Han Yuxi 640-649

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 640 Private Soldier   

       After attacking the Yongcheng, Yun-Qing  did not immediately take the troops to attack the city, but waited for the arrival of the 50 thousand horses brought by Du-Zheng.
       Ready to complete, Yun-Qing  took 160 thousand people to attack the city.
       Although Ji Xuan is a waste, the leader can't fight, but Yun-Qing  has no half-relaxation.
       The solid defense of Yucheng is famous in the world.
       This time, the siege will be a hard battle. In the same way, once the city is broken, it is equal to the fact that the northwest is in his hands. So this is only a win and no defeat. If it fails, the world is without their place.
       Yun-Qing  knows that the defending city is a general named after the solution, called Jie Li. Yun-Qing  asked Ding Qing yu:
       "What is the relationship between this solution and Li Junxiong?"
       Ding Qing yu has some dignity and said:
       "It is the father of Jie Junxiong, a veteran who has been through a hundred wars.
       This time the old generals came out of the mountain, fearing that it was because of Jie Junxiong." The son was killed, and naturally he was going to take revenge.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "No matter who is defending the city, Yucheng must also attack." Unless they are all killed, they can't take a step back.
       Ding Qing yu did not speak anymore. As Yun-Qing  said, they are bound to win in Yucheng. If you hit here, if you return to it, it will be too embarrassing.
       As it turns out, Yun-Qing 's worst plan is not to worry.
       The defenders in the city are very heroic, not at all comparable to those in front. Only one day down, Yun-Qing  has lost more than 13 thousand people.
       Yun-Qing  looks dignified and says:
       "No, the local army does not have such a strong fighting power." The soldiers who defended the city not only have strong fighting power, but also have very good equipment.
       This situation is very wrong.
       Guan Tai nodded and said:
       "Yes, these soldiers are particularly brave and murderous, completely different from the soldiers of the past." These people are not afraid of death.
       Everyone can't discuss a person, so people come out.
       Ding Qing yu frowned, and everyone saw no noise. He hesitated and said:
       "The general, our people once heard a message, don't know if it is true?"
       Yun-Qing  asked:
       "What is the news?"
       It’s a premonition that he not good at hitting him, but he not good at playing and he not expected to be so hard.
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "I have heard that Ji Xuan has raised a private soldier. It seems that there are no more than 10 thousand people." Is this true? Ding Qing yu does not know. Because he just heard the news, he did not dare to confirm.
       Cui Mo patted the table and ‘called:
       "That's right.
       The soldiers who defended the city today are not afraid of death, and the local army will not be so desperate."
       Yuan Ying said:
       "Protect private soldiers, it is a death sin. Ji Xuan is also going out." No wonder he feels wrong, these are the private soldiers of Ji Xuan.
       Du-Zheng frowned and said:
       "But this way, even if we can't break through the city, Ji Xuan is not in the same situation."
       Ding Qing yu eyes lit up and said:
       "Ji Xuan said that he has not escaped from the city." Of course, this is just speculation.
       Yun-Qing , let Ding Qing yu smack the ball. "Even if Ji Xuan ran, there is still a solution." Ji Xuan will not fight, he is no different, the problem is that Li will die with him. knock.
       Cui Mo asked:
       "General, what do you do now?"
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Ji Xuan can, up to two to 30 thousand private soldiers, will not be much more. To solve these people, the other will be easier." There is no second way, only to attack, day and night storm.
       On this day, the emperor received a copy of Jiang the Marquis, saying that Song Guofan was missing.
       The emperor's face was blue, and the northwestern eye was not guaranteed. I didn't expect Liaodong to be chaotic.
       Jing Wang hurried into the royal study and said:
       "Emperor brother, just got the news, Yun-Qing  took 160 thousand troops to attack the city." When the city broke, the northwest fell into the hands of Yun-Qing .
       The emperor handed the fold to Jing Wang and said ugly:
       "Liaodong is estimated to have an accident." Yan Wu-shuang did not catch, he could not rest in peace. For the emperor, Yan Wu-shuang is more harmful than Yun-Qing . Once Yan Wu-shuang announced the news of his collusion, his throne was unstable.
       Jing Wang’s face turned white and said:
       "Emperor brother, what should I do? If it is a trouble in Liaodong, it will be a big mess in the world." The northwest and the Liaodong chaos, the rebellion must be endless, the court can no longer be bound, and then they can be dangerous.
       The emperor said:
       "I want you to go to Liaodong to find out." Now go to Liaodong, there are so many bad. However, in addition to Jing Wang, he can no longer find a more suitable candidate.
       Jing Wang nodded:
       "Well, my emperor, when will I leave?"
       The face is very refreshing, but the hand is clenched into a ball. However, the sleeves were wide and the emperor could not see it.
       The emperor said:
       "Get off now." This errand can only be assured if he gives it to Jing Wang. He is a brother to Jing Wang. Even if Jing Wang knows what he is doing, he will only stand by him and will not reveal him.
       Jing Wang was very chilling when he heard this. Since he knew that the situation in Liaodong was dangerous, Yan Wu-shuang would rebel. Now letting him go to Liaodong is not the same as letting him go to death. However, his good emperor did not think about his safety. Jing Wang said:
       "Emperor brother, I went back and took two pieces of changing clothes and left." How do I have to go home and say to Yu-Chen.
       The emperor nodded:
       Yu-Chen just lie down and prepare for the nap, I heard Jing Wang come back. When she saw Jing Wang let her pack her clothes, Yu-Chen asked:
       "Wangye, where is this going?"
       Never go to the northwest. Yun-Qing  has already broken the city of Yongcheng, and it is about to attack Yucheng. At this time, going to the northwest is equal to sending death.
       Jing Wang said with a blank expression:
       "Oh, I am missing, the emperor asked me to go to Liaodong to find out." As for Liaodong may not be stable, he did not dare to tell Yu-Chen, afraid Yu-Chen worried.
       Yu-Chen’s face turned white and said:
       "Impossible, I am a master like a cloud, and there are soldiers guarding, how could it be missing?"
       In addition, if it is missing, Liaodong is not going to be in chaos.
       Jing Wang is busy explaining:
       "It’s not that Jiang the Marquis is missing. It’s my Song Songhuai disappearance.” Jing Wang was very dissatisfied with this. He knew that Yan Wu-shuang was still alive when he was alive. It was said that the Royals were sorry for the Yan family, but that was the fault they had done by Fu Huang. Jing Wang suggested that the emperor rehabilitate the Yan family and then return the Yan family's title to Yan Wu-shuang. He felt that this matter would be solved. But his emperor did not agree to live and die, but also let him go to Liaodong. Jing Wang instinctively has something in it, but he is not good at asking.
       Yu-Chen The whole person has slackened. She thought she was missing. But soon she became suspicious again and asked:
       "The country's grandfather is missing. You shouldn't let the Song family go to Liaodong to find someone. Why do you want to go? You are the brother of the emperor, but the most difficult and most difficult errands are all for you to do." Big emotions.
       Jing Wang is not satisfied with the emperor, but he did not show up, said:
       "It is because he is a brother, he is relieved."
       Yu-Chen didn’t feel right when he heard this, he said:
       "What is it to send you to rest assured? Isn't it just to find someone, there are other things?"
       Having said that, Yu-Chen asked with a blank face:
       “Is this horrible dangerous?”
       Jing Wang looked at Yu-Chen's look and touched her face and said:
       "No danger, just go find someone." How can you not let your ‘Madam’ worry?
       No matter how worried Yu-Chen is, Jing Wang has packed up and left.
       Looking at the worried Yu-Chen, Gui Mama persuaded:
       "Wangfei, don't worry, Wangye will be back soon."
       Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
       "This is not the right thing. When Tong Chunlin died, Song Guofan went to Liaodong and I was a bit puzzled. Now that Song Guofan is missing, the emperor has rushed to send Wangye. I always feel that this is not easy."
       Gui Mama thinks seriously and thinks that Yu-Chen is right:
       "Wangfei, do you want to send someone to ask Hou?"
       Yu-Chen smiled bitterly:
       "You don't have to go. Houfu people know that there will be no more than me, and that more will make the Maternal Grandmother worry. I am just wondering, what is it that makes the emperor so anxious to get angry?"
       There are too few messages in hand to make them incapable of making inferences.
       Gui Mama thinks this is difficult. If you want to know which of the inner courts, this is better. But in the middle of the event, they have no channels.
       Yu-Chen said with regret:
       "Unfortunately, my eldest brother went to the northwest."
       Gui Mama feels that Yu-Chen is thinking too well, even if Han Jianming knows these things, he will not tell his own Wangfei. It’s good to say that Wangfei is good, but there is no brother to help. As for Han Jingyan, it was directly ignored by Gui Mama. It’s not good to add mess to your own Wangfei, and I’m counting on him to help me:
       "Madam, 5th Miss's wedding days are not many days, you see what gift we are giving?"
       In fact, they have already prepared, and Gui Mama said this only to transfer the attention of Yu-Chen.
       Speaking of Yu-Rong's marriage, Yu-Chen couldn't help but frown and said:
       "I want to say that this family has retired better. With such a Popo, what good days can I have in the future?"
       Jiang Hongjin is three years older than Yu-Rong, and this year has been twenty-one. Jiang Madam has a lot of opinions on this and wants to let his son Nayong, Jiang Hongjin no reason. At the end of last year, the Yu-Xi rebellion was passed to the capital. Jiang Madam took Jiang Hongjin privately and asked the matchmaker to return. Han Jingyan disagreed, and Jiang Hongjin later apologized, and this matter has passed.
       Gui Mama said:
       "Easy to get a priceless treasure, it is rare to have a love lover. Jiang Madam is not very good, but this Jiang 2nd Master is very affectionate to the 5th Miss, if it is a retreat, it is a pity." She did not say anything. Not to mention the influence of Yu-Xi on the Hann family, I only said that Yu-Rong is already 18 years old this year. If you are retired, you will not be able to find a good family like Jiang.
       Yu-Chen Said:
       "Popo is not good, what is the use of her husband's feelings? That Jiang Madam is so disliked with Yu-Rong, and it is also a crime to marry in the future."
       Gui Mama said with a smile:
       "Wangfei, this is a person  Erxi not all come this way? I think, it will be good slowly."
       Yu-Chen shook her head, she was not so optimistic. However, this family member is not only unwilling to retreat, but Yu-Rong is not willing to retreat. It is not Mei Mei of a mother compatriot, Yu-Rong is not willing to quit her own, she does not want to be this wicked.

       Chapter 641 镐城破   

       After attacking for four days and four nights, the army still did not break the city. At this time, the wall of the city had already flown into the river, and the corpse was everywhere.
       Cui Mo said anxiously:
       "General, we have all folded in more than 70 thousand people. If we continue this way, our people will die." The cavalry is very powerful on land, but if they attack the city, they will not be useful.
       Yun-Qing  said with a blank expression:
       "We have suffered a lot, and they are the same. I believe that they can't hold on for long."
       Looking at the sad look of Cui Mo, Yun-Qing  said:
       "This is the last difficulty. If we overcome this difficulty, we will win. Yucheng, the symbol of the northwest, captures the city, which is equal to the overall situation.
       After another day of playing, it has damaged nearly 10 thousand horses. Guan Tai was full of blood and met Yun-Qing , saying:
       "General, I can't stand up to the side of the city." This is equivalent to seeing the hope of breaking the city.
       Yun-Qing  didn't talk, just let people pass the meal. After eating a large bowl of food, wiped his mouth and took Gao Song and others to the battlefield.
       Yun-Qing  went to the battlefield and immediately aroused the morale of the soldiers.
       The generals are on the battlefield, indicating that it is time for a decisive battle.
       After playing for six days and five nights, I finally attacked Yucheng, but the Northwest Army also paid a heavy price. 160 thousand people attacked Yucheng, and in the end there were only 60 thousand people left and nearly 100 thousand dead and wounded.
       Standing at the highest point of the city wall, looking at the walls and the bodies inside and outside the walls, Yun-Qing 's face is sad.
       Yu Cong said:
       "General, there are still many things that you need to take your ideas!" Although the cost is heavy, the result is good.
       Yun-Qing  immediately converges on emotions and says:
       "Call Yuan Ying to come over..."
       Yu Cong is a little sad, saying:
       "General, Yuan Ying, he was injured, he was very hurt..." The generals who followed followed more or less, and he also took a knife, but it was not serious, and Yuan Ying’s injury was the most serious. .
       Yun-Qing 's face changed immediately and asked:
       “Is there any danger of life?”
       Yu Cong shook his head and said:
       "There is no danger of life, but it is very troublesome." Injuring the lungs is tantamount to hurting the roots. Don't say that the soldiers are fighting, that is, martial arts can no longer be used.
       Yu Cong looks awkward and says:
       "That is called Du-Zheng." The result of today is that the Brother have worked hard, and he is not qualified to be here.
       Yu Cong called Cui Mo and Du-Zheng, who had the task:
       "Du-Zheng, you take 30 thousand horses and immediately go to the occupation of Shaoguan." Shaoguan is located in the Yellow River Ferry, located in the three provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan, and Chang-An to Luoyang Road, is the East Gate of Guanzhong, has always been a military a place to fight
       Du-Zheng was hesitant and said:
       "General, we only have 60 thousand soldiers and horses, and give me 30 thousand people. Can you live in town?"
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Don't worry, I will quickly expand. You will rectify and start tomorrow morning." It is time to fight now.
       Du-Zheng has always had a question in his heart and asked:
       "General, this is almost two months now? Why is the army of the court not yet arrived?"
       It’s not good for the imperial army to be a good thing for them, or they will not be able to take advantage of the city. It’s just this, how to see how it shines.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Hebei general soldier He Wei and Ji Xuan are different enemies of Dai Tian. However, he did not support Ji Xuan before, and does not mean that he does not send troops now. You must be more careful." It is because He Wei and Ji Xuan are enemies, so Yu Xiangcai Transfer him to Hebei as the chief soldier. Although Yu Boda is the general soldier of the land, but now it is so cold and mountainous, the time of delay will naturally grow.
       Du-Zheng has some concerns, but seeing Yun-Qing  looks normal, I will put this worry in my heart:
       "General, I must keep Tongcheng."
       It was not long before Guantai came in and reported something to Yun-Qing  and said:
       "General, the Sui Li family committed suicide?"
       Yun-Qing  has shrunk and said:
       "All committed suicide?"
       Jie Li let them lose such a heavy burden, even if he respects Li, he will not spare the people who solved the problem and solved the family. It’s not Yun-Qing , but it’s ruthless to treat the enemy.
       Guan Tai nodded and said:
       "It’s not a solution to all the people, only the Li family.
       The Li family has a population of eighteen people, all of them are dead, and the bodies are also found."
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Thickly buried!"
       Ding Qing yu was waiting outside Guantai and said:
       "I heard that all the people in the Li family have died. Is this true?"
       Guan Tai nodded and said:
       "it is true."
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "Xi Li only solved a son of Junxiong, but he has six grandchildren, seven granddaughters, and another grandson."
       Guan Tai said:
       "How big is the grandson of Jie Li?"
       Jie Li let them die so many people, but also caused General Yuan to be seriously injured, not to destroy the family, he could not swallow this tone.
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "About two or three months or so. Guan General, weeding does not remove the roots of spring and spring." Since it is already a life-and-death enemy, then don't be merciful.
       Guantai nodded:
       "This doesn't need you to say. However, I remember that you said that Jie Junxiong was only 31 years old this year. How can he have a grandson?"
       I can't be old.
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "Xi Junxiong's eldest son has not yet married, this is Tongfang's birth. It is said that Tongfang is the heart of the uncle heart." As for why the family who allowed the family will allow the child to be born, it is not known.
       Guan Tai could not help but appreciate:
       "Ding Teacher, it seems that you are very familiar with the people in Yucheng." Tongfang, who knows the uncle, knows that this work is done too carefully.
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "The people in Yucheng are no longer more familiar than me. If there is help from me, you will gain more." This time is to actively recommend yourself to go out, not stupid waiting here, stupid waiting, heaven is not The pie can be dropped.
       Guantai eyes lit up and said:
       "This is no problem, I will go to the general now." With personal help, he will be a lot easier.
       Yun-Qing  did not reject the request of Kuan Tai, but said:
       "The home is the family of the northwest. If you don't have me, don't move for a while." People like Jiejia should not be killed, but should be brought together. Today, it is the time to hire.
       Guantai has no objections.
       Yun-Qing  reminded Guan Tai and said:
       "Let him help you, but you have to let people look at him." Yun-Qing  does not trust Ding Qing yu.
       Guantai nodded to:
       "General, if he dares to think badly, I will kill him." Guan Tai believes that Ding Qing yu is not so stupid, and will betray them at this time.
       Yun-Qing  took Gao Song to see Yuan Ying. When she went, Yuan Ying was still awake. Yun-Qing  asked:
       "How? Is it better?"
       Yuan Ying said with a smile:
       "Nothing, I can't die." When I hit the Beibei Manzi, I didn't die. So I can die here, it's worth it!
       Yun-Qing  felt that this was unlucky and said:
       "Good health, don't think too much."
       Yuan Ying really didn't think too much, but he was definitely alive and kicking after a while. Yuan Ying said:
       "My subordinates are as tall as mountains. I have been helping me with prisoners. He is also very skilled at this. It should be no problem to give him."
       Yun-Qing  nodded, but he had too many things and no time to talk to Yuan Ying:
       "Then you will raise it during this time."
       Yucheng is the most prosperous city in the northwest, and there are many doctors here.
       This will all be asked to take care of the wounded, and the doctor who gave Yuan Ying’s wounded name is very famous.
       Out of the house, Yun-Qing  asked this doctor:
       "Is it true that General Yuan’s injury is not tight?"
       When Yuan Ying spoke, it was obviously not very good.
       He Da Fu said:
       "This Yuan general is hurting the lungs. Although there is no danger to life, he can no longer do strenuous exercise in the future." Heart and lung are important organs of the human body. Injury to the lungs is equal to the root.
       Yun-Qing  looks awkward, which means that Yuan Ying can no longer bring troops to fight, but fortunately, he is fortunate in his misfortune.
       The first thing that Guantai first checked was the Governor’s Office. Ji Xuan escaped, but things are basically left behind, and money is important, and life is more important. However, even if this is the case, Guan Tai only checked more than one million yuan of silver in the Governor's Office, and the piecemeal gold. Before that, the gold and silver that a prefect of the house had checked were not limited to this number.
       Guantai is not stupid, he can be sure that Ji Xuan must hide the gold and silver:
       "Catch all these people down and ask them where Ji Xuan will hide the gold and silver jewels? If they are honestly confessing, let them have a way of life. If they don't confess, they will live them." Follow Ji Xuan, Can there be any good things!
       What makes Guantai frustrated is that none of these people know where Ji Xuan’s money is. Ding Qing yu said:
       "Ji Xuanzhen has raised so many private soldiers, and the money he has searched for will definitely be used up."
       Guan Tai looked at Ding Qing yu, and there was sarcasm in his eyes. He said:
       "When are you stupid? How much can you spend two or three thousand private soldiers in a year? How much does Ji Xuan search in the northwest?"
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "Now I don't know how many private soldiers Ji Xian has raised?"
       Guan Tai did not answer Ding Qing yu question, but let a trustworthy man bring three hundred people to guard the family to protect the treasure. He himself continued to search other people.
       Yucheng is the most prosperous city in the northwest.
       There are more officials and more wealthy people.
       There is no way to compare them.
       The money collected is more than all the previous ones.
       This does not include the medicinal materials, cloth, grain and other things that have been obtained.
       Yun-Qing  has to deal with too many things, so that the ascendant is as high as the mountains to take care of the prisoners.
       This time is different from before.
       This time, Yun-Qing  did not give these people any choices. In addition to being injured, they can go home, and all others must be included.
       The loss was too great, and it was necessary to replenish the horse as soon as possible. Not only that, but he had to recruit troops.
       Guantai came back to see Yun-Qing  in the morning and looked at Yun-Qing 's dignified look and asked:
       "General, what happened?"
       He speculated that it should probably be the imperial army of the court.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "No, it is a change in the Beibei people. It may not be long before the Beibei army will be on Fu-Cheng City."
       Guantai face was ugly when he heard this:
       "It seems that the Beibei people have got the news and want to take the opportunity to break Fu-Cheng City."
       If it is only the Beibei army, it is not afraid, but the court’s counter-insurgency army is estimated to be coming soon.
       The thing that he is most worried about is still happening. It is also the price of this breakthrough in the city. It is too heavy, or it will not be passive.

       Chapter 642 Show off the rich   

       February is the season for all things to wake up.
       The trees in the yard have already sprouted, and the earth under the trees also has a little green color.
       Yu-xi went to the five-bird show that had been thinking for more than a minute.
       The first few days of general pain, walking is not stable and people are holding. Switching to the average person has long since given up, but Yu-xi insisted and persisted for half a month. It is much better now.
       After breakfast, Qu Mama said; "Madam, tea cakes and fruits are ready." Today Yu-xi feasted Yun-Qing 's hand-to-heart Madam.
       Yu-xi said a word:
       "After half an hour, they should have arrived." She will also wear makeup. Although she does not have to dress up, she will not be very good and needs makeup.
       This banquet is to tell everyone that she is innocent, and that the people outside can always guess how long she can live. Secondly, I will communicate with the public Madam to enhance my feelings.
       Yu-xi just got makeup, I heard Servant said that ‘Mistress Zhao came over. Her clothes have not changed, it is not good to see people, so she will be pregnant in the living room.
       ‘Mistress Zhao is a person who knows Yu-xi is particularly particular about it, and there is nothing to be dissatisfied with. When I saw Yu-xi coming out, I smiled and said:
       "Your dress is so beautiful, I am afraid that Fu-Cheng City can't find a second one."
       Yu-xi wore a 12-month dress with a skirt and a skirt that was pleated and walked, and it was very elegant.
       This dress was still made in Capital City in the same day, but it was always worn without wearing it.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "Fu-Cheng City does not, does not mean that the city is not. At that time, you want to do a few pieces to do a few." Yucheng is more prosperous than here.
       Zhao Er’s grandmother’s heart was a stagnation and said with a smile:
       "Forget it, I am still paying attention to this when I am so old, and I will do a few things for Zi-Yao." This dress is not cheap at first sight, she should not waste this money.
       Yu-xi does not agree with Zhao grandmother’s point of view, saying:
       "What is this age? You are only twenty-five this year!"
       ‘Mistress Zhao said with a smile:
       "I am old, where is comparable to you, it seems to be only 16 or 17 years old!"
       Without waiting for the Yu-xi opening, I heard the licorice said:
       "Madam, Feng Madam is coming."
       ‘Mistress Zhao Er ‘called, very surprised to say:
       "How did Chang-shi come over today?"
       Feng Dajun’s ‘Madam’ surnamed Chang.
       Yu-xi personally went to the yard to welcome Chang-shi into the house. If you don't look at the Buddha face, you can see that Feng Dajun is the powerful arm of Yun-Qing . She also has to entertain Chang-shi.
       Chang-shi didn't want to come, she was not used to such an occasion, she always felt out of place. But in the end it was persuaded by Pozi around me. Cloud Madam personally post, if not, don't you give the cloud Madam face.
       ‘Mistress Zhao looked at Chang-shi and frowned.
       This Chang-shi is too much to dress up. In a crimson clothes, I combed a round plaque with a golden plaque. I don’t know what it was like Mama in the mansion!
       Yu-xi is a smile that makes people come up with tea and fruit snacks.
       This time, Yu-xi made a lot of cakes, including hibiscus cake, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Hong-duo candied cake, crystal dragon cake, purple-dragon cake, and peach cake with all kinds of biscuits.
       Chang-shi looked at the biscuits and found it very strange. He took a piece of food and couldn’t help but sigh after eating:
       "It's so delicious, I don't know how to do this thing?"
       Yu-xi smiled:
       "Use the fine noodles, and then mix the milk. If Madam is interested, I will take the prescription and go back and try it myself." This is the first time that biscuits are made. Yu-xi doesn't like to eat this, so the house has not appeared.
       Chang-shi also did not be modest, said directly:
       “Thank you Madam.” This thing, the daughter definitely likes to eat. Chang-shi has a child and a daughter, her daughter is very picky, and many things are not eaten.
       This made her very worried, which would make her feel that her daughter should like this delicious and delicious snack.
       Zhao Er’s grandmother deliberately pretended to be very sour and said:
       "Yu-xi, you are not too interesting.
       This recipe will only give Feng Madam no part of me."
       Chang-shi is somewhat restrained and feels that she has caused trouble for Yu-xi.
       Yu-xi smiled at her:
       "She is joking! Feng Madam doesn't care. She has all the recipes for the purple-crystal cake." ‘Mistress Zhao has a prescription, but this pastry is not as delicious as Bai Mama.
       This made Zhao 2nd Madam particularly frustrated.
       The other people who have been banqueting have come over. But when the last one, Xiang Wei Guo ‘Madam’ Yan-shi came in, the house suddenly calmed down.
       This Yan-shi is dressed in a big red dress, combing a peony, with a jewel on the left and a jewel, and a pair of gold-filled rubies in the right, and a large ruby.
       The ear is embellished with red emerald drop earrings, a finely crafted beaded gold necklace on the neck, two gemstone rings on the finger, and a red gold plastic bracelet on the wrist of the right hand.
       Looking at the dress of Yan-shi, Yu-xi raised his brow. What is this Xiang Wei Guo? Remind him to let Yan-shi not be too arrogant, and all she said was nonsense.
       ‘Mistress Zhao Er said with a smile:
       "To Madam, you have enough jewelry to buy a five-in-one house in the best location in Xinpingcheng."
       Where is this to come to the banquet, this is clearly to show jewelry. Anyway, she saw these jewels and didn't see anyone.
       Yan-shi is very beautiful, except for Yu-xi, her appearance is the most outstanding. Upon hearing this, Yan-shi raised his eyebrows and said with pride:
       "We have bought a five-entry house in Xinpingcheng."
       Zhao Er’s grandmother deliberately pretended to be envious and said:
       "It’s true to the generals, and Yan-Sister-Sister is blessed." Other people present, there may not be more than Jin Wei Guo. But even if other people wear it, they usually only wear one or two pieces. Like Yan-shi, they hate to wear all the jewelry.
       Yan-shi likes this compliment very much and says:
       "That is. I was concentrating on the ability of the husband to be outstanding, and I will marry me."
       Yu-xi thinks that Yan-shi brain is filled with bean curd, otherwise it will not be able to hear the sarcasm of ‘Mistress Zhao. Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "To Madam, please sit down!" Several banquets held before, Yan-shi also came. However, Yan-shi was very proud at the time, but it was not as public as it is now.
       For Yan-shi, the bottom of the Yu-xi is clear. Yan-shi is a Xinpingcheng person and his father is a small trader. Because of her outstanding appearance, she was taken care of by Xiang Wei Guo.
       Xiang Wei Guo sent people to mention the relatives. At the time, the Yan family lions wanted five thousand Silver Taels. Xiang Wei Guo really likes Yan-shi, but he doesn't have that much money. Finally, I asked for Yun-Qing  before I gathered the bride price.
       Yan-shi Since childhood, because her appearance is outstanding, her family is like a baby. When she marries, she will make a small temper from time to time. Xiang Wei Guo loves to eat this set.
       The two were so good to adjust the oil, even if Yan-shi has not been produced yet, Xiang Wei Guo does not care.
       Yan-shi seems to be obviously a brainless, and Xiang Wei Guo is still by her, which makes Yu-xi worry. Xiang Wei Guo is in charge of the military needs. Once the bad thoughts are moved, the big problems can be reached at that time.
       Yan-shi looked at the bottom of the chair, which was empty, and looked dissatisfied. But she has no brains, and she knows that this occasion is not something she can scatter.
       Yu-xi Who, looking at her face, knows that she is not satisfied with this arrangement. But this time the banquet is Yun-Qing 's confidant, and their age is not too different from the official title, so Yu-xi also has no primary and secondary, they are first come first. Yan-shi finally arrived, naturally sitting in the last position.
       Du-Zheng’s ‘Madam’, Bao-Shi, said in order to ease the atmosphere:
       "Madam, why didn't you see Eldest Miss? I listened to my home, Old Master, saying that the Eldest Miss was strong and strong." The Northwesters and the Jingcheng people have different opinions.
       They want the children to be strong.
       This shows that the child will not die if he is well fed.
       Yu-xi did not tweak, and told the licorice around me to say:
       "Let them get the Eldest Miss and the 2nd Miss."
       The people present have seen Jao-Jao, but Lu-Er is still seeing for the first time. Jao-Jao cried happily when he saw Yu-xi:
       Yu-xi hugged her and gently patted her back.
       This little guy can eat especially, eat four meals a day, this does not include fruit snacks. It is also the proper control of Yu-xi, plus Jao-Jao is very active, or else it will definitely grow into a little fat girl.
       Feng Madam looked at Lu-Er, although the child is a little weak, but the facial features and the skin look really real. Feng Madam is not a compliment, but looking at Lu-Er can't help but say:
       "This child is so good, Madam, the person who will raise the family will definitely break your doorstep."
       A family has a hundred women, this is the greatest pride of parents. Yu-xi smiled and said:
       "You have won the prize." To praise the child, it is more fun than to praise her as a mother.
       When Bao--Shi saw Lu-Er, he smiled and said:
       "2nd Miss is so snowy and lovely, I want to take it home." Jao-Jao is strong, but it is too much like a kid, not as Lu-Er is so flattering.
       Yan-shi glanced and said with a smile:
       "I remember that your two kids are only three years old. If you really like it, you can make a baby kiss!"
       When Yan-shi words fell, the original lively scene quieted down.
       ‘Mistress Zhao grandmother opened her mouth and finally did not say anything. She didn't know the meaning of Yu-xi, she still didn't just plug in.
       Feng Dajun’s ‘Madam’, Chang-shi, generally does not speak on this occasion, but this will be said in an unprecedented way:
       "The dolls are the most bad. When they grow up, they don't vote.
       The couple are noisy, but they are not beautiful." Chang-shi is completely from the heart.
       Bao--Shi is a little depressed. I don’t know if she really wants to get married with the Yun family! Just boasting a good two sentences, how can it be brought about!
       Yu-xi said with a smile; "Listen to Feng Madam's tone, should I have heard or seen something similar? If it is convenient, let us talk to us."
       Chang-shi just regretted when he finished speaking. Seeing Yu-xi is not angry, his heart is slightly loose:
       "My aunt's husband-sister-in-law's shi-nu is a fixed doll. As a result, both children are acutely violent, and they are constantly arrogant." This pro is far from true.
       Yu-xi nodded:
       "Yes! It still needs to be like a temperament, to be beautiful and beautiful."

       Chapter 643 Benben (1)   

       After leaving the guest, Yu-xi leaned on the soft couch and looked tired.
       -. Licorice climbed into the bed, massaged Yu-xi, and learned for a while, the massage technology of licorice barely passed.
       Seeing Yu-xi fell asleep, licorice covered Yu-xi with a quilt, walked out lightly, and said to Qu Mama:
       "Madam is too hard."
       Qu Mama ideas are different:
       "Madam's spirit is much better now than before." Although it is just to accompany everyone to talk and chat, but it is also very consuming.
       ‘Mistress Zhao returned home and talked to Zhao Madam about today's party:
       "Mother, Xiang Wei Guo did not lead the war, how much money can I divide?"
       Yan-shi used it and needed a lot of money. ‘Mistress Zhao felt that Xiang Wei Guo had been corrupted and accepted bribes.
          - Zhao Madam said silently:
       "What is the attitude of Han-shi?"
       ‘Mistress Zhao Er shook her head and said:
       "Can't you see something different?"
       The two have known each other for so long, and it is reasonable to say that she should be familiar with Yu-xi. But she really can't see Yu-xi.
          - Zhao Madam put down the beads and said:
       "I don't see it right, I am afraid that Han-shi is also suspicious of Xiang Wei Guo? I don't know if Han-shi will deal with Xiang Wei Guo?"
       ‘Mistress Zhao said:
       "No, Xiang Wei Guo is a Yun-Qing  person. Yu-xi can't deal with him.
       The most is to collect evidence in secret." With enough evidence, Yun-Qing  can dispose of Xiang Wei Guo. It is.
       Yu-xi wakes up for half an hour before going to the ear room did not see two children, asked:
       "Jao-Jao and Lu-Er?"
       Yu-xi put both of them in the ear room now. Yu-xi didn't like it very much, but Jao-Jao liked Lu-Er very much, and he wanted to live with Mei Mei. Yu-xi finally reluctantly agreed, but told Jao-Jao that if she cried and scared Lu-Er, she would not be allowed to stay in the ear room and as a result, Yatou could understand it, Lu-Er was there. She never cried again.
       Licorice said:
       "Madam, Eldest Miss and the second Miss took the vegetable garden." Now that the weather is good and there is no wind, Lan Mama has taken Lu-Er out.
       Yu-xi didn't go to the garden, but went into the study room. After feeling better, Yu-xi asked Huo Changqing to give her the information of the members of the guard, not to control first, but to understand these people.
       At this time, Yunfu came to an uninvited guest.
       The guard column looked at the young man in front of him, thinking that he had a problem with his ear and asked:
       "You said who you are?"
       This person actually claimed to be the husband of Fu Qing luo.
       This man is really big and even went to Fu-Cheng City.
       This is the rhythm of life!
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "I am Yang Duo-ming, the husband of Qing luo. I want to see Madam, please let the Darens get together."
       The column is cold and says:
       "Come on, tied this person and sent it to the general." Turning someone else Miss, such a thing should be killed.
       Yang Duo-ming's face changed slightly and said with a cold face:
       "I didn't expect the cloud Madam to turn his face and not recognize people. It is also my eyes that Yang will believe that the cloud Madam is really a kind person." The attitude of the pillar, Qing luo is really fierce and fierce, no wonder he I did not hear the whereabouts of Qing luo in Fu-Cheng City. Yang Duo-ming regretted this time. At that time, he should not listen to Qing luo words. He thought that Han-shi was really a generous and benevolent person. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it.
       The two guards want to come up and subdue Yang Duo-ming. Yang Duo-ming has his own martial arts. However, when he arrived, it would be a joke if Yunfu people could not catch him.
       The fight outside the door shocked Xu Wu. Xu Wu hurried to the door and looked at Yang Duo-ming, who was tied up by Wuhua, and asked:
       "what happened?"
       The pillar touched the swollen face and said:
       "This kid is Yang Duo-ming, I am going to take him to see the general!" When General Fu saw this little white face, it would definitely be unloaded.
       The reason why the pillar is so unkind to Yang Duo-ming is that he did not expect Fu Qing luo to be robbed by a bandit. It is really hateful.
       Yang Duo-ming, although kept, can still speak:
       "The general Yun and the cloud Madam promised our husband and ‘Madam’, and we will accept our husband and ‘Madam’ after the event." It seems that he was not lucky, just happened to meet a second son.
       After hearing the incident, I realized that this Yang Duo-ming helped the general and Madam to do things. Xu Wu glanced at the pillar and said coldly:
       "Why doesn't this matter make people look back at Madam or me?"
       In this case, the pillar is not authorized to dispose of it.
       The pillars were dark and ‘calling. I didn’t expect this inside story:
       "Boss, this is my fault." If you do something wrong, you are doing something wrong, you can't argue.
       Xu Wu looked at the people around him and said:
       "If this is a matter of daring to reveal a word, one will not spare." This is to let everyone close their mouths. If Fu Tianlei knows that Yang Duo-ming came to find his own Madam, I am afraid that it is another lawsuit.
       This column is really a failure.
       The pillar knows that he has done a bad job and is not talking.
       Yu-xi heard Xu Wu say that Yang Duo-ming came, and frowned and said:
       “Can there be evidence to prove identity?”
       After two assassinations, if you still go to see you without asking for your identity, you can only be stupid if you are assassinated.
       Xu Wu handed two letters to Yu-xi and said:
       “Yang Duo-ming said that these two letters can prove his identity.” He has already checked it, no problem.
       Yu-xi only glanced at it and knew that the letter was true:
       "Let him rewrite the letter he wrote last time." It seems to be a simple thing, but it is the best way to verify identity. In the first place, the writing can't be faked; the second is to know the contents of this letter.
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "it is good."
       Yang Duo-ming is also not impatient. Cloud Madam has never seen it before. It is normal to verify his identity. Not verifying, it is not normal.
       Yu-xi did not see Yang Duo-ming in the backyard, but went to the small living room in the front yard. Yu-xi is actually a bit strange. Why did Yang Duo-ming not go to Yun-Qing , but went to Fu-Cheng City to find her.
       Xu Wu led Yang Duo-ming into the study and he stood in the middle of the room without leaving. If Yang Duo-ming has a change, he can also guarantee the safety of Madam.
       Yu-xi glanced at Yang Duo-ming and said:
       "Green radish?"
       Yu-xi also thought that Fu Qing luo allowed Yang Duo-ming to be placed elsewhere.
       Yang Duo-ming's face changed slightly. What happened to Qing luo? Yang Duo-ming said quickly:
       "I asked Qing luo to return to Fu-Cheng City first. Why didn't she find Madam?"
       Yu-xi is a bit strange, saying:
       "No. And if she really returned to Fu-Cheng City, I will know." Yu-xi is very strange, asks:
       "Why would you let Qing lu go back to Fu-Cheng City to find me?"
       This thing, I feel another hidden feeling.
       Yang Duo-ming, although anxious, but also not arbitrarily, smiled bitterly:
       "Green Luo has a child. I am worried that when Nancheng can't help but escape, she will not be able to withstand her body. So she let her quietly leave Nancheng in early November." It turns out that his fear is right.
       They have been hiding in the snow-capped mountains for nearly half a month, and the body of the green radish is definitely unbearable. But he did not expect that the green radish did not even go to Fu-Cheng City.
       Yu-xi asked:
       "How old is the child at that time?"
       After hearing it for less than three months, Yu-xi breathed a sigh of relief:
       "That's right.
       There are thousands of miles from Nancheng to Fu-Cheng City, and it's a bad winter road. If she really wants to hear you, the children will definitely not be able to keep it." When the mother, everything is child-first. of. Fu Qing luo is not stupid, how can I not know if she is in danger of returning to Fu-Cheng City.
       Yang Duo-ming responded quickly and asked:
       “Madam means that the green roots have not returned to Fu-Cheng City, and it is likely to be hidden in Maicheng?”
       Yu-xi thought about it:
       "If it were me, I would definitely find a more remote place to hide." It is certainly impossible to hide in Maicheng.
       The general search in the city is relatively tight, and it would be better to hide in a remote place.
       Yang Duo-ming was thinking that Nancheng was too dangerous, and other places were not stable. It would be safe for Fu Qing luo to return to Fu-Cheng City, and there were people who took care of them but forgot the potential danger. Mainly Yang Duo-ming See Fu Qing luo, good health, thinking she can stand it. Fu Qing luo didn't want him to worry, nor told him. Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Madam, I am going back to Maicheng to find green radish."
       Yu-xi naturally does not prevent people from finding a ‘Madam’, saying:
       "Don't worry, the two Servants around Qing luo are very capable and martial arts.
       They will take care of the green radish." Hiding in such a remote ravine may cause some suffering, but no life. .
       Yang Duo-ming said, he said:
       "I hope so."
       See Yang Duo-ming did not say to go, just looking at Xu Wu, Yu-xi knows that this person is talking to her. Yu-xi said to Xu Wu:
       "Xu Guard, you go out first."
       Xu Wu has no doubts. Just like the performance of Yang Duo-ming, he knows that this person is not disguised.
       After Xu Wu went out, Yang Duo-ming kneeled on the ground and said to Yu-xi, he said:
       "If Madam doesn't give up, I would like to follow Madam."
       Yu-xi was surprised, she did not expect Yang Duo-ming to follow her. Although I am happy, I still have to say:
       "You should know, I am just a son-in-law in the backyard. I am also doing some things that I am doing, and there is no future." Going to her, and going to Yun-Qing , are two concepts.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Please Madam stay in the next."
       Yu Xi saw her attitude so determined, could not help but ask:
       "Why are you going to go to me? If you go to my husband, I will definitely be able to come forward with a future."
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "Going to the generals, I also can't be reused." Fu Tianlei and Yun-Qing  have the same feelings, and Yun-Qing  will offend him for his confession. He will not be allowed to hand it over to Fu Tianlei.
       Yu-xi heard a smile on his face and said:
       "You are so sure, General Fu will ask me for someone, will I give it?"
       Yang Duo-ming did not answer this question and sent an oath:
       "Madam, if you are willing to take me, I will always be loyal to you, never betray." Yang Duo-ming is actually betting, bet Yu-xi will not let Fu Tianlei kill her after accepting him.
       Yu-xi looks slightly, and what she lacks right now is the one who is loyal to her. Although Yun-Qing  people are easy to use, they only loyal to Yun-Qing . Once the husband and ‘Madam’ have contradicted, these people must be standing on the Yun-Qing  side. And Yang Duo-ming is a good person, accept him,

       Chapter 644 Going to run (2)   

       Yu-xi measured it in my heart and said:
       "I am just missing people who are inquiring about intelligence. Are you willing to do this?"
       Yang Duo-ming glimpsed, but quickly reacted and asked:
       "Madam, do you want me to go to Capital City to inquire about intelligence?"
       Yang Duo-ming actually knew that he had to go to Yu-xi, and he should not give him any bad things at the beginning. I didn't expect him to inquire about the news and do intelligence work when he opened it. But it is also clear from here that the cloud Madam is not a woman who is willing to be inside.
       This is a very good thing for him.
       Yu-xi is willing to listen to words:
       "Don't you go to Maicheng to find Fu Qing luo? Then you should first explore the situation of Maicheng and the neighboring counties. As for where you will go later, wait for the situation in the northwest to stabilize and discuss again." Is Yang Duo in the future? -ming to Capital City, this can not be decided.
       Yang Duo-ming nodded and said:
       "Well, I will look for the green radish and I will explore the situation in Maicheng and the surrounding counties. But Madam, how do I pass the news to you when I arrive?"
       Yu-xi said:
       "For the time being, I don't have to send a message back. I will give it to me when I move to Yucheng." She asked Yang Duo-ming to inquire about Lanzhou City and Maicheng and other places. Yang Duo-ming's ability.
       Yang Duo-ming said, said:
       "Master, I know how to do it."
       Yu-xi looked at Yang Duo-ming and said:
       "If you can loyal to my life forever, I will not be betray you. If you dare to betray me, I will not let you go." Yu-xi intends to let Yang Duo-ming develop one.
       The forces, and there are sources of black widows, she is not worried about being fooled.
       Yang Duo-ming immediately issued a poison oath:
       "If I dare to betray Madam, let me die without a place of burial. After death, I will fall to the 18th floor of hell.
       The Yang family will also break the grandson." This is also a very bad oath.
       Yu-xi is very convinced of the existence of the god Buddha. When he heard this, his look was a little slow. He took a gold bar into the house and handed it to Yang Duo-ming. He said:
       "It costs a lot to inquire about the news. You hold it.
       There are forty gold bars, each with a gold bar. If it is not enough, you send a credible person to take it." Four hundred and two gold, equal to four thousand silver two, enough Yang Duo-ming is used for half a year.
       The main thing is that Yu-xi is just letting Yang Duo-ming inquire about some of the marginal news, and he is familiar with him in places like Maicheng.
       There are still advantages in this. If you go to Capital City or Jiangnan, this money is not enough. (no notice)
       Yang Duo-ming In the past, although they were the heads of the bandits, they were all left in the Maluo Mountain bandits.
       They were not well-off on most days.
       They mixed up with food and clothing and did not have any family. Unexpectedly, Yu-xi turned out to be four hundred and two gold, which was generous.
       Yu-xi said:
       "You are going to Maicheng now, or else Fu Tianlei will get a message to catch you." I still told Yang Duo-ming:
       "Fu Tianlei hates you very much. I think that you have forced the green radish to make her a bandit Pozi. You can escape this time. You may still have to face it in the future." If there is Fu Qing luo, things will be much easier. .
       Yang Duo-ming nodded and said:
       "I know, this is what I am wrong. When I arrive, I will personally apologize to Daxie." Although Qing luo is willing to marry him, but no three media and six hired two people to become a husband and ‘Madam’, Let the green radish is very wronged.
       Yu-xi is very satisfied with this answer, which proves that Yang Duo-ming is still a responsible man. Yu-xi said:
       "You can go now!" Fu Tianlei snored, this housework is a mess.
       Fu Tianlei 2nd Brother Yan-Xi and Shen Xiao Mao are waiting not far from Yunfu. When I saw Yang Duo-ming coming out, the two men ran over and received:
       "Big brother, how is sister-in-law?"
       Yang Duo-ming said the situation briefly:
       "I am going to Maicheng to find your sister-in-law? The one that Yunyun had just made must have fallen into the eyes of the people. You have to leave me here." Yang Duo-ming originally wanted Yan- Xi came to the army, but he worried that Fu Tianlei could not find him and would take his 2nd Brother out. I feel that I still took 2nd Brother to leave the security.
       Yan-Xi is called:
       "Without you, I died with Xiaomao. Big Brother, I am not saying that we will follow you all our lives. Where will the big brother go, where are we going?"
       Yang Duo-ming didn't want to delay the future of the two. Seeing that the two refused to leave and no longer rushed the two away. He has an errand now, and this errand is in need of help:
       "Since you don't leave, follow it and follow me later." When he got to Maicheng, he went to find a few Brother who used to use it. However, I haven’t done anything to inquire about the news, and I still have no bottom in my heart.
       Shen Xiao Mao asked:
       "Big Brother, have you seen the cloud Madam, did the cloud Madam give you something bad?"
       I have always wanted them to join the army to make contributions, but they are not here. However, the older brother always said that he could not delay their future. He said that the man should make a meritorious deed, and he did not expect to change his mind when he entered Yunyun. Shen Xiao Mao feels that there is something in it.
       Yang Duo-ming said:
       "This is not a place to talk. Let's go! I will tell you when I am out of town." The longer the delay, the more dangerous it is.
       Xu Wu sent Yang Duo-ming out of the yard and turned back to the inner court. He asked Yu-xi:
       "Madam, I don't understand why you want to accept Yang Duo-ming?"
       Yu-xi said:
       "Yang Duo-ming is a personal talent. Observe that if he is sincerely able to do a lot of things for us. Now we are lacking talents." Yun-Qing  put down some books in the army and other people to go to the county. Serve. Yun-Qing  only saves a moment, but it is not only that this behavior is very harmful, but she is still not good with Xu Wu and others.
       Xu Wu hesitated and said:
       "Can you meet the generals, how do we cross?"
       Fu Tianlei hated Yang Duo-ming, but now Madam has taken over, and this is hard to do.
       Yu-xi thought about it:
       “Yang Duo-ming yelled at his name at the gate, fearing that he had been taken up by people. You told Fu Tianlei that Fu Qing luo is pregnant, and now that life and death is not enough, Yang Duo-ming is now looking for her.”
       Xu Wu is very worried to say:
       "Madam, in case Wan Tianlei sent someone to catch Yang Duo-ming, what should I do if I want to kill him later?"
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "No." If Fu Tianlei is acting so cleanly, there will not always be a Servant crawling bed. If there is a Servant Climbing Bed for the first time, Fu Tianlei will directly kill people, and there will be no later events. He didn't even kill a Servant, Fu Qing luo is his amiable Mei Mei, how can he get this pickpocket. Nowadays, Yang Duo-ming and Fu Qing luo will not be involved in the family. Fu Tianlei hates Yang Duo-ming and will not let Mei Mei be widowed, so that the unborn or the shi-nu has no relatives. People have weaknesses, but Fu Tianlei weakness is fatal.
       Xu Wu still believes in the judgment of Yu-xi and says:
       "Madam, I will go and talk to General Fu." Someone saved this.
       Fu Tianlei heard that Yang Duo-ming had found the capital, and immediately asked:
       "Why don't you catch him?"
       Fu Tianlei hates Yang Duo-ming, and if it is not Yang Duo-ming, he will not go on the road of rebellion.
       Xu Wu said aside the cause of the hungry, and afterwards, it was awkward:
       "You also know that my family Madam has always been a bodhisattva heart. When I heard that Yang Duo-ming said that the green mold was already pregnant, and where it could be withstood, let him hurry to find someone."
       Fu Tianlei heard that Fu Qing luo was pregnant, not only did not have a bit of joy, but gnashed his teeth and said:
       "Yang Duo-ming, I must kill you!"
       Xu Wu looked at the sigh of Fu Tianlei, who was full of anger, and said:
       "General Fu, now Cheongna Miss still do not know what, let Yang Duo-ming to find it! I'm sure he can quickly find Cheongna Miss. You have to settle the account, wait for him to find people later afterwards." Done deal, Xu Wu feels that it is better to look wider. Of course, if he is replaced by Fu Tianlei, the cell-sister will be robbed by the bandits and become a ‘Madam’.
       Fu Tianlei did not say anything.
       Xu Wu is not good to say, after all, this is also a ugly thing. Xu Wu transferred the topic and said:
       "Fu general, I heard that the Beibei barbarians gathered 200 thousand troops and prepared to attack our city." There were only 40 thousand soldiers in the city, and all the soldiers were transferred. Xu Wu was worried.
       Fu Tianlei said:
       "Do not worry about this, I have already sent a letter to Yun-Qing , let him draw 60 thousand horses back to support."
       Xu Wu nodded:
       "That's good." Xu Wu also knows in his heart that it was God's care before, otherwise it would be so smooth for the soldiers in the cold weather, but people can't always rely on luck.
       Xu Wu just returned to Yunfu, and Xu Daniu told him something. Xu Wu face changed slightly and she went to the backyard Yu-xi and said:
       "Madam, the general has attacked the city, but it has folded 100 thousand horses to go in." The loss of 100 thousand, let them hurt!
       Yu-xi looks uncertain, she knows that Yucheng is not so easy to attack, but she did not expect to be so fierce. Yu-xi thinks this is not easy, ask:
       “How can you damage so many people?”
       Xu Wu said with a blue face:
       "Ji Xuanzhen raised 30 thousand private soldiers.
       This time, these private soldiers were sent to defend the city.
       These private soldiers are not only equipped with excellent combat strength, but also not afraid of death." The Northwest Army encountered hard battles, so it will pay so much.
       The price.
       Yu-xi hangs down.
       Xu Wu hurriedly said:
       "Madam, you still bring the Eldest Miss II Miss to Lanzhou City! It will be safe to stay there." If there are fewer people, you can recruit, but the problem is that the newly recruited soldiers have to be trained to get on the battlefield.
       Therefore, this war is relatively suspended.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "I can't go." If she left, everyone thought that Fu-Cheng City might not be able to keep it, which would shake the heart. So anyone can go, that is, she can't go. She must wait for Yun-Qing  here, or wait until the danger is lifted before leaving.
       Xu Wu is not unaware of the internal reasons, but he is very worried:
       "Madam, it's too dangerous here. If you have three long and two short, let us explain to the general."
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "I have decided, you should not persuade."

       Chapter 645 Character determines fate   

       Yu-Rong sat on the bed of joy, looking at the red candlestick on the table at the table, which would make the candle burning, and the flames beating slightly.
       There is a bad feeling in the heart of the green leaves. It’s so late why my grandfather is still not here:
       "Miss, you lie down and have a break, wait for your grandfather to come, I wake you up."
       Yu-Rong’s mouth smirked and said:
       "No, I will wait for the husband to come over."
       The green leaves carefully said:
       "Or, I let the green grass ask and see." Drinking, should not drink so late, I don't know today is the cave room the candlelight night!
       Yu-Rong shook his head and said:
       "No, if people know that they will laugh." But when the groom’s official came back, he sent someone to look for it eagerly, and then she would laugh at her.
       The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the moon doesn't know when it will fall.
       The green leaves went out and came back, bowing their heads and saying to Yu-Rong:
       "Miss, my grandfather was drunk, in the study took a break."
       Yu-Rong jerked up and said:
       "Which servants are dead? Even if the grandfather is drunk, it should be sent to the happy house come? How to get to the study go?"
       Yu-Rong is in the goldfish alley, cultivates the ability of the stewardship director, but also has the same temper.
       The green leaves are almost down to the ground:
       "This servant does not know." After the green leaves and the green grass were separated, Yu-Rong himself picked it from the human hand. Yu-Rong has a bad temper and the two Servant have not suffered much.
       Yu-Rong glared at the big red quilt on the embroidered hundred sons and grandchildren, his eyes were dark. Today's business, 100% is the old devil's bad, just to make her shame.
       The green leaf is a clever one, otherwise it is impossible to stay in Yu-Rong for so long. She knows that her grandfather will be in the study room it is impossible to be a child. Green heart is upset. Before, others have always said that Jiang 2nd Master is deeply impressed by his own Miss, and she believes it. But today, she has become suspicious.
       On the wedding night, the groom’s official slept in the study room, and Yu-Rong, the bride, how to sleep. Regardless of how the green leaves persuaded, Yu-Rong didn't sleep, just leaning against the bed and his eyes falling on the candle, just like this, always seeing the dawn.
       The green leaves looked at Yu-Rong's face was white, and the wedding night was alone. How do you say that you are living out of your own Miss? Not to mention that your own Miss has always been proud.
       The outside Mama said:
       "2nd Nai-Nai, it's dawn, it's time to give the old Master Madam tea." They all know yesterday, just pretending to be mute.
       Yu-Rong said coldly:
       "Water." What kind of tricks does this old Lady have?
       Just dressed up, Jiang Hongjin walked in from the outside and said to Yu-Rong:
       "Well, let me go with my father and mother."
       Yu-Rong had a stomach fire, but when I saw Jiang Hongjin, the fires disappeared. When I saw Jiang Hongjin’s clothes, I licked my mouth and said softly:
       "‘Fu Jun’, your bamboo-blue clothes are too light, go back and change clothes!" It’s too ugly to wear this lightly day. Moreover, she wore clothes with red and red pomegranates, and the couple did not wear them at all.
       Jiang Hongjin did not put the words of Yu-Rong in his heart, but still said faintly:
       "Go!" No extra words, very simple.
       The cloud was light and light, and Yu-Rong was poured into a cool heart. Last night, she still told herself that it was the old devil's bad, but now Yu-Rong doubts her speculation. Yu-Rong looked straight at Jiang Hongjin and said:
       "What happened last night?"
       Jiang Hongjin said faintly:
       "Drunk, Xiao Yan took me to the study in. Go away, or else it should be late." After that, regardless of what Yu-Rong looked, turned and left.
       Yu-Rong is shaking all over the body. She is not a fool, and Jiang Hongjin’s cold look is where she is deeply concerned.
       The green leaf gently pushed Yu-Rong down and said:
       "Miss, can't miss the time, have to go to the Old Master Madam to tea, other things, wait until the tea is finished."
       Yu-Rong bit his lower lip and endured the gas behind Jiang Hongjin.
       The whole thing last night was known to the Jiang government. Looking at the eyes of those who were inquiring, Yu-Rong could not poke these eyes.
       When he was worshipping tea, Jiang Wenrui, who had been promoted to Jiang Shilang, pointed out:
       "I have to think more and think more about it in the future. I can't be so reckless." Yesterday, Jiang Hongjin’s business was up in the morning, and he only knew that this son had been taught by her mother.
       When it was the turn of Jiang Madam, I took a drink and said softly:
       "Open branches and leaves early." Those children who are as big as her son are about to enlighten, but her grandson has no shadow.
       The Jiang family's family rules are rigorous. Unless they are not 30 years old, they are not allowed to have an eldest son. If you don't obey the rules of the ancestors and gave birth to the eldest son, then the child can't get the genealogy of the Jiang family. It is equal to say that this child is not recognized by the family.
       Yu-Rong mosquito-like voice should be:
       After finishing the tea, the young couple went back. However, Jiang Hongjin did not even enter the courtyard, and went to the study room again, leaving Yu-Rong wood alone standing in front of the courtyard.
       Jiang Hongjin did not return this evening.
       Green leaves said:
       "Miss, or do I have to go to the green grass to find out if it is a study room is there any fox, will you confuse your aunt?"
       Yu-Rong nodded:
       "Go!" Only one night, all her fantasies were broken, but even if she died, she would have to die.
       After nearly half a day, the green leaves came back and said to Yu-Rong:
       "Miss, I heard the study there is no Servant waiting, only the 2nd Master's little sister is waiting for the pen and ink." After a pause, the green leaves explained it and said:
       "The two Tongfangs that serve 2nd Master have been married by Madam." This is the rule of the Jiang family. Before the marriage, the house is waiting to be married, saving the influence of the newlyweds.
       Yu-Rong Although she has a bad temper and a bad temper, she is not stupid. Her intuition is that she is in the married Tongfang. Yu-Rong smirked:
       "I thought that he was very interested in me. It turned out to be me as a shield."
       Green leaves calm the said:
       "Madam, the two hooves have been married and can't go back to Jiangfu. Now we should think about how to let the 2nd Master change their minds." Yesterday, you can use drunk as an excuse, if today 2nd Master will not enter Room , 2nd Nai-Nai I am afraid that I can't stand in Jiangfu.
       Yu-Rong’s lower lip is biting and bleeding, saying:
       "I would like to see if he really does not enter the new house tonight."
       On this day, Yu-Rong stayed in his yard and did not go anywhere; and rarely, Jiang Madam did not send Pozi Servant anything.
       In the evening, Yu-Rong stayed until midnight and did not see Jiang Hongjin. At this time, she is not waiting, but she lie down after bathing. Before blinking, Yu-Rong said:
       "When you shine tomorrow, wake up."
       The green leaves are scared and say:
       "Yes, Miss." Miss Miss is not a grievance. It’s been a big grievance and Miss’s silence, and it’s definitely a bigger storm. However, although the green leaves are worried, there is no idea of ​​persuasion. Jiang family and Jiang Hongjin are too bullied, and they have not entered the house for two days. Since she didn't like her family Miss, why did she still go to Jiangjia on the day and said she would not retreat.
       The next day, Jiang Hongjin accompanied Yu-Rong back. Yu-Rong didn't say anything, and she was not cheap at the Jiang family.
       Back to the Hann family, Yu-Rong returned to his yard after seeing Han Jingyan, and let the green leaves call Jiancheng.
       After saying this, she sat in bed and dazed, and even Luo--Shi came in and found nothing. Luo--Shi looked at Yu-Rong face very ugly, asked:
       "5th Miss, what's wrong with you?"
       Newly married couples, shouldn’t they be shy and sinful? How 5th Miss's body suffocating.
       Yu-Rong feels that this is a shame, and for the time being, I don’t want to make a fuss, saying:
       "Sister-in-law, I am tired, I want to rest." For this -Sister-in-law, Yu-Rong has always been a sentiment.
       Luo--Shi didn't think it was right, but she didn't ask.
       Jiancheng was originally accompanied by Jiang Hongjin in the backyard. Jiancheng is also taking the imperial examinations. However, although he is very hard, he has limited literary talents. Now he has only tested the merits of Xiucai.
       Han Jingyan was very dissatisfied with Yu-Rong's unrecognized behavior, but he did not stop it, but said to Jiang Hongjin:
       “Five Yatou is spoiled by me, and Yin Xian can bear more.”
       Jiang Hongjin is still the light and light look of the sky:
       "The father-in-law is relieved, I am not so small."
       Jiancheng met Yu-Rong and asked:
       "-Sister, what are you looking for?"
       Moved to the Goldfish Hutong, because Yu-Rong is in the butler, so I am very caring for my two younger Brother, and the feelings of the 3rd Brother are also very harmonious.
       In front of his younger brother, Yu-Rong is not afraid of losing face, and Jiang Jiangjin has not said anything about her round room. Suffered from such a big grievance, naturally the mother family came forward to ask for justice.
       Jiancheng did not believe at first, asked:
       "-Sister, you said my brother-in-law is not willing to go round with you how is this possible?"
       Jiancheng is also seventeen years old this year.
       The marriage has already been set. It is the eldest daughter of Hongjun Temple, and the wedding period is scheduled for September.
       Yu-Rong tears can't help but fall:
       "Brother, this kind of thing sister-sister can still lie to you? I just don't understand, since he is not willing to marry me, why are you not willing to quit?"
       Jiancheng stood up and said coldly:
       "-Sister, you can rest assured, I will give you a fairness."
       After waiting for a long time, the green leaves rushed to say:
       "Miss, it's not good, 2nd Master will hit the grandfather, and his face is swollen. Miss, go see it?"
       Yu-Rong said:
       "Don't go." Not only did not go to persuade, but also did not want to follow Jiang Hongjin back to Jiangjia, even if Han Jingyan let him go back with Jiang Hongjin, she did not agree.
       Yu-Rong is not stupid. She knows that if this time she swallowed it, she would not be smothered by Jiang’s people.
       Han Jingyan said:
       "Since you have married the Jiang family, you are born to the Jiang family.
       The death is the ghost of the Jiang family. You can't stay in the Hann family all the time."
       Yu-Rong knew his temperament early.
       This man has only himself, and his ‘Madam’ and children are not worth mentioning in his heart. Yu-Rong said:
       "Hey, if this Jiangjia does not give me a satisfactory answer, you force me to return to Jiangjia, I will hang the rope on the cantilever beam."
       Jiancheng said:
       "Oh, we can't let Yu-Rong go to death." This means that he supports Yu-Rong's decision.
       Han Jingyan is still the eldest son of Han Jiancheng
       Finally, 1148 

       Chapter 646 Sudden Change (1)   

       Standing out the window, watching the rainy buds on the outside, the buds of the flowers, and then into a drop of shining raindrops along the leaves quickly fell,
       Yu-Chen said softly:
       "When I have been walking for so many days, I don't know where Wangye is now?"
       It’s raining, and it’s easy to get cold if it’s drenched. -..-.
       Gui Mama said:
       “Wangfei Don't worry, Wangye will definitely not have anything to do.” There are so many people around Wangye who can take care of Wangye.
       Waiting for the ‘zither’ to walk into the road; "Wangfei, the grandmother of the five aunts came over." After that, he added another sentence and said:
       "Wangfei, the grandmother of the five aunts came over alone, and the eyes were swollen and unsatisfactory, and it seemed that they were greatly wronged."
       Yu-Chen said with a brow:
       "Let her come in!" Yu-Chen guessed that Jiang Madam was tossing at --Shi, but even so, Yu Rong did not complain. Just married in the past will make this look like it, and it’s hard to hear it.
       Yu Rong saw Yu-Chen, wowed to cry:
       "3rd sister, 3rd sister, you must be the master of you! 3rd sister..."
       Yu-Chen is wrong, asks:
       "What happened?"
       This appearance seems to have been aggrieved by Tianda. If it’s just that you don’t agree, you shouldn’t be like this.
       Yu Rong couldn’t say anything when he cried, or the green leaves stood up and said the reason for the incident, saying:
       "Wangfei, my grandfather is too much. I didn't get into the wedding room when I was drunk that night. It was nothing to do with it.
       The next day I was not worried about Miss. I stayed in the study at night. It was cold when I followed Miss in the morning. Cold and faint."
       Yu-Chen suddenly ugly, asked:
       "Can you know why?"
       No one is forcing him to marry him. It is his own embarrassment.
       The result is that it is not hateful to go home it is really hateful.
       Yu Rong shook his head and said:
       "I don't know. 3rd sister, I don't want to understand, this is also his own refusal. Why is this for me now?"
       Yu Rong feels that the tears of his life have been drained in these days.
       Yu-Chen is speechless, something you don't understand, how can I know.
       Gui Mama thinks a bit more:
       "Is it a hoof?"
       Some Young Masters are deeply involved in the personal service of Tongfang or Servant, and are reluctant to go to the ‘Madam’'s round room. Gui Mama would say this because she had heard such a thing before. It’s a real thing, not a hearsay.
       The green leaf shook his head and said:
       "Mama, I asked the green grass to ask the people of Jiangfu. Two Tongfang Servant have been married, the study there is no Servant to serve, and the grandfather is also good at cleaning."
       Gui Mama looked at Yu-Chen and she thought that Jiang 2nd Master might have a good Longyang. However, she heard the green leaves denied this possibility, and she had a thought in her mind:
       "Is it Jiang 2nd Master...", she didn't know how to say it.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "Say! He can do such a thing, what do you have to say?"
       Yu-Chen is extremely annoyed with this matter, not only ruining Yu Rong, but also stepping on the face of Han family.
       Gui Mama let other unrelated people go down and then lowered the voice and said:
       "Wangfei, ‘Mistress Wu, I guess Jiang 2nd Master is not willing to go round with the five grandmother or he has a sweetheart, and it is still the kind of death; or he is not humane." Gui Mama tends to be behind That reason. If there is only a sweetheart, Jiang Hongjin should not insist on Yu Yurong.
       Yu Rong's face is pale, and these two may be a fatal blow to her.
       Yu-Chen is annoyed, but still more rational:
       "If this is the case, then it makes sense why he is not willing to retreat." The so-called spectator Qing , Yu-Chen never felt that Jiang Hongjin was deeply concerned about Yu Rong.
       The reason is very simple. If Jiang Hongjin really likes Yu Rong, he will definitely try to find her favorite, but Jiang Hongjin never goes to Hanjia the 3rd House except for the festival. Before Yu-Chen had doubts, it was just that it was hard to say.
       If Yu Rong fell into the ice cave, he quickly shook his head and said:
       "No, I don't believe, can't..."
       Yu-Chen said:
       "This is just Gui Mama speculation. Maybe things are not what we think. It is Jiang Hongjin's hard work. But if you are really bad or have any difficulties, you must let him give us a satisfactory answer. ""
       Yu Rong said:
       "3rd sister, if Jiang Hongjin really can't be human, I want to stay away from him." When he said this, Yu-xi teeth were shaking. She likes Jiang Hongjin, but she still doesn't like to keep him alive for a lifetime, let alone Jiang Hongjin is very cold to her.
       Yu-Chen thought about it and said:
       "What do you mean, if Jiang Hongjin's body is fine, don't you leave with him?"
       The pain of Yu Rong’s face:
       "3rd sister, I don't know."
       Although it is not a close relative to the dismantling of a temple, Yu-Chen is still in favor and separation. However, Yu Rong obviously has not made up her mind, and she does not speak and leave.
       The province got the head and complained. Yu-Chen said:
       "You stay at home first, let Jiancheng go to talk to Jiangjia, see what attitude they are talking about?"
       Yu Rong said with a convulsion:
       "it is good."
       Yu-Chen said:
       "Gui Mama, you personally sent the five grandmothers back to the goldfish alley. He said, if the Jiang family does not give a satisfactory answer, this matter will not end."
       When Yu Rong heard this, he looked up and looked at Yu-Chen and said:
       "3rd sister, I don't want to have a goldfish alley. Can I live in Wangfu?"
       Han Jingyan is unlikely to agree and leave, and the stepmother's face is really disgusting.
       Yu-Chen said:
       "Things haven't been solved yet. It's useless to escape. Go back!" It's not that she doesn't want to stay in Yurong, but she can't stay.
       This matter can only be solved by her and Jiancheng. Unless things get out of hand, she will come out again.
       Yu Rong is very sad, but she also knows the size, if it annoys Yu-Chen does not support her, she is still suffering.
       Yu-Chen softens his temples and whispers:
       "What is this broken?"
       This Jiang Hongjin really does not know what he is, and he dares to come up with such a thing.
       After Gui Mama sent Yu Rong back, she panicked:
       "Wangfei, the big thing is not good..." She did not expect that she would hear such news when she went out for a trip.
       The Yu-Chen station is unstable:
       "Wangye, Wangye, he..." What made Gui Mama so frightened was definitely Wangye accident.
       Gui Mama shook her head and said:
       "It wasn't Wangye accident. It was an accident in Liaodong. Wangfei, Liaodong was also reversed."
       Jing Wang went to Liaodong, but according to the itinerary, it should still be on the road, not to the boundary of Liaodong. Yu-Chen asked:
       "Mama, what about Wangye? Can Wangye have a message?"
       Gui Mama said:
       “Wangfei rest assured that Wangye is definitely fine. But I am worried that Jiu Old Master will have an accident.” Gui Mama is actually worried about Jiang Hou Master, Jiang the Marquis Wangfei.
       Yu-Chen is also worried about Jiang Hou Master, but still comforts himself:
       "There are so many soldiers in your hand that you shouldn't have anything to do."
       Gui Mama felt that this was not possible.
       There are more than 200 thousand horses in the northwest, and now the northwest has fallen.
       Thinking of this, Gui Mama remembered that she had forgotten to say this to Yu-Chen:
       “Wangfei, I just got the news that Yun-Qing  is in the city.”
       Yu-Chen the whole body blood has solidified together, ask:
       "Isn't that the city is so strong that it will not be broken by the rebels?"
       This is what Jing Wang said before she left. I did not expect this to be a few days, the city will be broken.
       The break of the city is equal to the northwest falling into the hands of Yun-Qing .
       Gui Mama said with anxiety:
       "Madam, the local army in the northwest, is too vulnerable." In less than two months, the northwest was completely collapsed.
       Yu-Chen said to himself:
       "Mama, this world is afraid of chaos." The original rebellion in the world, now the northwest fell, and Liaodong rebellion, the world is bound to be chaotic.
       Gui Mama is also very worried, but this time can not add chaos, busy said:
       “Wangfei, I believe that the Marquis can eliminate the rebels in Liaodong.”
       Yu-Chen has a slight heart and nods, saying:
       "What you are saying is, isn't Ji Xuan, he will be able to hold Liaodong and destroy the rebels."
       Unfortunately, this idea only lasted for a day.
       The next day, Yu-Chen used breakfast, the big housekeeper came in and told Yu-Chen a terrible event:
       "Wangfei, now there is a stream outside, saying that the death of Yan Yuanshuai and the Yan family was the hand of the emperor and the Song family."
       Yu-Chen stood up from the couch and asked:
       "How come there is such a rumor?"
       Where is the capital, it is at the foot of the emperor. Once such rumors spread, it will be unimaginable.
       The big housekeeper said:
       "Wangfei, rumors that only the Yan Yuanshuai is dead, the Queen and the Crown Prince will be abolished." As the rumor said, Yan Yuanshuai and Yan family were gone, and the Queen and the Crown Prince also died. Only the emperor did not directly book the 9th Prince for the Crown Prince.
       Yu-Chen was shocked and said:
       "What else is there?"
       The big housekeeper was also confused at this time, saying:
       "Wangfei, Yan Wu-shuang of the Liaodong rebellion. And Yan Wu-shuang also has the orphan of the Crown Prince." Yan Wu-shuang rebellion, and the name of the Crown Prince orphan, which means To abolish the current emperor and support the Crown Prince orphan. If this is true, the emperor’s emperor is indeed not guaranteed. After all, no matter whether it is a civil servant or a civilian, you cannot accept a rebel emperor.
       Yu-Chen initially wondered why Song Guofan went to Liaodong regardless of danger. I was afraid that they had the news that Yan Wu-shuang was still alive, so they wanted to solve this scourge. It is equal to saying that the rumors outside are probably not rumors, but real things.
       The butler said anxiously:
       “Wangfei, what can I do now? Can Wangye go to Liaodong?”
       If this is true, even if Wangye does not arrive in Liaodong, it is likely to have a life-threatening risk.
       Yu-Chen said with her chest:
       "You let me calm down and let me calm down." The impact of this on Yu-Chen was too great, and she was confused now.

       Chapter 647 Shock (2)   

       "Oh..." After a loud noise, the royal study it was silent.
       The eunuch Li-Debao is not allowed to go in the royal study room. Yu phase slowly came over and said to Li-Debao:
       "Li-gonggong, I want to see the emperor, you go to the night." Others want to please Bajie Li-Debao, the eunuch, Yu Xiang is not.
       Although Lee Debao is afraid, I know that I can't drop the chain at this time:
       "You are waiting here, the old servants go all night."
       Coming into the house, he bowed his head and said:
       "The emperor, the prince asked to see." Why the emperor was angry that he was clear, he did not dare to persuade such things.
       The emperor was angry in his heart, but he also knew that it was not a time to lose his temper. It is imperative to solve the problem:
       "Please come in."
       After coming in, he said:
       "Emperor, Yan Wu-shuang Yan Wu-shuang 诽谤
       The emperor wanted to remove Yan Wu-shuang long ago, but the problem is that it cannot be eliminated:
       "I don't know if there are any good suggestions for the family?"
       I have done something wrong, but I am afraid that the ghost will knock on the door. Under normal circumstances, an anti-thief released such a rumor that the emperor first did to convene the Minister of Civil and Military to discuss the matter, instead of getting angry in the royal study.
       The advice of Yu Xiang is also very simple:
       "The levy of the smuggling Yan Wu-shuang, ordered the Marquis to annihilate Yan Wu-shuang, and then dispatched the army to support Jiang the Marquis." Yan Wu-shuang released the news, it is decided not to admit. Admitted, this is not necessary to fight, and directly in front of the ancestors.
       The emperor nodded and said:
       "Good. From Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, dispatch 300 thousand troops to annihilate Yan Wu-shuang." These provinces are not too peaceful, and they cannot pull all the troops and horses, or they will be in a big mess.
       Yu Xiang said:
       "The emperor, Yun-Qing  has already occupied the northwest. If you take Shanxi troops and horses away from Shanxi, you may not be able to protect it.
       The emperor can only transfer troops from Hebei to Shandong."
       The emperor thought about it:
       "Yun-Qing  is mainly based on appeasement. How do you feel about it?"
       First deal with Yan Wu-shuang, and then kill Yan Wu-shuang and deal with Yun-Qing .
       Disagree with each other and say:
       "No. Although Yun-Qing  now occupies the northwest, but Beibei barbarians will definitely attack Fu-Cheng City, we will let Shanxi and Henan soldiers send troops to encircle, and will surely annihilate Yun-Qing ." The barbarian attacked Fu-Cheng City, and Yun-Qing  will be attacked by the enemy. Yun-Qing  will be able to fight again, and there is no such thing as a heaven.
       The emperor also knew that it was reasonable to say that the idea he had just made was too short-sighted.
       The emperor nodded and agreed:
       "Take a total of 120 thousand troops from Hebei and Shandong.
       The idea is good, the reality is cruel.
       The book of the Ministry of Housing knows this and bows his head and says:
       "Not long ago, 600 thousand Silver Taels were sent to General Luboda Lu." Without money, there is no way to fight.
       The emperor rarely sent a temper and said:
       "If you don't have money, you have to get the money out." Never annihilate Yan Wu-shuang, and his throne is unstable.
       The Ministry of Housing is still complaining, and it is not such a change. Let’s think about it.
       "The emperor, the treasury still has a sum of money, but it is prepared for the Empress Dowager Imperial Consort to build a different Courtyard."
       The position of the emperor could not be kept fast, and what other hospitals were repaired:
       "First move the money out, and don't repair it later." Song the Empress Dowager said that he was bored in the palace, let the emperor build a house in Xishan to live with her, the emperor did not agree, Song the Empress Dowager I cried and clashed.
       The emperor did not want to bear the nickname of filial piety, nor did he want to face the tears of the old Lady all day, and he agreed.
       The emperor and the courtiers discussed the darkness. After using the dinner, the emperor thought that he would use the money from the Empress Dowager in the Courtyard, and he should tell her in advance, saving some time to know and make trouble:
       "Go to the Cining Palace."
       Li Debao persuaded:
       "The emperor, the Empress Dowager should have rested at this time. What is the matter, it is not too late to ask the Empress Dowager when you ask for it tomorrow morning." Li Debao is the eunuch of the eunuch, and all the eunuchs in the harem are his. Official, the news is very well-informed.
       The Empress Dowager's anomaly has long been heard. Only this kind of thing knows that it can only be hidden in the stomach. Otherwise, there will be only one dead road.
       The emperor said:
       "If the mother is resting, it will not be late."
       I haven’t left the Imperial Study Room yet, and the Ministry of Military Affairs has come to see you.
       Li-Debao saw his heart sigh of relief. Avoid this matter, or else the empress of the Empress Dowager will be vomited by the emperor. At this critical juncture, the emperor can't have an accident!
       At 1st Master, I saw the look of a face with a dignified look and asked:
       "Hey, the emperor colluded with the Donghu people, are you saying that it will be true?"
       The rumors outside are too detailed, and people have to doubt that this matter has something to do with the emperor.
       After half a day of silence, said:
       "Yan Wu-shuang should hold the evidence, otherwise he would not have such a big enthusiasm to promote this thing." In addition, Song Guofan would not personally go to Liaodong.
       The 1st Master was also not surprised, but it really scared him:
       "How can the emperor do such a thing?"
       I still left evidence to let him not know what to say.
       Yu Xiang said:
       "If Yan Wu-shuang really has evidence of the emperor's treason, he will not be qualified to sit in this dragon chair." Not only that, his son is not qualified to be an emperor.
       Said by 1st Master:
       "Oh, the Emperor God is not guaranteed, you can let the deaf children become the emperor." The shi-zi here is the youngest son of the cherished Yuyan. According to 1st Master, his grandson is an emperor, and he is no better than the Yu family.
       Yu Xiang looked at the 1st Master with an idiot's eyes and said:
       "If the emperor was identified by the world as an enemy of treason, do you think that the deaf can be enthroned as an emperor?"
       Relatives treason, not qualified to be Prince, as his son, naturally not qualified.
       I was anxious at Old Master and asked:
       "Hey, what should I do? I knew that the emperor had colluded with Donghu people. I shouldn’t marry him in the first place." If married to Jing Wang, they can still support Jing Wang.
       In the cold, he said:
       "What is the use of this now?"
       The biggest shortcoming of the 1st Master is this. If you don't think about how to solve the problem as soon as possible, you will always regret it.
       I thought about it at 1st Master and said:
       "Hey, we should have better contact with Yan Wu-shuang now." Before the phase, Yan Wu-shuang was thrown out of the olive branch, but Yan Wu-shuang did not pick up.
       It’s hard to see in the face, saying:
       "I haven't reached this point yet." In addition to taking the exact evidence to sit on the emperor's treason, Yan Wu-shuang took up Liaodong, and he was qualified to form an alliance with him. Yan Wu-shuang is not a Yun-Qing  that can be used for good warfare, but Jiang the Marquis is not an incompetent Ji Xuan. Jiang-the Marquis is in the same place. Yu Fan does not believe that Yan Wu-shuang can occupy Liaodong. However, in case you are prepared, you can do this first.
       The emperor colluded with Donghu people and caused the tragic change of Tongcheng, killing more than 100 thousand people. When this incident came out, it scared a lot of people, but Qiu-shi was not included here.
       When Qiu-shi heard this, he said:
       "I didn't expect this thing. Yan Wu-shuang actually announced this matter to the world." Han Jianye said that the emperor was treasonous and said that he might not believe it. But Qiu-shi is convinced that Han Jianming does not need to lie to her.
       Ye-shi was shocked and said:
       "Mother, is this true?"
       After talking, I shook my head and asked:
       "No, mother, how did you know about this?"
       Such a secret matter, Popo how a woman in the inner court knows.
       Qiu-shi did not lie to Ye-shi:
       "It was Ming Ming told me. Not only did Ming know, but Yu-Xi also knows that because of this, Yun-Qing  will rebel.
       The emperor even Donghu people dare to collude, how can they survive the separatist side? Yun-Qing ."
       Ye-shi has a little chaotic brain. After a long time, she said:
       "Mom, what do you mean, you and Your Grace have long known that 4th Miss will rebel?"
       Qiu-shi is helpless and said:
       "If I know such a big thing, I can still hold it. It is Ming’s guess. Yun-Qing ’s rebellious things have spread to Capital City. He is afraid that I believe the rumors outside. When I can’t stand it, I will Tell me about it."
       Ye-shi has a bit of a heart, and these things have not been half-worded by Your Grace.
       Qiu-shi took the hand of Ye-shi and said softly:
       "If it is not Ming, I am afraid that I will be stimulated, I will not tell you. Minger does not tell us that it is good for us. Such a big thing tells us that it is better not to let us know if we are afraid of it."
       Ye-shi nodded, but she still had doubts in her heart and asked:
       "Mother, listen to what you mean, is Your Grace in favor of Yu-Xi and the aunt?"
       Qiu-shi smiled bitterly:
       "I didn't agree, but I can't stand it." Here, Qiu-shi couldn't help but sigh:
       "Yu-Xi The child's temper is the most kind, and if it is not forced to help, it will not take this no return."
       Ye-shi thinks about the current situation, but does not agree with Qiu-shi:
       "Mother, in the current situation, Sigu-Nai-Nai is not leaving nowhere, but living." In the northwest, there is enough self-protection ability.
       Qiu-shi Dagger:
       "Minger said the same thing. Yu-Xi stood firm in the northwest, and we also had a retreat at the time." The idea is good, not to mention that the capital is thousands of miles northwest, the road is not too flat, only the emperor Without letting go, they can't leave the capital.
       After finishing the business, Ye-shi and Qiu-shi talked about family matters:
       "Mother, I heard Pozi say that there is a trouble with the Jiang family in the goldfish alley..." Halfway, I carefully looked at Qiu-shi.
       Qiu-shi, although she hates listening to the family, she also knows that Ye-shi is a well-disciplined person. It is definitely a reason to mention this to her:
       "When I married in the past few days, I was in trouble."
       Ye-shi said:
       "It is said that the five grandfathers do not follow the Yu-Rong round room." This happened, and the face of Duke House was also ugly.
       Qiu-shi face was angry after listening:
       "When you cross the door and not round the room -? Is Jiang Hongjin a day of disability or an inhumanity?"
       It’s a meaning to be inhuman and inhuman.
       Ye-shi thought that Qiu-shi would not let her manage this, but she did not expect to be so angry:
       "Mother, what is the reason for this is not clear yet."
       Qiu-shi quickly pressed the anger of his heart and said:
       "Don't worry about this, Yu-Rong has a younger brother, and then you can't get out of it." After that, the corner of his mouth is disdainful:
       "I don't know if you can help out and help you to abandon the sister-in-law of the thief." Han Jingyan Yu-Xi is unfaithful and unfilial, and Qiu-shi has long known. To this end, she also became more and more disliked with Han Jingyan.
       Before and after attitude changes too much, 1148 

       Chapter 648 Bullying and Hard (1)   

       Li Mama sent Ye-shi out and went to the door of the yard. Li Mama lowered her voice and said:
       “The old Madam of Jiang’s family was in front of 4th Miss and wanted to tell 4th Miss to Jiang’s 2nd Master.”
       Ye-shi I don't understand why Qiu-shi is so angry. It is a good thing to say that 4th Miss did not marry Jiang Hongjin. It should be lucky, why is it angry? However, Popo mind is hard to guess, but it’s still a waste of thought:
       "Thank you Mama."
       Li Mama also deliberately sells Ye-shi a good one:
       "This is a small matter, Madam doesn't have to worry about it. But the old servant said a lot, the 3rd House still doesn't care, just three self-satisfied temperament sons of Lao Taiye, help him not remember your good. ""
       Ye-shi Where is the willingness to do this, but there is no way:
       "This is the opposite of Wangfei appearance, and it is not good to quit." After Yun-Qing 's rebellion came out, Jing Wang helped a lot. If it is Yu-Chen, it is not good to help.
       Li Mama also knew that this was a difficult thing, but she was not talking about anything.
       After more than two moments, someone in the goldfish alley came to ask Ye-shi. Pozi, who came over to ask, said:
       "Jiangjia Madam brought a gift to the door to apologize." Wen--Shi has nothing to do with the defeat, Han Jingyan even stripped her housekeeping power, how could he let him deal with such a big thing. Yu-Chen is married Miss, and it is not good to come out now.
       The most suitable candidate is Ye-shi.
       Ye-shi to the goldfish alley, it is already half an hour later. Jiang Madam drank a few teas and waited for him to go up. However, this time it was their Jiang family's loss, and they were slow to stay.
       I haven't torn my face yet, and everyone is still relatives. Ye-shi saw Jiang Madam, and the number of rituals was enough:
       "Let the scorpion wait for a long time." Jiang Madam stared at the relatives of the lord and the shi-nu of the queen, acting very publicly, and many people hated her.
       I was polite, Jiang Madam said in -Shi:
       "Family sister-in-law, where is there no quarrel between the husband and ‘Madam’? But this is a noisy, can't move and live in the maiden's house? If this little thing makes two unrest, this is too much You said yes?"
       Yesterday, Jiang Hongjin hanged up to go home, and Jiang Madam almost ran to the Han family to settle accounts.
       Ye-shi took the tea that Servant handed over, picked up the peony pastel tea cover and gently blew two, and slowly said:
       "The groom's official does not enter the happy house this is also a small matter, but also ask the blind man to say something is a big deal?"
       If it is in the ordinary, Jiang Hongjin and Yu-Rong will definitely make a lot of noise, and everyone will have to talk about capital. But now is a special case, everyone is concerned about whether the emperor is treason, and where will he care about these gossips.
       Yu--Shi turned red, and she did not expect Yu-Rong to say it out. Jiang Madam said with a strong smile:
       "In person, sister-in-law, this is a misunderstanding."
       Ye-shi asked softly:
       "I don't know what misunderstanding, please ask the Qin family to make it clear." Seeing--Shi didn't say anything, Ye-shi voice was three points higher:
       "My Han family is also a famous family. Missing married can not be so badly practiced. If Jiangjia can't give us a satisfactory answer, don't blame us for not paying attention." After that, Ye-shi will have a teacup. Put it heavily on the table and make a crisp sound.
          - Jiang Madam jumped up in shock and reacted to the redness of his face. But the form is stronger than the people, she can only bear the fire and said:
       "My child is very good, no problem, the reason why I didn't enter the happy house it is because the first two sunrises of the family have made him feel bad."
       Yu-Chen Yesterday afternoon, people asked the doctor who gave the Jiang family a doctor.
       The doctor said that Jiang Hongjin had no problem. Ye-shi naturally won't be entangled in this scene, just snorted and then said with a rare face:
       "Is it in a bad mood? What can make him even a happy room?"
       If there is something wrong with the family, I am not in a good mood with the Yu-Rong round room. It is also true, but the problem now is that Jiang Hongjin has not even entered the room.
       Yu--Shi said with anger:
       "This is a family matter. It is not good to say it to the outside world. But I can assure you that my family is very good and I rarely get sick on most days."
       Ye-shi said:
       "Jiang Madam, I believe in your words. But the problem now is that Jiang 2nd Master is not willing to enter the happy house but this time must give a statement, otherwise we should be brother Sister-in-law promise."
       Yu--Shi knows that it is impossible for her to return to Yu-Rong with her three words:
       "How do you want to be satisfied?"
       Ye-shi conditions are also very simple, that is, Jiang Hongjin apologizes to Yu-Rong and promises that there will be no similar incidents in the future.
       Yu--Shi can't take care of it, saying:
       "I will let Jiner come over and apologize to Yu-Rong when I go back." Actually, Yu-Rong was born in the heart of Shi-shi, but he did not enter the new house for two days. It was not for a lifetime. Now it’s so hot that I’ve lost all my face.
       Ye-shi nodded:
       "As the saying goes, it is better to dismantle a temple without destroying a relative. If Jiang 2nd Master can listen to Jiang Madam, then it would be better." Jiang Hongjin’s approach is clearly not to put the Hann family in the eye, so she Naturally, I don’t give face anymore. As for Yu-Rong’s return to Jiang’s home, it’s not that she can manage it.
       After sending away --Shi, Ye-shi returned to the backyard to see Yu-Rong, and told her about the conversation:
       "Jiang 2nd Master will apologize to you, almost go back with him, don't continue to make trouble.
       The more fierce the trouble, the more you suffer when you get there." Jiang Madam originally hated Yu-Rong, and this time again.
       The thing is even more disgusting. Jiang Hongjin did not stand by Yu-Rong, and he suffered afterwards.
       The Jiang family will definitely not be good for Yu-Rong in the future, which is to be expected. In order to prevent Yu-Rong from running around with Yu-Chen and adding Yu-Chen in the future, Gui Mama and Yu-Rong said that if they want to stand firm in Jiangjia, they must be afraid of things. Just like this time, if Jiang Madam and Jiang 2nd Master dare to be sorry for her, then it will make a lot of trouble, and the Jiang family will not dare to move her.
       To say that Gui Mama is actually a very crowded person, Gui Mama is to make Yu-Rong a virtuous rhythm.
       The so-called show meets the soldiers, and it is reasonable to say that. Jiangjia is the home of Shuxiangmen, and the people of Shuxiangmen’s House are best known. If Yu-Rong doesn't care about it, even if Jiang Madam doesn't care about Jiang Hongjin, Jiang Wenrui can't let it go.
       Yu-Rong flashed Limang in his eyes and said:
       "I am not afraid of them? If I dare to sharpen me, I am not bullied."
       Ye-shi saw it and no longer worried:
       "Since you have a few in your heart, you can't easily retire your ‘Madam’."
       Ye-shi did not go back, but waited for Jiang Hongjin to come, also because Ye-shi knew that Yu-Rong and the poor would find it again, even if Yu-Rong is still Miss, it is not easy to find, or else, She will certainly persuade Yu-Rong and leave. It’s strange to have such a cold and ruthless husband to live a good life.
       Near noon, Jiang Hongjin came over to apologize to Yu-Rong.
       Yu-Rong has no love for Jiang Hongjin at this time, only grievances. Yu-Rong asked:
       "Today, I have to make it clear, why not round the room with me."
       When Jiang Hongjin heard such an explicit words, he flashed his disgust in his eyes and said:
       "Because I was very worried about Liaodong, I didn't enter the happy room."
       Yu-Rong laughs:
       "It is really a good minister who cares about the country and the people. It is not impossible for me to go back, but you must ensure that such a thing is not allowed in the future."
       Jiang Hongjin said with nausea:
       "It won't be any more in the future." He told Jiang Wenrui last night that he wanted to go with Yu-Rong, and the result was a slap in the face of Jiang Wenrui. He also said that if he dared to leave with Yu-Rong, there would be no other son. Before coming, Jiang Madam also told him that if he did not pick up Yu-Rong, let Yu-Rong make trouble and ensure that people in Capital City will know that he is inhuman. When he is away, he will not want to marry his ‘Madam’ in this life.
       After two days of noisy, Jiang Hongjin successfully took Yu-Rong back to Jiang.
       That night, the two went round the room now. Jiang Hongjin couldn’t afford to be interested, or he ate the medicine that helped him. When the matter is over, Jiang Hongjin will sleep sideways. It seems that Yu-Rong is a savage beast, and he can kill his life with a glance.
       Yu-Rong is not the master of swallowing, sitting in a dress and saying:
       "what do you mean?"
       Nothing beats people any more.
       Jiang Hongjin said with a cold face:
       "I promised that your business has already been done. What do you want?"
       He had to endure this with nausea, but he did not expect this woman to be troubled.
       Yu-Rong got angry and got Jiang Jinjin out of bed, then grabbed the pillow and slammed it to Jiang Hongjin’s head.
       "What do you mean by what you just said? Have the ability to say it again."
       Jiang Hongjin is also too angry:
       "Mad woman." No one dared to touch him with a finger from small to big. Since I married this woman, I began to take the bad luck. First, I gave Han Jiancheng a fight. Today I was beaten by this crazy woman.
       Yu-Rong sees Jiang Hongjin ready to go out and whispers:
       "If you dare to go out of this door, I will let everyone in the whole capital know that you can't be humane tomorrow. Just let your classmates know that you can't be human, don't know how to see you?"
       This is the threat of red fruit.
       Jiang Hong was mad at his face, but he did not dare to go out. If this is said by Yu-Rong, others will surely believe that by that time, he will have to face the strange eyes of everyone.
       Looking at Jiang Hongjin to go back to bed honestly, Yu-Rong sneered. It’s just that it’s a fake fake and false.
       It’s not that Gui Mama words made Yu-Rong so fierce, but that in the past few years, her temper has become more and more powerful.
       The following Pozi often sneaked into jokes and said that Yu-Rong didn't have this eloquence, so she used *. Although this method is simple, it is very useful. Now it is applied to Jiang Hongjin and it is equally useful.
       Jiang Hongjin went out the next day and went out. When he left, his face was blue. Pozi in the yard looked terrified.
       The green leaves carefully said:
       "Miss, my grandfather went out..." Last night, the green leaves were on duty, and she naturally knew the movement in the house.
       Yu-Rong looked down and said:
       "When I left, I was gone, but I was really abandoned. I thought that I was really amazing." Gui Mama said that Jiang Hongjin might not be humane. She was still skeptical. She got the exact answer last night. No wonder this the bastard refused to return, for this reason. Losing her for so many years, I thought I really had a good life! R1148 

       Chapter 649 Bullying and Hard (2)   

       After the grooming, Yu-Rong wore a short plaque with a red-brown, entangled pomegranate flower, and a rose-pink, gold-inlaid corset dress. On the head, I took a cloud-like hairpin, and inserted a pair of double happiness double wishful red gold.
       The ruby ​​tassels swayed with the movement, and the ear was covered with red gold and emerald-colored cat's eye pendants.
       Green leaves ask:
       "Miss, is it too gorgeous to wear?"
       Where is this like going to please? I don't know if I think I am going to be a guest!
       Yu-Rong said:
       "Going to the 3rd sister's house, naturally, it is necessary to dress a little more expensive." To be too shabby to wear, Pozi, the next man of the royal family, looked down on her.
       The green leaves are somewhat worried to say:
       "Afraid of Madam not allowed!" Yesterday came back, today I have to go out to be a guest, which one will be like Popo.
       Yu-Rong said coldly:
       "She won't let me, won't I go?"
       Have an inhuman son, can you restrain her? Go dreaming!
       It was very disgusting to see Yu-Rong wearing it at --Shi, but it was not easy to blame Popo  Erxi was too bright. Yu--Shi said:
       "I heard that you have been educated by Mama since childhood, and you don't even know the most basic rules for people?"
       Yu-Rong sat down with a sigh and looked at several Servants next to Shi-shi:
       "Mother, I have something to say to you, others are not good."
       Yu--Shi originally wanted to say something that couldn't be heard, but Mama had shaken her head, and she waved all the other Servant down, leaving Mama in the house.
       Yu-Rong deliberately does not say anything, it is - shi-shi said when it started:
       "Yesterday, the husband used the medicine, and did not know where the medicine was made, would it be harmful to the body. Mother, I think I still have to ask a doctor to adjust to the husband, so it is good for the body, do you say it?"
       The medicine used last night was Jiang Hongjin’s own past. He was afraid that he did not respond to Yu-Rong, so he took the medicine deliberately.
       The result was as he expected, so the drug came in handy. As everyone knows, his actions are based on Quan Mama guess.
       At - shi-shi, asked:
       "What medicine?"
       Yu-Rong stunned and said:
       "The original mother, you don't know? No wonder..." It's no wonder that she dared to pick and choose from her. It turned out that --Shi didn't know that Jiang Hongjin had problems.
       Yu--Shi is not stupid. Looking at the reaction of Yu-Rong, he also guessed what it was. Teng stood up and pointed to Yu-Rong and said:
       "What are you shameless about, what are you talking about?"
       Yu--Shi is a thousand 10 thousand who can't get Yu-Rong, but her son insists on it, she doesn't know how much gas she has.
       The result was worse than she expected. Han Yu-Rong is not like everyone, but like a shrew in the market.
       Therefore, what a good woman can raise in the countryside.
       Yu-Rong snorted and did not follow--Shi arguing, toward Mama, who is next to Shi-shi, said:
       "Why don't you have a meal, I am starving."
          - Yue Mama saw it, and said to Shi-shi, who is in the midst of anger, said:
       "Madam, it's not too late to use up the breakfast." 2nd Nai-Nai is a shameless, but this kind of thing does not dare to make it. Just look for the personal Servant around 2nd Master and you will know.
       Yu--Shi quickly reacted, and was annoyed and angry, saying:
       "Put rice." Just like the hungry ghosts that have never eaten in eight lifetimes.
       After breakfast, Yu-Rong followed--Shi said:
       "I want to go Wangfu to see my 3rd sister," Yu-Chen does not like her, Yu-Rong is very clear. It’s just that she needs to take advantage of it. If there is no Yu-Chen support, she will be violent to her by Jiang Hongjin.
       At - shi-shi just want to figure out what the medicine is going to do, and there is no time to entangle with Yu-Rong:
       "This time, the next is not an example." Just married  Erxi always goes out to the door, like what, really does not understand the rules.
       Yu-Rong is not arguing with -Shi, and will go out next time.
       After Yu-Rong left, Yu-Mia immediately asked Yue Mama to call Jiang Hongjin's close-knit. Jiang Hongjin’s consumption and wear are all small and small, and it’s clear about this.
       Yu--Shi heard that Jiang Hongjin was really useful medicine last night.
       "Impossible, this is impossible..." How could her son be, how could it be a waste! It must be wrong.
          - Yue Mama is seen in - shi-shi lost square inch, busy said:
       "Madam don't worry, 2nd Master won't be what 2nd Nai-Nai said. Madam, you forgot the two Servant of Yaner." Yue Mama said the two men are Jiang Hongjin's Tongfang. Servant.
       Yu--Shi said:
       "Yes, yes, the two Servant are all used by Jin Er." I thought of it, hate the table:
       "This hoof, dare to smear my reputation, I can't spare her."
          - Yue Mama hesitated and said, "Madam, 2nd Master is not sick, but he seems to have no interest in women." As far as he knows, 2nd Master spends most of his time in the study rarely returning to himself The days of the yard, close to the two Servant, are rare in the year.
          - Yue Mama used to think that Jiang Hongjin was deeply rooted in Yu-Rong, so he didn't like the body of Servant, but he didn't expect it. It is likely that Young Master is not good.
       As for why Mama knows these things, the reason is very simple. Yu family has a strict family style and cannot be born with an eldest son. If Jiang Hongjin is intimate with Servant, he must drink the soup.
       The Servant who can be picked is a smart person, and no one will dare not take medicine. Because if it is pregnant, waiting for a bright future, but a bowl of abortion pills, have to sell out. On the contrary, if it is honestly waiting for the host to serve, the mother will marry a rich dowry.
       Yu--Shi thought and thought again, pressing down the voice and saying; "You go to find the next child to ask, 2nd Master..." Later, she did not say that Yue Mama also knows.
       After an hour, Yue Mama will be back. Yue Mama said in a low voice:
       "Madam, Yan said, in the past two years, she has been serving the 2nd Master only eleven times.
       The number of times that the buds are serving the 2nd Master is less than her, only nine times." Two Tongfang Servant, naturally competed. It’s just that Jiang Hongjin is too cold, and the two are not in dispute.
       The relationship is quite close.
       The two Servant were put on the side of Jiang Hongjin when he was sixteen years old. It counts for nearly five years. In five years, the number of times I was intimate with Servant was only 20 times? This still does not explain the problem!
       The face of --Shi is instantly pale:
       "How can my child suffer so much?"
       Jiang Hongjin's body is very good, and there are very few ordinary colds.
       The doctor never said anything wrong with the pulse, and it is good, how can I think about it.
          - Yue Mama lowered his voice and said:
       "Madam doesn't have to worry, 2nd Master just doesn't like to be close to a woman, it's not a bad health."
       Yu--Shi backhand caught Yue Mama and said:
       "You said that there is something in the study is there something to hang on?"
       Otherwise why always stay in the study not out.
          - Yue Mama said with certainty:
       "Madam, this is definitely not.
       The long follower who followed the 2nd Master, but Madam picked it and picked it again." Yu--Shi is very close to this single son, close to the body The people who are serving are all carefully selected, and they are well aware of what Jiang Hongjin is doing. If there is anything that has broken Jiang Hongjin, she has already discovered it.
       Yu--Shi thought and thought, said:
       "Is it true that these women are not growing, and Jiner can’t look up?"
       This is true, Jiang Hongjin can not afford to Yu-Rong, I feel that Yu-Rong is too ugly.
          - Yue Mama said with a certainty:
       "Should it be impossible?"
       Not to mention the two previous Tongfang are beautiful, just 2nd Nai-Nai long.
       Yu--Shi feels that he guessed it well:
       "It must be like this. Yue Mama, you will ask someone to come over tomorrow, I will pick a few Servant..."
          - Yue Mama Where does not know the meaning of --Shi, busy said:
       "Madam, this is not a thing for a while. If you let the Old Master know, you must be angry again."
       In the heart of - shi-shi, I quickly dismissed this idea. Although her housekeeping power is still there, the monthly expenses of the Courtyard are all from the front yard. Except for daily expenses, there is not much left. Although - shi-shi is the daughter of the Yu family, she is the Shu Daughter, and she is still not the pet, the dowry is not rich, so the past few years are not very good.
       Although Yu-Xi did not personally deal with - shi-shi, but in fact has indirectly avenged himself. She rescued Jiang Hongfu, not only letting her--Shi relationship with her husband Jiang Wenrui fall to the freezing point, but also let her bear the reputation of a vicious stepmother in her home. In addition, Jiang Hongfu did not die. Jiang Wenrui used all his energy to train the eldest son, and then used a lot of contacts to pave the way for the eldest son. Jiang Hongfu has been the official of the five products until now.
       The five-year Old officer of the age of twenty is very good. Jiang Hongfu has always been regarded as a thorn in the eyes of the meat--Shi, can you be comfortable? Certainly not.
       Yu-Chen is worried about Jing Wang and Jiang Hou Master, which is bothering to enter Yu-Rong. In addition, the relationship between the two in the 闺阁 is not very good, said nearly half an hour, and finally could not help but pick up the tea.
       The tea is delivered to the guest, and the person who knows the etiquette knows.
       Yu-Rong feels a little sad, stands up and smiles and says:
       "3rd sister, I want to ask Gui Mama something, don't you know?"
       Yu-Rong puts his posture low.
       Yu-Chen is not that stingy person, nodding and pointing to Gui Mama:
       "What is Yu-Rong? You should analyze and analyze with her." She was so upset and Yu-Rong also told her about the cumbersome things in her family. She had to endure for half an hour. It was already her limit. .
       Yu-Rong followed Gui Mama to the wing and lowered his voice and said:
       "Mama, I did what you said to me."
       Gui Mama looked at the pleasant expression of Yu-Rong and knew that Yu-Rong's extraordinary behavior was very smooth. Gui Mama deliberately revealed a look that the blind can teach:
       "If you have been doing what I said, Jiang Madam and Jiang 2nd Master will definitely not dare to bully you again. However, the rules to be kept on most days are still to be kept, and you can't fall into the wrong position. Otherwise, you will be bullied. Wangfei is also not good enough to support you." Seeing Yu-Rong nodded, Gui Mama lowered his voice and said:
       "Jiangjia has a family rule. If a ‘Madam’ has a child, unless he makes a big mistake that cannot be forgiven, he can't take a divorce." This means that Yu-Rong will have a baby earlier.
       Yu-Rong looks like a surprise!
       "Mama, do you have a recipe for having children here?"
       Yu-Rong believes in Gui Mama because the main son of Gui Mama is Yu-Chen. Yu-Rong is very convinced that Yu-Chen doesn't like her, but she will never harm her.
       Gui Mama said very simply:
       "No." Do not tell Yu-Rong, or else I will find her in the future, and she will not be exhausted by her.
       Yu-Rong brought a bunch of gifts back to Jiang's home and greeted Jiang Madam and returned to his yard.
          - Jiang Madam was so angry that he had a handle in the hands of Yu-Rong, and she did not dare to be troubled with Yu-Rong. In the unlikely event that Yu-Rong turned his face, she would still suffer from her loss.
       Yu-Rong is categorizing gifts and sees Jiang Hongjin. Yu-Rong didn't want to pay attention to Jiang Hongjin, but when she thought about Gui Mama, she stood up and smiled and said:
       "‘Fu Jun’, you are here, can you have lunch?"
       As Gui Mama said, the face must be good for Jiang Hongjin. As for the threat, let it be under the guise!
       The green leaves felt the sun coming out to the west.
       Jiang Hongjin snorted, his eyes fell on a pile of gifts, and he did not know if there was a gift from Yu-Chen. Although Jiang Hongjin knew that this was impossible, he still had this expectation in his heart.
       Yu-Rong saw a black, engraved dark-skinned scorpion from a pile of gifts and handed it to Jiang Hongjin, saying:
       "This is the 3rd brother-in-law sent you, you collect it!" said Jing Wang, but this will not be Jing Wang, I want to know that this gift is Yu-Chen pick.
       Jiang Hongjin immediately took the dice to open. As soon as they were opened, everyone smelled a scent of ink. When you took it out of the scorpion, it was a round ink.
       This piece of ink has raised edges on both sides, and one side is a embossed water rhinoceros picture, and is painted with gold and red and green. In the concave lacquered box, Yang Wenzhao literary rhinoceros is engraved with four characters, and the left and right sides are also carved.
       Jiang Hongjin saw this piece of ink as a treasure, and he did not say a turn and left. I saw the green leaves in my heart.
       Yu-Rong didn't care, saying:
       "Pack up things. With the kitchen I want to eat scallops and glutinous rice porridge in the evening.
       The ingredients are light." Shouxiao twenty-seven months, the backyard did not enter the leek except the eggs. If you want to eat meat, you have to secretly eat it and let Han Jingyan discover it. If you don't, just wait for it! Yu-Rong is okay, she has a small kitchen herself, and no one knows at night. Of course, the most important thing is that Yu-Rong butlers dare not tell her. Han Jiancheng was unlucky, and he was caught once and was licked by a dog. However, after Han Jiancheng ate this loss, he would hide outside to eat meat and let Han Jingyan know. It is also for this reason that Yu-Rong now likes to eat meat.
       The green leaf whispered:
       "2nd Nai-Nai, what about my grandfather?"
       Also speaking at -Shi, let Yu-Rong eat in his yard at night, or Yu-Rong will not order it alone.
       Yu-Rong paused and said:
       "Let's ask the followers around 2nd Master, see what 2nd Master likes, and then tell the kitchen do." Anyway, she doesn't use her to do anything, why not do it.
       Originally, Yu-Rong was just doing it. I didn’t expect Jiang Hongjin to come and accompany her. Let Yu-Rong become more and more loyal to Jiang Hongjin.

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