Wangfu Chongqie 115

Wangfu Chongqie

Chapter 115    :   This is someone who wants to marry!  Xiao bao is hungry!

Tonight's Forbidden City is particularly lively, Tai-yi just came out of Kunning Palace not long after, the palace gate has not yet stepped out, and was recruited to the Qing Palace.
Tai-yi in Tai-yi Courtyard is highly skilled. After many people came to the Courtyard for consultation, and later negotiated through Tai-yi Zhengming, the method of bloodletting was carried out for Hongjing Emperor. .
"We look to His Majesty can take care of its body, carefully resting, should not be too tired. This bloodletting of the law only suppress the symptoms not the illness, had a very will hurt."
Emperor Hongjing has been suffering from vertigo for a long time.
The disease is serious and serious. It is not serious or serious. Severe strokes, since then lying in bed, or a life call is not a minority. Not serious, at most, there will be some dizziness, tinnitus, and hot heart on most days.
Only in recent years, due to the fact that the King of Hongjing was due to the incident of the Crown Prince, the disease has become more and more serious.
The soup in the daytime is constantly changing. If it is serious, it can only be curbed by bloodletting. This method is quite useful, but it is also the same as Tai-yi said, after all, the palliative is not a cure, and it will hurt.
Hongjing Emperor waved his hand and Tai-yi was taken down.
There was silence in the sleeping hall, and Li-De all gathered in front of the small voice: "Your Majesty, that Meng has been self-sufficient."
"Dead? Really self-defeating?"
Li-de nodded all the time. "The old nubi went to see it. From the point of view, it is true that they are self-defeating. In addition, His Royal Highness Wang has been seeking outside and said that he is embarrassed."
In the mouth of Hongjing’s mouth, the word was chewed, but there was a burst of exhaustion in my heart.
There are so many things happening today, first the Crown Prince, then the Crown Princess, and then an old case that broke out many years ago. That Meng was able to ambush in the Guards for many years, and even in order to avenge the Yongwang has been forbearing, he knows that he will be a deceitful person.
Hongjing Emperor had long known that these sons were not simple, but for the first time, they faced them so face-to-face.
No, the last time was Jin-Wang.
But today, the incident was completely overthrown. In fact, in those days, his good sons estimated that they all had a foot in them. That is the harm of the Crown Prince, and pitted Jin-Wang, which he was valued at the time.
Therefore, there are no other people who are doing this today. Even Hongjing is not sure. After all, if it is, but a move will kill three people.
The human heart is too unpredictable, especially when it is in the royal family. It is even more daunting and unbelievable.
"Let him roll back, don't want to see him."
Li-de nodded all the time and told people to pass the message.
There is a darkness in the Forbidden City, especially in the middle of the night.
Jin-Wang and others have been unable to leave the palace because the palace gate has been locked up.
They can only stay in the palace, but no one can fall asleep tonight.
Yao-Niang has been with Xiao bao, but she has no sleep.
Not only her, but also Xiao bao, it seems that the new place, the mother and son are somewhat uneasy. In particular, the appearance of the jade and the dark eleven secrets made Yao-Niang unable to hold back.
Thinking of Jin-Wang, who hasn’t returned yet, thinking about the endless feast, thinking about the rushing guards in front of the palace before the party, thinking about the ministers who were sent away from the palace, Yao -Niang always feels that something is happening.
Someone sent a nightingale, but Yu Yu-Yiang had already slept and refused.
When Yu Yu walked in, Yao-Niang couldn't help but look up at her.
“Is Niang-Niang hungry?” Yu Xi clearly misunderstood the meaning of Yao-Niang.
Yao-Niang shook his head and hesitated: "The man..."
Yu Xi understood and explained: "The situation in the palace is unknown now, and the highness of the temple allows the nubi and the dark eleven to be careful. This kind of thing sent by outsiders is still not touching, and it is necessary to have unnecessary trouble. And it happens in the palace. Such a thing, there are still people who send nightingales, nubi always feel a little abnormal."
Yao-Niang nodded again and again. "You're right. It's Xiao bao-" She looked at her son. Xiao bao didn't eat anything with two meals.
The royal feast in the palace looked good but not delicious. It’s all cool. Before Andy is and Yao Niang just eat a few mouthfuls of trouble, this is going to a night full dinner and then back to the House, now seems like a mo.
She is an Daren, and she will endure it. Can Xiao bao endure it?
 Xiao bao licked his stomach and wanted to tell niang that he could bear it. However, the human small tube can not control the body, the stomach emits a bowel sound, especially in the quiet palace room.
" Xiao bao is hungry!"
Stupid niang, can't you say so loud! Xiao bao eyes are a bit sad.
When Xiao bao was hungry, Yu Xi was also anxious, and couldn't help but see the dark eleven dressed as a prisoner.
There is always a dark dark eleven, and finally reveals the true face. It is exactly the same as the juvenile, pale, and shame that Yu Xi had imagined before, even more delicate than the imagination of Yu Xi. This kind of image makes Yu Xi even more difficult to be dark. In her mind, the strong should be tall and determined, giving a sense of infinite security like a mountain, not so weak.
Yes, the feeling of the dark eleven is only a few words for the jade, and there is a false name.
When I saw the jade in the dark, I saw myself, and my heart was a little panic. "So I am going to find something to eat?"
"Don't go, it's this time, it's in the palace..."
Just saying, someone is knocking at the door.
In the dark eleven, the door was opened, and Jin-Wang came in with a cold wind blowing Fu Cheng.
Yao-Niang just wants to get out of bed, Jin-Wang walked over a few big steps and held her down.
"You are sitting."
"Nothing happened?"
Jin-Wang shook his head and took off his crown under the service of Fu Cheng.
This heavy crown was worn for a whole day, and it was a lot lighter after taking off. He only had a blouse and sat down to take off his boots. He said to Yao-Niang: "Nothing is the old fault of Fu Huang."
As for the other Jin-Wang, there is no plan to say to Yao-Niang that the things are too complicated and can be explained clearly in a few words.
Jin-Wang put his gaze on Xiao bao. Fortunately, this time, because of the affairs of Ning Duke House, he had an early insight into the movement of Yong Wang. He found a lot of clues along the line.
The line that Meng received the first is not so much that it was discovered by the people of Yongwang. It is better to say that Jin-Wang deliberately reveals each other. Yong Wang really fooled, and let Jin Wang reverse the situation, also reported many years ago entrap the hatred.
It is a pity that Meng was first.
However, before I planned to go to the East Palace to play this move, Jin-Wang explained the consequences of the incident with the other party, and the other party still has no hesitation. It’s just that if there is one day, I hope that Jin-Wang can help take care of his wife and children. In these years, Meng was the first to marry his wife and have children. After all, the Meng family has only one person left, and it is imperative to pass on the incense.
Therefore, Meng, who had no wish, won the battle and clarified the whole thing in front of Hongjing, and helped Jin-Wang to bite Yongwang. As he said, he is indeed an ant, but ants can also kill people.
Although Meng was the first to bite and die, but at least in the suspicious Hongjing Emperor's heart buried the seeds of doubt. Hongjing Emperor has all the common problems that all Prince will have.
The suspected illness is very serious, and I don’t know what consequences will happen after this incident.
But Jin Wang know, right now is probably a headache Yong Wang forward.
He touched Xiao Bao small head, was inexplicably touched his head, and lifted his neck to look at the strange Jin-Wang. Feeling his son's gaze, Jin-Wang's face was awkward. He looked at Fu Chengdao about his right and left: "Is there something to bring?"
"It should be coming..."
As he said, the door was ringing and only three times.
Fu Cheng went out, and then turned back later, and had a food box in his hand.
"There is something to eat! Xiao bao is hungry!"
 Xiao bao, who is hungry and is very hungry, feels a little embarrassed. However, as the food box opened and the food was scented, he suddenly felt shameless.
In fact, it is a chicken soup with a large bowl of soup, and there are also a few side dishes.
The fragrant chicken soup, the green vegetables, the slightly yellowed noodles, and the poached eggs on the top.
There were only two small porcelain bowls, and the jade picked up two bowls from the big soup bowl. Yao-Niang This bowl has soup, vegetables and eggs. Xiao bao is only a few bowls and a few leaves because he is afraid that he will be burnt.
Andy is very dissatisfied, Duzhao Xiao zui, Pointing, Jin poached Wang bowl.
There are a total of five eggs, he eats one niang, and there are four left. He Fu Huang definitely can't eat four, so he still has him. Yu Xi can only use the public chopsticks to dial one into his bowl.
Yao-Niang is actually hungry. She is especially hungry. She has already eaten it. She eats and says: "Don’t give him the protein, be careful."
This matter attributed to Andy's a scandal, there are times he was almost choked to eat boiled eggs protein, since then Yao Niang not give him to eat the protein.
That was an accident!
It is a pity that no one listens to Xiao bao, and he does not care about it. Others have small mouths and they have to take a breath, so they have to say other things.
The family of three is holding a bowl and sucking it, which is the first time Jin-Wang has encountered such awkward scenes.
I used the sea bowl to eat noodles.
In fact, it is not without it. In the military camp, it can be simple and simple. Going out, not eating or not at one day.
The key is to hold the bowl of the sea in front of the woman's son, so that Jin-Wang has a special sense of impunity.
And Yao-Niang kept boasting him. "His Royal Highness is really amazing. You don't know that someone sent a nightingale, but we don't dare to eat it. You got these faces from here, not to say that the palace is here. At night, the Imperial Diet House stopped the fire, and the palace gate was locked again."
Jin-Wang is awkward, if he can't even get the bowl, he will be the one who has been Prince for so many years.
 Xiao bao ate a small mouth surrounded by egg yolks, silently watching niang stupid, Father guilty.
Jin-Wang thought about what he heard, and looked at Yu Xi, and Yu Xi said the things of Fangcai. More than Yao-Niang knows, Yu Xi and Dark eleven also saw someone peeping outside, although it was fleeting, but it always made people nervous.
Jin-Wang frowned. "Wait a little rest later, I am afraid that the palace will not be calm tonight."
After the Qing Palace, there were only a few glazed lights in the corner of the palace, and the sly stunned, and the surrounding area was dizzy.
The bright yellow credit was quiet and drooping. A small eunuch came in with a tray and placed a bowl of medicine on the tray.
"Your Majesty, take the medicine."
Hongjing Emperor still sits on the bed. He has been sitting for a long time.
The sudden appearance of the little eunuch seems to interrupt his meditation, making him seem to have a little dissatisfaction. But it didn't show up, just a little bit in the eyes.
The little eunuch put the tray on the side and lifted the medicine bowl to the Hongjing Emperor.
Emperor Hongjing looked at him and took the medicine bowl. It was precisely this one, and he gave him another look.
This person seems to be different. It is clear that the action is light and the face is calm, but the look in the eyes is somewhat wrong. Emperor Hongjing raised his eyebrows and asked: "Li-de all?"
"Li-the general manager went to the Gongfang."
This little eunuch seems to be a little scared, and the voice of the speech is shaking. Hongjing Emperor vaguely recalled that this person seems to be an errand eunuch, called Xiao zhuozi.
Such a person came to serve him with his soup, and everyone who died in the Qing Family died?
Hongjing Emperor sneered, "You have given this bowl of medicine."
"Your Majesty..." Xiao Zhuozi looked at Hongjing Emperor with amazement. After seeing the other person's face, his look changed. He still wants to struggle, saying: "Your Majesty, this medicine is for you to cure the disease, and the nubi can do it for you..."
"Let you drink, you drink!" The voice did not fall, and Hongjing Emperor said again: "Give him down."
When Xiao Zhuozi was too late to move, he was taken to the medicine bowl and pressed to the ground to fill the bowl of medicine.
He is struggling like a squid squid, and it seems that there is any poison in the medicine. Soon, he gradually stopped the action, and then did not move, but the corner of his mouth was a trace of black blood.
A burst of cold air.
Then, plopping and plopping, everyone fell.
This is someone who wants to marry!
small theater:
Yao-Niang: There is something to eat! Xiao bao is hungry!
 Xiao bao: It is obvious that you are hungry. I don’t want this pot.

Chapter 116    :   When the man arrives, His Royal Highness King is accompanying His Royal Highness and the side of the Su-Jia.

After the Qing Palace, in the back of the temple, a bright light at this time.
The air is almost stagnate, and even people can hear the sound of sweat falling on the ground.
Li-de did not go to the time of Gong Gongfang. This happened. When I heard that someone had poisoned Hongjing, the medicine bowl came to the front. Li-de slammed down.
Regardless of the facts, this matter of the matter is not checked, who is the one who can't run it. A little better, you can survive a few, and you have to pull it out and dispose of it.
Li-Dequan was the first to bear the brunt. As the chief eunuch of Hongjing Emperor, the first one could not run, and he did not blame him for being so scared.
The Hongjing Emperor sitting on the dragon couch is difficult to distinguish, but the anger is inevitable.
He is still alive and can move, and some people dare to poison his hands. If he can't move, I am afraid that the bones are swallowed up.
"Check, give it a check!"
No one dared to move, Li-de all climbed up from the ground and went outside. Just two steps away, he was stopped by Emperor Hongjing.
"Block the news, go check out a few good sons and see if they are all planning to die."
The night is cool like water, and the moon is high.
The light silver glow fell and was twisted and twisted by the high-rise walls of the palace. It became a group of dark and dark.
When it’s okay, no one dares to walk in the palace at night.
The age of this palace is too long. I don’t know how many people died in the corners of the palace.
There are always words of haunting, and there are noses and eyes. No one dares to find anything to stimulate.
Besides, in the middle of the palace, people are not allowed to walk around at random. If they catch it, they will be turned into spies.
But today is also surprising, the banned army guards came back and forth a few times, and some palace eunuchs lying in the room can hear the footsteps outside.
I know that this is a big deal. But they are silent, fearing that the disaster will come from heaven, and cover the head with the quilt, only when it is dreaming.
Yao-Niang ate a small bowl of noodles and relaxed. Xiao bao is also full. In addition to eating a small bowl of noodles, he also picked two candied egg yolks from the Jin-Wang bowl. This egg yolk is so delicious, tender and smooth, and has a natural sweet taste, so although it is a bit embarrassing, Xiao bao subconsciously ignores it.
He decided not to blame niang again why he would not give him protein, because egg yolk is a good thing. Xiao bao, who had a good meal, made a small sip and looked at Jin-Wang’s eyes and was apologetic.
The bad protein, the protein that tasted the firewood, and the tasteless protein, was eaten by Fu Huang.
He must have held it, so a large bowl of noodles was eaten by him.
Jin-Wang is still eating for the first time, and it is one of the best.
The key is that he is hungry. I drank a whole day of wine today, and the rice did not enter.
Just after eating a family of three, and thinking about how to eliminate food, a sudden sound of footsteps sounded in the yard.
The squeaking sound of the opening of the palace gate, as well as the voices and resentment, were heard faintly. In a short while, these sounds turned into footsteps and came straight to this side.
This is a small, separate palace divided into the main hall and two partial temples.
The main hall is home to Jin-Wangfei, and Jin-Wang is also living there.
The two halls are home to Yao-Niang Xiao bao, and Xu Ceefei Liu Ceefei.
There is a maidate eunuch in the palace, but the Yao-Niang is useless. Wangfei and the other two Ceefei are useless.
They are not fools. Naturally, they know that there is something big in the palace. Before the situation is clear, no one dares to make a joke.
Before, Jin-Wangfei and Xu Ceefei Liu Ceefei were envious of Yao-Niang, envious of her bringing two descendants into the palace. Unlike them, because there is no one who can be used with confidence, even drinking water can't be done.
I heard that Jin-Wang came back. When I came back, I went straight to Su-Ceefei. I was uneasy for a night.
Their hearts were more complicated.
They were suffocating and the palace gate opened. Suddenly many people came.
The leader was an eunuch who came straight to the main hall but did not expect to hit an empty space. Under the guidance of Jin-Wangfei, I came to the partial hall.
Dark eleven went to open the door, and these people slammed into it.
It is not so much a rash, it is an eager thing to rush to see what is ulterior. Who ever wanted to see Jin-Wang and a woman with a big belly, and a baby, sitting around the table and eating noodles.
Eat noodle?
Once again, I looked at the remaining noodle soup in the soup bowl, and picked the leaves of the remaining vegetables in the small bowl, and the yolks that had not been wiped off by his mouth. This eunuch had a nearly funny mistake on his face.
Jin-Wang took out the scorpion and wiped the mouth of Xiao bao. It was really a circle of egg yolk on Xiao bao mouth that was too unsightly.
"A group of unknowing nubi , do you know the rules?!"
This is also a capable leader of the eunuchs, immediately splash knees, pinched voice and said: "Please also Jin Wang Highness Atonement, the assassin downtown palace, His Highness the concerns of you worried about the saint, so I, who come to view life The nubi are too eager to forget the rules."
When I saw the leader, I fell down.
The next few eunuchs, together with the guards who entered the house, fell down.
Jin-Wang snorted and asked: "Fu Huang is okay, but the assassin caught it?"
"When I return to Jin-Wang, the assassin grabbed one and ran one. If it wasn't, the slave wouldn't come here. You can't worry about it."
Jin-Wang stood up and did not speak, and he told Fucheng to change him.
"His Royal Highness, you are..."
“Benwang went to see Fu Huang.”
The eunuch was busy stopping him, accompanied by a smile: "Your filial piety, the slave will give you a sire. This day, the road is slippery, deeper, and let you see where you are, the slave is this small Life is not enough to pay for you. Your Majesty has long anticipated that Jin-Wang will be filial to the filial piety. You have to explain the nubi so that you don't have to worry. If you stop early, the nubi will retire."
The incoming people retreated as if they were in the tide, and the door closed again, leaving the room full of silence.
Yao-Niang Look at Xiao bao and go to Jin-Wang. "Are they?" She was a bit confused.
Jin-Wang cold, then sneer, laughed that way, don't mention it, and Yao-Niang smiled. She didn't think too much, she took Xiao bao over, and Niang planned to go to sleep, let him sit alone and laugh.
Jin-Wang thought about the matter, he heard a snoring sound behind him, turned his head and saw both the mother and the child entered the bed, squinting at him.
He suddenly felt that what he thought was really boring, who is not who and what is the cause, it is better to wait for the follow-up. He also shed his robe and lay down on the couch.
At the same time, An Wang, Dai Wang, Yong Wang and other people lived in the same drama.
Without exception, they all rested in the room, and they all rested in Wangfei room, so that the eunuchs who were ordered to run poorly failed.
Yong Wang’s residence, when the people left, Yong Wang ordered people to close the gate.
He turned to look at Yongfei and asked: "Do we really do nothing?"
Yong Wangfei leaned on the Guifei couch, lazy, and the pro-Wangfei, which was regulated in the daytime, was changed, only a crimson middle-fitting underwear, and a good figure with long legs and thin waist.
Yong Wangfei is taller than the average woman, but it is not strong, the skeleton is slender, not fat or thin. She broke her hair, loosely swayed in the back of her head, and dropped a pair of squats beside the horns, hanging on the white cheeks, charming and hooked.
Compared to Yong Wangfei, Yong Wang seems to be a lot of anxiety.
There is a bloody faintness in the eyeballs, and the forehead is still blue and red. This is what I used to smash in the dry palace. It looks very embarrassing.
Never wandering, Yong Wang did not expect to be planted in Jin-Wang one day.
But he planted it and didn't yell at it. Could it be said that Meng was not the person who first visited him? Meng’s first words are true, but only part of it is false. That is, he is hidden in the banned army and not arranged by Yong Wang, but Jin-Wang.
Yong Wang just happened to know some secrets at the right time, and he planned to take advantage of it. He did not use this as a means of attacking the Crown Prince, but it was incidental.
There is better, and there is no such thing as Jin-Wang.
But he did not expect that this game was actually Jin-Wang dug a pit for him to jump, smashed his nose and face, and did not know what would happen in the future.
"Everyone is moving, we will not move. You remember, just hold your ‘calling, Fu Huang is suspicious. If he decides that you are doing it, now it will not be moving. Hey, now it is not Come, someone wants to fish in troubled waters."
Yong Wang sat down on the Guifei couch. "What do you think is going on in the Qing Family?"
Yong Wangfei smiled indifferently. "It is not a trivial matter anyway. You will wait until you see tomorrow."
East Palace
After Wei and Queen fainted, Zhao Wei went to Kunning Palace, but was persuaded by Li-De.
Li-De Quan said that the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess should not be leaked. Now things are waiting to be investigated and they need to return to the town.
This is indeed the truth, and it is also an anomaly. Previously, his emperor 'Grandfather had never been to himself.
When Zhao Wei came back, he found out that his father and mother were rushing. At first, the Crown Prince hit the Crown Princess.
The Crown Princess just cried silently. After that, the Crown Princess couldn't help but then returned, and the two beaten in one place.
Before changing to it, Zhao Wei had to stop and even help his mother, but he didn't want to do anything now.
There was only one thought in his mind. He was finished.
The East Palace is finished.
If his father is okay, his mother-in-law is also a problem.
The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess stole people, one stealing the father's shi-zi and one stealing the guard.
And, as their Di-eldest son, this will become a stain that he will never wash, and these stains are enough for him to stop before the throne.
Zhao Wei grew up in the deep palace, knowing the people, and is good at playing with people.
If this thing is changed to him, what will he do? He will do a big fuss, spread rumors everywhere, and make things go out. At the same time, they will work hard on each other's life and pour the other's own sewage.
After all, the Crown Princess was arrested. Who knows if she had stolen before, people are always good at association, and deliberately exaggerate what they imagine.
It is time for him to jump into the Yellow River and he can't wash it.
The emperor's Grandfather was suspicious again, waiting for the fate of his royal family's shame, which was probably circumcised or was dying.
What should he do?
In the back of the door, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess seemed to be tired and finally stopped moving.
Zhao Wei moved a stiff body and looked up to see the bright moon in the sky. He was behind his hands and was stunned: "Look at them."
Next to an eunuch bowed down: "Yes."
The night wind was cool, Zhao Wei walked slowly, and did not let the palm lamp, the several eunuchs who served around were far behind.
The East Palace is very quiet, and the East Palace is so quiet every night. A rush of footsteps rang, Zhao Zhao looked up and saw, these people quickly came to his body, Jing Su face with a bit of anxiety.
"His Royal Highness." The people pressed the scorpion and said: "There was another incident.
The people who did the Qing Family sent a message, and they were assassinated. Some people poisoned their shackles."
Zhao Wei heart jumped, “How is the “Grandfather”?”
An unstoppable joy comes to mind, if the emperor 'Grandfather is really out, his father is the Crown Prince. I can think about it. If the Emperor's Grandfather really made a scorpion tonight, it would be time for the pro-Father's name to be carried on his father. Even the thorn-poisoning thing would be blamed on the East Palace.
Because of such a thing, the East Palace will inevitably lose momentum, and before the loss, it will be imaginable to do the battle of the beast. Good poisonous means!
"There is nothing wrong with you."
When I heard this, Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and there was some faint feeling of loss in his heart.
"It doesn't matter," he said in his voice.
"Your next life has gone to several Prince residences. As for the East Palace, will not come, I don't know."
Zhao Wei nodded and flashed a light in his eyes: "Tell him, do a good job."
There are faint and cluttered foot sounds coming closer and closer.
Zhao Wei turned and walked back. He walked very anxiously. While walking, he smashed his clothes and hair, and even scratched his face in his face.
The people of the Qing Palace soon arrived, and before seeing the Crown Prince, the Emperor Sun was standing there with a mourning.
The bun and the placket are messy, and the face is hurt. Where can I still see the graceful face before.
Dry palace
Li-De whispered: "When people arrive, Jin-Wang is accompanying Xiao Baodian and Su-Ceefei, and Jin-Wang’s Highness is used in the daytime. It is estimated that there is no What to eat. When I left from the Qing Palace, I went to the , and pulled the old picture and let him make a bowl of noodles. You know it in the palace, and the small hall is still small. Hot, Su-Ceefei has a big belly...
"...Where King of the Prince, and Yong Wangfei have already rested...His Royal Highness is also... As for the East Palace, the Crown Prince will go back to the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince will move.
The hand, the nucai did not dare to pull forward, the grandson went to pull, he was hurt..."
Li-de full of’servants said a lot, Hongjing Emperor just listened to silence.
After a long while, Hongjingdi said: "So, these sons are not suspected, and there is no suspect in the East Palace."
Li-de did not dare to speak out, sweating on his head, and the sweat on his forehead had not been done this evening.
He naturally knows that all of them are suspect.
The key thing is that there is no suspicion to speak. It is reasonable to say that the East Palace is the most suspected, but who knows if someone deliberately framed, intends to plant.
The East Palace has been unlucky, and it is not unusual to throw a stone.
It’s just that Li-de did not dare to say, who knows what the Holy Spirit thinks. He served in the life of Emperor Hongjing for the rest of his life, or the first time he saw his majesty.
Like a beast. It is still a fierce beast that is ugly, sullen, and blunt, and can only bluff.
After all, it is old. If it was a few years ago, Li-De Quan still dared to say a few more words, but now he is killed and he dare not say.
The Emperor Hongjing sneered two times, but he did not say it.
The temple once again returned to a suffocating silence.

Chapter 117    :   From the beginning to the end, this farce is not meant to fall over the East Palace, but the Prince want to stagnate Capital City.

There are too many things happening this night. It seems that there are silent silences in the palaces. In fact, many people stay up all night.
There were a lot of nucai between the Qing and Qing dynasties.
The lights in the Supreme Court of Justice were not extinguished all night, and there were ‘Calls from time to time, like ghosts.
On the following day, Tian Gang Ma Ma Liang, An Wang, Dai Wang, Yong Wang, Jin-Wang, and other grandmothers, came to the Qing Palace early to seek advice.
Immersed in the dry palace in the morning mist, like a beast that is sleeping.
In fact, no one wants to come at this time, but that happened last night. Although several people were persuaded to push the boat, but they knew that the assassin last night, they must express their concern at the first time.
What is the first time? How early can it be, how early it is.
The earliest of An Wang’s arrival, he never fell behind in this occasion. Jin-Wang and others came to see a thick layer of dew on the clothes of An Wang, apparently standing for a long time.
Hongjing Emperor has not yet started, and no one dares to come out to greet these Highnesses.
They can only stand in front of the temple and stand like this. In a little while, the coming people are coming.
Obviously, they are all doing things in other places, so that they are not unobtrusive, and they will not appear to fall behind.
"I didn't expect the second brother to come so early." Yong Wang stood behind.
An Wang looked back at a few brothers: "Last night, the Qing Family was an assassin, and Benwang couldn't sleep at night, and I couldn't sleep anyway. I came to Fu Huang early."
An Wang has always been to filial piety. As for the fact that there is a bit of truth in this filial piety, then I don’t know. Even if it is a play, several other people are also admired for the perseverance of this second brother.
The Crown Prince did it, An Wang was doing it, the Crown Prince didn’t do it, he was doing it too. Those who don’t know are also Di-eldest son, the Crown Prince, Shang Xiao jing’s father, and his younger brother, all in all, dripping.
"The second brother is really filial."
Lu Wang lazily swayed his hand, and there was a bit of sarcasm in his voice. When An Wang heard it, he didn’t hear it. Anyway, he couldn’t see anything from the surface.
"The emperor is also coming. Your father and mother-in-law are not in your heart. It is really difficult for you to be this child." Lu Wang turned to Zhao Wei, who was standing behind, saying that he did not hide his falsehood and falsehood. gloat.
Zhao Yan’s face smiled lightly, but the hand under the sleeve was tight and the voice was light: “Nothing is important for the dragon’s Dragonfather. I don’t know where the assassin came from, so I dared to come to the palace to stab. It’s true that this big place is a place that allows him to come and go. If such a person is caught, he should be jealous of his family, and he will be able to make a long-term memory. No benefit."
This is still the elegant and grandfather of the grandfather.
The first time I said this kind of meaning, it is obviously being rushed, or it is a big change, and it is difficult to cover up the anger.
Lu Wang smiled happily. "It seems that Huangfu heart is quite resentful. 6th-Uncle knows that you are annoyed, but this is not a rush to 6th-uncle, but not..."
"On the sixth day, say less!" The reprimand of the resignation of the king.
Lu Wang snorted, but did not say anything.
After such a scene, the temple still did not move, even the lights did not shine.
From the tea house, there were two eunuchs rushing to the two eunuchs.
They bowed their heads and bowed to Jin-Wang.
They said, "Your Highness, you still haven’t woken up. You slept late yesterday, and the nubi did not. Dare to go in and pass..."
An Wang Yi waved his hand in disappointment. "We are waiting for nothing. You are busy."
Then the two eunuchs were really’self-help', leaving An Wang and others standing in the morning mist and waiting quietly.
It was only in the east that the white belly was white, and the sky gradually became brighter.
The eunuchs of the palaces all seemed to be up, and they came and went busy, and there was still no movement inside.
Everyone seems to be very surprised, but no one speaks. And the sky suddenly suddenly lit up, flashing a golden orange light, the area of ​​this light is getting bigger and bigger, and the sun is rising.
It seems that this morning is too late, and may even be suspended.
It didn't take long for Li-de to rush out from inside.
There was gray on his face, and it seemed that he had not slept overnight, and his eyebrows were pulling. When I saw An Wang, I seemed to be surprised. I said, "Several of Your Highness, you have to squat in the dragon body. You may have to take a day off today. When you are just awake, you have to pass a message."
"Li-in-house is going."
Li-de all went out for a trip and returned, but they still did not call them. Not only did it not be summoned, but if it came in the past, Hongjing Emperor was busy seeing the ministers inside, and there will be eunuchs welcoming them to the tea room, but now they have to sit on a cold bench.
This out is nothing to show, the Emperor Hongjing deliberately hangs his sons, or is demonstrating the majesty of his supreme monarch.
From the inside, a small eunuch came out, and the low-browed eyebrows came to Zhao Wei: "His Royal Highness, you will tell you to go in and talk."
After Zhao Yi glimpse, he looked around his own uncles and looked at them with the eunuch.
Lu Wang said with awkwardness: "This little rabbit scorpion..."
Although the sound is small, it has clearly penetrated into everyone ears.
So it seems that Hongjing Emperor still values ​​the Emperor Sun.
still is-
Jin-Wang looked at the half-baked temple door and recovered his eyes. He continued to stand on his nose and nose.
On the big gong of the East, the yellow backrest, the hand and the sitting are laid out.
Hong Jingdi sat on his knees with his knees on his head, and there were tea pots, boxes and other things on his hand. Standing next to the corner of the wall stood two eunuchs with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes. Li-de stood on the side of Hongjing, and was serving him.
After Zhao Yu came in, he was kneeling at the foot of Hong Jingdi, "Emperor's Grandfather..."
After Li Jingdi took the last medicine, Li-de took the medicine bowl and took the tea. He sipped a couple of teas and slowly spit out a breath: "What to cry."
Yes, the empress grandson cried.
It seems to be full of infinite grievances, grief and pain, and the emperor is very intelligent and very popular with Emperor Jing. He taught Zhao Wei more time than the Crown Prince. He is familiar with every expression of this grandson, the meaning of each sentence, and even every look.
However, after several events yesterday, Hongjing Emperor was uncertain. His eyes gazed at the face of the emperor, without any flaws.
Zhao Wei cried unconsciously, but he did not say what he was crying.
Emperor Hongjing reluctantly sighed: "The people who are getting married soon, how can they still be like a little doll?"
When I heard this, Zhao Wei seemed to be embarrassed. He used his sleeves to wipe his eyes.
"The grandchildren are out of order."
Hongjing Emperor nodded, just want to say something, next to Li-De whispered a sentence: "Your Majesty, several of the temples are still not bright, come outside, still waiting outside."
Hongjing Emperor just woke up like a big dream, saying: "Go and ask them to come in."
Zhao Yan’s half-down face flashed a haze.
Soon, An Wang came in a few.
First, the ceremony, after the ceremony, asked the assassin last night, I heard that the assassin has been caught, and several people are relieved.
"Let you remember."
“Fu Huang can be safe and sound, and it is a blessing to all people. It is also a blessing to the children and other people.”
If there is a bit of sincerity in the usual words, it is still unclear. Today's words are coming from the bottom of my heart. As for why, there is no one who does not understand the present.
"It’s not a child’s rumor.
The assassin should peel and cramp his bones. It’s really daring to pack the sky. I dare to come to the palace to spur! Fu Huang, you hand over the person to the children to punish, and the children will let him regret this.
The world has gone!" Lu Wang did not change his nature, and he was bloody.
In the past, Hongjing Emperor either reprimanded it or ignored it, but today it was a smile on the face. He shook his head with a bit of helplessness: "Oh, everything makes you say so, it is unbearable." ""
"Children are also worried about Fu Huang." Lu Wang seems to have not seen the difference, and his mouth is not awkward.
Li-de smiled and inserted a sentence: "His Royal Highness to the filial piety."
Emperor Hongjing was silent and took a sip of tea.
Lu Wang smiled, "Li-Interior is really a good eye, like a torch, this boasted Benwang."
Emperor Hongjing was laughed at, and put down the tea pot. He waved his hand very impatiently: "I have done it, don't play with Li-de here." He also said to Jin-Wang: "I must have last night." You didn't rest well, and they rushed to this morning and went back to rest."
What Lu Wang wants to say, Li-De All has already stepped forward and sent him outside: "His Royal Highness, you are saddened by you and a few of your Highness."
An Wang and others can only go out with them.
After waiting for everyone to leave, Zhao Wei still squats there.
Emperor Hongjing looked down at him with a kindness in his eyes: "You also go back to rest, presumably didn't fall asleep last night, it's really hard for you."
Zhao Wei wanted to say something. At this time, Li-De Quan, who had just sent Lu Wang and others out of the door, came forward to help him: "Have your Highness, get up, it hurts you."
Li-Dequan, who had been distressed by Hong Jingdi, stood at the door and spit out the gas before returning to the Hongjing Emperor.
"That's like..."
"If you look back, if Niang-Niang got sick last night, I will leave early this morning."
Hong Jingdi nodded.
Yao-Niang was already ready, sitting under the window and looking forward to the stars, finally looking forward to Jin-Wang. May had a chance to say one more thing, Jin Wang told her to eviction.
She suddenly forgot what she wanted to ask, and went out of the palace, and went out of the palace. She would never want to come to the palace again.
Yao-Niang can go now, Wangfei and Xu Ceefei Liu Ceefei there is nothing to clean up.
The three people stayed up all night last night, even the clothes did not take off, the crown suit worn on the body yesterday morning, still dressed neatly on the body.
Jin-Wang took a few people all the way through the Imperial Garden to the Xuanwu Gate, where the Jin-Wang House car was already waiting. All the way back to the house by car, Jin-Wang confessed to Yao-Niang a few words, then hurried to the study.
In the study, Liu Da Teacher and others have long been waiting.
Jin Wang after the book case to sit down and let a blessing to the matter said again yesterday that he is thinking about meditation stroke along the mind thinking.
Although it was waiting for more than one hour in the morning dew, and went in without saying a word, he was taken out.
The embarrassment that can be gone is not useless. At least Jin-Wang sees a lot of meaning.
"What do you think?"
Apparently, Liu Da teacher was thinking while listening. He immediately replied: “Let the subordinates look at it. In the end, this trick is undoubtedly a superfluous addition, unlike the handwriting of Yong Wang.”
Li-Maotian interjected: "Maybe he was pitted by a lot of people, and he was angry and went wrong?"
"I don't think it's like living, but it's like someone who fishes in troubled waters. It won't be the sorrow of Lu Wang, so I took a step."
"The tendency is to be the grandson."
The words of Liu Da Teacher suddenly made everyone look over.
"The East Palace has been in trouble for two consecutive incidents, first the Crown Prince, and then the Crown Princess.
The building will be in a state of flux. This time, it will undoubtedly be a self-destruction of the Great Wall. After all, the Crown Prince has not been abandoned yet. really died, the throne is the Crown Prince. to other people, equal to years of efforts of all to do useful work, no one will be stupid to do it. but this thing for Orient House, is the opposite situation.
"Sheng Shang has always been watching the grandson, the Crown Prince has been crushed, and it has long been a lot of resentment.
The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess have poor personalities, which really affects the grandson, but don't forget the external influence, the same interference with people inner thoughts. I was born king of a country on the saint, he was a 'Grandfather. Sun is too small to see him growing up, everyone says Sun on St. preference too, not so much a preference as it too Sun is the heir trained by Sheng Sheng and meets all his expectations.
“How much disappointment the Holy One has on the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, how much it hurts the grandson, which is undoubtedly a layer of dirt on a near-perfect thing. But everything is appropriate, but it’s too late. It can be attributed to the fact that the Crown Prince private morality is poor, but the poisoning is undoubtedly a sign that someone deliberately targets the East Palace. Some people want to ruin the grandson. This time, what will the Holy Spirit think?
Liu Da Teacher left a question.
Everyone knows the answer to this question.
The ambiguity of Emperor Hongjing on the grandson will inevitably rise to a certain height. At the same time, he will be sympathetic to Donggong and will be disgusted by those who do all these things. With the favor of Hongjing Emperor, Huang Taisun will be afraid of losing power? These Prince grandsons have always been sacred.
"What do you mean by saying that the poisoned person is the grandfather?"
Liu Da Teacher shook his fist and said: "The poison is only a means. It is impossible for the Holy Spirit to be poisoned. It is inevitable that the incident will be revealed."
Black Teacher and Li-Mao Tian are both in meditation.
A minute later, all of Liu Teacher is a hand worship, praise: ". Teacher Wisdom"
This is why Liu Da Teacher can sit firmly in the first place in the Jin-Wang think tank, and everyone else has to retreat.
Liu Da Teacher's mind is ingenious, it is unparalleled in the world.
The three looked at Jin-Wang, and Jin-Wang was still a constant wave.
"You are too young to look at the holy, he also looked down."
This, he naturally refers to the emperor.
Liu Da Teacher slightly hesitated: "His Royal Highness means -"
"Fu Huang will doubt him."
Jin-Wang leaned back into the chair and said: "No matter what, today's situation is beneficial to Benwang. If Benwang is not mistaken, then the Holy Prince will abolish the Crown Prince and leave the King."
Another sentence, Jin-Wang did not say that from the beginning to the end of this farce is not intended to fight the East Palace, the East Palace is one of them, but more importantly, the king wants to stay in the capital, but the teacher is unknown.
So with the Crown Prince and Ruyi, the Crown Princess is private with the guard. In the end, this trick seems to be a superfluous move. In fact, even if the grandson does not take the initiative to start, there will be another person to fill the knife.
Only the grandson who had been suspected of having cultivated himself by Hongjing was questioned, disappointed, or even feared by the East Palace.
The other Prince would have an opportunity.
With a bang, the sky outside suddenly darkened, and it was still bright and bright, and the moment was like the night is coming.
It is a spring thunder that seems to be warning.

Chapter 118    :   One bite, one bite, one more.

Alternating in spring and summer, it has always been the most comfortable season of the year, but this year's capital seems to have entered the heat in advance.
It is the impetuousness of the human heart, and it is also a matter of one after another.
On the day of the Longevity Festival, there was a change in the palace. First, Wei and Queen had an old episode, and then the Hongjing Emperor had a slight body. In combination with the situation at the time, anyone could feel unusual from it. But nothing happened afterwards. It seems that people are only getting older, and they are more likely to have illness.
The dragon body of the Holy Land has not seen any improvement. In this case, the Prince who should have returned to the land naturally stayed in Capital City.
Entering May, the hall suddenly became buzzing, and the voice of the Crown Prince was getting more and more.
In the early years, no one had ever impeached the Crown Prince, from the morality of others to the virtues of talent, but they were all small and small. Only that year was a bit big, but with the forced suppression of Hongjing Emperor, Jin-Wang was divided, and gradually fell silent.
In recent years, as the Emperor Hongjing intends to cross the Crown Prince, it is becoming more and more obvious to the Emperor, and the grandson Zhao Wei is indeed excellent. No one has noticed how the Crown Prince is. It’s amazing in recent days, and the problems in the Crown Prince have suddenly increased.
First, the nubi were murderers, and then the people under the door smashed the bureaucrats and smashed the wealth, so that the courtiers recalled that the Crown Prince had made a foolish thing, and the voice of the Crown Prince was suddenly increased. At first, the Emperor Hongjing was ignorant, and then he did not send the shackles that were handed over.
The voice of dissatisfaction was getting bigger and bigger, and even the old minister died.
Emperor Hongjing could no longer sit back and ignore it, and at the same time, Wei the Queen went to the Qing Palace to persuade him. In the capacity of the mother of the Crown Prince, he requested the Hong Kong Emperor to abolish the Crown Prince. On the third day of the reign of Emperor Hongjing, the Crown Prince was finally abolished.
Full of enthusiasm, the Crown Prince finally ended his career in the Crown Prince for nearly 30 years and was named Hui-Wang.
On the day of the sacred decree, Hui-Wang came to the Qing Palace, and the father and son both cried and felt very touching. Emperor Hongjing even said that 'I am not incompetent, but it is the burden of the big dry Family, this burden is too heavy, I am afraid of being tired of me.'
I know that this is actually a look, but everyone is reluctant to talk about the abolition of the Crown Prince. In fact, in the vernacular, you all put the most loved sons on the stage, and want to do something, stop and stop, don't look for anything.
After all, no one expected that the Crown Prince would be so easy, and it would be difficult to avoid guilty.
At the same time, there is still one person facing the embarrassing situation, that is, the emperor.
It stands to reason that the Crown Prince was built, not a grandson, and there is a reason for the Crown Prince to coexist, and the Jiangshan community is unstable. But the Crown Prince is dull, and the grandson is a small and intelligent person. Taisun Taifu and Taisun Taishi praised him, and many ministers in the country also have a good reputation for him. In the case of knowing that the Crown Prince will not abdicate to the sage, Li Taisun seems to be a better choice.
Therefore, Zhao Wei was established as a grandson for the age of fourteen.
The existing problem is that there will be a grandson with the Crown Prince, and the grandson must be the Di-elf son of the Crown Prince. But now the Crown Prince is abolished, how should Taisun be?
In fact, as long as Emperor Hongjing had abolished the Crown Prince book, many ministers had guessed that the grandson had committed his jealousy and that there would be a waste of the Crown Prince. Otherwise, for the sake of grandchildren, how can you kneel down? To keep the Crown Prince.
But this is a big deal, and no one dares to argue. Now that the Crown Prince is abolished, this grandson can't keep it, and no one dares to guess.
Unsurprisingly, there was no such thing as the Crown Prince in the middle of the country. Many courtiers have asked Hongjing Emperor, and when the Emperor Sun is still in the Heir position of Hui-Wang, this is in line with the heavens. During the period, there were naturally ministers who wanted to protect the grandson. Unfortunately, this law violated the rules. Secondly, there were too many voices of opposition, and they were eventually pushed back.
On this day, Hongjing Emperor called Taisun Zhao Yu to dry the Qing Palace.
"You should know that this is the safest way at the moment."
"Grandchildren understand."
No one knows, this sentence understands how much effort Zhao Zhao has, and what struggles and pains have passed during this period.
Hongjing Emperor nodded, and his face was ten years old. "You are a good person. You can't do this kind of scandal, but you are old. Your uncles have different minds. Emperor's Grandfather. Protect you, don't want you to experience too much criticism."
"The grandson knows, but hopes that the emperor's Grandfather can pay attention to the dragon body after he leaves the palace, and he will take care of it." Zhao Wei, who is on the ground, has a hard voice and seems to be reluctant.
"Stupid child, you and your father will go out of the palace, not to leave the capital, or to come back to visit the emperor's Grandfather and your grandmother." Hongjingdi sighed and waved his hand: "Go."
Zhao Yu took another head and slowly stood up and slowly retired.
At the moment when he turned and walked out of the palace gate, Zhao hand under the sleeves clenched into a fist, and the half-down face was full of unwillingness and embarrassment.
But it is a play.
If he really wants to protect him, will he abolish his father? If he really wants to protect him, his good Prince will not stay in Capital City and will not leave.
In fact, these days, Zhao Wei has already wanted to understand, and leaving the East Palace is more beneficial to him. That is to completely sweep away the shadow of the scandal, before you can enter, then you can retreat. In the end, I was still unwilling in my heart. It was obvious that he was so close to that position. As soon as he reached out, he was the object of the bag, but he was stunned by the hardship.
In the distance is the rolling ridges, the high-pitched cornices, the yellow glazed tiles in the sunlight, splashing a little golden light, symbolizing the power and supremacy of life and death.
His few good Prince, he will not let go!
Standing on the stone steps in front of the Qing Palace, Zhao Wei swears in his heart.
As Hui-Wang took the family into the Hui-Wang House, which was rushed to pick up, the temple was quiet again.
Time also entered June, the hottest time of the year.
Yao-Niang has always been a heat-resistant body, and now it is two people. One move is a sweat, it is like being washed by water.
She wants to use ice, but the red silk jade is not allowed, afraid that she will catch cold, let her endure again, and endure life. In fact, Yao-Niang knows that they are deceiving themselves. When they are finished, they have to sit on the moon. Waiting for this time, the summer is over.
She is so enthusiastic, her temper is getting bigger and bigger, she still knows some gentle feelings, and I don’t know Jin-Wang used to it, or a pregnant woman is a temper, and Jin- Wang took a few mouths and licked his face several times.
For the first time, Jin-Wang was wrong.
After the mistake, after seeing her guilty conscience, she could not bear to blame.
The second time, it was still wrong.
Thinking of her pretty big belly, she was born soon, and it didn't happen.
There are two, there are naturally three and four, and then infinity. Yao-Niang is now more and more afraid of Jin-Wang, as it was so hot last night that he was so uncomfortable that he had to sleep on his own, and Yao-Niang turned his head and gave him a bite.
After the bite, Yao-Niang also stayed. In order to remedy, it is also to prove that she is not trying to bite him. It is just a joke. She is going to kiss her, and she greets the little Jin-Wang, and then Jin-Wang does not care whether it is a real bite or a fake bite. It’s so refreshing that the hair roots are all upright.
Since the birth of Yao-Niang, Jin-Wang has not really been refreshed, and every time she is close to her. But she is useless, but it is greedy, it is not useful, it is fast to go, and after he has gone, he will leave it alone, just sleep.
In fact, it is not regardless of him, that is, the body is not used, if you are comfortable, you want to sleep, and when you sleep, you still have to stop him. So every time Jin-Wang communicates with 5th-Guniang, he thinks that he is returning to the year when the poison has not been solved.
 Xiao Jin-Wang hasn't enjoyed this treatment for a long time, and he has lost his helmet and abandoned it for a long time. Knowing that Jin-Wang is comfortable after talking, Yao-Niang talks with him about ice.
Jin-Wang was not tempted by the beauty, but still firmly said that Ming Liang let Liu Liang doctor to come and see.
It took a long time to get the result, but it was the result. Yao-Niang gave him a spine on the spot and slept in a hurry.
I left Jin-Wang alone, thinking that the courage is getting fatter, and I want to be bold enough. I used to be jealous. I don’t have to worry about it now. It is still him.
In this entanglement, Jin-Wang also slowly fell asleep.
Jin-Wang is a must, and the next day, Liu Liangyi came.
After I came, I asked Yao-Niang for a safe pulse. I said, "The old man listened to his high school and said that ice is available. It is comfortable and sweat-free, but it is not cool. This degree requires Ceefei Niang Niang is taking it by myself."
Yao-Niang was happy to open, and asked: "When is the production available? Is it available when you are sitting?"
"All available, don't put too close."
Yao-Niang couldn't help but give a red silk a look, and went to thank Liu Liang.
When Liu Liang’s doctor left, she was busy with the Yatou people looking for ice, and finally had a lunch without sweating. Even eating a small half bowl of rice, recently because of too hot, Yao-Niang has recently lost appetite.
After eating lunch, Yao-Niang only had a red silk silk trousers, half lying on the big placket with his teeth, his limbs stretched comfortably, and his big belly was towering. Sitting on the side of Xiao bao, Xiao bao is studying her belly.
"You don't always move your hands, just put them on the head, so as not to scare the two treasures."
This is the game that the mother and son have always loved to play, looking for two treasures.
 Xiao bao always listened to Yao-Niang and said that it was moving, but he did not know where it was. It was only once I saw Yao-Niang’s belly bulging a high one, and he knew what it was.
He felt a kind of magic. Was he born by him niang that year?
Growing up slowly, growing up a little, and being able to sit, climb, walk, speak, and gradually have their own thoughts and become a complete person.
Especially when I was alive again, Xiao Bao felt very magical. Every time there was always a lot of whimsy, he was very excited, but he felt absurd. If Xiao Bao learns to pass the aisle, he will probably understand why Han Chuanzi met him for the first time in his life and will say that he has a relationship with Taoism.
But at this point he didn't have time to pay attention to it. He felt that the two treasures kicked him.
Yes, Erbao, Xiao bao stubbornly believe that this is the second treasure in Yao-Niang's stomach. Even arbitrarily gave the child a name, two treasures.
His name is always pointing to Yao-Niang's stomach and ‘calling two treasures, ignoring Jin-Wang's words, Mei-mei.
Mei-mei is also the second treasure, this is Xiao Bao answer.
Therefore, Yao-Niang can only face the situation in which the child was born and called the second treasure. For this reason, she even discussed with Xiao bao: "If this is called the two treasures, you have to change your name."
"What is the name changed?" Xiao bao, who was able to speak one sentence at a time, asked with a milky voice.
"Changed to Dabao. You see if you call Xiao bao, you become the brother of Erbao, you want to be a younger brother?"
People Xiao bao will not be deceived, but he must know that he has lived for two generations. He looked at Yao-Niang very resolutely: "There is no big treasure, only Xiao bao. This is called the two treasures, and later is the three treasures and four treasures."
This is but the dew stuffing, a one-and-a-half-year-old baby, how can I count. Fortunately, Yao-Niang's attention was placed on so many 'treasures', but he did not pay attention to his son's strangeness.
Fortunately, a few red silks are not there, Xiao Bao sighed with a sigh of relief, thinking that in the future can pay attention. His stupid niang is no problem, if it is in front of Fu Huang, it is absolutely absolutely deceiving.
Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao came.
Jin-Wang came in from the outside. He wore a black robes, and the placket and cuffs were embroidered with gold threads. In the third floor and the third floor, I saw that I just came back from the palace.
There is a thin sweat on the forehead, which makes people feel steamy.
"Is it hot? I let Yatou take the clothes, you change." Yao-Niang sat up and planned to kneel down and was held down by Jin-Wang.
"You are sitting, I am going to bathe."
With the voice, Fu Cheng and Hong Silk came in. Fu Cheng and Jin-Wang entered the interior, and several red silks were prepared. After a short time, Jin-Wang changed into a thin robes and came back to sit down and didn't talk.
When I look at Jin-Wang, I am mad at the palace.
Yao-Niang didn't know how to persuade him to let the red silk go to the ice bowl first.
This ice bowl is the most popular snack in Capital City every summer day.
It is to grind the finely divided ice, put some chopped seasonal fruits, and then add a layer of cheese honey sauce. It tastes cool and delicious, that is, it is delicious and delicious.
Unfortunately, Yao-Niang can't eat more, just dare to eat a few mouthfuls each time, and then the rest is cheaper Jin-Wang.
Originally, Jin-Wang didn't like to eat sweet. Look at Yao-Niang, who was pitiful, and ate twice, and was classified as one of the foods that can be placed in front of him.
Here is the raspberry and plum in the ice bowl. It is the favorite taste of Yao-Niang, and the flavor that she likes is cold melon.
The small, red and bright raspberries and plums are topped with a layer of cheese, and underneath it is a white smoked ice, with some scented red beans dotted next to it.
The plums were stained with honey in advance, and they taste sour and sweet, but they are not too acidic.
Yao-Niang As long as I think of the taste, the mouth can't help but flood.
The same flood of Xiao Bao, two pairs of dark and dark eyes, are looking at Jin-Wang.
For a time, Jin-Wang had a feeling of being unable to bear the scoop.
He pushed the glass bowl on the plaque forward, and Yao-Niang suddenly smiled: "His Royal Highness is the best."
If you have such a dog's leg, Xiao bao can't say it. Facing Fu Huang, he was still incompetent for a while, but he was very good at niang.
He pulled the glass bowl and put a spoonful of Yao-Niang in the import. Xiao peng pointed his finger: " Xiao bao also eats." The eyes can see people.
Yao-Niang was stunned by the ice, and vaguely said to his son: " Xiao bao can't eat, it will catch cold."
"Nang can't eat, it will cool to two treasures."
Yao-Niang tried to convince his son: "No, niang is in his mouth and waits for it to turn and then swallows." Otherwise she will not be iced to the mouth.
" Xiao Bao is in possession, wait for it to become, and then swallow it."
Talking Xiao bao is getting worse and worse, and he will talk back. Yao Niang very helpless, to discuss the name: "Then eat a small mouth?"
This time, Xiao bao was very vigilant. "One bite, one bite, one more."
That is three.
"No, too much, only one bite."
"One bite, one more."
"Only one bite."

Chapter 119    :   Cut and start

Jin-Wang took the glass bowl and dug a big mouth into the mouth.
When he was just angry in the palace, he came back to face this bite of scenes and suddenly felt that those were nothing. Isn't it a cut, his good brothers can accept, and why he can't accept it. In any case, Jinju is different from other places.
The border is not Shen-the old department, but his people. Can't be clear, then it's dark, but it's just changing the soup.
Yes, after the abolition of the Crown Prince, Hongjing Emperor has tossed it again.
His so-called cut is reserved for the land, but the king returned to Capital City.
Since the Prince of the Prince have returned to Capital City, the military powers in their hands have to be handed over, and even a series of special cases that the king has, such as the ability to build a guard, the security of the defending palace and the security of the king, and the acquiescence of half of the taxes in the land. For the purpose of building a guard, and so on, nothing.
One Guardian is three thousand, and the third Guardian is nine thousand, as long as it is only ten thousand on the bright surface. This is a private soldier belonging to the king of the king, but generally it will be more secretly placed, just like Jin-Wang, his private soldiers will have 50 thousand.
If you return to Capital City, you can't have your own private soldiers. After returning to Capital City, it was under the eyes of Hongjingdi, and he wanted to do anything to bind his feet.
In fact, Jin-Wang is not unexpected, and solves the threat of Donggong, and it should be them.
He Fu Huang is old, he will be afraid when he is old. When he is old, he wants to put everything in his hand and pinch it in his palm. Especially after that, it made him feel a sense of crisis.
A sense of crisis that is eager to control everything.
Of course, returning to Capital City is not without benefits, and even more temptation.
In the capital city, it is close to the Hongjing Emperor and is close to the Chaotang Hall. It is also close to the location. Before the Prince tried their best and wanted to stagnate Capital City, it was not the idea.
So there is no accident. After some struggles, An Wang responded first, then Lu Wang, Yong Wang, and Dai Wang. By default, Jin-Wang can only be picked up by the ducks.
In fact, even if this is not the case, Jin-Wang asks himself if he will agree. Although the king is far from the Emperor of Heaven, it is a pity that he cannot last long. But among the Prince, one person is on the position of the ninety-five, and waiting for others is not good.
Better, in the Fengdi, a king who only eats sorrow and sorrow regardless of the matter, is monitored by the court on a daily basis. Just like the remaining brothers of Emperor Hongjing. Bad, may be guarding the mausoleum, may be a ban for a lifetime, or may be looking for a name to die.
After eating a whole bowl of ice bowls, Jin-Wang finally smoothed down the suffocation in his heart.
When I looked up, I saw two faces in front of me, and I looked at myself with some resentment.
Then he found out what he had done. He actually robbed the woman’s son for food.
As a king, Jin-Wang will certainly not admit that he is wrong. He cleared his throat and said very generously: "Take a bowl again, no eyes, I don't see Ceefei and Xiao gongzi want to eat!"
After all, this is the first time that Jin-Wang has a child. Hu  Ceefei was naturally ignored, and Yao-Niang was not in the palace when he was born Xiao bao.
Jin-Wang remembered what Hui niang said before. At the beginning, Yao-Niang was born with a small treasure, and he didnt dare to ask for a connection with his biological wife. He started preparing for it early.
There was also a person from the House of Representatives, and the delivery of the child Mama prepared two, and the milk was prepared for five or six. It’s just that whoever dares to use these people at this time is undoubtedly looking for trouble for himself, so Jin-Wang ordered people to do this privately.
Wangfei also sent a person to come over and said that she was the cousin of the cousin Jin Hehou, the Heir Madam, the craftsman, and the generations in the family were doing the delivery.
Yao-Niang met people, and it is not the same as the general midwife. It is pure and decent, and there are rules and regulations for doing things. It does not make people feel disgusted.
Wangfei Since the good intentions to send people over, Yao-Niang must be accepted, just for use or to see herself. Besides, she knows that Jin-Wang has become a stable woman in private, so she did not take this as a matter of course.
The closer to the delivery period, the more nervous the people in the yard are.
Yao-Niang was not nervous, and under such an atmosphere, it was inevitable.
For example, when she stood up, her stomach hurt and she was surrounded by red silk. If she is uncomfortable in performance, everyone will be nervous. Once, Liu Liang was called three times a day.
In this case, it is difficult to be nervous.
The weather is hot, and a restless atmosphere is brewing.
Especially these days, Jin-Wang is also busy. Before that, it was said that Hongjing Emperor had greeted several sons in advance. This kind of thing was naturally discussed in the court.
It is not only the cutting, but also how the Prince should be self-disciplined after the cutting down, as well as some military and political affairs in the land. In fact, it is not so much that Hongjing Emperor is discussing with the ministers. It is better to say that he is discussing with the Prince. This is an alternative son and an old man bargaining.
Everyone knows well, just look at where the degree is. Get what you want, but not too much to break the bottom line of Hongjing Emperor. For An Wang and others, it is better to fight for something better now. After all the dust settles, you will fight again and grab it, and no one will care about you.
There are too many things to mediate in this, and Jin-Wang is also busy with the fact that they are constantly giving each other a slap in the face.
Finally, after the birth period calculated by Liu Liang’s doctor, Yao-Niang still has no movement.
This time Liu Liang doctor is not allowed, or Wangfei sent the surname Li                                       
This Li-Wan is full of confidence and full of confidence. Yao-Niang also knows that some stable women are able to find out when the woman is born, and she will listen to her.
This Li-Wan Po is indeed the standard. At the end of June, Yao-Niang started.
When it was launched, it was extremely unfortunate. Jin-Wang went out into the palace with his forefoot. Yao-Niang was sitting on the raft and talking to Yu Xi. He felt something broke, and then a stream of water fell. Yao-Niang is also born with a baby. Naturally, she knows that she is going to be born, and she is busy calling Yuhua to call people.
Where did Yu Xi see this scene, see Yao-Niang's face white, some of them rushed, and they panicked.
Huh, rushing in from outside, a group of people, holding Yao-Niang into the delivery room.
The delivery room is located in the West Chamber, which has been specially set up to make the delivery room, and it is used by Yao-Niang for the month.
Yao-Niang is surrounded by small Yatou, the biggest is only 20, naturally do not understand how this woman is born. Cao Wenpo was in danger, and directed Hongfei to take clean cloth and scissors washed with shochu, direct the red butterfly to pack the bed, and direct others to boil water.
When Yao-Niang changed the comfortable clothes, she let the red silk support Yao-Niang to go up, to endure the pain and walk more, to take the child to enter the birth canal earlier, and not to be guilty when giving birth.
This Cao Wenpo is the return of Fu Cheng, and he is naturally relieved to use it. And Yao-Niang remembers that when he was the first child, the Aunt son of the Wang family said this to himself. He bit his teeth and let the red silk help him.
Wangfei received a letter, along with Xu Ceefei and Liu Ceefei.
Jin-Wangfei was in a hurry. When he came in, he asked: "Is everything ready for the preparation? Steady, but it is all?"
The red geese came back one by one and saw that the two stable women who had been sent by themselves in the delivery room did not have any reaction at all. It seems that there was no such thing.
"How haven't you started yet, isn't it happening?" Seeing Yao-Niang looks like awkwardly, and Ceefei eyes flashed a gloating sorrow. But when the eyes are swept to the other's stomach, there is another flaw that can't be covered.
“Listen to the woman, it takes a lot of time for women to produce. Ceefei Niang-Niang doesn’t have to worry about it. When it is born, it will naturally be born.” Although Yu Xi is in a hurry, the speed of speech is not ill, and the attitude is respectful: “There are many people here, and the delivery room is filthy. Please ask Wangfei and the two Ceefei to go to the tea room.”
Xu Ceefei knows that Yu Xi is Big Maid next to Yao-Niang. When he sees a Maid who dares to speak out, he is annoyed and swears: "You Yatou will be the master of the master, and your master has nothing to do with us. You are a little slave, but dare to take Wangfei away! I will be with Liu-Sister, we are just a Ceefei, but Wangfei, you dare?"
This is to involve Wangfei, Wangfei seems to be a little unhappy, did not speak.
At this moment, Yu Xi was so upset that she could suppress her temper and talked about it. Her eyes were cold and her breath was cold: "This is the command of His Royal Highness, and His Highness said, if he is not in the government, the production of the Soviet masters, and the idlers will not be allowed."
"You-" Xu Ceefei was sighed with anger. "So, we are kind enough to visit Su-Ceefei, but we are waiting for you.
The people at your Rongxi Courtyard are so arrogant? So, today Su -Mei-mei production, I don't fight with you Yatou, then you go to Wangfei and say, I am not going to accompany you!"
After that, Xu Ceefei left the sleeves.
Liu Ceefei paused and followed.
It was Jin-Wangfei, she sighed, tone and slow: "His Royal Highness is not here, Benedict is to take care of it. Benedict is waiting outside, Su-Mei-mei, if there is any need, let People are speaking."
Over there, Yao-Niang snorted and wiped the sweat, and said: "When Mei-mei passed this, I went to Wangfei to pay for it."
Jin-Wangfei nodded and went out.
There are only people in the room, and everyone can't help but relax.
Cao Wenpo said: "If Niang-Niang is tired, sit and rest for a while."
Yao-Niang nodded and let the jade and red silk sit down on the chair.
Red butterfly came to a bowl of ginseng tea and handed it to Yao-Niang's mouth: "Niang-Niang, drink some, add supplemental strength."
After drinking two teas and rubbing the sweat on my forehead and body, Yao-Niang was once again helped by the jade.
It seems that there is water coming out again. Yao-Niang always feels that this child is not the same as when he was born.
When I was born with Xiao bao, Yao-Niang was the first to see the red, and then the pain, when I was born, I broke the water. This time, on the contrary, it broke the water but did not see red. It was painful at the time, but it was not intensive at first, and not like this time, when it hurts like a mountain, Yao-Niang feels that he can't straighten up.
But Cao Wenpo has been cheering Yao-Niang next to her, and she is forced to move herself on the red silk. Cold sweat is like splashing water, and it can't stop flowing down. Yao-Niang has softened his legs several times, and he has let the jade smash.
"No, no... no..."
Yao-Niang's lips are shaking very hard, his face pale and sweaty.
"Niang-Niang, what's wrong with you?"
Yao-Niang wants to talk, a burst of pain in the mountains, she cracked her voice on the spot, could not help but ‘Call.
This ‘Call scared Yu Yu and others, knowing that even if Yao-Niang was uncomfortable, it was not called.
They have not seen the scene of women's production, and they panic for a while.
"Cao Wenpo, what is going on here?"
This kind of atmosphere, a few Maid looks like this, plus Yao-Niang is a bit wrong at this time, Cao Chengpo can not help but panic: "I... I..."
"What are you, talk!"
“What happened?” Jin-Wangfei hurried back in, seemingly outside to hear the movement inside.
At the sight of this scene, she looked dignified: "But what is wrong with Su-Ceefei?" The voice has not yet fallen, and she ‘Calls: "Come on, come to Li-Wan."
However, the time of interest, Li-Wan Po came.
After she came in, she washed her hands in the side basin and opened the Yao-Niang skirt to touch her lower body.
After the touch, she was very angry and replied: "It's really noisy! It's really noisy! Ceefei This situation, how can she let her move, but should be lying down. See the red, you can use the walk to let the fetus smoothly enter the birth canal, But if you break the water first, you can't do this. You can't bring people to the bed!"
As soon as I heard this, Yu Xi also refused to say anything and was busy bringing Yao-Niang to the couch.
Cao Wenpo said: "The old Pozi has delivered so many births, all of them are born."
Li-Wan-Wang wiped her hand and sneered at her: "It is estimated that there are many dying corpses and two lives."
Cao Wenpo face was white.
In the hands of Cao Wenpo, there are indeed a lot of corpses and two lives. But when the woman is born, the child is a step into the gate of the ghost. Because of various reasons, the number of dying is so numerous that she can make a name, because There are hundreds of children born in her hands.
Of course, there is also a corpse and two lives, or the child is born, but the mother is gone. But this is life, and the maternal family will not say anything.
Thinking so, Cao Chengpo came to the courage and retorted: "Do you still guarantee that the birth of the students is not difficult to produce?"
Li-Wan did not care about her and went straight to the bed. Followed by a Pozi interface behind her: "Li-Sister is the best stable woman in Capital City, there are hundreds of children born, but the problem is less than five!"
This statement directly caused Cao Wenpo to lose her voice.

Continue ....

Wangfu Chongqie

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