Han Yuxi 630-639

Han Yuxi  

       Chapter 630 Chengcheng   

       In the evening, Cui Mo came back and brought back the three heads of the Maro Mountain. -..-.
       These three big heads are the big master Hong Feihu, the second is Yuan Fuliang, the military division Ding Qing yu.
       Hong Feihu grew five big and three thick, and his face was bearded.
       This looks like the age, but the eyes of a pair of bronze bells are fierce and embarrassing. On such a cold day, I only wore a short cloth of coarse cloth, which shows that my body is strong. Yuan Fuliang is also the appearance of the northwestern man. Compared with Hong Feihu, he is shorter. It is the military division Ding Qing yu, who grew up in Sven, and is pure and ruthless.
       Cui Mo glanced at Hong Feihu and said:
       "You are not saying that there is a letter of the army in your hand. Now the general is here, you should take it out!" Listening to this, I know that Hongfeihu is not willing to hand over the letter to Cui Mo.
       Hong Feihu swept the house and did not see the Feng Dajun. He said :
       "I want to see a thousand households, and the thousand households have promised me. If I have difficulty in the future, I can find him to help. As long as he can help, he will not shirk." Where is he the letter of the army, that is 唬Cui Mo. However, he did not lie, and Feng Dajun did say such a thing.
       Yun-Qing  said with a blank expression:
       "Feng Dajun was injured and is now wounded in Lanzhou City. If you hand over the 50 thousand stone food, I can spare you not to die." Feng Dajun has no concealment of Yun-Qing , so Yun-Qing  knows that Feng Dajun once followed Hong Feihu promised that if there is any difficulty in the future, he will definitely help. Although he wants to kill Hong Feihu, he has promised that if he will protect their lives, he will naturally not let Feng Dajun be a loser.
       Hong Feihu listened, kneeling on the ground and said:
       "General Yun, I hope that you can take in our 3rd Brother." He will not go home to farm, and he will be left alone at home. So he wants to follow Yun-Qing  and hopes to create a career.
       Yun-Qing  has no buzz. Soldiers and thieves are enemies. Even if Yun-Qing  is now rebellious, he still does not see these bandits.
       Yu Cong said:
       "How many people have you killed in these years? Our generals will not accept people like you."
       Yuan Fuliang is very domineering and said:
       "Big brother, since people don't look at us, why don't they go without it?" Anyway, Yun-Qing  promised not to kill them.
       The gold and silver saved in these years is enough for their 3rd Brother to live a prosperous life.
       Hong Feihu did not expect Yuan Fuliang to come to the rescue:
       "Shut up." Hong Feihu encounters and thoughts are similar to those of Yang Duo-ming.
       They are forced to fall into disarray, but they also know that when the bandits have no future, they may be annihilated by officers and soldiers at any time.
       Since there is a good way to go now, naturally I am not willing to do the bloody days. Moreover, Hong Feihu also knew that the northwest fell into the hands of Yun-Qing , and there would be no more thieves in the future.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "When I am looking for food, I will let you go." Yun-Qing  didn't want to let the three men, and Yuan Fuliang's words were in her arms.
       Ding Qing yu, who has never heard anything, said:
       "We have also smashed a lot of gold and silver in these years, with a total of 1.58 million. If the generals of the cloud do not deny them the wrong way, I want to donate this money to the Northwest Army."
       When Yuan Fuliang heard this, he immediately panicked and ‘called:
       "Ding Qing yu, what do you mean by his mother?"
       The money was their last retreat, and they even told Yun-Qing .
       Cui Mo said:
       "Who are you trying to lie to? You have searched all of Marlow Hill, and there are no more than one million Silver Taels."
       Yun-Qing  was silent and asked:
       "Chen Chen took the soldiers to go to the hustle and bustle, why do you suddenly have several times more people coming out of the Maro Mountain." This is where he has been unsolvable.
       Hong Feihu also did not hide, said:
       "At that time, Xicheng and the southern city and the bandits of the city of Yongcheng all came to support." These people are not really loyalty, but once Maroshan is annihilated, it is their turn.
       Therefore, the Malo Mountains are in trouble.
       They came to help each other.
       They said that these bandits are more united in some respects.
       Yun-Qing  glanced at Hong Feihu and asked:
       "I haven't colluded with Ji Xuan?"
       This matter must be asked clearly, if it really colludes with Ji Xuan, it must not be
       Ding Qing yu shook his head and said:
       "General, what is Ji Xuan, who can see us. But at that time some people revealed a lot of things to us." Seeing Yun-Qing  is still the cold face, and the two people next to it are not snoring, Ding Qing yu Said:
       "If Chen Yu is going to attack our cottage and how to attack us, we are all clear."
       Yun-Qing 's face is dark. Everything about Chen Hao is under the eyes of others, and how this situation can annihilate this band of bandits. However, as long as Hong Feihu and others are not the running dogs of Ji Xuan, they have not colluded with Ji Xuan, and he has no complaints with Chen Hao and others. Yun-Qing  asked:
       "What can you do?"
       If you accept three bandits, you will receive more than 1.5 million Silver Taels. If you don't agree, it is a fool.
       Hong Feihu said:
       "My big knife is OK. If the general is willing to accept me, I am willing to enter the forward camp." When the pioneer is dangerous, it can save a good place for military work.
       Yuan Fuliang said:
       "My darts, Jianghu, no one knows no one." After saying this, it was quite a chest, a very self-satisfied look, and Cui Mo looked straight.
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "I don't know martial arts, but I can make suggestions."
       Yun-Qing  thought for a moment, let Hong Feihu and Yuan Fuliang enter the forward camp as a pioneer, Ding Qing yu will not martial arts naturally will not go to the forward camp. Yun-Qing  wants Ding Qing yu to stay in Maicheng, and then give a small official position, it can be. Ding Qing yu ability to know Yun-Qing  is not clear, but he does not trust Ding Qing yu, so even if he is really talented, Yun-Qing  will not reuse him.
       Ding Qing yu has some helplessness and has to say:
       "General, I can not only recognize the word can write, but also a little medical." What is the most lacking in the military, the medicine and the doctor.
       Hong Feihu said this when he heard this:
       "General Yun, my 3rd Brother will indeed be medical. If the general does not believe, you can test him."
       Cui Mo snorted and said:
       "Our generals don't understand medicine, how do you say it?" Cui Mo has very opinion on Hong Feihu. Without him, just now Hong Feihu said that he had a letter from the army in his hand, which made him really think that there was, but he did not expect to lie to him.
       Yun-Qing  did not raise any objections and nodded and said:
       "Yes." After that, he called a guard outside and asked him to take Ding Qing yu to find Hou Jun. As for Hong Feihu and Ding Qing yu, they were also led to the striker camp.
       Yu Cong said:
       "General, will they really accept them?"
       At this point, Yu Cong did not know whether Yun-Qing  was because the more than 1.5 million Silver Taels had accepted these people, and still thought that the three had to be used.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Since it helps kill the enemy and can earn more than 1.5 million Silver Taels, can such a good thing be pushed out?"
       Although I have copied a lot of money now, no one is too much money.
       Yu Congmumu was at the bottom.
       On the second day, Yun-Qing  did not take the troops to attack the city. What made Yun-Qing  suddenly change his mind was that it was raining this day.
       Yu Cong looked at the light rain and said with a smile:
       "General, I think God is helping us." It is strange to say that Yun-Qing  started from Fu-Cheng City to break through Lanzhou City.
       This time, not only did it not snow, the rain did not fall, it was always cloudy. After breaking through the city of Lanzhou, he rested for two days in the city, and it was snowing when he was preparing to attack the West City.
       That snow, but the next day. If they are sleeping outside, it will definitely cause unnecessary casualties.
       This will be like this again, Yu Cong really thinks that they have to be loved.
       As a result, Yun-Qing ’s face also appeared to smile. Whether it is coincidence or God's care, anyway, he is exceptionally smooth. Although the rainy army can't move forward, Yun-Qing  can't be idle, there are too many things on hand, and it's too busy.
       This is not, from morning to late.
       On the third day of the Northwest Army’s capture of Maicheng, Fu Qing luo got the news. Fu Qing luo asked the autumn frost with a surprise:
       “Yun-Qing  is now in Maicheng?”
       Autumn frost nodded and said:
       "Yes. Now the town has posted an announcement saying that the three years before the land reclamation will be tax-free, and the government will provide good varieties at the time. In addition, the previous messy taxes are also exempted." In order to calm the people, these decrees naturally The fastest way to reach all over the place.
       Autumn rain surprises:
       "Miss, we can go to the generals now!" Looking for the generals of the cloud, their own Miss no longer suffer from such suffering.
       Fu Qing luo shook his head and said:
       "I am like this now, where I got to Maicheng." From here to Maicheng, it takes four or five days to ride a carriage. But she is now a big belly, and the tires are not stable, and I have suffered such a bump.
       Autumn frost said:
       "Miss, I feel that after a few days, the town is settled, and then we will move to the town." Whether it is to buy things or to see a doctor, it is more convenient.
       Fu Qing luo smiled bitterly:
       "We don't have much money on hand, how can we live in the town?"
       The price has risen so fiercely, and her money has already spent more than half. She still has a big belly, and the money naturally saves some flowers.
       Autumn frost said:
       "Madam, we don't buy a house we rent a house. I asked. Renting a house with a small courtyard is about two or two a month." When it comes to this, Qiu Shuang finds himself forgetting to explain. Up:
       "Miss, now the price of food outside has dropped. Now a Silver Taels can buy more than 20 kilograms of white rice and white noodles. It is not as ridiculous as before." Although a pound of white noodles now needs more than forty. A copper coin, but it is acceptable.
       Fu Qing luo is a bit strange:
       “Who are unscrupulous businesses willing?”
       Qiu Shuang smiled and said:
       "Now they are not willing to do it either. General Yun has also ordered that the merchants are not allowed to sell at high prices. Once they seized the dagger, they heard that Maicheng had killed a lot of profiteers." No one is not afraid of death, these have People who are rich are more afraid of death.
       Fu Qing luo stunned, after a while, said:
       "That's two to go to the town to see, wait for the right room child, we find a good day to move over." Fu Qing luo body is not much silver, but there are some jewelry, prices have recovered,

       Chapter 631 Contradiction (1)   

       It’s raining, these rains are like a smoke, and like a roller blind, it looks like a painting.
       Yu-Xi stood at the door and suddenly remembered that it was raining again, she played with Yu-Chen. At that time, she played the flute, Yu-Xi, and it felt very good.
       Yu-Xi has a heart and said:
       "Go get my flute." I don't know why, looking at the scenery, she suddenly wanted to blow a song.
       Licorice hesitated and said:
       "Madam, the general is still fighting, will Madam blow the song at this time?"
       Licorice comes out of Duke House, and some things that need to be avoided are still known. She felt that Yun-Qing  was fighting in front, and Yu-Xi had a leisurely and elegant song here, which made it difficult for outsiders to hear Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi smiled when he heard this:
       "The general has been winning the battle, and blowing a flute is also to celebrate." Yun-Qing  is to win the battle, not to defeat the ‘servant, naturally can play the flute. Yu-Xi involuntarily touched the jade bracelet on the left wrist.
       This jade bracelet is the gift that Yun-Qing  sent. I don't know where Yun-Qing  is now.
       Without waiting for the licorice to take the flute, Qu Mama opened the curtain and walked in from the outside:
       “Madam, Xu Baowei said that Fujia had sent a post and invited you to participate in the Young Master’s three-day wash.”
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "The followers said that I am not very comfortable in these two days. I will definitely go again after the Young Master full moon ceremony!" I took care of Lu-Er for two days and two nights and almost stumbled her. Cough, the body is too bad, it seems that you have to start taking a diet.
       Qu Mama snorted and said:
       "Madam, Xu Baowei said that Lao Taiye wants to have a Eldest Miss, wants to take the Eldest Miss to the front yard, Madam, you see?"
       Yu-Xi clicked and said:
       “With Xu Wu, you should send Jao-Jao back to the backyard before lunch.” Huo Changqing’s behavior was very strange recently. Every time Yu-Xi was asked to urge him to make Jao-Jao Hold back. Although she knew that Huo Changqing liked Jao-Jao, this behavior made her feel strange. Even very uncomfortable.
       Xu Wu promised to come down.
       After a while, Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai came over and talked to Yu-Xi about the Young Master. Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai asked:
       "Yu-Xi, I heard that Chen-shi can be produced smoothly, thanks to Lan Mama, is this really not true?"
       Yu-Xi nods:
       “It’s true.” As for why Lan Mama, who is good at caring for children, still has a good hand delivery, she didn’t ask much.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said with a smile:
       "In this case, I am afraid that if there is a dystocia in the future, I will come over and ask for help." ("Flower--Shi gave her peace to this morning, she thought that the sun would come out to the west.
       The result of that flower--shi When she was preparing to go out, she said that Ai Ai said that she wanted her to talk to Yu-Xi and let Lan Mama give her a baby. She was crying and laughing, and she would spend two sentences --Shi I didn't look at my identity any more, and I dared to ask her to plead with Yu-Xi. It was so funny that when I was pregnant, I thought I would become a phoenix.
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "Lan Mama has to take care of Lu-Er and can't give birth to others. I can't do it now. I took care of Lu-Er for two days and almost got sick."
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai is not unexpected. It is quite good to say that Yu-Xi. Many women have encountered dystocia, and even if they survived, they have lost half of their lives.
       The representative of this is Chen-shi. Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said with a puzzle:
       "I heard that Chen-shi and the child's body are very weak. Since both the mother and the child are in poor health, why should they hold a three-day wash?"
       Yu-Xi Said:
       "I just asked, saying that it is the meaning of the old general." General Fu, returned to Fu-Cheng City yesterday afternoon. Yu-Xi listened to Xu Wu and said that the child did not like the old generals. As for the reason Yu-Xi can also guess, it is nothing more than abandoning that child is not good.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai shook his head:
       "I feel weird.
       This son is Chen-shi who is looking forward to it. How can he still be willing to toss? It turned out to be the old general!"
       Yu-Xi doesn't like Chen-shi, but when she encounters such a public servant, she also sympathizes with her heart:
       "Chen-shi is not good in the body, but it is difficult to produce, and the body is almost hollowed out." She is so good, she has encountered such a difficult birth, not to mention that Chen-shi is weak.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai remembered what Yu-Xi had said to her before, and asked:
       "What about the child?"
       Hearing that Yu-Xi said that the child’s body is also very poor, and it is estimated that he will not be allowed to take medicine. Amitabha said:
       "It's a rumor!" Fortunately, she was under pressure, and she didn't hurry up when she was born, or she might have to follow the footsteps of Chen-shi. Although she wants her son, it is also very worrying if her son becomes a medicine jar.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Chen-shi got so bad, once she couldn't stand it first. Fu Tianlei smashed the back room again and a few children are pitiful!" Nor does it mean that the mother is bad, but it is undeniable, big. Part of the maiden is not good for the anteroom-born child.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai nodded:
       "Yes, this mother can have a few good. At that time, the sin is still a child." Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai had some regrets, not pregnant before Zhao Hao left the city. But now she is only lucky, but fortunately not pregnant. When you are pregnant with your body before you are well conditioned, Darens and children are guilty.
       Having said that, Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "Yu-Xi, you must have a good body and no more children, but you can't learn Chen-shi." This is a bit overstepping, but it is from the heart.
       Yu-Xi said with a smile:
       "You can rest assured that I will not do that stupid thing." I have enough to eat the bitterness of my mother, how can I let the Jao-Jao and Lu-Er taste the bitterness again. Of course, Yun-Qing  is not Han Jingyan, but she is not at ease.
       Therefore, for the sake of the two daughters, she is not in danger of taking a little bit.
       Therefore, before the body is not well conditioned, she will definitely not want children.
       Yu-Xi handed over the three things to Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai and entrusted her to help the potter tomorrow. As for the gift to the child, she still personally gave it when she waited for the full moon.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai did not leave dinner, and left after the chat.
       Yu-Xi holds Lu-Er and said softly:
       "Lu-Er, when you are old, you will be given a three-day, three-night running seat." Washing the three with the full moon is not done, the age is definitely going to be done, or the outsiders think Yun -Qing  doesn't like Lu-Er!
       Lu-Er This is spitting bubbles, and I know what Yu-Xi is saying.
       Bai Mama came in and said carefully:
       "Madam, the front yard came over and said, let me go to the front yard with the Eldest Miss food. Madam, do you see this?"
       I don't know what Lao Taiye thinks. Madam is very good at talking, but he is unreasonable.
       Yu-Xi frowned and didn't know what happened to Huo Shu. Although my heart is puzzled, Yu-Xi is not good at sweeping Huo Changqing's face and said:
       "Then you will take the food of Jao-Jao to the front yard! Pay attention to the insulation, don't get cold." Eat cold food, easy to diarrhea.
       Bai Mama is not a blind person. When she sees Yu-Xi, she knows that she is not happy:
       "Madam, or else let Qu Mama bring the Eldest Miss back."
       Yu-Xi looked at Lu-Er, who slept sweetly, and said:
       "No need." Now in the extraordinary period, why bother with Huo Changqing make this little thing unsightly.
       In the evening, Yu-Xi saw that Jao-Jao had not returned yet, and he was going to go to the front yard to bring the child back. Lan Mama said that the child was too young to walk the night.
       Yu-Xi has not left the yard and saw Xu Wu hold back Jao-Jao. When I saw Yu-Xi, Xu Wu was very ashamed. She promised to be good before, and sent the child back before lunch. I didn’t expect to renege on it. It is a pity that the righteous father will not let her hold the child back and forth, and he has nothing to worry about!
       Yu-Xi saw that Jao-Jao eyes were red, and it was obviously crying. Yu-Xi was busy asking Xu Wu:
       "Jao-Jao What's wrong with this?"
       Without waiting for Xu Wu to answer, Jao-Jao said to the neck of Yu-Xi:
       "Do not play, want mother, mother..." It seems that I am afraid that Yu-Xi is gone.
       Before the Yu-Xi production was dangerous, Jao-Jao did not see Yu-Xi for three days. Don't look at the child's age, but this incident gave her a big shadow. So today, I didn’t see Yu-Xi all day, and she was in a hurry, always yelling at her mother.
       Yu-Xi didn't look very good when she heard this, but she looked at Xu Wu strange look and she knew that Xu Wu was not clear about it. She immediately let Xu Wu go back to the front yard.
       Yu-Xi licked Jao-Jao and asked the question about Pozi. What happened?
       "Is there a cry when Eldest Miss was in the front yard? Cry for what?"
       Yu Pozi said with a low head:
       "The Eldest Miss has been crying and crying, and Lao Taiye is not awkward, so let Xu Baowei hold the Eldest Miss back." In fact, Jao-Jao woke up at noon and called her mother, but was stunned by Huo Changqing. . It is also a kind of ability to hold Jao-Jao, and Pozi does not dare to say to Yu-Xi, afraid that Yu-Xi is angry.
       Huo Changqing's behavior made Yu-Xi very uncomfortable. Huo Changqing is really good for Jao-Jao, it is the kind of love that is all about love.
       This is also the case, she does not know how to deal with this matter. And because of Huo Changqing's identity, she could not refuse to take Jao-Jao to the front yard.
       Can't solve it, Yu-Xi can only throw this away, wait for Yun-Qing  to come back, let Yun-Qing  and Huo Changqing say this.
       Yu-Xi is using dinner, and I heard the news from Xu Wu, saying that Fu Jia third day of the baptism was cancelled. Yu-Xi put down the spoon in his hand and asked:
       "How do you say this?"
       This kind of thing that Fujia made can be a laughing stock if it is in Capital City.
       Qu Mama said; "I don't know exactly how to do it, but the cancellation of the three ceremonies was ordered by the generals. It is estimated that the generals who sent the invitations were unaware of them."
       Yu-Xi didn't speak, but I felt that Fu Tianlei was difficult to be a big man. Since he is now the owner of the Fu family, all the people in the family have to listen to his orders.
       The descendants of the family can only listen to the generals. If they have not consulted his opinions, they will send out the invitations directly.
       This can only show that his owner is incompetent.
       There is a contrast to show the ability to bear, like her big brother, firmly control Duke House, 1148 

       Chapter 632 Contradiction (2)   

       The night in the winter is quiet, and a few stars are shining in the sky with a faint glow, and the stars are hidden in the night sky. The sky is as dark as the ink is applied, and it is empty and deep.
       Xu Daniu was patrolling the courtyard and heard a melodious music.
       The guardian two dogs next to Xu Da Niu face changed greatly and said:
       "I heard that Jianghu used a musical instrument to kill people. Big Cow, do you say that there is an assassin to be unfavorable to Madam?"
       These people are very expensive and must be directed at Madam.
       Once bitten, twice shy. With Yu-xi being stabbed twice by the assassin, Xu Daniu has been holding his heart. After listening to this, he flew to the backyard. When the door was stopped by Pozi, Xu Daniu ‘called:
       "There are assassins, there are assassins lurking in the house, I want to see Madam..."
       Pozi, who is guarding the door, is not scared, but the responsibility is that it is her negligence to let a foreign man enter the Courtyard without going through the night. Pozi said to the big cow outside the door, saying:
       "You will wait a little while outside, I will let people tell Madam now."
       Yu-xi heard the assassin, put the flute down and went out. Hung Hom and Hong-duo are now close to Yu-xi and will not let anyone close.
       Xu Daniu was led to the main hall by Qu Mama and said to Yu-xi:
       "Madam, I suspect that an assassin is going to assassinate Madam--, Madam must be careful."
       Yu-xi thought it was an assassin who broke into Yunfu. I didn't expect it to be the doubt of Xu Daniu. Yu-xi asked:
       "What credentials?"
       Xu Da Niu recounted the words of the two dogs, saying:
       "Madam, I suspect that this assassin has lurked in the house. Madam, from now on..." When he did not finish, he saw Yu-xi laughing.
       "Oh..." Yu-xi couldn't help but laughed. Seeing Xu Da Niu face in a puzzled look, Yu-xi explained:
       "I was playing the flute just now, not a killer."
       Xu Daniu was a glimpse first, and when he returned to God, he really hated the hole, and his face was red as if it were burning like a cloud.
       "Madam, I..." made such a big oolong, and lost his face to the house.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "This thing also blames me, should not play the flute at night." She also entered the house to see the bed with a flute to come to the interest, where knows that this will be misunderstood.
       Xu Da Niu feels that he has no face to see anyone:
       "Madam, since it is a misunderstanding, then I don't bother Madam to rest."
       At this time Xu Wu came in and saw Xu Danniu ask:
       "The two dogs just said that you found the assassin? When did you see the assassin? Where did you see the assassin?" As for the appearance, I wouldn't ask, where can I see the appearance at night.
       Yu-xi said with a smile:
       "There is no assassin, just a misunderstanding." She thinks that Xu Daniu is also very funny, and she will believe that music can kill people.
       Out of the yard, Xu Wu knew that after the original committee, he was funny and angry, and said:
       "Can the music kill? Do you think this is the text?"
       The killer in the book can indeed kill people with music. In real life, that is impossible.
       Xu Daniu did not explain, this time if the interpretation of the guarantee is being smashed by the dog's head:
       "Boss, how can Madam play the flute?"
       He has never heard of Madam instruments before! Flute, that is not even blown!
       Xu Wu laughed:
       "Madam didn't blow the flute, it doesn't mean she won't." Miss, the chess, paintings, etc. of this big family are all to learn. Madam will play the flute, and Xu Wu is not surprised.
       Xu Da Niu was just confused by the words of the two dogs.
       This will return to normal and I feel stupid:
       "Boss, you said this big night, what kind of flute does Madam blow?"
       The sound of the flute is good, but it is very infiltrating at night!
       Xu Wu said coldly:
       “When did Madam want to blow the flute and when did it blow? Do you still need your consent?”
       It is estimated that Madam wants to be a general, so the first song is expressed under the thoughts.
       In front of Xu Wu, when I went back to the front yard, Xu Daniu found two dogs and prepared to beat him up:
       "It’s all you bastard nonsense, or else I can throw this face."
       Although the two dogs were in a loss, they were not willing to wait for Xu Da Niu to rush and ran out. One run, one chase, a little quarter of an hour, and no fun.
       Yu-xi went back to the room and looked at the flute on the table. She couldn’t help but laugh when she remembered the matter. I still don’t play the flute in the evening, saving me from being scared.
       Pomegranate didn't know what happened just now, and said with joy; "Madam, when you were playing the flute, the second Miss was happy, not happy."
       Yu-xi eyes lit up and asked:
       Seeing the pomegranate is sure to nod. Yu-xi picks up the flute and blows a song that he is familiar with. Seeing Lu-Er not only cracked his mouth but smiled, and a pair of small hands waved.
       After blowing a song, Yu-xi put the flute down and picked up Lu-Er, laughing and saying:
       "It turns out that Lu-Er likes musical instruments? Then when you grow up, please ask Teacher to teach you." Well, not only Lu-Er wants to learn, but also Yao-Jao.
       Xu Da Niu heard the music and said:
       "This song is better than just now." Although the song was just nice, but it was a little depressed, not comfortable. Unlike the current song, it is very cheerful.
       Xu Wu is somewhat puzzled, and the genre before and after this is too much.
       The second day of breakfast, Xu Wu came over and said to Yu-xi:
       "Madam, the general has already broken the West City, I believe that it will not take long for Maicheng to get under the bag."
       Yu-xi Hearing this good news, I feel very good.
       Xu Wu is worried and said:
       "Madam, the general has been dispatched for more than a month now. Is this speed too fast?"
       The progress was too smooth, and Xu Wu felt uneasy.
       Yu-xi is not unexpected about this result.
       These days, Ji Xuan has provoked the resentment of the people in the northwest, or the rebel forces in Nancheng will not grow so rapidly.
       There is another Huimin’s decree, and the people still do not support Yun-Qing . Yu-xi said:
       "There are many helpers who are helpless, and those who are out of order are helpless. But now it is easy, but when you enter Shaanxi, you will not be so smooth again." It took more than a month to occupy the whole of Gansu, and it can only be said that it is good. But Shaanxi is not as good as it is. However, the Yu-xi battle hopes to be completed by March, so that Yun-Qing  can send troops back to Fu-Cheng City. For Fu Tianlei, Yu-xi is really not at ease.
       Xu Wu also said a lot about Yu-xi, especially when he mentioned the local officials appointed by Yun-Qing , and made Yu-xi look a little dignified.
       After a while, Yu-xi said, “When the situation is stable, these people must be assessed.” There is a big hidden danger in the work of Yun-Qing , but Yu-xi knows that this is just a matter of expediency. Did not say much. However, when the northwest stabilizes, it must be rectified.
       After finishing the business, Xu Wu said something a little embarrassed:
       "Madam, the righteous father asked me to hold Jao-Jao in the past." He really didn't want to say this in front of Yu-xi, but the righteous father had told him that he would not dare to violate it.
       Yu-xi looks like a god, and she has the greatest goodwill for the people around her. Yu-xi asked:
       "Xu Wu, how is Huo recent body?"
       She is not a stingy person, never stopped Jao-Jao from going to the front yard to accompany him. Huo Changqing's recent behavior is very abnormal, so that Yu-xi can't be seen.
       Xu Wu did not think much, said:
       "The first two days, Dr. Bai had seen the righteous father and said that the righteous father is very good."
       Yu-xi asked:
       "How about the spirit?"
       Huo Changqing This time is too abnormal, not a physical reason, it is a spiritual problem.
       Xu Wu knows what Yu-xi wants to ask:
       "Madam, the righteous father may be old, afraid of being alone. He likes Jao-Jao so much, so he always wants to take Jao-Jao with him. Madam, I hope Madam Be considerate."
       Yu-xi thinks Xu Wu says this is also reasonable, saying:
       "Who I am, you know, Huo Shu wants to see Jao-Jao. I have never stopped. But Jao-Jao is still small, and can't leave me. You can talk to Huo Shu if it is Jao-Jao crying. I want to see me and let Yu Pozi take her back."
       Xu Wu, there is no reason to agree.
       When Jao-Jao saw Yu-xi, he reached out and ‘called:
       "Niang, hug..." In the arms of Yu-xi, holding the neck of Yu-xi, she will not let go.
       Seeing that the child is so sticky, Yu-xi feels a little distressed and says to Xu Wu:
       "Wait until I let Yu Pozi send Yu-xi to the front yard."
       Xu Wu hesitated for a moment, or nodded and agreed. Going back to the front yard, I told Huo Changqing about this:
       "Yi-Jiao, Jao-Jao is the time to stick to Madam. Don't wait for two days to bring Jao-Jao over!"
       Huo Changqing has no buzz.
       After half an hour, Yu Pozi took Jao-Jao to the front yard. Huo Changqing met Jao-Jao and said with a smile:
       "Jao-Jao, do you want ‘Laozi?"
       Jao-Jao ‘called in a milky voice:
       At noon, Jao-Jao still stayed in the front yard for lunch. However, after waking up in the afternoon, Jao-Jao cried and wanted Yu-xi:
       "Mother, mother..."
       Huo Changqing couldn't help for a long time. Seeing that Jao-Jao had been calling, he had to help Rezi to take the child back to the backyard. After waiting for Pozi to leave, Huo Changqing stood in the yard and stood for a long time. As for what he is thinking, no one knows anything other than himself.
       Yu-xi took Jao-Jao and habitually touched her forehead and felt a little hot. However, she was not sure, and she took it to Lan Mama.
       Lan Mama touched Jao-Jao forehead and then checked it carefully and said:
       "It's a bit hot." See Yu-xi To call the doctor, Lan Mama said:
       "Madam, the child has a fever, it doesn't have to look at the doctor. From now on, I will feed the Eldest Miss every half hour. If the Eldest Miss is at night, let the white doctor look at it!" The white doctor is here. In the house, it is very convenient to be on call.
       Yu-xi heard this strangely:
       "Is it a fever that should be seen by a doctor?"
       Lan Mama explained:
       "The Eldest Miss situation is not serious. If you feed more water, it may fall down at night." It is a three-drug poison, can not take medicine or avoid letting children take medicine. Of course, Lan Mama also knows that Jao-Jao is in good health, and once he passed, he changed to Lu-Er. She didn't dare to do this.
       Although Yu-xi has doubts, she still does what she said. At half an hour, I fed Jao-Jao once water, and after drinking two times, Jao-Jao was reluctant to drink again. Yu-xi let Bai Mama squeeze pear juice to feed. Drinking water and juice all the time, the number of times of urination is much more. Before going to bed at night, Jao-Jao body temperature returned to normal.
       Yu-xi is not in good health, and the body is so unbearable for so much. Giving Jao-Jao to Yu Pozi for care:
       "Be sure to leave a personal vigil at night. If something is wrong with Miss, wake me up immediately." The child's fever will be repeated, and she is worried that Jao-Jao will relapse at night.
       This is also the case. In the next few days, Yu-xi did not let Jao-Jao go to the front yard again. Huo Changqing loves Jao-Jao, but Jao-Jao doesn't know about it twice. It's too careless.
       Then Jao-Jao is in good health before he recovers completely.

       Chapter 633 Contradiction (3)   

       Huo Changqing is in a bad mood, and everyone below can see it. Xu Daniu said with some wonder:
       "Lao Taiye, what's wrong with this?"
       The good end of the day has a face.
       Xu Wu shook his head and said:
       "I don't know." In fact, Xu Wu knows why Huo Changqing was in a bad mood these days, but he couldn't understand it.
       Xu Daniu said:
       "Boss, you still have to ask! Lao Taiye is always like this, not very good. I don't know what happened?"
       Xu Wu said:
       "What can be done, don't worry about it. If you have this time, it's better to know a few words!" Xu Daniu was an illiterate, and Yu-Xi learned to write his own name when he wanted them to read the words. However, that's all. After that, I don't want to learn anymore.
       Xu Daniu is like a person who is holding his throat and can't say a word.
       In the face of Xu Da Niu, Xu Wu did not leave his face, but his heart was also very anxious. On this evening, he found Huo Changqing and dared to talk about it:
       "Yefu, do you have any other plans for Jao-Jao?"
       Xu Wu has been with Huo Changqing for many years. He believes that Huo Changqing must have done this for a special reason. It is not deliberately difficult for Madam.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "You don't care about this."
       Xu Wu wants to cry, and says:
       "Yifu, now many people in the house know that you are in a bad mood recently. If you have any idea, you can talk directly to Madam. If you have been doing this, it is not only bad for you and Madam, but for the whole cloud.
       The government is not good.
       The righteous father, now is a special period, can not tolerate a little bit of loss." He is afraid that this will continue, Yu-Xi will fall out with Huo Changqing. Both of them are the most important people of the generals. If the two of them fall out, the last one is definitely not a general.
       Huo Changqing did not like the wish of Da Niu, said:
       "I have my own size."
       Yu-Xi is in the backyard, but I know the situation of Huo Changqing. Yu-Xi couldn’t figure it out, and said to Qu Mama:
       "It has always been a good end, I don't know why Huo Shu attitude changed greatly during this time." Although Xu Wu said that Huo Changqing is too lonely because of his age, he wants to accompany Jao-Jao. But Yu-Xi didn't believe this. Yun-Qing  went to Huo Changqing and started to be alone.
       This is too convincing. It is not a physical problem, nor is it a matter of spiritual convenience. Yu-Xi really can't figure out where the problem lies.
       Qu Mama thinks it is deeper:
       "Madam, you said that Lao Taiye knows that you can't have children within five years, so you deliberately make trouble with you."
       Yu-Xi quickly understood and said:
       "You have to mean that Huo Shu wants Yun-Qing  to be a child?"
       After talking about Yu-Xi, shook his head:
       "No, Huo Changqing will not do such a thing." Although Huo Changqing has been very strange during this time, she still does not want to think Huo Changqing.
       Qu Mama said:
       "Madam, although Huo Changqing was good to you before, but it is because you can help the general. Now you can't get pregnant within five years of being physically injured. After five years, the general can be thirty. Huo Changqing for the Yun family. Incense, it is not surprising to move such a thought. "The incense inheritance is a big event, and no one can ignore it.
       See Yu-Xi, no words, Qu Mama said:
       "Madam, this person is easy to change, not only Lao Taiye alone." Qu Mama said this very concealed. Lao Taiye face is not that important. Qu Mama is most afraid of Yun-Qing 's face change, so she wants Yu-Xi to be more protective against two points. Don't believe Yun-Qing  says she is stupid. Otherwise, it is Madam who suffers at the time.
       Yu-Xi is not stupid, but I can't hear the meaning of this:
       "Qu Mama, I don't believe that Huo Shu is such a person." The mouth is so arrogant, but in fact, Yu-Xi does not have this grasp. Huo Changqing's timing to change his face is really a coincidence.
       Qu Mama feels that it is no longer possible to let Yu-Xi go on like this, or else it must be a big loss:
       "Madam, there is no conflict of interest, naturally, hello, hello, everyone, but once there is a conflict of interest, the face will change immediately. Madam..."
       Yu-Xi interrupted Qu Mama and said:
       "There is no need to say anything about this." At this time, she could not contradict Huo Changqing. Otherwise, it is easy to be exploited.
       Qu Mama is a bit awkward.
       In the afternoon, Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai came over. Yu-Xi also wondered why Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai came over without saying hello, but she knew when she saw the person.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai saw Yu-Xi, tears brushed, and after crying enough, he took a towel from the licorice and wiped his face and said:
       "It’s too bully."
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "Isn't 1st Sister-in-law bullying you again?"
       Tu--Shi, although the temperament is good, can be flat--Shi is not able to come.
       The relationship between the two is very bad.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai nodded and said:
       "Before my eyes were not my eyes, my nose was not a nose. I thought that she was a long-haired, and I would endure it! I didn’t expect that today, because of the flower--Shi, she actually pointed at my nose, I am not The hen that will lay eggs. What is the hen that will not lay eggs? Is it true that Zi-Yao and Jing Yao are not found in the stone?"
       Yu-Xi remembered what Qu Mama had told her, and she was in a bad mood. Without the pressure of the child, she really realized it now:
       "You are so embarrassed by her? No resistance?"
       Tu--Shi said:
       "That will endure, Zi-Yao and Jing Yao will be ruined by her." She was a little angry, but she could not let Ping--Shi ruin her daughter.
       Yu-Xi snorted and said:
       "In the future, you have to be like today. If she bullies you, she will not let it go, or she will get more and more excessive."
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai heard this, and suddenly got up:
       "Who made her a long-haired, and gave birth to two sons!" Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai did not want to argue with her, but she was not confident enough.
       Yu-Xi knew that the problem was with Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai, but this kind of chores, Yu-Xi, has always been unwilling to blend. However, today's exception, Ping--Shi just happened to touch her counterscale:
       "If you want me to say that you are too weak, you haven't eaten her with her, why should she be angry with her?"
       If Zhao Madam is too smeared--Shi didn't have a son to give her a temper, this is Popo swearing-Erxi is very much, and it takes up the ritual, she is not good. Can be flat--Shi is only 1st Sister-in-law, Tu--Shi no son has a hair relationship with her.
       See 涂--Shi face tangled, Yu-Xi knows that reason does not work, the next heavy medicine:
       "Ping--Shi said that you are not a hen to lay eggs, it is obvious that in the eyes--Shi eyes, Zi-Yao and Jing Yao are nothing. No matter which of the people of the government, they are watching.
       The dishes are on the plate. Ping--Shi does not put your mother and son in the eye, and those who are not will naturally take care of your mother and daughter. If this is not the mother, I don’t think it’s a mother.” There are some suspicions of provocation.
       For the mother is strong, this time - shi-shi is also a violation of the paint - shi-shi counter-scale will also let her resist. Tu--Shi said:
       "You are right, for the sake of Zi-Yao and Jing Yao, I can no longer be bullied by her." The daughters are not well protected, what kind of mother.
       I figured out this, Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai is in a good mood.
       Yu-Xi shifted the topic and asked:
       "You went to see Chen-shi in the last two days, how about Chen-shi?"
       Qu Mama words gave the Yu-Xi a big shock. Huo Changqing is a very special existence for Yun-Qing . In case Huo Changqing really saves the mind of Yun-Qing , it is not easy to solve.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai can't help but shake his head when he talks about this:
       "The children have been born for five days, but Chen-shi face is still white like a piece of paper. When she said a few words, she panted. In order to give birth to this son, she also fights." Chen-shi She was so scared that she was very glad that she listened to Yu-Xi persuasion on the same day.
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "How is the child?"
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said that he did not see:
       "I didn't see the child, but I heard that the child couldn't eat anything. It was still hot yesterday." Speaking of this, Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai lowered his voice and said:
       "I don't think her child can't support it. You said that if the child is really gone, Chen-shi will not..." Will not be able to hang up and say nothing, she believes Yu- Xi can understand.
       This is really hard to say.
       Speaking of Fu Jia, naturally can not fall Fu Qing luo. Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said:
       "I heard that Fu Qing luo died with the bandits and was killed by the officers and men of the court."
       Yu-Xi has different opinions and said:
       "There are many mountains in the south of the city. Maybe Fu Qing luo and his husband are not necessarily hiding in the mountains." Yang Duo-ming is so savvy that it is impossible to die so easily. Maybe, long before she can still see this Yang Duo-ming.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai said:
       "Speaking, if the general of the day did not force marriage, she would not become a bandit Pozi."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "No one can say anything about the things under the sun." Fu Qing luo is a Tubo, she is still a thief!
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai also found herself saying the wrong thing, Yun-Qing  rebelled, her husband is now also an accomplice:
       "Yu-Xi Mei Mei, I have been out for a long time, I should go back."
       Yu-Xi did not stop, stood up and sent her out, and saw Huo Changqing at the gate of the Courtyard. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Huo Shu, Jao-Jao plays in the wing -" Fortunately, the northwest folk customs are open. If you are in the capital, even the elders can't go to the nursery.
       Zhao 2nd Nai-Nai didn't think so much.
       Yu-Xi sent to the second door and said one more sentence:
       "Tu-Sister-Sister, you have to remember one sentence, people are being bullied by people."
       Tu--Shi is not a weak person.
       The reason why these years have not been with Ping--Shi is because she is not confident enough to be punished by Zhao Madam. Now that Ping--Shi is getting too much, she won’t endure it anymore:
       "You can rest assured that I will not let her go." Let her go, and ride on her head to make a fortune. She was wronged by her own grievances, but she could not let her daughter suffer from sin.
       As soon as I entered the yard, I saw Huo Changqing standing in the courtyard. When you look at it, you know that you are not looking at Jao-Jao. Yu-Xi said directly:
       "Huo Shu, is there anything?"
       Huo Changqing nodded and said:
       "I want to talk to you."
       Yu-Xi nodded and led Huo Changqing into the study room.
       There is no more secure place than the study room.

       Chapter 634 Persecution (1)   

       Yu-Xi didn't go into the study during this time but the house was still clean and tidy, Qi-Qi.
       Servant retired after bringing in the tea dessert.
       Yu-Xi sat in the chair for a long time, and did not see Huo Changqing talking, had to speak:
       "Huo Shu, I don't know what you want to talk to me?"
       Huo Changqing took the call very quickly and said:
       "I heard Xu Wu say, you are going to wait for Jao-Jao to be enlightened when he is three years old. Will he still teach her chess and paintings in the future?"
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Yes. Although Jao-Jao is a Miss, it is only a matter of reading and literacy to know things. As for the chess and chess paintings, these are just things of love. Jao-Jao is willing to learn and not willing to learn and will not force her." "Sewing women red, that must be learned, this is a must-have thing for Miss.
       Huo Changqing looked at Yu-Xi and said:
       "I am going to wait for Jao-Jao to teach her martial arts after a little more. Yang Shifu touched the bones of Jao-Jao excellent excellent small said more new most fast said that her roots are good, Very suitable for martial arts."
       Yu-Xi is a bit dull. She does not object to Jao-Jao later martial arts. She learned that martial arts can not only keep fit and protect herself, but it is not right to say this from Huo Changqing's mouth. Yu-Xi is steady and asks:
       "You want to teach Jao-Jao to practice martial arts? Like training Xu Wu?"
       Huo Changqing shook his head and said:
       "I will teach all of my studies to Jao-Jao." This means that they are more strict with Jao-Jao than Xu Wu. Because of his move, it is equal to closing the disciples of Jao-Jao. Just because of the relationship with Yun-Qing , there is no need to apprentice, but the substance is similar.
       Yu-Xi refused after listening and said:
       "Huo Shu, I can't agree with this." If she only taught Jao-Jao martial arts, she might agree, but Huo Changqing clearly wanted to make Jao-Jao his descendant, and she would not agree. Like Purple Zi-Jin and Fu Qing luo, I learned so good martial arts, self-protection is self-protection, but there is no such thing as Miss. In the case of Jao-Jao and Huo Changqing, after martial arts, they became the same as Purple Zi-Jin in Fu Qing luo, and they really didn't find it.
       Huo Changqing was not surprised to hear Yu-Xi refuse, because this was in his expectation:
       "The doctor said that you can't regenerate within five years. Do you know this?"
       Yu-Xi has a white face, and Huo Changqing wants to threaten her with this matter:
       "What does this do with Jao-Jao and your martial arts?"
       Huo Changqing is not a person who likes to bend around, nor does he follow the Yu-Xi, saying:
       "Yun-Qing  once occupied the northwest, the situation is different from now. At that time, he has no heirs, and will definitely make the following people uneasy." Even after five years, Han-shi gave birth to a son, but wait for that. Twenty years later, the child can support the event, and then Yun-Qing  is already in his fifties. Who knows what happened in more than two decades. Moreover, after five years, Han-shi is pregnant, and it is not necessarily a son. If he is delayed, the heirs will be in the foreseeable future.
       Yu-Xi held her hand tightly, but the face was calm, saying:
       "Huo Shu, if I don't agree, would you let Yun-Qing  take it?"
       This is clearly forcing her to force her to agree to let Jao-Jao practice martial arts with him.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "If you promised to let Jao-Jao practice martial arts with me, even if Yun-Qing  moves this mind, I will help you stop."
       Yu-Xi heard this and couldn’t understand what Huo Changqing was thinking:
       "Huo Shu, I can know why you must teach Jao-Jao martial arts?"
       Huo Changqing is very simple:
       "Because you are innocent."
       Upon hearing this, Yu-Xi face was blue and white, white and purple. It must be said that she is not eager to hear that she can’t produce it within five years. It’s been the end of the matter, and it’s useless to be upset. But now Huo Changqing is so red/naked/naked, Yu-Xi feels very embarrassed:
       "I am only physically injured..." It is not impossible to give birth to this, she hides.
       Huo Changqing doesn't care about the embarrassing look of Yu-Xi, saying:
       "Jao-Jao is martial with me, and there is nothing wrong with Bailey. Why do you disagree?"
       Yu-Xi is no longer in charge of this time, coldly said:
       "I have to listen, how can it be all right?"
       Huo Changqing said:
       "Jao-Jao will learn all my skills in the future. Once I have the ability to protect myself, I don't have to worry about being assassinated. Second, if you have a son, Jao-Jao can be the child's arm." Here, Huo Changqing deliberately paused and said:
       "If you can't give birth to a son in the future, you can let Jao-Jao inherit the clothes of Yun-Qing ."
       Upon hearing this two or three, Yu-Xi knew that Huo Changqing had been considered for a long time. No wonder the recent behavior is weird. I was thinking about these things.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "Huo Shu, I am very grateful to you for this painstaking effort. Just Jao-Jao is a Miss family. If you have been following you with martial arts, how can you marry a good family in the future?"
       Jao-Jao was originally very good-looking. If he had to learn Huo Changqing's skills, he would probably be as good as a man when he grew up. So, how do you marry? Of course, as long as she is still with Yun-Qing , Jao-Jao does not marry. It is two concepts to marry and marry well.
       Huo Changqing feels that Yu-Xi has a narrow mind and says:
       "Jao-Jao If you inherit the clothing of Yun-Qing , do you think you still need to marry a good family?"
       If Jao-Jao inherits the clothing of Yun-Qing , then Jao-Jao will not marry, but will be recruited.
       Yu-Xi has a stiff face and says:
       "So you just decided that I can't live with my son in the future?"
       Being said so, my heart is really not a taste.
       Huo Changqing also felt that the words justified were ambiguous and said:
       "As long as Jao-Jao has enough skills, who can bully her?"
       Huo Changqing simply does not agree with Yu-Xi to let Yao-Jao marry a good family. Even if Jao-Jao can't inherit Yun-Qing 's clothes, as long as Jao-Jao has the true ability, no matter who is married.
       The days can be free and easy.
       Yu-Xi still shook his head and said:
       "You started to train Jao-Jao as an heir. Later, she had a younger brother and could not be an heir. By that time, Jao-Jao had become sensible. In case she thought she was only an alternate, she was resentful, and it was time. It will be troubled the younger brother is out of peace, I will not allow such a thing to happen." This is not an excuse for Yu-Xi refusal, but it is likely to happen. Moreover, even if Jao-Jao will not be resentful, she will not let Jao-Jao do the substitute.
       The important daughter of the son is as important as that, and the daughter cannot be sacrificed for the sake of the son. If not, she will not feel relieved for a lifetime.
       Huo Changqing really didn't think so long, but this is not a problem for Huo Changqing:
       "You can rest assured that I will teach Jao-Jao well and will not let this happen."
       Yu-Xi said:
       "I don't believe you, but no one can predict this kind of thing." With Jao-Jao temperament, there should be no scenes where the younger Brother are not. But there is no such thing as a perfect thing in this world. Once such a thing happens, there is no regret to eat. And she is a mother, and she is reluctant to take her daughter in exchange for benefits.
       Huo Changqing didn't expect him to think so well, and Han-shi refused. Huo Changqing asked:
       "What conditions do you want to agree?"
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "No matter what the conditions, I will not agree. Jao-Jao was born in 10 months, I can't let her suffer from such suffering." Huo Changqing said that he would teach Jao-Jao all his life. It is easy to be embarrassed and must suffer greatly.
       After talking about it for a long time, Huo Changqing lost patience:
       "So, you just don't agree?"
       Yu-Xi does not speak, does not speak, is equal to the default.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "If you don't agree, I won't force you. But I just hope you don't hate me in the future."
       Yu-Xi is not afraid of the threat of Huo Changqing, saying:
       "As long as Yun-Qing  is not willing to take it, can you still press it?"
       In fact, Nabuna is not the key, the key is on the man. It doesn't matter if the cow doesn't drink water, as long as Yun-Qing  doesn't agree with Nayong, how can Huo Changqing work harder?
       Huo Changqing didn't pick up Yu-Xi, just said:
       "Before Jao-Jao is three years old, you change your mind and you can tell me." This means that he is ready to teach martial arts when Jao-Jao is three years old.
       After Huo Changqing left, Yu-Xi stayed in the study. Until Jao-Jao cried and called her mother, Yu-Xi came out of the study.
       Jao-Jao plunged into the arms of Yu-Xi and called:
       "Mother." Little Yatou had two tears on her face, and she couldn’t tell the pity.
       Yu-Xi took the son to wipe the tears of Jao-Jao and said; "Jao-Jao doesn't cry, mother is here!" Thinking of what Huo Changqing said just now, her heart was pumping, very pain.
       When Xu Wu patrolled, watching Huo Changqing look very cold, asked:
       "Father, what's wrong with this?"
       At first glance, I know that my father is in a bad mood. Xu Wu knew that Huo Changqing had gone to the backyard, but he didn't know what Huo Changqing had talked to Yu-Xi.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "Come with me in the yard." Huo Changqing Since he has made up his mind to teach Jao-Jao martial arts, he will not quit halfway. However, he is now so stiff with Han-shi that he needs a middleman to round the field.
       This person, Xu Wu is the most suitable.
       Xu Wu and others know the ins and outs and think about it:
       "Yifu, don't be angry.
       The Miss in the family's home is raised and raised.
       This martial arts is bitter and tired, and Madam disagrees."
       Huo Changqing said:
       "I am also good for Jao-Jao. Otherwise, why should I ask this suspicion? Yun-Qing  will only be more dangerous in the northwest. If Jao-Jao has no self-protection ability, he will definitely suffer a big loss in the future." If it is serious, it may kill. Han-shi was injured twice, not only because she was careless, but also because she was too weak and she did not have the ability to protect herself. Once Yun-Qing  occupies the northwest, the abduction of poisoning will definitely increase.
       Those people will have a poisonous hand on Jao-Jao when they arrive.
       Xu Wu said; "Yifu, I know that you are good for Jao-Jao. But Madam is reluctant to take care of Jao-Jao. It is normal for Madam to accept it. If Madam promises it for his own benefit, then It’s chilling! Righteous father, are you saying?”
       Huo Changqing heard this and his face was not as cold. .
       Xu Wu continued to smile and said:
       "My father, Madam is also unable to turn this corner for a while. When she knows that you are good for Jao-Jao, she will definitely agree."
       Huo Changqing said:
       For the book friend Xi Jing, reward and add more, 1148 

       Chapter 635 Persecution (2)   

       In the afternoon, Fu Jia sent an invitation, which was sent by He Mama himself. .
       Yu-xi looked at Chen-shi, and said:
       "Lu-Er is not very comfortable in the past two days, and I can't walk. You have something to do with Madam, you can say it straight."
       He Mama said:
       “Madam, my family Madam just wants to know how Lan Mama cares for the second Miss? Knowing what to avoid, the breastfeeding mother can also take good care of my grandfather.” Yun family II Miss is also a premature birth, but raised very well, and The doctors all said that they can live, this is a lot of people in Fu-Cheng City, so Chen-shi moved his thoughts. Of course, Chen-shi thoughts are not to ask Lan Mama how to care for premature babies, but to ask Yu-xi to let Lan Mama help her son for two days. However, He Mama is very clear that Yu-xi will not agree to this unreasonable request.
       Yu-xi is not stupid. I don't know where Chen-shi wrote this post.
       This is why she is not willing to go to see the family. Chen-shi is difficult to produce. If she does not let Lan Mama help to deliver the baby in the past, if Chen-shi is gone with the child in her stomach, Fu Tianlei will definitely have grievances. Many people are like this. When they are at the time, they don’t cherish it. Once they lose it, they feel extraordinarily valuable. But today's situation is different. Lu-Er's situation is known to everyone. I believe that Fu Tianlei does not have this face to open this mouth. Yu-xi will endure again and again because Fu Tianlei is not Chen-shi. However, He Mama can be so interested, Yu-xi is quite satisfied:
       "Licorice, take her to see Lan Mama." She is not a vicious person, can help naturally. Just can't help, there is no way.
       He Mama wrote all the things that Lan Mama said that need attention, and with this, she can also make a difference.
       Lan Mama and Yu-xi said:
       "Madam, I listened to He Mama just now, it seems that Chen-shi wants me to take care of her son." Lan Mama didn't want to take care of Chen-shi son.
       Yu-xi said:
       "You can rest assured that Lu-Er can't leave, I won't let you go to the family.
       The last time the situation was special, I had to agree with Fu Tianlei."
       Lan Mama heard this and was relieved. She also deliberately came to this because she was worried that Yu-xi would agree to Chen-shi:
       "Madam, Chen-shi is not good at all, and it is difficult to produce. Her current body has been hollowed out. I am squatting, she can't live for a few years."
       Yu-xi didn't think it was so serious:
       "Is it good to raise it?"
       Lan Mama said:
       "It’s just a matter of living for two years. Of course, if you have a panacea, then it’s another matter." According to the current situation of Chen-shi, it’s three or five years of life. in the case of.
       Yu-xi thought that she could not have children for five years because of dystocia, and she felt like she was sick. Jiang Hongjin never touched her in her life. She thought that if she had a child, she would be satisfied even if she was a daughter. Unexpectedly, now that there are two daughters who have satisfied the wishes of the last generation, but because of the position of their sons.
       Lan Mama saw Yu-xi not talking, thinking that the words just let Yu-xi move the heart of ambiguity, busy saying:
       "Madam, Fu Jia, the young Master's body is very bad. Unless you find a famous doctor, if it doesn't work for a long time." Even if you find a famous doctor at that time, you can only keep this life. You can't live without medicine for a lifetime. .
       Yu-xi was shocked, but she quickly reacted and said:
       "This child's body is so bad that it is not just premature birth, it should have a great relationship with Chen-shi poor health."
       Lan Mama nodded and said:
       “Madam is right. Our second Miss is also a premature birth, but Madam is in good health and well raised before giving birth.” Also because of the good foundation, Lu-Er can only take care of her. Getting better and better. If Lu-Er is the same as the Young Master of the Fu family, she can't do anything about it.
       Yu-xi said four words:
       "It's too anxious." Chen-shi is too anxious. If she had a good three or five years of regeneration, it would not be like this.
       Lan Mama agrees with this and says:
       "Yeah! The two children are too close to each other before and after, so it hurts very much. Madam, you have to raise your body and have children again!" Don't take the road of Chen-shi, Otherwise the Darens and children will be sinned together.
       Yu-xi looks very light and says:
       "You can rest assured that I will not make fun of my own life. I am also clear about what kind of child is not a mother. I will not let Jao-Jao and Lu-Er suffer from that kind of pain." It’s really a desperate life, my mother is gone, and I’ve met a heartless man. If I’m not a big aunt, I can live to get married.
       Lan Mama is relieved.
       Licorice walked in and said:
       "Madam, Xu Wu Darens want to see." Xu Wu often came over to send news, so it is not strange.
       Lan Mama bowed and blessed, then returned to the ear room.
       Xu Wu came over and came for what Huo Changqing said:
       "Madam, the morning, the righteous father told me."
       Yu-xi put down the embroidery on hand and said:
       "Are you coming and doing things? Or are you still a lobbyist?"
       Xu Wu knows the Yu-xi ability, so he didn't think about using the rhetoric to fool Yu-xi. He asked directly:
       "Madam, the martial arts of the righteous father is more than that of Yang Shifu. So I want to know why you don't let Jao-Jao and the righteous martial arts? If the reason for Madam is sufficient, I will convince The father gave up this idea."
       Yu-xi doesn't believe in a face, says:
       "Can you convince him?"
       Xu Wu did not say a big word, sincerely said:
       "I can't convince my righteous father, but also the general! But I think this matter is still resolved before the general returns. Otherwise you have a conflict with the righteous, and the general station is not suitable."
       Yu-xi looked at the shackles on the embroidery and did not speak. Xu Wu words are correct. Huo Changqing is a benefactor and a father to Yun-Qing . And if she is confronted with Huo Changqing, she is suffering.
       Xu Wu asked:
       "Madam disagreed with Jao-Jao and followed his father-in-law. It should be reluctant to take care of Jao-Jao. I don't know if I guessed it right?"
       To become a martial artist, it is definitely a lot of suffering. He is deeply aware of this.
       Yu-xi glanced at Xu Wu and then slowly lowered his head and said:
       "Jao-Jao is Miss, not a kid, don't need to be guilty."
       Xu Wu hit the draft and said:
       "Madam, the reason why the righteous father wanted to pass on his life to Jao-Jao was because Madam’s two assassinations made him very uneasy. He was worried that Jao-Jao would follow Madam later.
       The same ability without self-protection may be life-threatening." To Xu Wu said that Yu-xi is lucky, and two successful assassinations are just injuries and no death. Yu-xi has such good luck, and does not mean that Jao-Jao also has such a way.
       Yu-xi said with a stiff face:
       "I didn't think that this thing was actually caused by me." Yu-xi did not doubt Xu Wu words, the reason is very simple, Huo Changqing's love for Jao-Jao is no less than her and Yun- Qing .
       The same thing, the effect is different in different ways. Like Xu Wu, I also want Yu-xi to agree with Jao-Jao martial arts, but the statement is different. Yu-xi is not only angry but a little embarrassed. Because if she is capable, she will not be succeeded by the assassin, nor will she let Lu-Er suffer such a crime.
       Xu Wu Sees that Yu-xi has loosened and made persistent efforts, saying:
       "Madam, I dare say that the righteous father loves Eldest Miss more than you.
       The righteous father is reluctant to let Jao-Jao suffer such a pain, but the future is too dangerous. He has to go down for the safety of Jao-Jao.
       This jealous heart." See Yu-xi did not speak, Xu Wu said:
       "Madam, when there is always negligence in the guards around me, if in this case, Jao-Jao has the ability to protect himself. If it is not self-protected..." Behind, let Yu- Xi has made up his own brain.
       Yu-xi is very entangled. Huo Changqing thought a lot after she went out. It is undeniable that Huo Changqing is willing to teach Jao-Jao to give it a good thing and an opportunity. But when she thought of Jao-Jao, if she really suffered so much, she would not be reluctant. She suffered so much, but she did not want her children to suffer.
       Xu Wu thought for a moment and said:
       "Madam, I know that you are still worried that Jao-Jao can't marry after martial arts. If Madam doesn't like to listen, Madam is totally worried.
       There are so many good people in the army. Where can I? I can't pick a satisfying one."
       Yu-xi suddenly said:
       "If I don't agree, will Huo Shu really let the generals?"
       Being forced by people is awful. I used to think about it in Capital City. I didn't expect her to think that she was unconstrained, and she was forced to be forced again.
       Xu Wu heard this and said with a puzzled look:
       "Madam, is there any misunderstanding? Is it impossible for the righteous father to say this?"
       Yu-xi said coldly:
       "Do you think I made up?"
       Xu Wu shook his head:
       "Madam, I think there must be a misunderstanding. Madam, the father of the day knows that after your physical injury, you also specifically told the generals about the embarrassment.
       The righteous father and the general said that you can not be injured because of your body. Oh, if this is the case, the couple will be centrifuged. Moreover, the righteous father also said that the eldest son is the root of the chaotic family. Madam, when the righteous father said these words, I stood next to him." This is a modified . Huo Changqing didn't say that she wouldn't let Yun-Qing  be jealous. It was just to say to Yun-Qing  that even if he wanted to take advantage of his position, he couldn't let the couple centrifuge, which would not be worth the candle. At the time, Huo Changqing only reminded Yun-Qing  that he had never thought about blending into the Yun-Qing  room. He is not full of food, and he manages to be as wide. As for Huo Changqing and did not explain at the time, it was because the attitude of Yu-xi made him very angry.
       Yu-xi stunned, and thought about Huo Changqing. She did not say anything about it from beginning to end. She chose it herself:
       "Does Huo really say that?"
       Huo Changqing and Xu Wu said that the matter of letting Yao-Jao martial arts was only a rough idea, and did not say it in great detail.
       This will, Xu Wu is a little crying and laughing:
       "Madam, do you believe that you can write a letter to ask the general." This is the most clear thing for the general.
       Yu-xi shook his head and said:
       "The general is fighting in front of him, and he can make him worry about this kind of thing." At this time, Yun-Qing  had to fight with one heart and one mind, and where he could bother him.
       Xu Wu said:
       "Madam, you don't promise Jao-Jao and your father to practice martial arts.
       The father is angry and wants to force the general. I believe. You can use this kind of thing to threa10th Madam. I can use the head to guarantee. Absolutely not." Xu Wu added another sentence and said:
       "Madam, in the eyes of the righteous father, Miss is the same as the kid." This means that Huo Changqing is not patriarchal.
       Huo Changqing said that if Yu-xi didn't have a son, he would let Jao-Jao inherit Yun-Qing 's clothes, which is enough to show that he has no patriarchal thoughts. Otherwise, it is impossible to say such a thing.
       Yu-xi is very ashamed, this time the conflict with Huo Changqing is completely overkill. Or it was misled by Qu Mama words. Of course, Huo Changqing is also responsible.
       The previous behavior was weird, and it was a pity to talk hard. otherwise,

       Chapter 636 Compromise   

       Xu Wu looked at the Yu-Xi look loose and felt that there was a play, saying:
       "My father is old and not suitable for work. It is also true that the righteous father loves Jao-Jao, so he will move this mind.
       "Teaching an apprentice takes a lot of effort."
       Huo Changqing was in the Banyan Tree Village. He was only responsible for guiding, training and so on. Now, the matter of Yushuzhuang is also responsible for Guo Xun. Got the biography of Huo Changqing, Guo Xuan is fully qualified for this matter.
       Yu-Xi did not immediately give an answer, saying:
       "You let me think about it again!" This thing Yu-Xi and Huo Changqing are not wrong, but the two people ideas are different. Although Yu-Xi suffered so much, this way of growing up depends on herself, but she is not willing to let her daughter go back to her path. Plus Yu-Xi is the most orthodox teaching, so she also hopes that Jao-Jao and Lu-Er will become famous in the future and have a good dear.
       Xu Wu did not expect Yu-Xi to agree, but he was satisfied with the result:
       "Madam, the righteous father is really good for Jao-Jao. If there is anything wrong with him, please ask Madam not to care." Xu Wu is not willing to see Huo Changqing and Yu-Xi fight. Both of them are indispensable people in Yunfu. If they are out of their hearts, they will still suffer from Yunfu.
       Yu-Xi said calmly:
       "I am also wrong with this." Huo Changqing is not handled properly, but her problem is not small. It was also recently influenced by Chen-shi and shi-shi, and she was suspicious. Otherwise, this time will not make trouble with Huo Changqing.
       Xu Wu heard this and was completely relieved.
       That night, Yu-Xi rolled over the bed and heard the ear room there was movement, she got up and walked over. When I entered the house, I saw that the pomegranate was ready to feed Lu-Er and drink milk. Yu-Xi said:
       "Let me do it!"
       Pomegranate did not hesitate to hand the small bowl of milk to the Yu-Xi. How to feed Madam also knows that there is no need to say more.
       After feeding the Yu-Xi, I still didn't feel sleepy. I touched the small face of Lu-Er and whispered:
       "Lu-Er, be sure to get better and grow up safely."
       Lan Mama said, "The voice is low:
       "Madam, it's too late, let's go to rest!" Yu-Xi now where the body can get tired, one accidentally got sick.
       Back to the bedroom Yu-Xi took Jao-Jao to the bed and touched the head of Jao-Jao, his eyes full of struggles. Reason is naturally to let Yao-Jao follow Huo Changqing, but she is emotionally reluctant to eat this bitterness by Jao-Jao.
       After a long struggle, I finally fell asleep and opened my eyes, almost noon. Yu-Xi smiled a bit, and the body really didn't work. I never slept so long before.
       Breakfast and lunch are combined.
       Qu Mama walked in from the outside and said to Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, General Fu came over and said that he wanted to see Madam." When he said this, Qu Mama didn't look very good.
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Then wait for General General to wait." I only hope that Fu Tianlei is not asking Lan Mama to take care of his son, otherwise she will no longer give face.
       Fu Tianlei came to apologize. It was also at noon that he knew that Chen-shi had started the idea of ​​Lan Mama. When it is difficult to produce, there is no way. After all, life is at stake, how can we open this mouth now?
       Yu-Xi walked in and gave Fu Tianlei a blessing and said:
       "Fu general, don't know what you are looking for?"
       Yu-Xi wore blue clothes and was covered with cranes in white foxes. I took a very simple hairpin and wore a red gold silk thread to turn the phoenix. His face was a little pale, but he didn't hide his body.
       Fu Tianlei looked at Yu-Xi and quickly removed his eyes and said:
       "-Sister-in-law, I am here to apologize to you. I don't know that Chen-shi has such a mind."
       Yu-Xi was silent and said:
       "Fu general, the same mother, you Madam's mind I am also clear. Just Lu-Er's situation is not good, can not leave Lan Mama." After a bitter smile, said:
       "I don't marry you, Lan Mama went to help Madam for two days. Lu-Er is my personal care. With the last time, it is not at ease for the child to take care of others. But now I am The body is not as good as before, and I fell ill after taking care of it for two days." Fu Tianlei can come to the door to apologize, at least the brain is awake.
       Fu Tianlei has some flaws:
       "Let you get tired of it." Yu-Xi uses your Madam instead of sister-in-law, which also indicates that the two are very unfamiliar and have a bad relationship.
       Yu-Xi smiled and shook his head:
       "General General, not that I don't let Lan Mama, but Lu-Er is really not allowed from Lan Mama.
       The child is too weak in premature birth, and the person to be cared for is negligent and may get sick..." Those unlucky words, she I dare not say.
       Having said that, the tears of Yu-Xi fell, and the tears were taken from the scorpion, and I looked up embarrassedly:
       "Let you laugh, I think of the sins of Lu-Er these days, I am saddened." Every time I saw Lu-Er's weak look, she was very upset.
       Fu Tianlei does not know how to comfort, said:
       "Yun-Qing  has broken the Maicheng now, and when it is time to lay down the city, you don't have to be afraid of being concealed." In fact, when Yun-Qing  takes up the city, the murder of poisoning will only be more.
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "Yun-Qing  has been fighting all these days. I am also scared and trembled. I can't be peaceful. I hope I can finish this war soon."
       Fu Tianlei said:
       "According to this speed, Shaanxi should be able to capture Shaanxi before March." There is more than a month, enough to occupy the entire Shaanxi.
       Say two words, Fu Tianlei will go back.
       Yu-Xi measured it in my heart and asked:
       "General General, I listened to Lan Mama and said that your Madam's body has been hollowed out. It may only be a few years old. Is this true?"
       In fact, this is a bit abrupt, but Yu-Xi has another idea.
       Fu Tianlei sighed and said:
       The doctor said that he can only live for up to five years in his care." After nearly ten years of writing, he was very upset when he knew this.
       Yu-Xi smiled and she was lucky compared to Chen-shi. After all, she couldn't have children for five years, instead of only five years of life. Yu-Xi said:
       "The last time I followed the imperial Hong Imperial Doctor, the medical skills were very good. If you can ask him to give you Madam treatment, I can't say that there is a turning point."
       Fu Tianlei smiled bitterly:
       "Don't say that the Hong Imperial Doctor is far away from the Imperial Doctor's Academy in Capital City. Please don't come. Just say that now the soldiers are in chaos, how can I please?"
       Yu-Xi has a heart, but the face does not show a half-point, saying:
       "I don't want to go now, wait until the Northwest is settled, please go, please do something, maybe you can come!"
       Fu Tianlei thinks this is somewhat unrealistic. Hong Imperial Doctor is an Imperial Doctor, and there is no order to leave the capital. Moreover, now they are a chaotic thief in the eyes of the court, and the Hong Imperial Doctor is not stupid, how could it be related to them. Fu Tianlei said:
       "I have already sent a letter to Yuan Ying, asking him to ask the best doctor in Lanzhou City to treat Chen-shi."
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "The best doctor in the northwest is in Yucheng.
       Then you write to Yun-Qing  and you can find a good doctor."
       Fu Tianlei looked at the look of Yu-Xi with a look of concern, and his heart was touched. He thought that he had troubled Han-shi like this, and Han-shi would be impatient with them:
       "Thank you sister-in-law's concern." If the ‘Madam’ has half of Han-shi, it will not be so hard these years.
       Back to the backyard, Yu-Xi did not return directly to the bedroom but entered the study -. Qu Mama is a bit strange, Madam is a big deal.
       Yu-Xi mentioned the wolf brush, but she couldn't stop her heart, and the words were written very badly. After writing more than ten words, Yu-Xi simply put the pen on the pen holder and walked to the window to look outside. Looking at the willow tree with sprouts outside the window, Yu-Xi couldn’t help but remember the words that Shi-shi had told her. Tu--Shi said that Fu Tianlei had promised to have a double with Chen-shi, and now she knows that Chen-shi has not lived for a few years, but she is not willing to find a famous doctor. She knows that it is really difficult to ask the Hong Imperial Doctor to go to the northwest. If she does not try it, she will give up and let her be really chilling. Yun-Qing  is really sincere to her, but what about the future?
       If you can't have a child within five years, you can make Yu-Xi feel uneasy. With Huo Changqing's words, Huo Changqing's sentence is because you have no children, but like a sharp blade in her heart. Let Yu-Xi fall into an unprecedented anxiety, and it will be inevitable to think too much. Yu-Xi thinks that once Yun-Qing  occupies the northwest, Yun-Qing  is equal to the emperor of the northwest. When faced with various beauty, Huo Changqing will inherit the incense of the Yun family.
       The Brother who were born and died, such as Feng Dajun, have been persuading that it is difficult to guarantee that Yun-Qing  will not waver.
       Yu-Xi couldn't help but think of 1st Sister-in-law Ye-shi. Fortunately, Big Brother has always been clear-headed, knowing that his ‘Madam’ and sister will not be in chaos, so Jia Concubine has two sons, but Big Brother has always been faint to her. of. Otherwise, 1st Sister-in-law will be so easy in the days of Duke.
       The call of Bai Mama interrupted the thinking of Yu-Xi:
       "Madam, the medicated diet is good, it should be eaten." The medicated diet made by Yu-Xi is not bad, but the taste is really unpalatable.
       Yu-Xi went out, ate the medicated diet, and did not return to the study room directly hugged Jao-Jao into the bedroom and said to Yu Pozi:
       "Let's go down! I am alone enough here."
       Jao-Jao leaned his head and said with a smile:
       "Mother, Mei Mei." This means going to see Mei Mei Lu-Er.
       With the face of Jao-Jao, Yu-Xi whispered:
       "Jao-Jao, my mother has no choice but to let you suffer." Huo Changqing has a very correct statement. He does not have the ability to protect himself. He always thinks of relying on others. It is extremely unsafe.
       The same reason, Yun-Qing  is good now, she also believes that what Yun-Qing  said before her is sincere. But in the future, if Yun-Qing  turns her mind away from her, then she is not going to fall into the same situation as Chen-shi. Even if Yun-Qing  sees her husband and ‘Madam’ in the same bitterness, she is as respectful to her as her older brother, and she is not willing to marry others.
       Jao-Jao touched the face of Yu-Xi and called out:
       Yu-Xi kissed Jao-Jao and said with a smile:
       "Okay, let's go see Mei Mei." She thought more, with Jao-Jao temper, she should not be worried about her situation.

       Chapter 637 Conditions (1)   

       In the evening, Yu-Xi couldn't sleep anymore.
       She couldn't help thinking that if Mama was there, she would definitely help her to adjust her body faster. However, before the Northwestern issue is settled, it is not appropriate to send someone to find Mama.
       Yu-Xi got up from the bed and fumbled for a long time before he explored a booklet. Did not look, directly turned to the twelve pages of the booklet, swept and called the licorice to get a pen.
       After writing all the herbs listed above, Yu-Xi handed the paper to the licorice and said:
       "Give this to Xu Baowei and let him buy the things on this list."
       Xu Wu got this list and looked at the medicine listed above. He asked:
       “Madam is not feeling well?”
       If Jao-Jao or Lu-Er is sick, then please ask Dr. Bai to see instead of directly taking the prescription. Moreover, this prescription is also very strange, not only in many types, but also in a large amount.
       Licorice shook his head and said:
       "Madam is all right, Xu Daren, Madam said these things she will use tomorrow morning."
       Xu Wu did not continue to ask:
       "I will send the medicine to me tomorrow morning."
       There are more than 30 kinds of herbs listed in Yu-Xi, and the amount required is also large. Several pharmacies in Fu-Cheng City were almost wiped out by them.
       Halfway through the sea, licorice lingered outside the house. Yesterday, Yu-Xi told her to wake up before she slept. Licorice wants to let Yu-Xi sleep more, but I am afraid that Yu-Xi will blame.
       After a little entanglement, she stepped into the house and went to the bed and ‘called:
       "Madam, already halfway through the sea, Madam..." began with a mosquito-like cry, and later the voice grew louder and louder. As a result, Yu-Xi was not awakened, but Jao-Jao was awakened.
       It was painful to be awake, and Jao-Jao cried angrily:
       "Wow..." The earth-shattering crying succeeded in awakening Yu-Xi.
       Yu-Xi woke up and smiled and took Jao-Jao from Yu Pozi hand. She took her and kissed her and gave her to Pozi. She herself went tightly. Pharmacy .
       Check the medicine to be used again, and then select a few valuable medicines from the pharmacy.
       The medicine is well matched, Yu-Xi and Licorice say:
       "Get these medicines to soak."
       Licorice took the big bag of herbs and asked:
       "Madam, when will these medicines be picked up?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "A sip of tea..." When I didn't finish talking, I heard the cry of Jao-Jao, and Yu-Xi was busy returning to the house.
       Jao-Jao was kneeling on the corner of the table and took a small bag from his forehead. Yu-Xi swept away Pozi and said:
       "You go on, there is me here."
       He rubbed the medicine for Jao-Jao and did not hand her Mao-Jao to Yu Pozi.
       The last time Jao-Jao fever was not discovered in time, and now that Jao-Jao has reached the end, Yu-Xi has already begun to change her mind.
       From the discovery of pregnancy to the present, Yu-Xi has not played five birds in the past six months.
       This will pick up and feel the body is very stiff. After playing for less than five minutes, Yu-Xi felt a little dizzy. Everything should be done with utmost effort, and now the body can't stand it and naturally can't continue.
       Jao-Jao sat in the chair and stared at Yu-Xi and then played the five-bird show, and he couldn't keep his eyes on it. See Yu-Xi stop and call out:
       "Mother, move, move..." After that, a pair of small hands still waved.
       Yu-Xi is laughing, and Jao-Jao is so excited to see her play the Five Birds. It seems that this Yatou is talented in this respect:
       "Jao-Jao Don't worry, the girl will continue."
       After the rest, I continued to play, and I also played three times on and off. When the fourth half of the time was over, Yu-Xi felt the limit and did not dare to continue. But when she took the last move, her legs didn't work, and she sat down on the floor.
       Licorice was busy holding the Yu-Xi on the chair and taking a towel to wipe her face. Licorice said while rubbing his heart:
       "Madam, you don't practice anymore, it's too hard."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I have to practice every day in the future." I have to exercise in the morning and evening, so that I can get better sooner.
       After a rest, the body also had strength, Yu-Xi wrapped a thick scorpion back to the bedroom and did not change clothes, let Bai Mama bring breakfast.
       After eating it myself, I started feeding Jao-Jao again. Jao-Jao has a good appetite and won't be willing to eat. However, she has the same problem as Yun-Qing . She does not like to eat vegetables and only likes to eat meat. She is also a meatless and unhappy master. Jao-Jao is not Yun-Qing . If she doesn't eat strong, she will let go and cry out loud. Finally, there is no way to make vegetables into the juice for her to drink.
       After a while, Qu Mama said that the medicinal bath was good.
       The net room also the ground dragon, after a large bucket of water went down, the house was too hot.
       Yu-Xi is biting his gums in a small coat, and the medicated bath is actually a crime. And this is just the beginning, and after a few minutes, Yu-Xi will start sweating on the forehead:
       "Take a towel." This time the towel was not used to wipe the sweat, but was bitten in the mouth.
       Yu-Xi only eats medicated diets without a medicated bath, because this prescription is not as comfortable as the legend.
       The book reads the first special pain, just like torture. Yu-Xi is not in good health and is afraid of suffering this pain. But now, in order to restore her health as soon as possible, she can't take care of it. At most, it is just fainting, and there are no side effects anyway.
       The sweat is like a broken pearl, rolling from the forehead. Yu-Xi bit his towel, holding both hands tightly on the edge of the barrel, and all the blue veins on the forehead were revealed.
       Qu Mama looked at the painful look of Yu-Xi, and the tears were brushed off. Wiping a tear, Qu Mama advised:
       "Madam, you still don't soak again, your body won't stand."
       Yu-Xi shakes her head, she must hold on, can't faint.
       The first effect of the medicated bath was the best, and the latter effect was not as good as the first time. If you faint halfway, the effect will be discounted. ,
       Yu-Xi held on her teeth and fainted when she heard the time. Qu Mama tried her best to lift the Yu-Xi out of the wooden bucket and put the clothes on the Yu-Xi before calling the red dragonfly and Hong-duo to help.
       Hung Hom looked at the Yu-Xi, whose face was scary, and was very worried to say:
       "Qu Mama, Madam, is this the doctor?"
       Qu Mama shook her head and said:
       "Nothing, Madam, this is exhaustion, just sleep." She did not expect this medicinal bath to be so overbearing, to know that she would refuse to let Madam soak.
       Although the red dragonfly does not have the strength of Purple Zi-Jin, it is no problem to hold the Yu-Xi. However, this hug can't hold back.
       Xu Wu got the news and rushed to the backyard with Dr. Bai, and found Qu Mama and said:
       "Madam fainted, why don't you call the white doctor to come and see." I didn't expect Madam's body to be so bad.
       Qu Mama shook her head and said:
       "Madam just took a medicated bath, it was too arrogant, and Madam couldn't stand it and fainted." This medicinal bath needs to be soaked for two quarters of an hour. Yu-Xi can last until the end, and has to say will Too strong, her other people are scared to see.
       Xu Wu remembered the medicine she bought last night, and she also counted it:
       "Let the white doctor look at it!" Xu Wu knows that Yu-Xi will be pharmacological, and I am not surprised.
       Qu Mama did not object, and led the white doctor into the house.
       After the completion of the pulse, Dr. Bai said with a look:
       "The evil in Madam's body has been dispelled a lot. Madam is what kind of medicated bath, and it has such a good effect."
       Qu Mama shook her head and said:
       "I don't know this." Qu Mama guessed that the recipe for this medicinal bath should be Quan Mama own Madam.
       Dr. Bai thought about asking Yu-Xi to wake up and ask. However, he knows that Yu-Xi is not expected to say it, because this kind of formula is generally not exported.
       Qu Mama said:
       "Xu Baowei, please also ask the people who are bound to the outer court, don't let them talk nonsense. Otherwise, Madam will have a lot of troubles in the future." If not Lan Mama reputation, how can Chen-shi be three times? Four times to trouble her Madam. Chen-shi, if you know that Madam's medicated bath is very good, you will definitely come to Madam in person.
       This time, it is different from the past. Madam's foundation can't stand the arrogance of this drug. It is estimated that Chen-shi body is directly dead inside.
       Therefore, this matter must not be leaked.
       Xu Wu said:
       "You can rest assured that I will not let this happen." But he still did not hesitate to ask:
       “Madam is really okay?”
       The white doctor said:
       "Madam is too weak to withstand this pain. It will be okay if the rest is good."
       After knowing this, Huo Changqing said:
       "She is so determined that she will not let Jao-Jao and I practice martial arts!" Yesterday, I said that I would like to take Jao-Jao martial arts. I will take a medicinal bath today and will faint myself.
       This is the rhythm of preparing to go out!
       Xu Wu is not stupid, and naturally hears the meaning of Huo Changqing:
       "My father, Madam is not a person who can make fun of his own life. I think this may not be the case."
       Huo Changqing said:
       "No matter whether he has any insider or not, Jao-Jao things can't be changed." As long as Yun-Qing  promised, Jao-Jao could follow him. But he didn't want his husband and ‘Madam’ to have a conflict, but he first told Han-shi.
       Yu-Xi wakes up until the end of the afternoon, wakes up and eats something, washes it and goes to the front yard to see Huo Changqing.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "If you don't want to let Jao-Jao practice martial arts with me, don't you have to take it for you?"
       If Han-shi has three long and two short, he is the culprit.
       Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
       "The medicated bath is my own. How could it be my life?"
       Yu-Xi is a little polite.
       Huo Changqing sighed and asked:
       "So what are you looking for?"
       Yu-Xi said:
       "It is not impossible for Jao-Jao to practice martial arts with you. But I have three conditions. As long as you promise, I will let Jao-Jao practice martial arts with you." Since you have to make sacrifices, you must exchange for the most benefits. .
       Huo Changqing asked:
       "You said. As long as I can do it, I will promise." If you can't do it, try your best.

       Chapter 638 Conditions (2)   

       The first condition of Yu-Xi is to ask Huo Changqing to give her the secret. Although there are fewer people in the current Guardian, they will be trained to cultivate such talents in the future. In the future, she will not only be able to know everything outside, but also the people available.
       Huo Changqing was alert and asked:
       "What do you want to do?"
       Yu-Xi will say a good excuse:
       "If Jao-Jao later inherits Yun-Qing 's clothes, there will definitely be many people who oppose it. I can control her after I control the dark guard." Yu-Xi wants to control the dark guard for himself.
       The strength will not be forced again. As for the support of Jao-Jao, it is just an excuse, because she will not let Jao-Jao inherit the Yun-Qing 's clothes. Inheriting the clothing of Yun-Qing  means that you will take the troops to fight in the future. Such a difficult road, how could she let Jao-Jao go.
       Huo Changqing asked:
       "to be frank?"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Do you know me, uncle Huo?"
       This time Huo Changqing can use a childless force to force him, and next time he will use other means to force her.
       Therefore, she needs to have enough ability to protect herself.
       Huo Changqing thought about it:
       "Okay, I promise you this."
       The second condition proposed by Yu-Xi is that Yun-Qing  is not allowed to marry before she is thirty:
       "If I want to marry me before I am thirty, you must stop him."
       Huo Changqing thinks this condition is very interesting:
       “Why is it before the age of 30?”
       It is not better to let him take care of Yun-Qing  for a lifetime.
       Yu-Xi said:
       "If a man really has a nap, he can't stop it. But it must be before I have a son." Yu-Xi is not sure that he will have a son after he is in good health.
       Therefore, she must give herself more time. If it is not possible after the age of 30, it can only be said to be her life.
       Huo Changqing thinks that Yu-Xi has amnesia and says; "I told you, if you didn't have a son, let Jao-Jao inherit Yun-Qing 's clothes. Han-shi, this is not with you. Laugh."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "No one can predict in the future. If you and Rena are born with a child, when Yun-Qing  and others support the twins, you can't stop it, then how can I get away from it?"
       The future is full of too many uncertain letters.
       Huo Changqing This will find that Han-shi lost confidence in Yun-Qing  because of his reasons. To be exact, Han-shi has no trust in Yun-Qing . In order not to let the situation continue to deteriorate. Nod before the fire promised:
       "Well, I can promise you this. What is the third condition?"
       It was originally kind, but the result was to mess things up. Cough, he should have long thought that Han-shi intelligence will definitely think more.
       The third condition of Yu-Xi is related to Jao-Jao:
       "In the future, Jao-Jao will practice martial arts with you. During the day, you must read out an hour and read the words, and go to the backyard to sleep at night..." Yu-Xi does not expect Jao-Jao to learn, just hope She read more books and more words. (As for the etiquette, it must be learned. She does not want Jao-Jao to become a rough Miss.
       Huo Changqing nodded and promised:
       "I can promise this."
       Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
       "I haven't finished yet. If Mao-Jao grows up and is sensible, she doesn't want to practice martial arts. You can't force her."
       Huo Changqing immediately refused and said:
       "Since I started to learn, I can't break it. I don't allow her to go halfway. And, no matter how I teach Jao-Jao, you can't intervene."
       Yu-Xi clenched his right hand and said with a bite:
       "Good. But now Jao-Jao can't always come to the front yard. She is too small to leave me.
       The child is always crying and not good for growth."
       Huo Changqing smiled, Han-shi, this savvy is now used to him. It feels so bad!
       The two talked about it, and finally Yu-Xi made a concession, leaving Jao-Jao to the front yard for half a day. After the child is three years old, he will be handed over to Huo Changqing for teaching.
       Xu Wu came over with the news. It is not good to enter the house to bother the two to talk. After Yu-Xi left, Xu Wu walked into the house and asked:
       "Father, what did Madam say to you?"
       When Madam went out, his face was not very good-looking. It was estimated that it was not a good thing.
       Huo Changqing said the three conditions of Yu-Xi:
       "I knew that it would be like this. I should wait for Yun-Qing  to come back and say this."
       Xu Wu said:
       "The righteous father, except for the second one, makes you embarrassed, the other two are easy." The second condition is not difficult, but somewhat embarrassing. It’s a relative, and it’s not good to take care of the son’s room.
       Huo Changqing said:
       "If the dark guard is used well, it is equivalent to holding a weapon that kills people without seeing blood." Huo Changqing did not give the secret to Yu-Xi before. Only he also knows that if he does not agree, even if Yun-Qing  comes back, it will not make Jao-Jao with him martial arts.
       Xu Wu is a bit strange, saying:
       "Father, did you hand over the secret to Madam when you went out for the first two years? As for the murder that you said is not blood, Madam is not a killer, and will not let the Guardian do anything. In addition, there are not many people in the dark guards. Madam wants to make a fuss or not!" The dark guards have only added up to forty people.
       This is a man, what can I do!
       Huo Changqing shook his head and had to say that Han-shi managed his image very well:
       "Don't tell Yun-Qing  about this. He is fighting now and can't be distracted by this kind of thing."
       Xu Wu is not stupid, how could he tell the general about this? Xu Wu said:
       "Father, if you let me go and say this time, you won't be so stiff with Madam." The biggest problem of this time is the father's side.
       The righteous father is not only too tough, but the way he speaks is not right, or Madam will not be so angry.
       Huo Changqing also knows that this is a bit too hasty:
       "There will be no such thing in the future." If you have anything, just look for Yun-Qing  directly! He is no longer willing to go to Han-shi.
       After half a lunch, Yu-Xi went to play the five birds. After more than a minute of continuous practice, the whole person collapsed.
       Qu Mama said:
       "Madam, this has to slowly recover. If you do, there will be sequelae." She is worried that in this way, the body of Yu-Xi will collapse.
       Yu-Xi slowly sat down on the chair and said with a smile:
       "Playing the five birds can strengthen the body, there will be sequelae. I really want to move, and now I have to have a process of adaptation. If I get used to it, I won't hurt any more." See Qu Mama The worried look, Yu-Xi said:
       "You can rest assured that I am measured and will not make fun of my temperament."
       There is no sequelae in playing the five birds. Qu Mama believes that the medicated bath is soaked in the past and there are no side effects:
       "Madam, the medicine of those medicines is too overbearing, Madam, the medicated bath is still not to be soaked!"
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "I don't want to soak every day, I will take it once every five days.
       This medicinal bath will be particularly painful for the first time. It will be good in the future." After soaking, I have to suffer a crime, but I have not suffered as much as the first time. .
       Qu Mama said that for a long time, I couldn’t move Yu-Xi and I could only give up.
       The Madam temper is too stubborn, and this is really bad.
       Yu-Xi remembered something and said:
       "That Pozi takes care of Jao-Jao is not comprehensive. Do you think anyone in the outer court is careful and reliable?"
       Qu Mama thought about it:
       "The former school's Zeng--Shi is a very careful person. She has also pulled up her daughter with one hand. It should be no problem to take care of Jao-Jao."
       Yu-Xi asked:
       "Where is her daughter?"
       Qu Mama smiled and said:
       "Her daughter is the famous disciple of Private Zi-Jin, Jing Bai, who followed her to the Banyan Tree Villa. After a while, Madam, you put her daughter by the side, once--Shi certainly dare not have two hearts "The reason why it is a disciple is because Jing Bai has not officially worshipped Purple Zi-Jin.
       Yu-Xi is very impressed with Jing Bai:
       "Send someone to call her." Zeng--Shi also took care of her daughter's blessing, so she went to Yunfu and made a errand for washing clothes. In addition to her, Shen 奕 Fan--Shi is also in the Yunfu.
       Once--Shi entered the house and fell to the ground, and gave a big gift:
       "Give me Madam."
       Yu-Xi smiled and said:
       "Don't be too restrained, get up!"
       Zeng--Shi wore a piece of elegant blue clothes, which was the uniform distribution of clothes by Yunfu. I combed a round plaque with a silver plaque on my head. One hand is rough, but it is clean.
       Yu-Xi asked a lot of questions, and Zeng--Shi answer made her more satisfied. Yu-Xi nodded and said:
       "I want to give Jao-Jao to you for care. Can you do this errand?"
       It was also Yu-Xi that the body was too weak to manage things a few days ago. Lan Mama said that Yu Pozi was competent, and Yu-Xi had a good impression of Yu Pozi, so it was used. Unexpectedly, there have been so many mistakes.
       Once--Shi was surprised and happy, this care for the Eldest Miss is definitely easier than washing clothes in the outer courtyard. However, Zeng--Shi also worried:
       "Madam, although I have raised my daughter, but I have not taken the child for many years, many things may not be well thought out." The important thing is that her daughter is not the same as Eldest Miss, she is afraid that she will not know the rules. It’s not easy to get Yu-Xi to get bored, and the errands in the outer court are gone, so it’s worth the loss.
       After listening to this, Yu-Xi was very satisfied with Zeng--Shi and said:
       "This doesn't have to worry about it." Jao-Jao is now brought by her, and once--Shi is just holding the handle next to it. After a while, she has something to do, and she--Shi has had time to study, enough to get started.
       Zeng--Shi knows that there is a transition period and no longer deducts:
       “Madam, I will do my best to take care of the Eldest Miss.”
       Yu-Xi nods:
       "I will come in bad tomorrow morning." She has no problem for a long time. Mainly Jao-Jao peace of mind, replaced by Lu-Er no one can not get a handle.
       Yu Pozi over there, was told by Qu Mama personally.
       Yu Pozi not only has no emotions, but is happy to go back to the front yard.
       The last time Jao-Jao was fever, she was already uneasy when she did not find it in time. Fortunately, Jao-Jao had no trouble, and if it was an accident, how would she be tempted?
       Yu-Xi got aching from the next day, and climbed up to get dressed. Licorice wanted to come over and help it be pushed away by Yu-Xi, saying:
       "I haven't been so weak yet."
       The legs are trembled while walking, and the more this is the firmer the idea that Yu-Xi insists on playing the five birds. Now that the body is weak, if you don't stick to exercise, even if you use your medicine to adjust your body, you will not be able to recover.
       In less than five minutes after the five-bird show, Yu-Xi came out with a sweat. Yu-Xi bit his teeth, and it kept on and off for more than a moment.
       Yu-Xi is so hard, the licorice looked at the heart and was afraid, when she wiped the sweat from Yu-Xi, she said:
       "Madam, put two layers of blankets in the room!" Once you fell to the ground, you wouldn't fall if you lay a thick blanket.
       This proposal was adopted by Yu-Xi.

       Chapter 639 Yongcheng Broken   

       The east, west and north sides of the city are surrounded by mountains, and the Weihe River is extended to the east. In the novel, the mountainous hills account for more than three-quarters of the total, and it is a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.
       The army marched to the place 20 miles away from the wall of the city, and the spy returned.
       The spy and Yun-Qing  said that the guardian of the Yongcheng city was called the solution, called Jie Junxiong.
       After listening to the name, Yu Cong said:
       "General, this person has never heard of it. It seems that Ji Xuan is unavailable!" Although the city is easy to defend, but there is no good general to defend the city, it is still very easy to fight.
       Yu Cong’s point of view is exactly the opposite of that of Cui Mo, who said:
       "Ji Xuan and his men are unpopular, let them defend the city. We are beneficial to us.
       This unheard of Jie Junxiong is not a good deal."
       Yuan Ying said:
       "General, I think I should send someone to see this Jie Junxiong." Feng Dajun is now in charge of this Lanzhou City, and there is a shortage of people here, and he rushed over. Yuan Ying will make this suggestion, thinking that if it is the time of Jie Junxiong, he should surrender.
       They sent them to the courtiers. If the other party promised, they could avoid unnecessary casualties. If they refused, they would not be late.
       Cui Mo did not agree, saying:
       "Even if this solution is a little bit more than two, but we have a hundred thousand army, is it still afraid that he will not be?"
       Yu Cong looked at Yun-Qing  and said:
       "General, what do you mean?"
       Yu Cong only listened to the instructions of Yun-Qing , and he would not care if other people said it.
       Without waiting for Yun-Qing  to express his opinions, he heard the outside guards say Ding Qing yu asked for it. Ding Qing yu does have medical skills, but in general, he can only cure some simple injuries.
       This time to come to him, it must be something. Yun-Qing  Open Channel:
       "Let him come in." See what information Ding Qing yu can give him.
       Ding Qing yu is here to tell Yun-Qing  about the details of Jie Junxiong:
       "The generals, Jie Junxiong is a person from the city.
       There are five or five people this year.
       This person is not only brave and brave, but also good at making a plan." This evaluation is very high.
       Cui Mo apparently did not believe Ding Qing yu words and said:
       "If he is so powerful, we have never heard of it."
       Ding Qing yu cleared the scorpion and said:
       "Xi Junxiong's successor is Zhang Wenjie shi-nu. Ji Xuan and Zhang Wenjie are dead, how to reuse him. Under this circumstance, Jie Junxiong still climbed to the position of Sanpin. What do you think of this person's ability?"
       Cui Moyang said:
       "That may also be that this person will slip off the horse!"
       Yun-Qing  directly ignored Cui Mo words and asked:
       "Which battle did this person have in the middle of the battle?"
       From the guerrilla generals of Sanpin, if the military merits are up, it is indeed impossible to be underestimated.
       Ding Qing yu said the details of Jie Junxiong. Xi Junxiong is the son of Yucheng's family.
       The family is a family of military lords and has a deep root in the northwest. In the same year, Zhang Wenjie would marry a ‘Miss  to Jie Junxiong as a successor, just to get rid of the family:
       "Xi Junxiong began to accumulate military power by relying on him. Later he stayed in the West Sea for three years and set up a lot of military merits. He was soaring very quickly. Eight years ago, that big man made him rise two levels." Unlike the military attache, the civil servant has risen to two levels, which is a big event. Even people who have been promoted to the third level are all aware of the whole world. In the military, as long as you have accumulated enough military power, it will soon rise quickly. Otherwise, Yun-Qing  can't climb to the position of the second product at the age of twenty-four.
       Yun-Qing  remembered this war more clearly and said:
       "I remember that the leader of the squad at that time was Ji Xuan, right?"
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "It was Ji Xuan's leader, but Jie Junxiong was one of the deputy generals. At the time, Ji Xuan did not fully establish his foothold, so he sold a face to understand the family. After Ji Xuan stood firm, he began to suppress the home. However, the home is a century Old family, and the family is also aware of their knowledge, they can be safe and sound until now." This is the most beautiful scenery of Ji Xuan, and that time, let Ji Xuan stand firm in the northwest.
       Yun-Qing  looks very ugly and says:
       "I remember that when I was with Tubo eight years ago, my army lost 110 thousand talents to win. Is this a victory?"
       At that time, Tubo sent 80 thousand troops, but they died of 110 thousand.
       The victory of a shit with the flesh of the soldiers.
       When I heard Yun-Qing  say that our army, Ding Qing yu mouth was pumping. Don't blame Yun-Qing  for not seeing their 3rd Brother. It turns out that people don't feel that they are traitors, but they are also generals!
       Ding Qing yu coughed and said:
       "Ji Xuan actually hangs a name.
       The real fight is the cold and the wind, Dai Xingguang and Jie Junxiong."
       Yuan Ying was suspicious and asked:
       "Why are you so clear about the details of this solution?"
       This Ding Qing yu is by no means a good class.
       Ding Qing yu said with a smile:
       "Not only this solution, but the name of the top row in Shaanxi Province is not what I don't know." This is his capital and his emboldened spirit.
       Yun-Qing  doesn't like Ding Qing yu very much, but no matter who is at this point, as long as it is used:
       "Then you think, should we be a storm or a persuasion?"
       Ding Qing yu eyes lit up. He went to Yun-Qing  to not be a military doctor, but wanted to be a consultant of Yun-Qing . Ding Qing yu suppressed the joy of her heart and said in a light way:
       "First advise and drop, then attack."
       Cui Mo said:
       "What do you mean by this? Are you so sure that this solution will not surrender? In case he is really sincere?"
       Ding Qing yu shook his head and said:
       "Impossible. Jie Junxiong is a very proud person. It is impossible to surrender without playing. If he promises to vote, it must be fake."
       Cui Mo said:
       "Would you send someone to persuade you to do something? Don't you directly attack the city? Don't waste time?"
       Their time is also very precious!
       Ding Qing yu said with a smile:
       "Xi Junxiong is a very proud person, but the people around him are not." Jie Junxiong is not willing to surrender, does not mean that people around him do not want to surrender. After all, the northwestern army was fierce, and there were another 100 thousand troops.
       The other generals in the city were not sure to be able to live in the city. It is not so much to persuade Junxiong to surrender, but actually to shake people around him.
       Yuan Ying frowned and said:
       "Who is going to persuade him?"
       Let them fight no problem, can persuade this difficult thing, they can't do it.
       Ding Qing yu held his fists in both hands and said to Yun-Qing :
       "Ding is not talented, I am willing to go to Yongcheng to persuade Jie Junxiong to vote."
       Cui Moxiao smiled:
       "You are not afraid of death." Jie Junxiong killed Ding Qing yu in anger, but it was really dead.
       Ding Qing yu said with a smile:
       "The two armies are fighting, and I don't want to make it. I believe that Jie Junxiong will not be so devoid of character." If you don't do anything, you can win the trust of Yun-Qing  by relying on one mouth.
       Yun-Qing  nodded:
       "What are your conditions, even if you can do it, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you." If you don't talk, you can attack the city directly. Time is precious, and it must be seized before the arrival of the army of the court.
       Ding Qing yu did not mention any requirements:
       "I can leave now."
       Yuan Ying stood up and said:
       "I am going with you." He wanted to take the opportunity to check out the arming of the city, and they also had an advantage.
       Ding Qing yu shook his head and said:
       "When you go out, you know that your status is not low. It is not appropriate to detain you in the military." He is an insignificant person. Even if he is detained by Jie Junxiong, Yun-Qing  will not delay the attack for him.
       The time of the city.
       After an hour, Ding Qing yu returned. Cui Mo hurriedly asked:
       "What does Jie Jiejun say? Can you vote for it?"
       Ding Qing yu shook his head and said:
       "That Jie Junxiong said, can be honest, but the generals should go to the city to talk to him." Unless Yun-Qing  brain teased, he would promise to enter the city.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Let the soldiers rest well, and attack the city tomorrow morning." If the color is too late today, the soldiers will also run for a few days, take a break and recharge your batteries.
       The next day, the day was bright, and the Northwest Army began to attack the city. After playing for a day, the city was finally captured by the price of more than 8 thousand casualties. Jie Junxiong did not escape with the cold and the wind, and did not surrender. He continued to fight until the last moment.
       The reason why Fu-Cheng City can't be kept is not the problem of Jie Junxiong, but the soldiers at the bottom have lost confidence in the court and Ji Xuan. And they have already got the news before, knowing that Yun-Qing  will not only kill the captives but also entangle the soldiers who want to go home. Coupled with the unusually fierce fighting in the Northwest Army, no one is willing to fight for it in this situation.
       The soldiers did not contribute, and the generals did not use them any more.
       They could stick to one day and proved that Jie Junxiong was awesome.
       Yun-Qing  heard this and said:
       "The thick burial general." This is the real soldier, and is the respected person of Yun-Qing .
       Cui Mo should sing:
       "Yes." He also respected Junxiong.
       This road came and met several generals under Ji Xuan's hands. He was not in the eye. Today, I finally saw a real soldier, let him know that there was no general who could fight in the northwest, but was buried.
       Yun-Qing  looked at Ding Qing yu and said:
       "what do you want?"
       Self-recommendation, there must be a picture, or else, will not risk their lives to persuade Jie Junxiong.
       Ding Qing yu said:
       "I want to follow the general." Follow Yun-Qing  to build a career. Heroes in troubled times, although Yun-Qing  has many shortcomings, he looks good on Yun-Qing .
       Yun-Qing  has already put a word before, as long as he can do it, he will not refuse:
       "Yes, but I don't leave a useless person around me." If you want to stay with him, there is no real skill.
       Ding Qing yu said very proudly:
       "The generals, there is no use, not to say, but to make it." Now is just the first step, and wanting Yun-Qing  to believe him completely, there is still a long way to go. .
       From Yongcheng to Yucheng, but the road of four hundred miles, it only takes two and a half days to arrive. Ding Qing yu asked:
       "General, we should chase after victory."
       Yun-Qing  was silent and asked Ding Qing yu:
       “You can have a map from Yongcheng to Yucheng.” Maps are very important things.
       Ding Qing yu shook his head and said:
       "I don't have a map, but I have traveled three times from here to Yucheng, and I have some impressions along the way.
       Yun-Qing  said:
       "Then go back and write down all that you remember!" If you don't know the road, it would be bad if there is an ambush.

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