Han Yuxi 990-999

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 990 - Wangfu Daily (5)

        Quan Mama words made Lu-Er touch a lot. After a while, Lu-Er lowered his head and said:
       "I know that I am wrong, but my sister and Hao Ji Er are not paying attention to me." During this time, Jao-Jao and Hao Ji sisters and 5th Brother will see Lu-Er as nothing, sometimes cold violence. It hurts more than snoring. Lu-Er Every time I saw Jao-Jao, a few people talked and laughed and she was excluded. This feeling is really not a taste. Lu-Er also discovered now that she used to be blessed in the blessing.
        Quan Mama patted the hand of Lu-Er and said:
       "Where do you have any enemies in your brother-in-law? They are just mad at me, so they ignore you. When they are mad, they will be the same as before."
        Lu-Er did not believe to say:
       My sister was so angry before, and You Ji-Er didn't like her, would they really forgive her? Lu-Er has no confidence.
        Quan Mama said:
       "Nature is true. You don't want to learn female red now? When you learn well, you can personally give You Ji-Er some small items such as purse socks. I think You Ji-Er will definitely receive your own personal things. I like it.” Wangfei would be very happy if he knew that Lu-Er really wanted to change it.
        Lu-Er nodded and said:
       "When my female red school is good, not only for A-You, but also for the big sister." She has been collecting the big sister's things all these years. It seems that she has never done anything with her big sister. I think there is a little Lu-Er. .
        However, Lu-Er thought that he could not learn the ‘zither’ in the future, he could only be a female red, and his look was a bit stunned:
       "Mama, then I really can't learn ‘zither’ again in the future?"
        Quan Mama said with a smile:
       "It’s a silly boy. If you are angry, you will naturally send back those instruments. But these things can only be used as a pastime. You can’t be intoxicated. Otherwise, your mother will not allow you to touch again. Those instruments."
        Lu-Er's eyes lit up and asked:
       "Mama, then when do you think the mother can get mad?"
       When she was mad, she continued to learn the ‘zither’. Even if she doesn't have a master, she can explore for herself.
        Quan Mama thought about it:
       "When you can take care of the palace affairs alone." Without a year or two, Lu-Er could not do it.
        Lu-Er nodded:
       "I will study hard."
        In the evening, Quan Mama relayed her conversation with Lu-Er to Yu-Xi.
       "Wangfei, Lu-Er really knows it wrong."
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "If I can't accept the lesson this time, then I can only throw her outside to hone."
        Quan Mama heard this and scared the cold sweat. Fortunately, Lu-Er admits it wrong, or else it must be tempered.
        In a blink of an eye, the one-month deadline agreed with You Ji-Er is here. Yu-Xi looked at You Ji-Er who had lost a small half circle and asked:
       "What can you do with your big brother for a month?"
       You Ji-Er can persist for a month, beyond the expectations of Yu-Xi.
        If he was not to be a person who kept his promise, he would have asked for a return. You Ji-Er said with a bitter face:
       "Mother, Big Brother is too hard." The most terrible thing is that his older brother not only does not feel hard, but enjoys it. This makes You Ji-Er shame, but also admires it.
        Yu-Xi smiled on his face and deliberately said:
       "Then you still don't want to continue to study with your older brother?"
        You Ji-Er's head is like a rattle:
       "No, I am still with my second brother and 3rd Brother!" He and Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er are a country.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Nanny has re-requested a Master to you. If you think that Master does not do well, you can tell you and your mother, but you can't play tricks on Master . Otherwise, you will use a whip to smoke you. Mother will definitely not stop again."
        You Ji-Er quickly said:
       "Mother, don't worry, I won't be. If not, let me become a slug." You Ji-Er most hated the slug.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "This time, my mother believes. From tomorrow, you will be with Rui Ji Er!"
        You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "it is good."
        When Yu-Xi saw it, he took the hand of You Ji-Er and asked:
       "Your elder sister's ambition is to become a marshal, your second sister's ambition is to become a big violinist, Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er's ambition you also know. You Ji-Er, what do you tell your mother's ambition? ”
       Rui Ji Er's ambition is to become a general, Xuan Ji Er's ambition is to read the world. As for Hao Ji Er, his future has been fixed, and naturally there is no need to set any goals.
        This question, You Ji-Er really did not think about it. After thinking for a long time, You Ji-Er said sincerely:
       "Mom, I haven't thought about it yet."
        You Ji-Er also has no particular preference, and Yu-Xi does not know how to guide.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You are still young, you can think slowly. But if you have chosen a goal, you should work towards this goal in the future. But before you do a good job, you can't be lazy, you know." ?"
       In the past, Yu-Xi thought that triplets are different from Hao Ji, they don't need to carry heavy burdens, so they are not strict with them. After this time, Yu-Xi felt that the previous idea was wrong, even if the triplets were not heirs, they must be strictly required.
        You Ji-Er nodded:
       "Mother, I know." After a pause, You Ji-Er asked:
       "Mother, have you not said that you want to punish your second sister? Did you punish her?"
       In other words, she hasn't seen her mother for two long time!
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother has not allowed her to learn the ‘zither’, but she also asked her to learn from the steward and the female chef."
        You Ji-Er looks amazed:
       "Mother, is this your punishment?"
       This is a punishment, which does not fool her!
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "Then you talk about it, how do you want your mother to punish your second sister?"
        This matter really made You Ji-Er difficult. You can't fight and you can't get married after you break. Hey? It doesn't hurt. You Ji-Er thought about shaking his head and said:
       "do not know."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Your sister is doing this wrong, but you are also wrong. You were injured in bed and lying on the bed, she kindly came to see you, but you gave her a face and ignored her. You hurt her too much. Heart."
        You Ji-Er dissatisfied and said:
       "Just because I didn't pay attention to her at the time, she went to complain."
        Yu-Xi said with a cold face:
       "Do you think you have done something wrong?"
       You Ji-Er is very arrogant, and it doesn't work, or Yu-Xi has already reprimanded him, and you don't have to wait until today.
        You Ji-Er lowered his head for a long time and said:
       "I was angry at the time and didn't care about her."
        Yu-Xi knew that You Ji-Er was complaining about Lu-Er at the time. He had to say that this temperament was really too big. He had been remembered for so long. Yu-Xi knows You Ji-Ertemperament, so he didn't reprimand him, just touched his head and said:
       "You have to remember that you are a brother-in-law, a bloody relative who interrupts the bones."
        You Ji-Er stuffy channel:
       "I know."
        Yu-Xi is afraid of too much, and dare not say more.
        For the return of You Ji-Er, the most happy thing is that Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er. The triplets have never been separated since birth, and now they are separated for a month, making them very unaccustomed.
        Jao-Jao avoided a few Brother and asked Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, what happened to Lu-Er now?"
       Sisters have been doing well for so many years. This time, for You Ji-Er, Lu-Er, Jao-Jao did not regret it.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Lu-Er already knows that he has made a mistake, but it will take some time for her to take the initiative to apologize to You Ji-Er." Lu-Er, the temper, it is impossible for her to apologize.
        Jao-Jao said:
       "It's good to know that it is wrong." It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. The important thing is that Lu-Er really needs to realize his fault.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "You don't have to worry about Lu-Er, there is a mother!" Fortunately, Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er have no need to worry about her, or she will be exhausted.
        In the evening, Yu-Xi talked to Yun-Qing about this:
       "You Ji-Er is very resilient. If you are guided, you will be able to become a talented person." If you change to Rui Ji Er or Xuan Ji Er, you will definitely not be able to stand for a month.
        Yun-Qing thinks this is too early:
       "Don't be two days, but the resurrection is gone." There is really no confidence in You Ji-ErYun-Qing , this is too much for You Ji-Er.
        Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "If You Ji-Er knows your attitude, I don't know how chilling!" Yun-Qing has two attitudes toward Lu-Er and You Ji-Er. The man in other families is patriarchal, but her family is the opposite.
        Yun-Qing laughs:
       "Is it still a month and more?"
       During this time, Yun-Qing was exhausted. Every day, I have to deal with endless government affairs, and I have to deal with the affairs of the military. Yun-Qing really hates not being able to have twenty-four hours a day.
        Yu-Xi said next to Yun-Qing :
       "When parents have to have a bowl of water, if they are bias, it is easy for their Brother and sisters to lose." Yun-Qing is bias, leaning Lu-Er.
        Yun-Qing doesn't want to listen to Yu-Xi anymore:
       "Well, I will treat all six children equally in the future." After that, he said to Yu-Xi:
       "You give me a break! I am tired for a day, backache."
        Yu-Xi cool one channel:
       "It seems that you are tired, I am very relaxed?"
       Having said that, Yu-Xi got up and started to massage Yun-Qing .
        Looking at Yun-Qing 's tired look, Yu-Xi also couldn't bear it, saying:
       "Lu-Er is also embarrassed during this time, and I have learned it seriously. I can let go of it after I teach it for a few more days."
        Yun-Qing looked up and asked:
       "So fast?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "The service is not a day or two. I can see that my aunt can't make a mistake. As for the female red, it is enough for me to come out and guide her in the afternoon for half an hour." If you cook, you are naturally good at it. This is the Bai Mama.
        Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "You must first say good to Lu-Er, the child promised to become a child, if the child does not agree then it will be slower." At most, he has worked hard for a while.
        As if she was a maiden, Yu-Xi slammed Yun-Qing with a sigh of relief and looked at Yun-Qing ’s painful look:
       "Don't pretend, how thick the skin can be."
        The next day, Yu-Xi pretended to inadvertently talk to Lu-Er:
       "Lu-Er, your sister asked you yesterday."
        Lu-Er is a stiff body.
        Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "Your sister is a temper, but she is also good for you, don't mind it."
        Lu-Er whispered:
       "Mother, I didn't remember it." I can't talk about it, but my heart is still very sad.
        Yu-Xi is very pleased to say:
       "These days, your sister is angry, so I didn't talk to you. But as long as you apologize to You Ji-Er, her anger will disappear." Jao-Jao is not a person who can't let go of his face. These days have not been Taking Lu-Er is that she is waiting for Lu-Er to soften.
        Lu-Er pinched his clothes and said for a long time:
       "Mother, I apologize to You Ji-Er, will he accept?"
       She didn't want to be excluded by Jao-Jao, but she was afraid of apologizing and everyone still ignored her.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile; "A-You has a bad temper, but he is not an unreasonable person. You remember that You Ji-Er hid the dagger that you gave to your sister. Is it something?"
       The dagger is Jao-Jao favorite weapon, which is usually worn on most days. You Ji-Er knows that it is a knife that cuts iron and mud, and Jao-Jao does not pay attention to hiding the dagger.
        Lu-Er nodded and said:
       "Remember. My sister was very angry at that time and played You Ji-Er, and You Ji-Er gave the dagger."
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Then you see You Ji-Er can you hate your big sister?"
       That time, Jao-Jao smothered You Ji-Er, and also -called that the priest was a thief. That time, Hao Ji Er was rehabilitated by Jao-Jao. But this did not affect the feelings of my brother and sister.
        Lu-Er shook his head and said:
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Then you thought about the reason?"
       See Lu-Er shaking his head, Yu-Xi said:
       "Because this is what he did wrong, so Jao-Jao hit him and he didn't dare to -call. He broke your ‘zither’ at the time. If you beat him at the time, it will pass, but you choose In the heart of You Ji-Er, the complaint not only seems to be incompetent, but he is also considered to be a villain. This is why he did not pay attention to you after he was beaten by you."
        Lu-Er has a pretty face and has become very popular. In recent years, because of being pampered by everyone, all the minds of Lu-Er are placed on the temperament and others don't care. Where do you think of this? But now she can't help her. After a while, Lu-Er spoke:
       "Mom, then what do you say I can do to make You Ji-Er forgive me?"
        Yu-Xi said:
       "You Ji-Er doesn't care about you, it's his heart. If you apologize to her, he will forgive you if he is mad." Although this time the 2nd Brother and sisters are wrong, but You Ji-Er has suffered such a big crime, so Lu-Er must bow first.
        Lu-Er looks aloof and says:
       "Mother, I am doing a purse for A-You, and apologize to me when I have done the purse." Last time Quan Mama said, let Lu-Er listen.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "When you have finished the year, you will go out and walk outside with your second mother." The director of the house and the female chef Lu-Er have learned well, and the rest is socializing. Yu-Xi didn't have time to take her out, so this can only be handed over to Lu-Shi.
        Lu-Er did not refuse.
        Yu-Xi wants Lu-Er to go out more, not only to exercise her communicative ability, but also to let her more contact with outsiders. I will hand over a few handkerchiefs later, and some people will talk to her and even talk about private rooms.

       Chapter 991 - Waves will start

       In the sunny weather, the cool wind drifts through the window, and the room is filled with the fragrance of flowers.
        Yan Wu-shuang is talking to Tie-Kui, smelling a scent and laughing:
       "The sweet-scented osmanthus in the yard opened yesterday. The wind blows in, the house is the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus." Yan Wu-shuang has a sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the yard, which was transplanted from the outside. As for why Yan Wu-shuang would like the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, no one can understand it.
        Tie-Kui said with a smile:
       "Wangye doesn't mind if I don't mind, I will fold a osmanthus back into the bedroom when I am going to be." Tie-Kui was transferred to the deputy commander of the Capital City banned army one year ago, and Lin Fengyuan was the commander. Unlike before, Tie-Kui has a very bad relationship with Lin Fengyuan, saying that the situation is too much. But this is exactly what Yan Wu-shuang wants.
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "If you like it, you will fold back later. Right, are you still carrying three daughters in the country's village?"
       A year ago, Xiao gave birth to a daughter on Zhuangzi.
        Tie-Kui heard this, the smile on his face converges a bit, saying:
       "She is also clean in the country. Otherwise, it will be noisy with Lu in the house, and there will be no cleanliness in the house."
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       “In the end, it’s a couple, if you keep her on the country’s village and let others say it? Find someone to pick it up!”
        Tie-Kui has a tight heart, but there is no half-point on the face, saying:
       "Yes, I will pick her up when I go back." Yan Wu-shuang asked him to pick up his ‘Madam’ and daughter, and certainly no good.
        Meng-nian opened the curtain and came in, looking at Yan Wu-shuang's look with a dignified look:
       "Wangye, what's wrong? Tie-Kui don't want to pick up Shaw?"
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "No, he promised very refreshing. Just for him, I am always not assured. If it is not Dashan, this must let Tie-Kui pass, I don't want to let him go."
        Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, Tie-Kui is somewhat greedy, but it always has a sense of proportion. In addition, we know him well, and I have been doing my best for these years. Let him go, let Lin Feng go to rest assured!" Yun-Qing Yu Baojia had already formed an alliance two years ago. In the past two years, Jiangnan provided a lot of financial resources, which allowed Yan Wu-shuang to expand 300 thousand soldiers and horses. This time, Bao Jiajia asked the court to send 100 thousand troops and horses to Anhui. Yan Wu-shuang agreed and ordered Chou Dashan, who is stationed in Shandong, to travel to Anhui.
        Chou Dashan did not object, but asked Yan Wu-shuang to let Tie-Kui assist him in the past. Tie-Kui was originally the arm of Chou Dashan. There was not enough reason to reject the request, so Yan Wu-shuang could only agree. However, this news, Yan Wu-shuang has not yet let Tie-Kui know.
        Yan Wu-shuang said with some anxiety:
       "In the past two years, Yun-Qing has recruited another 200 thousand soldiers and horses. Now Yun-Qing has one million people. If he sends troops to attack Jiangnan, he is afraid that there will be a fierce battle."
        Meng-nian is also worried, although in the past two years they have been recruited by Bao Jia and Yu Chunxi, but they are still much worse than the northwest.
        Gao Dongfeng said outside:
       "Wangye, Master Meng, there is news from the northwest." In this case, the news should be less urgent.
        Yan Wu-shuang watched the message sent and handed it to Meng-nian. Meng-nian was very surprised after reading:
       "This is more than a month, Yun-Qing is in the government affairs, and Han Yu-Xi has been shrinking in the backyard. Is she going to repay Zheng-Qing ?"
        Yan Wu-shuang said with a blank expression:
       "Impossible. Even if Han Yu-Xi wants to return to Yun-Qing , it is impossible to make the big picture undecided. And it is not easy for Han Yu-Xi to go to today, so it is so easy to return the regime to Yun- -Qing ?"
        Meng-nian said:
       "What would it be?"
        Yan Wu-shuang looked at the letter in the hands of Meng-nian and said:
       "The above is not for the sake of children."
        Meng-nian obviously does not believe, said:
       “Wangye, do you think Han Yu-Xi will put down the rights for the children?”
       Those who have tasted the taste of rights are hard to let go.
        Yan Wu-shuang looked at Meng-nian and said:
       "This is only temporary. It will not take long for Han Yu-Xi to regain control." Han Yu-Xi will temporarily put down the rights for the children, but she can't always do this. Aside from the Han Yu-Xi mourning the right to let go of this point, now Yun-Qing is also inseparable from the support of Han Yu-Xi.
        Meng-nian feels that this is true:
       “It’s strange to say that the triplets are five years old. In the past five years, the Han Yu-Xi has not been regenerated.”
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "There are four sons who are enough for the Han Yu-Xi. If they have been giving birth to their children, they will delay her business." The son is not too expensive, and Yan Wu-shuang has a deep understanding. He now has seven sons, including Heir, and there is no one to satisfy him.
        Meng-nian gently shook his head and did not continue this topic:
       "Yu Baojia suddenly asked to send troops to support Anhui, and the temperament of Baojia will not make such a weak thing."
        Yan Wu-shuang looks flat and says:
       "On the Baojia that you just used your temperament, you will not ask the court to send troops. This matter is required by Yu Chunxi." After two years of rest, the northwest has recovered its vitality, and it is estimated that it will start next year. This is something that Bao Jia couldn't think of, and Yu Chunxi couldn't think of it.
        Although Jiangnan claims to have 500 thousand soldiers and horses, only the combat strength of these soldiers and horses is not even half of the Northwest Army. In this case, if you don't ask the court for help, once the Northwest Army calls, Jiangnan will soon fall into the hands of Yun-Qing .
        Meng-nian is worried, although their overall strength is stronger than before, but Yun-Qing has one million soldiers and horses, and Yun-Qing is strong like a cloud. He really doesn't think How much chance is there on your own side.
        Yan Wu-shuang knows what Meng-nian is worried about and says:
       "I don't worry about this kind of thing."
        Meng-nian heart shock:
       "Wangye, don't you have any confidence in this battle?"
       If this is the case, the battle will be defeated without opening the game.
        Yan Wu-shuang gently shook his head and said:
       "Yu Chunxi has a hand in his army, but he has no prestige in the army. And Yu Baojia just used it for himself. The reputation of Jiangnan in these years is not good. It is not difficult for them to keep Jiangnan. But Yun -Qing Although there are millions of soldiers and horses, in fact, Yun-Qing can only use four or five hundred thousand troops. If the court sent another 200 thousand troops, Jiangnan could not keep it."
        Meng-nian immediately vetoed the words of Yan Wu-shuang:
       "If we send out 300 thousand troops to the south of the Yangtze River, if the Yun-Qing sneak in, the capital can be dangerous." Even if Jiangnan is lost, the city cannot be put in danger.
        Yan Wu-shuang showed sarcasm in his eyes and said:
       "You don't need to worry about this. Yu Baojia and Yu Chunxi will not agree with my suggestion."
        The court’s 300 thousand soldiers and horses arrived in Jiangnan, which is equivalent to Jiangnan being controlled by Yan Wu-shuang. Yu Chunxi and Yu Baojia are not stupid, how could they promise.
        Meng-nian said with a smile:
       "Yun-Qing has a heart with Han Yu-Xi, but Yu Baojia and Yu Chunxi have been embanking us. In this case, how did we win Yun-Qing ?"
        Yan Wu-shuang is silent.
        When Tie-Kui returned to the government, she called Zhong-Shan into the house and said:
       "You go to Zhuangzi now and take Madam back with them."
        Zhong-Shan is surprised at the same face:
       "Quezi, didn't you say that Madam and Miss lived on Zhuangzi all the time? How do you suddenly get Madam and Miss back?"
        Tie-Kui face is awkward:
       "Yan Wu-shuang wants me to pick them up from Madam." She put Xiao on the country's village, but Yan Wu-shuang still missed it.
        Zhong-Shan asked:
       "Good end, how did Yan Wang ask about your chores?"
       This is awkward.
        Tie-Kui has not been in contact with people in the northwest for two years. On most days, in order not to cause Yan Wu-shuang's suspicion, it is more cautious, so the possibility of identity exposure is not high. Tie-Kui also seriously thought about this on the way back:
       "I think it may not take long before I will take the troops out."
        Zhong-Shan raised his head and looked at Tie-Kui and said:
       "Is it going to Jiangnan?"
       It is not a secret thing for the court to send troops to Jiangnan. Just Zhong-Shan did not expect that Yan Wu-shuang would send Tie-Kui.
        Tie-Kui nodded and said:
       "It should be like this. Otherwise, Yan Wu-shuang will not ask me to pick up a few of their mothers and daughters." Xiao returned to Capital City with his children as a hostage.
        Zhong-Shan said:
       "Quezi, if it is a war, you must be on the northwest. What should I do?"
       There are very few people who know Tie-Kui identity.
        Tie-Kui said:
       "My identity, I can't be exposed in the end. Otherwise, with Yan Wu-shuang temperament, all efforts will put me to death." If you let Yan Wu-shuang know that he is a person who repeatedly reveals secrets, even if After he fled to the northwest, he didn't want to sleep again.
        Zhong-Shan said with some exclamation:
       "It will take many years!" Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi are very strong, but if they want to defeat Yan Wu-shuang, it will take years.
        Tie-Kui said:
       "Once Yun-Qing captures Jiangnan, it takes ten years for the couple to win the world." The northwest is strong and strong, and the only thing missing is money, and if it is in the south, it can make up for this. So for up to ten years, both husband and ‘Madam’ can get this world. He has waited for more than 20 years, and it is not bad for ten years.
        Zhong-Shan feels that Tie-Kui is somewhat optimistic, and Yan Wu-shuang is not a vegetarian. The previous loss, not Yan Wu-shuang incompetence, but because the local authorities have their own minds, so it is so easy to be broken. However, if Yun-Qing leads the attack on the capital, it may not be successful. However, Zhong-Shan also knows that this time should not say such disappointment. So Zhong-Shan said with a smile:
       "At that time, you can't be pretending to be a wealthy person." Tie-Kui doesn't really love money. In the past few years, the money he searched for was distributed to the following soldiers, and some of them subsidized his men. The home of the soldiers is small.
        Tie-Kui gently nodded and said:
       "I also hope that the day will come earlier." You can be able to return to your true ancestors by going to that one.

       Chapter 992 - 6

       ? Zhong-Shan thought about the mother and daughter who were coming back, and some worried that:
       "Quezi, 3rd Miss is not like you and Madam. Is it doubtful to pick it up?"
        Tie-Kui said silently:
       "This child don't bring back to Capital City. You handled this on Zhuangzi!" Shaw was born last year not a daughter, but a son. It’s just that Tie-Kui is worried that his identity will be exposed to death, so he will drop the child.
        This incident originally glared at Xiao, but the mother and the child were connected to each other. When Xiao wakes up and sees the child, he knows that it is not a biological one. Fortunately, Shaw is not stupid, and all the people around him are driven out, and then Tie-Kui is questioned.
        In order to stabilize Shaw, Tie-Kui had to tell Xiao identity. Because of the sensitivity of his identity, he had to make the worst plans.
        Xiao is not stupid. If Tie-Kui is only the shackles of Pingfei, Yan Wu-shuang knows that although she will suspect her, she will not destroy their family. However, if Tie-Kui is working for Pingfei Wangfei, then it is another matter. For the safety of his son, Shaw can only accept this arrangement from Tie-Kui.
        Zhong-Shan nodded and said:
       "You can rest assured that I will be properly arranged for this matter." One-year-old children will not be suspicious when they say that they have died. After all, such a big child, a small cold can be killed.
        The days are not too slow, Yu-Xi has been teaching Lu-Er butler for a month and a half. Half a month ago, Yu-Xi had already handed the concierge and the sewing room to Lu-Er. At the beginning, Lu-Er couldn't pull his face, and when he knew that he was being fooled, he was so angry that he beat the restless two-handed woman and then let go of the cooking.
        Just when Yu-Xi is ready to go back to the front yard to deal with things, talk to Lu-Er. Lu-Er took the initiative to find Yu-Xi. Lu-Er said:
       "Mother, I have been learning with you for so long, I have learned all of this. I will not know if I will meet you later. I can ask Qu Mama and Aunt Zhang. Mother, you have so many things, you can’t delay for me. !"
        Yu-Xi was surprised and asked:
       "Who did these things tell you? Quan Mama or Lan Mama?"
        Lu-Er shook his head and said:
       "Mother, no one told me that it was my own thought. Mother, there are so many things outside you can't live without me. I have no problem here."
        Yu-Xi felt a little emotion, pulled Lu-Er to the side and gently patted Lu-Er's shoulder and said:
       "My family Lu-Er is sensible, and my mother is very happy." The previous Lu-Er never thought of others. It is a great progress to start thinking about her this time. It seems that it is a very correct choice not to let Lu-Er continue to indulge in the rhythm.
        Lu-Er said a little embarrassed:
       "Mother, I used to be a daughter who didn't know what to do. I will worry about it. In the future, I will change it." Even if I can't be so intimate, I won't be a filial woman who makes her sigh.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "With your words, my mother will be content." Yun-Qing has been in government for two months, and it has already been a bit of a slap in the face, and I can’t help but estimate it.
        Lu-Er See Yu-Xi in a good mood, hesitated or bit his lower lip and said:
       "Mother, I have nothing to do every morning, I want to use this time to practice the ‘zither’." This is the hope that Yu-Xi can return the ‘zither’ to her. The days when there was no ‘zither’ were tormented every day, but she knew that Yu-Xi was soft and not hard, and could only bear the teeth.
        Yu-Xi looked at Lu-Er and said:
       "Yes, but the time you spend practicing the ‘zither’ every day cannot exceed one hour, and you can't delay the business. If you can't do it, the mother will also take your ‘zither’. And in the future, you won't be allowed to touch the ‘zither’. You should know, Mother is not talking to you."
        Lu-Er looked awkward and stood up and said:
       "Mother assured, I will not be worried about practicing the ‘zither’." This one-and-a-half-month Yu-Xi has been very successful in brainwashing Lu-Er, and has already let Lu-Er think that the director is the right thing, practicing the ‘zither’, etc. It is a pastime in leisure time.
        Yun-Qing is talking to Tan Tuo and watching Yu-Xi open the curtain and come in with some surprises:
       "How did you come?"
        Tan Tuo met Yu-Xi and was busy offering a gift to Yu-Xi:
       “Wangfei is well.” In my heart, Tan Tuo missed Yu-Xi very much during this time. Yun-Qing handles government affairs, there is no problem on the big picture, but he has a habit of not wanting to deal with those trivial things. And these things, Yun-Qing are all thrown to him. A lot of things seem trivial but also important. If you don't handle it, you have to blame. Therefore, during this time, Tan Tuo was not only busy becoming a dog, but also worried and trembled. Only two months later, Tan Tuo felt that his waist had bent a lot.
        Yu-Xi smiled at Tan Tuo and then said to Yun-Qing :
       "If you solve the problem in the backyard, you will come and see. What are you talking about?"
        Yun-Qing and Tan Tuo heard this, and their hearts were loose. Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "Tan Daren just said that we should follow the imperial court to build six, and the king refused." The six parts refer to the cadres, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Rites. If six departments are established, the meaning is extraordinary.
        Although the northwest has long since departed from the control of the court, Yun-Qing is still the king of Pingxi, which was enshrined by Emperor Sizong. Once the six departments are established, it is equivalent to declaring war with the court.
        Yu-Xi looked at Tan Tuo and shook his head and said:
       "I thought about it before I started the Sixth Department, but the time has not yet arrived." As they occupy a wider and wider territory, the current system is obviously lagging behind. It’s just to build six, not yet.
        Tan Tuo heard this respect respectfully:
       “What time is Wangfei saying?”
       It is much easier to discuss government affairs with Yu-Xi. Because no matter what thing Yu-Xi basically wants to be ahead, unlike Yun-Qing , what happens to deal with anything, if you encounter an emergency, you must first ask the opinions of several of them to make a decision. Although this shows that Yun-Qing trusts them, it is very tired!
        In front of Tan Tuo, Yu-Xi is not hidden:
       "When Jiangnan is down, the time is up." If they attacked Jiangnan, it would be like sitting in half of the country. At that time, not only should six departments be established, but also the departments of Zaifu and the inspectors should be established. They want to build a system that is as complete as the court.
        Tan Tuo had already guessed the idea of ​​Yu-Xi when he opened the Yu-Xi. However, his guess is not as accurate as that of Yu-Xi.
        Yun-Qing and other Tan Tuo said after going out:
       "You haven't sent troops to Jiangnan yet, and you think about the follow-up."
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You haven't sent troops yet, and you have already developed a plan for combat. Whether it's bringing troops or taking the lead, the truth is the same. You are better than me, you can take care of government affairs, but I don't know anything about fighting these things." Let me take the troops for a while, sure to catch them." Whenever Yu-Xi did not forget to hold Yun-Qing , he put himself down.
        Yun-Qing thinks about the words of Yu-Xi and asks:
       "What do you mean by the settlement of the backyard? You talked to Lu-Er, did Lu-Er agree?"
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I didn't talk to Lu-Er. It was Lu-Er who took the initiative to mention it with me. It is estimated that this Yatou is reluctant to be tired of you day and night, so I will say so, so let me share it for you so much."
        When I heard this, Yun-Qing ’s mouth rose and said:
       "It doesn't hurt me to hurt this Yatou." I remembered the cold face of Jao-Jao some time ago, and the complaints of Haoer who did not agree with the triplets. It was really not easy for a child to face him.
        Yu-Xi also smiled at the corner of his mouth. Although it was a little bit worse some time ago, it was solved:
       "You Ji-Er is also very embarrassed during this time, no more trouble. You will not have a face on their 3rd Brother in the future, saving them from thinking that they are coming."
        Yun-Qing 's mouth was pumped, and finally told Yu-Xi one thing, saving Yu-Xi really thought that You Ji-Er didn't bother:
       "They don't mess up, just you don't know."
        Yu-Xi is very surprised and said:
       "What did they cause? Why don't you let me know?"
        Yun-Qing Said:
       "Five days ago, because Xuan Ji Er did not fail to meet the requirements of Master Gong, he was fined. As a result, You Ji-Er, the stinky boy, revenged for Xuan Ji Er, and replaced the wine in Gong Shifu jug with his Boy urine."
        Yu-Xi face is black:
       "Master Gong drank?"
       It took only a long time to get into trouble.
        Yun-Qing said faintly:
       "Even this is not alert, I don't know how many times I died on the battlefield." Master Gong knew that it was wrong when he opened the jug. After some inquiries, I know that this is a good thing that You Ji-Er has done.
        Yu-Xi said with a black face:
       "How can I not know about this?"
       She didn't even hear a little wind.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Only incompetent people know the complaint." The most disdainful of people like Master Gong is the complaint. They all solve the problem themselves. I know that this is what You Ji-Er did. In the past few days, he has tossed the triplets to death.
        Yu-Xi This is clear:
       "It's no wonder that after the 3rd Brother came back these days, they looked awkward. When they finished eating things, they fell asleep. It turned out to be the case." Yu-Xi asked the 3rd Brother at the time. The 3rd Brother all said that Master Gong had increased the intensity of training. Although some of them were distressed with the triplets, but the 3rd Brother said that they could stand it, she did not think about going to find Master Gong to talk about this, but did not expect that the truth turned out to be the case.
        Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said with a sad face:
       "He Rui, it’s useless to use it without use, what can I do?"
       Yu-Xi is really not withdrawn.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Since Master Gong has punished them, I don't know. But You Ji-Er's temperament will not change for a while." The old saying goes well, Jiangshan is difficult to change. If he gives You Ji-Er a good face, he will make this stinky boy unscrupulous, so they must sing a red face and sing a white face.
        Yu-Xi has gotten the knot in the intestines:
       "He Rui, what can I do?"
        Yun-Qing looked at the Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
       "Don't worry about it. Master Gong's punishment is much more useful than ours. You don't know it!"
        Yu-Xi asked some unbelief:
       "Do you mean that Master Gong can make You Ji-Er?"
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Is not it." See Yu-Xi with a look of doubt, Yun-Qing said:
       "Master Gong extended the practice time of their 3rd Brother for two hours. Xuan Ji Er couldn't stand the body and fainted in the middle."
        Yu-Xi has a slightly changed face.
        Yun-Qing patted the shoulder of Yu-Xi and said:
       "You don't worry, Xuan Ji Er is just physically weak and fainted. It will be fine after a break. At that time, You Ji-Er was so scared that he asked for Master Gong to let Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Master Gong did not agree." If it is promised, these three days of triplets will not be practiced so late to come back so late.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "Master Gong did not agree, and said that the three of them are one. The three people will be punished together if they do something wrong. You Ji-Er regrets, and apologizes with Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er, saying that he is tired of two People are guilty." Said here, Yun-Qing looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "This is by far, You Ji-Er is soft for the first time. With the first time, there will be a second time."
        Yu-Xi is somewhat worried and said:
       "Is this pair of Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er, will it not be good?"
        Yun-Qing said:
       "What's wrong. Every time You Ji-Er does, Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er know, some even participate in it. They have to let them know that they are afraid, and the two will not follow. You Ji-Er is fooling around, but will persuade him." Before playing a fight, I hurt the three little scorpions and forgot to hurt. This time Master Gong used a blunt knife to cut the meat, but the three boys were afraid, and even You Ji-Er regretted it. The same is true, let Yun-Qing realize that he used the wrong method before.
        Yu-Xi hesitated and said:
       "What if this method is not working?"
        Yun-Qing said:
       "If this method is not enough, he will be thrown into Zhuangzi. It will be honest for two years."
        Yu-Xi has no objections, but has some concerns:
       "This child is very angry. If you throw him to Zhuangzi and get rid of it, he may ignore you later." This is the next policy, and it is not necessary to do so.
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "I am his old man, and he will have to listen to me when he complains. But you can rest assured that this method will definitely be useful."
        Yu-Xi pondered and said:
       "If this method is really useful, then I will give them a powerful Master, and I will be able to live with them." Now this Master has learned well, but there are some moderates. However, the time is tight, and it can be found that this Master is not bad now.
        Yun-Qing clicked on the head and said:
       "It is said that, but it is not difficult to find a Master who can live in the town." There must be learning and means. Such talents have long been in the profession, and will be willing to give three dolls. Master
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Things are artificial. The world is so big, I believe I can always find it."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "You can handle government affairs now, and I am going to teach them the Clouds knife method tomorrow morning."
        Yu-Xi has a lot of heart, and I heard this strangely:
       “How come you suddenly think about teaching them how to fight?”
        Yun-Qing said:
       "There was this idea before. But there have been too many things in recent times, and it has been delayed."
        In this regard, Yu-Xi naturally does not object.
        Ps:o(n_n)o-, the last day, the parents check their own pockets to see if there is no monthly ticket.

       Chapter 993 - Yun's knife

       The stars in the sky are a little bit like a piece of gold scattered on the blue brocade, crystal clear and sparkling. Unfortunately, the triplets are hungry and tired, and there are free to watch the stars. They will, they think about going to bed early.
        Yu-Xi looked at the three people and it hurts a bit:
       "Hungry? I asked Bai Mama to give you lamb dumplings."
        Rui Ji Er’s eyes lit up and asked:
       "Mother, do you have mutton dumplings to eat?"
       These days, lunch and dinner were eaten by Master Gong. The meal that Master Gong gave them was comparable to that of pig food. But they didn't dare to talk to Yu-Xi in order to help You Ji-Er to hold on to this matter. Not only have you been exhausted in these days, but your stomach has also suffered from old crimes.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Well, the mutton dumplings are eaten at night, and the mother specially reserved it for you. You will wait a while, and it will be very soon."
        They are delicious, they can wait until they are tired.
        After a small quarter of an hour, three bowls of mutton dumplings came up and there was no side dish. The triplets will eat the mutton dumplings without even a drop of soup.
        After You Ji-Er wiped it off, he wiped his mouth and said:
       "Mother, it’s going to be very late to practice this time. You let Bai Mama prepare for us every night!"
        It’s obviously a penalty, but I’m still very good at saying that I’m still practicing late, but I’m looking at the lie and I’m not looking at you. You Ji-Er, Yu-Xi have to say that this stupid boy is unique in this respect. It is. Next to the Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er can both bow their heads, a guilty look can not be done.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Well, my mother will tell Bai Mama. Yes, you said you want to teach you the Cloud's knife. From tomorrow morning, you must wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning. If you wake up late, you will hit you when you arrive. Mother can't stop it."
        The triplets face changed together. I practiced so late every day, and I have to get up early in the morning, so don’t take their lives! Xuan Ji Er asked tremblingly:
       "Mother, do you want to teach us the knife in the morning?"
       See Yu-Xi nod, Xuan Ji Er busy said:
       "Mother, I have to get up in the morning to endorse. Otherwise, I will check the papers, and I will not be able to recite the books."
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "This is not a good thing. This set of knives, your older sister and older brother have learned, you must also learn. As for Master , my mother can tell him to let him slow down the process."
        You Ji-Er looked at the look of Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er, and thought about it with Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, it’s too tired to practice in the recent period. If we practice again at night, we can’t afford it.”
        Yu-Xi deliberately pretends to be a very helpless look:
       "This is your embarrassing decision, and the mother can't change it. If you can't eat it, you can talk to you."
        Xuan Ji Er is seeing Yun-Qing , but Rui Ji Er is not as good as Xuan Ji Er, but he is also afraid of Yun-Qing . As for You Ji-Er, it is even more impossible to ask for Yun-Qing .
        Looking at the eggplants that triplets are like frost, Yu-Xi thinks that Yun-Qing is right. These three broken children, if there is no Yun-Qing shock, even more lawless.
        After two quarters of an hour, the triplets began to fall asleep. Quan Mama came in and said to Yu-Xi:
       "The medicated bath is good, you can soak."
        Yu-Xi wakes up the triplets and says:
       "Go to the bath, sleep after bathing." This medicinal bath is made by Yu-Xi for Quan Mama. The main function is to help them go and lack the meridians.
        The three children took a bath and went to sleep.
        Quan Mama and Yu-Xi said:
       "Children are too small, it is not advisable to take more medicated baths, up to five days." It doesn't matter if you like Yu-Xi every day, but triplets can't.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Then I will give them a bubble for five days." Although the triplets are so hard to take care of themselves, this is still a distress. Can not stop the punishment of Master Gong, can only let them suffer less from elsewhere.
        Quan Mama nodded and asked strangely:
       "What happened to Master Gong recently? How has the practice time been extended so much?"
       It is extended by two hours every day.
        Yu-Xi said what You Ji-Er did:
       "This is also their own self-sufficiency, not to blame Gong Master's hand." Master Gong himself punishes, it is better to let their parents disciplinary. Because of this, the triplets will be afraid. After this incident, the triplets will definitely practice afterwards.
        Quan Mama is speechless, after a while, said:
       "I thought that You Ji-Er really became better. I didn't expect to be safe for a few days."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "I think I still have to find a Master who can live with their Brother." This Master only enlightened the triplets, and the real lecturer still had to find another person. Fortunately, the triplets are still small and have time.
        Quan Mama nodded and said:
       "Really. As long as there is a real skill, you can't live in You Ji-Er." Staying in You Ji-Er is tantamount to shaking the triplets.
        At the moment of the next day, the triplets were woken up. Usually, all three people are still dreaming, which will make them unable to open their eyes.
        Lan Mama said:
       "You can't afford to wear clothes any more, and Wangye will come. When the servants can't save you." How fierce Yun-Qing is, the triplets are the clearest.
        Xuan Ji Er heard this and immediately opened his eyes and climbed out of bed to get dressed. Rui Ji Er followed You Ji-Er, followed by getting out of bed and getting dressed.
        Xuan Ji Er said strangely:
       "Second brother, A-You, I don't feel any pain at all. Do you have this feeling?"
       I usually get up in the morning and it hurts. But now, he didn't feel a bit of pain.
        Rui Ji Er also said with a look of surprise:
       "Yeah, I didn't feel the pain! What's going on?"
        You Ji-Er didn’t want to say it:
       “Mama didn’t say it yesterday. It’s good for us to soak up the medicated bath.” The green and oily look looks good, but if it’s not for Quan Mama, it’s good for them, he won’t go to the bubble. of.
        Rui Ji Er said happily:
       "If it's soaking every day, it won't hurt in the morning."
        Xuan Ji Er’s memory is obviously better than Rui Ji Er:
       "Second brother, Mama said yesterday that this thing can not be soaked every day, up to five days to make a bubble." But it is good to have a bubble for five days.
        As I spoke, suddenly the voice of Yun-Qing came:
       “What time is it? What are you doing in the house?”
        The three looked at each other and then quickly went out. As for washing your face, throw it aside.
        When I got to the yard, I saw Yun-Qing wearing a short-sleeved clothes and holding a large knife that could be used as a mirror. Next to him, there are three small knives.
        Yu-Xi walked out of the house and saw that Yun-Qing was teaching three children's knives. Yu-Xi did not say anything, and detoured from the corridor.
        When I used breakfast, Yu-Xi returned to the main Courtyard and did not see the triplets. Yu-Xi went to the bedroom and asked:
       "2nd Young Master, what about them?"
        Mei-Lan whispered:
       "Remaining in the house! Wangfei, do you want to call the second Young Master? They come over for breakfast."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "After a quarter of an hour in the morning meal, let their 3rd Brother sleep more."
        Yun-Qing did not say anything when he heard this, but just waited for Mei-Lan to go out and say:
       "When the year is over, let the triplets live in the front yard." When the boy is old, he must have an independent yard. The triplets are six years old after the end of the year. It is independent.
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The three children live in the main house, and it is also lively here. Otherwise, if I am gone, I will live alone in such a large yard."
        Yun-Qing immediately dismantled Yu-Xi and said:
       "There are a bunch of Pozi in the yard, which is empty? Rui Ji Er, they are boys, not too much."
        For this statement, Yu-Xi scorns:
       "You are talking about it. When did I succumb to Rui Ji Er?"
       Although she is distressed with triplets, she said that she really didn't. It’s true that the triplets have played more.
        Yun-Qing is not willing to argue with Yu-Xi because it argues. Yun-Qing simply asked:
       "So, are you going to let them move to the front yard?"
        Yu-Xi said:
       "After the next year! After the year passed, let them move out." In the following year, the triplets are also seven years old, and there should be independent courtyards.
        After that, Yu-Xi added:
       "Rui Ji Er, they are triplets, they are different from Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. If they don't want to be separated, they will let them live in a courtyard." The baby is willing to separate, she does not object.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "Yes, then that's it."
        When using the breakfast, Yu-Xi saw that Rui Ji eye-catching ate had eaten half a bowl of porridge and said:
       "A Rui, Niang is not telling you that you can't gorge when you eat, so it's not good for your stomach. Why don't you remember?"
        This is a fall, not only Rui Ji Er, Xuan Ji Er and You Ji-Er are also looking at the Yun-Qing who snorted a few bowls of porridge.
        Yu-Xi stunned Yun-Qing and said:
       "You look so rough is a bad example, don't learn him." For more than ten years, Yu-Xi failed to bring the Yu-Qing habit to Yongzheng, and it really failed!
        Of course, you can't say that Yu-Xi didn't work hard. Mainly in these years, Yun-Qing spent half of the time in the military camp. It is not a general difficulty to want him to get rid of this bad habit.
        Yun-Qing said to Yu-Xi:
       "When they enter the military camp, they will definitely be the same as I am now." The time spent eating in the military camp is limited. If you don't eat more than the time, don't eat quickly.
        Yu-Xi said with no anger:
       "The future is later, now is the present. Now I have to listen to me at home."
        Yun-Qing heard this, no more buzzing.
        The triplets looked at Yu-Xi in a adoration, and did not expect that they would not dare to refute the words of the mother. It was really powerful.
        Lu-Er didn't say anything from start to finish, but she now knows one thing. That is the matter at home, her mother has the final say, Yun-Qing is not the Lord.
        Yun-Qing glanced at the triplets and the triplets immediately bowed their heads.

       Chapter 994 - Lu-Er apologizes

       ? After breakfast, Yun-Qing went to the military camp. Let Yu-Xi not leave him a meal before going there. He will eat in the army at noon.
        In the following days, Yun-Qing teaches the triplet knife method. In the morning, the triplets follow the Master's book. In the afternoon, they follow the master of Gong to learn to ride the martial arts. The timing of the triplets is so tight, and Rui Ji Er has some complaints with Xuan Ji Er. As a result, You Ji-Er will tell his older brother's schedule, and the two will not dare to complain. Anyway, they are still very free at night. Unlike their older Brother, from early to late, I feel terrible when I think about it.
        After learning for nearly half a month, this day Rui Ji asked Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, is this big brother and big sister learning?"
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "Well, your older brother and sister have learned. Your elder sister spent twenty-four days learning, and your eldest brother spent only thirteen days." Hao Ji memory is very good, and he can learn from others. This kind of talent is not only in reading, but also in martial arts. At that time, Yun-Qing wanted to bring Hao Ji to the side to teach Wu Gong personally, but was stopped by Yu-Xi. Before Yun-Qing had been running outside, Hao Ji was still small, and now the most important thing is to learn things. Moreover, Yu-Xi does not want Hao Ji Er to be uncomfortable with government affairs like Yun-Qing . If so, she did not cry to find it.
        Rui Ji Er said with a open mouth:
       "Mother, haven't you lied to me?"
       They have all been studying for twelve days, and it seems that even half of them have not finished. And his eldest brother only took 13 days to learn the whole set of knives, think about how many of them are big Brother.
        Yu-Xi poked the forehead of Rui Ji Er:
       "When did you deceive you? Do you believe it or not, you can let your big brother practice it for you again." This kind of talent is really hard to come. And the most gratifying thing for Yu-Xi, Hao Ji Er is not slacking because of his talent, but he is working harder than the average child. There are such sons, who are proud of their parents who are not proud.
        You Ji-Er did not hesitate to say:
       "Mother, I believe in your words." Get along with Hao Ji Er, let You Ji-Er admire Hao Ji Er.
        Before dinner at night, the family gathered in the small living room. Lu-Er went to You Ji-Er and said:
       "Adi, I was beaten because of my reasons, I am sorry."
        You Ji-Er glanced at Lu-Er and said with a cold voice:
       "It's been two months since I started. I am sorry to say sorry to you now. Don't you think it is too late?"
        Lu-Er knows that You Ji-Ertemperament is not soft, and it is red with a circle:
       "Adi, I always want to apologize to you, but I don't know how to speak."
        Yun-Qing wanted to speak, and Yu-Xi shook his head toward him. When Yun-Qing saw it, there was no opening.
        Jao-Jao stood up and said:
       "Adi, your second sister now knows wrong, you don't want to worry about your second sister, okay."
        See You Ji-Er didn’t say anything, Hao Ji went to him and patted his shoulder and said:
       "Adi, let's have a big man and a big man. If the second sister admits it wrong, let him go! You can't remember the hatred of the second sister?"
        Rui Ji Er and Xuan Ji Er saw Lu-Er tears and some unbearable, and they persuaded:
       "Adi, the second sister is not intentional. Another mother also fined her, she now knows the wrong apologize to you, this time you forgive her!"
        You Ji-Er's thick eyebrows are wrinkled, but in the end they look up at Lu-Er and say:
       "You promised not to follow the scam in the future, I will forgive you."
        Lu-Er wiped his tears and said:
       "You can rest assured, I will not be." After that, I took out a embroidered blue purse from my sleeve and handed it to You Ji-Er:
       "Adi, this is what I personally did, and it is not good to embroider. Don't dislike it." This is the first purse of Lu-Er's life.
        You Ji-Er took the purse and put it in his hand, then snorted:
       "It's ugly." But to put it this way, he still tied the purse to his waist.
        Yun-Qing wants to swear a stinky boy. He hasn't received Lu-Er's purse yet. This kid even dared to dislike it.
        Yu-Xi said to You Ji-Er and Lu-Er:
       "This is the right thing. The Brother and sisters work together to twist into a rope, and I am not afraid of how difficult I will be in the future."
        Yun-Qing is very satisfied with this result, stand up and say:
       "It's time to eat, you wash your hands and eat." Several children have their own shortcomings, but each has its own merits.
        After using the dinner, Rui Ji Er couldn’t help but curiously ask:
       "Big brother, my mother said that you have finished the knives of the martyrdom in thirteen days. Is this true?"
        Hao Ji Er nodded. In fact, he only finished using all the moves in nine days. The next four days were to strengthen and strengthen. However, there is no need to tell Rui Ji Er in this case, saving the confidence of Rui Ji Er. This is so, Rui Ji Er is a bit embarrassed to hear this.
        Yu-Xi sees Rui Ji Er's reaction in her eyes, but she has not said anything to comfort Rui Ji.
        During this time, Yu-Xi will tell the story before the triplets go to sleep, and today is no exception. Yu-Xi sat by the bed and said to the triplets around her:
       "Today tells you a story about a stupid bird flying first."
        You Ji-Er is not satisfied, said:
       "Mother, I want to hear the story of Huo illness." Huo went to the Courtyard but got the title of the champion, which is more attractive to You Ji-Er.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "The story of Huo illness will be told tomorrow, and today I will tell you the story of the stupid bird flying first. The protagonist of this story is Wang Zhaoxin. He has a mother compatriot who is called Wang Zhaoren. He will not speak when he is four years old. The one-year-old compatriot brother has begun to enlighten. At that time everyone thought he was a -mute."
        Xuan Ji Er is very convinced that the nod is:
       "I can't talk when I'm four years old, but it's not a -mute."
        You Ji-Er thinks this story is very interesting, looking at Xuan Ji Er:
       "Don't fight, listen to the mother."
        Yu-Xi did not accept the words of Xuan Ji Er, but said:
       "Wang Zhaoxin didn't speak until he was five years old. At this time, his younger brother had already finished the "Three Characters" and "Thousand Characters", but Wang Zhaoxin had not yet enlightened. At this time, some people told them that Wang Zhaoxin was talking so late. Stupid, there will be no future interest, and the Wang family’s door will still depend on his brother Wang Zhaoren."
        The triplets listened carefully and no one was fighting.
        Yu-Xi continues to say:
       "There were more people talking about. Wang Zhaoxin originally felt that he was not smart. He heard that others laughed at him so much that he felt very uncomfortable. He ran to cry with his father and asked his father if he was really stupid."
        Rui Ji Er asked:
       "What did his father say?"
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "His father said that he is not stupid, not to care about other people ridicule and sarcasm. As long as you work hard and pay several times or even ten times more than others, you will be able to become talented in the future."
        You Ji-Er also thinks this story is very interesting:
       "Mother, then he later became a talent?"
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "With the encouragement of his father, Wang Zhaoxin has confidence again. He always remembers what his father said to him. During the day, he listened carefully to Master lectures. After school, he read a book in the house. Others play and he is reading, others When he is sleeping, he is also studying. Others learn faster than him. If someone reads it again, he will read it twice, three times or even ten times, day after day, never stop. "A pause, Yu- -Xi said:
       "His father was so diligent when he saw his son. Not only did he patiently teach him, but he also asked someone to give him a homework. Finally, Wang Zhaoxin became a famous Academy student."
        Xuan Ji Er nodded and said:
       "It's no wonder that the stupid bird flies first! It turned out to be such a source!"
        You Ji-Er asked the opening:
       "Mother, what about his brother Wang Zhaoren? How is he? Is it talented?"
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "His younger brother, Wang Zhaoren, took part in the imperial examinations. Later, the official went to the third class, and both Brother became talents." This is also a happy ending.
        Rui Ji Er said:
       "Mother, can you make up for the lack of talents as long as you work hard?"
       It was also a few years later that Rui Ji Er knew that this story was compiled by his mother.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "I can definitely. Mother is not smart when she was a child. She learned very slowly. For this reason, you have not liked the Maternal Grandmother. But the mother is not depressed, but she does not lose her confidence. Instead, she uses all the time to study. No worse than others."
        Rui Ji Er nodded and said:
       "Mother, I know, I will definitely work hard in the future." He does not have the talent of the big brother, then he will work harder than the older brother.
        You Ji-Er heard this and understood why Yu-Xi suddenly told the story. You Ji-Er smiled and said:
       "Second brother, our 3rd Brother work together." You Ji-Er still has no clear goal, but he has been working hard.
        Xuan Ji Er suffered a face and did not speak. If there is a choice, Xuan Ji Er will definitely not practice martial arts, because he does not like it, but there is no room for him to refuse.
        Yu-Xi saw it and chuckled and touched Xuan’s head and said:
       "The ruler has a long length and a short length. Axuan likes to study and read it well. Later, like Wang Zhaoxin, he became a respected Academy person."
        Xuan Ji Er’s face showed a smile:
       "Mother, I will definitely study hard in the future."
        When returning to the bedroom, Yun-Qing was already lying in bed. Seeing Yu-Xi, Yun-Qing said:
       "As long as you are used to them, they are so big and tell them stories." When he was so big, he couldn't see her. His biggest hope was to stay with his parents. Now that their husband and ‘Madam’ are around their children, these three boys still have many demands. It is really a blessing in the blessing.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "It is only this time to pay special attention. Otherwise, one does not mention that the child has made a mistake, and it will be too late to regret it." After that, Yu-Xi will tell Rui abnormal details with Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing has some headaches and says:
       "How big is this child, how do you think so much?"
       He was thinking about how to play when he was a year old, and he would think about these things.
        Yu-Xi is funny and good-hearted:
       "You are really inconsistent, you don't know what to listen to." One will say that the triplets are very big, and one will say that Rui Ji is small, but it is not contradictory.

       Chapter 995 - Companion (1)

       Thinking about what happened during this time, Yun-Qing said something depressed with Yu-Xi:
       "There are dozens of children in other people homes. How can we have so many things in our family?"
       Except for Hao Ji Er who has never had a heart since he was a child, the other five children, including Jao-Jao, have no peace of mind.
        Yu-Xi said something silent:
       "There are a dozen children in your family, but can you see if there are several children in those families who have finally become talents?"
       After saying Yu-Xi added another sentence:
       "It is better to not teach if the light is not taught." She is trying to train all six children into talents. It is also because of this idea that she will be so tired.
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "This is true. Only Hao Ji Er is enough to reach other people homes for eight or eight." The eldest son of Hao Ji Er is Yun-Qing and is most proud of it. As for the triplets, it is certainly not bad for him to teach with Yu-Xi.
        Yu-Xi is also satisfied with Hao Ji Er's nature and can no longer be satisfied:
       "Hao Ji Er is sensible, but still a child. If you have time, take him out and walk outside, let him know more about the world outside."
        Yun-Qing slammed Yu-Xi in his arms and said:
       "When the children grow up, they will be able to rest. We will take you to see the West Sea at that time." Before that, their husband and ‘Madam’ were still tired.
        Yu-Xi listened to Jao-Jao more than once and said that the scenery of the West Sea is picturesque:
       "When you go to the West Sea, you have to go to Jiangnan."
        Yun-Qing knows what Yu-Xi wants to say:
       "Now the people of this world of Suzhou and Hangzhou are having a hard time. There is a saying that there is a Suzhou-Hangzhou under the heavens, which only applies to the Taiping."
        Yu-Xi laughed:
       "You are right. Sleep, you have to start early tomorrow to teach Rui Ji Er their knife!" She was also busy for a day, some tired.
        Yun-Qing kissed Yu-Xi for the forehead and said:
       "Well, sleep!" Yu-Xi is in good health and has meat on his body. So when sleeping, Yun-Qing especially likes to hold her.
        On the second day, Yu-Xi got the news that the court sent 100 thousand soldiers and horses and was on his way to Anhui.
        Xu Wu said:
       "Wangfei, we have only 150 thousand soldiers and horses in Luozhou. This time the court has increased its troops by 100 thousand to Xiangyang, which is very unfavorable to us."
        Yu-Xi said without hesitation:
       "This is how Wangye decides." The court wanted to increase the number of soldiers in Fuyang. They both husband and ‘Madam’ already knew. Although Yun-Qing also revealed some of his ideas, Yu-Xi is not willing to say more. She doesn't know what to do, so she will know, but she won't intervene.
        Xu Wu said:
       "I have sent people to tell Wangye about this news. I believe this will be known to Wangye."
        Yu-Xi snorted and said:
       "Go and ask Tan Daren and -Lu Daren to invite them." The court added troops to Anhui, and it is likely that it will start fighting before. What she has to do is to ensure that the rear can be delivered in time.
        In the evening, Yun-Qing came back. At this time, Yu-Xi is still talking to Tan Tuo. It was not until the moon came out that Yu-Xi returned to the backyard.
        Yun-Qing asked:
       "What are you talking about? Speaking so late?"
       If it is not important, Yu-Xi will not get it now.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "The imperial court has increased its troops in Anhui. It is estimated that it will take a long time to start a war. I have to start preparing for it." The soldiers and horses did not go ahead with food and grass, and the materials such as grain and grass began to be mobilized.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "This year, even if there is no big battle in the war, it will be a little bit of trouble." Now in early 10 months, the court’s soldiers and horses arrived in Anhui, and they will arrive in late 10 months. Jiangnan was cold in November, and the weather became cold. Naturally, it could not be beaten.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Even if there is no big battle today, then you have to transfer troops. How many horses are you going to adjust?"
        Yun-Qing said:
       "There is no need to mobilize the past. After the end of the year, I will bring 150 thousand soldiers and horses directly." As long as it is not a siege, the Du-Zheng 150 thousand soldiers are enough to guard the border.
        Yu-Xi no longer asks this question:
       "The court added more troops to Jiangnan. I want to come here. This is the agreement between Yan Wu-shuang and the Yu family. And Rui, this is a bad fight."
        Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "In this world, there has never been a good fight." There is nothing to lose and win, no good or bad.
        Yu-Xi looked at Yun-Qing 's cold look and said:
       "He Rui, no matter what the cost, we must attack Jiangnan." Now they lack money and lack of food. Only when they win Jiangnan, they have a higher capital with Yan Wu-shuang.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "I know." As for how to play Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi did not ask.
        Mei-Lan said outside:
       "Wangfei, the food is ready, you can eat." Yun-Qing and the 6th Brother have already had dinner, leaving Yu-Xi alone did not eat.
        Yu-Xi didn't take long after dinner, Mei-Lan reminded her:
       “Wangfei, now it’s time to tell the story of the second Young Master.” Yu-Xi There are too many things, sometimes it will inevitably forget something. At this time, people around you need to be reminded.
        Both husband and ‘Madam’ have a common understanding, that is, they must do well to promise the child. Only parents can set a good example, and they will become a person who keeps their promises in the future. Therefore, Yun-Qing did not say that today does not tell the story, but the hand holding Yu-Xi said:
       "You are tired for a day, go to the bath first, I will come over the kids!"
        Yun-Qing also told the story to Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er, so Yu-Xi did not refuse. Yu-Xi grinned and said:
       "Cheng, then I am going to bathe." I don't know what the triplets will look like for Yun-Qing .
        As a result, Yu-Xi came back from the shower and saw Yun-Qing holding a book in bed. That looks like a leisurely, unspeakable.
        Yu-Xi is a bit puzzled and asks:
       "So finished the story so soon?"
       She used to have at least two quarters of an hour and a long time of half an hour.
        Yun-Qing put the book under the pillow and smiled and said:
       “The 3rd Brother of Rui Ji Er heard me telling stories to them, and they said that they were very tired and wanted to go to bed early. I could not stop the children from sleeping, so I came back.”
        Yu-Xi laughs:
       "The three children are afraid of seeing you, and there is still a feeling to listen to the story." The triplets, including You Ji-Er, will be afraid to see Yun-Qing . Although the previous poisoning did not let You Ji-Er yield, but he was afraid.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "I am going to start the war soon, we have to be busy, you should stop telling stories to them." Yu-Xi is so busy, if you want to tell the story to the three children, it will be too tired.
        Yu-Xi nodded and talked to Yun-Qing about another thing:
       "Hao Ji Er is seven years old after the end of the year, and he should be asked to read it for him." It is a companionship but it has been around for ten years, and it must be almost like a brother. After they became talented, they became the arms of Hao Ji Er. Yu-Xi is a mother, and naturally I plan for my son early.
        Yun-Qing said with some hesitation:
       "Can other people understand the things that Hao Ji learned?"
       He doesn't understand those astronomical geographies, and those who are six or seven years old can understand.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It's good to understand nature, and it doesn't matter if you don't understand."
        Yun-Qing clicked down and asked:
       "Whose child is you choosing?"
       Since Yu-Xi is open, I have already thought about it.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "I am going to choose four companions for Hao Ji. There are already two candidates. One is Du Fu, the eldest son of Du, and the other is Cui Wei eldest son, Cui Weiqi."
        There is no opinion on these two people choosing Yun-Qing . Yun-Qing thought about it:
       "Plus the Zhishi of the great military!" No matter how much, you can't drop the army.
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Zhi Xia child is not successful. I have already asked, he has just finished the three-character scripture. He Rui, Hao Ji Er is different from other children. He learns things quickly and is highly savvy. If he chooses children of the same age, he will definitely Can't keep up with his pace." Yu-Xi chose Du Fu and Cui Weiqi, these two children are exactly five years older than Hao Ji Er.
        After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "In fact, it is good to seal the general's eldest son, but he is now following the general in the West Sea!" Feng Zhiyi is six years older than Hao Ji Er, and this year is already twelve years old. Two years ago, Feng Dajun took him to the West Sea to preach and teach.
        Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Is this not easy? I wrote a letter to ask the opinion of the army. If he disagrees, he can't blame us for not thinking about him."
        Yu-Xi smiled and did not answer, because she knew that Feng Dajun would not refuse. As a heir to them, Hao Ji Er has a solid position and is intelligent in itself. Feng Dajun is a wise man. Now he has an opportunity to let his son get closer to Hao Ji Er. He will refuse.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Yu-Xi, there is still one place left. Yuan Ying's second son Yuan Hao is not bad." Yuan Wei is five and a half years older than Hao Ji Er, and he is just old.
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Yuan Yu is not successful." The previously selected Du Fu, Cui Weiqi, and Feng Zhiyi, all of these three children have met the requirements of Yu-Xi regardless of their character or ability, but Yuan Wei did not.
        Yun-Qing asked strangely:
       "How come?"
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Because Yuan Zhen is a young child who does not need to inherit his family business, Yuan Ying is not very demanding of him. And Xiao is very fond of him, and he has to be pampered with it." After a pause, Yu-Xi explained. :
       "Winter is cold, he is sick in order not to go to class. And Xiao Shiming knows that he is sick but because of his distress, he also helped him to hold Yuan Ying. Now that Yuan Hao is eleven, but the text is not good. Wu is not." This is the real mother and more defeated.
        Yun-Qing left Yuan Hao out of this, and thought for a while and did not think of a suitable candidate:
       "There is still one place left! It is not good to be empty."
        Yu-Xi said slowly:
       "If you don't object, I want to give this quota to Hua Ji." Although Hua Ji Er is not the eldest son, but because of his childhood experience, he is more stable than his peers. No matter who has selfishness, since Hua Ji Er meets the requirements, Yu-Xi naturally has to pay attention to her family.
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "When Hua Ji Er meets the conditions, I still have any objections." Han Jianming did for them these years. Yun-Qing never said, but he remembered it.

       Chapter 996 - Companion (2)

       When Feng Dajun went to the horse farm, he returned to the military camp. Guo Fae saw him hand a letter and said:
       "General, Wangye personal letter."
        Feng Dajun waved his hand, Guo Fae withdrew, and Feng Zhiyi followed him into the military camp.
        Feng Zhi sees him with a smile and asks:
       "Hey, what did Wangye say to you?"
       It should be a happy event.
        Feng Dajun put the letter on the table and said:
       “Wangye said in the letter, let you read the Wang Heir. You clean up and go back tomorrow.”
        Feng Zhiyi was somewhat unwilling and said, "Hey, I don't want to go." Feng Zhiyi thought that companionship was a playmate. He didn't want to be a playmate.
        Feng Dajun said:
       "How many people can't ask for a chance, don't you go? If you don't have a face in front of Wangye and Wangfei, you think you can get this opportunity."
        Feng Zhiyi also has his own ambition and said:
       "Oh, chances are rare, let Zhixi go. The Wang Heir is six years old, and Zhixi is one year younger than him, playing with the Wang Heir."
        Feng Dajun heard this and was so angry and funny:
       "Who told you that companionship is a playmate?"
       If it is a playmate, it will not be carefully selected.
        Feng Zhiyi was a little surprised:
       "Is not it?"
        Feng Dajun smiled and said:
       "Nature is not. The companion is not a playmate. It is the person who accompanied the Wang Heir to study martial arts. These people are with the Wang Heir, and the feelings are naturally different for a few years. After waiting for the Wang Heir to take power, These people will naturally be reused.” It is a companionship. In fact, Wangye and Wangfei are cultivating the future team for the Wang Heir. This is paving the way for the Wang Heir.
        Feng Zhisheng is clear, but he still prefers life in the military camp:
       "Oh, if that's the case, then it is better to let Zhixi go. Zhixi is about the same age as the Wang Heir, and the two are more compatible." He is six years older than the Wang Heir, and he is estimated to have nothing to say.
        Feng Dajun said with no anger:
       "The Wang Heir is very talented. Although he is only six years old, the four books and five classics are almost finished. Your brother has just started to learn "Thousand Characters". Do you think he can accompany the Wang Heir?"
        Feng Zhi said anxiously:
       "Hey, can't I study?"
       Feng Zhiyi is not a material for reading, but under the pressure of Feng Dajun and Chang-shi, he began to follow his husband from the age of four and has been learning before the West Sea. However, after studying for a few more years, I have some ink in my stomach.
        How many pounds two of his son have, the heart of Feng Dajun can still be unclear:
       "You don't have to worry about this. Wangye and Wangfei have ordered you to be a companion to the world. It must have been carefully considered." If you want to choose a good reading, then none of the four companions meet the requirements.
        Feng Zhiyi touched the back of the head and asked:
       "Hey, aren't you saying that there are four companions? Who are the other three? I don't know?"
       Don't be a small radish head, it will be boring.
        Feng Dajun said:
       "You are Uncle Du aunt, Cui Shushu Aki, and one is Wangfei shi-zi. The child is Han Jiahua. I am ten years old this year, only two years younger than you." For Du Fu and Cui Weiqi bottom seal army It is very clear, the only thing that is not well understood is this Han Jiahua. However, Feng Dajun knows that Yu-Xi temperament son, if this Han Jiahua did not meet the requirements, he would not choose him as a companion.
        Feng Zhiyi was relieved that Du Fu and Cui Weiqi both knew him and his age was quite the same. However, Feng Zhiyi is also somewhat strange, asking:
       "Hey, the Wang Heir is only six years old this year. Why do you choose to follow me and choose me and aunt?"
       How strange it is to see this.
        Feng Dajun said:
       “The Wang Heir has always been a smart person, and she is very early. If she chooses the same age group, she will definitely not be able to keep up with the Wang Heir. It is estimated that based on this consideration, Wangye and Wangfei will choose you.”
        Feng Zhiyi felt very reasonable and said with a smile:
       "I have always heard that the Wang Heir is smart and savvy, and I only hope that the rumors are true." For Hao Ji Er, Feng Zhiyi is still somewhat curious.
        Feng Dajun said:
       "The Wang Heir was personally taught by your grandfather, and you will be worse. In the past two months, Wangye went to the military camp and brought the Wang Heir. You Yu Shushu is a lot of praise for the Wang Heir. You went to the palace. Can't give me a shame, otherwise I will not kill you when I return to Yucheng." Feng Dajun communicated frequently with Xu Wu and Yu Cong and others, and any news also knows. Of course, the news is a little behind.
        Feng Zhi said with a smile:
       "You can rest assured that you will not lose your face." Although Feng Dajun often swears his son, his father and son have a good relationship.
        Cui Mo got the letter of Yun-Qing and said this to his ‘Madam’, Yu Shi:
       "Just take advantage of this, you took Archie and their Brother and sisters to the city."
        Yan said:
       "Let Qigeer go to Yucheng, I will stay with Fu-Cheng City with my children." He is a smart person. Although the husband and ‘Madam’ are now in good relationship, they can't stand the difference between the two places. The couple are separated for three or five years, and Cui Mo is now highly weighted. It is difficult to get two foxes back. By then, regrets are too late.
        For more than ten years, Cui Mo did not know the little ninety-nine in his heart. Cui Mo said:
       "Let's go, how many words?"
        In the eyes of Yan’s eyes, he was skeptical and asked:
       "Are you doing something that I am sorry for, I am afraid to be discovered by me, so I want to send me to the city?"
        Cui Mo said with no anger:
       "What nonsense? What can I do to be sorry for you? Again, what am I doing now? Don't you know?"
       Recently, he was too busy to go home for a while.
        As a matter of careful consideration, Cui Mo has not had any abnormalities in addition to staying in the military camp for a long time. The military camp did not even have female mosquitoes, but they were not worried.
        Since Chu Wei had received Small Concubine, he had been worried that Cui Mo would also give her a goblin to go back. No way, the man with a high weight, even if it is doing the young and beautiful Miss, is also a successor.
        Cui Mo met with the death and death of the singer, but he could only say two words vaguely:
       "Even if you don't have a stranger, you have to take your child to the city in the next year."
        When he heard this, Silence said:
       "Is it an order from Wangye and Wangfei?"
       In the past, the court liked to take the homes of the defenders of the border towns to the capital. On the surface, they said that they would let their families go to the capital to enjoy the blessings. In fact, they were taken hostage.
        When Cui Mo looked at the appearance of Qi, she knew that she was thinking again, and some said helplessly:
       "Why is Wangye and Wangfei going to make such an order? This is what I mean." After seeing Yu opening to speak, Cui Mo was busy:
       "Don't ask why, I can't say if I ask."
        Yan is a smart person, and he has guessed three points in his heart. Yan said:
       "If this is the case, then I can't even take my children to the city. Otherwise, isn't it suspicion? I will take the children to the city again in the spring. Now let ‘Ji Ji’ go first!"
        Cui Mo knows that the temperament of the ,, since it is decided, it will not change:
       "Then go in the spring!"
        On the way to Feng Zhiqi and Cui Weiqi rushing to Yucheng, Du Fu and Han Jiahua have been summoned to the palace.
        Du Fu and Han Jiahua are here and after. Seeing Hao Ji Er, the two of them salute together:
       "See the Wang Heir."
        Hao Ji Er said with a whisper:
       "Get up!" He was stunned by Yu-Xi. Among the six children, Hao Ji was second only to Lu-Er.
        After the two got up, Hao Ji Er said:
       "Come with me to attend classes!" During this time, Hao Ji Er often followed Yun-Qing to the military camp, and the course naturally fell a lot. These four courses, the five classics, and the number of courses, must be supplemented. As for astronomical geography, these are not needed.
        The two said:
       "Yes." Du Fu began his enlightenment at the age of four and has now studied for seven years. He basically understands what he said. Although Hua Ji Er had recognized the word with Jia Concubine when he was a child, he also studied it for a while on Zhuangzi, but he did not systematically learn it. He did not understand what he said.
        Hao Ji Er knows the situation of Hua Ji Er and says:
       "Cousin, you will follow the Master every night and try to keep up with the process." Yu-Xi had already told Hu Ji Er about the situation of Hua Ji Er. Hua Ji Er did not read the book with Master , but the martial arts was very good. I chose Hua Ji Er as his companion, mainly to let Hua Ji Er protect him personally.
        These years of training in Zhuangzi, the hardships of which are not something that ordinary people can bear. But Hua Ji Er came over and saw his perseverance. Hua Ji Er nodded and said:
       "The Wang Heir, I will try to catch up with the process earlier."
        When practicing in the afternoon, Hao Ji Er wanted to see the skills of Du Fu and Hua Ji Er:
       "You two of them will discuss it."
        Du Fu is not humbly, saying to the Chinese brother:
       "I am one year older than you, you make you three strokes."
        Hua Ji Er shook his head and said:
       "No." No need for Du Fu, he can defeat Du Fu. This is self-confident, Hua Ji Er still has.
        Hao Ji Er saw Du Fu wrinkled his brow and said with a smile:
       "Since the cousin said no, Auntie should not be more modest." Yu-Xi told Hao Ji Er that the martial arts of Hua Ji Er is the best among his peers in Zhuangzi.
        Du Fu was defeated only after fifteen strokes in Hua Ji. Hua Ji Er holds the sword in his hand and holds his fist in his hands:
       "Carrying, Du Young Master."
        Hao Ji Er said with a smile:
       "What is called Young Master, too rusty. Auntie is second in the four manpower, cousin, you call him the second brother."
        Du Fu temper is also straightforward, and he said cheerfully:
       "As long as Han II Young Master does not disappoint!" For Du Fu, these young lang, family is not the most important, personal ability is the most important. Moreover, Hua Ji Er's family is not bad.
        Hua Ji Er is not tweaking, and now he holds his fists in his hands:
       "The second brother has given in." Hua Ji Er knows that he can become a companion to Hao Ji Er not only because he is good at martial arts, but also because his aunt is Pingxi Wangfei.
        Hao Ji Er said with a smile:
       "Cousin, I want to talk to you too." Three-year-old martial arts, after three years of study, has never really dealt with people.
        When the two men made a move, Hua Ji Er was not waterproof. As a result, Hao Ji Er lost only five strokes in China. Hua Ji Er said:
       "The cousin can't beat me because I am too young. If you are the same age as me, I can't beat you."
        Hao Ji Er smiled and handed the sword to the entourage around him, laughing and saying:
       "If you lose, you lose. You don't need to find a reason."
        Only one day, Hao Ji Er used his ability to conquer Du Fu and Hua Ji Er.
        Xu Wu came home and looked at the son who had just been in her for more than three months.
        Ling’s appearance was a bit strange, asking:
       "what happened?"
       Ling's two children were born in front of her daughter. Fortunately, Xu Wu did not mind. It was Ling’s tentatively saying to him that he was small and he refused. Xu Wu wants a blind man, not a rare scorpion.
        Ling's daughter was pregnant with a third child when she was just one year old. Fortunately, this third child is a son to let her breathe a sigh of relief, and Xu Wu is self-satisfied with his son every day.
        Xu Wu said that Hao Ji Er tested Du Fu and Hua Ji Er:
       "Unfortunately, my family is only like this. If you have a big point, you can follow the world." After Xu Wu gave birth to his son, he asked Yun-Qing to name his son. Yun-Qing gave the child the name of Cheng Ze and was envied by Enze.
        Ling’s laughter:
       "That's no way."
        Ze Ji Er was awakened by the voice of his parents, and opened his eyes and cried. Ling's first check and see no urine before feeding her. At the beginning, Ling was prepared to ask the mother to feed the child, and the result was blocked by Xu Wu.
        Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er are both fed by Yu-Xi, and the two children are sensible and filial. Lu-Er and the triplets are all fed by the mother, and it is not good. Therefore, Xu Wu believes that this child should be fed by her mother and will be more obedient in the future.
        Xu Wu does not believe in the idea of ​​holding a child without a grandson. When the child finishes eating milk, he is in his hands. I have to say that Xu Wu has been in the Wangfu for many years and has been greatly influenced by Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi.
        Servant Xiaolian came in and whispered:
       "Old Master, Madam, Madam Zeng is coming again. Madam Zeng said at the door that if Madam did not see her again, she would not be able to get up at the gate."
        Xu Wu is a little surprised, looking at Ling’s question:
       "what happened?"
       Someone who went to the door to make trouble, not only did not tell him, but also glared at him, this matter is not quite right.
        Ling’s head bowed and said:
       "That is my mother." There is such a mother who abandoned her husband. Ling felt that it was a shame for a lifetime.
        Xu Wu snorted and stood up and called the big housekeeper to come in:
       “Throw people back to Zeng’s home. Tell the people of Zeng’s family that if this crazy Pozi dares to go to my house, I will let their family go to Fu-Cheng City to eat sand.”
        The butler is busy:
       "it is good."
        Xu Wu turned and said to Ling’s face with tears and tears:
       "Ayun, don't blame me, such a person is a dog skin plaster. If you are soft, she will wrap you for a lifetime and you will not be safe." From the law, after Xu remarried, Xu Wu did not recognize her mother-in-law without any mistakes. . Of course, Xu Wu has no one to do this, but if Ling Ruoyun did this, he was criticized.
        Ling told her tears:
       "I didn't blame you. I just, I just didn't think she had a face to ask for me." She had been pleading with her brother on the ground, but this woman had gone without hesitation, and now she is actually for the family. Ask her.
        The younger brother of Yu family had accidentally ruined people because of conflicts with people doing business. Although it is an accident, it is also imprisoned according to the law. In order not to let the younger son go to jail, the mother-in-law of Yu wants to let Yan’s pass through Ling Ruoyun’s path and exempt his son’s jail.
        Xu Wu said:
       "It's not worth it for such people to be sad." He didn't want to be involved with this kind of ruthless woman. Even if Ling Ruoyun wants to recognize this mother, Xu Wu does not agree. Fortunately, Ling Ruoyun did not have a soft heart, but it was forbidden for the husband and ‘Madam’ to make trouble for this matter.
        Although Ling is not really sad, she has already died in her eyes. However, it is her mother who is not good at her.

       Chapter 997 - Preparing for battle

       ? Yu-Xi did not make a big choice for Hao Ji Er's choice of reading, but when Du Fu and Hua Ji Er entered the Wangfu and followed by Hao Ji Er, this matter came out.
        Xiao dissatisfaction with Yuan Ying said:
       "Old Master, for the Wang Heir to choose to read, why did you choose the big army and Du-Zheng their children, but not our children?"
        Yuan Ying also learned about this matter and knows the criteria for Yu-Xi to choose the companion for Hao Ji:
       "Achen is much bigger than the Wang Heir, and he is now in the military and is not suitable." Yuan Ying's eldest son, Yuan Chen, is 16 years old this year, and now he has served as a total of seven products in the Qianwei camp.
        Xiao said:
       "A morning is not suitable, can you still have a child? My family is no worse than Du Fu and Cui Weiqi." In Xiao eyes, Yuan Hao is no worse than anyone.
        Yuan Ying laughed so angry:
       "Auntie is no worse than Cui Weiqi than Du Fu? You have a face to say such a thing, I am embarrassed. Du Fu and Cui Weiqi martial arts practice well, the book also read well, what can aunty? Reading can not martial arts and eat No pain, how can I be seen by Wangye and Wangfei?"
       My son doesn't live up to expectations, and this thing can't blame anyone.
        See Xiao later, Yuan Ying sneered:
       "If you didn't spoil the aunt too much, everything went along with him and helped him to glare at me. He could be cultivated like this. But if he has the same hand, this time there will be him. One." Even if you didn't have it, you can fight for it.
        Xiao is somewhat short of breath:
       "It’s also that Auntie is not in good health, so I only like him more." When Yuan Xiao was a child, his body was really not good. Xiao thought took a lot of thoughts to keep her.
        Yuan Ying is too lazy to argue with Xiao Shi about this:
       "Don't leave me a meal tonight." Then he went to the front yard.
        In the evening, Yuan Ying stayed in Concubine yard and didn't go back to the backyard. Xiao gas didn't sleep well at night.
        Yu-Xi doesn't know that Xiao has opinions about her chosen candidates, but even if she knows she won't care.
        In 10 months next month, the black widow of Capital City sent a message, and the court has decided to send another 100 thousand troops to Jiangnan. According to the information they found, this army should be sent to Jiangxi.
        Yu-Xi said to Xu Wu:
       "Send someone to ask Wangye to come back." This is a different matter, and you must let Yun-Qing know as soon as possible.
        Yun-Qing came back with the news, and Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Don't worry, the sky will not fall." The imperial court sent troops to Anhui, but it increased the difficulty of their capture of Jiangnan in the future, and there were no other problems.
        Hao Ji Er also followed Yun-Qing :
       "Mother." Although Hao Ji Er is young, but Yun-Qing deliberately let him participate in these things, so this time, he also specifically let him follow.
        Yu-Xi nodded and continued:
       "The imperial court sent 200 thousand troops to the south of the Yangtze River. It is a very bad news for us." The Liaodong Army also fought bravely and was no worse than the Northwest Army. If the two armies are against each other, even if they win, they will have to pay a heavy price.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "Anhui and Jiangxi have added 100 thousand soldiers and horses. The difficulty of capturing Jiangnan is much more difficult than I expected. But even so, we have a great chance of winning."
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "You already have a countermeasure?"
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "You forgot, that was what you originally proposed. With this hole, you can beat them by surprise."
        Although Hao Ji Er looks like a small Daren, the city is not enough. When I heard the words of Yun-Qing , Hao Ji couldn’t help but ask:
       "Hey, mother, what do we have?"
        Yun-Qing just wanted to speak, but Yu-Xi is shaking his head. Yu-Xi said to Hao Ji Er:
       "A Hao, since it is a card, naturally, the less people know, the better." Hao Ji is too young, Yu-Xi is worried about being leaked out by someone who has a heart.
        Hao Ji Er did not disappoint, and nodded to Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I know." Hao Ji Er knows that he doesn't tell him that he doesn't trust him because he can't afford things when he is young. When he grows up, he won't blame him any more.
        Yun-Qing touched the head of Hao Ji Er and said with a smile:
       "Wait for another ten years, when you will take you to the battlefield."
        Hao Ji Er is not happy, said:
       "Hey, mother, big sister said that she will be on the battlefield in two years. Why can I go to the battlefield after ten years?"
       Ten years later, he was sixteen years old and was three years behind his eldest sister.
        Yun-Qing laughed and said:
       "As long as you are 13 years old, you can have your big sister's skills, and naturally go to the battlefield with you."
        Yu-Xi looked at the father and son and said:
       "Maybe after eight years, the world is already peaceful, there will be no war." There is no war within eight years, that is impossible. It is Yu-Xi who knows that this is just her beautiful imagination.
        Hao Ji Er said a big man:
       "If it is possible to be peaceful in the world, then it is best." Snoring means death, and you don't have to fight if you don't have to fight.
        Yun-Qing is very satisfied with the answer of Hao Ji Er. As a general, the biggest hope is that there is no war in the world.
        Yu-Xi smiled and asked Yun-Qing :
       “Do you want to increase your troops in Hubei?”
       Guantai led a hundred thousand soldiers to guard the place at the junction with Jiangxi. Now that Jiangxi has increased its troops by 100 thousand, Guantai people are definitely not enough.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "I will let Gao Song bring 50 thousand soldiers and horses to support the Thai, and the land will be handed over to the second brother." The land has been responsible for Gao Song and Han Jianye for the past two years. Gao Song is mainly responsible for the defense and security of the border town, while Han Jianye is responsible for clearing the rebel forces in the land.
        Han Jianye policy of practicing Yu-Xi on the Yi people, coupled with Lu Lin’s help, has not rebelled for more than two years.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       “Is there a shortage of 50 thousand people? Would you like to transfer 50 thousand people from Gansu?”
        Yun-Qing smiled and shook his head and said:
       "No. If there are 150 thousand soldiers and horses, Guantai can't keep the city, I will withdraw him." Even if he did not send troops to reinforce Guantai, he could hold the city, but only for the sake of insurance, he sent another 50 thousand horses.
        When the husband and ‘Madam’ are talking, they hear the voice of Xu Wu outside:
       "Wangye, Wangfei, Henan returned to the 800-mile battle report."
        Yu-Xi looked a sinking. I didn't expect Chou Dashan to send troops when he arrived in Fuyang. He didn't know how the front line was.
        Hao Ji Er listened to this, but his body was tight. For the first time involved in such a thing, Hao Ji was a little nervous.
        Yun-Qing opened the battle report and gave it to Yu-Xi after reading it:
       "Du-Zheng withdrew the siege, but Du-Zheng said in the military newspaper that Chou Dashan was fierce. It seems that I had miscalculated before."
        Yu-Xi will understand it:
       "You mean Yan Wu-shuang and Yu Chunxi. They want to start first, so they will take the initiative to send troops to attack us?"
       Their husband and ‘Madam’ also thought about this, but their city was built very strong, and their soldiers and horses were very strong. Therefore, in this case, even if there are more than 200 thousand soldiers and horses sent by the court, Yu-Xi is not too worried.
        Yun-Qing nods.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "In this case, then we should send more troops to Luozhou."
        Yun-Qing said a word:
       "I am afraid what Yan Wu-shuang has to do?"
       He is not worried about the situation at the moment, he is afraid that Yan Wu-shuang has any cards they don't know.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang, how many soldiers and horses in our hands, we know very well that he can't have a private soldier. At most, it is a means of doing the next thing. As long as we can't guard against his calculations, we don't have to worry too much." The soldiers are already very bad, but it is impossible to conceal ten thousand troops. The daily consumption of so many terracotta warriors is an astonishing number. If there is, their people cannot be inquired.
        What Yun-Qing hates most is the shameless means used by Yan Wu-shuang.
        Hao Ji Er’s words to his parents were confused, but he did not ask. Yu-Xi told him before, let him listen more, don't understand, wait for her to have time to explain.
        After talking about it, Yun-Qing said to Hao Ji Er:
       "A Hao, go back to your yard, let Master give you a supplementary lesson, and make up the lessons you have left soon."
        Hao Ji Er has some regrets, but not too much entanglement:
       "Hey, mother, then I am gone."
        Yun-Qing looked at the back of Hao Ji Er and said:
       "This child is only six years old! Too old is some." The son is sensible, but it makes him feel a little distressed.
        Yu-Xi is also distressed, but the identity of Hao Ji Er is destined that he can't be as comfortable as Rui Ji Er. Yu-Xi said:
       "Old is always better than childish. According to this trend, Hao Ji Er is estimated to be able to stand alone after ten years."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Sixteen years old is too small to be able to serve the public." At the age of sixteen, in the eyes of many people, it is a hairy boy. Even if Haogeer is excellent, it is also unbelievable. Therefore, it is impossible to pick a child after ten years.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I just said that after ten years, Hao Ji Er was able to stand alone, but did not say that he would take over the whole." Even if Hao Ji was smarter and did not get enough training, she did not dare to let go. But then, with the help of Hao Ji Er, she can not do this hard work.
        Yun-Qing dispatched 100 thousand soldiers and horses from Gansu to support Luozhou, and planted 50 thousand soldiers and horses from the land to support Guantai.
        Such a big movement is simply not the eyes and ears of Yan Wu-shuang. A few days later, Yan Wu-shuang got the news.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I thought Yun-Qing would pull Fu-Cheng City's terracotta warriors. I didn't expect him to transfer more than half of the troops in Gansu, and did not move Fu-Cheng City's terracotta warriors." These years Yun-Qing again Three soldiers were recruited, and a total of 350 thousand horses were recruited. Today there are 250 thousand troops in the West Sea and 120 thousand in Fu-Cheng City.
        With the strengthening of the fighting power of the border town, it is no longer a passive beating position in the face of the Beibei people.
        Meng-nian said:
       "Now it is already in early November. When the weather is cold at the end of the month, it will not be able to fight. Yun-Qing is estimated to be based on this consideration, so it has not been transferred to Fu-Cheng City." Fu-Cheng City now The strong city and the fighting power of the soldiers are enough for 70 thousand people. The remaining 50 thousand can be transferred.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "I always feel that things are not right, Yun-Qing seems too calm." But he wants to say where he can't say anything to him. Can only say that this is an intuition.
        Meng-nian said:
       “Wangye, Yun-Qing is doing its best to attack Jiangnan, even if we increase the number of troops by 200 thousand, it is difficult to keep it. Therefore, Yun-Qing will be so calm.” That is to say, but Jiangnan is a well-known money bag. If you don’t fight for one, you will give up and you will be unwilling.
        For this reason, Meng-nian did not object to Yan Wu-shuang's increase in Jiangnan. Moreover, they are not free of troops, even if they lose, they do not suffer.
        Yan Wu-shuang said with some regrets:
       "Unfortunately, those people who have been inserted in these years have not been able to enter their core circles." If they fail to enter the core circle, they will not get confidential information.
        If you let Yu-Xi hear this, you must be scornful. If they are so infiltrated so easily, their husband and ‘Madam’ have already died, how can there be today.
        After talking about it, Yan Wu-shuang walked out of the study. I saw A Qian walked forward and said:
       “Wangye, the masculine Servant of Xiang Madam has been outside for a while.” When Wangye talks about business, they are unlikely to go back.
        Hearing the masoteric servant of fragrant Madam, he said that A-Bao would play Xiang Madam, and Yan Wu-shuang frowned and asked:
       "what happened?"
       Because of the favor of Yan Wu-shuang, A Bao not only started enlightenment with A-Chi, but she also learned Wu with the master. However, because A-Bao is Miss's home, Yan Wu-shuang did not expect him to lead troops to fight in the future. With her, there is no requirement. A Bao favorite weapon is the nine-section whip, but under the strict discipline of Yu-Chen, A Bao does not dare to use the whip in the backyard. Using a whip to smoke people, today is the first time.
        Fragrant Madam's personal Servant will cry after saying it. It was nothing more than that Yu-Chen bullied the fragrant Madam with his identity. Xiang Madam refuted two sentences, and the result was heard by A Bao.
        Yan Wu-shuang said faintly:
       "I know."
        When Yan Wu-shuang stepped into Ruyiyuan, he saw A-Bao standing in the courtyard and arguing.
        A Bao saw Yan Wu-shuang and flew into Yan Wu-shuang's arms like a butterfly, his hands licking his waist and said:
       "Father, you are coming." When the father came, she would not have to be trained by her mother.
        Yu-Chen did not wait for Yan Wu-shuang to ask questions, he said things:
       "This Yatou just drew a fragrant Madam two whip. How is the fragrant Madam also her elders, and this Yatou is too daring." Xiang Madam was brought to the government three years ago by Yan Wu-shuang. Although this woman is a general-looking woman, she is very fond of Yan Wu-shuang. With the arrogance of the son Xiang Madam, even Yu-Chen is not in the eye.
        A-Bao was busy looking up and said:
       "Hey, fragrant Madam, she is a mother, but also yell at me." A-Bao hasn't used a whip to draw people because she has no one to dare to offend her.
        Yan Wu-shuang asked A-Bao invariably:
       "What did she marry you? Make you so angry."
        A Bao has a cold voice:
       "She doesn't know how to be honest and not obey the woman's way, but also tells me that I am a small monk." The next sentence is A Bao added.
        Yan Wu-shuang looked at Yu-Chen and asked:
       "Have you been so embarrassed, are you with A Bao?"
       He is a small monk, and he is not even stupid in him. Xiang’s is not so stupid. So in this case, he believes in at most half.
        Yu-Chen said with a red eye:
       "I am tired of A-Chi and A-Bao." She was wronged by her own, and she did not expect to have a pair of children.
        A Bao muttered with a grin and said:
       "Hey, what's the matter? Do you think A-Bao lied to you?"
        Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "This time, even if you can use the whip again next time." Xiang Madam was pumped two whip, which is a lesson for her!
        A Baozhen said:
       "Got it."

       Chapter 998 - Conspiracy is shattered

       ? Yu-Xi is in the study room, I heard a loud voice outside:
       "Eight hundred miles to speed up the battle report."
        Originally thought to be the battle report of Luozhou, the result was not, it was the battle report of the land. Yunnan and Guizhou attacked the land at the same time. Han Jianye sent a report back and asked for additional troops.
        When Yun-Qing came back, it also brought a bad news to Yu-Xi:
       "The Hunan border has increased by 100 thousand troops and horses. With this posture, Hunan is going to attack Hubei."
        Yu-Xi said with a dignified look:
       "Yan Wu-shuang actually said that the generals of the three provinces of Yungui and Xiangjiang sent troops, and we did not know anything about it.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Don't blame Yan Wu-shuang for sending 200 thousand troops to Jiangnan." The 200 thousand soldiers and horses are not trying to keep Jiangnan, but to help Baojia attack them.
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "What do we do now?"
       In the past two years, under the control of the land, the economy has gradually recovered, and the days of the people have gradually improved. The Yi people are no longer in rebellion. In addition, the mountain city is easy to defend, even if Yunnan and Guizhou attack Yu-Xi at the same time, it is not very worried. Yu-Xi is worried about the war between Hubei and Henan.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Don't worry, it's already November, and it's going to December. It's going to be cold when it's cold in December." That's the case, but Jiangxi and Hunan attacked Hubei at the same time. The situation is urgent, he must be increasing his troops.
        Yu-Xi believes in Yun-Qing , but she also has concerns:
       "He Rui, we must let Du-Zheng and Guantai pay attention to safety. I am afraid that Yan Wu-shuang will poison them."
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "You can rest assured that the guards around them are like clouds, and the killers can't get close to them."
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Daily defense night defense, the family thief is difficult to prevent. Yan Wu-shuang sent the killer not afraid of the people around him have problems. You do not remember Fu Tianlei business?"
       Fu Tianlei was concealed at the time and almost made Fu-Cheng City unprotected. In the unlikely event that Du-Zheng or Guantai were concealed, they were torn apart by a hole, and the consequences were unimaginable.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "Your worry is not without reason."
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "He Rui, you personally wrote to them, and said that we got the news, Yan Wu-shuang placed a fine work with one of them. This fine work has been ordered by Yan Wu-shuang, to poison him. As for Specifically, we must not be able to find out which general will be poisoned. "I believe that several generals who have received the news will definitely be vigilant.
        Yun-Qing does not agree with the idea of ​​Yu-Xi:
       "This will distract them." The letter was sent to them and will definitely let them check. Once the news leaks out, it can be irritating. The most feared thing is that the military is unstable.
        Yu-Xi feels that distraction is better than the problem, but this can't be thinner with Yun-Qing :
       "I believe that the generals can handle it well." Just give them a wake-up and let them have a precaution against the people they follow, and there will be no more things for Fu Tianlei.
        Yun-Qing hesitated, or nodded and said:
       "I will remind them." Yan Wu-shuang has no lower limit, and maybe it will use this method.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "The West Sea can't move, but the 12 thousand troops and horses in Fu-Cheng City should be able to transfer 50 thousand soldiers to Hubei." Seven thousand horses, enough to keep Fu-Cheng City.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "I have already ordered that 50 thousand troops be sent to Yucheng."
        Yu-Xi doesn't quite understand:
       "Why not directly transfer these 50 thousand soldiers to Hubei? On combat effectiveness, Fu-Cheng City's 50 thousand terracotta warriors should be stronger than other military forces."
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Because they are more loyal and have more combat power, I have to leave them." Yu-Xi is worried that Yan Wu-shuang will be poisoned by Du-Zheng and Guantai, and he is equally worried about Yan Wu- Shuang will poison Yu-Xi with a few children, so he will be relieved if he puts the 50 thousand soldiers and soldiers in the city.
        Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing have been together for so many years, and the tacit understanding is still a bit:
       "Put this 50 thousand soldiers and horses in Yucheng, you should have another plan!" Even if she is not assured that she and her children, there is no need to extra 50 thousand soldiers and horses to come over! There are 80 thousand horses in the Qianwei camp. These people are enough to protect them.
        Yun-Qing does not deny:
        It is estimated that this is more dangerous, so Yun-Qing did not tell her. Yu-Xi has not figured out the bottom:
       "No matter what happens, you have to remember that you are the pillar of your family. You can't live without this, so you must take care of yourself."
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "You can rest assured that I will not take risks." To this day, if he is to take risks, it will be too failed.
        In the next period of time, a large number of battle reports were sent back every day. There are good news and bad news. However, this time, unlike the last attack on Shanxi, there was Yun-Qing . Although Yu-Xi was still worried, he did not stretch himself as much as he did last time. However, Hao Ji Er, the first contact with such a thing is a bit nervous, every night will come to ask Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi ahead of the battle.
        Yun-Qing will have time to explain in detail to Hao Ji Er. Yun-Qing If there is no time, it will be explained by Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi explained it once and would not like to explain it for the second time. Because Hao Ji Er listened to her explanation, the expression of disappointment was too obvious. Yu-Xi was afraid that Hao Ji would not speak again.
        This made Yun-Qing happy for a while.
        I have been beaten for more than half a month, because they are in a defensive position and the loss is not serious. At this time, Yu-Xi is completely relieved. As the weather gets colder and colder, at most half a month, the war will stop.
        Yu-Xi is reading the book and seeing Yun-Qing come in. Yun-Qing The look of Tieqing, I know that there is bad news at first glance.
        Put the fold down, Yu-Xi is busy asking:
       "What happened? Is it ugly?"
       After that, go over and pick up Yun-Qing and put it in the big wool clothes next to the brazier, and put it next to the desk, saving Mars from splashing on the clothes and burning the clothes.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Just got -Lu Yongnan's letter, the guardian Gu Li around him was bought by Yan Wu-shuang. Fortunately, we were reminded that he was not right. Otherwise, Shanxi must be chaotic." The Lord will be murdered. The military is unstable. At this time, the court's terracotta warriors attacked the city, and the solid defense would be broken.
        Yu-Xi is a big jump:
       "I didn't expect Yan Wu-shuang's goal to be -Lu Yongnan." She was worried about Guantai and Du-Zheng and Han Jianming and others. As for -Lu Yongnan and Feng Dajun and others, it was entirely incidental.
        Yun-Qing did not expect:
       "Yeah! I did not expect Yan Wu-shuang's goal to be Shanxi." Shanxi is next door to them. If it is the fall of Shanxi, not only is there danger in Henan, but Shaanxi is not safe.
        Yu-Xi also has to sigh:
       "Yan Wu-shuang is a good calculation." Convinced the two provinces to attack the land together, and let Yu Chunzhen cooperate with Bao Jia, which is not something that ordinary people can do. If it weren't for her care, Yan Wu-shuang would be successful.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Fortunately, you have been unintentionally cracked. Otherwise, Shanxi must be confused, I have to personally bring troops to stabilize the situation."
        Yu-Xi heard this and his face turned white. He bit his teeth and said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang's ultimate goal is not -Lu Yongnan, it is you." If -Lu Yongnan was killed and the situation in Shanxi was chaotic, only Yun-Qing would be able to stabilize the situation in the fastest time. And Yan Wu-shuang will definitely set a trap in Shanxi. When Yun-Qing is in trouble, it is difficult for her to stabilize the situation. Once the northwest is in chaos, the war ahead will be defeated.
        Yun-Qing said with a sneer:
       "It’s just to kill me in such a big circle, and it’s hard for him."
        Yu-Xi shows the fierce light and says:
       "One day, I want him to die without a place to die."
        Yun-Qing looked at the Yu-Xi look wrong, knowing that Yu-Xi was scared. Yun-Qing is busy holding Yu-Xi in his arms and saying:
       "Don't worry, isn't this good for me?"
        Yu-Xi said one word at a time:
       "He Rui, we can't be so lucky every time. This time, no matter what the cost, we have to take the Jiangnan." Yan Wu-shuang is not removed, their family is always in danger.
        Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "You can rest assured that this time I will take Jiangnan. When we get it, we will seize Yan Wu-shuang and let him live."
        This time, because of the caution of Yu-Xi, -Lu Yongnan escaped. When -Lu Yongnan got the letter of Yun-Qing , he let the confidant Meng Hanyun pay attention to the people around him. Meng Hanyun and -Lu Yongnan were not only born and died in a trench. At the beginning, he even turned Meng Hanyun out of the dead. Since then, Meng Hanyun has been loyal to -Lu Yongnan. Anyone who wants to harm him may be anyone, but it is absolutely impossible to be Meng Hanyun.
        Meng Hanyun secretly observed for a while and found that the guards around -Lu Yongnan had some abnormalities. Other guards will not go out of the military camp even if they are on holiday. He will go out once every ten months and a half. A lot of things, even if you are careful, can't stand the check. Meng Hanyun's investigation, it is not a problem.
        After -Lu Yongnan knew that he had not stunned the snake, he was paying close attention to Gu Li whereabouts. -Lu Yongnan wanted to arrest the people hidden behind Gu Li. Unfortunately, the people behind him were too cautious. They found that the situation was not right and immediately gave up Gu Li. The big fish did not catch it, only grabbed a few small fish. It was something that -Lu Yongnan didn't think of, and got a message from a few small fish that scared him out of a cold sweat.
        In the army, there was a general named Zhao Qiang who was rebelled by the enemy. Although Zhao Qiang was only a garrison of five products, Hu Chunjian was his brother-in-law.
        In the face of the middle and upper generals of the army, -Lu Yongnan divided Gu Li and Zhao Qiang by capital punishment. As for the deputy general Hu Chunjian, although there is no evidence that he is an enemy, but the insurance to see -Lu Yongnan still unloaded his position, waiting for Yun-Qing to deal with.
        The news was sent back to Capital City, and Yan Wu-shuang took a picture on the table:
       "The plan is so strict, who is leaking news?"
       In fact, Yu-Xi was a little mistaken, saying that the people who sent troops to Tongyun Guixiang were not Yan Wu-shuang, but Yu Chun. As for Yan Wu-shuang, as Yu-Xi thinks, his goal is Yun-Qing .
        Meng-nian shook his head and said:
       "Several people who know this are reliable, and it is impossible to leak." In order to prevent leaks, there are very few people who know this. These people are following their confidants for more than ten years and cannot be rebelled by the enemy.
        Meng-nian is also very depressed for the failure of the plan. They worked hard and spent three years to buy Gu Lize against Zhao Qiang. As a result, the two people were executed without any effect.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Impossible, if no one leaks, how can -Lu Tie-nan find Gu Li?"
        Meng-nian shook his head and said that he did not know:
       "Wangye, if you don't really rely on the facts, you will make this conclusion, and it will make them chilling. Besides, who can be sure that it is not leaked in the spring?"
        The words of Meng-nian also made Yan Wu-shuang feel scrupulous. After silence, Yan Wu-shuang also took a step back:
       "That sent people to check, how did -Lu Yongnan find Gu Li."
        Meng-nian thought about it:
       "Wangye, do you want to tell Yu Chunxi this time that we plan to fail?"
       This plan, in addition to Yan Wu-shuang and his confidant, only Yu Chun knows.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "If you don't tell him about this, he will know it soon." -Lu Yongnan didn't die. Yu Chunxi knew that their plan had failed.
        As I spoke, I heard that A Qian was outside and said:
       "Wangye, Jiangnan has news."
        The news was sent by Yu Chun. Yan Wu-shuang After reading it, his face was so cold that he could freeze the dead.
        Meng-nian asked:
       “Wangye, what did Yu Chunxi say?”
        Yan Wu-shuang said with a cold face:
       "Yu Chunxi said that Yun-Qing wrote to Du-Zheng and said that the person we were next to him would harm him and make him alert."
        Meng-nian said this when he heard this:
       "No! We are in the state of Luozhou, we can't get close to Du-Zheng!"
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I suspect that Yun-Qing got the news, but he was not sure which generals we would like to start with, so I wrote this letter to every general." After all, it was because of the news leak.
        Meng-nian said categorically:
       "Wangye, this is impossible. Our people can't reveal the news. It must be leaking the news on the side of Chunyu."
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The news has leaked out, the plan has failed, and it doesn't make sense to pursue it."
        Meng-nian said with some anxiety:
       "What about the war ahead?"
       In addition to Yun-Qing , the crisis in Jiangnan will be lifted. Now that Yun-Qing is not dead, the soldiers in front are in danger.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Yun-Qing is not dead, Jiangnan can't keep it. As for Yu Chun, if he is smart, he should know how to choose." If the plan is successful, Yun-Qing is dead, Han Yu-Xi is a paper tiger. For fear. Unfortunately, it is useless to say anything now.
        Meng-nian didn't care about Yu Chun, but he cared about Chou Dashan and Qi Qing yun and the 200 thousand troops sent out. Meng-nian said:
       "In this case, then we will call back 200 thousand troops!"
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "If the current withdrawal is equal to tearing up the covenant, Yu Chunxi said that he would not fall to Yun-Qing with anger." Once Yu Chunyi took the Yun-Qing , Yun-Qing could get it without any effort. Jiangnan, by that time, he was passive.
        Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "Even if it is not appropriate to call the two generals back, we should give them a letter." This will prepare them for retreat.
        Yan Wu-shuang rejected the Meng-nian proposal.
        Meng-nian was disappointed and said:
       “Wangye, if Jiangnan is defeated, will Yuchun’s return to Capital City?”
       He is not confident that he will return to Capital City in the spring.
        Yan Wu-shuang said with a smile:
       "Even if you don't return to Capital City, as long as you don't force him, he won't rely on Yun-Qing ." That year, because Yun-Qing was disobedient, Yu family secretly also played, but unfortunately did not succeed. Therefore, unless there is no way to go, Yu Chun will definitely not rely on Yun-Qing .

       Chapter 999 - When Mother is not easy

       ? Yu-Xi gets up and hears Mei-Lan saying it is snowing outside. When I walked out of the house, the snow covered with feathers fell to the ground. The top of the red lantern that hangs high also falls in the snow, and it looks more red under the white snow.
        Gui Mama walked over and said:
       "The first snow this year is going to be later than in previous years." It snowed at the beginning of December of the previous year, and now it is mid-December.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "It doesn't matter at night, as long as it is down." Such a big snow, the front must be stopped.
        The triplets also got up, and they were very happy to see the snow. You Ji-Er said:
       "Mother, I want to make a snowman." His older sister often showed off his snowman piled up to look good.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "When the evening is over, you can go to the ski pile after class, and then call your big sister and the second sister."
        You Ji-Er took the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, when the class is dark, can we not take a nap?"
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "As long as you promise, mother is no problem." Just move Yun-Qing out, no matter when it is useful.
        You Ji-Er muttered and said:
       "Mother said that I didn't say it." If he dares to go to the aunt, he still asks!
        Rui Ji Er pulled You Ji-Er and said:
       "Don't waste time, you have to practice." Since Yu-Xi and Rui Ji Er have told the story of stupid birds flying first, Rui Ji Er no longer has to go to bed. Rui Ji Er is not the same as Xuan Ji Er. Xuan Ji Er will not bother them when they wake up in advance, but Rui Ji Er must get up and you will drag You Ji-Er, causing You Ji-Er not to sleep any more. It is.
        You Ji-Er was not happy with his face, but he still went to practice with Rui Ji Er. As for Xuan Ji Er, naturally he could not fall.
        A smile appeared on Yu-Xi face. Although You Ji-Er's temper is still that bad, but following this trend, You Ji-Er will not be able to go anywhere later.
        At noon, there was news from Hana that Qiu-shi was ill. Even if Yu-Xi is busy again, the matter of getting the news and letting go immediately is over.
        When I arrived in Han, Yu-Xi asked the doctor first, and I heard that the doctor said that it was only cold and there was no big problem.
        Li Mama lowered her voice and said:
       “Wangfei, last night Old Madam felt that the room was stuffy and people opened the window. It is estimated that it will blow the wind and cool.”
        Lu Xiu said guiltyly:
       "I didn't take care of my mother." Ye-shi is not very good, and Lu Xiu is in and out of Hanfu.
        Yu-Xi calms the said:
       "Who can expect such a thing!" To blame, Qiu-shi is not careful.
        Entering the house, Yu-Xi saw Qiu-shi lying in bed pale, and asked:
       "Mother, is it better?"
        Qiu-shi is lying in bed, said with a weak voice:
       "It’s useless when people are old." But last night, I felt that the house was stuffy and people opened the window. I didn’t expect the cold wind to be cold.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Where is the old woman? The mother has to live for a hundred years, and she will have her grandson in the future!"
        Speaking of his great-grandson, Qiu-shi remembered the marriage of seventy-seven:
       "Yu-Xi is fifteen years old after seven or seven years, and the marriage has not yet been settled. It will take you a little bit of trouble."
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Mother, don't worry, Yucheng is not the same as the capital here. The Miss here is basically fifteen or six years old." Seventy-seven have a mother, how can she intervene in this marriage.
        Qiu-shi said with a sad face:
       "Why can't you worry? She doesn't want to be a city anymore. Her mother is like that. The only thing I can rely on is you."
        Lu Xiu heard this and his face was a bit ugly. It is as if her shi-zi does not care about the marriage of a -Miss .
        Yu-Xi also didn't want to make Qiu-shi worry, laughing and saying:
       "When I write to ask the next big brother, let's take a look at what he means." There are fewer dolls in the city, most of them are 14-year-olds, and then 17-year-olds. In fact, Yu-Xi feels that this year is a good time, and the marriage is too early. If the other party has an accident or a long delay, it will not harm the children.
        When I mentioned my son, Qiu-shi was sad again:
       "I said that raising children is anti-aging, and what is old? If you don't see one side at the end of the year, you won't come back in the New Year."
        Nowadays, Han Jianming and Han Jianye can't go anywhere, so neither of them can come back to the New Year this year.
        Yu-Xi smiled and sighed Qiu-shi for a long time, and waited until Qiu-shi went to sleep after drinking medicine.
        Going out of the house, Yu-Xi said to Lu Xiu:
       "Don't mind if you are pregnant, this person is old and hopes that everyone in the family will be full."
        Lu Xiu said with a smile:
       "How come? Ping Niang also hurts me very much, that is, I know that Dabo and Fujun can't come back for the New Year, and the mood is a bit low."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "This is also inevitable. You let Chang Ji Er and Shun Ji Er spend more time with her to talk."
        Lu Xiu nodded.
        Yu-Xi is preparing to go back and hears Servant saying:
       "Wangfei Imperial Consort, 2nd Madam, Eldest Miss seeks to see." Eldest Miss, naturally refers to the seven seven.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Let her come in!" The name of the seven seven is also given by Yu-Xi!
        Seventy-seven is dressed in a bright blue pick-up flower, with a goose-yellow pleated skirt, and a pair of extremely complicated white jade is tied on the waist belt, but the walk is quiet. In front of Yu-Xi, Tingting bowed down:
       "The aunt is well."
        Yu-Xi lifted Qiqi and said with a smile:
       "Our family is really getting out of picking up seven or seven."
        The face of Qiqi is slightly red.
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "How is your mother now? Is there any better than before?"
       Ye-shi has been sick for many years, and Yu-Xi is so busy. I have been in a hurry since I came to Hanfu, so I won’t necessarily visit Ye-shi.
        Seven seven nodded gently:
       "Mother has been a lot better recently. The doctor said that if he can maintain this state, the body of the mother can be healed after the spring." Ye-shi thinks that Lu Xiu is not dedicated, afraid that her daughter’s marriage will be delayed, so she wants Let the body get better soon, so that the daughter can pick a satisfactory marriage. In this state of mind, Ye-shi body is indeed much more impressive than before.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "That's good."
        After the seven-seven retreat, Yu-Xi asked Lu Xiu with some confusion:
       "Don't a Madam have asked about Qiqi for so long?"
       Seventy-seven is not bad, and the temperament is also supple. Not to mention the family, it is impossible for no one to ask.
        Lu Xiu smiled and said:
       "Yes, there are still quite a few. I can ask about the seven or seven things that are basically Madam of the military commander's house. I don't want to say that the military is too dangerous. She wants to find a steady and steady person for the seventy-seven." The so-called steady and steady, is also to want to find a daughter to read a daughter's family.
        Yu-Xi didn't feel anything wrong with it. As a mother, Ye-shi thoughts are not wrong. The risk factor of people who are from Wu is indeed very high. If you are not careful, you will be at risk. If something goes wrong, you have to be widowed. Yu-Xi asked:
       “Is there no Madam from the civil service asked?”
        Lu Xiu said:
       "Yes, but the candidates are not very satisfied." Those civil servants who are interested, or the man has no fame or not, the foundation is weak. Each has its own shortcomings and does not fully meet the requirements of Ye-shi.
        If this is the case, Ye-shi can't find a favorite person and blame Lu Xiu for not doing enough. He also said in front of Qiu-shi that Lu Xiu has a lot of fire.
        However, Lu Xiu did not complain, but Yu-Xi also knew that Lu Xiu was difficult to do. Yu-Xi said after listening:
       "I will write to the older brother about this matter, let the big brother take the lead." Although she can understand the mother-in-law of Ye-shi, there are perfect people in this world. If you pick it up like this, it’s not good to have a critical reputation for the Seven Seven.
        Lu Xiu looked a loose, she did not know how much anger for the marriage of the seven seven. Renewable gas can only endure, who makes the big cock half dead. Speaking a word, she can be stunned, and she will eventually suffer. Now that Yu-Xi is willing to come forward, she is also happy.
        Yu-Xi saw it and said:
       "The second year has also worked hard." An old, old and small illness, Lu Xiu can be properly prepared, so that the big brother and the second brother have no worries, Lu Xiu is not easy.
        Lu Xiu shook his head and said:
       "It’s just to take care of the house, and it’s hard to talk about.” Compared with Yu-Xi, it’s nothing to do with her cooking.
        In the evening, Yun-Qing came back after bathing and saw Yu-Xi frowning with a heart-wrenching look. Yun-Qing asked:
       "What are you thinking? The brows are almost knotted."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Jao-Jao is twelve years old, but her heart is to follow you to fight. You said, what kind of people should she find for her after she likes this?"
        Yun-Qing heard this and laughed:
       "Jao-Jao marriage, you will be worried about it. She will marry who she will be in the future." On the temper of the female bully of Jao-Jao, no matter who marries, no one can afford to lose.
        Yu-Xi said with no anger:
       "Who is she who marries who? If everyone is not willing to marry?"
       This marriage has a wishful thinking, where can it be unilateral!
        Yun-Qing disdains:
       "I don't want to be jealous? I have to see if he has this courage? Can you escape the heart of Jao-Jao?"
        Yu-Xi can't vomit in the throat, and after a long ring, said:
       "Too lazy to tell you, sleep." Finished, turned over and looked inside.
        Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "Don't worry about Jao-Jao, no matter who she is married to Jao-Jao, she can make her life better. It is Lu-Er's marriage, we have to check it out." Jao-Jao The heart is wide, and the person with a wide heart will live smoothly. Lu-Er is different. If they are not married well, they will worry about it.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "I will pay attention to this matter." Lu-Er No one is coming to mention the relatives, what she has to do is to take good care of it and give Lu-Er a good husband.
        Thinking of the recent change in Lu-Er, Yun-Qing said with a smile:
       "A few days ago, Lu-Er sent me a pair of socks she had made." Lu-Er had always put a sock on him, regardless of his heart. When you received the socks, Yun-Qing didn't mention how happy he was.
        Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "At the time, I was too anxious. If I came slowly, maybe Lu-Er would be better than now." The daughter is now sensible, and she should be happy. I can wait until my daughter is no longer innocent, and Yu-Xi is not a taste.
        Yun-Qing knows what Yu-Xi thinks and shakes his head and says:
       "Lu-Er is different from You Ji-Er. You Ji-Er is useless and can only use the strategy of Huairou. And Lu-Er is our pet, and there is no strategy for her to use Huairou. I have to use a heavy hammer. Besides, I think she is better now than before. We can spoil her along her, but she will marry her husband and her family and she will not be able to accompany her. If she does not understand everything, how can she survive?"
       Relying on people is worse than relying on oneself, whether it is parents or Brother and sisters can only rely on one moment, not relying on the world. Only when you have the ability to live can the day really be comfortable.
        Yu-Xi buried his head in Yun-Qing 's arms and said:
       "When I was a mother, I knew that it was not easy to be a mother."
        In this regard, Yun-Qing is also very emotional:
       "Yes! The bigger the child, the more things you need to worry about." At the beginning, he thought that the more children, the better. Now I know how naive the idea was at the time! The six children in the family, Jao-Jao and Hao Ji Er did not let them fuck their hearts, only Lu-Er and the triplets four would make him tired enough, and then a few more are not terrible.
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "Now I worry that if they don't learn well, they won't be able to make it. After a few years, they have to worry about their lifelong events. There is really a lot of heart."
        Yun-Qing said busy:
       "When they get married, we can let go." If you are married, you can't worry about it all your life.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I think so now, can you really feel relieved or two?"
        Yun-Qing thinks that thinking so far is too tired:
       "How come you think about the marriage of Jao-Jao today? Is it what the mother said to you?"
       Before Yun-Qing was very respectful to Qiu-shi, Yun-Qing thought that Qiu-shi was a little confused since Ye-shi made the incident.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Jao-Jao has us, how can the mother intervene? My mother just mentioned seven seventy to me today, saying that she is seven or seventy-four years old, and she should also say the doorman."
        Yun-Qing Although he felt that Qiu-shi was confused, he thought that it might be old, but he was very dissatisfied with Ye-shi:
       "This child's aunt is in the marriage, what do you ask for marriage? This is the most troublesome thing to do in the media. If you do well, you should think that it should be. If you do not do well, you will blame you for a lifetime. You are so busy, why bother to go to this drowning. "If the child's shi-nu is absent, it is appropriate for the aunt to choose the husband's family for the shi-nu." If you are alive, you don't have to worry about this business.
        Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing doesn't like Ye-shi, but she doesn't like Ye-shi either:
       "Since the mother mentioned it, I must say something to my older brother."
        For this answer, Yun-Qing is very satisfied:
       "Right, how is that child?"
        Yu-Xi knows that Yun-Qing refers to the boy born by Ye-shi:
       "The child's body is a little weaker than his peers, but it is considered to be raised." The child was not very good at the time, and he often became sick. Yu-Xi thought he couldn't keep it. Now that I am in good health, Yu-Xi does not know if this is a good thing.
        Yun-Qing asked:
       "What is Big Brother's plan for this child?"
       Although this matter is not directly related to Yu-Xi, if it breaks out, Yu-Xi will definitely be implicated.
        Yu-Xi Said:
       "Big brother said that he would protect this child for a lifetime." If it is a missing son, it is possible to recognize it. But now, except for Chang Ji Er and Hua Ji Er, Han Jianming gave birth to a son in Shanxi. Since there is no shortage of sons, this child will naturally not be recognized.
        Yun-Qing clicks on the head:
       "fair enough."

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