Han Yuxi 20-29

     Chapter 20 Deep and hot (2)  

     Yu-Xi has the same symptoms as jade.
     Yu Ru looked at the hand full of blood bubbles and whispered:
     "Qing , you said that what method should be used without punishment, and will not be said by people." Jade can not stand such high-intensity learning is on the one hand, on the other hand she feels very faceless. She was the worst performer in the four men, and every time she was beaten by Teacher, she hated to drill into the hole. Every day for her is suffering, from the spirit to the body.
     In my heart, I don’t think that any way to take the initiative to withdraw is not appropriate. I thought about it, but I still feel that I should advise my own Miss once again:
     "Miss, let's stick to it for a few more days. After the second Miss or 4th Miss quit, we don't want to go. So, Miss is not obvious." Her family is the oldest, but she is the first to quit.
     The face is not good. It’s not good to take advantage of the 2nd Miss and 4th Miss, but they can’t wait to quit for two days!
     Yuru shook his head and said:
     "No, I can't stand this sin anymore. I have already recognized so many words, and I will manage everything in the future. It will be practical to learn more. In the future, it will be enough to learn a female red needle housekeeper."
     I don’t know how to persuade this. Instead, Qing ye took the ointment and heard this, she couldn’t help but say a few more words:
     "Miss, wait until you apply the ointment, and you won't feel pain when you sleep."
     If Yu words are heard, the fire in my heart can’t stop again:
     "Do you know that my hands are not my own now? You want to see if my hand is gone, I am happy, right?"
     Such a big hat buckled down, where Aoba dare to speak.

     Yu-Xi used the left hand to be smooth, but the words before and after the disparity were too big, and Ding Pozi suspected that she was sham. Ding Pozi talked to Song Governess about the break between classes:
     “4th Miss has a problem with my class today.”
     Song Governess went out and watched Yu-Xi classwork, and his face was a bit cold:
     "Go and ask 4th Miss to come over." The front of the word is correct, the words behind it are ugly, even if the word written by hand is not so bad, it is difficult to make people doubt.
     Yu-Xi followed Ding Pozi to the opposite room.
     This room the decoration is very simple, in addition to the table and chair soft couch, and then a landscape painting hanging on the wall.
     Song Governess put Yu-Xi classwork on the table and asked:
     "4th Miss, what's going on?"
     She only wished she had made a mistake, or she immediately let Yu-Xi get out of her class. It doesn't matter if the homework is not completed, but the falsification is a matter of character.
     Yu-Xi is a little embarrassed to say:
     "My right hand couldn't write the word yesterday, and I was afraid that I couldn't finish my class. I used my left hand to write. I just didn't use the left hand before I wrote the word, so the words I wrote would not be good."
     Song Governess stunned, but quickly reacted and called:
     "Take a pen and ink." The mouth said nothing, seeing is believing.
     Yu-Xi is also not awkward, with a pen on the left, smashed the ink, and wrote the word on the white paper. After putting down the brush, Yu-Xi said very seriously:
     "Teacher, even if I am worried, I will not falsify others to help me with my homework." If this is done, once she spreads out, her reputation will be completely over. If Miss's family doesn't have a good reputation, it will definitely not be a good person in the future. Old Ma-dam will definitely abandon her, who are sure that they can't bring benefits to the family.
     Song Governess is not embarrassed by misunderstanding Yu-Xi, but instead says:
     "You can think so well. If a person is not good at character, then he will be smart and intelligent."
     Yu-Xi focuses on:
     "Teacher, I know."
     After Ding Pozi and other Yu-Xi went out, I was very surprised:
     "I didn't expect 4th Miss to write with his left hand?"
     Originally, it was not comfortable to plug in such a small Miss, but I did not expect 4th Miss to give them a lot of surprises.
     Song Governess nodded:
     "This child is really good, and it hurts like that." If Yu does not move, she will shed tears. Yu Xi is also a bitter and hateful, so she will not be comfortable. As for Yu-Chen, Song Governess knew the bottom of Yu-Chen early, so it was not unexpected.
     The only thing that surprised her was the Yu-Xi. It was hard to bear, and the talent was not bad. It was very good.
     Yu Ru asked Yu-Xi in a whisper, saying:
     “4th Mei Mei, Teacher, what are you looking for in the past?”
     Looking at the Yu-Xi looks like a bad thing.
     Yu-Xi didn't hide it, and said something.
     This time, not to mention jade and jade, that is, Yu-Chen is shocked:
     "4th Mei Mei, you said you can write with your left hand? Is this true?"
     Yu-Xi smiled and handwritten his name on the left:
     "Yesterday, I couldn't write my right hand, so I wanted to try my left hand with a whim. I didn't expect to write with my left hand, but the words I wrote were not very good."
     Yu-Chen's eyes are a bit complicated.
     This is Yu-Chen has always been accustomed to the fact that it is stronger than the people, and the Yu-Xi has the same color than her, and the heart is naturally not a taste.
     Yu-Xi didn't know what Yu-Chen thought. She only thought that Song Governess didn't object to her writing with her left hand today.
     Then she could change her left hand after the right handwriting was tired.
     Shen Mama knows that Yu-Xi has got Song Governess and looks different.
     "Miss, this makes Song Governess look in the eye. As long as Miss continues to work hard, it is impossible to say that Song Governess will also accept Miss as a student." That is definitely a happy event, she can also follow the light.
     Yu-Xi smiled and asked:
     “Do you think Song Governess will choose me not to choose 3rd sister?”
     Fang Mama did not think about making Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen, the two are not at a level:
     "Song Governess didn't say that he only chose 3rd Miss alone. If you have the likes of Teacher, it is not impossible for both to be accepted as students."
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     "I hope so, but it's hard." Deep inside, Yu-Xi also hopes to learn from Song Governess. However, she has self-knowledge, and this idea is difficult to achieve.
     In the evening, Yu-Xi is doing his coursework, and Shen Mama comes with a bowl of bird's nest porridge and says:
     "Miss, eat the bird's nest porridge first, eat it and then write it!"
     Yu-Xi is a bit strange:
     "The bird's nest is not finished? Today, the aunt sent the bird's nest again?"
     In the last life, she didn't care about anything, so it caused her mother to leave her precious jewelry missing. Now Yu-Xi has learned the lesson, and she knows everything about the Rose Garden. In this way, it is not afraid that people around me will bully her and make things that will damage her interests.
     Shen Mama shook her head and said:
     "This Shi Old Ma-dam rewards Miss, and Jade Miss just sent it." This means that Miss got the Song Governess compliment and the reward from Old Ma-dam.
     Yu-Xi is not happy, just ask:
     "Is it just one person, or both?"
     She doesn't want to be special.
     Shen Mama said with a smile:
     "3rd Miss also has it."
     Yu-Xi sighed, just do it, and after a few, I finished eating a bowl of bird's nest porridge, and then continued to write.
     Shen Mama was a bit disappointed, she worked hard for so long, but 4th Miss still didn't want to go to Old Ma-dam. 4th Miss is especially assertive, not what she can do. Can't be old Ma-dam like it, 4th Miss will always suffer in the future.
     At this time, Yu Ru wrote the coursework under the open window.
     When the bamboo raft entered the house, he saw the window open and was ready to go forward. Yu Ru stopped her and said:
     "I am a little hot, don't shut."
     As a close-knit Servant of Jade, how can you guess the idea of ​​jade?
     "Miss, do you really want to do this? Miss, once you do this, there is no room for regret." She also felt her own Miss, but always felt that the first exit was very face.
     Yu Ru looked at the hand that had been swollen and could not disappear.
     "I won't regret it." She didn't have three Mei Mei smart, and she didn't have the perseverance of 4th Mei Mei. She couldn't stand it. In order to guard against being laughed at, you can only use this bitterness.
     The bamboo pole is somewhat sad:
     "Miss, think about it again. I heard that it was just a few days in the first few days. It would be better if you passed the first half of the month."
     Yuru shook his head and said painfully:
     "I can't keep going for a day." Her left hand was almost ruined, and her right hand was almost ruined. Don't say that she was not willing to wait for half a month.
     Zhu Xi sighed slightly and she knew Miss. Now Miss can't stand the pain, and when 3rd Miss and 4th Miss learn, her family Miss will regret it. But she also knows that it is useless to say anything now.
     Yu-Xi did not see Jade in class, and in my heart, was this a retreat? Yu-Xi always thought that the first thing to retreat was the jade, but I didn’t expect it to be jade.
     When resting in the middle, Yu-Xi heard the poem:
     "The doctor said that Miss is physically weak, and this time is overworked.
     The doctor said that the Eldest Miss needs to be raised." The doctor also said that Eldest Miss will not come to school again.
     Yu Xi knows that after a cold cry, she said:
     "Is it sick?"
     I don't blame Yu Yu for this suspicion. It is really a teaching method like Song Governess that is tormenting people. She can't stand it anymore. If Ta Concubine was forced, and the prospect of marrying into the high gate was lured, she gave up.
     Yu-Chen took a look at the jade and said:
     "Bai Da Fu is a famous doctor in Capital City. He can't tell lies." Eldest Miss is also half transparent in the house. Where is this ability to let the white doctor help her to falsify.
     Yu Yu looked at Yu-Xi with a puzzled face and said:
     "Say, why are you not sick?"
     Before the smallpox, Yu-Xi was sick and sick, and the four worst non-Yu-Xi were the ones. Now Song Governess is so tossing, Yu Ru is sick, and Yu-Xi is nothing. Yu Xi thinks this is a bit of a wicked thing.
     Yu-Xi said with a blank expression:
     "My body has been well-regulated." In the past six months, she has worked hard to exercise, plus a proper diet, and a nightingale at night, the body is much better than before.
     The jade snorted:
     "It’s hard to say that you are hard, or else..."
     Yu-Chen said with a cold face:
     "Second-sister, some words can't be said indiscriminately." With a reputation of hard life, it is difficult to marry Yu-Xi in the future. Yu Xi casually ruined Yu-Xi for a lifetime.
     Although Yu Xi was very dissatisfied with Yu-Chen, she looked at Yu-Chen's indifferent look, and she did not dare to say anything else. In fact, Yu Xi still has some Yu-Chen's heart.
     Yu-Xi is not willing to carry a hard-nosed name, looking up:
     "I am a big bail, I will have a blessing, and my blessing is still behind!"
     Yu Xi was greeted by the Yu-Xi villain.
     The results are rather bleak, ask for the recommended tickets, collections, and messages. In addition, at night, add more, nine o'clock.
     Yu-Xi took the initiative with Yu-Chen:
     "3rd sister, wait for the afternoon to see the big-sister, okay?"
     Yu-Chen has some surprises. In the Yu-Chen impression, Yu-Xi has always been faint to them, sisters and sisters.
     They are not alienated, but they are not close, but they are optimistic about Yu-Xi. She is still very happy:
     "Okay, go together."
     After lunch, I took a break and Yu-Xi started writing big characters again. After writing a hundred words, I put down my brush and ‘called and said:
     "I don't know when it will end." She is now squatting and smashing the test of Song Governess. She does not believe that Song Governess will be so tossed for three consecutive months. To be so tossed, no one can stand it, Yu-Chen is no exception.
     In order to cheer Yu-Xi, Shen Mama said:
     "It will be good for up to half a month."
     Yu-Xi is hoping for hope. Rubbing my eyes, nowadays not only the shoulders and the hands hurt, but her eyes are often sour and sour. Yu-Xi suddenly remembered one thing. Yu-Chen has a tank of fish in the house.
     The fish tank is still colored, and you can clearly see the fish swimming freely in the green grass. She looked very envious, but now, Yu-Xi thinks that the fish tank may not be just a good look. Yu-Xi said:
     "Shen Mama, don't you think there is something missing in the room?"
     Shen Mama knows that Yu-Xi is sure to have something to say. Yu-Xi rarely talks to her unless something happens. Of course, Yu-Xi rarely talks to the Ink and the Ink, but does not let Shen Mama doubt:
     "Miss, what's missing in the house?"
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "If you have a tank of fish in the house, it looks pleasing to the eye."
     Shen Mama thought she knew the meaning of Yu-Xi, and some said it was difficult:
     "Miss, 3rd Miss, the fish tank is her glass fish tank is sent by Pingqing, not the house."
     Yu-Xi really wants to vomit, why do you think that she is yelling at Yu-Chen one time, in the eyes of these people, she is so shallow, or that she is small and wants to see good things. . Yu-Xi suppressed the uncomfortable feelings of his heart and said:
     "I didn't say that I must have a glass fish tank. I just want to raise two fish in the house. It's not bad to look at the fish when it's okay." Although she didn't know what the role of a tank fish in the house, she learned Yu -Chen acting is guaranteed to be correct.
     Shen Mama couldn't guess the idea of ​​Yu-Xi, but still nodded:
     "it is good."
     In the afternoon, Song Governess said that after school, Yu Xi immediately packed up and left Yulanyuan.
     Yu-Xi looked at the jade that was ready to go back and asked for something:
     "Second-sister, don't you go with us to see the big sister?"
     Yu Xi said:
     "I still have something to do, and I will go see the big sister again in the next day."
     Yu-Chen secretly shook his head, this second-sister is really spoiled, and the sister-sister friendship is ignored:
     "4th Mei Mei, let's go!"
     When the two men walked and talked, the journey became very short, and it seemed like a blink of an eye to the jade-like yard.
     The jade yard did not grow flowers, but planted jujube trees, which seemed a bit monotonous.
     When the two entered the house, they saw a jade that was pale and bloodless in bed. Yu-Xi was very worried to go to the bed and asked:
     "Big-sister-sister, are you better?"
     Yu Ru nodded:
     "it's better now."
     Yu-Chen said with concern:
     "Big-sister, you have to take care of your illness. You don't have to worry about your work. When you are sick, I will lend your notes to you. You will be able to catch up." Yu-Chen really thought that jade was too laborious. Sick.
     Jade said with a weak voice:
     "I was afraid that I couldn't keep up with the delay for a few days." Don't say that I have to wait for a few days, and I can't keep up without delay.
     Yu-Chen did not notice the bitterness in Yu words and said:
     "Big-sister doesn't have to worry. When you are sick, let's ask for Song Governess and let her give you a private lesson."
     If Yu listened to this, he coughed hard. She is so easy to get rid of Song Governess, she is sick and sent to the door, she is not looking for abuse!
     Yu-Xi looked at the performance of Yuru, and more and more determined that jade was deliberately sick. However, she is not prepared to go deeper. Jade is not related to her.
     "The most important thing now is to raise the disease first. Others have to wait until the disease is good." As far as Yuru is like, he will never go to school again after he is sick.
     The two accompanied Yu to say a small conversation and left.
     Zhu Yu looked at the look of jade like a tangled face, whispered:
     "Miss, don't think too much, it's the most important to raise your body."
     Yu Ru said in a low voice:
     "I won't regret it." She said no regrets, but she saw that the innocent Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi were still unsuccessful. Why are they the Di Daughter, why they are so loved and loved, everything is good.
     On the way back, the waiter lowered his voice and said to Yu-Chen:
     "Miss, I just inquired about it. Eldest Miss didn't close the window and was blown away by the wind last night. Eldest Miss was blowing the wind to infect the cold." It was easy to hear such important news, and Yu Yu yard management How loose is it.
     Yu-Chen squinted, Big-Sister should not do such a thing!
     The waiter thought that Yu-Chen did not hear her words, and said:
     "Miss, Servant can't be careless enough that even the windows are not closed. And it has been good all the time, how can the window of yesterday end be closed?"
     Yu-Chen looks good and says:
     "If you talk to me, don't talk to the second person.
     The Grandmother is not allowed to say that." She had just not thought about it before. Now she said that she naturally doubts. Yu Ru has always been good, only after five days of study, where is the disease. It’s just that it’s not good to say it, so she doesn’t want to pay attention to it anymore.
     Old Ma-dam and Qiu-shi actually know that Jade is deliberately ill to escape school, but no one has dismantled it, or asked her to take medicine.
     Song Governess did not slow down the teaching process because Yu was sick. She only spent a day and a half to finish the family name. In the afternoon, she said the advantages and disadvantages of the three students.
     This time Song Governess praised Yu-Xi:
     “4th Miss has made great progress, but it still needs to continue.” Yu-Xi gave Song Governess a big surprise.
     Yu-Xi is a bit shameful.
     There is praise, and there are also criticisms.
     The object of criticism is naturally jade:
     "2nd Miss, you haven't finished the course in the past few days. If you do this again, you won't use it in the future." You don't have to finish the homework, you don't have to beat the heart. Yu Xi now focuses on the endorsement, homework. It was not completed once.
     Yu Xi looked white, she worked hard for so long, but she didn't want to be evicted from the classroom again by Teacher:
     "Teacher, I will work hard."
     After class, Song Governess called Yu-Chen in his own room:
     "3rd Miss, these two days are much worse than the previous days. What is the reason?"
     This should not happen with Yu-Chen's qualifications. Song Governess is still very concerned about this already-determined student.
     Yu-Chen's face is red, but under the pressure of Song Governess, she can only say:
     "I am practicing writing with my left hand these two days."
     Song Governess took two seconds, but it quickly reacted:
     "Are you because 4th Miss writes with his left hand, so he wants to learn to write with his left hand?"
     Yu-Chen slowly lowered his head.
     Song Governess thinks that Yu-Chen is too strong and says:
     "3rd Miss, have you heard that the three hundred and sixty lines are the best?"
     Yu-Chen nodded and said:
     "I heard that.
     This means that no matter which line you do, you must do it well and let others not match."
     Song Governess couldn't help but sigh, Old Ma-dam's expectations for 3rd Miss were too high, causing her to grab more than others. I don't know if it is a heavy burden for children:
     "Three hundred and sixty lines are the top picks.
     This means that no matter which line, there will be excellent talents. Just like chess in the chess world, there are paintings in the art world... and one person is impossible. Learn everything from everyone."
     Yu-Chen understands what Song Governess is saying:
     “What does Teacher mean? 4th Mei Mei writing with my left hand is a waste of energy?”
     Song Governess nodded and said:
     "Yes, you have the time to train your words better or do other things."
     Yu-Chen's face is somewhat unnatural.
     Song Governess really likes Yu-Chen, and she has taught Yu-Chen as her own student, otherwise she will not say these things today:
     "3rd Miss, you are talented and start a lot higher than others, but no matter how talented you are, you can't finish everything. 3rd Miss, you have to know that one energy is limited."
     Yu-Chen knows that Song Governess is good for her, but still says:
     "Teacher, I have to learn to play poetry and poetry." This is the task that the Grandmother has given her, she can't avoid.
     Song Governess says:
     "If you want to learn, I will teach naturally, but 3rd Miss, you have to remember that there is a difference between learning and learning."
     Yu-Chen said very sincerely:
     “Teacher, I remember. I will study hard and learn these things well.”
     Song Governess saw the point. Although Yu-Chen is somewhat proud and proud, but can accept the opinions of others, this is very good:
     "You are the most talented child I have ever seen. As long as you can work like this, the future will be absolutely extraordinary." This is not a compliment, but Song Governess's expectation for Yu-Chen.
     Yu-Chen said with a smile:
     "Thank you Teacher."
     Yu-Xi looked back and looked relieved. Yu-Chen couldn't help but sigh.
     There is a different teacher's guidance. With a famous teacher, there will be fewer detours. Today Yu-Chen is still very young, but Yu-Chen, who grew up, is all excellent, and everyone around him can't breathe. Even if she is now, she is a bit shameful.
     The three-character scriptures were taught with only a five-day period. Next, Song Governess began to teach "Thousand Characters."
     Yu-Xi looked at the book "Thousand Characters" and suddenly fell into irritability.
     Ink asked:
     "Miss, what's wrong?"
     Yu-Xi is a little annoyed:
     “It’s a little tired to write, I want to go out and go.” Looking at the book, Yu-Xi thinks of a question. Can she really change her fate by learning these things? Really seeing difficulties or falling out, can these things help her? Obviously, no.
     Yu-Xi walked in the garden and thought about it, the wind blew, and a scent of scent came.
     Ink Yu knew that Yu-Xi was in a bad mood and wanted to say something that made her feel relieved. She said with a smile:
     "Miss, the golden laurel planted in this garden is late, but the scent is particularly rich, and the small half of the garden is the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus."
     Yu-Xi listened to the words of the daisy and went straight to the osmanthus tree, looking up at the tall and thick osmanthus tree. Her mind couldn't help but think of it for safety when she fled on the day. She wiped a grass with a stench. It is precisely because of this stench that everyone has retreated to her, thus preserving her, and an idea has risen in the mind of Yu-Xi.
     Song Governess finished the "Thousand Characters" in just three days, then talked about "Female Rings" two days later, and then began to talk about "The Analects of Women".
     These books Yu-Xi have been previewed a few days ago, so it is not too hard. However, I don’t know what happened. Yu Xi turned out to be angry. When I was in class, I listened carefully and listened, and the coursework was completed on time. Even the texts and analysis were very good. Yu-Xi is not worse than Yu Xi performance, but Yu Xi progress is too great, compared to Yu-Xi.
     Yu Yu said with a smile:
     "4th Mei Mei, still have to work hard!"
     Yu-Xi turned his head and ignored the sarcasm of Yu Xi. She is very clear about the temperament of the jade, not a person who can eat hard, and it must be tricky when it changes so big.
     Mo Ju really wants to spray a jade face, not looking at her age, her family is a few years old, and even has a face to ridicule her family Miss. On the way back, Mo Ju said indignantly:
     "Miss Miss is not beaten in these two days. She has not been beaten by Teacher a few days ago. It is still a good idea to ridicule Miss you." Honest people also have anger.
     Yu-Xi Yatou said:
     "It's really that I didn't do it well, I have to work hard."
     Mo Ju wants to cry:
     "Miss, you have worked very hard, and I try harder. I am afraid that you can't eat Miss. You must take care of your body!" Miss her mother slept every day for two days, and she got up at the beginning of the day. After losing a big circle, the meat that was just raised is gone, and she is distressed when she squats.
     Yu-Xi smiled:
     "I won't turn the cart before the horse." Learning things is important, but it's important to be important, but the body is stunned.
     In the next few days, Yu Xi always wanted to push Yu-Xi down, and even proactively challenged Yu-Xi. Unfortunately, Yu-Xi ignored her at all, and she sang a one Man show by herself.
     The jade is so irritated.
     Ink peaches brought a set of green and green clothes to Yu-Xi.
     When I saw it, I found that the clothes were big. Yu-Xi took off her clothes and said:
     "Take it and change it."
     Sitting back in front of the dressing table and looking at the mirror, Yu-Xi couldn't help but touch his face.
     The little meat that had been raised in the past few months disappeared.
     Yu-Xi put on a set of pink clothes and went to Yulan Court with ink chrysanthemum.
     Ink is talking to Shen Mama with a frowning face:
     "Mama, isn't this the way to go? Miss's body can't afford it." The new clothes were made a month ago, and now they can't be worn.
     The clothes can't be changed now, but she is worried that Miss can't eat.
     Shen Mama can't do anything, Miss can't keep up with the process if he doesn't fight like this:
     "I will let the kitchen do something more delicious." The table is full, and Miss can eat more. Can eat, have physical strength and will not be beaten.
     Mo Tao is very anxious, but she has no way to solve this problem.
     Yu Xi saw a cup of Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
     "4th Mei Mei, how is the book back today?"
     After Yu Yu thought that he would suppress Yu-Xi, he would be very proud.
     Yu-Xi looked at the still-looking jade and said with a blank expression:
     "It’s all back."
     Yu Xi smiled very proudly:
     "Be careful not to answer well, but also to approve Teacher's approval." After that, I ignored Yu-Xi and went straight into Yulanyuan.
     The smoky face is red.
     Yu-Xi is not angry, angry with jade, can't make it.
     Yu-Chen looked at Yu Xi very disapprovingly.
     The performance of Yu-Xi was not worse than her. However, it was praised twice by Teacher, and it was like this? What can be said?
     Yu-Xi saw the Analects that were sent to the hand. Yu-Xi has nothing to dislike, just thinking about learning Confucius's Analects, which means learning "Academy", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "Mencius", which makes Yu-Xi, which is thought to be free, I want to cry.
     When Yu Xi stood up, he asked:
     “Teacher, I don’t understand why I want to learn The Analects?”
     Song Governess said with a blank expression:
     "What's wrong? You don't want to learn?"
     Yu Xi does not want to learn, because she feels that learning this is useless. Learning this is not something that is good for fame like learning chess and calligraphy:
     "Teacher, "The Analects of Confucius" is a book for scientific research. It is useless for us to learn." Yu Xi said that it is a waste of time to learn this.
     Song Governess doesn't like jade, but she doesn't want to go to a female student. She asked Yu Xi:
     "Then you said, what are you doing with me?"
     What Yu Xi wants to learn is such things as ‘zither’ chess and painting. I want to be a talented woman. I will marry into the high gate later, but I can’t say this:
     "Reading with Teacher is naturally for learning."
     Song Governess did not pay attention to the jade, but turned to ask Yu-Chen:
     "3rd Miss, what do you mean by reading?"
     Yu-Chen thought about it and said:
     "Reading is for the sake of the Governor."
     Yu-Xi sneered at this. Jiang Hongjin's cell-sister, her last life little sister Jiang Yan also has the talented woman in the capital, but she is so bitter, sultry and sinister under private circumstances, and she is completely out of touch with the Governor of Mingli.
     Song Governess nodded:
     “3rd Miss is very good. Reading is for the sake of the Governor. Reading the book will look at things in the long run.”
     Yu Yu mouth, but she is now not daring to refute the words of Song Governess.
     After class, Ding Pozi said with dissatisfaction:
     "Teacher, these 2nd Miss is too arrogant." Such a person must have a reason to drive her out.
     Song Governess smiled:
     “Miss everyone has a temper.”
     Ding Pozi is a bit strange:
     "Before the second Miss performed so badly, it is very good now, Teacher, will there be any tricks in it?"
     Song Governess didn't think much, just said:
     "Eldest Miss is open."
     Ding Pozi has some doubts, but there is no evidence. It is not good to rashly say that it is a crime to offend the main family. Her master is just a teacher, although she has a great reputation, she can't offend Duke for this little thing.
     Yu-Xi holds the Analects in her hand, thinking that there is still a pile of things that can't be learned. She feels that the future is dark. Yu-Xi looked at her small body and she wondered if she could hold on to the end.
     Moju sees Yu-Xi, and whispered, whispered:
     "Miss, isn't Song Governess criticizing you?"
     Yu Xi performed well, and the Yu-Xi performance was not so good.
     Yu-Xi shook his head:
     "No, just a little tired."
     Mo Chi again hurts his own Miss, and dare not let Yu-Xi not learn this. Or let Shen Mama know that she has delaminated skin.
     Yu-Xi went to the mouth and went straight to the main courtyard. However, she did not stay in the main courtyard for a long time. It is really that her time is too tight. Today, Yu-Xi can't hate twenty-four hours a day.
     Out of the main courtyard, I happened to meet Yuru. Yu Ruru said with concern:
     "4th Mei Mei, you have lost so much, you can be careful!"
     Yu-Xi cried with a smile:
     "I know, thank you big-sister care." With the look of Yuru, you know that recovery is almost the same.
     After walking away, Mo Ju whispered:
     "Miss, what does Eldest Miss mean?"
     Ink is honest, but not stupid, she can feel that the Eldest Miss is not a good word.
     Yu-Xi chuckles:
     "Big-sister, this is caring for me." Is it really concerned and is open to question?
     The more you want to think, the more you think the Eldest Miss is wrong:
     "Miss, how do I feel Eldest Miss? Is this cursing you sick?"
     The tone of this statement is not as if I want her family Miss to be like her. If she is sick, she does not have to learn. Ink had previously felt that jade was warm and amiable, but now she feels that the Eldest Miss is out of date.
     Yu-Xi smiled lightly. Sometimes she wondered if all the auras in Duke house had gone to Yu-Chen alone. Otherwise, why a few Miss Yu-Chen in Duke House can become the queen of the crown of the harem, but no one else can get it? She has lived a lifetime and she is not smart enough to go anywhere.
     Back to the main courtyard, Yu-Xi began to endorse.
     This is also the learning method summed up by Yu-Xi. It is familiar with the text first, and then you don't have to read the book when you are doing the coursework.
     The speed is much faster.
     Yu-Xi The only thing that is fortunate today is that the memory of this life is better than that of the previous life. Otherwise she couldn’t hold it anymore:
     "Zi Zi, learning and dying, not to mention..." Once again, the endorsement of the book once again in the mind to retell all the fonts, which can deepen the memory.
     After dinner, Yu-Xi asked Shen Mama who was next to her when she was eating:
     "Where did you hear that it was better if you passed the first half of the month?"
     Shen Mama replied:
     "It's all said outside."
     Yu-Xi shook her head helplessly, she thought more. However, the first half of the month is really testing the perseverance of the students, but with the Song Governess temperament, even after half a month, it will not be easy in the future. Cough, I don’t know when this deep water is a hot day. Yu-Xi didn't want to retreat, but she felt that her body couldn't bear it.
     Shen Mama thought that Yu-Xi couldn’t help but want to quit, and said:
     "Miss, it’s harder and harder, Miss has to hold it!" The performance of Yu-Xi has made Shen Mama no longer expect Song Governess to accept her as a student. She only hopes that Yu-Xi can finish the front. Months.
     Yu-Xi laughed, and unless Song Governess rushed her away, she would never voluntarily quit. Although this time is very hard, she did learn a lot of things, these things are not in the textbook. Just, she is worried about one thing now:
     "Reassured, I will not quit halfway. I just feel that I have some strengths lately. I am worried that I will not be able to continue this way."
     Shen Mama was shocked, but she was not too bad at Yu-Xi, a little relieved:
     "Miss don't worry, ask a doctor to come over and give Miss a good look."
     Yu-Xi specifically said this to Shen Mama, just to let Old Ma-dam know, so that a doctor can help her adjust her body.
     There is still more tonight.
     Yu-Xi arrived at Yulanyuan and found himself to be the latest one. She did not care, but late is not late, she will hold the Wenfang Sibao and "The Analects of Confucius" and seize the time to warm books.
     Jade smiled:
     "The teacher is coming soon, you are learning too late."
     Yu-Xi ignored her and worked hard.
     When Yu Yu saw Yu-Xi ignore her, the more angry she was:
     "I am talking to you, do you ignore it?"
     Yu-Xi looked at the jade, sneered and said:
     "Then you want me to come back to you? Could you still want me to say that you have ridiculed me three times and four times, I am not angry at all?"
     After a pause, Yu-Xi chuckled:
     "Second-sister, I am wondering, how do you mean to ridicule me? I am only four years old this year. You are already eight years old. Isn’t it better for you to perform better than me?"
     Yu Xi suddenly changed his face:
     "When did I ridicule you?"
     Yu-Xi sneered:
     "Speaking of me, I am a little puzzled. I have lost a lot of time with my 3rd sister. I have not only lost my spirit but also so good. Can you tell us how you did it?"
     Yu-Xi directly said that Yu Xi was guilty.
     Yu-Chen listened to this and looked up at Yu Xi. Seeing Yu Yu as Yu-Xi said, not only is it thin but it seems to be fatter. Song Governess She has learned everything she teaches now, so she has lost a lot of time during this time. Yu Xi has no foundation, but her state is better than herself.
     This is not Yu-Chen.
     Yu Yu ‘called with anger:
     "what do you mean?"
     Yu-Xi shrugged and said:
     "I just said that the second-sister, you have any good learning methods, but you are not filthy." Yu-Xi is obviously saying that there is no silver in this place.
     Yu Xi hated the roots and itched, but she was afraid to say more and more mistakes. She simply took a look at Yu-Xi and remembered the account in her heart, waiting for it to be counted later.
      Sister-sister dispute, the outside Servant naturally knows that I will tell Ding Pozi about it now. Ding Pozi originally suspected that the jade was falsified, but there was no evidence. Now, after listening to Yu-Xi, he is more sure of his own guess and immediately told Song Governess about it.
     Song Governess is not suspicious of jade, not that she is stupid and can't see jade falsification, but she has never encountered such a thing for more than ten years.
     Those Miss can't stand her strict teaching methods and will only withdraw from illness or find other reasons.
     These Miss didn't think about making a fake, but the cost of making a fake is too big. Once they are discovered, they will have a bad reputation.
     They will be ruined in their lifetime. No one will take their own life to gamble.
     Therefore, Yu Xi performed well during this time. Song Governess only thought that she started to work hard, but she did not doubt her fraud.
     Ding Pozi said:
     "Teacher, I think these 2nd Miss are wrong. Today, 4th Miss's words reminded me."
     Song Governess was silent for a moment:
     "Take the second Miss's coursework." Back to the text analysis of the text these things are personally assessed by her, can not be fake, if the fake can only be in the coursework.
     Ding Pozi quickly took Yu classwork and made it into a pile.
     After reading the course of Yu Yu, Song Governess was covered with anger.
     This word is so vivid, how can Ding Pozi discover it.
     That is, she did not seriously check, and it is not likely to see the difference:
     "Okay, very good!" Dare to dare to do this, let her not be angry.
     Ding Pozi knows that Yu class is a ghostwriter and very angry. It’s really disgusting to deceive her and Teacher with this way of doing things:
     "I didn't expect this 2nd Miss to be so bold? Teacher, I will drive him out now."
     Song Governess is more sensible:
     "No, this is not a good thing." If she is now driving out the jade, it will be spread out. Not only is the reputation of the jade broken, but the reputation of Duke Miss will not be good. You can't impede a few other Miss for a mouse.
     Ding Pozi is annoyed:
     "Teacher, can't you forget that?"
     Song Governess naturally won't be like this:
     "I have a lot of things in my heart."
     When the class time is up, Song Governess converges on the mood as usual.
     There is no such thing as a jealousy in the middle, as usual, no difference.
     At noon, Ding Pozi watched Song Governess not move and asked:
     “Teacher, I can go and talk to Han Old Ma-dam now.”
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     "A few days later."
     Ding Pozi does not understand:
     “Why are you going to be a few days?”
     It’s not right to tell Han Old Ma-dam about it right away, and then don’t let the second Miss come to Yulanyuan. Ding Pozi doesn't understand what Song Governess thinks.
     Song Governess did not explain. But Ding Pozi, who knows her well, quickly asked:
     “ Teacher, are you afraid that this will affect 4th Miss?”
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     "Not all." Song Governess is a bit of a scruples, Yu-Xi found problems, she did not find this teacher, this is a serious dereliction of duty.
     Yu-Xi returned to the Rose Garden not long after, the doctor came over, came to the white doctor.
     This white doctor was not the one who gave her the smallpox.
     The two were family members.
     After studying the pulse, Dr Bai said:
     "Miss has no serious problems, but it is a little tired and needs a good rest."
     Yu-Xi smiled bitterly, where did she take a break to rest!
     Dr Bai is familiar with things in Duke and knows why Yu-Xi is overworked. See Yu-Xi like this, said:
     "The old man opened a recipe for food supplements. Miss had to eat for a few days. I will come back for a visit later."
     Yu-Xi nodded.
     In the daytime Yu-Xi, let Yu-Chen remember in mind. Yu-Chen looked at Old Ma-dam and said it to Han Old Ma-dam.
     Yu-Chen means to check if Jade is really ruined in time. Otherwise, Duke reputation will be broken, and she is afraid that it will annoy Song Governess because of this incident. Song Governess resigned in the wrath and she didn't cry.
     Han Old Ma-dam frowned:
     "Four Yatou is gibberish, are you serious?"
     When she took the big child with one hand, she would be led by the four Yatou.
     Yu-Chen shook his head:
     "No, the Grandmother, the second-sister's recent reality is abnormal." Everyone has learned the Enlightenment book, and Yu Xi has performed so badly. Nowadays, Song Governess teaches a lot of things, and the jade is better than before. How strange it is.
     Han Old Ma-dam was silent and said:
     "I will let people check this, you don't care." Han Old Ma-dam thinks it's all four Yatou gibberish.
     Old Ma-dam had someone in the Yiran Court and got the news the next day. Luo Mama said:
     "Old Ma-dam, already asked, the second Miss is very hard this day, doing homework very late every day, and getting up early in the morning."
     Old Ma-dam asks:
     "What can be unusual?"
     Luo Mama shook her head and said:
     "No, everything is good, there is no abnormal place."
     Old Ma-dam listened to this and felt dissatisfied with Yu-Xi.
     This Yatou didn't know what it would be like to say so.
     Luo Mama said something good for Yu-Xi:
     "Old Ma-dam, in fact, can't blame 4th Miss. I have already inquired, and the second Miss has been looking for 4th Miss's trouble these days. 4th Miss was just annoyed yesterday, and it is not a fake thing. "A four-year Old child, there are so many eyes."
     Old Ma-dam thought about the performance of Yu-Xi during this time, but didn't say anything more:
     "Speak to Shen Mama and guide the Yatou."
     Yu-Chen heard that Yu Xi had no abnormalities and raised her brow, but she did not object to the filial piety of Old Ma-dam.
     Yu-Xi is not Yu-Chen, she simply does not believe the results of this investigation, but she can not openly refute this result, just smiled and said:
     "I didn't say two-sisters' fakes. I just want to know if the second-sister has any good learning methods. If I learn, I don't have to work so hard."
     Shen Mama jumped and she thought that Yu-Xi would question this decision, but she didn't expect Yu-Xi to not accept it at all. Shen Mama found that she was too late to see 4th Miss.
     Yu-Xi ignored Shen Mama and went to school with a bitter face. Now I have a layer of scorpion on my hand, and I won’t get any more blood bubbles. It’s not so painful to hold the pen.
     It’s been a few more days.
     Servant came back to Song Governess, and Han Old Ma-dam heard some surprises. Except for the first day, Song Governess has never been to the house for the past half-month!
     Luo Mama went out to welcome Song Governess into the house.
     After Song Governess sat down, there was no turning around and saying:
     "Old Ma-dam, this time there is actually something to tell Old Ma-dam."
     Han Old Ma-dam Seeing the look of Song Governess, you know that it is not a good thing:
     "Song Governess, please."
     Song Governess said that Yushu academic hand is a human thing:
     "Old Ma-dam, I won't teach such a child, please ask Old Ma-dam forgive me."
     Han Old Ma-dam has changed:
     "Song Governess, you must have made a mistake." If it is like Yu, she has no objection because she can't afford such a large amount of courses and uses the way of sickness. However, the behavior of Yu Xi is the reputation of all Miss in Duke.
     Song Governess looks a bit and says:
     "Old Ma-dam, if there is not enough evidence, I won't be joking about the reputation of a student. Old Ma-dam, I don't want to leave things to tell you about it." As long as the jade is no longer coming Yulan Garden is just like it. As for how Han Old Ma-dam handles the jade, it is not within her scope. Of course, it was handed over to Han Old Ma-dam, and the reputation of Yu Xi was definitely preserved.
     Han Old Ma-dam experienced heavy winds and heavy rains, which made her embarrassed, but did not let her lose her sense of proportion. Sending away Song Governess, Han Old Ma-dam told the emerald and said:
     "Go and call Rong Concubine with the second Miss." The jade is fake, and Rong Concubine must be an insider.
     Rong Concubine heard that Old Ma-dam passed her to the main hall and knew that it was not good, mainly because she was guilty, so Old Ma-dam was inexplicably called to her, she was a little worried.
     Rong Concubine is busy calling his Servant to the front yard to send a letter. It wasn't that she was too careful, and Shi Old Ma-dam was too embarrassed to make Rong Concubine feel scrupulous.
     Yu Xi did not know that this matter was related to her. Instead, she reconciled Rong Concubine and said:
     "Mother, we let people know. When the Grandmother is in trouble, we will protect us."
     Rong Concubine smiled a bit. If she changed to a former woman, she wouldn't worry at all, but she wouldn't expect it now. Rong Concubine didn't want to show her in front of her daughter, so she said with a calm smile:
     Rong Concubine entered the house with a jade and saw the raging Han Old Ma-dam. Rong Concubine was in a hurry and hurryed to the ground.
     Han Old Ma-dam pointed at the jade and roared:
     "The things that are done under the hood are not left behind, and the face of the Han family has let you throw it away." In order to achieve the goal, it is really ruined, it is really muddy.
     When Rong Concubine heard this, he knew that the jade was afraid of being discovered.
     They were so careful, but they did not expect to be discovered.
     Yu Xi did not expect that even she would be embarrassed:
     "The Grandmother, what did the granddaughter do to make you so insulting me?"
     Han Old Ma-dam saw that Yu Xi dared to talk back, and picked up the Qing lian tangled teacup at the table and smashed it.
     The teacup lingered on the head of the jade, and the forehead had a big bag. Han Old Ma-dam does not hate at all:
     "You still have a face to ask me, what do you do yourself? You don't know?"
     Fortunately, Song Governess gave this to her, or else I didn't know how to end it.
     Yu Xi touched the big bag from the head and cried and said:
     "The Grandmother, what did the granddaughter do wrong? Let you do this to me?"
     Han Old Ma-dam sneered:
     "You really don't see the coffin without tears. You are right? Then tell me who did your classwork do for you?"
     There was some illusion in the eyes of Yu Xi, but soon she raised her head and ‘called:
     "The Grandmother, is it that Han Yu-Xi ran to you and talked nonsense? The Grandmother, Han Yu-Xi, she just can't see me, she is jealous of me, so it will smear me."
     Han Old Ma-dam is angry and laughs.
     Luo Mama saw that Yu Xi was really not decent and said:
     "2nd Miss, saying that your homework is not someone you wrote, not 4th Miss is Song Governess."
     Yu Xi is a little panicked:
     "The Grandmother, I didn't ask someone to write a lesson.
     The Grandmother, I didn't do anything like this, the Grandmother, this must have been wrong with Song Governess?"
     She can't tell the difference between the two, how can Song Governess be divided.
     Han Old Ma-dam sneered:
     "I got it wrong? You mean Song Governess is yelling at you?"
     Yu Xi quickly said:
     "The Grandmother, definitely Song Governess, listened to the provocation of Han Yu-Xi, the Grandmother, please let me confront Han Yu-Xi."
     Han Old Ma-dam is very disgusting with Rong Concubine, and he doesn't like jade. If it wasn't for the removal of Rong Concubine that she was afraid of hurting her mother and child, she would start early.
     Yu Xi is dead and not willing to admit that he is guilty:
     “The Grandmother, Song Governess has never liked me, she is taking the opportunity to drive me out.”
     Han Old Ma-dam can't listen anymore, I have seen stupid, but I have never seen such stupidity. Han Old Ma-dam Looking at the jade, and looking at the Rong Concubine on the side, she was too lazy to argue for this issue, only to ask Rong Concubine:
     "Let's say, who wrote the classwork for Miss?"
     Where does Rong Concubine admit:
     "Nothing, the second Miss's coursework has always been done by himself." This thing, can be squatting or squatting.
     Luo Mama stood up and said:
     “Rong Concubine, 2nd Miss, Song Governess didn’t look for Miss, but told Old Ma-dam that it’s a private solution to the problem and not let Duke face lose face. If you must have Song Governess come over , annoyed Song Governess, as long as Song Governess said that Miss is not good, the second Miss's reputation is over."
     The jade face is white.
     Han Old Ma-dam only stares at Rong Concubine and says:
     "Don't tell the truth?"
     She had checked it last time, but she had not checked any problems.
     Rong Concubine bit his teeth and said:
     "It was my Servant A Juan who helped write it."
     Han Old Ma-dam snorted, who helped the jade to replace the class, she already knows how to do it, but she doesn't want to go deeper, and when she goes deep into it, it's no big deal for anyone.
     "Who is the idea of ​​asking people to do the coursework?"
     Rong Concubine said:
     "It’s a servant who sees Missi too hard, so let the arbitrarily let A Juan help with some of the coursework."
     Han Old Ma-dam hasn't spoken yet, Servant said:
     "Old Ma-dam, Your Grace is here."
     Your Grace looks at the love that squats on the ground and the girl is crying, and turns to ask Han Old Ma-dam:
     "Mother, what's wrong with this?"
     Han Old Ma-dam said:
     "Luo Mama, you tell him about it."
     Your Grace listened to Luo Mama retelling face and looked stiff, and looked at the jade:
     "Is this really true?"
     Yu Xi wants to say no, but there is Old Ma-dam, and she said that the lie is useless.
     Rong Concubine cried and said:
     "Old Ma-dam, Old Master, 2nd Miss is too hard, the servants can't bear to let Servant help with the coursework.
     This is a servant servant fault, Old Ma-dam and Old Master have to punish, blame the servants! ”
     Your Grace sees the sorrowful look of Rong Concubine, and his heart is soft, telling Old Ma-dam:
     "Mother, it’s not a big deal, as long as Song Governess is not pursued."
     Han Old Ma-dam didn't expect much from his eldest son many years ago, but I heard that Your Grace said it was not a big deal, or I felt that my heart was blocking a stone:
     "Is it necessary to defeat the reputation of Duke House? It is a big event."
     Your Grace looks at her mother and asks:
     "Mother, how do you want to punish them?"
     Han Old Ma-dam listened to this resentful words and said:
     "Yu Yu copied the "Female Ring" a hundred times, and didn't have to come out after reading it."
     Rong Concubine was in a hurry, regardless of the fear in his heart, said:
     "Old Ma-dam, Yu Xi still has to go to school. Can you let Yu Xi copy it later?" Even if you want to punish, it should not be like this.
     Han Old Ma-dam used to think that Rong Concubine was very smart, and now it is also an idiot. When the mother-in-law does not lead by example, it helps the child to falsify. Concubine is Concubine and can't get on the table. Han Old Ma-dam has some regrets. In fact, the things of the jade in the past can be seen as an idiot.
     The child's retirement is also expected.
     When the jade was born, Rong Concubine wanted to give Yu Xi a good origin, so he wanted to remember the jade in the name of Qiu-shi. Qiu-shi did not refuse at the time, but said that the child had to be raised because she was in her name. As a result, Rong Concubine did not want to, she was afraid that Yu Xi would give Qiu-shi a raise, and she would be challenged by her mother and daughter.
     Rong Concubine thought that Qiu-shi would compromise under the pressure of Your Grace. As a result, Qiu-shi was not allowed to bite, but even if he almost turned his face, Qiu-shi did not agree.
     This last thing is gone.
     Han Old Ma-dam said:
     "Song Governess didn't go to the school to blow her out of the school. It was already in the face of Duke. You are still whimsical to let two Yatou go back to school?"
     Rong Concubine, holding the thigh of Your Grace, cried and pleaded:
     "Your Grace, Yu Xi is just a moment of confusion, can't just break her future."
     Your Grace can't bear to talk to Han Old Ma-dam:
     "Mother, talk to Song Governess and give Yuhua a chance!"
     Han Old Ma-dam is too lazy to say anything to this son, only:
     "In order not to lose the face of the house, I will say that she is sick."
     Yu Xi realized the seriousness of the matter and cried and said:
     "The Grandmother, I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong, and asked the Grandmother to give me another chance." She thought it was a seamless thing, but she didn't expect it to be discovered.
     Han Old Ma-dam shook his head and said:
     "You have wasted two chances yourself, and you can't blame anyone."
     Your Grace was silent and asked:
     "Mother, talk to Song Governess again!" Your Grace still wants to fight for this benefit for her daughter, after all, is his most loved daughter.
     Han Old Ma-dam is saddened to see Your Grace. If the eldest son was not taken up by Popo in the past, she would never become what she is today. Even if Old Ma-dam is dead, Han Old Ma-dam still hates her:
     “Song Governess didn’t say this to the face of Duke house. Don’t think about it any more.”
     Your Grace knows that there is no room for change.
     Han Old Ma-dam looked at Rong Concubine, who was lying on one side and pale, saying:
     "Rong Concubine will be sent to the temple tomorrow."
     Your Grace immediately said:
     "Mother, it is a punishment for the wrong mother, but it is not so bad to send it to the temple. Let her stay in Yiran!" It means that she is under house arrest in Yiran.
     Old Ma-dam didn't want to hurt her mother-in-law and had been patient. However, Rong Concubine repeatedly violated her bottom line and immediately angered:
     "Come on, drag Rong Concubine down to me. Now I am sent to the temple." Looking at Your Grace, who still wants to talk, coldly said:
     "Do you still want to disobey your filial piety?"
     Old Ma-dam used to be filial to pressure Your Grace, this is the first time.
     Your Grace trembled and didn't dare to plead.
     Rong Concubine saw it and fainted.
     The jade ‘called and burst into tears, shaking the arms of Rong Concubine and ‘calling:
     "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you?"
     Han Old Ma-dam looked at Rong Concubine on the floor in disgust, and he was still not so tired for more than a decade.
     Your Grace Said:
     "Go to the doctor."
     Han Old Ma-dam didn't want to see Rong Concubine anymore, and he didn't want to hear the cries of the dead people, and told people to bring Rong Concubine to the Yiran.
     After an hour, Luo Mama walked in a weird way and said:
     "Old Ma-dam, Rong Concubine has been around for a month." If it was sent to the temple, then Rong Concubine would have no chance to turn over.
     This pregnancy has to say that Rong Concubine is lucky.
     The 1st House is now only two sons, and now that Rong Concubine is pregnant, Old Ma-dam has to keep this child.
     Han Old Ma-dam no longer hates Rong Concubine and will not joke about the child:
     "Let her stay in the Yiran Courtyard." I paused and said:
     "For this time, don't spread it out, let the second Miss serve in the Yiran Courtyard! As for other things, you should handle it cleanly."
     Luo Mama Shi Old Ma-dam's confidant, Old Ma-dam's thoughts how much she can guess one or two:
     “Old Ma-dam means dealing with people around Rong Concubine?”
     Han Old Ma-dam said:
     "Selling several Pozis around her." Can't dispose of Rong Concubine for a while, and Pozi around her can still handle it. Without these minions, Rong Concubine couldn’t turn the waves.
     The results were bleak and the tears ran.

     Chapter 25 Shelves  

     Rong Concubine knew that she was pregnant and wept so much. She hoped that her son had been waiting for so many years, but did not expect that the child came when he died.
     Rong Concubine touched her stomach and said:
     "Son, you are a mother's little lucky star." If this child is not in time, she will be sent to the temple.
     Yu Xi can not think so much about his brother, and asks:
     “Concubine, what should we do now?”
     It is imperative to solve the immediate situation.
     Rong Concubine sighed slightly:
     "In this time, we have a good illness in Yiran." This child has a talisman, but Rong Concubine also knows that if she dares to borrow this child, Old Ma-dam will not move her now, wait for the child to live. I will definitely find her after I have settled down.
     Yu Xi is not willing:
     "Concubine, I have shorted them in my identity. If I missed the opportunity this time, I will not be able to stand up in front of them."
     Rong Concubine poked the head of the jade, and hated the iron and said:
     "You regret it now? How did you listen to it when you let you do your work well? Have you regretted it late?"
     If it wasn’t for Yu Xi long-suffering, from early morning to late, and even said that she would withdraw from the disease, she would have come up with such a next step.
     When the mother and the daughter were talking, they saw Luo Mama coming over. Luo Mama didn't have much nonsense, and took the two close-up Servant around Rong Concubine with Pozi.
     Rong Concubine was so angry that she didn't dare to confront Old Ma-dam. Now that Now Grace is no longer protecting her as she used to, she is still low-key. Moreover, it is important to be important now, but the children in the stomach.
     Yu-Xi saw that she only had Yu-Chen in her class. It shouldn't be. Yesterday, I was still stunned, and the jade and jade were different. If Jade couldn't keep up with the learning process, Yu Xi recently performed well.
     With full questions, Yu-Xi asked Hong-shan after class.
     Hong-shan's eyebrows are all laughing, and if Miss is gone, she can no longer bully her master:
     "Miss, yesterday, Rong Concubine was ill, and the second Miss waited for Rong Concubine all night and was too sick."
     Yu-Xi is very skeptical about the authenticity of this news. It is not like the filial daughter who can wait for people to sleep all night without sleeping.
     “How is Rong Concubine sick?”
     Hong-shan shook his head and said:
     "I don't know. Old Ma-dam called Rong Concubine and 2nd Miss in the evening. It was said that Rong Concubine was carried out. It didn't take long for the doctor to come." Pozi mouth next to Old Ma-dam The clam shell seems to be very tight, and she can't find useful news.
     The news was still heard from Pozi, the roughman in the yard of Old Ma-dam.
     Yu-Xi thinks this should not be as simple as it seems:
     “Does Old Ma-dam see anyone before calling Rong Concubine and Missi?”
     Hong-shan thought about it:
     “Yes, Song Governess went to see Old Ma-dam.”
     Yu-Xi understood it, fearing that the second-sister’s falsification was dismantled by Song Governess. Yu-Xi is actually a bit puzzled. She can see that there is a problem. How can a person like Song Governess find out that the jade is falsified? What is sick, if she guessed it is correct, Rong Concubine is sick, and it is true to cover the jade.
     The jade is not coming.
     There are only two students in the class, Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen. By this time, Yu-Xi is not willing to hide again. After the Tibetan Mastiff, Yu-Chen would compare her to the slag. Even if Yu-Xi strives to perform, it is only a good match with Yu-Chen. Yu-Xi knows that Yu-Chen still has to practice ‘zither’ painting in his spare time. In contrast, Yu-Xi is still a foil.
     What Yu-Xi didn't know was that her performance had scared Song Governess. She thought that Yu-Xi couldn't keep up with the process, and still wondered when Yu-Xi could last. I didn't expect Yu-Xi to give her such a big surprise.
     When it was a holiday, it happened to be raining.
     Yu-Xi stood at the door and looked at the raindrops that floated like pearls from time to time, ‘calling:
     "It’s hard to put two days off, it’s raining.” There are two days off in a month, which is prescribed by Song Governess and also allows students to relax. Of course, Yu-Xi can't relax. Once relaxed, it is very likely that you will not be able to keep up with the process.
     In rainy days, embroidered shoes are easily wet.
     Shen Mama said:
     "Miss, I will take you over!" Miss of the big family is very delicate, and the four-year Old Miss is going to go shopping and what is held by people.
     Yu-Xi is not willing to:
     "No, I walked over." She is not really only four years old. She is already in her twenties. How do she think about how to be awkward.
     Shen Mama is very determined to see Yu-Xi, and she has taken a step back:
     "Miss, how to be careful, from the Rose Garden to the upper house there is also a quarter of an hour, the shoes will always be wet. If Miss is cold, it is the sin of the old servant. Miss, let the old servant back you Let's go!"
     When Immy sees Yu-Xi, she still doesn't want to, saying:
     "Miss, if your clothes get wet, Old Ma-dam will have to blame us for being careless."
     Yu-Xi didn't know where the old Ma-dam came from. She told me to let her go to the house today use breakfast, otherwise she wouldn't have to go out today. Yu-Xi thought about it:
     "Mama is older, let Hong-shan back!" Hong-shan Shi Old Ma-dam's Servant, now going to Old Ma-dam, must not be able to drop her.
     Yu-Xi is on the back of Hong-shan, and Shen Mama is holding a blue cloth umbrella. Walking in the drizzle, Yu-Xi couldn't help but reach out and touch it, the rain was cold and cold.
     Shen Mama quickly said:
     "Miss, don't play, it will catch cold." Now this day, it is the easiest to catch cold. Now Miss is no better than before, and now I still eat the recipes that the doctors open every day!
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     “I’m not so delicate.” Ever since she studied with Song Governess, Old Ma-dam’s attitude towards her is getting better and better. She is not really only four years old, and Old Ma-dam is sure to have a big change in her attitude. However, there is no choice in her current situation, only the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth.
     When I arrived at the house, Old Ma-dam didn't show too much enthusiasm, which made Yu-Xi very relieved. If she came to a grandparent, she wouldn't know that she could not stand it.
     Servant Jade said:
     "Old Ma-dam, breakfast is ready, you can eat."
     The breakfast is very rich, with glutinous rice porridge, dumplings, crystal shrimp dumplings, lily cakes, plum cakes, as well as six kinds of side dishes such as spinach, crispy Jiang silk, and cucumber sauce.
     There is also a bird's nest mushroom soup.
     Yu-Xi looked so delicious, and the stomach began to ‘call. I don't know if it is the shadow left in my life. Now she is the most hungry.
     Shangfang the chef's craft is definitely the best in Duke house.
     The taste of the things that are made is not much better than the big kitchen that is, Fang Mama can't match.
     Things are delicious and eat too much. Yu-Xi ate a bowl of glutinous rice porridge, two dumplings, six crystal shrimp dumplings, and the small dish could not eat a lot. Finally, I drank a small bowl of mushroom soup.
     When Yu-Xi was eating, Old Ma-dam looked at her more than once. At the end, Old Ma-dam's brow was wrinkled to catch two flies:
     "Four Yatou, look at how your 3rd sister used things?"
     Such a starving ghost is reborn, and the uninformed person glimpses, and thinks Duke is harsh on her.
     Yu-Xi just cares about eating, and I will pay attention to Yu-Chen. It’s now reminded by Old Ma-dam that you don’t want to pay attention.
     Yu-Chen eats very slowly, chewing slowly, and taking chopsticks to pick vegetables is also very elegant. A good show for everyone.
     Yu-Xi was a little discouraged, and she became a foil when she had a meal. I don't know the days of this foil, when will it end.
     After eating this, Servant came up with a bowl of goat milk eggs. Yu-Xi regrets a little, knowing that she will not eat so full, this goat milk egg is delicious at first glance. Although it is full, but Yu-Xi still take a sip, how to taste it! If she wasn't stared at Old Ma-dam, she really wanted to eat the bent goat's milk and it was delicious.
     Han Old Ma-dam couldn’t help but said:
     "Is your daily diet so unrestrained?"
     I don't know how Shen Mama is serving. Four Yatou doesn't know how to persuade.
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     "No. It's just that today things are really delicious, so I can't help but eat more."
     Han Old Ma-dam's face was eased and said:
     "In the future, you need to pay attention to the fact that things are good and good, and overeating is bad for your health." Han Old Ma-dam is very particular about health, otherwise it will not be well maintained.
     Yu-Xi is honestly.
     After breakfast, Yu-Xi is going to the main Courtyard. Yu-Chen came out and said to her:
     "4th Mei Mei, I will go to the house tomorrow, you will go with me!" Yu-Chen's embarrassment is Pingqing Hou, and now it is the left-hander of the Ministry of Military Affairs.
     Yu-Xi is not willing to start:
     "3rd sister-sister, no, I want to take the two days to review my homework. Otherwise, I am afraid I will be beaten again." Fortunately, now Song Governess is just doing it, it doesn't hurt, but Yu -Xi still feels quite faceless.
     Yu-Chen did not force, smiled:
     Old Ma-dam heard Yu-Xi refused Yu-Chen's invitation, held the hand of the beads, and said to Luo Mama:
     "This Yatou mind is a bit deep, let Shen Pozi look at it, if there is anything wrong, tell me immediately."
     Luo Mama is busy.
     Yu-Xi only went to the main house twice this month, and every time he came and went.
     This time, Yu-Xi had time to accompany Qiu-shi for a long time.
     ‘Lu Yin walked in and said:
     "Ma-dam, Rong Concubine said that the stomach is a little bit painful, please ask the doctor." Rong Concubine did not preach the pregnancy, but it still could not escape Qiu-shi eyes. Just because Old Ma-dam didn't let her voice, she didn't dare to act rashly.
     Yu-Xi looked at Qiu-shi look and stood up and said:
     "Aunt, I still have a bunch of classes, I will go back first."
     When I went out, it was already raining. Yu-Xi said:
     "Go to the garden." The garden after the rain is definitely more beautiful.
     Yu-Xi cried, has always been the foil of others, this life is hard to force!

     Chapter 26 Conflict  

     Going to the garden, a burst of autumn winds, a burst of light floral paving. Although it is late autumn, but in the rain of drizzle, the garden is also very life.
     Yu-Xi is enjoying the chrysanthemum, and she sees the jade coming over with two Servant. Yu-Xi smiled and said:
     When Yu Yu saw Yu-Xi, her eyes were full of resentment, and if it wasn't for Yu-Xi Song Governess, she would know what she was doing. She has not only lost the opportunity to learn from Song Governess, but she has been locked up for so long. Yu Xi called to the people around him:
     "Go away."
     Shen Mama and Hong-shan and other people looked at the appearance of Yu Xi, where dare to go away, what should I do if I walked away from my own Miss.
     See you not only Yu-Xi, but the Pozi around Yu-Xi is not angered:
     "Give me away." If she doesn't walk away, she must have a good Yatou look.
     Yu-Xi ignored the jade, only said:
     "Let's go back!" It was hard to come out and walk away. As a result, the garden was so big that it could meet the jade, which was really unfavorable. .
     The most annoying thing that Yu Xi has always been is Yu-Chen, always a faint look that does not put people in the eye. But the Yu-Chen background is too hard, and there is Old Ma-dam protection, she is angry and dare not do anything about Yu-Chen. But Yu-Xi is different. She used to see that she only hides and now dares to ignore her, which makes her tolerate. I rushed forward and grabbed the arm of Yu-Xi and said:
     "Don't go."
     Yu-Xi watched the jade hold her arm and fired it:
     "what are you doing?"
     In Yulanyuan, she is scrupulous of Song Governess and she has a lot of tolerance. Now the school can't go, why should she endure it. Yu Xi said with a smile:
     "What do you say I do, your broomstick?"
     After that, after a violent push.
     Yu-Xi didn't mention that the jade would push her crazy, just like the water on the green brick behind it, Yu-Xi slipped and fell to the ground.
     Everyone was shocked in an instant.
     Yu-Xi hurts to cry on the ground, but the jade is only cold:
     "It’s quite like it." After saying this, Yu Yu went to his yard and did not put the Yu-Xi in his heart.
     The cloud and the cloud are scared. Yun said with great courage:
     "Miss, let's see how 4th Miss is going?"
     Yu Xi couldn't see what he was doing today, but the two Servant knew very well that Yu-Xi is not the 4th Miss who was forced to be bullied by her Miss. And Old Ma-dam's attitude toward 4th Miss has changed, and this time Miss is definitely not good.
     The jade is cold and cold:
     "Is there any good-looking? It’s just a push, and I can’t die.” The attitude of Yu Xi is not without reason. At the beginning of the year, she pushed Yu-Xi off the steps and Yu-Xi fell. In the ground, the arm was wiped and bleeding, and the result was ruined by two words, nothing else.
     Cloud looked at Yu attitude and became more worried. It’s just that Yu temper is not good. If she says that she is impatient, she can catch something and kill you.
     Therefore, Yunqi is worried again and does not dare to persuade.
     Shen Mama first reacted and rushed to Yu-Xi, and asked anxiously:
     "Miss, Miss, what's wrong with you?"
     Yu-Xi is better, but the legs are particularly painful:
     "Shen Mama, my legs hurt." Her feet are ten.
     Shen Mama wants to pick up the Yu-Xi and touch the legs of Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi is so ‘calling:
     "It hurts me, it won't be."
     Shen Mama ‘called to the side of Hong-shan:
     "Go to 1st Ma-dam and tell 1st Ma-dam Miss that his leg is hurt." Turned and said to Yu-Xi:
     "Miss bears, the doctor is coming soon."
     Hong-shan couldn't take care of the image and ran to the main courtyard.
     Shen Mama saw the Yu-Xi yelling at the touch and thought about it:
     "Go and lift the soft couch." Since you can't hold it, you can only carry it back.
     Qiu-shi is talking to the manager, and I heard Hong-shan coming over. Seeing the red-eyed Hong-shan, I was busy asking:
     "what happened?"
     Hong-shan said:
     "Also please 1st Ma-dam and give us a doctor to Miss."
     Qiu-shi is shocked:
     "What happened? Just fine, how come out of such a big thing?"
     Hong-shan said the conflict just now.
     Qiu-shi heard the anger, this jade is getting more and more embarrassing. But now is not the death of the jade, she immediately told people to ask the doctor, and then rushed to the Rose Garden to see Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi saw Qiu-shi and hugged her at the moment. :
     "The big aunt, my legs hurt. Big aunt, is my leg broken? Big aunt, am I going to be a blind man?"
     She used to be wronged and hid and cried, and now she is no longer stupid. If he is wronged, he has to say it. She will not do it when she hides in the bed and cries.
     The Pozi around me heard such a sad cry, and my heart was awkward. Moju and the peaches cried directly.
     Qiu-shi said to her,
     "Nonsense, the doctor will certainly be cured. Forbearance, the doctor will come soon."
     Yu-Xi ‘called mute, and the doctor came over.
     This doctor is a doctor who is good at treating bone injuries in Capital City. He checks the feet of Yu-Xi and says:
     "Miss is twisting to the hamstring."
     Qiu-shi asked:
     "Doctor, it’s a hundred days of injury. Does the child have to lie in bed for three months?"
     The doctor looked at the Yu-Xi eyes red like a rabbit, and he calmed:
     "No, Miss just twisted the ribs, and didn't hurt the bones, don't worry." After that, the doctor took the ointment to Shen Mama and asked her to apply Yu-Xi.
     "Ah..." A ‘calling ‘calling sounded three miles away, and the birds on the tree were so horrified that they fled around.
     The people in the Rose Garden listened to this miserable cry, and they all had a chill in their hearts.
     Qiu-shi looked at the Yu-Xi who was fainting, very worried:
     "Doctor, are you not saying that it's okay?"
     The doctor did not think that the Yu-Xi was installed.
     The Miss of the big family was very charming. It was normal to be so painful. It was not strange to faint:
     "Ma-dam don't worry, Miss is fainting, so when you wake up, it's okay."
     When Yu-Xi woke up, she saw her left foot wrapped like a scorpion, and grabbed the ink chrysanthemum sitting on the edge of the bed and asked:
     "How is my foot?"
     Mocha said hurriedly:
     "Miss don't worry, the doctor said that as long as you hurt your hamstrings, it will be good to take a rest for two days."
     Yu-Xi looked at his own leg and suddenly asked:
     “How do you say the Grandmother?”
     If she does not let Yu Xi learn the lesson, she will never give up.
     Ink also hates the jade:
     “Old Ma-dam has closed the second Miss to the Buddhist temple and asked the 2nd Miss to copy the Buddhist scriptures.”
     First, Rong Concubine made her almost lost her life. Now, the jade has come to provoke her, and Yu-Xi hates it. It’s just that she wants to deal with it now and it’s impossible. Let’s not say that she doesn’t have the ability yet. She just like Shen Mama and Hong-shan, she doesn’t dare to act rashly. Cough, Yu-Xi feels too weak, wants revenge but has no ability, and lives a lifetime.
     Qiu-shi was also very angry with this incident, and she thought that Old Ma-dam’s punishment was also very light. If the jade bully is Yu-Chen, see if Old Ma-dam will only blame the jade for penalizing the Buddhist scriptures.
     Li Mama felt that this time was still good, and this time it was closed to the Buddhist temple. Last time, it was not painful to say two words:
     "Ma-dam, now the top priority is the piece of meat from Rong Concubine." Rong Concubine has been petting for so many years, this time it is easy to have a Lian Concubine to get some favor, if you let Rong Concubine have a son, don't let Rong Concubine It’s smashed again.
     Qiu-shi shook his head and said:
     "We can't touch this thing." Deep down, Qiu-shi also hopes that Rong Concubine can't keep it, but she can't do it.
     There are too few children in Duke, and every child, Old Ma-dam, values ​​it.
     Li Mama sighed in her heart, her master was too good, and she always cared for Old Ma-dam.
     In the evening, Qiu-shi went to the Rose Garden to visit Yu-Xi. When I arrived at the house, I saw Yu-Xi lying in bed reading a book, and I was very invested. Even Qiu-shi didn't know.
     Qiu-shi is a little distressed and said:
     "If you have a broken leg, take a rest and read what book."
     Yu-Xi shook his head:
     "I can't sleep anyway, it's better to warm up the book. Otherwise, when the class is over, Teacher will come back and check it out.
     Then I have to worry about it."
     Qiu-shi is a bit strange:
     "You have this leg, and what are you going to the school? Just take a look at Song Governess."
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "I just hurt my leg and didn't hinder the class." She will not be obstructed when she attends class, but her homework is not finished. However, Yu-Xi feels that Song Governess should not be so demanding.
     Qiu-shi touched the head of Yu-Xi, and his heart was mixed.
     Yu-Xi looked at Qiu-shi face and said:
     "Auntie, I was broken last year. I scratched my arm at the beginning of the year. Now I twisted my leg. I don't know if I want my life next time."
     These things are still what Mo Ju just told her. She has no memory of these things. After all, she has not been prepared for Yuye for twenty years.
     Qiu-shi, when listening to Yu-Xi, is also very uncomfortable in my heart:
     "You don't have to worry, this time Old Ma-dam will shut the second Miss to the temple, this time definitely let her be taught.
     Yu-Xi said that this is not a sympathy, but a purpose:
     "Aunt, I want a powerful Servant, it is best to buy it from outside." If you choose a family in the house, because of the scruples, it is estimated that you are afraid to start with jade. If you buy it outside, the body is held in her hand, and then personally tutoring, it should be very obedient.
     Qiu-shi hesitated, but under the pleading of Yu-Xi, he finally agreed:
     "When you get the right one, buy it back. At that time, the aunt will send you a contract with you."
     Yu-Xi nodded busy, only holding the other's body contract in her hand, was equal to controlling her body and killing power, then she was completely her.
     On the way back, Qiu-shi asked strangely:
     “What does Yu-Xi mean? Why do you have to buy a Servant outside?”
     Li Mama said with a smile:
     "The Servant relationship in the mansion is complicated, and it is not necessary to go outside to find a clean and industrious Servant. It will be easy to call up later." There was a previous murder of Rong Concubine, and there was a constant insult by 3rd Miss. 4th Miss must be hateful. Rong Concubine and the jade. 4th Miss is no longer the child who has been obeyed before, nor does she know what she will do. Li Mama sometimes feels incredible, but it has changed so much.
     The doctor's medicine was very good. On the second day, Yu-Xi feet were swollen, but because the doctor said that he still had to stay in bed for a few days to heal, so Pozi around him would not let her get out of bed. Yu-Xi thought about going to the school tomorrow, and told Shen Mama to find four rough bosses, and she would carry her to Yulanyuan tomorrow.
     Shen Mama persuaded Yu-Xi to say:
     "Miss, it's important to study, but the legs are more important. It's not too late to wait until the legs are good."
     Yu-Xi said:
     “Song Governess teaches one day to be equal to other teachers for four or five days. Do you think I can keep up with my legs?”
     The homework for one day can't keep up, let alone a few days. It’s not easy to get the chance, she won’t give up so easily.
     Ink has said anxiously:
     "Miss, but your legs can't go, you can't listen to classes when you go to class!"
     Yu-Xi laughed:
     "I was hurt on my lap, and I didn't hurt my head and hands. How can I not listen to the class?"
     Can't walk or hug, lying on the soft couch is the safest.
     Han Old Ma-dam and Qiu-shi have no objection to Yu-Xi decision. It is a good thing for children to be motivated, and Darens will block it.
     On the second day, Yu-Xi was lifted to Yulanyuan.
     Song Governess came back in the morning and didn't know about the Yu-Xi leg injury. When I heard that Yu-Xi was lifted, I immediately walked out. Just seeing Yu-Xi being put on the chair by Shen Mama, went up and asked:
     "4th Miss, what's wrong with your legs?"
     Yu-Xi is somewhat embarrassed to explain:
     "Teacher, I accidentally sprained my foot yesterday.
     The doctor said that he couldn't move, he couldn't give Teacher a gift, and he asked Teacher for forgiveness." The reason for her injury, Song Governess, can be inquired from other sources, but she can't say it from her mouth.
     Song Governess took a look at the Yu-Xi. She has been teaching for so many years, and many Miss can't stand her teaching methods for various reasons. For example, if she is sick or injured, she can bring injuries to the classroom for the first time:
     "So, you should raise it, how come you go to school?"
     Yu-Xi said:
     "I am afraid that I can't keep up with my homework. Besides, I just hurt my leg and didn't hinder the class. I just can't finish the classwork that Teacher has arranged. However, when my legs are good, I will definitely make up for it." No problem, you can write so many words.
     Song Governess looks great and says:
     "No problem."
     During the class, Song Governess did not let her back the text because of Yu-Xi leg injury. Fortunately, Yu-Xi is not lazy because of a leg injury, otherwise it will have to be beaten. It is also awkward to say, Yu-Xi has been beaten once.
     During the break, Moju sees Song Governess out of the classroom and arrows rush into the classroom. Looking at the Yu-Xi who is packing things, I was busy asking:
     "Miss, your leg hurts?"
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "I am fine." In addition to writing slower, others are as usual.
     Thinking of this, Yu-Xi said to Yu-Chen:
     "Sister 3rd, can I take a look at your notes?"
     The words are written slowly and cannot keep up with the pace of the Teacher.
     Yu-Chen nodded with a smile:
     "Well, I will give it to you after class." Because Yu-Xi was injured in school, Yu-Chen was very satisfied with her.
     The behavior of Yu-Xi proved that Miss of Duke House was not so weak.
     After class, Song Governess said to Yu-Xi:
     "At noon, you will rest in the room next to you, and you will save back and forth."
     Yu-Xi knows that the house next to it is simple, but there is a flaw in the house, as long as it is covered with a bedding:
     “Thank you for Teacher.” Song Governess is still somewhat human.
     Not long after lunch, Ding Pozi told Song Governess what he heard:
     "4th Miss's legs are not her own, but Miss is pushing her to the ground."
     Song Governess has a cold cry, and it is really helpless. Song Governess thought of one thing and asked:
     “Why is the 4th Miss temperament so big?”
     Hearing, and seeing, the sac, the suspicion of not being able to Song Governess.
     Ding Pozi hesitated, whispering to Song Governess:
     "At the beginning of the year, 4th Miss had a smallpox, and Han Old Ma-dam gave the doctor who was 4th Miss a doctor halfway.
     The people at Duke said that 4th Miss had a hard life and couldn't die anyway."
     Song Governess asks:
     "Speak clearly, what is going on?"
     Ding Pozi will hear the news before and after:
     "4th Miss was a weak temper and was bullied and not snoring. But after the smallpox, the temper changed greatly.
     This is why the news we got was so different from the actual situation."
     Song Governess doesn't look good:
     "There is still such an biasity." For the grandson to be able to set the granddaughter's life, such an elder is really chilling. After experiencing such a thing, 4th Miss's temperament is also very normal.
     Ding Pozi is actually worried. 3rd Miss grew up in Old Ma-dam. If you are also learning Han Old Ma-dam, it is not beautiful:
     “Teacher, 3rd Miss is very talented. Only one such grandmother, I am afraid that 3rd Miss is also affected.”
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     “3rd Miss is still young, even if it is influenced by Han Old Ma-dam. As long as I teach well, there will be no problem. It is 4th Miss...” After a pause, Song Governess whispered:
     "What is the doctor's business, 4th Miss is still ignorant?"
     Song Governess goes back to this question, because there are things that people will help hide.
     Ding Pozi said:
     "I definitely know. I listened to Pozi, the day when the doctor didn't come, it was the day that 4th Miss woke up." Even though 4th Miss was sick, people would definitely tell her afterwards.
     Song Governess is in deep thought.
     Ding Pozi added:
     “Teacher, 4th Miss is sick, Old Ma-dam sent her mother to her manager Mama, and now Mama, who is in charge of the Rose Garden, is a person who is close to Servant Ma-dam.”
     Song Governess has a slightly changed face, and Han Old Ma-dam is too much behavior:
     “How did 4th Miss settle her Mama?”
     Taking advantage of Yu-Xi, this manager Mama should not be ignored.
     Ding Pozi said with some emotion:
     "This Mama made a steamed buns. 4th Miss gave her a steamed buns. I heard that the business is very good. Now I can earn thirty or forty Silver Taels in a month! I heard that these silvers have given 4th. Miss used." The name is to give the manager Mama a bun shop, in fact, to make money for themselves money.
     Song Governess whispers:
     "You said that I was a bit stunned by 4th Miss."
     Ding Pozi also felt that Yu-Xi made her a little scared:
     "Yeah, a child who has just learned the problem can still be so calm when he encounters such unfair things. It is really not easy." Her mother is also early, but she is not as terrible as 4th Miss.
     Song Governess also thinks that Yu-Xi is too precocious, but it is not difficult to understand what she has encountered:
     "From the point of view of Mama, 4th Miss's heart is still good."
     Yu-Xi didn't know that Song Governess was talking to Ding Pozi about her. At this point she just woke up, Yu-Xi didn't take a long nap, only slept for two quarters of an hour, and woke up at the point.
     After the nap, Yu-Xi had time to write big characters, but today she couldn't write big characters, she changed her endorsement. Because it is not in your own yard, the voice of the endorsement is lowered. However, the sound is lower, and I can't escape the eyes and ears of Servant in the yard.
     Ding Pozi heard the voice of the Yu-Xi endorsement and asked Song Governess:
     “Does Teacher accept 4th Miss as a student?”
     Although Yu-Xi performed very well, Ding Pozi felt that Yu-Xi had too much thought.
     Song Governess did not answer this question. Yu-Xi is not bad, but also very hard, but there is still a big gap with Yu-Chen.
     Yu-Xi legs were raised for ten days.
     After the class was over, Song Governess did not go immediately, but left Yu-Chen and Yu-Xi to leave a two-course schedule.
     Yu-Xi looked at the curriculum, which read: learning musical instruments in the morning; learning calligraphy and listening in the morning; learning chess and painting in the afternoon.
     Song Governess looks at Yu-Xi and says:
     "4th Miss, which instrument are you going to learn?" 3rd Miss has learned the ‘zither’ and no longer has to choose. Yu-Xi has never touched the instrument.
     Yu-Xi shook his head:
     “Teacher, I don’t know which instrument to choose?”
     She has never touched the instrument in her life, so she chose to pick it up indiscriminately, and let Song Governess help her choose.
     Song Governess thought for a moment and said:
     "Then you choose the guzheng!"
     Yu-Xi is not very interested in musical instruments, but since Teacher is going to teach her, she will definitely not quit. People like them, even if they are not proficient in music theory, they must have some understanding.
     Yu-Chen said:
     "Teacher, I want to learn the flute again." Only learning the ‘zither’ is too monotonous, at least two lessons are required to get the hand.
     Song Governess shook his head and said:
     "First learn the ‘zither’ and then learn other instruments." Yi Duo does not press, but must be as proficient.
     Yu-Chen nodded.
     Song Governess said before walking:
     "From today, you insist on writing a hundred characters every day. You don't have to hand it over to me after you write it." This means that writing is not entirely conscious, but Song Governess is not worried about being lazy.

     Chapter 28 Choice  

     After Yu-Xi went back, he wrote a hundred characters and then sat in a chair and did not speak for a long time. No one knows what she is thinking.
     Ink chrysanthemum called Yu-Xi:
     "Miss, eat late at night."
     Yu-Xi, this is the time to come back:
     "What did you do today?"
     Ink will put a sweet white porcelain bowl on it and say:
     "Miss, is a three-silver silver fish." Her family has loved fish since she was sick. Nowadays, the kitchen will be fished every other time, and there are many ways to do it, such as braised, steamed, boiled, fish porridge, and fish gizzard.
     Yu-Xi finished eating the fish, and Inoue tentatively asked:
     "Miss, what have you been thinking about? Think so invested?"
     Yu-Xi looked at the daisy and said:
     "Thinking about things." Some things you know, you don't need to tell others, even if this person is confidant.
     Ink has some disappointment.
     On the second day, Yu-Xi went to Yulan Court and saw Song Governess punching in the yard. I was a little surprised. Yu-Xi didn't bother, just asked Ding Pozi, who was waiting by the towel:
     "First, what is this for Teacher?"
     Ding Pozi said with a smile:
     "This is a five-bird show. I insist on being able to keep fit." The teacher persisted for several years and is rarely sick today."
     Song Governess had a serious illness a few years ago. After getting sick, Song Governess felt that his body was not as good as before. Later, I learned this set of five birds, which has been insisted for years.
     Yu-Xi heard that he could keep his body healthy and his eyes brightened.
     Ding Pozi saw the eagerness in the eyes of Yu-Xi and said with a smile:
     "But if you want to learn these five birds, you must insist on it every day. If you can't insist on it, it won't be effective."
     Yu-Xi looked at Song Governess seriously and did not speak.
     Song Governess finished a set of five birds and went into the house to wash. Yu-Chen is just here. Yu-Xi looked at the Servant behind Yu-Chen holding a ‘zither’ and his face was red. She never thought about taking a guzheng. Well, she didn't have a guzheng at all.
     Musical Instrument Room is the room where Yu-Xi rested before. As soon as Yu-Xi walked in, he saw two tables with a ‘zither’ and a guzheng.
     The waiter stepped forward and took the ‘zither’ on the ‘zither’ table.
     The ‘zither’ was used to wipe the table and chairs. At this time, the chess player placed the ‘zither’ on the hand.
     Yu-Xi didn't seem to see the things that these Servant did. He went to the guzheng and dialed a few strings to make a harsh sound.
     Yu-Chen raised his brow slightly.
     Song Governess enters the house and sees the ‘zither’ in Yu-Chen's hand at a glance. He sees the black and red lacquer on the surface of the ‘zither’.
     The broken plum blossoms are intertwined with the snake belly and the back is broken. Song Governess asks:
     “Is this unique?”
     Yu-Chen nodded and said:
     "Teacher, this is a unique relic, a relic left to me by my mother."
     Song Governess nodded and said:
     "Then you should learn the ‘zither’ well, and you will be able to play the music in the future. It is worthy of this ‘zither’."
     Yu-Xi has never heard of the secluded, regardless of her knowledge that this ‘zither’ is very valuable, or else it will not even look at Song Governess. Cough, Yu-Xi looked at the clothes made by Yun Jin on Yu-Chen. She never added the clothes made by Yunjin in her life! So don’t compare it, it’s especially depressing.
     Yu-Chen has been learning the ‘zither’ for more than a year, and playing has long been no problem. But Song Governess said after she played a song:
     "Well, it's very good, it's skillful, but it's still lacking, and you need to practice well." Learn the skills first, then talk about others.
     After completing the Yu-Chen, Song Governess went over to teach Yu-Xi. Yu-Xi has no foundation and must be taught from scratch:
     "When playing, you should use the big hand, food, middle, and nameless four fingers to pluck the strings." After the demonstration, Song Governess said:
     "The left-handed method also has the tension on the left side of the zither and the change of the string sound to adjust the pitch and perfect the melody."
     Then I talked about the fingering when playing the guzheng:
     "The right hand has hooks, brackets, squats, picks, wipes, ticks, beats, shakes, squats, etc., and the left hand has buttons, slides, squats, trembles..."
     Yu-Xi was so dizzy that she didn’t know what she had learned in the morning.
     Because of the tight schedule, the morning breakfast Servant sent the meal directly to Yulanyuan, and the two of them served in Yulanyuan.
     Yu-Chen looked at the 18 dishes placed at the table, and then looked at the Yu-Xi table and placed only six dishes, saying:
     "4th Mei Mei, let's use it together!"
     Yu-Xi shook his head:
     “No need.” Yu-Chen's breakfast is very rich, but the amount is relatively small. She is afraid that she will eat Yu-Chen and she will not be able to eat enough. When Old Ma-dam has to find her.
     Yu-Chen is a little bit uncomfortable in her heart, but she also knows that if she says more, she is afraid that Yu-Xi will be disliked.
     The morning course is ok, Yu-Xi can understand. In the afternoon, it was not so beautiful.
     The chess art has never been in contact with the art Yu-Xi, and Yu-Chen has been learning for more than a year.
     The two were not on the starting line, and Song Governess spoke very quickly, making Yu-Xi grievous.
     After class, Song Governess sent two books, Yu-Xi:
     "This is the game and the album, 4th Miss take it back and have a good look." Learning chess not only depends on talent, but also depends on the day after day.
     Yu-Xi took two books and said sincerely:
     "Thank you for Teacher." Plus the score, there are already three books.
     Back to the Rose Garden, Yu-Xi sat back in the chair and thought of today things, could not help but feel. Yu-Chen learns to play chess and painting like a play, but she seems to be climbing the mountains, especially the guzheng, can be said to be ignorant. Fortunately, she is alive and well in her life. If it is replaced by other people, Yu-Chen is afraid of being tired of learning.
     Yu Ru heard that Song Governess began to teach the chess and calligraphy in the main courtyard, and his face changed. After I went back, I asked the bamboo pole:
     "Let's ask, does Song Governess really start teaching chess and calligraphy?"
     Zhu Qi actually heard the news yesterday evening, but she did not tell Yu Ru, she was afraid that Yu knew that she was not feeling well. Now, I can’t help but think about it.
     If jade hears the news is true, the fingernails are rubbed into the palm of your hand:
     "You said that Song Governess didn't teach ‘zither’ painting at the beginning? Want to teach now?"
     Yu Ru thought that Song Governess only taught his own recognized student chess and painting, and did not know to teach it after a month. If she knew it, she would insist on it.
     Zhu Xi said his own guess:
     "I think that Song Governess must have taken 3rd Miss and 4th Miss." This means that Song Governess is preparing to accept Yu-Xi and Yu-Chen.
     Yuru shook his head:
     "Impossible. Song Governess only wants to teach one student at a time. It is impossible to make an exception for Yu-Xi." Yu-Xi didn't have such a big face to make Song Governess an exception for her.
     Zhu Yan turned to advise:
     “Miss, no matter what Song Governess does, has nothing to do with us.” It’s no longer qualified, and it doesn’t make any sense.
     If Yu listened to this, he was discouraged.
     Learning things, sometimes it is not enough to rely solely on hard work. For example, Yu-Xi, after learning for a little half a month, played the disturbing noise.
     The most important thing is that she doesn't know what she is playing. It's not too shameful.
     Ink sees the frustration of Yu-Xi and comforts:
     "Miss, the music played by 3rd Miss is so good because she has a good ‘zither’. If Miss also has a valuable zither, it must be able to play a beautiful song."
     Yu-Xi means very speechless:
     "This is a talent, it has nothing to do with the sound of the instrument."
     Moju saw the Yu-Xi getting angry and didn't dare to ‘call again. Miss's face was very unattractive on these two days, and I thought it would be because 3rd Miss performed too well and gave it a hit.
     On the second day, Yu-Xi found Song Governess after class, a frustrating look:
     "Teacher, I don't want to learn guzheng."
     Yu-Chen is on the sidelines, and Yu-Xi is under a lot of pressure. Song Governess knows it, but what makes Song Governess unexpected is that Yu-Chen will give up. Yu-Xi has always been very strong to her, not the kind of person who retreats. Song Governess says:
     "Learning things must have perseverance and perseverance. If you can't learn well, give up."
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     "Teacher, chess and art is difficult, but I have learned the threshold after I have learned these days. But I have been studying for such a long time, and I don’t know what I have learned so far. Teacher, I heard that learning music is a matter of learning. Talent, if there is no talent, even if there is perseverance and perseverance, it is useless." Yu-Xi said that she did not have the talent of this aspect.
     Song Governess looked at Yu-Xi and said:
     "Do you want to quit halfway?"
     Yu-Xi corrected the words of Song Governess:
     "Teacher, I am not halfway, but there is no talent in this area. Persevere, just a waste of time." Yu-Xi gave up so quickly, no talent is one aspect, on the other hand she feels that learning musical instruments is useless. Since it is useless, it is better to use this time to learn something useful.
     Song Governess says:
     "Don't dare to argue with me, you are bold."
     Where Yu-Xi is bold, it is completely forced:
     "Teacher, I really can't learn. Teacher doesn't know, when I practiced the music in my yard, Pozi hated not using cotton to plug his ears."
     Song Governess heard this and couldn't help but laugh.
     Yu-Xi See Song Governess still not agreeing, said:
     "Teacher, 3rd sister has been studying for two years earlier than me. She is learning something fast. I am afraid that if I continue to do this, I will not be able to keep up with her process. I will spend more time on other homework without learning music.
     Song Governess heard this and finally nodded:
     "Since you don't want to learn, then forget it." From the performance of Yu-Xi these days, she really does not have the talent for this. Like chess and art, she only needs to teach twice, no problem, but Guzheng repeatedly teaches that teaching ten times is not only useless.
     Yu-Xi is exposed.
     Song Governess said with a smile:
     "Although you have no talent in music theory, but you have a good grasp of color, as long as you study hard, art can certainly learn." Qualification is very important, talent is also important. Yu-Xi is very qualified and has a talent for painting. She does not want to waste Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi is a bit shy and says:
     “Thank you for the Teacher’s compliment.” After a pause, he said:
     "Teacher, I want to learn five birds with you."
     Song Governess is a bit strange, asks:
     “Why do you want to learn five birds?”
     Yu-Xi said:
     "I didn't have a good body since I was a child. I often get sick. Ding Mama said that she has learned the Five Birds Play, insisting on it every day, and will not get sick often in the future, then I don't have to take any hard drugs anymore."
     Song Governess looked at the ruddy Yu-Xi and asked with some suspicion:
     "Do you often get sick?"
     Looking at the look of Yu-Xi is not like a sick scorpion.
     Yu-Xi is embarrassed to say:
     “I used to get sick often, and it’s much better now.”
     Song Governess is a bit confusing, but she did not agree to the Yu-Xi request, just said:
     "This thing will be said next year!"
     Yu-Xi doesn't know why it will wait until next year, but now it is November, and another month will be a New Year. She only has to wait for two months.

     Chapter 29 Nightmare  

     Han Old Ma-dam soon knew that Yu-Xi gave up learning and music, and now he called Yu-Xi.
     Yu-Xi went to the upper house and the rules were fine.
     Han Old Ma-dam put the beads on the wooden table next to the yellow pear, slowly turned his head and looked at Yu-Xi and asked:
     "Why don't you tell us that you don't want to learn music?"
     In the face of Han Old Ma-dam, Yu-Xi is not timid, not even dare to play sloppy eyes:
     "I haven't know anything about it for a few days. Today, I said this to Teacher. Teacher said that I have no talent in music theory. Since it is a waste of time to learn without talent, I will not learn."
     Han Old Ma-dam Looking at Yu-Xi, it looks like you can see Yu-Xi:
     “Is this really true?”
     Yu-Xi is not overwhelmed by the momentum of Old Ma-dam. People who have died a bit, what are you afraid of:
     "If the Grandmother doesn't believe it, ask Song Governess."
     Han Old Ma-dam
     "You are courageous." Without their consent, they dared not to learn the guzheng without authorization.
     The courage was as big as the sky.
     This time, they must be severely punished.
     Yu-Xi smiled bitterly:
     "The Grandmother, not the granddaughter's courage, but I really can't learn. Every time I go to the music class, I am suffering." Yu-Xi See Old Ma-dam, ugly, quickly said:
     “But Teacher said that I have a talent for painting and let me learn to paint.” Painting has a lot of similarities with embroidery. For this reason, Yu-Xi has performed very well in painting. However, Yu-Xi does not intend to spend too much energy on the art of painting.
     The reason is very simple.
     The art of painting is so good. When it comes to the disaster, there is no use for a real surname.
     Han Old Ma-dam's complexion has eased a lot:
     "Reading you is a first-time offense, copying the "Female Ring" three times, handed it to me years ago." Han Old Ma-dam gave a very long time, mainly because the Yu-Xi learning task was heavy, she had to put Long time limit.
     Yu-Xi has no objection.
     Waiting for Yu-Xi out of the house, Han Old Ma-dam said to Yu-Chen on one side:
     "Chen, you can't learn four Yatou." Although Yu-Xi is very hard to learn, Han Old Ma-dam still has no big expectations for Yu-Xi. In particular, Yu-Xi often advocates this and makes Old Ma-dam unhappy.
     Yu-Chen naturally won't learn Yu-Xi, because these days, under the guidance of Song Governess, her ‘zither’ has made great progress. When she meets a good teacher like Song Governess, she will only work harder to learn, and she will give up the opportunity to learn.
     Compared to Han Old Ma-dam's dissatisfaction, Qiu-shi is much calmer. Upon hearing the explanation of Yu-Xi, Qiu-shi nodded and said:
     "If you don't go in, you don't want to learn. If you force yourself to go to school, it is also a crime." In fact, according to Qiu-shi, what is the use of Qinqi calligraphy and painting? In addition to having a good reputation, there is no such thing. Miss, as long as you have learned a female red needle and a housekeeper, that is enough.
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "The aunt's abacus is very good. If the aunt doesn't give up, I want to learn from my aunt!"
     Qiu-shi is not good at intrigue, but there is a lot of care. Not to mention that her dowry has turned several times over the years, she said that under her care, Duke is now able to break even every year. Be aware that the previous Duke House was a deficit every year and the losses were bad.
     Yu-Xi learned the butler with Qiu-shi in the last generation, but began to think that she was married to the autumn family, so she only learned some simple things. When she and Jiang Hongjin decided to kiss, she fell into fear and fear, and there is still a mind to learn this. But now, you must learn to be good. In the feed, it is more practical than the ‘zither’ art.
     Qiu-shi said cheerfully:
     "You want to learn aunt will teach naturally, but you are still young, and it will not be too late to learn in a few years."
     ‘Lu Yin walked in and said:
     "Ma-dam, Lian Concubine is not feeling well and wants to call the doctor."
     Qiu-shi looks very happy:
     "Go and ask Dr Li to see her."
     Yu-Xi thinks Qiu-shi attitude is very strange. Lian Concubine is sick or not and has nothing to do with her. Why is it so happy? It is estimated that something is wrong. Yu-Xi returned to the Rose Garden and asked Hong-shan to inquire about the news.
     Soon, Hong-shan will tell Yu-Xi what he heard:
     "Miss, Lian Concubine is pregnant.
     The doctor said it has been three months."
     Three months, I was deep enough.
     Hong-shan See Yu-Xi, no sound, continue to say:
     "Miss, Rong Concubine has not been full for three months now!" This means that Lian Concubine is pregnant earlier than Rong Concubine.
     Yu-Xi thought of Qiu-shi look and came over. I am afraid that my aunt has long known that Lian Concubine is pregnant, but it also helps Lian Concubine to hide. Yu-Xi smiled indecently and didn't know how Rong Concubine knew what it would be like in the future.
     Rong Concubine knew that Lian Concubine was pregnant, and she was so angry that she had spent most of the furniture in the house, glaring at the Pozi that served her:
     "So big, why didn't the news come out?"
     If Lian Concubine is also a boy, it will definitely affect her child's status.
     Several of the hearts of Rong Concubine were sold by Old Ma-dam, and this Pozi is a latecomer. Rong Concubine had money and means, and soon the Pozi was brought together. It’s just that this rich Pozi has a very shallow foundation.
     There is no power in the house, and people are not very clever.
     The things that are done are not as good as those of Rong Concubine.
     Feng Pozi said:
     "It was also the news that was leaked today.
     There was no wind in the past.
     Rong Concubine hates the roots and tickles.
     This is a ghost of Qiu-shi.
     Feng Pozi reassured:
     "Concubine, you can't be angry. Now it's imperative to have a good baby. As long as you have a son, Concubine has to rely on it for the rest of his life."
     After listening to this, Rong Concubine gradually dissipated and gently touched his stomach and said:
     "You are right, nothing is important to the children in my stomach."
     Feng Pozi sees Rong Concubine listening to her advice and says:
     "Concubine, the old servant said nothing, Ma-dam waited to catch Concubine fault, so Concubine was killed, this time we have to be more careful." Feng Pozi means to let Rong Concubine this time Don't poison Lian Concubine, or else she will suffer.
     Rong Concubine was silent for a long time and nodded and said:
     "I am now in a hurry to raise a good baby." First, make sure that the children of Lian Concubine are male or female. If Lian Concubine is a Miss in the belly, she doesn't need her hands.
     Old Ma-dam knows that Lian Concubine is pregnant, very open-minded, giving people a lot of valuable medicine, and also rewarding several precious jewelry.
     Li Mama got the news to be wary of Lian Concubine, because Lian Concubine not only has the favor of Your Grace but also the value of Old Ma-dam, if she gains a greater threat to Ma-dam in the future.
     Qiu-shi was also a little scared by Rong Concubine. After listening to Li Mama, Shen said after a while:
     “Lan Concubine and Rong Concubine are both pregnant and can't wait for Your Grace. I will arrange two more to serve Your Grace.” Use the beauty to share the favor.
     Li Mama said:
     "Ma-dam, this person has to pick it up." The Lian Concubine picked by Old Ma-dam is not only beautiful, but also has a means to be mindful.
     They can no longer pick up people who have only a face and no mind, as they have in the past.
     Qiu-shi nodded.
     The trick of the inner court is not related to Yu-Xi. She only needs to know the general trend of Duke. Under the light, Yu-Xi picked up her unfinished squid and embroidered it. Since studying with Song Governess, she has not been doing embroidery for a long time.
     Shen Mama said:
     "Miss is still small. It is time to embroider." In fact, Shen Mama can't understand Yu-Xi. If he learns guzheng, he can take it out and dazzle. But this embroidery is so good that it can be better than those embroidered!
     Yu-Xi said with a smile:
     "Embroidery also takes time to hone. I will embroider two quarters of an hour every day at noon." Nowadays, there are fewer classes, and there are more time for self-scheduled.
     Shen Mama sees that it is useless and shifts the topic:
     "Miss, 3rd Miss has a study -, ‘zither’ room -, painting room -, we should also pick up the next room." Shen Mama hopes that Yu-Xi is not too far from Yu-Chen.
     Yu-Xi shook his head and said:
     "Being not."
     Shen Mama is puzzled:
     "Miss, why not use it for the time being?"
     Yu-Xi looked at the direction of the house said:
     "Because I can't use it for a while. Also, remember, don't compare me to 3rd sister in the future, I don't like it." It's not on the parallel line at all. It will only make her feel uncomfortable.
     Shen Mama didn't dare to speak anymore.
     After writing a hundred characters, Yu-Xi reviewed the things he learned in the day and finally took out the game and said:
     "Take my chess."
     Among the chess and calligraphy paintings, Yu-Xi is the only one who is willing to work hard to learn chess.
     This is because Song Governess said that when playing chess for the first time, Go can train people computing power, thinking, memory, attention and endurance. Yu-Xi knows her own weight. Although she has lived a lifetime, she is not particularly good in all aspects. She wants to improve and can only study hard.
     Ink has walked over and said:
     "Miss, it's time to go to sleep. Miss will have to get up early tomorrow!"
     Yu-Xi is reluctant to let go, just got the taste, but she has to do the work she has set, and if it disturbs the rest of the day, it will be chaotic.
     Lying in bed, Yu-Xi couldn't help thinking about the game that had just ended. Finally, I was exhausted and fell asleep.
     "Call..." Yu-Xi sat up from the bed and looked at the familiar place and took a deep breath. It’s a real life, she dreamed of playing chess with Jiang Hongjin, and she didn’t have the slightest deal in the face of Jiang Hongjin’s step by step, and she lost very badly.
     Yu-Xi doesn't know what this dream means, but she knows that she is too far from Jiang Hongjin. Jiang Hongjin's means, talents, and mentality are not bad. And her only advantage is that she has the opportunity. If she wants to stop falling into her life, she must start planning now.
     Yu-Xi said to himself:
     “What is the first opportunity?”
     After thinking about it for a long time, she really thought of a person.
     This person is Jiang Hongjin’s half-brother, Jiang Hongyuan’s eldest son, Jiang Hongfu. It was only Jiang Hongfu who encountered an accident in the market when he was nine years old .
     Yu-Xi knows very little about Jiang Hongfu. After all, she is married to the shi-shi. As a successor, she certainly does not want to discuss the original match with the original match. Yu-Xi is just a matter of listening to Jiang Hongfu, a drunken old servant in Jiangfu, saying that Jiang Hongfu is also a very intelligent child.
     The enemy of the enemy is a friend. If Jiang Hongfu did not die early, Jiang Hongjin’s road must have gone so smoothly.
     Yu-Xi refers to a calculation, Jiang Hongfu is eight years old this year, that is, he will have an accident next year. It is also coincidence that the day when Jiang Hongfu died happened to be the first three days of her birth, so she remembered very clearly. As long as she saved Jiang Hongfu on that day, everything should be different from her life.
     Want to understand this, Yu-Xi seems to have unloaded a heavy burden, and soon fell asleep.
     Going home today, tomorrow's update is postponed until the afternoon.
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