Han Yuxi 930-939

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 930 - Heavy snow

       ? Heaven is bright, Yu-Xi got up. After breakfast, a busy day started again.
        As soon as he arrived at the front yard, Xu Wu said:
       "Wangfei, the West Sea sent a battle report last night." Yun-Qing has handed the West Sea to the Feng Dajun, so how to seal the army by absolute control. However, the daily battle situation is still to be sent to Yucheng, so that Yu-Xi can also learn about the situation in the West Sea in the fastest time.
        Yu-Xi put down the fold after reading it, and said to Xu Wu:
       "The Beibei people have no food, and Battelle took the lead to eat human flesh..." After that, Yu-Xi shuddered. This person, this is more abnormal!
        Thanks to the drought in the previous period, Yu-Xi has already seen such information. Otherwise, I suddenly saw such a message, and I couldn’t help but vomit.
        Xu Wu is not surprising at all, because Battelle had eaten human flesh and they knew it more than a decade ago:
       "Wangfei, this is a good thing for us." If the Beibei people didn't eat, they would naturally retreat.
        Yu-Xi thinks exactly the opposite, saying with anxiety:
       "Barter is determined to not step on the West Sea and he will not retreat." I did not expect to encounter such a madman.
        Xu Wu said:
       “Wangfei don’t have to worry, although our war situation in the West Sea is not ideal during this time, but it has also damaged nearly 90 thousand people in Beibei. Now Fu-Cheng City supports 60 thousand horses, enough to support December. "Fu-Cheng City's terracotta warriors are no worse than Beibei people, even stronger than their overall strength."
        Thinking of this, Xu Wu couldn't help but say:
       "Unfortunately, the soldiers and horses of Fu-Cheng City cannot be fully dispatched, or they will not cause such heavy casualties."
        Yu-Xi looked at Xu Wu and said:
       "You should say, fortunately, Battelle did not bring 500 thousand soldiers and horses to attack the West Sea, or else the West Sea would not only lose four cities." Of course, if Battelle took 500 thousand troops to attack the West Sea, Yun-Qing also Instead of taking troops to attack Shanxi, they will lead troops to the West Sea. A ring of buckles seems to be doomed.
        While talking, someone reported that the Shanxi war report was served. Yu-Xi now looks at the battle report a lot.
        Yun-Qing has already attacked Liangzhou City, and the next target is Taiyuan. It will be much easier to attack Taiyuan and play other places.
        Yu-Xi looks aloof and says:
       "The battle situation in Shanxi is still going smoothly." Liangzhou is also a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although the defending generals are also capable, the soldiers below are not willing to sell their lives, so Yun-Qing only paid two. More than a thousand casualties will be occupied by Liangzhou City.
        Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "To say that the most successful Du-Zheng, the officers and men saw them and ran." As for the official, he has long since disappeared. No way, the Northwest Army likes to kill corrupt officials, and there is no such thing as the official. Unless you are innocent and fair, no water dares to stay. In this case, naturally, how far can I run? Therefore, Du-Zheng took up a city and turned out to be zero casualties.
        Yu-Xi said with a bitter face:
       “It’s easy to attack the city, but the governance behind it is difficult.” The ration of the people from now until the beginning of the spring is a big problem. Even if they have saved a lot of food, they can't afford such a cost.
        Xu Wu didn't say anything more when he heard this. He could still say a few words about the war. He is not at all acquainted with this farming.
        The war in the West Sea is still not ideal, but the tens of thousands of people from Fu-Cheng City are much better than before. At least, the Beijiao offensive was not as fierce as it used to be. Corresponding to it is a serious casualty rate. In just five days, the 30 thousand horses from Fu-Cheng City have been reduced to more than 12 thousand, and the 6 thousand cavalry has been reduced to more than 3,780. Of course, Beibei casualties are twice as many as they are.
        When Feng Dajun was on fire, he received a personal letter from Cui Mo, saying that he had sent another 20 thousand soldiers and horses. After counting the time, it will take another four days to arrive. Feng Dajun whispered:
       "Thank you brother." 300 thousand people in Beibei have lost 130 thousand, leaving 170 thousand. However, this is also a huge number for Feng Dajun. To defend against these 170 thousand people, they have to pay a heavy price.
        On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, the weather suddenly became cold. Yu-Xi couldn't help but shudder when she walked out of the yard with a cloak. Yu-Xi couldn’t help but swear:
       "This God is not tossing people to death, not to give up."
        Quan Mama heard this:
       "You still add clothes! It's a cold save. Now the situation is special. If you are sick, you will delay the big thing."
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I wore a little rabbit with a rabbit fur. I can't add any clothes." With the addition of clothes, she can't be sick.
        After two sentences, Yu-Xi went to the study. I received several military newspapers last night. In addition to this, the locals also sent a lot of discounts. These need to be solved by the Yu-Xi review, and today's Yu-Xi is really busy to eat for no time. This also led to the promise of Yu-Xi with Quan Mama, which became an empty talk, and the child could not see the Yu-Xi side all day long.
        Xu Wu walked in from the outside and said to Yu-Xi, who is concentrating on the audition.
       “Wangfei, it’s snowing outside.”
        After saying this, Xu Wu saw that Yu-Xi did not respond, and she knew that she should be thinking about things and not bothering. When Yu-Xi endorsed the book, he said:
       “Wangfei, it’s snowing outside.” It’s common to snow in the past year, but this year it’s different. Yesterday, he only wore a short-sleeved clothes, but today he has to wear a folder. This weather is too weird.
        Yu-Xi heard this and immediately went out. Looking up at the snow-like snow falling in the sky, Yu-Xi was stunned:
       "Why didn't it snow when it was a warning?"
       The sudden cold weather in the morning is actually a sign.
        Xu Wu is very happy and said:
       "I hope this is a heavy snow, so the Beibei barbarians have to retreat without retreating." In the cold weather, there is not enough food and clothing to keep out the cold, unless Battelle wants to be wiped out by the whole army, otherwise he will have to retreat.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "In the snowy days, the northern monks are not good, and Wangye is as difficult as Du-Zheng." The weather changed too much, and the soldiers did not bring warm clothing, and certainly many people would fall ill. When you are snoring, you are short of medical care. If you are not injured, you can resist it. The injured soldier may be in danger.
        Thinking of this, Yu-Xi has some regrets. When Yun-Qing went out on the same day, Yu-Xi said that they would bring them to the cotton jacket, but Yun-Qing did not agree, saying that it was quicker to go light. Later, I was busy sending all kinds of urgently needed materials, and the cotton quilt was put down.
        Xu Wu said:
       “Wangfei, I remember there was a pile of warm clothing in the warehouse.”
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "There is also a batch of feather coats in the warehouse. This dress is made of duck feathers and goose feathers. It is very soft. It can not only be worn but also covered as a quilt." How to make a big action like a feather coat, how to get Xu Wu.
        To the period before the drought, we received a total of forty-two kilograms of duck feather with feather, made over ninety-eight thousand sets of underwear feathers. It’s just been a drought all the time, and these clothes are piled up in the warehouse after they are done. Nowadays, it is time to come in handy.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Take 40 thousand sets to Wangye, 40 thousand sets to Du-Zheng, and the rest to Guantai." As for the other soldiers, they all have cotton trousers, even if they don't have feather coats. Past.
        The duck sweater is too ugly to hear, and even Yun-Qing can't hear it. Because the feathers of ducks and geese are used, Yun-Qing is directly named as a feather coat.
        Xu Wu nodded:
       "Well, I will inform Yuan Ying." To transport these things to Yun-Qing and Du-Zheng, you must let Yuan Ying arrange, because he is in charge of the materials.
        The heavy snow fell in the yard and danced in various poses. In exchange for most days, Yu-Xi may also appreciate this beauty, but this will only be anxious.
        Yu-Xi said to Mei-Lan:
       "Going to the backyard to see how Lu-Er and Kaihao are they?"
       The temperature changes so much that children are likely to be affected as well.
        Not much will, Tan Tuo came over, for the sudden snowfall. Tan Tuo said:
       "Wangfei, the weather is still warm yesterday, today's sudden heavy snow, this change will cause the wheat in the field to freeze to death." Next year's harvest will certainly be greatly reduced.
        Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "If the damage is serious, it will be broadcast again in the spring of next year!" Fortunately, sweet potato is only cultivated in one third of the field, and the West Sea and Shaanxi are not planted. Yu-Xi felt that the weather was too abnormal and only allowed everyone to cultivate fields close to the water source. Other fields are ready for further cultivation in the spring of next year. Also because of this move by Yu-Xi, many good varieties have been saved.
        Tan Tuo said with anxiety:
       "This year is really a disaster, I hope that next year will be smooth and smooth." More disasters, not just the northwest, but the whole world,
        Yu-Xi said, looking up:
       "There will be good weather in the next year." This is just a relief for myself. No one can predict it next year, she doesn't know.
        In the evening, Licorice said:
       "Wangfei, 2nd Young Master 3rd Young Master. They all have a fever." The weather is getting too fast, and the triplets can't stand the fever.
        Yu-Xi dropped his hand and hurried back to the backyard. As soon as he entered the room, he saw the three children lying red on the bed.
        Quan Mama looked at the Yu-Xi face and said:
       "Don't worry, He Da Fu has already diagnosed the child, saying that it is caused by coldness and fever. It is good to eat the medicine and retreat." The triplets also had two illnesses before, but not like this. It looks so serious.
        Yu-Xi asked with less confidence:
        Quan Mama stunned Yu-Xi and said at a glance:
       "I lied to you to do something? But Hao Ji Er can't be with Rui Ji Er, or else he will be sick." I have to say that Qi Hao body is so good, the triplets have a fever, but he has nothing to worry about. .
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "I took him to the front yard!" Taking care of the triplets cost all the energy of Quan Mama and Lan Mama, and she is better with her.

       Chapter 931 - Fishing bait

       The biting cold wind blew and slammed from time to time to passers-by. The street was silvery white, and the breath of passersby turned into a white smoke.
        The biting cold wind blew on the face like a knife cut, and it was awkward to slap a few chills, wrap the clothes on his body, and then speed up the pace.
        Jia Concubine heard the knock on the door and heard:
       Men go out to fight only their mother and son, even if the law and order is very good, Jia Concubine is also anti-plugged on most days. It was a loud voice, and Jia Concubine opened the door.
        Shang Dawei saw Jia Concubine, tears came:
       "Younger brother..." I can't say anything later.
        Jia Concubine was shocked and reached out to Lachan to find her hand cold and cold:
       "Hurry into the house to warm up."
        After entering the house, Shang Dawei explained the intention and said while crying:
       "Xiaoqin has a terrible fever, but the money at home is used up." The four children have such a child, and if there is another three long and two short, she can not be killed.
        Jia Concubine knows that this is to borrow money, and he has taken three or two silver coins from his throat to say:
       "This money-in-law is taken to Xiaoqin first. If we don't have enough, we can find another way." Jia Concubine bought a half-yard firewood because he had money. As soon as she felt that the day was getting cold, she would burn it up, so the second baby did not get sick.
        Shang Dawei was moved and guilty, saying:
       "Sister, thank you, thank you." She has already found several borrowed money and has not borrowed money.
        When Shang Dawei went out, Jia Concubine handed her a half-old clip and said to her:
       "Sister-in-law, now that Xiaoqin is ill, can you fall down again? Otherwise, who is Xiaoqin pointing to?"
       Jia Concubine is a person with a child, afraid that the child has passed the disease, so she is not good to visit Xiaoqin.
        Shang Dazhao did not deny this. He put the clip on his body and went out.
        Put the door upside down, Jia Concubine said to himself:
       "I don't know how it is?"
       Li Ergun and Hu Da and others followed Yun-Qing to fight. Before the troops were sent out, there was a slap in the army, two or two per person. If it weren’t for this accident, the two silvers were still big enough to have a good year with Xiaoqin.
        The next morning, Jia Concubine got the news from the mouth of Hu Dazhao next door, saying that Xiaoqin didn't come over and went.
        Jia Concubine is busy saying:
       "Sister-in-law, now they are going to fight, we have to help each other." Xiaoqin is gone, Shang Dazhen estimated that half life has gone.
        Although Hu Dazhao has broken his mouth, it is not the kind of cold-blooded person. Seeing Shang Dazhen, she also has a heart:
       "Then you said, how can we help this?"
       The output is ok, but it is definitely not enough to pay for anything. She still has two children to raise and cannot afford to toss.
        Although Hu Dazhao has a lot of problems, he also likes to take advantage of it, but he is very worried about the two children, and the two children are not bad. When you flee, you would rather let your child eat first if you don’t eat. The two children have a good foundation. They have been a little bit cold this time, but they just drank two bowls of ginger syrup.
        Jia Concubine said:
       "First go to the coffin shop to buy two pieces of wood to bury the small ‘zither’, and other later to say!" The child who died before can not use the coffin, it is good to use a wooden board to make a wooden box. Many of them were directly buried outside with straw mats.
        After Xiaoqin’s burial, Jia Concubine took Shangda to her home, saving her from being sad in the original room. Jia Concubine held the hand of Shang Dawei and said softly:
       "Sister-in-law, want to open, so many gullies we have come over, this time will certainly be able to pass." Xiaoqin also lost his body when he fled before, did not make up after landing in the northwest, body Too weak. The weather suddenly changed and the body naturally could not stand it.
        Shang Dazhen heard this and burst into tears:
       "I will leave Aqin, and he will take Aqin away. God, why are you so embarrassed? Why don't you give me a living?"
       If it is not remembered to hang her husband, Shang Dazhen really wants to follow her daughter.
        In the northwest, it is less in the northwest than in Shangda, but it is everywhere in Shanxi and Henan.
        After snowing, the local folds flew to the Yu-Xi desk on the table. These folds are basically about disasters and complaints. There are too many people who are ill, not to mention that children can't help but many Darens can't help but fall ill, so the medicine is extremely scarce.
        Yu-Xi gave a bitter smile after putting down a discount. Before the drought, Yu-Xi was stocked with a lot of herbs, but most of these herbs were distributed to various military camps, and some were left in the warehouse for preparation. Needed from time to time. Yu-Xi is good at heart, and can't put this medicine down. However, watching these people did not die in the famine, but died of the disease, Yu-Xi could not tell the uncomfortable.
        Mei-Lan came up with a food box and said:
       “Wangfei, Quan Mama gave you a soup.” Quan Mama now makes a nightingale for Yu-Xi every night, because Yu-Xi is now very thin, so everything can be eaten. After eating for a while, Yu-Xi is much better than before.
        Yu-Xi This is actually no appetite, but she did not reject Quan Mama kindness. Sitting on the carpet, Kai Hao smelled the scent happily:
       "Mother, fragrant, want to eat." Qi Hao was taken to the study, hungry, he would open his mouth, other times, not listening to Yu-Xi to talk to others, is to concentrate on playing his small game, very well-behaved .
        Soy beans are boiled, and there is no problem if they are swallowed without chewing. Therefore, Yu-Xi did not care, and took a spoonful to feed Qihao.
        Qi Hao prefers to eat meat, but he eats fruits and vegetables, which is better than Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. After eating a bite, excitedly -called:
       "Mother, still."
        Mei-Lan said:
       "Wangfei, let me feed the Wang Heir, you should eat it first! Otherwise, it will be cold." The licorice is taken care of Kaihao on most days, but today the licorice accidentally fell and smashed.
        Yu-Xi asked while eating:
       "What did Rui Ji eat at night? Is the appetite good?"
       Going back to see three sons at noon, no time left in the afternoon.
        Mei-Lan is busy saying:
       “The 3rd Young Master dinners each have a small bowl of meat!” The triplets were more than seven months old and began to eat complementary food last month.
        I can eat a small bowl of meat, which proves that it is not a big hindrance. However, Yu-Xi thought about the children of the people family, not to mention the meat, afraid that even the rice soup did not eat, the heart could not help but a little heavy.
        The next day, Yu-Xi said to Tan Tuo who came to the accident:
       "How do you say that the government provides two kilograms of white rice to each of the children of the civilian family?"
       See Tan Tuo puzzled, Yu-Xi said:
       "The child is ill, it is good to drink some rice porridge."
        Tan Tuo thought about it:
       "Wangfei is good, but I still give you an age limit! I think it is better to be under six years old." There are not many children under the age of six in the northwest, and then the children of the rich families are removed, and the white rice is not more than Million pounds. This number is still within their affordability.
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Under the age of ten!" It is also the beginning of Yun-Qing and Yu-Xi in the northwest, and the number of children has increased. In the past, most of the Daren males were arrested for snoring. There were not many newborns, and the environment was bad, and the child’s death rate was also high. So even if it is under the age of ten, the whole northwest will add up to hundreds of thousands and no more than one million.
        Tan Tuo said:
       “Wangfei is kind.” Although it is somewhat casual, who can make Wangfei have this capital.
        Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "I just want to do something for those children, but unfortunately can do very limited for them." She made a lot of preparations, but still can not resist the cruelty of God.
        Tan Tuo said:
       "Wangfei doesn't have to blame yourself. What you do for the people is good enough." This large drought only killed tens of thousands of people, which was unimaginable before, but Yu-Xi did.
        Yu-Xi swings his hand and says:
       "Don't say this, I just hope that the old days will not be tossed again." After tossing down, she can't stand it anymore, let alone the flat people.
        Two days later, Feng Dajun sent a discount and said that the Beibei people had withdrew. Although the heavy snow only lasted for one day, the weather suddenly changed. The Beibei people did not have enough food for the cold clothes, and the body could not stand the strong. In two days, many soldiers in Beibei fell ill.
        Battle does not want to retreat, but the situation is forced to retreat, unless it is to let more than 100 thousand soldiers and horses die in the West Sea.
        Yu-Xi said with a sigh of relief:
       "It’s good to retreat." Beibei withdrew, and he was not worried about the rear. As long as Yun-Qing will knock down Shanxi before May next year, even if Beibei is not guilty again.
        Xu Wu and Yu-Xi said a message he just got:
       “Wangfei, I have got the news. Although the weather is getting colder in Shanxi, there are very few people who are sick.” Yun-Qing is not a pedantic person. When the weather is getting cold, the soldiers are going to cut trees. The house roasts the fire and keeps the cold, and orders the rear to deliver the cold materials as soon as possible. Because of the drought, many places in Shanxi have ten rooms and nine empty spaces. There are a lot of empty houses, so I don’t worry about the dismantling. Of course, the reason why there are not many people who are sick is the reason why these people have good physical fitness.
        Yu-Xi took a deep breath and said:
       "It is also good news."
        However, God seems to deliberately not let Yu-Xi easily. On the evening of the day, Yu-Xi got the news that Jao-Jao was attacked by the Beibei Assassin, but it was good to be surprised.
        Xu Wu said:
       "These people lie in the vicinity of Han, and after the 1st County Owner saw Han 2nd Madam came out." After a pause, Xu Wu added:
       "Wangfei, this time Beibei fine work is scorned."
        Yu-Xi is a smart person who knows what's wrong when he hears the back. Yu-Xi said coldly:
       "Who made Jao-Jao a bait?"
       If you don't know the identity of Jao-Jao, you can't make it out.
        Looking at the angry Yu-Xi, Xu Wu couldn't help but bow his head and whispered:
       "It is the idea of ​​the righteous father."
        In fact, without Xu Wu, Yu-Xi also knows that it is Huo Changqing's idea, because Cui Mo and Chu Shuguang absolutely do not have this courage. Yu-Xi sneered and said:
       “It’s really a good idea.”
        Xu Wu said with a hard scalp:
       “Wangfei, the righteous father has arranged a lot of people around the 1st County Owner, these people are enough to ensure the safety of the 1st County Owner.”
        Yu-Xi said:
       "If I arrange a few masters around the rhyme, these people are enough to protect her safety, then I let her go to the bait, will you promise?"
       Yunjie is the daughter of Xu Wu.
        See Xu Wu without a buzz, Yu-Xi said with no expression:
       "Do unto others, do not impose on others."

       Chapter 932 - Warmth in the winter

       The wind blew the mountains and villages, shook the torso of the old trees, and even tore the thatch from some of the houses and lifted them into the air.
        A man squatted and pushed the door open, and the cold wind poured into the low adobe room with him.
        The woman sitting at the bed saw him entering the room, and came over and looked forward to him and asked:
       "When the family is, is the rice noodle received?"
       His family has three children, the largest seven years old and the youngest two years old. The two children above are still in good health, only the younger son is sick. Because the treatment did not go in time. However, the younger son did not have a household, so he took care of the rice noodles of the three children.
        One child has two pounds of white rice and two pounds of white noodles. The three children add up to six pounds of white rice and six pounds of white noodles. For them, this is not a small amount.
        Yu-Xi started by saying that it was two pounds of white rice. Later, thinking that if the child wanted to eat noodles or dumplings, the white rice could not solve the problem. For the behavior of Yu-Xi, the poor people are very grateful, but the rich people are spurned, because Yu-Xi sells the rice noodles expensive, and the rice noodles in the Taiping years are also sixty-seven yuan. Now Yu-Xi actually sold sixty pounds a pound. The common people can't afford it, but the rich or eunuchs can't help but eat. So what Yu-Xi earns is the money of these people.
        Huangdou took out a cloth pocket from her arms and said with joy:
       "I got it, six pounds of white rice and six pounds of white noodles." The government posted a notice, the people directly took the household registration to go to the grain shop of the place where they belonged. Without intermediate procedures, this avoids the possibility of someone doing it.
        The yellow scorpion took the cloth pocket and opened it, and the tears came:
       "If the third is still alive, you can drink a bite of rice porridge and eat a bite dumpling."
        Soybean is also very upset, but it’s useless if the child has already gone:
       "Don't say that much, hurry to porridge for the children to eat." The two children are now lying in bed, it is not sick, but the outside is too cold, lying in bed warm. In addition, there is no movement in bed and it will not cost too much food.
        Huang 1st Lang heard the white noodles and said:
       "Mother, I want to eat noodles." For Huang 1st Lang, the oily noodles are the best things to eat. It’s just that he also knows what’s going on at home, and it’s enough to eat noodles.
        Huang 2nd Lang also said:
       "Mother, I want to eat dumplings." Faced with dumplings, Huang 2nd Lang prefers dumplings.
        Huangdou said:
       "When the New Year is over, I will give you noodles and dumplings." After a pause, Huangdou said to Huang 1st Lang:
       "When you are full, you can go back and collect some firewood." The firewood in the house is not enough.
        The children of poor families have long been home, and the seven-year-old has been able to do a lot of things. Huang 1st Lang nodded:
       "it is good."
        When I was having dinner, Huang 1st Lang and Huang 2nd Lang both had a bowl of porridge, which was a porridge with chopsticks inserted into it. The 2nd Brother took a bite of the artichoke and then ate a porridge, which could not be said to satisfy:
       "It's delicious." Although only a little salt was put in the porridge, it was already a good thing for them.
        Huang Zizi said:
       "Remember, this is the blessing of Wangfei." The people are very convinced that this drought has made the people regard Yu-Xi as a god.
        Huang 1st Lang ate half a bowl of porridge, and the rest was pushed to the front of the yellow beans and said:
       "Hey, I am full, you can eat it!"
        Huang 2nd Lang looked at his brother, and then looked at the porridge in his bowl. He couldn’t help but ate a big mouth and then pushed it to the front of Huang Zizi:
       "Mother, I am also full, and you can eat it!"
        It is very gratifying to see the son of Huang Zizi and Huang Zizi being so filial:
       "When you are growing up, you need to eat something good." Unfortunately, their husband and ‘Madam’ did not provide better conditions for their children.
        Huang 1st Lang said:
       "Hey, mother, wait for me to grow up with my brother, and let you eat noodles and dumplings every day."
        Huang 2nd Lang added:
       "There is also a dumpling with oily noodles and pork with green onions."
        When the yellow bean and the yellow scorpion heard this, they laughed and closed their mouths. The cold wind blew outside, but the room was warm as spring.
        This scene, Yu-Xi naturally does not know. If she knows, she will be very happy.
        Xu Wu told Yu-Xi about the news from Fu-Cheng City:
       “Wangfei, the righteous father and the 1st County Owner left Fu-Cheng City three days ago and returned to Yucheng years ago.”
        Yu-Xi heard this and looked up and asked:
       "How did Cui Mo say nothing in the fold?"
        Xu Wu said:
       "If it is said in the fold, it may reveal the whereabouts of the righteous and the big Count Owner." The entire northwest, not only the masterpieces of the Beibei people, but also Yan Wu-shuang and Yu Chunyu who sent people. It would be dangerous to let these people explore the whereabouts of the 1st County Owner.
        Yu-Xi nodded, said faintly:
       "It turned out to be the case."
        I remembered that the last Yu-Xi was angered by Jao-Jao, and Xu Wu measured it in his heart:
       "Wangfei, I know that the righteous father used the 1st County Owner to lead the way to the case, but the righteous father also wants to do this..."
        Yu-Xi did not wait for him to finish, and picked up his own words:
       "I know that he let Jao-Jao be a bait, and he can hide Beibei in Fu-Cheng City's fine work. Second, he can also take advantage of the opportunity to exercise Jao-Jao."
        Xu Wu stayed and said:
       “The original Wangfei knows it!”
        Yu-Xi said a word:
       "At the time, I was just a little angry. When I wanted to understand afterwards, I knew that Huo Shu painstaking efforts." Yu-Xi said this when he was very sincere.
        Xu Wu saw a sigh of relief and he was afraid that Wangfei had a opinion on the righteous father.
       "Wangfei knows the righteousness of the righteous father, and I am relieved."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Nature know, you go to work!" After that, Yu-Xi bowed and continued to review the memorial.
        After Xu Wu turned and walked out of the house, Yu-Xi looked up and stared blankly at the pearl curtain that swayed at the door. It doesn't mean you don't mind, but you can't show it even if you mind. Huo Changqing not only cultivates Yun-Qing , but also protects the people he grew up with. In addition, Xu Wu and Feng Dajun, who he cultivated, are the arms of Yun-Qing , so she can't be in a hurry with Huo Changqing, at least not now.
        The winter clothes of the feather coat were first sent to Du-Zheng. A Kun, who is responsible for receiving supplies, has never seen a feather coat. He feels that it is not quite right when he feels light in his hand. As a result, the opening of the opening was seen, and the inside was actually a feather. A Kun’s face changed greatly, and the person who was about to deliver the materials was tied up and sent to Du-Zheng.
        Du-Zheng looked at the two people who were tied in front of the five flowers, and some of them couldn’t help but ask:
       "How is this going?"
        Akun is counting on the head of the military to say:
       "General, this is a dark heart, all the clothes we sent are stuffed with duck feathers and goose feathers." For them, as long as the fresh cotton is warm. The stuffed duck feathers and goose feathers, like black cotton, are fake.
        The official who sent the item, surnamed Cao, is a member of the five products. Cao Shen was heard and said:
       "General Du, I just explained to them. This is the feather coat that Wangfei told people to do. The stuffed inside is duck feathers and goose feathers. There are more than 90 thousand sets of clothes and 40 thousand sets of Wangye. This is also a set of 40 thousand sets."
        It was as big as the action of collecting duck feathers and goose feathers on the day, and some of them were taken from his level. Du-Zheng could not know. Du-Zheng asked:
       "You said that you sent 40 thousand sets of such clothes to Shanxi?"
       See Cao Shen nodded, Du-Zheng asked:
       “What is special about this clothing?”
        Cao Shen said quickly:
       "This dress is not only lighter than cotton trousers, but also warmer than cotton trousers. Yuan Daren wears such clothes when the weather gets cold. This is what he said."
        Du-Zheng said to the military commander who just yelled:
       "Go get a set." Try it and you will know if it is true or not.
        The clothes were brought in, and Du-Zheng tried it on his own. After a quarter of an hour, Du-Zheng said happily:
       "Old Yuan really didn't lie, this dress is really warm, and it is very light." The whole person is swollen in cotton trousers, this thing is good, warm and close.
        I thought that Du-Zheng knew that the duck feathers and goose feathers were Yu-Xi, and it was strange to talk to the subordinates about Wangfei. As a result, I did not expect that Wangfei quirky preferences ultimately benefited them.
        Touching the feathers on his body, Du-Zheng whispered:
       "Good things are good, just too little." Under his hand, there are 100 thousand people, and the new 50 thousand is removed, and there are 50 thousand people! The difference is 10 thousand, but it is not very good.
        Cao Shen’s collar heard this and had a crying mood. A total of nine hundred and ninety-nine and ninety-nine sets of feathers were sent to Yun-Qing and Du-Zheng. The number of Thai three-pointers was ninety-eight thousand. For the rest, Yuan Ying was assigned to each military camp according to the level. Cao Shen’s level is not enough, and there is no point.
        Du-Zheng looked at Cao Shen’s look and asked:
       "Isn't the old Yuan not stingy enough to give you a set of each?"
        Cao Shen’s collar shook his head and said:
       "Many people have less clothes, and Yuan Daren is also embarrassed." Don't say that Cao Shen is not dissatisfied with Yuan Ying, even if there is, he dare not speak in front of Du-Zheng. Otherwise, don't think about mixing in the military needs.
        Du-Zheng laughed and said:
       "Old Yuan does not give you, I appreciate you." This thing is mainly not in the past, but it is not worth much.
        Cao Shen’s collar did not deny it, and his hands clenched his fists:
       "That would thank the generals." Mainly this year because of the drought, poultry basically died, if in the past years, I went to buy a few pounds of duck feather goose home.
        After Cao Shen got out, A Kun said with a bitter face:
       "General, I tore three pieces of clothes." Looking at Cao Shen's appearance, this thing is a good thing, but he has ruined three good things.
        Du-Zheng 骂道:
       "People have said that the duck feathers are stuffed in the clothes. You will also tie people. You said that you have no long brains?"
        A Kun did not dare to speak back and said:
       "It's the wrong thing. It's just that I haven't seen this thing before. I thought it was the same as the reed and the black cotton wool!" Something that had been black and hearty in the court before would be stuffed with reeds and black cotton. Such cotton jackets were not warm at all, causing them to freeze a lot of Brother.
        Du-Zheng heard this, and they were too hard to pass. The shadows in these people are normal. It was just that he had doubts in his heart, but Du-Zheng was more than alive:
       "If you have doubts, you can tell me privately that I will solve this problem. How can I not tie you to Cao Shen."
        A Kun can not argue, he bowed his head and said:
       "The subordinates are wrong, and they won't be next time."
        Du-Zheng nodded:
       "Go on!"
        When the room was left with Du-Zheng alone, he touched the feather coat and whispered:
       "If you know that the clothes made from duck feathers and goose feathers can keep out the cold, how good it is!" The cost of a set of feather coats is less than that of a cotton jacket. If you find this thing early, you won't kill so many Brother.
        Fu-Cheng City is so many people in tragic death that it is a pain forever in everyone heart. This kind of pain, people who have not passed can never understand.

       Chapter 933 - Surprise

       The snow went down one day and one night, although it was under the snow, but it did not pass the ankle.
        Qi Hao pointed to the wall and said:
       "Mother, snow and snow." Since going to the study with Yu-Xi, Qi Hao is no longer willing to stay in the main courtyard. If Yu-Xi didn't take him, he would cry and tear open his throat. When he cried, the triplets also cried, and they couldn’t make it. Yu-Xi has no choice but to follow him.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Well, it's snow and snow, do you want to play snow and snow?"
       Qi Hao is in good health, and Yu-Xi is not afraid that he will catch the snow when he is playing.
        Qi Hao said with a milky voice:
       "Mother, play together." Don't look at Qi Hao only two years old, speaking is very fluent and complete.
        Yu-Xi is in a good mood and said:
       "Mother has to deal with things, no time. But when your sister comes back, let her take you to play with me." I thought that Jao-Jao also took Lu-Er to play with the snowman!
        Qi Hao smiled and said:
       "it is good."
        The dragon was burned in the study, very warm, and the mother and son took off their coats as soon as they entered.
        After a while, Tan Tuo came over and anecdote:
       "Wangfei, according to statistics, the weather suddenly cooled down half a month ago, causing more than 8,700 people to be sick." A good person, a cold is not going to kill. Most of these dead people are old people and children, and the rest are people who are not very good.
        Yu-Xi was shocked to hear this number, but it was a sigh:
       "The drought has only lost more than 30 thousand people. The sudden change in the weather has gone to more than 8 thousand people."
        Tan Tuo said:
       "The main reason is the lack of medicine." Rich people can ask for medical treatment. It is good for poor people to eat enough. Where do you come to see a doctor?
        Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I can't do anything about it." The medicinal materials are so expensive, and the supply army is struggling. How can it be free for the people?
        After saying this, Yu-Xi said:
       "The days of the twelfth lunar month are relatively normal. I hope that next year, as in previous years, it will be able to adjust the weather." The northwestern years have been in good weather, or the northwest will not develop as fast.
        Tan Tuo nodded and said:
       "It must be."
        Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "The number of artichokes to be planted will be verified again, and no one can make a mistake." In Shanxi and Henan, they have to provide good varieties. Yu-Xi is prepared to grow artichokes in these places, and the artichokes can be divided into several pieces (with buds). When planted in the soil, they will grow and flourish, and grow a fruitful artichoke. If it is all kinds of millet or wheat, only the good species will have to kill Yu-Xi.
        Tan Tuo knows what Yu-Xi thinks and says:
       “Wangfei rest assured that they must sort out the seeds of the artichokes before the first month. When the time comes, they will be transported to Shanxi and Henan.” Not only Yu-Xi, but also in Tan Tuo eyes, Shanxi and Henan are already their capsules. Not only is there confidence in Yun-Qing , but also an assessment of the situation.
        Although Yu-Xi didn't go to the front and only went to the rear, she asked the intelligence personnel to tell the people in Shanxi and the counties and counties in Henan about the situation in the northwest, let them know that although there was a drought in the northwest, they did not starve to death. In addition, Yu-Xi also let the people of Shanxi and Henan provinces know that the people of the two states occupied by Yun-Qing and Du-Zheng have been rescued, and the government will give them to them in the spring. Good seed. The purpose of Yu-Xi doing this is to draw people hearts and win the hearts of the people.
        The two talked about one morning and Tan Tuo left. After a while, Xu Wu opened the curtain and walked in:
       "Wangfei, the righteous father and the 1st County Owner are back."
        Yu-Xi was delighted and was busy with Qi Hao back to the backyard. As soon as I entered the room, I heard the loud voice of Jao-Jao.
        The mother-in-law is worried, and this time Yu-Xi is deeply experienced this time. I have been worried about going to Fu-Cheng City Yu-Xi since Jao-Jao. And knowing that Huo Changqing used Jao-Jao as a bait, he even kept his heart at all times.
        Now looking at Jao-Jao, Yu-Xi standing in front of himself, the nose feels sour:
       "It’s growing taller." I haven’t seen it for three months, and I’ve grown a lot.
        Jao-Jao holds the waist of Yu-Xi and choked:
       "Mother, I miss you, and I want Lu-Er and Ah Hao."
        Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "It's cold outside, what's the word to enter the house slowly!" The happiest thing is to get together. The most sad thing is to leave.
        When I entered the house, Jao-Jao said it to Yu-Xi from start to finish in Fu-Cheng City, and the assassination did not leak.
        Yu-Xi touched the head of Jao-Jao and asked:
       "So many assassins, are you afraid?"
        Jao-Jao said, looking up:
       "I am not afraid of it! I am not martial arts now, or I will kill them." The assassination was only stimulating and regrettable for Jao-Jao, no fear.
        Yu-Xi thought that Jao-Jao would be scared or even cast a shadow. I didn't expect this Yatou not only not affected, but also inspired the fighting spirit.
        As I spoke, Lu-Er came over. Lu-Er was just learning the ‘zither’ with Master , and the time of study was not allowed to be disturbed, so Lu-Er will come here.
        When Jao-Jao saw Lu-Er, she walked over to her and said:
       “Mei Mei, do you see if there is any smell on me?”
        Lu-Er frowned and said:
       "There is no smell, it smells out of Sanli Street." After that, he looked back and took a step back.
        Yu-Xi looked at Lu-Er's eyes and flashed a sly smile, knowing that this is Lu-Er deliberately catching Jao-Jao! She is not acquainted, and the two sisters are funny.
        Jao-Jao raised his arm and smelled it, depressed:
       "I know that I have a bath of rose roses, how can I smell it!"
        Lu-Er -called and laughed:
       "Cute you! No smell, there is a rose fragrance on the body."
        Jao-Jao slammed up and tickles Lu-Er:
       "How long have you not seen, your Yatou has gone bad."
        Lu-Er was the most ticklish, and he laughed and asked for mercy. Qi Hao and the triplets also laughed happily. The warmth of the scene
        Yu-Xi has some regrets and said:
       "If Wangye is there, it will be perfect." For more than seven years, Yun-Qing is still not at home for the first time!
        After lunch, several children fell asleep. Quan Mama asked Yu-Xi:
       “How can the Big Count Owner be assassinated? And still so dangerous?”
        Huo Changqing used Jao-Jao as a bait, and Yu-Xi did not tell Quan Mama before. This will be asked by Quan Mama, and Yu-Xi will not be concealed.
        Quan Mama listened to her brows tightly, but she did not say Huo Changqing's bad words. Although Huo Changqing did not serve in the military, several of his sons, such as Feng Junjun and Cui Mo, were all heavy-handed generals. If Yu-Xi falls out with Huo Changqing, then it will surely provoke dissatisfaction of these people. The only loss is Yu-Xi:
       "Yu-Xi, Huo Changqing is not doing well, but you don't want to hate it. In the end, he is also good for Jao-Jao."
        Yu-Xi nods:
       "I know, but Ah Hao, I can't teach him any more."
        Quan Mama said in silence:
       "Yu-Xi, if you really want Ah Hao, you should let Huo Changqing teach Ahao." See Yu-Xi, his face is not very good-looking, Quan Mama said:
       "This is not a mother who is willing to put the child in danger, but if it is standing by the observer's point of view, Huo Changqing is doing good to the child. Ah Hao future situation is even more dangerous than Jao-Jao, only let A Hao has been accustomed to the danger of learning enough to protect himself, and you don’t have to worry about Aho safety in the future."
        In the same way, different people say that the effect is completely different. If this is Huo Changqing or Xu Wu, Yu-Xi will not turn his face, but certainly does not agree. However, this is what Quan Mama said, and Yu-Xi has to be seriously considered.
        Yu-Xi said after a long silence:
       "This will wait until A Hao is three years old and say it again!" Without direct rejection, it means that Yu-Xi has loosened.
        Quan Mama thought for a moment and said:
       "The old saying that the mother is more than a child, is not the mother's do not want to let the son become a talent, but reluctant to bear the suffering of the son. Yu-Xi, Rui brother and Xuan Ji Er you can hurt them more pets, but A Hao can not You are not willing to suffer from suffering and sin now is to harm him." A Hao is the eldest son, and Yu-Xi is the mother, the heir can only be him. As an heir, you have to face not only the assassination, but also the endless plots and calculations of the people around you. If Ahao doesn’t have enough power, if it’s heavy, it’s life-threatening.
        Yu-Xi is very tangled, and finally said:
       "Let me think about it again!" This pass made her promise to hand Qihao to Huo Changqing, she can't do it.
        Quan Mama nodded and didn't talk anymore. She believed that Yu-Xi could figure it out. This is the reluctance of the mother, but as long as it is really good for the child, it will eventually compromise. Unless it is not a mother, but a mother.
        On the twenty-ninth night of the twelfth lunar month, before the dinner, Lu-Er asked Yu-Xi Yu-Xi:
       "Mother, don't you really come back for the New Year?"
       It’s twenty-nine months, and it’s really not going to come home today.
        Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "When you finish the fight, you will come back." She also wanted Yun-Qing to come back, but there was a lot of things over there. Yun-Qing was also very busy. She had written that she would not come back for the New Year.
        Lu-Er is a bit disappointed.
        Jao-Jao said with a smile:
       “Mei Mei, we can go find it when we are in the spring!”
        This succeeded in making Yu-Xi black face and said:
       "The sword on the battlefield has no eyes. What are you going to do? You are not allowed to go." Yu-Xi agreed to let Jao-Jao go to Fu-Cheng City because Fu-Cheng City is their site, and there are still more than a dozen. Ten thousand soldiers. But what can't be expected in Shanxi, she will never let Yao-Jao go to Shanxi.
        Lu-Er is a timid one. He heard the sword without eyes and shook his head and said:
       "I will wait for you at home." She didn't want to run so far, tired and unsafe.
        In previous years, the general twelfth lunar month was released to the sixth day of the first month. This year, the situation was special, only from the 30th holiday to the second day of the first month. Rest for three days, the third day should be as usual.
        In the dream, Yu-Xi feels that someone is holding her, and wakes up when she is scared. When I opened my eyes, I saw Yun-Qing , and Yu-Xi was amazed:
       "He Rui, are you back?"
        Yun-Qing said with Yu-Xi:
       "Well, I am back, come back to celebrate the New Year with the children."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Don't you say you can't come back?"
        Yun-Qing touched the face of Yu-Xi and smiled:
       "If you tell you to come back, will you still be so happy?"
       Yun-Qing wants to give Yu-Xi a surprise, so deliberately can't say it.
        Yu-Xi smiled:
       "It's just as happy."

       Chapter 934 - another year

       Lu-Er didn't take long to get up and knew that she was coming back. She was so happy that she couldn't do it. When she washed it, she rushed to the main Courtyard.
        Seeing Yun-Qing , Lu-Er smiled like a freshly blooming flower:
       "Hey, you are finally back, I want to die with my sister." One finally, she missed her thoughts.
        When you hear this, Yun-Qing is as sweet as drinking honey. Yun-Qing touched the coral beads on the head of Lu-Er and said with a smile:
       "Hey, I miss you too." If you don't want to, you won't be able to come back to New Year's Day.
        After two quarters of an hour, Jao-Jao came over. It wasn't that Jao-Jao slept late. On the contrary, Jao-Jao got up very early, but she practiced for half an hour. Although she does not have to go to Huo Changqing for the past three days, this martial arts cannot be slacked one day.
        After breakfast, Yu-Xi asked Yun-Qing :
       “How did Purple Zi-Jin and Yu Zhi not come back?”
       If the man is still in the house, this is not the case when the mother is not coming back.
        Yun-Qing said:
       "Purple Zi-Jin was diagnosed pregnant a few days ago. It has been more than two months. The fetus is not stable, and now it is raising a baby." It is also enough to fight after they have been pregnant.
        Yu-Xi said with a black face:
       "Don't tell me that Purple Zi-Jin doesn't know that she is pregnant." How could she not know that she was pregnant? It must be Purple Zi-Jin. The dead woman deliberately concealed.
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "I don't know this. But Purple Zi-Jin didn't want this kid. He wanted to sneak it out. The result was discovered by Yu Zhi. Yu Zhi made a good fire, and Purple Zi-Jin promised to give birth to the child. Come down." When it comes to this, Yun-Qing laughs and says:
       "On most days, Yu Zhi is happy with everyone, his temper is very good, and he is also very versatile about Purple Zi-Jin. He can be scared by the fire." Honest people don't get angry, it's a fire. so horrible.
        Yu-Xi is mad:
       "There is no child, even if there is no need, this Yatou is too messy. She also lost her relationship with Yu Zhi is a brother and sister. If you change to other men to see her so toss, it must be a bit of a gap. "Which man doesn't look at the -servant, he still wants to knock the child off."
        Purple Zi-Jin had never been pregnant since she gave birth to Ruolan. Yu-Xi had advised her to stay in the house for a while and let Quan Mama adjust her body. Purple Zi-Jin does not agree, saying that leaving the military camp is equivalent to her life. Yu-Xi sees that Yu Zhi has no objection, and she compromises. But this time, Yu-Xi does not condone that Yatou.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "You tell Purple Zi-Jin, and when she is stable, she will return to the city. If she doesn't come back, don't enter the Pingxi Palace again."
        Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "Cheng, I will tell her after I go back." Purple Zi-Jin came back to take care of him, and he didn't need to pay for Yu-Xi. He didn't need to stop.
        On New Year's Eve, when eating New Year's Eve, Yu-Xi looked at Ruolan's look and knew that the child was uncomfortable. After eating, Yu-Xi took Ruolan’s hand and said:
       "Your mother is going to come back to accompany you for the New Year, but it happens that your mother is pregnant, so I can't come back. But in two months, your mother will come back. At that time, she will stay in the house for one year."
        Ruolan is a bit stunned:
       "is this real?"
       The surprise came too suddenly and some did not believe it.
        Yu-Xi chuckles:
       "I lie to you to do what is natural. Also, you will be your sister in more than seven months." Yu-Xi originally wanted to let Ruo-Er together with Lu-Er, but they couldn't get together. . The situation of Jao-Jao is special, so if the men are followed by Master Yang and the nurse. In terms of material, Yu-Xi will not be ill-treated, but the child is not around, and the child is alone.
        Ruolan looked at Jao-Jao and said happily:
       "Jao-Jao sister, I have to have a younger brother." Jao-Jao has a good temper, who can get along with anyone, and the relationship with Ruoqiang is not bad.
        Jao-Jao said cheerfully:
       "Your brother is also my brother! It seems that I have to be my sister again."
        In the evening, Yun-Qing went to the vigil, and Yu-Xi took four children to sleep, and the spirit was good. She did not sleep, and took a book directly.
        Quan Mama is old and sleepless. See Yu-Xi and read:
       "Don't read a book, read a book and hurt your eyes. You can't sleep, I will talk to you."
        Yu-Xi closed the book and smiled and nodded:
       "it is good."
        This said, it is midnight. Hearing the sound of firecrackers outside, Quan Mama smiled and said:
       "The old year has gone, and it has ushered in a new year."
        Yu-Xi said cheerfully:
       "Yeah, another year. Now I am twenty-five, and I am old." Seventeen and eight years old is the best time of the year, she is now twenty-five, is the mother of six children.
        Quan Mama heard Yu-Xi lament that she was speechless:
       "I didn't say that I was old. You actually lamented that you are old here?"
       Where does this put her?
        Yu-Xi grinned.
        The sun rose the next day, and the bright sunlight shone into the house, making people feel warm and warm. Yu-Xi is in a good mood:
       "New year, new start."
        On the first day of the first month, Yun-Qing must not be a little idle. The couple have time to talk about the conversation at night:
       "Yu-Xi, this time makes you suffer." He took the troops out to fight, but the latter thing was handled by Yu-Xi. Plus Fu-Cheng City is playing with the West Sea, and the burden on Yu-Xi is heavier than him.
        Yu-Xi is not a modest person, and he said in the arms of Yun-Qing :
       "It's very tired. Sometimes I think about the messy things that I want to pick up. Just this is the foundation you have laid down. I have to cook well, not only for you, but also for the children."
        Yun-Qing has guilty:
       "From marrying me, you haven't had a day of peace of mind. Yu-Xi, I can't help you."
        Yu-Xi knows what is in the words:
       "What's wrong? Suddenly saying this?"
       See Yun-Qing shaking his head and not saying it, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Is there someone in front of you saying that my ambition is too big, you must contain me, otherwise I will become the second monk in the future?"
       Yu-Xi snorted in the heart, these people are too high to see her, what kind of character is the monk, so she can match.
        Yun-Qing shook his head:
       "I know that you are not such a person." Yu-Xi is a free person, but not very enthusiastic about rights. Otherwise, she will put the right in her hands, instead of giving power to the following courtiers.
        Yu-Xi said in silence:
       "He Rui, if it is OK, I only hope to live a safe and steady life with you and your children, but the reality is not allowed. We are in troubled times. If we do not move anywhere, we will only be slaughtered. So, We must be strong enough to protect ourselves and our children."
        Yun-Qing said Yu-Xi:
       "I know, I know that you are doing this for our family." Everyone said that Yu-Xi is too ambitious, afraid that he will not be able to control Yu-Xi in the future. I don't know, he didn't have this worry at all. Because there is no Yu-Xi, there is no such thing as him. Moreover, everything they have now is ultimately passed on to their children.
        Yu-Xi is very pleased that Yun-Qing can say this:
       "It will take another eighteen years to work, and it will be easy."
        Yun-Qing asked strangely:
       "How do you say this?"
        Yu-Xi raised a smile on the corner of his mouth:
       "Ah 18 years later, Ah Hao is already twenty years old, enough to stand alone. When the time is given to him, we can rest well."
        Yun-Qing shook his head and said:
       "Twenty-year-old is still too young, and I can't afford to be so big. I have to be twenty-five years old."
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You have to have confidence in our Ahao!" It is not necessary to hand over power to Ahao at the age of 20. She said that it only shows an attitude, that is, she will not be the second monk. Although Yun-Qing believes in him, there is a saying that is good, and the public is ruined, so some things are still good for the rain.
        The husband and ‘Madam’ said a lot of private words, and it was midnight. Yun-Qing looked at the Yu-Xi sleepy but strong support:
        Both husband and ‘Madam’ sleep until dawn.
        The second day of the first month is the day when the married woman returns to her family. Yun-Qing went to Hanfu with six children to accompany Yu-Xi. Although he only stayed for less than a quarter of an hour, he had to leave, but this face was enough.
        After Yu-Xi and other Yun-Qing left, I asked:
       "Hua Ji Er? Why didn't you see him?"
        Han Jianming smiled and said:
       "This child said that he should not be late for others, and he could not delay any more. Otherwise, he would never be able to catch up. I went back to Zhuangzi yesterday afternoon." Back to Zhuangzi Xiwu is a fake, not willing to stay in Han is true. The people of Hanfu are strangers to Hua Ji Er. Even the relatives of Han Jianming and Chang Ji Er, the Brother of a compatriot, are not relatives.
        Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "How is the illness of the big -servant? Is it still a little temperament?"
       Since she knew that her daughter was gone, Ye-shi fell ill and has not recovered since.
        Han Jianming did not look at Yu-Xi and said:
       "She is a heart disease. If she doesn't figure it out, she can't help her." Han Jianming will not tell Ye-shi if the child is alive. Otherwise, there will be no home in the future.
        There are no other people in the house, and there is nothing to avoid in Yu-Xi:
       "The child is also two years old. What are the plans for the future?"
        Han Jianming shook his head and said:
       "It may be that Ye-shi is not well-fed, but the child is very weak. Now that she has had two serious illnesses." If it can't be cured, then she can only be a Tianjia Weng.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Looking at the child is still not sensible, give the child a good family to raise it! There are children who have a mother's pain, will live well." Only to the servant care, is very unfavorable to the child's growth.
        Han Jianming hesitated and said:
       "Let me think about it!" Yu-Xi is justified, but it is his bloody bones. He is not at ease to others.
        Yu-Xi can only give advice, but can't help Han Jianming make a decision. Therefore, she did not continue to say anything.
        Happy days are always very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the first five days of the first month, Yun-Qing is ready for the sixth day.
        Yu-Xi special enthusiasm for this night, Yun-Qing also eagerly responded, the two tossed into the middle of the night. Yu-Xi lies softly in the arms of Yun-Qing and says:
       "I really don't want you to go." Yun-Qing is here, she is relaxed.
        Yun-Qing also doesn't want to go, how good is the ‘Madam’ and children in the house. But for the future, he had to go.
        Yu-Xi can't sleep, just talk to Yun-Qing and talk about dawn. When it is time, I can't afford it.
        When Yun-Qing was sent to the gate, Jao-Jao took the sleeve of Yun-Qing and said:
       "Hey, I am going to Shanxi too, you bring me!" The mother disagreed, but if she agreed with her, she could go.
        Yun-Qing smiled and said:
       "When you are 13 years old, when you are 13 years old, you will take you there." Yun-Qing started from the lowest soldiers.
        Jao-Jao immediately suffered a bitter face. He is only seven years old now, and he is still a big one from the age of thirteen!

       Chapter 935 - New journey

       In the first month, the good news continued to be transmitted back to Yucheng. First, Yun-Qing captured Taiyuan, followed by Du-Zheng, which occupied Luoyang.
        Yu-Xi looked at these battle reports and was in a good mood:
       "At this speed, it is estimated that Shanxi and Henan will be occupied in two months." This tone is like a bandit.
        Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "Du-Zheng can successfully capture Luoyang this time, and Yang Duo-ming is indispensable." Luoyang was an ancient capital in the Tang Family, and the defense was very solid. It was not destroyed by Du-Zheng within three days, but Luoyang Shoucheng led the investment. And talking about this general is Yang Duo-ming. Of course, there are only a few people who know. It was Yun-Qing , which really hit Taiyuan down.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "Use them well, and you can get through thousands of horses." In the past few years, Yang Duo-ming has spent a million dollars in Henan. But it turns out that the money is worth a lot.
        Xu Wu agrees with this:
       "Wangfei is right. If it wasn't for Wangfei private affairs, Taiyuan couldn't have stabilized as quickly." The provincial capitals are occupied, and other places are not worried.
        As he spoke, Tan Tuo came over.
        Yu-Xi This time, Tan Tan talked about the cultivation of spring, and the wheat grown in Gansu last year was frozen to death. It has to be replanted this spring.
        Seeing that Tan Tuo handed it up, Yu-Xi whispered:
       "I hope that this year will be able to adjust the weather, otherwise, there will be no good varieties." There are still a lot of artichokes, but the fine varieties of wheat and millet are running out after this time.
        Tan Tuo said:
       "Wangfei Don't worry, God won't be so worried, this year is definitely a very peaceful year."
        After talking about Chun Geng, Tan Tuo talked about the appointment of officials to Taiyuan and Luoyang. Tan Tuo said:
       "The officials who must be dispatched as soon as possible to stabilize the situation." It was a helpless move to select officials from the locals before starting the military. Now that someone is under their hand, it is definitely a priority to consider their own people.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "I already have a candidate in Taiyuan. Who do you think is appropriate in Luoyang?"
        Tan Tuo said:
       "I think that the Ananda people can be competent." In fact, Tan Tuo thinks that Fu Minglang is a very good candidate, but he knows that Yu-Xi is not trusting Fu Minglang.
        Yu-Xi nodded and agreed. On the face, An Zike is in charge of taking charge of Luoyang, but once he is hit, he is the highest authority in a province.
        Tan Tuo measured the heart, and asked:
       "Wangfei, don't know who is going to go to Taiyuan?"
       The situation in Shanxi will be more complicated than in Henan in the future, so this candidate must not only trust but also have enough ability.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "My eldest brother Han Jianming." In the past few years, Han Jianming has only three official positions, but he is not doing less than Tan Tuo. Let him go to Shanxi, and Yu-Xi will be assured that the ambition of Han Jianming can be realized. In the past few years, Han Jianming has been forced by the situation, but now there is a chance, and naturally he can no longer let the big brother succumb.
        Tan Tuo hesitated and said:
       "Wangfei, I am afraid that someone will criticize you for being a crony." Five years is enough for him to understand Han Jianming. Han Jianming's literary talents are not outstanding, but they are people who can do hard things. It is good to let him go to Shanxi to serve, but Tan Tuo is worried that the following people will have objections.
        In recent years, many people are dissatisfied with the Yu-Xi power, these Tan Tuo know. Tan Tuo felt very aggrieved for Yu-Xi. These people only saw the scenery when Wangfei took power, but they did not care about the facts that Wangfei did to benefit the people.
        Yu-Xi has a mocking smile on her face and says:
       "How about a crony? If I have the ability, I will use it. And if I care about their ideas, then nothing can be done." Han Jianming is just the beginning, then she will reuse those who she brought up. Only by establishing your own snobbery is it truly invincible.
        When Tan Tuo heard this, he didn’t talk any more. The heavier the power, the more powerful Wangfei is. And those who want to bring down Wangfei, if they just think about it, if it is put into action, it is estimated that there is regret.
        In these years, Tan Tuo also knows that Yu-Xi is a person who is not afraid of things and is not afraid of gossip. No matter how big the matter, she can smash the past and even become more and more frustrated. Being able to follow such a master can be said to be his luck. Of course, Tan Tuo will follow Yu-Xi in such a desperate manner, and because Yu-Xi gave birth to four sons, the four sons are her biggest reliance.
        Han Jianming knew that Yu-Xi would send him to Shanxi, and he was surprised and happy. He also thought about it in these two days, but he felt that Yu-Xi might not consider him for the time being. Unexpectedly, Yu-Xi actually ordered him. However, Han Jianming has the same concerns as Tan Tuo:
       "You sent me to Shanxi, and there will definitely be people attacking you."
        Yu-Xi said:
       "I sent my older brother to go, it is the eldest brother who is qualified for this errand. As for others, the mouth grows on them, and loves to say what makes them say." For these people, Yu-Xi is extremely disliked. These people, however, feel that they have not got enough benefits to make irresponsible remarks, and that they are truly out of court.
        Han Jianming said:
       "I am not afraid of those people gossip, mainly because they are afraid that their brother-in-law will listen to more." The outsiders said that there is more, Han Jianming does not care. He only cares about the attitude of Yun-Qing , because everything about Yu-Xi comes from Yun-Qing .
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You don't have to worry about this. Wangye never doubts me. Besides, I also told him that when Hao Ji Er grows up and can stand alone, I will hand over power." Yun-Qing is not keen on government affairs, he I prefer to fight.
        Han Jianming ordered, man, may be wary of his ‘Madam’, but he will never be wary of his son, because his son is his continuation. Of course, this is just Han Jianming’s own idea. However, the reminder still has to be reminded. Han Jianming said:
       "Yu-Xi, my brother-in-law is fighting outside for a long time, you have to be prepared." See Yu-Xi looking at himself with a puzzled look, Han Jianming said:
       "You have four sons for your brother-in-law, and you guard the rear. Under normal circumstances, no one shakes your position. But you can't relax your vigilance. The example of the latecomer, I believe you know more than I know." Jianming’s words mean that Yun-Qing may find a woman outside, and if she finds a woman, she will naturally have children.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I believe in Wangye." If Yun-Qing has this mind, he can't stop it.
        Han Jianming measured the heart and said:
       "The Sui Family Emperor of the Sui Family is notoriously afraid of his ‘Madam’, the Queen of the Solitary, but he is so fond of the Emperor Wendi and a lot of palace people. There are several Madams in the harem. The brother-in-law has only kept you one year. Your blessing is also your skill, but there are a few men out there who can stay out for so long. So, if this happens, you can’t make trouble with your brother-in-law. Otherwise, you will only suffer. It can be you." Yun-Qing When Yucheng was in Yucheng, Yu-Xi could be cohesive. But now Yun-Qing is fighting outside, and many people under Yun-Qing are dissatisfied with Yu-Xi. These people will not always look at Yu-Xi favorite, and will definitely try to destroy. Therefore, Han Jianming will tell these words with Yu-Xi.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Let the big brother bother." After that, he shifted the topic and stopped talking about it.

       Chapter 936 - I would rather miss it.

       The rain that plunged all night, the sun came out the next day, the air was particularly clear, and it was refreshing to take a breath. The thrush bird in the corridor is also singing cheerfully.
        Yu-Chen walked out of the house and looked at the buds sprouting from the trees. The water droplets on the buds were like pearls in the sunlight. Yu-Chen said with a smile:
       "The weather is good today, I will go to the garden." In February, it is the season when everything is awake, and there is a scene in the garden.
        With two children walking around the garden and returning to the yard, Gui Mama told her something:
       "Imperial Consort, I just got the news, Yun-Qing took the troops to capture Taiyuan." This is not good news for them.
        Yu-Chen frowned and said:
       "How could it be so fast? It took only a few days to break through Taiyuan?"
       Since it came out, the news should not be fake, but the Northwest Army is really so powerful? In such a short period of time, it broke through Taiyuan, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.
        Gui Mama shook her head and said:
       "I don't know the specifics." But it is possible to break through Taiyuan within six days. This is not something that ordinary people can do.
        Yu-Chen said:
       "Taiyuan was occupied by Yun-Qing , and Wangye was not very smooth." Yan Wu-shuang was not idle. Chou Dashan had already beaten most of Hebei. Zhao Kuo with his remnants retreated to the border with Shandong. The place is gone. However, Yu-Chen knew that Yan Wu-shuang's purpose was in Shanxi, and now that Shanxi was occupied by Yun-Qing , Yan Wu-shuang's original plan could not be realized.
        Gui Mama said:
       "This is how to do?"
       This game was lost by Wangye. Sometimes losing a game may determine success or failure. Of course, this time has not yet reached the point of success or failure. Can Wangye be so proud, losing his mind is definitely uncomfortable.
        Yu-Chen said after a moment of silence:
       "Wangye will have a way." Wangye would tell her about the outside, but now she will not say it. Everything she knew was all in her own inquiries, and the news I heard was very unfavorable to them.
        At this time, Yan Wu-shuang just received the favor of Yan Liangyi for help. Yan Wu-shuang threw the fold on the ground after reading it, sneer:
       "Before it was five people and six people. Now I lost Taiyuan and asked the court to send troops to support it. It’s a joke. When I am here, is it a charity?"
       If Yan Liangyi had listened to him at the beginning, both Hebei and Shanxi had already fallen into his hands.
        Meng-nian said objectively:
       "Yun-Qing can take up too much in Taiyuan, and it has a great relationship with the previous rumors." Meng-nian said the rumor is that Yu-Xi let the intelligence personnel release the news. There are 400 thousand troops in Shanxi, but 80% of the 400 thousand people are civilian children. These people were very impressed when they heard these rumors. After they were confirmed, they didn’t bother to fight. Therefore, when the two armies confronted each other, the soldiers were shrunk and no one was willing to go forward.
        Yan Wu-shuang took a deep breath and said:
       "Take the road of the soldiers, attack the heart for the attack on the city. Han-shi, although she did not lead the war, but her strategy has been worth a thousand troops." After a pause, Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "Before listening to Han Yu said that Han Yu-Xi had read the art of war in a small time, but did not expect that she would use the art of warfare so skillfully." This woman, wants Yan Wu-shuang to say that it is almost enchanting. Only a few years later, I grew up to such a terrible point.
        Meng-nian said:
       "If this is really from Han-shi handwriting, then this woman is getting more and more terrible." Han-shi plan, at least half of the force for Yun-Qing .
        Yan Wu-shuang nodded and said:
       "It is getting more and more terrible, but the more she is afraid of her, the more people there are." Although it has not yet been revealed, there will always be an outbreak. And she is waiting for the arrival of the day.
        Meng-nian said very well:
       "As long as Yun-Qing stands on the Han Yu-Xi side, she is in an invincible position. Moreover, Han Yu-Xi has four sons."
        Yan Wu-shuang chuckles one voice:
       "Actually, they have been married for eight years. Good things, they will be tired after eight years of reading." In addition, Yun-Qing also took the soldiers outside, not in Yucheng.
        Meng-nian Said:
       "This matter has to be long-term. If it is not fully grasped, we should not shoot again." After a pause, Meng-nian still said the words in his heart:
       "If it is the same as the Qing song, it really loses Madam and loses its troops." Han Yu-Xi used the Qing song to successfully provoke the relationship between He Da and He Wei. The consequence is not only that He Wei and He Dashu face and heart disagreement, but the following generals look at He Wei this way is gone. This is also the reason why Luoyang Shoucheng will understand the truth. Yang Duo-ming's persuasion played a role, but the real reason is that this general thinks that the northwest is strong, and after Yun-Qing can make a good future, he will not only have no future, but also lose his life. Normal people know how to choose.
        Yan Wu-shuang smiled and said:
       "This is natural." After eating a loss, he must shoot again.
        Meng-nian listened to my heart:
       "Wangye, the Northwest Army is not only brave in combat, but also well equipped. We can compare these. If we play against the Northwest Army in the future, we will suffer big losses." The Northwest Army is brave and good, and the Liaodong Army is also able to fight, but in the same situation Weapons and equipment are not as good as others. If the two armies are against each other, they must fall into the wrong wind.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "This weaponry is not something that can be solved in a day or two." There are ore in Liaodong, and the number of iron ore is even more than that in the northwest. There are very few blacksmiths who can do well in Liaodong. At this point, Yan Wu-shuang has no way. It takes a decade or two to train an excellent blacksmith.
        Having said that, Yan Wu-shuang sneered aloud:
       "Ji Xuan worked hard for nearly two decades, but the result was all cheap Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi."
        Meng-nian said:
       "All of them are married for others, and death can't be noticed." Ji Xuan had a private soldier. They knew it that year, but they didn't know that Ji Xuan had so many skilled craftsmen. This piece, Ji Xuan's confidential work is doing very well. As a result, Yun-Qing and Han Yu-Xi are cheaper.
        Yan Wu-shuang pressed this and asked:
       "How is the investigation of the fine work?"
       The matter of fine work let Meng-nian check it five months ago. At that time, a guard in the Yanwang House was found to have been bought. Not to mention Yan Wu-shuang, it is Meng-nian who does not believe that this guard can sell so many secret messages.
        Meng-nian shook his head and said:
       "There is no clue." The main reason is that the people they suspect are not simple, not easy to check.
        Yan Wu-shuang said after a moment of indulging:
       "Since there is no clue, then Chahefeng, Qi Qing yun and Tie-Kui are three." The three people did not let Yan Wu-shuang feel at ease but both of them were heavy, so they were the first suspected by Yan Wu-shuang. Object.
        Meng-nian hesitated and said:
       "Wangye, if it is detected, the consequences are unimaginable." Once you make a mistake, you will let the following generals centrifuge with Wangye. This is too costly and has to be cautious.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "The sky can't fall down. Among the three people, the special thing to pay attention to is Qing yun. I always think that this person is not appropriate." Yan Wu-shuang's doubts about Tie-Kui were just an instinct. Later, Tie-Kui was greedy for money and spoiled his ‘Madam’. After several years of surveillance, nothing was found. Yan Wu-shuang was quite relieved about Tie-Kui. Qi Qing yun is a very self-disciplined person. He doesn't love money and is not good at beauty. Even the beauty of Yan Wu-shuang rewards him. In desperation, he was transferred to the subordinates.
        As a superior, I actually like subordinates who have shortcomings. The Qing yun cloud is too clean and clean so that Yan Wu-shuang feels too fake, so he will be very vigilant about this person. Of course, Yan Wu-shuang is the kind of person who would rather kill and never let go, so Tie-Kui is as good as He Feng.
        In fact, Qi Qing yun was originally a child of the military commander's family, but later the family suddenly broke into a disaster. This person has a very good set of soldiers, and his majesty is also very powerful. The 50 thousand-year-old horse he brought with him only served him, and the others went to ignore it. This kind of person, if used well, is a sharp sword. If you use it badly, you will cut yourself.
        Meng-nian felt that this was not appropriate and said:
       "Wangye, this thing has to come slowly, can't be anxious." Anxious is easy to make mistakes, and if you make a mistake, you can't remedy it.
        One-third of the generals in the Liaodong Army were Yan Wu-shuang who had been favored by Marshal Yanda before; one-third of them were disappointed with the court and Yan Wu-shuang; and the other third It is forced by the situation and has to be reconciled, because if you do not return, you will only die. Yun-Qing is different. Yun-Qing itself climbed from the bottom by military power. The current generals in the Northwest Army are all pulled out by hand. In addition, over the years he has greatly improved the conditions in the military and won the respect and love of all the soldiers of the Northwest Army. On the prestige in the military, five Yan Wu-shuang can't compare Yun-Qing .
        Yan Wu-shuang, a voice:
       "Not in a hurry, but in the future, this piece of intelligence must be more secretive and can no longer be exploited."
        Meng-nian said with some regrets:
       "If we put people in the place of Yun-Qing that year, it would be fine." Yan Wu-shuang despised Yun-Qing , so he didn't bother to put his own person around him. Later, I wanted to put people in, and it was already late.
        Yan Wu-shuang said:
       "We can't think of Yun-Qing will marry Han Yu-Xi, and even think that Han Yu-Xi has the ability to govern the country." If he knows, he will bother to put people in Yun-Qing In the case, directly kill Han-shi or tie it to Liaodong.
        Meng-nian was silent. They were not seen by them as weak and pedantic, but now they have become their biggest enemy. I have to say that this taste is really bad.
        Tie-Kui knows that no matter how he does Yan Wu-shuang, he won't be relieved, so he is not so cautious. In the past two years, unless he is very important news, he will send it out. In the past two years, the Falcon has never taken the initiative to find him, which makes Tie-Kui very satisfied with Yu-Xi.
        On this day, Tie-Kui was talking to Zhong-Shan in the room, and he heard the outside guards say that the inner court manager Lu Niangzi asked for advice.
        Tie-Kui heard the words flashed in the eyes, and needless to say, it is also the thing of the inner house. Sometimes, Tie-Kui has some regrets about what to do at the time to marry Shaw! Even a pet can't suppress it, so I want to be the head of Madam.

       Chapter 937 - Pampering ‘Madam’

       Tie-Kui went to the backyard and knew nothing about it. The eldest son’s iron egg fell into the water and was pushed down by his daughter.
        Lu -servants cried on the ground with pears and rain, saying:
       "Old Master, almost, just a little bit of iron egg is gone. Old Master, you have to be the master of iron eggs?"
        Tie-Kui looked at her daughter and asked:
       "What happened? You said it yourself?"
       If the wish is born by Xiao, Tie-Kui is also good for this long-haired girl.
        Ruyi said:
       "Oh, it's not me. It's because he played at the water's edge and didn't pay attention to falling into the pool. It doesn't matter to me." Being so embarrassed, I was very angry.
        Luke -called:
       "You nonsense, the mother said that she saw you push the iron egg into the water. I know that you must hate the iron egg, so you want to kill him."
        I was so angry that I was flushed and said:
       "You are nonsense, I don't, I didn't push him in. It's the breastfeeding woman who walked away and didn't take care of the iron egg to let him fall into the water."
        The babies are kneeling on the ground, crying and -calling:
       "It was Eldest Miss who said that I would like to play with 1st Young Master for a while. I just had a stomachache and I agreed, but I didn't expect Eldest Miss to have a mourning. If the old servant knows, it is a painful death from the 1st Young Master. ”
        Ruyi looked at the suckling very angry.
        Tie-Kui looked at the Servant grass around him and asked:
       "You said, what happened just now?"
       Tie-Kui deliberately asked the grass, that is, I hope that the big things will be small and the small things will be changed.
        The grass lingered on the ground, and bowed his head and dared not speak.
        Tie-Kui said:
       "If you don't tell the truth, when I find out, I will sell you to the kiln, and all of your family will be sold to Liaodong." In the eyes of everyone, Liaodong is now a bitter place than the northwest.
        Grass said with a low head:
       "It was 1st Young Master who fell into the water. At that time, Eldest Miss and the servants happened to see that the servants said to save the 1st Young Master, but Miss was sure." This is to say that the opinions are not saved.
        If you want to stay in the air, you will be stunned.
       "You dare to marry me. When did I say that you are not allowed to save people?"
        Lu crying is not sad, he said:
       "Old Master, you have to be the master of the iron egg! The iron egg is still unconscious now, I don't know if I can save it."
        Tie-Kui looked at Lu, and there was a disgust in his eyes. If you really feel bad about your child, you will not even care about your child’s troubles. Tie-Kui said with a blank expression:
       "You go back to take care of the iron eggs. I will deal with other things."
        Lu Shi wants to see how Tie-Kui handles Ruyi, but Tie-Kui look is hard to see. She doesn't dare to stop, and immediately walks with her breasts.
        Ruthlessly looking at Tie-Kui cold look, tears slammed:
       "Hey, I didn't save my brother, hey, I really didn't say no to save my brother, hey, you must believe me."
        Tie-Kui said:
       "Kill this messy stick." Regardless of whether this is true or not, this Yatou can't stay.
        The grass was so scared that the hands and feet were soft. After reacting, I grabbed the wishful corner and cried:
       "Miss, I don't want to die, Miss, beg you to save me."
        Soon, Pozi, two high-ranking cows, pressed the grass to the ground, and another family member took a big stick and began to torture.
        The grass was beaten and fleshy, while crying and seeking the wish:
       "Miss, I don't dare any more, Miss, beg you to save me."
        I really couldn’t bear to look at it. I asked Tie-Kui on the ground and said:
       "Hey, you spared the grass!"
        Tie-Kui didn't talk, and the family didn't stop, even the strength in his hand increased a bit.
        Ruthlessly looking at the whole body is a small grass with blood is not Daren, fainted. However, Tie-Kui did not let her go, so people wake her up and continue to watch. Ruthlessly watching the grass slowly closed his eyes, the whole person shook like a sieve.
        Tie-Kui looked at her wish and said:
       "You make me very disappointed." Whether it is true or not, it is true that the iron egg is dead and the grass is a rebel. Treating the servant of the rebel, it is cheaper to kill the chasing stick, but he still wants to plead for this Servant. In this way, the temperament child will definitely be killed in the future.
        If you want to hear this, it is even more sad.
        At this time, Xiao rushed over. Looking at this bloody side, looking at the white-faced daughter, Shaw said with a bite:
       "Old Master, if you don't want to say anything to you, why should you smash her Servant in front of her cane. The child is still young, you will scare her."
        Tie-Kui said:
       "She saw the iron egg falling into the water but stood by and watched how to punish it?"
       Iron Egg is just a small name, the big name Tie-Kui is taken, but did not say it. Tie-Kui wants to wait until later to recognize the ancestors and then tell the son's name.
        When Xiao heard this, he did not believe it:
       "It is impossible, it must be that Lu planting framed us." For Lu, Shaw is hateful. Originally, she loved the old Master En, but Lu also grabbed the favor of Old Master. If this is the case, then Lu still slammed her position in the room. In the past few years, she did not know how many scorpions she had given her. If it weren't for her vigilance, there would be no place for the mother and daughter to marry in the house.
        It is also said that Xiao luck is not good. Xiao daughter, both of whom have been born, is the son of Lu two generations, and this has also contributed to Lu arrogance.
        Tie-Kui said with a cold face:
       "This is the personal advice of the personal Servant grass around you." Xiao Cao, the biggest problem is not satisfactory. Ruyi is only five years old, and a five-year-old child knows what. The problem is that Xiao Shi is unclear. Choosing a Servant for his daughter is also a matter of turning his arms out.
        Xiao looked at the grass that had already swallowed, and his eyes were cold:
       "Old Master, this Yatou must have been bought by Lu. My daughter is the most pure, but it is impossible to make things that can't be saved."
        Tie-Kui said:
       “Do you have any evidence that this Yatou was bought by Lu?”
       Every time Xiao accident was said to have been framed by Lu, there was no evidence. More times, Tie-Kui was impatient with her.
        Xiao heart burst into a resentment and said:
       "Old Master, people have been killed by you, and now there is no evidence of death, how can I prove it." On the same day, her brother did not agree to this marriage, Tie-Kui used her power to force her brother to promise. After passing the door, I started to have a good time. After Lu entrance, she would not have a comfortable day.
        Tie-Kui looked at Xiao hateful look and suddenly felt a bit boring. He has to deal with so many things every day, and he has to deal with Yan Wu-shuang's suspicion and surveillance. He is still not clean at home. Such a day is really too tired.
        Thinking of this, Tie-Kui eyes were cold and cold, and she said to Xiao:
       "Do you mean that I indulge Lu, deliberately killing this Yatou?"
        Xiao did not talk to Tie-Kui. She knew that if she was facing herself and her children, she would not be good:
       "I believe that I will not do such a thing."
        Tie-Kui is tired of the current days of this chicken flying dog, saying:
       "You clean up and go to Zhuangzi with Ayi with your wish!" Tie-Kui said that Zhuangzi was the original Zhuangzi who stored food. That Zhuangzi is very big and the environment is very good.
        When Xiao heard this, he was so ignorant:
       "Old Master, is this going to kill your ‘Madam’?"
       They drove their mother and daughter to Zhuangzi, and Lu could not be called the king in the palace.
        Tie-Kui said:
       "Give you two days to pack up, when I let Atong send you to Zhuangzi!" Finished, turned and prepared to leave.
        Wishing you a loud cry, said:
       "Oh, it's all my fault, you can make a penalty, please don't send us to Zhuangzi." When I went to Zhuangzi, I might not be able to come back forever.
        Tie-Kui didn't stop, but went on. After a while, I left the backyard.
        After Zhong-Shan knew this news, he asked:
       "Old Master, do you really want to send Madam to Zhuangzi? In doing so, Yushi will definitely impeach you to smother your ‘Madam’." In recent years, how hard Tie-Kui has been, Zhong-Shan knows Clear and clear. It’s just that he can’t replace Tie-Kui. He can only take care of the things at hand and let Tie-Kui do less. It’s just that the house is not easy to intervene.
        Tie-Kui said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang will be very happy to see the imperial history impeach me. And send them three mothers and daughters to leave, once I expose them, there is time to escape." The current censorship is the decoration, as long as Yan Wu-shuang does not care, There is no hindrance at all.
        Zhong-Shan feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, saying:
       "Old Master, Madam won't know your pains."
        Tie-Kui said:
       "You don't need her to know." Shaw is not the kind of person who can do things. If telling her about these things, he will only put himself in danger.
        Zhong-Shan sighed with a sigh.
        On the same day, Tie-Kui went to the military camp. When Xiao left with his two daughters to leave the capital to go to Zhuangzi, he did not return.
        Ruyi thought that she was tired of her mother and Mei Mei, and she couldn’t do it. When she got on the carriage, she held Xiao cry.
        Xiao comfort:
       "Don't cry, go to Zhuangzi, it's clean." On the day of Zhuangzi, there may be some bitterness, but Lu want to plant it and think she can't.
        That Zhuangzi is two days away from the capital. After Zhong-Shan sent the mother and the daughter three, he also ordered Zhuangtou to take care of Xiao and others. Put the mother and daughter three people back to the capital. Before going back, Zhong-Shan met Shaw alone and said:
       “Madam, Old Master said that when he had time, he would come to see Madam and the 2nd Miss.”
        Xiao did not say anything.
        Zhong-Shan couldn’t help but say:
       "Old Master is also suffering, sending Madam to Zhuangzi is also a bad thing. Madam, you will understand the Old Master?"
       Xiao is good in all aspects, and his heart is not bad, but she is not a supporter. Otherwise, where can make a Luke get so embarrassed.
        Xiao face is suspicious:
       "What do you mean by this?"
       Is there any other insider to send their mother and daughter to Zhuangzi?
        Zhong-Shan said:
       "Madam will know it later." One more person knows the identity of Kuizi, and it is more dangerous.

       Chapter 938 - From the beginning

       In the spring of March, the fields and forests are green and oily. No young woman takes her children to find wild vegetables in the wild.
        Cai Aunt looked up and looked at the smiling person and said:
       "A Qiao her mother, how come you come out now?"
       Digging wild vegetables is also early, otherwise the fresh wild vegetables are dug away. If you want to find good wild vegetables, you can only go further afield.
        A Qiao Niang said with a smile:
       "Isn't it a child who went to the county to lead a good breed yesterday? I thought I would arrive in the morning. I didn't expect to have other species besides the good breed, so I have to wait until noon to get home." There are many wild vegetables in the spring, and I don't worry about starvation for the time being. Nowadays, there are good varieties and beans, so as long as they are planted, they will be harvested in July.
        Cai Auntie said with a smile:
       "I heard that the seeds of the artichokes given this time can be collected in an acre of land. After the seeds are planted, we will not worry about hungry." As long as you plant ten acres of artichokes, you can collect 10 thousand pounds of artichokes, enough for their family. Have been eating for a year or two.
        The government has posted a notice saying that Pingxi Wangfei has ordered that Henan tax will be free this year. However, if it is a good harvest, the good varieties need to be returned. In the past years, the taxes paid by the people accounted for 50% to 60% of the harvest. Nowadays, the tax is actually free, and there are only a few good varieties. The people are happy with this news.
        Aqiao his mother is also a smile on his face:
       "Yeah, I don't have to hungry again when I get there." They have a family of more than 60% because they have a prefect. Other villages, can survive three achievements are good.
        This scene not only occurred in Caijia Village, but also in many places in Henan and Shanxi. Although they have experienced hardships, they are now full of hope, so they are all motivated.
        "Report..." The sound of the sound, the entire Pingxi Wangfu people know that there are battle reports sent.
        Yu-Xi opened it and smiled:
       "Wangye will fight down with the state. Today, only Shaanxi is left in Changzhou." However, Changzhou is not far from Henan, although it has not been hit, but it is already their bag.
        Yun-Qing captured Shanxi so quickly because he recruited 80 thousand soldiers and horses in Taiyuan, and then split the two. In this way, it took up the fastest time in Shanxi.
        Xu Wu clicked and said:
       "Shanxi was captured by us, and most of Henan also fell into our hands. Only Xu Wei situation was not ideal." Xu Wei has only captured two states.
        Yu-Xi said:
       "Don't worry, wait for the war between Shanxi and Henan, and then solve the problem of Hubei and the land." Yu-Xi can not only meet Shanxi and Henan. Now that the advantages are all on their side, it would be silly not to take up these two places.
        Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "The problem of capturing Hubei is not big, the road that can be smashed is not easy to go, and there are too many barbarians. It is not easy to take it." Xu Wu has never been to the ground, but he heard that the road there is rugged. The real nine bends and eighteen bends, if no one leads the way, it is easy to get lost. The difficulty of trying to capture the land is not that big.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Although I have never been to the land, but the great poet Li Bai of the Tang Family once wrote a martyrdom, it is difficult to go to the sky. Only from this point, I know that the road to the land is not good." After saying this, Yu- -Xi Topic:
       "But as long as you have the heart, things that are difficult can be solved." There is no difficulty in the world, only fearful people.
        Xu Wu nodded:
       “Wangfei is saying.”
        When I was talking, I went back and said that Tan Tuo came, and Xu Wu withdrew very interestingly.
        Tan Tuo handed the proposed list to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, this is the list of officials sent to Shanxi and Henan." These people, who have any prefects, also have a general judgment, the positions are in the top four products from the five products.
        Yu-Xi took a serious look and said:
       “Yes.” A total of 18 officials were selected to be sent to Shanxi and Henan provinces, and eight of them were selected by the first scientific examination.
        Two-thirds of the people on this list were confirmed by Yu-Xi, and the remaining one-third was recommended by Tan Tuo and other officials. The ability of Yu-Xi to set up is enough, but the qualifications are not enough. This is controversial.
        Tan Tuo hesitated, but still said:
       “Wangfei, is there too many people assigned this time?”
       In fact, Tan Tuo would like to say that Yu-Xi should not send -Lu Zijia and Zong Siyuan to the eight people at one time to Henan and Shanxi. These people were selected by Yu-Xi, and they were tagged with Yu-Xi when they were out. Now all these eight people have been sent out, and the rumors of Yu-Xi own people have become more and more practical. As for the other four people appointed by Yu-Xi, they are officials who have been in the company for many years. There is nothing controversial.
        Yu-Xi chuckled and said:
       "Tan Daren, I know that you are afraid of those people who are dissatisfied. But how are they dissatisfied? Do I still have to look at their faces and not do it?"
       These people of the expatriate have risen to the worst level, and the best has risen to the third level. In this case, it is naturally eye-popping.
        After a pause, Yu-Xi showed a sardonic smile:
       "I was not afraid of them before, but I wanted to ensure internal stability." But now that the West Sea and Fu-Cheng City are too peaceful, she has no more scruples. These people are privately arguing with them, if they dare to wow in front of her, then don't blame her. I thought she was the soft persimmon, and if I wanted to pinch it, I would like to step on it.
        Looking at the imposing Yu-Xi, Tan Tuo finally swallowed back to his lips. He should know that Wangfei is never a master of swallowing. Before the forbearance was forced by the situation, and now the situation is clear, she is not prepared to continue to endure.
        The list went down, as Tan Tuo thought, causing a lot of controversy. Some of them have been unable to withstand it.
        Xu Da Niu took a vacation this day, and his little son Sun Chao came to the door. Sun Chaoyi said with indignation that Yu-Xi is not a few words, and then said:
       "Sister-in-law, Pingxi Wangfei is now reusing his own people. After a while, he began to eliminate dissidents. At that time, where is our place of foothold?"
        Xu Daniu doesn't look rough, but he can sit in the second hand in the Pingxi Wangfu Guard, and he has his own superiority. When Xu Da Niu heard Sun Chao dissent Yu-Xi, his face was very difficult to see. However, he wanted to know the meaning of Sun Chao, but he did not interrupt. This will, Xu Daniu and his face said:
       "Without your foothold? Then you tell me, which card are you on?"
       Sun Chao martial arts is not successful, but literary and literary, so after the marriage, seeing his ‘Madam’'s share of Xu Daniu gave him a shortage of nine products in Tuen Mun.
        Sun Chao looked at Xu Da Niu angry, and he was a little scared. But thinking about the benefits that the man promised, he suppressed the fear again:
       "Sister husband, Pingxi Wangfei wants to make the whole northwest become her one. At that time, Wangye is afraid to see her face..."
        When he didn't speak, he was slap on the ground by Xu Daniu. Because the force was too strong, Sun Chao mouth was bleeding.
        Sun Chao was beaten for the first time since he was a child, and he was beaten so seriously. Looking at the eyes of Xu Da Niu eyes
        Xu Daniu said coldly:
       "Wangye and Wangfei are also you can criticize. You want to find death and don't involve me."
        Sun Chao said while rubbing the blood of his mouth:
       "Brother, you can't help you..." The people who support Yu-Xi are helping them in their eyes.
        Xu Daniu has been too lazy to talk to Sun Chao:
       "Roll." See Sun Chao does not move, Xu Da Niu said:
       "No more, I will let the family drag you out."
        After hearing the news that his brother was bleeding by his husband, Sun’s rushed over. At this time, Sun Chao has already left Xufu.
        Although Xu Daniu is a rough man, he still likes Sun’s young and beautiful daughter-in-law. Otherwise, he will not take the initiative to make a errand for Sun Chao, who is not a weapon.
        When Sun looked at Xu Danniu face, he knew that his brother would be her brother's trouble. Sun’s side gave Xu Da Niu a sigh of relief and said:
       "He is a miscellaneous, don't worry about him." Although the distressed brother was beaten, Sun's share was clear. In her mind, the husband and the child are the most important to her. I can't get a gap with my husband for my brother and my family.
        Xu Daniu said coldly:
       "I will not allow him to enter our house without my permission."
        Sun’s face changed slightly and asked softly:
       "What did he do? It provoked the Old Master to have such a big temper."
        When Xu Da Niu saw his ‘Madam’ softly whispered, the fire also disappeared, saying:
       "He just told me to join forces with people outside to deal with Wangfei? He didn't have a brain to find death, but also wanted to drag me to die?"
       He only smoked Sun Chao palm as a light one. If he didn't look at Sun's share, he could kill Sun Chao directly.
        Sun’s heard the words and lost his voice:
       "You said he wants to deal with Wangfei?"
       Seeing that Xu Da Niu nodded, Sun’s face was red:
       "This is a brainless thing. He wants to kill a family." Who is Wangfei, who can pinch them to death with a finger.
        Xu Daniu said:
       "This bastard must have been tempted. You have to wake up the father-in-law, let them take care of him, don't mix this case! If there is something wrong, no one can save it." Anyway, he will not save. This kind of mindless thing.
        Sun is busy nodding:
       "You can rest assured that I must let my mother look at him and not let him cause trouble."
        Xu Daniu thought about it and said to Sun:
       "Many people are dissatisfied with Wangfei administration, saying that Wangfei is a scorpion, and has released a lot of rumors that are unfavorable to Wangfei. It used to be a small area. It has been getting stronger since last year. Even now, there are people who say that Wangfei is the second one. Wu Hao. Now they have completely annoyed Wangfei, Wangfei is afraid to start killing. In addition to your mother, this time, other people do not want to see, do not go out." This matter, they are unbearable.
        Sun is not a person who doesn't know anything about foreign affairs. He knows a lot about things outside. Sun’s frowning said:
       "But now Wangye is fighting outside, Wangfei is really good now? Not afraid of causing confusion?"
        Xu Daniu smiled and said:
       "Several dissatisfied sour Confucianism can cause confusion in doing things. Wangfei knows well, otherwise it won't happen at this time."
        Sun worried that:
       "If someone incites the generals in the army, it will cause confusion."
        Xu Daniu chuckled:
       "Yu Cong is not dissatisfied with Wangfei, and there is Lao Taiye in it!" Yu Cong took over the 30 thousand soldiers in the suburbs. This elite soldier was left to protect the city. Of course, to be sure to protect Yu-Xi with a few children.
        Sun hesitated and said:
       "But I heard that Wangfei had several conflicts with Huo Lao Taiye. So, Lao Taiye is very dissatisfied with Wangfei?"
        Xu Daniu chuckled:
       “Wangfei is very respectful to Lao Taiye. There is a conflict. Don’t listen to the outside words.” Those people want to deal with Wangfei, but they are hitting the stone.

       Chapter 939 - Big Action (1)

       Xu Daniu returned to the palace after the holiday, and immediately went to find Xu Wu and relayed what he said to him. After the completion of Xu Wu Said:
       "I am afraid that these people are afraid to ask Lao Taiye to deal with Wangfei." Others are not afraid, he is afraid that Lao Taiye will face Wangfei. In this case, something big will happen.
        Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "There are more than sixty fathers, but they are still not confused. No matter what happens, the righteous father is standing on the side of Wangfei." These people only have their own interests, but forget that Wangfei is integrated with Wangye. How can the righteous father harm the interests of Wangye for outsiders? I don't know if these people are ignorant, or these people are daring.
        In fact, some people have come to lobby Xu Wu. However, these people were finally put into prison. With such a precedent, no one dares to come to Xu Wu. As for Ling's, it is a smart person, only to say that women and men do not care about men.
        Xu Daniu feels that this is reasonable:
       "Boss, I feel that Wangfei will have a big move this time." After many years with Yu-Xi, Xu Daniu also knows about her. If you don't want to do it, it's definitely a big move.
        Xu Wu said:
       "Our duty is to protect Wangfei and the Wang Heir, to ensure the integrity of the palace, and the rest is not what we should manage." In fact, no more clear than Xu Wu, Wangfei is really moving this time, he is this time It is checking this is true. Looking at Wangfei appearance, the estimate involved in this time will be very miserable. It’s just that, but he can’t say it.
        Xu Da Niu smiled and said:
       "This is natural." Outside things, he didn't want to blend and didn't dare to blend. Don't look at Wangfei. It's just a woman's family. It's also peaceful and peaceful. But playing chess is better than Wangye.
        Xu Wu opened the curtain and walked into the study room. When he entered the room, he smelled a fragrant smell. Looking up, I saw a pot of flowers on the rosewood bench next to the desk. I saw that the potted leaves are crisp and white as jade.
        Yu-Xi See Xu Wu staring at the pot of flowers and laughing and saying:
       "This is white magnolia, how? Beautiful?"
       Recently, Yu-Xi was a little annoyed, so I put a pot of flowers in the house, so I feel better.
        Xu Wu smiled and nodded:
       "Beautiful. Wangfei, where did this get from?"
       His ‘Madam’ also likes to serve these flowers and plants. However, last year's drought, the flowers and plants that were raised were dead.
        Yu-Xi knows that Ling also likes to work on flowers and plants, laughing:
       "It was sent by Fang's ‘Madam’ Fang." Fang knew that the Yu-Xi of gold and silver jewelry was not rare, so he sent two magnolias. One was placed in the study, one in the ‘zither’ room of Lu-Er.
        Xu Wu is engaged in intelligence, and it is clear to these natures:
       "I heard that the craftsmanship of the Shujiafangfang is particularly good. The same flowers and plants are better than others by his hands." Yankuo sent the old servants of his hometown to the northwest.
        Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
       "How? Did you find out what you checked?"
       Yu-Xi knows that the person headed by Du Xingguo, in addition to many official positions involved in involvement. Yu-Xi is ready to kill these people, so that they will not dare to blatantly.
        Xu Wu handed him a list to Yu-Xi and said:
       "Wangfei, are all these people going to deal with it?"
       There are nine people on this list, the grades are not high, and the highest is only five. However, there are a large number of people, and they are all in the city, and it is also a big force.
        Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Nature is all to be dealt with. However, I am worried that some people in the military will take the opportunity to make trouble." Most of the troubles are low grades and feel that they are not in a hurry. Those who are in the high position will not mix this matter.
        Xu Wu said:
       "If Wangfei is not at ease, I will go to the military camp and tell him about this." Many people are very disliked with the Yu-Xi ruling, but Yun-Qing ’s confession is like the army and Cui Mo and others. The understanding of Yun-Qing is not only against the Yu-Xi administration, but also very popular. Because they know that if they rely on Yun-Qing , the northwest cannot be managed as well, and they have no good days now. The length of the ruler is short, so that Wangfei can use his expertise to make a profit. This is a happy event.
        Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Where do you want to talk, you let Xu Danniu go to the military camp to ask him to come to the palace, I personally talk to him about this." Let Xu Wu talk to Yu Cong, that is the disrespect for Yu Cong.
        Xu Wu nodded and said:
       "Okay, I will arrange it."
        Before the lunch, Yu Cong came over. I know Yu-Xi worry, Yu Cong said:
       "Wangfei, if someone dares not to be honest and dare to make trouble, I will severely punish." Yun-Qing Why should I leave the Yucun Town to defend the city, and he knows that many people are dissatisfied with Yu-Xi, afraid that these people will take the opportunity to make trouble. . There is a lot of clumps, and these people don’t worry if they jump up and down.
        Yu Cong is the most loyal to Xu Wu, and Yun-Qing ’s instructions will not be implemented. Moreover, he is not dissatisfied with the Yu-Xi administration. Anyway, whether it is Wangye administration or Wangfei administration, it will all be the Wang Heir in the future.
        The literati heart is surrounded by a lot of things, but the minds are simpler. In addition, Yu-Xi also came along with them, they naturally turned to Yu-Xi.
        Yu-Xi, um, one channel:
       "With your words, I am also relieved." She knows that Yu Cong can shake the people below, but also prepared for the accident, she specifically asked Yu Cong to take this.
        After talking about it, Yu Cong went out. Yu Cong did not go back immediately, but went to Huo Changqing's yard.
        At this time, Jao-Jao is still practicing. Although it is the day of March, Jao-Jao will still be sweaty.
        After receiving the knife, Jao-Jao said with a smile:
       "Yu Shushu, you are coming! -Laozi is in the house." After that, Jao-Jao -called loudly toward the house:
       "-Laozi, Uncle Yu came to see you." Then put the short knife back into the distance.
        Yu Cong likes Jao-Jao generous and generous, laughing and saying:
       "Look at the sweat of your body and hurry to take a shower and change clothes."
        Jao-Jao shook his head and said:
       "Now you can't take a bath, you have to wait for the sweat to take a bath. Otherwise, it's not good for your health." This is the Yu-Xi, and Jao-Jao has been doing it.
        Huo Changqing came out from the inside and looked at Yu Cong and said:
       "This will be the time for lunch, stay and have dinner together!" Jao-Jao lunch is eaten with Huo Changqing.
        On most days, Huo Changqing and Jao-Jao are two dishes and one soup, all of which are made by Bai Mama. Today, because of the extra plexus, two dishes were added at noon.
        Jao-Jao first gave Huo Changqing and Yu Cong a good wine, and then gave himself a meal, sitting quietly and eating.
        Huo Changqing said while drinking, while talking to Yu Cong:
       "Jao-Jao, his mother is looking for you, what is it for?"
       In fact, Yu-Xi is looking for Yu Cong, Huo Changqing has a lot of heart.
        Yu Cong recounted what Yu-Xi said:
       "I have already told Wangfei. If anyone dares to make trouble, I will certainly not." Their duty is to guard the city, and these political struggles do not participate.
        Huo Changqing looked at Jao-Jao who listened seriously with his ears and asked:
       "Listen to this serious, what can I think?"
        Jao-Jao cold-sounding one channel:
       "They actually want to murder my mother, I want to kill them." In the eyes of Jao-Jao, her mother is the best person in the world. These people dare to murder his mother in secret, and must not be bypassed.
        Huo Changqing turned to look at Yu Cong and said:
       "Do you hear the words of Jao-Jao?"
       See Yu Cong surprised, Huo Changqing said:
       "Jao-Jao His mother has always acted impartially. This time, the reuse of -Lu Zijia and Zong Siyuan and others is also the ability of these people. Now some people want to use this to deal with Jao-Jao and his mother, it is clear that there is no intention. People must not be soft."
        Before the rest of the crowd thought that if there is trouble, it must be severely punished, but did not think about the lives of these people. But now Huo Changqing has gotten a word, these people can not stay.
        Huo Changqing explained the following:
       "Jao-Jao, his mother is now guarding the rear, now some people attack Jao-Jao, his mother, if it is not properly handled, it will shake the foundation. Once the northwest is turbulent, the front will be implicated." Don't say Han-shi There is nothing wrong with doing things in the second place. Even if there is something wrong, it will not be possible for those people to make irresponsible remarks.
        Although in some cases, Huo Changqing is somewhat dissatisfied with Yu-Xi. But if you are not satisfied, you will not be able to bully the door. Therefore, Huo Changqing is actually a very short-term person.
        Yu Cong’s heart sighed and nodded and said:
       "The father is assured, I know how to do it."
        Before the dinner, Jao-Jao told Yu-Xi about this, and after the talk, Jao-Jao was angry:
       "Mother, these people just look at you, so they dare to bully you. It is too hateful. I told my grandfather that Yu Shushu would kill these people, and -Laozi and Yu Shushu agreed." , Jao-Jao cold voice one channel:
       "Even if I am still young, when I grow up, I have to commit suicide to them." No matter who they are, they dare to harm his mother, and they will not let go.
        Yu-Xi was moved and gratified. He sighed Jao-Jao in his arms and said softly:
       "We grew up with Jao-Jao, knowing that we are protecting our mother, and my mother is very happy." Although Jao-Jao said that she was only seven years old, she said that killing is not appropriate, but her daughter is only happy when she protects her Yu-Xi. Willing to blame.
        Qi Hao looked at Yu-Xi and held Jao-Jao, ah, -calling:
       "Mother, hug, hug." Yu-Xi Huo Rui Ji Er, they, Kai Hao generally does not say anything. But if Yu-Xi holds Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, Kaihao will not be happy.
        Jao-Jao clicked on Kaihao forehead and said:
       "You are a little conscience, and I often take you out to play, and I won't let you even hold your mother."
        Qi Hao opened his mouth and smiled and said:
       "Sister, hug." In comparison, Qi Hao prefers Jao-Jao. For the Lu-Er of the tortoise, it is far from it.
        Jao-Jao, while holding Qi Hao, said with a smile:
       "It's a little bad guy." Jao-Jao has great strength, so she doesn't care whether she is holding Qi Qihao or Rui Ji Er, but Lu-Er is not good. Lu-Er is physically weak, and the smallest Xuan Ji Er can be ok, but Qi Hao, who is white and fat, can't.

Continue ....

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