Wangfu Chongqie 130

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 130    :   Niang said that the grandfather is old. If the grandfather is a grandfather, let's listen, don't hesitate.

But soon Jin-Wang was beaten, because the people in the palace came to call him into the palace.
It was also Jin-Wang who did not leave a face too much.
The Hui-Wang House was upstairs and the big one was dissected.
The Hui-Wang had not entered the palace yet, and the matter spread everywhere. I was so excited that I heard about it in the palace.
Wei, Queen, was very uncomfortable after listening to it.
At the beginning, she took the initiative to request the abolition of the Crown Prince as the mother of the Crown Prince, but it was a way of preservation under the expediency. This is the best way at that time. It can not only preserve the Crown Prince, but also comfort the Emperor Hongjing. It can also let An Wang know the insider's secrets.
So she took the initiative to seek the abolition of the Crown Prince, but also set a precedent.
The Crown Prince is not promising, not useful, but she was born, she is somewhat partial. Now that the Crown Prince has just been abandoned, he has been deceived by the door. In this way, he has been beaten in the public. Wei Queen is even more sorrowful, and he is also annoyed.
After Hui-Wang entered the palace, she simply did not persuade, and pretended to have a windy attack, and people passed the matter to Hongjing Emperor.
In a short while, Hui-Wang was taken away by the people who came to the Qing Palace.
Unlike the face of Wei, Queen, the Crown Prince is actually a little afraid of Hongjing. In the presence of Wei, Queen, he dared to ‘Call and cry, and in the presence of Hongjing, he did not dare to put more words.
But I don't need anything to say. What Hongjing Emperor wants to know, I will know if I ask. Including what happened in Hui-Wang, including the Crown Prince, to find what Wei Queen said, including why Wei Queen had a head wind attack.
"Your mother is not good, you have to come to trouble her, it seems that you are too tolerant to you."
In fact, it is said that Hongjing Emperor was also a beautiful man when he was young. Now he is getting old, because he is thin, and his face is somewhat slack and slack. At this time, his thick eyebrows are wrinkled, his mouth is tight, and his face is more and more harsh.
Hui-Wang’s face was red, and he said a long time: “It’s not the son’s trouble, it’s the old five, the old five is really not giving me the face of being a big brother!”
"That's why you have to be a big brother!" Hongjing Emperor took a dragon case, and the tea stalk at hand was knocked down by his movements.
The tea was sprinkled everywhere.
Li-de snorted and asked the little eunuch to take the cloth and wipe it, and quickly cleaned up the dragon case.
Hong Jingdi stood up, and the ribs on his forehead leaped and leaped. He waved his hand impatiently: "Roll, let's get out of the palace now!"
Then the Crown Prince is rolling.
"A group of things that don't worry!"
No one dares to speak.
After a while, Emperor Hongjing said again: "Go and ‘Call Jin-Wang into the palace!"
So Jin-Wang entered the palace.
He can still calm down, but Yao-Niang is in a hurry. She was in a hurry and brought Xiao bao to Jin-Wang. She had a little grandson. She didn't believe that Hongjing Emperor could play Jin-Wang in the face of Xiao bao.
Sure enough, I saw the Hongjing Emperor who came to Xiao bao. It was a fire, and it was inexplicable.
After the ceremony, the father and son stood below.
Hongjing Emperor did not have a good air: "Do you know what you are going to do?"
"Children don't know."
Looking at the dead face of Jin-Wang, Hongjing Emperor is not angry with a fight, but also admire the five sons of this calm and self-satisfied. Among these sons, the fifth is that when he is angry, he can still change his face.
"What have you done yourself, you don't know it yourself?"
Originally a very serious scene, the imperial palace, the emperor on the high side, next to a group of eunuchs and palace ladies who looked at the scenes.
But this serious picture was destroyed at this time, and the short, short-skinned child wearing a red persimmon squatting over the shoulders and swaying, touched the dragon case.
He was a little naughty, staring at his short stature, thinking that he didn't cause anyone idea, but he didn't know how to see him. He came to the dragon case and went under the bright yellow table cover. From time to time, he drilled his head and smiled at Jin-Wang, which seemed to have something fun inside.
Emperor Hongjing strives to maintain his majesty, but he is finally defeated by the little things drilled on the side of his legs.
He leaned over and asked, "What are you doing?"
 Xiao waer smiled innocently and looked up and said: "Flowers, cats, peekaboo."
"Who is the flower?"
"Flower flowers are cats, emperor 'Laozi, Xiao Bao accompany you to hide from cats, don't you worry about Father?"
"Who told you that the emperor's Grandfather will marry you, Father." It seems that it is always difficult to bend this waist. Hongjing Emperor holds Xiao bao and puts it on his lap.
“Nang said.”
Hongjing Emperor looked up and looked at the Jin-Wang standing below, as if casually asked: "What did you say about niang?"
"Nang said, the emperor 'Laozi is old, if the emperor 'Laozi Father, let Father listen, don't give up. But Xiao bao doesn't want you to lick Father."
Jin-Wang's face is involuntarily taut, resisting the urge to rush to bring his son back. This little thing would still sleep, and then he was yelled at her, was he listened to him. He intends to say if Xiao Bao chaos, go back and pack him, she will stop, but also clean up.
"Then why do you say that the emperor 'Laozi wants to marry you?"
 Xiao bao made a look of ignorance, and seemed to be confused. After thinking about it for a while, I said: "That is a bad thing, it doesn't matter, and the people in the work department are bad."
Seeing the little grandson still thinking hard, Hongjing Emperor suddenly laughed and touched his little head: " Xiao bao is so smart, the emperor 'Laozi will not marry you Father."
"Then I will accompany you to play hide-and-seek." He said, Xiao bao went to the ground and stood still and went to the Emperor Hongjing.
Li-de all around is anxious, and wants to stop and dare not stop. "Hey, little emperor, you can't go hide and play with you. Can the old slave find someone to accompany you to play?"
"Play with the emperor Laozi."
"He is busy with him, the old slave is looking for a little eunuch to play with you, they can play."
Li-de all had a look in the past, and there was a small eunuch next to him. He was very eye-catching, and he was learning how to call a cat. Xiao bao was immediately attracted attention, and his eyes only looked at the little eunuch.
The little eunuch learned the cat and smashed Xiao bao.
When the people left, Hongjing Emperor went to see Jin-Wang.
"This child is getting smarter and smarter."
" Xiao Bao Zao Hui."
Emperor Hongjing snorted: "You are not humble at all."
Jin-Wang didn't talk. When Hongjing Emperor looked at him, he knew that if he said it would be a big rebellion.
The old five is this sincerity. If you can’t say good things, you won’t be good.
The child went early, and his government was busy, and it would inevitably be negligent. When he suddenly went to see the son seriously, he became like this.
Work hard, hard work, and earnestness. At the same time, ignorance and silence.
Prince in the study room is the least talked about, and he is not very fond of Shifu, but his evaluation is the first three. He praised him once, he worked harder than before, even martial arts. In Prince, if the paper is full of Wu, it is still the fifth.
The Emperor Hongjing, who was inexplicably caught in the memory, did not speak for a long time, and there was a memory of jealousy in his eyes.
For a long while, he came back to him and glanced at Jin-Wang: "But go back. Your woman said that I was afraid of you, if you really believe you, it is not the woman's mouth." ”
As for Jin-Wang, whether this is done right or wrong this time, from the beginning to the end, Hongjing Emperor did not express a clear attitude.
On the carriage back, Jin-Wang told Xiao Baodao: "If Father and Niang say something, they are not allowed to go out and tell the outsiders..."
Do you think I want to?
 Xiao bao played with the grasshopper in his hand, and he did not hear it. This grasshopper was given to him by the little eunuch.
After returning to the palace, seeing the father and son returning safely, Yao-Niang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Don't look at her saying to Jin-Wang that it is impossible to beat him on the holy, but after all, it is a bit too big, and there is Wei Queen in it. I don't know what will happen, but fortunately nothing.
Hui-Wang was kicked out of the palace, and Jin-Wang was called into the palace.
Everyone waited to see the movement, but unfortunately there was no news in the palace. From the face of Jin-Wang, there was no clue.
However, after a day, the Ministry of Industry went to the Hui-Wang House to repair the Hui-Wang House.
The people in Hui-Wang House did not put a word, and the Ministry of Construction went very smoothly.
There are many eyes and ears in various houses in Capital City, and several key places fly into a mosquito. Nowadays, I don’t have to say that Hui-Wang is not pleased, and Jin-Wang has not suffered.
After all, it is still different. In the end, the Crown Prince is now a deserted child.
However, Hongjing Emperor has always been concerned about Hui-Wang the Heir. From time to time, he is called into the palace to talk, and occasionally to eat, so that everyone knows that Hui-Wang is not in the present, but Hui-Wang the Heir Can also hold up the door of the Hui-Wang House.
How many of them are in the eyes, and how many people are secretly thinking, no one knows, and it is even less clear. With the opening of the capital, the heat has faded and the autumn is coming.
The morning light is awkward, and the heavens are dawning.
Bathing in the morning light on the chessboard street is as usual, the sound of the car hooves, and from time to time there are voices of greetings.
Jin-Wang is getting up late today. Even if the breakfast is useless, he will go out. When he leaves the house, Yao-Niang has stuffed him a bag.
Needless to say, this bag is eaten.
It may be that at noon this meal is always a rough meal, so Jin-Wang is now very concerned about this bag.
The food in this bag will change every day. Before because of the heat, you can only put some cakes and the like. It’s been cool in the past few days, and there will be some snacks or something in it.
For example, the dry consumption of Cattle pork is fragrant, spicy and chewy. Jin-Wang's previous taste is light, and it is said that it is the taste of the palace. Nowadays, this kind of folk eating is also eaten. Quite novel. Once again, I took two bowls of white rice with this dried pork.
Yao-Niang also said that people are going to give Jin-Wang a meal, because she was too high-profile to be rejected by her. When she wants to come, Hongjing Emperor is to sharpen his son, and he is still delicious and delicious every day. If you secretly eat it privately, you will send it to the government. Isn’t it obvious?
Jin-Wang didn't want to explain her relationship with her. Simply let her misunderstand it. After she finished her work every day, she came to the point of eating rice. It was a small box. Jin-Wang couldn’t help but have a kind of inexplicable Expectation of expectation.
And this sense of expectation made him feel pretty good.
At this time, in this bag, there are also a few buns wrapped in paper.
The fresh pork is served with shrimp, the filling is smooth and tender, and the bite is savory.
The key buns are still made by Yao-Niang. I didn't know that she still had such a good craft.
Think of it this way, Jin-Wang couldn't help but touch a buns from his pocket and take a bite. When I was eating for the first time, I was not prepared.
The gravy was full of hands. Now Jin-Wang can bite the buns very well, and the gravy is not sprinkled. After you have sucked and dried the gravy, and then eat the steamed buns, a steamed buns will not be stained.
Jin-Wang is eating buns and suddenly runs in front of him.
Thin and tall, young face, a green official uniform, in front of the tortoise complement, is a 7th-Grade small official.
As soon as the person came to Jin-Wang, he beamed his eyes and said with excitement: "Jin-Wang, His Royal Highness is the editor of Xu Jinzhi of the Hanlin Academy."
Jin-Wang is sucking the soup, it is a crucial moment. When he can vent his mouth to answer him, he nods.
"You are eating buns under the imperial court of Emperor Jin?" Xu Jinzhi eyes made Jin-Wang feel that his buns were delicious. He even considered whether or not to separate each other. This Xu Jinzhi said: "Then you Eat, the next official does not bother."
After that, the person hurriedly left as suddenly as he came, and it seemed that he came over to ask Jin-Wang to eat buns.
Jin-Wang feels a bit confusing, but I don't think much, because the Ministry of Industry is not far ahead.
Into the Ministry of Engineering, Jin-Wang first painted a plaque on the roster before entering the lining.
All the way to the camp of the Qing Family, he did not say hello to others, he went to his own value room.
With the renovation of Hui-Wang House on the right track, Jin-Wang has recently fallen into nothing. This repair can not be completed overnight. Jin-Wang only takes a few days to go and monitor the progress. As for Other business is not to be controlled by him.
Sitting in the class for a day, when it comes to Shen -Jin-Wang can be valued.
He painted another plaque on the roster and went out to the door of the Ministry of Industry.
There is no car outside the door. No one came to pick him up today. He can only go back by himself. From the Ministry of Industry to the Jin-Wang House, it was only a quarter of an hour. Jin-Wang was carrying a bag and was not able to walk.
A rush of horseshoes ‘Called, and there were ‘calls, and Jin-Wang continued to walk away, but his brows could not help but ‘Call.
The carriage stopped at a position less than half a meter behind him.
The driver said with a sigh of relief: "You are really a person, you are not called to hide. If you hit it, what should you do?"
Jin-Wang stopped and turned to look at the groom.
The correct one should be this carriage.
The groom didn't seem to expect this person to be an official. When he saw the tonic on his chest, he blinked, and then he flashed a contempt in his eyes. He wanted to say something, and the woman's delicate voice came from the car.
"Feng Da, it was you who accidentally bumped into the car, how did you blame each other?"
With the voice, a white little hand stretched out from the inside and pulled the curtain away.
The owner of this little hand is just a Maid, and there is a woman sitting in the car, wearing a pair of blue lotus-colored plaid shirts, a bi-colored flower-horse skirt, and a skirt with a pearl skirt.
Her skin is fair, her eyebrows are clear, and if she is a spring flower, it is not too much to say that it is the color of the city.
Jin-Wang glanced over the emblem on the carriage, and the flash of light in his eyes was long. Just wanting to turn around, this woman suddenly said: "This Daren is the negligence of my car driver, I wonder if you can be a big problem?"

Chapter 131    :   Obviously this poison is solved, but it is deeper.

The beautiful woman's voice did not allow Jin-Wang to stop. He turned and walked away with almost no pause.
There was a sigh of anger in the woman's eyes.
Maid around her: "Gangiang, this person is also rude."
"Okay, it's our fault, we can't blame the other party for not having a fake color..."
"Then he can't say nothing and leave. Guniang is very kind..." This Maid was very complaining, suddenly thinking of something like it, said: "Gangiang, let's go back quickly, if it is known by Madam It's not good."
"As long as you don't say it, Feng Da does not say, I don't know about niang." The figure of Jin-Wang has disappeared at the corner, and Wang Defang is not willing to take his eyes back to Liuya.
Willow buds will not say naturally, Feng Da can not say that these two are Wang Defang's confidant, otherwise she will not bring two people out today.
I thought of the person who was wearing a green shirt, full of temperament, and with a trace of honor engraved in the bones. Especially the face of the other party, what kind of beauty is that straight into the sly eyebrows, narrow and long eyes, under the tall nose is a thin white lips.
The most striking thing is that the person in the eyes of this person is indifferent and careless. Wang Defang sees more and more men who see all kinds of light in their eyes, even if they are honorable like Prince, they are also eager for her.
It may be that he is so unintentional. Wang Defang has long heard that the 5th-Prince Jin-Wang in Prince is the most beautiful and the coldest.
Seeing it today, it really deserves its name.
If he knows that he is the daughter of the royal family, what kind of face will he be? I don’t know how Wang Defang’s heart began to jump, and some expect it to come.
Mu-Mama went to Capital City, with the following people from the Jin-Wang House, such as Yuyan, and many objects and things that were transported from Jinju to Capital City.
This group of people from Jinju made the Jin-Wang House alive and bustling, and the staff was much richer than in the past. Not only the people in the rest of the house, but also the government.
There are many people and many things, and the front yard will not mention it.
The back house is inevitably a little chaotic.
Since Wangfei was sent to raise a disease, the affairs of the house were managed by Fu Cheng. Fu Cheng was in charge of the affairs of the front yard, and it was inevitable that he would not care about the trivial matters of the back house.
Just Jin-Wang is trying to train Yao-Niang one or two, let her pick up the things of this house, Yao-Niang where to do this kind of thing, do not want to refuse, can Jin Wang gave her gas, and she gave her housekeeper a reluctance to control her.
She can also think about it. She still has to control two children. Where is the air management? Fortunately, there are still a few people in Mu-Mama, so that the people of Mu-Mama will take care of the back house. It is. Another borrowed a man named Miya-Mama to the Rongxi Courtyard to do the management of Mama, and to teach the Yao-Niang these things, as well as some etiquette walking outside.
Wangfei is a disease-receiving person. In Jin-Wang, there must be a female master who can stand up. Other people will stop.
They will enter the palace and go to the palaces.
There is no son-in-law.
Jin-Wang is telling the truth about Yao-Niang. Yao-Niang is finally overcoming psychological barriers. I plan to try it first.
Even if she is not for herself, even for Xiao bao and Erbao, she has to go out of the government. She can’t stay in the house for the rest of her life, closing the door regardless of the outside. It is just that there is a happy event in the Qing Family.
The 2nd-gongzi of the Qing wang family is going to have a feast for the year, and Jin-Wang intends to go with Yao-Niang.
 Xiao bao also went, even if the two treasures, the children are too small to go out.
This is the first time that Yao-Niang has gone out to go to another house as a Ceefei. It is very nervous. A few days in advance, I began to prepare clothes that I had to wear.
The more I approached the day, the more intense she was. Anyway, Jin-Wang’s idea was that she could not understand how she was afraid and expecting emotions.
In fact, it is not difficult to guess, Yao-Niang is only eighteen, don't look at the niang of two children, they are still a child. Childlike thoughts, how could not like to go out, but her identity makes her usually have no chance to go out, and she has no friends in Capital City, but it is not boring.
Jin-Wang, who came to this conclusion, couldn’t help but have some pity. She said that she was free to take her out for a walk. She also said to Yao-Niang that she would make more friends when she went out. When they can, they can invite them to come.
The guest is a guest.
Yao-Niang is a bit strange, but she can still do it. Jin-Wang was made a bitter smile, and she said that when you go out to see, there is no good handkerchief in Wangfei Ceefei.
I will not mention this for the time being, and soon this day will arrive.
The room was very quiet, and the outside of the window was bright, but the room was still a little dim.
For those who are not going to be bright every day, it is undoubtedly happy to be able to sleep late. Jin-Wang has never had this feeling before. Maybe the beauty town is a hero. Nowadays, it takes a lot of perseverance to get up every morning to bring the soft jade warm incense.
Look at the side, the quilt is uplifted, but the side is not seen.
Every time she falls asleep, she will be huddled together. If he forgets to hold her, he will fall asleep and fall asleep.
The key is that she still doesn't like to let him hold, always saying that he is crowded, and that he is heavy, and he is too disgusted. She used to be like this before, and he was spoiled.
She sat in the same month for nearly two months. He was so hard because of her hard work. It was so long that she was wild last night. She still didn't dare to move her. Liu Liang doctor said, at least two months, said that she was too close to the two-child day, to be nursed back, the body bones will not fall under the root of the disease.
These days, Jin-Wang is thinking about the two-month period, and I feel that I am living like a year.
The quilt was opened, and the person was inside the bed, the legs were still on his side, the little buttocks were squatting, and the body slept in the side direction.
Only wearing thin silk pants, jade white, thin and soft. A pair of trousers squatted on the knees, revealing the slender and tender calf.
The waist of the waist is loosely covered on the shackles, and the front is an arched waist.
The entire back is bare, and only a thin strap is looped forward.
However, I only wore a Taohong-colored apron.
Such a beautiful scene made Jin-Wang sleepy. People attached to the past and kissed her on her back. I wanted to bring people over. She may sleep in her dreams and still abandon him to press herself, and stretch her eyes and push him. "Don't make trouble, I am sleepy..."
Yao-Niang has always been like a northerner, with a kind of softness that only Jiang-nan talents have. Usually speaking is a constant soft whisper. It is sometimes confused, the voice is slightly hoarse, and it is crisp and Soft, itching people.
Going to see the half of the towering arc that she was inadvertently exposed from the smock in her struggle, she just wanted to go up and give the broken thing a good look.
Jin-Wang, where I can stand it, my eyes are red, and my breathing is too heavy.
He gritted his teeth and released him. He rubbed the quilt and covered her. I rolled off one side, licked a piece of clothes on my face, and took a few breaths to breathe gently.
The faint, musk around the nose, only to find that she actually took her shirt. And between the squares, it is all the fragrance of her body, making people crazy.
Jin-Wang smiles, obviously this is poisonous, but it is deeper.
Seeing her sleepy, if she didn't feel it, he threw away the clothes in his hand, and his heart grievances rose.
"I can't afford to go to Qing Wangfu again. I remember you said that the old seven-day-old woman is going to wait for you."
The person who was sleeping with the quilt was so sullen that he sat up and had no sleep.
"Jade, they don't cry out..."
Saying in his mouth, Yao-Niang was busy picking up the clothes on the side, and seeing that his clothes were well dressed, and he did not show his chest and exposed his chest.
After waiting to get on the bus, Yao-Niang couldn't help but complain, saying that they didn't dare to come in, and Jin-Wang didn't call her when she was awake.
Jin-Wang sneered and stared at her: "Today Benwang is resting."
Without Jin-Wang, Yao-Niang remembers that Jin-Wang can take a day off on the 10th, and it usually starts when the sky is still not bright. Especially as the day gradually began to cool, the light was not as early as before, and every time Jin-Wang started, the sky would be numb. Yao-Niang started to accompany her every day, but Jin-Wang walked forward, and her back foot went back to bed and fell back to sleep.
Thinking about it, she suddenly felt very embarrassed.
Jin-Wang is worth a day, she is idle in the house, but now she has to let her sleepy person call her.
Yao-Niang couldn't help but lean on the side of Jin-Wang, because Xiao bao was on the side, she couldn't keep her face and said that she would please the people, just take the white fingertips and lick the Jin-Wang's clothes. Sleeve, screwed it over and took a shimmering big eye to see him.
Jin-Wang didn't intend to give her a good face. She used to have no formal shape.
The little hand that pulled his sleeve was too annoying.
The stone-blue fabric looks like the fingertips are more like white and green, which reminds him of how soft and dexterous these little hands are, and naturally thinks of many unspeakable scenes.
Thinking of an inexpressible scene, the darkness of the light could not help but fall under her new clothes, and it looked very tall and tall, and the half-white jade neck in the collar was a white face. Petal-like lips.
Jin-Wang's throat is tight, and I don't plan to look up any more. If he didn't forget it, he still sat next to him.
The little scorpion was strange and clever, and he was given it. Afterwards, he should have nothing to do with Father's face. Seeing her pitiful look again, he coughed and swung up his sleeves and covered the little hand.
"When you go later, you will follow the old seventh wife. Although she is the mother, but the government does not need her busy work, she should be free to accompany you. Just-"
Seeing that his face was a little dull, Yao-Niang couldn’t help but curiously asked, "What happened?"
Jin-Wang put a small hand in the palm of his hand and rubbed it in the palm of his hand, and then said: "You need to have a long heart. Which one has a complicated thing, you don't want to go into the house of the old seven."
For the rest, Jin-Wang did not say that she had a hard time to say something, and she would not disappoint her. Big deal, he turned his head and explained the old seven.
The old seven-year-old woman is only asking for this, and there will be no problem.
Just talking, but it is to the Qing Wang House.
Today, the Qing Wang House is doing a happy event.
The street in front of the street is clean and spotless, and the door is hung with color.
The head of the palace is standing in front of the door and welcoming guests.
The doors on both sides were opened, but the middle door was not open. When the carriage of Jin-Wang House arrived, the manager was busy making a look, and there was a small donkey to open the middle door, and others went in to inform.
It is the car horse like a dragon, but there is a car stuck in front of it, and the people behind can't get through, just waiting at the back.
In the capital of the city to discuss food, the most important thing is to have a look, look at the emblem on the carriage, and accompanying the carriage around the carriage, you know that the visitor is not rich and expensive. If you know more about it, just rely on the clothes on the body, you know that this is the guard of Jin-Wang.
After a short time, I saw a tall man coming down from the car.
He is very long, wearing a royal blue shoulder embroidered dragon satin gown, embroidered with a gold thread on the placket and cuffs. A pair of black hair is bundled on the top of the head, and it is buckled with a three-finger-inlaid sapphire red gold crown. It is even more beautiful and beautiful.
When he got out of the car, he took a child from the car and held it with one hand, and the other hand still stood out in the car.
The person who had witnessed this scene still wondered what he was going to do. He soon saw a small white and delicate hand in the car, covered in the palm of his hand, and then a woman came down from the car.
The woman wore a sea bream and red peony flower and opened her sleeves. She wore twelve pomegranate skirts, and she wore a cloud of sapphire. Only by the side can be seen as an extremely rare beauty, skin white wins snow, eyebrows, especially the thrilling arc between the waist and hip, it is a heartfelt glimpse.
When he got off the bus, at the moment he lifted his head, he went to see the hibiscus face.
The eyebrows were as far away as the eyebrows, and the eyes were full of glamour, and the eyes were radiant, so beautiful!
Blocked in the carriage behind the Wang family, Wang Defang could not help but tighten the hand in his hand.

Chapter 132    :   Yao Niang tears Wang Defang (two more one)

Wang Defang watched Jin-Wang hold the woman off the bus.
Today's Jin-Wang is very different from that of that day. On that day, Qing Jun was out of the dust, and a sense of lightness and glory. This day is so beautiful that people can't look straight.
I have to say that dressing can be a good way to set off a person's temperament. At this time, Qinwang is always convinced, like a god.
In addition to holding a child in his hands, he still stood like a woman.
This woman is the legendary concubine of the two sons who gave birth to Jin-Wang, the Ceefei surnamed Su? But so! It’s just a fox!
"Fang, what are you looking at? There are so many people here, let the curtains fall down."
The person who spoke is King Big-Madam.
Today, the Wang family came to celebrate the Wangfu Road to congratulate Wang Big-Madam, with his younger daughter Wang Defang.
As a family home, there are many natural evasions, but you can't be completely in the capital. At this time, the role of the son-in-law appeared, and the man in the family could not come, and the son-in-law was enough. Even if there is a scorpion in the future, it is enough for a woman at home to be ignorant.
She looked at her daughter's gaze and immediately frowned. "Which is the son-in-law of this family, so I don't pay attention to the woman's way. Under the public, it's just a face-to-face appearance. It's really a slap in the face!"
Wang Big-Madam has a long face and is already getting old. He wears a blue-green scorpion, a blue-grey horse-faced skirt, and a gentle dress. It looks a bit rigid and looks a bit rigid.
Usually I feel that niang is too stiff and ruthless. At this time, Wang Defang feels that it is no more correct than what she said.
"Niang, do you think this woman is misbehaving?" she asked with a smile, a subtle and introverted slut.
It’s more than misbehavior. Anyway, in the eyes of Wang Big-Madam, this woman is a monster that attracts butterflies. Wang Big-Madam was born in the Confucius Institute in Shandong. He would like to ask which Confucius, naturally, the Confucian family. It’s not Di-, but it’s not knowing a few bends, the side branches in the side branches.
Even if it is a side branch, it is also a surname, and Wang Big-Madam has always been proud of his surname.
She has always been proud to read the four women's books, and used this as a model to demand her own behavior, so she would think that Yao-Niang is not surprising.
"Don't watch it, you don't have to get tarnished. You are really bigger and don't listen to niang's words. You are sitting in good health and you will get off later."
Wang Defang flashed a touch of impatience and put down the curtain.
On the other hand, Jin-Wang has taken Yao-Niang into the palace, he stayed in the front yard, and Yao-Niang took Xiao bao to sit in the soft car and went to the back yard.
The entire Qing wang Palace is very lively, and the people are dressed up and celebrated, and the pace is rushing to and fro. A lot of well-dressed son-in-law was encountered along the way, letting the next person lead in.
The soft car came to a yard, but it was very quiet compared to the excitement outside. Yao-Niang hasn't got off the car yet, and Wangfei will welcome it from the inside.
"You can count it, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Qing Wangfei smiled, but Yao-Niang always felt that something was wrong. When Wangfei led her to go inside, she suddenly realized that Qing Fae eyes were a bit red, like crying.
Sure enough, after entering the house to sit down, Qing Fae changed the impression that Yao-Niang was a lively person before the change.
The whole person was so sullen and silent.
"what happened to you?"
Qing feifei was a little distracted, and he said with a busy voice: "Nothing." And Xiao bao, who is holding Yu Xi next to him, "Come, 7th Aunt hugs you."
 Xiao bao obediently let Wangfei hug, watching him understand things, Qing Fae eyebrows open, and told the next person: "Bring Big-gongzi and Big-Guniang."
Not long after, Geer and Beads came.
Geer is three years old, and Zhuzhu is only two years old. He is holding Mei-mei.
The two little dolls are bright and lovely, and Yao-Niang is bright.
Especially the two-year-old bead, the hair is shaved, leaving only two small pimple, with a long life lock on the neck with gold and jade. A pair of big eyes, white and lovely, how do you really like how to make people like it.
She walked a little unstable, chubby, like a small group. Yao-Niang put her on her lap and put it down on her lap. "The beads are really beautiful. You can be blessed with the softness." Jirou is the nickname of Wangfei.
Qing Fae can't help but laugh, and teased: "Small 5th-Sao, or if you want to change, I will change the beads for Xiao bao, can you change?"
Yao-Niang hasn't answered yet, and the beads have been smashed: "If you don't change, I'm in the same place with my brother." The little milky milky look is really heart-warming.
Putting the beads down and letting her and her brother in one place, Yao-Niang sighed a little: "It’s good to have a daughter. I thought I could be a daughter. Who wanted to have a stinky boy."
Qing Fae Feiguang flashed, and smile could not help but fade: "Hey, what you said, everyone else can't come to you for this blessing, you want to have a daughter." She paused and looked at her daughter: " Good daughter, niang intimate little cotton jacket, but it is always good to have more sons."
This is a bit of a long-term explanation. Yao-Niang even wants to be stupid, but some stupid, but can not help but ask: "What happened to you? But what happened?"
Qing feifei smiled reluctantly: "Nothing."
"I still say nothing, I see your eyes are a bit red. How can you still fall on such a good day?"
The voice has not yet fallen, and Yao-Niang suddenly ‘Called, suddenly realizing that Wangfei had a son and a daughter, Geer was Big-gongzi, but today it is 2nd-gongzi, that is not Celebrate the birth of Wangfei, that is what other women are born, how can it be a good day for Qing Fae.
Especially her own identity, she is also one of the 'other women', at least for those who are also Wangfei, Yao-Niang suddenly knows how good.
 Xiao bao looked at Yao-Niang and glanced in his heart. He was so stupid that he finally understood the meaning. However, the things in Qing Wang House are much more complicated than she imagined, if he remembers correctly
 Xiao bao put his gaze on the beads, and he did not have the impression of this small Courtyard-sister. But one time Geer was drunk and told him that he used to have a Mei-mei, but he died when he was very young.
Although Xiao bao of the previous life was sick in bed all the year round, he knew a lot about the things of Qing wangfu. In his memory, from the beginning of his notes, Qing Wang was in Capital City, and then he waited until he grew up to know that after he took the throne, Fu Huang cut off all the Prince.
An Wang, Dai Wang, Qing Wang, and Wu Wang are all in Capital City, but An Wang and others are annihilated compared to Qing Wang, the follower of Jinan Emperor. In addition to having a Qinwang hat, it is rarely seen before. On the contrary, it is Qing wang, who is the supporter of Jinan Emperor, and is also a confidant. It is proud of the scenery in Capital City and the power is in the grip.
In the last world, Geer is the Heir of the King, but it is not a favorite.
The king who loves the king is 2nd-gongzi. However, Fu Huang is quite valued by Geer. He said that this child is a talented person more than once. Before his last serious illness, Geer was sent by Fu Huang.
All these thoughts just flashed Xiao bao mind in an instant. He didn't dare to think about it. He niang was squatting at this moment. He suddenly slipped from the Qing Wangfei lap, went to Yao Niang around, pointing Yan Geer and beads: "Little brother, Xiao jie sister."
Qing Fae also felt that the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, and he was busy laughing and laughing: " Xiao bao wants to play with the brother-sister? Is it Geer, come and play with his brother, with Mei-mei."
Then the three small diced beans will be together. It was discovered at this time that although Xiao bao was the smallest inside, but the head was not short, it was taller than the two-year-old bead, and it was only half a head shorter than Geer.
 Xiao Bao is far more than a child of the same age, and the other is that Geer is too thin.
Qing Fae can't help but sigh: "Small 5th-Sao raises children very well, Geer, this child is born from a small, how not long, I am dying every day."
When it comes to parenting, Yao-Niang can talk about the topic. She can't help but ask if Geer has a bad appetite and too little activity. When the two niang said here, the three little dolls held their hands and went outside the door.
There were not too many things that the Yatou people looked at.
Geer took Xiao bao left hand, and the bead was the shortest in it, but he wanted to act as Xiao -jie sister holding his other hand. Not only that, but also said to him: "Little brother, I have a puppy in the house, you obey, I will take you to see."
Puppy. Xiao bao looked at the short beanie in front of him and sighed, "That's alright."
The trio was a companion to see the dog. When they looked at it, they took the dog out and played it in the yard.
This puppy is not a valuable breed, it is a small dog. Black nose, dark circles, four small claws are also black, but other places are khaki hair.
It’s ugly, but it’s cute, a little milky cow, running up a little trembling, and biting her skirt behind the beads.
Geer protects Mei-mei, holding the root twigs and licking it, but the little soil dog is not afraid at all. He Geer is reluctant to play a small dog, and he can only be very helpless.
 Xiao bao stood next to him and looked helpless, but his face was smiling.
At this time, a few people came in from the outside of the courtyard, and when they first entered the yard, they were stopped.
Qing Fae heard the movement coming out.
That being led by a servant Maid respectfully said: "Wangfei Niang Niang, South Han Ceefei you to go to almost all the guests are waiting for you.."
It’s hard to look at Wangfei face, and it’s a long way to go: “This is the place to go.”
Yao-Niang sat inside and heard the movement outside. He thought that the contradiction between Wangfei and Nae Ceefei was not small. No wonder Jin-Wang would say that when he came.
Just thinking, Qing Fae walked in from the outside: "I can't let Sao sit with me here. Madam on the other side of Chengxiangge has arrived. Let's take a look."
Yao-Niang nodded.
This Chengxiang Pavilion is located in the back garden of Qing wangfu, with a lake and water, and the scenery is very beautiful.
It's a bit like a leeches, but it's a lot bigger than the average otter. In several places, it is connected by a hand-to-hand veranda, with a large flower hall facing the lake and others facing the garden.
Jin-Wang House also has such a place. If it is not the scenery, Yao-Niang really suspects that it is in Jin-Wang.
When Wangfei and Yao-Niang arrived, the Chengxiang Pavilion had already arrived at many people, and the clothes were everywhere.
These ladies and noble ladies are either in twos and threes, or in groups of three or five, scattered in this building, each talking to a familiar person.
Among the largest flower halls, there are many ladies sitting there. Seeing the appearance and dressing are all the son-in-law of the capital in Capital City. Han Ceefei is accompanied by a woman, and she can see that this woman is also a slick personality. Everyone laughed and said that they were full of joy and joy.
She was standing next to a Maid, holding a child in her hand, a red, with a golden lock on her neck, and her head was very cute.
At the sight of Wangfei, Han Ceefei stood up and breathed a sigh of relief: "-Sister, you can count it, let Mei-mei wait."
This is a bit ambiguous. It looks normal, but it is unusual.
Qing Fae has never appeared, and Han Ceefei has come to entertain these women who are on the door. It is reasonable to say that Ceefei is also a side room on the royal jade, and no one is estimated to be taller than her.
The side room can always be the side room, and it is not without Qing Fae, which can make her take the lead.
It is worthwhile to ponder that Wangfei is clearly, but not willing to come forward. In the sitting are the people who have been in the house for many years, the situation in each house is similar, the room and the side room, the woman and the woman are an eternal proposition, which is only on the coffin board. That day, I can get rid of all this.
Congratulations to Wangfei nature, disdain Han Ceefei is also a lot, but this will not affect the apparent harmony. It’s not a home business, but it’s a meal at home. Who wants to take care of this kind of leisure, watching it when there is a play, and being idle without a play, has always been like this.
As a bystander, as a party, there is obviously no way to be so free and easy. Before coming in, Qing Fae saw the pride of Han Ceefei in the distance, and where is the taste.
She propped up a smile and said to Han Ceefei: "Today's small 5th-Sao is the first time to go to the door. This is not the case. His Highness is a good life, so he will be late." After that, he took the lead of the mother, right. A group of nobles next to them apologized: "You can come, the palace is full of glory, and this is a privilege."
“Wangfei is polite.”
"It is also a good fortune for me to be able to experience these happy events."
After a burst of enthusiasm, Han Ceefei greeted him to grab the week for 2nd-gongzi. This is the highlight of today. With a word of mouth, this flower hall is filled with people inside and outside.
The big furniture is smiling and looking at the three-meter square table sitting in the middle of the room. Red children.
The case is filled with all kinds of things to use in the week.
There are jade, four books and five books, pen and ink, abacus, books, etc., as well as special bows and swords, and some palace flowers. With rouge, eating and some children's toys, but these are placed in the corner, but to make up the number.
Yao-Niang couldn't help but touched Xiao bao head. When Xiao bao was over Zhou, Jin-Wang had to do a big job. It was a pity that Hongjing Emperor Wanshou was on the road. At that time, only one family of three had eaten a bowl of longevity noodles. At this time, when she saw such a lively scene, she couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. I can think of her Xiao bao so intelligent, and it will not be comparable in the future, but this week is just to please a joy, when it is not true, it will be relieved.
It was at the beginning that Han Ceefei suddenly spoke.
With a smug smile on her face, she took a seal from her arms and put it on the table. "In order to please the joy, His Highness deliberately borrowed his gold seal."
This golden seal turtle button, the dragon head turtle body dragon tail, the overall square shape, it is not a thing at first glance.
In fact, it is indeed not a thing. Prince is sealed. When there is a gold book, the golden treasure refers to the gold seal, which represents the status and majesty of the king. It's just that the gold stamp is too big and too heavy. It is not suitable for daily use, so it will create a reduced version of the gold stamp of the same material, style, and print, as usual.
It is obvious that Han Ceefei hand is the gold seal that represents the King of Qing , and it is also the seal used by Qing Wang.
I can print my gold to a Ceefei, even if it is only for temporary use. Especially at this time, it appears here, it is even more subtle.
As a catching week, if 2nd-gongzi is really caught, then where is Big-gongzi?
After all, this golden seal represents the majesty of the King of Qing , and it is a joy to grasp Zhou, and it is also the expectation of Darens for children. Could it be said that Qing Wang does not like Big-gongzi, but has high hopes for 2nd-gongzi?
I can understand the meaning of it, so for a moment, everyone eyes can not help but fall on the face of Qing Fae, although it is a flash, but it is like the essence.
Qing Fae tightened the hands under the sleeves, although his face was smiling, but his face was white and scary. Her lips were a little trembling, and it was clear that her appearance had affected the geek Geer next to her.
Geer bites his lower lip and licks the corner of niang's clothes.
The beads are still ignorant of the eyes that are ignorant, and some admire the 2nd-gongzi that is being crowned by the stars.
Yao-Niang was a little uncomfortable in her heart and couldn't help but hold the hand of Qing Fae.
The arrest week soon began, no one directed, but 2nd-gongzi seized the gold seal without any accident.
If you look at the children of ordinary age, the children at this time are ignorant and can grasp accurately. It is obvious that some people have deliberately taught. Yao-Niang finally understood why Han Ceefei was forced to invite Qing Fae to come, which is clearly her demonstration.
After a silence, someone started to talk with Han Ceefei. With one, there are naturally two, and then one.
Among the vocals, Qing Fae turned and left, and no one seemed to find it.
Then left Yao-Niang, Geer, Zhuzhu, Xiao bao, and their Maid.
Qing Fae went too fast, and Yao-Niang did not keep up.
She walked for a while on a road suspected of coming, but found herself as lost. Not only did Wangfei not find it, but Geer Xiao bao did not know where to go. She could only go back and planned to go back and find a Maid to take her.
Far from seeing the Chengxiang Pavilion, she accelerated her pace, but was suddenly stopped by a person.
It is a young and beautiful woman.
工具, you know who wherein I am? wherein the girl looks at Yao.
Yao-Niang didn't know her, and she shook her head honestly.
She disdainfully smiles. "Also, how can you know who I am from? I just want to tell you that you don't deserve him, and you don't deserve to be with him."
Yao-Niang didn't know where this came from a female madman, but it didn't prevent her from knowing the 'he' in this population, referring to Jin-Wang.
I would say that it should have been seen by this person when I arrived at Qing Wangfu.
To her knowledge, Jin Wang Chengri too busy to raise Outside Mistress, the entire Jin Wang Fu except that she is Ceefei Xu and Liu Ceefei. And now the two people, she has not seen it for a long time.
In this case, who is this person, a pair of high-spirited, nostrils can not wait for the look of the sky.
She looked at each other with some pity: "Gangiang, if you are sick, you will go home and see the doctor. If you are afraid of hurting your brain, you will not be able to return."
Wang Defang is not stupid, of course, knowing that the other party is at her own. His face was angry and angry and angry: "Are you jealous of me?"
"I am doing it for you!"
"What are you from, dare to say this to me?"
"I don't know what I am!"
Yao-Niang is inexplicably a little annoyed. It is a look of Wangfei loneliness. It’s also a demonstration of Han’s Ceefei, which makes her realize that for some people, she is the one who is unsightly and can’t wait to be quick. .
Undoubtedly, her heart is sympathetic to Wangfei, and she is disgusted with Han Ceefei. But she is just a person like Han Ceefei. She is also Ceefei. She also has no place to run in the main room. She is disgusting with what Ceefei has done, and many people may be disgusting with her.
The only difference is that she never thought of anything, maybe it was, but she hid it better. She pretended to be inconsistent with the world. In fact, she was very clear about Jin-Wang's cold treatment for Wangfei. She never persuaded anything in the middle. Jin-Wang always said that she was stupid. In fact, she was not stupid at all. She just tried to understand that when she was confused, she wanted to hardly let him not let go.
She didn't even want Wangfei to let the two Ceefei in the house not to mention. In front of this person is a few old, ran to her to glory and glory?
Based on these complicated minds, Yao-Niang, who has always been a face-to-face person, is not the first to speak: "This Guniang, I said that you are ill, you are not acknowledging. What identity do I don't know?" I am Jin Ceefei, who is on the seal of the Jade Emperor. You are a little Guniang who has no life. If you see Benedict, you are not rude, but you are also rude in front of Benedict. Is your tutor taught like this? Guniang's?!"
"You-" Wang Defang was so angry that he smoked seven cigarettes and sneered: "A good tooth decay!"
"Thank you, Guniang praised, and Your Highness always said that I was stupid. I used to be easily bullied, and I couldn’t say it!" After that, Yao-Niang went over her and went forward. She was upset and didn't want to be here. More women.
"It’s just a colory waiter!"
Yao-Niang stopped and turned and looked at Wang Defang.
She had a sneer on her face, and this look did not match her charming and charming appearance, which made her a little more beautiful.
"This Guniang, don't you know that the words of the waiter can't be said casually? But in other words, you said that you are a servant in the color, you are colored, do you have it?"
She said that while looking up and down Wang Defang, she looked like a sloppy disdain.
Wang Defang can no longer maintain the ceremonies of his own, and ‘Called: "You actually said that I am not as good as you, your eyes are stunned, this Guniang is the head of the four beautiful women in Capital City."
"The problem is that you have a chest, do you have a chest? You have no two meats on this side, the front and the back are as flat, my house may not like you like this stone road, the first of the four beautiful women in Capital City will not be you. Self-styled?"
Wang Defang was directly astonished by Yao-Niang's unscrupulous statement. His eyes were not able to react to other people towering arcs.
Taking advantage of this, Yao-Niang hurried away. She was angry at the moment and said such shameful words. This time she was also very red-faced and shy.
Going forward for a while, she heard a voice coming from behind me: "You give me a wait, I am Jin-Wangfei right now!"
Yao-Niang's steps couldn't help but pause and walked forward.

Chapter 133    :   Provocative, greedy (two more one)

Yao-Niang walked forward in a hurry, and a hoarse low laugh suddenly sounded.
This voice with magnetic tailwater slightly upward, with a hook like may also wish, scratch itch popular.
Yao Niang subconsciously think Yong Wangfei, smiling and in fact stand in the street to look to the side apricot indeed forever Wangfei.
She wore a gold-embroidered peony pattern, a brocade, a silk pleated satin skirt, and a graceful and elegant style. Yao-Niang has only seen Yong Wangfei several times, and every time he sees this person, he is inevitably surprised. It is also Yongfei favorite rich color, exquisite and complicated embroidery and gold ornaments, giving the whole a very luxurious and bright feeling.
"I didn't expect Su-Ceefei to be so eloquent. It was really unexpected that the king's family's money was broken."
Yao-Niang didn't want to talk to this person, especially thinking about Jin-Wang's statement.
The relationship between Yong Wangfei and Jin-Wangfei was to prevent her from being in her heart. She couldn't help but tighten the hand in her hand.
"I don't know if Yongfei can have something. If there isn't, I still have something to do."
Yong Wangfei eyes are smashed on Yao-Niang. This woman is a stunner, and she looks cute and charming, but she has a charming bone.
The style that comes out inadvertently is the most embarrassing, and there are not many men who can withstand this.
Yong Wangfei is not an ordinary person. Yong Wang seems to be a gentle and elegant person. In fact, the innermost is absurd. Yong Wang likes women, Yong Wangfei men and women take all the time, the husband and wife are not the ones who have not done the dragons and phoenixes, two women and one man. What kind of means have not been played, what kind of tricks have not been seen, and the knowledge is far beyond the average person.
She almost didn't have to think about how enchanting this woman would be on the bed, not to blame Jin-Wang, the characters would fall into the gentle township. Even she didn't like this type of woman, and she couldn't help but feel a little itchy, if not...
Thinking of Jin-Wangfei, Yong Wangfei eyes are cold, but on the face is a smile: "I have nothing to do, but it is out of breath and accidentally bumped into the picture that should not be seen. But Su-Ceefei please rest assured, I am not I will talk casually."
Yao-Niang lowered his head and did not speak.
Yong Wangfei said again: "See Su-Ceefei does not go out often, I am afraid I don't know the origin of this woman? This woman is the old Di-grandmother of Wang Ji, who is the old minister of the two dynasties, the four family of Wang Jiayi , the roots of family studies, the peach Li-the world, including some of the great Confucianism and high officials, can be regarded as the top of the top."
Yao-Niang still has no words.
Wing Wangfei looked at her curiously: "Do Su Ceefei no wonder why this king -Guniang be stopped in your way, and your mouth nonsense?"
Yao-Niang just looked up and looked at each other: "I am not curious. If Yongfeifei has nothing to do, I will leave." It is obvious that Wang Yongfei has nothing to do, and she does not want to go to the other side.
Another laugh, Yong Wangfei no longer sells the title, cut into the topic: "Sheng Shang is for the former Taisun now Hui-Wang the Heir seeking Wang Guniang, but unfortunately Wang Guniang does not like the Heir, noisy, this marriage Nature can't do it. Wang Guniang is born out of the Qing Family, how many people can't ask for it, I'm afraid you don't know, An Wang, Yong Wang, Dai Wang, etc. have the meaning of seeking."
"So many days Huang nobles seeking to marry the king -Guniang, can be extremely enviable Barbara is it." Here, Wing Wangfei deliberately paused, wavefront flow to the Air with Yao Niang. Seeing that she still didn't talk, she couldn't help but flash a little bit of frustration.
She even smiled and smiled: "I don't know if this Jin-Wang is one of them? Wang-Guniang said this, I think Su-Ceefei is still paying more attention to it, if it is really offended The future woman, I am afraid that the days will not be good."
Yao-Niang interrupted: "Yong Wangfei, do you say, where is Jin-Wangfei? If I am not mistaken, you and Wangfei are still old."
Yong Wangfei stunned and looked at the other side eyes to see the unbelief, she sent a series of chuckles: "The original Su-Ceefei did not know."
Yao-Niang couldn't help but ask her: "I don't know what?"
"Don't you know that Jin-Wang had talked with Sheng Sheng about the past few days? Now who is not passing outside, Jin-Wang is really sincere, and intends to vacant Wangfei position to show sincerity... ”
After Yong Wangfei said something again, Yao-Niang did not listen to it at all. She walked two steps in chaos and suddenly heard a series of rapid footsteps and red silk.
"Niang-Niang, nubi can find you, but it is a slap in the eye. When the nubi come out, they don't see you.
They are planning to let the people of Qing wangfu help them find them." See Yao-Niang. Some emotions are wrong. Red silk can't help but ask: "Niang-Niang, what's wrong with you?"
Yao-Niang came back and looked behind him and found that I didn’t know when Yongfei was gone.
"No, I have nothing. Right, Yu Xi and Big-gongzi?"
"Yu Yu-Sister and Big-gongzi Tongjigongzi Bead Guniang is in one place, as if to follow Wangfei to the main courtyard."
"Then we go to them."
Neither of them knew the road.
They could only let the descendants of Qing wangfu lead to the main courtyard. Before they entered the door, they heard that there were children crying.
It is the cry of the little beads.
Yao-Niang rushed in and saw Geer, Zhuzhu and Xiao bao.
The door inside is closed.
The beads that had been obedient and sensible suddenly became quite unreasonable. No matter how the Yatou people were jealous, she ignored them and lay on the big squats and cried.
"What's wrong?"
She steps on the front, to put beads in his arms, and went to see Yan and Andy Geer. Geer's face is a little pale, and it is obvious that there are not many children over three years old, and the eyes are full of pain. Xiao bao stood by, and the spirit was not very good.
Going to see the Yatou people and talking about the closed door, what does Yao-Niang still understand? She sighed in her heart, patted the beads and whispered her.
But this time, Yao-Niang’s fascination with the children’s unfavorable lapses, and the beads are not listening, and the mouth keeps calling niang. Inexplicable, Yao-Niang also wants to cry, not only poor children, but also poorly respected Wangfei, but also pity himself.
She held the beads and stepped forward to shoot the door.
"If you still recognize me this little 5th-Sao, you open the door! I know that you are sad, you are sad, but this is what you gave birth, you don't feel bad?!"
The voice has not yet fallen, and the door suddenly opened from the inside, revealing the white face of Wangfei full of tears.
She rushed up at once, holding Yao-Niang, and holding the beads, crying.
"5th-Sao, you don't know, my heart is bitter..."
When niang cry, cry beads, Yao Niang cry was almost dizzy. Finally celebrate Wangfei not so excited, she is busy to Cicadas and red silk wink, so that they helped to celebrate Wangfei help to Taikang up.
She sat down opposite Wangfei and held Xiao bao in her arms. Qing Fae is sitting opposite her, holding beads, sitting next to Geer.
After this, Qing Fae also restored some calm, let Maid go to the water and serve her to wash.
After some time, except for the eyes, there is still some redness and swelling. It is much better to celebrate Wangfei.
"Let the little 5th-Sao you laugh, and I still ask you to blame me. I didn't mean to use you as a scorpion to fight with her." Qing yang said that she said to Han Ceefei before because of Qing Wang’s command to entertain Yao-Niang will be late.
In fact, Qing Wang also confessed that Wangfei had let her live and entertain Yao-Niang, but in that case, there was a suspicion that I wanted to drag Yao-Niang into the water.
Yao-Niang shook his head in disappointment. "Nothing, don't think too much."
"I really feel awkward in my heart, you are right, no matter how I should not take the child to suffocate."
Yao-Niang sighed and didn't know what to say.
"That surname Han is not a good thing, in front of Wangye, low and small, in front of me, triumphant, the key I said, Wangye, he does not believe, he does not believe that she will be like this, always feel that I am jealous and deliberately discredit each other."
Yao-Niang hesitated and hesitated, said: "Following the soft, you should not say this to me, I..." She paused. "I have no position to evaluate each other. After all, I am also a side room."
There was a touch of embarrassment on her face. Xiao bao looked a little distressed and couldn't help but reach out and touch Niang's face. Yao-Niang grabbed his son's little hand and patted it before he looked up to see Wangfei: "The same is done small, no one is nobler than anyone. I hope you can understand my embarrassment, I am not right. What are your dissatisfaction?"
Qing Fae Fae can see the stunned eyes, some anxious: "Little 5th-Sao, are you misunderstood? You are different from the surname Han."
"There is nothing different. She is jealous, I am also jealous..."
"No, no, it's not the same. I listened to me-Wangye said it, and the five brothers and 5th-Sao didn't have a good time after they got married.
There is a knot between the two who can't solve it. It seems to be 5th-Sao did something unforgivable to the five brothers.
The specific me-Wangye did not say, but I can understand what he meant, so although we are called 5th-Sao, but did not regard her as real 5th-Sao. And you are different, you are the five brothers who personally told me Wangye, although we call you small 5th-Sao, but because of the name, you can understand my Meaning, right?"
Yao-Niang hesitated to the bottom.
Qing Fae reveals a relieved smile. "So you must not be self-deprecating. You and Han Ceefei are not the same. She is a person, my heart is not..."
When I mentioned Han Ceefei, Qing Fae complexion was complicated enough to prove how much she cares, and how much she is jealous of this person, almost her heart.
She smiled and said: "In fact, unlike you think, I am very good with Wangye, including now. It's good to come late, probably don't know me-the relationship between Wangye and Wu Ji, it is reasonable to say Identity like them, even if they are deep in love, they are mostly just a face, but I Wangye and Wu Ji are not."
With the slow remarks of Qing Fae, Yao-Niang finally got a correct understanding of Qing Wang and his relationship with Jin-Wang.
Although Qing Wang is Prince, but his birth is not high, it is all because Qing Wang’s mother-in-law Han Han is a Hann.
Han Wei is a tribute to Gao Li. Women like this, every few years, Gao Li will tribute a batch, some are rewarded to the minister of the king, and some are in the palace as a palace. Han Hao was lucky, because the appearance was excellent and was stayed by Hongjing Emperor.
There are countless people like Han Han in the Forbidden City, and her first entry into the palace is just a small dress. Such a small palace is not qualified to live alone in a palace, usually around the lord of the vassal, and Han Yiyi lives in the back hall of Jingren Palace.
The main theme of Jingren Palace is Shen-Deyi, the mother-in-law of Jin-Wang.
A weak body is inconsistent with the world. A well-departed, uneasy. Shen- is a tolerant temper, and Hans changing clothes are soft, and the two live in a palace and get along well.
Later, Shen-Jin-Wang, who was pregnant with Huai, was pregnant with Qing Wang for two years. Unfortunately, Han’s life was hard to die, and he lost the King.
Han Gengyi has not been a favorite, until he died, he changed his clothes, and he was sealed after he died. Because Shen- is the main position of Jingren Palace, Qing Wang was raised by Shen-, and then Shen- also smashed, and both of them became children without niang.
However, Jin-Wang is already big at this time, so there is no one to raise, but he lives in the dry five. However, because the King of Qing was still young, he had been raised for two years and later went to Ganxi Five. According to the big dry system, Prince is five years old and wants to leave the pro-niang and go to the West Five.
Therefore, it is good to say that Jin-Wang and Qing Wang have a small relationship. Qing Wang is playing a small Jin-Wang.
After listening to the story of Jin-Wang and Qing Wang, Yao-Niang has been silent for a long time. She only knows that Jin-Wang's mother-in-law Niang-Niang has long since disappeared. I don't know if Jin-Wang and Qing Wang and their mother-in-law have such a relationship.
"Wangye but because mother Princess tribute alien woman, has been in the palace-status, thanks to the blessing of Troop After Troop Packet on the fan, I was just married Wangye, these things are Wangye told me. No In two years, Wangye and I also took out Capital City, but the connection with the fifth brother has not been broken."
Speaking of this, Qing Fae suddenly smiled. "Are you wondering why you said that Han Ceefei is obviously talking about me-Wangye and the five brothers?"
Yao-Niang is not stupid, Han Ceefei surname Han, Han Yu is also surnamed Han, plus Han Ceefei feels strange to her, at this time it is her accent that thinks of strange. Moreover, this woman is soft and charming, looks no different from Dagan, but there is always a different kind of alien style.
“Is it true that Han Ceefei and Han Wei Niang-Niang –”
Qing Fae smiled and nodded. "Even I didn't even think that Wangye and I were too sorrowful. I suddenly suddenly got out of the way and bite the gold. Wangye went out and went back for more than a month. When she was with her, her niang and her mother were pro-sisters, her mother came to Dagan, and her niang was staying in Han. She was seriously ill, and she couldn’t worry about her daughter before she left. Going to Dagan."
Yao-Niang was shocked. It was separated for more than 20 years, and there was still a visit to the door.
"Is there any in the middle..."
"Do you mean that there will be a fake, is it impersonating?" Qing Wangfei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I used to think so too. Later I learned that Goryeo is only a small country of Fanbang.
The tribute woman can seal very little in Dagu.
Therefore, the mother-in-law also benefited the family. Her niang married was not bad. She was also an official. After the unfortunately, Gao Li was in trouble, her father died in a coup, and she and her niang escaped because of her mother-in-law relationship. Before she came to Gyeongju, she first went to Capital City and was sent by people from Capital City. It was impossible to have a fake."
"That is the cousin, but also to find relatives, but also to be a cousin to marry, it is not necessary."
"So I said that her heart is not right. Wangye took her back, this is intended to be married as a pro-Mei-mei. But she took the opportunity to smash Wangye once he was drunk, and he gave him a hug. It was also my stupidity. Seeing that she has this kind of mind, when she knows it is already late, and the wood has become a boat. I said that she is ill-intentioned, and Wangye explained to her that she was drunk and misunderstood, tarnished her cousin’s reputation and pity her life. She was admitted to the government and promised Ceefei."
"Wangye is a good person, sincere heart, tolerant and generous, never confused.
There is this source, and she is kind to her. And she, not long after, revealed the true face in front of me, in front of Wangye It’s small, but in front of me, it’s a needle in the cotton. Especially this time, Geer, she is a tit-for-tat with me, and I’m not in doubt with Wangye, but because she has a lot of jealousy, it’s a couple ""
"You haven't said these things to Qing Wang?"
"How do you say? Even if you say it, he doesn't believe it. Little 5th-Sao You should understand that there are too many means in this house, and people have troubles and pains."
Yao-Niang is silent, she has lived for two lifetimes, and of course understands this.
The two fell into silence, and the three children sat on the side, all with a small face, and could not understand a few points.
Qing Wangfei suddenly laugh: "5th Sao, let you worry about me thing you know, these things I hold in my heart for too long, the presence of others dare not say in front niang family but did not dare say. Today is tired, you listen to me saying these things."
"Not what, but I can't help."
"This kind of thing, no one can help." Qing Wangfei smiled, revealing the meaning of depression.
Yao-Niang looked at Wangfei and hesitated: "I don't know if I don't know what to say."
"We have said so much today, there is nothing to say."
Yao-Niang nodded and said: "I think you should throw away the suffocation and arrogance in your heart, unless you are not going to want you and Qing wang's husband and wife, and plan to see the king and you.
The farther the line is, the more I plan to see Gewang hurt Geer, and I am waiting for Geer. I am going to watch her laugh and cry. I don’t have any heads that can’t be lowered. You soften your attitude and talk to him. I don't believe that Qing Wang can't listen.
"Let's not force it, the water drops are worn, the moisture is silent, I don't believe she can barely show it. You know that she is guilty, I should understand that you and Qing Wang are better, the more worried she is, the more urgent it is." It’s easy to make a mistake. When she makes a mistake, Qing Wang will not be as suspicious of her as she is now."
Qing Wangfei hear different light heads again and again, clutching the veil of Shousong tight, tight loose, could not help but ask: "? 5th Sao, how do you know all this."
She? After all, she lived for two lifetimes, had never eaten pork, and had never seen a pig run.
And Qing Fae thought more, she thought of being sent to Zhuangzi Jin-Wangfei, is the small 5th-Sao used this method to force the person into Zhuangzi?
Immediately, she felt that the word 'forced' was used to describe the small 5th-Sao. It was too wrong. She listened to Qing Wang and said that the small 5th-Sao had suffered a lot in the past, even after that she recognized the five brothers. It is also a safe and self-sufficient person. It is Jin-Wangfei who can't help but ‘Call at the small 5th-Sao production when she starts, will anger her five brothers to send her to Zhuangzi to raise the disease.
"Can this be done?" She hesitated.
"If you can't do it, try it anyway, and don't lose anything. If it's done, you don't have to succumb to it, and you have wronged two children."
Qing Fae and Yao-Niang sat together and said a lot, and the relationship between the two became more and more intimate with them.
See niang re-smile, and the spirit of Geer and Beads is much better. Yao-Niang let the two brothers and sisters play with Xiao bao younger brother, and the three little guys went to play together.
Yao-Niang only celebrated Wangfei: "You can remember in the future, what to do, don't show up in front of the children. You see them small, not sensible, in fact, they know everything."
Qing Fae nodded again and again, and was ashamed and grateful: "Not 5th-Sao you, I really don't know that it has caused such a great harm to the child."
At this time, there was already a banquet outside. Qing Fae and Yao-Niang did not go out, but used rice in the main courtyard.
When eating, Xiao bao big meal scared Qing Fae and Geer beads.
The eyes of Xiao zhuzhu are not enough. How can this little brother eat so much, and can eat so much. Some of them are not to be outdone, and Maid, who is feeding her, must eat it herself. It is a pity that people have short hands and have not eaten before.
They will not dig themselves with a spoon.
The key to this child is reluctant, not to eat but to get it.
With everyone attention on the beads, Geer asked Maid for a bowl and a spoon, and he dig a bowl of rice with a spoon.
When everyone looks back, Geer has already eaten a bowl of rice. Seeing Xiao bao is eating a second bowl, he also let Maid give himself another meal.
Qing Fae is happy again and excited. To Yao-Niang said: "Hey Geer has never eaten so much. He doesn't eat it every time he eats a few mouthfuls. He doesn't like anything, he doesn't see anything he eats. Can eat so incense."
Yao-Niang thought about it and said: "Hey Geer is big, you can't always hold it. He spends a lot of energy, eats more, always sits still, and naturally won't feel hungry."
Qing Wangfei listen and nod: "5th Sao, you really have the means, then I let them play more than you later led Yan Geer also many small Bora led me here and there with Andy, Yan Geer sure. More and more sturdy."
A little treasure squatting on the side of the meal, the two children on the side of the squatting face are all children with rice grains.
He is so small, these two are bigger than him, he is not accompanying, as if he can eat!
Without mentioning this, the seats on the front yard were quickly dispersed.
In fact, seriously, it is Jin-Wang, where they are sitting. This place is sitting on Prince. Everyone has their own thoughts, all kinds of temptations, what they haven't eaten, and the wine has drunk a lot.
When Lu Wang was drinking, he was troubled, and the Hui-Wang wine was not good. This place was naturally unpalatable, and the grass was over.
There was a message over there. Yao-Niang had to go with Xiao bao here. Qing Fae reluctantly pulled Yao-Niang’s hand and told her to let her be free. She had I also go to Jin-Wang.
When I got on the bus, Yao-Niang smelled Jin-Wang with alcohol, and at first glance, I didn’t drink much.
The car drove quietly to the Jin-Wang House, and Jin-Wang looked at the eyes halfway, as if he was raising his spirit, and he was thinking about something. Mastering the small hand of Yao-Niang, I will grind it from time to time.
The car was very quiet, and Yao-Niang suddenly found that she had accumulated a lot of emotions in her heart. After such a persuasion, it was inexplicably vanished.
In fact, Jin-Wang is going to plan, why should she care? That Wang Guniang is coming and not, there is a Jin-Wangfei there. It is Jin-Wangfei, and it is the Geniang of the surname Wang. It has nothing to do with her, nor is she able to interfere.
It is these recent days that have raised her heart. Let her think that she is his wife, because she wants to get something that should not belong to her, she will be confused to be painful.
Yao-Niang quietly understands that her heart is very serene at this moment, of course, there are still some small emotions, but they can be ignored.
"What are you thinking?" Jin Wang narrow and a half lift at her. Because of drinking wine, his gaze with a trace of ambiguity, people have a feeling of coming out of the air.
He looked at this, Yao Niang my heart began to boil.
She remembered what she said to Qing Fae...
"I met a person today..."

Chapter 134    :   In an instant, she understood, obviously not, but opened a small flower in my heart.

Not only Andy looked over, Jin Wang is no longer look lazy, but being head at her.
Yao-Niang said things through, including Wang Defang to stop her inexplicable provocation, and her response, until Wang Defang said that she is a gift of the color of the waiter, to her lips and each other, have said one by one.
It was a very serious thing, because Yao-Niang was stunned and shy, and her naive counterattacks were a bit funny. Jin-Wang loosened the raised brow and glanced at her with a look of eyebrows.
The meaning in that eyes was too much, and Yao-Niang couldn't help but blush.
"Actually, I have said something that is against my heart. Wang-Guniang is still very good-looking." She looked up at him and looked at the corner of the clothes.
Jin-Wang thought that something happened. I didn't expect it to be the battle of the daughter's family. He leaned back and gestured lazily: "You don't all say, Benwang doesn't like that kind of thing." The same flat stone road ahead and behind..."
"I am talking to you seriously, you don't..."
"What else?" Jin-Wang pulled her over and hugged her in her arms. She watched her dyed Xiao xia face and felt the heavy two groups pressing on his chest.
The scorpion is inexplicably dry.
"Benwang is also serious. Benwang really doesn't like the kind of front and back as flat..." He said, one hand is a little unfair, knowing that his son is on the side, Yao-Niang is trying to press his hand. He kept looking to the side, and Jin-Wang looked down. Xiao bao seemed to fall asleep by sitting in his exclusive cushion.
He opened slightly to the side, let Yao-Niang look at the picture of Xiao Bao falling asleep, and then she would pull her in with her big palm and kiss her up. He took a bite of the red and bright mouth, and the slender knuckles had covered the controversial ones. He said dumbly: "It seems to be bigger..."
Yao-Niang wants to push his strength, he can only let him do it, how can he not think of something that is quite serious, how can it be like this.
After the dry addiction, Jin-Wang stopped before he could not restrain himself. Yao-Niang was also breathless, and he fell in his arms for a long time. Listening to the heartbeat in his chest, she snorted and said: "Right, then I met Yong Wangfei, and she also said something to me."
"What did she say to you?"
Yao-Niang didn't dare to look up, just listened to his heartbeat, whispered: "She said that several Prince want to ask for the king-Guniang, saying that you also have."
Jin-Wang didn't speak, just meant to ‘Call unclearly, indicating that Yao-Niang continued.
"She said that I should pay more attention to it, don't offend the woman, and I will not be able to live in the future. I also said that you went to the St. to ask for a divorce. It is because you want to be vacant. Sincerity."
After reading the words in one breath, Yao-Niang couldn't help but tighten himself. I know Jin-Wang is laughing.
It was a silent laugh, she only felt his chest shaking. He was a little embarrassed, and Yao-Niang pulled his clothes and ‘called: "What are you laughing at?"
Jin-Wang didn't answer her, just asked: "Do you believe?"
"I..." I heard two, and Yao-Niang did not say the complete sentence. For a long while, I said: "I don't have it. I think she has some ulterior motives. It is estimated that she didn't make any good ideas."
Jin-Wang looked down at her pink and tender ears, where the skin was delicate and crystal clear, and even the light blue ribs were visible. He held out his finger scratched, rubbed it and Yu zhu like earlobe, casually said:. "Do not believe the way, I went to Fu Huang said to put away his wife, not for the King -Guniang"
Yao-Niang asked subconsciously: "What is it for?"
It was not until she hit his slight eyes that she understood her own rash. She wanted to hang her head, but he lifted his chin and licked his rosy lips with a thin thumb. His eyes were very interesting, and he was back in her blushing face.
"Do you want to know?"
This posture makes Yao-Niang very nervous, wants to earn and can not earn, can only pull down the eyelids, left and right to see is not to see Jin-Wang's face.
Jin-Wang released his hand and looked like a boring look. "Since you don't want to know, forget it."
She was busy picking up some of it and put her face in front of him: "I want to know."
She squats on the Jin-Wang chest, and Jin-Wang leans on the cushion, and the two are almost overlapping. Because they were too close together, the two groups were completely pressed on the chest of Jin-Wang, close at hand. Jin-Wang doesn't even have to hang down, you can see the slightly messy clothes, the towering of the Taohong color and the deep arc of that road.
His eyes were on the top and he was ‘mute and said: "Show me, I will tell you."
Yao-Niang followed his gaze and landed on the gap. She subconsciously wanted to pull, but she thought of Jin-Wang. I am excited and happy, but at the same time I am annoyed and ashamed.
"Can't do this!" How can it be so compelling.
Jin-Wang’s eyebrows were immediately indifferent. “If you don’t want to know, forget it.”
"I want to know."
If you want to know, you should act. Jin-Wang's gaze fell on the gap, and I wished that the seam would automatically grow bigger and reveal the beautiful scenery inside.
"This is not good, Xiao bao is still..." Yao-Niang is still struggling.
Jin-Wang ignored her, and she struggled with her.
As it turns out, the height of the road is one foot high, and curiosity really kills people. For his curiosity, Yao-Niang intends to sacrifice a little color.
She quietly opened a little bit and gestured to Jin-Wang: "I showed it to you, you said."
Jin-Wang sneered, he was like a fool, not enough to break his teeth and sent him. Helpless, Yao-Niang can only be opened again, and Jin-Wang continues to sneer. Until Yao-Niang disregarded the shame, he pulled all the clothes open.
"You are going to say it." She pushed him.
Jin-Wang is still sneer.
Yao-Niang looked at his sneer face and looked down at himself and sacrificed so much. He smashed ninety-nine heads and didn't care about the last one. She closed her eyes and pulled the thin band on the neck. If he makes up his mind, if he plays himself, he will not give him a good look.
Suddenly I felt that my clothes were pulled up by people, and I was hugged tightly.
The hot palm was pressed in her waist and it was awkward and awkward.
Jin-Wang feels that he is not happy to find himself, it is simply stupid.
They are all infected by her!
He bit his bite and gasped: "Not now, take a break, there is Wang Guniang today, Li-Guniang tomorrow, and so on."
In an instant, she understood, obviously not, but opened a small flower in my heart.
Just sent a few Jin-Wang, Qing Wang heard about the incident in the backyard.
However, he heard that it was an abbreviated version. He only knew that Wangfei had not appeared in this day. Han Ceefei had asked for a few trips. He finally invited Wangfei, but he was on the spot when 2nd-gongzi caught the week.
The face is gone.
At the time, many Madam in the house were there, and the scene was extremely embarrassing.
Qing Wang’s heart was immediately annoyed, but Jin-Wang and others were sent away.
There are other other honourable ministers. As a host, he can’t leave now. He can only put the fire in his heart. Wait until the feast is gone.
After the feast was scattered, Qing Wang was drunk, and when he remembered this, he went to the main courtyard.
In the heart of Qing Wang, he took a sigh of relief. For the sake of his cousin, he has always been small to celebrate Wangfei.
The two had true feelings. When the five brothers were separated, he was still in the palace. Although he was married, there was only a short Prince hat on his head.
In the place in the palace, people have come to the table and said that they can't be called up, but there are still many unsatisfactory. In the two years in the palace, he was accompanied by him. He especially cherished and wanted to have a good time with her. In fact, the relationship between the two married couples has been very good, and then they will no longer have to wait until after the cousin.
In the specific year, Qing Wang did not want to think again.
He did make a mistake, but he still has to take up the responsibility, but he can understand it if he can't accept it. More understanding can be exhausted as the other party does not understand again and again.
Sandwiched between two women, Qing Wang is very tired.
The cousin is weak and her body is not good. She is so far away from home, and she is not waiting to see her. This Wangfu is looking up and down for dinner. Wangfei, who is in charge of the back house, is not waiting to see him. If he doesn't look at it anymore, he still doesn't know what his cousin will be.
For the celebration of Wangfei various actions, Qing Wang knows the truth, but most of them are blind and one eye closed. She is angry in her heart, just send it, as long as you don't hurt someone.
But his tolerance is changed by her injury again and again. Even if she doesn't look at the face, she can look at the Buddha face. What can she do? Can the Qing Wangfu have a face?
With such a feeling, when Maid, who was surrounded by Wangfei, said that he wanted to report, the fire in Qing’s mind rose. A heart-to-heart kicked the Yatou away, and he gasped into the room with red eyes.
On the big raft under the window, Geer and Beads sit side by side, and Wangfei is reading the poems to them.
Qing Fae has a smile on his face, his voice is light and soft, and the two dolls are white and lovely.
They are very well-behaved.
The warm picture of a mother, the filial piety, is like an unwelcome stranger.
Qing Wang was on the spot, and Wangfei gave him a look: "What is this?"
The anger in his heart suddenly disappeared. When he was just married, he was angry with him outside. Every time she asked her how she was. I will go to her like a beast with a wound, telling about all kinds of things, she will comfort him to comfort him, and on the second day he can regain confidence in facing everything.
Qing Wang put a light footstep and walked down the edge of the squatting.
There was a bit of cramped and a little embarrassed.
"Hey, you are full of alcohol!" Qing Fae squinted and yelled at Yatou to hang up the tea and served him to wash and change clothes. After a pass, Qing Wang was even weaker. He just sat down and the small beads rushed up. Holding the father’s neck, he said that Zhuzhu wants to be the father. Where did the father go in these days, why not come to see the beads.
In fact, Qing Wang did not go anywhere. On that day, he and Qing Fae had been living in the front yard because of the unpleasantness of giving Geer a year-old wine. Han Ceefei ordered him to go to him several times. He didn't go. Later, she saw that she had ignored her. It was like no one, and he went to the courtyard of Han Ceefei with anger. However, it was only after one night.
The only contact between the two people during this time was that yesterday, he ordered people to let her look at the little 5th-Sao.
Seeing her daughter holding herself to complain about grievances, Qing Wang also blamed herself. No matter how much, it should not be so long to not see her daughter. Beads are a small person, and the little ones are wronged and go fast. In a short while, I forgot the grievances and made trouble for Qing Wang to carry her on horseback.
So Qing Wang put the beads on his neck, walked around the house, and learned the sound of horses in his mouth. Xiao zhuzhu said a sentence on his neck, he walked a few steps, and the small bead said, he stopped.
The father and the daughter are both happy and have a smile on their faces.
Qing Fae looked at it, and it was inexplicably hot.
She thinks that 5th-Sao is right. This man is accompanying her all the way, why should he be pushed to others.
After playing for a while, Qing Wang’s pretending to Bezhu said that the father was very tired, and the beads were not playing, and the father and the daughter came to the donkey to sit down.
Yatou had fruit and tea. Qing Wang took a sip of tea and looked at Wangfei. Some hesitated: "I heard people say, when Geer grabbed Zhou, you squinted and made a lot of unpleasantness. Madam in the house looked at him."
Qing feifei said in a heartful way, but on the face is careless: "The next person did not tell you why I would lick my face?"
Qing Wang stunned and did not speak.
Qing Fae laughed softly: "You don't even say that there is no way to stay in that scene. Everyone is staring at me and Geer. I am an Daren. I am niang. I don't care." But Geer has started to understand things. You printed her gold to her, let her take it to Geer, and Geer just caught it. You said that scene, how do I bring Geer and beads? Stay there?!"
Qing Wang was completely stunned, and then he went to touch the pocket of his arms.
A gold chain is attached to the capsule, and the other end of the chain is hung inside the placket. This sacred king never leaves, because there is not only his gold seal, but also a few private seals he usually uses.
These prints are essential and negligent.
He opened the pouch and poured out the seals inside.
There were only a few private prints of thumb thickness, and the gold seal was gone.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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