Han Yuxi 40-49

     Chapter 40 Listening to students (2)  

     Ding Pozi sent Yu-Xi away and turned around and couldn't help but ask:
     “Why did the Teacher agree to 4th Miss?”
     Even if you listen, the serious and responsible attitude of Teacher will not really care about 4th Miss, but it takes a lot of energy to teach a child.
     Song Governess went to the window and looked at the back of Yu-Xi through the window and said slowly:
     "Even if I don't accept her, she will ask Duchess to give her another Teacher. 4th Miss, not a person who will easily compromise."
     Ding Pozi is getting more and more confused:
     "4th Miss wants to invite another teacher, then please please." I have never encountered such a thing before.
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     "Ding Mama, there are many talented people, but they can bend and understand, and they have the perseverance and perseverance, but they are rare. 4th Miss happens to be such people. Such people, as long as they give her the opportunity, will not be in the people. ”
     Ding Pozi understood this and understood:
     "Teacher means that even if there is no 3rd Miss's pleading, the teacher will let 4th Miss listen."
     Song Governess shook his head:
     "No." She was somewhat tempted before, but for Yu-Chen's consideration, she gave up. But when she saw Yu-Xi, she invited Yu-Chen to plead, instead of asking Han Old Ma-dam and Duchess, she changed her mind. As can be seen from this, 4th Miss is actually very smart, she knows what to do is the most beneficial. No one knows what kind of creation she will have in the future.
     Ding Pozi is a little confused.
     Song Governess did not explain much, just:
     "You will understand later." Five-year Old children did not teach that there is such a plan, she promised, but wanted to make a good relationship.
     The Servant of the Rose Garden knew that Yu-Xi became an auditor, and the look was very strange. Finally, Moxi asked for courage:
     "Miss, what does it mean to listen to students?"

     Yu-Xi smiled:
     "It means to accompany you."
     The face of the ink chrysanthemum is not very good. 3rd Miss and her family Miss are the 2nd House Missing Miss, and now her family Miss is going to accompany 3rd Miss as a companion, too much:
     "Miss, if you want to go or go." After going out, you have to be a dwarf.
     Yu-Xi knows what Moxu thinks and doesn't say much. It is the most important thing to learn the true skill. If you are jokes, you will not have less meat.
     Shen Mama is very happy to know about this matter, contrary to the worry of Ink Ju. Even if he was not accepted as a disciple, it would be nice to have this name.
     Han Old Ma-dam's attitude is very straightforward, and it makes people appreciate the good things of Yu-Xi.
     Qiu-shi is proud of Yu-Xi:
     "If you get this opportunity, you can study hard in the future." Even if it is just accompanying, you will get the name, and the scope of the selection will be wider.
     Yu-Xi is a little embarrassed to say:
     "It’s just a student who is accompanying, and is not a formal student. Don’t let the aunt say it. And, if it’s not 3rd sister-sister, the teacher will not agree.” Yu-Xi doesn’t feel like losing money. But the face is not good.
     Qiu-shi smiled and said:
     "Who does not know that Song Governess has a very high vision. If you don't agree with her, there is Yu-Chen helping to plead, and Song Governess will not agree. Yu-Xi, don't be arrogant. Not to learn. Just say your needlework, I can guarantee that your needlework is absolutely no match for your peers." Then, touching the head of Yu-Xi:
     "Yu-Xi, don't compare with your 3rd sister-sister. Yu-Chen's talent, don't say that the capital is not enough in the whole world."
     Qiu-shi thinks that Yu-Chen's talent is good, but her little uncle is afraid of vomiting in her heart.
     The daughter is so good, but a few sons are not smart.
     Yu-Xi smiled:
     "I listen to your aunt." Compared with Yu-Chen, it is purely looking for abuse. Compared with the future peers.
     Qiu-shi was very pleased to nod, laughing and talking about another thing:
     “3rd Miss started moving things yesterday, and I should be able to move it this afternoon.
     This time Old Ma-dam has already said that I want to build a small kitchen in Tingyunge. I think your Rose Garden is far from the big kitchen. It’s not convenient to take meals in the winter, just take advantage of this opportunity to build a small kitchen in the yard.” Generally, Miss does not have his own kitchen. It is also because Old Ma-dam is especially fond of Yu-Chen. Unusual. Just Yu-Xi can borrow the Yu-Chen's east wind. Yu-Xi is not much different from Yu-Chen, making a small kitchen for Yu-Xi Old Ma-dam is not good to say. If you miss this opportunity, the next time you want to get a small kitchen you don't know the Year of the Monkey.
     Yu-Xi has a bright eye and can have a small kitchen myself. However, her eyes quickly dimmed and whispered:
     "Aunt, will the Grandmother agree?"
     There is a small kitchen naturally good, you can do whatever you want on most days, very convenient. Big kitchen I have to pay extra for those who want to eat.
     Qiu-shi smiled and said:
     "Yu-Chen's small kitchen not taking the public account, taking the private account. As long as your small kitchen also smuggling accounts, Old Ma-dam has no reason not to agree."
     Yu-Xi said happily:
     "Thank you, Aunt." With her own small kitchen it is convenient for her to learn to cook later.
     Qiu-shi touched the head of Yu-Xi and said softly:
     "Thank you for your thanks, but it is a small matter."
     Yu-Xi doesn't feel that it should be accepted only, saying:
     "Auntie, there is only aunt in Duke House to think about everything for me."
     Qiu-shi gently patted the back of the Yu-Xi and said:
     "In the future, don't say thank you again, it seems more life!" Qiu-shi has treated Yu-Xi as her own daughter, and she thought about it naturally.
     Yu-Xi, holding Qiu-shi, snuggled in her arms and whispered:
     "it is good."
     Because the small kitchen the cost of selling itself, Yu-Xi feels that the current income is enough to support the small kitchen the cost, but there is no money at the bottom, she is not at ease.
     So, for a long time, the ointment was put on the agenda. Before the pearl powder, she had already got two bags from Qiu-shi, and now only need to control it.
     Although the amount of pharmaceutical paste is small, it is impossible to hold everyone. Yu-Xi simply told Shen Mama and a few Servants who had been trusted by the Ink, of course, she said that it was a noodle cream, not a cream.
     Face cream, you can know what it is to cover your face.
     Shen Mama is busy saying:
     "Miss, this cream can't be used casually. And you are young and delicate, you don't need to use these things." This cream is applied to the face, what is the importance of Miss's face, where can be casual I will apply a noodle cream that I don’t know. In case there is a bad pool, it will be ruined in a lifetime.
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "I saw this kind of recipe from the book and it was interesting, so I wanted to give it a try. Mama assured that even if it was made, I would not use it myself."
     Shen Mama asked very skeptically:
     "Where did Miss see the square?"
     Yu-Xi said:
     "In the book, go to the book bought by the Academy." After a pause, he looked at Shen Mama and said:
     "This is just a small matter, I hope Shen Mama will not tell others."
     Shen Mama knows that Yu-Xi is right, since it is useless to say that she is persuading. Although she felt that Yu-Xi was a little bit messy, she didn't think it was a big deal. It wasn't a big deal for Miss's own dough to make rouge or spice. However, she also has requirements:
     "Miss can guarantee with the old servant that the ointment can't be applied to the face even if it is made."
     Yu-Xi smiled:
     "Mama rest assured, I won't use it."
     When Yu-Xi pharmaceutical cream, there is no fake hand, but oneself.
     Then put the prepared ointment into the dish and put it in the darkroom go.
     Tingyun Pavilion was built in the garden with a sloping clear water. It is said to be a loft. It is actually a puddle that explores the water in half.
     The Tingyun Pavilion has been built with the beauty of the quaint scrolls of the Jiangnan gardens, and the interior is also very beautifully arranged.
     As soon as Yu-Xi walked into Tingyun Pavilion, he smiled and appreciated:
     "3rd sister-sister, this Tingyun Pavilion you live in is really beautiful. I don't know if I thought I would walk into the fairy palace!" This is a natural exaggeration, but it is indeed higher than the Yu-Xi Rose Garden. How many grades have gone.
     Yu-Chen sees Yu-Xi and just talks about it, but the eyes don’t show the look of envy and hate, laughing and saying:
     “You can come and play often after 4th Mei Mei.”
     Yu-Xi smiled, but she didn't really take it seriously. Not to mention that the Servant around Yu-Chen has always treated her as a thief, and Shi Old Ma-dam knows that she often finds Yu-Chen and is not happy.
     The waiter came in from the outside, and he said,
     "Miss, Eldest Miss is coming." Today was the first day to move in. It was normal for a few Miss to come over the door.
     When Yu Ru entered the Tingyun Pavilion, she felt that her eyes were not enough. She always knew that Tingyun Pavilion was the best courtyard in Duke, but she did not expect Tingyun Pavilion to be so rich and delicate:
     “It’s a blessing to have three Mei Meis to live in such a beautiful attic.”
     Yu-Xi heard this, how do you feel that it is not right? In order to prevent Yu-Xi from swearing, he said with a smile:
     "To be blessed, we all have blessings. Otherwise, we will be born in the home of the flat people. Where is the good day of such a good food, maybe it is still worrying about three meals!" This is also the heart of Yu-Xi. words. Although she had been wronged in her life, she never made a fuss about eating and drinking. Even if she was sent to Zhuangzi by the Jiang family, she never ate or sipped, but she also walked on Zhuangzi to let her know that the ordinary people had a hard time.
     Jade was stunned, but soon she smiled and said:
     “4th Mei Mei said that being able to be a Miss of Duke is our great blessing.”
     Yu-Chen took two people to visit the Tingyun Pavilion.
     To the west of Tingyun Pavilion is where Yu-Chen lives.
     The layout of this place does not say that jade is so hot, that is, Yu-Xi can't help but sigh, Old Ma-dam is too bias.
     There are few people in the east of the house, but they are not idle.
     They are arranged as a study room, a ‘zither’ room, a painting room, and a chess room.
     Yu-Xi looked at the huanghuali wood in the water in the desk, and the paintings hanging on the wall were also worthless. As for the exquisite tea set placed on the table, I won’t say it. Yu-Xi is speechless, and it is the Miss of Duke.
     This treatment gap is too big. Fortunately, she has lived for more than 20 years, relaxing her heart, or she will certainly hate it.
     The silk handkerchief in the hand of Yuru has been pinched. She is angry, hateful and resentful.
     The group went to the painting room and looking at the picture hanging on the wall, Yu-Xi couldn't help but ask:
     "Sister 3rd, is this "Five Holy Officials" true?"
     Yu-Chen nodded and said:
     "It's the original."
     Yu-Xi smiled and said:
     "3rd Sister, you will be able to get a glimpse of the masterpiece of the paintings." The masterpiece of painting, it is definitely priceless. Got his paintings, it was all put together as a baby.
     After Yu Ru knew that this was a painting by Sheng Wu Daozi, he couldn’t stand it now, and said:
     "The Grandmother really hurts Mei Mei. Anything is good for 3rd Mei Mei. In my yard, the whole body adds up to a painting in the room of 3rd Mei Mei."
     Yu-Chen showed a hint of shackles on his face. Some of these things are her mother's dowry, and some are given to her by the Grandmother.
     Yu-Xi seems to have not heard the hatred of jade, laughed and walked to the easel, looked at the painting that had not been completed, and said:
     "3rd sister, this peony flower is really good!"
     Yu-Chen took the words of Yu-Xi:
     “4th Mei Mei is too modest.
     The flowers I painted are not painted well by 4th Mei Mei.” The Yu-Xi landscape paintings are not very good, but the gorgeous flowers are very well painted.
     This is not a good Yu-Chen. of. According to Song Governess, this is talent.
     Yu-Xi smiled:
     "Where can I compare with 3rd sister, I draw and draw and play." In her spare time, she basically does not move.
     If Yu listened to this, he almost vomited blood. What is painting and playing, is this ridiculing that she can't do anything? Jade did not miss the jade like this now. If it is a jade, it will definitely make a trouble, and let her not be so wrong.
     After watching Tingyun Pavilion, Yu-Xi is ready to go back:
     "The 3rd sister just moved in and there are so many things, I will not bother. I will come back when I am free."
     Yu-Chen This is really busy, so I didn't open it.
     Jade Ru also went with Yu-Xi. When I got outside, Jade did not go back, but offered to go to the Rose Garden with Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi can't guess the jade mind, it is nothing more than seeing the furniture layout of her yard is better than her:
     "I am not busy today, big-sister, go with me!"
     Qing Lan is very anxious for her family Miss, has already offended 3rd Miss, is also to offend 4th Miss not, and the family-sister-sister is offended, and there is nothing to help in the future. When Qing Lan thought of it, there was a weakness in his heart. I don't know how, my own Miss temper is getting left, and then she is worried that Miss will get out of control.
     When I arrived at the Rose Garden, I looked at the arrangement inside, and the look of Yuru was obviously relaxed.
     The things in this yard are worse than the ones she used.
     Yu-Xi knows that Yuru has come to find a balance, so he is not looking at the look of Yu face.
     The Rose Garden was so small that there was no big east of Tingyun Pavilion, and there was nothing to watch. It was finished in a blink of an eye.
     Before Jade Ruan thought about one thing, he asked:
     “4th Mei Mei, I heard that the three Mei Mei Ting Yun Ji will be a small kitchen you know?”
     Yu-Xi nodded and said with a smile:
     "I know, with a small kitchen a lot more convenient, it is convenient to have a cup of hot tea at night, so I am also going to build one in the Rose Garden!"
     Jade looks like a stiff face:
     “Is the Grandmother promised?”
     If Yu-Chen has a small kitchen it will be enough, after all, Yu-Chen has a hard hand on the background, but if Yu-Xi also has a small kitchen this is unfair. People in Duke who don't know that Yu-Xi mother has lost all of her money.
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "I haven't mentioned it to the Grandmother, but the 3rd sister's small kitchen it's a private account, if I get a small kitchen I must also smuggle the account, the Grandmother should not refuse. Big-sister may not know, no At the end of the twelfth lunar month, the ink peach went to the big kitchen give me breakfast, half a trip, and have been raised for half a month. With a small kitchen there will be no such thing happening in the future."
     Jade is a little embarrassed, but she quickly disguised it and said:
     “4th Mei Mei, our monthly case is enough for the small kitchen.” It must be that the mother promised to give Yu-Xi a supplement, otherwise Yu-Xi would be so bold.
     Thinking of jade here is not a taste, the mother treats Yu-Xi as a biological daughter, but it is a faint for her daughter.
     Yu-Xi said strangely:
     “The monthly case is not enough, but the dumpling shop opened by Fang Mama is getting better and better. Every month, there are three or forty two credits, which is enough for me.”
     The smile on the face of jade can't be maintained:
     "Fang Mama is really a loyal servant." Why didn't she be so loyal to her servant who made money!
     Sent off the jade, Hong-shan airway:
     "Eldest Miss is too much." When 3rd Miss was frustrated, she came to her home Miss to find a sense of superiority, which is too bullying.
     Yu-Xi began to feel that Yu was very good. She looked at her with a warm and amiable relationship. She could find out that she was warm and amiable. She did not find that she was not as good as jade, but she was stupid.
     Soon, Yu-Xi got the exact message that Old Ma-dam had agreed to build a small kitchen in the Rose Garden.
     Shen Mama said with anxiety:
     “Miss, the small kitchen – the cost is not small.”
     Yu-Xi does not care to say:
     "How much money can I eat alone?"
     On the face of this, in fact, she is also worried about silver money recently. It’s just that the potted ointment has to be placed for half a month, otherwise she will take it out and let Fang Mama sell it for money.
     The next day, Yu-Xi arrived at Yulan Court on time. And Yu-Chen, is also stepping on the point. No way, I have to wash it, and there is still a long way to go. It is really a hurry.
     Song Governess watched both of them wearing thick scorpions and said:
     "From today, you will learn five birds from me."
     Yu-Xi is very happy, and it is crisp and fluent:
     "it is good."
     Yu-Chen, who has been accepting the education of ladies, said that she does not learn.
     This twists and turns like what it looks like! Let people know that they still can't laugh and die.
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     "3rd Miss, learning five birds is to let you exercise, your health is not good, and learning more things is useless." Seeing Yu-Chen still can't make up his mind, Song Governess said:
     "Yu-Chen, I have already said this to Old Ma-dam. Old Ma-dam is promised. And there are not many people who know this. You don't have to worry about going out."
     Yu-Chen is still not very willing.
     Under the tough demands of Song Governess, Yu-Chen barely followed the five birds. Surprisingly, Yu-Xi has learned to be like a model, and Yu-Chen still has no way to go.
     Learning things has always been enjoyed by Yu-Chen, but now it is a torment for her. When she got to the point, she said that she didn't want to learn this time anymore, and she didn't want to practice two more pieces.
     Yu-Xi This will finally be reassuring, and it is really three hundred and sixty lines to go out, and Yu-Chen can't learn everything.
     Song Governess is not reluctant, but says:
     "You can't learn every day, you don't learn five birds, you have to use other methods to exercise." Song Governess hasn't thought of any special way, just let Yu-Chen go out and move around on most days. Muscle bones.
     After talking about it, Song Governess looked at the blushing Yu-Xi. After getting both into the house, Song Governess and Ding Pozi said:
     "I don't know if I agree with 4th Miss now. Is it good or bad?"
     Yu-Chen is a good talent and good character, but her behavior and thoughts are framed by the framework, and she herself refuses to come out of this framework. But Yu-Xi is contrary to Yu-Chen, she does not care about other people ideas, as long as she is good for her, she will do it.
     Ding Pozi has some doubts:
     “Teacher, what does this mean?”
     Song Governess did not explain, just said gently:
     "Maybe I think more."
     The second is sent.
     Today is the first day of my new book "The Di Daughter Rebirth". I saw so many book friends in the comment area, June is very sad, can't help but say a few words here.
     The beginning of the book without charge is the way of operation of the online literature website. All the books on the shelves are operated in such a way that there is no deception and concealment.
     Writing a book takes a lot of time and effort from the author, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is painstaking. And the author has an occupational disease because he sat at the computer desk for a long time, and June is no exception.
     The shoulders often can't lift, and the eyesight retreats from 1.5 to 0.5. It takes a long time to sit on the waist and it hurts badly.
     To say that this is not to complain, but not to sympathize with it. June just wants to tell you that it is really not easy for the author to write a book.
     This new book did not use the monthly subscription model in June, but instead took the subscription share. It takes only a few cents to subscribe to a chapter. June is a full-time author, and it is to rely on this a few points of subscription accumulation to support the family.
     If there is still someone who can't understand this, June can only say sorry. June is also a person, you need rice and oil, you need to eat and dress, you need to support the elderly, and you need to raise your children in the future.
     Therefore, June really wants everyone to support genuine, only in this way can the author have enough time and energy to write a better text.
     Because the new book is divided into subscriptions, not the monthly subscription mode, so please do not choose "Open 10 yuan / month" after entering the recharge page, that is, do not open the literary Tencent members, but click on the following "purchase 3 points by chapter\" /Thousands of words, so you can buy in a single chapter, and you can see which chapter you need to spend a few cents.
     Finally, I would like to thank all the readers for their support to June. I hope that everyone can continue to support June. It is because of your support that June will last until now.
     Thank you all, ‘Laughs’ .
     The first two lessons in the morning are poetry. Yu-Xi has decided to only learn chess and art, so she did not listen to these two lessons, but the instrument room next to it Wen Shu. When I went to the third class to talk about Mencius, Yu-Xi discovered what it was so superficial to think that Song Governess was too fast. Song Governess is now twice as fast as before.
     Fortunately, the class she is talking about today is not only backed up, but also reviewed, or she will never catch up with this speed. Yu-Xi looked at the relaxed Yu-Chen, and had to sigh, the talent is good!
     When I was in class, Song Governess said:
     "4th Miss left."
     It was not a good thing to be left by Teacher. Just as Yu-Xi was upset, Song Governess said:
     "4th Miss, your words are weak and weak. If you want to write a good word, you still need to pay more attention."
     Yu-Xi naturally hopes to write a good word:
     “Teacher, I have to practice words every day, but I don’t know how to reach the level that Teacher said?”
     Song Governess said with a smile:
     "Don't think so far. Later, you put paper on the wall, then cantilever to practice the word, * insist on the word is powerful."
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "it is good."
     Ding Pozi asked very strangely:
     “Teacher, why only teach 4th Miss, don’t teach 3rd Miss?”
     It is reasonable to say that Yu-Chen is the closing disciple of Teacher.
     The first thing that should be 3rd Miss is right.
     Song Governess shook his head:
     "3rd Miss's words are very well written, and you don't need to practice this. 4th Miss is not suitable for writing plum blossoms. Let her practice her hand and let her copy other copybooks later." There is still a saying that Song Governess did not say Even if she let Yu-Chen do this, Yu-Chen would not agree.
     Ding Pozi has been with Song Governess for so many years and is the first time to see a student with such a good talent:
     "Teacher, if you follow the 3rd Miss learning process, teaching three years is enough."
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     “Han Old Ma-dam has high hopes for 3rd Miss, how can I only teach me alone?”
     Ding Pozi is not stupid, 3rd Miss has already worshipped her master as Teacher, and it is impossible to invite another Teacher:
     “Old Ma-dam want to teach Mama?”
     Song Governess nodded a bit:
     "Well. Old Ma-dam is going to marry 3rd Miss, and rules and manners are indispensable."
     Yu-Xi came out of Yulan Court and saw Yu-Chen sitting in the pavilion. When I saw her, I immediately went out from the pavilion.
     Yu-Xi smiled and walked forward:
     "3rd sister, are you waiting for me?"
     Yu-Chen asked:
     "4th Mei Mei, you have never been exposed to poetry, why not learn?"
     If it was the same as last time, Yu-Xi learned for a while that she didn’t learn well and didn’t learn. She didn’t think there was anything. But now Yu-Xi quit without learning, which made her unable to understand.
     Yu-Xi is in my heart, I have to learn where to keep up with the process:
     "I learn things more slowly. If I learn more, I can't keep up. Besides, I am not interested in poetry. I just don't waste time." Yu-Xi feels that learning painting is a waste of time, let alone learning poetry. It is. It’s just that Song Governess is required to learn, and she can’t refuse.
     Yu-Chen is the bottom:
     "You haven't learned, why are you not interested?"
     Yu-Xi said:
     "I have a headache when I read those poems."
     Yu-Chen is still reluctant to give up:
     "Three Mei Mei, you haven't touched it. I don't know. In fact, poetry is not difficult to learn. I believe that if you are willing to work hard, you will definitely learn. And when you learn, you will find it very interesting."
     There is a person around you who can slag you at any time. It is really a painful thing. Yu-Xi tried not to let herself fall into the mood of depression, saying:
     "3rd sister, everyone said that eating bitter gourd in summer is good, because bitter gourd is specifically clearing heat and heat, and clearing the eyes and detoxifying effect, but I just don't like to eat." Green radish has their own love.
     Yu-Chen heard this and knew that he could not convince Yu-Xi:
     "Since you don't learn, you can do it." Yu-Chen is very sorry for Yu-Xi.
     After separation, the waiter said:
     "Miss, you think about 4th Miss, but she doesn't appreciate it at all." To the book, the 4th Miss was also thick, and the teacher refused her, she asked her to marry Miss. It is said that her family Miss has helped her so much, how to respect her family Miss, but the result is the opposite, 4th Miss seems to have forgotten such a thing. Really a white-eyed wolf.
     These waiters are only dare to swear in my heart and dare not say it. Otherwise, her family Miss will reprimand her.
     Yu-Chen shook his head and said:
     "You don't understand." She helped Yu-Xi last time and also had her own selfishness. Looking at the hard work of Yu-Xi, she can continually lash herself, so that she can't relax, can't be complacent and proud.
     Yu-Xi is somewhat puzzled. Why does Yu-Chen want her to learn poetry? It’s just that this question only flashed in the mind of Yu-Xi.
     When I returned to the Rose Garden, she told Shen Mama to pack the house in the east to be the study room and then asked to empty the wall in the north.
     Shen Mama listened to joy and asked:
     “Miss, this is also big in the east. If you don’t want to buy an easel, it’s convenient for Miss to paint later.”
     Yu-Xi thought about it:
     “In addition to buying an easel, there is also a chess table and an embroidery frame.” I paused and said:
     "I still write a list myself, and I have saved it."
     This list was quickly sent to Qiu-shi. Qiu-shi said with a smile:
     "This child, how to embroider the frame?"
     As for the small arms and calves, I couldn't use the embroidery frame.
     Li Mama took the list and said:
     "4th Miss wants a lot of things!" These things are counted down to hundreds of Silver Taels!
     Qiu-shi did not care to say:
     "As long as the child is good, this money is nothing." Anyway, it is also the public account, not her private house. Of course, even if it is a private house she will also take it.
     When it comes to private rooms Li Mama thinks about the small kitchen things:
     "Ma-dam, 4th Miss's Kitchen Are you really ready to make it up? I counted it, the small kitchen Silver Taels is a must for a month and a little. It’s a long time. Small amount."
     Qiu-shi said with a smile:
     "The child is now rich on hand and will not have to make up for it. Speaking of it, I thought that Fang Mama buns would not be a loss, but I didn't expect it to be her business."
     Li Mama also said with some emotions at the moment:
     "I heard that Fang Mama is still more spiritual than in the government!" Freedom outside, no need to be controlled, and the days are comfortable.
     Qiu-shi nod:
     "This child is a kind of heart. I can help you with some help." The child sometimes does warm her heart.
     Li Mama no longer said anything more.
     Learning things sometimes really needs talent, and Yu-Xi learned the Five Birds taught by Song Governess in just three days. Yu-Xi couldn't help thinking that if there was a martial arts teacher, how good it would be, and if it was difficult to be bullied, it would only be a flash. As Miss of Duke House, Xuewu is absolutely not allowed.
     Song Governess said with a smile:
     "Yu-Xi, when you have completely learned, you will practice in your yard later, and you don't have to come early."
     Yu-Xi smiled and nodded:
     "it is good."
     You don't have to rush to Yulanyuan early, don't go to the first two classes. As a result, Yu-Xi time is very generous.
     Shen Mama walked in with a smile and said:
     "Miss, everything is done, and will be sent later." Study has been cleaned up, it is worse.
     It didn't take long before I used the breakfast, and things were brought in.
     Ink often walks with Yu-Xi and his eyes are getting higher. She looked at the easel and other things made with wenge wood, and my heart was awkward:
     "Miss, is this material too bad?"
     Moju really feels aggrieved for Yu-Xi. All the furniture of 3rd Miss is huanghuali wood, and even a lot of purple-sandwood, but her family Miss can only use this kind of worthless chicken wing wood.
     Yu-Xi converges on the smile on his face and says:
     "These are the aunts who have set up for me. I don't appreciate it. Why is it reasonable? If you let the aunt know, how much chilling do you say she is?"
     It’s not a big deal for the aunt to hear it, or to let Shen Mama hear it. By then, Shen Mama would think that Mo Ju is arguing her and Yu-Chen's sister-sister love, and Moju can't eat and walk.
     The sakura face was white and ‘called:
     "Miss, I don't mean this?"
     She felt unfair, and her family Miss was too wronged.
     Yu-Xi said coldly:
     "I will think about it later, save me from the disaster, and I will not be able to keep you until then."
     Moju is not a good-spoken person. After this incident, he is more and more dissatisfied. Yu-Xi feels that this is just right. It is not wrong to say less.
     Study room Get it done, things are all set up, Yu-Xi The next day is getting busy. Sometimes it is really tired, Yu-Xi is lying on the couch and thinking about what she is doing at this time in her life? I can't remember the result.
     People are busy and have a very fast time, and they have passed away one month without knowing it.
     On this day, I returned to the Rose Garden after class, Hong-shan came in, and lowered the voice and Yu-Xi said:
     "Miss, Lian Concubine is born, still a male." This is also Yu-Xi demand Hong-shan, but there is something in the house to tell her, or else this dirty thing she will not Dare to tell Yu-Xi. If she was known by Shen Mama, she had to reveal her skin.
     Yu-Xi has a cold back and asks:
     "what happened?"
     Hong-shan whispered:
     "Lian Concubine went to Ma-dam for a few days. I slipped in the courtyard not far away today, and the child fell."
     Yu-Xi complexion:
     “How do you say Old Ma-dam?”
     Rong Concubine is a good way to even plant this thing on the head of the aunt.
     Hong-shan said:
     “Old Ma-dam reprimanded 1st Ma-dam and said that her housekeeper is not strict. Your Grace is a big thunder, and 1st Ma-dam is a poisonous woman. He also said that if it is not 1st Ma-dam, he will not kneel down.
     There are only two sons." There were also several Tie-Kui concubines in Your Grace before, and many of them were pregnant, but in the end they didn't fall or died.
     Yu-Xi couldn't understand what was in her uncle mind, and she gave her aunt a faceless times. Fortunately, the uncle only got a job, or else it is so easy to be around, but I don’t know what troubles are causing it. It is also estimated that Shi Old Ma-dam knows that his son is not used, so he is only allowed to take up his job and train her father.
     Because Old Ma-dam did not punish Qiu-shi, Yu-Xi was also assured.
     The real power of Duke is not the uncle, but Shi Old Ma-dam. As long as Old Ma-dam doesn't believe it is the hand of the aunt, it's okay.
     In April, the flowers are colorful and can't wait to make the world a pink bride.
     The dead trees actually burst into new shoots, and the green is full of vitality.
     Yu-Xi is doing embroidery work under the window of the study. Moju picked up the black lacquered bamboo curtain and walked over to Yu-Xi and said:
     "Miss, Xue Qing sister sister asked to see Miss." Xue Qing , is Noble Heir Han Jianming's personal Servant.
     Yu-Xi put down the plover in his hand and went out. Mo Qing looked at the square in the embroidered plaque, and the needles were messy, and I couldn’t see what was embroidered.
     The face of the sakura is a bit weird. How do you learn to embroider, the longer you learn, the worse your skills?
     Xue Qing respectfully and after a ritual with Yu-Xi said:
     “Miss, Noble Heir said that he is going to Matsuzaka to buy a book and ask if Miss wants to go together. If Miss goes, Noble Heir can go with her on the day.”
     Yu-Xi naturally agreed to come down.
     The day after tomorrow is just a vacation, I think the older brother chose to buy books the day after. As for Old Ma-dam and the aunt will not agree, this is not what she should consider, the big brother will be flat.
     Mo Ju personally sent Xue Qing out, and after returning, Mo Ju said:
     "I didn't expect Noble Heir to hurt Miss."
     Yu-Xi is also in a good mood:
     "The last time my older brother said that he would take me to Songsongge. It has been more than three months, I have forgotten it. I didn't expect my older brother to remember."
     Shen Mama also said with a smile:
     "This means Noble Heir is mourning Miss." 4th Miss is also a skill, not only Ma-dam likes, but Noble Heir and 2nd Master like it. Even if 4th Miss didn't have a brother, I got Noble Heir and 2nd Master's photo. After 4th Miss, I didn't have any Brother.
     Although Han Jianming is not old, he is acting steadily, and his prestige in Duke is higher than that of Your Grace. So he wants to take Yu-Xi out to buy books, and Old Ma-dam has no objection to Qiu-shi.
     The night before leaving, Yu-Xi entered the darkroom. Yu-Xi made a total of three boxes of ointment, which was completed two months ago. In order not to provoke Shen Mama suspicion, she took out a box and applied it to Shen Mama face, which made Shen Mama scared to death. Finally, Yu-Xi ruined the box of plaster in the face of Shen Mama. And he also solemnly promised to stop making ointments for a while, which made Shen Mama feel at ease.
     The remaining two boxes of ointment are locked in the cabinet, and the key Yu-Xi of the cabinet is placed close to the body.
     To go out, Yu-Xi dressed himself up like a Fuwa. Leaving Duke House, Yu-Xi and Noble Heir said:
     "Big brother, when I finish the book, I want to see Fang Mama. Can you let me send me to Shangyuan Street?"
     Han Jianming does not agree with:
     "If you want to see Fang Mama in the future, just call her to the government. Shangyuan Street is a mixed bag. What if you are hit by someone who doesn't have long eyes?"
     Eldest Miss, he can't be assured of going to that place.
     Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
     "Big brother, I wanted to call Fang Mama into the government, but she was sick. I am worried, I want to see her." This is not to fool Han Jianming, but Fang Mama is really sick. Yu-Xi is not worried, and there is something to find Fang Mama, so I want to take this opportunity to visit Fang Mama in the past.
     Han Jianming was silent and said:
     "In this case, I will let you go after the book is bought. But this is the last time, and there will be no more next time."
     Yu-Xi opened his mouth and smiled and said:
     "Well, this is the last time."
     When I arrived at the entrance of Songsongge, I had a folding fan in my hand. A pair of gongzi Brother headed toward them and smiled and said:
     "Hey, Noble Heir, how come this with a pretty little Miss. Little Miss, what's your name?"
     Han Jianming looked very light and said:
     "I want to buy a book, I will not delay Lu Gongzi." Han Jianming has never been able to see the people who have lost this kind of jade.
     Yu-Xi See Han Jianming did not introduce her, nor open.
     Lu Gongzi didn't care about Han Jianming's indifference. He wanted him to say that Han Jianming was a piece of wood, and he didn't know how to play at all. He ruined such a good identity.
     When I walked into Matsuzaka, Han Jianming said:
     "This person is the second son of Zhongyong Houfu II Old Master."
     Yu-Xi, a turn, think of one thing:
     "The second Old Master of Zhongyong Houfu is called Luzon?"
     Lu Song is the former husband of Song Governess.
     Han Jianming is very satisfied with the rapid response of Yu-Xi:
     "In the future, I met the people in Zhongyong Houfu, and I don't care." Zhongyong Houfu male reading and martial arts are not good, and eating and drinking gambling is a good thing. Now there is only one empty title in Houfu. I don’t know how long it will last for this title.
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "I know."
     Half an hour later, Han Jianming saw the books selected by Yu-Xi, and his mouth was twitching. Yu-Xi even picked several medical books. He thought that Yu-Xi was a book that wanted to buy art.
     Yu-Xi was busy explaining:
     "The last time I went out of smallpox, I almost died. I was thinking that if I had medical skills, I wouldn’t be afraid." Fearing that Han Jianming disagreed, Yu-Xi immediately said:
     "Big brother, buying a few medical books is just to round up your own thoughts, and really want to learn medicine," she did not want this condition even if she wanted to study medicine.
     Han Jianming shook his head helplessly:
     "What do you say about this pile? Are you afraid that I will not agree?"
     Seeing Yu-Xi with a surprised look, Han Jianming continued:
     "Missing some pharmacology is not a bad thing, but these medical books are difficult to understand and difficult to understand."
     Yu-Xi is touched by some people. If you really care about the person who loves you, you will feel that everything you do is good. Yu-Xi said:
     "If you don't understand, you can see the flowers and plants above. You can embroider some things that are different from others."
     Han Jianming’s beheaded, with a faint smile on his face, said:
     "You can think so, very good." Just afraid of a rib, it is bad.
     Yu-Xi shows a big smile:
     "Thank you Big Brother." Big Brother is always a serious look, she is respectful in her life. It’s only after I came into contact with it that I found out that my brother is serious, but I am very concerned about them.
     After paying for the book, Yu-Xi went out with Han Jianming. Going to the door, Yu-Xi looked at the two people who were ready to enter the door, silently watching the sky. How can I get a killer-king by a door! This fate is wonderful. However, after Yun-Qing saved people, Yu-Xi is not afraid of him now.
     Yun-Qing Seeing Yu-Xi didn't hide from her, and she didn't look like she was scared. She deliberately teased Yu-Xi and said:
     "Hie watch-sister, how can you not be afraid of me now?"
     Yu-Xi remembered the last thing and some blush. In fact, the current Yun-Qing is just a child, but she has lost her life for a lifetime. She is afraid of a child. It is really a shame to be thrown into her family. Yu-Xi said, looking up:
     "You don't have two eyes, one nose, one mouth, what are you afraid of?"
     Yun-Qing is amazing:
     "Yeah, I also have two eyes and one mouth, so why did you scare you when you saw me last time?"
     Yu-Xi didn't admit that she was scared last time, and that didn't have much face:
     "I was uncomfortable last time, and I was not scared by you."
     Han Jianming couldn't help but laugh. He often saw that Yu-Xi was old-fashioned, and it was rare to see such a lively and lovely side.
     Jiang Hongfu reminded me:
     "Cousin, we have to go in and buy books."
     Yu-Xi looked at Jiang Hongfu and suddenly asked:
     “Does Fu Baoge often come to Matsuzaka to buy books?”
     Jiang Hongfu nodded:
     "Well, I usually buy books at Matsuzaka." The last time I was here, I didn't open the business. He just used a book and went to the bookstore.
     Yu-Xi couldn't help but ask:
     “Do you usually come out to play in the most days?”
     Jiang Hongfu was a bit strange, but he still shook his head and said:
     "No, I usually study at the White Sandalwood Academy. Besides buying a book, I don't come to this street? What's wrong? Is there any problem?"
     Yu-Xi shakes his head:
     "I just ask." Yu-Xi guessed that Jiang Hongfu had an accident in the market, fearing that he had met an accident after he came out to buy a book. Yu-Xi has the heart to save people, but this thing can't be said, but he can only secretly find a solution.
     After buying the book, Han Jianming still has something to deal with, only let the entourage around him send Yu-Xi to Shangyuan Street:
     "4th sister, you don't stay too long on Shangyuan Street. If you look at people, you will go home."
     Yu-Xi is busy nodding.
     When I arrived at Shangyuan Street, Yu-Xi got into the bunny and got into the bun shop. No one in the buns shop, she did not think too much, directly took people to the backyard.
     When I first entered the small courtyard, I heard a sharp voice.
     This sound was very strange, and Yu-Xi frowned.
     Hong-shan did not dare to let Yu-Xi enter, but let the entourage go in and see the situation. In case someone rushed into her home Miss, everyone had to eat and hang.
     A-Gump went in with two male servants. After a while, he came out. A man servant grabbed a fat woman dressed in a flowering dress.
     The powder on the woman's face was thick.
     This woman, at first glance, is not a good thing.
     Yu-Xi was angry, but there was no speech on the face. .
     Fang Mama and An Pozi also quickly came out. Fang Mama came out and saw that Yu-Xi was too scared. Ann Pozi was relieved to see Yu-Xi, and Miss was not afraid of being bullied.
     Hong-shan asked:
     "Who are you? What are you doing in the shop of my master?"
     Hong-shan said that this shop is Yu-Xi.
     Ann Pozi pointed to the fat woman and said:
     "Miss, this is ‘Lu Yepo from Shangyuan Street. She came here today to tell Fang Mama."
     Looking at the indifferent look of Yu-Xi, ‘Lu Jingpo had some hair in her heart. She wants to know that Noble Lady will come over today, and she will not be able to mediate for the second Silver Taels. ‘Lu Jing said on the ground:
     "Miss is forgiving, and I am also a mediator."
     Yu-Xi face was cold in an instant.
     Ann Pozi immediately answered and explained:
     "Miss, she helped the media to talk about the Huang Qiyun of Linshui Street, and the sacred servant ate and drank gambling."
     ‘Lu Mediapo hated not blocking Ann Pozi mouth, and said in front of Noble Lady that these are the rhythms that will force her to go to the train of thought! ‘Lu Yepo does not want to die, and now kneels on the ground and cries for help:
     "Miss is forgiving, I also took the money to do things, and I didn't do anything else."
     Yu-Xi doesn't bother to go through with a matchmaker, just saying:
     "Tow it out."
     A-Gump immediately told the two men to pick up the woman and go outside. At the door of the store, people were thrown out.

     Chapter 45 Bullying  

     Yu-Xi looked at Fang Mama, but her eyes were red, and her body didn't matter. She knew that Fang Mama said she was cheating on her illness. Someone bullied the door and didn't even tell her that in order not to come to Duke to take care of the disease, Yu-Xi didn't know what to say at this moment.
     Fang Mama saw that Yu-Xi face was not good-looking, and she wiped her tears and explained:
     "I was afraid that Miss was worried and didn't say it." Mainly because she felt no face, what would be nice to say this to Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi said faintly:
     "Talk into the house!" Some things are not easy to say in front of everyone.
     Three people entered the house, and Yu-Xi asked:
     "what happened?"
     If Fang Mama is still in her early twenties, Yu-Xi will definitely let her remarriage. But Fang Mama is now in his thirties. Even if he is married, he will not be married to a good family. It is better to adopt a child to raise a child than to marry him.
     Fang Mama smiled bitterly:
     "I was the one I met at the Xiao wei family. Miss, I didn't think about remarriage."
     Ann Pozi speaks a lot directly:
     "Miss, the bad is bad on the Yin Pozi. She knows that the Huang Yi battle is not a good person, but also wants to push Fang Mama into the fire pit." Yin Pozi, is Xiao Wei mother.
     Fang Mama regrets:
     "Miss, it's all my fault, I know people."
     The beginning and end of the matter is very simple.
     The surname Huang’s servant squatting on the shop to make money, and found that Fang Mama is a single woman, and Duke House is doing the backstage, so she started to think about Fang Mama as the successor. Fang Mama didn't think about remarriage, and his mind was in vain. I don't know how, I took Huang Pozi with Huang Po.
     This Yin Pozi, because Fang Mama went out of her way, said that she would accept her daughter for the work of the servant and then refused, and she hated it. She knows that Huang Qiyun is not a good person, but she thinks that she can retaliate against Fang Mama, and she has a bad feeling in her heart. On the other hand, she also wants to take advantage of it. So I wanted to design Fang Mama. Fortunately, there was a reminder from Pozi that Fang Mama was not fooled.
     Fang Mama was furious at the time, scolding Yin Pozi for a meal, and then broke her relationship with her. Not long after the results, Shangyuan Street heard the wind saying that Fang Mama did not check, and the half Old Xu Niang also seduce men. Outside the storm, here the matchmaker came to the door, Fang Mama ten mouth can not tell.
     Yu-Xi listened, no more nonsense, said:
     "Mama, I will let people handle this thing, you don't have to worry." This time I must kill the chicken and the monkey, severely punish the servant of the surname Huang and the Yin Pozi family. Later, the talents here don't dare to count Fang Mama again. Packed up the idea of ​​the shop. If this is the case, the store will not open.
     Fang Mama, where can I not worry:
     "If you let Old Ma-dam know, you will definitely punish Miss." Now that she opened the store and got into trouble, Old Ma-dam will definitely let her shut the store.
     Yu-Xi calms the said:
     “It’s just a small servant, and I need to alarm the Grandmother.”
     Fang Mama listened to this before he was relieved:
     "Miss, I am going to buy another person." After this incident, Fang Pozi alone, Fang Mama, is not at ease. She wants to buy another Pozi, which is powerful, so that there is nothing to be afraid of.
     Yu-Xi nodded:
     "This is what Mama looks at." After that, he took out the ointment in his sleeve and said:
     "This ointment, Mama finds time to find the big Shopkeeper of the Yaoji shop in East Street, saying that you want to sell this scented ointment to him. If he does not believe, you will give this ointment to him and let him find someone himself. Try the effect, and talk about the seller’s thing one month later."
     Fang Mama took the box of ointment and opened it.
     The ointment was a little black and not very optimistic. She said with some fear:
     "Miss, is this thing Yao Yao store going to?"
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "You can rest assured that as long as they see the effect, they will definitely buy it."
     Fang Mama hesitated and said:
     "Miss, how much does the ointment sell?"
     For this thing, Fang Mama really feels worthless.
     Yu-Xi smiled:
     "The price is not anxious. Go find the big Shopkeeper, give him the ointment first, let him know the efficacy."
     Fang Mama doesn't think it's reliable, but Yu-Xi insists that she also feels that she is running a leg, but it costs two cars.
     Yu-Xi left the Baozipu, and when she got on the carriage, she sank. Hong-shan didn't dare to breathe when she saw the atmosphere. Yu-Xi returned to Duke House, did not go directly to 1st Ma-dam to help, but told Hong-shan:
     "Let your brother ask what is this scorpio servant?"
     Yu-Xi doesn't believe in Pozi words, but only multi-party verification is appropriate.
     It is good to have money, and soon Yu-Xi knows that this surname Huang is not only eating, drinking, gambling, but also playing his ‘Madam’.
     The ‘Madam’ in front of him was killed by her.
     This Huang Qiyun tried to find Fang Mama this time because he lost a lot of money in gambling and owed a loan shark. It was only after the dejection that Fang Mama idea was played.
     Yu-Xi immediately went to Qiu-shi and said everything about Fang Mama over there:
     "Auntie, if it weren't for me, Fang Mama wouldn't suffer such aggrieved. Aunt, this time I can't just count it."
     Qiu-shi thinks that Yu-Xi has made some fuss, and a small servant makes Yu-Xi lose its measure. To this end, Qiu-shi said a paragraph of Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi is open-minded and accepts criticism.
     Qiu-shi reprimanded and said:
     "I let Sun Xiang come forward to deal with this matter, you don't have to worry." Ming knows that it is Duke shop and dare to make up his mind, and the daring is really fat.
     Yu-Xi said busy:
     "Auntie, can you tell the Grandmother about this? If the Grandmother knows it must be jealous of me." Old Ma-dam knew that her bun shop had to close the door. Yu-Xi is not reluctant to make money from the bun shop, but Fang Mama will be as good as the bun shop. If it is so close, it is a pity.
     Qiu-shi smiled and clicked on the forehead of Yu-Xi:
     "You Yatou, I want my aunt to help you with the news, but I’m still turning around." Yu-Xi said that she hopes that she can close the mouth of several people who are going out today, and don’t preach. this matter.
     A few days later, the servant named Huang was defamed for a big mistake.
     The gambler saw that he had no errands and immediately took away his house.
     The house-sub-subsidiary could not pay the arrears.
     These people also beat him up and discounted his legs. Yin Pozi, who helped the abuse, fell at the door and fell half-length.
     Hong-shan got a chill after getting the news, and said with Yu-Xi:
     "Miss, is it too embarrassing to start with the management?"
     It’s horrible to spend the rest of my life in bed.
     Yu-Xi doesn't feel too much:
     "If the means is too soft, I think we are guilty, and anyone can count it."
     Hong-shan made a chill and didn't dare to speak anymore.

     Chapter 46 Huge  

     In a blink of an eye, it is again in May.
     Looking at the rose flowers that covered the branches, Yu-Xi whispered:
     "One year." She has been back for a year, and she changed a lot this year. She also believes that it will change in the future and it will get better and better.
     Hong-shan came in from the outside and said:
     "Miss, Rong Concubine has eaten something that is not clean, but it's good for the child to keep it."
     Yu-Xi slewing head, said:
     "If I remember correctly, should Rong Concubine be pregnant for seven months?"
     Rong Concubine is also very powerful. In the past six months, I have been born with peace of mind. In the dark, I have Lian Concubine children, but my children are properly no problem.
     Hong-shan nod:
     "It’s also a big life for this kid."
     Yu-Xi recalls the things of the last life, it is a pity that she did not remember the time. But the only certainty is that Rong Concubine has no son, only a child. In other words, if the child is not safe, it will not die:
     "Speaking of it, the second-sister has been closed for almost half a year." Old Ma-dam had to talk about Yu Xi for a year. Yu-Xi thought it was just a talk, but I didn't think it was really closed.
     This has been given to the Buddhist temple for half a year, and Yu-Xi feels that Yu Xi is estimated to be half crazy.
     Hong-shan feels that the second Miss is locked up and everyone is quiet:
     "If 2nd Miss comes out, we can't be clean."
     Yu-Xi chuckles:
     "Afraid of her doing it? I was not prepared for the last time, and there will be no more next time." After that, she will not suffer any loss.
     In the evening, Hong-shan brought a message to Yu-Xi:
     “Miss, Fang Mama said that she would visit Miss after the day.”
     Yu-Xi heard this and his face smiled. Fang Mama will enter the government, indicating that the matter is going well.
     Seeing Yu-Xi, Fang Mama face is full of joy:
     "Miss, the Shopkeeper of Yao Ji is willing to buy our recipe, but asks us to sell only one of them."
     This requirement is not excessive, and Yu-Xi naturally agreed.
     The two had been negotiating for a long time, and Fang Mama was gone.
     In the afternoon, Yao Jida Shopkeeper got the recipe for the ointment. Looking at Fang Zi, Yao Ji big shopkeeper’s heart was awkward, and it’s not like a small Miss handwriting.
     Fang Mama Said:
     "If the Shopkeeper is not at ease, then forget it."
     Yao Jida Shopkeeper’s compensation laughs:
     "No, I think this word seems to have just been written."
     Fang Mama has a heartbeat, but there is no market:
     "As long as there is no problem with the formula, what is not important is written. Yao is the Shopkeeper. Are you saying yes?"
     The nature of Yao Shopkeeper will not sing against the stage at Fang Mama at this time. He does not understand the pharmacology. He swept his eyes and handed it to an old man with a long beard and about fifty years old.
     After watching the recipe, the old man with a long beard said to Yao Yao Shopkeeper:
     "The majority of the above list is the material for making ointment." During this time, Yao Kee has already analyzed the ingredients of this ointment. Of course, only the approximate ingredients can be analyzed. How to configure it, how much material is not analyzed.
     Yao Da Shopkeeper was very happy. At the beginning, he was holding a try and tried, but he did not expect that she actually got a golden egg.
     The big Shopkeeper first let the long-bearded old man go out, and then said to Fang Mama:
     "We can sign the contract now."
     Fang Mama shook her head and said:
     "My master said that the contract will not be signed." If you don't sign the contract, you are not willing to drop the order.
     Yao big shopkeeper’s brows shook, and some were embarrassing. He has already inquired about the details of Fang Mama, and he generally guessed that this formula should be from 4th Miss of Duke House. Although he does not know the ancient part of where 4th Miss got it, as long as this recipe is true. As for the fact that Fang Zi is fake, he has no doubts. Although the ointment is not good-looking, he has been testing for a month, and the effect is really good. Nowadays, there are several kinds of elixir in the market that can't compare the efficacy of the ointment.
     The big Shopkeeper said:
     "Without a contract, I can't pay for it!" The main thing is, if there is any problem, ask who will go there.
     Fang Mama said very refreshingly:
     "My master said, if you don't believe it, you can wait for the ointment to make it and then pay."
     A glimpse of Yao big Shopkeeper, I didn’t expect the other’s great strength. He thought about it and said:
     "In this way, I will pay one-third of the money first, and then pay the rest after the ointment is released." This is his greatest authority.
     Fang Mama nodded and said:
     "My master said that she is the best in the business of Yaoji shops, and I am willing to sell them to you. As long as you follow the promise, this party will not know the third person."
     Yao, the Shopkeeper, understands why Fang Mama dares not to collect money first, and people don’t worry that they don’t pay. If they dare not pay, people will dare to sell the recipe to others. If things are not exclusive, the profits will be greatly reduced. And if he leaked the 4th Miss seller's thing, it would not cause any great harm to 4th Miss, but it would damage their reputation. Yao Jida Shopkeeper immediately said:
     "Fang Niangzi rest assured that this thing will never be spread out.
     The rest of the money, wait for the ointment to be made, I will send it to you immediately."
     Fang Mama shook her head and said:
     "When you get a message, let me pick it up." She didn't want to let others know that she had a buying and selling relationship with Yao shop.
     This square Yu-Xi offered a price of 15 thousand, and Yao Shopkeeper knew that Yu-Xi didn’t want to let people in Duke house know that the price was deliberately reduced to 8 thousand. Bargaining, and finally positioned 12 thousand Silver Taels.
     This time, the Shopkeeper paid four thousand Silver Taels.
     Fang Mama carefully took the silver ticket and put it in his purse. Her legs are still snoring when she walks out the door, but she has never seen so much money in her life!
     Yao shopkeeper sent Fang Mama away and couldn’t help but ‘call at the old man who was next to him:
     "Three uncles, you said that 4th Miss of Duke House is only five years old. How is it so powerful?"
     Such a golden thing, I dare to take it out so freely. If you change to him, you can't be a baby.
     The long-haired old man said:
     "Han 4th Miss is not very powerful, it is not important.
     The important thing is this. As long as the party can really make money for us, the other does not need to be controlled." The other party asked them not to disclose the news, it indicates that she does not want others to know, by This shows that this is to avoid people in Duke House.
     The old man did not think much about it.
     There are many things in the family. A small Miss ran with such a large sum of money, was known to say that it is impossible to keep a point, so this request will be made.
     Yao Family eldest, the shopkeeper nodded:
     "The three uncles said."
     Four thousand two silver tickets, which makes Fang Mama the next day is fearful. After half a month, I got another 8 thousand Silver Taels, which made her feel sleepy and afraid of problems. When the daisy came over and sent something, she immediately handed the silver scorpion to the daisy and said:
     "The last month's income is put in the scorpion. You take it back and give it to Miss."
     Moju was busy with both hands and said:
     "Mama rest assured, I will go back to Miss." The scorpion was locked, two keys in the hands of Fang Mama and the other in the hands of Yu-Xi.
     When Yu-Xi saw this silver scorpion, the look was as usual:
     "Things are put down, I will look at it first, and then keep a book at night." Everything Yu-Xi has to be accounted for, and the one who controls the money is the daisy.
     Ink is loyal and honest, and Yu-Xi is still very reassured to her. Of course, the money account is separated, even if the immortal is really not worried.
     Although Fang Mama didn't come in, she also asked Hong-shan's brother to bring in her words. Of course, all used are whispers that are said in advance. So Yu-Xi knows that there is another thing in this silver plaque.
     After Yu-Xi and other immortals went out, they took the key to open the dice and saw a pile of broken silver pressed a few silver tickets.
     Yu-Xi looked at these silver tickets and was very excited. When she was married in her life, the dowry was more than 20 thousand, which is why she married Jiang Hongjin. But soon, Yu-Xi calmed down.
     The 2 thousand-year Old Silver Taels, which is said to be a huge sum, can only buy a few of the furnishings in the Yu-Chen room, so it’s really not exciting.
     With such a large sum of money, Yu-Xi felt that she had to set up some industries. With the industry, it means that there is a fixed income every year, so that she will not pay for the money in the future, so that even without the dumplings of Fang Mama, she has money to pay. She doesn't have much ambitions, as long as she is well-off, she will be comfortable in the future. After so many things, she is very clear that it is much more convenient to have money to do things and to be able to act in the house. Just like Hong-shan, the Hong-shan popularity is one aspect. On the other hand, it is very expensive to inquire about the news.
     Yu-Xi is not in a hurry. It is not a day or two to set up an industry.
     This matter has to come slowly and is urgent.
     Yu-Xi got a huge sum and it was the same as usual. Even her personal Servant and Hong-shan did not see any difference.
     In a blink of an eye, it was another holiday. One month and two days off, and all in the last two days of each month, this is the habit of Song Governess, and it does not move.
     Yu-Chen made an invitation:
     "4th Mei Mei, after two*舅舅生辰, you will go with me!" Yu-Chen is very popular with Hou Ma Old Ma-dam, which is also Yu-Chen learning to learn with Song Governess. Don't leave, or Jiang Old Ma-dam will definitely pick up Yu-Chen and go to Jiang home.
     Yu-Xi rumors rejected:
     "3rd sister, I have to warm the book in the past two days, I will not go." Several Miss in the Houqing Houqing have a high vision and can't see her daughter of the successor. She didn't suffer from the eyes of those women in her life, so she was not prepared to make friends with several people in Houqing.
     Yu-Xi is ready to take advantage of the two-day holiday and study the double-sided embroidery. It is really important to learn things and talents. When you learn the ‘zither’, Yu-Xi feels that it is difficult, but this double-sided embroidery, even if no one teaches Yu-Xi, now touches the trick. Touching the trick, it's much easier to master the skills.
     Yu-Chen was a little disappointed, but she did not force it.
     Looking at the back of Yu-Xi, the waiter is very uneven:
     "Miss is going to be 4th Miss, but 4th Miss is not at all. Miss, you are still farther away from 4th Miss!" She felt that Yu-Xi didn't know well, not worthy of her family trouble.
     Yu-Chen looked at the book, said faintly:
     "You are too old, I will tell the Grandmother, let you go out."
     This is like a blue sky, not only scared the waiter, but even the ‘zither’ is a big jump.
     The ‘zither’ is busy saying:
     "Miss, although the book is overstepped, it is also good for Miss."
     Yu-Chen said coldly:
     "For me, I can provoke me with 4th Mei Mei sister-sister friendship? I didn't pursue the last thing, it was because she served me for many years.
     This time, I decided that I can't spare any more."
     The waiter is soft on the ground.

     Chapter 47 Tragedy (1)  

     Yu-Xi went to Old Ma-dam first, then went to the main courtyard to Qiu-shi. Upon entering the main courtyard, Yu-Xi smelled an unusual taste.
     Qiu-shi face is very ugly, and the look of Yu-Xi has not eased down. He only said:
     "Yu-Xi, Aunt has something here, you go back to your yard first."
     Yu-Xi quit after going to the ceremony, and went out of the main courtyard. Yu-Xi commanded Hong-shan:
     "Let's ask, what happened?"
     I don't know what another Congbine moth is. Do not blame Yu-Xi think so, it is really Duke House, except for Rong Concubine, nothing can make Qiu-shi so irritated.
     The heart is not static, and it can't be embroidered. It is impossible to ponder the game. Yu-Xi simply grinds the ink and lifts the pen to practice on the wall. Song Governess is good for her to stick paper on the wall, just too hard. It’s been more than four months, and she sour every time she writes a hundred hands on the wall.
     When the forty-fifth word was written, Hong-shan came back.
     Yu-Xi is busy asking:
     "What happened?"
     It should be great to look at the big aunt. Yu-Xi knows that these things are not what to do, just want to know the movements in the mansion, to know what is in the heart, not to be blind.
     Hong-shan shook his head:
     "It is not a matter in the house, it is a matter outside.
     The eastern border town of Liaodong was attacked by the East Hu Manzi, and Yan Yuanshuai and General Huaidong also died. Dong Hu Manzi rushed into the copper city to burn and kill, and did not know how many people were killed.
     Their poisonous hands. Miss, you said that the border town was broken, is the capital dangerous?"
     Yu-Xi asked with some doubts:
     "General Huai Dong?"
     Why is the name she is familiar with, but I can't remember where I heard it.
     Hong-shan is in a hurry, how Miss's attention is not on the same line with her:
     "Miss, General Huaidong is the eldest son of General Shi Old Yun, um, the father of Yun-Qing Young Master." Miss Miss, who knows Yun-Qing , is more clear.
     Yu-Xi was shocked:
     "You mean, Yun-Qing 's father is also dead?"
     Hong-shan nodded and said:
     "Well, General Huaidong died with Yan Marshal. Not only that, but the ‘Madam’ and children of General Huaidong were also killed by Donghu." After a pause, Hong-shan’s face also showed a heavy color, saying:
     "General General General Yun was only two sons and one daughter.
     The younger son died ten years ago. His daughter was dying, and now he lost his son and two grandchildren. Do you know that General General General General is unbearable?"
     Then even the three white hair sent black hair, the iron man could not stand.
     Old Yun General was also a famous Liaodong, but he was seriously injured and could not go to the battlefield. He stayed in the capital for the elderly. Old Yun Teacher, even if he hasn't been on the battlefield for more than 20 years, everyone respects her.
     Yu-Xi hand trembled. She had some doubts at the time. Why is the current Yun-Qing temperament so hearty, and will take the initiative to save people, and after a few years it becomes a murderous madman. No, if only General Huaidong is killed, it is impossible to make Yun-Qing 's temperament change. Whether it is a soldier or a general, going to war will always be dangerous.
     There must be something hidden in it.
     Thinking of what Hong-shan said just now, Yu-Xi shuddered and asked:
     "You just said that Yan Marshal is also dead?"
     Yan Yuanshuai is not only the Grand Marshal who controls the 200 thousand army, but also the Queen's brother. It can be said that the reason why the Queen and the Crown Prince can compete with Song Honorable Noble is because of the Yan Yuanshuai support. Now that Yan Yuanshuai is dead, the Queen and the Crown Prince are in danger.
     Hong-shan has some doubts, her family Miss is what happened, she has said very clearly how to ask such a stupid question. However, she did not dare to question Yu-Xi and said:
     "Yes, Yan Marshal is also dead. I heard that Yan Wu eldest son, Yan Wu-shuang, has also disappeared. It is said to be gone, but everyone knows that it should be gone." See Yu-Xi. Hong-shan said:
     "Yan Wu-shuang is the youngest son of Yan Marshal. It is said that Yan Wu-shuang has been talented since childhood and will be the successor of Yan Marshal in the future.
     Therefore, the news of the disappearance of Yan Wu-shuang has made many people feel awkward."
     Although Yu-Xi does not understand the military, she is sure that this is not so simple:
     "anything else?"
     Yu-Xi is a little depressed. She didn't talk about the imperial court in her life. She didn't know what happened in Duke. Even if she grew up, she didn't care much about the outside, so she didn't have any impression of such a big thing. Otherwise, she can also know how this happened later.
     Hong-shan is unknown, so:
     "I just heard this. If Miss still wants to know, I will let my third brother go out and ask for it."
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "Let your third brother pay attention, do what you can, don't provoke people eyes, and get into trouble." Such a big thing is sure to set off a big wave. She just wants to know the beginning and the end of these things, but she doesn't want to get into trouble.
     Hong-shan smiled and said:
     "My third brother, she has a sense of proportion." Yu-Xi just wants to know what's going on outside, not what to do, and her third brother is all about the well-known news, not conspicuous, so there is no danger. research. Of course, for the Yu-Xi, which has been in the deep, it is very difficult to get these news.
     Chaotang is sighing for the deputy general Zhang General to drive Donghu people out of Tongcheng, but this time a memorial to the emperor's royal case.
     This memorial accused Yanjia 3rd Old Master of colluding with Donghu, not only leaking the city defense map of Tongcheng, but also leaking the marching line of Yan Yuanshuai, which led to the break of the copper city, and no hundreds of survivors died.
     Yu-Xi heard this and opened his mouth and asked:
     "Does this person get lost?"
     The Yan family people and Dong Hu are the feuds. Whoever leaks the city defense map may not be a Yan family. How do people behind this scene make such stupid things.
     Hong-shan said:
     "My brother said that the mother of Yanjia three Old Master is Dong Hu, who is incompatible with Yan Yuanshuai. It was also threatened to kill Yan Marshal."
     Yu-Xi Said:
     "Without evidence, this is filthy."
     Hong-shan shook his head and said:
     "My brother said that the human evidence is complete." The last sentence is the focus.
     Yu-Xi heard this and my heart was cold. Since the evidence of the person's evidence is complete, it means that the other party has been carefully calculated, and this time the Yan family may be in danger. Cough, Yu-Xi sighed again, why didn't she know anything about her life?
     At the same time, Yun Old Master looked at the non-Daren Yun-Qing and said:
     "Go away this evening and follow ChangQing to Fu-Cheng City."
     Yun-Qing There is a moment of error. Fu-Cheng City is the border town of the northwest, where the Qin family is. Everyone knows that the Qin family has never dealt with their family. Let him go to Fu-Cheng City. No, the question now is why he wants to go to Fu-Cheng City. Yun-Qing asked:
     "Ye Master, are you having something to look at me?"
     Yun Old Master’s heart is bleeding, saying:
     "Yan's third child does collude with Donghu people, but he is only a scapegoat.
     The real culprit is the Song family."
     Yun-Qing smashed:
     "Why should the Song family do this?"
     Old Yun General’s face is sad:
     "For the throne. As long as there is Yan Yuanshuai, the emperor will not be able to abolish the queen, and the Crown Prince will not be abolished. Only the Yan family is gone, they have no trouble, can eliminate the queen and the Crown Prince, paving the way for Song Honorable Noble and 9th Prince ""
     Yun-Qing ’s eyes stunned the eyes of hatred:
     "Ye Master, we can't let the Song family go unpunished, we must let them pay their blood debts, let them give me my mother and my brother."
     Yun Lao Master’s spine has been smashed, and it’s not quite up.
     "The emperor favors Song Honorable Noble, who loves 9th Prince, and always wants to let the 9th Prince replace the Crown Prince.
     This time just happened to follow the emperor's intention." Otherwise, the Song family would not be so arrogant.
     Yun-Qing asked without trust:
     "Ye Master, is there more than 100 thousand people in Tongcheng, tens of thousands of soldiers, I am so my mother, are they so dead?"
     Old Yun Teacher said:
     "The Master's revenge is not too late. If you fight with the Song family, there is no benefit except to put you in.
     The children of Song, who have tried their best for several years, will definitely kill the Yan family. We are with Yan.
     The family relationship is close, the Song family will not let go. Qing er, you are the only blood left in us, you can't have anything."
     Yun-Qing Where would I go alone, said:
     "Ye Master, you have to go together."
     Old Yun’s eyes were revealed, but he could not help but send Yun-Qing away because he had no way to protect his grandson:
     "My grandfather is old and can't walk. As long as you are good, ‘Laozi will be safe. ”
     Yun-Qing left Yun Old Master a relative, let him drop it'
     "‘Laozi, you don't leave, I don't leave."
     Yun Old Master said sharply:
     "Yun family will leave you with such a root. If you have three long and two short, our Yun family will be gone. How do you let ‘Laozi go to the ground to face the ancestors, ah..."
     Yun-Qing is kneeling on the ground, and if he wants to die, he will not let go, saying:
     "Ye Master, if you don't leave, I won't leave." For many years, Yu-Qing knew the Yun Old Master. If he is gone, ‘Laozi has no worries, and will definitely be desperate with the Song family.
     Yun Old Master looked at his child who had a hard time and raised his eyes. He is old, and he has lived for a few days, but his grandson is still young and has a good time. More importantly, the future of the Yun family will depend on him to reinvigorate the facade.
     Yun Old Master was silent for a long time and finally said:
     "Well, you go back and clean up, I will go with you at night."
     Yun-Qing was surprised. His grandfather spoke too much. For the sake of fraud, Yun-Qing is not willing to leave Old Cloud:
     "Everything makes Guo Xuan clean up, I will accompany you to ‘Laozi." Yun-Qing worried that Old Yun would act in order to support him.
     Yun Laoye did not object, nodded and agreed, and said:
     "I have sent people to Tongcheng, and they will bury them in the burial. When you support the door in the future, go to Tongcheng and move their graves into the grave."
     Yun-Qing held back the tears in his eyes and nodded:
     "it is good."
     Yun Laoyzi From knowing that the eldest son died, the whole person is as old as ten years old, but he has been standing up all these days. Because he knows that if he doesn't hold on, the only grandson can't keep it:
     "Qing er, wait until Fu-Cheng City, you have to listen to ChangQing ."
     Yun-Qing has a bad intuition:
     Old Man Yun swings:
     "‘Laozi is old, his health is not good, and his memory is not good. When I keep a note, I will tell you these first. When the province gets it, I forgot to say it."
     On this day, Old Yun and Yun-Qing said a lot of things, they all explained some things to him. It was said that Yun-Qing was terrified, and he did not dare to leave Old Yun in half a step.

     Chapter 48 Tragedy (2)  

     Yun-Qing woke up and found himself in the carriage, opened the curtain and looked at the completely strange environment outside, and then looked at the stranger who was driving. Yun-Qing guessed that this person should be ChangQing that ‘Laozi said. He used to listen to ‘Laozi who talked about ChangQing .
     This person has a high martial arts, but his face is awkward, and his temperament is indifferent, so he has been living in a simple way, not to mention that he has never seen anyone in the house. But this person is absolutely loyal to the Yun family, because his life is saved by his grandfather.
     Yun-Qing asked in a panic:
     "My grandfather?"
     ChangQing said with a blank expression:
     “Old Master spit blood when he heard the news of his uncle death. If he used the medicine of the tiger and wolf, the Old Master went there. But even then, the Old Master couldn’t stand for a few days.” This means that Old Master can't live long.
     "I want to go back, turn my head, I want to go back." His grandfather is going to die, he must go to the final journey.
     ChangQing slaps on Yu-Qing 's face and Yun-Qing falls off the carriage. ChangQing said coldly:
     "If a man goes with me to Fu-Cheng City, it is not too late for a Master to revenge. When you learn the skill and then return to the capital to destroy the Song family. If you want to go back to Capital City to kill, I will not stop, and I will go back." "That is to say, how can he let Yun-Qing go back!"
     Yun-Qing fangs cracked wood, reason telling him that he could not go back, but when he thought that his grandfather was alone in the capital to face death, his heart would be like a knife twisted, and he wanted to rush back to the capital. From small to big Yun-Qing has never cried, because he believes that men are bleeding without tears, but now, tears are involuntarily brushed down.
     ChangQing looks a little slower, no matter what, in the end is a ten-year Old child:
     “The time is tight, give the Old Master three heads, and we will be on the road.”
     Yun-Qing looks up:
     "What is ‘Laozi doing?"
     If there is no plan for ‘Laozi, there is no need to send him away.
     ChangQing did not answer Yun-Qing , only said:
     "When you are hoeing, you will get on the carriage. If we go a long way, we will change our course."
     ChangQing did not answer, indicating that his guess was correct. Yun-Qing climbed up with the pain of the whole body and squatted in the direction of the capital.
     ChangQing is not obvious on the surface, but my heart is also very sad.
     The old general had re-created grace for him. He looked sad when the old general fell into such a situation. It was only the choice of the old general that he did not have the power to set it:
     "Come faster, go to Fu-Cheng City earlier, you can be safe as soon as possible."
     Yun-Qing smashed three heads in the direction of the capital. Each one was very hard. After three heads, all the foreheads were bleeding. Gritted up and climbed up the carriage, said to ChangQing :
     Yu-Xi is in the house, and the news is much later than others. When she heard General Old Yun die at the Golden Temple, it was the fourth day after the incident. Yu-Xi was very surprised and asked:
     "how come?"
     Hong-shan said:
     "Miss, General General General General Yun said in the Golden Temple that the Song family colluded with the military power of Liaodong to collude with Donghu to smuggle the military, killing tens of thousands of generals and numerous people in the copper city. General Old Yun said that Song Shangshu was a disaster for the country.
     The thief of the opposite court asked the emperor to severely punish him."
     Yu-Xi asked urgently:
     "and then?"
     Hong-shan said:
     "General General General took out the evidence, but they were all dismissed by Song Shangshu, and said that General General General General Yun fell into him. General General General Yun moved his hand to Song Shangshu, and the result was pushed to the ground by Song Shangshu. For a moment, Hong-shan said:
     "General General General General fell to the ground and never woke up. Now everyone else said that Song Shangshu killed General Old Yun."
     Yu-Xi asked a very critical question:
     "What do you say in the emperor?"
     Hong-shan shook his head:
     "The emperor fined Song Shangshu for a year, and let him think about it at home. Others are gone."
     Although General Old Yun had nothing to do with her, but after hearing the news, Yu-Xi still had a burst of cold.
     This is also called punishment, which is different from tickling. Yu-Xi asked a key question:
     “Yun family big gongzi Yun-Qing ?”
     Hong-shan said:
     "There is a saying that Yun-Qing has gone to Liaodong. Liaodong has the same generals of General Huaidong and the old department.
     There is no danger to life when there is Yundagongzi." General General General Yun had such a battle, how the Song family would let Yun People of the family, but the people of the Yun family are only a master of Yun-Qing .
     It is not unreasonable for people outside to speculate. After all, Liaodong is the base of the Yun family. It is safer to leave the capital to go to Liaodong.
     Yu-Xi said to himself:
     "It turns out to be like this." She said that why the people who are so savvy-Qing are so savage, they will eventually become murderous madmen.
     Hong-shan did not hear what Yu-Xi said, smiled and asked:
     "Miss, you said that the Yun family gongzi really went to Liaodong?"
     Yu-Xi didn't talk, no one knows more about her than this. Yun-Qing didn't go to Liaodong but went to the northwest. It’s just that Yu-Xi said that no one would believe it. According to the rumor that the generals of the northwest, General Qin, and General General General Yun are dead, because of this, no one would have thought that Yun-Qing would go to Qin. Old general. Until a few years later, Yun-Qing emerged in the northwest, and finally became a murderous man of fear. Everyone knows that the Yun family and the Qin family so-called dead hatred are deceptive.
     Hong-shan See Yu-Xi and continue to say:
     "Now some people say that General General General General has actually become ill, and he has lived for a few days. He deliberately blamed Song Shangshu on the Golden Temple, but he deliberately framed Song Shangshu."
     Yu-Xi mouth is ridiculously smiling.
     Hong-shan asked Yu-Xi carefully:
     "Miss, are you really rumored to be true?"
     She was confused, and she couldn’t tell who was right or wrong.
     Yu-Xi didn't talk. Isn't this really important? The important thing is that the Yun family is now a broken family, and the Yan family is also at risk of being killed. However, General Old Yun is now so troubled, Yan family will certainly not be destroyed. Even if the emperor does not care about the wishes of the ministers and the people below, he must also care for more than 100 thousand soldiers in Liaodong.
     Yu-Xi said:
     "It's okay to tell me about these things. Don't talk to others." Privately speaking, it will be done, but if you dare to talk in the house, she will have to follow it.
     Hong-shan nodded and said:
     "Miss assured, I won't talk nonsense." She didn't have a long mind. It would be nice to hear such things, and dare to come up with arguments.
     After letting Hong-shan go out, Yu-Xi said softly:
     "It's not easy." Yun-Qing is carrying such a deep hatred, and it is normal for the temperament to change. Just as she was born again in the sea of ​​fire, she is slowly changing herself.
     Yu-Xi This will be immature, not concealing his emotions, and naturally it will be affected when he is in class, which falls into the eyes of Song Governess.
     After class, Song Governess left Yu-Xi and asked:
     "What's wrong? How do you think?"
     Yu-Xi didn't take advantage of Song Governess and said what he heard. Of course, Yun-Qing went to the northwest and she must be squatting, just saying:
     "Yun family is full of loyalty, but it falls to such a situation. I have heard some sadness."
     Song Governess stunned, and she didn't expect Yu-Xi to be down for this. She also knows about the Yun family:
     "There is no way, and no one has thought that the Yun Old Master will suddenly disappear. To blame, blame the East Hu Man."
     Yu-Xi eyes are as big as a brass bell:
     “I heard that General Old Yun’s body was tough and he could eat two bowls of rice. How could it be so inexplicably dead?”
     Song Governess says:
     "The Song family is stupid, and they dare not murder General Old Yun in the Golden Temple. In fact, this thing has to be seen from another side. General Old Yun died in front of Song Shangshu, and everyone will recognize that he was murdered by the Song family. General Old Yun, this is to calculate the Song family with his own life." The Yun family is full of loyalty, General Old Yun is so unclear, how to make the people of the world and the generals of Liaodong convinced. A bad deal, Liaodong will be chaotic. If Liaodong is in chaos, it will be chaotic. So this time, there is nothing on the Song family, but they want to completely control the 200 thousand-strong army in Liaodong.
     That is impossible.
     Yu-Xi naturally knows that the Song family can't be so stupid, but the death of Old Yun is that the Song family can't get away with it:
     "If this is what Shi Old Yun deliberately made, I would be even more uncomfortable."
     Song Governess asked strangely:
     "How to say?"
     Yu-Xi said with a low head:
     "General Old Yun is a general who is hiring a field. If it is not impossible, how can he choose such a deadly way of death?"
     Song Governess Hearing this, looking at the Yu-Xi eyes is extremely complicated.
     Yu-Xi perceives the look of Song Governess, and her heart trembles, how can she tell her heart? Yu-Xi is very upset and hard to understand:
     “Teacher, am I saying something wrong?”
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     "You are right, Yun Old Master's choice of such a death law is a helpless move, it is the sorrow of the court." Now the court is worried about the external troubles, and if you are not careful, you may be in a mess, but the emperor is arrogant and extravagant. I love Song Honorable Noble and reuse the Song Huaiqi Brother. I don’t care about the lives of ordinary people.
     Yu-Xi is not willing to continue to say this heavy thing, and now shifts the topic and says:
     "Teacher, I don't want to learn to paint."
     Song Governess asks:
     “Why don’t you want to learn to paint?”
     Yu-Xi said:
     "I want to spend more time on embroidery. My wish is to embroider double-sided embroidery." She didn't want to learn to paint, but actually wanted to save time to see medical books.
     The great events that took place in this hall made her think of the chaos of the last generation of the people.
     This gives Yu-Xi a sense of crisis. Although this sense of crisis is very strange, she decided to obey her heart.
     Song Governess says:
     "Learning embroidery is a good thing, but you are too fascinated." Embroidery is very spiritual. It doesn't take a few years for a big embroidery to be made. It is a piece of clothes or a piece of cloth. time. After Yu-Xi, I will marry a person who wants to host a mid-feeder. I have to teach my children, I want various kinds of entertainment, and I have time to do embroidery work.
     Yu-Xi said hesitantly:
     “Teacher, I like embroidery more than painting.”
     Song Governess didn't agree with Yu-Xi request. If Yu-Xi would only have a picture in the future, it would sweep her face too much, so she took a compromise:
     "Arts must be learned, but I won't give you extra assignments in the future."
     Yu-Xi is not very satisfied with the result, but she knows that Song Governess has made concessions and she can't get enough. In the unlikely event that Song Governess would not let her listen, she would not find it.
     The days of June are hot and upset.
     Yu-Xi came out of the school and returned to the Rose Garden. She took the sweat from the forehead and said:
     "How is it so hot?"
     She didn't think it was so hot in the summer! It’s only the hottest time in June.
     Ink daisy comes to a bowl of chilled sour plum soup:
     “Miss has a bowl and it will be cool if you drink.”
     Yu-Xi has a lot of sour plum soup after drinking a bowl of sour plum:
     "Fortunately, I don't have to come back at noon, or else I have to die." The weather was too hot, and Song Governess left Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi in Yulanyuan at noon.
     On the other hand, the ink peach used the white peacock to embroider the peacock fan to the Yu-Xi fan, and said:
     “It’s not raining for half a month, and the weather is naturally stuffy. If it’s the next rain, it’s cool.”
     Mo Ju quickly said:
     "Since the things in the border town came out, it was no longer raining. Now people outside are saying that this is God's punishment."
     Yu-Xi thinks this is nonsense:
     "God wants to punish and punish the Song family. How can you toss the people! I don't know who sent such a vicious rumor."
     The death of General General General Yun, the courtiers on the fold, asked the emperor to re-examine the Tongcheng Incident. It is a pity that the emperor agreed to the trial of the three divisions, and the sacred decree just succumbed to the sin of the gods. Yan’s death in Sany was in a deadlock. However, because of the trouble of General Old Yun, the Yan family was not involved in Yan 3rd , and the Queen and the Crown Prince were temporarily stable. In the capital, the face was restored to the usual calm.
     Yu-Xi didn't care about anything before, but the big thing like the Crown Prince was abandoned. According to memory, the Crown Prince was also abandoned a few years later.
     Thinking about it, Servant said that Fang Mama came over.
     Fang Mama This time, there is one thing to discuss with Yu-Xi:
     "Miss, there is a shop on Shangyuan Street. I have inspected it privately, and the shop is about four thousand two." It is also that Fang Mama knows that Yu-Xi wants to buy an industry, so she thinks this is an opportunity.
     Yu-Xi frowned and asked:
     "Bouzi shop has three hundred and two rents a year.
     This shop is only four thousand two. Is it not appropriate?"
     Yu-Xi thinks this store is a bit cheap, afraid of fraud.
     Fang Mama is busy saying:
     "Miss, that shop doesn't have a backyard, so it sells four thousand two. If Miss wants to buy it, the price can be pressed down in the past."
     After listening to this, Yu-Xi also nodded:
     "I said to my aunt, let the housekeeper go and see if the store is really good, then buy it."
     Fang Mama said what she planned:
     "Miss, if this shop is bought, we don't have to rent it out. It is used directly to sell groceries. It will definitely make money at that time."
     Yu-Xi asked very strangely:
     “Can you make money by selling groceries?”
     Fang Mama has something to offer now:
     "Miss doesn't know, things like mung bean cake, candy, etc. are very popular in Shangyuan Street. Miss doesn't know, these things sold in Shangyuan Street's shops are not good, but the business is very good. If we sell it ourselves, then there is no market."
     Yu-Xi didn't want to shake his head and vetoed it:
     "No, Mama, you are busy enough to make a bun shop. If you open another store, you will definitely be unbearable."
     Fang Mama smiled:
     "I am going to buy two more people. When I teach them to do it, the shop is not far from the buns. When I make cakes, I can do it in the buns." Baozi shop has no business at noon and afternoon, if you want to make cakes. Such things as candy, do not do business at noon and afternoon.
     Yu-Xi didn't work before, but now I'm trying to learn. But even if I have learned a little now, Fang Mama, who has been honed for a year, is much better than her:
     "Mama thinks it's ok, then give it a try. But don't be tired of yourself, or I won't open the two stores."
     Fang Mama said with a smile:
     "Miss assured, I won't be tired of myself. I have to Outer Cousin Miss grow up." If you marry, you will simply omit it.
     It’s too early to buy a shop, and if it’s late, it’s bought by someone else. After sending away Fang Mama, Yu-Xi went to the main courtyard to find Qiu-shi and said that he wanted to buy a shop.
     Qiu-shi scared a big jump:
     “It takes a lot of money to buy a shop? Where do you come so much?”
     Yu-Xi is ready to speak early:
     "My mother left me a little money when I passed away.
     This is only known to Fang Mama. Fang Mama thought this was the dowry that my mother left for me, so I will tell you after a few years. Now Fang Mama is outside. Operating the buns shop, thinking about things is not the same as before, I feel that this money is also under the box is also dead money, not to buy the industry, so that every year there is a lot of income at hand." Although everyone knows that her mother took a dowry to go I will give it to my family, but I really don’t leave it to her. It’s not clear to outsiders. Now she said that her mother has left the money, and most people will still believe it.
     Qiu-shi was a little surprised. She thought that Ning-shi didn't leave Yu-Xi for a penny:
     "How much money did your mother leave for you? Buy a shop, even if it is in Shangyuan Street, a shop needs three or four thousand." Although Shangyuan Street is not as good as two streets, Shangyuan Street is also in a good position.
     The people living around have two working money at hand, and the business of opening a shop there is also very good. So the shop over there is not cheap.
     Yu-Xi said:
     "One thousand two."
     Qiu-shi is so scared that there are so many? She remembers that Ning-shi dowry is also in her early forty-two, and she will leave Yu-Xi with one thousand two. It is said that Ning-shi has used the dowry, and it seems that the rumor is not credible:
     Yu-Xi handed the silver ticket in the sleeve to Qiu-shi and said:
     "This is a silver ticket." Yu-Xi specifically requested that the other party silver ticket must be issued six years ago.
     Qiu-shi took the silver ticket and saw that she had a lot of silver tickets. When she took it, she knew it was true or false:
     "This silver ticket is true." After asking, he asked:
     "Yu-Xi, are you really ready to buy in Shangyuan Street? Shops in Shangyuan Street are bought, and there are not many rents to rent out at the time." The rent of Shangyuan Street's shop is three hundred and two is very high. It’s gone.
     Yu-Xi said what Fang Mama plan is:
     "I think Fang Mama is a viable way." Fang Mama said that the head is right, Yu-Xi thinks that opening a grocery store is definitely more profitable than renting.
     Qiu-shi listened to the measurement in my heart, and said:
     "In this way, I asked the manager to inquire about it. If it was as Fang Mama said, we can buy this shop." After a pause, Qiu-shi said:
     "Yu-Xi, that fake shop is about 3 thousand or more and you can take it down. What are you going to do with the remaining 6 thousand?"
     Yu-Xi looked at the silver ticket in his hand and asked:
     "Auntie, I still want to set up some industries. What kind of industry does Auntie say?"
     She looked at the money in her hand, but in fact, it was not enough to buy a shop on the east and west streets.
     The pavement on that place was the bottom.
     The two pavements of Yu-Chen in West Street and East Street have a rent of more than 4 thousand per year.
     Qiu-shi Considering the actual situation of Yu-Xi, it is recommended that Yu-Xi buy the field:
     "I mean it's best to buy the land, and the land is dry and dry."
     Yu-Xi is also more inclined to buy land, although the income is not high, but the victory is stable, and every year. If it is time to open a grocery store, there is also a market for things on Zhuangzi.
     Thinking of this, Yu-Xi flashed and said:
     "Auntie, if I buy a field, I think it is best to have a mountain forest. When I plant fruit trees on the mountain, I will do the fruit and take it to the grocery store."
     Qiu-shi is not optimistic about the idea of ​​Yu-Xi, but the price of the mountain is not expensive, there is no problem in buying one or two mountains:
     "If you want to bring the forest of the mountain forest, the location may be relatively remote." There must be no near the capital, and everything must be occupied by others.
     The production is not as good as the store, and it doesn't matter if the location is partial. Yu-Xi nods:
     Yu-Xi is going to be such a big thing, certainly not old Ma-dam. Qiu-shi simply took Yu-Xi to see Old Ma-dam and said this.
     Old Ma-dam heard Ning-shi leave 10 thousand Silver Taels, and his look was moving. But her stranger can't see it:
     "When did you know about silver?"
     Yu-Xi said:
     "I know it today."
     The questions asked by Old Ma-dam are all on the idea:
     “Why didn’t Fang Mama say it before? Do you say it now?”
     Yu-Xi will repeat what I said with Qiu-shi.
     Old Ma-dam also can't find flaws. Because she didn't want her to take the money to set up the industry for Yu-Xi, Old Ma-dam naturally had no opinion:
     "Since four Yatou, you have this, the old 1st Erxi, you help her to see where there are fields to buy." Yu-Xi things on hand will be used as a dowry in the future, the more things, the richer the dowry in the future, The name of Duke House is also very nice.
     Everyone went out, Old Ma-dam, then put down the beads in his hand and said to Luo Mama around him:
     “Go ask Shen Pozi, is there any abnormality in 4th Miss recently?”
     Luo Mama has a heart:
     “Old Ma-dam thinks this money is not Ning-shi left for 4th Miss?”
     Old Ma-dam said with certainty:
     "Ning-shi dowry is only more than 20 thousand in total. At that time, Ning's accident was in urgent need of silver, and the price of Ning-shi Tianshi shop was not high. Even if she gave silver to four Yatou, she could leave three or four. Two thousand is very good, how can you leave such a large sum of money." Old Ma-dam did not doubt that the money was earned by Yu-Xi. It was just that Yu-Xi opened the buns as a jewellery, so she suspected that the money was also Yu-Xi.
     Luo Mama feels that this silver is left by Ning-shi:
     "Old Ma-dam, 10 thousand Silver Taels is not a decimal. If this silver is Miss's jewelry, then the jewelry must not be used up. Such a big thing, Shen Mama can not know." Shen Mama knows that she will definitely tell her the first time.
     Old Ma-dam also had this concern, and there was no buzz at the time:
     "Go ask."
     Luo Mama went out and didn't take long to return:
     “Old Ma-dam, Shen Pozi said that the registered jewellery was all locked in the scorpion intact.”
     Old Ma-dam turned the beads again and asked:
     "What's wrong with 4th Miss recently?"
     Luo Mama shook his head:
     "That time 4th Miss often said that I feel tired, the other is not abnormal." Tiredness is because of excessive work, this is not unusual.
     Old Ma-dam is confused:
     "Is it really Ning-shi left behind." Old Ma-dam is so smart, and it is impossible to think that this money is earned by Yu-Xi.
     Luo Mama said:
     "Old Ma-dam, Ning-shi is also a mother, it is impossible not to leave some money for my children. I think this money should be left by Ning-shi." One can't think of this money. Yu-Xi earned, and the excuse that Yu-Xi found was reasonable.
     Old Ma-dam thought that Ning-shi would rather give the money to an old mother and not let her keep it.
     This is equivalent to saying that Ning-shi believes that a young mother does not believe her, which makes Old Ma-dam I don’t feel comfortable in my heart. How much she likes Yu-Xi mother-in-law, she hates Ning-shi. But people are already dead, and it doesn't make much sense to pursue them.
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