Han Yuxi 940-949

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 940 - Big Action (2)

       ? Heaven is bright, many people are still asleep. Du Fu, this time only a few Pozi cleaning.
        The concierge heard the sound of knocking on the door outside, and asked Harbin to ask:
       While walking towards the gate, I didn’t know what to do when I was so early.
        As soon as I opened the door, I saw dozens of fierce officials outside. In the heart of the porter, I was excited and asked:
       "I don't know..." I didn't finish the question. The person who led the first pushed him down and fell to the ground.
        Du Xingguo was preparing to get up at this time, and suddenly heard a burst of ghosts and wacks outside. Du Xingguo said to the big Servant who is waiting for him:
       "Go and see, what happened?"
        The big Servant hadn’t gone out yet, and he saw his close-fitting ran in, crying and sulking:
       "Old Master, it's not good, there is a bureaucrat who came to the house and said that he would arrest the Old Master."
        Du Xingguo changed his face and asked:
       "what did you say?"
       Without waiting for a long answer, there was an eager footstep outside. Soon, I rushed in from the outside to more than a dozen official differences.
        The headed person knows Du Xingguo, and when he sees himself, he says:
       "Tie back and bring it back."
        Du Xingguo was arrested and Du Jia was ransacked. At the same time, Du Xingguo party also fell into the same situation as him. Not only did he enter the prison, but his family was also checked.
        Xu Wu handed a stack of letters to Yu-Xi with a black face and said:
       "Wangfei, this was found in Du Xinguo study. I did not expect Du Xingguo to have been in close contact with the Yu family." Fortunately, Wangfei had this episode, or they are still in the dark. Through this incident, Xu Wu deeply understands the huge omissions in intelligence work.
        Yu-Xi took the letter abbreviatedly and said after reading:
       "Fortunately, he was removed from the original, otherwise he did not know how many secrets to leak out." Du Xingguo also dismissed him because he was dissatisfied with the Yu-Xi administration, but did not expect that this person actually had a resentment because of his heart. Yu family people got on.
        Xu Wu nodded his head. Fortunately, Du Xingguo had not been in office for a long time, and he was not at home. If not, I don't know how much trouble it will cause them.
        Speaking of the conversation, Tan Tuo came over.
        Yu-Xi said that Du Xingguo colluded with the Yu family people:
       "I have let Xu Wu release Du Xingguo collusion with the Yu family, and wait until tomorrow's official government to post an announcement, and sentence Du Xinguo and Du Jiacheng's man to a sentence. No Daren and son-in-law, all exile to the West Sea." There are mostly barbarians over there, and it is not so good for the Du family to go there.
        Tan Tuo shook his head and said:
       "Wangfei, the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze spring is born again. Du Xingguo since this dare to do such a thing, it is necessary to bear this evil." Tan Tuo means to put Du Jianan all killed, the son-in-law for the sin servants to sell Square.
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Only the evils of the wickedness will destroy the family." After a smile, he said, "As for the spring breeze that Tan Daren said, only the weak are afraid of retaliation." She is not a weak person, so she is not afraid of revenge. And to her point of view, if it is still afraid of Du family's revenge, then it is a joke.
        Tan Tuo did not continue to say this thing:
       “Wangfei, how are other people prepared to deal with it? Wangfei, many of whom are blinded.”
        Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
       "I don't care if they are blinded or involved. I don't want to be one." Since I started this kind of thinking, I have to pay the price of blood. Otherwise, there will be another time.
        Tan Tuo feels that it is not appropriate to talk about this topic. Obviously, Wangfei has already made a fire for this matter. The person in anger is unreasonable to speak. Tan Tuo consciously shifted the topic:
       “Wangfei, the spring ploughing around the country was completed on schedule.”
        Yu-Xi face is a smile, saying:
       "There are several rains during this time, which is a good sign." Shanxi and Henan and other places have seven or eight kinds of artichokes, while the northwest is wheat and millet.
        Tan Tuo nodded and talked about the mulberry tree:
       “Wangfei, those mulberry trees survived most of the time. If it can be planted on a large scale, it will benefit the future.”
        Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "I know this, but this is not anxious, waiting for the war ahead, and then discuss this matter." Large-scale planting of mulberry trees is not a small project. In the current situation, it is not appropriate.
        Tan Tuo just reminded Yu-Xi that it is not going to be implemented now:
       "Shanxi and Henan have both been hit, and Hubei is believed to be able to take it soon." The war was as smooth as they expected.
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "It’s a bit of a hassle. But don’t worry.” No matter what you do, Yu-Xi is not in a hurry.
        After talking for a long time, Tan Tuo went back.
        In the evening, Xu Wu handed Yu-Xi a stack of thick paper:
       "Wangfei, this is the confession of the prisoner."
        Yu-Xi looked at Xu Wu ugly face and smiled and said:
       "What did they confess? Make your face so ugly?"
       Certainly not a good thing.
        After reading it, Yu-Xi knows why Xu Wu is ugly. Because these people confession involves Fu Minglang and Jiang Hongfu and several other officials. However, Tan Tuo and Meng Fangjun and other Yu-Xi confidants are not among them.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "These people are just biting in a mess, can drag one is one, you don't have to care."
        Xu Wu, once I came back, asked:
       “Wangfei means not to continue checking?”
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Checking nature is to be investigated. We can't be accused of it, but we don't do it. But this is handed over to the inspector and the ombudsman. If there is evidence that their innocence can be released." If you can't prove your innocence, How to punish it is so fine.
        Xu Wu understood that:
       "I know."
        After three days, Yu-Xi asked Xu Wu:
       "Is there still a little abnormality in the military?"
       She thought that there would be any changes in the military! Unexpectedly, after a few days, there was no movement at all.
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "Everything in the military is normal. I think it is Wangfei Thunder means to scare them, so I dare not mix them in."
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "If I didn't guess wrong, it would be what Yu Cong did, so that they wouldn't dare to act rashly?"
       If not, it is impossible to have any movements.
        Xu Wu clicked and said:
       "Well, during this time, the rest of the time ordered that no one be allowed to go out to the military camp. No one else allowed him to enter." Yu Cong did this, but it was actually protecting the people below.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I hope that those people can understand his pains." If he is not forced to do anything, he does not want to kill.
        Seeing Yu-Xi is not angry, Xu Wu is also relieved. He is also worried that Wangfei will be unhappy about it!
        Ps: The doctor said that my body is too bad, I must stay in bed to rest, otherwise the child will be in danger. So the Di Daughter can't be updated for the time being, I am really sorry for the inconvenience to everyone. June can persist until now, relying on everyone support and encouragement, (n_n) o-, love you.

       Chapter 941 - Brother and sister

       ? After the rain, the air is very cool. Yun-Qing wore a thick armor and didn't feel hot.
        -Lu Yongnan is on patrol, seeing Yun-Qing , and rushing past and -calling:
       “Wangye, just got the news, Chou Dashan led a hundred thousand army to attack us, only three hundred miles away from us.”
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "Let the scouts pay close attention to the movements of Chou Dashan." Once on the battlefield, Yun-Qing would not dare to relax. Because of an oversight, it may take thousands of soldiers to temperament life.
        -Lu Yongnan nodded:
       "Yes, Wangye." By this time, -Lu Yongnan is only awake. There are many generals in Shanxi who can levy good warfare. Unfortunately, they suffered natural disasters last year. The unscrupulous disasters caused the people to lose their trust in them. They would not be able to take them to Shanxi for more than a month. If they do not occupy Shanxi, their situation is not good now.
        Yun-Qing turned back and went back to the camp. At this time, the criminal sent a thick letter and said:
       "Wangye, this is a letter from Wangfei."
        Yun-Qing brows up after reading the letter. After a while, she walks to the table and writes a reply.
        The criminal Sibo is not a multi-speaker, but looking at the way Yun-Qing looks, he still asks one more sentence:
       "Wangye, is there anything wrong with Yucheng?"
        Yun-Qing said coldly:
       "Those people are glaring at me in the northwest, and dare to attack Wangfei so much, damn it."
        Sinbo face changed slightly and said:
       "At this time, the troubles are provoked. These people are really damned." The most feared thing when fighting is that the rear is unstable. If the rear is unstable, it will be unstable. If the military is unstable, how can it win?
        Yun-Qing , a voice:
       "Wangfei has arrested all the people who made the troubles, and the culprit also bowed to the public. The families of the prisoners were all exiled to the West Sea." Yun-Qing has no opinion on the disposal of these people by Yu-Xi. To be replaced by him is not just to kill the people involved.
        Sinbo said with exclamation:
       "Wangfei is too good." What is still exiled in the West Sea, all the men have been killed, and the women’s shackles have been sold for the people.
        Many people in the military have a lot of opinions on the Yu-Xi administration, but some people think that Yu-Xi is also in good governance. There is no such thing as a good statement, and the husband and ‘Madam’ are willing to lose money!
        Three days later, Yu-Xi received a reply from Yun-Qing . Yu-Xi read the letter and smiled and said to Xu Wu:
       “Wangye feels that my punishment for those people is too light.” But she has ordered it and will not change it.
        Xu Wu said:
       “Wangye estimates that it’s better to kill it with a hundred, and the effect is better!” Xu Wu didn’t think that Yu-Xi was too good, and everyone had their own way of doing things. Wangye set may not be suitable for Wangfei.
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "No loss, you have been with Wangye for so many years, and his meaning in the letter is similar to what you said." Yu-Xi does not feel that it is necessary to kill all the family members involved or sell them. Her current behavior is enough to shock those people.
        Gossip two sentences, Yu-Xi asked:
       "When can Luhan arrive?"
       Half a month ago, Yu-Xi sent a secret letter to Cui Mo and Han Jianye, asking them to send Lu Han to Yucheng. Yu-Xi made Luhan’s intention to come to Yucheng very simple. She wanted Luhan to be a lobbyist. It is good to say that Lu Gang is good. If you can't make it, you can shake your military heart. In addition to this, I can give Lulin a reassurance.
        Xu Wu said:
       "It should be possible in these two days." Xu Wu felt that he could give it a try for the idea of ​​Yu-Xi. Even if they fail, they have nothing to lose. If you win, you can do more with less in the future.
        In the evening, Luhan arrived in Yucheng. With him, there is Han Jianye. Because I got the news before, I know that Han Jianye will come over, and Yu-Xi is not unexpected.
        When Luhan went to the northwest, he was still a child. Five years have passed and now a burly teenager has grown.
        Yu-Xi looked at Lu Han’s tender face and asked:
       "It will be very dangerous to go to the land this time. Should your uncle tell you? If you have a remorse, you still have time." Since Luhan is going to be a lobbyist, he must be willing to be willing.
        Although Lu Han is now only sixteen years old, he has already practiced in Fu-Cheng City these years. Luhan shook his head and said:
       "Wangfei, I am not afraid." If it is dangerous, it will shrink, and this life will be nothing.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs. You should go down and rest early tomorrow morning!"
        After Luhan withdrew, the room left Yu-Xi and Han Jianye brother and sister. Since Yu-Xi left Fu-Cheng City, the 2nd Brother and sisters have not spoken alone.
        Han Jianye took the initiative to say:
       "Yu-Xi, it is not appropriate for Luhan to be a lobbyist. As soon as Lu Han is young, he is not convincing enough; secondly, Lu Rigi is fortitude, so that Luhan can be a lobbyist and it is easy for Lu Gang to think this. It is coercing him."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Doubt? If he is determined to be an enemy of us, is it necessary for me to protect his son? Where is this cheap in the world?"
        Han Jianye heart was shocked and said:
       "What you mean is that if Luhan couldn't convince Lu Gang, let him stay in the depression." The depression is now in jeopardy, and it is dangerous for Luhan to stay in the depression.
        Yu-Xi did not answer Han Jianye question, but asked:
       “Why should I take the initiative to be a lobbyist?”
        Han Jianye heart is slightly loose, saying:
       “I have been in Fu-Cheng City for nearly ten years, and it’s best for me to be a lobbyist.” Fu-Cheng City’s decade-long changes can’t be overstated. His biological experience, plus he is Lu Gang’s big brother, so he is the best candidate.
        Yu-Xi looked at Han Jianye and said:
       "Can you go to life this time?"
       Yu-Xi I don't know if Han Jianye is the most suitable candidate, but this time I went to the crisis, so she did not list Han Jianye as the first candidate. Five years ago, the Brother and sisters were somewhat alienated, but Yu-Xi did not think about letting Han Jianye go to risk. But Han Jianye took the initiative to ask, but she could not refuse. As a superior, things should be considered from the overall situation. At the beginning, she did not ask Han Jianye to go first. It was already a matter of affair.
        Han Jianye heard this in his heart and said:
       "Yu-Xi, I am sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I am sorry." He should not say that Yun-Qing is a thief, and he should not say that Yu-Xi is an accomplice. This is worse than the fact that he was counted by Yu-Xi and his life was more harmful to the heart of Yu-Xi. This is so great, Yu-Xi still saved him from serious injuries. Recalling the past, his brother, who has been living under the guise of Mei Mei. He did not be grateful, but instead gave a big slogan. As soon as I think of this, Han Jianye feels that there is no land.
        Yu-Xi said in silence:
       "Is this you figured it out, or did your older brother tell you?"
       If she figured it out, she would give Han Jianye another chance. If Han Jianming said, then she did not dare to appoint a heavy responsibility.
        Han Jianye said:
       "I figured it out. I always thought about it. You are not a strong person, nor a person who likes power. Why did you support Yun-Qing for rebellion? Later I knew, you are for the northwest. The people." When Yu-Xi was at home as Miss, even the housekeeper was too troublesome, and he knew that he would shrink into the study to read the book. Such a temperament child, how can it be a powerful person.
        Yu-Xi chuckled and said:
       "I am not as great as you think. I said that Yun-Qing is not for the people in the northwest, but for self-protection. If Yun-Qing is a soldier, all of us will die."
        Han Jianye did not disappoint because of Yu-Xi, saying:
       "For whatever reason, the people in the northwest are getting better and better under the management of your brother-in-law. The soldiers in the border towns don't have to worry about freezing and starving. Now they are not afraid of the Beibei barbarians." Yu-Xi is half credit.
        Yu-Xi heard this and stared straight at Han Jianye. Seeing that Han Jianye did not avoid it, he was calm, and Yu-Xi knew what he was saying:
       "I am very pleased to hear the second brother say these words." Not losing money, she saved him at such a great cost.
        Han Jianye heard this and looked awkward:
       "Yu-Xi, the old thing is that the second brother is sorry for you. But in the future, I will not drag your hind legs again." Not only can you not pull the back legs of Yu-Xi, but also do your best to help Yu- -Xi.
        Yu-Xi is understandable, ask:
       "So you take the initiative to ask for a trip to the ground?"
        Han Jianye did not evade, saying:
       "Five years ago, I was not seeing you, I just thought about sticking to Fu-Cheng City in my life. But now I know that your situation is very dangerous. If I am tormenting in Fu-Cheng City, it would be too selfish. "Yu-Xi has done so many practical things for the people, so that the people in the northwest live and work in peace, and the life of the soldiers has been greatly improved. However, there are still many people who are eager to put Yu-Xi in an unjust place.
        Yu-Xi took a deep breath and said:
       "Second brother, you can think like this, I am very happy." Han Jianye can say such a thing, prove that he really figured it out.
        Han Jianye said with a smile:
       "Yu-Xi, I can do very little for you." Instead, Yu-Xi did it for him. He couldn't pay it all his life.
        Yu-Xi looks a lot easier and says:
       "The family doesn't have to say two words. It is very dangerous to go to the land this time, but it is also an opportunity. Whether you can convince Lu Gang, when you come back, you will go to Hanzhong." The opportunity to stay in Fu-Cheng City is very low. Come out and have a chance.
        Han Jianye nodded and said:
       "You can rest assured that I will return safely." After a pause, Han Jianye said:
       "Yu-Xi, it’s enough for me to go to the ground alone. Don’t let Luhan go?”
        Yu-Xi thought for a long time, nodded and said:
       "You can let Lu Han stay in Yucheng first. If Lu Gang does not agree to vote, then Luhan will leave the northwest. As for Luhan to go to the capital, I will not interfere."
        Han Jianye lips squirmed and eventually swallowed when he reached his mouth.
        Ps: There are updates at night. I just watched, "The Di Daughter" is only a hundred votes away from the classified monthly ticket list. This time it should be the last time for the Di Daughter to compete for the monthly ticket, (n_n)o-, the last two days Yu-Xi It will be updated a lot.

       Chapter 942 - Half of the Country

       After talking about business, Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother has been chanting you, this time I can see you, she will be very happy!"
        Han Jianye shook his head and said:
       "Forget it, wait until you come back from the hustle and bustle! Or else she knows that I am going to squat, I will certainly be uneasy." In addition, he came back this time to avoid everyone. If you go back in a big way, there is no secret.
        Yu-Xi does not insist, saying:
       "Well, wait until you come back and see her mother!"
        At this time, Dingzhou, Chou Dashan led a 100 thousand-strong army stationed in more than 100 miles outside Dingzhou City. Chou Dashan did not take the troops to attack the city, but sent a general to -call at the city and let Yun-Qing go out into the city.
        Chou Dashan is not stupid. The wall is tall and thick. If he is attacking the city, he will definitely be unable to break the attack. However, he really wants to fight the Northwest Army and see the combat effectiveness of the Northwest Army.
        -Lu Yongnan spoke a swearing word and then said with Yun-Qing :
       "Wangye, let me bring 30 thousand soldiers to fight with him, can't let them be awkward." Although I heard that the Liaodong Army battle is very brave, they are not vegetarian.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Tomorrow you will bring 50 thousand soldiers and horses to fight." If the combat strength of the two armies is not on a level, Yun-Qing will certainly not agree to send troops to fight. For example, before the Northerners attacked Fu-Cheng City, he only defended the city without sending troops. The situation is different now. They have a 100 thousand army, and Chou Dashan is only a hundred thousand soldiers. The combat effectiveness of both sides is similar. If the turtle is in the city, it will encourage the arrogance of the enemy and weaken the morale of the enemy.
        -Lu Yongnan is overjoyed and said:
       "Wangye, it is under the name of our Northwest Army."
        Imagination is beautiful, reality is very skinny. The 100 thousand soldiers and horses that Chou Dashan brought are more than half of them. This part of the Terracotta Warriors is also brave and good. Therefore, the two armies played against each other, and both sides sent the best generals of martial arts. The first four games were won by each of the two sides. The last game, Chou Dashan, went out in person and said to -Lu Yongnan:
       "Can you have a courage to fight with me?"
        If the faces of tens of thousands of soldiers are not to fight, they will not be mixed in the military in the future. -Lu Yongnan carrying a double gun, hit the front with Chou Dashan. The two played a small half-hour, who couldn’t help but who was finally judged as a draw.
        Chou Dashan actually wanted to defeat -Lu Yongnan, and then led Yun-Qing out, but did not expect -Lu Yongnan martial arts to be out of him. Since he had a tie, there was no need to fight again, and Chou Dashan immediately ordered the drums to be recruited.
        Yun-Qing looks at the defeated -Lu Yongnan, looks very calm:
       "If the Liaodong Army is vulnerable, how can it resist the fierce Donghu people?"
       The Liaodong Army is the only army that can share the same name as the Northwest Army. If it is vulnerable, it indicates fraud.
        -Lu Yongnan’s look is a lot better:
       “Wangye, that Chou Dashan is also being boasted, and it’s not a big deal.”
        Yun-Qing looked at -Lu Yongnan and said:
       "You have to remember that you have tens of thousands of soldiers temperament on your shoulders. Even if the opponent's strength is not as good as you, there can be no slack. A lax, the price may be tens of thousands of soldiers temperament life."
        -Lu Yongnan’s heart is a glimpse, and people are not consciously standing upright:
       "The subordinates are wrong." It was also the victory of this period, which made him somewhat arrogant.
        Yun-Qing looked at -Lu Yongnan and said:
       "I am going to Henan, I will hand it over to you." Henan has been captured by Du-Zheng, and Yun-Qing used to meet Du-Zheng.
        Henan and Shanxi have already been hit, and the next target is Hubei. At the beginning of the year, Xu Wei was sent out, but Xu Wei had only 50 thousand soldiers and horses, and his movements were relatively slow. However, this is the case, and now it has captured five states. Yun-Qing led the troops from Henan, and the two armies quickly took up Hubei.
        -Lu Yongnan heard this and asked:
       “Wangye rest assured that I will not let the imperial army step into Shanxi.” This is also a military order.
        After saying this, -Lu Yongnan couldn’t help but say another sentence:
       "Wangye, Henan and Anhui and Jiangsu border. If you can beat these two provinces, then we can not eat white rice." In fact, -Lu Yongnan wants to send troops to Jiangnan.
        Yun-Qing said with a blank expression:
       "Do everything you need to do." They can successfully attack Shanxi and Henan because they have done a lot of preparatory work in the early stage. Now rushing to attack Anhui and Jiangsu, not only can the troops not keep up, the rear materials can not keep up. Yun-Qing , never hit the unsure.
        -Lu Yongnan feels a little pity:
       "I want Jiangnan to experience flooding last year. Now attacking them will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "If there is no flood, we have not been as smooth as attacking Shanxi and Henan." It was the flood that dragged Baojia. Otherwise, Yan Wu-shuang will cooperate with Baojia, and their war will not be so smooth.
        -Lu Yongnan thinks and thinks it is.
        The next day, the day was bright, and Yun-Qing left the city with a guard and went to Henan.
        Yan Wu-shuang received a copy from Chou Dashan, and his face immediately sank after reading:
       "I didn't expect that an unnamed person could even tie Ashan with him?"
       As far as he knows, although -Lu Yongnan is also the confession general of Yun-Qing , it is still not the most powerful under Yun-Qing . Yun-Qing 's most powerful general under the hand is a large army.
        Yan Wu-shuang also wanted to gather Feng Dajun before, but he also knew that Feng Dajun had a very different relationship with Yun-Qing . It is impossible to get away from it directly. Knowing that Feng Dajun likes beautiful people, he specially borrowed the hand of others to send two beautiful and beautiful people. I want the beauty to blow the pillow wind first, and then slowly figure it out. As a result, the two beautiful women only said a few plausible words, which caused the Fengjun army to be furious and immediately sent the two beautiful women to the military camp for the military. Since then, Yan Wu-shuang has given up the plan to close the army.
        It is quite frustrating to say that Yan Wu-shuang has made two beauty plans for Yun-Qing and his subordinates.
        Meng-nian didn't feel surprised, saying:
       "-Lu Yongnan is not the number one of Yun-Qing 's confidants, but he is also a general who has fought in battle. One shot and two guns are no match for the army."
        Yan Wu-shuang frowned and said:
       "Ashan said in the letter that he got the news that Yun-Qing took 30 thousand soldiers and horses out of the city. -Lu Yongnan took 70 thousand soldiers and horses to defend the city."
        What -Lu Yongnan is going to do now is to keep the door, not the courage of the husband. So no matter how provocative by Chou Dashan, he only sticks to Dingzhou City and does not send troops to fight. For -Lu Yongnan, anyway, the first game has already played a tie and has earned a face.
        Meng-nian looks not very good, said:
       "Yun-Qing is afraid to capture Hubei. Wangye, once Hubei and the land have fallen into the hands of Yun-Qing , they can account for half of the country." Half of the rivers and mountains are some, but Hubei is really It was captured, and Yu-Xi and Yun-Qing are equal to one-third of the world.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "On the waste of He Zhizhang, where can't stop the Northwest Army. It's hard to say it." If you want to attack the land, you have to pay for it.
        Having said that, Yan Wu-shuang frowned:
       "Han Yu-Xi, the woman is not stupid, and certainly knows that it is not easy to attack. I think she will definitely use some other method."
        Meng-nian thought about it:
       "The best way is to let Zhou Jinpeng vote for this is obviously impossible. This person has the royal blood, and he will vote for the chaotic thief." Zhou Jinpeng's identity is somewhat complicated, and the face is an ordinary clan, but privately. Everyone said that the illegitimate son of his Emperor Dezong was the same as the Emperor Guangzong. Only a few people know what the truth is.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "It is impossible for Zhou Jinpeng to vote for it. There are many people who can hold the military power. If there is one or two opposites, the situation will change."
        Meng-nian said with a serious face:
       "What do we do then?"
       Zhou Jinpeng not only did not listen to their Wangye dispatch, but instead angered them that Wangye was a chaotic thief who wanted to seek a squat. It is not that easy for them to want to intervene.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Zhou Jinpeng can hold on to the land for more than 20 years, enough to see this man's city and ability, send someone to remind him, he will handle this matter."
        Meng-nian felt that they couldn’t wait and say:
       "If it is not handled properly?"
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "I didn't handle it well, but the land was just in the hands of Yun-Qing ." With Yun-Qing 's ability, he could get it again, but it was only a matter of time.
        Meng-nian said with anxiety:
       "Wangye, once Yun-Qing takes up the land, do you say he will go south?"
       If Yun-Qing takes over Jiangnan, then it will be even more powerful, and they will be in jeopardy.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "No. Yun-Qing is cautious. If there is not enough food supply, he will not take risks." X- is cautious, this is the advantage and weakness.
        Meng-nian said with anxiety:
       "Even if you don't send troops down south, and wait for Shanxi and Henan to stabilize, Yun-Qing will definitely lead troops to attack Jiangnan."
        Yan Wu-shuang is not an easy person to lose:
       "Shanshan and Henan have stabilized for at least two years. In two years, there will be many variables."
        Meng-nian looked bitter and said:
       "Sometimes, I feel that God is helping them all the time." Yun-Qing took the army to occupy the northwest, which is smooth sailing. It is also surprisingly smooth to bring troops to attack Shanxi and Henan.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "What God is helping them, but Han-shi has the ability to foresee, knowing that there will be a big natural disaster last year, and preparing in advance." For the good deeds and He Wei and others, this natural disaster is devastating. It is an opportunity for Han-shi, who has the ability to predict.
        Meng-nian would rather believe that the drought in the northwest is predicted by the old farmer and does not believe that Yu-Xi has the ability to predict. Only Meng-nian knows that there is no result in how to argue this topic, and simply do not accept this.

       Chapter 943 - Heart

       Yan Wu-shuang is talking to Meng-nian, and the outside guards are saying outside:
       “Wangye, Ce-fei Imperial Consort sent people to say that the 1st County Owner had a fever.” Yan Wu-shuang is very precious to A Bao daughter, so Ah Bao was sick and Yu-Chen immediately sent everyone to tell Yan Wu-shuang.
        Yan Wu-shuang is a little worried, saying to Meng-nian:
       "I will go over to see A-Bao first, and other things will be said later." Baby girl is sick, and there are other things to do.
        Meng-nian looked at Yan Wu-shuang's hurried pace, but smiled. Finally, there are people who let Wangye get to the heart. This is a good thing for Wangye. In addition, the A-Bao County Owner has a long history of powder carving, who can't see it.
        Yan Wu-shuang rushed to the backyard and looked at the red-faced daughter. His face sank immediately:
       "What happened? How can A-Bao have a fever?"
        Yu-Chen said:
       "Now the weather is hot, A-Bao kicked the quilt at night, so it was cold." Every time the day is changed, it is the time when the child is most likely to get sick.
        Yan Wu-shuang can not care so much, A Bao kicked the quilt to be cold, that is, the breast and the Servant did not take care of it, immediately ordered, the A-Bao mother and the personal Servant all sent out, replaced by new Come.
        Gui Mama brought the good medicine up, and A-Bao didn't want to drink it. Not to mention children, there are few Darens who are willing to drink this kind of dead medicine.
        Yu-Chen looked at Yan Wu-shuang and took the medicine. He didn’t let A-Bao drink two for a long time. He couldn’t help but say:
       "Wangye, let the courtiers come to feed!" By the A-Bao temperament, this medicine is definitely not to be fed.
        Yan Wu-shuang hesitated for a moment, and finally handed the medicine to Yu-Chen, while he stood by and watched.
        A Bao is not willing to take medicine, and Yu-Chen can only be forced to pour it. Looking at the miserable case of A-Bao crying, Yan Wu-shuang walked out of the house and asked the Imperial Doctor outside:
       "Can't you make the kind of pills your child eats?"
       Feeding pills is much simpler and more convenient than feeding them.
        Le Imperial Doctor said with a low head:
       "Wangye, Weichen also tried to do it. The pills that can be made are not very effective." Since taking pills without effective medicine is effective, it shows that such an experiment is a failure.
        Yan Wu-shuang is not a good understanding of the Lord, said:
       "Since the effect is not good, then the idea is improved." After a pause, Yan Wu-shuang added another sentence:
       "If you really make such a pill, you can be the first person in medical history. At that time, it must be passed on through the ages."
        At this moment, Yan Wu-shuang is just a father who cares about her daughter and does not want her daughter to suffer.
        Le Imperial Doctor is not rare at all. Under the hands of Yan Wu-shuang, he was able to keep his family safe and secure, and he was satisfied. However, the thoughts in my heart are not dare to show up. The Imperial Doctor has a lower head:
       "Wangye, his subordinates will do their best."
        Not only does A Bao have a fever, but the triplets born in Yu-Xi also have some fever. However, because only a slight fever, Quan Mama and Lan Mama did not ask the doctor to see the prescription for the triplets. Instead, they used the soil method to cool the three children.
        The child is ill, and Yu-Xi is not at ease in handling government affairs in the front yard. After a small quarter of an hour, Mei-Lan and Jing Bai should go to the backyard to see the situation. It was hard to finish the matter at hand, and I rushed to the backyard.
        Quan Mama looked at Yu-Xi anxious look and said:
       "Don't worry, the children are asleep. When they wake up, there should be no big problem. As long as the next two days are not repeated, it will be fine."
        Yu-Xi looked at the three sons who slept in a row, and smiled a bit:
       "My mother is really incompetent." The child can't take care of himself if he is sick. Yu-Xi is very heartbroken.
        Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "You don't think too much. Now things are outside. When Wangye comes back, you can take care of their 3rd Brother." Actually, Quan Mama and Lan Mama took two Pozis and six Servant, taking care of the triplets. Very good. But this child, how can I not get sick.
        Yu-Xi touched the bright forehead of Rui Ji, and sighed. In fact, Yun-Qing came back, and she was able to take time to take care of her child when she was sick. At other times, it is just as busy. The territory is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more things, so there is already experience in the loss, and there is no fuss.
        Quan Mama thought about it and asked in a mosquito-like voice:
       “When will Wangye come back?”
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       “Wangye has now reached the junction of Henan and Hubei, and can't come back in a short time.” There is no way to estimate the situation of snoring, so there is no way to determine the return date.
        Quan Mama snorted and didn't continue to ask. At this moment, Mei-Lan walked in and whispered:
       "Wangfei, sent an expedited military newspaper in front." Other things can be put aside, this expedited military newspaper is delayed for half a minute.
        Quan Mama heard this and said softly:
       "Don't worry, there is me and Lan Mama, the child will not have anything. You are safe to deal with the outside world!"
        Yu-Xi nods:
       "Rui Ji Er 3rd Brother, it is necessary to bother Quan Mama." There is also a loss of Quan Mama, or else Yu-Xi where can be so peace of mind.
        Yu-Xi returned to the front yard, and after reading the military newspaper, he licked his temple and said to Xu Wu:
       "Let Yuan Ying come over immediately." The military newspaper was written by Yun-Qing himself, and he wanted to work with the army.
        Yun-Qing recruited another 150 thousand soldiers and horses in Henan. Du-Zheng originally recruited 150 thousand people in Henan to get rid of the war. Now there are only 350 thousand troops in Henan. The daily consumption of these horses and horses, as well as the military squad that needs to be distributed, make the Yu-Xi somewhat unstoppable.
        When Xu Wu looked at the posture, he asked:
       "Do you want grain and military?"
       Although the recruitment of the soldiers and horses is not big, but can not stand many people!
        Yu-Xi General’s newspaper put it down, hummingly said:
       "It’s going to be a hard time again." The bottom of the family that has survived has been used up. Now I only hope that God will open my eyes. This year is a good harvest year. If not, this day can't be over.
        It took only three months for the troops to take over the two provinces, and the speed was very fast. Thanks to natural disasters, but because of the drought, many people can't live to rob the rich and the wealthy officials, and those rich families know that the Northwest Army has sprinted with gold and silver. Therefore, the Northwest Army captured these two places and received fewer spoils. When the soldiers took over the northwest, they couldn’t speak the same day, and this vacancy needs to be filled.
        Xu Wu said:
       "It’s hard to be bitter, this time. When the harvest is good, it’s better.”
        Yu-Xi said with a wry smile:
       "In half of this year, tax reductions have been made. The harvest is not as good as the tax. The expenses of the war are still crowded. There are still thousands of soldiers and horses. Ten thousand, plus the expenses of the officials, such as Lulu, can only be a headache." Yu-Xi This is not counting the expenses of the replacement of the soldiers and horses, or else more.
        Xu Wu wants to say something, but she doesn't know what to say. When he was fighting, he still felt that there were too few soldiers. Listening to Wangfei, he said that the more soldiers there are, the more they burn.
        The house fell into a silence.
        After a while, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangfei, when the war is over, let them be the same as the soldiers of Fu-Cheng City, and they will cultivate themselves. This will save at least the ration."
        Yu-Xi In a word, let Xu Wu not go on:
       "Grass can be saved, but military troops are indispensable."
        Xu Wu is silent.
        The column -called outside:
       "Wangfei, Yuan Daren asked for it." This is Yuan Ying.
        Yu-Xi and Yuan Ying talked about this for a little while, and Yuan Ying’s face was dignified when he left.
        After Yuan Ying left, Yu-Xi sent someone to call Tan Tuo and Lu Biyuan. Lu Biyuan took over the position of An Zike and became the governor of the northwest.
        When Tan Tuo heard the words of Yu-Xi, he did not interrupt. The war was originally a matter of burning money. This time, I was stunned and the family was burned out. Within two years, I don’t want to fight again.
        When I heard Yu-Xi say the situation in Hubei, Tan Tuo said:
       "Wangfei, if you want to attack the land, no three months of war can not end!" According to the current process, Hubei can be taken down for up to one month. One month, they can fully support it, but if it is attacking the land, what will happen, there is no way to predict it. However, the war is prolonged, and there is not much financial support behind it.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "It depends on the meaning of Wangye. But it is rich in resources. If it can be played, it would be better."
        The bigger the site, the better, but you have to see if you can afford it. Tan Tuo said:
       "Wangfei, but now the financial situation is tight, I am afraid that I can't support it." Fighting, not only relying on strong soldiers, but also have to look at the bottom of the family.
        Yu-Xi also had a headache for this, so I specifically looked for Tan Tuo to discuss this matter. Yu-Xi is hoping to win down with a bang. But if the war is too long, then let's slow down and wait until they slow down. Anyway, the land has been surrounded by them on three sides, and it will not be too difficult to fight.
        This talk about darkness. When Yu-Xi walked out of the study, his face was tired, his stalls were getting bigger and bigger, and his burden was getting heavier and heavier.
        In the evening, Yu-Xi had to take care of the triplets and was forced to return to the main house by Quan Mama:
       "If you fall ill, not only will the inner court be chaotic, but the outer court will be a mess. I have a person with Lan Mama, so don't worry."
        Yu-Xi can't, and finally went back to sleep.
        The next day, the day was bright, and Master Yang came over. Looking at Yu-Xi, Master Yang said with a smile:
       “Wangfei, today is the day of the Wang Heir medicated bath.” Hao Ji Er began to take a medicated bath from the age of one and a half, two times a month, and has never been interrupted this year.
        When Hao Ji Er saw Master Yang, he shook his body and quickly yelled at the shoulder of Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, I will not go." Hao Ji children bubble bath, Master Yang will also give him a living meridian, very painful. Therefore, every time Hao Ji children complete the medicated bath, Master Yang must be taken out of the medicine bath.
        Yu-Xi touched the forehead of Hao Ji Er and said:
       "Hey, with Master Yang in the past, wait for the bride to pick you up." Yu-Xi knows that the medicinal bath of Haogeer is different from her, but even if she knows, she can't stop. Master Yang said that since the medicated bath of Xiaobu, there are great benefits to Xiwu. For the sake of my son's future, I have to endure my heartache. However, looking at the sadness of Hao Ji Er crying, Yu-Xi eyes are also red.
        Mei-Lan also didn't know how to comfort Yu-Xi and said carefully:
       "Wangfei, it's time to go to the front yard."
        Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "Let's go!" Now I can't bear the sin of Hao Ji. When I grow up, I have to suffer more crimes. For Hao Ji Er, she can only be a mother.

       Chapter 944 - Military Map (1)

       On this evening, there was no moon, and I couldn’t see my fingers. It was dark everywhere.
        Han Jianye and Han Yi took a torch to a small forest and found a run-down dwelling. The two went in and waited for a long time and had not seen the figure. Han Yi said with a low voice:
       "Yeah, will Old Master come?"
       They asked someone to send a letter to Old Master, and they agreed to meet at this place tonight. But this is all in the middle of the night, people have not come, let Han Yi have some concerns.
        Han Jianye said:
       "It may be delayed by what happened." Before Yu-Xi gave Han Jianye a thorough explanation, Lu Lin was ready to vote. Let him go to the land to find Lu Lin first, and then decide whether to find Lu Gang.
        Han Yi was afraid of making mistakes. He was very strict in the investigation. He was able to arrive in Jinzhou City. They also disguised themselves as businessmen and then came in with the help of the dark people.
        After a while, there was a slight footstep outside. Han Jianye and Han Yi heard the sound and immediately hid it and entered the state of alert.
        It was confirmed that Lu Lin, Han Jianye came out of the forest with Han Yi. Han Jianye looked at the scars on Lu Lin’s face and called out:
       "Second brother." Since joining the army, it will be normal to be injured, so Han Jianye did not pay attention to the scar on Lulin's face.
        Lu Lin looked at the empty place and said:
       "This is not a place to talk, find a secluded place to say." Recently, the wind was very tight, and he was finally able to find a chance to sneak out.
        The two walked under a towering tree, and Lulin asked Han Jianye and asked:
       “It’s so dangerous, why is Pingxi Wangfei sending you?”
        Han Jianye said:
       "Not Yu-Xi sent me, I asked for it." As for his desire to make meritorious deeds, there is no need to say anything.
        Lu Lin’s understanding of what happened five years ago is also clear. Even if Han Jianye does not say it, he also knows that Han Jianye initiative to ask for it may be to sin. Lu Lin said:
       "Big brother is impossible to rely on the King of Pingxi, or else they will be in danger."
        Han Jianye naturally would not be so selfish, let Lu Gang ignore the life and death of his father-in-law. Han Jianye said:
       "3rd Brother, I have an idea. Can you see it?"
       Han Jianye means to get a map of the depression. This is not a map drawn by the people of Yu-Xi, but a military map in the hands of Lu Gang.
        The military map contains the location of the ground, as well as military strategy and tactical arrangements and force deployment. If you can get this thing, even if the terrain is complicated, Yun-Qing can do more with less.
        Lu Lin looked at Han Jianye and said:
       "You are really welcome, this dare to speak." The Northwest Army was brave enough to fight, and they got their military maps. It won't take long for them to fall into the hands of Yun-Qing .
        Han Jianye said:
       "Even if there is no military map, you can't keep it. I think this is more clear than me." But if that is the case, the Northwest Army will pay a heavy price, and this is not what Han Jianye is willing to see.
        Lu Lin smiled bitterly because he saw no hope in the court, and with his secret letter, he would vote for Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi. Lu Lin said:
       "You are a strong man. Military map, I don't have it."
        Han Jianye said:
       "You don't have it, but there is a big brother. Although the big brother is not willing to set the father-in-law-in-law, but for the father-in-law, the inheritance of the family is more important than his temperament."
        Lulin said with a smile:
       "It's hard to convince Big Brother to take out a military map."
        Han Jianye said:
       "I haven't tried it, but I don't know how to get it. Right, Yu-Xi told me before, if the big brother is not willing to vote, Luhan can't stay in the northwest again. As for coming to the land, he will return to Capital City. Look at Han's own choices." After that, Han Jianye said:
       "Although Yu-Xi is in charge, her situation is very difficult. If people know that he is protecting the son of the enemy, the following people will definitely have any criticism." Just look at the storms of the previous period, you know Yu-Xi How difficult is the situation. If not, he will not take the initiative to come to the ground.
        Lu Lin was silent for a while and said:
       "I will try again."
        Han Jianye is not insisting, he said a light thing:
       "Axiu has added a little shi-zi to you. Originally, I wanted a daughter with Axiu. I didn't expect to be a kid." When the son is more, I want a white and tender -Miss .
        When Lulin heard this, his look eased a lot:
       "If you have done anything before, you can't live up to Axiu in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me."
        Han Jianye said:
       "Before it was a ghost, I will not be in the future."
        Gossip two sentences, Lu Lin and Han Jianye said an address:
       "At this time three days later, you are waiting for me there. If I succeed, I will send it to you. If it is not successful, don't wait there, leave the place before dawn!" Without success, he also It will not appear, and it will save the traces.
        Han Jianye nodded.
        Three days later, Han Jianye did not wait for a long time and waited for Lu Lin. Lu Lin handed a thick piece of paper to Han Jianye and said:
       "This is what I followed in the military picture of my big brother's study." It is impossible to get the original, and it will also bring danger to his older brother.
        Han Jianye heard this and was worried. He asked:
       "What did Big Brother find?"
       He thought that Lulin could say that he was a big brother! I did not expect to use such a method.
        Lu Lin said:
       "This is not to worry about you. If I have a big deal with my eldest brother, you must protect Han Ji Er." This is the last hope of their Lu family.
        Han Jianye nodded:
       "You can rest assured that I will protect Han Ji Er. Second brother, you must take care of yourself."
        At this time, I was not in the mood to talk about the old. After talking about a conversation, Han Jianye left.
        Lu Lin returned to the army and saw his tall and straight figure as soon as he entered the house. Lu Lin’s heart was a little faint, and he -called softly:
       "Big brother."
        Lu Gang looked at Lu Lin and said:
       "Is the map sent to my brother-in-law?"
       The whole Jinzhou is under his nose, and anything can pass his eyes.
        When Lulin heard this, he woke up. He said why he was so smooth when he copied the map. It turned out that his brother was deliberate. Lulin said a little embarrassed:
       "I have already given it to my brother-in-law. Big Brother, I am sorry."
        Lu Gang said:
       "Don't say sorry, you are also for the Lu family, for the Han children." Lu Gang is not a fool, Han Yu-Xi wants to recruit him, if he is not interested, he will definitely be an Daren.
        Lu Lin asked:
       "Big brother, the court has no hope, Zhou Jia is..."
        When the words were finished, they were interrupted by Lu Gang. Lu Gang said:
       "If I am in the northwest, my grandfather and my mother will be dead. Alin, we can't ignore the mother for her own future. In this case, it is different from the livestock."
        Lu Lin said silently:
       "Big brother, we can find a way to pick up -Laozi and Ms Niang." If they can't do it, they can also ask for Pingfei Wangfei.
        Lu Gang shook his head and said:
       "Don't say that -Laozi will not leave the capital, just say this family, how to leave the capital?"
       The 1st House plus the 2nd House combine to have more than 30 people. So many people want to leave the capital safely, it is tantamount to idiots and dreams.
        Lulin was a little anxious and said:
       “It’s not safe to be embarrassed. If it’s time to be captured, what are we going to do?”
        Lu Gang did not want to say:
       "Go back to Capital City." After a pause, Lu Gang said:
       "At that time, this time you have provided a map is also a big credit. You can also get a chip in the northwest." The third brother is gone. If he does not return to the capital, he will be left alone after the second old man.
        Lu Lin has some confusion in his heart:
       "Big Brother..." If this opportunity is not grasped, there will be no such good opportunity in the future, but his heart is extremely embarrassing.
        Lu Gang said:
       "You don't have to worry about it, this is what you mean, it's what I mean. John is still small, Lu family's future will depend on you." If there is no Lu 2nd Old Master's personal letter, Lu Gang is determined not to do it. Such a thing. Lu 2nd Old Master has been in Capital City for so many years. Since he wrote the letter, he said that he is not good at Yan Wu-shuang, but he is optimistic about Yun-Qing . In this case, he left a path for the Lu family.
        This time, Lulin was able to hand over the military map to Han Jianye. Not only was Lu Gang deliberately releasing water, but the two people who followed Lu Lin were also dealt with by him. Lu Lin, at all, does not know that someone is tracking, this situation, how to rest assured.
        Han Jianye got the military map. On the way back to where he lived, Han Yi said with some hesitation:
       "Yeah, I always feel unreliable?"
        Han Jianye also felt that things had gone too smoothly, and he was so upset that he was upset. Han Jianye thought about it:
       "Don't go back, go to the happy building." Huanxiu Building is a brothel. Yu-Xi and Han Jianye said that if there is danger, go to Huanxiu Building to find a called Missing. Although it is not dangerous now, but the military map is so important, Han Jianye feels that it is not safe to put on his body.
        Han Yi said with some hesitation:
       “I’m going to the joyful building on this big night, is it too conspicuous?”
       In the middle of the night, there are not many people on the road. They went to the building and it was easy to be noticed.
        Han Jianye said with a smile:
       "Drink two glasses of wine and go to the happy building, it will not be noticed." Drinking drunk, and then looking for Miss will not be too noticeable.
        Han Yi still feels that this is more risky, but Han Jianye has decided that he is not good to refute.
        When I arrived at Huanxiu Building, it took a lot of trouble, and Han Jianye finally saw Miss called the fluttering. Han Jianye felt that he had found the wrong person when he looked at the woman who had three layers of walls, such as thick, dagger, and -calling. However, I was puzzled, and I followed Miss into the house.
        When the door was closed, the name of the fluttering person was changed to a person, looking at Han Jianye with a blank expression. Fluttering, that is, the black widow, she has been paying attention to Han Jianye, naturally know that Han Jianye did not see Lu Gang. As for Lulin, the weight is too light.
        p: Book Boy Tong (n_n) o-, I said it in June.

       Chapter 945 - Military Figure 2 (plus more monthly passes)

       Han Jianye looked at the black widow and said:
       "It is difficult to get through the road, it is difficult to go to the sky." This is the secret number of the joint. If the other party can't say the next sentence, it means that the person has a problem.
        The black widow heard this and smiled, and she was very cautious. But to do this, caution is a must:
       "Five horses, thousands of gold, and children will be replaced by wine." At that time, the black widow was depressed, and only Wangfei would come up with such a long connector.
        Han Jianye heard this and did not relax his vigilance. He continued:
       “Wangfei told me that there is a red dragonfly on the back of the person with my connector?”
        The black widow smiled and said:
       "I don't have red -servants on my back, but there is a red -servant on my chest." Then, pull the clothes on the chest and pull a bright red enamel on the white chest.
        When Han Jianye saw it, he was relieved.
        The black widow asked:
       "You came to me in the middle of the night, why?"
       Tomorrow, I have to return a place. This place cannot be staying.
        Han Jianye said:
       "I got the military map of Jinzhou and would like to ask you to hand it over to Wangye." This map has no value for Yu-Xi. Only in the hands of Yun-Qing can he exert his true value.
        The black widow’s eyes lit up, but soon returned to normal, asking:
       "Where is the picture?"
       This thing is placed in a place where heavy soldiers are guarded, and they are not in contact.
        Han Jianye took the map out from the close.
        The black widow looked at it seriously and frowned and said:
       "How is it only half?"
        Han Jianye heard this saying:
       "My big brother and the second brother are responsible for only half of the territory, and the other half is naturally unclear." The other half of the territory is the responsibility of the Zhou family.
        The black widow nodded, so the credibility of the map is still very high:
       "If it is true that this picture is verified, I will send it to Wangye in the shortest time." After saying this, the black widow looked at Han Jianye and said:
       "Tomorrow early tomorrow, you will go back to the northwest. Otherwise, you will have a life-threatening risk." Han Jianye life and death black widow naturally does not care, but since the order is made, it is natural to protect Han Jianye.
        Since the mission is completed, Han Jianye is not willing to stay more:
       "Well, I will go back to the northwest tomorrow morning."
        It turns out that the black widow’s fears are correct. The prefect of Jinzhou was Zhou Jinpeng's person, and he sent people to stare at the Lu Gang Brother. When the people sent to monitor Lulin disappeared, the prefects Darens became suspicious. In fact, Zhou Jinpeng has not been relieved that Lu Gang and Lu Lin, want to get rid of Lu Gang, just can't find a suitable opportunity.
        The prefect of Jinzhou did not find the body of his person, but in the quickest time, Lu Lin went to see a person that night. Although Han Jianye identity was not found, he knew the appearance of Han Jianye.
        On this day, Yu-Xi was in the study office and heard Xu Wu say that Qiu-shi came over to see her. Yu-Xi is very strange, asked Xu Wu:
       “Have there been anything in Korea recently?”
       If there is something wrong with Han, she doesn't know why she doesn't know!
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "No." Han said that there is only one old and weak ‘Madam’ in the Courtyard. There are few gates on most days. What can be done? Most of them are small things like who are sick.
        Yu-Xi put down the memorial and went to the backyard.
        When Qiu-shi saw Yu-Xi and grabbed the hand of Yu-Xi, she said with tears:
       "Yu-Xi, I dreamed that your second brother had an accident."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Mother, the dreams are the opposite. You dream of the second brother's accident. This shows that the second brother is definitely good now." Also know that Qiu-shi has no predictive ability, so Yu-Xi is not worried.
        Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
       "This time is different from before. I dreamed that your second brother was chased and killed, and finally forced to jump over the cliff." She said that she fell on the ground and fell bloody.
        Yu-Xi heart jumped and said that the mother and the child were connected, and it’s true that the second brother had an accident. Yu-Xi busy An Nai lived in the mood of the chaos, said:
       "Mother, your dream is definitely against. Fu-Cheng City has no cliffs, and the second brother is in the army, how could it be forced." Because this matter is confidential, Han Jianye did not even say Lu Xiu. Therefore, Han Jianye trip to the land, the Han family are unaware of it.
        It took a long time to calm Qiu-shi. After Qiu-shi left, Quan Mama was very dissatisfied and said:
       "Who doesn't know that Wangfei is too busy with a gyro, but Old Madam has a dream, and Wangfei has to appease for a long time." I used to think that Qiu-shi was at least sensible except for a clever accident. Since the Buddha, she felt that Qiu-shi did not even know the basic human feelings, but only acted according to her own ideas.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother is also worried about her second brother." She is also worried about the safety of Han Jianye. Finally, Han Jianye wanted to understand. She also thought that Han Jianye would have more military strength in the military. In the future, not only did the older brother not have to work so hard, but she also had a lot of help.
        The child does not speak to the father. As a younger generation, it is not good to say that the elders are not. Quan Mama said:
       "It’s all Buddhas and all sentient beings. From Old Madam, I think it’s a bit of a sneak peek.” As an elder, you can’t afford to share for the younger generation, and you can’t add burden to the younger generation.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "No matter what you do too much, and invest in the situation of forgetting me, it is not a good thing." Fortunately, Qiu-shi can still remember to hang children, not to the realm of forgetting me.
        After talking about two sentences, Yu-Xi returned to the front yard. I wrote a letter to Xu Wu, Yu-Xi said:
       "I will immediately send this letter to the black widow." I only hope that the dream is the opposite of reality. The second brother can be safe.
        After a few days, Yu-Xi got the news that Han Jianye had encountered bandits on the way back and then lost track.
        Although Yu-Xi has not yet reached the point where the Taishan collapses before it does not change color, the emotions are not easily exposed:
       "Be sure to find my second brother." Since I did not see the body, it shows that the second brother still has a high probability of living.
        Xu Wu clicked and said:
       "Wangfei don't have to worry, the Old Master will definitely be a good person." This time the Old Master got a military map, although only half of it is not complete, but it is also a great achievement.
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "You are right, the second brother will not have something to do." So many catastrophes have come, it is impossible to plant in the hands of several bandits.
        At noon, there was another good news from Hubei. Yun-Qing captured Jingzhou and the next target is Changzhou. If Changzhou is beaten down, Hubei will be occupied by them.
        Xu Daniu will present a thick letter:
       "Wangfei, this is the letter that Wangye gave you." The fire broke out in March, and the family book arrived in Wanjin. Every time Yun-Qing goes out, every book is especially precious. Every time Yu-Xi writes, it is also a thick one.
        Yu-Xi opened the letter to see. The first two sentences of the letter say that for up to half a month, Changzhou will be able to take it down. In the middle of this period, I paid a lot of spoils. Those spoils can support the army for a while, so that Yu-Xi doesn't have to worry too much. At the end of the letter, I took some homework and said that I missed Yu-Xi and my children. When the war was over, I went back to the Northwest to reunite.
        In the drought last year, Hubei was also affected by the disaster, but compared with several provinces in the northwest and Henan, it is much better. Therefore, this time, Hubei will be able to seize more loot.
        Yu-Xi is not a person who has something to worry about, and she can't resist this thing, so I have already told Yun-Qing about the financial stress in the letter.
        After reading the letter, Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief, at least for the time being, not worrying about the army of more than 700 thousand troops in front.
        At this time, Yun-Qing just received a complete military map sent to him by the black widow. Seeing this map, Yun-Qing has no smile on his face. On the contrary, his look is very dignified. For this military map, a lot of people are definitely dead. Moreover, if the other party finds that the military map is leaked, it may change the arming. At that time, these people can be sacrificed in vain.
        When Du-Zheng saw this map, he was overjoyed:
       "Wangye, with this map, we can get down to the ground as quickly as possible." They were also anxious about the complex environment of the land, but now with this map, he is not worried. .
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "The map is dead, people are alive." If the other party changes the arming, if they rely solely on the map, they may be in danger.
        Du-Zheng nodded and said:
       "Wangye is not worried about it. But since I have this thing, it would be too violent to use it without it." After a pause, Du-Zheng said:
       "Wangye, I think we can split the two ways. We attacked Changzhou all the way, and attacked the land all the way."
        Xu Wei stood by and listened carefully, and did not interrupt.
        Yun-Qing nodded and said:
       "The 100 thousand-strong army in Shanxi will be able to arrive in these two days. By then, you will take 200 thousand troops to attack the land, and then let Guantai rate 100 thousand troops to attack Yuanzhou."
        Du-Zheng nodded and said:
       "Wangye, the Central Plains area is still good, I am most worried about the Yi people." One third of the site is a Yi people, if it is really a gun to these people * is not afraid. There are many jungles, these people hiding in the jungle to attack them with their geographical advantage, when they can eat big losses.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "This is not anxious. Many local generals will fight against the barbarians for a long time, and they should be familiar with them." Defeat Zhou Jinpeng, and there will be many generals who will be sincere. At that time, let these generals deal with the people, and they can achieve twice the result with half the effort.
        The two men worked out a detailed set of operational plans.
        Si Bo Nian came over at night and headed for two people:
       "Wangye, General Du, eat something first!" Taking advantage of this situation, it is estimated that it will be discussed in the middle of the night, so Span is very considerate to prepare the nightingale.
        Du-Zheng looked at a large plate of beef and said:
       "Yes, I got the beef." In Fu-Cheng City, I used to eat beef because I was close to the plug. However, inland cattle are used to plant land, very precious, unless it is abnormal death, it can not kill cattle.
        Si Bo Nian saw Yun-Qing looking at him and explained:
       "This cow broke his leg and couldn't work. The main family killed and prepared to sell meat. It happened that our people saw it and bought it." Yun-Qing is extremely strict, if anyone dares to make a strong rush to the people. The matter, it was the military law. Also because of such military orders, the Northwest Army is still very popular with the people.
        Three big men, a large pot of noodles were quickly killed by them. Two dishes, also eaten well. After eating, Du-Zheng said with some regrets:
       "I have missed the halogen beef noodles in Wangfu."
        Si Bonian said with a smile:
       "I miss the mutton dumplings in Wangfu." It’s so delicious that people can’t swallow their tongues, but unfortunately they can’t eat a few times a year.
        Yun-Qing looked at the two and said:
       "When you return to Yucheng, let you eat enough." In the army, just ask for food, don't think about eating well.

       Chapter 946 - Escape from the dead

       At night, not only is black surprising, but also surprisingly quiet. Except for some scattered starlight, it is almost a piece of black lacquer.
        Han Jianye opened his eyes and felt that the whole body was crushed and hurt. Look around and find yourself in a low house. Because the sky is too dark, I can't see what the house is, but the only certain thing is that he was saved. When they saw the bandits, they knew that they were wrong. They immediately threw things and ran. Later, in the pursuit of the bandits, fell into the jungle, after which he fell into a trap.
        Being confused, the door slammed open. An old man carrying a tung oil lamp went to Han Jianye and said:
       "You finally woke up." Sleeping for a day and night, everyone thought that this person could not live, but did not expect to wake up.
        Looking at the old man's dress, Han Jianye knew that he was an Yi people. Han Jianye said with difficulty:
       "Water..." He is not only thirsty but still hungry.
        The old man put down the tung oil lamp and walked out. Not much will end up with a bowl of dark things. Han Jianye almost vomited after eating the first bite. However, he also knows that the life of the Yi people is not easy, and it is already a great virtue that people can give him a bite to eat. So although things are hard to eat, he still bites his teeth and eats up everything.
        The old man looked at Han Jianye to eat up things, and his defenses were less.
        After eating something, Han Jianye felt a lot more comfortable, and said with gratitude:
       "Thank you for the help of the old man?"
       Although he looked at the old man's skinny appearance, Han Jianye did not feel that he had the ability to save himself, but so far he has seen such a person.
        The old man shook his head and said:
       "You fell in the trap of my son Ane, and he was brought back by him after he found out." The old man did not swear because his trap was dug in a place where people smoked very little. Han Jianye stepped in and can only say that he was unlucky.
        Han Jianye was shocked and happy:
       "You will speak Chinese in the old Zhang?"
       There are very few Yi people who speak Chinese. Because of the impassable speech and poor communication, conflicts often occur.
        When the old man saw Han Jianye, he did not blame them. His look was also a lot easier. He said:
       "I learned it when I was young." When the old man was young, he was sent to the city by his parents to study medicine with an old doctor. The old doctor not only taught him a lot of knowledge, but also taught him to speak Chinese. Because of the existence of the old man, many people in their family speak Chinese.
        After a pause, the old man asked:
       "Young man, what are you doing? How can you fall into the trap?"
        Han Jianye originally wanted to say that he was a trader. He thought about it. He told everyone that he was a trader and no one believed it. Han Jianye said:
       "We escorted a batch of goods to Yuanzhou. As a result, we met the bandits on the road. In the middle of the run, we accidentally fell into the trap." He does not know the details of the old man now, and rushes to say his identity. Trouble is still a small matter, I am afraid that these people will hand him over to the government, then his life can not be saved.
        The old man said the same thing:
       "You are a poor official?"
       Because the Han people have been exploited and crushed for a long time, many Yi people die in the hands of the Han people every year, so many Yi people are very hateful to the Han people. The old man belongs to a more kind person, but he is only friendly to ordinary people and still very disliked with officials and officers.
        Han Jianye said with a sigh of relief:
       "No. After learning the legs and feet with the master, I made a errand in a large family. This time I also sent a batch of things to our main house to Yuanzhou." Although he is not very familiar with the situation, he is not very familiar with the situation. I also know that Yi people have deep contradictions with the government.
        The old man said the same thing:
       "How can there be so many scars on an ordinary guard? If I didn't guess wrong, you should be a soldier in the army, and the number of years from the military is not short, and the grade is not low?"
       Han Jianye scorpion in the mouth of the tiger is at least 20 years old, plus a dozen or so scars on his body, how could it be a small guard. However, because his son had inquired outside these two days, he did not hear that there were soldiers passing through them in the past few days. Therefore, although the old man had doubts, he still tried to cure Han Jianye. Otherwise, Han Jianye still has a life there.
        Han Jianye thought about it and said with a smile:
       "The old man has a sharp eye. I entered the military camp at the age of sixteen. I have been working in the Dingbei Army of Fu-Cheng City for more than ten years. In these years, I have played thirty or forty games with the Beibei people." As for the grade in the military, Han Jianye did not say. Sometimes, it is more wrong to say, so it is better to say less.
        The old man stared at Han Jianye and asked:
       "So, are these injuries in your body falling when you fight with the Beibei people?"
       See Han Jianye nodded, the old man's look eased a lot:
       "Since you are a member of the Northwest Army, will Pingxi Wang lead troops into the land?"
       The most annoying thing for the Yi people is to fight, and every time they fight, they will die a lot of people. In order to survive, they can't help but take up arms and fight.
        Han Jianye did not lie, nodded and said:
       "Yes. But the old man is relieved, the Northwest military army is strict and never kills innocent people, and will not disturb the people." Of course, the premise is that you do not resist. If it is resistance, then it will certainly not be merciless.
        The old man said with a blank expression:
       “Do not disturb the people? Can this be guaranteed?”
       Those officials and officers and men are things that eat people without spitting bones. The old man did not believe in what Han Jianye said.
        Han Jianye said with a busy look:
       "Old man, Pingxi Wang set a military order, dare to force the people, and will not be forgiven. If it is disturbing the people, heavy duty 20 army sticks ..." Because this is more exciting when it is said, the wounds hurt Han Jianye face is twisted into one Mission.
        The look of the old man is much better than just reading:
       "You have a good rest, if you have anything to raise your wounds, then it's not too late." After saying this, the old man left the house.
        Looking at the roof, Han Jianye said to himself:
       "I don't know how Ayi is?"
       At that time, for the sake of safety, he and Han Yi wore very ordinary clothes. So when they fled, they were not the focus of the bandits. Otherwise, it must be escaping.
        Xu Wu entered the house with a handwritten letter from Yun-Qing . As soon as I walked into the study, my eyes could not help but fall into the flowers on the side of the yellow rosewood flower stand. I saw the petals of this pot of chrysanthemum slender and slender, white and yellow, yellow with red stamens, and exudes a seductive aroma.
        Yu-Xi looked up and saw Xu Wu looking at the pot of flowers and said with a smile:
       "This is called the white horse chasing the wind." This chrysanthemum is difficult to cultivate. At home, only two pots were cultivated. A pot of seedlings was kept, and a pot was given to Yu-Xi.
        Xu Wu couldn't help but say:
       "White horse chasing the wind? It is really worthy of the name." The left side of the flower is white and white, like a white horse, the golden golden one on the right is like a colorful phoenix, one white, one yellow, one left and one right, very special. If his ‘Madam’ saw such a beautiful flower, she would definitely like it.
        Ling’s daily housework, with children, is to wait for flowers and plants at other times. Xu Wu is also a lot of knowledge of flowers and plants.
        Yu-Xi smiled and looked at the letter in Xu Wu hand and asked:
       "Whose is this letter?"
       If it is a secret matter, the few people who are close to Xu Wu will write a private letter to him. Others, all are written secrets.
        Xu Wu handed the letter to Yu-Xi and said:
       "This is Wangye personal letter, sent two days ago." Hubei is relatively close to Yucheng.
        After Yu-Xi finished reading, I handed the letter to Xu Wu and said:
       "How do you think Wangye is divided into two measures?"
       Although Yu-Xi has read several books, it is still far worse than people like Xu Wu who have practical experience.
        Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "It will do more with less. In addition, Guantai has been preparing for the past two years. Now Wangye has ordered the attack on the land, and the surrounding states should be able to get it quickly."
        Yu-Xi spread the map and carefully read it:
       "Zhou Jinpeng is not so good to deal with." Zhou Jinpeng's hands, in addition to Lu Gang, as well as Luo Kaijiang, Zhou Dong and other generals, these generals are also experienced, it is not easy to deal with.
        Xu Wu said:
       "This Wangfei don't have to worry, I just got the news that the black widow has got the military map in the hands of Luo Kaijiang. Both maps have been sent to Wangye. With these two maps, we can Win this war with the least amount of troops."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "This picture is not necessarily true." After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "Even if this picture is true, it is better to have a picture."
        Xu Wu said:
       "The black widow has never made a mistake in these years. This picture should have been verified before being sent to Wangye. Moreover, Wangye has been cautious. This time he took the troops to attack the land. If the map has fake Wangye, it will not be fooled. For Yun-Qing , Xu Wu is confident.
        For the Yun-Qing temperament child, Yu-Xi is no better. Yu-Xi asked aloud:
       "Is there news from my second brother?"
       This has been a few days in the past, and there is no news at all.
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "No. Wangfei don't have to worry, no news is good news." If you find the body, it is a bad news.
        Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "Every brother will send a letter to her mother every month. It's almost a month, and I don't know how to marry her." If Qiu-shi knows that Han Jianye is missing, I don't know if I can resist it.
        There is no way for Xu Wu to do this.
        Unexpectedly, Han Jia received a book of Han Jianye that night. After Qiu-shi read the letter, she finally got peace of mind.
        At the same time, Yu-Xi also received a letter from Lu Xiu. Lu Xiu said in the letter that Han Jianye had already written six books before he left because he did not want Qiu-shi to know that he was going to the place where he was so dangerous.
        After reading the letter, Yu-Xi smiled. With Han Jianye careless temperament, I would like to think so well. There are ten things in this matter* is Lu Xiu idea. But this is also good, at least not worrying that Qiu- shi will be rushing for this matter.

       Chapter 947 - Set

       The wars in front of the scene came frequently, and Du-Zheng had already attacked Changzhou. The Yun-Qing 200 thousand-strong army was ambushed by Tujia people, but the casualties were not heavy. Yun-Qing did not do too much entanglement with the Tujia people, but directly detoured, ready to meet with the 100 thousand army of Guantai.
        Xu Wu and other Yu-Xi read the battle report and said to Yu-Xi:
       “The Tujia people have more than 600 thousand people and are among the most tribes among the Yi people.” Yun-Qing made up his mind that he could not be annihilated. However, if they are strong, these people are familiar with the terrain, and they have to pay a huge price. Yun-Qing is very caring for the soldiers below, so I am not willing to make positive conflicts with these people.
        I have heard that because the government has exploited the Yi people very hard, it has been very difficult for the Yi people to live. However, Yu-Xi, who is familiar with farming, is very clear that even if there is no official eviction of the Yi people, it is difficult to live a good life. Because most of the Yi people live in the mountains, the mountains are barren and the grain production is rare. By eating in the mountains, the days can be better. However, the government’s exploitation has made them worse.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "The problem of Tujia, Wangye should be left to Du-Zheng to solve." As long as you give enough time, you can solve the problem of Tujia people without fighting. After all, it is not important for the Tujia people to rule. It is important that they will not be enemies as long as they are not exploited.
        Xu Wu agrees with this statement.
        Yun-Qing meets with Guantai in Dazhou.
        In the evening, Yun-Qing took out the half map that the black widow gave him and laid it on the table and said:
       "This is the battle map that our people got from Luo Kaijiang. You know more about the situation than the land. Do you see if this picture is true or false?"
       A few times before this, Yun-Qing did not rely on this map. According to the observation of this road, he found that the map seems to be true. If it is true, he will not give up. After all, it is something that so many people exchange for blood.
        Guantai heart glimpsed and took the map in his hand to compare it with this map. After analyzing for a long time, Guan Taicai said:
       "Wangye, these two places on the map are not quite right." Finished, mark the two places he thinks are problematic.
        Yun-Qing asked Guantai because Guantai has not only defended the city in the past few years. He also sent many people to understand the situation. Therefore, Guantai is more clear about the terrain and strength of the depression.
        At the beginning, Yun-Qing had doubts about the map. So when he heard that Guan Tai said that there was a problem with this picture, he was not disappointed. After Guantai finished, Yun-Qing took out the city defense map of Jinzhou and said:
       "Look, is there a problem with this map?"
        Guan Tai looked at it for a long time and shook his head and said:
       "There is no problem for the time being. However, this map is not credible." Once there is a bad pool, you can give up on the previous work. There is a problem with the map in front, and this is definitely a problem. It’s just that the problem is more secret and has not been discovered yet.
        Yun-Qing put the map together and said:
       "Then let's put it first!" This map of Shancheng was sacrificed by six intelligence personnel. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a set set by others.
        Guan Tai knows the source of this map and wipes a sweat and says:
       "Fortunately, Wangye is cautious, otherwise we have to eat a big loss." If you rely on this map when you fight, you may be defeated if you lose it.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "It is necessary to use external forces, but not rely too much on external forces." After that, Yun-Qing said his intentions:
       "I am preparing to split the two roads, attacking Jinzhou all the way, attacking the mountain city all the way." Yun-Qing intends to bring troops to attack Jinzhou and let Guantai attack the mountain city.
        The landscape of the mountain city is dominated by hills and mountains, and the area of ​​the slope is large. This is also the origin of the name of the mountain city.
        Guan Tai pointed to the two locations on the map and said:
       "Wangye, if you take these two places, the mountain city will be taken down."
        Jinzhou is also a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. But relatively speaking, the mountain city is harder to fight. The landscape of the mountain city is dominated by hills and mountains, and the area of ​​the slope is large. This is also the origin of the name of the mountain city.
        Guantai has focused on the land in recent years, so he knows more about the situation in the mountain city. He looks at his own map and says:
       “The northwestern part of the mountain city is dominated by hills and low mountains, and the northeast and southeast are two large mountains.” After that, it refers to two places:
       "If you take these two places, you will open the gap, and then the mountain city will be able to take it down." If these two places can't be beaten, it will be impossible to attack the mountain city.
        The two men discussed the next night. When the day dawned, the Yun-Qing rate of 150 thousand troops attacked Jinzhou, and the Du-Zheng rate of 150 thousand troops attacked the mountain city.
        Yan Wu-shuang also got the news in the fastest time. I heard that Yun-Qing and Guantai met in Dazhou, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "A group of rice barrels." But if there is one in these provinces, it will not make Yun-Qing so smooth.
        Meng-nian said:
       "Luo Kaijiang and Lu Gang are both squatters, and Jinzhou and Shancheng are both easy to defend and difficult to attack. They want to take advantage of the power of blowing freely."
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "I am afraid that Luo Kaijiang and Lu Gang have been rebelled." As long as there is one person who is sincere, they can't keep it.
        Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "It shouldn't be that Lu family is old and young in the capital!" If Lu Gang dares to turn to the northwest, none of the Lu family can live.
        Yan Wu-shuang shook his head and said:
       "No one can say this." Skip this topic, Yan Wu-shuang asked:
       "Can there be an echo on Yu Baojia?"
       Yun-Qing 's momentum is so fierce, and Yu Baojia is also panicked. So Yan Wu-shuang wrote a letter saying that he wanted to follow the Baojia alliance.
        Meng-nian shook his head and said:
       "There is no response from Jiangnan to the present." Yu Baojia is not stupid. It is tantamount to teaming up with Yan Wu-shuang. Although the Yun-Qing momentum is fierce, it has not yet reached Jiangnan. Therefore, it is certainly impossible to give an answer to Baojia now.
        Yan Wu-shuang said with a cold smile:
       "It’s all a group of things that don’t see the coffin without tears.” Before, Liang Liangyi and He Wei and others faced the olive branch that he had thrown away, and waited for the site to be occupied to seek his help. In this world, there is such a cheap thing. However, the situation in Jiangnan is special. If Bao Jia asks for help when he arrives, he will definitely help. Not for Baojia, only Jiangnan is the land of fish and rice.
        Meng-nian is deeply impressed.
        At this time, Gao Dongfeng said outside:
       "Wangye, there is news from the land." This time, the pigeons were used to send letters, so the speed is still very fast.
        After reading Wu Wu-shuang, I said to Meng-nian:
       "Han Jianye is missing in the land." Because Lu Lin only met Han Jianye twice, and knew very few people, so the news did not spread. However, this time Han Jianye was missing, and many people were looking for it, but they leaked news.
        Meng-nian looks a bit ugly, says:
       "Han Jianye went to the ground, and ten have been to be a lobbyist. Just don't know if Lu Gang has shaken?"
       Thinking of this, Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, we have to tell Zhou Jinpeng this thing, let him be wary to wake up." If Lu Gang is sincere, then Jinzhou is equal to hand in hand. Once Jinzhou fell, the mountain city was also fierce.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You think that Zhou Jinpeng is eating dry rice. If we can get the news, he won't know? It's a taboo for the military to change. I don't think this news is that Zhou Jinpeng deliberately revealed it to us." Will, not to mention the following soldiers are not familiar with the new generals, there is no tacit understanding. In addition, the Lu family has been in business for more than 20 years and is deeply rooted in the military. If there is not enough evidence, Lu Gang will be withdrawn, and it is said that it will cause metamorphosis. It is also because of these concerns that Zhou Jinpeng did not dare to start with Lu Gang.
        Meng-nian understood it and said:
       "Lu Gang's
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "This is just my guess. However, if my guess is true, this time as he wishes." After that, he told Meng-nian:
       "Go and ask Lu 2nd Old Master to come over." You can talk to Lu 2nd Old Master about Lu Gang.
        If Yan Wu-shuang knows that Lu 2nd Old Master got up early and let his son turn to the northwest, this time is not to treat each other with courtesy, but to directly send the Lu family to the dungeon.
        Yan Wu-shuang met Lu 2nd Old Master and said that Han Jiangang had arrived in the land:
       "Lu Daren, Han Jianye is the brother of Han Yu-Xi. He went to the ground to do what he believes should be counted." Yan Wu-shuang did not say that Han Jianye was missing.
        Lu 2nd Old Master changed his face and immediately squatted on the floor and said:
       “Wangye, Lu family is loyal to the court, and Wangye is also inspected.” What I thought was one thing, and what was done on the face was one thing.
        Yan Wu-shuang personally helped Lu 2nd Old Master and smiled and said:
       "I naturally believe that Lu Daren and General Lu." As for whether or not they really believe, only Yan Wu-shuang knows.
        Lu 2nd Old Master also made a lot of loyalty, and then offered to write to Lu Gang and Lu Lin, so that they must keep Jinzhou can not have any other thoughts.
        Yan Wu-shuang is still very satisfied with the attitude of Lu 2nd Old Master:
       "Jinzhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I believe that the ability of General Lu will be able to hold Jinzhou."
        Lu 2nd Old Master is awkward and says:
       "My son will definitely do everything he can to keep Jinzhou." More than the city that Jinzhou is hard to beat, it was not captured by Yun-Qing .
        Yan Wu-shuang didn't think there was anything wrong with Lu 2nd Old Master. He naturally hopes that Lu Gang can hold Jinzhou, but with the fierceness of the Northwest Army, even if Lu Gang is loyal, he may not be able to hold it. However, it is good to be able to spend some time consuming the strength and financial resources of the Northwest.

       Chapter 948 - Beating people

       Han Jianye couldn't sleep in bed, just pushed away the firewood door and went out. Standing under a tall tree, Han Jianye looked up at the sky.
        The moon flickers in the ethereal clouds, with a mysterious color. The breeze blew through, and the sound of rustling in the woods.
        Until a footstep sounded, Han Jianye took back the thoughts of the outside. Turned around and looked at Ronnie holding the lamp. Han Jianye asked:
       "So late, what are you doing?"
        Rooney said:
       "Just got the news, Pingxi Wang has already led the troops to attack the West County." Xixian is less than four hundred miles away from their place. You can hit them up to five or six days.
        Han Jianye was shocked and happy:
       "But really?"
       Seeing Roone nod, Han Jianye is very happy. During this time he always wanted people to bring letters back to the northwest, but Luo Lao and Roone did not agree, only let him peace of mind.
        Luo Lao and Ronnie did not agree, just because going to the northwest is too dangerous. They didn't want the tribe to take risks. They just wanted to wait for Han Jianye to get better and let him leave. However, I did not expect that Han Jianye injury had not healed, and Pingxi Wang took the troops to fight. In any case, they have a life-saving grace for Han Jianye. There is a relationship between Luo Lao and Rooney. Even if Yun-Qing is called, it should not be difficult for them.
        Han Jianye looked at Roone hesitant look and asked:
       "Roman Brother, if there is anything to say." If there is no care for Ronald and Roone, he can't be so fast.
        Roone asked:
       "Is the Northwest Army really as good as you said?"
       During this time, Han Jianye said a lot of things about the Northwest Army. Luo Lao and Roni have always had a dubious attitude. No way, it took too long to be harmed, and there was a shadow in my heart.
        Han Jianye said with a smile:
       "There is nothing to say about this incident. After that, you will know that what I said is true or false."
        Roone listened to this and clicked on it:
       "The outside is big, you haven't healed yet, or go in for a break!" If you are cold, you can be in trouble.
        Han Jianye nodded:
       "Roman Brother, you also go to bed early." He got the news that Yun-Qing was about to call, and he was relieved. He went to bed and fell asleep quickly.
        Rooney took the light back to the wooden house where they lived, and said to Luo Lao:
       "Abba, if the Northwest Army is really as Qiuye said, the military discipline is clear and rewarding, I want to join the army." Rooney has a martial arts, he does not want such a ruin.
        Luo Lao actually knew that his son had moved his mind. After a while, he said:
       "The mouth says that it is not true to seeing it. If it is true that Akino said it, I will not stop you." After a pause, Luo Lao said:
       "Akino is not a simple person. If you really want to join the army, you can put it under his door." The son has a life-saving grace for Akino, and this kind of kindness is there, and it will not be rejected under the door of Akino. The Yi people do not like the Han people, and the Han people also reject the Yi people. If you want to win a place among the Han people, you can't make it by yourself.
        Ronnie heart was shocked and asked:
       "Abba, do you think Qiuye has a problem with this person?"
       During this time, he felt that Qiuye character was very bold, and he was a worthy person, but Ronnie believed his vision.
        Luo Lao shook his head and said:
       "That didn't. But I think he hid a lot of things, but he is not familiar with us after all, it will be normal to hide some things." Although Han Jianye said that he is only a five-product military commander, Luo Lao knows that this is not enough. in fact. If it is just an ordinary five-product military commander, how could it be sent to the ground? However, Luo Lao is not angry. After all, they don't know each other for a long time. It is normal for them to be wary. As for the identity, when the Northwest Army arrives, they will know.
        After this period of time, Luo Lao also knows that Han Jianye is a person with a strong sense of righteousness and will not make ungrateful things. So although Han Jianye concealed some things, Luo Lao was very reassured to him.
        Six days later, Yun-Qing was talking to his subordinates in the military camp. I heard that Spanian said outside the voice:
       "Wangye, Han Jianye, General Han, seeks to see."
        Yun-Qing heard Han Jianye request to see what he immediately left, and went out from the camp:
       "Is it ok?"
       Yu-Xi told him in the letter that Han Jianye was missing.
        Spanian nodded and said:
       "Wangye, I have already seen it. It is indeed Han Jianye general. Undoubtedly, General Han said that he was a bandit at the time and accidentally fell into a trap when he fled. Later he was saved by the Yi people. People are there to heal." If it is not confirmed, he will not rush back and forth.
        Yun-Qing said busy:
       "Come on, please come in." Han Jianye can come to him on his own initiative, and there is nothing to hinder. This is also a happy event.
        Seeing Han Jianye, Yun-Qing breathed a sigh of relief:
       "Second brother, Yu-Xi stayed up all night because of your disappearance." For so long, no news, Yun-Qing thought that Han Jianye had an accident, but he did not dare to talk to Yu-Xi. Say.
        Han Jianye said:
       "It’s also a blessing to get a life." Han said a few words, Han Jianye asked about the map.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "How do you get the map?"
       He also saw the map, and so far he has not found any problems. However, to be cautious, Yun-Qing will first send a waiter to spy on the situation.
        Han Jianye said the process and then asked some doubts:
       "Is there a problem with the map?"
       Logically speaking, this map should not be a problem. Lu Lin, Han Jianye still believes very much, and will not give him a fake map.
        Yun-Qing said the reason:
       "I am worried about fraud, so I dare not use this map." Guantai has a map, although there is no such detail as Han Jianye, but he can use it with confidence.
        Han Jianye was a little depressed, and he almost lost his life and didn’t even come in handy. However, he quickly left behind and made a request with Yun-Qing .
        When I heard that Han Jianye was a pioneer, Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Second brother, your injury has not healed, first raise a good injury. The matter of snoring, wait for you to raise the injury and say." Han Jianye wants to take the military to the military, he can not agree.
        Three days later, Han Jianye news of peace and security was sent back to Yucheng. Yu-Xi After knowing this, the heart that has been hanging has finally been put down. If Han Jianye had something, she really didn't know how to talk to her mother.
        Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "Wangfei, I have already said that Han General is a good man." Yu-Xi was on fire because of the disappearance of Han Jianye.
        Yu-Xi will also relax:
       "I just don't know when he will be back?"
       Since it has not recovered, it is better to go back to the northwest to recover from injury.
        When Xu Wu heard this, the smile immediately converges and says:
       “Wangfei, Wangye said that there is a problem with the map of Shancheng. As for Jinzhou, it’s still uncertain. General Han said that he is familiar with the terrain in that area and will not return until after the beating.” Just knowing this news, Xu Wu scared a cold sweat. If Wangye really used this map, I don't know what the consequences will be.
        Yu-Xi looks very dull and says:
       "This is also normal. Where can the military maps be so easily leaked?"
       After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "It’s all in June, I hope I can finish this battle before the end of June." It’s not until July, when the weather is hot, it’s hard to fight. At that time, the battlefield will be dragged on for a long time. .
        Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "For more than a month, Wangye can definitely win Jinzhou. It's just a mountain town, but not necessarily." Mountainous mountainous mountains and hills, Zhou Jinpeng occupies favorable terrain, and the other side is strong and strong, and wants to break through the mountain city. A fierce battle.
        Yu-Xi still didn't speak, he heard a buzz outside the yard. Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       "Go and see what happened?"
        After a while, Xu Da Niujin said:
       "Wangfei, it's Old Madam. Old Madam said that I want to see you, we said that we have to report it, Old Madam has a temper." Qiu-shi is very angry, seeing everyone stopped her, not allowed to see, who Whoever beats her with a cane. Xu Daniu also took a stick, and now his back is also aching. Don't look at Qiu-shi, who is in his fifties, but his strength is not small.
        Yu-Xi face was ugly, and she walked out of the house and watched Qiu-shi still waving the crutches there, her face immediately darkened. Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother, what are you doing?"
        Qiu-shi saw Yu-Xi and immediately dropped his cane and grabbed Yu-Xi arm and asked:
       "Yu-Xi, you tell me honestly, is your second brother an accident?"
        Yu-Xi knows that Qiu-shi got the news, and immediately said to her:
       "This is who listens to nonsense? Second brother is good, who cursed him?"
       Although her heart was annoyed, Qiu-shi was her mother, and she was angry again that she could not lose her temper with Qiu-shi. However, this matter also made Yu-Xi feel vigilant, that is, the Han government is too chaotic.
        Qiu-shi was very angry, and opened the hand of Yu-Xi and said:
       "I know, you let your second brother go to the ground. It is so dangerous, why do you want your second brother to go? Yu-Xi, I know that the second thing is your second brother, sorry for you, but all over the past So many years, you are now in groups, why can't you put it down?" This is clearly accused of Yu-Xi deliberately sending Han Jianye to death.
        Yu-Xi flashed a touch of mans in the eyes, but soon disappeared:
       "Mother, I said that my second brother is fine, it will be fine. You should not believe those who have ulterior motives." See Qiu-shi looking up at her, Yu-Xi said:
       "Go into the house!" So many people are watching and saying that it is not convenient.
        After two steps, Yu-Xi turned to look at Li Mama who followed, and a Servant who made her look, said:
       "Li Mama is coming together too!" As for the Servant, there is no Yu-Xi speech, just waiting outside.
        Li Mama just stopped and wanted to let Qiu-shi not come over, but could not stop. When Qiu-shi lost his temper, Li Mama complained. Things are so big, Old Madam is Wangfei mother who no one dares to blame, but they will be unlucky.

       Chapter 949 - Mutiny

       When I entered the house, Qiu-shi asked Yu-Xi:
       "You just said that your second brother is fine, is it really not to lie to me?"
       When she heard this today, she felt that the sky would fall. The pain of losing her son made her lose her sense of reason, and she wanted to find an accurate statement about Yu-Xi.
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "Mother, the second brother is now playing in Wangye, and will be back when the beating is finished."
        Qiu-shi still skeptically said:
       "You didn't lie to me?"
       She had always thought that Han Jianye had received a personal letter from Han Jianye in Fu-Cheng City. But the facts show that it is all about cheating her.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Mother, what do I lie to you? If you don't believe it, I will go and let the second brother come back now."
        Qiu-shi hesitated and said:
       "You don't have to come back, you let him write a letter to me." Qiu-shi really wants Han Jianye to come back, but Han Jianye went to fight in order to make a contribution. If he is allowed to come back now, he will delay the business, and the son will definitely blame her.
        Yu-Xi nodded and agreed:
       "Mother, I want to let the second child take the child back to the city, how do you feel?"
       It is enough to see from today's events that the Han family is now smoldering. When Lu Xiu returns to Yucheng, he can also change the current situation of the Han Family.
        I didn’t mention this before, because it’s Qiu-shi still doesn’t know, and I’m worried about Qiu-shi. Now that the words are open, there is nothing to worry about.
        This is the result of Qiu-shi:
       "That will make you come back soon." The little grandson has been playing for months, she has not seen it yet! And this time I went back to Yucheng, it is estimated that I will not go any more.
        Yu-Xi asked:
       "How is the big -servant? Is it still improving?"
       Ye-shi is now uncomfortable for three days and two days. The doctors who have been numbered in the city have seen it, and they are useless.
        Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
       "She is a heart disease, it is very difficult to cure." If it is not about the seven or seven, I am afraid that I will go with the little granddaughter.
        Without saying two words, Mei-Lan said outside:
       “Wangfei, -Lu Daren asked for it.”
        Yu-Xi said with apologetic apology:
       "Mother, there is something here, I will go to deal with things first. When I have to be free, I will go through the house and go to the motherland."
        Qiu-shi knows that Yu-Xi is very busy and has nothing to say:
       "Then you are going to go! I am going back." As for the matter of hitting people just now, Qiu-shi did not bother to mention it.
        Yu-Xi looked at Li Mama and said faintly:
       "Li Mama, take care of Old Madam." This time, he will let Xu Wu check it out to see who is chewing on the tongue. It was also too busy during this time, and she did not have the time to pay attention to the Han family. I don't want people to make a hole.
        Li Mama raised a cool back and said:
       “Wangfei rest assured, I will take good care of Old Madam.” This time she also cares about it. I didn’t expect to let the upper house go into a disaster.
        It’s all in June, and it’s a bumper harvest next month. Lu Biyuan came here this time for the summer harvest. Tan Tuo is too busy, and now the piece of farming is handed over to Lu Biyuan.
        After talking about an hour, Lu Biyuan left. Yu-Xi This is called Xu Wu. I asked the doctor if I didn't.
        Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "Don't just take a few trips, and Old Madam doesn't have much strength when he old. Why do you need a doctor?"
       This is nothing compared to their usual training.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Let He Da Fu give them a look, if there is a problem, he can heal in time. In addition, give them twenty-two silver and two more days off." The person was beaten, she did not say anything, 岂Not chilling.
        Xu Wu did not postpone, said with a smile:
       "They can all earn money now." Don't look at Yu-Xi. It's always frugal, but it doesn't mean anything to the people below. The rewards are always thick and never stingy. The following escorts follow Ding Pozi, and there are things to do on holidays.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "It is not the case, this is what they deserve." Anyway, Qiu-shi is not right.
        Xu Wu smiled and should be down. For Xu Wu, this is really a trivial matter.
        The weather is gray and it is raining. The war on the wall still did not stop.
        Lu Lin said:
       "Big brother, it has been five days." From Yun-Qing to the present, it has been playing for five days. In these five days, they have killed and injured more than 40 thousand people, and the Northwest Army has only a lot of casualties. Most importantly, Jinzhou defense is still very strong, and there is no sign of defeat.
        Lu Gang said with a calm face:
       "3rd Brother, do you really want to rely on Yun-Qing ? Even if you want to bear the reputation of being infidelity and filial piety?"
        Lulin nodded and said:
       "Big brother, you don't have to say anything, I have already thought about it, I won't regret it."
        Lu Gang took a shot on Lulin’s shoulder and said:
       "Since you have decided, Big Brother will not say more. In the future, you must be good." The pros and cons of relying on Yun-Qing have been clearly analyzed with Lu Lin. Lu Lin did not change his mind after listening to it, and Lu Gang would not say anything more.
        In the middle of the night, Lulin opened the city gate and placed the Northwest Army into the city. Lu Gang had no choice but to take the remaining soldiers and horses to retreat to the mountain city.
        Lu Lin is different from other generals who are relying on the northwest because he used to be poor under Yun-Qing . When I saw Yun-Qing , Lulin’s right knee was on the ground and said:
       "The end will see Wangye."
        Yun-Qing walked over and personally helped Lu Lin to help:
       "You don't have to be polite, get up quickly." If Lu Lin took the initiative to open the gate, their casualties would have to double. Jinzhou defense is stronger than they think, and it may not be able to attack Jinzhou at the cost of a heavy price.
        Yun-Qing ordered Lu Lin as the participant of Zhengsan, which is the same as Han Jianye.
        After talking about it, Lulin went to see Han Jianye:
       "I was worried about the news that you were missing." If Han Jianye had a long and short period, he Mei Mei would have to be widowed. With the birth of three sons, and the identity of Han Yu-Xi, he Mei Mei could not be remarried.
        Han Jianye was not a little shadowed, and said with a hearty smile:
       "Wait a little longer, you can go to battle with you to kill the enemy." For the previous injury, Han Jianye did not mention anything, but the past is not interesting.
        Lu Lin smiled and said:
       "Okay, I am waiting."
        Si Bonian handed a war report to Yun-Qing .
        Yun-Qing After reading the report, his face was very ugly. Guan Tai suffered an ambush in Quzhong Town, killing and wounding more than 40 thousand people. There are many mountain forests in the mountainous city, and the terrain is complicated. Even before Guantai, there were people who surveyed or ambushed.
        Si Bonian heard that Guantai was ambushed, and some worries said:
       "Wangye, it seems that Shancheng is definitely a hard bone." If tens of thousands of people were killed or injured in siege, it was tens of thousands of people who had not started siege. They had not eaten such a big loss before.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Don't worry." Jinzhou hit it down, it doesn't matter if the mountain city can't be played temporarily. Slowly, you can always kill them.
        The land in Jinzhou is flat, the river network is vertical and horizontal, and the products are rich. It is the most prosperous place in the land. Now Jinzhou is all in their hands, Zhou Jinpeng is sticking to the mountain city, and there will be no problem for a while. But if it is a long time, it can't support it.
        Yun-Qing has been in charge for many years and knows the pain of having no money. There are so many soldiers and horses in the mountain city. At that time, Zhou Jinpeng did not have enough money to raise so many people.
        Si Bonian knew what Yun-Qing thought and said:
       "If this is the case, then you have to send the letter to the generals as soon as possible." The letter will be delivered in time, and the loss can be minimized.
        Yun-Qing nodded.
        Lulin’s rebellion of Jinzhou news in the hands of Yun-Qing was passed to Capital City in a few days. Meng-nian looks ugly:
       "We have been guarding Lu Gang, but I did not expect Lu Lin to be the last to defect."
        Yan Wu-shuang buckled the teacup on his hand and said:
       "Lulin has definitely had a long-term relationship with the northwest, but none of us have found it?"
       This is a major mistake in their intelligence.
        Meng-nian said:
       "Wangye, Lulin has been in the northwest for several years, and our people have been paying close attention to his movements. Before that, I did not find anything wrong." Lu Gang helped the aftermath, let alone Yun-Qing The people, Zhou Jinpeng's people did not find it inappropriate. The two people who had disappeared before just let Zhou Jinpeng suspect Lu Gang, but did not doubt Lu Lin.
        After a long while, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "You said, will this be Lu Gang's bitterness?"
       It stands to reason that if Lu Gang had a change before, they could not be aware of it with Zhou Jinpeng. Unless someone is in the dark, this person is not Lu Gang.
        Meng-nian has a fearful color and says:
       "Wangye means that Lu Gang also turned to the northwest. This time, he specially took the soldiers to escape the mountain city. When will he come to the Northwest Army?"
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Do not rule out this possibility." Jinzhou situation is similar to that of the mountain city, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the soldiers are strong and strong. If it weren't for an accident, Yun-Qing couldn't take Jinzhou at all.
        Meng-nian said:
       "If you are not afraid of 10 thousand, you will be afraid of it. In the mountain city, you can't lose it anymore."
        Yan Wu-shuang said something:
       "Zhou Jinpeng is not a stupid person. He can think of it if he can think of it." They had always thought that they controlled the Lu family, and Lu Gang did not dare to change. Unexpectedly, there was still a change in Lulin. This is why people are not as good as days.
        Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       “Wangye, what about the people of the Lu family?”
       Lu Lin voted for the enemy, and it is reasonable to say that the Lu family should be full of plagiarism. But because there is a Lu Gang in the middle, and Lu 2nd Old Master is also the deputy commander of the ban. This is really a bit tricky.
        Yan Wu-shuang said after a moment of indulging:
       "Put all the people of the Lu family." If Lu Gang had no rebellion, Jinzhou lost his job.
        The Lu family was ransacked, and all of the Lu family were arrested in prison. Fighting against the enemy, this is a felony of smashing the family, so no one dares to touch it. The family that Lu family married in Capital City is also in danger.

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