Han Yuxi 670-679

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 670 Proceedings (2)   

       Back in the backyard, Yun-Qing  saw that the Yu-Xi eyes were red. Yun-Qing  squats on the shoulder of Yu-Xi and says:
       "Your second brother will not have anything to do." The big dissatisfaction, seeing that Han Jianye was dissipated because of the serious injury and the unsuccessful killing of Beibei.
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "My second brother may be dead at any time. How can he not tell me? If I knew it, I wouldn’t say that my second brother is already awake." If she knew that Han Jianye was injured, she would definitely use Han Jianye best medicine. And send people to serve carefully, the situation is definitely better than now.
       Yun-Qing  heard the dissatisfaction in the Yu-Xi Yuyan:
       "Don't think too much, I believe that the second brother will wake up soon."
       Yu-Xi wiped her tears and said with Yun-Qing :
       "He Rui, if my second brother woke up, let him stay in Fu-Cheng City!" Yu-Xi did not want Han Jianye to return to Capital City, now the capital is drowning, and Han Jianye is back in the capital and must be involved in the vortex. . If this is not the case, let him stay in Fu-Cheng City, at least Fu-Cheng City is not intriguing.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head and said:
       "Big brother wants him to go to the ground. But I think it is up to him to decide where to go, not by your big brother. Han Jianye has twenty-five people, not a three-year Old child, what to go Routing his own choice." Han Jianye and Yun-Qing , the same two years.
       Yu-Xi heard this:
       "After giving birth to a son, you have to teach you." The son of a different daughter, wants to arrange everything for him, is not a love for him, she understands, but it is easier said than done. She can't even start her own work with Han Jianye. After she has a son, it is estimated that she will not open her hand.
       Yun-Qing  was very pleased to hear Yu-Xi say this. Yu-Xi can say that she really has relaxed her mind and is no longer bothered by the child. Yun-Qing , holding Yu-Xi, said with a smile:
       "Teach me to teach together. I teach him martial arts. You teach him strategy. In the future, you will be a young and talented person."
       Yu-Xi grinned and shifted the topic and asked:
       "When you first came in, your brows were wrinkled. Is there anything difficult?"
       Yun-Qing  thought about it, and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Xiang Wei Guo business. Unexpectedly, let him manage the military needs, he took the opportunity to take advantage of it."
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "There is no fish in the water until the clear, and it is understandable to take advantage of it. It is only that Wei Wei Guo ‘Madam’, Bao-Shi, is too arrogant, causing a very bad influence." After a pause, Yu-Xi Road :
       “She also said that the jewelry she wore was from the rich people. I let Xu Wu remind Xiang Wei Guo of it, but Xiang Wei Guo didn’t take my word seriously.” Those officials and wealthy people have made money with people who are following Yun-Qing , which is well known to everyone. It’s just these things, but you can’t get it on the surface.
       Yun-Qing 's face is getting worse:
       "All said that Xi Wei and his ‘Madam’, Xiang Wei Guo married such a woman, he will have to fold in his hands for the rest of his life." The mistakes made by Xiang Wei Guo will certainly not kill.
       There is such a woman, Xiang Wei Guo is abolished sooner or later.
       Yu-Xi stunned and said:
       "You don't want to let Xiang Wei Guo retire your ‘Madam’? Ning tearing down a temple doesn't destroy a relative, you don't want to be a wicked person." This kind of thing is not thankful.
       Yun-Qing  is speechless and says:
       "How come you think so?"
       Although he hates Yan-shi, he is not involved in the family affairs of Xiang Wei Guo. Not to mention the benefits, the key issue is Xiang Wei Guo. If Xiang Wei Guo is not greedy, there will be no such thing. Of course, Xiang Wei Guo can't control his own woman, and it is also an incompetent performance.
       Yu-Xi also thinks that she thinks a lot, and the Yun-Qing  temperament child will not intervene in other people private affairs:
       "Going to Xiang Wei Guo post, and then confiscating his benefits. Don't give him the benefit that was originally given to him, and put on a disappointment to him."
       Yun-Qing  doesn't quite understand, says:
       “What a disappointing look?”
       The front can understand, what does this mean later.
       Yu-Xi swept Yun-Qing  and said:
       "The official is gone, the money is gone, and you are disappointed with him. It means that Xiang Wei Guo has no chance to turn over. Do you think Yan-shi will go with him?"
       Yun-Qing  looks very weird:
       "Who was it that I said that I would not regret a visit to ten temples?"
       In a blink of an eye, the wind has changed, and it has become too fast.
       Yu-Xi opened his mouth and smiled:
       "I didn't break up the marriage of others. Maybe Yan-shi can share the same pain with Xiang Wei Guo?"
       Although Yu-Xi feels that this probability is extremely small.
       Seeing Yun-Qing  is still hesitating, Yu-Xi said:
       "If you don't want Xiang Wei Guo to be destroyed in Yan-shi hands, and want him to do things for you in the future, just do what I said." Yun-Qing  is so entangled, it is not really afraid of punishment. Let others chill. He couldn't get the most out of this because he didn't want to lose Xiang Wei Guo as a loyal subordinate.
       There are too few people around Yu-Qing  who can use and trust, and one less is a major loss. But Yun-Qing  is also worried that the punishment is too light, so that Xiang Wei Guo can't learn the lesson and will make bigger mistakes in the future.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "If Yan-shi is really away from him, what should I do if I don't feel it?"
       In the beginning, I wanted to marry Yan-shi and asked for him. From this incident, you can know how Xiang Wei Guo likes Yan-shi. If Yan-shi betrayed him, Yun-Qing  really worried that Xiang Wei Guo would become a waste person in the future.
       Yu-Xi looks cold and turns to Yun-Qing :
       "If you don't do what I just said, and Xiang Wei Guo lifted it up and put it down, then you can't reuse him again." After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "Yan-shi can wear those valuable jewels to show off in front of me, not only showing vanity and ignorance, but also proving her heart. Such a person, as long as she gives her enough benefits to let her betray you and me, she must be eyes Nothing is embarrassing." It is not a big deal to greedy money, but Yan-shi is a woman who is insatiable and does not know how to be afraid. Such a person is extremely dangerous. Xiang Wei Guo is inconsistent with her. How can Xiang Wei Guo be reassuring?
       Yun-Qing  listened to this, his face was very difficult to read, said:
       "You said that Yan-shi wears valuable jewels to show off in front of you?"
       Yu-Xi thinks it is funny:
       "Yes! Show off her jewelry in front of me, I think her brain is in the water."
       Yun-Qing  touched the forehead of Yu-Xi and said:
       "It's my fault. I should let you send those boxes of jewelry back to Fu-Cheng City." He didn't want Yu-Xi to be taken lightly.
       Yu-Xi heard the words on the face more and more smiles, and Yun-Qing 's intention made her very happy. Yu-Xi said:
       "I am going to go to the city soon. If I send it back, I have to go back to the past. Isn’t it toss? Yan-shi, there is no brain, don't care about her."
       Yun-Qing  looked at Yu-Xi so happy, and the mood suddenly changed a lot.
       Yu-Xi thought about it and asked:
       "How much money did you get this time?"
       Yun-Qing  reported the number, then said:
       "I made people forget that there are more than three million balances in addition to the necessary expenses." The necessary expenses that Yun-Qing  said refer to the expenses, military, pension, and purchase of officials. Horses and replacement weapons and equipment.
       Yu-Xi hesitated, but finally said:
       "Pension can not be paid as you said, at most half!" Yun-Qing  is issued according to the amount set by the court, but it was formulated during the Taiping period. Nowadays, there are many people who die in battle every year. According to the standard that Yun-Qing  said, the annual tax is not enough to pay the pension.
       See Yun-Qing , no sound, Yu-Xi said:
       "He Rui, the pension for the fallen family members, is also hoped that their family will get the money easily. But if we can not stabilize the situation in the northwest, let the northwest into chaos, when prices soar, you give more pensions They have no good days. Far away, they only say that Maicheng, at the end of last year, a Silver Taels can only buy two pounds of fine rice. But if the northwest is stable, a Silver Taels can buy more than one hundred kilograms. Fine rice fine noodles." There are priorities, take care of the overall situation, and then other.
       Yun-Qing  knows that Yu-Xi is right, there is no objection, nodded and promised:
       "First half, and then have money to make up."
       Yu-Xi did not follow, just said:
       "Although the seeds are now provided to the people, they are encouraged to open up wasteland, but this year there is certainly not much taxation." If you want to recuperate, you can't levy too heavy taxes, otherwise the people can't afford it. So the other half is filled, if it is said, it can only become empty talk. If you say the words, you will not do it in the end, and people will feel that there is no credit.
       Yun-Qing  understood the meaning of Yu-Xi and was silently silent.
       Yu-Xi didn't care about the attitude of Yun-Qing  and continued:
       "There are also vast grasslands in the West Sea, and there are people who can raise horses. We can ask people to raise horses there. Although the initial investment will be more, it will be very troublesome, but after doing the horse, I will spend the money." Save money. Don't think about buying weapons.
       There are iron ore and copper mines in the northwest. We only need to pay for the craftsmen who will build weapons.” This weapon is what it costs every year. If you buy, then the money can go to the sea.
       Yun-Qing  does not have the self Consciousness that he is already a rebellious thief, so he did not think about raising his own horse and making weapons and equipment. Yun-Qing  said:
       "Ji Xuan made weapons, and all the craftsmen who gave him weapons were put in prison." Also Yu-Xi always said that he should not kill more, or else Yun-Qing  temperament, sure These artisans who kill the tigers will be killed, not just prisons.
       Yu-Xi smiled on his face, so that the money of the craftsman was saved. Yu-Xi said:
       "The northwest is often hit by natural disasters.
       The food is always not enough. We buy more food reserves." Yu-Xi point of view is that they can solve the problem themselves, and they can't solve it. Like this grain, the most important thing is not solved by yourself, so buy more.
       Yun-Qing  looks very relaxed and smiles and says:
       "When you have a good body to manage these things, you can handle them, is it good?"
       Since Yu-Xi is good at this, let Yu-Xi play its part.
       Yu-Xi stunned and turned to be overjoyed and said:
       "What are you talking about? When you are in good health, will you hand over these things to me?"
       Yun-Qing  looked at the look of Yu-Xi and touched the face of Yu-Xi:
       "When did I fool you? But I can't be too tired, I have to do what I can." Yu-Xi did something and didn't think about it, and he also eased the burden. Two things in one fell swoop, why not do it!
       Yu-Xi laughed, just like the golden ingot.
       Yun-Qing  was the first time I saw Yu-Xi so happy, I couldn’t help but say:
       "You..." Let her do things, be so happy. Let her rest well, not happy. Really, I don’t know what to say.

       Chapter 671 Wake up   

       Han Jianye was unconscious for seven days and seven nights and did not wake up. Not only did he serve Pozi, but the doctor who gave him a doctor also felt that he was not saved.
       Visit: . .
       Yu-xi asked the white doctor:
       "Is there really no way?"
       Dr. Bai said bluntly:
       "Han 2nd Master can live to the present, but the loss of Madam is hanged with ginseng." If it wasn't for the one-year ginseng used by Yu-xi, Han Jianye was dead.
       Yu-xi is in a state of mind, saying:
       "You go on!" If the mother knows that the second brother has an accident, I don't know what will happen.
       Dr. Bai advised:
       "Madam is mourning." In the case of Han Jianye, there is no way to save it.
       Yu-xi sent away the white doctor and called Quan Mama over and said:
       "The doctor said that the second brother may not be saved." Yu-xi did not regret letting Han Jianye go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but she could not watch Han Jianye go to death, she wanted to gamble.
       Quan Mama asked:
       "Do you want to feed two Jiu Old Master meat ganoderma?"
       It is said that the meat Ganoderma lucides a little bit, saying that too old Quan Mama always feels offended.
       Yu-xi clicked on the head:
       "Well, I want to grind it into a powder and give it to him. It might be useful." Yu-xi didn't dare to use it before, and couldn't master the effect of this thing. Now Han Jianye is almost dead, and she can't take care of it.
       Quan Mama understood, said:
       "Take this to me!" I feel that Yu-xi is the heart that can't be finished. Originally, brother should follow Mei Mei, and turn to Madam.
       Yu-xi said:
       "It’s hard to worry about Quan Mama again."
       Quan Mama Said:
       "There is nothing, but it is a matter of doing things. I only hope that the meat Ganoderma lucidum is useful." Originally she promised Gui Mama to Duke House because Yu-Chen is famous, she wants to make a good relationship, in case of time The need, but did not expect to finally teach the name of Yu-xi.
       After Yu-xi married Quan Mama, he went to the front yard to visit Han Jianye. Han Jianye applied the medicine to the trauma, and when he entered the house, he could smell a strong scent of medicine.
       Going to the bed, looking at Han Jianye, who was squinted without any consciousness and wrapped up in the whole body, Yu-xi eyes were sour.
       Yang Shifu These days, it is as old as ten years old. He has been with Han Jianye for so many years and his feelings are very deep. Now look at the apprentice like this, how can he not be sad:
       "Han Yatou, how many ginseng are you in your hands?"
       Yu-xi smiled bitterly:
       "Not much, it has been used a lot in the past few years, and this will only last for two more days." The wild ginseng, which is hard to find for centuries, is almost empty.
       Yang Shifu eyes are also red, and the five apprentices he received are only the most worry-free of Han Jianye, but they did not expect to send black-haired people to the white-haired people.
       Yu-xi didn't cry, but her face was very poor. She said to Yu Zhi, who was on the side:
       "You helped Yang Shifu to go down and rest! I want to talk to my second brother."
       After waiting for the person to leave, Yu-xi said lowly:
       "Second brother, I used to worry that you will be used by the 'temperament', just because you are afraid of being considered a enchanting person and have never dared to do more. As a result, you have been used by people and used to deal with me. ”
       Thinking of the maintenance of her during the childhood of Han Jianye, Yu-xi eyes are sour, said:
       "Second brother, if I had let my older brother stop sending you to Yang Shifu to study art, then how good." Han Jianye developed such a 'temperament', which is influenced by the environment. Unfortunately, when she returned to the Hann family, she only thought about how she would gain a foothold in the backyard. She had no time or energy to change Han Jianye 'temperament'. Otherwise, Han Jianye may be another look.
       When Quan Mama came over, he saw Yu-xi crying like a tearful person. Quan Mama sighed and said:
       "Madam, don't cry, first pour the medicine to the two Jiu Old Master!" Quan Mama is ready to go, not only grinding the meat ganoderma into powder, but also bringing a tube.
       Pour the powder into the water and slowly pour it down.
       The pipes are long, they are not wasted, and all are swallowed.
       Quan Mama wiped Han Jianye mouth clean and said:
       "The rest, look at the second Old Master." Can you live, sometimes relying not only on medicine, but also on willpower.
       Yu-xi said dryly:
       "It's definitely useful." There is only one breath left now. If it is not useful to fill this medicine, it is really nothing.
       Until noon, Yu-xi was still at Han Jianye.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Madam, go eat something! Your current body, but sloppy!" Although Yu-xi is now much better than before, but the foundation is too empty. Even if there is that meat, Ganoderma lucidum has to be slowly adjusted.
       Sad again, the rice still has to eat. Yu-xi listened to the advice and returned to the backyard. Yu-xi just picked up the chopsticks and saw the licorice into the house, happy to say:
       "Madam, two Jiu Old Master woke up!" Jiu Old Master is fine, Madam is sure to regain his smile.
       Yu-xi At this time, he still took care of the etiquette, dropped the chopsticks and went to the front yard. When he entered the house, he saw the doctor of the white to Han Jianye.
       Looking at Han Jianye who opened his eyes, Yu-xi was happy and sad:
       "Second brother, the second brother, you woke up..." Wake up,
       Han Jianye looked at Yu-xi and wanted to speak, but he couldn’t speak. Too weak, can return to a life, is already lucky.
       Yu-xi asked the white doctor:
       "My second brother, it should be fine!"
       Dr. Bai touched his beard and said:
       "There is no danger to life, but if you want to heal, you have to raise it for a while." Wake up, naturally no life is dangerous. However, he had already given Han Jianye a pulse before, and he felt that Han Jianye had no vitality, but he did not expect that the peak circuit would turn. As for whether there are other internal factors inside, Dr. Bai did not ask deeply.
       The question asked, should not be asked to close the mouth as well.
       This matter, a little wave of ripples in Yunfu.
       Xu Daniu and Xu Wu said:
       "To say that this Han Jianye is also a big fate, then the heavy injury, the doctor said that he could not save, and he actually survived."
       Xu Wu guessed why Han Jianye would wake up, but it’s just too old to know too much. Xu Wu said:
       "Although Han Jianye had done something wrong before, this time it was really hurt for Fu-Cheng City. Seeing him later, he is also polite to him." Han Jianye is somewhat confused, but there is no problem on the big face.
       Xu Da Niu said with a smile:
       "We are going to go to the city soon, and we can't see it." When the generals finished the Fu-Cheng City incident, they had to follow Madam to go to the city. Han Jianye must be staying in Fu-Cheng City to recover from injury, they will not see it later.
       Xu Wu Said:
       "This is not necessarily the case, in case Madam wants to take him to the city?"
       If you want to change to an ordinary person, you will be hated by your own brother. But his family Madam not only did not hate, but also thought about Han Jianye everywhere.
       Xu Daniu face was condensed and said:
       "No? How can such a heavy injury be brought to Yucheng? Want to bring him, can the monkey year come to Yucheng?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "How did Madam tell us what we did. Where did you get the round to pick you up?"
       Xu Da Niu heard this and was a little discouraged.
       In the evening, Yun-Qing  came back to know the news that Han Jianye woke up. Xu Wu and Yun-Qing  said:
       "I am afraid that Madam used it for the Han Master Old Master."
       Yun-Qing  Said:
       "The rumor is just saying that it is too old to prolong life, but it is not too old to be able to return to life, but it is a coincidence!"
       Xu Wu heard the dissatisfaction in the Yun-Qing  speech, but I still have to say:
       "General, I am only worried that if other people know that you have been too old to use for Han Jianye, but do not use them, there will be a must." For Xu Wu and others, Yuan Ying and Xiang Wei Guo are their own family, and Han Jianye But it is an outsider.
       Yun-Qing  paused and said:
       "I will handle it well." It’s too old, but after many people eyes, it’s impossible to hold the news.
       Han Jianye is not in danger of life, and Yu-xi also has the spirit to do other things. No, in the afternoon, people will use everything they need in the box.
       Yun-Qing  looked at several big boxes in the house and said:
       "The necessary things to bring, clothes, etc. don't need to bring too much, go to Yucheng and re-purchase."
       Yu-xi smiled and shook his head and said:
       "Although I have gotten a lot of money now, there are many places to use the money, but I still have to save it." After finishing this, Yu-xi said:
       "If you come to Yucheng in the future, you can't be too extravagant. Otherwise, the trend will be bad."
       Yun-Qing  said with the hands of Yu-xi:
       "I just don't want you to suffer with your children." He is so desperate, but he wants to make his ‘Madam’ and children better.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "Jinyi jade food does not mean that the days are comfortable, and the rough tea does not mean that the days are not good. I think that as long as our family is good, it is stronger than anything. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and when the northwest stabilizes, I will let people I will build a warm shed, and when I have winter, I will have green leaves to eat.” I don’t want to enjoy life, just to be important.
       Yun-Qing  laughed, no matter what, Yu-xi can tell the truth:
       "Fu-Cheng City has a lot of things. It doesn't take half a month to deal with this. You take a step with Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, and I will follow." Yu-xi With the children on the road, the speed must be very slow, even if he is half a month in the evening, he can catch up quickly.
       Yu-xi has no objection and said:
       "When things are packed, I will take the children first." Now in March, it is best for the road, and it will go slower. It should be able to get it by June.
       Yun-Qing  talked to Yu-xi about the meat ganoderma:
       "You will split this out and divide the half into twelve." No matter what one is injured or not, there is nothing to say.
       Yu-xi is not stupid. I heard Yun-Qing  say this and guessed the reason:
       "Okay." Although she was reluctant, Yun-Qing  opened her mouth and showed that there was no room for change.
       Yun-Qing  See Yu-xi, the face is not very nice, explains:
       "A lot of people know that things are too old. If you use them now, if you don't give them inappropriate."
       Unreasonable and uneven, this reason jade

       Chapter 672 Dislike   

       Yu-Xi is going to go to Yucheng. After she consulted Ma Dadam of Feng Dajun and Yuan Ying, they all know that.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai Tu--Shi, is the first to go to the door. Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai asked:
       "Yu-Xi, I heard that you are going to Yucheng in these two days? Why are you so anxious?"
       Yu-Xi will go to Yucheng, and everyone knows it, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Now, it is right to go in March. If the weather is hot and then hurry, the child can't stand it." With Lu-Er, the carriage must not go fast.
       There are no two months, where is the time to get the city.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai is awkward and says:
       "You are leaving this time. I don't know when it is time to meet next time?"
       In the future, there was suffering in my heart, and there was no place to complain.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "The West Sea is not too far away from the city, and there is a chance to meet."
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai asked with a big eyes:
       "The general cloud will send my 2nd Master to the West Sea? What is it?"
       The place in the West Sea is more dangerous than Fu-Cheng City!
       Yu-Xi was very surprised and said:
       "You don't even know this? It's not the West Sea that my husband told Zhao Hao to go. It was his initiative." The West Sea is also often fighting, but there is no such danger in Fuhai City as the Fuhai City.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said with a sad face:
       "So big, he actually said that he would not say anything to me." Zhao Hao did not tell her, it also showed that she did not want to take her.
       Yu-Xi frowned and said:
       "Tu-Sister-Sister, although the West Sea is often snoring, I think you still have to fight Zhao Zai to the West Sea, you can't stay in the house." The West Sea is not stable, but it has to be followed.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ have been separated for a long time, and then the strong feelings will fade, let alone the feelings of Tu--Shi and Zhao Hao are not deep.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai looked bitter and said:
       "2nd Master doesn't want to take me there, I don't want to go anywhere?"
       The husband doesn't want her to follow, even if she asks her in-laws, what can it be like to follow this way?
       Yu-Xi was silent and said:
       "Look at your own thing!" The outsiders can help, only for a while. No matter what, I still have to rely on myself.
       Licorice walked lightly and said:
       "Madam, Feng Madam is coming."
       Feng Madam Chang-shi is a matter of going to Yucheng. Feng Dajun has no other relatives in Fu-Cheng City. He will spend more time in Yucheng, and his ‘Madam’ and children must follow the city.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai stood up and said:
       "Yu-Xi, then I will go back first." Although Yun-Qing  was the first general of Fu-Cheng City, the position of General Zhao was there, and there was not much difference between the two. But now, the gap is revealed.
       Yu-Xi said that Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai was sent to the door and said:
       "Tu-Sister-Sister, Lizi is more important than face." Some words can't be said too thoroughly, only this kind of implicit reminder to paint--Shi.
       Tu--Shi is now only two daughters, old and older, if this time does not go to the West Sea, after four or five years, when I want to live, I can't live. In the future, family business is a twin, equal to marrying clothes for others.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai was grateful and said:
       "Yu-Xi, although I am a few years older than you, I have always been telling you. In recent years, it has been thanks to you."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "You and I can get to know each other, that is fate, what do you say in these styles?" In Fu-Cheng City, it is the best match with Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai.
       Chang-shi came over to see Yu-Xi, to confirm the departure date, and to know that two days later, Chang-shi said:
       “Is it too urgent?”
       Yu-Xi said the reason:
       "Before the weather gets hot, you must rush to the city. But Lu-Er is weak and can't be bumped.
       The carriage can't go fast, and can only hurry as soon as possible."
       Chang-shi can also understand the concerns of Yu-Xi and say:
       "Madam, isn't that something?"
       So many things, where can be disposed of in two days.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Take something that is light and easy to use, and other things are sent to Fu-Cheng City."
       Chang-shi is very hesitant. She wants to go along with Yu-Xi. With Yu-Xi, it is not only safe but also convenient. In just two days, it was not enough to pack the house.
       Looking at the tangled look of Chang-shi, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "If you think that the time is too tight, then they will be together with Du Madam. Now the Northwest bandit gangsters are cleaned up, and the road is too flat, don't worry about anything."
       Chang-shi did not make up his mind when he left.
       The day before leaving Yucheng, Yu-Xi went to see Han Jianye. At this time, Han Jianye has been able to speak. Yu-Xi and Han Jianye said:
       "Second brother, I am going to the city tomorrow. I will not return to Fu-Cheng City in the future." Yun-Qing  will definitely come to Fu-Cheng City, but she will return to Fu-Cheng City. Zero.
       Han Jianye voice became very mute:
       "Be careful on the road."
       Yu-Xi is coming over this time, but it is not about talking to Han Jianye. She is having something to say to Han Jianye:
       "Second brother, my eldest brother went to Yucheng a few days ago and asked He Rui to send you a letter." After that, he took out the letter written by Han Jianming and read it.
       Han Jianye listened to this letter and said:
       "You said to your eldest brother, I will stay in Fu-Cheng City without going to the ground." He didn't want to go anywhere now, he just wanted to stay in Fu-Cheng City.
       Yu-Xi also hopes that Han Jianye will stay in Fu-Cheng City, so she is completely relieved to hear this:
       "Well, after the situation in the northwest stabilizes, I will send a letter to my eldest brother."
       Brother and sisters, there were words that could not be said before, but now they are relatively speechless. Yu-Xi stood up and said:
       "Second brother, you should raise your wounds! What do you want, you said directly to ‘Lu Mama." This house is private, not public, so they are gone, but they must have chosen to stay and guard!
       Han Jianye looked at the Yu-Xi, which is as quiet as water, and said:
       "Yu-Xi, I will keep Fu-Cheng City, so that you don't have any worries. Yu-Xi, the second brother is incompetent, can't help you too much, can only do this." He didn't want to go to Sichuan to go to him. Big scorpion, I feel so dwarf. But he also knows that Han people are in Capital City, and he can't follow Yun-Qing , so staying at Fu-Cheng City is the best choice. And he can also wait for the back door for Yun-Qing  and Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi glimpsed, after a while, Yu-Xi smiled on his face:
       "Second brother, waiting for the situation in the northwest to stabilize, I will find a way for 2nd Sister-in-law to bring the Brother and them to the northwest. By then, your family will be reunited."
       Han Jianye was very ashamed and said:
       "You have to pay for it again."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Don't think too much about the previous things, as long as you don't make the same mistakes again in the future." Always thinking about the past, you will only fall into pain and cannot extricate yourself.
       Han Jianye smiled bitterly:
       "Yu-Xi, I always have an illusion. I always feel that you are sister-sister, not Mei Mei." In the past, Yu-Xi helped him solve it instead of his brother. Yu-Xi solves.
       Yu-Xi sighed and said:
       "It's my fault." She was wrong, and her older brother was just wrong. I only hope that my second brother, after life and death, can really mature.
       In the evening, Yu-Xi walked around the yard with Lu-Er. Lu-Er This child is not arrogant, but likes to stay outside. She found her preference, as long as the weather is good, Yu-Xi or Lan Mama will hold her outside for a while.
       When I saw Yun-Qing , Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "How come back so early today?"
       In addition to the days when I was sick, Yun-Qing  went out early and late every day.
       Yun-Qing  took Lu-Er from the hands of Yu-Xi and smiled and said:
       "You will leave Fu-Cheng City tomorrow, and this separation will not be seen for most of the month. Naturally, I will come back soon."
       After two sentences, Lu-Er cried. Lu-Er's crying was very small and he cried. Let the people who hear it, can't help but feel bad.
       Yun-Qing  See Lu-Er cried and checked it. See Lu-Er without urine, said:
       “Is this child hungry?”
       With Jao-Jao, it is also a bit of experience.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "It didn't take long before I ate it. It shouldn't be hungry." After that, Lu-Er took it back and snorted. After a while, Lu-Er stopped crying.
       Yun-Qing  is somewhat puzzled:
       "This Yatou, why don't you see me today?" Yun-Qing  is not the first time to hold Lu-Er, not crying a few times before!
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "I am afraid that it is the smell of you, my daughter is abandoning you." Yu-Xi is actually a joke Yun-Qing . I didn't expect Yun-Qing  to be taken seriously, and rushed to bathe.
       Wash your hair from the head to the feet and wash it clean. Yun-Qing  holds Lu-Er again, and this Yatou really doesn't cry. Yun-Qing  laughs:
       "This Yatou, it’s so stressful, what can I do when I grow up?"
       Yu-Xi doesn't think there is any problem with this:
       "Miss home, it's still a little better." To Lu-Er, like Jao-Jao, she is crying.
       Yun-Qing  is also a bit strange, saying:
       "Lu-Er and Jao-Jao are two pro-sister-sisters, how can one be so noisy, one is so quiet!" Jao-Jao is too overworked, Lu-Er is quiet again. of. Sister-sister two, completely two extremes.
       Yu-Xi thinks that Yun-Qing  is too advanced:
       "The child is still young. What kind of temper can be expected now?" Lu-Er is so quiet, Yu-Xi thinks it is because of physical reasons.
       Holding Lu-Er into the house, watching the vacant half of the bedroom Yun-Qing  thought about waiting for Yu-Xi to take the child away, he went to the study sleep:
       "I have already told the white doctor that he will go to the city with you tomorrow."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Today, Fu-Cheng City has so many wounded soldiers that it is not good for Bai Da Fu to follow me. You don't have to worry about Lu-Er. I am with Mama, Lu-Er will not be a problem." In Fu-Cheng City, but one of the best, let the white doctor follow her away, in case the treatment of other wounded soldiers is not her sin.
       Yun-Qing  shook his head and said:
       "Lu-Er is a special situation, and the doctor must follow me to be assured." Quan Mama will be medical, but only half a bucket of water. In the unlikely event that Lu-Er has a situation, Quan Mama can't help, and it doesn't delay the child.
       Yu-Xi thought about it:
       "Zeng Da Fu is good at treating pediatric diseases. If you don't worry, let Zeng Da Fu follow!"

       Chapter 673 Leave   

       A bright moon hangs in the air, and the moonlight that shines through the window shines into the house. Yun-Qing  took a sigh of Yu-Xi and said:
       "You can't see it for a long time."
       Yu-Xi is also reluctant, but this time it is better than the last time.
       The last time the separation of the future is dangerous, this time no life is dangerous:
       "When you settle down in Yucheng, you won't have to separate again in the future."
       Yun-Qing  is not a sweet talker, saying:
       "The West Sea is not too flat. It may take some time to calm down the rebellion." Because Yu-Xi said that it wants the West Sea, it has already occupied several states and counties. Otherwise, there will be no things that Zhao Hao will take to the West Sea.
       Yu-Xi shook his head:
       "The things in the West Sea are not in a hurry.
       The most urgent task is to stabilize the situation in Shaanxi and Gansu." Rice should be eaten bit by bit, too anxious to squat.
       The husband and ‘Madam’ said the words in the middle of the night, and when they finally got tired, they slept. After getting up, Yun-Qing  gave his own seal to Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi did not answer, asked:
       "You gave me, what should I do in the future?"
       If the official document is stamped with this seal, the following people will have to listen.
       Yun-Qing  said with a smile:
       "The same is true when the official document is stamped on the official document." Since he has promised to let Yu-Xi take over the outside, he will not renege on his words.
       Yu-Xi This is not recommended, put things close to you.
       After breakfast, Yu-Xi left Fu-Cheng City with the guards.
       This time, the departure is huge, there are only 12 carriages, and there are 600 guards.
       Quan Mama got on the carriage and said:
       "The general is really interested." This carriage is three times as large as a normal carriage, and can sit for more than a dozen people.
       The carriage is spacious, and if you sleep outside, you can sleep in bed.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I didn't expect him to be so careful." So I built such a spacious carriage in advance.
       Lan Mama Said:
       "It is also the general who puts Madam and 2nd Miss in his heart, and it will be so intimate." Yun-Qing  is as good as Yu-Xi and 2nd Miss, they are very happy.
       After Yu-Xi left, Yun-Qing  sent the meat Ganoderma lucidum powder to Fu Tianlei and Zhao Feng. Others, he is transferring it himself.
       Yu Cong endured and endured, but finally did not hold back, said:
       "General, did the father take this medicine?"
       Upon hearing this, Yun-Qing ’s heart was slightly irritated and said:
       "Huo Shu is not willing to use this thing, saying that this thing is used, it will be a long-term life." Huo Changqing is a very stubborn person, and he believes that no one can change things.
       Yu Cong really didn't think things were like this:
       "The righteous father is not willing to use, but also has to persuade him!" This is a matter of life, even if the father is not willing to take it, it will not be.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "I have a sense of proportion in my heart. Yu Cong, do you feel that I only care about the small family and ignore everyone?"
       The next day he returned to Yunfu, he said this to Huo Changqing. Only Huo Changqing didn't want to eat this thing. Later, Yu-Xi told him that eating this thing would cause diarrhea. He didn't continue to persuade him, thinking about going to Yucheng to say this again.
       There is Gao Song in front and Xu Wu in the back.
       This will be the same as Yu Cong, so Yun-Qing  has to think more.
       Yu Cong was busy shaking his head and said:
       "General, I am only worried about the body of the righteous. General, you are very clear about what kind of person you are." He really did not think deeply, just think that this medicine is useful, why Huo Changqing still coughs at night Stopped. Where do you think, Huo Changqing is not willing to use this thing!
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "You are crawling out of the dead man with me. I won't treat you badly." Yun-Qing  doesn't have the idea that women are like clothes and Brother are like Brother and sisters. Brother are important, and their wives and children are just as important.
       Let Yun-Qing  not think of it, send it out and send it out. Fu Tianlei got this thing, knowing the usage and taking a package immediately.
       Too old does not have the effect of detoxification, but it has the function of hematopoiesis to enhance the body's quality, the body is strengthened, and the body is naturally better. Of course, it is impossible for Fu Tianlei to be in good condition. Just after taking this thing, the look looks much better than before, even the doctor said it was a miracle. Fu Tianlei body has improved so much, where can I live in the mansion.
       He Mama and Chen-shi said:
       “Madam, General Yun sent the elixir to the Old Master.
       The Old Master ate for two days and the body was much better than before.”
       Chen-shi smiled bitterly:
       "If there is a potion, Yun-Qing  is hidden, but can you let people know?"
       Even if you accidentally reveal the news, you can't bring it to someone.
       This kind of elixir will not be too much.
       He Mama lowered his voice and said:
       "Madam, really a elixir. I heard that the general of the cloud Madam's brother, General Han, had a sigh of relief and was about to die. Yun Madam gave her the elixir and lived." Han Jianye It’s dying to die and come alive. I can’t help you with such a big deal.
       Chen-shi thought, and said:
       "You make people quietly inquire about it." Her current body is ruined, and her son has been using medicine to hang his life. If it is really a potent medicine, it will save their mother and son two lives.
       In the front yard, Chen-shi also placed a lot of people. Plus the rest of the clumps to send medicine, did not avoid people.
       Therefore, Chen-shi quickly got the exact news, and her husband did have a potion that could save lives.
       Chen-shi This will not care about anything, just go to Fu Tianlei:
       "Old Master, I heard that General Yun has sent a miracle that can save lives? Is this really true?"
       Fu Tianlei recognized this without any hesitation:
       "Yun-Qing  has a potion on hand. But he gave this elixir to everyone, and it didn't have much to my hand, only six packets." Yu-Xi let Quan Mama grind it into powder. One or two packs are also convenient to take. Fu Tianlei has already eaten four times, only two small bags left.
       Chen-shi eyes are about to come out, waiting for God to come to Chen-shi:
       "‘Fu Jun’, let's ask Yun-Qing  and ask her to give us some more. With this elixir, our singer will be saved." Not only is the son saved, she is saved.
       Fu Tianlei listened to this and looked at Chen-shi with amazement, saying:
       "I didn't say it, Yun-Qing  has already divided this thing." Yu Cong said very clearly when he sent the medicine. Because this is a medicine, Yun-Qing  gave them self-defense, like this.
       Things, Yun-Qing  can be sent out has proved that the heart is very wide. If you want to go to the door again to seek medicine, then you are not greedy.
       Chen-shi, I just want to have this elixir to save myself and my son's life:
       "Old Master, look at the relationship between our husband and ‘Madam’ for many years, can you help me with Qier?"
       Fu Tianlei will definitely not go to Yun-Qing  to seek medicine again. I thought about it:
       "There is still some medicine left, take it back and take it!"
       Chen-shi took this medicine and went back. It didn't work, but let the mother hold the child and prepare to feed the child's medicine.
       He Mama was shocked and said:
       "Madam, although this is a elixir, the little Young Master is still so small. If you don't have a doctor, you can't just give him medicine."
       Chen-shi said:
       "Lu-Er, the little Yatou is only a month older than Qier, she can take it. Why can't we take it?"
       He Mama was very surprised and asked:
       "Madam, how do you know that Lu-Er Miss took this medicine?"
       The confession around Yu-Xi can't be bought, but Chen-shi bought the Pozi in the outer court. Chen-shi didn't want to inquire about secrets, just wanted to know the physical condition of Lu-Er.
       This is a good thing to hear. However, these things are all handled by He Mama.
       Chen-shi said:
       "I didn't say that before, Lu-Er, Yatou body is already innocent, and he can go to the city. What isn't it taking the elixir?"
       He Mama heard this and his face was white:
       "Madam, this is just your guess, and it is not confirmed.
       This is the second Master Master temperament life, can not rely on an inference!" Normal people know that this medicine can not be eaten. If this is bad, but it is life-threatening, and the body of the young Young Mas ter is not good, a small difference will be dead.
       Chen-shi said:
       "This is not an inference. I am sure Lu-Er that Yatou must have taken this elixir." When the son took the elixir, he would not have to suffer.
       He Mama couldn't help Chen-shi, she was worried about the accident, but she could only let Xiao Serant report to Fu Tianlei.
       Fu Tianlei rushed over when he got the news. Unfortunately, this will leave the virus unclear. He can't walk himself. He needs someone to carry it over.
       This lift delayed the time. When he arrived at the inner court, Chen-shi had already given the child medicine.
       Chen-shi, seeing Fu Tianlei eagerness to get angry, said:
       "I know that children are too small, so I don't dare to use them. I only use one-fifth of them for children." Darens taking one pack at a time and taking one-fifth for their children should be no problem.
       Fu Tianlei is too angry, roaring:
       "Are you crazy, without the doctor's permission, can this medicine be used casually? Ah?"
       This kind of big-filled elixir, Darens do not dare to use it casually, she even dared to feed her son.
       Chen-shi doesn't feel that she is wrong, she said:
       "This can save the man's elixir, how can the son not eat, and I only use one-fifth of the weight, certainly no problem."
       Fu Tianlei saw it, and he was too lazy to talk non-Chen-shi nonsense. He immediately asked Yun-Qing  to know what effect the child had when taking this medicine. In addition, I quickly went to ask the doctor to come over.
       The doctor has not returned yet, and the sentiment sent back is back. Fu Tianlei confidant said:
       "The master, General Yun said that this elixir is a big supplement, and the child is too small to be compensated, so the Yun family and the second Miss did not take this elixir."
       Chen-shi heard this and ‘called:
       "Impossible, if Yatou did not take the elixir, why did the body become better?"
       Lu-Er is in good health and actually has a relationship with Quan Mama. When the child is three months old, you can enter some complementary food. Quan Mama has tried his best to give Lu-Er a nutritious and easily absorbed food. Lu-Er has eaten a lot and the body is naturally getting better and better.
       The confidant said:
       "Madam, this is what the General Yun said personally.
       There will be no mistakes." If Yun-Qing  is no longer necessary, there is no need to do such a thing.
       Chen-shi The body was not good at all. When I heard this, I looked at the flushed son and fell straight.

       Chapter 674 Lost   

       In the evening, Yun-Qing  is negotiating with the military affairs of Chu Shuguang and Cui Mo, and sees Gao Songyu opening the curtain and walks into it:
       "General, the 1st Young Master of the General's family is gone."
       Yun-Qing  thinks about the things that come to the side of Fu Tianlei in the morning to ask him, and my heart has a bad idea.
       That child, it will not be taken too old, no more!
       Gao Song saw that everyone did not say anything, and said:
       "It is said that you have eaten the elixir that you sent." Gao Song felt that the child was not enough for the blessing, so he was killed after eating.
       Cui Mo and Chu Shuguang looked at each other, not to say that it is a life-saving elixir, how this will become a poison to kill!
       Yu Cong listened to this and said with a cold face:
       "Where is the problem of medicine, Chen-shi is looking for her own death. So a small child, she dared to take the medicine directly?"
       As far as he knows, Madam only cut the nail-sized meat of Ganoderma lucidum for the first time! She did this, clearly that the child’s life was too long.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Cui Mo and Chu Shuguang:
       "Children are young and young, and no doctor can't just take medicine." For these common senses, Yun-Qing  still knows.
       Cui Mo understood that he had come over and said:
       "General means that Fu Tianlei son is not allowed to take this medicine?"
       Yun-Qing  clicked and said:
       "Things are handed over to you, I will go to the house to see!" Chen-shi messed up the drug for the child, and the child was killed and had nothing to do with him. However, this medicine was sent out by him, and he should go this way.
       After Cui Mo and other Yun-Qing  left, he said:
       "What's the matter?" The generals were kind and gave them a life-saving medicine.
       The result was a disgrace.
       Chu Shuguang is speechless, looking at Cui Mo:
       "What are you swearing here, Fu Tianlei son is gone, what is the relationship with the general?"
       It was Chen-shi who died his own son and who was blamed.
       Yun-Qing  went to Fujia and looked at Fu Tianlei, who was gray-faced and said:
       "Tian Lei, sorry, I don't know what will happen." If you know that Chen-shi doesn't even have this common sense, he will definitely remind Yu Cong.
       Fu Tianlei mood is very complicated. After a while, he said:
       "It’s not necessarily a bad thing for Chier to go." The child is innately deficient, and he has not broken the medicine since he was born. Even if you are raised, it is also a medicine jar. Now it is a relief for children.
       Yun-Qing  listened to this and said after a moment of silence:
       "Do not be too persistent in everything, everything goes well."
       Fu Tianlei smiled bitterly:
       "If you can't live without Fu, you can't wait for me to die."
       Yun-Qing  knows that Fu Tianlei is under great pressure:
       "There is nothing I can do, even though I open my mouth." Qin Guan is difficult to break the chores, no matter how good the Brother, this kind of thing can't be inserted.
       Fu Tianlei said:
       "If there is one, I will definitely not be polite with you." After a pause, Fu Tianlei asked:
       "Yun-Qing , Yun family is left with you. Do you really want the incense of the Yun family to break in your hand?"
       After a hundred years, how to face the words of the ancestors of the Yun family, Fu Tianlei did not say.
       Yun-Qing  was very dissatisfied with this. What is the incense of the Yun family? Is it that Jao-Jao and Lu-Er are not his children? Yun-Qing  faintly:
       "I have Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, I can let them recruit in the future." This will, Yun-Qing  will also count Lu-Er.
       Fu Tianlei shook his head and said:
       "Where can this be the same?"
       Yun-Qing  did not dispute with Fu Tianlei because there was no objection:
       "You can raise your wounds! There are still a lot of things in the military camp waiting for me to deal with."
       Fu Tianlei hesitated and said:
       "Yun-Qing , do you still have the elixir? If there is, can you give me another one. Chen-shi, the body, I am afraid I can't support it?"
       Yun-Qing  shook his head and said:
       "There are some, but that is for Huo Shu and Lu-Er." After a pause, Yun-Qing  said:
       “Lu-Er is still small and can't use this elixir. But when she is three years old, she can take it.”
       When I said this, I can still say what Fu Tianlei can say.
       The disputes in Fu-Cheng City do not affect Yu-xi. It took only five days from Fu-Cheng City to Xinpingcheng Yu-xi, which was much faster than expected.
       When I arrived at Xinpingcheng, Yu-xi rested in the inn. Looking at the bed, Jao-Jao and Lu-Er, Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "I am still worried that Lu-Er can't be bumped. I didn't expect the child to cry on the road and not be quiet. On the contrary, Jao-Jao is too noisy." Jao-Jao is not lonely, not willing to stay all the time. In the carriage, yelling to go out, Yu-xi will not let the tears cry. It was only two days after being cleaned up by Yu-xi.
       Quan Mama said:
       "This is just the beginning.
       There is still a long way to be careful." Lu-Er is too weak. Once there is a headache, it is a big problem.
       Yu-xi said:
       "Don't worry, we don't hurry and go slowly." Because of the two children, the medicines and pots are all well prepared. Before going to bed every night, I asked Dr. Zeng to check the two children. Make sure nothing happens before you get on the road.
       Xu Wu knocked the door outside and handed a letter to Quan Mama:
       "This is a letter from Maicheng." The credit wax was sealed and not opened.
       One is Maicheng, and Yu-xi knows that it was a letter from Yang Duo-ming.
       The letter is very thick and there are thirty-six sheets of paper. Every piece of paper is an official message.
       Yu-xi is very serious. After reading it, I wrote it myself, and then burned the paper on the candle.
       This Yang Duo-ming is not bad. In more than a month, I checked the details of the officials of Maicheng and Lanzhou City.
       Quan Mama and other Yu-xi handled the matter at hand and said:
       "Madam, it's time to sleep." If it is not urging, it is estimated that Yu-xi has to read the book.
       Yu-xi put the booklet on hand in a small box and then drank the water from the cup.
       The residue in the cup, she also chewed slowly in her mouth.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Fortunately, the general has found this elixir for you, or else, don't say the child, you can't support it."
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "I don't know why, since I saw that it was too old, I felt that my luck began to work." Such a baby, it is hard to get a hundred years. Yun-Qing  actually found her, not what luck is.
       Quan Mama laughed and said:
       "So, you used to believe that your luck is not good?"
       She also thought that Yu-xi didn't care about these gossips!
       Yu-xi swallowed the residue and said with a smile:
       "I don't believe in the problem of not believing, but my luck, it's really bad." Anyway, anything bad, she can come across.
       Quan Mama does not agree with the idea of ​​Yu-xi, saying:
       "People experience a lot, it is a good thing, not a bad thing." If there is not so much, Yu-xi can not have today.
       After a day of rest in Xinpingcheng, Yu-xi continued on the road.
       Four days later, Yan-Xi returned to Lanzhou City with a letter from Yu-xi and handed it to Yang Duo-ming:
       "Boss, cloud Madam is already on the way to Yucheng. You can go to Maicheng in a month!"
       Fu Qing luo looked at Yang Duo-ming's dignified look and came over and asked:
       "What's the matter? What did Han Yu-xi say?"
       Yang Duo-ming looked up and looked at Fu Qing luo and said:
       "In the future, you will call Madam. You can no longer call Han Yu-xi." He is now the doorman of Han-shi, and it is not appropriate to name him with a surname.
       Fu Qing luo is just not used to it, saying:
       "I will try to correct it." See Yang Duo-ming, no sound, Fu Qing luo asked:
       "What's the matter? What did you say in the letter?"
       Yang Duo-ming took a moment and said:
       "The letter says that your older brother has been poisoned, but there is no danger of life."
       Fu Qing luo grabbed the sleeves of Yang Duo-ming and asked:
       "Who is my brother poisoned? Tell me, who is poisoned?"
       I know that it is the chef of the house, Fu Qing luo stayed.
       Looking at Fu Qing luo stomach suddenly squatting, Yang Duo-ming was shocked and said:
       "What's wrong? What's the matter?"
       Fu Qing luo cried and said:
       "Children, children..."
       At the first sight of the autumn frost, Fu Qing luo moved his tires and immediately went to the doctor. Fortunately, the doctor is not far away, only two streets away. At the beginning of this place, there was a drug shop next to the map.
       When the doctor came over and saw it, he did not have a diagnosis. He said directly:
       "Hurry and ask for a stable woman, this is to be born." This is also the presence of people who have no experience. To have experience, watching Fu Qing luo bleeding should know to find a stable woman.
       Yang Duo-ming is like a white paper and says:
       "Impossible, our children only have more than six months." How can a child of more than six months old be born?
       Autumn frost did not hesitate for a moment, and then went out to find a stable woman. After a lot of effort, Fu Qing luo fell a piece of flesh and blood.
       Yang Duo-ming looked at the molded child in the basin and fell into tears.
       This is the child he has been looking forward to, but he did not expect that he would not have seen it before he could see the world.
       Fu Qing luo wakes up and knows that the child is gone, crying with Yang Duo-ming:
       "Why? Why is my child going to be a good end?"
       Fu Qing luo has never had a day to have a birthday. First, I worked hard all day in the rebel army, and then ran out of the South City to the remote mountain village. If you don't eat well, you are still scared, and your body is very heavy.
       Yang Duo-ming said with Fu Qing luo:
       "Don't be sad, this child has no fate with us. When you have a good body, we have to have another child." The doctor said to Yang Duo-ming, Fu Qing luo is not stable.
       There is always the risk of slippery tires, but they are holding a lucky heart. I did not expect that this child would leave them with such a thing.
       It took a little while for Fu Qing luo to take a medicine and sleep.
       In the evening, Shen Xiao Mao came over and said something to Yang Duo-ming. Yang Duo-ming glanced at Fu Qing luo, who was sleeping on the bed, and got up and ready to go out.
       Qiu Shuang is busy saying:
       "Gu Master, if Miss wakes up, you will be sad." At this time, the most need to be accompanied by my grandfather.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "I will be back soon."

       Chapter 675 Obstruction   

       The sea otters in Jing Wang’s gardens grow rich and luxuriant.
       This will happen when the sea otter is in full bloom.
       The pink color of a tree is dark and unusual.
       Yu-Chen walked under the jellyfish tree and reached out to catch a falling Begonia flower with a faint smile on his face and said:
       "Pick it down." It can be used to make flower tea, and it can also be used for bathing. It has a lot of uses.
       The ‘zither’ is bent:
       "Yes, Wangfei."
       After a short meeting in the yard, Yu-Chen returned to the main house. Zhou-Yan was sent to Teacher a few days ago to teach that Yu-Chen didn't have to bring a child and was idle. In the past, Yu-Chen had a lot of time to write and paint, but now the situation outside is unknown, and the court is worried about external troubles. And this has a close relationship with her, Yu-Chen does not have that Yaxing.
       At noon, Jing Wang came back for lunch. Jing Wang said with ease:
       “I ate a roast goose in the restaurant in the past few days. It tastes very good. I brought back one today. I will try it later, see if I like it or not?”
       Yu-Chen asked:
       "Wangye, is there anything good?"
       These days, Jing Wang is always worried. Today, not only smiles, but also gives her a roast goose. It is obvious that the war ahead is getting better.
       Jing Wang nodded:
       "Lin Fengyuan blocked the rebels from outside Huangzhou City." Lin Fengyuan not only blocked the rebel forces, but also killed the two generals of the rebels, greatly encouraging the morale of the soldiers and attacking the arrogance of the rebels.
       Yu-Chen poured a cup of tea to Jing Wang and asked:
       "What is the bottom of this forest wind?"
       The name, Yu-Chen, is definitely heard before.
       Jing Wang said with a smile:
       "Lin Fengyuan is the second son of Duke House. It is a rare young talent." This time Lin Fengyuan is so successful, he will soon be famous in the world.
       Didn't wait for Yu-Chen to ask, the waiter walked over and said:
       “Wangye, Wangfei, lunch is ready.” Because the court is now fighting, Yu-Chen is now streamlined to eight dishes and one soup.
       Yu-Chen Look at the golden-colored roast goose and let Servant give her a piece.
       Pick up the sour plum sauce and put it in your mouth and chew it slowly. After eating, Yu-Chen smiled and said:
       "The meat is tender, the bone is fragrant, the fat is not greasy, and it is delicious." But this kind of thing can be eaten once in a while, and it is not enough to eat it often.
       Jing Wang is very excited today, laughing and saying:
       "If you want to like it, let the kitchen do it for you next time. But the selection of this goose is very elegant, and it is best to choose a medium-sized, thick-eyed goose."
       Yu-Chen didn't want to sweep Yaxing from Jing Wang and said with a smile:
       “Wangye knows how this roast goose does it?”
       Jing Wang is not only fond of flowers, but also likes food. He has been to eat the signature dishes of the number one restaurant in Capital City.
       Jing Wang immediately smiled and said:
       "Asked the cook. First select the goose, kill it and wash it again, then remove its wings, feet, internal organs, etc., blow in the air, paint five spices..."
       Yu-Chen is eclipsed and said:
       "What? You have to blow in?"
       Blowing in, I didn't bring a saliva in it.
       Seeing Jing Wang nod, Yu-Chen immediately spit. Jing Wang was shocked and said:
       "What's going on here?"
       Now that Xiao is not finished, Jing Wang has not thought about pregnancy.
       Yu-Chen spit out:
       "Nothing, the stomach is not very comfortable." I knew that I had to blow it up, she didn't touch it.
       Jing Wang didn't take long for lunch and went busy.
       Yu-Chen asked Gui Mama and said:
       "This forest wind is far, I have heard of it before?"
       If she can have her memory, she must have heard it more than once.
       Gui Mama really knows about this and says:
       “Wangfei, this Lin Fengyuan is the same brother with the two Jiu Old Master. Lin Fengyuan ranks second, and the second Jiu Old Master ranks first.” As for the two masters who are now guarding Yu-xi in Yunfu, she will Did not say it.
       Yu-Chen thought about it and nodded:
       "I said how familiar is it! I didn't expect this brother of the second brother to be so powerful." Not only blocked Yan Wu-shuang's offensive, but also killed the rebel generals.
       This is not a normal skill.
       Gui Mama said:
       "This Lin Fengyuan was not less tempered by Duchess before. Otherwise, it is impossible to be obscured in the capital with his ability." Han Duke House and Duke House have had a hatred before.
       Yu-Chen nodded and said:
       "The person who has the ability, how to suppress it can not be suppressed." Just, take more detours!
       Gui Mama sighed and said:
       "During the time of Duke house, because of the enthusiasm of the world, it will be a forest wind, and I am afraid that it will be raised again." Gui Mama thinks this piece--Shi is very heart-wrenching, leaving her home in the forest. Free and happy, the daughter who left behind was paralyzed in Duke House.
       Yu-Chen is not interested in Duke, saying:
       "I don't know what happened to my second brother?"
       Han Jianming is already on the way back, this Yu-Chen knows. However, he did not get any news from Han Jianye and made Yu-Chen worry.
       Gui Mama said:
       "Wangfei, don't you say that ‘Mistress will not harm Jiu Old Master?"
       It was a swearing oath before, and this would be suspicious.
       Yu-Chen smiled bitterly:
       "I haven't heard a little more than two months, and I have no bottom in my heart." People are easy to change, who knows if she has changed her x-.
       Gui Mama said:
       "When You Grace returns to Capital City, I know the second Jiu Old Master. But I think that the two Jiu Old Master should be fine. Otherwise, Old Madam, it is impossible to be so quiet." People send black hair, can have this life as a parent. Qiu-shi is sick, but it is only ill, not to the point of death.
       Yu-Chen didn't pick up Gui Mama, just said:
       "Mama, now the northwest falls to the hands of Yun-Qing  and Yu-xi. What do you think they will do next?"
       Gui Mama thought for a moment and said:
       "When the Song of the Empress Dowager tried to set four grandmothers to death, to the four-grandmother 'temperament', this revenge will definitely be reported." ‘Mistress Sigu, has always been a must-see.
       Yu-Chen slowly lowered his head and said:
       "I didn't expect that she actually went to this step. When the teacher said that Yu-xi was born and ruined, I also refuted it." It turns out that the teacher's words are correct.
       Gui Mama said:
       "The northwest is barren, and it has been smashed all the year round. It has taken up account.
       The court has settled the rebel army in Liaodong. When the army is sent again, they have no way to live."
       Yu-Chen said with a self-deprecating smile:
       "Where it will be so easy." Not only the Liaodong and the northwest rebellion, but also the southwest and southern Fujian are not flat.
       The court is now suffering from internal and external problems, and no one knows how long it can last.
       The ‘zither’ came over and said:
       “Wangfei, ‘Mistress Wuyou came to visit Madam.”
       Yu-Chen is not the kind of person who needs people to hold, and he is not happy with Yu Tan’s pleasing. Suppressing the disgust of the heart, Yu-Chen said:
       "Let her come in!" Yu Rong came up at most once a month. You can come over once every two or three days after you can marry. But it is my own Mei Mei, it is not appropriate to go to the door.
       Gui Mama hesitated and said:
       "Wangfei, this is awkward! 5th Miss even if you want to take advantage of the situation, you shouldn't come over like this frequently Wangfu! Again, Jiang Madam is not a good x-, how can she be allowed to come out of the door?"
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "What can she count for me?"
       Yu Rong’s frequent coming is nothing more than borrowing her momentum and letting her be better at Jiang’s home.
       Gui Mama just relied on an intuition that it was not that simple. Her instincts have always been sharp, and Gui Mama felt it necessary to pay more attention to Jiang.
       Also on this day, Lin Fengyuan ushered in Yan Wu-shuang's lobbyist Meng-nian. Meng-nian said:
       "General Lin, the dog emperor voted for the enemy to sell the country, so that Tongcheng more than 100 thousand died under the iron hoof of the Donghu people. Why did General Lin still have to sell his life?"
       Lin Feng’s mouth smirked through a careless smile and said:
       "With Yan Wu-shuang, don't dare to take the lead in the back. If you have the ability, you can see the real chapter on the battlefield."
       Meng-nian will give up and say:
       "The rabbit is dead, the dog is cooking; the bird is doing it, the good bow is hidden. Is General Lin not afraid of falling into such a situation?"
       Lin Fengyuan laughed and said:
       "You don't have to pay for this. You are worried. However, I really want to see the unique style of gongzi." Yan Wu-shuang has always been sought after, and is known as the unparalleled gongzi by people in Liaodong.
       Meng-nian returned without success.
       Lin Fengyuan’s confidant Gu Ji said:
       "General, the situation is very unfavorable to us." Although they said that they held the Huangzhou City, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the hearts of the people are floating. Being able to stay until now is also a huge price.
       Lin Fengyuan said:
       "It’s already in mid March, so a good opportunity for Donghu people will not grasp?"
       In this case, as long as the court gives people money, Huangzhou City will not be able to break.
       Gu Ji heard the meaning of Lin Fengyuan:
       “Does the general think that Yan Wu-shuang is not reliable?”
       As a confidant, Gu Jiu is very clear that Lin Fengyuan has no feelings for the court, and he has no loyalty to the emperor who is treason.
       The general is so desperate, but he wants to build something.
       Lin Fengyuan did not shake his head, did not nod, just said:
       "It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others." You don't have to listen to anyone, this is what he wants.
       As he spoke, Lin Fengyuan’s other confidant Li-Ada walked in and said:
       "General, just got the news, the Beibei people gathered 250 thousand troops to attack Fu-Cheng City."
       Gu Ji exclaimed and said:
       "General, what can I do? Old Master is still in Fu-Cheng City?"
       Gu Jiu did not understand now, why Yang Old Master will go to Han-shi as a guard.
       Lin Fengyuan was silent for a while and said:
       "This is what Yun-Qing  is worried about." When he heard the news that Han Yu-xi killed Han Jianye, he immediately sent someone to Fu-Cheng City to pick up Yang Shifu. As a result, Master Yang not only did not leave Fu-Cheng City, but also wrote a letter to Lin Fengyuan.
       The letter said something about Yan Wu-shuang, and said that if you can't continue in Liaodong in the future, you can go to him.
       It is also this letter that lets Lin Fengyuan know that the so-called Han-shi killing brother is a rumor.

       Chapter 676 Minsheng   

       The dark clouds covered the sky and the surrounding area quickly darkened.
       Xu Wu walked over and said:
       "Madam, there is a village in the front ten miles away. We will spend the night in the village tonight!" Every time the road rushes, Xu Wu will send people to find out the road ahead.
       Then decide where to lunch and where to rest.
       Yu-xi With two children, it is impossible for the child to eat cold food, and the Yu-xi body is not good for cold food, so it is also necessary to fire at noon. In addition to the first two days, Xu Wu will make people prepare for the front. When Yu-xi arrives there, he can basically eat it directly. It is also a lot of people, and there are 30 good horses, so it is so convenient.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "You can arrange it." Xu Wu acted very well, and did not let Yu-xi have a half-hearted mind on the road.
       The carriage went very slowly, especially in the rugged places. Even if Xu Wu is arranged properly, when the weather is good, he can only walk a hundred miles a day. If it rains heavily, he will rest in place. It is also a tent, or it is not enough.
       After a quarter of an hour, it began to rain. Although it was light rain, Yu-xi still closed the window, and Jao-Jao climbed up to see it.
       Yu-xi held Jao-Jao in his arms and said with a smile:
       "This Yatou, really a monkey, not a moment of peace." A good move, a too quiet, but also a headache.
       It rained, the sky was dark, and the road was very bad. It took only half an hour to get outside the village.
       The roads in the village are all trails, and the carriages cannot enter.
       The carriage was placed on the side of the road, and Yu-xi took the carriage with the tightly packed Lu-Er.
       Hong-duo took an umbrella for Yu-xi, and the red dragonfly held Yu-xi on the side. As for Jao-Jao, Xu Wu, dressed in a robes, is in his arms. Of course, Xu Wu still has an umbrella on his head.
       Zhuangzi also has only two brick-and-brick houses one is still in the right.
       This will be all borrowed.
       When Yu-xi arrived, Quan Mama and Bai Mama had been busy for a long time. To say who is the hardest part of the line, not Bai Mama and Quan Mama are the ones. Bai Mama is responsible for the three meals a day for Yu-xi and the child, and Quan Mama is to give Lu-Er and Jao-Jao a nutritious and delicious food.
       The two children have not had problems until now, and Quan Mama has made great contributions.
       After dinner, it’s already halfway through. Today's road is relatively flat, not big, Yu-xi sleeps on the carriage.
       This will, Yu-xi is full of energy, said to Xu Wu:
       "I will be calling in, I have something to ask him."
       Xu Wu is a little surprised and said:
       "Madam, what are you telling me?" After half a month's journey, Lu-Er had been doing well, and there was no headache and heat, which made him very relieved.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "I want to ask about the current situation of living in the spring and the life of the people in the village." She stayed on Zhuangzi, and she had a rough number of days when the farmer passed. But she wants to know more about it, and it has a bottom.
       Li is coming soon, an old man with a white hair and a beard. As soon as I saw Yu-xi, I was lying on the ground and said to Yu-xi after three heads:
       “Madam is auspicious and well-being.” The body was still shaking when he said this.
       When Xu Wu borrowed the house, he was explaining their identity. Because of this, Li will be able to perform such a gift when he sees Yu-xi.
       Yu-xi gestures Xu Wu to help people, and Yan Yue color:
       "The old man, with the help of your house, hasn't thanked you yet!"
       I don’t dare to look up and say:
       "Don't dare, don't dare, Madam can borrow our house, it is our blessing." Madam of the generals lived in his house and said that going out is a glory.
       Yu-xi laughed, and he was not polite with him. He directly asked about the situation on the village:
       “How many households are there on Zhuangzi now?”
       Li said, "We originally had 86 households on Zhuangzi.
       These years have been difficult.
       The death of the dead, there are only forty-one households, two hundred and twenty-nine people." Forty-one families have already counted more.
       Yu-xi also asked about the situation of spring ploughing and land reclamation.
       Li is also an old farmer, but he is only a good old man and he just recommends it. Lie rubbed his eyes and said:
       "The village has opened a maximum of 12 acres of wasteland, and at least three acres of land have been opened. When planting, they also went to the government to receive good varieties and cultivated them.
       This year, no longer worry about hungry." The government not only encourages Land reclamation, borrowing good seeds and farming cattle, but also reducing taxes, as long as you are not lazy, you can eat a full meal.
       Upon hearing this, Yu-xi nodded. Looking at the prefecture of Linzhou is also a good thing. I continued to ask a lot of questions, and I was answering them one by one.
       After the time was gone, Yu-xi was very dignified.
       There are 229 people in the village, only 50 young and middle-aged, and the rest are old and weak women and children. It means that the labor force only accounts for more than one-fifth.
       This number is shocking.
       Xu Wu looked at the appearance of Yu-xi and said:
       "Madam, now March, is eating everywhere, as long as you are not lazy, you are hungry. When you get the food in the summer, they don't have to worry about being hungry."
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "The grain output is too low. If it is a natural disaster, the people still can't fill it." Yu-xi naturally remembers the artichoke that Chen Teacher sent her. It’s just that Tian-Yang went to Fujian for a long time and it will not come back. It is estimated that there is something wrong on the road. After waiting for the city, Tian-Yang has not returned yet, and then send other people to Fujian to see.
       Xu Wu said:
       "Madam, I have to hurry tomorrow, Madam will have a rest soon!" Natural disasters*, no one can avoid it. Madam is worried and useless.
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "When we arrived in Linzhou City, we stayed in Linzhou City for two days!" It is only a hundred miles away from Linzhou City, and it will be available the day after tomorrow.
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "Good." For the arrangement of Yu-xi, he will obey. Let Yu-xi use it, very handy.
       Quan Mama looked at Yu-xi and looked at it with a thick book. Quan Mama sighed and handed the warm water in his hand to Yu-xi:
       "Don't watch, go to bed early!" It's also inconvenient in the car, or else it is estimated that the books are put down in the car. Cough, I don’t know how to teach a book.
       Yu-xi shook his head:
       "I am not sleepy, Mama, take your child to sleep first!" After that, the water was drained and the residue in the water was swallowed. It is also because the daily consumption of meat and Ganoderma lucidum, after a half-month, Yu-xi color is better than when it came out.
       Quan Mama said with some helplessness:
       "You said that you still do so desperately?"
       Up to now, Yu-xi has only firmly grasped Yun-Qing 's heart to take care of two children and take care of the house. It’s totally unnecessary to do it yourself.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "Today's internal and external troubles require a lot of thoughts to manage it." If you know more, you won't be fooled.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Yu-xi, women can't be too strong, and the outside is still handed over to the generals!" In terms of strategy, Yu-xi opened a few streets in Yun-Qing . However, Quan Mama does not approve of Yu-xi involvement outside.
       The woman is too strong and strong enough to overshadow the man, it is easy for the couple to go to a stranger. Because men do not like their ‘Madam’ to be stronger than him.
       Yu-xi smiled and shook his head:
       "The husband and ‘Madam’ are united, and their profits are broken." Yun-Qing  is not good at government affairs, she can make up for this deficiency. Yu-xi believes that as long as their husband and ‘Madam’ work together, they will be able to manage the Northwest. When the situation in the northwest stabilizes, it is time to find the Song family and Song the Empress Dowager.
       Quan Mama glanced at her heart and said with a face:
       "Yu-xi, men don't like women's intervention. If you insist on this, in the future, if there is a dispute between the couple, they will definitely be exploited by others." Quan Mama believes that the most important thing for women is the husband's family. Other women sneaked in, that is, licking sesame and losing watermelon.
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "This matter is initiated by He Rui." Take the initiative, and reach out with yourself, but it is completely different.
       Quan Mama asked reflexively:
       “Really? Is Yun-Qing  taking the initiative to let you get involved?”
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "And Ruiyuan was impatient with the outside, and I was letting me deal with it when I was good at it.
       This would save me from being bored." If Yu-Qing  knows that Yun-Qing  is afraid that she will be too busy, she will think about it. So she will deal with the outside, I don't know what to think.
       Quan Mama frowned and said:
       "If you deal with the outside, there will be a lot of gossip." In the eyes of men, women only need to manage the internal affairs, and intervene to teach their children. Yu-xi is now involved in the outside world.
       This is not a general matter.
       The subordinates of Yun-Qing  will have no opinions. Too much to say, the parties will always be affected.
       Yu-xi is still very confident about Yun-Qing , saying:
       "He Rui is not a person who can change his mind in a few words." Yun-Qing  is a very principled person, if he is reasonable, he will listen. If there is a complaint from the provocation, he will not listen.
       Quan Mama is silent and says:
       "In any case, the husband and the children are the most important.
       The rights are all secondary. You must be clear about this priority."
       Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "Mama rest assured, I am measured." Both of them are hoping to manage the northwest.
       There is no conflict with this big premise. Without conflict, it will not affect the feelings of the couple.
       Quan Mama said with some emotions:
       "When the emperor gave birth to a marriage, I was extremely worried. Now, it is also a rumor that the rumor has misunderstood." There are many men who love their wives, but they are still the first to listen to this.
       Yu-xi heard this, the smile can't hide:
       "Yes! It is my blessing to marry and Rui." I thought she wanted to escape marriage at the beginning! Fortunately, I have not escaped from marriage, or I have to regret it for a lifetime.
       Quan Mama no longer urges Yu-xi, saying:
       "Then you read the book again, I will take care of Lu-Er and Jao-Jao." Quan Mama also put a 12-point mind on the two children.
       Yu-xi didn't read any more, but fell into meditation.
       They now only occupy two counties and counties in the West Sea. If they want to take up all of them, they will have to fight. Snoring means the dead, and now the situation in the northwest is still as few as possible:
       "What can be done to achieve the goal with the least cost." This is really a brainstorming thing.
       Halfway through the sea, Yu-xi has not slept yet.
       Quan Mama has some helplessness and walked over and said:
       "Hurry to sleep, have to hurry tomorrow!" I don't know how Yu-xi is so interested in these things.
       The humming outside is constant, jade

       Chapter 677 Initial involvement   

       It was raining yesterday, and the air today is also very fresh. When I walked out of the house, I felt a little cold. Standing in the yard, playing the five birds, and then hearing the birds ‘calling, the mood is not good.
       After breakfast, the group went on the road again. Jao-Jao glared at the neck of Yu-Xi and said:
       "Mother, hey, I want to swear..." I haven't seen you for a long time.
       Yu-Xi touched the head of Jao-Jao and said:
       "Hey, I can see you in a few days." Counting the time, Yun-Qing  will have already set off. Yun-Qing  rides faster, and can catch up with them in four or five days.
       Jao-Jao didn't want to, and he yelled at Yu-Xi, and Lu-Er also cried.
       The two children cried together and cried Yu-Xi headache.
       Quan Mama said:
       "Now the weather is good outside, or let Hong-duo hold the Eldest Miss and walk outside!" Just as Jao-Jao was a troublesome child, there was something fun outside, and she immediately shifted her attention.
       Yu-Xi is not worried about Hong-duo, called Xu Wu.
       Xu Wu knows that the original committee said:
       "Madam, give me the Eldest Miss!" He is not at ease with others.
       As a result, Jao-Jao did not want to let Xu Wu hug and wanted to climb the horse. Yu-Xi shook his head helplessly:
       "She wants to ride a horse, you will take her on the horse!" Anyway, the weather is good now, and it is slow to go. It doesn't matter if you sit right away.
       On the horse, Jao-Jao broke into laughter, and the euphoric look made Yu-Xi very depressed. In this way, can I become a Lady when I grow up? Yu-Xi expressed concern.
       The next afternoon, the group went to Linzhou City. Yu-Xi also did not live in the station, directly wrapped the largest inn in Linzhou.
       Less than two quarters into the inn, Yu-Xi received a note from the ‘Madam’ of Lin Guangzhi, the prefect of Yaozhou. Yu-Chen looked at the post and said with a smile:
       "The news is fast." Five hundred soldiers will have to alarm local officials no matter where they are. However, only two quarters of the clock, Madam's post was handed over, showing its ability to respond.
       Xu Wu said:
       "Madam, if you don't want to see it, you won't see it." In the capacity of Madam today, no one dares to stop doing what he wants in the Northwest.
       Yu-Xi put the post on the table and said:
       "Yao Madam disappeared, please Yao Guangzhang came over! In addition, I called the general judgment and the Tongzhi to come to see me."
       Xu Wu was suspicious and asked:
       “Madam, see what they do?”
       It’s understandable to see Madam of these officials, but it’s not quite right to see these officials.
       Yu-Xi said:
       “Learn about the details of Linzhou.”
       Xu Wu hesitated, or said:
       "Madam, is this not in line with the rules?"
       Xu Wu felt that Yu-Xi hand stretched too long. Government affairs, where is she can intervene.
       Yu-Xi said faintly; "The generals did not think that I did not meet the rules, who has objections?"
       As long as Yun-Qing  is willing to support him, others will not even say it if they disagree. At least, I dare not mention it in front of her.
       Xu Wu looked up at Yu-Xi and saw her faint look, pressing the doubts of her heart:
       "I am going to invite Yao Zhifu to come over." After a pause, Xu Wu said:
       "Madam, do you want to see Xu Wei?"
       Xu Wei, the head of the Linzhou Camp, is also the soldier that Yun-Qing  has taken. Xu Wu is still very familiar with him.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No need." She managed the government and the military affairs were not familiar. I don't know if it is a random command, let the people below be unhappy or trivial, and the most fearful thing is to delay the matter.
       Yao Guangzhang knows that Yu-Xi is very strange to see him, but it is strange that he does not dare not come. Yao Guangzhang entered the house and gave Yu-Xi a blessing:
       "I have seen Madam." Yao Guangzhang is not humble, it is very windy.
       The readers all look down on women, and they pay attention to men and women. Yu-Xi ordered him to be an outsider.
       This behavior made Yao Guangzhang very disliked. It’s just that the situation is stronger than people, and he dare not come. If you are annoyed with this Han-shi, it is a trivial matter to keep your head on the head, and you are afraid that your head will not be able to keep it. Yun-Qing  kills people, but now their life and death are controlled by Yun-Qing . To annoy Han-shi, to make Yun-Qing  unhappy, to kill him in anger is also white death.
       Yu-Xi sat in the top position and looked at Yao Guangzhang, who looked proud and proud:
       "Guangzong was born in the second year, Guangzong thirty-four years in the scholars, Guangzong forty-five years because of the offense of the people of the door, Ji Hongtao was taken to prison, and then stripped of his fame and sent back to his home. Now there are three wives, four sons and five women. I said Can it be wrong?"
       The information of more than five officials in the northwest is in the hands of Yun-Qing . Before leaving Fu-Cheng City, Yun-Qing  also gave a copy of Yu-Xi.
       Not to mention Yao Guangzhang, Xu Wu is very surprised.
       Yao Guangzhang nodded and said:
       “Madam said that these are all right. I don’t know what Madam called the officer to come over.”
       Yu-Xi asked about the situation in Linzhou:
       “How many people are there in Lincheng?”
       Yun-Qing  This time is very busy and I am not familiar with this.
       Yao Guangzhang said very rudely:
       "Madam, these things, I will write a copy of the book to the generals when I arrive." It is ridiculous that a woman's family actually intervened in government affairs.
       Yu-Xi said faintly:
       "To the general, it is the same as telling me." These men who read the book really don't take women seriously.
       Yao Guangzhang said with a strong waist and a state:
       "Madam This is a difficult task."
       Yu-Xi knocked on the table and said:
       "It’s not clear that such ordinary things are obvious. You can see that this prefect is also a vegetarian meal. If so, choose someone who can do this job."
       Yao Guangzhang’s heart burst into a sudden.
       Yu-Xi doesn't have that much patience. She doesn't want to give any face to people who despise themselves:
       "Xu Wu, send him out!"
       Yao Guangzhang was a little anxious to hear this, and he bowed his head and said:
       "Madam, Linzhou City now has a total of 139,865 people." At least 200 thousand people could be counted as a state. It is only a year of war in the northwest, and the population of each place has dropped sharply.
       Yu-Xi frowns.
       Yao Guangzhang said busy:
       "Ten years ago, there were more than 390 thousand people in Linzhou City. In the past few years, many people have died of starvation and death, so only these people are left."
       Yu-Xi feels that he has a long way to go:
       “How many places have you cultivated this spring?”
       Although Yu-Xi is ready to go to the city to send people to buy food, if the northwest can produce more food, it is more secure.
       Yao Guangzhang was very respectful when he heard this and said:
       “Planted 640 thousand mu of land.” These are all recorded.
       After saying this, Yao Guangzhang could not help but praise Yun-Qing :
       "Thanks to the Huimin's decree issued by the generals, the government allowed the farmers to use the grain to cultivate the people. When the summer harvest, the granary will certainly be full." This is also the decree that Yao Guangzhang really surrendered.
       Yu-Xi thinks that Yao Guangzhang is too optimistic:
       "That still depends on God's face. If the weather is good, the granary may be full of food. But if it is a drought, the stomach may not fill up."
       Yao Guangzhang did not expect that Yu-Xi was so clear about farming.
       Yu-Xi has taxed these things for agriculture, and so far it has been limited to paper. However, Yu-Xi is not in a hurry, take it slowly:
       “How much bank silver does the house now have?”
       Every county, Yun-Qing , has retained silver. Of course, there are not many silver coins left.
       This series of questions asked Yao Guangzhang not to take it lightly. Every question is seriously thought of and then answered.
       After Yao Guangzhang left, Yu-Xi saw this general judgment again.
       This general sentence is surnamed Guo, giving rise to fame.
       The mother of the family was called the Living Bodhisattva by the Linzhou City people, and her reputation in Linzhou City was very good.
       This Guo Tong judge is not tall, small eyes, white and fat, like Maitreya Buddha, do not speak with a three-point laugh.
       This kind of person is very easy to make people feel good.
       Yu-Xi said two words of politeness and asked Guo Tong a lot of questions. He asked about things within his duties, such as grain transportation, water conservancy, and law. As a result, Guo Tong’s answer to a question was unclear and ruling.
       After taking office for nearly four months, even if I was not familiar with it, I should understand the government affairs as long as I have the heart for four months! The result is now a question and three do not know, it can be seen that the mind is not on the errand. Yu-Xi also doesn't want to waste time on this person, saying:
       "You go out!"
       After Guo Tong’s judgment, Xu Wu asked very strangely:
       “How is Madam still proficient in water and law?”
       These things are not necessarily clear to their own generals!
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Not very proficient, just read a few books." Theoretical knowledge is very rich, practical experience is zero.
       Xu Wu said that this is just a few books, it has been studied for a long time. Otherwise, Guo Tong will not be asked to mute the mouth.
       Next, Yu-Xi met Gao Tongzhi again.
       Gao Tongzhi is also a famous scholar. Before that, he was a seven-person official. However, this person is a smart person, less than four months old, very familiar with the affairs he is under his jurisdiction. So the question of Yu-Xi, he answered in great detail. And these are exactly what Yu-Xi needs.
       After talking with Gao Tongzhi, it is already dark. Quan Mama walked in and saw Yu-Xi ready to write, busy said:
       "Madam, eat first, and it’s not too late to eat after dinner." Yu-Xi Just be busy and forget. Do not remind, forget to eat.
       After using the dinner, Yu-Xi found Xu Wu and said:
       “Can Linzhou City have a night market at night?”
       If there is a night market, she wants to go out and have a look.
       It is a pity that there is no night market in Linzhou City.
       Xu Wu said:
       “Madam, there is a night market in Lanzhou. After waiting for Lanzhou City, Madam can feel it.” Lanzhou is the capital of Gansu, and there must be a night market.
       Yu-Xi did not say this, but said to Xu Wu:
       "Xu Wei was stationed in Linzhou City for more than four months. I should be familiar with the things in Linzhou City. Ask her, what special things can happen in Linzhou City in the past few months?"
       Xu Wei is stationed here, one is to maintain the stability of the entire place in Linzhou, and the second is to monitor the local officials.
       Xu Wu did not quite understand, asked:
       “Madam wants to know?”
       Yu-Xi considered it for a moment:
       "There is such a general judgment. Do you think that the lawsuits in Linzhou City will be fair and just?"
       Xu Wu is sure:
       “Madam also believes that this Guo Tong is not qualified for this position?”
       Through the previous incident, Xu Wu thought that this person was completely a straw bag.
       Yu-Xi nods and agrees.
       Xu Wu said intimately:
       "At the time, there was no time to check these people. Madam, I am going to check Yao Zhifu and Gao Tongzhi and others!"
       Yu-Xi didn't blame Yun-Qing , and it was very much dealt with during the extraordinary period. However, when the situation stabilizes, it is time to check these officials, and all the unqualified ones will be cleared:
       "Hidden, don't let them know."

       Chapter 678 Government Affairs   

       Xu Wu worked very efficiently, and took a thick stack of books to Yu-Xi the next morning.
       After a pause, Yu-Xi said:
       "There are too few things to record. You sent someone to let Guo Tong decide to send the file of this case."
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "it is good."
       Yu-Xi thought about it and said:
       "Add another person to examine in detail the details of the two people, and the ins and outs of this matter." With Xu Wu, Yu-Xi did not worry that Guo Tong would not send the file.
       After an hour, the case file was in the hands of Yu-Xi. After reading the file, Yu-Xi asked Xu Wu:
       "How long will it take for your people to come back?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "I can come back before dark." Not only must the information be explored, but it must also be true. So it takes a little more time.
       See Yu-Xi nod, Xu Wu asks:
       "Madam, is this a problem really a problem?"
       He also saw this file just now, and felt that there was no big problem.
       Yu-Xi said silently:
       "There is no problem with this case. I can't make a conclusion for the time being. But this file is definitely a problem." See Xu Wu confused face, Yu-Xi pointed to the file and said:
       "On the file, only the date of birth of Zhou Wei and Dong Er was written, and the height was not written. Again, this evidence is only evidence that there is no physical evidence."
       Xu Wu said:
       "So many people cards are enough to determine Zhou Wei sin."
       Yu-Xi looked at Xu Wu and said:
       "The problem is here. Zhou-shi is anxious to die, and there are no children before his death.
       This kind of situation is generally not going to be ruined at home. Since there is no funeral at home, these so-called witnesses are worth pondering." Doing a funeral, unless it is a blood relative, the average person will not come to the door to condolence.
       Xu Wu admire some and said:
       "There was no such thing as writing on this dossier, but Madam could see so many problems." This is really powerful!
       Yu-Xi pointed to the file:
       "The file of a murder case is just a few strokes. It is like a play. Even if there is no problem in this case, it must be replaced immediately." Of course, Yu-Xi originally wanted to replace this Guo Tong. How can a person who knows nothing about the law be qualified for this position.
       Xu Wu nodded in favor of Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi looks ugly and continues to say:
       "Every case must be reviewed by the prefects. Can such a simple file, Yao Guangzhang, pass through? I don't know how he made this prefect?"
       Yao Guangzhang is a prefect, not competent.
       Xu Wu said carefully:
       "Madam, Yao Zhifu can't be replaced at will." With this alone, it is impossible to change Yao Zhifu.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "No rules are not round, no matter what, you have to follow the rules." She does not like Yao Guangzhang, who would not like a person who despise himself. However, she is a principled person.
       The public is public, private and private, and there is no personal opinion in the business.
       Xu Wu heard this and relaxed his mind. He has no feelings about this Yao Guangzhang, but he does not want Yu-Xi to rely solely on his preferences. In this way, there will be big problems in the future.
       There was not much time in the dark, and the pillar of the information was returned. Of course, the pillar is also the person who used Xu Wei. Otherwise, it will take a long time for a foreigner to find out the news.
       The column will explain Zhou Wei and Dong Jia in detail.
       This week, Zhou Wei is smashed out. He ranks ninth among the Zhou family. He has a cell-sister, who is the disease-dead Zhou-shi. Zhou Wei will go to Dong’s house because the rumor that Zhou-shi is not dead, but was poisoned by Dong Er. Zhou Wei wanted an autopsy, and Dong Er refused.
       The two had a dispute.
       Xu Wu asked:
       "Poisonous? Can there be evidence?"
       The pillar said:
       "The outside is like this. We don't know how we are. But this is the Concubine that Dong Er loves and surnames Huang.
       The relationship with Zhou-shi is very bad."
       Yu-Xi face is very ugly, the so-called hole does not come, this case is more complicated than he imagined:
       "Talk about the details of Zhou Wei and Dong Er."
       The pillar said:
       “Zhou Wei Concubine is the escort Servant of Zhou 1st Madam. He went there when he was five years old. Because Zhou family has a house rule, it’s that when the child is over twelve years old, he has to go to the shop to do things.
       Therefore, Zhou Wei went to the shop to study when he was 12 years old in the school. According to the information he found, Zhou Wei is a generous person. He is good at the shop and the shopkeeper. "A pause, The pillar said the situation of Dong Er again:
       "Dong's family is doing medicinal materials business.
       This Dong Er is the second son of Dong's family. Because of his temper, he did not mix Dong's business."
       Xu Wu asked:
       "How high is Zhou Wei and Dong Er and two?"
       Hearing that Zhou Wei is more than six feet and five feet tall, and Dong Er’s height is nearly eight feet, Xu Wu also knows that the case is really problematic. Judging from the height, Dong Er can suppress Zhou Wei to death. Not to mention that Dong Er is still a violent person. Under this circumstance, Zhou Wei may also push the people who persuade him to death.
       Think of it here, Xu Wu:
       "Madam, not only is there a problem with this case, but several officials accepting the case have problems." From the news of the investigation, he knew that the case was wrong. Yao Guangzhang is a prefect, and I still don't know if there is something wrong with it!
       Yu-Xi didn't pick up Xu Wu, just looking at the pillar and asking:
       "Is Zhou Jia used to be arrogant?"
       Seeing the pillar nod, Yu-Xi said:
       "To check, Yao Guangzhang and Guo Tong sentenced whether they had a hatred with Zhou Jia? What kind of hatred?"
       Xu Wu eyes flashed and did not speak.
       Yu-Xi was not in a good mood. He put the file on the side and went to see Jao-Jao and Lu-Er. At this point, the two children have not slept yet. When Jao-Jao saw Yu-Xi, he immediately threw the rattle in his hand and ‘called:
       "Mother, mother hug..."
       Yu-Xi holds Jao-Jao and smiles and asks for silence:
       "Jao-Jao has a bath?"
       This point is almost a bath and sleep.
       Quan Mama Said:
       "The water will be sent right away."
       Just at this time, Hong-duo brought in two buckets of water.
       The red dragonfly is taken in a tub filled with boiling water.
       Yu-Xi stripped Jao-Jao and put her in the tub. Jao-Jao likes to play with water. When he enters the tub, he starts to play with water. He has fun and he has wet the clothes of Yu-Xi.
       Lan Mama took a wide towel and walked to the tub and smiled and said:
       "Eldest Miss, you have to be obedient, Madam will hit your ass."
       Jao-Jao heard this and put her hands behind her back, trying to lick her ass. Unfortunately, the hand is too small, I can't live with my little ass.
       “Hey...” Quan Mama laughed out.
       Lu-Er Because the body is too weak, even if it is the end of March, give her a bath and put a pot of burning charcoal fire.
       Bathing a lot for Lu-Er. However, there is also a problem. After washing Lu-Er, Yu-Xi sweats.
       The two children were asleep, and Yu-Xi was ready to go to the next room. Quan Mama said:
       "What is going to be done tomorrow is not too late." The original two-day stay in the state was for a good rest. As a result, Yu-Xi is not free all day.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "Mama, let's sleep first! I will go to sleep after I finish the task." She also wanted to take a look at the booklet that Xu Wei sent.
       Quan Mama shook his head and said, "You are also a little bit too busy, don't fight too much, the body is the most important." Quan Mama doesn't know now, Yu-Xi is really good or bad. Yu-Xi, a feeling of enthusiasm for the outside world.
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       "I know."

       Chapter 679 Hiratsuka (1)   

       The stars of the sky, like the shattered gold sprinkled on the dark blue cloth, are crystal clear and bright, and are exceptionally beautiful.
       Visit: . Unfortunately, Xu Wu at this time, there is no mood to appreciate this beauty.
       The pillar said:
       "Madam is really a god. Yao Zhifu and Guo Tong sentenced both to have a hatred with Zhou.
       The Yao family and Zhou Jiajie are still dead." After a pause, the pillar said:
       “Zhou Jia 1st Young Master killed the only son of Yao Zhifu elder brother. At that time, Zhou family was big and there was a prestige support. So he pushed the matter to the personal follower of Zhou 1st Young Master and let the entourage come to life.
       The brother of Yao Zhifu was angry and attacked. Nothing." Zhou Jia killed the brother of Yao Zhifu and Zhizi, but let his brother break the incense, can not hate it!
       Xu Wu asked coldly:
       "What is the enemy of Guo Tong and Zhou Jia?"
       The pillar said:
       "Zhou has made the means of doing the next thing, and has used the low price to occupy the good shop in the two sections of Guo house. Since then, the two have committed evil."
       Xu Wu is still unable to understand where this will come, Yao Zhifu and Guo Tong sentenced, the two are the communion private enmity. Although it is no big deal to say that this case, Zhou Wei will be framed by his family. But this is enough to show that neither of them can compete for their current position.
       The pillar said:
       "Xu Baowei, I also found a news, Zhou Wei and Dong 3rd  and two people are very close."
       Without waiting for Xu Wu to speak, he heard a guard coming back and forth and said that Xu Wei had arrived. Xu Wu went out and welcomed Xu to his house and asked:
       "What is going on so late?"
       Xu Wei said:
       "I am a bit curious, why are you so interested in Zhou Wei case?"
       Zhou Wei case, Xu Wei, really didn’t care. He was very busy with the security of Linzhou City and several counties nearby.
       The things recorded on the booklet were all ordered by his subordinates. However, Xu Wu is so concerned about this case, he naturally has to ask.
       Xu Wu said:
       "Zhou Wei case is a bit tricky. Yao Guangzhang and Guo Tong sentenced, it is likely to be a public feud of the communique." Only when the prisoner is tried tomorrow, I know the truth of the matter.
       Xu Wei is not surprised, his subordinates have told him the stupidity:
       “When are you going to deal with Yao Guangzhang? Xu Wu, in fact, this Yao Guangzhang’s ability is still good, and Linzhou will be well managed during this time.”
       Xu Wu shook his head and asked:
       "The ability to re-benefit is unfair, such people can not be reused." As for how to deal with Yao Guangzhang, Madam decided.
       When Xu Wei saw it, he did not say anything to Yao Guangzhang. But he is still a bit curious:
       “Speaking, how did you find this case to be tricky?”
       The booklet, he has a bottom on hand.
       Xu Wu smiled and said:
       "Which I have that ability, I can only see that it is a bit greasy. It is Madam--, Madam has read what you recorded, and I don't think it is right." Xu Wu reminded me here. One sound:
       "Xu Wei, Madam said that what you recorded is too simple. In the future, no matter what, you must write the cause and effect clearly."
       Xu Weiyi said, after half a ring, said:
       "What do you mean, I gave you the book you gave - to Madam? How can you hand over the book to Madam?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "The general told me that what Madam wants to do, I will cooperate fully. Don't say that Madam wants to read the booklet, that is, Madam wants me to kill Yao Guangzhang tomorrow, and I can't stop it." Xu Wu said this, Let Xu Wei understand that Yu-xi has a high position in the heart of Yun-Qing , so high that Yu-xi can do whatever he wants. In this way, Xu Wei will not say anything if he is dissatisfied.
       Xu Wei can not understand Xu Wu, some worried:
       "It hurts to be a ‘Madam’, but it can't be done without a bottom line." It is said that the hero is saddened by the beauty, and the general is planted in the hands of Madam.
       Xu Wu said with a cold face:
       "What is this? Not to say that the general is not a fool, that is, Madam has always been very measured. In recent years, he has only helped the generals and never pulled the general's hind legs." The general will let Madam intervene. Government affairs, also because Madam has this ability.
       Xu Wei met Xu Wu dissatisfied, smiled bitterly:
       "We are not unclear about Wei Guo business? If he is not too indulgent in Yan-shi, why is it to this step?" Xiang Wei Guo was smashed by Yun-Qing , and the money of corruption was also recovered. I am now injured at home.
       Xu Wu heard this, but the look not only did not ease, but cold face said:
       "Thank Madam compared to Yan-shi, that is an insult to Madam. Madam for the Fu-Cheng City orphans, even the dowry has been taken out, you forget this?"
       Yan-shi The woman, even Madam's hair is not comparable.
       Xu Wei did not expect Xu Wu to respect the Yu-xi, and some worried:
       "I really admire what Madam did before. Just, isn't it a matter of helping a few children and creating a school?"
       Xu Wu heard this, I don’t know what to say:
       "If you think it's easy to start a school, then it's too naive. It's much harder to run a school than to fight."
       Yu-xi For the help of Yun-Qing , except for Yu Cong and Xu Wu, the outsiders are not clear. Xu Wei said:
       "I know that Madam is capable, but the things involved are complicated. Madam has the heart to help, but what if the help is upset?"
       Xu Wu said:
       “Madam only judges that there is a problem in this case with just a few short sentences written by your subordinates. Do you think she will help me? In addition, Madam is knowledgeable, proficient in water conservancy and law, etc.
       There are few people who can match it.” None of the several aides behind the general had Madam. After this incident, Xu Wu had no doubt about the ability of Yu-xi.
       Xu Wei did not continue to argue with Xu Wu when he heard this, and asked another thing:
       “Xu Wu, Wei Guo really have no chance to turn over?”
       Xiang Wei Guo and Xu Wei are also Brother of life and death. He can't bear the fact that Xiang Wei Guo has ruined his future.
       Xu Wu measured it in his heart and said:
       "The general just withdrew his position and did not say that he would not be allowed to return to the military camp. As long as Xiang Wei Guo is willing to start from scratch, there is still a chance to turn over." Starting from the bottom, all of them have accumulated military strength, and they can still go up very quickly.
       See Xu Wei look, Xu Wu said:
       "Don't worry too much. Xiang Wei Guo is gone now, Yan-shi may not be willing to talk to him. You also know that Xiang Wei Guo values ​​Yan-shi, if Yan-shi wants to leave, Xiang Wei Can Guo start again is a problem?"
       Xu Wei face dew color:
       "If Yan-shi dares to leave Wei Guo, I will kill her." With his current ability, it is easy to kill a Yan-shi.
       When Xiang Wei Guo wanted to marry Yan-shi, Xu Wei strongly opposed it.   Erxi The most important thing is to live, that Yan-shi, dressed all day long, where is the person who will live. Xiang Wei Guo is blinded by lard, and he wants to swear Yan-shi, and his fears become a reality.
       Xu Wu said with a smile:
       "If you are threatening Yan-shi, and Xiang Wei Guo is fond of Yan-shi, I am afraid that the brotherhood is not there." See Xu Xu did not say anything, Xu Wu continued:
       "And if Yan-shi doesn't leave, Xiang Wei Guo will still be dragged down by her if she climbs up again."
       Xu Wei is a little annoyed:
       "I can't walk, I can't stay, what should I do?"
       This Yan-shi, that is the robbery of Wei Guo life.
       Xu Wu is not worried about Xiang Wei Guo, saying:
       "Nobody can help him in this kind of thing, he can only go with the flow."
       Xu Wei suddenly blinked and said:
       "Don't you say that Madam is very good? Do you want to ask Madam to see if there is any good way to see Madam?"
       Xu Wu did not want to refuse, said:
       "If Xiang Wei Guo still has anything by Yan-shi, no one can save him. If he can wake up in time, he can stand up again without helping others." If the ‘Madam’ is not ruined for a lifetime, Xiang Wei Guo is one of the best examples.
       Xu Wei is somewhat depressed.
       Xu Wu took a look at his shoulder and said:
       "If he can wake up, when the Brother have to help him, he has to go to black, and we are worried that it is useless." It is not a three-year Old child, and there is so much control.
       See Xu Wei sighed, Xu Wu said:
       "There is time to sigh here, don't you arrest Zhou Wei and Dong Er and the other witnesses? After the dawn, let Madam interrogate." To this end, Madam is famous and believes in the general. I will definitely be very happy.
       Xu Wei nodded:
       "I am going to do this."
       The next day, Yu-xi got up when it was just bright, and then played a five-bird show in the backyard of the inn. For the Yu-xi habit, Quan Mama is still very praised.
       After breakfast, Xu Wu came over and said Yu-xi:
       "Madam, Zhou Wei and Dong Er and others have brought them, Madam, you can personally interrogate them."
       Yu-xi is crying and laughing. If there is a problem with this case, it must be checked out, but Yu-xi never thought about personally coming to the case:
       "This time, even if it is not the case."
       Xu Wu also had his considerations and said:
       “Madam, Yao Guangzhang is the prefect of Linzhou City. Other officials will not take the case fairly and fairly.”
       Yu-xi nodded and said:
       "Your concerns are not justified. In this case, if you come to the case, I will not come out." See Xu Wu hesitating, Yu-xi said:
       "This case is not complicated. It only allows the witness to tell the truth. In addition, if I have a mistake in the back hall, I will remind you." Yu-xi does not want to appear in front of everyone.
       Xu Wu heard the words in the back and also had a sigh of relief, nodded with a smile:
       "Listen to Madam." Who can think that he can still sit in the court one day, think about a little excitement,
       Yu-xi noticed that Xu Wu was very excited and confused, but she did not ask:
       “Jao-Jao has been crying for two days, and the general should leave Fu-Cheng City now?”
       Xu Wu did not get the exact message and said:
       "Madam, at the speed of the general, it only takes four or five days to catch up with us." They walked seven or eighty miles a day on average, and the generals ran for one day, enough for four or five days.
       Yu-xi clicked on the head:
       "I know." Even if Yun-Qing  catches up with them, they will accompany them for up to two days, 1148.

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