time to comment." The things painted are different, it is difficult to determine who is good and who is bad.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I think this is very good. As for what Miss said, I don't have to worry about it. When I can't comment, I will vote for it."
       Lu Yanfan thinks that Yue-Yao is a bit silly. Most of Miss here has a good relationship with Yan Qing lian. If voting, Yu-Yao is 100% lost.
       Wan-he County Owner said with a smile: "I think Yue-Yao Miss makes a lot of sense. They each take the painting they are good at, which is fair."
       Yan Qing lian decapitated, "Okay." She is not good at painting Buddha images. She must have lost when she painted it. Instead of deducing it, she should not take what she is good at.
       Wan-he County Owner took a piece of jade from the neck and said: "In this way, I have a piece of Guanyin jade here, and Yue-Yao will look at it like this." Wan-he County Owner This painting is not asking for Yue-Yao opinion, but has already made up his mind.
       Wan-he County Owner's Guanyin jade is made of a piece of white jade. The jade is typical and  White Tian zhi white jade, warm and condensed, pure and white, and the Buddha is extremely exquisitely carved. It is a rare treasure.
       Ming-zhu is in a hurry, she has known Yu-Yao for so long, and she has never seen any Buddha statues painted by Yue-Yao. What she is best at is painting those flowers, but now I am painting Buddha statues. She is gone. However, the Ming-zhu did not dare to veto, it is really anxious.
       Hey and see the eyes of the Ming-zhu, the heart is a little funny, I did not expect the pearl that is not afraid of fear, even so afraid of Lian Yue-Yao, this is really fun. Wan-he County Owner smiled and said: "Ming-zhu, are the paintings ready?"
       Ming-zhu did not say anything, Bai Yi nodded beside him: "All are ready. Qinqin, let them move things in." When you get to this step, you can't leave halfway.
       Yue-Yao saw Guanyin Yupei eyes and did not continue to look at it. He said to everyone: "I don't like to be disturbed when I paint."
       Hey and smiled and said: "It's very easy. We won't bother you later." ‘Laughs’ County Owner speaks, others will naturally not reverse the meaning of County Owner.
       Yue-Yao took a serious look at the Guanyin image of the Wan-An County Owner, and then said: "-County Owner can take back your jade."
       At this time, the paintings have been delivered, the two paintings are the same, and the others are exactly the same.
       Yue-Yao took a set at random and let Xiangwei get everything done. She stood on one side and chopped. She waited until everything was put away, and she sat on the stool. After she sat down, she didn't start painting immediately. Instead, she touched it on the paper with her hand and touched it several times before she started writing.
       People in the distance looked at Yue-Yao behavior and thought it was weird. Guan Qiong Miss and Yong Ning of The Yongding Marquis Estate  are whispering.
       Ming-zhu is very dissatisfied and reminds the two people: "Yue-Yao can't be disturbed when painting, if you want to say it later, or you go far and go."
       Guan Qiong's face is not pleasing: "Whoever draws a picture is so troublesome." It is impossible to look at it, but can't talk, there are so many things.
       Ming-zhu is not happy, she is afraid that Yue-Yao does not mean that she will be afraid of Guan Qiong, a Guan Guan, she is still not in the eyes, Ming-zhu said coldly: "Let you not talk, don't talk."
       Guan Qiong did not dare to speak again when he saw the look of the Ming-zhu. The Miss, Wan-An County Owners present today are the most expensive, followed by the Ming-zhu. The reputation of Ming-zhu and Zhang Huan is not plain. He is angry when he is angry.
       After the three-column fragrance, the lotus flower of the Qing lian Lotus was painted. The lotus flower of the Qing lian lotus is so beautiful that it is like a girl.
       Pinang called on one side: "Cousin, this lotus flower is really good. Cousin, this lotus must be given to me."
       At this time, An Ning said: "No, Qing lian sister, this painting must be given to me, but the last time I said it."
       Wan-he County Owner looked at Yue-Yao not far away, and then looked back at the growing discussion of the crowd, saying: "Quiet, Yue-Yao Miss's painting is not done yet!"
       Yue-Yao Because he can't be disturbed, no one knows what Yue-Yao is painting. Just by time to win or lose, Yue-Yao has already lost.
       Ming-zhu sees everyone waiting impatiently and said: "Let's go to the lake! She paints very slowly, can't finish it in a moment." Let them continue to wait, it is estimated that someone will not be able to stop disturbing Yue Yao. To know the speed of Yue-Yao painting is the speed of the turtle, which can kill people.
       Wan-he County Owner also stood up and said: "Alright, just like the garden scenery is fascinating, let's go to the view." Looking at Lian Yue-Yao look is not quite half-time.
       If it is normal, everyone will appreciate this kind of scenery, but today is not the same. Everyone has something in their hearts, and there is something to see the beauty.
       The people walked around the garden for a little half a circle and returned, but did not expect them to go for a long time, Yue-Yao paintings have not been done.
       The people waited for half a quarter of an hour before they saw that Yue-Yao finally put down the brush. In Yue-Yao, they said they could go ahead and everyone flocked.
       An Ning walked and said: "Don't look at it, she lost. It's half an hour longer than Qing lian's sister. It's almost lunch."
       But when she saw the Guanyin image of Yue-Yao painting, she would not dare to speak anymore.
       In the golden Buddha light, Guanyin Bodhisattva holds the net bottle of willow in the left, and the right hand hits the Zen, and the face sits kindly on the white lotus. Yue-Yao portrays the  Mournful Guanyin Bodhisattva of Purdue. Yue-Yao also wrote "The Prairie Heart" on the side of the Buddha.
       Wan-he County Owner smiled and said: “- Miss, do you think the two paintings are good?" Needless to say, Yue-Yao paintings are not comparable to Lian Qing Lian. Wan-he County Owner can't do it, but there is a father who has been immersed in so many years of eyesight.
       Yan Qing lian said directly: "I lost." Although Yue-Yao used her four or five times, but by painting, she lost.
       Yue-Yao whole painting was very good, and the verse also played a finishing touch. Even though she didn't want to admit it, the two portraits were actually incomparable.
       An Ning is on the side but is not convinced and said: "This is not fair, there is time limit than the test, she used more than four times more time than her sister."
       Lu Yanfan said with a smile: "In the case of time, Yue-Yao Mei Mei is losing. But we did not set a time when we tried, and the real painting person will specify how long it will be." Lu was tired of not thinking that Yue-Yao was so deep. It is really amazing to be able to paint a Buddha image to this point.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I am only good at painting Buddha images. I am not good at other aspects. The title is that I am out, I am taking advantage of it. If it is other topics, I will lose."
       Ming-zhu is not willing to pout, what is the painting of Buddha statues, Yue-Yao Ming Ming paintings are very beautiful, especially the lotus flowers painted in Yue-Yao pens are all living, but this time the Ming-zhu does not dare Speak and be honestly on the sidelines.
       Lu Yanfan thought about it and asked him to look at the paintings and the County Owner, "-County Owner, do you think this one will win and lose?"
       Wan-he County Owner did not answer Lu Yanfans words, but said: Lian Miss, can this painting be given to me?” Wan-he County Owner thought of this painting for her mother.
       Ming-zhu helped Yue-Yao refused, “sister, I have known Yu-Yao for so long, she has not sent me a picture, I have to send it first." Ming-zhu knows Yue-Yao I like to send people painting, so Yue-Yao must not want to give this Guanyin Bodhisattva.
       Yue-Yao shook his head gently, "-County Owner, in order to show piety and respect, bathing fast when painting Buddha images. This time because of accidents, I did not fast bath, so I can't send you this painting."
       Wan-he County Owner's  Mouth twitching, this reason for refusing people is really rare. Wan-he County Owner is not obsessed, knowing that Yue-Yao has such a skill, she will not always have this time.
       Guan Qiong Yang Sheng said: "The painting is more than the past, the following is the ‘zither’." On the ‘zither’ art, Lian Yue-Yao is definitely better than the sister.
       Yue-Yao smiled and shook his head. "My calligraphy art is barely good, I don't know much about the ‘zither’." Qin had learned it all the time, but since she was born again, she has never touched Lian, and she won't even be with her. More than that. There is an old saying that is good, watching chess is like watching people, from the style of playing chess can be seen a person's nature. She didn't want people to see her bottom, and it would be dangerous for him to be seen. Therefore, in addition to Zhuang Ruolan, Yue-Yao only played chess with Ming-zhu, and played chess with Ming-zhu, which is purely playful.
       Wan-he County Owner smiled and asked: "I heard that Lian Miss can use the leaves to blow songs, and the songs of Lian Jingning Hou Heir praised and added, and please Yue-Yao Miss composer. Not as good as Lian Miss will show us the magic of a leaf. "It is not rare to blow a song with a musical instrument. It is rare to blow a song with a leaf.
       Yue-Yao frowned.
       Lu Yanfan looked at Yue-Yao and was reluctant to remind him: "Lian Miss, modesty is natural, but if you are too modest, others will not think that you are modest, but think you are timid."
       A Miss next to Lu Yanfan said: "I heard that Miss's ‘zither’ is very good, one is playing with the ‘zither’, and one is blowing with the leaves. This kind of comparison is very novel."
       Yue-Yao naturally will not give in, and now it is really ruthless. Yue-Yao This time, let Lian Qing Lian come first, "I just made a question, now I am Miss you first."
       Yue-Yao This sentence makes Li Qing vomit blood. The topic of painting is occupied by Yue-Yao, but whoever plays the first game will suffer. But Yue-Yao said that she was crowned, and she refused.
       Yan Qing lian played a song "Bixi Liuquan"
       After listening to Pin Lan, he exclaimed: "Cousin, you are playing very well."
       Yue-Yao also expressed his appreciation. "Min's ‘zither’ skills are really different." The fingering is skillful and skillful. Yue-Yao, although he will not have a deep relationship with Lian Qing Lian, but also knows that he can get to this point at this age, not only needs talent but also needs hard work.
       ‘Laughs’  Miss, who is wearing a woven gold dress next to County Owner, said with dissatisfaction: "The tourmaline springs expresses the fun of relaxing in the  Mountains, but the music of Miss is empty. There is no such feeling of leisure." This Miss is equivalent to saying that this song is not popped up by Lian.
       Wan-he County Owner sighs one voice: "Nan Shuang, you only learned a few days, dare to talk nonsense here." This little Miss is the cousin of the Wan-An County Owner.
       The Miss grievance said: "I am telling the truth. When Master taught me the ‘zither’ art, there was a bullet that was given to me. It was totally different."
       Wan-he County Owner smiled and said: "Don't mind, Miss, my cousin has a heartless heart, you don't mind."
       Yan Qing lian smiled and said: "Where will it be." In fact, Qing Qing lian vomited, but she could not do it with the Count and the County Owner.
       An Ning pointed the gunfire at Yue-Yao and said, "Now let Lian Miss let us see and see what it is like to blow a piece of music with a leaf?" Guan Qiong is not able to go to Yue-Yao, a lone The woman turned out to be a big fan here, and she wanted to compare Qing lian’s sister. It’s a joke, but it’s because of the ambiguity-County Owner and Ming-zhu, she didn’t dare to say too much.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "I use the leaves to blow, it is also a boring pastime, and there is no match with  Mou Miss."
       Yue-Yao modesty does not mean that he retreats. In the face of everyone, a "Shepherd Song" is blown, and the tune is relaxed and cheerful, making people feel happy.
       Wan  and Miss's name called Nan Shuang can't help but pat the palm: "Lian Miss, it sounds so good. Lian Miss, can you teach me?"
       Wan-he County Owner also said with a smile: "Although my knowledge of the music is not high, I can't give too many comments, but this song has made people happy from the inside out."
       Lu Yanfan said silently: "Lian Mei Mei, you are too modest. Just say that you are not connected to the six arts? If you don't, then we can no one dare to learn to learn six arts." Can use a leaf to play the song Blowing so well, the accomplishments on the instrument are certainly not shallow. Therefore, Lu Yanfan simply did not believe that Yue-Yao had never studied music. She must be Yue-Yao in Tibetan mastiff. Talented but not revealed, such people are hard to find.
       Yan Qing lian took a sigh of relief. She does not deny that Yue-Yao is talented, but Yue-Yao talent is not the right way to go, all the way is the road. Imagine who paints only draw Buddhist paintings, blows the songs and blows them with leaves, and blows them up to the little songs on the countertop, but everyone eats her.
       ‘Laughs’ County Owner said with a smile: "It's already different, and there is no calligraphy." There is nothing left.
       The word is the best of the three trials, because both of them are written in plum fonts, the same fonts, and they can be seen at a glance.
       An Ning sneered: "You can't write, you have to quit, and when you write, let's see it!"
       Yue-Yao smiled, put the paper on the table and took a ruler and swept it a few times to make the paper flat. Then wrote a passage on the paper, and Yue-Yao wrote "Heart Sutra"
       Yan Qing lian wrote the poem "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night"
       He looked at the verses written by Yue-Yao and couldn't help but ask: "Lian Miss is good Buddha?" Painting Buddha images and writing scriptures can't be disgusting.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "Well, I like Buddhism."
       The Ming-zhu broke the news next to it. "Yue-Yao often went to the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures to copy the scriptures at the Zhaohua Temple, and he also praised Xuantian Master, saying that she is a person who has a relationship with the Buddha."
       Lu Yanfan asked out loudly: "Lian Miss has seen Master Xuantian?" Master Xuantian is not good-looking, how many people want to see one side.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "I have seen many questions from Master Xuantian. Master Xuantian is very kind and very kind."
       Wan-he County Owner is a very keen person, "You mean, you have not only seen Master Xuantian once." Many Buddhist problems, it seems to be frequent visits.
       Yue-Yao doesn't think it's wrong to take Master Xuan Tian to create momentum for himself. He didn't do anything to hurt others. I believe that Master Xuantian will not blame. Yue-Yao nodded: "Well, in the  Mountains at the end of last year, I often asked some of the questions about Dharma with Master Xuantian."
       When Yue-Yao words fell, some people jumped out to question. Guan Qiong said coldly: "It is not afraid to flash the tongue when telling such a lie."
       Ming-zhu made a testimony for Yue-Yao, "Yue-Yao said it was true, I went with it, but I listened and fell asleep, and I didn't go any more."
       Xiang Wei said to everyone, or a look of disbelief, said: "This is no secret. Many people in the temple know that we Miss does not need to lie like this."
       The scene is quiet. Everyone wants to see Master Xuantian is difficult at the same time. I didn't expect people to live in the temple to discuss the Dharma with Master Xuantian every day. This gap is too big.
       Ming-zhu looked at the expression of everyone, very proud, the corner of the  Mouth could not help but rise. But looking at Yue-Yao cold look, his face was awkward again.
       In the end, Lu Yanfan broke this strange atmosphere and said: "The topic is far away. Now we should come to the comments. Which of the two words do you think is the best?"
       Guan Qiong and An Ning said in unison: "I think Qing lian's words are better. What do you say?" The two characters are very beautiful, and they look like a plum blossom, so they don't see good or bad. However, she is biased towards Lian, so it is good to say that Qing lian is good.
       ‘Laughs’ County Owner smiled and asked Qing Qing lian, "Qing lian Miss and Yue-Yao Miss, what do you think?" The two words looked almost the same, and she was not good.
       Yan Qing lian smiled and said: "Nature is good for Yue-Yao Mei Mei. I am two years older than Yue-Yao." Yan Qing lian means that she is old, but the words written by two people are similar. She has lost. One.
       Qi Qing lian is actually a bit angry. She thinks that Yue-Yao is using some tricks, not Zhengda Guangming wins her, she loses a lot of fire.
       Yue-Yao shook his head: "There are two different characters on the field, but in fact, the words of Miss are elegant and elegant, and the words of the plum font are written; my words are too rigid and steady, so I lost this match."
       Wan-he County Owner took a look at her brow. She felt that Yue-Yao was not right. Intuitively, Yue-Yao wrote a better word, but she couldn’t say one.
       Wan-he The South Frost Miss next to the County Owner explains: "Cousin, Lian-Mear is wrong. Plum blossoms are high and not elegant. Lian Miss Your words grasp the essence of the plum font, So your word is better than Miss."
       Yue-Yao was just curious about this South Frost Miss, and now I am more curious. Can't help but look at this South Frost Miss. Who is Miss, she knows so much.
       The Miss named South Cream showed a kind smile to Yue-Yao. Wan-he County Owner's look to Yue-Yao is getting better.
       Lu Yanfan carefully read the words written by Yue-Yao, and then said: "Yue-Yao Mei Mei, if I did not read it wrong, Miss just wrote the words on the Buddha statue, and now I wrote another plum. Font? Lian Miss Learned two fonts?"
       Ming-zhu did not control the mood, listened to Lu Yanfan's words and said: "Not two, Yue-Yao can write three kinds of fonts, these three fonts Yue-Yao best written is the Lu body word, Very beautiful." After the pearl was finished, she was so annoyed that she wanted to stop her chest. How could she not control her  Mouth? This is really bad.
       This made the Miss at the scene shocked.
       Guan Qiong said coolly: "Lian Miss also wrote a beautiful Liuzi word? Really fake?" This tone is obviously not believed.
       Yue-Yao did not say much, immediately wrote a paragraph next to the paper that just wrote "Heart Sutra", this time using the Lu body.
       Yue-Yao is not to fight for the face of Ming-zhu, but to the point where it does not agree to represent the concession, they have gone ninety-nine steps, and the last step is too boring.
       This beautiful Liuzi word comes out, that is, Guan Qiong can't pick it out. I can write three kinds of fonts, and each type of font is written so well, she has to say that it is definitely not attacked.
       Wan-he County Owner's attention is in the text written by Yue-Yao, "乾坤屯蒙..." Wan  and half-reading, looked at Yue-Yao with doubt. She has seen many books, but she has never seen such strange things.
       South Frost explained on one side: "Cousin, this is the nickname of the 64th Yi of the Book of Changes." Yue-Yao This is revealing her erudition.
       At this time, An Ning smiled, "Lian Miss, you are another Buddha statue and "Heart Sutra", and now it is "Book of Changes." Lian Miss is going to be a monk?"
       Yue-Yao shook his head and said: "The Book of Changes is also known as "Book of Changes", not a scripture."
       Ann sings the channel: "The Book of Changes is not a scripture, what is it?" One is the Buddhist scriptures, and even said no, when she had problems with her ears.
       Yue-Yao looks strange, this is who Miss, she said that "Book of Changes" is "Book of Changes", how can I think that "Book of Changes" is a scripture, is this Miss did not read the book?
       Yue-Yao never thought that An Ning and Guan Qiong were different from her. Yue-Yao was Lian Dongbo personally enlightened, and later Lian Dongbo personally taught Yue-Yao four books and five classics, so she I think Miss of the big family is like her. Yue-Yao doesn't know that it's not to say that the big capital of Capital City is a lot of scholars. Miss also only learns "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Characters". If you learn a lot, you will only learn the chess and calligraphy, then Six Arts, and further in-depth study of poetry and other elegant things. Miss, like the four books and five classics, does not learn, because the four books and five classics are the books used in the imperial examinations, and the women do not need to use the imperial examinations.
       South Frost Miss sees An Ning and Guan Qiong as if they are idiots. People say that it is not a scripture. This Miss has to add one more sentence. This Miss is really stupid.
       Lu Yanfan smiled and explained: "The Book of Changes is also known as "Book of Changes", "Zhou Yi" is one of the five classics in the Four Books and Five Classics."
       An Ning's face turned red in a flash, and Yu-Yao glanced at it. If it wasn't for this Lian Yue-Yao, she was so ugly. The Liangzi of the two people was so inexplicably formed.
       Pinang looked at Yue-Yao and said, "Lian sister, can this word be given to me?" She took it home and showed it to her brother, and she promised her brother would like it.
       Yue-Yao simply refused: "Sorry, Shen Miss, I am not very satisfied with this word, can not give people." Whether it is words or paintings, she is not ready to give.
       Yue-Yao This is simply pulling hatred, so the words are not satisfied with the words, then what kind of words are satisfied?
       Pin Lan's mind is simple, I don't think too much. If you say that Yue-Yao wins by relying on skill, the word can't be taken well. Pinlan is very admired for Yue-Yao. She always admire the talented person," Lian Sister, then next time you have to send me a good word."
       Yue-Yao smiled, there is no word for Pinlan.
       An Ning proposed to let Yue-Yao make a poem with Yan Qing lian, and Yue-Yao directly conceded defeat. "I don't know the poetry, and I didn't spend time to learn, so I didn't offer ugliness." Yue-Yao has a foundation, really wants It’s definitely not worse than Qing lian, but she doesn’t want to take the lead. People are too pursuing perfection and will be hated. Imperfect, people feel real.
       Lu Yanfan said with a smile: "Lian Mei Mei is not a proficient poetry, but she is also a talented woman."
       The presence of Miss is ten and nine are self-awareness, and they have personal experience, so they also understand how difficult it is to write a good hand. To learn three kinds of fonts is simply not something that ordinary people can do. Most of the Miss here has been convinced by Yue-Yao.
       Guan Qiong is not convinced, he said: "You can become a talented woman by writing three kinds of words. That is why the capital city is not full of streets."
       Ming-zhu has been no talk of listening to the words not happy, "said the easy, you write three kinds of such a beautiful word out to let us see, let alone three, one you can not write."
       An Ning said: "The talented woman not only has to learn, but also the female red cooking can not fall. Qing lian sister is all proficient." An Ning does not want Yue-Yao to be the name of a talented woman.
       The Ming-zhu called: "Yue-Yao needlework is pointed out by the Famous teacher, that is, the cooking is not inferior, and the apricot cake is better than the chefs of our house."
       Wan-he County Owner played a round field and smiled and said: "I think the most qualified person to comment is Qing lian Miss, Qing lian Miss thinks Yue-Yao Miss can afford the name of a talented woman." County Owner actually thinks that Yue-Yao talented woman's name is well deserved. Don't say anything else. Just two paintings can see the height. Yue-Yao art is much higher than that of Qing Qing lian, and from the past. It can be seen that Yue-Yao has a wide range of knowledge. Such a person cannot be a talented woman, but no one can dare to be a talented woman.
       Wan-he County Owner The reason why I dont comment on Qing lians own comments is that she knows that the temperament of Mou Qing-lian  definitely agrees. Wan-he County Owner does not like Mou Qing-lian  is not a dispute between the two, but she feels that Qing lian is very fake,  Mou  Qing lian is modest and generous, and gentle and gentle, in fact, Count-County Owner knows that Qing Qing lian is not a tolerant person. people.
       Yan Qing lian vomited to vomit blood, but still smiled and said: "Lian Miss talent is remarkable, talented women are well-deserved."
       Wan-he County Owner is obviously not willing to let go of Qing Qing lian, and smiles and asks: "That Miss thinks you and Lian Miss, who is taller and lower." Let Yan Qing lian bow down and concede, Wan-he County Owner thinks this is A very refreshing thing.
       Yan Qing lian has a stiff face.
       In the eyes of Yan Qing lian, there was a touch of unsatisfactory, but the face was still smiling. At this time, she couldn't help but pick up the words." Lian-Mix's art is so extraordinary that I can't help myself." Yue-Yao painted a statue of Buddha, which is naturally beyond the ordinary.
       Yue-Yao didn't want to pull hatred. She didn't want to make a good relationship with Qing Qing lian, but she didn't want to offend Qing lian. She said with a smile: "I'm all skillful, and it's a hundred thousand miles away from Miss." Not so good, and Yue-Yao also knows the weaknesses in his temper. She couldn't do it all the way, she was so slick, her temper was too straight for those who couldn't get used to. Even if she is born again for a lifetime, this weakness is not something she wants to change. What she can do now is to get along with the best and not to be evil.
       Hey and smiled a little, did not expect Lian Yue-Yao little age does not mean a little fight. Thinking of the Guanyin image, Yanhe followed the words of Yue-Yao: "Lian-Mush is too modest, I think you are comparable to  Mou Miss in learning." Mou Qing-lian  is good, but in these three items In the trial, it is inferior to Yue-Yao.
       Lu Yanfan said in the side: "-County Owner is right."
       The pearl licks, and it is comparable to Yue-Yao, and it really gives a long face to Yan Qing lian. Fortunately, the Ming-zhu of the Ming-zhu is still there, and dare not say it.
       It’s officially over when it’s here, and Ming-zhu is sitting in the garden with everyone. More than 30 Miss spoke in the garden, and Yue-Yao felt his head calling on the side, looking for a reason to avoid the crowd and find a more remote place to sit down.
       Yue-Yao just breathed a sigh of relief and heard a laugh, "Lian Miss ran here to sneak out, so I can find it!"
       Yue-Yao looked at the people and secretly complained, stood up and respectfully called: "-County Owner."
       Wan-he County Owner holds the hand of Yue-Yao: "So what to do, I am one year older than you, call my sister."
       Yue-Yao is not a person who climbs along the pole.
       Wan-he County Owner has a special affection for Yue-Yao, which makes Yue-Yao heart high. Wan-he County Owner is so loyal to her, it must be something. Yue-Yao is not clear about the peace of mind the purpose of the County Owner is to dare to relax.
       Wan-he County Owner seems to see the tension of Yue-Yao, said with a smile: "Lian Mei Mei, my mother-in-law likes Guanyin Bodhisattva. I hope that you can draw a Guanyin Bodhisattva for my mother."
       Yue-Yao is very confident in the Buddha statue she painted. She used to observe the Buddha statues she painted before in the ancestral hall. Then there is the guidance of the teacher. It can be said that she can draw the Buddha statue with her eyes closed.
       Yue-Yao listened to this and let her breathe a picture of Guanyin Bodhisattva. This is a small matter. Duanwang's door, the rust of her brain will not refuse, "naturally, but if Wangfei wants, I will inform me half a month in advance, I will fast for half a month."
       ‘Laughs’ and I realized that what Yue-Yao said was true, not deliberately pushing, and smiled and smiled: "Good." Painting a Guanyin Bodhisattva is so much more stressful, this Lian Miss is really interesting.
       Yue-Yao is going with everyone, Ming-zhu asks her to stay, Yue-Yao said faintly: "Luo Miss, I still have things, I will not stay, leave." It is.
       Ming-zhu bitterly haha ​​a face.
       Ping-Shi looked at the bitter look of Ming-zhu and said with a smile: "Yue-Yao If you really turn your face with you, you will not compare it with Yan Qing lian today. But angry is sure, who will let you not go through Yue Yao permission to say her outside."
       The Ming-zhu is depressed," 'sister-in-law', I am also worthy for Yue-Yao. She is so talented, she doesn't know much better than Qing lian, but she doesn't want people to know, I just want to let Everyone knows that she is better than Qing Qing lian."
       Ping-Shi laughed and said: "Everyone likes to be different, just like you like to eat. If you let you eat vegetarian food for many years, can you stand it?"
       Ming-zhu quickly shook his head and made a joke. The last time in the Zhaohua Temple, he almost didn't kill her. If you don't eat servants for a year, it is equal to her life.
       Ping-Shi: "Yue-Yao doesn't want to attract attention. You are naturally angry when you violate her. This time you have to admit your mistakes and promise that there will be no more next time. She should be forgiven. your."
       Ming-zhu has never bowed before, but after she met Yue-Yao, her arrogance was destroyed. "If Yue-Yao still refuses to forgive me?"
       Ping-Shi laughed: "Then you have been apologizing to Yue-Yao, and since the sincerity is due to the opening of the stone, you will always forgive you."
       After Ming-zhu returned to Mingxuanyuan, she suddenly remembered an idiom. "Bai Yi, you said that I gave Yue-Yao a sin, would she forgive me?"
       Bai Yi thought about it and said: "As long as you sincerely admit your mistakes, you will never have one more time. I believe that Yue-Yao Miss will forgive you. I am afraid that you will not be able to admit your mistakes."
       Ming-zhu shook his head and said: "No, I can do it."
       The next day, the capital was rumored that the talent of Lian-jia 3rd Miss was comparable to that of the first talented woman in Capital City. There are good people who will call the two together as the capital.

       Chapter 267 follow up 

       Yue-Yao heard her and Lian Qing Lian and called the Capital City city, and she was so stupid.
       Yue-Yao asked: "Is it a mistake, how can it be the Capital City Double Ming-zhu?" She has always avoided the reputation, but did not expect to wrap around again.
       Zhuang Ruolan looked at Yue-Yao look and smiled: "The outside is spread all over, where is wrong. Why, don't you like it?" She knew everything in The Jingning Marquis Estate yesterday, and she could have such a reputation. It is good for Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao is bitter, "These are all false names. What do you want to do? I don't know which good thing to arrange." She always tried not to let her find her, but she didn't expect it to be done by Ming-zhu. Come out of this one thing. This time, she did not hesitate to rectify the pearl, she ate a big loss.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and said: "You are a child who is too careful. But you don't have to worry about it. You are not saying that you are only good at painting Buddha statues? After painting Buddha statues abroad, it also shows that you are really connected with Buddha. Buddha painting is good, You can make a lot of goodwill."
       Yue-Yao has some accidents, "Goodness? What goodness?" Yue-Yao didn't understand what it meant. He didn't draw a few Buddha statues. She used to paint more.
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled and shook his head. The child is too simple. I don’t know how good this is for her.” I listened to Yan Fan’s saying that you painted the Guanyin Bodhisattva, as if the Bodhisattva was like, and the County Owner Asking for you, but really?"
       Yue-Yao nodded. "Well, there is such a thing, but I didn't have a fast bath. This bodhisattva is not good to give away. Later, the sum-County Owner told me about this, I promised her if it was Wangfei. I want to, I will bathe for a half month and then draw a picture for them."
       Zhuang Ruolan said with some laughter: "Is the Guanyin Bodhisattva still there yesterday? Show me." Zhuang Ruolan knows that Yue-Yao is good at painting, but has never heard of Yue-Yao is also good at painting Buddha images.
       Yue-Yao let Xu-Yu take the words. Yesterday, Yue-Yao burned those children, leaving only the Guanyin Bodhisattva.
       After Zhuang Ruolan looked at this Guanyin Bodhisattva, watching Yue-Yao was helpless. Whether the child should be so enchanting, this Buddha statue can not be painted with real bodhisattvas. Zhuang Ruolan said with a smile: "Since you have entered the eyes of the Wan  and County Owner, you will get along well with the County Owner." Dealing with such a noble woman is of great benefit to Yue-Yao. .
       Yue-Yao Dagger, "I will." Bardy will not please her, but ‘Laughs’ County Owner is willing to make good friends with her, this is a good thing, she will naturally take the opportunity.
       Zhuang Ruolan thought about it and said: "Yue-Yao, things are rare, and there are definitely many people coming to ask for paintings in the future. Most people don't promise." Zhuang Ruolan hopes that Yue-Yao will raise his worth.
       Yue-Yao knows this reason. In the last life, it was necessary to rely on the ancestral hall to have no choice. In this life, her paintings are not street goods. Yue-Yao said: "Well, I have this idea again, but there are too many people asking for paintings. I don't know how to refuse." Yue-Yao remembered the Shifu who made jewelry in Jiang-nan, one year. I also do three kinds of jewelry, and I don’t have much to do, so his things are hard to find.
       Zhuang Ruolan is also frowning. It doesn't matter if the status of the person seeking painting is low. If they are high, they can't afford to sin. If they don't draw, they have to paint.
       Yue-Yao said with a smile: "No hurry, then I will think again." I am anxious to come, but I have to be reminded. Yue-Yao has a vague idea.
       Yan Qing lian heard her and Lian Yue-Yao and called her sister-in-law, and she was vomiting to death. Inexplicably she is the same as Lian Yue-Yao.
        Mou 清廉 Let people check what is going on in this matter, she knows that this must be helped by the back.
       This incident is not a secret, and it will be clear soon. What makes Lian Lian unexpected is that Luo Ming-zhu is not the person who promotes it, but the County Owner.
       Yan Qing lian didn't understand. She always wanted to make a good deal with the Count-County Owner, but she was turned away. Lian Yue-Yao, who didnt understand anything, would only walk the road. And the eyes of the County Owner, but also help her build momentum.
       Yan Qing lian thought of Lian Yue-Yao, and she rushed up in her heart. "I actually took me as a stepping stone and stepped on me. I have to see if you have this ability."
       Servant Xia Lu, who is next to Yan Qing lian, said: "Miss, we should not come out of this matter. If people know, Miss's reputation is detrimental." The more this time, the more you can't act rashly.
       Yan Qing lian thought for a moment and knew that she was impatient.
       Xia Lu said: "Miss, we can't punish her, she doesn't mean that others can't punish her. Miss, Gu-Nai-Nai, but Lian Yue-Yao future mother-in-law, we will tell this to Dagu-Nai-Nai, I believe that Dagu-Nai-Nai will definitely be mad at Miss."
       Yan Qing lian glanced at Xia Lu. "Are you sloppy? Aunt is Lian Yue-Yao future mother-in-law, but now Lian Yue-Yao has not passed the door. If I am disciplining Lian Yue-Yao, I will When my aunt is going to be affected." This is a messy idea.
       Xia Lu no longer speaks.
       Yan Qing lian is thinking of someone who can help her out. This person must not have anything to do with her on the face.
       Yan Qing lian did not tell this thing about  Mou Shi, but the outside was rumbling, and  Mou Shi didn't want to know it.  Mou Shi knows this thing, his face is gloomy, this death Yatou is too unaware of the so-called, clearly know that Qing lian is her shi-nu, even dare to step on Qing lian.
       Hole Mama whispered aside and said: " Madam, Lian Miss can get such a reputation is a good thing for us. Madam You think, Lian Miss can talk to Master Xuantian, Also good at painting Buddha images, how much blessing it is!"
        Mou Shi eyes flashed disdain, "No need to say."
       Hole Mama looks at this appearance of  Mou Shi, I don't know what to say. She doesn't understand why Madam is so disliked with Lian Miss!
       The news that Yue-Yao became one of the two sisters in Capital City naturally passed to Lian House. Mo-shi is now busy with her son's marriage. The following -maid-Pozi didn't dare to pass the news to her ear, that is, Lu around him Mama and flowers Pozi didn't dare to tell her the news. I was afraid that Mo-shi got angry and got angry.
       Until now, Lu Mama and flowers Pozi still wants to find a way out for himself! Master's attitude is very clear. When 1st Young Madam passes the door, Madam is going to go to the Buddhist temple to eat the Buddha. Once the emperor and the courtier, the 1st Young Madam will become the master. I don't know if it will be what's the situation.
       Yue-Bing was upset by this news. She had a good ‘zither’ and a chance to have it, but it is not difficult to play a talented woman in so many shows in Capital City, but now Yue-Yao is easy. Same as the green lotus.
       Wang Mama persuaded Yue-Bing: "Miss, this is an urgent matter, the more urgent and chaotic." Wang Mama lamented Yue-Yao plan, the name of a talented woman is a small matter, the key is to get this The opportunity to enter the circle of noble women. Second, Miss thought that there was no chance.
       Yue-Bing said: " Mama, I can't be anxious!" She is now thirteen years old, and she is about to set her age. But now her position is not obvious, she is not expecting it, everything depends on it. Yourself.
       Wang Mama shook his head. "Miss, you have to set your position. If you want to compare with 3rd Miss, you can't compare it for a lifetime. It's useless."
       Yue-Bing is very ugly.
       Wang Mama This is also to let Yue-Bing calm down and continue to say: "Miss also don't worry, don't say you can't compare, that is, the green lotus can't match."
       Yue-Bing turned to horror, "-What does Mama mean? Why is it that Qing lian is not comparable?" Isn't Qing lian not the same as Yue-Yao? How can it be compared?
       Wang Mama said: "If the old body is estimated to be correct, 3rd Miss is a Tibetan mastiff. Miss, Master Wen has a long-standing reputation in Jiang-nan. Since he can say that 3rd Miss has this talent, he can see the talent of 3rd Miss. And 3rd Miss these years The level of painting is not comparable to that of ordinary people."
       Yue-Bing still doesn't understand.
       Wang Mama said: "In the past few years, have you seen 3rd Miss rest for a day? 3rd Miss All the thoughts of these years have been spent on two things, one is painting and one is calligraphy. Miss thinks 3rd Miss is so hardworking for the name of a talented woman in Capital City? 3rd Miss specializes in these two items not to become a talented woman in the capital.” Yue-Yao is almost all the thoughts spent on these two, if it is to become a talented woman You don't need to be so desperate.
       Yue-Bing wondered, "What is it for?" Yue-Bing heard Wang Mama said that Yue-Yao was not for the sake of fame, more and more doubts.
       Wang Mama said: "Miss, Yue-Yao Miss's goal is not to become a talented woman in Capital City, her eyes are higher."
       Yue-Bing understood some, "Yue-Yao eyes are higher, what does this mean?"
       Wang Mama smiled and said: "Miss, 3rd Miss, don't worry about what you want to do, you just need to know that if you want 3rd Miss, you don't need to wait until now. Miss, everyone has what they are after, you and 3rd Miss doesn't want to pursue something different, so don't worry about 3rd Miss." Wang Mama and Yue-Bing say these, are not willing Yue-Bing because Yue-Yao falls down, there is a kind of person It is God's love. If 2nd Miss want to compare with her, they will only make themselves more and more inferior, and then they will fall into the best.
       Yue-Bing is a little sad, "But Yue-Yao now..." It was a good help, but now it is a resentment against their family and it will be her resistance.
       Wang Mama said: "Miss don't worry, 3rd Miss will definitely be in love with Miss on the face when he socializes." Wang Mama said after stopping for a moment, he continued: "Miss, everything afterwards." I have to go to the long term to see it. I can only stand tall if I look far."
       Wang Mama feels that Mo-shi behavior is short-sighted and even stupid. If Mo-shi is a shrewd person, it is good to treat Yue-Yao and Tingzheng well, and then make good relations with Ma and Li. This is not only beneficial to the marriage of the children, but also beneficial to the career of the Master Master. However, Mo-shi made himself awkward for hundreds of thousands of Silver Taels. Not only did his reputation disappear, but Lian was tired of his children. Fortunately, 1st Young Master was competing for himself, otherwise he did not know how.
       Yue-Bing clicked on the head: " Mama rest assured, I know how to do it."
       Wang Mama nodded. Since Lian House has proclaimed that Mo-shi has poisoned Yue-Yao, Wang Mama has been guiding Yue-Bing to let him take a long-term view when dealing with things. Wang Mama hopes Yue-Bing will not be affected. The influence of Mo-shi. Fortunately, her teaching is useful, Wang Mama also breathed a sigh of relief.
       Yue-Ying got the news but grabbed the embroidered quilt, and the satin caught her almost wrinkled.
       Cai-Qing is frightening," Miss let go, if you wrinkle, you have to re-embroider." Cai Qing really can't understand why his own Miss is now out of control when he hears 3rd Miss. The biggest Miss in my home in Lian is 3rd Miss, but now Eldest Miss seems to have a hatred with 3rd Miss, she really can't understand.
       Yue-Ying looked at the appearance of satin and said as usual: "Let's go!"
       Cai Qing withdrew and returned to his house. She sat in her bed and was struggling. She had wondered for Yue-Yao attitude for a few days before she picked it up, and finally told her aunt.
       The picking mother is a little chores that have a few sprinkling brooms around the -maid Pozi, and I used to take care of it. After Cai-Qing , she also helped her a lot of aunts, so the relationship is very close. At that time, when her aunt heard the green, she said that Ying surplus was unreliable, so that Cai Qing thought of the method of not dowry the past, or else the past must be guilty.
       Cai Qing has been struggling for a few days, but she remembered that the Eldest Miss had just been very upset. Eldest Miss can be envious of 3rd Miss, she really has no confidence in such a master.
       When Yueyue-Yao became the capital of Capital City, he didn’t feel too much. It’s just that she doesn’t know what Yue-Yao is doing and what she wants, but she is sure that Yue-Yao doesn’t care about the talented woman, otherwise she won’t be Famous until today.
       Hongmei told Yue-huan to the news she heard, "Miss, listen to the -maid below. Eldest Miss got the news and wrinkled the embroidered pillows. The second Miss is quiet."
       Yue-huan was very surprised. "If you want to be angry, it should be Yue-Bing, angry, what is the temperament of her life? She is going to marry in June. What does this matter have to do with her?" Yue-Bing is the Di Daughter, 嫉妒Yue-Yao is also Famous, and Ying anger is inexplicable.
       Hongmei shook his head. "I don't know. Second, Miss's attitude is strange."
       The mood of the month is very complicated. Yue-Yao proposed to let her help Yue-Bing become a talented woman. It is true that using her knowledge of future generations, she wants Yue-Bing to be a talented woman, but this thought is flashed in her mind every time. broken.
       Yue-huan is worried that she will help Yue-Bing become Famous. In the event that he does the exporting of red, it will be sinned.
       Yuehua said to himself: "I am still a weak and low-key the Shu Daughter. At least it is safe." High-profile and unassuming things, let Yue-Yao do it! If she did it, she would be in danger.

       Chapter 268 confession 

       When it comes to falling flowers, it is far from the water.
       Yue-Yao is painting the scenery of falling flowers, and I heard Xu-Yu and called: "Miss, Luo Miss is coming. Miss, go back!"
       Yue-Yao seems to have not heard, continue to draw the residual flowers into the water. In the present situation of Yue-Yao, it is possible to enter the painting, but it is not easy to capture the scenery that can make the pen.
       Ming-zhu has been waiting for more than one hour in Haishuyuan, and his feet are standing numb. I haven't seen Yue-Yao yet. Ming-zhu is in a hurry, "Why haven't you come yet?"
       Wei Wei said slowly: "You said Miss hasn't come yet?" If Ping Chang Miss heard the pearl come over, it must be coming back quickly. This time, more than one hour has not come, the reason is known to everyone present.
       Bai Yi swept to Wei, "Miss, I will bear it again, and Yue-Yao Miss will arrive soon."
       Ming-zhu called bitterness: "But it hurts!" Not only is the leg numb, but the body still hurts a lot. To know, she will not sin.
       Yue-Yao came back to Haishuyuan near noon. When I entered the yard, I saw the pearl standing in the center of the yard. There was a bundle of thorns on the back. The pearl under the sun was full of sweat, a delicate and beautiful. The face is now in the shape of a cat.
       Ming-zhu pouted pitifully: "Yue-Yao, I am giving you a sin."
       Yue-Yao looked so angry and funny, but the anger had long since dissipated. In order to make the Ming-zhu long-term memory, Yue-Yao still has a cold face: "Negween please sin? What crime do you want? I don't know?"
       Ming-zhu bowed his head and said: "I shouldn't have your consent, and publicize your things outside. Yue-Yao, I really know it's wrong, don't be angry." Although the back is protected, But those stabbing from time to time also hurts on the arm. ”
       Yue-Yao snorted. "This time I know it is wrong. Who knows when you forgot."
       Ming-zhu said that he said: "There is no more next time. If I mess around and say Yue-Yao, it will make me a puppy."
       Yue-Yao face was alleviated, looking at the bundle of thorns behind the pearl: "Who is this idea?" Who made the idea.
       Bai Yi shook his head, indicating that it was not his idea.
       Ming-zhu looked up and said: "Yue-Yao, this is my idea. I know that you are angry, so I deliberately punish myself. Yue-Yao, but fortunately you are back, I will kill you if you don't come back. This is really painful in the hand."
       Yue-Yao said with no anger, "I also said that I am a Eldest Miss. What is the difference between this and a three-year Old child? Go and change the clothes."
       Ming-zhu said pitifully: "Yue-Yao, I didn't bring clothes."
       Yue-Yao is too lazy to care for him. The noble Lady of the capital has at least three sets of clothes when she goes out. When he doesn't know, "I don't know how to wear this clothes. I don't have clothes you can wear here."
       Bai Yi smiled and said: "We are in a hurry, really did not bring clothes."
       Xu-Yu stood up and said: "Miss, 1st Madam made a new set of clothes for Miss, or I took it out and tried it for Luo Miss."
       Xu-Yu quickly took the clothes over, the pink and white wishful lines on the top of the spring fir, the following is the light blue and gold sprinkling twelve moon skirts. This clothes is the clothes of the Cloth Square, and there are hundreds of Silver Taels outside!
       Yue-Yao looked at the pearl wearing this set of clothes and shook his head and said: "You still wear beautiful clothes." This kind of clothes is not lining with the temperament of the pearl.
       Ming-zhu nodded: "I don't think it looks good! But it doesn't matter, it will be half a day anyway, I will change it when I go back."
       Zhuang Ruolan heard the pearl carrying the thorns and gave Yue-Yao a sin, and laughed. "This pearl is really chaotic." Although the face is said, Zhuang Ruolan is sincerely sighing, still young! When you grow up, you don't have such a pleasant life.
       Cai Xiang smiled and said: "Yao Miss is very good with Luo Miss."
       Zhuang Ruolan smiled. "Yes, it’s good, I hope they can continue this way." Ming-zhu is getting better and better now, and it is more and more flattering.
       Ming-zhu stayed in the house and used lunch. After lunch, the two talked, and the pearl said: "Yue-Yao, I sister-in-law" said that your Buddha is painting very well, I want you to draw a pair. Guanyin Bodhisattva, don't know when you are free?"
       Yue-Yao thought about it and said: "This year is not a success. I don't have time, next year! I will give you a 'sister-in-law' painting next year."
       After Ming-zhu knows the reason, he muttered. "Next year next year, there is no hurry anyway."
       Yue-Yao Although I don't like the Wan-An County Owner , but I can't talk about it, "Ming-zhu, Wan  and County Owner hates Mou Qing-lian ?"
       Ming-zhu shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I don't like Mou Qing-lian , and I hate it when she looks like a detached fairy."
       Xiang Wei interjected in the side: "Ming-zhu Miss, there is a kind of person who loves to wear, this kind of person does not pretend to die."
       The pearl is close to the palm, "Yes, Qing Qing lian is the kind of person who will die if not installed."
       Yue-Yao is very troublesome for Wei Wei to fear that the world is not chaotic 'temperament', and this is fortunate to follow himself. If she is to follow the pearl, it is estimated that it will be messed up.
       Ming-zhu said happily: "Yue-Yao, my brother promised me, these days you can go out and buy things. Yue-Yao, when you go with me!"
       Yue-Yao heart is moving, thinking of what Bai Yi said, this matter is also imminent, and immediately nodded and said: "Good."
       Yue-Yao made a look to Wei, and Yi and Bai Yi withdrew, and the two discussed the trip.
       Ming-zhu returned to The Marquis Estate  after using the dinner.
       Xiang Wei and Yue-Yao said: "Bai Yi said that he had the promise of Yongding Marquis Heir, she went to arrange." The meaning is that Yongding Marquis Heir.
       Yue-Yao is somewhat worried. "If it is time for Ning Li-xuan not to tell the truth, then are we not busy?" The most crucial thing is not Yongding Marquis Heir Guan Jingyu, but Ning Li-xuan.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Mother assured, as long as Ning Li-xuan relaxes his vigilance, we can let him tell his heart."
       Yue-Yao swept to Wei. "You are sure that there will be no problem with your method?" Xiang Wei is so determined, it must be what means.
       Xiang Wei nodded: "Mother assured, we have a sense of proportion, and now the most troublesome is Yongding Marquis Heir."
       Yue-Yao said: "No matter, Duanwang House should post next post on these two days. When we come back, we will see Yongding Marquis Heir. It is best to arrange in the bookstore and other places, even if people bump into it, don't worry. It is a coincidence that it is a coincidence to meet someone in the bookstore.
       After talking about this, Yue-Yao suddenly remembered the story of Bai Han and Zhao Yuner. "How are these two people now?"
       Xiang Wei smiled and said: "I thought you would not ask this question. Zhao Yuner is still serving with Madam. As for Bai Han, the violent death is dead. The Marquis will really leave her." Purely she is nonsense.
       Yue-Yao shook his head.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "Miss, in fact, the thing of Bai Han is calculated by Zhao Yuner. This thing is known to the world Madam, just Old Madam is not much, and I love Zhao Yuner. Just let her go. Wait Old Madam is over, she won't have any good endings."
       Yue-Yao snorted, "What does she do to design Bai Han? What kind of hatred does she have with Bai Han?" Yue-Yao thinks that The Marquis Estate  is really messy.
       To the  Mouth of Wei  Mouth, I showed a sardonic smile, and I wanted to enter the The Marquis Estate . I wanted to be a woman of the world. I really thought that The Marquis Estate  was so good, and vaguely said: "It seems that Bai Han has harmed her, and I don’t know."
       Yue-Yao thinks of a sentence in the book, "The dog bites a dog."
       Laughing to Weihaha," Miss said it was right, but the dog is biting the dog. But no one will have a good end.
       As expected by Yue-Yao, Duanwang made a post on the second day. Duanwang's post naturally refused to refuse. Yue-Yao received a message: "With Wangfei and County Owner, I will go to Wangfu to see Wangfei and County Owner tomorrow."
       Yue-Yao carriage entered Duanwang House, and after getting down from the carriage, he took the small oil truck in Wangfu. The small oil truck uses red wood, and the rut hangs a chain of finely divided pearl jade, with red woven gold sachets hanging from the corners.
       Yue-Yao did not squint, looked into the small oil truck as usual, and looked at the things in the oil truck and smiled. Xu-Yu sat very dignified, but Wei Wei opened the gap of the curtains a little. In the carriage, I could see the trees in the Wangfuli.
       After about a minute or so, the carriage stopped and Yue-Yao came down from the carriage and saw a small blue sedan. Yue-Yao is not amazed, only depressed, it is too tossed.
       Yue-Yao entered the small sedan chair, and four Tsing Yi shackles lifted the sedan chair. After less than half a quarter of an hour, the sedan chair stopped. Yue-Yao got off the sedan chair, and four Tsing Yi shackles lifted the sedan chair. out.
       Yue-Yao With the Pozi walk, I haven't entered the yard to see a vine dream of more than two hundred years. The vine dream grows very strong.
       -Pozi Seeing Yue-Yao is indifferent to the wealth of Wangfuli along the way, and is interested in this vine dream. Pozi also knows that Yue-Yao is Wangfei and County Owner, please come over to the guests, and don't rush, explain: "This rattan dream was there when it was built. It is said that it has already lived two. For more than a hundred years, Wangye didn't cut him off and kept it."
       Yue-Yao nodded.
       After crossing the flower door, the rich peony in front of the door was inserted into the screen, and the hall was opened. The open courtyard was presented in front of the room. There were five rooms in the middle, carved beams and slings, and the two sides of the porch were scattered. The name is gorgeous and the -maid Pozi stands in front of the hall.
       Wan-he County Owner came out and smiled: "Yue-Yao Mei Mei is finally here, I was still talking to you about my mother."
       Yue-Yao entered the house, the furnishings of the house, exquisite and rich, but there is no exaggeration of The Jingning Marquis Estate floor tiles.
       Yue-Yao entered the house and saw the person sitting on the raft, and quickly squatted down, "Lian ShiYue-Yao met Wangfei-Imperial Consort."
       Duanwang squats on the raft, with a peony plaque, with four gold jewels in the  Mouth of the red gold and silk danfeng, and a carved agate gold plaque, wearing a long red dress with a large red gold. Wangfei white face is round and mellow, although not very beautiful, but it looks very comfortable.
       Wangfei smiled and said: "Let me come and see." Wangfei looked at Yue-Yao seriously and said with a smile: "Looking at it is a blessed child."
       Yue-Yao stunned, "Wangfei has won the prize."
       Wangfei summoned Yue-Yao, also for the Guanyin Bodhisattva. Wangfei wants Yue-Yao to paint a picture of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and then enshrine it in the Little Buddha Hall. Since it is Yihe, Wangfei naturally believes that Yue-Yao.
       Yue-Yao did not deny it, it should be directly.
       Wangfei Sees Yue-Yao so refreshed and likes to watch it. "I heard that you often ask questions about Master Xuan Tian's Dharma. Is this true?"
       Yue-Yao smiled and nodded. "Well, Master Xuantian is very loving, totally different from what I imagined." For this, Yue-Yao does not have to deny.
       Wangfei took the opportunity to talk to Yue-Yao about Buddhism. Yue-Yao had been in the temple for ten years. Later, he had been with Shi Tai for several years. In this life, he devoted himself to researching Duanwang and he was more than enough.
       This is what it’s been for a long time, and it’s a jealous look at the County Owner: “Mother, with Yue-Yao Mei Mei, you don’t like peace.”
       Duanwang pointed out the forehead of Yanhe: "You, you are jealous, I am really used to being pampered." She said that she did not doubt Yue-Yao artistic skills, but said to her daughter Yue-Yao Buddhism is very researchful. She is dubious about this. After all, Yue-Yao is only twelve years old, but she did not expect that she would only admire this deep discussion.
       Yue-Yao gave Duanwang a ritual before leaving, saying: "Wangfei Imperial Consort ,Yue-Yao wants you one thing?"
       Duanwang smiled and said: "You said, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you." Duanwang is also a straightforward person who loves Yue-Yao, and knows that she will not ask for anything difficult.
       Yue-Yao wants to ask Duanwang to express her desire for Yue-Yao for a painting with a thousand Silver Taels. Yue-Yao said after busy, "Wangfei, I just don't want people to disturb the quiet, not really want silver." Yue-Yao thinks she draws a painting for Duanwang and asks Wangfei for one thing. It is also a fair transaction.
       Duanwang said with a smile: "Oh, this is a small matter."
       Yue-Yao asked about the South Frost Miss that she had seen before, and the result was that the Country Owner said that South Frost had gone home.
       After Yue-Yao left, Wan-An County Owner called and said: "Mother, Lian Yue-Yao, is this retreat?" Don't want money, pay for it.
       Duanwang pointed to the Wan-An County Owner said: "If her paintings satisfy me, I will definitely thank you, why should I still say that she is really unwilling to paint."
       Wan-he County Owner couldn't understand Lian Yue-Yao and said: "It's weird to say this. It's really unwilling to let people know when they are full. If this is not my design, I believe the capital has not yet. People know that there is such a talented woman? Mother, in fact, I have already seen it, and Qing Qing lian is better than Lian Yue-Yao, but he has retreated. "The talented people do not reveal, the half-barrel of water It’s annoying to watch and swindle in the capital.
       Duanwang smiled and said: "‘Laughs’ , you can't do this again in the future." The child's heart is calm, indifferent to fame and fortune, and they don't care that these names are normal.
       Yan and Jiao smiled and said: "Yes, don't do it. Mother, this time is not my reason, you can't find such a good candidate. Mother, you can reward me."
       Duanwang sneered and said: "If you want to win, you have to see her paintings again." The ears are sinful and seeing is believing.
       Wan-he County Owner, after the departure of Duanwang Po-Pozi said: "Wangfei, do you really believe that this little Miss is not asking for money?"
       Duanwang smiled and said: "I look at the child's eyes clearly. When I enter the house, I don't squint. It's not a greed. If you look at her dress, it's not a boutique. If you ask for money, don't care." Thousand Silver Taels."
       The side-Pozi frowned and said: "In the end it is a good trip." Before I did a painting for Wangfei, I first gave Wangfei the conditions, and Pozi didn't like it.
       Duanwang said with a smile: "She can ask me directly, and I can see my heart falling. I have asked for her paintings, and it is also necessary for her to do this little thing." Duanwang, why don't you know that Yue-Yao mentions this condition? In fact, I hope that she will help stop the person who wants to paint behind. She has a thousand Silver Taels, and others want to draw naturally no less than a thousand Silver Taels.
       Yue-Yao went out of the palace and got on his own carriage.
       Said to Wei Xiao-Xiao-: "Miss, a picture of a thousand Silver Taels, the people of Capital City must think that you want money to be crazy." That is, the painting masters probably have a painting.
       Of course, Xiang Wei knows that Yue-Yao paintings are worth the money, but others don't know! Others only think that Yue-Yao wants money to be crazy.
       Yue-Yao smiled and said: "If you want to go crazy, you will be crazy. When this thing comes out, I will tell everyone that I only draw three paintings a year, and I don't paint more." Yue-Yao also hopes Duanwang Also gave her the price tag, and the future person is not lower than this number. And she is not willing to paint Buddha statues every day, so I have to set a number.
       Laughing to Weihaha, "Yes, your paintings will be hard to find afterwards." The world loves to pursue, and Yue-Yao raises his position high, and the more people hold money to ask for his paintings. It is.
       Out of the scope of the palace, he said to Wei: "Go to East Street, Miss wants to buy a few books." He also took this out and no one doubted.
       Soon the carriage arrived at the bookstore that Yue-Yao had ordered with Guan Jingyu. Yue-Yao wore a hat and accompanied him to the bookstore. Xu-Yu stayed on the carriage. It wasn't Yue-Yao who didn't trust Xu-Yu. He just thought that it should not be involved in the rain.
       The bookstore did not have guests at this time. Yue-Yao picked two or three books and saw a small donkey coming out from inside. Yue-Yao looked at Xiao-Xiao and laughed. This little sister is the entourage around Guan Jingxi. It seems to be peace.
       Xiao Yan glanced at Yue-Yao and said, "Miss, please come with me, the book you want is inside." To say that peace just started thinking that Yue-Yao had an attempt at his family, then the world’s sons After the body is good, he is only grateful.
       Yue-Yao accompanied by Wei Wei, walked inside, passed a corner into a small room, and Guan Jingyu was waiting inside.
       Guan Jingyu wore a purple-red brocade silk robes today, and the purple color reflected his face as a peach, and it was even more beautiful than a woman, which added more romantic.
       Wei Wei couldn't help but look at it more.
       Yue-Yao wore a hat and couldn't see the clear appearance of Guan Jingxi. Yue-Yao said to Fu Guanjing that he said: "Heir, this time is a bit abrupt, and I ask the world to forgive me."
       Xiang Wei said: "Miss, it is rude to talk to people wearing a skullcap." Xiang Wei is hoping that Yue-Yao will look at this Yongding Marquis Heir who is more beautiful than a woman. It is said that Xiang Wei has always heard of the name of Yongding Marquis Heir. Although there are rumors that Yongding Marquis Heir is good, he did not expect to grow so well. ”
       Yue-Yao coughed and called, "Xiang Wei." This is a warning.
       Peace sees Yue-Yao and does not take off his hat and sighs with relief. It seems that this Lian Miss is really asking for his own family." Heir, Lian Miss, I went out to watch."
       Guan Jingyu looked at Yue-Yao, Yue-Yao. This time, I wore a light yellow embroidered blouse and a pearl white embroidered skirt. The appearance is invisible, and it is blocked by the hat, but the body is much higher than when he saw it last time.
       Guan Jingfu blessed a ceremony," Lian-Min said in the letter that there is something to ask for help, I don't know what it is?" Guan Jingxi is a bit strange, Yue-Yao can ask him for help.
       Yue-Yao Sorry to speak, Xiang Wei said next to it.
       Yue-Yao waited for Wei to say: "I know that this incident made Noble Heir very difficult, but it was very urgent, so Yue-Yao took the liberty to go to the world."
       Guan Jingxi was really shocked. He thought about Yue-Yao asking him a lot of things, but he never thought about asking him for such a thing. Guan Jingyi hesitated: "Lian Miss, said that the ten temples will not be destroyed. My big cousin and Luo Miss are also the door to the door, so it is not good!" Guan Jingyi heard about Luo Home Miss is enamored with his cousin.
       Yue-Yao didn't speak.
       Xiang Wei said: "Ning tearing down ten temples is not a ruin, but it is natural to see people. Ning Li-xuan because he is a sweetheart, he does not like Luo Miss, and even thinks that Luo Miss is blocked. He is very jealous. Noble Heir doesn't think it's rumored that these two people are together?"
       Guan Jingyu is somewhat suspicious.
       Yue-Yao is very speechless. This talks to Wei, and I don’t know how to cover it up. It’s so embarrassing to say so directly. Yue-Yao said after coughing: "Noble Heir, if Ning Duke Heir really has a heart and is not willing to take care of her sister, when this marriage is not done, it will not be the same as Noble Heir. If we made a mistake, then we are all happy, Noble Heir, what do you think?"
       Yongding Marquis Heir fixedly looked at Yue-Yao: "What good is this for you?" No matter what the marriage is, he doesn't think it has any benefit for Yue-Yao. He didn't understand why Yue-Yao would lick this drowning.
       Xiang Wei is very honest and does not say anything. If it wasn't for her provocation, Yue-Yao didn't know where it would be.
       Yue-Yao said in a shallow voice: "As I reminded Noble Heir on the same day, because of the rhyme relationship, I hope that the world will grow up safely, healthily and healthily." This is the same thing. I hope that Sister Luo can be happy for a lifetime. If she marries a man who has someone else in her heart, she will not be happy for a lifetime." Instead of hiding it, it is not necessary to directly report it.
       Wei Wei is very keen, and I hear about the four words in peace and health.
       Guan Jing stunned for a moment. After a while, he said, "Well, this is busy, I will help you. When I have an appointment, I will tell you the time."
       Yue-Yao blessed a gift, "Please."
       Xiang Wei stood on the side and said: "Noble Heir, you can rest assured, you just want to mention Ning Heir to talk to him about this topic, this matter will not involve you, and we will return this person to you later. "If this is done, The Marquis Estate  will owe Guan Jingyi a favor."
       Guan Jingxi shook his head and said: "I owe Lian Miss's kindness and I can't live forever."
       The meaning of Guan Jingyi sentence is that if it is not Yue-Yao, he will not promise this. If the fate of life is greater than the sky, how to return is not enough.
       Yue-Yao picked up more than forty books in the bookstore and returned to the carriage. Don't say that the followers did not doubt that there was no doubt about Xu-Yu.
       Peace is outside, I don't know what they are talking about, but when he goes in, he sees his own master cold, and peace whispers: "Noble Heir, but Lian-jia Miss asks something that makes you embarrassed?"
       Guan Jingxi shook his head and said: "It's just a small matter." Guan Jingyu is not stupid. He will be Ning Li-xuan's appointment. Naturally, there is no problem, but the two people have no deep friendship, and they will say what they are saying. What are these people? Means, but Guan Jingyi does not believe in Wei, but believes Yue-Yao.
       Guan Jingxi shook his head and he was a little sorry. Lian Yue-Yao is really smart, but my heart is too soft, otherwise it will be pushed to the point by Lian-jia people. It is clear that he is not in a good position now, but he still wants to help others.
       Guan Jing opened this thought. Anyway, if it wasn't for the goodness of Lian Yue-Yao, he would not live the present. Therefore, everything has advantages and disadvantages.
       After returning to Haishuyuan, the group returned to the screen and said to Wei: "Is this a matter too smooth? It made me a little uneasy."
       Yue-Yao dismissed: "You want to know why Yongding Marquis Heir said that I have a life-saving grace for him? Just ask, look for such an excuse, you are not too tired to panic."
       He said to Wei Le: "Know me, Miss also!"
       Yue-Yao disdain and talked to Wei, "I went to practice the word." She certainly wouldn't tell Wei Wei about this matter, saying that it is easy to reveal the traces.
       Yue-Yao said after he finished the word: "I will eat fast in a few days, and you can't eat it in the yard during this time." Since I said that I should bathe fast for half a month, I must say Do it.
       Surprised to Wei: "Miss, you come really."
       Xu-Yu smiled and said: "Miss is not a talk when he speaks. But Miss, you are not saying that you only fast for half a month, why should you fast for a month?"
       Yue-Yao This time I want to draw two paintings, naturally I have to fast for a month.
       Xiang Wei and Xu-Yu have doubts, but only two people saw Yue-Yao look very smart to choose not to speak, because they know, asked Miss not to say.
       There was news soon after Guan Jingyu, and he asked Ning Li-xuan to eat at the Drunken House. The days were two days later.
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Drunk fairy building, this Yongding Marquis Heir will do things." Drunken House, although not comparable to Hongfu Restaurant, is one of the best in Capital City. Of course, the most important thing is that the drunken building is the industry of The Jingning Marquis Estate . It is naturally convenient to act on your own site.
       Yue-Yao quickly told Ming-zhu that she had time two days later. Soon, Ming-zhu replied, and Ming-zhu complained in the letter that she waited for Yue-Yao to go out shopping and wait for the white hair to come out.
       Yue-Yao asked Xiang Wei after putting down the letter. "The man is about to come out, and everything is ready, but are you really sure that Ning Li-xuan can tell his heart?"
       Xiang Wei smiled: "Miss, now The Marquis Estate  is already in the Duke House to discuss the relationship between the two, and prepare for the two days to combine the two characters." Xiang Wei sees Yue-Yao face slightly changed, laughing Said: "Miss don't worry, wait for Ming-zhu to listen to Ning Li-xuan's psychological words, and keep the Ming-zhu will not be willing to marry him." What to worry about is what kind of people to look for in the future.
       Yue-Yao nodded: "This is the only chance. If this opportunity is gone, there will be no more. This is the happiness of Ming-zhu life. It can only succeed without fail."
       Xiang Wei said with a smile: "Miss rest assured!"
       Yue-Yao looked at the full confidence of Wei Wei, but also let go of his heart, no matter how, there is a white easy to follow the Wei, there should be no problem, if there is a problem, then let's talk about it!
       Yue-Yao is not the kind of person who is entangled in things. What to do next for the next two days. Practice words, draw pictures, and sometimes go to accompany you and Qi Qi.
       Xiang Wei said:
        "Miss, why are you not nervous at all?"
       Yue-Yao is amazed: "Tense? Why should I be nervous?" The tension is that Wei and Bai Yi are the only things that she can't do.
       Xiang Wei was defeated by Yue-Yao, "Cheng, I am wrong." Miss's strength is not comparable to the average person, she still does not look for abuse.

Continue ....

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