Han Yuxi 80-89

     Chapter 80 Storm (4)  

     Yu-Chen was not able to stand up for Yu-Xi at the time and was very upset. In a bad mood, the appetite is not good.
     Gui Mama sees the look of Yu-Chen and asks:
     "Miss, what's wrong?"
     Today business is completely irrelevant to 3rd Miss.
     Yu-Chen smiles and tells the scene at the time:
     "I don't think I can't help 4th girl." 4th sister suffered such a big grievance, but she wants to be comfortable with the reputation of the 2nd House.
     Gui Mama thought about it and said:
     "Miss, today business, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be designed by 4th Miss." Gui Mama really thinks that Yu-Xi is a noisy one, you have to count the martial arts-Shi that is your business, don't pull On 3rd Miss!
     Yu-Chen really did not think about this, asked:
     “What does Mama mean by this? Why does Yu-Xi design mother and Yu-Rong?”
     Gui Mama answered Yu-Chen in one word:
     "Hate." Because Yu-Xi hates Wu-Shi, even with hate Yu-Rong.
     This time, both mother and daughter are counted in.
     Yu-Chen does not agree with Gui Mama:
     "Then, you said, what is the benefit of Yu-Xi doing to her?"
     Wu-Shi famously sweeps the reputation of Yu-Rong, which has no slight benefit to Yu-Xi.
     Gui Mama said:
     "Miss, have you found that 4th Miss has been targeting autumn geese since the beginning? 4th Miss and Qiu Yanfu are innocent, why should she target Qiu Yanfu? It is nothing more than using Qiu Yanfu to fight 3rd Madam It is."
     Yu-Chen does not agree with Gui Mama:
     "Impossible. I also know about Yu-Xi. She can't hate the wu-shi because of the gift. Mama don't forget, Yu-Xi didn't want to teach at first. Yu-Rong, the mother forced Yu-Xi to promise. Moreover, this incident is indeed too much for the five-Miss." Yu-Chen does not believe that today business is designed by Yu-Xi. She believes that today business is a coincidence.
     Gui Mama didn't believe that this was a coincidence, and there were so many coincidences.
     Yu-Chen sighed a little and said:
     "Mama, your prejudice against Yu-Xi is too deep." Yu-Chen never deny that Yu-Xi is a deliberate one, but Gui Mama sees Yu-Xi as a deep-minded person. Also always beware of Yu-Xi. Yu-Chen really thinks that Gui Mama is too heavy.
     What can Gui Mama say? She can only say that Quan Mama taught Yu-Xi so well that she couldn't catch the Yu-Xi fox tail. But thinking about Quan Mama ability, Gui Mama is relieved. If it wasn't for Quan Mama reluctance to get involved in it, he would only want to defend himself, so he has been shrinking in the Diet Board. Quan Mama will definitely not release the palace so early. It is also the way of 4th Miss. How many people wanted to please Ban Mama, but they couldn't get into her eyes. However, Quan Mama gave her a heart and taught her the housekeeping skills.
     Wu-Shi returned to Bitianyuan with a frosty face. Today business has made her a joke in Duke. Living to such a large age, she has not been so shameful as it is today.
     Autumn Goose is another idea:
     "Auntie, Rong Mei Mei, if I guess it is correct, we should be calculated by Han Yu-Xi." Even the watch-girl is not called, directly named with the surname. Because Qiu Yanfu knows that today, Wu-Shi will completely disappoint Yu-Xi.
     Wu-Shi, although irritable, is not a brainless person:
     "There is no evidence and no gibberish." This incident made her fully understand that this is not Hebei, the real old Shi Old Madam in Duke, followed by Qiu-shi, and she does not even rank third. on.
     Qiu Yanfu face was white and said:
     "Auntie, I am not talking nonsense. My mother thinks, if Han-Yi-Xi will make things clear, will you be angry with the aunt to marry her? Can Han Yu-Xi after the door, say The sentence is not for deliberately angering your aunt? You, mother, Yu-Xi, if it’s really rude, how to get old Madam and 1st Madam, how to learn with Song Governess. Also, Han Yu-Xi has been studying Mama for five years. Can she not know what the crime is against her elders?"
     Qiu Yanfu means that Yu-Xi is a very thoughtful person, and it is not harmful on the surface.
     Autumn Yan Fu is now a little scared. If it is not today, she also believes that this 4th Miss is harmless.
     This person is too loaded, and it is too deep.
     Wu-Shi thinks about it, it is really like Ruan Qifu said that every sentence that Yanto said from the beginning of the door has provoked her anger. However, there is another problem. How does Yatou know that she can provoke her anger, and will let her lose her sense of reason and use her?
     I haven't waited for Wu-Shi want to understand, Yu-Rong ran in, holding Wu-Shi thighs and said:
     "Mother, those people want to take Mama and the green clothes with them. Mother, I don't want them to go." By this time, Yu-Rong was really scared.
     The mother is her closest person, and they have followed her for so many years, and they are like the sister-sister-servant Servant.
     -Shi 正色道:
     "This is not Hebei. You should not be as arrogant as you used to be. You must have a big loss in the future." If this is not the daughter who deliberately bullied her, tell her what happened at the time, how would it be like this? . To put it bluntly, she is still too fond of Yu-Rong, leaving Yu-Rong without any measure.
     Yu-Rong is really scared:
     "Mother, I know, I will change it later. But can you not let Mama go." That is her breast mother, she will never be able to kiss her.
     Wu-Shi actually had some dislike for Qu Mama, and her daughter compared her to Qu Mama. Just before I can't find a suitable opportunity, there will be a chance to send Qu Mama, she can't ask for it:
     "You can't even rebel against the words of the Grandmother. Do you think that the mother is useful?"
     I think that when Old Madam said that she would go to the house tomorrow, she would feel a headache. How old is she, and she still has to go to Old Madam to set the rules. In the days to come, it will be difficult to think about it.
     Yu-Rong returned to her yard with grief, and since then she hated Yu-Xi, no one. If it wasn't for Yu-Xi, she would be different from the mother and the green.
     Wu-Shi looked at Qiu Yanfu who still couldn’t leave, said:
     "You also go back to the yard!" Wu-Shi loves Qiu Yanfu, but many things will not let Qiu Yanfu know.
     Turning, Wu-Shi asked Chen Mama:
     "Do you think that this thing was designed by Yatou?"
      - Chen Mama shook her head and said:
     "Madam, I think it should be a coincidence. If it was designed by 4th Miss, then she must know Madam and the 5th Miss temperament." But her Madam and Miss came back for half a month.
     There are not many contacts with 4th Miss on most days. Where can I find the two people temperament.
     Wu-Shi agrees with Chen Mama point of view:
     "I also feel impossible." The reason is what Chen Mama said.
     Yu-Xi, who was considered to be deeply minded by several people, was in the study room at the time quietly reading history books.
     Bitter Fu turned a few laps outside the door, and finally couldn't help but worriedly asked Zi-Su:
     "Zi-Su sister-sister, is Miss alone doing something stupid in the house?"
     Zi-Su shook his head and said:
     "No. Miss is not someone who will do stupid things." This is what Miss calculated, how can be stupid.
     When the two talked, Yu-Chen slowly came in from the outside. Yu-Xi heard Yu-Chen coming in and quickly changed his history book into a medical book.
     Yu-Chen entered the study room and saw that Yu-Xi put down her medical book in a bit of awkwardness. She thought that Yu-Chen would be saddened in the house, but did not expect Yu-Xi to read. It is still a medical book, which is Zhang Zhongjing’s "Treatise on Febrile Diseases".
     Yu-Xi smiled and said:
     "3rd sister, please sit down. Bitter, go to tea."
     Yu-Chen looked at the medical book on the table and asked:
     “How is 3rd Mei Mei looking at a medical book?”
     Yu-Chen knows that Yu-Xi is a medicated diet, but you don’t have to look at typhoid fever.
     This is what the medical practitioners look at.
     Yu-Xi explains:
     "To do a medicated diet, you need to avoid a lot of things. It is always true to read more books." There is no explanation, because it is useless. She knows that Yu-Chen has always been very vocal about Yu-Xi, and she thinks she is Miss of Duke.
     There is no need to learn this.
     Yu-Chen really can't understand Yu-Xi. She doesn't learn to play ‘zither’ and art. She wants to learn medicine. She has advised many times that it is useless. What is the use of this thing? If you want to adjust your body and spend money, please ask people.
     They can't afford it. It’s just that no matter how she persuaded, Yu-Xi ate the scales and couldn’t persuade them:
     "4th Mei Mei, please don't worry about what you just did."
     Yu-Xi smiled and said:
     "I was a bit angry at the time, but the Grandmother had already fined five Mei Mei, and my tone would be out. Forget it, don't say this, Zhuangzi just sent fresh vegetables, 3rd sister should stay in I am eating here." Zhuangzi sends things to the buns and grocery stores every day. Yu-Xi simply let Zhuangzi send a fresh vegetable to her every day, save the kitchen buy another one and save money for himself.
     Yu-Chen smiled and shook his head:
     "No. Since 4th Mei Mei, you have to read, then I won't bother you."
     Yu-Xi did not retain, and Yu-Chen was sent out of the Rose Garden. Looking at the background of the group, the mood of Yu-Xi is very complicated. In the past few years, she really treated Yu-Chen as a sister-sister. It’s just that today thing makes Yu-Xi wake up, she is naive, and Yu-Chen is not the same kind of person as her. Yu-Chen sees family, family, and reputation as too heavy and more than anything else, including herself.
     There is a saying that is good, the road is different, and she is not a way with Yu-Chen, and is destined to be indifferent.
     Yu-Chen did not feel the change of Yu-Xi. After the training of Quan Mama in recent years, it is difficult for ordinary people to really perceive the true idea of ​​Yu-Xi.
     Zi-Su tentatively asked Yu-Xi:
     "Miss, do you want to check it out?"
     Zi-Su did not say anything, but she believed that Yu-Xi knew what she meant.
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     "Don't check. Waiting to see Fang Mama next time, I personally asked." No matter what happened in the first place, her mother had to return her life, so no one owes anyone.

     Chapter 81 Storm (5)  

     Yu-Chen saw Yu-Xi and went to see Yu-Rong. It’s all Mei Mei, it’s not good to be thin.
     Yu-Rong met Yu-Chen and took the hand of Yu-Chen and said:
     "3rd sister, you can ask me for the Grandmother. Let her not sell my breasts. 3rd sister, you can ask me for the Grandmother!"
     Yu-Chen will definitely not help her, but she made a suggestion:
     "Five-sister, this is the command of the Grandmother, and I have no choice. But if it is five Mei Mei to ask for love, as long as the heart is sincere, the Grandmother will definitely open the net." Anyway, Yu-Rong-in-law It is her milk, if Yu-Rong can go out and ask for the Grandmother, she will definitely leave her a decent.
     Yu-Rong didn't dare to go.
     When he walked out of the Xiangxiangyuan, Yu-Chen felt a little emotional.
     The truly aggrieved Yu-Xi was quietly in the study reading medical books, while Yu-Rong only knew that she would save her own breasts but would not dare to face it.
     The same is Mei Mei, why the gap is so big.
     Thinking of the Yu-Rong temperament, Yu-Chen said with concern to Gui Mama:
     "On the fifth Mei Mei, I don't know if she will go out to entertain the sinners afterwards." Yu-Rong's impression of Yu-Chen is already bad and can't be worse. Can not bear the bitter, full of lies, and did not take responsibility. It’s grateful to say that such a character is not long, and it is impossible to expect anything to happen.
     Gui Mama smiled and said:
     "Miss is too worried. Old Madam is not saying that he will ask Mama to teach the 5th Miss rules? Isn't Miss still worried about Old Madam?"
     Gui Mama can't be martial-Shi, not only inferior, but even his own children have taught.
     This gave birth to two sons, otherwise Duke House has her place.
     Yu-Chen remembered the Brother and sisters who were half-brother:
     "Forget it, it is useless to worry again." Not only Wu-Shi two sons will not study, and the two shi-zis will not go to school.
     The martial arts are not successful.
     In the evening, Han Jingyan’s first trip was to go to the house.
     This is the convention. Han Jingyan came back to see Old Madam first and talked to Old Madam. On this day, Old Madam left Han Jingyan and told him that for a long time, when Han Jingyan came out, he looked dignified.
     Wu-Shi heard that Han Jingyan came back, and her heart was uneasy. Seeing Han Jingyan's ugly face, I know that it is not good.
     Han Jingyan asked coldly:
     "You swollen the face of Yu-Xi today? You don't know what Miss is the most important thing?"
     I don't like this daughter any more, but it is also a laborious and arduous task. If there is still a big use in the future, it will be ruined by Wu-shi.
     Wu-Shi withstood the fear in his heart and argued strongly:
     "Old Master, 4th Miss will not play Yu-Rong's face. I said that she still slammed into her two sentences. I was also mad at her." Wu-shi Shi used to know that she was difficult to do, but because she has been in Hebei, she did not directly contact Yu-Chen and Yu-Rong, so she didn't feel anything. Now she really feels that her mother is difficult. If she missed her own children, it would certainly not be such a big storm.
     Speaking of this, Han Jingyan’s blue veins on his forehead are all up:
     “How did you educate Yu-Rong? What is the difference between her and the shrew on the street?”
     Wu-Shi was the first time I saw that Han Jingyan had made such a big fire, and I was very scared:
     "I didn't know what Yu-Rong said at the time. If I knew it, I would definitely hold her back."
     Han Jingyan stared at Wu-Shi and asked a question that made her tremble:
     "Then tell me, why does Yu-Rong say that with Yu-Xi?"
     There is a saying that is good, the upper beam is not right, and Han Jingyan can't help but regret it. When Yu-Rong was five years old, the mother said that she had to take Yu-Rong back to Capital City to teach, and the result was rejected by Wu-Shi. At that time, if he sent Yu-Rong back to Capital City to teach his mother, Yu-Rong would definitely be better than Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi, unlike Miss, who is now even a small family.
     Wu-Shi can't speak. She didn't know that the day was just talking to Chen Mama about the old things in Duke House that would be heard by Yu-Rong, and it was remembered by this four Yatou.
     Han Jingyan was disappointed with Wu-Shi. He used to know that Wu-Shi had a lot of problems, but the big face is still no problem. Today, he only knows that he is wrong, his mother is not smart, and even his son has to be hurt.
     When I think of my eldest son, I am not smart enough to be Yu-Chen, but it is a pity.
     The four sons under his knees did not have a good one, and Han Jingyan couldn’t tell the taste. Just now, it’s too late to regret it:
     "You have to follow the mother to learn the rules during this time. Yu-Rong also let her reflect on the introspection in the yard. Don't go out before the rules are learned." In Hebei, everyone sees his face, even if Wu -Shi What is wrong or not accounting. But the capital is not the same, Duke brand is big, but there is no real power, plus the recent turmoil in the court, he is not willing to get involved in the right and wrong, so this time he is determined not to release the military-Shi and Yu -Rong went out.
     Wu-Shi looked at Han Jingyan’s legs and went out, tears came out. After the steplady is difficult, Popo is strict and old-fashioned. Now even her husband is disliked, how can she fall into such a situation.
     Yu-Xi is preparing for dinner, and I heard outside Servant said:
     "Miss, Old Master, please go to the study go for a trip."
     Yu-Xi stood up and put the history books in his hand and put them in the locker. She has already finished reading the historical records, and now she starts to read Han Shu.
     Standing in the study outside, Yu-Xi is a little embarrassing.
     This place she came once in her life, and that time she came to ask Han Jingyan to refuse the Jiang family affair. As a result, Han Jingyan got the dog's head to bleed, and then threw a white donkey to her. Han Jingyan’s love for her has been paid off in her life, so she did not treat Han Jingyan as a father after the heavy work. It’s just that she can’t get away from the Han family now, and many things must be bowed.
     At this time, Yu-Xi had to be grateful to Quan Mama. Under the careful teaching of Quan Mama for more than five years, there was a qualitative leap in controlling the mood and in the world. Her most grateful to date is Quan Mama.
     This is the first elder who has taught her wholeheartedly and has taught her a lot of very useful things.
      Xiao Yu sees Yu-Xi and does not move, reminding:
     "4th Miss, Old Master in the study waiting for you."
     Yu-Xi nodded and entered the study room. Although she had been in the study for the rest of her life, she was thinking about asking Han Jingyan to refuse this marriage, and she was in the mood to watch the study.
     This will go into the study and see Han Jingyan bowing his head, she will have a leisurely, seriously look at the layout of this study.
     After reading the study let Yu-Xi think of Yu-Chen's Tingyun Pavilion. Everything here is not a boutique, it is all precious. Even the most inconspicuous porcelain bottle in the corner, it is antique.
     Han Jingyan dropped the last stroke and placed the pen on a kiln stone pen holder. Everything was set aside, and I looked up at Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi gave a dedication to Han Jingyan and called out:
     Han Jingyan said:
     "I already know about today." After finishing this, deliberately pause to see the reaction of Yu-Xi.
     In these years, although Duke House and Pingqing Houfu help, but Han Jingyan can climb from the small officials of the seven products to the current four products, their ability is not to be underestimated.
     Yu-Xi is not slow, how to not know that Han Jingyan is observing her, but if she avoids it at first, she seems to be guilty.
     Han Jingyan looked at Yu-Xi with a red eye, very poor appearance, and the sound was very slow, saying:
     "Today business, you know that you are wronged."
     Yu-Xi opened his mouth and said nothing, but the tears fell from the cheek to the ground. I can cry at any time, and I have to cry to make people pity.
     This is also a skill. Yu-Xi took a lot of effort to get to this point.
     Han Jingyan looked at Yu-Xi, but it was somewhat unnatural. Said with a stiff face:
     "Yu-Xi, you can rest assured that this will not happen again next time." It is difficult for Han Jingyan to speak soft words with Yu-Xi, so he is the easiest to say.
     Yu-Xi pulled out the embroidered rose flower, gently wiped the tears, then looked up at Han Jingyan, and said with a touch:
     "Thank you."
     Han Jingyan was very satisfied with the performance of Yu-Xi and said:
     "I heard that you like to play chess?"
     As far as he knows, the biggest hobby of Yu-Xi is to play chess. It is only limited in talent and chess.
     Yu-Xi gently nodded and said:
     "Well, I like to play chess, but it doesn't always work well." Yu-Xi doesn't know what level of chess is up to. Miss in the banquet, playing chess is a pastime, there are not many real masters.
     Han Jingyan nodded:
     "Playing chess is just a pastime, and it doesn't take too much effort and effort."
     Yu-Xi nods:
     In order to express concern, Han Jingyan asked Yu-Xi a lot of questions.
     These questions are very blunt, and Yu-Xi is also answered in the most concise words. Up to now, she is eager to leave the study room early. She didn't dare to make more stays.
     The camouflage of the moment was no problem, but Yu-Xi was worried that there would be problems.
     Han Jingyan asked a few questions and didn't know what to say. Plus Yu-Xi did not perform very well. He felt quite boring and said:
     "You go back!" In the end, it is not the same.
     Yu-Xi was disappointed. She thought that Han Jingyan would give me something good to compensate her! I didn't expect to say a few words, there was nothing practical, and I wasted my mood.
     Not long after returning to the Rose Garden, someone brought something, and a set of rosewood chess pieces was sent.
     Yu-Xi unveiled the exquisitely carved hollow chess cans and looked at the chess pieces in the two chess pots. Yu-Xi eyes lit up and touched them in their hands.
     These pieces were all made of agate seeds. .
     Zi-Su is also a bit surprised:
     "Miss, this piece is so beautiful." It is several grades higher than the one used by Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi adheres to the principle of good things without waste, saying:
     "The original set of equipment is put away, the study this set." Finally got a worthy thing.

     Chapter 82 Storm (6)  

     The bright moon hides in the quiet world of soft, sloppy clouds, and scatters the radiance of the plain.
     This gesture is like a graceful girl looking at the earth with a smile.
     It is a pity that Wu-Shi at this time is not in the mood to appreciate this beautiful night. Wu-Shi waited at the Bitianyuan and waited until the second door was about to lock down.
     The husband had not returned yet. At the moment, I called the Pozi road around me:
     "Go and see where the Old Master is resting."
     Waiting for Wu-Shi heard Han Jingyan go to Xin Concubine, almost bite a silver tooth. She has always wanted to be in addition to the Xin Concubine mother and child, but Xin Concubine slipped her hands. She didn't get a few times and was almost discovered by her husband. In the past few years, Old Master was very cold to Xin Concubine, but I didn't expect to go to the fairy house today.
     On the evening of the wu-Shi did not sleep well, if it was possible to sleep late during the day, but Old Madam said yesterday to let her go to the room go. Wu-Shi overslept and forgot, but Pozi around her did not forget.
     At the first time, Chen Pozi woke up in the room, Wu-shi. Rao is like this, waiting for Wu-Shi to go to the house too late, this time Old Madam has been washed.
     Old Madam looks good, but it usually counts. Yesterday she said that she must go to the room on time Wu-Shi can still be late.
     This clearly does not put her words in my heart.
     Han Old Madam is not really a Popo, she doesn't like to take it Erxi.
     These years, with Qiu-shi, get along with the mother and daughter. Of course, Qiu-shi is also really filial, and everything is thinking that she is mainly her, and she is more intimate than her own son. Plus Qiu-shi is not a person of love, so the relationship between mother and daughter is very good. For Wu-Shi, Old Madam did not think about making rules. Qiu-shi did not set the rules in the past, and it is not good to be thick. It was only Wu-Shi actions that made Old Madam very worried, so I made this request. In fact, it is not so much that Old Madam is holding her in order to set her rules. It is better to say that she wants Wu-Shi to learn more from her.
     Unfortunately, Wu-Shi did not know the pains of Old Madam. For her, the suffering began.
     Yu-Xi got up on time at 2 o'clock. What Yu-Xi does every day is based on her own schedule. Do the same thing, there is no difference.
     Yu-Xi used up the breakfast and was ready to go to the backyard to see her herbs. Bitter went to Yu-Xi and lowered his voice and said:
     "Miss, today 3rd Madam is going to serve Old Madam and is getting bloody by Old Madam."
     Yu-Xi has some surprises. Although Old Madam doesn't like her, Yu-Xi has to admit that Old Madam is not a pinch-Erxi person:
     "what happened?"
     Yesterday business, let the bitter husband hate the death of Wu-Shi.
     This will be sorrowful and sorrowful:
     “When 3rd Madam arrived in the room today, Old Madam had already been washed. When she waited for the meal of Old Madam, she specializes in the dishes that Old Madam doesn’t like, and she is angry with Old Ma. -dam Chopsticks are thrown away."
     Wu-Shi, this is also not waiting for people, do not know the trick here. If you change to other clever children Erxi, know Popo to behave, be sure to first ask people around Popo about Popo preferences, such as what to eat, what to drink, and so on.
     The result is that Wu-Shi knows nothing and does nothing, naturally making things a mess.
     Yu-Xi grinned. Old Madam Although it is a bodhisattva, it is not a kind-hearted person. In the past, Old Madam was dissatisfied with Wu-Shi, and his son’s eyes were only closed. Now Wu-Shi is doing this, fearing that Shi Old Madam has to pick up her.
     Yu-Xi is expected to be correct, and the next days are really bad for Wu-Shi. I am going to go to the house at 2 o'clock every day. I have been waiting until I can go back to Sancha. Han Old Madam also had to pick his nose and squint.
     Wu-Shi has suffered such a pain since he was a child. I couldn't stand it anymore. I cried with Han Jingyan at night, but I was so angry that Han Jingyan was furious and angered her and slammed the door and went out.
     Then, there is a door that does not enter her for half a month, * stayed in two Concubine houses, and let Wu-Shi become more and more painful.
     Wu-Shi days are not good, Qiu-shi days are very leisurely. Child Erxi slammed into the door to help with the responsibilities, she was not as busy as before.
     Ye-shi gave Qiu-shi a slight squat on her shoulder.
     This is not Qiu-shi in the toss Erxi, but Ye-shi in order to show filial piety, specially Serving Qiu-shi. In fact, I am very grateful to Qiu-shi and Ye-shi.
     This Popo is a bit straight except for the x-, and everything else is fine.
     The Popo of the other family died and the housekeeper did not let go. Her Popo started helping her manage the housework in the second month of her wedding.
     This is exactly the rhythm of letting her go after she is familiar with the housework!
     Qiu-shi suddenly remembered one thing and said:
     "I remember the first month of next month is the birth of Taining Marchioness, right?"
     Taining Marchioness is the aunt of Ye-shi, who can marry to Duke House and is also the bridge of Taining Marchioness.
     Ye-shi, um, one channel:
     "Mother did not remember, my aunt's birthday is the first day of next month.
     Qiu-shi beheaded and said:
     "Give them a few new clothes for them, and then take them with them." Yuru and Yu Xi are both quick and awkward, and the marriage is also on the agenda. It is also Qiu-shi that does not put the marriage of two people in the heart, or else it is time to find a marriage. Of course, this age of probability marriage is not too late.
     Ye-shi gently nodded:
     "Okay." Like the door of Duke House, Miss will always make new clothes and make new jewelry every time he goes out. Not for comparison, but for not falling into the face.
     The news of going to Taining Houfu as a guest is not a secret, and soon everyone in the house knows it. Naturally, Qiu Yanfu also knows.
     Qiu Yanfu implicitly and Wu-Shi raised this matter, but Wu-Shi did not want to refuse. Wu-Shi is now very tired of dealing with Old Madam. Even her daughter can't take care of it, and she can still manage this shi-nu. Today day, with Hebei, it is really one day.
     Yu-Rong has moved to Cuiyunyuan. Old Madam also invited Mama to come in the shortest time. As for Teacher, Old Madam is not going to invite. As far as Yu-Rong is concerned, it is enough to learn the rules. Please ask Teacher to be a waste of money.
     Qiu Yanfu is anxious. She came to Capital City to find a good family, but now Wu-Shi is being smashed by Old Madam every day, and she is forced to shrink in Shuixiangyuan. In this way, how can she find a good family.
     Servant said:
     "Miss, let's not do this. Wait until next time, look for opportunities next time!"
     Qiu Yanfu shook his head:
     "Do you know when the aunt can go out?"
     Rong Table-Sister is only nine years old, and she is not in a hurry to talk about marriage in a few years. However, if she can’t set her marriage down this year, she will be 16 next year.
     The older the marriage, the harder it is.
     The words of the smoke are sorrowful:
     "There is no way!"
     Qiu Yanfu thought about it, and finally thought of the jade. Before the autumn Yanfu knew that Qiu-shi did not like Yu Xi, so I did not think about deep friendship with Yu Xi. But now there is no way, only to take this road. Duke 4th Miss, Eldest Miss seems to be gentle and generous, but in fact it is greedy and deceitful. She has gotten a lot of good things but never really helped her, and 3rd Miss is standing in the same camp as 4th Miss. . Today, I can only take the road of jade.
     The smoke Yuyan feels that this method is not appropriate:
     "Miss, instead of asking for 2nd Miss, don't take a look at Luo Mama way. As long as Luo Mama is going to help you with two words in front of Han Old Madam, it is definitely several times stronger than Jade Miss."
     Qiu Yanfu thinks that the method of smoking is also good. Considering it:
     "There are two roads to go." Even if Old Madam promised to let her go to the party together, but there was no referral, and people who couldn't find a speaker at the time were also embarrassed. If the jade can help a line, it can save her a lot of strength.
     Luo Mama took advantage of the autumn geese and told Old Madam about it:
     "Old Madam, I am thinking about this autumn Miss."
     Han Old Madam doesn't care:
     "She wants to let her go! Let her go to the wall." Miss, who can attend the Taining Houfu banquet, is not rich and expensive, these Miss are not made by anyone.
     The ones that can make them meet first must have a family, followed by the character and talent. As for the identity of Qiu Yanfu, even the official Shu Shu can't get on.
     Luo Mama has another layer of concern:
     "Old Madam, I am worried that this autumn home Miss is too big, and lost the reputation of our Duke House." Luo Mama would say this, because she knows that merchants have no scruples. In case this autumn home Miss squatted on the gongzi, crying and running to do yo. Qiu Yanfu now lives in Duke House. If she is a squat, she will not affect the several Miss in the house.
     Han Old Madam nodded and said:
     "Your worry is not unreasonable. Give her a Servant tomorrow, don't let her bring her own Servant." Someone looked, there would be no problem.
     Yu-Xi knew that Old Madam agreed to let Qiu Yanfu go to Taining Houfu together. Yu-Xi smiled, and Qiu Yanfu went to Taining Houfu with them. It was a self-deprecating.
     Suddenly, Yu-Xi is a stimulating spirit. In the past, Qiu Yanfu often went out to socialize, but in the end he still designed his second brother. Can she understand that Qiu Yanfu went out to socialize more and knew that she could not be a ‘Madam’ in her own capacity, so she would cast her mind on her second brother.
     The autumn geese of the previous life were generous, and the mouth was sweet, and Wu-Shi was also a face at the time, so Qiu Yanfu popularity in Duke House was very good, or else he could not design a second brother.
     Thinking of this, Yu-Xi remembered Han Jianye, and some helpless.
     The second brother, this person is all good, is too loyal to use things, the last generation is that he feels that he has damaged the reputation of Qiu Yanfu, so regardless of the aunt and the big brother's opposition insisted on Qiu Yanfu.
     This time, she must not only guard against the fall of Qiu Fufu, but also have to wash her brains for her second brother, but let him do stupid things.
     Zi-Su smiled and said:
     "Miss, 1st Madam sent someone to send something." Qiu-shi has been more interested in adding jewelry to Yu-Xi in the past two years.
     The Servant of the Rose Garden is no stranger.
     Putting a set of jewellery, hairpins, earrings, bracelets, these jewels are carved in rose style.
     Yu-Xi looked at these jewelry and smiled:
     "The big aunt is too much trouble." These jewelry, just match her clothes!
     PS: Dear, good night.
     After breakfast, Yu-Xi went to the main house, where everyone gathered today.
     Yu-Xi met Yu-Chen on the road, smiled and approached, said:
     "3rd sister, today is very beautiful!" In fact, Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen officially went out to entertain, starting from the beginning of this year, only a few relatives before the party will go, and have to touch the holiday, or else Can't go. Of course, even if you go out to socialize now, it is not the banquet of the top grades the sister-sister will not go.
     Yu-Chen looked at the Yu-Xi and wore a smile:
     "4th Mei Mei, this dress is very chic." Can you not be chic! The skirt is embroidered with rose flowers, and the jewelry worn on the body is also in the style of roses. It is estimated that this is the only one.
     Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
     "3rd sister-sister feels good to see?"
     No matter what others say is good, she feels very beautiful anyway.
     Yu-Chen Dagger:
     "4th Mei Mei is good to wear." This is very sincere, but it is not very sincere to let outsiders look.
     The two said as they walked, and soon they arrived at the main court. At this point, everyone else has expired, and they are both worse.
     Qiu-shi saw everyone coming together and said:
     "Go!" Han Jianye family has not yet settled, Qiu-shi is naturally more out of communication, or who knows which Miss is good.
     The carriage waited at the second gate, and did not use everyone to walk. He took the sedan directly to the second door and then boarded the carriage. Everyone else is accustomed to it, only Qiu Yanfu is not very used. However, Qiu Yanfu self Control ability is very good, and no one can see the difference.
     Qiu-shi arrangement is that she and Yu-Xi a car, children Erxi Ye-shi and Yu-Chen a carriage, jade like a carriage with a jade, then a separate autumn geese carriage.
     Yu Xi has raised an objection:
     "Mother, I want to have a watch with a Fu-Sister. I don't know if I can?"
     After being detained for one year, he was educated by Mama and taught for four years. All the bad habits of Yu Xi were coming over. It’s just that it’s overkill, the suppression is too embarrassing, the shortcomings are gone, and the advantages are gone.
     The former jade arrogant, such as the blooming peony flower, is now beautiful, but it has no special features like a vase.
     Qiu-shi is optional:
     "Since you are willing, then you will take a carriage." Although Qiu-shi always hates Rong Concubine, she still thinks that these two mothers are too extreme, clever and clever, stupid and stupid.
     On the carriage, Qiu-shi and Yu-Xi said:
     "This time I go to Taining Houfu, I must perform well, can't fall behind, know?"
     This is the first time Yu-Xi has participated in such a big party, so she has to mention it.
     Yu-Xi is a little surprised:
     "Why, grandmother?"
     Qiu-shi is a straightforward one, not so much bent around, said:
     "You are now 11 years old, and you are approaching the age of propose marriage. Now it’s good, and you can say a good deed in the future, you know?"
     Yu-Xi also wants to set his own affair earlier, saving the Jiang family heart and nodding at the moment:
     "Well, my aunt is relieved, I will do it well." With Duke door, and she is the Di Daughter, the family she chose for her is definitely not bad, but if she has a good reputation, pick the candidate. It will be even better.
     Qiu-shi thinks that Yu-Xi is the most worry-free child, much stronger than her little son who is jumping away:
     "This banquet is very big, there will be a lot of Miss. If you can make friends with the same interests, then it would be better."
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "Well, if there are similar temperament, I will definitely make it." It is also good for the friends who have more friends to come together.
     When they arrived at Taining Houfu, the group went to the main courtyard to give Chen Old Madam a gift with Taining Marchioness, and then Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi were taken to the garden.
     At the entrance to the garden, I saw a Miss in autumn-colored clothes and smiled and greeted everyone. Yu-Chen has been out for two times since the beginning of the year. Although the number of trips is not much, the reputation has already been passed out.
     Through the introduction, Yu-Xi knows that the woman in front is Chen Family eldest Miss Chen Xue.
     Yu-Xi heard the name and couldn't help but see Chen Xue. Yu-Xi is not familiar with Taining Houfu, but the name Chen Xue is like a slap in the face, without him, Chen Xue is Yun-Qing 's fiancee, the woman who was scared to death. Yu-Xi has never seen her in her life, but she did not expect to see it now.
     As the master, Chen Xue led several people into the garden. Before I started to introduce it, I saw a woman wearing a palace dress coming over and said:
     "I have always heard that the 3rd Miss of the Duke House in South Han is a fairy, and today it is a well-deserved reputation."
     The words fell, the garden all the eyes of Miss fell on Yu-Chen.
     Yu-Chen wore a light blue dress today, embroidered with delicate petals on the skirt, and a flying cloud, with a jade jewel on his head and a thin silver beaded tassel. Although not dressed up, it is still beautiful and people dare not look straight.
     Chen Xue smiled and introduced:
     “Yu-Chen Mei Mei, this is Heshou Junior County Owner.”
     Yu-Chen used to be praised by others for her appearance, but the words of Heshou Junior County Owner were absolutely not good. Yu-Chen did not refute, but said with a smile:
     “The looks are given by parents, and they should not be so praised by the Junior County Owner.”
     Heshou Junior County Owner is very beautiful, wearing a pair of purple-color long yarn and a palace dress.
     The black hair is slightly rolled up, with a long beaded chain, a set of red gold to create a style but a chic and unpopular head, which is rich, but What makes people dare not look directly is the momentum of the Heshou Junior County Owner, which is unique to the superior. Even if Yu-Chen stood next to her, the Heshou Junior County Owner was not taken away.
     Yu-Xi has seen a lot of women in these years, but she has never seen such a powerful woman in the gas field, and she is a little surprised.
     Heshou Junior County Owner smiled:
     “Yu-Chen Mei Mei can really talk.” After saying this, looking at Yu-Xi, he asked in confusion:
     "This Miss is?"
     Although Yu-Xi is not as good as Yu-Chen, it has been immersed in books for a long time, and it has been contaminated with a few books. It is difficult to ignore people.
     Chen Xue smiled and asked:
     “This is Yu-Xi Mei Mei, 4th Miss of Duke House?”
     Heshou Junior County Owner heard Chen Xue introduction and said incredibly:
     "You are Han Yu-Xi?"
     She had never seen Han Yu-Xi before she was alive. She only heard that the Han Yu-Xi was nurtured by the stepmother, not only the father of the Grandmother, but also the family of the grandmother. favorite. As for the youngest champion of the Great Zhou Family, Lang Jiang Hongjin, why would he not be a ‘Madam’ who can’t be on the table, it’s not known.
     The problem is that the girl who is falling in front of her eyes and the one she hears are exactly two people.
     Yu-Xi is unknown, so carefully:
     "Well, I am Han Yu-Xi, 4th Miss of Han Duke House. I don't know what can be wrong?"
     Looking at the Heshou Junior County Owner seems to have heard of her, the question is, is she so famous? Let the Junior County Owner know her.
     Heshou Junior County Owner was too shocked to be out of the way. When she said it, she regretted it. She did not explain, just immediately transferred the topic, smiled and looked at the jade next to Yu Yu and others, said:
     “Han Duke beauty is dazzling.”
     Heshou Junior County Owner is very valuable. Although the things just happened are a bit weird, everyone will not ask questions. Chen Xue also played a round:
     “The Junior County Owner is saying that some of Miss's in Duke house are beautiful and can't be seen.”
     Heshou Junior County Owner is a slick person who smiles and asks:
     "The other 3rd Miss?"
     Chen Xue gave an introduction.
     Yuru and Yu Xi often go out to socialize in the past two years, and their manners and demeanor are very decent.
     There is no mistake. It is Autumn Lunfu, the first time I came to such a big scene, there are some markets.
     Miss, who was there when she heard that she was from Hebei, or the shi-nu of 3rd Madam in Duke, Han, was not interested in her.
     After greeting, Yu-Chen and Heshou Junior County Owner were all in one. Yu-Xi took the opportunity to find Zhou Shiya, and the two were tired.
     Zhou Shiya lowered her voice and asked:
     “Yu-Xi, do you know Heshou Junior County Owner?”
     Heshou County Owner's words and deeds are very strange.
     Yu-Xi shook his head:
     "I don't know." Heshou Junior County Owner is not a level person with her, let alone this has not been heard, that is, she has no impression of this person in her life.
     Zhou Shiya no longer asks, both of them are so familiar, Yu-Xi can not lie to her for this little thing.
     The current reminder Yu-Xi, said:
     “Heshou Junior County Owner is a favorite of the Empress Dowager. I heard that the palace intends to refer her to 9th Prince. If she is hostile to you, it is not a good thing for you, you should be careful.”
     Yu-Xi nodded a bit:
     "I will." Yu-Xi is also wondering, she is not Yu-Chen, no face of the city, not a big talented woman, this Heshou Junior County Owner why she would be so surprised to see her. It’s just a question that has no solution, and it’s too much to think about.
     The two are saying this, a Servant comes over:
     "Eldest Miss, Qing xia County Owner is here." Kang Wangfei is the cell-sister of Taining Hou, Qing xia County Owner will come to join the game is normal.
     The Pozi that followed the Qing xia County Owner adds up to seventeen eight. Yu-Chen has so many servings at home, but when I go out, I usually bring two Servant and one Pozi, unlike the Qing xia County Owner who goes out.
     Yu-Xi looks at Qing xia County Owner. Qing xia County Owner is very beautiful, a small face, white skin, thin lips, red eyes, curved eyebrows, water vapor in the throat, looks not particularly good, but the body has a unique water woman Warm and fragrant, it is amiable.
     Zhou Shiya lowered the door and Yu-Xi said:
     "This Qing xia County Owner is also a good luck, Kang-Wang is her daughter, or else a Shu Daughter can get the County Owner." Qing xia County Owner is just a Shi Tie-Kui e, but Kang Wang only has one daughter, the thing is rare, and Qing xia is very popular with Wangfei, so Kang-Wang will be her as the County Owner.
     Yu-Xi laughed and fell:
     "This is also the number of operations." Reincarnation is also a technical job. It can only be said that Qing xia County Owner will reincarnate.
     Miss gets together, most of them are eating, drinking, and sometimes going to the theater or playing some games together. But today it is a little different, Heshou Junior County Owner smiled and said to Yu-Chen:
     "I have always heard that Miss Miss is very proficient in calligraphy and painting. I don't know if I can have a good time listening to one or two today?"
     From the first sight of the Life Owner, Yu-Chen determined that the Heshou Junior County Owner was hostile to her. Yu-Chen said with a smile:
     “County Owner has a good reputation and can’t talk about it, but it’s nothing to kill time at home on most days.”
     Qing xia County Owner said with a smile:
     "Table sister, your ‘zither’ is also very good, not as good as you and Chen Miss, and let us have a good time?"
     Heshou Junior County Owner smiled and said:
     "Yu-Chen Miss and Yu-Xi Miss together with Song Governess, 4th Miss can not shirk." Heshou Junior County Owner has doubts about Yu-Xi, so he probed one or two.
     Yu-Xi smiled very well:
     “Junior County Owner, I have limited qualifications and I don’t like Song Governess as a teacher.” See Heshou Junior County Owner with a strange look, Yu-Xi smiled and said:
     "Being Song Governess, I loved painting and calligraphy with Song Governess. As for music and poetry, because there is no talent, I didn't follow the study."
     Heshou Junior County Owner did not say anything after listening to this. Since Yu-Xi can speak in front of so many people, she will definitely not lie to lie to her.
     Yu-Chen played "Meihua Sannong", this song is praised by people who have noble sentiments by singing the stubborn character of plum blossoms and chilling against the wind and fighting the wind. Yu-Chen is essentially a high-quality person, this song has been popped up by her.
     Heshou Junior County Owner plays a song "Chun Xiao ying".
     The first half of this song is a kind of temperament of Chun Xiao people who are tired and lazy combed; after turning to the second half, the rhythm is bright and bright, the mood is comfortable, and the flowers are blooming. It looks like a brocade, a spring scene! At the end of the sound, it gives people a kind of spring color, although the beauty is not forever, thinking about how short life is, and then stunned.
     After the Heshou Junior County Owner played, the scene was quiet.
     After a few seconds, Yu-Chen returned to the Heshou Junior County Owner and said:
     "Junior County Owner's ‘zither’ music is like the sound of nature, Yu-Chen is not as good as himself." Although lost, but Yu-Chen did not feel that there is anything to be embarrassing.
     There are days outside the sky, there are people outside, and there are people who play better than her.
     Heshou Junior County Owner smiled and said:
     "I am two years older than Yu-Chen Mei Mei. It is also cheaper for me to say it." She knows that Yu-Chen is the most proud, but the average person can't enter the eyes of Yu-Chen. Only in this way can the distance between the two be brought closer.
     Qing xia County Owner feels that today opportunity is rare, said:
     "Table-Sister, the weather is so good today, let's make two poems?"
     Qing xia County Owner is not very popular in the show, it is not that she is not good contact, but she is poised to make poetry, people can not afford.
     Heshou Junior County Owner knows that this watch-sister-like poetry is in a state of ignorance. If she had been tempted to refuse, she would not have swept the mood of Qing xia. It happened to see a few blooming peony not far away. Said:
     “With Peony as the title, how does the watch-girl feel?”
     Qing xia County Owner feels very good:
     "The peony is the king of flowers the title of peony is naturally excellent."
     The presence of Qing xia County Owner and Heshou Junior County Owner is the best, both of them said so, others will naturally not refute. Refuting, it means not giving Qing xia County Owner and Heshou Junior County Owner face.
     Zhou Shiya is not good at poetry, and now she has to rack her brains, only to write a deal. I thought about it for a long time, and I didn’t have a clue. When I looked up, I saw that Yu-Xi was very leisurely eating cakes there. Zhou Shiya lowered her voice and asked:
     "You don't write poetry?"
     Yu-Xi is ready to be handed in:
     "Can't write it."
     Zhou Shiya did not want to write, but she did not have the courage to say:
     "If you don't write, you will be jokes. If you go back, you won't be punished?"
     It’s not a proof that Miss Duke Miss is very bad!
     Yu-Xi Said:
     "There is no way to joke. I just said that I didn't have good poetry. Even Song Governess didn't go to class. It doesn't matter if it is called a white scroll." Quan Mama also persuaded her to learn poetry and instruments, saying that she would go out in the future. It is not a joke to support the facade. But her life and death is to learn if there is no way to learn. Without this talent, it is useless to force it.
     Zhou Shiya thought for a moment and said:
     "Throwing the face of Duke House, you can't be reprimanded by the Grandmother?"
     Yu-Xi does not matter:
     "Reprimanding is reprimanding. I really can't make poetry. I can't falsify it. Besides, Duke has my 3rd sister, enough to support the facade." She is not a perfect person like Yu-Chen, she won't No, there is nothing shameful. She does not believe that Miss is the master of poetry painting.
     After two quarters of an hour, more than twenty Miss handed over the poems they wrote. In the end, Yu-Chen wrote the best, and got the best.
     The worst thing is the Yu-Xi.
     Qing xia County Owner is somewhat surprised. Even if she doesn't make poetry, many people will rack their brains to write a task for the sake of the scene. She will see it for the first time. Qing xia County Owner said to the nearby Servant:
     "Go and ask Yu-Xi Miss to come over." Yu-Xi is now whispering with Zhou Shiya in a corner of the garden.
     Yu-Chen is not unexpected for the Yu-Xi paper, Yu-Xi is that temper, if you don't, you can't say it, you won't falsify or falsify.
     Qing xia County Owner took out a white scroll with Yu-Xi and asked:
     "Yu-Xi Miss, is this yours?"
     Under the eyes of everyone, Yu-Xi admitted that it was his own. Since dare to hand in the white scroll, Yu-Xi is ready to be laughed at.
     Yu-Chen didn't want to fall into the reputation of Duke House, laughing and saying:
     “My Mei Mei was not good at listening to poetry since I was a child, but her paintings are very good, especially the peony and chrysanthemums are beautifully painted.” Yu-Chen said this, and also retrieved Yu-Xi. face.
     Qing xia frowned.
     Heshou Junior County Owner said with a smile:
     "Since Chen Mei Mei said that Yu-Xi Miss's peony is very well painted, if Yu-Xi Miss doesn't mind, he will use painting to represent poetry. How?"
     Writing poetry and white paper can also be said that he has no talent in terms of aspect. Now Yu-Chen has said that her peony is well painted. If she delays not only throwing the face of Duke, but also losing the face of Yu-Chen . Of course, being detained is a trivial matter, and I am afraid that I will bear the name of a straw bag in the future, so that her future relatives will have to drop several grades. Yu-Xi nodded and said:
     "Yes. But I paint very slowly and it takes a long time."
     Heshou Junior County Owner smiled very openly:
     "No problem, we are waiting." This is completely different from the people in the rumor, and I don't know what secrets this person has.
     The Pozi of Taining Houfu immediately took the paintbrush and the various colors of the paint. Yu-Xi was also unpretentious, and spread the rice paper on the table and began to draw.
     Painting peony, the most important thing is in coloring, if there is no good color, the first effort is also in vain. However, Yu-Xi is very sensitive to color, and it has never been wrong in this one.
     Yu-Xi paintings are really slow. People who are slow to start looking around are impatient.
     They gather together to talk and chat. Heshou Junior County Owner and Qing xia County Owner are chatting with Yu-Chen, even Zhou Shiya is on the desert.
     Servant walked to Chen Xue and said:
     "Miss, the dishes are already on the table, please ask Miss to eat."
     Yu-Chen heard the meal, and then looked at the Yu-Xi, who looked down and painted, saying:
     "Let's go eat it first! When the meal is finished, the painting of Yu-Xi should be finished." Let everyone wait for Yu-Xi, and everyone will be dissatisfied.
     After lunch, most of the Miss went home with the elders, and a small part went to the garden with Qing xia County Owner and Heshou Junior County Owner.
     When everyone went to the garden, Yu-Xi just painted the peony flower.
     Yu-Xi painting a painting requires several times of time. Today, in order to save time, she only painted a peony flower surrounded by green leaves, a brilliant peony.
     The upper right corner of the painting also quotes a poem by the Tang Family poet ‘Lu Yu Xi:
     "Before the court, the medicinal demon is unqualified, and the pool is full of sorrow. Only the peony is the national color, and the flower festival is in Tokyo."
     Yu-Xi peony brushwork is exquisite, bright and colorful, and there is no way to compare it with famous artists, but it also has its own characteristics.
     Qing xia County Owner said with a smile:
     "This peony is a good painting, but unfortunately it is only one." Yu-Xi is good at drawing flowers and flowers, but she rarely animate pens, but the paintings are more characteristic but limited in level.
     The Qing xia County Owner is looking at a lot of good things. Yu-Xi paintings can't enter her eyes. It can be a good one. It is already a very high evaluation.
     Heshou Junior County Owner was surprised to see Yu-Xi. It was impossible to be a mediocre one.
     The reason is that Han Yu-Xi is like a person. Heshou Junior County Owner smiled and said:
     “Yu-Xi Miss didn’t just say that she was painting very slowly. If she painted more, wouldn’t she have to paint at night?”
     Qing xia County Owner smiled:
     "I am too happy, I forgot to give it."
     Yu-Chen makes a good start:
     “County Owner, in fact, my 4th Mei Mei is not good at painting, but embroidery. We are a sister-sister, and it is best for 4th Mei Mei.” If it is not Yu-Xi, there is no embroidery yet. With a complete double-sided embroidery, Yu-Chen will definitely promote the Yu-Xi to embroider double-sided embroidery.
     Heshou Junior County Owner blinked and looked at the purse of Yu-Xi waist and said with a smile:
     "Yu-Xi Miss Your purse is especially exquisite. Is this purse embroidered by yourself?"
     Yu-Xi took the purse from his waist and said:
     "Well, it's my own embroidery. I like Rose very much, so I embroidered the rose on the purse."
     Heshou Junior County Owner Watching the clothes worn by Yu-Xi is embroidered with roses, and the jewelry is also a rose pattern.
     This is an ordinary favorite, which is obsessed. Like the obsessive poetry of Qing xia County Owner, they are all gone. Qing xia County Owner took the purse, took a serious look and nodded:
     "Yu-Xi Mei Mei embroiderers are better than us the best embroidered mother of the palace."
     The smile on Yu-Xi face is unchanged, saying:
     "Embedded when there is nothing to do on most days, when it is time to send it." She does not want to compare herself with embroidered mother.
     Chen Xue came over and said with a smile:
     “County Owner, Junior County Owner, Yu-Xi Miss still have no lunch? I took Yu-Xi Miss and went to lunch. If there is anything to say later, is it OK?”
     When you come to the house, it is not good to let people go back empty stomach.
     Heshou Junior County Owner stands up:
     "There is something in the house. When you get together again, talk!"
     Yu-Xi heard a good time in the next time, but she didn't want to see Heshou Junior County Owner again. I don't know why, I always feel that Heshou Junior County Owner is a dangerous person.
     Qing xia County Owner is also preparing to return home. When he left, he eagerly invited Yu-Chen to go to the palace. As for Yu-Xi, it was selectively ignored by Qing xia County Owner.
     The person who handed the white paper did not let the Qing xia County Owner slam the coffin.
     After Yu-Xi and others left, they asked:
     "Snow-sister-sister, my aunt and big-sister, where are they?"
     Chen Xue said with a smile:
     "I am talking to my mother! When you have used the meal, you will bring you sister-sister two people." Chen Xue originally wanted to let Yu-Chen go to the main court, which could be rejected by Yu-Chen.
     The lunch prepared by Taining Houfu for Yu-Xi is very rich, seven dishes and one soup, the combination of vegetarian and vegetarian, the color and flavor are very good.
     Eat, pay attention to chewing slowly. It’s okay to have a slightly worse rule at home, but it’s not too bad for anyone else. Yu-Xi This meal took two quarters of an hour, and the speed was relatively fast.
     After lunch, Yu-Chen came out of the house and said:
     "4th Mei Mei, let's go out, the aunt should wait."
     Yu-Xi nodded a bit:
     When I first came, I would tighten my nerves, and I was afraid that I would make mistakes.
     This would be Yu-Xi, but I would like to appreciate the flowers in the garden while walking. Han Duke House because Qiu-shi feels that it is costly to raise flowers and plants, so there are few varieties of gardens.
     There are many varieties of flowers in the gardens of Taining Houfu, which makes people dazzled. Unfortunately, there is not much time, otherwise Yu-Xi wants to appreciate it.
     When the group just got out of the garden, they saw a teenager coming over with a small donkey.
     Chen Xue smiled and introduced Yu-Chen and his party:
     "This is my second brother Chen Ran. Second brother, this is 3rd Miss and 4th Miss of Han Duke House."
     Before the arrival, everyone had done their homework.
     The second Young Master of the Taining Houfu was the second son of the long room.
     The book was very good. Last year, the boy tried the leader.
     After listening to Chen Xue introduction, Yu-Xi couldn’t help but secretly looked at Chen Ran. He saw him wearing a blue robes.
     The robes did not embroider any patterns. Only the silver lines were embroidered with simple moiré on the hem.
     There is a jade ring hanging around the waist, and the whole person looks neat and clean. Standing tall, fair complexion, beautiful facial features. However, it is very calm and there is no childishness that he should have at this age. It is also understandable that, as far as Yu-Xi knows, Chen Ran was kidnapped at the age of six. It may be that this experience made him seem calmer than his peers!
     Chen Ran did not expect to have guests at home at this time. At this time, the guests have already gone back, but even if they come across, they just say hello. Chen Ran and Yu-Chen greeted each other and turned around with a small donkey.
     There was no more than one second stop.
     Yu-Xi had some surprises. Just when Chen Ran saw Yu-Chen, he didn't say it was amazing. He didn't even have a surprise. His eyes didn't stay in Yu-Chen for a second. To know the beauty of Yu-Chen, many women are watching, let alone teenagers of this age.
     This Chen Ran actually has such a certain force, really can not be underestimated.
     On the way back, Qiu-shi stared at her and said with a smile:
     “How is the party today?”
     Today, Yu-Chen has a show of the limelight, and Yu-Xi can only say that it is not bad. After all, when she was making poetry, she made a blank scroll.
     Yu-Xi frowned and said the attitude of the Heshou Junior County Owner at the party:
     "Auntie, I always feel that Heshou Junior County Owner is hostile to me? 3rd sister is outstanding in appearance and talent, it is very normal, but she is very close to 3rd sister, but very prepared for me. I have never seen her before. I don't know where she is hostile!"
     Qiu-shi heard this, right color:
     "You will tell me in detail before and after the matter." Heshou Junior County Owner Although he is only fourteen years old, he is slick and arrogant. If Yu-Xi offended her, it would be a trouble.
     Yu-Xi said it in detail again:
     "Auntie, I am very respectful to the Heshou Junior County Owner, and I have a lot of courtesy. I really don't understand why she is hostile to me?"
     Qiu-shi hesitated and asked:
     “Is it your illusion?”
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     “Impossible, although the Heshou Junior County Owner is well concealed, I am sure that the Heshou Junior County Owner is hostile to me and there will be no mistakes.”
     Qiu-shi thought for a moment, but couldn’t think of it, so I can only say:
     "Before you can't figure it out, try to avoid her."
     Yu-Xi with a worry:
     "I am afraid I can't avoid it." Heshou Junior County Owner Since there is hostility to her, there is absolutely no way to avoid it.
     Qiu-shi looked at the look of Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
     "Qiao family is still the master, but there is no real power. Heshou Junior County Owner can, as long as you are not bad, can she help you?"
     Heshou Junior County Owner's grandfather used to live in the second place, but his descendants did not live up to expectations. If it wasn't for the Heshou Junior County Owner's singer, he was afraid that the capital had no family.
     Yu-Xi thinks about it too, smiles and says:
     "I want to be embarrassed." Duke House is not a display, and then he is now a court official, and has real power, Heshou Junior County Owner even if it is hostile to her, it is difficult to score two points, certainly not dare What is true about her. But thinking about the performance of the Heshou Junior County Owner at the banquet, Yu-Xi was sinking again. Heshou Junior County Owner is a smart person. Even if she is hostile to her, she will never be on her face.
     The so-called gun is easy to hide, and it really makes Yu-Xi a little worried.
     Two days before the Dragon Boat Festival, Han Jianye came back. As always, Han Jianye bought a lot of things for Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi is in the heart of her efforts. Over the years, her relationship with Han Jianye and her brother-sister are not bad:
     "Second brother, this is a few days off!" Originally Han Jianming wanted to make an errand for Han Jianye at the beginning of the year, but he said that he did not learn well and still need to polish one or two.
     Han Jianye smiled and said:
     "Shifu gave three days off. Hee, how are you doing these months? Three uncles are coming back, are you very happy?"
     Yu-Xi instantly felt that she was very hard. However, she can't say Han Jingyan's bad words, but she doesn't mean that she can't say wu-Shi and Qiu Yanfu bad words:
     "I am very happy to come back, just my stepmother, cough, it is really hard to say."
     Han Jianye is suspicious:
     "She bullied you?"
     Zi-Su is more courageous and says:
     "It’s just as simple as bullying. 2nd Master doesn’t know, my family Miss was almost disfigured by 3rd Madam?”
     Han Jianye listened to this, slap on the table, the table shook a few times, and asked aloud:
     "What happened? Tell me clearly?"
     This woman is too vicious, and she wants to dispel Yu-Xi.
     Zi-Su added the oil and vinegar to the murder of Wu-Shi.
     Han Jianye said with anger:
     "Under such a poisonous hand, the Grandmother will punish her for making rules. Is this punishment too light?"
     Yu-Xi is actually clear in mind that Old Madam did not have a heavy fine.-Shi is afraid that she has already seen that the behavior of the day is her intention. Yu-Xi sighed deliberately and said:
     "She is an elder, I am a younger generation, this time she is too much, or the Grandmother will not punish her."
     With Yu-Xi, and Zi-Su add oil and vinegar, Wu-Shi is a poison woman in the mind of Han Jianye.
     Yu-Xi looked at Han Jianye face and said:
     "Second brother, this time the mother also brought a shi-nu to the capital city. I am also very thoughtful about this autumn Miss.
     The second brother does not know, she also asked me about the second brother's preferences a few days ago. She is a suitable The Miss Miss family, I asked my brother about the preference of the second brother. You said what she wants to do? Second brother, if you see her, you can get a defense.
     That autumn Miss is very pitiful, don’t be given by her appearance. tricked."
     Han Jianye is funny and curious, saying:
     "In your mind, your second brother, I am so useless, I can deceive me alone."
     It may be because Han Shifu has been following Yang Shifu in the mountains, so he has developed Han Jianye heart-warming temperament. Yu-Xi is really not worried about Han Jianye. Imagine if it was replaced by someone else Young Master, who was designed not to be guilty of the other party. Wherever, regardless of the opposition of the mother and the elder brother, the other party is married.
     This is not called loyalty.
     This is called stupidity.
     Yu-Xi swayed to the ground:
     "Second brother, said that the hero is saddened by the beauty, this autumn geese grows beautiful, who knows that the second brother has seen the beauty is not forgetting anything. Second brother, you have not yet pose marriage, she specifically asked two Brother's preference is aimed at you. Before you were in the house, you will forget it. Now that you are back home, she must do everything possible to meet with the second brother. I can't wait for you to go out from the Rose Garden. What?"
     Han Jianye scraped the nose of Yu-Xi:
     "Small age, always hanging on the lips, do you want to marry?"
     Switching to another Miss, it is estimated that I have already blushed, but Yu-Xi has a thicker face. I am not ashamed to hear this:
     "Second brother, don't take my words seriously. If it is wrapped up by her, it will break your reputation, and you don't want to say that this is a good relationship."
     Han Jianye can't smile:
     "Cheng Cheng, Cheng, Cheng, if I met this autumn Miss, I must have been far away, and I would not say anything to her, okay."
     Yu-Xi said very seriously:
     "The second brother has to talk and count."
     Han Jianye thinks that Yu-Xi is very interesting:
     "The second brother must speak and count, if you lie to you, that is a puppy."
     Yu-Xi wanted to turn a blind eye when he heard this.
     The sixteen-year Old boy should have set the door in other people homes, and the second brother is still like a child.
     The brother-sisters said a good conversation, Han Jianye looked up at the sky and said:
     "It’s not early, I’m going back.”
     Yu-Xi took out the purse she had made for Han Jianye and said:
     "Second brother, the spice is put in the purse, you can hang it on the body when you arrive." At the Dragon Boat Festival, the body must have a purse to put this medicine, which means exorcism.
     Han Jianye looked at the blessing embroidered on the purse and said with a smile:
     "Xi Er's embroidered work is getting better." Han Jianye has some pride in his heart. Hee embroidered work is good, his cooking skills are good, his temper is good, his appearance is outstanding, and he doesn't know who the boy has this blessing. Yu -Xi.
     Han Jianye took Xiao  Xiao on his way back to his yard and really met Qiu Yanfu who took a walk with Servant.
     When Qiu Yanfu followed Qiu-shi to go to Taining Houfu as a guest, Miss at the banquet knew that her identity was not taken care of. As if she was airy, it made Autumn Yanfu frustrated, so these two The autumn and autumn geese are in a bad mood.
     When I saw Han Jianye, Qiu Yanfu was also somewhat surprised, but more was a surprise. She already knew that the 2nd Master of Duke House was studying outside, but she didn't expect to run into it today. Qiu Yanfu, Nana, said hello on the ground:
     Qiu Yanfu walked around the mansion today, and did not dress up. He only wore a crescent-shaped white dress, only a blue sea urchin flower was embedded in the bun, and long purple-jade was hanging on both sides. It looks beautiful and human.
     Han Jianye saw Qiu Yanfu and couldn't help but think of the words of Yu-Xi.
     The look is very subtle. If he said that just Yu-Xi, he only played jokes, but now he happened to meet Qiu Yanfu on the road. He couldn't help but think more.
     There are such wonderful things in this world! No, definitely, as Yu-Xi said, this woman has been exploring his whereabouts.
     Thinking of this, Han Jianye face is dark, saying:
     "There are people coming and going here, and Miss Miss still doesn't want to go around." After that, he left with a small servant.
     Qiu Yanfu was a glimpse first, and instead she was ridiculed by Han Jianye, her face was red like the fire cloud:
     "Let's go back."
     This scene was seen by the people in the house.
     Yu-Xi also knew about this in the shortest possible time. Yu-Xi feels that God is helping her. She just met Qiu Yanfu on the road when she was on the road.
     The second brother really met, this is not what God is helping her!
     Zi-Su saw the look of Yu-Xi and said:
     "Miss, do you mean that Qiu Yanfu encounters 2nd Master on the road is not a coincidence?"
     Yu-Xi did not answer, only said:
     "It is not coincidental that it is not important.
     The important thing is that Qiu Yanfu does have this kind of mind." According to Yu-Xi, this is definitely a coincidence. Qiu Yanfu is so powerful that it is impossible to find out where his second brother is. I can still be so smart on the way back to my second brother.
     Zi-Su said:
     "Miss should tell 1st Madam about this, can't really make this woman count 2nd Master."
     Yu-Xi shook his head:
     "I don't need to say that today things are enough to make the aunt a guard." The reason why Yu-Xi can tell Han Jianye that Qiu Yanfu had an attempt on her is that Han Jianye is a person who has a bowel to the end. In addition, Han Jianye is very fond of her. If she says that Han Jianye will only know that there is water, she will only smile and will not pursue it. But Qiu-shi is different. Her relationship with Qiu Yanfu is not good. Qiu-shi knows that if she said these words in front of Qiu-shi, she would only let Qiu-shi feel her little belly. .
     Zi-Su is also the first confidant of Yu-Xi, but sometimes she really doesn't know the idea of ​​Yu-Xi:
     "Miss, why do you want to tell the 2nd Master today that Qiu Yanfu is inquiring about you from here?"
     As far as she knows, there is no such thing at all. She doesn't know why her own Miss is making up this.
     Yu-Xi has a sneer in the corner of his mouth:
     "You think too simple. She didn't dare to ask me about her second brother. Didn't she ask other people in the house?"
     Zi-Su opened his mouth:
     "Miss, don't you? Even if she plays the idea of ​​2nd Master, 2nd Master will only accept her as a servant, and she can't marry her." 2nd Master, but Young Master of Duke House, can only give 2nd Master is awkward.
     The problem is that Qiu Yanfu is the shi-nu of Wu-Shi. If it is for the 2nd Master, where is the face of 2nd Master.
     Yu-Xi didn't talk, but I didn't let Qiu Yanfu succeed in the last life. Of course, the last autumn Qiu Fu Fu can succeed, mainly because the second brother thought she was a good and pure Miss. Now, with her words in front, Qiu Yanfu second brother is a woman who wants to climb the branches deeply. Even if she is really counted by Qiu Yanfu, her second brother will never marry her. Na is awkward.
     As Yu-Xi thinks, Qiu-shi knows that after this incident, his face is very unsightly, but she is a kind person, it is impossible for Qi Yanfu to be an accident.
     Li Mama also felt that Qiu Yanfu mind was not pure, but this time they met in the yard and they rushed out to show their ruthlessness. Li Mama said:
     "Madam, it is imperative that the 2nd Master's marriage be settled." 2nd Master decided to kiss, unless it is Qiu Yanfu, don't want to do it, or you will definitely not play the 2nd Master's idea.
     Qiu-shi does not agree with it.
     This is a big event of a lifetime. How can I set a affair with a Qiu Yanfu:
     "This is put in advance."
     Qiu-shi didn't bother, but the scene at the time was seen by many people in Duke.
     The servant of Duke house is like a knife, and the master has no restrictions and no more taboos. On the same day, there were rumors that Ruan Yanfu wanted to marry into Duke House and wanted to go crazy. He even deliberately stopped 2nd Master on the road regardless of his shame. As a result, 2nd Master smashed his face and taunted it, letting Qiu Yanfu face his face.
     Wu-Shi was rectified by Old Madam these days. In addition to serving Old Madam, he was huddled in his yard at other times. But this does not mean that she knows nothing about the things in Duke house, but the news is lagging behind. She didn't know about it until the next afternoon. Wu-Shi suppressed the anger of his heart and said:
     "Go and call the Outer Cousin Miss."
     Qiu Yanfu did not know the rumors outside, and saw Wu-Shi face was not good, and thought she was angry at Old Madam.
     Wu-Shi asked the nearby Servant to say this, and then asked:
     "what is the problem?"
     Qiu Yanfu face is white:
     "Auntie, you believe me, I just happened to be walking outside, I really don't know where the industry cousin will pass."
     Wu-Shi did not ask Qiu Yanfu, she believes that Qiu Yanfu will not be stupid to do this kind of thing:
     "Yesterday, you are being counted."
     Qiu Yanfu immediately remembered a person:
     "Auntie, it must be 4th Miss? It was because of me that 4th Miss fell into the face, 4th Miss has been resentful, this time must be 4th Miss in revenge." In Duke, it is only offend 4th. Miss one. Although this offense is still inexplicable to her.
     Wu-Shi didn't listen to the wind or rain. She thought it was Qiu-shi. Qiu-shi did this to fall her face and let her know who is really in Duke. Hostess.
     Although Qiu Yanfu did not know what Wu-Shi was thinking, but she knew that Wu-Shi did not intend to give her a head, and her heart was a little annoyed.
     Wu-Shi is also in a bad mood. She used to be her master when she was in Hebei. Unlike in the capital, she said that she is the 3rd Madam of Duke, but she has no foundation in the house. Nothing is convenient, and I have been led by my nose. Now Wu-Shi is nostalgic for the days in Hebei:
     "Don't go out these days, stay in the yard first."
     Autumn Goose is not willing to:
     "Auntie, if I don't go out, the people in this house think that I am guilty? The more time I am going to practise me." The Dragon Boat Festival does not appear, then her reputation is completely gone.
     Wu-Shi thought about it and said:
     "You are right." Qiu-shi wants to use this method to suppress her, thinking too beautiful.
     Out of the Bi Teng, Qiu Yanfu took a deep breath. Her Servant haze saw her not returning to the Xiangyuan, asked:
     "Miss, where are we going!"
     Qiu Yanfu said with a blank expression:
     "Rui Weiyuan." She told Wu-Shi that this time it was calculated by Han Yu-Xi, but it was also speculation. After all, she had no evidence.
     The haze face changes:
     "Miss, isn't that good?"
     4th Miss has never had a good look at her master, and this time there is such a rumor that she is not sent to the door to let 4th Miss face.
     Autumn Yanfu Said:
     "I have my own size." She is going to see if this is really a Han Yu-Xi calculation.
     Yu-Xi is reading a medical book. Hearing that Zi-Su said that Qiu Yanfu came over, it was a bit strange, but it was not unexpected. Although these times have made Yu-Xi a success, she did not dare to take a break from Qiu Yanfu. Qiu Yanfu is not very thoughtful, but also very tenacious, Yu-Xi can not believe that such a small thing can knock her down.
     Zi-Su asked:
     "Miss, see you?"
     The rumors in the mansion are so fast spread, and there are their waves of help.
     Yu-Xi Said:
     "If I don't see it, I think I am guilty! Let her wait in the living room, I will pass in a moment." To see, there is no need to rush to see.
     The one that Yu-Xi said is two quarters of an hour. When Qiu Yanfu was almost exhausted, Yu-Xi came out of the house slowly.
     Qiu Yanfu did not hide this time, staring straight at Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi frowned and said uncomfortably:
     "Fu Table-Sister, is there anything wrong with me?"
     Thought that this will make her flustered, Qiu Yanfu is too small to marry her.
     Qiu Yanfu did not seem to know how rude he was, and said with a smile:
     "No, I just think that the four watches my sister's clothes today are really beautiful."
     Because it is in his yard, the Yu-Xi is wearing a lilac-colored clothes, and he does not wear any jewelry. It looks very refreshing.
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "Table sister is very good-looking, although this clothes does not seem to be eye-catching, but this is a genuine satin, can not buy money." Yu Xi then give Qiu Yanfu face, but it is not in the money.
     This makes the face of Qiu Yanfu change. Han Yu-Xi is not reminding me that it is a merchant woman, and there is no money to wear satin. Qiu Yanfu hated the roots and tickles. Han Yu-Xi really did not forget to hit her, but she did not dare to turn her face with Han Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi is too lazy to cope with the autumn geese, and asks directly:
     "Fu Table What happened to my sister coming over to me? If nothing happens, I have to go to the book."
     The smile on the face of Qiu Yanfu can't be maintained anymore. Before she went out to socialize, those official Miss Miss didn't care what she thought, she was still polite to her face, and she didn't give her a face like Han Yu-Xi. she was. Qiu Yanfu laughed and said:
     "Four watches sisters really work hard, let the table sister admire."
     Yu-Xi looks a little slower and says:
     "The real hard work is 3rd sister, Fu table sister may not know, my 3rd sister will get up at the beginning of the day, until the late night. In order not to fall behind too much, I can only study hard. Outsiders look We are in the scenery, in fact, who knows the hardships inside! When I say it, I am envious of Fu Fu-sister, my life is really leisurely, nothing can go to the garden. My second brother is rare to come back, but also to make autumn Table sister encounter, autumn watch sister luck is really not good." In the last few words, it is said that Qiu Yanfu was deliberately waiting on the road.
     Qiu Yanfu really wants to spurt a blood on the face of Yu-Xi, without such a face. It’s just that Yu-Xi is not clearly pointed out, and she is not good at losing her temper:
     "Since the four watches sisters are so busy, then I don't bother." Qiu Yanfu is not too big to get Yu-Xi, this qualification she can take it out of three streets, it is good, reincarnation It was Miss of Duke House. Autumn Yanfu has a touch of hatred in her heart. If she is also Miss of Duke, she needs such hard work.
     Yu-Xi Although the mouth is not forgiving, but she has done enough etiquette, she personally sent Qiu Yanfu to the door.
     It’s really a good thing to let Qiu Yanfu eat it one after another. Yu-Xi said cheerfully:
     "Zi-Su, let Guo auntie do lotus leaf steamed pork at noon." Lotus leaf steamed meat is a favorite dish of Yu-Xi.
     Zi-Su smiled and said:
     "it is good."
     On the way back, Qiu Yanfu face also maintained a decent smile. Until the house was left with only two personal Servant, Qiu Yanfu finally unloaded the camouflage.
     Haze whispered:
     "Miss, I used to think that 4th Miss is a very straightforward person, but now the servants think that this 4th Miss is simply stupid." This mouth, like a knife, which hurts.
     At the beginning, Qiu Yanfu really felt that Yu-Xi was a master of a straight rectum. It was a few times to fight her. She didn’t take advantage of it. She ate a lot.
     The tea-spraying thing also made her aunt suffer so much loss. How can you be stupid enough to think that Yu-Xi is a gentle and harmless one:
     "I didn't expect that the two stepdaughters of Auntie were so difficult." Before Qiu Yanfu came, I had a detailed understanding of the situation of Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen. She thought that Yu-Chen was that. Only those who know that chess and painting do not know the common things, and Yu-Xi is the kind of lack of love. She thought about making a good deal with the two, and then used the two to squeeze into the circle of the noble ladies in Capital City. As a result, she discovered that she was too taken for granted.
     The two men looked at their ages and were actually fine. Although Yu-Chen has never done anything, she can be sure that Han Yu-Chen is harder to deal with than Han Yu-Xi. She only has no confidence in dealing with Han Yu-Xi. When she adds Han Yu-Chen, she will lose.
     Haze carefully asked:
     "Miss, what should I do?"
     Qiu Yanfu licked his temple and said:
     "Let's take a step and look at it." Han Yu-Chen and Han Yu-Xi are not what she can figure out and deal with. Since the plan is not enough, then I have to avoid the edge and find another way.
     After the Dragon Boat Festival, Yu-Xi received an invitation from the Heshou Junior County Owner.
     This invitation, holding a hot hand.
     Yu-Xi soon knew that Heshou Junior County Owner also invited Yu-Chen, and immediately went to Tingyun Pavilion to find Yu-Chen, and said with a sad face:
     "3rd sister, this Heshou Junior County Owner is not good enough to come?"
     Yu-Chen is not stupid. He did not know how the Heshou Junior County Owner performed differently. But worry is useless, the moment says:
     "No problem, go to the appointment."
     Yu-Xi felt very hard and said:
     "3rd Sister, I was the first time I saw Heshou Junior County Owner in Taining Houfu. You said why she was so hostile to me? I asked my aunt, we have a family with Qing yang Princess and Qiaojia.
     There is no feud. "Don't say that there is a feud, that is, there is no ordinary mouth, so Yu-Xi really feels that the hostility of Heshou Junior County Owner is inexplicable.
     Yu-Chen said faintly:
     "Don't worry, this time Heshou Junior County Owner has also invited a lot of people, not just to invite us. Under the public, she can't do anything."
     Don't look at Yu-Chen, it looks like a fairy in the sky, but in fact, her source is faster than Yu-Xi. In the capital, Yu-Chen will know the first time. It’s just that Yu-Chen is quiet, and outsiders don’t know that it’s Yu-Xi, which is also guessed.
     Yu-Xi asked:
     "What people have you invited?"
     Heshou Junior County Owner invites everyone to the banquet in the name of Chrysanthemum.
     Yu-Chen said:
     "Yu family, Jiangjia, Duanjia, Li-jia, Zhoujia, invited more than ten." Heshou Junior County Owner asked Miss is not a honourable or a minister's house, the eyes are not ordinary.
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "That's good." Yu-Xi also knows that he is over-excited. Heshou Junior County Owner's versatile means, even if he has to deal with her, will certainly not be able to start at his own banquet. It’s just inexplicably hostile, it feels really bad.
     Yu-Chen looked at the tangled look of Yu-Xi and felt a little funny:
     "Don't worry, Heshou Junior County Owner is a Junior County Owner, but we don't need to be afraid of her." As long as they stand upright and stand firm, Heshou Junior County Owner can't help them.
     Yu-Xi would like to say that if I have a background like you, I am naturally not afraid.
     The problem is that she does not hurt the Grandmother, she does not love, and she does not support her. It is a sad reminder.
     Then entangled, Yu-Xi did not intend to push the invitation. I can't avoid it when I am in trouble, and this time I have avoided it and I have to face it in the future.
     Heshou Junior County Owner only invited Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen, and did not ask Yuru to follow the jade. It’s not that Heshou Junior County Owner can’t pick them up, but the invitations that were sent this time are the Di Daughter. Of course, if the Shu Daughter is going to follow, no one will stop.
     Yu Xi wanted to follow, and she also went to Yu Yuru.
     Jade did not want to refuse, and said:
     "Two sisters, the Junior County Owner did not ask us to go. If we followed, it was not very shameful." She hated Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen, and hated her identity. However, after a few years of teaching by Mama, Yu Ru wanted to open it. No matter how she hates, she can't change her identity. Instead of * hate complaining, don't use more time to please aunt, let her aunt find a good family in the future.
     Yu Xi is not as good as jade, but she can't control the idea of ​​Yuru, and she can't make a decision for Yuru. Yu Xi is not willing, but he can only sulking in his own house, no courage to find Qiu-shi. Ta Concubine relationship with her aunt is like a fire, and her mother is not bad when she does not fall into the grave. She will pave the way for her. She is now fourteen years old, and she will be paralyzed next year. She is still much more for herself.
     Yu Xi wanted to come and think, and finally felt that she could turn to Yu-Chen. Her relationship with Yu-Xi is not good, first ruled out, and only Yu-Chen is left.
     Yu-Chen Friends-Sister-Sister's reputation is not out of thin air, she will not refuse within the limits of her ability. Yu-Chen knows the meaning of Yu Xi, hesitated and agreed. Yu-Chen is not Yu-Xi, she can't say Heshou Junior County Owner only asks the Di Daughter. However, she asked Servant to tell Jade personal Servant in private, and hoped that Yu Xi would retreat. To disappoint Yu-Chen, Yu Xi knows that the Junior County Owner only asks the Di Daughter, she is still ready to go.
     Gui Mama feels that she has taught Yu-Chen too well:
     "Miss, the request of the second Miss you can push to 1st Madam or Old Madam, you should not."
     Yu-Chen smiled bitterly:
     "I didn't expect the second-sister to know that the original committee still insisted on going." She was replaced by her, she certainly would not go.
     Gui Mama shook his head:
     "Miss, the second Miss is big, and Miss will still have to guard her a little more." 4th Miss in the Duke House, Eldest Miss is honest, and the second Miss ambition is not enough. 4th Miss seems to be straightforward but the most One of the minds. As for the 5th Miss, it is completely fooled by Wu-Shi. However, it is good to be young, maybe you can come back.
     Yu-Chen slowly nodded:
     "Mama, I know how to do it."
     Qiu-shi has no daughters, and the two years of thought have been spent on Yu-Xi. Knowing that Yu-Xi is going to attend the banquet hosted by Heshou Junior County Owner, he immediately ordered the sewing room made two new clothes.
     This is a private account, and there is nothing for others to say.
     On the day of the banquet, Yu-Xi got up early and groomed. I can do it at home on most days, but I can't make a mistake when I go out to wear it, because it represents the face of Duke House. If there is a difference, the outsiders will only laugh at the lack of education in Duke.
     When Qiu-shi saw Yu-Xi, he smiled and said:
     "In the future, I have to wear it like this in the mansion. It looks good." The Yu-Xi is not badly worn on most days, but it is not installed on the Yu-Xi in the mansion.
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "It’s also Auntie good eyes, so beautiful clothes for me.” Qiu-shi used Yu-Xi to use bright and good materials. According to Qiu-shi, young Miss doesn't wear bright colors, so when to wear.
     Yu Xi did not go to the Princess House to see the chrysanthemums. It’s not that someone is guilty, but the jade is cold and taking medicine!
     I used to go to the banquet, and I have Qiu-shi to take this.
     This time, Heshou Junior County Owner invited all the same age, Qiu-shi naturally will not follow. Yu-Xi has already attended several banquets. If you go to someone else home, you will definitely not be nervous. But going to the Princess House, there is always a worry in my heart.
     Yu-Chen looked at the Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
     "4th Mei Mei, if you are worried, you will be with me when you are."
     Yu-Xi should be right now.
     From Duke House to Princess House, it took more than half an hour. Yu-Xi felt bored and took a game from the table next to him.
     Yu-Chen said with a brow:
     "Yu-Xi, the book on the carriage hurts the eye." The Yu-Xi on the big face is not worse than the Yu-Chen. In terms of details, it is not a star or a half.
     Yu-Xi listened, and if you had nothing to do, put the game back in place. Yu-Xi has always envied Yu-Chen and thinks that she is better, but now Yu-Xi doesn't think so. Raising Mama has taught Yu-Chen too well, and everything is in line with the requirements of everyone. Such a Yu-Chen is like a template, but it makes people feel less real.
     At the Princess House, Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi went to the small oil truck. I should have seen Princess Qing yang first, but because the princess went to the palace, this procedure will be avoided.
     The two went straight to the garden and just entered the garden. Yu-Xi saw a Miss coming over.
     The Miss who came over took the fallen horse, and inserted a peony hairpin with a hard-lined hard gemstone. Two gold beads fell on the two beads.
     The material of the body dress is called the satin of Tianshuibi, and the skirt is embroidered with petals. Miss is very sweet and easy to make people feel good.
     When Miss saw Yu-Chen, he stunned, but he quickly reacted and smiled:
     "Yu-Chen sister-sister?"
     Yu-Xi is directly treated as transparent.
     Yu-Chen nodded and asked:
     "you are?"
     Little Miss ‘called:
     "I am Jiang Qi, Yu-Chen sister-sister, you are so beautiful."
     Yu-Chen is also dressed today. A pair of twilight confrontation collars soft silk shirt, water blue embroidered entangled peony skirt, hair pulled a small stream of clouds, obliquely inserted a green crested frog head, the ear is The same color of the same ear button, the wrist is also the same color of the same bracelet. Coupled with the peerless appearance and outstanding temperament, the beauty is extremely dusty.
     Yu-Xi looked at Jiang Qi, and the bad memories of the past life have emerged. Fortunately, Zi-Su reacted very quickly. When I saw Yu-Xi, I secretly licked her and let Yu-Xi come back immediately.
     Yu-Chen has long been accustomed to the praise of others, and turned to Jiang Qi slightly, and said:
     “Is Jiang Miss a person coming?”
     Jiang Qi shook his head and said:
     "I came with my sister-sister." Jiang Qi said sister sister called Jiang Yun, is the eldest daughter of Jiang family.
     At this time, the Heshou Junior County Owner took the Servant and came over. Heshou Junior County Owner See Yu-Xi calmly standing beside Yu-Chen, his eyes flashed and smiled:
     "Qi Mei Mei, you haven’t been saying this for a long time. You want to see Yu-Chen Mei Mei. Today, you can have a good time."
     Yu-Chen heard this, his brow slightly picked up.
     Heshou Junior County Owner seems to have no idea what he said is wrong, continue to say:
     “Yu-Chen Mei Mei, Qing xia Mei Mei is waiting for Mei Mei in the yard. Since I saw Yu-Chen Mei Mei last time, my watch-girl has been chanting! I know that you will come today, Barbados Come early in the morning."
     Yu-Chen went to see Qing xia County Owner with Yu-Xi.
     Heshou Junior County Owner and Jiang Qi said two words and walked away. In private, they called Pozi who had just brought Yu-Xi in. He asked:
     "What happened to Han Miss 4th Miss when I saw Jiang Miss?"
     It is no coincidence that Yu-Xi met Jiang Qi as soon as she arrived at the Princess House, but was arranged by Heshou Junior County Owner.
     The Servant with the Yu-Xi came in and said:
     "There is nothing unusual. However, Jiang Miss only talks with Han 3rd Miss. He doesn't care about Han 4th Miss.
     The servants don't seem to care about Han 4th Miss." Generally, others ignore it and feel uncomfortable in their hearts.
     Heshou Junior County Owner asked some unbelief:
     "Is there anything really wrong?"
     If Han Yu-Xi is like her, seeing Jiang Qi feelings also has to change face or face disgust. No response, what is the situation?
     Servant is quite sure to say:
     “No. Han 4th Miss saw the Jiang family Miss, the look was very calm, nothing unusual.” It was also Yu-Xi lucky, when she was worried, she was facing the leading Servant.
     Heshou Junior County Owner said to himself:
     "Is it really what I think?"
     During this time, Heshou Junior County Owner also sent people to inquire about the news of Yu-Xi. It can be said that today Han Yu-Xi and her impression are completely two people. I can't say anything wrong, it seems that I can't say it. Although the Han Yu-Xi has changed a lot, there is nothing unusual about it.
     Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi When she was looking for Qing xia County Owner, she was talking to a Miss.
     That look is very pleasant.
     Yu-Xi looked at the other Miss, and saw that Miss was wearing this light pink gauze, with a daffodil and smoked smoke skirt.
     The pleated sleeves were outlined with silver threads, and the jade-like green silk was smashed. A flying fairy, a few beads in the hair, and a white jade lotus in the side.
     The beauty of the eyes and the hope of Hua Cai overflowing, the red lips squatting with a light smile, so that people can't move their eyes.
     Yu-Xi breathed a sigh of relief.
     This woman is not inferior to Yu-Chen. Yu-Xi This is the first time I have seen a woman who is comparable to Yu-Chen.
     Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi are preparing for the ceremony, Qing xia County Owner dragged her and said with a smile:
     "Yu-Chen sister-sister doesn't have to be polite." Finished, pointing to the woman who just spoke to her:
     "Yu-Chen sister-sister, this is a pity-sister-sister."
     With Yu-Chen in front, Yu-Xi has always been the neglected master. She has been used to it for so many years, so she looks like a venue, and then stands next to Yu-Chen.
     Looking at Yu-Xi in Yu Xi, he smiled and said:
     “This is Yu-Xi Mei Mei? I heard the Junior County Owner say that Han Duke is a beautiful woman. Today, the Junior County Owner is really not a fake.”
     Yu-Xi is wearing a very tender yellow shirt today.
     The lower skirt is a white dress with eight moons.
     The dress is embroidered with colorful butterflies and flowers.
     This dress looks fresh and elegant and invincible.
     Yu-Xi is embarrassed to say:
     "When it is not allowed the sister-sister's compliment." Under this occasion, Yu-Xi never shows himself.
     The reason is very simple. It is not a circle that I can mix. I am rushing to express myself, but it is light.
     Jiang Qi smiled and said:
     "Table-Sister, I heard that Yu-Chen-Sister-Sister's chess is very good. Today, you met your opponent." Yu Xueyu is a talented woman who is famous and is a dream lover of Jingcheng 2nd Lang. . Yu-Chen was a child when he was famous.
     Qing xia County Owner feels that this idea is very good:
     "Yu-Sister-Sister, Yu-Chen-Sister-Sister, are you going to the next one?"
     She wants to know who the two are better.
     Yu Xiyu said with a smile:
     "I am three years older than Yu-Chen Mei Mei. If it is a test, it is unfair to Yu-Chen Mei Mei."
     Yu-Chen is a proud and proud man, and he will retreat. I laughed and said:
     "No matter, whether it is ‘zither’ or chess, the most important thing is not how long it takes to learn, but talent." This means that even if you have studied for a few more years than me, I am not inferior to you.
     Yu Xiyu is also an arrogant person. After listening to this, he smiled and said:
     "This is the case, but I am a few years older than Yu-Chen Mei Mei, so I let Yu-Chen Mei Mei three sons."
     Where will Yu-Chen agree, smiled and said:
     "No, everyone is at the same starting point, so it is fair to compare."
     Heshou Junior County Owner looked at Jiang Qi and Yu-Xi on one side and said with a smile:
     "I remember that the last time Yu-Xi Miss said that he had learned chess with Song Governess for a few years, and he was interested in the next game."
     Jiang Qi eyes lit up and said with a smile:
     "Yu-Xi sister-sister, I also learned chess for a few years, or we will come to the next one." The name is to ask for advice, but it is the next battle.
     Yu-Xi will not refuse, and if it is rejected, it will mean weak. It may be weak for others Yu-Xi, but not for Jiang Qi Yu-Xi.
     The current Yu-Xi smiled and said:
     "Since Jiang Mei Mei has this interest, I naturally accompany it." Also see what level of chess is attained.
     The things in the Princess House are all ready.
     The Heshou Junior County Owner told him that soon the Servant would have set the two tables.
     At this time, the Servant came with a glass cup. In the glass cup, there is a red juice, and a cup is placed in front of each person.
     Yu-Xi took a drink, iced, cool, with a sweet smell of watermelon. After Yu-Xi finished drinking, she was surprised:
     "Junior County Owner, what is this? It's so delicious."
     Heshou Junior County Owner has just been watching Yu-Xi, and the expression of Han Yu-Xi is obviously the first time I saw this thing. Heshou Junior County Owner smiled and said:
     "This is the juice from the watermelon, and then add some ice to mix. Now this day, drink the most comfortable."
     Yu-Chen is not particularly surprised by the slogan.
     These two people have seen a lot of good things.
     They don’t care much about this watermelon juice. It is nothing more than a new idea.
     After drinking watermelon juice, I started playing chess. Yu-Xi chooses sunspots and says:
     “I am one year older than Jiang Mei Mei and Mei Mei is here first.”
     I have been married to the Jiang family in the past, and Yu-Xi tried to please the Jiang family, so I also have some understanding of their affairs. Jiang Qi began to learn chess at the age of three, and he is very talented in chess. Of course, it is not bad in other respects, so it also has a reputation as a talented woman.
     This also caused Jiang Qi to be very proud, and did not put Yu-Xi in his eyes.
     At the beginning of playing chess, Jiang Qi went out to kill, and she wanted to disturb the mind of Yu-Xi, thus disrupting the layout of Yu-Xi and achieving the goal of winning chess.
     The idea is good, but unfortunately Yu-Xi has always been stable, and has not changed its layout because of Jiang Qi killing.
     Jiang Qi chess is very good, but the mentality is very bad. Seeing that she did not achieve the results she expected, it was a little chaotic.
     This chaos gave the Yu-Xi a chance to take advantage of it, and it took a long time for the Yu-Xi to gain the upper hand.
     Jiang Qi put down the chess pieces in his hand and said:
     "I lost this game, but I don't know who won and won in the next game ." This means that there is another set.
     The smile on Yu-Xi face remains the same:
     "First rest!" After that, go to Yu-Chen.
     Yu-Chen's chess is good, but the chess in the slang is also very high, and the two are equal. Yu-Xi is not unexpected, and the reputation of such a big word is not blown out.
     Servant came to the pastry.
     Yu-Xi looked at the crispy suede on the outside of the plate, and the inner layer was a sweet yellow solidified egg-melon pastry, and the pupils shrank. However, the Yu-Xi reaction was also very fast, almost instantly, and asked with a smile:
     "What is this? It makes people appetite."
     Heshou Junior County Owner This time is just right, go out to socialize guests.
     The Servant of Dim Sum replied:
     “This is the egg tart, the new food that our Junior County Owner has researched.
     The kitchen – there are cookies on the side, it will take a while to get it.”
     Jiang Qi could not help but admire:
     "Junior County Owner sister sister is really powerful, can come up with so many kinds of food." There are juices, egg tarts, biscuits, just do not know what other good things come out.
     Yu-Xi can't wait to take one, bite a bite, soft and crisp, milky egg is also very rich, sweet but not greasy. Yu-Xi has finished eating one and is amazed:
     "Really tasty."
     After eating and drinking, Jiang Qi war is getting stronger. Yu-Xi suppresses the strangeness of the bottom of my heart. At this time, I no longer hide it, and come up with my own true ability to fight against Jiang Qi.
     Yu-Xi, since he decided to win, he wanted to win something beautiful.
     Three wins in three games, no use for half an hour before and after.
     This shows how short they are in the next game. Of course, this has something to do with Jiang Qi attitude of playing fast and quick.
     Yu-Xi does not care about Jiang Qi colorful and unpredictable face. He only said one sentence:
     "Concession." Then he ran to see the game of Yu-Chen and the slang.
     In terms of chess, Yu-Xi is much higher than Yu-Chen.
     Therefore, she soon saw that Yu-Chen had some strong outside. Sure enough, not a quarter of an hour, Yu-Chen was defeated.
     At this time, the Servant of the Princess House came to a plate of fruit.
     These fruits are very special. For example, the fruit around the Yu-Xi is filled with oranges cut into several petals.
     There are slices of bananas under the oranges.
     There are cherries between the oranges and the oranges. Cut into pieces of kiwi. If modern people see it, they must know that this is called a fruit platter.
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     “The Junior County Owner is really awesome, and all these patterns can be thought of. I really don’t admire it.”
     Until now, Yu-Xi still doesn't know why Heshou Junior County Owner is hostile to her, which is really stupid. If she guessed it well, the Heshou Junior County Owner is likely to be like her. Yu-Xi is now very grateful to Quan Mama. In order to allow her to reach the front of the mountain, there is no change in color. In the past few years, Quan Mama spent a lot of time training her, otherwise she was already exposed.
     For Heshou Junior County Owner, this is stealing the creativity of others. Yu-Xi doesn't care too much. She doesn't dare to use it without representing others.
     Heshou Junior County Owner saw Yu-Xi praising her sincerely, with a smile on her lips:
     "It's okay on most days, and it's out of it." Heshou Junior County Owner had previously suspected that Yu-Xi was born again like her. But the performance of Yu-Xi today made her hesitate.
     These later ordinary things, Han Yu-Xi, didn’t even know, and how could it be like her! But safely, the Heshou Junior County Owner decided to observe again.
     Jiang Qi sighed a few words in the ear of pity, then looked up and said to Yu-Xi:
     "Yu-Xi sister-sister, my watch-sister said that I want to play chess with you, I don't know what Yu-Xi-sister-sister is doing?"
     Jiang Qi mother, -Shi, is an aunt who is a slang. Of course, the shi-shi is smashed out, and it is not made out, or it will not be used to fill the house.
     Yu-Xi refused:
     "I am a chess player in general, but I don't dare to follow sister-sister." This is equal to admit defeat in disguise.
     Yu Xiyu said:
     "You can win my watch-sister three sets and you are already qualified to play against me." Jiang Qi chess skills are counted in the heart of the poems. It is enough to win Jiang Qi three times, which is enough to show that the 4th Miss's chess is very high.
     Yu-Xi listened to this statement and felt uncomfortable. What is the qualification to play against her? She didn't want to compare with others. She was always rushed to the ducks.
     Yu-Chen said with a smile:
     "Yu-Xi, your chess is so good, and you have a chance to win with Yu-Sister-Sister." Yu-Xi is not good at this point, and talents will be shown to let everyone know, Tibet. Holding on to what to do.
     Yu-Xi heard this and knew that it was inevitable. Cough, she didn't know how to thank Yu-Chen for her kindness, or blame Yu-Chen for doing so.
     PS: Addition of 80 monthly passes.
     Before playing chess, Yu Xiyu said with a smile:
     "4th Miss, you come first." Han Yu-Xi chess is higher than Yu-Chen, so she did not ask for a few words.
     Yu-Xi does not know the depth of the chess game. What I just saw does not represent the full standard of the slang. Yu-Xi didn’t want to say no, he said:
     "Okay, but before I play chess, I have to say something to my sister-sister. I play chess more slowly." With the masters like Xiayu, it is definitely a chance to win slowly.
     Qing xia County Owner strangely asked:
     “How slow is it? It won’t be as slow as painting?”
     Yu-Xi snorted, but she did not expect her painting to slow down and let Qing xia County Owner remember it:
     "This, not much, I don't know."
     Qing xia County Owner is very interested to say:
     "Then I have to see how slow it is to get the bottom of the game?"
     Qing xia County Owner loves poetry and is not proficient in chess. However, like the Wangfu, there are some aspects of the chess and calligraphy.
     Jiang Qi wondered:
     "You were not very fast just now."
     Yu-Xi smiled and didn't return this. It is naturally different from the masters like Xiayu.
     Qing xia County Owner looked at the Heshou Junior County Owner after seeing a small quarter of an hour, complaining:
     "Table-sister, this Han Yu-Xi is really slow like a snail. She can take three or four steps when she takes a step. You don't know, I almost fell asleep."
     Heshou Junior County Owner smiled:
     "Everyone has their own way of playing chess. You have to be impatient, find someone to talk."
     Qing xia County Owner shook her head and went to the banquet of those Miss, seeing her all come up, making her very impatient. Qing xia County Owner asked:
     "Table sister, you said last time to do kebab. I haven't waited for a long time?"
     Heshou Junior County Owner laughs:
     "On such a hot day, you said that I sent a kebab to the table, who would dare to eat?"
     Sending something that no one dares to eat means that the owner is not considering it.
     Qing xia County Owner feels quite sorry.
     Heshou Junior County Owner Said:
     "When it's been two or three months, the weather is getting colder. When you want to get it, you can get it. Even if you eat the whole roast sheep, it won't stop you."
     After a conversation, the Heshou Junior County Owner went on to entertain the guests. Qing xia County Owner did not want to see those who pleased her face, and bored back to the pavilion.
     It took nearly a single hour for the game to be played, and the result of the game was a draw. Can have this result, so Yu-Xi is very satisfied.
     Qing xia County Owner couldn't help but say:
     "At the end of the game, if you don't finish it, you can't catch up with the morning meal." The last time I painted, it took a long time to draw a peony. Now it takes half a day to play the next game.
     This Han Yu-Xi is doing so slowly, but fortunately not her family-sister-sister, or she has to get sick.
     Yu-Xi face instantly became red like an apple.
     Yu Xiyu smiled and explained:
     "It’s a time Consuming thing to play chess. Yu-Xi Miss is very good at chess. If it is not time-limited, I want to play with you again."
     Yu-Xi cold sweat has come out, she is being taken out of the next time.
     There is no need for her life in another set:
     "Yu-Sister-Sister has won the prize and is also lucky."
     Yu-Chen does not agree with Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi is four years younger than Xiayu, and there is a lot of room for improvement.
     This ratio is much worse than Yu-Xi.
     Jiang Qi said:
     "Yu-Xi Sister-Sister, you are really amazing. Is this the first time someone has tied me with my watch-sister?"
     After saying that Jiang Qi looked at Yu-Chen intentionally or unintentionally. She only knows that Han Yu-Chen is a close disciple of Song Governess, but she did not expect the famous 4th Miss Han to be so powerful.
     Yu-Xi jumped and jumped, Jiang Qi was arguing her relationship with Yu-Chen. Although she did not know what purpose Jiang Qi had in mind, she could not let Jiang Qi succeed:
     "Jiang Mei Mei said with a smile. As the saying goes, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside. In front of those real chess masters, I can't see enough of this level." Yu-Xi This is the truth, not demeaning.
     The women in these squatters play chess only for the sake of recreation.
     They don't really spend a lot of energy to study, and the level is limited. Don't say that you have met a chess master, even if you meet those chess players.
     After listening to this in Yu Xi, I looked at Yu-Xi. It’s not just this modesty, it’s the stability. Yu Xiyu said with a smile:
     “I heard that Yu-Xi Miss is also proficient in art?”
     Yu-Xi quickly shook his head and said:
     “Where I dare to speak proficiently, I only studied for two years and I was far worse than my 3rd sister. I once painted it once in Taining Houfu, and the County Owner and the Junior County Owner have seen it.”
     Qing xia County Owner has never seen Yu-Chen's paintings, but Yu-Xi artistic level is known to her:
     "Yu-Xi Miss's art is not bad." This is a good evaluation for Qing xia County Owner.
     Jiang Qi looked at the smile of Yu-Xi and couldn't help but ask:
     "In addition to art and chess, Yu-Xi sister-sister is still good at what?"
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     "I only touched the fur and the art of painting, I can't talk about it. As for the others, I didn't learn."
     Qing xia County Owner is curious:
     "What do you do on most days?"
     Yu-Xi didn’t want to, and said:
     "On most days, I play chess and do embroidered work.
     Then there is a 3rd sister chatting. In fact, the only thing I can get is the chess. Others are not very good. Unlike my 3rd sister, no matter what I study. I learned very well." Yu-Xi really does not forget to promote Yu-Chen.
     Qing xia County Owner feels that this kind of life is very boring. Yu-Chen, who plays the ‘zither’ on most days, has a common topic with her. In this regard, Qing xia County Owner is a bit faint for Yu-Xi.
     Servant came up and said that the banquet was ready.
     On this day, Yu-Xi was honored to have a table with Qing xia County Owner and Heshou Junior County Owner. Taking advantage of the elegant movements of several people, Yu-Xi is glad that he has learned well in his etiquette, or he must be shameful.
     After lunch, the group was ready to return home.
     Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi went to the gate of the princess house and got a small oil truck ready to put on their own carriage. At this time, a teenager came from the door.
     Yu-Xi trembled when she saw the person coming, but she quickly reacted.
     This person will not appear here for no reason. It is no coincidence that too many coincidences.
     Thinking of the matter just now, Yu-Xi guessed that this must be the arrangement of the Heshou Junior County Owner, and the purpose was to test her.
     The front has been very good, this time can not reveal the slightest flaw. Yu-Xi deliberately turned around and said to Yu-Chen:
     "3rd sister, look at the boy, is it good?"
     Yu-Chen looked in the direction of Yu-Xi and saw a boy.
     The teenager wore a honey-colored robes, and the robes used the fine tribute of the weaving bureau. Although there was no moon-like appearance, it was also a beautiful eyebrow, and it was clear and elegant.
     Jiang Hongjin feels that someone is watching her, looking back at the past, seeing the person who saw her, the brain is immediately blank, and there is no ability to think.
     Yu-Xi looked at Jiang Hongjin, who was stunned by wood, and put his nails into the shredded pork to stimulate himself to stay calm. Yu-Xi didn't dare to show too much. Next to the Servant arranged by Heshou Junior County Owner, she could secretly take a sip and raise her smile and say:
     "3rd sister, this boy sees you all stupid?"
     Yu-Chen raised her brow and ignored her juvenile boy and stepped on the stool. Yu-Xi then climbed into the carriage.
     After the people left, Jiang Hongjin returned to God and immediately told the little sister around him to say:
     "Go and ask, who is this Miss?"
     When Xiao Yu saw Yu-Chen, he also felt that it was a fairy, and his master had a man who was a stranger:
     "Okay, let's go small."
     Yu-Xi got on the carriage and leaned on the carriage.
     Yu-Chen yelling at Yu-Xi is a little white, his face is extremely ugly, he asked with concern:
     "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"
     Yu-Xi said weakly:
     "Just playing chess with Yu family Miss, it took too much mentality, and rest is all right." Now she only has Yu-Chen and two of her own servants in the carriage, not worried about the news. Moreover, Yu-Xi can't be loaded anymore.
     The impact was too great, and it was her limit to be able to endure the carriage.
     Speaking of playing chess, Yu-Chen laughed:
     "I don't know how 4th Mei Mei chess is so high? Waiting for me to play chess next time, can you leave more room?"
     Yu-Xi said with a bitter face:
     "3rd sister, still don't want to, so playing chess is too consuming. I just collapsed after the game was finished. If I was afraid of losing the number of gifts, I would have to kneel on the spot."
     Yu-Chen saw that Yu-Xi was really uncomfortable and said:
     "Then don't talk too much, you will raise the gods first. After you go back, let the kitchen give you some delicious supplements"
     Yu-Xi nods:
     "Okay." After she finished speaking, she narrowed her eyes and she did not sleep. She was thinking about everything that happened today. For the temptation of the Heshou Junior County Owner, thinking about it again and again, she basically determined that there was not much flaw. Fortunately, Heshou Junior County Owner is watching Pozi, and if Heshou Junior County Owner is always by her side, she can no longer avoid it.
     Heshou Junior County Owner sent the person away and then sent the Yu-Xi to leave the Servant, asked:
     “When the Han family 4th Miss Han Yu-Xi saw the Jiang Master II Young Master, what could be different?”
     The encounter at the gate was arranged by her heart, in order to test Yu-Xi.
     Servant shook his head and said:
     “There is nothing unusual. 4th Miss is also very interested in Jiang Jia Er Young Master. But it’s Jiang Jia Er Young Master. See Han 3rd Miss.”
     The attention of Heshou Junior County Owner was immediately diverted, and the corner of his mouth smiled and asked:
     "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"
     Servant is quite sure to say:
     "Junior County Owner, the servants will not be wrong. After the 2nd Miss of the Han family left, the descendants of the Jiang Family II Young Master immediately asked the people in our house for information."
     Heshou Junior County Owner thoughtfully, after a while, smiled low:
     "Interesting." It is not interesting. Seeing Han Yu-Chen is blind, but finally smashed Han 4th Miss.
     Back to Duke, Yu-Chen looked at Yu-Xi, who was still tired, said:
     "4th Mei Mei, you go back to sleep, I will tell them to the grandmother and the Grandmother."
     Yu-Xi is not reluctant, and now I am back to the Rose Garden.
     After the Yu-Xi, such as the ‘zither’, walked away, he whispered:
     "Miss, but it's the next game. How do you look at 4th Miss's look like a hard fight?"
     Her master also played a game of chess, although it was a little tired, but there is 4th Miss exaggeration.
     Yu-Chen also felt a bit strange, but she didn't think much:
     "I didn't send some supplements in the past few days, pick some to send to 4th Mei Mei." A few days ago, Pingqing sent bird's nest, velvet, ginseng, donkey-hide and cordyceps to Yu-Chen.
     The ‘zither’ does not dare to disagree. Don't look at Yu-Chen, but I will speak on most days, but once she tells you, it shows that there is no room for negotiation.
     Yu-Chen thought about it and said:
     "Things are picked up, you send them in person." Yu-Chen has never been a stingy master. He has had good things in these years and has not forgotten to give Yu-Xi a copy.
     Ps: I don't feel good, I will correct the draft tomorrow, sorry.
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