Wangfu Chongqie 205

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 205    :   Eat a short mouth, take a soft hand

Regarding the post-mortem, the court has been raging, but Jin Andi has never expressed his position.
The following ministers played, he listened, did not give a message after listening, turned his head and threw it behind his head. Private courtiers have been talking about it and saying everything, anyway, it has never stopped.
Just at the beginning, something happened.
Things have to start from that day
In February, the weather finally began to clear. Although it was still cold, it always saw some sun.
Today is the day when the officials are resting, the car on the road is much less than usual, but the West Hat Hutong is very noisy.
This Xi Maoer Hutong is close to the outer city, which is the edge of the inner city. Most of the people living here are officials of lower ranks.
The Hutong is deep, the home is shallow, and the house of this family is very good to explain the fact that the capital is not easy to say.
That is to say, the house of Xixier Hutong is also very popular, but when someone shoots it, it is almost an eye-catching effort to be bought.
Without him, it is because of the advantage of the land.
Some small officials are struggling with daily hardships. Naturally, how close can they be, so that the time spent on the daily trip back and forth can save a lot. Looking at the small size of the house, it is more than a few times more expensive than the house in the outer city.
At this time, Mao front door, a pair of middle-aged men and women are arguing, attracted onlookers alley households.
In the end is the bureaucracy, how much is to pay attention to the impact, how can you stand outside to see. In the hutongs that seem to be silent, many people houses are half-spotted. As for the main house or the next person standing behind the door, then only God knows.
The pair of men and women who quarrel is a husband and wife, and the man’s surname is Mao. It is a censor.
Yushi is the most poor and stinky, and the grade is low and low. Of course, it only refers to very few people. Nowadays, whoever is an official will pay attention to the two-sleeve breeze, but it is just another kind of secret.
This Mao Yu history is not only poor and sour, but also odorous and hard. It is famous in the middle of the Family. Whoever catches who is involved, has a famous ghost.
However, as a censor, he had the power to supervise the imperial court and the princes, and there was no way for others to hate him. Some people joked that this Mao Yu-shi Tian is not afraid of fear, the emperor Laozi is wrong, he also dares to participate, it is almost impossible for him to be afraid of this world. In fact, it is not that Mao Dong has fear, that is his wife Mao Madam.
Mao Yushi is famous in Capital City, not only because he is stinky and hard, but also because he is notoriously famous.
The thing about the stand after Mao Yushi be activists, he fell not hold anything against Yao Niang slightly cold identity of that column, he opposed that Yao Niang conduct is not correct, is a fox trapped inside the main sit only one step Jin-Wangfei location.
The pedantic person who is the moral benchmark of Mao Yushi is the most unhappy. In fact, think about it, if it is not the fox confuse the Lord, a woman from Shiqie, can sit in the position of Wangfei? Even Jin Andi was still the act of Wangye, and he was criticized by him, thinking that he was suspected of being greedy for women.
Mao Yushi want to come, but the Queen Mother of a country, when the mother of Prince, must not be a fox trapped inside the main residence of the person, the court otherwise harm, harm the country boat.
How radically he did not mention it in the court, it was somehow passed to Mao Madam's ear. Because of this, Mao Madam quarreled with him a few times, but Mao Yushi still left his left ear into the right ear, which can be annoyed with Mao Madam, and with Mao Yushi and away, still clamoring to return to niang home .
Mao Madam is a pungent temper, saying that he has to leave, Mao Yushi can't wait for it, and the two pull and pull out the courtyard door.
"Madam, don't make a fuss, is it not for you to pay for it?"
Mao Yushi continued to work, he was born thin and thin, and kept the goat goat, from the face to see is a rigid and pedantic person. Madam body hair actually born too mellow, thick eyebrows, a look that is capable of refreshing face.
"Then what should I say to you, should you be?" Mao Madam asked.
Mao Yushi is Nono not talking.
When he saw him, Mao Madam turned his head and left. He had not gone out of the two steps and was dragged by Mao Yushi.
"Madam, you do not naughty, the matter relates to the country boat, the relationship between well-being of all people, do not say over the Haier woman. What do you say to the husband can be, except this thing, this thing ...... ”
"I am jealous of your Jiangshan community, the people are well-being! I am a woman, I don't know what to do, I know that being a man can't be ungrateful, can't be shameless."
Mao Yushi is a lame and sigh: "How is it called shameless? Madam, what are you talking about?"
Mao Madam stretched out a fat finger and poked the shoulder of Mao Yushi: "Then tell me about it. Who was the rebel army who saved our family, and who hosted our family? Let us die in the hands of the rebels. Who are these days for you to drink for you to drink, to annihilate the rebels, and to send us home?"
This sound questioned, so that Mao Yushi was speechless, and after a long while, he said: "What is the relationship between this and the post? This is today's kindness, and it has nothing to do with that!"
"It's not related to you, it's related to me! I only know that I used to live in Jin-Wang House.
The next person is doing everything right.
There is no high-gate dog's eyes to see people low. When I came out in a hurry, I and my sister-Jie connected. no change of clothes, hands are Wangfei ordered sent us, even worried servant serve properly, personally warned him ...... you're useless, when the official censor for so many years was a 7th-Grade, the family even a nursing homes can not afford both, hurt his wife and children suffer with you, and if not we do not have no reason indebted, daily guilt uneasy ...... "
When Mao Madam spoke and said, he cried, and this cry was really earth-shattering.
Mao Yushi was anxious to scratch his head and face, but he did not know how to persuade. Because Mao Madam said that the sentence is true, it is his incompetence, suffering his wife and children suffering.
Mao Madam licked a nose and stopped crying and said: "I don't care anyway, you are both embarrassed, I have no face and I am with you. Don't stop me, let's get together, I will go back. Niang home."
Mao Yushi footsteps, said: “There are a lot of old ages, and I’m back to the niang family. I have to worry about my father-in-law.”
Mao Madam still wants to say something. Suddenly a few people rushed out of Mao door, but it was Mao two children and daughter-in-law.
A few people put Mao Madam in hard.
"Nang, don't get tossed, if you can't say anything, you don't have to laugh."
"That is."
The Maojia Gate closed from the inside and blocked countless sights outside.
In the early morning, I heard such a big drama. At the same time, Mao neighbors are endless, and some people are quite uncomfortable in their hearts. Because at the beginning of the sacred place of Wangye, people came out to save people, many of them are a beneficiary.
Most of the people who can live here are not high-ranking officials. If you can't get high, you can't afford a nursing home.
The house door is shallow. On that day, the rebels were in trouble, and there were few people who suffered from it. Fortunately, His Highness Jin-Wang arrived in time. Later, I was taken back to the Jin-Wang House, where I was relieved in the high walls. Wangfei was friendly, and the next person was well-adjusted.
There was no shortage of clothes and food. I don't need to say anything.
It’s only a long time, many people have forgotten the wolverine of the day, and the feeling of the rest of the robbery.
Mao family.
When Mao Madam entered the house, he quickly rushed into the house and took the tea from the table and drank it.
"Thirsty is killing me."
Mao Yushi was also full of sweat, and when he entered the hall, he sat down on a chair.
Mao Madam drank water and sighed, and said: "Master, do you say this method is useful?"
At this time, there was nothing to ruin the history of Mao Yu. He stroked his beard and said: "It is useful and useless, and we are not allowed to set it. Anyway, we only have to do what we should do."
This is the real way of life in Mao Yushi. Without relying on the mountains, he will not be ignorant. Because he is so annoying to temper, he can be thrown back to his hometown. He can safely pass through the Hongjing Family, and he is not only aware of his intentions.
"I still hope to be able to Niang . Niang"
Although Mao Madam and Wangfei only took sides, also are passing by, but it is at heart a good man and that is Wangfei. Because the husband is irritating outside, even Madam is not very popular outside, but Wangfei has not degraded them.
The kindness and kindness can not deceive people, and it is also rare.
With this, Mao Madam felt that the Queen Wangfei was.
Although Mao case was a small matter of sesame mung beans, I did not know how to spread it to the three divisions and six departments. I heard about it in various houses. For a time, there are those who disdain, disgust those who have, there are those who laugh, who is also silent.
I have to say that this couple of Mao Yushi is really annoying. When I talk about things, I always poke my heart.
The scholar-officials pay attention to decent, pay attention to the knowledge of the newspaper, how can people poke the spine and white-eyed wolf. Although the men did not come into contact with the original Wangfei, they could live in the palace on the same day.
The delicious voice of the people was arranged by Wangfei Niang-Niang.
The reason why the fig leaf is a fig leaf is that everyone has chosen to ignore it. Now the fig leaf is pulled down, but anyone who wants some face is embarrassed and too high.
Of course, this is only a small part.
There is still a part of self-confidence that has not received the favor of the palace. It can stand in the position of the guardian to condemn. However, Jin Andi also gave a response at this time, and the imperial edict was issued to the Cabinet and the Ministry of Rites.
This is the second time Jin Andi issued a decree to win the title, make a big move but the cabinet system, if the will of this Shiyi, the Cabinet and Six Sections Officials have sealed barge decree, edict rights.
But the so-called blockade is only a way, not a means. To put it bluntly, the world is the emperor, and you are a courtier who has been reluctant to do so, that is, he does not intend to continue to work.
Blocking is just a kind of temptation and ignorance. Let us know that this system is unsuitable. If it is scrupled, it will not be deliberate. But if the above is arbitrary, the following officials can only think of other methods, and they will not work hard. Of course, the audience looked at each generation, and there was also a hard confrontation with the emperor, but no exception was miserable.
The cabinet only binds the imperial power and never checks the imperial power.
The sacred decree has been issued to the Ministry of Rites, and the day will soon be announced to the public. Even if it can be dragged, there is only a three-day time limit. After this time limit, the entire ritual department must bear the suspicion of being dereliction of duty.
A sacred apocalypse caused a wave of water under the surface of the water, and the night was already coming, but the movements in the private movement were all moved.
At this time, the Yangxin Temple is also busy.
Today, Jinan Emperor came back late, before Yao-Niang ordered him to ask, Jinan Emperor said that he would return after a while, so Yao-Niang will send the food to the Qing Family and then lead Two children are waiting for Jin Andi to come back. Erbao is hungry, first give him some cake mats.
When the day was dark, Jin Andi came back. After a while busy, Jin Andi changed a casual and Yao Niang and patronizing two children together.
Today Yao Niang changed the way of eating, prior to the Palace of Heavenly Purity lamb pot drew much loved overlord, overlord overtly or covertly, to say a few times, Yao Niang has sent two back, sending a dare . Although lamb warming, Gan hot nature in the end, they are nursed back to health in the overlord, eating more is not appropriate. But recently, the Emperor of the Prince fell in love with this mouth, and the sky flying in the sky would not work, and fell in love with this.
Yao Niang really can not, can only open a new path, in Xue Pozi proposal with lamb stew soup, lamb are scooped yet, rinse the dishes with mutton soup other food to eat, that is to take the taste of them, but will not be too.
In fact, this way of eating is not uncommon, Capital City has long prevailed in a while, but still with lamb or other meat-based feed. Even rinse dishes, are also some seasonal vegetables, but with taste. It touches people people because his family was not good, but eager for meat taste, will add to the broth tofu vegetables and the like, said meat pot, in fact, a vegetarian pot.
Of course, the way to eat in the court is different, pay attention to freshness, taste, are fresh and ready to eat, it is quite fun.
It stands to reason that good, but unfortunately two treasure and Andy are too small, small arms short hand, fishing for food in the soup too unsafe, but why are not like two small people serve the meal. Yao Niang had an idea, a lot of people went to cut bamboo stick, the vegetables are fresh meat string on a bamboo stick, then put the soup and cook, then dipped in a special dip eat, distinctive flavor.
Only tried once, two treasure fell in love, every day clamor Yao Niang gave him.
The key seems to be quite fond of Jin Andi, appetite gone up, which makes his days worrying about eating too little Yao Niang overjoyed, so that the following people rack their brains, string a variety of good taste for cooking.
On the other side of the Qing Palace, Tai Shang Huang actually liked it very much, and it was counted as one.
Ate a family meet, are sweating profusely, though it is already not too cold February day, and in the end also rare.
Palace eunuchs to serve up clean hands clean surface, and each drank some tea solution tired, walked into a blessing from the outside, attached Jin Andi whispered a few words what, Jin Andi just nodded slightly, and did not speak.
After the blessing achievements make way, Yao Niang looked at him curiously: "how?"

Chapter 206    :   I have been thinking about it, if you wear this body, it will not look good.

Jin Andi both said nothing, Yao Niang will not think too much.
 Xiao shun returned from the Qing Palace and said that Tai Shang Huang’s dinner was very fragrant. However, the two days have been a little greasy, so I want to have some refreshing breakfast tomorrow morning.
Yao Niang nodded, already pondering on what to do tomorrow Zaoshan refreshing.
Here Jinan is somewhat dissatisfied and said: "These let the kitchen do it, you don't have to toss."
Yao Niang was very not agree, saying: "Is that how it Scrapped, rare overlord like Liu also said the good doctor, medicine as tonic, happy to eat comfortable, the body naturally enough.."
Erbao a wink did not have in the next to make demands, "niang, I want to eat sweet potatoes Wowo tomorrow, but also eat beans and roll Eight Lianzi."
"Eight Lian Zaigeng too sweet, you Emperor 'Laozi eat, get hold of it shrimp soup vegetables you eat Eight Lianzi, I let Xue -Mama do to you."
"No, I want to eat niang, niang is the best." The chubby little man has already come up, a pair of you don't promise me, I will cry for you to see. But now the two treasures have rarely cried, but he has a variety of tricks to let you rely on him.
Just like now, he got into Yao Niang's arms and pulled her clothes milk and milk sound gas to pleading. It is cute and mad, but it can't be rejected. I can't wait to give him his heart and soul.
"That niang now give you to do, you have to soak it Eight in advance, so tomorrow cooked porridge was soft." Said, Yao Niang already arisen, kitchenette wanted to go, but was pulled Andy a.
"what happened?"
"Niang, you still do not go, let go aunt told Cicadas sound on it."
Yao Niang This could react, the edge Jin Andi face was dark. She didn't know what to do, and she was reminded by her son to turn around and tell the jade.
It's time to rest, the two treasures and Andy went to the east side hall. Jin Andi looked Zhezi here a while, he and Yao Niang went together to the rest from the wash.
That night Jin Andi particularly hard, anxious to put all the effort of the whole body on her. Came to the top, he said something in her ear, "You're both so busy, I gave birth to the Princess."
The new emperor was willing to go his own way, and the ministers below did not dare to face it and face it.
To this measure, only one person can stop the new emperor, and that is the overlord.
Although Taishanghuang did not care about the political affairs, he had always lived in the Qing Palace and had never moved to the palace.
The above statement is that the new emperor to the filial piety, can not bear to let the emperor to move out of the dry palace for many years, and the wind is too preaching that the emperor intends to move to Xiyuan. Xiyuan was overhauled at the beginning, that is, Taishanghuang intends to raise the sky here.
No matter what it is said, Tai Shanghuang still lives in the Qing Palace, and the character of the Emperor Shanghuang’s previous performance has been questioned by his own. Abdicate the throne to his son, but love is not right to hold the overlord has not, and now the new emperor debut big treasure, all undone, though the ministers are ‘calling long live Long live Long live, but in reality has been standing on the sidelines, waiting below.
After some consultations, several courtiers went to the Qing Palace to see the Emperor.
These are a few old ministers, a lot of age, no words tears first.
Overlord Guzuobuzhi, a look of surprise let Li Germany-wide several veteran help up.
Several veteran sound earnest, a country boat to the court for the sake of appearance.
The truth is these veteran wits and Hong Jingdi a lifetime and can not understand how what they want.
The right is how they will figure out who is behind the thinking.
In front of these few old ministers, they are really loyal and loyal ministers.
The only common point is that they are pedantic and solidified.
They are also being shackled or elected. In fact, several people behind the plot have not appeared.
"I am both Christianity and Islam to the new emperor, did not intend to manage the affairs of state of mind. Who but the new emperor Li after their own thing, I do not want many-barrel."
Wait several veteran say, Li Tak-chuen, stepped forward, one side will be a few Wangwaimian Please, soft side channel: "We look to the ministers can sympathize with His Majesty, the overlord of this on his old body bone bad, now It is precisely when I am sick, Tai-yi is no longer worthy of work, and I hope that several ministers can understand."
These veteran'm not sympathetic to it, they can not but sympathize, only discouraged for full Li Germany thanked hand, hurried out. After the palace courtiers asked to see another digital overlord, overlord can, without exception, have been shut out.
Things to this point, it's obvious overlord did not want to go against the new emperor.
For the time being no one has the time to try to figure out why, and some people even wanted action to 1st Elder Princess bodies. Anqing princess is currently in Capital City only the highest seniority royal family, is today regardless of the Grandmother, something else she should not be afraid to interrupt, after the optional things Anqing princess was able to say a few words.
Unfortunately disappointing is that the princess Anqing also accidentally infected with the cold, but not behind closed doors to outsiders.
In the twinkling of an eye, the imperial edict of the Ministry of Rites can no longer continue to be suppressed.
The cabinet can be re-blocked, but it has been blocked once. Once again, it is obvious that the new emperor has torn the face.
And in the Cabinet, even Chodo, is not monolithic, each have their own thoughts, families with school-age daughter of a fight on, can justify down, not her daughter How painful.
People are doing something, when there must be consistent with the interests of, in order of how much people bet. So far, there is no certainty will win, who dare not drastic.
Jinan sixth year in February, after the emperor was canonized Wangfei Su -shi, told the world, to celebrate.
Xi micro dawn, Kunning is brightly lit.
The day is still not bright, Yao-Niang will start, soak in the soup bath under the service of the palace Lady, wash long hair.
The water-like palace Lady came up and retreated, a busy scene.
Today is the Queen Niang Niang's a good day, but also the entire Kunning good day. We face with lighted, Yao Niang also played in the play from laughing, laughed till Jin Andi could not help but looked at her, said something silly.
But she does not agree, saying they put away the smile, turned and laughed again.
"I go first, you do not panic."
"Tall and give it to you."
It stands to reason, can not win the title Empress lay on the eve of the ceremony, the Empress will be scrubbed three days, until that day to win the title before they meet.
Obviously, this so-called rule is a decoration in the eyes of Jinan, he does not mention, naturally no one is not interested and Yao-Niang said, so this should be the three days of bathing fast, Jin Andi is very The whole body is comfortable.
Jin Andi left, Kunning here to continue busy.
Until Yao-Niang put on the Queen's crown, repeatedly check that there are no mistakes.
"Niang Niang was beautiful!"
Yao Niang looked in the mirror people, deep blue Zhai clothing, the weaving room with a twelve round Zhai Bird with small flowers, red collar, Bao, Juan, garment, woven golden dragon Xiao yun, another jade leather tape, cover the knee, big belt. Headband Kowloon four Coronet, a dragon in the title of large beads, there are Cuigai, hanging beads knot, Sanbo temples, beautiful.
Yao Niang looks young and ignorant, but the body with obsequiousness, if you sit still, do not say no to laugh, party is just. Once it can move, but it is a bit partial pro.
And this solemn service was in the Queen crown and her enchanting, tender and beautiful in addition to, and gave her an added inviolable, high above the Queen's majesty.
Yao-Niang also feels that the beauty of the mirror, she has never been so beautiful, the beauty has made her have a dazzling sense of sensation.
"2nd Prince, can be absolutely useless!"
This voice that Yao Niang recovered, but do not know when Andy and found two treasures have come.
Erbao not change mettle, saw Yao Niang wanted to hit over.
The dress of Yao-Niang has cost everyone a half-day effort and can't stand his collision.
"Obedient, carefully standing, and so on back to niang do you most like to eat Pork."
Fortunately, this is not opening, an opening to drain the stuffing, which of the Queen would say such things do Pork close to win the title in the ceremony.
Andy came up, bowed and worship: "My son Meet the queen mother."
This action seems to mention two treasure awake, he seems to busy to follow brother die like like to do it again.
Yao Niang laugh squint his eyes, Chen Dao: "You two little naughty, but also to make fun of niang."
"This is a good day for the mother, and it must be."
Talk between slapstick, suddenly there came a burst of distant sound of bells and drums.
Obviously just monotonous drums, melody and even people can not tell them, but inexplicably the hearts of people daunting.
"Fu Huang has been the Royal Council of the Hall of Supreme Harmony."
Sure enough, the sound of bells and drums break, play music again sounded 'Ryuhei Chapters'.
When the music was passed to Kunning Palace, the sound was extremely weak, but today is the post-seaing ceremony. It is very eye-catching.
The entire Forbidden City has no other sounds except for the seal, so even sitting in the Kunning Palace can be vague. heard of.
'The chapter of Longping' is resting, followed by the 'Chapter of Qing ping' and the 'Chapter of Xianping'.
Cicadas arm from Yao Niang, Andy took two treasure to avoid the open, a positive public palace eunuchs trailing lines at the doors of the house stood.
In the case throughout the festival courtyard, incense table, treasure case have been set up well, and there are six people emcee female officer had stood still waiting everywhere.
Far, there is play music getting closer.
Yao Niang down the front of the hall stairs, just stood still to see a black Jin Andi Dagon crown, followed behind carrying the deputy brigade and the canonization of the book, Baoting in Luan from school.
She was a little surprised and a little excited, and couldn't help but take the first few steps.
The emperor spoke at a distance of one meter.
"Your Majesty, how come you?"
It stands to reason that when the canonization is the Ministry of Rites officials, is not the Jin Andi, Jin Andi at this time when the throne is waiting for the canonization ceremony in the Hall of Supreme Harmony into the Hui Bing.
"Hey, I have been thinking, if you wear this body, it will not look good."
Yao Niang somewhat shyly: "That's good-looking it?"
"not bad."

Chapter 207    :   Yao Niang only felt a move on her head, and then touched it, but found that she did not know she had a sea broom flower when.

Ceremony to win the title but a country of heavy things, events.
Dahir already notice the world, so the entire capital all know today but the new emperor to win the title of the day.
When the sound of distant came Zhongqi Ming Palace, the Forbidden City and the whole entire inner city could not help but be quiet, all the people heard the sound of bells and drums, can not help but look to the direction of the palace.
Not far from the palace in a luxurious mansion, there is a Pathetic woman holding a flower garden maiden turned over the soil.
Palace bell came, she froze for a moment, suddenly remembered the day today, but the palace ceremony held on to win the title.
Some of her absence, but also some in a daze, my mind involuntarily sounded a word, regret it?
If there is less high, less pride, maybe the person who is sealed will be her.
A lot of pictures appeared in her mind for a time, there was disgust at a young age, a sense of suffocation on the verge of despair, a heartbeat when she saw her, and a panic when she was told to marry at 5th-Prince. Helpless death.
There are... many, her memory seems to be clear at once, and the past is vivid.
With these memories, she sad, melancholy, lamenting, in a variety of interwoven, said it was not turned into a bittersweet taste.
At the same time her heart is telling her that she has no regrets.
Perhaps the process of ups and downs, perhaps during hides many dirty, but this is not a kind of experience, one precipitated a transparent had to do a thousand sails of.
Think about it, if she died, she can taste all this.
Death, how terrible, there is light in life.
"Regardless of Madam, the Heir small woke up, crying for You." Yatou a little hurried way, intrinsic said.
Xu Yanru smiled and put down the flower in his hand: "I will go."
With the decree of the decree, the imperial decree of the Su family was followed.
This is the custom, which is the mother of the Queen.
Su County-Graduate was closed chengen Hou, Hou Wu Cheng En -shi is Madam, Su Yucheng natural that the Heir of. Even Yao family has a reward. Yao Cheng was rewarded with a 6th-Grade title, all of whom are only led by Lu, and have no real power.
However, in order to correspond to the identity, the two were respectively awarded the errand of the command and deputy command of the five cities. One is in the East City and the other is in the South City. Generally, this position is granted to the emperor and the relatives.
Sujia suddenly changed from a flat-headed person to a royal family. Even after a few days, the house was changed, and some reactions did not come. Until the whole family entered the palace, she finally realized that this was a reality.
Kunning years, Wu -shi, LOH niang and bluegrass are a Mingfu Costume, East Geer several have also been brought.
Before the palace, the palace of -Mama there to teach them the rules, so have not seen any disrespectful of the office, from the line of Eli Lilly kind of mold.
"Niang, Big- sister, how can I let you give me salute."
Yao Niang Mangqu helped Wu -shi and LOH niang, Wu -shi smiled and said: "You are now Niang Niang, the identity of the unusual, this ceremony had to suffer under."
The Hui niang and bluegrass next to it are also said.
Compared to Wu -shi and LOH niang, bluegrass Eye visible very cautious, usually a very generous person, binding the hands of some today. Fortunately, Yao Niang not pick arguments of people, is also well able to put themselves in others' shoes, like the original palace of her first, was not so binding the hands of.
Yao Niang did not talk to them in the main hall and Wu -shi, but led them to the only people who can come close to the second largest inter-kang sit down. She sat opposite Wu-shi, Hui niang and bluegrass sat in the chair below, standing next to several children of East Geer.
I can see that several children have been disciplined before entering the palace.
They are very well-behaved. It turned out that Yao-Niang was quite distressed. East Geer had a few children who had taken it.
She waved her hand and smiled and said, "Why don't you know the little aunt and the little sister?"
See Yao Niang face a familiar smile, East Geer them a year to find the shadow of the sister of this distinguished woman of her shirt China.
"Sister." East Geer largest, this year has been ten years old, and Yao Niang was also at the longest, the initiative came to Yao Niang front. He came, Yuan Ming Geer Geer They all came along.
Yao Niang eleven touched their heads, said: "Although the palace strict rules, but to little aunt here, do not be too cautious."
"Yes, Xiao gu Xiao Mu-aunt." Several children have the same voice.
Andy and two treasure came, Yao Niang saw they beckoned:. "Come and have seen the Mu Grandmother, Mu-aunt and her aunt."
Wu-shi and Hui niang are all okay, with a smile on their face, but the bluegrass stood up subconsciously and repeatedly said: "When it is not necessary, how can the two princes, Prince, give gifts to the women."
Bluegrass gaffe let everyone eyebrows, Yao Niang heart secretly Yi Tan, said nothing, looked red silk look.
The red silk was busy and she sat down and laughed and said Madam sat down. This ceremony was a word of acceptance. It doesn't make people feel abrupt, and it won't be too cramped.
After the ceremony, Yao-Niang let the red silks lead the children.
The bluegrass followed the past and said that they were looking after a few children. Can understand her mind, Yao what Niang did not say anything.
When everyone went down, Yao-Niang asked: "How is she at home, and so is it?"
This she naturally refers to the bluegrass.
Wu-shi immediately sighed, and did not know what to say.
LOH niang said: "His Majesty ever since Father was sealed the title, the more cautious of her, just fine at home, probably because the first time the palace, some cramped."
The two sisters, Hui niang and Yao-Niang, are gentle people and can't say anything ugly. In fact, Hui niang still has no point.
The reason why Lancao will be so cramped in front of Yao-Niang is not only because Yao-Niang is the Queen, but also because she was the next person of the palace, but finally made Wangfei. 1st-Sao.
But Yao Niang niang than LOH know the addition of some bluegrass had appeared beside her brother is not simple, Su Yao two people may not know, but His Majesty know she knows, also known bluegrass, so the other side will be cramped awkward .
She also knows that Lancao is a good-natured, good-Guniang, filial to her parents, and a few like Ming Geer. Where is the chance of a person's chances, so this knot is only blue grass itself can be solved.
"She was quite a good, last time I found she secretly went to a pharmacy to buy medicine back to avoid the child to eat." LOH niang Road.
This made Da-Niang shocked, and after Hui niang's narrative, she knew that things had to come.
Don't look at the time when Lancao was Yatou, Wu-shi still liked her very much, but she became a daughter-in-law, and she wanted to add another layer. At the beginning of ZHu  shi, regardless of Ming Geer, Yao-Niang left the house, and several children were Wu-shi with one hand, so Wu-shi had a deep feeling for Ming Geer.
Now that his son has married a daughter-in-law, the grandson has a niang, and the identity of the niang is the kind of person who makes people sway. But after all niang, in a few good people have no mouth, Wu -shi natural fear of bluegrass identity for a change, to be clear on a few Geer better than in the past.
But Wu -shi a good temper, can not do the kind of blame Popo daughter. She Actually, I'm saying what other else, just between words and deeds inevitably some deliberate attention bluegrass every move, for fear that she secretly blame the three children.
Based on all this, as a Popo, urging Lancao to add incense to the Su family, naturally it can not be said.
Lancao does not know whether it is the abnormality of Wu-shi, or her heart is like this. On the bright side, she looks very good with Su Yucheng. In private, she secretly bought the medicine to eat.
LOH niang is a light and spacious temper, can not make against their conscience, put this matter and Su Yucheng said. Su Yucheng made a big temper, and since then, Lancao has never eaten the kind of medicine that is bad. That may be so, bluegrass has been seen pregnant.
"Niang is too apparent in, for this reason, the surface brother said nothing, and my heart is certainly the idea. Niang, not me, you, know the pros and cons you score." LOH niang Road.
Wu-shi has some grievances, and there is nothing to say in front of the two daughters. He said: "I am not against her, you are still old, and there are not many markets you have seen. This woman gives people a niang once. With my own children, it is inevitable that I will not be a part of my own life. I am not afraid to grieve Geer."
Upon hearing this, Hui niang looked helplessly at Yao-Niang. Obviously Wu-shi was not the first to say such a thing.
"That niang how do you not think about it, and now her brother and just feeling, you are so across once or twice in the middle of it when, more often, not afraid of Big Brother and centrifuged.?" Yao Niang sharply Road.
Wu-shi is ‘mute.
This Hui niang said to her, but she couldnt listen, and now the little daughter said so, she couldnt help but feel helpless.
"Yu Cheng was born to me. Is it still not possible to centrifuge with the pro niang?"
See Wu-shi, it is obvious that it is drilling into a dead end. Yao-Niang and Hui niang looked at each other and said: "Niang, since you made yourself so tired, why bother to agree to the big brother to marry her, you can't just finish it. If you really don't see her, I am Just squat, let him give another big brother a kiss."
"In this way also?" Wu -shi apparently Bunenglijie this is just a word, things can change giving wife. However, she is not a mean person, she can't do anything harmful, and she is busy: "If you say this, you will forget it, and you will not harm others."
Yao-Niang reluctantly said: "Hey, you can't change it, don't change it. Niang, you really don't have to worry that she will be bad to Ming Geer, and then I will be with you and my sister. It’s really bad for Ming Geer, and they can’t pass our customs.”
"Then I don't have to stare at her?"
Yao-Niang nodded. "If she is really bad for Ming Geer, I will change her arm." In fact, Yao-Niang can do it by herself, but obviously her majesty is not as good as her ', so the Jinan Emperor will be sacrificed.
"Then I will stop beware of her, and you will not say that you can't change it. People have an innocent Guniang family, follow your brother at a young age, and be filial to me and you, Father. I don't know better than that." Where did you go, but it’s not so good."
Anyway, Wu -shi say what has her own reasons, Yao Niang niang and LOH can only listen, but fortunately she seems to really want to open, it seems 'intrinsic His Majesty' words, gave her unlimited confidence . Zhu also had to -shi shadow of Wu -shi too heavy, Wu -shi in the face of 'daughter', always can not help but want more.
When the mother and the daughter sat in one place for a long time, most of them said some family matters and trivial things. Time passed quickly, and Xiao Shunzi came over and said that his majesty made a feast for the Yao and his family.
The banquet was placed in the temple of the Yang Xin Dian, and Yao-Niang and Jin Andi attended together. Because they were all relatives, they did not avoid any men and women.
During the banquet, Jin-An did not have much to say, but it was seen between the words and deeds that the two families of Su Yao were attached.
After the feast, Yao and his two families were led out of the palace, and Jinan Emperor took Yao-Niang to go to the Imperial Garden for a walk.
It is the spring of March, when the grass grows and the sky is full, the scenery in the Imperial Garden is very beautiful.
The two walked side by side, not far behind, followed by countless palace eunuchs.
"How are you so happy?"
Yao Niang looked at him and said: "Is not happy?"
Jin Andi looked at her and did not speak.
Yao-Niang didn't want to tell him that she was actually happy that he valued the niang family. He valued the niang family and valued her. Although Yao-Niang had already known that Jin Andi valued himself, it would not be so good for her, but when he made some attention to her, she still could not bear it. Live happy.
She is so unpromising, her face is thin and her eyelids are shallow.
Jinan Emperor did not twist his head, he found that his own people were gone, turned to look at it, and saw her standing next to a smirk.
He left his hands behind him and walked over without talking.
Yao-Niang only felt a move on the head, and then touched it, but found that I didn’t know when I had a Begonia flower.
The Jinan Emperor turned his hand and left.
Xu family the 2nd House is no one in the middle of the country, but there is a Chung Chung House.
Things eventually developed to the point where everyone did not think of it.
They just want to use the human language to exert some pressure, so that Nao-Niang can't be stalked from it, so that his majesty will take Xu Ceefei into the palace, but never imagined that it would be so big in the end.
At first, Zhong Yongbo didn't know about it. It was Zhong Yongbo Madam who was told by his daughter to privately make a few daughter-in-law to do it. Still outside, the Zhong Yongbo knew that he was furious.
"Ignorance! Oh! You let me say what is good about you. Why do you think this thing will be rumored, that is, some people have been staring at the Queen's position." At this time, people have to think about mixing. Into the water, you are better, even sent yourself to be a blind man!"
"This is such a thing, don't look at the mouth of the saint, and the heart will inevitably anger. And the object of anger will not be the 2nd House of Xu family, it will only be us! You fool, go to the 2nd House of Xu family It’s really foolish when you don’t know it!”
Zhong Yong Bo went away and turned his head to take Zhongyi Bo Madam to take charge of the feed, letting himself Sao first.
Zhong Yongbo Madam smashed the sputum, and Xu Zhe wife was naturally indispensable. Zhong Yongbo even gave birth to the thoughts of his daughter and Xu Zhe. In any case, Gunian of the government did not marry, and it was unreasonable to spread it on such a family. It was also his short-sightedness, thinking that Xu Zhe could pick up Xu Duke position one day sooner or later, but he didn't expect the bamboo basket to be in a hurry, and he still had a sigh.
How and not to mention it outside, the matter passed to Xu Ceefei ear, she was both frightened and gnashing.
I hate the family to do things, and I am afraid that I will be thrown into the squats and keep my life. So squatting, Nao-Niang was sealed, and on the day after the closure of the ceremony, when Gong Gong was ringing, she could hear the movement while sitting in the moon.
Xu Ceefei was afraid he was so forgotten, wanted to go and talk to commiserate Liu Ceefei.
In the past, she went to Liu Ceefei residence, how can she get in for a cup of tea, but now she can pour Liu Ceefei and even the Courtyard door will not let her in.
She didn't know what was going on, and she was uneasy. After a few more days, the palace suddenly came, brought the imperial decree of her as a nobleman, and took her to the palace.
At the same time, Liu Ceefei, Liu Ceefei was named as a servant.
Although some low-grade elegant, in the end let Xu Ceefei really relieved, she had a chance to be happy, Liu Ceefei suddenly the door, and her house stuff a pass chaos hit, also gave her two hand.

Chapter 208    :   What are you waiting for? Pregnancy

Xu Ceefei people have never played so big, direct beaten senseless.
She looked at Liu Ceefei people, like a hungry wolf into the flock seems to mess up her house. She ‘Called and ‘called, and wanted to rush back to fight, but was stopped by the people around Liu Ceefei.
Today, Xu Ceefei few around their own people, so there is no one to help her, are helplessly looked on.
"Hello great courage, even in front of the palace of the face hands-on father!" Xu Ceefei uttered a threat, one side will help a few of the sights that chamberlain who found homes in the decree read that eunuchs do not know what to see, do Did not look here.
"What about me playing you? I am playing you!"
Liu Ceefei sneered, until the things in Xu Ceefei house were all smashed, and they took the lead.
Xu Ceefei blushed, look at this mess, Jiaoqu could not stop shaking.
"You are also pleased to prepare soon, and the family is waiting to return to the palace to cross the gap."
Xu Ceefei suddenly refused to think more, piled up a reluctant smile, said: "When the father-in-law waits, I will kill people."
Don't look at the few Yatous that are not used. It is a good hand to pack things up, and they will be packed in a short time. In fact, Xu Ceefei did not have anything to clean up, but the left is just some clothes and jewelry.
Back to Ling Boxuan, Liu Ceefei tears burst into tears.
Yatou around her looked at her with some concern, but she didn't dare to speak. It was not until the people in the palace came to remind me that it was only beginning to pack things.
Liu Ceefei seems to have something on his mind, Liu Mei locked until Yatou were all packed up, she exhales a dream wake.
" Niang-Niang ......"
She stood up, hold up the touch of laughter: "Let's go."
The carriages that came to pick up the palace were waiting at the side door. Liu Ceefei footsteps were slow and he walked step by step. I can't wait for this road to never reach the head.
A Yatou hastily rush suddenly ran up from the side of the road, holding her breath to laugh and said: "Fortunately no later than nubi , which is Madam to Niang Niang's letter."
Liu Ceefei took the letter and looked at it, until she was touched by the people around her, and she hurriedly stuffed the letter in her sleeve and walked forward.
The car ‘Called, and Liu Ceefei in the carriage burst into tears, quickly wetting the letter in her hand and blurring the ink.
“Guangang...” Celadon ‘called with concern.
This is what Yatou calls her when Ceefei is still in the pavilion. This willow Ceefei enters the palace, the people around can only bring two people, so she brought celadon and green fans, these two Yatou who are served by her side.
Liu Ceefei finally couldn't resist, grabbed the celadon's hand and fell in her arms, muttering in her mouth: "He said he waited for me, he said he waited for me, how can he wait, how to wait..."
" Guniang ......"
There are two rows of people standing outside the bedroom, a row of palace ladies, a row of eunuchs, almost tall and thin, almost the same, with a hand, a copper basin, a kettle and so on.
Fu Cheng’s hand was holding the dust on the side, and he walked back and forth with some anxiety.
It’s already a quick time, but it’s still not up, it’s almost time for the morning. When I used to squat, I didn’t know what happened today. Fu Cheng didn’t dare to go inside. Niang-Niang was inside, who knows if he would see something untimely. Especially in the habit of his Majesty, if he started, he would call someone.
"Fu, the water is already cold." A small eunuch holding a copper basin in his hand was pitiful. Thanks to his training, it took almost two quarters of time to hold the copper basin filled with water.
The arm didn't shake even if it was shaken, and it was changed to someone else. I haven't insisted on it for a while.
Fu Cheng waved his hand. "I still use the family to explain it? Go and change it. Maybe it will be called inside."
The little eunuch immediately did not dare to delay, and hurried out in the basin.
In the temple, the blue-and-white embroidered flowers and the gauze of the butterfly pattern were quietly lowered, but there was already a movement inside.
"It’s late, you have to go up..."
Yao-Niang whispered at the corner of the quilt, for fear that the voice would be loud and the outsiders would hear it.
Jin An did not speak, but just ate her earlobe with a hidden mouth.
The strong manly atmosphere filled his mouth full of nose, is the taste of his own alone, no matter how Yao-Niang will not admit mistakes.
The lips that wrap around her ears are both overbearing and greedy.
The following movements are too late to be embarrassed. It seems that the two are enemies of the last generation.
"It’s really late, sire..."
She was crying and crying, and he was very eager. He turned her over, and Yao-Niang didn't know how to go. She patted his bare chest twice with his hand, and his strength was on his lower arm. He grabbed her hand. She was not guarded, and slammed into his arms, his nose was sour, and his tears almost didn't come out.
At this moment, he made a force and slammed on her hips with a sigh of relief. For a long time, he only gasped and let her loose on the couch and sat up.
"You sleep, go to the country."
Curtains hung open and he had gone out, rang out waves of movement, Yao Niang turned lying on the couch angrily.
It’s all like this, how can I sleep?
Until the outside has quieted down, Yao Niang will only sit up clothes to wear. Her thin-skinned, used to be afraid of the ladies looked, and he casually collapses on the couch for a moment, as people only speaker.
Generally, the people who come to the temple in the morning are the old people around Yao-Niang. Today, Yu Xi is the aunt of the Kunning Palace, and the four reds are the governors. Hearing the sound inside, the jade and the red silk red butterfly with a few small palace women sneaked in. After the red butterfly led the man to prepare the water, several small palace ladies went out, and Yao-Niang went to the bath to bathe.
Bathing every morning, I don’t know when it becomes a habit.
Some do strike, the outside has a large bright, Yao before Niang only wearing purple clothes sitting in the dressing table, somewhat lazily asked: "two Prince went to the library?"
"Yes, Niang-Niang."
Now two treasures have found fun, and every day will go to the study with the brother. But this little guy is not going to study, but to find friends to play.
After Jin’s emperor was enthroned, the study room was not cancelled, and the small gongzi of the various palaces were still in charge of studying.
The new empire has spoken, several Wangye willy-nilly, had the statue.
However, people are less than before, and the anti-Wang seeks counter-failure. Even the Wangfu is also embarrassed. Although it is in the royal culprit, it is too shocking.
The Emperor Taishang’s self-speaking words would be against the king’s swearing, and the king’s veins were naturally smashed and sent away from the capital, confined to the king’s palace in the original state.
The red silk is holding the jade comb to the Yao-Niang head, and it is combed from beginning to end. Yao-Niang's hair is like the finest satin, combing the messy hair and combing it very smoothly.
“Niang-Niang, Liu Yan and Xu Guiren will come to you later.”
When I heard this, Yao-Niang remembered that she always felt that she had forgotten one thing. It turned out to be this matter.
Liu Wei and Xu Guiren were taken into the palace yesterday, and the system is required to be asked to the Queen of the Palace today.
Yao-Niang also knew this thing yesterday, and Jin Andi told her personally. At that time, when I heard this, Yao-Niang was not very happy. It was inevitable that she brought some vinegar flavor in her words and deeds, and then Jinan Emperor told her about the ins and outs.
It turned out that Jinan Emperor was going to send the two away, and even the Cangfei niang home had already hinted. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen later, Xu family the 2nd House made such a noise, and now it is just above the limelight, the two naturally can not be sent away, can only enter the palace.
Originally, Yao-Niang had been glaring at this matter. Now, see Jin’s emperor’s dismissal, and remember how people have sent away. In this kind of ambiguous atmosphere, all the irrelevant ones should be thrown into the clouds, and the two men pondered the whole night. This is not a big morning, Jin-An is unwilling to be tossed, almost no late. .
"Come on, come on, after all, it is a palace, you can't miss it."
"If Niang-Niang is not happy, I will let them come less when I see you today. Nowadays, the Emperor is not yet moved to the palace. In this palace, there are too many people living in it, so as not to collide. For Xiao shun, the House of Internal Affairs. Arranged the two of them in the Cuiyun Hall, where the place was separated from the group and leaned against the corners, which could not obey the eyes of Niang-Niang. It seemed to be afraid that Yao-Niang was angry with this matter, and the red silk was again.
Yao-Niang nodded.
Just after the dressing, someone came to report that Liu Wei and Xu Guiren came. Yao-Niang still has no breakfast, so let the two wait.
Here, Yao-Niang said that he waited, and the palace people at Kunning Palace did not lead the two into the hall, so they stood outside.
This is the usual means in the palace. Both are Niang-Niang, but all of them are Niang-Niang. It is normal to not give a good face. You don't have to explain it to the above people.
The following people will do it themselves.
Xu Guiren is in a blue-blue palace dress, which looks like her body is graceful and gentle. It is a bit stunned, even if it is coated with rouge, it does not look too good.
"It just became the Queen, shelves are big, who does not know when she Su Yao . Niang ago What is this stuff," she lowered the voice channel, very clever to let Liu Bin nearby can be heard, while others listen Not enough.
Liu Yan looked at her. She sometimes thinks that Xu Yueru is quite ridiculous, and he treats people as fools, so obviously provocative, when no one can understand the meaning.
Before switching to it, Liu Yan listened to it. She used to look down on this kind of person. But today she doesn’t know which rib is pumping. She glanced at each other with a sneer and said: "Xu Guiren, you are just a little.
The noble person, the Queen Niang-Niang, which is what you said. In the government, it is like this. If you enter the palace, you still have to change your habits!"
Liu Yan can confess the sound, this way naturally let the palace people waiting outside the hall to listen, and can not help but cast their eyes here.
Xu Guiren did not expect that Liu Wei would deal with himself this way. Some time she was stunned, but her reaction was still very fast. She immediately retorted: "Liu Yan, although you are higher than me, you can't talk nonsense."
"I don't talk nonsense? Who is the one who said, 'This is just the Queen, the shelves are big, when who doesn't know what she used to be in her-Yao-Niang'!" Liu Yan sneered.
When the words were spoken, the people of Kunning Palace suddenly showed the color of anger.
Hongfei heard the movement outside, walked out of the hall, and smiled on his face, but his eyes were ‘Calling: "Xu Guiren may have forgotten where it is."
And this has already made people go inside, and Yao-Niang, who is eating the meal, listens to the back color, and the red silk jade is also the face of anger.
Yao-Niang took a deep breath. "What if this behavior is handled according to the rules of the palace?"
Yu Xi and others have not been able to learn the rules of the palace recently. As the Queen’s aunt and the maid, they don’t understand the rules. Cicadas so quickly answered.
"This sin can be big or small, but it is easy to talk about it, but it is sent to the Cautious Criminal Division and killed."
"Then deal with the palm of your hand. Let them go, I don't want to see them today."
Soon after, there was a cry of Xu Guiren’s cries, and the palm of the hand in the palace could be different from other places.
Normally, it is played by hand, and the person who is in prison is holding a bamboo piece. If you look at who is not pleasing to the eye, just move some hands and feet on the bamboo piece, enough for the other party to eat and walk away. It takes only a few months to see people, and the other is disfigured.
However, there is no one in Kun Ning Palace here. Naturally, it is played by hand, but it is the heart of the lesson. After a dozen slaps of light, Xu Guiren cheeks red and swollen, standing in front of her a 30-year-old aunt, said: "Xu Guiren does not understand the rules, so the Queen Niang-Niang swearing to teach Niang-Niang, also hope Xu Guiren should be cautious in the future, and he must be respectful and respectful. This palace can be different from the outside. If you don’t take the door, you may lose your life."
Xu Guiren was there, but only promised: "I remember."
"Oh, the nobles are wrong again.
They should be remembered.
The identity of the nobles is not enough, and they can only claim to be jealous."
"The aunt's lesson is, I remember."
Qin Aunt nodded and said: "Niang-Niang has some physical discomfort today, and she will not see two Niang-Niang. Juan, come and send two Niang-Niang out."
"Yes, aunt."
As soon as the gate of Kunning Palace came out, Xu Gui talents hated Liu Yan’s eyes and sneaked into the house with a close-knit woman.
"Niang-Niang, look at her like this, I am afraid to remember to hate you." Celadon is somewhat worried.
Liu Yan looked at the back of Xu Guiren and sneered: "Hate hate? I wish she hated me, the more I hate me, the better."
Because of this thing, Yao-Niang had only eaten a few mouthfuls of breakfast, and he chopped the chopsticks.
"Let the nubi say that Niang-Niang should not be so fine, let her have a lesson!"
"If Niang-Niang is still angry, the slave will let people teach her again."
After listening to this, Yao-Niang sighed and said: "No, I didn't get angry with her. I was wondering why Liu Yan and Xu Yanru were right. This is never her temper." Yao- Although Niang saw less with Liu Yan, she only saw that she was not a favorite temper, and she was quite aloof and cold.
"Maybe she knows the time and knows that she has no good life with Niang-Niang in the palace, so she abandoned the secret." Hongfei statement made a lot of people laugh, Yao-Niang said: "I have done it, let you Tell me so fiercely."
Since I can't figure it out, Yao-Niang simply throws it behind and doesn't want to. But for a whole morning, she did something that she couldn’t lift her spirits. Just today, Liu Liang’s doctor asked for a safe pulse. Liu Liang’s doctor just entered the palace gate, and Hongfei told him about it.
Yao-Niang squatted on the squat, and Liu Liang doctor sat on the block to give her the pulse.
After a long while, Liu Liang said: "Congratulations to Niang-Niang, Niang-Niang. This is there."

Chapter 209    :   Two sacred princes, the king of cats and dogs

When I heard this, Yao-Niang had some reaction at that time, and looked at Liu Liangyi strangely.
The other person smiled and said: "Only for more than a month, the pulse is still not obvious, but it should be correct."
Yao-Niang This reminds me that she hasn't come for a while, but she was too busy to seal the grand code before she was negligent.
The previous red silk also said to her, she turned and forgot.
“Congratulations to Niang-Niang, Hexi Niang-Niang.”
Red Silk, who have stepped forward to congratulate, Yao Niang whole person dizzy, except laughter can only laugh.
 Xiao ba, we naturally have to reward, reward Kunning up and down for a month month money, as Cicadas and red silk close this ministry, it is a reward for three months. Kunning Palace also sent people to go to the Jinan Emperor to go to the news, I think there will be a wave of rewards later.
The good news is that it is spread throughout the palace, and everyone in the entire Forbidden City knows that the Queen Niang-Niang is pregnant. Anyone who knows is envious of the Queen Niang-Niang is blessed. It is not a blessing of pregnancy, but a time.
Oh, it didn't take long after it was just sealed, I was pregnant.
Not blessing, what is it!
Especially in the recent DPRK, it was not too peaceful. Seeing the location of the Queen is not wanting, and another minister suggested that Jinan Emperor should be used to build the harem.
It stands to reason dignified monarch of a country, among the harem only kitten twenty-three only justified, harem concubines and more, can only stretch the heirs, can only guarantee peace Jiangshan years.
Become an emperor, anything can be linked to the Jiangshan community.
Jin Andi is Hall of Mental Cultivation and several House Lao da minister discuss this matter, several ministers say muck, he then be silent.
Then Kunning brought good news, it should be a just Jin Andi said I already have two Prince, the Queen younger, more happiness, no need to temporarily set wide harem words.
The Jinan Emperor’s great joy immediately dropped the ministers, and the ministers could only touch the nose and go out.
This happy event did not count finished, the next day Jin Andi closed down the eldest son of Emperor Zhao Chen is the Crown Prince edict.
Natural matter caused a storm moving in the classroom, the eldest son is not even five years old, young children likely to die before had sealed the Crown Prince, also over the age of five years.
However, the emperor's eldest son is both Di- and long.
The ministers can not pull out too many opponents.
They can only be discouraged by the emperor's younger too young. However, this matter has not yet caused any storms, and it has come to an abrupt end.
The Emperor of the Qing Family, the first imperial edict after the meditation, the eldest son of the emperor, Zhao Wei, was the Crown Prince, and it was calm and calm.
The weight of the two sacred genres is not doubled, but geometrically doubled. With the imperial edict of Taishanghuang, as long as the emperor’s eldest son does not make a sinful crime, he can sit on the Crown Prince in peace and worry, and he will be the king of the country.
Even if one day Jinan wanted to abolish the Crown Prince, he had to go over the imperial edict of Taishang. But at that time, maybe the Emperor was already a big man, and the living emperor wanted to turn over the will of the already big emperor, or to kiss Father, which is almost equal to the greatness of the world.
Kunning Palace has once again become a place of great public interest.
The world is full of praise. If you can divide the Queen Niang-Niang's blessings into one and a half, you will not be embarrassed in this life.
A female talent but only two-decade China, already the future of the Empress Dowager Imperial, which is really a blessing to be the envy of the world and so all women.
For a time, Cheng’s Houfu Sujia became a hot figure in Capital City, and even the small family of the Yao family, which was not seen by the people, became the guest of the various houses in Capital City.
Without him, because the Zhonggong system is rarely seen in front of people, the road to the Zhonggong always needs a medium.
This is linked to the three imperial edicts, so that many people have to change their minds, if only Su-the Queen is a single person, plus a Crown Prince who is in a position to be impregnable.
The mother is expensive and the mother is expensive.
These have always been complementary.
The position of the Crown Prince is impregnable, and the status of Su-the Queen is naturally unbreakable.
That being the case, instead of thinking about pulling the Queen down and changing his own people, it is better to be a vassal.
As for the Kunning Palace, Yao-Niang now has a single-hearted fetus and knows nothing about the wind and rain outside.
Her first day off the palace to congratulate Qiao -shi, the next day following the soft Shaw came.
The two sat together and said a lot. Unlike Qiao-shi, Xiao Jirou rarely appeared in front of people, and he couldn't come if he couldn't come in the palace. After she entered the palace last time, it was still the first time that Yao-Niang was sealed into the palace.
"You said that you moved back to Xiao jia?" Xiao Jirou did not deliberately say that Yao-Niang could still hear it, and could not help but ask.
 Xiao Jirou smiled. In fact, she didn't want to look at Yao-Niang. She couldn't help it. If she didn't hesitate, she wouldn't be entangled until today.
Seeing the other party not talking, Yao-Niang asked: "Why? Are you still angry with the seven brothers?"
"I didn't have the anger for him. How long has it been, I have forgotten it."
"Why then?"
Why? She also said that she would not come up.
Yao-Niang has always been a personal temper, see Xiao Jirou do not want to say, she did not ask more.
The two sat in one place and said something else, after which Xiao Jirou went out of the palace.
Today, Qing Wang also entered the palace.
Unlike An Wang and others, Qing Wang is a hero.
Although Qing Wang made a big mistake, he could make a great contribution in this chaos. Under the circumstance, Jinan Emperor personally intended to stay in Capital City and gave him the admiration of Jingsanying.
Today, Qing Wang leads the title of the Admiral, and it is clearly the heart of the new emperor. Today, it is also one of the hottest characters in the country.
 Xiao Jirou just got into the carriage, thinking that Yao-Niang asked her, and suddenly the window was knocked.
She picked up the curtain and looked out, facing the face of Shang Qing Wang Qing .
Qing Wang has lost a lot more than before, and his face is also much more determined.
The mentality of the big heart can affect the face of the person.
The former Qing Wang is handsome and hearty, but the face is tender and tender. Now it is tempering all the roundness on the face, but it becomes sharper.
No one knows how much Qing Wang has suffered in the Yanshan Emperor's Mausoleum. Jinan Emperor is never a person who is kind to people. He is going to swear by the King of Qing , and he will not be soft.
So when I first went to Yanshan, Qing Wang really wanted to stay in this wild mountain ridge for a lifetime, and could never go back.
Between the entrances, the mountains and the mountains are all stones, cold and clear everywhere, no one talks to him. Into the night, the outside is even more sorrowful, only a lone lamp, can mad people.
Fortunately, when King Qing was still immersed in infinite remorse, there was no extra mood to pay attention to these.
Later, it was hard to get up. He remembered what Jin-Wang said to himself and began to observe the guardian stationed in the Mausoleum.
Wei is not the same with the other, because Yanshan Ling Wei stationed in the mountains, where solitude, four uninhabited, where Ling Wei soldiers and pawns seem to have tainted the atmosphere here, they seem cold stone people.
Here, no one is waiting for Qing Wang, and even the eyes of contempt are not. If it is an ordinary person, it will certainly not be able to stand this neglect or even ignore it. It is precisely this that Qing Wang needs.
With Jin-Wang's advance arrangement, Qing Wang was dressed as an ordinary soldier and entered the Lingwei. When he was truly integrated into the mausoleum, he discovered that there is no world here.
Because there is no one to smoke here, except for the forest, the soldiers of the Mausoleum have no other things that can be adjusted for life.
They have to practice five hours every day, from various mountain battles, plain battles, siege wars, even street fighting, and even individual wars, and even every month, there is a total army ratio, winning is promoted, losing Then down, everything speaks according to strength.
When Qing Wangfang went, he said that he had a martial art and he had led the soldiers to fight. He did not put these people in his eyes. It wasn't until he was in the big ratio that he was smashed on the ground by a soldier who was shorter than him. He realized what was called someone outside.
Since then, he has changed his attitude, from losing to winning, to slowly raising the flag, the flag, and the hundred households, to win one opponent after another with his own hands, until he is promoted to the deputy commander of the Lingwei. position.
Further up is the commander, that is the soul of the entire Yanshan Mausoleum, an old man who lost a leg.
The old man is very old, and the reason why Yanshan Lingwei has other health centers is because of this old man.
Until this time, Qing Wang knew that the old man was a Jin-Wang. Jin-Wang had also been to Yanshan, but it was brought by Ning Duke. Jin-Wang stayed here for half a year. After going out, it changed a lot.
That year Jin-Wang fifteen.
Qing Wang recalled, what was he doing at that time?
Troop seem worried after the eviction, and Wang Lu Wang Yong find themselves in trouble if how to do? In the day, I was immersed in self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction, humble and pathetic.
Until this time he realized that he always felt Troop ever since his first-born high, because he has a number mother Princess, has a high position of Waizu, there can be when the great general of Mu Uncle.
Prince, a mother with a high weight, is always superior.
At this time, he realized how ridiculous it is. No one can have everything by nature. Whatever God gives you, you have to be able to catch up.
"Is there something?" Xiao Jirou asked across the window.
"I will send you back."
Qing Wang tall, wearing a Qinwang clothes, crotch Dawan BMW is coming to a decision. What kind of prestige, the heroic and extraordinary, but at this time it is the squatting and half-bent waist, and the Xiao jia is obviously not comparable to the carriage of the Wangfu frame. It looks extraordinarily awkward and sighs.
 Xiao Jirou is not ignorant of how hot Wang is now in Capital City. Many men in Xiao’s family are in the country, and civil servants have military commanders. Naturally, I have heard a lot.
Although the man at home doesn't say anything, but the two Sao will inevitably say a word in her ear, saying that she is stupid, and that she is not rich in life, and that Qing Wang is really remorse, why is it true?
Is she true?
 Xiao Jirou did not know that even she did not understand what she was thinking.
"It's still not good. Qing ye is busy with people, and the little woman is going back."
"Following soft..."
"Go back to the government."
Heard urging, Xiao did not dare to stay a groom, quickly drove away.
The car has gone a long way, and Xiao Jirou close-fitting Yatou Joan suddenly said: “Wangfei, Wangye is still behind the car.”
"I have said it a few times and don't call me Wangfei."
"I am not Wangfei, I have not been. He is back, I am not."
Qing Wang all the way to the Xiao family's carriage to the side of the Xiao fu door, see Xiao Jirou when he got off the car did not look at himself, only suddenly turned the horse head.
Simply he is fine, he just walked slowly along the horse.
He is fine, but others have something to wear, walking in the street, is not the heart of the people.
Qing Wang’s mind was blank, and he seemed to think a lot, and he didn’t seem to think about anything. A few of the palaces of the Qing Family were riding horses and not far behind him.
Suddenly a voice rang from the side: "Old Seven, what's wrong with you? Dejected, the powdered head was caught by Sao?"
Qing Wang looked up and saw Lu Wang.
The other side also rode a horse, followed by several guards, laughing with a look of gloating, and did not hide his malice.
Qing Wang did not want to care for him, and the horse continued to move forward, but he did not leave and was stopped by Lu Wang.
"What's wrong with you? We are brothers when we say it. If you have any difficulty, tell the brother, maybe you can give you an idea."
"Step aside!"
Lu and thick eyebrows stood up, took his eye askance: "Well, you are a Seven, trusted in themselves that the new emperor's nucai s, six brother despise me, is not I tell you, even if you registered a day, brother? Still your brother."
Qing Wang was full of irritability and saw Lu Wang entangled. He couldn’t help but get angry and went up. He raised his whip and went to Lu Wang.
Lu Wang did not expect that Qing Wang, who had always been defeated by his men, had the courage to dare to challenge himself, and he did not say anything.
The two men fought in a group, and immediately hit the horse, playing with ecstasy, punching the flesh.
The two masters fought, and the guards of the two palaces were afraid to pretend to be dead, and they were busy dispelling the civilians on both sides of the road. At the same time, my heart was secretly anxious, and the two Qinwangs fought on the street. What should I do if I passed to my underarms?
Kola did not dare to go forward, but could only be surrounded by anxious.
I was really afraid of what was coming, and the two of them finally got tired, and each of them fell on the ground like a dead skin. A group of people rushed to the fast horse, and the headed person was a waiter.
"Under the mouth, Xuan Lu Wang and Qing Wang into the palace."
In the temple of nourishing the heart, Jinan emperor sat on the dragon seat with his face.
Next, standing Qing wang and Lu Wang, both of them are swollen and bruised. Qing Wang blackened a circle of eyes, blood in his mouth, Lu Wang was worse than him, black eyes two eyes, half of his face swollen like a pig's head.
"Everything grows up, right? Qinwang, who is in a good fight, doesn't want a face, isn't it?"
Upon hearing this, Lu Wang was particularly wronged.
He had previously been beat Wang Qing , and now he was able to beat him, but it is not accounted for the upper hand. Not only that, but also by the other side, Lu Wang does not need to look in the mirror to know what he is like.
"Five brothers, it is not my first move, it is the old seven! You see what he has made me. I don't just see him unhappy, kindly ask him a few words, he turned to face with me.
There is no conscious of being a younger brother."
On the mouth, Qing Wang can not have Lu Wang slip, he does not have Lu Wang shameless, can squint and turn black and white.
"It’s a slap in the face, but please blame it!"
"Do you know that you are smashing? The dog that is not called will bite. I didn't know how you used to be. I used to call your sixth brother like a thief. I told you that I didn't finish it with you."
"I am not accompanying the Six Brothers." Qing Wang sighed.
"Accompany a not to be lost? I tell you ......"
"Well, you is not a good thing, you know when Zhenbu dog temper, nothing you have to pick some things out!" With the cold denounced Jin Andi, a flying volley ink stone, passed between the two, hit the ground, broken into pieces.
"Have made pension six months, give I roll!"
They also fined Shane, and then out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation in disgrace.
Walking on the palace road, Lu Wang relapsed and asked the Qing Wang what happened.
How could King Wang tell him that he was sulking?
Lu Wang Qing Wang pair will not see the whole world people are negative in my appearance, slanting eyes derided him:. "I left you face, I do not really know when you're flat out on Xiao jiayingzi eat like you the, 6th Sao give you his face was right, maybe tomorrow people will remarry, and that time ...... "
If the words have not been finished, a fist will be slammed, and the two will be squashed again. This is the turn of the palace in the palace.
Until blessing to receive the message in time to come, "be our family seeking two Highness, if Her Majesty comes again go on an angry, no way can end up."
The two stopped their hands.
Lord fear that the two fight again in the palace, ordered a special blessing to send a small two eunuchs eviction.
Out of Xihuamen, Lu Wang took a look at Qing wang: "Hey, don't you ask me to help you? I heard that Xiao jia has found a man for 6th-Sao, and the man also looks at 6th-Sao. and that time you do not regret. "
Qing Wang immediately passed.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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